#all in one labor law poster company
mystlnewsonline · 8 months
Reliance Staffing of Michigan to Pay $181K in Back Wages
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The U.S. Department of Labor Recovered $181K for 70 Nurses and assistants who were Denied Overtime After Michigan Company Reliance Staffing, LLC Misclassified Them as Contractors. (STL.News) The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) released the following information on February 5, 2024: Employers: Reliance Staffing LLC - Fahim Uddin, owner Actions: Fair Labor Standards Act consent judgment Courts: U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan Investigation findings: On February 2, 2024, Judge Sean F. Cox in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan entered a consent judgment requiring Reliance Staffing LLC and its owner, Fahim Uddin, to pay a total of $181,531? representing $90,765 in overtime wages and an equal amount in liquidated damages ? to 70 registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and certified nursing assistants. An investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division found that Uddin and Reliance Staffing misclassified their workers as independent contractors when, in fact, they were employees.  By doing so, the employer failed to pay overtime wages at time and one-half their hourly rate of pay for hours over 40 in a pay period. On September 22, 2023, the department filed a complaint in federal court against Reliance Staffing and Uddin, seeking back wages and damages for the employees' violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act's overtime provisions. Under terms of the consent judgment, Uddin and Reliance Staffing will make the back wages payments in installments through August 1, 2024, and must also provide employees with Wage and Hour Division fact sheets and verify that the division's workers' rights posters are posted and visible at each of their locations. The Bingham Farms, Michigan, company recruits and employs registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and certified nursing assistants. Quote: "The resolution of this case will restore hard-earned wages denied to employees of Reliance Staffing who performed demanding care work," explained Wage and Hour District Director Timolin Mitchell in Detroit.  "When employers misclassify workers as independent contractors, they do not pay applicable employment taxes or workers' compensation on their behalf, and they deny them protections under the Fair Labor Standards Act." "The Department of Labor is committed to ensuring workers receive their rightfully earned pay," added Regional Solicitor Christine Heri in Chicago.  "We will use all legal tools necessary to compel employers to abide by the law." SOURCE: DOL Read the full article
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mesrianilawgroup · 1 year
How Does the Fair Labor Standards Act Protect Employees?
In 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act was passed which protects employees’ rights to fair wages. Also known as the FLSA, this law protects employees by placing regulations on interstate commerce employment. It oversees things like child labor, minimum wage, and overtime pay; and has standards for both salaried employees and those paid by the hour.
What is the Fair Labor Standards Act?
The FLSA is a federal law that oversees wage regulations for both full and part time employees whether they are employed by a private company or government employer. It regulates things such as the minimum wage, child labor, recordkeeping, and overtime. Federal minimum wage was increased to $7.25 in 2009 and has not been raised since. Generally, if employees work more than forty hours per workweek, they should be paid ‘time and a half’ which is 1.5 times their regular rate of pay.
Who is Protected By the FLSA?
The Fair Labor Standards Act protects employees of public agencies, interstate commerce, production of commercial goods, domestic service, hospitals, schools, and other education facilities. Independent contractors and volunteers are not legally considered employees, and as such, are not protected by the standards and regulations of the FLSA. Employees who are eligible for overtime compensation are required to complete a record of their attendance and times worked.
Primary Areas of Coverage in FLSA
Minimum Wage – The FLSA maintains the federal minimum wage. As of 2009, the minimum wage has been $7.25 per hour. While states are free to set their own minimum wage rates, the only states with a minimum wage lower than the federal rate are Georgia and Wyoming. Both states pay a minimum wage of $5.15 per hour, although employers who are subject to FLSA regulations are required to pay no less than the federal minimum.
Overtime – If an employee is sixteen or older, they may work as many hours as their employer allows. However, if an employee works more than forty hours in a workweek, they may be entitled to overtime pay. Overtime pay must be at least one and a half times the normal hourly rate of pay for the employee.
Hours Worked – The FLSA oversees all time that an employee is doing their job either on site, on duty, or at a designated location.
Recordkeeping – The FLSA requires that employers keep accurate records of employee timecards and payroll. They must also have an official poster of FLSA requirements displayed for employees.
Child Labor – The FLSA maintains regulations that ensure that work does not interfere with a child’s education or best interests. It also limits the types of jobs that children can work and the conditions they can work under.
FLSA Minimum Wage Protections
Though the FLSA maintains a federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour, many states have instituted their own laws that set their own minimum wage. The FLSA does not govern state law outside of provisions that are in line with preexisting FLSA requirements.
California Minimum Wage
As of January 2023, the state imposed minimum wage in California is $15.50 per hour for all employers. In the past, employers with 26 or more employees were required to pay slightly more than employers with fewer employees. California minimum wage has been rising steadily for years now:
Minimum Wage by Year
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FLSA Overtime Protections
The FLSA maintains that an employer must pay covered non-exempt employees time and a half for any time worked over forty hours in a given work week. This does not include paid time off. A work week might not line up with what is considered a calendar week but is a fixed increment of 168 hours. While the work week may vary for different employees, employers are prohibited from averaging hours beyond the confines of a given work week. Furthermore, overtime pay must generally be paid out on the pay period in which it was earned.
Classifying Employees Under FLSA
It is important to know whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor. Not only are there differences in the rights and benefits, but employers may face fines and legal action if they are caught misclassifying their workers. There are many questions that can be asked to help determine if a worker is an employee or an independent contractor:
Does the employer or the worker determine when and how the work is done?
Does the employer or the worker determine what the worker’s responsibilities are?
Does the employer or the worker provide the supplies and equipment needed?
Does the employer or the worker pay the payroll taxes?
Does the employer or the worker set the rate of pay?
Who is Exempt from Minimum Wage & Overtime Wages?
If an employee is considered nonexempt, then their employer is required to pay them overtime. If an employee is considered exempt, then their employer is not required to pay them overtime. While there are some jobs that are considered exempt in of themselves, there are three conditions that must be met to determine if an employee is considered exempt, such as:
The amount the employee is paid – Generally $35,568 or more a year
The way they are paid – Generally salary
The type of work performed – As defined by FLSA regulations
Freelance workers and independent contractors are not covered by the FLSA. Employers with less than $500,000 a year in sales as well as small farms that do not engage in interstate commerce are also exempt. Other exempt workers also include:
Executives who manage at least two people and authorize job status of others
Administrators who directly work for management and control their own work duties
Outside salespeople who work primarily offsite and on commission
Computer workers paid at least $684 weekly by salary or fee basis
Workers employed by seasonal recreation establishments
Employees of small local newspapers including delivery workers
Sailors on foreign vessels
Personal caregivers such as homecare aides and babysitters
Employees working under an apprenticeship
Record Keeping That Meets FLSA Standards
When an employer is covered by the FLSA, they must keep detailed records for their non-exempt employees. While there is no uniform standard for how these records are kept, there are specific pieces of information that need to be recorded with complete accuracy for each employee:
Full Name
Social Security Number
Date of Birth (employees under 19)
Start of Workweek Day and Time
Daily Hours Worked
Workweek Hours Worked
How wages are paid
Pay Rate by Hour
Total Straight-time Earnings
Workweek Overtime Earnings
Wage Deductions and Additions
Wages per Pay Period
Dates of Pay Period
Date of Payment
Different types of records must be kept on file for different lengths of time. Payroll, collective bargaining agreements, and sales or purchase records must be kept for at least three years. Things like timecards, work schedules, and other methods for computing wages must be kept for at least two years. These records should be kept on site or at a central record keeping office. Employers are required to make these records open and available for Division inspection.
How FLSA Defines and Regulates Hours Worked
The law defines the word ‘employ’ as “to suffer or permit to work”. The time that an employee spends on site or on duty is considered part of their workweek. The workday begins when the employee first starts working and ends when the employee completes their work. The workday often includes more than just hours worked. There are many different classifications of hours under the FLSA and variables that determine if they are considered working hours.
Waiting – There are two different kinds of waiting time. Being engaged to wait is considered work time such as short periods of down time between tasks. Waiting to be engaged is not considered work time such as free time between jobs.
On Call – An employee is considered working while on call if they are required to stay on site. Generally, if an employee is free to go about their day, they are not considered working while on call. The extent of that freedom may change whether or not the employee is considered working.
Breaks – Short breaks, often five to twenty minutes, are generally considered to be part of hours worked and are paid time. Employers may implement their own consequences for employees taking extended breaks and may be permitted to not count the extra time as time worked. Meal breaks, often thirty to sixty minutes, are usually not considered to be part of hours worked and are unpaid so long as the employee is completely free of their work responsibilities while on break.
Sleep – If an employee is on duty for shifts of twenty-four hours or longer, they may negotiate unpaid sleeping breaks with their employer. These breaks must be more than five and less than eight hours and the employer must provide a proper sleeping area. For shifts shorter than twenty-four hours, authorized sleeping breaks are considered time worked.
Training & Meetings – There are four factors that must apply in order for a meeting or training program to be unpaid: Outside of working hours, attendance is voluntary, unrelated to the employee’s job, and no work is required to be done.
Daily Commute – Regular travel time from home to work and back is not considered hours worked.
One Time Extended Commute – If an employee routinely works at one location and is required to go to another location in another city for a day, the additional commute time may be considered time worked. Employers are permitted to exclude the employee’s normal commute time from those hours.
Daily Travel – Some jobs may require travel as part of the employee’s duties such as deliveries or traveling between job sites. This travel time is considered hours worked.
Trips – If an employee is required to travel for work and is kept away overnight, this is considered travel away from home and is hours worked. Not only is working time counted, but also work hours on days off while away.
FLSA Regulations on Child Labor
There are many restrictions on the type of work that employees under eighteen years old may be permitted to perform as well as the conditions under which they are permitted to work. The FLSA does not allow minors to work jobs that they consider hazardous to the minor’s wellbeing or education. There are also restrictions governing the hours a minor is allowed to work and the breaks they must be provided. Each state also has their own laws regulating child labor that employers should be aware of.
Recent FLSA Updates
The 2018 amendments to FLSA regarding tipped employees were updated in 2020 and 2021. The new regulations forbid employers from taking any part of the employee’s tips and also updated the restrictions on when an employer can alter an employee’s pay based on earned tips.
The Joint Employer Rule was rescinded in July of 2021.
The United States Department of Labor recently began proposal of a new rule to update the regulations and guidelines for determining if a worker is an independent contractor or an employee in accordance with the FLSA. This rule was proposed in October of 2022, replacing the January 2021 rule with a more accurate and precise method for classification. The rule is considered mutually beneficial for both workers and employers, reducing the risk of employee misclassification, and increasing employer confidence and peace of mind when hiring independent contractors.
Common Violations of FLSA
Unfortunately, there are many ways in which employers can and do violate the Fair Labor Standards Act:
Misclassification – Employers may sometimes classify an employee as exempt based on their job title or type of pay rate even though the job duties and amount of pay indicate that the employee is nonexempt. It is important for employers to be mindful of all the variables of a situation and for employees to be well informed of their rights.
Not compensating off the clock work – When an employee works beyond their scheduled time, even if they are clocked out, that is still considered hours worked and the employee should be compensated. Even if the employer did not request or permit the off the clock work, they are still responsible for paying the employee.
