#all-male emporium
fitsofgloom · 11 months
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In & Out Privileges!
Come & Go All Day!
Free Continental Breakfast!
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convolutedblasphemy · 3 months
Cursed Idea: Hazbin Hotel as an open world RPG with romance options
The only characters you can't romance at all are Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor and Vox (because he's just too fixated on Alastor)
You can start a QPR with Alastor but this is insanely hard and only works if you (1) never upset him or Rosie on that route, (2) your choices fall at least 80% in line with his twisted moral compass that you have no idea what it is, (3) you freed him and (4) you keep offering him dishes you cooked with the cannibal cookbook (obtainable from the 666 news studio) from "ingredients" you looted from enemies you killed. This only works if you chose a melee type weapon. Alternatively you can buy the ingredients from Rosie's Emporium but they're pretty expensive.
Lvl 10 friendship with Alastor rewards you by letting you scritch his ears and gives you a tail you can equip on him if he is in your party.
You can kill every sinner in hell as long as you own an angelic weapon, except for the overlords. The exception to this is Valentino, whom you can kill whenever as long as your level is high enough. He is the only boss fight that is not level- or story-locked.
You can be redeemed and go to heaven if you get 10000 heaven points by doing good deeds and helping people. If your first boss fight is Valentino, you win and choose to kill him, you get 1000 heaven points
Spending 50k at the Hellmart gets you Alastor's cane to equip on your character. If you destroy every TV at the Hellmart, you unlock a special achievement titled "Radio killed the Video Star" but it also deducts 3 friendship levels from your bond with Vox.
You can pick a romantic and sexual orientation for your character and there's an achievement called "unbridled asexual rage" that you get if you consistently murder the first 30 people who hit on you. If your character is male, this includes Angel Dust who hits on you in the tutorial.
Every story-relevant character you kill prematurely gets replaced by an egg boi. This makes the cutscenes very interesting.
Killing both Valentino and Angel Dust is recommended for players who might be triggered by the Valentino and Angel Dust questline, as they will both be replaced by egg bois with limited animation.
Romancing Valentino locks your heaven points bar until you decide to kill him.
You can get kicked out of heaven again if you commit crimes. You can make soul deals in heaven. Every soul you have comes with you to hell. Bringing Alastor's mother to hell deducts 5 friendship levels from your bond with him but unlocks a heartfelt cutscene where they reunite.
You cannot bring Emily, Sera, Adam or Lute to hell with you. Adam respawns in hell if you kill him though. Then you can forge a soul deal with him if you're smart about it.
Killing Lilith before the story forces you to do her boss fight replaces her with a giant egg boi.
Killing Lilith frees Alastor and raises your approval rating with him significantly.
Killing Rosie or his mum permanently makes Alastor hate you
One of the first dialogue options you get with Adam is (Bite him...) where you violently chomp down on his arm and he screams like a little girl
Other characters the game lets you violently bite include: Angel Dust, Sir Pentious, Vox, Valentino, Lucifer and St. Peter.
Weapons are customizable in appearance. Notable skins for weapons include: severed arm, radio on a stick, wet fish (with sound effects!), angelic spear, Cherri's bombs, Adam's axe and many more
Marrying and immediately divorcing Lucifer will lower your approval rating with Charlie
You can customize your room at the hotel. Divorcing Lucifer unlocks a special crying Lucifer-esque rubber duck that you can put on your shelf.
If your approval rating with Husk is high enough, he will keep bringing dead mice to your doorstep that you can either throw away or feed to Alastor
You can pretty much feed any being to Alastor whether raw or cooked, as long as you have it in your inventory.
Obtaining enough souls will give you access to the overlord meeting room in Carmilla's house where you can obtain "rotting severed angel head", which you can use as a special ingredient in the Jambalaya recipe from the cannibal cookbook
You can enter Vox's room during your stealth mission in the V Tower, which lets you steal several Alastor-themed decorations for your own room including the Alastor body pillow, 3 Alastor posters including the beach art of him, an Alastor figurine and a cursed cat Alastor plushie.
Every character at the hotel has one of those figurines. Collecting them gives you rewards and if you put all of them on your shelf you get a "Found Family" achievement.
You can burn Valentino's studio down during the V Tower stealth mission. Angel Dust's figurine is in his room so be sure to grab that before you burn the studio.
Other locations for the figurines include: Charlie's room (Charlie), Hotel Room in Heaven (Vaggie), Casino (Husk), Utility Closet at the "Consent" club (Niffty), nest of giant hell chicken (Pentious) and Duck Pond (Lucifer)
There's a Voxtagram function in your phone where you periodically receive new posts from the characters with comment options that they reply to. You can repeatedly be mean to Vox online. This is a running gag and Vox eventually complains on TV about getting cyberbullied.
You can turn on the little radio in the hotel lobby or get a customizable radio as a gift from Alastor that you can put in your room. You can select between playing Alastor's radio show, Alastor's radio show from when he was alive, the Hazbin Hotel soundtrack, screams and Mimzy's singing.
Achieving lvl 10 friendship with Alastor also unlocks camera mode for him. Now he no longer glitches out on photos as long as you equip an old-fashioned camera.
Romancing St. Peter lets you persuade him to smuggle you into heaven whenever you want to go.
There's a billboard near the V Tower that displays a slideshow of Vivziepop tweets where she engages in her own fandom discourse
If you keep walking ahead in the swamp in Alastor's room you eventually fall out of the map and respawn at the nearest unlocked waypoint.
You can adopt a little fawn from Alastor's swamp and a rabid raccoon you can find in a trashcan behind the hotel. If you do not take the raccoon to the vet first, there is a rabies breakout at the hotel.
You can interact with the alcohol bottles at the hotel bar and pour them down the sink. This lowers Husk's approval rating with you.
Might make a part 2 of this
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solo6677 · 4 months
A Little Tired of Life
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There is a popular song out right now that starts "Do you ever get tired of life" then it goes "you are not really happy but you don't want to die". Well that is my life. Who am I? I am Richard Johnson. I am a 48 year-old married man. I am 6 '2 with brown graying hair, brown eyes and an athletic build. 
I have been married to my wife Victoria for the last 20 years. Together we have raised an 18-year-old daughter. Her name is Amanda. I work in an office building downtown as an accountant. I have three good friends and a so-so friend (you know the type). 
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Back to my life, my marriage doesn't feel like a marriage, I feel more like we're roommates. I enjoyed my life with my wife until our 1st was born 18 years ago. It's not that I don't love my daughter It's just that my wife hasn't been intimate with me. We haven't had any sex for 18 years and as a date night goes yeah you can forget that.
We don't even sleep in the same bedroom. When my wife and I first started to date I made a promise to her that I would not cheat on her. However, this is increasingly becoming more difficult as I have not had a life, sex, or any intimacy for many years. I am not sure how much more I can take.
Monday night I came home from work. I had a lousy day but I brought home with me 2 tickets to a new musical opening up downtown. I wanted to surprise my wife so I bought flowers and a good bottle of wine, her favorite, to tell her about the show. I thought since we haven't been out in a while this would be a fun time for both of us.
When I made it home, she was sitting on the couch watching one of her reality shows that I can't stand. I walked up to her and asked her to pause her show. She didn't even look up at me and said no. I looked down at her and told her I had a surprise for her, again she said no. At this I became enraged.
I threw the flowers on the floor and stormed off to my room. I called my friend Robert the so-so friend from before. I knew he was a fan of musicals so I asked him if he wouldn't want to go and he immediately said yes. I then told him we would talk about plans for later.
I then went back into the living room to my wife and told her that Robert and I were going to the show. She looked at me and said quite meanly, "Whatever" then she asked what night it was for? I told her it was going to be on Wednesday night. That was 2 nights from now.
She smiled and said she already had plans with Amanda. I asked her what they were doing and she just had a sly smile on her face and said “girl things”. I then went to open the wine for her and I. We made small talk and then after a few glasses we both went to bed.
On Wednesday I met Robert for drinks before the show and we talked about our lives. I told him about the way things are and how unhappy I was. Then that aforementioned song about being a little tired of life came on the jukebox. I then looked Robert in the eyes and told him that is me to a tee. I then told him I wish I could just disappear. Robert's eyes lit up. He had an idea. He then told me about Evie's Emporium.
That it was a shop in the mall. It has all kinds of transformative items. lt probably had what I needed to disappear. He then told me about AdoniX. He said with this I would transform into an alpha male and I could just disappear. I thought that may be my answer and I thanked him. I paid for his drinks even though Robert was rich. He didn't like to spend money and we went to the show.
