#alpha!henry cavill x reader
loganbcrnes · 5 months
this is definitely how Captain Syverson is built in my mind.
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gif: @asgardswinter
18+, fem!reader under the cut
thinking about Alpha!Sy post retirement, so hes gained a little more weight. he still has a load of muscle and he does work out still. But instead of constantly eating MRE's when he is deployed, he now eats your food. and your food is fuckin' delicious. Even if you are a bad cook, he'll gobble it down anyways and take seconds because he knows how much effort you put into cooking.
Ofc you dont cook all the time (unless u wanna be a housewife which is ok) he cooks with you as well. and living in the mountains where it is often cold, eating good warm food is commended.
Hes always wrapping his arms around you. whenever you're folding laundry, cooking food, showering. he has his hands on you at all times. the big gruff alpha is soooo clingy. and you absolutely love it. And he knows how much you love the size difference. He does too, and take every opportunity he can to take advantage of that.
You love how warm he is. The alpha is just a hot furnace. So whenever you are cold, he's always there to wrap around you keeping you warm. burying your face in his hairy soft chest.
Sometimes you like to run your hands down his chest, to feel the muscle clench under your cold hands. Trailing your fingers through his hairy pecs and down to his thick happy trail. And when i say this man is hairy...hes hairy.
to the spicy part...his body is so big, when hes fucking you from the back, he towers over you, on his elbows beside your face. The man fucks with his body, not just his cock. his thick cock thrusting in and out of your wet cunt, clenching around him. He groans into your ear. He drives you mad with his noises.
"thas' it, Darlin'. takin' my cock so well". I just imagine him saying in that sweet accent of his. GRRRR
Oh and when he fucks you missionary as well (his favourite position), he has your legs press against your chest, and over his shoulders. he's just fucking into you, his big heavy balls slapping against your cunt. His thick legs on display, the muscles bulging out as he keeps himself up.
His giant hands are just everywhere, keeping your legs up. Or his hand is pressed against your tummy to feel his cock inside, around your throat (not choking), in your hair if he is fucking from the behind. He cannot get enough of you. He often slows down to just pick up his speed again, making sure he gets his knot inside of you. filling you up to the brim with his cum.
His pubes grind against your clit, his massive thick body towering over you, making you feel small.
Feel free to follow my twitter acc if u want! aquasuperbat
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milknhonies · 4 months
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The Dog Days Are Over
MasterList || Chapter 2
Chapter Summary: You were destined to be another Alpha in your family...so why does the test say you're an Omega?
Chapter Warnings: 18+ Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Omegaverse, A/B/O, age-gap, vaginal medical examination, inspired by the tragedy and abuse of the Trouble Teen Industries in America.
Pairing: Alpha!Henry Cavill X Omega!Reader
Word Count: 7k
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Inspiring Song: The Dog Days By Florence & The Machine
Author Notes:
★Please if you have been affected by the trouble teen industry scroll down and click one of the links at the bottom of the fic. I cannot promise they will help but I can promise it's always an option to try. 💙 You may have seen this fic posted before.
★I have had to repost this story because my old account had been shadow banned.
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April 15th 2023, 13:00pm, Trinity, California, America.
“Holy shit, holy shit, no, no, no!” You sobbed.
To the light of your bathroom you held a plastic stick test, it’s tip was soaked in your urine. Five other tests were on the floor around your feet, all positive; all Omega.
You couldn’t believe this, your whole life you had heard on repeat over and over “Alpha, Alpha, you are an Alpha.”
Her parents were both Alphas which meant you were supposed to be an Alpha!
The possibility of being an Omega for you had to be less than six percent. The last Omega in your family was your great-great-grandmother on your mother’s side or some distant shit like that. Your aunts and uncles were all Alphas.
Your family have always told you that “to be an Omega is to be a waste of time. A curse. A weak link of society.”
Omegas were submissive, obedient, they were at home looking after pups or in the hospital at the nursery or at daycares looking after loud, slobbering toddlers.
Your family were strongly built, they were made of soldiers, police officers, construction developers, political leaders and company CEO’s. Not pathetic, whiney housewives. Omegas were “too emotional” for those bigger fields.
Currently you were seeing your whole world and way of life swirling down the toilet bowl as you flushed it. You wanted to stay in college and study to be a high paid vet! Now you were risking being sent to a correctional centre or foreign country with extra distant family and forced to knit and paint until finally sold off to a partner or a birthing centre for science.
You sobbed harder before finally vomiting over the toilet bowl induced by the overwhelming stress.
Laying your cheek on the seat you glanced at your phones time and cringed. Your mother would be home any minute! Picking up each test, you considered snapping them in half and clogging the toilet up with them, but what was the point? When scent was in the picture evolution was the final bitch...
Looking at the many smiley faces in your hands you felt like they were mocking you, laughing at your further misery. Normally you would have gotten angry, but now…instead you were consumed by hopelessness and sadness.
You cried and cradled the pee tests to your chest. Stumbling out of the bathroom you floated to your side table and laid the tests down. You slumped and crawled into your bed, beneath your covers, you hugged the duvets and sniffled.
“W-worst day ever,” you whimpered and whined over and over, muffled by the softness of your pillows.
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April 15th 2023, 16:30pm, Trinity, California, America.
“Y/N! Come down here young lady!” Your mother called from the kitchen.
Your eyes flashed open, You were wrapped in a tumble of your sheets and blankets. Your mother must’ve just come just gotten home, she was always so busy with her corporate work. You hadn’t seen your dad in two weeks since his overtime in the city bank.
Who were you to complain? It paid for everything you had ever known...You just wished some money could’ve bought times you missed or never experienced with your family...
You could hear her call again, firmer this time around.
You groaned and dragged yourself up from your bed and down the stairs. Your stomach growled, you were starved...hungry. You looked at your phone again and squinted at the time...four hour long nap.
You wondered what your mother was planning to cook or if she was just going to order another pizza, her cooking sucked if you were being honest...
Stepping into the kitchen your mother was kicking off her leather shoes and ripping her suit blazer over the counter. She looked angry, god why was she so pissed now? What had you done this time?
“What did I say about boys?” She snapped over her shoulder. She slammed the medical cabinet shut and frantically popped a suppressant and painkiller. She swallowed them dry and grunted, clenching a fist and held up an accusing finger at you.
Sure she had every right to be grumpy. It was your job to complete chores while you studied at home. Laundry hadn’t been folded and dishes hadn’t been put away from the dish washer.
But to be mad about boys? Now that, you didn’t understand the sudden burst of tone.
You felt your body loosen and turn icy, your skin covered in goosebumps.
Your mother was furiously popping a second pill before her when you shivered, “D-don’t bring boys over.”
She sneered, her canines flashing; her eyes identical to yours, glared you down.
Stepping around you to the pantry cupboards, she whipped out an air freshener and dosed the room in a scent of lavender…only to be clouded by hormonal pheromones again...the lavender was defenceless against the smell.
You felt the air grow painfully heavy as your mother hissed and sprayed the can out, before furiously slamming onto the counter and slamming the cupboards shut.
“Then why the fuck do I smell an omega?!” her sharp nail pointed to the ceiling and she began yelling as though there was someone upstairs she was calling to, “You tell that bloody boy to get out before I haul his goddamn omega ass out onto the fucking sidewalk!”
Omega…She thinks I brought an omega over…She smells…me…omega…I’m an omega…no…no…
“M-mum…I don’t have a b-boy over,” You stepped from side to side nervously and wrung your hands.
Your mother pinched the bridge her of nose and sighed, “Well Y/N…I didn’t know you were into girls,” gently reaching out, she pulled back your silk cap, releasing your protected hair, “…but she needs to leave.”
 Your mother’s fingers touched your cheek, she flinched at the heat in your face, you were boiling. It was then that colour started to fade from her face.
“Mom, please-” Before you could explain that you were the cause of the flooding scent, she marched her way up stairs and slammed open your bedroom door where a giant wave of humid Omega scent flew out.
No…no! Mom! Stop! No!
Your voice was silent, your lips shut in a worried grimace.
As you ran up the stairs after her, you could hear your mother’s high pitched scream.
April 15th 2023, 17:45pm, Trinity, California, America.
The hospital was…cold…the air-conditioning peltsd down on your neck, it made you want to snuggle deeper into your sweater, it might’ve been spring and warming up but you felt so hot and cold and you knew the soft material is what you needed.
Your mother was trembling just as hard as you were. Her knee was bouncing hard and she.keot wiping her mouth and checking her phone. Your father wasnt responding to any of her texts or calls.... you couldn’t tell if your mother was experiencing fear, rage even …disappointment. She hadn’t let you touch her ever since she found all the positive Omega tests. When you tried to hold her hand, she growled at you from the back of her throat.
It hurt your feelings badly.
You craved touch, you needed support, you needed your mum, you needed affection.
The waiting room was almost empty, the only other people was an Omega man with his pup in a sling while his Alpha wife continued to protectively touch their baby’s forehead. You stared at the baby though… pups…where are my pups?...
“Y/N Y/L/N?” an English accent cut through the train of thought on the baby. In the doorway to the hall, a tall doctor was looking between you and the couple. When you stood up, with your mother hot on your tail, he smiled and led your both to his office.
Awkwardly you sat down onto a waiting chair next to the doctors desk. Taking a deep breath you could smell the scent of Alpha and hand sanitiser. The overwhelming senses made you feel slightly nauseas.
Your mother sat beside you with an annoyed sigh, she lifted her hand out to the doctor to shake it, “Y/M/N, Mrs Y/L/n, Y/N's mother.”
The doctor gave a side glance at her reaction and then looked at you with a soft smile.
He strained in his professional British tone, “Hello Mrs Y/L/N, I’m Doctor Cavill.”
After the two Alphas acquainted themselves he finally sat in his wheeley chair and regarded you.
“What can I help you with today Miss Y/L/N?” he smiled.
You noticed how he looked so clean, and was built like a brickhouse, he smelt like an Alpha. The rooms light glinted on his medical wrist band proclaiming him as his blood type and confirming his own scent.
Behind his spectacles, his eyes were kind, made of two colours, blue and his left eye had a tip of brown…it was merely something you saw...his smile was warm like a freshly baked cookie. Oh god…you was aroused.
You didn’t realise your weren’t answering his question when he stared at you. Your mother finally answered.
“She smells like an Omega.”
Such a dirty word...Omega...you cringed.
....goddess...please don’t let me be a homely sulk.
The Doctor then turned his attention away and pursed his lips and lifted a single brow at your mother, “Is something wrong with that?”
The older woman scoffed and rose her voice to a humiliating state. Your heart was beating fast, your cheeks were heating up and you tried sinking further into the seat. Your nose dug into the woollen shoulder of your sweater. What you would give to be allowed to hide away from this situation.
“Her father and I are both pure blooded Alphas! How can this happen!? The last omega we had was my great-grandmother and that’s it!”
Doctor Cavill sighed calmly as he took off his glasses and placed them on his desk. He folded his arms and stood from his desk, “I see, well then Mrs Y/L/N, please step outside to the waiting room. I will need to conduct a blood and vaginal test.”
Your mother obviously huffed and grumbled about ‘how unprofessional’ and ‘surely I can stay’.
Even now you wanted her to leave with her hostile attitude. Luckily there was no way a female Alpha would argue with a male Alpha. When the door shut though it felt strange. All the heavy tension in the room lifted off of your chest. You felt instantly calmer and made it easier to breathe.
The doctor sat back into his desk chair and crossed a leg over another casually.
“So…” he smiled, “How do you feel Miss Y/L/N?”
You gulped slightly and shakily answered, “Everything is smelling sweeter than normal,” you hated the scent of hand sanitiser but now it was something you wanted to shove up your nose.
If it blocked out every other scent from the dust on the walls to the chocolate in the vending machine outside to the scent of the alpha right in front of you…You would drink it all down.
“No,” he chuckled, pushing back from his desk and started rummaging through his desk for medical items, “I mean, are you okay? Are you stressed or scared, or are you alright? I can always get a cup of water for you. But we need to take your blood first.”
You shook your head and tucked your neck deeper down into your sweater. Your fingers felt the scratchiness of the wool. You nodded and slipped the material off over your head and folded it neatly onto the chair your mother sat.
“I’m terrified,” you confessed, your voice choked up, “I don’t want to be an Omega, I hope this is just a stupid puberty flux…maybe it’s a flip!”
It wasn’t uncommon for this situation to happen. Hormones can sometimes Flip and shows signs for the two other blood types, sometimes blood has become contaminated due to high iron levels or too much sugar intake. Diabetes were always Flipping the board. There were a million things that could cause a Flip in the hormonal pool.
“There’s nothing wrong with being an Omega you know,” the doctor commented sternly, holding up a needle, changing the needle point while you choked.
You felt unusually insulted, “Everything is wrong with being an Omega, I won’t get the job I want and I won’t be allowed to come to parties with my friends, I’ll be stuck home with a…a…a fucking baby. Or sent to a breeding farm! I heard about the science experiments conducted on pregnant Omegas in the camps.”
The doctor turn abruptly at yoj and narrowed his eyes at you, he appeared offended. What does he need to be offended about, he’s an Alpha!
But his frown became a smirk, “You’re aware they are safetly committed with the Omegas consent?”
 He patted the medical chair in the centre of the room, “But whatever case, what do you want to do Career wise?” he asked while you crawled up atop of the tall chair and let him pull up your sleeve and wipe the alcohol on your arm.
“I want to be a vet,” you winced as the needle broke through your skin. You looked away from the bubbling blood being sucked up through the tube.
As he pulled away and capped the needle tip he asked, “Ever thought about midwifery?”
“I don’t like babies,” you snorted ignoring how desperately you were yearning to have one of your own ten minutes ago, “They’re so uncomfortable to be around. And I don’t want to listen to a screaming woman in labour.”
You noticed the movement in his shoulders as they slumped, he nodded and you felt like you were failing an unspoken test. You felt a rising anxiety, you growled to yourself, it’s just a hormonal Flip.
“Fair enough,” Doctor Cavill said off handily, he sealed up your blood tube in a plastic bag and started to write your details. The pen cap lazily hung from his lips. He looked like he smoked…he didn’t smell like it though, maybe it was the way he stood. His scent was so easy to smell and feel…you yearned to know if he could smell you. And to your tragic uncontrol, your underwear were rubbing rough against your sensitive areas, the fumes dragged out this needing slick that was sickening.
Being omega is disgusting, this is what they do all the time? Gross! GET ME SOME ALPHA HORMONES NOW.
You knew this had to be wrong, all the time you had been surrounded by alphas and you had been strong and confident like an alpha, maybe a little strategic like a beta. You were sure though you were alpha rather than beta and there was no possible way for you to present as a dormant omega for this long!
Normally Omegas presented at fucking fourteen to sixteen not your age!!
“How old are you Miss Y/L/N?”
“I’m eighteen,” You informed him of your birthday and he nodded, writing it down in the corner of the bag.
You were officially pissed off, crossing your arms you felt your eyes watering. “I want to be an Alpha or even a Beta,” You whimpered, “I can’t be an Omega, no way.”
The whimper…Shit! Stop whimpering you baby! Stop proving this point! Could you be anymore Omega!?
The doctor placed the test bag on his desk before gifting yoh a soft tissue “Have you taken a home determine test?” his hands settled onto his knees as he crouched down before you.
You broke out into a light sob and nodded, “ugh huh, I took six different ones…all positive for Omega.”
The doctor smiled sadly and handed you the box of tissues he had on his desk. A nurse came knocking barely after you had started. It made you feel puny when you couldn’t stop yourself from crying. You felt helpless, why couldn’t they just get you some alpha hormones already?
“Please take this to the test room,” he asked the nurse, handling a plastic bag with your needle inside.
Doctor Cavill let you cry as long as you wanted and reminded you that it wasn’t a hundred percent if you were an Omega yet.
The doctor rubbed your back and cleared his throat. From a draw below your feet he pulled out a green plastic cape, “Miss Y/L/N would you like to step into the bathroom there and remove your bottoms? Put the gown on?”
Time to get the vaginal confirmation that you were tighter than a needle hole. You pushed his hand away. God he sounded patronising, even if he was being merely polite about the events unfolding you took it as a personal attack, an underlying “You’re a weak omega, deal with it!”
No! I’m not an Omega!
Things were escalating to quickly; you barely realised the conclusions you were leaping to and how dramatic you were pushing with these emotions. You sniffed hard and snapped at him, “Can’t I just take my pants off now?”
Doctor Cavill shifted back uncomfortably, he grit his teeth and scrunched up his eyes, “I merely am offering a more comfortable option,” he clapped his hands, “But you may if you wish, have you ever attended a gynaecologist for a papsmear?” he asked as he got his tools ready from another draw.
You leaped off the chair and slammed yout foot down.
“Duh!” You yelled, kicking your shoes off, and shoving your pants down, You were furious. Moodswings was a popular symptom of Flips.
“I just want to get this over with. Mum is so pissed off. Can’t wait for some fucking A-pills,” you grumbled, leaning back into the chair and spread your legs apart…normally yoh did this with a female doctor but right now you were too impatient to request a woman and you needed to know how fucked up your Flip was and how long would you be experiencing it and how powerful would the drugs be.
You couldn’t even stand the look your mother gave you when she held up the positive determine tests with horror.
The doctor cleared his throat again, snapping white gloves onto his hand and over his wrist band. He squirted a tube of lube over his hands and over the speculum, lining it up to your vagina and pushed it inside slowly, “Miss Y/L/N, please relax for me.”
You huffed to yourself. I am fucking relaxed! -No you’re not, you’re a bad omega, obey him!
The metal was cold inside of you but you were looking forward to the results: Alpha, Alpha, Alpha, I am Alpha.
