#all my best takes are from discord convos
closetcasefabray · 2 days
jesus saves (i spend)
i have been writing parts of an avatrice college au for two gd years now. the ideas & writing are scattered between here (one of the tags below should work), my whatsapp convos with @snowandwolves, on discord, my dinosaur laptop that crashes, & my email. it’s a fucking disaster but whatever so am i & not once in my life have i had my shit together so this is all unsurprising.
SO what i’m saying is, here’s the only part i have ‘formally’ written in fic form bc i posted that other ficlet. doing this made me almost throw my dino laptop & my phone out a window on several occasions—that’s why there isn’t more. but i just wanna share this.
more notes & rambles at the end.
You notice her because it's syllabus week of your freshman year, it's an 8 AM class, and you're fairly confident you're still drunk from the party you attended last night, but she raises her hand and correctly answers a question posed by your theology professor without hesitation. Your professor, Father Vincent, was likely hoping for a good guess at best, but there she is, exceeding expectations from the moment she speaks. You pickup on an accent, which you would find incredibly attractive if you weren't so thrown by her perfect and concise response, like a well-prepared speech is always readily accessible in the back of her mind—a girl with all the answers. A young woman, really. 
You, however, are not—you're just a girl. You're just a girl who shows up to her morning classes smelling like the bar or the house party from the night before, like the weed you started smoking almost immediately upon arriving to university during orientation week, like the cigarettes you smoke because it affords you a little more quiet outside and an excuse to borrow a lighter and talk to a cute boy or a pretty girl.
You're just a girl who technically died, existed in nothingness for a whole minute before being ripped back into a reality of blank ceilings and the sound of your heartbeat in your ears. You're just a girl strangers prayed for after they heard about the American child pulled from the wreckage. You're just a girl who didn't get any credit for teaching herself to stand again, to walk again—and if you’re being completely honest, you’re a girl who’s incredibly bitter that a god you never saw in that one minute got all the credit and none of the blame—for taking your mother from you, for taking years from you that had to be spent healing from god’s grace or lack thereof. 
You're just a girl who is tired of being told to look at her life as an expression of holiness, who thinks it is more so the consequence of indifferent stardust. But you still look for the beauty in that, in humanity and its flaws—these meaningless beings in a vast universe, creating and destroying their own little, myopic worlds on this spinning rock. Some will dream of poetry for their lovers, and some will dream of arsenals to level cities. You wonder how many lips were pressed together in a final kiss versus hands clasped together in prayer when fire fell from the sky in the name of God. You wonder what that says about faith.
You'd like to think if your mother could see you, she'd laugh at the irony because once you were baptized, she never took you to church. God finds a way, so you spent five miserable years in a Catholic orphanage before you were sent back to America. People said you were lucky to have two years in a foster family at your age, but it felt like living with strangers who were tasked with the minimum of keeping you alive. Then you were moved into a home for teen girls with a nun at the helm, and that’s where you actually felt fortunate for the first time in years. It was there that Mother Superion helped you with your studies and college applications. So here you are, tipping into a hangover in one of the oldest buildings on campus, learning theology from a priest.
But your mom would understand. (You don’t remember much of her, and you try not to think about that too deeply, or else you have to deal with the resulting ache that comes from reaching inside yourself for something that’s gone.) You have spliced together what you can recall into a short reel—you mom buckling into your car seat while humming a show tune, showing you how to fold a pizza slice and telling about a city famous for their pizza, and holding your hand in a museum in Spain, promising to take you to another big museum closer to home, the home you never saw again. So you promised yourself and the parts of her you carry that you’d make it here.
You would have had to pay almost full tuition if you wished to attend your reach, requiring immense debt, so you ended up at the school that offered you a ticket to the city and a hefty enough scholarship you could get through four years without requiring loans or a full-time job to afford it. (You first refused to use your mother’s death as a sob story in you application letter, but Mother Superion put her hand on yours and said, So rarely do these letters contain truth, but do not be afraid to tell yours. In telling your truth there is a sadness, yes—and I know you detest pity—but of all the things that have been taken from you, do not feel guilty for taking some of it back to live a better life.) You remember getting your acceptance letter, and looking up at the sky and flipping it off, praying whatever god hears you, No thanks to you!
But your bitterness temporarily takes a backseat in your mind as you look at your classmate, beautiful in the refracted light shining through the stained glass window, speaking so graciously of god you'd think Jesus were in the room, about to hand her his latest work. It's poetry, bordering on scripture in a new tongue, and you'd almost be a believer if it didn't sound as if she had repeated these words—practiced—enough times to believe them herself. You wonder what that says about her faith.
If the nuns at the orphanage had spoken the gospel as she does, maybe you'd be here for different reasons. You're fascinated.
Behold, you are beautiful…
i promise this fic gets lighter & has some silliness. so some notes/tangents:
this is 100% self-indulgence bc i heard ‘write what you know’ & ran with that shit. when i visited a friend at a state school in a college town i was so so confused bc it was just a diff campus culture entirely. then i was going to make this set in an ambiguous city, but i literally have saved places in google maps that would be great places to kiss someone sooooo you get NY avatrice.
likely setting this before instagram & smartphones bc i’m old/lazy & i can.
the title is from st. vincent who my friend introduced me to in college. “paris is burning” changed my brain chemistry & so i listened to her music on repeat for ages—“jesus saves, i spend” is on the same album.
father vincent will not be a bad man or evil professor. he will be as he was before adriel—a lost man who found himself through god & still a little broken but caring & devout.
also song of songs/song of solomon is like… the only part of the bible i fucked with in theology class so that’s the reference at the end. also another line used in another scene with JC, chanel, & ava written in v rough form. maybe will share that later.
this is meant to be a fic with a post-grad sequel as well. not much written of that but a lot of ideas everywhere.
once i figure out where i’m moving (hahahaha i’m so stressed), i’ll consider a ko-fi or something (i wish emails & names weren’t shown though). but mostly i will likely need a second job to save up for an actually good computer/macbook. once i have that i’ll be able to post on ao3.
anyway thanks for reading & being here :3
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appri-dot · 7 months
fan children is just the watered down version of character fusion ocs change my mind
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jolapeno · 11 months
little cute things to remember (because it’s been a while since we’ve done this):
✨ you’re more that the notes or the followers you get: outside of the obvious, sometimes a fic is a grower (it’ll find people in time) and sometimes it’s because people are storing your work away ready to read when they need comfort. your worth isn’t attached to your numbers, it’s your storytelling, your soul and kindness. plus, if you love it, that’s one super fan—and anyone else is a bonus.
