#in a way like I’m not the most blessed certainly not special
rowanhoney · 2 years
hello my dears I am so so so so so in love with life
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eddiethebrave · 1 month
secret admirer part four
1,321 words
one two three
Eddie the hobbit, huh? i haven’t read that one (which isn’t saying much cause i've only read books from class) it’s probably good i’d love to hear you talk about it i’d love to hear you talk about anything, though, so maybe i’m biased p.s. i know it makes me sound like an inconsiderate asshole and maybe i am but i’m only now realizing that i don't know if you want me to stop with these i’m sorry if you do promise i’ll figure out a way to ask -H
Eddie finding a way to reply to him about the book gives Steve peace of mind that he doesn’t want him to stop with the notes, but he still feels sort of weird about it. His thoughts go round and round all day and by the time the dismissal bell rings, he has a bit of a headache. 
After checking that he has enough cash on him, Steve goes out to the picnic table behind the school where Mark Jones sells pot most days. 
He makes his way into the clearing only to see someone who is certainly not Mark Jones perched on top of the table. 
Steve stops dead in his tracks.
Eddie grins sharply and holds his arms out wide. “What have I done to be blessed with his highness’ presence?”
Steve wants to talk to him. Wants to tell him to just call him Steve, wants to ask about his book, but all that comes out of his mouth is, “What are you doing here?”
Eddie’s arms drop to his sides and he raises his eyebrows in question.
“Where’s Jones?” Steve clarifies, taking slow steps forward.
“Ah, I see. You’re here for my wares.” Eddie abruptly jumps from his seat and stretches with a groan that has Steve’s cheeks heating up. Eddie meanders over to the other side of the table before looking back at Steve and tilting his head in amusement. “Unfortunately, Mark has been let go. He had a nasty pilfering habit.” 
Whatever the fuck that means.
Steve can’t help the small smile that grows on his face, but he lifts his hand up to wipe it off inconspicuously. He’s never talked to Eddie before. 
Eddie drops onto the bench and gestures for Steve to sit across from him. As he does, Eddie opens his lunchbox and begins to rifle through it. Steve lets his eyes trail to Eddie’s hands while his focus is elsewhere. This close, Steve can finally see what shape the chunky silver ring is. A skull with fangs. Of course, it’s a skull. He should’ve known. 
Steve thinks about complimenting it but decides it would only make Eddie suspicious and he doesn’t wanna be found out (yet, he thinks then immediately backtracks. He can’t let anyone know that he’s writing love notes to a boy. Especially not the boy himself. Who knows how Eddie would react. Even though Steve hasn’t been trying to come off as a girl through the notes, and even though no one could possibly mistake his chicken scratch penmanship for that of a girl’s, still. No one can know).
“So.” Eddie claps his hands and Steve’s eyes snap to his face. “What’ll it be, my liege?”
Steve clears his throat. “Uh, I usually just go for a couple of pre-rolls.”
“Mhm, great choice. Prepared these myself.” Eddie swipes a baggie with two in it and holds it out. When Steve goes to grab it, though, Eddie pulls it out of his reach. “Ah ah ah, Harrington, no freebies.”
Steve rolls his eyes and huffs a laugh. “Yeah, alright, man.” He pulls his wallet out and hands him what he usually pays.
Eddie takes the money and counts it leisurely. “You’re five bucks short.”
Steve stares at him deadpan. 
“Birthday fee,” Eddie offers in explanation, shrugging like 'what can you do?’ “Can’t a guy make some extra change for his special day?” Eddie bats his eyelashes.
This boy is trying to kill him. Steve looks heavenward for strength. He counts down from five in his head and only then does he risk looking back at Eddie. “It’s your birthday?”
Eddie grins. “Yup,” he says, popping the p, “Tomorrow. The big one eight.”
Steve stands and tosses a ten onto the table. Eddie passes him the baggie and starts shuffling through his lunchbox. He pulls out a five and holds it out.
Steve waves him off and Eddie peers up at him suspiciously before shrugging and returning the bill to his stash. Steve turns on his heel and begins his journey back to the parking lot. “Happy birthday to me, I guess,” Eddie mutters and Steve smiles to himself. He shoves his hands in his pockets and pivots to walk backwards. 
“Happy birthday, Munson,” he calls and Eddie’s head snaps up.
Steve grins before turning back around and breaking into a jog. 
It’s not often that Steve finds himself in the thrift store. Not ever, actually, but with all that Eddie complains about capitalism and The Man (who the fuck is the man) and whatnot, he supposes this is his best bet. 
Steve wanders around, not even really knowing what he’s looking for. He’s idly skimming over the women’s jewelry section when he finds it. A silver ring with a blackish blueish stone in the center. It’s not that far off from the one Eddie already has, is it?
Steve tries it on and it’s a bit snug. He’ll admit that he spent far too much time earlier looking at Eddie’s hands and he thinks they were about the same size as his own, if not a bit thinner. 
It’s perfect. 
…He hopes it’s perfect. 
Eddie heard through the grapevine today’s someone’s b-day i left a gift for you under the dealer’s table p.s. it didn’t fit in the locker p.s.s sorry if this is weird but you’ll understand once you see it -H
He jogs to plant the present in its place. He’d rolled the second note up and slipped the ring onto it. It kinda looks like a scroll.
happy birthday eddie i don’t know if you want me to keep writing or if you think it’s weird or what if you want me to stop just don’t wear the ring and i’ll back off i hope you have a good day and that you like the ring <3 p.s. you’re older than me now
Steve is so anxious that he feels nauseous by the time he makes his way back to practice and it must show because coach tells him to take the bench. Tommy shoots him a worried glance but Steve just waves him off.  
By lunchtime, Steve doesn’t think he can look. He doesn’t know why it feels like this. Like Eddie not wearing the ring would be the end of the world. 
He manages to avoid looking for the first ten minutes and is seriously worried that he won’t have the guts to do it. Just as he’s resigned himself to his fate, Tommy groans from where he’s sitting in Steve’s usual seat (he hadn’t questioned the change) and then he cups his hands around his mouth and shouts.
“Get down, freak!”
Steve only just manages to not flinch. Slowly, he turns in his seat. Eddie pays no mind to Tommy other than flipping him off without even looking in his direction or pausing in his speech.
Eddie is currently using a lunch table as a stage as his friends grin up at him, egging him on. He’s passionate about whatever it is he’s talking about. Steve can tell from the way he begins gesturing wildly as he speaks. 
Steve can't tear his eyes away. He feels like he's finally been given permission to look since half of the cafeteria has their attention on him. 
It’s then that Steve glimpses the ring on Eddie's right hand. His ring.
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@sofadofax @noodle-shenaniganery @queenie-ofthe-void @friendlyneighborhoodgaycousin @devondespresso
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@dreamy-jeans137 @justdrugsformethanks @estrellami-1 @travelingtwentysomething @sleepy-steve
@wheneverfeasible @bisexual-and-broke @lil-gremlin-things @n0-1-important @xxbottlecapx
sorry if i missed anyone!!
786 notes · View notes
planetaryupscaled · 3 months
Birthday Present
Male OC x Wonyoung
Tags: 11k, creampie, dub con, tw
The story is not ours; we are simply alter the original story to our preferred settings.
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This wasn’t what Wonyoung had planned — she didn’t expect the ‘casual’ party to blow out of proportion like this!
Loud music was blaring throughout the entire house, and a countless stream of teenagers was littering every inch of the building. She wasn’t even able to return to the living room without having to squeeze through multiple groups, by the stairs and in the hallway. Sure, it was her boyfriend’s home, but she knew that most of the clean-up would become her duty.
“Hey!” Wonyoung attempted to gain some attention of those around her. ‘Guys, could you,’ she continued timidly before even she realized that her words were completely drowned out by the music.
“Could you just… could anyone turn down the music a little? Please…”
It was no use. She was forced to keep on trying to reach the living room and to lower the volume herself.
Truth be told, this was a mess of her own making.
It had been her job to make it a special event. Her boyfriend had asked her to help with the preparations for his little brother’s birthday party. But even he probably didn’t anticipate that Wonyoung would manage to gather a crowd of this size, certainly not on short notice.
Wonyoung loved helping people, always did. She was part of the school committee, she was the representative for her class members, and she was the head cheerleader. It wasn’t that she sought out those positions, they simply ended up in her lap. Helping others brought a smile to her face, and in turn, people happily relied on her. Her generosity was widely known and accepted.
So there was no question about it. When her boyfriend asked her to help out with the preparations, she did.
It took a couple of phone calls, but her friends were happy to party! But then those friends invited more friends, and then the circle just kept on growing. She hadn’t intended for the small birthday celebration to explode into a full-blown party. She didn’t even recognize most of the faces that were present! Hell, plenty of the unfamiliar guys looked old enough to be advanced college students. Which was weird, most of her friends had just finished high school or recently entered college. There was an unexpected wide range of ages present.
“Hyeon!” She finally spotted her boyfriend near the speakers, and gestured for him to turn the music down just a little. It took him a moment to figure out her signals, but then he obliged. It was finally possible to have a normal conversation.
“Thank you so, so much!” It was a blessing to finally be able to hear herself again. She pushed her way past a few more unfamiliar faces and then gave him a hug — mostly to reassure herself. His tall, muscular frame was like a beacon of safety and comfort in this mess.
“What’s up? You doing all right?” Hyeon looked down at her and brushed a few stray strands of her dark hair from her face. They were a cute couple, and an exotic one at that. He was a just your average high school jock with skin as pale as a bottle of milk. While she was not just your typical average high school cheerleader, to the contrary. Wonyoung extremely pretty. Her pale caramel skin, as well as her dark brown eyes, made her quite the treat.
“Yeah, it’s just… how is your brother holding up? I know he’s pretty shy so maybe this isn’t… you know, optimal? I may have overdone it a little with the party? I think.” Wonyoung reflected on her words and felt a pinch of guilt. It was meant to be a perfect event, but instead she perceived it to be chaotic. Her inner perfectionist was ringing the alarm bells.
“This is totally on me…” Wonyoung sulked and briefly lowered her gaze. Hyeon however, gave a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
“You did great, babe. I’m sure he’s having a good… time…?” Hyeon cut off his sentence after he spotted his little brother nearby. He was walking down the stairway with a camcorder in hand, with no sign of shyness.
“Is that Hajoon?” He went for a quick double- take. They both turn to observe his little brother, who was in the process of celebrating his birthday by holding up his old camcorder and recording the multitude of drunken, scantily dressed high school and college girls. It was going to be a memory he wouldn’t erase anytime soon.
“That does remind me,” Hyeon added as he redirected his attention back to Wonyoung. “He’s been struggling to, uh… to get laid… do you think you could hook him up with one of your friends?” He paused as he realized how silly his own words were, but it wouldn’t be the weirdest favor he had asked for.
“It would be one hell of a gift,” he continued. ‘I would owe you big time. He would finally stop mentioning how he wants to have his first time.’ He briefly paused and scratched the back of his head. “You can imagine how awkward it is, when your little brother tells you about wanting to get laid. I’m not even sure if he’s picky anymore, he just wants to hump a girl.”
Wonyoung grimaced slightly — truth be told, she had already tried in the past to get Hajoon into a relationship! Everybody deserves to be happy. So when she learned of Hajoon’s bad history with the ladies, she tried to get him to date one of her friends.
But he was simply too reclusive and way too much into his computer and board games. Unlike his older brother, he also wasn’t in good shape physically. He was quite chubby and made no effort to improve that situation. If only there was some way to help him. She sighed.
“I don’t know. I guess I can give it another try, sure! Let me find some liquid courage first, though.” There was no need to stay sober throughout the party, she figured. People were having a good time, so why shouldn’t she try to do the same? Who knows what the day may have in store for her.
Hajoon however, was pretty much in heaven. It didn’t take much for someone of his age to be entertained. He had never seen this many drunk girls in one place.
“Guys, are you seeing this? Jack. Pot.” He swayed the camcorder around and got a few more good shots of the surrounding girls — fortunately none of them recognized him or knew who the party was for. “Guys!” He briefly turned to ensure his two buddies were still following close behind.
“Come on, let’s keep looking!” Hajoon didn’t have many friends, partly because very few people shared his obsessions for indoor activities. But Jin and Sehun always had his back. Whether it was computer gaming, board games, anything. They kept each other company.
“What’s going on over he—ohh…” Hajoon’s voice trailed off as he pushed past another couple of teens and had a look into the kitchen. Lined up along the entire length of the kitchen counter were bottles of whiskey, vodka and other beverages. Right next to those were like a dozen plastic cups full of freshly mixed drinks, with a few empty cups scattered across the floor.
This really felt like a wild college party.
What really caught the boy’s attention however, was a young couple near the corner of the kitchen. The boy looked old enough to be a college graduate, while the girl looked freshly out of high school. What drew all attention, was where the guy’s hand was planted — deep inside her pants! His digits were moving erratically and he was quite obviously finger-fucking her.
Oddly enough it didn’t coax much of a reaction out of the girl. She had her gaze averted to the ground with a glassy-eyed stare. Were all girls like this? Hajoon murmured.
“He’s totally going at it! I’ve never seen that in real life!” Hajoon feverishly tried to zoom in with his camcorder, but failed to record anything significant before a few more guys approached from behind and firmly pushed him right out of the kitchen. It was written all across his face that he wasn’t old enough to be anywhere near alcohol. Old enough to drive a car or own a gun maybe, but not old enough to drink booze.
In the meantime, Wonyoung had a few of those drinks herself, back in the living room. Aside from an unusually salty taste, they didn’t raise any suspicion. Maybe a bit strong on the alcohol content, but decent.
However, it took her only a few minutes before she began to feel funny. More than just drunk, she felt sluggish but without feeling tired. She also felt weirdly out of breath.
Hyeon noticed rather quickly that she was behaving very unusual. She was a lightweight, but the drinks shouldn’t do more than making her feel tipsy and giddy. They certainly shouldn’t make her so… docile? She looked stoned rather than drunk.
“Wonyoung, are you all right?” He could tell that something wasn’t right.
As soon as he said that, the wheels in his head began to turn and he had another look around. In the midst of all the music and commotion, nobody had even noticed that some girls were passed out on the couch, and a random guy was sleeping on the carpet.
It made him furious to realize that someone pulled an unacceptable prank. Someone had slipped drugs into the drinks. Maybe just sleeping pills, maybe a roofie. It didn’t make a difference.
“Ah, what the hell,” he muttered under his breath before shutting down the speaker system and raising his voice to draw the attention of his guests.
“Party is over! Some asshole spiked the drinks, everyone out!” He then repeated himself once more while untangling a kissing couple that hadn’t paid attention.
The commotion had been enough to draw Hajoon’s attention as well, who quickly approached his older sibling to offer his help.
“Just in time, here.” Hyeon pushed Wonyoung into his brother’s arms while his eyes were already going back to scanning the area. He wasn’t sure how to deal with the girls who had multiple of the altered drinks and were straight up passed out. Thankfully Wonyoung was still able to stand on her own, though she was not quite grasping what was happening.
“Get her upstairs,” Hyeon instructed while giving his brother a reassuring pat on the back. “I’ll take care of the party so just get her upstairs.”
Hajoon hesitated and looked back at him with a surprised expression. Like a deer stuck in headlights. He had no idea that the drinks had been spiked so this was a confusing moment.
“Upstairs, to one of the bedrooms, what are you waiting for? I got my hands full here,” he instructed before he once more surveyed the situation. A couple guys stared at the drugged girls, so he started there and ushered the creeps out of the house. He certainly didn’t want to be the person who allowed girls to be roofied and taken advantage of at his own home.
It had all been so hectic that he didn’t even pay attention to his younger brother anymore.
Wonyoung still felt a little weird, less energetic than before. She kept an arm around Hajoon while he led her upstairs. Her surroundings didn’t even register to her until she heard the door closing behind herself, at which point she turned to see Hajoon staring right back at her.
There had been a colossal misunderstanding. As far as Hajoon knew, his older brother had just set him up with his girlfriend. A favor for sure, but an incredibly weird one. In his eyes, it certainly made sense now why they both acted so fishy. He took another moment to contemplate the situation, and then he set his camcorder aside to approach her.
“So uh,” he began to say. “He really wants me to… with you? Is that like, some kind of birthday gift?” Wonyoung gazed back at him with vacant eyes. It wasn’t that the situation was overwhelming her, she simply couldn’t motivate herself to think about it or the implication of his words.
Her thoughts were more occupied by a warm tingle in her crotch. A very special part of her was itching for attention and the moral implications didn’t cross her thoughts.
“I guess.” The response was half-hearted and she lazily lay down on his bed. It was a small bed, designed for just one person and with messy bed covers. This clearly wasn’t the bedroom of someone who ever had a girlfriend before.
