#also I kinda ship her with Miguel lol
blueapplesiren · 5 months
To the six people who liked my post about my spiderverse oc, here she is!
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Presenting: the Ferocious Fighting Spider! (Design inspired by the Thiania Bhamoensis spider)
Secret identity, backstory, and more under the cut!
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Her name is Carmen, (I don’t have a last name for her yet) and she punches bad guys! Ever since she was a kid, she’s been a fighter. When a school bully picked on one of her friends, she’d be the first to throw hands. After getting in trouble at school a few times for doing so, her uncle convinced her mom to sign Carmen up for a martial arts class to help her learn self-control. (I’m thinking of making HIM a martial arts instructor, so he was kind of like her Mr Miyagi, helping her get stronger while also getting her shit together lol.)
She learned to choose her fights more carefully as she grew up, but she never lost her need to protect the innocent and vulnerable.
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When she got bitten and discovered her powers, she was NOT a reluctant hero. Quite the opposite; she threw together a DIY vigilante fit and threw herself right into the action! She got her ass handed to her a few times, but eventually she got the hang of things! (Ba-dum tsss. Get it? Hang? Like how spiders do?) She made her final super suit, too (her mom taught her to sew as a kid)
Now for some extra details!
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She’s got green tapetum lucidum (shiny pupils) which helps with night vision.
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And fangs! I don’t have a drawing for this, but she can also make webbing organically.
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Bonus pic: an early concept sketch. She silly :)
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chilewithcarnage · 30 days
🔥 spiderverse
ATSV becoming insanely popular was low-key a curse cause it brought out some of the worst types of fandom people/people into nerd shit. a lot of mischaracterization, a lot of racism, a lot of hypersexualization of certain characters (Miguel, Hobie, Miles G.) Misogynoir of certain characters (Jess and Margo). The obsession with power scaling, ghostflower stans obsession with Gwen to the point where they Miles as a secondary prop to her even though he's the main character of the spiderverse series not her. Spiderdads as a ship genuinely sucks like I'm sorry I don't see the appeal outside of just wanting to see two men fuck. Miguel and Peter B. are both sexy don't get me wrong but I don't see any true compatibility between them and I feel like, you know....you know.... if we keeping it 100... if Jess wasn't Black we'd be seeing a whole lot more content of her and Miguel together than Miguel and Peter. I'm just saying, there's definitely more chemistry there than people wanna admit.
This is a bit of a too little too late gripe, but Miles definitely needed more black friends. That's probably why I attached so strongly to punkflower low key, cause we just don't see Miles interact with other black boys and girls and that's kinda disheartening. I need to see more of Margo and Jess in the next movie, they were instant favorites for me and I miss my wife and daughter lol. Also the transmisogyny that a lot of people were displaying when Gwen was more or less confirmed was really gross and infuriating.
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tw-inkl-e-tit-s · 1 year
✩-Blind date-✩
Pairing: Miguel Cazarez Mora x Fem!Reader
Word count: 4.9k
Type: fluff
Warnings: Cussing?? not many warnings lol just fluff
A/N: Mia is Pink and Y/n is Purple in text
| Miguel Cazarez Mora Masterlist
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I stared in the mirror at my reflection as I put on my earrings and all my jewelry. I was getting ready for something my friend had planned, I think she was just running low on content for her youtube channel and needed something to post. My bestfriend Mia was a Youtube with over three hundred and forty subscribers, She has had me and our other friend Miguel in a couple of videos, and some we appeared in together. The second video we appeared in was when the comments started, Some of the comments said stuff like,
"Look at the way they look at each other!"
"He is so in love with her"
"They are defiantly dating!? OMG!!"
And not to mention the mass amounts of fan edits we both have been tagged in where the fans ship us together. I didn't know Miguel personally, He is just usually there when Mia is filming and so am I, I thought he was very attractive and he defiantly made me nervous when we got too close, The way he would look at me was like I was the only girl in the world.
I have told Mia about my small (HUGE) crush on Miguel and she freaked out and told me I needed to ask him out or tell him about my feelings, but I just never did because I was always scared he would reject me or think differently of me even though it didn't matter because it's not like we hang out alone.
I also am kinda talking to somebody at the moment, It isn't anything serious and we aren't in a relationship or anything, I just thought he was attractive and wanted to get to know him, but from what my other friend Ash told me he is a player, I don't really care I just wanted a distraction for my feelings for Miguel.
I saw my phone light up with a notification from Mia, I grabbed my phone and clicked on her message.
Mia Bear 🐻💕
Are you ready?
I'm parked outside hurry!
I'm ready just need to apply lipgloss omw!
I'm so excited!
I think you're gonna like who I picked for you 🤭
I hope so, is it that Bryan guy? cause if so I ain't going
No! This guy is short sorry lol
But he is cute AND funny I KNOW you will like him
Now hurry your apartment complex is scary
I sighed as I shut my phone off and put it in my back pocket, I put on some lipgloss and looked at myself once more in my full-body mirror to make sure I still looked good, I then walked out of my bedroom and shut my lights out and said bye to my animals and grabbed my purse walking out of my door and making sure to lock it behind me.
I walked into my elevator and clicked "Main floor" I waited for the elevator to open and walked out to see Mia parked outside talking to her Camera in the car, She looked over and saw me walking up to her and pointed the Camera at me,
"Oh my damn, You look good if he doesn't take you I will," She said zooming in on my outfit
I giggled doing a little spin for the camera, "So are you ready?" She asked as I got in her car
"I don't know, You said he was short," I said side-eyeing her
"You got a problem with short men?" She shouted laughing after
"No it's just a lot of short guys think they are hot shit and they ALWAYS have a big ego," I said
"I promise you are going to like this guy, He's humble," She said
It's not that I didn't trust Mia- I did one hundred percent, It's just me and her have completely different tastes when it comes to people we date, I hope she ACTUALLY picked someone I would go for and not someone she would go for, does that make sense?
We pulled up to a park and she told me she would be right back and that she had to go seat something up. I was so nervous so I decided to take my mind off of it by Taking some cute pictures and liking some fan edits.
Mia opened the car door after fifteen minutes, She climbed in and pulled out her camera,
"You ready?" She asked
"Yeah kinda," I laughed
"Don't be, You look great," She smiled and turned her camera on setting it on her dashboard
"So me and Y/n just arrived!" She said to the camera
"Hey guysss!" I smiled
"So all you know is what?" She asked turning to look at me
"So all I know is it's a blind date, we are going to the park and that's all I know," I said
"Yeah I didn't tell you much cause I didn't want to spoil it," She said
"I need to know if I am wearing a blindfold and do I get to see who it is like right when I get there?" I asked
"Yeah I'm gonna keep the blindfold on you guy's until you like- sit down," She said
"I kinda wanna keep the blindfold on," I said covering my face
"What your scared he's uggo, He isn't uggo I promise I would never do you dirty EVER!" She said laughing
"Good I didn't think you would," I said laughing with her
"Alright give me all your thoughts," She said as fixed her camera some
"Okay so when you said blind date I was like aw cute and fun, but I am also in like a sticky situation, I do have a little bit of a situationship going on but it's not like I'm somebodies girlfriend," I said
"But it's fine you can still go on this date," She said
She opened her glove box and pulled out a pink bandana and unfolded it,
"So I got this bandana, but I don't want to ruin your lashes so it's gonna have to be a bit loose so don't move around a lot," She laughed as she put the bandana on my face and tied it in the back
"Alright I think that's good, Can you breathe?" She asked
"Yeah I think- Enough I can breathe enough," I said laughing
"Oh shit I'll be right back, don't take your blindfold off okay," She said as she opened the car door and got out
I sat in silence for another fifteen minutes not knowing what to do cause I couldn't go on my phone due to the blindfold on my face, I laughed at the thought of people looking at me through the window wondering what is going on.
I heard the car door open and Mia breathing heavy
"Are you recording?" I asked
"Yeah, I am now why?" She asked
"Oh my god I'm over here with a blindfold on and I can't see anything and all I can hear is Mia over here breathing like a dog," I said laughing
She laughed shutting the car door
"I just know I'm gonna be so annoying on this date and I'm like so sorry," She said
"Wait no It's okay I'm glad you're here because if you would just leave us to fend for ourselves I would like kinda panic," I said
"Maybe I should then," She said
"NOOO!" I whined
"No i'm kidding I won't I'm gonna be annoying," She said laughing
"Isn't this like the perfect first date, like it's kinda romantic huh?" She asked
"Mmm, I don't know about that," I said laughing
"I'll be right back," She said as she got out of the car
"Ahh I'm so excited!" I shouted to the camera as I ran toward my bestfriend Miguel's car
He just got here and he looked a little nervous as he got out of the car, And it looked like he also brought his other bestfriend Mason, I blushed a bit as I and Mason made eye contact, I kinda liked Mason and Miguel knew that, He tried to get me and him together plenty of times but I have just never confessed my feelings.
"Are you excited about your blind date!?" I asked Miguel
"Oh, Mason's here to help me!" I said as I pointed the camera at Mason
"You're taking away my boyfriend bro what is this," He said
"Shut up!" I laughed as I handed him the Camera so I could put on Miguel's blindfold
"Are you excited?" I asked Miguel as I put on his blindfold
"Yeah- well I'm gonna be honest I was hyping myself up on my way here but now I'm here and I'm kinda shitting bricks," He said laughing
"Well I wouldn't put you with someone you wouldn't think was cute," I said
"Well that makes me even more nervous," He said
"Don't stutter alright you got this," Mason said reassuring Miguel
"Bro you literally have thousands of girls crushing on you over the internet you got this," I said
We got out of the car and Mason ran over to our side to film,
"Wait I got her flowers!" Miguel said
"You got her flowers?" I asked surprised
"Yeah I didn't know if I should or not but it is a date so," He said laughing
Mason ran to the trunk and pulled out a huge bouquet of roses,
"Miguel what is this oh my god!" I said walking over to Mason to look at the flowers
I had completely forgotten Miguel was blindfolded, "HOLY SHIT!!" Mason yelled I looked back to see a car speeding in Miguel's direction, I quickly ran over and dragged him towards me, and Mason
"You just almost died!" Mason yelled laughing
"Huh?" Miguel asked confused
"Mia almost let you get ran over bro!" Mason shouted
"Back to what I was saying!" I said laughing
"Miguel, why did you get her this many flowers?" I asked since it was so cute
"Oh it's a Ramo Buchon, I got it because I kinda have a feeling of who you are setting me up with," he said
"No, you don't, She is like super tall- like model tall- like taller than you!" I said
I looked at Mason trying to hold in my laugh and he was doing the same
"Damn model tall, How tall is she?" He asked
"Like six foot five," I said trying not to laugh
"Oh hell nah you trynna set me up with an NBA player, I'm good bro," He said trying to walk away but bumped into the side of his car
"No come back you can't see, dumbass," I said
I grabbed his hand and started leading him to the spot that I had set up for him and Y/n, Mason was carrying the flowers and the camera. The spot had a pink blanket spread across the grass with some sandwiches and I also got them some water so they could stay hydrated since it was hot as shit outside.
