yrsonpurpose · 1 year
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Yuki wearing Alex's cap during the drivers' press conference
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apaise · 1 year
❛ there’s never a bad time for ice cream. ❜ nat @ alys
with most people, alys would’ve contended that one in the morning is indeed a bad time for ice cream. it’s a bad time for any activity other than sleep -- especially for two bakers who oft rise early to serve the village warm bread before work. but when she looks to natalie, rosy in excitement as she holds the little silver moulds purchased from the fair . . . all logic withers away. it’s replaced by the dire need instead to protect that sweet smile, alys finally relenting with one of her own.
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❝ i suppose that’s true, ❞ alys concedes ( keeping her prerequisite of having certain company a secret ). ❝ it’d be a shame not to test them out. ❞ she picks up one of the moulds from the table in curiosity, this one shaped like a little sheep. with embossing to distinguish the curly wool, the craftsmanship is astonishingly detailed. only natalie would find such a treasure at the fair. alys had been too focused on the books instead, completely missing other worthwhile trinkets.
setting the mould back on the table, alys bends down to retrieve the hand crank from beneath the sink. the ice cream barrel is still sparkling new; alys had purchased it on a whim one afternoon after hearing natalie mention a fondness. she supposes it’s only natural that natalie would be the one to christen it. 
a little embarrassed by that emotional purchase history, alys clears her throat. ❝ which flavor would you like? ❞ she asks, wiping the already-clean barrel. ❝ i have cucumber, lemon, jasmine . .  raspberry . . . oh. ❞ alys recalls something in the papers, arching a brow with intrigue towards natalie. ❝ i heard cheese is becoming a popular flavor in canalave, too. ❞
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gerudospiriit · 11 months
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[Alright, I warned you guys. Here's that juicy PSA I promised you all. It's going to cover an array of different topics that I feel need addressing and general clearing up. At least in regards to how I view things and operate here on this blog. I also hope this doesn't scare my new followers away alkjsf.]
First things first and maybe doesn't need to be said but, in case some people haven't noticed, I am pretty opinionated, and I will share my opinions here if I feel like it. However, I will never spout any negative opinions about any singular person here on this blog. I have never done it and I will never do it, explicitly or implicitly. That's not how I operate. I do my best to only give opinions and critique of general topics like overall trends in the rpc, general headcanons or fanon that are fairly widespread in the community/fandom I don't necessarily care for, and fictional characters I'm not a fan of. While I can't tell you how to take my posts, I can assure you that nothing I post here is ever, ever meant to offend or be an attack on any one person (or really be an attack at all). This goes for IC, dash commentary posts as well. I'll get to those more in a minute though.
If you don't like this kind of thing, that's perfectly fine. If you're not comfortable interacting with me because of that, it's absolutely fine. But what ISN'T fine in my book is if you take my words and posts and twist them into things they aren't or try to demonize me for nothing remotely harmful. Again, I can't control how you take my posts, but I know that I don't post anything that's inherently problematic. A hot take or unpopular opinion here and there, but again, it's nothing that's outright attacking any one person or vague blogging or being generally toxic at all. As I said, I don't attack people with my posts, but I'm not going to walk on eggshells when sharing my thoughts because some people might take them personally. I will always be careful about this and sensitive material in general. All I can say is that my posts are never meant to be personal attacks, and if you really feel one is, tell me! I would rather be able to explain myself or my mindset than end up with people thinking I'm being toxic when I'm absolutely not. That or just unfollow me. Block me. Whatever you need to do. I'm a firm believer in tailoring your own experience so if that's what you need to do, then there are no hard feelings.
Now to get into the real nitty gritty of this post: a few reminders/how I generally view certain aspects that get tossed around a little too generously in the RPC. Keep in mind all of these have their own nuances, but in general, the stuff I'm going to say is usually true.
💥Mun=/=Muse and vice versa. It shocks me that I need to talk about this in 2023 but I guess it bears repeating. My opinions are not my muse's opinions, nor are her words, opinions, and actions mine. What I say about a topic or character or anything aren't necessarily what Nabooru thinks, and what Nabooru says or thinks about a character isn't necessarily how I feel about them.
