#all discernment
wiirocku · 2 years
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Philippians 1:9 (ESV) - And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment,
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romansmartini · 5 months
ever since i was a little girl i knew i wanted to speculate about the sexual and romantic undertones of celebrities’ professional relationships
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skunkes · 4 months
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smallification comm
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tnnrrdchclt · 2 years
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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This is not my beautiful cultivation partner.
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Our characters...they're aware of the confines of their enclosure...
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ivory-inky · 9 months
my personal collection of condescending asshole teenage boys
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flareboi · 2 months
i think its really interesting how the ava fandom collectively decided paleo/primal is a woman or adjacent to such
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sciderman · 5 months
Demanding more lisp
posts in which it is imperative that wade be read with a fruity obnoxious little gay lisp:
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princesskuragina · 11 months
I hope people know that when I say "[scene that does not include what we would traditionally consider sex acts] is a sex scene" I don't mean "it's a metaphor that is hiding the Secret Coded Truth that the characters are sucking and fucking". I mean that anything can be crazy gay sex when you open your heart and mind
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t0ast-ghost · 11 days
It’s funny just how much recent adaptations of star trek really hate the old medbay design. Now they’re glaringly white and spacious whereas McCoy had a tight fit, green walls, and red beds that were shiny along with the bandages
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mattibee · 1 year
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un-pearable · 25 days
one of the parts of the fanon “PK/DA was an active superhero sometime before DT2017 and donald retired either before or because of the boys” fic premise/microgenre that i think about a lot but have never seen explored is that. chronologically paperinik could very well have been what in the in-universe Darkwing Duck television series was parodying. in a world without actual batman or dc comics to parody the DWD tv show is Paperinik fanfic that later becomes real life again. sorry to break it to you drake but you’re PK through the fandom telephone. i love it.
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worldsunlikemyown · 14 days
The Debate on Pyrokinesis and the Trial of Fintan Pyren
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Though today's records are by and large made on digital platforms, in the old days of the Elves, in the past, it was the custom to keep hand-written records of the proceedings of the Elvin court. One such record of perhaps the most famous trial, the trial for one of the most vile crimes ever committed among the Elves, still survives in its entirety. It is a rare document, for it was, like all the most important Elvin legislation, never digitised or widely reproduced. Here is presented, for the first time digitally and for human audiences, and translated from the Enlightened Language into English from the single known surviving copy, the Debate on Pyrokinesis and the Trial of Fintan Pyren.
English version of the excerpt under cut (in case anyone wants to try translating):
Gathered was the Council entire in the Tribunal Hall, on their high thrones of judgement in noble Eternalia. Before them stood one of their own, once beloved and honoured, accused of and to be judged for the most grave crime of all: that of causing the death — yes, death, that tragic aberration — of another. 
The accused was named: 'Fintan Pyren', he who was the foremost master in pyrokinesis. In his defence none stood save for himself. The Councillors were the judges and the jury, and all the Elvin world the accuser; the speaker for both the latter parties was named: 'Fallon Vacker', he who was the spokesperson of the Council.  Then began the debate on pyrokinesis and the trial of Fintan Pyren. 
Thus spoke Councillor Fallon: 'You stand here, Fintan Pyren, accused by all the Elvin world, with evidence against you, of the crime of elf-slaughter due to deadly negligence. How do you plead?'
And Fintan Pyren answered: 'Guilty. I plead guilty.'
Then the Council entire, save Fintan, who stood accused and stripped of all rank, did debate telepathically for a time. Then spoke Councillor Fallon: 'Your crime, Fintan Pyren, is both grave and unprecedented. Your sentence must be thus also. But we have come to a decision, after much debate, to hear your opinion on your potential sentences.' 
Fintan Pyren raised his eyes to the Councillor and spoke: 'And what criminal chooses their own sentence? I care not to answer such questions; do to me as you will.' 
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altocat · 4 months
Every time I see a Nibelheim argument that boils down to "Sephiroth did the thing because his ego/pride was shattered" I want to rip my hair out.
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katmaatui · 7 months
Hal Jordan is like this.
You are ten years old and your father blew up in front of you. He could have survived, maybe, if he pulled out. You wonder what his last words were. You wonder if he was thinking of you for once. He was never proud of you. You accept this as your fault.
You are eighteen years old and you are alone. You have left everything you have ever known behind. You are your father's son. He didn't care much about his family either. Your little brother, the one you were supposed to protect, waited up until midnight to see you. You weren't there.
You are twenty-five years old and you have lost the thing you gave up everything before. You have to see your mom one last time. She will not be there. This is your fault. You left. This is all your fault. They all tell you so.
You are twenty-five years old, still, and you are drinking. Your best friend is in the car with you. You swerve. You hit a sign. He is hurt. Eventually, he is dead. This is your fault.
You are thirty-three years old, and you are on the road. Your best friend says that you are a slave to otherworldly masters. Some part of you agrees with him. They take away their protection even when you're with one of their own. This means nothing.
You are thirty-five years old, and you are not allowed to go home once again. You disagreed too much. You focused too much on your home versus the entire sector. You have to prove yourself. They will manipulate your whole mind. This is your fault.
You are forty-one years old, and you weren't there. They are dead, and you weren't there. They are dead, they burned, they are screaming, and you weren't there. This is your fault. It's always been your fault.
You will erase it. You will erase it. You will erase it. So many are dead. It is your fault.
You do not know how old you are. It is not your fault. You are young. You are what you always wanted to be. You have always been this way. You do not change. It is not your fault. It has never been your fault.
Hal Jordan is like this.
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