#alluka answers
iknaenmal · 2 months
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shes in the bag....
AH SHES SO CUTE 😭😭😭 pinches her cheeks and gives her candy
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justxtalking · 6 months
So can Nanika be present even without her eyes being black? I saw a scene where she says “Killua pat my head!” But Allukas normal eye shape is showing.
Hi, Anon! Thank you for the question.
To put it simply, Nanika can be present even without her eyes being black.
I'll try to explain as best as I can, so I hope I can remember everything. This is based on the VIZ translation, here is the full post with the addition for the anime.
As far as we know, the way we can try to figure out if the one talking is Alluka or Nanika is as following.
1. Physical appearance: Alluka with white eyes, Nanika with black eyes.
2. Killua's name: Alluka is the one who refers to him as "Killua" and Nanika is the one who refers to him as "brother".
When Killua and Alluka meet, we know the one talking is Alluka because she said Killua's name. She's present until Killua gives Nanika an order.
However, it's true that sometimes it's a bit tricky to figure it out. As I said, Nanika can be present even with white eyes. Here is an easy example (of course, here we also have the context and the famous "'kay" to know who is talking).
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Killua explained that Alluka is only awake when Nanika is sleeping, which is not that often. Alluka even complains that she doesn't get to spend much time with Killua (which of course it also refers to other things in the story).
When is Nanika asleep?
1. After one of Nanika's demands fail (and people die), Nanika falls asleep and Alluka is present until Nanika's next demand.
2. When Nanika makes a demand to someone and that person leaves her side, Alluka is present until that person appears again.
3. After Nanika heals someone or something, she falls asleep. Then Alluka is awake until the next wish.
I hope this answers your question!
Alluka and Nanika are a bit complex to explain, so I tried to focus only on the switching part.
Thank you again! I love Alluka and Nanika, so it was nice thinking about them.
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pipskippy · 2 years
...alluka vs nanika. LOL i'm just kidding how about... alluka vs ib?
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hehe tbh i love them both but alluka is more fun to draw :P
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hxhhasmysoul · 9 months
So, fanfic ideas.... If JJK and HxH characters were in No Power world, what would their job be if not become Jujutsu Sorcerer or Hunter (in your opinion)? Why? Please pick your top 5 fav characters from each.....
I have written several no powers moder AUs for this fandom. There's a lot that can be done with these guys.
I often put Gon in some field researcher shoes, in some biology filed, I did entomology and marine biology. But any specialisation suits him as long as he can go and observe by himself. He could also do some pro sport, team sports are interesting for him because how his personality is kinda both suited for it and clashes with it. I have also pictured Gon as an investigator and an artist, as he's very curious by nature and also creative.
For me Killua always starts off trapped in the plans his parents make for him. He's following his parents clan plans, be it business, law, medicine, competitive sport. And you can either make him try to make it his own or try to break off into something else. He's analytical and good at handling things and planning ahead so administrative work actually suits XD what a horrible thing to say. But also jobs that would lean into his protective side.
She gives me very strong creative vibes, so any art or design related job suits her. She would also be good with people, she lives with Nanika and such cohabitation requires a lot of people skills.
She wants to be around others but also to heal, so I see her as a doctor.
I've written her as an engineer, as a journalist, doctor. She gives off a nerdy vibe but she also has very high integrity. She could also do well as a fixer, considering how well she handled Amane.
Doctor is obvious, it's a normal job. But he could also be any form of activist or idealistic politician. He could work as a community organiser, or someone helping troubled youth. He has this strong drive for serious societal change.
I've never written a modern AU for this fandom.
Gege said that Yuuji would be a firefighter if he wasn't a sorcerer and that's a very good job for him. But any first responder job suits him. He's also good with animals so he could work at a rescue or sanctuary. He could also do well in medical fields because he's kind and strong and listens to what others tell him. He would make a great nurse or physiotherapist. But also a surgeon, that requires a lot of stamina and strength. Though doctor would feel more like mum pushing him into things because he's not very bookish. But we know his mum is capable of steering his life and development.
Model, actress, idol - she's got the drive for it and the interest in being seen, making her mark. But also engineer, mechanic, repair person and obviously a carpenter. Wood has a lot of personality and I think she'd appreciate that. I could see her making furniture.
They are very versatile. They could be a researcher, human reproduction comes to mind first, but to be honest whatever would catch their fancy they would just go for it. They are clearly a jujutsu and barrier nerd, so that could translate to physics or mathematics or maybe psychology? They could also embrace a career in comedy. But I also see Kenjaku as doing spy stuff, running intelligence or counter intelligence operations. They are so good at plotting, putting pieces on the board exactly where they want it.
Any high powered job would suit him, anything that would let him look down on others - business, politics, organised crime. But also teaching, especially university teaching, omg he has the professor vibes. He knows so much and he judges others on not having studied enough. But he also wants his students to excel, it's just that they will excel through tears, cursing his name. He could also be a therapist, some people in jjk already think he is one.
Scientist and engineer suit her. Cybernetics would be good for her, or working exotic materials and states of matter. Entomology too but more as a hobby that informs her studies. But also a wedding planner, she absolutely knows what's up. She'd specialise in theme weddings.
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musesofthemoon · 1 year
hc + 😡 for a headcanon about something that makes them angry (for 4 muses of choice, maybe? ^^)
Thematic Headcanons | Accepting
Alright, time to give you some of the less hotheaded out of my group, let's go!
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It's not easy for Mari to get angry, especially in a visible way. She's good at excusing a lot of things, and letting things go, at least on the outside. But something that will make her genuinely angry is having the efforts of others wasted. Certainly, she could deal with it if her own work amounts to nothing, she knows that's just how the world works. But it upsets her when something that someone else did is nullified, such as the broken violin in Omori. She can't stand other people being affected, and if someone causes that she could go nuclear (again, see to the violin).
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A way for Mist to instantly go irate has to do with something quite minor to most, littering. It doesn't matter how small it is, she's going to tell you to pick it back up again. Sure, it can be annoying to some, but it's something that she's done for so long. It's more annoying to see trash on the ground, especially if there's a trash can nearby. Just hold it for a few more seconds, it's not hard!!
