#all the best ones too like she honest to god deserves to die for that
kira-fluff · 11 months
….. can you please do “sleep with no pants” for our birthday boy kita shinsuke??? …… and make it extra spicy?? 🥹
a/n: oh. my. god. YES. i could commit tax fraud and embezzlement if he asked me to. of course. yes. yes. also, I have high alcohol tolerance so I'm not really sure how much is too much...
drunken mistakes | kita shinsuke
pairing: kita shinsuke x reader yes, this is a continuation on "sleeping with no pants on" but I decided to make it longer/special for some reason. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KITA!!! tw: fem!reader, alcohol misusage (drunkness), swearing, mutual pining, grinding, nsfw, dom!reader, sub!kita pt 1 pt 2 pt 3
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it was only supposed to be one drink. that's what you'd told yourself at the beginning of the night, but you would be lying if you said you stuck to what your convictions very often. for example, you told yourself not to fall for your best friend, kita. and yet here you are, drunk and in love. anyone looking at you around your friend's apartment could see the misery on your face. they turned to each other, speaking in low voices as if you couldn't notice because you were too far gone. well, you weren't. and you knew now that they knew you're downing your eleventh shot of casamigos because of something other than "for the vibes". honestly, your facial expression probably gave it away, too, with the lame, pouty lip and mopey eyes. the thoughts and conversations surrounding you only made you yearn for another glass of something to dim the sound of your increasing heartbeat. reaching for the bottle of tequila, your eyes met with the last person you ever hoped to see that night.
fuck, and why was he checking his phone like he'd received an invite? you swore in your muddled mind you'd wring the neck of whichever piece of shit thought it would be a good idea to invite your best friend despite all of them knowing (at least, now) that you are head over heels in love with him. you cursed as he took immediate notice of you. kita.
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to be quite honest, I don't care much for parties or really any celebration that involves an exuberant use of alcohol. ever since high school, in fact, I'd done my very best to avoid them rather than allow myself to get sucked into caring for vomiting, regretful teens (or adults, if we're speaking in the now). still, when I'd received a text saying that she was wasted and needed a ride who could take good care of her, I already was putting on my coat and shoes, as if I wasn't awoken to my phone vibrating numerous times at 2am. I can't help it. whenever it comes to her, there's nothing I wouldn't do to get a chance to even be around her. she's my best friend, so it's not like it's a mutual thing. just me being an idiot and getting sucked into those eyes of hers. the way she looks at me. the way she smiles. it were those thoughts and memories that had me sliding into my seat at 2:15 and on my way to one of her good friends' house. when I arrived at the address and walked through the entrance, my first instinct was the text once again to find where she was at that current moment. it was a need. I needed to know she was safe. that she wasn't crying or confused or sick. my skin prickled as I felt a pair of sharp eyes on me. I lifted up my head to see two languid pupils blinking slowly at me, lips downturned and mopey.
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you blinked slowly up at him. "so," you hiccuped, "you're here kita." his brows furrowed at you. you grimaced. you knew he wasn't much for alcohol, but a more rebellious part of you thought he deserved to suck it because you didn't even want him here anyway. "mm...kita...." you trailed off, unsure where you were planning to take the start of your sentence. "mm?" kita replied quietly, patiently (like he always was). "'m startin' to think I'll die single." he let out a little scoff, "stop being silly. you're drunk. go to bed." you pouted, "but no one wants to go to bed with me." he flushed, thankfully it seemed you were too drunk to notice, and asked, "how many people have you been going around asking to sleep with?" you grinned at him, "just you." kita swallowed down the words does that mean you want to sleep with me? and instead opted for a choked "ok". you leaned closer. "hey kita...? since I'm drunk..." you ran a finger up his arm. he raised an eyebrow, waiting for you to go on. "since 'm drunk, I was wonderin' if you'd indulge me for a little while..." you said, the last syllables of your sentence coming out in a sigh. "what're you-" the next sound that came from kita's throat was a moan as you lifted your thighs up and placed their plush, softness on his hard, toned ones. you leaned in, whispering in his ear, "j-just.... for a while.... b-but stop me if..." you breathed many of your words in but fuck, he didn't want you to put an end to what he'd literally been dreaming of for so long. you then began your slow, languid pace of rolling your hips against his thighs. at this point, you weren't sure what was real and what was fake... but you knew you were dreaming. but there was no way in real life his thighs were that fucking hard. scratch that, you must be in heaven, because the little pants you're hearing from him are more than you could've ever asked for. his quiet "ah"s made your drunken rhythm turn faster, causing you to snap your hips and begin to roll them against his groin, eliciting a sharp groan from his mouth. "a-ahh... w-we sh-shouldn't..." you licked a stripe up the column of his neck, shutting him up. next, you made your way to the hem of your shirt, pulling at the fabric, all whilst rolling your hips against him. in a few seconds, all that was on was a shear bralette - lingerie, of course - and all that was below. kita took inhaled a sharp breath. he was already rock hard and he had no idea what he was supposed to do other than let you have your way with him. he swore he wouldn't do anything in return. you were drunk... but he couldn't bring himself to pull you off of him. he was enjoying it all too much. he blushed again, but this time in shame. he was disgusting, getting off on your drunken mistake. suddenly, you got off of him, leaving him in a strong feeling of want. he could still feel the ghost of your thighs on his legs. but then you reached for his arm lazily, dragging him over to a bedroom. you weren't sure whose it was, just that you wanted to have your way with your best friend, just for a little while, in this lovely dream. he was so compliant. his reactions were better than you hoped for, and you were living for it.
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pushing him onto the bed, he let out a grunt of surprise. "you know... I go to sleep without my pants on every night... but tonight I just might not wear anything..." kita swallowed thickly, unable to stop himself from imagining your nude form in all its glory, riding his cock. he distantly wondered if you knew what you were doing. you had something in your eyes besides that heady lust and drunkenness that had him questioning something... that maybe, just for a second, there was something there like attraction... like love. slowly, you slid your panties down, exposing your naked cunt. kita took another sharp breath at the sight of you. then, you began to go at taking his own pants off. slowly, you rubbed your hands against his erection, eliciting a groan from him, and reached for his button. unclasping it, you moved onto his zipper, slowly - painfully - moving it down. when his cock sprung free, you gasped at its size. you were shocked that something so big and thick could be hiding in his pants that now seemed entirely in the way. so, you pulled them down, now angling yourself, your entrance and the head of his cock. you both let out a groan when you sunk yourself down onto him.
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kita awoke to you in his arms, naked, and his dick pressed hard against your ass. guilt washed over him again, and he wondered whether he should take his chance to escape before you could wake up and yell at him. thankfully, nothing you did was something he'd forced upon you... he had merely let you do what you wanted to him. when you moaned his name last night he thought he might lose his mind. he leaned forward, careful not to stir you awake, and kissed the top of your head. maybe you would wake up, and instead of horror... just maybe, you'd blush.. and he could tell you how much he loved you, and not just because of what you did last night. it was wishful thinking, but maybe, just maybe, you felt the same way he did.
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milgram-tournament · 5 months
MILGRAM Best Song Tournament, Round 1, Match 8 TRIAGE vs. I LOVE YOU
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Propaganda for both options under the cut!
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Propaganda for TRIAGE:
3. THE LYRICS OH MY GOD I'M CRYING!!! "If the voices crying out in pain, can be saved by me Allow it to be my charge and mission"??? "I want to be INNOCENT, I want to live"??? PURE GOLD!!
3.25. OH AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE "extract that fang" LINE. IT'S SO GOOD!!!!
To conclude: Triage is in my top 3 Milgram songs, I love it so much!! It turned Shidou from a character I didn't care about to one of my favorites!!!!!
-The scene with Shidou and his family… yeah don’t talk to me I’m so emo about it.
-The arc Shidou goes through during the song?? It starts with “why did you vote me innocent I don’t deserve it” to “I’m going to do my best with what you’ve given me.” Is really cool and I don’t think it’s talked about enough!!
-The final “I want to live!” Enough said. Shidou’s voice in general just fits this song really well.
-It gives a really good motive for Shidou, and helps you feel sorry for him. (Easiest inno vote of my life!)