🌙 you don’t have to write X to fit in/be seen: just like we don’t eat the same meal every day, people’s interests change. what is popular changes, but what doesn’t change is what makes you happy. so, write that because that means your heart will be in it.
🌾 it’s okay to be nervous about connecting with people you admire: but I promise it’ll be worth it. work up to it, take the time you need, but I promise (from someone who is a chronic worrier and big ball of anxiety) everyone will be just as thrilled to hear from you, as you are to hear from them.
🪴 your process is your process, own it: I see people worry about not posting enough, and those who worry they post too much. your process, your writing, your blog at the end of the day, is yours. if people don’t like it, they know where the unfollow button is. you’re doing amazing, you’re doing what you want, when you want it, with the time you have. don’t let anyone take your shine.
🔑 I don’t think I can write X or Y or Z: that’s okay. you don’t have too. even if they’re wildly popular or it’s your fave character/trope to read, it’s okay if you find it overwhelming to write. but, try. even in private, even if it never makes it online and stays in a private discord with your bestie. sometimes, it’s scary to take the leap, but sometimes it’s also pretty fucking great.
🩷 for my anxious, worrying souls: sometimes, it does feel lonely. it feels like you’re shouting into a void, surrounded by people, but still on the outskirts of the convos, the chats, the places, the fandom. it’s one of two things: perspective—your brain, as wondrous as it is, is also very cruel, and twists good things into bad (like a disney forest that if you go too deep into begins to look eerie) or you just need to find your person. the one you send all your thoughts to, the one who learns all the intricacies of your life, your routine, easily. it can be hard (and intimidating) to find them, but you will. they’re out there, waiting for you as much as you are for them.
☁️ what makes fandom great is not just the works we find along the way, but the souls we find and connect to. fandom is about supporting art, sharing, loving, enjoying, but it’s also about having fun, being in a space you can curate that makes you smile, and doing so with people who get you, who understand why you love that movie (even if it’s not rated that great) and love you for it all the same.
🫂 do what’s best for you: you don’t want to tackle that fic now, that’s okay. you want to change fandoms, that’s okay. you want to take a break and come back. you want to be around, connecting but not writing for a while, that’s super cool. you want to press pause, hide, lurk for a moment, you do you bby. ignore that pressure you feel on your shoulders, it’s not real. those who love your work, your words, your style, your heart will be here. there’s only one you, and if you burn out at both ends, all you’ll be given is a version of you that you’ll look back on and not like to be reminded of.
lots of love,
jo (undercoverpena) 💕
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warrior-of-waistbands · 6 months
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anyway here's my pitch for a Ben 10 AU because the season 2 finale left me REELING (mostly copied over from Discord convos). I don't have the energy for proper concept art so just take these quick sketches:
- George and Harold stumble onto the Omnitrix somewhere on school grounds; it latches onto George and the boys very quickly discover that 1) oh shit this thing won't come off, and 2) oh shit George is an alien now
- I'm not entirely sure that George would immediately want to use his new powers to be a superhero—mostly he and Harold start out by using the aliens and their powers to get up to their usual pranks and mischief. And then somehow they stumble into a situation where George ends up saving the day and, being the comic book nerds that they are, they deduce that being an alien superhero must be some kind of grand destiny. "With great power comes great responsibility" and all that.
- Ree here is a retired Plumber who immediately recognizes the Omnitrix and, horrified that it's ended up in the hands of a child, takes up a sort of mentor role for the boys, helping George learn how to use his powers while trying his best to keep the boys out of danger (with mixed results....)
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- also, there's this:
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- Krupp is an ex-Plumber, and Ree is an ex-Plumber, and neither of them knows about the other, it's just a complete coincidence that they both happen to be working at the same school at the same time
- George's aliens are based off the various aliens and monsters from the books/show—we got a Littlelite, a Biglien, one of those shark aliens, the lunch lady aliens from book 3....
- At some point Melvin finds out about the Omnitrix and tries to take it for himself (?), less because he wants its powers and more so for the science of it, as well as the confirmation that aliens are real. There's a possibility that Melvin ends up as the AU's equivalent to Kevin? If that's the case, then he's completely unaware of his abilities when he tries to pry the watch off George....
- and where did the Omnitrix come from in this AU? Well, about that.....
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- It's fine. It's fine don't worry about it.
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swissboyhisch · 9 months
The Beginning of the Hockey Couple
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Pairing: Matthew Tkachuk x Ivy Lemieux (OC)
Summary: When Ivy was a kid, her dad took her on a road trip while her mother was away. Everyone wouldn't know that that was the start of beautiful friendships and a relationship.
Word Count: 363
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Mario Lemieux thought it would be a smart idea to bring his only daughter, 3-year-old Ivy Winter, to St. Louis. Where Blues was hosting the Pittsburgh Penguins. His wife was away visiting family in Australia so his choices were to have Ivy stay with another family for the string or take her with him. Since the road trip was short, he thought why not bring her along. It wasn’t like it was a 2 week roadie.
The older hockey player held his daughter’s hand as they walked into the stadium and to the family room for the away team. Ivy was dressed in her favourite shirt, her dad’s jersey, and a pair of leggings. A matching black and yellow beanie she adores; a was a present from her favourite uncle, Brooks Orpik. He walked alongside the father-daughter duo, chatting to his captain about the coming game. 
Young Ivy did not recognise where she was, so naturally she was curious. She could see people she had never met before everywhere. Her hand slipped from her father’s hand before she ran away from her father, giggling as she ran past different players.
“Ivy Winter!”
Said girl only giggled more at her father’s voice, acting like it was a game of chasey. She turned the corner and slammed into another person, falling onto her bum. The petite child looked up at a young boy not too much older than her. He had curly hair and was wearing a Blues jersey. 
“Are you okay sweetie?” The woman beside the boy questioned, kneeling to help the girl up.
