#dib death journal
glitter-alienz · 1 month
Bitch I might have a ringworm infection. I need someone to volunteer to kill me real quick
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alexlwrites · 2 years
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𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌'𝒔 𝑱𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒍
✿𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: Jungkook x Reader
✿ 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚:  The one where Jungkook, a second year student in the Auror Academy, keeps a journal to vent about his unsuccessful attempts at wooing you.
✿ 𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒔: crack, humor, romance, Harry Potter Au
𝑨/𝑵: This is a Harry Potter AU but you don’t have to read Harry Potter to understand it. If you have any questions just let me know!
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(<<< part one)
November 5th, 10am
There are a few things I have previously done in my life that I believe could’ve added to the cosmic debt I am now paying, such as:
-Telling Jimin that “top me” is a muggle slang for “be my friend” and watching as he asked people to top him.
-Stealing leaves from Professor Sprout’s garden to figure out which ones were smokable and therefore profitable (up until I ended up with a third nipple from some hacky hocus-pocus weed).
-Jinxing Namjoon. Twice. But I stand by that. 10/10 would do it again.
All of the above and many countless other things are finally catching up to me. Maybe I should get my shit together, do charity work or something. Maybe if I had actually helped Taehyung with his Divination homework like I said I would instead of just making up all the shitty ways to die written in the stars, karma wouldn’t manifest itself in the shape of first years kicking my fucking ass in hand to hand combat without being allowed to fight back.
“Lovely demonstration on the effects of a throat punch, Jungkook” Coach Jin said, clapping his hands.
“I think the name is self-explanatory enough” I replied, voice cracking from the aforementioned punched throat.
“You never know”.
Coach Jin hates me. I am 100% sure of that. The reasoning is unclear and I’m honestly afraid to find out.
In the interest of maintaining myself less punched, I should invest some amount of energy to get him to like me.
November 5th, 11am
No energy was required to find out why that motherfucker didn’t like me. Now his dislike is fully reciprocated. I hope he chokes on his own pretty, juicy lips.
See, what happened was that one of the first years had gotten pretty carried away by the prospect of punching my pretty face and knocked me straight out, sending my karma-striken ass to the Infirmary, ears ringing and nose bleeding.
Now, I repeat that I am not the most romantic dude on earth (but I’m trying, okay? I even started reading Twilight to pick up some Hot Tips) but when all the signs are pointing towards that one person, who are we to go against fate? How can we spit on the forces of the universe like that? On Trelawney’s weed-filled legacy?
How can I not interpret Y/N doing an internship at the Academy Infirmary as the highest, clearest sign that we are meant to be? I am a student at the academy prone to causing and suffering accidents and she is a healer! The only way this could be more perfect was if she was a 100 years old vampire and I were a very pale high school student.
But alas, every great love story has its Jacob.
November 5th, 12pm
In retrospect, I do realize that my metaphor was flawed, cause if Jin was Jacob, he would’ve been into me, Bella - also why did I put myself as Bella and not Edward? - and if Jin was indeed into me he sure had a very weird way of showing it, completely ignoring me bleeding to probable death to flirt with the nurse, who I had claimed as my wife through the very legal power of “dibs”.
“Hi, Y/N” he said, leaning on my bed, hand resting on my bruised leg, making me whimper in pain embarrassingly, but also in a very manly way.
“Hello, Professor Kim” she said, professionally, not even bothering to look at him while tittering with her supplies.
“You can just call me Jin, you know. I’m only a couple years older than you.”
“That would hardly be appropriate” she answered, swatting his arm away from my bed. I think she said something else, but I honestly couldn’t hear shit when she cradled my face between her soft (so soft!) hands and for a split, dream-like second I thought she was going to kiss me.
“You shouldn’t let your students get so carried away.” she ended up saying “Poor Mr. Jeon. Look at him!”
I guess I did look kind of pitiful, all sweaty, bloody and bruised. 
Probably looked like I’ve been french kissed by a bludger. 
Coach Jin shrugged “He doesn’t look any worse than usual to me.”
The disrespect?
Before I had the chance to tell him very maturely to bugger the fuck off, Y/N stepped in “Then maybe you should be my next patient so I could get your eyes checked” she snapped and maybe those punches hit me harder than I initially assumed or maybe there was just something fundamentally wrong with me (place your bets!) but I thought that was very hot of her. Specially when she then proceeded to completely ignore Coach Jin’s presence and turn to me “How are you feeling, Mr. Jeon?”
“You can call me Jungkook, you know.” I mumbled. At least there was no stutter this time, so I would count it as a successful interaction had she not proceeded to ignore what I said too. 
“I’m going to give you an ointment for that bruise and it should disappear in a couple hours. Luckily nothing seems to be broken, but I would avoid any sort of exercises or tiring activities for the day.” she said as she ushered me out of the room with a funky looking jar thrusted into my hands “And hey” she called as I was about to leave the room with a very sour looking Coach Jin “take care of yourself, Jungkook.”
Before I could fully express my happiness, Y/N closed the door to my face, but not even the hardwood hitting my bloody nose could wipe away my smile as I turned to my sullen coach. 
“Whatever” he grumbled “Don’t think you’re off the hook. You’re still with me tomorrow, Jeon.”
I guess if worse comes to worst, at least Y/N can still look after me.
Actually, that’s not a bad idea at all…
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Jungkook's Journal taglist is open <3
 [Permanent taglist: @imknewattis ; @dreamamubarak ; @onlythebest-106 ; @betysotelo18 ; @havetaeminforbreakfast ; @uno7 ; @chimchimmarie ; @anaya123world ; @namjooningelsewhere ]
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random-iz-stuff · 2 years
I headcanon that Dib would be fan of Gravity Falls, (a show full of mysteries, cryptids and paranormal shit), making theories and buying all the books (and maybe some other merchandise); that or (as in an actual crossover) Dib would love to go there and maybe be Dipper's friend, since both share interests for the paranormal, also Gaz would love Waddles (Mabel's pig) 
I was a massive fan of Gravity Falls as a kid and yeah. Dib would eat that show up. It’s right up his alley.
Also there’s a lot of interesting stuff for a crossover between the two shows. You already mentioned Dib and Dipper becoming friends and I can definitely see Gaz showing interest in Waddles.
But there’s much more. Dib would probably faint if he met Ford. A paranormal investigator that ISN’T crazy, believes him when he talks about aliens and other cryptids AND wrote a bunch of journals and documents on the paranormal? That’s not just a dream to Dib, that’s probably something along the lines of what he wants to be when he grows up.
Also if Zim showed up in Gravity Falls as well you just KNOW that Dib would use every supernatural force he has access to in that town to fight Zim. Not even just the obvious ones like spells or the magic copy machine. I can easily see Dib summoning Rumble McSkirmish and sending him off to fight Zim. He literally just needs to input the code and say “oh yeah that green guy over there is an alien trying to take over the planet” and Rumble would instantly be ready to fight Zim.
Also that crashed UFO. I can see both Dib AND Zim wanting to explore that place. Dib because it’s a crashed alien ship and Zim because he knows how rare alien life is in this part of the galaxy and he wants to know what exactly came here.
Also, I’ve always figured that Irkens can’t be possessed by anything. If something possesses their organic body their PAK will notice and preform a reactivation, destroying whatever is currently possessing the Irken’s mind. And if something tries to possess the PAK, they’ll be destroyed by the organic brain constantly updating and overwriting the PAK’s current data (as it needs to do that for the reactivation protocol to work properly). So imagine Bill almost going through with a deal with Zim (which is possible considering that Zim is capable of building dimensional portals with ease, a skill that Bill very much needs), only for him to realize at the last second that he can’t possess Zim without dying (imagine Bill’s canon death but instead of a memory gun it’s the PAK’s reactivation protocol) so he needs to quickly rework the deal into something else. Or Zim letting Bill possess him as part of a deal fully knowing that he can’t be possessed, essentially tricking Bill into giving him something for nothing.
Speaking of Bill, Dib would 100% be willing to make a deal with him. He’s already been shown to be willing to make deals with demons like Mortos Der Soulstealer.
If the crossover happens post-canon and Bill is dead, a small child in a red hoodie can be occasionally seen Fortnite default dancing on the chaos god’s grave when no one is looking.
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genderqueer-hippie · 2 years
Welcome new followers to my corner of the interwebs. Here there be fandom and dykes, mostly.
My current hyperfixation is Good Omens, with a heavy dose of those ineffable boyfriends. Feel free to check out my AO3 if you're interested in: Our Flag Means Death, WWDITS (2014), A League of Their Own (2022), Interview with the Vampire (2022), or Good Omens (including DT/MS).
I almost always share when I've posted a new fic (except for my rpf because I'm a little bit of a coward). Check under 'my writing' tag for links. If you see something posted there you don't like, simply click somewhere else :)
I overuse commas, type in long sentences, post TMI, and basically use this like my own journal. Mostly a dyke occasionally a fag.
I'm just a very horny queer switch with chronic migraine and brain scramblies. If you look closely, you can see my eyes turn into hearts every time I think about my girl 💜 butch4butch love, poly, and pronouns are whatever. Sometimes I wear dresses. Genderqueer hippie, at your service.
I'm friendly but I rarely will make the first move. If you'd like to chat you're welcome to pop into my inbox. Also welcome all questions because I'm a slut for attention.
I also love dinosaurs and I call dibs on the white wolf at recess 😎
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i had a dream about an iz online game based off enter the florpus where you go through a weird version of both my schools and my schools ive made up in my dreams.
but before that the dream was like me visiting that fucked up school for textbooks or books or something with my friends (oddly enough not real) and we were having fun hanging out (context this is about present time if not earlier in terms of pandemic and how buildings are handling it)
the thing is, the layout's weird enough being stuff borrowed from multiple different dreams(? that was my in dream explanation for it but idk if that was me lucid dreaming or just in dream me) ive had through the years but it was still a weird layout. there was a private area in the library dedicated to silent reading but all the games were weird spin offs of this specific red guy but i cant remember who. i went out into the more public area and there was a sign leading people to go down a specific section for "lgbt fanfiction" which is already weird enough, but i look down it and the only book i see is a shitty book named "gay pico" and i felt like i took -20 damage just looking at it
then the librarian assistant like mansplained gay lore of either the book or ace attorney gay lore and both my friends were just really confused and uncomfortable and looking at me and i just wanted to shrink into a hole and die for even recognizing this information. we ended up leaving cause they were weird and i ended up explaining the ace attorney gay lore and the dynamic between phoenix and edgeworth.
the dream then shifted to the iz flash game i mentioned earlier. essentially it took place in the same location but it was about zim and dib trying to kill each other (in the style of enter the florpus) and it was styled in an ending showcase type of video. one of the endings was dib being turned into an alien and getting stuck in this tube similar to the bunnievac from curse of the wererabbit floating with other human-turned-aliens
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there was another dream where dib died and zim was depressed and another where zim took over the world and it was a nightmare. in another it was revealed the irken empire was really homophobic and zim was the only gay irken alive because they killed all the gay irkens. and i remember that because i remember in dream i went "what the fuck is this. why did vasquez write this :(..." and then i woke up
happy pride month
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messinwitheddie · 3 years
After eating tallest miyuki and spork, what did cuthulu do after? Eat more irkens, find zim, or just fly through space.
