#alright bye again
viivenn · 2 months
the lady of Nevermore and her knight.
(i blame @franouo for this. you’ve influenced me😔✨🧚‍♀️)
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i just think they’re so sweet and… stuff 😁✨🧚‍♀️🦋🪄❤️✨✨✨✨✨
i draw brienne like this to give a little reference to the books , if you’re curious about her scars and freckles. i also don’t think larissa would have any scars , and in this universe i think brienne would be juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust a smidge taller , not by much , but enough.
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enka11 · 2 years
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big man big fan
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toodrunktofindaurl · 2 years
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“Hope” twitter | instagram | ko-fi    
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tomsycat · 1 month
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\(^0^)/ silly little guy
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panstarry · 1 year
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i'm cringe but i'm free
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its-paperd · 4 months
hey everyone, i got some very important news, specifically on what's to happen to this blog soon!
please take your small time to read, as it is kinda important to me ^^
hello, hello!! it's me, tumblr user its-paperd, coming to you live with an important announcement!!
to put it very very simply, my entire blog will be on a VERY long hiatus, much longer than my usual 5 to 7 days kind
reason behind this is kind of personal, but it does kind of relating to school and grades. to put it simply, my grades haven't been going well and i admit, i have been getting addicted to this app a bit. too much hahah ^^"
now here's the thing, while i say it'll be a hiatus here, there would be a possibility of my blogs... getting deleted.
now don't panic!! i'm not exactly sure if it would happen but it might be a possiblity, so while my blog is still here, if there's anything you want to archive from my blog, it's best to take action and reblog some as soon as you can
get some of my spices, as you will kekek /silly
' oh, but paperd, you're taking this so well, don't you care about us? '
i do!! from the bottom of my heart, i do. it's just that it has been a long time coming, and it was inevitable that it would happen so i mentally prepared myself before i can give a proper goodbye ^^
with all of this happening, i can only think of parting words before i go radio silent
now things are gonna get sappy for me, kekeke <x'D
( moots i'm so sorry you have to learn about this this way <x| )
[ —-—-—-—-— ]
to my two bestest friends, @psycho-chair and @unknownarmageddon , the two members of the kross trio!! thank you both so much for being my friends, the moments we had in pony town will never be forgotten, and the memories we shared too. i appreciate you two being my besties, and i'm very sad to see myself go but to whatever that may come through, just remember guys!! keep being swag for me >:] live laugh kross forever ‼️‼️
to @jun1per-t33th !! my silly friend and amazing artist!! i always appreciate all the memes you sent to me, and your art is a banger every time!! ily so much, juni mwah mwah /p
to @justanidiotartist , my homie friend bud!! thank you for being my mutual, and all the art you made i have always been amazed, you keep being your fun, spectacular self, and take care!! :D
( honourable mentions, ily all so much <3 <3 /p : @the-arcade-doctor, @skelle404 , @corrupted-icarus , @karineverse , @captain-kretsnik , @sunnemona , @cherrio-krispz , @glitchysquidd , @socksandbuttons , @yuriyuruandyuraart , toka!! i see you >:] , other mutuals i've interacted!! you all are the best!! )
[ —-—-—-—-— ]
and with all that, my play of the show is done, but never over!! i will try harder for you all and hopefully, i can come back with pride and joy to you all!! thank you for your support, and i shall see you all again, whenever it may be!!
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ilynpilled · 3 months
i rlly dgaf about this discourse atp nor do i think the point of this is to be something to be weaponized against rhaegar or whatever but jaime was not really the best kg at 15-17 lol. he was chosen bc he was his father’s son and he was chosen to stay in the red keep with aerys once again bc he was his father’s son. just bc he was a prodigy with a single experience of real combat where he did achieve something admirable doesn’t mean that he is not pretty much the worst of the kg at that point in terms of value as a fighter. like these are not the average adult knights they are legit aerys’ seven. 15-17 yo jaime might have unreal talent and natural skill but he simply doesnt have the age and experience yet
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katsigian · 5 months
Gonna force myself to finish those asks I've gotten. Gonna force myself to finish those tag games I've been tagged in. Gonna reblog all of my mutuals things they've tagged me in and shared. Gonna share my lore writings and oc studies. Gonna put my head down and keep walking even though things have been one real bad stroke of luck after another irl for a little while now. I haven't forgotten about anyone, friends or mutuals, or anything they've tagged me in, I promise
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anipgarden · 9 months
The Biodiversity Saga - Parting Words and Sources
This is my final post in a series I’ll be making on how to increase biodiversity on a budget! I’m not an expert--just an enthusiast--but I hope something you find here helps! 