He took a flashlight and shone the light down your passage, looking down at your inner muscles, “How often do you practise sexual intercourse Miss Y/L/N?” looking up at you from your fuzzy pussy.
Shit, the scent was strong, it was so sweet like maple syrup and honey but sweeter…lick me. Oh fuck please alpha please please.
You shook your head and blushed, “N-never, I’ve only masturbated. So…last papsmear I only came in to make sure I didnt have a yeast infection.”
You swallowed hard, your head felt hot and you swore yoj could feel cold sweat dripping down, “Am I an Alpha or Beta?”
The doctor dipped two rubber fingers inside of you, patting down and around inside You. And suddenly his eyes widened, he gently slipped out his fingers and the cold speculum out. On his fingers was blood…oh shit…
“You may sit up and dress Miss Y/L/N, “The doctor set his tools and gloves into a silver tray. You trembled…what were you? A or B?
He was washing his hands in the sink right beside your head as you bit your lips and tugged up your undies and jeans back up. The room was so quiet, the only noise was the sinks running water and the air conditioner. You shivered and sniffled.
Doctor Cavill’s shoulders were low, he turned his head and faced you. Twisting his fingers together he shook his head, “Miss Y/L/N,” he started with a long exhaled breath, “You’re days away from your first Estrus.”
The earth dropped and the moon broke and the stars were dimmed…“What do you mean Estrus!?” yoj questioned. Tears spurted from your eyes again. Gagged by nature.
No fucking way. Yes way.
“‘Heat’, an Omega will go into Estrus or commonly known as Heat while an Alpha will go into Oestrus commonly known as a ‘Rut’,” Doctor Cavill tried explain only for the blood to boil out of you and make you scream at him.
“I know what it is! I must be going into Oestrus, n-not an estrus, I can’t be an Omega, doctor! Ch-Check again!”
Sweat trailed from your face down your neck, your heart was punching your insides, seeking an escape through your ribcage.
When you tried undoing your pants again, The doctor tore your hands away and took your wrists up, he was breathing harshly through his nose, “Miss Y/L/N I’m going to have to ask you to sit down and take a deep breath. Listen to me.”
You shook your head over and over, you couldn’t believe it! You were beginning to sob hard, choking on tears.
You wailed, “No, no, no, please doctor, please!”
Out of the depth of the doctor’s chest came a stern growl, “Sit. Down. Now. Or I will have to restrain and sedate you.”
Your body was out of control, you didn’t want to sit but your arse met the chair cushion anyway.
Good omega.
The doctor huffed, shaking his head with disappointment, your head flinched down, cowering and humiliated. You felt apologetic, but this wasn’t the real you!!
“Good girl,” he praised, he handed you a paper cup filled with water from the sink, “Now drink.”
The water was gulped down in a heartbeat, yoh needed the refreshment even if you didn’t want it, your doctor nodded, “That’s it.”
As you sipped on some more water the nurse from earlier stepped inside and handed the doctor a sheet of paper. The blood results… You shook on the spot, your red face panicking.
“Pl-please,” you choked on the water slightly, clearing your sore throat, you sniffled, “What does it say?”
There was still a chance, maybe he was wrong; maybe this was just a intense Oestrus that was causing you to bleed. Maybe it was so strong your vaginal walls were stabbing themselves, seeking out an omega cock to claim.
Cavill looked from you to the parchment a few times, he shook his head. He held out the medical sheet to you and pointed to a positive cross.
The world went silent even as he was talking to you…it was a distant noise. Static.
“Miss Y/L/N, you are as I had diagnosed, Omega positive,” he scratched his neck gland gently, “You are days away from your first Estrus. I will give you a choice to either battle through it with medical aids or medical suppressants.”
You dropped the paper and the cup, the shock was as cold as ice. You felt weak, your arms numb, your eyes rolled back and your mouth lulled open. Your life was completely over.
You were Omega...and you fainted.
April 16th 2023, 1:25am, Trinity, California, America.
When you woke up, you were delirious. The world wouldn’t stop twisting and turning. Above you was a bright light, you cringed away and whimpered. There was a mean bite at your wrist.
You felt cold, washed out. Your body was laid out and angled up a slight. Your cheek rubbed into the soft hospital pillow. You smelt blood, so much metallic salt in the air. And your stomach was viciously growling. You peered down and noticed what was pinching your wrist. Handcuffs. You were handcuffed to the railing of the hospital bed!
Clearing your eyes, you noted how you were surrounded by three blue curtains. One was quick to open, making you jump.
The nurse from earlier smiled at you eagerly, her Beta tag was super shiny in the light, forcing you to blink rapidly, “Oh look, you’re awake. Can you please tell me your full name sweetheart?”
When you sat up you moaned out your entire name.
Before you could ask about the handcuffs being removed, the nurse smiled and held up a torch.
“Wonderful, now I am gonna need to shine a little light in your eye, can you please look into the corner of the ceiling dear?”
Doing as you were told, it was quick and over as soon as it had begun. The nurse was pleased, “Fabulous, right, I’ll be right back, Doctor Cavill needs to have a chat with you.”
“B-but my hand…”
Ignoring you, the nurse left.
Something was clearly off. Why did they handcuff you!? You started to tug at the chain, feeling anxiety seep deep and activate a sense of fight or flight. The curtains reopened. And in stepped the doctor.
He grinned and nodded his head to you, “Hello there Y/N, how are we?”
You weren’t amused in the slightest, quick with retort, “Chained to a bed rail.”
He smiled and whipped out a key, uncuffing you from the bed. You cradled your wrist rubbing the ring indent in your skin, murmuring ‘thankyou’.
Your stomach loudly purred, extinguishing the level of discomfort you wanted to send the doctor. “…and hungry.”
“I’ll tell the nurse to get you some jello,” he chuckled, rubbing his hands. Just as he was to leave, you launched yourself forward and caught his medical coat, “Wh-where’s my mom?”
He softly assured you, “She is just sitting in my room, we were discussing options after I showed her and your father your blood results.” Oh…dad…oh jesus…he finally was here.
You suspected your father to have been incredibly furious. How much furniture did he break?
“You…” you paused, “options…” You gulped and smiled at the doctor, “….I want suppressants...as soon as possible.” They would surely fix everything! You could have some and go have a coffee with your friends tomorrow.
“Not those kind of options…” He sighed and perched himself near your feet at the foot of the bed.
That was a weird answer…what does he mean? Could they change my DNA? Could they turn me into an Alpha.
You had heard of some new sciences like that coming in. The ability to change your DNA genome...
“What other types are there?” you laughed hesitantly.
When he didn’t answer you, It was like the air grew icy and heavy…there’s a reason they kept you chained like a bitch.
There was only one other option....a correctional institution. You felt sick, your hungry belly was replaced with nausea. Your nose sniffled.
“I want to see my mom,” you gulped and moved to slip out of the bed. The medical gown was scratchy against your skin, you started to feel worse, your fingers scrunched up and unravelled. Your body felt dizzy when you stood up to quickly. The doctor attempted to block your way when you peeled back the curtain to many empty beds and a single door with a sign above it...
 “Farewell room.”
No, no, fuck, no! Where’s mom and dad!
You ran at the door and shook at the handle, but it was locked. You couldn’t breathe, you were locked in with the doctor. You couldn’t escape. The floor cleaner and bright lights were clouding your senses, blinding you and burning your nostrils.
You ripped a heavy breath, not thinking it would be so painful after holding it in too long.
I won’t cry, no, no crying!
“Y/N I’m going to need you to calm down,” the doctor informed you setting his hands over your shoulders, you were fast to slap them away. You lowly growled at him and bared your teeth ferally.
Don’t you fucking touch me!
When it clicked at the severe reaction you had made especially to an alpha, you felt instant regret and guilt, you choked on more tear and buried your head into the doctors chest. His heart was beating fast too, but not like your rabbit pounding blood.
“N-no,” she cried, “I want my mommy!”
You felt the doctor soothingly rub his hand over your head and down your back. He hushed you until you were just a whimpering woman.
The door unlocked, and finally…“Y/N…” your mother spoke out to you.
You snapped back around and saw her and your father beside the door. Your father barely came inside, his lips curled in, disappointed, disgusted and silent.
A desperate and hopeful smile came to your face, your hands reached out, “Mom!”
But the older woman just stood back from you...she was keeping distance purposely. The closer you reached and sought her, the more she distanced herself and stood closer to the door.
“M-mom? H-hug me…” you begged, “pl-please mom?”
She sighed and looked away from you, refusing to look you in the eye. Shame.
“Doctor Cavill, your father and I believe it is best if you…go away for sometime,” she clutched her own arms, “…where people can help you.”
You did not see it that way at all, and you just knew she was lying out of her arse. She was getting rid of you...betraying you...disowning you....
“I don’t need to be helped,” you sniffled and smiled, “I just-just need some suppressants.”
“Y/N,” she seethed through her gritted teeth, “Go with the nice nurses.”
“M-mommy, please,” you begged pathetically and got to your knees on the cold tiled floor, “Please don’t do this!”
“STOP!” your mother screamed, “You are making a scene!” she rolled her eyes and turned around to leave, “You will go to ‘Saint Selene’s School For Adolescent Omega.’ We may see you during the summer.” And slammed the door closed.
You flinched at the cracking bang that echoed your ears.
You ran to the door and found it locked, you pounded the window with your fists and screamed out, “D-don’t leave me, please don’t leave me Dad!…M-Mummy!” your parents did not look back as they walked away, abandoning their only child.
Their backs and bodies continued to get smaller and smaller the further they walked. The sight broke your heart and soul. The concept of betrayal could not be clearer. Your breath clouded the glass, your tears slid down and tapped onto the floor, onto your naked feet.
Doctor Cavill’s hand reached out and wrapped around your bicep, trying to tug you back from the door.
“Come on,” he said.
 You shouted, “Let go of me!”
When he did not, you snarled and noticed a lonely pen on the end of a bed frame with a clip board. You grabbed it and jabbed his forearm. The blue ink spattered across his skin while he yelled in pain.
“Get the fuck off of me!” you squealed again and held up the pen with both hands, take a few steps back from the now pissed off Doctor. The sound of the door opening again had your heart rushing.
To your massive disappointment, it was the nurse who was shocked by the scene unfolded. Now you were totally surrounded.
“Put the weapon down!” the beta demanded, holding up her own hands in defence, “Now.”
“Calm,” was the word you heard the doctor say beside your ear, before pressing your back into him, grasping your jaw and finally feeling an incredibly long sting in your neck followed by the unusual flow of liquidised drugs into your body, “calm.”
You were scared, unsure of what was going into your body, your chest thundered with your beating heart until it was like you blinked and everything relaxed. Your body felt instant exhaustion and peace...you snapped back and fell back against his chest.
“Calm...” he whispered, “Calm...”
The last thing you heard...
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angryschnauzer · 2 years
By The Waning Crescent Moon
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Summary: As an Omega you know you need to get home before your Heat starts, but when your car breaks down in the woods you need to seek refuge somewhere safe... surely a Convent will be the best place? Little do you know the nuns have long since left, only to be replaced by the worst possible thing; a pack of Werewolves. Even worse, its a full moon. Fandom: Henry Cavill, Sand Castle - Movie.
Wordcount: 4949
Pairing: Alpha Werewolf Syverson x Omega Female reader (no race or body type specified)
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Smut, Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Unprotected Sex, Desecration of Religious artefacts, Knotting, Werewolf Sex, Monsterfucking, Unplanned Pregnancy, ABO Dynamics
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll then get an alert each time i post something new. My AO3 also has my entire back catalogue of stories (going back to 2013).
Henry Cavill Masterlist
A/N: This story has been stuck in WIP hell for a couple of months, i originally got psyched to write an entire werewolf gangbang, but then all the bullshit in the USA happened and yeah, forced pregnancy wasn’t at the forefront of everyone’s to do list, even in fanfic. Furthermore the wolf gang was originally going to be a biker gang, but another amazing writer @sillyrabbit81​ has since launched a truly amazing biker gang reverse harem fic, i decided to shelve that idea and instead sit on the original thought of werewolves for a while. I then had inspiration to make this a Syverson story, so here we go. The Were sex scene is heavily inspired by the graveyard scene between Lucy and Dracula in Bram Stokers Dracula movie, which in my opinion is one of the greatest creature feature/monsterfucking movies in the history of cinema.
By the Waning Crescent Moon
You waited at the stop light, the remote intersection of two highways high up in the hills of logging country. It was dusk, yet the sky was hidden behind obsidian clouds, heavy rain systems waiting to release their downpours in sporadic outbursts. Despite the cold rain dulling the summer evening, you were burning up. You’d stopped at the last gas station and had stocked up on a huge slush drink and a popsicle, but neither had done anything to quell the growing warmth within your body. Sat in your flimsy sundress you were at least grateful that in a moment of optimism that morning you’d dressed for good weather, even if you’d spent the day wrapped in the cardigan you’d found on the back seat. However now as you felt a droplet of sweat make its way down your neck and cleavage, you cursed and opened the window, grateful for the cool damp air against your skin.
The red light finally changed and you muttered under your breath to yourself as you pushed your old Nissan into gear;
“C’mon, lets get home” you said to no-one except yourself.
The highway grew narrow as it entered the woods, just a single lane in each direction, tall cedar trees closing in on both sides. The rain wasn’t as heavy beneath the thick canopy above you, instead there were wisps of mist clinging to the roadway’s edge. 
As you continued along you felt the first pang of pain in your stomach, a cramp that grew with intensity like an old lightbulb trying to illuminate but suddenly extinguishing.
“Oh fuck…” you cursed, resting your hand on your stomach as you rubbed to ease the ache. You drove on cautiously, ignoring the rattle that was emanating from the engine, your mind elsewhere. You had only finished your last period a little over a week ago so it wasn’t that. You could feel another cramp starting to build, your concentration far from the road. That was more than likely the reason you didn’t notice the pothole, the car shook and the suspension made a deafening thunk as you hit the flooded crater without pause. With a scream you pulled your full attention back to the road, ignoring the cramp pulling at your gut as you struggled to keep the car on the road, slowing gradually until you were able to pause. The sudden understanding hit your mind as the realisation of what was happening registered. You scrambled for your phone, opening the calendar and scrolling back to the cold winter months. 
A cold chill ran down your back like icy fingers against your spine. Six months. Almost to the day. Six months since your last heat.
“Shit fuck FUCK” you shouted at the rain splattered windows. How could you have missed it? As another cramp hit your stomach you curled over and rested your head against the steering wheel, at which moment your phone chimed. Peering out of one eye you looked at the screen and the reminder that had just popped up;
*Heat starting soon!!!*
“Yes, THANK YOU. 24 hours too late”
As an unmated Omega you set yourself reminders for when your heat was due, coming every six months you generally made arrangements to work from home, and ensure you loaded your purse with suppressants and painkillers so to deal with the build up. It would seem this time however you hadn’t set the reminder early enough, as you had neither medication with you, but would also explain the hot sweats and the reason you’d woken up that morning tangled in the sheets after dreaming of faceless intimacy. 
With a sigh you wiped the sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand, before peering out of the windshield at the dark and twisting road. Engaging first gear you set off but were immediately reminded that something terminal had happened when you’d hit the hole in the asphalt, your car now leaning on the kerbside. For a moment you considered calling for a tow truck, but then the rapidly failing rational side of your brain reminded you that the truck would likely be driven by a man, and the last thing you needed when you were about to come into heat was to risk being stuck with an Alpha you didn’t know. No, you needed to try and limp your car home, at least close enough to town that you could call your roommate to come help, she’d know exactly what to do.  You made it a good couple of miles at a slow pace, the road straight and gently downhill, until a hairpin bend meant you had to sharply turn the wheel. Something loudly went ‘twang’ like a spring being violently recoiled. It was quickly followed by the sound of hissing air, and the car dropped even further on the kerbside. The tell-tale thud-thud-thud of a flat tyre could be heard as you freewheeled to the side of the road, before coming to a stop on the gravel side of the highway.
You took a deep breath and let out a scream, yelling at the windshield, before your stomach cramps hit back again. They were getting closer together and you knew you needed help. Checking your phone hopefully you were still disappointed when you saw that there was still no service, more than likely due to a combination of location and the bad weather. With a sigh you stared out of the windshield and you noticed a sign on a wall;
“The Sisters of St Augustus’ Refuge” you paused, the synapses in your brain firing and finally connecting; “A CONVENT! That’s just women!”
Climbing out of your car you grabbed your purse and cardigan, holding the latter over your head in a vain attempt to keep the worst of the rain off as you started to trot up the long driveway towards the building that loomed on the horizon. You failed to notice the other sign that lay on the ground, one put up by the real estate company handling the sale of the building but has since fallen.
The driveway was considerably longer than you anticipated, and by the time you were halfway your pace had slowed, your cramps now even worse. The large wooden doors of the convent came into view as you staggered closer, the rain and sweat mixing and running into your eyes, blurring your vision. You stumbled, your no longer white Converses catching on a pebble, righting yourself before you fell flat on your face. Another two steps and another pebble, you were falling when suddenly a pair of arms caught you, the dark robes fluttering in the storm as you blacked out.
Sy sat back in his chair, his boots resting on the large table as he picked at his nails with one long claw, being able to control the change to his advantage. Walter was pacing the room, pausing to glare at the clock on the wall before returning to pacing. Sy let out a small sigh, the entire pack was antsy, anxious and ready for the turn of the full moon, however this summer storm obscuring its silver rays was turning the pack into an angry mess. August had wisely disappeared into the depths of the building and Sy was thankful for that, he and Walter would always argue over the smallest thing. Sy also glanced at the clock, his stomach growling;
“Where is Mikey with that takeout?” he muttered to himself.
