#alley katz
allgoodmusic · 9 months
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Bands playing Kingdom in Richmond, Virginia. October 2011.
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mrbopst · 6 months
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Harvey Milk Mao Tse Helen The Pushers
4/25/1998 Alley Katz Richmond, VA, USA
Poster: Bopst
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fudoh-k · 2 years
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🎵 仰向きで挨拶 Say hello with a cat on your back #猫 #ねこ #ネコ #cat #katze #chat #gato #gattto #茶トラ猫 #brown_tabby_cat #路地 #alley #視線 #gaze #手 #hand #fujifilm #finepix #f70exr (Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CotxaCUJyAv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lecat · 6 months
talking cat
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themcrarchive · 5 months
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4/20/2004: MCR plays at Alley Katz in Richmond, VA🩸 #Revenge20
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weepingwidar · 11 months
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Allison Katz (Canadian, 1980) - Alley Cat (2020)
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agepoyosims · 7 months
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Hey frens! I wanted to showcase a lot of gals I made since last year! These girls are a gal circle called Alley Katz and they hang mostly in San Myshuno.
In the first pic there's bubbly brat Ayaka (top left), cool kat Natsumi (middle top left), sexy giraffe Ran (middle top right), sweet bee Hinata (top right), and lil' slugger Hwasa (center).
Second pic also has foxy mama Yoko (bottom left) and she-devil Tzuyu (bottom right).
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mouth-almighty · 1 month
🔴 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - Department of Refugee Affairs and the Right of Return:
Statements by the Occupation's Foreign Minister, War Criminal Katz, Regarding the Camps are an Attempt to Justify Occupation Crimes and Escalate Aggression Against Them, Especially the Jenin Camp
The statements made by the zionist Foreign Minister and war criminal Yisrael Katz, in which he described Palestinian refugee camps as "nests of evil under Iran's control" and called for "evacuating Jenin camp of civilians to deal with it like Gaza," reflect a deeply ingrained colonial mentality within the zionist project, obsessed with massacres, genocide, and ethnic cleansing, and seek to justify the ongoing crimes of the occupation against our people, particularly in the camps.
These statements reveal premeditated zionist intentions to escalate aggression on Palestinian camps in the West Bank, especially the Jenin camp, similar to the broad campaign of genocide and destruction in Gaza.
The targeting of Palestinian camps by the occupation has never been random; it has always been part of a consistent zionist strategy aiming, since the creation of this entity, to destroy these revolutionary strongholds as a step towards completing ethnic cleansing and eliminating the right of return.
The camps are not merely Palestinian population centers; they are advanced bastions of our people's steadfastness in their land, and from their alleys emerged heroes who confronted the occupation and defended the rights of the Palestinian people.
These criminal and brazen statements by the zionist Foreign Minister regarding the camps are documented evidence that should be referred to international courts to ensure these killers and war criminals do not escape punishment.
The department affirms that all zionist schemes targeting Palestinian camps will fail and will be shattered against the rock of our people's resilience, will, and resistance. The camps, especially the Jenin camp, will remain the spearhead of resistance in the West Bank and impenetrable fortresses embodying the spirit of will and steadfastness of our people. The occupation will not be able to uproot the right of return, for which our people continue their struggle to achieve.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Department of Refugee Affairs and the Right of Return
August 11, 2024
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full-on-sam · 10 months
Excerpt from Ch1 of The Ship Of Undead
Chapter Title: Apparently Alcohol is not a Problem Solver
Context needed: Katz is on a ship sabotaging some merchants.
Let me know what you think!
Excerpt under the cut.
TW: this is the description of someone drowning and meeting a scary entity. A bit of body horror for the description of the entity.
Wip taglist: @unclear-contributions @sm-writes-chaos @bluberimufim. Let me know if you want to be +/-
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Katz still struggled to recall exactly what happened. To her knowledge, someone had simply let go of the ropes prematurely, and the strong wind, the force of the assault, and the rough sea had made it so that the mainmast of the Nathair Mhara broke in half.