She got comfortable nonetheless and buried her face in the pillow. For a brief moment, things were quiet and peaceful…
It didn’t remain like that for long. A pair of hands reached around to unbutton her jeans, and she instinctively groaned her lazy disapproval.
“What… what are you doing back there?” Wonyoung twisted herself around and onto her back to see those same fingers grasping the waistband of her pants and gradually pulling them down. Before she had a chance to object properly, her jeans were already halfway down to her ankles and revealed what she wore underneath.
Her panties were an innocent pair of pink, frilled cotton undies.
Hajoon scarcely believed his own eyes, up to then he had assumed she was some kind of secret seductress. That she and his brother had some kinky relationship which they had been keeping hidden. That of course, she would be wearing something lewd like a thong. But no, apparently, she was truly conservative and… prudish?
The old, washed-out fabric clung snugly to the shape of her vulva. Despite her unsexy taste in underwear, she obviously possessed a pussy — which was all that currently mattered to Hajoon. But if she felt conscious about her panties…
“I don’t mind, I guess they’re cute,” he mumbled while he gave her pants another tug and pulled them off completely to focus entirely on her underwear. Wonyoung was still barely reacting to his actions. She was quietly observing him. Whatever had been mixed into the drinks was keeping her sedated far beyond her control. It also didn’t help that she was feeling weirdly excited and aroused — another effect of the cocktail.
As far as Hajoon was concerned, she was simply shy about this arrangement. So when he touched her panties, grasped the soft fabric, and began to peel the material off her smooth silky skin, all he could think about was losing his virginity with her help.
It was a gradual process, he didn’t want to rush this considering how relaxed she seemed to be. Maybe she wanted this to be romantic, who knows. After all the struggle, finally, Wonyoung's perfectly smooth-shaven pussy was revealed. This discovery only made her more appealing.
But even under the effect of alcohol and whatever else had been mixed into the drinks, Wonyoung gradually felt her heart beating faster. Adrenaline began to pump through her at an alarming rate. Her mind began to grasp that she was about to have sexual intercourse with someone other than her boyfriend.
“Uhmm.” She paused for a moment. It was so damned difficult to gather her thoughts and think straight. How did she end up in this situation?
Wonyoung eyes wandered up and down the view in front of her. The way Hajoon was removing her underwear. How his gaze kept fixating on her crotch. Something about this was alerting her. But just as her emotions began to take shape in more coherent thoughts, she felt another dulling wave of drowsiness washing over her.
Wonyoung leaned back, and took a deep breath. Her head rested on the cushy pillow. She watched her boyfriend’s brother tossing her underwear away before standing back up to undress. She could vaguely recall the prior chat. About hooking him up with someone. Maybe… she had volunteered? Perhaps she had agreed to help him out in a more direct way.
In her drugged state, it made just enough sense.
Her gaze was glued to him and his actions, she had never been with anyone but her boyfriend so this was new. Hajoon was without a doubt on the chubby side. And as he took off his pants, she also noted that he wasn’t particularly well endowed.
But he definitely was excited and steadily growing. Wonyoung however, was still at the mere beginnings of feeling aroused, she knew that having sex in her current state would be unpleasant. So she reluctantly reached under her shirt, pushed her bra out of the way and began to caress her breasts. Some part of her knew that this would be the only foreplay she would get. As long as she could get herself wet enough to make his entry easy, she knew that her body would take care of the rest.
Simultaneously, Hajoon held his semi-erect appendage in his fist and stroked it to life while watching her. He glanced back and forth between the motion underneath her shirt, and the triangle between her legs. The awkward teenagers continued like that for longer than either of them would care to admit.
Wonyoung eventually reached down to the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and away, discarding her last piece of clothing. Her perky breasts were crowned by stiff nipples, hinting at her own growing excitement.
Her moral barrier was all but torn down, she was no longer conscious of the fact that she was about to cheat on her boyfriend. Unlike all the girls downstairs, she didn’t have anyone to keep her safe and to prevent her from committing a mistake.
Hajoon joined her side, and the bed creaked bitterly in response. The rusty bedsprings weren’t made to endure the weight of two people. He climbed on top of Wonyoung while supporting himself on his elbows, and his erection poked her belly button. He wasn’t even close to his target destination.
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It coaxed a timid giggle out of her.
“Wait, I got this,” he uttered nervously. Hajoon then readjusted his angle and reached down to grasp the veiny, firm surface of his dick. It felt harder than ever before, and throbbed in tune to his nervous heartbeat. He knew that he wouldn’t last long once he was inside her, but that didn’t matter.
The bloated crown of his appendage gradually slid down towards her crotch, accompanied by a very fine trail of pre-cum which clung to her pale caramel skin. It didn’t help that he was particularly aware of some fruity adolescent perfume that surrounded her and made her even more intoxicating to be with. Everything about Wonyoung was feminine and attractive. All of this had been developing so fast that he barely had the time to fully process it. But he wasn’t about to pause.
His cock nestled in the midst of her pussy lips and he could feel his tip pressing against her skin. He gave it an inquisitive jerk forward, but merely lured a displeased groan out of her.
Wonyoung felt him awkwardly applying pressure to her clit with that bloated head of his cock. Hajoon was still a couple inches away from his target.
“It’s lower than that…” she mumbled.
Wonyoung waited another moment while he fidgeted with her genitals, before she reached down and wrapped her slender fingers around his shaft. The first thing she noticed was how warm his cock felt! After her initial surprise faded, she guided his purple cockhead down to the slit of her pussy and towards the snug embrace of her labia. She directed his dick up and down until it was decently held in place by her own body, until it was wedged in place just in front of the tiny opening that would lead inside her.
The bed squeaked as Hajoon suddenly lunged forward and buried his length inside Wonyoung pussy with a single push, just like he had seen in porn. His inexperience was painfully obvious and Wonyoung suffered the consequences of being his first.
Wonyoung inhaled sharply and tensed up. Despite being wet enough for his entry, she hadn’t been prepared to take in everything at once! Her boyfriend had never pushed into her like a savage, it had always been a slow and gradual process to open her up.
“This is amazing,” he spoke breathlessly, his voice heavy and sultry. Simultaneously he was still wriggling his hips forward, and fully ignored the way his pubic bone was already grinding against hers.
Wonyoung hadn’t even noticed the way she had instinctively wrapped her legs around him — it felt like someone had shoved a scalding metal rod into her privates and was still trying to push it deeper.
“I think… it’s all inside.” Wonyoung response was a mixture of half-hearted wit and dumbfound frustration. She knew well enough that she would be sore for the following few days after such a callous entry. Her vagina wasn’t built for such rough treatment. The silken walls were involuntarily clenching down on his member but unsuccessful in expelling the invader. She could feel herself stretching to accommodate his manhood, adapting to make room for him, allowing him to become a part of her.
Just like he had seen on the internet, he began his slow withdrawal followed by another push back inside her. He copied the motions to the best of his abilities.
A slippery squelch escaped Wonyoung womanhood, and a faint blush crept across her cheeks. It was either her own arousal, or an ample serving of pre-cum which helped to lubricate her pussy. Either way, it paved the path for him to pick up a clumsy pace of burying his entire length in her, pulling out, and repeating the process.
Throughout it all, Wonyoung remained fully aware of the heat his cock was emitting within her tight sheathe. Each time Hajoon buried his cock inside her, she could feel it like fireworks going off against her delicate flesh. The heat, the texture of his erection, the veiny shape, she felt it all as he repeatedly drove it home.
Every other slap was more deliberate than the last, and soon the sounds of his skin slapping against hers echoed throughout the small room each time his crotch impacted with Wonyoung’s. Her small breasts rocked back and forth in tune to the rhythmical motion of her body, the petite girl was like a doll while under the mercy of his actions. This wasn’t the romantic love-making that she was used to, it was an act with a singular goal in mind.
With little else to do but to bear the sensations, she grasped the bed sheets more tightly and dug her fingers into the fabric.
She also unwrapped her legs from around his back and placed her feet back on the mattress — this was an encounter she did not intend to repeat. She wanted him to do whatever he desired and to get it over with quickly.
And yet despite her mental struggle, Wonyoung found herself feeling playful, almost giddy. A part of her was enjoying the knowledge that her body brought him such joy. She also felt desired and appreciated beyond anything she felt in the past. Perhaps with a bit more foreplay, she thought, this might have felt amazing, even for her.
“Do you… do you like it?” Wonyoung asked, those words bashfully while her innocent eyes gazed back up at him as if seeking his approval. As she lowered her view back down to her crotch, she could see as well as feel the way he kept pulling his hungry cock nearly all the way out of her — leaving her with a sensation of emptiness inside her — and then slamming back into her. Each impact coaxed another stifled sigh out of her, it was all she could do to prevent herself from moaning.
She still believed that her friends were hosting a party downstairs. She didn’t want to create any noise.
“Fuck,” Hajoon cursed, as he felt the tightness of Wonyoung’s cunt squeezing down on his cock. “Yea-yeah,” was all he could muster in response as he kept on focusing entirely on that wet hug of her pussy. Wonyoung kept tensing up, he could tell. Voluntarily or not, it felt incredible to have her flesh so tight around his shaft. Every clench of her flesh just heightened his pleasure, driving him on to make this last for as long as he could.
It was his first time, however.
Wet perspiration was collecting on his back, his muscles were aching and shivering from exhaustion, and all he could think about was that paradise between Wonyoung’s legs. His basic instincts were urging him on to claim her completely in whatever way possible.
And just as that thought crossed his mind, he could feel himself approaching his peak. An explosion of pleasure that concentrated in his loins. He shoved his entire weight against and into her. He deliberately wanted to share this moment with her, all of it, forcing it on her.
So when a familiar tingle was spreading from his crotch all the way to the tip of his erection, he made sure to keep it buried as deep in her little twat as she could take it. Wonyoung’s vulva kissed the base of his cock. She had taken every inch. They were one.
His orgasm began with a single pulse at first.
It was also right then, that Wonyoung fully comprehended what felt so different this time, compared to sex she usually had with her boyfriend. Today she was acutely aware of the shape and heat of her partner’s erection because it was not engulfed by a thick layer of latex, she realized. There was no condom!
For the first time in her life, she was committing to unprotected intercourse. And to make matters worse, it was with someone other than her boyfriend. Those pink walls of her pussy had been in direct contact with a naked, uncovered cock. It was the first time that she had sex completely bareback and as nature intended.
Wonyoung inhaled sharply at that, like something had just touched the very end of her love-tunnel. A sickeningly strong spurt of… wetness. That thought didn’t prepare her for the following squirts, which felt twice as intense — her mind made the connection with a super soaker as it was emptying a blast inside her! It felt strong and masculine as it washed into her.
It was weird, but not nearly as bad as the discomfort it caused. Those pumps delivered the payload of cloudy sperm right up against her cervix, coating the smooth organ with a fine slathering of creamy seed. Wonyoung flinched each time Hajoon injected another serving of baby gravy against that uttermost sensitive part inside her.
His member kept jerking against the vulnerable walls of her cunt. It was a huge load.
“You can’t…” Wonyoung mumbled. “You gotta… you can’t cum inside me.” Her words were incoherent, and it was also too little, too late. His organ already delivered nearly a dozen spurts directly into her. Even Wonyoung understood that much.
Up to now, nobody had been allowed to ejaculate inside her. Not even her own boyfriend had gotten to enjoy that privilege. This had all been intended to be a one-sided deal, that she would help Hajoon to lose his virginity. But instead, it had turned into a mutual exchange, in which she was allowed to claim his virginity, and he would be allowed to claim her bareback virginity. Her excited pussy got its first taste of semen, and would without a doubt, never forget its first unprotected conqueror.
“Ahh… no…” It was part of her mother’s advice, which had been repeatedly drilled into her head as soon as she had her first period. The women in her family were incredibly fertile, and she should not be taking any risks until she was absolutely ready to become a mom.
All of her sisters had at least one pregnancy scare, too. Despite combining multiple birth control methods.
Wonyoung had no doubts about it. That stubborn triangle between her legs would be more than happy to accept any lucky sperm, and to put her right on course for an early motherhood.
But yet here she was with her trembling legs wide open like a wanton slut, and a real penis throbbing to deliver the final watery spurts of sperm into her battered cunt.
It was almost as if he was seriously trying to inseminate her defenseless vagina. To give her a baby bump and to ruin her prospects of remaining a cheerleader. Wonyoung could feel herself clenching down on his erection at the thought of that, and in response, his member flexed aggressively against the walls of her cunt.
Just like a mare, she thought, she had been mounted and potentially impregnated. Like she was nothing more than an animal. Her family would never forgive her if they found out she made such a mistake, nor would her boyfriend…
“What am I supposed to do now…?” Everything inside her felt gross and slippery. Each time he moved even an inch, she could feel his organ moving inside the puddle he dumped inside her. She might never again feel clean. Her pussy had gotten its first creampie, the most intimate event a girl and a boy can share with one another.
Followed by a bitter sigh, Wonyoung plopped back against the pillow with her legs still open and her lover sheathed inside her vagina. More of his weight was resting on her now, after he had deposited his cum in her and had lost his strength.
There was little she could do now that he already came in her, and her mind was weirdly at ease with the thought. Still, she knew of the risk. She also knew she didn’t want to get knocked up at such a tender young age.
All that adrenaline, which coursed through her veins like never before, helped her to temporarily form a more coherent thought.
An obvious idea occurred to her.
A simple solution to this mess, thanks to modern science. Unlike her mother or her grandmother, she wasn’t completely at the mercy of her partner. A single accident wouldn’t permanently doom her, she couldn’t allow that to happen, she wouldn’t.
Wonyoung extended her arm as far as it would go and pulled her discarded clothes close enough to retrieve her phone. Her sluggish mind was whirring and spinning while she stared at the bright digital screen, until she remembered her password. She navigated her way to the calendar and created a simple reminder; Purchase plan B, ASAP.
Even if it took a day, even if it would take two days, she would be fine. It was a relief. She wouldn’t have to endure a baby growing inside her and she sure as hell wouldn’t have to endure weeks of morning sickness just because she once forgot using a condom.
Throughout it all, Hajoon remained on top of her. Her breasts did little to cushion the way he was pinning her in place. He was truly spent now that he had thoroughly enjoyed his birthday present.
Wonyoung placed her phone on the nightstand, uttered a weary sigh and closed her eyes. She could still feel the vastness of cum that was swirling around inside her vagina. It was so warm and sticky, distinctly different from her own wetness. It didn’t feel right. She felt tainted and dirty. There was a very good reason for why she had never permitted her boyfriend to soil her insides like this.
Even the thought was obscene — that she currently carried millions of his little swimmers inside her womb. Wiggly little sperm tadpoles. Each one with the single goal of ruining her teenage years, by forcing her into an unplanned pregnancy. Sometimes, being a girl certainly sucks… she thought.
And every now and then Wonyoung could feel her pussy twitching around Hajoon shrinking shaft, as if to make up for the growing emptiness within her. Everything about this felt too intimate. She could scarcely believe it, but it almost felt like her vagina was falling in love with the bareback sensation. She grimaced at the thought, but nonetheless felt a warm pressure in her loins. A deep satisfaction. If he wanted to go for another round, she would probably let him.
The room was quiet… she couldn’t even hear the party downstairs anymore. It was fairly tranquil and serene, she thought. Caught by the sullen silence, the two teenagers were moments from falling asleep, entangled as they were.
Until the door handle twisted, and turned.
The bedroom door opened. Jin and Sehun — those friends of Hajoon — entered the room only to change their expressions from ones of curiosity, into ones of surprise and shock.
“Are we interrupting? We’re interrupting,” Sehun said while already being in the midst of trying to close the door again.
“Wait,” Hajoon answered. He was still surprisingly out of breath. “It’s cool. She offered to help me lose my… uh, my virginity. My brother made it happen, I guess. So it’s all good. She isn’t cheating or anything… what are you doing here anyway? Wait, did he… did he send you?”
The situation was weird without a doubt, and Hajoon had no intention of remaining completely naked in the presence of his buddies. He rolled over to cover himself with the bed covers.
Which left Wonyoung with the feeling of how his softened member slipped out of her, with a slick pop, after which a tendril of warm cum drooled out of her freshly fucked pussy. Everything down there felt swollen, tender and sticky. Since she wasn’t making an effort to move, her senses were acutely aware of how all that cum was gradually escaping her. It began to leak out of her slit more richly, oozing down the cheeks of her bum and pooling underneath her.
“Well… he did send us, yeah. But he said something about checking up on everyone. I don’t think this is what he meant…” Sehun surveyed the situation. “But hey, I’m not gonna pass up on this. If she’s all right with it? And if you don’t mind either?”
“Yeah sure, go for it.” Hajoon had his share of fun. He didn’t mind sharing the experience with his closest friends, as well.
