#already fought enough with the male anatomy
lethologicaee · 9 months
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jason todd posed as saint sebastian request for @bloodyentrails
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wolfstarmie · 11 months
Character Thoughts
Since my fic is a year old, I figured it'd be fun to just ramble about my silly fish, their origins in the story and how they have changed from initial ideas.
When I first thought about this fic, I knew I wanted to make the main character/salmonid parent be a Big Shot. Big Shots are just my favourite salmonid boss (they’re hug shaped!) so I figured it’d be fun to write from that perspective.
Originally he wasn’t related to Sprout, but with time it was something that just made sense, as with the rest of the backstory that got out of control real fast.
When it comes to his design, parts of his unique charm are purely because I designed him before I fully understood how salmonid anatomy worked. Hence his adorable OwO face. Then there’s his red hair. This is because I suffer from having amazing taste in men, and most (if not all) my fanfics feature ginger men in some form or another, and so… well I gotta carry tradition >:U
Poor Cookie. When I first posted the fic to AO3, folks were already alarmed at the major character death tag. I’m not sure how early her death was planned, but I believe it was about as soon as the concept of the fic itself. The official lore that salmonids don't fear death is super fascinating to me, and it felt natural to explore it by contrasting two extremes: A lack of care about death itself, and the grief one feels for a parent.
As for Cookie herself, she was always a motherly figure, though I can’t recall when I made her a goldie. Though out of all the salmonids, the special boss that hoards a billion eggs would make the most sense as a mother figure. 
Another point of contrast Cookie brought with her was her justified hatred of inklings. In many ways, she's the very opposite of Sprout: They both share aggressive views on inklings, but where Sprout embodies the negatives of those views, Cookie learned to overcome her own pain at what inklings did to her, and love Ravioli for just being herself.
While Cookie and Horn were destined to never meet, I did have thoughts of how Horn would learn of the previous owner of her home. One idea was that of Cookie’s ghost protecting the young woman during spawning, though that never came to be.
Speaking of Cookie in spirit, one little fun thing that I think is worth sharing is Cookie’s full title. The Great Kind Mother, Cookie Of a Thousand Winds. I personally hate the wind, but it sure does come up a bit during the fic…
Vanilla was not always planned on being an important character! In fact, while he was the first choice in the fic for where Stroganoff got ink; in the first draft, Stroganoff fought an inkling for ink before realising it wasn’t good enough for his new baby. 
A cut joke from that forbidden draft had Stroganoff eating some ink (for the greater good), and Vanilla having some great advice: “Why is your mouth blue?”
“I ate some ink. Will you help me?” “Have you tried not eating ink?”
In earlier plans, he was just a one sided villain, who potentially helped Sprout and maybe grew a conscience afterwards. I can tell you the exact chapter where this all changed, however: Chapter 12. In the original draft, he was downright mean to Cookie. In an attempt to tone it down and still have him be a bastard, I gave Cookie a way to fight back: being his mom. And then everything went pear shaped after that. I got attached to him, and he started turning out WAY different than originally planned.
(Still a lovable bastard though)
He’s also a manlet. I forget when this was decided, but he’s in the ballpark between 4 foot and 5 foot. One day Ravioli will be taller than him, and it will not be a good day for him.
Ah, Horn. She was always destined to be a punching bag for Ravioli after Cookie’s passing, but was wildly different for a while. The original plan had Horn be a male scrapper, bond with Stroganoff over machinery, and build a scrapper car with him.
There’s a very deep and meaningful reason for why I chose a scrapper and not any other boss: Whenever I’m playing salmon run and going over to the big shot cannon, there's always a scrapper there. Always. I can’t murder giant fish in peace without nearly being the victim of vehicular manslaughter.
Horn’s original name was Oepsie (a very sweet skewer made with bacon, and yes it does just mean ‘Oops’), and Ravioli would have been more than happy to call this poor salmon a mistake for living in Cookie’s house.
Continuing on the theme of names, another name Horn had for a while before I settled on ‘Caramel Horn’ was Cherry! I forget why the name (probably another terrible joke), but I eventually decided I didn’t like Cherry, and instead went with Horn (which IS another terrible joke).
She didn’t have a damaged tail originally, though there was a point in which she did have both the prosthetic and a desire to make her own scrapper car. At some point I just didn’t like the idea and scrapped (heh) it.
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Unlike a few other characters, the first bit of designs for Horn were done digitally, so I can actually share 'em
He’s always been a bastard. Much like milk, he got worse the more I thought about him. If there was ever a person to say “the world would be a better place without you,” it’d be Sprout. 
I cannot recall when I made Sprout and Stroganoff brothers, as it was not the original plan, but it's one of those things where the more you figure out characters, the more things slide into place.
Sadly all the information that would be worth sharing is better revealed in the fic, but please know Sprout is the type of person who’d have an overly dramatic villain song in a musical, and takes childish insults way too seriously.
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The first drawing I did of this bastard was of him wielding a zweihander. Whether or not he should have a zweihander is up for debate.
He’s trying his best. While a very minor character, he’s definitely the kind of person Ravioli needs in her life: A friend. Maybe not the highest quality friend, his own ideas clashing with Ravioli’s sheltered upbringing, but at least it's someone Ravioli’s age.
His heart’s in the right place, but he’s a very unlucky kid when it comes to showing Ravioli cool stuff.
Fun fact! I named my palafin in pokemon violet after him, and he was my lead for most of the game. Maybe not the most thrilling fact, but I figured it was worth sharing how, in another life, Potato got to be a dolphin.
Ravioli… poor girl. There’s so much to say and at the same time, there isn’t much to say at all. There’s no secret about her on the cutting room floor, no devious plans that had to go to the wayside. She’s just a young girl (perhaps not the naturally brightest) trying to figure things out in a chaotic world trying so hard not to put her on a dinner plate.
All I can really share is that there have been many thoughts on how Ravioli would one day come into contact with other inklings, or at the very least octolings, and none of them have worked out in a way that makes sense for the story.
She yearns to learn about her own kind, but is destined to be alone. 
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Also anytime I reread my own writing and get reminded of this child's... suboptimal choices, I just sigh.
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subbing-for-clones · 4 years
She Who Walks the Line Between Part 5
Maul x GreyJedi!Reader 18+
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Word Count: 2989
WARNINGS: smut in this chapter, p in v, oral sex (F receiving), unprotected sex, predator kink, smut
      The morning after the passionate kiss, Maul was the first to wake on the couch. Y/N was still asleep on his chest, rising and falling with his breathing. Her legs still wrapped around his waist and his arms enveloped her form. He replayed the previous night in his mind a hundred times before she woke up. How one moment he was reliving his childhood trauma with his master and the next, he was being praised by the woman he loves. Yes, love is the proper word for it he thought. He loves this woman, he would fight for her, he would die for her and he would live for her. To say he owed her his life would be an understatement. He owed this woman his very soul. All she had to do was ask and he would find a way to give it to her. She never would ask that of him though and that’s one of the many reasons why he loved her. She only ever asked for his health, for his wellbeing and his company; his embrace.
    An inadvertent growl rumbled in his chest when she stirred, all of a sudden he could hear her blood pumping through her heart. He could smell her pheromones rising when she took in her surroundings. She leaned forward to kiss him "good morning," she hummed sweetly before laying her head back down on his chest sighing comfortingly.
    His pupils starting to dilate, "it is a very good morning." He bit his lip and gripped the couch with one hand, resisting primal urges he didn't expect to have. He fought against the want to pull her back up to his lips, to drive his hips up into her while she was straddling him. Urges to suck bruises into her soft flesh and bite at her to mark her as his. It had been so long since his last heat cycle he had forgotten it would happen again now that he was restored. She had said many species here would be mating soon, perhaps he was now in sync with the planet he thought.
"Are you alright?" She asked with concern. "I know last night was... a lot." Maul began shifting under her.
"No last night was wonderful, I just.... I'm experiencing an affliction my species goes through that I haven't in some time." He watched a little too closely as she moistened her lips from the chilly night with a lick. He could hear the sound it made, not being able to take his eyes off of her full, wet lips; his stomach grew warm with need.
    Obviously unaware of what exactly it was he was dealing with Y/N stood up. "As long as you're alright, let me know if there's anything I can do to help." The word anything echoed in his mind, not knowing if he had imagined it but he could swear she drew out that word specifically. He fidgeted wishing she was on top of him again, no, he didn't want to hurt her. Using all of his strength to push his biological cravings from his mind he made his way towards the door calling behind him, "I think I’m gonna skip breakfast today and go straight to training."
"If you say so dear," his loving savior called out after him.
      Much of the snow had melted in the morning sun leaving only a few inches. Burn it out he thought. That's what his master used to make him do during these times. Telling him it was a weakness of the mind he had to train harder and faster so that's what he did. Running as fast as he could he sprinted towards the cliffs and back. He was sure that he was breaking personal records but not thinking to time it.
    You watched him from the porch take off faster than you've ever seen towards the cliffs. Shrugging you made your way back inside; trusting him when he told you he was fine. Still, curiosity got the better of you and you swept your bookshelf until you found the anatomy tome you sought. He had said it was an affliction his species went through. Perhaps you could figure out what it was. Flipping through until you found the chapter on Zabraks. You continued to search until you found the little information about the nightbrother subspecies. Scanning through information about bone structures, their horns, organs, life spans until you found something peculiar.
The males go through their mating cycle averaging twice a year. The purpose of which is to guarantee survival of the species as their female counterparts are much more rare in population. Symptoms of the cycle approaching its apex include elevated body temperature, heightened hearing, sight and smell; aiding in their search for a female. However, if not relieved, the male will experience a specific pain to further encourage repopulation.
    You closed the book blushing fervently. Sympathy for your sweet Zabrack took over your mind while you ate your breakfast. Honestly the idea of him being unable to control himself around you both saddened and excited you. You've thought about him that way for a while now and you wanted him but were hesitant. You feared taking that step and him leaving would cause you greater pain. Who were you kidding though? You were already madly in love with him. You'd hunt down the Jedi called Kenobi and bring Maul his head if he only asked it of you. Still, you wanted him to want it. Not to just be a relief of pain. You needed him to want you like you wanted him.
    You entered his room, enjoying his scent that now surrounded you. You watched him through his bedroom window his now shirtless back to you as he intently worked through advanced forms with his Saber. Hmm heightened senses huh? You thought to yourself. You closed your eyes, a throbbing in your own belly imagining his hands harshly exploring your body, his teeth on your neck and his cock prodding at your entrance. Opening your eyes, you saw him. Standing still, chest heaving, hands clenched and shaking; staring at you like a hunter stalks his prey. You left the window to go change, a plan forming in your mind.
      Her scent interrupted him. Maul saw her watching him through his own bedroom window. He could smell her arousal. With the little self-control he had left he planted his feet, breathing heavily, standing his ground until she disappeared from his view once again. Did she know, he wondered? How he ached for her. Even before his heat had come, he ached to feel her around him.
    He dropped to his knees, if brute force wouldn't stifle his urges perhaps meditation would. Some time had passed and finally his heart rate slowed. Breathing deeply his body cooled off but he could sense her. Trying to push her from his mind despite her footsteps drawing nearer. She stood now just inches behind him. "Maul?" She asked coyly. He creased his forehead trying to ignore her. "I know what you're going through... I have a question for you." Still, he said nothing. Aside from grinding his teeth he didn't move either.
"I said, I have a question for you and I will get your attention one way or another."
    She took one more step towards him, completely closing the already small gap between them. Pulling her dress aside she draped her bare leg over his shoulder, rubbing her inner thigh against his cheek. "Darling... please." She sighed seductively.
    That was all it took to break him. Eyes completely blown he grabbed her and sunk his teeth into her sensitive skin. Not hard enough to draw blood but with enough force to knock her off her one planted foot. He caught her with the force and laid her down gently, turning towards her and continuing to lick and caress his savior. He pulled aside her dress while she moaned to reveal red and black lace covering her sex. Snapping back to himself for just a moment he strained out a warning.
"If you want to have a conversation run. I.. I can't control myself around you right now. Stay out of my grasp, I don't want to take you like this... but gods above I will… RUN!" He snarled and force pushed you into the jungle.
      You did as he commanded. Not out of fear but out of respect of his wishes. With all your might your feat pounded into the jungle floor; you could sense him chasing behind you. Where his mouth had met your skin was still wet, still sending pleasurable waves through you. He was gaining, an excitement rang through you as you leapt up into the trees knowing you couldn't out run him.
    You sat statuesque as you observed him below from the canopy. He turned, smelling the air before he sat and closed his eyes. Chest rising and falling rapidly trying to gain his control again.
"I'm sorry." He called "what is your question? You said you knew what I was going through. Please know I'd rather die than cause you harm."
“I know. I believe you darling.” You hesitated before asking, "will you leave me?"
    Maul looked genuinely surprised at your query. Not wanting to assume anything he inquired further "what do you mean exactly?" Eyes closing again.
"I mean we are nearing the time where our mutual goal will be reached. Even in the state you're in now your inner balance is almost restored. Your Sith eyes have calmed, your force signature is steady. I need to know if you're going to leave when it is because... because I love you. With all my heart I love you Maul. But I can’t leave this place."
    His shaking stopped and he leapt up into the tree where you sat. Approaching you cautiously where you were huddled. A newfound resolve giving him strength to stave his desires.
"You do?"
"Of course I do. How could I not? You’re kind and gentle yet strong and powerful. Your voice is like a suave prayer in my ears and your arms around me feel so grounding and safe."
    He pressed his hand to your cheek and with his thumb wiped away the tear that had fallen from your eye. "I never wanted to leave you. As a matter of fact, I… I feared for weeks now that you would be the one to ask me to. I never imagined that you could possibly return my sentiment. My heart belongs to you. Only ever you. Never anyone before you and never anyone after you." He soothed.
“But I wanted solitude. You didn’t.”
“My love, how could I possibly ever feel lonely when I’m with you? The only person to have ever actually seen me before?”
Scooping you up in his arms he brought you down from your perch. You wrapped your arms around him and brushed your lips against the vein in his neck, licking and kissing at it softly. He made his way back to your shared home fighting to keep consciousness despite your affections.
"You don't mind that we're the only ones here? That it would just be us most of the time?”
"I prefer it actually. You say my scale is almost aligned well, that could only be achieved and maintained by your side. I don't want to spend any time away, I don't want to leave." You kissed his neck again still watery eyed. His eyes however started to dilate again, that now familiar warmth encompassing his insides.
"Please..." you began to beg, your own need starting to bloom. "My heart is yours, my soul is yours.. please… take my body and claim me."
"Are you sure?" he strained.
"I've never been more certain about anything in my life."
