#alice is such a genius ugh
HOTD stans: "Ugh those TB fans whining over every change and insisting HOTD is biased against them. Don't they think that maybe the writers made changes just so the story would be more interesting, not because Otto Hightower placed a gun to their head? Don't they see how much more interesting and complex the characters are now than in their fictional history book?"
also HOTD stans: "The Greens are just so much more interesting though. Sorry Rhaenyra, on principle I do support female succession. But you, Jakey boy and the rest of the pot plants just can't compete with Alicent and her poor tortured fucked up kids. They are THE dysfunctional family they are just so much more interesting-"
Wait... you mean ignoring half the cast didn't make them more interesting? Could it possibly be that bias isn't just a case of which side is portrayed as sympathetic, but which side is given attention?
Nah, of course not. I mean, a script direction stating that Jacaerys had already gone through an offscreen identity crisis over his parentage years ago and had come to terms with it? I thought that was so much more interesting than actually depicting it. I'm glad they got rid of Jace being bullied and focused on Aemond instead - it really made Jace a much more interesting character. Exploring the internalised shame of being a bastard, or what it's like to be constantly targeted and bullied by a kingsguard knight whose obsessed with destroying your mother, just isn't as interesting as Aemond being sad he doesn't have a dragon, or Aegon's daddy issues.
Giving Baela and Rhaena no screentime or dialogue? Genius. I'm so much more intrigued now. When they established Rhaena's yearning for a dragon I was worried we were going to see more of her, but to my upmost relief we spent her mother's funeral following Aemond instead. And the writers appropriately only used Rhaena to keep Aemond sympathetic, by having her be the one to initiate the fight instead of him hitting a toddler - once she was done serving Aemond's character we really didn't need anything further from her.
That one-off line about Daemon ignoring Rhaena was sufficient really, no need to explore that relationship any further. Just as there was no need to explore Baela's relationship with Jace, or the girls relationship with their stepmother. Let's go back to how Aegon is so sad that he has to rape women, or Helaena's bug collection. Let's throw sympathy on Vaemond while the female heirs to Driftmark stand silently in the background. Let's fart around in a Green-centric episode with a 100% stake-free race to find Aegon first. Let's throw in a scene of Larys masturbating over the Queen's feet, because the more powerless she is the more we can see Olivia Cooke's beautiful brown eyes weeping. The Blacks certainly don't need their own episode to breathe.
Sure, I did feel bad for book Rhaenyra when she was ordered away to effective exile on Dragonstone by her own father after the fight at Driftmark. And when her father almost called her home again to be his Hand, but then prioritised placating his wife and chose Otto instead. That sure SOUNDS like a compelling father-daughter conflict on paper. Perhaps we COULD have seen the tragic tale of a daughter whose father keeps failing to fight for her and unwittingly sabotages her, as his peacekeeping 'neutrality' effectively chooses his wife over her time and time again.
But I don't know, there was just something about Rhaenyra voluntarily bouncing because 'the wise sailor steers to avoid the storm' that felt much more intriguing than being forced away by her own father. Rhaenyra staying away for years was much more intriguing than her father passing her over as Hand. It really made the moment where Viserys drags his corpse out of bed to defend her stand out, you know? And it let us keep the focus on how Alicent is sad that her husband doesn't appreciate her, because the more victimised interesting Alicent is, the more interesting everyone is!
Daemon bashing his wife's head in with a rock also really made him more grey as a character.
As did Rhaenys slaughtering the smallfolk and championing the Geneva Convention the very next episode. That writing decision definitely had nothing to do with shock value. I mean, when asked why she didn't just end the war there and then we got solid Watsonian explanations such as 'it wasn't my war to start' or 'she wouldn't do that to another mother' (women, right?). That's how you know that creatively it made sense, because they wanted it to happen. Where was she keeping that change of armour?
Who needs Laena matchmaking to secure Driftmark and the Iron Throne for her daughters when she can spend her time wishing for self-immolation? Who needs Laena trying to fly one last time, desperate for that last taste of freedom before she dies, when she can instead kill herself via self-immolation?
Laenor faking his death via the murder of an innocent bystander and leaving the charred remains of the body to traumatise his parents and children (whose biological father has just died in a fire)? That needs no further exploration, I'm sure that didn't psychologically scar Jace and Luke any more than Laena's self-immolation affected her daughters. All that matters is we didn't bury our gays, isn't that great? This way Laenor didn't get assassinated, just his character!
