#all this lining sucks i wanna colour already
autism-corner · 1 month
forgor that drawing takes like. effort.
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hungharrington · 14 days
what about jealous steve…
ok it’s not quite jealous steve, more like possessive steve but that’s cos i half wrote it and then came back and i’m not wasting precious writing <3 ok mwah as always, MDNI THIS ENTIRE BLOG IS 18+
You and Steve split up for all of 10 minutes before he’s back at your side, one hand sliding into your back pocket, kissing the side of your head in hello.
The kiss burns lightly where it's pressed into your hair. The usual party music dwindles in the background, playing from the other room.
“Hey sweetheart,” He murmurs, voice all low.
He ducks his head low to press another kiss to your skin, this time against the heat of your neck. You squirm at the sudden attention and smile apologetically at your friend, almost flustered, and turn to him.
“Hi,” You smile up at him through your lashes. “What’s that special greeting for?”
“Nothin’,” Steve hums, smiling back, even as his hand in your pocket gives a little squeeze. He’s got that flush he always gets after one or two beers, colouring his face.
He gives you a little tug sideways, towards him. “C'mon, I wanna talk to you.”
You huff a laugh but follow him all the same, leaving with a quick wave to your friend over your shoulder. Steve’s hand slips from your back pocket to tangle with your hand and he leads you through the living room and out to the hallway. Doors line it and Steve seems to know exactly where he’s heading.
“Sure,” You laugh a bit, on the adoring side. “We totally came to this party so we talk to each other—“ Steve pushes through one of the doors, revealing an empty bedroom. “— in an empty bedroom.”
Behind you, the door snips shut. Steve turns and steals a glance at the drink in your hand, plucking it from you without any warning.
“Hey!” You say, as he puts it down on a surface behind him. “I was drin—oh,”
In one fluid motion, Steve steps in and backs you up against the door, one hand settling on your waist. The other curls beneath your chin, cradling your jaw and you barely get a moment to gasp before his lips are on yours.
Hot and desperate, Steve kisses you like you’re a feast for him to devour— fierce kisses, little nips, adoring little noises as he finally gets his lips on you like he’s been dreaming of all night.
You make a soft noise in your throat, a sound of appreciation. Your hands travel up to rest on his chest, fingers twining around the collar of his polo.
Pulling back, Steve’s delighted to see you already look a little messy — your lips pinker than normal, your eyes wider, darker.
“Really?” He asks, his voice low and teasing. Steve leans in and kisses your neck again, in the same place he did put in the living room. His breath is hot against your skin when he murmurs against your skin? “You didn’t think we’d end up here?”
Something in the gravel of his tone makes your back arch, something warm thrumming within you as Steve begins to suckle the skin of your neck. Fuck, you think, beginning to pant, Of course he’s going for a hickey.
“I- uh,” Your voice is already soaked in a sigh, your fingers clenching over his shoulders tightly as pleasure begins to drool through your core.
Steve continues before you can even answer his first question. His hand on your waist moves, shifting down til he’s grabbing at the apex of your thigh. His fingers dig into the swell of your ass, cupping it so he can pull you forward — right as his thigh slots between yours easily.
“You think i could come to these parties,” He breathes, moving your hips for you. “with you, looking this fucking hot,” You pant beneath him. “and not need to leave a mark?”
Following his word true, his hot mouth reattaches to your neck, sucking with fervor this time. His hand on your ass moves and finds its place in your back pocket again, squeezing and dragging your hips forward once more.
The other shifts down squeeze at your chest, his deft fingers rubbing over your nipple with eased practice. You moan prettily, rutting down against the denim, the friction downright sinful.
Your hands have a mind of their own, still moving up, and now they twist into the hair at the nape of his neck. Steve’s moves on to a new spot on your neck now, further down, and you’re helpless to do anything but let him.
Something in your cunts throbs at the possessiveness. You could very happily do this all night. The ambience of the party just behind the door slips away almost completely.
Steve pulls back after a couple of minutes, lips sheened with spit, his hair a mess from how you’ve been dragging your hands through it. His heavy eyes drag slowly from your marked up neck down to where you’re still grinding onto his thigh. His cock thickens in his jeans.
“Fuck,” He sighs, the sound rough in his throat. He moves his other hand down so he’s holding your hips, dragging your hips forward at his own, controlled pace. You nudge against his hard on with every motion.
“You don’t do this for anyone else, do you?” He asks, a dash of a smirk on his face. Smug. Possessive. Adored with you. You shake your head, each of your breaths lilted with a moan.
“Just you,” You say, knowing what he wants to hear. You know your boyfriend, so you know exactly why he’s pulled you in here and marked up your neck— and it only fuels your lust. “Only you, Steve,”
Steve’s cock twitches in his pants, his breath catching in his throat.
“God, fuck this party,” He mutters, diving in to capture your lips with his. You’re both so riled up, the kiss strong and hungry from both sides.
He breaks the kiss but doesn’t pull back, forehead pressed against yours. “Let’s ditch this place. I can’t let you go out there looking like this.”
You huff a laugh but are inclined to agree. “You’re the one who made me like this.”
“I know,” Steve says. “But now I might be giving people ideas.”
That makes you laugh— the perplexity of his reasoning. Boy logic, you suppose. Your arms around his neck tug him closer, stealing a kiss.
“Better get me home then, huh?”
Steve grins, knowing exactly what’s waiting at home—and kisses you with the promise of what’s to come.
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melinoelliones · 11 months
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Happy birthday to the man himself, Mr Meliodas.
For the birthday boy I decided to throw you guys some birthday headcanons and a little drabble at the end, it’s very rushed but yeahhhh! ENJOY MELIODAS LOVERS!
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• He defo isn’t one to want a huge gathering or anything, prefers to spend it with either just you or the sins too.
• Also isn’t good at accepting gifts nor is he easy to buy for, will usually pull the either the “You are all I need” line or “what does a guy need after 3000 birthdays”, which results in everyone in the room rolling their eyes in unison
• He adores you though so honestly he doesn’t feel as if he needs extra stuff
• When you surprise him he loves it though, mostly because he enjoys watching you get excited to show him what you’ve done to celebrate, whether that be a trip, gathering or gift
• As he blows out the candles to his cake Ban would make, he wishes for the same thing every year and it’s to be able to live out the rest of his life with you
• He is a birthday sex man, probably the thing he looks forward to from the morning
• Enjoys a drink or two on his birthday from his special collection, like breaking out the good Vanya ale
• Is stuck to you like glue the entire day, hand around your waist not wanting to let you out of his sights
• Half way through the night while everyones gathered around the tables probably playing some sort of game or reminiscing on the past he’d slip his hand onto your thigh
• Probably just lets it sit there, maybe attempts to play with you under the table teasing with you just a little to get a reaction out of you
• Everyone around is most likely aware of what he’s doing as its nothing new but as its his birthday they’d not bat an eye
• Meliodas would get you to the point where if anything you want him more than he had anticipated
• Then he’d make a quick exit with you holding his hand, running to the room you both share
• That would be the start to your long night ahead
“Do ya like it? I got it just for you” you asked, arms latched around the barmans neck, his eyes scanning every inch of your body. “Just for me? It looks perfect on you, and it's my favourite colour” he smirked, his hand trailing up your side before dropping it down into the lace of your underwear.
Every year on Meliodas’ birthday you would buy a piece of lingerie, just as a little extra gift as you always knew how your nights would end that day, even if it ended up on the floor most times.
“I almost don’t wanna rip it off ya but fuck you’re gorgeous” he grinned, placing soft kisses along your neck before sucking on each one, “do as you please, birthday boy” you giggled.
“Is that right?” he chuckled against your neck, his lips trailing along your chest, down your stomach and to your laced underwear, his hand slipping them off with ease.
“Shouldn’t I be spoiling you for your birthday?”, you asked, looking down at the man between your legs, it was his day, shouldn’t he get pampered?
“Being between your legs is being spoilt, it’s where I wanna be”, he laughed, grazing his hand along your thigh, the heat between them rising as he did “but trust me, we’ll get to the other stuff, we have the whole night” he winked.
The night had only just begun for the two of you, as for the party guests, they were in for one hell of evening, if they weren’t already passed out drunk like usual. Which was probably for the better.
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britishmuffin · 1 year
Hello, Britishmuffin
I hope you are having a wonderful day/night.
Just wanted to know what inspires you to make such amazing art pieces? As well how do you deal with art block?
Im a artist myself but times get tuff and I lose motivation and start developing art block.
Sincerely, fisheggsoup :)
Morning! Love your name :D
Truthfully, my biggest motivator is born of necessity these days. I create art because I have bills to pay and family to support. My patrons are a huge driving force in all this, cheering me on from the sidelines while I work; my band of blessed saviours.
I also make sure that my social feeds are full of artists I love, who make art that makes me happy. I'm always watching films and playing games, always constantly absorbing media in this wacky age of technology-infused information. Then if I'm lucky, I get the chance to step outside for a walk in the woods with my sibling to help ground ourselves in the world and reconnect with nature, pure medicine for the troubled soul.
All of these activities serve to stir the Brain Soup and sometimes reflect in my artwork. I rarely get struck with the "fabled bolt of inspiration" these days, but I blame the current climate. I did used to.
As some of you will already know because I'm being quite open about it this time, I'm currently battling the worst bout of burnout I've had in literal years. So really, I'm not sure I'm the best person to be asking on the topic of how to deal with it, but here you go:
In my experience it’s not the best idea to wait for inspiration to strike. Inspiration is unreliable, constantly waiting can leave you anxious, and also most of us just don’t have the luxury of being able to. I kinda think we just need to create despite it (or TO spite it, or in order to spite someone who told you you couldn't, if that's your sauce).
If you feel like your art sucks, instead of expecting perfection try just giving yourself permission to be bad at art for a while, you might be surprised about how much of a relief it feels. Make a hundred terrible little sketches, doodles, scribbles, or just make marks on paper. You don’t even have to show them to anyone, they can be just for your eyes! More often than not I’ve found that the physical act of creating artwork can genuinely inspire you to make more, and better work. It flexes those art muscles and gets the creative cogs whirring. Just make stuff!!!
As a person who’s had little choice but to create for years, it can be really helpful to push through it. Not always, though.
Sometimes the art block you’re staring down actually goes layers deep into the realms of debilitating mental health and poor living status, right into dangerous burnout and breakdown territory. Some would argue that creating art in times of real pain is the best medicine, and indeed, creates the best results. I wholly disagree.
My advice is to always make art in those moments when you can, even if it sucks. And when you just can’t, then rest. Watch your favourite guilty pleasure anime, cook some delicious food, hug your pets, go exist in nature for a bit. Have you ever seen Kiki’s Delivery Service? That!
Helpful links to combat art block:
Line of Action has great learning resources, while also being a brilliant tool for a variety of speedy sketch warm-ups
Don’t know what to draw? Use a character description generator!
You could flex your figure drawing muscles with models on Figurosity, AdorkaStock, or ArtModels360 (nudity warning)
Improve your fundamental art skills with Drawabox or videos on The Fix List
Generate some colour palettes to use as a challenge. Adobe’s colour wheel tool isn’t too bad either
Other more practical tips include:
If you struggle staying motivated, try to refocus by sitting down and asking yourself "What kind of art do I really want to create?” Try to rediscover what excites you! Is your aim to work in the art industry? To be able to draw your OCs smooching? Draw beefy bara men? Do you really just wanna paint cool rocks? All valid af
Pull up images of your favourite artworks and study them. Ask yourself “Why do I like this artwork?” Are the outfits really cool designs? Is the lineart super stylish? Do you love the way they used colours? After that, think about what you need to learn to get to that point yourself, and start small. Mimic your favourite artworks in order to learn how to do it.
Example: If you realise that you want to improve at drawing hands, just spend a week learning about them. Draw pages and pages of them, find a way to make them fun and sexy to draw! I did just that, and now hands are actually one of my favourite things to draw, it works.
Warm-ups are SO important. If you just started on a piece and already feel defeated, ask yourself “Did I warm up enough first?” You can try looping fifty quick spirals in different sizes with your pen, scratch out some box shapes, doodle some funky wiggly shapes, crosshatch them, whatever you want! Just get that hand moving before you leap into your artwork of choice, it helps to loosen up to keep your lines from becoming too stiff.
If it’s just not working today, that’s okay. Take a break by filtering your creativity into another entirely different creative pursuit. You could try baking something tasty, making music, writing for your next D&D campaign, building cute houses in minecraft or the sims, painting miniatures, crafting with paper or sewing fabric, etc etc. Anything that keeps the creative brain ticking that isn’t drawing is also worthwhile.
And, mentally:
Try not to worry about what other people think of your artwork. Doesn’t matter what age you are or your background, the fact you’ve created anything at all is incredible. You brought something into the world that didn’t exist before. You’re powerful as hell.
Related: please please please don’t focus on being “successful” on social media. Even though I know it can feel awesome to post your art and get instant reactions, these things are a death spiral of addictive behaviour and shouldn’t dictate your creativity. Use sparingly.
Remember that your kid self would absolutely be losing their mind over the cool stuff you’ve made now. Same goes for your ancient ancestors who used to make those little clay animals. You’re doing great, be proud.
Don’t be so damn hard on yourself. I mean it <3
If you keep drawing you will improve. You will get your motivation back. You will make art again even if it takes you a while. And know that a muffin is cheering for you c:
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Harper Alexander x Fem!AFAB!Reader || Smutshot
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Note: Y'all can thank @darlingpassion for this! It was inspired by her recent 18+ Harper Headcanons (Oh my lord, go check them out. I read them in the middle of class and- I- 😅 lets just say we're lucky I'm still unwell otherwise the colour my face turned woulda been sus XD )
Plot: You (A would-have-been victim if you hadn't have been so cunning and wormed your way into Harper's good books) teach Harper what a lady in this day and age expects from her lover 👍👍👍
Warnings: Cunnilingus and begging, and slight hate fucking?. Plus both parties are dominant so there's a sort of ongoing dispute involved. Not super hot at the start but trust me- it heats up XD
"You want me... to put my mouth... down there?" Harper never looked so confounded when he finally understood what you were getting at- that sweet accent of his growing thicker and his judgemental eyes flickering from the dead-serious look on your face- to your parted legs.
"I promise this'll be a hit with the gals that come into town for the jubilee... " You insist, smirking at his reaction and crossing one of your legs over the other thigh once again, now that he got the picture. Then you hold two fingers by your head, like a scouts oath. "I guarantee it."
Rolling his eyes, Harper takes a seat on the edge of the bed next to you, before leaning forward in order to look at you. "You know, when you said y'could teach me a couple'a things... I was thinkin' a long the lines of interestin' role-plays... and knots."
"Yeah we'll get there," You brush him off. "But this is essential, my guy! If you cant do this, you're really only worth the length of your little mr- and I've seen him. Now, I don't wanna emasculate you, Harp, but... ehhhh, he's average."
Harper's jaw drops. "Avera- "
"Which is why this is such a good idea, that I have had! You can thank me later- now go get on your knees."
He just squints at you, not moving an inch except to squeeze the edge of the mattress on either side of his hips; frustrated by you.
Lord, this guy is always frustrated with you. All you want to do is help- and maybe survive, also- and all he has for you is arguments and a stink face. Huffing, you set your hands on your hips and twist your upper body to fully face him. Lets see how his ego fairs with this manoeuvre. "Should I ask Buckman, then?"
... His eyes narrow. "... Why?"
"He's, like, your pimp right?" Harper mouths the word 'pimp', like he doesn't recognise it - adorable country boy that he is, - and you huff. Okay, lets try that again. "He looks like the kinda man that gets it- maybe he can talk to you about the importance of a ladies pleasure, instead of me? Is that what you want Harp? Is it?- "
Harper cant take any amount of teasing from you, it annoys and frustrates him, and before you can even finish what you were saying he's got one of his hands curled around the back of your head and his mouths crashes into yours.
He's not really the most skilled kisser, he kisses like an old man who believes its just a stepping stone to get a woman to suck his dick, but fine, damn, it does the trick!~ And besides- you can work on it with him later.
After a moment you lean away from him, too far for him to follow you, and flick your eyes from his- down to the ground in front of you.
For a moment he sits there, his perfect workman's hand still a comforting - almost affectionate, - weight on the back of your neck as he thinks, grumpily to himself. Then he sets his jaw and goes to kneel down in front of you. "Fine- teach me howta do it already."
"... You know, that sour face is not doing you any favours. Some men like this kinda thing- " He cuts you off, picking lazily at the waistband of your pants while you stop and just blink down at him. You watch him take out a blade from his back pocket (And first of all, WHY does he have that back there?? God, this man- infuriating and hot at the same damn time), and consequently let out a yelp.
"Hurry up, or I'm gonna slice these things off myself."
"... Rude."
That makes him smirk; An unfairly devastating smirk for such an asshole-... but pleasant. So pleasant. When he does that, the rest of your life stuck here doesn't look quite so grim.
Even though he's a dick-
"Am I doin' this right??"
Giving a sigh, with your back on the bed and your legs spread wide for Harper, you roll your eyes. "If you're talking, no... "
"... You're sure wet enough... " He mutters back under his breath, and you promptly get up onto your forearms to spit some facts at him.
Ohhhhh this guy. That smug look on his face as his eyes move slowly from your core to your face. Infuriating!! You're gonna kick him. In the face- "Hey- you. Barn-Boy. For your information, that is because I've been picturing Granny Boone this entre time- now stop staring at it and do something." You exclaim, before plopping back down on the bed, blowing hair out of your eyes. His eyes only seemed to light up with me yelling at him, you think, rolling your eyes. And he says the kinky thing is all an act...
Pfft. I see your soul, Harper Alexander.
While you're lost in thought over Harper, he seems to decide on taking another crack at this- and leans his head in towards your pussy. You don't feel any breath, because he's dead and he doesn't breath, but you definitely feel a presence. A tingle. You just know something's about to happen, and its maddening- you wanna arch your hips, slip the heels of your feet into his shoulder blades and push him forward, or buck up- anything to just feel his lips on you- but you curl your fingers subtly into the bedsheets, instead. No need for him to know the effect he has on you. That wouldn't do.
