#alistair headcanon
obireads · 10 months
Alistair SFW Alphabet
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I wrote this instead of sleeping, enjoy.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
People show and receive love in different ways, sometimes all; so I’ve split into 5
 Words of affirmation – This man is the first to tell you that he’s proud of you, or that you’re doing great. He truly loves watching you flourish in whatever you put your mine to and is your biggest supporter alongside it. He loves telling you how beautiful you look, or complimenting you in general. He lives off the flustered look on your face every time he does it.
 Quality time – If you like parallel play, this is your man. You may not always do things together, but he’ll be whittling away in the corner as you go about your hobbies. He loves watching films/tv with you, even if he doesn’t enjoy the film he enjoys cuddling up with you on the couch.
 Gifts – He’ll steal anything for you, if your eyes light up as you pass a store window, its in your house the next day. You want for nothing, truly. He’ll make you things, too. Little wooden figurines, leather gloves he’s made.
 Acts of service – You need something fixed? It’s done before you even have a chance to mention it. He’s scoured the instruction manual, and it’s done. He’s a lousy cook, given he hasn’t eaten proper food in a very long time, but will genuinely try. He’s bringing you cereal and mildly burnt toast in the mornings, along with tea or coffee so you can eat before you get up.
 Physical touch – Loves to have his skin on yours, even if its just interlinked pinkies when you’re walking, or your legs on his lap when you are reading on the couch. He likes to practise braiding your hair if its in range. Running the back of his fingers up and down your arm. Forehead kisses. Arms around your waist when you’re cooking or washing dishes. He knows fine well what gentle kisses on the side of your neck or your shoulder does to you, and it eggs him oon to be a complete tease through and through.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Becoming best friends with this man is a long and arduous journey. Carlisle has been trying for centuries now, and Alistair doesn’t even text back. It is a lot of work to get close to this man.
It is absolutely worth it, though. When this man is your best friend, he is your ride or die. He’s got your back even if you’re clearly in the wrong and will check you on it when you’re alone instead of in front of others. He’s a great listening ear, and will forever show interest in whatever thing that has caught your attention, even if its silly.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He really does but he won’t ever admit that out loud. If you’re close enough to Alistair to be able to cuddle him in the first place, its pretty easy to figure out what he enjoys and what he doesn’t without his verbal input.
Whether you’re human or not, his favourite ways to cuddle would be with him on his back, with your head oh his chest. Maybe a wee cheeky leg over the waist too. He’ll play with your hair, running his fingers across your scalp, and will hold you close as though you’ll get up and run at any moment.
He also loves to lay on you, he’s heavy despite his slight build, but he’ll lay between your legs with his head on your chest. Extra points if you also play with his hair, too.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Not really one for settling down with kids and a white picket fence. Settling down for Alistair just means being with you. He will follow you wherever you choose to go, in anything you choose to do.
Cooking? No. Guaranteed the fire alarm will go off every time he gets near a stove, and he doesn’t really know the perfect blend of spices for much of anything. He does try, though, and that’s what counts.
He had never cleaned before in his life, and truthfully, he doesn’t leave a lot of mess by himself, but if he can help you by doing the dishes or cleaning the bathroom, he’ll give it a good go so that you don’t have to do it.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I’ll be honest, Alistair would run away. Quite simply. However, he wouldn’t commit to anything unless he were very sure it wouldn’t end. He’s in it for the long run. If this man even introduced himself to you, hes not leavin.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Marriage isn’t anything necessary to Alistair, he is happy to exist alongside you without it. He’s completely committed to you whether you have a ring on your finger or not. If you were to get married, it would be a small affair, and that would be his only request. Would be absolutely chuffed to call you his spouse, though.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Incredibly gentle. You are cherished in this relationship, like you’re made of porcelain. This man will never raise is voice around you. He’s holding you when you cry, listening to your grievances, whispering encouraging words to you.
In terms of himself, it isn’t often he’s emotionally vulnerable, but it does happen, and he appreciates a loving partner to get him through it. Listen to his fears, to hold him when he grieves.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
LOVES hugs, does not love hugs from people not on the very short Hug List. If you’re not on that brief list honestly don’t even acknowledge this man’s presence he would prefer if you did not speak to him what-so-ever.
If you are on this list, a hug is his guilty pleasure. Loves to scoop you up into his arms if you’re reunited after a while apart and will hold you for as long as you’ll put up with it.