“Yeah,” Ivy replied, taking the woman’s hand to stand. “I’m Ivy.”
The older boy sent Ivy a wide smile, “I’m Matthew.”
“Ivy Winter,” Mario huffed as he spied the familiar little 66 jersey and pigtails in front of the family. “I’m so sorry Tkachuk.”
The man comes up behind his wife and kids, chuckling as Mario picks up his daughter. “All good Lemieux.”
“Keith, Chantal, this is my daughter, Ivy.” The girl sent the family a smile, waving at them.
“Where’s your wife?”
“Family,” Mario replied. “Isn’t that right, bug?”
“She’s seeing nana,” Ivy stated, looking up at her father. “I get to see Daddy play.”
“Who’s looking after her?” Chantal asks, lifting her youngest son onto her hip.
Mario sighed, “I have one of our staff taking her in a corp box. None of the friends or family are here for this game.”
“Do you want me to take her with me?” Chantal offered. “I have both the boys and I’m with the other wives in the box. Ivy can play with Matt and Brady.”
Ivy looked up at her father with a cheeky smile, eyes glinting with the familiar childlike mischievousness, “Can I?”
“You sure it’s not too much trouble?”
Chantal shook her head, “Nonsense, I’m happy to take her. I’ll bring her back to you after the game.”
After Mario made sure Ivy would behave, he sent her off with the family so he could get ready. Ivy on the other hand was so excited to be with other kids her age. 
“Do you play hockey?” Matt asked the young girl as they found the family box.
“Of course,” she sassed. “You?”
“Of course.”
“You my best friend now,” Ivy grinned.
Matthew wrapped his arms around the girl, beginning her into a hug. “Best friends.”
“Me too,” A voice joined the convo, with Brady coming to join the hug. Well try to at least. That was until Matt pushed him away. Brady looked like he was about to cry. “But me too.”
“Matthew,” Chantal warned, watching the wholesome moment soon turn sour. 
“Fine,” The older Tkachuk groaned and turned to his baby brother. “You too.”
The three shared a hug before turning their focus onto the ice to watch the game they all loved so much.
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @dasiysthings @dancerbailey3 @puckmaidens @cole-mcward48 @sammiejane22 @kajasagmo @poufsouffle21 @there-goes-thefighter
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xxlemon-chanxx · 8 months
I am officially laid up with a nasty headcount. Which has me thinking... how does Philip/Belos react to his little lambkin coming down the "common mold"?
(ohh noooo D: I hope you start feeling better!)
Ohhhh, this is another convo my discord and I had at length!
This is once again something that would be vastly different depending on whether or not it's Philip/Belos.
Beardo Philip would take care of you, but he’d be very begrudging about doing it. If you throw up, he shouts at you for making a mess before grumbling and finally cleaning it up while also scolding you at the same time. “Honestly, you’d think you'd be less trouble when you can barely move, but noooo.”
If you act like an idiot because your brain is all loopy from the demon illness, he’ll begin chastising you as if he caught you drawing on the walls—maybe even literally depending on how out of it you are. After all, he does keep a lot of inkwells around, and he doesn't like you messing with his journals and papers.
In general, Philip has a really shitty bedside manner.
Belos, on the other hand, is the total opposite.
He may not be the one caring for you directly, but he's making sure you're getting the best treatment possible. The best healers give you round-the-clock care, his chefs prepare various human-safe soups and broths, and castle staff make sure there are extra blankets and pillows and other things to remedy whether you're too hot or too cold.
Belos will come in to check on you at various times throughout the day whenever he has time, but it's always brief, and it's only to make sure his staff are doing their job correctly. He might give you a blanket off the pile of extras, or he might re-dampen a rag to put on your forehead, but he's not going to be your primary caregiver. And try not to be offended when he doesn't take off his mask. He can't afford to get sick too.
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tiptapricot · 6 months
Musings on transfem Bi-Han from a discord convo
Bi-Han gripped the edge of the wash basin, his chest heaving and frost spreading jagged and red over the stone under his palms. His lungs felt like they were burning.
Too many battles. Too many soldiers felled by their own reckless choices. Why didn’t they listen?
His arms were wet, blood soaking into the fabric of his tunic and flaking frozen from his elbows. It wasn’t his. It hardly ever was these days. He was Sub-Zero, no regular man could get the best of him. They were not meant to. His mantle meant too much. His status meant too much. He was the Lin Kuei grandmaster, and defeat and injury only tarnished that image. That, he could not allow.
Bi-Han let out a ragged breath, curling over to rest his head against the washroom mirror.
There was so much he was never allowed, though. Never allowed to step out of line, never allowed to show weakness, never allowed to be ambitious but always needing to live up to the great role he was expected to take up. He was only meant to be a warrior, only meant to be a son, only meant to be his father’s chilling image, and there was no shadow larger to escape from than his.
Righteous and perfect and naìve and ruthless. The man who led the Lin Kuei for decades. The man Bi-Han was expected to be.
She sucked in a breath, staring up angrily at her own reflection, heaving and draped in scarlet and blue. She swallowed thick around the taste of her own triumph.
“Would you have seen this a failure, too, father?” she hissed, ice crunching under her fingertips. “That I and all my secrets outlasted you?”
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internals1ut · 3 days
Romeo & Leo brag about their tops!
Right when I read this I know exactly what I wanted them to say! So instead of making a whole essay I'm gonna give you a mini convo piece I would think they would have together < 3
18+/nsfw/minors gtfo
Leo - I can't say Sho is the best since I am obviously better, but he is good enough in the sheets ~ He is very considerate about the places to hit~
Romeo - That is nothing compared to roughness. Take it from me, if he isn't making your legs tremble by the end of the night then he isn't doing a very good job.
Leo - Oh yeah? Is that why you are always able to come out of Taiga's room walking normally? Guess you two aren't having a good night . At least all three of my tops know where I like it~
Romeo - I don't need to sell out my body unlike you. Taiga still makes my legs tremble, I just can't show it due to my status.
Leo - Status? Of being a little bitch? I feel like you are more louder out in your office than in your bedroom alone with Taiga ~ At least all three of my choices take good care of me after wards.... What does Taiga do for you?