After the show I arrived home to an empty house. I grabbed a beer, sat down and watched all the sports highlights for the night. I looked around at the empty house and thought to myself, could I really give this up? After a few more beers and I said fuck yeah. The next day after work I went to the mall to check out Evie's Emporium.
I was astounded by how many products were in this one store. They had clothes, accessories, makeup shoes, and even skin bodysuits. I walked around bewildered until a customer service rep came up to help me. Her name was Mara. She asked me what I needed and I told her that I was looking for AdoniX. She smiled and walked me over to the vials potion section.
As we went by the shoe department I could see another associate Bruna explaining how high heels could be a very transformative experience for a very attractive female customer. As we went to the potions section, I saw another associate Erica talking to another attractive female customer about how great the big black dildos feel. Then I continued to follow Mara some more. We then passed the manager's office and emblazoned with big gold letters was the name Q. Evie Hyde.
The Q made me curious so I asked . She laughed and said it meant Queen. I thought maybe it was a joke and went on with her to go find the AdoniX. When we arrived, Mara picked up the bottle. She told me that it was their last bottle and that it was permanent.
I told her that it didn't matter to me. Then I said that I planned on disappearing and not coming back. I asked her how much and she told me the price. It was a little more than I thought it would be but it was the last one so I purchased it and then left to go home.
When I got home, I took my purchase to my bedroom. I kept thinking where the best place to hide it would be. The fact that my wife and daughter never go into my bedroom I decided to hide it in my sock drawer. I then went to the living room to watch some TV. About an hour later my wife and daughter came home laughing.
I asked where they were as they had been out all night. My wife gave me the same answer she normally did: “girl stuff”. I tried to do some small talk with my wife and my daughter but just got frustrated and went to my bedroom to be by myself.
The next morning at breakfast I was informed that my wife and daughter were going to visit her mother for the weekend. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to use AdoniX and go on with my new life. As this was now Friday morning it gave me time to plan out my new life too. I went to get ready for work when I saw Amanda coming out of my room. I asked her what she was doing and she said she had to use my bathroom because hers was not working correctly.
I just nodded okay and then I heard Victoria getting off the phone. "Okay we will be packed soon and we'll leave in about an hour, see you soon love you." She then told me that it was her mother and their plans had changed and they were leaving within the hour. I was overjoyed by the news. This meant I could put my plan into motion a lot quicker. After they were packed, they got in their car. I said my goodbyes and they went to her mother's.
The minute the car was out of the driveway I got on the phone and I called off of work. I went and showered and dressed then I went to the bank. I closed up my account and took out a small loan, I'm going to be a new man so how would they find me to pay anyway. I went to my lawyer and changed my will leaving everything I had to Robert. Finally, I went home to take my AdoniX.
I got home and locked the door then ran into my bedroom. I pulled the vial from my sock drawer and read the instructions on the back. It said to take off all jewelry and clothes as the transformation could make your body bigger. So I followed suit. I took off all my clothes until I was fully nude.
Next it said that it may be disorientating at first so not to be standing. I made my way over to the bed and I sat down so that way I would not fall over. Finally, it said that this vial of AdoniX is permanent and cannot be reversed. After reading that final warning I smiled and drank down the whole vial.
The taste was similar to strawberries and cream. At first, I felt nothing and then my whole body felt like it was on fire. I was profusely sweating and my heart was beating out of my chest. I looked at the bottle again for warnings and side effects. That was when the label fell off to reveal not AdoniX but an Elixir instead!
I started to read over the Elixir and I found out it was permanent and I wasn't going to be an alpha male, I was going to be a female. No sooner had I read the back but I started to feel much pain. My body shrunk from my 6'2 frame to a 5'7 frame. My hands got really dainty and my fingernails started to grow. My legs and feet got smaller and more feminine. My body hair all over dissolved to leave me just the hair on my head. My brownish gray hair started to spill out down my head and changed to a dark brown. My hips widened and then the pain became so unbearable I passed out.
When I awoke it was already night time. I could see the Moonlight beaming through my window. I went to sit up when I noticed my body felt different. As I sat up, I saw big titties. I felt them and a chill went through my body. I got out of bed and walked over to my mirror and stood in shock. The vision before me was absolutely gorgeous.
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The woman I saw had dark brown hair and had real deep brown eyes. I touched my hair to realize I was her. My tits were big and my pussy was bare. I reached two fingers down to feel myself. It felt really wet and I jumped on my bed to give myself my first female orgasm. I then took a steamy shower, not able to keep my hands off myself.
After the third or was it the fourth orgasm I went to my daughter's bedroom to look for some clothes. I was able to find a set of underwear a black bra and panties that fit me.In her closet I was then able to find a black dress that fit me but snug in my chest. I then went to my wife's room, looked in her closet and found a pair of black stiletto heels. I put on my new heels and went to start my new life.
I grabbed all I wanted from my house. I called an Uber, got in and left. My next stop would be at a hotel for the night before I found a more permanent place to live. Well in the Uber I started to feel horny and very playful. I made sure the driver kept his eyes on me as I flashed my tits and masturbated most loudly. He drove off the road a couple times.
When we reached the hotel, I asked him in a breathless voice how much I owed him for the ride? He was quite pale and told me it was on the house and he thanked me for being his best customer. I smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. I gave him a kiss on the lips and told him I had to give him something. He blushed and told me that it was his pleasure and then he drove off.
I grabbed my suitcases off the ground and I went into the hotel. Inside I went to make a reservation and a very pretty young redhead was at the counter. I read her name tag and it said her name was Sarah. She was younger, probably in her early twenties. She had freckles on her face and very pretty eyes.
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I asked her about a room and she unfortunately said they did not have any vacancies. I told her I had cash but she said unfortunately nothing is available. I went to turn away and then she called me back. She told me that I looked desperate and in need so I could have her room for the night. She asked me how much I could pay and I lied and told her $200. She accepted the $200 and handed me her room key and then blushed. I could see that she was interested in me.
So I asked if she was going to be spending the night with me in her room. She blushed again and said she has a couch she can sleep on. I then walked behind the counter to surprise her and kissed her full on the lips. I felt her nipples stiffen as I pulled her in for a quick hug. I also felt my pussy get wetter after she started to kiss me back. Smiling I asked her when she got off for the night and blushing she smiled back and said in about 15 minutes. I then made sure to tell her that I will see her in her room after her shift and I kissed her again. Walking away she asked my name and I said Rachel.
I took the elevator up to the fifth floor and I found the room. I opened the room to see a young woman's room as I figured Sarah had to be probably 21 or 22. I looked into a full length mirror in the room and got a better view of it myself. My body was the body of a late 20 something year-old year-old. My hair was dark brown and on my shoulders. My brown eyes were almost hypnotic. I went to undress when I heard the door open. It was Sarah.
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She looked at me and walked over without a word and started to kiss me again. As we kissed my hand started to get bold and I touched Sarah's tits. They weren't as big as mine but they were enough. She started to moan and then she grabbed my dress and started to take it off me. I then grabbed her uniform and unbuttoned it to see her tits in a pretty flowered bra.
As I took her clothes off, I admired how firm her body was. I then threw her on the bed and finished undressing her. I laid her on her back and then started to suck on her toes. I then started working my way up her legs. When I got to her pussy, I noticed the way her hair was shaved. She had it in a heart shape. I started to kiss up her tummy and then each nipple.
I then started to kiss her lips again as I kissed her, I put two fingers in her soaking wet pussy. She started to squirm and moan then I went down on her and started to suck on her clit. She moaned even more as I then took my tongue and licked her to her first orgasm of the night. She then told me to lay down.
As I did she started to kiss me all over then she took her tongue and started to lick my pussy. I couldn't believe how good this felt. She then stuck her tongue inside of me and I exploded into my first real female orgasm. After we both orgasmed again Sarah pulled out a dildo from a drawer and fucked me with it all night.
After we were done Sarah smiled and told me that I was the first lesbian experience she ever had. Matter of fact I was the first female she was ever attracted to. I smiled and said she was my first lesbian experience also and by far better than I ever imagined. We laid in each other's arms until morning's first light.
In the morning she made breakfast for us and tried to return the $200 I gave her. I refused to take it back as she let me rent the room. She kissed me again and said that I could stay as long as I like. I thanked her and told her that I was going out to buy some clothes but I would take her up on her offer.
