#produce 101 smut
bisexualnerd · 2 months
Writer tag game
I wasn’t tagged, but I saw the game randomly posted by another user so I want to play anyway! (red for fic links and blue for series links)
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
35 (and only one draft because I don't really like working on multiple projects at the same time)
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
I write the most for Batfam, mostly Tim and Jason but usually, the whole fam (more or less) is also there.
I write a bit more for some other fandoms but there are only one or two fics for each (2021 Produce 101 - Chuang Zao Ying, Hollywood Undead (but these fics are not finished), Julie and The Phantoms (1 fic - finished), Arsenal Military Academy + The Legends (they are kinda connected in 1 fic) and I have like, one translation project too.
I'm hoping to write Star Wars fics one day too. Really like the whole time travel thing and Obi-Wan is my beloved.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Monster Under My Bed (The Monster Down The Hall)
"Back Away From Him."
if i lose everything in the fire, i'm sending all my love to you
A Pile of Sleeping Birds
5. do you respond to comments?
All of the comments, definitely. I really enjoy reading and replying to them and sometimes, I even come back to re-read the comments to feel validated 🤣
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I write angst a lot but I have a thing for happy endings. But if I look at the fics individually and not like, as a part of a bigger series, it might be i have so much to say but you're so far away. But if not just the ending but the whole plot in general, it can be any fic really (I would recommend Restless Heart Syndrome, And Now You're Home, The Monster Under My Bed (The Monster Down The Hall), and What The Heart Remembers).
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
They all have some sort of happy endings (though some fics that are a part of a series might not but the series will have happy endings). But since all I have talked about is Batfam, I would recommend this from Julie and the Phantoms. I don't write romance often, but this is just a short soft, cute love story of two ghosts (Reggie and an OC based on his real-life wife) plus some humour in the band - ‘Cause I’m Not Too Far And You’re My Favorite Place. I was very satisfied with how it turned out and I still come back to re-read for my own enjoyment a few times so I hope you guys will give it a chance.
8. do you get hate on fics?
My most controversial fic would be Hold Me Close, Don't Let Go (Watch Me Burn) but it's not like people showed hate to me. They just didn't like the story and how I wrote it so there were some unpleasant comments. The newest one, I think I did well with my response. It's a rather heavy fic because I went through a really rough time when I was writing it (along with many others) so if you want to read it, be careful.
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't. My fics are all rated G or T (mostly because of swearing and violence, and also some with suicidal theme or idealisation because I did have a really bad time).
10. do you write crossovers?
Just for two fandoms, Arsenal Military Academy & The Legends, because they share the same lead actor and actress so I thought it would be fun to write something about reincarnation. It's Then and Now, Forever and Always.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think I'm famous enough for that.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, into Chinese, actually. It's The Monster Under My Bed (The Monster Down The Hall). The link to the translated fic is in the fic.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not really. I planned my current series How To Steal A Brother with my friend Den and she is also my beta-reader for this series but I still write all of the stuff, which she reads and corrects the mistakes for me later.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
That's hard to choose. I really like Robin (Dick Grayson) and Starfire. It was like my first ship ever because I watched Teen Titans as a child. I also like Marinette/Adrien, very cute but the secondhand embarrassment is not very healthy for me (at least she has gotten better at interacting with him). The Doctor (10th) and Rose was one heartbreak that got me crying like a baby in 8th grade.
So honestly, I don't think I can pick because those were the three that came to my mind first, but I still have like a few dozen left.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
The Hollywood Undead fic - When Gravity Pulls You In. It was a really fun idea but then I ran into a big writer's block and I haven't recovered for this fic. I have been writing for Batfam again but I doubt I can go back and finish this one (at least anytime soon).
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't think I'm too good with dialogue but I do have a strength in describing and like some sort of metaphor (English is not my first language so this is a difficult question to answer). I don't know if this is also considered a strength but like I said, I don't really write many fics at the same time so I can manage them pretty well. Most of my fics are completed before I move on to another one.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. And I forget a lot of stuff so I have to go back to the earlier part so the plot won't be inconsistent. And of course, I write in English, which is not my mother tongue, so sometimes, I lack vocabulary or my grammar can feel weird.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I mean, I would add translation or explanation very subtly in there. But I saw a Star Wars fic where the writer had like, floating texts or something for the conversations in Mando'a so like, I will research on that if I need to write in another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Batfam. Tim-centric.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Damn, that's like asking a parent for their fav child on national television.
In terms of like, wording and metaphors and descriptions and all the technical stuff - And Now You're Home - because some of my fav paragraphs are in here. In terms of logic, time can never change for the flying bird under the summer sun because I went crazy with all the planning for the whole time-travel-but-nothing-changes-the-future thing. In terms of plot, i'm so out of touch with everyone, and everything's a blur to me. This was one of my earlier ones but when I came back to this earlier this year, I found it so enjoyable and fascinated. I couldn't even believe I wrote this one. But it is a part of a series so you might want to check out I've Got You Brother.
This has been fun and I have been shamelessly PR-ing my fics. I don't really know who to tag so anyone else who wants to play, go ahead and have fun!
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candyshua · 5 years
Linger {Lee Hangyul x Kim Yohan x Reader} Chapter 2
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Navigating high school was expected to be difficult, but it was even more challenging without Mom there to guide you…
After the death of your mother, you move into your aunt’s tiny apartment amid the streets of Seoul. With your father working hard in the military, there was no way he could take care of you. Never in your seventeen years of living would you have expected to meet someone quite like the two boys you met. Their names were Kim Yohan and Lee Hangyul, and those names would soon become ingrained in your brain forever.
All you had wanted to do was survive…You wanted to get through the last year of high school without much trouble.
Yet, that was a faraway fantasy. No matter how much you wanted your past to go away, it would follow you wherever you went.
Warnings: Death, murder, violence, traumatic events, PTSD, bullying.
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 2627
Friendship. In its entirety, it was something you craved. You desired to have a platonic bond with someone, but ever since the death of your mother, you were an outcast, a pariah. Yet, at Cheongdam High School, the students didn’t know that. You wanted to keep it that way.
One day, you were having lunch with your friend Song Hyeongjun. Hyeongjun was a funny boy, he was younger than you and had an odd yet charming aura to him. Sometimes, Hangyul and Yohan would join you two for lunch, but they usually took their lunchtime to go to Yohan’s father’s taekwondo studio. The two of them were fantastic fighters, according to Hyeongjun. 
Despite never having seen him fight, you didn’t doubt one bit that Kim Yohan was exceptional at it. You didn’t doubt Kim Yohan at all, in fact, you believed in him. You trusted him. During those past three months of getting to know him, he had snuck his way into your heart. Yet, it was oddly comforting, seeing as you didn’t want him to leave your heart. 
“I’m done, Hyeongjun. I’m gonna go outside for a bit.” You explained while cleaning up your tray filled with half-finished food. You picked up your backpack and went.
You arrived outside and decided to settle on a bench in front of the school. The school itself was huge and was protected by a huge gate. Beyond the gate was the beautiful setting of Seoul, the city you had grown to love just as if it were your home.
The blue sky was bright and inviting, along with the few wispy clouds scattered across the landscape. You felt truly content. 
You took out your backpack and rummaged through it, looking for your phone, wanting to take a picture of this beautiful day. 
Just as you were about to take the wonderful photo, a rather rude group of girls came by and ruined your entire mood.
The leader of the crew, Juda, wasn’t exactly your favorite person. She was known for being in love with Lee Hangyul, which didn’t affect you much. She would always whisper bad things about you, which you didn’t pay much attention to, but you still acknowledged the fact that she was rude to you. 
Juda leaned down and took your phone from your hand, her dyed chestnut brown hair aggressively brushing your face while doing so. You immediately attempted to get it back, but your wrist was grabbed by one of Juda’s friends. You sighed exasperatedly.