    That was all the confirmation he needed. Quickening his pace, he just made it to the porch before he set you down, lips crashing together in a vehement fervor. Tongues thrashing, hands tearing desperately at one another's clothing while you danced away into your bedroom. He pushed you up against the door frame, undressing you until you stood bare to him, leaving the red and black lacy panties. He took a moment to take in your form, hands pressed to the wall on either side of your head. He growled before gripping the backs of your thighs and pulling you up to him. You could feel his throbbing erection against your heated core, making a sinful whimper escape your lips only to be swallowed by him.
   His chest was warm against your pebbled nipples. You bit back a moan as he laid you down on the bed delicately. He took in your view again, wanting to remember you like this forever. He tore the remaining lace away, while you clawed desperately at the sheets beneath you. Maul started with your neck, sucking hickies into the soft flesh until he was satisfied they would show for days to come before lowering himself further. He rolled one of your nipples in his mouth, pulling at it gently with his teeth while pinching the other. You were a whimpering, trembling mess under him. Never had you been so turned on in your life. Your legs were already starting to shake as he moved further down your body, lapping at your supple flesh all the way. He groaned in need at the sight of your slick, dragging his shaky fingers between your folds and dipping two digits into your heat, eliciting loud cries from your plump lips.
    Maul took your hardened nub in his salivating mouth, twirling his muscle around it in circles while pumping his fingers inside of you. He growled at your cries, reveling at the sweet taste that coated his tongue. It didn't take long before your walls were fluttering around him.
“Oh Maker… Maul… please p-please… don’t stop… I I I’m gonna.. you’re gonna make me c-“ Sucking your clit hard and curling his fingers deep inside you he pulled your orgasm straight from your core. You cried out his name as your vision turned spotty in your bliss. Euphoria wracking your every nerve you projected your pleasure through the force and onto him until he was roaring and his eyes rolled to the back of his head.
    Growling he pulled out his fingers, dragging a string of your cum with them before licking them clean. He crawled onto you and hitched your legs high on his hips as he prepared to enter you. His massive cock dripping with precum. His body vibrating from the orgasm you shared with him ethereally.
"P please Maul, my love… Take me… Fuck me… I need it.." He groaned at your begging for him, your eyes still glassy and your cheeks rosy from your climax. He pushed into you slowly, allowing you to adjust to his size. Both of your breaths hitched, eyes never breaking contact as he sank into you to his hilt turning you both into groaning messes. His chest vibrated loudly with a raspy purr as he tried to hold back, to wait until you were ready, his claws tearing the fabric beneath you. You dragged your nails longingly up his back and over his head, "Maker, please move Maul… I n-need..!"
“Tell me what you need… gods… say the words..”
“Fuck me… Make me cum again.”
    He took your command to his hearts and took off at a brutal pace, losing himself completely biting your shoulder, eyes wide with a hungry desire. His cock continually rammed into that electric spot deep inside you. You were crying out for him desperately trying to catch your breath as he forced the air from your lungs with every thrust. Your skin was on fire with pleasure. It didn't take long before pressure in your belly built again, threatening another climax.
“Fuck! So… So tight… So w-warm.. Maker….” Any words he wanted to say after that came out in ragged gasps and growls. He sat up, throwing your legs over his shoulders, gripping your hips so tightly you knew they’d leave marks. He pulled you down onto him as he thrusted up into you.
“T-taking me.. so well… f-feels so fucking good.”
That was it. The sound of his praises sent you over the edge you couldn’t cling any longer to.
"I..I'm gonna cum!" You called out. "Look at me while I make you cum know that I am the one to put you here."
    You tightened around his cock and screamed your release, snarling in pleasure he fucked you through it while you projected your climax again onto him. It was overwhelming for him, he rolled over so you rode him. Lifting you like you weighed nothing he slammed you down onto him repeatedly threatening yet again another orgasm, not even finished with the aftershocks of the last. Maker he was everything, pleasure incarnate. He ground his teeth breathing heavily until you both cried out in final climax, both of you sharing your pleasure through the force. Lengthening and intensifying your orgasms. He pumped you full of his hot seed, legs twitching with the aftermath.
    You lay in one another's arms for you didn't know how long his cock still inside you while he purred deeply. Taking your sweet time to come down from your highs. Your force signatures hummed and swirled together.
Maul was the first to break the comfortable silence once your heartbeats had slowed.
"I will always remain by your side as long as you allow me to. I love you more than I ever imagined I could love anything or anyone." Your lips met softly but passionately as you mewled back, "I love you too."
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lewdanimevsirl · 3 years
Do you know whale have 1500 litres?
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WARNING: This story is a work of fiction and contains many mature elements. Please do not continue if you are unable to handle such content.
NOTE: The characters in this story are based on their depiction in Fate Grand Order which is developed by Delightworks and based on Type-Moon's Fate franchise. I am neither a marine biologist nor a lore expert, thus some terms and information used may be inaccurate, but I have provided references (you hardly see those in these type of content) at the end. Sorry for any weird English or grammatical mistakes.
Jeanne d' Arc, Maid of Orléans, Holy Maiden of Salvation, Ruler. And now lying on the shoreline in front of me, covered in white gooey substance and her swimsuit all torn and tattered. Her black bikini was hanging off her body while her blue hoodie was covered in white sticky substances. How did this even happen?
It was summer, and like most servants, Jeanne had a summer-swimsuit form. The holy maiden of the tropics, the star of the dolphin world. I always wonder why she became an archer that shoots dolphins. But after this incident, I realised the truth behind it….
A few months ago,
Ever since I summoned Jeanne into Chaldea, we had a healthy Master-Servant relationship. We fought enemies together, we shared our worries together, we shared our joy together.
One day resting with Jeanne after a hard day of farming,
"I can't wait for summer to come. Can't wait to just sit back and enjoy myself." I entered my room and slammed my face onto the bed. "We really deserve the break from all the farming and fighting that we do. Not to mention we can finally bring out those swimsuits." "Yes, it's good to take a break." Jeanne followed behind me and took a seat at the table.
"Jeanne! Anything you looking forward to in the summer?"
"Summer? Hmmmm…. Heading to the beach. Can't wait to meet Reece. I missed him," Jeanne smiled while answering the question.
"Reece?! Oh ya, your dolphin… You never did tell me how you met Reece" I sat back up, hoping that Jeanne would share some stories about her dolphin with me.
"Ahh… uhm… It's a long story, we can leave it for another day." Jeanne quickly brushed off the question.
"Fineeee… But mind introducing me to Reece? I would love to chill with a dolphin!"
"Uhm… sure, Master, if you don't mind…"
I did not notice it then, but Jeanne was embarrassed and was hesitating with her words. I thought it was because she was tired, so I did not ask her any further questions. But it was during summer, that I finally found out the truth behind her words.
Finally, it is summer. I can sit back and enjoy myself. No more farming. No more grinding. I get to enjoy myself on the beach and enjoy the cold sea breeze. Well, that is what I thought I would be doing. But instead, I am stuck in a crammed room, helping the Dragon Witch, Jeanne Alter AKA Jalter (Jeanne's tsundere alter) with her work.
"May I come in?" a knock from the door interrupted our discussion over the work.
"Stop interrupting us! State your purpose and leave," Jalter shouted intensely, "Some of us have work to do!" "I am sorry, I just want to ask if Master is free now" the door swinged open and Jeanne sheepishly entered the room.
"Master, how do I look?" Jeanne strolled happily into the room, dressed in a black bikini wrapped around with a blue hoodie. "You asked about my swimsuit the other day."
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"You look stunning…." I replied immediately only to be met by a stack of paper slapped onto my face. "Stop staring her and start doing work, you pathetic Master!" "Sorry you tsundere Witch, I am just complimenting your sister! Don't tell me you are jealo…" another stack of paper hit my face before I could finish my sentence.
"Sorry Jeanne, I am unable to join you and meet Reece now. I need to help this annoyance with her work…." I apologised to Jeanne. "You better be!" Jalter quipped in. "Don't wait for me, you should enjoy the summer. I will find you after I am done."
Jeanne looked at the piles of papers stacked across the room. "It's fine Master, work is important. I will just head off first. Will not interrupt you guys any further" Jeanne took a bow and start making her way out. "So sorry about…." "Quit yapping! We need to get this done by today." Jalter interrupted me as I sadly watched Jeanne exit the room, leaving the both of us struggling with work.
At the Beach
"Jeanne, you look loving today!" "Jeanne, join us!" "Jeanne, pity Master could not join us!"
While I was stuck in a crammed little room helping Jalter with her doujins, the rest of the Servants were enjoying themselves at the beach. Some of them lying along the shore suntanning, some of them swimming and surfing, and there was even a sandcastle competition.
"Jeanne, are you not joining us?" "Sorry, not today. I have something I need to do." Jeanne politely declined the other Servants. Instead of partaking in the activities with the rest of the Servants on the main beach, Jeanne made her way onto the far side of the beach.
"Now that Master is busy, I should take the time to indulge myself" Jeanne thought to herself as she walked towards the far corner of the beach.
Far side of the beach
"Reece!" Jeanne ran towards the shoreline and shouted for her beloved dolphin.
Squeaking and splashing noises could be heard as a dolphin could be seen swimming towards the shoreline.
"I miss you so much!" Jeanne run towards Reece and hug the dolphin tightly. Reece rubbed against Jeanne and squeaked in delight. "I know you are excited, but not here Reece. You know the drill, let us go further out." Reece squeaked and started swimming towards a rock formation at the corner of the shore.
"Smart boy, you know what I wanted" As Reece swam back from the rocks, he brought back a raft. The raft appeared stable and looked as though it has been used multiple times. Jeanne boarded the raft and petted Reece on the snout. "I know you are excited, I am too, let's go so that I can give you your reward." Reece squeaked and started pulling the raft towards the middle of the ocean.
"I wonder how Scrooge has been doing. It has been a long time."
Although research on the anatomy of aquatic mammals and how they reproduce is still ongoing, current research has found that the reproductive organs of aquatic mammals such as dolphins (Howard, 2009) and whales (Whales Online, n.d.) are hidden in a genital slit. During mating, the penis of the male partner will protrude out of the genital slit and penetrate the female's vagina. Due to this, many aquatic mammals mate either belly to belly or turned on the side.
Dolphins do not only engage in sexual acts with the intent of reproduction. They also driven to engage in such acts for pleasure. "It is more accurate to state that animals (including humans and dolphins) are often driven to engage in sexual acts because the act itself is rewarding" (Dolphins Communication Project, 2014).
A typical size of a common dolphin's penis is approximately the size of a human hand (Lunau, 2017). However, they have a prehensile penis, meaning they can "swivel, grab and grope, much like a human hand" (Wetzel, 2020). This is so that they can navigate the "unusual vaginal folds, spirals and recesses" (Orbach, 2017)
In the middle of the ocean
"Alright Reece, this is far enough." The dolphin stopped and started squeaking loudly. "Alright alright, I shall reward you for your effort." Jeanne leaned forward and petted Reece on the snout, before kissing him on the lips.
People have often wondered about the story behind Jeanne and Reece. Some say Jeanne rescued Reece from captivity. Others say Reece respect Jeanne for being a holy maiden of the sea. But unlike the simple and typical girl-meeting-dolphin stories that people believed, the truth is that Jeanne and Reece helped to fulfil each other's sexual needs.
Jeanne slowly descend into the ocean while leaning against the edge of the raft. "Alright Reece, I am ready! Time to receive your reward!" Reece squeaked and started swimming around Jeanne, before stopping in front of her and rubbing his snout against her chest.
"Stop it Reece, you know what I want." Reece stopped rubbing and ascended with his penis protruding out of his genital slit. "Good boy! This is what I have been waiting for! Enjoy your reward, you naughty boy." Jeanne began rubbing Reece's penis with her hands before placing it into her mouth.
You might think the irregular-shaped prehensile penis is unable to fit into the Holy Maiden's petite mouth. But Jeanne was experienced in putting irregular-shaped objects into her mouth. Jeanne started bobbing her head back and forth, licking the tip of Reece's penis while rubbing it. "Someone has been a bad boy, someone's cock is grabbing my tongue, so aggressive." Jeanne continued to lick Reece's penis while occasionally touching herself.
After a few moments, loud squeaking sound could be heard. Reece squeaked loudly as he erupted all his dolphin semen into Jeanne's mouth. White gooey dolphin semen dripped down Jeanne's mouth and splattered onto her black bikini and blue hoodie. "Delicious! Just like the first day we met." With a single gulp, Jeanne swallowed it and started licking her mouth. She then proceeded to lick Reece's penis clean. "I hope you enjoyed your reward Reece," Jeanne kissed the happy dolphin on the snout. "Now that you are clean, I need you to call Scrooge for me."
Instead of calling for Scrooge, Reece squeaked and started to nibble Jeanne's breasts. Within seconds, the dolphin had bitten Jeanne's bikini top off and began to nibble on her nipples. "Stop it… Hyahh… Reece! I… Ahhhh… already given… Hyah… your reward." Jeanne tried to stop Reece in between moans. "I… Ahhh… know you…. Haa… want to… Hyahhh… make me cum… Ahhh…but I am…Uhh… preparing for… Hah… the main course."
Reece whimpered softly and stopped nibbling. "I know you are a good boy and you definitely made me happy with all the dolphin cum, but I am preparing for Scrooge." Jeanne petted the dolphin. "I will let you do me next time, alright?" Reece squeaked loudly and started diving into the ocean.
"Ok, time to prepare for the main course." Jeanne laid back onto the raft and adjusted her black bikini bottom such that her vagina is exposed. "I wonder if Scrooge will be happy to see me." Jeanne thought to herself while she touched her own breasts and vagina.
Soon, a rumbling sound could be heard beneath the ocean.
Like the dolphins, the penis of the blue whale is prehensile to navigate the multiple folds of the female's vagina (Whales Online, n.d.). However, the size of the blue whale is much larger than that of a dolphin. An average size of a blue whale penis is 2.4 metres (Whales Online, n.d.). When erect, it expands to about 30cm (12 inches) in diameter and about 3m (10 feet) in length (University of Wisconsin, 2012). "The erect penis can be guided using muscles, almost as if it were equipped with a homing device" (Whales Online, n.d.). In addition, "each ejaculation of a blue whale could produce around 20 litres of sperm" (Whales Online, n.d.).
During mating, the male and female will spend time rolling around each other, before flying upwards and crossing the surface. As they cross the surface, "the male will thrust his penis into the vulva and ejaculates" (University of Wisconsin, 2012).
In the middle of the ocean
Jeanne always hated having to act prim and proper. On the surface, she would put on the demeanour of a pure and innocent holy maiden, but when she is alone, she would often indulge in self-pleasure.
