#allyson reid
mrs-steve-harrington · 4 months
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Throwing some fic recs into the mix since I keep seeing the posts from others and wanting to join in. Below, you'll find 10 fics that I'm excited to recommend, in no particular order!
get a clue! by @monsterhunting [Stranger Things, Stoncy]
This is a delightful Valentine's Day fic featuring oblivious Steve, which is one of my favorite kinds of Steve! The pining is real, but the fic is lighthearted, not lingering on the angst of it all, but rather focusing on the positives. Steve's friendship and back and forth with Robin is great, but his interactions with Nancy and Jonathan are even better. It's a great time!
Don't Make Me by @idridian [Halloween Ends, Corey/Allyson/Michael]
You do not understand how badly I needed a fic like this after finally seeing Halloween Ends for the first time. That movie took over my whole brain for a hot minute and I was worried there would be nothing out there to sink my teeth into afterwards. But this fic. This fic was there to give me everything that I needed after the movie. "Allyson Corruption Arc" might be my favorite tag ever. It goes without saying, but there's a darkness to this fic that wraps around you while reading it. The relationship with Allyson and Corey is EVERYTHING! I just. This fic is beautiful and I love it!
To Run The Dog by @pterawaters [Stranger Things, Stoncy]
I love me some fic where Stancy crush hard on Jonathan and want to date him together. This is a really lovely AU where Steve and Nancy are married and keep seeing Jonathan running by their house with his dog. The way they want so badly to interact with him, and the friendship that ends up developing once they get the chance, is wonderful. The characters still feel like themselves despite not having gone through the same things as they do in the show, and it's just. Really enjoyable to read!
my body's aching and my time is at hand by whateverislovely [Criminal Minds, Reid-centric]
Gosh, this fic hits me right in the feels. There's something about sitting with a character who is feeling so low and feels like they can't talk to anyone (even though they know deep down that they could but it FEELS like they can't). Spencer desperately needs someone to see that he's struggling, but it's hard when there's so much going on at the same time. I don't even know what all to say, this fic just really gave me the angst and hurt/comfort (emotional and physical) that I revel in.
The Babysitter by @stevethehousewife [Stranger Things, Stancy, Dusteve, uhh... more]
A fic inspired by my favorite horror comedy movie ever? With Steve as the titular babysitter? But not evil? AND it's A/B/O?? Yeah there are many, many reasons I love this fic. The descriptions of Steve feel like they came right out of the movie in a way that made them so easy to see in my head. But it changes enough about the story that it doesn't feel at all like a straight up rehash of what you've already seen. AND it combines some of my favorite ships, with a Steve who is just the best ever. I freaking LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH!!
close my fist around something delicate by inlovewithnight [Ted Lasso, Keeley/Roy/Jamie]
All that I wanted for these three was for them to realize that they have feelings for each other. That they can make a relationship work, if they just try. And dammit, this fic delivers! While also adding in some great angst and hurt/comfort (physical and emotional). I didn't realize quite how much I wanted to see Jamie hurting and being stood up for/protected by the people who care about him, but boy did I! This fic is really lovely, it sucked me in and didn't let me go until I finished reading.
Both Hands Holding on to the Wire by @stevethehousewife [Stranger Things, Stobin]
This was one hell of a gift to get in a smut exchange, holy moly! It focuses really well on Robin's confusion over the thoughts she starts having about Steve after accidentally walking in on him changing. The whole concept is handled respectfully, taking the weight of it all very seriously. Robin and Steve's friendship is so good, the way they can just BE with each other. It's got the angst I adore, a Steve who is an absolute sweetheart, and a Robin who is so much more like her season 4 self than season 3 (which is a huge plus for me personally).
The Hourglass by @pterawaters [Fargo s5, Dot & Gator, Dot/Wayne/Gator]
A shorter fic here, but no less wonderful! It's exactly what I needed after finishing the latest season of Fargo. Getting to see where their lives might have gone, if Dot had been able to take Gator with her when she ran away. If he had wanted to go. It gets me emotional every time I think about it. I love love love this fic!
Wednesday by @stevethehousewife [Stranger Things, Stoncy]
I will recommend this fic forever and for always. It has everything: hurt Steve! Time loops! Season 3 Steve being thrown back to the worst day of his life and forced to relive it over and over until he gets it right (hint, it's the Halloween party in s2). I fucking love this fic! I've lost count of how many times I've reread it, but it might rival the number of time loops Steve lives through (okay maybe not quite that many, but you get my point). It shows Steve a side of Jonathan he didn't get to see the first time around. It gives him the closure he probably didn't realize he needed. I just. Adore this story!!
An Oath Broken, An Oath Kept by @urisarang [Love Between Fairy and Devil, Chang Heng/Dongfang Qingcang]
This fic is so mean in the best way! Both of them are so hurt, physically and emotionally. And then Chang Heng is forced to hurt DFQC even more, which only makes it that much BETTER. It was the perfect gift to receive for the Flash Made Them Do It exchange. I laugh every time I see the a/n (the word count minimum was 300 words. The word count on this fic is... a lot more than that). And it's just as fun to reread now as it was to read it the first time around. I want to draw hearts around it!
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thebridgehqs · 1 year
Due to inactivity, please unfollow:
The following need to post twice in the next 24 hours or message the main:
The following need to make activity in one week or message the main:
@rosewaterdrunk One post: Janai Lux Aurea
@mlndless Two posts: Jeremiah Graves
@totouchthcstars One post: Melody, Scorpius Malfoy, Valkyrie. Two posts: Allyson Nelson, Bruno Madrigal, Daryl Dixon, Dustfinger, Enid Sinclair, Gabriel Van Helsing, Godric Gryffindor, Jessie Cook, John Constantine, Legolas Greenleaf, Maddie Buckley, Phoebe Halliwell, Rhaegar Targaryen, Sabrina Spellman, Snow White, Sophie, Sisu
@champagneprblms One post: Emma Nolan
@firewvlk Two posts: Harley Quinn, Marceline
@hxlcycnx One post: Yvaine
@fidclium One post: Lorenzo Crawford. Two posts: Cassius Mordorc, Eddie Diaz, Jared Cameron, Perseus
@allxthingsxglxtter One post: Aeneas Fairworth, Albus Potter, Ashoka Tano, Bilal Belkebirs, Bucky Barnes, Caitlyn Kiramman, Cassie Anderson, Castor, Elias Stone, Garrett McKinnon, Hadie, Jacen Solo, Jake Stone, Jonathan Carnahan, Kida, Leo, Link, Luc, Maestrom Adler, Maeve, Maleyn Ortezev, Megara, Michael Scofield, Nile Freeman, Odysseus Pierce, Ophelia Langston, Patroclus, Qyulla Vanity, Raya, Reid Garwin, Sage, Thomas, Triss Merigold, Veraldaine Sarrasri, Viktor, Wayland Norwell. Two posts: Alanna of Trebond, Barry Allen, Chris Rodriquez, Daja Kisubo, Dane Whitman, Dimitri, Dof, Hades, Gawain, Grace, Hermes, Hermione Granger, Joel Dawson, John Watson, Kaz Brekker, Lito Amana, Lyra Samos, Makkari, Matt Murdock, Matthias Helvar, Merry Brandybook, Percy de Rolo, Peter Pevensie, Rhys Adler, Shang-chi, Sokka, Vaella, Xanthe Abernathy, Zahra
@virtuousouls knows her sins.
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hardtchill · 1 year
Announcing Tobin means you’re getting the media circus. I’d be putting that off for as long as possible too. If this were a team who needed the hype, than sure. But this team is selling out tickets even without a big name like Tobin. I also think it’s way too coincidental that they happen to have one spot left on the roster to sign a player. I’ve seen some people say that there’s technically 3 spots left since Gilles and Swaby are on loan and don’t count against the roster but idk about that.
Personally i count 23 spot taken if i don't count Gilles and Swaby. This is the 32 player roster and if i take off everyone who is loaned out or not contracted i get to this.
