shadows-system · 1 year
Their new "move transformation" flavor with a pink and white packaging is COCONUT flavored and has NO ALLERGIN WARNINGS!!! Doesn't mention tree nuts or anything on the label.
I tried it and had a severe allergic reaction!
I filed a complaint and they followed up within a day, saying they are going to let the manufacturers in my state (Florida) and the state above me (georgia) know about this issue and hopefully resolve it. I don't know if they actually will but considering I bassically had an anaphylactic reaction they probably don't wanna get sued.
and they're going to send me coupons for the type of coke I usually get which I happily accepted since I need coke to help my migraines and seizures.
Please be careful out there y'all!!!
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me needing glasses to see and if i don’t wear them it will worsen my migraines (and also i won’t be able to see) vs the pressure of my glasses sitting on my face worsening my migraines
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lycankeyy · 1 year
Praying that I feel sick because of allergies because if I'm genuinely getting sick the Second the weather is getting nice I'm going to kill someone
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Sometimes I see roommate stories online and I don't REALLY believe them because I can't fathom the idea of ppl acting like the OP describes but give the OP the benefit of the doubt bc they get nothing out of lying. But not that I've had an experience like That, I'm never going to even faintly disbelieve someone ever again holy shit
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Thinking about a reader who's too polite for their own good. They aren't a total pushover, of course, but still don't speak up a lot of the times even when they probably should.
It's been a problem their whole life, but it really comes to a head when they join the strawhats. There's the usual problems; Luffy being obnoxiously loud, Chopper and Usop and their hyjinks. But none of these things compare tho their problems with Sanji.
The chef has one rule: no wasting food. It's how he was raised, and his experiences have lead to him understanding the importance of a meal. The 'no food waste' rule is known ship wide.
So when something is made that the reader doesn't like, they have no choice but to choke it back with a smile.
Sanji thinks he's done something wrong; underseasoned the food, maybe? This leads to a vicious cycle of him trying to perfect the food (because damn if he isn't going to get this right for his pretty crewmate) and the reader choking it back reluctantly (because damn if they're going to break Sanji's one rule and potentially ruin their chances).
All of this comes to one glorious, horrendous conclusion where one of Sanji's attempts uses an ingredient that the reader is allergic to and well....let's just say the aftermath was something to behold.
POOR BABYYYYYYYY. I love it. Let's torture him a bit.
Food Preferences
Masterlist Here
Little drabble.
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Synopsis: Sanji caters to suit your personal food preferences, and it hurts him to learn of how truly picky you were with your food. He lives to serve, but his background as a great cook leaves him with a bruised ego to dull down his extravagant meals.
Themes: Sanji x gn!reader, underlying feelings, Sanji is a service king, reader is a picky eater.
Warning: potential eating disorder mentioned. Sanji serves large portions and it hurts to finish your plate.
Notes: Oh my gosh, Sanji would feel so guilty about it too. He'd cry before giving Luffy your portion, but would absolutely cater to suit your needs.
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His portion control is due to the fact that he's feeding Luffy constantly, and expecting everyone to get a taste of everything he makes before Luffy takes it all for himself. It's the same with Zoro's drinking habit. He wants everyone to have a sample of something nice, and is used to having the collective gratitude and praise from everyone as soon as they eat their food.
Sometimes all you want is simplicity. No extravagant flavours. No richness in your desserts, no complex flavours in your meals. A military ration wafer block or two with a hot cup of boiled water is sometimes enough, you're not for all the complexity. Tea and a biscuit. Black coffee and a shortbread cookie. Simple flavours.
When Sanji nearly killed you with your allergy in a bid to win you over, you finally softly explain to him your preferences, and he listens. He may not understand it, but he listens. Simple, clean, basic, boring.
Immediately purchasing new crockery and knives specifically catering to your allergy preferences, he ordered in ingredients specifically for you that would never even glance at the same cabinet the allergins would be homed in. He's not about to send someone into anaphylaxis because he wanted to please someone, especially someone he served with on his crew.
He can't help but almost mourn when he makes your food now. He lives to serve, and that service includes providing foods that suit your preferences. Preferences that hurt his ego as a chef, but suited his purpose as someone who lives to serve.
Each time he brings you a dish now, he attempts to hide his sorrow at such a dish. He can't stand it, it kills him inside. It's worse than Chef Zeff wanting to drown everything in oregano. It's bland, it's boring, it's little...
...and it makes you smile.
And boy, oh boy, is he a sucker for that smile.