Ever since she became the Holy Maiden of the Sea, it has become an annual tradition for Jeanne to meet up with Reece and Scrooge. She provided them with love and comfort, in return, they provided her with the sexual release that she desired, that she craved, that she needed.
A loud roaring sound could be heard as a blue whale emerged from the sea.
"Oh Scrooge, I have missed you and your long enormous cock so much! Come on and devour me, you naughty boy!" If anyone were there, they would have not believed that the Holy Maiden of Salvation would be lying on a raft, in a seductive position, fingering her own vagina and saying such sexual things.
The blue whale roared as water sprayed out of his blowhole. "Someone's excited! Come on Scrooge, let us not wait around and fuck me already!" Jeanne screamed as the blue whale approached the small and petite Jeanne lying on the tiny raft. As Scrooge approached the raft, the shadow of a 3m penis could be seen emerging from his genital slit, covering the entire raft.
Back in the room with Gudao and Jalter
"Finally! We are done with these!" I shouted as I slammed the last piece of doujin onto the ground. "I can finally head out to the beach and enjoy myself!"
I should have been at the beach enjoying myself, soaking the warm sun and enjoying the waves. But instead, for the past few hours, I have been stuck in this crammed room helping Jalter with her work. I even had to give up the chance of hanging out with Jeanne and Reece.
"We could have finished this an hour ago if someone had not fallen asleep on my lap." Jalter shouted from the couch that was covered with piles of paper, while scrolling through her phone.
"While at least I don't droo…." A pillow slammed into the face, interrupting me mid-sentence. Throwing the pillow back at Jalter, I retorted "At least, I don't sit around and used my phone all day."
"Ya, whatever," Jalter shrugged both the thrown pillow and my remarks off. "But at least I found this meme about that holy saint." My eyes lit up with interests as soon as I heard that. "You can't just say something like that and not show me!" I rushed towards Jalter and tried to grab her phone. Jalter immediately kicked me on the face in response. "Stop trying to snatch my phone, you pathetic Master. Alright, I will show you before you destroy my phone."
Jalter pulled back her leg and showed her phone to me. "This one here. The one that they compared that holy saint to a blue whale."
The picture on the phone read "Did you know that the Maid of Orleans, Jeanne d'Arc, is 159cm in height. But Blue Whale's penis is about 2.4-3.0m in length, which is almost twice of her height"
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"Oh, and this one here"
The next picture read "Did you know that the maiden of orleans, Jeanne d'Arc, weighed 44 kilos. In contrast, a blue whale can ejaculate around 1500 litres of semen"
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"What the fuck Jalter?! What the fuck did I just read?! What am I even supposed to do with that information?!"
"It is a meme, idiot. You are not supposed to do anything with it." Jalter continued to use her phone amidst my confused and panicked screaming. "Only a degenerate would draw or write anything based on this information, which I hope you are not"
"I guess you are right, there is no chance Jeanne would associate herself with whale penis and whale semen. I know, I shall find Jeanne and tell her…."
"Hahahaha," A crackling laughter could be heard coming from Jalter. "Ya, you tell her about whale penis and whale semen. I cannot wait for her to look at you with eyes of contempt and disgust."
"Well, Jeanne isn't like you, you big tsundere of a witch…" As soon as those words come out of my mouth, Jalter snapped and started throwing pillows at me. I quickly ran out of the room with Jalter chasing after me with murderous eyes. "You little shit, I am so going to kill you!"
"Jeanne! Save me!"
Meanwhile in the middle of the ocean
"Yes Scrooge! Fuck me! Pump it into my pussy!" The Maid of Orléans moaned loudly as the blue whale positioned his 3m penis near her vagina. "Come on Scrooge! Give it…" Jeanne's words were interrupted with loud moans of pleasure as the blue whale penis began to insert slowly into her vagina. The force from the whale's penis caused Jeanne' bikini bottom to snapped and hanged off her body.
"Ahhh… Hyahhh…" Screams and moans of pleasure could be heard emitting from the mouth of the Holy Maiden. A rush of satisfaction and joy had washed over her. Her mind was lost to the pleasure derived from the penetration of the blue whale's penis into her vagina.
Since Jeanne's vagina could barely fit the tip of Scrooge's penis, any movement made by Scrooge resulted in Jeanne erupting into moans of pleasure. "Yessss… Fuck me…. Deeper… Scrooge…" Uncontrollable moans filled the air as Jeanne gripped tightly to the side of the raft while her vagina was being ravaged by a 3m blue whale's penis.
Jeanne erupted into orgasmic pleasure as she ejaculated all over Scrooge's penis. Her fluid sprayed all over the blue whale's penis that was still inside her. As she laid on the raft panting, Scrooge continued to move his penis, which caused Jeanne to resume moaning and screaming.
"Ahhhh…. Scrooge… Stop… Ahhh… Give me… a break…" Jeanne tried to get Scrooge to slow down amidst all her moans and screams. But it is to no avail. The horny blue whale ignored her pleas and continued pumping into her vagina.
Jeanne screamed in pleasure as she ejaculated again all over the large rod penetrating her. She laid on the raft, paralysed, her mind long broken by the pleasure she experienced. Her facial expression was something unbecoming of a holy saint. She had been fucked senseless by the blue whale that was still penetrating her. Although she was unable to move her body consciously, her lower half continued to twitch and vibrate with every movement and every pump that Scrooge made.
As her body prepared for her third consecutive orgasm, Scrooge started to roar loudly, and water began to sprout out of his blowhole. The 3m penis started vibrating and a wave of semen began to shoot out of it into Jeanne's vagina.
At the same moment that Jeanne erupted into her third ejaculation, her vagina was engulfed by a sea of whale semen. As Scrooge starts to retract his penis back, whale semen continued to shoot out of it, eventually covering the Holy Maiden and the raft. Traces of whale semen sprayed onto her blue hoodie and black bikini.
There lies the Maid of Orléans, Holy Maiden of Salvation on a tiny raft, swimsuit torn and tattered, covered with whale semen, with a mixture of her own fluid and whale cum leaking out of her vagina.
Scrooge roared loudly and started diving back into the sea. As he did, he created a wave that started sending the mind-broken Jeanne back into the shore.
A few moments ago, at the beach
"Oh look, a whale!" "You hardly see one of those around, especially when it is not whale season."
I was at the beach, busy looking around for Jeanne, when a water sprout could be seen in the ocean. Most of the Servants were captivated by what seem to be a whale.
"Have anyone seen Jeanne anywhere? I am looking for her."
"Jeanne? I spotted her heading there." Musashi pointed to the far side of the beach. "She might be chilling with her dolphin."
"Thanks so much!" I thanked Musashi as I quickly headed towards the far side of the beach. But I was not prepared for the scene that would soon be presented in front of me.
Far side of the beach
"Jeanne! Jeanne!"
I shouted for Jeanne while walking towards the far side of the beach. "Where did Jeanne go?" I thought to myself as I had not seen a single soul on my way there.
Nearing the end of the beach, I spotted something white floating along the shoreline. Curiosity got the better of me as I ran towards the white unknown thing, hoping to find out what it is. If only I was not that curious, if only I had given up on finding Jeanne, then I would not have to face the terrible truth that I was able to witness.
"What in the world…" The white thing has a humanoid shape and it looked to be wearing a swimsuit. I inched closer to it, hoping to figure out what it is…
"What?! Noo… No…. Why…." I finally figured out what the white humanoid thing and as soon as I did, I fallen to my knees in despair. I could not believe my own eyes at the very sight that was displayed in front of me.
The sweet innocent Jeanne d' Arc, swimsuit torn and tattered, with her bikini just hanging off her body. The Holy Maiden of Salvation Jeanne d' Arc, covered in white gooey fluid, and fluid oozing out of her lower regions. The Maid of Orléans Jeanne d' Arc, with a face of euphoria as if she had been fucked senseless.
"… …" I was speechless and I had no idea how to react anymore. I sat on the beach, staring at the atrocity that was lying in front of me, unable to process anything or do anything. I just sat there, paralysed by the sight that was in front of me.
"… … Oh… Master… You are here…"
After what felt like forever, Jeanne finally spoke. "How… do I look? Guess… you finally… see my true self…" Jeanne calmly sat back up and started cleaning the white gooey fluid that was lingering on her body. To my horror, she started to lick the fluid that had covered her hands and face.
"… Yes Master… I am a naughty saint… I am not your innocent good girl… I love cocks… and love being fucked in my pussy…"
I could not believe the words coming out from Jeanne's mouth. The person sitting on the beach in front of me was an entirely different person that had fought together with me, that had laughed together with me, that had cried together with me.
"Oh… Are you thinking about this fluid? It is Scrooge's cum…" I stared at her with a face of disbelief. "You know… Scrooge… my blue whale? Ya… this is his cum…" Jeanne continued to explain while fingering out some of the fluid oozing out of her vagina and licking it seductively. "I don't know why you are surprised… Did you not read my skills? A constant supply of mana near the sea? It comes from this… I had to get mana transfer somewhere…"
It was pure torture hearing those words, and it was even more painful seeing the sweet and holy Jeanne fingering herself and licking the fluid off her hands. I wanted to run away, but I don't know whether it is curiosity or fear, I was rooted to the ground, unable to escape from the horror that was in front of me.
"Uhm… Jeanne… Does the rest…" I tried to force some words out of my mouth to break the silence between me and Jeanne.
"Does the rest know? Of course not, you silly Master." Jeanne suddenly crawled towards me and placed her fluid-stained finger in my lips. "This is a secret between you and me, not even Jalter knows about this."
"I know! Let us make a deal!" Before I could even ask what she meant by that, she had already leaned onto and kissed me on the lips.
"Noo… Jeanne… Please… Stop…" I tried to struggle and break free from her, but the horny saint just gripped tightly onto my face and continued to kiss me aggressively. All I could taste was her cum-stained mouth and tongue. I could not escape. Somebody please save me from this nightmare.
"With this… this entire thing will be our dirty… little… secret." After what felt like an eternity, Jeanne finally let go of me. "If you are cooperative, I might even let… you… fuck… me…" Jeanne began to touch and finger herself at her vagina. Sensual moans began to emit from her mouth.
At that point, I could not take it anymore. I fumbled myself away from her, and began to lifelessly walk back towards the main beach. As I silently walked back, I was haunted by her final words…
"Remember… Ahh… Master… This… Hyahh… is our… Hahh.. dirty… little… secret…"
Author's Notes:
So… uhm… Thanks for reading. This is the first ever fanfiction that I have written so some parts might have sound weird. I would not have imagined that I would research and write about this type of content. (What am I even doing with my life).
If you were wondering, yes, this was based on the actual Jeanne-blue whale meme. Thanks to the wonderful people at citov4810 (Instagram) for "motivating" me to think of such a story. In case you were wondering about the format of the story, the original plan was to make a doujin, but since I am bad at art, I reckon I would write out a story first, so that it will make it easier when adapting into a doujin. (It would not be anytime soon)
Oh, but I might write a sequel involving Musashi and Jalter in the future (since I mentioned both of them in the story). Hopefully, those would not involve any whales or dolphins.
Please give some feedback and of course, you are always welcome to create fan art based on this (I know some of you horny artists are reading this). And if there is a talented or experienced doujin artists reading this, you are always welcomed to make a doujin based on this. I would love to see the type of degenerate content people might create.
No dolphins or whales were harmed in the writing of this story. This story is a work of fiction. And please do not fuck a dolphin or a whale.
Butter-T [@Butter_T]. (2020, July 19). Knowledge Time. Did you know that the Maid of Orléans, Jeanne d'Arc, is 159 cm in height. But Blue Whale's [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/butter_t/status/1284788510407356416
Citov4810 [@citov4810]. (2021, June 5). [Meme]. Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/CPuz8vZhhG8/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Dolphin Communication Project. (2014). Top 5 Dolphin Myths - Dispelled!. https://www.dolphincommunicationproject.org/index.php/2014-10-21-00-13-26/dolphin-science-factoids/item/94358-top-5-dolphin-myths-dispelled
Howard, C. J. (2009). Dolphin Chronicles: One Woman's Quest to Understand the Sea's Most Mysterious Creatures. Bantam.
Jay [@highonthighs]. (2018, July 30). Did you know the maiden of orleans, Jeanne d'Arc, weighed 44 kilos. In contrast, a blue whale can ejaculate around [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/highonthighs/status/1023747660027752448
Jeanne d'Arc. (2021, June 13). In Fate/Grand Order Wiki. https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Jeanne_d%27Arc?oldid=953090
Jeanne d'Arc (Archer). (2021, June 14). In Fate/Grand Order Wiki. https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Jeanne_d%27Arc_(Archer)?oldid=953914
Jeanne d'Arc (Ruler). (2021, May 10). In TYPE-MOON Wiki. https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Jeanne_d%27Arc_(Ruler)?oldid=195455
Lunau, K. (2017, October 11). Scientists Inflated Dead Dolphin Dicks to Simulate Cetacean Sex. VICE. https://www.vice.com/en/article/j5gzqg/cetacean-reproduction-sex-dolphins-seals-dalhousie-university-science
Orbach, D. (2017, April 23). An intimate look at the mechanics of dolphin sex. EurekAlert!. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2017-04/eb2-ail041217.php
University of Wisconsin. (2012). Blue Whale Reproduction. Balaenoptera musculus. http://bioweb.uwlax.edu/bio203/s2012/olson_rile/reproduction.htm
Whales Online. (n.d.). Reproduction. Whales Online A Gremm Project. https://baleinesendirect.org/en/discover/life-of-whales/behaviour/reproduction/
Whales Online. (n.d.). Reproduction System. Whales Online A Gremm Project. https://baleinesendirect.org/en/discover/life-of-whales/physiology/reproductive-system/
Wetzel, C. (2020, November 17). Nine of the Weirdest Penises in the Animal Kingdom. Smithsonian Magazine. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/nine-weirdest-penises-animal-kingdom-180976274/
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ofmythsandfables-a · 3 years
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FULL NAME: Vladislaus Draculea
SPECIES: Human / Vampire
AGE: Verse Dependent
HAIR COLOUR: Brown/Black
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Scar in the middle of his chest from a stake
LANGUAGES: Too many to count lol he’s old so he had time to study many languages
OCCUPATION: Verse Dependent
{ My variation of Vlad comes from both historical and film (Dracula Untold) influences. Some historical sites vary a bit with information but generally they are all the same in context. }
Vladislaus Draculea was one of three sons of Vlad Dracul II, who ruled the principality Wallachia from 1436-1447. Vlad Dracul II sold his 11 year old son Vlad to the Ottoman Sultan to show his loyalty. As a result, Vlad was forced to fight among other boys his age and older in the armies, trained only to kill and feel no remorse. Though that was the only downside to staying with the Sultan. He was taught various subjects and cared for as if one of their own.