His huge feel safe, you are secure in his arms. Despite his low body temperature, they’re warm. He smells earthy, like moss. Always smells like he slept outside—in a good way.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Honestly? Years. Saying the big “I love you” is a terrifying prospect to anyone and saying so for the first time would put him in a position to be let down/emotionally vulnerable which he simply will not do easily.
However, he will show it. You know you are loved because he is simply there, You are looked after. He will do things for you, is attentive to your needs and wants.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Not a very jealous person at all. Quite insecure in himself though. He’s convinced you could find better, do better than him, and that there’s someone that could offer you more than he can. It takes him a very long time to realise that he means as much to you as you do to him. Once he realises this, there is no long-lasting doubt in his mind about your feelings or loyalty.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Very soft. Alistair isn’t a rough man with his kisses. Gentle slow kisses that leave you wanting more. He loves to leave kisses along your shoulder or leaving a lingering kiss on your knuckles.
His favourite kisses to receive are on his neck, or the rushed kisses on his cheek when you’re running out the door.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Not very good. Children are all in your business and asking questions, as is their curious nature. He doesn’t appreciate it.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
On a slow morning, you are wrapped up in each other’s arms and its hard to tell where one of you begins and the other ends. He’s kissing up and down your skin, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
On a busy morning, he’s woken you up with breakfast, and half of the things that need to be done are already handled. If you’re with Alistair, you have to be fairly independent, so he won’t do everything for you but will do everything he can to make your day easier before it has even started.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Sat by the fire, on the couch, talking or partaking in hobbies. Theres always more to learn about you, and him, so there’s lots to discuss and its not often that you run out of things to talk about.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Again, it takes a long time for this man to feel safe enough to open up to you. When he does, it’s little by little. Most of his opening up comes from questions from you. He wont lie to you, but if there’s something he isn’t ready to discuss he’ll tell you so, and your reaction to this will determine if he will at all. He doesn’t like prying, so respect his privacy and he’ll open up to you eventually.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Depends on who you are. It doesn’t take much to piss him off, as he’s pretty much pissed off by default.
If he loves you, you’d have to do something pretty atrocious for him to be genuinely angry at you over it. I’m not sure he’s one for forgiving or forgetting, so he’d be gone.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Remembers absolutely everything about you. Some things you don’t even have to say. He is paying attention to your reactions to things. This man does not know anything when it comes to wooing, or getting to know anyone, so he relys on watching you to figure you out and what you like.
Theres not a birthday or special event that gets missed. He is your own walking calendar.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time you laughed at something he said. It was some shitty comment in passing about someone he used to know centuries prior. It was the first time you’d genuinely laughed at his hand, and hearing it made him warm up inside.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very safe. Though, he would much rather wrap you in his arms and take off running than risk you at all. If it came down to it, this man would fight to the death for you. There is no way he’s going to risk losing the only person he can stand to be around.
Would also protect you in ways you may not think. He always has your back when you’re not there, and will protect your integrity as though it were his. If you talk shit about his partner, you are not getting away lightly.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He tries his hardest. I wouldn’t say he gets it right every time, but he puts in genuine effort to make these days go well for you. That’s what counts.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He’s honestly pretty rude. He doesn’t know how to talk to people most of the time and will give unfiltered commentary even if it isn’t asked for. He doesn’t mean it to be hurtful, that isn’t his intention, he just genuinely doesn’t know how to socialise or interact with anyone else.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Before you he didn’t wash at all. He;d have twigs in his hair, mud under his fingernails and three week old blood on his shirt. Alistair couldn’t give a rats arse about how he looked, because no one saw him anyway.
After you he found himself taking more pride in his appearance. He may steal some new clothes, he’s washing after he feeds, and he takes care to get the sticks out of his hair. Still not particularly looks focused, but he doesn’t want you to be with an absolute slob.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Alistair still likes to spend time on his own. He’ll go and do his own thing for days at a time. He could not be with a partner that is co-dependent because it is simply not in his nature. Same goes for you, if you want to get away with friends, he will hold down the fort until you get back and tell him all about it.
If he were to lose you completely, though, he wouldn’t survive it. This man has been through too much to lose something else he cares for.
