#also 101 seemed way too real. why would we see his flashbacks... how could he fake them on a meta level.........
daz4i · 1 year
actually i refuse to believe dazai was in on the fake vampire plan from the start. the whole "that's a dirty card to play" scene is so weird if that's the case. like who are you putting this charade on for. sigma?? fyodor isn't there to see or hear you say it after all. so. yeah he genuinely thought chuuya came on behalf of fyodor's command imo
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jadelotusflower · 3 years
Robin Hood Rewatch: 1x13 A Clue: No
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“Previously on” recaps can be annoying, but there is an art to it and I love a good one. This is a very, very good one, summarising the last episode with ramping tension as the music builds, then cuts to a different take of the last scene as the theme song starts, and we’re into the opening credits.
This is a long one, so it’s going under the cut:
Guy estimates that the “inner circle” of Robin’s gang is “a dozen at the most” and I find it very funny that neither he nor Vaisey have twigged that it’s always the same five people around him. What’s more annoying than funny is that they don’t know how many are in the “outer circle” because that really should have been A Thing in the show (Forrest and Hanton should have come back to guest star! I will never let this go!) After all, we see Little John with more men in the first episode, there are other outlaws in the forest/across the shire that are either working with Robin, or pose a risk to them, and I wish this had been explored.
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Djaq manhandling and holding her sword to Pitts’s throat - I love Djaq.
The first arrow Robin shoots is intended for Vaisey, but one of the guards inconveniently walks in front and gets it in the chest. The second arrow is intended for Vaisey as well but he ducks (”my tooth!”) so we can’t fault the writing for a credible attempt at Why Doesn’t Robin Just Kill The Sheriff, because in this scene at least, he tries.
Bye Pitts. You certainly were.
I actually really love this scene (which probably seemed odd given the high body count), but Robin drawing his sword and charging, with Much, Djaq, and John backing him up to avenge Marian’s apparent death/make a final stand, as the music shifts from the jaunty Rescue Theme to Marian’s Theme, just gets me every time.
Although thanks to the cast commentary, I can’t unsee Djaq flipping that guy over her head twice, but hey, it’s a badass move. Clearly they didn’t shoot enough coverage of this fight, because we get the same action from several different angles.
Other than the flashback in episode 8, I think this is the only time we see Robin in Crusader mode, and just how lethal he (and the gang) can be when unleashed and with nothing to lose. Even when the enemy retreats Robin remains kind of wild-eyed with rage unsated, and it takes a beat for him to snap out of it. It’s symbolism time - he sticks his sword in the ground and leaves it there, and we don’t see it again this episode (or much in season 2).
There’s some nice acting going on from everyone in this scene - just utter exhaustion, Allan and Will oblivious to why the rest are so distraught, Much taking it upon himself to tell them but can’t say the words, and Robin with the finality of “she’s dead.” Their faces!
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Djaq is still holding two swords as she enters the cave, which is a nice character beat - no doubt the fight also brought back unpleasant memories/triggers for her, and she remains on edge, for the moment unwilling to give up her defences even when the threat is gone.
I really love this scene too (the gang mourning Marian) and I think it’s quite deftly written - Djaq’s immediate reaction being the importance of a quick burial (as per Islamic tradition), Robin trying to keep it together, attempting to ask John/Will to build a coffin but unable to, so deflecting to ask Djaq to prepare Marian’s body, before trying twice again; John soothing him and taking charge. Will’s single tear and speaking of Marian’s goodness. Much responding with “Good? Oh, she was... She was...” looking to Robin because of course his thoughts are for Robin’s grief before his own, and also that his own relationship with Marian was complex. Allan: “She was alright...yeah” that says so much, and of course John’s “Her, we liked.” Again, some fine acting, kudos everyone.
“I loved her and I never told her” is ironic because Robin still won’t tell her until halfway through the next season, and if he had in the aftermath of her apparent death he could have spared himself a lot of the angst of the rest of the episode. But of course he doesn’t tell her, doesn’t learn from this moment, because emotions are hard, and sometimes we make the same mistakes over and over again.
I really love that it’s Allan that notices that Marian is alive, and his little “told ya” flourish.
Score note: while Marian is “dead” her Theme is strings, when she opens her eyes, it’s back to the guitar.
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Guy’s guilt in finding out his impending marriage to Marian is based on false pretenses - would he still have forced the marriage if he’d known that from the start?
Djaq still has her two swords as they take Marian back to Knighton.
Guy, if your first instinct when told Marian is not at home is that she’s run away rather than marry you...maybe take a hint? “She cannot run from me” is a big yikes, and this confuses me as to Guy’s motivation in this scene. Did he intend to tell Marian the truth, but then convince himself otherwise (because “the excitement of the wedding” =/= “the wedding excites her”), but then why so angry when he thinks shes run? The difference between getting someone go/being left, I suppose.
Illness is a perfectly plausible explanation for delaying the wedding that no one seems to think of.
Edward is actually pretty bang on in this scene with Robin from a father’s perspective, telling him to let Marian go if he cannot stop it, and do the right thing. On the other hand...
“I am sick of doing the right thing” is why Robin is such a compelling character for me - because it is hard to always be good, to be held to that higher standard, and make the unselfish choice. I enjoy narratives that explore that, and this show is surprisingly unflinching about it, exemplified by:
The next scene, which is one of the most emotionally brutal/hard to watch of the entire show, in which Robin lashes out and does everything to drive Much away, including calling him “a pox”  and a “small man” until Much’s heart visibly breaks.
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Now I don’t want to excuse Robin here, because he is objectively awful to someone who doesn’t deserve it, who is trying to give him support but also telling him some much needed hard truths (even if it is slightly self-serving, which is what what seems to set Robin off). But at the end of the day, if he loves Marian he needs to accept that it is her choice to marry Guy, to “do the right thing” to (she thinks) protect her father - and later of he does just that. For now Edward and Much are both right, it is more important for him to try and protect the king from Vaisey, because if he is ousted and Richard back on the throne so many lives would be improved, including the people of Locksley. But Robin has been pushed to breaking point all season, and has now snapped and can’t see reason, but is stuck in his own grief/rage.
But unlike previously, when Robin said regrettable things in the heat of the moment and then immediately took them back, this is a calculated attack designed to hurt Much the most, because he loves Robin so much that it takes A Lot to push him away. It’s a bold move to make your hero so unlikable in such a moment, because Robin really is unforgivably cruel here, and trust the audience to understand why. I mean, I don’t want to bang on about the PTSD, but it’s (partly) the PTSD, based on a triggering, precipitating event causing a self-destructive spiral. Robin needs some Ye Olde Therapy.  
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For all the talk about Robin getting his title and lands back, nothing is said about what happens to Gisborne once he does, other than that they can’t prove he was the one who tried to assassinate Richard. Because really, Richard probably would believe Robin even though the tattoo was burned away, and Guy’s certainly committed other crimes that could be testified to just like they’re intending for Vaisey - and let’s be real, it’s not like a king needs evidence to order someone’s death (hello, season 2 finale). Boom - Guy executed, marriage to Marian annulled, problem solved!
So, the scene between Marian and Guy, in which Marian is more concerned with whether or not Guy tried to kill the king than the fact that he stabbed her. But its understandable, because Marian thinks there’s no way out that doesn’t risk her father’s life, and it’s easier to convince herself that maybe Guy didn’t do it to make the best of things. I think she does have some kind of feelings for him, or is at least moved by his feelings for her, and believes if nothing else she can influence him/continue working from the inside; giving up the mantle of the Nightwatchman but doing the same work (in a different way) as Lady Gisborne.
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And then it’s Robin/Marian angst, round 3, and it’s a far cry from their interaction in the cave milliseconds away from “I love yous” - in both tone and body language they’re back in defensive positions talking past one another. The tension, it be thick.
Marian is making her best rationalisation with “deprived of love” and Robin not at all buying the Woobification 101. Once she tells him her decision to marry Guy, he accepts it, but it’s Marian’s reaction that’s telling, she’s surprised that he doesn’t argue, deep down she wants him to fight for her, to say that the real reason she shouldn’t marry Guy is because he loves her. It’s quite a contrast from the previous scene where Guy was very open about how he feels about her, while Robin deflects, but while she was conflicted about Guy trying to kiss her, she’s frustrated, disappointed, and angry when Robin leaves.
But really, this is rather unfair of Marian, because Robin did already declare himself in the cave (”we should be together”) without her reciprocation, so expecting him to take the first step again without any encouragement is a bit much.
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Would a depressed person sit slumped against a tree all night?
“But by taking Marian in holy wedlock, I will wash away those crimes. Her pure heart will cleanse mine.” Yeah...not going to touch that one. I appreciate that there’s a lot going on with Guy and many, many people find it compelling, but I’m afraid it’s not really a narrative that interests me.
Speaking of pure hearts: Much. Faced with the same choice he was counseling Robin on, but with the additional wrinkle of knowing the king’s an imposter, he still decides to stop the wedding. “Her heart belongs to another” is A Moment and I don’t know exactly why but I find his very soft pleas following this and calling her “my lady” very affecting. 
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She’s beauty and she’s grace, she punched Guy in the face.
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“We can’t be seen together” Right in front of my salad two guards on front gate duty, who get front row tickets to the kiss. Look at them! They’re right there! This show drives me absolutely bonkers sometimes.
I do love this dress though.
“An audience with the king has been suspended!” Going out on one last pun.
Regardless, I really love this episode. Despite the lack of fallout from the emotional wringer they all went through, I can’t help but smile when the gang does their silly little jump for joy at the end.
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misstinfoilhat · 5 years
The Boy in the Belfry Pt. 12, a Bungo Stray Dogs fic.
Yeeeah so, sorry. I forgot I was posting this here.  ...
The unison exclamations from the ADA alerted the Preacher of their presence as soon as the surroundings of his display had calmed down.
"Ah, my worshipers have returned," the Preacher's voice echoed through the large room, gloating in front of the newly entered crowd. "Welcome back, my blessed herd."
"This preacher isn't like the one we have at home," Kenji whispered wearily.
"I can guarantee you that he is not," Chuuya grunted before taking a step forward.
"Wait, Chuuya, what are you-" Kunikida tried to hold him back. They needed to assess the situation and make a plan before they could proceed with any kind of attack. They had no idea what was going on, but he was blatantly ignored.
"Chuuya, I'm glad you finally arrived at the party," Mori's voice singsonged down the nave. He gestured with his hand towards the scene in front of them. Chuuya walked resolutely over the carpeted aisle.
"I'm sorry I'm late. I only just heard from this mötley crew that we had begun the final stages. You could have given me a call," he snarled irritably.
"Chu..." Atsushi gasped and reached his arm out to grab at Chuuya's jacket, but Kunikida's arm blocked him protectively, shaking his head at the teen.
"This is what's called betrayal, Atsushi. You might as well learn that now. You can never trust the mafia," Kunikida said darkly. "Especially not that coward," he sneered towards Chuuya.
Chuuya stopped and looked back. Seemingly amused, he scoffed. "I would have thought that was the 101 of the Armed Detective Agency instruction manual."
His jacket swayed lightly behind him as he proceeded the walk, but stopped for a moment and watched Dazai's mangled form.
"I always imagined-" Dazai rasped, interrupted by a couple of weak coughs, "that I'd wait... for you as you walked down the aisle someday."
The redhead sneered in disgust, and spit on the ground near Dazai, "stuff it, toothpick."
He gave a short nod to the Preacher, feeling sick by his mere presence, as he joined Elise in standing slightly behind Mori. ...
Dazai was bearly able to comprehend what was going on around him. He recognized the familiar fogginess and throbbing headache of a concussion when the gloomy room started to dance around in his vision.
‘Chuuya is here too,’ he thought but wasn't entirely sure if it was a good or a bad thing. He decided that concussions were one of his least favorite things. It made him so dazed and confused.
But he couldn't help but smile. No matter how much his body pulsated with pain and his head hurt, or how the bile in his throat from the concussion-induced nausea was threatening to spill out, there was no denying the fact that he sat there- face to face with his father's ability once again.
That night in the belfry a couple of weeks ago finally made complete sense to him now.
After first arriving at the church- and before it all happened, he had a short black-out. When he came too, he thought he was having a vividly real flashback to one of his many horrifying hours up there. It used to happen a lot when he was younger, to a point where he didn't know what was real or not anymore. It would only make sense that being back in that place would trigger all of that to come back.
Standing there in the belfry, looking down at his ten-year-old self, he felt the skin on his scarred back freeze. Every old wound came to life under their dressings, inflamed to a point where he could almost make out the words of damnation that had been carved into his shoulder blades, facing himself- he and his own apparition looked deep into each other's eyes, back in there, inside of their torture chamber where the seed of what would become the monster that was Osamu Dazai, had first been planted.
But, the ghost of his past self seemed so real, he needed to be sure that it was- in fact- just his mind playing tricks on him. It was almost as if he could reach out and touch it.
That was when it launched itself at him.
It wasn't more than a heavy push, but it was enough. The surprise of the attack made him tumble back, toppling over that same latch he had let himself fall from- twelve years ago.
Yes, it really did make sense. He had always been his own worst enemy.
A forceful tug at the bandages around his neck made him snap back into the moment. He could faintly hear his father's menacing laughter somewhere in the room, and some unclear and vague bickering even further away, but he was more intrigued by what he was holding in his hand. Well, 'he' as in his father's ability. What his father's ability held in its hand.
A knife.
A knife he knew very well. A wooden handle bearing a golden cross, and a needlepoint blade engraved with the words 'blows that wound, cleanses away evil'. It was the very same knife that had penetrated his skin more times then any blade ever had (and it was quite a few) and written passages and sacrileges words amongst each other all over his body- which he had spent a lifetime trying to clean off by excessively washing his skin raw and bloody, before turning to more ruthless methods when it proved fruitless.
His ten-year-old self placed the knife to his wrapped throat.
"Looks like you're finally going to be able to kill yourself," Mori chuckled, keeping his calm smile.
In a swift motion, it made the incision.
