#also! <3333 i hope you're all doing well <333
koganelovesmcclain · 3 months
YOU FINISHED LEVERAGE AND DIDNT TELL ME??????????????????????????????????? please feel free to rant in our dms any time i ADORE leverage and am ALWAYS down to talk abt it INFODUMP ME PLEAS EJTHJRTKHRTJKHRE
i had started watching a few years ago bc a friend recced it but then one of the eps pissed me off so i stopped watching :')) but then in january i started watching again and actually made it to the end (by skipping a couple eps i don't like) and the last episode TWT it almost killed me!! like... i didn't believe it bc i knew redemption was a thing now. but at the same time i can't imagine watching it when it came out????? i would've LOST MY MIND in those first 10 minutes TWT
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
hii!! can i request for jimmy & kyle confession headcanons ? like how they would confess to you.. tysm <3
How Jimmy and Kyle would confess to you <333
That’s adorableeeee
This is gonna suck but I hope you like it
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• At first Jimmy gets you bouquets of flowers and writes cute jokes on the cards and stuff hoping you get the hint
• You did not- also somehow his name always got smudged off the card so who knows, maybe it’s from some random secret admirer
• He definitely enjoys how excited you get about the flowers and loves how you go to him with a huge smile saying someone got you pretty flowers, he just wishes you knew it was him
• This probably goes on for a good 2 weeks, just a 'secret admirer' putting things in your locker and it makes Jimmy so happy that you love them
• Eventually he'll walk you to your locker after putting a love letter finally signed with his name and bug you to read it in front of him
• You stopped reading multiple times to tell Jimmy how thoughtful this person was and no matter who they were you might as well at least take the time to go on a date with the person
• You got so embarrassed when you saw it was from Jimmy and he was smiling like crazy once you hugged him and said you felt the same way. You told him how you were really hoping it was him and the hand writing looked really familiar
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• Kyles… so awkward, the whole thing is super sweet but he’s so stiff 💀
• He isn't one for confessing in public unless you told him that you would love if someone did that, he wouldn't like doing it too much but he'd do anything for you. Thank god you said that those things were really cheesy and you'd be too embarrassed to even speak
• You're more of a private person, and that's one of the things Kyle admires about you
• He probably gets you some kind of stuffed animal and flowers then confesses his feelings to you in private
• Kyle was so nervous he almost sweat through his jacket
• Thank fuck you felt the same way about him because he would've died of embarrassment
• When you reach to hug him he's a little hesitant at first but gives you a tight (but kinda awkward) hug. "Hun, why are you so sweaty?" "I'm sorry I was really nervous uhm- honey? I'm sorry is it ok if I call you that????"
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hail-brod · 11 months
Midoriya Izuku x FReader
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hihi something short here!
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A ding sound catches your attention.
Only then to see that your dear boyfriend that was supposed to be sleeping at this late hour, sent you a message.
Izu: 'why aren't you asleep?'
His message says, you could almost hear his scolding voice in your head. You press your lips as you feel yourself slightly stiff at the words. Busted.
'hi. haha.'
Was all you could manage to reply. Clearly hinting that you know you've wronged yourself and him. After he said that you should sleep early more and not linger about around past 2 in the morning, but here you stand. Or more like sat.
Izu: 'are you alright?'
Then he hits you with that.
Izu: 'if you really can't sleep and not just because you're reading so late again, you can rant to me.'
'noooo. I'm fine. But i do don't mind ranting your eyes off. Not ears cuz this is literally a text.'
You can practically sense that he had shake his head at that and chuckled. You hope that he did- but either way, you can't really care if it sounded stupid. Being completely open with him has proved to be so soothing and right. He's too much of a comfort for you.
Izu: 'do rant away.'
'but first. Lemme turn this around because why r u also awake?'
Izu: 'hmmm i just woke up.'
'its 2:48'
Izu: 'i know'
'youre mad'
Izu: 'you haven't even slept how am i madder than that'
That rings a laugh out of you.
'okok. I'll sleep but no mor rant for u then.'
Izu: 'u can rant to me at school tom. maybe even for the whole day. I'm all ears anytime.'
Your chest clenches in warmth. Dear, Lord. You thought. I'm too lucky for this. How did I managed to woo him?
The corners of your lip rise up to smile. Cheeks burning in red. Like a teenage girl mooning over her significant other. How typical. The rush you're feeling does nothing but make you curl your toes, giddiness taking over your insides.
Izu: 'are you sleeping?
hello? I hope u are.
goodnight, love'
Izu: 'oh heck. Alright. Sleep well
Izu: '<3333'
'dont test me, boi <33333'
Izu: 'pls sleep'
'yes i will
Izuku could only chuckle but not without his eyes gazing so fondly towards his screen, cheeks crazed in red. If this is what it's like to take care of you, then he would never cease to do more of it.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 5 months
ahsjshsj idk if i’ve ever sent you a request before but here goes
enemies to lovers w EJ? :]
Welcome to the blog!! I hope you enjoy this writing!
