#actually what the hell was my point there “yeah the drawing im doing right now looks just like a previous drawing i did!! weird :P”
autism-corner · 1 month
forgor that drawing takes like. effort.
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getvalentined · 2 months
I love when folks ask me Fandom Old questions and I get to be like "Yeah, uh, that's from my old online RP group, no it's not canon at all, yes we just made it up, no we did not claim it was canon but the mid to late aughts were a strange time."
It's honestly a shock to realize how often this has happened. I mentioned earlier that Reno's fanon surname came from this same group, but that's not even the half of it. I once made a bunch of screenshot manips based on the most ridiculous ships anyone could think of—someone slapped a random line of text onto one of them and to this day it's used as a "cringe FF7 fandom" meme. I saw it on the twits a bit back and almost fell out of my goddamn chair.
If you've ever heard Scarlet referred to with the surname "West," read about Tseng fighting with metal fans, seen Elena's older sister being called Anna instead of Emma, come across Vincent portrayed as having a PhD in spite of being a Turk, or caught references somewhere to Grimoire experimenting on Vincent as a child, that started with this group. That was us.
One of the funniest examples of this, for me specifically, is that we don't actually know which arm Veld is missing? The fandom generally goes with his left because that's how I drew him in the first picture of the guy ever posted on devart way back in 2005, but it may very well be his right. I've seen people offer "proof" that it's his right based on a scene in the opening cutscene, but you can't tell there either, and with BC's graphics there's literally no way to tell on his sprite.
Hell, this year we found out everyone's assumed timeline of the Kalm fire is wrong, and that's our fault too because we made some assumptions about Felicia's age for an LJ RP that were entirely wrong. She's around Zack's age, not Sephiroth's! She's old enough to run with a terrorist group in BC, but she was a child when Kalm burned, and that happened in 1997—we know this because NPCs in Rebirth literally refer to the fire in Kalm having happened "just ten years ago." Veld has only had his prosthetic for three years when BC starts. (This also implies that, contrary to popular belief, Veld may actually be younger than Vincent. Vincent may have been the senior partner, and that's why he was sent to Nibelheim alone while Veld was left at headquarters.)
We were really wrong on this! But we were working with what we had. There's no canon evidence for the vast majority of these things (the most notable exclusion here is Vincent being educated) but we weren't claiming there was. We were filling gaps, and canon was so sparse that we had a lot of gaps to fill. So if it turns out that Veld lost his right arm, then I'll just have to start drawing him that way—because losing his left was never canon.
Tragically, there's nothing any of us can do to make people stop assuming these things are canon at this point; there aren't a lot of us still in the fandom, and it's not like any of us have those old chatlogs anymore. People from this RP group have DIED since those days. It's been over 20 years since most of us met, and around 15 since most of us were in a public fannish space together.
"Prove it," people say, and I literally can't. Do you know how many computers I've been through since then? 75% of the platforms we used no longer exist. This all started on a BBCode forum! There is no proof!
But...there's no evidence any of these things are canon, either, so maybe think about that? The Kalm fire, Tseng's weapon of choice, Veld's arm, character surnames—none of these are retcons because there was no lore there to retcon. We made it up for our specific purposes, and it escaped containment in an era when there was really no way to do online contact tracing.
It's just one of the weirdest feelings in the world to see younger folk arguing about A or B point in canon, about X or Y retcon—referencing something my friends and I thought up at like 10 o'clock at night on a now-defunct IM client in August of 2005, because we needed something to refer back to for a specific scene in an RP and the source material had nothing to offer.
Absolutely fucking bonkers.
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Two hearted Love
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Aaron x Fem reader
Requested by: @flowercrowns-goodvibes thank you for the request ❤️
Warnings: Swearing, Gracie (Because she's fuckin adorable), Aaron (Cuz he's fuckin hot), fluffy af!
A/n: This one is definitely on the cute side, extremely fluffy.
Summary: Aaron, Gabriel, and Paul "Jesus", are going out on a run. Aaron has Y/n watch over Gracie, but little Gracie tells Y/n one too many of Aaron's secrets.
"You guys gonna be okay?" Aaron asked, Y/n and him stood next to the gate watching Judith and Gracie play on the porch.
"Yeah, we'll be fine." She chimed. "Im worried about you, Aaron. You're going out there, and I know that you can handle yourself. But it's still extremely dangerous, so stay alert."
Aaron smiled and nodded at her words, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug. Y/n embraced it and snuggled her head into his shoulder.
"Keep her safe." He whispered.
"You know I will."
Y/n watched Gabe, Jesus, and Aaron walked down the road and into the woods before she closed the gate. Gracie came walking up and leaned her head against Y/n's hip.
"Daddy will be okay, right?" She asked.
"Nah, he's as good as walker food."
Gracie gasped.
"I'm kidding, Pumpkin. You're Daddy is one of the most bravest men I know, he'll fight to his dieing breath to get back to you. He'll be perfectly fine, I bet you he won't come back with a scratch."
"Really!?" Gracie asked, sounding cheery.
"Damn right, Princess! Now let's get inside, it's hot out here."
The two walked up to Aaron's house, Y/n was about to walk in, when she stopped. She turned back around and faced the street.
"Hey, Jude! Wanna come in? Imma make some Mac!" Y/n yelled.
Judith got up off her spot on the grass and ran up the steps. The three went inside, and like a pack of Lil Jabba the hutts, they headed for the kitchen.
"You alright?" Jesus asked, looking at Aaron.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Im just worried about Gracie."
Gabe chuckled. "Y/n will take good care of her. She loves that little girl like she's her own."
His comment making Aaron smile, the thought of himself, Y/n, and Gracie all being a family made is heart beat faster.
"Y/n is a lovely person. Very kind, someone a lot of men must've chased after in the old world." Gabe continued.
"I know I would've." Jesus said. "A girl like that-"
"Hey!" Aaron interrupted.
Paul threw up his hands. "Im just saying! Besides I thought you guys were a thing."
"Well quit saying! And no we aren't."
"Why are you so salty? You like her?" Paul asked.
"What? No."
Gabriel and Jesus looked at him as Aaron walked in silence, looking down at the road.
"She is beautiful isn't she?" He asked.
"Y/n? Hell yeah!" Jesus looked at Aaron like he was insane. "I didn't want to say anything because I thought you two were something, but now that I know you aren't....I might try my luck."
Aaron then tackled Jesus and wrestled him into the dirt. Gabriel stood on the sidelines laughing and the two men fought like boys.
Y/n served up the Mac and cheese and sat down with the girls.
"So, what were you guys up to out there?" Y/n asked.
Judith smiled. "We were drawing."
"I remember doing that with my big brother." Y/n leaned forward. "My drawings were always better."
The girls giggled and pulled out their drawings, Y/n looked at Judith's first. It was dog, the drawing was actually really good.
"Nice job." She said.
Y/n then looked at Gracie's, it was a picture of three people. The smaller one was obviously her, and the taller one was Aaron. She pointed at the woman in the middle.
"Who's this?" She asked.
"That's you."
Gracie's words stunned Y/n, she looked back down at the picture.
"Why am I on there?"
"Because Daddy talks about you all the time. He's always saying how proud of you he is, and how he enjoys spending time with you."
Judith nodded. "I over heard him talking to Mom. He was saying that he trusts you with his life and that he really cares about you."
Gracie smiled. "Only I think he likes you. Like really likes you."
Y/n chuckled at their enthusiasm.
"Well, your dad and I are friends."
Aaron, Jesus, and Gabe began heading back when the sun started to go down. The three all laughed and joked about Y/n and Aaron. Jesus was making sarcastic comments while Gabe was speaking words of wisdom.
"I think you should talk to her." Jesus said. "Have you seen the way she looks at you? The way she blushes when you look at her!"
Gabe turned back to the men. "And that hug." He said. "At the gate, that wasn't any normal hug of friendship. Or as Y/n likes to call it "Foo foo shit", there was a spark in there."
Aaron smiled and looked at the sunset.
"You think there could be something between us?" He asked.
"Definitely." Gabe replied. "Or you'll fuck it up and she'll move to Hill top."
Y/n put Gracie to bed and went downstairs, she began putting the dishes away when Aaron walked through the door.
"I was wondering when the man of the house would get back."
Aaron chuckled and set his knife down on the table. He glanced up the stairs and looked back at Y/n.
"She's sleeping, I took care of your little angel."
Aaron nodded and looked over at the drawings on the table, he picked up the one that had Gracie's name written in the corner.
"Who's this?" He asked looking at the woman in the middle.
"She said it was me....along with a couple of other things."
He looked over to her, she was faced away from him setting a bowl in the cupboard.
"Other things?"
She turned to him and tossed the hand towel over her shoulder.
"You got something to tell me, Aaron?" She asked.