The way his heart flutters, his smile brightens, his eyes twinkle all in the hopes that you'd bless him with that soft smile he'd come to cherish. He didn't know when, but his heart sang to you. Maybe he could coax you in to expanding your preferences through something small, something new mixed in with the familiar. If he was willing to cut back for you, perhaps you could find it in your heart to expand for him.
If not, he'd love you for who you are anyway.
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @sordidmusings @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady
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AITA for not going to a restaurant my parents booked?
I (15M) live with my parents and Sister (13F) who has special needs and some allergies. Because of that, my parents only allow certain kinds of food in our home that are allergin free and autistic friendly. Sister doesn't like certain smells or textures, so they don't buy some foods. Everything done centered around her needs and wants.
When it was my 15th birthday, parents said I could pick restaurant I wanted to eat at. So I picked a Chinese Dim Sum place. But Sister doesn't like that kind of food cause she thinks the texture of some of the dim sum feels weird. And she does not like the fish dishes the way they are made at Chinese places. So parents asked me if I was sure and that they would give me more time to think about it. They returned 3 days later and asked again. I gave the same answer. So they asked "could you really enjoy your birthday knowing that Sister would not feel safe and be able to enjoy the food?" I said "yes. Because it is my birthday."
Mom and dad told me that I was being selfish and that they already made a reservation at Sister's favorite burger place. They already sent invitations to family telling them we would be celebrating there. So on the day of my birthday, I went to my friend's house earlier in the day and "forgot" about the restaurant reservation and ate dinner with friends instead. Mom and dad were angry because Sister had cried over it. They went to friend's house and dragged me to the restaurant but I did not eat anything.
When the cake came, (grandma bought a cake I wanted), Sister moved to blow out the candles because she was told she could. But I quickly pushed her away (not hard enough to hurt her) and blew out the candles before she could. Sister started bawling her eyes put and parents tried to comfort her. Grandma let me cut the cake, so I ate the first slice while Sister continued to cry. No one really said anything, but I could feel people staring at me.
When we got home, mom and dad yelled at me for first not showing up on time and second not letting Sister blow out the candles first. I argued that since it was my birthday, I should have gotten to choose the restaurant and blow out the candles for my cake. I got sent to my room. I checked messages I got from aunts and uncles and they were all calling me selfish and spoiled for the way I treated Sister at the party. Only grandma and grandpa were wishing me a happy birthday.
What is wrong with me wanting my birthday to be about me instead of my sister?
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drdt-headcanons · 2 months
DRDT casts opinions on physical touch:
Ace does not like sudden physical touches, it scares him. If he ever finds someone he's comfortable with, he would occasionally initiate physical contact. But most of the time, his pride is too big to do that.
If someone gets flustered easy, Arei will tease them by touching them in a flirty way. She also teases people by poking or lightly shoving them. However, if anyone were to initiate physical contact onto Arei, she will get super pissed at them. She doesn't like people touching her due to her sisters picking on her in ways related to harming her body. Although, if Arei is upset and is close to someone, she will want them to hug/cuddle her until she feels better. (This would be like once she decides to better herself)
Arturo finds physical touch gross. Do not touch him.
Charles does not like people touching him and gets uncomfortable and irritated at whoever does. He's a bit more lax with people he's comfortable with, but he prefers them asking beforehand or him initiating first. Although, he often feels embarrassed when attempting to initiate.
David likes his personal space so he hates whenever people touch him. However, when he's in public and fans recognize him, he'll stomach down his discomfort and go along with whatever the fan wants. If hes close to someone and 100% trusts them and feels especially shitty, he becomes clingy to them.
Eden loves physical touch! She especially loves hugs. When hanging out with her friends, she'll often have her limbs on them or will hold onto their shoulder or hands. But if she sees someone get uncomfortable at physical touch, she will refrain from doing so to them.
Hu also likes physical touch. Whenever she sees someone upset, she'll give them a hug and comfort them. She has a hard time discerning when people are uncomfortable at physical touch, though.
J gets flustered at physical contact so they try to avoid it. They also feel uncomfortable whenever they initiate physical touch, stemming from whenever Mariabella would force J to hug their relatives when visiting and stuff.
Levi is neutral towards physical touch. He will do so if he thinks the situation calls for it. He has a 50% success rate at accessing the situation correctly.
Min never hung out with people in her youth so she gets flustered/uncomfortable whenever people touch her. If she's around a person who initates physical contact a lot, she'll get used to it. She never really initiates physical contact herself, preferring to be alone when she's upset.
Nico does not like physical contact with people, it makes them uncomfortable. They never say their discomfort out loud, they just get silent and irritated. They prefer to hang out in close proximity with someone if they wanna spend time with them.
Rose is neutral to physical contact and never really initiates any. She does often fall asleep on people if she's next to them.