When his lips do touch you, its not without skill. He has been kissing for a long long time, so he isn't unfamiliar with using his lips, but there's just something missing. Its nice, but... not amazing. As he presses his face into you, slowly taking his tongue all over you, you think back to moments in the past when men have touched you like this. When its been so good your toes curled and you couldn't help but grind your cunt against his tongue.
... What was the difference?...
Biting your bottom lip, you rack your brain over this for a few more moments as Harper continues to explore; Even using his thumbs to rub up and down the outside of your lips, leaving lovely tingles in their wake. Still, you wonder... what's missing...
Maybe... he's not... really into it?? If not, you really shouldn't make him-
Suddenly your whole body goes stiff, remembering. You hope he doesn't notice, which he mustn't because he doesn't stop his ministrations at all, because you have had an epiphany. Even the first time you two were together, he was like this. Without a spark. But he warmed up and it got really- really, good.
Because you started begging him.
Getting up on your elbows again to see him, you glare... even though the sight of this beautiful man with his face in your pussy does send butterflies all the way up through you. Because, god... This narcissist. Of course. Of course- he gets off to you begging him. You're not surprised, but you are irritated.
... well. Its worth a shot anyway.
Shifting, you slide your legs slowly up over his shoulders, caging the beautiful man between your thighs and allowing him a better angle, and transform your face- closing your eyes, parting your lips, and tipping your head back. When he leans in some more and licks a particularly broad stripe through your lips, gliding his tongue fully over your clit, you let out your moan. One of your heels digs into his back, and you push your core out a little bit closer to him, biting your lip and bunching up some more of the bedding into your fists. "Damn... " You whisper, putting on a performance- even though your pleasure is real.
Harper stops. He disconnects from you, and leans back on his heels, and when you crack your eyes open ever-so-delicately, you see him raising a brow at you. "What in the world was that??"
"That was encouragement, Harper."
"Y'think I need it?" He asks, though one corner of his mouth quirks up.
You just give a wink, before laying down again on your back. There's a secret smirk on your lips as you look at the ceiling. "Please... just do that again."
The pleased lilt to his voice is clear, and you're expecting to just put it on for the rest of this, for his benefit. "... hm. Well, your wish is my command I s'pose. Get comfortable, Miss Y/N."
... But when he comes back in, you're immediately shocked at the sudden change in him- you actually let out a sudden yelp of pleasure, feeling his thumbs spread your lips wide open for him now and his tongue dart deeper inside your core then you thought he could. You very nearly slap a hand over your mouth because of the very unintentional gasp- and then- "Oh god!- "
Your hips jolt forward, too, into his soft lips and immediately feel him chuckle against you. It make sit even worse, the vibrations directly against your clit. "Fuck!- fuck, fuck, fuck- "
Harper presses his mouth hard against the outside of your cunt and devours you, shoving his tongue into you as deeply as he can get and thoroughly tongue-fucking your most sensitive parts- making you whine, and yelp, and buck into him like a desperate, needy bitch.
The sounds he's making, too, are hot. Groaning into your pussy like he's eating something fucking delicious, your taste on his tongue exactly what he was looking for as he rubs his mouth more securely into the crevice between your thighs.
When you're so close to a very sudden, very violent orgasm- Harper takes the moment away. Starts giving you slow, language strokes that are just not deep enough- the bastard even takes one of his hands away from you in order to hold your calf on his shoulder. Tight.
Stopping you from pushing him in again.
He chuckles once again against your poor, throbbing and now tragically empty cunt, and gently rubs his nose against your mound. It would be sweet, affectionate; if you didn't hate his guts for it.
Giving a whine crossed with a desperate, frustrated sob, you throw an arm over your eyes so as to hide from the shame of outright begging this asshole. "Harperrr, plee-eesseeeee... "
"Don't you worry, Miss. Heh, I aint done."
"... Wh- Ah!" When he suddenly slips a long finger into and starts torturously rubbing at your inner walls with it you really do slap a hand over your mouth- afraid of the noises coming out of you, now. Another finger goes in, covering more area as he ruthlessly attacks your deepest, most private, most sensitive spots.
Your hips aren't just arching anymore, they're following his rhythm; Grinding into his evil fingers now, rolling so they move inside you just the way you need. "Y'like that, Miss Y/N?"
"More Harper, please Harper- "
"I gotcha."
Then he leans his head in between your thighs again, and he struggles, but he manages to lick you while his sopping wet fingers thrust in and out of you fast.
With your most embarrassing sound yet and one more roll against his face, you cum right into his damn face.
While you sit up with your hand on your chest and a pillow between your legs, just trying to calm down from that ridiculously amazing high, Harper gets up and sits down next to you; A hand on your knee and a smirk on his face. When he speaks, you give him a bemused look, while you continue to feel your racing heart inside your chest still. "So... how'd I do, then? Did I master the importance of a ladies pleasure, then? Or do we needa' do that again?"
For a moment you consider telling him to shut up, but the horny outweighs the need to wipe that look off his face. So instead you lean in, eyes half lidded, and look at him down your nose; A finger under his chin to make him look back, though he isn't looking away from you. "Practise does make perfect, Harp."
"I couldnta' said it any better myself."
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eclecticdee · 1 year
15 questions, 15 people
ty for the tag @brownsugarteabooks <333, i feel so included lmao.
Are you named after anyone? my name has a funny story: my mom got delia deetz and lydia deetz from beetlejuice mixed up. so she tried to name me after the "cute little goth girl", but instead I got "evil stepmother." i hated it as a kid, but growing up is seeing how iconic delia deetz was LOL
When was the last time you cried? i cry very often, i get overwhelmed super easily- so yesterday.
Do you have kids? i have many stuffed animals, do they count?
Do you use sarcasm a lot? too often. i've gotten into a couple of arguments over it because people can't tell if i'm being serious or not.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? the first thing i actually pay attention to is their voice. i like hearing different voices because i hate how i sound LMAO
What’s your eye colour? hazel <33
Scary movies or happy ending? scary movies WITH a happy ending. next-
Any special talents? not really, i guess i'm quite creative! i come up with a lot of ideas, bute actually executing said creative ideas- ahahahahahah no.
Where were you born? born and raised in florida woohooooo. being an alternative person in florida sucks.
What are your hobbies? i love playing video games, especially horror games. other than that, reading, writing when i'm in the mood, and playing dnd! :D
Do you have any pets? no, i have too many allergies to deal with pets, unfortunately.
What sports do you play/have you played? i was never really a sports person, but in high school i did color guard! apart of the marching band, i was even the captain.
How tall are you? 5'6'', however some people have said i radiate shorter energy when they don't actually see my height and i wanna scream LOL
Favourite subject at school? i hated school. i honestly can't think of a favorite subject.
Dream job? something in the entertainment business. film, live entertainment, theme parks, running a larp, something along the lines of that. i'm going to school for entertainment management anyways :D
tagging @tempusfugitandallthatblog @deliajane @queerdeadwizards @verybadatwriting @starchasermoons @thebibutterflyao3 @ficsalot and like that's all of my mutuals sooooo aha i can't really do 15 srry, and if you've already done this double srry LOL
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only-luce-the-goose · 2 years
Hi can u do alice cullen x fem reader plz
Thanks @thatgoesinthere-misshapes you’re a life saver
She/her Alice Cullen x fem!reader y/h/c=your hair colour, y/e/c=your eye colour 
Alice and y/n were cuddling each other on y/n’s bed talking about anything and everything. Just playing some music in the background (it can be any music you want) so they can both just enjoy each other’s company. Then Alice leaned in to kiss y/n, first it was one simple kiss then that turned into multiple kisses with longer distances, and they all grew with more passion. Alice started to more herself, so she was on top with both legs on either side of y/n’s body, leaving y/n’s hands to rest at Alice’s hips. This turned into a full steamy make out. Alice took off y/n’s top and her own and continued. Tongues searching each other’s mouths, but one of them were starting to get desperate and that was y/n. y/n never had much experience with sex, but she knew what to do. y/n could feel herself start to get wet even though she was kind of wet when Alice was around anyways. Alice noticed how desperate she was getting and started to tease her. She moved her hand from y/n’s neck and moved down to her breasts starting to rub them and massage them through y/ns bra, making sure to pay attention to y/n’s nipples. She then removed y/ns bra. Alice also moved her lips to y/n’s neck leaving kisses and nipping at the sensitive skin to find her sweet spot. When she found it, y/n started to whimper. This started to make Alice hornier as she wanted to hear those sounds more. ‘You like this don’t you’ Alice whispered this in y/n’s ear leave goosebumps on her skin. y/n simply nodded her head while looking up at her. ‘Use your words y/n’ she yet again whispered as she went back to her previous actions. ‘yes’ whimpered y/n. While y/n spoke Alice continued to kiss her neck but moved her hand to her wet pussy. When Alice reached y/n’s pussy she found it was soaked. ‘You’re so wet. I didn’t know this got you so worked up’ Alice said, and y/n simply just looked at her as if nothing was happening and Alice was the most beautiful goddess in front of her. y/n realised what Alice had said and nodded. Alice started to move down her body slowly kissing as much as she could. She did this until she reached her pant line. Alice looked at y/n lustfully for permission to take them off. y/n nodded, and Alice started to take them off of her leaving y/n in her deep burgundy (you can pick your own colour if you want idc) soaked panties.Alice saw this and smirked. She reached her fingers to feel how soaked y/n was. y/n reacted to being touched and started to rub the panties. y/n started to softly moan. Alice moved from her place and started to la down on the bed next to y/n. ‘Do you wanna sit on my face?’ Alice calmly said. ‘yes’ y/n quietly said and removed her soaked panties from herself and moved to Alices face. Alice waited and when y/n got into the right position she sat of Alices face. Alice started to lick and suck on her clit. y/n started to moan and repeatedly say Alice’s name like it was all she could say. Anytime y/n would moan, or groan Alice would as well sending a vibration to y/n’s pussy. Alice was using one hand to caress y/ns body and her other hand to finger herself as she was also very horny at the sight of y/n and the state she was in. Alice stuck her tongue into y/ns pussy, y/n screeched Alice’s name. she continued to do this, and this eventually made her cum. y/n weakly lifted herself off of Alice’s face and sat next to her taking in deep breaths. Alice kissed y/ns thighs as a praise for her cumming.She moved to sit behind y/n so she could lean on her. y/n kissed Alice again and this caused Alice to put her hand on y/ns pussy again. y/n was already wet again and whimpered at the touch. ‘You want another go?’ Alice quietly said. y/n whimpered again at the question and moved her hand on top of Alice’s as a yes to her question. Alice placed 2 fingers against her lips wanting y/n to make her fingers wet so she can get them in easy. y/n put them in her mouth and started to suck and Alice pulled them and place them at her entrance. She slowly moved them in and let y/n get use to it. y/n started to move her hips wanting friction so Alice start moving her fingers in and out at a reasonable pace. Alice’s other was fondling y/ns breast creating stimulation. y/n grabbed her hand and moved it towards her clit while she moaned. Alice started rubbing and y/ns second orgasm was coming up and y/n started to moan and whimper loudly, and it happened. y/n came, and Alice took her fingers out put them in her mouth tasting her cum. She carefully moved y/n so she could get it and get something to help clean up. When Alice returned she cleaned y/n up and helped her put some comfy clothing on while also doing the same. She moved to the bed again and pull y/n towards her so she could cuddle up to her. y/n was tired from that and softly and quietly said ‘I love you’. Alice returned it back with a kiss on the forehead while saying it back. They both fell asleep in each other’s arms after that.
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starlight-phantom · 2 years
You've probably done it before but :) Sonic for the fandom ask game! ^^
I actually haven't. Tbf I've got basically no asks for the past few months.
5 Favourite Characters:
Shadow The Hedgehog (When written well)
Silver The Hedgehog
Miles 'Tails' Prower (When written well)
Blaze The Cat
Sonic The Hedgehog (When written well)
3 OTPs:
I honestly don't really ship any of the characters in the Sonic series. Don't really know why, but I've never really felt like romance was needed, I just enjoy the friendship and found family between the characters.
I guess the characters I've come closest to shipping are probably Tangle and Whisper from the IDW comics 'cause those girls are pretty dang fruity and it's adorable.
Funniest Character:
I think, consistently, probably Eggman because even when the games had crappy writing, he still had some pretty good lines and Mike Pollock really made them work as best they could.
But also, I quite like Sticks from Sonic Boom, more specifically, the cartoon. But she's great because her character type is the type that could easily become very annoying if not handled correctly but they managed to make her really funny and I hope to see her in more stuff.
Prettiest Character:
I guess probably Blaze? I dunno, I like her colour scheme and her outfit and hairstyle have a regal feeling to them, which makes sense considering she's a princess. Also, maybe Rouge? Her outfit's great, especially the boots.
Most Badass Character:
Shadow, and that's excluding the whole using guns and riding motorcycles from his game. He was already badass, they didn't need to make him do all that stuff.
Character I'd Like As My BFF:
Honestly, it would probably have to be Sonic actually. And to clarify once again, well he's written well. So get the Meta Era Sonic out of here, not him. He's honestly one of the sweetest characters. It's really endearing how much he cares about his friends, but also, he cares too much and ends up putting himself in danger for them. But even without that, he always encourages them when they're down or anxious, he listens when they need someone to talk to, if they've got a sort of rivalry he will playfully tease them and egg them on because he knows they'll do the same right back.
It's honestly kinda funny how, when I was a kid Sonic was the coolest thing ever, but now that I'm an adult, he's the cutest. I just wanna give him a hug.
Character That's Ruined My Life:
It's probably a tie between Shadow and Silver.
Shadow, because his introduction into the series was easily one of the best and he was written so well (like do y'all remember that Shadow actually suffered from PTSD and you can see him experiencing those symptoms??? Sega doesn't.). And then he got an overly edgy game of his own and became a meme of Edgy The Hedgey and then Sega started to actually write him that way and it sucks. Like, honestly after seeing how the main cast were fixed in Frontiers, I am begging for them to fix Shadow next. He needs it. He needs it so bad. Write him well again, please. I am screaming and crying and biting, write him well.
And Silver, because he has so much potential. Like he had the misfortune of debuting in Sonic 06, a game well-known for being just a little bit of a trainwreck... But his personality and convictions and struggles were all really engaging and could very easily work for other stories. But then he appeared in the two Rivals games with some weird changes and it seems like the only storyline they had for him was "His future timeline is in danger so he comes back to Sonic's time to fix it" and the idea of him doing that over and over and over again... That just seems kinda cruel... Which sucks because I know Silver can be so much more.
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ironwhoore · 2 years
ill retype what I sent last night (not sure if you got my other ask that said that)
(this is in response to what was wrong last night, I still kinda feel this way just a little bit better but yeah)
i no feel that well, my head hurt like thumping and I also feel a little bit dizzy. Also the idea of like eating food/putting it in my mouth make me feel like is want to be sick (but that might be another thing-) and i cant go rest cause i have an essay to write that's due soon and Is feel sad but also no sad, like is wanna cry but i can cause i have to do my work and ahh EMOTIONSSS FEELINGS
(also im doing colour changes cause I'm struggling to stay in one headspace sorry-)
im just venting now tbh
Also, I haven't got my period yet, and my app keeps telling me that I should have already had it. and also there is LITERALLY no possible way I can be pregnant- so yeah
there was alot more that i said but I cant really remember, it was a realllllly long message thing, I'm sad it no send properly
you show me cow?🥹
is no care to fix all spelling mistakes this time, there is a lot of red lines haha
ugh, im so sorry you dont feel well because headaches SUCK. but you might be late just bc, i was late one month once so i got vv worried too but i took a test that was negative (thank GOD) and i got my period a few days later.
you'll probably get it soon love don't worry!
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wri0thesley · 3 years
can i request arranged marriage with toji and corruption please 🥰
wedding rings - toji x fem!reader (5k)
the zenin clan just can't stop meddling in toji's affairs. what's he supposed to do with the nervous little virgin who shows up on his doorstep and says that her family and his have said they have to get married? not fuck her?
warnings: not sfw/minors dni. arranged marriage. corruption kink. virgin reader. light cunnilingus, fingering, coming inside. light dub-con by nature of 'arranged marriage'. afab reader, fem pronouns.
[a/n: writing toji is always so much fun ;_; ]
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When you showed up at Toji’s door with suitcase in hand, trembling lip and eyes all wide and frightened, he had laughed outright.
It was just like the fucking Zenin clan to be meddling in his life even now, wasn’t it? Even though Toji has abandoned them and slaughtered their ilk, their bullshit about bloodlines still leaks into every facet of what they do; and clearly the idea that Toji, even with his flawed lack of cursed energy, might be able to pass on the technique and hasn’t got a pretty little wife to impregnate yet had rankled them so badly that they’d sorted the whole situation out for him.
If he didn’t hate jujutsu society so much, he’d almost feel bad for you.
You’re clearly in the bloom of life; fresh-faced and innocent, not expecting to find yourself in Toji’s messy shithole of an apartment (why bother making it nice, when he spends so long out of it for work?). He wonders who you’ve pissed off to end up here.
As it turns out, you end up telling him yourself, a frown on your face.
Turns out, you’re . . . not quite just like him, but you’ve been fucked over by your clan just as much for not being able to be useful. You can see cursed spirits, but you’ve got no cursed energy, no technique – despite your clan usually producing good, dutiful, powerful wives. Disappointment of the family. He can understand what that feels like.
So they were probably glad to get rid of you. Might even hope you’ll bear Toji’s kid and it’ll have no technique to speak of itself, too – so both families can forget about you.
(Well, Toji thinks to himself with a grin – his family can’t forget about him, much as they want to, considering both his nickname and his line of work.)
He takes a sip of the glass of water he’s holding in his hand, green eyes focused very hard on you. You’re not in traditional clothing, like most clan members he knows would be; you’re wearing a pale blue dress that you keep tugging uncomfortably down over your thighs. Toji lets his eyes linger on your thighs, too – he might as well appreciate the view, he supposes.
Your suitcase is full of, as well as a collection of clothes in modest cut and soft, pastel colours, documents. Toji flips through some of them, nose wrinkling at the boring jargon. He does linger on a caveat about if you bear him children, they all have to take the Zenin name, and Toji and you will be ‘compensated handsomely’ for handing over the kid’s education and raising to the clan--
Toji’s about to crumple them up on the floor and tell you to get the fuck out of his house, when he catches sight of you over the edge of the paper. You’ve drawn yourself in; shoulders tight, pretty mouth pressed into a tight line, eyes shining with a mixture between hope and fear. You look so lost. You look so innocent.