Goalkeepers (3): Angelina Anderson, DiDi Haračić, Brittany Isenhour
Defenders (8): Vanessa Gilles (LOAN, INT), Sarah Gorden, Madison Hammond, Kelsey Hill (NRI), Merritt Mathias, Paige Nielsen, Megan Reid, Ali Riley, Jasmyne Spencer, Allyson Swaby (LOAN), Gisele Thompson (U-18 trialist), M.A. Vignola
Midfielders (7): Claire Emslie, Jun Endo (INT), Shae Harvey (U-18 trialist), Clarisse Le Bihan (INT), Savannah McCaskill, Lily Nabet, Mackenzie Pluck, Katie Soderstrom (NRI), Dani Weatherholt
Forwards (5): Simone Charley, Katie Johnson, Sydney Leroux, Mia Minestrella (U-18 trialist), Christen Press (SEI), Alyssa Thompson
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Swan Song
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Chapter 10 - Emily Prentiss & Allyson Reid
Alex smiled softly lifting her hand up to shield against the sun. That was really all she’d ever wanted. She’d never had anything against Strauss, except her latent rage toward her mother when she lost all those years ago. “I’d like that,” she replied.
A buzzing sound whizzed by her ear and then another just a few seconds later.
“Get down!” Strauss screamed.
“Where the hell are they coming from?” Alex cried, watching as bullets flew by at the speed of light. 
Both women looked around frantically, trying to ascertain where they were coming from. The bullets kept missing and then out of nowhere a man barreled toward them, his aim no less horrible up close. This was obviously a man not used to firing a gun. 
He strode between Alex and Strauss separating them and leaving Alex open to the assault. “What the hell do you want with me?” She asked.
“Not you,” he replied. “Wrong place, wrong time.”
He was after Strauss.
“This is my only choice.”
What the hell was he talking about?
“Please, you don’t need to do this.”
Like a movie, a chair rose up behind him, knocking him out and smacking him to the ground. “You okay?” Strauss asked.
Her rattled breaths said otherwise, but she was physically fine - just confused. “Y-yes, you?”
Strauss grabbed the gun out of the man’s hands and insisted Alex call the authorities. “I’m okay. What did he say to you?”
“He said it wasn’t me he was after. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Strauss’s expression dropped. “He was after me?”
The Korean authorities were on point, arriving just five minutes after Alex made the call. “Congratulations,” the lead detective Dae-Jung Lee said, his accent thick but English perfect. “You’ve apprehended one of our most wanted drug dealers.”
“What?” Strauss and Alex said simultaneously. 
“His name is John Curtis. He’s been funneling a range of different drugs from recreational to performance enhancing for years. I’m sure we’ll find he’s part of the doping scandal here.”
That would make sense, Strauss thought to herself. “He was after me. He told Alex as much, which would make sense because I’m the face addressing the doping scandal.”
The lead detective could sense Strauss’s fear. It sounded like someone wanted Erin Strauss out of the picture. “We’re going to give you a protective detail until you leave.”
Who wanted her dead?
“This is your element, Ally,” Spencer said, trying to help combat his sister’s nerves. “You are the daredevil. The one who loves being up in the air. The one who insisted she was going to nail the biggest tricks that the boys did when we were six years old. You’ve got this.”
Ally huffed and puffed, Olympic pressure getting to her more than she wanted to admit. “Right, of course. I’m good?”
Spencer chuckled and gave her an enormous hug. “Take a deep breath. Go out there and do what you love. Scare the crap out of me.”
“Now, that’s incentive.”
Big Air was a new event this Olympics. It consisted of traversing down this enormous hill, pulling the biggest trick and landing it. Biggest score wins - a simple but exhilarating event.
She’d already landed a 900 and was in second place, but if she wanted to win she was going to have to nail the 1080 - none of the women had yet.
After watching two more girls take their final runs, Ally took her place at the top of the hill with just one more woman to go after her. She was up impossibly high. It was amazing. The feeling of being up so high had never scared her. It only drove her. Thankfully, the nerves fell away as she looked down the hill and then she was making her way down, speed picking up.
She’d landed the double cork 1080 before. As long as she god enough power going into it, she was golden. 
In the air, Ally felt on top of the world. She completed her two flips and one full spin, placing her board down on the snow in what she would call her “crispiest” landing yet. The crowd went nuts as she pumped her hands into the air and fell to the floor.
“I did it!” She screamed happily when she saw Spencer standing over her.
Extending his hand, he helped her up. “I knew you would, you dork!”
“Shut up, nerd!”
Sure there was one more woman left to run, but Ally was going to medal and considering all she’d ever wanted was to prove she could do exactly what the boys did, she considered herself pretty lucky right now.
Emily already had the gold in halfpipe and a date with a champion luger to show for herself this Olympics. Adding another medal of any color would be a bonus, and considering that her second and final event was ladies’ snowboard cross, any color medal or no medal at all was totally possible. 
Snowboard cross was a speed event. Tricks did you no good here. If you got out in the front of the pack, it was less likely you’d fall and be hit out of the course, but if you found yourself at the back of the pack, then staying upright on your board was a fight in and of itself. When the sport first started, she was intrigued by it, because it was so different than her halfpipe experience, but this was the first Olympics and probably last, that she would be competing in two very different events. 
Thankfully, her qualifiers had afforded her a good starting spot, right in the middle of the six racers and the semifinal runs went well. She earned the second best starting spot. 
The nine-foot drop into the course at the start was the least of her worries. Snowboard cross really was about staying upright and gaining speed where you were able, otherwise it was kind of a shitshow - and that’s what Emily loved about it.
With a kiss from Tara to inspire her, she found herself neck and neck with one other woman. The crunch of the snow behind her told her that at least one other racer was directly behind them.
Right after the first big jump, things became quieter. If she decided to look back she’d probably see that at least two of her fellow racers had fallen, but she wasn’t about to take her eyes off the course. 
Through the turns, Emily pumped her legs, getting as much speed as she possibly could going into the last section of jumps. As her board touched the ground, the woman next to her grunted and she thought she was going to fall, but they were still way too close to call. Into the final jump, they both got decent air, but managed to land cleanly and coast toward the finish line. 
When it approached, they both leaned forward hoping to cross first, but even the crowd could see it was a photo finish.
“How are you feeling?” Tara asked, yelling over the roar of the crowd. 
“Pretty good. I actually did that race for me, you know?”
Tara understood. Trying to gain the attention of a parent when it wasn’t freely given was exhausting and sooner or later, you just had to let it go. “I do. Aren’t you gonna look for your time?” She asked.
“No,” Emily smiled. “You tell me.”
When the times came up, Tara pumped her fists in the air. “Silver! Gold was 2 thousandths of a second ahead.”
“I’ll take it,” Emily replied. “This was all for me.”
“Lock me up!” Curtis screamed. “Right now! If you don’t I’m as good as dead.”
Lead Detective Dae-Jung Lee laughed at the desperate criminal’s pleas. “Don’t worry. That’s exactly where you’re going.”
With Lewis still out there, Curtis feared for his life, whether he was in prison or not. He was going away. There was no denying that. “Don’t let Lewis know you’re coming or you’ll never catch him!”
@jamiemelyn @prettyboyeffect @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @unstoppableangel8 @rmmalta @lukeassmanalvez @veroinnumera @lookwhatyoumademequeue @kalie-bee @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @beereadsthings @cherry-loves-fanfic @bitchinprentiss @original-criminal-fanfics @marvelfanlife @tenaciousarcadeexpert
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leveloneandup · 2 years
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Day Off Fun
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stardze · 4 years
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reid (26)  traits: independent | evil | cat lover | foodie aspiration: rambunctious scamp | city native
thorne (27)  traits: wild | dog lover | materialistic | child of the ocean aspiration: whiz kid | bodybuilder
ivy (28)  traits: charmer | evil | art lover | child of the islands aspiration: artistic prodigy | bestselling author
sorry!!! i love these 3 too much 💕they were a ton of work as toddlers but triplets truly are a blessing. only thing is that thorne and ivy both got traits from the island living ep? i’ve gotten those traits a lot it feels like
child of the ocean: jocelyn (1), brandi (5), ava (22), ally (23) child of the islands: cora (7), parker (12)
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 years
American Pie 2 (2001)
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There’s just enough that works in American Pie 2 to make it worth recommending this largely disappointing sequel.