She walked closer and took the paper out of his hand and set it on the table. Y/n grasped his hands and smiled.
"Your little girl told me that her Daddy appreciates my work. And that he talks about me a lot, and that he really likes me...like really likes me." She said in a bold tone.
Aaron smirked. "Well, she isn't lying." He copied her tone of voice.
Y/n smiled again and rose up onto her tippy toes, to where there lips were almost touching.
"So what are we gonna do about that?" She asked.
He leaned in and closed the gap between them, the kiss wasn't rushed, it was slow and loving. He slowly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Only stopping when they heard...
"Ew." Come from the staircase.
I hope you enjoyed!
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strawglicks · 5 months
Sorry for the ramble in your inbox incoming- I'm a really huge fan of your analysis type posts like the ones about Cathal and recently Flint ;A; So I hope its ok to maybe throw in my own 2 cents about Cogs/their society- (Sorry this gets rambly I thought about this last night and writing this like an hour after waking up lol)
I think what alot of people kind of (I wouldnt say ignore- more of:) don't really get is that I dont believe characters like Cathal or Flint have bad tendencies because they really want to in a way, (I kind of worded that poorly but point is) but because their society rewards and encourages that type of behavior. I think you said something kind of similar on Cathals post- But especially for Flint, whose a Bossbot (Who are literally the embodiment of a toxic workplace and elitism. I believe a old snippet from the TTO magazines says "They have no real skills of their own, just the ability to push down others and stay on top!" Or something to that nature.) he has to be demanding and imposing. There is no benefit to him in being kind. (Like looking at Misty for example) And don't get me wrong I don't believe that if Flint and Cathal were removed from Cog society they'd be better/objectively nicer (Like Flint not being condescending to Toons and Cathal not making people do things for him and being encouraged to try) But I do wonder how much of it is pressure, or how much of it is egged on and rewarded. Atleast in the aspects it relates to how they treat others.
(..And also I wonder what happens to Cogs that don't get jobs and are seen as ..not functioning. Since Graham was freaking the hell out in "Meeting Of Two Minds" over the possibility of not getting the job. I have a whole thing about this actually in my oc lore but thats another thing entirely I'll write about someday I swear)
Also I gasped when I saw the doodle of Graham in the MSI shirt finally a MSI listener Graham truther. I think he'd like the album "How I Learned To" and of course "You'll Rebel To Anything". I associate him mainly with the songs "Lights Out", "On It", and "You're No Fun Anymore" :p (This has been my favorite band since I was like 13 and now I get to spill all my opinions xD) I always imagined him doing the guitar backbend their bassist does! And my final hc is that Flint plays bass and Graham plays the main guitar. I think it fits them .. some people overlook bass when its actually pretty hard to learn from what I hear and vital to the song. (Like heres Feel Good Inc w/o the bass.. feels wrong x_x)
Anyways thanks for reading ;A; take care and happy new year!
THe biggest issue with Cogs Inc is that it REWARDS and ENCOURAGES these poor behaviors, worsening these characters as people. ESPECIALLY cathal considering the position of power they’re in. I’m sure it applies to a ton of other cogs too, but unfortunately I haven’t gotten to them yet bc I’m not as insane abt them . LMAO
And yeah since cogs are literally built for work, it’s a wonder what happens to those who can’t find a job as easily as others. Hoping that gets built on since it’s clear in MOTM that these cogs have to actually apply and go to interviews and probably face some trial and error to land a job, just like people IRL.
ALSO. THE BAND HCS. I love it and you’re SOOOO RIGHT about the backbend that is so grahamcore. And yes I’m pretty sure Flint does play bass, I think his creator mailman said smth abt that on their blog . AND IM SO GLAD YOU BROUGHT UP FEEL GOOD INC bc i did draw flint in a demon days shirt in that same animatic . And ive def drawn them in the same shirt a couple times in the past too . I’ve always imagined him to be a Gorillaz fan, maybe graham too
Anyway ty for these thoughts im eating them up and leaving no crumbs . I love when ppl come to ramble in my inbox bc discussing this stuff IS SO FUN and a good outlet for me esp when i might be having art burnout rn .
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pigeonwit · 7 months
HI!! i am SUCH a massive fan of your work and your writing style and the way you write javid ... do you have any tips on making description and dialogue/switching between the two not sound clunky?? im having trouble 😭 im eating all your fics rn btw ... gnawing on em
oh!! goodness that is high praise - well first of all thank you, that is so sweet of you to say, and i'm so flattered you felt like you could ask me for help on that. but i gotta be honest, i'm very much an amateur and i really don't feel like i have much right to give 'advice' as it were - i'm still figuring out a lot of stuff myself tbh. but something i can definitely do is tell you what i do, why i do it and how i try to improve my own writing, as it's something i think about a lot and therefore something i feel very comfortable telling people about - but again, disclaimer, this is just what works for ME. i used to be really hard on my writing because compared to the work of other people i've seen, i felt like i was being way too flowery, overstaying my welcome on a lot of passages, being overly preachy, etc etc - but trying to emulate other people's writing entirely just doesn't work and completely sucks the fun out of it. so this is just what works for me. anywhore lets get to it
so i focus on a few things when i'm writing dialogue, the biggest one being 'Do People Talk Like This?'. now that's not always the most helpful question to ask yourself since everyone talks differently and there's really no point trying to categorize it, but where i find questions like that help the most for ME is when i'm thinking about what the character's thought process would be in saying this. for example if i'm writing oscar and morris, it just doesn't feel right to have them say shitty things for the sake of being cartoonishly shitty, because what's the thought process there? 'haha i'm gonna humiliate this kid because i'm just evil!!' no one. no one does that. they have their own reasons for wanting the newsies to feel beneath them, and even if i'm only writing them for a line or two, i want that to be the thing i get across, rather than just 'the delanceys are assholes' (even if their purpose in my fics is usually to be assholes).
i also try to draw from reality a lot, conversations i've had, things i notice when people speak to me. it's difficult since i'm autistic and therefore misread things or miss things entirely, but i try to do my best from my own experiences. a lot of my scribbles so far have just been casual little snippets of javid conversations 'cause that's a really fun way for me to get to know the characters and how they'd behave in casual conversation. i really like looking into davey's weirdness and so i draw from a lot of the weird things i do, the weird jokes i see other people make that i find so damn funny, weird body language that i love, etc etc. and it's fun to see how the characters react off one another when they're just being silly. sometimes i just need to lock two characters in a room together in your mind and see what they do - it doesn't really accomplish anything in terms of fic, but it helps me get to know them and how they interact with each other.
as far as descriptions go, the thing that helped me the most was (and you're going to laugh here) going outside. i know, touching grass actually did improve my writing, it's shocking. i'm pretty lucky since i live in a seaside town with a lot of forest areas so i spent a lot of time last spring/summer just walking around with my head fully empty, and if i had any thoughts come to me that i liked, i put them straight in my notes app the moment i got them. it felt pretentious as hell at first, and yeah, some of them aren't GREAT, but it's better to have my thoughts written down somewhere i can access them again rather than just not have anything to work off of at all. i've started just carrying a notebook around with me so that if i ever have a thought that feels worth keeping i can just jot it down right away. it can literally be any thought, i think i have a line in there about a can of redbull. anything that keeps the thoughts coming. i also keep a little list of quotes my friends have said as well - it's mostly funny stuff like "adren says: FUCK CHARITY!!!" and "i love his seven year old boy swag" but every so often i get something like "time is irrelevent, the sun will still be up in the afternoon", which i think of every time i feel like shit for needing more rest.
also something that people told me to do a lot which i HATED hearing but fuck if it's not true, is to just read. like when i was in my contemporary lit class and i could just chew over alys conran for a week or two it was like a factory reset in my brain. holy fuck i love alys conran she is a goddess she IS the blueprint. she completely redefined how i look at and interpret my surroundings. and ali smith - i wouldn't say i'm a huge fan of her stuff but the way she does dialogue and character voice is SOOO special to me. i hated being told 'just read!!' because i KNOW i should be reading but unfortunately my energy is dogshit and taking in new informaton is hard, but honestly it doesn't even need to be a whole book. it can be anything. i've had my shit rocked by tumblr posts and fanfic drabbles. anything that can make me go 'huh i like how they did that' or 'hm no i don't think i like how they phrased that' is helping my understanding of how i want to write.