A little curl of heat makes itself known in the very base of Toji’s stomach; the thought of you being a good little wife, on your knees. The thought of him telling you exactly how to suck his cock.
He knows how the sorcerer clans raise women like you.
He knows you’ll be eager to please and obedient, falling over yourself to keep your man happy. He knows, too, that you’ll be pliant and agreeable – and that you’ll be pure as the driven snow. That thought gives him pause.
You’re seductive to him without realising it, in the totally guileless way you act, as if you don’t know that he’s considering how your tits would fill his hands and how tight your precious, untouched cunt would feel around his girth.
If he rejects you, what will your clan do?
You’re as fucked as him. He can see it in the shine of your eyes in his kitchen; you’re afraid he will throw you out, like he was thinking of. Leave you to fend for yourself on the streets of Japan, because there’s no way your family will want you back after even scum like Toji’s rejected you.
Would it be so bad?
He lets himself look at you critically. He takes in the curves, the dips, the contours of your body; the way you’d feel beneath him. Your face, and what it would look like lost in pleasure.
Perhaps it would be pleasant, to have someone to return to after a hit; to have someone warm his bed, curl around him, cook for him and take care of him. Perhaps it would be pleasant to take a pretty little virgin and break her into exactly what he wants in a woman. To teach her how he likes to fuck, how he likes her to act, to condition her until he can crook his finger at her and she’s bending over, presenting herself already slick and needy for his cock to use however he sees fit.
“Alright,” he says, draining the glass. “Sure, sweetheart. We’ll get married.”
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Later on that night, he creeps into the spare room. You’re asleep on top of the covers in a cute pyjama set that’s all frills and froth and pale pink; elastic in the shorts digging into the flesh of your thighs, top clinging to the curve of your chest. His cock stirs in his pants looking at you. You’re so . . . innocent. There’s no mark to you; Toji wants to cling to your hips until there are bruises in the shape of his hands, wants to worry love-bites into your neck like a necklace, wants to ruin you until you’re tear-stained and whimpering and arching your hips up for him--
Calloused fingers trail along your skin. You’re so soft. Where Toji is all scars and muscle, your skin is like satin. You moan in your sleep, pretty face furrowing, and Toji wants to see your face creased in pleasure too. Your mouth drops open and he imagines thrusting his cock in it; how pretty and shiny your lips would look wrapped around his shaft, almost too big for you to even take.
“Look at you,” he murmurs, thumb skimming the exposed stomach where your pyjama top has ridden up. “Ripe for the picking, ain’t ya?”
Your eyes twitch. Eyebrows, furrow – and you blink your gaze awake, sticky-slow, to see your fiancee looming over you in the dark.
“What’re you—?” You ask, still sleep-laced, but Toji just makes a soft noise in the back of his throat.
“Just lookin’ at the merchandise, sweetheart,” he murmurs. “Wanna make sure you ain’t damaged, that’s all--”
“I—I’m not!” The cute little burst of outrage is ruined somewhat by the yawn that you have to suppress in the middle of it, but Toji grins.
He didn’t think the Zenins would send you if you weren’t – they wouldn’t want to risk the precious possibility of a kid born with power and technique not really being one of theirs – but it’s nice to hear your mouth confirm what he’s been suspecting and hoping is the truth.
“Aw, baby girl,” he says, keeping his voice low and even, trying to comfort you even as his hand is sliding further up, cupping one of your breasts (his palm brushes your nipple and he feels it harden beneath his touch, stiffening to a peak – he wants to see what you look like under there so badly), “C’mon, it’s fine. I ain’t gonna hurt you--”
“M-Mr Zenin,” you say, and the tremble in your voice is so cute. His cock is straining against the boxer shorts he wore to sleep in. You’re wide awake now; your eyes meeting his. “I—I know, but--”
He’s on the bed. He doesn’t miss how your gaze strays to his veined forearms, where the muscles bulge in his biceps, the carefully sculpted and maintained abdomen and pecs – he sees the swallow in your throat, the way your cute little tongue reaches out to swipe nervously over your lower lip.
Thumb brushes your collarbone and you shudder, your eyes fluttering closed at the sensation. He sees your thighs twitch, squeeze together – he’s willing to bet if he dipped his fingers into your slit right now, he’d pull his digits back out with your slick glimmering on them.
“Just call me Toji.”
“T-Toji—” Your voice pitches, shuddering with arousal that you don’t know how to handle. He’s heard that note in women’s voice before; that desperate ‘I want to be touched, but I know I shouldn’t want it’ wobble. He’s been the cause of it more times than he can count.
“S’okay,” he soothes, his other hand rounding over your hip, his knees nudging your legs apart. “You’re savin’ yourself for marriage, yeah? We’ll get the papers signed in the mornin’, I promise, botha our families are the kind to make sure things can be rushed through quick--”
“I—” You’re a little breathless, all needy and hot under his touch. It’s adorable. “I shouldn’t, please, it’s only a few days--”
“You want to.” It’s not a question. It’s a statement, as he curls his fingers about your hip, as he settles his own muscular thighs between yours and he sees that there’s a damp spot on the pale pink shorts. Soaked through your underwear and your nightwear? He forgot how sensitive virgins can be. “Don’t lie to yourself, angel.”
He leans down, scarred lips brushing yours. You taste like his toothpaste; peppermint on his tongue as he swipes it over your lower lip and you sigh as you allow him entrance. It’s the first mark of him on you, but he knows it won’t be the last. He deliberately presses his knee against your clothed mount, grinding it just a little – and you whimper into his mouth, heated and desperate.
“We’ll be married soon as,” he murmurs to you, pulling back, looking at you with lust darkening his eyes. No man has ever looked at you quite as hungrily as Toji is looking at you right now. And he’s so handsome, his touches gentle-- “You wanna be a good girl for me, right? S’just what a wife does for her husband, yeah?”
“Yes,” you breathe, and Toji grins at you. It’s a feral, starving grin, that you feel deep inside of you as you clench around nothing and burn to be touched.
He kisses you again, hungrier. He nips at your lower lip, his tongue roughly demanding entrance – he dances against your own. You’ve never really understood the idea of kissing with tongues, but Toji knows exactly what he’s doing; hitting a spot on the roof of your mouth that makes you shudder and gasp, your hands coming up to grasp his biceps.
The muscle underneath them is so solid, and Toji can’t help but notice how soft your hands are on him. He knows you’ll be that soft everywhere else, and the thought spurs him on.
“I’m gonna undress you now,” he tells you, thick and throaty. His big fingers curve under the hem of the lacy top you’re wearing, gently tugging it up over your stomach and then your breasts. That sharp green gaze caresses every newly bared inch of you, a soft sigh escaping his lips. “Fuckin’ hell. You’re a sight for sore eyes, sweetheart.”
Your skin feels hot under the compliment, Toji’s flat palm sliding along the softness of your tummy to round over your breasts. Your nipples have pebbled and stiffened in the cool air of the spare room, and Toji flicks his thumb along one (making you shiver, again, he notices) before he bends his head to suckle the bud into his mouth, his tongue lapping at it in a way that has your back arching and thighs clenching.
He chuckles at the noise you make as his lips pop off, and he turns his attention to the other side.
“Responsive, ain’t ya?” He asks. “You’re adorable.”
You give him a trembling breath as a response, which he takes as a sign to begin a trail of wet, open mouthed kisses down from your breasts to your stomach, tongue tracing the shape of your navel, teeth grazing your hips so gently that you barely feel them. He takes the waistband of your shorts in his mouth and tugs those down using your teeth, and the vision of him between your legs like that--
“Ha,” he says, as his fingers reach to tug them, expertly manipulating your legs so he can get them off without moving from between them. “Careful there, darlin’. You’re gonna soak right through the sheets.”
His mouth, again – kissing firmly against the wet patch on your underwear, his breath fiery hot. His mouth is solid enough that you feel the jolt that goes through you as his nose pushes against your clit, even through the cotton. Toji almost smirks at how much of a cliché the white cotton underwear trimmed with pale pink lace is, but the scent of you is too heady for him to want to do anything but bury his head between your thighs.
Lower. He kisses all over your slit, hard enough that you jerk, ruing the barrier between you two. His thumb strokes circles into your inner thigh--
He seems content to kiss at you through the fabric – but really, he’s waiting for you to give in. To beg him to take them off. From just how wet his face is even with the barrier in his way, he doesn’t think it will be long – and you do not disappoint. You raise your whips, softly mewling;
“Please, I –”
“Please, what, darlin’?” He asks you. “C’mon, you can use your words – no secrets from your husband, right?”
“I—” You’re so cute, squirming and feeling like a slut for him. He loves it. He loves the tremble of your body and the fact that your eyes are glassy with need. “P-please take my underwear off, I wanna--” You swallow. “W-wanna feel without it--”
“Aww, y’should’ve just said so,” Toji says. Fingers pry beneath the gusset.
He doesn’t bother manipulating your body this time. He simply tugs hard enough to split the seams, the fabric delicate from being saturated in your slick.
(Doesn’t matter, anyway. While he’s home, you won’t be wearing underwear.)
You gasp at the display of strength, swallowing – and Toji grins at you again. Oh, you like that? He’s got more shows of strength where that came from, don’t you worry.
He props up your knees with his hands and says;
“Wrap your hands around these, keep your legs spread for me like a good girl, yeah?”
You nod, shyly averting your gaze as you do just that and the position spreads you open lewdly; your velvet-soft folds bared entirely to Toji’s hungry eyes.
You’re already absolutely dripping, but Toji can see that you’re nervous.
“Don’t worry,” he soothes you, again. He can’t help but notice how small you look; the pearl of your clit nestled between curling soft petals, your pulsing hole. He knows you’ll take him, but . . . fuck, he thinks you’ll be a stretch. Not that that’s a bad thing. “I’m gonna open you up, darlin’, alright?”
“Y-yeah,” your voice is tremulous, soft – and sends a throb right to his cock. It’s been straining against his boxer shorts since the moment he saw you, but your eyes all big and glossy with trust and the vulnerable position you’re in and the knowledge you have never been touched like this are really doing a number on it.
But fuck it, he’s not gonna hurt you more than he has to if he’s really going to keep you around. He gently spreads your plump labia lips even further apart with his fingers, so your clit stands swollen to attention. You shiver under his calloused fingers, as he leans in and a hot wash of breath fans over you.
Toji’s tongue darts out to lap a long, slow stripe from perineum to clit, and though he can’t see your face any more, he hears the way you whimper.
Another. He lets himself soak his face in your slick; lets his tongue get deep between your folds. You taste so good on his tongue; honey-sticky and sugar-sweet. The tip of the wet muscle gently flickers against your clit and your hands are suddenly wrapped in his hair, your chest heaving in sensitive gasps. You keep your legs raised, so he decides to be kind. He eases his lips off of you for a moment to mumble, amused;
“Don’t pull too hard, I’m too young to be losin’ my hair--”
Before he dives back in between your legs, once more licking and sucking at the tender flesh. Your stomach explodes in fireworks, your heart beating so fast you can hear it in your ears. Toji’s mouth and tongue against you is a wet, lascivious noise that at once makes your toes curl in pleasure and cringe in embarrassment. Is it awful and forward of you to be enjoying yourself like this? Your family have always drilled into you that a proper wife isn’t a slut, but still does what her husband wants--
Toji’s not your husband yet, but this is fine, right? To have him eating you out like you’re a desert oasis? His lips lock around your clit and he sucks and your vision whites out for a second, your hands tugging hard at the dark hair in your grip--
And he comes away with a light laugh that still manages to shiver with seduction. His face is shiny with you as he looks at you with eyes half-lidded and still hungry.
“What’d I say, huh?” He teases you. “Angel, I could have fucked you with my tongue all night--” He likes seeing how the crude words make you flinch, nervous but pleased but ashamed all warring within you. Your lips are pushed forward, the moue almost petulant. His voice drops a tone. “Don’t look at me with that cute pout. You don’t know what it does to me.”
If he didn’t still need to stretch you out using his fingers, he’d take a moment to kiss you so you could taste yourself and just how needy you’d been for him on his lips. But he’s still driving a hole through his boxers, so . . . the sooner you’re able to take him, the better.
You’ve gone back to holding your legs apart with your hands. Excellent.
Besides. He hadn’t finished what he was doing, and he thinks it’ll be easier to fuck you if you’ve already come once. Your poor, swollen clit hasn’t had all the attention it deserves. You’re being so cute, so well-behaved for him--
“Relax,” he says, softly, as he eases his fingers from spreading you open, dipping them in the mess he’s made of your slit. “This might sting a bit--”
One finger finds your hole; circles the sensitive entrance, making the muscles in your thighs tremble. But you keep your legs spread open for him like a good girl, and he’s able to gently push his index finger in, first to one knuckle, then to the second, and then to the ones at the base.
“Good girl,” he breathes, barely able to breathe at how tight you feel around him. Your insides are silky and hot and wet, clinging to him like a lifeboat in the sea. He pumps the lone finger in and out of you, rubbing the pad against the inside of your walls until he finds the spot that makes you throw your head back and give him a long, choked moan. “There we go,” he keeps talking to you, softly, like you’re a spooked animal. “’M gonna put the second one in, yeah? You’re takin’ it like a champ, sweetheart. You wanted this, huh?”
You babble something that he doesn’t care enough to listen to but overall sounds positive. This one’s a stretch, his middle finger and index finger even tighter. But he needs to get three in you, he thinks, or you’ll never take his cock. You let go of your thighs, and he sucks in a breath – but your feet clearly need purchase on the bed, your fingers twisting in bedsheets now they can’t twist in his hair, and you breathe through the stretch so he figures it’d be churlish to tell you off for it now.
He keeps hitting that spot as he fucks you slowly on his fingers, until he can feel your cunt sucking him in, pulsing around him.
“Third finger,” he tells you, his own throat dry. “Next time I fuck you with this one, you’ll feel my weddin’ ring--”
You tighten around the other two at that. Cute. Three fingers opening you wide, scissoring inside of you, aches – but you’re being so good for him, the most that’s coming out of your mouth sweet little whines. Toji rewards you by crooking them inside you against that spot, his thumb coming to gently rub circles into your swollen clit.
He’s been teasing you for too long, and you are a virgin – it’s no surprise that the stimulation proves too much for you too quickly, and you arch your back at the same time as fireworks go off inside of you, your cunt fluttering around his fingers, tightening and loosening as waves of euphoria wash over you.
You soak Toji’s fingers with the rush of your release; the gush of liquid.
He whistles, low and impressed. So you’re a squirter, huh? Toji doesn’t mind that at all. It’s not like he’ll be doing the laundry – and it’s kind of hot, to look down at you and see what a mess he’s made of your little virgin cunt--
“That’s it,” he says, guiding you over the last low crests of your orgasm. “I think y’can take me now, sweetheart. Let’s get you comfy--”
He shows off his strength a bit, because he knows it will get you going despite the sensitivity of your body from your recent orgasm. You’re man-handled by him higher on the bed, so your head is on the mountain of pillows you’ve slipped down. He can pick you up as if you weigh nothing at all, despite the creak of the bedsprings clearly saying the opposite.
Your legs are urged to wrap around his hips.
“Don’t worry,” he tells you, again. He doesn’t think he’s ever reassured a fuck as carefully and constantly as he’s reassuring you; but then again, he’s never intended to marry one of his fucks before.
You, though – you’re so adaptable. So untouched. So different from women and men who come onto him at bars and flutter eyelashes and make soft little insinuations. He can corrupt you into exactly what he wants, and the thought of you knowing nothing but his cock forever and serving him like he’s the only man in the world--
It’s enough to make a lesser man come in his pants.
“You’re tired, yeah? I’ll do most of the work. You lie there and take it like the sweetheart you are.”
He’s shucked his underwear off in the man-handling, and now he shifts so that you can see the full glory of what he’s packing. Your eyes widen.
He gets that a lot. Even for a virgin who’s probably never seen a cock before, it’s obvious that Toji’s the real deal – you swallow, nervous, and whisper;
“I—what if it doesn’t fit--?”
(There’s a tremble of fear in there, that you’ve fucked up; that he still might throw you aside if you can’t take him, and now you’ve been utterly ruined.)
“Hey,” he says, all comforting and appeasing, “I ain’t hurt you yet, have I?” You shake your head, but your bottom lip is still trembling. “I’m gonna go slow with you, I promise.” He shifts forward again, the head of his cock catching against your entrance. “Just keep your eyes on me, darlin’. I promise, it’ll feel so good . . . you wanna keep your husband happy, don’t ya? I’ve already got you all stretched and prepped. Just breathe--”
He keeps up the steady stream of talk as he urges his hips forward, your cunt swallowing the head of his cock first before he’s able to push more of his shaft in. You keep your eyes on his, green eyes locked against yours – and though he can hear the shake in your chest, you don’t make any noise louder than a huff when he gets two thirds of the way in. He pauses there for a minute, letting you adjust – he can feel every minute tremble of your body, swears he can hear your heartbeat.
“Good?” He asks, and you nod – and he slides the last third of himself inside you in the same unhurried pace, until he’s settled hot and heavy entirely inside of you.
His eyes map your stomach, pleasure rushing through him at how big he must be inside of you; there’s the lightest shadow on your pelvis, as if he’s big enough to make your stomach bulge. He takes in the sight of you with all nine inches of him buried inside of you; the sore, spread-wide stretch of your cunt around him, the creamy ring of your pleasure where you’re joined.
He can’t fuck you vigorously – he thinks he’d fucking breakyou - but you’re tight enough that he’s getting plenty of stimulation just from keeping his cock in there.
“P-please,” you manage to form, through your swollen lips and your glassy eyes and your dry throat. “W-want you to fuck me, Toji--”
Oh, fucking hell.
You’re perfect.
“I will, sweetheart, don’t you worry,” he instinctively leans down and presses a kiss on your sweat-soaked forehead, flexing his hips so they withdraw the smallest amount. “Just lie there and take it for me--”
You do.
He doesn’t fuck into you with abandon, though he wants to more than he can say; plenty of time for that in the future, as your cunt moulds to his cock and it isn’t such an effort to get it inside of you. Plenty of time for you to learn just how hard he wants to rail you, until you’re covered in his bruises and there are friction burns on your knees – plenty of time for him to show you every depraved thing you make him want to do to you and make sure that you enjoy it.
