good7luck · 1 year
** If you haven’t read Pandora Hearts manga volume 17 and further yet, then do NOT proceed; PH (major) SPOILERS!
even if this is basically just a sheetpost lol
Pandora Hearts AliceOz x Vanitas no Carte NoeVani
cat rabbits x bunny kitties
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Yeah I had to :P
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Oz x Alice with 3, 9, 11, 13 and 19 for that ask game?
3) Who has trouble sleeping alone?
Well, it’s certainly not Alice. She could fall asleep on concrete in the middle of nowhere. But Oz likes to cuddle, so he’s a bit more difficult.
9) Who finds stray animals and begs the other to let them keep them?
Oz would, but Alice is always asking/trying to eat them so keeping the poor things would just danger their life more.
11) Who plays their music out loud?
Both of them have similar music taste, so they end up doing stupid little karaoke sessions in their living room. Dancing included!
13) Who gives the most compliments?
Oz, usually, since Alice’s compliments are better labeled ‘roundabout insults’. Still, she means them to be nice in the end, so he lets it slide.
19) Who clings to the other for comfort when they’re sad or scared?
Both of them do a fair share of that, and the other is always there to try and cheer them up in their own way.
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empty-silver-lining · 4 years
Pandora Hearts
Favorite character: Break
Least Favorite character: Isla Yura, ew
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Echoz, BreakShelly, I used to like Gilice a lot in the past?, BreakReim because of the fandom, otherwise I’m pretty happy with the ShaReim endship in the canon x)
Character I find most attractive: Gilbert and Oswald. As I said in the previous ask, my preference lies in dark haired bois.
Character I would marry: I mean, Gilbert would be an ideal husbando
Character I would be best friends with: I would like to think, Oz
a random thought: I’ll never leave this fandom will I
An unpopular opinion: I liked the ending and I liked how Retrace 92 went, I’m a weirdo I know.
My Canon OTP: Most of the canon ships I didn’t particularly care for. Implied ones like Echoz and BreakShelly are much cooler in my opinion, because you could feel the affection between the characters. As much as ships like VinceAda are loved by the fandom, I don’t find it particularly interesting because... well, it’s one-sided. Which makes for cool storytelling of course, it’s just... not my thing lol.
My Non-canon OTP: See the answer just before that.
Most Badass Character:I feel like Oswald is the most badass, he had a lot of willpower which was nice to see in the later parts of the manga.
Most Epic Villain: The Jury reveal was epic.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Vinceada, also AliceOz.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I feel like most characters were well written.
Favourite Friendship: BREAK AND OZ. Also Break and Reim, and Oz and Gil.
Character I most identify with: Oz & Break
Character I wish I could be: I wish I could have traits of some of the characters but I don’t feel like I would want to be one of them
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quack-no-carte · 8 years
ngl i think my favorite ship from ph was aliceoz it was so pure
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quotemybooks · 9 years
Run a tank over the geraniums, turn the wind up to hurricane so the daisies’ heads tear off and hurtle through the air like bullets, drop the baby from the balcony and watch the mother swan-dive after him, with her snarled Ophelia hair and addled screams.
Bad News by Margaret Atwood
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 Rosieechan whispered, "What's your favorite animal? x3"
--- Up until the aftermath of his fifteenth birthday, he'd never really had people ask for his name without already knowing it. There was no need seeing as everyone knew the scion of the Vessalius household, and those who didn't would never come into close contact with him.
His growing age was always a common question, ‘How old are you now?’ like to the questioner, it was the most important fact to know -- he knew those were a farce. Those kinds of questions were common courtesy in the face of a future duke. He was used to questions upon his skills, how much he'd learnt -a lot, piano, dance, violin and he had a heck of a storytelling voice to boot. Rarely he'd gotten to meet smaller children but when he did, he loved reading to them and gauging the marvel in bright eyes as his own octaves rose and slowed with perfect pitch given the intensity of the paragraph under his nose. He'd never had anyone ask of his favourites regarding personal taste. (Anyone besides Gilbert, but that hardly counted since Gilbert was his faithful servant and finding out his taste in foods was a little bit part of his job). Favourite animals though? That never really came up. And definitely not from Gilbert. Oz had a feeling it was because Gil was afraid that his revered young master's answer would be ‘cats’. So it caught him a little off-guard, someone suddenly brandishing this simple question. It was only for a few seconds that he blinked, before his brilliant smile showed as he laughed amicably in response. And Oz thought on it. He liked animals enough, cute ones especially. Most of his favourite childhood memories brimmed with memories of playing with his little sister Ada and with a worrisome Gil, along with Ada's cat. Torturing the feline-phobic Gilbert with Ada's cat when things got too boring was must and honestly he just always thought it would be cats. Cats were great; they curled up and made you feel wanted what with their demands and the way they rubbed fuzzy animal bodies against human legs. Dogs on the other hand reminded him of loneliness with their penchant for loyalty and the kind of loyalty that he didn't believe humans could hold forever. Since Ada liked cats the most, there was no reason they shouldn't be his favourites. He thinks they probably were. Until the events of his fifteenth birthday. He remembered clearly the fractured chaos, his banishment into abyssal dimensions, the stark difference between the two worlds and then finally... the single ray of light that came in the darkness that swallowed him, broadcast as a large and furry creature with rabbit ears and other rabbit traits but hiding within a boast of blood-stained name the form of a bewitching and young girl, who looked nothing like the monster they called her and yet everything like the rabbit creature her namesake took from. Far more needy than a cat, far more prone to loneliness. Small and precious. Vibrant and life-changing. Oz smiled and with an air of knowing confidence. And fixing vivid green eyes on the asker, he answered. “Rabbits, cute little black ones.”  
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