Also, UGH EJ <333 He's so special to me <3333 (probably because we have the same name lol)
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Enemies to lovers with EJ
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Being enemies with Ej is very stressful, but in a quiet way
You won't have explosive fights, you won't sabotage each other, you won't do things most enemies do
Ej is a very silent, reserved person, and this applies to people he doesn't like as well
But the way his lip twitches in disgust when he looks at you, or the way he gets ever so slightly more protective of his friends when you are around, it makes the sadness and anger in your heart flare up
Now, Slender understands that some people just aren't ever going to like each other
He tries to keep the manor a relatively positive place for people, so if it can't be helped, then he won't intervene with people's hatred for each other
HOWEVER, if it can be helped, he would prefer that people get along
And so, seeing that you and EJ have a more quiet kind of distain for each other, he decides to partner you up for the more tricky missions for the month
With his brains, and your street smarts, it should be a perfect match
You can get in, do your work, and get out
And that is Ej's plan, he will cooperate with you for the sake of his work, but personally, he still dislikes you
You however, have other plans
If you're gonna be forced to work with someone for a month straight (and knowing Slender, probably more), then you wanna at least like them a little bit
And so, while you are on a relatively slow-paced mission, you decide to strike up conversation
"Hey listen, I know you and I don't really like each other, but we have to work together so we might as well tolerate each other."
He huffs quietly "Yes, I suppose that would be the most reasonable conclusion"
You smile, knowing you at least got a somewhat positive reaction out of him "Well, the best way to start to tolerate each other would probably be to get to know each other, right?"
He side eyes you (well, yk. side "eyes") "Make no mistake, just because I choose to tolerate you does not mean I want to be your friend. If you want to get to know me, you can. However, I will make no effort to get to know you."
You frown and cross your arms. "Fine."
"Fine." He repeats, going about the mission
Despite it seemingly ending on a negative note, you decide to get to know him anyways out of spite
And quite shockingly, you find you have a lot in common!
And so, you try to sneak in little topics you know he likes in passing conversations
At first, his responses are short and dismissive, still firm on the notion that he does not like you, and is not going to make an effort to try and like you
But eventually, he starts getting more and more interested in the topics of conversations
He does not show this of course, until much later
His responses get a little more responsive, and he actually engages in conversation
He still doesn't like you, but he is beginning to see you as an acquaintance
Basically imagine the Sims relationship meter
That's how it progresses
Eventually though, you actually become good friends!
You hang out outside of work ours, you talk about topics you both like, and soon you forget all about the bad relationship you had before
Ej doesn't really get romantic feelings quickly, in order to catch feelings for someone, he has to know them inside and out
And one day, he realize that he does in fact, know you inside and out
And he realizes how you make him feel
And it shocks him! If his past self saw him now, casually flirting and chatting with someone he considers to be an enemy, he'd probably puke!
But he just can't shake that feeling
It's so strange to him, and he doesn't like it
So he decides not to act on his feelings
However if you were to act on your feelings, he'd be open to it
Just personally, he gets really ashamed of himself and kind of feels like he can't shake that past bad blood
Fun fact, this probably happened with no one else (except slender) noticing any shift in your relationship dynamic lol
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sketchquill · 7 months
It's almost 5 am and I'm now thinking about Corpse Puppet and how close we are to seeing it completed. Im currently quietly crying because I really don't want this lovely AU to come to a close, but I also can't help but cry at the fact that we'll see Wally turn into butterflies ;;
It’s kind of insane to me because tbh I didn’t think i’d get this far with the AU since it pretty much started because all I wanted to do was draw Wally as if he was Emily for fun and I had absolutely no plans for it ((still don’t I’m making shit up as I go along lmao)) and it just spiralled on from there!
He’s gotta turn into butterflies bro it’s a canon event 😔✋ plus I love seeing you guys suffer mwuahahaha >:3c
I’m thinking about how since I’m close to finishing the AU I could maaaaybe 🤏 try adding peoples Welcome Home OCs as background characters for when the Dead go upstairs for the wedding and also maybe some as the Living as well as a way to thank you guys for all the love and support for the AU.
