#all are- it's about how old they are when they come out. Like sure Bulma has known Goku and Yamcha since she was like 16. but does feral
tora-the-cat · 8 months
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spilledbeans116 · 11 months
Just In Case
(Vegeta x Reader)
Vegeta x fem!reader -6,207 Words - SFW - No use of Y/N
Fan of Vegeta x Bulma? Find an alternate version here! (The first parts match up!)
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This fic is based on a headcanon I have involving the prince and his constant need to wear gloves. I'm putting this here as a side note, but the first chapter is a bit violent. I hope you all enjoy it.
    Nappa was smiling, as proud as a warrior-nanny could be given the circumstances. Vegeta had aced his first mission under Frieza’s rule without a single hitch, having wiped out an entire planet on his own in just a couple hours. They had hit three more after that, completing twice the work of an adult saiyan could have mustered up. And what, he was only 6? Never before had such latent power been shown in such a young saiyan; his power already rivaled Nappa’s own. On late night’s when the bar was full and Raditz and Vegeta were in bed, Nappa would sit and brag to the other soldiers of Frieza’s army how talented the kid was.
    The bar was dim, the tables around having been emptied as all the patrons gathered around Nappa and listened to his tales. Among them were Ginyu, Burter, and Jeice, all three of whom were rolling their eyes at the display.
    “You should have seen the way he shot through that thing! It was almost three times my size, maybe bigger!” Nappa hiccuped, taking a swig from his mug before slamming his fist on the bar’s counter-top. “It was incredible!”
    From around the corner, a young saiyan who should have been in bed smirked. His smile quickly faltered however, as someone else spoke up.
    “Psh, right,” Ginyu laughed, giving Nappa a shove. “Like a kid could take down one of those on his own. Even Guildo struggles with them!”
    “No, Nappa’s being serious, I saw it myself!” Another soldier yelled, slamming his drink down on the bar. “The kid is a beast! A monster!” 
    Vegeta nodded, crossing his arms and leaning through the doorframe a bit to watch as the older men debated his feats.
    At that Ginyu and Burter laughed, “please! He’s an ape!” Ginyu snorted. “You think that monkey could actually do that on his own? He’s weak, just like his old man. Maybe he got lucky, but nothing more than that.”
    Vegeta clutched his cape and held it at his sides, his anger overtaking him as he fought not to run in there and sucker punch Ginyu in the face; he had already learned once that it wasn’t a good idea, and wouldn’t make an idiot of himself again. Ginyu didn’t believe he could do that? Didn’t think that Vegeta could fight his own battles or overtake a stronger opponent? Fine. He would prove he could; he would show everyone exactly what he could do. And he wouldn’t stop until they believed him.
    Months had passed, but for Vegeta, time moved strangely. It felt fleeting and yet too long at the worst of times. Then again, he was still only a child. He had already gotten stronger, not that anyone but Raditz or Nappa noticed and he didn’t give a damn what they thought. Each day and night was the same, he was degraded by the Ginyus to his face and behind his back. His family was gone, his home was gone, and his race was all but eradicated. He was the last remaining saiyan royal and ruled over two; he wasn’t the strongest on the ship nor was he even close to beating Frieza… yet. That day would come, he reassured himself. Until then he was destined to be miserable, to spend everyday fighting to be better only to get no recognition from anyone. That much responsibility and pain weighing down on a child surely wasn’t healthy, especially not when they were forcing themselves to do even more than everyone else.
     Vegeta couldn’t keep track anymore of how many planets he had slaughtered. Their cries of mercy fell on deaf ears. At night, he had nightmares about the faces of those that had met their end in his hands. He wondered who they were, what lives they lived. He was doing to them what had happened to his own home. He tossed and turned each night, enough for Raditz to complain to Nappa that it was keeping him awake.
    Soon he turned 7, still a child in the eyes of a saiyan. After each fight he felt dirtier and dirtier, and visited the showers once, twice, three times a day. The soldiers on the ship joked that the prince was a germaphobe. He was too royal for their peasant germs. He was killing without purpose, without a fight and the guilt was eating away at him slowly, crumbling his sanity with each life he took. He was 8 when it happened.
    Nappa was heading to the bar before he stopped. Something in him, some primal, strange instinct, told him to go to the boys room. He rushed down the halls and to their room, where Raditz was snoring loudly with his arm draped across his face. Vegeta, however, was gone. He couldn’t ask anyone else if they had seen him, as he’d surely be punished for roaming parts of the ship he shouldn’t without Nappa present.
    Vegeta had gotten back late from a mission and decided to go take a shower. His body was covered in blood, none of which was his own. He watched as the red water swirled down the shower drain and slowly became pink, scrubbing his body with a bar of soap as he grunted to himself. Arms, chest, legs, feet, tail, and finally his hands. He lathered the soap between them, watching the bubbles form up and over his hands before rinsing them off in the water. To his surprise, the water revealed the blood was still there.
    “Damn shit must have stained them,” he huffed, turning off the water and drying himself with a towel. He quickly wrapped it around his waist and made his way to the sinks, grabbing his toothbrush and lining it with toothpaste. Until he saw his hands again. No longer tinted red, they were coated in blood. The fur on the end of his tail began to spike as he stared at it, quickly flipping them around to see if he had any open wounds. He ran the water and shoved his hands under it, scrubbing at the blood to get it off. 
     “What the hell!” He snapped, watching as nothing changed. He began to scratch at it, trying to peel it off to know avail. He hissed as he turned the water up, the heat becoming blistering hot as he started to claw at his own hands in a desperate attempt to get the blood off of himself.
    “Why isn’t it coming off!” He yelled, starting to get louder and louder as he grew more desperate. He felt filthy as his consciousness weighed down on him, his sleep deprived body and nightmarish life finally getting the better of him. “Get it off me!”
     Nappa knew he had to be in the showers, as it was the only place the kid ever went to when he wasn’t in the dining halls or his room. With how late it was, the dining halls would have closed ages ago. As he made his way down the corridors of the ship he could hear something. It was quiet at first, but slowly became louder and louder as he got closer to the men's showers. He could hear Vegeta, screaming out in pain. Nappa shot off and slammed through the door to the bathroom, following the sounds of the hysterical screaming until he found the prince by the sinks. Vegeta was sobbing, hands burnt red from the water. 
    “The hell has gotten into you!” Nappa yelled, ripping him away from the sink. He was going to scold the prince when he saw the claw marks all over his hands. Vegeta tried to shove him away, crying out for Nappa to let go of him but it all sounded like gibberish to the older saiyan. 
     “What are you doing!” Nappa yelled at him as Vegeta slammed a hand against his face, trying to make his way back to the sink. “You’re hurting yourself, what are you doing!”
    “I CAN’T GET IT OFF!” Vegeta screamed between sobs. “MY HANDS! THEY’RE COVERED IN BLOOD I CAN’T GET IT OFF!”
    “Vegeta there is no blood!” Nappa yelled, grabbing his wrists and holding him still. “But there’s going to be if you keep tearing at your skin!”
    Nappa grabbed the prince and his clothes, clamping a hand over his mouth as he ran out of the bathroom and back towards his room. Vegeta dug his nails into the flesh of Nappa’s hand, sinking his fang’s into Nappa’s palm as the older saiyan grunted in pain. Vegeta was still trying to scream but Nappa’s hand remained firm, refusing to let anyone see the prince like this. The door to Nappa’s bedroom slammed shut as he locked it and tossed the prince on the bed, who immediately tried to book it back out the door. Before he could grab the doorknob, Nappa was in front of him, blocking his escape in the dark room. Vegeta beat his fists against Nappa’s chest, trying and failing to shove him out of the way. Nappa knelt down, taking Vegeta’s hands in his before sliding a pair of white gloves over them.
    “Look! There’s no blood! Now please Vegeta quit it!” He turned the prince’s hands over slowly, showing that nothing had seeped through. “See? You’re fine!”
    Vegeta glanced down, a sniveling mess as he turned his hands over on his own and studied the gloves. They were white, pristine, new, and soft. They cooled his burning hands and the silken fabric felt nice against the cuts he had created. “Th-there’s no more b-blood?”
    “None, Vegeta. There isn’t any blood. Okay?”
    Vegeta nodded as Nappa stood up slowly, making his way to his cabinet and pulling out gauze and ointment. He applied it to his palm first after cleaning it with a towel, Vegeta’s fangs having taken quite the chunk out of his skin. Then he bandaged it, sliding his gauntlets on over after so the prince wouldn’t see the reddish hue that would seep out soon enough. After tossing the towel, he made his way back over to Vegeta, who had calmed down remarkably and yet was still standing in the same spot Nappa had left him. He was staring at his hands, eyes lidded as sleep finally began to overpower him. Nappa grabbed him under his armpits and lifted him over to the bed, setting him down and getting the ointment ready. As he began to pull off Vegeta's gloves, the prince started screaming again, kicking Nappa away and tugging them back down.
   “NO!” He cried out. “NO YOU CAN’T TAKE THEM OFF!”
     “Vegeta,” Nappa sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You can’t keep them on forever you’ll have to-”
    “Vegeta I swear to-”
    “THAT’S AN ORDER NOW DROP IT!” Nappa didn’t say anything after that, handing the prince his pajamas and turning away. Vegeta changed quickly, grunting when he was done. Nappa frowned at the sight of the prince wearing gloves with his pajamas, but chose not to push it further. They’d deal with it in the morning and go to see the doctor then as well. 
    “Do you want me to walk you back to your-”
    Vegeta was quick to cut him off, voice trembling as he ran his hands together in his lap. “Can I stay here tonight?” His voice was quiet, barely above a whisper as he refused to meet Nappa’s eyes. Nappa looked down at the prince, an ache in his chest as he stared at the child that was forced to carry so much; but he was just that, a child. He shouldn’t have had to do any of this, not until he was much, much older. He should have been in the palace right now, spending each day training under his father to be the next king, not turned into a killing machine by a freak that regarded them as nothing.
    “Of course, your highness. You can stay here for the night.” Nappa quickly went and changed into his sleep shorts, scooting Vegeta over enough so he could fit along with him on his bed. The prince held his arm tight, body trembling as Nappa laid awake, staring at the ceiling, trying to piece together whatever the hell had just happened. Even after Vegeta had finally dozed off, Nappa remained awake, unsure with what to do with the prince.
    As time went on, Vegeta learned to live with it the best he could. The cuts he had caused on himself that night healed over, leaving small scars to forever remind him of his own shame and guilt. The blood he saw on his hands never truly went away after that but he learned to pretend he couldn’t see it. With time he was able to remove his gloves, but only for short periods before he’d quickly slip them back on. Just long enough to shower, trim his nails, or give the gloves a quick wash.
     After everything that happened on Earth, after what he did to Nappa, it was as if he were a kid again. The gloves would not come off. Ever. He had killed the man who gave them to him, who had tried to shield him from himself. For what? A power move? Now the gloves themselves were another reminder of his sins, but he found himself unable to swap them with a new pair. Now he was living in some Earth woman’s home after embarrassing himself in front of Frieza and a low level saiyan piece of scum. He slaughtered the Ginyu force, which was a bit of a two edged sword for him. Kakarot was gone at who knows where and he was stuck here, failing to do anything substantial. He had truly lost all meaning to his life.
     The gravity chamber the blue haired woman had helped build was where he spent most of his time. It gave him a break from dealing with everyone, including you. You were the most confusing out of everyone that was on this idiotic planet. He could never get a proper read on you. You were too… upbeat. He didn’t like to dwell on what he thought of you, and unfortunately found himself thinking of you during training at the worst of times.
    He had put his hand up to guard his face at the last moment as the battle bot shot at him, successfully blocking it but not without slight damage to his glove. There, on his right hand, was a clean tear.
    “Shit!” He yelled. “Damn it damn it damn it!” He blew the robot to bits before it could do anymore damage, throwing on his shirt and making his way back towards Bulma’s house. He felt sick as he glanced down at it, the deep red shade staring back at him through the slit.
    He made his way in through the back door, speed walking through the living room and down the hallway to where his bedroom was located. He didn’t have spares, he had never needed a spare. He searched around for anything that could be used as a makeshift glove. He ripped apart shirts and tried to cover it to no avail, too stressed to tie the knots properly with one hand. He shoved the fabric under the glove, only to rip it further. “Shit!”
     He didn’t know how to sew, he was a prince for the Gods’ sakes. He felt sick at the idea of what he was going to have to do but quickly realized there was no other option. He was going to have to ask for help.
    You were sitting at Bulma’s kitchen table, waiting for your friend to get back from her date with Yamcha so the two of you could go shopping. You were sipping a glass of apple juice, the only thing in her fridge at the moment in terms of drinks. The coffee maker was on the fritz ever since Vegeta tried to beat the shit out of it to get it working. Apparently the glowing blue button wasn’t obvious enough for saiyans. You paused mid sip, wondering if perhaps he was partially colorblind. Your thoughts trailed off as he was suddenly standing in front of you, arms crossed and glaring in your general direction.
    “Juice? Seriously? What are you, five?” he frowned, opening the fridge and looking around for something.
    “Good morning to you too, your highness,” you grunted, raising the cup to your lips. “I was going to have coffee but for some reason the machine is broken.”
    He huffed in annoyance but said nothing else. You could tell he had just finished training as he was a dirty, sweaty mess. The singe marks across his suit only proved your point further. “There’s nothing in here,” he frowned, slamming the fridge door shut.
    “Yeah, I heard someone has been staying over and eating everything,” you replied, taking out your phone and scrolling through it. “I have no idea who it could be though.”
    Either he didn’t notice your sarcastic tone or he didn’t care. “Tell the other woman to go get more food then,” he snapped. “It’s not my problem.”
    “You could go get it yourself.”
    “With what money?”
    You rolled your eyes, “You’re a prince, aren’t you?”
    He slammed a hand down flat on the table, leaning beside you to try and meet your eyes. “The hell do you mean by that?”
    Without looking at him you opened your text messages, Bulma’s name quickly popping up. “What do you think?” He tried to glance over at your screen to see what you were going to text her before you shifted the phone away; it was like he was a child. “Do you mind?”
     “Are you texting her? Tell her to get the vanilla protein powder as well, I won’t eat the chocolate one. It’s disgusting.”
     “Yeah yeah sure,” you sighed, instead typing “his royal majesty is awake and grumpy. Please get here soon.” She replied by laughing at your message before sending a picture of her and Yamcha laughing in whatever breakfast restaurant they were in. For now, you were stuck with him.
    “She’s with the beta-male, isn’t she?” He frowned. You nodded.
     “They’re on a date I think? I don’t know, sometimes it’s hard to tell.”
    You were surprised to hear him chuckle at that. “True. However I’d say they’re made for eachother. They’re both annoying and a pain in my ass.”
     “I’ll agree with that first part,” you giggled, setting your phone down and glancing over at him. You took another sip of your juice glass while he looked out the window. “Want me to make you a PBJ or something?”
    “Sure. While you’re at it can you pour me some juice as well and put it in a sippy cup?” He grunted, turning to face you and making an effort to roll his eyes. You don’t know why you even bothered.
    “Just trying to be polite.”
     He seemed like he wanted to say something else before he looked down at his hand. He began to fidget with his gloves a bit, the white things worn to death. When Bulma had offered him new ones he refused, rather rudely you might add, so you chose not to mention them. When designing new training outfits with her for him, gloves were always discussed but never elaborated on. “When is the blue-haired woman coming back?”
    You shrugged, “not sure.”
     He sighed, and for a moment, he sounded relieved. You went to ask him what was up before he started talking.
     “You’re a woman,” he grunted, pulling out a chair and sitting beside you. “You sew, right?”
     Ever charming, this one. “Fuck you but yes, I sew.”
     “I need you to fix my gloves,” he grumbled, continuing to mess with the one on his right hand.
    “I can just make you new-”
    “No,” he snapped, cutting you off quickly. “I need them repaired.”
    “Fine,” you said curtly. “Just leave them by my door and-”
    “No, you'll fix them now.”
    You crossed your arms, “Vegeta I don’t just carry a sewing kit on me.”
     He stared at you blankly before his eyes moved to your purse, which was resting on the back of your chair. “Then what the hell is that for?”
     You pinched the bridge of your nose and inhaled sharply as you chose to ignore his question. “Why should I help you in the first place? You’re not exactly-”
    “Please.” The word was uttered so quietly, so pathetically, you were almost positive you had dreamed it. There was no way on Earth that Vegeta had said ‘please’ to you of all people. You skimmed over his face to find he was looking at the table. After a few moments and your lack of response, his eyes snapped up, his face flushing a bright red. “Stop staring at me like that! I’m not going to repeat myself damn it! It’s embarrassing enough!”
    You blinked a few times, trying to hide the shock as you spoke, “come on, I have a kit in my room.” You placed your empty juice glass in the sink, beginning to walk towards the spare room Bulma had designated as your own. 
    The sound of his boots clicked across the wooden floor as he followed you. He was embarrassed to admit he found himself admiring your outfit. It was rare he ever saw you in anything besides casual or training clothes. Today, however, you seemed to be stepping it up. He felt his ears begin to heat up as he stared at your ass and hips before quickly looking at your hair. “Why are you dressed like that?”
     “Like what?” You frowned, glancing back at him. 
    His eyes briefly shot to yours before he glanced away. “You’re… dressed nice.”
     You almost tripped when he complimented you, “oh, uh, thanks.” You said, clearing your throat. “Me and Bulma are going out later.”
     “Why not wear your training gear? What if something were to happen?”
     “Then I fight in this,” you shrugged. “My clothes aren’t what makes me a fighter, Vegeta. Plus with you guys around I’d only get in the way.”
    “Sure, but you’re already weak enough as is. Extra protection wouldn’t hurt.”
    You didn’t know if he was trying to make sure you were safe or simply making fun of you. “With how burned your suit is from the training bots, I don’t think armor makes much of a difference in the grand scheme of things.”
    He simply grunted, watching as you grabbed the handle to your room. You opened the door and made your way to your desk, pulling out a drawer and rummaging around for your sewing kit. Vegeta stood in the walkway, staring at the floor before you pulled the kit out and set it on top of your desk. You tilted your head at him as you sat in your office chair, motioning for him to take a seat on your bed.
    “I’ll stand,” he frowned, stepping in apprehensively and making his way over to you. He had never been in your room before; he never had a reason to be in it. It was very… you. He wasn’t sure how else to describe it. It had your scent and although he’d never admit it, he liked it. It made a shiver run down his spine.
    “No, you’ll sit,” you countered. “I sew better sitting, and I don’t want you looming over me while I do it.” You flicked on your small lamp and smiled at him softly.