Propaganda for I LOVE YOU:
mappi’s spitting bars 🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️
ok but i, as the iloveyoucountdown person before it released, waited 89 days for ily and SHE DID NOT DISAPPOINT‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥 go vote ily now bc its peak music
the acoustic section where it just feels so raw and emotional it's crazy also we love to see mappi/miho okasaki rapping again and good lord mahiru delivered hadauwd, like you think about it a lot? like "Ishokujuu plus ai Miss you Raishuu aemasuka no Cadence Yurusarenai ikigai mou iki mo dekinai" it's also so catchy just "Dai- dai- dai- datte suki suki! Dai- dai- dai- datte daisuki."
it's such a quick song but it delivers and it DELIVERS WELL there's so much in the instrumental you can also miss, like sirens and such! again guitar section it's crazy!! i didn't even touch on the visuals, like the visuals are absolutely amazing and really touch on the toxic cycle of mahiru's relationship for example, the carousel turning into a forest! and also they were still able to implement some of tihtbilwy in the beginning of the song! we got to see mahiru's boyfriend as well!! additionally, RATS AND CAKE. HOLY SHIT we all know the absolute shock that appeared on everyone's faces the second that cake turned into a rat (to be honest, I was absolutely sick with shock for the rest of the day) It's really amazing as a song and MV, plus it did help give some more information on Mahiru!
miho okasaki's vocals are so powerful. it sounds like mahiru is screaming because of not being forgiven and because of what happened to her boyfriend and because "she can't just do it right".
THE LYRICS ARE SO. "clothes food shelter + love and miss you"?? "my lethal weapon is how to be in love with you"?? "kiss goodbye to this feeling cuz it's too heavy"?? again, the "why can't i just do it right" line?? SO GOOD.
i've heard the i love you chorus once and now it's in my head forever. i wake up, i sing the i love you chorus. i go to sleep, i sing the i love you chorus.
the lyrics are so sad when you start thinking about them more. "saying i love you but doing what i did, i know i have no right, crossed and covered in sin"?? please, don't you want to give mappi a hug. please she deserves it. she needs it
the "DIE-suki" pun.
the mv is so. i can talk about it for hours. it literally starts with showing us what happened to her bf. i've watched it live, i knew about this part and i still was shocked. mahiru's boyfriend is dead. mahiru is also rapping. also, the lyrics. this scene is terrifying to me and i mean it in the best way possible.
the cake symbolism. mahiru refusing to accept her reality and the true nature of her relationship with her bf and still seeing everything around her as cute and soft and pink. her feeling guilty and not knowing how to express love properly and still choosing to continue to love in this way. i don't know, something about it is so.. it's so sad and so realistic and so heartbreaking
i love how we can say so much about her relationship with her boyfriend based on mv and the lyrics. this is more of a theory and i probably shouldn't talk about it but i like the fact that mappi and her bf's relationship wasn't just abusive or one-sided love or anything like that. it's like they loved each other, they just.. didn't know how to show it or express it in a healthy way (or maybe mahiru's bf did know, but he was okay with going through all of this for her). like this scene when they're both riding the carousel and looking happy at first and even when both of them look like a mess, mahiru's face expression is still pretty much the same while her boyfriend looks much more tired, but he's still smiling. something about that part breaks me.
the instrumental is so fun and chaotic and creepy please listen to it. all milgram instrumentals are great but ily instrumental is definitely one of my fav ones.
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neerons · 9 months
Some of Togo Daimon's best quotes
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"One of these days I'd really like to say, 'Wow, look at how much [MC's name] has grown', but I might go gray first."
"Anyone who would seriously judge me for having a bad sense of direction is someone I wouldn't have respected much anyway."
"If 'sorry' was good enough, the world wouldn't need cops."
"What are you talking about? There's no one cuter than you."
"To be honest... I liked you ever since you started working in the production department. And I had a feeling you liked me too."
"Now, I find myself wondering if I really deserve to have you."
"She pulled me to her with such force that I'm tempted to read into the gesture. Damn it... I've gotta stop getting my dreams mixed up with reality." (—His thoughts)
"It's important to know when to listen to people and when to ignore them."
"I was having the best dream. In it, I'd pulled [MC's name] into bed with me, and we were taking a nap together. I'm furious when I realize the dream must reflect an unconscious desire of mine." (—His thoughts)
"God, she's cute." (—Togo saying his thoughts out loud)
"Looking after subordinates is part of my job. And if it means protecting [MC's name]... there's nothing I wouldn't do. (...) I shouldn't have said that. Promise you won't tell [MC's name] what I said. (...) Swear to me you'll never tell anyone about the things I said tonight. Because if you don't, I will treat you like my mortal enemy until the day I die. (—Togo to Ukyo)
"You're more important to me than anything." (—His thoughts)
"You're beautiful."
"She doesn't know how much she tempts me." (—His thoughts)
"...If you looked up 'infuriating' in the dictionary, there's got to be a picture of Ukyo Senkawa there." (—His thoughts)
"You could read the instruction manual for a microwave, and I would think it was the cutest thing on the planet."
"She really is cute. I wish I could pet her all over like a dog or a cat." (—His thoughts)
"I'm not going to be able to forget [insert MC's name] and move on. She's unforgettable..." (—His thoughts)
"It's mysterious that such a small body can contain such incredible strength." (—His thoughts)
"We meet again, maverick."
"By the way, it's not that I can't drink, I just don't."
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prettyboykatsuki · 4 months
would you be comfortable sharing your bg3 ocs with us? i LOVE hearing and seeing other peoples ocs so much it inspires me to make them too
u always write reader personalities so amazing so ik ur ocs are just as good <3
WAH. YES. THANK U FOR ASKING. a lot of my ocs start out as fun self-inserts and then become... Something else. for bg3 in particular i normally play as my insert so they have the same face HEKJSDKJ. but they are ocs and they look diff in my brain i just dont care to change the face
oh my good GOD this is so long im so sorry. i guess this is my intro post for them now.thank u for asking me.. i love you... humbly presenting my little guys
CW FOR IMPLICATIONS OF INCEST (?) sort of in nyx's story. its complicated!! other than that just canon typical angst + drug use.
i have two main charas i consider more oc than insert. THE FIRST ONE IS MY BELOVED DARLING GIRLTHING SOULIKHA
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goes by soul in camp, mid/late twenties, she/they pronoun haver, true neutral alignment, istj + 5w4
motifs ; black oleander, darkness and shadow, bones but not blood / decay, teals and purples and blues.
close with marisol, lae'zel and wyll. thinks astarion is a little sad and gets annoyed at mystra trying to demand death of gale.
she is a cleric of kelemvor and sacrificial survivor of a myrkul death cult. she escaped nearly dying at the age of 7 bc kelemvor saved her from near death.
she is not from baldurs gate!! she is from the outskirts of omorath but after escaping she lives on the streets.
the second time kelemvor comes to get her (nearly died in an alley) she becomes a cleric and returns to the city. joins the tower of skulls in omorath and does most of her work taking care of the diseased and guiding people in the fugue plane.
a Doomguide and part of a doom clergy.
she is originally darker skinned / tan but turns grey using her powers. when she blushes she becomes her original color lol
she ends up closer to baldurs gate on pilgrimage. she meets marisol (lambs oc) her best friend there.
she is a cleric of kelemvor, the god or judge of death. she tends to wear like a plague doctor sort of uniform and is very attached to a necklace she has that she prays over!! in general she prefers to be covered because she normally is response for helping the diseased as well as the deceased.
always wearing gloves for the same reason ^ special gloves that she has with her even after the kidnapping on the ship.
her personality is very blunt 😭and straightforward but never mean. she is just super direct and a little clueless about social cues... VERY HONEST LOL.
her main story arc is around her parents! like i mentioned she is a cleric of kelemvor but she spent her childhood in a death cult. in act one she hears rumor of a tiefling couple who worshipped myrkul being seen kidnapped on the towers to moonrise. in act two, her major scene, you have the choice on whether or not to kill or rescue her parents.
soulikha as a character puts her duty as a cleric above all else, even herself. she never expresses her feelings, never complains, just does as she believes is of expected to her. it gives her identity. up until this point, it's very rare to see her break down. this is the first scene where she makes a decision for herself
she also believes part of her job is assuring the people suffering die with the dignity and honor they deserve. part of this is because of her upbringing.
she also believes admantly in people dying when they are supposed to. as a cleric of kelemvor with particular favor of her god, she can hear whispers and regrets of death. the shadowfell lands are hard on her.
her main romance partner is karlach
her main romance with karlach has to do with touch and intimacy.
soulikha normally has her face covered and her body so if she were an origin and romance companion chara they'd be surrounding them but in her story she is dating karlach
karlach is soulikhas first love. they are tragic to me. soulikha is constantly telling karlach it's not her time and they often talk about death. she has a line to karlach:
"i will be there. when your soul burns brightest in the fugue plane, i will lead you. till the end of your life and in mine. my hand will find you. you will know its me."
she is shorter than karlach a bit. their whole romance is soulikha saying over and over that she knows karlach is bound to die, and comforting her through that.
but after the actual end of the game, soulikha cries for the very first time and begs karlach to live. it's the first time she ever says the words "i want you to live.) very heartbreaking
their ending is opening. ultimately soulikha wants to stay with karlach. they promise each other to live. the ending varies depending on other stuff but YEAH.
her bad ending is letting herself become myrkuls new chosen so karlach can have her heart back. fucking AWFUL ending gkdjsd theyre so sad.