Droplets of blood slipped down Dazai's chest. His eyes grew wide with shock and his body dropped to the floor.
The silence that ensued was nothing more than unnerving.
At the sight of the Preacher's ability, lashing out at Dazai's throat, made it seem like the world had stopped turning. The slightly dirtied bandages on Dazai's chest was quickly colored by the warm crimson red.
But, he was still moving. He lay folded in on himself, shoulders slightly trembling. His raspy and shallow breaths sounded exaggerated by the reverb of the church.
It was the only thing that could be heard until the Preacher hummed with satisfaction, walking behind his son and grasping the cut bandaging from around Dazai's throat, ripping it all the way off.
"Why are you hiding, my son?" he asked in a sickly soft voice and proceeded to grab a hold on Dazai's hair, yanking his head up, showcasing his unprotected throat.
"No..." Dazai's exasperated in an instant of panic, but couldn't prevent his shame from being exposed.
The sides of Dazai's neck was covered in old and new scars from burns, slashes, ropes, chains or whatever he could have gotten his hands on whenever the urge would hit him, cutting mercilessly into the skin and leaving the grim reminders of his demons- but that was the expected part.
What really paralyzed all the on-lookers, was the large inverted pentagram that had been sliced roughly into the skin, leaving a horrendously ugly scar carved into the delicate flesh of Dazai’s throat.
"The boy with a soul as black as his eyes needs salvation," the Preacher told his congregation, a small crowd of stunned ADA agents. Dazai's face was twisted in pain and humiliation, or, chagrin.
"I know you tried, my son, I know you did. But you were never one of God's children. I should have known the day you were born. Your mother's body rejected you into the fifth month of her pregnancy. Each month her fatigued body was able to carry you represented the five points of the pentagram. You weren't meant to be born into this world. I should never let the doctor resurrect you, or anywhere near you. The world was doomed the second you drew your first breath. A breath of air that was never meant for you." 
He gave Dazai a swift kick in the back, making him tumble spill over to his stomach.
Caught in the moment, no one had even realized that the apparition of Dazai had disappeared and the Preacher was now holding the dagger. He let it slide up Dazai's back, making the bandages slide off his chest and abdomen. Then, he went on to his arms and legs.
Completely unraveled from the thin fabric that had been used as armor for Dazai for the majority of his life had come undone. All of the wounds, the scarred words and prayers, and religious symbols, the burns from the rod and the ones that Mori had left while he was undergoing training, bite marks and surgical scars and stab wounds and gunshot wounds and then the ones he had gotten from battles, and then there were the ones inflicted by himself.
There was hardly an inch of skin left on his body that hadn't been mutilated one way or another.
And now, he lay there, bare, feeling as naked and fragile as the day he was born. The day he was also supposed to have died.
The day he took a spot in the world never meant for him. Overcrowding the planet all by himself.
At the exact moment the last thought entered his mind, a blurred force flung itself in an inhumane speed behind him.
The Preacher was hurled from his position behind Dazai and crashed into the stone wall several feet behind them.
Tainted..? Chuuya!
Atsushi took advantage of the moment of full confusion and ran for Dazai's aid, followed shortly by the rest of the agency.
"Step away!" Mori's voice roared and Elise innocently stepped in front of Dazai, preventing anyone from passing her.
They would have tried if it wasn't for the fact that Mori had a gun pointed at Dazai's head.
The Preacher was pinned to the wall by tightly gripped gloved hands, and a thin streak of blood dripped from the back of his head as Chuuya growled intimidatingly at him.
"Do you have the preacher under control, Chuuya-kun?" Mori asked, not moving his gaze from Dazai.
"No problem," Chuuya smiled venomously as he moved his forearm to press against the old man's throat.
Mori scoffed. "Good," he mumbled under his breath, slowly stepping closer to Dazai, standing in front of him so the half-conscious man could see him.
Dazai struggled to keep his head up but did so to the best of his abilities. His head slowly drooping down from time to time, but watching and listening intently as Mori spoke.
"I don't think I've been more proud of anything I've ever accomplished, than what I made you," he told Dazai. 
"You were the perfect composition of everything. Of good and evil. Caring and violent. Apathetic and manic. Alive and dead... I know, I wasn't much of a father figure, but I truly did look upon you as my own flesh and blood. Some of the things I had to do to you, I-" he sighed, "I truly didn't want to do."
Something in his eyes as he met Dazai's, looked sincere and contrite. Dazai wasn't able to respond at this time though. He had to keep his concentration on staying conscious. He knew what was coming.
"That first day when I took you in after your very first suicide attempt… Such a milestone," he added bitterly as a joke. "I knew what you were. And what you were was-" he looked at the preacher. "-yes, a demonic prodigy. A potentially truly great future executive of the port mafia. And I was right. I stayed up days on end to make sure you wouldn't leave this world, because, you were close. Closer than my pride would like to admit. But, you pulled through. Just like you have, every time. Yes, you truly were my greatest achievement. And my absolute biggest disappointment." 
His finger lay resting on the trigger of the gun.
"I've spent many nights, lying awake and thinking of the most effective way to end you. I have quite a few good ideas, actually." Mori looked at his gun and shrugged. "This wasn't really one of them," he added.
"No, they were more... creative. Because, unfortunately, you're like a cockroach. Impossible to kill. No matter how many times you, I or anyone else, try to... you just won't stay dead!"
He took a deep breath. "Just like your father." 
Still pointing his gun at Dazai, he slowly moved closer. Elise was still keeping the ADA at bay, quickly reacting to any and all movements from the group.
Mori smirked. "I don’t like to leave a job half-done, so now, I want to finish what I started."
He lowered his gun and carefully picked Dazai off the ground, helping him slowly to stand up.
Dazai moaned silently, losing his breath for a moment as the pain of the new positioning shot through his back. He leaned heavily against Mori's strong shoulders, dragging his injured leg as he was supported towards Chuuya and his father.
Mori gave Dazai the gun. "I think you deserve to finish it, once and for all."
Chuuya finally released his grip on the preacher, letting him slide down the wall, but being ready to intervene if he would regain his strength and try anything stupid.
Dazai accepted the gun and pointed it shakingly towards his father, who let out breathless pleads as he sat against the wall.
To everyone's surprise, Dazai lowered the gun. Even if it hurt, he took a deep breath and gave it back to Mori. No words were shared between the two, but they understood each other better than any of them would like to admit.
Mori aided Dazai carefully back to the floor, close to the preacher and Chuuya. Then, he walked back, picking up the dagger that the preacher had lost in the midst of Chuuya's attack and gave it to Dazai.
At that point, Dazai had forgotten all about anyone around him. He only felt the weight of the knife in his hand.
With great difficulty, he dragged himself closer, repeating the words that were engraved on the knife again and again inside his mind, until he sat, leveled with his father and abuser, looking intently into his eyes.
He raised the dagger with the very last bit of strength he had in his body.
"Forgive me father, for I have sinned," he said hoarsely in a voice as dead as his eyes. "I'm about to take a man of God's life... A man who has taken advantage of your name and abused the power you hold over your disciples. A man who killed his wife and several daughters, taking your place as the prosecutor, judge, and executor of what he deemed to be unworthy life... I stand before you as my father's son... and his shadow weighs a ton. So, please, do listen to a fucking sinners chagrin, and forgive me for the sin I'm about to commit."
Dazai thrust himself forward, unfeeling, uncaring and completely blinded by the immense power of rage and hate. The blood spatter didn't even register as he lunged the knife into the soft flesh of his father again and again and again and again- until his body shut off, and he collapsed in a pool of his own and his father's blood, hyperventilating and unable to move.
Once again everything around him stopped making a single sound. He wasn't sure if there simply wasn't any, or if he had fainted.
His last hypothesis was proven wrong as he recognized Chuuya's legs, settling by his side, placing a bag in front of him.
He recognized the tan coat that was being retrieved from the bag. Oda's coat- his coat. Chuuya gently placed it over his shoulders, carefully helping Dazai to rest his head on the softness of the redhead's lap, reassuringly caressing his blood-soaked mop of dark, unruly hair.
"I'm so sorry," he whispered in Dazai's ear. Several familiar voices morphing into nothing but unnecessary noise as Dazai closed his eyes.
An then, he was unable to open them again.
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
i’m getting a little anxious about s3. and not in a good way.  (don’t worry. i’m not talking about tuello/serena again.)
mostly cos there’s that article that confirmed basically what we already sorta knew: that june is gonna be at lawrence’s as his handmaid. (so at least no more ceremony rape which is nice.)
but forgive me... but i’m pessimistic about the fracturing of the main cast. that never really works well? and we’ve already seen how tht handles it. (not well lol)
now we have june, serena, nick, janine, and moira all in different places with divergent stories. (we know emily and nichole will join up with moira, luke, and erin. and likely sylvia and oliver. so there’s a whole canada crew.) i mean janine has never been a core player but she’s fairly important. and rita... will... likely go with the waterfords wherever they go.
but without june at the waterfords, she’s separated from serena, fred, nick, and janine all in one swoop. (but then of course the waterfords burns down so lol)
now, things i’m really not interested in which i feel are going to take up a lot of time because of this fractured cast:
- serena and fred’s failing relationship. call me biased but i honestly don’t give a shit. i don’t care about fred’s feelings in any way whatsoever. i don’t care about him being sad. or angry. or anything. i simply do not care about him. he needs to die this season. him being upset at his wife who hates him now is so dull. i love serena, i care about what is happening with her character but fred is an accessory to that, not the centre of it. i know there has to be something about him cos he’s tied to serena’s character in many ways, but i’m not here for Poor Fred’s Sad Times Manpain.
- nick being in the army or whatever. i just don’t think he’s a strong enough actor or character to carry scenes by himself. it only worked cos he was playing opposite powerhitters like moss, fiennes, and strahovski (even sweeney). without them to carry the scenes, i fear i’m gonna be bored af. even as a character, he’s just... not that interesting. sorry. the show has managed to actually strip the book character of his moderate complexity and made him into some flat love-interest cliche. who magically survives every treasonous thing he does. so for him to suddenly be a tough guy who is commanding a guardian regiment is fucking laughable. just plain batty. thus, because it’s so nonsensical, it bores me. nick, just in general, bores the fuck outta me on a good day. i dread s3 scenes with him. how nick isn’t fucking DEAD by now for all the shit he’s pulled on waterford it’s bonkers. at the very least, as an eye he should have been removed from that assignment. but i digress. yawn.
- lawrence/june stand-offs or lessons or whatever they wanna frame them as. “he’s testing her”. UGH. i mean, i don’t mind some of it (and apparently they’re gonna partner up)... but i really will be bored when every scene of her in a household is just a showdown of some kind with lawrence. quite frankly, again, maybe i’m just a misandrist but i give zero shits about lawrence either. i don’t wanna her about his pathetic man-struggles and his humanity. i don’t care about his regrets. 
here’s how it goes: i do not care about the men. period. like, there’s no mystery about why men do what they do. there’s no complexity. their stories like this have been told 6,203,009,484,836,334 times already in fiction. we see them in our history books over and over. there have been a million psychological treatises on why nazi men did what they did. why lawrence went along with it, why he continued it, what his contribution was, etc. etc. --- i. do. not. care. i really don’t care about him teaching june the trolley problem or whatever the point is. if the general audience is that lacking in ethical philosophy they need to be taught this, maybe this show is too much already. i also am not here for him using this to excuse his fascism. so, basically, my issue is i don’t care about lawrence. i’ve heard his story a 100 times already. 101 isn’t gonna make it somehow mind-blowing. or even interesting to me...
- lawrence flashbacks will be the death of me, and not in a fun good way. do not show me them. do not waste my precious fucking time on this loser dickhead.
- luke... well, i do sorta care about how the refugees are doing. mostly cos the show has handled it SO BADLY THUS FAR. they made it look super easy and just. no. their canada-side of things has been shit and completely bogus unrealistic. (but then i suspect atwood is partly to blame for that lol.) but i mean, the last thing i need is another full episode dedicated to woobie luke’s woes.
- basically, i give no shits about manpain in this show. none. every second of manpain is a second that a woman’s story is sidelined.
so, my issue with the set up is that when you separate the core characters, they all become strangely boring. what is interesting is their dynamics. and the fact that unless you are june, your story is really thrown to the wayside if you’re removed from her. look how they treated moira last season. and luke. even emily to some degree (but not nearly as badly as moira). she got fuck all to really do or be. luke, even worse. (not that i’m really complaining about that tbh.) emily and janine’s colonies subplots were hack jobs just to show what a colony is. 
now, fair play, i am 100% biased but the only character other than june that comes close to being able to carry a whole, complex story solo is serena. (hello 209). which, ofc, i’m not opposed to. but again, there is something missing in her narrative when she’s isolated from june for too long. 
moira could, if they’d let her. but so far they’ve squandered wiley’s talents and moira’s potential.
it’s sorta exactly because of how they’ve dealt with moira that i fear what will happen when they pull apart the main cast to this degree. yes, it’s the handmaid’s tale. yes, the book was a june solo story. but the show itself has always showed itself to be about other handmaid’s and women in general, almost as much. and how all these women interact. 
the thing is, the show is already treading dangerously into the ridiculous with half these characters even still being alive (june, janine, nick, emily), so it would take a shitload of magic for them to all stay together in one place. and when you pull them apart, it takes some magical deus ex machina shit to put them all back in the same place (hence that weird baptism thing when absolutely insanely they allow janine and the putnams in the same room lmao. plus june, serena, fred, aunt lydia... like yeah right. why doesn’t nick just show up too? hell, moira could stop in for a bite too. why not. nothing matters anymore.)
i dunno. maybe i’m just really cynical and pessimistic... but i don’t like the way it feels. pulling one character out is one thing. having two separate groups of different sides of the border is one thing. having every main character in their own story world is quite another. either the writers actually know what they’re doing after fucking moira & co. over last season, or it’s gonna be a rehash of that and we’re gonna be left with a lot of unsatisfactory, half-baked independent narrative arcs that don’t really weave back into each other in any sensible way.
on a completely separate level, i’m anxious cos of what they’re turning june into.
if the articles are to be believed, they’re making june become... some sort of rebel leader, loose with morality.