     He grumbled under his breath, something about how he doesn’t ‘loom’ over people, before sitting on your bed carefully. He was trying to sit as close to the edge as possible to be somewhat polite. It creaked a bit as he did so, one of your plushies tumbling over and onto the floor. He sneered at it before you picked it up and set it back in its place.
    “Alright, let me see it.”
    He shoved his hand in your direction and you stared at him as if he were an idiot. “Vegeta you’re really starting to piss me off, give me the glove.”
    “You can fix it as it is,” he snapped. “I’m not taking it off.”
    You crossed your arms again and leaned back in your chair. “Are you trying to fuck with me? Is this a prank or something?”
    “Why the hell would I do that!” He yelled, clenching your quilt in his fists. He heard the snapping of threads and quickly relaxed his hand. Whether from the glove or the blanket he wasn’t sure, but neither seemed like good options to damage. “This is serious! Do you think I’d ask you for help for fun?”
    You wheeled your chair closer to him, motioning for him to place his hand in yours. He held it out hesitantly, palm facing the ceiling as you took it carefully in your own. A shiver ran up his spine once as he watched you trace the tear with your finger tips before he quickly looked away.
     “I should be able to stitch it up, but I’m worried I’ll poke you with the needle by accident.” Vegeta didn’t say anything after that, face slightly pale and body tense. You squeezed his hand softly, “I need you to tell me what the deal with the gloves is. I won’t judge, and I won’t tell anyone else.”
     “Like I’d trust you,” he snapped back as he ripped his hand away. “This was a mistake.”
    You shook your head, setting his hand back in his lap as you began to thread the needle. “You don’t have to tell me I guess, but it would make everything easier. Maybe I can go get a spare glove from some-“
    He was quick to cut you off, growing more and more agitated the longer he stared at the open slit in the fabric. “I should've just done this myself. God forbid you be good for someth-”
     “Vegeta, I am trying to help you!” You yelled, finally having had enough. The prince seemed taken aback by your sudden outburst as you slammed the needle on the desk. “The first thing you do in the morning is belittle me, complain, and act like you own the place! Well you don’t! You treat me like shit, my friends like shit, and I still wanted to help you! Don’t get mad at me for trying to do something you asked me to do! If you want to do it yourself, fine, take my fucking kit and leave.” When you saw the look he was giving you, you immediately felt bad. His eyes were wide with shock, mouth slightly agape. It was the first time you had seen him make an expression that was anything like this.
     You went to start apologizing before he ripped the damn thing off and tossed it at you. It thumped against your cheek before landing in your lap. You grabbed it and waved it at his face haphazardly.
     “You didn’t have to throw it at me!”
    “Just hurry and fix it!” He yelled back, crossing his arms and refusing to meet your eyes. His hand was shoved under his armpit as he tapped his foot rapidly against the wooden floor.
      You quickly got to work, the prince growing more and more impatient as you fixed the tear. “Would you hurry up?”
   “I’m trying! I want to make sure it’s done properly so I don’t have to redo it!”
    He leaned forward slightly to watch you work. It was impressive how quick you were with it, precise as the needle wove in and out of the fabric with ease. He watched as you bit your lip and began to tap your foot just as he had. He watched as your hair slipped down from behind your ear before you quickly pushed it back into place. Your eyes seemed to sparkle in the dim lap light, and his heart began to race. For a moment and a moment only, he finally relaxed. Then you were pulling the seam closed, tying the knot and smirking at your work.
   “Here, it’s done now you can-” He snatched it from you in an instant, struggling to put it on. You rolled your eyes, “a thanks would be nice.” He slid it on quickly, finally breathing a sigh of relief as he stared at the now closed seam. He could barely tell there had been a hole at all. He opened and closed his hand slowly to watch the fabric shift and ensure your work was good. Then he fell back on your bed and stared at the ceiling.
    You wheeled over to him again, watching as he shut his eyes tight and laid limp against your mattress. “Thank you,” was all he mustered up.
    “You’re welcome.” You replied, surprised he had even said anything. Your tone was soft when you spoke again, and he hated how it made him feel. “You can lay here as long as you need to.”
    Your phone went off in your pocket and you pulled it out quickly, finding a text from Bulma letting you know that she was home and going to take a quick shower. You stood up to leave before Vegeta sat up quickly, grabbing your wrist.
     “Can you stay?” He asked quietly, the glove soft against your wrist. You nodded, and quickly sat back down in your chair. He made his way once again to the edge of the bed, leaning his elbows against his legs as he clasped his hands together. He looked down at them, hunched over as he thought of what to say.
    “Ever since I was a kid,” he started, voice so low and deep it sent a shiver up your spine. “I have been a killing machine. It’s what I was made for and it’s all I’ve ever known.”
    You got up slowly and he paused before you nodded for him to continue. You shut and locked your door before walking back over to him and sitting in your chair. He nodded in thanks before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
    “I don’t have many memories of my father, and the ones that I do have are… complicated. Nappa raised me, if you could even call it that. Raditz was more of a nuisance than anything. Our goal was to survive, and one day I wanted to become powerful enough to beat Frieza. What a joke” He scoffed, shaking his head and looking back to the floor.
     “At first, taking lives was easy for me. I was doing nothing more than what I was assigned; I started to do more, go beyond what was required of me. The only one to praise me was Nappa, and even then it was never to my face. I was ridiculed and mocked, but it only pushed me farther, to do better. It was never what I wanted, but more so what needed to be done.”
    He didn’t know why the hell he was telling you this; he had never told anyone this. And yet now it was as if he couldn’t stop, he couldn’t shut his mouth long enough to think about what he was doing. “What was once hundreds went to thousands, then millions. I was eradicating races in the blink of an eye. Soon they weren’t just obstacles to me, but people with faces and lives I had ripped away from them. I had so much blood on my hands; I still have blood on my hands. So much blood that I will never, ever be able to get off.”
    He opened and closed his hands once more, the sounds of the fabric shifting in his grip. “I’m not a good man. Hell, I've never claimed to be one. But now Frieza is gone and it feels like everything I’ve done, everything I worked towards for years, was for nothing. The things I see in my sleep, what I feel when I’m awake, what I’ve gone through was for nothing.” He stopped for a moment, voice and tone becoming so quiet and serious you couldn’t believe it was the same person who had spoken to you just minutes ago. “I haven’t been able to look at my hands the same way since I was a child.”
     He finally looked up at you, eyes lidded as he smirked. You realized he was on the verge of tears. “Do you know how sad that is? A beast scared of his own damned hands. I’m a damn disgrace to my people.” He laughed after that, wiping his eyes and setting his hands back down. “Look at me, a prince crying in front of a damn lower life form.”
     You reached out hesitantly, tapping his hand with your fingers apprehensively. When he didn’t pull away you continued, scooting closer to him and pulling his hand up to lay between you both.
   You carefully ran your hand over his, sliding your fingers up and under the glove before pulling away slowly. You looked at him again, waiting for him to react or move away, to tell you to stop. Vegeta shut his eyes tight but didn’t pull away, his face pale as you set his glove carefully in your lap. To your surprise, his skin was soft, with yours perhaps being even rougher than his. Then again, you suppose that made sense if the saiyan never fought without them. 
    You traced your nails gently over his palm, studying the grooves in his skin and how neatly trimmed his nails were. “Well,” you started slowly, his breathing coming to a pause. “I don’t see any blood now.”
    Vegeta opened his eyes slowly, looking at your face carefully as you studied his hand. You were so delicate with him it made his breath hitch in his throat. 
    “Sure, maybe there was a lot there in the past, but not anymore. You can’t change what happened, but you can acknowledge it and move on, try to do better this time around.”
     When Vegeta looked at his own hand, he almost gasped in shock. It was his hand, as normal as any other. He looked back to you as you ran your thumb over top of his, gently moving your hand back and forth from his wrist to his knuckles.
     “You haven’t done good things, Vegeta. But I don’t think you’re a bad person. I think you need time and care to heal, and the first step towards that was acknowledging what we talked about today.” You paused, thinking carefully over your next choice of words before smiling softly. “I think there’s good in you. No, I know there is.”
    He watched the way your hair tumbled down and around your face, and how gentle your stare seemed to be. You weren’t repulsed or disgusted, but caring and considerate. He felt a blush rise first to the tips of his ears and then his cheeks before he pulled his hand away and slid his glove back on. He stood up after that, walking briskly across the room without turning back. He unlocked the door and opened it, pausing to think for a moment. Then, he made his way down the hall, wondering what the hell had just come over him as his heart raced out of control.
    A few days later he came home to find a second pair of gloves folded neatly on his bed along with a note, “just in case <3.” His face flushed as he went to crumple it up, but upon reading it just one more time, he found he couldn’t. He shoved it in the drawer of his bedside table, grumbling under his breath as he left to go train.
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paganminiskirt · 6 months
Something upsetting about Bulma’s reaction to Vegeta’s suicide - and it was a suicide, no matter the grandiose aims he assigned to it - is how it reflects the state of their relationship at the time of his death. That sacrifice is meant to be Vegeta’s first moment of real selflessness and maturity, growth which is contrasted by the way Bulma seems to almost regress when she gets word of it: she’s so consumed by her own ugly, undignified grief that she doesn’t react to Chi Chi collapsing about Gohan's death at all, as understandable as it is. In the anime, Bulma shouts “no,” and she shouts his name, but in the manga it’s just a shapeless, agonized wail. Reminds me of Vegeta weeping when he realized he couldn't beat Frieza. Vulnerable. Childlike.
And that comparison could almost make you think that the grief Bulma is expressing is, itself, shallow or childish. King Kai isn't there to explain the depth of her feelings, the way he was when Frieza tortured Vegeta. Bulma was introduced to Dragon Ball as a young girl, and her characterization back then revolved largely around vanity, pettiness and selfishness. When she wasn't acting that way, the story was demonstrating her precociousness and abnormal intelligence - and having adult men casually sexualize her, as if she were a grown woman.
If we've learned anything from the previous arcs, it's that slotting children into adult roles has disastrous, counterintuitive consequences. Gohan is forced to fight Cell at age eleven and almost loses the fight because he gets caught up in his own immature sadism. Vegeta is introduced to us with little to no detail on his face, making him look younger than he is, especially since he's under five feet tall. It's no surprise, when the story shows him slaughtering total strangers and old friends alike like he's ripping the wings off a butterfly. It's no surprise, when the story tells us that the whole time, he was a child soldier and a slave.
So there are themes that could potentially make you read Bulma as having stunted emotional processing skills as an adult. There's also the fact that, when Bulma and Vegeta's relationship first started, it was fulfilling needs for both of them that weren't especially healthy or mature. Bulma was breaking off a romance and potential engagement with Yamcha, which was likely somewhat codependent, considering they'd been together since youth and were each the other's first lover. Vegeta was coming off his aforementioned death-by-torture from a lifelong abuser, and Frieza himself had only just died. With that in mind, who could forget Puar and Yamcha gawping at Bulma as she gives Vegeta an order and he obeys her, trailing behind her like a pet, pouting, but doing it anyways. What’s the line in the original Japanese version? “Vegeta is completely under her control?”
So it didn’t start off particularly healthy. Bulma is feeling wounded and vulnerable, she wants some reassurance and to make Yamcha jealous. Vegeta wants reassurance as well, and underneath that, to be told what to do. The offset of their relationship has Vegeta using Bulma to soothe the part of him that still needed to be apart of that structure, that control, that obedience. He objectified himself to her, even if she didn’t know it.
But Bulma’s reaction to his second death rejects that reading of their relationship entirely. Rejects the idea that Vegeta’s self-destruction could ever be a positive thing, even though he was doing it in defense of her, this act of willingly placing his own needs behind someone else’s which a more self-centered personality would’ve gobbled up. Did gobble up. Vegeta’s fought for the sake of other people before! He fought for Frieza! It’s just that those acts of violence were exclusively destructive and exploitative, never defensive, and no matter the attitude Vegeta adopted while doing it, he wasn’t allowed to say no.
Like, I’m sure Goku told her that Vegeta did what he did out of love and altruism, but it doesn’t help. Because Bulma doesn’t want to hear that Vegeta loved her enough to kill himself. She just wants him to be alive.
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actuallysaiyan · 1 year
Stand By Me(Vegeta x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, mentions of death, AU(Reader is Trunks' mother and Bulma isn't married to Vegeta), slight breeding kink, creampie finish word count: 1.8k pairings: Vegeta x Fem!Reader a/n: This is the Soft!Vegeta smut fic from my poll! I hope you all enjoy! I dedicate this to @witchofcustom and all the other Vegeta lovers out there!
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Despite his insistence that he is the strongest and unbeatable because he’s the prince of all Saiyans, Vegeta’s absence still worries you. You had known what you were getting yourself into when you married him and had Trunks, but Vegeta would worry you a lot. And not because he wasn’t strong but because you lost him before and you never wanted to go through any of that pain again. It would kill you to go through all of it over again. You weren’t sure you’d ever be able to recover from it.
He had left with Goku about a month ago to help defeat some evil, and while you understood why Vegeta did what he had to, it still made you miss him so much. It was unbearable to be without him on lonely nights or whenever your son would ask if his daddy would be coming home soon. It was just something you both needed to adjust to. Though it wasn’t easy, having your son was something that could help make it better. 
You would often look at the calendar or your watch, hoping that Vegeta would soon be at the door, bloody and exhausted, but very much alive. It felt like forever whenever he left like this. You were so proud of your husband and his changes and how he preferred to save the world instead of destroying it. But sometimes, you wished you could be selfish and keep him home all to yourself. 
It’s late one night about two months since Vegeta and Goku left. You have no real way of communicating with either of them, which makes all of this so much worse. You have the hardest time sleeping these days, considering you only worry about your husband and try to put on a brave face for Trunks.
You can’t sleep. It’s been hours since you put Trunks to bed. You have your TV on but you aren’t really paying attention to it. You just keep thinking about your husband. Despite his grumpy demeanor and incessant penchant for training to become better than Goku, Vegeta was your rock. He had saved you when you two had met on Namek. He was wild and feral, murdering for no good reason other than to get his hands on the dragon balls first. But he saved you from an attack by one of Frieza’s henchmen. And when he died on Namek, you witnessed the tears of a Saiyan who had gone through the worst in life. You saw this different side of him that you weren’t sure was meant to be seen by anyone.
The two of you connected on Earth. He had been reluctant at first but it soon turned into a whirlwind romance. After you had Trunks, Vegeta worked hard on becoming a good father and husband. It was difficult for him at first, but he slowly got into routine. Though he often reverted to his old ways of fighting and training constantly, Vegeta did what he could to make family time.
It’s when you lost him the second time that you crumbled. And whenever he left, you always prayed for his safe return to you. You never wanted to lose your husband again. You’d surely die if you lost him again. He had sacrificed himself for you and the planet and everyone else, and you missed him so much. You had been so fucking depressed. But now, you tried to be so strong for him and Trunks.
Your thoughts are interrupted by a noise at your bedroom door. You think it might be your son but the door opens to reveal your very exhausted prince. He looks at you in the glow of the television, and he swears you’re the most beautiful sight he’s ever laid eyes on. 
His outfit is hanging by threads, his body is bruised and filthy, but he’s smirking at you. You rush over to him and wrap your arms around him. You press the softest kisses to his neck and chest before you capture his lips with yours. It’s so passionate and so loving, and your fingers tangle in the little tufts of hair at the nape of his neck.
“Vegeta, you’re home,” you mumble as you nuzzle your face in his chest. Tears sting your eyes at this point.
“Of course I am, woman. I’m the prince of all Saiyans, undefeatable.” He gloats but his voice softens when he notices you are crying.
He cups your face and presses a passionate kiss on your lips. He gently wipes away your tears with his gloved thumbs. All your worries were melting away now that he was finally here in front of you. He holds you a little tighter now, relishing in how good it feels to have you here with him.
“I missed you so, so much,” you confess with a sniffle.
“Hey…you don’t need to worry about those things anymore. I promised you that the last time would really be the last time. I won’t let that happen to me ever again until we’re both very old.” He reassures you. A kiss is pressed to the top of your head.
Whenever he was sweet with you like this, it always excited you a little. He kisses you again and this time he deepens it a lot. You’re both melting into each other’s touch. And Vegeta gently pushed you back onto the bed. Your eyes lock with his as he crawls on top of you. 
“Let me show you how much I missed you,” He says as he begins undressing you. 
You let him take the lead. Though he is filthy and a little bloody, you want him so badly right now. With his teeth, he tugs off his gloves and you moan as his calloused hands begin caressing you all over. You’re in heaven now that he’s finally touching you like this. You needed this more than anything else.
It’s like you fit so perfectly underneath him. You’re pretty much purring from this stimulation. He cups your breasts and pushes them together. Vegeta grunts as he begins sucking and nipping on the swell of your breasts, leaving marks in his wake. Once he’s done with you, you’ll be so marked up. You’ll have to come up with some bogus excuse for those who ask about what happened to you. You’re putty in his hands as he continues his affections to your tits.
“Fucking beautiful,” he grunts before leaning up to kiss you roughly.
He’s not really able to wait much longer. He needs to be balls deep inside of your tight cunt right now. But he also knows you need a little bit of foreplay before he can slip into you. One of his hands reaches down to toy with your already wet pussy. You cry out when he slips two of his fingers into you. Mewls and little whimpers fall from your lips as he expertly curls his fingers against your spongy spot.
“You make it hard to leave, you know that?” Vegeta asks, his voice hot and wet against your ear. “Makes me want to stay home and breed you until we have another baby.”
Your walls clamp down around his digits, “A-another baby?”
He growls, “I’d let you have a million of my children, if it were possible.”
He pulls his fingers from you and he watches as the thin strings of your arousal stretch between his fingers. He loves how wet and excited you get just at the thought of carrying another one of his children. Trunks was such a perfect little baby, and now you could have a second one.
Vegeta spreads your thighs and he removes his ruined outfit. He pumps his cock a few times before teasing your clit with the leaking head. You’re both moaning and panting before you gasp when he pushes into you. It’s such a stretch as he keeps opening you up.
“I missed you so fucking much,” you whine as he slowly begins to bottom out.
Vegeta hushes you with a kiss, “I know, I know. I’m sorry for being gone so long.”
Vegeta’s pace is slow and deliberate, making sure to stimulate that spongy spot deep inside of you. He wants to feel you come undone all over his cock. He’s been craving it for months now and he’s not about to stop until you make a big mess on the sheets. His mind had come up with the filthiest things he’d do to you when he came home, but right now he’s just focused on fucking you so sensually.
“Wanna fill you up,” he moans. “Gonna make you a mommy again. Trunks needs siblings,”
Your nails rake down his back before you cup his ass to pull him in even deeper, “Please, my prince, please breed me.”