(and in a similar vein to that - having character tags is so helpful for me!! like i'll see the vaguest thing and be like 'yeah davey would say that' or 'oh that's jack energy' and even though it's small it still improves my understanding of the characters and how they interact/think/speak)
in terms of switching between the two, i think i have a pretty obvious pattern when i write dialogue; "the first part of dialogue", then we look at the character again, how they're saying the words, what their body language is like, what they're thinking, "and then we finish what they're saying." that works for me because i'm a chronic overthinker and i like being able to focus on the little things the characters might be trying to say without saying them outright, like if davey's stimming for a specific reason or if jack's body language is more stilted than it should be because he's hiding something, or if the narrating character is focusing on something specific that the speaking character is doing for whatever reason. but i've also been trying to notice when i'm overdoing that pattern and when it feels right to change it up a bit. i want to try and improve my pacing, since sometimes i'm spending waaay too long slogging over prose when i want a scene to feel fast-paced and intense, and sometimes i feel like i'm glossing over something that would be important to the character. so sometimes (like when jack first appears in run boy run) i want the character to go into bullet-time to emphasise the weight of what's happening and what they're experiencing, and how the character FEELS about things when they're given time to properly experience it, but other times (like in their argument at the end of the chapter 4) i want things to snap and crash into each other very quickly to emphasise a character's fight-or-flight response, how they react to conflict, what they do when they don't have time to properly think about what they're doing.
and,,, yeah i think that's everything i can think of. again i'm not gonna act like any of this is gospel, i don't even know if this is even helpful to anyone besides me, i just know that this is what goes through my head when i'm trying to write effectively. whether or not it works is up for debate - i'm still in uni and i'm still trying to explore what works for me and what doesn't. but honestly i'm very proud of the progress i've been making and it was really fun to just talk about that for a second, so thank you roman, this was very lovely! have a wonderful day :)
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eebie · 1 year
Sorry if this is kind of a strange question, I'm sure my wording is weird as it's hard to explain this in words, but would you be open sometime to maybe demonstrating/explaining/(not sure what word honestly) how you go about your doodles? There's this quality that's particularly noticeable in your sketches and less polished work where your grasp of things like movement and main forms and stuff becomes obvious- basically, you're pretty good at comprehending the bigger picture- and as someone who struggles with getting caught up in details to the point where it impedes my ability to draw, I'm curious to see if I can get into your brain a little bit.
sure!! it's very easy to get caught up in all the deets when it comes to drawing, n i totally relate. Sometimes as im drawing, i notice myself slowly drifting into more detail oriented stuff before i even get the main 'picture' of what im tryna draw down, and when i catch myself i have to be like LEAVE IT like i'm a dog trying 2 eat something i shouldnt off of the ground N haul myself back on track. it's very much something you have to unlearn, rushing to get the final thing you're picturing in your mind down on paper ASAP.
there's a metaphor I like to use with the tendency of bein stuck on the details: Imagine someone's carving a statue. Usually it starts off with em carving out a rough shape of one large stone, and only then moving onto the details once everything is sorted. Pretty straightfoward, right? Now, imagine they're trying to carve the same statue, but instead of doing that on one large, coherent piece of stone, working in stages, they immediately go to carve every detail out onto individual pieces which will then be stuck together (like a puzzle) to form the statue at the end. The results will be hella janky, and it will take MUCH more time to achieve something satisfactory, because there was no rough guideline that came before going into detail. you're essentially working backwards.
so i really try to focus on getting that gesture down before Anything else. gotta know where everything goes before you think about detail, and it can feel really awkward at first, it was for me, but it is an incredible help. Look at some of the gesture sketch examples that you can find on google, or even better watch videos of people doing it! For my figure sketching, i start with a single line that represents the spine, (S and C shapes are super important! Use them!) and then two rough shapes to represent the hips and shoulders. then it all branches out from there. You start with the trunk of the tree, then the branches, and then the leaves.
And it doesn't hurt to brush up on your general anatomy as well, cos it does help with knowing where things go. I really recommend watching Sycra, I learned almost everything about drawing anatomy from him ( https://www.youtube.com/user/sycra ) His story's pretty inspiring too, as he started art Very late and still became an incredible artist Hell yeah.
ik its better to actually See this stuff so here's a rough sketch to show my process :
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hourcat · 2 years
Your posts are so funny with your tags. I am laughing! But it gave me a prompt idea too. Basically chain/cross porn but without the porn. Keep it PG-13, kids!
HELLO BESTIE THANK YOU FOR THIS PROMPT!!!!! i definitely took a more alternative route than u probably intended lol BUT. my piarlie duty to write cross fic has been completed <3 and like....ok....so it's a little blasphemous at the end but....hm....im going to hell already so like. o well!
(word count: 2,186)
“I win again,” Charles cackles, dropping his controller to the carpet as Pierre huffs beside him. He gently kicks at his best friend’s knee. “You literally have had a week to practice, Pierrot, you knew what we would be doing when you got here.”
Pierre grunts, amused. “I knew what else we would be doing when I got here,” he points out. “Some of us think about more than Call of Duty on vacation, you know.”
Charles snorts, shaking his head as he reaches down to retrieve his controller once again. “Yeah, like sex,” he deadpans, and Pierre just cackles. “You’re insatiable, you know that?”
“You say that like it doesn’t benefit you personally,” he mumbles. Charles just ignores him in favor of focusing on starting a new game. “You enjoy killing me way too much, Charlito.”
Charles laughs, clicking buttons that Pierre is no longer focused on. “You’re just a sore loser,” he insists, kicking at Pierre again, and that’s it—Pierre jumps him, wrangling him successfully for a moment to steal the controller from out of his hands. “Pierre!”
“We’ll see who the sore loser is, huh?” he laughs, feeling the way Charles’ shoulders are shaking against him in his own amusement. With one arm hooked under his shoulder, Pierre uses the other to swat at Charles’ right hand until the Xbox controller finally falls from out of his white-knuckled grip, drawing a yelp from his best friend.
“You are a fucking cheater—” both hands freed, now, Charles twists under Pierre’s grasp and fights back, fingers bunched in his shirt and digging into his shoulder. It’s amusingly familiar to what Pierre had actually planned for: Charles grunting under him, hands pressed flat to his chest, laughter bubbling right into Pierre’s ear.
It’s just a little different. “I thought you worked out,” he taunts, and Charles grunts as he catches Pierre in a half-formed chokehold. “You are really—oof—"
In his surge upwards, the mess of Charles’ summer hair has caught the gold cross that hangs Pierre’s neck. “Ow.”
“Ah, shit—” Pierre tugs a little and earns a hiss from his boyfriend, who’s now stilled under his grasp. “Okay, okay, truce, mon cheri,” he mumbles, and Charles nods gently, exhaling sharply through his nose. “Okay, easy, let me—don’t move, let me just. I can unhook this, just—” with one hand, he threads his fingers through Charles’ hair, petting a little at his scalp. “Just be patient.”
“Pierre, this should not take this long—”
“Maybe you should’ve gotten a haircut before I came, hm—” he presses down into Charles’ head and uses his free hand to twist the gold cross from the lock of hair it’d gotten coiled around. Fortunately for the both of them, Charles’ hair isn’t densely curly—it only takes a gentle pull after being mostly freed up, and Pierre almost tumbles backwards onto the couch as Charles twists away from him in relief. “There, there we go.”
Charles tosses him a scowl, although it breaks into a smile almost immediately. “And you say I am the one trying to kill you.” He rubs at his head in mock-hurt, pouting at Pierre as he scoots back into Charles’ space. Like he doesn’t love this when Pierre gets a hold of him. “Why don’t you get that chain shortened? It would probably do less damage.”
“That would mean I’d have to take it off, Charles.” He tugs at it casually, shakes his head. Charles raises an eyebrow at him. “Besides—this way, it’s as close to my heart as it can be without it being a crime against fashion.” He cracks a smile, although it’s not really meant to be that funny. The chain is a perfect length, if he’s being honest—it sits right at the center of his chest without being unbearably dramatic. Any longer and he’d run the risk of being a fifty-something woman trying to accessorize—anything shorter and he’s moving towards choker territory, which is a little blasphemous.
“And because I can put it between my teeth when you fuck me.” Charles’ grin is catlike as he says it, braced against the couch invitingly. And, well—he’s right, of course, because there is nothing prettier than Charles glistening in sweat, light catching on the cross between his teeth, making pretty breathy noises as Pierre fucks into him again and again.
But he can’t actually admit that. It feels like a violation of a couple pretty cardinal rules in Catholicism. “That is incredibly inappropriate, Charles,” he says, mock-chastising. Charles sticks his tongue out but wiggles closer to him, elbow digging into his side. “You are so…” he ducks in a little, presses a barely-there kiss under Charles’ ear. “Mmmmm, maybe tonight.”
Charles giggles, turning towards Pierre so that their noses bump. “What are you, a Valentine’s candy?”
“Mmm, you do think I am sweet,” he purrs. “So maybe.”