A sudden increase in background noise caused both Sy and Walter to pause and look up, their nostrils flaring. August entered the room from the door that led to the private quarters, just as the large double doors to the chapel opened. The two youngest members of the pack came bustling in, Will holding the doors open as Mikey staggered along, his long black duster raincoat still dripping with rain, a now soaked bag of takeout hanging from one hand, but what caught everyone’s attention was what else he was carrying; a young woman.
The room fell into an eerie silence as Mikey stood still, waiting to gauge the reaction from the rest of the pack;
“I…I found… she passed out on the doorstep…”
There was a pause before everyone sprang into life, the men helping Mikey carry the unconscious woman in, Walter lifting her and setting her down onto the makeshift workbench they’d commandeered when they’d moved into the old building. 
Sy’s eyes widened before he cursed;
“Fuck…” he dragged his hand over his face before clearing his throat; “Aug, Walt, gotta talk. Will and Mike, make sure she’s ok”
August simply raised his left eyebrow before following, Walter trudging closely behind as Sy pushed the door partially closed behind them;
“Shit, this is the last thing we need, especially tonight…”
Walter nodded;
“I agree, whatever she’s doing here, we need to get her out of here before the storm passes”
August stood in the corner of the room, his silence eventually what drew the others attention;
“August, you’ve been uncharacteristically quiet on this” Sy questioned
“Maybe she’s not an Omega?” he simply shrugged; “Could just be lost or her car broken down”
“Then why is she unconscious and reek of heat scent?…” he paused… “And why…”
Sy fell silent, all three elder members of the pack’s attention rising to the tall stained glass windows, the pale light from the full moon spilling into the dark room as the clouds started to part. A simultaneous chorus of ‘fuck’ sounded around the room, before they started to change, the moonlight triggering the lupine curse within them. 
They grew broader, their shoulders filling out their shirts. Jaws clenched as canine teeth elongated. The flick of fire in their eyes started to burn as the silvery rays of moonlight spread throughout the room. At first they didn’t notice the wisp of orangey vapour that curled through the small gap in the door, but as it moved around the room like a lost serpent August was the first to notice;
“What the hell is that?”
Sy and Walter followed his gaze before noticing more tendrils of the vapour, watching as it sparkled gold and copper in the moonlight. Sy gritted his teeth and pushed back the urge to fully transform, the skill he’d accomplished once he became the full Alpha leader of the pack;
“Stay here” he all but growled, stalking towards the mist and out into the hall, the sight before him stopping him in his tracks.
The young woman was awake, but was clinging to Will as she nuzzled against his neck. One of her hands curled through Mikey’s hair, pulling him to the other side of her neck. Wisps of orange vapour curled around them, seemingly emanating from her.
“BOYS!” Sy barked, both younger men trying to turn to the pack elder, but looked punch drunk.
“Uncle Sy…” Mikey muttered; “She’s… there’s something…”
Sy crossed the room lightning fast, pulling both younger men from her grasp before pushing them into a ray of moonlight as it spilt in through a side window, knowing that although the moon would turn them, it would also clear whatever was happening due to the vapour from their minds. August and Walter helped the two boys up, both elders now having almost completed their transformations, the younger turning as they stood. Sy gritted his teeth again and pushed back the urge to transform, knowing four, five full Were’s would destroy this young woman, and that someone needed to find out what the hell was happening;
“August, Walter, take Will and Mikey, go run, go hunt, anything, get all of you out of here”
The other’s paused, seemingly torn between the draw of the full moon and the pull of the young woman, but as Sy turned and growled, his eyes flashing golden they finally retreated. 
Sy listened, his acute hearing picking up four sets of padded feet running across the gravel driveway and into the woods, before he turned to her;
“What the hell am i going to do with you?”
You sat on the hard surface, the blanket beneath you doing little to pad out the cold stone underneath as you watched the hulk of a man approach. You could immediately tell he was an Alpha, strong and virile, he was extremely broad with thick arms and thighs, he seemed to be 250lbs of solid muscle. Beneath the scowl on his face you could see stormy blue eyes that sometimes had a flash of gold in them, and hints of red in his thick beard. Your entire body was sweating, desperate for the touch of an Alpha. The two young Alpha’s you hadn’t been able to control yourself from scenting with had done a little to sate the heat hunger burning within you, but as this beast approached you your body burned for him.
Reaching for him your body immediately calmed the moment your hands grasped at his muscled forearms, breathing in his scent as he looked you over. When he spoke his voice was deep but soft;
“Miss, i gotta ask, but what are you?”
“Just an Omega… and i fucked up, my heat started…”
“Then why’d you come in here?”
“It said it was a convent… Nuns are women… i woulda been safe here…”
The man let out a long sigh;
“Oh honey… this wasn’t a convent of Nuns… it was a refuge for Moon Makers” he looked you up and down; “They shouldn’t have put ya on the altar…”
You were confused, you had heard the term Moon Maker before but it was so long ago you couldn’t recall exactly where. It was as if it had been a whisper you’d eavesdropped as a child, of something mothers and aunts had gossiped about with a sense of sordid envy. 
Before you could dwell on that thought the storm outside blew wild, the crack of a tree could be heard and as it fell to the ground it let in a stream of moonlight right to where you lay. Bathed in the silver light the tendrils of orange mist started to swirl with vigour, and the Alpha before you let out a groan;
“Sugar, i gotta see the mark…”
He pushed you back as he stood between your legs, his large hands on your thighs as they crept beneath your short summer dress, pushing it up until your panties were visible and the fabric of your dress was bunched around your waist. His nostrils flared as he picked up your scent, the dark patch of wetness between your legs drawing him like a moth to the flame, but instead he hooked his thumb over the waistband of your underwear and tugged them down just a little until he saw your birthmark on your hip.
“The waning crescent…” he muttered
“What’s… huh? Moon Makers… Waning Crescent… I don’t understand” you were struggling to concentrate through the heat cramps, pulling the Alpha closer to you as you’d wrapped your legs around his thighs.
“Moon Makers are a special kind of Omega… the only one’s strong enough to bear the pups of a Were… the waning crescent is the shape of the birthmark they carry… shaped that way as if you breed on a full moon you’ll know if you’re carrying the pups by the time of the next waning crescent… It’s old lore, there hasn’t been a sighting of a Moon Maker for, well, almost twenty five years…”
You pulled him close, not even knowing this beast’s name, but were drawn to him. You hooked your nose beneath his chin, his soft beard rubbing against your face and you could feel him shake with restraint;
“You’re testing big Sy to the limits Sugar…”
“Sy…” you muttered, his name like a syrup on your tongue; “Sy… i’m still an Omega, and i need your help. This heat isn’t going away… i need you, as an Alpha”
Nodding, Sy cradled the back of your head. He knew what he needed to do. He just needed to get you through your heat, long enough to get you back to your home. He also had a secret, one that he’d brushed over many times when his brothers had joked about it, but an injury when he’d been in the army had meant he could no longer sire any pups with an Omega. It was something he and only he knew about, not even confessing this to Walter or August, and it had been safe in that knowledge that he’d been able to concentrate on leading the pack, without the distraction of offspring. Countless Omega’s had warmed his bed, but he’d insisted it was never the right time, not on a full moon, not the right point in their heat. Right now though, he needed to fight off his hind-brain, the part of him that wanted the Were to take over. He didn’t even consider things would be different with a Moon Maker.
He pressed his face to your neck, inhaling deeply against your scent gland, the soft dip in your clavicle, and let your scent wash over him. You were grinding against him, the slick in your panties dousing the front of his old combat pants, the thick cotton straining against his growing erection. His lips brushed against your neck as he spoke;
“Will you let me taste you? Get you ready with my tongue? Sugar… Omega, you want me to eat that pussy?”
“Sy… Alpha, please… I need it. I need you”
You were desperate; desperate for relief, desperate for pleasure. You watched as his massive hands curled around your panties as he gripped the thin cotton before with a low growl he tore the thin fabric to shreds. Licking his lips he fell to his knees between your legs, his face between your thighs as his tongue found heaven. That long thick tongue dove through your folds, lapping at your slick as he eagerly tasted your essence. Your hands fell to his head, the short buzz cut soft beneath your fingertips, but without anything to grip onto you felt lost, unable to anchor yourself. As if sensing your need Sy lifted one hand to yours, curling his fingers between your own as his piercing blue eyes never left yours, all whilst his tongue delved deep into your velvet channel. The more you cried out and wriggled the quicker he fucked you with his tongue, bringing you closer and closer to pleasure before with a final wide swipe of his tongue you came with a scream, calling out to the stars above as white hot pleasure coursed through your body and lifted your soul. Sy eagerly drank down your slick as it gushed from your channel, growling at the taste on his tongue before you finally fell back limp on the altar. 
He pressed a kiss to each of your inner thighs before he moved to stand, and you watched as he pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it aside, before unbuckling his pants and let them drop to the floor. Toeing off his boots he was standing naked before you, his cock hard and rigid, thick and uncut, the knot at the base already starting to swell. You had been with an Alpha before but never one as big as Sy was, he was almost grotesquely huge, his girth as eye watering as the length. It was an angry red, his skin flushed and he was already dripping with need;
“Omega, I need you as much as you need me, you gonna let me fill that pussy?”
You nodded, and as Sy stepped forwards you saw there was hesitation in his step;
“Sy… what is it?”
“You ever been with a Were Alpha before?”
“A Were?” you shook your head; “But i want to. I need you Sy…”
“Not sure how much longer i can hold back the change, gonna have to be quick”
“I don’t want it to be quick, i want you… all of you”
What you were agreeing to was unheard of usually, very few had ever been with a full Were, let alone a Were Alpha, you knew the pheromones could drive an Omega crazy; “Do what you need to do Alpha”
With a growl Sy pushed you back, his body covering your own as his hands grasped your wrists;
“Hold still Sugar… need to tie you down so you don’t go flying off the altar”
“Altar?! Tie me down?!”
Sy paused, his face inches from your own;
“Say so now and i’ll stop, otherwise you’ll get as you asked and i will ‘do as i need’”
Swallowing nervously you nodded, wide eyed as you watched him pull ceremonial silk ropes from two corners of the altar beneath the blanket, tying your wrists in place. You could see his fight against the change was already starting to wane, his eyes burning like fire as his elongated fingers ran down your torso before grasping at your hips. He knelt between your parted thighs, pulling you up his thighs until his tip was poised at your entrance, dousing the bulbous head with your copious slick. With a growl he pushed forwards, stretching your tight walls as he slowly filled you. The pressure in your belly was intense, a white hot heat surging through your body as your mouth fell open in a silent scream. With your back arched you struggled to let your body adjust to his size, but then you felt the rough brush of the blunt tip of a claw circle your clit, carefully teasing the sensitive pearl from beneath its hood. As the moonlight poured down over your joined bodies you felt Sy start to change, of the Were taking over.
You moved your hips, realising you were now completely stuffed with his thick cock and eager for more, opening your eyes you let out a gasp, he had changed fully. Covered in a thick layer of auburn brown fur, his body was that of a Greek mythical beast. Though his features had changed, you could still see the same eyes that had burned for you just moments before. Shoulders as wide as the altar you were being defiled upon, which continued into enormous arms, thick with muscle as massive hands gripped at your hips as he started to thrust into you. You could both watch as he filled you before pulling out and repeating, his angry red shaft glistening in the moonlight with your slick before he’d plunge deep into you again and again. Each thrust stretched you so well you knew you’d be ruined for any other man, Alpha or not. 
The pleasure coursed through your body, coming with a sudden force but the Were between your thighs just fucked you straight through it, now Moon drunk and high on the literal cloud of your scent surrounding the pair of you as you were carnally joined. With his biceps and forearms bulging the beast pulled you onto his thickening shaft repeatedly, his body arched as you were stretched on your tethers, legs bent at his thighs as you felt another orgasm chasing after the last. As your body squeezed him tight he let out a mighty roar, howling at the moon as you all but pushed yourself further onto him, your fragile body a plaything for his pleasure. Through the haze of lust and sin you felt the pad of his thumb move from your hip to brush over your birthmark, your gaze immediately drawn to his fiery eyes and you realised what would happen;
“Alpha, give me your knot, i’m ready”
With a growl the Were fucked into your plyable body harder and harder, pulling you to one final orgasm, and as that crested you felt the push and plug as he filled you, his seed pumping into you as his knot plugged you tight. Your scream echoed around the ancient chapel, and the world turned black.
A loud knocking at the door pulled Tina from her bed, glaring at the apartment as she strode through it, ready to give whoever dared disturb her at this ungodly hour of the morning a piece of her mind, but as she violently opened the door she was stopped in her tracks. In the morning light a hulk of a man stood on the doormat with you - her roommate - sleeping peacefully in his arms;
“Hey… I got her address from her driving licence”
Tina immediately scooped you into her arms, carrying you to the couch;
“Where has she been? Who are you?”
“Syverson… Her car broke down outside our place in the hills. She stayed out the storm with us but was up all night, she’s completely exhausted now”
Tina checked over your pulse and it was calm and steady, pulling at your eyelids which caused you to grumble and bat away her hands before you went back to snoring on the soft couch. Turning back to the giant Alpha currently standing in your doorway she held out her hand, to which Sy gently took it, surprised at how firm her handshake was;
“One of my brothers will bring her car back in the next couple of days if that’s alright? Got a lot on for the next two days”
“Yeah, that’s fine, but if i can take your number so i can check in, i know she drives a heap of crap but it’s still hers”
Tina watched as the enormous mountain of man carefully bent down and in neat cursive writing wrote his name and number onto the small notepad on the hallway console table, before ripping it off and handing it to her.
“I’ll… i’ll be going now”
Tina narrowed her gaze;
“You… you didn’t do anything to her, did you?”
Sy turned and met Tina’s glare;
“She spent the night” he turned and paused; “You might want to check her calendar, mentioned her heat is due soon” he let out a sigh before turning back to the doorstep; “Anyway, gotta go, the moon waits for no man…”
Tina watched him go, toying with the piece of paper as his truck pulled away, before she stashed it in her wallet.
A couple of weeks later you were irritable and snapping at anyone that crossed your path. The only thing that had gone right was your car had been returned to your apartment three days after your night in the hills, the suspension fixed, the engine running beautifully. It was like it’d had a complete overhaul by an entire team of mechanics. You weren’t going to question it as it was the one stable thing now in your life. The young guy that had dropped it off had practically thrown your keys into your hands, before sprinting off and climbing into a truck driven by someone that looked so similar he could have been a brother. You vaguely recognised them, but your only clear lingering memory of your time in the hills was Sy. You weren’t even sure how to even find him again, having taken drives through the forest a number of times but never able to find that same route again. 
That night you were hungry, pulling a pint of your favourite ice cream from the deep freeze. You stepped outside into the warm summer night to eat it on the pallet wood seating Tina had built on the porch outside your apartment, watching the fireflies float into the air. After a while she joined you, a beer in her hand as she sat down silently. She was your best friend and had helped you through so much, but she’d been very quiet for the past couple of weeks, almost avoiding you.
“Hey Tiny” you used her nickname, one she’d very much grown out of after 5th grade when she’d grown a foot taller than you in the space of the summer break; “Everything ok?”
“Yeah yeah, i’m good… how are you doing? You’ve been… different recently”
You stabbed at the ice cream before setting it aside;
“Haven’t felt that great to be honest. Not sure what’s up, thought my heat was coming a few weeks ago but it seemed to end abruptly after i got back from…”
Tina looked up at the sky and you followed her gaze, seeing the thin crescent of the moon;
“Looks kinda like your birthmark, the waning moon…”
She didn’t finish what she was saying as you’d suddenly bolted to the bathroom, your retching clearly audible. With a sigh she rested her elbows on her knees… fuck, what the hell had you gotten yourself into? She’d been able to tell that Syverson was a Were the second she’d opened the door, counting the days back on her fingers she finally realised that you’d been with him the first night of the full moon, when its at its most powerful, and how your heat hadn’t appeared, yet she’d been able to pick up your bonding scent as you’d slept on the couch. 
“What have you gotten yourself into?” she muttered to herself, the piece of paper in her wallet almost burning a hole in her pocket. She had sworn to your mother that she’d protect you, that she wouldn’t let you continue the Were bloodlines… but she’d failed. Now she had a decision to make… but first she’d go help you throw up, no doubt there would be another eight months of it to follow, the child within you already growing. 
Pulling the paper out she held it between her fingertips as she stood, heading towards the bathroom where you were, you had a phone call make.
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A Sires Bond chapter 1
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Summary: When your hopes for the future are destroyed and your soul mate rejects you, you are exiled into the woods for your heat. But instead of finding the cabin you flee into the dark sires wood; where all fear to tread. You soon realise that the old tales and the silly childhood rhyme was more then just silly prattle. The dark sire was real. And he was listening
Warnings : A/B/O, Adult themes, Werewolves/shifters au, Dark magic,Fluff?, Angst, swearing
A/N: so here is the start of another au. This one combining a few different ideas i have cut out of other fics in the past. So its like a melting pot of 'that doesnt fit there' anyway i hope you enjoy 🥰😘
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Images of them together crossed your mind as you staggered through the wood blinded by sorrow and grief. You ,oured the loss, your chest aching an invisible gaping wound as your mind replayed the scene pver and over. Him and her, their declaration of bonding and expectations of you to do your duty and povide for them what they cannot. To conceive and birth the next alpha but never raise it.
You sobbed, dry heaving into your hands as you fumbled through the thickets of the deep wood loosing your way in your temporary banishment. It was too much, you felt you would truley die, this pain was far to much to bare. You could bearly breath through it, yoh were only moving from the adrenaline of what had just transpired.
They were holding hands infront of the entire pack as the others cheered somewhat uncertainly, their eyes flickered to you. Forsaking an omega was rare, frowned upon even but not entirely unforgivable. Especially when its the soon to be alpha denying their mate.