Ooh!! :D The cuthulu blob was meant to be a major plot point in my 18-years-later AU. That blob has been busy.
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It took out a Vortian power generator installed on one of their moons and a few Irken Armada ships as it initually flew off after consuming Spork. After being officially measured tallest, Red and Purple just made it a point to have the armada avoid the blob. Their communication officers occasionally track it's whereabouts, but they stopped after it drifted so far away from the warpath. The control brains insisted the incident be swept under the rug to avoid making the empire look weak or incompetent, and focused on promoting the successful launch of the Massive and the declaration of ID 1.
Cuthulu did in fact fly off into space for the next few decades, roaming galaxy to galaxy, slipping through dimensions, searching for large sources of energy to consume. Luckily it didn't consume anything too valuable within the empire's territories; just a few shopping satellites located just beyond Foodcourtia (which were rebuilt/ reopened within a few years), some small stars, a halfdozen or so foreign ships (which the tallests couldn't care less about) and a cosmic whale or two.
It tried to eat planet Meekrob once, but the Meekrob deflected it telepathically, redirecting it's search to the lesser galaxies. Squishy, Hugger of worlds tried to keep it as a pet for a brief time, but Cuthulu ate one of his marked planets, so he set it free again.
Chammy and her legion of Irken brain bots (she's still out in space at this point too) followed it for a while after it consumed a good chunk of her robot buddies. (She was upset, but not mad at Cuthulu. She intended to help it find a safe home. Trailing it eventually leads her back towards earth, which she is ecstatic over.)
Eventually it was far enough away to where the blob wasn't considered a major threat to the Irken empire. Most everyone forgot it ever existed until it sensed massive amount of energies coming from the Milky Way.
Dipper at some point accidentally attracts it while experimenting with Ford's interdimensional portal (there's a lot of family drama going on with the Pine's family after Stan's death). He and Squee have been trying to keep Cuthulu from forcing it's way through. (Squee was hired as a ghost writer to help Dipper finish the "4th journal").
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Eventually they have no choice but to get Dib involved. Zim gets involved right along with him of course.
God, I wish I could write ><.
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teamhook · 4 years
Happy Birthday Fic:: Always, Always a Bridesmaid
Hello all! Okay, before I go on. Please, don't give me (this post) that look. I know, I know I have multiple WIPs going but I had to add one more to the list. It's out of love. This story is for @ultraluckycatnd because she is the sweetest thing ever. She Betas for me and that is no easy job. She is quick to volunteer to help whenever  anyone needs help.
I humbly gift her with this story. It's one of her fave movies and it's her birthday so yes I'm adding a WIP for her.
Happy Birthday!! Hope you like your present.
Thanks to @demisexualemmaswan , @snowbellewells​ for Beta services and @veryverynotgoodwrites​ ,  @the-darkdragonfly​ for looking this over when I was feeling unsure.
Killian Jones, the New York Journal's most popular wedding announcement writer, was the world's biggest cynic when it came to love. That is, until he met Emma Swan, the perpetual bridesmaid. Will their different views on weddings cause them to lose out on what's in front of them, or can they open themselves up to the possibility of love?
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Emma Swan grew up loved but that wasn't always the case. As a baby, she was found on the side of the road wrapped in a blanket with her name on it. She was taken to Child Protective Services and soon after was adopted by the Swans, a family unable to have children of their own. Three years later a miracle happened in the shape of a baby of their own, and they found themselves overwhelmed and decided to return Emma.
Emma was soon after adopted by Midas Goldman and his beloved wife Rosalind. They fell in love with precocious Emma. A few years after finding Emma the stork paid them a visit in the form of a little girl Kathryn. Happiness filled the Goldman household until the unexpected loss of the matron of the family saddened the home.
Emma's adoptive family had embraced her as one of them easily. Not long after her adoptive mother Rosalind passed away. Emma took it upon herself to be strong and help her father care for her younger sister Kathryn. Seeing her father's broken heart over his late wife's death and his trouble functioning after her loss, Emma took it upon herself to care for her family.
Emma had loved weddings since the very first wedding she had attended. It had been a beautiful day at the old church with an enchanting garden. It was the first family outing after the loss of Rosalind. The cathedral was full of close friends and family. It was the day a distant cousin's nuptials were to take place. After helping her cousin fix an unfortunate accident with her dress Emma was asked to carry the wedding gown train, and that moment she realized she had helped someone on the most important day of their life. That was when she fell in love with weddings. The very idea of finding one's happy ending and pledging to be with them forever was perfect in her eyes. She felt it was her calling to help the ones she loved to find their happy endings.
Emma stood in front of a long mirror wearing a beautiful wedding dress. She twirled and smiled wide at the reflection staring back at her.
"Oh my god, Emma you look so beautiful!" Johanna, the seamstress, said while putting the finishing touches on the dress.
"The bride is on the phone for you, Emma."
"Oh, thank you. Hello, Mary Margaret. Yes, they hemmed the dress and it's done. We're lucky we are the same size. I'll be on my way. Don't worry about anything. It's your day." Emma turned to Johanna and her assistant, and said with a smile. "Thank you."
Emma rushed out of the bridal shop to get to the church.
"Ems, wait for me," Ruby said as she caught up with Emma.
Emma smiled at her friend. "Hey, Ruby. Come on before MM freaks out."
"I know, I know." Ruby grinned wolfishly. "Ems, before we get in there I get dibs on the hottest groomsman."
Emma rolls her eyes. "Can't you keep it in your pants, just for once?"
"Nope, why else would I agree to wear this ridiculous dress, but to have someone take it off with his teeth?"
"It's not that bad, Ruby," Emma scoffed.
"I know, I know. You can shorten them and wear them again." Ruby put an arm around Emma's shoulder and giggled as they entered the church.
Mary Margaret stood in front of the mirror wearing her princess-like dress. She was about to marry her Prince Charming in a couple of minutes and everything was perfect thanks to her maid of honor and close friend: her savior, Emma.
Lamentably, the day was going to be a long one for Emma. Her friends had decided to get married on the same day. Helping them both have their perfect wedding and thanks to her inability to say no, she would have to split her time between MM's wedding and Jasmine's.
During MM's nuptials, Emma kept glancing down to check the time on her watch. She had to leave soon if she wanted to make it to Jasmine's wedding ceremony on time. She put on her biggest smile and hoped she would make it on time. The moment the ceremony ended, she ran out of the door. She didn't even notice that she had caught the attention of one of the guests.
In an effort to make her night easier she caught a taxi outside and made a deal with him: $300 flat for the whole night: but with one stipulation no peeking or she deducts. The taxi driver quickly accepts but is unable to control himself and loses $20 within five minutes of agreeing to the deal.
Unfortunately, her efforts didn't go unnoticed by the guest staring at the back of the cab, who got an eyeful and smirked appreciatively at the sight.
After fulfilling her duties at Jasmine and Al's wedding she returned to MM and David's reception. As the night reached its inevitable end, Emma was among the rest of the single ladies as they lined up for the bouquet toss. MM noticed Emma's place and the forever romantic bride decided to throw the bouquet to her bridesmaid savior.
Emma was pushed out of the way by an overly excited redheaded relative in hopes to catch the bouquet for herself. Emma hit her head as she was falling, lost consciousness, and fell to the floor. The woman who had pushed her triumphantly jumped up and down with her trophy in hand.
Countless people had rushed to Emma's prone body on the floor but one man ushered people away. "Everybody please calm down, give the lass some room to breathe." The bride and groom caught his eye as Emma started moving. "The lass is alright, she's coming to. Someone get me some water."
Mary Margaret and David walked away to get him some water for Emma.
"Love, do you know your name?" The stranger asked.
Emma groggily opened her eyes. "My name is Emma. Are you a doctor?"
"Emma, I'm afraid not. My name is Killian Jones." Killian turned to the crowd, "She's fine. It was just a little bump on the head." He smiled at her and gently helped her to her feet.
She groaned as she stumbled a bit. He quickly put his hand on her lower back to help give her some support.
"Love, perhaps it's time to get a taxi and get you home."
Emma stiffened for a second but realized the night had caught up with her but agreed.
They walked outside and Killian was about to hail a cab when her cabbie for the night got out and went to open the door for them. Emma walked towards her cab. Killian didn't hesitate and follows her lead. Once inside the cab, Emma gave the driver her address. Killian noticed that there was another dress and a pair of shoes. He smirked, "Ah, yes. How could I forget such a sight? I loved your thong by the way. Very sexy," he added with a wink.
Emma looked at him confused.
"I saw you changing gowns earlier." He waggled his eyebrows. "The back window of the taxi gave away quite the view."
Emma rolled her eyes and turned away to hide her blush. She looked out the window as they passed the countless buildings.
Killian leaned towards Emma, "Tell me love, why two weddings in one day, isn't one bad enough?"
Emma sighed, "Isn't it obvious? I love weddings and they're both really good friends. I couldn't say no."
"Ah, let me guess you love the forced merriment? Or is it perhaps the horrid music or is it the delectable food?" He said mockingly.
Emma stared him down. "Oh look at that! What a surprise, a man who doesn't believe in marriage. Oh, goodie what a treat."
He rolled his eyes, "Love is patient. Love is kind.
Love is slowly losing your mind."
"What is it you do again?" Emma asked with a raised eyebrow.
He smiled. "I'm a writer, love."
The cab came to a sudden stop.
She turned to him gasping, "Oh look at that, that's my building. Thanks for the help, bye now!" She rushed to grab her things and get out of the cab.
Killian followed her out and was about to pull out his wallet when Emma stopped him, "No, I got it." She leaned over to hand the cab driver his fare for the night and whispered with a scolding tone, "You know what you did."
Killian doesn't think twice to follow her.
Emma stopped dead in her tracks. "Oh no, what are you doing?"
"I'm escorting you home, it's what a gentleman does." Killian smiled.
Emma rolled her eyes. "So now you're a gentleman. I don't need you to escort me home. I'm fine." She hurried back to the cab as he was about to drive away, "Wait, he is coming back, one second." She smiled and walked back to where Killian was waiting. "He is waiting for you."
Killian looked back to the cab and turned back to see her putting more distance between them. He sighed in defeat walking to the cab and yelled, "Love, will you be at any weddings next week?" There was no answer.
"Sir, are you in or out?" the cab driver yelled out.
Killian took one last glance in the direction Emma had disappeared and climbed aboard the cab.
Killian sighed as they took off. His eyes caught sight of what appeared to be a notebook underneath the seat. He pulled it out and pondered asking the driver to go back. A wide smile broke out on his face.