“You have to fight fire with fire,” Moss teases. “That’s become [June’s] journey in season 3. To fight against the people she has to fight, she has to become more like them.” Adds Miller: “We’re not doing a montage of June being radicalized — it’s 13 episodes. To see someone go through this process of becoming ruthless was a real challenge. We didn’t want to sensationalize it, or make it too morally easy, either.”
part of what i liked about june was that no matter how awful people were, she was always* very present and empathetic, and yeah she made stupid decisions, was selfish and narrow-minded at times, but inherently a GOOD--if flawed--character. i don’t wanna see serena 2.0. we have a serena, thanks, and she’s a bad person and the whole point is we want her to become a better person, not make june become a worse person to fit in with her lol. i don’t mind june harnessing some of that grit and power and cutthroat attitude, but serena is one of the weakest people and emulating her isn’t the best idea? am i crazy? i especially don’t need to see june turn into lawrence’s rebellious protege.
i dunno... it bothers me when every story about women ends up with “well they have to be more like men! that’s real power!!” (and i’m side-eyeing the male showrunner and male writers so fucking hard rn.) i’m not naive. i know some change is necessary, and to fight such a perverse system you have to infiltrate it, violently fight against it, and understand it. but you don’t need to become it. or again, maybe i’m just naive?
i’m sorry. i don’t. do some ruthless things, yes, that’s probably inevitable but to become a ruthless person? yikes. how has gilead not won then? it seems it has.
(*with the exception of eden. don’t even get me started...)
maybe i just need a cup of chamomile tea and to shut the fuck up until i actually watch it.
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roswelldetails · 6 years
Episode 101: Pilot - Theories
Some of these theories are totally obvious, some are just further observations based on what we definitely know. Some are just straight-up guesses! (for fun!) And some are questions because there’s always plenty of those. :)
The shot of the crashed UFO shows a ship that looks nearly half intact and a lot of large debris. The government probably knows a whole lot about the alien technology.
Max has definitely healed before. He knows exactly how to help Liz, and knows that a mark could appear on her later. 
During the argument at the police station, Isobel calls Liz “Rosa Ortecho’s sister” - whatever happened to Rosa is the very first thing on Isobel’s mind when it comes to the Ortecho family. Later in the argument, so acknowledges that Max had “a thing for her” in high school - so she knows about Liz, but her very first thought is that she’s Rosa’s sister. 
When Max and Michael are arguing in the police station, Michael accuses Max of only protecting himself. Michael could be bitter about having a hard childhood while Max and Isobel were protected. Michael wasn’t protected as a child the way the other two were.
At his house, Isobel tells Max that there are “too many secrets - things she can’t ever know” talking about Liz. This sounds like a lot more than just what happened to Rosa when she died. Isobel is probably also referring to the way she messed with Liz’s mind to get her to leave town. Did Max know about that? If Max knew about that, was that the real reason why he knew he couldn’t follow Liz after high school?
Max sees himself as a protector. He tells Michael at the jail that everything he’s done has been to protect him and Isobel, he tells Liz that he joined the force to protect people because it helps him sleep at night, and he tells Liz in the cave that nothing ever mattered more than protecting Michael and Isobel from government experimentation. Whatever has happened in the past, Max seems to be carrying a lot of guilt for not being able to protect Liz from the things that happened to her - and perhaps not being able to protect Rosa.
He probably decided to join the police force instead of becoming a writer just so he’d be in a position to help if any of them ever got in trouble. He may have made this decision after what happened to Rosa. Perhaps he didn’t want to be helpless again. (Which is why he has a million and one books in his house - he’s a cop with a writer’s heart!) This might also explain some of the conflict between Michael and Max over the last ten years. While Michael was on a downward spiral getting himself into constant trouble, Max was training to be a cop so he’d be there to help protect Michael.
Why did Isobel get into Liz’s head 10 years ago? Maybe Isobel only did it after Rosa’s death. In the flashback scene between Rosa and Liz, Liz is clearly planning to go away to college. Maybe after Rosa died, Liz decided she’d stick around to be with her dad instead of leaving. But, worried that Liz would somehow find out about whatever happened to Rosa, Isobel mind-whammied her into leaving town like she’d originally planned.
Of course, at the reunion, Michael specified that Isobel made her “leave Roswell... leave Max” so her relationship with Max must have been a factor that scared them.
One of the pieces of yellow tape on the map in the bunker says “Incident 45E 8.17.81 pos delta.” Perhaps there was another alien incident - maybe another handprint found on a body in that area, and that’s how Master Sgt. Manes knows that at least one alien survived. Could the numbers be a date? August 17, 1981? If so, this was still well before the trio emerged from their alien bubble wraps.
Not a theory or anything - but it would be hilarious if the acetone-like chemical that Alex’s team is detecting around Michael’s trailer is just his septic tank. Maybe aliens pee is chemically different!
In the flashback during the reunion, Liz and her friends are dancing in the diner while Max looks in from the window. At the reunion, Max is standing just outside the action looking in. It seems that Max has spent a lifetime positioning himself just outside of what’s happening - not really engaging. At least until Liz comes along and draws him in. (As seen in the flashback when they were kids on the playground sharing ear buds, and when Liz pulls him onto the dance floor at the reunion.)
At the reunion, when Max tells Isobel “She can never know what happened to Rosa” it sounds like he knows exactly what happened to her. And I have a feeling it’s a lot more than what he told Liz in episode 3 at the drive-in. (Yes, technically I’m cheating because I’ve started writing this as of episode 3.)
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So some time ago I had a kind of weird Tangled dream... and it turned into a theory... I won’t tag for spoilers since it IS all just a hypothesis but if you don’t like them then I might suggest you keep scrolling just in case.
Before you start reading though, keep in mind that if you think I ship these two in ANY way that is inappropriate for their current ages or Disney in general, I will PERSONALLY put together a large southern gospel choir to knock on your front door and sing you a very loud and glorious “NO.” I don’t even ship Rapunzel and Eugene that way and we KNOW they get married. SO WIPE THAT FROM YOUR THOUGHTS RIGHT NOW!! THIS. STAYS. INNOCENT.
EDIT: Please read the WHOLE thing before sending me messages.
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After I had noticed how many parallels there were between Rapunzel and Eugene with Cassandra and Varian (both in Great Expotations and in general: EX. both involve an older character that starts out rather cynical and guarded who began life as an orphan then slowly lets down their defenses with the younger, perky, passionate, creative, buck toothed, freckled, son/daughter of some influential leader, (that’s not even all of the similarities) and if Eugene really IS 26 and that’s what the show seems to be suggesting with him appearing with his adult design in a flashback that takes place 8 years prior, and if Cass IS 22 as I suspect she is, then that would mean they have the EXACT same age gap and all four characters are four years apart from each other). I... don’t think that’s sheer coincidence. Along with what could be read as possible foreshadowing (Ex. Andrew calling Cassandra “Cassie” in an episode set immediately after Great Expotations and “venomous cobra man” is a lot more suiting now than it used to be, etc.), I started to wonder if maybe it was possible that they could end up someday, being a foil pair to our romantic leads?
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I didn't think much of it at first because I’ve been way off on predictions before, I wasn’t in full favor of shipping them yet, and I thought I could simply be misreading and the parallels are all just coincidence until the very night that this occurred to me, I dreamed of the episode 'What the Hair?!' and everything was the same except when everything came crashing down the dialogue was switched so it was now Cass and Varian saying Raps and Eugene's lines and even making the same expressions, holding hands etc. but they were still in the same locations that they actually were on the show (I've had a lot of theories for a lot of shows but as far as them making it into my dreams, this is a first).
I woke up very confused because I thought it was canon and was wondering why fans weren't paying any attention to it. You'd think they'd be losing their minds! After I woke up a little more I thought...
"Wait! That never happened! It couldn’t have! 1.) 14 and maybe-20-something? They can't get away with that! This is Tangled, not The Garden of Words! 2.) They just met like five minutes ago! YEESH! That’s fast even by Disney fairytale standards!!"
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^^^That boy's face says "I LIKE you, but not in a 'You mean the world to me' kind of way, more like a 'Wow, I just noticed how attractive you are. Are you free this Friday?' kind of way."^^^
I almost outright dismissed it as disturbingly nonsensical but didn’t because the more and more I thought about it, the more the possibility of them ending up together at some point down the road actually started to not only seem plausible... but actually make perfect sense for a LOT of reasons!
Think about it! First off, if the show itself is centered around Rapunzel and Eugene's romance then wouldn't you expect any secondary relationship on the show to be just that? A foil? A complimentary opposite? Classical music vs Rock and Roll? The very earliest they could really even suggest that Cass maybe starting to reciprocate or that she could someday have romantic feelings for Varian would probably be at the very end of the show when he is likely to be more matured both physically and emotionally and all conflicts have been resolved. This would also explain why it seems like it's always hinted at that Cass could have a romantic interest in the future, but a real one hasn't been introduced yet (at least not one that we'd recognize right away). This also makes sense in that the crew behind the show might not want to develop another romance on-screen and risk overshadowing the main pair with new characters.
"Besides, I don't have time for dreams. My dad taught me at a very young age to focus on the here and now." - Cassandra in Cassandra v Eugene.
I read her keeping the rose Andrew gave her at the end of Under Raps (especially after her earlier expression of distaste in the idea of romance) as her saying "Yeah, the whole thing was a total charade, but I actually kind of enjoyed it and I might not be opposed to having a REAL romance with someone SOMEDAY."
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Ways that they would be a foil could probably include how it takes years for them to develop into anything romantic rather than just a day or two, it’s an older girl with a younger guy rather than the other way around, nocturnal animal friends vs diurnal which I pointed out in a linked post above as part of a sun vs moon motif (I've noticed a lot of background imagery tying Cassandra to the moon so there's some theory fuel for ya), and how, while we already know that Rapunzel and Eugene live happily ever after, almost NOTHING is certain about the future for Cassandra and Varian at this point in time like whether or not they’ll even end up still being friends. Neither of them are in the Ever After short so there's that too.
Something else I noticed is when this show tends to emphasize something, it seems like it is subject to change and contrast seems to be a major theme in this show. ( @starxapple ) As ‘Kevin’ pointed out, Varian’s cuteness/sweetness was very played up in the first episode and he called out how this meant Varian would became a villain. By that logic, it’s really played up on how Varian is a kid and, accordingly, how Cassandra sees him as such. Varian isn’t an adult, but he isn’t exactly a child either. He’s an adolescent in that confusing and emotionally turbulent stage right in between. He’s old enough to be held responsible for his actions, but not necessarily mature enough to take that responsibility himself.
This to me suggests that we will most likely get to see him really grow up on this show, backed up by the fact that it is set over a few years and no doubt Varian is FAR from a static character with a great deal of potential for growth.The whole point of his character might be to make a point about maturity and at what point should someone be truly considered an adult? 18 isn’t just some magical age when someone goes from naive kid to wise grown up because, in reality, people mature at different rates and it all depends on individual experiences. Someone lacking emotional maturity enough to be honest about their own faults and limits definitely wouldn’t be ready for a serious romance with anyone, much less an older person like her.
(My friend, Chi and I both explained why the fact that they meet before he is an adult isn’t really a problem in this post here. In fact, if they ever WERE to become a romance in the future, it would actually be essential for SOME emotional connection to be made BEFORE he became a villain for the reasons stated.)  Sorry if this chart is hard to decipher but hopefully my earlier explanation helps it to make sense.
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When the show is nearing its end, I wouldn’t be surprised if they started playing up how Varian has grown up (a lot taller, more responsible, calling Eugene by his real name, they may give him facial hair etc). This growth may also be emphasized by Cassandra’s view of him changing from ‘kid friend’ to 'dangerous enemy' then finally to ‘potential romantic interest’ at some point in the future. By the time the show is over, Varian should be at least around 16-17 which (again if I’m right about Cass’s age) would place them both at only slightly younger than Rapunzel and Eugene were in the movie so I wouldn’t be too surprised if the possible foreshadowing became a lot clearer near the end, like the bouquet at Raps and Eugene’s wedding landing in Cassandra’s hands and her realizing that Varian happens to be standing right next to her.
Of course I don’t expect any kind of confirmation or denial on this outside future episodes since, again, that would be a massive spoiler if it were true, but it’s still very interesting to think about.
Also this makes me wonder what other Rapunzel/Eugene things they might paralle--?
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But... DANGFLABBERGASKIT that ALSO kinda makes sense!! We've seen twice already that Varian feels an impact whenever Cassandra saves his life. The first time likely being what caused him to start crushing on her to begin with (seeing as how before that point, if anything, he was probably more intimidated by her and otherwise didn’t pay much attention to her at all in favor of the princess and his believed-to-be-hero) and the second time he voiced how it moved him that she chose him over her guard duties to Dr. St. Croix. This is purely guessing but how much do you think it would impact him if she got HURT saving him a third time even after EVERY terrible thing he did and in the same way that caused his dad to get encased in the first place?
I've seen other redemption arcs for other characters and it's not uncommon for their turn around to be triggered by the hero(ine) making a selfless act on their behalf despite everything they did. In fact, if they HADN'T done such terrible things, the scene where they apologize would be nowhere NEAR as powerful. Storytelling 101. If Yukine’s stealing a skateboard didn’t contribute to his friend facing painful death and his careless disregard for that fact didn’t happen then his weeping/screaming apologies would have come off as a bit overkill rather than emotionally powerful. 😝
And since there are no more healing powers and Cass isn't in the Ever After short, the stakes are high enough that it could still have a huge impact on the audience as well. Not to mention what it would say about Cassandra's growth as a character since it's emphasized in Not In The Mood that the area she could use the most growth in is compassion.
Both of their individual relationships with Rapunzel are the ones that get the most focus, which is fitting since she's the main character, so I'd be hard pressed to imagine that she isn't directly involved in some way.