I honestly believe that even if you weren’t too keen on being turned, he would do it if he needed to in order not to lose you, and just hate himself for it later.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
This man is a prime shit talker. He loves the gossip, loves the drama. Will covertly ask you for more information so that he can have the tea. He’s judging hard too. He likes to people watch, and you’re the first to know when something strange happens, or if it’s simply something he doesn’t personally approve of.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
General – Large gatherings. In his mind there is nothing worse than making small talk with people in order to survive an event. Alistair will not be your plus one to that wedding. No way. He’d rather eat bricks.
He doesn’t like Edward, either. The melancholic little drama queen it way too up in his business for his liking, and if they’re forced to interact his inner monologue is in Middle English the whole time. That nosey git can go fuck himself honestly.
In a partner – He wouldn’t appreciate someone who is socially focused. While he’s happy for you to do your own thing, if you are constantly in need of company from others, he would simply not be with you. Same goes for co-dependency. IF you cant spend time apart, he isn’t interested.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He does not, but sometimes he will sit in a complete still state and hes not at all there mentally. I wouldn’t consider this sleep, at all. Just winding down time for ya boy.
LMK what u think, this and other headcanons linked below. I feed on attention so pls give it to me
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sparemoon · 1 year
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These idiots live in my head rent free
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majordemonblockparty · 2 months
au where sam goes along with the demon blood drinking 'cause he figures if anyone can grant clemency in hell, it oughta be the boy king of the fucking place.
cue full-on yellow-eyed juiced-up rightful prince of hell sam winchester who has spent the past four months picturing how he'll pour into the depths of hell with legions of demons and hellhounds at his beck and call to break his brother out of whatever implement of torture he's been strung up in... except that when he gets there, dean's unbound, unfettered, up on his own two feet with a knife in his hand, and doesn't even notice sam right away. he's dialed in, laser-focused on peeling back the skin of what might've once been a person with all the care of a shearer going after a sheep, everything from his face (oh, god, his face, his dear face; last time sam saw that face he was nailing pine boards over top of it after he'd closed the eyelids and wiped it free of blood and salt and kissed that cold, still mouth and--) to his bare feet spattered in abattoir-floor gore.
(in the end, sam's never entirely sure how he gets dean's attention -- whether he calls his name, or chokes on a sound trying to be words, or if something inside him deeper than a soul screams out for dean -- but there's a knife in dean's hand and blood on the blade when he turns to sam.)
dean just stares at him for a second, that still, cool, animal look he gets sometimes on a hunt; all predator, 'yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for I am the meanest sonovabitich in the valley' kind'a look that makes the hair at sam's nape stand on end. then dean's face contracts all at once -- eyes narrow, lip curls, jaw tightens -- as he turns on his heel and flings his knife into the chest of the -- man? demon? demon, gotta be; nothing still human wears a face like that -- standing just out of arm's reach.
"thought we had an agreement," dean snaps, gravel-scrape low at the bottom of his register, like he's been sick but won't admit it for weeks on end. (or screaming. like he's been screaming, a lot, for weeks. or months, maybe. but maybe not; sam's been wrong before.) "no more projections, no more games. we agreed."
the demon puts his hand to the hilt of dean's knife, still buried in his chest cavity, and sam can't have that, can't have an armed demon within throwing distance of deandeandeandeandean, and all he has to do is think about it -- not even really think, not anything so complicated as holding the words or the image of it in his brain; just the intention behind the thought is enough to send the knife jerking out of the demon's grasp and slapping handle-first into sam's open palm.
the demon doesn't laugh, exactly, but his face stretches into what might be the memory of a grin; all teeth, no smile. "we did, and I have not thus far reneged on our agreement, boy. if I'm not mistaken, that's the genuine article; sam winchester, in the flesh. and what pretty flesh it is, too. goddamned succulent."
"hey!" dean barks, "knock it off." that habitual, spine-up, big brother voice that's been part of sam's life since before he can remember. "quit talking about his fucking... flesh." he says 'flesh' in a tone people usually reserve for words like 'fascism' and 'gangrene' and sam's chest aches for the dean-ness of it.
for a second, like a hologram or a magic-eye puzzle, sam sees dean. dean disarticulated, splayed out like a frog pinned to a dissection board, chest cut open, organs scooped out and toyed with and put back wrong. bones rent from their joints, eyes ripped from their sockets, fingers broken one knuckle at a time, nails torn from their beds in a bloody little pile. pieces cut off and waiting for their white waxed paper wrappers; bloody red pieces of flank, ribs, leg, shoulder.