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Finally, at long last, it’s almost time for me to shut the fuck up. But before I go, I just wanted to say a few things!
First things first, every little bit you do counts! And I genuinely mean that. Even if you can only do a handful of these things, or even just one, that’s better than doing nothing. I know it can feel like it doesn’t matter in the long run, that you’re not having an impact--especially when you’re first starting. 
But the ecosystem wants to work with you to grow back and be biodiverse. Even just doing some of these actions will help the ecosystem gain resilience and build itself back. Once you get the process of increasing biodiversity started, it can and will build on itself after a while in a positive feedback loop. Something as simple as mulching or composting will bring decomposing bugs, which bring pest-hunting bugs and birds. The birds will bring seeds in their poop, which then drops more native plants into the mix. As those plants grow, they’ll attract more diverse insects to the area, which’ll then attract reptiles and amphibians to eat the insects. The cycle you start will continue. You can certainly do more actions to speed things along, but they’ll happen nonetheless.
So no matter how big or how small. Whether you can spare a few potted plants on a balcony or patio space, or are collecting seeds to turn your backyard into a wildflower meadow. Whether you’ve got a birdfeeder, or a birdhouse, or even just some tomatoes and beans and sunflowers. Whether all of this is feasible for you, bit by bit, or if all you can do is know how to help and talk to people about it. I see you. And I appreciate the work you’re doing to improve our world for the wildlife we share it with.
And I’m sure the wildlife appreciate it too. Even if you don’t see it directly.
With that being said, in a reblog I’ll be linking additional sources, if you want to do some additional reading. Whether you use these links to do further research, to help decide what route you want to take on your next project, to win an argument/support your arguments, or to 'well, actually' me in the comments, I hope they're of help to you!
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nicorobin · 9 months
A full circle moment happened this week for me. I taught myself Photoshop to make gifs of anime on here 10 years ago. Then I got a job where daily I have to use Photoshop to make creatives and such. This week I had to make creatives for a quiz my company published that was a One Piece quiz because of the live action coming out. So I got to use my One Piece knowledge to make them but it hit me. I learned Photoshop to make anime stuff on here, and there I was making anime (specifically One Piece) stuff for my actual job. Full circle lol
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lavenderlunamoon999 · 6 months
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Self indulgent Moth Flight kin moodboard with themes of the moor, herbs/plants, luna moths, highstones and the moonstone.
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
brother was talking to me about how if you almost die from an extreme-temperature-related incident then your body is just forever fucked towards that temperature and that's why i think kiryu and saejima are weak to ice. i dont know why aoki isn't like that too but ignore that statistic everything else tracks.
#snap chats#i already made this post highkey but im making it again cause i didnt know this was an actual real thing ☠️#my brother learned this when he started to work for target. because apparently that's a thing they tell you frame one#'snap how did this topic even come up' i am LITERALLY so glad you asked :) the cold has almost claimed me twice#am i exaggerating Maybe but its my fucked up body temperature now listen#when i was younger i got locked out of my house for like. three hours since i was a latchkey kid#and my dad wasn't supposed to come home with my siblings (from their after school events) for Three Hours#and it had snowed outside and Was Cold Yeah and i couldn't get in cause i forgot my key like a weiner#and yeah. was really cold :) my dad was real cross with me when he found me shivering in the shed LOL#he made me hot cocoa tho so its ok. second incident's just funny No I Talk About It Evvery Other Week#and im p sure i talked bout the first incident too but yeah that time after the con when i was at my sister's#like i cannot stress how cold it was because It Was Late November and the cold still existed#and my sister's heater just. Didnt Work but yeah. i wont go into detail cause i share this story every five seconds#POINT IS i've always had a hard time with the cold- like i'm cold nearly all the time even if the room is 90 degrees#i wont be COLD cold but i'll be colder than i like#anyways can't believe i'm weak to ice this is so sad. i love winter..#aoki isn't weak to ice cause uhhhh /aoki/ didnt almost die in the cold 🥴 masato did 🥴#imagine changing your identity so well that you just remove your past elemental weakness. fucked up.#alright bye
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keeps-ache · 9 months
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killjoygod · 2 years
drastic measures | yan!rottmnt!raph
here’s a yan!rise!raph oneshot requested on wattpad! enjoy!