None of the guys asked Wonyoung, who still lay on the bed. Considering how widely known her helpful attitude was, the boys simply assumed this was all part of her charity. That she offered herself to be used for their entertainment however they saw fit.
Who knows, maybe this was even some fetish she had, Hajoon thought to himself. She did seem completely at ease with everything, other than that little accident inside her pussy. But even that unwelcome cream filling didn’t seem to bother her much at all. It gave him a newfound motivation to indulge in what he assumed to be her kink.
“Go ahead,” he suggested as he climbed off the bed while keeping the covers wrapped around his lower half.
Sehun and Jin still stood a good distance away. After a brief moment of contemplation, Sehun shrugged his shoulders and began to strip. He was surprisingly fit, with mildly toned muscles underneath his clothes. He wasn’t short on confidence either, he was the only one in their small circle of friends who had an easy time with the ladies.
And so, while Hajoon and Jin retreated with chairs to a corner of the room, to watch the show, Sehun approached the bedside.
“I always thought you were the prettiest.” His eyes wandered over Wonyoung curves. Her pristine, beautiful skin was free of any marks or imperfections. Sehun reached out to give her left tit an inquisitive squeeze.
“The real deal, sweet. I kinda prefer girls with bigger breasts, but it’s not like you’re offering a boobjob anyway.” His gaze moved up and he briefly looked into Wonyoung’s eyes. He could see a trace of confusion and fright, locked behind the entrancing shade of hazelnut of her iris, as if she was trapped inside her own mind. He recognized the look, it was the same one all the intoxicated girls downstairs had.
Wonyoung was fighting a losing battle, certainly. Each little rush of adrenaline had less of an effect to free her mind, she was rapidly succumbing to the alcohol and whatever else she ingested.
“She had a bit too much to drink, didn’t she?” Sehun contemplated the situation for a moment, but it wasn’t his fault that she got herself into this mess. This would be an easy way of teaching her a lesson, while he and his friends would get to have fun. It was harmless anyway, he figured, it’s not like they were harming her.
Sehun knew nothing of the trouble that was brewing in Wonyoung’s loins, with more cum trickling towards her cervix.
Wonyoung still looked up at him, dazed and intoxicated as she was. Each time she breathed in, she grew more aware of the vile scent of drying sperm and her own vaginal juices that seeped into the air and filled the room with the smell of unprotected sex. All she could hope for was an opportunity to fall asleep and to rest.
She simply wanted this to be over, even her own arousal was giving her little more than embarrassment and shame. She took no joy or pride in the fact that everyone currently in the room knew what her cunt smelled like when she was in the mood for another cock. Her pussy was pleading for another dick to own her. But instead, Sehun moved his hand toward her cheek and beyond, grabbing the pillow her head was resting on. With one swift tug, he pulled it away and she uttered a displeased groan in response as her head plopped onto the firm mattress.
It was the beginning of something new, as Sehun relocated the pillow and pushed it underneath Wonyoung’s shapely buttocks. One strong push and it was in place. It raised her crotch, higher up than the rest of her body and much easier to access.
Sehun climbed on top of her.
“Tell me that I’m your boyfriend,” Sehun instructed as he reached for his erection, and used his grip to rub the blunt tip of his cock against the shrouded little point of pleasure, just atop her slit. Wonyoung’s perfectly shaven pussy had gotten sticky with a mixture of fluids. His cockhead applied a gentle pressure on it, just enough to make her curious.
“Ah… ahnn!” Wonyoung released a tender moan, and her soft voice helped to coax more life into his erection. “My… my boyfriend?” She had never felt anything like this. Sex had always been something she would do just to get it over with. It had never even occurred to her, or her boyfriend, that sex could be pleasurable for both of them.
It was her upbringing which had taught her that everything between her legs was a no-no area. So many sensations were flooding her brain, her body was more than amped up to receive more attention.
“You are… my boyfriend?” She weakly repeated his words, though she didn’t care to understand their meaning. She simply wanted this moment to continue. Free of shame and stress, this was the first time that she discovered a new side of herself. And despite her frail and tired mind, she suddenly felt a new rush of energy to urge her onwards.
“That’s right.” Sehun drew small circles around her opening, a dab of his pre-cum smeared all over Wonyoung’s smooth pussy lips.
When he was finally pleased with her growing need, he pushed his cock down to knock against the entrance to her juicy cunt. The battered lips of her pussy were drenched, it was either a mess of her own creation or leftovers from Hajoon’s deposit inside her cunt. She was about to accept the second unprotected dick of her life into her body.
Much like it happened with the first one, she was vaguely aware of a gentle push, followed by the feeling of being spread open by something. This is it, Wonyoung contemplated, and the tip of his erection entered her. She had taken him inside and she was once again allowing a guy to relish the wet embrace of her cunt.
The anxious fear crossed her mind again, as she remembered that she still wasn’t on any birth control. At this rate, she may end up taking another warm batch of sperm into her most vulnerable core — her blind reliance on taking a morning after pill was nagging her. She knew this was a bad idea, and yet—
“Ahnnn!” Wonyoung uttered another perplexed moan as she felt the manly appendage invading her further, stretching her womanhood far more so than the first cock she took.
It was only when she planted her hands on the mattress to push herself into a more upright position that she could gaze at the obscene sight that was playing out further down. While the shadow cast by Sehun’s body made it harder to observe, Wonyoung was able to see the way his grotesquely thick cock was worming its way into her. He would pull back by an inch, and then feed two inches back into her. His actions also just so happened to push all the remaining cum deeper inside her.
“Nnnh,” Wonyoung sighed bitterly. Sehun monstrous size was pushing against some particularly sensitive parts and she was rapidly approaching her breaking point. There was only so much she could safely accommodate, before she would feel the sheer strain and burden of trying to force something unusually big into her. “It won’t fit, it doesn’t fit,” she mumbled with her broken voice, a plea that was ignored. Her hands clutched the bed’s fabric more tightly.
Sehun kept on applying more pressure with every other thrust, coaxing her insides to accept him. It was fortunate that she was so damn wet, otherwise this would’ve proven uncomfortable for both.
Wonyoung’s fists gradually unclenched as she managed to relax. Her breathing still came deep and ragged, and her mouth felt dry, but she was getting used to it all. Even the sounds no longer caused her as much discomfort — that repetitive slick noise each time his member pushed inwards. The way her battered pussy lips simply opened up and allowed his erection to plunge deeper still.
She refused to say it out loud, but it was beginning to feel weirdly pleasant. It felt just right, the way Sehun managed to stimulate those unknown parts within her. Those tender spots she never knew existed.
“Ah! Ohh…” A particularly sharp moan left her brittle lips as she felt him delving deeper than even Hajoon managed to, yet undiscovered parts were opening up to accommodate her lover. In response, Wonyoung parted her legs further.
One foot slipped just off the edge of the bed and dangled uselessly above the carpet, while her other foot remained atop the mattress. Even so, all it did was creating more space inside her. An act that allowed Sehun to pick up the pace with which he was mating with her.
It shaped up to be a proper fuck, with deep hard strokes.
It was so much more intense than she could’ve ever anticipated, a workout for her untrained pussy. And as those ebbing waves of soreness, excitement and lust kept retreating and returning, she soon found herself reaching another height she had yet to experience.
Her first orgasm.
It began with a sensation similar to having just burned herself, her instincts urged her on to touch herself, to reassure herself that she was okay. It was accompanied by a squeezing that she was aware of each time he thrust into her. The soft, slick walls of her cunt clenched down on his member when he pushed in, and when he withdrew she felt empty and hollow. It was like a weird, twisted dance.
Soon she could feel a heaviness emanating from just below her belly button.
It seemed to be spreading in a butterfly shape, growing outwards. It reached down to her thighs, and all the way up to the tips of her tingly fingers. Its intensity kept climbing until she sighed, and bit her lip hard enough to draw traces of blood.
She suddenly felt lightheaded and breathless. Warm shocks of bliss rolled through her and accompanied the fullness in her pussy. Her eyes were shut tight and all her senses concentrated on those feelings, the confusion and joy of her first climax. It felt so damn good.
Simultaneously, Sehun could feel her vagina rhythmically contracting around his dick, damn well making it impossible to push as deep as he had grown accustomed to. But he didn’t need to.
Just as Wonyoung was in the midst of an orgasm, her lover joined her. He repeated the same motions that had forced her over the edge. He fucked into her as he began to deliver a row of thick, virile spurts of semen into the depths of Wonyoung’s defenseless vagina. His persistent thrusting only helped to push it deeper.
Her cervix repeatedly dipped into the sticky mess, in tune to her barely suppressed moans.
A milky pool of cum all but drowned her vulnerable cervix. The boys were certainly doing their very best to try and seal her fate, knowingly or not, they were breeding her unprotected cunt.
The pillow underneath her peach-shaped buttocks all but ensured the sperm had nowhere to go but where it belonged most. She still shivered and gasped, even when her partner slowed down and paused.
“And that’s… that’s how you get it done…”
Sehun allowed his muscles to relax, now that his job was finished. The exertion of his work came crushing down on him. His full weight was lowered onto Wonyoung while he gasped for fresh oxygen.
The air was heavy with the salty taste of sweat and exhaustion. He leered down at her with a toxic, lecherous stare when she eventually opened her eyes. It had taken her a while to recover. He knew he had succeeded in something that perhaps nobody else had attempted yet — to ride her to the peak of pleasure.
Simultaneously, Wonyoung’s senses returned and she regretfully grew aware of that new, added heat in her loins. That damp warmth from all the recklessly deposited sperm that now resided within her. She had taken it all, like a gift she couldn’t return anymore.
Their crotches were fused together for the time being, and she could feel him softening against the tender sides of her pussy.
Even her vulva, somehow, felt more bruised and battered. There were so many things she was suddenly in the midst of discovering. It’s like her world was finally filled with color again, it was real and vivid. Whatever had been mixed into her drink was slowly leaving her system, but the influence of alcohol still affected her strongly.
“Are you… did you… finish?” Her words came timidly. The weight of the situation was slowly closing in on her and she wasn’t sure how to react.
Her caring nature and positivity, clashed with the overwhelming mess this turned out to be.
“Yeah. It was amazing. You were amazing.” Sehun lowered his gaze down to where their genitals were still hugging one another, and slowly withdrew from her sloppy insides. It coaxed a few gasps and sighs from Wonyoung, but he soon felt himself popping free from her pussy’s tight embrace. The way the pillow kept Wonyoung’s crotch propped up, allowed him a particularly lewd sight.
His limp member dangled above her gaping, abused opening and dripped remnants of their combined juices all over, and into, the overexerted slit of her cunt. The shade of his expelled cum blends perfectly with Wonyoung’s pale skin.
It was a strange sight for Wonyoung who never had sex without a condom, and never saw a guy’s ejaculate outside of a thick latex prison. It confirmed her suspicions, she really didn’t like the feeling nor the sight of spunk. Though she couldn’t deny that she had at least a little bit of fun… no that was an understatement. She had to be honest to herself, it had been her first orgasm.
“So who is next,” Hajoon asked. “Jin, you wanna have a go at her? We wouldn’t judge you or anything if you don’t wanna,” he continued while he observed his friend’s reaction.
Of the three friends, Jin was certainly the least social one. Which didn’t mean that he was bad looking by any means, but he was scrawny and quick to grow nervous. Which was entirely to be expected considering he grew up in a household with half a dozen siblings. As the youngest sibling of the bunch, he had always been teased and made fun of. He never had a chance to build his confidence.
“I don’t know, maybe?” His gaze jumped back and forth between his friends, and the cute girl, Wonyoung. who was waiting on the bed with her legs wide open, ready to be fucked with a sullen expression. She didn’t seem too happy about the situation, but she also didn’t glare or anything. She had accepted her fate.
She did however moan sweetly when a pair of fingers delved into her pussy — and shoved all that previously deposited warm lubrication inwards. An unpleasant but familiar sensation, at this point. Sehun seemed to be taking great delight in groping her in every way he could. His sperm-covered fingers left her pussy and trailed back up to her taut, flat stomach — where he drew a wet circle around her belly button before moving further up to cup her breast. A soft squeeze confirmed that her tits were just as responsive as her cunt.
“Yeah, I kind of wanna try.” Jin watched the show and it was mesmerizing. His brothers often brought drunk girls home, and they often would end up being rather vocal about their nightly entertainment.
Unlike Hajoon, Jin had never complained about wishing to lose his virginity. But much like his friends, he failed to see a reason to pass up on this opportunity.
“Sure, she’s ready to go,” Sehun responded while he climbed off the bed.
Once again nobody bothered to inquire for Wonyoung’s thoughts on the matter. She wasn’t even comfortable with her spot on the bed — the pillow elevated her midsection, sure, but that caused her head to rest on the rigid mattress. And her vagina was sore and achy. She also hated the feeling of sperm wedged into every crevice of her cunt.
Though just as she was about to voice her discomfort, Jin climbed on top of her. There wasn’t much wiggle room — it was still just a tiny bed, designed for just one person — so when he planted his elbows on either side of her, she could only glance left and right in case she still had a chance to slip away. She couldn’t.
“Could you… like… turn around?” Jin gazed down at Wonyoung, and for the first time she actually had the presence of mind to look back up at him.
“Turn around,” she repeated his words, albeit more slowly as if trying to decipher the meaning. “What do you mean?” She turned her head and looked at the wooden headrest of the bed. It took her another moment to comprehend his intentions — to turn her body!
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She’s never had sex in any position but missionary. It hadn’t occurred to her that some people may have a preference. Wonyoung awkwardly twisted and turned her body around and found herself face-to-face with the mattress she had gotten so familiar with. She also felt the pillow now digging into her crotch. The result was the same, her cunt was raised and easy to access.
A strong blush crept across her cheeks, a burning shame. The growing awareness wasn’t entirely a good thing…
Wonyoung could soon feel something poking her labia again. It was a surprise that her crotch hadn’t turned into more of a sloppy mess, but that simply meant most cum was still somewhere inside her.
Which wasn’t reassuring. Wonyoung felt nauseous, thinking she might get knocked up. She briefly wondered just how much cum would fit into her, before even her baby-frenzied vagina would begin to spit it back out. But then she remembered that even if her pussy would be filled to the brim, her elevated crotch was giving all their combined cum a chance to needle through her cervix and to drool right into her womb.
She shivered warmly and sighed, just long enough for her to question if her vivid imagination coaxed another orgasm out of her… The gentle, careful prodding ceased when she felt Jin’s cock head had successfully located her slit. It made her feel so very vulnerable. She was naked and exposed, and so cursed helpless — yet she did not dare make a fuss about it. Just one more time, she thought to herself. They’re almost done, then I can shower and go home.
Jin inched his hips forward, he had observed the prior dance long enough to have a general idea of how it was done. The bulbous cockhead nudged between Wonyoung’s swollen pussy lips, pushed them apart and then entered the welcoming heat of her loins.
He moaned with a mixture of excitement and surprise — it surpassed his expectations! So caught up in the moment, he eagerly intended to claim more of this newfound pleasure and pushed onwards, slowly but deliberately.
It was an effortless process, Wonyoung took him in with ease. At least physically. Her mind was rebelling. She crossed her arms in front of her face and hid herself, an attempt to conceal her expression — torn between shame, confusion and guilty pleasure.
Her new partner wasn’t as large as the previous ones, but everything inside her had become so sensitive that he didn’t need to be well endowed. She could feel every stroke, every throb. She could hear the soft creaking of the bed frame as he added more weight to her, and she could smell the potent scent of frequent intercourse. Her senses were drowning in an ocean of lust and everything tied to it.
Jin was taking his time, or at least tried to. He was inching back and forth, as if he was afraid he may break her if he pushed too deep, or too fast. He also wanted to make it memorable for himself, stretching these moments for as long as he could manage. Even if two other guys had already used her, it still felt like her pussy was tight enough to snap his dick. It was an impossible embrace, mayhap related to her youth, or rigorous exercise as cheerleader. Whatever it was caused by, it was a blessing.
Another subtle moan left him as he tried to thrust forward and was met with more resistance. It had no right to feel this good to have sex with her, and it was taking his breath away. It was the single-most special experience in his entire life.
Wonyoung felt similar. Her entire crotch felt like it was heating up or burning, like all the nerve endings were firing off signals left and right, to signal her what she already knew: Only her cunt mattered.
Every other push drove those thoughts home, and soaked her mind with more desire. A taboo kind of desire that seemed to be fighting with what little was left of her rational mind.