Not compensating working breaks – When an employee is expected to be on call through their breaks, or works through their lunch, that time is considered hours worked and the employee must be compensated. In order for a break to be unpaid, the employee must not be performing any job-related duties such as cleaning, replying to emails, or interacting with clients.
Overtime waivers – If an employer has an employee sign a document waiving their right to overtime pay, that document is invalid and unenforceable.
Averaging workweeks – Sometimes, an employer may average out the number of hours an employee has worked over two or more weeks to avoid paying overtime. If an employee takes a day off one week and then works an extra eight hours the next week, the employer may average those hours out to say the employee worked forty hours each week. This may seem mathematically logical, but it is actually legally prohibited.
What to Do If Your Employer Violates the FLSA
Because there are employers who will violate FLSA, employees must be aware of the options available to them and the steps to take if they find themselves in such a situation. Complaints regarding FLSA violations can and should be filed with the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division.
The WHD investigates violation claims by having a representative conduct interviews with the employer and various employees, research payroll and timecard documents, and gather any other information that may indicate if a violation has been committed.
The person who files the complaint does not need to be the person against whom the violation was committed. Anyone who witnesses their employer violating the FLSA may report that violation.
It is prohibited for an employer to retaliate against an employee who has filed a complaint or participated in an investigation against them.
How to File FLSA Complaint
When filing a complaint with the WHD, there are several details you will need to provide:
Your name
Your address
Your phone number
The company’s name, address, and number
Owner/employer/manager name
Your job duties
Your pay rate and method
It is good to be as detailed as possible when providing information. Your complaint is the starting point of their investigation. When filing a complaint as a third party, you may not have all of the information needed, but it is important to share as much as possible.
Contact Mesriani Law Group if You Have Experienced a FLSA Violation
The Fair Labor Standards Act exists to protect workers and their right to fair wages. All too often, employers try to circumvent the law and get away with cheating their employees out of the money they’ve earned. When these violations occur, employees have the right to file complaints against their employers. If you are facing retaliation for filing a claim with the Department of Labor or participating in an investigation against your employer, call Mesriani Law Group today for a free consultation.
Fair Labor Standards Act FAQs
What are the four main elements of the FLSA?
There are four primary areas established and enforced by the Fair Labor Standards Act. Establishing and enforcing minimum wage, overtime pay, regulations for recordkeeping, and regulations for child labor. While some jobs and employees may not be covered by the FLSA or exempt from overtime, the act generally applies to part time as well as full time workers of both private and government employers.
What are some common mistakes made under FLSA?
Whether intentional or accidental, there are employers who do not adhere to the regulations set forth by the FLSA. One of the most common mistakes employers make is misclassifying their employees. Not paying overtime properly and allowing employees to work off the clock or during their breaks without compensation are also violations that occur far too often. It is important for everyone on both sides of an employment relationship to be familiar with the law and how it applies to them.
What is not regulated under the Fair Labor Standards Act?
There are several aspects of employment that the Fair Labor Standards Act does not oversee. This includes but it not limited to things like the payment of wages in excess of FLSA requirements, lunch and rest breaks, termination letters, and final payments for terminated employees. The FLSA also does not regulate paid time off. It is important to also be aware of state laws and regulations pertaining to all employment matters.
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OSHA Workplace Safety Training, Consultancy: PCS Safety, California
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Injury and Illness Prevention (IIP) Program Plan Kit : Under Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations (T8CCR) Section 3203, every California employer is required to have a documentable llness injury preventino program kit. At PCS Safety, Inc., osha injury and illness prevention program our Injury and Illness Prevention Plan Kit injury and illness prevention program osha will help you prepare and meet the legal requirements. The first step is conducting injury illness prevention program california the OSHA Inspections & Citation Representation, injury illness prevention program Citation & Appeals.
Cal OSHA Compliance Training : The Safety Program or Illness and Injury Prevention Program as required by Cal OSHA training requirements must encompass the following elements:
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mittensmorgul · 3 years
Do people in the USA ever catch a break? It seems to me as though you have to fight for or against something almost every single day just to achieve humane living/working/education/... standards/conditions. No wonder 90% need therapy. Am I wrong?
when a significant portion of the population legitimately seems to have no idea the scope of the issues we're facing, and instead has been completely polarized from like... actual reality... yeah, it makes it practically impossible to actually make positive change.
it's fucking exhausting, honestly.
under a cut because i needed to vent for a minute >.>
there's been a lot of push for positive change, too, don't get me wrong. the current push to unionize labor, for example, is slowly pushing back against a lot of those issues.
but the puritan far right wing white supremacist pseudo-christian nazi nonsense is insidious. these people have such warped ideas about what it means to live in a society, and many of them are absolutely convinced that they are on the side of "good." despite resembling-- to every single person who knows history and doesn't have their head crammed up their ass-- a textbook reenactment of 1920's and 30's germany with everything from book banning to the beer hall putsch.
part of the problem is that the U.S. is basically 50 countries in a trenchcoat and the trenchcoat is full of holes. and only one side of the political equation is operating in good faith and even remotely attempting to obey the law. look at the supreme court decision on redistricting from yesterday... the supreme court basically said "oh, too bad, it's just impractical to uphold the constitution in this case, and it's easier to just... not do that." and disenfranchised MILLIONS of people in the process. so even when our highest ruling bodies apparently are choosing to just make up their own rules, it's dangerous to just sit back and do nothing.
one of my high school history teachers had a poster on the wall that i think about constantly. it said QUESTION AUTHORITY. it's not only our RIGHT but our DUTY as citizens to stand up and do something in situations like this. the constitution not only delineates our right to freedom, etc., but also our RESPONSIBILITIES as citizens in a society. And right now, only one political party cares about that second part...
it makes it really difficult to make any sort of positive change.
education is a state (and usually also individual counties within each state) issue. School boards are county-level elected entities, and most people don't bother voting for those positions. It means a lot of school boards are comprised of people who have zero business dictating what education should look like, and that's part of the problem there.
unfettered capitalism, deregulation, and the constant messaging that despite stagnant wages, predatory financial institutions, and for-profit healthcare (and that one is probably the most infuriating thing to me of all of this-- NOBODY should be profiting from essentially betting on whether people live or die...), among other things, is the "best system in the world!" we have "freedom and choice!" in all of this! and if the government stepped in to rein in any of this it would mean you'd lose that "freedom to choose!" what's best for you and your family! Like... there are a LOT of people in this country who completely believe the big insurance companies are giving them "choices" and provide the best care they can hope to get, despite even insured people not being able to afford to go to the doctor, or being told their insurance won't cover the procedures or meds they need to live because of cost, despite making millions and often billions for their investors. It's all a scam, and americans are so addicted to their own sense of exceptionalism that they refuse to confront the fact that hey, maybe we aren't the best, and maybe this system really kinda sucks...
heck i've wandered off topic again, haven't i...
ugh, sorry, but thanks for the chance to vent a little bit. i am only one smol mitten trying to live a life here, and i'm just exhausted by all of this.
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penguinkinggames · 4 years
“Cerebos: The Crystal City” Actual Play Part I: Introductions
This is the first in a series of posts recounting a session of actual play from Cerebos: the Crystal City, currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter. If you’ve been wondering what on Earth players actually do in a game of Cerebos, read on!
This session was conducted on March 20th, 2021, with Matthew Dorbin as GM, and Amelia Gorman, Ashley Flanagan, Will Mendoza, and Kevin Snow playing. The events of play were recorded by Zach Welhouse.
For this session of Cerebos, the GM volunteered to run a session with the Adventure! Conductor. The conductor’s Atlas Obscura power invites the players and GM to work collaboratively to create a Stops table unique to their journey. They exchanged a few ideas over e-mail, which the GM codified. He added this new Stops table, which was heavy on the hells, to five other Stop tables to create an Atlas. Then he selected six Event tables to create an Almanac.
Everybody met in Discord and talked about unrelated matters for a bit. Then it was time to introduce characters. Each character clings to three touchstones: objects that represented their past in the City by the Sea. Each touchstone has a single Trait.
Dramatis Personae
Tinderling. A woman who looks like a burnt match.
Iron rail spike (Odd Jobs)
A single match (Burns at Both Ends)
Bird bone sewing needle (Piercing Insight)
The Unqualified Robot. A mechanical figure with a light projection screen for a head. It indicates expression by placing a large slide with the image of an emotion on the screen.
Expression slides (Toxic Positivity)
Backpack of unsold gadgets (Abandoned Junk)
Flask of motor oil (Guzzlin’)
The Lady in Blue. A woman who is as regal as she is soot-stained: exceedingly.
Gun with a single bullet (Single-Minded)
Feathered hat (Life of Luxury)
Burned handbag (Lost Sister)
The Lonesome Seafarer. A sea captain far from shore.
Patchwork coat (Coat of Theseus) (“I like it because it’s vague and we’ll find out what it means during play.”) 
Blue tricorner hat (Air of Authority)
Spyglass with broken lens (Grizzled Survivor)
Some players came to the table with their whole starting concept, while others were less certain about their starting Traits. Everyone helped brainstorm starting Traits for the players who were less certain. This early riffing was the first sign of the collaboration to come. 
One player noticed they gravitated toward useless items or objects of purely sentimental value. The travelers themselves were quite worn, so we were already establishing a contemplative mood. These were travelers who had been beaten down by the world, but hadn’t given up yet. Their stories would be ones of struggle and inspirational determination or grim warnings about challenging forces larger than themselves.
Based on these introductions, each player determined why another traveler was headed to Cerebos. They shared the goals with the GM over DMs, so no one knew why their traveler was on the road. The truth revealed itself over time through flashbacks
Tinderling: Her newly unionized shop got shut down by union busters. She’s looking for a place with less draconian labor laws.  
The Unqualified Robot: Cerebos is home to a famous scientist who specializes in reprogramming obsolete robots for new jobs.  
The Lady in Blue: The Lady in Blue's sister, the Lady in Red is a criminal ringleader in Cerebos. The Lady in Blue aims to kill her and take over her crime empire.  
The Lonesome Seafarer: The Lonesome Seafarer is looking for someone lost at sea, and old rival/loved one who was believed to have perished but was seen alive in the City by someone the Seafarer trusts. They have something they want to ask them.
Based on their answers to the GM’s initial questions, the players were interested in telling a story about labor, power, and human connections.
For example, the GM asked the players if they intended to pay for passage on the train. One player suggested they might have company scrip from Tinderling's employers. The GM asked if the company had a name, at which point Inferno Heavy Industries was born. It had just opened its newest station for business, to (according to the fresh posters) was "bringing luxury to a land with so little of value".
The Journey Begins
When the travelers arrive, workmen are still unloading plants and doing their best to landscape the surrounding wasteland. The local ecosystem will probably recover. Tinderling notices a panhandler passing among the large crowds, who she recognizes as a scab from the City by the Sea.
The train still has that new train smell. It has fancy cushions and a conductor who’s knowledgeable and friendly, but not pushy. Only the best for the engine’s maiden voyage!