"Is she really six foot five?" He asked
"Yes, she is!" I said laughing
"Oh god," He mumbled
"Are you still nervous?" I asked
"Hell yeah, I am so nervous Mia," He said
"Okay talk to the camera," I said
"I just- what if she doesn't like me or what if I don't like her?" He said
I was trying to listen but he kept squeezing my hand, was he really THAT nervous?
"OWW, YOU'RE SQUEEZING MY HAND!!" I shouted trying to lose his grip
"Sorry, I'm just nervous!" He shouted back
"Alright we are here," I said
"Just sit down," Mason said
"Uh, I can't see?" Miguel said
"Oh shit right, here!" I said guiding him to sit on the blanket
"I got you some sandwiches and some waters," I said
"Okay, can I take the blindfold off?" He asked
"NO I'm about to go get her, Just sit there and don't talk because she's gonna recognize your voice I feel like," I said
"Okay, hurry up," He said laughing
Mason handed the flowers to Miguel and we both rushed over to my car to get Y/n,
"Alright I am gonna walk you to your knight in shining armor," I said as I opened my car door
"Ahh I'm so nervous!" Y/n said
"No it's fine, Tell me your thoughts," I said as I guided her to the spot Miguel was at
"Honestly I'm a liar, I'm not really that nervous I'm just dramatic, but I also might fall in love," She said
"Aww you might!" I said
"Also he might hear your voice, he might not recognize it but he might I don't know," I said
"HIII!!" She shouted
"Bitch you aren't there yet!" I shouted laughing
"Ohhh," She laughed
"Alright I need you to sit down here," Mia said as she helped me sit on the ground
"Can he hear me?" I asked
"Kinda," I heard someone say
"Hiii," I said
Mia and someone else started laughing,
"Is he here- what?" I asked confused since I couldn't see anything
"No, he is here!" Mia said
"Alright, you guys can take your blindfolds off!" She shouted
I took a deep breath as I slowly pulled my blindfold off,
"Holy shit," I heard someone whisper beside me
I looked over to see Miguel, I fucking knew it!
"Oh my god I knew it!" I shouted and we all laughed
"Hiii," I smiled leaning in for a hug
"Hi, how are you?" He smiled as he hugged me back
"I'm great," I said pulling away
"This was gonna be my guess when you asked me to guess who it was," I said laughing
"I know, I tried to throw you guys off a little bit," She said
"Well, he isn't four foot three that's for sure!" I said laughing
"Four foot three, She told me you were six foot five!!" Miguel shouted laughing
"She did us dirty," Miguel laughed
"Yeah I tried throwing you off by saying he was short- and he's like the tallest person in the world," she said scanning Miguel with the camera
"I know I was so nervous 'cause she was like, do you like short kings?" I said
"Not the short king," Miguel laughed shaking his head
"So I got you guys some sandwiches and waters, and um- OH," Mia said pointing at something behind Miguel
He pulled out a huge Ramo Buchon, It had red roses on the outside and white roses in the middle shaped like a heart and it was wrapped in white glitter paper.
"Oh yeah I got you some flowers," He smiled as he handed me them
"Oh my god thank you, these are so beautiful!" I smiled taking them
"I'm like tearing up, this is the sweetest thing a guy has done for me thank you so much!" I said hugging him
He hugged me back and I just wanted to stay like that forever, he felt so warm and he smelled so good and the way his hands wrapped around me so perfectly made me melt.
"Okay since you guys are both nervous it is a good thing I came up with some good first-date questions," Mia said as she walked behind me and Miguel
"I am so nervous deadass, my whole hand is shaking," Miguel said as he held up his hand
"Okay, my first question is did I do great?" She asked smiling at the camera
"I think you did good," I said looking at Miguel
"I think you did great," He smiled looking at me
"Good because I told them in my intro about how you guys think each other is cute and no one does anything about it," She said pulling out her phone
I and Miguel couldn't stop glancing at each other, he just looked so good, and his outfit looked good, He was wearing some black cargo pants, a black shirt, a red jacket, a black hat, and air force ones, and his hair was also pulled back in a ponytail, The site made me wanna drool.
"Okay the real first question is, What is your favorite movie, I'm trynna see if you guys have anything in common here," She said
"I would defiantly have to say y/f/m," I said (Your favorite movie)
"I would have to go with Friday and hangover," Miguel said
"What is that?" I asked
"You haven't seen hangover?" Mia asked
"Wait you haven't seen hangover?" Miguel asked shocked
"No guess we have to watch it," I said smirking at him
"Oh we are for sure having a movie night," he said smirking at me
"Wait you guys are already planning another date!?" Mia asked
"It feels like you guys are fine without me, I'll stay for one more question," She said
"Okay, so what are your signs?" She asked
"Uh, I am a y/z/s what are you?" I asked (What is your zodiac sign)
"I'm a Pisces," Miguel said as he opened his water bottle
"Aw I love Pisces," I said
"Perfect!" Mia said clapping her hands
"Alright I'm gonna leave you guys to fend for yourselves for a bit and I'm gonna go talk to Mason and the viewers," She said as she got up and walked off with Mason
I looked back at Miguel who was already looking at me, I quickly looked down trying to hide my blush, He laughed as he placed his hand over mine holding it, I looked up at him and he smiled back at me, "You look so beautiful Y/n," He said looking me up and down,
I couldn't help but look him up and down as well, He just looked so good, "Thank you, Miguel, You look really nice too," I said laughing
"I was serious about that Movie date," He said
"Really?" I asked
"One hundred percent," He said as he looked me in the eyes
"You have no idea how long I have wanted to go on a date with you," He said
"I think I know, I've kinda been crushing on you for a while," I said smiling
"You should have said something!" He said laughing
"Oh yeah like you should have said something to me about how you felt the same!?" I said laughing
"I was nervous!" He said
"Why I don't bite?" I said smirking
"You are just so… Beautiful and breathtaking, and you are very intimidating like you carry yourself so well that I felt like if I asked you out you would have laughed in my face," He said lowering his head
Did he really feel that way? am I intimidating? He said I was breathtaking!
"Miguel, I wouldn't have laughed in your face, I would have told you how I felt and we could have been dating and we wouldn't have to be on this weird blind date thing," I said laughing
He finally looked up at me as he laughed
"Alright be honest what is your ideal first date, Cause I wanna properly take you out?" He asked
"Okay so I think- not a movie because you are like sitting in silence and you can't really talk to each other- but what would earn you coochie point is like maybe take me out somewhere to eat and be like, Be ready at this time and dress like this I'm picking you up," I said
He threw his head back as he laughed
"Alright it seems like it's going very well, So I'm gonna make things a little weird," Mia said as she sat back down between me and Miguel
"Oh great," I said side eyeing Miguel who was doing the same
"Okay I want you guys to compliment each other," She said
"Okay, I really like your hair and your eyes and your smile," I said
"I love your smile and your eyes and your lips," He said smirking at me
"That's so romantic Miguel oh my god," Mia said sighing
"Okay so I have this friend who I showed a picture of you both to and she said that you both looked cute together and I was like I know I've been trying to tell them, like Miguel is always like yo whats good with your friend Y/n, and then I'm like Y/n Miguel thinks you're cute and then she's like yeah he's cute, and no one will ever make a move," She said mimicking our voices
"All right guys comment down below if you think this went well, get this to ten thousand likes and I will force them to go on a date alone next time, Byeee!" She said as Mason turned off the Camera
"Soooo, yall going on a date?" She asked wiggling her brows
"I would love to take you out on a date Amor," Miguel said
I looked away blushing,
"Ohhh he's calling you Amor now?" Mia said
"I would like that," I said blushing
Taglist: @vancehopperenthusiast @bradyhepner @deadghosy @finneyblakes @mnsnloverhey @jayceflwrs @bookobsessedfreak
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fareehaandspaniards · 9 months
In case anyone was wondering, why my nickname is Fareeha AND some Spaniards, answer is right under the cut! (Since Tumblr is basically a diary, and I REALLY want to describe, tell, write down, draw and even put it in my blog) Long post ahead! Many screenshots, personal stuff, memes etc.
So you decided to read... Good :'D
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It started with Dark Souls 3. The first game experience was very exciting. I spent for about 3 hours creating a character, dealing with a disgustingly made character editor, and they came out.... Simply terrible. Some chubby-cheeked femboy (I have nothing against it, even like it sometimes, but he looked really terrible) with a face like he wants to betray you right now, taking away your family castle and all your feudal possessions. What a waste of time… Also it was sad that I spent 3 hours in the game without starting it. Therefore, I deleted this character and hastily, literally in 5 minutes, created new one - I barely changed one of the in-game templates - slightly lengthened the nose (because big noses are an art); decided to take a hairstyle that would be a little feminine, but at the same time more or less practical - a bun :’D ; made a slightly more stern appearance and it turned out that he was very attractive! There was a problem with the name, but then I also took the first one that came to mind - Esteban. I took the Deprived class because I couldn’t decide who I want him to be and I also wanted to try the so-called “most difficult class,” which turned out to be the most comfortable.
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During the game I fell in love with him so much exactly the way he was - and he turned out to be a little frivolous, jester, Casanova, just a handsome guy in my favorite armor of the Black Knights (those devils look INCREDIBLE and make me squeal) and funny older brother of my husband's character.
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Tbh now I see that I am making a kind of a doll game out of Fromsoftware games, as it was in childhood - all my characters have their own story, relationships, preferences and strong family bonds lmaooo Why not (I won’t stop)
Esteban was the first "Spaniard". Playing with him as my avatar was incredibly fun - numerous deaths were not perceived so hard, there were LOTS of funny moments, I was scolding Esteban, amusing my husband… In general - we became close, and for a long time finishing the game I could not calm down and was talking about him too much (I genuinely don’t know how my hubbo puts up with me). I was drawing, even wrote a fanfic. And since I LITERALLY CAN’T live without a romantic story, Esteban was the first simp of Prince Lothric and a little bit of Orbeck and Fire Keeper xdd
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After DS3, we started Elden Ring. There I created Miguel - also a spaniard, Wretch, cheerful, but more mischievous and feminine than Esteban. I couldn't stop changing his appearance for a very long time until I found something that suits Miguel and fully reflects his character. I really liked Gideon Ofnir, well, really, really liked, but Miguel didn’t share my interest, and I couldn’t really ship them (except for a few explicit drawings :’D). Miguel stayed with Ranni, whom I love dearly, and I started the game again, with a new character. I created a girl. She turned out to be french and received the name Fiquet, and she not only gave me inspiration to finally write a fanfic about her and Gideon, but also brought me mental satisfaction because I finally took the Sorcerer class and spent the entire game killing enemies so easily (except for Mogh and Malenia) with a few hits, without tactics, thinking or other crap. Fiquet, my girl Q_Q
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I miss them, enjoy the pics of them
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Hello, sir :^)
After Elden Ring we started DS1, where Ramon was created in the same way, and also Jose in DS2 (I didn’t go further than Majula, I can’t help it - I don’t like this game. The desire to continue appears only because of Jose, who is my funniest character I think)
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Ramon as his is. No screenshots of Jose, he jumped of a cliff and now looks kinda bad lol...