He doesn’t need to hear much more than your pleading. Vegeta pushes your legs up to your chest and you’re both panting and groaning like animals in heat from this new angle. He reaches so deep inside of you like this. It’s so perfect to finally have him so deep inside of you like this.
“I’m always going to love you, and I promise I’ll never leave you like I did before.” Vegeta promises, and he kisses you passionately.
“I’m always going to love you too.”
Vegeta grunts as he feels your walls squeezing him so tightly. He’s missed this more than most things. He tried to jerk off a few times when he was away, but it was almost impossible. Plus his fist never feels as good as your little cunt. He leans in to nip at your neck, leaving more marks and hickies there too. His hand reaches between you and him, rubbing your clit slowly.
“Please, cum for me, princess.”
Your eyes screw shut as the pleasure builds more and more. The coil in your stomach is already threatening to snap before you know it. It’s just been so long without your husband and you tried to please yourself, but nobody can do it quite like him. Not even your toys do him justice. It’s just him and you right now in this moment.
“Gonna cum!” You cry out as you feel the coil finally snap. 
Your walls pulse and clench around his throbbing cock, sending him over the edge along with you. As you milk him for all he’s got, you’re just drenching the sheets beneath you. There’s a slight puddle as you slowly come down from your high. Vegeta is grunting and groaning, pumping into you even deeper to make sure his seed takes.
Then finally, it’s just you and him panting and trying to catch your breath. You whine gently as he begins pulling out, but you gasp as you feel two of his fingers pushing the cum back in.
“Guess I need to take the time to properly breed my princess now that I’m home.”
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
Saiyans w/ Babies Headcanons
☆☆ Pairing: character x female reader ( black & non-black ) ☆☆ Content: implied established relationship. gendered babies. good/bad parenting headcanons. fluff. familial / storge love. how the baby has their canon siblings is up to you. ♥
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Goku — It's a girl!
He is a coddler, always ready to take care of her. He wants to do everything for the baby, hold her everywhere they go, push her stroller, fill quiet spaces with her giggles, take bubble baths together, and play with her every second of the day. Goku will jump to do anything she needs. Except maybe change her diaper. But he won't put up a fuss if he has to do it. Nap times are hard for him but he understands the importance of your baby needing her sleep. Sometimes he falls asleep watching her if he's 100% sure it's safe. It's a miracle when they wear themselves out and nap together. He tends to get antsy if he's away from her for too long. He will use the phone Bulma gave him to call you so he can talk to her when he misses her (unfortunately it doesn't work in outer space). It's only natural that once she starts to show signs of her power he's going to want to start training her, but will wait until she's old enough to talk and walk before really pushing for it. You keep little reminders around the kitchen of how much she is allowed to eat at a time to prevent overfeeding her, but sometimes Goku gives her just a little extra. A child of his must have a healthy appetite just as he does.
If existing siblings: Goten is just another Goku, very playful with his little sister and tries to show her all the games he and Gohan use to play when he was little. Gohan around his time is busy with school/work, but when he does come around he joins in on the old games. He will offer to babysit her to give you and Goku a break, also so Videl can spend time with her too. Expect some training to really start by the time she's 4 or 5.
Cons- Goku is not helpful at night or if the baby is ill. Goku is a heavy sleeper, by the time his brain reacts to the baby crying in the middle of the night, you've already got a handle on it. He will at least stay up to help where he can as he is sympathetic to her crying. But if she is sick, then he's not sure what medicine he is supposed to give her or if she has to go to the hospital.
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Vegeta — It's a girl!
His baby is a clinger. Strong, little hands that hold onto everything and don't do well with separation. Of course Vegeta cares for his child but tends to be hesitant actually holding her because of it and the fuss that follows when he pries her hands off. But he will still hold her every time, getting used to his ear and the skin of his cheek being pulled. It excites him knowing that his baby girl has this kind of natural strength and can only imagine what kind of latent power she'll develop as she grows. If she's only half-saiyan, he is the one who makes the call to remove her tail while she's still young. It's a bittersweet decision, but he knows it's a safety precaution for her and you. Definitely one to brag about his baby. Vegeta actually panics if the baby is sick or if she has a small fall that bumps her head and will take it out on others regardless of blame. Because of the baby's clingy behavior, it could be hard for him to leave anywhere or to go train. Unless it's a dire situation, he knows that the moment she sees him leaving she's going to cry and he'll feel guilty. Depending on where you all go in public, Vegeta will be standing very close to the stroller or he will insist on carrying the sleeping baby everywhere while you handle things.
If existing siblings: Trunks is the most protective of his younger siblings and loves to see his family grow. Bulla loves having a little sister the most and tries to play dress up with her. The two girls will get the last say on things as Trunks (being the only son) will get outvoted. Like her older siblings, your daughter will have more distinct features that resemble you but like Trunks will have a scowl just like her father. Trunks and Bulla were also clingy babies so Vegeta most likely already has practice dealing with it and learns to keep small toys for gripping so he can hold her without the fussing or those tiny nails scratching him up. Future Trunks would be ecstatic to know he is a big brother and it will make more determined to protect a world and future where she would be safe too.
Cons- He gets frustrated when he can't soothe her. Sometimes babies just cry and when he can't figure it out he lets his temper get the best of him. Sometimes raising his voice at the baby and immediately regrets it when it scares her. That's when you have to take over and let him get out of the house. He will try to make up for it after he's calmed down or had some time to train again.
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Broly — It's a boy!
The smiliest little guy you've ever seen and a spitting image of his father with skin and colorful eyes reflecting light like yours. Broly never saw this amount of joy in being a parent for himself. He was happy to know you were pregnant with his child, but to see the baby for the first time made him very emotional, realizing that he officially has become a father. He was given another person of his own to cherish and love. A family! Because he can't really talk to the baby, Broly mimics all the little things you do to show your love: stacking kiss upon kiss to his cheek until he giggles, playing peek-a-boo with a blanket, and humming to him. It's the most gentle he can ever remember himself being. If he could he would sit from sun up to sun down holding his son without moving an inch. He loves to hold him when he sleeping the most and wrap him in Ba's ear, but it does make it difficult for you when you need to lay him down for a nap or for the night. Broly's really out of his element and has to be shown the right way to hold him, feed him and change him. Absolutely hates being separated from his son longer than a day or two, but he does have his own training to work on and is twice as focused on it knowing he has his son to protect. Broly can't wait until he's big enough to play with.
Cons- He is too overprotective. Aside from your family, Cheelai, Lemo, Goku, and Vegeta, he's not letting anyone else get close to his son while he's so young. Not even Lord Beerus. He can also be helpless and get worked up if he cannot calm his crying child or help them while he's sick. He blames himself for it if it starts when he's with him. Until his son starts to show signs of his power being like his, Broly is not letting anyone remove his tail either and will become short-tempered when it gets brought up. He just wants to give his son a chance to live like everyone else in a safe place and without being judged by things he may do instead of what he can do.
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Raditz — It's a boy!
Overall he has a very well-tempered baby boy who one would think rarely cries, but he's also prone to the worse temper tantrums. Raditz both likes and dislikes it, a sign that his son is a strong and healthy saiyan, but the fact that you won't allow him to stick your baby in a nursery pod when he's fussy can make the crying a bit excessive on his nerves. He learns to get used to it since it's not often. Often holds his baby on his shoulder with one hand, whether resting stomach-down while he's sleeping or supporting his back so he can sit up there. He tries to carry him with his tail but you ask him many times not to do that while he's so small or the pressure may make him puke up, so instead he does it when the baby is lying down next to him. The more mobile the baby is on his own, the more he is able to really bond and play with him. You can catch them both crawling after each other, chasing the other down in a fit of laughter. Raditz's son starts to show early signs of his saiyan abilities ( flight mostly ) which can lead to them sometimes playing a little rougher, but they sleep it off together, passing out in odd positions where they fall.
Cons- He puts too many expectations on his child, comparing his development to his own childhood. Raditz is not very helpful or handy with a newborn/infant stage which could leave you dealing with the baby alone throughout that stage. Even with saiyan blood coursing through his body, you have to remind Raditz that you're not raising your child for war and he would have to wait for him to get a little older before you were comfortable with him training him. Like Vegeta, he tends to lose his temper when he can't soothe a tantrum from crying and will distance himself to get some peace.
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Bardock — It's a girl!
And a very independent-behaving child. Bardock most likely was not present during those early stages or to see his baby girl born, but she's still small enough that he can interact with her without feeling lost in what he should do to bond with her. He talks to her like she's another adult and she smiles at him like she understands but knows it mostly goes over her head unless he mentions some familiar words that perk her up. Bardock is more interactive with her when he's just gotten back home from his missions, she often gets to greet him before you and that immediately lightens his mood from all the troubles that follow him home. He'll carry her around more or let her ride on his shoulders, gift her with souvenirs from other planets, and play with her. However, Bardock does tend to get restless and can't focus on much until he's leaving out for his next mission. If there is one thing he would try to teach her is how to master her Great Ape form, he himself being one of few who are able to control himself in it.
If existing siblings: The baby would probably see Kakarot and Raditz as much as they see Bardock. Bardock is actually relieved to have a daughter instead of another son, a part of him knows that there would be more roles for her to stay on the planet than venture out and claim some planet for Frieza. Especially if she is weaker. He can't really help that with his two boys, but he doesn't want his little girl going out unnecessarily. Even if she would be as fierce a warrior, there had to be more she could do than live the life of a low-class warrior. It may be a while before she gets to really bond with her big brothers. Raditz would point out some favoritism for her over himself and Kakarot and come to resent her a little but the latter will probably not think much of her. If she's half-saiyan, then "Goku" would indeed be her best friend and treat her like she's his own kid but she may not have that chance with Raditz.
Cons- Bardock does put his lifestyle before his child and would not be very present. He is a man stuck in his ways as a low-class saiyan warrior and he has to answer the calling. Spending time with you and his daughter is him mostly biding time for the next mission, so while he does get to see her and become familiar with her budding personality, you will mostly be raising her alone. He does still cherish the moments with his daughter.
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Gohan — It's twin boys!
He definitely didn't see that coming, but he has a bright pair of twin baby boys! Gohan is very attentive to his babies since he's handling two at a time. It's not like helping his mom with Goten at all. He has mixed them up before but the more they grow into their features, the more he can tell them apart. Sensing their ki also helps. Gohan takes a lot of time away from school/work to help you with the twins. At least until they are a little older. He knows he's going to have to put in some extra effort to catch up or even to get the position he wants when he goes back but his priority is to you and his family right now. Even with help from his grandfather, parents, and little brother, he wants to be sure he's there for these early stages of their lives. Gohan has the best support system when Piccolo is also factored in that he can have a healthy work/life balance, but he doesn't think about it when he's reading his twins to sleep, washing their hair before bed, or feeding them breakfast in the morning. You actually have to convince Gohan to go back to work/school ( with Chi Chi's encouragement as well ) once the babies are bigger and you can manage them on your own. He will show off all the pictures he took of them to his colleagues and video chat every lunch break so he can eat with them. The twins show off a level of intelligence beyond their development sometimes and it's chalked up to just there being two of them or even linked to their saiyan biology but it can make them a little mischievous.
If existing siblings: Big sister Pan is a big helper to her little brothers. She can't wait for them to get old enough to start training with her and Piccolo. She takes her older sibling responsibility very seriously and will help you and Gohan anywhere she can. Gohan would like to think from raising Pan and his own little brother that he has all the experience he needs to handle his twins but they wise up quickly and show they can be a handful.
Cons- Gohan is a pushover and gives the babies anything they want. He gets reprimanded for it by everyone, but he really can't help it! Two heads working against him tend to make him cave to their little demands and he can end up spoiling them. But it makes him happy to make them happy.
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Hi, how are you. I like your stories very much, may I ask you for a little story. Reader is an old friend of songoku and bulma and recently became close to cupsel corp. Drawn. Raditz was pardoned and was allowed to join the Z group more or less voluntarily. He is alone at vegeta's home and trained, when a reader surprises, rings the doorbell in a bit of panic and asks if bulma is there.... (reader has caught his eye a few times and somehow she interests him more and more. Because otherwise she also is more fearless) but now she is in a panic after a stalker has destroyed her apartment..... Well, how does raditz react now.
Greetings from Bavaria Germany
Hi there! Thanks so much for liking my work! I’m so sorry for such a long wait, and I hope you like this fic! (TW for emotional and verbally abusive ex, some curse words) 
752 days. 752 days ago, Raditz was in the depths of Hell. It was sweltering and barren, and he had sworn to himself that if he ever got out, he would do anything in his power to make sure he would not return. However, as he held his head in his hand, Raditz was sure that he was probably in Hell on earth.
"C’mon Uncle Raditz, let's go! You promised dad you'd warm us up for training today!" Goten whined. Raditz grumbled under his breath, trying in vain to shake Goten and his friend, Trunks, off his legs.
"Get lost, you brats," Raditz said.
Goten and Trunks continued to whine, pouting as Raditz scowled and glared down at them. They grinned, eyes glinting with unspoken mischief. The two boys looked at each other before snickering. Goten charged a weak blast before firing it off at Raditz. 
“Damn brat!” Raditz snarled. He watched as Trunks and Goten sped off, content with causing the man trouble. Raditz dusted himself off as he watched them before shaking his head and rolling his eyes. Turning on his heel, Raditz stalked deeper into the backyard, content to train on his own for the rest of the evening.  
Sweat dripped down Raditz’s brow. His chest heaved as the sun set behind him. Glancing at a rock, Raditz made his way to it to rest as the dust settled around him. Closing his eyes, Raditz took a deep breath as his breathing and heart slowed.
Suddenly, the sound of a motor roused Raditz from his rest. Raditz looked up to see a light blue car speeding down the road. It careened to the front of the Capsule Corp home, just out of Raditz’s view. Raditz stood, stretched, and stalked his way to the back of the Capsule House.
“Bulma! Bulma!” A voice cried. Raditz frowned, looking around the corner. The doorbell rung again and again, and whoever was behind the door was in a huff as they pounded on the floor. Raditz growled to himself as he wrenched the door open. He was just about to reprimand the intruder when he paused.
A woman stood there; her hand posed to knock again. She pursed her lips for a second before dropping her arm and fidgeting under Raditz’s gaze.
“Ah, hi. Sorry to bother you. Is Bulma home?”
Raditz’s mouth opened and closed, before he growled to himself and glared at the woman.
“Depends,” he said. “Why?”
Raditz blanched as the woman smiled.
“Y/N,” she said. “I’m Y/N. I’m sorry for the weird introduction, I really wouldn’t have come if I knew Bulma had company, but I really don’t have any other choice right now. Can I come in?”
Raditz said nothing, opting instead to move to the side. Y/N came through the door and looked around. She walked to the kitchen and sat herself down at the table with a huff.
Raditz stared at the woman as she fixed her hair and smoothed out her clothes. She wrung her hands and looked up at Raditz before speaking.
“Do you know when Bulma will be back? It’s really important,” she said.
Raditz shook his head.
“What do you need her for anyway? You two friends or something? If you are, you should know her schedule by now,” he hissed. Raditz’s eyes widened as Y/N let out a huff before laughing all together.
“That’s right! Now I know where I know you from. You’re Goku’s brother, right? I mean, you’re right, I’m always around Bulma and the gang, but I can never really get her schedule down.”
Raditz rolled his eyes, fidgeting under the woman’s gaze.
“She and her husband left this morning. She left her brat kid and his friend here,” Raditz said.
Y/N scoffed, slumping down in her seat.
“Well, shit,” she said. She looked up at Raditz, biting her lip for a moment.
“Do you think you could do something for me?” Y/N asked. Raditz frowned. Y/N continued.
“There’s this guy. I used to, well, we used to be together. He won’t leave me alone. He’s always at my house, outside my job, shit, he showed up at my place last night. I don’t know where else to go, and I was hoping Bulma was here but since she isn’t…” Y/N trailed off. Raditz’s eye twitched as she continued.
“I’m not asking for you to do anything that would get you in trouble. Could you just maybe, go with me while he’s still there? He’s supposed to be moving his stuff out, and he has until sundown until I call the cops. I just need the moral support,” Y/N said. She wrung her hands together, watching Raditz intently.
“Fine,” Raditz said.
Y/N let out a squeal. She jumped from her seat at the table to launch herself at Raditz; Raditz stood bewildered as Y/N hugged his neck and jumped up and down.
“Thank you so much!” Y/N said. “You don’t know how much this means to me! I’ll drive us!”
Raditz waved his hand, his face pink and his eyes trained to the floor.
“No need, I don’t like those things. You just go and I’ll follow,” he said. Y/N said nothing; she instead skittered to the door and flung it open, all but throwing herself outside and into her car.
Once he arrived, Raditz could see why Y/N needed help. Clothes scattered the lawn, with a windowpane broken and glimmering on the grass as well. Raditz could hear a car door slamming shut, and he look to Y/N as she marched next to him.
“Are you kidding? Asshole ruined my stuff!” she yelled. Y/N went to work, gather her scattered clothes from the grass, and she had an arm full when her house’s door slammed open.
“Look who decided to drag their sorry ass back here! You come running back?” the man screamed from the doorway. Raditz crossed his arms, watching the other male intently. Raditz stepped forward as the other man spoke again.
“And who the fuck is this?”
“My name is Raditz,” Raditz said. “Get out of the house and we can make this quick.”
The angry man swore and spat, marching from the house to Raditz’s face. Raditz looked down at the man. He could feel his mouth twitch as the angry man tried his best to puff himself up to look taller compared to Raditz.
“C’mon,” Raditz said. “Get outta here. I don’t have all day, and neither does she,” Raditz said, motioning toward Y/N.
“Shut the hell up!” Y/N’s ex cried. Y/N looked up just in time to see him swing at Raditz’s jaw. His fist connected, and Y/N’s jaw dropped as Raditz didn’t move an inch. The man drew his hand back, howling and groaning. Raditz laughed and stepped forward.
“That all you got tough guy? C’mon, lay another one on me.”
Another fist connected with Raditz, and once again, the man cursed and spat at the pain blooming in his fingers.
“Freak! Dammit! My hands!”
Raditz rolled his eyes. Gingerly, he picked Y/N’s ex up by his collar.
“Scram,” Raditz said. He dropped the man, who scrambled away on his behind.
“Fine! I’m outta here, you crazy bitch and crazier fucker. I don’t want any part of this shit,” the man said. Y/N watched with glee as he got up and hurriedly fished his keys out of his pockets before retreating to a parked car in the driveway.
“Raditz!” Y/N cried. Raditz turned around just in time to see Y/N with her arms stretched out wide. He cleared his throat as Y/N hugged him tight.
“Thank you so much! You don’t know how much it means to me!” Y/N said. Raditz blinked and cleared his throat again, noticing how close his face was to Y/N’s. Y/N realized as well, stepping back and smiling.