“Can I have my phone back, please? While I’m asking nicely?” You threatened, your voice on the brink of breaking from pure frustration.
Nobody seemed to notice Kim Yohan and Lee Hangyul walking towards the scene, ready to help out. Yet, fortunately for them, they didn’t have to do much. The moment Juda tried to punch you, you blocked it immediately. When one of her friends tried to kick you from behind, you jumped up and dodged it just in time. Soon, the group of four girls were all ready to attack, swinging aimlessly and unsuccessfully. Within two minutes, the four girls had their butts on the ground, groaning in defeat. You grabbed your phone, which was on the ground near Juda, luckily unscathed. 
“You should’ve just given me my phone back.” You calmly retorted, a smirk filled with victory etched onto your face. 
Yet, the smirk was completely washed off of your face the moment you turned around. There stood Kim Yohan and Lee Hangyul, and during that moment, you wanted nothing else but to disappear. Expecting them to cower in fear, it was much to your surprise when they started clapping.
“That was...impressive.” Yohan murmured as he wore a sly grin. You then visibly untensed, but you still couldn’t hide your shock.
“Relax, Y/N, we’re not gonna report you or anything.” Hangyul giggled, which made you breathe a sigh of relief.
“Oh.” You managed to muster.
“Oh?” Yohan teased, quirking an eyebrow. Yohan was handsome alright; his big brown eyes, sleek black hair, and pink plump lips were tangible evidence.
“I should go…” You suggested, but you were stopped by Yohan’s grip on your wrist. You didn’t miss the way your heartbeat quickened, and you certainly didn’t miss the spark you felt when he touched you. You turned around, your skin on fire from his touch. You never wanted him to let go.
“Where did you learn to fight like that? I know those girls, and they aren’t bad fighters.” Yohan questioned, his hand still around your wrist. You were so focused on him that you missed Hangyul looking at you with longing in his eyes. He had so desperately wanted to break you two apart, but he knew you had already fallen for Kim Yohan, the best student in the school and his best friend. But he couldn’t do that to him or to you.
“My dad serves in the military, and he made me start taking Taekwondo when I was five. I just stopped recently, since I can’t afford it.” You muttered.
“Well, would you like to start again? Free of charge!”
The look you gave Yohan was incredulous. Your eyebrows were basically sky high, your mouth was basically underground from how far it dropped, and your eyes popped out of your head. It took you a moment to compose yourself.
“I help volunteer at a Taekwondo studio with Hangyul. We teach kids and practice by ourselves as well. Would you like to join us?” 
You pondered the idea. For a moment, you almost said no, since you felt like you were intruding. However, you didn’t have the stomach nor the heart to turn down Kim Yohan, so you ended up smiling and nodding.
“I’d love to.”
And so it began. Your bond with the two boys was strengthened little by little. Each session you taught brought the three of you closer together. 
On one Friday evening, Hangyul noticed your mother’s necklace around your neck during practice. “Why do you wear that necklace while fighting? It could hurt you.” Hangyul questioned, pointing to the object around your neck. You fidgeted with it for a bit.
“It was my mother’s.” 
Hangyul gave you an unreadable look with a mysterious glint in his eyes. You cowered a bit, too ashamed to make eye contact.
You hated yourself whenever you thought of your mother. If only you could go back and save her…
Hangyul noticed your tearful eyes before you did.
“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t need to get into it.” He reassured. You nodded and gave him a weak smile.
“Thank you, Hangyul. I really mean it.”
Hangyul laid awake in bed later that night, tossing and turning with you fresh in his mind. He couldn’t rid you of his mind no matter how hard he tried. Hangyul knew you didn’t like him, but it still hurt nonetheless. Unrequited love wasn’t exactly fun.
Deciding that it would be a sleepless night, Hangyul got out of bed and started to go downstairs to get a glass of water. When he heard his parents talking in a grave tone, however, he suddenly stopped. He quietly stood at the top of the stairs and listened to his parents, who were in the kitchen.
“How do we tell him, Sookyung?” Hangyul’s father asked, strain apparent in his voice.
“I don’t know, honey. He keeps looking for her, and I don’t think he’ll ever stop until he meets her or gets answers.”
Hangyul gulped. What was so wrong with meeting his biological mother? What were his parents hiding?
The moment he heard his parents’ footsteps, he quietly tip-toed back to his room and feigned sleep in his bed. 
His mind went back to you, and his heart began to hurt.
Woosh! The sound of Yohan’s fist gliding past your face, just barely missing, was heard among the quiet studio. 
The two of you continued to spar, punches and kicks being expertly thrown, until you had Yohan pinned beneath your leg. After he started hitting your leg, letting you know that you won, you shot up and screamed a shrill of joy.
“Finally! I beat you!” You laughed, sticking your tongue out at him afterward. He merely crossed his arms and glared at you playfully. 
“I’m hungry,” Yohan said in an attempt to change the subject.
“Yeah, I guess losing can make you hungry.” You taunted, which led to Yohan chasing you aimlessly around the studio. He finally caught up to you, grabbing your wrist and smirking triumphantly.
The two of you stared at each other for just a bit. His beautiful brown eyes stared into yours, and you never wanted to look away.
He was beautiful.
On the other hand, Yohan’s heart was beating unnaturally fast. Why was it doing that?
You tried to laugh the oddly intimate moment off, smoothly slipping yourself from his grasp around your wrist.
“Let’s go get food!” You cheered. Yohan nodded and smiled. After you ran off to go and get changed, Yohan stared at himself in the taekwondo studio’s mirror.
What was wrong with him? Why were his cheeks flushed?
He couldn’t get your warm, adorable smile out of his head. He also couldn’t ignore the tingling feeling you gave him, or the sparks he felt whenever he touched you.
And then, it hit him like a bullet train.
He was falling for you.
The two of you went to a small, local restaurant right by the taekwondo studio. The night was filled with laughter and smiles, the two of you just getting lost in each other’s eyes. 
After a bit of small talk, the two of you got to know each other a bit better. For example, you learned about his favorite color (which was blue), his reason for starting taekwondo (he wanted to learn how to protect his family), and his life at home. 
Soon, it turned into him venting to you. His parents, who were constantly fighting, drove him absolutely insane. You listened attentively and hoped you could give him some advice. You mindlessly chewed on your food as he went on about the stress he was feeling.
“I just don’t feel like I’m doing this whole ‘life’ thing right.” He confessed, avoiding eye-contact with you, as if he were ashamed.
You pondered his thought for a moment.
“There is no right way to live life,” You began, “and there is no wrong way. That’s the thing about living, you have days where things feel right and days where things feel wrong. There isn’t a rulebook to this, nor is there a proper way to be human. You just have to be you, and not some ‘picture-perfect’ guy. Only after that will you start feeling better.”
Yohan stared at you innocently. You couldn’t help but internally smile at his adorable side. 
“Wow, you’re really good at giving advice. And, you’re right.” He murmured. You chuckled slightly, your heart swelling with warmth. 
After your lovely night together, you finally went home to your apartment. By then, it was December. It had been a few months since you got your father’s last letter, but you were still shocked to see it on the coffee table nonetheless.
You sighed and mentally prepared yourself. You toyed with the necklace around your neck; it was a nervous habit you had picked up ever since you got it. 
You opened up the letter and let out a sigh of relief once you saw how short it was. 
But then, your heart stopped. A photograph fell out of the envelope. The photo encased a picture of your mother, your father, and you.
You were happy. And, more importantly, you were together. 
Without even realizing it, tears started to cascade down your face. Your heart began to hurt, more than it ever did before. You clutched your chest, and suddenly you realized you were crying.
You missed your mother more than anything else; if you could just go back to that night…
Everything would be different, if only you were a bit quicker. 
Your mind went back to the night your mother died. It was a tranquil evening, and you big your mother good night before going upstairs to your room. 