Wonyoung listened to the way each thrust forced a wet squelch out of her beaten cunt and she moaned sultry. Though just as she was getting closer to claiming another orgasm for herself, she heard her lover releasing a more drawn-out moan. His voice was mixed with emotional release and regret, but also genuine joy. Wonyoung pinched her wrist, to distract herself from the sudden sensation of more cum being delivered into her violated cunt. Hot, sticky bursts showered the depths of her cunny with everything he had stored in his weary testicles. Weeks, maybe months’ worth of pent up semen.
“Ahnn!” She moaned by sheer accident, just as she felt a particular forceful burst against the end of her love tunnel. It was humiliating, she didn’t feel like she had any control over the situation. At least it was over. Or so she thought.
“Are you done? I kind of want to go again,” Hajoon asked. Nobody had the heart or motivation to deny him. They switched places and Wonyoung once again found herself getting used for sex.
It wasn’t a gentle fuck by any means, every thrust caused her face to rub across the mattress, but her energy was depleted. Everything began to blur into one big event, seemingly endless. Her thoughts dimmed and calmed down as she accepted that this would go on for much, much longer.
It was in the midst of that encounter that she finally fell victim to her exhaustion.
After all that had happened, she reached her limit and passed out while still being pounded from behind. It wasn’t graceful and it certainly wasn’t ladylike.
His crotch simply continued to repeatedly slap against the perky cheeks of her behind, to sink every inch of his overeager erection back into her sheathe. Subtle ripples waved outwards each time his flesh impacted with her buttocks. Nobody paid attention to the way she barely reacted anymore. If anything, they took it as sign that she finally consented fully. That she was merely ashamed of enjoying herself.
Hajoon didn’t notice, not even when he came inside her for a second time. Nor did his friends notice that she wasn’t awake anymore when they continued taking turns with her. Until the evening truly came to an end, until they were well and truly sated… Wonyoung had a dreamless slumber. Her body had desperately attempted to rid itself of all the toxins but it didn’t have any power left to spare. Her sleep wasn’t a restful one whatsoever.
A splitting headache assaulted her as soon as she opened her eyes again, much later.
“What the hell did I do…?” She mumbled to herself lethargically, while placing both hands on the sides of her head as if she was afraid it may fall off. Her throat felt incredibly dry, like she hadn’t had a sip of water for weeks. She also noticed that her entire body felt sore which usually only happened after overexerting herself at the gym.
Her mind was a foggy mess. She truly couldn’t remember anything other than getting drunk and praying that someone would turn down the music. The last time she had gotten blackout drunk like this was… on her birthday, probably. Where was she anyway?
She took a quick, panicked look around and found herself still at her boyfriend’s home, in one of the guest rooms. All alone. It was reassuring, even if she couldn’t recall how she got there. Someone must have carried her.
Presumably her boyfriend, but he was nowhere to be seen.
The blanket clung to her skin, that’s how sticky and sweaty she was. Even in her moody and drained state, she felt grossed out. If there ever had been a time that she needed a good hot shower, this was it. The poor state she was in became more obvious as she crawled out of bed and felt her legs trembling miserably. She walked like a zombie, stumbling forward and dragging her hands along the walls, as she pushed herself to the bathroom without second guessing just why she was already naked. Her eyes fixated entirely on the path ahead of her.
When she finally reached the bathtub, she sat under the showerhead and allowed the warm water to sprinkle over her naked body, which finally lured a groan out of her. She tugged her knees in and rested for what felt like an eternity, simply relaxing and recovering. Her joints ached and her muscles still felt stiff, so it felt heavenly to have a thousand water drops massaging the entirety of her body for so long.
She eventually pulled herself back up to her feet, finished her shower and dried herself off with a cozy, soft towel. It was a treat to feel the fabric caressing her. She studied herself in front of the bathroom mirror while doing so, and for the first time, noticed that her entire vaginal area was enflamed and red. She leaned forward to take a better look, and parted the swollen lips with her fingertips. Her actions were slow and gentle, as if she was afraid she may break something down there by touching it.
Some kind of cloudy, sticky discharge trickled down her thighs almost immediately, and she uttered a startled gasp. It was a mystery to her why she might be so dripping wet on the inside. Did she have some kind of wet dream before she woke up? She wasn’t sure, but she sure as heck hoped that she hadn’t masturbated in the guest room while she was drunk out of her mind. Oh god, even the thought made her nearly choke in embarrassment. Hopefully nobody had noticed that she apparently touched herself. It was time to clean away any evidence of her intoxicated behavior.
She quickly sat down on the toilet seat and grabbed a small box from the side. The contents were what she expected, the private stash of tampons belonging to her boyfriend’s mother. Applicator included.
“Thank god!” An essential household item if she had ever seen one.
She retrieved one of them, parted her legs, and gingerly inserted it between her swollen pussy lips. Her pussy felt bruised and spongy, but she quickly blamed that as well on any kind of unacceptable dream she must’ve had.
She pushed that bad boy home before pressing down on the plunger and securing the tampon in place, somewhere in the back of her vagina where it would help to prevent any kind of awkward discharge. She could still feel some thick fluids sloshing around somewhere within her, thank god she no longer had to be afraid of it oozing down her legs.
“Nope, nope!” It was all icky and strange down there. The less she had to deal with her private parts, the better. She certainly had other things to worry about, she thought. So after using a ball of tissues to wipe the insides of her thighs clean, she returned to her boyfriend’s bedroom to find him soundly asleep. It gave her a good excuse to borrow some of his clothes — at which point she realized that she couldn’t remember taking off her own clothes upon entering the bathroom. She had no idea where those were.
Did she blank out about that, too?
No matter, she grabbed a fresh pair of boxer shorts from his wardrobe, some sweat pants and an oversized shirt before retreating underneath her boyfriend’s blanket. Perhaps now she might be able to claim the restful slumber she had been missing out on. Her soft, warm hands wrapped around his sleeping form as she cuddled up to him and closed her eyes…
Simultaneously in an adjacent room, a distinct noise appeared. An intrusive digital beep, it startled Hajoon and tore him from his dreams.
He had slept on the carpet, right next to his bed.
After the guys had entirely spent themselves, and probably ejaculated every single drop of semen they had to offer into Wonyoung’s receptive pussy, they carried her to the guest bedroom. Hajoon returned to hopelessly stare at the obscene puddle of cum right where she had spent most of her time. On his bed. Which he had no intention to lie in, not after he saw that disgusting mess.
So after using a whole bunch of towels to try and wipe away most of the excess, he stripped off the bed sheets and tossed them into the washing machine. All that spunk had soaked down to the mattress — he had no choice but to sleep on the carpet.
Needless to say he didn’t appreciate being woken up by some loud beeping device.
It did turn out to be a pleasant surprise, however. It was his camcorder’s signal and indicated the batteries were running low. He approached his camcorder — it was still on his desk, right where he had placed it after initially escorting Wonyoung to his room.
His expectations were even more blown out of proportion when he accessed the memory and watched the video file. It was all right there. The girls he recorded at the beginning of the party, the shaky movement when he went upstairs with Wonyoung, and the hours of sexual exploration they shared together. It was recorded at a perfect angle, showing everything. He fast-forwarded the clip, and then quickly ejected the tape to keep it inside one of the drawers of his nightstand.
That’s when he noticed that Wonyoung had forgotten her phone. Curiosity got the better of him, since it still seemed to be unlocked. He browsed right to the picture gallery where he found another little heap of treasures. A whole bunch of — arguably tasteful — nude pictures that she had sent to his older brother.
Hajoon sent a copy of every single one to himself. His little stash would keep him satisfied for months, possibly years to come. Hajoon couldn’t be happier.
But then Wonyoung phone released an urgent beep.
A little notification popped up. It was gibberish: “Purrchess plantB ASAA.”
He barely suppressed a laugh at the memory just how drunk she seemed to be at first, at least until she seemed to sober up temporarily. She must’ve typed that message by accident, he figured. It was just random letters and didn’t make any sense.
His fingertip danced across the digital screen as he swiped to the side and pushed that flashing button that confirmed his selection. Delete notification. After all, she didn’t need a reminder of how drunk she was.
For the following few weeks, none of them dared bringing up the topic of his birthday. They all assumed that Wonyoung simply didn’t want to talk about what happened, they had no idea that she truly didn’t know or remember. Hajoon was perfectly content with the way he got to lose his virginity, and his friends were more than happy with the outcome after they received a copy of the recording.
There were no consequences. Or so they thought.
It was months later, after another pleasant night in her boyfriend’s bed, when Wonyoung woke up to a sensation not much unlike being punched in the stomach. Her eyes flashed open, her hand shot up to cover her mouth, and she desperately stormed out of the room and to the bathroom. She woke up half the house with her sudden noise, and she barely managed to slam the door shut before dry-heaving and coughing into the toilet. Tears ran down her cheeks, and her long cascading hair hung down the sides of her face.
The muscles in her abdomen just kept tensing, and she couldn’t help but to feel utterly devastated and miserable. What was going on, what was happening to her? She was so overwhelmed that she couldn’t think. More than that, she felt terribly weak and ill.
Halfway through, Hyeon arrived as well and approached her on the cold bathroom tiles. He comforted her, hugged her, and reassured her while she bawled her eyes out. When she finally recovered enough to breathe normally again, his hand slid down to grasp the hem of her shirt. He suspected one possible cause for her sickness.
“Don’t,” she panicked and her hands moved on top of his.
“It’s okay.” Once more her boyfriend reassured her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, and his hands began to lift her shirt more insistently. Right there, where she used to have a perfectly taut and flat belly, he caught a glimpse of a visible baby bump. It was the first time that he noticed it.
And he smiled back at her.
“Accidents happen.” He comforted her with a tight embrace while he spoke warmly into her ear. “Maybe one of the condoms broke, who knows. It doesn’t matter.”
“I want to keep it,” he added while his hand brushed over the bulge where she carried a baby. She was about to become a mother.
No — more accurately, she had become a mother as soon as one of those wiggly tadpoles had reached her womb, months’ ago at the party. Her fate had been sealed as soon as she had gotten drunk, naked, and ready to be taken entirely bareback.
It was Wonyoung who had to pay the price. Ever since that day, a new life had been growing inside of her.
She trembled and could barely even breathe, emotions were tearing her left and right and tugging at her heartstrings. It felt like a combination of anxiety and bliss. Naturally she believed that it was her boyfriend’s baby that was growing inside her.
She slowly accepted this turn of events. It was a reason to be happy! She felt that the start of something new was waiting just around the corner.
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whateverisbeautiful · 15 days
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#52: The Ring Finger (1.06)
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We’ve arrived at the TOWL finale. 🥹🥳
And y’all, the way this finale kicks off with that opening scene...🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. Episode 6 hit the ground running by starting with one of Richonne's greatest moments. I love how in the first episode of TOWL, Rick essentially gave his hand for the marriage. And now in the final episode, Michonne gives her hand in marriage. 🥰
Thanks to this gorgeous wedding ring scene and their parting kiss in the woods, this teaser is top tier. Also, Richonne + candle-lit scenes stayed a blessing to the end 🕯😍...
Sometimes there are scenes that make me want to know exactly who came up with the idea so I can thank them personally. And this right here is one of those scenes. 😋 Whoever’s idea it was to have Rick put the ring on Michonne’s finger while making love surrounded by candles needs a medal lol. 👌🏽🏅
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So diving into these finale revelings, I noted that the episode description for The Last Time says “Rick and Michonne have to perform a near impossible miracle” And well, since Richonne is blessed and highly favored of course they pull off a miracle. 😇
The episode begins with Rick saying, “I remember it all. What it was like. Who we were. Who we are now.”
If I’m not mistaken, I don’t think we’d heard Rick say this line before this episode. Like the following sound bites from different characters are all lines previously said throughout the miniseries, but I think this opening line from Rick is new. And it hit me on the rewatch that he’s talking about him and Michonne specifically rather than a broader ‘we’.
Like I interpret this as Rick saying how, after all their years apart, he still remembers everything about the life and the love he and Michonne had before and who they were together. You know that man has an excellent memory. Especially when it comes to Michonne. 😋
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And I like that he says ‘who we are now’ because even after all they’ve been through apart, after all the ways they’ve grown and changed, who Rick and Michonne are now is still so compatible and connected. Still soulmates. 😌
Also, the episode after Rick left TWD was called 'Who Are You Now' and I love that years later, this miniseries so beautifully illustrated that who Rick and Michonne are now are still wholly each others.
The first shot as Rick says this is a shot of mountains as the helicopter flies over the terrain. And then I adore that when he says “Who we are now” we get to see Richonne in the now as they lay in this setting that always gives me regal medieval vibes fit for TWD's royal couple. 🤩
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Now, I always smile when I think about my first time watching this scene. I knew this episode had an S rating going in but I didn’t know what that would entail since I thought Episode 4 would probably be the last time Richonne had a bedroom scene. And so when they cut to this scene, I remember my eyes immediately focused on what items were left on top of the table because it’s the finale so I thought certainly the stuff on the table was intentionally placed.
But then...my eyes started picking up on some motion going on in the background - and I was gagged. 🫠
I quickly realized that the most important thing going on in this scene is those two lovebirds in the back re-consummating the marriage. 👌🏽
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I love everything about this. 🥰 The sensual setting with the abundance of candles. (And I just know it was that true blue romantic Rick that lit all those candles for their special 'wedding night.' 😋)
The rich colors, the lighting, the literal and figurative smokiness coming off this scene, the way the camera slowly glides over the table and inches closer to Richonne fully in their element together. 👩🏽‍🍳💋
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After Rick had to watch the memory of Michonne burn away in the premiere, it’s beautiful that in the finale Rick gets to be truly back with Michonne surrounded by the far more romantic and uplifting flames of all those candles. 🕯👌🏽
Whenever I see this scene now, Richonne is all I see. 😋 But the items shown really are intentionally placed and all tell the story of their travels: the noodles, the whiskey, the soda, the map and notes, the CRM uniforms and thread. And the sound bites that play from the characters also tell the story of Richonne’s TOWL journey.
At first, I thought the sound bites were simply recapping the journey, but on rewatch I see they have even more intention in both shaping the story thus far and setting up what's to come in this finale. 
First Michonne says, “My name is Michonne. I lost someone. Years ago.” And in the background it’s so sweet seeing all the caressing going on between Rick and Michonne. Once again, it’s a canon fact that he loves being on top of her. And I love the way they’re holding onto each other and the way he’s tenderly touching her face. 🥹
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Then Okafor says, “You both possess something I believe the CRM needs to become what it needs to be.” And while Okafor was originally saying that to Rick and Pearl, the line is reiterated here because it’s Richonne who truly possesses something that can change the CRM for good.
(Side note: Y'all, I must admit it's a true challenge for me to try and write and pay attention to what these characters are saying right now when Richonne is back there like that making me distracted. 😋 I keep having to rewind and refocus.🤭
Like I know we all see the way Rick has Michonne's legs hiked up in the air during this part. These talented actors are very good at selling these scenes, that’s all I gotta say lol) 
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Then it’s a bit of an audible jump scare when Jadis says, “People are a resource.” Didn’t quite want to hear a snake at a blissful moment like this lol.
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But I'm pretty sure that corpse's line was used because Rick and Michonne are about to protect the people from the people with their plan to expose the CRM higher-ups.
Then we get a palette cleanser from hearing Jadis when we hear the best bestie Nat say, “I know how to build things and I know how to burn things, but it takes more than that at the end of the world.” And the intentionality behind using that line here is definitely because Richonne will end up employing Nat’s techniques to take down the CRM's leaders and also because the concept of building vs. burning was explored throughout the show and led to the answer that sometimes you have to do both. 
As Nat says this, we see Richonne’s backpacks and other things spread out on the ground. The way all their stuff is sprawled out...it seems like the second the mood hit and the candles were lit they threw everything off and got down to business lol.
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I like how the most significant items are closest to Richonne’s bed. There’s a bloody sword and ax which feel like they pay homage to some of Richonne’s signature weapons. And I like how the blood on the sword and hatchet just adds to the fact that this stunning love story takes place in an apocalypse of all places, between two apocalyptic all-stars.
Along with the weapons, there’s Rick’s prosthetic, the meaningful iPhone, and the Danger lighter.
And best of all, y’all...there’s the wedding ring. 💍😏
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As Beale’s voice says, “You tried to escape four times. Why are you here?” Rick slowly grabs the wedding ring, serving as a visual answer to why he’s here - He’s here because of Mrs. Grimes.
And y’all, when I tell you I nearly passed out just seeing that he was slowly grabbing the wedding ring. 🤭 I did not know that this epic love story was going to get this good. #BoundlesslyBlessed.
Along with the visual answer, there's then a verbal answer to why Rick and Michonne are here when Thorne says, “There’s someone you love out there.” I love hearing that play over this visual of Richonne, because truly Rick and Michonne are the one for each other and their love has fueled them to keep going. 