“Heh, sorry. Anyway… wanna help me pick all this shit up?”
Raditz snorted.
“You got it, I’m just here for moral support.” 
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cosmos-philia · 6 months
So expect more of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z here, including me posting more often. I've been more on Twitter due to my political engagement, but I'm in serious need of a temporary break from the news altogether.
I'm really autistic, so it wouldn't surprise most people I was completely unaware of the Goku x Vegeta pairing. I mean, as a shipper myself, I imagined people were also finding ways to write yaoi in DBZ, but I didn't see anything remotely queer during my infancy, opposite from shows like Sakura Card Captor, Sailor Moon, Saint Seiya (my first yaoi pairing was Shun x Hyoga), and even YuYu Hakusho (remember Hiei x Kurama?) - those are among my favorites from that time.
After the sad, major news from these last few weeks, I've come in contact with screens from newer series, edits from the old ones, and new fanarts and commentary, especially the humorous ones, containing a queer reading of the series.
As the show is targeted at cis, white, heterosexual men and boys (not even disputing it), surely I expect people not to grasp queerness out of this quickly. However, if we consider most of western and eastern medias through time were engulfed in misogynistic treatment of women, it's no wonder homoeroticism in shades of grey is depicted and it is also a possible interpretation based on an unconscious delivery by the author.
The icing on the cake was when I discovered DBZ is found within the "Enemies to Lovers" section in one of the many streaming services out there. Of course they are indirectly mentioning Goku and Vegeta.
Man. How. Did. I. Not. See. It. Then???
Kakavege is an integral piece of the narrative as much as Goku x Bulma friendship, Goku's gentleness and love for mankind, and the friendship and familial bonds established post conflict resolutions.
I just loved the invented ship's name. Way better not to confuse people when we consider talking about fusions, even though they are also more evidence to the shipping - and all.
Kakavege is so in character, important narrative-wise, and good for their developments later on the series! They were also predecessors of many ships I deeply love, even more than Kakavege, such as Zukaang (Zuko and Aang). They are old queens indeed, and I'm gonna prove it. Hahaha.
The fan works of this pairing are surprising me positively! I'm thrilled.
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rcmclachlan · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @microcomets. Thanks, friendo!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
71 currently. I've orphaned a bunch, though.
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
These days I write for whichever fandom strikes my fancy—it might be a new one, or it might be one that I fall back into every so often. My most recent fics have been a mix of new (Beyond Evil, Good Omens, Loki) and old (Cardcaptor Sakura).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Long Live The King (DBZ, bulma/vegeta)
Stopgap (Good Omens, crowley/aziraphale)
100 Zeni (DBZ, trunks/goten, bulma/vegeta)
Named (Supernatural, dean/castiel)
Solve for X (MCU, tony/loki)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I've gotten better at this! I now make sure to reply to every comment on my newer works (sometimes it's a bit overwhelming, but I think the effort is worth it).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Oneiori. Like, Cas gets a happy-ish ending, but it's not going to last. Womp womp.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
These days, I try to end all my fics on a happy note! The happiest that comes to mind is Heritage Site.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I think I've gotten hate maybe twice since I started posting to AO3 in 2010? That's statistically negligible, which is kind of amazing!
9. Do you write smut?
Not often. I don't mind writing it, but it really needs to serve a purpose to the story for me to make the effort.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written?
Nah, not really my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, but I've had a fic's summary stolen! That was a trip.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I'm floored people like my work enough to put that kind of time and effort into translating it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. I tried, but it ultimately didn't work out (mostly due to writer's block and scheduling issues).
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
This is like asking me which of my children I love more. It'd take me a month to answer this question and I'd need someone at CERN to check my work.
I will say Kakashi/Iruka is my most enduring fave; I started reading them in 2005 and fall back into them every 3 or so years. I'm currently in a kakairu cycle (as if y'all couldn't tell).
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Speaking of Kakashi/Iruka.... Hadopelagia. It was just far too big in scope for me to even think about finishing. I think I frightened myself out of it! For the best, though. I re-read it the other night and it's a MESS. This is why betas are so important, kids.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've gotten a lot of comments about how I use metaphor effectively, as well as comedy. I don't think I'm particularly funny compared to other writers, but it always fills me with joy when someone mentions my dumb sense of humor.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Definitely smut. There's nothing worse than trying to keep track of where everyone's legs are.
Me: "I used the word 'cock' fourteen times in this paragraph......... well, maybe no one will notice."
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I've done it! Named had a whole scene written in Spanish (I tried my hand at it and then had a native speaker edit it). I think when done well, it adds something really meaningful to a story.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The first fanfic I ever wrote was before I even knew what fanfiction was. It was an Animorphs self-insert fic and I wrote it on a legal pad at my grandparents' house in like 1997. The first fandom I officially posted fic for was Fruits Basket in 2003, followed by QAF in 2004.
20. Favorite fic you have written?
Probably A Twist of the Knife. I had an absolute blast writing Nie Huaisang, and I'm really proud of the story as a whole (which is rare for me).
Tagging: @sonatine, @lemonistas, @stitchyblogs, @dadvans, @ataraxetta, @nandalorian, and anyone else who wants to get in on the action. :-D
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dragon-ball-meta · 1 year
-doesn't know what a kiss is
-forgot senzu
-putting a hit on hinself
I think you get the point. DBS Goku feels almost like TFS Goku at times, pre-DBS Goku was naive but not a moron.
Ah well, y'see, here's the problem: One of those isn't true, one is something that could literally happen to anyone, and the other isn't exactly stupid in context. Goku didn't not know what a kiss was, the joke there is in Goku not understanding why Trunks is feeding Mai a Senzu like that, and Vegeta ASSUMING he doesn't know what a kiss is. Toyotaro (and the dub for some reason) decided to change it to literally not knowing what a kiss was. Forgetting something in a high-stress situation is something that could honestly happen to anyone, so I'm really not counting that as some sort of unprecedented act of stupidity. Goku's been shown to be a bit airheaded throughout the series too, so I'm not sure why this specific instance keeps getting singled out. And part of the purpose of the "hit" on himself was to fight Hit again at his absolute best, no holding back, and try to get a better grasp on his abilities before the ToP so as to avoid being overwhelmed come the tournament proper. It was to gather intel, but he had failsafes in place in the event something went wrong. And it did indeed wind up being useful. But now that I know the criteria for what's considered "stupid", off the top of my head: -Goku promising to marry someone because he assumed it was a kind of food -Goku sparing Piccolo and Vegeta because he wanted to fight them again -Goku promising lewd photos of Bulma to the old Kai to get him to help Gohan and not seeing why Vegeta was so mad -Goku siding with Vegeta about pre-emotively attacking Gero and putting a stop to his work on the Androids because he wants to see how strong they are and test himself against them -Goku tossing Cell a Senzu -Goku not trying to finish Buu when he first fought him at SSJ3 despite thinking he could possibly have done it Now granted, all of the above have contextual reasons behind them, and honestly, the Super stuff does too. But again, if that's our criteria, then I fail to see how Super would have him so much worse.
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dballzposting · 6 months
do u ever think abt how like trunks was probably raised by the internet growing up. bc yknow his parents werent ever really there. its interesting cause like he probably just kinda had to yet up on his own legs when his parents werent there and kinda worked his way around things, he likely got it from bulma, the problem solving that is. because he definitely didn't from vegeta. i like to imagine when trunks and goten were basically old enough to kinda make friends with eachother, which was when they were probably like 8, goten looked up to trunks a lot because he was older than him and like so cool his mom was really rich and trunks' dad would fight his dad and that was cool. from trunks perspective i feel like he kinda realized that goten was like kinda stupidly smart, trunks was too but he'd rather do other things and was like "yo this kid can do my homework for me" because trunks never really considered people for just being people at first because he wanted to try to live up to his who whenever visted dad would just huff at him and get what he came for. never really paying attention to trunks. i feel like after awhile of getting to knos goten better he kinda started like actually playing with him-- like a real kid, yknow? he let goten on his xbox and they woulc play zombies and goten was always so fascinated because his mom never allowed him any type of electronic devices or access to the internet. all goten had were books and whatever happened outside and sometimes even dvds he could play. i feel like they idolized eachother but never realized the other one felt the same way, and then as they grew up they kinda rubbed off on eachother
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Trunks was definitely encouraged to explore and figure things out on his own for sure !! This of course also meant that he went out and found his own culture and place in it outside of the context of his house. Maybe that meant becoming a minecraft youtuber. What of it
Maybe a feeling of culture & connection was absent at home if his dad never wanted to connect with him, just train him. That makes sense that Trunks would inhabit that attitude and treat others like a commodity as well. I definitely see in him a kid who is bumbling through and trying to emulate what he's shown - but underneath that is an energetic and spontaneous child who is just having trouble making sense of conflicting inputs about the world, is all!
Goten's view of the world and his place in it was never that mysterious and contentious however so he's pretty well-adjusted I think. He's comfortable being the baby and looking up to Trunks and trusting that he knows what he's talking about. But he won't hesitate to defend his own mind or skin when it comes down to it. And Goten's authenticity rubs off on Trunks a bit, or rather encourages Trunks to just be himself. On one hand, Trunks lied when he said that he knew what a Majin Buu was because Goten seemed to believe that Trunks would know; but on the other hand, Trunks didn't try to push his competence further when he admitted that he too couldn't make sense of the high power levels they were sensing during their mad-flight over there. Rank matters to Trunks, and Goten is quick to assume his role as the youngest, but they are also quickly approaching an equilibrium.
i feel like they idolized eachother but never realized the other one felt the same way, and then as they grew up they kinda rubbed off on eachother
^ All There is To It Gang . . . . Goten looked up to Trunks becasue he was so skilled and knowledgeable and Trunks looked up to Goten becasue he was so fucking weird I MEAN he was trusting and playful and bold and he adapted fast and wasn't ever ashamed of who he was.
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Trunks comes into a lot of grace to be able to stop the implicit power struggle and admit equals with Goten. It's more rewarding, but it does require a humbling, and perhaps a painful rejection of his nuanceless-because-he's-still-just-a-kid understanding of that all-important pride, which is like a religious doctrine in his home. Of course he could have Saiyan Pride AND a best friend, and actually it does seem like he understands that (in the Kakarot sidequest that these screenshots are from, Trunks and Goten had been of the belief that Vegeta and Goku were friends), but . . . who knows. Worth thinking about.
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flannelepicurean · 9 months
Just sittin' here having a thought about Teen Gohan sneaking off to do some training with Uncle Raditz for Incredibly Complicated AU Reasons, and putting a little too much WHAM on the ol' KA-BLAM one good time, and then he's having a panic attack because Uncle Raditz is concussed as all goddamn fuck.
And he calls Bulma, because she'll know what to do, right? She's used to patching up Saiyans, she's been doing it for years. And more importantly, when Uncle Raditz stops slurring that it's gonna be fine, calm down, and goes, "Oh, hey 🥴😵‍💫," and Gohan goes, "Please don't tell my mom...🥺" Bulma puts her game face on and starts handling things.
And when Bulma tells Gohan it's gonna be fine, and he can calm down, he believes her. But when she says his dad's coming over to help keep an eye on Uncle Raditz, Gohan un-calms a little bit. It's Incredibly Complicated.
But Bulma impresses on him that somebody's gotta watch Raditz and make sure he's okay until he quits being loopy and all manner of other stuff they gotta watch out for, and she can't do it 24/7, and neither can he. And since Vegeta and Nappa are elsewhere, dealing with A Different Plot Point, their options for people who are going to respect Gohan's privacy are a little thin. And it might not be a bad idea to have a very mature reflection on the whole idea of secrets and consequences and fallout on other people? Maybe? At some point? Regardless of how he feels about his dad.
And Gohan has to Deal With Some Things. And when Uncle Raditz is less loopy, Gohan tries to apologize, but Raditz is having none of it. He's kinda proud of Gohan, although he understands how uncomfortable Gohan is about the whole combat thing. And he says something he probably shouldn't, about how he had it coming anyway. Reaching back on a long implication about how they came into each other's lives.
And Gohan is having none of it. He doesn't care about that anymore. This is Uncle Raditz; don't say dumb shit like that, Uncle Raditz. Gohan has a big ol' wrangle with his feelings and says he couldn't live with himself if he REALLY hurt Raditz. And they both sit there, kinda floored and heartbroken about it for Incredibly Complicated Reasons.
And Uncle Raditz tells Gohan he's gonna have to go back to his dad to train, and keep it up regular, if he wants to keep going. They both know he's way too powerful for Raditz to really teach him what he needs. Vegeta might could, but he's back and forth a lot. And if Gohan wants the control, and the discipline, to go with all that power, he's gotta make it up with his old man.
Gohan thinks about what Bulma said, about secrets, and consequences. He thinks about asking Uncle Raditz if he knew. But he doesn't. It doesn't matter. He knows the truth, if he thinks about it, and it doesn't matter anyway. Besides, he's got to make some important choices, and he needs a clear head. Or as much of one as he can get, these days.
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spilledbeans116 · 11 months
Just In Case
(Vegeta x Bulma)
Vegeta x Bulma - 5,965 Words - SFW
Fan of Vegeta x Readers? Find an alternate version here! (The first parts match up!)
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This fic is based on a headcanon I have involving the prince and his constant need to wear gloves. I'm putting this here as a side note, but the first chapter is a bit violent. I hope you all enjoy it.
    Nappa was smiling, as proud as a warrior-nanny could be given the circumstances. Vegeta had aced his first mission under Frieza’s rule without a single hitch, having wiped out an entire planet on his own in just a couple hours. They had hit three more after that, completing twice the work of an adult saiyan could have mustered up. And what, he was only 6? Never before had such latent power been shown in such a young saiyan; his power already rivaled Nappa’s own. On late night’s when the bar was full and Raditz and Vegeta were in bed, Nappa would sit and brag to the other soldiers of Frieza’s army how talented the kid was.
    The bar was dim, the tables around having been emptied as all the patrons gathered around Nappa and listened to his tales. Among them were Ginyu, Burter, and Jeice, all three of whom were rolling their eyes at the display.
    “You should have seen the way he shot through that thing! It was almost three times my size, maybe bigger!” Nappa hiccuped, taking a swig from his mug before slamming his fist on the bar’s counter-top. “It was incredible!”
    From around the corner, a young saiyan who should have been in bed smirked. His smile quickly faltered however, as someone else spoke up.
    “Psh, right,” Ginyu laughed, giving Nappa a shove. “Like a kid could take down one of those on his own. Even Guldo struggles with them!”
    “No, Nappa’s being serious, I saw it myself!” Another soldier yelled, slamming his drink down on the bar. “The kid is a beast! A monster!” 
    Vegeta nodded, crossing his arms and leaning through the doorframe a bit to watch as the older men debated his feats.
    At that Ginyu and Burter laughed, “please! He’s an ape!” Ginyu snorted. “You think that monkey could actually do that on his own? He’s weak, just like his old man. Maybe he got lucky, but nothing more than that.”
    Vegeta clutched his cape and held it at his sides, his anger overtaking him as he fought not to run in there and sucker punch Ginyu in the face; he had already learned once that it wasn’t a good idea, and wouldn’t make an idiot of himself again. Ginyu didn’t believe he could do that? Didn’t think that Vegeta could fight his own battles or overtake a stronger opponent? Fine. He would prove he could; he would show everyone exactly what he could do. And he wouldn’t stop until they believed him.
    Months had passed, but for Vegeta, time moved strangely. It felt fleeting and yet too long at the worst of times. Then again, he was still only a child. He had already gotten stronger, not that anyone but Raditz or Nappa noticed and he didn’t give a damn what they thought. Each day and night was the same, he was degraded by the Ginyus to his face and behind his back. His family was gone, his home was gone, and his race was all but eradicated. He was the last remaining saiyan royal and ruled over two; he wasn’t the strongest on the ship nor was he even close to beating Frieza… yet. That day would come, he reassured himself. Until then he was destined to be miserable, to spend everyday fighting to be better only to get no recognition from anyone. That much responsibility and pain weighing down on a child surely wasn’t healthy, especially not when they were forcing themselves to do even more than everyone else.
     Vegeta couldn’t keep track anymore of how many planets he had slaughtered. Their cries of mercy fell on deaf ears. At night, he had nightmares about the faces of those that had met their end in his hands. He wondered who they were, what lives they lived. He was doing to them what had happened to his own home. He tossed and turned each night, enough for Raditz to complain to Nappa that it was keeping him awake.
    Soon he turned 7, still a child in the eyes of a saiyan. I’m the eyes of anyone, really. After each fight he felt dirtier and dirtier, and visited the showers once, twice, three times a day. The soldiers on the ship joked that the prince was a germaphobe. He was too royal for their peasant germs. He was killing without purpose, without a fight and the guilt was eating away at him slowly, crumbling his sanity with each life he took. He was 8 when it happened.
    Nappa was heading to the bar before he stopped. Something in him, some primal, strange instinct, told him to go to the boys room. He rushed down the halls and to their room, where Raditz was snoring loudly with his arm draped across his face. Vegeta, however, was gone. He couldn’t ask anyone else if they had seen him, as he’d surely be punished for roaming parts of the ship he shouldn’t without Nappa present.
    Vegeta had gotten back late from a mission and decided to go take a shower. His body was covered in blood, none of which was his own. He watched as the red water swirled down the shower drain and slowly became pink, scrubbing his body with a bar of soap as he grunted to himself. Arms, chest, legs, feet, tail, and finally his hands. He lathered the soap between them, watching the bubbles form up and over his hands before rinsing them off in the water. To his surprise, the water revealed the blood was still there.
    “Damn shit must have stained them,” he huffed, turning off the water and drying himself with a towel. He quickly wrapped it around his waist and made his way to the sinks, grabbing his toothbrush and lining it with toothpaste. Until he saw his hands again. No longer tinted red, they were coated in blood. The fur on the end of his tail began to spike as he stared at it, quickly flipping them around to see if he had any open wounds. He ran the water and shoved his hands under it, scrubbing at the blood to get it off. 
     “What the hell!” He snapped, watching as nothing changed. He began to scratch at it, trying to peel it off to know avail. He hissed as he turned the water up, the heat becoming blistering hot as he started to claw at his own hands in a desperate attempt to get the blood off of himself.
    “Why isn’t it coming off!” He yelled, starting to get louder and louder as he grew more desperate. He felt filthy as his consciousness weighed down on him, his sleep deprived body and nightmarish life finally getting the better of him. “Get it off me!”