(he doesn't say his brother's name so much as he breathes it, horror and relief and delight and longing all shading his tone.)
the look on dean's face is like missing the bottom step of the staircase in the dark. he looks at sam like he hasn't seen him in a hundred years. he looks at sam like he saw him yesterday, the very last thing he saw, sam's face inches from his when his pupils blew out, the fine muscles inside his eye relaxing as his brain and heart and lungs all stopped working.
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amatres · 1 year
the friendship conversation you have at the end of the game when you leave alistair at the gates and don't do the dark ritual. insane. it lives in my mind rent free
he promises to make sure no one forget you! and then in his epilogue when he doesn't become king, he stays to make sure your statue is built before finally leaving ferelden and the order bc he can't bear the thought of being in the wardens when you're gone! it's not the same anymore!
how much guilt did he have putting the warden in charge of the decision making at the end, how much did he think he was at fault for their death because he made them the leader? duncan's ghost haunts him during the blight, but it's your's that haunts him after
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pisscrossiant · 2 months
Dragon age origins ROMANCE Headcanons [part 1?]
Starting with my favorites to least favorites
She is a major cuddler, she's constantly hugging, spooning, and kissing you when she gets the chance.
She always stays by your side during battle she's too worried to leave you alone in case you getting hurt.
She constantly has nightmares where you betray her like Marjolaine did, or where you are murdered by Marjolaine.
She loves playing with your hair, she'll put bows in it, she'll braid it, put it in pigtails or twin braids, if she's sitting next to you she'll reach over to your hair so she can twirl it in her fingers.
He's big on aftercare, he'll make sure you're comfortable afterwards, make sure you're clean and warm, he'll get you food. It's one of his ways to show you how much he cares.
He loves PDA, he likes showing people that you're with him. Whether this is grabbing you by the waist, kissing you, or holding your hand, he finds someway to show his love.
He's had nightmares of you being in Rinna's place, or of Talisan killing you (this one's inspired by a post I saw)
He constantly hangs on you, he'll have his arms wrapped around your shoulders, holding you from behind and resting his head on your shoulder, wrapping his arm around your torso, anything he just hangs on you when y'all are doing anything together.
She has a hard time adjusting to being loved, she never experienced love from her mother or any other person so it takes a while for her to get used to you expressing your love for her.
Instead of holding your hand or holding your torso like the others, when walking she'll just walk very close to you. Even though you're together doesn't mean she constantly wants to be touched.
She's had thoughts of what could happen to you, you either dying at a darkspawns hand or dying when you slay the arch demon. She has thoughts like that constantly, she's terrified that is what will become of you one day.
She gets very possessive of you to people she doesn't know/doesn't like, she'll pretty much latch onto you and give terrifying glares to the person you're talking too.
He gets so embarrassed when anyone mentions how cute you two are together, or how he looks at you. He'll turn into a stuttering mess if someone talks about your relationship.
He doesn't like PDA or anything besides holding hands and hugs, but behind closed doors He's attached to you, he's hugging you, kissing you, etc. He won't leave you alone.
He constantly lays awake at night thinking about how you could die at any moment, how you can die easily by a darkspawn if the camp is ambushed, how an assassin can take you out, how you will most likely die if you kill the arch demon. He doesn't get much sleep because of it.
He's very awkward, this is his first relationship after all, he doesn't know what to do when he's around you or how to act, he's honestly just a hot mess half the time.
Might make this into a series, I will gladly take any Headcanon requests if anyone has any prompts they want me to talk about!
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everafterwhat · 10 months
Could you do anything Alistair related?
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Yes I can!! I loved Alistair but Bunny annoys me tbh, no one fight me on that pls😩
We’ve got the regular fit (slightly revamped) painting the roses red suit, and some random pretty shirt. Also idk if any of y’all will get this but Dinah is Alice’s original cat so technically this is Dinah junior 🐈
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armofandruil · 2 months
My Warden would join Solas
I think this would be an interesting development for a very specific world state.
At the end of Trespasser, it's said that elves all over Thedas are leaving their homes to join Solas' cause, and I've started to think my elf warden is probably one of them because of the world state I'm playing with.