However I don’t want to get your hopes up but that’s mainly because I’m not 100% sure on whether or not I want to do that since there’ll probably be a lot of people who’d want their OCs included and that’s a bit nerve wracking to me and also because I dunno how many scenes I’ll be able to do to include them (ʘᗩʘ;)
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Ari <//333 I’m thinking thoughts abt <//33 stsg and their wet sopping kitten type of reader. who’s just. The silliest most cutieful thing <//333 a complete loser if you will <//33 stsg are the losers ever and I think. They also need a little loser to follow them around + for them to kiss hehe :3 reader is js. Anxious + clingy + so unintentionally funny + has such? Weird habits??? Are we seeing the vision. Like they’re all just cuddling together about to go to sleep and there’s a very quiet whisper of “……hey did you know a cloud weighs around a million tonnes” LMFAOOO?? 😭😭 but. Also. I think kenny would love a reader like this hehehe <33 they’re so odd they need an odd little s/o too i think…… BUT. BACK TO STSG. I think they would benefit from a clingy reader sooo much it’s not even funny. I know satoru definitely would!!!! They both need their little baby that clings to them like a koala in the morning + attacks them with kisses it would fix them!! And I think the fact u mentioned sugu appreciates handmade gifts goes soo well with this too like………… reader just walks up and gives him a box full of tiny trinkets + a few sketches of him + a hand painted rock or two + something crocheted and just. Walks away. HEHEHDHS they need a pathetic little meowmeow to fix them they told me so!!!! being told fun facts + given the most random but somehow also most heartwarming gifts + being attacked with kisses when they least expect it + being called the most random pet names is what they need in life I know it……… Anyways hehe I hope u have been doing ok n taking care of urself as always <333 has anything interesting been going on? Have yew been having fun…. :3 I for one have been suffering in the heat….. I need sugu to spoonfeed icecream to me and affectionately put me in a refrigerator…………..😞😞 BUT N E WAYS LOVE YEWWWW TAKE CAREEE HEHE!! ^_^
OLLIEEEEEE MY LOVE MY LIGHT!!!!!! YOU ALWAYS FEED ME SO WELL THANK YOU THANK YOU silly pathetic meowmeow readers my beloved…….
AAA I'M JUST . stsg would love them So Much 🥺🥺 i see the vision so clearly. a silly cute little loser who follows them around and clings to them and makes silly little stupid jokes <3333 SO CUTE. they'd be so endeared and entertained….. satoru would join you in your silly endeavors while suguru just sighs fondly and watches you all softly…… i think they'd feel so fulfilled just indulging you and taking care of you :33 you're their little ball of sunshine. their beloved little loser!!!!
AND KENNY. OLLIE. 😔 you can't just bring them up and expect me to be normal THEY WOULD LOVE YOU SO MUCH. their silly little jester <33 …… personally i think kenny would fit best w someone just as silly and insane as they are, OR someone who is . Just a Guy . npc material. idk i just think it'd be fun :33 but yeah kenny would LOVE this kind of reader i think…. they just find you entertaining!!!
BUT YES BACK TO STSG . YOU’RE SO OBJECTIVELY CORRECT. they need their little koala 🥺🥺 i think physical touch is a comfort to the both of them!!!! AND PLEASEEE THE CUTE LITTLE GIFTS. THE ROCKS. suguru in particular would absolutely Melt i know he would!!! and satoru would be sooooo fond of the silly petnames <33 they both just adore you and how cute/odd you are 🥺🥺🥺 they’d be protective too….. maybe they’d call you their little weirdo teasingly but if someone else does ????? 🤨🤨 they’re getting hit w the meanest side eye . the nastiest glare. no one disrespects stsg’s little weirdo!!!!!
WAHH THIS WAS SUCH A TREAT TO THINK ABT 🥺 thank you for sharing ollie…. i’m doing well!!! just snoozing away and enjoying the summer….. i haven’t been writing much yet but. hopefully that’ll change soon!!! I HOPE THE HEAT TREATS YOU BETTER ALSO 😭😭 … me and sugu r in fact spoonfeeding you ice cream don’t even worry abt it <333
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rubypond · 2 months
HII hello my lovely!!!! how are you doing!!! i hope youre having the best month <333 okay so. writing to u bc....i have recently started listening to joan baez after seeing your posts (i am eternally grateful btw...) and now OH MY GOD i am. in love with her. like!!!!! GAHHH <333 i would absolutely love to know your favourite baez songs. ALSO all your thoughts on baez + dylan i am enraptured they are sooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! :'))))))))) like. you KNOW!!! literally cannot stop watching live performances interviews etc of them and feeling unwell after... :(((( anyways!!! lots of love to you and eternal kisses and a million yellow daises <3333 MWAHH xx
HELLO BELOVED!!!!! I read this ask while with my mom so basically we spent the last 2 hours putting this together:
every song and every poem is joan's song and joan's poem, i genuinely don't care who wrote these 👍 walt whitman? lorca? rimbaud? dylan? sounds fake to me. 🤷‍♀️ (<- girl talking about some of her favourite poets. well! they do not exist when joan is in the room🥰) okay so, we pictured this as some sort of poetry reading, that's also a concert, but it's also an opera number and you're in the theatre. (i witnessed a super cool outdoors concert thingy today so i'm a bit overwhelmed by that! hope some of the energy translated to the playlist hehe)
FRIEND! I AM SO TOUCHED! This blog was created for this very purpose, it is very much not about me I just occasionally use it as a diary, but I primarily wanted to share everything I loved with others and every time something like this happens I feel like I'm doing what I was always meant to do so thank you! For reaching out and being so kind! Joan forever ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
I GET THE BAEZDYLAN THING!!!!!! I try not to get too crazy about real people (Jo. Jo. Jo. you were born to be parasocial *shaking myself by the shoulders*) Putting my silly ways in a box under my bed now, I do attach myself to the art primarily so all my affection for the person behind it stems from that art and doesn't exist separately as its own thing because I don't exactly know these people, I just made 73838374937583 stories about them as a kid. BUT! THE THING IS! The essence of BaezDylan translates to their artistry and I could never tell you more than those live recordings tell you because it's literally this... okay okay so it's like do you know when you read a book and you feel like the author had some great life secret whispered to them and then some of it pours into you through the pages??? THAT is BaezDylan (I am writing them as one person on purpose)... I don't think they could explain what was going on there because it sort of outgrows anything a singular person could be, it just had to find a home in the music because it couldn't fit anywhere else. I've only started believing in these things wholeheartedly recently (even though, in a way, I have always known), but they have that thing where you know this one person, but their name isn't that important. It's like they're you in some primal way so you speak the same language, but they're also there to teach you a lesson and that immediately makes them a little unearthly in return. I would insert quotes and start analysing them, but I might start crying so I won't do that.
I LOVE YOU 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
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smithsibsceo · 1 year
hi, Ive had. rough few days and have been scrolling through your blog for all of the incredible stobin content and it’s given me so much serotonin during a chronic pain flare so I appreciate it <3333 and also wanted to ask if you had any fave platonic soulmates stobin fic because it is so hard to wade through the steddie for the stobin on ao3 and on here! (said as a steddie lover but like Please i need more robin and steve becoming friends stobin being unhinged girlbestfriends etc etc u know
OH MY GOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY THIS ASK MADE ME!!!!!!!!!!! I FEEL SO HONOURED!!! i hope your pain calms down soon dude <333
and oooooooo fic recs!!! well first of all i ABSOLUTELY recommend to go and follow my incredible lovely mutual @blueskiesandstarrynights - they're as obsessed with stobin as me and you, and have amazing fics and drabbles on their blog and ao3!!!
as for actual fics, i have a few!!! obviously, the stobin glasses fic (aka 'yours is the first face i saw' by the INCREDIBLE placebythering on ao3), but i'm guessing if you're a stobin fan you might've already read it??? if not, PLEASE GO DO IT NOW. it's SOOOO incredibly angsty, but bursting to the brim with talent.
speaking of placebythering - i recommend ALL of their fics. they write stobin so beautifully - i especially like 'if the clouds are gathering, its just to point the way' - the plot twist is INSANE.
'take me with you' by ghosttotheparty is so so incredible. it deals with the trauma from starcourt, and is set directly after the s3 finale.
'and we sure as hell have nothing now' by wingedquill is so, so beautful and an amazing hurt/comfort fic. it's just - wow.
'love will tear us apart' by sapphirerays is a WONDERFUL robin-gets-vecnad-fic. it's so yummy and good and ARGHHHHGGH
theres SO many more fics i could add here that i can't find or don't know the name of, and these r just some of my faves!!!!
have an AMAZING day <33333 may it be filled with the love you deserve
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hello again. It’s me 🌻 how are you? How is your weekend going?
I‘d really cuddle up with Yaku Morisuke rn. Could you do the fluff alphabet with him for AFTERCARE? I think he deserves being taken care of, after being a Mom for everyone all the time.
oh my goodness hello sunflower anon! my weekend is going great! i hope yours is good as well! this is a super cute idea! i really hope i did it well, i dont know all that much about Yaku so i had to do some refreshing lmao. i wanted to write this last night when you submitted it but i was just getting into bed, so that's my bad lol. hope you enjoy lovely!! <3333
Fluff Alphabet with Yaku (A F T E R C A R E)
Pairing - Yaku x reader
Warnings - none!