 Brainwashed by the Ottomans, Vlad unfortunately became nothing but a cold blooded killer and the most skilled and valued soldier in the Sultan’s armies. Once he was 18 though, he broke away from the Ottomans and returned to his home in Wallachia where he fought for the throne and won, becoming the new Voivode, or Prince, of Wallachia.Vlad ruled in peace for fourteen straight years, ruling with an iron fist and yet was fair. Then Mehmed II, the new Sultan and former comrade of Vlad’s when he was in the Ottomans armies, proposed a deal with Vlad that he give him 1,000 of Wallachia’s boys including his own son, or there would be war. Vlad desperately tried to negotiate, even offering himself in the place of the boys, but Mehmed wouldn’t budge. And so, war was declared.
Knowing he couldn’t win the war on his own and with little men in his army, Vlad sought out a monster of darkness, Caligula, in a cave high in the mountains. For a price, Vlad was turned into the very monster he sought out. The war came to a head on the third day as Vlad swooped in with an army of freshly turned vampires. Thousands of men perished on the fields and Vlad was able to defeat Mehmed and his men. But the price he paid for the victory was great; he lost his loving wife Mirena due to falling off a tower and sacrificing her own blood to Vlad so he could remain a vampire and save their son from the clutches of the evil Sultan. And Ingeras, Vlad’s ten year old boy who witnessed too much for his age, was taken by a fellow friar from Vlad’s old monastery to be kept safe, and would eventually rule Wallachia in his father’s place.
Once Mehmed and his men were defeated, Vlad burned his own army of vampires in the sun’s light, including himself, so that future generations would be kept safe from their harm. But a follower of Vlad’s found him and revived him by giving him his blood, and thought he’d walk eternity with his newfound master. Though, when Vlad was alive once again, his thirst for blood took over and he drained the man completely. It was then that Vlad fled, and for days sought out refuge in the Carpathian Mountains. There, tucked away from the world, was an old abandoned castle where he then made his permanent residence and hid in the shadows for years to come…
VLAD MUSAT (Main/Modern Verse, Aged 32 ; FC: Luke Evans)
Vlad is currently just under 600 years old, and a CEO of his own restoration company, ReVamp Restorations, INC. The company restores old landmarks, buildings and homes, and is expanded globally. He lives in London, England, and has a house in his homeland of Romania which he visits on holiday. Vlad changed his last name to his mother’s maiden name so he would not be recognized. He isn’t usually around others outside of his job, and his quiet time consists of more work due to his need to constantly be occupied.
FROM PRINCE TO BEAST (After the war with Mehmed II)
No longer the voivode for Wallachia, Vlad has hidden away high in the Carpathian Mountains, dwelling in an abandoned and long forgotten castle. Weary travelers or people who have gotten lost on their journeys sought shelter in the castle and Vlad happily took them in, but for a price: that they would serve him forever. They’ve agreed, and happily serve him regardless of knowing what he is and who he once was. His servants are his only real company and Vlad has looked to them as an almost family to him.
HE WHO STILL REIGNS (After the war with Mehmed II, Alternate Ending)
Vlad has returned after fighting and defeating Mehmed, taking his place on the throne once more. Only this time, he is a vampire. He now rules over the lands Mehmed once did, except he is not known as Sultan, he remains Prince. His dwellings are still within Wallachia which is newly rebuilt, his army becomes vast and stronger than any other army around, and though weary of others, he still rules as he once did. His heart is heavy with the loss of his wife, and the duty of raising their son on his own. But he does everything and anything for Ingeras so he doesn’t have to suffer anymore than he already has.
THE COUNT (1880 - early 1900s ; very loosely based on Bram Stoker’s version)
London’s new resident is a centuries old vampire, having just bought into real estate. Vlad Dracula leads a quiet life, not bothering anyone as he tries to make his life somewhat normal. He prays upon people, though not savagely, and drinks only enough for him to be satisfied. Afterwards, he heals them with his own blood and wipes away their memory of anything that had transpired between them.
PRINCE OF WALLACHIA (Pre war with Mehmed II)
Vlad is Voivode to Wallachia, and is reigning peacefully. His rulings are fair and his people adore him. He is not married, and not with any children. Vlad’s adviser pushes him to marry someone already to give him an heir, but it is not something Vlad is in a rush for even though he wishes to have a family of his own someday. Vlad is always holding Council with his noblemen or working on kingly duties, but one can find him constantly with his nose in a book, learning something new and enticing.
*Alternate Version*
Vlad is Prince, and ruling with Mirena. This takes place a year before the war with Mehmed.
Of Romanian descent, Vlad’s family had moved to England in the early 1800s for a better life. His father became wealthy in the railroad business, and Vlad went to Oxford where he graduated top of his class in both criminal justice and anatomy. He soon began to work for London’s Scotland Yard. Vlad was quick to move up the ranks due to his vast knowledge in the field, and became London’s youngest Chief Inspector at the age of 30. His work always consumes him, never allowing him to keep a steady relationship and miss out on important events his family hosted almost monthly. And though it bothered him, his job to keep the streets of London safe were more important.
HUMAN (Modern day, Aged 33)
Vlad Dragan was raised in Romania along with his three brothers on a vast farm. Having ambitions far bigger than the life he was meant to have, Vlad made sure he excelled in school before getting a scholarship for Oxford in London. There, he studied History and Archaeology, and became an archaeologist. His job has taken him all over the world, but his home base remains London, and he works as both an Archaeology professor in Oxford as well as studying artifacts in England’s Natural History Museum.
WIZARDING WORLD (Taking place throughout the HP series, Timeline varies)
A vampire as a professor? Vlad is! Vlad works at Hogwarts as a History of Magic professor. He doesn’t socialize too much with others outside of when classes are in session, but he does attend every school event and never misses a meeting. He is also a Hufflepuff (I personally think he’s a hybrid of Hufflepuff and Gryffindor…so Gryffinpuff. But to be technical, Hufflepuff).
VAMPIRE KING (Tolkien semi-loosely based, takes place during ‘The Hobbit’ and on; also, using Welsh as the language for Men in my verse since there are hardly any translations in Adunaic, and Welsh is a pretty awesome language so try not to correct me on this for all you super Tolkien canon fanatics)
Vlad Alastor is Edain, from the House of Marach during the First Age. He lived in Dor-lomin, part of Hithlum, and ruled as King for many prosperous yet tough years. But Morgoth struck war upon the lands, and Vlad knew his army wouldn’t be enough to win the war. He sought help from a dark, magical being living in the mountains that turned him into a fampyr (my own derivation from the Welsh spelling for vampire) for a hefty price of his soul once the time came. As Nírnaeth Arnoediad occurred, most of Vlad’s army was defeated but he himself was able to defeat the enemy, driving away the evil forces. But due to Dor-lomin crumbling away from the war, and more evil forces eventually ascending upon the country, Vlad was overthrown as king and banished from the lands he grew up on and ruled. Having an idea, he faked his death, and Vlad ran as far away as he could. Many, many years had passed, and by the time of the Third Age, Vlad is king in Rhun, his residence lay beyond the Sea of Rhun.
Vlad is part of a bloodline he solely shares with his superior, Caligula: the vampire who turned him, due to having no choice but to dwell in a cave for eons until he was able to pass on his powers to Vlad and set himself free. Therefore, his abilities and weaknesses are different from any other bloodline. His transformation is different, as well as the way he turns others, which never happens unless it happens in a thread.
~Shapeshifts into bats~Manipulates bats at his will~Super strength and speed~Heightened sight, smell and hearing~Weather manipulation (to an extent)~Mind manipulation (to an extent)~Healing. Very small increments of his blood, when taken via mouth, can heal a person. There is no guarentee that it can revive a person if they are dying.
~ Silver~ Wooden and silver stakes (both fatal if directly piercing his heart)~ Direct sunlight
~ Vlad sleeps, but only for a few hours. He needs to be in a completely dark room in order to sleep soundly, or else he’ll be quite irritable.~ Vlad is able to walk during the day while using his weather manipulation powers to cover up the sun’s harmful rays with clouds.~ Holy objects do not harm Vlad. It isn’t specified why in the film, but for RP purposes, it’s due to him being so in-tuned with his religion even when he was turned that his God saw the good in him regardless of the fact he was a now a monster (his religion during the time was and remains to be Orthodox).~ Vlad can eat food but chooses not to usually. The taste of food has not faded for him even though he is a vampire. He does not crave food, nor does he need to live off it, therefore he doesn’t really eat anything unless it's to keep up appearences. Vlad lives off of animal blood mainly, but knows a guy that slips him blood bags from a blood bank to keep in the house.
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devintrinidad · 4 years
Now a modern CAW au because why not.
1146 is a rich kid from a rich family of world famous doctors. He’s naturally expected to become a doctor himself one day and is a total nerd for biology. He has a very… Strong appreciation for white blood cells (for some reason he just really loves learning about them). He goes to a bording school and shares his firm room with 2001. Their dorm neighbors are 2626, 2048 and 4989. They’ve all known each other their whole lives and the others come from, not as wealthy, but still prestiges families.
2001 and 2048 are from Euroasia (and some made up country, shrugs) and the rumours are they come from a line of nobility. They neither confirm or deny it but they are gifted in various languages and are excellent in all areas of study. 2001 particularly excels in business math and law and 2048 in history and anthropology. They’re the smart ones and study nerds of the group. 1146, 2626 and 4989 aren’t dumb. But they are joked as being the dumb jocks of the group because they’d rather play sports then study in all areas besides what they like most. 1146 loves philosophy and molecular biology. 2626 likes programming and english. 4989 loves trigonometry and physics. 
But yeah outside those things those 3 have no ability to put in the effort beyond just barely passing in other homework assignments. They often plead to 2001 before big tests to please have mercy on their dumb inferior minds. 2201 always says they have themselves to blame. Then he caves and spends the whole night before the big test to help them prepare. It’s a vicious cycle that 2048 always escapes because he always finds excuses. At least initially. 2001 quickly gets fed up even though 1146 points out he’s never seen him sleep once despite always complaining about being tired. 2048 is the one who always riles the other 4 up to doing stupid stuff before any big test (after he’s done studying) so 2048 is the one who should be responsible for them. 
They’re also all part of a mixed martial arts after school club. No one else will join because they’re likely too scared since these boys are INTENSE. 
The boys are around 14 or something (do I know how bording schools work? No). 
The boys, 1146 in particular, get easily misunderstood. Most kids see then as violent nutcases because at the start of school they got into a huge bloody confrontation with the bullies (yep, human versions of viruses) that landed all of them in the hospital for a couple of weeks. Despite good intentions that event and the rumours surrounding the darker side of their families dealings get blown out of proportion. The boys are popular and seen as cool in a sense. But people keep their distance from them as assign exaggerated stereotypes to them. Girls from another bording school across the lake from them send valentine gifts to them and secret admirers like sending them notes. But no one wants to date or get to know them. Essentially besides some cool teachers, the 5 boys only have each other. They choose to not let it bother them (too much) and let their sense of justice drive them into battling the sneaky bullies who are honestly psychos who shouldn’t be allowed in society. But they are smart and never get caught so the boys can’t get caught challenging them or stopping their plots against the student body (see what I did there, puns). 
The killer T’s are the hall monitors and the boys are constantly either having alliances with them or sneaking past them for various reasons (stopping bullies or just goofing off). It’s a complicated relationship. 
Commander T is the president of the school council. 2001 and 2048 are members of the council and Killer T thinks that’s the only reason Commander T won’t let him bust that group for their obvious crimes against their authority (he’s mad 2626, 4989 and 2048 have pranked him in the past. Nothing personal, but he can’t stand 1146 being popular despite having just a scary reputation as he does). 
The lactic bacteria exist as dogs in this setting. Technically they’re owned by the philosophy teacher Basophil (the one teacher 1146 idolizes so much his friends worry it’s a mental disease. Eosinophil idolizes him too. But she’s in the other school and can only see him when she visits 1146. They’re 2nd cousins or something. Before the bording school, Basophil used to be their tutor when they were much younger) and run loose around the school. But they end up spending a lot of their time with 1146. He takes care of them a lot and they listen to him as much as they do Basophil (they’re either very Dumb dogs or very disobedient ones as. They go back and forth about not understanding the simplest commands to figuring out complex problems like opening doors or the refrigerator by themselves). 
The bording school has recently decided to have girls start attending (some fire happened and they want more students. Idk). Despite female students not offically attending  until a year later. One exception gets made.
Enter 10 year old 3803.
Both 3803’s parents were war medics who later became agents to a secretive defense group who track down foreign spies and take them out. They retired when they had 3803 and made a living as a cleaning service. One day 3803 gets kidnapped and her dad dies saving her. Her mom decides it’s too dangerous to be with her and makes the hard choice, for the time being, to give 3803 to a friend until she can hunt down her enemies (momma us Macrophage). 
3803 is given a new identity and sent to the bording school for her own protection. The friend who is taking care of her is 1146’s dad. He’s 1110 (their teacher from canon. That’s his number right?). He’s been in love with Macrophage ever since they met and fought in a war together. Unfortunately he was in a arranged marriage set up by his parents and she fell in love with someone else. His own marriage didn’t work out since his wife left him to pursue her own stuff. 1146 was left with abandonment issues from that and because his mom was always cold to him and didn’t hide the fact she never wanted him.
1110 is a very warm and affectionate father to 1146. Wanting to make up for lack of love he received from his mother. 1110 is very supportive and happy to let 1146 experience life in matters his own strict distant parents never allowed him. But he worries because 1146 likes to act like he’s fine but he’s very closed off. 1110 worries 1146 will never open up to anyone besides the select few he grew up with. 
To 3803, 1110 quickly sees her as the daughter he never had with Macrophage. He becomes very overprotective and nurturing of her. Wanting her to feel safe and hopeful her mother will someday come back alive. He also hopes beyond hope that his son will one day fall in love with her (when they’re much older) because he really wants her to be his daughter. Pretty much why he refuses to adopt her despite Macrophage saying it would be a good idea (he thinks it’s too much like giving up on Macrophage surviving her ordeal. He wants to believe Macrophage will live and come home to 3803 again. Ecspecially after everything she’s doing to protect her daughter). 1110 spends 3 months helping 3803 recover enough and explaining her new situation. He chats with 1146 over a secret line (yes 1146 was taught by his military dad how to have secret phone calls) about 3803 and her situation. He doesn’t expect anyone to come after her or figure out she’s there (he’s doing a lot of work on his end too) but he still wants his son to look after her and be her friend.