Romeo - I don't need to talk about what we do in the bed, but Taiga makes it known that I am his and his alone ~ Can't hate a man who will give a possessive mark on me while he also watches me to ensure no one strange makes and funny moves - You have too many partners that you are probably going to catch something... Since you are unwrapped~
Leo - A disease?! Fuck you I am perfectly healthy and so are my boys ~ And I don't see you using a condom either! But then again Taiga is a biter he will most likely give you something from his bites than his dick ~
This is what I had up till now, honestly they would reach a point in their bragging where the two would just start to bicker about who's top is better.
Romeo's top is obviously Taiga but as for Leo, his are Sho, Mido, and Ren^^
Feel free to come join the tkdb discord linked on @internalscream1ng carrd
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lillonvia · 9 months
— happy new year, from your dearest lili.
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first off, i want to thank all of you guys for making my 2023 such an incredible rollercoaster !! ure all v silly n fun n adorable i js wanna grrRRAAA SMOTHERS ALL OF U WITH AFFECTION TAKE MY FUCKINH LOVE RAAAAHHHH 👹 I LOVE INTERACTING W ALL OF U IT ALWAYS MAKES ME SMILE N GIGGLE LIKE AN IDIOT HEHEHEJFN 🤭🤭 
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@idyllic-affections ꒱꒱ ADDIII MY ELDRITCH DEITY N LITTLE SIBLINGGGG 🥺🥺💕💘💖💖💗💘💘💕💝💗💝💖💘💖🩷💘💗 u were my v first moot on this site n ill never forget the fun convos n memories we’ve made over the months <33 ure v dear to me n i herkehehdbd *vibrating uncontrollably* I LOVEEE talking w u n DONT U DARE APOLOGIZE FOR REPLYING LATE RRRRRR 👹👹 /lh ur works always leave me feeling delulu n giddy n i end up imagining different scenarios w certain character nd AAADJFKFKFB I LOVE U SM WAAA
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@soleillunne ꒱꒱ ALYYYYY !!! LYSSA !!! UUUU HI BELOVEDDDD MWAHH 😍🥰 i dont feel like weve been talking a lot bUT BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY, IM ALWAYS WILLING TO WAIT FOR U UWAAA ure soso precious to me n i js wan give u A BIG KITH N HUGGIE bc i love u vm n u deserve it !!!! 🫶🫶 i hate the fact ure stressed w education n i wish i cld do more for u to help u feel better :((( but if ure ever in need of some form of comfort my discords always open for u n ill do my best for u <33 💖💕🩷💝💘
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@fatuismooches ꒱꒱ SMOOCHES MY LOVE HI HELLO !!! ure so fun to be around N NOT TO MENTION URE ALSO ONE OF THE SWEETEST PPL IVE EVER MET WAAAA 😩 i had so much fun when we were both brainrotting so hard abt our dragon otter neuvie EHEHHEHR I WAS SOOO GIDDY THAT TIME BC NOT ONLY BC IT WAS NEUVIE BUT ALSO BC IT WAS U I WAS TALKING TO !!!!! 🥹🥹 YIPPEEEEE
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@areislol ꒱꒱ REIREI MY CONFETTI CREEPER OMG !! m always so happi whenever we talk bc ure SO sweet n adorable n amazing !!! 🫶🫶🫶 i remember feeling shocked when u followed me n dropped by my inbox bc OMG !!! ITS ONE OF MY FAVORITE WRITERS !!! FOLLOWING SILLY LIL ME!!!! UJWJEKRKSJANABA 🤭 
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@mondaymelon ꒱꒱ the silliest watermelon to ever watermelon in existence !! interacting w u n seeing the silly things u say never fail to make me laugh BWJERJRKRKIFG m so glad i was able to work up the courage to be moots w u bc lets js say. I DONT REGRET IT 😋😋 ure so lovably unpredictable ND UR ART IS SO NOMNOMNOM DEVOURED N DIGESTED TEEHEEE JSJSKAKAN UUUU i love u 💝💕💕💗
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@umgatochamadopercyval ꒱꒱ CLARACLARACLARA !!!! the cutie patootie sweetheart herself, in the flesh !!! sunshine in human form !! u have such an incredibly kind and beautiful soul UUUUU CRYING SOBBINH /pos I LOVE YOU SM love ur cat too btw JAJAJJAJ IM RLLY HOPING WE CAN INTERACT MORE OFTEN NEXT YEAR UWAAAHHJJH
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to all my other moots who didnt make it on the list, M SO SORRYYYY DJJFN I JS NEED TO IMTERACT W U MORE SO I CAN HAVE MORE POSITIVE OPINIONS ABT U 😭 ITS NOTHING TO DO W U GUYS I PROMISE 🙏🙏 but w little conversation we have, i still appreciate each and every one of u 🫶🫶 KITH KITH MWAH once again, thank u sm for such an amazing year !!!! 💕💗💘🩷💝💖💖💕💗💘🫶🩷💝💕🫶
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moonlight-tmd · 3 months
Prompted by a convo I had on Discord-
Animalistic behavior in Cybertronian customs/courting:
I do like the idea of the helm-rubbing being the common sign of affection; you just have one bot rub their helm against someone from family or a close friend. It a universal sign of "I care about you"
Then there's helm bumps- where you press your forehelm directly on top of your sparkmate's forehelm. (think like a kiss) This one's reserved to Sparkmates only, it basically means "I love you romantically"
Growling/Hissing is a form of intimidation.
There's differences in frame-type courting behaviour too:
Grounders definitely love to cuddle/nuzzle and have this soft idle purr when they do. Sometimes it's more beep-y than rumble-y, it all depends on an individual. They're more playful and touchy when they find a potential mate/someone they're interested in.
Seekers (also called Fliers) have a thing for wings- wings are the best part of their mate, they need to be strong and pretty. They also are much more protective of their mate. When a seeker courts they will spread their wings more often as in to display them.
This part is when they're espablished Sparkmates:
When a mate is carrying a newspark, Grounders will let other people they know close to their mate to take care of them so they themselves can go and rest/bring rescources to their mate.
Seekers on the other hand will seclude themselves and their mate and be a lot more defensive and aggressive to anything that comes close to their mate. Rarely do they leave their mate unprotected while they gather supplies for them.