Teruko does not like people touching he if she doesn't trust them, it makes her uneasy. If she does trust them, she doesn't mind but will avoid touch due to her bad luck. They could cause her to trip and break bones, break her ribs in a hug, or give her hives from an allergin on their hands she didn't know she was allergic to. She also fears initiating physical contact, even if she wants to, worrying about pushing them, scratching them, or ruining her clothes.
Veronika does not have any regard to people's personal space or boundaries. She does not care what people do to her.
Whit likes physical touch with anyone. He'll even kiss people hes friends with platonically. He also likes to flirt with his friends, which includes physical touch.
Xanders generally fine with physical touch, but he doesn't actively seek it out. He is unknowingly very touchy-feely. Like, if he's excited, he'll grab onto someone. He doesn't even know he does these things, which leads to him accidently hurting people due to his strength. However, when Xanders angry, do not comfort him with touch because he will physically (and vocally) lash out at you. Like he'll swat their hand away. (Don't worry, he apologizes after he calms down).
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ratsoh-writes · 3 months
what are some possible illnesses
Ooo I’ve been wanting to answer something like this!
Here’s a list of monster specific illnesses
False allergin: it’s when a little glitch in a monsters ecto makes it think that something it’s eating is dangerous. It works like human allergies and the monster is allergic to that food item for at least a century. It can range from mild discomfort to deadly. It’s rare and only happens to 1/350 monsters in their lifetime. This is only related to food type allergies. Allergies related to dust, pollen, and animals are permanent.
Clouding: when a shock to the system, like an injury or stressful situation goes too far and the ecto begins shutting down as if it has been sick for years. The monster symptoms include weakness, dizziness and fainting, chronic pain and difficulty eating. They need medical attention from a trained healer to “reset” their system before the symptoms escalate
Corruption: a sickness contracted from infected food, usually meat, the monster begins to rapidly loose weight, start behaving erratically and start loosing control of its magic. It’s like a magic form of rabies and the monster needs to be quarantined and fed carefully until the sickness runs it course. It’s thankfully not contagious
Starving rot: when a monster is malnourished for too long, the body shuts down magic production and instead rapidly grows physically as it overcompensates trying to keep the monsters base parts alive and healthy. This is seen in most horror monsters and while the growth can be stopped with a proper diet, the pains from it lingers for years
There’s more but here’s ones I have names for ;)
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calmingpi · 2 months
Roxy is well and back to the occasional normal cat sneezes and not the sneezes that sound like some sort of demon has possessed him. HOORAY
Neighbors eventually shut off their fire alarm. However it rang for twelve hours before they did so. This is not the first time this has happened and im not sure why or how it does
Just came back from an event that wasnt allergin friendly, so of course we stopped and i got myself a burger (which is, surprisingly, allergin friendly). Only problem is i forgot i have an Animal. Said animal is attempting a burger heist
I got to dress up very fancy for the event though. We debated whether or not tarvek would have approved of The Look
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reasonablywittyatbest · 3 months
There is literally no worse time of year. I hate summer. I'm fucking warm, my sinuses are in agony because its so dry. I'm forced to have the window open which makes it even drier and lets every single allergin and noise into my home. Its 90 in here. Im warm, my sinues hurt, my neighbors are being noisy. I'm constantly over stimulated. I'm trying to work. This is truely the absolute worst season and I hate it. Please can i just press the skip button, I'm in my own personal hell.
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darklordazalin · 6 months
Azalin Reviews: Darklord Jacqueline Renier
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Domain: Richemulot Domain Formation:  694 BC Power Level: 💀💀💀⚫⚫ Sources: Ravenloft (3e), Secrets of the Dread Realms (3e), Domains and Denizens (2e), Realm of Terror (2e), Domains of Dread (2e), Gazetteer III (3e).
Most Darklords are pulled into the Mists and “gifted” a land to rule (that is also designed to torment them) after committing an act of so-called evil. Others gain such titles through the act of killing another Darklord. Why one would want eternal torment, I cannot say. Self hate? Inability to recognize where they truly are? Oh and if you are thinking of doing the same, this ploy doesn't always work. Most Darklords simply come back after they are “destroyed” as even our tormentors will not let death free us from them.
Before Jacqueline Renier became the Darklord of Richemulot, her grandfather Claude Renier was Darklord. The Renier family was chased into the Mists by a group of monster hunters and their hounds when Jacqueline was a child. Most Darklords rarely remember much, if anything, of the land they came from, our tormentors erase such things from their minds. One must not believe a lying rat when they state they remember something when all evidence points to the contrary. 