The Lonesome Seafarer follows the automated snack cart from car to car, loading up on the bounty of the rails. The Unqualified Robot, never having been on a train before (presumably), keeps getting in the way until Tinderling recognizes a proletariat in need and guides it to a seat. The Unqualified Robot slides a winking face into its project slot, gladdened by the kindness.
The train sets off and the GM rolls for an Event in the Almanac. The train plows through the desert, passing through a region of low hills and hexagonal pits that seep gas into the air. Plague doctors patrol the perimeter, keeping pit owls from approaching the train. 
This terrain is a Danger 3 Event. If the Danger level (that is, the total Danger of all active Events) is 4 or greater by the time the train reaches a Stop, the Stop will be especially dangerous. If the Event’s individual Danger is reduced to 0, one of the travelers will receive a keepsake of the encounter.
At this point, everybody takes an action with comments, suggestions, and general role-playing filling the space in between.
First Round of Train Actions
Tinderling is familiar with gas from mines and factories. It may be dangerous! She suggests people put on wet masks. She takes the Engage Event action and rolls a Success to lower the danger to 2. Several passengers see the wisdom of this advice and mask up.  
The Lady in Blue shares a story with whoever’s sitting next to her (it doesn’t matter, really) about the importance of staying calm and composed during times of danger. Take it easy, eat a little food. It will all work out. She uses the conductor’s Easy Confidence Train Action to understand Tinderling. Just a little. She gains a bonus to the next time they work together.  
The Lonesome Seafarer believes the unruly owls to be a problem. She shouts out the window and waves her hat at them: “Hey! Owls! Listen to those plague doctors! They have good medical advice!” Another Success. The Event’s danger lowers to 1.  
The Unqualified Robot, shocked by all the action, takes the Lady in Blue’s advice. It tries creating a meal from the snack cart, mashing snacks against its face until it’s a custardy mess. The Lady in Blue offers a napkin and they talk through the comedy of manners. Next, the Robot tries its flask. Empty. The Lady in Blue suggests whiskey for the both of them. They both Share a Meal and earn a keepsake: a tasty beverage that provides a one-time reroll of a 1 or 2.
The first round of Train Actions has ended. The train speeds on into the evening. A few owls follow, hovering just out of reach.
Second Round of Train Actions
Tinderling asks the Lonesome Seafarer about her spyglass. The Seafarer has a flashback to a terrible sea battle against a kraken. She orders her crew to battle stations!   Second mate Scurvy doubts her, shouting, “Are you mad, captain? We can’t fight this!” The captain disagrees, jumping into action and fighting back the kraken almost single-handedly, saving the topsman from a tentacle that may very well be an arm. After the battle, Scurvy is nowhere to be found.   During this flashback, Tinderling set up most of the action, while the Lonesome Seafarer filled in with her actions. Everyone else offered suggestions, commentary, jokes, and bit parts like sailors screaming in terror. Everybody spitballs ideas about what this scene reveals about the Lonesome Seafarer and agrees: the spyglass gains two ranks of the Tunnel Vision trait.  
The Unqualified Robot sees passengers all around it talking, and emulates them by asking the Lady in Blue a nice, innocent question about the gun she’s carrying. It seems like a safe conversation opener, but draws her into a flashback!   The Lady in Blue is playing cards in a seedy tavern. One hand is on her gun, which she’s holding under the table and pointing at her opponent. It’s a game of chance, but the Lady in Blue is exuberantly talking about her masterful strategy. Her opponent throws his hands in the air in disgust, knocking over several drinks. He goes to pick his mug off the ground, narrowly missing as the Lady in Blue passes her gun off to an accomplice who walks past. Her name isn’t Margaret and the Lady in Blue’s name isn’t Angela, but that’s how they refer to one another.   The Lady in Blue’s player had no idea how this game would turn out while it was happening. The accomplice was probably the lost sister alluded to in her Lost Sister trait, but only future flashbacks would tell. Everyone talks about what they learned about the Lady in Blue, and her gun gains two ranks of the Nick of Time trait.
At this point in the journey, two flashbacks have flashed back. The GM rolls on the Almanac for an Event, prompting an announcement from the conductor: “Hello passengers. It’s rare for a train to get lost, but we have.”
Inferno Heavy Industries hired several competing rail gangs for its line, leading to a labyrinthine snarl of tracks. Worse, the turbulence woke a swarm of chandler beetles that had been roosting in the overhead bins. Their waxy secretions have a way of ruining any train ride or picnic, most immediately threatening the Lady in Blue’s sippin’ whiskey. This is a Danger 3 event, which raises the Danger level on the train to 4.
The second round of train actions then continues:
The Lonesome Seafarer continues her conversation with Tinderling, ignoring the beetles for the time being, prompting a flashback. Encouraged by the Lonesome Seafarer’s tale of adversity, Tinderling recalls a time she had to stitch up a friend in the mines with her bird bone sewing needle. Inferno Heavy Industries at fault. That’s when she got the idea to blow up the mine and let those hateful ghouls know their workers had dignity.   Everyone decides the bird bone sewing needle gains two ranks of A Rough Patch.  
The Lady in Blue decides needs must. She sacrifices her hat to scoop up the chandler beetles that are threatening her drink. It’s a snap decision that she instantly regrets. That hat was a link to who she used to be, and possibly who she would like to continue being. It was an exclusive. A very nice hat.   The Lady in Blue rolls an 8 on her roll to release a touchstone. It’s an Ugly Break, so one of her other touchstones gains one Momentum. Even though her luxurious hat has been tainted by insects, she still has her fancy bag.   On the bright side, she gains one Contemplation for taking a step away from her all-controlling past. She doesn’t know much about who she is or who she wants to be, but her hat and the memories connected to it certainly aren’t going to hold her back.
The second round of train actions has now concluded! The Danger level is still 4.
Third Round of Train Actions
Tinderling finishes her conversation with the Lonesome Seafarer and looks across the car to the Unqualified Robot. It’s sipping whiskey from its refilled flask, watching the Lady in Blue go after the beetles with her hat.   Tinderling notices the flask looks like an oil can. The Unqualified Robot notices it’s being watched and becomes self-conscious.   It thinks back to when it liberated the oil can from an Inferno Heavy Industries factory. It was scrounging for oil, always finding just enough to keep it going. Even though the factory was out of commission, automated guards were still protecting its assets. The guards were large and dystopian, while the Unqualified Robot was small and scrappy. It scraped oil off the silent factory machinery with a tiny spoon. It listened to messages on the foreman’s answering machine. The electricity bill is due in three days. The Robot dutifully writes down the messages from the answering machine and takes a sip of oil.   Everyone agrees the Unqualified Robot’s story is going to go some dark places. The oil can flask gains two ranks of Drowning Sorrows.
Two more flashbacks have occurred, so the GM rolls for another Event. The players recognize the Danger is adding up, but are cavalier about it. “How bad can it be?” That’s how they get ants. Ants that are crossing the tracks in a line that stretches to the horizon. They’re carrying the components to build a death ray. Components that look suspiciously similar to the inner workings of a robot. The Event’s Danger is 1; the train’s overall Danger is 5.
The third round of train actions continues:
The Unqualified Robot Engages the Event. The ants know Morse code, as does the Robot so communication is not a problem. Understanding is more difficult. The Robot slides a diplomatic slide onto its projector screen and solemnly taps out, “Please don’t build a death ray with the components of robots. They are living creatures, demanding of dignity.” It rolls a 1 and a 2. A Setback.   The Robot takes a long pull from its whiskey, using the meal keepsake to reroll the 1. Its new results are a 2 and a 2, which is still a Setback. Worse, it’s rolled doubles. If the Robot chooses not to reroll at this point, it’ll gain a point of Momentum in addition to the penalty from the Setback. However, it still has several Traits it could use.   The Unqualified Robot decides a Setback makes more sense. It receives one Damage and gains a point of Momentum to its face plates. Everyone shares a good-natured laugh at how unlucky the robot is and how it will receive a Bad End at this rate.  
The Lady in Blue feels a looming sense of dread and takes a Stop the Train Action. The conductor cheerfully reminds everyone that due to paperwork they signed when purchasing their tickets, the train will be making a brief, unscheduled stop to investigate several findings of industrial importance. Naturally, the NDA also applies.  
Ordinarily, after calling for a Stop, any travelers who have yet to take their train action for the round would receive the opportunity to do so before the train pulls into the station; however, in the group’s eagerness to get away from the assorted owls and insects, the Lonesome Seafarer’s turn was accidentally skipped!
The First Stop
Inferno Heavy Industries scientists unload delicate instruments and set up camp. This is a burial ground, but the skeletons interred in the sands have beards and wigs made of precious metals. If they could determine how to extract metal from living bone, profits would be sure to follow.
In normal circumstances, this wouldn’t be an especially dangerous Stop. However, the travelers let the Event Danger pile up. The last remaining owls have lost interest and the conductor deals with the chandler beetles, but bad karma and the ants remain -- and they’ve decided to complement their death ray with silver and gold, both fine conductors..
In fact, the silver and gold threads are so conducive that several of the skeletons spring to unlife, animated by the scientist’s tools. They give of sparks and judder through the sands, inconveniencing scientists, passengers, and ants alike. Passengers watch the train in shifts, keeping the electric dead at bay with long poles.
The Stop has Danger 5. Since it’s so high, the travelers are unable to rest and take in the sights. Moreover, they’ll need to be very lucky if they want to leave with a fond keepsake or without suffering Damage. The train will remain for one round of Stop Actions. Tune in next time to find out how the travelers fare!
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theculturedmarxist · 4 years
This report was written by Andrew Perez, Julia Rock and David Sirota
Draft legislation circulating in the U.S. Senate would shield employers and health care industry executives from legal consequences when their business decisions injure or kill workers, customers and patients during the COVID-19 outbreak.
The unprecedented proposal to gut legal protections — which is being depicted as moderate compromise legislation and potentially attached to badly-needed state and local aid — follows a Harvard study showing a surge in worker COVID deaths following their requests for government regulators’ help.
The Huffington Post reported on Monday that Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin is joining GOP senators in backing corporate immunity legislation. A draft of the legislative language obtained by The Daily Poster includes provisions that would:
Shield companies from all coronavirus-related actions retroactively — for at least one year, or until the pandemic is over — except in cases of “gross negligence.” Most coronavirus-related lawsuits would be forced into federal courts, which are considered more friendly to business interests.
Restrict the enforcement of longstanding laws such as the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 when companies say they are attempting to comply with governments’ coronavirus guidance.
Empower the United States Attorney General to deem coronavirus-related lawsuits from workers, customers and attorneys “meritless” and then file civil actions against them as retribution. In order to “vindicate the public interest,” courts would be allowed to fine respondents up to $50,000.
Shield health care executives from lawsuits through language copied word-for-word from a statute passed in New York by Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo amid a spate of COVID deaths in that state’s nursing homes.
“Substantially Immunizing Businesses From Risky Conduct”
The legislation defines gross negligence as “a conscious, voluntary act or omission in reckless disregard of (A) a legal duty; (B) the consequences to another party; and (C) applicable government standards and guidance.”
“We are wiping out the laws of negligence,” said Michael Duff, a former National Labor Relations Board official who is now a professor at the University of Wyoming College of Law. “As a practical matter, we are substantially immunizing businesses from risky conduct.”
