#also Briana posted a pic of Freddie today
1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
Wed 4 Sept 1/2
Listen I'm just gonna throw it all out there as efficiently as I can: Louis posted a list of worldwide coordinated drop times for KMM tomorrow; the KMM-red-and-black image was later found to contain hidden images: a 28, a Louis smiley (tm), and KMM. If reading the chart is too daunting, fear not! A countdown clock has been posted to Louis' ig story. 1883 mag, who have apparently been holding out on us, busted out with a completely new Louis pic, also in KMM black and red, damn! Perfect! He's lounging sexily on the floor and looking at us like he knows something we don't well NO SHIT. Example A: next he gave us a puzzle to solve! A link was sent out to the email list that connected to a YouTube video of a single letter with a tiny clip of sound: each region got a different letter that when assembled in order (Louis-on-a-roller-coaster-voice what order?! to spell Kill My Mind of course!) yielded a clip of the song! YESSS FIRST LISTEN SO EXCITING! Presumably the region divided clips on YouTube gave them some data about who was watching. But we still had our promised surprise! That wasn't it! It was a video of Louis thanking us, talking about the song, and telling us, "we also have the lyric video coming out tomorrow, I’m really, really, really excited about that," and letting us know that it was his idea, that he saw the storyboards for the main video and wanted to make them into this. So that tells us one, something about what the main video will be and we'll know a lot more after we see all of this tomorrow, and two, that mastermind Louis was all up in it and it will probably be packed with hidden treasures to find. He soon after tweeted how impressed he was with the speed of the puzzle assembly (+/- 20 min. Yeah. That fast) and dropped a clip of the lyric video (same song snippet): as suspected it's a similar animation style to what was done for the TOU and JLY videos. Gonna just put it right out there that they were all likely made by the same studio and that Louis was real involved in all of them. And even in the tiny snippet we saw, a little easter egg; Louis is wearing a Louis smiley t shirt. Nice. In the video thanking us and talking about it, he is wearing a vintage Real Madrid shirt with a rainbow on the sleeve, really nice. (And he's sitting in front of his band's setup featuring a big smile on the bass drum, also so nice.) ANYWAY on the subject of the live action video it was confirmed that Charlie Lightening is the director and Louis followed him. Louis himself popped super briefly out of what must be the absolutely manic LTHQ offices to pose for some pics- earlier he tweeted, "so excited for tomorrow" and it really looks like he is, he's just glowing. It's so beautiful to see honestly, we're excited too! I'm excited for you!
We got some early reactions on the song: Official Charts had a big write up and says "there's something very turn-of-the-noughties-indie-pop about (KMM)" and "most notably, on Kill My Mind Louis sounds at his most confident and comfortable yet." "Appreciate the write up! It's bang on!" said Louis. Fan fave (and known larrie) DJ Olivia Jones said, "in my humble opinion this is the most Louis track we've had yet," and confirmed that she has an interview recorded with Louis that will air Fri evening. Radio spots confirmed so far: Jordan Lee at Hits Radio gets first play tomorrow and he's taking questions for Louis on his twitter, Louis will be on KMFM Kent radio also tomorrow night where they'll be doing "Louis RomComlinson" hmm okay, Total Access Show with Olivia Jones Fri night, and The Beat Sat. They appear to be doing the same roll out as TOU in many ways so there will definitely be lots more little radio spots to come, with probably more being announced by the time you read this.
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hyunjining · 4 years
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
Thurs 21 Jan ‘21
Welp. Today was a busy week, huh? 
Let’s start with Zayn’s INZAYNLY AWESOME idea of writing a comic book based on his own album - take THAT reviews that said he had no concept behind it! The first panel of the story is a man in a white car speeding away from a man with purple eyes and white pupils (REALLY creepy btw), and it reads, “A madman has been chasing me for the past hour. When I go faster, he comes closer”. I am intrigued! I hope that this is some sort of enemies to lovers type thing, but knowing these guys, its strictly horror/suspense. This is being presented in video form, so the panels are moving figures and they are scored with songs from the album, which I assume is how the rest of the panels will also be presented. You can watch these two panels with the songs “Calamity” and “Better” over on YouTube for the full effect! Also, Zayn’s last listening party was today and he was the DJ! “DJ Malik”, he said in a sentimental throwback to his boyband days. He and his team had a great time throwing airhorns into the the listening party and then they did a “from Dusk Til Dawn '' encore, which I’m sure means Zayn wants us to be streaming NIL from Dusk Til Dawn! 