So it became a tradition to start the game with pathetic (I mean his class xd) spaniard and continue with girl (although I have only Fiquet for now. Others are not much remarkable). That’s how Guillermo was created for playing Bloodborne! I already did absolutely everything I could in BB (I even created a female character to come to Edgar so choir boy won’t be so sad :'D), but Guillermo remains with me - kind, sweet, a little nervous, like an angel from vintage postcards (I see him that way xD), caring, kind of mother figure, confident in his rightness, responsive and sensitive, but at the same time with an impenetrable moral shield (I mean, it’s impossible in any way hurt his feelings). I brought him together with Micolash (not surprising, I guess), came up with a tragic and romantic story for them and an AU with a continuation of the plot after the squid hunter ending for a happy end, endowed him with the blessing of Kos and gave him a backstory. There is something attractive about it when a man receives the blessing of a female deity who protects women - it says a lot about him as a more feminine person on the inside than he appears on the outside.
When I imagine any cool plot with Guillermo x Micolash, I feel like
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Guillermo in case if you hadn't see him already:
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You know, all my oc x canon look like that
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(my OCs are always sort of Sportacus for their loved ones lol And also their loved ones are almost every time evil and edgy)
With all this I want to say that my spaniards and Fiquet have probably become like children to me... I love them, I continue to write about them, they are an integral part of my perception of games, and yes, this is probably really a peculiar need to play with dolls at my age xd Maybe that's why Guillermo wears Doll's gloves, Esteban enjoyed wearing Zullie the Witch's dress and gloves (with ADORABLE manicure yknow!!!) and etc lol...
Thanks for reading! I love to tell stories (As you may guessed lol), tho it take a plenty of time to translate it. Love yall
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cdmagic1408 · 1 year
CD's Movie Poll #1 Winner
The Road to El Dorado
* fair warning: spoilers ahead *
Kicking off the start of my movie poll/movie watching series is Dreamworks’ The Road to El Dorado!
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ngl this film has been on my watchlist for quite a while, and yet I never got around to actually watching it until now! (or rather, not until the other night lol) I’d heard so many great things about it before like the memorable characters, the kind of 2D animation that you really don’t see in Dreamworks films these days, and of course, the music!
I will say that I really enjoyed all three of those things in some ways and others 🤩
Right off the bat, Kevin Kline and Kenneth Branagh have really great chemistry! In fact, I loved their chemistry so much that I wanted to see footage of them recording their lines. so I legit looked up something like “road to el dorado behind the scenes” on youtube as soon as I finished watching the film and found that not only did they do ALL their voice recording sessions together in the same room but they also used plastic swords and playfully had it at each other!! AHHHHHH! so good!! 😂 ⚔️
but yeah they're hilarious! both on screen and behind it. I also just love the fact that both Kevin and Kenneth come from theater backgrounds cause I think that definitely added to how well they portrayed being con men 🎭
Ofc actors aside, some of you probably know this about me already, but I’m a BIG fan of dynamic duos when it comes to media...
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I loved the straight man-ness that was Tulio, and he was probably my favorite of the two. I tend to like characters that find comfort in strategy, cause I tend to be that kinda person too. I know sometimes the logical and level-headed ones aren't always funny, entertaining, or the people to root for in the slightest. But Tulio definitely isn't one of them. I found myself chuckling at a good number of things he said and did like not believing in fate simply cause he relies on loaded dice for example, plus his sarcasm, and how much he tried to compose his patience as well
Miguel was great too! It was fun how much he loved the city of El Dorado and just wanted to take it all in, and his endless optimism of course! But he definitely needed more guitar playing scenes! idk there’s something about those characters who just have an instrument to play at the ready for dramatics that’s really humorous for me, it’s almost, if not totally, breaking the fourth wall in a way 😆
I also really enjoyed the Chief, I love how it’s implied that he knew all along Miguel and Tulio were humans and not gods and yet he still liked them and let them stay anyway. that said, it's kind of a shame that the pair didn't stay in el dorado cause there genuinely were people there who adored them when clearly the people of Spain didn’t…heck they didn't seem to have a problem that they weren't actually gods!
and you have to admit, Miguel and Tulio did match the stone art of the gods quite nicely, like the resemblance there was freaky 😳
Chel was great as well, her cleverness and way of sweet talking definitely stood out to me the most about her character, and I also really loved her voice! 😌
and Altivo the horse? I wanna say he was truly Miguel’s companion when compared to Tulio earning the heart of Chel. after all, Miguel was the one who wanted to rescue him and bring him along, and I was genuinely happy when they decided to bring him on their journey cause the horse wasn’t a bad guy, like he not only gave Tulio and Miguel the keys to escape the ship, but he wasn’t spiteful to them or anything. basically what I’m trying to say is he isn’t how Maximus treated Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert initially, horse to con man
As for the villain? well…this is the first of three times I’m gonna be saying, “I got some Aladdin vibes from this movie" 😅 👉👈 which isn’t completely a bad thing by any means! 
But yeah…I immediately got Jafar vibes the minute Tzekel-Kan came on screen (also I had to look up this name cause I didn’t catch it very well while I was watching this film, I just kept calling him “Priest Guy”)
I mean…the fact that he can do sorcery, on top of serving a sweet kind-hearted ruler, tangling with not just one but two thieves, anybody picking up what I’m putting down? Yeah that’s really all I gotta say about that guy 🤷🏻‍♀️
also I swear to god that Jim Cummings is in literally everything that was 2D-animated in the 1990s-2000s! and he's always gotta play that big tough guy. Again, that also reminded me of Aladdin. but then again the conquistador didn’t really have that big of a role in this, at the very least I just hope he gave T-K what he got coming to him
I guess just to get it out of the way, I was admittedly humming "One Jump Ahead" in the beginning when Tulio and Miguel are getting chased through the city, but that’s all there is in terms of Aladdin similarities the way i see it
lastly in terms of the characters and cast, I gotta give credit to Elton John for being part of it too! I mean who doesn't love a singing narrator? and he and Tim Rice did an awesome job crafting the soundtrack for this film. every song was absolutely BEAUTIFUL 🎶 ✨
Needless to say, the animation was 👌 and the opening sequence was definitely one of my favorites throughout the whole film as well as the expressions and the solid movements of the characters, very well done no question there. oh! and how there were just gold objects of anything from butterflies to apples in el dorado! they didn’t call it the city of gold for nothing! ✨✨✨
but in the end, did it really have go the route of the overall goal is get all the gold by the end only to actually lose most, if not all, of it by the end? I just feel like that plot line is done a lot in movies. tho to be fair, this was made in the 2000s so heck, it probably began that trend. But I’ve found in recent years that when it comes to treasure hunting movies, this exact scenario happens just repeatedly and it’s nothing new. I’d say movies like The Goonies and Uncharted are two that come to mind for me that have this happen...
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Now there’s no way I can conclude my thoughts here without saying how AMAZING the “It’s Tough to Be a God” sequence was! I LOVED the “It's Tough to Be a God" sequence from the singing of the two leads to the colors to the everything about it, it was all magnificent! I'd arguably say it was my favorite scene in the whole film! And I'd be lying if I said that Miguel and Tulio’s version hasn't been stuck in my head ever since I watched it, because so help me it HAS and STILL IS and why that version is not on Spotify, I have no clue, but it SHOULD be. Again, props to Elton and Tim for writing this song and the others!!
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So overall, I thought El Dorado was a great movie! It was definitely worth the watch! It's not perfect by any means, I'm not even sure it's my favorite Dreamworks film, but it was still very fun and entertaining all the same and I'm really glad that I finally got to see it after all these years! 🤗
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airasora · 3 months
Plot Twist: Do a power move and ship Miguel with Chel to really stick it to Tulio! (Obviously this isn't a serious suggestion xD)
As for serious suggestions, I will admit, my brain isn't that creative for such stuff as well as being unsure what exactly you're looking for, I can't even explain any of my choices/suggestions lol.
For Girls I thought Lottie or Tiana from Princess and the Frog, Marina from Sinbad, Kida from Atlantis or Pcoahontas maybe?
As for guys I could only think of Milo from Atlantis or the Beast/Adam (After Quasi stole his girl)
For some strange reason I thought of either Nani or David from Lilo and the Stitch.
Now if you want smth more angsty or "toxic" for interesting dynamics, maybe Gaston or Eris from Sinbad...?
I also thought maybe Thomas from Pocahontas, but then remembered you made him Lina's brother in your Hollina AUs, but at the same time it'd be kinda funny for both Lina and Thomas falling for the fun-loving outgoing blondes.
And last one I kept thinking of Eric but we already had Sinric, but then again... they all got two hands so who knows.
Again idk enough movies or series probably to fit for Non Disney stuff and especially in the guys department I seem to be lacking ideas for, but I just pondered as a fellow Miguel fan. I always felt like an outlier.
I know you're joking, but honestly, I agree with the energy lolol xD
I know I'm gonna break some hearts here, but I REALLY don't like Lottie... x'D I get what they were going for, and I do think they accomplished that so I appreciate her in an objective fashion... but me personally? She just annoys me so much xD
Tiana and Naveen make me so sad cause their human designs were SO GOOD and then they're frogs most of the time - I almost wish their human designs had sucked so them being frogs wouldn't have felt like such a slap in the face Dx
I like that you said Chel wasn't a serious suggestion, but then suggest the other "native babes" like Kida and Pocahontas and I am ALL for Miguel getting the hot princess. If anyone deserves it, he does!
I like the idea of Pocahontas because with Miguel, rather than John Smith's initial dismissive and racist attitude, Miguel would (like we see in El Dorado) just run around and want to genuinely learn about her culture. He'd be so excited about literally everything and I could see Pocahontas falling head over heels with that. I think Pocahontas might be my favorite option so far!
My issue with Kida and Milo is the same I have for Hercules and Megara: their animation styles are a little bit too unique.
What I mean by this is that Atlantis' animation is very "sharp." The edges are SO square on, for example, their hands and I don't like when animation is too sharp or too soft - it gotta be just right!
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Hercules has a similar, but ALSO opposite problem. If you take a look at Megara's hand here, it legit looks like the back of her hand is swollen, as if she got stung by a bee and that entire area swelled up like this. But no, this is just the animation style. And it freaks me out xD I dislike the sharp edges in movies like Atlantis, but the opposite extreme isn't good either.
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These animation styles aren't so different from other (non)Disney styles that it takes me out of crossovers (like The Last Unicorn does, I will die on this hill, I hate that it's considered (non)Disney by majority of the crossover community xD) so I can definitely still ship characters from these movies. It's not that they are hard to work with, but that I'm just not a big fan off overly sharp or round character designs.