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Yu tends to get angry when he sees any sort of non-violent animal hurt or in peril, especially if it's because of some human's actions. They don't deserve that! Of course, he'll be able to calm down if there's something he can do about it, or the person who caused the animal harm has gotten what they deserved. Either way, if you do something like that in front of him, expect to get hit!
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If you're mean to Nanika, you'd better apologize, or you'll have quite the angry little girl on your hands, any sort of powers or not. Nanika is her dear friend, even if others may only see her as a parasite. If you're friends with Alluka, you ought to be friends with them both. Sure, she's used to it among those in her family, but that's different, she knows she's not meant to trust them.
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realchrollo · 2 years
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“I hope you will be able to carve them this time around anon!”
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multianime · 10 months
[ sick ] - Killua to Alluka
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To be honest she wasn't sure how she ended up sick, but she definitely felt awful. The only thing that was getting her through it was Killua. Since he was doing so well at taking care of her. Which she very much appreciated and this was why he always took the crown for being her favorite brother. Not that anyone else in their family really stood a chance against him in that contest. He was even above their parents for her.
"I feel awful, big brother." Alluka said as she whines while a cough escapes hers lips. She frowns as she finds herself shivering. The blankets not really helping at this point since she was cold. All she wanted was to feel better already.
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heliianth · 2 months
mini meta because i cant get this fucking scene out of my brain:
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its one of my fav Alluka scenes because its a sneak peek into her frankly miraculous emotional intelligence that simultaneously contextualizes it. She's still a little kid. Alluka is a smart cookie who can properly recognize and identify what people are feeling, can generally guess why they're feeling it, and get an idea of what would make them happy. But that "feeling" is hate for her, and what would make them happy is her disappearing. Really heartbreaking.
but the way Killua responds is also pretty fascinating to me? like, he pivots so fucking hard LOL. And I get it, it's such a loaded question. Would the Zoldycks be happier if Alluka was gone? Realistically, the answer is no... but admitting that would require a self-awareness about his family and his abuse Killua doesn't have yet. He probably doesn't even know how to answer, doesn't know what the answer even is.
So instead of digging into that can of worms, Killua cocks his own shotgun and fires back another loaded question: "If I were the only one who loved you in the whole world... would that make you sad?"
There were like a dozen other, much safer ways to both avoid this question and comfort Alluka. It's not even a full dodge, it's directly related to Alluka's fear via implication (the rest of the family doesn't love you). And it's not like Killua hasn't verbally weaseled his way out of tougher conversations. So... why?
I'm gonna try to truncate my full thoughts because I literally have a WIP 5k+ meta about it and I don't want to go down that rabbit hole, but Killua projects onto Alluka and Nanika a lot in this arc. Keeping that in mind, I think this question is his best, most earnest way of comforting Alluka because this train of thought is what's comforted him in the past.
I mean, think about it. Someone who will love and accept you no matter who you are or what you've done? Just one person who doesn't care? He's putting himself in the position of Alluka's Gon-figure here. And if you buy into that, the followup—"I'll always be there for you. Don't worry about anyone else"—reveals how a portion of his subconscious saw his emotionally dependent relationship with Gon as well; that is, as a comforting means to psychologically avoid confronting harder questions about himself, his upbringing, or how other people view him. It's kind of no coincidence that the minute Gon is wholly and totally incapacitated and Killua starts mucking around with the revolutionary idea of boundaries, he immediately starts thinking about his family again (in some manner).
And as an indulgent aside, I want to point out that when he ends up sending Nanika—who is, unlike Alluka, a subject of Killua's darker and more self-hating projections—away and Alluka fights back instead of internalizing it, Killua immediately recognizes the irrationality...
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...because it breaks the mirror.
anyway. squeezes and shakes them like squeaky toys
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blueberrymocha · 3 months
texting them
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✰ he didn’t grow up with much technology
✰ and he def did not have a phone
✰ so since he isn’t in the habit of using it often, your messages are all on delivered
✰ he also prefers to live in the moment instead of checking his phone all the time
✰ unfortunately for you that means you’re better off calling the person he’s with if you need to reach him
✰ once you talk to him about it though, he’ll be sure to answer within a couple hours
✰ he’d save your contact as a pet name, personally i can see him using “sunshine” or “honey” for you
✰ you’d be pictureless until killua points it out to gon and explains that you can add pictures to someone’s contact
✰ but once he does learn he’ll use a cute coupley picture of you guys from one of your first dates
✰ would have trouble deciphering your abbreviations
“btw ur gna be back asap right?”
✰ its fine, he prefers to call (loves to hear your voice) anyways
✰ y’all would be so mischievous together
✰ prank calls as a weekly ritual
✰ you’re mostly safe from them but don’t think he’ll never do it to you
✰ probably won’t text you first but always responds within the minute
✰ would only call if he’s checking up on you, like when you’re sick or he’s on an adventure
✰ will use the most abysmal, disrespectful picture he has of you
✰ your name on his phone is either an inside joke or an insult like “sleeping ugly 🧚‍♀️” (he’s out for blood omg you overslept once)
✰ i just know alluka is confused af
✰ he’ll change it to something else whenever you see it, which you will eventually
“y/n can you check my phone?”
“sure! babe why is my name ‘dumbass’ heart emoji, wizard emoji?”
✰ you can see this one from a mile away…
✰ his phone always got that silent mode + dnd + texts muted combo
✰ he does all that but would fully expect you to pick up if he called you
✰ speaking of which, he would call probably daily if either of you were away
✰ never forgets an “i love you” “be safe” “see you soon” etc
✰ if something happened, would want you to know that
✰ you guys would fall asleep on calls
✰ but mostly him
✰ your contact might just be your name for a while
✰ but i could also see him using something tame like “love” or “sweetheart”
✰ hes also the type to leave you on read
✰ especially if you’re asking when he’ll be back or how his mission is going
✰ generally just keeps his work separate from home unless he needs to vent or it’s extremely relevant to you
✰ wishes he could talk more often
✰ school just keeps him really busy
✰ will be upfront with you if he needs time to study, make dinner, or anything of that nature
✰ you’d get in the habit of leaving voicemails
✰ he listens to them all and leaves some for you too
✰ also good morning and good night texts, always
✰ your picture is whatever picture of you he finds the hottest tbh
✰ your name would be a pet name such as “shorty” or “beautiful”
✰ idk why but i feel like he’d misplace his phone often
✰ so if he doesn’t respond by the end of the day, you’ll probably get a call from his roommate’s phone saying how he lost his own
✰ lets it ring out and then calls back a minute later
✰ “oh did you need something?”