Polyamory is not an alien concept to them- It's often that Seekers form a trine as a form of relationship. That way when one is carrying the other two can take turns protecting and hunting for their mates.
Grounders are also familiar with having multiple mates- although the cases of having just one are not that rare, it's pretty 50/50 if you aks me.
Sometimes Seekers do an aerial fall-dance to strengthen their love; just like how eagles lock claws and fall and ravens do synchronized flying. Both will fall and twirl around themselves and one another and if they do it together in sync their love is confirmed and reciprocated.
Grounders will engage in playful chases or brawls and if their mate participates they know their mate still has feelings for them.
And that's about it. It's not overly saturated in animalistic features, just a tad of flavor to their normal "human" behaviour. You can imagine it's a little odd when a seeker is trying to court a grounder and vice versa but that's just tiny quirks in behaviour, not the courting itself.
History lesson! (by my headcanon) Ancient Cybertronians started out as techno-organic monoformers with the ability to reproduce sexually. Over time they advanced and upgraded themselves to be able to take a more faster form, aka their alt mode. They ditched their organic side completely and found new more effective ways to reproduce. (non-humanoid reproductive components, no body-in-body carrying) While some upgraded to travel on land, some upgraded to fly or even swim. (Seeker, Grounder and Swimmer) (Swimmers are a rare frame type as there are little planets where there's need to travel via water/fluid)
Then the mass racism hit and they got divided and now are trying to kill each other.
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mosviqu · 9 months
things/aesthetic you associate with your moots please!
this was in my inbox for over a month i am so sorry anon... anyways. here goes nothing. not doing aesthetics bc thats a lot of effort but here is how i 'see' my friends ig :p
@satoruly - champagne, voice memos, the ocean, the beach, the metamorphosis by franz kafka, tokyo revengers, movie reviews, manga, shopping, indoor plants, sunsets, partying, singing, the bass, i dont do drugs by ariana grande and doja cat, anime, mini skirts, cherries, digital cameras, the color red, shinichiro sano, sand, headphones, random spanish thrown in convo, hearts, gojo satoru, croptops, manga, late night walks in a busy town, izana, gossiping with your best friend, ambition, the feeling of home, endless mutual understanding, passion, freedom, soulmates.
@csenke - monchichi dolls, sylvanian families, minecraft, streamers, the streets of budapest, instagram dumps, sunwoo, afternoon walks, playgrounds, random vlogs u record with your best friends, the colors yellow green and tan, enhypen, mona lisa by dominic fike, random german words, hanging posters in your room, late night conversations, pretty architecture, silly selfies, the excitement of unboxing your packages, changmin, spiderman, chimney cake, Á, lovejoy, candy, loverboy hats, platonic neighbors (yes that exists).
@from-izzy - woodz, bunnies, psychology textbooks, coffee shops, matcha, late night conversations, talking in all caps, excitement, running to catch the bus, making spotify playlists in the middle of the night, protectiveness, the color tan, bicycles, gratefulness, sharing your worries with someone, cloudy skies, the sound of birds chirping outside of your window in the morning, laying in the grass.
@heemingyu - meme reactions, milkshakes, playful banter, inside jokes, playful annoyance at your friends, learning how to drive in an empty parking lot, keyboard smashes, iced tea, sibling-like energy, comfortable hoodies, silent support, instagram reels in your dms as a form of love language, comfort tv shows in your bed.
@sungbeam - admiration, being proud of your friends, watching someone from afar, brainstorming with someone on the same wavelength, literature, baby blue by luke hemmings, dc comics, fic banners, star girl energy, the weird familiarity of a college dorm room, demon changmin, the summer break, doing ordinary things with your music playing lowly in the background, post-it notes on your wall, pancakes for breakfast.
@juyeonszn - cats, supportive comments under instagram posts, lying for fun, feeling yourself when you go clubbing with your best friends, lipgloss, tattoos, roadtrips, concerts, taking polaroids on a night out, flirting with your friends, screaming a song on the top of your lungs.
@zzoguri - valorant, childhood friends vibes, meeting someone and feeling like you've known them for ages, jacob bae, gaming, discord calls, italy, journalism, the friends you meet in university, found family, warm soup on sundays, laufey, day6.
@kimsohn - delusional conversations, talking shit with your honest friends, juyeon, typing really fast on your keyboard, understanding each others typos, editing, yunjin, being in love with women, confidence, yeehaw, iconic energy.
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whatiwillsay · 1 year
Good morning WIWS Nation, I'm excited to announce today is the launch of our second annual listener appreciation week!
"What is listener appreciation week?" you might ask. As a sign of my undying appreciation to the listeners of this podcast and members of the WIWS community, I like to do a surprise week once a year or so to flood you guys with TONS of extra content and other fun promotions during the week! I am so immensely grateful that you guys have enabled me to foster such a wonderful space for nosy gays that sometimes I just have to show you guys with a big bang! Here are some details you need to know!
First things first! I am opening up the Secret Sessions Discord to Ashley Avignone Patrons and up for the week! We have had to close it due to some trolling for the past six months and it's getting so big keeping it safely modded has become a bit of a concern. But we're going to open it to Ashley+ Patrons for the next week and let you guys get grandfathered into it before we close it for a while to keep the size of it under control. It *will* probably be opened up again sometime in the future but it may be only open to higher tiers to again keep the population under control and able to be safely modded. If you want to join it during this special open period simply link your Patreon account to Discord by following these directions.
Secondly HUGE FUCKING ANNOUNCEMENT! Not to bury the lead sorry I didn't want anyone to miss the discord announcement BUT ME AND MY GIRLFRIEND GABRIELLA ARE STARTING A PODCAST AND IT LAUNCHES TODAY! It's called Stay at Home Girlfriends and it's a podcast where you can listen in to get advice from your cool gay aunties! Episode 1 is up NOW and you can listen on Spotify! (More apps coming soon)
and follow our socials here:
Sunday, August 27th (LIVE NOW!) - Cara joins me on the Patreon for a State of the Gaylor Union. We catch up on all the latest Taylor news including some more convo about Karlie at the Eras Tour, the latest Toe gossip we've heard, and go through all the ships with a brief update on how we feel about them.
Monday, August 28th (LIVE NOW!) - Gabriella joins me on the main pod to go through my original Swiftgron master post! That's right! All this week and into the next couple weeks we'll be covering the best timeline of them all!