The Reniers fled into the sewers and given the choice between death and a vault filled with a mysterious Mist, they chose the Mist and Falkovnia. Death may have been the kinder option than dealing with Drakov...The Reniers lived in the sewers of Silbervas in Falkovnia for a number of years before Vlad grew tired of their antics and ran them out of his Domain and into the Mists once more. This indicates that Vlad was successful in defeating the Reniers. Now that is a family history I’m sure Lady Jacqueline doesn't wish you to know of.
The Mists created Richemulot, which is mostly made of river valleys and untamed forests with the majority of its populace living in the three large cities. There is no known history of what happened in Richemulot prior to the Reniers settling there. The cities themselves were said to be empty when they arrived and like true scavengers, instead of questioning this oddity, the people merely accepted it and took up whatever residence they wished. To this day, only about a third of the buildings in each city are occupied by humanity, the rest lie abandoned and given over to decay and the infestation of rats.
Claude ruled through fear and manipulation, bidding his rivals and relatives (often these were the same) against one another. Jacqueline and her twin sister, Louise, were his protegees and he was always encouraging competition between the two for his affection and praise. That is until Jacqueline had enough of it and had a servant send him a drink laced with lye. Each wererat in Richemulot has their own unique 'allergin' and lye was Claude's. Not that I would advise anyone to consume lye in the first place... 
Jacqueline ensured she was there as her grandfather drank the poison so she could gloat as he died. But the poison wasn’t enough for her and she also pushed him through a window where he fell through the roof of the family kennel and was half-consumed by hounds before his body was retrieved. Considering the poison killed him before he hit the ground, this was quite unnecessary and makes it far more obvious to even the casual observer who was responsible for Claude’s death.
Jacqueline is just as manipulative and cunning as her grandfather was, ruling the land through secrets and bringing down her opposition through rumors and misinformation. It is said the nobility trade more in secrets than coin in Richemulot and that a commoner may gain status by simply hearing the right rumor and knowing how to weld it. 
Instead of pitting her family against one another, Jacqueline encourages them to work together, though she herself kills anyone that appears to be working against her. Only her twin sister is the exception to this. Curious. Does Jacqueline have some form of misguided affection for her sister? Is this why she has all of Louise’s lovers and friends killed? Regardless of the reasoning, it is abundantly clear that Jacqueline does not take competition for her affections well.
She is patriotic and wishes to bring prosperity to her Domain. Of course, the prosperity she strives for would result in the end of humanity, but she does try.  Though there’s no formal militia in Richemulot, she expects all of her people to take up arms to defend the realm. So, her defense is the equivalent of untrained peasants with pitchforks. Drakov’s ever-failing attempts at conquering her Domain must be particularly crushing for the little mercenary. Still, he seems to have created enough stir in Richemulot to encourage Jacqueline to sign the Treaty of Four Towers with Borca, Dementlieu, and Mordent in defence against the war-hungry, impaling-loving idiot. 
Jacqueline’s curse is to only appear in her rat form to those she loves. A fact she discovered when she fell in love with the nobleman Henri DuBois. She attempted to inflict him with her lycanthropy but he managed to not only escape that fate, but Richemulot as well. Jacqueline, a word to the wise, if one cannot accept you in your rat form, are they really worth all this pinning and crippling monophobia?
Jacqueline is a formidable combatant, but only when she is surrounded by her allies. She can speak with rats, take mist form like a vampire, and climb along almost any surface. However, when she is alone, her monophobia cripples her to a point where she can easily be defeated.
Considering the majority of her people do not know of her wererat affliction, her mastery of manipulation and control, and easy defeat of Claude; Jacqueline is not a Darklord to be underestimated. Though, if one learns her fears she can be easily taken out by a well-placed assassin. I will grant her three skulls.
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Domain: Richemulot Domain Formation:  Unspecified (694 BC older editions) Power Level: 💀💀⚫⚫⚫ Sources: Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft (5e)
The “good” Doctor’s new guide indicates that Jacqueline is not a natural born wererat, but was inflicted with the curse instead. Does this mean one could simply cast ‘Remove Curse’ upon her person to effectively neutralize her? Or any of her family members seeing as she changed all of them herself? Our Tormentors rarely make things that easy, but a theory I encourage any with such abilities to try. 
Born into the Renier noble family, Jacqueline analyzed the changes in her city as the commoners became more wealthy. To Jacqueline this was viewed as a threat to her family’s position. Would a wealthy class of commoners abide by the rules of nobility if they have no need of them? And though Jacqueline shared her concerns with her family, the other Reniers ignored them, content with these inevitable changes.