As this is said, Rick proceeds to do the most romantic thing ever when he slowly slides the wedding ring onto Michonne’s ring finger. Just 🫠…our ship is goated for a reason. It just don’t get any better. 👏🏽
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I love the way Michonne is looking up at him with her hand on his chest and then when she realizes what Rick’s up to she holds up her hand and watches as he puts the ring on her finger all slow and sexy. And Rick is locked in during this moment, honey. 🔥
I adore how honored Rick is to be able to put this ring on Michonne and to be her forever husband and to have her as his wife. She’s Mrs. Grimes...
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And I just love that he wanted her to wear the wedding ring for this intimate moment that gives such wedding night vibes. Like there’s something so sacred and majestic about this scene, especially with the lux colors, lush blanket and pillows, and the candlelight glow. 😍
Not only does Rick feel that Michonne deserves the world - he makes it his personal job to give it to her. And he does a damn good job, doesn't he? 👏🏽👏🏽😊
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Rick is also very good at making things a moment and this crowning moment very clearly had an affect on Michonne. Because as Rick so tenderly slides his hand down Michonne’s arm and then looks in her eyes, Michonne looks up at her husband like she thinks he is truly the sexiest man on planet earth.
And you know what we always say…Michonne is always right. 😇
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I love that Michonne’s journey took her from one; looking quite taken by Rick in their pre-canon seasons of TWD.
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To two; lying down alone fiddling with Rick's ring on her finger in her final TWD episode. (Which I've always loved that after Rick's season 9 departure, Michonne wore that ring because she knew that who she and Rick were to each other was 100% husband and wife).
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To three; now lying down with Rick over her so lovingly placing her wedding ring on her finger. 🙌🏽🥳
Rick always wants Michonne to know, in every way that he can express, how much he loves her. 🥹 And the abundant love Michonne continuously has for Rick is always written so clearly on her face. 🥹
Also, with Rick not having a ring finger himself it feels like placing this wedding ring on Michonne during a moment where they’re this one and interconnected is almost like placing the ring on them. 
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As they have this eye contact moment that is just chemistry on another level, it’s paired with Michonne’s heartrending line from the masterpiece Episode 4 when she asks Rick, “Do you still love me?” And Rick passionately answers, “Always.”
Those are fitting lines to include because this TOWL journey had Richonne having to navigate what their love looks like now and officially see that they truly have always loved each other and always will.
And now here they are in this beautifully intimate moment, one in every way, letting their undying love just fill the entire atmosphere. 🥰
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And truly, Rick looks at Michonne like she’s the most beautiful treasure in the world. At this moment, he's looking at her like he’s again thinking “I love you always.” And in all ways. Amen. 👌🏽
I adore how, after he puts the ring on, both Rick and Michonne look like they've somehow managed to fall even deeper in love by the second.
Michonne softly places her ring-clad hand back on Rick's chest and then he leans in as they share another very passionate kiss. And y’all, the only beef I have with this teaser is with that fade-to-black. It comes in too quick lol. 🤭The fade-to-black could’ve waited just a second or two more, because you know some of us be greedy. 😂
But regardless, it’s a great hot-and-heavy kiss and just shows yet again that Rick and Michonne are each other's strongest craving. This whole Richonne ring moment was perfect. 🤩
TOWL really said 'I now pronounce Richonne the hottest husband and wife on television.' 🔥👏🏽
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Ages ago, I was really eager for Richonne to have rings of their own, and little did I know I’d just have to wait about eight years and then Rick would put a ring on Michonne in a stunning lovemaking scene like this. And once again, it was entirely worth the years-long wait. 😇
I appreciate the way this opening scene just immediately set the tone of how TOWL started as an epic love story and would conclude as an epic love story. What a dream. 👏🏽
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And because we’re spoiled, y’all, the teaser doesn’t even end there. 
They then cut to the woods with Rick and Michonne looking like the baddest to ever do it in their black CRM uniforms as they walk forward with the helicopter in the back. Move over Mr. and Mrs. Smith, this is Mr. and Mrs. Grimes on a mission. 🔥
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And then as Rick and Michonne walk, they stop and turn to each other and immediately kiss like their life depends on it and I’m always here for it. Like I’ll forever be elated over the fact that there were kisses in every single episode of this 6 episode miniseries, and not just that but most episodes had multiple kissing scenes too. Richonne kissed more in 6 episodes than they did in their four seasons on canon on TWD.
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And truly, not even just from a shipper perspective but from a story perspective, it makes perfect sense for these characters who are madly in love and haven’t been able to express it for over eight years to be kissing all the time like this. Cuz I mean...
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And now that they’re back together, of course these soulmates are going to make up for that lost time every chance they get. It's just realistic. 😌👌🏽
So I love that our goated captains came back to make this 6-episode miniseries and said guess how many episodes we can fit kisses into...
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All 6, baby. 😋 This particular kiss in the woods is meaningful too because Rick and Michonne are about to part for the first time since agreeing to go home together and you know for magnets going their separate ways isn’t easy or ideal, especially when what they’re parting to do is dangerous.
But I love that because their kisses are communication, this kiss was the two making it so clear to each other that no matter what the CRM tries to do, they are each other's ultimate choice and they’re in it together.
Like I love the reassuring vibe of this passionate kiss and the way Rick holds her face and then the way they stare into each other's eyes afterward and nod, again communicating so much. 🥰 They’re about to reenter the lion's den and this moment just felt like them giving each other the strength to do so. 
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And y’all, you know I stay getting distracted by Richonne so I forgot Michonne's voiceover is actually saying something in this scene lol. Lemme go happily rewind a sec. ⏮😋
Okay, so while they share this golden kiss, Michonne gives insight into their plan when she says, “It sounds simple, right? We go in. You get the briefing. I get the dossier she left behind. We bring what we know to the city, then go home. Together.”
As this is said, Michonne holds Rick’s arm until the last second as he turns to go which is sweet. They are really each other's baby, y'all. 🥲And as she watches him, we hear her say, “It’s never that simple.” 
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I know that this last line is meant to be ominous but one thing I'm grateful for about how TWD & TOWL approached Richonne is that it's not like other relationships and things in the show that have to ultimately end in tragedy. Richonne was built to last and be an actual lasting win for Rick and Michonne in this series, which is why I never feared that the two would split up or die because the love they found with each other is the one thing this franchise allows to be unbreakable and triumphant.
So next, Rick slowly walks up to the gates with his hands up as his voiceover says, “I’m Sergeant Major Rick Grimes. You probably think I’m dead.” I like that line because as we know TOWL was a whole journey of Rick dying and coming back to life through Michonne. So now, for the first time in a long time, it’s Alive Rick rolling up to the CRM. 👌🏽
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Then as the CRM soldiers slowly open the gate for him, the teaser ends with Rick recalling his father's words saying, “He said I didn’t need to be scared. That it was just ‘the burning.’” Then the scene fades to black just like how this teaser started and y’all, I just gotta clap it up for that teaser. That ring moment alone had me overjoyed and then the kiss in the matching uniforms and Rick's fine gait up to the gate was the cherry on top. 👏🏽👏🏽
We were already feasting and the finale was just beginning. I appreciate that since this is ‘the last time,’ this show let Richonne do what they do best one last time and just put their love and chemistry on full display. 👌🏽😌
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Hi! For Valentine’s Day coming up I was wondering if you could do the demon bros (Satan specifically but whatever you feel like) proposing to MC? (Thank you so much <3)
So it’s mid-summer, two years later give or take. That’s the perfect time to do a Valentine’s Day prompt, right? Genuinely, I am sorry. I’ve explained before that health issues took over my life. There are times when I’m so chronically fatigued I can barely read let alone write anything. I already know this probably won’t be as great as you were hoping for (if you even end up seeing this) but I hope it’s still something to make you smile!
Lucifer: Of course Lucifer is going to go all out for his proposal - do you think he would ever offer you anything but the best? It’ll be a formal affair at a restaurant where he booked a private room for you both with a bottle of some of the best wine (or nonalcoholic drink) available and a custom gourmet menu fitted distinctly to your tastes. There will be ambient lighting and live music playing and you’ll both be dressed up to the nines. I think he’d be the kind of man who chose a classic day to propose, like an anniversary of some sort. One that’s important enough to warrant celebration and keep you from getting too suspicious of the grandiosity but also one that’s innocuous enough that you don’t assume a proposal will follow.
Everything will be going smoothly and Lucifer has just begun his meticulously written (and rewritten several times over) speech when his brothers burst into the restaurant, causing absolute chaos. The food is being eaten, the wine drank, the music is interrupted, and his brothers are all arguing and yelling for your attention. He genuinely considers killing them for ruining what’s supposed to be a special occasion but he sees you smiling at them so fondly, rather getting upset like any normal person would, and so he completely drops his speech and asks you if you’d spend forever with him, dealing with his idiot brothers and helping him clean up their messes. Of course you agree because there’s nowhere else you’d rather be than by his side at the head of this perfectly imperfect little family you’ve found.
Mammon: Mammon is not the most romantic of his brothers, if we’re being honest. He’s not very good at planning things out - he doesn’t have the attention span for it or the consideration it takes. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you as much as they do; on the contrary, one could argue he loves you far more than the others could ever dream of. Mammon doesn’t need a big fancy moment, certainly nothing like Lucifer planned, to propose to you. He doesn’t even have to think about doing it. One minute he’s sitting in his baby with you, riding on the coast, watching the grin on your face and your sparkling eyes and the way your hair blows in the strong wind from the speeding convertible, and the next he’s asking you to do this with him forever. Just always stay by his side and he’ll be happy, and he’ll do anything and everything in his power to make you happy too. He doesn’t have a diamond ring or anything to give you but he offers up one of his signature rings (maybe on one of his chains if it doesn’t fit your hand). He’s giving you a piece of himself, a cherished possession, showing you that this avatar of greed doesn’t need anything else but you. For you, he can be good and generous, and he promises to spend the rest of your lives together showing up for you as the best demon he can be. He wants to be your first demon and your last, if you’ll have him.
Levi: Levi is so so nervous about proposing. Every day he feels blessed by the base gods that you’ve given him a chance to date you; asking you to marry him feels like he’s pushing his luck. But he loves you so much and you’ve both grown so much together that he feels ready to take that step. He doesn’t just wanna be your simp boyfriend anymore, he wants to be your simp husband, and so he sets about coming up with a proposal that suits the both you more than anything traditionally romantic.
It takes him literally months to create the perfect set up. He develops a cute co-op video game not unlike StarDew Valley where you guys can build your little lives together. You design your home and get jobs and get pets; it’s all so charming and cozy and, as always, you guys agree on just about everything because you’re more than lovers, you’re best friends. At the end of the game, Levi’s character proposes to yours with a cute little speech about how he wants you to be his player 2 for the rest of your lives, both here and in real life. He tells you how much your love has inspired him and helped him grow and how he can’t wait to spend the rest of his life leveling up with you as you go on adventures together and make your way through the most dangerous game in the world - life.
Satan: Satan is a diehard romantic underneath that intellectual, rage filled exterior. He’s read all the books and seen all the movies; he’s constantly coming up with bigger and better ways to propose to you. He wants it to be a memorable occasion and something worthy of you, which is a hard feat because you’re the best thing that’s ever happened in this damned place.
He eventually settles on creating an interactive experience. It’ll be a scavenger hunt/mystery sort of game where he involves all his brothers and the other characters to take you on your quest around the Devildom. You’ll visit all of your most meaningful spots, get little mementos from important moments in your relationship, receive little love notes from him filled with your favorite quotes from your favorite books. When you find Satan at the end of the journey, where he’s already kneeling with the loveliest ring pulled out, he thanks you for showing him that he was capable of such warmth and kindness and love. He talks about how he never understood romance or love until he met you, and now it’s his favorite genre. You are everything he could have ever dreamed of, better than any character he’s ever read about, and he never wants to let you do. Then he’ll ask you to continue writing this love story with him and give it a happily ever after ending.
Asmo: Asmo would probably expect to be proposed to honestly, rather than doing the proposing. He’s used to being chased and wooed but, just for you, he’ll take the lead. He just has to do this for his honey; it’s the very least they deserve. Asmo knows he’s simply divine and you are a very lucky human but he also knows how much you have to deal with when being with him so he decides to use this opportunity to make you feel as special and loved as you truly are.
He’s going to take you to the spa and all of your favorite places to buy you whatever you glance at for more than a minute and whatever food you want. He will be the one waiting on you hand and foot for once. He wants you to understand that he’s willing to put in the effort and dedication for you; he’s willing to commit to you and be this giving, steady presence forever, not just a fun boyfriend for now. It’s easy to show someone you want them but it’s much harder to show them that you need them and love them and respect them; however, Asmo is going to spend the entire day trying to achieve just that. By the end of your lovely dinner, he’s pulling out the biggest and nicest engagement rings ever seen (yes, one for each of you obviously and of course they’re a matching set) and asking you to love him forever.
Beel: Sweet, sweet Beel tries so hard to be romantic for his proposal. He knows really early on that he wants to marry you (he’s a male wife, okay?) but he can’t think of anything good! Nothing feels like it’s good enough for you or shows how much he loves you. So he goes to his brothers for help and they help him come with the tried and true proposal over a nice dinner with the ring in your dessert - it being related to food just really fits in with Beel - and they know how much you love your Devildom sweets.
The night is going so well. The dinner is delicious and you two are laughing the whole time and you definitely have no idea what’s coming. Beel is so excited by the surprise that he’s actually not even eating as much as normal which you’ve noticed. By the time dessert comes, Beel is running on adrenaline. He’s excited, he’s nervous, he’s starving. His half out of his mind by the time the desserts come and he’s scarfing down the parfait as quickly as possible and watching for your reaction when you find the ring. Except…you don’t. You finish your entire parfait without anything in your way and Beel has to call over the waiter to none too subtly ask what happened to your ring. It quickly becomes apparent that the desserts had been mixed up and Beel, in his haste to get through dessert, never noticed the ring in his meaning that it’s currently in his stomach right now. At this point Beel has no choice but to tell you what happened and he’s so embarrassed but you’re laughing in the nicest way and telling him you love him and you can’t wait to marry him once you get that ring. You do ask him to make sure it’s professionally cleaned though.
Belphie: For someone who is so lazy, Belphie really puts a lot of thought into proposing to you. Belphie never thought he’d be getting married, let alone to a human, but now that he has you, he wants to keep you forever. Sometimes it’s a tempting thought to just lock you in the attic where you can’t leave but he knows a proposal would be much more effective and much less traumatic, which is something he’s trying to work on for you. Autonomy and safety are non negotiable, apparently.
With that being said, Belphie isn’t going to go all out like Lucifer or Satan. He plans a romantic little planetarium date, not quite unlike your usual ones, though the blankets and pillows are even nicer than normal and there’s extra dessert and your favorite food for dinner. You just think he’s doing something nice for you, likely because he’s done something not so nice that you haven’t found out about yet. As Belphie is laying there in the dark with you, he points out a new constellation - one that he commissioned and bought so it’ll be listed in actual books now. It’s a triad of stars - the two twins and then a connected third star that turns the shape into a heart - that’s you he says. The missing puzzle piece, the only person who could ever fill that void in his heart that he’s been carrying for so long. Then he’ll pull out a beautiful ring with a stone like starburst to match your constellation star and he asks you to marry him - you fate is literally written in the stars now - the two of you bound together forever.
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scrapsovereign · 5 months
Obedience Brings Blessings: Ascended Astarion x Female Tav x Gale Part 1 of 2
Trigger warnings: Not beta read. Extremely NSFW, bondage, dubcon, tentacles, unhealthy relationship dynamics, being really bad at boundaries and feelings, probably dead dove do not eat
Summary: Astarion, still bitter about Tav being elected to the seat of Grand Duchess decides he’s going to teach her a lesson about what embarrassing him in public gets her…with Special Guest Star Headmaster Gale Dekarios of Blackstaff Academy!
Post-Canon, set after the events of the end of Baldur’s Gate 3.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55683643/
As always, I’m sorry.
“Sweet Mother of Magic!” Gale drops the drinks he’s holding, Astarion catching them deftly beneath his hands.
“When you said Tav was tied up for the rest of the day, my assumption was that it was not going to be so literal,” Gale says, flushed with arousal at the sight of Tav tied and bound by scarlet red silken cords to the 4-post bed she shares with Astarion.
“My lady wife wouldn’t have to be if she had been a good girl earlier, isn’t that right pet?” Astarion clips, still angry from her very vocal disagreement with him at the Lord’s Council over the matter of refugee settlement. 
It’s humiliating enough that Ulder Ravengard passed him up for one of the empty seats on the council of four, choosing Tav over Astarion. 
It was intolerable to be made the fool like he was earlier. If her transgressions were committed in public with an audience present, it’s only fair that the favor be returned in kind. 