The next day Emma woke up refreshed. She had so much fun at both weddings, but what she was really excited about was the Sunday newspaper. She was looking for something specific, the wedding announcements in the Commitment section. She loved the way James Rogers, the writer spun the stories. His wedding write-ups/articles have always been her favorite.
Monday morning, Emma was waiting for Ruby outside of their work. Ruby strutted towards her wearing a man's shirt and pants smirking.
Emma studied her friend and shook her head in disapproval.
Ruby rolled her eyes. "What? I wasn't going to wear my bridesmaid dress to work. I improvised." She winked at Emma.
Emma laughed, "You must be so proud! The two-day walk of shame outfit."
"Alright, Ems, just because you refuse to have some fun doesn't mean we all have to."
Emma rolled her eyes. She was looking for more than just a roll in the hay.
Killian was walking down the busy New York street to work with a little pep in his walk. His friend Victor was waiting for him with a cup of coffee.
Killian smiled widely. "Good morning, mate. What a lovely day!"
Victor stared at him. "Jones, did you get lucky?"
Killian took a sip of his offered drink. "Not in the way you think. I have an idea for a story that will get me out of writing stuff like 'The bride wore a gown that sparkled like the groom's eyes…'"
"Seriously? I still can't believe you are not getting laid. Damn it, Killian. Commitments is the gold standard of wedding announcements. Brides would do just about anything to get in there. If you know what I mean."
Killian scrunched his face. "Victor, do you have an idea what you're saying?"
Victor Whale was a new kind of dog. He smiled wickedly at Killian. "Think about it. They won't call you. They won't bother you. They will pretend they never even met you.
You can't beat that."
"It doesn't matter. This my friend." Killian took out a beat-up planner. "This is my ticket out of Commitments."
"I wouldn't bet on it. Cora likes you where you are," Victor mocked.
"Go away, you prat." Killian ushered Victor away.
Emma was at her job looking frantically for her planner. She walked to Ruby's office. "Hey, did I leave my planner here?"
Ruby quirked a brow. "I haven't seen it. Ems, don't worry it will show up."
Emma bit her bottom lip. "I hope so."
Ruby bumped Emma's shoulder, "Hey, what happened to you at the wedding? Where did you disappear to? Wait did you meet someone? Please tell me you got lucky." Ruby jumped up and down in excitement.
"No, nothing like that. I was around," Emma muttered, biting her lower lip distractedly. She needed to find her Filofax.
"Oh, yeah. I forgot, what a ridiculous thought." Ruby rolled her eyes.
Emma scoffed, "Alright, I'm going to get the catalog pages for Graham from production."
Ruby sighed.
Killian knocked on his boss's door. "Cora, I have the perfect idea for a story." He gave her his most charming smile.
Cora stared him down. "Your pretty face gets you a lot but not wasting my time. Out with it, what is this great idea?" she asked, unamused.
"I swear you will love it." He handed her the planner. "This woman has been in seven weddings-"
"So?" She rolled her eyes as she thumbed through the planner.
"That's seven weddings just this year. She was in two on Saturday alone," Killian insisted.
Killian could tell his boss was still not sold on the idea. "But it will not be just about her. I will offer an insightful look at how the wedding industry has altered what should be a rite of passage into nothing more than a golden egg. In a fun upbeat cheerful way."
He sighed. "Cora, I'm dying in Commitments. I cannot write another sentence about love at first sight. I want to write a real story. I will quit if you don't start giving me feature stories."
"That's what you're good at. Killian, it's not my fault you have a silver tongue."
"One chance. That's all I want. If you don't like it, I will go back to Commitments for the rest of my life with a big smile on my devilishly handsome face."
"Deal." She smiled.
Emma was still looking for her planner like a madwoman. She couldn't find it anywhere. If she lost it... she shuddered at the thought.
Ruby peeked inside Emma's office. "Are you still looking for your planner?"
"Yeah," Emma sighed. "I'm sure it's somewhere. So do you think Graham will like these photos for the fall catalog?"
Ruby sighs dramatically, "Oh yes, Graham is going to love them and they will cause him to call you into his office to make sweet love to you all day long."
Emma glared at her friend. "Ruby, shhh!"
"Emma, please tell me that crush is not the reason you overwork yourself? If he hasn't noticed how amazing you are by now I don't know if ever will."
Emma turned away from her friend, she breathed as she contemplated Ruby's words.
"I have flowers for Emma Swan," A delivery guy spoke up.
Emma and Ruby's eyes met.
"That's me," Emma said.
The guy handed the flowers to Emma and she signed for them.
Emma's smile was giddy as she searched for a card. "There's no card."
"Wow, this is great. I spent the weekend in bed with a guy and you're the one who gets flowers. Nice," Ruby says playfully. "Ems, you don't really think they're from your dream guy. Do you?"
"Rubes, shhh," Emma scolded her, looking around to see if anyone was paying attention to the conversation.
"Everyone knows except for Graham," Ruby said, annoyed.
Emma blinks rapidly as she blushes and is then attacked by a beautiful husky coming running in barking its excitement.
Emma hugged him as he slobbered all over her face. "Hi boy, I missed you too."
"Hunter, stop slobbering all over Emma," a voice came from behind.
Emma turned around to see her boss standing there with a warm smile on his face.
"Hey, so how was the climb?" Emma asked as she scratched behind Hunter's ears.
"It was good. I beat my old record," h said as he got closer.
"Wow! Isn't that the eighth time you climbed Mount Whitney?" she marveled.
He laughed, "How do you remember that?" He shook his head. "So what do we have for today?"
"Oh, let's see. We got these from marketing but they don't seem right."
He grinned. "I agree, they look-" He turned to Emma. "too put together."
"Like they're models," they said at the same time.
Emma added, "Oh, before I forget. The 92nd Street Y called to confirm that you'll be attending their benefit."
He nodded. "Will I need to make a speech?"
"Yeah, a few words about ecologically responsible business practices. Maybe something light and fun. I guess I will need a date for that. The only thing in my life you don't need to take care of. I don't know what I would do without you. Who would finish my sentences?"
Ruby was gagging behind them.
Emma glared at Ruby.
Graham entered his office only to exit right out. "Emma, did you leave me a breakfast burrito?"
Emma grinned. "I thought you would be hungry."
"Thank you, that's why I love you," he said as he reentered his office.
Emma whispered, "I love you too."
Ruby heard her friend's soft voice because of her wolf-like hearing, rolled her eyes and walked to Emma, and slapped her.
"Ouch, Ruby," Emma hissed. "I guess, I needed it."
"You think? Emma, do something about it. Just march in there and tell him how you feel," Ruby said, with a raised brow.
Emma just stared at her friend and ignored her suggestion. "I have a lot of work to do."
As everyone was leaving for the day, another soon to be bride, thanked Emma for her help planning her wedding.
"Okay, everybody. I hope to see you all at my engagement party tonight," Tamara said as she left the room.
Emma met Ruby at the front doors of the building to leave.
Ruby nudged Emma on the shoulder. "Hey, do you wanna come over to my place before the party? The guys from shipping are coming over my place for a drink and to have some fun."
Emma groaned, "I can't Ruby, I'm picking up Kathryn from the airport."
"Ems, I'm sorry but aren't you aware of the services taxis provide?"
"She's my baby sister and I have no problem picking her up. She needs me." Emma said with a smile on her face.
"Ems, she is an adult. I get that but she could get a ride to your place. You need to have some fun," Ruby insisted.
"Rubes, I'll be at the party. See you there," Emma said as she walked away.
@rumdrum91 @itsfabianadocarmo @xsajx @hookedonapirate @kmomof4 @searchingwardrobes @seriouslyhooked @profdanglaisstuff @let-it-raines @revanmeetra87 @snowbellewells @hollyethecurious @kymbersmith-90 @branlovestowrite @thejollyroger-writer @shireness-says @ilovemesomekillianjones @thisonesatellite @thesschesthair @winterbythesea @stahlop @resident-of-storybrooke @superchocovian @lfh1226-linda @artistic-writer @thislassishooked @shardminds @winterbaby89 @xhookswenchx @ultraluckycatnd @gingerchangeling @laschatzi @wellhellotragic @xemmaloveskillianx @courtorderedcake @pirateherokillian @optomisticgirl @darkcolinodonorgasm @sherlockianwhovian @andiirivera  @djlbg @nikkiemms @jennjenn615 @scientificapricot @officerrogers @imlaxdris71 @therealstartraveller776 @kday426 @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713   @donteattheappleshook @spacekrulesbians @lassluna @carpedzem @captainodonoghue @killian-will-do @jarienn972 @tehgreeneyes  @demisexualemmaswan @queen-serena88 @swanslieutenant @tiganasummertree @whimsicallyenchantedrose @bethacaciakay @ohmakemeahercules @jrob64 @klynn-stormz @mariakov81 @sals86 @elizabeethan @brooke-to-broch @hookedonhiddles @onceratheart18 @the-darkdragonfly @veryverynotgoodwrites @jonesfandomfanatic @wefoundloveunderthelight
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reptile-ruler · 3 years
For the wip game; how about “death” ? :)
WIP game
“That is one of Dib’s journals. It will not be very entertaining. But fine, if you wish to be bored to death.”
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itsthemysterykids · 4 years
Raz: Gaz and Wybie are wreaking havoc across Gravity Falls. If we wanna stop Bill Cipher, we have to neutralize them and free them from possession.
Coraline: Leave this to me! *Slams a purple journal on the table* I’ve been keeping track of everyone’s weaknesses! And, I know the best strategies to overpower everyone! Wybie’s weakness is obvious.
Lili: Uh-huh. Real obvious. And, um... What is it exactly?
*Coraline groans, and flips to pages in the journal, showing some drawings*
Coraline: Everyone knows Wybie messed up his back when he was a kid! If you get him in the right spot, his injury will act up on him.
*Coraline flips to a drawing of her punching Wybie’s back*
Coraline: Next time we fight, I’ll target it, and subdue him, and save him, *Flips page to a drawing of Wybie in a maid costume* and remind him of it every time he tells me it’s my turn to clean!
Raz: Okay... But not all of us will be as easy as a messed up back.
Coraline: Oh, really? That’s fine. Well, lemme show ya. Mabel’s weakness? *Throws a picture of a boy*
*Mabel runs after it*
Coraline: Boys. Dib? Aliens. Norman? His ghost friends. Neil? Can’t act to save his life. Also extreme curly hair envy with Wybie.
*Neil twirls a strand of his hair*
Coraline: Lili? Crippling self doubt mixed with overwhelming hubris, and a weird affinity for plants.
Lili: That’s like weirdly specific and personal compared to aliens and hair!
Agatha: Ooh! Do me!
Coraline: Agatha? Witch trials. And an inability to unleash your full power due to your overwhelming fear of hurting the people you care about.
Agatha: Some might say that’s actually a positive quality.
Coraline: It’s not. Dipper’s weakness? *Holds the journal near a flame*
Dipper: No!
Coraline: The journals.
Dipper: You’ve spent a lot of time on this, haven’t you?!