He fucks you with slow, shallow strokes, taking most of his pleasure from the way you feel around of him; your eyes, your mouth, your heaving chest. You’re hot and tight and wet and grip him perfectly – his fingers digging into your thighs where they’re wrapped around his hips.
He’s been hard for what seems like hours, so it’s no surprise, either, that he feels his orgasm come quickly up on him like a steam train – it’s not like you’re going to shame him for coming quickly, you’ve never even been fucked before. So he lets the heat all gather low in his belly until he can feel himself teetering on the edge – and then, he dips his head and pulls you into a heated kiss as he grinds his hips in a circular motion inside of you and feels himself tip over the precipice.
His cock shudders and judders inside of you, shooting rope after rope of his come deep into your body; thick and hot and full. His teeth worry at your bottom lip almost hard enough to draw blood, the groan vibrating through you as he comes and pushing you into another short, trembling orgasm as if trying to milk him dry of everything that he can give you.
(You like him coming inside? He can work with that too.)
Your thighs are tight around his hips, your arms draping loosely about his neck as he kisses you. Your tongue nervously probes at the scar; the slightly raised line bisecting his mouth, and though he usually doesn’t like it being noticed or touched (he knows it gives him an air of danger, but sometimes the events surrounding it’s acquirement sting), he finds that with you he doesn’t mind.
With you, his eyes flicker closed and he just enjoys the closeness and warmth of your body, even as he gently pulls his cock out of you (you leak slick onto the bedsheets, again. He’s gonna have to buy some more laundry tablets).
“How’s that, darlin?” He murmurs to you, not moving from his comfortable place on top of you. “Glad y’didn’t save it for marriage now, huh?”
Your cheeks radiating heat is enough answer for him, Toji’s smirk so wide and smug that it threatens to split his face in two. He flops to one side of you, pulling you in, cradling you against him like a little spoon. He can’t help but notice that the curve of your body fits perfectly against his.
The two of you will fit even better in Toji’s bed, he thinks.
“We’ll get all the paperwork and shit sorted tomorrow,” he tells you, as he feels your breathing begin to even out, the tremors from your orgasm begin to fade. He could get used to this too. Someone warming his bed. Someone to cuddle up to on cold nights. Someone soft, to ease the loneliness he hadn’t realised he was feeling.
He doesn’t want to get sappy on you, though. He lowers his face to the shell of your ear, breathing gently, murmuring in a voice that’s still dripping with desire for everything you represent to him;
“The other stuff that goes with a marriage too. I wasn’t kiddin’ about wantin’ to finger you with my wedding ring on, darlin’.”
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
The Dickening.
Kink: Masochism || Hair-pulling || Orgy 
Pairing: 7 Demons x MC (F) [Lucifer x MC, Mammon x MC, Leviathan x MC, Satan x MC, Asmo x MC, Beelzebub x Belphegor x MC]. 
Fandom: Obey Me.
Warning: Fingering, Oral (Male and female), vaginal sex,   over-stimulation, breath-play, multiple-partners, spit-roasting, marking, rough-play, internal cum-shot, aphrodisiac. 
Day 14 of  @alloveroliver​.
Including prompts from @xxsycamore​​​
Thank you once more to @theinariakuma​​, @crystal13unny​​ and @andinewton​​​ for beta-ing (You are all angels).
Part 2
Tags: @thequeenofotakus-blog​, @kumovii @fairstival @acr2m @lilliansstuff @coldnachopeace @omg-mz-fanfic  @mammonsmainsimp​​​ @0-miles-away
“These should… help with the process,” Lucifer presented to you a table full of different bottles. Half of them glistening pink with shimmers of glitter, the others sky-blue with swirls of green inside. “The pink should help to… how do I put this… give additional help for you to ease the entry,” Lucifer turned slightly red as he gestured to the bottles.
“It’s an aphrodisiac sweetie,” Asmo giggled, “It will help you to take us,”.
“T-Take us? How big exactly are you!”  You questioned, eye’s widening as a blush took over your face.
“Well speaking for myself, you’ll need a whole bottle, maybe two,” He winks in response to you, causing a shot of arousal to tingle down your spine, thighs clenching in anticipation. “Oh sweetie, you already smell so good, I can’t wait to simply taste your delicate flower,” Asmo already sensed your arousal as he ran a hand up your thigh, causing a hitched breath from you. 
“Hey hands off my human! Once I’m done with her, she’ll simply be begging for me and forget about the rest of ya,” Mammon huffed, a pink tint to his cheeks as he caught your eye. When you turned back to face Lucifer, Mammon made a gesture with his fingers in the shapes of ‘L’s to try to show to his brothers just how big his cock was. 
“Anyway,” Lucifer rolled his eyes at the annoyance of being interrupted, “The blue is for afterwards, I dare say my brothers might get a bit handsy during their time and I want, - I mean we want no discomfort on your behalf, any bruises, marks, bites, any… of their…” Lucifer went redder and redder as he spoke. 
“Basically we can cum in ya with no worries,” Beelzebub finally took over, “Of course if that's okay with you,”. 
“As Beelze so crudely put it, but what he said is true, there is no fear of any… mistakes happening, in heat our product tends to be extremely fertile and urges take over, when we… well you know,” Lucifer once again fading out. You can’t help but try not to laugh at his awkwardness, but this is clearly new territory to his and them all as it is to you. “Solomon has worked tirelessly to perfect these, you have nothing to fear, I assure you,”.
“Okay,” You nod with a swallow, “So how does this work? Are you all, like at the same time?”.
“No,” Lucifer quickly interrupts your question, “No, heat will last over the next week, each of my brothers have chosen a day to spend with you as long as you wish to continue,”.
“We wanted to give you a day of rest so me and Beelze have shared a day,” Belphegor perked up. “I hope you handle two demon cocks at the same time princess,” He whispers into your ear as he leans over your shoulder, causing a deep blush to rise on you. The remaining brothers protesting to see it and yell at Belph to get off you.
“I apologise for him, he always seems to be most affected when the build up starts,” Lucifer scowls as Belph quickly pulls back from you. “Is there anything?”.
“No, that's all,” You smile softly as Lucifer takes your hand and gently squeezes it, his own kind smile matching yours, “I- I know you guys won’t hurt me, I trust you,”.
It was a rare time in the house of Lamentation, for the first time ever all the brothers' heat were syncing up to take place over the same week. Normally they had separate weeks spread throughout the year, only this time heat week occurred from the eldest to the youngest. And to make matters worse, you, their little precious human, was there. They all knew heat was coming two weeks before it started, intolerable lust coursing through their veins, extra sensitive to smell, being in demon form without any control. All were suffering.
Lucifer had offered for you to stay with Solomon, but his at times harsh humour and persona would make it a very un-enjoyable week. In all honesty you wanted to help the brothers, they did so much for you that you were desperate to give back.
You couldn’t even deny the sexual tension between each and everyone of them. As if each one wanted to claim you, pact with you, but couldn’t due to their brothers. It lingered thick in the air, a too long touch of the hand from Satan, a heated gaze from Lucifer when no one was looking, a playful grab to your ass from Mammon. All little things that held value to you, cherished moments and feelings towards them all.
So when you awoke a week before their heat, all of their faces shocked at your words during the morning meeting over breakfast, “Well, what if I help you?” After some much needed discussion, Mammon, Levi and Asmo needing no persuasion, you came to an agreement with the brothers.
And that is how you found yourself being prepared to be the ultimate sex toy amongst six devilishly handsome demons. 
Day One:
Lucifer was right, the potion you drank in the morning had sent your nerves alight, heat and want pulsing throughout your body. Your stomach twisted in knots, arousal shooting straight down your spine and to your core.  
With bated breath you made your way to Beelzebub and Belphegor’s room, dressed in only a thin tank top and shorts. You didn’t even make it to the door where it was flung open, Beel eagerly licking his lips, eyes the colour of the galaxy now swarmed with a clear lusting cover. 
“I could smell you all the way down the corridor,” He hummed, holding your waist and pulling you into his room, his face buried in your neck, “You smell delicious, almost too good to eat,”. A groan comes from the other side of the room, Belphegor sat atop of his bed wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and a sly grin. Both were already in their demonic forms, heads adorned with onyx horns as iridescent wings slowly fanned the room. A thick tail with hair fanned out at the bottom twitched occasionally as they undressed you with their eyes. 
There was no time for formalities or jokes in the situation, you were here to help them with heat and that was exactly what you were going to do. Clothes dispersed around the room, two sets of hands stripping them off you as fingers touched every inch of your freshly exposed skin. Sandwiched between the two, lips fighting a tongue battle with Beel as Belphie sucked on your neck, leaving red growing marks in their wake. The size of their cocks had made you clench over nothing, both long with thick girths, Belphies with a thick meaty vein running from base to tip on the underside. They both growled to see your eyes widen at them, red-hot and pulsing with need.
“You're so wet already,” Belphie hummed lowly into your ear, the soft brush of his tail grazing between your spread legs to feel the wetness already at your slit, before sinking his teeth into your lower lobe. You moaned into Beels mouth, unsure of whose fingers were running circle motions over your clit whilst two more pushed straight into you. 
A sharp hand in your hair turned your face to the side so Belphie could kiss you, his teeth nipping at your lower lip, leaving it red and bruised as he sucked on it before releasing with a lewd pop. Beel kissed his way down your torso before dropping to his knees. The fingers on your clit stopped at he slid them to your ankle to grip it gently and lift your leg to rest on his shoulder. 
“Fuck you smell so good,” He muttered bringing his nose to your exposed flesh and inhaling deeply. The tiniest flick of his tongue over your clit sent you clenching over Belphie’s fingers causing a hiss from the demon behind you. 
‘Move!” Beel growled at his brother's fingers as he licked a long stripe from where they entered you to the end of your clit. 
“I wanna make her cum first,” Belphie hissed, pulling himself away from the red-marks he was leaving along your neck, moving his fingers to curl inside you. You let out a whimper, the potion inside you drastically increasing your sensitivity. Every little touch, breath or noise was tenfold the usual, your skin and blood on fire as you craved more and more. 
“Please,” You whimpered, “Please I need more.” The two brothers exchanged a nod in silence, both of them stepping away as you whined at the loss, only for them to guide you onto one of their beds. From there they lay you down on your back, head hanging off the edge of the bed. Beel sat between your spread thighs whilst Belphie stood in front of you. His cock right in your eye-line as you stared up at it with hooded eyes, tongue darting out to wet your lips.
“Now be a good princess,” Belphie cooed softly as you let out a high pitched whine to feel Beel already with his head between your thighs, licking and sucking on your heated flesh like it was his first meal of his life, “Let Beel eat that pretty little pussy of yours whilst I fuck your pretty little mouth.” His cock already in your mouth by the time he finished his sentence, groaning loudly to see your lips stretch as he pushed more of him into you. 
It was awkward in the position to move your head, letting Belphie cup the back of your head where it met your neck as he thrusted into your mouth with wild abandonment. “Oh you can take more, I know you can,” The pink liquid you had taken helped to ease the motion as his head hit the back of your throat, choking you slightly without the repercussion of a gag-reflex. One hand grasped on his thigh while the other sought purchase in Beelze's hair, tugging and grasping at each movement of his tongue.
Saliva pooled in your mouth, running down your face each time he thrusted out and back in, a twisted smile on his face as he kept his eyes focused on you at all times. A humming growl of primal instinct came as he thrust faster, watching the outline of his cock at the top of your throat appear and disappear each time. 
Your throat tightened as Beel’s tongue thrusted into your core after such teasing of his tongue over your clit causing your eyes to widen and a low groan to roll in your throat.. 
“Do that again and I’ll cum.” Belphie groaned with his head tossed back, a particular harsher thrust down your throat as you attempted to swallow the pre-cum already releasing from him. 
Beel did the action again, this time curling his tongue which made your back arch off the bed, thighs pushing tightly against either side of his head. The grip in his hair tightened, anchoring him in place to where you needed him most. You were already so close. You hummed again but this time louder, the vibrations of your enclosed throat proving to be too much as Belphie gripped your head tightly, pushing his cock to be fully hilted inside you as you choked around him once more as he came. Hot-white salted release dribbling down the back of your throat, filling your mouth to the point it leaked from your lips leaving a trail of essence and saliva down your mouth.
“What a pretty sight princess, what a good girl you are taking all of me like that,” Belphie running his thumb along your cheek as you tried to catch your breath but mewls fell from it as Beel tongue fucked you harder. Belphie dropped to his knees, leaning your chest up and resting your head on his shoulder as he cupped your breasts, tugging sharply at your nipples causing another moan and buck of the hips from you to Beel’s face. The angle Belphie put you in gave you a perfect view of the ginger brother between your thighs. The hand now free from Belphie’s thigh joined the other to grasp Beelze’s hair, clutching to it to ground you as he brought you closer and closer to ecstasy. “Now be even better and cum all over his face,”.
It didn’t take much more than those words and Beel’s heated gaze as he peered up from between your thighs whilst his tongue twisted and curled inside you to find a release. Only you didn’t cum. 
Hot arousal pulsed from within you, starting from your scalp down to your toes as your back arched full of Belphie, fingers now twisting into the bed sheets below. Your hips bucked wildly as you cried out, core pulsing tighter and tighter.  Your eyes screwed shut as you collapsed back down, ragged breaths from you and deep monstrous groans from the two brothers. Only when you open your eyes did you realise what had happened. 
You’d squirted. 
Something you didn’t know you were able to do, all over Beel’s face which was dripping down onto his godly-defined torso. The sight itself made you clench and thighs clamp together. 
A snarl came from Beel, as Belphie continued to thumb over your nipples, gripping your thighs and wrenching them open as he knelt back between them. One hand keeping them open as the other wrapped around his throbbing cock, his eyes focused on your pulsing core before moving up to whine at your cum stained mouth which was still dripping with Belphies release. His wings fluttered quickly, the horns embedded in his orange hair seemed to throb in time to his cock. Two quick jerks, a deep groan and Beel found his release, spewing hot seed onto your stomach and thighs. 
His cock still stood solid after as had Belphies, arousal still high in the air between all three of you as you realised none of you would be satisfied until you were passing out.
“I can’t wait to feel you squirt all over my cock,” Belphie groaned into your ear followed by a groan from Beel as they moved you into position on your hands and knees.
Day two:
The bites and marks the two brothers had left all over your skin were no-longer visible the following morning, the seed that filled you to the point of dripping from you was also gone. No aches, no pains, nothing. 
“I trust my brothers treated you well yesterday?” Leviathan asked when you turned up to his room, inspecting your skin for any marks or bruises.
“Yes, Beel and Belphi-!” You started only to be cut off as Leviathan pinned you to the solid oak door.
“Oh normie, normie, normie,” He chuckled darkly, his orange eyes burning into your soul as they hinted a darkness behind them, “Don’t you know who you're dealing with?” His tail snaked up around your abdomen before curling gently around your neck, “Don’t ever mention another man's name when in my presence.” followed by a light squeeze to your neck. 
The avatar of envy for clear reasons.
Levi led you over to his bed, a bathtub now filled with water and the heavenly scent of rose. Your normally shy friend wasted no time, pulling you to him as he kissed you softly, holding you close to him as he gently tugged at your clothes. “Off!’ He whispered as he bit your lip before pulling back, pulling off the large hoodie he was wearing along with jeans with pure commando underneath. You couldn’t help but gasp to see the already-semi he’d gotten, although between your thighs were also already wet.
He helped you into the water, lying down as he pulled you to straddle him, his lips already re-attaching to yours as his hands fondled your breasts. The snake-like feel of his tail inching up your thighs to brush against your sex, both of you hissing at the feel of it. Thick and smooth. 
He moved one hand down to cup your ass, whilst the other held your waist as he moved hot kisses down to your collarbone, a sharp bite every now and then before focusing his attention on your breasts. Capturing them in his mouth as he sucked on a nipple, sharp teeth grazing over them as you threw your head back, unable to stop yourself from grinding over his tail that rested against your clit. 
“Oh Levi…” You moaned out, the gentle push of the tip of his tail into your core. Never had you felt something like this, warm yet cold, thicker and thicker it went as he slowly pushed more into you, stretching you ready for the girth of his cock. You cling to his shoulders for support as he thrusts slowly in and out until your arousal runs down his tail and mixes into the water below.  
Heat rose to your cheeks as the tip of his tail curled inside you, searching until-
“Oh!” You cried out, clenching tightly as he found the spot he was looking for. 
“I want you to cum on my tail,” He groaned against your skin, continuing to repeatedly hit that spot over and over again. Your vision flooded with stars, breaths becoming more sparse with each second as you grinded down against his movements.
“I- I wanna...Levi...I,” You whimper, scratching red marks down his chest, the pit of your stomach dropping as the coil tightened like your muscles around him.
“Words baby, tell me,” He gently pushed a piece of hair stuck to your sweating forehead behind your ear. 
“I wanna cum on your cock…” Embarrassment pushed to the side as you felt him still for a mere second. A lowly chuckle fell from his lips, sitting up in the water to slap your ass before squeezing it.
“Begging to be fucked already I see?” He sucks on your lower lobe, “You good girl.” The motion of his tail quickens, bringing on your orgasm in rushed speed as you wither in his hold, circling your hips as they buck against him. Head thrown back with a trail of sweat running down your back as you collapse against his chest. “Now,” He pulls his tail out of you as you whimper slightly, only to have the head of his cock pushing into you, “You can come on my cock,”. He pushed into you slowly, he was thick with a stretch that still burned slightly even with the potion and you were still sensitive from your orgasm. 
“L-Levi! S-Stop!” You gasp, pushing your hand to his chest as he completely stilled, even in heat a demon knew ‘no’. 
“Is everything okay? Should I pull out? I-I,” Levi’s normal persona slipping through the cracks of his heat, cock still buried partly inside you. 
“N-no I, I’m gonna cum,” You say in short breaths, focusing your hardest not to move as his cock currently pressed against a spot inside you that was about to have you undone in seconds. 