I've seen a few Miguel and Nani videos actually, and what is interesting is that in quite a few of them... Nani is toxic as hell xD Something you may have noticed about crossovers (and by you I mean anyone reading this) is that some characters are more often portrayed as the abuser in comparison to other characters, and what they all have in common is that they have a lot of scenes where they're angry - cause that can be used to represent abuse, toxicity or just being mean. Odette is also often used as the "abusive" character because she has so many scenes where she's angry - I think that's why Nani is used to portray that sort of character often in crossovers x'D
I can definitely see her fall for Miguel cause he and David are kinda similar? Good guys with good hearts, absolute himbos and loyal as hell. Which is kinda why I don't personally ship Miguel and David, there isn't quite enough contrast between them for me personally.
Eris is a character I would edit with ALL THE TIME if it wasn't for her amazing, but pain in the ass hair xD
Thank you for all the suggestions! It gave a lot of food for thought, and it was fun to think about Miguel this much :D
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runa-falls · 9 months
Em I did not come to say hello in very very long time (woopsies ahah) but ANYWAY i've been seeng your 123 celebration going on and i came to say hi and congrats on all the milestones!!!!!! I'M VERY PROUD OF YOU FOR ALL OF IT!!!
anyway im meant to be writing but lmao here we are?
shipping game: send me a brief description of yourself (preferably your pronouns [so i don't get it wrong!], hobbies, likes/dislikes, personality, etc.) and i'll match you with one of my blorbos! -- also include if u want some spice 🌶️ or not!
ok ok so. um.
I use she/her pronouns, I've got big wavy hair that has a bit of a curl to it. I used to do competitive swimming/general swim classes for about 7-8 years until Covid (meaning: my poor. poor. poor. hair.). I am average height at 5'5 and a bit, and I've got big brown eyes. I struggle a LOT to find good clothing cuz I'm very heavily on the curvy side and dress modestly, but I tend to be a little extra with my clothing and like to dress up for the smallest occasions (like. i will go to the mall. in an evening gown. i dont care.) I looove collecting things like rocks, old records and specifically pins- I wear a hijab so I adooooore collecting little things I can use to pin it with. Super fun. I love cooking but I hate cleaning up after, I sleep in a lot, and I love to read romance books. My favourite colour is green, and I dress in a lot of earth tones, and I am heavily touch starved, my love language is....I think physical touch or gifts cuz I loove making things for people!! I write a lot, fanfiction and novels (less on the novels lmao). Ummm, I loove parties and social gatherings, and I like someone by me who enjoys going on adventures and exploring the world (biggest history nerd you will meet its so bad)
anyway i love you mwah mwah mwah mwah
i ship you with: miguel o'hara :))
i feel like miguel was a lot more sociable when he was happy so he'd love to have you on his arm when you two attend parties and shit.
miguel loves it when you dress up. he doesn't need to see a SPECK of skin to get riled up for you LOL. he 100% hypes you up whenever you get ready "there's my girl 😍" (he's a simp). you have to physically push him away before he ruins your make up and wrinkles your clothes bc he's so needy ugh.
miguel also loves giving gifts to show his affection. he's the type of guy to randomly give you little pins for your hijab or a record by an artist he's seen you listen to. he also loves to have you in his arms. he's a protective guy and having someone who's a foot smaller makes him FERAL. not to mention his love for curves :3
mig is open to traveling, but both of his jobs (scientist/spiderman) kinda keep him in one general area. he'd probably make exceptions for you tho (SIMP). mig can cook for you, but he loves your food so he usually ends up cleaning up anyway. he's an early riser so the kitchen is clean for you every morning!
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erigold13261 · 7 months
HC that in the NSpidR world, Miguel basically took over Alchemax to make Nueva York (he was a scientist there in the OG comics, just like Liv and Jonathan)
Oh neat. Maybe! I somehow forgot about Alchemax lol.
Maybe instead of taking over it, the two became partner companies or something like that. Similar to how J-1 Robotics is partnered with a cybernetics company, or something like that.
Alchemax is where all the very delicate research on power samples and power-reducing tech is done and created. While Nueva York is where the therapy and housing (basically everything else) happens.
Miguel would still be the CEO of both, but probably has another person running the intricacies of Alchemax. I don't see that person being Liv because she would want to be in the researching area, not the one running the shots, and Jonathan I always saw as under Liv in the hierarchical ladder so that also keeps him from being the one running Alchemax.
Actually, just looked it up and found out that Olivia is the founder of Alchemax! Neat! Though I like her kinda being like the secret leader of the company and not really the face of it. That's probably why I think Miguel being the face of both Nueva York and Alchemax would work out really well.
I was going to say that Kingpin could be the head of Alchemax, but then I saw that he has his own company Fisk Industries. I think his company is a holding company in canon which, and I might be wrong here, is like a parent company that completely or partially owns another business as well as stock and stuff like that.
I kinda prefer the idea that Fisk Industries is more like a distributor or a warehouse company than a holding company. No matter what, it is a powerful company with a lot of money to it (probably because it is still definitely a front for a criminal organization in this AU lol).
So like, Vandelay Tech makes special parts, technology, robots and stuff like that, which is then bought by companies like Fisk Industries to store until they get shipped out to customers or brick-and-mortar stores (the cybernetics are done by Vandelay Tech themselves in house and are not distributed).
From there Fisk Industries distributes that stuff to other companies, stores, directly to customers. One of these being Alchemax, which gets specially designed parts and machinery that Vandelay Tech makes, but it's cheaper to buy that stuff through Fisk Industries than directly from the manufacturer (because Kale wants to make a big profit by jacking up the price legally and Wilson is willing to lower prices in some kind of laundering/crime scheme that makes him money illegally).
With the tech/parts/machines from Vandelay/Fisk, Alchemax can create highly specialized tech that relates to reducing powers in people as well as have the tools to do proper research to keep Nueva York running and showing progress to continue getting funding.
Loved talking about this a lot honestly! It's been a bit since I thought about the distribution process of goods from manufacturer to consumer. This also helped me round out more of the area and how some companies are connected together even if they don't seem like they should be.
Honestly, Psychonauts probably gets their parts from Fisk Industries as well. At least if they don't know that there is a crime ring attached to the company, otherwise they would try and get things directly from Vandelay Tech (even if it is pricier, but then the Tech Revolution happens and now Psychonauts aren't sure if they want to continue relations with them either and might have to look to overseas manufacturers for the parts needed for psychic machinery).
NSR and J-1 are definitely working together to supply each other with power, funding, and qwasa tech. NSR would technicaly be the holding company in this part of the world, with J-1 being a manufacturer. There wouldn't be a need for a middleman distributor for J-1 and NSR working together, but J-1 does have distributors for its toys and other products for the average consumer (the cybernetics company owned or partnered with J-1 is not supplying NSR directly, but it does have NSR's interest to think about in order to keep its funding/continue working).
Now I just need to figure out how the companies in Europe work together. Especially the UK Robotics company (I really need to start thinking of names for these companies lol).
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solitaireships · 7 months
okok two things i wanted to ask:
have you ever thought of an au where all your fos are put together in one big au? :0 i've sorta seen some modern aus around here and there where people do it so i'm curious if you've ever done that before!
i'm curious: how different is the role swap au to the actual canon between shepard and hoffman? does it all play the same in the end? different? (@eveningshards)
Hey Haze!
I haven't really thought of something like that tbh! I've been asked a couple of times on twitter about how I think James and Bruce would interact if they met each other, and tbh that's always something I've struggled to kind of think of, like I for some reason just cannot imagine characters from different media interacting with each other i say like i haven't written a ship fic for james and miguel. Like it seems cool in theory, but idk if it's something I'd be ever able to come up with ideas for
With the role swap for Shepard and Hoffman, in some ways it follows canon fairly closely, but in other's it's different. Namely bcs Shepard is not as brutal as Hoffman is, even when she's a serial killer. She would be very committed to the ideology behind Jigsaw, and that means that every test she makes is a legitimate test where it's hard to pass, but still possible to. This means there's no reason for John to basically put in his will to kill her if she gets out of hand the way he did for Hoffman, and it also means that the events of S.aw 3D would be very different from how they were. Maybe that means that movie would actually be good lol
But I do think that in the end, she would end up being in trouble with the law. Not bcs Jill tells the police tho, instead it would be because one of the people who managed to survive her traps ended up figuring out who she was. That or Perez didn't get killed during the equivalent of the scene where Hoffman's exposed, idk for sure since this is still a very undeveloped au like all of mine are lol
Either way, she ends up having to go into hiding, and that's how she meets Hoffman, paralleling how she ends up meeting him when there's an active manhunt for him within their canon. It's probably slightly lower stakes than her saving him tho considering she never gets locked away in the bathroom like Hoffman does bcs of the aforementioned not having her murder be part of John's will
But from there, things are pretty similar to the standard Shepard and Hoffman dynamic, just flipping things around to match with their differing roles of serial killer vs "I can fix them". But also Hoffman has more "damn she's a serial killer. Kinda hot. If she kills again then I guess I support women's wrongs" vibes bcs he can be inclined towards evil as a treat
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better-off-crazy · 8 months
Anyways Spoilers --i never figured out how to do that undrcut thing on mobil if thats not obvious by now but whatever its tumblr your here for the Spoilers! Whether you like it or not really-- and not like many people are posting bout sandrock anyways(lame its great!) and when they do its all Spoilers anyhow and this is long enoguh so should do it automatically. Probably.
This is not in any order whatso ever.
Did they bascilly just spell out what the next game is gonna be? With the northern development? Could be dlc but it feels like a whole game could go there. Altho theres also the stuff happing in Ethea too so that could also be the next one.
This should help! Gives salt.
Tbh i thoguht they were gonna kill off Mort at the end of it.
It awalys ends by building a ship. I like that its like one last hurrah!
Bronco shows up? At the party?? In a room full of basic npcs??? Ok???? And bogan jack is there too??? And it made me fight him??? And then teleported me into the desert?!?!
Getting to see all the representatives is really cool!
Luna looks awsome, her concert was pretty nice. Except for the fact it was a bit outif sync
"Its been my honor to sink... so that others could swim" thats freaking sad! And inspirational!
Gaudi looks like he stole his outfit from Gust
Wei says Excelsior. Cute
The fact that they asked cooper to fill up about 10hrs worth of time is not surprising
Avrio did it! Catori too! proud of Them!
Seeing Gale made me tear up a bit. Its been a long time buddy
Unsuur being Unsuur, wanna give him extra hugs, i know how you feel reaching the end of the journey and its beeeen a long one.
Curie looks really cool! But where is that wind coming from to make her cape so flowy?
I love that there are items from portia now
That new story didnt work out to well for justice and owen did it? Lol
Why did matlida take that shot to the arm? It didnt extaly help her in the end? No one in sandrock suspected her? I did tho! I was right to be suspicious of her! I will awalys be happy about that.
Im glad larry and xena were able to stay and see that sandrocks not so bad and were actully pretty cool people
Justices real name is Maurice! The one question i never had has been answered!
We get to see mom and dad this time! Its not just dad! Its both! Cool!