Charles laughs, nuzzles at him again. “Disgusting,” he teases. But he curls a little closer to Pierre anyway, head leaning into his shoulder. Their game is forgotten—the colors flash across the screen in Pierre’s peripherals but he’s got an entirely different focus, now. He presses another kiss to Charles’ head, then combs through his tussle of curls again, drawing a quiet noise of pleasure from him. Charles burrows even closer, snaking a hand up Pierre’s chest.
His fingers close around the cross hanging at Pierre’s neck, though. “Pierrot,” he murmurs after a beat of comfortable silence. The night has filled Charles’ bedroom almost entirely, now, streetlights glittering distantly below them.
Charles makes another soft noise and thumbs at the gold-plated cross in his fingers. “Do you pray for me?”
Huh. A question he hadn’t necessarily expected out of him, but it’s not like they haven’t talked about this before. Pierre is more than religious enough for the both of them. “All the time, cher,” he chuckles, planting another aimless kiss somewhere on the exposed skin within his reach. “Why do you ask?”
Charles hums contemplatively as Pierre’s mouth traces languidly across his skin. “Can you show me how?”
The Frenchman pauses his half-formed assault on Charles’ neck. “Of course I can,” he answers after a beat, running his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair. “Of course, mon cheri.” He covers Charles’ hand with his own, thumbs at his knuckles. “First, I put the crucifix to my lips once.” Pierre purses his lips a little, a mock-kissy face, and Charles laughs under his breath.
But he does as Pierre says nonetheless; their fingers brush as he lifts Pierre’s cross to his mouth and kisses it once, a small smile on his face. Something warm curls in his chest at the sight—at Charles’ eyelids fluttered closed ever-so-slightly, attention entirely on Pierre. It’s not burning desire, not like usual when he has Charles this close; it feels like something deeper.
Like Pierre has never been closer to God than he is right here.
“And then?” Charles’ voice is barely a whisper, gaze still entirely fixated on him.
Pierre returns to his body, then. “Ah,” he chuckles, “so you are serious.”
Charles’ eyebrows knit together. “Of course I am serious, Pierrot.” He tsks. “Now tell me what next.”
Something swells in his chest at the devotion in Charles’ voice. “Okay,” he murmurs. “Okay, mon cheri, just repeat after me.” Charles nods imperceptibly. Pierre closes his eyes, turns his head up a little like he always does sitting in the back pews during church. “Lord, please watch over Charles today.”
Charles’ voice is quiet as he echoes Pierre’s words. “Lord, please watch over Pierre today.”
Pierre’s eyes open, at that—but Charles is steadfast in his mimicking of Pierre, his own eyes closed, head lifted. That warmth in his chest seems to stretch wider. “Keep him steady in your hands, let him drive without burden.”
At that, another soft laugh tumbles from Charles’ mouth, although he clearly doesn’t mean to. “Keep him steady in your hands, let him drive without burden.”
Pierre can’t keep his eyes shut any longer, though—quieter moments like this with Charles are rare, and Pierre himself is nothing if not indulgent. “Let him fly with the wind without fear of falling, for you will catch him.” Charles echoes him, fingers still curled around the cross. “Remind him You will catch him, Lord, so that he will always know safety in Your hands.” Charles’ face softens as he repeats this, too; mouth curved upwards ever-so-slightly, he says the words and Pierre can feel the way they’re meant for him. That Charles is praying for him. “Let him always know Your love. Let him feel the sun on his skin and know it is You, Lord, watching over him.”
Charles rests his free hand on Pierre's knee, tender, as he repeats the words back.
"Amen," Pierre whispers, throat tight with emotion. Charles is beautiful, so beautiful like this—the low light of his living room casting a heavenly glow around him, making him look like the angel Pierre often thinks of him as. He looks born for Catholicism—something he’s teased his boyfriend about a lot over the years, how he has the guilt and the cheekbones to belong in a church sculpture. Pierre loves every piece of him, always; but here and now, with his own hand cradled on Charles’ still clutching at the crucifix hanging around his neck, Pierre thinks this is something beyond anything they’ve shared before.
Charles’ eyes open slowly, like he can tell Pierre is analyzing him. "Amen," he echoes, kissing the cross again and catching Pierre’s fingertip in the process. The action isn’t seductive or sexy, not by any means—but full of love. His eyes are sparkling with it.
Pierre is breathless with the knowledge. Speechless, almost—at how earnest Charles is, how earnest this all has been.
A reminder, of sorts, that Charles is watching out for him, too.
Pierre can’t help himself—the moment their eyes lock, he closes the short distance between them and kisses Charles full on the mouth. There’s no heat driving him, no dangerous instinct to rip off his sweats and take him here on the couch: just mindless affection.
Charles kisses him back easily, of course, like always—pliant, soft, he makes a soft noise against Pierre’s mouth as he opens up, tongue swiping across Pierre’s bottom lip languidly. “Mmmm,” he murmurs as they part for a breath, eyes still closed. “Pierrot, is this how all prayers end.”
Pierre laughs quietly, chasing his mouth once again. “Oh, yes,��� he teases, biting at Charles’ bottom lip a little before dropping a kiss to the drawn bow of his mouth. “We Catholics are very slutty at church, you know.”
Charles breaks away from his mouth to laugh loudly. “And you said I was being blasphemous!” He exclaims, face pink. Pierre shrugs, unable to swallow the grin Charles seems to always draw out in him.
“You are not Catholic, mon cheri, I am—it is a perk of the church,” he insists, and Charles slaps his chest at the blatant lie. “Okay, okay, fine.”
“You are unbelievable,” his boyfriend chuckles, pressing his hand a little more just over Pierre’s heart. The crucifix digs into his skin at the contact even through his shirt, but Pierre can’t really be bothered to care. Charles leans forward again, catches him in another kiss. He’s warm, he’s firm, he’s so perfectly fitted against Pierre’s body even here on Charles’ not-quite-comfortable loveseat. His leg is hooked over both of Pierre’s, somehow, keeping them locked together—in a moment he’s all but entirely straddled in Pierre’s lap, still kissing him languidly, palm flat against the cross and warm over Pierre’s heart.
“Charles,” he mumbles between exchanges, and Charles mutters something against his skin as he trails kisses across Pierre’s jaw.
“I am not going to fuck you on the couch.”
Charles sags on him, face now entirely buried in the crook of Pierre’s neck. “Mean,” he pouts. Pierre can feel the warm heat of it right at his pulse and swallows, hard.
“We literally just prayed together, calamar.”
“So?” Charles’ grin is cheeky, and he rocks a little into Pierre’s hips to clearly tease. “You do not seem to be that against it.”
Pierre groans. “Please, mon chat, you are making this so difficult.” He rests a hand on Charles’ lower back, stroking him a little through his thin white t-shirt. “Let us cool down—and I—” he chokes on the rest of his sentence as Charles kisses at his neck, pout now turning dangerous the way it always seems to. “Later. Later, I pro—” Charles sinks his teeth in, pushing all of Pierre’s buttons at once like a child in an elevator. God dammit. “Fuck, you are impossible.”
Charles bites at the chain around Pierre’s neck. “You love me,” he mumbles, teeth bared.
He does. “Come here, Charlito. We can call this—fuck—we can call this communion.” Pierre slips the cross between Charles’ teeth. Charles whines.
Oh, he is so going to hell for this.
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sharksa-shivers · 8 months
Want an idea of the beginning dynamic? Aitey lol
(Early af group chat stuff lol, Kristy still getting used to things…Max just drags her into one and then Sharky after a while lmao)
Kristy: Look, i'm fucking terrified of him okay???
Kristy: How in the hell are you not??? Did you see what happened earlier??? With that fish??? And you're still so set on him being harmless??? THAT WAS HORRIFYING TO WATCH HONESTLY…
Max: Lmao, i never said sharky couldnt be intimidating or scary or anything, he hella fucking can if he reallt wants to
Max: thing is that last bit tho, "wants to" would be your key phrase lol. Sharkys chill as fuck 99% of the time…Also he's a giant puss and would coward the fuck out of doing any of thay shit your so scared of. He memes but hed never get over it mentally if he actually hurt somebody like that lmao
Max: he harmlesssssssss uwu, you juwt don't wanna fuckin listen again
(~Mr. Darktide Rising~ has been added to the group chat. Welcome!!)
Sharky: Yo
Sharky: ….Oh we're on this shavinksta again? Ok.
Kristy: MAX, WHAT THE FUCJ???????
Max: lol, needa get over it, i ain't lettin ya worm out of friendship that easy
Max: Sharky, tell krista something fuckin cool, legit, like whatever
Kristy: God fucking damnit Max!!!!!!! AND IT'S KRISTY
Sharky: Erghhhhhh, hmmmm…
Sharky:(sends a picture of packaged gel pens)I got some new glitter gel pens, can't wait to use these bad boys on some art.