Additionally, I will not take anything said IC or OOC about Nabooru personally, and no one else should take anything negative said about their muses as a personal attack. I understand we love our muses, but it's absolutely paramount to not take one character or mun (within reason) saying something we don't like about our characters as a sleight to ourselves as real people. Just like in real life, some muses won't like our muses. Some muns might not like our (canon) characters in general. But if we, the muns, constantly take offense to our muses being disliked in any way, we're all just going to be miserable. Obviously there will always be caveats to this--like someone specifically targeting YOUR iteration of your muse or your OC--because sometimes, people are just being assholes. But in most cases, it's not that deep.
💥 Dash Commentary/Not All Muses Are Nice On a related note, in character dash commentary is just that: the character making commentary about things happening on the dash. Once again, even if the commentary is one muse being shady about another, it's very, very likely not a personal attack on YOU the MUN, and it's best to remember once again that muse does not equal the mun. Dash commentary is meant to simply allow characters to comment on the events of the dash and potentially strike up interactions. It should not be taken personal by the muns.
It's good to also remember that not all muses are nice. Some are flat out evil and cruel. Not all of them will like your muse. That's what makes roleplay fun and interesting. Muns should not be demonized and penalized because they play a muse that isn't always the easiest to get along with. My advice to you is that, if you don't want interactions that aren't all sunshine in rainbows, don't follow blogs with muses that are rougher around the edges.
Also, I would make it clear in your rules that you're not open for any kind of confrontational of confrontational adjacent threads. If it's not for you, it's totally okay! We're all here to have fun. But it's better to be honest about it up front than to have someone's muse come to yours with beef.
💥 "Vague Blogging" Accusations of harmful "vague blogging" has honestly become a pet peeve of mine. I've seen it thrown around willy nilly and it's really just insane to me. In my experience and what I've observed with other people, on occasion, the term "vague blogging" gets tossed around any time someone is offended by another person's post, even if it is a general opinion about something general someone saw--that might not have even been the offended person's post!- and wanted to comment on. While I understand there is absolutely times where people ARE being toxic and are "vague blogging" specific people to be passive aggressive, more often than not, I've seen people call a simple opinion post that doesn't jive with theirs "vague blogging." I've seen someone saying they disagree with a take called "vague blogging." If we let simple internet commentary and disagreement get labeled as "vague blogging," we might as well say that everything on the internet, especially social media sites, is just all "vague blogging" other people. That voicing your opinion about something on the internet is just "vague blogging" the person who you disagree with. And I think most of us have been online long enough to understand how ludicrous that is.
In truth, most "vague blogging" that gets called out is basically just internet dialogue, and we need to be more mindful about calling innocent opinions, whether it seems based on something you said or not, "vague blogging," especially in a negative sense, when it's harmless. People should be able to express their opinions and disagree with other people if they want to without being accused of vague blogging and demonized. In fact, we should probably get rid of the term vague blogging altogether because it's too vague (heh) and broad and invites this kind of paranoia that isn't helpful to anyone. If someone is being mean or toxic, that should just be what it is. We don't need a technical term for it.
And I get it. Someone expressing their disagreement moments after you can feel like a personal attack (and sometimes, it might be). But I think that's the crux here: a "vague blog" has to be an actual attack on the PERSON making the comment over attacking the TOPIC itself (a good thing to remember in general tbh). Which, with how internet lingo is can be difficult to pick out; being Generally Mean in a Joking Way is just kind of normal. So I get why it can be easy to jump to an accusation of someone being an ass, but we need to either do better about picking it out and not calling every post disagreeing with us "vague blogging" OR start getting better about communicating with people when we DO think it has happened (and not on anon, either).
A few examples from how I understand vague blogging:💢OP: *makes a post about how much they love Ze.lda in B.reath of the W.ild and her growth in the memories*Not "Vague Blogging": I'm not a fan of how Ze.lda was portrayed in B.reath of the W.ild. I know a lot of people like her, but this iteration just wasn't it for me. "Vague Blogging"/ Potentially Problematic: Only childish morons like Ze.lda in B.reath of the W.ild. She needed to grow up and so do you. 💢OP: *posts about how they can't stand Gan.ondorf and wishes Nin.tendo would just let him die and make another prominent villain already*Not "Vague Blogging": Gano.ndorf is a great character with a lot of subtle complexities that make him a more nuanced villain than many fans and even the writers these days give him credit for. "Vague Blogging"/ Potentially Problematic: If you want Gan.ondorf to never return to another Zelda game, you're just too stupid to see and understand how brilliant his character is.