Coraline: Contingency plans are how you win. And I always win.
Raz: Okay, we get it. They’re easy to take down. But your “files” don’t have anything on m-
Coraline: *Squirts him with a spray bottle*
Raz: Liquid death! *Runs away*
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glitter-alienz · 5 months
Bruh my chest and back started hurting suddenly and I was gagging in class, I had to run to the toilet. Didn't throw up but after like 10 minutes of feeling like someone was squeezing my ribcage it stopped. And now I'm fine? Huh
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
Merry Christmas, @kevaaronday!
Read on AO3
Heard you were tough (but you don't look it)
1 - That Asshole 0 - Derek 1
Usually Derek got a different response after he’d saved someone’s life.
Depending on if the person was in the know or not, he either got some very surprised screaming about monsters, or a sincere thank you and the occasional offer to be thanked in some other way. Which he always declined, because that would be taking advantage.
This guy, this… asshole. He was different.
“I had that,” he was immediately yelling at Derek.
Different, and clearly delusional.
“You were seconds away from death,” Derek wondered if The Asshole was on something. “The Omega’s fangs were inches from tearing your throat out.”
Derek had jumped in immediately, without a thought for his own safety. As an Alpha, he’d heal pretty damn quickly from anything a crazed Omega could do to him. And the guy almost getting his throat torn out was human - at least at first glance.
“As if,” The Asshole was actually laughing at him.
“I get that you probably have a weapon or two in hand,” Derek did not have the patience to be dealing with a hunter who thought himself invincible. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t be killed.”
Though, he couldn’t smell any wolfsbane on this guy. He couldn’t smell much of anything, which was probably a bad sign. If hunters had somehow learned how to block their chemosignals, that would take away a large part of the advantage the wolves had over them.
They needed that advantage.
His pack was probably going to call him paranoid, since they had very little problems with hunters anymore, now that Chris Argent had turned out to be a decent person. But it wasn’t paranoia if it kept all of them alive.
“I don’t need weapons,” That Asshole rolled his eyes at Derek.
That was a new one. He hadn’t ever heard a hunter say that before. They were always so dependant on their guns and their wolfsbane - or even bows. This guy seemingly carried none of those things. Though he was wearing so many layers it was hard to tell.
“Do you have claws hidden underneath that plaid?” Derek had to ask.
Because that was the only way that The Asshole would have made it out alive. There was no way a human got that close to a rabid Omega without any weapons on him and still lived to tell the tale. Not without some kind of interference. Or someone saving their ungrateful ass.
“Nothing up my sleeves,” the guy pushed up said sleeves.
Nothing to see there. There was nothing special about this guy, until Derek turned to look at the Omega (the corpse) lying on the ground, and then looked up to find that The Asshole was nowhere to be found.
Well, fuck. Clearly this was no random human. The smell of petrichor told him that much - funny how that he could smell, when there was nothing about the magic-user himself that Derek could get a scent on. So he was powerful, and could have probably handled himself against that Omega - but was it worth the risk?
And still, a ‘thank you’ wouldn’t have been out of place here. Derek was just saving a life, it was That Asshole who had to make it into a big fight. Just because Derek hadn’t wanted him to die at the hands of a feral Omega.
That was about as kind as he got.
2 - The best Spark ever 1 - Grumpy Wolf 1
So clearly the Beacon Hills Alpha was a self-righteous ass, but it wasn’t like Stiles could just let him die. That would be… less than ideal for his standing in the local community. Also, he wasn’t actually that much of an asshole. Not usually, not to anyone who didn’t deserve it.
He was just in doubt about how much the Alpha deserved it.
Still, there was a difference between actively being an asshole to someone and letting them die because of a troupe of egomaniac hunters. Beacon Hills needed an Alpha, and Stiles was going to get one over on the asshole Alpha - so clearly two reasons to do the right thing. That and Stiles’ hatred of hunters. That made three.
Ugh, guess he had to show off now. He hated doing that (no he didn’t).
“Hello there fellas,” Stiles did enjoy playing the harmless human card when it gave him an advantage. “I’m not sure what’s going on here, but it feels like the start of a bullying PSA.”
That stopped these rednecks in their tracks - and seriously, why were hunters usually rednecks? Was it the racism or the love of guns? Or both? Both.
“You’d best get on your merry way, boy,” the one with the baseball cap started threatening him.
And that meant he really didn’t know what he was up against, which was awesome for Stiles but not so much for these guys. And not so much for the Alpha’s ego, clearly, because he was halfway to growling at Stiles before he even spoke up. Right, because it was perfectly fine for Stiles to be the damsel but this guy is too manly to be put in that position?
Fucking toxic masculinity!
“I’m going to need your pet Alpha for that,” Stiles grinned. “I kinda called dibs.”
That surprised them enough that Stiles could get off the first spell with a quick flick of the wrist - a modification of the mountain ash circle that allowed nothing or no one to enter or exit the circle without Stiles’ permission. And since the asshole Alpha was very much outside that circle…
“You’re welcome,” Stiles cocked his head, waiting for some appreciation from said Alpha.
He got none.
The Alpha was basically growling at him. “You called dibs?”
Maybe that wasn’t the best thing he could have said about an apparently extremely paranoid Alpha. But he’d already said it, and well, he stood by it. Because underneath that anger, and the heavy brow, and the asshole behavior… Well, underneath all of that the Alpha was kind of hot and Stiles would have hate-sexed him in a heartbeat. If, you know, he wasn’t an ungrateful ass. Or if he seemed like the kind of guy who was into hate-sex.  
“I’m sorry, are these rednecks more your type?” Stiles had no trouble keeping the circle intact. “I am not sure you’re kink-compatible.”
The joking just riled the Alpha up even more, which was a whole different level of entertaining. And watching the Alpha’s eyebrows twitch when Stiles easily tightened the circle the hunters were still trapped in, well that was just the icing on the cake, really. The guy was really pissed off that Stiles was powerful enough to save himself and others - such a savior complex.
“Well, I’d best be off,” Stiles wasn’t going to let the Asshole Alpha get another word in. “I have some criminals to hand-deliver to the Sheriff. You’re welcome.”
And with that, he left an Alpha werewolf in the dust. Like a BAMF.
3 - Dangerous magic user 1 - Derek 2
There was no way that Derek was going to let a dangerous magic user run through Beacon Hills unchecked. This was his territory, and it was his job to keep people safe, and therefore it was his job to know when dangerous people were around who risked tipping the balance.
And this guy - there was no way that he wasn’t dangerous. Someone that powerful, who could trap groups of hunters with a flick of his wrist and casually drag a protective circle after him… Maybe Derek had trust issues - and he knew he did - but he couldn’t trust the intentions of anyone that powerful. Especially when this person hadn’t even introduced himself to the pack, which was supposed to be tradition.
It almost made him miss Deaton. At least he remembered how things were supposed to work, enigmatic as he might have been before randomly bailing two months ago. He never even explained why he left or where he’d gone. And he’d left no forwarding address.
The wendigos were a bit more of an urgent issue, though.
Derek’d had to look through his mother’s old journals, the one she always locked up in the vault because she didn’t want the kids to get their hands on them. She’d spoken of the creatures, mentioned how dangerous they were and how imperative it was that they be kept far away from humans - especially those who were born with magic in their blood.
Did he mention that wendigos had an immunity to most spells?
Clearly the pain in the ass magic user hadn’t done the research, because he was still out there, in the Preserve in the middle of the night, flinging spells at an advancing wendigo. Derek knew his pack was dealing with the rest of the family, but they’d left the most dangerous one to him - as they should. Derek healed faster than they did.
“Get out of the way,” he threw himself into battle without another thought. “They’re mostly immune to magic. You need to get to safety.”
The magic user didn’t listen, not right away. But Derek couldn’t spend too much energy keeping track on him, not when he had a cannibalistic creature to get rid of. Looking back once already earned him a slash across the ribs, and he was lucky it wasn’t worse.
“What the hell is that thing?”
So clearly the magic user wasn’t leaving.
“Wendigo,” Derek shouted at him. “Now leave. Please. I’ve got this.”
The please just… came out. It was completely unlike their previous interactions, but Derek had said it and now he had to deal with it. Or he could just pretend he’d never said it and deal with a dangerous monster instead. That sounded like the better option.
Sometimes he wished there was another way to deal with a wendigo. But there wasn’t. His mother had tried, several times even, and if Talia Hale couldn’t do it… It had to be impossible.
He took a deep breath, trying to center himself, trying to anchor himself to his pack as he let the wolf into the driver’s seat. Against a creature like this, it is best to shift completely. Like his mother had.
It hurt to have his bones completely rearrange themselves, but he was used to pain. It helped him heal the scratches from the wendigo a bit quicker too.
“Holy shit, did you just?” Mage was still there.
Derek-wolf growled at him. Not safe for Mage with nice scent .
Not until after he shifted back, his body too tired to maintain the shift after he’d managed to defeat the angry wendigo singlehanded, did he realize that the magic user had never left. That he’d stuck around to watch Derek save his stupid life, for some reason.
Though he disappeared as soon as Derek’s pack came to find him.
He didn’t say thank you. Not surprising.
4 - The Amazing Mischief 2 - Sexy Wolf 2
So apparently the Alpha could actually turn into a wolf. Stiles was reluctantly impressed. Reluctantly, because the guy was still an asshole who thought Stiles couldn’t handle himself against one single wendigo - and yeah, okay, maybe he was right about the whole immunity to magic thing, but still.
But the full shift? Impressive. Saying please? Heartbreaking. Protecting Stiles even in full wolf form? Confusing. Stupid. Weird.
Grudging acceptance was not the way he wanted to go with this guy.
And so, when he saw another chance to piss the Alpha off by saving his ass, even though he had a whole pack he could call in for backup instead… Stiles just had to take it.
And yeah, technically he was the protector of the town now, after that vet had just disappeared and his Dad had dragged him back from Poland because they really needed the help. And after the weeks he’s had, with the Omega and the hunters and a family of wendigos - well, Stiles is never dismissing the Hellmouth-like quality of Beacon Hills ever again. So technically it was now his job to protect idiot martyr Alphas - even though his job description just said “consultant”.
Ugh, damn Alpha werewolf and his martyr complex.
“We have got to stop meeting like this, Sourwolf,” Stiles leaps in front of the monster with a smug grin on his face.
Is that actually a fucking kanima? He’s never seen one of those in the flesh before.
“Of course you’re here,” the Alpha is not amused.
“Danger’s calling,” Stiles shrugged as he erected a magical shield. “Did you murder anyone recently? Other than the wendigo? Because he shouldn’t be after you like this, sexy wolf.”
That one just kind of slipped out, but Stiles was certainly not going to walk it back. No, he was totally going to own it - he’d hit on Alpha werewolves before. Sure, those were probably less hot - and less of an asshole. Infuriatingly, that made this guy just Stiles’ type.
Which was something he’d have to contemplate after he saved him from the kanima.
“Please just call me Derek,” the Alpha hid his face.