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Snow painted fluttering kisses to everything in its reach, neon lights here and there illuminating the scene with a red, pink, and blue hue. It wasn’t pouring, but it was enough that two girls had their hoods pulled up and scarves ready for equipping at any moment.
“April, are you sure about this?” [name] shifted in her position, looking around the alleyway uncertainly. “This seems a bit…I don’t know- Sketchy?”
The girl in question let out an exaggerated gasp, clutching her hand to her chest. “I’m offended [name]! You don’t trust your best friend?” April faked a pout, though it dissipated into soft giggles in which [name] couldn’t help but join. The two girls continued their way through the alleys, eventually coming to a manhole. Oddly enough, the snow had calmed, settling into a light shower now.
Despite the cold temperature, [name] and April shed their jackets before lifting the manhole cover. The ravenette woman gave [name] a reassuring smile before sliding down the hole. The remaining girl looked unsure, eyeing the dark hole before inevitably letting her fears fly and jumping as well.
She landed on a surprisingly soft surface - A landing pad.
“You good?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
Right, April did mention that one of her friends set that up so no one got hurt. [name] stood up and brushed herself off before continuing to follow April through the sewers.
It was damp and a bit humid under the city, a vast contrast to the cold atmosphere above. The walls of the sewers had graffiti all over them, most made [name] question who might’ve done it. To be fair- Who even takes the time to do it underground? She’s seen enough at train stations and in alleys to be used to it, but still - People climb into the sewers to do this? Well- Actually, it would make sense if it was the people April was showing her to right now.
They were seriously talented. Bright colors, amazing graphics and even meanings! It was astounding, [name] doing a full 360 to get a good view of the stunning images. She wished her phone wasn’t dead so she could take a picture though, it was just beautiful! No matter though, because April suddenly mentioned that they were almost there, which took any other worries off of [name]’s mind and replaced them with new ones.
Would April’s friends even like her?
She could be awkward sometimes, what if they couldn’t find anything in common? What if April likes them better? What if…What if they hate her?
It was nerve-wracking, truly. Things suddenly felt a lot more bleak and awfully familiar. April was [name]’s only friend, if she left…Alright, not the time! They were almost there, no going back now.
The whole idea of this meet-up felt so vapid. What would it do? Sure, it might not do any harm, but what good could it do either? There you go again [name], you’re almost there!
“Alright, we’re here!” April offered a fleeting gesture of comfort before ducking under an entrance of sorts, [name] following soon after. Here we go.
“Guys! I think April’s here!” A raspy, slightly high-pitched voice rang out in the rather big…house? Well, it’s the sewers- A huge skate ramp was what greeted the pair first, until four shadows caught [name]’s peripheral vision. They disappeared, then reappeared, getting closer and closer each time. She’d never admit it, but holy shit was that terrifying.
In little to no time at all, the four figures had closed in on both of them. Then, the lights flickered on, and the fear settled into confusion.
April’s friends were…cosplayers? Cool, she supposed, but why’d they get dressed up to meet her?
The four figures looked to be a mix of turtle and human, and holy hell, all four of them were built. Like- The tallest one looked like he could snap her like a- Wait why was he staring-?
“...Are you guys cosplayers?”
Silence followed, and then a sudden bark of laughter from everyone but [name]. She nervously joined in, unsure of what was so funny about the question. It felt like a taunt, like there was something they knew that [name] didn’t.
