#also I received rly good head the other night and had a wonderful dinner and breakfast
rowanhoney · 2 years
hello my dears I am so so so so so in love with life
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randomguywithwords · 4 years
Thanks For The Assist: Chapter 2 (Itsuka X Neito Story)
AO3 Link: Here
Chapters: 1
Chapter 2: Acceptance
“How was the test?” Father asked as the three of them sat at the dinner table eating. 
“Ok, I think I did fine,” Monoma said as he picked up a slice of meat.
“How were you graded?” Mother said. 
“Fought some robots. You get points the more you destroy. The harder the robot, the more points you get. The field was massive, pretty much a life-size city, and I think they had at least 3.” Monoma explained with patience, though he suspected this expositioning was boring the other audience with information they already knew. 
Mother hummed her assent. “I’m not surprised. U.A has a ton of money. More money than they need, really…” She ended her statement in a mutter. It sounded like constrained resentment to Neito. It probably was, but understandable. 
“Isn’t the ministry diverting more money towards your school, dear?” Father said. 
“Yes, I suppose. After years of appeals by the school committee. Hopefully I can obtain better equipment to teach those kids.” Mrs Monoma sighed, looking back towards Neito. “But I hope you get in, Neito. I have to admit, it’s really once-in-a-lifetime, and U.A will make you a fine hero.”
“Thanks, mother.” Neito smiled. A fine hero. The phrase did not apply to him, not in the societal nor linguistic sense of the word. A hero relied on himself to get the job done, at the end of the day. With what he had, that was an impossibility. 
“None of the other kids gave you trouble, did they?” Father asked, and Monoma winced on the inside, thinking about the events transpiring just after the test. 
“No, they were nice people,” He said. It was no lie, by technicalities. There was that girl, after all. Kendo, was it? She was nice. 
Father seemed to perk up at his answer, gladdened. “That’s good,” He gave an approving nod. “I’m glad they weren’t like your schoolmates.”
Neito waved his hand like an aristocrat at a banquet. “Nah, I think maybe those guys were just ––” He struggled for the proper word. “Lame.” He ended, and grinned internally at the apt description of his dialogue. But that smile died in the next instant when he thought about what he had wanted to say. 
Flat characters. A character with one dimension, owning a singular character trait to serve a purpose in a story. That’s what he called them, but not Mother. 
“About time kids your age learned some maturity,” She said, her ‘teacher’ side emerging. “Not you, Neito – of course. You’re a sensible boy. Apart from your silly theatrics, but you’ll grow out of it.”
There it is, He sighed, on the inside – or, aside. That was how the plays would state inner actions on the script. But Mother doesn’t like plays, does she now? 
“Neito, tell us about the fighting,” Father interjected with a smile that was a bit too wide, “What quirks did you use?” 
Neito gave a response, but his heart was no longer in the conversation, having been chilled by Mother’s own lovely warmth that she had no idea she was radiating. 
The letter came a week later when his parents were at work. Neito opened it up in his room. After all, where else would he? Only in his room could he find solace. And on his bed, comfort, so he plopped himself down and opened the envelope. 
The contents contained a disc. A holographic. Taking it out and laying it on his bed, he pressed the blue button in the centre, producing a video on the wall.
It was the scene of an office, with a mouse sitting on a chair and a cup of tea on the glass table. He recognised the principal of U.A himself.
“Neito Monoma! Very good afternoon, or morning, or night, to you – depending when you see this, of course. On the off chance you are unaware of me, I am Nezu, principal of U.A High. This video is approximately 5 minutes long, but I will save you the suspense. You got in. Congratulations.”
His heart soared, and he pumped a fist in the air, breathing a sigh in much-desired catharsis. Had he been holding that in since the beginning? 
“You are, both celebrating – I would hope, and also wondering what the remaining 4 and a half minutes are about. Please do not ignore the rest of this video, because I want to review two things: your performance at the entrance exam, and your quirk. Take a look at this.” 
The video showed clips of Monoma from a birds’ eye view, running around and using his borrowed quirks, as well as him tapping random strangers. He noted how a lot of them turned their heads in evident surprise and puzzlement at him patting them on the shoulder or arm. And then the clip played of him taking a couple of points away from those guys. 
Nezu clucked his tongue. “Many in society would deem that as ‘un-hero-like’ behaviour, as it can be interpreted as stealing, or taking what does not belong to you. Criminal acts indeed, if the deed is severe and the stolen thing valuable. But, your quirk acts on that very principle of taking what does not belong to you.”
The (overwhelmingly intelligent, Monoma realised) mouse continued, “I’ve taken the liberty of reviewing your application and academics. You boast admirable grades in your middle school, and your form teacher commented that you were a highly observant, smart and mature student. I could go on, but you know what you’ve submitted. I will continue with that presumed knowledge.”
“You must have realised by now, or very early on in your career as a hero aspirant, that your quirk is unorthodox, having no use on its own. You require allies, or foes who you can lay a finger on, to fight. And even then, you must hastily adapt to whatever quirk you have under your control, for a period of time. Lots of limitations, Mr Monoma. A lot of challenges you have faced, are facing, and will face. And when you are initiated into my school, expect more.” Nezu took a sip of his tea.
“That’s not to say you will face difficulties many would describe as ‘hell’ at U.A. And neither does my previous statement imply U.A is not ‘hell’.” He paused. “Do excuse my roundabout mannerisms of speech. It is a bad habit of mine.” Nezu chuckled.
“Simply put, I have taken a personal interest in you, Mr Monoma, for your cunning, your intellect, and your quirk. Report to me after your first day of school. We will talk more then. Congratulations once more. Another letter will arrive tomorrow to inform you of the minutiae regarding your inception into U.A. Good day, Neito Monoma.”
The holographic faded out, and Neito was staring at a blank wall for a few seconds trying to process whatever Nezu had said.  
A buzz from his phone pulled him out of his hazy thoughts. He is...really smart. 
It was from Kendo. “Hi, Monoma, It’s Kendo! The girl with big hands. Wanted to ask you whether you received the letter from U.A.” 
He typed a response. “Yeah, I got a letter. What’s your verdict?” 
Fingers crossed. 
She responded, “I got in. >< You?” 
A smile spread across his face. “Same, that’s awesome. Congratulations.”
