#alpha gv
nothingtown-fr · 10 months
She/Her — Bisexual
Alpha is the commander of the sentinels, and treated with the utmost respect by most among her. She is generally feared by most of the public, as she is very cruel when it comes to treatment of those who break the law. Her body count is ever-increasing, and upwards of a thousand. She is the only sentinel with sentience, as she is the commander, as well as the head of security at Phantomflux. She assists in the creation of new sentinels, as well as the disposal of defunct ones.
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Outfit Progress
Current appearance — Goal appearance
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Skin: Augmented Edgeraver (Terrorform) — 800g
G2+ Sandsurge — Plague Common
Dirt Wrought
Sanguine Spire
Maroon Augment
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Art Gallery
None yet!
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papier-ciseaux · 27 days
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Happy moments of the past ft. my ship
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blueoctobass · 7 months
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Can I do this for every matchup? Probably not. Anyway check out @prompt-verse
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prompt-verse · 7 months
Round 1: Nim VS A!Green
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Nim may not have magic, but she has all the rage she needs
A!Green must be very agile, fast and nimble from all that yoga and exercise they do
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kkmcshouty · 1 year
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As many may know, once again this year I participated in a Gloomverse based artfight, and this is one of the images from that!
I was playing around with a piece of opal and had an idea so that's how this image came about! Not exactly a fancy way to come up with something but inspiration strikes when it wants to haha
Timelapse and a pic with the individual colors is under the cut!
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Cosmic count exceeds expectation: Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on ISS reveals surplus of cosmic rays
Cosmic rays confound scientists once again. The latest analysis of data collected by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on board the International Space Station has revealed a surprising surplus of cosmic rays made of deuterons—atomic nuclei made up of a proton and a neutron.
The finding, described in a paper published in Physical Review Letters, adds to the growing list of unexpected results from the space-based detector, which was assembled at CERN and has detected more than 238 billion cosmic rays of particles of various kinds since it started taking data in 2011.
Cosmic-ray particles fall into two main classes: primary and secondary. Primary cosmic rays are formed in cosmic sources such as supernova explosions, whereas secondary cosmic rays are produced in interactions between primary cosmic rays and the interstellar medium.
In its latest study, the AMS collaboration investigated data from 21 million cosmic deuterons detected by AMS from May 2011 to April 2021. Examining how the number, or "flux," of deuterons varies with rigidity, that is, particle momentum over electrical charge, the AMS team found surprising features.
Deuterons are thought to form in the same way as helium-3 nuclei, in collisions between primary helium-4 nuclei and other nuclei in the interstellar medium. If that is indeed the case, the deuteron-to-helium-4 flux ratio should be similar to the helium-3-to-helium-4 flux ratio.
But this is not what AMS sees. By contrast, the AMS data shows that these ratios are notably different above a rigidity of 4.5 gigavolts (GV), with the deuteron-to-helium-4 ratio falling less steeply with rigidity than the helium-3-to-helium-4 ratio. In addition, and again defying expectations, above a rigidity of 13 GV the data shows that the deuteron flux is nearly identical to that of protons, which are primary cosmic rays.
To put it simply, AMS has found more deuterons than expected from collisions between primary helium-4 nuclei and the interstellar medium.
"Measurement of deuterons is quite difficult because of the large cosmic proton background," says AMS spokesperson Samuel Ting. "Our unexpected results continue to show how little we know about cosmic rays. With the coming upgrade of AMS to increase its acceptance by 300%, AMS will be able to measure all the charged cosmic rays to one percent accuracy and provide an experimental basis for the development of an accurate cosmic-ray theory."
IMAGE: The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (center left) on the International Space Station. Credit: NASA
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mrxcreepypastamadness · 3 months
Here she is, my official WIP for VirusVirdem (VV).
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Inspired by:
Death Race Vanellope (created by Bleedman)
• s-vanellope-6 (Creepypasta)
• VirusVirdem One Shot
• Racer's Playlist (Friday Night Funkin')
Aliases: VV
Species: Entity
Gender: Female
Best Friends: REBOOTED XXX
Victims: Lauren
Height: 5'1
Eye Color: White encircled by red
Debut: s-vanellope-6 (Creepypasta)
VirusVirdem's design is based off of the death race outfit, with the exception of a blue denim mini skirt along with grey striped leggings with lower saturation to it meaning the colors may have darkened a bit. Originally she has no symbols on her shirt, but VirusVirdem does as it is a japanese Kanji for "Night", however, the meaning of it has not yet been elaborated on.