✰ this man can’t stop playing games, the call cuts off halfway through what you’re saying
✰ then he calls back again acting like it was the wi-fi
✰ don’t worry——that’s only like a quarter of the time
✰ depending on his mood, he’ll be mostly serious
✰ imagine the look on his face when he realizes you’re calling because you’re in the hospital or smth
✰ yeah so he’s better at responding now!
✰ your contact picture is gonna be from the most stalker angle
✰ like it’s just you sleeping
✰ you found that a little odd but maybe your clown just wants to capture those memories
✰ …while you’re walking home on the opposite sidewalk
✰ if you’re in a longer, serious relationship, your name is something romantic like “my dove” but it’ll take a while to get there
✰ you’d be so surprised to find that he loves to call
✰ he travels a lot as an assassin, so he needs something to do
✰ would always text you formally it’s scary
“have you arrived at the manor yet, y/n? be sure to notify me immediately once you do.”
✰ he’s giving you customer service type responses
✰ you’ll also get updates about his missions
“i’ve just finished killing the target, expect to see me home in four days”
✰ the contact is just your name and if you convince him, he’ll add a picture of your choice
✰ has like six phones
✰ if you didn’t know he was the leader of a gang you might‘ve thought he was cheating
✰ you also have the numbers of most of the spiders
✰ so if he ever has to disappear (like after yorknew) they’ll be sure to let you know what’s going on
✰ he’ll text you a few times a day if he’s able to
✰ would ask about your day and remind you to take care of yourself
✰ the conversations usually focus on you, while he listens or prompts you
✰ like kurapika, doesn’t want to involve you in troupe business so it’s very rare for him to even mention them
✰ he doubts you even want to hear about how he robbed an old man today, or killed a woman who didn’t hand over a jewel
✰ on his top secret personal phone, he’ll give you a contact photo with both of you in it
✰ your name would be a classy pet name, maybe “princess” or “beloved”
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Some yummy HxH headcanons that are mostly Hisoillu
Hisoka is a pretty good cook and cooks for Illumi whenever he comes over however, when he’s alone the kitchen isn’t even touched and he just orders takeout.
Illumi is no longer allowed in the kitchen because he will burn water.
Hisoka is not getting his deposit back as he has painted all his walls pink, replaced all the doorknobs with heart shaped ones, stained the bathroom red with hair dye and most definitely messed up the ceiling above his bed by throwing cards at it when he’s bored.
Hisoka is a maximalist so his apartment is very cluttered it’s clean but there’s stuff everywhere, Illumi was appalled the first time he came over.
Illumi barely has anything in his room other than books but he does have a rather large collection of moths and beetles that he pinned.
Hisoka buys most of Illumi’s clothes, terrifying Kikyo.
Illumi has to set aside 20 percent of his assassin money to bribe Milluki and Kalluto, unfortunately when mother’s precious baby Kalluto is involved there’s only so much threatening he can do.
Silva has forbidden any of the Zoldycks from smoking however that doesn’t prevent Kikyo for running off into the forest, only to be caught by one of her children.
Kalluto is a clean freak and everything in his room has a place.
Milluki didn’t mind watching Kalluto when he was a toddler because he was quiet and didn’t pitch fits however he found it amusing that Illumi looked like a tried mom most of the time with Killua and Alluka both running about.
The Zoldyck children never really interact during the daytime however like normal siblings they find each other in the kitchen at 3 am making cereal and eventually end up in Milluki’s room playing Mario cart.
Illumi never told Kalluto and Milluki that he was married to Hisoka but Kalluto found to from the phantom troupe in ways he definitely didn’t want to, he swiftly told Milluki and they got enough pizza to send a horse into a coma.
Illumi wakes up really early but if he could he’d sleep all day.
During summer Illumi avoids the sun like the plague and Hisoka doesn’t put on nearly enough clothes.
Hisoka has a pile of magazines just on the floor next to his couch.
Illumi gets cat called a lot and Hisoka finds it hilarious.
Machi and Illumi dislike each other and Kalluto is stuck in the middle of their feud.
Killua and Gon like to sit in fields together and listen to music.
After Killua and Gon separated, Killua and Alluka met up with Bisky so Alluka could learn the basics of nen. Bisky yelled at Killua because he didn’t know how to do Alluka’s hair and she showed him how to braid it.
Since Kalluto is around the phantom troupe so much he’s started talking like them and Illumi constantly has to remind him not to use foul language.
Everyone talks to Kalluto about their problems because they think he won’t tell.
Illumi doesn’t know slang and so he is constantly confused when speaking to Milluki, he has to text Hisoka for answers who will gladly jump at the chance of causing drama.
Kurapika constantly gets emails from Hisoka about random stuff.
When Killua found out Hisoka and Illumi were married he was eating dinner with Gon and he immediately curled up into a ball and kept repeating “Im related to a clown…”
Gon gets grasshoppers and collects them in jars, he gets very sad when Mito tells him they are not allowed in the house.
Leorio makes a lot of gay jokes.
Hisoka really dislikes Kikyo.
When Gon and Killua have sleep overs, they usually get tangled in blankets and fall off the bed.
Whenever Gon does something stupid Killua tells him he’s “Engaging in fatherless behavior”
Chrollo stole an ambulance and named it the spider-mobile.
Chrollo drives the spider-mobile and every time they see one of those crosses for people who’ve gotten into an accident on the road he pulls over and prays for them.
Phinks bet Kalluto that he couldn’t eat a spoon of hot sauce with a straight face and lost 50 Jenny and his dignity.
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i-heart-hxh · 2 months
Hello! I definitely love your account and I think there is no one better than you to answer my doubts about Killua and Gon's relationship, Why do you think Killua thanked Gon if he doesn't thank his friends, according to him?
