#all seasonnnn
lunar-years · 1 year
I have about a million wips percolating around in my head right now but I’m finally going to finish writing the jamie/keeley early relationship > breakup > friendship > roy/jamie/keeley future relationship study that I’ve been sitting on for like a year and a half and it’s solely out of my (maybe unjustified) level of spite over the “why would Jamie even think he stood a chance” “Jamie was never a real option and hasn’t been since season 1!!” “Since when is Jamie still hung up on Keeley didn’t he give up on that” “this came out of no where this triangle has never been a thing!!” crowd
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brookiidookiii · 3 months
the thing is that if there were a gen2 ship bracket id cryyyyy if the winning ship was m/m or smth
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bisclavaret · 1 year
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tartt9 · 13 days
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fruitbasketball · 7 months
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okay i think we all know they could’ve dropped a cool 100 piece and if paige and azzi had been playing more minutes they fuckin would have
1. that’s that backcourt duo we’ve been waiting for i know y’all saw that Paige Bueckers Assist to azzi motherfucker we are so. fucking. BACK. and y’all saw the up in the air dimes!! the behind the backs!! that’s my shit right there mhm mhm mhm
2. agree heavy w @pb5-a35 azzi needs to start pulling it, put up 25 per game bro, put up 30 i DONT CARE just shoot the fucking rock
3. ashlynn’s feet on defense??? baby girl can MOVE she was locking them up ugh so proud already nika taught her so well
5. bro kk is so fast and shifty someone call rob dillingham tell him his job is taken now
6. qadence babes we can do better
7. amari minutes i was just happy about it
9. aaliyah edwards the woman you are but if you ever take a 3 like that again during the season i will turn off my fucking tv you ate tho. the up and under??? beautiful. fucking POETRY.
seeing paige on the court in a uconn jersey genuinely made me tear up a bit (ask @sellaspeaks) but ROLL SKIES BABY ITS OUR SEASONNNN
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fatalrosecreations · 8 months
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WHO IS READY FOR SPOOKY SEASONNNN!!! This year, I will be participating alongside @1-800-cuupid for #Simblreen23 and we have some nifty gifties for you all!
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For my schedule of things, Ill be giving out a few pieces of the set each day
Here are the times I will be giving out my treats:
🎃 Weekend 1 (October 20th - 22nd) [From 7pm to 11pm EDT]
[From 5pm to 9pm MST]
🎃 Weekend 2 (October 27th - 29th) [From 7pm to 11pm EDT]
[From 5pm to 9pm MST]
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Come to my Inbox or DM!
Be off Anon!
Ask for a treat (trick or treat, pun, poem, etc.)!
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I MIGHT have a witching hour treat. Not sure yet. If I do, Ill post the day of the times for it!
There is a soft 17+ warning for this weekend's treats but other than that, everything is SFW, including next weekend.
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Don't Worry! All treats will be made available for free after the weekend!
♥Happy Simblreen & Halloween everyone ♥
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squash1 · 11 months
here's my distracting ask <3
what flower and what months would you assign to gangsey🤨
i really appreciate this !! <3
gansey: sunflower (he is the sun, my baby boy, his favorite sweater is yellow. he’s the happiest flower) & august but like specifically late august (it’s warm & i associate it with freedom but late august has some weather variation and mystery to it. also this idea of running out of time)
adam: orchid (very tricky, particular flower. incredibly beautiful and i always kind of think how the hell did it get that tall when it doesn’t have that much support and looks to delicate. but they’re tougher than you think) & september (he’s just a fall boy. idk)
ronan: lupine (this is entirely based on the children’s book the lupine lady. something about spreading seeds. something about coming back year after year. legacy. a wild flower that is unpredictable but so beautiful) & june (yeah i’m giving him pride month. what about it)
blue: snowdrop (first sign of spring. they’re pretty and small. they come back every year & multiply. power in numbers. it’s just her) & april (i just think blue is spring time. she’s newness & growth)
noah: forget me nots (the name. the fact that they spread. they are such a simple flower but they’re so pretty.) & november (noah just seems like a winter guy to me. also he’s cold all the time already so this is an excuse to be under fifty blankets all the time. also i think he’d like winter festivities/activities)
henry: giant allium (this is a very extra flower. they’re flashy and you’re like wow cool. but they also grow really tall so other plants/flowers can grow underneath) & july (leo seasonnnn. he’s just the most leo leo to ever leo so he is july.)
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startrekgaysex · 7 months
what is this seasonnnn are all episodes this experimental? Last episode was Jane hallucinating Charlotte, this episode is the mentalist's equivalent to house's The Mistake and next episode is jisbon beginnings backstory??