It is unknown for how long VirusVirdem has been around, or where she exactly originates from. She used to reside within a prototype copy of Slaughter Race (known as Death Race); in which was delivered to Lauren's residence.
It didn't take too long until things began to feel off during Lauren's first playthrough. After beating Sweet Treat, the game seemed to gain consciousness, displaying ominous texts where they shouldn't be, causing huge amounts of bugs and lags, and eventually bricking the game disc, much to the protagonist's dismay, taking it to the video game store to how much it costs.
Later on, they decide to play Sugar Rush Galaxy on their Nintendo Switch as an attempt to forget about the busted game, however it completely backfired, as the entity within that disc had already infiltrated the console, making the red Sugar Luna in the game say something very out of line. After crashing the system, VV supposedly turned off the home security system just as soon as Lauren tried unplugging all their electronics, in attempt of preventing her from possibly causing malwares and viruses and damaging them as well.
Upon receiving a call from the home security company, Lauren tried to explain what went on, but is suddenly interrupted by the sound of static, alongside a deep and spunky feminine voice telling Lauren she'll always watching them, which causes them to be on the verge of breaking down, and drive over to stay the night at their friends house, Thomasina, eventually staying here for the time being.
As if right now, it is unknown where VirusVirdem currently resides, as the video game disc had been defensively destroyed by Lauren, and their TKES (TobiKomi Entertainment System) and Switch kept in a box for purposes of sentimental value.
• Just like Kilobyte, VirusVirdem chooses to make her vessel look like it's rotting, but can choose to make herself more closely resemble Vanellope's actual appearance.
• VirusVirdem is actually an inspiration of Death Race Vanellope in general, while she's based off the current EXE; Lord X, and the currently known entity in the House of Horrorbrews, KiloByte.
• VirusVirdem is like KiloByte's twin sister due to same height, well depends if the "alpha twin" situation happened. She's basically the Mabel type of personality, while KiloByte is the Dipper type of personality, though more powerful.
• VirusVirdem is actually far more mature than Super Horror Vanellope, even though she may be powerful than her and an additional story for Sugar Rush Madness, she "might" be a slave to Horror Vanellope.
• VirusVirdem hangs out with GV and JB-BX for a game of bingo, although GB and MX may not understand KiloByte's game, well, at least not yet, these independent women VirusVirdem, GV and JB-BX can understand bingo better than GB and MX.
• VirusVirdem and Empress V are the only two that could be sonic derivative-related EXEs according to the Wreck-It-Ralph Horrorbrews. While Empress V covers Tyrant (D'Lordess Sugar Rush Mix), VirusVirdem covers Danger Awareness (Cosmic Awareness Sugar Rush Mix)
• Sweet Treat is a female varient of Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal as she made her appearance from Death Race (The prototype version of Slaughter Race video game.) as the final boss of the game.
• Lauren is a transgender, as hinted by the pin at the top of his/her shirt.
• Thomasina Miller is the genderbend version of Tom from the original Sonic.EXE story and twin sister to Tom.
• Thomasina is more of a Sonic fan of a girl, unlike Lauren, due to those kind of fast-pased games giving them motion sickness.
Reference Art:
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Death Race Vanellope
The Death Race outfit Vanellope wears from Death Race, which is what VV's design is based off of.
Created by: bleedman
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fanaticarmagazin · 1 year
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gojifancomix · 1 year
Godzilla Vs Shin Gojira
L: Alpha roar
S: Wakes up and roars
S: Trips Legendary G With tail
L: Charges
S: Falls over
S: Fire breath
L: Goes Themonuclear and blows up
S: Gets incinerated
The end
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bromantane · 2 years
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Noopept / НООПЕПТ. Synthetic substance ≥ 99% 1000MG.
Noopept. A cousin of piracetam with more than a thousand times stronger effects. It has a documented pro-cognitive effect. Improves the process of information assimilation. Transforming information from short-term to long-term memory.
Noopept 1000mg
  Noopept purity ≥ 99%
Net weight: 1gram
Cas No. : 157115-85-0
Molecular Formula: C17H22N2O4
Molecular weight: 318.37
Use: Product for laboratory testing not for consumption.
  Other chemical names:
Glycine, 1-(2-phenylacetyl)-L-prolyl-, ethyl ester
Glycine, 1-(phenylacetyl)-L-prolyl-, ethyl ester
Glycine, N-[1-(phenylacetyl)-L-prolyl]-, ethyl ester
1-(2-Phenylacetyl)-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester
1-(2-Phenylacetyl)-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester
Noopept - what is this molecule?