Your maturity had finally come. And it came in the form of heat. Omega. It was daunting but not unexpected, you had all the signs of an omega, you were slight. Had a frail look to you. As if a harsh wind could carry you away. You suited your name. Willow. Unasuming and gentle. Dark hair, shy bookworm, wide pale eyes and very meek. Petite. Youd never consider yourself ugly. Well you didnt, not untill a few moments ago when your would be mate had tore yoh down so harshly, criticising you so cruely infront of everyone.
You always thought you had a unique look, oddly pleasing in a frail way. Lithe and slight like some type of pixie, yet refined beauty. Delicate is the word you used to describe yourself while gazing in to the mirror. You were delicate.
And then this happened. You matured and just like that you attained a the bond. At first you were happy. Ecstatic! You wanted to mate and be a mother. Ou did t even register your intended was the next alpha!
All you knew was you could npw create a nest and live your life as a mother. All omegas feel the pull but most do not untill they found their mate. However its something youd dreamt of. As a child and teen youd wanted your own pup. You helped watch over the younger ones as much as you could. Just enjoying spending time with the tiny pups as they toddled about. You were never happier then when you were surrounded by the packs newest editions reading stories and teaching them their letters and numbers.
Not that there were many. Despite being werewolves you couldnt produce more then one pup in your life. It stemmed from your creators. Its said your race was one never meant to be. The legend says that goddess luna had been bred with the great beast, the hound of hell himself. They had been inlove but the great beast had forced his pup into the luna. She had been terrified, the moon godess and hell hound? What beast would be the outcome? She panicked fretting day and night over the unborn worried over their fate. She almost lost the pregancy and for that the dhell hound cursed her.
This curse was one of true cruelty. The dark sire made it so luna will be barren after his seed had left her dead or alive. It was a curse to ensure she would be careful when carrying his precious child. To force its creation.
And even then he wasnt satisfied with her, he was soo angry that she had almost failed him and had tried to sway him from such hexes with her body. That he extenderd his curse onto all female decendants. It was barbaric to think about. Taking something like that away from the decendants. Punishing an entire race for her almost failing him?
Luckily in her fear for her child luna created a small reprieve. She created bonds, soul mates. She had been so frightened of the beast she would birth, of the life her child would endure she gifted them with a soul mate. Someone who would love them unconditionally and walk this world with them untill the end.
But even then the dark sire found a way to mar such beauty! His curse out manoeuvred the lunas gracious gift. Not only would a female ever have one chance at producing a pup. Now they could only conceive that one pup with their soul mate, managing to bind the two spells into one twisted gnarled curse that clu g to every generation of lycan.
Most treasure the life mate they are given, love and protect them. Defend them and create a family and nest together living in harmony. But it is a mans world, and even in the twenty first century some men see themselves above such things. Mikhail is one of those men. He found you to be lacking, he wants a model. One of the slim vapid and quite frankly stupid females. A blonde beta that was acustomed to the goings on in the bedroom.
And so he took her, destroying the soul bond you began to create in favour of giving another the bite. Your mate had found you lacking and bound himself to another. And the second your soulmate took another as his intended your dreams of a happy future crumbled.
You had heard about this but never witnessed it. And never thought this would happen to you. Dont get anything wrong. You were the soon to be alphas true mate, and he intended to use you for his heir. Yet he would raise it with that blonde tart. Youd be the nanny untill the pup was old enough to forsake you. And then youd live out your days alone and cold.
No. no! Your resolve made you argue. Finally you snapped out, called him cruel and dishonourable. To your shame you wept. Repeating what he had said to you that very morning. About how he promised to honour you as his soul mate. How he was eager to see your bond grow and he wanted to spend some time at the alters to give thanks to luna for gifting him his female so young.
Yet he laughed, he denied all of your acusations. Called you pathetic and delusional. And painted a much more pitiful picture. Claiming youd begged for him on all fours like a truley desperate bitch in heat. That he wanted to wait because he belived you were mistaken. That he was sure you were not his mate. And he wanted some time to cool off before speaking further about it because you were hysterical.
Youd been laughed out of the village. Youd gotten yourself so worked up at that point, acted to out of chatacter that the others had belived his lies. Yet still some seemed to belive you. Or perhaps it was pity. You been told at that point to go and stay in the house of reflection. A tiny cabin away from the village normally used for people being banished for a few weeks.
It had been when you were on your way youd strayed in you dispair. Only halting when you saw the dim, frightfull trail that disappeared into the forbidden sires wood. Your pack was said to be the oldest. That you lived on the ancestral motherland. That the dark sires power lingered within the wood itself and you should be wary, for anyone could unknowingly draw him out.
Your eyes focused on the lesser traveled paths, bearly visable to the naked eye. Was he here? Did he know what he had done? Could you plead with the dark sire? Make a bargin like you could with any other god or demon? Would he show mercy?
You contemplated these thoughts, toying with them as you wandered further into the sires wood. It wasnt like anyone would see you or reprimand you for veering off the path. No one in the pack would defy the alphas heir and seek you out in your shamefull banishment.you walked quietly, mind jumping from vengeful anger and cruel hopes and wishes all the way back to sobbing panicked anxiety with a mournfull depression seeping into your bones.
And then you stepped on uneven ground. The soft earth and crunch of gravel beneath your feet pulled you from your silent weeping. You blinked pawing your eyes and glanced around you. What the?
Your feet had carried you down a shallow bank to a small stream. The trees were thicker here, yet the small stream seemed open and peacfull. It was beautiful, the clear water trickling down towards the packs village gave a gentle calming feel, the sound almost lulling you.
You spun trying to see where you had come from only to pause. The shallow bank youd walked down was actually a swooping path, curling around a huge stone. Sigils were carved into the rock face. And achient looking brick arch decorated in old runes and scripture. To stone was smooth within the arch, chisled to perfection there was ivy and moss covering some of the structure but it was mostly clear.
You inched closer to the odd stone, it was pale with tiny flecks od crystal flickering in the lowmlight of the dying sun. You could almost mistake it for light granite with quartz ingrained into it, but no? There was something different about it. You stepped back tilting your head inspecting it. And then focused on the inscription. You laughed out loud seeing the chant you'd get scolded for singing as a child. The adults said it was bad luck and draw the dark sires attention.
But that what you hoped for right now wasnt it?
"I seek the sire of these bones. Cast your shadow on my home. Hear me now answer my plea, and my soul be yours eternally" The summoning rhyme felt strange on your tongue. It was silly really, the small hex like lymirick was something children uttered in the woods late on hallows eve to frightene one another. A foolish game played in the dark like bloody mary.
You blinked waiting halfheartedly before sighing. Suddenly feeling very stupid for uttering the silly spell. Of course it wouldnt work, the dark sire and luna were nonsense! Your kind were interbred, a shifter mating gone wrong!
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"Now this is a nice surprise. Its not often im called by an omega. Tell me young one are you brave or stupid?" You screamed snapping your head up and quivered as the smooth stone seemed to have filled with smoke, a dark black mist curling its way within the stone, clearing slowly revealing what appeared to be a window peaking into a cavernous space. And then you saw a dark silhouette.
"Oh, oh god i? You... your real" you staggered back from the stonework stumbling over your own feet and fell over landing in the shallow stream that ran through the darkened glenn. A part of you didnt believe your eyes, you shook your head covering your eyes, rubbing them slightly before opening again.
It was when you looked back up to saw the feared sire of your kind. He was draped in black robes from another time. The black smothered him, wafting around his form as if guided by his own awe inspiring power. He was stunning, it was unsettling. The volatile ill tempered powerfull spitefull sire that cast curses and claimed revenge was never said to be this beautiful.
He sat tall, straight in his seat. Eyes the brightest blue you had ever seen. Like two sapphires gleaming in the dark. His face was stunning, carved by the gods to give you a false sense of security. He was clearly designed to entice and tempt you. And tempt you he did, the teasing smirk on his face told you he knew. He knew you were flushed, squirming under his gaze.
"Indeed little one, now dry your eyes and speak your piece, you have a plea do you not?" his smooth voice carried clearly, a slight echo from the chamber around him causing a shiver to climb up your spine.
"I... i am... i have a request..." you stuttered, slowly realising this may have been a mistake. Perhaps in your grief you shouldn't have been so rash and tempted fate. Because now you were face to face with the sire who as a child youd prayed did not exsist, he had cursed an entire race to spite the luna.
"Oo a request? I am intrigued, just what would a delicate ripe omega scenting her first heat wish to ask of the big bad hell hound? What is it you wish to ask of your races evil sire?" His glee made you falter, eyes flicking to him to the floor. You just? There was something frightful about him. You were glad you had fallen, becuase the quivering fear that wracked you would have made your knees weak and collapse anyway.
"I suppose i have? Well er... i came to ask you to... to lift your magic, and allow me to overcome your spell and have a pup with a choosen mate, not my intended" you fumbled over your words, stumbling and stuttering terrified to insult him but more terrified to remain silent and anger him. Not that youd planned to even meet him! I mean in your spite youd fantasised about it, calling the mihty sire to your aid and have him punish mikhail for you. But it wasnt really meant to happen, or even be a possibility.
He chuckled errily and you froze. A cold chill wrapped around you, you couldn't help feeling that youd just made a grave mistake.
"Oh my dear, you are a very deciving. To think such an innocent looking female would be so very naughty. That you would seek a child outside of your precious lunas gift? Tut tut" his voice dropped, lowering to such a tone you could hear the gravel from the ground digging into the words. You paled drawing panicked breaths, as he rose. His height seeming to grew beyond what was possible.
"Im almost tempted to make you barren for even asking me to aid you in such a betrayal." The words were a violent growl. He was offended. Surely you must know his own story. His own love betraying him so calously which insighted his rage and curse. Fear gripped at you as the sire raised a hand, a deep purple miasma began to coil around it, a serpentine length of magic coiling threateningly between his fingers, glowing brighter as the seconds passed. The purple became a haze, seeping into the air reflecting his face in the vallainous light.
"No, no its not that please- he said he wanted to wait. My mate he said for us to wait before bonding, that he was going to lunas alter to thank luna for granting him a mate abut then? He betrayed me! He ripped our mating bond apart by claiming another! Raced to her bed while i waited like a fool" You cried out crawling forward slightly remaining on the ground
He paused, his magic dimming. Fingers clenching slightly threatening to kill the magic. A single brow arched and his mouth drew into a frown. You took that as a sign to continue, to expalin and plead your case. You had been wronged, just as he had all those years ago. You hoped he would give you leniency and help you in your request. You slumped back down not caring that you were sitting in the shallow stream.
"H-he wanted a slim, tall athletic female. He likes blondes. Im not... he mated and gave her the bite. I felt it, it hurt, still aches. Then lied! The pack thinks im mad, he said i was delusional when i recited the promises he made." you held a hand to your heart absentmindedly rubbing trying to sooth the physical pain the loss caused.
"I dont care for him now. I cant but? But he had me cast out of the pack for my first heat for embarasing him. I yelled and swore at him." You uttered softly, tears welling in your eyes. You mourned. Grieved for all you had lost. A home, family, mate, a pup! A life you had always wanted. To be a mother and have your own nest to raise them in. You had longed for it, so much so youd come and seek out the forbidden sire and plead for help.
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You paused for a moment before locking eyes with the sire who hovered ever closer to the almost frosted madic portal sealin him from you. He was inches from it, haveing prowled closer to hear your plea.
"He has left me alone. I... all i wanted was my own mate and pup. Now i will never... now i will be forced to birth him a pup only to have them stolen by his chosen mate once the pup has weane. And then i cannot have another to raise myself. I willnever have a child or mate or home. I am completely alone, and im begging you please, please sire if its in your power at all please grant me the ability to have a second chance. Another pup one of my own, with who i chose. A pup i may keep, please dont let my mediocre looks take what i have longed for" you whimpered, slowly drawing closer to the portal. Kneeling with your head bowed in respect understanding your precarious position, awaiting what ever he decided to do.
"Poor little one. Forsaken by your mate, your goddess and soon your pack? To think you will never be the mother you wished to be. That your form wont be used to its upmost potential." The breath hitched in your throat, heart stuttering in your chest as his words caressed your form, softly slipping over you. His eyes glazeing a bright orange only to return to the impeccable blue. The icey eyes lingered on your chest he smirked showing a single fang that seemed to elongate just to pin his own bottom lip to hos lower teeth, eyes squinting with a sultry mirth. He lapping his lower lip as if to sooth it from his own sharp fang.
"It is cruel is it not? The deciet and betrayal of one promised to you? Ruining your entire existence without a care, making there own plans for you. Useing you." Hisssing words entwined themselves into an almost soothing siren song. Pretty awful words thatheld a heavy meaning hung in the air like wisps of poison. Threatening to taint your very being.
"I know of that feeling, the bitter sorrow and painfull ache. The lonliness that eats away at your very being, blackening your heart until you are made a beast of your own burden" he paused, takeing a deeper breath tilting his head at you eyes twinkling with an odd appraisal of you. Then he blinked slow heaving a deep sigh and flicked his gaze the the edges of the portal that seperated the two off you.
"You are like me arent you little omega? Alone; Truly alone with absolutely no one to hold you close in the everlasting dakness. An unworthy mate abandoning you so callously creating nothing but a bleak empty future for you" He crouched, lowering himself bending his knees shifting his weight to his tip toes. He hesitantly pressed a palm to the frosted portals barrier just above your eyesight. You flinchted with a slight yelp, still awating some form of punish,ent for dareing to even seak him out. But he hushed you drewig your eyes back to him. His palm lied flat on the opaque surface. The portal glistened shimmering around his skin in uncomfortable crackles of glistening magic.
"Yes young one,I too am alone my sweet. Rejected by my own heart, i loved her so. Adored her from afar with a longing no mortal coild ever endure. I spent a millenina waiting, hoping praying for her to notice me." You inched closer and closer, becoming invested in his words. His legend was always spoken in hushed fearful words, yet you always wondered if there was more to the tale. It would seem there was, and he seemed willing to share the story.
The sire continued, a melancholy shrouding him a deep calming acceptance surrounded him. He looked wistfull, longing. Hurt. Your chest clenched, you knew these feelings. Though yours had not had the time to ease as his did. Yours were raw, like severed nerves stining and throbbing with each breath and beat of your broken heart. But still you listened intently, as if he may indeed have a remedy for your pain.
"And then she did, she accepted me. Laughed with me, we shared our hopes and dreams with one another. I bedded her and she turned on me when the dawn broke. She used me for her own carnal pleasure. It was a game in which i would always lose"
"She fled crying wolf, had me imprisoned after spouting her lies. And then threatened to rid herself of my seed. That is why your kind only birth one child" you gasped shaking your head as you realised he was speaking of your worshiped luna. Youd thought he had loved another before her.
"No that cant be... luna would never.." you voice trailed off, there was no way? She was good, kind, pure. She was your all mother, life bringer the one you thanked for each mateing and birth. Surely she had not twisted her tale to such a degree.
"Oh but she did. I merely ensured my childs survival by curseing her very own mother. I did nothing more then curse luna" the words held a sting, a bite that only truth could provide. You knew he was speaking the truth, revealing the lunas millenina long secret.
"Contrary to what you were taught or belive. I am not the one who limited your procreation, or any other females. Nor am i the reasonmyour life mate is the only possible partner. That was seen to by luna herself when she hastily threw her spell together forour daughter gehenna. She is terribly jealous, she made you suffer her own fate" The male shrugged before sneering. His lips curling with rage and disgust. He was sickened by the past, angered and hurt. The emotions made his eyes flare brightly once more but he didnt stop. Couldnt stop, like he finally had the chance to get this off his chest. Someone was finally willing to listen. But it didnt seem like he was trying to win you over, it was more like he was getting a release hexd craved. He was venting? You felt privileged, in a fascinated frightened kind of way.
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The sire heaved a deep sigh, feeling lighter after relieving himself so thoroughly. But he managed to compose himself before you truley noticed how much he had needed that. Instead of leaving you to mull over the new rendition of the old tale he smiled weakly at you. Eyes now regarding you with a thoughtful look.
"So you see I understand your pain well child. Once we are cast aside we are said to be forever alone. Yet perhaps not? All is not lost. I could still intervene as you are untouchedby that filth luna so cruely paired you with" his words caught your attention. He could help? He could actually help you conquer your mate and pack? Free you?
"Not alone? I could? You can help me?" You asked desperation clawing at your words,with painfully raw pleading on the tip of your tongue. He spike before you could utter another word.
"Of course sweetling. You have sought me out. A kindered spirit, we have been wronged young one. A great injustice brought about by self-righteous fools that would mock us for our loving hearts, they would celebrate in our misery. Watch as we descend into the darkest depths of loathing and dispair" he grinned down at you and brought his hand to his chest dipping his head forward. You sniffled, pawing at your eyes wimpering trying to fend off the tears. But it was hard as his words resounded around you. Reiterating your fate making it a reality.
"Hush my dear, its okay. Would you like to know what ixd do for you? Yes? Oh my little darling I would see and end to that suffering before it has even truly began. It would be such a shame to let you go without the love of a pup. It would be a travesty for such a young gentle obedient omega to be denied that which she craves so desperately" you nodded with him, feeling your heart thinder in your chest. But the dread and fear coiling in your gut softened as he began cooing softly. Drawing you closer, tempting you.
"I can remove lunas selfish magic from you, allow you to be the exception to the rule. Twist the wretched restrictions thus turning the tide in your favour and gift you pups" he finally admitted offering you a empathetic look. Eyes sparkling with promise.
"You will? You can i didnt?! I wasnt sure; thank you! Thank you so much" you sobbed quietly, hanging your head crying into your hands softly as the relief washed over you.
"Ah ah, hold on a moment sweet girl. With everything there is a price, all magic has an exchange. Whats given must be taken from somewhere and there is a cost to this boon." He said quickly, tapping a finger against the portal drawing your eyes back up to him.