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A year after graduation Jim (Jason Biggs), Oz (Chris Klein), Finch (Eddie Kaye Thomas), Kevin (Thomas Ian Nicholas) and Stiffler (Seann William Scott) decide to take a vacation together at a beach house, with some hoping to score with the beach bunnies. Oz is patiently waiting for his girlfriend, Heather (Mena Suvari) to return from her vacation in Spain but Stiffler is trying to convince him to cheat on her with a local. Kevin bumps into his ex Vicky (Tara Reid) and is torn between trying to win her back or try being just friends. Finch, still blown away by the sexual experience he had with Stifler’s mom (Jennifer Coolidge) is training himself to become more virile and patiently waits for her to come back to him. Stiffler, when he isn’t tormenting the others, is trying anything to get laid. The bulk of the film is dedicated to Jim, who, after an embarrassing sexual adventure, learns that Nadia, the foreign-exchange student he ridiculed himself in front of last year (played by Shannon Elizabeth), is coming to visit him. When he learns from Michelle (Alyson Hannigan) that he was lame in bed he decides to train to impress the girl of his dreams.
It’s only towards the last third that American Pie 2 has anything worthwhile offering. This is one contrived sequel. Last time, it was kind of a bittersweet ending. The guys got laid, but it was the end of an era. Only one of the guys ended up with a girlfriend and they were all getting ready to move onto bigger and better things. Apparently, the bigger and better things were basically the same old, same old, except now they're no longer drinking underage. For no better excuse than “we need to make a sequel”, the most memorable characters reunite for summer vacation shenanigans.
Many jokes are simply ripped off from the first movie. Finch is once again pining after Stiffler’s mom, apparently having nothing better to do than practice for an encounter he isn't even certain will happen. Other moments also feel like it’s “been there, done that” all over again. We once again have a scene right at the beginning of the movie where Stiffler is in a really embarrassing moment with a girl and he ingests body fluids instead of alcohol. It's still funny, but I was hoping for something fresh.
Say what you will about American Pie but the raunchy humour mixed with genuine moments of sweetness and topped with nudity made it a sex-comedy classic. Jim wants to impress the girl of his dreams. How does he do that? He asks the pretty, geeky girl for advice. Being a good friend, she trains and grooms him to let loose, be more confident and she hones his sexual skills. You can tell that she’s attracted to him (Despite the fact that she left him high and dry at the end of the first movie....) but his only focus is on Nadia. What are the odds he realizes the girl he should be with isn’t the sexy foreign exchange student, but the quirky one that he has been friends with for the whole summer?
American Pie 2 feels rushed. "Bring back the young popular actors! Bring back the favorite characters - even if it doesn’t make any sense for them to return. Re-work the best jokes into “new” ones! Thrown in a couple of romantic stories and a half-assed theme about moving onto bigger and better things. Done!" We deserve better than this effort.
With all that said, the film is funny. Even a second time around, many of the gags work. Sure, it’s contrived for Michelle to return, but you like her and Alyson Hannigan has good chemistry with Jason Biggs. You'll be glad to see Eugene Levy return as Jim's father. I even enjoyed seeing Sherman (Chris Owens) again because I felt bad for the guy at the end of that first movie. Sure he went around bragging about sex he never had, but give the guy a break. Who hasn’t done a bit of that?
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American Pie 2 is contrived and generally uninspired. It also has its charms thanks to the cast and enough laughs to make those who enjoyed the first and wanted a bit more be happy to have seen it... the one time. (On DVD, September 23, 2014)
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uswnt5 · 2 years
Not sure if you saw this yet but this is ACFC preseason roster. The 18yo Anna K is on the roster. Look like she might go pro instead of playing for Santa Clara. They also got Dominique who's a CB for the Philippines NT but she's born in Seattle so no INT spot taken. I guess ACFC watched the Asian Cup and it's impressed by her.
GOALKEEPERS (3): DiDi Haracic, Brittany Isenhour, Maia Perez (NRI)
DEFENDERS (9): Vanessa Gilles (INT), Sarah Gorden, Paige Nielsen, Ali Riley, Allyson Swaby, M.A. Vignola, Dominique Randle (NRI), Megan Reid (NRI), Natalie Higgins (NRI)
MIDFIELDERS (9): Hope Breslin, Katie Cousins, Stefany Ferrer Van Ginkel (INT), Annie Karich (NRI), Savannah McCaskill, Lily Nabet, Cari Roccaro, Miri Taylor (INT, NYR), Dani Weatherholt       
FORWARDS (5): Simone Charley, Jun Endo (INT), Tyler Lussi, Christen Press, Jasmyne Spencer
I hadn’t seen this! Thanks for sending it. I like it! Will be interesting to see what Emslie does.
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lils-writes-stuff · 4 years
A Family Affair
spencer reid x reader
Best Years Part 5 | part 4 | part 3 | part 2 | part 1
Summary: as a case from atlanta dwells, the readers past make more advances. 
Warnings: normal criminal minds things
A/N: based on season seven episode 16 
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 “You can’t hide forever Y/N,” the voice spoke. 
 Y/N’s eyes darted around the room she was in. She sat in a chair but she wasn’t able to get up from it. The smell of the damp room overwhelmed her as tears began to roll down her cheeks, 
“No,” she spoke with a trembling voice. 
“Nothing lasts forever Y/N, you know that,” The voice said before revealing itself. Caroline walked out from the shadows of the room, gun in her hand and a evil look on her face. “All the things you love will be gone soon and you know it.” 
 As the words left her mouth, lights flickered on beside her and she saw her team sitting there tied up to chairs.
 She made eye contact with Spencer, who than mouthed that it was okay. 
 “No, no- do not touch them, hurt me- take me, do whatever you want to me!” Y/N tried to plead to her tormentor, but Caroline just shook her head.  
 “Too late.” 
Y/N sat up in a cold sweat, clutching her chest as she hyperventilated. She reached and wiped the small tears that were on her cheeks. 
 “It was just a dream,” she tried to reassure herself. “Just a dream.” 
Y/N pulled herself out of her bed, pulling Spencer’s sweater that sat on the edge of the bed over her bare arms and pulling the ends of it over her torso that adorned a grey tank. Her feet shuffled as she walked to the bathroom to quickly brush her teeth then through her small living room into the kitchen where a fully dressed Spencer stood, ready to start the day. 
 “Good morning,” he said looking up from the book he had in his hand. 
 “Hi,” Y/N responded, voice full of sleep still. She brought herself over to the coffee machine, completely avoiding Spencer who was awaiting attention.
 “No love?” he asked with a small pout on his lips.
 “Coffee,” she said softly as she poured herself a cup.  
  “Uh-huh,” Spencer said as he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Usually, when they shared their mornings together and he did this, she would always lean back and lay in his arms. “What’s wrong?” 
 “Nothing just had a bad dream, spooked me a bit that’s all,” she said reassuring him. That wasn’t a lie, it was just a dream, she thought trying to reassure herself also.
 “Are you sure?” He asked. 
 “Yes, bub, I am sure,” she said, using his nickname she gave him a little after they started dating. She placed her mug on the counter and turned in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck. 
 Spencer pulled her closer to him and connected their lips. Y/N loved when he was in a needy mood, it meant cuddles and kisses and all the attention she could give to him or vice versa. 
 The slow morning kiss tasted like coffee and toothpaste. Spencer held her closely as he pecked her lips multiple times diligently, making Y/N’s heart soar. 
 The moment was short-lived as both of their phones rang meaning Hotch needed them there in the office sooner than planned.
 “No,” Y/N said, dragging out the ‘o’ in sadness. 
 “Go get dressed I’ll make you a coffee to go,” Spencer told Y/N. 
 She sighed in defeat. She grabbed Spencer’s arm as she walked away, her sliding down to his and then finally letting go and walking to her room to get ready.  
 Emily, Y/n, and Penelope laughed at the story Penelope was telling as they entered the round table room. As they walked in they saw JJ take a shot of Five-hour energy.
 “Whoa you’re not messing around,” Y/N said with a chuckle as she sat down in a chair at the table. 