After that I got dressed and went back to the local mall. When I got there, I had all my credit cards and cash. I went from store to store and purchased everything I would need from clothes to underwear, to shoes, and even makeup. I was about to leave the mall when I again saw Evie's Emporium. I stopped in to look at the clothes and the accessories there.
I saw Mara this time she was helping a very handsome male customer. I also saw Erica helping an older woman with clothing this time. I was looking at collars when I was approached by another woman. She told me her name was Evie and that she was the owner of the Emporium. I asked what they did here at the store and she told me that she loves to bring out ones inner bitch and make dreams come true.
I then went and thanked her and told her what a life-changing experience this store has been. I then purchased a few more items including a couple collars, some more permanent elixirs and even something called SimpX. You never know when you might need something I thought. I then left the store and walked around for a little while.
I then went back to the hotel to wait for Sarah to get off of work. I had bought some groceries and decided to make her a wonderful dinner. As soon as I arrived at the hotel, I could see Sarah behind the counter helping someone with their reservation. I just smiled at her and went back to our room. When I got back to the room, I pulled some items out of my bag, put my clothes and shoes away and then took a long sensual bath touching myself the entire time thinking of Sarah.
After my bath I started to make dinner. I made pasta and pulled out some red wine that I bought. When Sarah finally came in, I watched her eyes bulge out. I was sitting on the couch in a brand-new pair of blue lingerie and sitting on the table next to me was our dinner. She started to head over to the bedroom when I stopped her. I told her to come on and eat first and then we can play. Sarah blushed and then sat down.
As we ate, we talked about each other's day. I told her how I went to the mall and made a bunch of purchases. I then told her that I was looking for a new place to live and maybe even a job. I asked her if she liked what she was doing. She looked at me and said she hated her job but this is the only job she knew. Then I told her I came up with an idea: what if she didn't have to work, what if neither of us had to work? She looked at me very inquisitive and said what do you mean? I then pulled out a bottle of Elixir.
This bottle will change your life like it did for me. I was a nobody going nowhere, then I took this bottle and I became a goddess. How would you like that to happen for you? Sarah smiled and asked me how so I handed her a bottle of elixir and I told her to drink it. Sarah, with no question asked, drank it down and then she began to change.
Her hair grew out and got darker almost like a blood red, her body grew out to make her almost the same age as I am. Her eyes became more vibrant and looked incredible. I then went back into my bag and grabbed a magic collar.
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This collar said evil bestie on it. I asked her if she wanted to wear it if she wanted to be my evil bestie, Sarah grabbed it and threw it on her own neck and I knew we were meant to be. She also asked me to call her Delilah from now on. That night we took turns using the strap on i bought and fucked each other all night long. Right before we fell asleep I looked into Delilah's eyes and knew that she was the one that I truly loved.
The next day it was time to put my plan into action. Delilah and I left early from the hotel on her day off. We went to visit my friend Robert. Robert was a millionaire who lived in a giant mansion with many servants. When we got to his place I knocked on the door and his Butler answered. I told him I wanted to see Robert that I'm a friend of a friend and I gave him Richard's name. Robert immediately came to the door and let us in.
I pulled Robert into his living room and talked to him and told him that myself and Sarah wanted to show him the time of his life. So, Robert then let us into his bedroom where we all undressed and had three-way sex. While Robert was resting, I decided to put my plan into action. I took out a vial of SimpX and poured it down his throat.
The change was almost immediate; he had gone from a 6-foot man to a very feminized 5'2 sissy. His hair had grown longer, gone from a sandy brown to a very dark brown.
He was still naked from our sexual adventure so I could see his cock shrink till it's just a little cockle. When he woke up, I put a magic collar around his neck that said slave and locked his cockle in a cage. He immediately addressed me as mistress and asked what he could do to service me. I pulled out more of the magic collars and told him to call in his servants one at a time as they will soon be mine. Robert agreed and I proceeded to turn his Butler into a female slave. And then all the maids into my slaves also.
Almost a month later since we moved in with Robert. Delilah  and I have not been happier. We have sex every night in front of Robert while he has his cock caged. I keep thinking maybe to use the elixir on Robert but not yet. I happened to be resting outside by the pool when I saw a very familiar face show up next to me.
I saw my ex-wife Victoria and my daughter Amanda. They came to see Robert. It appears that my ex-wife and my daughter had used elixir from what the sissy Robert told us and were using their elixir bodies to fuck him for money behind my back.
I started to talk to Victoria and asked her if she was married. She laughed and said no, my husband disappeared almost a month ago. Then she started to laugh. He was such an idiot, she said.  I asked her what she meant by that and she told me that she had Robert tell him about AdoniX. So she knew her husband would be interested in buying it since she hasn't been interested in him in years.
I laughed too, yeah what an idiot I said then what? She told me that she then had my daughter sneak into the bedroom and change the vials from AdoniX to a permanent Elixir. She could only imagine what her husband looks like now. We laughed about it a little bit more and then I asked her if she would like to see a new room in the house.
She said yes and she followed me. I introduced Amanda to Delilah then pulled her aside and told her my plan. I had Delilah show Amanda her bedroom. When Victoria and I reached my bedroom I pushed her down on the bed and knocked her out. When she awoke she asked me why I did what I did . I just looked her in the eyes and told her “Thank you, you stuck up bitch!”
“I love my new life now”, she then had a look of fear in her eyes that made my pussy very wet. I will never forget the look in her eyes when she realized it was me. I said” I love being an evil bitch. I get to fuck a woman I love and now I get my revenge on you. You worthless cunt.”
She tried to get up to hit me but then realized that I had tied her to the bed. I then went to my closet and got out the slave collar. I threw it around her neck. I kissed her once more on the lips and told her I want a divorce. I then had an evil smile and said welcome to slavery bitch. Meanwhile in Delilah‘s room she did the same thing to Amanda.
Less than a year later Delilah and I got married. I love the way that she treats my ex-wife and my daughter. She treats them like the worthless slaves they are. That was something about her that absolutely turned me on.
I gave them both my ex-wife and daughter permanent Elixir and used two more collars on both of them, the slut collar and also the bimbo collar. They both work at the local strip club making money to bring home to me.
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Robert, I decided to turn him into Roberta. I gave him elixir but again used the slave and slut collar on him or her. She actually is now my personal maid. Also my three friends I alluded to earlier, are enjoying their new lives and couldn't be happier! I love my life now and just to think at one point in time I was a little tired of life.
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Also my three friends I alluded to earlier, are enjoying their new lives and couldn't be happier! I love my life now and just to think at one point in time I was a little tired of life.
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If it wasn't for Evie , Erica, Mara, all the other writers who bring out the best in transformations this wouldn't have been written.
Thank you all
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nottapossum · 3 months
this is probably how alastor confessed being a little for the first time was like
Alastor: okay Alastor Hartfeld, you can do this. All you gotta do is just tell Rosie your a little, no biggie what's the worst that can happen?
Also Alastor: *slams the emporium's door open* I DON'T WANNA GROW UP!!!
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Haha 🤣
I'm ded!
That's a mood tho, ngl SpongeBob! Lol
(Also, is Hartfeld, his confirmed name, or was that just journey to the light? I know Hart is a name for male deer so...🤔)
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ficdumper · 3 months
Hey there! So I heard that you doing requests so I decided to ask for one! It would be male reader x Rosie, where the reader is a psychotic murderer who's just in the hotel for the free room and is usually a nuisance, but when Rosie comes to visit one day he goes all silent and shy and she finds him super adorable so she keeps coming back. It can be head cannons and it would be romantic fluff.
Rosie x m!reader
Type: one-shot, headcanons
Relationship: romantic
Tags: fluff
Warnings: mentions blood and murder
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You, just like all the other sinners in the Pride ring, were here for a reason. Or, reasons. For some it was an ice cream stolen when they were 5, for others - alcohol and robbery.
For you, though?
Lots of it.
You've always been quie a creative person when it came to death, your own didn't change it. It just meant you could get more creative and stop hiding it.
Your first years in hell (or has it been centuries) were pretty much the same: kill, cause chaos, annoy some overlords, kill and so on. It was becoming a little too repetitive. So, when you heard about Hazbin hotel, you decided to check it out. It seemed quite an easy deal: you show some of your less bloody qualities and you get to stay there for free. Sounds like a dream, right?
Well, not completely. Charlie's sweeter than sugar meetings and not being allowed to torture whoever you liked there didn't seem very nice. But a big plus, besides free housing, was that you managed to befriend Alastor, or at least become a close acquaintance.