Hi! Thank you for the compliment, I appreciate it! 💖
I actually have gotten a few asks about this recently, and I completely understand why--it's one of those disquieting odd little things in the series that feels like it's introducing uncertainty more than answering any questions. I don't feel completely set in my opinion on it, but I do have a lot of thoughts to share that might be clarifying. If anyone has additional input or thoughts, feel free to chime in!
I'll start by posting the scenes we're talking about, it's helpful to have a direct reference:
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There's also this scene with Palm:
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And in the separation scene:
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(There's a whole scene between this, I recommend looking it up but I don't think it's necessary to post the whole conversation for this post.)
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So, the first mystery of this whole thing is... Why does Killua say this to Ikalgo and Palm in the first place? A few potential reasons:
Killua is increasingly helping others more and becoming a more selfless and caring person, and he doesn't want it to be a big scene or a big deal when he does it. It's part of the way he's coming into himself and defining friendship in his own way
Similarly: Because Killua shows his care for others in his relationships with acts of service primarily, it makes sense he wouldn't want or need it to be acknowledged constantly
He and his friends will be fighting alongside each other in war/battles/dangerous situations, on a practical and safety level it doesn't make sense to acknowledge helping each other every time, especially in the midst of a battle or other risky situation
He and Gon have gotten used to helping each other, and in their relationship they tend not to thank each other constantly (even when it's perhaps warranted at times...), so it's become a pattern Killua has gotten used to and is now perpetuating in his other friendships
Killua feels awkward/vulnerable about being thanked and prefers for it to remain unspoken for that reason
Mystery #2 is... What does it mean that Killua does thank Gon after having said this to Ikalgo and Palm?
A few factors may be:
Killua has not communicated this newfound attitude and philosophy to Gon, so it may simply not apply to him yet
Gon thanks Killua first, which I think puts Killua in a weird position because to suddenly refuse the thank you and explain this whole philosophy he has now would be awkward, especially when they're just about to separate
Killua went to extraordinary efforts to save Gon--this was not a quick and simple thing that is undeserving of a thank you, and especially with how Gon treated Killua previously, so in this case he may see it as a thank you that's earned and appreciated (note that he said he doesn't need to thank his friends every time, not that he'll never ever thank his friends again)
I do think Killua is legitimately grateful for his journey with Gon and where it lead him, even with all the pain he went through in Chimera Ant Arc, and even with the uncertainty in their relationship at present, and he's legitimately grateful that now Alluka can have a good life because of what happened
And, a thought I do want to expound on more at length:
I do think, at their parting, Killua still isn't entirely certain where he stands in his relationship with Gon. They presumably haven't talked deeply about the issues between them, Killua's question about them being friends or comrades was never answered because he never asked it, and Killua likely still has some lingering doubts about how Gon sees him and also perhaps even how worthy he is of being with Gon, even after managing to ultimately save and heal him.
It is entirely possible he's not applying this logic to his friendship with Gon because...he's not sure they are friends to the degree they used to be, and he doesn't want to presume and list this rule out with someone who, in his view, may or may not consider him a friend to the same degree at this point. It's similar to Gon using Kite's words during the separation rather than bringing up the relationship between the two of them more directly--I think both were skirting around the topic because they didn't want to a) make it harder to leave each other, and b) further hurt each other or themselves by defining their relationship at the last moment and then having the other react to that in some way that's painful.
This doesn't mean their relationship is doomed if Killua thinks this, by the way. I think--similar to Gon happening to use "nakama" towards Killua after Killua had a crisis about that exact word--on a narrative level it's intended to throw some doubt into where their relationship leaves off. It's clear there's still a lot they need to say to each other and a lot that still needs to be resolved, and I think Killua thanking Gon after telling his other friends he doesn't need to thank his friends fits neatly into that. Togashi is leaving us with doubts and uncertainty because...there's still more for them to work through and heal from, and in the future hopefully we'll get to see them resolving these issues. But I'm sure the separation is intentionally fraught and complicated and meant to make us wonder what their relationship will be like going forward.
Hopefully in time we'll get to see how that resolves in canon, but for now I don't think this "thank you" situation is anything to panic about, for all the reasons I listed above. It does introduce some uncertainty, but I think it's because Gon and Killua are still in the miscommunication and difficulty phase of their story, and we simply haven't gotten to the point where they can clear things up yet.
I hope that's helpful, and at least a little bit reassuring!
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iknaenmal · 2 months
tell me about this alluka person. you are posting her many times. i am... curious.
OH MT GOD . thank you for asking this . im gonna try to keep it short JSNSJDDN
ok so ! well first of all shes a character from hunter x hunter :) she appears in the last season only which is also the shortest but she still manages to become the best character in the whole show in that time. yay!!
shes the second youngest child in a family of professional assassins! when she was little she was kind of like possessed by a creature they call nanika, who looks just like her except her face is white and her eyes + mouth are black. they now share a body!
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nanikas got some awesome powers that let her grant any wish except the wishes arent free. before you get to have your wish granted, you have to fulfill three of allukas requests. they can range from asking for uppies to asking you to give her your liver ☺️ the difficulty of the requests depends on the previous wish she had to fulfill. if you deny four of her requests you and the person you love the most die . fun!! theres some nuance to all this + more rules but thats the basics of it
anyway due to her powers about 70+ people died, which her family didnt like (? its ironic bc theyre all professional assassins. smh) and led them to seeing her as a monster and an object so to stop her from killing any more people and to control her they locked her up in a room. when she was three. not cool
ALSO SHES TRANSGENDER!! togashi didnt explicitly state this but like its basically canon at this point. the most obvious evidence is that almost her whole family treats her like a boy, while the only one of her siblings who genuinely cares for her and sees her like a person treats her like a girl. in fact he explicitly said that shes one.
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ok uh rhis is getting long. theres sooo much stuff i wont put here bc otherwise its gonna be too long but basically shes the bestest and cutest character in hxh along w nanika . yay :D
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hinakazino · 2 years
Love? || Killua/Reader
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credits to artist.
summary: killua’s always wanted you, now he’s got his chance. he takes no time claiming you as his, forever. (aged up killua, he is 18+).
warnings: yandere themes, forced relationship (?), forced marriage, threatening.