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this is nyx! no last name, he/him pronouns preferred, any fine. neutral evil allignment, late twenties. entp + 7w8
close with astarion + minthara. fond of jaehira. thinks wyll is fun and likes karlach. neutral to shadowheart and halsin.
nyx is not from baldurs gate either, explicitly from the city of calimshan, in manshaka. son of a common whore, born in a pleasure house.
tiefling with the blood graz'zt. this is relevant later. fdkjsdk.
learns music from the musicians in the pleasure house. naturally gifted. starts composing his own music at ten when one of this mothers regular customers gifts him a cli' lyre, enchanted with magic
has a complicated relationship with his mother. his mother is a prostitute but also very addicted to drugs. she wasn't motherly and often made advances on him when he grew up into puberty. his only family. when she was coming down the high, he would play her music to fall asleep.
practiced a lot on his own, other musicians taught him other instruments. very talented. most of his music and songs were about his one true love, roxana
roxana was another child of the house. they grew up together. she wasn't particularly talented but she was soft, kind, and beautiful. they both knew she would end up staying in the house, but nyx did try to protect her from customers when they were both underage.
roxana is full blooded human. she has a tattoo of roses down her spine that nyx dedicated one of his songs too and got matching trellis tattoos for. his most popular song.
his composition reached far and wide and he was offered many times to leave the pleasure house to perform. but he loved roxana and she often begged to say with him - so he never went. for her he'd do pretty much anything.
spent most of their lives together as lovers. first kiss at 13, lost their virginity to each other at 16/17, when they are in their early 20's nyx saves up to propose.
nyx is betrayed by roxana, though nyx by default does not care if Rrxana were to take lovers. 
because of nyx’s upbringing and roxana’s work, all nyx had ever asked Roxana for was to keep no secrets between them 
(growing up, roxana was naturally meek and often was in dangerous situations. Both because of this and because of his mothers commentary after she’d invited him for sex (“let’s keep this a secret between us,”). nyx had asked Roxana to never keep things from him, if she could.) 
roxana ultimately chooses another man over nyx, one she’d kept a secret. she’d told nyx that she couldn’t be with him anymore. That she wanted more from life, and that she would go with her new lover to see greater sights. 
“I loved her. Beautiful like a rosebed. I was a fool, of course. Only a fool forgets that the first rule to pick roses is dethorning them, lest they make you bleed.”
nyx sets off for college the same night. packs his belongings, says by to the pleasure house. his mother kisses on the cheek. he doesn't tell roxana about this
after that he commits to a life of debauchery at the college of swords. many flings and makes more music but never gets tied down despite peoples offers and efforts.
very charismatic in general and good at behaving in slimy and manipulative ways fhfksd. acts in self-interest.
very weak to soft and gentle women (hung up on his ex.... rip)
never ever mentions roxana by name even as an origin character. a lot of his story is about getting him to open up. he has a confrontation with his ex in act 3. his story is similar to astarion
in act one he hears rumor of a beautiful prostitute in the city who works the cities leaders and follows this. his main decision is meeting roxana again and deciding whether or not to forgive or save her
(you learn through the course of his story that roxana was never particularly good or honest to him, though it's not easy to figure out. the best ending to for him to save her but not take her back, the worst is dying for he)
his primary love interest is lae'zel !!
they have a silly and funny relationship at first. it starts as a sex thing but their tent is next to each other. lae'zel likes calling him a jester but loves his voice too.
he likes that she's very different from the women he dates. she's very harsh towards him but he also trusts she would never lie to him. he comforts her through the situation with vlaaktih and she in his story helps him realize that not everyone is out to betray him. he wants to love her and does.
he is SO affectionate towards her act three. she is constantly pissed she has romantic feelings for local emo clown
lae'zel having no propensity for manipulation and also being very honest is really refreshing for nyx. they have a minor age gap fdkfskjd
at the end of the story - nyx encourages lae'zel to travel and save their people. he makes a life for them in the city and writes hundreds of songs about her in her absence. they raise a gith child together
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aita-blorbos · 9 months
AITA for refusing to give up on my friend?
Hi! I (13M) have this really cool friend group. Or at least… I did. The other members were F (13F) and K (13M), and we were super super close. We met at our middle school.
But… we’re not normal middle schoolers. I was the first one to find out. I’m actually the reincarnation of a super cool super-powered alien (who was not actually an alien, but it’s more fun to describe it that way) who died 15 years ago.
I know I’m him, btw. I’m not just making it up. Dude was a super big public figure, and I have tons of his memories. My teacher (who was one of his students at one point) (30m) even agrees with me. He thinks I’m the real deal.
F is the reincarnation of someone, too. Specifically, someone I knew in my past life. In our past lives she was a normal, albeit REALLY NICE person who inspired me a lot… someone who I accidentally got killed. I was heartbroken when I remembered how she died and super stoked when F told me she was her. That’s not why we became friends, of course— F has always been my ride or die, but I was so, so happy my dear friend had been alongside me all this time.
But while on the topic of how F… died in our past lives, I should probably mention what my job was before I was an alien.
I was a serial killer. I called myself an assassin, but that’s giving myself too much credit, really. Ultimately, I was just a murderer— and an INFAMOUS one, too. I had a kill count in the thousands. I was an honest-to-god no good, selfish, terrible guy. It makes me feel sick to even think about.
I even had an apprentice in killing, and one I treated like garbage. I stole him away from his bad family and instead of showing him love only showed him more hatred. I treated that boy like trash.
The only reason I stopped being a serial killer is that he handed me over to authorities. And authorities… well, for reasons I still don’t really understand, they handed me over to this… guy. I’ll call him Y. Y was a no-good, rotten, nasty piece of work. Every bit as bad as I was… and that’s saying a lot! He instantly began to perform extremely painful human experiments on me, doing so with the excuse that no one would miss me.
But it wasn’t all bad. In Y’s custody is where I met F in our past lives. She was working for him. And he treated her like garbage, too. He’d hit her and call her names and make her feel so unsafe. She was miserable when she was around him.
I… tried my best to help, but there’s not a lot I could do from behind a glass screen. Still, I came to empathize with F, and it was actually becoming her friend that made me want to give up killing.
Eventually, I escaped Y’s lab, but at a terrible cost. I turned into a alien monster and went on a horrific rampage— killing tons of people. And even worse, F got killed, too. Like I said: it was an accident, a result of a trap that Y set up, but at the same time it really, REALLY felt like my fault. I hated myself. Both in that life and now when I learned about it.
Still, I lived an okay life after that. I ended up taking in some students that F originally cared for and nurtured them. And I treated them right, unlike I treated my original apprentice. Because of them and F, I learned to love. Eventually, I died, but only after sending Y into hospice and getting to say goodbye to my beloved kids.
I was content with that.
But... here I am now.
Originally, I didn't remember all of this. I just remembered being a cool superpowered guy. Learning how messed up all of it was really, REALLY scared me. I was glad when I learned that F was... well, F, so I could apologize to her, but that didn't fix everything. After all, there were still so many people I hurt. I felt like an awful person who didn't deserve to be alive. My friends and family tried to comfort me, but it was... really hard, for a time.
And even worse than that, soon after, K started drifting away from me.
I know I haven't talked about K much, so let me describe him a little. He's a real stand-up guy. A little cowardly... but he has a big heart. He was always-- and I mean ALWAYS there for me and F, even as we learned all the weird stuff about our past lives. He's funny and sweet and supportive. The kind of person I'd do anything for. I really, really loved him, and so did F.
So... things were stressful when he started to pull away. He stopped hanging out with us. Kept giving us the cold shoulder. I didn't understand why. I thought maybe it was because he was scared of me now, but that wasn't fair to F. I confronted him and told him that if I was a bad person then F shouldn't have to suffer for it. That he was really important to her, and he should keep being her friend, at least!
But that's when K told me something, and it was something I NEVER expected to hear.
...K was Y.
He told me he just remembered recently. That he really didn't know. He broke down in tears, telling me that that's why he pulled away. He remembered abusing the two of us and felt like he no longer deserved to our friend. It was well and truly heartbreaking to hear.
Because... here's the thing. I hate Y. Like really, REALLY hate Y, but K is nothing like him. K is one of the best people I know. He's never treated me like anything less than a superhero. He wouldn't hurt a fly.