I mean, we could have had Laenor's death be a tragic mystery, with unconfirmed rumours that Daemon had a hand in it. We could have placed the audience in Rhaenyra's point of view, we could have watched her grapple with the doubt, struggle over whether it's a possibility she can live with. We could have had the moment she gets passed over as Hand be the moment she decides to marry Daemon, like in the book. That could have said something interesting about her character and their relationship. But on second thoughts, "we'll fake Laenor's death and then we can be the ultimate power couple and RULE THE WORLD" was much more sophisticated.
Oh, and de-aging Aegon the Younger? Just look at the emotional range on that baby.
The casting for Addam and Alyn too... Honestly, not just their casting, I think overall the decision to cast characters aged 13-15 with grown adults is really going to underscore the tragedy of their stolen childhoods. It worked for Game of Thrones!
Nettles? Don't we have enough black women in the background?
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ruthflemwad · 10 months
more people need to talk about matt dahan and his genius underscoring in nightmare time. like to name off a few of my favourite moments (these might not all be 100% correct bc i have a bad memory but i appreciate matt dahan nonetheless)
in almost every episode there’s musical references to the opening/credit song - ex. we hear the hatchetfield ape man motif before we even hear the song the hatchetfield ape man. same with one thousand eyes and the web i spin for you i believe
similarly there are lots of character motifs - show stopping number often plays when hidgens is onscreen, and when he discusses working boys that motif plays
keywords are often met with motifs too - i can remember a couple ultimatums that were accompanied by the join us and die instrumental
in watcher world there are lots of not your seed references, and during really tender alice and bill moments matt tends to play the “why does it hurt to love you” bit
adore me plays a lot for linda during honey queen
one of my personal favourites - when we first meet roman in honey queen the nibbly ditty plays as underscoring. like come on that’s genius.
in abstinence camp when boy jerry is hiding mary and noah’s bodies matt plays a slowed down version of virginity rocks
in yellow jacket when hannah’s driving her go kart around the new apartment matt plays janes a car
if i remember correctly hannah gets what if tomorrow comes motif a lot in yellow jacket
same with lex she gets the black friday motif a lot
also in yellow jacket when otho’s about to take hannah over matt plays let it out
yellow jacket just generally gets a lot of tgwdlm underscoring references whenever otho’s on screen
there’s almost definitely more so if you can think of any SAY IT but. matt dahan is a musical genius with what he does with jeff blim’s motifs for underscoring and to think that at least during the first nmt episode he like totally improvised the backing music… ugh he’s so amazing
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mejcinta · 1 year
Complicated And Manipulative Father–Daughter Relationships.
I really enjoy how Alicent and Otto scenes emphasize how Westeros nobility fathers can manipulate their daughters to the point of believing they have broken free when they are in fact still playing into their father's power games.
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Like in episode 9 when Alicent calls Otto out for using her like a pawn in her childhood, then goes on to declare Aegon will be crowned in the public eye (a more genius plan Otto had not thought of)....ugh!, that was chef's kiss.
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"In certain lights you remind me of your mother," Otto said, with a smug look on his face. He was pleased that his coaching had come full circle, creating a shrewd quick-witted Queen of his poor, delicate little girl. A vulnerable, innocent, grieving girl he SHOULD have protected but instead preyed upon to secure an important position for himself and his House in the game of thrones.
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I would like to see father-daughter scenes like these with Rhaena and Daemon, but as a contrast to the Otto/Alicent manipulation game; as Rhaena slowly realizes she can never match up to Daemon's standard of a worthy Targaryen.
Unlike Alicent, Rhaena is freer and eager even to please. There's a naivety there, but also a deep desire to gain Daemon's recognition. It's a manipulation game of sorts, but rather different from Alicent's.
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Daemon was as much a plotter as Otto was, using his children like political pawns in the Game he was losing as a result of being relegated in the line of succession when Rhaenyra was named heir in his stead.
When Laena could not grant him sons he swiftly moved to Rhaenyra (a more eligible catch in terms of proximity to the Throne that would go on to give him trueborn male heirs).
We are shown that he treats Rhaena disparagingly compared to Baela, who hatched a dragon and was skilled more or less in combat.
Rhaena will later be sent to the Vale for lack of a dragon (I hope they make some changes to this) and had to grow up without the validation and unconditional love of her father as a result of not meeting Daemon's set standards of Targaryen power.