“What they want to do in this bill is throw every lawsuit out before it conceivably gets to a jury,” he said. “It means that a judge has the authority to dismiss a case right upfront. Because there’s no way that plaintiffs are going to be able to meet this standard — gross negligence.”
He added that the provision empowering the Attorney General to punish plaintiffs “is a bald-faced threat of reprisal for having the temerity to pursue rights.”
“That Is Not A Negotiation — That Is A Collapse”
Lawmakers released a separate $748 billion COVID-related proposal that includes expanded unemployment benefits, an extension of the Paycheck Protection Program, and funding for COVID-19 testing and vaccine distribution. It would also reauthorize a CARES Act provision allowing the government to funnel money to out-of-work defense contractors.
The latter package did not include a new round of $1,200 stimulus checks sought by Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo. Only $188 billion of the proposal is new stimulus money — the other $560 billion is repurposed from the CARES Act, passed this spring.
Sanders criticized Democrats for their handling of coronavirus relief talks. “What kind of negotiation is it when you go from $3.4 trillion to $188 billion in new money?” he said. That is not a negotiation. That is a collapse.”
According to Politico, Reps. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J., and Tom Reed, R-N.Y., the co-chairs of the House Problem Solvers Caucus, are pushing to combine the two bills into one $908 billion proposal.
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antoine-roquentin · 4 years
In the August case, the issue before Barrett -- which she could ultimately end up adjudicating at the Supreme Court -- revolved around Grubhub delivery drivers’ allegations that the company had violated federal law by not paying them overtime. It also involved the company’s effort to deny workers an impartial forum to adjudicate the dispute through mandatory arbitration agreements.
Drivers were required to sign agreements with Grubhub barring them from suing in court for “any and all claims” arising out of their work. When workers filed a suit against the company for not paying overtime, Grubhub sought to enforce the provision order.
The drivers countered by arguing that the provisions are unenforceable under an exemption in the century-old Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) for transportation workers “engaged in interstate commerce.”
“Certainly when Congress enacted the FAA, it never foresaw that it would be used to stop drivers for a major national delivery company from challenging their employer’s systematic violation of wage laws,” the drivers’ attorneys argued.
Unbound by a smattering of appellate and lower court rulings on the matter, Barrett had a decision to make that would govern the use of mandatory arbitration agreements -- which are perhaps the single greatest obstacle to gig workers attempting to enforce their employment rights, as they prohibit class action lawsuits.
With only one Supreme Court decision from 2001 holding the FAA exemption applied to “transportation workers” as binding precedent, Barrett could have come down on the side of the workers -- but in Wallace v. Grubhub Holdings, Inc., she instead forcefully sided with Grubhub. Barrett held that the drivers were not “a class of workers” who typically engage in interstate commerce and therefore are not protected by the exemption for transportation workers.
“The plaintiffs in today's case… completely ignore the governing framework,” she wrote. “Rather than focusing on whether they belong to a class of workers actively engaged in the movement of goods across interstate lines, the plaintiffs stress that they carry goods that have moved across state and even national lines.”
University of Wyoming law professor Michael Duff told The Daily Poster that Barrett’s decision was “long on ‘textualism’ but short on consideration of the implications of applying text mindlessly.”
“Mandatory arbitration under the Federal Arbitration Act is the ‘informal forum’ where the legal claims of ordinary workers and consumers all too often go to die,” said Duff, a former investigator at the National Labor Relations Board. “Barrett’s opinion reflects little policy interest in the fact that by 2024 more than 80 percent of private-sector, nonunion workers may be covered by forced arbitration clauses.”
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jewellansing · 3 years
How to Negotiate With an OSHA Compliance Officer
The US Department of Labor can give one of their inspectors with proper credentials a task to conduct an OSHA compliance test at your local office. Most of the small shop and business owners feel confused and overwhelmed when one of the OSHA officers arrive at their place. However, there is always a reason for a compliance officer to visit and do an inspection of the site. They may come to inspect one of the operations like heating and cooling measures. Usually, employers have the right to ask for a warrant before permitting them entry at their business area or jobsite. Employment Compliance Attorneys can help in finding more about violations and inspections. 
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Initial Talks with the Compliance Officer
In initial conference, you may ask for the nature of the visit and the extent of the inspection. If the inspection is because of an employee’s compliant, you can ask for its copy. Officers can edit this copy to conceal that particular employee’s identity. One of the employer’s representatives mostly accompanies these officers during inspections. This allows employers in knowing the problem closely and avoiding such future examinations.
Negotiating the scope of the inspection
A workplace, company, shop, store, or factory can be both very large and normal sized. It’s better to know if the complaint is about a specific area within the premises and whether it will remain confined to that area only. Mostly, inspections concentrate on particular areas and certain hazards. However, companies are suggested to be prepared for full inspections especially in case they don’t possess a safety program. Hiring employment compliance attorneys help in keeping the workplace in compliance with necessary labor and OSHA laws. You can also Contact- Tremiti LLC for professional help.
What Does a Compliance Officer Do at the Worksite?
Companies that work with ten or more employees are required to keep an OSHA log (OSHA form 300) which consists of injuries and illnesses recorded at the site. Frequently, OSHA compliance offers review and verifies these logs. They will probably ask for your hazard control and management program, check list of any hazardous materials you’re working with, and look for noticeable OSHA poster. Companies are also required to have an accident prevention program. When employers or companies fail to produce proper records and documents, they are charged heavily in fines. To avoid making a poor impression and bad outcome of the inspection, employers can work with law firms such as Tremiti LLC for professional assistance and legal help.
It would be beneficial to inform employees at the training stage about potential inspections and that they are all working in a safe workplace. During the training period, employers should give assurance of no retaliation to their employees for anything they say in front of officers or when they are interviewed about workplace conditions. Many employees feel intimidated and naturally, they say what compliance officers want to hear. To avoid that situation, employers can hire employment compliance attorneys who will help them training the employees properly and drafting clear guidelines.
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16th November >> Mass Readings (USA)
  Monday, Thirty Third Week in Ordinary Time 
Saint Margaret of Scotland 
Saint Gertrude, Virgin.
Monday, Thirty Third Week in Ordinary Time
  (Liturgical Colour: Green)
       First Reading
Revelation 1:1-4; 2:1-5
Realize how far you have fallen and repent.
The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him, to show his servants what must happen soon. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who gives witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ by reporting what he saw. Blessed is the one who reads aloud and blessed are those who listen to this prophetic message and heed what is written in it, for the appointed time is near.
John, to the seven churches in Asia: grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne.
I heard the Lord saying to me: “To the angel of the Church in Ephesus, write this:
“‘The one who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks in the midst of the seven gold lampstands says this: “I know your works, your labor, and your endurance, and that you cannot tolerate the wicked; you have tested those who call themselves Apostles but are not, and discovered that they are impostors. Moreover, you have endurance and have suffered for my name, and you have not grown weary. Yet I hold this against you: you have lost the love you had at first. Realize how far you have fallen. Repent, and do the works you did at first. Otherwise, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.”’”
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
   Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6
 R/ Those who are victorious I will feed from the tree of life.
Blessed the man who follows not
 the counsel of the wicked
Nor walks in the way of sinners,
 nor sits in the company of the insolent,
But delights in the law of the Lord
 and meditates on his law day and night.
R/ Those who are victorious I will feed from the tree of life.
He is like a tree
 planted near running water,
That yields its fruit in due season,
 and whose leaves never fade.
 Whatever he does, prospers.
R/ Those who are victorious I will feed from the tree of life.
Not so the wicked, not so;
 they are like chaff which the wind drives away.
For the Lord watches over the way of the just,
 but the way of the wicked vanishes.
R/Those who are victorious I will feed from the tree of life.
    Gospel Acclamation
John 8:12
Alleluia, alleluia.
I am the light of the world, says the Lord;
whoever follows me will have the light of life.
Alleluia, alleluia.
Luke 18:35-43
What do you want me to do for you? Lord, please let me see.
As Jesus approached Jericho a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging, and hearing a crowd going by, he inquired what was happening. They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.” He shouted, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!” The people walking in front rebuked him, telling him to be silent, but he kept calling out all the more, “Son of David, have pity on me!” Then Jesus stopped and ordered that he be brought to him; and when he came near, Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” He replied, “Lord, please let me see.” Jesus told him, “Have sight; your faith has saved you.” He immediately received his sight and followed him, giving glory to God. When they saw this, all the people gave praise to God.
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
    Saint Margaret of Scotland 
(Liturgical Colour: White)
     (Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Monday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
    First Reading
Isaiah 58:6-11
Sharing your bread with the hungry.
Thus says the Lord:
This is the fasting that I wish:
 releasing those bound unjustly,
 untying the thongs of the yoke;
Setting free the oppressed,
 breaking every yoke;
Sharing your bread with the hungry,
 sheltering the oppressed and the homeless;
Clothing the naked when you see them,
 and not turning your back on your own.
Then your light shall break forth like the dawn,
 and your wound shall quickly be healed;
Your vindication shall go before you,
 and the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer,
 you shall cry for help, and he will say: Here I am!
If you remove from your midst oppression,
 false accusation and malicious speech;
If you bestow your bread on the hungry
 and satisfy the afflicted;
Then light shall rise for you in darkness,
 and the gloom shall become for you like midday;
Then the Lord will guide you always
 and give you plenty even on the parched land.
He will renew your strength,
 and you shall be like a watered garden,
 like a spring whose water never fails.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
   Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 112:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9
R/ Blessed the man who fears the Lord.
R/ Alleluia.
Blessed the man who fears the Lord,
 who greatly delights in his commands.
His posterity shall be mighty upon the earth;
 the upright generation shall be blessed.
R/ Blessed the man who fears the Lord.
R/ Alleluia.
Wealth and riches shall be in his house;
 his generosity shall endure forever.
Light shines through the darkness  for the upright;
 he is gracious and merciful and just.
R/ Blessed the man who fears the Lord.
R/ Alleluia.
Well for the man who is gracious and lends,
 who conducts his affairs with justice;
He shall never be moved;
 the just one shall be in everlasting remembrance.
R/ Blessed the man who fears the Lord.
R/ Alleluia.
An evil report he shall not fear.
 His heart is firm, trusting in the Lord.
His heart is steadfast; he shall not fear
 till he looks down upon his foes.
R/ Blessed the man who fears the Lord.
R/ Alleluia.
Lavishly he gives to the poor,
 his generosity shall endure forever;
 his horn shall be exalted in glory.
R/ Blessed the man who fears the Lord.
R/ Alleluia.
    Gospel Acclamation
John 13:34
Alleluia, alleluia.
I give you a new commandment:
love one another as I have loved you.
Alleluia, alleluia.
John 15:9-17
You are my friends if you do what I command you.
Jesus said to his disciples: “As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.
“I have told you this so that my joy might be in you and your joy might be complete. This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father. It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you. This I command you: love one another.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
     Saint Gertrude, Virgin 
 (Liturgical Colour: White)
     (Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Monday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
    First Reading
Ephesians 3:14-19
To know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge.