I told him it was alright. I told him I didn't care. I told him that the past was the past and that Y was dead now and he was someone new. He was shocked, but I really, really believed it. And for the first time, in saying so, I actually felt alright about myself. I realized that if K wasn't responsible for his actions in a past life-- if he never asked to be born, then neither did I. I realized that if I didn't hate him, then maybe... I didn't have to hate myself.
I gave him a BIG hug and told him we could go back to being friends. I told him it didn't matter. And I thought everything would be alright.
But K... also wanted to tell F the truth.
I get why he did. He kept saying she deserved to know. But at the same time, F is a pretty... standoffish person. She's not like she used to be-- all kind and forgiving. It took me a very long time to befriend her. She gets angry easily and she makes a lot of snap judgements. I was so certain she'd get upset with K.
And F... really needed me and K, I think. She had a bad life. Her parents weren't at all nice to her and she had a lot of self esteem issues. K and I were the only friends she had. I knew that if she ditched K, then she wouldn't have anyone. No-one would be there to support her.
And I'd be asked to take sides. How could I possibly do something like that?
So I convinced K to hide it. I told him that he was a new person now and F didn't need to know. All telling her would do is break her heart. I didn't want to hurt her like that.
And so for a while, the secret remained between us.
But then something really bad happened to K's family. I won't go into details, 'cause I'm not sure it's my place, but it was something truly awful. He nearly lost a parent, and even worse... he was convinced it was his fault. He CERTAIN that the universe was punishing him in some way for being Y, or at the very least, for not telling F about it, and that if he didn't spill the beans then even worse stuff would happen.
...So he did. He told her.
And F reacted just like I thought she would. Angry and crying, she said she couldn't believe she ever trusted him. She accused him of just pretending to not know... and manipulating her so he could hurt her. She was pissed. She punched K in the face and told him she never wanted to see him again.
I tried to reason with her, but she wouldn't hear me out. And when she learned I knew about this before she did... that I suggested hiding it from her, she got even more upset. She told me that I was taking her abuser's side over her-- someone that I'd been friends with for two lifetimes now, and that she never wanted to see me again, either. She called me a selfish jerk and ran off sobbing.
And... that's where things are at. Our little friend group's torn apart. I really want to fix things, but I don't even know where to start. Did I do the wrong thing? By taking K's side? By telling him to hide the truth? I just wanted to protect he and F... I really love them both. But now I'm being expected to choose, and I hate that.
Even K thinks I made the wrong call. That I shouldn't have told him to hide it and that F had every right to react how she did. But at the same time... I just feel so sick. I know he's better now. He's my friend. He has to be better. If he's not, then I'm not. I'm just a no-good killer. Why can't F just see that? Remember all the nice stuff K's done for her?
What do I do? How do I repair things? I feel like if I were still the guy I was in my past life then I'd know how to. But instead, I'm clueless. I feel lost and useless. I'm really, really sorry and afraid.
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Don’t really have a title yet
This is a part of the story that I’m writing (:
I just felt like I needed to post something not whumptober related so here :3
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My stomach was full. This is my favorite part of the Everlasting Day festival. I loved eating food from different regions. And then there was the Kingdom of Dionysus, who always had something new to try.
The bad part was, it was, as the king/my step dad would say, ‘improper’ to get a second plate. It’s not my fault that food is addictive.
My leg bounced as I contemplated getting up to get another plate. Did all of the houses get their plates? How would it look if the host got their second plate first? I grumbled quietly.
My step father patted my back hard, making me yelp. “Isn’t that right, Dante?”
“Of course!” I said, possibly a little too quickly.
“Come on Oscar! The boy wasn’t even listening!” Dominic, the current king of Posidon’s kingdom nudged at the king of Thanatos’s kingdom, Oscar, my step father.
We were all sitting with our families. And, since the Kingdom of Thanatos was hosting the festival this year, our king went to the podium to address this year's elephant in the room.
“We are ecstatic to have as many guests as we do today, but we are missing one.”
The cafeteria grew silent with his words. We all knew what he was talking about. Who he was talking about.
“It matters not of another kingdom’s reckless endeavors. No matter how much that kingdom wants to ruin our festival, it will not come to pass.” King Oscar turned to the table that the Kingdom of Dionysus’s royal family sat at and gave them a solemn nod. “May your god guide you well in these times.”
Hums were heard coming from around the room. And, to be honest, I felt remorse for the Kingdom of Dionysus. First there was the D-Z War and now this. They needed a break. Plus, Ashton is trying his best. You try being a king at seventeen and having to deal with a war.
He deserves so much better.
He’s always been my step father’s example. “A king will lead his kingdom through thick and thin” and he once said “Being a king is like marrying your kingdom. You are to protect your kingdom until the day you die.”
Ashton curtly nodded back, his brown curls bouncing slightly. His piercing violet eyes seemed mostly unbothered by King Oscar’s statement.
Many of the houses began to speak up. The King was quick to pound his gavel and call for quiet. “The Kingdom of Zeus has betrayed the treaty our kingdoms signed so many years ago. The next question is: What do we do with them?”
“I say we take away their access to tomatoes. Then they can't make their precious tomato soup,” Astor, the king of the House of Aether, remarked. Around the room, many chuckled at his statement.
“That would only be an inconvenience,” King Dimitri of the House of Ares said, “We could make their clocks three hours late and make those cloud heads sleep through their religious sunrise.”
I snorted. “And I’m sure Dante would love to be the lead corporate,” Dimitri snickered.
“That, I would.”
“You’ve had something against Sarah ever since she gave you that book for your birthday. What was it about anyway?” A friend, Andrew of the House of Apollo, asked.
I turned to the table where Andrew sat. “The book that girl gave me was titled: Depression for Delusionists.”
Some were snickering, others went “oh”. Even the king atop the podium cracked a smile.
“That was eight years ago!”
“She’s an a-”
“Dante,” King Oscar interjected.
“Sorry.” I turned back around and faced forward on my seat. King Oscar cleared his throat.
“Excuse him.” King Oscar straightened his posture. “That is something we kings will discuss later. As of now, we all need to stick together as our forefathers did. If we let the Kingdom of Zeus split all of us, region by region, who would’ve won?”
The room went quiet for only a second. “King Oscar is right,” The face of the Region of Hades, King Seth, spoke. For being only one year older than me, his stone act was solid. It showed no weakness. “With the treaty from a century ago, it states that, if war were to break out between the regions, the region your House is in, is the region you fight for. Either you fight for the head of that region, The Houses of Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades, or you don’t fight at all.”
“That automatically puts the Houses of Ares, Iris, Pandia, Eos, Apollo, Hermes, Zephyr, Tyche, Boreus, and Athena off the roster,” I added.
Seth hummed. “After that, it’s up to the rest of the Houses if they choose to risk all-out war,” Seth’s voice stayed level, yet I knew that his head was buzzing by the dazed look in his eyes as he stared forward.
“King Seth is correct, as always,” My step-father said. “Also, I don’t believe heists are necessary, King Dimintri.”