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das-blut · 5 months
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heinous-desiree · 1 year
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She has missed one Halloween celebration (was too busy working to realize where was any celebration) and went as a witch in another. This year? She's going in a belly dancer outfit, feeling sexy and fun. She got the idea from Aladdin, she originally was gonna get the outfit in teal to be Jasmine but preferred the outfit Jasmine was in when Jafar held her captive more. Maybe she'll seduce her way to victory this Halloween~ Her favorite part of Halloween is being able to wear whatever she wants and seeing how happy the kids at the orphanage get. Hunter:
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He has his vampire jacket on. Now offer your neck so he can take a quick bite outta you, he's thirsty. He really picked this cause this was the sexiest male costume he found. He is not gonna be a skeleton or scarecrow when he can be the mysterious, dark, desired monster of the night. He'll suck on your neck and then your dic- He's here for a fun night... All types of fun.
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OUR SISTER SHALL BE CHASTE THIS SPOOKY SEASONNNN. PRAISEEEE THE LORDDDD. They said she can be anything she wanted to be, she literally went shopping with the intention of finding what could be a costume and saw the nun outfit. She loves the church and she's actually trying to celebrate this Halloween! Why not mix two good things together? Sure, people are baffled by her outfit choice. Some people from school saw her look a bit done of her, but SHE'S having a great night! She gets to spend time with her friend Robin, the kids are laughing, she's in a good mood and- Oh god, Kylar and Whitney-
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Maeve saw how short the dress was and was all for it. He's a cute little witch! He needs as much candy as you can give for his next potion! You'll be generous with your sweets, won't you? Out of all my PCs, he is the one with the biggest sweet tooth. He loves candy and wants to get the sugar high of his life. He also loves when strangers compliment his outfit, it makes him feel warm and fuzzy. Cause he is so small, he tends to get mistaken as younger than he is, which makes people sweeter and more willing to give him EXTRA candy. He is gonna milk his appearance for all it's worth! If my PCs can dress without the costume limitations of the game?
Jas would want to try something new every year so she might go through all types of dancer outfits she can get her hands on, then do sexy cat girl, succubus, etc. She will wear anything that catches her eye.
Hunter would dress up as a werewolf. He already has the ears and tail! He just needs some sexy aesthetically ripped clothes and he's good to go. He thinks werewolves are hot and should get allllll the love. No, he doesn't think that out of bias. Now rub his stomach. ... Lower... Lower... Lowe- Oh. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Celeste would either dress up as biblical figures or historical ones. She would roleplay them too and make it EDUCATIONAL to everyone around her. Someone, please force her into a silly dumb costume so she can just have fun.
Maeve would freaking COSPLAY if given the chance. Krul Tepes from Owari no Seraph, Moka Akashiya from Rosario to Vampire, Yui from Angel Beats, Chibiusa from Sailor Moon, Yuno Gasai from Mirai Nikki, Zero Two from Darling in the FranXX- Just pink anime girls all the way. He is a weeb and he is gonna show it!
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akis4ngel · 1 year
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un-pearable · 2 years
s4 thoughts: okay honestly im really surprised the tournament arc came this early in the show because for some reason i thought it came a lot later. either i had. so much fun this was such a fun arc. i was also familiar with wayyy way more of this season than the other ones which was surprising so i mustve watched the bulk of it at least twice or something.
okay lets get the worst thing out of the way so that we can talk about things i really liked. the . euuuuuugh the garmadon / misako / wu love triangle that they still keep bringing up for some reason. actually im just going to take a snippet of one of my angry discord rants and leave it at that
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number 2: THE RESOLUTION OF THE JAY/NAYA/COLE LOVE TRIANGLE!!!! thank GOODNESS im so glad that is done. i'm glad we're all friends again and dont have to bring that up in any sort of significant way going forward. hopefully. id like to see more friendship shenanigans please writers please
number 3: im obsessed with how absolutely and entirely confused i am about the timeline of ninjago. i understand nothing. i really dont and i think the writers are just as confused as i am
number 4: i think they did a better job w skylor/kai than any of the other ships so far but also half of that is because im pretty sure it being kind of shallow but having the potential to be an actually functional and mildly interesting relationship is the point instead of on accident this time. at least thats what i got out of it
number 5: speaking of skylor, who the heck is her mom. real question. this is always my question whenever any dude has a child with no mention of a mom especially because half the men in question i could not see anybody getting married to them in a million years.
number 6: i feel like the writing got significantly better this season. the plot was tighter and the jokes were a lot funnier and . yeah i dont know i had so much fun the fights were engaging without dragging on too much on characters we dont have any real investment in and i really like how they didnt just put everybody into the same stone pit and had them beat the snot out of each other. many points for creativity.
number 7: your tags on my last ask
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literally SOOO true nothing else to add you hit the nail on the head. tangentially related question but is it ever explained how chen got his hands on pixal & zane (???)