Elf Warden (I played a Mahariel, but a Tabris or Surana might join Solas too).
Survived the Blight.
Was in a relationship with Alistair.
The Inquisitor left Alistair in the Fade.
(Optional) Inquisitor exiled the wardens from Orlais.
I've always thought that, after being with someone for ten years, and losing them to someone else's war, the Inquisitor would have made a very dangerous enemy when they left Alistair in the Fade. Like, my Mahariel is out for blood when she hears her man is probably dead in the fade.
As for the logistics of the most famed hero in Fereldan deciding to join the baddies... the Warden has BEEN a hero for ten years, and people haven't exactly been greatful always. Especially for an elf Warden, when a Dalish Inquisitor recieves a letter from a Dalish Warden, Mahariel notes feeling out of place in this "world of the shemlen". For me personally, I think they're just about ready to burn it all down, and losing the love of their life would be the last straw.
Furthermore, Solas' goal of stripping down the Veil might offer the Warden a chance to find Alistair, in whatever form he may exist. And I think that is something they would pursue, no matter how desperate an effort it seems.
It would be a cool little detail to find in Dreadwolf in maybe a codex entry or something, but it's such a small detail that would only happen in a very specific world state.
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swiftodair · 1 year
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if dragon age characters had twitter part 4
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mooreaux · 2 years
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Tyne was only MOSTLY dead
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hood-wolf · 9 months
Alistair and Bunny: (Run by screaming with chaos in their wake)
Chase: Ha, what idiots
Chase: ...
Chase: Wait those are MY idiots--
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obireads · 9 days
The Hawk and the Hare
An introduction to the first chapter of The Hawk and the Hare, an Alistair x OC slow burn.
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Early morning fog settles over the rocky fields of the North Yorkshire Moors, passing through low shrubs of heather, leaving dew droplets in its wake. Taking advantage of the low visibility, a brown hare hops tentatively from shrub to shrub, not quite willing to risk being so careless despite being hidden from predators. A velvet nose twitches, snuffling across the wet grass, as beady yellow eyes dart up every so often to keep watch for birds of prey that would tear him apart. Ripping fresh roots from the near frozen earth, he feasts before the mist has a chance to dissipate with the rising sun. He finds a spot with particularly lush grass and juicy weeds and begins to have his fill. With his front paws, he digs, claws breaking through the hard ground before snuffling through the wet dirt in search of his meal.
Sensitive feet pick up the rumbling before his ears do, and he manages to dart out of the way of danger with milliseconds to spare as a pale hand breaks through the earth where he once stood, the hare does what he knows best, and he bounds through long grass taking twists and turns to flee the new danger he wasn’t expecting.
The dirtied hand claws at the ground, pulling apart the soil with too much ease. Rocks tumble down the sloped hill as the danger unearths himself, peaty soil caked in his blonde tresses. Wild, black eyes squint to avoid the harsh dawn and he lifts a blackened hand to shield them from the orange light he hadn’t been exposed to in nearly two decades. He takes an unnecessary deep breath, the icy winter air hurts his nostrils initially, but as famished as he was, he could immediately detect human blood in a north-eastern direction, around twelve miles out. As he had done for eighteen years though, Alistair was content to ignore his burning thirst for a little while longer and instead took a moment to get used to the light he was cut off from for such a long time. The fire in his throat was a dull ache he often learned to live with, ashamed of what he was and willing to let himself suffer for it.
The Moors hadn’t changed all too much over the centuries he had been wandering the earth, which was the very reason he chose to bury himself twenty feet beneath them , so that he could wallow relatively undisturbed for as long as he could manage in the comforting embrace of mother earth. His thirst he could deal with, as a being as old as himself had mastered patience and suffering. Despite his gaunt cheeks and the no doubt purple bags under his obsidian eyes, the burning in his throat was not at the top of his list of grievances.
Alistair’s pesky little talent had been irritating him for a short while now, give or take twenty years, leading him astray from what he had been looking for before he elected to bury himself and ignore it—as he usually does with things he does not take joy from. It pulled his insides apart the further he fled from it, and it wrung his guts in its fists the more he dwelled on it. It begged for him to follow it, as it always did, but with this it was difficult to ignore and that scared him. He did not know what—or who—waited for him at the end of this twisting knife in his belly, but whatever it was it was new. New was bad. Unknown. Foreign. Dangerous.