"Though your womb will ripen once more, it will be at the expense of your life mates own virility. Do you know what that would mean pet?" He asked gently
"Th-that Mikhail would become sterile?" You asked slowly wiping your nose and patting your eyes wanting to retain some sort of dignity and not wpbe seen as a completely pathetic child.
"Indeed. And one other thing my sweet girl. It must be me who gifts you the pups. Myself" you swore his fangs lengthened again at his admission. The sire sat still watchingnyou from his chamber, a predtory glint in his eye. Hunger of the flesh. You blinked up at him not understanding for a moment then it dawned on you.
"You? That means I'd? That we would have to?" You trailed off pointing between yourself and him. The penny dropped and you began to blush realising he meant to mate you himself. Oh god?! Sex with him? You couldnt!
"We would have to bond and mate. Just as you would have with your own mate had he not been so blind"
"But you said it was luna who made us fertile in our bond. I-if you give me fertility why would i need to?" You questioned becoming flustered. But you couldnt deny you werent entirely agaist the idea. He was a very handsome male. Godly even, beautiful and powerfull a prefect mate to protect you and you pup. He smiled shaking his head showing off his perfectly sculpted face, enjoying the way you drank in his form, this time imagening him naked.
"My sweet girl, i cannot completly remove a hex that has been bred in to you over generations. I am powerfull but even i have my limitations. I can tweak things, alter and twist the magic untill it is in your favour. I can grant you your pups, but only within a mating bond. This is the most i can offer you omega" his explanation rang out with a sense of finality putting his offer on the table so to speak.
"I? But i dont know how would we? I mean if we do... im here and your there.." you frowned still trying to figure out if he was toying with you. Afterall it was said he was a trickster. He could just be telling you what you want to hear, preying on your moment of weakness.
"Well you would have to free me my sweet female. Theres no other way around it. You have that ability, all omega do. You just need to ask. Just reach for me, let me bond you. Become my anchor in your realm and guide me through to you" he chuckled at you, half amused at you trying to poke holes in his deal and find loop holes, and half proud of his prospective omega. You were a quick thinking little thing with a good head on your shoulders
"F-free you? But... wont that be bad? You might hurt someone?" He paused, regarding you for a moment. So that was it. You were concerned he'd live up to his reputation and harm someone. It was sweet, in a sad kind of way. Your loving heart wanted to protect those around you even when they cut you so deep. He found his voice once more and began tomcrfully weave his web. He could see you giving him a future, the more he learned of you the more he needed you. You were his salvation he could taste it.
"On the contrary my sweet omega, it will be glorious. I will serve you faithfully. Not only love and cherish you but destroy all who would seek to harm my mate and children."
"You would be the mate of one of the ancient beings. All my power will be yours to command I assure you, I will reward you. Id sow my seed within you again and again untill we have our own litter. I would make us our very own safe haven, give you your own pack to rule"His silver tongue contined to work its magic, useing his words carefully making sure you knew exactly what he was offering. He'd give you a life tht others envied if only youd release him from his imprisonment.
"L-litter? More then one? You can... thats, no one ever" you uttered breathlessly. U able to think of such a thing. It was too much to hope for, but then again? It was magic. He was casting a spell, breaking a curse. So it could be possible, couldnt it?
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Seeing you come around, thinking over his words and the possibilities he could make a reality he spoke once again. Building on what he had said. Painting a picture for you tempting you with a life no other omega had been blessed with.
"I will gift you your males virility, he can mate with humans over and ofer can he not? Leaving a trail of filthy half bloods? I would give you anything you asked for. I would create a family and pack just to spite our selfish life mates."
"Gift you as many pups as you like. I will see you birth twins, triplets! And i will do more then that. I will fight for you. Kill that pitiful alpha of yours and force your mate to watch as you; his denied omega become the envy of all females! bareing pup after pup.I will make you the luna, all will worship you. Even the goddess herself would watch your glory. Packs far and wide all bow to you. The single female who bore her own pack. The one beautiful omega capable of birthing sliblings" his rant became almost desperate. His eye glowing and blown wide. But even through to almost manic decleration you didnt feel threatened. No, only inspired. He was swaying you didnt seem to care. Maybe you were to lost in your own head to realise. Or maybe your pack had just crossed one line too many.
"I dont want to rule... i just want family. Pups and love" he chuckled once more, the honestly in your statment was adorable. It remided him that you were but a tiny wisp of a thing. Youd settle for a single child and tiny home. Yet he would give you the world should you free him.
"I will give that to you. I swear to you, i will cherish you as my saviour, my mate and my wife. I can make you a mother over and over. Imagine a small battalion of pups at our feet." You sighed, smiling. You could imagine that, an army of tiny feet running around you. Pudgy hands reaching for you calling out mama with happy smiling faces. You wanted that, longed for it!
"Imagine the look on your mates face when he sees you as pack luna. When he and his chosen harlot bow to you. When they spy you pregnant again, with a pup already on your hip. Imagine forcing that blonde cunt to tend to you. Watching longingly as you birth another and another while she remains bonded to a sterile 'prized' male. Imagine knowing our little secret~ that youve mated the sire of all sires. That your pups father is the most powerful of all. Imagine knowing that mate and his disrespectful whore will endure a fate they had so cruely tried to bestow upon you?" you drew a breath as the sire words grew harsh, menacing. Yet you didnt feel shame or fear. No. You felt a deep burning need.
Yes. Yes you wanted that to, not just a pup but you wanted something more. You wanted revenge. You wanted to taste a victory over the male who'd thrown you aside so quickly. Wanted to ruin him, make him pay the price. You wanted to force him to endure this painfull fear. You wanted to be in control. To taste power, to know what it felt like to be protected by a powerfull male. To birth heirs and have a bloodline. But most of all? You wanted to be vindicated. To prove yourself worthy when your pack decided you wasnt.
"I... is it bad that i want that? I want them to... to know, to get their just deserts" you uttered slowly trying to feel some guilt, or shame. Something! Anything!
"No. Its natural my girl. You want retribution, you crave for karma and fairness. And you crave justice so much you have sought out the one they fear. I commend you for it. Your bravery has touched me. I can say our bond will not be a loveless one. I dare say you'll spend a majorityof your time full of me one way or another" He grinned at you, cooing sweetly before praising you. He understood, and didnt judge. It made you relax it was as if you were asking permission. And he had granted it.
"So what do you say little one? Will you free me? Set me loose on those who have turned their back on you? Allow me to provide you with everything you are owed? Will you let me cater to your every whim for the rest of your mortal life?" The sore finally asked stareing at you in a kox of excitement and knowing. As if he already knew the answer youd give him, like he didnt need to ask properly.
"I shouldnt. They say you are silver tongued. A trickster that will twist words into fairytales to seek your own end. That you will destory our kind, run us into the ground" your voice quivered, eyes glossjng over once more as you tried to clrea your head once more. Surely you cant really be consideringnthis? It was maddness!
"Why would I destroy what i put on this earth? I created your race in lunas womb. I wont destroy it, i want to nourish it. To give it new strength. New life" he argued softly, bareing himself in the most intimate of ways. He may be coniving, hurt and so etimes bitterly cruel. But he did want to boost the race he helped sire. He never intended something born of his love to become so painfully unhappy. He sometimes regretted his first born and the suffering her creation had caused to so many. He couldnt take it back, but he could help if given the chance. This was his chance.
"You wont cast me aside?" You whispered to him, barely letting out a sound. Frightened he'd only toy with you and throw you aside. You were hurt and afraid of being used again.
"Absolutly not. I will make you a shinning beacon to all. You will remain by my side. I swear on gehennas memory. On the blood even." The conviction in his words sounded true. But you couldnt held doubt them. Mikhail had been convincing, whats to say you wouldnt fall for another males bluff once more?
"Look at me omega" you did. Snappingnyour gaze to the stern male. He looked frightfull, lips a thin line brows furrowed. Yet there was a softness to his eyes. Something sincere and almost pained, he looked hurt. Pleading almost? Like he just wanted someone to trust in him.
"I make an oath to you. Release me and you will not know loneliness, or pain or suffering again. Accept me as your mate, i will see to the rest" you sat still for a moment, debating the stories of this creature. He was said to be deceitful, to have lied and bedded the luna and curse her for daring to fall pregnant against his wishes.
But it would seem it was the luna who had been deceitful. She had lied, twisted the tale and she was to reason for the mating bonds restrictions. A mistake in a hasty spell within the blood fucking over generations of females.
You flicked your gaze to the male before you. His hand splayed on the barrier a hopeful look on his face. Without even pausing to think of the unforseen consequences you brought a hand to his. In that moment all you saw was a male willing to save you from a miserable loveless existence. A male who promised protection and something similar to love. And right now with your broken spirit he was the lesser of two evils. He was a chance to create your own future, and youll take it.
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aikaterini-drag · 1 year
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Whether you’re here for the romance, the smut, or a bit of both, you’re in the right place.
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Kofi ⋆⭒˚.⋆
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Hello friends! My name’s Aikaterini and I love to create stories/oneshots from my favorite fandoms. I also write original stories with dreams of finding them a cozy spot in a bookstore someday. That dream takes a bit of patience, so for now, I’m super happy to just create my favorite fanfictions.
▻ Bucky Barnes ♡
▻ Steve Rogers ♡
▻ Loki ♡
▻ Rafe Cameron ♡
▻ August Walker ♡
▻ Vikings: Valhalla ♡
▻ Love Between Fairy ♡
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I strictly FORBID any form of reproduction, replication, or translation of my stories. This includes reposting my stories on other websites, platforms, etc.
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f10werfae · 1 year
send in some ideas for any au for some short drabbles!! Feeling creative this week 🫶
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
𝐀 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞
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welcome to the land of fairytales, where desires you never knew you had will come true. thank you @georgiapeach30513 & @royalsweetteaa for helping me with this.
18+ only please, do not copy, repost or translate my work. You are responsible for your own media consumption.
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𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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!warning! these fics will include inter-species relations, size differences, innocent kink, age gaps and dark content.
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𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒂 𝒃𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 - pairing: prince ransom drysdale x princess reader
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𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒅 𝒘𝒂𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒂𝒔 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 - pairing: prince frank adler x mermaid reader
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𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒆𝒈𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒆'𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 - pairing: street rat lloyd hansen x princess reader
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𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒈𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝒔𝒍𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒓 - pairing: prince lance tucker x maid reader
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𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒔 - pairing: beast ari levinson, beast logan howlett, beast geralt of rivia x princess reader
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𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒎𝒆𝒏 - pairing: bossy clark kent, sleazy johnny storm, dirty curtis everett, brawny steve rogers, cranky bucky barnes, tipsy dean winchester, horny sam wilson x witch/princess reader
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𝒃𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒊 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒑𝒊𝒅 𝒅𝒐𝒆 - pairing: hunter lee bodecker x shifter reader
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𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅 - pairing: mad hatter jefferson x dreamer reader 
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𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒚𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒓𝒐𝒂𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒉𝒐𝒆 - pairing: scarecrow jake wyler, tin-man rick grimes, cowardly lion jake jensen, oz andy barber x lost reader
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𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏’𝒕 𝒂𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒑𝒊𝒅 𝒂𝒔 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 - pairing: hansel steve kemp, male gretel nick fowler x witch reader
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𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒓, 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒅 - pairing: big bad wolf luke danes x little red riding hood reader
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𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒍𝒖𝒓𝒌𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒔 - pairing: tarzan tangerine x jane reader
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𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒂𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 - pairing: giant august walker x female jack reader
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𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒆𝒓𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒘𝒂𝒔𝒏’𝒕 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅 - pairing: captain hook negan, captain hook jack sparrow x tinkerbell reader
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𝒕𝒐𝒐 𝒉𝒐𝒕, 𝒕𝒐𝒐 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒅, 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 - pairing: alpha bear ari levinson, alpha bear henry cavill, alpha bear lee bodecker x goldilocks reader
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𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒘𝒂𝒏 - pairing: prince steve rogers x princess/swan hybrid reader
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𝒐𝒉, 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒅𝒖𝒎𝒃 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔… 𝒅𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘, 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒅𝒔 - pairing: mermaid jennifer check, mermaid rosalie hale, mermaid jane smith x clueless reader
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𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒚 𝒘𝒂𝒔𝒏’𝒕 𝒂𝒏 𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒘 - pairing: mufasa ari levinson x scar sergei kravinoff (kraven the hunter) x lioness reader
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bangtanfanfiction · 4 months
hopelessly falling  → k. sunwoo (tbz)
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Based on this ask.
♢ Pairing: Sunwoo x Idol!female Reader → Idol AU
♢ Word count: 6.8k
♢ Trope: 8th f!member of BTS, strangers-to-lovers, Older!woman x Younger!man
♢ Genre: Fluff, suggestive, angst if you squint ig
⌲ Description: Being the 8th female member of BTS has brought you more trials than you could count. Now being the only one left behind after their enlistments was another obstacle you struggled adjusting to, until you found yourself hopelessly falling for someone completely unexpected. ↳ Warnings: Makeout session, swearing. Sunwoo being a flirty menace but we're loving it.
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HOBI: Good luck, Y/N! You’ll crush it like always! JIMIN: You’ll do great! JIN: We’ll be monitoring you :)) YOONGS: Don’t be nervous, you’ll be amazing, kiddo. JOONIE: Y/N fighting! JK: Fighting! TAE: Go, go, go Y/N!
Despite the relentless thumping of your heart, or the cold sweat building up on the surface of your skin - there was no hiding the loving smile pulling at your lips as you scrolled through the messages in the group chat bombarding the notifications without you having to even ask.
Your members knew you well enough at this point after more than ten years together that when you went radio silent on all platforms, it meant you were drowning in your nerves. 
Frankly, how couldn‘t you? You were the last of BTS to release your solo album, and only after all of them had enlisted into the military with you sending them off accompanied by a snotty nose each time. If you could, you probably would have enlisted as well despite being a woman just to not be alone until Seokjin or Hobi were to return. 
Ah…This was hard. You thought, dropping the phone back on the table and looking yourself in the mirror. 
Taking in your elaborate makeup and clothes, hair styled to perfection not a single speck of mascara or blush out of place. You were surrounded by people; your management team and stylists. People who had been with you for more than five years, but the loneliness had never felt more heavy than today.
You thought you had prepared yourself for it. Mentally that is. Your boys had also been exceptionally worried for your mental well-being for when it was time and made sure to give you all sorts of ways to communicate with them. 
The irony was that you actually enjoyed your own space. Being alone at home for days and doing nothing besides your usual workout routine was ideal, truly. 
Until you understood the saying ´You don't know what you have until it's gone.´ 
Clearly not as overly dramatic or depressing as the original meaning. But still, you felt their absence all the same. 
The only comfort you could find from this was Yoongi with his alternative enlistment and still being around for you to find comfort in after his working hours. 
But you hadn’t sought out his presence for a couple of weeks now, being too busy with your prep and wanting to let him get used to his new routine before barging in with your cries of loneliness. 
“Maybe I should get a boyfriend…” You muttered to yourself, catching the delighted attention of your main stylist unnie, Aera, whose eyes widened at those words.
“You want a boyfriend?” She straightened up as if finding a 50 percent off sale on designer goods, making you regret having spoken at all. “Ooo, do you want me to introduce you to someone? I can set up a blind date! You like them like ten years older, don’t you? All alpha male and stuff? I know a couple of men like that.”
Her ranting and frankly too-knowledgeable about your preferences made you heat up in slight exasperation. 
Okay, so what - you tended to gravitate towards buff, white men in their late thirties bordering on forties. Just because you might faint at the sight of Henry Cavill or Chris Evans hardly meant much for your real-life preferences. 
Ask Jimin. You dated him – a brief one year - and he was hardly a carbon copy of Captain America or The Witcher. 
“Unnie, I’ve already told you…”
Aera sighed before mimicking what you hardly believed sounded like yourself. “I know, I know. I’m not looking for anyone, it happens when it happens.”
It wasn’t the first time you’ve had this conversation with her. 
“Besides, why is everyone being so pushy about me finding someone?” You directed this question to the rest of the room, who laughed amongst themselves at the truth of it. 
“Because your last boyfriend was Jimin, and that is honestly sad, darling.” Your manager, Yoo-Mi, piped up from the corner while scrolling through her phone. Probably double checking your upcoming schedules and forward emails to the rest of the staff. She was always working despite you begging her to take it easy sometimes. 
Turning around in your chair, you frowned. “It’s only been three years.” Going into the fourth since your mutual breakup. 
“Exactly, sad.” She didn’t relent, making your shoulders slump, another titter of fond laughter spread through the room. “Listen, Jiminie is great, of course he is. So we don’t blame you for already reaching the top when it comes to standards in men. But when was the last time you had a crush?”
“A crush?” Even the word sounded foreign to you. 
“Henry Cavill does not count.”
“But that’s a crush!” You exclaimed. “I could pull him.”
“That’s not a crush, that’s a fantasy. You haven’t even met the man.”
“Rude…” You mumbled with a pout, though admitting defeat. 
Damn, so everyone thought your dating life was dry and depressing. Great. 
You knew they all meant well, acting like an overbearing family. And in the end, they just wanted you to be happy. 
“Y/N it’s time to head out.”
Standing up you took one last overview in the mirror before typing out a reply to the group chat.
Y/N: I'm off now! Love you!
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You had completely forgotten how music shows worked. It had been three years since the group promoted for ‘ON’ in the midst of covid with countless of measurements. You hadn’t stepped foot on a show since, besides supporting your members for their recent promotions. 
It had also been more than a year since you’ve done any performances within Korea, having only just returned from your American solo promotions - so for you, everything felt more awkward than familiar despite your years of experience in the industry. 
You heard the cheers of the crowd just as you walked into the studio where the live recording was going on for another boygroup, the hard-hitting smooth beats making your head nod as you stopped in front of a screen to overlook the stage. 