When 1146 sees her, he thinks she’s younger then she actually is. She’s dulled eyed and looks ready to jump out of her own skin. Which he can imagine why after everything she’s been through and now, for the year, being the only girl in a all male school (1110 in a sweet tone threatened to take down the entire school of she wasn’t properly cares for). When he approaches her, she immediately perks up and asks if he’s Mr 1110’s son. After that 1146 isn’t sure how he ended up walking her to his club while she chatters faster then a hummingbird hums and latching on to his hand and swinging it back and forth.
1146 updated his friends on her situation so they know they’ll most likely be seeing her a lot and to be extra nice to her. Because he’s self aware enough to know he’s going to be bad at it. He already made her almost burst into tears when he replied with a maybe after Killer T laid down the laws and threatened to throw anyone who breaks them into confinement. He also knows he can trust his friends with such a big secret
She’s really clingy with 1146 initially. It’s weird and a new thing. But he doesn’t dislike it.
1146 and 3803 first really bond (after a few awkward weeks) when they’re alone and he’s studying for his anatomy class. She keeps asking him what the pictures are about. He explains what each cell does and gets more and more excited to talk about the topic when she gets more and more amazed. His friends tease him about his fascination with cells and think he should have been one instead. 3803 is the first to genuinely be very interested in listening and sharing his desire to talk about them. Afterwards 3803 declares she loves red blood cells and is going to be like them. A mailwoman who gets her packaged delivered no matter what. It’s the first time both really smile at each other and he feels a connection with her. 
After that he realizes he misses her a lot when she’s gone and almost gets jealous when she starts clinging to his friends too.
3803 loves to clean because She used to help her parents clean all the time. The boys mixed martial arts club is a pig pen to say the least. Completely dirty and just about unsanitary. Never been washed or dusted. Trash of junk food is littered everywhere. Dirty clothes just left hanging around. 3803 almost can’t believe what she’s seeing. She spends the next 3 days cleaning the entire club by herself and she won’t even let 1146 and the others come in. When they finally can it’s like a whole new room. They didn’t even know they had white wood floors. From then on 3803 becomes the club’s little cleaning lady. When 1146 tries to help her or tell her it’s not nessecary. She replies he’s not good at it and she likes to clean because it reminds her of mama and papa.
3803 ends up being a kindred spirit to the boys, 1146 in particular. She doesn’t have a bad reputation like they do. But for some reason she’s one of those people you expect to have a million friends but can’t even make one. She’s sweet and tries her best. But she gets overlooked easily for not standing out and she can’t find a way to connect with anyone her age. Even if her follow students are nice to her, no one invites her into their group. She’s also really bad at academics. She has to work twice as hard to be just average. This causes her a lot of stress. When 1146 comes by to check up on her after her math test (she studied really hard and holed herself up in her room so much she forgot to eat). He sees her dull eyed and unhappy, like she’s too sad to cry. A mean kid makes a snide comment she’s just naturally too dumb to change herself. Before he can intervene, 3803 determinedly says she can and she will and runs off to the library to study more. 1146 pats the kid on the shoulder and says nothing. Just stares until the kid pales in recognition of one of the Beserkers and flees like his life friends on it. From then on 1146 drags 2626 and 4989 to the library to be her study partners. If she’s determined to be good at everything she can be (and she says herself she’s not good at anything) then they can work harder to improve themselves on areas they’re weak in too. 2048 and 2001 will join them too (and be far more helpful at helping 3803 study then they will be with the other 3). 
3803 ends up becoming the club’s mascot. 4989 and 2626 dresses her up in a kendo outfit (then take the bokun sword away when she accidently hits 1146 in a… Sensitive area.  They don’t explain to her why it was so painful for him). 
3803 gets a pen pal from the other school. It’s 5100 and the two quickly establish a close connection. 5100 often sends seperate letters addressed to the boys, outraged 3803 isn’t getting the girl stuff she needs. 5100 proclaims not only is she going to be visiting her but she’s decided to transfer to their school next year so they better have 3803 involved in stuff she would be doing if she had girl friends who liked the same stuff.
She sends them a list of things 3803 told her she missed doing with her momma and wished she had 5100 here with her already. They are a bunch of dumb boys who don’t know a thing about girls. They do the best thing they can. They youtube how to do everything on the list. 
(In this au 3803 has longer hair for this scene alone). 2626 takes over hair stuff. Her momma used to make her hair pretty and put it in all sorts of styles and decorations. He nearly has a heart attack when she says Ow when he brushes her now messy hair too hard. He’s not brave enough to trim her hair and layer it. So he gives himself a pat on the back when he can put her hair into a ponytail. His next goal is pigtails. 
2001 takes her to cutesy maid cafes where where they drink tea and eat cookies. 2001 gets fawned over by the maids because they think he’s hanging out with his cute sister, who they take pictures with and give free samples to. 2001 isn’t sure what to do when the maids want his phone number for a tip so he leaves a gwnedous amount of cash and walks away really fast while while 3803 skips along holding his hand and begging to go back there again (he thought he got the easy one. Liitle 2001 isn’t as cool headed as adult 2001).  
2048 takes her clothes shopping. He first ends up picking out clothes he likes. But when she gets mistaken for a boy a few times he decides to let her go solo. She picks a onsie cat suit for pajamas. Cute but not exactly the clothes he was told to get. Eventually they wander into girl sports area and a worker has mercy on him and helps him pick out cute sports shorts, shoes and shorts for girls her age. 3803 is very energetic so she likes them a lot.
Both 1146 and 4989 are in charge of baking sweets. The most they know is throw a ramen cup into the microwave after adding water so their first attempt is kind of bad. She has to stop them from adding olive oil instead of vegetable oil to a cake mix. They can’t remember if the mix used to be a vanilla or chocolate cake after baking it. They find their groove when 4989 discovers youtube channels about making awesome designer cakes. One about a cake shaped like a boat and layered with Kit Kats charms all three of them. After that 4989 become a baking fiend! Except his food is never good because he focuses more on creative design then taste. 3803 has to be there to remind him what actually tastes good.
All of them engage in axe throwing (Macrophage would definitely make axe throwing a mother daughter thing). 3803 actually has really good aim. But she sadly says mama could throw a perfect aim backwards (that is a thing. It’s awesome). All of them compete to see who can learn that maneuver first in order to teach 3803 (3803 says mama’s rule is 3803 can’t learn a axe move unless it’s from someone else who’s mastered it).
They all treat 3803 like a little sister. Except 1146. He sees her as a kindred spirit he can relate to and see as his equal. He’s the only one who notices when she’s sad and that she stays up late at night, staring out the window in endless starry darkness. It reminds him a lot back when he used to wonder what he did wrong to ruin his family (it took him a long time to believe he wasn’t the cause of his family falling apart). He knows 3803 is feeling the same thing. At first he just watched her secretly. Then he moved to sit next to her and silently sat there together until she was ready to move. Eventually they both opened up about how they want to feel like they can be better again. 
One day 3803 gave them all salty treats. She said she wanted to give them something good for this day and she knows they prefer salty and bitter over sweet stuff. Months later they realize that day was Valentine’s day and she received NOTHING from anyone. They panic and start cooking up a grand present to give her in both thanks and apology. 3803 didn’t mind and wasn’t expecting anything from them. She actually got a ton of heart shaped chocolates from 1110 and 5100 so she felt good that day. 
When next year comes so do the female students. Among them are 5100 who instantly starts mothering 3803 and going big sister/best friend mode. Eosinophil who joins the Mixed martial arts club and, with 5100, joins the hall monitors for the female part of the dorms. Alongside her is NK. Who quickly butts heads with Killer T and establishes she’s the top hall monitor now and her people (5100 and Eosinophil) will be smarter then his (they have a history. Their families thought about a arranged marriage for them. But all it took was one meeting to nope out of that) in catching bad behavior. 
3803 always looks to NK for safety or help as far as the two lead hall monitors go. Even if Killer T is right there. He tries not to feel irritated (he fails) or bad that that’s probably because she’s scared of his rough attitude. NK at least acts competent and only yells at people who insult her first (unless it’s Killer T). 
When the girls go to a overseas trip somewhere. 1146 isn’t panicked at all and us perfectly confident she’ll be fine in the older girls care. That is until she’s gone and he syarts reading news reports on abduction or lost tourists and he calls his dad to bring up the helicopter. His dad is like sure son I was on my way to do this on my own. Lets make following her around a father son thing. Sure dad thanks for being on the same page! They spend the whole break trailing her and making sure she has a great time and doesn’t get lost or mugged. 
For while now 3803 has been trying to gain the reputation as a reliable delivery person. She always offers to take things for teachers and students from the council to other places and people. She gets lost in such a big school. But she slowly gains the cred she is willing and able to be trusted with jobs. It gets to the point she will be sent outside of school to deliver or pick up packages and it becomes a official student job. She has her own bicycle.
1146 secretly picked up sewing and knitting to make 3803 a beret hat (the one she has in canon) after she complained about how bright the sun is. He spends a long time on it. But he’s able to give it to her own her birthday. He even made it shaped like a red blood cell so she can be inspired. She loves it and never takes it off. She even sleeps with it.
Near Christmas the rivalry between the bullies and the squad gets more and more intense. It reaches it’s boiling point when they start picking on 3803. They see how she cleans up after the squad and treats them to baked goodies. They offer her payment of not bothering her 8f she does the same for them. But she refuses because the squad hates them and she’s scared of them too. They retaliate by grabbing her from her bedroom at night and locking her in a shack on the woods. Unfortunately for her It’s both a deadly blizzard that night and she starts freaking out because the last time she was abducted her dad died. She’s very afraid whoever got her (she knows it was the bullies. But they wore masks and she has no physical proof of them doing it) will hurt her friends. She breaks out if the shack and tries to find her way back as she can still see the school. However that’s when the blizzard starts and the school goes on lockdown mode. 5100 checks in on 3803 but finds her bed empty. Soon enough everyone is trying to find her. 1146 remembers the bullies messing with her earlier and, screwing consequences, corners the leader and starts wailing on him with his fists. Demanding to know where 3803 is. He tells 4989 to alert the teachers and and heads out into the dangerous snow storm to find her. Luckily for him Basophils dogs saw and followed her and one of them stayed with her while the other found 1146 and lead him to her. She’s not responsive to his calls. Her tears are frozen and she’s vshowing no signs of life. He carries her back by following the dogs and seeing the search lights ahead of him. She’s sent to the infirmary for the night and then taken to the hospital first chance they get in the morning.
Needless to say everyone goes berserk and the two groups really go at it. The teachers can’t even break them up at first. When things die down a bit and Killer T’s hall monitors help the teachers break up the fight. Everyone is sent to the infirmary to recover. Days later, after 5100 tells them about 3803’s descriptions of the masks, NK and Eosinophil show up with the masks matching 3803’s descriptions and having found them in the bullies club room. The bullies get expelled and are forced to fave the law.
From that moment 1146 decides to not become a doctor. He knows his true calling is a cop and tells his dad right away when he shows up to visit them. 1110 right away starts telling him he’ll research whatever he needs to fullfil his dream. 2001, 2626, 2048 and 4989 also decide to follow 1146. They all want to know how to protect people better (hey look I’m sneaking in the famous cop and mailwoman au!). 
When 3803 finally comes back everyone is excited! Then the boys realize in the time she was gone they let the club become twice as dirty then it was when she first cleaned it. They spend the entire time trying to clean the club to perfevtion because they know she’ll insist on cleaning. Eosinophil is the biggest slob of them all so she works extra hard to annihilate her filth. 
1146 makes it a habit to check on her every night and every morning. One morning she’s gone and he freaks out and nearly knocks 5100 down when he runs into her and tells her 3803’s missing! She calmly leads him to NK’s room and opens the door to reveal a snoring NK with a 3803 curled up like a kitten in bed with her. 3803 had a nightmare and went to the girls room to spend the night with one of them. 
When everyone but 3803 graduates years later, she promises to keep the club going and find people who will join it because she’s the mascot. To everyone’s shock, 2001 is the one who gets teary eyed first. She has to tell the boys not to cry only to start crying herself. They’re all going to miss each other.
3803 rooms with 4201 and the two end up running for school council,and recruiting people into the mixed martial arts club. 3803 and 1146 stay pen pals as he works hard to become a accomplished cop. They manage to meet later when 3803 is a young woman who’s graduated and about to attend her first job at the postal services. 1146 does a double take because 3803 is a woman. 2626 dryly points out duh obviously. But 1146 really sees her in a new light.
Yeah that’s it. I kind of plopped whatever thought came into my,mind all day so maybe there’s more. This ends the school life and morphs into the popular cop and mailwoman au. 1146 gets flustered by this new dynamic where he’s falling hard for her. She’s trying to sort out her adult life. Cancer probably shows up and there’s a murder mystery. Maybe 3803’s mom shows up or 3803 is confronted with the fact she’s probably dead. 1110 is a doting papa wolf who’s totally his son’s wingman. Shrugs. 
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otomelavenderhaze · 5 years
☄️⚖️🎨💧 for may
OH, I was waiting for someone ask those
☄️ Does your OC believe in fate and destiny or do they think it’s a load of garbage? Would they ever get this fortune told? What would a fortune-teller tell them about their future?
May belives it’s a whole much of garbage kkkkkk really. She don’t belive in destiny and fate. Everytime that Rayan brings it up, in any way, she just laugh and jokes it off. After a while tho, I think she started belive a little bit that meeting him wasn’t a coincidence, that perhaps he was right, maybe there was some fate involved in everything that happened with them. 
He would never ask for someone read her fortune, but if some fortune-teller had the chance she would tell her “You’ll get the things you want most, you’ll find a happiness you’ve never enjoyed, but all the way to getting there will be tortuous. It will be an unexpected and full of surprises and you will never get there by your own. Let the hand that you trust the most guide you and not let it go, not even to look back.”
⚖️ What is the biggest crime your OC has committed? Are they a theif, a cheat, a liar? What is the smallest, most petty crime they’ve committed? Or do they not do crime at all?
Pfff, hard to see May commiting any crime. She is really not that type. But she used to lie alot to her parents and her grandparents when she was a teenager. 
She was a very restless and bratty teenager, to the point of being disgusted by various situations, so she did a lot of crazy and irresponsible things back then. She could’ve also stolen something small like convenience store candy and stuff like that, she didn’t have good friendships either.
That changed when she started to want to teach art and study more, more or less when she finished high school things started to change, she grew up and nowadays no one would say she was a wild teen. Nowadays she lives as honestly as possible, she wanted to stop having so many regrets and prove herself, become independent, follow her dreams and such. 
🎨 Is your OC artistic? Can they draw or paint or do they prefer another medium? Are they a writer or musician or do they do something else? Give us a quick run down of what they can get creative with!
I already talked about this, but I think it won’t hurt talk more about it. 