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This could help explain why Rhaena later made choices Daemon would have frowned upon were he alive, marrying men of considerably lower social standing from the Vale and Oldtown (Corwyn Corbray, a widower and Garmund Hightower, a third son); men from regions that Daemon despised with a passion for his tainted history with the Royce's and the Hightowers.
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I'm eager to see if the writers will grant Rhaena and Daemon an angle in season 2, to explore their complicated father-daughter relationship just as they did beautifully with Alicent and Otto in those few impactful scenes.
It would be a missed opportunity if they do not.
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Watching Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2, episode 10, Hegemony
I believe this is the s2 finale, so let's go!
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I love how they mentioned the singing from the last episode 😂
Why am I kinda shipping Batel and Chapel
I feel like Captain Batel is gonna die
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Or the Gorn
Oh shit, Batel's ship blew up 👀
Chris doesn't have much luck when it comes to romance, it seems
Nitrogen bombs + Gorn = Gorn Popsicles
Erica is a genius😂
Quite the memorable first landing party for her to take part in😂
The fact Spock plans to add zombie movies to his research is so funny to me😂
Also, the fact that he's seen movies, makes me think (or hope) he and his mama watched Alice In Wonderland because he loved the book
I love how everyone (especially Pike) felt sick after Erica's driving/diving
If anything happens to her, I'm gonna be very grumpy
Aw man, Spock is so upset that he doesn't know what happened to Chapel
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Spock ^
Wow, the planet really turned into a Wasteland 👀
Awwww the baby Gorn is kinda cute!
This is why I would never survive a zombie/Gorn apocalypse/invasion
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Ooof, cannibalism
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^ I love her in case it wasn't obvious
The way Pelia turned to Uhura like what did you figure out then turned away like ugh don't waste my time(when Uhura mentioned she needs an engineers help) then turn around when Uhura said she had a crazy theory 😂
I feel like Pelia and Raffi would get along famously
Scotty: "That's a lot of lieutenants."
Erica: "There'll be a quiz."
I love Scotty 😂
I love how Scotty is so crafty and resourceful
Pelia to Una: "And if you had answered like that in my class I would've given you an A+"
Una: -_-
I love how Batel knew exactly what Pike was up to when he thought she was sleeping
Pike and Batel: * having a slightly emotional conversation about not going alone to look for stuff/Pike trying to save everyone, ending with them looking flirtatiously at each other in silence*
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Scotty, lurking behind Batel: "You're never gonna be able to retrieve the device without my help"
Batel and Pike: °_°
Scotty: "I didn't mean to eavesdrop. Not my fault you decided to have a secret conversation right in front of my sleeping spot."😂
The fact that it's Majel Barrett(I think) doing the voice for the computer while this Chapel is plugging things into the computer makes me so happy
Chapel: *banging on glass trying to get Spock's attention*
Spock: *casually floats by not noticing*
Damn, Batel's got a strong stomach I would've gotten sick being that close to that Gorn
Uh oh, it took his gun
Whoa, the Gorn was also wearing a space suit, cool
Oh no, did Marie get Gorn eggs planted in her and that's why it left👀
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Batel this episode ^
That's why she was so upset Chris came for her😭😭
I love that Scotty interrupted them 😂
Ooooooo Pelia is required in sickbay
PELIA KNOWS SCOTTY?!She cringed when Pike said his name😂Pelia: "One of my best students who sadly received some of my worst grades."
Pike: "Well, I'll leave you to it" *speed walks away*😂
Pelia, shaking her head looking at the jumble in Scotty's arms: "What the hell is this supposed to be?!"
Scotty in a voice similar to a child whining to their parent: "Something that could help us hide from the Gorn."
Pelia: "Oh"
Scotty: "If we can fix it."
Batel to Chapel: "I'll need you to take me out." Okay, it's a date then😁🤗
Wait the Gorn still have their people? I thought they rescued the surviving Starfleet officers?🤔
Idk it brings me such joy to see Pelia helping carry Scotty's project in the halls as things blow up, but it does
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This is fine.
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bireggiemantle · 10 months
alice like ugh betty women shouldn't go to college, but if you really insist on going you won't need my help because you're so smart and well-rounded that you're certain to get a full-ride to any school you apply to, but how dare you spite me by wanting to attend college you genius!