Staff moved around you, securing a mic-pack before your sparkling microphone with a gradient purple to black found itself in your hand. The fans were screaming and chanting, and you found your attention caught without realizing it. 
You counted ten guys on the screen as they danced fiercely in commendable synchronization looking like one single unit as they moved. 
The Boyz was a familiar group to you, an old memory from an award show where they had asked BTS for a picture with shy grins and you had nearly cooed at their cuteness. Then again when Kingdom: Legendary War had aired you found yourself tuning in to watch every week. 
However, this was the first you’ve seen of the group since then - having been far too busy to keep up with all the groups on the regular, never mind every single song. 
You were enjoying the song currently playing, head nodding to the beat as you watched on. 
Not even you noticed how you had simply frozen at the next chorus, your attention wholly stolen for a mere couple of seconds. 
But it had been enough to change your entire world when the moment was recounted by your team in the future. 
“Hi, hello,
My name is what you want it to
숨겨 왔던
욕망들을 whisper.”
A sneeze suddenly forced itself out of you as you glared at the culprit, Aera smiling pointedly while holding a makeup brush that she had just tickled under your nostrils. 
“What was that for?” You grumbled, the room coming back into your attention. 
“My, my Y/N - is that a blush I see?” She teased as you scoffed, eyes flickering to the stage as the song came to an end. 
“You’re being ridiculous.” You dismissed her swiftly, ignoring the hum she gave and letting her touch up your already flawless makeup.
You were waiting patiently near the stairs, letting your management team take the last checks for your setup as people rushed around on stage to clean up and get it ready for your performance.  
The Boyz were making their way down and were impressively quick to notice you, though you blamed it on your bright white clothes in the darkness. You watched in patient amusement as some of their eyes widened, and even saw a member slapping the one in front of him with a muted gasp. 
You offered them a friendly grin as their flustered bodies caught up and everyone started bowing, their waists nearly snapping in half as you took half a step forward. 
“Please, take it easy.” You laughed lightly. “I loved your performance. The song is amazing.”
The obvious leader stepped forward, again bending at the waist but spoke with a sure and calm voice. “Thank you, Sunbaenim. It’s an honor.” 
The members were quick to follow with various choruses of thank yous, however, some had accepted your words and took it a bit easier with the bowing.  
“We love your album, sunbaenim. It’s been on repeat in the dorm since its release.” He continued to lead the conversation, the group of young men creating a half circle around you. 
“Oh thank you so much!” There was no hint of any pretense in your tone, you were always immensely grateful when people told you they loved your music. 
“You’re the leader, right? What’s your name?” 
“Yes, I am. I’m Sangyeon.”
“Ah right!” Your fingers snapped in excitement. “I remember you, of course. From the MMA’s…was it 2018?”
Some of their eyes widened in surprise to know that you remembered them. You relished in it honestly, always loving to prove people wrong about the public’s assumption of how worldwide fame and recognition had made BTS arrogant and seemingly unapproachable. 
“Y-yes, that’s correct, thank you for remembering us.” 
“I enjoyed watching you on Kingdom.” You admitted, noticing how they were starting to relax around you, smiling more easily and paying attention as if you were the president holding a speech. “You were one of my favorite groups throughout the whole second season.”
Again they started bowing and thanking you, luckily less aggressive than earlier. 
“Y/N-sshi, we are ready for you in five minutes. Please make your way to the stage, thank you.” A voice announced through the speakers as The Boyz started to bow again and ushered away as you offered brief goodbyes. 
But then you made the mistake of looking up, finding yourself locked in a trance of soft, plump lips, thick eyebrows, puppy dog eyes, and a slim angular face - your throat felt parched as your mouth parted, but no sound came out and you snapped it back shut embarrassed. 
Kim Sunwoo noticed the sudden strange behavior, as a single brow rose but he remained polite with a simple tug of his lips and a slight bow. 
His dark straight hair was parted in the middle, reminding you of the styles from 90’s boybands. You admired the way his slim t-shirt molded against his lean body with the leather pants and a thick silver chain around his neck. A chain he had pulled seductively while gliding across the floor and stared into the camera.
An image still swimming in your mind. 
An appraisal that you were quick to scold yourself over as you felt yourself blushing even hotter, eyes snapping away only hoping he didn’t notice your weird actions. 
Only to find yourself stumbling over your own feet in a moment of rare clumsiness. 
You managed to save yourself the embarrassment of falling to the ground, but only with Sunwoo’s quick thinking. Who had smoothly stepped close and held out a hovering arm just in case you were to fall, his other gently around your bicep to keep your balance. 
Fuck, you were making a whole fool out of yourself.
No one had noticed it, thank goodness. All too busy with their tasks to pay attention to the interaction.
“Are you okay?” Jesus, his voice was deep. “Sunbaenim?” He hastily added, seemingly remembering your status. 
“I-I’m okay.” You even stuttered now. Since when did you ever stutter. “Sorry, and thank you.”
“You should watch where you’re going.” He offered a half smile, those lips looking even more ridiculously plump and soft close as you stared up at him. “Careful not to get hurt.”
At this point, you were sure he noticed your flustered state as you cleared your throat and took a small step back out of his grip. 
“I should get going.” Was all you managed to say in your embarrassed state, swiftly stepping past him to walk up the stage but not before glancing back and noticing the amused pull of his features as he quietly chuckled to himself and followed his members out.
Aera made her sudden presence known as you flinched at her proximity, only to feel your stomach drop at the near-manic grin on her face. 
“Now that, is a crush, my dear.”
You wanted to curl up into a ball and scream your frustrations out from that whole interaction, but could only brace yourself with a smile as you were faced with the crowd who cheered as you came into view. 
Dozens of ARMY bombs waving helped settle the worry in your gut just for now. 
Nicely done, Y/N. Worldwide icon, indeed huh. 
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You were still thinking about it as you exited the stage studio. 
So caught up in your lingering embarrassment and out-of-character behavior that even surprised yourself. 
Over what?! A pretty face? A voice that made your skin tingle just by the rasp of it?
“Fucking get a grip, Y/N…” You muttered, fingers massaging your temples as you returned to your dressing room. 
Only to walk straight into your next phase of what-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-you. Quite literally too. 
Sunwoo let out a low ‘Whoa’ as you gasped and stumbled back to fully avoid running him down in your haste to hide yourself away until the nominations live broadcast. 
The toilet sign hung above his head as he maneuvered both of you to the side and away from the doors.  
“Oh my-” You were practically bumbling fool as your hands moved in silent explanation without many words to follow up, but he understood you well enough with a small, charming grin making his eyes crinkle and nose scrunch up just the slightest. 
“Hello, sunbaenim.” He gave a polite nod of his head. “It’s one of those days, huh?”
“Yeah…” You sighed in defeat, hardly trying to keep up that big and mighty senior artist image any longer. “I’m sorry it’s been taken out on you today.”
Sunwoo never lost his smile. “Don’t worry about it. It’s hardly the worst thing that happened to me at music shows.”
You nodded thankfully, very much aware that you were avoiding looking at him directly. Just for your own sanity, if you were being transparent. 
“You can stop that, by the way…” My god, were you shy, right now?
“Stop what?”
You cleared your throat. “Calling me sunbaenim all the time. I’m not very fond of the stiff formalities, so you can just relax around me.”
“Ah…” Even though you weren’t looking at him, you could feel his thinking. “Then… would noona be alright?” 
Your neck might as well have cracked with how quickly you snapped up to stare at him with widened eyes. Only to meet a knowing smirk gracing his dangerously, pretty face.
“N-noona?” You repeated almost stupidly.
“And here I thought my breath smelled or something. You wouldn’t even look at me.” The smirk widened.
Calming yourself in record time, you were composed enough to retort with a halfhearted glare. “You’re making fun of me, aren’t you?”
“You are making it very easy.” Kim Sunwoo was a straightforward man, you realized. “I suppose I would be too if caught checking someone out.” Well fuck. 
Your first step was denial. “I wasn’t-”
“Don’t feel embarrassed about it. I know I’m good-looking, noona. Just didn’t realize it was to the point of losing gravity.”
If you weren’t quick on catching onto dry humor, you might have thought him deadly serious with how flat he spoke those words. But you were well versed with this sort. Yoongi being a perfect example of it. 
The exaggerated push you delivered against his shoulder came from a place of familiarity with your own members, and Sunwoo didn’t seem to mind the casualness of it as his facade broke and he laughed. 
Giggling along, you shook your head. “You’re good.”
“I know.”
However, your smile fell at his sudden wince and how swiftly he managed to play it off within a second. But you were a quick study and noticed how subtly he rolled his neck. 
“Are you hurting somewhere?” You were blunt in your concern, this time surprising him. 
“Ah…” He was considering lying, you knew that. Having done it many times before yourself. But Sunwoo brushed the moment off.  “It’s just a bit of muscle stiffness in my neck and shoulders, nothing too serious. Don’t worry about it.”
You scrutinized him for a couple of seconds before accepting it. “If you say so. But I wouldn’t be dancing as hard as you did today with that kind of pain. Be a little mindful at least and ease back.”
Sunwoo was appreciative of your advice, accepting it with a gracious nod and another, quite frankly, heart-palpating smile directed at you. You could probably just stand here and admire him for several minutes in silence if it was offered to you, but you had an image to maintain after all.
An image that fell through the moment Kim Sunwoo was involved. 
“Getting lost in my beauty again, are you?” His teasing was never-ending, but instead of annoying you it only managed to pull your smile even wider. 
“You are ridiculous.” Was all you managed to say with a chuckle. 
He bit into his lower lip thoughtfully before deciding against whatever mental war he was having. “Ridiculous enough to ask for your number?”
There it was again. Your dry throat, and the way your heart probably skipped a beat. 
“You…want my number?”
“I mean, who doesn’t want a BTS member’s number.” Sunwoo shrugged, that stupid fitted t-shirt and chain catching your attention again. 
So you quirked a brow at him, knowing something else was coming. “And that’s your goal? A BTS member’s number?”
“That would be cool.” He was being awfully truthful until his eyes locked onto your own. “But I would love having the number of a beautiful woman more. Perhaps with a date on the side?”
Your surprise at his bold confession was hardly hidden, mouth parting as you blinked up at him expecting a joke to follow. 
This wasn’t exactly the first time you’ve been asked out by someone, but it has always been a bigger or older senior until BTS blew up to the point other idols found it too intimidating to approach anymore. It was a love-hate relationship for you in those circumstances. 
Yet Kim Sunwoo managed to cross those unwritten boundaries without fear of outside consequences, his gaze firmly locked on your own without notice of anything going on around you standing by the toilets in a public hallway. 
“Are you sure you would want to risk that?” Those words tasted bitter on your tongue when all you wanted to do was say yes. 
But you weren’t a fool. Anyone getting involved with BTS would always get a spotlight of any kind shone on them, wanted or not. And you made sure to warn them of it. 
Sunwoo was not shaken by it. Only quirking up a brow as if saying so what. 
Your heart thumped even harder. So you held out a hand and he wordlessly put his phone in it as the clicking of your manicured nails swiftly typed in your number. 
You watched as he typed in whatever name he chose to give you in his contacts and pocketed the device again.
“I’ll be waiting for that date.” You smiled with satisfaction to see the top of his ears turning red, brushing past him.
So you weren’t the only one affected at least.
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UNKNOWN: What’s your favorite drink? Y/N: Who is this? UNKNOWN: I’m hurt, noona.  Y/N:  Ah Hello to you too, Sunwoo You changed Unknown’s name to Sunwoo. SUNWOO: Backtracking to the question. Y/N:  I’m a coffee addict SUNWOO: Ofc, the drink of life. Let me guess, iced americano? Y/N: I’m more of a sweet latte girl SUNWOO: A woman after my own heart. Y/N:  Alright you little flirt Care to explain? SUNWOO: I’m planning for our date ofc Y/N: Oh? Did I miss the location? SUNWOO: It’s a surprise Y/N: Should I be worried? SUNWOO: Why do you keep doubting me :(  Y/N: Acting cute won’t help you SUNWOO: heart emoji Y/N: But fine, better not disappoint me, Kim Sunwoo I got high standards after all ;) SUNWOO: I guess the pressure is on
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Your soft giggle on the other side of the phone made Sunwoo smile without realizing it. 
“Why are you breathless?”
“Ah…” He kicked away a stray pair of pants on the floor before sitting down on his bed, making sure the door was closed. “I ran to my room when you called. We just got back from the schedules.”
“You could have just called me back.” There was rustling on your end, and looking at the time he assumed you were just getting into bed. 
“I didn’t wanna leave you hanging.”
“Hm, what a gentleman.”
“For you? Always.”
You giggled again. A sound Sunwoo was certain he was becoming obsessed with hearing. 
“I tried seeing you today.” 
“Yeah.” He lowered his voice just in case any of his members were to hear him. “Me too. It was quite hectic today, I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be. I know how it gets.”
“What did you do today?”
“Besides the music show? Just some interviews and a radio recording. I’m keeping my promotions at the bare minimum this time around.”
Stretching out on the bed, he couldn’t help but tease you. “Of course, the power of BTS.”
“Oh shush you.”
A silence settled between you. But it was a comfortable one, strangely enough. No awkward shuffling of clothes to have something to do, or the tense waiting for the other to speak. 
“I like this.” His voice was grating with how low he was trying to keep it. 
“...Like what?”
“This. Just talking to you, noona.”
Sunwoo could hear the smile in your voice. “I like this too. Very much so.”
It was hard to say how many hours the two of you spoke every night since that fateful day, but there were certainly no complaints on either end.
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“This is fucking ridiculous.” Roughly peeling off the cropped denim jacket, you would feel guilty about how you threw it in the corner later. Aera would understand, hopefully. 
The stupid conflict between HYBE and MBC was no industry secret. But you managed to convince your company to give them another chance by letting you promote there this time after several years of avoiding the place. 
And did you regret it. 
“Do they think they can take me for a fucking idiot because I’m solo?” You seethed, whirling to stare at Yoo-Mi. She had a displeased expression as well, already tapping on her phone furiously as mutters of annoyance spread through the rest of your management team. 
You had been on a tense tirade the entire morning with the MBC production team and director about how you wanted your performance to be captured. They were obviously not used to how much creative freedom you were usually privy to and fought you the entire way, with passive-aggressive suggestions going against what you wanted. 
They only kept messing up, from your mic glitching on stage to the sound being off in your in-ear despite your several attempts to fix it during rehearsals. So the final product ended up being a complete mess in your own opinion, finding faults in every single frame in the live broadcast, your voice not being clear enough, and backtracking far too loud to convince viewers you were singing live despite having more than enough proof throughout the ten years. 
The haters would have a field day with that. 
“-a complete mess today, I’m telling you!” Your manager’s voice was going on in the background. 
“I can’t do this right now.” With a pointed look a Yoo-Mi, she nodded in understanding as you walked out of the dressing room towards wherever there were fewer people. 
You found a random hallway, fairly empty with an empty cushioned bench away from the main area of dressing rooms. Slumping down with your back resting against the cold wall, you closed your eyes with a tired groan. 
It was moments like these where you craved the support of your members. If this were Namjoon, he would not have relented in getting this perfect, Yoongi and Hobi right by his sides with their penetrating gazes to make sure. Jimin and Tae would be by you in their comfort, whereas Jin and JK would make extra sure that things weren’t spiraling out of control by being the compromisers in the middle. 
You weren’t a pushover, far from it. But you weren’t one for confrontations unless absolutely necessary. Today could have gone several ways with much better results if not for the underlying conflict between business companies. 
You don’t know if you dozed off or were simply in your own world. But the sudden cold, damp surface of something on your forehead made you flinch up as your eyes connected with the concerned ones of Sunwoo. 
He held an iced coffee in hand, the same one he was pressing against your skin as you allowed yourself to relax. 
“Are you okay?”
Standing up, you instead ignored the question and wrapped your smaller hand around his own still holding on to the cup. “Is this for me?”
He nodded, lips peeling back into a small smile as you accepted it. “A caramel macchiato latte, extra espresso shot.”
You had only mentioned your preferred drink once, but he had it memorized already.
“Thank you.”
Leaning with a shoulder against the wall, hand in a pocket - the concerned glint in his eyes never went away. Wearing a similar fit to the one when you first met him, Sunwoo was still as handsome as ever. Instead of a t-shirt, he wore a fitting turtleneck, a cropped blazer that made him seem even broader, and those damn leather pants with silver accessories adorned his hands, ears, and neck.  
His slightly bronzer skin compared to others seemed to glow. A feature of him you would never be sick of admiring. 
“Are you going to keep staring at me in silence?” Your lips quirked up before taking a sip from the drink, the taste of it getting your mood up. 
“Not if you say what’s bothering you.”
“What makes you think there is?”
Sunwoo snorts. “I walked passed you earlier and you didn’t even notice.”
Glancing at the coffee in your hand. “And you went to get me coffee?”
“I thought you needed something to cheer you up.”
So you gave in. “Just creative differences with the director here. My manager is taking care of it.”
Sunwoo hummed in understanding. “But are you okay?”
His brows were furrowed, those lips you could never ignore pulled into the slightest pout. Swallowing your nerves you stepped even closer. Sunwoo straightened up at the proximity but not moving away. He waited for you. 
“Can I hug you?” Your whisper practically melted him as everything about him softened. 
“Of course.”
Without hesitation, you put the cup down on the bench before snaking your arms around his slim waist, face tucked into the hollow of his neck and shoulder, and breathed him in. 
The aroma of ground coffee beans and subtle vanilla, all wrapped up in notes of sweet fruits and blended spices of sandalwood and sage; a scent you would forever associate with him from this moment.
Sunwoo’s arms wrapped around you, hand gently stroking your back as you relished in the comfort he was providing. A feeling you had missed immensely. 