“Oh baby girl,” He grins with a cheshire smile, “Then cum.”. With that he shallowly thrusts into the same spot, the angle of his cock, the throbbing of his head, the push of his tail against your clit sent you hurtling off the edge with only half of his cock inside you. You convulsed around him, squeezing him as you pulsed, only for him to push further into you, fighting against your tightening walls. Your head dropped to his shoulder moaning loudly, your chest pressed to his as he held your hips to guide you into a grind. You whimpered from over-sensitivity, tears pooling in your eyes as you glanced up to see Levi smirking down at you. 
“Don’t worry baby,” He thrusted into the grind, tail never slowing its movements on your clit as you spasmed over him, “I’ll give you exactly what you asked for.” Thrusting into you at a speed where water splashed out of the side, another wave of pleasure hit you as you bonelessly collapsed against him, letting orgasm after orgasm wave across you until your mind was blank.
Day 3:
Sore muscle? None.
Imprints around your neck from where Levi’s tail had gripped you? None.
You woke up the next morning to an ache between your thighs, as if you were already desperate to be filled once more by another brother. 
Only it turned out the ache wasn’t purely from you.
“Good morning sweetie,” Rose studded eyes peering from between your thighs as you looked down, Asmo with his chin and mouth slick, “I must say I’m surprised it’s taken you so long to wake up after the way you’ve been calling out for me all morning,”. You can feel the slickness already dripping down your thighs and ruining your bedsheets.
“Asmo…” You wither, throwing your head back as a long stripe of his tongue started from your core to your clit, a hum of approval as he does. You try to reach down and bury your fingers in his hair but a cold movement stops you, your hands bound by handcuffs to the bed. 
“Sorry sweetie, but the way you were tugging my hair, I was going to lose control,” Followed by a gentle nip to your thigh. 
“How long-... how long have you.. fuck,” You whimper, pushing your heels down as you feel two fingers thrusting into you, the sound of wet arousal already filling your room.
“Three my dove, and I think,” He twists his fingers causing your back to arch with a pleasant sigh, “Your about to give me a fourth.” And just like that you came again around his fingers, crying out to feel your walls tense and pulse. “I knew you would taste sweet.” He whispered against your clit, pulling his fingers out to replace them with his tongue. Curling the lengthy muscle inside you to lap up all your sweet release. 
“Looks like the aphrodisiac is starting to work on you.” He teases, head still buried between your thighs as you turn to see two empty bottles of it beside you, Asmo had clearly poured them into your mouth whilst you were asleep. Not that you minded, this was a beyond pleasant way to wake up.
“Asmo!” Hips bucking, fists tugging against the steel of the cuffs around you, “More, god please more.” The lips around your lower ones suck once before releasing with a wet pop. 
“Oh sweetie…” He hums, pulling himself away, crawling slowly up your body to press his wet lips against your ear, “There is no god here, there is only me.” Your eyes widen to feel the heated length sliding against your folds, coaxing himself in your arousal. He leans over to press a kiss to your lips, tongue running around your lower before pulling back. “You taste like sweet berries,” He giggles. “Now,” He strokes a finger down your arm before it meets the handcuffs, “Shall I take these off… oh I guess I’ll leave them on then”. Half through his sentence you shook your head, a meek ‘Please keep them on’ came from you. 
Kneeling up, Asmo kept himself between your parted legs as he stroked himself. You let out a whimper to see him-
-Asmo was right, you definitely needed two bottles to take him.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” Asmo stroked your thigh as if sensing your nerves at his size. The stretch of him as he pushed in brought tears to your eyes, the drag of him against your velvet walls sent a heat across your body. Cheeks rising as you panted already, the feeling of being so full as he buried himself to the hilt inside you. His name fell over and over from your mouth as he pulled back to thrust forward, the squeak of the bed growing louder with each quickening thrust. His hands gripped on to your waist as your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer as he thrusted into you, your ass resting upon his thighs. 
“You feel so good,” Asmo rolled his hips into you, hitting every sweet spot inside you that made you sing out to him.
“Oh… fuck Asmo… harder.” You moaned beneath him, digging your heels into his lower back to spur him on.
A chuckle isn’t the reaction you expected. 
“You want it harder sweetie? My beautiful little human likes it rough?” He teased, peering down to watch you nod eagerly.
“Oh sweetie.” He smirked, hoisting your legs off of him and throwing them over his shoulders as he slammed into you, hands tightly holding your ankles. Your heated screams of pleasure were drowned out by the headboard shunting against the wall, the mattress struggling to cope with the roughening thrusts. Springs beneath you threatening to snap, like the coil within you that was already on the verge of breaking. 
The position of your hands above you gave him a perfect view of the way your breasts bounced with each thrust, admiring the way they slapped against your skin like the way his hips did against yours. 
“Gonna… gonna cum Asmo…” You groaned, back raising off the bed as your thighs began to tremble. Within the next breath Asmo pulled out and flipped you over, pulling your hips up as he thrusted back into you, he’d been kind enough to cross your arms when he cuffed them so during the flip it was a comfortable position. 
“Cum for me my sweetie, let my brothers know who’s making you feel so good,” He sings out, thrusting in abandonment into you. A bite to your neck pushes you over the edge, his name crying from your mouth so loud it could be heard throughout the house. 
Day 4: 
The moans from you getting louder and louder in pitch from the kitchen. Sat upon the wooden work surface, legs spread wide with white tufts of hair between them. Mammon ravaged you on the spot after he told you, ‘I need my breakfast’. The normally teasing demon swept you up straight up on the counter and tugged your shorts and panties down before you could even take another breath. 
“So good, so sweet my human.” He groaned, holding your lower lips apart with one hand as the other pushed against your thighs to stop them from crushing his head. 
Head thrown back to hit the tiled wall behind you, fingers grasping on to his horns causing him to rutt his hips against the cabinets, the lewd wet noises of him eating you like a feast filled in the air. Chest rising up and down as you tugged your top down with one hand, toying with your own exposed nipples for a slight added stimulation. The grunt that left Mammon to peer up and see it, was all you needed to be pushed over the edge. It was a purely erotic sight to be hold. 
He took you against the counter, hips thrusting into you with pure control and precision. Mammon unraveled you faster than he could swipe Goldie. Only the orgasm you gave him was much more satisfying to his needs than spending money. Leaving a sticky trail of evidence upon the counter, for only someone else to discover later in the day. 
Your lips were wrapped around his cock at least three times. One in the shower, once on his bed and once upon the pool table. Each time ending in your mouth full of his release, too much for you to swallow causing it to dribble out down your chin and spread against your chest. Mammon burning the sight into his mind. 
He bent you over every piece of furniture he could find, ramming his cock into you from behind until your legs threatened to buckle from under you. He’d lean over and whisper dirty words into you just to feel you clench over him, your muscles trying to stop him from pulling away each time his hips pulled backwards. 
“My tight human pussy,”, “Ya so wet and it’s all for me,”, “Fuck, ya look so good with my huge cock pounding you like this,”, “Cumming again? Yeah that’s right baby girl, let go and let me just take care of ya,”, “Ngh-Ya squeeze me so much, ya pussy already knows who it really belongs to, look how sensitive it is just from me pushing my cock into ya,”, “Don’t worry, I’m gonna cum over and over again. Fill this tight pink pussy up with the Great Mammon’s sperm,”. 
His personal favourite position of the day was when he fucked you atop of the pool table. You’d engaged in foreplay to start with, three fingers curling inside you as you leaned over and sucked his cock. Mammon under-exaggerated his length to say the least. You could barely wrap a hand around it, not even fitting half of it into your mouth before it was hitting the back of your throat. Thanking the heavens (and Solomon) for the potions allowing your gag-reflex to vanish for the time, taking Mammon down your throat until you almost choked without air. A ‘Fucking hell human. Fuck that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,’ groaned from Mammon as throbbed in your mouth, threatening to release as his eyes watched you. Nothing in his lifetime could compare to the sight. 
By the time you were close to coming, he pulled his fingers away before slamming his cock into you from behind, pushing your face down against the green felt. From the edging of the foreplay and the feeling of his head hitting your cervix you came instantly. Mammon gripping your shoulders tightly to the point they drew blood, trying to hold back his release. whilst he could hold it for a few deep thrusts, it was the whimper of his name as you turned your head over your shoulders to meet his gaze, watery blue eyes hinted with coin bronzed yellow swimming within a pool of lust that pushed him head first off the edge. He came so much he filled you to the point it gushed out onto your thighs and puddled upon the green felt of the table, hand having to jerk himself off as he continued to spurt his release onto your ass. 
The sight of white upon your skin, just like his markings, set off a primal instinct within him and within minutes he was ready and roaring for more, determined to paint your skin in his essence and markings. 
Day 5:
You were mind-blanked. Nothing but Satan filling your mind and body, lost in the white light of pleasure. Unable to form sentences, a babbling mess of incoherent words as you let pleasure ripple across your body like a surging river. 
“I’m not like my brothers,” He cooed softly when you walked into his room, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You’d seen Satan in demon form before but this was a softer side to him, demon form by lust and not from anger. “We’ll do this however you feel comfortable,”. 
“I like to be on top.” You smile, bringing a hand to cup his face. Satan was the one you were most worried about seeing his anger from before and almost, extremely mildly almost, frightened that he would bring this anger out into his lust. Alas, Satan cared for you the most and wanted to attend to your needs. ‘I can control myself in heat’ he told you. Words he soon forget in moments later. 
“You're so big!” You mewled, digging your fingers into his chest as you rose your hips once more before lowering down, this time taking him fully. His back rested against the headboard as he sat up, you straddled across him with your hands splayed across his chest whilst he rested his on your waist. “Oh fuck Satan, Yes...Yes!” fell from your mouth in-time to your slowly rolling hips. 
Whilst he wasn’t as thick as the others he was by far the longest, able to hit every needed spot within you as you grinded over him. Flush spread across your cheeks and down your neck, heated pleasure coursing through your veins as your mouth dropped into an ‘o’. One hand scratched at his chest leaving red marks in their wake whilst the other reached into the blonde of his hair and gripped onto his curled horns. It caused a hiss from him, eyes widening open as he panted heavily, the grip of his fingers sinking harshly into your skin. His self control slipped quickly with each roll of you upon him. Calling his name in a trembled voice, back arching so your breasts pressed against his chest, full skin on skin contact with him as he held you tightly. Your grip on his horns tightened like your muscles over his cock, the motion being his undoing.
With a strangulated groan followed by a whimper, heat surged inside you, one you had grown accustomed to over the last week. Satan’s head collapsed against your chest leaving you stilling your movements, to feel him continue to pulse and throb into you as he breathed heavily against your chest. 
You’d heard demon horns were sensitive during heat, but you never expected it to be that sensitive. 
“Satan...is everything okay?” Awkwardly still straddling him, his cock still hard inside you as you waited in suspense. You weren't far off finding a release yourself but now you felt it slipping further and further away. 
A growl unlike you’d heard anything before left from Satan, the noise purely demonic. With a scream you were pulled from off of him, a demonstration of his hidden strength as he held onto you, pushing off the bed and slamming you into the nearby wall. 
“Oh my little kitten,” A toothy grin meets your eyes, a slick tongue darting out to lick his lower lip as his eyes practically glow whilst covered in lust, “You have no idea what you do to me.” The vibrant green of his tail worms it way up across your body, taking its time to fondle and press over your dripping folds before continuing its way up to your body. You feel the scales of it wrap once around your neck and just as it squeezes slightly with control, his cock once again fills you to the hilt as he slams his hips into yours. Eyes roll from both of you to the back of your head, one arm holding beneath one of your thighs whilst the other pushes onto the wall next to your head to keep you caged in his hold. 
The roar from him makes the desk nearby tremble, objects perfectly placed on his desk rolling around and spilling onto the floor. He effortlessly bounces you off his cock in a pace that brings stars to your eyes in seconds, gasping as his tail continues to gently squeeze your throat until he feels you withering whilst you cum around him. 
“Yeah that’s right kitten, give into how good I make you feel.” Snarling as he says it, leaning down to catch a bouncing breast into his mouth as he sharply nips at your nipple causing a large red mark to form upon your skin. Unable to help you cling to him, red marks of dark lines grace his back as you claw into him, on the verge of a second orgasm already from how he’s pounding up and into you. 
“D-Don’t stop.” You manage between moans, unable to hold back at how good this feels. Your skin and blood almost on fire, one or two tears rolling down your cheek only to be licked up by Satan, groaning as he laps up the saltiness. 
The movement that made your mind blank into boneless-ness was when the tip of his tail pushes into your mouth, forcing its way into your wet cavern as he thrusts it in in-time to the thrust of his cock. Unable to focus you let it twirl in a battle with your tongue, drool pooling from your lips as it drips down your body to mix with sweat before hitting the point of where Satan and you meet. Weakly, you drag your arms up to once more grip his horns, danger threatening in Satan’s eyes as you tightly hold onto them. 
It was fair to say Satan completely lost-control, roughly taking orgasm after orgasm until you blackout from over stimulation.
Day 6:
You’d be fucked to an inch of your life and it felt like it. Whilst the potions you took helped to remove muscle ache, the vast amounts of sperm pumped into you, bites, marks and everything else, it couldn’t remove the memories of feelings of the brothers upon you.
You spent more of the day in bed, just lying in a complete bliss of contentedness. Heat turned out to be just as enjoyable for you as it had the brothers, using you to fulfil their needs whilst also ensuring your own outer-body pleasurable experience. Even after their way with you they still cared for you like they normally would, ensuring you were okay, making sure you took the potion to heal your ruined body before carrying you to bed and letting you rest. Heat would definitely change the way you saw them all, the softness of Levi now filled with memories of him fucking you with his tail, Satan drawing out as many orgasms as he could before filling you over and over, Beel’s cock in your mouth as you choked on it whilst Belphie pounded into you from behind, Asmo teasing your clit to the point you came from a few quick strokes against it with the head of his cock and Mammon unable to control when he needed you taking you against the nearest surface he could. 
The only brother you hadn’t come into contact with over the week was Lucifer. He refused to partake in your offering over heat, deeming he was a man and that he “should be able to control his urges without the help of a human.” That was Lucifer's way of putting it but what he really meant was he loved you too much and was too frightened he might lose control around you and ruin whatever this ‘friendship’ between you was. It scared him how much he lost himself around you, worried he would become a feral beast if he even got a whiff of your scent whilst he was in heat. And for that he kept himself locked away in his room.
Day 7:
It was the last day of heat and the rest of the brothers were slowly calming down, you could finally be in a room with them without them trying to tear off your clothes or burying their noses onto your skin just to get a smell of you. 
As you sat in the kitchen, a noise so loud it made the cabinets near by rock on their study legs, the solid oak door to the exit of the house squeaked on its hinges and plates threatened to break from the way they shook. It was a noise similar to the one Satan had made, a growl from the deep depths of within a demon. One that made your core clench tightly. 
You’d already taken the last potion you had in the morning, just in case one of the brothers' needs hadn’t been filled, it was better to be prepared. And as you stood outside Lucifer's door, slowly pushing it open to be emerged into a darkening sight. You knew there was one last brother who needed you. 
The inside of Lucifer's room was dark, tatters of thick curtains ripped apart letting light inside the room. Stacks of paper were tossed onto the floor in shreds, ruins of books and momentous were scattered amongst the room, marks upon the wall where they’d been thrown leaving huge dents. In the midst of the room stood a figure hunched over, black as dark as night heaving on the toned back that raised and lowered with deep breaths. Clothes ripped upon his body, as if he’d torn at them themselves, unable to keep himself caged within them. 
“Lucifer…” You meekly called out into the room, taking a bold step forward into the room, letting the door shut behind you softly. When no reply came you took another step forward, closing the distance between you and him. 
And on your third step, red-beaded eyes glowing like the rising sun turned to find you, staring at you like a predator upon prey. It made you freeze. For the first time you weren't seeing Lucifer as Lucifer, you were seeing a really powerful demon. 
“I said go!” Lucifer's plea came out in a yell, one that echoed off the walls and ricocheted off the furniture in its way. He turned on the spot, standing tall and proud, the exposure of his toned abdomen beneath peering through the barely together shirt. The normal trousers he wore were nothing but torn shorts, half opened and falling down his waist as black boxers poked from underneath them and as your eyes travelled down-
-A bulge clearly visible travelling far down his thigh, thick in girth and straining to be freed. 
“Lucifer I-“ You take a step forward, you should have been frozen in fear from the way he was hungrily staring at you but this beast, this demon, was still your protector Lucifer.
In the next moment he was stalking towards you at breakneck speed, clutching his hands to your forearms as his breath came in waves. 
“Your aroma is so… powerful,” Leaning down to slowly lick your neck causing a soft whimper as you tilted your head to allow him better access. As if realising his actions he pulled away, dropping his hands from you. “Please- I… I can’t control myself around you,” His voice breaking as he tried to keep himself away from you.
“Lucifer please, let me help you.” You softly whispered, reaching a hand out to gently cup his sharply defined jawline, a growl stirring in his throat. 
“I won’t be able to hold back… I- I’ll hurt you… I’m not like my brothers, my heat is worse…” Lucifer swallowing, the bob of his adam’s apple clear from above you. The reason as to why Lucifer kept pushing you away for heat was clearly visible. 
“I’m not scared of you Lucifer,” Softly rubbing your thumb over his skin, “Please, let me help you, I want to help you.”
The hands that held your arms came back to grip your face, pulling you up as he leaned down, pressing his lips tightly to yours as his tongue forced its way into your mouth. He gripped the back of your neck forcing an angle so his tongue could slide further into your throat, pushing the full length of his body against yours. The hand on your arm bunched your shirt up and ripped it off your body, leaving your torso exposed as he bit your bottom lip. Greedily he palmed your breasts, pulling his mouth away from you, you fell to your knees.
You were lost in the haze, completely taken over in lust as Lucifer’s grip in your hair tightened. One hand wrapped partly around his base whilst your mouth worked down over him, thrusting and fucking your mouth until your eyes watered and spit fell from your lips and onto the floor below. His cock was bigger than the rest, solid and pulsing it stood, flushed red with veins that throbbed down the side of it just aching to be touched. Growls and grunts fell over and over from him, fucking your face as he pushed the whole of his cock down your throat until you gagged and choked over it. He spilled into your mouth with nothing more than a few ragged breaths, the fingers in your hair twisted and tugged as he throbbed. Thick spurts of white falling with saliva from your lips, running down your throat as you held eye-contact with him, swallowing the more than plentiful release. 