Sharky:(texts picture of a blue rock)Also got this cool aquamarine rock earlier too. It's my birthstone so that's pretty neat. (March, if you were wondering)
Sharky:(sends bunny gifs and stickers)Also bunnies.🐰Bunnies are cool.🐇 You like bunnies Kristy? Pretty sure everybody does… Kristy: anxiety overwhelming, can't do this, fuck…
(Kristy - Has left the chat)
Sharky: ……..Oh, ok.
Max: Man, don't feel bad, just gotta keep trying…
Sharky: I shouldn't fucking have to keep trying to get some basic fucking respect but whatever…
Sharky: Never mind, fucking hell…Gonna draw, maybe rest. Dunno, just…I need to calm down, fucking hell…
Sharky: Fucking hate myself more and more every damn day…And I never actually fucking do anything to earn that…I haven't ever hurt anybody but everyone fucking hurts me…Sick and tired of it…
Max: Dude, fuck, cmon!!!
Sharky: Nah, i can't like…Handle this right now, i need to lay down, really upset now…Just want alone time…
Sharky: I know you want to fix it and i appreciate it Max but you can't fix everything, you can't. You just can't…And some people are always going to fucking hate me for what i am and i can't change that either…
Sharky: Ffs…So fucking done…
Max: Plz, just wait a minute!!!
Sharky: Anyway, laters, peace…
(~Mr. Darktide Rising~ has left the group chat)
Max: like fuckin hell i wont at least try to fix everything
Max: ……..This ain't over and i ain't deletin shit…Ima keep dragging both of you together until you get along on basic terms, this is fuckin ridiculous as fuck ------------- Yeah, so this is more a starting point lol Kristy at first is ABSOLUTELY PETRIFIED of Sharky...And for all the usual reasons... At first Sharky tries to explain and befriend her and whatnot but Kristy is so scared and distrusting of everyone (Probably because she got...yknow, kidnapped and dragged halfway across the world or something, idk lol) She doesn't trust him at all and is constantly thinking the worst of him... So thusssssssssss Sharky starts getting more bitter and pissy and angry towards her because...Well, fuck it. He's tired of being nice to somebody that's constantly throwing shit at him...Which, i do not blame him. (Sharky does have his limits as does...Everyone...) And Max is just like...The awkward middle man that's trying to fix shit because Sharky's his best friend/brother and Kristy's like his new bestie and "wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll we're a team now so you two dumbasses are gonna have to get along to some capacity!!!!" And Max isn't wrong there with the last point either lol... Kristy warms up more to Sharky as she gets more comfortable being in the Campsite and being forced around Sharky and whatnot...It just takes time...And Sharky isn't going to reject somebody who wants to change their mind on him (because he's had to do that a ton of times in his life and...He always wants that circle of close people to get bigger so...) Yeah, yknow lol Also Max is bad at remembering people's names (with Kristy tho, cuz she's being urhhh so bitchy towards the Campsite people who had absolutely nothing to do with her kidnapping and everything, he starts saying the wrong names on purpose cuz it pisses her off lol, that's a beginning joke...) And also also, in case you're wondering: Sharky ate a fish alive in front of em, that's what Kristy was going off about in the beginning bit lol...
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
Crystalised part 2 ep 23, 24, 25, 26 spoilers
Yeah I put them all in one post lol
Ep 23
Again, using minecraft logic
Antonia’s “I fished out the last one it’s your turn” lol wow, she makes it seem like this happens often
Antonia did the “if I had a nickel” meme
Oh frick Nya survived?? Also no legs for Nya??
Ofc casual sexism from the mechanic. She has a name!
Okay Jay didn’t crash!! Hell yeah Jay saving Nya for once!
The mechanic is anti jaya also that was such a sick line jay
Okay her fuckin legs are fine now ig
Also Nya’s gonna become water again :(
I think it’s weird that the Crystal warriors can pass out tho
Again city that never sleeps. Paperboys still gonna do their thing amidst a freaking war
Wu: I can’t do child soldiers
Nelson, pointing at the ninja: wtf are these then???
Oh gosh that was sick
ep 24
Lloyd rlly said frick you man
NOOO NOT THE SERPENTINE :[ that’s so sadddd
Lloyd really blew his mind there
I feel like the prophecy guy was brought up before but idk how to spell his name lol
Man zane is on the fritz
Oh god he has no limbs man that’s kinda fcuked up man jeez.
However the the ice emperor schtick is kinda funny
Oh my god he’s in a rucksack
OH MY FUCKING GOD ICE EMPEROR IS ONLY BACK FOR COMEDY not what I was expecting but I’ll take it
Hell yeah Ronin! Pixal and Ronin team up will be interesting
Omg the other sog who basically got completely rejected by Harumi this time round. Rip Pixal everyone is evil even her boyfriend
Hell yeah Ronin!! Trying to actually break out of the cycle
Also freaking Zane kicking ronin with his foot
Zane: vex? Vex! Wtf is vex when you need him
Ofc Cyrus didn’t even know
Ep 25
it’s the lava episode :)
Aww man Cole really hit his head
Okay even if I’m not a Kailor shopper I support skylor calling Kai hot shot
Ig this episode really will say which ship is canon
Freaking pythor. I love him
I guess Harumi is looking for lloyd
I would just like to remind people I coined Embershipping for the Kai/skylor/cole ship
I’m literally gonna start crying about Garmadon. Mans has half of his emotions but in the ways he’s expressing them, he’s sad about how Lloyd doesn’t accept the Oni heritage that he himself has and how christofern is a weird confused metaphor for Lloyd :((((
Gayle and vinny xxxx
God clutch literally has Nadakhan still oh my god
Okay this door must be a Chekhov’s gun bc they’re so gonna answer a knock that isn’t the paper boys
Okay so I assume the romance is gonna get cleared up in this ep. We see the harbour so we know jaya is a thing. We’re looking at Kailor at the start. And like. Pixane… I’m gonna cry
Okay thank god we’re addressing the problems with them right here and now. I’ll hate the ship significantly less if they do this right.
Okay that’s fair
(I’m still a lava shipper tho)
No I refuse any couple shit from wusako no thanks
FreKing Garmadon. He’s like my baby brother whenever someone is on the phone
OR LIKE BLAZEY is it blazey? H SPEED. I love her
Oh my gosh. I hope Rarlkove integrates Pixal into the long con snake jaguar au
UV just 👉👈 at pixal
:(((( Zane. Has borg tried turning him off and ok again? Putting him in a bag of rice? Giving him a few thumps on the back? What if we just say “protect those who can’t protect themselves” that worked in s11
Okay barely any jaya and I look forward to draw Zane’s fucked up face but like JEEZ MAN HE DONE DID IT AGAIN ITS LIKE HE SAID NINJA NEVER QUIT… DYING
At least that’s a good place to stop
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askfallenroyalty · 2 years
im getting really off-track here and am sorry to disturb from the main storyline but im very curious what fate ralsei holds in your universe because i think? this is one of the most unique endings i saw him getting? not that ive seen much besides all of the fountains closing or rals being a villain/someone from ut partially i just wanna know how he's doing. he seemed so disappointed when leaving
oh! i can actually show it. i WANT to clean up and make the drawn comic panels i did on the dark world stream publicly available but i just never find the time for it KLFLSf it'd be a bit of an effort because i didn't know to use the webtoon feature so everything is by a LARGE folder instead of separate canvases... wild i used to work that way. hell on earth.
ok so. I WILL transcribe this comic when i do the above ^ so apologies to those who need it for now. under the cut is Ralsei's ending, minus most of the context. i want to emphasizes, THIS IS A TEMPORARY POSTING LMAO. it will be accessible and fully contextualized later
Uh. Spoilers for Darkworld Arc (the Sam's Biggest Mistake in AFR History Arc). Does it count as a spoiler if i'm a lazy ass who hasn't gotten around to cleaning this story up?
again transcript will be added in the actual release. alongside the unfinished "music" video (the audio was never composed as the vid wasn't finshed.) it has SOME merit tho.
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After the Big Battle with Gaster the knight returns (is anyone surprised? no) and posseses Lancer to help give an epilogue to the kids.
(skipping ahead a little because i DO want this scene to mostly be unspoiled, even after all this time)
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...apparently this is where either my tablet died again or i was burnt out after drawing for like, idk, 12 hours on stream SKFJSLDF. this is the last panel.
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mwuah. a master piece.
ANYWAY. Ralsie (at this point he's been reunited with the kids at the end of the battle. i DO have art for that but i'm just going to show the aftermath)
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anyway with Tazetta being crowned princess and given a fresh new life, (again, details vauge cause it's a cute scene that works best with full context) she and ralsei are set up to be new siblings -a brother and a sister!