You were falling, and there was nothing to stop you from being completely consumed by the orbit that was Kim Sunwoo.
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Sunwoo was mesmerized. 
Quite frankly frozen to his spot in the dressing room, standing in the middle of the room, drink forgotten in hand as he stared at the screen where you were currently one of the last performers. 
Fair enough, he wasn’t exactly old, still young at the age of twenty-three, and being one of the youngest in his group he was often reminded of it. But he wasn’t ignorant. Especially not enough to ignore the fact he had fallen easily and quickly down the rabbit hole that was Y/N of BTS. 
Where everyone else saw the star quality encasing your every being, he managed to see past it. Your shyness that you often hid behind the pretense of a bold personality when faced with strangers. Sunwoo could see how you were struggling to be by yourself on stages where you used to be with seven others and had quite quickly used his presence as a comfort to chase your struggles away. 
And he had happily complied. It started with texting until he crossed that line by calling you one evening after a scheduled music show where neither had managed to talk, but craved to. 
After several of nights of calling each other, you surprised him one evening by turning on Facetime, sending his heart stuttering at the beautiful sight of you all barefaced in cozy pajamas under dim lighting as you settled yourself on a couch. 
Yet you still hadn’t found time to meet properly. The end-of-year season was always hectic with the amount of promotions and award shows that went on, especially for his group. Making that long-awaited date having to be put on pause. 
Sunwoo didn’t even expect you to attend after that fiasco of a recording earlier in the month until he woke up to a text this morning from you letting him know, with an unwritten hope to find some time to meet.
“Sunwoo’s in love.” A jest from one of his members snapped him out of the stupor as he simply rolled his eyes with a smirk, playing off the words even though they made him sweat. 
If only his members knew the truth. 
“She’s amazing.” Another compliment followed by several others as his members fell into a light discussion about you and your well-known ability to control a stage and make people pay attention by a single note of your voice. All that without the help of your members. 
Sunwoo felt like the clock was dragging by - his energy and hope diminishing with each minute while pretending he was okay around everyone. The award show was nearing its end, with you closing it before all performers would meet for the closing stage. 
He must have been one of the first members out the door when the call to gather was announced. His casual eagerness was enough to catch the curious attention of a few members, but he did the best he could to act his normal self. 
The stage was packed with the dozens of groups and performances that had joined for the event. Sunwoo made sure to stay close to his group, but he also couldn’t help the way his eyes kept searching for someone in particular. He had caught glimpses of you walking around the stage waving at fans, but also greeting artists who were eager to say hi. 
You were keeping close to your labelmates, TXT, laughing and smiling with them openly with an arm looped around Yeonjun’s like an older sister. Sunwoo would be lying if he didn’t feel jealous seeing you act so openly affectionate with them, but he reined in the green monster quickly. 
He barely managed to reign in his shock when squished amid the crowd as everyone tried to leave the stage and a familiar hand wrapped itself around his own with a quick squeeze before letting go again. Sunwoo saw your back as you walked away in front of him, still beside TXT. 
You never gave any indication it had happened besides the barest of glances over your shoulder. 
The next time Sunwoo managed to see you was by being dragged quite forcefully into a cleaning supply closet as the door closed behind him with a thump and lock turning.
He huffed out a laugh as you stood before him, a guilty grin painted on your lips. 
“Was that a bit too rough?”
“It was perfect.” Sunwoo continued to chuckle and finally took you in. 
The two of you were matching in black, his an assemble of leather and silver accents, whereas you were all sparkling sheer fabric with thigh-high stilettos and matching mini skirt. Jesus fuck. 
 His throat bobbed as his male mind caught up to what was happening: standing in a small-sized closet in dim lighting, with you only inches away from him dressed like actual sin. 
“Do you think they’ll notice?” You asked worried, gnawing on your lower lip. His gaze zeroed on the action. 
“My members definitely have, but they’ll think I probably ran off to the bathroom.”
“We won’t have long then.” The downturned vision of glossy lips made him lick his own, in anticipation or nerves, Sunwoo wasn’t sure. 
He could hear and feel everything now. The sound of your breaths, the rising of your chest, and the heat of your skin only a fingertip away from his touch. You must have caught on to the same desire because you finally looked at him - as in thoroughly looking, doing an appraisal of him from head to toe with a sly tilt to your head, eyes lingering on the cropped fabric of his shirt - lips pulling up into a smile. 
Someone was clearly not feeling shy anymore. He didn’t know if it was a good thing for him. 
“-can I kiss you, noona?” Sunwoo cut off any words you wanted to say. And you didn’t seem all that surprised. “I need to kiss you. actually.”
“Need to, huh?” You were clearly very amused by his words. “Then who am I to stop you?” 
Oh yeah. Definitely a dangerous turn for his sanity. 
“You’re such a tease.” Sunwoo couldn’t help but mutter as he hauled you against him firmly, cutting off your giggle with his lips which turned into a pleased sigh.
Your arms reached up to wrap around his neck, pressed up against each other down to your hips as you raked your nails through his scalp causing a shudder and a groan to leave him. 
Sunwoo kissed you enthusiastically but slowly, seemingly on a mission to memorize every single crevice in your mouth, those plumb lips feeling even softer on your own. He turned your bodies around, never separating from your mouth when he suddenly bent only to pick you up. 
You squeaked in surprise, pulling back momentarily only to be pushed even firmer against the door, your legs spreading to accommodate him between your thighs, your skirt scrunching up. 
That all melted away as you let out a soft moan as Sunwoo finally sucked on your tongue, humming against you with a smirk tugging in the corner of his mouth. He moved away, to the corner of your lips, behind your ear, and down to your neck - wet kisses and his tongue making you pant as your thighs squeezed around his hips. 
Your fingers that were already in his hair tightened their grip even further, holding him against you where he was kissing your neck with a breathless whine and Sunwoo only chuckled at your reaction. 
Honestly, you hadn’t expected him to pick you up just like that. But no part of you was certainly complaining by the turn of events. 
He was more than ready to go further, you noticed. And to be fair, so were you. So strung up with your nerves desperate to find release in any kind that you could have fucked him right in this closet. If it weren’t for the time and place. 
Manvouring Sunwoo’s face back up, you only got a glimpse of his flushed appearance, lidded eyes, and swollen lips before you kissed him again. This time much slower, trying your damn best to calm both of you down. 
Your feet found the ground again, Sunwoo leaning in over you with both hands cupping the back of your neck almost too gently, but a hold that you couldn’t help but rest into. 
It was a struggle to separate, he found out. Pulling back but always needing to dip back in for another kiss or peck. He did it so many times that you ended up laughing. 
“Fuck, I can’t seem to let you go,” Sunwoo murmured, thumb caressing your cheek softly as your eyes sparkled up at him. 
“It’s not the last time.” You assured him, leaning in to press your lips against his neck for a little teasing touch as you smirked in satisfaction feeling him shudder before nuzzling close. 
“I know…” He sighed heavily, obviously not wanting to leave, but the clock was ticking. And the more time they spent lost in each other’s arms would make everyone else around them more suspicious. 
So with a heavy heart and frankly, half a boner - Sunwoo pushed himself away so you could open the door. He took the lead, peeling it open slowly and looking both ways to see it was surprisingly sparse with only a couple of staff on the other end. 
You held onto his hand from behind him, sneaking out slowly as the door clicked shut. From there both of you rushed to where your dressing rooms were - you only being a few doors down from him. 
Just as the sign of The Boyz were in view, Yoo-Mi, your manager came out of your door and freezing both to the spot. 
Sunwoo cursed, body tensing beside you, but he was assured quickly to see the almost entertained smirk on the older woman’s face as she waltzed in their direction. 
“Unnie.” You greeted her sheepishly, never letting go of his hand. You actually moved closer as Sunwoo bowed in greeting. 
“Not a crush, huh?” That was all Yoo-Mi said before shaking her head and moving on. “I’m going toilet, be quick, we’re leaving soon.”
Then they were alone again. Slowly glancing at each other, Sunwoo bit down on his lip before snorting out a laugh with you following with a low laugh. 
“That went well.” He grinned. 
“We really have to go now,” You gave a pointed look at their intertwined hands. 
“Yeah…” His grin didn’t fall as his large hands gently gripped your hips and pulled you closer. You hardly had the power to resist him. “Goodbye kiss?”
“You will be the death of me, Kim Sunwoo.”
Sunwoo leaned down with a mischievous tilt to his mouth, lips brushing against yours as he spoke. “But you would love that, noona.”
Leaning up you sealed the kiss softly, hands resting on his chest only to flinch apart the very next second. 
“Yah Kim Sunw-!”
Q or Changmin stood in the open doorway with his mouth dropped open, only for the two of them to realize they had placed themselves directly in front of The Boyz’ dressing room.
Giving a complete view of both of them to everyone inside as heavy silence fell. 
Well. There went the secrecy.
“What…the hell?” 
Simultaneously taking in the jaw-dropped expressions of his members. You and Sunwoo couldn’t hold back your nearly manic cackles as you fell into him for support.
“Am I dreaming?” Someone wondered out loud in English. 
If this was a dream, then you would never want to wake up. 
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Thank you for reading!
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kittenofdoomage · 8 months
In case you missed it...
I'm currently posting a fic a day over on Ao3 for my Tropetober A-Z event on Patreon last year. It's a different character every day from different fandoms, mostly smutty (you know me). All red underlined links lead to AO3, please read the warnings on individual stories 😘
The fics:
A: Alpha/Beta/Omega - Winter Nights
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) You’re an Omega who lives at Kaer Morhen, unmated but belonging, almost like a pack Omega to the Alpha Witchers; Geralt, Coen, Lambert and Vesemir, though the elder Witcher is long past any need for you. Geralt is close to rut when he returns, and seeks you out.
B: Bodyswap - Worth The Wait
(John Winchester x fem!reader) Some supernatural beings don’t want to hurt anyone, they just want to prove a point.
C: Character Death - The One Good Thing
(Negan x fem!reader) You waited so long to have him back, and he’s waited so long to get back to you, now you can be happy again… right?
D: Dark fic - On Our Terms
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) A sorcerer out for revenge leaves you in a dangerous position, and you’re not sure you’re going to make it out of this one.
E: Enemies To Lovers - Trapped
(Bucky Barnes x fem!reader) An incident on a mission leaves you and Bucky trapped in a vault. Being sealed in a relatively small space is a problem on its own, but you’re faced with another dilemma; you absolutely hate Bucky Barnes.
F: Fake Dating - Keeping Up Appearances
(John Winchester x fem!reader) You haven’t heard from John in three months, after he abandoned you, but now he needs your help on a case. Are you willing to ignore your feelings to help him?
G: Glad To Be Alive - All Is Not Lost
(Negan x fem!reader) A sequel to "The One Good Thing" which was letter C of Tropetober.
H: High School Sweethearts - Bittersweet
(Steve Rogers x fem!reader) In any time or place, she'd love him.
I: I Don't Want To Ruin Our Friendship - Mistakes
(Bucky Barnes x fem!reader) She took a chance and it broke her heart - can Bucky fix the mistake he made?
J: Just Friends - Nightcap
(John Winchester x fem!reader) She’s sick of correcting everyone, and alcohol loosens the tongue.
K: Kiss Of Life - Near Miss
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) Geralt saves your life, then reminds you to never nearly die again.
L: Love Potion - A Wee Favor
(Dean Winchester x fem!reader x Sam Winchester) Dreams can come true.
M: Mates - Crossed Paths
(Alpha!Geralt Of Rivia x Omega!fem!reader) Destiny put them in each other's way for a reason.
N: New Old Flame - Always Yes
(John Winchester x fem!reader) They came so close to something special, only to have it torn away; is there any hope left for them now?
O: One True Love - Backseat Lover
(Dean Winchester x fem!reader) He's been keeping a secret from her, and when they're stranded alone for hours, he finally has to come clean.
P: Please Don't Leave Me - Vigil
(Bucky Barnes x fem!reader) He's halfway through a mission when something he can't fight happens.
Q: Queen Size Bed - Never Have I Ever
(John Winchester x fem!reader x Dean Winchester) Drinking can lead to all sorts of decisions, luckily, these are good ones.
R: Roommates - Sleepless
(Bucky Barnes x fem!reader) Turns out, the solution to the problem was there all along.
S: Soulmates - Runaway
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) You run away from the life your parents want for you, and finally find your soulmate in the most unlikely of places.
T: Time Travel - Time Breaks All Things
(John Winchester x fem!reader) - A misstep on a case puts them somewhere they didn't expect to be, and they're not sure if there's a way home again.
U: Unresolved Sexual Tension - Seize The Sam
(Sam Winchester x fem!reader) Dean "Matchmaker" Winchester strikes again.
V: Virgin - Life Lessons
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) The night that Geralt learned his most valuable life lessons…
W: Werewolf - The Wolf Moon
(Henry Cavill x fem!reader) A night of camping leads her right into the arms of fate.
X: Xenafication - Rough
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) Something changes you, and Geralt isn't sure it's a good thing.
Y: You Can't Fight Fate - Ships In The Night
(Dean Winchester x fem!reader) She keeps running to avoid heartbreak but she's breaking all the same.
Z: Zombies - Full
(Negan Smith x fem!reader) She knows she shouldn't, but the problem is, she wants to, real bad.
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If you do check any of the fics out, please let me know what you think 😊
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holylulusworld · 10 months
Looking for some recommendations by you or your kind followers 🥰
Steve or Bucky mafia / mob or abo series
And Henry Cavill series (I've fallen into a big rabbit hole of lusting over that man lol)
I've read all of your stories so much Lulu, like Consolidation Bride is like my number 1 series. I reread it often sometimes when I walk my dog or when I'm moody and on my period😂.
Hi lovely. Aw, I'm happy someone loves Consolation Bride as much as I do. I'm tempted to write a sequel, I just don't know when.
Let's see, I will list the blogs coming to my mind in random order. I hope I don't forget half of the people I follow...
I highly recommend @angrythingstarlight's blog for Mafia AUs. She has wonderful Mafia AUs for Bucky.
@navybrat817 has great stories for Bucky & Steve & Henry's characters. Check her Bucky list for Mafia stories.
@kinanabinks has an awesome Mafia Bucky x Best Friend (fairy) series. You can find it here: MOB!BUCKY MASTERLIST
@jtargaryen18 has a wonderful Mafia Steve / arranged marriage story called His Inheritance (ongoing). I got it on my reading list.
@sinner-as-saint has all your little heart desires, including mafia AUs, A/B/O and so much more.
@biteofcherry has great a/b/o & mafia stories for Steve. I think some are dark, so check the warnings for triggers.
@smutsonian has this mafia Steve I just discovered and need to read.
@buckyalpine has a story called pretty little thing with Mob Bucky. It's on my reading list.
You are looking for Henry & his roles? Fear not. Look at @littlefreya's blog. Here's her "stories" masterlist. There is a drabbles masterlist in her bio too.
Do you need more Henry? Here you go: @viking-raider will help you out.
@waiting4inspiration has an Alpha Bucky series.
These are the ones coming to my mind atm. If anyone has stories for nonnie to read, please feel free to add them to his post. 😊
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ellethespaceunicorn · 1 month
I was tagged by the lovely @slippinninque and I'm happy to share some sneak peeks into my WIPs 📖
I have three recent WIPs (besides my series I am still working on), and I'm excited to list them here:
1. The Siren of Baker Street - Henry Cavill!Sherlock Holmes x Black!OFC (Explicit - smut) - Sherlock is enamored with a new client.
"Before she knew it, Pearl is kneeling next to Sherlock’s armchair. Her shivering hands reaching out to warm herself by the fire. Sherlock watches quietly as the fire illuminates her face in an ethereal glow. In contrast to the warmth of the fire, Sherlock is frozen in his spot as he contemplates his next move."
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2. Untitled* - Soft!Dark!Lloyd Hansen x Chubby!Black!Fem!Reader (Explicit - smut/violence) - Lloyd deals with a toxic alpha male that is bothering you.
"He was always a fan of this outfit because it hugged all of your curves. The halter top accented your full breasts with a healthy amount of cleavage. The high-waisted fitted skirt showed off your wide hips and thick thighs and stopped just under your knee. A pair of stilettos, with a little buckle that Lloyd bends down to secure, completes the ensemble."
*This story is actually based on an ask i received (nonny, I love your ideas btw).
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3. Don't Kill My Vibe - Henry Cavill!Clark Kent x BestFriend!Black!Fem!Reader (Explicit - smut/weed use) - You finally agree to help Clark ease the pain of his broken heart.
"You were already elevated, having taken a couple puffs from your blue and red glass bowl earlier, so you were struggling to pay attention to everything he was saying. You tried to put on your “I’m not high” face and nod enough, saying “oh wow” every so often. But, in actuality, your eyes were as red as the Devil’s dick and Clark wasn’t stupid."
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I'm switching back and forth between writing all of these at the same time. Yes, that's crazy, but so is writing for free and praying for the dopamine that creative feedback gives us.
I'm open to any questions about these sneak peeks as well, I welcome it, honestly.
no pressure tags: @raccoon-eyed-rebel @blackwood4stucky @ronearoundblindly @navybrat817 @targaryenvampireslayer
@winter2112rose @hansensgirl @vellicore
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loganbcrnes · 9 months
Captain Syverson & August Walker in the viking era (part 1?)
ok i just love a good old viking headcanon. I cannot stop imagining a bunch of my favourite characters in the viking era, totally feral and just fucking all the time sjdjsjd.
Henrys characters fit perfect for this era with their gruff beefy look. also this turned out kinda soft??? anyways enjoy!!
might do a part 2 if anyone is interested, just let me know! readers body type and ethnicity isnt described.
No warning, but mentions of smut, everything is consensual even though it may not seem it lol.