Ноопепт is a Russian agent with broad nootropic effects. Noopept, is the ethyl ester of N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine. Other names for this formulation include; GVS-111, Nupept and Zynapse. The Ноопепт molecule was developed and patented in Russiai. The Russian pharmacological institute has a number of substances characterized by pro-cognitive effects in its achievements. Nootept is often paired with piracetam. In favor of Noopept is the nearly 1,000-fold stronger effect of this agent compared to piracetam. For users, this means a significantly reduced dosage of the substance with a concomitantly increased action profile.
As a so-called smart-drug with nootropic effects, the agent perfectly supports cognitive processes including concentration. In addition, it exhibits a multifaceted spectrum of neuroprotective activities. Noopept has a moderate anti-anxiety effect. After administration, it is converted to cycloproliloglycine.
Noopept - potential uses of the substance.
Ноопепт-as a drug with nootropic and neuroprotective effects-is used by people who want to raise the bar of their mental activity. It is especially recommended for students. The product significantly improves cognitive functions. Improved concentration, improved ability to assimilate knowledge are the main features of Ноопепт. Consumption of this molecule is accompanied by an overall improvement in well-being. The preparation may have a moderate anti-anxiety effect. To a lesser extent, it also has an anti-depressant effect. Nootept stabilizes the body's response to stressful situations. Noopept reduces fatigue and supports the immune system. It has multifaceted applications, especially in supporting the treatment of diseases that lead to neurodegeneration of the brain. It has been successfully tested in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease patients.
Nootept's mechanism of action and profile.
The Noopept molecule exhibits several basic pathways of action on the human body. First of all, it increases the sensitivity of neurons to acetylcholine. Thus, it improves the conduction of electrical charge (information) between neurons. The consequence of increased acetylcholine availability is improved memory. This is due to the transformation of short-term memory, consolidating it into long-term memory. The mechanism is done by increasing neurotrophic factors in the brain. Studies show increased hippocampal activity after Nootept administration. Improves neuroplasticity of connections between neurons. The overall holistic effect of the substance translates into more efficient brain function.
How to dose the product?
The recommended and confirmed human dosage of Noopept is from 10-30mg. Pryparat should be taken one to three times a day. It is not recommended to exceed the daily dose. The recommended daily dose is up to 60mg of the active substance. Spectacular results are achieved by combining Nootept with other agents that improve the work of synapses. Nootept, in combination with choline or Alpha GPC, brings the benefits of improved memorization and consolidation of information in long-term memory.
More detailed information regarding Noopept:
Kondratenko R., Derevyagin V., Skrebitsky V. (2010). Novel nootropic dipeptide Noopept increases inhibitory synaptic transmission in CA1 pyramidal cells. Neuroscience Letters, 476,, 70-73; http://lipos-c.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Noopept-Reference-31-Novel-nootropic-dipeptide-Noopept-increases-inhibitory-synaptic-transmission-in-CA1-pyramidal-cells.pdf
V. Vakhitova et al. "Molecular Mechanism Underlying the Action of Substituted Pro-Gly Dipeptide Noopept" Acta Naturae. 2016 Jan-Mar; 8(1): 82-89. https://europepmc.org/article/PMC/4837574
Jia X, et al Neuroprotective and nootropic drug noopept rescues α-synuclein amyloid cytotoxicity . J Mol Biol. (2011); https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21986202/
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qween-virgay · 2 years
I do want the ship art now please 🥺
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you ask and shall receive
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thegreenproblem · 2 years
any reasons why its Yellow? :^)
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Yellow - one of the Colors - was my wife. I suppose that has greatly influenced my preference, hah...
To honor her, I made sure that it was the most important color in stratoverse, and only those worthy enough may wear it.
...She deserved the world.
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thebluesource · 3 years
Have you tried looking for Red? I think she's in gloomverse!
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……. I have
And I found her! Many times.
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I don’t know how or why.
They all look just like her. But they’re not her.
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They’re not my Red.
And it’s not fair to expect them to be. But I can’t help it.
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prompt-verse · 2 years
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Take some time to think about it! Don't just vote for your fav, but vote for the most societally disruptive person!
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blueoctobass · 4 years
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Tried to design what the rest of the alpha colors might have looked like!
(It’s fun try it I want to see more versions!)
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papier-ciseaux · 4 years
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Alpha Green, meditating under the sun....
Made for @qween-virgay !
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