Brothers and sisters: I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that he may grant you in accord with the riches of his glory to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in the inner self, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the holy ones what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
   Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 23:1b-3a, 4, 5, 6
 The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
 In verdant pastures he gives me repose;
Beside restful waters he leads me;
 he refreshes my soul.
The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
Even though I walk in the dark valley
 I fear no evil; for you are at my side
With your rod and your staff
 that give me courage.
The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
You spread the table before me
 in the sight of my foes;
You anoint my head with oil;
 my cup overflows.
The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
Only goodness and kindness follow me
 all the days of my life;
And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
 for years to come.
The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
    Gospel Acclamation
John 15:9b, 5b
Alleluia, alleluia.
Remain in my love, says the Lord;
whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit.
Alleluia, alleluia.
John 15:1-8
He who remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit.
Jesus said to his disciples: “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and every one that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit. You are already pruned because of the word that I spoke to you. Remain in me, as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing. Anyone who does not remain in me will be thrown out like a branch and wither; people will gather them and throw them into a fire and they will be burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you. By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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itsclydebitches · 5 years
How do you feel about derivative art? I'm guessing you approve since you're big into fanfics. Is art that's derivative as good as original art? Could a well made video critique of a film be better then the film? Or a fanmade rewrite be better then the original book? And yes I know nothing "original" exist, but that's not the same thing as art that is obviously derivative. And the big question. Should artist be allowed to make money off derivative art?
For me it’s an all around “Yes.” I’ve read fics leagues better than published novels. I’ve seen fanvids far better than films. Granted, when you get into the subject of visual media you run into things like finances and access to technology. Anyone can craft a story with words, but only a few have the budget and tools required to re-create the sort of Blockbuster films we’ve grown used to. But why in the world would that very specific style be the only “good” art out there? Obviously it’s not. If anything, we value limitations in our art. Six second vines shot on cell phones are adored and can lead to lucrative careers. Films like the Blair Witch Project want to mimic an armature cinematography, like these people really were just shooting what they could while running for their lives. Amateur does not in any way equal lesser. To say nothing of the fact that fans have shown time and time again that a passion for the material and a huge amount of work ethic is more than enough. As the recent Loki logo abomination attests, all the money and resources in the world doesn’t guarantee taste---or success. Outsiders to fandom love to criticize the “horrible” fics they found when they dove into AO3 for all of ten minutes, but fail to acknowledge that you’re just as likely to find a terrible book when you pull one randomly off of B&N’s shelves. If derivative art is somehow lesser than we need to re-evaluate the comics industry. And every formulaic western, rom-com, police procedural. And every great author (there are a LOT) who wrote “classics” based off of other’s characters and worlds. Art is art. Mainstream art is in no way superior to fan art, no matter how much people still want to convince us of that. 
The money question is, admittedly, waaaaaay more complicated. For me though it’s still a “Yes” simply because of how fandom functions. That is, we need the canon. Even if it becomes outdated, or is considered offensive, or is absolutely terrible compared to what the fandom has now produced, people will STILL consume that material (and more importantly buy it) in order to get access to all the good fan stuff. I’ve simply never bought into the argument that derivative works are a threat to the livelihood of the original piece because they depend on that piece. All my friends are in a fun discord for TV Show X. They’re producing all these fics I want to read. I’ve heard that Show X is actually pretty bad, but I’m going to watch it anyway because that provides me with the context that produced all this other stuff. It’s the foundation, the blueprints, the golden ticket to get inside the fandom. Will every fan do this? No, some do bypass the canon and just dive right in, but the majority of them will. Meaning that rather than posing a threat to the original author’s livelihood as most people assume, fanworks help keep mainstream content alive. Adding a price to that doesn’t change anything. If someone offers me a fic for free I’m gonna tackle the canon book first. If someone offers me a fic for $10... I’m still gonna tackle the canon book first. Either way the author gets paid and are likely to get more if fans use their work as an entry point into the fandom. “I wouldn’t have read/watched your stuff at all, if it weren’t for the fact that I want to read the stories my friend is now producing.” Giving that friend some rent money is the least we can do. 
(There are obviously other arguments against making money off of derivative works, two of which boil down to “It’s against the law”---which funnily enough we create and control and can change if perspectives change---and “They’re my creations and I don’t want you messing with them, let alone making money off them.” I’ve got a lot of feelings regarding that one and in an effort to save a bit of space I’ll boil it down to a very unkind response: Too bad. Transformation is at the heart of human interaction with art. If you didn’t want that you shouldn’t have given it to the public in the first place. Authors don’t get to police how fans interact with their work: “I love it when you take the time to write me glowing reviews! .... oh, but not when you write another story. Please continue making awesome fan posters that promote my work! ... but not one with those two characters kissing ew.” Authors don’t get to dictate how fans interact with the art they’ve put out there; how much of it is active and in what ways.) 
We also have to consider that we’re already in a world where those lines are irrevocably blurred. Why does E.L. James or Anna Todd get to make a fortune off of their barely changed fics? Why do artists get to sell their fanart but fic writers are still largely terrified of lawsuits? Fans are already making money off their work---always have, really---and I doubt that’s something we can reverse. Whether or not it continues to grow is the real question. 
Personally, I wouldn’t want to see derivative works commercialized, not because fans don’t deserve to earn money for their labor (we do), but just because that would irrevocably change fandom dynamics. We’re a gift economy and we’re built on that. Fandom has always been about progressive acts: be it writing about queer identities, providing accessibility accommodations decades before mainstream art did, or (and this is the kicker) helping to level out class differences. Meaning, mainstream art is often for the rich and the elite. Broadway shows are insanely expensive and impossible for most to get to. Movies prices have skyrocketed. Every company is creating their own streaming service, requiring that you pay three or four $20+ monthly subscriptions instead of just the one. It’s all about money and fandom is one of the few places where we still exchange art for praise and more art, rather than a paycheck. Fic is free. Fanvids are free. You guys want a cute drawing of this couple? All you have to do is send in a prompt ask and I’ll draw it! Sure, I’d also love it if you paid for a commission, but I’m going to keep creating free drawings on the side. When was the last time we saw a mainstream author go, “Please continue to buy my last story, but in the meantime here’s a free novel I’m putting up on my website. Hope you enjoy!” I mean yes, we do get things for free (especially when it comes to many games, apps, and some short stories), but not like in fandom. There’s a culture of giving that I never want to lose. Are we already doing commissions and con sales? Yes. Do we often ask for donations and payment? Yes. Should we be able to continue doing so without fear of legal action? I think so. But I don’t want a general sense of “I should be allowed to earn money off of this” get turned into “Well if I can earn money off of this why wouldn’t I?” I never want our work to exist fully behind a wall where the key in is your credit card number. Fandom is unique in its, “I made this thing because I wanted to and I shared it with you because I wanted to do that too, no strings attached” and that, I think, is worth protecting. 
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creepingsharia · 5 years
A Month of Islam in America: June 2019
Another month, and another step forward for sharia in America as more censorship was exposed. A whistleblower leak confirmed that @Pinterest protects Muslims and censors any reference to “creeping sharia,” and many other non-liberal topics.
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Click any link below for more details and link to original source.
Jihad in America in June
Brooklyn: Muslim Immigrant Sentenced to 20 Years for Attempting to Join Islamic State (ISIS) Mohamed Rafik Naji was sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment by United States District Judge Frederic Block for attempting to provide material support or resources to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a foreign terrorist organization.  Naji pleaded guilty to the charge in February 2018.
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Brooklyn: Muslim Woman Who Helped ISIS Gets 4 Years, But Will Be Out in 18 Months
With credit for time served, Sinmyah Amera Caesar will end up only serving about 18 months in prison after pleading guilty to charges accusing her of using social media to help recruit IS fighters under the nom de guerre “Umm Nutella.” She had also admitted violating a cooperation agreement with the government a — betrayal that infuriated prosecutors.
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Illinois: Bosnian Muslim refugee and mother of 4  jailed for sending money, supplies to ISIS
Mediha Medy Salkicevic, a/k/a Medy Ummuluna, a/k/a Bosna Mexico, 39, was sentenced to 78 months in prison for conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.
Salkicevic, aka Medy Ummuluna and Bosna Mexico, espoused the ISIS philosophy that infidels should be killed and once said that unbelievers should be buried alive.
At the time of her arrest, she was working for an air cargo company at Chicago O'Hare Airport...
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Illinois: Two Muslim converts convicted of aiding Islamic State (ISIS)
Joseph D. Jones and Edward Schimenti proudly waved a terrorist flag during a photo at a Lake Michigan park in Zion, had plotted to attack the Navy’s main U.S. training center near North Chicago and once had their eyes on planting an ISIS flag atop the White House.
Now Jones and Schimenti, both 37, have been found guilty of providing material support to ISIS.
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Indiana: Yemeni Muslim who tried to join Islamic State terrorists gets 8 years in prison
U.S. District Court Judge Sarah Evans Barker handed down the 100-month sentence Friday afternoon in the case against 21-year-old Akram Musleh, U.S. Attorney Josh Minkler announced.
He admitted in the plea agreement that from about April 2016 through June 21, 2016, he offered himself to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, also known as IS, knowing it was a “designated foreign terrorist organization.”
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Pittsburgh: Syrian Muslim Refugee Arrested for Planning Jihad Attack on Christian Church
Mustafa Mousab Alowemer, 21, a resident of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was arrested today based on a federal complaint charging him with one count of attempting to provide material support and resources to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a designated foreign terrorist organization, and two counts of distributing information relating to an explosive, destructive device, or weapon of mass destruction in relation to his plan to attack a church in Pittsburgh.
“Court documents show Mustafa Alowemer planned to attack a church in the name of ISIS, which could have killed or injured many people...”
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Ohio: Jordanian Muslim Immigrant Sentenced to 15 Years for Trying to Join Islamic State (ISIS)
A Dayton, Ohio man was sentenced today in U.S. District Court to 180 months in prison and 25 years of supervised release for attempting, and conspiring, to join the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). 
Laith Waleed Alebbini, 28, was convicted following a bench trial in November and December 2018 before U.S. District Judge Walter H. Rice.
Alebbini attempted, and conspired, to provide material support and resources to ISIS in the form of personnel, namely himself.
Alebbini, a citizen of Jordan and a U.S. legal permanent resident, was arrested by the FBI on April 26, 2017, at the Cincinnati/Kentucky International Airport, as he approached the TSA security checkpoint.
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South Carolina: Muslim - twice convicted for attempts to join ISIS and kill Americans - gets 20-year prison sentence
A federal judge has sentenced a South Carolina man who tried to join ISIS to 20 years in prison.
Zakaryia Abdin, 20, pleaded guilty in September 2018. The Ladson man was arrested in March 2017.
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New York: Bangladeshi Muslim immigrant arrested in Times Square terror plot
Ashiqul Alam was arrested Thursday after arranging through an undercover agent to buy a pair of semiautomatic pistols with obliterated serial numbers, prosecutors said. Police Commissioner James O’Neill said that development was “a clear indicator of (Alam’s) intent to move his plot forward.”
The defendant, a legal resident born in Bangladesh, moved to the U.S. as a child about 12 years ago...
He talked about wanting to “shoot down” gays, referring to them with a slur; using a “rocket launcher, like a huge one,” to cause havoc at the World Trade Center; and obtaining an enhanced driver’s license so he could walk onto a military base and “blow it up,” the documents said.