Yes, May loves art. She paint and draw - she have a digital tablet, but she hardly uses it, her favorite medium is watercolor and pencil. Aside from that she loves music too, she can sing, she is not that crazily good about it, but her voice is pretty beautiful, clear and musical. 
She get’s really creative while studing objects, flowers and plants, she loves drawing inanimate things with minimalist details. But when she started to develop feelings for Rayan, she started to want to draw male figures, sketchs really, nothing very detailed or extremely realistic … when they started dating, she started asking him to pose for her, so she started really develop this skill better, studying more about human anatomy and such. So Rayan often inspires her. 
💧 What makes your OC lose hope, what makes them give up and feel helpless? Have they ever given up on something really important or let go of a dream? What are some of their biggest regrets? Would they ever try again (if they’re able to)?
May loses hope when it feels like there is no choice, hands tied, no apparent way out and when she sees her greatest fears coming true. Thinking about that question, I see very clearly that moment in episode 11 when Rayan tries to finish things up between them, that was a moment that made her lose hope for a whole week. 
I think hearing from Rayan that they shouldn’t be together was a big shock to her, he had tried to deny/run away before, but that did was too hard for her. She thought it was only natural, that she would never be enough for him just as she didn’t seem to be for anyone else - She always doubts herself about relationships, about love. She was ready to give up on him when he shows up at the front of her home asking to talk. 
At some point, May will have to give up on her dream of becoming a teacher for some years. She will start to work with something else, still related to art, because of financial difficulties. It really gonna pains her, but she will have to suck it up and do what she has to do. 
I think she will start to regret all the fights she has had with her parents when she finally have children. Because in a way, all those misunderstandings will become apparent and difficult to get around. She doesn’t want to deprive her children of living with their grandparents, to meet them and have memories with them. So it’s her biggest regret. 
I think she would still try to be an art history teacher when things got less chaotic, I think she would try to build a bridge between her parents and the family she fought so hard to have. After all, my baby gal is a fighter. 
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steves-on-a-plane · 5 years
Chapter Four: Stayin’ Alive
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Renowned and Illustrious Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Words: 1204 Crossover Fic: Grey’s Anatomy x Iron Man/MCU Timeline: Grey’s Anatomy Season 3 & Pre-Iron Man 1 Pairings: Meredith Grey x Derek Shepard & Tony Stark x Pepper Potts Other Relationships: Brother!Tony Stark & Sister!Meredith Grey Summary: Tony returns to the hospital to find that both Meredith and Elis have taken a turn for the worst while the hospital staff is pushed to their limits only one Grey will survive.  Next Chapter will be posted: October 23, 2019
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At first drinking with Christina had been...what was the word? Fun? No. Amusing? Not even close. Whatever the word, Tony had found it helpful to toss back a few drinks with someone who looked as awful as he felt. For awhile the pair lived in some sort of alternate reality. One silently convincing the other that their active alcohol consumption was in no way a cry for help. It was a good run while it lasted, and then Yang's boyfriend had to show up and ruin it.
"Some do, you know, come back from this." Dr. Burke, a fellow Cardiothoracic Surgeon, introduced himself to the Billionaire and informed him that there was still no change in Meredith's condition. Despite the lack of improvement he remained optimistic. Christina and Tony, who remained drunk from  both alcohol and their own bitterness, did not share his view of the situation.
"You know what? I am not a civilian." Christina slurred. "I know the science here. It's drinking time."
"Not yet." Burke disagreed. "You have a responsibility to Meredith..."
"And that's my cue to leave!" Tony slid a wad of cash in Joe's direction before getting down from his bar stool. If he was going to get a lecture on responsibility, he might as well do it across the street. At least Pepper was easy on the eyes. So he wandered back to the hospital, completely unaware that he had accidentally stolen Yang's chair from the ninety-nine cent store. If Meredith wasn't unconscious at the moment she would be lecturing her brother herself.
This is a typical Stark move. He could hear her voice chiding him from inside her skull. The exact second responsibility comes up in conversation you bail! He rolled his eyes. It wasn't like Mer was the pinnacle of responsibility herself. Up until a very recent divorce, she had been having a very public affair with McSteamy or McDreamy whatever they called the brain guy. Speaking of the brain guy, wasn't that him crying in Elis Grey's room?
Tony stumbled in to his step-mother's room. Pepper had fallen asleep on the couch just inside. He sympathized. Being with Elis for more than a few minutes was enough to tire anyone into a comma. Though he suspected their unscheduled cross-country trip may also have something to do with his assistant's snoozing. The brain guy didn't seem to notice Tony as he wiped a tear from his eye. He got off the couch, glaring at Elis.
"You broke her." Derek mumbled. "You call her ordinary. You taught her time and time again that nothing she does, ever, is good enough. Every good thing that Meredith is happened despite you."
A cold chill ran through Tony's body. Dr. Shepherd was putting to words something that Meredith and her brother never spoke about. Especially not to each other. From the day their families had merged Ellis Grey had made it clear that she had expected great things from both of them. After all he was the son of a wealthy inventor and she was the daughter of a world renowned surgeon. Howard Stark of course expected the same impossibly high standards. It was an uphill battle that both siblings still fought to overcome well into their adult lives.
"She may not survive this and that's on you." Derek hissed. This statement pulled the young billionaire from his own thoughts. Sure Ellis and Howard could probably take the gold for the worst parents in the last century, but could they really be blamed for Meredith drowning?
"What are you talking about?" He snorted from the doorway. Derek spun around, he had though he was alone in the room with Pepper.
"Meredith knows how to swim." Derek said as if what he was implying was obvious.
"You think that she went into the water on purpose?" Some of the drunken fog was clearing from Tony's head as he started putting the pieces together.
"She knows how to swim. She is a good swimmer." The sentence hung in the air. Tony highly doubted that what Shepherd was implying could be true. He had known Meredith most of his life, sure they had fallen out of touch recently, but this seemed an extreme accusation even for a Grey. Yet there was a sliver in the back of his mind that reminded him just how dark his own thoughts could be. He remembered the Olympic sized swimming pool they had in the mansion growing up. She is a good swimmer.
There wasn't a lot of time to think after that. Elis' monitors began beeping. A nurse in the hall started calling for a code blue. Derek sprang into action. He was coordinating with the team of nurses to insert a breathing tube. Somewhere amongst the commotion, Pepper woke up. A male nurse had just begun CPR, when her hand brushed against Tony's elbow.
"Tony we should get out of their way." she said. He shrugged her hand away.
"No. I'm staying. I have to." Elis was gone in the blink of an eye. It had happened so quickly Tony was certain she'd been asleep. Then Pepper was dragging him down the hall towards an elevator. She said something about Meredith. They had to say goodbye to Meredith. Tony had never dealt with death well. His mother died before he was old enough to remember much about her. His father killed in a tragic car accident. Now it seemed he was going to lose the only family he had left all in a single day.
When they arrived in the ICU Yang and Burke were the only ones there. It seemed he had managed to coax her back to the hospital after all. Tony noticed, as his blood seemed to solidify in his body, that there were no other doctor's present. Only he and Pepper stood with Preston and Christina looking down at Meredith's already blue complexion. The monitors began to flatline just as they had upstairs for Ellis.
"Try again." Christina whispered. When she realized that Bailey and the Chief couldn't hear her  she shouted at them in the hallway. "TRY AGAIN!" Miranda Bailey, who had never once taken orders from an intern during her entire medical career, shared and empathetic look with Richard Webber the Chief of Surgery. It was no secret that Webber had a soft spot for Grey either. Given that he and Elis were long time friends.
"Mr. Stark?" It took several seconds for Tony to realize Webber was asking for his permission as Meredith's next of kin. Despite every scientific molecule in his body telling him it would not work, he gave Webber the go ahead.
"One more round of ACLS drugs." Bailey said.
"One more." Webber agreed and they got to work. While it was obvious they were working hard, it was clear the medical team lacked the same ferocity that had been displayed upstairs. No one was expecting further treatments to work. The entire room had resigned Meredith to death.
There was a beep of hope.
"Sinus Brady. We got a heartbeat." Dr. Bailey observed. Burke produced his stethoscope and manually began checking for signs of life.
"We got it." He confirmed. Meredith Grey was alive.
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the-rovarians · 5 years
Some Information on Rovarians
- Basic Appearance/Anatomy - *They look like the Spirit/Opportunity rovers, except for the following differences.
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Average height-around six feet tall
Average weight-around 500 to 600 pounds
Two robotic humanoid arms with five-fingered hands
Midsection below the shoulders is thicker and slightly darker in color
Females have lighter-colored solar panels than males
Two pairs of eyes
One set of eyes (the bigger ones) sees like we do. The “regular” eyes. The smaller ones see in infrared
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The four camera eyes are what create facial expression, with shutters and apertures. 
Their voices are synthesized, but still sound completely human, making it harder for others to write them off as just robots. They're beyond that, they're people
The solar panels can fold and unfold at their owner's will, allowing parents to carry the youngest ones on their backs
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- “Reproduction” (Growing the Species) -
The actual Rovarian is a combination of the parents’ programming and code, which is what contains the personality, the “soul” (do not try it with Earth computers, it won’t work. They have special alien computers that do literally nothing else but this.)
Rovarian "sex" is just two people putting code into a computer.
The new code is generated by randomly selecting parts from each parent's code. These are NOT "designer babies".
Although traits are randomly selected, this doesn't mean the child could end up with an extra arm or missing eyes or anything.
The new child's code is then sent to special replicators that produce the frame, program it with the child's new code and activated.
The child “grows” as their code and programming evolves and matures. 
They start out as little Sojourner models, as their programming isn’t yet complex enough to handle a big adult body. 
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They stay that way from “birth” to early toddler age (about 1 or 2 years for humans) then transition to a miniature version of the adult body. 
The old frame is then reused for another child, or is recycled for its resources (yeah, these guys are way smarter with their resources than a lot of today’s humans) 
They continue through gradually larger versions of this frame until they’re in the adult one, which on average is somewhere around 6 feet tall (of course there are 5 and 7 foot area outliers.)
When a Rovarian dies, their frame is either recycled (for another Rovarian or for resources) or buried, depending on the wishes of the family and/or the deceased person's last requests.    
This is the way historical figures are remembered. They are interned either beneath or inside their respective monuments.
- General Society Roles -
Once they reach adulthood, they’ve been schooled and educated in all the stuff that everyone needs to know. 
About a Martian year  (1.88 Earth years) after the transition to the adult frame, they either take on a profession as a civilian, enter the government in some way, or join the Rovarian equivalent of Starfleet (some choose to join Starfleet itself) where they eventually get posted to a ship and captain, such as Captain Kiali of the Rovarian flagship Artax. 
They generally choose their names from stars (Admiral Sirius), constellations  (soldiers Centaurus and Crux), or other astronomical bodies (Ensign Messier, ambassador Lady Carina). 
Metal bands worn on the upper arm indicate rank, department, and specialty. Some may also have an insignia for a specific ship on their rank band.
One does not need to be in government, military, or fleet to have department and specialty bands. For example, general practice doctors will have Medical department bands, surgeons will have Medical department bands and Surgery specialty bands
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- Historical Events and Achievements -
The last of a dying race found the twins (Spirit and Opportunity), and, knowing they were going to die, decided to save the rovers, giving them their own life force, as well as their own technological knowledge of how to use resources they had stored on Mars. Very little is known about this race, except Spirit and Opportunity’s hazy memories of them. Rovarian historians suspect they purposefully erased all records of themselves, though why is unclear.
The Rovarians claimed Mars as their homeworld and an evolved Spirit and Opportunity as their co-leaders.
Before official First Contact, a human military-esque group of xenophobic extremists planning to wipe them out before they could “invade and enslave us” (which never crossed their minds) ambushed a landing party with the twins (Spirit and Opportunity), who came back to visit the place and people who made them.
The twins were the only survivors, and the group stole their ship, using it to lure others to Earth, where cells of the group waited. 
The Rovarian crews were overwhelmed and slaughtered, and the ships used to wage a short but bloody war on the Rovarians, with battles fought on both planets (Earth and Mars), and in space. 
At one point, NASA’s Reconnaissance Orbiter took pictures of a Martian plain littered with fallen Rovarian warriors, as well as their living friends and family searching for their bodies. 
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Some humans did side with them, and the conflict, while essentially ending in a draw, led to Earth working with them instead of against, as it was made clear they have no desire or reason to invade us.
Opportunity was severely, almost fatally wounded in one of the war’s battles, but the JPL rover teams turned the lab into a makeshift OR and were able to save him (after figuring out how to airlift/transport him safely and without further injuring him)
JPL was on the Rovarians’ side from the start of the war, since they already kinda felt like the rovers were more than machines,  
They're the ones who got the rest of NASA to take the Rovarians' side, which helped turn the tide of the war, since the extremists then had a harder time communicating with their space and Mars forces,
NASA was in charge of almost everything space, and almost nothing got to or through space without them knowing it. 
Add to that NASA also gained access to Rovarian tech, which enabled them to make it even MORE difficult for the extremists to function by cutting off communication completely.
As a result, the stolen ships had no warning and no time to prepare before a Rovarian fleet showed up to apprehend them.
An important feat of theirs: Massive magnetic field generators at the poles, so they could give Mars an M-class atmosphere. This makes trade and diplomatic matters much easier, since most species require such an atmosphere. 
Having advanced alien tech, they were able to pick up on pretty much everything we were doing. And I mean EVERYTHING. That’s why the Rigel filter (named for its inventor) was created. It blocked out all the offensive (to a Rovarian) communications humans send. (it’s basically a spam filter (that actually works) on steroids
- Social Customs, Beliefs, and Daily Life -
Water and food are replicated as needed for visitors. 
Farming is kind of a waste, as the whole species feeds off of solar energy (which, thanks to advances in Rovarian medicine and science, can be stored in much larger amounts in the same size battery) 
There are artificial solar energy generators for emergencies.
The Rovarians actually find the human obsession with sex/sexuality/female bodies to be super weird and a little disturbing/off-putting
It's actually HUGELY insulting to make sexual comments to them. 
Relationships are based on feelings for the other person. 
They actually think the sex obsession is what holds humans back from advancing more quickly.
They avoided money. They do more of a large scale barter system, and everybody contributes to the society in various ways. 
They have stores of other species' currency, but it's only used for trade with said species.
This way, nobody ends up in poverty and there's no 1 percent elite. 
Even healthcare is given based on how urgent your need is. (the field of regular psychology is still needed. These are people, not just programs, and people always need regular psychology)
The system works smoothly, and crime is mainly just thievery and vandalism (because every species is going to have born criminals.) 
Stuff like murder, which is very rare, is obviously still a crime, as is most of the major stuff ( dealing in illegal contraband, scams, espionage, etc.)
Things like racing shuttlecraft around planets are common activities anyone could do.