Katz remembered yelling for everyone to step away. But she could not do the same herself. All of the crew run away swiftly, while her own legs felt like steel, her feet glued to the deck. A wave splashed at her right, the chilling wind was freezing her bones on the other side. And the mast was falling right in front of her.
For some kind of miracle, she did not end up completely squashed by the heavy wooden pole. For a split second, she thought that maybe the gods were still present and alive somehow, and they were on her side. But a moment later that certainty left her, as she got swung back with such force that she plummeted to the ground. Then she rolled on the slippery wooden floor of the posterior part of the ship, the one that was constantly being thrashed by waves higher and higher, while the battle was raging in the front. And finally, unable to hold herself up any longer, she was thrown overboard, knocked loudly against what was left of the mast, and then, with more violence, against the side of the ship.
The first thing she felt during her fall was a warm patch of a sticky liquid forming on her hood, clumping her hair together and staining her hands and face. She was bleeding from her forehead, and the viscous substance didn’t even have time to dry before more dripped down her brow, blinding her on one side, running from her nose to her chin. The second thing she was made aware of, was how cold the water could really be in that season. It was the type of cold that soaked her clothes, seeped in her bones, and infiltrated deep to her core. A gelid breath of salt that burnt as a true flame. It was a cold that could not be swallowed, that filled her lungs with arrogance, and hurt her mouth splitting it open, and yet she could not do without. There she was, spluttering, choking, drowning in that cold, among that merciless water that had granted her life so many times in the past. Then Katz did not remember anything else.
She had probably passed out. And, while she was knocked out cold, she had started hallucinating. It _must_ have been hallucinations; at least she thought. Because really, there was no other logic explanation to what she had seen in her haze.
At first, it was just dark. A darkness so deep and profound, such as Katz had never seen. Not on the high sea after the sun had gone down, before the moon could show her face. Not in the shady, hidden alleys where the Alliance carried on its sordid deals. It was a poison that run over the tongue, it filled the eyes and the nose, it expanded in the throat, and threatened to suffocate. Everything appeared too close, and yet unreachable. A black so deep even the night could only hope to match. It was the obscurity from before the island had risen from water, from before the gods were born, even from before the wind and sea had been created. It was a primordial and perpetual night, that seemed to last forever.
At least until it didn't.
Because then, Katz, started to distinguish a dim light in all that unnavigable dark. It was nothing more than a flicker, really. It lasted for a breath, and disappeared. But it was enough, and soon something else started to appear in that never-ending night.
It looked almost like a face. Except, it could not resemble a human being, not even if Katz squinted, and turned her head. For one, the cheeks were too excavated. They looked like someone had took a broken skeleton and tried to patch it back together with used gauze. Where the eyes should have been, there were what Katz would have loved to call empty sockets. Unfortunately, the truth was much more terrifying that that: the sockets were filled, yes, but with the same substance that was enveloping Katz.
It was a dense smoke that collected there and kept moving, as if it was alive and sick with an unknown illness. And the skin, if there was some, was incredibly pale. White would not have been enough to even start describing it. It glowed and pulsed and it emptied completely Katz of what little energy she had left. The creature, whatever it was, had hair too. They were impossibly curled, in coils and locks and twists that crept up on Katz and kept moving, even with no breeze, even if they were too short to be able to reach this far. And the colour. They were not black, because black was too light of a colour for what they really were. They were not simply dark, they were the pure absence of light. If someone had sucked everything away from existence, those hair would have remained the same. A distinct sweet smell of rotten meat accompanied the phantom sight. Katz was not sure if it filled her more with fright or disgust. But before she could reflect upon it, a faint voice blew in her ears almost like a breeze. No it wasn't in her ears, it was on her skin. It seeped in her pores, it spoke directly to her brain.
“Find the Staff,” it whispered and breathed and blew, smooth like honey. "The Staff of Time. And bring it back to me."