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It’s not the beginning or the end, it’s like dead center:)
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mqole · 2 years
fuck it. xb3 polyboros relationship dynamics under the cut. im normal (lie)
Tdlr: yes theyre gay and sometimes kiss or whatever but its Deeper than that its abt the “what is romance” its about the queerplatonic “i love yous” its not romantic as in “will you go out with me” its romantic as in “you are my family”
noah & mio- the queerest m/f couple ever. what do u do when you dont know what romance is and your alternate selves have been in love across lifetimes and you have all those memories but you havent fucking TALKED because you dont know what youre DOING and you dont want the other to die (again) and
noah & eunie- childhood besties for real!! eunie forces noah to come out of his shell a lot (by force). in turn noah also anchors eunie to some degree. if an unstoppable force and immovable object were in love
noah & taion: funniest fucking concept. noah (self esteem issues) wants to be helpful to taion (genius) and taion is so socially inept that he doesnt realise how flustered noah is around him. everyone is pointing and laughing at these 99 int 0 wis bitches
noah & lanz: bros till the end bitch!!!! after joran and everything you KNOW they love each other so much. Combination of only having each other to depend on for so long and admiration for the other’s abilities they lack. They have seen each other at their worst and now they have each others backs forever. Finally someone noah can banter with
noah & sena: the fact that even though sena is jealous of noah they have so much in common. Sena not knowing how to be honest with herself? Noahs identity issues? They are so complicated together its unreal. I imagine once they get past the “you deserve this more than i do” stage of self flagellation they end up being really good for each other. The two most supportive bitches in the group? Power couple fr <3
mio & eunie: i think eunie is just real with mio in a way nobody else really is. witches be bitches!! and it definitely draws out a snarkier side in mio that otherwise rarely comes out. Like a kinder version of how she was before miyabi. Someone who can be honest and blunt without being miserable <3
mio & taion: god. These two. The fact that MIO is a defender but taion wants to protect her. That mio hates being fussed over her deadline but taion Knowing she is only doing that because of miyabi. That the only reason taion keeps going at the start is because mio inspires him. They cannot be more tragic and beautiful
mio & lanz: i was abt to say ‘team mums’ but riku and manana exist so. no but these guys so defined by being ‘defenders’. The mutual unspoken understanding that They need to be the ones in the line of fire so their family wont get hurt. the desperation of not wanting to lose anyone the same way they lost someone before. between joran and miyabi? so much trauma here. they learn to lean on each other too, i think, like keystones. theyre stronger together <3
mio & sena: motherfucker okay where do i start. Senas jealousy? Mio noticing, but not knowing how to help or what it means? MIYABI?? No but. Sena spends so long convincing herself that mio doesnt actually like her and theyre only friends through obligation. And mio doesnt know how to help sena bc sena keeps acting like theres no problem!! and they love each other and they dont want to hurt each other by acknowledging this festering rift in their friendship, when they’ve known each other so long and things were Fine, but now everything has changed and something’s gotta give. And it does
eunie & taion: ultimate enemies > frenemies > teammates > partners > taion and eunie. Literally im the most insane about these guys. because they start by hating each other their whole relationship is built on this foundation of mutual needling, which. Win. But then when it DOES give way into subtle vulnerability and kindness (THE FUCKING. TEA SCENE. THE TEA SCENE I SWEAR TO GOD!!) it stops being “i hate your guts” and starts being “you’re my fourth best friend” because they GET each other. Theyre complete opposites in theory, but they Know what its like to be vulnerable and afraid and when their partner is too panicked to tease them? THATS when it cracks and they say what they mean instead of veiling it behind a personal cipher. God i just. Them, fr. They love each other so much
eunie & lanz: i have not stopped thinking abt the bathtub cutscene theyre everything to me. eunie “one of the boys” and lanz “one of the girls” for REAL theyre on Such a wavelength. I feel like having to deal with noah every day for 8 years put them in a blood bond or something. Theyre by far the rowdiest of the party because they will just start shit. Bitches who have no impulse control and love things so violently and joyously
eunie & sena: i think for a while there was that stiltedness there that comes with sena wanting to put on a front to be more likeable. I mean. “Eunie love”? unlike mio and sena tho i reckon eunie is able to help sena work through all of it much easier, because shes Eunie shes The most blunt person youll meet! And sena knows that a eunie compliment is fuckin rare. Conversely i think its also an opportunity for eunie to be more vulnerable in a way she isnt really with anyone else, bc she cant just needle sena the same way she does everyone else. They have this really supportive dynamic where Yes they will still banter and tease each other. But at the heart of it is a lot of communication and vocal kindness that is unique to these two in particular.
taion & lanz: everyone saying the bickering is a coverup for all the kisses theyre doing is on the money. Taion and lanz have a really similar dynamic to taion and eunie, but without a lot of the tenderness. So instead what you get is this bickering and poking at each other like one big game of gay chicken. YES they love each other, but they cant just say that because then they’ll lose. They are competing completely arbitrary. Taion says he’s not but he’s lying. Not being at odds with each other just somehow feels wrong!!
taion & sena: half the game these two are just clinging to each other because of their mutual desire to keep mio safe, and yeah it unites them but it also corrupts them a bit. neither of them are able to pull the other back from that threshold of worrying too much. After about lambda/maktha, i think they start to learn how to enjoy each other’s company without that mutual distance. Theyre almost like a balm for each other? Having spent so much time Focusing and Worrying together when they actually learn to relax i think they just become. Comfortable around each other. Like a mothers group
lanz & sena: you cant do this to me. Im not normal about them. “noah and mio were the first to be friends” yeah and a lot of that was the off-seeing and the ouroboros. Lanz and sena hit it off RIGHT away on day 1 even without having those connections. They are Literally partners and to be honest. I think they were almost ride or die from the beginning. Lanz being a defender? Sena desperately wanting to keep mio alive? It cumulates in this mutual understanding that their purpose in the team is to protect. And this definitely goes to unhealthy lengths because thats another reason they hit it off- theyre both so passionate. Lanz’s anger is unchecked, a constant tornado, but sena’s is like a powder keg on cooldown until someone lights it. And together theyre fuckin explosive, and thats not always a good thing, especially if they both think of themselves as expendable compared to the rest of their teammates. But fundamentally there is an understanding there that im so insane about. These bitches have so many issues and i love them so much.
They all kiss btw
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wisdomssdaughterr · 1 year
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best : nancy
And I destroyed every silver linin' you had in your head || All of your feelings, I played with them || Go ahead, we can just call it conditionin' || We were too different, you were so sensitive || Gave me the best of that, I was so negligent || Now, I feel terrible 'bout how I handled it || And now, I, now I bet you resent || All of me, all of it, angry, blocking me over the internet || Promise I don't forget all of my fault in this || 'Cause look at me, I'm alone, sitting here, stayin' home || All of my self control kinda got difficult || But I deserve it though, I deserve it though
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I know it won’t work : max
I'll open up || And thinkin' everythin' you wish I wasn't || The call was tough || But you're better off, I'm bein' honest || So, won't you stop || Holdin' out for me when I don't want it? || Just brush me off || 'Cause I'm your ghost right now, your house is haunted
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I should hate you : will
I should hate you, I feel stupid || Like I almost crashed my car || Drivin' home to talk about you || At my table in the dark || All I ever think about is || Where the hell you even are || And I swear to God I'd kill you || If I loved you less hard
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will you cry? : lucas
Now, you walk through me with my heart heavy || Breakin' my reverie, I could die early || With your arms 'round me, habits go slowly || Would it not kill to say goodbye? || When you talk, you get shallow || Where I'll walk, you don't follow || When I scream, you're my echo || Will you cry if I let go? || Pieces broken || All we left unspoken || Aimless, hopin' || Left my mouth wide open || It's kind of funny when it goes from all to nothin' || You have to laugh before you start to cry || 'Cause now I stop myself from holdin' onto somethin' || That makes me feel a little less alive
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amelie : el & max
I met a girl once || She sorta ripped me open || She doesn't even know it || She doesn't know my name || We sat on the sofa || She asked me a million questions || I answered and by eleven || Memorized her face … || Tell me more, I would give all my time || All your words felt like a nursery rhyme || Comfortable, handin' you my whole life || When all of your words felt like a funeral rite
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difficult : mike
Oh, I know || Spiralin' is miserable || I should probably go back home || Why does that feel difficult, difficult? || And oh, I hope || I wake up invisible || I'd be someone no one knows || I guess I'm just difficult, difficult || Oh, I know
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this is what the drugs are for : will
In the middle of the night || I got caught inside a fever || I almost called a hundred times || Just to ask if you might leave her || She appears in dreams || Chasin' after me || Look, now I'm alone again || I've gotten used to sleepin' here without you || Though I've tried, I can't pretend || That I don't sit around and think about you || Look how I just lost a friend || I'm burying your things inside my bedroom || Old distractions, in the end, don't work || I'm left to sit and think about you || Like all I ever do is think about you
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the blue : jonathan
I wonder if you know || If you can tell I'm losin' || I'm going down without a fight || I don't know how you do it || You say we share a brain || Apologizing for it || But take it as a compliment || You make me really nervous … || You came out of the blue like that || I never could've seen you comin' || I think you're everythin' I've wanted
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right now : el
I'm so high, but can't look down || Left my past life on the ground || Think I'm more alive somehow || I feel like myself right now || I'm so tired, but can't sit down || What if this is it for now? || Think I'm more alive somehow || I feel like myself right now
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oz-posts · 3 months
Hera nickname possibilities part 2
Still focusing on Aimsey sorry, I have decided to delay the Guqqie one until we know what the hell is going on with A! Guqqie.
So... Some stuff happened, and it caused me to rethink several of the names and the importance of some themes, so here are a few I think things have changed for.
Required traits
Knowledge(curiosity as a fatal flaw preferably)- this is difficult, because it's actually surprisingly rare in myths, and often in different contexts as to what we're after.
Violence- this is self explanatory and fortunately very common in myths (in fact in even gcse level Greek and Latin there are at least 7 words for kill/die)
Space association- preferably with the moon, but that's a bit specific, and as most nicknames for Aimsey variants are masculine a bit difficult with Artemis/Diana's whole mainly female hunter group
I still quite like this one, though for different reasons.