THATS OUR PARENTS?! Wow they look so normal. And dapper. My Pa's eyes are left pink and right green, Unexpected. Unless thats like a bit of you inherited it from him? But my builds eyes are just pink n blue with heart irises.
Why dose the one rep look like J. Johnas Jameson
How did they convince cooper to give up that much land?
"Blessings to your sacred tree!" It sure is
Kept that promise to bring sandrock back. Feels good.
Nice I get to sit next to the pretty boy.
Love the fact that it was either me orr portia me to be the next top builder. Love that they exist at the same time.
Miguel is just there. Watching learing to be better.
Haha they still haven't found the rouge knight wonder if hell pop up next time?
Oh Qi awalys trying to show off the robot and hes relly improved with controlling it too!
FINAL BOSS!! : Cooper and his moon man conspiracy story witch i actully find kinda entertaining. Winner: Me
I would love to see more of the reps and just more ingeneral sandrock really made me feel things just like portia did! but just a lil bit more then portia did.
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Season 4, Episode 8: An Extremely Chaotic and Incoherent Review
EEEEUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH this was by FAR my least favorite episode so don't expect me to have many kind things to say about it D:<
The Good (what little there was of it):
Robby and Tory were like...the ONLY redeeming quality of this episode
They fucken CARRIED the damn thing, honestly--I don't know if I could have stomached it without them
"Did you just ask me to prom?" "Strictly a tactical move" Okay only Tory and Robby would flirt like this and god is it ADORABLE
While I am cranky that they wasted screen time bringing back Stingray of all people, "You were never a part of this team. You're a buffoon. A joker. An embarrassment." is my new go-to insult and I will now be using it regularly
Lol somehow I forgot that Daniel has other New Jersey cousins who can cause shenanigans. I am always eager for shenanigans
Sam's prom dress is almost the exact shade of pink mine was and thus I am obligated to compliment her fashion sense and color preferences
Also CALLED that her dress would be pink or purple!!! And does she ever SLAY in pink, go get it girl <3
Okay I know everything's gonna go to shit later but I'm happy these two get a few minutes of cuteness at least ;__;
Damn...the fact that Shannon was able to pick out red flags with Terry Silver immediately is making her grow on me. Like she's definitely not been the best mom, but the woman has good instincts and I have to respect that. "If there's one type of guy I know, it's a rich guy who wants something" indeed
Shannon might be smarter than I've been giving her credit for honestly
Miguel picking up Sam and spinning her ;_;
GODDDDD why can't they be happy for ONE NIGHT
Moon dancing with GIRLS like the sapphic queen she is!!!!
GOD if only one of them was her new girlfriend and she was off the market to one Eli Moskowitz ;___;
Man why won't they let that relationship DIE ffs
Okay okay back to good things, sorry
You know, I can take solace in the fact that Eli and Demetri did in fact go to prom as each other's date and are just too inconceivably stupid and far back in the closet to realize it
Idiots (affectionate, but frustrated)
Also, Demetri's prom suit is just as delightfully hideous as I've always dreamed it would be, and I am thrilled about that
Additionally, no straight man could ever wear a pac man suit to prom and manage to actually pull it off, hence proving further that Demetri is gay as all hell and just in very deep denial about it
AW, Dem tryna cheer up Eli when Eli’s bitch ass doesn't appreciate his very handsome and sarcastic date just because Dem's not a girl ;__;
At least Demetri looks apologetic when he gets dragged off by Yasmine??? That's something???
Eli's tryna be happy for Dem even though his heart is breaking in a million pieces, god bless
Okay not Yasmine seeming more excited to see Moon than Demetri, who she supposedly flew in from Sydney for
NO SERIOUSLY it's like:
Yasmine, upon seeing Demetri: Ah hey :) What's up, you :) Yasmine, upon seeing Moon: *excited sapphic screeching*
Also not Moon breaking into a huge smile and letting out this elated little "I can't believe you're here! <3 <3 <3" and then breaking into lovesick giggles
And, what? You think I'm NOT going to ship them??? Eat my ENTIRE ass actually
Okay, you know what??? MAD respect for Tory and Robby walking in in an ABSOLUTE power stance
Saw some people throwing shade at Tory's dress, but those people are wrong and leopard print fucks actually
Okay I mean I do appreciate Johnny trying to protect his kid from Terry Sleazer but like...Johnny you IDIOT, this absolutely has the vibes of him taking you to a secluded place to murder you??? Then again, it's very in-character for Johnny to just go anyway
Johnny Lawrence is only the most tragic of idiots
Aw, the WAY Sam looks at Miguel when they start slow dancing
She's so happy ;__;
I'll admit they DO have a few pretty great moments in this episode
Oh my GOD Tory and Robby are so fucking petty and EXTRA and it's absolutely glorious
Look at them, carrying this entire fucking episode on their backs
I can't believe they're just the actual embodiment of the Fake Dating fanfiction trope
Like they legit said "let's go to prom together to piss off our exes and make them jealous" and then actually started liking each other??? Classic fanfic move
Yeah okay the Anthony subplot is mildly amusing, I forget how sassy and hot-tempered Amanda can be
Love that for her though!
"Now why do you think you love your daughter more than your son?" GODDAMN YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO JUST OUTRIGHT CALL THEM OUT LIKE THAT
Okay she got them good with that notepad, I'll give it to her
Shannon was a dancer??? And she taught Robby??? THAT'S SO FRICKEN CUTE
I feel like they just really understand each other and can find a comfort and solace in each other they haven't been able to with anyone else and I think that's beautiful ;__;
She's showing him Soft Tory, where she doesn't feel like she has to be tough and badass ;_;
Pretty sure she was NEVER that vulnerable with Miguel so like
Keenry >>>>> Tori/guel actually
"Are they still watching?" "I don't care" *sobs*
I'll give it to you, Season 4, you got me very emotionally invested in the two dudes who were my least faves last season...that's impressive
ALSO if you look in the background during the Tory and Robby dance scenes, Moon is hanging around RIGHT BY Yas and Demetri the entire time
And I swear to GOD, I caught Moon turning and stealing a couple glances at Yas
Moon has a big fat lesbian crush on Miss Discount Regina George, send tweet
I’m betting she was hanging around Dem and Yas because she was trying to work up the courage to ask if she could “jokingly” cut in, but never could quite be brave enough :( :( :(
No I don’t CARE if I’m reaching actually, this headcanon is giving me a seratonin boost and that’s all that matters
There’s even a super brief shot of Yas and Moon dancing together, so fuck it, I’ll take my lesbian scraps
Aight that's a sick LA-city-lights-at-night shot, I'll give it to 'em
Y'know what? I predicted Eli would be third-wheeling Demetri and Yasmine and NOT Sam and Miguel, so like...I guess I won there???
He's clearly hanging around Dem like a lost puppy, so...at least we got one half of the ship being gay af
As much as you can fuckin win anything when you're getting Yasfuckingmetri shoved down your throat -__-
Alright alright alright I'll admit Stingray beating the shit out of the neighbor who’s got a stick up his ass was pretty damn funny
I GUESS he can get one last moment of glory before Terry Silver pummels him to kingdom come
I'll admit I kinda loved seeing Daniel take a page out of Johnny's book and cut the shit with Anthony, cuz like...I honestly don't think there'd be much other way to get through to him, the way he just...does whatever he wants lol
Also Daniel shouting Johnny's "QUIET!!!" was beautiful
Breaking the iPad was taking it a liiiiiittle far though
"Seems like you're always behind me in line. First Miguel, now Robby. I have a half-eaten cupcake in there if you want some!" DAMN GIRL YOU ARE A SAVAGE
I honestly have to stan, that was a sick burn
Okay, you know what? I was hoping for a karate brawl at the prom because teenagers fighting each other in formalwear is deeply hilarious to me. And this episode DELIVERED on that front. Granted, I was hoping for a larger karate fight that included Demetri and Eli pummeling the crap out of Kyler, but I'll take any prom karate fight.
And like...given Sam’s trauma with Tory and Johnny’s recent influence on her, I’m not really surprised she started shit and tried her luck with “striking first”
Like yes it led to a clusterfuck disaster but it was a neat character beat
On the upside, I don't think my most beloathed Tori/guel and S*mR*bby are going to be getting back together anytime soon, because Tory and Robby are in fact very into each other
Giving me legitimate hope that Samiguel and Keenry will be endgame because like...I don't think Robby and Tory are going to suddenly stop being utterly smitten with each other any time soon
Look at you smooching kids!!! Happy for you!!!
I would like to personally thank Robby Keene and Tory Nichols for singlehandedly getting me through this episode
Welp, I mean. They couldn't bring back Stingray without having him get his ass handed to him by an unhinged karate grandpa, so like...I guess that's something.
The Bad:
Okay WHY did we need to bring Stingray back? Like
We're all here for the kids and the karate dads and the evil karate grandpas
And we spent a good precious 3 minutes of screentime on Stingray stuff that I don't think anyone cares about
Literally the ONE good thing about bringing the man back is that we got "You were never a part of this team. You're a buffoon. A joker. An embarrassment." but that's IT
They could've used that screentime to actually like. Develop Demetri and Yasmine's relationship a tiny bit so that we actually give half a shit when she flies back to go to the prom with him like???
Maybe have a Yasmine scene where she's in the Sydney airport feeling conflicted, texting Dem or smth. It could be an opportunity to learn more about Yas and develop her a bit outside of just being really obsessed with Demetri or whatever
Like no, this wouldn't make me ship them, but at least it would help Yasmine feel like less of a fucking prop and more of an actual like...person
Right now she's literally just a "coolness prize" and I have 0 emotional investment in her and Demetri's relationship
I also know basically fucking nothing about it, considering we went from her making out with him in the halls and being super embarrassed about it to her being all over him and having no personality outside of it
Like, what, is it supposed to be a triumphant moment when she pops up at prom??? We still barely know her and, again, have basically no reason to be invested in her character OR her and Demetri's relationship
Unless you like looking at hot girls and projecting onto Demetri I guess
Bottom line is if the writers actually want me to root for Dem and Yas, the BARE MINIMUM is to give Yas some depth and some personality aside from "horny and occasionally mean"
Also it's real Daniel-and-Johnny-get-the-hell-over-yourselves hours
Maybe have one (1) reasonable, mature discussion instead of jumping at every opportunity to yell at and belittle each other and you wouldn't have so many issues get between your goddamn dojos
These stubborn fuckers are legit so wrapped up in their own self-righteousness that I am starting to very much want to slap them
Okay random little nitpick BUT
I'm so sorry but the little bows on Sam's straps look kind of tacky, don't kill me ^^;
Lowkey distracting D:
Other than that I like the dress tho!!!