Because he was actually… blushing? That was awesome. Even the kanima seemed to think it was funny, which was just…
“Is he our new Daddy?”
Where the kanima had just stood, a smug douche-looking guy had taken his place. There was still a slimy quality about him, but it didn’t seem like they were in any kind of real danger, so Stiles figured he could drop the shield.
“You interrupted our sparring session,” Alpha Derek had crossed his arms over his solid chest.
And no, Stiles, that was a terrible road to go down.
Best to focus on the fact that there was a fucking kanima in the pack, and no one had bothered to inform him of that. He was going to have to have words with his Dad about this. Yes, his father would hear about this.
“Still saved your wolfy butt,” Stiles had to argue.
“I was in no danger whatsoever,” Derek rolled his eyes.
Ugh, the sass was a great look on him, and that was just unfair. He was just glad he was good at masking scent, because he did not want the wolf to have that kind of advantage.
“Still counts.”
Figuring that was a decent enough exit line, Stiles made a magical escape. Sure, it was a waste of his power, but he was trying to make a good impression here. Sort of.
5 - Mr. Stilinski if you’re nasty 3 - Derek freaking Hale 2
Research was key, especially when dealing with a pack that he was going to be having dealings with for a long time, if his Dad had his way. Dad was so happy to finally have Stiles close again, that he was about five seconds away from setting up a play-date with Alpha Hale and his pack. He only dropped it when Stiles assured him that he had it handled.
Sure, his Dad only dropped it long enough to seriously laugh at him, but it worked.
So the next time he approached the Hale pack, he followed the protocol that Babcia had drummed into him. Which was all well and good, until they got attacked like ten seconds after Stiles had finally properly introduced himself to Derek.
“Chimeras,” the blonde girl cursed. “Fucking chimeras.”
Oh, his Dad had filled him in on those, and Stiles was not in any way looking forward to this, but he was prepared to handle them. If he had to, because those kids had probably not asked to be turned into this, had not asked to be made feral.
“We just have to hold them off long enough for Lydia to get the cure,” Derek showed why he was actually a good Alpha. “Stay safe. Be careful. Don’t go after them alone. You know Theo and his traps.”
Fucking Theo was still around? Of course he was. He was never happy until he was making everyone in this town miserable. Sucked for him that Stiles was back now, because Stiles had never had any patience for his brand of dangerous bullshit. Also, Stiles was way more powerful than he was, and he was going to enjoy rubbing that in Theo’s face.
Just, well, he still didn’t want to hurt any innocent people.
“There’s a cure?” Stiles turned to Derek. “I can hold them for a while. How long do you need?”
The look on Derek’s face was just unfair. It was grateful, warm, pleased - Derek trusted him, trusted Stiles with his life and his pack’s lives. And that was… stupid of him. Sure, Stiles had saved his life… well this would be the third time’s charm.
Okay maybe it wasn’t stupid.
And maybe they made it work, with the girl named Lydia - he vaguely remembered her from elementary school, before his Mom died and he went to live with Babcia to get a handle on his abilities - and all of Derek’s pack. But Stiles’ powers were the only reason no one was harmed while they waited for the cure to work.
That wasn’t arrogance, that was the painful truth.
“Thank you,” Derek looked at him way too sincerely.
“Yeah, had to save that hot ass,” Stiles was babbling, he knew he was. “Disregard that. I’m just going to go. Because well, it’s your turn next. Or whatever.”
It was. Stiles was in the lead now, and it wasn’t like Stiles wanted to be saved… He just wanted to be chased, a little. Maybe wanted Derek to like him. He wanted this not to be the last of this thing they were doing. He didn’t want to go back to the politics of it, the usual business of the pack and the protector.
He kinda just… wanted Derek. Which was stupid, but it was what is was.
6 - Stiles 3 - Derek 3
It took Jackson about fifteen jokes about getting a new daddy to get Derek moving. Yeah, he was disappointed in himself too.
But Stiles - and what even was that name - was different. He was the Sheriff’s son, a good old boy from Beacon Hills, but he was also a powerful mage and the most immature asshole Derek knew outside of his own pack. Derek was drawn in by him, like magic, but it was also terrifying.
But when he saw those hunters, those very same hunters that Stiles had chased off a few weeks ago, trying to move in for some revenge… Well, he didn’t even think. He just leapt, growled at them like they couldn’t just put him down with a single bullet.
“Stay away from him,” he growled out from a suddenly fanged mouth.
So much for his fabled control. Because they were threatening Stiles, and Stiles was…
Not his. Not like pack, no matter how badly Derek wanted just that. Because Stiles had proven himself worthy, putting himself out there for Derek, risking himself to keep Derek’s pack safe. It made him special, made him worth taking note of as a potential ally. It was the humor, the flirting, the seeming fearlessness that made Stiles worth taking note of as a potential partner.
“Did the beast find himself a pet human?” Hunters were never original.
“A friend,” Derek growled. “A mage. A powerful mage. And the son of the Sheriff.”
Maybe he thought of Stiles as just another harmless human at first, as someone who needed protecting. He knew better now, knew just how dangerous Stiles could be to people who meant harm. Staying back and letting Stiles handle things was never going to be his first instinct, but having Stiles and his bag of tricks around could make such a difference in this dangerous town. They could really make a difference here.
“Skip the mating rituals,” the hunters were not impressed.
“I have Chris Argent on speed dial,” Derek warned, and somehow that worked.
Derek kept his claws out, kept up the beta shift just to be sure, but the hunters backed off Stiles and walked away. Sure, they’d be back, but Derek could handle it. Or he could let Chris do it.
“Guess we’re tied now,” Stiles turned to him, impish grin on his face.
“I’m sure we’ll have more opportunities,” Derek responded, because he knew exactly what this was. “But I’m not just going to let you win.”
This was actually a mating ritual - it was courting in the most roundabout way. And he didn’t have to doubt Stiles’ interest, because he was right there with him. They could bicker and get to know each other later, but the interest was obvious from both sides.
“Good,” Stiles stepped in closer.
“How about we go on a date that doesn’t involve violence?” Derek found himself making the first move. “Tomorrow night?”
That put him in the lead in another competition, and Stiles was already getting pouty that he hadn’t been the first to score. It was childish and overly competitive and perfect for Derek.
“I had that,” Stiles huffed. “I was going to ask you.”
Good, so at least they were definitely on the same page. And Stiles was going to say yes when he got over not being the one to ask.
“You snooze, you lose,” Derek pointed out.
“You’re terrible and I can’t believe I’m dating you,” Stiles rolled his eyes.
Okay, so maybe Stiles wasn’t over it yet, but he could work on it. His pack was going to mock him for all eternity, but Derek kind of couldn’t wait for Stiles to be a real part of his pack.
“I’m assuming that’s a yes,” Derek grinned. “Pick you up at seven.”
As Stiles huffed and puffed and groaned, Derek was the one making a perfectly-timed exit this time.
Score for Hale.
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banishedfromirk · 5 years
I just want you to know that I support you in whatever you decide to do. You need to take care of yourself and cope with the troubles that come your way. I understand anxiety. I can appreciate what you are going through. I hope you will be able to find the courage and methods you need in order to whip that anxiety into its place. You deserve a lot more positivity. You deserve to enjoy IZ and GF and anything else that catches your eye. Just remember you are a great person and deserve happiness.
💖Thank you. That is very kind of you. ;; I’m so sorry to hear that you also experienced being run out of a fandom. It really is the worst thing in the world to enjoy something so much, and then have it stripped away due to negativity. Back when I was first in the fandom during 2011 it was wonderful, I remember thinking back then it was the best thing I ever did for myself by coming out as a ZADR fan. I was a bit late to the show but I actually got into it after seeing ‘The Frycook What Came From All That Mess’ on Nick one night after being recommended to watch it. But then slowly over the year I started getting a lot of hateful comments. I actually put a bunch of them together recently and screenshotted it to show other friends. I got people telling me my designs were weird, or my art was just outright gross. People weren’t afraid to be terrible. I remember one particular person - GPleader - called me a retard because I didn’t support the idea of OC’s and they had told me people that shipped ZADR/ZATR/ZAGR ruined the spirit of the fandom. Another individual called Kitsunexen actually posted hate art about me because I didn’t want to be critiqued on my work, telling me to grow up and another user also bitched about me on facebook repeatedly, saying they hated me and mocking me about not wanting critique on my work and people stealing my art. I’d never spoken to these people other than just brief comments where they had actually complimented me on my work! So many people were two-faced like this. There was also one individual that was extremely popular in the fandom that sent white knights after me after a minor spat that was resolved. I had people threaten me on my front page after she called me a bitch in her journal well after it was resolved. Sometimes I see that users work on here and it brings those memories back because people don’t know what that person is really like. I even had people steal my artwork numerous times and block me or called me derogatory terms when called out on it or asked to remove it. Amazingly enough, even at DoomCON this treatment continued. I remember standing with my two friends talking, and one girl actually had the nerve to fully turn her back into my face to talk to them, pushing me back. Despite travelling out from Australia alone, I’d felt so down after that and actually just wanted to leave. My friends felt down as well after it. Thankfully, it picked up later in the day in the best way possible.I got so many insults/flames and nastiness directed towards me from the fandom back then to the point I was forced to leave. I got so fed up that I started snapping back at people in anger. People just ruined both the show and fandom for me. I’d had enough of feeling like shit for simply sharing my ideas and artwork. And even though now my experience mostly been positive since returning, I’ve had a few antis to deal with. One idiot called me a pedophile for drawing adult Zim and Dib. Thankfully I’m much more resilient than I was before, so I can shut these people down without being hurt, but it’s just been the non-stop harassment and doxxing I’ve seen that has at this point, just made me want to quit again even after all these years.I love the ZADR community so much and I’m sick to death of seeing innocent people being targeted and having their accounts removed. I’ve seen people decline from it and want nothing more to do with the fandom. I’ve seen how bad it’s got for some people, especially recapkid for example, and it’s getting to that point for me as well. My good friend even left the fandom due to bullying/harassment and is sick to death of the show itself thanks to that. I’m fortunate that I’ve been able to get help and have been able to start taking on my anxiety through the help of my psychologist over 2019 - but seeing how nasty people in this fandom can be, and even worse now than it was before with these god forsaken purists (the ones that wish death upon zadr fans), has led to the fandom being a source of stress and negativity yet again. I am grateful for the support I have got from people since reconnecting with the fandom. Like I met apocalypticwaffles who has been an amazing friend over last year and a reason to reconsider staying in the fandom. The positivity from other ZADR fans has been what has kept me here and the only reason I would consider staying. And as I mentioned, I really do hope the spark comes back to me because Zim has been such a huge part of my life for such a long time. I have so many good memories associated with it I don’t want to let go of. I don’t want to be pushed away again thanks to people that just can’t be decent human beings.I just want to be able to be happy online. It’s a safe space for me to be here because even though I have close friends outside of internet life, I rarely get to see them because of how far away they live. I love being part of a community that so deeply resonates with each other. I hate feeling scared to be able to post because of fear of being mass reported for doing literally nothing wrong except enjoying a ship that makes me happy. Even now it just brings bad vibes and i just don’t want it to go that way again.Thank you for reaching out, and I’m sorry for the wall of text. Your asks did make me feel a lot better. :) 💖