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openingnightposts · 7 months
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Book asks! :) 4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
11. What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
20. What was your most anticipated release? Did it meet your expectations?
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
Margaret Owen! I absolutely LOVED Little Thieves and Painted Devils, and I can’t wait for the next book in the series! I will definitely be checking out The Merciful Crow this year, it sounds extremely up my alley as well!
11. What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
I read The Cybernetic Tea Shop by Meredith Katz this year and really enjoyed it! Such a lovely, quiet story that packs a lot of Feelings and worldbuilding into a pretty small package. There’s an angsty AI, of course I’m into it. :D
20. What was your most anticipated release? Did it meet your expectations?
I didn’t read a ton of new releases, but I was looking forward to a quick, fun read with Bookshops & Bonedust, and it met my expectations perfectly!
Thanks for the asks! :)
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sebeth · 10 months
DC Special Series #21: A Super-Star Holiday Special
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
We are in the “12 Days of Christmas” and the DC Comics Ap has released a “A Very DC Holiday Collection” Seventeen issues are Holiday Specials, and the rest are issues from various DC series.
Let’s go!
We begin with the 1979 DC Special Series #21, a Super-Star Holiday Special. The cover features Cain & Abel on a camel, Jonah Hex, Sgt. Rock, and Batman on the ground. Superboy, Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl, and a witch (from the Witching Hour) are in the sky.
The issue opens with “The Fawn and the Star”, a Jonah Hex story by Michael Fleisher, Dick Ayers, Romeo Taghal, etc. The opening caption states “He was a hero to some, a villain to others…and wherever he rode, people spoke his name in whispers. He had no friends, this Jonah Hex, but he did have two companions: one was death itself…the other, the acrid smell of gunsmoke.
Jonah Hex was a staple of DC’s 1970s/1980s comics. He’s a gunslinger with a scarred face. He traveled to the future in the 1980s and he’s had several short series since the 1980s. He also had a movie and made an appearance in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon.
It is December 24th and Jonah Hex is tracking Barlow Tull, who couldn’t have gotten far with that “30-03 shell ah lodged in his neck day before last”!
Jonah comes across a father and daughter. The daughter is preventing her father from shooting a fawn for their Christmas dinner. The daughter doesn’t want the father to shoot the deer as it is a baby. The father argues game is scarce and potential food can’t be ignored. I’m not a hunter by any means but in this time period, it’s a logical argument – you can’t exactly jump into a car, drive five minutes, and buy food.
Jonah stops and helps the daughter patch up the deer. Jonah recognizes the father and warns “Simon Legree” to leave the deer be. I am not a Jonah Hex expert, so I have no idea if this “Simon Legree” is from a previous story. Jonah offers to hunt a replacement meal for the deer. I had no idea Jonah was so soft, maybe it’s the Christmas spirit.
Jonah remembers a time his ten-year old self saved an injured raccoon only for his drunken father to kill it and make a stew with the meat. Jonah isn’t having any luck finding a replacement meal, but he does stumble across Barlow and the other Tull brother. Cue an old-fashioned Western gunfight that ends when Jonah throws lit dynamite at the Tull brothers.
Jonah returns to Legree household with provisions for the Christmas meal. Simon protests that it is only hardtack and beef jerky. Jonah counters that he never promised delicacies. Simon agrees and allows his daughter to keep the fawn. Jonah leaves to collect the bounty on the Tull brothers.
Rating: 4 stars out of 5. Nothing special but it did reveal a hidden aspect of Jonah’s character.
The second story is “Wanted: Santa Clause – Dead or Alive” by Denny O’Neil, Frank Miller, Steve Mitchell, etc. It is a Batman story that takes place on Christmas Eve.
Batman crashes Matty Lasko’s party. Batman wants to know the reason Lasko arranged for a boat to be waiting in the Gotham Harbor. After some “persuasion” by Batman, Lasko informs him it was a favor for Boomer Katz. A disguised Batman slinks around Crime Alley seeking the whereabouts of Katz. He discovers Katz has a job as a Santa at Lee’s. Bats also gives a resident of Crime Alley a thousand dollars.