AND (LIVE NOW!) Gabriella also joins me on Patreon to do a juicy oversharing Q&A about our relationship!
Tuesday, August 29th - Torry from Ready to be Petty joins me on the Patreon to deep dive into the dark world of Jon & Kate Plus 8!
Wednesday, August 30th - Gabbie joins me again on the main pod to continue our trek through the Swiftgron Timeline!
Thursday, August 31st - Jenna from Date Card Pod joins me on Patreon to catch up on pop culture and check in and see how we're doing with our 2023 pop culture predictions and 2023 resolutions!
Friday, September 1st - Gabbie joins me again on the main pod for more Swiftgron Timeline goodness!
Saturday, September 2nd - Shannon from Fluently Forward joins me on Patreon to catch up on Taylor, Gaylor, and pop culture hot takes!
Sunday, September 3rd - The discord community will remain linked to the Patreon until midnight on this day!
I hope y'all are as excited as I am for THREE main pod episodes and FIVE Patreon episodes this week!!! And I genuinely, truly hope you guys feel the love from me! We have our ups and downs and nobody is perfect, certainly not me. But that doesn't stop me from being SO HUGELY AND IRREVOCABLY GRATEFUL, THANKFUL, AND APPRECIATIVE to all of you for being a part of this weird but amazing little Evidence Based Gossip community!
Remember! You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection. 💙
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idolhrtz · 6 months
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erm soo APPRECIATION POST FROM YOURS TRULY (@cherryshh) we mean this all in the platonic-est way possible so yeah but I LUV OUR MUTUALS SOO MUUUCH !!!! THIS IS PT 1 BECAUSE OUR MOTIVATION KIND OF RUNS OUT BUT WE'LL POST PT 2 TMR ( if yew talk w/ us in discord at least a bit you're guaranteed 02 be here and also if you're a mutual we interact with often )
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OK SO FIRST STARTING W AQU (@astromiis) my bffie for 2 yrs + now! i think i've done multiple appreciation shit for you but WE WILL NEVER GET TIRED OF IT < 3 First things first, can we just take a moment to appreciate Aqu's insanely amazing edits?!!?!?! GRAAH theyre so edible i love. Spending time with Aqu is like a CONSTANT PARTY filled with LAUGHTER, SUPPORT ETC :333 he has this MAGICAL ABILITY to make EVERYONE around it feel luved and appreciated, and I'm so lucky to have him in my life. A the rp server we have together our ocs are so silly its so fun to make stories even tho we make em suffer help ( most of the time anyway ANYWAY ROSAMIZU WHEN ). Aqu, you're the absolute best! Your talent, friendship, and non-stop energy bring so much joy to my life. I'm forever grateful for our friendship, and I can't wait to see what other fun things we'll do together. Thank you for being the awesome human being that you are. Love you to the moon and back! <3 TY FOR BEING IN OUR LIFE AQU <3
Ahem, now let's shift our focus to Kio, the idol extraordinaire! ( @kiochisato ) Where do I even begin with Kio? This silly and amazingest person has captured not only the people of tumblrs admiration but also our hearts. IDC, if you're a kio hater or have ever said smth bad ab them i WILL FIND YOU CAUSE HOW?? THEY'RE THE SWEETEST EVER. From the moment our convos start to the moment they end we're always smiling, Kio's energy can instantly make everyone around them like them. Also, their edits are nothing short of mesmerizing. Like, seriously, they are out of this WORLD. Their creative genius and attention to detail never cease to blow my mind. Whether it's graphics, layouts/icons, psds, or whatever else they put their magic touch on, Kio's talent is next level, and I'm forever in awe. iTS NOT JUST ABT EDITS.. THEY HAVE SUCH A SWEET HEART AND HAS TO BE ONE of the best people we've ever met, thank you for everything kio, the friendship (and psds sorry for always asking for them help.) we're so lucky 02 have somebeing like you in our lifes <3
NOW MERURURURUURURUURURUNRUNRIN !!! ( @daintykill ) i luv spending time with che and also talking in the banana server (shakes butt) tysm for being our friend and also you're an amazing person don't ever let any of those shit ass people tell you otherwise. Kiss deserves the best and also we wish for heart to be happy and hopefully bweh meet all of che's goals and thank you for talking with us at like 5 a.m HELP. SRS THO tysm Meruru !! We'll never get tired of talking with you and if you ever need comforting or just want to talk/be listened to in any circumstance we'll be there. Even if its like 6 a.m if we're awake we'll reply if not we'll reply the moment we go on discord :3 ! ALSO heart's edits are absolutely gorgeous and amazing, eats them all om nom nom :'33 . THANK YOU for being an amazing friend and an amazing person in general, when we first met you were so open to talk and i was very happy to have met you.. tysm :3 !!
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aztralnights · 11 months
I'm looking for a roleplay buddy, and friend(s)
I've been in need of a roleplay buddy for a while since a certain incident with my old one, but I'm a very open person.
> what I can do:
• angst/ fluff
• ships! (I'm big on this, I do crack/ rare pairs and a big multishipper I love to hear headcannons and such )
• serious plot (I'm a sucker for a story, I've wrote quite alot in my free time)
• jokes + comedy (I'm a comedy kinda person I'm always free to joke around )
• paragraphs / short sentences! (I like doing inbetween cause sometimes I can be a bit lazy !)
• lore (I'm a sucker for this I love writing lore and writing things together ♡)
• Oc/Cannon characters (Hcs are supported I'd like to talk them out! >this also applies for cannon x cannon, oc x oc , or oc x cannon , I'd prefer if you ship persona x cannon at least be at age ☆
> Fandoms I'm in:
• Elsword
• Genshin (I do not play currently but I'm still greatly involve with this game!)
• Honkai star rail
• Honkai impact
• Hello charlotte
• idenity v
• omori
• danganronpa
• undertale + Aus( deltarune as well)
• Fnaf (I'm not into this one as much but I still love to talk about theories and lore , I recently watched the movie!)
> besides this I'm into a bunch of others and willing to listen to suggestions!
How to contact me!
I have mainly two apps I use for communication, sometimes even amino along with this! You may contact me via discord but send a warning of you sending a friend request through any of my others message areas! I'll leave a link to my Twitter and my disc account.