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gffa · 5 years
More details from Dooku: Jedi Lost: - Another example of the dark side being genuinely dangerous and Dooku’s sliding further away--when they go to a dark side-infested planet, Dooku gets drawn into it and attacks the people they’ve come to stop, just massacring them, without even realizing it, because it’s stolen into him and hooked into the dark stuff he hasn’t been facing. He starts to rant a bit about how this is what they should be doing, out (murdering people) restoring balance through whatever means possible, and Kostana is looking at him warily, like she thinks he’s going to attack her next, Dooku recounts in his journal.  Maybe he would have, he thinks. (Interesting because this is what I was talking about when saying that Qui-Gon was starting to say similar things and his behavior was starting to follow similar patterns in some ways, not an exact copy of the same path, he wasn’t going to become a Sith Lord by any means, but that maybe Dooku wasn’t as far off about Qui-Gon agreeing with him as we would originally assume.) - SNORT, the Sith relics (that she’s never actually found one of) that Kostana is sneaking around and running after lead her directly into a trap by an enemy trying to lure her into it, putting her life and the two Padawans’ lives in danger and, look, you can be right about the Sith being out there, but honestly ancient Sith relics didn’t make a single bit of difference in the galaxy’s fate and also this is pretty reckless and dangerous. Especially when the enemy (that Kostana thought was wiped out) was obsessed with prophecies and OMG THE PARALLELS. - DEATH MAGIC IS A THING GFFA NOW, I GUESS. - The moss on the dark side planet is affecting Dooku and it’s making him have visions-slash-hallucinations, which is what the alien species was after, they’re using death magic (ie, the lives of Kostana, Dooku, and Sifo-Dyas) to bring clarity to the visions of prophecies they’re having.  We hear snippets of Palpatine’s voice and Yoda’s voice and other stuff from Dooku’s visions, and they keep going and going.  He says, “I saw the future.  Futures.  Every prospect, every possibility, and all of them a living nightmare.” I was just talking about this in another post, that between Master and Apprentice and Kanan: The Last Padawan and Star Wars: Propaganda and now Dooku: Jedi Lost, it’s becoming further and further clear that there was no easy way out of this mess, that apathy of the general public and the corruption of the government, Palpatine’s genius at manipulating the systemic corruption and injustice, meant that no matter what they did, a nightmare was coming. - Dooku’s journal, talking about his relationship with Qui-Gon:  “I must admit, at first I was concerned.  Had I misread the Force?  Qui-Gon and I struggled in the early days of our partnership.  Everything about us seemed at odds, moreso than it had ever been with Rael.  Perhaps we were too alike.  I needn’t have worried, ‘Trust in the Force,’ Master Yoda used to tell me and, as in most things, he was correct.  Now it feels as though we were born to serve together.  Qui-Gon the student and I the teacher.  Aerith says we have become inseparable and I, for one, welcome it.” There’s also a really cute bit of banter, where they’re watching a race and Dooku’s not entirely hating it: Qui-Gon:  “Your brother is quite a pilot, Master.” Dooku:  “He is.  I hate to say it, but I’m actually impressed.” Qui-Gon:  “Whoooaaa, careful now.  You almost sound as though you’re enjoying yourself.” Dooku:  “Perish the thought.” - Dooku and Qui-Gon are a delight.  Later, they’re chasing down a suspect and bantering along the way: Qui-Gon:  “Ha!  A tracker in the Inspector’s collar!” Dooku:  “A Jedi is prepared for every eventuality, Qui-Gon.” Qui-Gon:  "And you’re okay flying while you’re practicing beast control?” Dooku:  “Animal kinship, my dear Padawan.  And of course I am.” Qui-Gon:  “Ah, you never fail to amaze me.” Dooku:  “I’m glad to hear it.” - G O D, okay, so, there’s a Jedi who steals a thing to get out of trouble and the Jedi have to deal with this and they ASSIGN HIM TO THE ARCHIVES, I’m dying because, god, they’re so nice to people, they constantly believe in the best and don’t just disregard them and want to keep them around, like, this is exactly what happened in Jedi of the Republic, where Dibs tries to murder Mace and, instead of shipping him off somewhere for it, even when Dibs is ranting and raving against them, they still say he’s valuable and they still want to reach out and help him and I’m just like UGH WHY ARE THEY SO COMPASSIONATE I LOVE THEM. Ky’s reaction is the greatest, though: Asajj:  “According to this, Arath was assigned to the Archives.  Hardly what I’d call a punishment.” Ky:  [in a completely disgusted tone] “UGH.  You’ve never been there.” Ky:  [wry humor]  “Besides, you know the Jedi.  Always ready with a second chance.” Asajj:  “More fool them.” - Dooku addresses the Senate, trying to get them to help some of the Outer Rim planets via policy, because “while [the Jedi] gladly serve the Republic, our numbers are few compared to the very real threats that endanger starfarers, the galaxy over”, and one of the senators shoots back with, “With all due respect, our honorable friend oversteps the mark.  The Jedi Council claims to be servants of the Republic and yet, here they are, attempting to influence Senatorial policy! Master Dooku has no business petitioning the Senate on such matters!” And it’s a fascinating scene because they shut him down, point out that he’s just an advisor, he has no right to be addressing them like this, and it’s incredibly clear that they’re not going to listen to him or tolerate him shifting out of that role, ultimately pointing out that the will of the people (at least those in the Senate) want to concentrate on the Core Worlds, because they don’t have the money to protect everyone equally. It further highlights that the Jedi were in between a rock and a hard place--the Senate wasn’t going to listen to them much more than what they already did and they weren’t going to tolerate more, but the alternatives (like the Separatists) were still far worse.  And it’s fascinating to put this together with Master and Apprentice where Qui-Gon is angry that they’re not pushing the Senate harder, when it’s clear that route doesn’t work, because they HAVE tried it.  And they’re nowhere near the point where they should be overthrowing the government (because, again, any other options were worse) and Queen’s Shadow shows that going around the Senate made it so they would have been blackballed. What’s even more interesting is that, when Serenno (who have withdrawn from the Republic) is being attacked by Abyssins, Dooku says that they should ignore the Senate and just rush in, lightsabers blazing.  The Council points out that Dooku just gave a speech about how the Jedi couldn’t police the entire Outer Rim systems, but now here he is suggesting they mount an assault on Abyssian Raiders.  (Which, as the scene shows us, would have been illegal, which we all know would lead to a lot of nasty fallout, as Queen’s Shadow has shown.)
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superfreakerz · 5 years
"Til Death Do Us Part"
Rated M for smut.
Immortal/Reincarnation AU.
Summary: There are immortals and there are those who reincarnate, but it's best to keep these things hidden. Lucy is attending college and meets Natsu, a mischievous boy with pink hair, a devilish smile, and a body that never ages.
Read earlier chapters on FF.net
Chapter 21
"Good morning, Lu-chan!" Levy greeted as she entered the classroom while Jellal tipped his head forward in his normal, silent acknowledgement.
"Good morning, guys," Lucy replied, taking her seat. She couldn't even pull out her writing journal before Levy began to bombard her with questions, all of them pertaining to her relationship with Natsu.
"How are you and Natsu? Did you do anything fun last night?"
"You really don't have to ask that every time we see each other, you know? We're good. In fact, we're better than good!" Lucy's cheeks tinged pink as she confessed, "We told each other that we love each other last night!"
"Really!?" Levy squealed, oblivious to the curious glances she received from their puzzled classmates. "Everyone knew you guys felt that way, but it's nice to know you guys are aware of it now too!"
Lucy nodded in agreement. She glanced past Levy at Jellal, who was listening with a pleasant smile on his face. What she was going to say next was embarrassing with the boy there, but she really had to get it out of her and at least his quiet demeanor made it a little better.
"We finally had one of those deep kisses like in the movies," she said, her voice lowered so that nobody else in their class could hear her.
Levy's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "Really? How was it?"
"Amazing," Lucy said, followed by a dreamy sigh. "We were a little confused at first since we hadn't done it before, but we picked it up quickly. And… I think we're going to take it even further soon." She watched the pair's eyes grow, a blush slowly appearing on their faces.
"Like… All the way?" Levy whispered, turning her head to make sure nobody else was listening.
Lucy nodded frantically. She covered her face with her hands, peeking between her fingers to look at the two. "Does that make me a bad person?"
"Why would that make you a bad person?"
"Well, we are moving pretty fast…"
"Are you asking me if it'll make you a slut? Because first off, it wouldn't. And second of all, who cares if it did? As long as you're both happy, who cares what anybody else thinks?"
"I agree with Levy," Jellal chimed in. "Every relationship moves at its own pace."
"Right. Gajeel and I had sex before we even got together." Usually she would be too embarrassed to talk about her sex life, but her friend needed help.
"As did Erza and I."
"And Gray and Juvia had sex months after getting together. We're all different. You just need to focus on your relationship, not what other people think," Levy said.
"You're right," Lucy agreed, nodding her head. "Who knows, maybe Natsu doesn't even want to do that sort of stuff yet anyways. I was just assuming based on how fast we took everything else."
"But you want to?" the blue-headed girl questioned, wiggling her eyebrows skillfully.
Lucy flushed, averting her gaze. "W-Well yeah. I can't help it!"
"I know, I know. I'm just teasing you, Lu-chan! When you do, just make sure you tell me so we can talk all about it!"
Lucy snorted, rolling her eyes. Her voice was laced with sarcasm as she replied, "Yeah, I'll make sure to call you right away."
"Good. Anyways, what are you doing on December 1st?"
"I'm not sure yet. Why?"
"Right before you got here, Jellal and I were talking about how to spend his birthday, which is on December 1st. It won't be during break, so try to make sure you're free!"
"Oh, that's awesome!" Lucy gushed, glancing at Jellal. "You'll be turning twenty-two, right?"
"That's correct," the boy answered. "Give or take a few decades."
"What are you planning for it?"
"Nothing much," Jellal said with a shrug. "Just spending the day at Fairy Tail."
"Erza was going to plan a surprise party," Levy informed her. "But every year, Jellal always manages to find out about it. He already found out about Erza's plans before she could even make reservations."
Lucy pictured an angry Erza having her plans for a surprise party foiled. Sweat dripped down her forehead. "She must get angry."
"Oh, she does. Trust me, it's not pretty. After Jellal busted her, she decided to let him choose what we do."
"Well now that you guys have me, we'll make sure to surprise you next year, Jellal!"
"I am looking forward to it," he replied.
Before she could reply, Capricorn entered the room, signaling the start of class. The class fell quiet, not out of fear of their professor like students did with Aquarius, but out of respect towards him. He had an aura about him that made everyone respect him and give him their full attention.