     Nappa knew he had to be in the showers, as it was the only place the kid ever went to when he wasn’t in the dining halls or his room. With how late it was, the dining halls would have closed ages ago. As he made his way down the corridors of the ship he could hear something. It was quiet at first, but slowly became louder and louder as he got closer to the men's showers. He could hear Vegeta, screaming out in pain. Nappa shot off and slammed through the door to the bathroom, following the sounds of the hysterical screaming until he found the prince by the sinks. Vegeta was sobbing, hands burnt red from the water. 
    “The hell has gotten into you!” Nappa yelled, ripping him away from the sink. He was going to scold the prince when he saw the claw marks all over his hands. Vegeta tried to shove him away, crying out for Nappa to let go of him but it all sounded like gibberish to the older saiyan. 
     “What are you doing!” Nappa yelled at him as Vegeta slammed a hand against his face, trying to make his way back to the sink. “You’re hurting yourself, what are you doing!”
    “I CAN’T GET IT OFF!” Vegeta screamed between sobs. “MY HANDS! THEY’RE COVERED IN BLOOD I CAN’T GET IT OFF!”
    “Vegeta there is no blood!” Nappa yelled, grabbing his wrists and holding him still. “But there’s going to be if you keep tearing at your skin!”
    Nappa grabbed the prince and his clothes, clamping a hand over his mouth as he ran out of the bathroom and back towards his room. Vegeta dug his nails into the flesh of Nappa’s hand, sinking his fang’s into Nappa’s palm as the older saiyan grunted in pain. Vegeta was still trying to scream but Nappa’s hand remained firm, refusing to let anyone see the prince like this. The door to Nappa’s bedroom slammed shut as he locked it and tossed the prince on the bed, who immediately tried to book it back out the door. Before he could grab the doorknob, Nappa was in front of him, blocking his escape in the dark room. Vegeta beat his fists against Nappa’s chest, trying and failing to shove him out of the way. Nappa knelt down, taking Vegeta’s hands in his before sliding a pair of white gloves over them.
    “Look! There’s no blood! Now please Vegeta quit it!” He turned the prince’s hands over slowly, showing that nothing had seeped through. “See? You’re fine!”
    Vegeta glanced down, a sniveling mess as he turned his hands over on his own and studied the gloves. They were white, pristine, new, and soft. They cooled his burning hands and the silken fabric felt nice against the cuts he had created. “Th-there’s no more b-blood?”
    “None, Vegeta. There isn’t any blood. Okay?”
    Vegeta nodded as Nappa stood up slowly, making his way to his cabinet and pulling out gauze and ointment. He applied it to his palm first after cleaning it with a towel, Vegeta’s fangs having taken quite the chunk out of his skin. Then he bandaged it, sliding his gauntlets on over after so the prince wouldn’t see the reddish hue that would seep out soon enough. After tossing the towel, he made his way back over to Vegeta, who had calmed down remarkably and yet was still standing in the same spot Nappa had left him. He was staring at his hands, eyes lidded as sleep finally began to overpower him. Nappa grabbed him under his armpits and lifted him over to the bed, setting him down and getting the ointment ready. As he began to pull off Vegeta's gloves, the prince started screaming again, kicking Nappa away and tugging them back down.
   “NO!” He cried out. “NO YOU CAN’T TAKE THEM OFF!”
     “Vegeta,” Nappa sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You can’t keep them on forever you’ll have to-”
    “Vegeta I swear to-”
    “THAT’S AN ORDER NOW DROP IT!” Nappa didn’t say anything after that, handing the prince his pajamas and turning away. Vegeta changed quickly, grunting when he was done. Nappa frowned at the sight of the prince wearing gloves with his pajamas, but chose not to push it further. They’d deal with it in the morning and go to see the doctor then as well. 
    “Do you want me to walk you back to your-”
    Vegeta was quick to cut him off, voice trembling as he ran his hands together in his lap. “Can I stay here tonight?” His voice was quiet, barely above a whisper as he refused to meet Nappa’s eyes. Nappa looked down at the prince, an ache in his chest as he stared at the child that was forced to carry so much; but he was just that, a child. He shouldn’t have had to do any of this, not until he was much, much older. He should have been in the palace right now, spending each day training under his father to be the next king, not turned into a killing machine by a freak that regarded them as nothing.
    “Of course, your highness. You can stay here for the night.” Nappa quickly went and changed into his sleep shorts, scooting Vegeta over enough so he could fit along with him on his bed. The prince held his arm tight, body trembling as Nappa laid awake, staring at the ceiling, trying to piece together whatever the hell had just happened. Even after Vegeta had finally dozed off, Nappa remained awake, unsure with what to do with the prince.
    As time went on, Vegeta learned to live with it the best he could. The cuts he had caused on himself that night healed over, leaving small scars to forever remind him of his own shame and guilt. The blood he saw on his hands never went away after that. With time he was able to remove his gloves, but only for short periods before he’d quickly slip them back on.
     After everything that happened on Earth, after what he did to Nappa, it was as if he was a kid again. The gloves would not come off. Ever. He had killed the man who gave them to him, who had tried to shield him from himself. For what? A power move? Now he was living in some Earth woman’s home, after embarrassing himself in front of Frieza and a low level saiyan piece of scum. He slaughtered the Ginyu force, which was a bit of a two edged sword for him. Kakarot was gone at who knows where and he was stuck here, failing to do anything substantial. He had truly lost all meaning to his life.
     The gravity chamber the blue haired woman had helped build was where he spent most of his time. It gave him a break from dealing with everyone, including her. She was the most confusing out of everyone there was on this idiotic planet. He could never get a proper read on her. She wasn’t like any woman he had spoken to before. He didn’t like to dwell on what he thought of Bulma, and unfortunately found himself thinking of the damned woman during training.
    He had put his hand up to guard his face at the last moment as the battle bot shot at him, successfully blocking it but not without slight damage to his glove. There, on his right hand, was a clean tear.
    “Shit!” He yelled. “Damn it damn it damn it!” He blew the robot to bits before it could do anymore damage, throwing on his shirt and making his way back towards Bulma’s house. He felt sick as he glanced down at it, the deep red shade staring back at him.
    He made his way in through the back door, speed walking through the living room and down the hallway to where his bedroom was located. He didn’t have spares, he had never needed a spare. He searched around for anything that could be used as a makeshift glove. He ripped apart shirts and tried to cover it to no avail, too stressed to tie the knots properly with one hand. He shoved the fabric under the glove, only to rip it further. “Shit!”
     He didn’t know how to sew, he was a prince for the Gods’ sakes. He felt sick at the idea of what he was going to have to do but quickly realized there was no other option. He was going to have to ask for help.
     Bulma was in her lab, a sweaty mess as she tinkered with the broken training bot that lay before her on her work desk. Her hair was glued to her skin and she sighed, wiping her forehead with her arm and setting down the wrench that was in her hand. Her yellow overalls hung off her arms as she attempted to cool herself off, her white crop top sticking to her body. She pushed out her desk chair, rolling and spinning across the room to her fridge. She opened it and pulled out a can of beer, pulling the tab and cursing as it foamed up and over her hands. She licked it off quickly before shaking out her hand and wiping it on her pants. She’d call someone in to clean up what had spilled on the floor later.
     Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she pulled it out, glancing over the text from Yamcha as she took a sip. “Caught up with some friends, will get there when I can.” She rolled her eyes, shoving it back in her pocket and not bothering to give a response. She didn’t know what to make of her weird situation-ship with him, but she did know that this was one of the reasons they weren’t actually dating. He was just too immature sometimes for her to handle. Canceling plans last minute, leaving her waiting for him to show up; she deserved better than that. She deserved a prince.
     She laughed at that, shaking her hand and taking another drink before rolling her chair back to her desk. She had a prince living with her, and it was nothing like what she pictured. Sure, he was handsome and strong, but he was more of a pain in the ass than anything. She wanted to feel like a princess, not a maid. Yet here she was, cleaning up another one of his messes. She began to reconnect some of the wires in the bot before she paused. The sound of boots stomping their way into her lab made her roll her eyes long before he even began to speak.
    “Woman!” As charming as ever she noted. “Woman! Where the hell are you!”
    “In here your royal highness,” she huffed, picking up a screwdriver and unscrewing a latch in the machine. Oil sprayed out and covered her hands before she yelled and covered it with a rag. She sighed as the oil pooled around the table, the rag only soaking up half of it. “Damn it!”
    Vegeta came to a halt in the doorway of the lab, arms crossed as he looked her over. She was a dirty mess, grease stains coating her clothing and her hair curling up slightly from the humidity of the lab. He frowned. “You look like shit.”
    She spun around to face him, crossing her arms and glaring at him. “So do you.” Her eyes glanced over his form, noting the burns and tear marks in his blue one-piece outfit. “I just made you that suit, how is it already torn up?”
    He bristled, the hairs on the back of his neck beginning to stand on end. “It’s not my fault it’s shitty material.”
    “Maybe you’re just bad at dodging.”
    “You’re ridiculous! Do you know how annoying-”
    She rolled her eyes again, turning back to her work as she removed the rag and tried to mop up the rest with a clean one. “What do you want, Vegeta? I’m busy.”
    “How dare you cut me off!” He snapped. He stomped over to her, slamming his hand down on the table. She didn’t look up. “Who the hell says I need anything from you!”
    “Why else would you be here?” The two rags were tossed in the bin by her feet haphazardly, flicking oil on the prince’s boots. His nose crinkled up as he leaned against the desk and once again crossed his arms.
     “I destroyed another one of those robots.”
    Now it was her turn to get upset, slamming her hands down on the table and standing up abruptly, startling the prince. “Are you kidding me! So what, you need a new suit and new training aids?”
     “Maybe if you built them stronger I wouldn’t have to keep coming into this mess of a lab and telling you to make more!”
    She took a step towards him, jabbing a finger into his chest, “maybe if you weren’t such a dick you could realize that’s what I’m trying to do! These materials don’t just grow on trees!”
    He didn’t like how he felt as he tried to hold her gaze. He didn’t like how he felt with her standing so close to him either. He could practically feel her breath against his face as she spoke, and those eyes; it sent a chill down his spine. He turned away completely, huffing as he continued, “whatever! That’s not even why I came in here!”
    “Then get to the point so you can leave!”
     He began to fidget with his glove on his right hand before glancing at Bulma over his shoulder. “I need you to fix my glove.”
    “Done. I’ll make a new pair in a day or two now can you please-”
    “No, I said you need to fix it. Not replace it.”
    She groaned, running a hand through her hair and leaving oil streaks, “fine! Just leave it on the desk and I’ll get to it!”
    “I need it done today. Now.” He grunted.
    Bulma stomped her foot, “what do I look like to you!”
    Vegeta turned, running his eyes over her before once again meeting her gaze. His tone was cold as he looked at her with a bored expression. “Do you want my honest answer?”
    That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. “That’s it! Find someone else to help you, I’m done!” She shoved the chair back into the desk, making her way past him and to the bathroom down the hall. He ran after her, shouting all the while.
    “Woman stop!” She did not. “I’m serious, would you just wait a minute!” The door to her bathroom slammed shut, locking behind her with a click as Vegeta banged his fist against it. “Open the door this instant woman!”
     Bulma turned on the sink and lathered her hands and arms with soap before scrubbing off all the oil and grime from her work in progress. She pretended she couldn’t hear the prince as he had his little temper tantrum outside the door. She splashed the water over her face next, drying it off with the hand towel hung up on the rack beside her. She glanced at herself in the mirror, her hair still a mess but at least she didn’t feel as gross. She’d have to take a shower later to get the rest of it off. Suddenly the prince was quiet, and she smirked as she realized he must have left. However, she would have been wrong.
    “Please, woman. I need your help.” His tone was quiet, so quiet she thought she might have misheard him. Perhaps she was hallucinating. She opened the door suddenly, spooking Vegeta for the second time today. He was close, and she could smell the sweat on him each time she breathed in. Somehow, she didn’t mind it. She liked being this close to him.
    “What did you just say?” He couldn’t meet her eyes.
    “Don’t make me repeat it,” he grumbled. “It’s already embarrassing enough.”
    “Come on, I keep my sewing kit in my room.” She brushed past him, a shiver running up both their spines from the contact as her bare arm brushed against the tears in his suit. Both, of course, ignored it. Vegeta walked with his hands by his sides before quickly tucking his hands under his arms again in his typical fashion.
    She glanced over her shoulder at him, frowning slightly at how disheveled he looked. Was it because he had pleaded for help? When he noticed her staring, his ears flushed. “What the hell are you looking at!”
    She shrugged, “I’m not used to this side of you. I’m committing it to memory so I remember you have a soul sometimes.”
    “Oh you shut it!” Her overalls were practically falling off her waist now, and the prince found it hard to concentrate on anything besides her hips. Just another thing to distract him during training. He grumbled a couple curse words under his breath as she stopped to open the door to her room. Stepping inside, the place was a wreck. Random items strewn about the floor, a mix of papers, gadgets, trash, and so much else. Her bed wasn’t made and a pile of laundry sat in the corner. Somehow, it was fitting.
    “Your room is disgusting. How do you live like this?”
   Bulma shrugged. “You keep me busy enough that I don’t have time to do much else. Besides, most nights I sleep in the lab.”
    Vegeta made a face as he stood in the doorway and leaned against the frame, “is it really my fault?”
    She raised an eyebrow as she rummaged around through her desk drawers, kicking aside a pile of magazines to get to it. “No Vegeta, I’m just joking with you.”
    “I thought you had maids?”
    “I don’t like them messing with my stuff. It’s… organized chaos.” She offered.
    “I agree with the chaos part.” He huffed and looked at her walls as she bent over, studying the posters she had pinned up everywhere.
    “You can come inside you know,” she chuckled, pulling the kit out and setting it on the table. “You can take a seat on my bed. I don’t want you hovering over me while I work.”
    “I don’t hover!” He snapped, floating off the floor to avoid stepping around the mess entirely before sitting on the very edge of the bed. Beside him lay a bra, which he quickly covered with the bedsheet before he began to turn pink. Bulma giggled at his reaction as he began to turn more red. “What are you laughing at!”
    “You. Has the mighty prince Vegeta never seen a bra before?” She snorted, threading the needle and turning on her desk lamp.
    “Why the hell do you care!” He replied. “Of course I have! Tons even!”
    “Mhm, sure,” Bulma snickered. “Alright, now pass me the glove.” Vegeta stuck out his hand and Bulma set the needle on the desk. “No, seriously. Hand me the glove.”
    “You can work on it like this,” he replied, glancing at the tear before quickly turning away. He seemed pale now.
    “Vegeta, I’m not great with sewing and I will stab you repeatedly with this needle. Give me the glove.”
    “You’re a woman! How are you bad at sewing?”
    “This was a mistake,” Bulma snapped, starting to stand up. “I agree to help you and for what! For you to treat me like shit? You asked me for this, you dingus! I’m choosing to do this! Just like I choose to let you live here! Like I choose to feed you, clothe you, and give you a little playroom like a stray cat! Even though you ruin all my shit and treat everyone like trash! If you don’t want my help, for fuck’s sake get out!”
    For the first time ever, Bulma witnessed a look of shock take over the prince’s features. His eyebrows were raised as he stared at her, finally speechless. She felt bad for yelling at him but she needed to get it off her chest. Before she could say anything else, she was surprised to feel the glove slapping into her face before falling in her lap. “YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO THROW IT AT ME!”
    “JUST HURRY UP AND FIX IT!” He shouted back, shoving his hand under his armpit as he began to tap his foot anxiously. She was going to comment on that but shook her head, grabbing the needle and getting to work. The faster she was done, the faster he would leave.
    Vegeta found himself focusing on her to help calm his nerves. He watched the way thin strands of her hair would fall in front of her face before she quickly tucked them back behind her ear. Or how beautiful she looked as she concentrated on patching up the glove, biting her lip occasionally before she would relax again. Something about her drew him to her, and he hated how his heart raced when she was around. Suddenly she was speaking to him, bringing him back from his thoughts.
    “It’s done,” she said as she tossed it back to him. He grabbed it quickly and immediately slid it on before opening and closing his hand a few times to ensure it wouldn’t tear again. He couldn’t even tell where it had been, and sighed as he spread out his arms and flopped back into her bed. She scooted over to him in her chair, bumping his knee with hers. “A thank you would have been nice.”
     Vegeta remained silent, shutting his eyes and ignoring what she had said. Her eyes softened as she stared at him and wondered what he was thinking. “So what’s the deal with the glove?” She asked quietly. 
    When she didn’t answer again she sighed, standing up and turning to walk out. “You can stay here as long as you need to then. I’m gonna go take a sh-”
    A firm and yet gentle grip took hold of her wrist and she froze, glancing back to see the prince was once again sitting up straight. His eyes were pleading as he spoke, “please don’t leave.”
    She nodded, surprised at how gentle he was with her. She sat back down and crossed her legs before he let go of her wrist. He leaned forward, his elbows against his legs as he clasped his hands together. He looked down at them, hunched over as he thought of what to say.
   “Ever since I was a kid,” he started, voice so low and deep it sent a shiver up her spine. “I have been a killing machine. It’s what I was made for and it’s all I’ve ever known.” He looked to Bulma for reassurance before she nodded. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath before continuing. “I don’t have many memories of my father, and the ones that I do have are… complicated. Nappa raised me, if you could even call it that. Raditz was more of a nuisance than anything. Our goal was to survive, and one day I wanted to become powerful enough to beat Frieza. What a joke” He scoffed, shaking his head and looking back to the floor.
     “At first, taking lives was easy for me. I was doing nothing more than what I was assigned; I started to do more, go beyond what was required of me. The only one to praise me was Nappa, and even then it was never to my face. I was ridiculed and mocked, but it only pushed me farther, to do better. It was never what I wanted, but more so what needed to be done.”
    He didn’t know why the hell he was telling her this; he had never told anyone this. And yet now it was as if he couldn’t stop, he couldn’t shut his mouth long enough to think about what he was doing. “What was once hundreds went to thousands, then millions. I was eradicating races in the blink of an eye. Soon they weren’t just obstacles to me, but people with faces and lives I had ripped away from them. I had so much blood on my hands; I still have blood on my hands. So much blood that I will never, ever be able to get off.”
    He opened and closed his hands once more, the sounds of the fabric shifting in his grip. “I’m not a good man. Hell, I've never claimed to be one. But now Frieza is gone and it feels like everything I’ve done, everything I worked towards for years, was for nothing. The things I see in my sleep, what I feel when I’m awake, what I’ve gone through was for nothing.” He stopped for a moment, voice and tone becoming so quiet and serious Bulma couldn’t believe it was the same person who had spoken to her just minutes ago. “I haven’t been able to look at my hands the same way since I was a child.”
     He finally looked up at her, his eyes lidded as he smirked. That’s when she realized he was on the verge of tears. “Do you know how sad that is? A beast scared of his own damned hands. I’m a damn disgrace to my people.” He laughed after that, wiping his eyes and setting his hands back down. “Look at me, a prince crying in front of a damn lower life form.”