“Cosplayers? That’s a new one.” The one adorning a blue bandana wiped a tear from his eye as he spoke, light chuckles still escaping him. [name] felt heat rise to her face out of embarrassment. What was going on-? She was being genuine-
“Come on ‘Nardo, she’s obviously not seen a mutant before-” The purple one spoke up next, voice monotone though wavered with chuckles as he lightly smacked ‘Nardo’s back.
“Mutant? What’s that?” [name] spoke up quietly, now more embarrassed than anything. One of the four certainly got a kick out of the fluster on her face, but they didn’t utter a word.
“Long story short; We’re mutations. Human-turtle, the whole shebang.” Purple spoke again, a lazy grin resting on his face. [name] froze in place. Not with disgust, nor with fear. She was just so confused. How’d April meet them? How’d they get mutated? Did they always have to hide, is that why she’s never heard of something like that happening before?
“...Okay then..Uh- Good to- Pleasure to- Pleasure to make your acquaintances…?” The girl averted her gaze, internally screaming at how much she stammered with such a simple sentence. April giggled, patting her head reassuringly.
The turtles could only smile softly, noticing [name]’s nerves, so they would take the first step.
“The name’s Leo, but call me anything ya want love~!” A cold glare was shot in his direction, a chill sent down Leo’s spine immediately, but he shook it off as nothing. Probably just the wind or something.
“Just call me Donnie, or anything you see fit.” The purple one smiled gently, already fond of the rather quiet [name].
“And I’m Mikey! I don’t care what ya call me either to be honest-” The orange turtle grinned brightly, light just radiating off of him like he was the sun above.
“My name’s Hamato! Wait no- U-Uh- Raphael- C-Call me Raph-” The tallest one, adorning a red bandana, looked just as nervous as [name], and it was probably the light but it almost looked like his cheeks were flushed as well…No, probably just the light.
[name]’s nose was a rosy pink from the cold and it twitched out of habit. Aw, she was like a little rabbit! Absolutely adorable. She looked at the four turtles and smiled gently. It was a genuine one that made the red turtle swoon internally. He felt his heart pound even more just under your gaze…Why did you make him so nervous?
“It’s nice to meet you all! April talks about you guys a lot, so it’s an honor to finally see you guys in person.” She chuckled, looking at the other lady before back to the turtles. “I’m [name].”
The girl’s smile grew just a bit more, feeling her prior nerves get lifted more and more. The brothers sensed it as well, happy that she was comfortable now. ‘New friend acquired’ and all that jazz. Well- Except for one of them.
Raph wanted more.
Her every little move made him want her even more. She was pulchritudinous, ethereal. She was something he had never seen before, something he never knew he needed. She wasn’t loud, she wasn’t immature, she wasn’t like other people he’d met.
She was amazing.
She was his.
The rest of the night went by unfortunately fast. [name] and the turtles + April settled on playing video games and watching movies for most of the night. Raph couldn’t stop looking at [name], memorizing all your mannerisms and ‘tells’, while also dealing with any of his brothers [mainly Leo] that were getting a little too close to her.
Halfway through the hangout, Raph and Donnie had left for a bit to talk or something along those lines. The red turtle had come back after around 10 minutes, purple one taking longer, but for some reason…Donnie’s behaviour had changed. He seemed more on edge and an odd guilty look kept crossing his face whenever he met eyes with [name]. His hand also seemed to be resting in his lavender hoodie’s pocket a lot more.
Throughout the night, everyone had taken a few breaks for snacks and pizza dinner, but overall it was just a very fun and chill time. Donnie had heaters planted all over the base so the cold outside wouldn’t affect them much.
[name] got along with the brothers really well, even their dad Splinter. Everything was going great, but time, like all things, went by too fast.
It was getting late. Way past midnight, probably, but the only clock may or may not have been missing because a certain someone removed it while no one was looking. Things were calming down and mostly everyone was tired. [name] didn’t really want to leave, but she did have her part-time job the next day. Morning shifts sucked, but she didn’t have a choice.