To me, language is everything when it comes to problematic vague blogging. There really is a difference in being an ass to someone and about their post and simply expressing your opinion about it. As I said, it's hard to really pinpoint actual vague blogging versus someone just maybe passionately giving their opinion/using the internet's habit of being insulting in a joking way, but I guess I would say the best rule of thumb is what I said earlier: are they attacking you, the person, or the opinion/take/what have you? And if that's unclear and you're truly hurt by the post, talk to the person. Ask them what they meant and let them know that it felt like an attack on you as a person. Or just unfollow, block, etc. and move on.
If we want to keep labeling vague blogging as something that's ALWAYS negative and harmful, then we need to only call the stuff that's negative and harmful vague blogging. Not every opinion that doesn't jive with ours should be demonized.
💥 Which brings me to my final point: tailor your own experience. If you don't like how someone runs their blog for any reason, you're not obligated to stick around. While we should all try not to be dicks to each other, it's ultimately your responsibility to ensure you're not being exposed to content or people you don't want to be. And it should be no skin off anyone's nose if that's what someone ultimately decides. At the end of the day, we're all just here to have fun. If something someone is saying or doing makes you uncomfortable, you're not obligated to stick around. Unfollow, block, blacklist, and whatever else you need to do and move on. It's really that simple.
💥 Bonus: a person sharing their feelings is NOT manipulation probably 99% of the time. As with all of these, this isn't always the tried and true case because people suck sometimes. But people sharing how they feel about something or how something someone did to them made them feel should not be automatically branded as manipulation. Listen to each other and take into account EVERYONE'S concerns or feelings. I'm not saying every person coming into your IMs has a legitimate grievance with something you said. As I've alluded to, there is always a chance someone will take something you said differently than you intended it. Give them the space to express their concerns. And if you're on the other side, give the other person a chance to explain their meaning, apologize if needed, and come to a mutual understanding no matter how that looks. Don't lecture each other. Don't call each other names or demonize each other. Just...communicate. Like normal humans. Which I know is hard for all of us gremlins here but the lack of communication on this website is what makes it such a hellsite. We would rather jump to the worst case scenarios and slander someone across the community for what was maybe an innocent mistake or a moment of emotional weakness (we all have em) rather than just having a conversation to try and figure it out and understand each other. It's something I think we need to all work on to change.
And I think that's about all I wanted to bring attention to. At the end of the day, this is all just a dumb hellsite that we're all trying to have a semblance of fun on playing pretend. But it's also The Internet and you're going to find things and people you're not a fan of. People are going to say things we don't like. But, as much as I hate to put it this way, I think we collectively in some cases to use a bit more common sense and grow a bit of a thicker skin so we can better understand what is and isn't a personal attack and the like. If we do that, I think we'll all have a generally better time here and on the interwebs in general.
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carpisuns · 2 years
3, 6, 10 and 29 for the ask game!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
hmm. if it's for just this year, probably where roses bloom cause i like how it turned out. if it's for all time then tell me something i don't know, my magnum opus lmao
6. Favorite title you used
answered here!
10. What work was the quickest to write?
aklsdjf nothing is ever quick for me to write cause im literally the slowest writer i know lol. that being said i did write a large portion of pink in a feverish daze over a weekend in february bc the chapters were all so drabble-y and i was like I CAN DO THIS. IMMA WRITE 100 OF THEM RIGHT NOW. fast forward to now and it's been on hiatus for months with only 3 little chapters left alkjsf im sorry i promise i will finish!
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
hmm i like this part from where roses bloom:
In the light of the dying sun, the whole world is the color of buttercups.
He sits on a roof by the girl he loves, breathing its gold into lungs that burn and burn.
thanks for the questions!