As I mentioned last time, Asterion is the Minotaur's birth name giving him an obvious link to violence, and as the stepson of king Minos he would have been a prince. There is also perhaps a knowledge connection with the labyrinth, although that one is perhaps a bit of a stretch. Also as the most popular translation of Asterion is literally " little star we have a convenient space connection as well.
Similarly, many people ( even in ancient Greece) felt that the Minotaur may have started off innocent but was warped by his father's rage and his imprisonment in the labyrinth. Which could perhaps mirror how little control A! Aimsey seems to have even in their own curiosity, which instead of reclaiming their own past and fate appears to be amounting to little more than a desperate grab for understanding and control.
I hate Penthius.
He is such a a fucking perverted tyrannical foolish asshole and he deserved every bit of what he got " slave to my slaves" (δουλεύοντα δουλείαις ἐμαῖς) Penthius dear those are your people, as king caring for them is your duty you little shit.
But anyways
Firstly, as the main - mortal- character in the bachea he is part of a literal tragedy and we all know these idiots are doomed in every universe so unless they feel like being nice to us for once that's perfect.
If you don't know the story of the bachea I shall leave a summary of the plot at the bottom.
Despite Penthius's overall shittyness the themes fit perfectly. Firstly, as the cousin of Acteon he has a lovely little link with the moon - a very negative one, Artemis killed him, but so what- and with his constant war-mongering with violence as well. He is also royalty, and if you reinterpret his all around pervyness as curiosity that fits too.
He sought knowledge, and it killed him
This is a bit of a stretch here and I know it, but doesn't it just seem like the perfect, very derisive nickname for an alternate universe version of your ex who stabbed you?
Firstly, oh my God the knowledge association, Narcissus was cursed to die when he truly " knew himself" (A! Aimsey's urge to find out what happened to them?) and let's be honest that's probably the best case scenario for our lovely prince. He was literally killed by knowing too much, in this case about himself. Also, as much as we go on and on about the whole " narcissus rejected echo and she died because of his selfishness boo hoo!" Their deaths were very similar, if anything being simply an extension of the cycle of suffering cause by Zeus fucking around and someone else finding out. Oooh cycles... Could be parallel with A!Aimsey following in Tud's footsteps perhaps.
Again a bit of a stretch but I still kinda like it.
Bachea summary
First Dionysus arrives in Thebes and asks everybody to accept and worship him. Nearly everybody is fine with this but the king- Penthius- objects and refuses to believe in his godly power. In response, Dionysus mind controls all of the women of Thebes and they run off to the mountains and literally just sit there, not being a problem or anything.
Dionysus comes to talk to Penthius who tries repeatedly to threaten and insult the completely calm Dionysus. And reveals his preoccupation with sex and completely unfounded belief that the women are having a giant orgy on the mountain.
Penthius decides to attack the women but Dionysus "convinces" him otherwise ( oh look it's our good friend mind control again ) using his desire to be a voyeur to the non-existent mountain orgy. Dionysus then dresses Penthius for slaughter and parades him to the mountain where he is torn apart by his family.
Yay! I love happy endings.
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nekooru · 1 year
₊ ☾⋆ angst dialogue prompts ⋆⁺₊⋆
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a list of prompts i use to inspire my writing. i hope they're helpful for you !
more prompt lists: x
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1. "you're allowed to fall apart sometimes, you know."
2. "what's the point in trying when i know i'll never be enough?"
3. "i wish your love wasn't conditional."
4. "when did things fall apart? i never noticed until it was done." / "that's exactly why things fell apart."
5. "you were my best friend. i wish i had been yours, too."
6. "i wasn't enough for you." / "no, you were too much."
7. "i thought i could learn to like it this way. i'm sorry i dragged this out."
8. "it's tiring, missing you when you're right here."
9. "you seemed to like me best when i was lying."
10. "don't pretend you missed me. i'm not as stupid as you clearly think i am."
11. "why are you drinking so much? what did you do?"
12. "please tell me i'm wrong. tell me i'm jumping to conclusions— that i'm misunderstanding. please, just say it..." / "..."
13. "you really love her, and she doesn't love you back...how ironic."
14. "you left the most bitter taste in my mouth. how could you bring it all up again when i'm trying to move on?"
15. "i fucked up. god, i fucked up."
16. "so that's it? we're just— over?"
17. "i wish i'd never met you. i wish this was a lesson i never had to learn."
18. "you're fucking insane."
19. "am i the reason you cry every night? be honest."
20. "well, how did you expect this to turn out? it's not my fault you've been in denial."
21. "i don't understand how you sleep at night, so blissfully uncaring of the pain you wreak."
22. "will you miss me at all?" / "very much so, unfortunately."
23. "are we doing the right thing? is there no other option?"
24. "i know when it's good, it's really good— but i don't think i can handle the lows anymore."
25. "when did you want to hurt me again? today? tomorrow? you know, so i can note it in my schedule."
26. "do you fantasize about a life without me?"
27. "you're not the same person i married." / "well, people change. you didn't get the memo?"
28. "i wish i could forget your phone number. and your face. and everything we ever did together."
29. "let's not get irrational here. we're going to talk sensibly, and take it outside— so i can punch you without breaking anything."
30. "you thought i cared for you? why? i made the opposite excruciatingly obvious."
31. "god, why do you have so much blood? i can put it back— don't cry, i can fix it. just don't leave me, please."
32. "you're so dramatic. is this really necessary?"
33. "i'll be better next time, i promise." / "next time? no. i won't be here to put the pieces of your life back together next time."
34. "i don't know how to ask for help."
35. "when was the last time you told me that you loved me?" / "..." / "hah...you can't remember, can you?"
36. "it's okay if you need time to heal. i'll still be here, waiting, for as long as it takes."
37. "i can't keep going when i'm the only one putting effort in. i'm done begging for what i deserve."
38. "i can't lose you. i won't lose you." / "what? after everything? you've already lost me."
39. "you left without saying goodbye. i finally moved on, and you expect me to let you pop back in just like that? no."
40. "i always said i'd die for you." / "idiot...i didn't believe you until now."
41. "i can't believe i thought you meant what you said."
42. "for what it's worth, i'll never give up on us."
43. "you keep going radio silent on me, and i can't handle that any more. wondering if you're dead in a ditch? or cheating on me? i don't deserve that."
44. "you are not your past, so stop acting like you are. that's not an excuse to keep hurting me and everyone around you."
45. "how many broken promises are we at now? you know, i'm starting to think you're doing it on purpose. is my face that pretty when i cry?"
46. "don't give me that look. no, what did you really expect?"
47. "he/she/they showed me more love than you ever did. isn't that sad? it makes me sad."
48. "oh, i see where it went wrong. you're a little confused, but you're almost there— you're supposed to break up with me, then fuck other people."
49. "don't even try to kiss me. get the fuck off me."
50. "don't worry, it's not my blood."
51. "i was stupid to think you would change for me. to think i was good enough to change for."
52. "quit crying. you're the one who hurt me, why are you making it about yourself?"
53. "no, i'm not just going to leave you here."
54. "i can't bear when you look at me like that. like i'm something from hell."
55. please— please, just...get out."
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☾. please like/reblog if this post was helpful !
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borom1r · 2 months
I'll be honest, I don't know much abt lotr, but!!! for the text game you're putting together, what has been your favourite date and/or route you've written so far? + as an addition, if you'd like, what are things you admire/love abt any character of your choosing? (I hope you're doing okay bestie, I'm sorry you're having a rough night 💖)
haugh thank you dude i am. feeling more grounded now (and my hand stopped hurting so i Didn't actually burn it, yayyy) but gods that was bad for a hot minute
ummmm my favorite thing ive written is probs tied between Éomer's 2B date (go to a celebratory bonfire w/ him) because there's a lot of silliness, it's just very lighthearted + cute!! or Faramir's first date?? it's actually hard to pick a specific date bc Faramir is just very fun to write. I adore him so much lol — his first date's a little library meetcute and you get to give him a kiss on the nose and listen to him be So autistic about Really Old Texts (it's what he deserves)
uuuuuuuuuuu well u know as a Boromir Guy. a certified Boromir Enjoyer. Enjoyer of Boromir. there's just. oagh theres so much. I was rewatching th Osgiliath scene again for reasons (quotin it for sth i think) and the way he behaves with Faramir vs how he behaves with Denethor is so. im DERANGED i need to sit down w/ Sean Bean and talk abt Boromir for fucking hours. the way he prepares himself to have to speak w/ his father, the disbelieving shake of his head at Denethor's "I know his uses and they are few" line about Faramir. the "one more moment of peace can he not give us that" line. "the victory is Faramir's as well" and he's grinning, his nod of encouragement, motioning Faramir over because he's RIGHT and Faramir's achievements deserve to be recognized and they're fighting fucking FORCES OF MORDOR so how could he possibly blame his brother for Osgiliath falling? they reclaimed it and they're alive and that's cause for celebration! im so.