For those who argue that what he felt for her was a puppy crush, I’m not going to say that isn’t the case but here’s the thing. After Varian becomes a villain, it’s pretty obvious that he no longer feels the same affection for Cassandra that he did before. If he did, safe to say he probably wouldn’t have tried to crush her. This is emphasized by how he calls her Cassandra when ‘Cassie’ was clearly meant as an affectionate nickname for her. If there was a puppy crush, it’s most likely gone already. Whoosh! Bye-bye! This would leave room for more mature feelings to become a new foundation after a redemption arc. A relationship built more on that common connection they shared in Great Expotations, rather than an action she took that may or may not really mean anything.
I can actually imagine this all happening and when the show is over, we'd be hearing things from the production team like "This was the idea all along. We didn't just decide to throw them together halfway through because people seemed to like it enough, it was always going to be part of the story. Just like how we always knew Varian would become a villain, when the episode What The Hair?! was being written, we already knew how it would end with these two."
Huh... this would actually put my dream into perfect context if true. After all, it is a complete story and Chris has said that the course of each characters' story has been planned out from the beginning. There is freedom for the writers but the backbone was set before casting, character designs etc.
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I'll be honest, I wasn't that surprised to hear that it sounded like there WAS an answer but I wasn't going to get it directly from him. The fact that it seems implied that SAYING Cassandra’s age could potentially be a sort of spoiler leads me to wonder if this might be why? I mean, it is assumed that Cass is somewhere between Rapunzel and Eugene in age. Maybe I’m reading too much into it but why bother with not having a clear, direct answer, instead suggesting that it will be hinted at, unless there was real significance behind the exact number? I wonder if by "hints" he means more flashbacks since, again, The Return Of Strongbow seemed to hint at Eugene's age.
With all that said, I am 100% in favor of us getting to the series finale and having Varian acknowledge that he is STILL NOT ready for a real relationship with Cassandra just yet for two reasons. One, it would show how much he has matured with him being able to recognize that he isn’t emotionally prepared for something, and two, it would be another Rapunzel/Eugene parallel with the series premiere where Rapunzel tells Eugene that she isn’t ready to settle down and marry him just yet. I would expect Cass’s response to parallel Eugene’s with her now more developed patience and understanding giving him time to catch up with her.
All in all, I see the possibility of a romance between Cassandra and Varian as being like an acorn. Someday, after years of growth, it could be a beautiful oak.
But for now it's just nuts.
Yes, I know shipping slow burn romances is torture but because I’ve managed to convince myself that their chances of being canon in the future are actually pretty good, I signed myself up. *Puts on helmet* Bring on the pain.
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sanoiro · 6 years
I was watching 3x09-10 today with my husband (he's trying to catch up and watch the finale when it airs 😊) and he has this theory (sorry if it was discussed before, I couldn't find it). What if Pierce (the first murderer) really is trying to make Lucifer kill a human (as you said on a post the other day) and turn him into the first angel murderer. Maybe he knows something we don't about the repercussions of that? Idk... Just a thought.
First of all, I love your husband! 
Now, this might be a long post I have no idea yet but I read you Ask when I was just about to go to bed and something just stuck with me although I forced myself to sleep instead of replying you. Good thing I did because now I’m feeling like I can analyse anything you tell me to. 
Okay, so long ago I had posted Lucifer’s line from S2 where he said that judgment day is only a couple of years away. 
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So I always thought what if Lucifer and Chloe had something to do with it? If we think about it Mum almost caused the end of the word. Last night I also wrote a post where I was thinking that perhaps the 3x16 line on the jock the princess and the nerd corresponded to Dan, Charlotte and Ella because as far as I see it, everyone will have an important task in their hands and some may even fall because of that. I’m mentioning the above because I made a weird connection last night… Can Lucifer by killing a human start an apocalypse? I’m not sure and I doubt we will get there but there is something that I overlooked as it didn’t make much sense at the beginning. The Z prophesy said that the magma of the Earth is blocked and if the magma was not released soon we would have a big magma apocalypse. 
This may sound a bit overstretched but… What is holding Lucifer’s Devil face back or worse his eyes? Why do they glow amber and only two times this season? Was the dagger the only way to let out his light-bringing power? I always believed that his red glowing eyes since S1 were a sign of that power within him. As you may have guessed I’’m wondering on whether Marcus is trying to manipulate something inside of Lucifer. His purpose might have never been to die… Perhaps a revenge then towards God’s favourite son? 
I still don’t buy the favourite was Amenadiel and I presume that Marcus knows that. I have mentioned the following question before that the metal book in S2 was written by whom exactly?  It was written in Sumerian according to Amenadiel and remember what Lucifer said in 3x16 regarding Abel? 
Lucifer: Whilst this is all very illuminating, Maze, how do we find Abel? Keep an ear out for someone babbling in Sumerian? - Lucifer 3x16Lucifer: So whatever language this is- Amenadiel: It’s Sumerian. Unlike some of us who had everything handed to him, I actually spent my youth studying. - Lucifer 2x17
Again who wrote the book that dates back to Abel’s murder according to the timeline Lucifer gives us? Or better yet who was still alive to write it? Cain. At least that’s what I see here. 
If all the above are true what does that tell us about Marcus so far?
- He knows more about divinity and mystical objects than Lucifer, Amenadiel and even Mum. -He knew about the medallion of life and perhaps he has possed himself with it in order to acquire that knowledge as the page of the medallion was at the left side of the book and the flaming sword at the right side. -He knows about Lucifer’s light-brining power. -He knows who the favourite son is… 
But let’s go a bit further. 
Marcus in 3x12 - All About Her, told Lucifer that when he found out that a human had made the Devil bleed so he had to check and that he had high hopes because that would help him find a way to die. I believe that all, meaning wanting to die that is not true. Or at least not entirely true. (Half truths Lucifer 1x04 - I don’t lie but I don’t say the whole truth either.)
Marcus knows that Lucifer bled early on as that was the scene the production went within the flashbacks shown in 3x12. Not 1x13, not 2x13 but 1x04! Meaning that he could have been in Los Angeles immediately when that happened but he didn’t. 
So we get to S2 where Azrael’s blade comes to L.A. and even if Marcus never found out about Uriel (doubtful) he knew about the blade by the episode 2x08 - Trip To Stubby Town. If he wrote the book or was around for millennia he knows that the blade can not only kill him but also vanish his soul once and for all. 
Marcus claimed he experienced no guilt for what he had done so he wouldn’t go to Hell but that would leave only Heaven as an option. Thinking about it, an internal life in Heaven is it really a good thing for him after so many millennia? Wouldn’t be wise to just kill yourself with the blade and be over with it? 
Let’s not forget that Dad probably has a saying even in the afterlife so why would Cain ever subject himself to go to the same place where his torturer is? It doesn’t make any sense… But how about taking revenge on the favourite son of Dad? That is a high possibility but why now? Because Lucifer has something to lose and can suffer. Additionally, his light-bringing powers might be something that can be used against God? Who knows…Okay, so around 2x13 if Marcus knows about it, the Devil dies for a human… Did the hospital had any footage? No idea some do but they require a special order to be turned on. 
Now see this… in a very weird way, Earl Johnson in 2x16 was committed for giving away all his money and because he had been delusional a few months ago (02/03/2017) by his wife…
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If you go back a few episodes you will realise that this happened around the time Azrael’s blade was on the move (2x06-2x08) or when Chloe was poisoned (2x11-2x13). So was Earl Johnson planted somehow? I mean why would a guy from Odessa, Texas end up being committed at a ward in California? I may be going a bit too far but what if Marcus was manipulating things since S2 and wanted Lucifer to start a new war against his Dad along with Mum?
Now in 2x18 Mum is gone, the blade is gone but in less than 2-3 hours later Marcus has someone Devilnap Lucifer. Miraculously Lucifer ends up with wings so that makes me wonder if the light-bringing power can be harvested somehow and reused… 
Too far? Okay, think of this. Marcus had 2 seasons to act and he does it when A) Mum is gone, B) the blade is gone, C) Amenadiel’s powers may be returning but not really, D) Maze is out of Lucifer’s house and E) Marcus has proof that Lucifer can summon the light-bringing power. 
All the above get us to S3. 
How did Marcus or the Sinnerman brainwash that guy in 3x02 into thinking he had killed Lucifer’s kidnapper because of his girlfriend? Why do we always forget that? Sometimes I wonder if the original Heart Break Killer was manipulated by the 1950s Marcus… 
Moving forward we get to 3x04  - What Would Lucifer Do?, where Marcus is shot but was he really trying to test his mortality around Chloe? That was a bit too rushed and it doesn’t make much sense… It seems almost as if Marcus wanted some time off to set up a new game… 
3x05 - Charlotte comes back and perhaps Marcus steps away as he wants to see the lasting effects of Mum and how a Hell damned soul is reacting back to her earth body… I do wonder if Charlotte acted as a live experiment for him in a way. 
3x06 and 3x07 are the standalones but Lucifer and Chloe are coming closer something that perhaps does not fit Marcus plan whatever that is. He needs Lucifer in pain. Like Linda said in S2, Lucifer had to feel his pain and indeed in that way, he ignited the blade so… - I believe this has been mentioned before at least once on a basic level? - 
3x08 - Marcus returns and all of sudden in 3x09 The Sinnerman starts to slaughter Lucifer’s old favour recipients. The mafia boy was a recent deal but the woman with the hair products was a few years old deal/favour. I remind you that only Marcus has the archived files on the celestials. 
In 3x10 we get several enigmatic clues and the first arc finishes with Marcus shooting Sinnerman. Now the weirdest part for me was that Sinnerman had kept their photo together photo in a pristine condition with him… Why? It will be answered for sure but… Sometimes I wondered if Marcus could have children for some purpose or if there is something more in there…
The next episodes 3x11 aside, seem like a big joke something like getting the Devil a colour book and let him have some fun. They do hold a deeper meaning but what interests me more is 3x16 for one more reason. Marcus knows that his brother by returning to Hell will fall again into the punishment loop. 
What had me thinking was why didn’t Marcus ask from Lucifer to bring back his brother after Abel was run over? How cruel can you be to let your brother, who you claim to care about at the end of the episode, return to Hell? If that’s not sadistic I don’t know what is. 
Everything I have written so far, of course, do not answer your question if we do not take them as one unit with unseen yet existing connections. 
Marcus is using Lucifer. Chloe has a gift there is no question about it but as Sinnerman said, it has to be you aka Lucifer. We might not know the motivation and the real reason behind Marcus’ actions so far and we might find it out only when the scene is aired but what we should remember is that no matter how precious is Chloe, Lucifer is the object of interest here… 
Which makes me think this. Lucifer is supposed to punish the guilty so was Cain’s mark under Lucifer’s influence? Just a random idea here though…
So your husband is partly right in my opinion. Marcus is forcing people to spin around themselves and do things they would never do… Killing a human as you remember is an Angel 101, no-no. Also, do remember Gaudium… taking a pleasure out of the idea of the committed sin and by reliving that sin and not the sin itself…
I know that this post has been a bit all over the place and I apologise for that. It’s just you gave me an opportunity to go back to S1 and rethink certain coincidences or what we assumed they were at the time. Thank you both! 