Little did you know that those would be the last words your mother would ever hear from you.
You quickly texted your father a good night message and then fell asleep without any trouble. Before you could’ve even realized it, you were in a nice, peaceful sleep.
You awoke to the sound of a plate breaking. You shot up from your bed, your chest heaving and your breaths heavy and uneven. Your eyes darted around your room, which was a quaint and comfy place. 
Soon, you heard a noise you would never forget--the sound of your mother screaming for help. 
You wanted to go and run to her, but you knew that you could hurt yourself. You then heard footsteps creak against the wooden floors of your kitchen--the steps much too heavy to be your mother’s.
There was an intruder.
You then got a pair of scissors from a container on your desk and quietly tip-toed downstairs. Your fear was about to swallow you whole, until you remembered who you were trying to save.
Alas, you were too late. Your mother laid on the floor in a pool of her own deep red blood. It was a sight that would be permanently engraved in your brain, your mother’s body clinging onto what little life there was left for her.
Anger devoured you. The man, who looked shocked to see another human being, quickly reacted. Yet, your years of training in taekwondo had managed to save your life. You kicked him in the groin and he hunched over, dropping the bloody knife he held. You threw the scissors aside; you had found a better weapon.
You grabbed his knife and plunged it into his stomach. You cried out at the disturbing noise.
He fell to the ground, he had lost consciousness very quickly. You rushed over to your counter and grabbed the phone, dialing the emergency service number as quickly as humanly possible.
After hanging up the phone, you stared at your mother with traumatized eyes. Soon, the reality of the situation started to sink in with a merciless twinge.
You had killed a man, and your mother was going to die. 
You rushed over to where your mother laid, tears falling down your eyes like an ocean tide. 
“Mom, I’m so sorry...I should’ve been here quicker.” You sobbed, holding her hands. Yet, she didn’t have the strength to respond. Her breaths soon thinned out and halted.
Your mother was dead.
You finally read your father’s letter.
I thought you should have this photo. I’m sorry it has been so long, I’ve been so busy with the army. I hope you can smile at this picture just like I did.
-Your father.
You remembered the times when you would talk to your father daily on the phone. Now, the two of you would send each other a letter every so often. It seemed as if your life ended that night, too.
Or, you thought it did. But, after many months of being without your mother, you had realized something:
The living must live.
So, you smiled at the photo of the three of you, fulfilling your father’s wish. 
Your mind then roamed back to the cute boy you had so desperately fallen for. You giggled slightly at the thought of your mother when she figured out you had a crush. She would have loved it!
Although your heart felt a bit empty, you smiled. I have to live on, you thought, I have to.
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little-sundays · 6 years
C h a i  t e a
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Genre: Angst, Romance, and Smut
Requested || Not
I want ask you for jihoon scenario? I dont know but I really want to read friend with benefit au, what would you do with that scenario? (Dont have to smut if you feel uncomfortable okay but it's up to you) I prefer angst and happy ending  Thankyouuuu ~ 👀
Produce 101/Wanna One: Park Jihoon
But he had watched you every night as you slept unbothered by his presence next to you, so he sits himself on the floor where he was far from your body. You were innocent, despite having been corrupted by society’s standard. You--he had loved you more--he had slowly let go of his first love for you. Had he been so blind--he did not know, but he did not want you leave. He dreaded the day of you snapping and crying out to him in pain, because he could not do the same for you. He was to blame and nobody else, because you could’ve left a long time ago but you never did.
You sit down on the comfort of his bed looking straight into the void without much thought until you look at him.You stared at him dazed like a dream you could never shake off--confused, as you’d have to state that, he remained as your best friend but someone that you could use to yourself.
His room had been a mess; clothes lining themselves up from the door, his homework scattered on the floor, and the window slightly ajar only letting the cold enter. This had all become a routine that you should’ve enjoyed, but you weren’t one for just pleasure--it was only an accident. It should’ve only been one time and maybe somehow things would be different. You hated yourself for it, he wasn’t over someone and could never seem to let go of her; however, he found respite in you because of how willingly you gave yourself to him.
You didn’t wait for him to wake up from the deep slumber. You knew him, he never slept well every night always an insomniac and he’d never let you close your eyes either. He’d always keep you around, because you’d help him in anything and that he trusted you enough to do this. So you left without a word--tired, restless and drained. If you had been more thoughtful over your brash decisions, then you wouldn’t have been with him and probably you would’ve been better.
You were not one to kid yourself, you loved him but none of what you were doing was love. You wanted it differently--for him to look at if differently.
The next night had been more stressful when he laid there with only a desolate atmosphere.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You ask him softly, but he caught up to it. He could distinguish your voice despite its hoarseness; he had always recognized your voice from the distance. It was genuine, but firm and strong; something he could never obtain. Thus, he looked up to your eyes only showing him deep concern.
He answers calmly, but somehow the words seem wrong and lost, “I’m all right, you should get some rest.”
“Jihoon,” you say, “you called me and I believe nothing’s all right. I’m here so let’s sleep.”
You held him that night painfully, but then he cries silently. Thus, you listen to the beat of his heart to shift your attention to a more subtle and serene sound. It had been silent until you spoke out of the blue.
“What was she like?”
He shifted to turn to you, his eyes were puffy and red but he had stopped. He looks at you--he had hated this just as much as you did, and most times he blamed himself for this. You had never grown tired of his fucked up life and had stayed by him for so long, yet here you look more broken than he. “Beautiful. God, she was beautiful.”
You look away from his eyes for a moment before he adds, “But she was cruel, a liar like the devil himself. There on I hated her false innocence, but she had been beautiful.”
“You must’ve loved her.” You assumed, but this he did not agree. “Not entirely. Sometimes, you get tired of a love that is too painful.”
You stop talking after that and sleep on your side of the bed. You sleep on your right not wanting to face him only fearing that you’d wake up the next morning dazed and wanting nothing but his warmth next to you.
But he had watched you every night as you slept unbothered by his presence next to you, so he sits himself on the floor where he was far from your body. You were innocent, despite having been corrupted by society’s standard. You--he had loved you more--he had slowly let go of his first love for you. Had he been so blind--he did not know, but he did not want you leave. He dreaded the day of you snapping and crying out to him in pain, because he could not do the same for you. He was to blame and nobody else, because you could’ve left a long time ago but you never did.
It was in the afternoon that he had seen you so tired. Your hair had been pushed back multiple times and your breathing became erratic.
“Do we have to keep doing this?” You questioned him so abruptly making him nervous. He moved closer to your, but you had stopped him. Thus, he answers frankly, “No.”
You say as the tears fall down your cheeks, “Then why are we still here? Why am I still here, Jihoon? Have I gone mad--lost my mind for a guy like you?”
He lets you speak, “I tell myself to stop all this bullshit, but then I look at you and stare into your eyes and I can’t. You won’t let me, but you don’t love me either.”
“I do.” He says hastily reaching out to touch you to feel your skin under the weight of his hand.
“We can’t keep doing this.” You say steadily. He shook his head when he leaned closer to you holding you in place on the kitchen counter, he said, “I won’t let you, you can always leave.”
He looks at your eyes once more before averting to your lips. The first touch of it was tempting enough for him to push himself against you until their was no gap left in between your bodies. He had held your legs over his hip only to push you deeper onto the island. You let out a soft groan into his mouth to which he let the wet muscle brush against your own.
You subconsciously drape your arms around his neck before pulling him closer. You say when his mouth leaves yours, “I’m not just another fuck, Park.”
“I know. You aren’t simple.” He says while kissing down your neck, “I know that.”
He pushes his thumb to your front before grinding his own on your thigh. He pulls your shorts off quickly before pulling your undergarments off as well. You’re too occupied to see him stare at you before pushing two fingers into you. You gasp next to his ear causing all the blood to rush down.