Killua was possessive, that was no secret. From the first moment he had met you he wanted nothing but to have you for himself. Sometimes he just spent his nights entirely thinking about you and wondering what it'd be like if you were there with him.
So as soon as the opportunity presented itself, he did not back down. Although he was a very skilled assassin who came from a very prestigious and rich family. That didn't mean his only expectations were just to uphold the family name.
Despite being the 3rd child of his family, with his skill he is fully expected to have children of his own. After all, they can't just end the family line so soon.
Killua didn't mind his family much and often preferred them to stay out of his life. However, he soon found that there was at least one thing he enjoyed about his family. The pressure to continue the bloodline soon became the answer to having you.
He could kidnap you, or perhaps make you fall for him. In truth, it didn’t matter either way because ultimately he always gets what he wants. But he decided to take the soft route, after all like his sister Alluka said, “be sweet and gentle.”
So, he did just that. He slowly wound you around his finger, with talk on settling down. Getting away from the whole Hunter gig, a more reserved life if you will. This seemed like quite a pleasant idea to you too.
It wasn’t like Killua had just met you, he’d know you since you were both twelve. Now, as an adult, he confessed his love for you. He knew this could determine the rest of your relationship with him.
Fore it wasn’t guaranteed that you’d fallen for him. Nonetheless, he did know that he was quite popular with most girls. Regardless you were going home with him.
Home was an overstatement but you had accepted his love. This had gave him an unbelievable amount of joy as he picked you up embracing you in his arms. You had looked down at him as he held you up with such a lovely face and tender smile then.
Oh, but look at you now. You should’ve known what you’d gotten yourself into. Upon arrival to his families residence, his family held a large dinner to welcome you into the family. It was all sweet, really.
Marriage? Wait, you didn’t realize that’s what Killua meant? The moment you said you loved him back was when your fate was sealed. He wasn’t talking about dating, he was talking about marriage and everything after that, not before.
You had taken Killua to the side privately to explain how you felt things were being rushed. It was quite shocking then, that Killua ended up annoyed by your behavior. “You said you loved me though?” he questioned.
It was like that was all he cared about, not how you felt. “Loving someone isn’t all there is to a relationship,” you reasoned. His eyes darkened hearing this, “so you don’t wanna be here with me?” “No that’s not it—” “Then don’t say such things.”
It was the night before you two were to marry, which was actually only 3 weeks after the family feast that you had decided to rebel once again. Speaking about your concerns when Killua had arrived to your already shared room.
Killua understood, you were nervous as he was your first love and it was no secret that his family wasn't exactly pleasant. Killua had nearly knocked out his older brother, Mizuki when he'd spotted him talking to you with that smirk on his face.
"Killua it has only been 3 weeks, least it be a month for marriage? I don't even know your family that well," you had spoken in a soft tone. This was not what Killua wanted to hear, as clearly he had already been having a bad day.
But you just couldn't let it go now could you? Killua watched as you looked up at him while sitting on your shared bed with him. Watched as your eyes showed fear and your lips quivered as he glared down at you.
You jolted and let out a pained sequel when he roughly clasped his hand on your jaw. His fingers digging into the soft flesh of your cheeks as he leaned down near your face. "Tell me, do you love me?" Killua asked.
He watched as your brows knit together, and sweat began to gather lightly along the side of your pretty face. You let out a shakey breath as your lips started to move providing an answer, "yes..?" His eyes instantly widened at your questioning tone.
"Mmh!" his hand had now clutched onto your jaw so tight that you couldn't even let out a word. You had expected Killua to question your insecurity before him, however his claws began to get longer.
You now found yourself fearfully questioning who was it that you loved exactly, if this was truly your love standing before you. As his nails softly dug into your cheeks, he spoke, "Look at me, and tell me that you love me."
Killua's eyes softened as his nails quickly retreated upon hearing your more confident approving tone, "yes I love you". "Who do you love?" "I love you Killua."
Then he released you, and quickly he had you trapped within his arms to sleep. When you awoke the next day, you knew that your fate had been officially sealed.
Part Two.
© 2023 by Hinakazino, do not translate/edit/claim or use my work in any form.
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z0-ne · 1 year
This story is based off the illumi portion of THIS scenario! I know a lot of ppl like to think in the future he'd be better and suddenly understands what he did was wrong but like- what if he doesn't???
!warning!~ This story includes, stalking, kidnapping, hurt no comfort, child abuse and some gore.
READ WITH CAUTION!~ illumi is NOT a good person in this story.
Being one of the children of one of the greatest accomplishments in the zoldyck family is a blessing on one hand.
Your father doesn't follow in his own father's footsteps, something you are grateful for, your mother the same. Both assasins within their own right have taken another path with children of their own.
They're loving parents, well, as loving as they can be with the emotional damage they've received, specifically your mother. She's sweet in her own way, but if you had to pick between who was more playful and affectionate it would be your father for sure..
You always assumed it was because she's paranoid, of who? You have no idea, but you do overhear your parents conversate over someone you can only assume to be a bother to them. Sometimes your Uncle Gon would visit as well and be included in the conversation after dark.
Its ominous, you've never heard everything they said, because you would always end up having to sneak out before they mention a name, but you do know that there may be more than one person.
Its nothing to worry too much about right now though, you're still young, and you have two of the strongest people yet as your parents, not to mention your auntie alluka who tries to keep tabs on you all at all times, and your uncle Gon just in case you get lost.
Of course that is if you ever make it outside the mansion grounds, but you never travel that far. As the second youngest of six siblings, you have a lot of people on your back, watching you and making sure you don't wonder too far off.
It makes you wonder what's beyond that, why security suddenly got so strict, then again right now you're only seven, maybe it'll loosen up a bit as you get older, but it is odd. Your oldest sister said things didn't use to be like this.
You tried asking why, first your father but he just told you 'you're too young right now, stay here were you're safe' and rubs his thumb over your forehead to brush off the question. Then your mother, but of course she basically does the same, saying it's best to stay here. Even auntie alluka seems hesitant to tell you much of anything.