 “Mm, Will’s away all week, so I am pulling double duty with Henry,” JJ said as she finished the shot. 
 “Please tell me we are still on for Saturday night because I have had it circled in my calendar for the last 23 and a half days, which apparently, from the look of you you did not,” Penelope said rushed while she looked at JJ. She set her mug down and took a seat in her chair.
 “Ooh, Garcia paid good money for those salsa lessons,” Emily said, tucking a piece of hair behind her hair. Y/N nodded her head in agreement.
 Spencer and Morgan walked into the room and took their seats hearing the tail end of the conversation. 
 “I’ll get a sitter,” JJ said, feeling guilty for not remembering the plans that they had made.
  “Let’s get started,” Hotch said walking into the room with Rossi, the two taking their seats at the table. 
  “Okay, Atlanta Field office has a serial on their hands,” Penelope said as she opened her tablet. “Two prostitutes stabbed and staged in the last two weeks.”
 “Atlanta’s crime rate has skyrocketed over the last few years, especially the proliferation of solicited sex and drug use in the downtown district,” Spencer said. 
 “Maybe this guy thinks he’s cleaning up the city,” Emily said looking up from her tablet. 
 “It’s rare for an unsub who targets prostitutes to pose the bodies,” Y/N said, eyes trained on the pictures of the bodies. 
 “The means of disposal usually reflects how the person feels towards them,” JJ said.
 “It looks like he didn’t think poorly of his victims, even kept them dressed,” Rossi said eyes going towards the screen. 
 “He could be filled with remorse. The arms are folded, the bodies laid to rest in a quiet park outside the city,” Derek said while he pointed at the pictures with a pen. 
  “Maybe he knew them?” Y/N asked as she looked up from her tablet. 
 “It could be personal, there’s a lot of rage in these kills, multiple stab wounds,” Emily said.
 “What about sexual violations?” Rossi asked looking at Hotch.
 “No, the M.E.’s report says there’s no evidence of sexual activity before death,” Hotch says in response. 
 “So what’s he doing with them?” Penelope asked.
 “That’s what we need to find out, wheels up in 20,” Hotch said.
   “Yes, Mom-- I know I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the last time I was coming down,” Y/N said to her mother on the phone. “Well, to be honest, it wasn’t the first thing on my mind to stop by and say hi since I was trying to catch a serial killer not too far from my home.” 
 The team listened as she paused and a look of horror filled her face. 
 “No ma’am I didn’t mean that in a smart ass way you know that, I’m sorry, I’ll come by if I can-- I will love you bye,” She hung up the phone grabbing her coffee from the bar before heading back to her seat next to Spencer. 
 The team looked at her with amusement after hearing the conversation between her and her mom. 
 “What? Don’t act like your Mom still doesn’t strike fear in you when she has that tone,” she said, mostly looking at Derek who she knew was about to say something to her. He opted to just raise his hands, knowing she was right. 
 “Okay, so both of the victims had 250 dollars on them when they were found, why wouldn’t the unsub take that?” Emily asked, changing the topic back to the case. 
 “It’s a lot to pass up, money must not be on his mind,” Rossi said. 
 “Dumping the bodies certainly is,” JJ said while opening the file that laid on the table. “He chose two different parks outside of Atlanta.” 
 “The parks are 15 miles apart and 40 minutes from the city, speaks to his comfort zone,” Spencer said. 
 “Or he didn’t want to return to the same location and risk getting recognized,” Derek countered. 
  “Hey guys, I hate to be the messenger of sad things,” Penelope said through the speaker of the laptop. “But yet another body has been discovered by some joggers at yet another park. Her name’s Rebecca Moore and, get this, a missing person report was filed on her.” 
 “How long was she missing?” Y/N asked. 
 “36 hours.” 
 “Who filed it?” Emily asked.
 “Her friend, Allyson Parker,” Penelope answered. 
 “Prentiss, you, Y/N, and JJ find out from Allyson if she has any insight on why Rebecca was targeted. Morgan and Reid, go to the disposal site, Dave and I will set up at the field office,” Hotch said telling everyone where to go. 
  JJ, Emily, and Y/N pulled off the street as they arrived at the spot where Allyson told them to meet her. 
 “Allyson Moore?” Y/N asked as the approached a Brunette who stood on the corner. 
 “Yeah that’s me,” she responded. 
 “Hi, I’m Agent Y/L/N, this is Agent Prentiss-” she pointed to Emily on her left and then pointed to her right- “and this is Agent Jareau.”
 “Nice to meet you,” Allyson responded. 
 “We’re very sorry for your loss,” JJ said. 
 “How long were you and Rebecca friends?” Emily asked.
 “3 years,” Allyson responded getting choked up. 
 “You two had each other’s backs, that’s why you filed the report, right?” Y/N said looking at the girl.
 “It was almost two days, I thought she was at the police station. Getting locked up is better than disappearing with one of them,” Allyson explained. 
 “So what made you think something was wrong?” JJ asked. 
 “She always came back,” Allyson said. “Bad as it was, this place was home, you know?”
 “Did she have any regular customers?” JJ continued with her questions. 
 “We all do.” 
 “Rebecca had over 250 dollars on her,” Y/N said,
 “She did?” Allyson said, less a question more of a statement of disbelief.  
 “What would that kind of money get a customer?” Emily asked.
 “A lot,” responded Allyson. 
“Like, all night or….,” JJ trailed off wanting Allyson to finish her thought. 
 “Nowadays? Yeah,” Allyson responded. 
 “We need to take you back to the last time you saw Rebecca,” Emily explained, setting Allyson up for what they were about to do. 
 “Where were you standing?” Y/N asked watching as Allyson transported herself to that night. 
 “Facing which way?” Emily asked. 
 “Street-” she nodded towards the road- “A truck pulled up. He was one of my regulars. I was talking to him through the window when Rebecca pulled up in a silver beamer.”
 “Did you recognize the car?” Y/N asked Allyson.
 “No, it must have been a new customer,” Allyson explained. 
 “What did she do after that?” Emily asked. 
 “She looked back at me and then started walking down the block, that was the last time I saw her,” Allyson said, but then she stopped. “Wait a second, there was an older gray van. I’ve seen it around here before, it was parked there a long time.” 
 “A van? Where?” JJ asked as Allyson came back to where she was. 
  “It parks right there,” Allyson said pointing to a spot by a couple of trash cans. 
 The three women turned their heads to look at the spot. 
 “Could you make out the license plate?” Emily asked. 
 “No it was dark,” Allyson responded to their dismay. 
 “How long was it there?” Y/N asked turning her head to look at Allyson. 
 “A few hours probably, why?” Allyson asked.
 “It’s a loading zone, permit parking only,” Y/N explained.  
 The three women thanked her before they headed back to the SUV.  
 “Allyson remembered seeing a van parked on the street the night that Rebecca disappeared,” Emily said as her, Y/N, and JJ walked into the conference room. 
  “And she’s seen it before, but get this, it was parked in a loading zone for hours,” Y/N added.
 “Well, why don’t we check any recent tickets?” The Atlanta field office agent, Agent Brooks, said. 
 “Our analyst already did that, nothing,” Emily said.
 “It’s not a residential area, so a vendor maybe, Garcia pulling permits now,” JJ said. 
 “He’s done this three times before,” Rossi began. “Each victim is left with 250. That’s a 750 dollar investment, he didn’t have to make.” 
 “He has every chance to take that money back, but he buries it with them instead,” Derek said while he looked at the crime scene photos in his hands. 
 “It could be an expression or a manifestation of his guilt,” Emily said. 
 “Everything that happened postmortem- keeping them dressed, crossing their arms, laying them to rest- it’s all very nurturing,” JJ said.
 “But the kills are the exact opposite, incredibly violent and angry.” Y/N said countering JJ’s argument. 
  “Multiple personalities?” Emily asked.
 “Or multiple unsubs,” Hotch answered. “The violent one submits there dominance and the submissive one if left to clean up the mess.” 
 The team sat in silence as they thought and looked over the case file. Everyone’s attention soon turned to Agent Brooks as her phone rang. 