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rogue-of-light · 1 year
oh nO!!!1!1111!!! i'm TERRIFIED!!! WHATRE YOU GOING TO DO!!!!!11! 😨😨😨💥😱😱 (j)
its gonna be a very mini comic, once i have finished the storyboard if i feel nice i MIGHT let you see 🙄🙄🙄🙄 (/j)
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salty-wolves · 4 years
I have been banned (for the night) for salty crimes. Smh.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
Me: *looking at the Personacentral article confirming no new games: Me: >:( Me: *looks at it again* Hope: Haha what if I just beat naivete into you? *bonk* Me: Wait it says “no new games”........ So does that mean that OLD games are on the table? Aka Ports? Or could this mean an anime/manga thing? :0 Golly gee a Trinity Soul 2 would be cool. Or an actual animation/manga of The Answer would be swell. Heaven forbid I get some kind of adaptation for Hamu or P2IS/EP. P3/4/5D and PQ2 gonna get a legit manga? Or are they gonna get an anime alongside PQ1??? What are we gonna have a PQ style adventure with the MCs only in an anime/manga form instead of a game? I mean it’s the only media they’ve done before outside of a escape room/cafe/merch thing. I mean if it’s gonna be an OLD game, does that mean we’re porting P1/2, PQ1/2, P3/4/5D? Are P3/5D gonna get a new story mode then? Old game new scenario. Haha I got around your silly wording, so we are getting games they just aren’t “new” or we’re getting some other cool thing-*sobs*
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get-shiggy-with-it · 3 years
Okay so monster tomura fic is a go! I split it into two parts cause I know how tumblr is about long fics and this took me forever T-T. Drop me a like/reply on this post if you want to be tagged in some shigaraki monsterfucking when it drops tomorrow 💖
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bubblecarr · 3 years
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<3 @kermit-drinking-tea-dot-jpg​
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wanderingcas · 5 years
SAMMMM IM JUST HERE TO SAY THAT YOURE SO KIND AND CUTE AND THAT YOU INSPIRED ME TO ACTUALLY GET OFF MY ASS AND WRITE INSTEAD OF JUST DAY DREAMING ABOUT IT!!!! I have had too many abandoned wips but this is the one that ill (hopefully;;) finish!!! Mind you im more of a draws person than a writes person so im v slow but!! I got to 1k today and its still the start of the fic so im proud!!! Also i just read that you passed out omigosh i hope youre okay please take care of yourself youre amazing💖!!
whAAAT anon that’s amazing!! i am so happy for you!! 
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YOU ARE FOLLOWING YOUR DREAMS AND REALIZING YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL AND I AM SO PROUD OF YOU FOR IT (if you want to, please tag me in it when you post it, because i would love to read it!!) 
and don’t worry about me:) i’m just going through some weird illness right now but i’ll be okay! i think! (if i die mysteriously someone please publish the rest of “la hantise” for me lol)
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rocket-remmy · 5 years
[pm] [d: Remmy, mint means - ] [d: nevermind...]
[no message received]
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heoneyology · 5 years
akdsljf;sd catching up with a-teen season 2 and.... golden child’s bomin just.... walked in.... and I just.... damn min lost his chance with kimha I can feel it rIP he shouldn’t have been such a playboy last season-
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gotitmeme-orized · 5 years
asundrop replied to your post:
what archetypes did each pick? I’m so intrigued. how long was their longest game, or are they still playing it?
This, I need to actually think about.  Most of my knowledge comes from watching my roomies play and everything dissolves into madness.  I’m still kind of learning the ins and outs myself.
I can tell you Lea is definitely a Rogue, and Isa is probably a Barbarian.  Maybe some people more versed in this can throw in some ideas Plzdo.  Hehehe.
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xiolette · 6 years
I have a few design ideas for those bosses, but I can't really show em because your submission box is closed heck
i’ll open it up for you specifically anon
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metalvsflesh · 6 years
BREAKING NEWS: ZOMBIE FRUITS TAKE OVER SUMP, Watch as rotten fruits try to eat snipes' and sump dwellers' faces alike. Mysterious sources say that it seems to stem from the sewers.
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Stares into the camera like in the office.
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dcryoku-blog · 7 years
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