“YAY! :D We both did it! Congrats too! And I was so shocked that All Might was in the video! I nearly cried. Or maybe I did, idk. Sorry, I’m babbling at this point, but I don’t have anyone else to tell this to until my parents get home and I’m so hypeddd”
Huh? All Might? So Nezu specifically…
He typed, “It’s ok, I’m excited too. Though I don’t express it over text that much.” 
“Haha it’s ok. Can’t wait for the letter tomorrow. There’s so much to do! Hero costume, uniforms, books, all that. And term starts a month from now. Can’t wait!” 
“Wow, how’d you know all this?”
“Mainly from the internet. I was that hyped, y’know?”
He cracked another smile from her enthusiasm. It was oddly contagious, and he found himself more zealous to go to school. That was a statement he’d never think he could formulate in his mind. “I see. That’s cool.”
“Btw, if you wanna go celebrate with your family or friends, go ahead! I don’t wanna hold you back.”
“Nah, my parents are at work and I’m basically alone at home. Same boat as you. So, fire away.”
“Ah, ok!” 
The conversation continued with Kendo gushing about their new life, and Monoma passively followed along, inserting a few comments here and there. But he didn’t feel like he was stuck at a family reunion forced to endure his grandfather’s stories with a placating smile and affirming nods peppered in occasionally. She was actually interesting, and amusing, in a good way. 
The topic was centered around school and academics, with little butting into personal lives, and Monoma didn’t pry. She was still a stranger, somewhat, albeit she would be his new schoolmate – and perhaps classmate. He crossed his fingers again, hoping that Fate would tap him lightly on the head once more with her providence. 
He smiled when Kendo typed, “Hope we become classmates :D. Apparently there are always 2 first-year classes. So it’s basically a coin flip.”
“Rly? Do you always choose heads?”
“I’m more of a switcher.”
“How do you decide when to choose heads or tails then?”
“Coin flip.”
“That made me laugh, thank you.”
“Why do you need to thank people for making you laugh? It’s a spontaneous thing.”
“That’s...oddly profound.”
“Or just a dumb statement made to sound fancy. Ah, sorry, I have to go now. But thank you for your time. It was great chatting :)” 
“Why do you need to thank people for chatting with you? It’s a spontaneous thing. Joking aside, thank you too.”
“Nice haha” Was her last message. Neito turned his phone off and lied down on his bed. A moment passed, and Neito took a coin from his study desk. It was a silly thing to do, but his room was his stage. He was performing for himself. 
He gave it a toss and caught it. 
Seeing the result, he grinned.
Yeek, this took longer than it should have, sorry. Had a bit of writer’s block when it came to planning this thing and I wasn’t sure how to move on. Also the tone of this is especially terrifying for me because it’s definitely going to be (ironically) more light-hearted, with Monoma’s dramatic language and (side thoughts) occasionally inserted, but that brings the challenge of need. When to do that, when not to. This story is a personal challenge to change my narrative style just slightly. 
Anyway, I hoped you MonoKendo ppl liked it. A lot of people have told me it’s unfortunate the ship lacks content and I couldn’t agree more. But then again, that’s about 75% of the ships out there. (Fk it, 90%). So, here’s my contribution, alongside some other one-shots. 
Feedback’s appreciated :D
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daysiias · 4 years
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{ zendaya ♔ 24 ♔ she/her } well, well, well if it isn’t daysia collins running around peach hollow. legend has it, they come from tangerine towers and have lived here for six years. if you’re wondering what they’ve been up to, i hear they’re a crisis counselor for a living. they have been known to be quixotic yet nurturing. a word of advice to them, always look over your shoulder. you never know who is watching. { kim ♔ 25 ♔ est ♔ she/her }
yall know me. i’m kim, i play serenity, and i’m one of the admins!!  this is my damaged but optimistic baby, daysia. ITS PRONOUNCED LIKE DEJA VU :’) i just created her in november but she so quickly became my favorite muse to write. so buckle up! and pls plot w me. i am fragile and if i don’t get any plots i will hide in a dumpster, where i belong.
here is her pinterest and a spotify playlist if you wanna check those out ~
daysia jade, day, dj, deej – anything goes. she’s 23 and will turn her head to just about anything. she’s a spring baby born march, 1996.
her childhood was pretty good. she and her brother grew up a year apart, and her parents divorced early. early enough that daysia can barely remember a time where the family was hole, and likes it that way.
however, her father did not take the divorce well and turned to drugs – meth to be specific. he only saw the kids on weekends and even then, daysia and marcus absolutely knew what was happening. perhaps they didn’t know his choice of poison, but they knew that it was just that: poison.
he was never abusive and always took care of the kids, even if he was tweaking out of his mind. there were a few instances that were touch and go, like when he forgot to take dinner out of the oven and it caught fire, or when he forgot to change the sheets – little things that added up.
when daysia was 16 and marcus was 15, they were involved in a car accident. her dad was high behind the wheel, lost control of the car, and they hit the guard rail. they went over an embankment and down a short hill before the vehicle came to a complete stop, flipped over. she watched the life drain from her brother’s face, and never got into a car again, up until recently when she started letting @malcolmvramsey​​ drive her places she needed to go. she always tries to give him gas money, but he rarely takes it.
a good deal of resentment built up for her father, but she remained stoic, even when he went to prison for drug charges and the dui he’d racked up that ultimately killed her brother. she didn’t let anyone know that she was hurting, because she numbed it all. she threw herself into her school work and her artwork, painting constantly. melting colors together somehow helped her cope. she could get her emotions out on paper. in fact, that still rings true today. in her bedroom of the apartment she lives in, she has covered one of the walls in canvas and paints over and over.
in an effort to start life over, daysia left detroit when she graduated high school. she transferred to peach hollow where she went to winchester university, not wanting a lot of attention. this is where she really came to life.
daysia was able to push michigan to the back of her mind entirely, because peach hollow had so much to offer. the people were better. the music was better. the parties were better. the education was better. there wasn’t a single thing she missed from home aside from her mother, who she kept in regular contact with and still does. they’re always texting and facetime before bed every night.
she came alive. college changed her. she was studying a subject that interested her and meeting people who didn’t have to know about her past. she did, and does everything to keep michigan her dirty little secret. she liked the party scene, but only drank or smoked weed. she refuses to touch anything that might turn her into her father. she was even hired on as a crisis counselor for a local hotline, contractual to her graduation.