Okay SO
MONSTER rant ahead
Literally as soon as we get to the prom everyone starts acting OOC as SHIT, it's insane
Like I shit you not, basically the only ones who aren't acting like they've been replaced by cheap imitation dopplegangers are Robby and Tory
Hence why, as previously stated, those two fuckers carried the entire episode
So for starters the No Homo'ing here is somehow even more atrocious than in Episode 5
And that was BAD
But like yeah of COURSE they have Eli complaining about him and Dem not having prom dates just to make SURE we know they're not each other's prom date -__-
Because god forbid we think they might be on a date for one goddamn second
And also every heterosexual in existence clearly spends every waking moment lamenting the lack of a romantic partner, and can never just...vibe with their friends at dances???
Like Demetri goes "dateless" to prom SOLELY with the intent of hanging out with Eli so he won't be alone, and then the writers make Eli not only appreciate it 0%, but also actively bitch about not having a girl on his arm???
Fuck OFF
It just feels so OOC, too, like...yeah, going to prom without an official date can make you self-conscious, but like...at this point in Eli's arc, I feel like he should kinda be over the need to get a gf for social status, you know?
And let's be real, high school dating (and prom dates in particular) is like 90% about social status
Like it would be one thing if the need to be in a relationship or be desired by girls was something that Eli still has to kind of overcome, but I don't get the sense that's where they're going with this??? It's just like "haha let's make the heavily queer-coded dude SUPER focused on girls so no one will ever suspect he's queer-coded!!!"
Also they deadass flew Yasmine all the way back from Australia solely to No Homo Demetri and Eli once again -___-
Like??? What was even the point of the "Yasmine goes to Australia" plotline???
Seems like they were trying to introduce conflict in Demetri's love life or something, but then they just solved it immediately
"Oh no, Demetri's girlfriend can't go to the prom with him!!!! Jk yeah she can"
Okay??? This made me feel absolutely nothing
Once again obsessed (derogatory) with the fact that the writers cannot ever let Demetri and Eli have ONE scene alone together without insistently sticking in a reminder that they're both straight
Like if they were actually just chillin straight bros you wouldn't need to TELL us they're just chillin straight bros all the time???
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure they don't do this kind of thing with like...Demetri and Miguel. Or Demetri and Chris. Because in those cases, the writers trust us to interpret their bond as purely platonic
But with Dem and Eli??? The showrunners know DAMN WELL how gay they come across, and they gotta constantly try and do "damage control" over it -__-
When will Yasmine's personality return from the war??? More at six
I'm still so upset that she went from being horrified that anyone would think she was dating Demetri to being all the fuck over him, and it happened entirely offscreen
What on earth happened to change her mind about openly dating him??? Guess we'll never fucking know
I can't believe I deadass said "maybe Yasmine and Demetri dating won't be so bad"
I really trusted the writers to portray it as the shallow fling it was set up as instead of like...the high school sweetheart romance of the century I guess
What--and I once again cannot emphasize this enough--the FUCK
Guess I am BooBoo the Fool
Here I thought these ultimately empty, shallow high school relationships would actually be shown as being
You know
Ultimately empty and shallow
Cobra Kai really tryna tell us "if you and someone in your high school find one another attractive and kiss a few times, y'all are absolute soulmates and you have found true love"
EXCUSE ME, you're telling me the SAME Demetri who put his arm around a shaved, sadboi Eli and told him he didn't care how he did his hair or what he went by or whether he was into coding or karate, he would always love him and be his best friend--
You're telling me THAT Demetri ditched Eli at the prom to go grind on his one-dimensional girlfriend, and didn't even invite Eli to go dancing with them???
Who the hell is this pac man-wearing fuck and what has he done with my boy??? This is character assassination of the highest caliber
Are you fucking SERIOUS??? They're having Eli still be hung up over Moon??? Bro you dated her for like 2 minutes, and we're literally never given any reason to think it was because of something other than just her being hot and popular. And now it's been, what? Like a year???
The writers will not let Eli move the hell on, despite the fact that Moon clearly has, and it pisses me off so much. Eli needs to let Moon go, and the narrative really should not reward him for being hell-bent on rekindling a romance that seemed to be based on literally nothing except physical attraction anyways
See but I KNOW it's going to and that angers me on a deep and profound level
Like my dude high school relationships end all the TIME and that's FINE! Teenagers are just getting used to an onslaught of hormones and experimenting with romantic relationships, and people in high school are constantly growing and changing so much that it's difficult to really build a lasting romantic relationship. When hormones and attraction are that intense, it's not uncommon at all for there to be a very strong spark for a little bit and then it completely burns out. With Hawk and Moon, we were never shown any deeper connection between them to build a lasting relationship off of. The fact that we're just supposed to take the writer's word for it that it was a deep and profound relationship with these puberty-riddled high schoolers is just ridiculous.
On that note, Eli thinking his first high school girlfriend is his soulmate or smth is also ridiculous. Although Eli is chaotic, intensely emotional, and sometimes kind of impulsive, we're shown he's overall an intelligent dude--he should really be smarter than this :/
Also ALSO in Episode 5, he showed basically NO signs of still being into Moon (aside from "oh when did she and Piper break up?"). Like he literally was completely focused on Demetri and Yasmine until Moon talked to him directly! And when Dem asked him about it, he seemed to have accepted the fact that Moon had a girlfriend and was legitimately ready to move on.
And now all the sudden he's being a piney sadboi for her again??? Because...she's available, and he's not allowed to move on for some reason??? Fuck OFF
I'm telling you, character assassination all AROUND in this episode
"We have to show Eli continuing to be obsessed with his first girlfriend instead of defining himself outside having a gf and trying to heal the friendships he drove a stake into last season, which are really more important to his overall character arc"
Like what a weird and vaguely gross writing choice
Moon really deserves better than to be endlessly pined for by a clingy ex who just will not let sleeping dogs lie I guess
Like I don't think I need to say it but your ex from a two-month relationship still being hung up on you like a year later proooooobably shouldn't be portrayed as a good thing. Or romantic. Or flattering in really any way. Especially when you've shown literally 0 signs of having any lingering feelings for him at all.
Sorry if I'm repeating myself, I'm just really angry about fucking H*wkM**n being pushed on us in such an insanely poorly-done way
I mean I wouldn't like it being pushed on us regardless but the way they do it is especially Cringe
Anyways I'm being reminded that as much as I've come to despise Yas/metri, I'll always despise H*wkM**n more
At LEAST Yasmine and Demetri had wedgies to bond over
WHAT do Hawk and Moon have in common?
The answer is ??????????????????????????????????????????
I guess eventually I'll have to stop ranting about this and start ranting about everything else I hated in this episode
So remember how I said everyone is acting egregiously OOC this episode??? I sure as hell didn't just mean my boys Demetri and Eli
Do not even get me STARTED on Miguel
Actually no, I WILL get started on Miguel, whether you like it or not
So Tory and Robby walk in and Sam and Miguel are Big Mad, right
Understandable, have a nice day. BUT
Both Sam and Miguel have heavy trauma centered around Tory and Robby. Robby paralyzed and nearly killed Miguel, and Tory severely assaulted Sam with seemingly-murderous intent twice
Naturally you would think one or both of them would have, perhaps, a goddamn panic attack--or at LEAST want to get as far away from their former aggressors as possible, instead of just standing around and shooting glares at them
With Miguel it's especially egregious because like. Your girlfriend showed you the scars she got from Tory in the hospital, and you know she's been badly hurt by this girl. And you can't be bothered to check up on her and make sure she's okay when she starts acting tense, upset, and anxious around her former attacker???
It's outrageous, like...Miguel has been shown to care SO MUCH for Sam, and to an extent he's never had eyes for anyone but her (if you consider Tory a rebound, which...she kinda was tbh). Why the hell isn't he more worried about her assaulter being nearby???
Like the Miguel Diaz I know would have pulled Sam aside like "Hey, are you okay with them being here? If you're uncomfortable we can go home and watch octopus documentaries"
Or at the very least I feel he would have opted to, you know, not DANCE RIGHT NEXT TO THESE PEOPLE WHO TRAUMATIZED HIM AND HIS GF
Like why even??? Just go to the other side of the dance floor, where you don't have to worry as much about like...getting severe PTSD flashbacks
On that topic, literally WHY is Miguel suddenly still into Tory??? He has not been shown to have ANY lingering feelings for her like ALL SEASON
Also this is still the chick who assaulted his current gf, who he has always, sorry to say it, liked better than Tory anyhow
As if he'd EVER pine for Tory when he's with the girl he's liked from DAY FUCKING ONE
I buy these lingering Tory feelings 0% actually
Also bro WHY is Miguel annoyed at Sam for shooting glances at Robby and Tory, like??? Again, this was the girl who BRUTALLY ASSAULTED HER together with Sam’s possibly vindictive ex, of COURSE she's tense and wants to keep an eye on them
To make sure, you know, SHE AND MIGUEL DON'T GET ATTACKED
Which, given these four's history, is not completely out of the question, dojo "truces" aside
Bottom line is Miguel is highkey being a dick and uncharacteristically unconcerned about his girlfriend's legitimate PTSD, and this is NOT the Miguel Diaz I know and love
"I guess Moon's not coming" "I'm sorry, did you say something?" Yo, where are the Cobra Kai writers at? I swear, I just wanna talk
As if Demetri WOULDN'T be checking in on Eli constantly. Ffs that's just what Demetri DOES.
Like Demetri went to the prom solely to keep Eli company, as established before, and now he suddenly doesn't give a shit about sidelining Eli and making him feel super awkward???
And of COURSE the showrunners can't pass up an opportunity to remind us that Eli is totally straight and still obsessing over the ex he had no chemistry whatsoever with -___-
This H*wkM**n shit is gonna make me do a homicide I swear
No way this fucker is really my boy Demetri, they've replaced him with an awful, awful clone
The REAL Demetri and Eli decided not to go to prom and are at Eli's house playing video games this entire episode actually
WHERE is management, I am going to throw some hands
Can I throw this entire episode into an incinerator
Except for Robby and Tory, y'all are angels and you can stay
Aight so while I do appreciate Daniel giving Anthony the harsh call-out he deserves, like I said before, breaking the iPad was a LITTLE much
Seems not great to scare your kids into compliance but okay
"You think I broke your heart? You broke mine too" girl what
Sam has literally never been shown to still have feelings for Robby since the breaking-Miguel's-back incident, what the FUCK
Damn, this is really the "try to convince everyone Sam and Miguel still have feelings for their exes and utterly fail at it" episode huh
Like even when Sam talked to Robby at the skate park, she entirely seemed to miss his friendship???
I want to emphasize once again that this is the first we've seen or heard ALL SEASON of Sam and Miguel still carrying ANY kind of torch for Robby and Tory
Even for a silly karate soap opera this shit is just insanely whack
"Tonight was supposed to be for you and me and you ruined it" BRUH
Like your girlfriend is understandably on edge because her previous assaulter shows up, you show 0 concern or empathy about this, and then you get all up her ass for doing exactly what both y'all's mentor has always taught you about striking first and not taking shit???