 “Brooks,” she said answering the phone. “Okay, we’ll be right there. There’s been another body.” 
 “Damn,” Y/N said. “These guys are moving fast.”
 “They are, Morgan and Y/N go to the latest crime scene with Agent Brooks, the rest of us will stay here,” Hotch said looking between Y/N and Derek. 
 The two Agents nodded and followed Brooks out of the office.
 It was a ten-minute drive to the crime scene, the three hoping out of the vehicle, and following an Atlanta Police Officer to the body. Brooks walked away from the scene as she answered her phone than talked to one of the responding officers and came back a minute later. Y/N and Derek looking over the body as she approached. 
 “Her name was Julie Harmon, lives in a loft downtown,” Brooks spoke looking at the body. “Envelope of cash was in her bag, wrapped in plastic.” 
 “That’s new,” Y/N said as she inspected the outfit Julie was wearing. “It looks like she’s prepped for burial.” 
 “This woman doesn’t fit his victimology,” Derek said while he crouched down next to the body to look closer.
 “Yeah, look at her nails,” Y/N said pointing to the fresh manicure that Julie had. 
 “The ways she’s dressed, her shoes haven’t hit the pavement,” Derek said in agreement to Y/N’s observations. 
 “Maybe she’s a high-class call girl,” Brooks said.
 “Who fought back and got punished for it,” Derek said. 
 Y/N inspected the body some more before she spoke. “Blunt-force trauma and the same bruising on the thighs, this one is the most violent yet,” she said. 
 “And the shortest time between kills,” Derek added to which Y/N hummed in agreement. 
  “Feel’s like he’s trying to break some kind of record,” Brooks said. 
 “This team has a complicated dynamic. Ultimately, they trust one another,” Derek said looking between Y/N and Brooks. 
 “They’re still codependent too, enabling each other,” Y/N added. She thought of all the different kinds of relationships that could have this dynamic. 
 “It sounds like any dysfunctional relationship, how do we narrow that down?” Brooks asked. 
 “Through her-” Derek pointed at Julie- “The more we can learn about Julie, the better we can understand why they’re doing this.”
   After the Derek and Y/N returned to the office, the team began to piece together a profile on who they believed their unsubs were. Y/N stared at the pictures of the bruising on the leg’s of the victim’s, not sure what it was but it felt monachopsis.
 “What are you thinking?” Spencer asked Y/N, noticing her staring at the board. 
 “The bruising, it doesn’t look like any form of torture we’ve seen, it almost doesn’t seem like it is torture,” Y/N explained turning to Spencer. 
 “Maybe it isn’t, but what else could it be?” He questioned looking at her. 
“I don’t know,” Y/N responded with a shrug. 
“Guys, we’re ready,” JJ told the two in the room prompting them to follow her to the rest of the team. 
  “We’re looking for a pair of white males in their late 20s to early 30s, who’ve developed a pattern of overkill followed by remorse,” Hotch explained to the Agents that were scattered throughout the office. 
 “This usually points to a dominant/submissive partnership,” Y/N said. 
 “The submissive follows the rules, knows the dominants type. Obtains the victims, and disposes of the body once the dominant has completed his killing ritual,” Spencer explained. 
 “What is the ritual?” Brooks asked. 
 “It most likely involves some form of bondage,” Emily began her explanation. “All the victims have identical bruises on their thighs, but we’re not sure if it’s done during capture or kills.”
 “There’s no sexual assault, which tells us the dominant is likely impotent or is experimenting with other forms of sexual release,” Rossi said. 
 “We often refer to this as a ‘thrill kill’,” Derek explained. “The dominant is inducing pain and creating terror without a sexual element.” 
 “This often provides him some stimulation and excitement, kind of like an adrenaline rush. The thrill of the murder is only a temporary fix,” Y/N said. 
 “Like any narcotic, the violence satisfies his senses for a time, but then it fades. This is why his cooling-off period is nonexistent,” Derek added. 
 “Despite a public investigation, the unsubs have continued killing. The risk of getting caught does not trump their need to kill,” JJ said as she looked around at the Agents. 
 “Thank you,” Hotch said dismissing everyone back to what they were doing. 
   “Julie Harmon was a sexual surrogate,” Derek said walking into the room after talking to Penelope. 
 “Whoa, sounds like somebody felt like a little progressive prescription might fix everything,” Emily said twirling her pen in the left hand. 
 “Well, they were wrong,” JJ added. 
 “That’s not just going from high- to low-risk victims. A sexual surrogate’s a very specific type,” Hotch said. 
 “It seems like they were trying to fix something, I mean why else would you call a therapist?” Y/N asked. 
 “They do treat patients with all types of disabilities, whether it’s developmental, physical, or emotional,” Emily explained looking at Y/N.
 “My guess is this guy had all three,” Derek began. “I mean, let’s look at physical: he’s got the upper body strength to kill, but the victims bruising tells us that he was using restraints.” 
 “Only they’re not on the wrists or ankles where restraints usually are, they’re tramline bruises around the thighs,” Rossi said pointing to the bruises on the photo. 
 “It’s as if the victims are straddling a chair,” Spencer said. 
 At this Y/N had a click, “What if it’s a wheelchair?”
 Spencer turned his head to look at Y/N as they had the same click. “Physical infirmities, with strong arms. That does make sense.”
 “That would also explain the van parked in the loading zone, handicap permits grant access all over the city,” JJ said agreeing with the two. 
 “I’ll call Penelope,” Y/N said stepping out of the room with her phone. She walked down the three steps that led up the room they were in and pressed Penelope’s contact name for her work phone. 
 “Hiya sugar what can I do for you?” Penelope asked answering the phone. 
 “Hey Penelope, I need you to look for handicap permits of those in the comfort zone for me, please,” Y/N requested to the woman over the phone. 
 “Sure thing, also I have to tell you something that’s a little suspicious,” Penelope said making Y/N’s heart beat faster. 
 “What is it?” She asked with nervousness. 
 “Caroline Roberts, I put a flag on her in case something suspicious or odd happened to alert me, anyways she hasn’t shown up for work in two weeks,” Penelope explained.
 “Oh maybe she just went on vacation or something,” Y/N said trying to reassure herself it was probably nothing. 
 “Sugar, it wouldn’t have alerted me if that was the case, but don’t you freight because right before she left she bought a ticket to head over to London, now I don’t know what that means, but it does tell me she’s out of reach from here for a while.” 
 “Okay thanks, Penelope, hit us back with that list?” Y/N asked. 
 “Faster than you can say my name, I bid you a-do.” 
 Y/N hung up her phone and entered back into the room with the rest of the team. 
  Y/N sat with Spencer, JJ, Derek, and Emily in the small conference room. Her eyes were trained on the board looking at all the victims, all different ideas running through her head while the team talked. She wasn’t really listening though, only hearing parts of what they were saying. 
 “Maybe the caretaker is a woman, by nature, women prefer cleaner disposal methods,” JJ said peaking Y/N to listen to what was being said. 
 “I don’t know. I mean, that terrain was something serious,” Derek said referring to the dumpsite he went to with Spencer. “No offense, ladies, but Reid and I hiked up that ridge, and there’s no way a woman physically fit or not, could carry dead-weight all that way.” 
 “And we profiled that the partners in a wheelchair, so that would make it impossible for him to help with disposal,” Emily added in agreement. 
 Y/N stood up from her seat and walked over to the board to look at the pictures closer. Words scattered between the pictures of the crime scene from them trying to form the profile more. 
 “So there’s a third person involved, that rarely works there’s usually two against one, ” Derek said. 
 Y/N trailed back into her thoughts as her eyes darted between the pictures.
 “They’d have to trust each other completely, so what kind of relationship involves that dynamic?” Spencer asked. 
 Y/N’s mind then thought back to something her mother always used to tell her: No matter what we will always protect you Y/N, through hell or high water, because we are your parents. 
 “What if it’s parents protecting their child?” Y/N asked, turning around quickly from the board to the four sittings. “My parents always told me growing up that they would protect and help me no matter what. So what if this is like that.”
 “They raise them, they root for them,” JJ said with realization. 