in the past month, daysia has plummeted, however. nobody would ever be able to tell. she is the queen of poker face, an absolute delight to be around. she can be a little aloof, and is constantly stoned, but it’s how she gets through the day. she is an absolute goof, loves to crack jokes and make people laugh. she loves to laugh herself. these are all traits that show and cover the inner turmoil constantly trying to bubble to the surface.
about three weeks ago, daysia received word that her father passed away in jail. he overdosed, and she wasn’t sure how to feel. so she didn’t. she did, however, stop doing school work and started drinking more. she’s mere days from flunking out of school and losing her job. but nobody knows, because she acts like she doesn’t know either.
all in all, she’s doing a lot of self sabotage but covering it up with every ounce of grace she has.
as for her personality and relationships, daysia excels. she is nurturing, so when a friend, or even a stranger is hurting, she tends to go to their side and comfort them. as long as she can make them laugh, then everything will be okay. she makes friends pretty easily, and keeps them for the most part. she is fiercely loyal and will absolutely scrap to defend her loved ones.
she loves love. there is no gender she isn’t curious about and absolutely loves romance, though she also tries to hide that. her walls are ten feet tall. she’s in to hook ups, flings, and polyamory. she’s very open in that sense!!
she has an english bull dog named frank!! he is her pride and joy. she dresses him up in outfits, has regular photo shoots with him and loves going to the dog park. he isn’t legally an emotional support animal, but that’s definitely what he is to her. if he doesn’t like you, she won’t either tbh
she has this lil purple pen looking thing that is always on her. it’s her weed vape and she will hit it anywhere. her dumb head is always in the mfing clouds
she has a spotify family plan that is currently only her, mac, and dom and she will absolutely invite anyone she meets bc spotify premium is something everyone should enjoy
wears a lot of graphic tees and jeans, kinda a tom boy. doesn’t love dressing up but will occasionally. also doesn’t rly like make up but DOES know how to beat her face
1000% unable to be alone for like any period of time?? like if she gets off work and no one is in her apartment she just leaves. she goes next door to mac, goes to the peach pit, anywhere she can socialize. being left to her own thoughts will always turn out poorly.
really loves poetry. cannot write it to save her life, but loves going to slam readings or checking out poetry books from the library. her adhd brain can’t handle novels – poetry is just the right length to keep her attention and dig into her soul.
oh yeah, she’s got some pretty intense untreated adhd lol
ex-roommate: something happened between daysia and this person, whether it was a relationship gone wrong, a friendship with tension, or just the other person being a damn slob – and daysia removed them from the house and moved someone new in. they are probably on shitty terms.
roomate(s): ^^ the forementioned current roommate or two!! i would like her to be veeeery close to whoever lives here. they have to be ok with her dog, her weed, and how mf needy she is.
current flings: a few people are probably on her list of suitors right now. people she spends time with romantically, but hasn’t committed to. she absolutely cannot be alone, at any point… ever! so, she has someone with her at all times. m/f/nb, all good.
party friends:  this one is pretty self explanatory!! these are friends that daysia may or may not talk to outside of a party, but will always cling to at one.
close friends: she lets very few people all the way in, but those that make it are generally taken care of by day. she makes sure that they are as comfortable with life as possible and spends a lot of time with them
exes: as daysia is a ticking time bomb, there have been many people she’s blown off. whether they once hooked up, were together, or what have you, daysia has a lot of exes. she never means to hurt anyone. it just sort of happens and she has accepted it.
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glamrockmonarch · 6 years
Getaway (2019!Roger) - Requested
Request:  Hi, Lou! I rly loved your headcannons of dating 2019 Roger and i would like you write a one-shot! in particular a romantic diner with a bit of smut at the end, the idea got stuck in my head, please! - Anon
Summary: You and Roger go on holiday after Christmas and it’s only the two of you for the first time in a while, so to start the new year you get him all for yourself.
Warnings: Fluff, smutty - spoiler!vaginal sex, unprotected sex (don’t do that, children!).
A/N: I’m not gonna lie, this idea is also stuck in my head now. Also, I couldn’t just write a dinner date so here’s this and I hope it doesn’t suck!
You open your eyes and look around for a moment before remembering where you are. The room is quiet and empty, your body is covered by white and coffee colored sheets while there is a lamp on either side of the bed. The French doors leading to the balcony are half open, the soft wind coming in carries the smell of salt from the ocean and blows on the white curtains.
Rolling on your side you look for Roger, reaching out you realize he is not in bed anymore but his side of the bed is still warm, meaning he only got up a little while ago. With a smile, you stare up at the ceiling and sigh. When you arrived at the hotel the night before you two were absolutely knackered.
Now you push the covers away and slip your feet into a pair of white flip-flops as your pj’s hang loosely around your body. As you make your way outside to the balcony. The first thing you see is Roger’s back as he takes in the view. You traveled all the way to the exotic beaches of Cancun.
Although many people could not understand it, you adore the man you had in front of you. He gets you like nobody else ever did, and he is fun, loving, he is protective and a bit jealous. Messy and chill, responsible nevertheless. He brings the best in you out for the world to see, and you don’t even have to try to be the best you with him. You don’t need to make an effort for him. It comes naturally. He could be twenty for all you care, he could be a hundred: it wouldn’t change the fact that you loved him.
“Are you staring dear?” Roger knew you were there, and the humor in his voice gave him away.
You blushed, yeah, he could still bother you in all sorts of ways.
“It’s called admiring, Rog…” you offer, walking out there and wrapping your arms around him, you press your cheek against his back. “How did you sleep?”
You heard him humm in response.
“Like a baby, you?” He put his hands on top of yours.
“Same,” You giggled.
Taking your arms away you announced to Roger that you were going to go get ready to have breakfast and hit the beach.
While you make sure to have sunscreen and tanning lotion in your bag, and your one-piece swimsuit under a pair of shorts and a plain white t-shirt, Roger gets ready too, puts on his shorts and grabs one of his hats. He lets his sunglasses hang from the collar of his shirt and holds your hand as you step out of the room.
For the rest of the day, you do nothing but sunbathe, read and drink the occasional cocktail with Roger laying on a beach chair next to you. The two joke around a bit now and then, going into the clear water for a dip at the sea.
“Y/N, what is this?”
Roger looks down at your body while you walk hand in hand towards the water.