“You are my love, and if we are to part is of my demise. But be still your beating heart for my own is forever yours.” He quotes from a book that makes her snort after letting out a lengthy moan, “That was horrible.”
“I’m trying to fuck you, be appreciative.” He says until you pull his zipper down and rub him off making him swear under his breath. You revel in the way his brows furrow when you hold him like he’s about to lose it. Then he turns you around and pushes into you slowly. You question almost immediately, “Are you wearing a condom?”
“I work fast.” He says lamely making you laugh until he’s fully sheathed inside of you. He sets the pace, holding onto your jaw and pushing it back to whisper into ear, “Does it feel good?”
“It doesn’t,” you deny. But then he thrusts in hard making you moan, “You can do better than that.”
You say, “Why don’t you try rubbing me off then, I might purr for you.”
He lets out a sigh, “Fuck.”
“About to bust?” You joke when he tightens his hold on your jaw arching your back in the process. Then you see how he’s so far gone for you that you let out a sigh that sound more like a purr causing him to grit his teeth.
You sigh, “Jihoon.”
He looks at you a little surprised of how you say his name, but he revels in its beauty. He holds you close to him, kissing your neck and biting down on your collarbone enough to mark it, and make you groan.
“Not yet.” He tells you to which you laugh, “You’re mad.”
“For you.” Then he questions, “Are you into overstimulation?”
You moan out as answer without really hearing his question, so he grunts and rubs you off to which you jerk into him. You hold onto his wrist, but he doesn’t stop so you let out a whine, “I’m too sensitive. Jihoon, you fuck.”
“Hold it.” He tells you, so you hold onto his hand slowly grinding into both at the same time before kissing him. He tries to restrain himself, but you tell him softly. Panting into his ear, you say his name again, “Jihoon. I love you.”
He’s the first to reach his peak and you follow shortly after him. Thus, he drops his head to your shoulder before murmuring his words with a smile, “I’m crazy to have loved you. You’re too complicated.”
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justbelustful · 7 years
just a misunderstanding
character: kim donghan // jbj
writer: admin love
genre: smut
summary: you unintentionally make donghan jealous, and then it becomes less accidental. however, donghan has a punishment in mind for you.
warnings: jealous!donghan, dom!donghan, rough sex
word count: 1.7k
a/n: i’m a little out of practice for writing smut, i’m sorry! i love donghan and hopefully i did him justice.
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you hadn’t seen donghan in six months. first produce 101 took your boyfriend away and then not long after that he was occupied by jbj. of course you were happy for him, you had never seen him so happy, but you missed him. 
 while he was gone you started to hang out with an old guy friend from high school. he had texted you asking if you wanted to catch up and you agreed because you had nothing better to do with your time. 
 you went out for coffee a couple times and then it became a regular routine. you would hang out often and people on the streets would often mistake you for a couple. 
 you were in the middle of getting lunch together when you got a text from donghan. 
babe? where you at? i’m home 
i’m out with a friend, i’ll be home shortly 
 come home soon! i miss my princess 
 you blushed at the pet name. it had been so long since he called you that. “sorry that was my boyfriend texting. can you take me home?” 
 “yeah yeah of course,” 
  you hadn’t even gotten your keys in the doorknob before donghan opened the door himself and pulled you into his embrace. “i missed you” he whispered, inhaling your shampoo. 
 “i missed you too, sorry if i took too long,” you whispered back before letting your purse hit the ground. 
 “movie night?” he asked. 
 “of course,” 
  “so how’s b/f/n?” donghan asked, draping his arm over your shoulder.
 “good i think, i haven’t been hanging out with her much” you replied leaning into his warmth. 
 “i thought you were out with someone?”
 “i was,” you hit his chest, “what? you think i don’t have any other friends?”
 “that’s not it. i just haven’t met anyone else. so, who’s the lucky gal who stole my girlfriend?” 
 “oh it’s mason, we went to school together and we’ve been catching up,”
 “oh” donghan said before turning his attention towards the tv.
 nearing the end of the movie donghan pulled his phone out of his pocket. “i’m sorry babe, apparently we have an emergency practice, i gotta go.” he said pecking your cheeks and grabbing his jacket.
 “it’s okay, i’ll find some way to keep myself entertained.”
 “thanks for understanding, i’ll try and be back early tonight so we can cuddle. i love you!” 
 “i love you too,”
 you pulled out your phone, “hey mason, donghan just had to leave for a schedule, want to go get dinner?” 
 “sure, i’ll pick you up in fifteen,” 
 you fixed your makeup and hair a little so you looked suitable in public. you were cold with the absence of donghan’s warmth, so you found one of his smaller hoodies and put it on, smiling every time you breathed in his scent. 
you heard mason pull up and you took your place in the passenger seat, blasting jbj in mason’s ears. 
 “thanks for hanging out with me so much, i’ve been kinda lonely without donghan,”
 “no problem,” 
 the night went on and you continued to crack jokes when mason tapped your shoulder and pointed behind you. you glanced over your shoulder and saw a guy around your age who was leaning against the wall making obvious stares at mason. “ooh,” you cooed at your red eared friend. “go get him tiger.” 
 “are you sure?”
 “yeah i’ll find someone to pick me up,”
 “thanks y/n” 
where do you keep disappearing too? are you with mason? 
 sorry i got bored.. i’m at the bar a few blocks from our house, come get me?
 why can’t mason bring you?
 he’s kinda busy.. please baby?
 you could feel the jealousy in his texts. you smiled to yourself staring at the couple picture as your lock screen. “why would i ever leave you?”
 “princess,” you glanced up to see donghan with his window rolled down. “let’s go” you got in and pecked donghan on the lips.
 “how was dinner?” 
 you thought back to his jealousy earlier and thought of a plan. “it was fun! mason’s really funny and he’s been keeping me company when i got lonely!”  
he cocked a brow, “oh?” 
 “yeah, he’s a great guy!” 
 “that’s nice princess. i’m tired from practice so we can save this for tomorrow?”
 “okay daddy, whatever you say” you saw him visibly tense at the name that you rarely called him.
 “babygirl..” his hand rested now on your thigh with the other on the wheel, “i’m already frustrated enough, don’t bring something on yourself you can’t handle,” his hand gave you thigh a slight squeeze, ghosting his fingers over your heat at almost every stop sign, adding some pressure every now and then to make you squirm. he pulled in the driveway and retracted his hand before getting out of the car. you pouted, you were so close to getting the attention you didn’t know you needed. you went inside and changed into some pajamas, laid on your bed and texted mason.
 “how’s your mysterious lover boy?” 
his name is elijah and he’s great, i’ll introduce you sometime. don’t steal my man tho 
you giggled, “i don’t think that’ll be a problem. you’re a great man”
 “who are you texting” donghan called. 
 god damn you missed this view. 
 his brown hair was wet and pushed off his forehead, dressed in nothing but gray sweats, he plopped next to you on the bed.
 “i know i look great princess but please answer the question,”
 “mason, he-“ donghan took the phone out of your hand and set it on the table beside him. “how hard is it to get your attention, because for mason it seems pretty easy.” 
 “i texted him first, you kinda left me hanging there in the car,”
 “so you text another guy? real clsssy y/n,” he sighed turning away. 
“donghan seriously? i love you,” 
 “prove it,” he snapped turning towards you, his eyes darker than they were a few moments before. “but like i said in the car, don’t start something you can’t finish” 
 you leaned in connecting your lips. it took almost no time for donghan to respond, pulling you into his lap and holding you close. he pulled away and latched his lips to your neck, quickly finding your sweet spot, causing you to let out a moan. his hands rested on your waist, moving you against his thigh, before ordering you move by yourself. his hands found the buttons on your blouse and started to unbutton it, marking the new exposed area. “d-donghan” you moaned, the pleasure from his thigh bringing you to your edge. 