I don't have any issues with people really but I'm not exactly a extroverted person but I like to hang out via calls or games! When I meet people I am a bit hesitant but I do like to talk and listen as long as we can both keep the convo going , but there's certain things I will not tolerate, aka the following
(slander of Lgtbq+ any other genders or sexualities ) now as a person who's not straight myself, I don't judge if you are straight or not, but I will not react kindly to making fun of this. I'm not fully aware of every thing even new ones and flags because I never really payed attention due to my life growing up.
(Racism ) now, I really love dark jokes, but it comes to something seriously racist or comments that make others uncomfortable I will not tolerate behavior like this.
(SA/ other stuff or grooming/pedo ) if you find this stuff okay, don't interact at all this isn't okay in any manner. The only acceptance I take of this is when it's in a characters past / story and you mention it to inform someone or have some angst to a story but if you support these it's a no go.
(Making fun of mental illness with serious intent) same as the previous thing I will not tolerate the comments hateful towards this, but if a character has any of these please do your best to research it so this doesn't come off as offensive and if you think you have any certain illness ect, please seek medical assistant ect so a doctor could provide you proper evaluation of this, because I am not a therapist or a doctor unfortunately, but I am someone who hopefully you can rely on.
Back on topic of my boundaries (toxic behavior ) i will not stand for any of this rather it's straying from judging a certain pair from the game or someone else's head cannons, it's not okay to talk down upon someone who has different likes or opinions then you, even if it's cannon please keep your opinions to yourself, you can talk to me about it if you don't really see it yourself, but please keep it respectful, but with this you are allowed to have different opinions! Let's just not cause a fight over this ♡.
(Competitive ) well this should be pretty obvious but I am very competitive and I stray from some anger issues, but however I have worked on this and still am, if something where to happen don't blame yourself and tell me if there's anything I can change , please don't be rude about it though, I'd like to be treated with respect as the same way we'd hopefully treat each other.
(Religious matters)so, about this, I am not a religious person but I grew up with my family being religious, if you're in a religion, that's alright ! I won't judge you, I actually encourage you to tell me more about this but, I do not want to have religious aspects forced onto me and hopefully the same goes for you!
(Other matters )
There's of course more but, some what personal, I'm not looking for anything romantic lol cause it's not that kind of search but a friend, i can share ideas with and have fun doing any little bits, and of course I will respect your boundaries as well (you will have to tell me this if we do decide to go through with this ) as well as other things I can't think of on top of my head!
Basic info!
My name is Sirius stated in my bio, I like art and writing, I'm a big game nerd and often listen to music when I'm bored or trying to zone out. I do have a tendency to spoil my friends with gifts whenever I have spare money, I'm probably a person that knows I'm a people pleaser, I have no problem with it as long as no ones forcing me to do it!
Age - over 18 ☆, if you do nsfw I do recommend being at least being a year around this age or over for the safety of both of us!
Birthday / sign , my birthday is July 6, I'm a proud Cancer, but if you don't care for zodiacs it's okay! I can't say I'm a expert on it!
Time zone and availability!
I'm usually available 24/7 besides school I am still in high-school, close to graduating and I do plan to go to college , we can arrange a schedule to your likings if you ask! My time schedule is EST, somewhere in Indiana! I will not give any more personal details closer then that.
Heritage/race?. Okay so I'll just say I'm Hispanic/French, I know some weird combos like lol I have some native American and German in me but the most noticeable is the first two, I do not have an accent that I can tell since I grew up speaking English all my life but, I can write in Spanish and French, I do not fluently speak this and may translate my words wrong but that's why I'm learning some more! Trust me I love people's heritages and hearing about different life styles, this falls into a list of wanting to learn more, head cannons and just facts along with correcting me if I misunderstood something!
Fun facts
I really like shades of purple most commonly lavender and Mauve(if that's how you spell it 💀),
some of my comfort characters - Furina/focalors, Xiao, scaramouche(wanderer), layla, Seele(HSr and honkai impact), jingliu, Melly (idv) and some others from different fandoms!
I've been told I'm very oblivious so hopefully we can share some fun laughs other me being dumb!
What I'm looking for.
Besides this, I want this person to be themselves though I have som preferences I hope we can get along, even with what I'm looking for don't feel the need to change yourself for me, honestly I just wanna have fun.
But specifically I'll list some things I'll have alot of fun with regardless
• someone with similar hobbies, I'd like to share common interest along with someone I can play games with and someone who will be active with me.
• of course the obvious thing, someone who likes these fandoms I'm in even if it's just two or one it'll be okay, hell even if you don't know em hopefully you'd be open to knowing more (do be aware I like sending pictures and ranting about lore ect)
• I'd like someone to be around the same age group as me so we can avoid complications, but if you're a bit younger or older then me, that's perfectly fine but I hope you understand why I'm looking for someone around 16-20 , I really hope that doesn't sound weird.
• jokes and passive aggressive friendship, I'm a bit of a jerk and i tend to like to poke friend it'd be nice to have someone who can poke and joke back and share jokes, hell even calling me out for being smth or a nerd if needed 💀
•someone okay with gifts even if they're small, as I mentioned earlier I like spoiling my friends and being a people pleaser.. so, if you are okay with receiving gifts then we're gonna be just fine! as long as I'm not begged constantly we'll do just fine, oh and, don't feel like you have to pay me back or anything, you appreciating it is enough for me (I'm not saying you don't have to gift me back , >>this applies if you generally want to, do not pressure or force yourself to get me anything!)
• okay with calling and such even dark jokes, now I will not request you doing this instantly unless you generally want to! I will be paitent and steady for us to get to know each other
• meeting my other friends , now I'm not a total loser I made this mainly because I want someone I can eventually be close with! My friends are decently nice and I want force you to meet them right away hell, you can even join us in friend rps if you want
• someone who will share their music interest and art with me, I like learning and taking advice even tips from other artist and I think it'd be an experience to hear each other's favorite music, artist and even writer!
• chill days , i can't always be open to roleplay and I hope you'd understand as if it were you, so I'd hope to be able to spend some chill days where we talk and even game together hell, even if I stream a movie for us
• someone with discord mainly because that's what I use the most !