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swarkles-is-otp · 7 years
Found my rant and 100 reasons why swarkles should´ve ended up together which I wrote shortly after the finale. Thought I should post it
Is a ted/robin ending okay? (Absolutely no imo, but let´s have a look at all the seasons and at what points I wouldˋve accepted it) After season 1: OKAY (though 1. Zip, Zip, Zip was perfect and swarkles had great chemistry back then) After season 2: OKAY (though 2. Robin acting like she's stabbed when Ted "proposes" and B&r Shared cute moments like: Holy crap, You're beautiful. 3.Or robin caring for him when he is ill) After season 3: Swarkles was on, they were pretty cute, but they could've turned it in the Ted/robin way. (When they would've cut the scene where barney talks about everything he loves). Wouldn't have been the best finale, but OKAY (4. Though the chemistry in sandcastles was beyond perfect. Like do you watch them kiss? Their was more Passion than in ted's and robin's entire relationship, but okay, that's my opinion) And just want to add one thing: Ted is such a dork in this. I mean, yeah barney slept with his ex-girlfriend, but Robin doesn't seem to feel uncomfortable when she (!) invitied him to go to her place and watch the video, she was looking at him in awe e whole time they watched the video and got closer and closer to him and Robin was really into it, when kissing him... SO TED GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. SHE'S A FREE WOMAN WITH A FREE WILL AND YOU WERE NOT TOGETHER! SO I THINK IT'S REALLY UNFAIR HE ABANDONS BARNEY AND STILL TALKS TO ROBIN. AND EVEN IF MARSHALL SAYS HE HAS NEVER BROKEN AN ARTICLE OF THE BRO-CODE, LET'S BE HONEST, TO BARNEY HE WAS A REALLY REALLY BAD FRIEND THROUGH THE WHOLE SERIES. After season 4: NOT OKAY, because: 5.they showed Barney having a softer side 6.they showed Barney doing everything, so Robin won't be deported and getting her a job 7. poor barney being so hurt when learning Ted sleeps with robin 8. "If you ever do meet someone special, take a shot at it, will you?" "I'll try." (But no, Carter and Craig didn't write towards barney and robin) 9. they showed in "The Front Porch" that Ted and Robin would be miserable if they'd get old together (and no, not only because of the kids) 10. they showed this beautiful swarkles-friendship in the "Murtaugh List" and showed barney and robin have the same opinion about being old, etc. 11. barney: I miss her when she's not around, I think about her all the time.... 12. "Look at her, she's the greatest woman on the planet!" 13. THE LEAP (if you don't know what I mean, watch the episode and you'll know) After season 5: NOT OKAY, because: 14. the summer of Secret love between swarkles 15. "Robin 101" barney really tries to keep robin, robin says: "You're an idiot" (not sure, but did she say that to Ted?) 16. the sexless innkeeper: barney/robin's opinion against ted's again 17. poor heartbroken Robin who is crying because of barney (she didn't cry after the relationship with ted (except the one time Ted and she talked and broke up)sure, she was in argentina, so we didn't see it, but robin crying about barney was also shown in flashbacks) (another thing: she immediately started dating after Ted, but she didn't want to date after barney-and their relationship didn't last that long) 18. she's willing to choose her relationship with Don over her career, but then she doesn't do it for her husband??? 19. first blink at barney as groom... (It's season 5 now- so 4 FREAKING SEASONS TEASING A WEDDING THAT ENDS IN A DIVORCE. THIS IS SO NOT RAVEN) After season 6: NOT OKAY, because: 20. more glimpses to the swarkles-wedding 21. barney being the one who gets robin to dress up again instead of moping over her failed relationship (even after Don she was more devastated than after the breakup with ted) 22.Natural History: swarkles-chemistry at it's best- including barney and robin talking about his father 23. "Babytalk": Ted's opinion against barney's opinion concerning Robin's independence. Ted said once we should wait for someone who not only accepts our quirks but also kinda likes them (or smth like that)... Ted hates her indepence, but yeah they end up together. Great story 24. Robin was on Barney's side in the arcadian fight the whole time!!! She reminds the other ones how barney likes his job and after the arcadian is blown up, she also goes with barney 25. their "I kinda get it... Ted loved Zoey for a minute there, didn't he?" "Yes... And she loved him too, didn't she?" "Yeah....she did" -conversation... Everybody knows what they really talked about, another example where robin tells she loves barney 26. Robin's face when Nora says to barney: it's never too late. Barney is all happy about it. Robin looks really hurt and sad about it After season 7: NOT OKAY, becaus 27. the dance... I don't have to say more, do I? 28. Lily says to Robin: you and barney have the Kind of chemistry that just doesn't go away. -don't tell me it's suddenly away 29. Robin says: if you have chemistry, you only need one more thing. Timing, but timing is a bitch. -THEY HAD CHEMISTRY AND TIMING AND THEN THEY DIVORCE, NOOO 30. Robin:"I know we didn't work out the first time, and I know it doesn't make any sense. BUT I CAN'T SHAKE THIS FEELING THAT WE BELONG TOGETHER. (Ähhhhh sorry, short question: at what point was this show written towards Ted and robin after season 3?????) 31. Robin being crazy about barney and Nora dating- she sits under tables and cries, um yeah, she never did that when Ted dated other woman, just saying 32. Robin even attacks a woman because she has such conflicted feelings towards barney- and just to make him happy, she keeps this woman from talking to barney. She loves him so much, she just wants him to be happy, even if it's killing her. AND THEN THEY GOT A FUCKING DIVORCE? 33.Barney and Robin acting all goofy and sweet when trying to find out what's wrong with ted's date and tease marshall/Lily about their baby's sex 34.Disaster Averted: my all time favourite episode. The flashback-scene: When I let a day go by with not talking to you, that day's just no good. BUT THEN THEY DIVORCE? (Sorry overwhelming feelings, I will cut down the "they got a divorce" 35. the second Moment in disaster averted: their really, really hot kiss in the cab- and don't tell me barney hit on her, she offered to take barney home, she started the talk about their almost-kiss 36. so, barney and robin slept together, though both of them were in a relationship. Though feeling guilty the next day robin was not drunk or anything, so she was full aware of what she was doing. (Friendly reminder: back in season 1 when Ted was still dating Victoria and kissed her (while she thought they broke up) she freaked out afterwards and was mad at him for a few episodes. And it was just a kiss. And suddenly she can't hold herself together and SLEEPS WITH BARNEY though BOTH of them are in a relationship. Hmmm what could that be? Love, maybe?) 37. robin actually considered going back to barney- yeah she broke his heart when saying no, but she seriously considered it 38. the speech of nora's dad where barney imagined robin (when you meet the right person, you know it. You can't stop thinking about them. They're your best friend and your soulmate. No one and nothing else can compare.) AND THEN THEY GOT DIVORCED, ARE THEY KIDDING ME, LIKE SERIOUSLY, THEY WROTE TOWARDS BARNEY AND ROBIN, NOT TED AND ROBIN 39. though robin refused him, barney is still there for her. Later this season Ted avoids her, really great friend, Ted 40. barney and the Rose petals (sorry can't talk more about this, it hurts) 41. the pregnancy scare- just saying: robin Imagines two (!) kids, so she imagined getting more kids with barney. And the room where she is talking to their kids: the stormtrooper, so many little details, all this points to robin imagining a future with barney (though she was still with Kevin at this point) 42.ROBIN SAYING RIGHT INTO TED'S FACE SHE DOESN'T LOVE HIM (in addition to that: Ted, get your shit together, she just broke up with her boyfriend, crying on the rooftop and saying she can't have kids and you have no better idea than hitting on her! ARE YOU SERIOUS, TED?) 43. Ted saying he could finally let her go. "There was no part of me clinging to the dream being with robin. I can finally go on." HAHAHAHA, nice joke. Ted getting over Robin, yeah sure. All these episodes about ted letting robin go make absolutely no sense anymore. Why do they put us through this shit? 44. Trilogy time along with their make-out-Session (okay no real point, but come on, this scene was hot) 45. Robin being not amused when barney and Quinn announce they are engaged 46. they should've run away to Mexico together. They really should have, leaving Quinn, Ted and this whole shit behind. And she knows he's 100% awesome. 47.Robin is the bride- HOORAY (it's season 7, TWO SEASONS OF KNOWING BARNEY IS MARRYING ROBIN AND THEN THEY GET DIVORCED. -_-) Season 8, FUCKING NOT OKAY, AT THIS POINT IT'S ONLY A BIG OFFENCE, because: 48. Robin being really, really sad when discovering barney has "destroyed" every evidence they ever were a couple 49. BIG QUESTION: I GOT THE FEELING WHEN THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT THE "LEBENSLANGERSCHICKSALSSCHATZ" AND SHOWING ROBIN CRYING ABOUT ALL THE STUFF BARNEY STORED FROM THEIR RELATIONSHIP AND CRYING ABOUT THEIR PICTURES AND THEN SHOWING BARNEY LOOKING OUT OF THE WINDOW CLEARLY THINKING OF ROBIN, THAT THEY MEAN BARNEY AND ROBIN ARE EACH OTHERS LEBENSLANGERSCHICKSALSSCHATZ. LEBENSLANG MEANS "LIFELONG", SO WTF IS HAPPENING THERE. ANOTHER POINT THAT SHOWS THIS WAS NO WRITING TOWARDS TED AND ROBIN. So are you thinking the same or am I just stupid for believing this scene was hinting at barney and robin? 50. Barney not trusting Quinn, but Robin, making no prenup and bilson (was it bilson? Unsure at this point) saying to his dog: SEE TUGBOAT, THAT'S LOVE (no, tugboat, forget it. True love doesn't exist. And you don't deserve it when you have a clinging ex-boyfriend. No matter how much you love another one, you have to be always there to be the backup for your ex when his wife dies and you have to raise his children though you never wanted one. BECAUSE THAT'S TRUE TO LIFE. Go with it, tugboat) 51. we discover barney went with robin to her aunt to give her the dogs. She was with that at that point, he wanted that she gives the dogs away, and BARNEY is driving with her, saying a lot, don't you think? 52. Robin being so worried about barney and helping him with brover. And then she goes with barney to give brover back to his owner (who thinks they are a couple, btw) 53. BARNEY'S SPEECH, BARNEY'S WONDERFUL, HEARTMELTING SPEECH, WHERE YOU JUST WANNA HUG HIM AND CRY BECAUSE HE LOVES ROBIN SO MUCH: (I love everything about her. And I'm not a guy who says that lightly. I'm the kind of guy who has faked love his entire life. I thought love was just something idiots thought they felt, but this woman has a hold on my heart that I could not break if I wanted to. And there have been times that I wanted to. It was overwhelming and humbling and even painful at times. But I could not stop loving her anymore than I can start breathing. I'm hopelessly, irretrievably in love with her. More than she knows.) AND SUDDENLY HE STOPPED LOVING HER. IT MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO FREAKING SENSE 54. Robin's face after hearing the speech and confronting him afterwards with her hopeful looks and everything 55. Robin helping barney looking for a new strip Club (and choosing the one with the old people- kinda shows she doesn't want him to be touched from women he could be sexually attracted to) 56. Them having fun together at a strip-club. Shows how alike they are and their kiss was just omg 57. Robin going nuts when barney says the door on them is closed and he is done trying to get her. She is really desperate to get him there... 58. Robin being obsessed and breaking into barney's appartement, so she can find the playbook and show it to Patrice. The other ones even have an Intervention because she is after barney. 59. Robin questioning Patrice about barney and almost fireing her because she is that jealous. Then Robin even cries and says "I really don't like feelings" (I guess she gets back together with ted because there are not too much feelings involved? At least, it seems like it) 60. Ted realizing Robin still has feelings for barney. Robin crying and being angry when Hearing about the proposal. Robin chooses to run to barney (what should I do? Kick the ring out of his hand and saying "you should be with me"- so it's kinda clear what she wants) instead of going with ted who has kind of a big night that day? So, NO you can't convince me she loves Ted more than barney (or even loves Ted at all) 61. THE ROBIN (no more words needed here, it was just perfect, showing how well barney knows her and even though she was angry at first, she IMMEDIATELY (comparing to ted's "proposal" where she says about 100times no) says YES) 62. Swarkles standing on the rooftop being all in love (the nose-kiss!). Leaving barney&robin, Lily&marshall&marvin, and Ted being alone but soon finding the one, so they are all in happy relationships (at least I got it this way, guess I was wrong) 63.Ted moping about robin again, but robin makes it pretty clear SHE WANTS THE BAND NOT THE DUMB DJ (hope you know what I mean with that metaphor) 64. barney caring so much about robin, that he finally gets her dad to talk properly with her 65.Robin saying she's marrying barney any way (though nothing ever seemed to be as important as her dad's approval) 66. Barney is cured from his one-night-stands 67. Robin realizing the true power of the ring. Lily: Oh, sweetie, I know it's nice to be groped by strangers, but nothing beats the rush you get when that one special person looks at you. Marshall: It’s true. Like, here, in this bar, there's only one thing that I see, and I see her brighter and more clearly than anything else in this world. You know what that is? That’s love. And possibly alcohol mixed with some very powerful antibiotics. Lily: And that's Barney sees you. And I know that's how you see Barney. Then we see barney and robin looking at each other and seeing each other brighter and more clearly than the Rest of the world. BUT NOOOO, CRAIG AND CARTER, YOU ALWAYS WROTE TOWARDS ROBIN AND TED. YEAH, SURE 68. Marshall asks Robin if she's figured out how she's going to get drinks at the bar now that she's engaged. Her answer: "Oh sure, I know a way that's going to last forever." Then she leans to barney asking for a scotch on the Rocks (WHAT CONCEPT OF "FOREVER" DO CARTER AND CRAIG HAVE?) 69. Barney getting obsessed over robin's past. Robin saying to him it's okay cause he is her "Dobler" (meaning both of them are into each other, you know what: I think ted is robin's dahmer). 70. barney saying he lies, but there is one true thing: HE LOVES HER. 71. Barney willing to sell his "fortress" because superman used the fortress when he wants to be alone. He realizes he doesn't want to be alone anymore, he wants to be with robin. 72. Robin: "If I ask you to change too many things about yourself, You're not gonna be the man i fall in love with. Turns out, I appreciate even the grossest, most sociopathic parts of you." 73. Robin knows barney just as well as he knows her: THE BARNEY (wow, Carter, Craig... Let me guess: another hint that ted and robin belong together? -_-) 74. we're gonna be legen...wait for it...married- Legenmarried!!! I love you so damn much, robin scherbatsky. I love you too, Barney Scherbatsky :,) 75. the two of them against the annyoing couple was just precious and showed their perfect Team-work once again. All in all, at the end of the episode they were all lovey-dovey and in high anticipation of their wedding Season 9, NONONONONONONONONONO NOOOOOOO, THIS IS THE WORST ENDING YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE, THE THINGS YOU DID WERE MOST PEOPLE'S WORST CASE SCENARIO AND YOU WENT THROUGH WITH IT? SORRY, BUT ONE LAST TIME: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Because: 76. they were considering staying together even when they thought they were related!!! 77."I've got you. I don't have to wait for it anymore." 78. "AWWW, it must be a soulmate thing" ROBIN is saying that. She says BARNEY is her SOULMATE 79. They couldn't get their hands off each other because they were so in love. 80."I don't need them to believe in true love anymore. I've got you for that now." (Carter and Craig, you must hate us big time. Do you know how mean this is? Showing us a couple for such a long time, giving them a whole season for their wedding, showing that even two broken and messed up people can find together and experience true love. You made many believe in true love-because of barney and Robin- now you destroyed everything. Thank you) 81. Barney going to Robin to the carusell after all. He just was not as fast as Ted. So don't even dare to come with the comment "Ted knows Robin better" 82.We know it was more of a joke, but Barney broke with his family, just to show Robin how much he loves her -- "I'm always gonna have your back, no matter what" (but wifi is the big exception) 83.YOU CHOSE POORLY (just saying) 84. they're lone wolves, but "Maybe we can learn how to work together". And they did. This was the special charme of barney and robin: always afraid of commitment, always Independent and alone, but together they made the perfect match, because they knew what the other one feels and overcame their problems together. But yeah, every couple who grows and develops so much together must get divorced at some point. I mean 1. it's true to life and 2. Nobody is allowed to be that happy, when he isn't based on a writer. So letˋs give Ted (*cough carter*) two happy ends while barney and robin are reduced to their season 1-selves and get none... Life can be wonderful, right? 