number 8: lloyd & garmadon continues to be the most interesting and compelling relationship in the show, which is great for me because im terribly invested in this. my curse in life is that the more invested i am in a character or relationship the more my brain locks up when i try to talk about it so trying to put something into words is like pulling teeth but !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY WERE SO GOOD THIS SEASONNNN im also really glad they let lloyd be mad for five minutes when garmadon decides to send himself to the spirit realm or whatever to save ninjago. thank you writers. also having lloyd be the one to send him off like 😭😭😭 wow yall really out here making him kill his dad Again but also YESSSSS yesss couldnt have chosen anybody better this was so good
number 9: some more miscellaneous things, but like. dude this season was so fun. the premise is "the ceo of this megacorp noodle company is actually is holding an underground fight ring between all the elemental masters so he can steal all their powers and use it to turn all his men into anacondri" is absolutely wack and i am 10000000% here for it. still not over how the prisoners built a jet to escape the underground noodle factory, btw. some other misc observations
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also cannot believe they worked literally DARETH into this. incredible showstopping spectacular amazing this was so much fun. 9/10 (<- one point docked for subjecting me to more garmadon/misako/wu) arc
1) ah yes,, the misako frustration reigns eternal. i will never get over how interesting she had the potential to be (implied to be badass archaeologist adventurer who’s also setting the trend for deadbeat moms? at the very least she could be frustrating but fun) and the dedication to making her the good guy in all conceivable situations is ACTIVELY harming the narrative. i wish she could be shitty in a fun way so bad
2) hell yeah!!!! the love triangle is annoying but cole and jay’s dynamic through out this season is very dear to me. its stupid as hell but dear.
3) mhm mhm mhm. it gets so painfully clear that they grew out of the original plan for the series VERY quickly after s2 and over time it only gets funnier as they try harder and harder to justify each new season’s premise. personal fave is “fuck it video game”
4) skylor and kai is fun!!! i’m not usually a fan of those kinds of dynamics but they’re more convincingly attracted to each other and maybe have the momentum + desire to make it work than. pretty much every single other romantic relationship at this point
5) ahh… the villains inexplicable child dilemma. theoretically she had to be the previous master of amber but imo it’s much funnier if chen just yoinked skylor from somewhere. or she was just 100% down for evil machinations and skylor’s the weirdo in the family for being half decent. either way good fuckin question why is this so ridiculously common
6) yeah!! the fights and competitions are actually pretty creative and the structure did tie the whole season together well,, this seasons technically less exciting than the others but you can def tell they had a much clearly vision and plan for it. and the roller derby is funny as hell so
7) i could talk about zane for ages and ages.. the day i finally write the android-becomes-human trope fic about him and pixal (is probably never going to come bc i can’t decide When it should take place bc his opinions would be vastly different) is the day i win. i believe it’s canon that robin’s the one who turned them over? zane rebuilt himself, pixal found him and then they got captured (the ending of s3 was supposed to tease about zane’s new body but i think it didn’t get animated correctly). i very much could be wrong but i’m like 80% sure that’s canon
8) GOD YEAH ITS SO GOOD. lloyd and garmadon carry the character dynamics for the entire show. utterly tragic. stunning. i also have nothing coherent to say about them but will never shut up about them. i want to stick s1 lloyd and current lloyd into a box and shake it until the emotions and complex feelings about their father come out
9) IT IS IT REALLY IS. ninjago at its core MUST be goofy as hell and s4 embraces it in SUCH a good way. later they get too good at angst i need stupid shit and stupid shit we get. (okay not really. what i mean is early goofiness fits with the established show, where later stuff is more. spontaneous and lol random wouldnt-it-be-funny-if stuff rather than part of the narrative’s status quo) agshdjfjfkf tysm for your reactions im never going to be able to watch it w/o those being in my head again.. ooohh there’s something there about ourboros but i don’t have words for it rn. the narrative is constantly eating itself to rewrite what was once canon so they can tell new stories. it’s crumbling under the weight of needing to tell more and more new and creative things in a world that was built for four ten minute glorified advertisements,, consuming itself and rewriting its own history by necessity…
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fatcowboys · 1 year
rules: tag nine people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the questions below
tagged by @kingfisherkink and @army-of-bee-assassins ily both!!! <33333
four ships: ZEVRAN X WARDEN its sooooo on my mind rn im so obsessed w zevran (and also now im on dai and salty bc where is he all the other dao LIs are here where is zevran) im just obsessed w this guy. SO obsessed. muah. im gonna b honest i am not a huge shipper and rn all i can think abt is zevran so im just gonna mention some other favs. b4b sestia/nikhil/murdina. magicians margo quentin eliot (the line of romantic and platinic is so blurred here but theres LOVE) and uhhhhhhh. OH trable. travis gable its skyjacks seasonnnn
last song: im currently relistening to the off book episode they died on space mountain song and just finished the song about ripping a big fart so. That One lmao
currently reading: brain HATES reading rn :/ but sorta the stars without number playbook
last film: what movies have i seen. OH i rewatched into the spiderverse w my roommate!! who had somehow NEVER seen it before
craving: dragon age. a little yummy snack. maybe a cheese danish. a gentle kiss on the forehead. stimmy music
tyyyyyy!! im gonna b honest i am TOO tired to tag anyone rn so if u see this and wanna do it. do it. nice
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2 x 01 commentary that nobody asked for!!!