You shrug and look down at your baby blue one piece, half your back is showing already tanning from the spray tanning lotion you applied earlier. Roger’s brow furrows as he gets a good look at your legs, appearing longer thanks to the way the swimsuit is cut, leaving your hip exposed.
“It’s fashion, my love!” You laugh and hold on to his arm, leaving your chin on his shoulder, “don’t you like it?”
“How do you plan on getting rid of the tan lines?” He wonders.
You’ve made the mistake before of wearing swimsuits with various small designs on the back or chest areas, which leave you with strange tan lines. As a matter of fact, when you first started going out you went on holiday with your friends to Greece and ended up coming back with some of the oddest tan lines Roger had ever seen. It didn’t bother him; in a way, he felt a little bit turned on by them, knowing he was the only one to know about these he had fun tracing them when you were in bed, you didn’t mind it much either if this was the treatment they would get.
“Oh, I won’t!” You wink at the drummer.
Both of you have a laugh in the water, watching as small fishes swim around your feet. Roger’s arm is wrapped around your waist most of the time. When the sun is about to set you to go back to your room and get ready for dinner, as tonight you’ll be celebrating the New Year all on your own.
Roger wears a white pant with a matching white shirt while you put on a short flowy red dress and style your hair in messy waves - which you pray will stay at least until dinner is over.
You go to one of the restaurants downtown for a traditional local dinner, Roger has a bunch of things he wants to talk to you about since Christmas, he will go on tour with Brian and Adam, so he wants to make the most out of the time you have right now.
The whole evening you talk and laugh with each other, discussing whatever comes to mind.
“Would you like to come to some shows next year?” Roger asked out of nowhere.
“If I say no, would you convince me to go?” you look up from your plate and smile at Roger, who grabs his cup of red wine with a smile on his face as well.
“It’s your choice I guess!” He chuckles. “Ah, but I could make you an offer…”
With that, you laugh and shake your head. As soon as you finish your dinner Roger decides he wants to leave.
“I feel like you have ulterior motives to take me back!” You watch him call the waiter.
“What if I do?” He shrugs after the waiter leaves your table and you look over your shoulder to see him go.
“What about the fireworks?” You raise a brow. “I thought we would see them from the square!”
“We can see them perfectly from our balcony,” Roger dismisses your comment.
The two of you leave the restaurant, your arm is linked to his and you give him a little peck on the cheek while you walk through the busy streets of the colourful city centre.
Upon finding an open ice cream shop, you two get a treat to share, the heat of the city has you both walking around in a not too comfortable layer of sweat that makes your skin glow everywhere the light hits it.
Roger has been dying to have you alone all to himself since that morning when you took your clothes off and he saw you wearing that beautiful one-piece. He would have thought that a bikini would have him like this but in reality your clothes never wore you and your attitude of carelessness was what got Roger going.
By the time you come back to the hotel you are only fooling around, taking the cab back to your hotel without being able to stop touching each other. You giggle into Roger’s lips and kiss him as his hand slips under your skirt up your thigh. You have had a shower before dinner and put on a fresh pair of black panties, your dress has straps so you forgot about wearing a bra, not that it mattered that much, although it seemed as if Roger could tell by the way his kisses slipped from your lips to your jaw and tentatively your shoulder, making you smile and giggle as if this could hide your moaning and gasping from the man driving the cab. You give warning glances at Roger, which he returns in a mocking manner.
Once you arrive, Roger pays and opens the door for you. Immediately you grab his hand and pull him through the large main doors of the hotel’s entrance, through a large hall and past a staircase you can see the sea in the back and a small crowd gathered in the beach to receive the new year, which you ignore to drag Roger to the lift.
“I swear,” you push the button for your floor and lean back into Roger’s from as he wraps his arms around your waist. “I’m about to explode!”
He presses himself against you and you close your eyes in ecstasy, already feeling his hard on pressed to your butt.
“Not yet, darling.”
You tilt your head back and turn just enough to catch a glimpse of Roger’s eyes, you reach out and pull him into a kiss that you do no intend to come the way it does. You moan into it and one of Roger’s hands is almost cupping your breast as his tongue licks your bottom lip and enters your mouth. You have to pull out when the ding of the machine announces that the lift is here and the doors open.
You purse your lips and pull away from him, both of you keep silent as you stare at one another during the short ride on the elevator. Up until the cab ride you had been behaving fine, keeping it clean and not even thinking about more than cuddling with your best friend, your lover: Roger. But now...you could feel anticipation bubbling in your belly and an uncomfortable wetness in your panties.
When you step out into the hallway Roger follows but you do not dare touch each other, thinking you want nothing more than to tear his clothes to shreds and have him.
Roger puts the card key in the door and unlocks it, opening it and letting you walk in first, only for you to turn and pull him inside by the collar of his shirt while he chuckles.
Upon closing the door Roger pushes you against it, his body on yours too and lips connecting. You rub your leg on his crotch and smile when he moans, reaching down he simply slips your panties to the side and brings a finger to your clit, rubbing circles on it as you moan. He kisses your cheek and your shoulder and cups your breast with his free hand as you hold on to his shoulders to make sure you’re okay in case your knees give in.
Roger’s beard tickles you everywhere and you love it, what drives you mad is his decision to bring two fingers to work your sensitive core, pushing inside slowly he watches you arch your back.
He pushes in and out without stopping and slips one of the straps of your dress off your shoulder, kissing and biting your tanned skin. You pull yourself together barely enough to wrap your arms around his neck.
“Rog...”you moan into his ear, “please, just-“ You gasp for air, knowing that he likes to tease you like this so you will break “please fuck me.”
“That’s all I wanted to hear!”
He brings his lips to yours and gives you a passionate kiss, his fingers leave your hot core and his hands slip up so he pushes your panties off of you while you take off his pants and help him throw away his shirt.
Roger tangles his fingers in your long hair and slides your dress off you, praising you for the lack of a bra.
“I’ve been thinking about this all night,” he says and surprises you by squeezing your breast rather harshly in his hands.
“All yours to play with, Love!”
You put your hands on his but push them away to slide across the room to the large empty dresser. You jump on it and sit there with Roger watching and following, as he observes with an amused grin on his face you pull your knees apart and reach out making grabby hands at him.
Roger knows where you’re going and he steps closer until you are able to trace your hands over his chest and up to his neck and shoulders as he is almost completely pressed against you.
