#allergy aware
bunnelbaby · 2 months
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✨🧸 Food Allergy/Food Sensitivity Regressor flag for regressors who have food allergies or sensitivites (please reblog if you save)! 🧸✨
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icykalisartblog · 1 year
Accommodating People with Food Allergies
It's still disability pride month! Since I've had a host of common food allergies my whole life, this is a post about those. I want to share some simple things that—if everyone knew to try doing—would make my life and others' lives a lot easier. It would spare me a lot of explaining, that's for sure. I thought maybe I could share some advice that is somewhat less well-known than "be able to use an epinephrine pen to help someone who's experiencing anaphylaxis" (especially since in an ideal world, people would never have to constantly experience anaphylactic shock/full-body hives, etc.).
Tips for people without food allergies, from a person with many severe ones:
If you're preparing food for any group, normalize asking if anyone has any allergies or intolerances!
There are tons of recipes that will tell you how to replace common allergens. Vegan recipes are also a good resource if someone is allergic to milk or eggs. Gluten-free recipes are helpful for people allergic to wheat.
Use knowledge gained from one recipe and combine it with knowledge gained from another. For instance, vegan recipes often have nuts in them, another common allergen. You might have to look at a vegan recipe to learn how to replace milk or eggs, and another recipe to learn what to substitute for nuts if someone has a nut allergy.
Be aware of cross-contamination. For example, if you use anything to cook with or contain an allergen, even if you clean the thing well, tiny bits of that allergen can remain. Because of this, you may have to reserve separate implements and cookware for someone with food allergies.
If you're in an enclosed space like a classroom or car, be mindful if someone in there with you has food allergies. Particles can travel through the air or get transferred to surfaces people need to touch! Eat outside of the enclosed space and then wash your hands before coming back and touching things.
It can also help to wipe your mouth as well as wash your hands if you've been eating something somebody's allergic to. It is very important to wipe your mouth first and then wash your hands. Otherwise, it's undoing your work.
Please, please, please don't be weird about somebody having to bring their own food to an event/skip an event centered around food/ask for an accommodation by asking to hold an event at a venue without recycled air. Believe me, I love food and it pains me more than anyone that I can't safely do things like go to restaurants due to the risk of cross-contamination. Severe food allergies are literally life-threatening, and being in a space with allergens is genuinely like walking into a firefight. People with food allergies are trying to stay safe when they do things differently.
Many of the COVID-19 safety measures can help protect people with food allergies, too! So if you're used to things like social distancing, wiping down frequently-used surfaces, and handwashing, you can apply them here.
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iam1withthepeggy · 3 months
so uh i think you're super cool and funny i've been following you for a while now lol and i noticed something on your blog and i wanted to ask you about it!
so my baby cousin just got diagnosed with celiac- and i know you have it so i was just wondering how you deal with it
i've never had a food allergy that's like serious before nor am i very well versed with it and i figured this would also be a nice way to bring more awareness to it!
1- uh???? that’s literally so nice???? ty 😭
2- the thing abt celiac is that when you get diagnosed it’s a huge adjustment, obviously with your baby cousin it’ll be easier in that sense? but i guess also harder because you need to check everything from such a young age, and also they’ll always be wondering about what stuff tastes like.
3- one thing that was literally a lifesaver for me was that i found friends who literally cared sm about my celiac, always finding ways to include me (“we’ll make the cake gf!” “i’ll get gluten free too so you won’t be alone”) and it’s just so awesome to know someone always has your back (@queenpiranhadon and @labaguetteisdabest)
4- I don’t really have a reaction when i eat gluten, my only symptoms that i had it were that I was short and irritable :) but it’s so hard to be cautious all the time
5- slightly unrelated but my school planned a music trip across the country in february and my parents were really concerned about the gluten thing and if there were options, so it kinda takes the fun out of some stuff? like going out to eat can’t ever be like oh let’s eat here you have to research it before and it just kinda. sucks.
6- please tell me who you are. this literally made me so happy you have no idea 😭
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certifiedceliac · 1 year
There has been a massive (literally millions of pounds) recall on Prosante (owned by Cargill) soy flour used in manufacturing gluten free foods due to the potential to contain more than 20ppm of gluten. This recall affects several countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica, and Guatemela.