85. Robin can't have kids- FLASHBACK- she tells barney. And what does barney do? He is concerned about Robin and just hugs her and even asks shyly if this is weird. (Contrary: Ted! When he discovers it, it all turns around him AGAIN. He confesses his love and blablabla...Ted PLEASE, the woman is hurt and has enough emotional things to deal without you already. Leave her alone or hug her or anything, but don't do that. It's rude, not the whole life is about you, Teddy Boy (exception: you are based on Carter Bays, then yeah, sorry, everything is about you) 86. barney saying: "No I never wanted kids, I always liked kids." "I'm not marrying a Future possibility of starting a family. I'm marrying a girl who means more to me than kids." (AND THEN HE ENDS UP BEING A DAD AND WITHOUT ROBIN. ARE YOU AWARE HOW MUCH THAT HURTS. NOTHING IS RIGHT HERE!) 87. The mother saying: No, this is gonna take more than 20 minutes. This is the big one! (And in the finale she suddenly doesn't care they are getting a divorce and barney is picking up Bimbos again? SRSLY, WHAT KIND OF SICK ALTERNATE UNIVERSE WAS THAT?) 88. "From this day, I had one challenge and one challenge only. Get robin scherbatsky fall in love with me." - "Challenge completed" (But of course she ends up with ted, nothing would make more sense at this point (just in case: SARCASM)) 89. " THE REHEARSAL DINNER, THE WHOLE EPISODE, JUST WATCH IT (He brought whole canada to her. He did everything to make her happy. Tell me in what universe stealing a stupid blue french horn is better than this lovely gesture?) 90. "Robin along with the idea that vengeance will soon be mine has made me 100% awesome" "I always felt kinda broken... But I don't feel that way anymore" 91. Sunrise- a whole stupid episode of Ted letting Robin go, watching Robin flying away like a stupid balloon. ALL FOR NOTHING 92. Robin acknowledges the fact Barney only lied to them because he wants them to feel better (....that we could rally). And barney says how much he loves his friends. And they treat him like shit. 93. The wedding!!! Barney willing to give up his lying, because this is the only vow he will make to robin and the only one that counts. 94. Sweetest scene: Robin flings her arms around barney's neck kissing him and they hug. This was so cute and honest and yeah, it made me cry. 95. The ceremony itself. Barney and Robin looking at each other full of love. 96.THEY GET MARRIED. AFTER 6 YEARS OF PINING FOR EACH OTHER THEY GET MARRIED. (AND THEN DIVORCED AND I REALLY NEED SOMEONE TO SLAP REALLY REALLY HARD IN THE FACE) Okay, I think I should get the 100 done, so 97. robin complaining why she can't be "Gretel". Ted tells her she hasn't found the right "Hansel" yet. He tells her she will find the one for whom she wants to dress up and everything. First of all, she SUITED UP for him back in the first season. the Murtaugh List: both of them dress up together. Then, when she discovers barney is one-quarter-canadian, she is so delighted about it and teases him with the mounty-costume. Herself going as a Hockey-player. She had found her Hansel...but suddenly after their divorce, she's the only one at that party not wearing a costume. Anyone else having tears in the eyes??? 98. Both of them love scotch, cigars, Challenges, etc. They have a similar humor and Robin even takes his phrases once in a while (Challenge accepted, true story). In Addition to that barney sees through her right at the beginning. When Ted sees her, he's instantly thinking about getting married, barney saying: "you just know she likes it dirty." Robin hated marriage at that point, but we all know she indeed likes it dirty ;). And the phrasing is kinda revealing to. Ted thinks:"see that girl, I'm gonna marry her someday"- and it's all about him again. Sometimes I really wonder of this guy ever thinks about robin's feelings. She refused him many times and he is still hitting on her with that horn. 99. the first thing she says to Ted when they talk what they like about each other- robin: I think I like your suit. (Who wears suits all the time? Who always tells Ted it suit up? Hmmmm, who was that again? I think his Name begins with a "b") 100. THEY ARE BARNMAN AND ROBIN, THEY ARE R-TRAIN AND B-NASTY, THEY ARE SPARKLES AND SWARLEY... THEY ARE SWARKLES FOREVER <3 So, I know opinions are really different on this. Some think it was the perfect end where the circle with Ted and robin and the Blue french horn is concluded. They see it as a happy end cause Ted is the Main character and he got everything what he wanted: kids and the woman of his dreams. They see that barney could only grow up with having a child. They see that Lily and Marshall both got times for their careers and their kids. I would love to see it this way (though I could never ship Ted/robin. I think they are gross-sorry I can't help myself. No offence), but I can't. What I see is widower-Ted still living in the past, can't moving on, still idealizing a girl that refused and hurt him more than once. I see a lonely Barney, never really accepted by his friends the way he is, never feeling loved. The only one who accepted him is away, but he never felt good enough for her anyway. All his hopes that someday, someone might love him unconditionally are on his daughter. The woman he loved more than anything, the woman he chose over kids is not his anymore, so he hopes there's at least this little baby, depending on him, who has to love him, because kids are supposed to love their children. Barney, though always portrayed as the bad womanizer only searching for one thing: love. His daughter can't be taken away from him. Robin may find another man, but ellie won't find another father, one who loves her as much as I'm sure barney does. That's why I hated the plot with ellie too. Yeah the scene is kinda sweet, but all in all, it's showing barney being changed by something he never wanted as an escape from his sad life. What I see is a lonely Robin. She was willing to choose love over her career- then Don left her, for his career. In my opinion Robin just loved Barney too much and couldn't bear the idea to be left by him too. So she choose the career this time. But not only she Looses the love of her life, the career doesn't seem to fulfil her either. We don't know what happened with her job in 2030, but as it seems, she's not that busy anymore, otherwise she couldn't have Five dogs (AGAIN) and living in the appartement (which looks quite similar to the one from season 1). She wasn't fulfilled back in season 1, she doesn't seem to be fulfilled now either. So what I want to say, I see Robin being lonely, having lost the love of her life, her career successful but not making her too happy either and being glad when someone comes to her. Even if it's the one that she refused before, the one she never really loved, but the one who was always a safe choice in her eyes, who was always available. It's her last chance not to die alone getting eaten by her dogs. What I see is Lily, who always struggled between having a family and a career. Who chose her career over marshall a long time ago. Then she faces this choice again, difference is: she has marvin and another Child on the way. So she has to choose again. Marshall is willing to give her that one year in rome though, but after that? After that, it seems to be over. She is the birthing machine, the supporting wife, but nothing more. So what they did with the women's characters is in a way pretty offending. When a woman can't have kids, she's not worth it (barney is changed by a baby, the only thing she could never give them. And Ted also has two kids). So the Message we got, is that a woman has no value when she can't bear children. We learn that women have to choose. Either they choose their family and give up on their career (Lily) or they put their career first and there will be no place for their loved ones anymore (robin). All in all I think, marshall is the only one that wasn't screwed in this. So what I see are four people, evolving for 9 years, bringing the best out of them, only to put them back in the EXACT same place they have been in season 1. so if that's the story they wanna tell us, that no one can grow cause eventually they will be at the exact same place again, great. So, for me the story was not a fulfilling end, not a circle being finally closed, it was a big disappointment. All the life lessons, all the magic, all of that means nothing. Because all was a lie, all of it was a red herring to keep the fans watching. And in the end, I just can say this: All of it was unnecessary. It would've been the EXACT same story if we'd just seen the pilot and the end. For some this is the greatest thing ever because the pilot along with the end makes perfect sense. For me, it's a huge pain in the heart because all the magic, the evolvement that happened in between is gone. I feel it was a waste of time, putting so much love in creating these characters, letting them grow, only to regress all their evolvement in the end. I loved himym so much and I still do (except the crucial "Last Forever"), but the end was so not worth it.
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steve0discusses · 7 years
Yugioh Ep8 S1: Pharaoh’s Nietzsche Problems
I figured this would be a good show to recap since it’s got maybe about 5 minutes of content an episode...usually. But, the thing about Yugioh is that when it needs to move plot, it really moves a lot of plot. Quite a bit happens this episode, it’s a long recap, so lets just get to it. Starting with Keiba’s brother, Mokuba.
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And no, we haven’t missed anything--he’s just secretly been here the entire time.
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What’s kind of neat about Pegasus’ help is that they are reoccurring characters. This guy with the mustache. The one with the double spike mullet. They are very flat characters, but their presence asks a lot of questions. In this case it’s “do you really want to befriend Mokuba or something? What’s with this silver platter service? Do you guys all hang out? Do you all go to the beach together in your time off and like read magazines with your sunglasses on?”
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And back in the largest drawing room and all of it’s slight perspective errors that are off just enough to cause me great pain, Pegasus is enjoying his weird ass cheese meal.
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When informed that his victim has escaped, he’s not exactly concerned. He’s got cameras all over the island. Also, it’s an ISLAND with only one boat to stow away on and it is nicely guarded. So he figures he should check out how the duels are going with the island computer system. Because ya, of course there’s a camera every five feet on this deserted island. This guy is about one step removed from a Bond Villain.
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Speaking of, Yugi is back to walking aimlessly around the forest with his buddies, just biding his time and blissfully unaware of the karmic retribution soon coming to him because of something his other half did.
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And they run into my brother’s favorite character, double spike mullet man. He’s got a name but for the life of me I will never remember. His weird thing is that he can’t hold someone a normal way. He usually holds them like teddy bears.
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Tristan finally demonstrates why he’s a member of the crew and it really threw me for a loop. Tristan has bizzare gorilla strength--but only occasionally. And predictably he gets soundly kicked by this very nimble double-spiked mullet man, who might be legit invincible.
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And because the Yugi crew can’t not, they decide to take heart and do some justice, like they always do. This episode is like a big caveat for “always do the right thing, though sometimes the right thing would be to leave it alone because you aren’t as good or smart as you think you are, and you might only make things worse with your ineptitude.”
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So, they decide to use the best strategy they could think of in order to catch the chip-napper, which was to just kinda...wait around or something. Turns out they aren’t very smart, which I’m really starting to think may not be entirely their fault since Yugi has only half a brain (though I’m starting to think it’s more a 20-80 Yugi-Pharaoh mix) and the rest are constantly exposed to Pharaoh psychic powers, which must be confusing. They actually do talk--in great detail--about how dumb Joey Wheeler is through the length of this episode, I just didn’t cap it.
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Luckily, Mokuba wasn’t exactly hiding so we very quickly cut to the chase, although it appears Yugi doesn’t really get who this, he’s just got a card addiction and sees dueling as a great way to solve Nearly Any Problem. Including how to deal with theft.
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Ah Joey, the Cassandra who called it first at the haunted Pharaoh necklace Maybe Possessing His Best Friend’s Mind.
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Surprisingly, Seto Keiba’s awake. I just assumed he was in a hospital bed these past 7 episodes. But, apparently he’s walking around...sort of. He got a heavy dose of depression symptoms from the mind-wipe, and that’s not the sort of thing that this show tries to hide.
A lot of kid shows try to tread on this territory. But, this is the only one I’ve seen that goes HARD into mental illness without watering it down into some sort of cute metaphor like Elsa and her ice magic. Kieba doesn’t know how to Keiba anymore. He doesn’t want to do what he used to do. He doesn’t want to be who he used to be. He lost the thing that gave him passion and he’s PISSED.
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And because it’s Yugioh, it’s gotta get Pretty Dark For A Kids Show, and so Keiba walks out of their life and puts all of his very real adult responsibilities on his very little brother who does not understand why.
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While this is actually a pretty accurate portrayal of what depression can do to a family, I just wanna note that they chose to go this route. Usually in a kids show, when a character is “cured” of evil, it’s replaced with something else. Usually, it’s replaced with the goodness that character already had, deep down inside. Maybe a goodness they had as a child. In the case of Keiba...he apparently didn’t have that goodness to begin with.
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Parts of Keiba are just GONE and Pharaohs take is “I fixed him, so you should be happy now.” Like, I have no idea if this show supports Pharaoh or actually wants to portray this as a character flaw, but I assume we’ll find out more later.
Also, remember how I said that Pegasus was once removed from a Bond Villian? Well, he crossed the one degree in a foot-note flashback.
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I had to rewind when I watched this because this whole thing about “I’ll just kidnap him and run the company that way” was so...illegal? Even for a kid’s show it’s so roundabout. I mean we’re dealing with a Psychic so why not just mind control one of the Kiebas? O well. And then there’s the other thing--because Yugi embarrassed Keiba Corp by beating Seto, Pegasus has to prove he’s a better card player in order to seal this shady business deal.  For...some reason?
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Meanwhile, Pharaoh turns himself into a Philosophy 101 major’s first thesis about Nietzsche, as he makes himself the sole definer of what is good and evil and basically ignores what anyone lesser than him might say on the subject because he is Pharaoh and Pharaohs are Right.
Does he care about what he did to Mokuba and his family? Maybe later, but he certainly didn’t really care this episode. He just seems annoyed that other people aren’t like gun-ho about his “just wipe em clean” theory when it’s like, dude, does the medicine really outweigh the cure here? You gave the guy depression.
And although the show keeps saying Keiba was evil--we didn’t see much evidence of that because this all went down in Episode 1. Maybe that’s a lot of my problem in getting to like Pharaoh. I just gotta trust him that Keiba’s evil, but the worst thing I saw him do was tear up a card that Grandpa’s heart was connected to. Keiba still doesn’t even believe in that folktale heart of the cards stuff so should he be judged on that?
This blog just came off of occasionally recapping Once Upon a Time, which is obsessed with “where does good/evil come from?” and so to see this same trope of “We’ll just remove everything evil and it’s fixed!” explored again in another show--I dunno, we’ll see if Yugioh can do a better job. The bar is set pretty low because Once totally botched this.
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My opinion: this mind-wipe seems pretty temporary since it’s not like Keiba chose to get it done, but we’ll see how it goes.
I was honestly surprised to see a show like this actually deliver a good take on the Sailor Moon Moral Savior trope, where she waves her moon healing wand, and evil characters are just “good” in the flash of an eye and all problems are solved and she is heralded as this wonderful savior.
Like seriously last episode was about stabbing the moon with a stone robot, how did we get here from that?
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Meanwhile, back on the island, They’ve decided to do the right thing and it’s screwed them yet again because sometimes the only way to truly fix something when you screw up, is to just never have done it. Sometimes we do bad things thinking that if we get caught we can just fix it later--but there’s a lot of things that aren’t fixable. Sometimes people won’t be available to say sorry to. Sometimes you can’t return what you’ve taken, let it be star chips, time away from your little brother, or actual pieces of someone’s soul. Sometimes you just have to live with that.