     She reached out hesitantly, tapping his hand with her fingers apprehensively. When he didn’t pull away she continued, scooting closer to him and pulling his hand up to lay between them both.
   Bulma carefully ran her hand over his, sliding her fingers up and under the glove before pulling away slowly. She looked at him again, waiting for him to react or move away, to tell her to stop. Vegeta shut his eyes tight but didn’t pull away, his face pale as she set his glove carefully in her lap. To her surprise, his skin was soft, with hers perhaps being even rougher than his. Then again, she supposed that made sense if the saiyan never fought without them and she only worked with her bare hands.
    She traced her nails gently over his palm, studying the grooves in his skin and how neatly trimmed his nails were. “Well,” she started slowly, his breathing coming to a pause. “I don’t see any blood now.”
    Vegeta opened his eyes slowly, looking at her face carefully as she studied his hand. She was so delicate with him it made his breath hitch in his throat. 
    “Sure, maybe there was a lot there in the past, but not anymore. You can’t change what happened, but you can acknowledge it and move on, try to do better this time around.”
     When Vegeta looked at his own hand, he almost gasped in shock. It was his hand, as normal as any other. He looked back to Bulma as she ran her thumb over top of his, gently moving her hand back and forth from his wrist to his knuckles.
     “You haven’t done good things, Vegeta. But I don’t think you’re a bad person. I think you need time and care to heal, and the first step towards that was acknowledging what we talked about today.” She paused, thinking carefully over her next choice of words before smiling softly. “I think there’s good in you. No, I know there is.”
    He watched the way her hair tumbled down and around her face, and how gentle her stare seemed to be. She wasn't repulsed or disgusted, but caring and considerate. He felt a blush rise first to the tips of his ears and then his cheeks before he pulled his hand away and slid his glove back on. He stood up after that, walking briskly across the room without turning back. He unlocked the door and opened it, pausing to think for a moment. Then, he made his way down the hall, wondering what the hell had just come over him as his heart raced out of control.
    A few days later he came home to find a second pair of gloves folded neatly on his bed along with a note, “just in case <3.” His face flushed as he went to crumple it up, but upon reading it just one more time, he found he couldn’t. He shoved it in the drawer of his bedside table, grumbling under his breath as he left to go train.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 076
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“Hey, are you new here?”
“Yeah, I’m Dabura.  King of the Demon Realm.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Raditz.  Goku’s evil brother.”
“Hey, that’s really cool.”
“Thanks, but King of the Demon Realm sounds pretty cool too.  I mean, that’s metal as fuck.”
“Sure, but you can’t beat that personal stuff.  The hero’s evil brother?  That is classic stuff.  I wish I was someone’s evil brother.  I mean, I have a sister, but she’s evil too, so it just isn’t the same.  So uh... what’s this all about?”
“Oh, right.  So this is a thing where one of the characters is having a personal crisis, and we’re manifestations of his doubts and fears.”
“Ohhhhhh, I get it.  Well that explains a lot.  I was wondering why were so big.”
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I don’t want to complain too much about this episode, because it’s not bad at all, but most of this stuff with the old villains is kind of boring from a liveblogging perspective, since they’re not real and nothing they do actually matters.  This is mostly continuity porn, where we see Goku and Krillin do some old moves and we get some flashbacks to all three of Krillin’s death scenes, plus some of the other times he got worked over. 
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Also Bulma shows up for... some reason?  I know Krillin sometimes acts like he’s more scared of Bulma than the bad guys, but I’m pretty sure he’s not being entirely serious when he says that.  If this forest is supposed to be a manifestation of his insecurities, then I don’t understand what this is. 
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Anyway, the reason this is happening is because Master Roshi sent Goku and Krillin to this spooky magic island to get him some “herbs”, but it’s pretty clear this is some sort of tough love mission to help Krillin get his shit together.  Fortuneteller Baba provides her crystal ball so Roshi can monitor their progress remotely.  Wait, they put the crystal ball in front of Baba’s hat, so now it looks like its floating behind her instead of in front of her.  Oh well.
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Also, 18 and Marron show up to find out what’s going on, and they watch the crystal ball too.  Marron doesn’t understand what’s happening, so 18 tells her that Krillin is fighting “himself”, which is true enough, I suppose.
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So at first it looks like fighting the phantoms is all they have to do.  Goku has to talk Krillin into it, but once they attack together, they all seem to vanish.  Nice of them to put Bulma and Vegeta in the same shot like this.
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But Krillin gets frustated with how much Goku’s enjoying this.  He flips out and tells Goku that he’s not having fun, because he got hurt and sometimes killed against all of these guys.  So reliving it all is not fun for him at all. 
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They also can’t just leave, because the island sprays purple smoke from some flowers, and the brambles around them extend up into the air.  Also the phantoms come back.
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They also get a lot bigger this time.  Krillin and Goku get separated, and Goku turns Super Saiyan 3 to fight off the bad guys, but then they get even bigger still, and that’s when Goku finally figures it out.  He powers down completely, and meditates, and the phantoms vanish.
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But that’s not so easy for Krillin to work out, since he’s got all this trauma associated with these creeps. 
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Goku can’t fly around to search for Krillin, so he summons Kinto’un to ride on.  Sean Schemmel even sings a few bars of “Cha La HEAD Cha La.”  Wild.
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Eventually, Krillin works out the solution for himself.  He tried fighting and not fighting, but the key for him is to control his fear and calm his mind.  Then he has to fight them.  I’m not sure I get all of this, but okay.
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By the time he finds Goku, he’s been attacked by another phantom, this time one of Super Shenron from Episode 42.   It’s nowhere near as big as the real thing, but apparently Goku can’t just will it away like he did the others.  Also he can fight his way out, since it might hurt Kinto’un in the process.  Wait, how is Kinto’un trapped?  I mean, it’s a cloud, can’t it just slip out of this mess?
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So Krillin busts Goku loose, and they shoot it with Kamehamehas together, and the last phantom explodes...
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... which somehow produces the herb Roshi sent them to find.  Well, all right.
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On the way back, Krillin declares that he has to come out of retirement.  He explains it to Goku, but he doesn’t follow his speech, so let me do my interpretation. 
Krillin only got into martial arts to impress women.  If you’ve ever seen his wife, you know he won that game a long time ago.  He doesn’t enjoy fighting like Saiyans, nor is he interested in becoming stronger for its own sake, like Goku, or even Tien, who’s been in this life longer than most of them. 
And it’s not even about proving himself to his wife and daughter, or sharpening his skills for his job as a police officer.  That’s what he told everyone in the previous episode, but now he sees the truth.  He needs the discipline and clarity that martial arts brings him.  So he can’t just switch it off when there’s no enemy to fight or duty to be fulfilled.  He needs this for himself.
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So they get back and 18 and Marron are all happy to see him, and Roshi got all his magic weed or whatever.  Everything worked out.
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And 18 shaves Krillin’s head again, officially unretiring him.  Well, he has hair again in the final episodes of DBZ. I think he’s still bald in DBS: Super Hero, but he has that police helmet on the whole time, so it’s hard to be sure. 
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Anyway, it’s good to have him back.  Would have been cool to get Krillin back in the blue shirt like he had in the Cell Saga, but I can appreciate 18 enjoying the titties out look for Krillin. 
This two-parter was okay, but I feel like they had loftier ambitions for exploring Krillin’s character, and didn’t quite achieve them.  The main issue here is that Toriyama keeps retiring and unretiring characters as he needs them for his stories, and that necessitates the characters themselves acknowledging why they keep reversing their own decisions.  It’s fine for Toriyama to change his mind about these things, but from Krillin’s perspective, he’s a real person who chooses these things of his own free will, which means it all has to make sense to him.  And this episode tries to satisfy that idea, but that’s a tough nut to crack. 
I mean, I don’t think Krillin really came to any conclusions about himself that he didn’t understand before.  He’s struggled with self-confidence his whole life, and fighting phantoms of his old enemies doesn’t seem that much scarier than when Frieza actually came back in Resurrection F.
To be fair, sometimes life works that way, and as I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to appreciate that sometimes you have to learn the same lessons multiple times.  It’s like how Goku played dumb about meditation in Super Hero.  Fans complained that Goku knows what meditation is because we’ve seen him do it before, but that’s not the point.  His masters have tried to teach him, and they may have gotten through to him about it, but he’s never fully appreciated the concept, which is why he keeps re-learning the same truths each time it comes up.   In the same vein, Krillin has been courageous all along, but he’s never fully understood what it means.  But that distinction seems pretty thin, and I’m not sure you can get a satisfying story out of it. 
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db-gochifan · 1 year
Characters: Bulla Briefs, Vegeta, Bulma Briefs, Trunks Briefs, Son Goku, Chi-Chi, Son Gohan and Son Goten. Summary: An old picture makes Vegeta feel nostalgic and he decides to tell his children and the Son family some stories about his childhood. [This is my very belated contribution for Saiyan Day] A few things you need to know about this story: - Goku didn't come to Earth at an early age, he actually lived with his biological parents and brother for a few years. - The age gap between the siblings (Trunks & Bulla and Gohan & Goten) is much shorter, only 3 years. - I didn't get into the stories Vegeta told because I wanted to tell them in a separate one.  Cross-posted on AO3 and FFN
Little Bulla was walking down the hall that led to the bedrooms at Capsule Corp. Curious and observant as she was, it didn’t take her long to notice the door from her parents’ room was slightly open and she walked in. She was absolutely stunned with all the decoration and spent a few minutes observing everything around her until she decided to open one of the drawers from the chest of drawers. The first thing she saw was a picture of her father much younger and she raised her eyebrows with surprise, at the same time a smile appeared on her lips. With a lot of effort due to being shorter than the bed, she managed to climb on it and sat down with her legs crossed. She quickly grabbed the photo again.
“Bulla!” Vegeta yelled her name while he walked through the house. “Where are you? It’s time to feed the cat.”
“Can’t find her?” Bulma asked when he walked into the kitchen.
“No. But she was here a minute ago. She’s so fast she just disappears if you don’t keep an eye on her.”
“The front door is locked, right?”
“It is, I just checked it. Besides, she’s not tall enough to reach for the knob. We’re safe.”
“Good.” She sighed with relief. “Then why don’t you try to feel her ki? She’s near, no matter where she is, so it shouldn’t be that hard.”
“You’re right.” He closed his eyes to concentrate on her energy and vanished in the following second.
“Papa?” She hid the photo below her when he appeared in the room, but he was faster.
“So that’s where you’ve been hiding.” He sat down near her and picked her up, placing her on his legs. Then he reached for the photo and held in between his index and middle fingers, looking at it intently. “Bulla?”
“Yes, papa.” She said reluctantly, fearing she was going to be lectured on for sneaking into his bedroom without asking for permission.
“Where did you find this picture?”
“Did you open any of drawers without asking?”
“I’m sorry, papa!” She buried her head on his chest and tugged on his red sleeveless shirt and started crying. “Please don’t be angry. I don’t want to be grounded.”
“You won’t be grounded, I promise.” He stroked the top of her hair softly. “But you shouldn’t do that again, so this will be our little secret, okay?”
“Okay!” She exclaimed quickly. “Papa, that’s you in the picture, isn’t it?”
“Yes, that’s me.”
“I have never seen a photo of you as a child. Is this your brother?” Bulla pointed to another child in the picture.
“That’s right. His name’s Tarble and he’s my younger brother.”
“How come I haven’t met him before?”
“That’s because he doesn’t live on Earth. I haven’t seen him in many, many years.”
“You don’t miss him?”
“Of course I do. I miss him everyday.”
“I’d like to meet him someday.” Bulma spoke from the door and the duo looked at her. She walked in and sat down, with Trunks in her arms.
“I have no idea where he is or what he’s doing right now.”
“But you can always find out. I’m sure I can come up with a solution if you want.”
“I’m not sure I do.”
“Papa.” Bulla looked at him with a sad expression.
Bulma walked into their bedroom after taking a shower. She was drying her blue hair with a pink towel and spotted Vegeta on their bed with his legs stretched and holding the photo in his hand.
“Bulla really got to you, didn’t she? You haven’t let go of this photo all day.”
“Has it been that long?” He asked so absentmindedly and quietly he barely seemed to register the words coming out of his mouth.
“What’s going on?” She sat down beside him. “You miss your brother, don’t you?”
“I’m not sure. I haven’t seen him in a long time. I mean, in a very long time. I’m not even sure he’s still alive.”
“I have no doubt he is.” Bulma placed her hand over his softly and smiled when he looked at her with his eyebrows raised. “He’s a prince, just like you. I’m sure he wouldn’t give up that easily as well.”
“For sure.”
“Did you get along as children?”
“Most of the times, yes. We used to fight each other and see which one was the strongest.”
“Just like Trunks and Goten do it sometimes.” Suddenly her face lit up. “Why don’t you tell the kids what it was like to live on Planet Vegeta and about your childhood? I’m sure they will enjoy it.”
“Tell Trunks and Bulla about it?”
“And Gohan and Goten too. Goku is bringing them over tomorrow to spend the day with our children. They will love it.”
“I’m not that good at storytelling.” He looked down at the photo.
“Don’t be silly. Trunks and Bulla adore it when you tell them bedtime stories. I tried to do it myself, but they don’t like it.”
“Nah, I think they’ll be bored by it.”
“I don’t believe it in the slightest. I think the four of them will be so amazed by it. Just you wait and see.”
“Trust your wife’s words.” Bulma placed her hand on his shoulder and winked at him when he looked at her.
“Alright.” He turned to his left and put the picture over his bedside table. “I’ll trust you.”
The first thing Goku did after arriving at Capsule Corp the next morning was stretching his legs, like he usually does before fighting. He’d much rather have raveled on kintoun, but Chi-Chi insisted they should drive.
“Cars are so small and tight. Honestly, how can you move on them?”
“You’re not supposed to.” Chi-Chi said. “Not the way you did, though. The kids behaved better than you.”
“It’s not my fault I can’t stand being in the same position for a long time. Plus, it was a long trip by car. It’s much faster on kintoun.”
“It’s too small for all of us. I can’t risk having our kids fall down from it.”
“They won’t fall, I promise.”
“Come on, mommy.” Goten tugged on her dress. “I want to fly on kintoun.”
“One day, son.” She ruffled his hair. “When you’re old enough.”
“Not fun.” He pouted as they walked inside Capsule Corp.
The sun was almost setting when Vegeta walked towards the large yard at Capsule Corp with an album in his hand. That didn’t go unnoticed by Goku, and the Saiyan approached him right away.
“What’s this?”
“It’s a photo album with some pictures from my childhood.”
“What?” Goku blinked with surprised. “You have pictures of yourself as a child?”
“That’s right.” Vegeta opened the album and showed him the first page.
“I can’t believe people from our planet had cameras.”
“Even though it’s nowhere near the one we have here, we had modern technology there.”
“Wow, this is so cool! Is that my brother?”
“The one and only.”
“I had no idea you were friends.”
“We weren’t. Your father was the leader of the soldier team on our planet and often had to go to our castle. Raditz was with him sometimes. I was the prince of the Saiyans, do you really think I would be friends with low class warriors like your brother or you?”
“Right. So tell me, how did you get all these pictures to fill a photo album if planet Vegeta was destroyed?”
“I was able to take this with me after I left the planet.” He pulled out a scouter Goku knew quite well from his pocket. “This one had a camera in the display, but there were just two or three of them. So they were really rare. To be honest, for a moment it seemed all of them were lost, but Bulma worked on it relentlessly and found a way to retrieve all the photos.”
“Wow, that’s impressive. I’m not surprised that Bulma managed to revert the situation. She can fix or build anything.”
“That’s my wife.” He said with pride.
“So what are you going to do with this photo album? I’m very curious to know.”
“You will in a few seconds.”
Bulla was sitting on Vegeta’s right, looking curiously at her father opening the photo album in front of them. Trunks was on his left and Goku and his sons were sitting across them; all of them also curious to know what it was all about.
“Papa, what are you going to do?” She looked from the object to him and then back at it.
“I’m going to tell a story.”
“A story? But it’s not time to sleep yet.”
“This isn’t a bed time story, princess.” He said with a smile. “I’m going to tell a story about when I was a child, a little older than you.”
“So, like Trunks?”
“That’s right.” He looked at his older child and ruffled his hair shyly. “I… We used to live in another planet before we moved to Earth.”
“That’s so cool!” Goten exclaimed and looked up at Goku. “Do you remember it, daddy?”
“Vaguely, I was only a toddler before I was sent here.”
“That was before our planet was exploded by an evil creature and we had to find refugee somewhere.”
“That’s so sad.” Gohan shivered at the image in his mind. “People can be so cruel.”
“That’s true. But they can also be good, son.” Goku sat on the grass and Goten immediately sat on his lap. “Let’s listen to the story, okay? I’m kinda curious to know about it too. Hopefully it will unlock some of my memories.”
“There you are.” Bulma walked into the large balcony and crossed it to get where her husband was. “Dinner is ready.”
“I’ll be right there.”
“What are you looking at? Is there a new constellation or something?”
“No, the sky is still the same.”
“Then what’s going on?”
“I was just thinking about my old planet.” Vegeta looked down.
“Today was a very emotional day, huh? I hadn’t realized how much you missed it.”
“I miss mostly my brother.”
“Why don’t we visit them then?”
“That’s impossible. I have no idea where he is.”
“You’re right.” The blue haired woman said absentmindedly; her mind already working frantically on something to revert the situation.
“Goku, dinner is… Goku?” Chi-Chi peeked into the living room and then looked at Gohan, who was helping her make dinner. “Have you seen your father?”
“He was here just now… I don’t remember seeing him leaving.”
“Goten isn’t around either. They must have gone training until we finished cooking.”
“They are nearby, I can feel their ki very strong. They are on the roof.”
“What?” She blinked in surprise. “Why would they be there, out of all places?”
“I have no idea.” He shrugged before walking outside, followed closely by her.
“Daddy, you’ve been looking at the sky for quite a while, but it looks the same as always.” Goten looked from the sky above to his father and shook his arm. “Daddy! Are you listening to me?”
“What?” Goku shook his head and looked at him. “We’ll be right there.”
“Huh? Where are we going?”
“Isn’t it what you asked?”
“No! I said I couldn’t find anything wrong in the sky. You couldn’t stop staring at it.”
“Goku, Goten, what are you…? Gohan?” Chi-Chi immediately stopped talking when she felt her son’s arms around her body to pick her up. “What are you doing?”
“We’re going up there too.”
“What?! Did you see how our roof is like? It’s dangerous.”
“Don’t worry about it. We won’t let anything happen to you.”