Batman determines the only reason a “heist artist” would get a job in a department store is to rob it. Bruce finds it a shame as Boomer had started working with the Salvation Army last year and he thought Boomer had finally gone straight.
We then see Boomer performing as Santa and the manager of the store complimenting Boomer as the “best Santa we’ve ever had”. Boomer is touched by the thanks.
Outside the store, Boomer tells “Fats” that he didn’t disable the store’s alarm: “Everybody was so nice to me an’ the kids made me feel so good an’ all…I just can’t go back to bein’ what I was!”
Fats and his henchmen don’t accept Boomer’s argument. They hold Boomer hostage to force their way into the back office. Fat’s henchmen shoot Boomer for his betrayal. 
Batman is approaching the store: “Were those shots I heard? It’s hard to be sure with the wind howling! I’ve got to assume they were!” Batman bursts into the store and mops the floor with the henchmen. The manager tells Batman that Fats Morgan escaped with Boomer and that “They’re trying to murder him!” Batman saves Boomer.
Rating: 5 out of 5. Soley because I loved seeing “my” Batman again and not the insufferable jerk that has appeared in the last twenty years of comics.
I can’t find a title for the third story but it is by Bob Rozakis, Romeo Tanghal, Dan Ardkins, etc. It stars Cain & Abel, Destiny (of the Endless), and the Witches from the Witching Hour. All these characters were the narrators of different comics in the 1970s/1980s – the House of Mystery, the House of Secrets, the Witching Hour, etc. These comics would feature stories with a magical/horror element. This version of Destiny existed before the Gaiman-Sandman comic and the creation of the Endless.
The odd grouping of characters is having a Christmas party in the House of Mystery – they even have a tree and stockings! They are waiting for the last guest to arrive and decide to tell stories to pass the time. The competitive nature of the various storytellers results in a brawl breaking out that ends when the Phantom Stranger and Madame Xanadu arrive. The Phantom Strangers shames the group on their behavior and then disappears. Madame Xanadu remains behind.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5. The stories were one page each so not much meat on the bones. The shenanigans of the storytellers were fun.
The fourth story is Sgt. Rock of Easy Company in “The Longest Night” by Robert Kanigher, Dick Ayers, Romeo Tanghal, etc.
Sgt. Rock and the Easy Company were soldiers during World War II. The were the stars of various war comics, along with the Losers, the Unknown Soldier, etc.
The story is set during World War II, no definite year given, outside of Santa Maria. They encounter a group on a journey to pray at the shrine of Santa Maria. Sgt. Rock warns the group it is not a good idea as battle is going to break out the next day. The group responds with “can’t stop, won’t stop”. Sgt. Rock decides his group needs to double-time it to Santa Maria – they need to end the battle before the group of civilians arrive. Sgt. Rock achieves his goal but blows up the shrine of Santa Maria. Oops. The nun leading the group of civilians announces: “Faith needs no shrine! Our hearts are shrines and our love can light up the world!  If that is the case, why didn’t you listen to Sgt. Rock when he told you to avoid Santa Maria?
Rating: 3.5 out of 5. It was good, the premise a bit silly.
The fifth story is “Star Light, Star Bright…Farthest Star I See Tonight!” by Paul Levitz, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, Dick Giordano, etc. It takes place it 2979 and features Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Superboy flies toward the under-construction Legion headquarters and notes it is “coming together quickly again”. Clark greets Mon-El, who has “another three hours of guard duty” and Phantom Girl who kisses him under the mistletoe. The duo meets with Saturn Girl who displays how the other Legionnaires are celebrating Christmas.
Karate Kid, Princess Projectra, and Sun Boy are having a tea ceremony in Japan.
Chameleon Boy is on space patrol since Christmas isn’t a holiday on Durla
Colossal Boy celebrates Chanukah as he is Jewish
Superboy decides to look for the star that “blazed over Bethlehem”. Saturn Girl, Lightning Lad, Phantom Girl, and Wildfire accompany Superboy. The group doesn’t find the star but they do find a planet and help the inhabitants in various ways.
Rating: 4 out 5. Fun, short story. Love the Legion.