“Like this?” He sounds amused and you shrug looking down.
He chuckles and pushes your hair back behind your shoulder as he leans in to kiss it while he lets his other hand roam about your thigh. Almost instinctively you throw your head back, your mouth falls open and you reach down to press your palm to his hard cock.
Both of you moan as a reaction to each other’s touch and you find yourself longing for Roger to fill you up, you don’t even care if you’ll miss the fireworks or if you’ll have a complaint from your neighbors.
“I want you...” He admits in a whisper and presses the tip of his cock to your entrance.
“You can have me.”
Roger cups the side of your face and kisses your lips, pushing your mouth open so your tongues meet while he pulls your hips closer to the edge of the dresser and he thrusts into you. Both of you hold on tighter to each other, feeling him pull away your breathing grows heavier and you breathe out in a loud moan disconnecting from the kiss once he thrusts into you again. Roger fills you up so good it drives you crazy, you follow his movements and crash your hips into his as long as you can follow. He loves to have your legs around him so you dig your heels into his back as he fucks you faster and faster, both of your orgasms building. Roger grunts against your mouth and you gasp for air as you go on, feeling him bring you closer and closer to the edge with each thrust. You cannot warn him, you cry out in pleasure as you cum, arching your back you call out his name and feel your walls closing in around his length that doesn’t stop rubbing inside you until a moment later when he buries his face on your neck and his hips come to a halt, his cock deep inside you, spilling his warm seed.
You haven’t been able to open your eyes again when the sound of the fireworks begins. You run your hand through Roger’s platinum hair.
“Happy new year, my love!” Roger whispers against your shoulder.
“Happy new year!” You laugh.
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happy birthday // peter kavinsky
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Request: yay can i pls have a peter kavinsky imagine where reader hates celebrating her bday so she doesn’t rly tell anyone that it’s her bday but peter found out so that morning, he picks her up later than usual bcos he got her a piece of cake and coffee from this rly far place + some daises !! thank you :—))
Words: 1.6k
“How’s Teddy?” (Y/N) asked as she fell down on her bed, slipping her shoes off and resting her head on her pillow. Her old sister, Sarah, was adjusting to motherhood and (Y/N) was her absolute best friend so although she was younger, she often took to venting to her.
“Despite waking me up in the middle of the night, he’s a dream. I know he’s only a month old but, it’s like I can’t imagine not having him here.” She mused. “You have to come visit soon, loser.” (Y/N) and her family had gone when Teddy had first been born. It was so weird. (Y/N) had detested Daniel, Sarah’s fiance, for stealing her sister. Moments like those, seeing Daniel hold their son and Sarah gazing at them with so much admiration, made (Y/N) realize how good they were together.
“I know. I’ll have to talk to the parentals about when I can come down to New York. What about Daniel? How’s he doing?”
“Good! Really settling into the new job. What about you? How’s the boyfriend?” She asked, the teasing tone evident in her voice. (Y/N) let out an embarrassed groan, Sarah laughing loudly at her reaction. “C’mon now...don’t hold out on me! I want to hear all of the gory details.”
“We’re taking it slow. He’s very sweet to me.” (Y/N) had been weary about going out with Peter because of the rumors she had heard, saying no the first two times he had asked her on a date. After the third time she had finally said yes and that was all it took. He showed her how much of a gentleman he could be. It wasn’t an act either. In fact, they went on three dates until kissing for the first time. She couldn’t take the anticipation, kissing him right on the mouth as he dropped her off at home, neither of them being able to rid the smiles from their faces.
“Are you guys going out for your birthday?”
(Y/N) couldn’t help but roll her eyes, “He doesn’t even know it’s coming up.” She said honestly. It was going to the stay that way if it was up to her. She hated celebrating her birthday ever since she was a little girl. No one understood why. Maybe it was the attention or the fact that she didn’t think it was important, but she had no desire to celebrate.
“You think you’re going to be in a relationship without ever having to celebrate your birthday? Also heads up, you know mom and dad are trying to throw you a party again.” The teenager groaned, glancing up as her door opened, her boyfriend appearing in front of her. She stifled a laugh as he moved onto the bed, hovering above her. She pecked him quickly on the lips before mouthing how she’d just be a minute. He laid down on top of her, his head resting on her stomach.
“There will be no party.” (Y/N) assured her, eyes focused on the sexy boy in her room. He had his phone out now, looking at her every once in a while to pull a funny face. “Please tell mom. I know this is her doing and she’ll just do that creepy thing where she pretends to agree with me and keeps winking.”
Peter had began to get restless, lifting himself up so he was hovering over her once more. She raised an eyebrow at him, letting out a sigh as he pressed a kiss to her neck. “I mean I’ll try but, you know how she is. She just doing it out of love.” (Y/N) could only hum in satisfaction as Peter nipped at her neck, tilting her head to the side so he had more access.
“Can I call you back?”
“Mmh,” She said knowingly, “Hi Peter!” She screamed loud enough that he ceased his actions. (Y/N) erupted into giggles while he grabbed the phone.
“Hey, Sarah.” He grinned, Sarah laughing along before telling her sister to call her later and hanging up the phone. “So what party were you talking about?” He asked, not missing the panicked look on her face. She forgot he had been in the room to hear that.
“Uh, nothing. Don’t worry about it. Not a big deal.” She chirped, putting some pressure on his shoulder so he’d roll onto his back, climbing on top of him. She straddled his waist, his large hands coming down to rest on her hips.
He tried once more, “Doesn’t seem like it. Is everything alright?”
“Yes and I know you worry about me and I love that but, there’s nothing to be worried about.” She said sincerely, chuckling at his concerned expression, completely unwavered by what she had said. “C’mon, let’s study for chem.”
After a few hours of studying, dinner and Netflix, (Y/N) was fast asleep on Peter’s chest. He slowly moved from under her, kissing her on the head and putting a blanket over his sleeping girlfriend. “Night, babe.” He whispered although he knew she wouldn’t hear it. He crept out of her room, closing the door as quietly as he could. The light was on downstairs, (Y/N)’s mom watching some lifetime movie in the living room. “Thanks for having me over for dinner again, Mrs. (Y/L/N).”
“Oh, of course, Peter. You’re always welcome.”