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Captain Syverson
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Sy grew up on a farm with his mother and father. he'd definitely be of Norwegian heritage. a farm boy at heart, grew up to be a fierce warrior after his parents were killed. Everyone feared The Captain, rumors spread like wildfire, to the point people thought he was sent from the Gods, or that he was a warrior god himself. he'd sail the seas around the world raiding, pillaging and trading. but deep down he was a romantic at heart and a traditional man. He longed for devoted love, a love he saw in his parents. He waited for a long time before he would finally meet you. because deep down, he wanted to go back to the farm, live a peaceful life as a husband to his wife and a father to his children.
eventually he would meet you, a woman who was taken from her home to be a slave to a king in Sweden. As he was pillaging the town to kill the king, he saw you in a farm house, a man was trying to assault you. Sy struck his sword through the man and he fell to the ground. You was wearing a light blue long-sleeved top with a brown skirt, but oh you were so beautiful. It was love at first sight even when the reader punched Sy in the face and ran away from the town into the forest. Sy knew from there that the reader was to be his wife.
Half the time Sy was feral, it was the only thing that could get him through the raids. He could let his inner beast come through. A couple of days later, trying to find you, he saw you washing yourself by a waterfall. He hid behind a big rock so he could watch you. He watched as you were drying your hair off, your body sun-kissed by the summer sun. He felt his cock harden as he looked your ass and breasts, so plumb and his for the taking.
As he came into view, you gasped as you saw him. He looked at you up and down, taking in your nakedness. Your breasts hardened at the cool wind blowing, but also because of the giant man staring at you. Your pussy on display, he wanted to taste you so bad.
Before you know it he has you pinned down, you let out a startled scream as he nuzzled his face into your neck, smelling your sweet scent. You knew this was wrong, you did not know this man, but something about it felt good. He was huge, while his hands were rough, touching you everywhere, even your most private areas which you blushed and looked away. His touch was still soft.
"W-what do you want from me?" You asked, unsure what to do. "Need you" Sy mumbled into your neck. "Please" You hear him whisper. Next thing you know you are being pounded into the dirt. You moan and scream to the point you are afraid someone will hear, his balls slap against your ass with each thrust. His broad thick hairy body wraps around your body. His pubic hair rubbing against your clit. You were so aroused that it didn't even hurt when he slid in, taking your virginity and filling you up with his seed. Oh there was a lot of seed, to the point you thought this was unusual. But you did not care, you were so far gone and the sexiest man was above you fucking and breeding you to the halt.
August Walker
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August Walker, known as the king of Denmark to the people, was a Noble and commanding king, but harsh and silent. He was dominating, successfully winning every raid and war. other kings and queens were afraid of him. no one dared to disobey him. Many wandered if this man was even capable of love, because all they saw was a murderous man who got what he wanted every time.
He grew up with a cruel father, who would beat him and his mother after coming home drunk every night. After he killed his own father, August looked after his mother when she grew sick. Ever since her death he has always been alone.
Until one day.
In the middle of a raid, August all bloodied from the killing, saw a woman fighting off men as young girls and boys were standing behind her terrified. The woman was striking, and fierce. Never holding down even though he could see the exhaustion on your face and body. Oh your body. He could not see your curves due to the armor, but he knew you were beautiful, that made his cock harden.
after a successful raid, sitting at the high table in front of his warriors and civilians alike, they celebrated. you face appeared and he couldn't take his eyes off of you. Never has he felt this way before, he couldn't quite put his finger on what he was feeling, lust?, romance? maybe both? who knows. Only thing he knew certain off was that he wanted you in his bed that night. Upon meeting him, you were stubborn. You heard the rumors about this man. He fucked anything that moved and he killed anyone that pissed him off. Your attitude shocked him as no one treated him in such a manner, but it just made him want you more. You both did not leave the bedroom for 3 days. August lay awake as you cuddled him from the side. He looked at you, thinking of a life he could have with you, but for the type of man he is, he did not think he deserved such a life. But over time you proved him otherwise, with your stubborn nature, you brought four daughters and a son to the world who were equally stubborn. Now he cannot picture a life without the six of you. promising himself he will be a better father than what his own father was.
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milknhonies · 5 months
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The Dog Days Are Over Masterlist
Story Summary: You were destined to be another Alpha in your family...but one small gene snuck up into your chromosomes and now you're being sent to a boarding asylum for Omega class training...What's worse? The Alpha doctor that doomed you to this fate smells fucking incredible...
Pairings: Alpha!Henry Cavill X Omegaf!reader
Story Warnings: 18+ Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Omegaverse, Alpha, Omega, Beta, Dubious Consent, Breeding Kink, vaginal examinations, Spanking, corporal punishment, taboo age gap, doctor, kink, medical fetish, straight jacket, bondage, sex toys used for medical purposes, heats, ruts, mindless sex, imprisonment, escape attempt, therapy, sex education, etiquette classes. Manipulation. Sexual coercion. Implied Child Abuse. Abandonment issues.
Author Notes:
★I would like to express the knowledge that I do not approve or perform of any of the actions the characters of this fanficition demonstrate.
★This story is not fit for every viewers eyes and it will be glorifying acts of trauma and characters that shouldn't be in reality.
★If you do not wish to see this content please block #TNOSP (scroll and you'll find it is the first tag.)
★This story has been published in the past on Tumblr on my old account @milknhonies-old-account since I have created a newer account and I am currently editing the entire story because it doesn't suit my vision as the author.
★This story might be alarming and severely upsetting for people who have had experiences with rape, troubled youth program camps and medical abuse.
★If you'd like to be included in or removed from the Taglist, please comment below ⬇️
Chapter 1 — Word Count: 7k
Chapter 2 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 3 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 4 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 5 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 6 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 7 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 8 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 9 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 10 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 11 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 12 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 13 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 14 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 15 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 16 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 17 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 18 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 19 — Word Count: tba
Chapter 20 — Word Count: tba
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justjams2003 · 2 years
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Steve Abnesti:
Pretty Mouth: Summary: While on holiday you’re invited on a yacht with some very rich people. Steve catches your eyes and with the help of some N-40 you two are immediately attached to each other.
Pretty Mouth Pt2
All for you: Summary: Jeff got to use N-40 with Y/N. Afterwards he can't help but want to do so once more. When he mentions so to Steve, Steve gets furious. Dosing him with Darkenfloxx and calling Y/N to watch.
Distractions: Summary: After Jeff discovers Steve’s plans, Steve panicks and Y/N is forced to pilot them to safety.
Free Fridays: Summary: There are many things you miss about the outside world. And after an incident with Rogan, Steve makes sure do get Y/N out of the Spiderhead
New boy:  It's smut, except you're cute and tiny
Prove it: Steve corrupts an innocent reader. 
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Blossoms-PotO Fic
Summary: A young author travels away from her family to The Opera she has heard so much about. She lost and confused and yet still seems to get a job there as a cleaner. Yet when she meets a mysterious man there, everything changes. Her mind is entirely consumed, but will she allow her burning need for him consume her life as well? 
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The Mandolorian
Hold Still: Summary: During a long flight, Y/N gets bored. While Din tries to reward Y/N for their good behaviour so far, they get interrupted. Now Din has to get them out of harms way, all while inside Y/N.
Little onesies: While on your way to Tatoine Din gets you ready
Salvaging: Din decided you are far to pregnant to help with his bounties, but he does let you watch.
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Henry Cavill
New Thrill: Summary: Being annoyed with all the gaming Henry’s been done recently, you act out wanting for attention. He makes sure to give it to you, all with his dear friend on the phone.
The inevitable: Henry helps you through your medical problems
Dirty: You’d come to set to bring Henry his lunch, only to find him rolling around in the mud. You can’t help but take laugh and take a video.
Kal’s Sixth Sense: Henry notices that Kal has been acting weird lately. Following you around everywhere. When those two pink lines shows up on the pregnancy test, things makes sense.
Treat yourself: You plan on going to the shop, grabbing some money from Henry’s wallet to see how he reacts.
Surprise: You and the interviewer make plans to surprise Henry while on his busy press tour.
Between two Gods: In a world with Alpha, Betas and Omegas, you never thought you'd find your true mate. But you did, but it turns out to be mates. And not just any two Alphas, the strongest two Alphas on earth (and some galaxies.) Come join us as you tackle the life of being mates to thor Odinson and Superman.
Cuddles for breakfast: You and your daughter surprise Henry for father’s day.
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Thor Odinson:
Snippit: (Drabble taken from wip) Thor always seems to know where is his lover, Star is. His mother finds it simply adorable how close they are.
Snippit 2: (Drabble taken from wip) Thor takes Star (oc) to a clearing in the forest with a lake. Where he worships her body and declares his love.
Thundering return: (dark!thor x slave!reader) Thor comes home lustful after a heavy battle in need for a release. (Basically just smut) 
Galaxy of Stars: The Light Elves are told to live forever. Avoiding age for millennia, becoming over 5000 years old before growing feeble and fragile. And so at the age of 600, Star lived when Thor was born. Not that it mattered much, she herself was still considered incredibly young. A small thing, still a babe.
  You’d expect Star to live a ravishing life. Marrying another royal, growing a family and a kingdom. Being a beautiful, power princess you would believe nothing else to happen.  Yet, Star lived a truly tragic life. Living through one painful experience to the next. She left an impact on everyone she met and somehow still died a horrific death.  
Perhaps, however, I am telling you too much? Just maybe you would like to find this out all on your own. Through the power of storytelling, I could just convince you that her life wasn’t as painful as it truly is. But I do not wish to undermine the pain she went through. As she lived it, so will you. 
So many allergies: During a party, you become small and eat something you shouldn’t and have an allergic reaction. Thor has to come in and save the day
Between two Gods: In a world with Alpha, Betas and Omegas, you never thought you'd find your true mate. But you did, but it turns out to be mates. And not just any two Alphas, the strongest two Alphas on earth (and some galaxies.) Come join us as you tackle the life of being mates to thor Odinson and Superman.
Sweet Savagery: All your life, Thor's blue eyes have haunted you. You believed you outran him, but now all your hopes come tumbling down.
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Lewis Hamilton:
The final push: You and Lewis have been friends (turned lovers) since forever. When he’s struggling on his race he asks to talk to you on the radio. Believing you to be the only thing that could help him.
Matchmaker: Seb is the one who set you and Lewis up, it’s only sensible you honour him somehow.
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Fast Pace: You're a hard-working Chef in Paris and after a freak accident run-in with Carlos Sainz, your life makes a 180. Let's just say with a certain agreement, you get your bills paid and in return stand in as Carlos' girlfriend for the press. But will you be able to handle the pressure and ensure the lines don't blur?
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Le Chiffre:
I’ll take care of you: Your gambling father actually won a poker match against Le Chiffre himself. In a bout of anger, Le Chiffre decides to take revenge
Captain Rochefort
The Captain: When Captain Rochefort enters the tavern you work at, he seems to take a liking to you.
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laketaj24 · 4 years
I kinda maybe have a lactation kink.... Could you do it with Henry Cavill please? I mean f you write for him.
Lactation Kink: Alpha!Henry Cavill x Omega! Reader
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Authors Note: interestingly enough, this is a kink I’ve never written lol hope I done it some justice lol
Alpha!Henry x Omega!Reader
Alpha Henry’s entire goal was to get you pregnant with his pups, and now that the boy is here, he’s utterly fascinated with watching you with him
Henry particularly likes to see you doing the necessary mothering actions, breastfeeding included.
He’d stand at the door watching you sing to the little one, his eyes glowing amber as you continue with him. “Is he down?” He’d grumble, his voice low and primal.
“He is,” you smirk. You weren’t in heat just yet, you doubted you’d be for a few months with the boy around, but that didn’t stop Henry from wanting you. “You can’t wait a good hour, so we know he-.”
“No, I want you now.” And he did, his hard cock prods at you from the gym shorts while you can smell his arousal.
He’d be impatient, pulling you from the room into the quiet living room. He’d pull your shirt off first, loving the heaviness of your breast.
Henry swirls his tongue around your rigid nipple, teasing you by gently pulling his teeth over it, and then sucks. His warm lips latch on to you, and your body tenses only to bow away from him in pleasures
You moan his name while your fingers lace in his curls. “Hen-“ but that’s all you can get out before your hips start bucking on his thigh, wishing others was his dick
He has a goal, and greedily he sucks harder and harder until the warm milk hits his tongue and a carnal growl erupts from his chest.
You take it in, allowing him to suck for a minute until you pull away. “Calm down.” You’re winded, and he hasn’t even fucked you yet. “Let’s go upstairs.”
Henry Cavill Short Taglist: (Sorry my phone won’t allow me to get the long one but I’m gonna work it out lol) @oddsnendsfanfics @my-rosegold-soul @taytayize123 @iloveyouyen @honeychicanawrites @thickemadame @fallslikefeather @blackmissfrizzle @isthat-tyra98 @titty-teetee @yeet-me-out-tonight @inforapound @supernaturalvikingwhore @l-auteuse @nina-skyee @october505 @boomhauer @sciapod @abrokencondomiswhyimalive @littlefreya @bianaguipa @therandomthoughtsofmsparker @therealcalicali @twistedcharismaaa @singeramg @angreav @magdelen69 @madbaddic7ed @pocimaginesaesthetics @ajspencer1892 @jovanaprime @zejess93
I’m up!!! Tired butttt up! Send me your kink (anonymously) and I’ll try to write a short Headcannon for a few characters! If y’all want!!
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Summary: geralt and yennefer have a disagreement over the groups omega
Warnings: a/b/o, confrontation, swearing, alpha!geralt, alpha!yennefer, omega!reader, angry wolf.
A/n: heres the short drabble for my shitpost 😅😅 enjoy!
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You whined as you tumbled to the ground, one arm curling around your cramping stomach the other catchingnyourself before your head bounced off of the floor.
Geralt stood over you in a wide form, one foot over your crumpled, needy heap. Hiss sword drawn poised at yennefers neck. She smirked and drew her hand up taunting the silver haired alpha with your slick rubbing it between her fingers before pulling her them to her mouth lapping at the sweetened heat induced treat.
She hummed playfully and looked down at you sending a predatory gaze. You mewled and tried to scoot back, hiding yourself behinde geralts ankles. You sought him out, he was your protecter. Your alpha. Jaskier held his breath watching the foolish female alpha who realise how serious Geralt was. She thought this was all fun and games.
You quivered in the floor straining under your cramps, struggling to get up and hide behide geralts feet. Geralt snarled at yennefer and pressed the blade to her neck kissing her skin. Panting and growling under the swell of his own rut induced rage.
Who the fuck did this female think she was? Trying to defile his,omega? Touching her without permission! Fucking scenting her! Tasting her?! Gerlat was seeing red. You were his omega. Not yennefers, not jaskier's. His!
"The girl; an omega, yours?" Yennefer teased playfully droping her lavender gaze to the omega strugging onto her knees. The delectable scent of an omega lost in their heat reaching her nose, the taste of the ripened sweet honey lingering on her tongue.
"Mine!" Geralt seethed with rage quivering under it. Threatening to snap and kill the competing alpha. In thatmmoment al, he wanted to do wasaint the grohnd in the mages blood and mount his omega in the puddle. It was beastly and barbaric vpbut that was the natrue of alpha's. Witcher alphas especially.
"I yet unclaimed-" yennefer quipped and raised a hand in the omegas direction. It was then yennefer noticed her error. The golden eyed male pressed the blade tihter to her skin and tilted it. The cold steel split the skin and bled her a few drops.
"Mine!" He repeated with more forced and dropped a hand to you as you knelt. You yipped and made to struggle untill geralts hand grasped your scruff. Once his huge warm hand had ahold of your nape, your instinct kicked in and you went limp. Geralt hoisted you painlessly in the air holding you a few inches off of the ground infront of yennefer.
"This is mine. My fucking omega-MY OMEGA. MINE. MINE. MINE!" He roared whilst giving yoh a small shake before yennefers face to bring the message home. You blinked silently not really bothered by the shaking. It didnt hurtmor upset,you in the slightest. Infact the pure possessive rage and snarling was pushingnyou deeper into your heat. The fact that the huge handsome amber eyed alpha was announcingnhis claim over you in such a dominant display of physical strength made you much much needier than before. You were by all means going to end up leaving a fucking puddle below you if he carried on.
"Honestly geralt calm down i meant nomharm the girl is suffering i was just easing her-" yennefer said cautiously now seeing the situation she had caused by offering to,take care of your heat before foolishly diving her hand into your smalls seeking the delicious warmth.
"Mine." He said finally quietly whilst leaningminto the ,ages gace pressingnhis blade a few millimetres deeper drawing another thicker line of crimson from yennefers throat. You whimpered rubbing your thighs together unable to deny the way geralts savagery was stealing your breath, making your body hum with need.
"Say it." The witchers words were bearly legible as his snarls and growls grew more violent. His lip curled baring his fangs in a frightening display.
"I.. yours geralt, shes yours" yennefer muttered feeling frightened of the witcher for the first time in her life. Geralt gave her a steely look waiting for her gaze to surrender. After a few seconds the mage gave in. Geralt then looked to you.
"Speak omega" he prompted slightly calmer, but still with an air of fury about him. He would not take less then complete submission.
"Y-yours alpha please?" You whispered blinking at him innocently givingnin immediately with a hope that he truly meant what he said. That you were his and he would claim and knot you.
"Mine. And dont you forget it" he purred nuzzkjngmyour hair scentingmyoh ad he lowered yoh back to your feet. Yoh melwed and tipped your head tk the side offering him your neck to mark. He smiled and finally dropped his sword from yennefer before drawing a line across your presented neck predpssjng a kiss to it before opening his jaws wide and clamped 9ver your delicate skin releasing a feirce gruntal moan as he bit his markminto you. His omega. All his.
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