Notes - thank you so much 🌻 anon!!! i love your little ideas and i love a good fluff alphabet to get me motivated to write! i hope you enjoy this and have a lovely day!!! <3
And don’t forget REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!! So, if you want to request any writing, don’t hesitate to ask. Please read my pinned post before requesting though. Have a good day/night and please stay hydrated!! <333
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
he would love it when you come to practice and he would try to do the same for activities you love
study time is a must for you too so you would always choose somewhere like a cafe or a bookstore or even just an empty field
he likes to have as much alone time with you as possible, so it's always little remote areas to hang out with him at
also i just think he would love hand holding, so expect that anytime you hang out or go on a date
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
communication is key for this sweetheart
if you too ever fight, he would distance himself from you for a while just to get his thoughts in place
once you're both ready, you talk
he would forgive you pretty easily unless the argument was bad
but other than that, he would just understand your side of the argument and then let you listen to his, just communicating how you both feel
even if he doesnt agree with your side doesnt mean that he wont listen to you or forgive you, you just might have to take the time to understand each other better
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
he is a busy student and so are you
he loves a good routine
until summertime
when its summer, yall will try out some crazy fun stuff
going to places and riding rollercoasters, eating new food, going to Tokyo, etc
during the school year though, he needs a routine, not only for volleyball but for school as well
expect a lot of study dates and nothing too crazy until your next vacation from school
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
i dont know tbh
i think it switches
i think you're both pretty equal thinking for ones self, but also worrying about each other
you both take time to plan dates and whenever it comes to paying, you usually split the bill
i dont think one is more dominant over the other, but i do think he gets worried about you often, so sometimes he'll take that leader momma role when he is worried about you lol
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
he is super romantic
he loves kisses and hand holding and CUDDLES
this man is all over cuddles
i think he can be pretty cliche buying you flowers and dinner and a stuffy
he loves to do whatever he can to make you happy, buying your favorite snack or something that you liked in a store, but didnt buy for yourself
also if you visit him during practice he will randomly run up to you halfway through and smother you with kisses before continuing practice
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
this man will bring you whatever you need
water, a stuffed animal, some food, a backrub, whatever you need, he's got it
if you call him in a panicked state he will slow you down telling you to breathe and then ask what you need, bringing it to you in 15 minutes or less
if you're crying, he will let you sink into his arms and he will whisper sweet nothings into your ears until you are ready to talk
he will never rush you when you are in this sort of state, that would just make things worse
he will wait until you are ready and in the meantime try to get you to drink some water
will usually let you talk it out over some cuddles
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irritablepoe · 2 days
“poe has some really dark fantasies and sometimes he lets it slip during crime investigations - ranpo doesn't mind, he's even amused.”
ik u said these are just ur hc but this particular hc is very very plausible to me😭✋,,,i can just see poe, in a crime scene, treating it like a stageplay set up and the people like characters (but he is aware they're real tho, that's just his treatment) let's say an entire family was murdered he’d say things like:
“had the murderer used a jagged knife it would've created some interestingly cut lacerations, don't you think so?”
“the knife wasn't even twisted!! it should've been driven in like a screw so the organs would’ve been torn and swirled, imagine! well, perhaps this was a work of an amateur....”
i can see him hearing a policeman saying what a tragedy and he’d be like??? wdym? this is cliche what special quality made u think something so stale could be a tragedy???
also,, THE CONSENSUAL STALKING IS SO REAL THO WHAT,,,,and during it poe probably can't help but scheme a very verrryyy doable but graphic or disgusting violence against ranpo, observing him in secret and gets so so close to doing it and just cancels it last minute shwyhshwhw he’d scheme something fucked up like (oki this was from a book i read) :: making him drink beatle aphrodisiac which is poisonous to humans, and imagine him, as he’s dying being invaded by beatles from every crevice and orifice just absolutely crawling with it, brimming—mouth, lungs, stomach, ears just beatles clipping at his skin to get under.