I mean yes, starting shit with Tory was not the wisest thing to do, but given Sam's trauma and constant concern about Tory coming after her, it's absolutely understandable
Sam lost her temper and lashed out, yes, but it's worth noting that from her perspective she was preemptively striking to get the upper hand in the case that Tory tried to attack her
Which, given Tory's 2 cases of assault against her, isn't a terribly unreasonable assumption--promise to Amanda not to attack Sam or no
Anyways so like...now Miguel is getting mad at SAM and accusing her of RUINING THE NIGHT because she was understandably upset and uncomfortable with her, you know, ASSAULTER being nearby???
Fuck OFF
It's Peak Douche and the most egregiously OOC shit I've ever seen
Like suddenly he doesn't care about Sam's trauma or try to factor it in when she's behaving out of sorts??? Eat my ENTIRE ass
Where the hell is the real Miguel Diaz??? Did someone kidnap him??? Is he playing video games with the real Demetri and Eli???
Sam was more in character than Miguel for sure BUT
She should be much more pissed at Robby for, you know, BREAKING HER BOYFRIEND'S BACK and then looking like he might attack said boyfriend again???
Like it's a little more in-character for Sam to get wrapped up in her rage enough that she doesn't stop to think about how Robby's presence could be affecting Miguel
But she still should have checked in with him somewhat
They BOTH should have checked in with each other when the people who traumatized them walked in, wtf
Like how do you butcher Samiguel so bad in what should probably be the most romantic episode
"You're doing just fine. I love you." "I love you too, Robby" EXCUSE ME
You have the audacity to come here, on the DAY of my Samiguel character butchering, and butcher Johnny Lawrence's character too???
I'm going to light something on fire
Look I hate to be That Guy but lowkey Johnny has been shown to love Miguel more than Robby
Like I don't think either Miguel or Johnny are really in the wrong for that, because like...you can't help that you're just going to form deeper connections and vibe more with some people than others, y'know? And you can't fully help who you love, and how much you love them
Like it's nice that Johnny wants to reconcile with Robby but like
I just CAN'T see him choosing Robby over Miguel tbh
Nor can I see Robby being more on his mind than Miguel while he's in a drunken stupor :/
Damn, first Demetri and Eli, then Sam and Miguel, now Johnny and Miguel...is this episode TRYING to do every single relationship in this show that I like dirty????
And now they're making me watch Miguel cry and ripping my heart in half, as if I wasn't already upset ENOUGH god damn it
In summary AYVKUZDTGWCIYKTDETKCTW (derogatory)
This episode burned not just my house down but my entire neighborhood down
Look what you've done, Cobra Kai, now I'm homeless
Hol up I need to lie on my couch and cry (derogatory) for a while
Someone PLEASE give me the strength to get through the last two episodes, I'm going to need it :/
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cobra-shy · 3 years
Karate Kid/Cobra Kai survey
tagged by the very sweet @hunkydorkling for the cobra kai survey!!! I have no idea what I'm going to say but let's do this!! >:-)
It's the year 2021 and you're obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling?:  great!!! I never would've imagined meeting so many kind and talented people through this karate show and my humble doodles inspired by it haha, and I know I sort of came to it late but its been crazy to watch how much the fandom has grown in just the last 6 months?? Absolutely bananas, I cant wait until the next season 🍌🥋
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series?: kind of new!! Like obviously my friends and family had seen it, (I think I remember my cousin telling me she really liked it when we were kids, which made me spitefully REFUSE to watch it on tape while I was at her house because we were beefing over little kid shit at the time?? afsgdhfjf god bless) and like obviously it was available to me through popcultural osmosis and so on, but it was never really something I took an interest in or went out of my way to watch, so last year was the first time I sat down and actually watched all three movies from beginning to end, so I'm pretty fresh to it!! (and LOL sorry to my cousin!! you were right!)
We gotta do the basics. Favorite character:  UHHHHHH this is so hard oh my god, because I feel like I flip flop on this pretty much daily but uhh?? Daniel? And maybe more specifically adult Daniel, because there's something incredibly moving watching the karate kid grow into a complicated adult whose sort of living like he's trapped in the second verse of a Bruce Springsteen song T___T (and OBVIOUSLY adult Johnny too omg, I mean he's the soul of the show and the reason I ended up falling in love with it, and I literally cry about him all the time, so T____T I don't know this is a tough call! also Miguel!!)
Favorite ship:  🚗Tom Cole 💕 Pawn-Shop Guy💰 (...I'm joshing you of COURSE it's Lawrusso omg 🌳💖🐍)
Underrated character:  I mean obviously Aisha, there was so much they could've explored with her character in the canon, and she had such a specific and unique relationship to the themes of the show that would've been awesome to have seen developed further, and the sort of flippant "didn't you hear? Her parents sent her to private school" was just :-((( but I guess Counselor Blatt too!! Like I have loved what I've seen of her character explored in fanfic, but I'd also kill to see more of her on screen, because like?? She went to high school with these guys omg, it'd be great to see all three of them interacting with each other in some capacity, and I want more unsubtle Daniel-thirsting ("I was kinda hoping you would show up in costume. Maybe a karate gi?" ;) for a whole show dedicated to karate, this poor lady has yet to realize her gi kink omg, someone fix this)
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol): Louie/Anoush!!<33 (would love to see a Loush & Lawrusso double date honestly)
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?: Sweep the Leg!
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favorite?:  oh gosh, a difficult choice to be made from this lesbian fashion icon, who's always batting 1.000, wardrobe-wise--- I think I'd have to go with the prom suit!! I'd like to think him and Mr Miyagi picked that out at JC Penney's together 😂
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver: Mike Barnes!! Would love to see if he chilled out over the years 👀
Scene that lives in your head rent-free: ahhhhhhh it's so hard to choose, but I think the bonsai trimming scene from the first movie T___T<3333 it always chokes me up.
(also the Bill Conti solo training montage directly after Mr Miyagi shares his grief with Daniel, making him approach this pursuit with renewed gravity & grace & purpose in this silent, perfect way ;_; the editing was so beautiful)
(ALSO, a lá RiffTrax and GIF courtesy of @howard-ly
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Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?:  PLEASE GOD!!!!!!! IM BEGGING 🙏🙏🙏 fanfic has once again totally spoiled me in this regard (when I first started watching the show I read @storyshark2005 's incredible (No) Mercy for the Midlife Crisis before I had even began season 2, which incorporates Anthony's character in such a convincing and satisfyingly brilliant way that, after finishing it, I erroneously believed that he'd be given a similar depth and necessity in canon and like!!! NOT EVEN CLOSE OMG 😭) but if he ever does get his moment to shine, I hope it's via him joining the current Cobra Kai as like, a white elephant ringer wherein Kreese and Terry think theyve totally gotten one over Daniel by indoctrinating his son, but actually he's such an intentional nuisance and obstacle to their evil plans that Kreese and Terry are like "fuck it, this ain't worth it-- let's just retire to Tahiti", thereby saving the entire valley, and Daniel's like, SO proud :"-) but Anthony's just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ yeah that was cool, can I order Mortal Kombat 11?
You live in The Valley and are forced into the karate gang war.  Which dojo do you join?:  As much as I'd like to ogle Johnny's sleeveless karate physique in action, I completely disintegrate any time someone yells at me (or even in the face of loud noises in general afsgdhdjfj) so I would definitely have to defer to Miyagi Do🌳 (and also I actually enjoy doing fastidious, mind-emptying chores and yard work 🤷‍♀️)
What’s your training montage song?:
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special?: QUANTUM LEAP!!!! it would be so seamless omg, I can vividly picture the opening scene where Sam has already leaped and he's like why is it dark and why is there a gang of teenage skeletons chasing me across this field, and just after he's been peeled off the fence and Johnny sneers "you couldn't leave well enough alone, could you, little twerp?? No, you had to push it. Well, now you're gonna pay!" and then Sam just kind of reels back and says OH BOY in his little Scott Bakula voice, with Al all the while just puffing on his cigar in the background and saying ya gotta break the cycle of violence, Sam!! The soul of the Valley depends on it!!
(WAIT I just read that that said "Cobra Kai" and not the TKK universe in general agshdjjfjgkjgj soooooooo... the Newlywed Game, wherein Johnny and Daniel kind of slay it?? Or fucking, Judge Judy, who tries to settle all of the small-claim legal disputes in the Valley with all of the patience and elegance of Judge Judy-- somehow Terry Silver wins his case against Daniel and Johnny owes Raymond [he tries to be recognized as Stingray but is immediately shut down by Judge Judith Sheindlin who insists that this isn't Animal Planet, buster] up to $3,000)
And afshsjdhfjkfj I THINK most of the people I would've tagged have already done this at this point?? But if you havent and you'd like to then consider this your invitation!! Go forth!!<3333
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miyagifangdo · 3 years
What are your top CK ships and favorite characters?
My first anon!! Aaaah thanks for this!
So this definitely gets divided into fanon and canon ships
Lawrusso: Look I know they will never make it canon in a million years and I kinda dont even want them to cause they could never make it as wonderful as the fanon version? Like I already love the canon bits/scenes we get and it’s delightful and I’m looking forward to it all in s4! But I just think Lawrusso is so rich with the history, the angst and just all the material there to explore. One bit pet peeve though is how often Johnny’s bullying and torment get brushed aside and that puts a REALLY bad taste in my mouth so I only read/engage with fics that acknowledge that and have him apologize (cause goodness knows I have given up on expecting that from the show I honestly dont think they will do it in s4 and will be pleasantly surprised if they do!)
DAMIKO: My comfort babies! Okay so they definitely don’t count as fanon cause they were (are...ahem) canon but given the current state of the show as of now they won’t probably happen (a girl can dream about a wild twist endgame tho huh? :D) so its in the fanon category. Anywho, I adooore them and think they are soulmates, and truly made each other so happy. Like Daniel’s smile remained the same 34 freakin years later and Kumiko still in love with him! <3 (also their summer romance is very very similar to my own 2 years ago while I was in exchange abroad during Uni so I definitely relate a lot to them and it’s just....abundance of feels okay?!)
Jarmen: Listen they are good^tm for each other! Carmen’s priority will always be Miguel and here is a guy whose first priority is Miguel! Like they just work, and I really wanna see them develop next season, and also more screentime for Carmen in general cause I love her :D
Samiguel: PURE! Wholesome! Babies <3 Let em stay together no more drama!
As for favorite characters in no particular order: Daniel, Miguel, Aisha, Carmen, Kumiko, Mr. Miyagi (he counts as CK okay cause he’s in the show, spirit, legacy everything!) and I generally like pretty much everyone except Kreese lol
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moonandblossoms · 2 years
What are all your beyblade ships since you have started watching beyblade?
As of now, I roughly ship around ten couples. I had different tastes in the past, but some of them have vastly changed over time.
1. Tyson and Hilary: I like them mostly because of G-Revolution. I could see Tyson turning out to be matured enough and develop a soft spot for Hilary. They were often teased as a couple in on-screen.
2. Kai and Julia: I support them for a good reason. I know they haven't had enough interactions but Julia seems to be Kai's type, like having the big-girl attitude, more focused and the drive to get stronger, determined, cool and calm, fiery and becomes an ideal girl power. Kai might look down on girls but Julia is potential to change the impression on him.