He grinned, making his way to the door before stopping in his tracks, “Actually, could I ask you something?” She muted the tv, gesturing him to come over. “I don’t mean to pry but something seemed off with (Y/N) earlier today. I heard her mention a party and she kinda just shut down about it.” He explained.
“(Y/N)’s birthday is on Friday.” His eyes widened slightly. “I’m assuming she didn’t tell you. She has never liked to celebrate it. I don’t know why. She says it’s just another day and she doesn’t see the point. I had mentioned throwing a party to her sister but, I guess the cat’s out of the bag.”
“Well, I had no idea.”
“Don’t take it personal, sweetie. She’s definitely not doing it to be mean.” He nodded quickly before thanking her and wishing her a good night. He couldn’t help but feel slightly hurt that he almost missed his girlfriend’s birthday because she hadn’t told him. He had given no indication that he knew about her birthday the next day at school, acting as if nothing happened.
On Friday morning, she had woken up just like any other day. Her mom hadn’t forced her dad to shake her awake to sing a bad rendition of happy birthday. She didn’t even make her a special breakfast. It had been a normal morning, except for the ‘happy birthday, sweetheart’ she received from both of them followed by a kiss on the cheek before heading to work. It confused her but, she was grateful nonetheless. Peter was supposed to be at her house 10 minutes ago to pick her up for school but he was nowhere to be found. Just as she was about to call him, the doorbell rang.
“You’re 10 minutes la-” She stopped mid sentence; Peter Kavinsky was standing there with a balloon, coffee, daisies and what seemed to be a piece of cake. “What’s going on?”
“It’s for you.” He moved forward, placing everything on the table in the house beside the door. They were standing in the doorway, (Y/N) reaching for the daisies before he could set them down. “Why didn’t you tell me it was your birthday?”
She sighed, looking down at her feet. “Because I didn’t want you to make a big deal about it. I don’t deserve to have a whole day dedicated to me.” She muttered sheepishly.
“Hey, hey, hey.” He put a finger under her chin, tilting it up so they’d meet eyes. “Don’t say that. You mean so much to everyone around you, alright. So don’t just act like it isn’t something worth celebrating. Today means a lot to me...because the girl I love was born on this day and I thank God that she was.”
“Uh, can I just have a minute?”
He almost laughs, remembering the first time they made out in his car. She had gotten worked up and squeaked out the same question. It was often something she did and he was accustomed to it. “Sure.” She sent him a half smile before rushing back into her house, shutting the door with her back pressed against it. Tears welled in her eyes. It was overwhelming. She grabbed the coffee from the table, almost bursting into tears at the sight of the purple flower on the cup. It was from Grace’s, a cafe she and Sarah had discovered when her older sister first learned to drive. It was 2 hours away and that’s why he had been so late. She could only stand there wondering why it was so hard to believe his sudden confession. Here he was, saying he loved her, while she was hiding from him behind a door. 
(Y/N) took a deep breath, opening the door, Peter watching her with careful eyes. She smiled at him, practically knocking him over as she threw her arms around his neck. He was quick to hold her, hands hooking under her thighs to lift her up, legs wrapping around his waist.
She leaned back slightly, “I love you.” Her knees went weak as Peter connected their lips, kissing her so feverishly she felt dizzy. They’re were both panting when (Y/N) tugged at his hair, pulling away to catch her breath, a satisfied noise escaping his lips.
“Happy birthday, baby.”
A/N: Thanks for requesting, honey! Let me know if y’all liked this one. Hope it gave you all the feels. And I’m sorry if you hate stelena but pretend its just Paul and Nina looking all sexy and kissing. Thought it went well! Send me some requests! 
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dastardlydandelion · 3 years
more rubber duck ‘verse
misc tidbits abt what i’ve dubbed the rubber duck ‘verse fic i won’t write bc i’m attached now.
under the cut bc it’s long. 
max’s residual anger toward susan is complicated. she’s angry that her mother ever got together with someone like neil, that she spent yrs growing up in fear and that she has to bear the impact of that by proxy of susan’s decision to marry neil. but she also loves her siblings v much and she wouldn’t have them if susan didn’t get together with neil, and that gives her all kinds of weird feelings. acknowledges her mother was also a victim in the situation, isn’t rly angry at how it ended with neil but nonetheless wishes the rest of them could’ve left sooner— and left without the bloodshed —bc she defo believes neil deserved what he got, but she doesn’t believe susan or the rest of them deserved the fallout. she didn’t rly want to spent a decade without her mother and helping a v unprepared billy raise a child. :( 
before neil’s slaying, at one point susan comes home whilst a babysitting billy’s stereo is blaring and she’s like?? ‘the heck?? ur gonna make the bby cry,’ >:( and billy’s all, ‘no, this is literally why it isn’t crying anymore,’ and shuts off the stereo to prove it. sure enough, ducky wakes up and promptly starts bawling. susan is speechless, totally mystified.
even long after neil’s slaying, when ducky’s living with her siblings in cali, she cannot sleep unless she blasts a lil metal before bedtime. it puts her at ease.
ducky looks more like neil than susan. has neil’s hair, neil’s eyes. gets the tall genes from both of them tho. grows tall v early on tbh, shoots up like a fucking weed. ends up around billy’s height even going from puberty blockers to hrt. ducky does not have susan’s proportionately long legs, she’s got more of a long torso.
speaking of susan’s legs for days, uh. part of the emotional abuse on neil’s end was constantly degrading and nitpicking her appearance to the point that susan felt like a hideous blob. while she’s in prison she genuinely doesn’t notice when other inmates fight over her. even when one fight gets so bad the shivs come out and one lady gives the other a buck fifty to the face, susan is completely oblivious that she’s what’s being fought over.  
ducky doesn’t just collect rubber ducks, she kinda waddles like a duck too, is the exact opposite of athletic. max tries to teach her to skateboard on numerous occasions, all of which end in scrapes and bruises, a grand total of three prompting visits to the emergency room. billy tries to play basketball with ducky and the poor thing can’t get the ball in the hoop even once. he also accidentally knocks her out when she fails to catch his pass and the ball hits her so hard in the face that when she drops, billy swears he sees the lil’ cartoon birds flying around her head.
ducky is v good at building things tho. has an affinity for super complicated lego projects. makes a hammerhead shark for billy’s 30th bday and it’s literally life-size.