 “They would share the same genes,” Emily added. 
 “Apples don’t fall from the tree,” Y/N agreed. 
 “A parent would hold themselves accountable for the child being injured, that explains the guilt,” Spencer said. 
 “Yeah, but what kind of sick family pulls this off?” Derek asked. 
 “One that’s done it before,” Y/N answered. 
 “I’ll get Hotch and Rossi,” JJ said standing up to exit the room. The rest of the nodded and waited for her to come back with the.
 The five than explained why it was probably a family to Hotch and Rossi. The family probably only had one child because a sibling would be less than likely to participate. If the child was hurt in an accident and the parents felt responsible they would do anything to make them happy.
 “Murder probably wasn’t something they planned though, it came as an extreme side effect of the son’s condition,” Y/N explained to Hotch.
 “If there was orbital cortex damage from the accident, it would help to explain why killing is his release,” Emily added.
 “If the mother has psychopathic tendencies, she could have passed it down through her X chromosome,” Spencer explained.
 “Garcia’s looking up accidents now that have the parents at fault,” JJ said. 
 “That list has to be long,” Rossi spoke as he raised an eyebrow. 
 “Uh- it is, So she is also looking for unsolved cases in the state,” JJ added. 
 “There’s a good chance this isn’t the first time the son has acted out,” Y/N explained. 
 As Y/N finished her statement, JJ’s phone rang. 
 “Hey, Garcia, you’re on speaker,” she said to her over the phone. 
 “Okay, the only thing I can find that’s remotely similar to this is from five years ago. A coed at Georgia state was stabbed and left in a park,” Penelope said.
 “Did she have bruises on her inner thighs?” Rossi asked.
 “Uh, M.E. says…” Penelope paused as she looked for the answer. “Yes, she did.”
 “All right, Garcia, check student enrollment for that year for students with campus handicap permits,” Hotch said to the woman on the phone.
 “I got a bushel of matches, let’s narrow this down.” 
 “Look for in-state residents. If the unsub was injured there’s a good chance he stayed close to home,” JJ said. 
 “Oh, they’re all locals,” Penelope responded. 
 “The parents would have covered it up, and they would have pulled their son out of school after the murder,” Emily explained. 
  “Eureka, Jeffery Collins,” Penelope said as she found a match. “He dropped out of school weeks after the murder and have since lived with his parents.”
 “What’s his story?” Y/N asked. 
 “Sending it to you right now, he’s an only child of Linda and Donald Collins. He was a local athlete who became paralyzed in a car accident when he was fifteen.”
 “It says here the mother was driving, but the injuries weren’t consistent with being behind the wheel,” Derek said while he looked up from he tablet. 
 “But the fathers were look-” Spencer pointed to a part of the report on the tablet that Y/N held in her hand- “Broken ribs, ruptured spleen, minor concussion.” 
 “He’s obviously the one who hit the steering wheel,” Y/N said in agreement.
 “Let me guess, the father was drunk,” Rossi said looking over to Y/N.
 “Yeah, twice the legal limit,” Penelope answered over the phone. 
 “Sounds like they switched places and she covered for him,” Y/N said. 
 “But helping your husband avoid a DUI is far different than helping your son dispose of bodies,” Spencer said as he looked between those around. 
 “Not necessarily,” Hotch countered. “The mother fixes things, she could have manipulated the husband into making up for his failure.” 
  “Garcia, you got an address?” Derek asked Penelope over the phone.
 “Sending it to you now,” she quickly responded. 
 “Hotchner,” Hotch said answering his phone. “Okay, we’ll be right there,” he hung up and turned the car around. 
 “What is it?” Y/N asked as she leaned forward in her seat to adjust her vest. 
 “Agent Brooks, they just found Donald Collins car wrapped around a telephone pole,” Hotch responded as they headed towards the accident, a mere two minutes from where they already were. The SUV came to a halt as they reached the accident and Hotch, Spencer, Emily, and Y/N piled out of the car. 
 “Hey guys thanks for getting here so quick,” Brooks said as she approached the four. 
 “We were on our way to the Collins home when we received the call,” Spencer said as they continued over to the car. 
 “Donald Collins was behind the wheel, died on impact. We found this in his coat pocket,” Brooks explained handing Emily the letter that was sealed in an evidence bag.
 “Let me guess, it’s his confession to all the murders,” Y/N said before she looked at the letter in Emily’s hand. 
 Agent Brooks nodded her head in response. 
 “Even in death, he’s still covering for his son,” Emily said showing Hotch and Spencer the letter. 
 “No one else in the car?” Hotch asked. 
 “No,” Brooks answered. 
 “No skid marks, he probably hit the pole going about 65 miles-per-hour,” Spencer said inspecting the asphalt behind the car. 
 “He committed suicide,” Y/N said while she shook her head in disbelief. 
 “It looks like he was trying to replicate the accident that made Jeff a paraplegic, this was his ultimate penance,” Emily said. 
 “Is this their endgame?” Hotch asked. 
  “If he was trying to replicate the accident, Jeff and Linda would have both been in the car,” Spencer answered, turning to the three on his right. 
 “So where are they?” Y/N asked. 
 “Probably still at the house, maybe even with their next victim,” Spencer said. 
  “Mom, Mom listen, I promise you the next time I am home I will try to come to visit you I swear-, Y/N said as she brought her mug and Spencer’s over to their seats on the jet.
 Spencer mouthed a ‘thank you’ to Y/N as she handed him the mug, which she responded back with a nod as she sat down in her seat.  
“No it’s not that I don’t think visiting you isn’t important. You know you’re starting to sound like grandma,” Y/N laughed as she looked at Spencer next to her and then Emily across. “All right will do, love you too, bye.” 
  It was the next day, the team had arrested Jeffery Collins and were now on their way back home. 
 “That sounded fun,” Emily said as she looked at Y/N. 
 “You have no idea,” Y/N laughed. “She told me if she doesn’t get to meet Spencer, or any of the rest of you guys really, sometime soon, she’s going to through a fit.” 
 The three laughed but they halted as they saw JJ walk up and sit down next to Emily, a look of defeat on her face.
 “Still no sitter?” Emily asked the blonde. 
 “My sitter is not available,” JJ explained. “Apparently I have a better chance at winning the lottery than getting a sitter for a Saturday night.”
 “What’s going on tonight?” Spencer asked. 
 “Ladies Night,” Y/N said as she looked over at Spencer next to her. His eyes trained on a book in his lap. 
 “It was but, I forgot to book a sitter,” JJ said.
 “I’ll do it,” Spencer said. 
 The three women turned their heads to look at him. All having the same questioning and unsure look on their faces.
 “Spence,” JJ said trying to protest. 
 “What? I’ve seen an episode of ‘Mr. Belvedere’,” Spencer said trying to prove he could do it.
 “I don’t know if that would help, bub,” Y/N said patting his arm sweetly. The nickname just slipping out but no one questioned it. 
  “And you’ve never babysat by yourself before,” JJ added.
  “You know- uh-  he could do a couple of hours,” Emily said looking between Y/N and JJ. 
 “What could possibly go wrong?” Spencer asked. 
 “Well now that you said that, something definitely will,” Y/N said, her superstitious side showing. 
 “Alright fine,” JJ caved.  
 “Whooo!” Spencer cheered obnoxiously loud as they stood gate side of Hotch’s triathlon. “Couple hours, Couple hours! You guys didn’t even come home till sunrise,” he said looking at the four very hungover women. 
 Their eyes were covered with their sunglasses as they leaned against the gate, heads pounding from the cheers and alcohol. 
 “Why are yelling,” JJ said as she looked up then away from Spencer. 
 “Make him stop,” Emily said looking down to Y/N who stood beside Spencer. 
 “With pleasure,” Y/N said, getting up from her position of leaning against the gate to than grabbing Spencer’s face. “Spencer, I really don’t want to slap that pretty little face of yours I adore so much-” Spencer blushed at Y/N’s words- “but if you do not stop yelling I will.” 
 He nodded his head as she let go of his face and laid her head on his arm.  
 “Okay, hey Jack earmuffs for a minute, earmuffs,” Derek said tapping Hotch’s son that sat on his shoulders. “What did you guys drink last night?”