Kris and Susie got the chance to be proper heroes to defeat Gaster (saving Ralsie in the process) so everyone's on good terms -Susie feels redeemed for attacking Feylow and Knight-Kris (Knis???), Kris got a big Hero Moment and feels validated in their ability to choose their destiny, Ralsei gets to feel the prophecy wasn't a total lie, and he's been given a full chance to live his own life now without the Knight being a turd about it
anyway with the Knight
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(AGAIN trying my best not to spoil the scene (fine with talking story beats but not in detail) so deal with being out of context as possible) the knight literally ends the fight by putting gaster in a time out and deciding to become a better person for the darkner's benefit.
yeah. jeeze. really wild how chapter 2 completely recontextualized things huh.
Also, since it's been a year :grimace emoji: i can saftely say the knight is WAY out of character and way to nice and "forgivable" in this dark world. back then I was thinking: "hm, maybe the Knight can be more redeemed and once in Darkworld, they could have a change of heart :)"
yeah thats. that's WAY off the table for Angel's Lullaby as it is now. the "will they or won't they redeem themself" is still on the table but its a WAY bigger fight to accomplish (or fail) than what was depicted here, sharing Kris' SOUL or not.
I think i was just toying with the idea of the Knight's redemption to foreshadow Asriel being flowey and not believing their SOUL was real. I felt this would help justify/foreshadow why Asriel was wrong ahead of time. or something. now i just think it hurts the story by having the knight involved, it undermines that story's intentional confusion if Asriel was right or not a ton!
yeah a big reason why the DW arc was Bad was because 1) outdated for both Angel's AND deltarune LMAO 2) bad in context of Asriel's arc 3) Feylow is kinda a big mess and overly ambitious of a writing metaphor for my skill level at the time 4) litearllyyyy hate the narrative i built for frisk and ralsei and i couldn't really salvage that x-x
ANYWAY sorry for the mean tangent. hopefully this gave you some insight to Ralsei's story arc even if I didn't show the full extent of it
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gayspock · 2 years
bro.... okay assorted thoughts from dna mad scientist
first of all i already said it but i am SO freaking in love with namtar's character design. the practical effects are so, so, so freaking good. the way he walked... literalllyyyy i hate 2 draw comparisons, but i think abt how nowadays so much shit is just cgi'd for the fucking HELL of it like... ough you could NOT get cgi that would be anywhere near as harmonious as this costume was with the actor's performance. that cunt was feeling themselves.
and in general i will say i just. like tbh i knowww ive said it a lot but its so good and refreshing how creative some of the character designs are. theyre freaking weirdoooo. WEIRDOOO. I LOVEEE it. the other little scientist... idid not catch names (thats one thing i will say abt farscape - the names are so hard to get a hang of omg lol..) BUT i liked that design too. smile. aeryn's transition was a bit iffy but HEY. cant win em all
anyways storywise itself ok. listen im goin somewhere with this. i think its just... tumblr saturation... that makes me so sick of "found family". like im sorrryyy. i mean- i dont hate it i DONT. but the way ppl discuss it on here is so... weird bc half the time it doesnt even apply, or it's like... yeah theyre guys who like each other but its kind of just a friendship group and idk to me found family is more of an emphasis on certain themes rather than just. guys who hang out % got feelings for each other but. ok sorry thats an aside rank bc...
but.. FREAKING WHATEVER ANYWAYSSSS like my point. is its like. maybe i sound like a cunt. i dont know. im not trying 2 be edgy, but i get it sounds like that its just- i feel like shitty behaviour is necessary sometimes to make it more realistic SORRRYYY LOL.... but its weirdly refreshing when its like... the point keeps being made that yeaahhh these guys ARE starting to take a bit of a shine to one another. BUT ultimately theyre all stuck in a horrible fucking situation, & theyre so desperately sick for their lives back that they'll do freaking ANYTHING and throw these cunts under the bus like THAT. like even just in recent episodes- a few of them have been willing to just leave them behind if they gotta.... like d'argo on that one planet, and rygel in the cell... they donttt give a fuck and why would they yknow
and so like watching them just. YNAK PILOTS FREAKING ARM OFF. CHRIST. like- like it makes sense man... ha ha fuck me.. it does. like shit man. you go through so much fucking horseshit. theyre just kind of having to put up with each other. theyre first year uni flatmates right now for realll, not even that, and theyve been put through some shittt. and i LIKE that. it makes sense. & i think it will make any deeper connections more organic later on
and spreaking OF ANOIAFKIWFK['PGJSEG OSMKGAOJISGJPISDJ I LOVE PILOT I LOVE PILOT ILLOVEEEE pilot... pilot,zhaan and crichton are my FAVOURITES. but pilot could sooo soo shoot up there- it depends on how much more we get to learn about pilot but aooah rughh aorigughgh eekk. eeek. smileee. sortyy. SORRRYYYYY. JUST GIGGLES. KICKS LEGS. CHARACTERRRR TO MEEEE SMILEEE YAAAYYYYYAAYAYAY
also i love what they did with aeryn this episode also and specifically her repertoire with pilot. they have a really good fucking dynamic, man. best friends despite everything. i am actually really glad i like her bc i WAS worried as... perhaps its a more mdern media lens, but i feel like characters of her background, or her baxkground adjacent, can be done ehrhrm. not very well. but i think.... thus far i really love the way the show does handle lots of little character moments in the episodes.
LIKE THATS!!! Thats what i like!! bc- SORRY, im going 2 use trek as an example bc its a. decent comparison. but u have tng, yah? and its not entirely fair- thats episodic, yknow. but a lot of ehrm the character are extremely static and kinda. shallow in tng. lIKE I LOVEEE them sure and theyre all charismatic but i think with many of them ... ehrm lac depth... and . mm its moreso theyre always there to service individual stories, rather than the story is there to service them. and sooo they have to be a little blank- bc they are basically functions, for individual eps, and sotheyre kinda ? at the whim to change from ep to ep bc of that . and we do get some character eps but due to the nature of the show... u dont get the slow release of development, building them like you do here.
and i loveee that here bc its well doneee it is. smile. the way each of them do get fleshed out in every episode and its at a pretty organic pace like ive been saying. and so i likeee aeryn bc i feel like- i feeeel like i was worried they might go too much, too fast with her and it wouldn't work. but the steadier pace.... again, i really love pretty much all her interactions with pilot. i freaking love pilot man . sorry
also love zhaan ive said i love zhaan i want more zhaan bc her concept is everything to me. grin. had 2 say that too BUT OH
on the topic of aeryn. one thing i kinda wish.... I MEAN THEY WOULDNT. AND IT WOULDDD BE FUCKING WEIRD FOR IT TO JUST HAPPEN IN SOME RANDOM EP. but goddd part of me kinda wishes that there was no hard reset in this ep. or at least aeryn had someee lingering issues from whatever that was bc christ was that fucked up. wha tt he hell giys
speaking of, i also liked the like... non-apology from d'argo. again going back 2 what i said. i think its again... i dont know. it feels all the more... natural 2 me... like he's like "oh i would do that again. for sure." and pilots like "i expected that." i think its again wht i appreciate from farscape... theyve done this a few times where its just... a very measured response from characters instead of just freakingggg... forcing them to grovel, trying to close the episode arc story in a narratively satisfying way...instead its just again like yeahh he isnt fuckin sorryyy man. and its fine. lets play freaking music
also final thought. i insist d'argo should have paws still . like lion paws. anyways
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fstive · 2 years
001 -
⚠️ - fighting, streetfighting. mal and yn.. cursing, reader bites mal.. hospital, smoking, and blood
a/n : nothing
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" hey leona? wanna come with me to work. please, pleaseee ill do anything.. just come with me this once?.." " no thanks.. "alright.. he said no multiple times so youd just stop pestering him at this point. So you'd just go to the store and get something for Leona, Ruggie,, and Yuu... n then go to the station, go eat. and yeah!? done.. [ go home and watch porn!??]
(setting change to store.)
- ah... what should I get for leona?.. - you thought to yourself , ** - you grabbed your phone from your bag, and answered it" HI YN!, HOW ARE YOU?! " 'oh Yukie, I'm doing alright . oh yeah! what would ya' like from th- " ruggie told me lolz!! " ' k so whaddya want? ' long moment of silence.. "monster and some candy ykwim.. heh.. " ok.. monster and candy.. You'd just pick for ruggie and leona.. and got yourself some ciggaretes - what the hell. $26.45.. suprisingly its lower than the gas prices.- .. a bit confused(?) you said " uh.. can i get some.. uhm, newport shorts? " ' are you , wtf ever questions came ' you gave the cashier your ID annoyed.. by your facial expressions of course. you left the store and sat in your car, starting it and finally leaving the gas station.