 “i hate to break it to you baby girl but i think ive become more attached to ‘daddy’” he said against your breasts that he had begun to abuse, “plus i don’t think you deserve to cum yet,” he growled, pulling you off of him and laying you against the bed. he began to massage your breasts, whines leaving your mouth as he did so. 
“i was so close” “i told you not to start something you couldn’t handle.” he smirked, “too late to back out now” he leaned back in to revisit your neck as his fingers found your waist band. he pulled off your shorts and panties, leaving you completely exposed to him. he made his way down to your heat, nipping at the sensitive skin every once in a while. his lips wasted no time kissing your inner thighs, taking the skin between his teeth every so often.
 “please just hurry up,” “princess is impatient tonight. what do we say y/n?” you sighed, the teasing becoming too much, “daddy please just hurry up” “good girl,” he practically pitted against your heat causing you to jump. he took your clit into his mouth and began sucking mercilessly, causing you to start moving and moaning loudly. his hands spread your legs, giving him more access to your heat. he gave kitten licks to the rest of your folds before taking your strip back between his lips, grazing it with his teeth. 
 “i’m so close, please donghan” you said with your hands in his hair, pulling him as close as you could. he pulled away, his fingers entering you instead, pumping slowly. 
“i think you messed up again princess,” 
 “fuck” you muttered, trying to grind against his hand. 
 “i don’t think so,” he said, removing his fingers. his hand made its way to his crotch. “god damn it, look what you did. guess i’m done with my fun, i need you baby girl,” he stripped himself of his sweats and underwear, lining himself up at your entrance. without warning his slammed himself in, getting a loud reaction from you. 
he began moving his hips fluidly, as if it was a routine he’s been practicing for and is finally showcasing. normally donghan would keep asking if you were okay because he’s like twice your size and doesn’t want to hurt you, but it wasn’t like that today. his hips bucked against yours at a great speed, focused more on his own pleasure than your own. you came first, screaming as your high was finally allowed. what you didn’t account for was that donghan might take a bit longer than you, his speed not slowly even at your cries for him to stop. 
you squirmed against his member, clawing at his back as the feeling was overwhelming. you felt the familiar feeling coil in your stomach for what felt like the millionth time tonight, when donghan pulled out, and collapsed out of energy.  
“i-“ you breathed out, finally given time to relax, “did you even mean to do it that time?” “well of course, i got what i wanted.” he grinned, pulling your body against yours, draping the both of you with your sheet. he fell asleep not long after and you turned to look at his godly visuals. you thought to yourself, “i love you loser, and only you.” you sighed, “now how am i supposed to break it to you that mason is gay?” 
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produce101imagines · 7 years
Request: Reaction to their S/O always wanting sex
Author’s note: IDK who you wanted so i did it of Wanna One’s Hyung line
Yoon Jisung:
He’d probably be concerned lol He would say shit like “Are you okay? I think you need to go to the hospital or do some yoga, because i heard that it helps lower your sex drive.”
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Ha Sungwoon: 
Woah broooo this guy is lowkey a freak!! So i think that he’ll be into it and he’ll probably be as horny as his partner. he would be like, “Ohh you want some more huh? Of course you do. I’m just THAT good.”
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Hwang Minhyun:
We all know that this is daddy, but i think he’s too sweet to put you in danger of overoveroveroverstimulation, so he’ll probably be like “Sorry baby girl youre gonna have to wait” And after the wait is over LET ME TELL YOU, you’re about to be screaming his name omg
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Ong Seongwoo:
He’ll probably tease you about your active hormones lol and say some shit like, “You horny?” and when you respond with “Omg YES I’ve been waiting” he’ll say “oh well I’m not so have fun playing with yourself boo”
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Kim Jaehwan:
He’ll. Be. Down. To. Smash. Every. Fucking. Day. Period. Point. Blank.
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Kang Daniel:
He would rather sleep tbh. Idek what else he would do unless he was feelin frisky too lol.
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-admin jerihoe
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hime-hana · 7 years
Yoon Jisung
A to Z 
Ha Sungwoon 
A to Z
Hwang Minhyun
A to Z
First time
Ong Seongwoo
A to Z
Threesome  (feat. Kang Daniel)
Polyamorous relationship (feat. Kang Daniel)
Kim Jaehwan
A to Z
Kang Daniel
A to Z
First Time
Threesome (feat. Ong Seongwoo)
Polyamorous relationship (feat. Ong Seongwoo)
Kwak Aron
Kang Dongho
Kim Jonghyun
Shower Sex
Food play
Im Youngmin
First Time
Kim Yongguk
Takada Kenta
Kim Taemin
Kim Donghyun
Your first time together
Fantasizing about you
How would they make out with you
Fingering/Teasing you in public 
Boobs vs Ass vs Both
Walking in on them jerking off 
You accidentally sending them nudes 
Who is a dom/sub/switch
Watching porn with their girlfriend 
You tease them when you are at the dorm
You performing a sexy dance
You sending them nudes and another member sees it 
As friends with benefits
You giving them a blowjob when they are on the phone 
You getting sexual while drunk
You having sensitive neck and ears
You having sex and your daughter comes in
Walking in on you pleasuring yourself
Giving them a lap dance
Exposing your bra through your wet shirt
Asking to ride his face during sex
Favorite position
You sleeping naked
Realizing you’re not wearing a shirt when you hug them
Allowing them to play with your breast
Seeing you only in their shirt and panties
Most to Least Submissive
Most to least to be into choking
Most to least to be into blindfolds
Most to least to enjoy you riding them
Most to least to enjoy cumming inside you if you’re on birthcontrol
Most to least to be into giving and receiving hickeys
Most to least to be shy when receiving a blowjob
Most to least to be into orgasm denial/overstimulation
505 notes · View notes
dreaminglee · 7 years
#36/100 Ways to say I LOVE YOU
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“We’ll figure it out.”
ft. Royal!Baekho & Royal!You (NSFW!)
From here
“We’re not supposed to be doing this you know, as the Dragon Family’s Heiress and Tiger Family’s Heir...” you said as you gasped for air, the man in front of you only smirked and caught your lips in another heated kiss.
This time you closed your eyes and draped your hands around his shoulder as you two didn’t stop nibbling and giving each other’s lips a soft bite, the gesture only made him more confident and he pushed his tongue inside your mouth.
“Baekho... aaah...” your moan was held by the palm of his hands while his lips traced from your jaw down to your neck, you didn’t even realized when he succeeded untying the ribbon of your hanbok’s top and bit your shoulder.
You gasped again, your legs automatically wrapped around his hips. You heard Baekho’s laugh and he finally looked at you with those adorable eye smile of his, “You have to lower your voice or somebody will catch us,” you scoffed at his words, “This is my private pavilion and I already instructed the maids and guards not to disturb... my... study time...” you sighed again when Baekho only nodded as his hands somehow found his way inside your hanbok skirt and massaged your thighs slowly.
“Good then,” his lips trailed down to the top of your chest, “You sure you don’t want to go to your room so we can continue this inside?” he grabbed your chin with one hand while the other one still busy massaging your thighs, “Continue what?” you waited for his answer when he suddenly thrust his hip into you, you let out a loud moan as you felt the hardness behind his pants, he smirked.
“We’ll figure it out.”
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clowninyourfeed · 5 years
What the fuck
Hangyul got some big ass titties though 👀
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pyox1 · 5 years
[5:53pm] Seungwoo's hot breath fanning against your neck, his arms we're locked around your waist, as you both swayed to a tune lowly playing from his phone.
"So what did you do today?" He asked.
"Mmmh, let me think about it..." He hummed against your flesh causing you to giggle. "I wrapped the presents that I bought last week for my family, and I hadn't even noticed that I ran out of ribbon before I actually needed-"
Seungwoo's hot lips suddenly came in contact with your bare neck, bringing your words to a halt.
"Go on." He murmured, his mouth continuing to leave gentle kisses on your collarbone.