Your shorts were ripped from you as well, the sound of fabric tearing filling the room as he positioned you upon the bed on your hands and knees. He wasted no time lining up and thrusting into you, groaning so loudly that the bed rocked beneath you. Even with your own arousal and the potion, it was still a matter of patience for him to fully enter you, patience which Lucifer currently didn’t have. He shallowly thrusted with urgency until half of him slid in without any resistance, your tight walls clenching over him to stop him pulling out with every thrust. Until finally, he spat down to where you met and hilted himself fully into you.
“Lucifer!” You grip tightly to the bed-sheets, the force of him enough to make the air inside your lungs leave your body. Painted red nails of sharp spiked fingers clutch to your waist as he pulls your body back, not giving moments to adjust as he pushes over and over into you until slapping of wet skin is almost louder than the noises you're both making. He drives purposefully to the spot that makes your back arch, an orgasm building up already with little to no second to savour the feeling. The blood inside you is flaming, spreading a heated wild-fire inside you as every nerve is set alight with intensity. 
As your muscles tighten rapidly, Lucifer roars out as sweat drips down his body completely giving into his heated need as he fucks you with primal urgency. His pace growing rapid as he feels your orgasm so close, unable to stop his nails breaking into your skin as he grips at you. The experience verging on painful as your elbows collapse, your face falling onto the pillows beneath as your body shunts forward with every powerful thrust. 
“Fuck you look so good taking me like this,” His eyes focusing on the way his meaty cock stretches you over and over again as he thrusts in and out of you in tight controlled movements, unwanting and unwilling to even pull himself fully out of you. 
You couldn’t help but scream out as you came, watery tears leaking from your eyes at the intensity of the white flooding your eyes, whilst highly pleasurable to a new level, it came fast and hard from Lucifer's punishing movements into you. The hands on your waist move, one leaning over you to grip the headboard showing his strength as it snapped. Splintering wood now lay in his hand as his whole body shook from the grip whilst you pulsed over him. The other hand clutched at the back of your neck and sunk scratches upon your shoulders that threatened to bleed. The sound of all four wings racing in speed to match his thrusts, unbridled passion of lust seeping from every inch of him.
Lucifer continued to thrust, the over-sensitivity of your spot being repeatedly hit boarded on painful. 
This was no longer Lucifer, this was a creature pulled from the deepest pits of hell, brutally taking you until you could give no more. 
Your teeth bit into the pillow, trying to obscure your whimpers but Lucifer heard them loud and clear. Pulling you up gently by the back of your hair, pulling up until you rested on your knees, your ass resting on the top of his thighs as his chest pressed against your back. A strong arm curved around the front of you to cup a breast, the weight of it bouncing in his hand with each thrust as his index and thumb rolled your nipple between them. The hand in your hair loosening to run his palm down your stomach, crying out loudly to feel his fingers spread your folds and rub tight circles around your clit. Head rolling against his shoulder, eyes falling to the back of your head as his lips press soft kisses down the contour of your neck, pleasure taking over every sense in your body. ‘Lucifer… Lucifer… Lucifer’ Over and over it falls from your mouth like a sinful prayer, body’s entwined like those of lovers. An erotic sight of pure loving pleasure upon his satin sheets. Gone was the rough fucking from moments before, Lucifer kissing the areas up on your shoulders where red marks lay as if trying to melt the pain away. 
The softening tenderness was a surprise side of him you never expected. Deep penetrating thrusts, hitting inside you as he pulled partly out to thrust back in, groaning deeply as you came around him again in little time. This time feeling the full force of pleasure spread through your veins, not rough or forced like the one before, this one connecting you and Lucifer in an almost spiritual experience as you cried out his name to the highest of heavens. Skin ablaze whilst your toes curled, arms reaching behind you to wrap around his neck, burying in his raven hair to pull his face to yours. One hand wrapped around the ebony horn to keep him close, the added stimulation of that and your tightening walls was all he needed. The stuttering flutter of his rapid wings from behind indicated his release before you felt it. Lips meeting in a sloppy kiss, as you felt his heat surge inside you, biting his lower by accident as another orgasm blends into your waves of pleasure. 
Trembling in his hold, hips rocking against his as you pulse to the point mixed arousal dripped down your thighs as he pulled his softening cock from you. Whimpering from over sensitivity as your muscles still squeezed him to try stop him from pulling out. “Shh little one, I’ve got you.” He cooed softly, kissing your lips over and over in softening pecks, hands running up and down your sides. Both of your skins aglow with sweat, ragged breaths meeting together, foreheads stuck and pressed against each other. Sharing a tender embrace with the eldest brother, two racing hearts beating at the same time. 
“I hurt you.” His eyes full of shame to see the marks upon you caused by his own hand, his heart heavy and wounded to know that he did this to you. 
“I’m okay, Lucifer I’m okay.” You whisper against his lips, slowly turning to face him. None of it hurt, all that mattered was that Lucifer knew you were fine and that whatever happened didn’t change your opinion on him. You bury your hands once more in his hair to kiss him, softly pushing him back until he lay on the bed as you straddled him, lips never parting for a second. He was still erect and most likely would be until the end of his heat that night. Slowly, you lifted your hips and let yourself sink back down onto him. He groaned so softly into your mouth as he protested at your slowly grinding hips, you interlaced your fingers with his. “Just let me take care of you.” Pooling eyes full of lust and love meeting each other as Lucifer nodded at your words, giving you full control to him as his thumb slowly rubbed over yours. Rocking your hips slowly, a complete change in atmosphere as you brought each other to a slow burning climax for the following of the night.
Day 8:
You woke up wrapped in satin sheets, a strong arm around your waist and a heavy breath against the back of your neck. Turning in the embrace to see Lucifer, sound asleep and more importantly back to his human form, heat was finally over. Lucifer had been the first brother to spend the night with you after sex, watching you drink every drop of the blue potions until he knew for sure that no-harm had come to you for his actions. 
“Good morning.” A groggy voice yawned as the arm around you pulled you closer, resting you against his chest.
“Good morning,.” You whispered, pressing a sweet chaste kiss to where his heart lay. 
Whilst heat may have given you the experience to be an individual part of the brothers for a week, when you woke up today was where you were meant to belong. In the strong hold of your loving protector, Lucifer.
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
Hhhhhhhhh dragon kiri dicc inside small yn makes their tummy bulge every time he thrusts into them skdnfnfncn -🖤
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author’s note(s): ok ok!! so i took a mini break from writing and i rmred this ask so here’s to our sexy dragon kiri thank you for sending this in!!
warning(s): mdni, 18+, smut. tummy bulges, overstim, soft dom kirishima, dick with spines lol, praise, cumplay, forced breeding?? dubcon ? no pronouns used but female anatomy described.
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“kiri—“ you breathe, slow and shallow, your eyes painted with a fiery blaze of heated lust and neediness whilst your neck is darkened with hues on the opposite end of the colour palette— marks of love and passion and instinct, most of it boiling down the dragon’s most primal needs that lay sewn into his DNA. “—‘shima, s’too much...please....”
the dragon, eijirou, croons from deep within your neck while his hips grind in slow exhausted circles to push his latest release deep into your cunt. your insides a gooey with thick ropes of his heavy cum, your body twitching at his heavy balls that stimulate your clit with his every move and kirishima wishes that he could stop— but it’s your fault that he can’t. your fault for being so responsive to his touch and his cock that prods against your cervix, and the twitch of his length inside you tells you that he doesn’t plan on stopping any time soon.
kirishima makes a chuffing noise deep in his chest as he pulls back to look at the artwork he’s created in bites against your skin. “oh little lamb, you know i can’t do that,” the slits in his ruby eyes blow wide, dilating until they’re almost black and the comforting red hue is gone— the dragon knows in his heart that he wants to turn your body over, expose your pussy filled deep with his cum to the night air and watch asyou writhe for attention. but every nerve in his body and brain are telling him to breed, breed, breed, fuck you unbelievably full until your mind breaks and all your pussy knows is the shape of his cock. and that if he had listened to his heart, kirishima would have been done using your body along time ago. “wanna keep fillin’ you till you’re swollen with my pups, you know that. you want it too...”
he knows that you do, he can tell from the way you look up at him, teary eyed with a red ring around your swollen lips from where he’d bitten them each time you kissed. your hole spasms around him, eager to please and swallow down every drop of his seed— the greed of your body sends shivers down eijirou’s spine, his wings flapping enthusiastically behind his back while his talons dig tracks into your fleshy thighs. “but it hurts kiri, s’much cum... don’t know if i c-can take anymo-!” the tail ends of your words fall into a sweet squeak as your lover thrusts deep into your tightness. overstimulated and practically broken with cocklust, your mindless babbles fill the air and mix with your sticky, squelching hole as the spines on his girth drag deliciously against your gummy walls.
teeth bared, kirishima groans, needier for more. “too much, huh? then why’s your pretty hole beggin’ me for more little one?” kirishima coos, setting a steady pace to his as they snap into yours. every thrust of his hips earns the world around you a wet smack between your bodies as he pumps into you over and over again, pulling your thighs up until they’ve hooked around his waist. the spines on his cock catch on every ridge of your soaking pussy, pulling sweet moans from bruised lips. “jus’ look atcha darlin’, pussy so eager to please— y’tellin’ me that it’s too much when you just keep taking more of me?”
your bottom lip wavers at the mean lilt to kirishima’s tone, but you can’t dare deny the truth when you’re sucking your boyfriend in so well, clamping down on his tip as it dribbles and lines your walls with sticky pre. “but eiji—“ you whine, mouth falling open pathetically as the dragon pulls you back onto his cock with every piston of his hips into you.
“shhh little lamb,” eijirou hushes you, red hair slicked to his forehead and pearlescent scales glistening with perspiration. “don’t waste your energy talking, just focus on keepin’ my cum inside you, got it? you’re so swollen already, full of my cum. what i wouldn’t give to see you pregnant instead.” his large hands, talons extended trail between the valley of your breasts before pressing down hard on your tummy. you jump as ropes of his viscous seed spill out and between your folds— smearing against your pelvis and his. it’s so messy, and the image of your pretty body painted with cum makes your eyes cross and kirishima hiss.
you both look down, peering and the stickiness between your thighs before eijirou grabs your cheeks— forcing you to lock eyes with him as he smirks. “oops, looks like it’s all spilled out.” he punctuated each word with a harsh buck of his hips, spines stimulating the pleasure spot inside of you. “gonna have to fill you up and make that tummy bulge all over again, little one...”
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
Deep End  -  Four
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Pairing: Dark!Steve Rogers X Reader
Summary: He’s back. After all your best efforts at getting away, he’s found you again. And this time, he’s not letting you go so easily. He’s determined to do whatever it takes to get you to be his. Forever.
Warnings: Dark Themes, Language, Angst, Manipulation, Fluff, Smut, 
Word Count: 2.9K
A/n: Hello and welcome, formally, to part four. I hope you all had a lovely weekend and have an amazing week! I love you all very much.
Madness Masterlist
Bad Dream Masterlist
You sit nervously on the lip of the bathtub, picking at the skin around your thumbnail as you wait for the timer to ring.
It feels like it’s been hours already.
“It’s okay, honey. Don’t worry. If it isn’t positive, we’ll just keep trying.”
Steve's words don’t ease your anxiety the way he thinks they do.
Your eyes are trained on the timer, counting down the seconds, though you already have a feeling of what the tests are going to say.
The alarm sounds like war drums and you’re racing for the row of sticks on the bathroom counter, your heart dropping into your stomach as you inspect them.
Every single one of them.
Tears fill your eyes and you bury your face in your hands, shoulders shaking with sobs.
There it goes.
Your last shred of hope for gaining freedom. Out the window, just like that.
Steve’s arms come up around your shoulders, hugging you tightly.
“I knew it. I just... I knew. You smell different, your breasts are bigger. I fucking knew it.”
He nudges his nose against your cheek until you finally tilt your head back, and then his lips are on yours.
You don't fight him, too hopeless to even try anymore.
Your tears are salty, you can taste them on his lips, but he doesn’t seem bothered at all by them. No, he still kisses you, walks you out of the bathroom towards the bed.
He helps you out of your clothes, his hands groping and squeezing every inch of you as if he’s never felt you before, as if you’re the first woman he’s touched in forever.
The tears are steady, continuing down your face as he pushes you gently onto the bed, his lips trailing over your inner thighs while his eyes raise to yours.
“We’re gonna have another baby, honey. I always knew your body was perfect. Absolutely made for me. And now you’re gonna give me another baby. You’re gonna grow all nice and round...” He trails off, his eyes dark and full of lust as he gazes down at your stomach as if picturing you pregnant again.
“C’mon, darling. We need to celebrate.” He sheds his clothes so that you’re both naked, his warm body pressed tightly against yours, though it does little to quell the shivers of distress rolling down your spine.
Pregnant. Again.
He places kiss after kiss onto your neck, trailing down to your breasts and halting there.
“Can’t wait for you to be nice and big again, all full and round because of me. Fuck, can’t wait ‘till you start makin’ milk again, honey.”
His lips latch around your nipple, sucking hard enough to make your back arch, a whine of pain and pleasure rolling out of your mouth.
“That’s it. M’gonna make you feel nice, honey. Gonna make you feel loved. You know I love you, huh? Yeah. I do.”
His words make your stomach twist in uncomfortable knots, and you close your eyes to avoid the intensity of his gaze. You focus instead on the feel of his body against yours, nice and warm and heavy.
One of his hands snakes between your legs, toying with your clit and dipping into your heat to prepare you for his cock.
“Getting all wet and messy for me, huh?” Your eyes remain shut, blocking out his face, the face of the man who’s done so many atrocious things to you.
He thrusts his fingers in and out rather slowly, dragging them against your sensitive walls until he deems you ready enough for him, though there’s no way to truly be ready for him.
He positions himself between your legs, perched on his haunches while his hands rub over your thighs gently.
“Can’t wait for you to have my baby, sweetheart. Gonna watch you get all nice and full, bring another life into this world for me. That’s what you’re here for, darling.”
He slides his manhood through your folds, coating himself in your essence before slowly pushing into you, forcing every inch into your tight wet heat.
Your mouth drops open, brows pulling together at the stretch of him so deep inside of you, pushing against every resistance your body brings forth. He forces himself into you until he’s seated comfortably, cock held tightly by your fluttering walls.
“Fuck, feel that. Feel you. So tight... tight ‘n wet. Fuck... Fuck...”
He pulls back then pushes in, each thrust slow and precise and far too good. You hate how good he makes you feel, how well he knows your body. You hate how good you feel beneath him, how right it feels to be with him, to be held in his arms.
And you fucking hate him for making you enjoy a single second of time spent with him.
His thrusts speed up until he’s hammering his hips into yours, each movement of his hips forcing his cock to press against your cervix painfully, but the pain is welcome.
It’s what you deserve for enjoying it.
A soft moan falls from your lips when he drops his hand between your legs, fingers working your clit with practiced ease.
He’s spent months learning and re-learning your body, he knows you almost as well as he knows himself, and if the only way you want him is physically then fine, but he’s going to make that want stronger than your hatred for him.
“O-oh god...” Your eyes squeeze shut as the edge creeps closer, each pass of his thumb on your clit and his cock between your walls bringing it so much nearer.
“You gonna cum for me, honey? Yeah? Gonna be my good girl?” You nod, if only so he doesn’t stop.
“Fuck, you feel so good, darling... so good.” He picks up speed, and you get lost in your orgasm like a leaf in a windstorm.
It picks you up and pulls you from reality. Bliss clouds your mind, your senses, and nothing matters except the rolling waves of pleasure flooding you.
“Just like that, honey... fuck.”
He drops his head into the crook of your neck, breaths hot and damp against your skin as he follows you into the blissful embrace.
His hips stutter to a stop, warmth painting your walls and filling you to the brim, just like he always does.
He pants against you, his mind consumed with obsession, adoration, love. He finally has you back in his arms. Finally gets to rebuild his family, get the happy ending he’s been craving.
He’s not gonna give it up.
You’re right where you belong.
He waits an absurdly long time before telling anyone.
He doesn’t want anyone to know, especially not Nat. Bucky, sure, he can know, but not Nat. Not after the way she kept so many secrets for so long.
It isn’t until you start showing -about two months after the positive tests- that he finally tells the two of them the good news, inviting them over to help set up the baby's room and have a nice night with his family.
Bucky and Steve have just finished painting the walls yellow, a neutral baby colour that you suggested.
Steve insists that you sit slightly outside the room, even though both windows are open and a fan is going, the paint specifically bought because it’s non-toxic.
But you don’t argue. You’ll sit as far away from them as possible.
Sarah’s in your lap, her eyes focused on the colouring book on the ground in front of her, her tongue poking out between her lips as she tries to stay inside the lines.
“Alright. That’s the crib all done. Honey, you wanna grab us a drink?”
Your head snaps up at Steve’s request, and you nod, rising to your feet and instinctively dropping a hand to your small bump.
“Can I help?” Sarah asks excitedly, bouncing up onto her toes and following you down the stairs.
“Of course. You wanna bring this up to Uncle Bucky?”
You pour two glasses of lemonade, one for the blond and one for the brunet.
“Can I have some?” You nod, grabbing a cup for her as she starts carefully up the stairs with the glass.
“Need a hand?” You stiffen, eyes slowly raising to the redhead’s.
She sighs, taking a seat at the counter.
“Just hear me out, (Y/n), please. I just... I just wanna explain. Please.” You grind your teeth together at her.
“What could you possibly have to say to me? How could you possibly explain the way you betrayed me? Betrayed Sarah? You got my dad killed, Natasha, and now I’m pregnant again.”
She looks so lost, so desperate, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s her fault you’re here.
"Just please, (Y/n). Please.” There’s nothing you can really do to stop her. It’s obvious that Bucky and Steve would side with her over you in a heartbeat.
“I never breathed a single word of your whereabouts to anyone, I swear. Not even my therapist. I swear on my life, (Y/n) I never told anyone where to find you.”
You look up at her and shake your head.
“You were the only other person who knew where we were hiding.”
She lets out a shaky breath and looks away from your eyes.
“After what happened at the cabin I started going to therapy. Saw a good therapist who helped me get through a lot of stuff. James was going to therapy too, we were getting better together.”