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Illinois: Muslim Arrested for Threatening to Bomb Aurora Casino for Allah
A recently released affidavit and search warrant claimed that 30-year-old Musatdin M. Muadinov,  while detained by police on Feb. 12, vowed to “pray to Allah” to “destroy the casino.” He further demanded to meet with President Donald Trump, saying that if his demands were not met, “we would all meet Allah,” according to the affidavit obtained by the Daily Herald.
Muadinov — who was dressed in what police described as “Muslim attire” when arrested — waived his right to remain silent.
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More Jihad in America in June
Florida: Suspect sent bomb threats to judges ‘for cause of Islamic State’
Nebraska: Heavily armed Marine arrested trying to enter Air Force Base
Arizona: Muslim shared terror propaganda before attacking police officer
Brooklyn: Muslim in Jail for ISIS Support Pleads Guilty to Slashing Correctional Officer
South Carolina: Man who pledged allegiance to ISIS hid explosive device in teddy bear
Arizona: Witness in probe of 2015 Islamic jihad attack on free speech event convicted of lying to FBI
Libyan National Found Guilty of Terrorism Charges in 2012 Attack on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi
Iraqi Muslim who orchestrated jihad attack that killed 5 U.S. troops gets 26 years prison, then release to Canada
Immigration Jihad in America
Minnesota’s first Somali Muslim cop gets 12 years for murdering Australian woman
Minnesota: St. Paul’s first Somali Muslim city council member says criticizing his homophobic comments is… Islamophobic
New York: Brooklyn Mosque Blasts Islamic Call to Prayer to 20 Block Radius (VIDEO)
Somalis have Changed Minneapolis
New York: Thousands of Muslims take over two city blocks in Brooklyn to pray in the streets
Four Muslim ISIS suspects arrested in Nicaragua, likely headed for US
Islamization of America
Pennsylvania: 167-year-old Catasauqua church will become Islamic mosque
Pennsylvania: Former Easton church is now a Sunni mosque
Pennsylvania: Former daycare in residential Salisbury to become Muslim “community center”
Virginia: Residential home in Annandale to become a Muslim funeral home
Education Jihad in America
New Jersey Public School District to Students: “May Allah Continue to Shower You Love and Wisdom”
Maryland school fails Christian student for refusing Islamic prayer
New York: Cornell Univ. Muslim Students Demand More “Prayer Rooms”
Stanford administrators say advertising for conservative event threatens Muslim students
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Muslim Students Association: What Americans Need to Know
DOE Investigating Elite Colleges For Hiding Saudi, Qatari Cash from Regulators
Islamic Slavery & Sexual Jihad in America
Virginia: Three Muslim family members arrested for conspiracy, forced labor, and document servitude 
Detroit Imam: Wife-Beating Serves to Remind Her That She Misbehaved (VIDEO)
Dhimmitude in Elected Office
Trump Admin Sues Greyhound for Banning Muslim Driver from Wearing Full Length Islamic Robe 
Democrat majority passes defense authorization bill that funds transfer of remaining Gitmo jihadis to U.S.
Minnesota: City of Bloomington allows terror mosque to flout local laws (VIDEO)
Minnesota city council votes 5-0 to ditch Pledge of Allegiance (to avoid offending Muslims)
Diversity is our Strength Alert
Minnesota’s first Somali Muslim cop gets 12 years for murdering Australian woman
Minnesota: St. Paul’s first Somali Muslim city council member says criticizing his homophobic comments is… Islamophobic
Boston Police Dept’s First Muslim Captain Put On Administrative Leave Amid ‘Anti-Corruption’ Investigation
Minnesota: First Muslim congresswoman Ilhan Omar fined by state for unlawful use of campaign funds
Minnesota Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar filed joint tax returns before she married husband
Fraud for Jihad
Connecticut: Muslim Grocery Store Worker Pleads Guilty in $3.2M Federal Food Stamp Fraud
Massachusetts: Muslim Restaurant Owner Pleads Guilty to Tax Fraud Conspiracy
That’s just what we had time to compile for just the month of June.
Far too many steps forward for the sharia, and only a few pushbacks, but worth noting:
New Jersey: School District Scraps Posters Calling upon “Allah” to “Shower” Students with Blessings After Threat of Lawsuit 
Rather Than Go to Trial, Terror-linked CAIR Settles with the Victims They Defrauded 
Tunisian Muslim who swore allegiance to ISIS removed from U.S.
New York: Albany mosque imam convicted of terrorism is deported back to Iraq It’s almost midnight and Americans are losing their first amendment rights to sharia supremacists and the big technology, media and politicians who support them.
Please share this report before it’s too late.
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fipindustries · 5 years
thoughts on socialism
my general sympathies lie with what is known as market socialism. essentially, markets should be free, but companies should be owned by workers. if you are part of the team that is making a company function and profit, from its higher manager to its lower cadet, then you are part of it in all senses. you get a voice and you get equitative treatment. you get to own the fruits of your labor, you become part of something greater instead of being used by something greater.
now if all this is too much marxist wankery for your taste, let me put it in more pop culture terms, let me frame it as something that even the most cantakerous, rabid you tuber can sympathize with: hollywood.
everyone fucking hates hollywood.
studios are creatively bankrupt, they are litigious, they are corrupt, they are lazy. the academy is a bunch of old stoogy morons, the oscars are a joke. they continuously ignore fair use, they conglomerate in giant fuckoff monopolies like disney who get to change copyright law however they see fit, they censor movies to appease china, they release trailers that spoil the entire movie, they cant design a good poster to save their lives, they continously exploit and overwork special effect and animation companies, often driving them to bankrupcy, and they constantly push this fake progressive veneer casting women and poc and making them leads in terribly mediocre movies, not because they actually care about representation one fucking bit but because they want to do the minimal effort to keep the left happy and get to sell more tickets.
if there is one common enemy to audiences and critics alike is the studio executives. the people in suits who know nothing about movie making who will overburden cast and crew with notes all in the name of selling movie tickets. more product placement! more screen time to this one very popular actor! add all of these extra scenes so we can set up an endless extended universe! push the movies as fast and cheaply as possible and rush the script as much as you need, we need more explosions, more ass shots, more references to current meme culture! what is some nostalgic property from the eighties that we can desecrate from its tomb and sell to the masses? the list goes on an on, the complaints are familiar to all of us.
but why they get to do this? because they put the initial investment. beause they are the owners. at best directors and editors and screenwriters can try to argue back but if you push too far you go the way of lord a miller with solo, you go the way of edgar wright with ant man, you go the way of jodorowsky.
now wouldnt it be nice if the people who actually knew about movie making, the people who are actually in the set and in the editing room and behind and in front of the cameras, the people who actually understand about making movies, in short, the workers, had a say on the movie? if big blockbusters, all big blockbusters and not just those precious few where the director managed to accrue enough clout, got to be passion projects and not factory made gruel pushed en masse by the studios just to increase profits?
one common critique that i have heard against workers owning the means of production is that if people didnt get to be sole owners of the company they own they would lose the incentive to create new bussineses. my answer is that i dont want people in charge of something if all they care is how much money they can get out of it.
this is basic meritocracy people. i want the person who is best for the job, not the one who is best at making money out of it, and hollywood has shown us time and again that you dont need a good product at all to make money. it’s a AI hacking its reward system and making the numbers go up with no regard for the actual values that the numbers were supposed to incentivize. molloch warned us about this.
if i go to see a movie i want the movie to be made by people who care about making movies from top to bottom, not by studio executives who all they care about is how to get the largest common denominator to mindlessly consume corporate approved media. if you want to make movies, if it really is your true passion you will do it no matter what, it wont matter at all that you have to share ownership of it. hell, movie making is a collaborative effort, it is nothing but shared ownership!. this is also something all movie buffs know. it is influenced by how the director arranges everything, how the actor decides to perform it, by what the writer put in the script, by the editor decides to cut in and out. everyone has a voice and everyone gets equal recognition when the credits roll at the end.
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Child’s Play (2019)
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Well it’s Friday, so that means another classic horror franchise is getting rebooted. This time it’s Child’s Play - you know, the one about the spirit of a serial killer that gets trapped inside a talking doll and terrorizes the neighborhood? Well, serial killer spirits are SO 1991, so the 2019 version has updated it to a “smart” doll capable of operating all your wireless devices and there’s no supernatural mumbo jumbo going on here - just a disgruntled factory worker pushing back at unjust labor laws by removing all the safety protocols in ONE doll and shipping it off far away. You know, as most labor disputes get resolved. So Chucky (voice of Mark Hamill) comes to be best friends with Andy (Gabriel Bateman) and soon starts disposing of anyone he believes might be compromising their friendship. I think we all remember how upsetting it was when our Teddy Ruxpins started to do the same thing. So is this AI bringing in a new wave of “smart” horror reboots? Well...
God I hope not. It’s a mess. There’s some ok stuff in here, but wow I have a lot of questions for the director, the screenwriter, and the design team.
This is the worst character design I’ve ever seen. His eyes are both too big to be like a standard doll, but too small to be in the Bratz or anime-type range. Also, he suffers from the Jack Nicholson problem. For as brilliant as Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining is, its casting is truly epically terrible. Jack Nicholson looks crazier than a shithouse rat at the very beginning of the film, making his descent into madness feel a little less like a descent and more like a very level straight line that you could use to hang a picture frame. Same thing with ol Chucky blue eyes here. He looks so uncanny valley creepy right from the get go that when he goes full murder spree it’s like “oh no he’s...doing exactly what his face indicated he would be doing this whole time who could have possibly predicted.” I’m all for the use of animatronic puppetry over CGI but...I just feel like the design here really missed the mark. 
I’m sorry, I’m just so pissed at the inciting incident for this whole thing. Why would your revenge against your shitty boss be to remove all the safety protocols from a microchip going into a device that is shipping halfway across the world from you? What’s the endgame here? Seriously. THE most plausible line of reasoning is “This doll will malfunction and cost this company I hate working for $39.95.” Well, that doesn’t impact your shitty boss. The only OTHER plausible line of reasoning is “This is going to make a murder doll that will malfunction and kill people on the other side of the globe.” That STILL doesn’t impact your shitty boss AND it means this guy is a total sociopath with a diabolical scheme on a level Chucky can’t even dream of. Why isn’t the movie actually about him???
It’s weird to see Aubrey Plaza playing a mom but I kind of love her snark being melded with maternal instinct here. Although, honestly, she does feel more like Andy’s big sister than his mom. 
As for Andy (Gabriel Bateman), he’s actually a really solid leading man in this. Even when he has to break down into hysterics over Chucky’s bad behavior, his performance never veers into whiny or shrill. He’s got a lot of charisma and plays Andy as a fundamentally sweet kid who maybe just doesn’t have many friends because he hangs out with his mom and sucked into the vortex of his phone too much. I was impressed, because he has to carry 80% of the movie by himself talking to an animatronic Annabelle.
I will say, Chucky’s horrible design aside, Mark Hamill does a phenomenal job as the voice of Chucky. Even when he’s repeating the same phrases over and over again, he injects a level of pathos and humanity into Chucky that’s really impressive. I know this isn’t a controversial opinion, but he really is maybe the best living voice actor of our time.