“Okay.” She replied rather uneasily and tried not to look down at she sat on the highest part of their house. “What were you two doing here?”
“We were supposed to train, but surprisingly daddy didn’t want to.”
“Are you sick?” She put the back of her hand on Goku’s forehead, to check his temperature. “You never pass on the opportunity to train with someone.”
“There’s a first time for everything, I suppose.”
“I get it. You are thinking about the time you lived on planet Vegeta as well, aren’t you?”
“I am.” He nodded and put his arm around her when she lied down beside him. “All the stories he told us today made me remember the times where I or Raditz would reunite after a long mission. Those were such fun times.”
“Seems like you and your brother got along just fine.”
“We really did. I looked up at him a lot.”
“Hey, Gohan.” Goten suddenly stood up and ran to the edge of the roof, looking over his shoulder. “Wanna play tag?”
“Absolutely!” Gohan stood up and ran after his brother, who had just flown down to the ground.
“Does that mean you regret coming here?”
“Not for a second.” Goku shook his head and Chi-Chi could tell there was a smile on his face while he spoke. “This is my home now.”
“I’m happy to hear that.” She sat up and embraced her knees.
“If I hadn’t come here when I was a child…” He followed her suit and moved her long black hair away from her face, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “I wouldn’t have met you. I’d say I’m pretty lucky.”
“I like the sound of that. Likewise.” She turned to look at him and they shared a passionate kiss. “I’m glad we met.”
“So am I. I love this little family we have.”
“Me too. It isn’t always easy to raise children, but I think we’re doing a great job. Our sons are really nice.”
“They are.”
“What are you thinking about?” She raised her eyebrows when she noticed the cheeky grin on his lips. “Everytime you smile like this, I know you’re up to something or wants to have sex with me.”
Goku bent forward to look at Gohan and Goten playing around. “The boys are having so much fun, don’t you think?”
“Yes.” Chi-Chi’s voice was a little shaky with the realization of how high they were. She barely seemed to register his strong arms wrapping around her until they were standing on their feet. “Goku, what are you doing?”
“I thought we could join them. We can have two teams, us against them.”
“You’re always surprising me.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and hid her face on his chest. “That sounds fun, I’m in.”
“Is there room for two more people in this game?”
“Daddy…” Goten approached Goku and looked up at him with his index finger on his chin and a curious expression. “Are you leaving us to go to your old planet?”
“Not at all, Goten.” He picked him up and placed him on his large shoulder. “I’m already on my planet, so I don’t have a reason to leave. You don’t have to worry about that.”
“Good.” He slid down to the ground and ran towards his older brother. “So it’s gonna be us against you.”
“That sounds perfect to me.”
“Yeah, but I must warn you should get ready to lose because mom and I make a great duo.”
“That’s true. So get ready because we’re coming for you.�� She started running after their boys, laughing.
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dreadsuitsamus · 2 years
Hi! Can I request a human!reader teaching Goku how to cook so he can impress Chi-Chi? I love to cook myself, so I thought it'd be a cute idea!
Bone App the Teeth | Goku & Reader |
author's note: i was actually in the process of writing a goku fic when i got this request! i also happen to think it's a cute idea and absolutely love the idea of goku and the reader being old pals spending an afternoon together to get goku out of the doghouse :p i hope you don't mind i added a slight bit of vegeta x reader as a background pairing to add more to the story!
pairing: goku &fem!reader (it's platonic!) vegeta x fem!reader, goku x chi-chi
warnings: goku being a terribly cute student, vegeta being a little jealous, small mention of trying for pregnancy, in general just some fluff between two old friends!
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You're reading on the couch when you get Goku's phone call. He's speaking incredibly fast and fumbling his words, which sounds alarm bells in your head. It can't be something super serious, after all, since you would definitely not be the first person he'd call for help. You set aside your book and take a deep breath.
"GOKU!" You yell, succeeding in getting him to stop talking for a moment.
"Why'd you yell at me?" He whines pathetically.
"So I could tell you to slow down and start over!"
"Oh, sorry about that!" Goku laughs and then sighs. "I really need your help."
"Tell me what's up."
From there Goku launches into a tale of what essentially boils down to him needing a way back into Chi-Chi's good graces after an incident the night before. He didn't go super in detail, but to you it sounded like he'd gone and ruined dinner last night with his ravenous Saiyan appetite, and he wanted to make it up to his dear wife.
Only problem was, he had no idea how to cook.
"So that's where you come in!" Goku says, and you can literally hear that big smile on his face. "So whaddya say? Can you help me?"
"Of course I will!" You smile. "Come on over and-"
"I'm here!" Goku now stands in front of you, hands on his hips and his eyes smiling, no doubt excited to make up his mistake to Chi-Chi.
You scream, holding your hand to your chest. "Goku! You can't just-"
There's the sound of shouting from outside, and then Vegeta is suddenly in the living room. "Who the hell dares attack my w- Oh, it's Kakarot." He scowls, arms crossed over his chest.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya!" Goku rubs the back of his neck. "Hey best buddy!" He waves at Vegeta.
"No." Vegeta glares at Goku. "Why are you in my house?"
You stand up, your heart back to a normal beat. "I'm teaching him how to cook, sweetie. Would you like to join us?"
"Tch. I'll pass." Vegeta turns and heads out to resume his training. You shake your head and pat Goku's arm and lead him to the kitchen.
"So, when do you think you'd wanna make this meal for Chi-Chi?"
"As soon as possible!" Goku says. "I wanna make something she'll love."
"Hmm..." You put a curled finger to your lip, thumb pressed to your chin as you consider something that you know your longtime friend loves. "Last time she and I went out with Bulma, we went to this really nice restaurant and she tried something called 'chicken cordon bleu' and she said she really, really liked it."
"Chicken what?"
"Cordon bleu." You repeat. "It's a simple dish that I think you'll be able to make just fine! It's chicken wrapped around ham and cheese, which is then breaded and fried or baked. I've had it a several times before myself and it really is a tasty dish."
"Then let's get to it!"
You smile softly. "Alright, let me make sure I've got everything we'll need first."
You hum softly and start looking through your refrigerator and cupboards, Goku scratching his head as you pull more and more out onto the kitchen island. "I thought you said this was simple."
"It is, I promise. Most of this is just seasoning that's gonna make it taste better."
Goku grins. "In that case, the more the merrier!"
"That's the spirit." You chuckle and fish out everything else, happy that you didn't have to lug Goku to the grocery store. (Or worse, be instant transmissioned there with him.)
"First, we wash our hands." You remove your wedding ring and set it aside, and Goku washes his hands right after you. "And now we'll prep our chicken."
As you show Goku how to properly clean and prep the chicken thighs you had tucked in the fridge, Vegeta peeks inside through the window above the sink, a frown on his face. He sees your wedding ring off to the side and scoffs. He knew he should've gotten you one with a larger diamond...
He swears to himself and flies away, angrily punching a tree before going into the training room Bulma had built for him in your backyard. (In actuality she'd built it for you, knowing full well how irritating her ex could be at times so you could shoo him away to train when he was on your nerves.)
Back into the kitchen, you've just laid a piece of plastic wrap over one of the pieces of chicken. "Okay, you'll probably like this part. The chicken is too thick to roll up, so we need to take this little meat mallet and flatten it out."
"Oh, I can do that easily!" Goku picks up the mallet and smacks it against the poor piece of chicken, splitting it in half. "Uh... Oops?"
You rub your forehead. "Not so hard, Goku."
You set him up to try again, and this time he tones down his strength and flattens the chicken with the mallet until you stop him. He smiles, proud of his handiwork, and repeats the process until there's no more chicken to flatten.
"You've always been a quick study." You comment fondly and clean up the island to move to the next step, encouraging him to add some more seasoning to the kitchen while you set up the ham and swiss cheese.
"This part here is probably the hardest thing about the recipe, and it's still super easy."
Goku nods and his eyes are trained on your hands after he's washed and dried his again. You lay out two layers of ham and cheese and then carefully pinch in the sides of the chicken and roll it up, leaving the seam side down against the plate. "After we roll them up we'll bread them and get them in the oven."
"Okay!" Goku smiles and attempts rolling one up himself, but some of the filling ends up sticking out. You unroll it and put your hands over his, helping him to keep it all together like the one you had previously rolled. "Keep it neat, Goku. Presentation matters!"
"I guess that's true." He concedes. "Chi-Chi makes the most delicious looking food! And it smells good... But most of all, it tastes good!"
"And that's why we're gonna give all three of those qualities right back!" Goku's smile makes you laugh, your chest light and mind at ease. You always loved having one-on-one time with your friend.
You wash your hands again while Goku very carefully rolls all the chicken up, setting up the breadcrumbs and mixing them with paprika, and then adding some water to beaten eggs. Goku's just finished with his latest step and instinctively washes his hands, rushing back to the island and bouncing with eagerness.
"How much left?"
"Almost there, buddy. Now we're gonna dip them into this egg mixture and roll it in the breadcrumbs after, and after that they go into the baking dish!"
"Chi-Chi's gonna love this." Goku smiles and takes initiative this time, picking up a piece of the chicken and dipping it in the eggs. You instruct him to let some of the excess drip off and then switch hands to roll in the breadcrumbs.
"A wet hand and a dry hand is the best way to bread something. It keeps things as clean as possible." You explain, greasing a casserole dish. "Maybe next time we make this I'll teach you how to pan-fry, but today we'll stick with baking the chicken."
"Oooh, getting stronger in the kitchen? I like the sound of that."
You laugh and the two of you finish prepping the meal in a companionable silence. You think back to when you met Goku all those years ago. You'd reunited with Chi-Chi, an old friend you hadn't seen since childhood, and learned that she was married to none other than the boy she was adamant was going to marry her even back in the day. Goku was looking around, undoubtedly bored, and complaining about being hungry. That's when you'd invited them over for dinner, and ever since then Goku would come over for a meal anytime he was hungry after Chi-Chi had closed down the kitchen for the night.
"Thank you for doing this." Goku says softly after he's washed his hands for the last time. "You're really helping me out here. You're always here when I need you. You're really the best."
You smile at your old friend. "You've saved the world countless times, Goku. I'll help you with anything, cooking or not, anytime. Hell, you're the reason Vegeta and I got together. I basically owe you the whole world for that alone."
Vegeta, who has come back to listen at the window after being unable to focus on his training, crosses his arms and smirks proudly. For all the times you roll your eyes, mutter things under your breath and ignore him as he rants about his Saiyan pride... You still find him worth more than the world. With that, he stands and strides into the kitchen and grabs your waist, pulling you in and pressing a firm kiss to your temple before striding right back to train, this time his mind clear.
You raise a brow, and Goku can't help but laugh. "I don't wanna throw him under the bus, but..."
"He was listening at the window." You conclude, shaking your head fondly.
Goku helps you wash dishes and the two of you trade stories you've both heard hundreds of times before, laughing so much that Goku has to catch you from falling onto the floor at one point. You wipe your eyes, body still shaking from laughter, and then dry your hands, clearing your throat.
"Alright, now we'll make the sauce for the chicken and make some rice, and then you should be good to go."
You set Goku up to grate the parmesan and you fix the rice up in the rice cooker, and with some dijon mustard, butter, flour and milk, you help Goku make a lovely sauce. You get some on a spoon and hold it out to Goku, whose eyes light up at the flavor. "Man, you never stop amazing me with your skills!"
"I'd hope not, since I used to be a chef." You laugh.
"I've been meaning to ask why you stopped." Goku sits on one of the island stools while you start fixing up a quick pot of green beans.
You chop up a bit of bacon and onions, adding them to the pot with some garlic. "Well, for starters, I was just so stressed and tired all the time, which was fine when I was single. But then when I got married and became a step-mother it just wasn't working well anymore. When I'd get home, I'd start arguing with Vegeta and it wasn't healthy for our marriage, not to mention I wasn't getting much quality time with Trunks. Plus, I wasn't getting to go to birthday parties or holiday gatherings anymore since I started working at my last restaurant. And when Vegeta said he was wanting to have kids..."
Goku's eyes widen. "Wait, really? Vegeta wants another kid?"
You smile softly. "He does. I'm sure Trunks would love a sibling."
"That's really great!" Goku grins. "I'm happy for you guys."
"Thanks, Goku. Not pregnant yet, but we're working on it." You add some tomatoes and then the green beans to the pot, stirring and then leaving it to simmer. You turn and sit on another stool, opening a drawer on the island and pulling out a game of cards.
"It'll be some time before everything is ready, so why don't we play your favorite card game?"
Goku gasps. "Yes, I love Go Fish!"
You laugh and deal the cards out, and after a few games (poor Goku never stands a chance against you) you pack up his meal to take home to Chi-Chi and Goten. "You're all set, bub."
Before he teleports home, Goku gives you one last hug, and you smile and hug your friend back tightly. He presses a quick kiss to your head and pulls back, picking up the containers and within a flash, he's back home to set up for Chi-Chi.
You're in bed with Vegeta that night when you get Goku's next phone call.
"She loved it!"
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carnal-lnstinct · 1 year
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Royal Pains
☆☆Pairing: Virgin!Vegeta x Human!Reader x Bulma ☆☆Content: ( 5k words. 3-year times skip au. female/afab!reader. f/m/f. implied reader is from a rich family & childhood friends w/ Bulma. also a spoiled brat. vegeta still getting used to earth. sexual tension. first kiss. implied virginity loss. oral-male receiving. ) ☆☆Warning: ( M / 18. MINORS DNI. explicit language. dubcon to mutual consent. ) ☆☆A/N: Apparently I can only bully vegeta, every time I tried to write it fluffy I hated it, so a brat for a brat ft. a brat is what I ended up with. xD ♫ gangsta - kehlani
@dreadsuitsamus @actuallysaiyan @beneathstarryskies @yeowangies
Bulma warned you about him, her new unorthodox housemate that lingered after one of her wild adventures. But you had to see what the fuss was all about for yourself and find out what this Saiyan Prince was like, from one pedigree to another. While your old friend tinkered in her lab with her new suit project, you found the man of honor raiding the refrigerator, bare from the waist up but muscular torso wrapped in bandages. Almost mummified with some bandages loosely dangling from his arms. You're not sure what you expected of him but he was smaller than the gossip made him seem.
When compared to the last saiyan Bulma had around her house once or even Yamcha, you're actually a little disappointed but there was plenty enough of a mystery around him that could make up for it. Though, greeted with a firm glare from staring at him across the kitchen could confirm everything you were already told and maybe all you needed to know.
However, you were no stranger to pompous airs. He was a prince, after all.  You would imagine he had his own decorum of coming off prim and proper. Even in his shambled and underdressed appearance.
You only intended to introduce yourself as any dignified social elite would to another, but the Saiyan scoffed with a cold shoulder before he moved to the other side of the kitchen, his findings from the fridge his only concern. Further attempts to extend a kind greeting and start up a conversation continued to be brushed off by The Saiyan Prince, your insisting finally earning a growl followed by a rough "shut up, already". Then in fewer harsh words commanded you to leave him. Rude, as you were told to expect. All this caution for such a surly brute of a man who couldn't even pretend to be nice to you.
Clearly, he was not warned about you.
No one told you what to do! Not even your own parents could reel you in when your temper got the best of you. You were practically royalty yourself and that immunity made testing other's patience come as a natural talent of yours over the years. To hell with trying to be a pleasant dignitary on behalf of the earth, now you were annoyed.
You stomp your foot down, placing your hands on your hips as you scoffed. "You got a lot of nerve! Is that how you were raised to talk to a lady?"
"Are all earth women this obnoxious? I'm trying to eat in peace now get lost!" The man snaps back, leaning over his chair to turn your way. "I've had about enough of your kind thinking you can tell a warrior prince what to do!"
This made you fume. "I don't take orders from some barrel-chested pipsqueak!" He made your blood run hot and you refused to back down from such a rude guest in, practically, your second home. The comment seemed to really rile him up however, you can see the outrage flare in his eyes and you're sure there was a vein popping behind his head dressing. The kind of reaction you lived to incite out of others.
"P-Pipsqueak? How dare-" Vegeta was brimming in his temper, muscles flex with tension against the bandages. He rose from his seat with a rough grip on the back of the chair as it creaked under his hands. "I'm warning you now woman, get out of here or you're not going to like what I become!" In spite of the rough things you've heard of the saiyan, you could only answer him in those magical, troublesome two words.
"Make me." You challenged through the grit of your teeth and another stomp of your foot, a glare in your own eyes burning across the wide space between you. Until he moved without hesitation, heavy footsteps and hunched, broad shoulders coming in toward you and suddenly the logical consequences did start to pile in your mind. The real reason you were told not to get on his bad side. He is rough, he is powerful, he is a killer.
Your eyes flick to the imprint of his hand molded on the chair's frame, and as he gets closer you can see the veins in his arm throb with his fists clenched. The scars and scowl on his face look scarier coming in as well, beating away your own glare. Maybe this time you had toyed with the wrong one. Before you knew it, your legs carried you back until you stumbled against the wall. A rough hand smacked the structure and shook it under his strength behind you, The Prince trapping you with his harsh glare. He breathes a low, threatening sound from his chest then smirks to himself.
As Vegeta expected of a weak human, your bravado crumbled in the face of his power. He was pleased by the slight tremble in your lips and timid shrinking away. Your eyes couldn't leave his for fear of what would happen to you if you so much as blinked. Vegeta was sure you would phase through the wall if you could to get away from him in the moment. The deep furrow in his brows did not falter, nor did the ferocity of his stare upon you as a beast looks upon its prey right before it goes for the throat. It was quiet and intense as he lets you stew in the error of your ways, kindling his pride in yet again putting those beneath him in their place.
How he made you see it unfold should have been a lesson to you about mouthing off, but staying like this somewhat turned your fear into..something else.
No one told you what to do and you thought you would sooner bite off your own tongue than yield to someone, but no one's ever actually forced you to do anything before either. It was a thrill you didn't expect, the hard and rogue exterior he presented now a vision of raw, attractive energy that roused something in you. Your lips parted slightly, your line of sight falling to the Prince's deviant smirk and suddenly filled with a need to feel it. A very clear signal of carnal surrender the warrior prince did not pick up on when you locked eyes again and your next breath shuddered past your lips.
Though satisfied with the terror he struck, a tinge of pain suddenly shot up his arm making him withdraw his hand from the wall and clutch his shoulder in a grimace. Allowing himself to tense up only reawakened the soreness afflicting his body from his intense training. Against the wishes of the household, Vegeta had just left another training session to replenish himself only to, from his perspective, become ambushed by you. Seems even scaring humans came with the painful price of facing the limitations of his body. It started in his arm and then the rest followed as he dropped to his knees in front of you.