max sticks around even after she’s eighteen both to help billy with ducky and bc, like. yk. it’s a modern au. equipped with the modern cost of living in cali. neil’s life insurance only went so far. max saves more staying at home, goes to community college and works in the cafeteria on campus. it takes her awhile to graduate bc she changes her major several times, but by the time susan’s out, she has her degree…and finds herself working a menial job in a skate shop anyway. yk how it goes tho, lotta competition out there and sadly community college degrees are often undervalued. max likes the skate shop tho. quickly rises from an associate to managerial position bc she’s v good at setting the customers up with the right boards.
susan’s return is p awkward for everyone, to say the least. at this point max has worked thru most of that residual, complex anger, and she and susan have written each other letters over the yrs where the reality of the household was addressed v frankly and she didn’t hold back expressing those feelings at all. nonetheless, some traces of anger still remain and while she’s glad to have her mom back, susan too is adjusting to life outside in an entirely different state and she’s not quite the person max remembers.
susan actually has a lot of trouble coping with freedom. even before being incarcerated, she lived according to neil’s rules and demands. being completely and utterly in charge of herself is a struggle to adapt to. sometimes she asks billy and max permission for small, odd things neither of them would ever care abt and it just. makes max. so, so sad.
billy is often ??? when it comes to susan. tbvh he’s grateful she killed neil and that fucks with his head a lil. bc neil was his parent and yes, he did love him. he hates that he loved him, but he did. and he wonders if that love is why he didn’t kill neil himself, bc he 100% thought abt it. he also has no idea if susan regrets it or not, has no clue whatever her various apologies over the yrs were for. killing neil, being promoted to parent against his will, or for errything that came even before the night of the slaying. susan turning away, shutting her eyes to his bruises. 
also at first billy’s unsure if susan thinks she’s going to be head of household upon her return. since she’s like, the oldest and natal mother of max n ducky. this defo reveals itself to be an untrue concern in every way, quite the opposite. susan can barely comprehend freedom, let alone being in charge. some days susan dead ass asks billy permission to leave the dinner table even if she’s the one who cooked dinner.
ducky is also ??? when it comes to susan for v different reasons. she’s known the exact circumstances of susan’s incarceration since she was seven. before that, billy and max would be vague abt what she was locked up for and they never rly talked abt neil much beyond, ‘ur better off without him, he sucked big time.’
max is the one who eventually goes into graphic detail with ducky abt the whole thing bc she remembers that night and what happened before susan got home. how she had to step in bc she was fucking terrified neil was going to literally kill baby ducky. how she actually hit neil for the v first time even tho she’d wanted to many, many times. how she hit and kept hitting him, pummeling her fists against his body until he put ducky down. but once he did, that meant it was his turn. and ofc, neil hit much harder. max vividly recalls how badly her eye throbbed, swollen shut for two days. her nose wasn’t broken but it bled a whole lot, over her lips, into her mouth, down her chin, and the taste of blood lingered awfully.
ducky is naturally disturbed by the whole thing but her feelings toward susan aren’t as complicated as max’s or even billy’s for that matter. she doesn’t remember neil at all. and while she’s also written and received letters from susan, as well as the illicitly ordered rubber ducks, and she knows in a distant way susan is her mother, it doesn’t actually *feel* like she is. it feels more like susan is a kind of…special penpal, tbh. billy remains the person ducky goes to for parental guidance.
ducky still wants to get closer to susan tho. when the time comes for her to legally change her name, she asks susan to write a list of names she would’ve considered had she been afab, and goes on to choose one from the list.
even before she came out tho, ducky was p much called by her nickname at home anyway. both billy and max knew neil had picked her (dead)name out and neither of them rly wanted to acknowledge that. neither of them rly wanted to deal with the remaining traces of neil in their lives any more than they had to, any more than they already grappled with.
ducky has quite the degree of success getting susan into legos. this surprises both max and billy. but in prison susan would do crafts whenever available and she enjoyed stacking cups and stuff during rec time, so it’s not hard to translate these hobbies into legos. they build p neat things together sometimes— however, the hammerhead is all ducky, come billy’s birthday. she wanted to do that specially for her big bro, all by herself.
now, susan’s birthday present to billy is a big ass breakdown after midnight. lots of snotty sobbing. she hugs him so hard she’s hurting him a lil tbh and just apologizes profusely for errything and thanks him for taking care of her kids even tho he shouldn’t have had to. billy thanks susan too— it takes a min for her to figure out what for. bc they don’t talk abt that. no one’s mentioned that since she’s been out.
susan just nods a lil bit and lets go. they eat some more cake. life goes on. everything gets less awkward in time. susan stops asking for permission to move freely. ducky keeps filling up the shelves with rubber ducks of every variety, and dnd becomes another one of her interests in middle school, a hobby max nostalgically revisits with her. billy’s returned to surfing recreationally. swims a lot, finds it soothing and it helps keep him in shape. is a good low-impact workout to balance the weightlifting he still defo does, stereo blaring. 
getting a job for convicted felons is difficult but eventually susan finds work on a commercial goat farm. she learns to herd goats and takes them out to areas where there are invasive grasses or dry brush particularly vulnerable to wildfire. the goats graze on the invasive vegetation and the dry brush, which helps prevent wildfires. no, i’m srs, this is an actual thing. she likes the goats a lot. they’re easier to talk to than ppl, sometimes. 