then he'll back out last second HSUWHSHWSH
ok i'm FINALLY going to answer this, i'm so sorry i took so long (again) BUT THANK YOU AHHH <333
regarding poe's dark thoughts, i actually wrote a bit of it into my longfic of them. here's a snippet of poe letting some self-destructive thoughts slip lol
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also you're so right with him treating other's as characters in a play omg i never thought about it like that but hdfjsdhfksdjfh this is great, i'm adopting that hc!!! :D
and yep yep yep this is so poe, he wouldn't do it but he'd think about it and feel so so guilty afterwards fsfjhskfdh i'm feral
edogawa rampo's works that i've read are
the human chair
the caterpillar - this one is particularly body horror like + actual sexual content, also thoughts about and actual further mutilation of a person (that is more seen as an animal/object, i think i should mention that), it's really dark
the fingers - slight body horror
beast in the shadows - this one is so fucking good, i'm gonna be honest, i've read most of sherlock holmes and not one case was as exciting as this one you have to read this shfjsdkfsf
the case of the murder on d. hill - also very interesting; also the first case of akechi kogoro so that's a good starter story :3
the black hand gang - another akechi story; easy to solve actually, i was very proud that i got the overall idea quite quickly
the ghost - i think there's an important character introduced here but i've not read further so i could be wrong
poe's works that reminded me of bsd poe (I'm not listing every work i've read lol)
the telltale heart ofc but you said you read this one right :3
the imp of the perverse - very similar to the telltale heart, i LOVE this story
starter story is also the murders in the rue morgue - it certainly helps understand murder on d. hill better i think? at least i think akechi mentions edgar allan poe in there but i could be wrong
the black cat is another classic
there certainly are more works of poe that inspired the character but that's all my brain can manage lol (also i've not read every work ofc)
also gladly lmk what you think of them :3333
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aemiron-main · 11 months
hiiii I just want to say sorry about all these people jumping down your throat about your edward creel posts. Regardless of whether you're right or not (i think you are lol), your theories and posts are VERY well researched and well written, and also soo entertaining. how can people be upset that you've been consistently creating content during a hiatus? would they rather everyone just shut up and let the fandom fall to the shadows? truly unfathomable to me. yours and henrysglock's posts have been the only thing keeping my interest in stranger things all these months. anyway sorry I sort of rambled I just wanted you to know I appreciate the thought put into your posts and I'm really thankful to have people in this fandom who are still creating new ideas and theories even after more than a year of no new content. have a great day 🩷🧡
AHHHHHHHHHHH HELLO THANK YOU THIS IS SUCH A SWEET MESSAGE OMG 😭💗💗 YOUVE MADE MY DAY!!! First of all, HELLO FELLOW EDWARD TRUTHER 🤝🤝🤝🤝 a d second of all THANK YOU AGAIN HEHEHDH IM KICKING MY FEET AND GIGGLING!!! I really appreciate that because I do try really hard to keep my analysis (not the fanon stuff which ppl seem go somehow conflate with analysis sometimes) evidence-based and well-researched but also relatively easily/fun to read, so I really really love hearing that!!
And right?? I genuinely don’t understand why people are so upset about others delving into things!!!! I really think many of them would rather that people just shut up & let things fall to the shadows & take everything at surface value. Like even if I’m 100% wrong about every single thing, at least I made an effort to look deeper, yknow? That’s the thing for me, it’s not even about right vs wrong or dumb vs smart, it’s about being willing to take the time to even try to dig a little deeper into things before committing to surface level judgements. IM GLAD YOU AGREE BC ITS TRILY UNFATHOMABLE TO ME TOO LIKE I LOVE SEEING ALL THE THEORIES AND THOUGHTS FROM PEOPLE!!!!! Like I’ve said before, I don’t mind a super long delay for S5 because it means i get to keep having fun making theories and seeing other peoples’ theories!!!
IM SO GLAD THAT ME AND JAMES HAVING BEEN KEEPING YOU INTERESTED IN ST OMG <<<333 I have SO many more analyses in the drafts (seriously, like, content drought WHO??? i could analyze this show for the rest of my life) and so there will be lots more to come!! And James really does have such great posts, I am 4ever grateful for his brilliant analysis and friendship, seriously, i probably wouldve just stayed in my hole not posting very much analysis after the initial backlash if i didnt have james and stav to rant to!!! (and on that note I also recommend the beloved and iconic stav @heroesbyler for some more wonderful posts!!! stav is very much Onto the duffers/a fellow edward enthusiast)
Omg no worries at all about rambling/no need to apologize!! This is such a kind message to send and I really appreciate you taking the time to send it to me!!! Just!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <<333 I’m also so thankful for the fellow theorists who keep putting out their thoughts & for people like you who are so thoughtful, kind, and supportive!!! Stranger Things is so rich with subtext and things to analyze and it’s really a shame that some folks are so opposed to digging into it. Like i said, even if I’m wrong, I still had a blast digging through the show and trying to piece things together!!!
Thank you!!! I hope you have a great day too!! <<<3333
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wisemins · 14 days
hope you're doing well, I'm sorry about your health lately. know that your f/os would all pamper you you the best that they could!
since it's mother's day today (in my timezone lol) I have a question to ask: how would your child f/os celebrate mother's day? if y'all would even celebrate it. I'm mostly curious about zenitsu (the kny brain rot is LETHAL) but feel free to also talk about crona (I hope I spelt that right) and any other kids you got
enjoy the rest of your day🤗💖
also sorry if this makes no sense my head is spinning from painkillers hehe
SORRY THIS IS SO LATEEEE working full time be like-- but I got to work ON mother's day so I had plenty of time to stew on this very thing!!! And thank you for the well wishes!!! I appreciate you!!! <3333
We would definitely celebrate mother's day! I don't tend to remember what the date is usually since I don't have a reason to celebrate it anymore, and my kiddos are aware that I have a not so good association/relationship with my own mother, which is also why they both understand why I care so much about them so vehemently. So the first time that we would celebrate it would be a complete surprise on my end!