She was going to say her goodbyes and leave with April until Donnie asked to speak with her in private. Raph sent a small grin and cold gaze that seemed like a threat over in the purple turtle’s direction, eliciting another guilty look from him.
Donnie pulled [name] over to the kitchen, hands behind his back now. She looked up at him with confusion, tilting her head. “Did you need something Donnie?”
He only looked more guilty, eyes brimming with the emotion to the point it was about to pour out. It was concerning the girl.
“[name]...I’m so sorry…” He was about to take his arm out from behind him, but at the last second, he couldn’t do it. “I can’t do this. Listen, you need to get out of here as fast as you can- Raph…He’s not going to let you go. I don’t know what happened, but he’s not acting right. You’re in danger, [name].”
She didn’t even have time to process his words before what happened next. Donnie didn’t either. A large shadow cast on the room, before suddenly, Donnie was yanked away and shoved to the other side of the room. Though, the thing he had been holding back from [name] was now in the new arrival’s hands. She felt her hands begin to shake at just the sight, eyes widening.
The red turtle glared at Donnie with a hatred that should never be put upon on a brother, yet here it was. Donnie was holding his bruised softshell, though what was most concerning was his tight hold on his throat. The edge of the kitchen table had damaged his vocal cords, and he couldn’t yell for his brothers to help them. Then, like a flick of a switch, his eyes were softer once met with [name]’s. Not another second wasted, the item was revealed to be…a syringe of some kind?
Oh hell no. Raph inched closer and closer, eyes radiating a sick kind of lovesickness that stirred an uncomfortable feeling in her gut. She backed away from him step by step, until her back inevitably hit a wall. His hand pinned her there effortlessly, and her yell of help was cut off when the syringe was plunged into the side of her neck.
He watched with curiosity and satisfaction as [name] almost instantly crumbled to the floor, holding her face in her hands, feeling her body shift and change around the bones. A scream of pain left her lips, which felt like catharsis when put up against how quiet and soft she had been this visit. It was rewarding for him, in a sick, sadistic way.
A sick realization racked through Donnie’s body. Regardless of the scream, no one would hear them. He had sound proofed the whole hideout. He was their inevitable downfall.
[name]’s screaming only died down after the rearranging of her innards and external appearance was done. Raph stared down at her with the utmost adoration, and when she finally looked up at him, regardless of the strong glare, he melted.
She was beautiful.
She was his.
Her new form as a mutant was just as stunning as the human form, if not more. Raph was head over heels. How could someone be so…lovely?
[name] was horrified at her new appearance. She didn’t feel right in her own body, I mean, was this even her own body anymore? She felt tears escape her tight grasp on emotions, resulting in her figure shaking even more.
Short gasps escaped her lips as Raph picked her up easily, caressing her hair. She wanted to cry, scream, fight, kick, whatever it took to get his hands off of her. But he didn’t relent, only giving Donnie the silent command of staying fucking quiet.
He carried [name] to his room, laying her on the bed. “Now we’ll be together, forever.” He chuckled softly, moving a piece of her hair to the side. “I mean, who else is gonna love you now?” A smug grin was what he gave before heading back down and explaining to everyone that she wanted to stay the night.
He also explained that Donnie had a really sore throat and wouldn’t be able to talk for…a while :) The two remaining brothers only shrugged it off as him coming down with a cold. It wouldn’t be too shocking, considering how low the temperatures in the lab sometimes got.
April was suspicious, but not for long.
Who couldn’t trust the kind, loving Raph after all?
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key-lime-soda · 1 year
back from the dead to share a doodle
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ilynpilled · 3 months
Hi! Do you sincerely believe, in your heart of hearts, that we will get TWOW one day? Or at least that we will get a draft/outline of the ending grrm has envisioned?
i think theres a chance for twow. regarding an outline… idk a vague list of major events is something that i might not even want lol. while it may satiate curiosity and as much as i want to know where some things end up: 1. we know thats not how grrm writes really 2. without the actual execution i fear that the revelation of major beats out of context would not truly give me personally anything but a part entertaining part infuriating fandom meltdown
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