(setting change 2.. outside and inside the station)
Parking after a few mins , turning off your car as it started to rain.. You were glad you were in track, running into the station . drying off and grabbing ciggaretes from your bag, taking one out and putting it to your lips. grabbing a lighter and lighting the ciggarete. a few minutes later and more texting, your opponent finally came and you turned off your phone and got up. " You must be tora?. if I'm correct." MAL said , " !... Uh,, uh. yeah! uh hum. but my names yn, You must be Mal? am I correct?.. " - DID I TALK TOO MUCH ? - He nodded as the refree ( ?) Came down station A into station B, sweating. and covered in rain... ( haha ) he gave a nod and blew the whistle, everyone in station a, b,, and c all came around you and malleus. - it's starting.. oh crap oh crap I might just pee myself! - you punchrd him and he uppercut you, scratching , and alot more. ( always pay attention during a fight!!) you decided to turn to dirty boxing, headbutting , and you BIT him hard he punched you off of hum and kicked you, karate wasn't letting you off easily . panting was heard from you. you finally gave up, passing out.
it was cold. the air, the lights were bright, the atmosphere. everything was cold when you woke up. you were in a bed next to leona and.. And " A-azul?.. what are you.. " yes, Azul. now you were awake, he left quietly and quickly, sitting outside the door. " leona? are yo" — "No, are YOU, Okay?!. I should have went with you. I'm sorry , fuck now you're in the hospital! "... he felt guilty. really guilty, " leona.. im okay." You weren't okay lol, you broke your nose , pounding headache and your teeth hurt badly. ( never bite people that's disgusting.) " I'm leaving. I'll see you back at the... dorm I guess. " It was actually because Azul was here. he hated his guts and wanted him dead. Azul was pissed at leona no matter what he said, leona left and Azul slipped into the room. it was a stern and quiet greeting from Azul, " Hello. yn " . you waved at him and that was all. " I checked you out while I was SUPPOSED to be sitting down outside this room. come on. " oh right.. you lost
1,730 wins , 10 draws and 2 loses.
this time you lost to azul. it was time to leave so I guess.. you got up, grabbed your clothes and went to a bathroom to change into something presentable. you came back and grabbed the rest of your stuff and left the hospital.
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conanbeshifting · 1 year
how i met remus lupin in my dr
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out of the entire castle i’ve made only one room forbidden to the boys when they know i’m there, and that is the library.
“alright lads, i’m heading to the library, you know what that means right?” i say as i’m walked out of the great hall with a small green creature on my shoulder and three boys trailing after me.
“yeah yeah we know.” the three other boys said in unison.
“good. i’ll be back in a few hours, now try not to burn the castle down.”
the boys and i part ways and i eventually reach the library. i’m open the doors and head straight for the desks to put my stuff down.
“bowie i’m going to grab a couple books do you want to come with me or stay here on the table?” bowie clung to my hair as i chuckled, “alright, alright you can stay with me.”
i’m searching the shelves for a book on advanced charms, once i get to that author’s section i notice two things, one; a sandy haired boy in my year was there, and two: that the book i need isn’t there. the boy who also notices i’m there with him, looks over at me and does a little double take.
“excuse me? is that a bowtruckle?”
“erm yeah, this is bowie, bowie say hello to the nice boy.” the bowtruckle quickly ducks into my hair hiding himself. “yeah he’s a little shy if you can’t tell,”
“let me guess, bowie after david bowie?”
i nodded and the boy chuckled and shifted the books he was holding into one hand as he put the other in the pocket of his trousers.
“oh right! i’m conan, conan scamander,”
“yeah i know. sorry, im remus, remus lupin.”
“yeah i know,” i say obviously teasing him. “what books do you have?”
“erm, your father’s book, a potions book, hogwarts a history, and an advanced charms book.”
“you’re reading about advanced charms too? this is going to sound weird but would you like to come over to my table and study with me?”
“oh! um yeah that would be great!”
as we walked back to the tables i look over at the doors which were slightly opened.
“are you kidding me?” i muttered, my previous smile that i held on my face quickly fell. lupin looked over at me in confusion.
“i am so sorry i will be right back i promise,”
as i walk over to the doors, the three heads that didn’t belong at the library quickly vanished. i swing the door open, revealing james, sirius, and peter smiling sheepishly at me.
“what the actual hell are you doing here?”
“we go curious ok? you always tell us we can’t go to the library with you so we wanted to see why. and now we do.” james tried explaining.
“james i can have other friends you know. my life doesn’t revolve around you.” i whisper-yelled at him.
“anyway who’s that? he’s cute,” sirius said with a smirk.
“sirius he’s in your house? remus? remus lupin?”
sirius narrowed his eyes as he silently muttered the name. “oh! yeah i know him!” he said very loudly, drawing the attention of both the librarian and remus.
“sirius! shut up! oh my god, and he’s coming over here. oh great now the librarian is coming over too!”
the librarian reached us first with a pointed look on her face. “out now.”
“erm miss my stuff is still in there could i grab it real quick?”
she nodded at me and i quickly walked over to the table. remus, who now had stopped walking turned and looked at me with even more confusion as i was grabbing my stuff.
“lupin i am so sorry, my idiot friends just got me kicked out. if you want we could go find a different place and start studying there instead?”
“love, it’s fine. but yeah we could go somewhere else. and you know you don’t have to call me lupin, right? you can call me remus,”
“i know your friends were talking about me they weren’t exactly quiet.”
“oh my god you heard that?” i said covering my face with my hands.
“sure did they were quiet loud.”
“lu- remus, i am so sorry.”
“that’s why i went ahead and checked out these.” the boy chuckled and lightly waved the books. the librarian cleared her throat causing the two of us to come to our senses and get a move on. i quickly rushed over to grab my stuff.
once we were herded out of the library i felt a small tug on my hair. looking at my shoulder i saw bowie pointing at remus. “hey remus?”
“bowie wants you to hold him apparently, you want to?”
“oh sure!”
bowie climbed his way down to my hand. once there i raised it to meet remus’ shoulder to which he climbed up on.
“don’t you think i’ve forgotten about you three idiots.” i said directing my gaze back at the three other boys who got me kicked out. the boys groaned as they turned to head to the gryffindor tower, remus following in suit.
“my dorm?”
“um ok,” my eyes widened a little as i blushed and began to follow him.
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vykko · 1 year
So didn’t from my regular posts I’m going to bitch about my old English teacher I had last year
Oh yeah trigger warning she was a ableist bitch also when I’m upset I curse more so this contains some colourful and Australian language then normally also I get angry so my spelling and grammar goes flying out the bloody window. Also also I’m not fucking missgendering myself for the sake of being accurate
I used to think maybe I was too harsh but now I honestly could not give a shit even if my life depended on it as she was a horrible teacher. Also I’m making the closest thing to my real nickname because it is very obvious what my legal name is if you know it do I’m going to coni I place as it’s similar sounding also anytime I say connor it’s in place of my legal name
so first day i meet her in person i tell her im dyslexic and might need some help with stuff, it went down hill from there as if adhd ASD and dyslexia aren’t on my file
how did she treat me, well not like everyone else that’s for fucking sure
Talked in the “hay sweetie/buddy” voice, for people who don’t know it’s the kinda voice used when you talk to a very very young child and fucking pets so it’s not very nice eg Miss Paulings line to pyro gives me flashbacks(joke I’m not serious)
I draw in class do I concentrate I told her that, she didn’t hear I guess as she always went “coni you can draw afterwards” or “coni could you look up at the board”
even if I finished the work I’d still get the same replies as the top one. Once I did all the work in the group project thingy and I got “coni you need to talk with (name of friend) so you can do the project then you can draw” becuase I guess I can’t possibly do work and finish it quickly it fucking quickly
unit on how stereotypes are bad and dehumanising when she was infantilising me so yeah she was also a hypocrite bitch
i had to be out of school for two weeks first week is kinda personal and the other was wisdom teeth removal. She emailed MY FUCKING MOTHER and not me that she’d send me the work
she sent it halfway through Thursday after I got back home from a blood test, IT WAS THE DAY BEFORE I WAS GETTING SURGERY ALSO IT WASNT EVEN THE RIGHT FUCKING WORK
i get back I ask how to catch up as she emailed me she would, she didn’t. She said not to worry about it and didn’t actually help me at fucking all with work where I needed to of done the work pipe and read the bloody book to s point
she then proceeded to slowly go from never choosing me to answer questions with my hand down to fucking telling me “you can tell me later coni” “not now coni” and like the bloody bitch she is she never call on me again
My friends can fucking see the shit she is doing because is so bloody blanet you’d have to buried half way to hell head first not to tell
i somehow managed to bet a a decent grade on my essay exam and here’s some crap I was going through at the fucking time : psychosis from hiding amount of stress, only getting 2.5-4houes of sleep for a month and returning to school when I hadn’t even fully recovered because the doctor note had bloody fucking stupidly only let me stay home for a week even when I wasn’t getting better for several days. I SOMEHOW MANAGED TO GET A C- and then she comes up to my fucking desk to tell me how I could of bloody done better
she introduced me to the new English teacher because thank the fucking heavens she had to schedule change and the audacity this fucking bitch
she, 20cm tops away from my desk and indrodues me too the new teacher, I wasn’t in the damn convo she was talking about me in front of me. Effectively doing it like
“That’s coni he is disabled, you need to be a condersending wanker as I think it works best oh yeah he isn’t like the other students so I obviously need you to treat him like dumb toddler who can’t understand anything” (if you couldn’t fucking tell I’m trying to make a joke it’s a joke)
also 2 last things
I never introduced myself as ‘coni ‘ to her or said she could call me that I said my name is Connor
also she didn’t like how I did stuff, even tho I didn’t do it wrong I just did it differently then she wanted so she made me do work in a way that doesn’t actually work for me and 2 apparently doing something that was effectiving no one is so bloody horrible
also new English teacher was fucking amazing and actually did their bloody job
ive claimed down again I think I need to add I never once got angry at her in person. I honestly had some fun in the class be of my friends not because of her
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jinleebelee · 6 months
I fucking love these massagers-
So I just finished giving them a good test run and holy hell 😳 it was amazing- it was just a chefs kiss all together
Thought I was practically dying both before and after I absolutely loved every minute of those damn massgers but
Jesus like ok. So right now it's like 2 42 jn the morning and here I am board (just finished drawing a oc still need to do the background) and I'm like Jesus I'm board but also tired bjt not tired to go to sleep qnd I just fuckin had no mood at all
Like for people who know me. Who think that as soon as I got the massgers I'd give them a test run right away (cause of how lee I can get and how practically everyday in like please God someone send me the tks)
But no I was like. When I opened them and just gave them a mini run just a quick touch on the foot you'd think I'd be flustered enough to actually give them a run. No no I didn't. Not even yesterday did I give them a thought.