"Well, I- I had to go to the store to buy more ribbon and- ah!" Seungwoo's sweet butterfly kisses had transformed into hot skin sucking smooches. You closed your eyes and let out a sigh, enjoying how his teeth grazed over your sensitive skin.
"Why'd you stop talking?" Your boyfriend hushed, a mischevious grin plastered on his face. Cheeks flushed, you whined against him.
"Please continue what you were doing." Pleased by how much he was affecting you, he only chuckled, his grip on you tightening.
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lublycho · 5 years
Heart | // Cho Seungyoun [M]
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→ Words: 2.4k
→ Genre: angst, smut
→ Summary:  You are walking down the wrong path, at the wrong time, in the wrong direction, but with the right person.
-> Pairing: Seungyoun x reader, Wooseok x reader
-> Warnings: explicit sexual themes, includes topics like infidelity/adultery.
Please do not read if smut makes you uncomfortable! Please proceed at your on risk!
18+ content beyond the cut!
[txt] Y/n. Please…I’m sorry. Just come back.
You stared at the short text for a long time. In the darkness of the room, it stood out, beaming with a blinding light. You should ignore it. You knew you should. It was, after all, just another text you had received so many times before as well. The frequency of the words made them hollow, tedious, even to read them again and again.
But then again, the words belonged to Wooseok; the boyfriend you left back at home, with the sour taste of the argument you both had fresh in his mouth. The argument had not been about anything crucial, just the casual bickering between you two about stupid things. But when you smashed his favorite mug on the floor, the argument escalated. 
Wooseok no longer was his usual calm self when he began shouting.
And you were no longer your usual exultant self when you followed suit.
It was what had dragged you out here, in this warm, dimly lit room, into the arms of another man.
Another man. You scoffed at the thought. Cho Seungyoun was hardly another man. Though your feelings towards him were often conflicted and clouded by the awareness of the fact that what went on between you two was wrong, they were still substantial, full of potential to keep growing. He might as well have been the man, if only you had met him sooner. But you didn’t. You met him at the wrong time. At a time when everything with Wooseok started toppling down, shattering you and your barely breathing conscience.
Just because you couldn’t give up on Wooseok, you had to treat Seungyoun as a sin. What you two had had to become an abomination, just because of your persistence. But Seungyoun didn’t care. Unlike Wooseok, he only wanted you, only needed you and nothing else. He was a glimpse at how differently you could be spending your life. Full of laughter and ecstasy and love, with no sound of screams or shattering objects. 
“You okay?”
You snapped back to reality, eyes darting towards the doorway leading to the bathroom. Seungyoun stood at its threshold, drying his hands with a towel. He leaned against the doorframe, wearing nothing but his black boxers, leaving his lean, toned body on display for your eyes.
You tossed your phone onto the side table before nodding.
“Yeah, I’m alright.”
Seungyoun walked over to where you sat on the bed in nothing but your lingerie, a big fat reminder of all that had happened between you two just an hour ago. His eyes lingered on you for a moment. The lust in them was evident, but so was concern. 
“You really don’t know how to lie, do you?”
Lying. It was an art you had mastered by now. For what could be a bigger lie than what you had with Wooseok. You both pretended to be perfect in front of others, tried not to bring any infamy to the image you both had built of each other. All at the sake of your sanity. But Seungyoun had always been one to catch a lie as soon as it was spoken. Especially if it came from you.
Smiling wryly, you caressed his hand, tugging at it for a short second. Seungyoun lowered himself onto the bed, with knees dipping into the soft mattress and hands clutching your thighs. He dragged you down by pulling at your thighs, until you lied directly underneath him. Your hands wrapped around his shoulders, eyes closing for a brief moment.
“It was him again, wasn’t it?”
Wooseok. It was always him. Driving you away, pushing you down a path you wished you had learned to walk down a lot earlier.
You gave yourself a moment to think, which Seungyoun utilised to place a kiss on your lips. The kiss was fleeting, but it was filled with the same insatiability as before. You knew where it led to. The same place you had been to so many times before, and yet the longing for it never faded. It bloomed warmth in your stomach, sent shivers down your spine. 
You felt ashamed to admit you never felt the same way with Wooseok. His kisses were always brisk, barely lingering for more than a second. And any form of intimacy with him was long forgotten when you started your secret rendezvous with Seungyoun. On the few occasions Wooseok tried to initiate something, you claimed you were too tired, or that you were on your period, successfully dodging him each time. It only felt right to bequeath your body to Seungyoun since you couldn’t give him your heart. Your body was his temple, and the kisses he now trailed across your stomach, while simultaneously gazing up at your eyes, were his form of worship. The urgency with which he pushed your thighs apart was his one and only prayer, and you granted it by spreading them out wide for him, your clothed core now beneath his sinful mouth.
“I’m going to make everything better…”
His voice was a melody against the pouring rain outside. 
You licked your lips in response.
With his teeth, he dragged down your panties, letting them pool by your feet at the edge of the bed. He returned his mouth to the inner side of your thighs, kissing his way to where you needed him the most. Your sensitive core was exposed to the cold air for bare seconds before you felt Seungyoun run his tongue up your folds. 
You sucked in a sharp breath.
He repeated his actions, focusing more on your swollen clit this time. His licks were slow but short, gone before you could fully indulge in the effect they left. You tried rolling your hips to urge him to go faster, but his grip on your thighs held you down. 
Without a warning, he sucked harshly at your clit, drawing a series of lewd moans from your mouth. Seungyoun’s tongue traded between lapping at the juices pooling in your folds and flicking your sensitive clit. He stroked and toyed with it before enveloping it with his mouth, loving the sharp intake of breath it provoked from you. 
You brought your hands down to his hair, tugging at them. Your back arched against the mattress when you felt him nibble at your clit. Your moans were now louder than before, and Seungyoun’s name slipped in between them like a chant.
Seungyoun detached his lips from your core for a moment to ask you,
“Please what?”
His voice hinted mischief, all while his slowing movements around your sensitivity were a proof of the teasing you had to endure. 
You tried to form words, but he stole them away each time he left a long, wet lick across your folds.
“I want…”
Seungyoun’s hands were now reaching over to the underside of your tights, dragging you closer until you were positioned right where you wanted to be.
“Tell me y/n, tell me what you want.”
Your breath hitched. Something flashed before your eyes. It was a face. But not of Wooseok’s as you had expected, instead, the face was Seungyoun’s. It filled you with nostalgia and amplified the burning desire inside you. 
“I want you. All of you.”
Seungyoun gave you a lopsided smile before shimmying out of his boxers, his hardened member twitching against your entrance. He stroked your moist clit with his fingers one last time. 
You waited.
And then, he pushed himself into you, giving you all of himself.  
A string of curses left your mouth. Seungyoun gave you a moment to adjust yourself to the sensation of him being fully inside you. But a moment could never be enough to revel in the pleasure he gave you. No amount of time could ever satisfy your longing for him. 
You felt him thrust in and out of you, slow at first but speeding up once he finally found his rhythm. The night absorbed your moans of pleasure, drowning them in the sound of the earnest rain. You forgot everything. Your name, your fake life and even the responsibilities you had to bear.
"Look at me.”
You remembered nothing but the feeling of Seungyoun filling you up. You heard nothing but his voice. You dragged your drooping eyes to meet his, feeling a pressure build inside your stomach. 
Seungyoun’s thrusts never faltered. In his eyes for the longest time, you saw nothing but a void. But with each push, the void began to fade. Every time he made your legs shake under the pleasure he filled you with, you saw only yourself in his eyes. As if nothing else mattered. As if only you two were real. 
His lips latched onto your nipples, biting onto them. You clutched tighter onto his shoulders, probably leaving bruises judging from the tightness of your grip. The pressure in your abdomen was almost unbearable now, threatening to spill away.
In between your persistent moans, you mustered enough strength to choke out,
“I-I’m about to come.”