3. Ray and Mariah: Pretty obvious. No explanation needed (sorry I am just a bit lazy to type now tbh).
4. Max and Emily: Well.... the reason why I actually ship them is because I prefer Ozuma for Mariam, with that leaves Emily out with Max hehehe. But later I came to see a couple of scenes like where Emily finds confidence as a charming quality in men after she sees Max trying to meditate for a confidence boost and also worried for him when he left for the lake.
5. Ozuma and Mariam: Mariam has shown to understand Ozuma rather well, but honestly speaking there is no girl I would ship Ozuma with other than Mariam. Regardless, I see potential in their relationship because they are teammates and would have understood each other pretty well.
6. Kane and Salima: I just like the fact that the fandom does love to ignore their dynamic in canon. Yes, Salima risking her life to save Kane from Cyber Dragoon even if she doesn't mind going against broken glass pieces and falling debris proves it all. The last three episodes of Psykicks arc indeed showed a lot of Salima's admiration and love she had for Kane.
The fandom just loves to ignore V-force boys and I am still salty about it lol. They need more love and deserve to be shipped ❤️
7. Miguel and Mathilda: I did see Miguel actually placing a soft spot for Mathilda during several occasions. I feel Mathilda does have some feelings for Miguel. Their interactions and relationships so cute overall.
8. Tala and Queen: Queen sounds more of a replacement for Julia lol. Well, I guess Queen can be the girl who can make Tala speak his mind out. Of course, canonically there is no girl to ship with him but since Queen appears older than many girls, she could maybe make a good match for Tala based off her personality post V-force world championships.
I too like Mario and Frankie but I wish if we got to see more of them. Max's parents make a lovely couple as well. I am pretty neutral about Tala and Julia, but more towards the like side. Enrique does look good with his girlfriends but I think there is not enough depth. It sounds more like them hanging with him just because he is rich, nothing else. They are good, I just want to see more of it.
There were a few ships which are good in canon. I used to ship them back when I was young. I am not a huge fan of these ships anymore but I do see them.
1. Ray and Salima: This was one of the first ever couples I shipped because I thought they looked good with each other. But I see Salima more with Kane and Ray with Mariah than with each other now. They also had the potential and they are a good pairing. But for some reason, they aren't my cup of tea or a pairing I might develop further interest.
2. Max and Mariam: I guess the amusement park tournament was the best moment in their relationship, like him actually bringing out the true beyblading spirit in her. She also changed because of him. I guess I could have shipped them further if Mariam had appeared in G-Revolution, but its just I want Ozuma to have some girl.
3. Kai and Hilary: Yes, there was a time I kinda rooted for Kai and Hilary. I actually do show a soft spot for the ship because of so many authors who write for this pairing. They are a good pairing, but I just prefer Tyson over Kai for her.
4. Michael and Emily: I mean, its pretty obvious why the pairing is pretty supportable, but I guess Michael needs an older-Tsundere girl who can tame him well hehehe. I don't ship them much now, but yeah they seem to be a good pairing.
I am not sure if I had ever shipped Raul and Mathilda, but I might have a vague memory of it?
I used to do plenty of multi-shipping, like there were times I shipped Kane and Mariam (?) or Kai with Mariah (?) or even Ray with Mariam (?) and Kane and Mariah (?). I mean, I kinda multi-shipped Mariam and also Mariah with many boys lol. Now I of course don't do, it was my crazy twelve-year old brain, I am eighteen how hahahahaa.
I support a bit of yaoi and yuri like TyKa, RayMax, Emily/Mariah, etc. but I do see some of them like bros/sisters lol.
I guess these are all my beyblade ships over the years if I had to put them all together.
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cc-tinslebee · 3 years
Hey!! Real quick -- thank you @demetriandelibinaryboyfriends for the tag!!
It's the year 2021 and you're obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling?
I wasn’t not expecting this in the slightest— I decided to watch Cobra Kai on a whim in January while my mom and I were dying my hair, and somehow it became my second hyperfixation of the year?? Wack??
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series?
Actually, my first introduction to the Karate Kid was the 2010 film with Jaden Smith. It came out when I was younger, so I used to watch it religiously. Then after watching The Outsiders in eighth grade, my dad convinced me to watch the first two original Karate Kid movies before they were kicked off Netflix. Lowkey, the entire time, I was like, “Johnny Cade??” I still haven’t seen the third film because Netflix DVD is homophobic (/j), but I didn’t really get into it until Cobra Kai.
We gotta do the basics. Favorite character:
🎶Demetri and Eli, binary booooyfrieeends brooootheeers.🎶 You already know. Somehow relate to both of them a little too much— also Moon!! My beloved!!
Favorite ship:
Elimetri, MoonPiper, and Samiguel all have my heart 🥺
Underrated character:
*takes out a list that hits the floor and keeps rolling* Okay so—
I’m just playing— for underrated-underrated characters, Moon because she’s overshadowed by Yasmine and misogynists, definitely Chris because he’s a legend, and Bert/Nate because the wiki always says ‘some kid’ in reference to them which is like ://
But Moon and Demetri are 100% my biggest underrated-even-though-they’re-a-somewhat-big-character characters. Moon is not a villain and Demetri is not the worst, thank you very much. *points at Reddit and The Cheat Sheet* y’all are just misogynistic and neurotypical.
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol):
MoonPiper is kinda underrated, I think? A good chunk of the fandom is adamant on it, which is great, but in the lense of the show, not so much right now. Also torisha kinda! My girls!!
And Shawbby!! Let Robby have a bond outside of this karate nonesense!! It’s what he deserves!!
We’re not gonna talk about my season one-exclusive Moon/Eli/Demetri ship, we’ve already been over this—
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?
Sweep the leg, babey!! I’m definitely on the side of @demetriandelibinaryboyfriends about how it’s genuinely amazing how Demetri just took the move Eli used against him and ran with it. Yes, he is petty, and we love him for it. Me too tbh
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favorite?
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Dork man TKK-era Daniel had the best fashion sense tho
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver:
At first, I was going to say I couldn’t think of anyone, but now!! Bring back my boy Freddy Fernandez!! He totally disappeared after the beginning of the first film, and I wanna see him again!! Also Ali’s friend Susan!
Scene that lives in your head rent-free:
Any Moon & Demetri scene, and I am once again asking them to pay rent— also 100% the Valley Fest scene where Eli pulls Demetri onstage. Iconic of them.
Also, lowkey, any Torisha scene. Somehow so unintentionally gay?? I legitimately thought they were telling me that Aisha had a crush on her??
Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?
Lowkey, please gods no. Didn’t he appear, like, one (1) time in season three? I think it’s good that they have a comic relief character that’s involved in the conflict by extension, but not actively involved. It’s great to see the LaRusso family, two of them in the midst of this big fight, another getting roped into it and being extra passionate about her husband and daughter being hurt, and then you have the youngest child, serenely playing video games and not giving any fucks
You live in The Valley and are forced into the karate gang war. Which dojo do you join?
I second Bri’s remark — having done karate in the past, Cobra Kai would eat me alive, and I don’t trust Johnny to teach another neurodivergent queer kid. I could probably stand to gain from Daniel’s patience; I’d definitely be Demetri in that situation.
What’s your training montage song?
Dude, I have an entire playlist that I work out to, and I’m very indecisive, so I’ll just say my my main hype song, House of Wolves.
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special?
You already KNOW I’m saying Kickin It. I won’t go in-depth because I already have, but the absolute power they’d have. Demetri and Milton, our favourite sassy Jewish nerds and their aggressively cool (respective) boyfriends Hawk and Jerry. Kim vibing with Sam like they deserve (and give me that good Kim & Bert cousins content, hand it over 🤲🏻). Miguel talking with Jerry in Spanish and, like, idolising Jack!! And you already know the comedic opportunites the Falafel Phil/Anoush thing could have.
Not sure if y’all have done this yet, and don’t feel pressured to if you don’t want to, but I figured I’d tag you folks!! @spidercrush3 @brattycobra @latetoalltheparties @binary-boyfriends4life @transdaniellarusso
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brizzlovesyou · 3 years
(BI Robby anon)
Yeah I am also really disappointed in how they treated Tory. Her character has the potential to be so complex, real & interesting but instead they write her as this literally insane monster. She is dealing with problems that the other kids could never dream of facing so I was disappointed that they just reduced her to this crazy girl who is consumed by murderous rage. I hope she doesn’t get killed off/written off either but I want them to do her character justice in a way that makes sense. IDK how they’re going to write themselves out of what they did with her in S3. They’re lucky that Peyton List is a great young actress... if anyone can pull off a redemption arc for Tory, then it’s her. I really want Tory & Robby to just be good friends and be there for each other. They’re both basically completely alone. I can see them relating deeply over their shared troubles and traumas but I don’t necessarily see a romantic connection. It would be a little silly considering their former romantic relationships, which is totally possible as they’re teenagers lol but it would just be kinda annoying and predictable. It feels stale and Riverdale-y. This show is better than that.
I am honestly unhealthily invested in Bi Robby lmao like in S1 and S2 I kinda shipped Hawk and Demetri but in S3 (once they made up......) I only get bro vibes from them. I can’t see that happening. Robby, however... I can see it happening. He’s a pretty boy & those eyes could charm the pants off of anyone. I can see Tanner pulling a LGBT storyline really well. He’s dealt with all of Robby’s other storylines with great performances so he could totallly do it justice. Also yeah I agree, Moon’s 2 second make out with her girlfriend does not count as much “LGBT representation” lol
Honestly what I want for Tory is what I want for every kid on this show: to get the hell away from Kreese and go to therapy lol Listen, if they want to have Tory be a villain, that's fine. I'm not of the opinion that every character needs a redemption arc. I actually think it's interesting that she's unpredictable. And I think it's pretty obvious that her issues with Sam run way deeper than Miguel. She's angry at the fact that someone with privilege (Sam) can swoop in and so easily take what means most to her (Miguel). And as we saw this season, she's dealing with a ton at home. So. It's like. I completely understand some of her lashing out! I'm just confused that on a show where they've worked really hard to highlight motivations and drive home the fact that nobody is just "good" or "bad", Tory seems to just snap from extreme to extreme. I mean she had that scene with Robby about how he needed to let go of Sam and then two seconds later she's got these anime villain lines and is hunting Sam down again. Idk listen this analysis is a mess because I still can't sort it out myself but I feel you.
RIVERDALE-Y lololol god I would like to keep those entities as separate as possible thank you very much. I mean if they want the kids to have romances, that's fine, but they don't need to put them all on shuffle mode just to see what sticks. They also don't handle romance particularly well on this show so I'm not getting my hopes up about any of it.
Haha hey listen there's worse things to be unhealthily invested in. Tanner is indeed very charming! It would be an interesting route for them to take. And aw, I've definitely seen some Hawk/Demetri shippers around these parts. It's never been my personal cup of tea but I get the appeal of the shared history thing. I'm with you about the bro vibes, especially after this season!
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