~ this is basically all I'm really hoping for Maybe I could list more later but that's it for now ~
This concludes it really because I've been working on this for more then an hour and I just want to make it simple.
Links you can use to contact me:
Twitter: https://x.com/Oddball145?t=dxdtuKddosGj7wddDwSKxA&s=09
Discord: astralNightz, Sirius
Sounds cloud:
(I have Spotify but not on phone lol)
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@aztralnights?_t=8hE9n0HIG6s&_r=1
Pinterest: https://pin.it/3wKpLUu
I have some others but I can't list them on top of my head!
And of course here on Tumblr!
That's all I wanted to state, and don't feel like you have to do any of this, it's only an option for if you want to do this with me! But with that, have a good day/night afternoon and a star blessed time
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amourarmor · 1 year
Went off in the Official Discord with a theory regarding Norrix and the mystery lady that showed up at the end of Ep. 95 (The most recent public episode as of when I'm posting this) and thought I'd share it here
Given that I'm only reading the public episode, this theory could of course be disproven as soon as next week so y'all are more than welcome to take it with a grain of salt ✌️
Did my best to remove the Discord formatting, but may have missed some.
Obviously the lady knows Norrix and he recognizes her, so she definitely has some connection to his past that's been established. My suspicion is that she either was a servant at his masters estate or was among those intended to be used as resources for necromancy
Because that's what I think the murderer accusation comes from, from Norrix being a necromancer. And while I don't think he'd choose necromancy of his own accord, given his certainty that Lucia would hate him, hate Modeus if she knew the truth, given his reaction to having blood on his hands, given his nightmares and everything; that doesn't mean he hasn't before
"Will you be useful, or shall I make use of you?"
Such a cruel cruel line that's obviously left a scar in his psyche and gives a look into his living situation with his master. It's odd looking back that as soon as his mother passed away, was he only then taken under their wing and trained, and that he hasn't indicated what his training was like to Lucia, beyond the difference in age when starting
I suspect a large part of that to him is because his master was an active necromancer, who took advantage of his mother, and him, and who knows how many others, and by the time he understood the full gravity of everything that was happening he had nowhere else to go to, because even if he escaped, they could easily have pinned some of the things they made him do for him as his own actions and have him hunted down, and if he tried to resist, hed just get thrown in with the rest of the "resources"
I think in the end going to Reimund wasn't something he expected to survive, let alone be given a job, a place to live and be able to continue practicing magic. I think it was the last ditch effort of someone who had been abused to take down their abuser with them, in a way that wouldn't make a martyr out of them.
But he still holds all that guilt over everything he did, and believes deep down that he was wholly responsible for his actions and inactions.
Going a bit deeping into theory now but, I think he felt like in some way he needs to make it up to the people that were hurt and used and took it upon himself to finish his masters last project so that their souls, their energy weren't taken in vain.
Ofc I could be wrong and Modeus was his project from the beginning, but I feel like the idea of a construct made to kill, being adjusted into something, into someone who protects (or is a defense given the convo in ep 44) fits the idea of someone who needed protection once before.
Though, none of this matters to the lady standing before them now. All he is to her is someone who partook in necromancy, is complicit in the deaths of who knows how many people and has gotten away with it scott free and hands clean.
And that's the best case scenario, worst case, That Is his master and she wants revenge for him taking her down. and going on with his life and career.
Either way, things ain't looking pretty for Norrix
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faderifted · 20 days
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#FADERIFTED. Selective SINGLEFANDOM MULTIMUSE for the DRAGON AGE series featuring GARRETT HAWKE, INQUISITOR LAVELLAN, CULLEN RUTHERFORD and others. High enthusiasm, slow writing speed. Established in Sep 2024 and written by Min (30+, she/her). Not spoiler free. Duplicate friendly.
I feel sun through the ashes in the sky. Where's the one who'll guide us into the night? What's begun is the war that will force this divide. What's to come is fire and the end of time.
BLOG ROLL: vidyadawn (Dan Heng) | delusionaid (Genshin Impact multimuse) | inominati (Honkai: Star Rail multimuse)
Blog Rules below the cut.
I. ABOUT ME. My name is Min, I'm over 30 years of age and I've been rping in various fandoms for over 15 years. I work during the week so replies are slow, but I'm online throughout the dayand available through DMs or discord (for mutuals only).
II. REQUIREMENTS. If you are interested in roleplaying with me, you must be at least 18 years of age, ideally over 25. I make no exceptions for minors, regardless of thread content. I will gravitate towards DA canon muses (in this context I consider wardens and inquisitors "canon"), but I am open to OCs if the character appeals to me and crossovers if I can see a way to merge our worlds together.
III. WRITING. I prefer plotted threads and longer replies (on average I'll write 3-6 paragraphs). What matters to me is the content of our posts and our ability to progress in the story we want to tell. I don't really do short convos anymore (unless it's dash crack) and I don't write unplotted starters because they often lead nowhere. If you have ideas for our muses, just message me and if you don't have ideas yet but would like to write, let's plot together :)
IV. MEMES. Best way to get something started with me is through memes. Any memes in my meme tag are available without time limit for all mutuals, so no need to ask first, just send in whatever tickles your fancy! Heads up: it might take me forever and three days to respond, but I will get there eventually. Feel free to reblog any meme posts directly from my blog, I don't mind that at all. Bonus: there's a high chance you'll get a meme reply from me 84 years after sending it, when you no longer remember it.
V. SHIPPING. I don't auto-ship and once I do have a ship for a muse (or maybe more than one) I'll probably cap. If I write multiple ships, they are automatically in separate verses unless discussed otherwise. Don't be afraid to ask if you're interested in shipping, the worst case scenario could be that it doesn't work out.
VI. SOCIAL POLITICS. I am against callout and cancel culture and do not engage in it. Callouts will not be reblogged - I curate my dashboard my own way and I have no interest in being dragged into other people's fights. I don't respect publicly hating on fictional ships, characters or portrayals. I will never harass anyone or shame them for the fictional things they choose to write, I simply avoid, blacklist or block what I don't want to see. I believe the RPC would be a better place if people tried to be more tolerant, respectful and kind to one another.
Rules are subject to change. Thank you for reading this far! :)
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