Zenitsu would surprise me with breakfast and flowers! More specifically, carnations! It was such a sweet gesture, I definitely cried. We then spent the whole day as a family doing fun stuff! Going to the park for a picnic, and then coming back home to watch a movie or two, and then Giyuu and Zenitsu teamed up to make dinner and it was all very special! I love my boy so much!! 😭😭😭So this mother's day went super well for us!!
Crona was definitely a bit more subtle, because since this was also our first mother's day together, I hadn't imagined it was so soon that they wanted to call me their mother, especially after what they went through with their birth mother. They got me a small cake with all my favorite flavors and was really quiet and unsure upon delivery, but I smothered them with love after since it was such a sweet gift!!
TYSM FOR THE ASKKK <333 I love talking about my kids!!
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heich0e · 17 days
Hi liv <3333 hope you're doing well :)
I've been a fan of yours for a long time, I love love loveeeee your works and also the little drabbles that you give us <333
I also used to write for hq, but now I can't think of anything new... Other animes don't appeal to me as much to do writing for them... maybe I've just grown out of it?? But still I don't want to leave this place... T-T
I love how you bring out so many ideas and how well you execute them <333 Your works feel so close to my heart, I just love them smmm>>>>>
But how do you stay inspired liv? A genuine question T-T ... Also, is there any anime in your opinion, which I should try? I really want to break my writer's block so bad...
I am so sorry liv, for sending this long ask. You can ignore it if you want to. Take care<3
hi babe i'm sorry this took me so long to reply to!! i am so grateful to have u here <3
i'm sorry to hear that you've hit a little bit of a bump w writing but that is SOOOO normal. interest in things can also fluctuate!! just because you feel you've grown out of it a bit rn does NOT in anyway mean you won't grow back towards it later. there are no rules abt stuff like this and you should go at your own pace!!
i am so flattered by all of the sweet things you said abt my writing, it rly rly means SO much to me. getting to share the things i write with other ppl and have them connect with the stories too is the most insane and deeply rewarding feeling. i genuinely don't know how to thank you enough for that!!
as for inspiration, i always struggle to communicate this because i feel like no matter how i say it, it comes out wrong. but i don't really have anything that inspires me. i've always been the type of writer who is overwhelmed suddenly by an idea without any warning—a line of dialogue, or a setting, or sometimes a fully fleshed out story just sort of appears in my head for no reason. i feel lucky in some ways, because i know so SO many people struggle with things like that but love to write, so it can be very challenging, so i absolutely recognize that i'm fortunate in that way. however it also means that my attention (and interest) can be fickle and fleeting. i'll be heavily invested in something for a short period of time before the next idea hits me, so i'm constantly jumping from plot to plot.
as for recommendations, that's a hard one!! it's difficult to rec something without knowing a bit more about your tastes, but i've recently been watching (and reading) wind breaker and i have really enjoyed it!! i think there are a lot of elements of that show that are reminiscent to haikyuu in ways you might like, but it's different enough that it's still exciting. another option (if you're looking for something to inspire you) is maybe to try watching something totally different from haikyuu? maybe a shoujo? seinen? the world is your oyster little guy!!
i hope you find something to inspire you soon, but it's not the end of the world if you don't! give yourself grace <3
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rainofthetwilight · 2 months
كل عام وانت بألف ألف خير، يا رب ينعاد علينا وعليكم بالصحة والعافية
Listen, I know I said I'll be back with more cookies, but it's Eid, so you're getting ma3mool instead. Annnd I just realized I don't know what type of ma3mool you like, بس انا عن نفسي بحب معمول أساور so that's what you're getting lol 😅
surprise ma3mool attack
(Just imagine a bunch of ma3mool flying at you; I can't insert images in anon)
Oh, and I just saw your reply to my previous ask, the one I sent on Ramadan, and you said you liked butter cookies. Ngl, I had to search that up, and my first thought was علبة الخياطة؟؟؟, bUT YEAH, YOU'RE ALSO GETTING THAT
(side note, but you're so sweet I'm gonna cry; I'm so sorry for worrying you, girl [also, hi, Finn and Anura if you see this!])