Uncle Gon is out of the question, he tells you about all the big creepy monsters out there, some are gross, like the evil giant bugs that roam around, or some gross snail person that leaves a trail of slime that leads to nowhere. Uncle Gon is like reinforcement to make sure you don't get curious about wondering.
Sometimes it works, other times you think you can take those monsters head on. It makes you more curious about the world outside that your oldest sister and her friend travel freely.
You tried asking her about it, since she travels with a girl who trains under your uncle's wing. She's not his daughter but she looks and acts so much like him from what your father told you about them back when they were your sisters age.
Unfortunately, they just share a look of worry then mask it up with a smile and tell you that your far to young to know.
On one hand its a blessing being a child of one of the Zoldycks greatest accomplishments...on the other...it's a curse.
Asking those older didn't seem to work out well, and you were weighing your options on asking your second older sibling, he's usually outside, fiddling with a drone he built, to gaze at the world outside and scope out where he'll go next.
Ultimately you decided to approach him and ask the question. "Why isn't it safe outside the mansions security?" Its an innocent question overall, maybe switching it up a bit will get them to answer.
He glances at you from over his shoulder and grunts a response. "What did dad tell ya?" you furrowed your eyebrows in frustration. Him brushing you off like you're a bother doesn't help answer your question.
"Come ooon...tell me." You said, somewhat demanding but also putting in a hint of annoyance in there as well as you pull at his sleeve.
"No way! If dad already told ya then forget it, go play over there or somethin!" He says as he moves his sleeve away from you and points over to a tree a few steps away from you with a frustrated expression..
Glaring up at him you huff but shrug as you stuff your little hands in your pocket and go over to the tree he pointed you towards. 'Stupid brother...' you think to yourself as you kick a rock. Its frustrating not being told anything.
Then, as you kicked the rock again you noticed something...it's small but you see something odd in the corner of your eye a weird figure, black floating all around it, little specks of green and yellow...since it's so far you can't see much else so you ignore it.
Your focus is not being able to figure out what's really outside the mansion walls, you want to know.
'A curious lil thing' is what your uncle gon would always say, maybe it was because you were curious. It was why you were running from your nanny to the front gate right now.
Both parents out, your oldest sister on a trip of sorts with her friend and your brother in his room somewhere.
You've thought about it many times and honestly, when you get to the gate...climbing it seems like the best option, and you throw your caution into the wind.
You know you can climb this even at your age you've climbed higher trees. So you hoist yourself up and look back to see how far behind your nanny is, and you hear her call out your name but her voice leaves an echo behind, you giggle and continue up the wall.
It doesn't take long for you to make your way completely over and you take a look around, its...more forest? No worries, you keep running, curious about what lies ahead of those trees.
"(NAME) please! Come back it isn't safe!" You hear your nanny call out for the upteenth time but can only giggle as yyou keep running, your childlike delight and innocence not picking up on the danger you were about to be in.
You take a few turns here and there, until suddenly something feels...off...the playful atmosphere you had just moments ago replaced with something...scary...
Running comes to a halt, and you take a look around as to where you are. Your arms at your side and hands balled up, you don't recognize it.. the trees are taller...much taller than you remember, and when you look up all you see is leafs...covering everything.
"Huh..? Nana Misa?" You stand up straight and call out,, as you try and retrace your steps from where you are, but something about that feels wrong too.
Its not until you feel a pit in your stomach, your heartbeat picks up and ththere'a sudden shortening in your breathing that you quickly turn around...and there's some...stranger...
Very long, black hair, as black as the night sky...probably darker than that. Skin painfully pale, almost as pale as snow...and those eyes, they're pitch black and they remind you of a fishes eyes...
You once again, stand up straight your hands out of your pocket now stuffed inside them again as you look up at the strange man. "hey...who are you?" You question with a tilt of your head, despite that unnerving feeling you got from him earlier.
He stares at you, those unblinking eyes seem to stare into your soul as he doesnt say anything for the longest time.
"You're just like him..." The strange man speaks, and his voice is smooth like butter but just as unsettling as his appearance, its like looking at one of those creepy characters from a scary movie your oldest sister use to watch.
"Hey! I asked you a question!" Despite your fear you try and mask it with false confidence and a demanding tone.
"I won't make the same mistake twice..." A large hand attatchef to one of his long lanky arms reached out to grab you, and it was like you just froze.
What is this..? This feeling? You can't move, you know you should jump back,, swat his hand away, bite, kick, scream do something to prevent him from grabbing you but you can't. Your brain screaming for you to move away but your body isn't responding.
Its like you're in a trance...a terrible...terrifying trance that's taking over your entire body, freezing it in cold unexplainable fear...
"GET AWAY FROM HER!" A shout, a familiar voice snaps you out of that trance, and you see her, who you believed to be your savior.
"Nana! Nana Misa!!" You don't know what happened but all of a sudden you felt your body and your mind get back in order,, and you dashed over to her, hot tears rolling down your face as you rushed to her and gripped onto her dress, burying your face into it and smudging tears all over the white cloth.
Her hands made their way to caress your head, gentle, warm, comforting and overall protective. Its so familiar, you were always being protected and now is no different...
"Oh...An obstacle... How unfortunate..."
Except it is different.
The man from before, you turn your head to look at him. That tone, nothing behind it but evil...its so scary...you want to look away, but when you feel your nanny's hands begin to tremble, you look up and see her face painted with the same fear yours was, the only difference is that she has some resolve.
"Please...(Name)...run..." her voice trembles....you had never heard her voice tremble before up until now, and it only intensifies your fear
"Nana...?" A crack...there's a crack in your tone, from confident to worry...you've never heard her usually soft calm kind voice tremble, you've never seen such a look of fear in her eyes, sure you've seen concern or worry but never...fear...not like this.
"I said run!" A sudden yell from her and you look up in surprise. She yells at you, not once breaking contact with the man with fishy eyes.
You try to protest, but she shoves you to the side when he steps forward. From there on it all happened so fast... you didn't even have time to run.
"Stay away!!" You hear her yell out, watching the scene in slow motion as she takes a dagger from her sleeve, and raises it above her head, in preparation to strike.
The man however just stand there...those fishy eyes...standing there...watching her as she prepares to slam the blade down upon him.