While she had won the battle this day, she was most certainly going to lose the war. Sex was one of the many tools he had at his disposal for reminding her who was master. Gale in particular was a very effective way to deliver his punishment- it was an open secret how he lusted after the Grand Duchess and her gorgeous husband. 
For Gale to remain fully complicit, however, he had to be kept ignorant of the truth behind his involvement.
At least, for now.
“I-I don’t think it’s right for me to be here. This…ah, seems to be a private matter between the two of you and it would be remiss of me to participate any further,” the wizard stammers out. 
He tries to step forward and leave but is blocked by a single step of Astarion’s, enraptured suddenly by the dark lidded, predatory stare of the vampire lord.
He takes a sip of the wine, observing the wizard’s body language. There were so many things he could name that would add up to the arousal building at the sight of Tav tied up and wanting in the bed.
The easiest to spot, of course, was the tenting beginning to show in his trousers. 
Tav watches her husband in anticipation of what his next words are, anxious to hear where he is leading them when she sees his wicked grin over the lip of the glass. 
“Now…Gale,” he drawls out, watching the mage shiver at how he takes care to caress the name with his mouth.
“You’re a man of discerning taste. You see, I’ve been having trouble with finding a befitting punishment for her Grace. I thought, perhaps…you would have something in mind?” Astarion directs his pointed gaze at Tav while he speaks, tracing a finger up and down the line of the erection contained by the dark color of Gale’s clothing. 
“Fuck, Astarion…” Gale coughs, almost choking on the wine he had been in the middle of drinking.
“Oh, not yet. Not until she’s endured enough suffering to deserve it. There’s got to be something in that brilliant head of yours,” Astarion’s statement is punctuated by his caressing of the tip of Gale’s clothed penis, fully erect and threatening to peek up through the waistband of his trousers. The mage’s eyes roll to the back of his head, shuddering with his touch, hips twitching forward against Astarion’s hand for purchase. 
Tav licks her lips and begins to feel her mouth water. She hates how much this turns her on, even more so now that Gale’s involved. She watches closely for two reasons- the first that it makes her burn with arousal and jealousy, seeing Gale succumb to her husband’s familiar seductions. 
The second? She could always use another excuse for a tax write-off for the replacement glassware, and what a better way than to have them destroyed at the mage’s undoing?
Astarion’s eyes are still on her when he pulls his hand away and stashes away the wine glasses to rest on an accent table. 
“It’s a stretch, but do you remember that spell we found a month after we were cleaning this tomb? The Evard’s modification?” Gale rasps out, now fully recruited by the vampire ascendant’s seduction.
Tav’s eyes go wide with surprise. He wouldn’t. 
“Can’t say I do,” Astarion pouts, tugging Gale closer to him with his fingers curled under his waistband. “Would you be so kind as to give us a demonstration?”
“Don’t even think about it, Gale Dekarios! A gentleman such as yourself would never!” Tav calls out in warning to the Wizard at the foot of the bed. 
“One can’t…always be a gentleman,” he sighs out in bliss while Astarion resumes palming his erection.
Tav looks on in horror as Gale effortlessly casts the spell.
She cannot free herself fast enough to avoid the milky tentacles that sprout up around her and begin to wrap themselves around her appendages. One tentacle immediately takes to rubbing her swollen clit while it slides along the slippery expanse of her slit. 
“Now remember darling- whatever happens, you can’t cum,” Astarion calls out over the squelching noises and strangled moans only a mere few feet away. 
Another voice is panting out small noises of pleasure, softer, closer to him. The wizard’s head is tilted towards the ceiling, eyes closed as Astarion allows him to chase his pleasure against his hand. 
“Eyes on her, Gale…don’t you want to admire your marvelous spellwork?” Astarion snatches his jaw turning it in the direction of Tav, the wizard’s eyes flying open in surprise at the aggressive show of dominance. 
Gale stops breathing for a moment. 
Oh hells, what has he done. 
Tav’s struggling has earned her the following: two tentacles wrapped around her legs that thrust languidly in and out of her tight holes, another tentacle that has encircled her hip and has its suckers placed over her clit, and two smaller tentacles that wrap around her breasts that wriggle around the pert and erect buds of her nipples. Her eyes flutter open and shut, fighting to muster the willpower to obey Astarion’s command.
This has to be the most depraved thing he’s ever seen… and heard. The sounds that Tav and Astarion used to wake the whole damn camp with are nothing compared to the obscene noises made only a few feet away from him. 
She’s panting out hard through her nose, trying to swallow the moans that rip themselves from her dry vocal cords. The conjuration’s greedy limbs are covered in Tav’s sweat and its own viscous slick- the combination making a squelching and squishing noise from the writhing over her skin and plundering of her entrances.
Good thing Astarion has stopped touching him, another well-placed stroke would have very well ruined his trousers. He thinks he’s in the clear from making a mess of himself until he feels the lips of the other man brushing against the hot, flushed curve of his earlobes.
“She is gorgeous like that, isn’t she? You always do nothing short of extraordinary work. Aren’t you the least bit envious of those tentacles? Wouldn’t you rather be the one defiling her instead of your conjuration?” Astarion purrs, gripping Gale’s face tighter. The mage breathes out with a shudder at the increased pressure, wishing that hand was gripped around his cock. 
“I wouldn’t dare to consider the possibility, even in my wildest dreams, especially when she had never been mine to speak of. Not when her heart belonged to another,” Gale’s lovesick mourning earns him a disapproving eye roll from Astarion. 
“Oh please. You’ve wanted her hands on the wand in your pants ever since the day she pulled your arm out of that bloody portal. Anyone with eyes could see as such. It’s a simple question, darling. Do you want her, yes or no?” The vampire’s terse reply is the push the mage needed to confess his forbidden desires. Gale is about to speak when the voice of Tav rings out above the unearthly noises of his spell.
“It’s a trap, Gale! He’s planning to use you in more ways than one! Cast Hold Monster and get your magical ass back to Waterdeep!” Tav gasps out, her voice cracking from the overstimulation of the tentacle’s thrusting.
“Such impudence from that pretty little mouth,” Astarion tsks in annoyance. “I don’t suppose you have some way to occupy it?”
Gale’s desire to earn Astarion’s approval has intoxicated him beyond rational thought. What if…he wants to be used? He craves- no, needs it, the hunger for the vampire’s praise rivaling that of the Netherese orb he has recently rid himself of.
“It would be my pleasure.” 
The wizard makes a motion of his hands, Tav’s noises of protest are silenced by the sudden intrusion of another appendage that forces its way past her lips. She sobs out in muffled cries, eyes rolled to the back of her head as the elongated, slick length slides back and forth in her mouth. 
“Well? What’ll it be, Gale Dekarios?”
Gale pauses, considering the vampire’s offer. He had fantasized about similar scenarios before, his hidden desires placated in the moment by the stroking of his hands. There’s no doubt the dynamic between them will drastically change, and that Astarion certainly would use their tryst to compel them in to doing his bidding in the future.
There’s also a warm bloom of hope in his chest at the chance that he’ll be invited back to their bed if his performance is satisfactory- and maybe the possibility of more between them than just the pleasures of the flesh. He’s worn out and exhausted from resisting temptation for so long, surely giving in to it now won’t ultimately be the ruin of him, will it?
Gale is alight with excitement before he replies, his chocolate eyes tracing the paths of the slick, undulating tentacles that slither over, under, and inside of Tav. She’s going to be terribly angry with him for what he’s about to say to the vampire…
…And it’s going to be worth every last bit of enduring her wrath.
“Hells, took you long enough. Now that’s out of the way, you are to obey the following rules,” Astarion huffs out a laugh and drags Gale by the waistband until they are standing parallel to the edge of the bed. 
“One- she is mine. You are not allowed to touch her, put your lips upon her, or do anything else to her person without my explicit permission,” the vampire’s possessive growl that makes up the first of his commands startles Gale. He knew Astarion didn’t like to share, but he was still surprised at the intensity behind the man’s words. 
“Two- you must follow my instructions,” the mage tilts his the side as Astarion continues, squinting in consideration. “…to the letter. I require nothing short of total submission from you, wizard.”
“Three- If you stay, understand that this moment is the point of no return. You have no choice other than to comply. Should you leave, we shall forget all about this. No awkwardness, no ill will. Things will remain the same between us. You have my solemn word,” Astarion waves his hand with a flourish towards the door, offering Gale one last chance at walking away. 
“Do I have your consent?”
The vampire watches as Gale looks from him, to Tav, to the bedroom door, and then back to him. 
Astarion smiles wickedly at the sound of the bedroom door being locked shut by Gale’s Mage Hand.
“Sounds like a recipe for disaster. But you know what? I'm learning to enjoy the taste of chaos. Count me in. ”
“Splendid! I knew you’d make the right choice,” Astarion grasps on to the fine silks of Gale’s clothing, leaning forward to claim his lips. He slants his mouth against him, feeling the prickles of his impeccably kept beard against his own smooth skin. 
Astarion presses closer to him, hearing Gale moan with relief as he plunges his tongue in the wizard’s pliant, willing mouth. It’s nothing short of vulgar, almost like he was trying to lick the very last drops of blood from the bottom of a champagne flute. He twitches his hips ever so slightly, their aching erections barely rubbing against one another. 
He gives Gale a little shove away from him when the wizard returns the swipe of his tongue, their combined saliva tricking at the corner of his mouth. 
“Remove your clothing and place it at the foot of the bed,” Astarion intones coldly. 
The transition from passionate kiss to frigid instruction is jarring to the wizard. He is about to open his mouth to object when Astarion puts his index finger against his plush, soft lips to shush him. 
“Remember…you agreed to follow my instructions…to the letter. Strip. Now. I won’t ask again,” the edge beginning to creep in the vampire’s voice makes Gale’s throat dry- he did agree to being on his very best behavior. 
Gale removes his clothing, all of it, as instructed. 
A cruel, toothy smile that Gale hasn’t seen since the goblin camp when the priest of Loviatar flogged Tav spreads across Astarion’s face. 
The vampire’s lustful eyes leave no surface of his skin unobserved. Gale shudders in anticipation when he sees him swipe his tongue across his upper teeth, eyebrow raised in appreciation for every inch of his figure. It’s a confidence boost for Gale to see Astarion’s reaction, he’s been rather self conscious lately about the softness that has replaced the lean and starved man he once was. 
“On your knees.”
Gale willingly sinks down without a single thought. He is reflecting how at peace he feels, focused on Astarion when the vampire grabs him by the face. A manicured, painted thumb presses against his flush lips and Gale parts them for entry. The vampire that looms above him chuckles darkly while he holds down his tongue. 
Astarion looks to Tav, meeting his eyes with hers. Oh, she is furious. She’s cursing him with the foulest phrases she knows in between gagging on the tentacle that fucks her throat. How ironic it is that he has such power over her. The Grand Duchess of Baldur’s Gate, the great hero of the city continuing to endure this debauchery at his behest. 
He laughs, the bright and beautiful sound floating above her muffled voice. 
“See how good he is for me, my love? No smart mouth, no fighting...look at how beautifully he submits to me. Obedience brings blessings- what would you like as your reward, dear mage? Would you like to taste her?” His question earns an enthusiastic nod, but it’s not the response he wanted.
“I want nothing more,” the wizard affirms, having intended that to be his reply. 
Astarion knows he’s holding back. He clears his throat, prompting the wizard to speak up while he looks down at him expectantly.
“Use your words. Tell me what you desire, don’t spare any of the details,” Astarion’s eyes twinkle with malicious intent. Yes, it’s obvious he’s trying to humiliate the wizard, but he’s also assessing the extent of his depravity…which he suspects runs deeper than even Gale himself knows.
“To answer your inquiry- my desire is to be with you, both of you, in any sense of the definition you find acceptable and agreeable. There is no act too depraved for me if it brings you both pleasure, it matters not if I can be by your side.” 
Gale bows his head then, taking in a shaky breath to keep the tears that sting his eyes at bay.
“May you both forgive me, but I…I’ve had feelings for you both, for quite awhile. I’m terrified of them and what it could possibly mean. I'm only beginning to forget the pain that I bore for so long in the wake of my complicated relations with Mystra. In fact, that’s the first time in months I’ve mentioned her name outside of an academy lecture. I fear the pain in my chest I suffered at the hands of the orb has been replaced by a bittersweet ache that is only relieved in your company,” he pauses for a moment to think after his confession. Astarion is clearly offering something to him he’s long desired. The wizard would do well to be as specific as possible. 
“At present, I do find myself quite curious on the subject of if Tav could endure a little more pleasure from the ministrations of my talented tongue,” The end of Gales’s monologue is punctuated by Tav’s muffled groaning. 
If he listens closely, he might be able to make out a ‘Gale, no, please’ despite her currently occupied mouth.
“I suspected as much, and I may permit you the indulgences you seek. But first, we'll need to see if that ‘talented tongue’ of yours is worth pleasuring her with,” Astarion takes two fingers and runs them along the overstimulated sex of Tav, coating them in a mixture of tentacle slime and the clear slick of her juices.
“Open up,” Astarion instructs, shoving the slick digits in to Gale’s inviting mouth. 
Gale emits a noise of surprise from the flavor. It’s unexpected but not unwelcome- a delicious combination of something tangy, salty, and a little sweet. Gale wraps his tongue around Astarion’s fingers, eagerly lapping with his tongue and sucking until he has consumed every last drop. 
He whimpers in disappointment when Astarion withdraws his fingers, looking on in confusion when the other man begins unlacing his trousers.
“Oh, my sweet wizard,” Astarion chuckles, “That wasn’t the trial itself- it was only to see if you were worthy of the opportunity. If your mouth is as good to my cock and I find it satisfactory, you’ll have your reward as promised,” he says reassuringly, amused by the wizard’s adorable response to his teasing.
Taking his erection in hand, Astarion can see that he is already salivating for a taste. He languidly strokes himself, watching Gale’s eyes trace the length of him with his movements. 
“Put your hands behind your back,” he instructs as he peers down, admiring the pretty flush that blooms on the other man’s cheeks. Gale is so, so beautiful like this, flushed and hanging on to his every command. Astarion hums, drunk on power, musing it’s almost as if he was made to serve him.
Holding himself out in front of Gale’s face, he watches on as the human leans forward to take a timid lick at where the head meets the shaft. Astarion’s cock twitches in response, and Gale replies with another lick on the underside with the flat of his tongue from base to tip. He stops just underneath the head, pressing his lips to the sensitive spot and flicks his tongue across it. 
Astarion throws his head back and gasps in delight, his hips stuttering against the slow circles of the wizard’s ministrations.
“Hells, Gale…stop your wretched teasing and take me in your mouth.”
The corners of Gale’s mouth quirk upwards while he looks up at him innocently, mouth open, tongue pressed up at the base of his tip. Astarion gasps softly when his lips close around him, beginning a pattern of moving slightly down the shaft, tracing the underside with the tip of his tongue, and swirling around the head.
“That’s it, that’s my good boy,” the vampire purrs, moving his hips in time with the rhythm Gale sets. 
His nimble fingers release the fine clasps and buttons of his jacket and waistcoat, exposing the lean, sculpted muscles underneath. He’s glad he chose not to bother with a shirt that day, the current trappings of his embroidered and jeweled silks suddenly too warm with Gale taking him in so well.
Gale begins moving deeper, increasing the pace, hollowing his cheeks ever so slightly as he bobs his head back and forth. Astarion groans in bliss, his hands gently raking through the hair of the man working his length with a lewd slurp. They wander to cradle the sides of Gale’s face, looking down at the mage’s glassy brown eyes that stare up at him in adoration. 
“Tav, my love, it would be…unfair to keep him all to myself,” Astarion barely breathes out, never breaking eye contact with Gale. 
Tav sobs out in frustration around the flesh of the conjuration in reply, now having been pushed well beyond her breaking point. The fight in her has been completely drained by the strain of resisting her peak the tentacles threatened her with over and over again. She’d give anything to feel the immense relief of her release at this point. 
If Gale licking her to completion is what it’s going to take, she’s more than willing to participate.
Astarion cards his hands again through Gale’s windswept, sweaty locks before he grabs and pulls. The sensation elicits a low moan from Gale that vibrates deliciously around him. He greedily considers how good it would feel to have him moaning wantonly around him, absolutely certain that he can wrest more from the wizard. 
Extending his leg forward, the vampire puts the bottom of his shoe to rest against Gale’s painfully hard length. He swipes at it with the flat of his leather soles, gasping out in delight from the deeper, louder vibrations that make up Gale keening around his cock. The sensation is incredible, he needs more, deeper…
“Relax your throat, darling. Prepare yourself- I’m not going to be gentle,” Astarion croons softly to Gale, stroking the back of his other hand against his cheek. 