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i-ship-it-xoxo · 10 months
Honestly I love that heartstopper s2 chose to make Imogen 3 demensional and have more of a story line because like her character in s1 feels like she's mostly there for plot points in N+C. She's become one of my favorite characters and they could've easily left her in season one or have like a small part but instead She's this beautiful character and person with personality and Alice is such a genius and writes such beautiful characters and stories and ugh shkfeajkaaaefjki
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natsu-tte-noodle · 2 years
A3! Translation: Poetic Inspiration Won’t Come!? (Words Fully Chilled) [1/2]
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Working on some requests~!  Apparently this one exists in English, but the JP version hadn’t been translated yet.  A lot of it is just Homare monologing, which was... a lot harder than I expected it to be.  But I always appreciate a challenge!
The translation is under the cut. If you see anything that doesn’t seem right, please let me know!
[Part 1 - You’re Here!]   [Part 2]
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Homare: …hnnn…
Homare: …it’s hot.
Homare: Hot, it’s hot.  …and still, it’s hot!  Why are Japanese summers so hot!?
Homare: No matter the level of genius, my fountain of ideas will dry up in these circumstances.
Homare: …
Homare: AAAAARGH~~~~!!
Homare: …it’s hopeless.  There’s no sufficient method to get my poetic inspiration flowing…
*buzz buzz*
Homare: Hm?
Homare: …h-hey!  Shoo, shoo!
Homare: What are you lot!?  This is breaking and entering, begone!
*buzz buzz*
Homare: So you have no intention of leaving.  If that is your plan, I will show you no mercy.
Homare: There!
Homare: Mgh!  This way, no, this way?  …ugh, I’ve lost them!?
Homare: H-How agile…
Homare: Arrgh, because I moved around I’m sweaty, and even hotter, and tired…
Homare: …hey, Hisoka-kun!  You’re actually awake, are you not?  Won’t you exterminate these mosquitoes in my stead?
Hisoka: …zzz…
Homare: Hisoka-kun!  Hisoka-kun!  Get rid of these mosquitoes, if you would!
Hisoka: Nn… Alice… be quiet…
Hisoka: …nm, zzz…
*buzz buzz*
Homare: ~~~~~!!  Ahh, for god’s sake!!!
*phone rings*
Homare: And at a time like this… who could it possibly be!
Homare: Yes, hello!
Editor: “Arisugawa-sensei!  The deadline is—!  If we don’t give them a manuscript by the end of the day, we’ll really be in a bind!”
Homare: I am diligently writing as we speak!  I’m busy right now.  Please don’t call me today until I contact you!”
Editor: “Ah, sensei—!”
Homare: *Sigh*.  For starters, why haven’t we called a contractor when it’s been a week since the air conditioner broke…!
Homare: And as soon as I open the window to let the wind in, it barely comes in and uninvited guests just start trespassing…
Homare: There’s supposed to be a window screen—
Homare: Wh–!?
Homare: Ridiculous… there’s a hole…?
Homare: So, you pinpointed this hole and invaded to sip on this genius blood…?
Homare: —but now isn’t the time to be saying such things!  Ugh, what is the meaning of this!?
Homare: *Sigh*, if it’s come to this…!
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headofhnny · 2 years
Top Five Songs From Some of My Favorite Artists :3
Arctic Monkeys:
1. There’d Better Be A Mirrorball
2. 505
3. Cornerstone
4. Riot Van
5. A Certain Romance
My Chemical Romance:
1. It’s Not A Fashion Statement It’s A Fucking Deathwish
2. Sleep
3. Desert Song
4. Early Sunsets Over Monroeville
5. Vampire Money
The Strokes:
1. Alone, Together
2. You Only Live Once
3. Call It Fate, Call It Karma
4. Hard To Explain
1. The Tourist
2. Spectre
3. Lift
4. Sail To The Moon
5. Motion Picture Soundtrack
The 1975:
1. Robbers
2. She Way Out
4. Surrounded By Heads And Bodies
5. I’m In Love With You
6. UGH!
Japanese Breakfast:
1. Jimmy Fallon Big!
2. Posing For Cars
3. Diving Woman
4. Kokomo, IN
5. Everybody Wants To Love You
Wolf Alice:
1. Swallowtail
2. Lisbon
3. Play The Greatest Hits
4. The Beach II
5. Visions Of A Life
1. Be Quiet And Drive
2. What Happened To You?
3. Hexagram
4. Knife Prty
5. Leathers
1. Dumb
2. You Know You’re Right
3. Serve The Servants
4. Something In The Way
5. Drain You
Perfume Genius:
1. Leave
2. Jason
3. Grid
4. Eye In The Wall
5. Otherside
Angel Olsen:
1. Some things Cosmic
2. Pops
3. Woman
4. Lark
5. Not Gonna Kill You
1. 40 Days
2. Dagger
3. Go Get It
4. Alison
5. Morningrise
Fontaine’s D.C.:
1. The Couple Across The Way
2. I Love You
3. Roy’s Tune
4. Skinty Fia
5. Love Is The Main Thing
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kriskalutz · 1 year
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Alice: Oh hey. You're Annette right? The new girl in the agro-biology department?
Annette: That's me. Sorry it took so long. Don't usually come to Starlight Shores except for work.
Alice: Right, right. Thanks for bringing the paperwork and specimens. Now I continue my experiments.
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Annette: So. You're that super Genius from Midnight Hollow right? The one that used to be imaginary?
Alice: Yeah?
Annette: I knew it! You're way too cute to be a normal sim!
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Annette: ...Ah sorry! That was a bit mean I just meant-
Alice: Nah its fine... Bit quick to start flirting huh?
Annette: Ahaha sorry guess I am a bit Flirty. I was more trying to be Friendly but sometimes I get the two mixed up-
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Ok but she literally got this want AFTER dissing Annette for having the Friendly trait. 👀
I'mma let this one cook for a bit.
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ideasbaker · 2 years
alice knew what they were doing
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sips-tea-cutely · 2 years
hello ! I saw that ur looking for food wars request, so can i ask for erina, soma, megumi, alice and ibusaki with an s/o who cannot cook at all. like. They were asked to wash rice but they left it for too long and it became rice wine 💀💀
u dont have to do it of course lamaisjjshsj
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Erina, Soma, Megumi, Alice & Ibusaki’s s/o who can’t cook
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#Erina Nakiri
…shes not mad, just… disappointed ٩(๑`^´๑)۶
she loves you to death but, you need to learn how to cook at least instant ramen, she won’t always be there to be your personal chef (free too! ugh/lh)
would do a much more lenient version of her lectures from the central arc. of course, doesn’t expect you to be as good as the polar star (& friends) so she’d make simple recipes
would eventually begin to go from being in a classroom to actually being in the kitchen and would guide your hands so expect lots of cute handholding (⌒▽⌒)
ultimately, hooray you can cook now!! erina would make sure her s/o can cook if it’s the last thing she’ll do >:)
#Soma Yukihira
honestly wouldn’t be against it (^。^)
it’d give him more opportunities to cook for you! you’re his personal taste tester!!
he would use you as a muse for his horrible taste combos to use against megumi & erina ehehe…~
maybe, if you give him a combo like, for example, sugar and rice, he’d see some potential in it and use it during a food war :00
if you ever wanted to challenge him in a food war, he wouldn’t go easy on you~! even if you lose, he won’t gloat, he’d taste your dish and give you some constructed criticism, such a good bf!! (*^◯^*)
#Megumi Tadokoro
she loves you so much but she has a panic attack every time you go into the kitchen,,,
she loves you still so she cooks for you ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ!! soup, salad, whatever you want!!
assures you that it’s okay that you can’t cook, she loves taking care of you!!!
would be genuinely scared of you tho… if you accidentally made rice wine in only a few minutes or so Σ੧(❛□❛✿)?!?
she’d let you stay over at polar star, she thinks you and ryoko would get along! :00
#Alice Nakiri
Σ('◉⌓◉’)… even as a genius molecular gastronomer, she still cant figure out how you made rice wine in the 30 minutes she was gone,,,
she’d boss you around the kitchen, giving instructions but in a light-hearted way, yknow? she only wants you to at least be able to cook a steak!
if that doesn’t work, she’ll try visual learning. she’d show you step-by-step. would be a little annoyed if you asked her to repeat something but, you’re her darling, so it’s ok!
if THAT doesn’t work, she’d try explaining it as a lecture. explaining the proteins & carbohydrates and why different foods taste great together
would def tho let you have experiment in the kitchen and force ryo to clean it. or if ryo’s busy, she’d leave it for erina to discover on her own,,, no matter what kind of yelling erina gives her, she’d be happy that she got to spend time with you (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
#Shun Ibusaki
congratulations on doing the impossible!! you made shun ibusaki shocked :00!! he just needed you to cook some rice for the shrimp he was going to prepare for dinner but… how come this rice tastes alcoholic..? did sasaki do something?!?