I hope you have a wonderful Eid; enjoy it to the max <333
(one last last thing, expect me in your ao3 inbox soon because I realized a few days ago that I've only read one of your fics [and forgot to comment on it] and that is, in my opinion, a crime from my part lol. So yes, I am coming for your fics)
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كل سنة وانت طيبة وبالففف خير حبيبتي ربنا يخليكي، ويا رب العيد ده يكون عيد سعيد ليكي ولكل احبابك انشاء الله!!! 💗💗💗
AHDHJSJSAHSJJA don't worry about the cookies, I think I got enough already 😭 (my parents got like..3 boxes full of cookies from el 3abd, 2 of them are all biscu masr cookies, and they got kunafah with nuts too SHJDSK, we're probably gonna take some with us along with the cake to the family gathering 👍)
انا بصراحة ماجربتش معمول اساور قبل كده بس انا عموما بحب المعمول ف اي حاجة شغالة معايا، ف شكرا اوي على المعمول!!! :DDD
AJJDJAJ AND THANK YOU FOR THE BUTTER COOKIES!!! :DD بس على فكره انت صح, انا فعلا بحب علبة الخياطة انا كنت فعلا اقصد ب دول، انا بعشقهم اوييي 💪
AND AWWDHJDJS YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S SWEET 😭 AND DON'T WORRY ABT ANYTHING!!! whatever reason u deactivated for is immediately understandable!! I just hope you're doing alright and that everything is well!!! <3333
I hope you have an absolutely amazing eid as well!!!! :DDD 💞💞💞 here, have some balloons and flowers from me as a gift <333 🌺🎈🌺🌹🌺🎈🌺🌹🌺🎈🌺🌹🌺🎈🌺🌹🌺🎈🌺🌹🌺🎈🌺🌹🌺🎈🌺🌹🌺
FJDJJSAHSJJ inshallah I'll await your arrival in my ao3 inbox fellow tumblr mutual 💪💪 again hope you have a happy eid habibty and take care!!! :DDDD 💞💞💞
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lafleshlumpeater · 5 months
I know you said no marvel but you're my bitch so you're gonna do it ok I love you <3333 just wait till your birthday AHHH got sm surprises for you
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Bucky barnes <333 Marvel <333 (Winter's children <333) I am a girl (in case you forgot)
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(all pictures from pinterest)
hope you like this<3
(this was also kinda modern au but oh well)
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sealovinq · 2 months
XELLE OMG HI its been way too long 😭😭 idk if u rmbr me .. previously @/recordplayershipping (scout) !!! i saw u as i was clearin out my discord friends list recently n i wanted to come see how u were doing 🥺 i hope schools going well!!! also take this as a free pass to introduce me to the f/o ur fixated most on rn!!!!!!! <3
HELLO HELLOO!!!! AAAAAAA SCOUT I MISSED YOU SM!!! of course i remember you omg you're literally one of my fav moots /gen i'm sorry if this took too long WAAA i didn't know which f/o to talk about.... and yes i've been SUPER busy with school and it's starting again in a few days so 😭 BUT TYSM FOR STOPPING BY, I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL TOO<3333!!!
it's actually been a while since i got a new f/o... but i started rewatching m.lp (my lit.tle pon.y) and am currently around season 5 and erm... ya girl got a crush on one of the main 6 GGRGRBRHRJFJ she reminds me of my partner irl so WIWIWIEIJEJ HAHA NOT SURPRISING....
in reference to that previous post of mine i was actually referring to appl.ejack 🙈🙈 LOOK who doesn't like a masculine woman (mare in this case) who can carry me without breaking a sweat amiright WEEEHEHHEJD.... and the human version (NOT E.QG) fanarts of her DID NOT HELP because they all drew her with a muscular body and i am literally!!! so weak for that!!! HELLO!!! SAVE A HORSE RIDE A COWGIRL 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
i've made a ponysona too UABAYUSBDHDJ i haven't drawn her with aj as of yet because i suck at drawing ponies 😭 and i haven't made much lore about them either but i just like thinking about them hehehehehe
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here she is!! my precious lil gem!! i based her off of the color palette of the beach hehe classic ocean-loving me. she's besties with ra.rity and would often come to her for advice about what to do with aj (pre-dating). again i haven't developed her but she's very Pretty and i love her so so so much. i would love to see her getting introduced to farm life by aj even though she's a bit icky about dirt but she'd do anything for the Girlfriend!!!
speaking of ra.rity i actually kin her! so it doesn't bother me when i see ra.rijack or any other ships involving aj tbh. BUT HELL when i do see ra.rijack I GET SO HYPED BECAUSE WE ARE SO CANON<333!! yes she is holding my waist and kissing me on the mouth yes that is me with the curly purple hair ehe
idk i just love aj a lot 🥺🥺🤧 i love especially how she's so blunt sometimes UABSHDIJD and she's so hardworking and does everything for her friends and such a sweetheart eeuuuuuuehhhh.... i wanna smooch her so badly and make her flustered AWAWWAEAEEEEEE
also i've re-explored my gender and decided i am more of genderfae (basically a gender that fluctuates to any gender except masculine ones, for example i can be feminine or neutral any time but never masculine ones) and have developed an attraction to mascs which aj perfectly fits into... aha <33
i don't think i'd be shipping with her e.qg version. they're canonically high schoolers and usually range around 16-18 but it's not confirmed so it's still kinda weird so i'm sticking to her pony version! og is always the best anyway 😍😍🙏
look at Her and her Handsome Face
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SHE!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🧡🧡🧡🧡
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