Taking a fistful of hair in his grasp again, he begins thrusting his hips with force, watching as Gale closes his watering eyes in concentration. Oh no, that won’t do at all.
“Eyes on me, yes, that’s good…oh Gale, oh hells you’re so, so good for me,” Astarion rasps out, brutally pounding the wizard’s quivering mouth that dribbles with spit, looking down at his pleading, watery eyes. 
Gale loses focus at hearing Tav’s sobbing over his spell that had continued to ravage her. He momentarily forgets he has Astarion’s rock hard length between his lips and involuntarily gags. The vampire cries out in ecstasy with the muscular contractions of the wizard’s throat that threatens to eject him, continuing the unrelenting pace he had set. 
He notices the rutting he had felt against the bottom of his shoe stills as Gale obediently struggles to keep from heaving the contents of his stomach from the assault he endures. He’s trying so very hard to be such a good boy, continuing to take Astarion in despite the protesting of his body.
Gale’s submission alone could have made him spill his warm seed down the wizard’s throat, but he has a better idea. 
He pulls out of his abused mouth with a sickening pop, wrenching free the hand that had been pulling on his hair. Astarion gives the wizard a moment to cough, catch his breath, and quell his roiling nausea before issuing his next command. 
“Dispel the tentacles.”
Gale does as he is told, barely able to rasp out the incantation while he tries to steady his breathing. Tav takes a deep gasping breath herself, followed by a sputtering cough. 
Leaving the wizard where he is, Astarion strides over to the other side of the bed, removing the rest of his finery as he reaches the opposite post where Tav is restrained.
She’s a mess. A beautiful one, but still a mess. Her skin glistens with sweat and tentacle slick, breasts bobbing and jiggling with the heaving of her chest, tears leaking out the sides of her lovely, flushed face. Her expression is tensed with eyes squeezed shut, softening as he leans over and gently kisses her forehead. 
“Tav, darling, you didn’t cum with all that excitement did you?” He runs his fingers through hair damp with sweat, moving any errant strands that had plastered themselves to her forehead away from her face.
Tav whispers out a barely audible no, her head shaking as she speaks. 
“Marvelous. You did splendidly following my directions, my sweet,” he kisses her gently on her bruised lips as a reward, breaking the tender kiss to untie the restraint closest to him that holds her to the bed. 
Her muscles relax for a moment in anticipation that she’s finally free, tensing again when he scoops her up and sits her on the edge of the bed facing Gale. She furrows her brow in suspicion when he secures her to the other post with a sideways glance.
Before Tav has the time to think of the question she wants to ask, he is sitting on the edge of the bed beneath her, holding her by the waist, her slick entrance lined up with his tip. 
“Only a little bit more, treasure,” he murmurs, pressing tender kisses against her shoulder blade to relax her. He sinks her down slowly with a huff, relishing the perfect arch of her back against his chest as he penetrates deeper into her throbbing warmth. Hooking his legs underneath hers, he pries her knees apart carefully, feeling her sink only a bit further down with the change in the angle. 
He points and snaps his fingers, a direction for Gale to move in between them. The mage settles in between her legs, fixated on where Astarion fills her slick, heated center. 
“Do you want this, Tav?” His question is gentle, speaking to her as if she was a frightened stray cat he was coaxing with a bit of food. She feels the warm, reassuring hands of the wizard rest on top of her thigh. 
The lusty, dewy brown eyes that look up to her hide a tempest of emotions. There’s mostly desire, but also sadness, longing- and something else that Tav knows has remained unspoken since the day they met.
Being honest with herself, she has her own storm of mixed feelings she is finally able to recognize now that her every thought isn’t commanding her body not to climax. While she brushes off her arousal as an unavoidable side effect of the events that have played out, she finds she’s actually fairly angry with the two men. 
Astarion’s brand of bullshit she was used to. While she’s unhappy about his corruption of Gale in whatever game he’s playing at, she knows she can usually work with him by patiently enduring things like this or giving him space until he’s ready to talk.
But Gale? He says all the right things and might even believe them, but when he gets pushed by that stupid, sexy vampire he goes willingly without a fight.
Gale isn’t fooling her with this shy and sweet act, staring up at her like a sad puppy dog. How dare he ask for her consent now, well after his magic violated her, working her up into a shaking, wanton, furious mess? 
Astarion and Gale are to entirely to blame for the state she’s in, and they’re going to fix it. 
“Listen to me, Gale Dekarios of Waterdeep, and listen well. If neither of you doesn’t finish what you’ve started, you’ll wish I was still bound by these ropes,” Tav bites out, her fury aimed to pierce like an arrow through the wizard’s bleeding heart.
“Can you believe what I have to deal with? It seems you have your answer, Gale,” Astarion laughs out in amusement. He licks a stripe up the salty skin of her neck and flicks his hips upwards, a lewd cry escaping her. 
“Shh, little love. Let him take care of you,” Astarion gives a nod to Gale, granting him permission. The wizard hesitates for a moment when he hears Tav whimpering above him, feeling the warm puff of his exhale against her sensitive sex.
If she’s already this worked up, Gale’s going to have to go slow and be gentle so she can really enjoy all he has to offer. He wipes a broad stripe up with his tongue to tease her with the lightest amount of pressure, catching the base of Astarion’s length that slowly rocks inside of her. 
He smiles to himself when he hears both of them cry out for him. Experiencing the real thing is so much better than the major illusion of this exact same situation he had cast months ago.
He cycles through a series of different types of licking patterns to figure out what Tav likes, settling at a rhythm that involves broad, sloppy circles around her folds, across Astarion, and then suckling at her engorged clit white he teases it with the softest swipes of his tongue.
He looks up at them again.
Tav’s breasts are bouncing in circles as Astarion fucks up into her. Her head bends back to rest against his shoulder as the vampire cuts a shallow laceration with his teeth on her neck. They both groan sinfully when he fastens his mouth to her, sucking a bruise that begins to bloom on her skin.
“Isn’t he gorgeous like this, darling? Worshipping us with his tongue? Needy and wanting? He’s devouring you- almost like it’s not enough,” Astarion murmurs, breathless against the next set of purple marks he makes. 
“You want more, don’t you, Gale? If only you could feel this delightful cunt of hers clamping down around my cock,” Astarion gasps out, his voice strained as he increases the pace of his thrusting. 
Gale coughs while his mouth is fastened over Tav’s clit, choking from the filthiness of Astarion’s words.
“To say that I haven't imagined it would be a lie,” he rumbles in between lapping at her folds and the underside of Astarion’s penis. The added sensation with his speech makes her arch her back and whine against the vampire. 
Speaking of Astarion- to Gale’s ears, he sounds like he might be closer to climax than Tav is. The indecent moans and gasps of the vampire and his consort is the sweetest music he’s ever heard. Gale focuses his attention on him, sucking and flicking the base of the length drenched in Tav’s slick.
That’s all it takes for Astarion to climax with a shout, the noise muffled by the curtain of Tav’s sweaty hair that he has his face pressed against.
Astarion’s chest heaves while he rides out the aftershocks of the orgasm that shook him, kissing up and down Tav’s temples, her neck, and her shoulders like a man possessed. The wizard wastes no time lapping up the salty, tangy, slightly sweet fluids that begin to leak out of Tav’s throbbing sex. 
Watching them with his face coated in their slick, the wizard is enthralled at the sight of how thoroughly she is ravished. He finds it interesting that Tav hasn’t climaxed yet, but Astarion has- if he was in her place (and he wishes he was) he probably wouldn’t been able to stop from cumming.
Gale quirks up an inquisitive eyebrow when she continues to try and ride the front of his face, and teases her in return with an agonizingly slow swipe of his tongue.
“Insatiable, isn’t she? What do you say, my little love? Do you want to feel him inside you?” Astarion’s question goads the wizard on to resume his feast on her folds, but it sends the alarm bells ringing again inside Tav’s head. 
She silences them. She knows this is a trick question meant to trap her. Honestly, she doesn’t care who it is- she just needs someone to fill her and give her the release she desperately craves. 
“Don’t make me beg, please Astarion,” she whimpers, thrusting her hips greedily at Gale’s mouth.
“You already are, my love…,” he murmurs against the shell of her ears, nipping at the cartilage while he withdraws from her.
Gale is just barely able to stand up on his shaky, tingling legs. 
The vampire looks up at him with a dangerous, half-lidded gaze, issuing an unspoken invitation as he wraps his arms around her, thighs held open wide with his own and drenched with the evidence of their coupling. 
“You may take your pleasure from her, but you are forbidden from emptying yourself in her- that is for me alone.”
He is hyper-aware of how Astarion watches him like prey, following the bob of his adam’s apple as he gulps nervously. Gale thinks he might spill on to the carpet at that moment with the other man’s demands.
Taking his aching, drooling cock in hand he steadies himself above them, pressing against Tav’s slippery entrance. Gale’s breath hitches as he presses the head of his length in slowly, her hot, throbbing core pulling him deeper until he meets resistance. 
He is about to ask if Tav’s okay and if she really wants this when Astarion surges forward to kiss him, grabbing his throat to hold him in place while he hungrily claims his lips. 
The hand around his throat releases him, Astarion breaking the kiss when he begins to pump his hips cautiously back and forth. 
“I think she can take more than that, can’t you, pet?” 
She nods in wordless agreement. He’s bigger than she’s used to, the foreign stretch of him inside her giving way to a fullness that she finds she needs more of, harder, and faster. She ruts against him desperately to encourage him to pick up his pace and pull him deeper inside her.
“Gods, Gale…don’t you dare hold back, not now, not after all this,” she cries out, struggling weakly against the vampires’s chest. Gale casts mage hand again, this time to work the swollen bud in between Tav’s legs in circles.
Gale works up to a frantic pace, and the next thing he knows his hands are on her knees, spreading them apart. Her tense muscles relax and give way, rubbing against and past the euphoric smoothness of what he can only assume is her cervix. She very nearly screams when he does so, begging him not to stop. 
He thrusts with all the heartbreak, all the bittersweet missed moments where he could have told her but every time he tried he couldn’t speak. Her thighs shake underneath his hands and she clenches tighter around him as he continues to batter the spot deep within her.
Gale is lost, unsure of where he ends and she begins.
He is starting to fall over the edge when he finds the strength to speak his unrequited truth to her, a feeling that’s tortured him ever since he laid eyes on her.
“Tav, I love you- I love you so, so much...”
Astarion’s eyes flash red for a moment, an animalistic, possessive growl rumbling at the back of his throat.
He shoves Gale away from her. 
Astarion watches with a sneer as the wizard spills his ruined orgasm over his abdomen. Gale covers his red-hot face in shame with his forearm, poorly disguising the tears that stream from his eyes. He lays back on the imported rug that broke his fall, gasping for air, throat dry and breathless. 
Their attention falls on Tav, who had come so close again, only to be denied her release once more.
“Astarion, Gale…I don’t care how you work it out between the two of you, just…please, I need more, damn you…” Tav begins to weep, her anger giving way to desperate sobs. Astarion strokes her hair, kissing her tears away, caressing the side of her face. 
“My sweet, were you still following my instructions? Were you not able to finish because of what I said earlier?”
“I held back for you, because I thought that’s what you wanted…you hadn’t given me permission…” Tav curls up in Astarion’s arms, burying her tear streaked face in his chest. 
Astarion sighs contentedly at her confession. It’s truly a decadent feeling to ruin a Grand Duchess and a former Archmage at the same time, training and breaking them so they are willing and eager to please him. With these two wrapped around his finger, he could easily become the most powerful person on the continent of Faerun. No bloody titles needed. 
Holding her to him firmly, he presses a kiss to the sweaty locks of his most precious thing. 
“Shh now, little love. Let’s get you out of these restraints, I think we’ve had enough of these for one day…” 
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sgiandubh · 1 year
I was wondering if anyone else had this same fear as mine? I’m not sure it’s really a fear but I think there are going to be sex scenes in Sam’s upcoming project and who knows maybe Cait as well.
Is it crazy to feel uneasy, fearful, nervous or any of those emotions about watching Sam or Cait do sex scenes with people other than each other? I know it’s their job if the script has these scenes but maybe I’m worried that what I see on screen with them in their sex scenes with each other and how special it is isn’t as special as I think?
It’s probably an irrational fear and no it’s not the only reason or even the reason why I am a shipper. Their chemistry on screen sent me down the rabbit hole and it was really what has happened off screen that made me a shipper.
Sorry I think I rambled quite a bit there but you seem to welcoming and friendly and most importantly rationale.
Dear Uneasy Anon,
Let the woman in the audience who was NOT even mildly - how can I put it elegantly - ehrm.. unsettled by The Reckoning cast the first stone at your question and my answer.
I thought so.
I remember my stupefaction on a balmy late August night (not unlike this one) when I watched these scenes for the very first time. Shouted like a crazy woman at 4 AM something along the lines of OH, DEAR ME, WHAT THE HELL (literally: what the mother of all devils, told you that being a native speaker of obscure idioms is infinite fun)? And then immediately hit rewind, questioning my sanity and grateful I was under the radar.
I had never seen anything like this on a screen, let alone in what I thought to be a whachamacallit divertimento (Sam, who? Caitríona, who?). And chemistry is a paltry, almost sorry term to describe sexual attraction, in their case: these two were not blocking anything, and I do not mean it in a lewd way, but in an emotional one. A much more serious affair than a, heh, hydraulic incident while having to put up with carpet burns.
What we saw there were two people very much attracted to each other and yes, clearly in the early stages of falling deep and hard in love with each other. And I do not mean Jamie and Claire, here, for I have never made the confusion. Let's not be hypocrites: what consistently happened on and off-screen, in the Season 1- Season 3 interval, despite all the hurdles and the shitshow, is a real story on the constant brink of taking over the performance side of things. So much so, that at some point I almost completely blocked the characters and had to re-watch, for the sake of keeping up with that neglected storyline: it was embarrassing, but in a good way.
That was not acting, dear Uneasy Anon, and bless his heart, he repeatedly spilled the tea about it. Knowing that and having experienced that Mach3 impact yourself, I doubt you would feel uneasy by S/C shooting formulaic sex scenes with other people. An example: When the Starlight Ends. I howled in my popcorn. That is to say that particular movie was a doomed project. That is also to say: you'll know how 'not special at all' that is, when you watch it.
So, in a nutshell, I can only offer you this answer, along with the hope that it makes sense or helps you somewhat: you may feel uneasy because you know how rare and fragile that is and also because you are probably afraid of breaking that spell. But you immediately tell me that it is their off-screen shenanigans that made you a part of our rank and file: what you call fear is nothing else but maybe a bit of projection and certainly a deep fascination. You are desperately normal, dear Anon. Last but not least, remember FDR: the only thing to fear is Fear itself. Go ahead. Watch those with an honest eye. I guarantee there will be absolutely nothing to write home about.
This, however (emphatically NOT The Reckoning). This always punches me in the damn gut. This is better than Mantegna's Saint Sebastian. Objectification, schmobjectification:
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tbgblr2 · 4 months
The Life of the Witch (Prologue)
My name is Juliana Dumont and I’m a witch.
I don’t know why I’m writing this down – perhaps a form of therapy? I don’t know.
What the average person doesn’t know is that witches are real. We exist. We’re just very rare. I’ve never met another of my kind since my own mother died – and left me with my powers.
I was born Goodie Smith, child of Constance Smith, in the year 1735. I was 50 years old when my mother passed her gift to me, and I awakened.
I know others are out there – I can feel them. There were seven of us – now there are only five. The seven deadly sins form the basis of our existence. The witch of sloth was killed in her sleep, and the witch of envy was killed in a fight between two love rivals. None of this ‘witch trial’ and burning nonsense. That was simply putting some poor, unfortunate women to their death because the patriarchy at the time could do it with impunity.
I suppose technically I am the witch of lust. And let me tell you, every month I feel that lust with an intensity I simply cannot control.
I should also say that we are immortal in a sense. We do not age, we do not contract diseases. We can be killed by being burned alive, or having our heads separated from our bodies – that's been proven on two occasions now - but otherwise we would be able to eventually heal from even the most grievous of wounds.
This is where procreation becomes difficult. We’re all female, we desire to have children… but the act of having a child is difficult in that child would be mortal as any other, and we would suffer to watch them grow old and die as we sat ageless in front of them. Only the voluntary – or involuntary – death of the mother passes both the magic, and the memories of the mother onto her offspring. I remember my entire family line. I have birthed many babies, I have outlived many babies… and right now my ovaries are screaming that it is my time.
The lady sat back in her chair and snapped her fingers then closed the book she was writing in. In the kitchen behind her, a commotion started to take place – dishes rose from cupboards, cutlery flew from drawers, food piled onto a plate. The plate carrying a sandwich flew through the air to rest, lightly, on the desk in front of her, followed a few moments later by a steaming hot cup of coffee. She smiled. She knew she was blessed, she knew life was easy… but if she has a gift, why waste it not using it.