"Good morning, class," Capricorn greeted, pulling out the class materials for the day. "As you know, the quarter is coming to an end soon, which means finals are approaching. Instead of giving a test, I will be giving a final project. All of you must write your own stories. Ten chapters, five thousand words each."
"Is there a prompt?" some student in the back asked.
"No. There are no rules to the genre or rating, you have complete freedom of that. However, I am looking for a sense of difficulty. I want all of you to really challenge yourselves with this assignment. Whether it is a complicated timeline, a subject you've never breached, anything that I know is out of your comfort zone. And of course, I expect perfect grammar. No plot holes, please."
Lucy grinned, her head already coming up with different ideas. She was going to knock this assignment out of the park.
Once class was dismissed, Lucy shoved her things into her bag, heading out the door beside her friends. As usual, Natsu was waiting for her outside of the room, his lips stretching into a grin the moment he saw her.
"Yo, Luce!" he greeted with a wave.
"Hi, Natsu," she replied. Turning to Levy and Jellal, she said, "I'll see you guys next time in class."
The two waved goodbye before heading towards their next class, their steps hastened out of fear of having a marker chucked at them courtesy of Aquarius if they were late.
Reaching their class, they took their seats in the back by Gray, who greeted Lucy with a nod of his head.
"Hey, Lucy," the boy said.
"Hi, Gray! Finals are coming up. You ready?"
"Guess so. I'm pretty good in all my subjects this quarter so I should be fine. What about you?"
Lucy shrugged. "I'm feeling pretty confident. Though, I should take some extra time to study for Chemistry."
"Want me to help you? I can come over later and we can go over the review packet."
Natsu's lips curled downwards into an annoyed frown. Even though he trusted the two of them, the thought of them alone in Lucy's apartment still irked him. And why did she need tutoring anyways? It wasn't like she had bad grades.
"Don't you have an A in that class?" Natsu asked her.
"A minus," the girl answered. "Which is still amazing, don't get me wrong. But if I can try to do better, why not?"
"Then I'll tutor you!" Natsu suggested, pointing to himself with a wide grin. "I'm awesome at science!"
Lucy nodded, remembering Erza telling her that before. "Alright then. But no goofing off!"
"Yeah, yeah!"
As class ended, Lucy and Natsu packed their things before heading out. Gray walked with them until their paths split, the couple heading towards Lucy's apartment while he went to Fairy Tail.
They reached her apartment quickly, dropping their bags on the couch. Shivers ran up and down Lucy's body as she hugged herself. It was colder inside than it was outside! Checking the thermostat, the girl turned the dial up and waited for the room to heat up.
"I think your heater is broken," Natsu stated. "Usually it makes a humming noise when it's on."
"Oh no!" Lucy cried, hugging herself even tighter. Her teeth chattered as another shiver ran up her spine. "I hate the cold!"
"Luce, I hate to break it to ya, but you don't exactly dress for the weather."
The girl looked down at herself. She was adorned in a thin, tight fitting shirt and a black skirt in the middle of winter. "Alright, I guess you have a point."
Natsu nodded, his gaze falling from her eyes down to her chest. Thanks to the cold temperature and the thinness of her shirt, he could easily make out her nipples, which were growing erect underneath the fabric. His tongue slid over his lips.
"I'm going to change into warmer clothes really quick," Lucy said, snapping his attention back to her face. "I'll be right back."
"Okay," he replied, taking one last glance at her chest while he could still see the hardened peaks underneath her shirt. He wished he could see them without the shirt.
One Lucy returned, this time dressed in fluffy pajama pants and one of his sweatshirts- he had tried to take it back before but she had apparently called dibs on it- she unzipped her bag and grabbed her school stuff. "Alright, let's start!"
Natsu caught her hand. "Wait! Shouldn't we eat first? I'm starving!"
She rolled her eyes. Her stomach then decided to betray her by grumbling loud. "Fine. But after that we're studying!"
"Of course!"
Natsu followed Lucy into the kitchen, watching as she bent over to pick up a plastic container from a cupboard. His eyes glazed over her shapely rear. Even in her pajama pants, her curves were apparent. He swallowed thickly, his heart beating faster in excitement. His fingers itched out to drag along her curves and to rip away the fabric that covered her skin.
But as Lucy turned back around to face him, he forced a nonchalant expression to his face and tore his eyes away from her bum. He watched as she filled the container with some strawberries and grabbed a can of whipped cream.
"I want to finish these before they go bad," she explained, leading the way back to the couch.
They sat in a content silence as they munched on the fruit. Lucy sprayed some of the whipped cream next to the strawberries. Natsu watched as she grabbed a strawberry, dunked it in cream, and plopped it on her mouth.
A tingling sensation erupted between his legs as he watched Lucy stick her finger into her mouth and suck on some of the white cream that touched her skin.
Lucy glanced towards Natsu. She arched a brow. His face was pale and dotted with sweat as he stared back at her.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"N-Nothing," he choked out in reply. "A-Anyways, ready to study?"
She gave him a puzzled look. "I didn't think you'd be so quick to want to study. I thought you were starving."
"…I think I might be hungry for something else."
"Did you want me to make you something?"
"No, no! Let's just study, alright?"
Lucy shrugged, pushing away the strawberries and grabbing her binder for Chemistry. Pulling out a review packet full of things that were going to be on the test, she handed it over to Natsu for him to skim it over.
"Are you familiar with this kind of stuff?" she asked.
Natsu didn't even need to flip through the packet to know that he knew everything. Being an immortal and having to retake classes came in handy sometimes. That, and he'd always been good at science thanks to his interest in pyrotechnics. Before he found out he was an immortal, he wanted to explore it as a career. But just like it did with everything else, immortality took that dream away from him.
"Yeah, I'm familiar with it," Natsu finally answered.
Lucy studied him, noticing the strange gleam in his eyes. He wore a smile on his face, but there wasn't an ounce of happiness in it. It was empty.
"…Okay," Lucy said, not knowing what else to say. It was clear that he was upset, but she didn't have a clue as to why. Instead of pressuring him to talk about it, she was going to wait patiently for him to open up to her. "So, why don't we start? I'll answer the questions and you can correct me if I'm wrong."
"Sounds good," Natsu replied, leaning back with a grin.
Lucy began to answer all of the questions. The first section was memorization of the periodic table, which she had mastered. The next was formulas, which was a bit more challenging. She went through the packet, taking over half an hour to finish before handing it over to Natsu.
She watched as he skimmed through her answers, circling those that were wrong- which weren't much, thankfully. Her eyes traveled from the red pen in his hand up to his arms. They were tan, and even though his muscles weren't flexed at the moment, she could still admire the toned shape of them.
Lucy swallowed thickly, the area between her thighs starting to tingle. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips as she continued to ogle him, which went unnoticed by the boy.
Natsu corrected the last page before closing the packet and handing it back to Lucy. He arched a brow, noticing the pink hue of her cheeks.
"You good?" he asked.
Lucy snapped out her trance. Her voice was squeaky as she answered, "Yep! All good! Let's go over this!"
As they went through the packet together, Natsu explained why Lucy got certain problems wrong. They went through step-by-step to reach the correct solution, though Lucy's mind was elsewhere.
Drool was practically dripping down her chin as she stared at Natsu again. This time, her eyes were glued to his abs, which were exposed due to his strange choice of clothes. Seriously, how did he of all people manage to have abs that were chiseled by the gods? The boy ate like a beast! And sure, he worked out more than she did, but not enough to excuse his deranged appetite!
"Did you get that?" she heard Natsu's voice call out to her.
Snapping her gaze up to meet his, she nodded. "Yep. Got it." However, every word fell on deaf ears. She really should have studied with Gray instead. She would have actually been studying with him rather than imagining all the places she could kiss him. "Note to self, never try to study with your boyfriend."
Natsu cocked his head to the side as he studied Lucy. The girl was weird. This he had known since the day he met her. But she was acting even stranger than usual.
"Are you sick or something?" Natsu asked.
Lucy shook her head. "Why would I be sick?"
"Because your face is all red and you seem pretty out of it."
"Oh! Maybe I am sick then!"
Natsu squinted his eyes at the girl. She'd always been a terrible liar. "No you aren't. What's goin' on, Lucy? Why're you acting weirder than normal?"
"I'm not!"
"Luuucy! Just tell me already!"
The girl looked away, the pink in her cheeks turning to a deep red. "A-Alright, fine. I guess…" Feeling embarrassed, she mumbled, "I want a kiss."
"I want a kiss! Okay?"
Natsu's cheeks puffed out as he stifled a laugh. "That's it? That's why you've been actin' weird?"
"Shut up," Lucy replied, crossing her arms.
"Come here," Natsu said with a grin. Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her closer to him and crashed his lips upon hers, leaving her breathless. Her hand went limp in his hold as their lips washed together in perfect harmony.
Feeling braver now, Lucy moved herself onto his lap, all the while keeping her lips on his. She straddled him, tilting her head to the side as she deepened the kiss. His body was warm against hers. Hard, too.
Caught in the moment, Lucy wrapped her arms around Natsu's neck and pulled him closer to her. With newfound curiosity, the girl slid her tongue against his lips, asking for permission to be let in. She felt him tense against her, probably unsure as to what to do, but he got the hint and let his mouth part for her tongue to enter.
Their tongues found each other instantly, washing against the other fervently. His mouth was warm, just like the rest of him. She took her time exploring every inch of his mouth while he did the same to her.
His mouth wasn't all she wanted to explore, and in that moment of sharing passionate kisses, Lucy found herself drowning in all of Natsu. Her hands traveled from his hair down to his abs, tracing over the indentations of each one, down to the hem of his pants. She felt his body grow rigid against her. She stopped and pulled away, her face red with heat.
"I'm sorry," she breathed out. She found herself panting after all of that.
"It's okay," Natsu replied. His cheeks were just as red as hers. He felt his body tingle, a sign that he was about to grow hard if pushed any further.
"I guess I got ahead of myself."
"I-I don't mind if you don't."
Lucy's eyes darted towards his. "You don't?"
He shook his head quickly. "Nope. If anything, I've been dying to do this."
"…So, I can keep going?"
He nodded, his blush deepening. He hoped he didn't come off as desperate, but in truth, he was desperate for her touch. Only hers. "Yeah, but only if you want to."
"Okay then," Lucy replied. "H-How far?"
Natsu swallowed thickly. "As far as you want."
Lucy nodded, her eyes darting towards his lips. Knowing that he was on the same page as her, she leaned forward and planted her lips over his once again. She waited for them to find their rhythm before she allowed her hands to travel down to his abs again. She loved the feel of his warm skin against her fingertips.
Lucy cocked her head to the side as Natsu's lips washed over her neck, sucking on the flesh. His sharp teeth lightly dragged over her skin. Her eyes rolled back in her head, her mouth parting as she took in the pleasure that racked her body just from those simple kisses.
They were magical. They were addictive. They were everything she needed.