Was it a big surprise? To other residents, probably. To you, however? No way. Both of you could be described as psycophats, curses, menaces and every other "compliment". But your bloody styles still had some differences. While Alastor was more formal and quite careful, even a little elegant in his own twisted way, you were more unpredictable and chaotic.
It wasn't just with murder. You quickly git a reputation for pulling some unexpected pranks. Let's just say, you're a master at giving others heart attacks.
One day Alastor thought it would be interesting to show his best friend Rosie the hotel. And that's what resulted in our current situation: you were so bewitched from the moment you saw the elegant cannibal that you walked into a wall so hard you got a nose bleed (and who can blame you?)
When Rosie sees it, she asks if you're alright and wipes the blood off your face. You can't do anything besides letting her and admiring her up close. Her dark eyes, her neat elegant hair, her perfect smile...
Your thoughts may be beautiful, but from the side you looked like an entranced zombie staring at Rosie with a slightly opened mouth. 'Now, we don't want you to choke on a fly' she says before gently closing your mouth with her hand, while a gentle smile adorned her face.
That made you shut down completely. Usually you would make a comeback or bite off the hand, but now you were nothing like that. Who knew that someone could bring down a murderous psychopath to his knees with just a smile and a few words?
Even when you were covered in blood and unable to say anything, she couldn't help but think 'Cutie~'
She wouldn't mind getting to know you closer, what a bloody pleasure ❤️
She quickly gets interested in you, but it takes more time for her to actually develop romantic feelings
You quickly intrigue her, especially how someone as bloody and murderous like you can be so adorable and romantic
You two give off Morticia and Gomez vibes, you can fight me on this
She sometimes teases you for blushing and/or stuttering around her. She can't help but find you adorable
You two would develop a tradition of meeting up in the Cannibal Town for some tea and snacks
Since both of you can get quite bloody, she would invite you to her Emporium to try out some body parts. Definitely learns your favourites
Someone: why are you two together?
Rosie: he makes me laugh
Reader, covered in blood: •⩊•🔪
A/N: The photos aren't mine, found them on Pinterest
Thanks for your request, I had fun with it😊✨
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lifmera · 24 days
Hallo, may I please get a platonic parent/sibling figure for Hazbin hotel matchups, if you allow platonic matchups? Thanks either way.
I am not quite certain on what to supposedly add so please excuse any unnecessary information.
Information : my name is Ron, a male, I am a diagnosed autistic with possibly ADHD (I did not get diagnosed with ADHD, I only suspect it), non-verbal, a Muslim from Palestine🇵🇸, Iraq🇮🇶 and Jordan🇯🇴, I am a repulsed Aromantic and Heterosexual Ace (like, little to no attraction), to me family is the most precious thing in the entire world (plot twist : getting beaten like 4 times a week by parents and older brother and insulted daily, yay).
Likes : I really have huge dreams, and I am proud of this :]. I want to be an author, an artist and an encyclopedic scientist. Which requires that I have to work hard. My favorite science subjects are : Zoology, botany, Marine biology, astronomy, biochemistry, Geology and war art. I like collecting and shiny things.
Hates : being physically weaker and shorter than the average boys my age, more than one people speaking at once, unnecessary complicated informations, being treated like a pet.
Relationship preference : someone that actually cares and allow to be cared of. like, when I do something that might harm me they warn me, no sugar coating.
Bye bye.
omg wait yes i will totally do one!!!
And dw i get it lol!! My parents are balkan- most people from where i live are spilt muslim & catholic!!
I’ve decided your platonic matchup is…….. ROSIE!!!
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Cannibal mama!!
She is probably the biggest sweetheart to her kids!
She would LOVE to hear about your likes, and support you in it all!!! Shes like “THATS MY KID!!!”
She’ll make sure she can provide you with anything you need.
She won’t sugar coat things. She tries to understand, but she’ll tell you it straight. She doesn’t want you getting hurt.
I personally see rosie as someone who’s also into botany!!!
If you wanted, she’d even read your novels and tell you what to fix/correct!!
Although there aren’t really stars in hell, she’ll make sure you can still study astronomy and bring you to the human realm! only by her side though.
If you like Marine biology she’ll tell you to go to leviathans ring.
Probably has a collection of the stuff you collect, either frames it in her emporium, or has a wall full of it!!
Thankfully rosie knows how to listen, and she gives great advice.
thank you for requesting love!! So sorry i got to this so late :(
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scenteddelusion5 · 3 months
Well, I saw you doing requests so I couldn't lose such an opportunity. Could you do a Rosie x male reader? The reader would be a new resident of the hotel and somewhat like Nifit, which is to say extremely psychotic but gets shy around Rosie when she visits there. She would keep visiting after just to see him get all shy and flustered. I would ask it to be a smut but you can do fluffy, whatever. Hope you have a nice day.
Eyes Full of Nothingness
Rosie x insane male reader
Note: It did go through! I just hadn't gotten to it yet! I have a hard time seeing Rosie be, uhuhm, intimate, so I will keep it fluff.
Word count: 1599
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Y/n had been attending the hotel for only a week but he had already freaked everyone out, even Alastor. He wasn't actually there for redemption, of course not, however, no one at the hotel knew the actual reason he was there.
In truth, he was there for Alastor's connection with a certain cannibal overlord. Y/n had fallen in love with the demon from the day he fell down into the hell pit. Her empty eyes reminded him of the beautiful black hole of failure and worthlessness, two of the most important part of his secretive ideology. One he had killed to achieve and there Rosie was, encompassing those traits in physical form.
Then there were her sharp teeth, teeth that represented her delightful diet. A diet that showed of cruelness in the most domestic form it could have. Y/n also fell in love with her blush cheeks and old-timey but classic attire. She looked cute.
The time he laid his eyes on her for the first time he realised he wasn't in hell, no. It was heaven, for him at least. Rosie had been making her way to an overlord meeting, walking confidently through the dangerous streets.
Y/n was searching around, hoping to find a place to stay. While being distracted with a shitty looking job-listing poster, he accidentally walked into someone's back. When he looked up, Y/n was staring into those amazing eyes.
"I'm sorry miss," he apologised, wanting to say more but was unable to thanks to his flustered mess of a brain.
"It's alright, sweetie!" She waved him off. "I'll be off then."
And as soon as he gained her, he lost her. Y/n wasn't giving up yet though, he was going to find her. And find her, he did.
Y/n ended up in Cannibal Town, staring at Rosie's Emporium. She was inside, ready to be enchanted by him... He couldn't. No matter what, Y/n couldn't muster up the confidence, so he stuck to spying on the overlord.
This went on for a few weeks, until the other cannibals started to notice. He was swiftly hunted out of their town. His last chance was meeting Rosie at the hotel. He had known about her friendship with Alastor, he had been spying on her after all. So it only took a quick investigation to find out that Alastor was working in the Hazbin Hotel.
In the first week Y/n had not only joined the hotel but also integrated into the little friend group. He got well along with Nifty, having similar... Interests. Although, he hated Charlie's exercises, he guessed it came with the territory, besides it's not like she could actually stop him from going to the doomsday district and 'help' demons get to see the nothingness of the world.
Even so, he had yet gotten the chance to meet Rosie...
It was just another normal day in hell when a seemingly recently-arrived denizen bumped into her back. Rosie looked the poor thing up and down, she had to admit he was kind of cute. Alas, she had to get to her meeting, so she said her goodbyes and left, never guessing she would see him again.
Yet, only a few she noticed a familiar demon stand outside her emporium, observing her. Had he been interested in her? So much so that he came to find her? The though made the woman blush but she wouldn't approach him. Rosie was from a different time and wanted the man to come up to her himself. So, she waited and waited and waited.
Weeks went by, the demon always following her, in and outside of Cannibal Town. Rosie had to admit, she kind of liked to have someone be this interested but she wouldn't give up on this game. A mistake, because when she came down the stairs one day, she noticed a lack of eyes staring at her. That's when she found out that he had been chased off by the cannibals. As much as Rosie appreciated their concern, she was sad, especially when he never came back again.
One day she had been invited by Alastor and Charlie to have tea at the hotel. Them three along with Vaggie and Nifty sat down in the Parlor, Alastor having summoned them tea.
"And how have you been doing Nifty?" Rosie took a sip from her cup. "I'm sure you've been keeping everyone here on their toes."
"Yeah, but there are less and less bugs to hunt down. Y/n has been catching them for some reason." She had to climb her way on the sofa and plopped down on thee cushions.
"One of our guests, that demon even overshadows Nifty with his insane mind," Alastor told his friend, "it's quite admirable."