You don’t think any therapy in the world will change the fact that James Barnes is a monster through and through, but you don’t say that to her. No, you let her continue.
“I started getting better. James did too. We got back to work, to helping people,  being the good guys.”
She pauses, sniffling then scrubbing at her cheek.
“I told him that uh, one of my friends had a baby and that spending time around them made me want one too. It upset me because that... that’s a dream that I’ll never be able to have. Or, I thought it was.” A smile tugs at the corner of her mouth, but it lacks any positive emotions behind it.
“He told me about this experimental procedure that they started doing in Switzerland. Reversals for female sterilization. Highly experimental but... he said I should give it a shot. The worst that would happen would be... well... no worse than what I’ve had to live with for most of my life.”
She crosses her arms over her chest, not in defiance but in comfort. Self-comfort, and for a moment you feel bad for her.
“I talked it over with Bucky. Told him about how much I wanted a baby, a little mini version of him or I, and he was on board. Said he wished I told him sooner.” She chuckles, shaking her head fondly at the memory.
“That’s when I left for that while, remember?” You nod.
She missed Christmas and you were only slightly devastated at having to spend the holiday alone.
“I got the procedure done. Was on bed rest for a while after and even after I was given a clean bill of health I... I didn’t want to try. I was too nervous. Afraid that it wouldn't work but more afraid that it would.”
She takes a deep breath, her eyes squeezed shut tightly as she recounts the events that occurred leading up to your abduction. Her betrayal.
“It uh... it took three months but we conceived. I was finally pregnant.” She smiles a tearful, wet smile at you and your own eyes prickle with tears as you realize that her story won’t have a happy ending.
Your mind immediately goes to the worst things you can think of, ranging from miscarriage to murder, and you find yourself wanting to call Sarah down away from her father.
“I was ecstatic, (Y/n). I was so fucking happy.” Her eyes are filled with a type of sorrow that you’re far too familiar with. One you’ve felt too much in your short life.
“I told my shrink about it, told him how happy I was. Bucky and I cried together when we found out cause... we were finally gonna be parents. That’s around the time when I started coming by more often. What, sic months ago? Yeah, right around then. I uh, I wanted to wait until I was showing more to tell you, but...” She trails off, her face falling even more and tears trailing down her cheeks.
“That’s around the same time when Bucky started seeing Steve more. Spent less and less time at home with me and more time with Steve. I uh, got a call one day from his therapist, asking if everything was okay because she hadn’t seen him in weeks. That’s when I knew something wasn’t right. We hadn’t spoken to Steve since the cabin incident and then Bucky was spending every waking moment with him.”
She stops speaking, her fingers trembling and her bottom lip wobbling.
“What happened to the baby?” You ask softly, needing to know who hurt her, who caused it.
She exhales deeply and slowly opens her eyes.
“I uh, I guess Bucky must’ve told him. And uh... if Steve can’t have his happily ever after then no one can.”
My heart drops into my stomach.
“What did he do?”
She doesn’t answer right away. No, instead she picks at her fingers for a long moment.
“Did you know... that drinking certain teas can cause a miscarriage? Because I didn’t.” You furrow your brows, trying to figure out what she means until it dawns on you.
“He made you drink it?” You’re not sure which ‘he’ you’re talking about, but you know it must’ve been at least one, if not both of them.
“The last time I uh, set foot in this house before that dinner we had together... he invited us over for drinks and to watch the game. He made me some tea and asked me why I thought it was okay to keep secrets from him. I didn’t understand what he meant at the time but... that hardly matters. A few days later I started bleeding. A lot. I was in the infirmary for days on end only to find out that he’d poisoned my baby.”
She sniffles again and wipes her cheeks with the back of her hand.
“After that, he didn’t trust me, only trusted Bucky. Went to my therapist and took his notes, beat answers out of him when he refused to speak. I’m assuming they bugged me o-or something. Or followed my licence plate, searched through my history to figure it out."
Her candy apple green eyes meet yours, vibrant and staring directly into your soul with passion and fire rivalling that of a forest fire.
“I never breathed a single word of you or Sarah to anyone. Steve figured it out on his own, after almost killing my therapist, and killing my baby. I never said anything, I swear. On the life of my child, I didn’t say a thing.”
Your breaths come in shallow bursts, anxiety spiking as you shake your head.
“I-I don’t...” She puts a gentle hand on your shoulder and nods, guiding you towards the couch.
“I’m sorry. But that’s... that’s the truth. Steve is a monster, and he’s got Bucky following him mindlessly. I don’t... I don’t know what to do or who to turn to.”
You open your mouth to speak, but the sound of feet trudging down the stairs cuts you off.
“Everything alright down here?” Steve asks, reaching for his glass of lemonade but pausing when he sees the look of distress on your face.
His eyes flutter between you and Nat before he takes a seat beside you, grabbing your hand gently in his.
“Honey? You okay?”
You shake your head, trying to rid it of the overwhelming thoughts.
“Mommy?” The three of you look up as Sarah bounds down the stairs, climbing into your lap.
“Where’s my juice?” You pick her up and rest her on your hip as you stand up, walking into the kitchen to grab her cup of juice and distance yourself from the people on the couch.
Bucky comes down the stairs next, confused and wondering where everyone went.
His eyes find Natasha’s first, the poorly masked sorrow colouring her features, and his heart aches.
Sarah drinks her lemonade quickly, making a loud ‘ahh’ sound once she’s devoured the last drop.
“Can we have pizza for dinner?” She asks eagerly, looking up at you with big blue eyes.
You swallow hard then nod, your eyes slowly raising to Steve’s as he walks over to you.
“Pizza?” You ask softly, turning back to your daughter when he nods.
“Of course.” She squeals excitedly, wrapping her arms around your neck and hugging you tightly.
You hug her closer to your body, burying your face in her hair as a tear slips down your cheek.
You knew he was a bad man, but you never thought he’d hurt a child. That would’ve been his niece or nephew, a friend for Sarah and your new baby. But no, he decided that Natasha didn’t deserve her happy ending, neither did Bucky.
Natasha is one of the few friends you’ve ever had, and the fact that he’d hurt her that way, kill off her one dream, is disgusting.
It makes you wonder what he’ll do to you, or even Sarah.
You thought hurting kids was something Steve would never do, but now you’re not so sure.
254 notes · View notes
heyyyharry · 3 years
Drivers License
(inspired by drivers license by Olivia Rodrigo)
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Word count: 2.5k
And you're probably with that blonde girl Who always made me doubt She's so much older than me She's everything I'm insecure about
This song is so sad and it made me cry so I had to write something about it 🤧
“I love the song.”
Y/N chewed on her bottom lip, drumming her fingers on the steering wheel. “But?” she asked her producer, who was on the phone. “You don’t sound like you love it.”
“Of course I love it, Y/N. It’s just–” Came a pause. “Do you really want this to be the next single?”
“What do you mean? You love it but it’s not good enough to be a single?”
“It’s too good, Y/N,” her producer said. “It’s very...personal.”
“That’s why I want to put it out, Gray. It means a lot to me.”
Gray was quiet for another moment. “The media and his fans are going to come for you.”
“I don’t care.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“Alright. I’ll call you back.” Gray sounded defeated but she could still sense a smile as he told her, “Good job, kid,” before hanging up.
Y/N put her phone away, tossed her head back and heaved a sigh. She was well aware of the trouble she’d cause by releasing this song. It’d be like showing the whole world her diary. She’d written plenty of songs on her previous albums about her relationships, too. There had been witch hunts simply because the men she’d written songs about had fans who worshipped them and refused to see them as anything less than perfect. She wasn’t perfect, either. If she were perfect, she wouldn’t have written a song about an ‘almost’ relationship. She’d know her worth and not have chased someone who didn’t and would never want her. She knew that now. So this song would be the last thing she’d give this person. The last goodbye that she never got to say.
“What are you smiling at?”
“Let me see,” Y/N giggled and tried to grab his phone as he pretended to fight her off.
“Alright, alright.” He laughed, reached out to turn the music in his car down and handed her the phone. “It’s the memes your fans made about you not being able to drive,” he said, suppressing a grin.
Her jaw dropped. “I hate you!”
“I’m sorry. It slipped out,” he said, laughing again. She could listen to his laugh on replay. She loved his music, but his laugh had to be her most favourite melody. “To be fair, you talked a lot of shit about me in that interview, too.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” she scoffed at the smug look he was wearing. “At least I didn’t tell the whole world about your imaginary friend that you had until you were thirteen. You spilt my secret.”
“Not a secret anymore.”
She playfully smacked him on the arm. “My lawyer will hear about this.”
He pouted, pretending to be upset. “Guess we’ll never work together anymore.”
“Acting is not for me anyway.”
Y/N gave Harry back his phone. He took it but didn’t break eye contact as his brows knitted. “Stop saying that. You were great in the movie.”
She rolled her eyes sarcastically. “Oh please, have you been on the internet?”
“You mean my fans’ reactions, right? Just ignore them.” He breathed. “I mean, I love my fans, but they could be too much sometimes. Just look at all my previous relationships. I can’t even breathe around a female without them sending her death threats.”
“Yeah,” Y/N let out a nervous laugh, hands folded together resting on her knees. “Speaking of relationships,” she ventured, “are you talking to someone new?”
She wasn’t looking at him yet she could feel the heat from his gaze as he told her, “No. I already told you, Y/N. Right now there’s just you.”
Harry turned, putting both hands on his steering wheel. Was he nervous as well? Had she ruined the moment by bringing this up?
He took a deep breath, confirming her assumption. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m just not ready for a relationship.”
It was the same line he’d told her times and times again, and she wished she could just tell him how much she loathed it. And since she couldn’t say anything, she just nodded and focused on the rings on her fingers.
“I do care a lot about you, though,” he added, his voice heavy with emotions.
Her friends had told her that men would say things like this, and most of the time they barely meant half of it. However, she’d known Harry for years. Their relationship had only changed since they’d been cast for the same movie earlier this year. She was confident that she knew him better than her friends or anyone else. Surely, he’d meant all the things he’d said to her. The problem was, he just wasn’t ready for a relationship.
“And I don’t want to lose you, Y/N,” he said, now looking at her again.
She turned slowly and met his thoughtful green eyes. She offered a single smile as a way to tell him she wasn’t upset, even though she was, a little bit. “I don’t want to lose you, either,” she admitted.
His dimples reappeared. “I feel like it’s rare for people like us to find a connection like this, and I’ve never opened up to anyone the way I have to you. But I think now isn’t the time for us to take the risk of ruining this. Right now we’re still trying to figure out our own lives, you know?”
She nodded again, not knowing what to say.
They sat quietly for another moment, and it was he who broke the silence. “How come you never learn to drive?”
She could feel her cheeks glowing red. “I never had to drive myself.”
She’d been famous since she was fourteen, so she’d always had people driving her places. Whenever she told anyone that reason, they’d either call her spoiled to her face or give her a judgemental look that made her feel self-conscious. She didn’t have a dad or siblings, her mum didn’t know how to drive, either, and she was too afraid to ask anyone to teach her for she feared they’d judged her.
“I could teach you.”
Y/N whipped her head up and blinked blankly at him. “Really?”
“Of course,” he chuckled. “I have a cousin who didn’t learn to drive when he was young because of his anxiety and I taught him. I could teach you.”
Trying to hide her excitement, Y/N smiled. “Okay.”
“Yeah?” His grin widened even though he was the one doing her a favour. It was moments like this that reassured her that he wasn’t like the other guys who’d broken her heart. “When you got your driver license,” he said, “you can drive up to my house on your own.”
“We can even go on road trips,” she said happily, already imagining the many scenarios in her head.
He seemed equally elated, which made her heart swell. “Yeah! Wanna do it now or–”
“Let’s do it now.”
“Yeah, okay.” Quickly, he unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. She climbed into the driver seat and watched him settle into the passenger side. That afternoon was the first time she’d learned how to drive. She would always remember that.
“Y/N, you’re up next,” said one member of the backstage staff who handed Y/N her mic and ran off to check on the backing vocalist.
Y/N felt her heart thumping in her chest as she clutched the microphone to her chest and sucked in a deep breath. She looked to her right, peering at her reflection in the full-length mirror. She looked beautiful. The makeup team and her stylist had spent three hours on this look and made sure that she was flawless.
Would he be watching the show tonight?
Had he even listened to the song?
It got to number one on the iTunes chart today. He must have listened to it. If not, he must have heard it on the radio or someone must have sent it to him. The whole world knew the song was for him, and everyone was talking about it. So even though he didn’t care anymore, even though he was happy with his new girlfriend, he must be wondering. Because when she’d heard that he’d written a song about her, she’d been so excited to listen to it. So could it be that he was wondering as well?
“This is Y/N performing her latest single DRIVERS LICENSE!”
Y/N took a deep breath as she got a nod from the stage director. She stepped out, soaked in the stage lights while the audience applauded and cheered for her. She stood at the centre of the stage as the band started playing and the noise in the audience died down. As a habit, she searched the front rows for his face despite knowing with every fibre in her body that this would be the last place he’d be tonight.
I got my driver's license last week
Just like we always talked about
'Cause you were so excited for me
To finally drive up to your house
But today I drove through the suburbs
Crying 'cause you weren't around
She could see it even now. Them driving through the quiet night. From her house to his and back. Just the two of them. The kisses they’d share at stoplights when there was no one else around. The way he’d place his hand on her thigh just because he wanted to. In retrospect, she should have realised that he wouldn’t ever do that to her in public. Their relationship, if she could call it that, had been almost nonexistent. Maybe that was why it’d been so easy for him to move on. You couldn’t feel remorse leaving behind something that didn’t exist. How unfortunate. It’d been real to her.
And you're probably with that blonde girl
Who always made me doubt
She's so much older than me
She's everything I'm insecure about
Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs
'Cause how could I ever love someone else?
She’d thought to herself that if he could write a song about someone he’d never dated, it was worth staying with him despite not actually being with him. She could not expect that a few months after that song had come out, he would be seen driving around with another girl. The girl he’d told her was only a good friend. This girl was older and perfect in every way. Y/N wouldn’t choose herself either if the choices were between her and that girl. But she couldn’t bring herself to hate the girl. It wasn’t the girl’s fault that Harry had chosen her. And it wasn’t Harry’s fault that Y/N refused to see the red flags through her rose-coloured glasses.
And I know we weren't perfect
But I've never felt this way for no one
And I just can't imagine
How you could be so okay now that I'm gone?
Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me
'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
Y/N wrote this song a week after she’d got her drivers license. She’d blast sad music in her car and cried as she drove past his house, wondering if he was still up and thinking of her whenever he saw headlights passing his street. The heartbreak had been confusing to her as they weren’t even together. It was funny how the whole world had believed in them, except for him. He’d told her he loved her, so why weren’t they together now? He’d said he wasn’t ready, so why was he holding hands with someone else on the street? Was it because of her? Was it something that she’d done? Was there something wrong with her? Why couldn’t he choose her? Y/N had pondered over those questions for months until she came to accept that there didn’t have to be a reason for someone to leave you. They simply lost feelings or found someone else. No one owed you an explanation.
Red lights, stop signs
I still see your face in the white cars, front yards
Can't drive past the places we used to go to
'Cause I still fuckin' love you, babe
For months, he'd been a ghost living rent-free in her head. She saw him in every face and every crowd, and she could even, in this moment, hear the sound of his laugh somewhere in the audience. She could hear him telling her he was proud of her, that everything would be okay. And the worst part was that, without her, he was still doing fine. He wouldn’t see her everywhere he went. He wouldn’t think about her when he was lying in bed and couldn’t sleep. He wouldn’t wonder if she missed him. Because he didn’t miss her. And he would be saying the same things he’d said to her to his new girl.
Sidewalks we crossed
I still hear your voice in the traffic, we're laughing
Over all the noise
God, I'm so blue, know we're through
But I still fuckin' love you, babe (Ooh, ooh)
There on the stage, she received sympathetic looks from the people in the front row as she cried her heart out to the lyrics. He might be at home this moment, watching the show with his new girlfriend, and seeing her cry on live television. Would they laugh at her together? Would he turn to his girlfriend and say he was sorry for how he’d treated Y/N and promised to never hurt his girlfriend the same way? The most heartbreaking thing, Y/N thought, wasn’t him leaving, but seeing him treat someone the way she’d wanted to be treated and realising that he’d been capable of doing it all this time, just not with her.
I know we weren't perfect
But I've never felt this way for no one
And I just can't imagine
How you could be so okay now that I'm gone?
Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me
'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
Putting all her feelings into this song had made everything seem so much simpler and clearer. And at the end of the day, Y/N believed that the whole purpose of songwriting was to get closure. Perhaps, one day, when she listened to this song again, she wouldn’t be sad anymore.
Yeah, you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
“Good job, Y/N.”
“Thank you.”
“Love the song! You’re amazing.”
“Thank you.”
Y/N faked a few more smiles then shut the door of her dressing room and slumped into her chair in front of the vanity.
All alone, she looked right at her reflection and took a deep breath.
Her phone buzzed and lit up with a new text message.
Harry: Congratulations on your no 1 :) xx
She pondered over the words, picked up her phone, and deleted his contact.
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patchworkpuzzle · 3 years
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word count: 2.6k
paring: Kirishima x f!Reader
warnings: lots of biting, marking, lots of dirt talk (like I went crazy it seems), like one spank, rough sex in general
authors note: um hi again. So I really liked how I did my gift to Emme and figured I would keep on that gift train and write a fic for another sweetheart Miss Moo! ( @eyebagsbutglam ) so I hope she likes it and hope all you guys do too! 
“Ah! Eji please! Slow down!”
You whimpered out, clawing at Kirishima’s shoulders to help ground yourself from the overwhelming pleasure that was being brought upon you. His hips that kept crashing down on your backside at an alarming rate was telling you that he had no intentions to listen to your cry any time soon.
He was ravenous.
He was like that the moment he walked through the door. You couldn’t quite understand why that was. Maybe it was a really long and tough day, maybe someday said something that irked him, or maybe he just simply wanted you so badly it hurt, and he just had to act on those urges the moment he saw you.
You would guess the latter with how hungerly he claimed your lips the moment you greeted him. And how he just kept devouring every part of you, barely letting you catch your breath or understand any reason as to why. And maybe that was his design. Maybe he just wanted to consume every part of you and wanted you to submit to that; willingly or not.