Full disclosure, there is some violence done to a cat that is very distressing, not once but TWICE. The cat dies :( And it’s particularly egregious because not only do you get faked out once thinking “oh this cat is gonna be ok” but THEN after the gruesome part, Chucky uses the sounds of the cat to emotionally torture Andy and the audience. That shit is fucked up.
Um, I’m not sure what lack of googling this screenwriter, Tyler Burton Smith, did but these literal children are not millenials, they are generation Z, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER.
The tone is wildly uneven. It’s not funny enough to be a horror comedy, and it’s not really scary, just jump scares and being creeped out by Chucky’s fucking face. Also, the film can’t decide if we’re meant to feel bad for Chucky being a victim of his programming and his shitty preteen masters showing him a bunch of campy slasher movies OR if we’re meant to be scared of him because he’s a murderous monster doing things of his own free will. 
Why are there watermelons in this man’s yard? And the line “a white guy dead in a watermelon patch - poetic” ... what fucking poetry are you reading? Listen, I have two degrees in English literature, and I don’t remember Samuel Taylor Coleridge ever writing anything about any fucking watermelons.
Another weird choice - the movie is pretty gory but not in a fun or campy way. I think sometime around 2010, movies lost the ability to do buckets of blood in a fun way? I know that sounds fucked up, but this isn’t campy or silly, it’s just kind of gross - both trying to be gleeful and also taken way too seriously. At first, when it’s only super pervy or abusive dudes that are getting whacked, it’s like, ok, there’s a comeuppance factor here, this is gross but fine. But then it starts extending to characters that have done nothing wrong and that we’ve been pushed to love and empathize with. So then it feels a lot less fine but still very gross. 
One major highlight - I will watch Brian Tyree Henry in anything. He’s just so so good at everything, and this is no exception.
Also - BTH plays a detective and Andy is literally trying to hide evidence made of human remains in the detective’s apartment. For dayyyyys. Let that sink in. Do you think that shit doesn’t smell?? And he keeps disposing of evidence and things he doesn’t want to deal with in the trash chute of his own building. Where the detective also hangs out. There are other dumpsters, my dude!
If you’re making a murderous doll movie and a guy who looks like Jack Black (Trent Redekop) perving around in a basement is the creepiest thing that happens, that’s probably not a good sign.
Speaking of Not Jack Black, everything in his death sequence makes no sense. Why would you stand on a table saw to get away from literally anything? Why would your table saw have a “smart” functionality? Take this as a warning kids, if Google starts making smart table saws, that’s when we draw the line.
There is one (1) cute dog, and Chucky is uninterested in him. He escapes the movie unscathed and appears to be a Very Good Boy.
Did I Cry? Fucking no, oh my god, not at all. 
This is just a real uneven mess. Some performances shine amidst the terrible material (BTH, Mark Hamill, Gabriel Bateman) but overall, I had a lot more fun with the playfully wicked marketing campaign (coming out the same day as Toy Story 4, the film leaned into the gag by creating a series of posters depicting some gruesome ends to our favorite Toy Story characters, with Chucky being responsible). If this had been more comedy, less uneven revenge porn, this might have had a fighting chance at being something really interesting. As in most things, though, I have to advise you stick to the original.
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blooferlady86 · 5 years
The Park By Night
So I am very good at spooking myself and creeping myself out. I’ve never thought of myself as a creative writer, but there are a couple of things that really catch my imagination. I decided to do a thing and actually get something written down. Yes, I take constructive criticism. No, I don’t know how to make something readable on Tumblr, so I apologize if this is a mess. If I can figure out a way to make a story out of it, I’ll write another one on the strange sounds my bus radio makes when I’m driving it to school at 5:30 AM and there’s no one else on the road. 
It’s probably barely a story. It’s definitely not a terribly well-edited draft. It’s not even really beyond a rough draft. I know I have some tenses that disagree, but hey, it’s late, and I just finished a spooky walk through the park.
Anyways. Without further ado: A little creepypasta I should probably have just kept to myself:
The Park By Night
“I’m proud of you, you know.”
“Well, I am the pinnacle of human achievement, so I don’t blame you.”
Eleanor leans over the kitchen counter, green eyes staring deeply into mine, reaches gently for my face, and painfully flicks my ear. “Don’t be an ass when I’m trying to be supportive. You’ve done really well. This time last year you were walking with a cane.”
I snag her hand and give her knuckles a gentle kiss. “I only give you a hard time because I know you love it. It means a lot to me, you saying that. It really does. I wouldn’t have made it this far without your help.”
“I’m not the fitness buff. I’ve just kept you company on the couch.”
“That’s not true, and you know it. You helped. Every day. I’m just glad I can finally get back to work full time, and anyone willing to put up with me moping around the house for this long deserves a medal. Or at least a vacation.”
She laughs sharply and eyes the lunches we’ve prepared for the day: cups of noodles and whatever fruit was on sale this week to stave off a vitamin deficiency. “Maybe now that you’re full time again, we’ll be able to stop eating like undergrads and start saving up for a weekend at the lake.”
I give her hand one more kiss. “Sounds like a deal. See you this afternoon.”
It had been a long year. And Nell deserved way more than a weekend away at a lake. After a pallet of lumber crushed my leg right above my knee, I had only been able to go back to work about six months ago. Six months of painful hobbling about in the mornings, to go home after lunch and then do my physical therapy and exercise. The woman was a saint. Things were financially tight even before my accident; neither of us were exactly bringing in massive sums. Her retail job, my warehouse gig, they kept the pantry full and the rent paid. My time away from work drained the savings account, and even getting back to part time felt like a windfall. She didn’t have to tell me how stressful that time had been. I didn’t need to hear both sides of the phone calls with her mother to know my mother-in-law’s thoughts. “If he only had a college degree. He’d be working in an office, this would never have happened, and you’d be a homeowner, not renting some shack.”
She didn’t care. She was my therapist, counselor, and friend through the whole process. Unlike me, she was never one for regular exercise, but she walked me through the strength building routines assigned by my therapist, kept me well fed on the scant amount of money we had, and never made me feel ashamed of having to ask for help. The first day we were able to take a walk through the park together, I felt like a new man. Me, leaning heavily on my cane and her with one arm around my waist, swaying with my lopsided gait to keep our shoulders close, I could finally see the end of the tunnel. 
It became my regular exercise spot, and eventually Nell was able to confidently let me limp around the 2 mile loop fenced in by chain link that we had discovered in our neighborhood. She generally sat and read while I completed my lap. Eventually, when I was cleared for driving, she was able to get back to her hobbies at home. She had seen me walking with enough confidence that she was sure I wouldn’t fall and be stuck on the hot pavement of the walking trail without her.
The park was simple, but well maintained. A two mile paved path encircled a lightly forested area along with some kickball fields. There was a green belt with a creek running behind the park. I’d made up my mind to tackle that hike when my limp had been fully conquered. With work being full-time again, that would have to wait for the weekend. 
I threw some pasta in a pot when I arrived home that afternoon. Meatless spaghetti. My specialty. It would be ready by the time Nell finished her shift. I did my stretches, some laundry, and some dishes, the only chores I could do without painfully regretting it the next day. We exchanged stories about asshole customers and asshole managers over our meager meal of bargain pasta. 
“Are you going for a walk this afternoon? I was thinking of bringing a book.”
“Not this afternoon. A: It’s boiling outside, and B: I need a couple hours of vegetating before my leg is ready to move again. You’d think it would remember how to work all day.”
“‘Don’t forget you’re human’” she quips in a sing-song tone.
“I’m going to forget you’re human if you quote my therapist’s posters again.”
“Tell you what, if you go this evening, I’ll have an ice pack and a beer ready for when you get back.”
“I love you.”
“I know.”
The park is never busy even on weekends. It’s tucked away amongst a bunch of single family homes, well off the main street. During the day, it’s a pleasant breath of oxygen in a crowded suburbia. When I pull the car up, an hour after the sun has gone down, I hardly recognize it. I’ve never been here at night; I’m impressed by how well lit the walking paths are in the little neighborhood greenspace. 
Earphones in, music on, I begin my 2 mile walk. I’m making good time for someone with two rods and four pins in his femur. 60 minutes is my record, and I was on the couch for two days after that, with Nell providing me ice packs and disapproving looks until I promised to go easier on myself. 
At the quarter-mile sign, I stop to stretch. My calves are in a constant rebellion these days. I hear a tinny rattling, and quickly pop one earbud out to see if I’ve got a short in the wiring. The rattling, though a gentle noise, gets louder when I unplug my ear, not softer. I look quickly back towards the start of the path, but the bright lights illuminating the path make it hard to see beyond the pavement. I realize what I’m hearing is the chain link fencing, as if it’s been lightly jostled. A cat, I tell myself, or a possum squeezing under the fence. They’re nocturnal, right? And I bet they’d love to get to investigate these trash cans. The gentle rattle dies away, I finish my count to 30 on my bad leg and set off again.
You really can’t see anything out here at night, I think to myself. The familiar path is illuminated with frequent overhead lamps, which I am quite thankful for. A stumble on a dark walkway would leave me hobbling home with my tail between my legs to explain to Nell that I’ve overdone it again. Cue another “inspirational quote” from my physical therapist. Movement out of the corner of my eye catches my attention, and I squint across the park at another late-night walker with their dog, finishing the last of their two miles. The lit path is like a band of light snaking through the dark trees, only inky blackness past the light poles. My attention is caught by a figure standing across the park, silhouetted between me and the path the dog-walker just left. I blink, and the two dark legs of the figure come into focus and become the sign post for the one and a half mile mark, the torso a water fountain right behind it. I shake my head, continue walking. Half a mile down.
At the three-quarter mile, I have to stop and stretch again. Maybe it was a mistake to come out for a full walk during my first week back at the warehouse. Tomorrow will be a rest day. As I’m bending down to grab my toe, I get another glimpse of something on the edge of my vision. I snap back upright, wincing as I do so. I squint into the dark space behind me. The same figure, standing in a dark pool of shadow by the entrance to the park. This time I can’t seem to focus and see a sign instead of a pair of legs. The torso and head remain a torso and head. A chill runs down my neck as some part of my subconscious chooses this moment to decide that the figure is most definitely looking in my direction. “All right,” Nell’s voice rings out in my head,  “you’re nearly halfway done and you’re not the only one in the park tonight. No problem. Get today’s walk over with, and next time they pass a street light, you’ll see it’s just another late visitor.” 
Begrudgingly, I turn my back on the shadow and continue my labored hike. When I’ve gotten one mile finished, the path make a U turn and begins to weave back through the trees towards the parking lot. I take advantage of the wide view of the park to look for my fellow late night ambler who spooked me. 
No one.
As I walk, I scan the park starting at the gate, following the path. If they’re walking, I’ll see them. The walking path is the only damn thing you can see in the park, after all. Another metallic rattle has me ripping out my earbuds and I see the chain link fence around the three-quarter mark vibrating in a wind that doesn’t seem to touch the trees. There. Again. The dark outline of a figure, not walking on the path, but standing just outside the flood of light cast by the lamp. Once again, something deep and primal tells me that its unseen eyes are on me. 