"You could say that, haha," Charlie's laugh came out awkwardly, "we are having a hard time getting him to participate in the hotel's redemption program."
"Well, some people just need a harder push than others, if he didn't want to be redeemed, he wouldn't be here," Rosie reassured the princess.
"It could be that or it could be any other reason," Vaggie commented, "that's why I think we should be keeping a closer eye on him."
"Still... He deserves privacy, I don't want to take that away from him." Charlie looked down into her cup, where the tea showed a faint reflection of her frowning face.
"I could go talk to him, if it puts you at ease." Rosie offered.
Alastor's eyebrows went down into a glare. "Don't worry yourself about him Rosie. It's unnecessary, I have it under control."
"What's under control?"
Everyone looked back to Y/n standing by the stairs. Rosie's head turned, taking him in... It was him, her little stalker. So his name was Y/n? She had finally a chance to talk to him.
"So, you are Y/n." Rosie made her way to him and held out her hand." My name is Rosie, it's good to meet you!"
Y/n's eyes studied to woman in front of him. It was her, finally. he could finally meet her. He tried to introduce himself but something strange happened. Y/n's hands started to sweat, his face became flushed and when he tried to speak, nothing came out. He was completely flustered.
"Y-ye-ah." He managed to say.
"Is everything alright, Y/n?" Charlie stood up, about to make his way to him.
"Don't worry about it dear." Alastor glared at the other man. "He seems to just be flustered."
Realisation hit the other hotel staff. Their heads turned to the conversation going on between te overlords and their resident. Th Radio Demon was right, Y/n kept looking down, face red and stuttering out his words. It was weirdly cute, if you didn't know how insane of a person he usually was.
They kept themselves out of it though, this was between Y/n and Rosie.
Rosie kept visiting after that day. Every time she was there, Y/n would be a flustered mess, doing everything he could to make her happy except for holding a proper conversation. It's not like he didn't want to but every time he tried, he became completely flushed and nervous.
Every time she wasn't there though, he would be is usual crazy self. He would collect bugs for unknown rituals in his room, he would confess the craziest shit that even scared Nifty and kept preparing his homemade hummus that even Alastor wouldn't dare try.
The only thing that did chance was when anyone even mentioned Rosie, he would fall apart. This came in handy for Charlie and Vaggie when they wanted Y/n to participate in group activities or for the others when he was being just a bit too eerie.
One day Rosie and Alastor decided to make a trip to the tailor together.
"I take it you have noticed Y/n's absolute infatuation with you."
"How could I not?" Rosie smiled wide. "He is cute."
"You know you can get way better right? I'm sure I could help you find a suitable partner for you."
"That's very sweet of you Al but I've already fallen in love with him. I was just pushing the conversation off because his reactions are so adorable."
"I don't see how anyone could fall in love with such a demon. The denizen is hardly a gentleman."
"You don't understand anything about romance Al." Rosie started to blush. "I think I'll even confess tonight."
That night Rosie was standing in front of the door. After knocking on it, the door swung open with Y/n standing in the doorframe.
"R-Rosie?" He muttered. "W-w-w- what are you doing here? Uhm, come in." He stepped aside.
Y/n's room sure was something. Bugs were trapped in a glass container. Next to it stood several used weapons; a knife, hammer, matches and even a bottle of acid. Residue of the bugs rested next to them. The bed was messy. Blood soaked into the hardwood floor in the corner.
"I was hoping to talk to you."
Y/n just nodded his head in response.
"You see, I know you had been stalking me and I have to say... I think you're kind of cute too."
He looked up, seeing Rosie's beautiful eyes of nothingness stare right at him. "I LOVE YOU!" He screamed out.
"Me too." Rosie's smile was as sweet as sugar.
Her face got closer and closer to him until their lips touched. Y/n's lips opened and their kiss turned into making out. Stopping their kiss felt like being torn away from heaven.
"W-will you go on a date with me?" He asked.
"I would love too."
Masterlist/request Guidelines
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am-i-interrupting · 3 months
Hello! I was wandering what would be my match up for the Hazbin hotel characters!
I go by She/her Pronouns and as for my sexuality, it’s kinda hard to say, I like males mostly but I also like females either by how pretty they are or how sweet they are. And also I get pretty shy at first but when I warm up I’m very bubbly and motherly towards anyone! But when it comes to my crush I get very awkward and shy, I do tend to bottle up my negative emotions a lot and having a hard time saying no to others if I’m being told to do something I don’t like but I’m slowly learning!
My personality trait is that I’m an ambivert, I’m both shy and outgoing, I’m sweet and kind and very gentle towards anyone, I’m very dense at times which means I don’t know when someone is interested in me so basically I’m a hopeless romantic😭😭
I don’t really prefer any characters who are toxic or messed up like valentino since I don’t like how he licked Charlie’s arms since I don’t like germs like that, also I don’t want to be matched with Charlie or vaggie since they are together and which I don’t wanna ruin that since their so perfect with each other!!
I got tested for ADHD and it came out positive, I do have hyperfixation since I get overly excited about something I like and which I would shake my hands out in excitement, I also have cute aggression in which I will find something cute like ducks or otters! But for some reason, sometimes I have an urge to like grab ahold of someone’s head and aggressively shake their head or even bite their cheeks or chin or even biceps
My fashion taste is kinda like a bimbo in a way, I like wearing crop tank tops that shows my curves and wearing grey sweatpants, almost like tojis outfit like black skintight shirt and baggy grey sweatpants, I also wear a zip up sweater too!
My hobbies are painting and drawing but mostly I love writing since I love creating new stories or anything and I love reading, I love talking about someone about my hobbies or anything in general!
How i show my affections is by either hugging or making them things I do, I have quality time and physical love, I’m very touch starved since I barely get any hugs by someone I deeply loved (not family members tho) I love either being big spoon or small spoon since I’m tall (I’m 5’10 or 5’11) I love being appreciated and loved by someone who can care for me!
I love classic music like Frank Sinatra or sometimes even listening to musical musics like willy wonka such as ‘pure imagination’ or any musical from Disney!
I love dark humor or sometimes cheesy jokes by someone I like (I sometimes act like a school girl who’s giggling and all that😭😭)
I feel like I would either be a puppet for my demon form, puppets do things to entertain the person for their happiness and which the puppets ignore their own happiness for others (I do that a lot for the people I care for😭😭) I do things for others but yet I don’t like doing them but it’s for them
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Your Match Up Is. . .
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You and Rosie met while she was supervising Cannibal Town. Everyone wore a smile except for a child who looked a bit saddened. You came to help.
She stopped you afterwards and thanked you, asked if you were new to Hell since she’d never seen you before and turns out you were.
She asked if you’d like to live in Cannibal Town or if she could set you up with a job since you didn’t have one. You nearly backed out, not a cannibal in life and you told her as much but she insisted everyone was welcome in her town.
She would check in on you periodically and would hear stories about the non-cannibal helping people out in town.
When you got yourself hurt helping someone who didn’t want to bother Rosie as she’s a very busy woman, she sewed you back up.
“You do need to be more careful, my dear. We don’t want your strings to be cut again so soon, now do we?”
That’s when she insisted you come join her to work in her emporium.
Eventually she invited you into her home for a candle lit homemade dinner. No, it’s not another demon, she promises.
You two have a lovely night together. She is an excellent cook when she’s not cooking other people (and she probably is when it comes to cooking other people as well but while she’ll ask you if you want to try it, she’ll never force you.)
Thus begins your relationship.
It’s a bit odd that she, a woman so clearly in the past, is dating someone dressed so modern but all is well and she does compliment you on how you look.
Even if those crop tops make her a bit flustered, they also let her make direct contact with your skin.
She hangs up any drawings you do in both her home and space work, proudly showing them off.
She is very proud of you and let’s the world know it.
Although, the world doesn’t need to be privy to all things.
Those things being what you do behind closed doors.
She’s not immune to trailing her hands up your stomach and under your shirt to cup your chest or down the your back and easily into the waistband of your pants to get a handful or two of your behind.
Her kisses in public are quick and chaste but alone she’s slow and passionate and she can be such a tease.
You best learn how to undo her clothing with the hooks and ties because she’s not going to teach you when she has such easy access to you.
If you bite her in private, she’ll expose more of her skin and tell you to bite harder, to taste her most vulnerable.
She knows you’re not a cannibal, but that doesn’t mean she can’t try to rope you in to the true vulnerability of knowing someone inside and out.
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imshii-kin · 2 months
Echoes of Devotion’
A Ninjago Story
Yandere Kai Smith x Male Reader
Summary: A sneak peek into something I’m working on. This is a rough, rough draft.