To keep the party going, Paul Roberts, TPWK and longtime 1D choreographer, had a chat with the BBC about working with Harry and Phoebe (WB) on the music video. He knew right away, he said, that everyone from 1D could be a great dancer if they really wanted to be, and, ten years later, he finally got the chance to test the theory! Spoiler alert: he was RIGHT! Harry had seen Phoebe in Fleabag on the West End and got on with her from the word go, and so the idea came about. “It was about three weeks before the world started to burn”, he says about the filming of the video,“We didn’t know how lucky we were”. 
Finally, let’s CHAT: it’s stunt timeeeeee!! Today is, of course, Freddie’s birthday, which meant the usual round of pictures stolen from social media from the Tomlinson sisters, silence from Louis, and birthday pics from the Clarks. Including a picture of a sonogram posted by Briana that was taken on August 3rd, 2015 (Louis confirmed the baby on the very next day on GMA). This sonogram is notable BECAUSE - drumroll pleasseeeee - it was taken at a FERTILITY CLINIC which specialized in surrogacy and IVF. So this is a clinic that only treats people who cannot have children naturally. To make matters more interesting, the clinic does not do non-client visits, and they did not do them in 2015. You simply could not go to this clinic if you had an accidental pregnancy because those are not the kinds of clients served by this clinic! I mean, if nothing else, this shows that Briana did not get accidentally pregnant by Louis, if she was pregnant at all. Likely, it was another fucked up photoshop job, where they switched Tammi’s name for hers and just forgot to change the name of the clinic. Sighhh. We knew this, of course, but WOW does this prove it concretely, huh? Anyways, I cannot BELIEVE that they are still fucking up THIS BADLY five years later, but uh. Yeah. Happy Birthday, Freddie, hope you got more than an apple this year! 
But that’s not the ONLY stunt that’s becoming faker and faker: Fauxlivia is proving itself to be nothing but the cash, and the cars, and the glory...and the pretty clothes, apparently! Turns out, Olivia is a brand ambassador for La Ligne in much the same way that H works for Gucci. She’s been featured on their instagram many MANY times, and has, thus far, worn their clothes for no fewer than TWO of the Holivia pap walks. Strangely enough, though, when this whole stunt began to manifest in late October, HARRY began featuring on their Instagram page as well. Totally Organically, of course, considering that they’d never talked about him before! That AND: the pink beanie that H was wearing in their dumb af Parking Lot Pap Walk has ALSO been idenfied to be La Ligne, which I’m sure he Just Decided to begin wearing and it had NOTHING to do with Jeff being Right There and them having promoted Gucci together at Jeff’s wedding. Mhmmmmm they’ve convinced me they’re TOTALLY in love. Celebrities that promo together, stay together, after all! (Oh, is that not the saying?)
Meanwhile, Liam’s Final Act merch has been delayed, and he has asked people to “contact him when they get it” (Harry’s team could NEVER), and JC Stewart called Niall “one of the nicest guys in music”. I’m sure he agrees! And, Niall has his own little discourse today - so much for him not creating any drama, huh? There were some shirtless pics of him posted by an ~source~ where he seems to have been working out (Niall has ABS now??) and is arranging a stack of boxes that read “nude” (just like Niall, huh?). UAs battled it out whether or not these pics should have been posted because he did not know they were being taken and there’s ETHICS involved, but Niall hangs out shirtless so much ANYWAYS that I bet he doesn’t mind.
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skepticalarrie · 4 years
So I have a Larry account on insta and I enjoy making posts and everything but it’s private and I only let people I know or I know are Larry’s follow. But I mean it’s quite clear I am a Larry my name, my pfp my bio, today I just got a follow request from a fan account that is for Eleanor and Briana😂😭. I was very confused lol, I also looked at their account and they had photoshopped pics of Eleanor, Louis and Freddie and Louis with Briana and Freddie😭. I blocked but I really don’t know why they were asking to follow me lol. Sorry this became long just was funny and I wanted to sure lol
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louehvolution · 4 years
What does it mean for Louis and his fandom and his career when an UA on Twitter has to ask fans to please chill in their quotes/replies because it’s literally all antis gloating and larries jeering and scoffing at Louis’ account liking Eleanor’s post? (And for the record, to the louies celebrating the like to spite larries: that is... not any better. This closet that erases him and reduces him to something he is not - a dad and a straight boyfriend - is not any better than a ship that reduces him to Harry; and antis are no better than larries.)
On this day - over three months since Louis’ last post on IG (and that was for the 1D anniversary) - Eleanor gets a boost to launch her "career" promoting an unhealthy and unrealistic image and a vacuous, privileged lifestyle on Louis' back - not for anything did she get to post him from her account while his remained and remains inactive - and antis support it and her over him just to be able to claim he’s straight and they are winning over larries.