For the first few years with the worms, the pull was easy to ignore. He could preoccupy his mind with silly nothings in a language long forgotten. When it got even worse, he elected to simply think of absolutely nothing, laying frozen in time in an almost sleep—not quite aware of anything and yet attune to everything around him. Even when his thirst was at the back of his mind, the pull persisted. It would rear its ugly head at the worst moments.
Finally, enough was enough. He did not know what awaited him, but he was deathly sick of feeling torn in two like this. Whatever it was, he would find it and destroy it.
As always, taking headcanon requests and feedback.
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immawraffle · 2 years
Headcanons for the Origins Crew
Morrigan likes to fly ahead as a crow while the rest of the party walks; this is partly to scout, but mostly so she doesn’t have to deal with their nonsense
The first time Morrigan sets up camp away from the rest of the party, someone asks what she’ll do if a darkspawn sneaks up on her in the night and they’re all too far away to provide assistance. She replies, “if that happened, you’d all already be dead.”
Leliana sings campfire songs and tells great bedtime stories.
Leliana once made everyone flower crowns. Griffin (the mabari) wore it with pride but eventually ended up eating it, Sten secretly really liked his, Morrigan completely refused to wear one, and Shale mostly found it ironic.
The real reason they walk everywhere is because none of them know how to ride horses (except maybe Cousland).
Alistair was banned from cooking after one of his attempts literally gave everyone food poisoning. They are still unsure if this was on purpose or not.
Zevran is actually a really good cook. He constantly bemoans his inability to properly capture the essence of Antivan cuisine with their poor Ferelden rations.
Morrigan is also a good cook, but doesn’t want to play the housewife as designated cook. She doesn’t mind being on rotation though.
Wynne can cook, but only by following a cookbook.
Leliana is an average cook. Orlais may be known for incredibly fancy delicacies—of which she quite enjoys—but she isn’t usually the one to cook them, and never while on the road.
Wynne not only likes romance novels, she likes smutty romance novels, and reads them with a completely straight face.
One time, Alistair made the mistake of asking what she’s reading and she reads a paragraph outloud, causing his whole face to turn red. Zevran cackles and teases him about it for weeks. He never lives it down.
Wynne also enjoys opera.
Sten doesn’t know what opera is, but if he did, he’d enjoy it (this is mostly just for fun).
Zevran and the Warden had their first heart to heart in the Brecilian Forest (mainly bc that’s how it happened for me when I accidentally clicked on him while fighting werewolves and it triggered a conversation).
Alistair knows how to whittle.
One time, Shale finds a scarecrow on an abandoned farmstead and tries to take it with them to ward off the birds. It takes several hours of arguing to get her to leave it behind. (She keeps the straw hat).
Zevran either can’t pick locks bc a) that was Rinna’s job, not his, or b) Antiva uses different locking mechanism (borrowed this from overthinkingfeathers).
If you named the mabari “Barkspawn”, at least once someone has to have yelled his name at camp and caused everyone to think they were being attacked by actual darkspawn.
At least once, while the warden and their love interest are getting steamy in camp, Wynne leaned in and told them to “leave room for Andraste.”
Leliana is actually a big prankster, but she almost never gets caught.
Wynne is secretly a troll, but you never expect it bc she looks like a kindly little old granny.
At least once, two of the companions have had a fight and passive-aggressively used the warden as a go between à la “Warden, tell so-and-so that I said…” while standing right next to each other.
May add more to this as I think of it.
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beezonia · 24 days
You know we never got to find out anything about Maddie’s mother or Alice herself
Like we’re Maddie and her dad separated from her or did she die? It’s more likely they were separated from her due to the queens curse
I wonder if her destiny was in the white kingdom or Red kingdom? I like to think she was a rook for the white queen or something
And the mad hatter met her one day and saw her kick ass and just fell in love with her
They have the Jessica and Roger Rabbit dynamic (pls tell me you guys understand me)
As for Alice, did she leave wonderland before, leaving Alistair to live his life without her or did she have a reason for leaving him?
Did she go on a huge adventure or did she think she couldn’t raise him, taking on the adventure that is motherhood
Did Alice love her son or was her love for adventuring bigger? She probably did, maybe I’m just being too dramatic and she’s still in wonderland after slaying the jabberwocky?
I’m just so curious, I wish they did so much more with the wonderland kids!