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Yesterday, today, tomorrow, They are not consecutive. They are connected in a never-ending circle, Everything is Connected
- The Stranger
The sound of traffic filled the night air, a strange calmness settling over the usually rampant city. M/n sits outside on the apartment fire escape, his legs dangling over the edge as he gazes at the sleepless city.
It was late summer, school was going to start in a few weeks, which meant the city was buzzing with life.
M/n had heard all kinds of stories about Ninjago City, from snake attacks to Overlord takeovers, this city has been through it all. Resting his head on the fire escape railing, M/n allows his eyes to close, peacefully enjoying the night air. 
Nights like these temporarily make M/n forget about his troubles, a moment of escape before he inevitably gets dragged down again by the reality of his situation. 
A soft buzzing interrupts M/n's thoughts, pulling him back to reality. M/n pulls his phone out and flips it open to check the caller.
"Dad..." M/n's expression softens a bit as he sees the familiar face of his father, an older gentleman with peppered hair and a wise old look in his hazelnut eyes.
M/n accepts the call, gingerly putting the phone up to his ear. "Dad? What are you doing calling me at this hour?" M/n's voice was soft, barely above a whisper.
He patiently listened to the call, nodding now and then.
"I don't mind, I'm right next to the coffee shop, I can pick up a few pastries right now for you and Mom tomorrow." M/n reassures his father. "I'll let you go and start heading over there now."
M/n hangs up the phone, silence blessing him once more. He pauses momentarily, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere, before standing up and leaving the fire escape.
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
M/n travels down the street, making his way to the local coffee shop. Eternal Espresso Emporium was its name, it was open 24 hours, which was something M/n could appreciate.
Reaching the small cafe, M/n quietly enters the shop, the bell atop the door ringing softly, announcing his presence. There was no one there except the barista, a young girl by the look of it.
Approaching the girl, wallet in hand, M/n's eyes glance over the pastries on display. "...I'll take three Pain au Chocolat please." He softly spoke, "And a lavender latte." lazily, his eyes drifted up to the girl, who was staring at him.
"Is something wrong?" M/n asks. The barista jolts in surprise, "Oh-! Um no- sorry," her cheeks glow red from embarrassment as she quickly turns to prepare his order.
M/n raised a brow but let it go, deciding to take a closer look around the shop instead. The place was small but cozy, warm lights hung from the ceiling which was decorated with fake leaves, all of which were some shade of orange, yellow, and red.
The place sort of gave a cozy autumn feeling. The tables were made from wood, resembling tree trunks, and couches with yellow and copper color schemes accompanied the tables.
"Here's your order sir." M/n looked back over to the barista who was now holding a small box and a well-decorated plastic coffee cup. "Ah, right, thank you." He takes the box and coffee out of the employee's hand.
There's another ring, alerting everyone that someone else has entered the shop. M/n looks over, curious about who else was here this late at night.
A dark red hoodie was the first thing M/n saw.
The boy had warm brown hair that was spiked, it was odd but strangely fit him. His eyes were a reddish brown around his pupil with a darker chocolate brown color surrounding it. He had a scar on his eyebrow, giving him a rough look, as well as a few other scars on his hands.
"I'm here for a pickup under Kai." The boy in the red hood announced.
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eclipsewarrior101 · 17 days
Rise of The Seams Toy Emporium
A hatchetfield oc story
( A radio starts to play a commercial on the Hatchetfield station as a hear a young males voice)
Hey parents. Tired of all the high prices and boring toy stores that are just a nightmare to take your kids and your teens to. kids and teens are YOU tired of the toys that seem SO boring and out of fashion these days.
Welllll. We have the solution for you. Opening this Friday in Hatchetfield is the one and only new, Better and totally not run by a greedy jerk ( you hear static but can hear the name Frank pricey)
A toy and teens paradise where toys and collectibles for all ages are made. No need to go to any other place but SEAMS TOY EMPORIUM
This awesome new toy store and game store has been designed to help make kids and teens feel accepted and comfortable while they shop for their needs. For teens who are looking to add to their collection from their favorite show, anime or movie, to young kids who want the newest toy and parents who don’t want have to overspend on a toy.
Here we want you to feel the magic of toy shopping and give every customer a good experiences.
Open from 10 am to 10 pm from Monday through Saturday. Not open on Sundays.
So come on down and see the magic of this new toy emporium. And remember
Your imagination is as long as the seams you create
( the voice of Dan Reynolds is heard)
you heard it folks. The new toys store Seams Toy Emporium is opening this Friday. This store is family owned by The famous toy maker William Seams who recently passed away. Now run by his son Christopher Seams. With their records of great success being made known from around the world, will the other toy stores be out of business….lets just see
Dan Reynolds signing of
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xoxoproject21 · 1 year
Best dancer predictions (Orlando)
Here are my predictions. Please keep in mind that i don't know all of the dancers which are competing and just because I am not including a dancer doesn't mean I don't think they are good. I made these just for fun.
I struggled a lot with these because I don't really know many candian and east coast dancers
Mini female best dancer:
Winner: Ellary Day (Club)
1st runner up: Anita Rodriguez (Stars)
2nd runner up: Camila Giraldo (Stars)
3rd runner up: Sylvie Win (Club)
Top 10:
Ashley Otano (Stars)
Lily Hackney (New Level)
Bella Marie Arauz (Dancetown)
Morgan Stahl (Evolve)
Cydnee Abbott (Canadian Dance Company)
Rylie Borden (Dance Unlimited)
Nyla McCarthy (Project 21)
Dakota Casteel (SpotLite)
Calleigh Eaton (SpotLite)
Sienna DiPietro (the nine)
Top 20:
Macey Strickland (New Level)
Reese Braga (New Level)
Mikaela Florez (Dancetown)
Madelyn Nasu (Project 21)
Mila Simunic (Legacy dance studio)
Leah Disla (Studio 61)
Mini male best dancer:
Winner: ?
Junior female best dancer:
Winner: Isabella Kouznetsova (Project 21)
1st runner up: Esme Chou (Project 21)
2nd runner up: Zoe Flores (Stars)
3rd runner up: Allie Plott (The Dance Centre)
Top 10:
Berkely Scifres (Project 21)
Diana Kouznetsova (Project 21)
Sara von Rotz (Project 21)
Regan Gerena (Project 21)
Kennedy Anderson (The vision dance alliance)
Braylynn Grizzaffi (The Pointe Performing Arts Center)
Elizabeth Scott Lanier (Southern Strutt)
Bella Rey D'Armas (Stars)
Lexus Natalie (Evolve)
Madeleine Shen (Northpointe)
Top 20:
Bristyn Scifres (Project 21)
Cali Cassidy (Project 21)
Makeila Bartlett (Project 21)
Airi Dela Cruz (Project 21)
Savy Luechtefeld (Carolina Collective Dance)
Ruby Arnold (True Dance and Company)
Ella Dobler (New Level)
Zoe Holladay (Performance Edge Dance Complex)
Kaylee Schwamb (Kane & Company Dance Productions)
Junior male best dancer:
Winner: Santiago Sosa (Stars)
1st runner up: Ethan Ferrante (The NINE Dance Academy)
2nd runner up: Neo Del Corral (Stars)
3rd runner up: Josh Lundy (Studio 413)
Blake Metcalf (Xtreme Dance Studio)
Penn Alderman (Ryhtym dance)
Teen female best dancer
Winner: Sophie Garcia (Stars)
1st runner up: Cami Voorhees (Evolve)
2nd runner up: Gracyn French (Project 21)
3rd runner up: Giselle Gandarilla (Stars)
Top 10:
Bella Rose Penrose (Evolve)
Mariandrea Villegas (Epic Motion Dance Studio)
Kynadi Crain (Jean Leigh Academy of Dance)
Caroline Quiner (Hunterdon Hills Ballet)
Brooklyn Simpson (Williams Center Rhythm Factory )
Kate Roman (Canadian Dance Company)
Maya Loureiro (Project 21)
Kendyl Fay (Project 21)
Avery Reyes (Project 21)
Kameron Couch (Project 21)
Top 20:
Elyse Wingertsahn (Evolve)
Hayley Marshall (True Dance and Company)
Rylee Young (Project 21)
Anya Inger (Project 21)
Katie Couch (Project 21)
Ava D'Ambrosio (Westchester dance)
Sofia Rosella (Performing dance arts)
Daniela SanGiacomo (Stars)
Teen male best dancer:
Winner: Nicholas Bustos (Stars)
1st runner up: Ian Stegeman (Woodbury dance center)
2nd runner up: Tim Zvifel (Vlad's)
Hugo Silva (Stars)
Alejandro Ruiz (Stars)
Darius Goodson (The Southern Strutt)
Richie Granese (Project 21)
Tristan Gerzon (Elite danceworx)
Senior female best dancer:
Winner: Bella Tagle (Stars)
1st runner up: Destanye Diaz (Stars)