- why am I emotional and feeling suspense over the four minutes THAT IVE ALREADY SEEN😭😭
- okay that was TOO soon to introduce Marcus to Simon what😭 Simon stop smiling like that it’s too early😭
- Sara I would be happy for you if you DIDNT BETRAY US
- felice!!! looks like she’s actually going to get an arc of her standing up against her mother and I’m so proud of her for that🥹
- hmmm looks like Sara and felice may have some friendship issues living together??
- OMG forgot people have to be initiated HAHA
- I fucking LOVE the playlist for this show it’s never what I expect but it’s such a vibe
- okay simon has no business looking that pretty when he’s literally just gaming
- okay was NOT expecting August’s evil smile to be THAT early in the show
- wille using his power against august to get into the party?? we love thattt
- also I love that the boys in his year are actually like friends ?? yay???
- wille helping Simon find Sara first without talking about them, goodd😌
- “I got a haircut” oh god WILLE hahaha
- omg Marcus texting him WHILE he’s talking to wille NO
- I FOUND HIM ON GRINDR. I - NILS!!!!!!! but also fuck wille didn’t need to know Marcus is GAY ALREADY
- okay that’s interesting, it’s good they’re not putting it down to sexuality and that it’s also the class difference
- LOVING felices hair
- Vincent and nils are everyone during school assemblies lmao
- “if you hadn’t refused to talk to the Queen” UGH fuck her
- as much as I want wille and simon together, I’m glad to see ayub and rosh talking genuinely from a friends perspective and saying he’s toxic . bc rn, he is for simon- I just hope wille can prove them wrong
- them IMMEDIATELY jumping to rebounding with Marcus LMAO
- not simon immediately considering it tho?? dude calm down ???
- fuck wille is going to face the consequences of framing him isn’t he
- felices friends whose names I always forget are so pretty
- hmm. I do feel like Simon deserves to know but if wille can ruin his life then?? probably the better way to do it
- “were they together for real or is he bi?” .. what?
- Eric with that only fans girl omg we’re getting the tea
- fuck sara going to spend all that money on little things like coffee
- SIMON SINGING A SOLO YAY what an adorable reaction too
- not the only spare seat being next to wille help
- YES wille USE YOUR POWER also simon liked that
- omg no. Alexander thinking wille is different😭 I wish😭
- august. The only way you will ever have someone even ACCEPT an apology is to publicly come clean
- sara why the FUCK are you STILL helping this man
- omg she got off on that???? fuck sara THERE ARE OTHER GUYS IN THE WORLD
- “fuck, wille, don’t you realise you hurt me?” This is what he needed to hear. Good
- I just know wille has one of those phones purely so he can snap his mother shut lmao
- it makes me so happy to see Simon happy🥰
- fuck that would hurt seeing that
- the way he immediately looked to august!! yes!!!
- not him finally calling his mother to blame her and saying simons on a date with someone else I’m sorry but I laughed
- yes!!!! I’m so glad he IS this angry and is STANDING UP FOR HIMSELF! and it’s not just kept between him and his mother!!!
Fuck I am SO EXCITED for this seasonnnn
the only thing I do wanna say is that I hope wille does accept that even if he leaves the monarchy it doesn’t change what he did to Simon- he’s not automatically going to forgive him just bc he’s no longer crown prince. I’m so happy to see him angry bc it all does come down to the constraints and control of the monarchy, but his relationship with Simon and also his friendship with Alexander both come down to his own decisions and I hope he does take responsibility for that within those relationships
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taelonsamada · 2 years
JCDsjIEDFJ nooooooo imma beat that irl ex's assss (unless it was ended on good terms)
you would think i would have learned!!!!! after kessel, after derozan, after kadri i would have learned but noooooo. my dumb sports loving heart loves to throw its ass back into the ringer for next seasonnnn
Oooh, it wasn’t but it’s all good, one of those breakups where you’re just relieved it’s over lol
XD I mean, it’s not a bad thing to want to get attached to a team!! I think it’s just a lesson I learned from growing up around livestock XD you don’t name the things that aren’t going to stick around!!!! XD *cackles*
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middleagedmanyaoi · 6 months
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