This recall is relatively new information, and the FDA hasn't listed a press release for this event yet (for now it only shows up on their weekly enforcement report, probably because it was a firm-initiated recall), but if the figures are accurate, this could have far-reaching effects across gluten free food products. A glance at Cargill's website shows this flour is mostly used in meat alternatives, but be wary of products with soy flour included until we know more.
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shepherds-of-haven · 2 years
Wait, if Red is Dumbass #4. who are the other ones? 😭
The other three really like to jostle between each other in the rankings, but generally it goes Trouble (#1), Blade (#2), and Chase (#3)....... but again, it's really interchangeable depending on the day and the specific stupidity at hand 😭
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bluesey-182 · 7 months
the amount of people I've encountered who think that "organic" and "gluten free" are the same thing would almost be funny, if i didn't have celiac and therefore have to worry that someone's good intentions were going to make me violently ill bc they made something with organic but not gluten free ingredients
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spoonful116 · 1 year
My asthma and allergies have been well controlled for a while,; but since I started masking everywhere outside my house it's improved more.
Before masking: using my rescue inhaler 1-2 times a month
After masking: using my rescue inhaler ~4 times a year
Numbers are too good to pass up & plan to permanently mask!
(Plus my immune system is up and down)
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If you're hosting a holiday dinner. Be sure to check everyone's dietary restrictions.
Here's how much everyone will like you based on how well you meet everyone's dietary restrictions.
If you didn't even ask. You're lucky if they show up.
If there is nothing they can eat or the only thing they can eat is the salad. You're lucky if they stay.
If there's 2 or 3 things they can eat. Maybe the salad and the turkey for instance. They might see you again, but they'll definitely complain about it.
If there's several options they can eat. Or you at least made sure to include all of their favorite things. They'll visit you again.
If they can eat everything except one very specific thing (like Mac n Cheese for a gluten allergy). They'll be genuinely happy and excited to visit you again.
If they can eat everything no exceptions. They'll hide a body for you if you ever need them to. Just call them up.
(They will be more lenient if they're aware you're catering for several people with dietary restrictions or if they've got a laundry list of allergies.)
Before anyone comes at me like "But I like salad. ☹️" For a lot of people, that's the only thing they can eat when they go out. It gets old. Also like, if the salad is the only thing, that means you didn't even try. It's lazy."
Also be sure to check all of your dressings, sauces, and marinades for allergens. Even your seasonings if you use those pre-mixed seasonings. You'll be suprised how many times I found suprise allergens in this fuckers.
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Unfortunately, the community can be filled with so much shame. I’ll try my best to share some much-needed positivity and awareness on different ways eczema can appear! Oh and pls feel free to reblog this with y’all’s own experiences with it!
I’ve had eczema since I was 6 months old! Yep, all the blisters, dryness, discolouration, sleepless nights, constant painful burning and itchiness
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This is my inner arm! (First two pics is of my right arm, third pic is my left) Thanks to my eczema medication and scratching, it’s left my arms with permanently discoloured patches. I have smaller patches scattered around my body too. This is one of the many ways eczema can appear!
No matter the “perfect skin” beauty standards or ableist-ingrained modern society, I try to love it anyways. My eczema is unique to me, and that’s pretty cool! My value isnt determined by abilities or by beauty standards. It’s my body, and I chose to love it. Disability pride is so so important, especially now. So I’m alright with my eczema! Because it’s me! And goddammit I love myself.