2nd runner up: Kaitlyn Santos (Dancetown)
3rd runner up: Rachel Quiner (Hunterdon Hills Ballet)
Top 10:
Ying Lei Pham (Movement Emporium)
Sammi Chung (Project 21)
Arianna Quant (Stars)
Iliana Victor (Stars)
Lola Iglesias (Michelle Latimer Dance Academy)
Alyssa Carpeneto (Performing Dance arts)
Savannah Manning (CCJ Conservatory)
Tatiana Hagee (Northpointe)
Sierra Drayton (Elite Danceworx)
Bella Mills (Rythym Dance Center)
Sophie Tosh (Artistic Edge Dance Centre )
Top 20:
Carmen Beiner (Dancetown)
Preslie Rosamond (Studio 413)
Ava Burgham (PULSE Dance Centre)
Toryn Hester (Denise Wall)
Loila Rhee (Project 21)
Zuzu Duchon (Project 21)
Elle O'Donnell (Project 21)
Addy Beckham (Southern Strutt)
Isabella Weidmann (Westchester)
Senior male best dancer:
Winner: Sam Fine (Stars)
1st runner up: Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl (Stars)
2nd runner up: Edon Hartzy (Stars)
3rd runner up: Andres Jimenez (Artistic Edge Dance Centre)
Davyd Williams (Project 21)
Trent Grappe (Dancezone)
Mekhi Johnson (Denise Wall)
Damian Caraballo (Stars)
Chance Phelps (Powerdance Company)
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
Consider, MacKinnon says, someone shouting “Kill!” to a trained attack dog. The law does not treat this as the mere expression of a viewpoint: "I want you dead." Instead, the law treats it as a criminal act: ordering an attack. When the dog's owner is arrested, is his freedom of speech being violated? If not, MacKinnon asks, why are things different for men who, by creating porn, order attacks on women? MacKinnon's answer to her own question is that the law is a male institution, made by and for men. "Free speech," which poses as a merely formal principle of adjudication, is in fact, MacKinnon suggests, an ideological tool selectively deployed to protect the freedoms of the dominant class. (This is something that the feminist philosophers who have sought to elaborate and defend MacKinnon's argument generally miss: the issue, for Mackinnon, is not that pornography really is, metaphysically speaking, an action rather than mere speech, but that the very distinction between speech and action is political all the way down.)
There is a lot in this. The Supreme Court's decision on cross burning, like its decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) that political spending is protected speech, shows just how easily “free speech” can function ideologically to buttress existing regimes of power. But there are reasons, apart from an indifference to social equality, to be cautious about imposing legal restrictions on porn. In its 1992 decision in R. v. Butler, Canada's Supreme Court expanded the country's obscenity laws to criminalize pornography that depicts violence, as well as nonviolent porn that is “degrading or dehumanising.” In justifying its decision, the Court said that porn of this kind subordinated women and violated their right to equality, invoking the very rationale that Dworkin and MacKinnon were pressing in the US: “This was not big bad state power jumping on poor powerless individual citizen,” MacKinnon wrote, "but a law passed to stand behind a comparatively powerless group in its social fight for equality." Within months, Canadian police seized from Toronto's Glad Day Bookshop copies of Bad Attitude, a magazine of lesbian erotic fiction that "contained sexually explicit materials with bondage and violence . . . and not what Canadians would abide other Canadians seeing." The Ontario Superior Court, citing Butler, found Glad Day—Canada's first gay and lesbian bookstore—guilty of criminal obscenity. MacKinnon was right that the Butler decision was intended to help "a comparatively powerless group in its social fight for equality." But in practice it was used as cover for attacking sexual minorities, leaving mainstream pornographers untouched. In the two years after Butler, Randy Jorgensen, the owner of Canada's then (and the world's) largest adult video emporium, built twenty new stores, unimpeded by the law.
-Amia Srinivasan, The Right to Sex: Feminism in the Twenty-First Century
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breezypunk · 2 years
Making a new updated post for my mods.
The link below is to my google drive where I store all my clothing/decor mods. My drive gets updated frequently and before it goes to Nexus, so I always recommend my drive as it’s probably easier to grab my mods from there, plus the things I don’t put on nexus.
I have clothes for Female V and Male V. There are more clothes for Fem V cos they are a lot of fun to make, but I’ve been branching out to make more stuff for Male V because my most beloved is Male V and the boys deserve nice things too.
I finally added a bunch of clothes for Goro, and if you’re into Nomad Goro you’re in luck since most clothes I made for him are very Nomad heavy.
I’m very into editing vanilla clothing and chopping them up. Mostly crops and sleeveless things cos yeah I’m into that. Also if you didn’t know, my color palette is very.. out there. I enjoy fun bright colors and patterns but I also really enjoy black so you’ll get a mix of that, but I have been making more basic colors for those who enjoy a more minimalist color scheme.
I won’t link my nexus pages, cos that’s too damn much, however I have three stores there if you’re interested.
Breezy’s Thrift Shop, Breezy’s Enhanced Wardrobe, and Breezy’s Clothing Emporium. The enhanced wardrobe is for those who use Hyst’s Bigger boob and butt mods.
Anyway I hope you enjoy and feel free to DM me if you have questions, you can contact me here or discord under the same name. However nexus comments are turned off.
This post will be pinned at the top of my blog. <3
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Nominations for the Black Emporium are live until July 3rd! Reach out and tell someone (namely: us) about your favorite rare-pairs (namely: any pairing under 300 complete fics on Ao3). You have twenty nominations to use. Pairings can be twosomes / threesomes / moresomes / etc. We believe in sharing the love.
How do you, in fact, become a true Fereldan buckaroo by nominating a rare pair or 20?
Go to the Dragon Age Rare Pair Tag Set and click Nominate (you have to be signed into Ao3 for the button to appear). For inspiration or to check if someone had the same idea as you, we have a Searchable Nominations Spreadsheet.
For more information on this stage of the exchange and how best to format your nominations, please see below the cut:
Full Participation Walkthrough Guide || FAQ
Important things to remember: 
Pairings/groups must be nominated in order to be requested during the next phase of the exchange, Sign-Ups.
Nominations require a set format — keep reading for more details
All nominations should be under Dragon Age - All Media Types.
Pairings/groups cannot have more than 300 completed works on AO3.
We allow original characters in this exchange as well as canon characters. 
Nominating a pairing/group is not “binding”; you do not need to request or offer the pairing later.
Nomination Formatting: 
All nominations should be nominated under the “Dragon Age - All Media Types” fandom. 
Nominations do not need to auto-complete to be accepted; if Ao3 does not complete your ideal nomination, just type it in manually. 
For romantic/sexual relationships, please nominate the characters you wish to nominate with a “/” between each character. For familial, platonic, or otherwise non-sexual requests, please use a “&.” i.e. “Meredith Stannard & Orsino” would not have any sexual or romantic undertones. “Meredith Stannard/Orsino” would be considered sexual and/or romantic, even if the fanwork itself didn’t include any sexual acts.
Nominations should be spelled correctly. i.e. “Merrill”, not “Meril”
Nominations should ideally be in alphabetical order, by last name. If a character does not have a last name, use the first name instead. i.e. “Zevran Arainai/The Iron Bull/Solas”
If a character has multiple names or aliases, go by their “main” name. i.e. “Blackwall”, not “Thomas ‘Thom’ Rainier”
For Dragon Age player-characters (such as the Warden, Hawke, and Inquisitor, etc.), we treat different surnames and gender as different characters. Female Surana will be evaluated differently from Female Brosca, Male Surana, etc.
Nominating Dragon Age “Player Characters”
For the purposes of this challenge, the Dragon Age protagonists will be considered different characters based on their gender and surname. The three genders we utilize for this exchange are: Male, Female, and Nonbinary. 
When nominating characters, please format as such: 
Male [Warden Surname / Hawke / Inquisitor Surname]  (i.e. Male Trevelyan)
Female [Warden Surname / Hawke / Inquisitor Surname]  (i.e. Female Hawke)
Nonbinary [Warden Surname / Hawke / Inquisitor Surname]  (i.e. Nonbinary Brosca)
So, for example: “Male Trevelyan/Male Cousland” will be accepted as a nomination; “Inquisitor/Warden” will not.