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0225pm · 7 years
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guess who came all the way to my place at 330AM!!!!! lol i was so surprised bc i just got done with putting on my acne treatments for the night and was about to hit the hay already until i received a call from han. funny thing was, i thought he was super tired today since we've met each other like 3 days in a row already so i figured i should let him rest and take a break from seeing my face HAHAHAHA 😂 and then earlier in the evening around 530PM, i met up with dayah since it was her birthday yesterday and i wanted to pass her a gift i got her as well. in the midst of it all, i managed to get cupcakes (thank goodness twelve cupcakes exist at bedok mall) as an additional gift because imo a birthday without some form of cake or something similar and edible isn't really a birthday-birthday, if you get what i mean!!! and then i treated her to a little something extra which was starbucks since they still had the 1-for-1 promo going on (thanks seanna for this!!) i know everything just seems like i'm spending a lot but idk i just wanted to make her feel like she deserves all these because of what she's going through both in school and at home. besides, it's not everyday that we do these sorta things for each other! and my mom always taught me to be kind and generous if you have the means to do it!! (〃^▽^〃) ok and then around 7+ i think we decided to head back home since she was tired from school and was carrying a lot of gifts from her clique at school. and upon reaching home, i video called han HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! he didn't pick it up at first so i thought ah, he must be asleep and i ended the call after a couple of rings. then just as i was about to head to the toilet to remove my makeup, i felt my phone vibrate and noticed that han was video calling me HAHAHAHAAH SO I PICKED IT UP AND HE WAS LIKE, han: woa first time you video call me eh me: ya hahaha i thought you're sleeping cus you didn't pick up han: no la i didn't feel the vibration etc etc etc me: ohhhhh me: me: han: is it you video call me cus you're wearing makeup??? me: LOLOLOLOLOL me: omg how you know HAAHAHAHHAHAAH this is, but true HAHAHAAH. i'm slowly tryna get comfortable with my skin and even after han had already seen me FRIKIN BARE FACED IN REAL LIFE during my visit to the clinic the other time for my acne meds, i still am so shy and embarrass to let him see my naked and makeup-free face even after all these time hahahaha even after he told me how much he doesn't care and it doesn't even bother him and how much he still adores and loves me no matter how shit i look and still give me lots of kisses and holds my hands in public but lol i still feel so..... shy and not confident enough. i feel like i should dress to match how good he looks because he slays all the time y'all like forrealz idk how he does it but he looks bomb all the time. and then after awhile he had to end the call because he had something to do and then he thanked me for video calling him for the first time ever haahhaahahah ヽ(;▽;)ノ anyway fast forward the time to about maybe 8/9pm or so. we were just having a normal conversation, with him replying sometimes instantly and sometimes taking up to 30 mins *rolls eyes* it was mostly about whether he had already had his dinner or not and then because i already had starbucks with dayah i sent him a photo of it telling him that if he's not tired on friday (his first day off) then maybe we can go grab it together since it's the last day of the promo. i think he saw my instastory cus the next moment he said something like "yeah and you light the savory one" and i was just LOL-ing because i thought he was sleepy which was the reason for the typos. and then i wanted to ask him to play ml with me but LOL HE ALR GM4 damn fast or what this bugger (also bc he's always playing ranked games more than classic/brawl. unlike me, i played like idk how many games of brawl already). then around 10PM he asked me to play first and then he'll join later. so i said ok ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but i was too busy doing other shit like removing my make up (yes i haven't removed my make up after the video call) and moisturizing, my skincare routine la basically and by the time i wanted to play ml i think it was already around 11+. and then suddenly he came online right at the time when i just ended my game and then he told me to play one round together then he's gonna go sleep. i was kinda bummed like aiya one round je?? but it's late and i know he has work later early in the morning so i said ok and then we played one round together and lost terribly i think cus he was lagging??? and his friend was lagging too or smth i'm not sure hahaha. but overall i am also now GM4!!!! i didn't see his goodnight message on ml until after 1 so i texted him asking if he was already asleep. but i kinda suspected that he was fast asleep cus he didn't reply after i double texted him again at like 2+ almost 3AM, sending him a screenshot of the new menu at macdonalds HAHAHAHAHA!!! and then suddenly he called me and i was so shocked?? bc at that time i was alr preparing to hit the hay. i excitedly picked up his call and asked him why isn't he asleep yet!!! then he said smth like he woke up or smth and saw my msg so i was like oh ok but he sounded super fresh like as though he just had a super good sleep. and then he said he wanted to go to the toilet and will call me back later but i told him to bring me along LOOOOL and then he said noooo for what but i said bring meeeeeeee. he ended up bringing me but putting me on mute. BUT WHAT SHOCKED ME THE MOST WAS WHEN I HEARD KNOCKING ON MY WINDOW WTF LA. cus it was already so damn late who tf would be knocking on my window right. and i was on the phone with han at that moment as well and i thought it was my brother but he's in camp!!!! so it's definitely not him. never in my mind would i have thought that it was actually han :') wtf i can't believe he came all the way to my place at such an ungodly timing. i was so touched!!!!!! he's so sweet ;;;;;;; what did i even do to deserve such a wonderful boyfriend like him omg. other people will probably think he's a creep for doing things like this but wtf i rly love it bc when someone rly loves you they do silly things like this and sacrifice and risk themselves just to see you and be with you!!!! i made him wait a rly long time and i was truly sorry but i'm not gonna go out looking like a kentang that just went through the fryer with my oily ass haven't shampoo hair and my stinky face full of spot treatments LOL so i went to wash my face, used lots of dry shampoo to soak up my oily hair and then put on a huge ass hoodie lmaO. the moment i stepped outta the house, han: what took u so long???? me: um i look like shit han: *embraces me from back* me: um *blushes but he can't see thank god* han: *continues back hugging into the lift* me: why u come all the way here omg?????? han: hmmmm *still hugging* me: somemore you got work later then must go all the way back lol wtf i'm so passive aggressive when i actually fucking highkey loves the fact that he's right in front of my eyes in physical form LOL me: *waddles bc han is still back hugging me* han: me: me: me: *unlocks han's embrace to turn around and face him before i flung my arms around his neck into a tight hug* he smells so good ;-; he smells just like he came out from the showers or something omg i love his smell?????? is that a thing hahaahha then we held hands and walked to mcds but lol it wasn't dinner/supper anymore cus by 4 they changed the menu to breakfast which was ok by me but i think han actually wanted to have their dinner set bc he wanted to try the new menu but das ok we can always get it another time!! OH AND WHILE WALKING he said, "u never notice anything ah?" then i was like huh and i looked down at what he was staring/pointing at. and i realized he was wearing the jeans i got him hehehehe and it fits him quite well!!!!!!! sorry i wasn't observant i was still in a state of surprise to notice or maybe it's bc you look like a million bucks all the time already ;) and then around 4+ 5 he had to leave to avoid the morning commuters :( i was sad bc he's leaving so early but i can't be selfish either bc i don't want him to be stuck in a jam and then be late bc of my selfishness so he booked a grab and after many many many kisses and warm hugs, he left since the grab driver already arrived. but lol he keyed in the wrong location and then i booked another grab for him instead with the right location this time (he got the same driver ahahahaha) and watched him get in the car safely before i went in, washed up, sent him a text and falling asleep soundly hehe. best boyfriend award goes to you ♡
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