Kirishima would tell you later the reason why he was being so possessive. Why he was so feral with how he was making love to you right now; never letting up for even one second despite your pleas of a slight reprieve. To simply put, it all boiled down to being pent up.
Not sexually, no. The sex life he shared with you was very active and he certainly had no complaints whatsoever. No, it was a type of jealous rage that started within him as a slight simmer, and before long it boiled over and out of control.
He couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t take the leers strange men would give you as you walked hand in hand on the street. Couldn’t take the sly comments his coworkers, fellow heroes mind you, would let slip passed whenever you would drop something off for him. And certainly, the line was drawn when one of your coworkers, some wannabe Don Jaun, put his arm around you at one of your office’s functions. The words he whispered, which Kirishima himself couldn’t hear, made you blush scarlet as you pushed him away playfully and gently chided him was all the proof that Kirishima needed. Your co-worker wanted you, and badly.
And that’s when everything bubbled over.
But Kirishima didn’t act on it right away. Oh no, he just simply chuckled along as he pulled you back to him. Never letting you go too far after that. He couldn’t blame you; it wasn’t your fault that you were so beautiful and so very lovely. That you had such a sweet presence to you, with a dazzling smile to match, that people couldn’t help to be drawn to.
It was what drew him to you after all. And he was so thankful for it everyday when he came home to you, kissed you honeyed lips, got to hear your sweet voice say his name. He got it, totally understood why people acted the way they did. It was just when people drew that line that made Kirishima want to show all of them who you belonged to.
And that was exactly what he was doing right now. The moment you got into arms reached his true colours were brought forth. One of his rough hands immediately went to the back of your head to pull you into a heated kiss, one that he dominated. His tongue entered your mouth when you gasped in surprise at the suddenness of it all.
 His towering frame made it easy for him to trap you against the nearest wall, continuing his assault on your body in the ways he saw fit. Groping your chest through the fabric of your light cotton shirt, feeling your nipples get hard under his palms, as he slid a knee between your legs.
All you could do was whimper, breathlessly moan out when he pulled away from the kiss, as you tugged his hair harshly in one hand. The other held onto his shirt tightly to help keep you in reality. A loud yelp shot out your mouth as you felt a sharp pain at your shoulder, one so loud you covered your mouth.
That didn’t go over well, with Kirishima ripping your hand away with a growl and pushing on your core with more pressure as he stared into your eyes. You felt small under his gaze, almost helpless as you felt your hips start to gyrate on his thigh. A shiver running down your spine at this new, more dominant, side of your boyfriend.
 “Don’t you dare hide any sounds; you hear me?” Kirishima growled, the low timber to his voice was making your knees weak “I want to hear it all. Want them all to hear it.”
You nodded your head, swallowing thickly as you watched him lower his head again. Licking up the column on your neck before finding that weak spot by your ear and taking a bite. The sharp ache returned, only to turn dull and more bearable when his tongue soothed over the tender spot.
His sharp teeth mapped all over your neck and collar bone, leaving behind red angry marks; some that were already turning purple. No place left unmarked as he continued his downward track, ignoring your wobbly legs and whimpers as you tried to stay upright when he ripped the flimsy material of your shirt off of you to get to more of your chest.
Not even taking a breath, or allowing you to take one, before his assault continued onto your pert breasts. One nipple being bitten, and sucked harshly, before he moved to the next one. The neglected one would never be left alone, as his large hands would grope and tug. All ministries done to hear more of your broken moans.
And moan you did. You couldn’t help it. He was toying and playing with you so wonderfully, so roughly. The drastic change from how he would normally kiss and caress your skin was making your head dizzy. The rough pleasure, that almost bordered on pain, was something so divine that you couldn’t help but want more.
“Bedroom.” You whispered out, tugging his head up and away from your chest “Take me to the bedroom.”
It was a command, though it was masked so prettily that Kirishima couldn’t help but oblige. Lifting you up by your thighs, to force your legs to wrap around his waist. Kirishima wasted no time in rushing to your bedroom, throwing you onto the bed and enjoying the squeal you let out when you bounced on the soft mattress.
“Come here, baby. Wanna mark those pretty legs of yours too” Kirishima licked his lips as he tugged on your legs. Pulling you to the end of the bed before ripping your jeans off your legs.
Your breath hitched as his lips tickled your ankle, watching a wicked smirk play across his handsome face as his eyes turn darker while gazing down at you; like a predator would with his prey. And you had no qualms being his prey as you leaned back on your elbows to watch him slowly make his way up the length of your leg.
Letting out little mewls of pleasure whenever he would nibble a spot before soothing the sore skin with his warm tongue. Your hips twitching in place, you were trying your hardest not to move so much but couldn’t help it. You were getting needy, wanting him to hurry up and touch you properly.
“Needy baby, aren’t you?” His dark chuckle accompanied by his fingers lightly brushing your soaked panties made you whine, hips trying to chase the fleeting touch for more.
“Please, need more!” You whine, lips unconsciously pouting as you lay fully down onto the bed “Want you to touch me more….”
“Such a good girl, aren’t you? Telling me what you want, want me to play with this pretty pussy, huh?” Kirishima spoke slowly, pulling your panties down your legs, groaning at the sight of your glistening folds.
You mewled when you felt his fingers run up and down your folds, his other hand coming down to rest on your pelvis to keep you in place. Rough, thick fingers, slowly rubbing your clit before dipping down into your core. You let out a choked moan when you felt his fingers enter you. They were so thick, much thicker than yours, that you adored the stretch they provided to your gummy walls.
“Always so tight for me, aren’t you baby?” Kirishima groaned, pushing more on your pelvis as he sped up his motions. Enjoying the way you cried out and tried to move away from him “Such a perfect pussy, and it’s all mine isn’t it?”
You could only wail and the sudden onslaught of overwhelming pleasure of his digits positioning into you at an alarming rate. Your orgasm was being built up so quickly that you couldn’t think straight, eyes crossing and back arching as the coil was starting to break.
“Hey!” Kirishima pulled his fingers out, much to your disappointment as you sobbed out for him to not stop. A harsh smack was brought down on your thigh “When I ask you a question, you answer me, got it? And only good girls who act right get to cum.”
He brought his hand back to lightly run up and down your folds again, ignoring your clenching hole and you mewls that were asking for more. He rubbed on your clit lightly for a brief moment before pulling away entirely. Standing upright he threw his shirt over his head before he started unbuckling his belt.
“So, let's try that again.” Kirishima licked his lips at the sight of you looking up at him, doe-eyes looking so sweet and innocent as they tried not to stare at the tent that was now present in his jeans “This pussy is all mine, right? You’re all mine?”
You nodded your head, a meek little ‘yes’ escaping from your lips as you sat up to rub his bulge. Biting your lips as you looked back up at him, feeling yourself getting wetter at what was to come.
“All yours Eji, no one else’s” You whispered, bringing your hand higher to help him tug his jeans and boxers down.
“Ah, ah, ah!” Kirishima chided, moving your hand away from touching his weeping cock “Can’t wait any longer, gotta fuck my girl right now.”
You eagerly nodded your head as you quickly moved up the bed to nestle yourself in the pillows. Letting out a playful giggle when Kirishima followed suit, grabbing hold of her leg once more and kissing you knee before settling it up on his shoulder.
“Gonna fucking wreak you baby” He groaned, rubbing his blunt tip up and down your folds to coat it in your click juices.
You let out a mewl, that quickly turned into a groan, as you felt him enter you. The stretch was always too much no matter how much he prepped you, you just never were fully ready for his girthy cock. But that was why you loved it so much. You loved the burn and pleasurable pain his cock would do to you, how he would stretch you so wide to force your pussy into his shape.
“That’s it. Take all of it, good girl” Kirishima moaned, teeth grazing your calf by his head as he continued to push more of him into you. Trying to get it all to fit “Such a good girl for taking it all. Keep going….. yeah just like that!”
He let out a long-drawn-out groan when he finally bottomed out, gripping onto your thighs in a tight hold to help bring him down. He didn’t want to end the fun so soon, but God were you tight. You always were and it drove him crazy every time he entered you.
 Your eyes were clenched as you held onto his shoulders, nails making small crescents into his skin as you tried to adjust. After a moment you felt his hand move in between your bodies, the other gripping at the pillow beside your head, as he rubbed small circles on your clit to try and get you to relax a little more.
“Yeah, that’s it.” He praised, his starting to rut slowly “There you, doing so good taking me in this tight cunt. Gonna start moving okay, so hold on tight.”
You barely had a moment to fully register what he said, or fully prepare yourself, when he pulled almost all the way out before slamming right back into you. Repeating the motion with increasing speed and strength that after only a few moments he was slamming down into you at a brutal pace. One so hard that your body kept moving up towards the headboard, and your upper thighs were starting to feel bruised by his punishing thrusts.
All you could do was hold on tight and scream out his name, to babble nonsense as his cock kept hitting your sweets spots at such an angle and speed that your eyes could barely stay focused. If it wasn’t for his constant praise, of him constantly telling you to “keep taking it, yeah keep taking this cock, keep screaming my name baby, let them all know who fucks you this good, no one else can fuck you like me”
It was the dirty talk, the constant filth that was coming from his mouth that made you go wild, made your cunt clench around him, made you gush again and again. And Kirishima knew it too. Along with his vigorous tight circles his thumb kept relentlessly spinning on your clit, the brutal slapping of his brutal hips crashing down into you that just pushed his cock deeper and deeper into you. And his thick cock bombarding your senses as it kept hitting your cervix, causing you to cry out constantly in pleasure even if your throat was getting sore.
“Gonna fuck you so its always in my shape, you would like that wouldn’t you? My cock hungry baby, look at how you scream for it. Am I fucking you stupid, huh? Fucking you so good that you can’t help but cream around my cock?” Kirishima asked through clenched teeth as he tried to hold on until after he felt you cum around him one more time “I know you do baby. Come on, cum around my cock again. I know you got one more in you.”
“S’too much!” You cried out, not bothering asking him to slow down as you knew your previous attempts were futile “Please, want you cum Eji!”
“You want my cum? Want me to fill this pretty pussy up?” Kirishima moaned when he felt you clench at his words, clearly it was getting to you more than he originally though “Come one baby, cum for me. Milk my cock with this tight pussy, come on!”
It only took a few more thrusts before your body was trembling and his hips were stuttering into you. You both cried out as you came crashing down, your gummy walls holding onto him so tight that it was making him whine, as your body convulsed with overstimulating pleasure.
He stayed buried deep within you as you both tried to catch your breath. Petting your hair gently and running a hand to run small soothing circles on your thigh to help you calm down. Once your breathing evened out, he reached under you to pull you up and to his chest.
“Come on, let's go run you a hot bath.” Kirishima whispered, carefully stepping off the bed “It’s what my girl deserves after being so good.”
All you could do was mumble into his neck as your head lulled gently along with his movements, too tired and blissed out to find, or want to find, your strength.
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sunrisefairy · 3 years
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Pairing: Remus Lupin x reader Warning: NSFW! MDNI 18+, not a lot just oral sex (male receiving) and some swearing. Summary: Reader buys Remus some lingerie so he can feel pretty.  A/N: request from the lovely @anxiousblanketqueen who wanted some body worship with Remus. Requests are open! tag list: if your name is crossed out i couldn’t tag you @theweasleyslut @anxiousblanketqueen @midnightgremlin @babyjordy @widowdays @inglourious-imagines @garbdump @star-sunshine-sage @weelittleweasley @starlightkell @omghufflepuff @weasleysprincess @harrysboo28 @j-amespotter @woodxweasley @gryffindorgirl @siriusbarnesslut @joytce397 @thegirllostinthelibrary @layaaaa @nuttytani @horrormoviebitch
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Remus toys with the lace fabric covering very little of his body, he nervously eyes himself in the bathroom mirror. His bottom lip is pink and puffy and pulled tightly between his teeth. A red hue is spread across his chest causing the pale blue bralette he’s wearing stand out even more.
“Do you have it on baby?” you voice echoes through the bathroom door; you sound excited and you should be, you were the one that brought Remus the lingerie set he was currently wearing. It was a matching bra and pantie set, light blue in colour and had a lace floral design stitched throughout it. As soon as you seen it in the shop you knew you had to get it for Remus. Your boyfriend had been feeling insecure lately and you were determined to show him how gorgeous he was.
“Yeah,” Remus lets out a shaky breath while running his hand through his already messy curls, he gives himself an encouraging nod before opening the door and walking out. He finds you standing in the middle of the bedroom, at the foot of the bed. Remus doesn’t fail to notice the way your jaw slackens the moment your eyes reaches his body. He feels even more nervous than before, worried the image of him wearing women’s lingerie wasn’t what you were hoping for.
Neither of you speak a word while you take in your boyfriend appearance, he has yet to move from the bathroom doorway.
“Holy shit,” you exhale excitedly, “look at you.”
You’re finding it very difficult to decided where to focus your attention, your eyes scanning over every inch of Remus’ body. His breathing is irregular making his toned chest fall up and down rapidly. The redness that’s threatening to creep up his neck forces the silver scars to glisten under the dim lighting. The powder blue bralette across his chest compliments his skins and the dainty lace straps makes the boy in front of you look even more delicate and angelic. You move your eyes sight lower down his frame, the coarse hair of his happy trail disappearing into the matching blue panties. If Remus was standing closer, he wouldn’t have missed the whimper slipping from your lips when you see his bulge, straining and hard underneath the lace material.
“Come ‘ere,” you squeak out, motioning for Remus to move towards you. A few large strides and Remus is by your side, the both of you standing in front of the full length mirror hanging on the wall. Through the reflection of the mirror you notice Remus’ gaze down by his feet and the blush has undeniably creeped up his neck and to his cheeks.
“Aw, is my little princess embarrassed?” you coo. You move your hand up to his chin, his stubble pricking your fingertips, gently you guide his head up, encouraging him to look into the mirror at his own appearance. “Look at you. Look at pretty you are for me Rem.”
Obediently he keeps his head in place, scanning over his body even when your hand leaves his chin and you start tracing a finger down his hot skin.
“Look how gorgeous this neck is baby, I love kissing and sucking hickeys here,” your finger dances over the said spot on his neck, a purple bruise fading from the night before. You move your finger towards the lace bralette, pinching Remus’ nipple through the rough fabric earning a hiss from the pale boy. “I love your pretty nipples too, and the little noises you make when I play with them,” with that you move your hand under the bralette and take one nipple between your thumb and forefinger, squeezing lightly. Remus doesn’t bother to cover up the low moan that erupts from his lips. He wants to look at you, see your face but he can’t seem to tear his eyes away from your hand, watching where it’s connected to his perky nipple. Remus’ whines at the loss of contact when your fingers leaves his nipple.
“I love all of your scars princess but especially this one here,” you whisper, pointing to a pink scar just under his peck. “Do you know why?” Remus shakes his head, his eyes glued to the said scar and intently watches your pointer finger beginning to move and trace the path of the old wound down his stomach. “Because it leads to one of my favourite parts of you.” Remus groans in pleasure when your finger stops at the end of the long winding scar, which is right next to his V-line. His cock twitches and some pre-cum leaks through the thin panties he’s wearing.
“Please,” Remus utters so quietly he isn’t even sure if you’ll hear him. However, you ignore his plea and continue tracing your fingers over his body. This time you grab onto his shaky hand, “you haven’t even touched me yet baby and I’m fucking dripping for you.” You lead his lanky fingers down to your skirt and to your aching core, letting Remus feel your already soaking wet panties. “That’s just from looking at you baby boy. That’s what you do to me.”
Remus whimpers from his spot beside you, he can feel your juices seeping through your cotton panties and coating his fingers. He wants nothing more than to sink to his knees and lick you clean but it seems you have other plans for the night. Pulling both of your hands from in between your legs, you give Remus a light push towards the bed.
“Lay down baby, wanna worship that body of yours,” you purr.
Remus gets comfortable against the plush pillows while you lay between his thighs. You waste no time in pulling his aching cock out from his panties and slowly pumping his length.
“You want me to take care of you tonight Rem? Want me to make you feel good?” you prompt, the pace your hand is stroking him at is painfully slow and Remus has to restrain himself from bucking up his hips.
“Yes please, want you to make me feel good. Want it so bad,” he babbles desperately.
Remus’ eyes roll back into his head the moment your wet lips wrap around the pink tip of his angry cock. The moans and whines come tumbling out his mouth when you start bobbing your head up and down, taking as much of him down your throat as you can.
Remus threads his fingers through your hair, pulling it away from your face and giving him the perfect view of you laying in between his legs sucking his cock like it’s the only cock in the world. “So good baby, fuck.” Remus whines, feeling the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat.
He tries desperately not to, but he can’t help but thrust his hips up towards your face causing you to gag and choke around him. You concentrate on your breathing and focus on relaxing your throat as best you can to accommodate Remus’ large length. Remus’ relishes in the sounds of you gagging on his cock and your moans send waves of pleasure up his body making his fingers tingle and toes curl.
It's not long before Remus can feel the familiar build-up of pleasure in the pit of his stomach. You pull back to swirl your tongue around the tip giving you a moment to inhale before taking your boyfriend into your mouth again. You grin when you hear Remus babble and moan from above you, a string of ‘so good’ and ‘just like that’ spilling from his mouth. You notice Remus quickly approaching his climax from the way his cock twitches in your mouth, so you move hand to cup and massage his balls.
“Ah shit! I’m gonna cum. Fuck baby, don’t stop!”
Remus hips stutter as he releases thick ropes of salty cum into your mouth, his hips continue rocking into your mouth, only stopping after he finishes completely. You pull away with a pop and look down at your boyfriend laying blissed out of the bed, looking utterly divine. His cock sits flaccid against the fabric of his panties and you notice how one strap of the bralette has slipped from his shoulder. Remus’ messy curls are sprawled across the pillow beneath him and his eyes are half shut as he gazes lovingly back up at you.
“Aw is my pretty princess all fucked out?” you tease giving his thigh a light slap. Remus flushes at the nickname and nods.
You smirk, wrapping your fingers around his spent cock earning Remus to hiss from the sensitivity. “That’s too bad baby,” Remus gasps when you start stroking him lazily, “I’m not done with you just yet.”
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