Boromir son of Denethor seeing the best in people. when he could so easily and so understandably be completely fucking pessimistic. He is ON THE FRONTLINES he would have every excuse to be a bitter jaded asshole having grown up with the sole purpose of being a soldier. he lives only to serve!!! and he lives watching the people he is supposed to safeguard suffering and dying, watching the darkness of Mordor spread with little hope of vanquishing it, only keeping it at bay for a time. it has been long since he had any hope!!!!!! and yet the victory is Faramir's too! his baby brother who he is so proud of, who he sees the absolute best in, who he longs for Denethor to see the good in too because Faramir is trying his absolute fucking best and Boromir sees that!! Boromir, who sees Merry and Pippin's determination and takes the time to coach them in swordplay when others would have made them stay behind. they're only hobbits, after all. what could they do? (quite a lot, naturally, but it was Boromir at first who empowered them to be more than just tagalongs. who thought they should be more prepared and took the time and energy to make sure they were.)
there is frailty in men but there is goodness too. the world is cruel and awful and he is surrounded by violence and death. and even a wizard like Gandalf can die. but there is goodness in men. goodness in the world!! Minas Tirith is on the brink of disaster but it is beautiful and he longs to return. even diminished, she is beautiful!! and he wants to share that. he wants to share Faramir's victories. he knows firsthand how horrifically cruel the world can be but he sees the best in the people around him and he wants others to see it too. ARGH!!!!!!!!
ALSO. ive talked abt it in another post floating around somewhere but while i do love book!Faramir i think he is. kind of a nightmare person. in that he has some Deepset Prejudices that he Needs To Unpack. smacking the shit out of him with a cardboard tube.
and while i thnk there are valid criticisms to make abt movie!Faramir i do actually GENUINELY adore that he is tempted by the ring. because on one side of it, his temptation mirrors Boromir's in that it is done out of love (desire for his father's love and approval vs Boromir's love for his people) and that he overcomes it. because that is Boromir's Baby Brother and isnt the goal of it all for the younger generations to surpass the older? isn't the hope that Faramir would learn from Boromir's failures and be better? not repeat them? and he doesn't. he is flawed and he is tempted by much the same thing and yet he does not fall!! and that's not to say there's any Legitimate moral failing on either of their parts because its the fucking One Ring, but i think its just. very poignant. I genuinely prefer it way more than the book where hes all "I would NEVER take the ring!!!"
but he also has his whole "boromir died well, achieving some good, and was even more beautiful in death than in life" thing and that gets into the spirituality of middle earth and the layers of Weirdness there which im not abt to unpack on this ask. not a fan of it in the slightest. shaking Boromir's hand for being rebellious against god tho i would be too if i was living in that whole fucking sitch. if the only thing my brother could say was "idfk if he fucked up or not but he was more beautiful in death than ever so ik he died a holy death, which is preferrable" my ghost would start throwing bricks.
also, having movie!Faramir fall prey to the ring when book!Faramir is like this. paragon of grace and goodness and holiness who Cannot be tempted. idk i think especially with Aragorn grappling with his humanity and frailty as a man, having Faramir Also be tempted is sooooo. like. augh!!! it is not a failure to be tempted. you can still be Good and Gracious and Lordly and a Paragon Of Men. he is Still Faramir even though he fell prey to the call of the ring. he resisted. he let Frodo go, putting his own life at risk in the process, because he is still a Good Man even though he is flawed. even though he almost didn't. movie!Faramir my beloved!!!!!!!
LASTLY ik ive talked abt this a couple times but it is fucking DERANGED to me that Éomer is only twenty-eight in TA 3019. HE SHOULD'VE BEEN IN THE TAVEEEEEERRRNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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gutsfics · 1 year
Tobias should have been a canon LI. Where is the Open Heart Book 3 rewrite that the we need? If someone ever kickstarts this project ILW style, I will be the first to donate. I was rereading the series. I got to Book 3 and I had to stop. The characters deserved better. The series deserved so much better. The Open Heart fandom deserved better. There was so much more that PB could have done with the characters if they cared about the player experience. OH was one of Pixelberry's best series and they let it die in the most disappointing way possible. Anyone who is willing to give the story a better ending deserves the Choices fandom's support. It's been ages since we have had a real romance arc on this app.
im fine w Tobias not being a canon LI as i personally headcanon him as aromantic & have him in a queerplatonic relationship w my LOA mc, Reigan, but like other than that HUGE agree
and now i'm gonna use this ask as a reason to talk about what all i would change of book 3 lmao thank u <3
so first of all, there's really no reason for Harper to be part of the diagnostics team besides "whoah oh noeses Ethan is talking with his ex whoopsie oopsie i hope he doesn't fall back in love with her!!!!!1!!111!!!" (which goes nowhere, iirc MC doesn't ever talk really to him about their jealousy) and a few nice friendship moments between her and MC when Tobias and Ethan are being dumb at each other (like when you can choose to side w either E or T during an argument OR ask Harper if she wants to get coffee- i genuinely love that part so much). so i would change it so that instead of the opening on the diagnostics team being because Baz is leaving (which also had no reason to happen), but because Ethan took too long to find a replacement for June
imo it would have been more interesting if Bloom had used Ethan taking the whole 3-month closure of Edenbrook to decide on a new team member as an excuse to try and get more hands on with the DT. so like right after Ethan, Baz and MC sit down the first day back he should have just showed up w Tobias & made that new rule about voting on cases. i did like the feud between Bloom and Ethan though, the writers just majorly dropped the ball there. and kept dropping it the whole book.
I'd also remove all of the parts where the MC just straight up ditches work to go play with their friends. it felt so wrong that the MC fought so hard to get to the place where they're at just for them to blow of work every five seconds bc Jackie and Sienna want to go shopping or Bryce wants to drive a fancy car or whatever. or i'd like change it so it happens on days off or after their shift is over.
+ the diamond scene in ch1 where MC and their friends are enjoying all of the amenities that Bloom added for employees, I would have loved the option to be more wary of them, a lot of them seemed like a distraction, like the video games in the breakroom
like imagine ur surgeon being late to ur life-saving surgery bc they were too busy playing mario kart or whatever
i would say there should have been another Big Important Disaster but honestly Rafael has already been through enough with the first two book's Big Disasters being somewhat focused on him
also the fuckin uuuuuuh. patient suing Ethan over medical malpractice plotline?
100% should have been Ethan's fault.
having Naveen actually be the one who did it feels kinda.... racist??? a little bit????? like god forbid PB's Specialest White Boy do something wrong and face the consequences for it
i have more qualms with this book but i am gonna be honest: i straight up do not remember most of the book. it was such a nothing end to such a good series
i did like being able to do that team building exercise w jackie's group. Dr Gary Garison, my beloved, i'm so glad i got to see you for one single scene this whole book
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Diary Entries of Ozpin Valiant
So I wanted to do these little “interlude” type things, just snippets into the thoughts and feeling and past of Oz! Hope you enjoy!
To begin, my name is Ozpin Valiant. I am writing in this diary for my sake and my sake alone. My friend Glynda has told me to write in this and to be honest. I trust her, she is a good person. Took a heartless wretch like me in. Now let’s see… where to start?
I was born in Vacuo, December 24, 1989. Today's date is April 12, 2015 and I live in the city and country of Vale. I am currently 28 years of age and I have a 1 year old son named Oscar.
Well he’s not MY son. He’s the son of my sister, my best friend a very good friend. They died last year. I miss her. I can’t say the name yet. Or even look at it. It’s… too raw. Sorry Glynda, you’ll have to forgive me for that. Maybe one day but… not yet. Gods… She was so young, Oscar was barely a month old when she died… How unfair is that? A decent person like her should die, but some horrible old sack oh shit like me lives? How cruel destiny can be…
I am living with my friend Glynda! She and I were very close as children, but when I started trying dust… she and I got into a huge fight. I regret it now, regret trying those blasted drugs, regret screaming at her, leaving my mother… She’s dead now. My mother is dead and I didn’t even know. How horrible is that? That she and I used to be so close, she was my best friend, I was her world and… I didn’t even go to her funeral. I didn’t even know there was a funeral! 
Glynda said she’d take me to the grave another time. I don’t know if I’m ready. I broke that woman's heart when I left her home. I feel so awful… she deserved a better son than me. One who would have been by her side, held her hand as she left this world… Maybe I’ll see her ghost! That’s not uncommon and she was a pretty strong magic user! They usually have ghosts!