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bluerose5 · 2 months
Zevran: Are you sure that you don't want me to deal with him?
Darrian: Zev, my love, we talked about this.
Zevran: Yes, yes, that he is Alistair's family, but that has never stopped people before. Not in Antiva, at least. Ferelden is so strange. He is a threat to your rule, yes?
Darrian: In a manner of speaking, I suppose.
Zevran: Then be rid of him already! I am your faithful servant, as always, unless you wish to take care of this matter on your own. I have to say, it is unlike you to shy away from getting your hands dirty.
Darrian: ...
Darrian: Whatever happens, be ready. Just in case Alistair changes his mind. Eamon has been trying his patience lately.
Zevran: And what a glorious day it will be when he finally decides that he has had enough.
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pisscrossiant · 2 months
Dragon Age: Origins headcanons because It's my current hyperfixation 😋
Leliana and Zevran hang out the most out of the party, if they are left back at camp while the warden is off with the others they are constantly talking to each other about anything. If they are left in denerim they will go a pick rich people's pockets and laugh about it the whole time.
Morrigan is in love with the Female warden, she knows that in the end the Warden might die however so she does not pursue any kind of relationship with her. When she sees the Warden with another lover she gets upset so she isolated herself from the rest of the tents to try to avoid seeing them.
Wynne constantly teases Zevran/Alistair/Leliana if they are in a relationship with the warden to the point Zevran and Alistair will actively avoid her when they can due to the embarrassment.
Alistair questions his sexuality alot when Zevran flirts with him.
Oghren has gotten into multiple bar fights with multiple people all because he hears them talking bad about the Grey Wardens, he gets into those fights just because his favorite person is a Grey Warden.
Sten is actually very fond of the Warden (even if he doesn't show it) and enjoys their company.
Zevran flirts with Sten the most out of anyone in the party (besides the Warden) because he loves tall men
Morrigan actually gets along pretty well with Zevran, while his advances towards her do annoy her she does enjoy his company.
When bathing Leliana will wash Morrigan 's hair for her since Morrigan didn't learn how to wash her hair properly in the wilds.
After the Goldanna incident when in Denerim Alistair will look towards Goldanna's house alot, wondering what it would be like if she had accepted him rather then casting him out.
After the encounter with Talisan Zevran will be increasingly paranoid that the crows will find the Warden and the party and kill them while they sleep.
Leliana sings songs at camp and Zevran will dance to them.
Zevran has Acid reflux really bad and even though he complains about Fereldon's food being bland he's glad that it doesn't make his Acid reflux flare up.
Shale comforts the party as best as she can when they're upset.
(my canon warden) after the encounter with Tamlen in the party camp the Warden has a breakdown realizing that if Duncan didn't find her when he did she would've turned out like Tamlen.
Zevran asks the Warden how life was when being with the Dalish, he likes to know what life could've been like if his mother hadn't left her clan and had Zevran with the Dalish rather then him being born in a Brothel.
Morrigan doesn't get much sleep, nor does she need to. She usually gets about two-three hours of sleep then stays up either reading or talking with Leliana.
Zevran has constant nightmares from his time with the crows, when he wakes up from them he is happy to be out of that situation. After this he usually stays up and just lays there staring at the stars or he'll talk to Leliana by the fire.
Leliana will have Nightmares as well from the time she was tortured in Orlais after Marjoline framed her. When this happens she'll sit with Morrigan by the fire and talk to her until sunrise, or she'll sit and talk to Zevran if he had a nightmare too.
Sten will pick up the warden and put them on his shoulders if they start getting tired from walking, this often makes the other party members jealous since they still have to walk, but Shale usually puts them on her shoulders if she notices them getting tired too.
Alistair has a irrational fear of birds, when living in the Arl's castle birds would attack him out of the blue for no reason. This happened a lot especially when the Arl married Isolde, as she came with a pet peacock that would attack him if Alistair even looked at the damn thing.
Morrigan will turn into a bird and attack Alistair because of his fear. Over time it actually helped him overcome this fear.
Zevran speaks Spanish and calls the Warden "Mi Amor" and Wynne constantly teases him about it.
That's all for now I don't want to overfill it or anything, I might make a part two if I'm up for it 😋
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feralshadowdemon · 2 months
cane-user ranpo. he has a cane given to him by natsume
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