Why can't you move?
In an instant, he walks past her, and your nanny stops. She stops and doesn't move for awhile, before suddenly she falls to her knees, eyes wide tears at the sides threatening to spill, her lips parted and her eyebrows still furrowed...
Then all you see is red...
Dark red...crimson...it spits from her neck...when did he cut her? it spills out like a sprinkler on the sink, like thick water it spurts from her neck and her entire body jolts around limply.
You stare on horrified, not even noticing the man approach you, not hearing him..let along seeing him reach out to grab you.
The blood spurts from her neck for what feels like hours, covering the once green grass beneath her and painting it red...her body jolts around aimlessly before it slumps limp to the ground with a sickening thud.
Loose pink hairs fall over her pale face, dark red blood drips from her once pink lips and her uniform, the once white apron now dirty with what could be blood and mud.
You can't speak...you can't move, you only look on hopelessly as she lays there...watching her hand twitch...once...maybe twice before nothing...
"I won't make the same mistake twice..."
Then a cold feeling overwhelmed you, a cold feeling of someone grabbing your arm, their grip was rough, not even bothering to handle you with some gentleness like your father and mother or even uncle gon. Its not warm like them or Nanny Misa. Its cold and rough,but you can't move or even resist as it begins lifting you up.
You hang there like a rag doll as you stare at the corpse, the corpse of someone you cared deeply for, like she was an extension of your mother, an aunt of sorts. now just a corpse and through that unnatural coldness...you fell warm tears fall down your face...
"Nana...Nana!!" Your voice echoes, but not enough,, it cracked and you reached out to the body but it was too late.
It was too late for anything, because that strange man was already on the move, running with you like some rag doll, carelessly like you were less than a human.
He stops infront of a car, a limbo, its long and black, pitch black like his eyes and hair, and as you sob he sighs like he's frustrated with it and throws you in the car and climbs in himself..
"Oh a crier, how dreadful...~" another voice says with an odd tone, expaserated and dramatic.its just as unsettling as the other man who threw you into the car.
You can't see through your blurry eyes and the heavy tears that fall out of them,but you can tell that it's a long drive...a long... draining drive because the one who called you dreadful made hints at shutting you up for good. The man that kidnapped you however immediately shut it down.
Eventually the car did stop, and it was time to leave the car, which threw you into a big hysterical fit. You kicked your legs, swung your arms and screamed and cried as the man tries to find an opportunity to grab you..
"Your struggling is useless." That cold voice points out as he grabs your arm and yanks you out the car, forcibly dragging you through what seems to be the woods.
Your sobbing doesn't stop, like you're hoping your parents will hear you, uncle gon, your sister...anyone... maybe you had even hoped the man would have some mercy and return you.
However as they kept walking and there was yet another heavy sigh from the other man with the off voice you figured that it was much too late to be returned.
A loud creak could be heard then a slam, the immediate feeling of a cold breeze hit your face and if you weren't scared before you definitely are now..
Your cries get louder, echoing through the halls as the man holding your hand firmly simply walks, his heels clicking against the hardwood floors, dangling you above the ground from his height alone.
Then it stops. Another loud creak of a door as he lifts you up by your arm to make eye contact with him but your too scared, still crying. He sighs.
"Since you won't calm down ill have you stay here until you stop being so hysterical." His voice blank and empty of any sympathy as he tosses you in the room.
You land on the cold hard floor with a loud thud,, your body throbs in pain as you snap your head up and look to the door,, you quickly stand up run over only for him to slam the door shut, a loud bang following.
"NO!" You scream out, scratching at the door, twisting and yanking at the knob, and you even went as far as to slam your body against it..
In the end however...nothing worked... jt just left your little body sore and you're heart torn to pieces as you realize you can't get out... and you were back to where you were before, sinking to your knees, sobbing as you call out to anyone who could help...your father...your mother...uncle gon...your sister...your brother.
The thought of never getting back home...it brings you to your knees as you sob loudly for them, hoping they'll come...come and take you home..
^___Bonus! ^-^________^
Letting out a heavy sigh, Killua slumps back on the side of the ship he and his wife boarded, a trip back home after a weeks work of work. It was exhausting but going home to see his kids would be pretty rewarding, he brought gifts back as well.
His hair grew in the back so he pulled it into a low pony tail but other than that the front remains the same. He looks out into the distance and suddenly his eyes twitch a bit.
"Something...feels wrong..." he mumbles under his breath, but he doesn't know what...not yet at least.
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hxhhasmysoul · 9 months
So, if you asked to write your top 5 fav from JJK and HxH, what genre will you put them (or you agree that they should be in shounen)....
HxH top 5+:
Gon - he fits battle shounen well but he's also do great in a sports show. Any type of adventure story would suit him, it wouldn't need to be fighting related, he's so curious. And also detective stories, he's very perceptive. But also psychological horror or thriller where he has to face the darker parts of his personality. And high fantasy, Gon's obviously an elf or a hobbit or like a cross between them.
Killua - he would do well in some slow burn romance, period probably where a lot is unspoken. He could also do well as an eccentric detective, genius with poor people skills but actually very observant and empathetic on the inside XD
Alluka (and Nanika)- shoujo, possibly a magical girl one but with slightly darker undertones. You know, both cute and creepy. Or like darker, maybe supernatural or horror yuri drama. Nanika would either be her twin in this, or the dark magical being connected to her like she is in hxh. And obviously gothic horror.
Canary - she would also make a great magical girl, but also any kind of story of reluctant heroine would suit her - she serves the Zoldycks out of necessity but she also grew very emotionally invested in that. Also yuri drama would suit her very well. And considering how she scammed Amane in the Election arc I feel like some kind of story where she uses her wits to achieve her goals.
Leorio - apart from the obvious aka any medical drama, any scenario where it's him against the system. Probably cyber punk would suit him well, because of how such reality would clash with his values. But also rom com, he'd be kinda bad at it and it'd be funny.
JJK to 5:
Yuuji - I mean he's a shoujo manga heroine, I stand by it wholeheartedly. He's be good in slice of life but also in something very dramatic and painful. And he'd be perfect for romance where he's the clueless one and others pursue him, maybe even harem anime. Also some kind of story where he has a service job and deals with it, kinda heavy but funny story, probably heart warming in the end. Also musicals to utilise his singing skills and charisma.