Journal Entry #2 Ozpin Valiant
Date December 25, 2015
I really gave this up quickly. Of course things have been a bit… Well, no. They haven’t been hectic, I just didn’t want to write. Honesty and all that, right? Well, things have changed a bit! I’m helping Glynda in her shop more! Potions aren’t my strong suit, but she lets me help with the simple stuff, and I’m very good at finding ingredients! Living on a farm will do that!
I wonder how my brothers are, and my fathers. It’s been so long since I’ve seen them. I suppose I should put their names down for posterity's sake. Heh, have you ever noticed how close that word is to posterior?  Posterity, posterior? Ha! I am such a child… Anywhosles!
My brothers are as follows. The oldest Ozma Valiant, he is 2 years older than me and should be 31! Ha! He’s old. 
I miss him.
The other brother is the second oldest! Which yes. Means I’m the baby. If you couldn’t tell already. His name is Ozmund Valiant, but everyone calls him Diggs! It’s a childhood nickname, since he used to be obsessed with digging holes when we were little. He should be 30 now. Actually that reminds me!
I’m officially 29 years old as of yesterday! Happy belated birthday! I didn’t really do anything, I haven’t really celebrated my birthday in a long time. But it was nice spending the day with Glynda and Oscar. Oscar is growing so much everyday it’s incredible! He took his first steps a week ago! I’m so proud of him! He was trying to walk to me for a hug and I will admit, I cried. A lot. Glynda teased me for being a crybaby, but I saw her eyes! They were misty!
But back to the topic at hand! My fathers! Ozymandias and Ambrosius Valiant!
Dad, aka Mandy, as he usually prefers to be called, is 40 years older than me, which makes me 69 this year. Nice. I’m sure Papa loves teasing him about that, he always had the silliest sense of humor.
Papa, aka Amby, as he hates being referred to so we do it all the time, is 37 years older than me, which would make him 66 years old by now! Bet he doesn’t look it though, that man doesn’t age I swear. I’ve known him since the day I was born and I swear he hasn’t gotten a single gray hair or wrinkle in all that time! Not one!
I haven’t seen them in years. I didn’t realize how much I missed them. I tried not to think about them after I ran away, I was so dumb back then, but I was only 17…
Maybe I should talk to them again…
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boyruggeroii · 2 years
ohhhh final thoughts on wolf 359👀👀?? I’ve finished it like 2 weeks ago and I’m still. mourning lol
Quick answer: I liked it a lot. I was expecting a more tragic ending (before Minkowski woke back up I thought they were all going to die swallowed by Wolf 359 then I thought it was a fever dream, honest to god) and I'm not sure if I'm happier this way or not.
Longer answer: I wasn't as attached to the Goddard three (I'm sorry but I hate military types, bye Clark) as you were, but I absolutely loved them and they were such enjoyable characters. I completely agree with you re: Pryce, I think you've said it all really. As for a reception ark, she didn't want one lmao. And I don't think the story went there anyway. She's not quite herself anymore or she's only half of herself, end of story. And it's a horrible thing to do, or weird at any rate. She's not dead but she (Pryce) is not alive anymore either. Same for Eiffel, but with different consequences for him. (Also I can't believe that it could have all worked out in their favour if he hadn't come back. Unbelievable)
I really liked all the memory stuff actually. I've always been fascinated by what makes us tick and it's been proven (and I'm a firm believer) that what we are is a result of both nature and nurture and I love media that explore that. Nice take on AIs too!!
As for the characters, loved loved loved Hilbert, and loved how he died too if you can believe it! (Broke my heart tho, I'm still mourning him, he deserved so much better from life in general). Minkowski and Lovelace get better with time (she doesn't like Hilbert because she doesn't understand him more than she does because he killed all her friends is she for real? Terrible kind of person. And Minkowski too much of a soldier)
All the female characters in general are amazing and I absolutely adored them. Alana and Hera's relationship was so interesting and I'd listen to an entire podcast with just her and Jacobi or her and Hera, who's great too (and they literally gave her anxiety this keeps being hilarious). Memoria, just, Memoria. And all its consequences
Jacobi my other love (lots of them in this podcast). I have a weakness for characters that are arsonist adjacent. Ep can't remember with his revenge plan was just. One of the best.
I obviously got attached to Eiffel cause he's funny but thank god I don't have to work with him or someone like him. I have complicated feelings on his memory loss. His daughter is basically dead to him, she's a stranger and he can't really mourn her. He lost a child and doesn't know it which for him (and most people) would be worse than dying, so yeah. Also THE PRISON SENTENCE
I'll probably have more to say in the next few minutes hours days but for now this is it
I'm so happy I decided and managed to listen to it. And there were so many episodes where I laughed so much oh gods, especially after Jacobi and Maxwell arrived
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dabislittlemouse · 1 year
I'll be honest, I believe there's still a chance for Touya to be saved, even if it is small and even if it is for just a moment
Maybe not in body but in mind, I believe his heart will open up as something proving his worth will be said and done to him, and I think if he is to die, he will die with a smile, finally understanding his worth
So I believe he will atleast be happy in the end with the comfort he was loved so you may at the very least have a comforting conclusion
Please don't kill yourself we knew there was a great possibility of this brother, let's have faith it won't happen but clearly Dabi is someone hori really cares about so he won't go cheap on him either way
Plus Rei should probably get up and fucking do something, I love her, she's my wife , but fucking damn get involved I truly believe all of this would go away if she fucking grabbed Dabi by the ear or showed him the chancla
Anyway, Leaks said you're there too apparently "local maniac: Dabislittlemouse trying to get into the war zone to " give some pussy" their statement? "I can fix him" quirk? Perfectly fitted, fire resistant and shock absorbing Dabi pussy"
First of all, I won’t take my own life over this, yes I’ll be depressed as fuck but I won’t go that far I promise. Ugh, I’m sorry
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Second of all YES TO ALL OF WHAT YOU SAID!!!! Rei must do something too, she was the one who said “we must stop Toya”, so please mother in law COME DO SOMETHING!!! SHOW HIM THE DAMN CHANCLA!!!
Even IF Dabi dies happy, with a smile on his face, idk my heart still won’t accept it. He deserves to live, he deserves to be saved and to be shown that he can live without Endeavor, that he is his own person, Endeavor ruined his life and I don’t want him to die like this. I want to see him heal and eat hot udon with Shoto!!!! I want to see him meet Fuyumi and Natsu again, I want to see Rei hug him!!! I want him to know that his family in fact never forgot him!! I WANT ENDEAVOR TO FUCKING DIE
I’m still trying to hope for the best, and not think of the worst. Thank you anon really, ugh I feel so stupid now for acting like that but I won’t kms over this :’)
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Olicity Story Idea
My brain hates me. My muse is out to destroy me. The fickle bitch knows I have too many stories to work but wants to add a second one to the constantly growing list of fics.
This is a general outline of an Olicity story that I will probably never get around to writing.
After Tommy ended things with Laurel, he and Felicity started up a no-strings stress release sex type thing, but an honest to God friendship developed them.
They opened up and allowed themselves to be vulnerable. They shared everything. Their fears, hopes, dreams. Tommy told her about his hang-ups. How he felt like he was still grieving his mom's death after all this time, how he struggled to live up to expectations, how he struggled to connect with who Oliver was now, how some days being raised by Malcolm was its own form of torture. Felicity told him about her complicated relationship with her mother, how her father her and her mom when she was seven and she hadn't seen or heard from him since. She told him about what happened with her college boyfriend, Cooper.
Felicity loved Tommy, be became her best friend, but she wasn't in love with him.
Listening to him die over the coms was something that would haunt her for the rest of her days.
When Tommy was dying, he ask Oliver to tell Felicity he was sorry. She was the best thing to happen to him in a really long time and that he loved her.
He wanted her not to be afraid to go after what she wants. She deserved everything the world had to offer her and more.
Oliver hadn't known that Tommy and Felicity were even friends, it was shocking, even more so to find her a sobbing mess over Tommy's death.
He was preparing to go back to Lian Yu after Tommy's funeral when Felicity tells him she was pregnant, shocking him further when she tells him Tommy is the father.
Felicity is terrified of doing this alone when she was still grieving and during with the guilt of not knowing about the second device, believing it was her fault that her unborn child's father was gone.
Oliver couldn't bring himself to leave Felicity to deal with a fallout by herself. Tommy would never forgive him, and he would never be able to forgive himself.
He helps Felicity through her pregnancy, falling in love with her along the way.
He loved Tommy's child like it was his own.
He went to Tommy's grave and vowed he would always be there for Tommy's little girl and Felicity.
And in a way, having Felicity and Tommy's daughter in his life made him feel like he still had a piece of Tommy always with him, and he needed that.
He needed them in a way he didn't know it was possible to need someone.
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