- Rovarian Stardate System -
The first two digits of the stardate indicate the century
The second two indicate the exact year (Earth year*)
The third two are the Earth month
The decimal point number is the exact day. 
For example, this stardate, 215004.05, translates to April 5, 2050, in the 21st century.
They use Earth time because Mars time is only practical for those actually on Mars. For those on ships, it doesn’t make much sense. (this is just a cryptic way of saying that I am too hopeless at math to convert everything to Mars time. There’s lots of decimals involved in that.)
- Arts -
No wind instruments
Non-electronic music consists of strings, percussion, and vocals (singing)
They do also play electronic music (think Daft Punk, Basshunter, or any other techno artist)
The overall style can range from sounding like Celtic or New Age to sounding like techno or dance music, or anything in between. It depends on who’s playing.
Very futuristic, but with sharp, boxy design and edges
Lots of metals and glass for materials, very clean and shiny
No stairs, it’s all ramps or lifts (elevators)
Some buildings, usually those with huge crowds moving through, such as the spaceport, have moving sidewalks and moving ramps (Rovarian version of an escalator.
Cities have very tall buildings, thanks to the planet’s lower gravity making it easier to lift materials up to those heights.
Many buildings (especially the tallest ones) are designed to light up at night, some having patterns of color change or light movement
A plaque inside the main entrance of the building credits the architect, as well as everyone who helped construct it
As with architecture, metals are the primary material used
Depending on the artist, the piece can be something ethereal-looking, something futuristic, or something inspired by Earth art styles
There are many installment pieces, especially in cities. These can be inside buildings or out in parks and other public areas.
A plaque or sign placed with the piece credits the artist and anyone who helped construct it.
For smaller sculptures, a signature from the artist can be found directly on the piece itself
Visual Art
There are Rovarians who draw and paint, both traditionally and digitally
Many digital artists like to animate their work
They may also include an animated version of their signature
Traditional painters, along with ordinary paints, will also use metallic and/or glowing paints in their work 
Like traditional Earth artists, they sign their paintings. The same is true for Rovarian drawing artists.
Some Rovarians practice textile arts such as weaving fabric, as this is a commodity that can be good for trading with other species
Other media for Rovarian visual artists include, but are not limited to: holograms, fiber-optics, LEDs, found items (for “upcycling”)
Yes, these do exist for Rovarians
The first ever live production was a retelling of the twins’ story through dance, with singers and musicians providing the music
Costumes are typically very elaborate and eyecatching, unless the production calls for more subtlety.
Dance style is usually smooth, flowing, and graceful, though it can also be sharp, snappy, and energetic.
Very similar to Earth literature, except that the genre of erotica does not exist
Some writers will collaborate with an artist to create a graphic novel or a holo-novel
FINALLY got the information on these guys up.
Photos courtesy of @nasa , myself (the craptastic drawing), and an artist whose name I couldn’t find, but I know it’s someone awesome because of that Opportunity painting
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loominggaia · 6 years
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(lore under cut)
Merrow are aquatic monsters that dwell in Looming Gaia's seas. They cannot survive in fresh water like lakes and rivers, nor can they breathe air. Due to their oral anatomy, merrow can only speak the language of Aquatica.
These monsters were forged by the cecaelian divine, Okanos, to serve as his soldiers. Though this war has been long forgotten, the merrow remain. Today they have spread far and wide across the world's oceans.
Okanos wanted soldiers who never questioned his orders and lacked all sense of morality. In this way, the merrow were flawless killing machines who worshipped him as a god.
But like all monsters, they had one fatal flaw: their bloodlust. Upon Okanos' death, the merrow became confused and distraught with no battles to fight. By the time Okanos was reborn, his bloodthirsty creations had already dispersed to faraway waters. Today they have spread well beyond his control.
Merrow are not intelligent enough to form clans or organize themselves in any way. Left to their own devices, they will only drift about endlessly while killing and eating anything that crosses their path. They will not harm cecaelia however, and even seem to worship them as higher beings.
They are eager to serve cecaelian masters, so it is not hard for cecaelian warlords to recruit them into brutal, suicidal campaigns. Many aquarian wars are fought using merrow rather than peoples. Some pity the merrow and object to this treatment, while others consider it a preferable alternative.
Merrow cannot wield magic themselves, but they do boast resistance to magic. Any hazard spells hurled at them just don't seem to affect them much, and their physical strength doubles that of the average human. Most of their bodies are covered with hard scales and chitin, acting as natural armor.
Their sharp claws and teeth are weapons in themselves, but a merrow's most powerful weapon is their tail. They can whip this tail so hard and fast that it will shatter bones and rip heads from shoulders. Their masters typically arm them with additional weapons like spears.
Merrow are short-lived, but fast-breeding. They have a natural lifespan of about 20 years and are fertile for less than half of them. Females and males look mostly identical except for their colors--females being red and males blue. Both have some degree of bioluminescence.
Once a year, instinct compels them to engage in an extremely violent mating ritual, in which males stab females of their choosing with a phallic barb and inject them with spermatophores.
After a few days when the females' eggs are fertilized, they will find suitable males and stab them with a phallic barb of their own, injecting the eggs. It is the male merrow which carry the rest of the pregnancy for the next several months. Finally the eggs hatch in their bodies and 3-5 baby merrow devour their father from the inside out.
These creatures are able to hunt and feed themselves the moment they're born. They reach maturity in just a couple years. While some regard them with pity, they are mostly regarded with contempt worldwide, considered a nuisance at best and a hazard at worst.
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jinjikook · 7 years
extracurriculars (m)
🎃 word count: 1.5k
🎃 genre: smut ; college au
🎃 pairing: reader/minhyuk
🎃 warning(s)/kink(s): public sex, slight exhibitionism, fingering, glasses kink (?)
🎃 summary: minhyuk has naughty thoughts about you wearing glasses and hey, you’re not opposed to letting those fantasies come true.
🎃 requested by: anon #1 -  “ Hiya can I request a kinktober writing? Minhyuk/reader exhibitionism with non bed surface sex?” + anon #2 -  “can you do one reader/Minhyuk where's he's your boyfriend and has a thing for you using glasses (such a turn on for him) because he thinks you look like a teacher, but a hot one.”
🎃 music: sorry not sorry - demi lovato
🎃  a/n: i know the gif isn’t rly very related to the fic but fuck it’s one of my fave looks like HE IS ETHEREAL 
🎃 masterlist + kinktober 2017
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gif credit
You tapped your pen on the edge of the wooden table, knowing it was probably bothering someone in the library just trying to innocently study but it was a bad habit of yours that you couldn’t help. Plus, your boyfriend didn’t seem to have half of your guilty conscience if the incessant shaking of his leg under the table was anything to go by.
“Babe, could you please stop that? It’s driving me nuts,” You nudged Minhyuk, ripping his eyes away from whatever BuzzFeed article he was probably ogling instead of studying for his next exam. His eyes were like that of a rabbit’s, wide and dewy as he made contact with you.
“What? Oh, sorry Y/N…” He trailed off, quickly redirecting his attention elsewhere. You looked at him suspiciously, nudging him once more though this time with more playful intent.
“Hey, what’s the matter with you? Everything okay?” Minhyuk refused to look you in the face, endlessly searching though his bag though you knew all he had in there were old Starburst wrappers and a pack of animal shaped erasers. He was the epitome of an adult in college, clearly.
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?” He shrugged and gave up on his search, retiring to sitting back and gnawing on his lip anxiously.
“I don’t know, maybe it has something to do with the fact that you’re refusing to make even the slightest of eye contact with me?”
He shook his head violently and you had half a mind to assume he was just hopped up on expresso shots from the downstairs coffee shop but you had been with him nearly the entire afternoon, keeping a close eye on his caffeine intake for both your sanity and his health. Between his disgusting obsession with energy drinks and the incessant pull towards a cup of coffee that every student has to deal with, you had had your fair share of over-hyperactive days of Minhyuk.
“Hyuk, c’mon tell me what’s got you so up in a knot. You can trust me, you know that—”
“It’s your goddamn glasses, okay?!”
You shut your mouth, confused at your boyfriend’s sudden outburst.
Minhyuk licked his lips and wiped away the excess spit with the back of his hand before running his hand through his wild dark locks—a nervous habit he too had trouble getting rid of.
“When you wear those glasses, it makes you look like a teacher or something. But like… not a regular teacher, you get me?”
You giggled, shaking your head and telling him that no, you most certainly did not ‘get him’.
With a groan that caught a few too many stares, he shut his laptop in frustration and shoved everything unceremoniously into his bag, signaling for you to do the same and follow him into the secluded corner of bookshelves.
The shelves themselves were tall and full of dusty old books about history and anatomy and all that other bullshit that no one really checked out unless they absolutely had to which they usually never did because the internet was a wonderful place.
“Why’d you drag me all the way here to talk about my stupid glasses?” Minhyuk put a finger on your lips, telling you to keep your voice down and you were just even more confused. Sure, you were inside a library where you were supposed to keep an inside voice but there was no real reason why you had to stay so quiet in the ass crack of the textbook section.
“It’s because of those glasses,” He points a long digit at them, nearly making contact with the frames. “That I can’t fucking think straight.” When you were still clearly at a loss, Minhyuk nearly threw his bag on the ground as he finally explained himself. “You look like one of those naughty school teachers, like the ones that they make costumes and stuff of, okay? I see you in them and I pop a boner and all I wanna do is take you right then and there and—”
“Why don’t you?”
Minhyuk stopped dead in his tracks, eyebrows furrowing cutely and you fought the urge to kiss the small forehead wrinkles away.
“Why don’t I what?”
“Take me. Like, what’s stopping you? I know you always keep a condom in your pocket for ‘emergencies’ and I’m still pretty stretched out from this morning so…” And slowly, realization began to dawn on Minhyuk’s face; his expression becoming brighter and more excited with each passing moment.
He muttered ‘oh fuck yeah,’ under his breath before undoing the ratty drawstring of his old sweatpants, barely hanging off his hips and dropping easily the minute the bow in the middle came loose.
“Oh for fuck’s sake, I told you to start wearing underwear Minhyuk! That’s so unsanitary,” Minhyuk rolled his eyes at you and simply forced you around to brace your arms against the cherry mahogany bookshelf. You were face to face with the spines of hundreds of titles, some jumping out to you but not holding your focus long enough because Minhyuk’s slightly chilly hands were getting under your skirt and pushing your underwear aside to inspect just how many digits he had to give you before getting inside.
You hissed at the intrusion, nails digging into the dusty shelf and trying to keep from making any loud noises for fear of getting caught.
It only took a few minutes and two of Minhyuk’s sinuously talented fingers to get you ready for him, already enthusiastically rolling on the condom and whispering how much he’d wanted this.
He didn’t really hold back, even though you were somewhere a hundred times more public than your dorm room and you bit your knuckle as you whimpered through his thrusts. He held your hips and plunged deep, over and over again.
It caused the shelf to jostle some, books knocking against each other and little creaking noises to seep from the lesser constructed areas of the furniture.
“Do you want someone to find us, to see you being so, so bad for me, baby?” Minhyuk drawled, hand snaking forward to toy with your clit. You keened against your hand and bit harder, your boyfriend already well versed in your body and the weaknesses it had.
A few voices could be heard coming from the right side, getting slightly louder as you assumed they were approaching the line of shelves you were hidden behind. All it would take is the turn of one corner to catch sight of the entire display: Minhyuk deep inside you and his face buried in your neck and your hands scrabbling for purchase on the shelf, drooling all over the knuckle you’d shoved into your mouth.
“Minhyuk, ah, baby they’re coming,” You tried to gesture to the generic area from which you’d heard the voices coming from but it was hard when your hands were the only thing keeping you from face planting onto the shelf and braining yourself.
“Then you should be too,” He growled before slamming into you and putting further pressure on your clit, making you shut your eyes tight and bite your tongue nearly clean off to keep from screaming out in ecstasy.
Minhyuk followed suit, coming into the condom and biting down on your clothed shoulder to muffle his own noises. It dampened the fabric and you wondered if it was noticeable on the gray sweater.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure I pulled the book from these ones,” A light voice carried into the small alcove, followed by a low grunt that you figured was paired with a nod from someone else.
You and Minhyuk rushed to get your clothes situated and back into place, fixing your hair and taming Minhyuk’s own for him as he adjusted the glasses back onto the bridge of your nose and giving the tip a small peck before smiling. He mouthed ‘thank you’ right before the voices made themselves known.
“It was right around—Oh, hey Minhyuk, hey Y/N!” Jooheon chirped, waving to the two of you and you waved to Hyunwoo who was in tow right behind him, a soft smile stretched onto his squishy cheeks. “Were the two of you looking for that Economics book Professor Kim had mentioned? It’s supposed to be back here...” He trailed off as he searched the shelves behind Minhyuk, your own back trying to conceal where you had clawed very visibly and Minhyuk stood next to you, stiff as a statue as he held the tied off condom behind his back.
Hyunwoo had a smirk plastered onto his face the following time you looked over at him, knowing eyes looking down where Minhyuk had his hands hidden.
“Not a word,” You hissed at your friend, his hands coming up in a sign of defense and he quickly tuned into Jooheon’s words as he piped up about finding the book.
Minhyuk leaned down and whispered into your ear, breath tickling the shell of it.
“That was fun baby, should I tell you what I think of when you wear heels?” You giggled and slapped his shoulder playfully, motioning to where your friends had begun to invite the two of you to lunch. Your boyfriend gave you one last peck before walking in tow behind the other two males, discreetly trashing the condom once he passed a wastebasket.
You followed along, being sure to whisper a quick ‘sure’ into Minhyuk’s ear before running up and joining Jooheon in his conversation about the new Animal Crossing app.
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storiesofwildfire · 7 years
Gael; Loki’s Friend (and Asmund’s brother) -- a headcanon
NAME: Gael Arneson AGE: 2,415 Asgardian years (about twice as old as Loki and slightly older than Asmund) GENDER: Male FACE CLAIM: Pedro Pascal PARENTS: Arne Knutson (father) ;; mother unknown SIBLINGS: Asmund Arneson OTHER RELATIVES: None OCCUPATION: Healer to warriors and nobility, but often volunteers to care for those who may not be able to afford the care that he provides. Specializes in bone and tissue repair.
RELATIONSHIP TO LOKI: Gael is Loki’s friend and supporter. Being the elder brother of Asmund, Loki’s healer, it was next to impossible not to get close to Loki. He regards the prince as a younger brother and will go to great lengths to protect him.
STATUS ON BLOG: Secondary muse that is available for interaction for developed plots and people who already roleplay with Loki and wish to get to know other characters that make up his world. He may also show up in threads if it makes sense for him to make an appearance. Please be aware that Gael is the mun’s OC. He is not canon and is not available for public use.