he wouldn’t care though tbh~
he would teach you basic things if you’d like but doesn’t expect you to learn how to cook! (wouldn’t be disappointed if you learned tho!!)
would be super happy to cook for you, wouldn’t show it though :;(∩´﹏`∩);: if you have great eye sight, you might see him with a tiny grin :000
if you’re willing to, he’d be delighted teach you some knick knacks about smoke cooking. practicing his skills AND spending time with his dear? it’s a 2 in 1 deal!!! ♪( ´θ`)ノ
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walkingtaetrash · 2 years
nick nelson is the bi representation we needed. watching him go thru his journey of self discovery was so NICE to see, especially because i related so heavily. overall, he’s my favorite bi baby and i will protect him at all costs.
but just in general, heartstopper is so fucking refreshing. and i say this because in every queer show or movie i have watched so far, has always led the characters to having sex. which is fair, like that’s bound to happen, everybody has sex. also, queer people are allowed to have sex too, we arent just fucking robots. but there are extremes of each side of all sexy time and then no sexy time and just pining. i’ve always felt like there’s always been an oversexualization about so many queer characters and i honestly feel so sad watching it because it’s like.. we’re not just these sex rabbits ready to go at it all the time. we also fall in love, and we want fluff too. like i feel like this was such a good feel good show and it made my heart full.
charlie is just wholeheartedly pure, and nick is just golden retriever, and i just love the simple kisses and little hand touches because god, THOSE were what made me have butterflies and like this show even more. i appreciate all the characters so very much ugh i needed to see this to help heal the inner me, my lil bisexual ass who went thru all this shit but never saw it in others lives or portrayed nicely in media :(
thanks for this show, alice oseman is a genius and we must flood her with kisses
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stopper-of-hearts · 2 years
nick running off the rugby pitch to talk to charlie AHHH
alice oseman author cameo 🤨🤨
nick coming out to his mom :’)
god this show is so good its first of all a perfect adaptation but second of all SO RELATABLE UGH ALICE OSEMAN YOU GENIUS
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miscelunaaa · 2 years
"Mad Hatter" ? tyy!
Pairing: mathematician namjoon x housemaid reader Genre: historical au (victorian to edwardian), angst, smut, bits of fluff here and there Rating: 18+ for smut and adult themes Summary: Namjoon Kim is one of the most respected intellectuals in the city, and it should be a privilege to work for his household as a maid. Instead, it’s just a pain. Sure this man would come to be renowned Mathematicians of his time but his colleagues don’t see what a slob he is at home. He can be a genius all he wants, but it’s not excuse for the number of crumbs he leaves on the desk in his study. The cook says you should be less bothered, but you’ve grown so tired working for men instead of working for yourself. But still, it’s work, and it’d more dignified than you could otherwise hope for. One night, Namjoon walks into his study and finds you reading a dense book from his personal library, however, and after that, everything begins to change. BONUS warnings: power imbalance (he's a wealthy man and her employer), namjoon is very pro-women’s rights for the period but that's still not saying much for a man of means (there will be much to be learned), implied age gap, namjoon in those deliciously cut victorian mens suits hELP, unprotected sex, sex on a desk, loss of virginity, ugh victorian morals gross, namjoon keeps weird hours, references to the work of Baruch Spinoza among other mathematicians and philosophers, fuck Leibniz and Descartes but that probably won’t be in there I just like reminding people how much they suck, uh dumb classics references probably, very sparse references to Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
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lady-lilly-gray · 3 years
Thots on Gabriel Agreste
Is this the correct beginning ???
Too many questions already
Awe look at Adrien taking care of his stepmom dad's assistant
WAIT are Marc and Nath going to get their miraculous this episode ???