With a stroke to your cheeks, Seungyoun detached his lips from your nipples. His thrusts only quickened, and his breath was ragged when he said,
“Come for me, baby.”
This was it. You screamed Seungyoun’s name at the top of your lungs when you came, coating him with your juices. You threw your head back on the pillow as his lips captured yours. Seungyoun kept thrusting, overstimulating you until he too came not long after. He pulled out of you, painting his warmth on your stomach. 
With a kiss, he dropped down beside you. The room was filled with the sound of your loud breaths, both of you trying your best to dull your racing heartbeats. You stayed like that for the longest time, until Seungyoun turned to face you. His face glistened in the dark, his swollen lips trembling when he said, 
“Your heart is mine.”
My heart… 
You waited for something to stop you from saying it back, for the guilt to snatch your voice away, for the darkness to fill your chest with fear. But here in the endless night, wrapped in Seungyoun’s arms, nothing would dare stop you.
With him, you were free as the flowing river, choosing your own path at each turn. 
You chose him. 
“My heart is yours.”
You chose him over and over again all through the night. All as he drove you deeper into the heart of the sea.
The walk back home was excruciating. Your shoes were drenched by the time you got back, courtesy of the large rain puddles you had failed to dodge on the sidewalk. Your house was drenched in silence and shadows when you stepped in. There was no evidence that showed someone lived in it, just the shuffle of your feet on the carpet. 
With your hands outstretched, you wedged deeper into the void, letting the dim light by the end of the hallway lead you to your bedroom.
The bedroom door creaked open when you gave it a slight push. It was illuminated by a single nightlight, situated on your side-table. Wooseok slept on the farthest corner of his side of the bed, his phone on the verge of slipping away from his outstretched hand. Out of habit, you carefully took away the phone from his hand before gently tucking it into the blanket.
You were about to toss the phone onto the dressing table but its screen flashed with a notification before you could. At first you hesitated, debating with your conscience whether to take a look or not. But then you decided you had buried your conscience in the deepest of pits a long time ago, and proceeded to swipe the lock screen to reveal a text message.
[TXT] Don’t worry, Wooseok. You know you’ll always have me, regardless of what that bitch y/n does to you.
Something hitched in your breath.
You scrolled up from the message, revealing the conversation your boyfriend had with this unknown person. It was from fifteen minutes ago as shown by the time stamps. You skimmed through it, your heart lurching in your chest when you stopped at one particular message.
[TXT] I hate her. I do. I think.
In reply the unknown person had texted,
[TXT] Who wouldn’t?
But Wooseok did not reply to that. He changed the subject with his next text,
[TXT] I’ll come over sometime next week when she’s not around. I’ve told her I’ve got some important business outside town.
Your mind whirled.
With a long, defeated sigh, you closed the conversation. Wooseok’s phone slipped from your grip, landing with a thud on the hard wooden dressing table. The sound did nothing to stir awake Wooseok. You walked over to your side of the bed and lied down, before placing a pillow between you two, as part of an old habit. 
Your hands caressed your lips, where you felt Seungyoun just moments ago. They slipped down to your stomach, where he had trailed down all his sweet kisses. You brought them back up, towards your forehead, when he had placed a farewell kiss before wrapping you in a scarf and pleading you to make sure to let him know when you reached home safely.
Your mind drifted for a moment. Scraping across the text messages you had seen just now. You thought of what it meant for you, for what was going on between you and Seungyoun. You thought and thought and thought. Nothing came to your mind but two firm beliefs you had cemented in your mind today.
First, the texts only made everything easier. They were a reminder that you didn’t need to feel guilty anymore and that you didn’t need to keep treating Seungyoun as a sin. 
The second belief was one you were more sure of. 
Your heart belonged to Seungyoun. And you would never give it to someone else. Never again.
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woochancanruinme · 5 years
Okay so here are some prompts I want to use in imagines/scenarios/fanfics, so you can request using these if you want. Doesn't matter if it's fluff, angst or smut/suggestive ❤️ (max four (4) tho)
1. Don't leave, not yet.
2. You're literally the most annoying person I've ever met.
3. If you can do better, go ahead.
4. Be quiet and I'll think about it.
5. I had a suspicious that you were bad at kissing, but god I didn't know you were that bad.
6. Do I have something on my face?
7. How long have you been there?
8. Please,for the love of God, stop calling me petnames.
9. You though I like ______?
10. I really want to kiss you right now. Do it then.
11. What did you just say?
12. You couldn't handle me, even if I came with instructions.
13. Sorry, is that supposed to impress me?
14. Just pretend to be my date.
15. No, the moment you saw me as a bet was the moment you fucked up.
16. I swear if you say another word I'll leave.
17. Would you just shut up and listen for two damn seconds?!
18. We're not just friends and you fucking know it.
19. I still love you, but I hate myself for it.
20. You're not leaving, are you?
21. I can't do this anymore.
22. It's better this way.
23. Don't make it harder than it already is.
24. I can't promise anything.
25. I think we were a little too loud last night.
26. Bite your lip once more, I dare you.
27. What are you gonna do about it?
28. I know you can be louder than that.
29. Come here, you can sit on my lap until I'm done working.
30. What? Does that feel good?
31. Come on, I want the neighbors to hear you scream.
32. Like what you see?
33. I'm trying not to kiss/fuck you senseless right now.
34. I didn't know you were so sensitive.
35. Make me.
36. Mine.
37. Stop teasing.
38. You're not going out with that outfit.
39. Look only at me.
40. Alright daddy long legs, next joke please.
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little-sundays · 7 years
Street racers!AU Masterlist (Wanna One)
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warnings: everything here is harsh and brutal. Also the same universe as the mafia aus written by the other authors. Some of the stories are standalone so it’ll confuse you a lot. This is already in order.
Lai Guan Lin // (prelude)
Ha Sungwoon
Park Jihoon
Bae Jinyoung
Ong Seongwoo
Kang Daniel
Yoon Jisung
Park Woojin
Hwang Minhyun
Lee Daehwi
Kim Jaehwan
Last Chapter
Prequel #1
Prequel #2
Prequel #3 ver. 1 // Prequel #3 ver. 2
Dedicated to the Wanna One boys, another masterlist for the other produce 101 trainees.
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justbelustful · 7 years
character: im youngmin ; mxm
writer: admin lust
genre:  smut (obviously)
summary: youngmin rewards you with his mouth after you help out with his rap
warnings: eating out, a teasing youngmin
word count: 1.9k
a/n: requested scenario! also holy shit this gif u know he really uses it for good use ;)
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It was late at night and Youngmin was at his desk writing lyrics for his own song. You were on the bed laying down, scrolling through sns or playing time-killing games. He’s been working on his lyrics for a while now and you’d often see him crumple the paper and toss it in the trash can next to him, scratching his head. It was probably the 8th time since he crumpled up another piece, but this time he just placed his hands on his eyes, resting his elbows on the desk. You got up walking towards him and slipping your arms around his neck, placing a kiss on his ear.
“Lyrics not working out babe?”
Youngmin turned his chair to kiss your cheek before letting out a small sigh. “Yeah… I guess I’m just tired today.” he said looking at the other pages of lyrics that was already written. He grabbed the pages and read over them again. “I don’t know why but the lyrics I’m trying to write after these ones just don’t sound nice together. I even tried rewriting this part to make it blend smoother with the second part.” He glanced at the trash with some of his crumpled papers inside or resting beside it.
“Hey hey, don’t be too hard on yourself. What if I help you with them a little? Hm?” you cooed and gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist to kiss you on the lips. “My number one supporter helping me? I’ll gladly take the help.”