Just a quick reminder that last episode revolved around eating fish for lunch.
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Mokuba has such a strong neck now because of all these weird arm grabs. Also, I just realized Double Spike Mullet Man also has Big O type eyebrows and it’s something.
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speaking of freaking too late
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I mean I’m not even going to pretend that’s the real Keiba because youknow it’s a dark show but it hasn’t gone that dark. With the exception of our main character who IS half a zombie but man it’s always nice to see Pharaoh get a good ol slap in the face when he’s on his insufferable God kick.
Anyway, next week we duel a zombie and also find out how this is even possible. I admit I did not see the zombie twist coming that was...I feel like I use the word “unexpected” in every recap but here we are.
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fae-fucker · 7 years
Shatter Me: Chapter 20-21
Chapter 20
Nothing happens in this chapter aside from Juliette whining about having to wear a dress and her and Warner Bros. having yet another conversation about how evil-but-not-evil Warner Bros. is.
Warner Bros.: Nobody has ever loved you and I’m the only one willing to treat you with decency and respect.
That wasn’t a joke by the by. If you think “Surely Warner Bros. wouldn’t take a page right out of Emotional Manipulation 101, he’s supposed to be the good guy eventually!”, what are you even DOING on my blog?
Here’s what he says:
“The world is disgusted by you,” he says, his lips twitching with humor. “Everyone you’ve ever known has hated you. Run from you. Abandoned you. Your own parents gave up on you and volunteered your existence to be given up to the authorities. They were so desperate to get rid of you, to make you someone else’s problem, to convince themselves the abomination they raised was not, in fact, their child.”
“And yet—” He laughs openly now. “You insist on making me the bad guy.” He meets my eyes. “I am trying to help you. I’m giving you an opportunity no one would ever offer you. I’m willing to treat you as an equal. I’m willing to give you everything you could ever want, and above all else, I can put power in your hands. I can make them suffer for what they did to you.” He leans in just enough. “I can change your world.”
But it’s ok, because [insert your common excuse here]! Boyfriend goals! 
He’s wrong he’s so wrong he’s more wrong than an upside-down rainbow.
Does Tahereh Mafi know about the concept of tone? 
“I’ll just write this supposedly intense moment of confrontation and then make the reader conjure up bizarre and silly visuals! Makes perfect sense!”
“You might find yourself enjoying this situation a lot more than you anticipated. Lucky for you, I’m willing to be patient.” He grins. Leans back. “Though it certainly doesn’t hurt that you’re so alarmingly beautiful.”
Of course she fucking is. Bitch has been starving for 200+ days but she’s still bangable as ever! How convenient that all these YA heroines look fuckable even when they shouldn’t! But we can’t have a dirty uggo as a protagonist, can we now? Can’t have someone who shows signs of what’s been done to them physically, that’s just gross! All young girls need is more pressure on looking attractive despite feeling like shit for reasons outside of their control!
We also find out that Warner Bros. is ... nineteen. 
Chapter 21
A week passes and Warner doesn’t allow Juliette to speak to anybody but him. 
Boyfriend goals!!! I literally orgasmed when I read that, guys. He’s just so HOT. 
One day Juliette asks Warner to remove the cameras in her room so she can talk to Adam freely, and Warner says that she can’t be trusted to be on her own. 
*shaking violently, frothing at the mouth* BOYFRIEND GOALS!!!
Warner Bros. reminds Juliette of that time she accidentlaly murdered someone and she has an angsty flashback. 
It happened at a grocery store (idk how Juliette got there without supervision or who would bring her with them on a trip to the grocery store) and there was a shitty young mother there with her child on a literal leash. The boy falls over and Juliette drops her stuff so she can help but ends up murdering the kid instead.
How very angsty. Let’s not question any of this (because boy, do I have questions) and just move on, because I’m tired of this crappy book and I want it to be over. 
Juliette murdered a kid, sad sad cry cry angst angst, over it.
Juliette manages to get over it too, because she insists on having the cameras removed, which makes Warner Bros. really happy. He says some more of his typical manipulative shit about how she’s burning with hatred and power and how they’ll make a wonderful team. 
I mean ... he’s right, isn’t he? Isn’t that basically what happens in the end? 
So not only is this abuser not properly portrayed as one, he probably turns out to be right in the end. If not that, then Juliette will eventually learn to control her powers and accept them as tools for domination in one way or another, because that’s the power fantasy this book is peddling.
Who wouldn’t want an attractive, powerful person telling them how attractive and powerful you are and how amazing you’d be together? Juliette’s resistance at this point is just there to stretch out the conflict, it’s another thing that needs to be corrected before she and Warner Bros. can become the ultimate #relationship goals. 
Ugh, we get more of the same damn conversation that they’ve had every goddamn chapter (”I’m not a monster!” “Yes you are!”) 
He tightens his hold around my arms and I can’t squirm away from him. He leans in dangerously close to my face and I don’t know why but I can’t breathe. “I’m not afraid of you, my dear,” he says softly. “I’m absolutely enchanted.”
See how hot he is! Don’t you feel powerful, presumed straight teen girl reading this? A hot, dangerous man telling you how enchanted he is by you?
Fuck off.
“You’re absolutely delicious when you’re angry.” 
“Too bad my taste is poisonous for your palate.” I’m vibrating in disgust from head to toe. 
“That detail makes this game so much more appealing.”
Juliette is disgusted, but the reader is supposed to find this endearing and even appealing (”Look how kinky Warner Bros. is, teehee!”), since we know she falls for him eventually.
Warner Bros. says he’ll remove the cameras if she touches him. Juliette is all wah-wah, I can’t do that! 
But like ... why? You know if you hate him so much, touching him could mean killing him, and I know that you’re all sad about what a meanie meanie murderer you are and how that would make him right and you can’t have that, but you know what it could also make him? Dead. 
I’m so fucking tired of female YA characters klinging to their cheap and ultimately pointless morals instead of showing some stone-cold pragmatism. But that would make them heartless bitches, wouldn’t it? Women always have to be pure and good! 
If there was a man holding me hostage, torturing the one person I cared about, I wouldn’t care how much he wanked on about how evil I am, I’d murder him dead the moment he offered. (If I were in Juliette’s shoes, I mean.)
And in this case, she literally has nothing to lose. Either he dies, or he gets rid of the cameras. But nooooo. Juliette is not a murderer! She won’t let Warner Bros. be right! She hates this man so much that she’ll rather suffer to keep her moral high ground instead of fucking getting rid of him forever or at least hurt him a bit for shits and giggles.
Because women are pure and good, you see! They should suffer to be pure while the men get to do all the questionable stuff, because men can get their hands dirty and get shit done!
Juliette has a spine, I’ll give her that, but it grows in the wrong direction for the wrong reasons, and it makes her weak and stupid. 
Warner says that Juliette will have to torture people eventually.
“Inflicting pain, you see, is an incredibly efficient method of getting information out of anyone. And with you?” He glances at my hands. “Well, it’s cheap. Fast. Effective.”
*long, tired sigh*
Torture is the least effective method of getting information out of anyone. LITERALLY LESS EFFECTIVE THAN JUST NOT ASKING AT ALL. 
You know why? Because people lie to stop the pain. They will tell you what they think you want them to hear just to make you stop.
Here’s a great source of info on torture if y’all want to read about why it’s ineffective and here’s info about the effective ways of getting information out of someone (hint: pain ain’t it).
Torture is typical in fictional stories because it’s so shocking and dramatic, and because writing interesting dialogue and persuasion is hard. In real life, things aren’t that simple. 
“I”—I swallow—“I am not—I’m not—I’m—” 
“A murderer?” 
“An instrument of torture?” 
“You’re lying to yourself.”
I’m ready to destroy him.
Except you’re evidently not, so I guess you are lying to yourself.
Warner Bros. does some more manipulative shit that’s actually pretty intriguing and would be kinda frightening except he’s supposed to be her future LOVE INTEREST, so this just all comes off as abusive and gaslight-y as fuck. 
He’s of course right about every one of his assumptions about her personality and the state of her mind. 
“You think I don’t have a heart? You think I don’t feel? You think that because I can inflict pain, that I should? You’re just like everyone else. You think I’m a monster just like everyone else. You don’t understand me at all—”
I want to praise Juliette for actually standing up for herself, but at the same time, I’m just so fucking tired of female characters constantly being treated like shit but always expected to take it, to accept it, to keep their hearts pure of hatred and resentment. 
I want more women to be angry, to be resentful, to be vengeful and furious and ready to unleash their wrath on the world. We have so many Juliettes already, in the real world. And yes, it takes strength to be kind despite everything that’s been done to you, but female characters are so rarely allowed to be angry. Women aren’t allowed to be angry. 
Now, I’m not saying I want Juliette to go full Rambo and start murdering people for shits and giggles. What I am saying is that I want her to be mad. I fully understand why she hates herself, but I’m tired of the fact that she seems to think that those people, who hated and mistreated her, are somehow innocents and she’s the monster. 
I want her reluctance to kill/torture people to just be ... normal. Of course she doesn’t want to kill people, that’s just basic human decency dammit. But here, it’s presented as if she cares about all her potential victims, as if she doesn’t want to hurt those good good people who deserve better than to be tortured by such a disgusting and unworthy creature like herself. 
She’s supposed to be this beacon of goodness, look how strong and loving she is towards the masses despite the shit they’ve done to her! She values them above herself!
“I value human life a lot more than you do, Warner.”
That’s what pisses me off.
If I were writing Juliette, she’d be like “No, fuck off, I hate everyone but I won’t kill or torture people because I don’t wanna. It’s shitty and it’ll destroy me and the victim mentally and I just don’t want that, ya know? Deal with it. Bye.”
“There is a soldier living in my room.” I’m breathing hard. “If you want me to be here, you need to get rid of the cameras.” 
Warner’s eyes darken for just an instant. “Where is your soldier, anyway?”
“I wouldn’t know.” I hope to God I’m not blushing. “You assigned him to me.” 
“Yes.” He looks thoughtful. “I like watching you squirm. He makes you uncomfortable, doesn’t he?”
Boyfriend goals! 
Anyway, turns out that Warner Bros. assigned Adam to her because Adam volunteered, which I guess isn’t suspicious at all, Adam, you idiot.
Apparently, Adam remembers Juliette from when they were kids! Oh joy, more shit for Juliette to angst over. I don’t even know why this is so important to her. I don’t know why anything that’s important to her is important to her, to be fair.
Juliette concludes that this was all a trap, and Warner reinforces it by saying some shit about how Adam talked about wanting to see what happened to the “freak” she’s become.
Juliette of course believes this man she supposedly hates and who knows how to push her buttons, and gets pissed and asks Warner to take off his shirt.
Because obviously we need to remind people that Warner is a love interest, when he could’ve just taken off a glove or let her bitchslap him to death. 
Warner drops his clothes to the floor and looks at me almost intimately. I have to swallow back the revulsion bubbling in my mouth. His perfect face. His perfect body. His eyes as hard and beautiful as frozen gemstones. He repulses me.
Oh yeah. We can totally tell how much he repulses you. 
Ain’t that right, reader? Don’t you just hate how hot Warner is? 
Very, very manipulative, Tahereh. Very disgusting. 
Warner acts all sexy and Juliette is angsting that she’s “contemplating torture”. Except she’s not. He’s literally asking for it. At most she should be angsting about satisfying his kink.
Juliette flips her absolute shit again because she’s a huge, useless fucking wimp and Tahereh doesn’t know how to plot, somebody introduce Tahereh to plot, so she has to stall and move one step forward and two steps back before she lets anything fucking happen.
Adam is there to catch her in his strong arms at the end though, and Warner does remove the cameras and bugs, saying he’s expecting her to uphold the end of her bargain.
I hate this fucking book.
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little-sundays · 7 years
Dark Chocolate
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Street racers!AU
warnings: lovemaking! (for real this time), tragic, asylum, Daniel’s fucking perspective, he’s so in love with you that he becomes the most broken character in the series, depressing, too emotional for any fan, expect flashbacks, longer than what you think, past two years before the incident.
Daniel observed his friends talking and laughing inside their headquarters like it was a normal day–but it wasn’t. However, he smiled at the boys drinking, the others trying to impress his cousin, and the picture of you hidden inside his wallet. Finally, he stood up and went to his room to pack a few things such as a bag of sweets, an album, and one of your favorite CD’s.
“Where’s he heading to?” Jaehwan asked Seongwoo whilst pointing at Daniel carrying a bag. He heard this of course, but the question wasn’t of value to him.
Seongwoo then answered, “Probably going to steal more cats.”
Daniel halted when he realized his best friend was clueless of who you were. But his cousin was able to provide the correct answer to Jaehwan’s question, “He’s visiting his lover.”
“Lover? That man actually knows how to love?” Jisung questioned after question. 
Daniel left the building before he got to hear the rest of the story; he hopped into his automobile, placing the bag next to him remembering what you used to say, “When I’m not around, put a cat, a bag, or a teddy bear on the passenger’s seat so you won’t feel so lonely.”
“What’s she like?” Seonho inquired. The female described every little detail of Daniel’s half to everyone since they were all curious to know and all ears for it, “She used to be beautiful, not only of appearance–but also of her personality; strong willed, witty, and confident. However, Daniel broke her when she found out who murdered her brother years ago.”
The bartender paused for a bit before continuing, “Now, she’s held captive in asylum, and it fucked Daniel up. You may see him smile almost everyday, but he’s never really happy. It’s sad to believe that whatever he loved–he ended up destroying. It kills him in an extremely slow pace like being tortured on repeat.”
Daniel went inside your room seeing you sound asleep on the bed. He placed his bag onto the floor before climbing the bed to lie next to you. He wrapped his arm around your body as you shifted closer to his warmth on instinct.
You turned around facing him which made his chest jump and his breathing uneven. You looked healthier than before, he thought. A memory came across his mind as you wrapped your arms around his fragile body, your heartbeat steady against his harsh one.