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Gael is the older brother of Asmund Arneson, Loki’s personal healer who specializes in the care of Jotuns. Like Asmund, Gael excels in healing magic and the study of humanoid anatomy. Being Asmund’s elder brother, he took up the craft a few decades before Asmund and even helped with his younger brother’s studies.
As the pair grew older, Gael quickly realized that he was not nearly as skilled with his craft as Asmund was. Asmund could heal basically anything regardless of how severe the ailment or injury was and he learned to cure non-Aesir beings with a swiftness that Gael couldn’t keep up with. For a long time, the elder of the siblings felt that he was not good enough to become a healer because of how much his brother excelled over him.
Even with that self-doubt, Gael never held an ounce of disdain or envy for Asmund. As far as he was concerned, his younger brother could do amazing things to benefit the world that they lived in and there was no reason to be jealous of such an amazing gift. If nothing else, he helped his brother where he could and encouraged him to keep up with his studies and his practice of the very thing that he loved to do. 
His confusion, however, led him to wonder where his place in Asgard. If he couldn’t be a healer, what was he destined to do? Unlike Asmund, Gael had a knack for quite a few different types of specific magic. Instead of being a master of one, he seemed to be more of a jack of all trades type of sorcerer. 
Growing up and reaching adulthood, he spent a lot of time with his mother, trying to learn to harness his abilities to their fullest potential. He engaged with other warriors and trained alongside them. Perhaps, if he could not become a full-fledged healer, he could fight alongside his brothers and sisters and offer them medical attention on the battlefield when proper medics could not reach them.
For several centuries, he did just that. His combat skills were top notch--especially when equipped with a long weapon like a spear or a staff--and he fought in every war and every battle that cropped up. Through his time in battle, he discovered that he was actually quite gifted with mending broken bones, tissue, and even injured muscles. In some extreme cases, he was even able to regrow bones completely. While he had very little control over healing someone who might fall victim to ailment, physical injuries became an everyday norm for him and he saved numerous lives just by being a quick responder.
Gael’s care wasn’t limited to Aesir, though. While he acted as a warrior alongside his realm’s army, he was a healer at heart and he was full of a deep-rooted compassion that not many of his peers understood. If he came across a fallen enemy and they were in dire need of medical care, he would offer it to them, even if that meant that they would be taken as a prisoner of war or they would become a threat once they were healed. He just couldn’t bring himself to leave someone who clearly needed his assistance. What kind of healer would he be to turn away someone begging for their life? What kind of person would he be?
While the warriors around him became desensitized to the violence that integrated itself into their everyday lives, Gael could never overcome the feeling of horror that came with spilling blood, even when it was absolutely necessary. This trait, of course, was often frowned upon and many considered him to be a pretty terrible warrior just for the sentiment that he held for life. He couldn’t kill without reason and it made him weak.
But he always said, “You know what? I don’t have a problem defending my own. I don’t have a problem taking you to the street and kicking your arse if I have to, but what’s the point of pointless killing? Why is putting value in life a weakness when, without it, our entire legacy would crumble? So you can fuck off with your judgments.”
Gael was even present during the Great War between Jotunheim and Asgard. When Odin came back from the frozen tundra that made up most of Jotunheim, a small babe in his arms, Gael was the first person to hold the child in his hands. He questioned where the baby came from. While it was mostly pale, it held faint marks that suggested it was Jotun in birth. Odin told him that he found the child, abandoned, and that it was his responsibility to keep the baby alive until they returned home. 
Though he knew little of caring for a Jotun, he kept a protective watch over the child until they returned to Asgard. Had it not been for Gael informing Odin of his younger brother’s talents and mastery over the study and art of healing, Asmund might not have been assigned to be the prince’s personal healer.
After the Great War came to a close, Gael continued on his path as a healer first and a warrior second. He kept up with all of his training, but he backed away from the aspects of actually participating in war. He preferred to heal rather than take life and he found plenty of work amongst injured warriors and noblemen and women. He, however, often offered his services to those who couldn’t afford more expensive care.
His kind spirit doesn’t stop him from defending his home, his family, or himself, however. Sometimes violence is necessary and it isn’t unheard of to find Gael in the streets, defending his honor or just setting a pompous arse straight when needed.
Due to his odd combination of good-naturedness, skillfulness in battle, and good looks, he’s quite popular with men and women from all sorts of realms. While he doesn’t have the reputation of flirting and bedding that someone like, say, Fandral does, he could certainly give the Dashing Scoundrel a run for his money.
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ladyemberswrites · 7 years
Pairing: Aluseras
Fandom: Hellsing 
Title: Nudity 
Read author comments at the bottom. 
Seras thought her whole body would combust, it was like someone dumped a large basin of ice cold water over her head, and not only was she left wide eyed, but stunned, similar to a deer in the headlights about get rundown by dead-arse drunk, negligent driver.
 Originally, she had come down to her master's room - or dungeon to inform him that Sir Integra wanted to see him, however,  that task was completely forgotten , seeing that her virgin eyes were currently beholding her Master’s very nude body.
 Her body was already hot, clammy and sticky thanks to the extreme heat of the summer weather, but now her body burned for an entirely different reasons and a reason she should be concerned about, well at least a towel was covering his-well,his-his -um - man parts- oh dear!
He looked at her, passively, barely blinking an eye,
“ What is it, police girl.” having a stroke seemed very plausible right about now, and very welcomed too.
“ …..uhhh- um-uhhhhh.” she stammered, her vision was hazy, unfocused.
He quirked a brow at her, baffled for a moment by her lack of being able to iterate a simple, complete sentence before it hit him.
“ Whatever, is the matter, Seras?” she desperately was trying to focus her attention on his face, and not down below. He of course noticed, the bastard, grinned inwardly at his servant's obvious discomfort.
“ Uhhh, master, your, uh,  your clothes  .”
“ What was that police girl, couldn't hear you, speak up.”
“ You did too hear me! Don’t lie.” she hissed.
“ We're defiant this evening.” he felt his smirk widen, revealing his sharp teeth, that were so white, that they glistened in the dreary room. 
“ Am aware.”
“ Then-”
“ Then?”
“ Why aren't you-”
   “ Clothed. Ah, yes, well, I was in the middle of completing certain activities before you came barging into my private chambers.”
  Her face blanched, and she gaped at him like a fish out of water. Whatever words were trying to come out were choked and strangled by her own disbelief and utter horror. But of course, why is she surprised anyways, though her master was vampire of high degree, he was still, but a man. So, of course- she gulped- he would have - have certain urges……….. but still - still it was- ugh- trying to imagine-no-no-no-no.
   It was like a child trying to turn a blissful eye to the fact they their parent’s have a sex life. Not that she consider her master a father figure, shudders, she doubted that man had a single fraternal bone in his body, but it was still private- intrusive, it was odd and it was making her feel odd things. Odd things she should be ashamed of. 
“ It was joke, police girl.” He deadpanned. That was hardly a joke now, the damage was already done, and her imagination would be running rampant for hours , thinking of things she should not be musing about.
“ Has your brain stopped functioning properly.” 
“ M-my brain is -w-w-working” she swallows hard “.........fine.” 
“ Anyways, is there something you want?” Is he serious! Seras just wanted to leave, and forget this ever happened. Why, is he being so-lax about this? He’s screwing with me that’s why, just my luck, the lousy bastard. 
“ Uh- Sir Integra wants to see you.” 
“ Why?” 
“ I don’t know, ask her.” 
“ Why didn’t she just summon me.” 
“ I. Don’t. Know. Maybe she doesn’t want you popping up into her office naked as the day you were born, she’s known you longer than I have.” 
Alucard snorts “ I maybe bold, Police girl, but not that bold, I rather keep certain parts of my anatomy intact.” 
It was Seras’ turn to snort, this is the same man who encourages his enemies to blow his own brains out , but also takes great enjoyment in being blasted to pieces. Yet, is afraid of his man bits getting mutilated. The moment she uttered those words-her eyes acted as if they had a mind of their own, and were dangerously peering down his neck line to his bare chest, which to her surprised was covered in scars. They were like zigzags, like trenches of missing flesh. 
“ See something interesting?” 
“ uh-those - those are scars?” 
“ hmm,.” one had absentmindedly caressed the ancient wounds, as if he were re-tracing the moment in time that he got them. 
“ War.”
“ I don’t understand.” she tilted her head
“ I got these long before I become a nosferatu.” 
“ Oh.” 
“ Not all wounds heal, after you turn.” 
“ Guess that it explains, why I still-have.....” she whisper trails off, a flash of sadness fills her sapphire eyes.  Alucard got the hint and decided to change the topic back to himself again.
“ While, I was human I fought many battles, some were victorious and some I barely made it out with my head still attached to my body. But all in the same I never got out  unscathed. 
“ I couldn’t imagine. I mean I was on a police squad-but I’m pretty sure it was nothing compared to up-close and personal battles with knives and swords. “   
“ Nowadays, all you have to do is shoot your opponent in the heart an it’s over, back then they didn’t always die quickly, sometimes it took hours of choking on your own intestines before death. 
Seras grimaced “ Then again I was kind of the lucky ones, I didn’t really get the chance to see some of the gruesome stuff-not since-anyways.........” here they were  having a in depth discussion about death and would have enjoyed if it weren’t for the fact that he’s still in the nude without a care in the word. 
“ Can you at least put some pants on, Master.” she grumbled.
“ I thought you were enjoying the view.” 
“ Very well, there’s not need to shout.”  
“Please don’t turn around!”, Seras balks, as she gets a lesson in male anatomy that she obviously didn’t sign up for. Her face drained of color, as her cheeks burned bright firetruck red, as her eyes darted any where else -but-but-but-her brained is definetely fried, she can’t even finish that sentence, while metaphorical steam rolls out her ears and the situation was only made worse when she heard her master dark chuckling. 
He was purposely getting a rise out of her, Bloody hell, has he no shame. Obviously not. Seras wondered how anyone can not be embarrassed by being butt-naked in front of a stranger. Then again they were in no way strangers and this is Alucard she’s talking about. Though out of curiosity wondered if there was anything that didn’t flustered said man. Probably not, even if there were, he would never admit that to her of all people. 
How long had she been standing here staring at some crack in the wall, she wanted to turn around, this angle was putting a crook in her neck, but she was too afraid to check if he was dress. 
“ How long are you going to keep standing there, Police girl?” amusement was apparent in his voice and irked her nerve endings. However, she mistakenly takes that as a sign that he was fully clothed. 
“ I-MASTER!” she quickly clamped her fingers over eyes. Heat was not just radiating in her face now, but all over her body, but far more intense.
“ What?” it would have been innocent, if it weren’t for the slight mockery in his tone. 
“ Your clothes.” she squeaked. 
“ And?” 
“ C-clothes,-I thought you were going to put s-some -clothes on.” 
“ I was, but  I changed my mind.” 
“ Have you not any shame.” she hissed.
“ No.” he smirked, devilishly. 
Seras groaned in her hands, what did she expect. “Your truly, truly awful, Master.” 
“ And you’re a prude, my dear police girl.” 
“ I am not a prude.” 
“ If your not then open you’re eyes.” 
He only threw his head back and laughed, which only made her tremble with even more second-hand embarrassment, more then she could honestly bare, she squeezed her fingers even tighter, not knowing what else to do-until she felt something looming over her.
She felt larger hands trying to pry her smaller ones from her face. 
“ Don’t be stubborn, Seras.” he whispered, using his native accent to catch her attention, which worked, her grip loosened, as he peered up at him. Sometimes she forgets how much bigger he is to her. He was giant compared to her and for some reason she found it to be-a turn on? 
“ W-what?” she didn’t like the way that he was looking at her, she knew that expression very well, it was the one, where she couldn’t read what he was thinking. Hard, passive, and intense. She gulped, as he moved her hands away from her face, holding her wrists in a iron grip,while he gazed at her, searching. There was a long silence, where neither party said anything , Seras had no idea what he was feeling right about now, but she on the other hand felt her rib cage restrict, and if her heart were still beating it would have been slamming into her chest.
 Though it felt like hours, only seconds ticked by, his face moved closer to her’s to the point where their lips barely touched, she could feel his warm breath caress her face and more importantly her lips,  but then he pulled back without warning., letting go of her wrists in the process.  She wanted to bolt from the room, but her legs were too shaky to move, least she fall face first on the cold, hard floor. She suffered enough awkwardness for one day, that and she almost forgot that he was still in the nude. 
“ Um....” 
“ Yes.” Though he wasn’t all in her face anymore, he was still personally and uncomfortable close. 
“ I-I’ve got stuff to do.” 
“ Stuff? Oh, what stuff is that?” 
“ Y’know-stuff-stuff.” Her eyes were frantic, searching for a way out. She licked her lips, her mouth was painfully dry. He stepped closer again, this time his bare chest lightly pressed against her amble bosom, which made her cheeks burn a hundred degrees hotter. 
“ What this?” he tilted her chin up at a weird angle with one finger, it was there that Seras realized that her Master wasn’t in the habit of cutting his nails. Then again he probably did it on purpose “ You seem quite flustered, police girl,.” 
She shut her eyes to keep herself from seeing stars “ N-nothing.” 
“ Am I too close.” His accent was thick, it was almost hard to understand what he was actually saying, however and  unfortunately it did weird things to her head and he knew, apparently. 
“ M-maybe.” she inhaled unsteadily, as her fingers digged into the flesh of her palms that laid tensed at her sides. 
“ Is that a confession.” 
“ I-I don’t know, what is it too you, if it is.” 
“ Hhmmm, Would you like to know, Draga Meu.” 
“ I-” 
“Seras! Seras, where are you!  It shouldn’t be taking-you-you “ Of all the things Integra never wanted to see in her short life time, seeing Alucard naked was among the list and to her misfortune, she just had to come to the basement, to find her Servant in his birthday suit, presumably seducing her other servant. 
Fortunately, for Seras someone did come to her rescue, but unfortunately it had to be Sir Integra of all people. 
However, this time it was Alucard’s turn to balk, she’d never seen his skin pale that shade of white before. Though, Seras couldn’t make fun, seeing that was in just as much a compromising position as he was, though it could been worse, it could have been Pip or Walter walking in on them.
Needless, to say the day did end somewhat eventful, if that includes getting chewed out by your master’s master for taking to long to accomplish a simple task and then watching her master get verbally assaulted by very irate Integra was certainly entertaining, a bit of karmic justice for putting her in such a humiliating position.  
A/N: This was a really strange one-shot/drabble. For whatever reason I headcanon Alucard having a very lax attitude towards nudity. Also, headcanon that Seras is tuned on not just by his voice, but his accent as well.  Comments are welcomed. 
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