Surprisingly, your ideas helped his thought process flow more. You watched him as his eyes lit up when he felt like some lines fit well together, hearing his small ‘ahs’ of satisfaction whenever he mumbled some lines together. You figured since he was back into his “master rap lyricist” mode, you went into the kitchen and whipped up a small desert as a prize for him. It was just a small bowl of ice cream with chocolate syrup and heart sprinkles. You walked back into the bedroom and placing the bowl next to his arm. He turned his head and glanced at the ice cream smiling while he continued to write the last of his lyrics.
“Just for me?”
You bent down and kissed his cheek. “Of course, who else would it be for besides me?” He huffed a laugh out of his nose and scooped a small piece into his mouth, letting it melt in his mouth as he cleaned up his desk a little. You plopped yourself back on the bed, watching him walk towards you with his ice cream. You just thought he was gonna silently enjoy his ice cream right?
He spooned a small amount of the ice cream in his mouth and grabbed the side of your face, kissing you deeply. You felt the coldness of the ice cream melt quickly between your tongues and Youngmin’s hand grabbing the back of your head, pulling you towards him as he kept deepening the kiss. When the ice cream was no longer in either of your mouths, he pulled away and gave you a smug look. Your felt your face heat up and slapped his chest lightly, making him chuckle.
“Wh-what was that for….” you mumbled, pouting your lips and looking up at him with puppy eyes.
“I just wanted to share my reward with you for helping me with the lyrics.” his tone sounding like he didn’t do anything wrong. He scooped another piece of the ice cream in his mouth and smiled cheekily. “I mean, if that wasn’t a good enough of a reward for you I can do something else.”
You saw how his eyes looked darker with lust, his tongue going over his lips either from the ice cream remaining on his mouth or from thinking about ravishing you right then and there. It could’ve been both, really. Your mind wandered to many places, replaying the past times he just had you screaming his name, the feeling in your stomach starting to coil. You leaned back a little and scanned his body. For some reason your attention kept going back to his lips. He could do so many things to you; kiss you deeply to the point where you have to pull him off of you just to regain your breath, leave a shit ton of bruises and bites around your body whether it be around your neck or around your inner thighs– stop. He was staring at you patiently, waiting for your answer. To be honest he was smirking to himself because he knew where your mind was heading.
He placed his hand under your chin and looked down at you with hooded lids. “Well, what do you want me to do baby?” his voice was now deep and raspy as if he just woke up from sleeping. You felt your breathing hitch a little and the same feeling in your lower stomach came back again when you heard his voice. You couldn’t submit now. You didn’t even do anything. You grabbed the collar off his shirt and pulled him roughly to bring his head next to your mouth.
“How about you use that rapper tongue of yours to good use?” you whispered into his ear and immediately pushed him back with a smug look on your face. You leaned your body back the smallest bit, your legs slightly opened a little to give him more of a hint. He cocked an eyebrow and leaned forward to push you all the way down against the bed, placing soft kisses from your lips down to your collarbone, occasionally stopping to suck on the skin a little to leave marks. His thigh was in between your legs, pressing against your heat whenever he pushed his body forward. You just wanted some sort of friction and pushed your body down to rub against it, eliciting a small moan from you. He stopped kissing your body and looked at you with dark eyes again, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.
“We can’t get too impatient baby…” he breathed and slid his hands down your body to pull your shirt and bra up, feeling at your breasts softly, his rough fingers grazing your nipples. You let out a small whine and wiggled your hips. It was pretty obvious that you were desperate and Youngmin loved how he was able to make you like this so quickly. He smiled to himself as he started getting lower and lower as he placed wet kisses on your body. Right when he got to the hem of your shorts, he looked up at you, giving you an innocent smile. You lifted your head, annoyed that he just stopped there.
“You said to make good use of my tongue right? How am I supposed to know what’s good if you don’t tell me?” he said, rubbing circles on your hip with his thumb. You inhaled deeply since you didn’t want to give up what little of your ego you had left at the moment.
“Please, just eat me out already!” you whined and started to rock your hips slightly. As soon as you said that, he stood up to rip your shorts off along with your underwear, teasing the folds of your heat with his fingers before going down and sliding his tongue all the way up, stopping at your clit to suck at it roughly. You let out a scream and arched your back, your arms squirming around not knowing what to do from the sudden attack on your sensitive area.
His tongue felt incredibly warm and the fact that it was huge helped with covering everything. He continued to kitten lick your clit, the tips of his fingers teasing at your hole. His other hand slid under to grab your ass, prompting you to buck your hips towards him. He felt you pushing and slid one of his fingers right in, curving it up to rub at your sensitive spot. You let out strained curses and moans as he slowly pumped his finger in you, your eyes rolling back from the amount of pleasure.
He slipped out his finger only to rub the wetness of that finger onto another so that he could shove both of them in, pumping it fast. Youngmin looked up to see you grabbing onto the bedsheets as if your life depended on it. Your chest was rising up and down quickly as you choked out moans, making him suck on your clit harder. He pulled his head away to grab the inner parts of your thighs and spreading them farther apart, flattening his tongue to swipe at your folds before sticking it inside your heat. His tongue reached as far as it could, wiggling it inside, his thumb circling your sensitive bud. Your hips kept rising as you let out quiet pleads and your eyes starting to tear up.
“Pl-please… please Youngmin… I’m so close…” you whined loudly and continued to moan out different curses. You were pushing your heat against his face at this point and he was using his tongue to fuck you. The feeling was drastically different from his dick, but oh he fucking knew how to use it to where you’re pleading him to finish you off. When he heard your whine, he looked up for a second to see the desperation on your face and pushed his body so much that you slid up the bed. His fingers were continuously rubbing large circles on your clit as he tried his hardest to get his tongue as far as he could inside you. As he pushed you farther, his hips pressed against the side of the bed, making him flinch a little since he was rock hard for the longest time. He thrusted his hips softly against the bed as he sped up his actions on you. You felt your core start to coil as he went faster, your legs kicking up and your hands gripping tightly at the bed.
“Oh my- FUCK”
You were screaming his name as your hips shook almost violently, your juices covering Youngmin’s mouth. His hands were softly rubbing at your legs so that they could calm down. He stood up licking around his plump and slightly swollen lips, swiping a hand over it before bending down to place them lovingly on your body.
“Was it good baby?” he said lowly, his cleaner hand going up to push the hair sticking to your sweat covered forehead back and caressing your cheek. You huffed out a quick ‘uh-huh’ regaining your breath. You felt incredibly sweaty and you were surprised you were breathing at all, plus you just felt extra sensitive, your thighs occasionally twitching. He may have just eaten the life out of you but he just had to smile at how you could barely speak because of him.
“I know you’re trying to breath right now but….” he pushed his bulge against your heat which made you whimper from the sensitivity, “I need help with this…”
By then, your breathing was more evened out than before and you had just enough strength to sit up and kiss him. You could taste yourself, but honestly, you were fucked, he’s got an angry dick to be taken care of, and you were ready to get fucked again. You wrapped your legs around his waist to turn him on his back and straddling him. You finally pulled your sweat covered shirt and bra before pushing your hips back against his dick.
“Lay down and let me treat you again yeah?” you said with a breathy voice, making Youngmin’s spine shiver. His hands landed on your waist, pushing you down onto him as he pushed his hips up.
“I can’t wait.”
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hoeforseungwoo · 5 years
New X1 smut blog
Since I figured out that the amount of X1 content for hard stans is pretty small, I decided to create a blog :)
Requests are open for imagines, time stamps and confessions (anon option will be put on tomorrow because than I have computer access) for HYUNG line only. We are not gonna sexuality minors. I also may refuse to write stuff about kinks that make me feel uncomfortable.
I also will write about the produce x 101 contestants that aren’t minors (so starting from 2000)
Happy requesting my fellow hard stan one it’s
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smileyyohan · 5 years
I decided to create a side blog for hyung line smut and hard stan things :)
@hoeforseungwoo is the name and I’m ready for all my hard stans to drop requests 🥰😏
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clowninyourfeed · 5 years
Thank you stylist 🙏
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