Overall Rating: 4 out of 5. Not a dud in the bunch, all stories were fun and followed the “star” theme that was established on the first page. It was also fun to remember a time when DC was more than 30 bat-titles, a few Superman titles, a Wonder Woman, a Justice League, and maybe a few other titles. The DC Universe used to be varied and vast. I miss that time.
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mrbopst · 10 months
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Mao Tse Helen. Nov. 97 Alley Katz Photo : Phil Ford
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fudoh-k · 2 years
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😸 風が通り抜ける場所 Where the wind passes through #猫 #ねこ #ネコ #cat #katze #chat #gato #gatto #キジ白猫 #pheasant_white_cat #路地 #alley #門柱 #gatepost #民家 #ニコン #nikon #coolpix #S10 (Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpPldV9JNI1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
Katz dating sim as well bc why not
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(@cadavertrolls )
Name: Katz /Kaemon Xahara
Their Profession: Field researcher / Familiar / Tattoo shop receptionist
Where they can be found (e.g. park, café, gym etc): Taking cat naps in the moonbeams, back alley markets, underground flea markets and traveling.
Favourite food type (breakfast, junk food, veggies, etc): Prefers raw fish.. maybe sushi at times but specifically sashimi.
Favourite alcoholic drink: Doesn't drink!
Favourite trait (romance, passion, sexuality, talent, flirtation, sentiment, joy): Talent and Sentitment.
Where they would go on a date: A bar or maybe on a walk through some secluded forests. Enjoys doing things lowkey in all honesty
Ideal gift: Flowers. Wisteria or bluebells. Perhaps a nail file.. preferably made of something strong.
How many dates until they go to bed: maybe 5 or 6..
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culturecultpress · 2 years
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Culturecult's first anthology of detective fiction features eighteen short stories and a mystery novella. Edited by @jay_chakravarti88 ---------- Unlock the secrets of nineteen mysteries, each more tantalizing than the other! Throw yourself into the adventure and try to solve each case before the detective, or sit back and let them take you on a hair-raising ride. Journey into a forbidding forest to find a lost boy, track a missing girl months after her disappearance, walk down the eerie alleys of Whitechapel searching for the Ripper, or investigate the murder of a young socialite with all the suspects still in the house! Feel a whirlwind of emotions as you uncover secrets and truths that will set everyone free - except the criminal, of course! Prepare yourself - the mysteries in this book will enthrall and entrap you until you unravel them all! LULU purchase link for Paperback: https://www.lulu.com/shop/jay-chakravarti/the-culturecult-casebook/paperback/product-e9zk2r.html LULU purchase link for Epub: https://www.lulu.com/shop/jay-chakravarti/the-culturecult-casebook/ebook/product-ppvqzq.html POTHI (India Only) purchase link for Paperback: https://store.pothi.com/book/jay-chakravarti-ed-culturecult-casebook/ POTHI (India Only) purchase link for Ebook: https://store.pothi.com/book/ebook-jay-chakravarti-ed-culturecult-casebook/ Featured authors in The CultureCult Casebook: Martin Eastland, Minoti Vaishnav, Robb T. White, Romit Bagchi, Josh Poole, Hidayat Adams, Rollin Jewett, John A. DeLaughter, Nelly Shulman, Robert McDermott, LJ Jacobs, J. Agombar, Albert N. Katz, Maggie D Brace, Frederick Pangbourne, Robert Burns, Dibyasree Nandy, Zelda C. Thorne AND Jay Chakravarti #BookRelease #CoverReveal #detectivestory #Fiction #CultureCult #BookNerd #mysteryauthor #mysterybooks #mysterystories #crimefiction #LoveForReading #ReadersOfInstagram #Biblio #Bibliophile #authorsofinstagram #authorlife #publishinghouse #publisher #firstcontact #cosmicfiction #bookcollecter #bookcollecting #bookclubofinstagram #bookchat #bookcase #bookcasestyling #bookcollectors https://www.instagram.com/p/CpFLROnpqWI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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