You stood there in a silent stupor watching him helplessly as he struggle to even lift himself before you snapped out of it. Your body just acted, lowering yourself to his side and easing one of his arms over your shoulder to help him back up to his feet. You carried most of his weight as you at least got him moving with you toward the kitchen entrance.
"Get off!" The Saiyan Prince fussed for his pride, a strained huff as he tried to take back his balance only to make you both stumble. Where was your large bodyguard when you needed him? Bracing your legs with a strong push to straighten them out and lift him again, you managed to get him back up on his feet, holding his arm over your shoulder with a tighter grip. "D-Don't think... this gets you off easy." Vegeta groaned with pain, swallowing down the bitter bits of pride as you both slowly shuffled out of the kitchen.
"S-Shut up, already!" You griped back. Energy to fuss was better focused on getting to somewhere comfier than the kitchen floor, but you knew it was a mouthful you couldn't wager right now. Leaning on you like this you pick up on the thickness of his natural musk, evidence of a strenuous training session when his body was meant to be resting. Hoping it doesn't stain your expensive outfit, it only teased that attractive rush you got from him.
There was a small trail of bandages left behind as you made your way to the nearest sitting area, helping Vegeta down onto the couch. He slumps back into the cushions as you leaned on the arm to catch your breath. It was good he wasn't as heavy as he seemed with all his muscles, but he didn't make it easy to get him here.
"Now wait here, I'm gonna go get Bulma for help!" You instructed.
"No." He abruptly protests, straining as he adjusted in his seat. "The last thing I need is two of you blathering at me."  
You gave an annoyed huff and straightened up. Even now he had the nerve to be rude. "Dr. Brief, then?" The realization hits you and you take it back. "Oh- Never mind." You recalled the doctor and missus stepping out for a lunch date. Vegeta gives a sneer in response, holding his side as he adjusts his posture. He seemed ready to try to stand up again already but you move around to hold him down. Despite being capable of overpowering you, there was nothing he could do right now about it. His body just seemed incapable of doing what he wanted, cursing its current inability to get past this pain. He manages to look up at you, the flick in your expression from annoyed to worry.
Helplessness recognized in your eyes. You don't know him to be so troubled with his current state, Vegeta reflected. Neither did Bulma, but it didn't stop her from pushing this earthling lifestyle on him or bringing him back from the brink of death. Only to be met with the same slight of his pride as you. As inconvenient as it was, this pain remains necessary to surpass Kakarot and the stranger from the future. He must become a super saiyan and find a power beyond even that. He must reclaim his birthright as the greatest saiyan warrior to ever live. No soft hands and sweet scents from strange earthling women were going to get in his way.
That arrogance in his desires left the two of you going back and forth over getting Bulma again before you just accepted the fact he can't stop you right now and you start to walk off.
"Wait, damn it!" Vegeta winced as he made a grab for your arm. "Do not walk away from me!"
You spin around to him, an offended glance at the large hand wrapped around your fingers before you snatch back. "-Look I am not good in these situations! If you suddenly die I don't know cpr or a fireman's carry or even those dragon balls!"
"I...am not dying. Idiot." Vegeta sank back into the cushions with a more frail scowl, trying to talk through his pain. "Would you just listen to me?"
"I am not an idiot! You're the one up and around when clearly you're supposed to be on bed rest! Why don't you let the air out of your head and let me get you some help!" The heat of your words was punctuated with that demanding stomp again and hands on your hips. He looks at you, chewing on the next bitter words he wanted to say but letting a stiff huff through his nose instead as he closed his eyes to calm himself.
Vegeta then lets out a soft chuckle. "You're both just the same." He declares. Were it uttered in that rough tone you would have taken it as an insult and lashed out, but his voice was lulled to a calmer sound. Unfamiliar thus far to how arrogantly you've heard him speak, it made you tilt your head at his words and momentarily forget your goal. Even his scowl appeared to lose some of its luster as he looked back toward you. "What do you earthlings even care what happens to me, don't you know what I will do once I am a super saiyan?"
"A..super saiyan?" You repeated softly to yourself, a furrow of your brow in confusion.
He pulls his hand out his side and looks over his scarred palm, then tested the flex of his muscles with a clenched fist, gauging his pain from tightening his fingers. "This pain is nothing to a saiyan warrior. It's necessary." He mused in that familiar tone but his eyes were wistful. And once again he tried to get to his feet. "I will get stronger. I will...surpass this!"
Why was he so intense? Not at all what you expected from a Prince, let alone one from outer space. You didn't have to stop him this time as he crashed back into the couch cushions on his own as the pain suddenly intensified through his body. For a hot pain in the neck, you really felt sorry for him. It was more here to unpack than just him trying not to drop his pompous attitude in front of others and give off weakness. There was something deeply wounded about a person who chose to endure such physical agony. This was torturous to watch just as much as he chose to see it through. You were not so high in your own world to not know suffering when you see it, and for Vegeta to try to hide his defeated expression behind a clenched jaw and tightly shut eyes in an attempt to lift off again was enough.
You intersected this attempt when you walked past and then immediately sat beside him, crossing your ankles and setting your hands in your lap. "'Prince Vegeta', right?" You sought clarifications to address him accordingly, his eyes tracking your demeanor up to your face. No more use of harsh nicknames. "They told me you like to fight. But maybe who it is you're trying to fight isn't a problem today or even tomorrow." You reached over and placed a reassuring hand on his bare knee where they left his shorts, keeping your gaze locked on him. "Maybe today is a rest day and tomorrow is your spa day?" You encouraged. "Bulma's like this sometimes, too. I bet she's been in that lab for a couple of days already working on that...suit...thingy. Then right back here to make sure you're not dead, right?"
Vegeta blinks at you, an incredulous look with his arched brow. The brief explanation did line up with his interactions with Bulma when given thought, which is why his trips to the Gravity Chamber weren't broadsided by her mouthy rants. But she couldn't be running herself ragged for him, or rather he chose not to believe she would do that for him of all people. Looking down at his bandaged torso...she would. She was.
"I used to tell her that resting your brain is just as good as resting your body. But in your case, I am suggesting you rest both. I don't know anything about super 'saiya-men', but... would that be so bad?" You continued to try to sway Vegeta to give them both a chance to rest. The soft act of your hand rubbing his knee froze him. Then you felt him flinch under the caress, making you pull your hand away. "Sorry! Did that hurt?"
"What? No! I-" Shutting himself up, Vegeta turned away. Once again nursing his shoulder. He dare not speak of such gentle hands and their stimulation. Like all that he viewed as afflictions, he can push through with sheer willpower. He's done that with Bulma's touches already. "Nothing. Fine, whatever keeps you both out of my hair."
"Geez... Do 'saiya-men' relax or did you need help with that too?" You innocently teased in response to his intense nature only to be answered with an abrupt, loud-
"NO!" A nervous shout that caught you off guard. You withdrew a little further with a wide-eyed stare at the Prince, met with one from him as well. Awkward, to say the least. 
"I didn't mean literally-...Unless you were into that." Half-jokingly you muttered the last bit to yourself, some part of you still drawn to his roughness from earlier. But he must have heard it.
"I'll tell you what I told that Bulma woman, and that is I can take care of myself!" Vegeta defended himself. "I don't need your soft hands all over me at every turn."
That was too specific to not catch on. Was a woman's touch enough to rattle a warrior prince? Again, you weren't as adventurous as Bulma in terms of exploring the world and going into space to get any idea what saiyans were all about. But you've had your own fair share of experiences with men. Naturally, you drew your own conclusion and flashed Vegeta a knowing smile.
"Oh. I get it. You're actually shy around girls." That reminded you of someone else. Either the bad boy routine was just a front and he's secretly a nice, decent prince who respects a woman's disposition by avoiding frivolous "knocking". The quick falter in his eyes from you as he glanced away and the shift of his lap shook loose another possibility in your mind. In shock and awe, you raised a hand toward the light gape of your lips. "...Ooh."
"What?" The Prince snaps again, still in defense mode and now feeling exposed with a fair shade of pink on his face. "What are you gawking at?"
It... would make perfect sense for a Prince, even a rough one like Vegeta, if he was still a virgin.
But you've known a prince or two where that was just a political front. Maybe for him, an alien in every sense of the word, there was some lost custom of his birthplace unable to be properly explored considering the stories you have heard. One of the last of his kind and a virgin. Now he truly had your sympathy. You can see why Bulma was keeping him around, certain she must have realized this by now too.
"May I...make a proposition?" Left your lips before you realized what you were doing, emboldened by your newfound infatuation for the wounded Prince of Saiyans. "-That I can offer my assistance with your 'shyness'?" You lean towards him and your hand finds his knee again, this time with a light grip that causes Vegeta to tense. Your positions were a reflection of when he cornered you in the kitchen. Seeing you scoot closer, easing the distance between you into a barely noticeable gap, was admittedly a lot all at once for him. He felt himself become unnerved, but he would be damned if he fled from a human. For once, he was speechless at your forward behavior. "We can make it easier for you to endure a soft touch without ‘surprises’, ya know?" A quick glance at his lap and your smile grew. "I can do this for you and I’ll accept it as an apology for you being so rude to me. And it will stay between us." You flash a wink his way as you give him a playful poke to the tip of his nose, drawing your finger down his lips.
"Oh, will it?" Bulma's firm voice interrupts, making you and Vegeta turn her way.
"Bulma!" Vegeta cried out in surprise and hints of a plea for help. "This isn't!- We weren't-"
"There you are. About time you left that lab." You interrupted him calmly watching your old friend. Though discovered in fairly compromising positions, the intent of your actions did not let up at Bulma’s presence. The hand on his knee began to travel up his thigh causing Vegeta to flinch beside you. Blue eyes look to his abrupt movement and then between you, a sigh leaving the Brief Heiress.
"Are you seriously doing this right now? In here?" Bulma points out, the sitting area open to all coming and going just as she was. Stumbling across the two of you by chance. Vegeta was relieved that she showed up when she did. Had he the strength to get up, he would take shelter behind her without a second thought.
"Why, are your parents back home?" You asked her.
"No, but a little modesty wouldn’t hurt. Besides, The Prince of Destroying my hard work over here isn't even supposed to be up!” She sighs again, shaking her head as she rubbed one of her temples with a strained frown, directing her frustration to the helpless Vegeta. “Why am I not surprised you're anywhere but where I left you." There was a change in your eyes that made you turn to Vegeta as well with a rascally look before turning back to Bulma.
"There's room for one more." You practically sang to her, beckoning her over. You motioned your finger of your other hand invitingly. Vegeta gawked, his words still stuck in his throat. "You both could use some unwinding."
Earthling women were more crafty and bizarre than he imagined, so bold in everything they do. Bulma, you, even Panchy, who in spite of his fuss never ceased to attach herself so casually to his arm and include him in her mundane activities to make sure he was kept fed and comfy in their home. Kakarot's settling down made more sense if vipers like this were what he was up against. Vegeta hesitates to know what his wife is like.
It took little convincing to get Bulma to come around to the idea. She was just as worn down and frustrated as Vegeta. and dropping inklings of "old times" was enough to inspire the side of her you got to know more intimately in your adult years. You kind of wish Yamcha was here now, but those days were behind you all. As promised, never with old boyfriends and no husbands. With a roll of her eyes and a wily look in her eyes, Bulma stripped her hands of her work gloves and approached the couch. An all too giddy giggle leaves you.
"Don't worry, Bulma and I love to share." You whispered enticingly to The Prince to catch him up to speed as Bulma rounded the chair to come closer. "Consider this a warm-up."
"Warm-up?" He parroted once he found his voice again, tensing at the implications. This was getting out of hand and going way too fast. He was a little intrigued however. Incapable of expressing his eagerness to see where this was going, Vegeta could only continue to watch with a rush in his chest.
"We'll take it slow." You assured him, removing your hand from his in favor of Bulma's closeness. You grasp her hips to be closer than close and pull her down toward you. Before either of them started to overthink what was happening, you captured her lips, wasting no time in getting things going. Your fingers found a bundle of her curls and tangled around them with a soft stroke through her hair. She smelled of heated metals and labor, toiling away at her project like a recluse but the soft smell of strawberries you knew so well from her came through. Wooing you further from those old memories. Right before The Prince's eyes, you performed a demonstration of how to engage the other and shared how you each liked to be kissed. Momentarily losing yourselves in your hands and meeting of tongues when it grew more intense. Vegeta felt a mix of feelings with the scene going on before him, mostly that maybe he was no longer needed here but also that he couldn't turn away from it. How you naturally embraced one another, your soft hands not afraid to venture the contour of your bodies and touch in places that fed affectionate sounds between your joined mouths. And your breasts brushing together as well, embellishing your respective cleavage.
Simply watching you both, overcoming the anxious voice in his head that told him to avert from this obscene display, and he felt his cock spring to life in his fitted shorts snapping him out of his mesmerized stare.
Not yet pulling apart, you both look at Vegeta from the corner of your eyes and grin at the flush on his face almost up to his ears. His bulge was much more prominent and begging for attention he could not form with words. Giving your old friend another quick peck, you exchange wily eyes and pull from her as you both move in closer to Vegeta. You were nearest and the first to become locked in by his stare, lingering within kissing distance to let him decide his next move while Bulma's hands were busy with first fixing his loose bandages, then carefully stroking the muscles of his arm to his chest.
When your noses bumped you heard the soft shudder fall off his lips, continuing to hypnotize him with a little nuzzle. His hands were locked on the couch cushion while his mind fogged over with the heat rising in his body. Yet his voice still penetrated through his thoughts, teetering him to the edge of if it was okay to do, the right time to do it. The hesitation was killing you, so you quickly swiped your tongue across his lips, Vegeta finally tipping him over and sealing his mouth to yours. An abrupt and firm kiss that he quickly pulled away from, gave a tentative breath, and did it again. His large hand captured your face and an impulsive, clumsy tongue came inside your mouth making you pull away.
"Relax, Vegeta." You giggled at his eagerness. Easier said than done. You sought to calm his nerves, bringing a hand to his face as well. "Slow..." You planted a gentle kiss on his other cheek, trailing pecks back to his lips where you lead it this time. Tender, heated lips finding their rhythm making his heart go crazy beneath Bulma’s attentive hands. He felt his erection’s needy twitch but focused on your lips, wanting to do it right.
How easy it was to sink into this desire made him feel like he was giving up something, bringing back that nagging logic-seeking train of thought that he must clutch his prideful convictions and break away from this. But then Bulma’s caressive hand traced up his chest to his neck and ultimately grasped his jaw, turning him loose from you and devoured the last bits of his fragile will, crashing her own lips onto his. Satisfying her temptation and how it drove her crazy wanting to do that for so long. She had the added pleasure of feeling the Prince’s moan vibrate off her own lips. Vegeta was overcome by the demand in her grip and eagerness to fill the space between them, he couldn’t pretend that didn’t happen. Not when the heat in his face finally filled even the tips of his ears. It was embarrassing, but he wanted it. It made his chest feel better to let it out, the next moans more hot and gruff as he kissed her more confidently. 
You grin taking notice. "You have a thing or two to learn about us earth girls." You tittered in his ear. "And that is we like to have fun." Slipping from his side, you sank from your seat and Vegeta’s eyes moved to follow you as he felt his legs open, watching you maneuver in between on your knees. You couldn’t help but take a moment to admire the firm musculature of them, nice strong legs all the way up. Almost bigger than your hands. Hard to imagine them incapable of carrying him without your help. You stroke his thighs in appreciation for their rough beauty, further flattered by the fitted fabric of his shorts. When you brush near his inner thigh, you’re greeted by another twitch at the tent between his legs. Bulma takes notice of his staring and pulls from his lips to watch you as well. She has been admittedly curious about what it was like down there since she first got him out of that stinky armor and into a shower. She protected his modesty when bandaging him up before but now you both had one thing on your mind. However, Vegeta’s hooded stare seemed to be begging you to take that next step slowly.
Though it twitched further in his anticipation, he only fathom a disaster pending beyond his control if you touch him too quickly.
Your sudden grasp certainly did the opposite of what he wanted, first feeling out the shape of his cock behind the clingy fabric before inching the swollen head out of the lining. Already a phenomenal sight without being completely freed, both you and Bulma lock eyes with awe at it. A few soft rubs through his shorts and Vegeta’s legs twitched with a hasty, but restrained buck of his hips, ropes of thick cum pouring out his tip as he bit into his bottom lip. He buried his face into Bulma’s neck and without thought reached into his shorts to soothe his own cock, rubbing himself through his orgasm to the last drop. He found it more intense than when he occasionally relieved himself. A part of him cursed the devilry of you earth women and the beguiling nature that left him unmatched in this. 
But fuck, he really loved the way that felt after such a paced build up. A relief like never before, his mind emptied of their doubts with only an ache for more. 
It was then Bulma’s hand joined him under the fabric, looking with reverie as she took over stroking the heated flesh, loosening Vegeta’s slicked hand away. Already starting to soften from cumming, Vegeta lets her do as she pleases with the frissons of pleasure bringing it back to life. She expected nothing less of a saiyan’s recovery, even in his current state. As she picked up her pace, finding it start to stand on its own, you were the one to fully free his cock when you worked his shorts down his thighs, careful of the hidden bandages beneath his shorts.
Eventually, Bulma joins you on the floor with one of his legs between you. Vegeta sank back in the chair with her grip around him still pumping. Only now you were slowly lapping at his sensitive head with your tongue, lip puckering around and releasing with wet pops. Tasting his precum hanging on your tongue made you squeeze your legs together, urgently wanting some friction between them. You and Bulma then took turns sucking on the head of his cock, your hand and hers held together around him as you began to swap out filling your mouths with his size. You would both earn eager thrusts from Vegeta in response, pushing toward your throats until he came again. Your maw was the lucky one to catch the hot spill, the underside of his cock resting on your tongue as you and Bulma slowly pushed out every drop. She quickly grasps the back of your head and seizes your mouth with her own, both of your tongues coated with his cum and drinking down whatever fell towards your throats.
The sight of you both so ravenous for his seed rekindled inklings of Vegeta’s pride, shining through in a blissful smirk that he was one to stir you both into a frenzy. He rolled his hips forward where the head pressed against your mouths and your kisses turned to his thick cock. Still hard, your tongues left no part untouched. Such a vulgar form of worship he can get used to. 
“Ready?” You ask, looking up through your lashes at Vegeta as his smirk fades into a confused stare. Bulma lifts from the floor and slides out of her jumpsuit, leaving her in her cropped tank top and underwear. 
 “Oh, he’s ready alright.” She grins and carefully climbs onto Vegeta’s lap with her legs on either side of his hips. Vegeta’s brief moment of confidence soon vanished at her closeness in this new position.
You had his first kiss, she can have the first ride.
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