You can nominate pairings where one version of the pairing is over the limit as long as the version you nominate qualifies. For example, you can request “Male Lavellan/Solas” or “Nonbinary Lavellan/Solas,” even if “Female Lavellan/Solas” is over the limit. 
Customized or individualized Wardens/Hawkes/Inquisitors are not valid nominations. For example, “Mary Trevelyan/Vivienne” would be ineligible; the requester would need to use “Female Trevelyan/Vivienne,” “Male Trevelyan/Vivienne” or “Nonbinary Trevelyan/Vivienne.”
In your prompts in your sign-up, you can request preferred details (such as specific OCs, a first name, looks, personality traits, class, background, etc.), and creators may choose to incorporate those elements into their gift for you. However, creators are not required to incorporate those preferred details, and works will not be checked for that by moderators.
Nominating Characters from Other Canons (i.e. Crossovers)
We allow crossovers from other series so long as they are interacting with at least one canonical character. However, when nominating a character from another specific series, please put the name of the fandom the character is from in parenthesis after the name, for example: “The Iron Bull & James Vega (Mass Effect)”
For crossovers that are from different media within the Dragon Age fandom, no specification is needed, i.e. “Merrill/Solas.” 
Nominating Other Original Characters
Original Characters who are not Wardens/Hawkes/Inquisitors are also allowed to be nominated, provided they follow the following guidelines:
The OC is listed in such a way as to give someone freedom in how to write them. 
OCs should be generalized or archetypal. i.e. “my OC Gerald D’Vivir” is too individualized and customized, but “Male Orlesian Noble” is eligible
A good rule of thumb here is whether the character idea can be summed up in 3 or less words; if you can, it is probably a good option. If you cannot, it probably is too complex for this kind of exchange. i.e. "Tal-Vashoth Mercenary" or "Original Templar Character" is eligible; but "Older Blonde Warrior Dwarven Warden Widower” is not
If the gender of an OC is considered important to your request, please include it. If you are fine with any gender option, gender does not need to be added, and the creator of the work can choose their choice of gender options for the character. i.e. "Orlesian Noble" or "Female Orlesian Noble”
The OC is not listed in such a way that would, essentially, reflect the spirit of a canon character that is otherwise not permitted in a relationship. 
As an example, while it is possible to have an Original Female Elf Inquisitor who is not Lavellan, it is so close to canon based on that description that it would essentially function as the same character.
What are you waiting for? GET YE TO THE NOMINATING!
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hazelestelle · 9 months
Rarepairs! - A Dragon Age Black Emporium Exchange Rec List
Maybe a bit late, but then again, it's never too late to read great fic, right? ;)
So here are some recs from the @black-emporium-exchange
First, of course the amazing gifts I got! Every year, I'm so blown away by everyone's generosity and talent <3
Subtlety by SidheLives, Female Hawke/Loghain Mac Tir, Explicit
It has it all: Fake Relationship, Bed Sharing, Feelings, and really great smut. I love this fic so much!
Mistakes have consequences by Toshi_Nama, Female Hawke/Loghain Mac Tir, Mature
More Loghain for me, and it's so good! Hurt/Comfort and Enemies to Lovers, yes thank you!!
Vigil Kept by SidheLives, Jowan/Male Surana, General
It's so sweet! Thinking the other one is dead so that pushes you to confess your feelings? Always a great trope!
And some other fics, that weren't specifically written for me, but are just as amazing!
Reaching Out to Him by MeganMoonlight, Zevran Arainai/Jowan, Teen and Up
Not a pairing I ever considered, by I love them both, and this is so lovely!
Special Delivery by taintandlothering, Anders/Cullen Rutherford, Teen and Up
It's so sweet and lovely and funny at the same time! Spot on character voices!
The Maker's Sense of Humor by Toshi_Nama, Gamlen Amell/Orana, Teen and Up
Soulmate AUs always get, and I never thought of those two together, but it works so well!
Looking for a Bargain by SidheLives, Mouse/Male Surana, Explicit
Demon Sex? Demon Sex! So hot and such an interesting dynamic!
xX dReAM a LitTLe DreAm oF ME Xx by Anonymous, Nonbinary Lavellan/Solas, Mature
It's a My Immortal retelling, and I died laughing! Seriously, I couldn't breathe. Please comment so that they get 5 good "revows" and we get the sequel next year XD
And of course, go check out all the other wonderful works in the collection too!
(Sorry for the long post, but there's a lot of good stuff there!)
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ziggykyeons · 6 months
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Full Name: Ziggy Kyeon.
Nicknames: Zigs, Kyeon, Stardust.
Pronouns and Gender: He/Him, Cis Male.
Birthday: July 15th, 1995.
Birth place: Aurora Bay.
How long have they been in town?: His whole life / been back and forth to LA frequently.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Housing: Seabrook Quarter.
Occupation: YouTuber, Twitch Streamer, Attendant @ Comic Emporium. // @aurorabayaesthetic
born in aurora bay to an american mother and a korean father, ziggy grew up the only child of a couple who had always longed for a larger family that never happened for them
due to being the only child they would ever have, ziggy's parents were generous with their time, money, love and patience - the last of which he often found himself using up copious amounts of
ever since he was a child, he could recall feeling odd that he had no idea what he wanted to do, what he wanted to be when he was older
none of the cliches held any appeal (doctor? no. racecar driver? no. astronaut? maybe! also no) and by the time he reached high school the unsureness of his path started to stress him out to a noticeable degree
it was freshman year of high school when he decided that distraction above all else was needed, and he made his youtube channel. getziggywithit was initially a resounding flop, barely cracking triple digit views due to the randomness of the videos and the lack of editing
At 16 he made his twitch channel, where he often streamed himself playing horror games. that garnered attention far quicker than his main channel ever did, and he kept himself to a mostly regular streaming schedule to try and ride the momentum
he kept at both and eventually overhauled his youtube channel to put most of his time into curating a presence that aligned with his twitch channel and with a more concrete direction, he eventually found initial online success with his coverage of supernatural events and haunted locations
though he graduated high school, he certainly didn't do as well as he could have if he had of applied himself adequately, but he was too focused on subscriber counts and algorithms to give it as much effort as he should have
with no desire to go to university, he knew his parents would support him through choosing to pursue his youtube/twitch careers full time and so he let them
to feel less like a sponge (and not the bob kind that he thinks changed the landscape of comedy) he got a job at the comic emporium because it was the easiest money he could earn around town while still engaging with something that actually interests him
to this day he's still doing all three, the comic emporium mostly because he's grown fond of it rather than actually needing to and he's kept to his upload schedule more religiously than he's ever kept to anything else
has been debating exploring starting some kind of podcast (because the world needs more of those, clearly)
+ creative, imaginative, honest.
- jealous, escapist, opinionated.
has unironically said "like and subscribe" in a casual conversation but is at least haunted by it
has had a second channel for 2 years now, it deviates from his main content and leans into more talking / commentary videos. was nearly doxed by harry potter adults for joking about the zealous nature of hp stans in their 30s
had a no lines, background cameo in resident evil: raccoon city because of how hard he goes for the resident evil franchise on his twitch channel
huge comic book fan and catches almost every cbm the week of release (or day of if he gets a premiere invitation)
goes to san diego comic con every year and goes all out with his choice of costume every time
ex boyfriend of @maura-cortes
best friend of / marriage pact at 40 with @cherryxkoch
sometimes collaborator of @darcyxanthonyx
co-worker of @paxton-brady
friend of @cricketcampbell
family friend / hook up of @milaxclarke
ex-friend of @aeris-flores
real housewives franchise enthusiast with @macaulaymontgomery
a roommate or two! he's in the process of buying his house in seabrook but lmao he thought he was going to be living in it with his now ex so that uppended a lotttt of his plans
connections wise he’s pretty much an open book right now, but some baseline ideas that can be springboarded off are:
a best friend / ride or dies / close friends / childhood friends / pseudo-siblings / friends / drunk friends / new friends / former roommate / people he's met in la / people he met at comic con / fellow nerds / follow horror enthusiasts / fellow gamers.
flirtationship / friends with benefits / one time hook ups / tinder matches / unrequited crush (can be either way) / blind dates / exes from high school / exes on good terms.
enemies / former (best) friends / exes on bad terms / frenemies / rivals / negative influence / people who find him grating because he's videos can be a little annoying at times.
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