Nobara - any story where she's the underdog climbing to the top or where she has assert herself against the world. She'd be great in slice of life too, especially comedy. And stuff with yuri on the side though no romance for her as the main plot, like she's more about her goals. And anything where she's ride or die, can be as tragic as Thelma and Luise but also a lighter play on that trope.
Kenjaku - comedy, obviously. Horror, duh. But also spy thrillers, both as the main character, kinda an anti hero, or the villain. And like any historical drama that is intrigue and/or creepiness heavy. And cyber punk with the body hopping. And obviously any story about them being an overbearing parent with a difficult relationship with their kids, like heavy family drama. Kenny's got range.
Sukuna - porn. Any story where he's the ruthless ruler or contender to power - period drama, modern, sf, crime. Any story where he's a cannibalistic serial killer, especially styled after true crime where he'd have groupies. Reality tv where he's the hated judge. But also some heavy drama where he has to deal with societal rejection and/or has to face the personal consequences of the way he is, like the thing Gege is denying him rn. Or a more silly and topey high school drama version of that like a bully getting his comeuppance and rethinking his life, something teen oriented.
Yorozu - so like mad scientist anything for her. But also Crazy Ex Girlfriend kinda thing where she slowly works through her issues and gets over seeking validation in shitty men. Also like Sex and the City but like if Samantha was the main character (as she should've been). Like a reverse rom com. She'd also do well in musicals and super hero stories before the started to strive for being serious, because she's over the top.
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kittenmey-rin · 4 months
Silva Zoldyck x Mother female reader.
(Hey guys, since I have been watching HxH videos in my past years life, so I decided that I will make an HxH Silva Zoldyck x Single mother female reader, so that means that is given birth to Alluka Zoldyck, Killua Zoldyck (the kids of Silva Zoldyck), and Namine L/n, which also means that the mother female reader will take Kikyo's place, I'll try my best to do Silva's POV, I hope you enjoy it.)
"I'll make sure that you and our kids live in a happy life with me..." -Silva Zoldyck.
Narrator's POV:
In the park, your children Alluka, Killua, and Namine are playing around in the playground, you were watching your kids playing in the playground.
"Killua, and Alluka, please play nicely with Namine, okay??" You asked while looking at Killua and Alluka.
"Yes mother, we'll play nicely with her." Killua said while Alluka nodded in agreement and started playing toys with Killua and Namine.
Few minutes later, it started to rain whilw it's time for you and your kids to go home, you looked at Killua, Alluka, and Namine.
"Kids, it's time to go home, grab all of your toys, and let's go home." You said while Killua, Alluka, and Namine nodded in agreement and gathered their toys before going to you.
At home, Alluka & Namine are playing dolls, while Killua walked to you in confusion, and looked at you straight in the eyes.
"Mother, I have a question and I want you to answer me with honesty." Killua said.
"Very well then, what is your question that you want to know, my son." You said with an calm voice.
"Who is that man who you went out on a date in the photo, is he our father??" Killua asked while waiting for your answer.
"That man who went out on a date with me in the photo, is Silva Zoldyck, yes he is your father, the reason why you noticed that he is your father, is because he loves me and decided that I should be his new wife of the Zoldyck family, however I sense that his own father didn't appreciate it, so I decided that one day, once I am pregnant of you, Alluka, and Namine, I will go to a far away department, however, a few days later after you three are born, your father called me on the phone that he and I made a deal that me, you and your sisters will be back in the Zoldyck residence, and I agree with your dad's deal, but I told him that Namine will be the heir of Zoldyck and L/n families, which he agree with my choice, forgive me of not telling you about it, I just wanted to protect you, but it seems that I failed." You said.
"No, don't blame on yourself, it's not your fault, my sisters and I will always love you no matter what, just like you love us no matter what." Killua said before giving you a hug.
At night, after dinner, You, Killua, Alluka, and Namine started packing up your bags and started going to the Zoldyck residence, as you and your kids arrived the entrance of the Zoldyck residence, you all met Silva Zoldyck, Silva looked at you and the kids with a calm manner.
Silva's POV:
I looked at Y/n and the kids with a calm, I am glad that Y/n hasn't disagree with the deal, and I am glad that my Y/n gave birth to our three children, on top of that, I am really really surprised that I have not only seen Killua and Alluka, but I also seen that Y/n has a second daughter with Killua and Alluka, and it is Namine.
"Welcome back, Y/n, I noticed that you gave birth to the three of our kids." I said while looking at you and the kids.
"I am glad that you have been getting your life waiting for us to be back. Killua, Alluka, and Namine, go ahead and meet your father." You said while Killua, Alluka, and Namine nodded in agreement.
"Hello father, I heard from mother that you and mom have been going out on a date, I am glad that I can see you for now." Killua said.
"Hi papa, I hope that we'll get along as a family." Alluka said.
"Greetings father, I am Namine L/n, I am very very interested to be part of the family." Namine said.
"It's nice to meet you three, I'll have my servants to put your bags in your new bedrooms." I said while the butlers grabbed Killua, Alluka, and Namine's bags and went into Killua, Alluka, and Namine's signed bedrooms.
"Killua, Alluka, Namine, go follow the servants and go see your new rooms." You said while Killua, Alluka, and Namine nodded in agreement and followed the butlers to their signed bedrooms.
"I'm glad that you have come back to me, I have missed your beautiful face, your lovely voice, your precious pretty eyes, your soft hair, and your company, and now that you and our kids have returned to me." I said while giving you an soft kiss in the lips.
"I apologize for leaving you while getting pregnant, I was just thought that you don't want me after we went out on a date." You said while looking away from me.
I grabbed your face and turned her face to my face.
"Don't feel harsh about it, my father never approved that you and I would be together, but now that I have you and our kids, I will do my best to adore you and our kids." I said while hugging my future wife.
You cried in tears of joy and hugged me back, I felt that love has finally found a way.
"I'll make sure that you and our kids live in a happy life with me." I whispered in your ear smoothly and softly.
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