He averted his attention to you leaning against the wall of his club. You felt someone’s eyes pierce into your skin, so you looked up at him. He smiled at you before you returned the favor then putting all your focus back to your phone.
Daniel walked closer to you until he was only a meter away from you. Yet you were the first one to break the silence, “I’m not selling my body, if you’re wondering.”
He shoved his hands inside the pockets of his pants replying, “I wasn’t intending to ask or do that. However, I did want to ask why you’re waiting outside.”
“I don’t do clubbing.” You answered frankly. Daniel was captivated by you that midnight; he knew both of you hardly knew each other, though he still leaned in to kiss you as you allowed him to.
You opened your eyes slowly, readjusting to the light coming from your window till Daniel’s soft features came to a clear view. You wondered if it was a dream where Daniel was just yours and that he wasn’t a mafia at all. You caressed his cheek as you remembered the day he showed up in front of your house.
“We need to go,” Daniel said. He tried to grab your hand and lead you towards his car, but you kept your ground. You interrogated him, “What are you trying to hide from me?”
Daniel ran his fingers through his hair before he responded, “Trust me, they’re going to torture you and I may never forgive myself if I hand you easily over to them.”
“I can’t trust you, if you don’t tell me.” You told him as your eyes scanned his own. A feeling of remorse flooded him when he hit you with the truth, “I’m Kang Daniel, the heir of 101, and I can’t lose you too.”
Your eyebrows furrowed at him as he pulled you to his car. He panicked when you rested your hand on top of his and said, “Let me take the wheel.”
Daniel nodded his head slowly at you before switching seats; he heard from his cousin once that there was a faster drifter than Sungwoon before he entered, it never came to mind that it would be you.
As the cars sprinted towards your own, you pulled on the gear shift before you kicked on the pedal and moved backwards. Daniel held onto the door of his car as his eyes were on the road before him. You, on the other hand, did a reverse drift before pressing harder on the accelerator.
It was twilight, so not many people were on the streets. You took this opportunity to max the speed of your car before one of those vehicles tried to block your way, rather than slowing down or turning back, you sped up even more to hit the car and flip it over.
You backed away turning to your right and cranking the gear to a five. Daniel snapped his head to check if they were trailing behind you.
“They’re behind us,” he said.
You shifted your gaze to the rearview mirror, the two automobiles ran between you slowly motioning closer to trap you inside. Immediately, you slowed your pace until the two crashed into each other. You took a left turn to a parking lot, leaving Daniel’s car behind and transferring to a new one.
He sat down on the driver’s seat, afterwards he started the engine up and drove silently to his place. He glanced at you briefly asking, “Where did you learn how to drive like that?”
“My brother used to be part of an illegal street racing competition.” You explained. “He thought me how to drive and trained me to become better than him.”
You paused momentarily, “until he died. He was shot in the head, and it didn’t look like he committed suicide; it seemed more like his death was planned. So I took his place, but I discontinued after three years.”
“When did you start?” He asked again. This time you sighed, “When I was sixteen, Daniel.”
The way you said his name made him shut his mouth close and his heart pound in his chest like a mad dog. It made him drunk over you.
He caught a glimpse of your melancholic grin as he peered at you. He fished out the bag of candies remembering your favorites.
You took a bite of his ice cream when his attention was directed on the television. He noticed you bite on the last bit of dessert, so he faced your direction and closed the gap between you. Your fingers threaded through his strands pulling him closer against you.
Daniel grasped your thighs to wrap around his waist. He pushed his tongue past your lips savoring the taste of the chocolate ice cream. This made your chest heave as he brushed his lips on your neck and moved his hands higher up your thighs.
You ground down your hips to his earning a groan from him in result. Daniel slid his palm underneath your shirt to feel the skin beneath before pulling the remaining clothes off both of you.
He watched you hold dearly onto his neck as he pressed his hips onto yours. Your eyes closing tightly as you panted softly against his ear. Daniel restrained himself wanting this to last longer, thus saying, “You don’t know how crazy you make me.”
You could only sigh at his remark, but to him it was just the right response. 
Daniel sat you both up taking an old album from his bag, you both looked at the pictures of a few years ago. It made his chest hurt when you brushed your index finger over the picture of you and your brother; it made him remember the pain you felt when you found out that he was the murderer.
“What’s this?”  You asked looking at the necklace lying on Daniel’s drawer. It resembled that of your brother’s until you saw the rough carving of his name at the back. You stumbled backwards then turned to him, his eyes were wide with remorse. You breathed heavily through your nose before whispering, “You killed my brother.”
Daniel was frozen to the ground as you kept whispering the same sentence to yourself pacing back and forth, then finally keeping your eyes on him. You exclaimed, “You kept this a secret from me. You’re a murderer, Daniel!”
You shoved your things into your bag hurriedly. Daniel tried to stop you from leaving, only this fueled your anger. Suddenly, you slapped him across the face before departing. Daniel dropped to his knees, because he knew that he would only hurt you more if he followed you. He cried, punching the floor of his room, and laughing at his own cruel behavior.
Daniel dismissed the thought and brought you the CD’s you liked listening to. He wanted to hear you speak again; he always wanted to hear you say his name again. Daniel regretted his whole life when you left, but it was worse when he heard you were being taken care of in a psychiatric hospital.
He pressed his lips to yours to reminisce the feel of yours on his. Taking his time to nibble on your bottom lip before leaning away. He begged you, “I love you, so please say it one more time.”
You smiled softly at him and he took this as a cue for him to leave. He pressed his last kiss on your forehead before taking his leave.
He was about to close the door of your room until he heard you speak with a sad smile on your face, “Please don’t come back.”
Daniel forced out a smile of his own before closing the door completely.
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so i'm assuming that all the reincarnated ham crew look like their musical actors, which, awesome. but i was thinking about jefferson, who was a racist fucker being reincarnated as a black man. like. how would that even go down?
*emerges from cave, shamefaced* Right, so, does anyone remember that this AU exists?  Because I swear to God I didn’t forget, I just only now have had the time.  I actually have a bunch of prompts for it, not all of them are going to get written based on...like...my inspiration level, but also this series is alive again, so like.  Yep.  Here is some Jefferson.  Full disclosure, I dislike Jefferson and think his economic plan was some racist bullshit, so...that is evident.
To all you newcomers, I do recommend reading the other stuff, even if you could probably figure it out.  
All In One Spot AU
So, the academic affairs office holds out longer than theirpredecessor.  Not by much, but by alittle.  It takes two full weeks for Alexto hammer through his petition to be allowed to take more than max credits—and it’squite a petition.  Angelica takes one look at the twenty-page,double-sided, single-spaced letter to the dean of academics and disavows anyinvolvement, and John grins fondly, remarking that the dean has no idea what he’sgotten into.
The dean, incidentally, has lived his life with pleasantly dim memoriesof Philedelphia with cobblestone streets and a vague impression that he knowsthe unfortunate teacher annually strong-armed into teaching History of theAmerican Revolution.  He recalls verylittle else of his time in the Continental Congress—indeed, at gunpoint hecouldn’t have identified what exactly he was doing, back then.
He has a blindingly vividflashback upon looking at the first page of the letter—the pamphlet, really—and immediately feeds the entire thing through hisshredder.
“Jake,” he says, sticking his head out of his office to look at hissecretary.
“Yes, sir?”
“Approve whatever Hamilton’s request was before he sends anymoreletters.  I’ve seen enough for severallifetimes.”
“You got it, boss,” says Jake, whose past life was a blissfullyunremarkable farmer in the Italian countryside and who therefore has no ideathat his boss is sparing them all a lot of trouble.
Now, the reason this matters is because Alex walks into his Econ 101class for the first time two weeks into the semester, takes one look at thelesson outline the grad student wrote on the board, and makes a sound ofabsolute incoherent horror.
“Oh my god,” Alex says faintly, frozen in place two steps inside thedoor.  He was never an especiallyreligious person, but he’s wondering if maybe the universe is punishing him forpast crimes.  He’s not saying one way orthe other if he deserves it, but this seems excessive.  “Jefferson is haunting me from beyond thegrave.”
“Listen, kid,” sighs the grad student. She wears her hair buzzed short on one side and is clutching her coffeealmost as fiercely as Alex is, and he thinks this is maybe not her first classtoday from the also, I don’t carelook on her face.  “We’re doing a reviewof some basic socioeconomic structures, and the Jeffersonian/Hamiltonian debateis, like, critical.  So could you--”
“But it’s bullshit,” Alexbursts out before he can even try to hold his tongue.  “It was bullshit when Jefferson first came upwith it, and it’s bullshit now.”
“Jesus Christ,” a voice fromsomewhere in the front third of the lecture hall mutters.  A tall figure unfolds itself from a chair andsays, “Have you ever taken an economics class in your life?”
Alex can actually taste the way his blood pressure skyrockets.  It occurs to him, briefly, that someone—possiblyEliza, also possibly the General—might kill him if he starts a fight right now,but.  On the other hand.  He’s going to start a fight.  He’s got no choice, basically.
“Have you?” he demands rudely,turning to stare up the lecture hall at the young man—maybe a sophomore, he’stoo angry to be sure, but he’s wearing a very questionable magenta hoodie andhis hair is even fluffier than Lafayette’s and honestly he has a very punchableface, in Alex’s humble opinion—and narrowing his eyes.  “I mean, do you have a single legitimateargument for why Jefferson’s bullshit plan would work?  Because let me just say, plenty of Southernersloved to sit around and talk about how the country was being railroaded by thebig cities in the North but--”
“If the North can’t balance their own needs with the supply they cangenerate, why should the South--”
Fine, if that’s how he wants to play it. Alex raises his voice to try to drown the other guy out.  “If the South wants to call itself a part ofa country, it needs to support--”
“State-by-state trade--”
“—what, you expect landowners to share their profits freely enough tokeep a country alive, God you’re naïve--”
“—freedom from the chokeholdof a national bank--”
“—so the country can be held hostage by the South?”
“Farms and farm owners should be able to dictate where their finances--”
“—can’t punish the North for the sin of not having huge arable fields--”
“—your vaunted manufacturing facilities cover it?”
By now they’re bellowing at each other over the heads of the rest of theclass, real anger kicking up an intellectual debate into something familiar,and so Alex isn’t really surprised by the next slip of his tongue.  Old habits, new dogs—old dogs?  Something like that.
Point is, Alex slams his textbook down onto the grad student’s table andhollers, “Goddamnit, Jefferson, I wasright and history proves it, get off your fucking high horse!”
There’s a long couple seconds where Alex remembers, in the dead silencethat’s settled on the lecture hall, that he was kind of planning to keep a lidon that?   Oh well, any hope of secrecywas blown to shit by Washington’s class anyway and fuck it, he’s right, he was right then and he’s right now, andfurthermore—
“Go fuck yourself, Hamilton,” the tall guy says, and Alex has a smallheart attack.
“Jesus God, fucking Christ, what the fuck,” the grad student blurts allat once in a rush, but Alex doesn’t answer her, too busy taking a deep breathto launch his next volley.
Admittedly, it’s not a gracious one, but listen, just listen: Alex is not a gracious personand no one ever said he was, certainly never more than once, and definitely notafter having an argument with him.  
“Hey, look, I’m sure it’s rough to realize that all your best effortsonly ended in Andrew Jackson’s racist ass closing down the federal bank andlanding us all neck deep in shit a hundred and fifty years later--”
“Excuse me, I wrote--”
Alex drives over the tall guy’s protests—Jefferson’s protests, and wow, he’s going to hear about this fromWashington later.  “—but you really haveto get over your bullshit economic plan and just admit that it depends on slavery.”
“It does not!”
“Oh my god it does, it totallydoes, the only way your plan works is if there’s basically no economic overheadfor labor, and like, listen, buddy, I’m not sure if anyone ever told you this,but we had a whole war about the slavery thing, it was a very big deal, itkilled like a million people and then we agreed that slavery was bad.”  Alex pauses and very slowly arches an eyebrowat Jefferson, enjoying this…probably more than he should.  “Do youagree that slavery was bad, Thomas?” he asks with a wide smile.
If Jefferson purses his lips any harder, Alex thinks they might actuallyfuse.  “Still an asshole and animmigrant, I see.”
“Well, not all of us had such an easy karmic target on our backs as,say, just for example, a slave owner with a realbad track record getting brought back as a black guy,” Alex points outgenerously.  “If Maria shows up, I’m morethan happy to let her follow Peggy’s example and punch me, I’m doing mypenance.”
“I don’t deserve this,” Jefferson tells the ceiling.
“I dunno, man,” the girl sitting next to him says.  “Sounds like you might.  Like, I did the reading and your plan was kind of bullshit.”
Honestly this is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to him—well,no, it’s not even the greatest thing to happen to him this month, but it’s upthere, okay, it’s way up there.  “I feel so, so validated,” Alex tells thegrad student, who looks like she might be in shock?  Her eyes are wide and her jaw is slack, so hecocks his head and asks, “Are you okay?”
She shuts her mouth with a click, closes her eyes, swallows.  Pinches the bridge of her nose between herthumb and finger.  It’s shockinglysimilar to Washington’s patented Headache Pose that always appeared during thelatest cabinet battle royal.  
“Can you two be trusted to not kill each other if you sit on oppositesides of the hall?”
“Come on, now, we worked together for like—most of a couple decades,”Alex says after a second of mental math.
“Yeah,” she says, opening her eyes and visibly trying not to be star struck, which Alex…appreciates, to becompletely honest.  “And then you, youknow, mutually annihilated each other and he spent a couple more decades tryingto blackball your name out of the history books.”
“It’s so rare that I feel like the bigger person,” Alex says, bouncingon his toes.
“That’s because you’re unnaturally small,” Jefferson mutters, sullenlyresuming his seat.
“I am not listening to baseless insults about my height right now, thankyou, Jefferson, I have the eternal trump card and there’s nothing you can doabout it.”
The grad student puts her head back into her hand, and squeezes her eyesshut.
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