 “The green fairy, you’re in the FBI, can you make the crowd stop cheering?” Penelope pleaded to Derek next to her. 
 “By my estimates, Hotch will be finishing any minute now,” Spencer said looking at his watch, making Y/N lift her head as his arm moved. 
 “Do you see him, Uncle Dave?” Jack asked as he looked down at Rossi from Derek’s shoulders. 
 “I think I do kiddo, right there!” Rossi said as he pointed to Hotch running down the course. 
  Y/N clapped along with JJ and Emily and winced at Spencer’s loud cheering but let it slide since it was for Hotch. Hotch smiled as he saw the team cheering for him as he crossed the finish line. When he crossed, the team walked over to the table he was getting his water and medal from, Jack beating them all there as he was so excited to congratulate his dad. 
  “Did you see my sign?” Jack asked, jumping excitedly. 
 “I did, that’s for you, buddy,” Hotch said placing a medal around Jack’s next he was given.
 “Look at you, how do you feel?” Rossi asked. 
 “I think I’m gonna live,” responded Hotch as he took another sip of his water.
 “Pretty impressive, I had money on the swim killing you,” Emily laughed. 
 “My bet was the bike ride,” Y/N added, grabbing Spencer’s hand and then laying her head on his arm again. 
 “I practiced,” Hotch said still trying to regain his breath. 
 “And it paid off, good job,” Derek said congratulating Hotch.
 “Thank you.” 
 “Hey, you guys want to go get something to eat?” Spencer asked the team. 
 “Yeah, something greasy,” JJ said pushing her sunglasses up her nose.
 “Oh yeah,” Emily agreed. 
 “Please,” Y/N added. 
 “Hotchner!” A voice of a woman was heard making the team turn their heads. 
 “Beth! Jack, there’s somebody I want you to meet,” Hotch said guiding his son over to, the now identified, Beth. 
 “Awe,” Y/N said at the cute moment they were watching. 
 The team laughed at Y/N’s audible feelings and began to walk as they saw Hotch lead Beth and Jack towards their group. 
 Y/N and Spencer walked into Y/N’s apartment together after eating lunch with the rest of the team. Spencer came with her to grab some of the things he left from the other night staying there. 
 “I’m going to go to the bathroom real quick,” Y/N told Spencer who nodded back with a tight-lipped smile.
 After Spencer grabbed his things he placed them on the round table that was to the left of Y/N’s kitchen. His eyes became drawn to the white envelope with a wax seal with a bird imprint on it. Curiosity getting the better of him, he picked it up inspecting it. Before he could open it though, Y/N walked back into the room. 
 “What’cha lookin’ at?” She asked as she approached Spencer. 
 He turned around to face her, showing her the letter in his hand. Her face grew white with horror, she hadn’t received a letter in 3 weeks. 
 “Where- where was that?” She asked, walking over and grabbing it out of Spencer’s hand, beginning to open it frantically. 
 “On the table,” he responded pointing to where it laid on the table previously. 
 “Oh god,” Y/N said, knowing that meant she had gotten into her apartment somehow this time. 
 “Y/N, what’s wrong, what is it?” Spencer asked trying to get answers from her. 
 “Agh,” Y/N said softly as she cut herself on the paper from the envelope.  
 “Hey, hey, slow down,” Spencer told her, grabbing the envelope from her hand.
 “Will you please just open it and read to me what it says,” she said sitting in the chair she pulled out from the table, placing her head in her hands. 
 “Yeah-yeah, sure,” he responded opening the letter. “ ‘Nothing lasts forever Y/N’ from C.R., what is this, who’s C.R.?” 
 Y/N thought back to the dream she had a couple of nights ago before they left. 
 “Nothing lasts forever Y/N, you know that.” 
 The voice echoed in her head. She lifted her head up from her hands looking at Spencer who had kneeled himself in front of her. 
 “Caroline Roberts,” she told him. “Spencer I need to tell you something.” 
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added!!):
@throughparisallthroughrome​ @word-scribbless​ @nintendumbfuck​ @confused-and-really-hungry​ @justine-en​ @andiebeaword​ @itsarayofsunshine​ @baby-i-am-fireproof​ @abitofeverythinggg​
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doctor-reid · 4 years
Spencer Reid Masterlist
Multi Chapter Fics
Secretly Married[COMPLETED]- Allyson Jennings is secretly married to Dr. Reid. What will happen when they begin to work together? -Series Masterlist
You and Me[COMPLETED]- Spencer Reid x female reader. Reader is an up and coming singer/songwriter that falls for Spencer. He falls for her too- Series Masterlist
Blurbs/One Shots
Morning Breath- Spencer Reid x gender neutral reader blurb about waking up next to him
Happy Days#- Spencer Reid x female reader one shot. Reader works at donut shop that Spencer frequents
Bribery#- Part 2 to Happy Days. Reader meets Spencer’s coworkers/friends
Head over Heels- Spencer Reid x female reader. Spencer reassures reader about her height.
Undercover Secrets#- Spencer Reid x gender neutral reader. reader joins the BAU for a case, things happen.
Celebration#- Spencer Reid x female reader. Spencer celebrates reader’s graduation.
Raindrops#- Spencer Reid x gender neutral reader. A rainy day at home blurb
Like what you See?#- Spencer Reid x female reader. Spencer wants to see reader’s piercings.
Game Night- Spencer Reid x female reader. It's game night at Rossi's.
True Colors- punk! Spencer Reid x female Reader. A day at the park turns into meeting a few of Spencer’s coworkers
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thebridgehqs · 2 years
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Swan Song
JJ’s short program music here.
JJ’s free skate music here.
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Chapter 6 - JJ
“Is she still salty?” JJ asked as Alex skated gracefully onto the ice. “Did she put her petty bullshit behind her?”
Alex nodded thoughtfully. “I told her what happened in the past needed to die there because we had bigger problems. I told her what Ally told you about the Olympic village and they’re going to look into it.”
“What exactly did you tell her?”
Alex cycled through the music on her iPod and got the JJ’s short program of choice. It was her last day of practice before the ladies’ skating started. “I told her who you saw and the fact that we have no idea how widespread this is, but it’s something that she needs to look into for her own integrity as a member of the IOC.”
JJ snickered at Alex’s choice of words. “Nice leverage. Now you know she’ll look into it regardless of whether she believes us or not.”
She had her own little entourage waiting to cheer her on. Though her parents and sister were up in the stands because they couldn’t bare to be up close and personal with the action for fear of seeing her fall, JJ still had Spencer, his girlfriend, Remy, Allyson, and Will nearby for support. And of course Alex, but that was a given. 
Allyson still had the big air competition to go, Spencer had his figure skating in a few days, and Will had two more races to go with the men’s 10k sprint in biathlon already under his belt. He came away with the silver, which he was happy with. He and Foyet had had a seriously close race and Foyet just happened to throw his boot toward the finish line slightly more quickly than he did.
“Good luck, love,” he said as JJ prepared for her short program. “You feeling okay?”
Nodding, she started doing a couple of warm up stretches. “I’m good.”
“Don’t break a leg,” Ally said with a wink.
Spencer smacked her in the arm. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“What? I said don’t!”
JJ snickered as she skated out onto the ice and into starting position. The twins’ banter was enough to keep her at ease. It was so normal. 
The siren at the start of Salute by Little Mix got her hyped up. Instantly, the aura in the Gangneung ice arena changed. She had their attention. Given that they were allowed to use music with words in it more consistently now, her mind immediately jumped to this song. It was powerful, fun and lent itself to an amazing short program that would grab people’s attention. 
Normally, she wasn’t really outgoing and in your face, but when she was performing that all changed. Sliding back against the crispness of the newly cleaned ice, she put on her best megawatt smile and began playing to the crowd. 
Ladies all across the world Listen up, we're looking for recruits If you with me, lemme see your hands Stand up and salute Get your killer heels, sneakers, pumps or lace up your boots Representing all the women, salute, salute
The clapping of the audience lit her soul on fire. It was so much fun to be doing what she loved and entertaining at the same time. Her choreography flowed like it hadn’t happened before, completely free - not put on in the slightest. For the first time in a long time, she completed a split in competition. No one had done it in years. 