It’s enough. I don’t care if this is some teenager dicking around with the cripple clomping his way through his required 5,000 steps, I’m ready to be home, watching bad TV with my wife. I pick up the pace, striding as far as I can with each step to just make it back to the safety of my car. I’m glad I didn’t put the earbuds back in. It would have made it harder to hear the chain link start its  clatter again. As I round the corner to see the one and a quarter marker, I recognize the sound from when I was a kid and would run my hand along a fence in my yard. It’s getting louder.
I don’t turn my head. I very carefully avoid thinking about the quickly approaching clinking sound. I am studiously facing forward as I imagine the figure three lamps away, two lamps away, one lamp away, running long shadowy fingers across the metal fence. I huff and puff my way up to the next distance marker. The parking lot is ahead. I’m going home. 
Filled with the confidence that I’ve nearly crossed the finish line, I take a breath and risk a glimpse over my right shoulder. Nothing. The fence is still, the black shapes of the trees a comforting and familiar sight I recall from my walks in the sun. I take two steps, still looking behind me, when I feel a gentle, warm waft of air in my left ear, followed by a wheezing, rasping inhale of breath.
I’m running. I haven’t run in a year, but I am running now. As the gate comes into view, I feel something pop in my knee. If I’d had time to stumble and stagger, I would have, but the gasping, shaking thing is behind me, and I now I can smell an odor of decaying flesh, of corruption and rot. I push down the burning pain in my leg, and the nausea that threatens to make me double over. I train my eyes on my car and start counting the yards to get there. As I lumber gamely through the gate, I feel something catch at my shirt, and hear the wheezing breath growing louder, just behind me.
I spill into the brightly lit parking lot and throw myself into the car, pummeling the locks as I slam the door. Gripping the steering wheel tightly and closing my eyes tighter still, I listen for the death rattle breath that had followed me out of the park. Nothing. I hear a gentle clink of chain link fencing, and my eyes dart for the source. Still nothing. I turn on every light in my car and check the back seat just for my own sanity. Putting the car into gear and pulling out to the road as quickly as I can, I catch one more glimpse of a silhouette in the mirror. Snapping my head up, I once again see a signpost for the park materialize in place of the dark form I thought I’d seen. 
By the time I get home, I’ve almost convinced myself that the entire thing was my imagination. It’s been a busy week. I’m over-tired from being back at work. I went somewhere I wasn’t familiar with, heard some spooky noises, and panicked. I give Nell a hug, and go to take a long hot shower. I’d nearly convinced myself. I pulled my shirt over my head and almost missed the hand print on the back. A hand print with four long, thin, muddy fingers. 
The shirt goes straight into the garbage bin.
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aleishamurdock-blog · 5 years
History of a Hershey’s Kiss 💋
What are the ingredients?
Milk Chocolate (Sugar, Milk, Chocolate, Cocoa Butter, Lactose, Milk Fat, Soy Lecithin, and Vanillin [Artificial Flavor]).
Where do they come from?
They source their cocoa from various growing regions around the world and have committed to use 100% certified cocoa by 2020. Most of the cocoa comes from West Africa. The milk is farm fresh from dairy farms within 100 miles of the factories. The sugar comes from sugar plantations across the southern US and around the world. The vanilla flavor is all natural and can come from various parts of the world like Madagascar. Lecithin comes from soy beans and is used to balance out the milk and cocoa butter and give it a better consistency.
What are the working and living conditions of the people who produce the cocoa?
With the majority of the global cocoa supply coming from Africa, the need for workers on plantations is always there, this has brought about the thriving business of child labor, slavery, and human trafficking across African borders. Many cocoa farms do not own the cocoa plantation and pay the land owner 50‐66 percent of each year’s crop. To keep costs low, farmers use their own family members as a source of labor. Hazardous conditions include applying pesticides, working with sharp objects like knives and machetes, working without safety equipment, and environments full of snakes, insects, and other dangerous animals. Although governments and corporations are aware of this problem, no accurate information, aside from estimates, exists regarding the true number of children working on cocoa plantations. The amount workers are paid is typically not efficient to live off of despite efforts to change conditions and labor laws. In 2011, over 400 foreign students working for Hershey went on strike after Excel, one of the company’s sub‐contractors, mislead and underpaid them. OSHA later fined the sub‐contractor $283,000 for health and safety violations.
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Are child laborers involved?
Children who work on cocoa plantations are usually somewhere between 12 and 15 years old but some are as young as 5 years old. The issues of child labor, human trafficking, and forced labor in West Africa have drawn the attention of many organizations, especially those who work directly with them. There are many different initiatives, laws, and other precautionary measures in order to reduce the use of children for cocoa farming in terms of manual labor. In Africa individuals under the age of 14 are not allowed by law to work within the business sector, which does not include family farms. This law does almost nothing when considering the large amounts of family cocoa farms and the ease of hiding non‐family laborers.
How is it produced?
Cocoa pods are harvested from trees. The cocoa pods are collected in large baskets, which workers carry on their heads to curing areas. At the curing area farmers remove the cocoa beans from their pods and they are fermented and dried. The dry cured cocoa beans are then packed into sacks for transport. The cocoa beans are transported in trucks by road to the Ghanaian port, where they are packed into containers. The Cocoa products are transported in trucks by road back to the port of Singapore.
How does the cocoa get to the market?
The Cocoa products are transported in trucks by road back to the port of Singapore. A container ship transports the Cocoa products by sea to the port of Melbourne. Truck’s transport the cocoa Products by road from the port of Melbourne to a manufacturing factory. Manufacturers use the Cocoa products as ingredients. These products are loaded onto palettes and into trucks. Trucks transport the products by road to a warehouse where orders are assembled. These orders are then loaded on to pallets and into trucks. They are then transported by Road to super markets and real outlets.
How are prices set?
Supply drivers tend to be the stronger influencer of chocolate’s price volatility. With cocoa being a main ingredient this is what price typically fluctuates on. Africa – primarily the Ivory Coast and Ghana – is the largest global producer of cocoa. Supply fluctuations are a result of a number of factors, from political and civil unrest to labor issues and the effect of weather, diseases and pests on crop yields. For example, long periods of dry weather are not conducive to cocoa bean growth, resulting in supply shortages. Others ingredients such as sugar, dairy products, nuts, corn sweeteners and energy (natural gas and fuel oil) are also necessary to produce chocolate products. The prices of these commodities are driven, for the most part, by the commodities market, which sets the price based on supply and demand levels and can result in varying levels of volatility on commodity prices.
What international corporations dominate the chocolate Trade?
The dominating chocolate trade corporations are Mars Inc., Mondelez International, Nestlé, Ferrero Group, Meiji Co., Hershey Co., Lindt & Sprugli, and Perfetti Van Melle.
Who regulates it?
TransFairUSA is what many companies use to regulate the trade of cocoa to make them seen as a better factory. Others trade through one of the two world exchanges, either the NYSE Euronext or the Intercontinental Exchange.
Where did I buy it?
I bought it at Target
How much profit does a store owner make on chocolate?
They can make between 30 and 48 percent profit.
How is chocolate marketed?
Chocolate is marketed in many ways through ads like posters, commercials on tv and youtube, amusement parks etc...
Are there hidden costs that are not included in the price you paid? (Consider underpayment of labor; environmental impact; government subsidies that are direct [to the company] and indirect [infrastructure such as roads, ports, bridges, and water systems]; and the healthcare costs created by the harvesting, transporting, processing, and eating of this food.)
Yes, there are many hidden costs included in the price the people who produce the cocoa don’t get paid nearly half the amount the chocolate costs and don’t get any benefits either including healthcare or insurance. Also the way the cocoa is transported and how much the transporters get paid is not sufficient. The cocoa is transported back and forth before it even makes it to the chocolate factories. Incorporating the price of shipping like that guarantees more hidden fees.
Now that you’ve gathered some information about the components of this chocolate bar, write its biography. Tell the story of its life from the farming of its ingredients to the production and consumption.
The process of a Hershey kiss begins with the production of the main ingredients cocoa, sugar, milk, and vanilla. Production of the cocoa spans several countries and companies. The cocoa is supplied 70 percent from Africa (Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon).The harvest process is labor intensive and starts when the seeds (cocoa beans) are extracted by splitting the pod with a machete. After the beans have been extracted, they are laid out to dry in the sun for several days in order to acquire the flavor needed for chocolate. The beans are then packed into bags and sent out for shipment where it is changed to cocoa butter then gone through another phase to get to the factory. The vanilla is harvested mostly in Madagascar under better conditions but still not the best conditions. The sugar is brought from southern US mostly and the milk is harvested about 100 miles from the actual factory by cows that, Hershey says, are treated humanely. Once everything is shipped and produced to the fullest it is then shipped to the Hershey factory to come together as the famous chocolate. The Hershey kiss has a specific shape so it goes through the proper machinery to get to that shape. They then ship the chocolate off to stores like Walmart and advertise the chocolate through commercials on tv and posters in store which make the chocolate look deletable, often times referring to the name and having actors use the chocolate kiss as a way to get more customers. People then go and buy the chocolate and eat it.
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communistbulgaria · 3 years
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Worship God in spirit
You are now going on well; your numbers are daily increasing; your influence is extending. Be content for a while to break your bread from house to house. Perhaps, by and by, the patriarch himself will give you a church, where you can worship God in spirit and in truth, and where the law and the prophets, with the glorious Gospel, can be read and expounded every Sabbath day. At any rate, have no fear but that the Lord will build you a sure house. The next day, they sent to know what they were to do for priests. We sent word back to them to pray that ‘ a great company of the priests might become obedient to the faith.’
“ The excitement has been certainly great, but it has appeared to be rather a deep and earnest and sincere inquiry about the truth, and the way of salvation, than anxiety about a personal interest in its blessings. It has existed principally among the more sober and respectable of the people, and has been promoted by means judiciously selected and applied; and, what is truly wonderful, scarcely any opposition has been heard of from any quarter. It is difficult to account for this except from the fact that the bishops are really more enlightened than the people. Should the latter begin to take the lead, and the former to fall in the rear, then it will ‘ be impossible but that offences should come; ’ and, according to human view, there is but one way to prevent it, and that is by endeavoring to enlighten equally the clergy and the laity, and to bring them all forward together.
When I first came into these countries, I laid hold of individuals, and endeavored to pull them out of the fire; but my aim is now to take hold of whole communities, and, as far as possible, to raise them all up to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.’ The Lord grant that not one may be left behind!
Avoid exposing the lives
“We are careful to say nothing which shall inflame the people against the priests, or the priests against the people; and we take as much pains to avoid an open rupture with either as General Washington ever did to avoid exposing the lives of his few hardy but ragged half-accouter soldiers by risking a general battle. Washington rendered himself unpopular by so doing; but he manifestly did right, and posterity has given a verdict in his favor. He might have obtained for himself momentary glory and renown, by rushing into battle and dying like a brave man, but — our country would have been lost! He fought for his country, and not for himself. His plans and his efforts had in view the good of his country, and not his own reputation. And thus we should labor for the salvation of these people, and not for a martyr’s crown.
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