(Also also, it’s important to note that eczema forms slightly differently on everyone! Some might have blisters/boils of varying sizes, discolour, red and flakey skin, all in different degrees! This post is simply about my personal experience with it)
@‘ting some mutuals to help the post spread around!@burnbrightuni @rainbow-radio @night-dragon937 @m0naca @moinsbienquekaworu @jervis-tetch-my-beloved
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tj-crochets · 1 year
Hey y’all! I have family in town right now, and as a general heads up to people who don’t have food allergies/restrictions/stuff like that*: If you want to go out to dinner with someone you know has food allergies*, PLEASE discuss where you’ll go with them before you finalize plans. This message brought to you by my mom inviting all the local members of my family out for barbecue, a thing I cannot have in restaurants because either it uses sauce, which has vinegar in it (and usually so much sauce is used there’s a high risk of cross contamination) or it smokes meat, in which case I can’t breathe. Smells good! Usually tastes good! Very bad for my asthma.  *idk where food intolerances fall on this scale? but I couldn’t think of a good catchall term for “cannot eat some foods without bad consequences”
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hauntedpotat · 2 months
TELL ME FUCKING WHY I told my mom like 4+ months ago "oh yeah I think I'm allergic to cats" (I live with a cat half the time) and she didn't believe me, and then today I had what I can ONLY describe as an allergic reaction(?) after being around my incredibly clingy cat for several hours and not having taken allergy meds for the first time in a while (context- I just got my wisdom teeth removed and haven't been taking allergy meds for the past 5 days, my allergies have been getting worse by the day and I think they finially wore off completely). I have had pretty intense eye irritation after petting my cat then touching my eyes for a while, which is where the allergy hunch came from. Today, I had one of the worst irritations I've ever had, itchy skin (face, arms etc), and nonstop sneezing and runny nose. I've used eye drops twice, washed my hands idk how many times, took a shower, and tried to stay away from my cat and nothing worked completely, so I finially caved and took my meds. GUESS FUCKING WHAT. The symptoms I've been dealing with for like 4-5 hours went away within 15 minutes :) (<<passive aggressive smiley btw)
I've also noticed that any sites where my cat scratches me gets really puffed up and pink, which is most likely an allergy symptom too :)
The only symptoms that I dont have are trouble breathing and hives :P (I'm having SUCH a great time)
Idk what she thought I was allergic to before? I've been taking allergy meds for at least 2 years but I recently realized that I dont know what I'm reacting to. I just figured out that I probably inherited some milder versions of my dad's allergies which include animals with fur, grass, and pollen 👍
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lightspren · 2 months
ah, hello, Hacking Cough And Lungs Seizing Mysteriously. I thought we were done seeing each other. i’d be glad if you would quietly go away again.
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 months
feeling it a little tonight
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#:<#itd be so nice pleaseee#houghhhhhhhguhg theyre sosilly theyre such sily guys#like no we dont't need more animals in our house. so they say. but i WANT more#but also (and this is very dumb ik) if they actually get a cat then when i live on campus it'll like.#grow close to everybody without me :((#i don't want this cat to exclude me from the family grouppuhhhh#it's not gonna happen until one of our dogs in particular carks it which is too too scary to think about#you can't make me so like. yeah. but i wanna cat sooooo BADDDD#we dont have to wait we could just. train izzy not to eat them (<- aware that that is very dubious at best)#guhhhhhhhhh moping moping sulk sulk sulk#my family's talked a little about getting a maine coon if it doesn't set off my mom's allergies bc she also wants a cat#but i'd have to wait for probably a year after my elderly dogs die (mourning period) AND THATS TOO LONGGG#that's too long if it starts TOMORROW and i don't exactly want my dogs to die any time soon y'know#hrnghhhhguyhhhhhghh but i wanna cat so baddddd#it's all rascal's fault that little goober. waufhhh i miss him#thyre so silly theyre so sillyyyy. bawling howling throwing just the lamest saddest tantrum rn (<- looks like this :| atm)#like my dogs dying would actually destroy me im not joking at all but it would be easier if there was a cat there#i get the mourning period tradition but it makes everything feel so much emptier#i feel like it exaggerates the worst parts of the grieving process. but thats just me ig
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salt-baby · 3 months
having oral allergy syndrome is fun because I get to see people panic when I bite into a lemon slice
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glitter-alienz · 3 months
hey i just saw ur post abt feeling super sick and (feel free to ignore this im just a worried follower of urs) please see a doctor or go to the hospital :( i had something similar happen to me last year and i was doing Very Badly when i finally went to the doc bc i was super dehydrated and malnourished. if youve hardly been able to keep anything down for a month you probably are too and that can be extremely dangerous
No need to be worried, I'm used to being sick. I appreciate your concern though!
I don't want to see a doctor and even if I did go to the doctor's I don't have a health insurance and cant afford blood tests and whatever else (shit's expensive here) so I haven't been keeping up with my health this year because of that. And while I am trying to keep myself hydrated and what not, Food is a huge problem because even when I eat it's no use because of the constant throwing up/diarrhea. I get a break from it for a couple of days then its back again. tbh I probably AM malnourished, my hair is falling out and my teeth hurt. same way as 3 years back when i was REALLY sick. I just hope it's nothing like that time.
At this point Im just waiting until I'm 100% sure this isn't just from stress or allergies or whatever. Then I will go see a doctor. ehh. 🤷🏾‍♂️
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nathaniacolver · 10 months
you guys i think i just made an original joke:
what's the most scholarly tree nut?
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