As the chorus revved up, she started gliding herself into the triple axel. If she landed it, she would be only the third woman in history to land it in Olympic competition. Because it was a forward jump, there was an extra half rotation she needed to complete. She launched into the air, her arms firm yet relaxed against her chest until she landed, her skate come down with a precision she’d rarely landed. 
The rest of the routine was easier. Not easy, but the axel had been her achilles heel - it was pretty much every skater’s achilles heel. 
Sisters we are everywhere Warriors, your country needs you If you ready ladies, better keep steady Ready, aim, shoot it Don't need ammunition. On a mission And we'll hit you with the truth Representing all the women, salute, salute!
JJ oozed attitude as the song wore on. Each jump passing with relative ease even with the addition of placing her hands over her head, which fucked up the center of gravity, leaving it much further up than it would normally be. 
Once she made her way back into the center of the ice and completed her program, hand held in salute to all the ladies in the audience, she pumped her fists in the air and screamed. That is how you set the tone.
On the sidelines, she could see Will clapping like a maniac, proud as can be of the woman he loved. Spencer was screaming, knowing exactly what those kinds of nerves were like, and Remy and Ally were absolutely 100 percent losing their fucking minds. “Oh my god, Jayge that was amazing!” Ally screamed. 
Everyone assaulted her with hugs until she could get to Alex, who whispered the words she needed to here. “I knew you could do it.”
And her score reflected as much. She was second, only behind by two-hundredths of a point going into the free skate.
There was zero animosity between JJ and the first place skater. After their warm-ups, they exchanged a hug and wished each other luck, leaving her enough time to meet up with her friends and cheer squad before she went on the ice for the last time.
For the last time.
It was really the last time she was going to be doing this competitively. It was exactly what she wanted. She wanted to marry Will. She wanted to start the family they always talked about having, but having it be so real now was another story all together. 
Her eyes glistened with tears as she approached her cheer squad. “What’s wrong?” Spencer asked.
“It’s...it’s my last time...”
He immediately wrapped his arms around her. He understood. His competition wasn’t for a few days so it really didn’t hit him yet, but he knew it was going to. 
“You know I don’t want you to quit unless you want to, right?” Will asked genuinely. 
JJ nodded and leaned her head against Alex’s shoulder. “I know. I do. It just hasn’t felt real until now. You know?”
Her biggest competition was in the middle of her program. It looked good to JJ, but she hadn’t seen the triple flip that she’d flubbed. If JJ skated a clean free skate, she had an amazing chance of winning the gold. Alex grabbed her by the shoulders and made her look right at her. “Okay listen. Yes, this is your last skate, but this is in your blood. It always has been. Go out there. Feel the music. Love what you do. And put down the best routine you’ve ever put down so you can say you left at the top of your game.”
“Yea, not like those tv shows that run way too damn long,” Remy laughed giving JJ a hug. “You’re gonna be great.”
She was up next. The tears needed to be wiped away and staved off until this was over; then she’d allow herself to sob again. “Alright, I’m good to go.”
“Breathe and tune everything else out,” Spencer said as she skated away.
Just like she had the day before, she took her starting position. Years ago, Allyson had introduced her to Phantom of the Opera. It was Ally’s favorite thing, pretty much ever, and it quickly became JJ’s too, so skating to the title track seemed perfect for her. What better song to feel and perform than one she’d been listening to for years?
Goosebumps began to prickle her skin as the organ started up. She lifted her leg high up behind her and leaned back into it. Unlike the short program, she’d back-loaded her performance to get the 10 percent bonus on all her moves. 
Alex had developed a number of different program paths JJ could take, but out on the ice she found herself taking the path she’d been avoiding, which was adding a jumping pass at the beginning of the song - a double toe, double loop combination set the crowd up for what was to come.
JJ had never been much of an ‘opera’ person, but this was something else all together. As quickly as it had begun, the first half of the program was over. Now was the test. Though still strong, her legs were tired - that’s why the bonus was so enticing and yet difficult to actually deliver on. 
Whether it was the ice or the music she didn’t know, but she felt light as air. She wanted to throw the triple axel in again, but it was so risky. However, she felt on top of the world. As she passed by Alex, she could see the look of trepidation on her face. Alex knew what she was setting up for.
Within the course of 10 seconds, she was up in the air, completed three and a half rotations and landed cleanly onto the ice with only the slightest bauble. JJ was pretty sure she heard her cheering squad above everyone else in the arena.
Her head and torso were perpendicular to the ice and her leg was lifted up, a straight line from one leg to the other as she set up her final jumping pass. 
The first jump, a triple loop, fell perfectly into place, so the triple toe came naturally, then for good measure, she added a double loop and a double toe, completing all four jumps in perfect rotation before heading into her final spin. 
All eyes were on her. This was it. This last spin was all she had to leave it all out on the ice. As the music faded out, she fell down to the ice and started to sob, waving to the crowd while teddy bears of all shapes and sizes fell into the rink around her. 
She took her final bows and headed off the ice, heading toward the kiss and cry with Alex and Will. Spencer, Ally and Remy were waiting on the sidelines and her parents and sister were on their way down from their place in the audience. 
The score she needed to beat was 237.56 in the free skate.
Alex rubbed JJ’s back as she continued to cry. It was all over and she couldn’t figure out how she felt about it all just yet. She’d left her heart out on the ice and could only hope that it paid off. She was sure she’d medal, but she wanted the gold so badly. “The scores for Jennifer Jareau...239.90, putting her in, first place.”
“Oh my god, I did it,” she whispered, collapsing into her knees as she score showed itself on the board, making it all too real. “Oh my god!”
Will lifted her up and spun her around, planting a kiss on her lips as he let her down to the ground again. At that point, she was flung into Alex’s arms and then Rosaline came running toward her, eyes running with mascara. Her voice was louder than everyone else in the vicinity. “I’m so proud of you! You left it all out there!”
JJ whispered into her sister’s ear, happier than she’d been in the months leading up to the Olympics, the pressure finally gone. “I really did.”
@jamiemelyn @coveofmemories @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @unstoppableangel8 @rmmalta @lukeassmanalvez @veroinnumera @lookwhatyoumademequeue @kalie-bee @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @beereadsthings @cherry-loves-fanfic @bitchinprentiss @original-criminal-fanfics @marvelfanlife @tenaciousarcadeexpert
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maealbert · 6 years
x Reader:
Untouched Attic
The Big Day (Emily Prentiss x Spencer Reid x Reader)
One By One
Have You Seen Me?
The Fun Times
Smithsonian Slasher
Works In Strange Ways
Last Memory
x OC:
Unsub (II)~
No More Secrets (Spencer Reid)~
Game Night (Allyson Reid @/remember-me-forever-silent-angel)~
Heaven Calls (Lucy De Luca - The Liaison) ( @literallyreid’s writing challenge)~
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stardze · 4 years
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this is the last time you’ll ever see this, i don’t know if that’s good or not. anyways my fav this generation is nova, omg that girl has my heart she’s adorable, and also the trips ofc. this generation was short, only 9, which is the lowest we can go i think,,,,unless like,,,, we have triplets be like 39, 40, and 41. that makes no sense, don’t think about it too much. 
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csuworldrecord · 3 years
2 Ohio State Parents Speak Out About Recent Crime
2 Ohio State Parents Speak Out About Recent Crime
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Some parents of Ohio State University students feel uneasy after some bad things happen near the university. Campus police say three kids stole a car on Friday night. And three students were robbed with guns on Sunday morning. Two moms said they didn’t get an alert about crime happening for a while. Irene Hendrick and Allyson Reid are part of the Facebook group “Buckeyes for a…
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brightbegin · 3 years
Parents of Ohio State students put up billboards near campus as crime rises
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‘Buckeyes For A Safe Ohio State’ members and parents Irene Hendricks, Allyson Reid, and Jo Varnish call for better campus security and policing to protect students via FOX NEWS & Brightbegin https://ift.tt/3ivb8UT Find out more follow www.brightbegin.com
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