Ugh I missed my gay boys so much
The analogy that Adrien is a damsel in distress is absolutely iconic
No but Adrien in a dress
Alice queen [re: I meant Zoe I don’t know why I wrote Alice]
Chloe what !!!! Why does she care
They really said "we're gonna force the adrichloe content again so y'all stop shipping her with Sabrina", huh
WHAT just happened
Whoever did the English subs needs to check their pronouns (but like as a French speaker that's a VIBE like hell if I know who this is referring to, just match the pronoun to the gender of the noun forget the subject)
Ngl I kinda love the Zoe pretending to be as bad as Chloe trope
Marino 2: electric boogaloo
She really got away with that huh
Wtf is this party Gabe
Oh Chloe you genius
Felix absolutely just gave Gabe the fake how does he not even suspect that
Ok ok ok that makes more sense
OH I hate it
But also genius
Oof being left alone with your ex
They're BOTH idiots it's animaestro all over again
Ok so does Gabe have Amelie's ???
Ok I hate Felix but he's also the only one with brain cells he literally saw the paon broach and went "oh" even though PLAGG literally ignored it when he broke into the safe
They really said 'Felix is a sentimonster AND FELIX KNOWS' and I think that’s really sexy of them
Gabe you literally just revealed yourself because he didn't tell you where he saw the broach
Ok ok ok I KNOW I know that "il ne m'arrive pas à la cheville" being translated as "he doesn't come close to my ankle" is just an idiomatic issue, but it has THOROUGHLY undone me [it means “he doesn’t measure up to me” if you were curious]
He cut the pants as a marker
This evil genius what a funky little dude I love him
But why are his cuff links so sharp ??
This got so chaotic so quickly
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Ugh I wish this was a two-parter there was so much potential that they passed up !!!
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alice-in-wonderart · 4 years
Quick question - do you have any other MDZS writing blog recommendations? I love what you do and I’d love to read content from other writers as well. It just seems like they are so few and far between.
Oh, I definitely have a few! Frankly, I can't even name all of them!! I should just screenshot my entire "following" section 🤣
Here are a few wonderful people on here, who absolutely deserve some praise for their excellent mdzs content~~
I'll recommend character x character writers, as WELL as reader insert blogs, because there are just some writers that know how to steal your heart and destROY IT. (in the best way possible)
@sadisticbottom - lowkey one of my biggest inspirations! Babe writes about QUITE a few other fandoms as well! Reader inserts are JUST the right amount of sugar and spice. 👌👌❤️💙❤️💙 (We Stan multifandom genius writers in this house)
@imagine-mdzs-cql - I am constantly crying, that there isn't more content *yet*, since their writing is 👌👌👌 top notch. They do both ch x ch and reader inserts.
@qiandengs - One of my FAVE reader insert blogs. They write both about MDZS and TGCF, so you get a 2 in 1 deal. Honestly, their wiriting is SO EXTREMELY good I can't EVEN djsjsj. I tend to reread their works all the time occasionally. 👉👈
@kurowrites - One of the best character x character writing blogs out there periodt. The wangxian content is unholy good and I've spent hours browsing through this blog and I'll KEEP DOING IT 🙌🙌
@robininthelabyrinth - AND THE BLOG I'VE LITERALLY GOT LOST IN. "Yeah, just one more post" and then I look up and it's been 45 hours since I last functioned properly. Strictly character x character BUT AS IF WRITTEN BY THE GODS THEMSELVES SJSJSJA 💕
@ibijau - Remember, when I mentioned that Worst Engagement AU! for Xisang, which MADE ME CARVE MY GODDAMN HEART OUT? Yep. That's the blog. To be fair, VERY few writers as a WHOLE manage to leave such a lasting impression on me, but this- just- UGH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (I've literally read everything on that blog don't @ me)
@mdzs-headcannons - THE SWEETEST, MOST AMAZING BLOG OUT THERE and my other big inspo for writing. BIG Inspo. Their reader inserts GIVE ME LIFE. They've answered two of my asks and I can for SURE say they are THE BEST OF THE BEST. AND THEY'RE SO FRICKING KIND TOO, ISTG IMMA MELT ONE DAY. 1048382213843/10.🤍🤎🖤💜💙💚💛🧡❤️
@artsy-alice - Okay, I just COULDN'T SKIP this blog. I know you asked about writers, possibly x readers, but I will take any chance I get to talk about this girl's GENIUS Modern!Au mdzs. You don't need to read a fic about it, 2-3 comic strips in and you already have it all down to the T. LIKE- HOW?! 😱😱 (Bonus points 'cus we share a name fjdjs)
It's entirely possible I'm missing somebody, but since a good 200 out of my 600> blogs I follow are mdzs related, I'll leave it at that and mayhaps add to the list later~~
I hope this helps ✌️✌️❤️
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