She grabbed Natsu's coat and slid it off his shoulders. Her hands glazed over his biceps, squeezing the muscle beneath her fingers. She went to move her hands and explore more of him when she felt something hard beneath her.
Lucy pulled away from him, her cheeks set ablaze.
"Is that…" she began.
Horror etched Natsu's features as he glanced away, embarrassed. "Y-Yeah. I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back anymore."
Lucy grabbed his cheeks and forced him to face her before crashing her lips against his.
"Don't be sorry," she said, her voice low and sultry. Lust pooled her brown orbs. "And you don't have to hold back."
Natsu nodded slowly, the gleam in Lucy's eyes putting him in a trance. He brushed some golden strands out of her face, cupping her cheek before pulling her in for another kiss. No longer ashamed of his body's natural reaction, he allowed himself to fall back in the direction they were previously headed in.
Since Lucy had helped herself to feeling his body, he decided to do the same. His fingers grazed her shoulders, tracing gently down to her breasts. He felt her release a shaky breath against his lips as he dragged a finger over one of the mounds, right over her nipple. Even underneath the thick sweater, he could feel the hardened nub.
His teeth gnawed on her lower lip as he squeezed her breasts in his hands. He'd been dying to do that for so long, and it was everything he dreamed of and more. Even though he kept his hands strictly above fabric- he wouldn't delve beneath until he knew Lucy was okay with it- his heart began to thump wildly nonetheless.
Electricity shot through his body, coursing through his veins as Lucy melted into his touch. A soft exhale slipped past her lips, her head hanging back. Natsu squeezed them harder, smoothing his thumb over her peaks as he did.
Lucy couldn't take it anymore. Her brain felt like it was short-circuiting. All she knew was she wanted more. Grabbing his hand, she led it to the hem of her sweater and dragged it beneath the fabric, against her skin up to her bare breast.
Natsu swallowed thickly, his cock twitching in excitement as his hands massaged Lucy's breasts. They were warm in his hands, larger than he expected as they spilled past his fingers. He knew they were big, but he didn't know how big they were until he held them.
As he smoothed his thumb over her nipple, he clenched his jaw as Lucy grinded against him. The friction between them was amazing, and he wanted nothing more than to rip her clothes off and feel her flesh against his.
He was about to kiss the shell of her ear when her phone suddenly started playing its chime, loud enough to startle them both. They pulled away from each other, their faces flushed and dotted with sweat. Their eyes were half-lidded.
Lucy nearly cursed as she sent her phone a deadly glare. It hadn't stopped ringing yet, and she was about to give whoever was calling an earful for interrupting them.
"You should go check it," Natsu said, holding his hands up in surrender when she turned her glare onto him. "Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoyin' this too, but it could be important." His eyes lingered on her chest. "We could always finish this after."
Lucy sighed, knowing he was right. Getting off of him, she let her gaze land on his lap to study the bulge within his pants. A proud smirk appeared on her face, happy that she was able to have such an effect on him.
Heading over to the dining table to grab her phone, she picked it up and turned it over to look at the screen. Her eyes went wide, her jaw dropping on its hinges as she found it wasn't someone calling. It was a reminder.
A frown graced her lips as she clutched her phone tightly to her chest.
"That's right. It's about that time."
Releasing a shaky breath, the girl placed her phone back on the table.
"Lucy? Are you okay?" she heard Natsu call out to her.
Facing him, she feigned a smile. He was going to have to find out about this sooner or later. Might as well tell him now.
"Yeah, it wasn't a call," she told him. "It was a reminder."
"A reminder for what?" he asked, tilting his head to the side as he raised a brow at her.
"For a trip I'm taking," Lucy answered, rubbing the back of her head with a chuckle.
"A trip? Where are you going?" A frown spread over the boy's face as he got up from the couch to stand by her. "Is everything okay, Lucy?"
"Yeah! Everything is fine! I just need to go home for a few days."
"Oh, for your dad? I thought that was during the break."
"It is. This is a different trip."
"What's it for?"
Lucy averted her gaze. In truth, her first parents' anniversary was coming up, and she made sure to set out to visit their graves at least once during their anniversary every life time. But it wasn't like she could tell Natsu that. She already made it clear she hated her father of this life.
"I'm visiting my mom's grave," she finally said, still unable to meet his gaze. "The anniversary of her death is coming up." It wasn't a complete lie. She was going to see her mother's grave for her anniversary, just not that one.
Natsu eyed her for a moment before shaking his head. Lucy was never a good liar, even now. He could read her like an open book. His gaze was hard as he stared at her. "Lucy, I promised not to lie to you anymore. You need to do the same for me. You don't have to tell me what it is you're doing, but you don't have to lie to me either."
Lucy sighed, guiltily meeting his gaze. "I know. You're right. I'm sorry that I lied to you."
"It's alright."
"I would tell you if I could. But I'm not… I'm not ready."
"That's okay," Natsu assured, ruffling her hair and giving her a grin. "If you're ever ready, you know where to find me."
"Yeah, in my apartment since you're always breaking in," Lucy replied, nudging him playfully.
"Yep! Eatin' your food while I'm at it!"
A laugh slipped past her lips. She grabbed his hands and smiled up at him. "Thank you for being so understanding."
"Don't mention it," Natsu replied, giving her hands a squeeze. "You'd do the same for me. So, when's this trip of yours?"
"Oh, I haven't booked it yet. But I'm going to try to get a flight for the second."
"Of December?"
"Yeah," Lucy answered, nodding her head. "I know Jellal's birthday is on the first, so I want to be here to celebrate, and the second is the latest I can leave since I have to be there for the third."
"It takes that long to get there?" Natsu asked.
"Well, it's an eight-hour flight from here. I'm going to the opposite side of Fiore."
"Wow. Whatever you're doin' must be important. Want me to come with you? I'll be a mess on the flight, but I can still keep you company."
"It is important. And thank you for the offer, really. But I have to go alone." Even though nobody would recognize her in her first hometown, it was still risky to bring someone else there. "I'll make sure to bring back a souvenir for you!"
Natsu frowned, still wary of her traveling alone. "Alright. Better be a good one!"
"Hey! You should just be glad I'm getting you something in the first place!"
Now that their mood from earlier was gone, Natsu glanced back at the coffee table littered with Lucy's school stuff.
"So, did you ever hear a thing I was saying earlier 'bout your review packet or were you too busy starin' at me?" Natsu teased with a smirk glued to his face.
Lucy smacked his chest, her cheeks turning pink. "Shut up! Let's just study already!"
"So you didn't listen to a single thing I said because you were starin' at me. Sheesh, get your mind outta the gutter, Lucy! I was only tryna tutor you!"
"I will kill you."
As the two sat back down on the couch, Natsu teasing Lucy with his relentless jokes, they eventually got back into studying, this time actually studying. Still, somewhere deep in their minds, they knew that their relationship was headed towards a new adventure, and both of them couldn't wait to experience it.
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May 21, 2019
So now, my mother (my god-awful mother) is in the process of buying a house and selling the rape house. She just called me to tell me the woman who watched my csa (passively) has passed. She offered me no consolation “it’s the past and you need to stop living the past”
It’s in the will that she and her brother have dibs after the event of the woman’s death. Her brother offered to give her the house rent free to live in right now. She said she doesn’t want it, just wants to put it on the market asap.
So I need to give you some background so you understand the gravity. I went from living in a big house with an abuser who claimed “we would always be together” so I built a life, a life includes stuff, ways to fill a house, fill your heart. After he broke up with me and told me everything was clearly my fault, im me if you want the link to my tumblr journal about that whole experience. I am now living as a tennant in one of his houses. Whew! So also our financial situation is dismal, some days like today i am wondering how I’m going to pick the kids up from school or feed them after, you need gas to get to a food pantry.
So my mother never offered me the house and when I challenged that view “well we don’t even know it’s condition and I just wanna get it off my hands as soon as possible” she said her new husband would like some of the money from the house even though he’s never spent 5 minutes in it, and used to abuse my mom before he found God. I shouldn’t want the house I know, but I have a right to face my abuser and in the case of literature and hell otherwise a house or setting is as much of a character in the story as the characters themselves. I should have been given a choice. I had to beg her to let me go see it tonight before they change anything and i was told, she doesn’t want me freaking out over there. Wtf. She is so toxic i can smell her sludge from the next city over. 6pm. Myself and @thenightshadesymposium are going over there if we can find the ⛽️. Seems like everything falls apart at the same time and I can’t find my footing.
I just need to know your there that someone is reading this. Just tell me you support us.
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irksomeirken · 6 years
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LEGAL NAME: ZIM  [ɪɴsᴜғғɪᴄɪᴇɴᴛ ᴅᴀᴛᴀ]
NICKNAME[S]:  [ɪɴsᴜғғɪᴄɪᴇɴᴛ ᴅᴀᴛᴀ]
DATE OF BIRTH:   [ɪɴsᴜғғɪᴄɪᴇɴᴛ ᴅᴀᴛᴀ]
AGE: 16 in Irken years, 160 in Earth years
GENDER: [ɪɴsᴜғғɪᴄɪᴇɴᴛ ᴅᴀᴛᴀ] | Agender
PLACE OF BIRTH: IRK, A Smeet Hatchery
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Irken, PAK auto-translates all foreign languages
EDUCATION: The Academy
CRIMINAL RECORD:  Nearly destroyed Irk in Operation Impending DOOM 1, the deaths of Almighty Tallest Spork and Almighty Tallest Miyuki
LIKE[S]: DESTRUCTION AND DOOM!!! Conquering planets, The Almighty Tallest, GIR, Minimoose, his computer, Irk, sweets.
DISLIKE[S]: DIB, his height, Earth and all it’s inhabitants
FEAR[S]: Inescapable FAILURE, Earth WATER, deletion, exile
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Manipulative, stubborn, egotistical, megalomaniacal, proud, violent
{ P H Y S I C A L   I N F O R M A T I O N }
HAIR COLOR: [ɪɴsᴜғғɪᴄɪᴇɴᴛ ᴅᴀᴛᴀ] | Black wig
EYE COLOR: Ruby red | Lilac
HEIGHT: 3'5"/106.68 cent
WEIGHT: 40.5 lb (18.4 kg)
{ F A M I L Y   I N F O R M A T I O N }
SIBLING[S]:   [ɪɴsᴜғғɪᴄɪᴇɴᴛ ᴅᴀᴛᴀ]  
PARENT[S]:   [ɪɴsᴜғғɪᴄɪᴇɴᴛ ᴅᴀᴛᴀ]
PET[S]: GIR, Minimoose.
{ R E L A T I O N S H I P   I N F O R M A T I O N }
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: [ɪɴsᴜғғɪᴄɪᴇɴᴛ ᴅᴀᴛᴀ]
tagged by: STOLEN from @stardustcloaked tagging: @zimisnotdefective @aliens-and-abnormalities-journal @friend-to-the-unknown @skoodge-invaderof-blorch @the-big-duo AND EVERYONE THAT READS THIS but only if you wanna haha
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