Bht then all of a fucking sudden I decide to read a fic cause I'm board. And then I got flustered thinking about those damn massgers and how I wanted to do a dream tk thing and I was like pfft I ain't gonna ve that flustered
Yeah I was flust3red thinking about it but I wasn't full blown flustered as I usually thinking of stuff like that.
So me being the God damn smart ass I was. Laughing thinking oh nooo I'm soo flusyered in a sarcastic fucking tone. Until I start getting the tools ready and then it hit me.
Let me fuckint tell you how fast and hard did the flusterness hit me-
Felt like I was fucking meting a ler face to face for the first time qnd they judt asked me to sit next to them. But I'm just so flustered too thw point my face was probably a fucking tomato from how hard I was blushing. Slowly walking up and just being as slow as possible.
To say the least the progress was slow- very very very very very very very very slow-
And right qhen I thought I was ready then I got anothor fucking idea. Baby oil- Back back in the day. Like im talkin 6th grade- Before I even fuckin had tumbler(yeah yeah i know hkw the hell did i know baby oil and shit. Its called i looked up tk videos on youtube when i was sad in the 4th grade and didnt know any god damn better and shit. And basically i saw all these fuckin tools and shit. Lookin up wvery tk tool in the book and well here i am. A fucking tk nerd) I bought baby oil and to this day I still have it. Crazy but I still have it. Damn I'm getting too old- lmao.
So any way I slowly get up from NY bad and slowly very very- *ya yall get the point with the very slowly shit) grab it and set down on my bed
Ag this point I'm just thinking to myself what have I gotten myself into- I am absolutely terrified and flustered and just dying- (so much for oh I'm not gonna get flustered hahaha attuide-)
So here I am trying to figure out how exactly I'm gonna do this. Cause for people who know me or have been reading my blog know that I 👏 can't 👏 keep 👏 a 👏 tool 👏 on👏myself 👏 by👏 myself since this message rotates and had bristles ya know damn well I can't just hold on to it and leave their no I needed extra support.
And no that support isn't a irl ler. That would be nice but ya boi is very very anti social and has social anxiety (jazz hands)
So I used my second best thing tape!
It worked like a charm (I love ya type thank you for helping me stick it when ever I need) yes I just tried to say a pun-
easier said then done-
It took a long amount of courage, curses whines and "oh my fucking gods" to doni5 but I did it
And I fucking died
I was in heaven and hell and holy crapndid it fucking tk-
Practically holding my laughter which had never happened when I'm self tk cause I can hold in my laughter pretty good (unless a ler is wrecking my ass)
and all that was from one being turned on.
But once I turned the second on on Jesus christ-
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conanshifts · 7 months
How I met Remus Lupin in my DR
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out of the entire castle i’ve made only one room forbidden to the boys when they know i’m there, and that is the library.
“alright lads, i’m heading to the library, you know what that means right?” i say as i’m walked out of the great hall with a small green creature on my shoulder and three boys trailing after me.
“yeah yeah we know.” the three other boys said in unison.
“good. i’ll be back in a few hours, now try not to burn the castle down.”
the boys and i part ways and i eventually reach the library. i’m open the doors and head straight for the desks to put my stuff down.
“bowie i’m going to grab a couple books do you want to come with me or stay here on the table?” bowie clung to my hair as i chuckled, “alright, alright you can stay with me.”
i’m searching the shelves for a book on advanced charms, once i get to that author’s section i notice two things, one; a sandy haired boy in my year was there, and two: that the book i need isn’t there. the boy who also notices i’m there with him, looks over at me and does a little double take.
“excuse me? is that a bowtruckle?”
“erm yeah, this is bowie, bowie say hello to the nice boy.” the bowtruckle quickly ducks into my hair hiding himself. “yeah he’s a little shy if you can’t tell,”
“let me guess, bowie after david bowie?”
i nodded and the boy chuckled and shifted the books he was holding into one hand as he put the other in the pocket of his trousers.
“oh right! i’m conan, conan scamander,”
“yeah i know. sorry, im remus, remus lupin.”
“yeah i know,” i say obviously teasing him. “what books do you have?”
“erm, your father’s book, a potions book, hogwarts a history, and an advanced charms book.”
“you’re reading about advanced charms too? this is going to sound weird but would you like to come over to my table and study with me?”
“oh! um yeah that would be great!”
as we walked back to the tables i look over at the doors which were slightly opened.
“are you kidding me?” i muttered, my previous smile that i held on my face quickly fell. lupin looked over at me in confusion.
“i am so sorry i will be right back i promise,”
as i walk over to the doors, the three heads that didn’t belong at the library quickly vanished. i swing the door open, revealing james, sirius, and peter smiling sheepishly at me.
“what the actual hell are you doing here?”
“we got curious ok? you always tell us we can’t go to the library with you so we wanted to see why. and now we do.” james tried explaining.
“james i can have other friends you know. my life doesn’t revolve around you.” i whisper-yelled at him.
“anyway who’s that? he’s cute,” sirius said with a smirk.
“sirius he’s in your house? remus? remus lupin?”
sirius narrowed his eyes as he silently muttered the name. “oh! yeah i know him!” he said very loudly, drawing the attention of both the librarian and remus.
“sirius! shut up! oh my god, and he’s coming over here. oh great now the librarian is coming over too!”
the librarian reached us first with a pointed look on her face. “out now.”
“erm miss my stuff is still in there could i grab it real quick?”
she nodded at me and i quickly walked over to the table. remus, who now had stopped walking turned and looked at me with even more confusion as i was grabbing my stuff.
“lupin i am so sorry, my idiot friends just got me kicked out. if you want we could go find a different place and start studying there instead?”
“love, it’s fine. but yeah we could go somewhere else. and you know you don’t have to call me lupin, right? you can call me remus,”
“i know your friends were talking about me they weren’t exactly quiet.”
“oh my god you heard that?” i said covering my face with my hands.
“sure did they were quiet loud.”
“lu- remus, i am so sorry.”
“that’s why i went ahead and checked out these.” the boy chuckled and lightly waved the books. the librarian cleared her throat causing the two of us to come to our senses and get a move on. i quickly rushed over to grab my stuff.
once we were herded out of the library i felt a small tug on my hair. looking at my shoulder i saw bowie pointing at remus. “hey remus?”
“bowie wants you to hold him apparently, you want to?”
“oh sure!”
bowie climbed his way down to my hand. once there i raised it to meet remus’ shoulder to which he climbed up on.
“don’t you think i’ve forgotten about you three idiots.” i said directing my gaze back at the three other boys who got me kicked out. the boys groaned as they turned to head to the gryffindor tower, remus following in suit.
“my dorm?”
“um ok,” my eyes widened a little as i blushed and began to follow him.
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