Without her family’s assistance, Jacqueline was left to her own machinations. This eventually led her to discover a secret society of esteemed families that called themselves the Trueblood Council…which ended up being made of a bunch of filthy commoner wererats.
She was disgusted to find this filth in place of what she imagined as elite masterminds. Given the amount of gold she spent on gaining membership, perhaps she should have done a bit more research on them? Was it really THAT surprising they ended up being wererats considering their secret meeting location was the sewers? Regardless as she cursed and spit upon them, they made her into a wererat. 
Jacqueline easily adapted to her life as a wererat and swiftly infected all of the Reniers. Except for her twin sister, Louise, who resisted. For her insolence, Louise was disfigured and cast out. In order to gain control of the city, Jacqueline unified the wererats and together they created the Gnawing Plague. However, instead of becoming the savior to the people when they begged for her assistance, she let them die, finding her hatred of the commoners replaced with a hatred for all non-wererats. Who exactly are you ruling over if everyone is dead? Well, no one is the answer and the Mists took her after the last person in Richemulot died.
Now Jacqueline rules half-empty cities in the land of Richemulot, but can only maintain her rule by controlled releases of the Gnawing Plague in order to suppress those that would rise up against her. Given the apparently disposable armies of rats, wererats, and animated armor stuffed with rats she has control over, this seems an unnecessary tactic. Not to mention the populace cannot be all that intelligent given their lack of awareness of Reniers affliction. Jacqueline wears a shawl of rats, rat shoes, and a rat bracelet. Her love of rats could not be more apparent and the rats are known to be the cause of the plague.
No wonder she has no love of ruling over her idiotic populace. I doubt they pose any real challenge for her. Her torments are rather weak compared to other Darklords. She dislikes ruling, misses decadence yet causes such things to be nonexistent with her plagues and has to keep on creating plagues? I would take those anyday over what I have to endure.
Jacqueline can control and communicate any rat in her Domain and mostly uses them as spies. Otherwise, she is an inflicted wererat who has a love for creating plagues. Considering her control would easily break if the labs that created said plagues were destroyed, I consider this version of Jackie to be less powerful than in previous versions. 2.5 Skulls.
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adventures-of-bucket · 4 months
Do pet allergins also apply to clowns? Like can clown dander make me sneeze?
- Cardinal
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m-jelly · 1 year
Okay you don't have to do this if you don't want to, but, how would Levi react to his s/o being allergic to dust and pollen. And like he finds out because she walked into a room, that hadn't been cleaned yet, without a mask and she just starts sneezing, getting teary eyed, and tired(idk my allergies always make me sleepy). Like imagine how much more strict he would be with cleaning and stuff. Also like using her as a way to know if they cleaned enough. Like just walking her in rooms without a mask and waiting a minute to see if she sneezes. Sorry if this was long but idk I feel like it would be funny and ironic.
Oh 100%
Levi would worry a lot more about you and clean a lot better too. He'd also make sure to use cleaning things that aren't strong smelling or flower based so it doesn't set you off. He'd make his own stuff that allergin friendly.
The products he'd use for your clothes would be allergin friendly too. He'd be very concerned for your health. He'd make sure rooms are spotless for you.
Levi would always have allergen medication on hand for you and a mask if you need it. He wants to protect you as much as possible.
I don't think he'd use you to check if a room is clean enough. In fact, if you go into a room he's clean and you get sick, he'd feel like he's failed you and hasn't done a good enough job to protect you.
Levi wants to protect you and keep you healthy. So he'd do everything he could to make sure everything is spotless.
Just... remind him to slow down sometimes. He can get too into it and he lets it consume him a bit too much. He needs to take a break, relax and enjoy you.
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mxlooker · 1 year
trying to find decent tasting, healthy, allergin friendly meal replacements is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. :[
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delgado-master · 8 months
Tagging anything potentially triggering with “tw” is not much better than not tagging it at all at that point. Why do people do this? It’s like marking food as “may contain an allergin.” Which ones? Fuck you
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strawberrynida · 1 year
Handmade Blueberry Earrings
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This pair of unique earrings features ceramic pale blue and dark blue beads, green glass beads, twig-like tube beads, and thinly curved leaf beads.
Please check it out! I sell handmade unique jewelry (where I only make one jewelry item of its kind) like this on Etsy [@strawberrynida].
Warning: The earrings are hung on an earring hoop that reads 925 Silver. Although I tried my best to find pure 925 silver free of allergins, I would advise you to be wary of this earring if you have sensitive ears. Many times online vendors lie about the quality of their wholesale products, and I hope that is not the case with these. But to be safe, please be cautious! I care for your ears!
pssstttt, use code "TUMBLR" for a discount!
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