On this day Harry gets a historic Vogue cover shoot - the latest move in an extensive campaign to promote him in fashion, film and music - and larries “jokingly” demand Louis like Harry’s IG post about it - nevermind Harry never followed him back, and hasn’t even said his name in five years; there was never any serious expectation that Harry would even acknowledge his existence, let alone his career. (And some continue to make every time Louis has to stunt into proof that larry is real - so what does anything else, such as Louis and his career matter, right?)
Eight months with every artist being set up with opportunities to be showcased as artists and share their music and themselves - and then there’s Louis. Since March it was established that Louis, whose album came out January 31st with minimal promo, has “nothing to promote” and there has been no content whatsover; no visibility for him except for round after round of press about Briana and fatherhood and Freddie; and Eleanor who has a pair of his shoes to use as a prop, and got to trend after posting those pics of him on her account. And antis celebrate because privacy means nothing to them when it comes to proving Louis straight. Meanwhile in the plethora of Harry moves for his career any instance of the color blue is seen as a show of support for Louis, and that makes everything OK, for a number of larries.
Meanwhile directioners also chose today to insult Louis and call him a liar as they try to come to terms with the fact the band is over, but refuse to accept Harry was the who broke it up, and nevermind everything Louis gave of himself for it.
So, everything is fucking great, and normal, and hilarious. Larries and antis; Harry and Eleanor and Briana, HSHQ and LTHQ; everyone fucking wins except Louis. Because Louis is not the priority.
Louis continues to be erased as an individual person and as an artist, and reduced to one thing or another - again and again and again - by his own fans too. How many years of mistreatment and abuse and not being allowed to move on and forward in any aspect of his life? When will anything change for the better for him? When will he get to be prioritised - Louis, as he is and for himself; his music; his career; his dreams and aspirations; his peace of mind and mental health?
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suhlarry · 6 years
GUYS! (i feel like shane dawson at the beginning of all of his videos) I HAVE GOT SOME TEA FOR YA’LL SO I”D GO GRAB SOME POPCORN BC TUMBLR’S RIGHT WHEN SHE SAYS “You’re going to want to be sitting down for this post”
Okay. SO! I realize that this theory might be a little far fetched, but then again, every freddie/larry theory is a little far fetched. I’m currently on facetime with my life long internet best friend, Ruth. Note that she is NOT a fan of 1D at all! She doesn’t hate them but she just doesn’t really care for them. Today I was telling her about Larry and what it was and she started watching A BUNCH of proof videos while we were facetiming and she was so shook. She came across a video that had the Freddie theory that Freddie isn’t really Louis and Briana’s baby, but is instead Tammi’s (Brianas mom) and Brett’s (Briana’s step dad) baby. But thats a completely different theory that I’m talking about today.
Anyway after the video was over, Ruth freaked out and was like “i have a theory” and obviously i got excited because she was SOOO into this. But basically she explained her theory like this...
What if Briana really was pregnant, and her mom was pregnant too (with freddie) but she (Briana) had a miscarriage right before she was supposed to start getting big, and it was so sad for her but the management and media and all that didn’t want the story that Louis was having a baby to go away, so they made it so that they would pretend that Tammi’s baby was really Louis’ and Briana’s baby since the timeline added up perfectly. That would explain why Louis doesn’t seem very happy and kinda miserable whenever Freddie was brought up in interviews before he was supposed to be born, because hes fucking sad and grieving over the miscarriage and is unhappy that he has to go along with having to say that Tammi and Brett’s baby is really his baby when it’s not. That would also explain the odd baby bump pics of Briana. 
Idk... Im not trying to say at all that Freddie is 100% not Louis’ baby because i know that he probably is and that theres a good chance that we’re all just making up these far fetched theories. Regardless, Freddie is a very cute baby, but I don’t know if I entirely believe that he’s Louis’. But thats just me being the conspiracy theorist that I am. 
I just thought that it was weird that Ruth (my friend who came up with this theory) thought of this, especially when she isnt a 1D fan. 
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1dhq · 8 years
The J's are really desperate today. Briana posted a pic of F and is using him to promo kids brands. And Tammi posted a throwback pic of B and Eli the chimp and used the hashtags #pregnancy#glow. Then posted another video of Austin and Freddie at the park yesterday (seriously is the park the new Calabasas Commons? They're there every two days!!) And said "my son and my grandson at the park yesterday" ALL IN THE SPAN OF 50 MINUTES!!!....damn their asses are itching!
lol looks like it. also are they really gonna continue to pretend they knew briana was pregnant TWO WEEKS IN? without actively trying to get pregnant? because.. you know.. the implications of knowing two weeks in are not good here lol. but what do we expect from this idiot family..
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