As she ate her meal, she picked up her phone. “Ahh… 8pm New York… seems like the perfect time” she muttered to herself. A black cat rose its head up from a sleeping position down by her feet.
“Don't be back late, I’ve a fancy for a special meal tonight.” came the voice directly into her head without the cat seemingly moving its lips.
“I won't sweetie… just a little… errand… to run.”
It’s unclear exactly where the pair were at, but it was daylight and it certainly wasn't 8pm that's for certain.
She finished the sandwich and once again clicked her fingers – the cup and plate flew off to a sink which slowly filled with soapy water as the cutlery and crockery washed itself, dried itself and put itself away. She didn't even need to watch it at this point as she strode across the room and into her bedroom.
Another click of her fingers and her clothes fell to the floor, bundled themselves up and folded themselves into a neat little pile. She stood there naked, eyes looking up and down her form. Lust was certainly a factor in her physique. She had a lithe body, but with wide, womanly hips, and a perfect hourglass figure, complemented by large, incredibly pert breasts. She had no need of mechanical support by way of a bra… she had magic on her side to keep things up.
Blowing herself a kiss in the mirror, she clicked her fingers again and her hair bundled itself up into a bun, leaving two strands to hang down either side of her hair. A pair of fashionable glasses appeared on her nose – purely cosmetic of course, and her lips tinged rosy and red.
Finally another click of her fingers and a red, flowing dress swooshed out of her closet, wrapped itself around her and hugged every inch of her body. She couldn't help but grin as the side slit, cut so scandalously high than it had any right to be, refused to move to reveal what she was wearing for underwear even when she stretched her leg out in front of her. Of course, she knew she wasn't wearing any, but always good to keep the men folk guessing.
Finally, with a last glance over her shoulder as she spun in place admiring herself in the mirror, she clicked her fingers once more and with an audible pop, she disappeared.
She appeared in an alleyway, just around the corner from a nightclub which she knew was a hit among the student population of the local university. She saw perfectly even in the low light of the evening, groups of men wandering up to the doorman, being let in. Her eyes not focusing on any particular one, but the heat radiating from between her legs becoming almost unbearable. She had to move, had to act.
This was an upscale neighbourhood, her high-class appearance and expensive appearing clothes would blend in well with the locals. Stepping out she strode toward the doorman, watching his eyes – even behind his dark shades – watch her approach with rapt attention.
“Could you let me in please handsome!” she smiled a wicked smile to the doorman, who pulled open the door for her.
“Here all by yourself?” he asked.
“Hopefully not for long” she cackled.
Following the crowds to the bar area, she swished her hand and two people standing side by side suddenly decided to leave, giving her perfect chance to slip into the front of the crowd and smile at the girl behind the bar.
“Anything you want?” she asked.
“Right now I can think of a few things, but start me off with something alcoholic and fruity.”
“OK coming right up” she nodded as she set to work.
The witch felt a presence slotting into the space she left next to her, so she turned to the side to be greeted by the muscled chest of some sort of jock. Looking up past her eye level, she was relieved to see that the person accompanying that chest wasn’t half bad on the eyes either. Just need to make sure he wasn’t a complete asshole now…
“Let me get that” he bellowed, making sure the girl serving the drink heard. She gave him a thumbs up. “And a whiskey, on the rocks!” A nod from the lady behind the bar.
“Why thank you” purred our witch, her voice sultry. “Were you hoping for anything else?”
“No ma’am… just waiting for my friends to arrive and spied a nice slot at the bar. Then spied a nice bar-mate. I’m Jack.”
“Charmed… you can call me Jill.” She saw no point in giving him her real name and thought the play on words for the nursery rhyme would fit well – she wouldn't ever see him again after this night, but she thought she should have one she could easily remember just in case things got a little hot and heavy.
Of course a little touch of magic, a little bit of flirtation, and he was hers for the next hour. His friends arrived, and seeing him in non-stop discussion with the lady at the bar decided to leave him to it.
3-4 drinks later and they were both merry to the point of touching flirtatiously. He brushed back one of the loose strands of hair framing her face, tucking it behind her ear as she leaned forward and kissed him. Her hand hovered over his drink and rubbed her fingers together as she cast a spell to bolster him.
He picked it up and gulped a mouthful, suddenly feeling his cock spring hard against his trousers.
“Is that for me?” the witch sounded coy but it was all she was focused on. Her knee drifted lazily back and forth over the bump in his trousers. For poor Jack he was bewildered, never having this level of reaction before.
“Lets put it to good use.” with that she stepped back from the bar, holding him by the hand as she lead him towards a hotel next door. He followed obediently, entranced by her magic as she walked into the lobby, past the doorman with a wave, up to the lift and pressed a button for a floor. She leaned back seductively as she arched her shoulders back, her breasts straining against the fabric of her dress as the lift continued to climb.
“Like what you see?” she was playing now, he was under her control, no matter what the poor man honestly thought, he was her property, until she chose to let him go.
With a ding the lift doors opened and the two of them wandered forward down the hallway. She looked left and right looking for a room. Finally settling on a number, she swayed her hand in front of the lock and pushed the door, the warm light of a readied room waiting for their approach.
She wasted no time, pulling him forcefully into the room. She turned around and kneeled in front of him, pulling down his trousers and underwear as she lowered herself. His cock sprung out from its containment and she grinned.
“Is all that for little old me? My, my, I have been a good girl!”
Jack looked down and gasped – his manhood was twice as girthy as he remembered, and a good 3 inches longer. It was massive. He didn't know what was happening, but her hands wrapped around the shaft and teasing the precum out from the tip settled things – he would go with it and worry about it later.
He tugged off his top and leaned forward, running his hands down inside the fabric of her dress. She moaned… and as a result, his cock jumped, it would have slapped her in the face if she hadn't had hold of it.
“I’ve had desert, I want the main course!” she growled, standing up. She pulled forward on the dress, an act that normally would have resulted in it being torn to shreds, but it appeared to peel away from her and settle in a heap on the floor. She was naked and ready to play. As she paced back towards the bed – pulling Jack by his cock to make him follow, the dress folded itself behind their backs.
She spun him around and pushed him onto the bed as she climbed up onto him, letting out a squealing groan as she settled onto his cock, her wetness between her legs apparent.
Jack managed as gasping “condom…” as she slid down the shaft.
“Not tonight sweetie. I want to feel this monster for what it is. Don't you worry your pretty little head, I’m on the pill.” she lied.
He couldn't care less at this point, his head lolled back as she bottomed out on his cock, her own grunt of pain suggesting she had made him perhaps a mite too large. Oh well, it’s good to feel it happen.
She bounced up and down, her hands rubbing up and down his chest. He found her rhythm and bucked his hips as she bounced, resulting in every thrust of his ass prodding her deeply, her wincing, moaning grunts, and short stabs of pain making her lose herself more and more in the moment.
Without warning, she latched her knees into his torso and spun, so she was on the bottom and he was on the top. Her legs crossing behind him to keep him in tight to her. He moaned. She knew he was close, he was twitching inside of her.
“Thats it, cum in me. I want to feel you flood me. Give me your cum.”
Jack suddenly held his breath as his vision clouded and his eyes rolled back, lost in the carnal act of procreation. He let out 3 large spurts of cum, his own perineum quivering as he felt it contract and release over and over.
The witch was left in orgasmic bliss as she felt the semen flood her. She could do nothing but hold on tight and shiver as her body took over. She could actually feel it shoot up past her cervix and into her womb, onto the journey to meet the egg she had released just that morning. She focused on the collection of sperm cells and gave them a boost, willing them on to their target with a tiny bit of magical assistance.
The couple were left a panting mess as she unhooked her leg from behind him and rolled over, eyeing his still engorged cock. Leaning forward she took it in her mouth and sucked, announcing through parted lips “Who knew we tasted this good together.”
She moved her head up his body and kissed him on the lips as she hovered her hand over the pole between his legs and it shrunk back to its original size. She looked down. Still impressive… but she was glad that she could make it more.
Touching his eyes, she felt him sleep, as he slumped back onto the bed. She got up and clicked her fingers, her dress jumping up and forming back around her, dregs of Jack’s semen dribbling down her leg.
She scooped it up and put it in her mouth. “We do taste good.”
She probed his mind, finding out where he lived. Easily picking him up in his still sleeping state, both of them disappeared from the room and suddenly appeared in his bedroom. Tucking him into bed, still naked, his clothes folded up in front of her eyes and dropped onto the floor. She touched his forehead and took away all memories of what happened, instead implanting thoughts that he had too much to drink and went home to sleep it off. With a gentle kiss on the forehead and a whisper of “thanks” she disappeared again.
She appeared a moment later with a grin as she saw her familiar Seline, or more specifically, her ass, wrapped in an apron – that being the only clothes she was wearing. She had the ability to transform between a human and a cat at will, and had become the witch’s confidant, lover, advisor and closest friend over the years. Her natural form was a cat, but she had been granted the ability to transform into a human mainly for the witch’s benefit – she was a surprisingly capable cook considering her origins, and a careful and attentive lover.
“That smells beautiful. What is it?” the witch called out.
“No… you first. You’ve been fucking. I can smell him on you. Cats have a good sense of smell remember. Give me the gossip” came the reply.
“OK, you’ve got me there. I just had a roll in the hay with some gorgeous man who filled me up. Give it a few hours and there may be some insemination action.”
“Shit… you’re finally going through with it. Your own heat finally beat mine.” As a cat, she had all the natural urges that a cat would have, including going into heat every few weeks during the peak times of the year. The witch found her fun to be around when she was clawing the walls trying to relieve that bit of stress, that's for certain.
“I don't know if I'll actually keep the kid, or send her for adoption… don’t think I'm ready for the ultimate journey just yet. Suppose I have 9 months to decide.”
The witch moved forward and wrapped her arms around the belly of Seline, breathing in the smells from the cooking. “So… I asked a question… what is it?”
“Mmmm…” Seline moaned. “If it happens, you won't be able to do that with a big belly in the way. It’s fish by the way. I mean I’m a cat, what did you expect when I said I had a special meal planned.”
The witch laughed, but her mouth was watering at the smells of the food. “I don't think ‘If it happens’ is a good suggestion, but ‘when.’ I used magic to reinforce the sperm, it's basically a guarantee they reach their destination.”
Seline spun around, breaking the witch’s grip around her midsection. “Shit, please don't tell me you did what you just told me you did.” The witch looked confused. “You know the rules. All natural when it comes to babies. Magic can’t interfere. Creating life is sacred.”
“No… not a baby yet… just sperm and an egg, all separate.” She thought back through her ancestral memories, and not one single one of her memories had another witch trying what she had done. “Fuck… what will happen?”
Seline shook her head. “No idea, but there's nothing you can do about it now, let's eat and think about it later.”
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thestalwartheart · 7 months
,…Well now I just gotta request a fic with Q and his cats on the day before he joins MI6 (or becomes Quartermaster)!
You have your answer, Anon! ❤️ Apologies for taking so long to get around to filling this.
You can read it below or on AO3.
“Well,” sighed Q to his cats. They were curled up together on the other end of his sofa. “Not long now. Twelve hours, give or take.”
He finished the last spoonful of his ice cream—mint choc chip. The coolness soothed his tongue from the scorching it had received during dinner. It had taken him four hours to make a slow-cooked ragu and about four seconds to ruin his tastebuds by being too impatient to eat it.
That’s what his nerves got him, he supposed.
“Quartermaster,” he said frankly to the cats. “I’m twenty-seven, for fuck’s sake.”
His father had always told him he was twenty going on fifty, but it didn’t stop Q from being bewildered by M’s job offer. How well did it bode for the Service, really, that no one more experienced was clever enough for the job? He was in an agency of dinosaurs, and he’d be responsible for dragging them into the modern day. How horrifying.
How thrilling.
“You’ll have trouble with the agents,” M had told him while she was marching somewhere or other, him following at her heels. “Don’t let them under your skin. Remember, you’re cleverer than most of them.”
She smiled secretly. “Yes. Most.”
It was the most that sent him digging. He never could abide a mystery. Agents, he knew, were more brawn than brains. And he’d read M’s files. In fact, he’d hacked them without a trace using the Major’s details — the old man, bless his soul, was terribly clever with weaponry but absolutely rubbish when it came to software — and so he knew M had sent plenty of agents out into the field with the heavy possibility that they’d never make it back.
But after reading the official reports, he was no clearer on who she favoured. There were several agents she’d recruited herself—all orphans, all screaming with boredom in the Special Forces—and of them, Commander James Bond was the longest serving. Q thought he was getting close when he brought Bond’s file up, but his record for insubordination put that thought to rest.
Insubordinate or not, though, he was certainly good-looking. Q was rather looking forward to meeting him.
Q’s eldest cat made a sound, then stretched and flopped over. With the hand that wasn’t cold from holding a mug full of ice cream, he scratched her velvety underbelly. She rolled this way and that, her paws hanging akimbo.
“Right,” said Q, rubbing his index finger under her chin one last time. When he took it away, he noticed his leg was tapping up and down. Anxiety, perhaps. Sugar, much more likely. “One last thing before bed.”
He got up and poured himself a shot of whisky—the one at the top of his kitchen cupboard rather than his drinks trolley. It was hellishly expensive, and he rarely drank from it. It was for special occasions only. Good or bad.
“To the Major, God rest his soul,” he said, raising his glass to two bewildered cats. He smiled at them, and with a sharp pain, remembered the Major visiting once and meeting them as kittens. Upon seeing their little claws stretched out, he’d regaled Q with a story of some Russian woman who had a poisonous dagger in her stiletto heel. “The Russians probably designed it after the claws of these little beasts.”
Q finished his drink in a neat gulp, then poured himself another. He was less precise with the measurement this time. The high from a full stomach and the smooth burn of good whisky was getting to him.
Q cleared his throat.
”To being Q,” he said. His cats had abandoned the couch; they never left him for long. As if telling him to move away from the whisky, they curled around his ankles. “Here’s hoping I do it all half as well as he did.”
He knocked back his drink, then, with a long groan, he walked promptly to the upstairs bathroom and threw it all up. The vomit hit the toilet basin to the off-beat rhythm of competing meows.
It was, Q thought, rather comforting. If his career in espionage went tits up after all this…well.
At least there were the cats.
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windvexer · 1 year
baby witch here! I’m just curious, bc the question has been eating me up all day, is it possible to get help from your higher self like how you’d get help from a deity? or to even worship your higher self like a deity? or is the higher self just not as powerful as gods or other spirits?
Interesting question!
Not everyone believes in, or works with, a concept of a higher self. Personally, I'm not solid on them existing, but it's not a concept I've explored very much. So this is coming from someone who doesn't necessarily believe in, and definitely doesn't work with, a higher self.
However, there is precedent for people working with important and powerful mystical/hidden aspects of themselves. Consider the hag (am I remembering the name correctly? can't for the life of me recall) and fetch-beast of Traditional Witchcraft.
In Traditional Witchcraft, the witch may seek to discover, connect with, and work with their inner shadowy opposite (the hag), or the inherent animal beast aligned with their personal power (fetch-beast).
These inner aspects constitute parts of the witch, and may be separated from the witch, but are neither the witch nor separate from the witch.
A practitioner of Traditional Witchcraft (and similar practices) may ask their fetch-beast to go out and fulfill some special task, or ask them for a blessing, or ask them for wisdom and guidance. And so forth.
These aspects can be worshiped. I mean, you can worship anything.
Are these inner/hidden aspects more or less powerful than other gods or spirits?
I think this question is based on a fallacy - the fallacy that if something has more power it may be better to work with. I understand the sentiment. People want results, and if so far a practitioner has been hard-up for results (or hasn't really tried anything, and is just looking for the best place to start), it follows that a person might want to just sort out which entities have the most power, and go after them.
I feel confident in assuring you, however, that this is not how it works.
For one, "power" can't really be measured in simple units. We can't say that some spirit - let's say, Valley Oak - has 900 units of power, and my Higher Self only has 500 units of power, so obviously Valley Oak is my top choice.
The first and most obvious difference is that on some fundamental level my Higher Self is me, and has a deeply vested interest in me, and is a personification of my, well, highestness - all my best morality and potential.
Whereas Valley Oak is a tree.
My Higher Self might want to move mountains to do anything to help my personal growth, even if that means I need to get into a sticky situation or two in order to learn a lesson.
Whereas Valley Oak almost certainly does not care about my development, but will definitely help me hex someone. Or put down an unwanted hex.
My Higher Self may be always available to me, ready to help in the ways it deems best, with any situation I ask about.
Valley Oak might tell me it's only free on waning moons and to bring some wine or shove off.
So you see what I mean? It doesn't matter if other spirits are more or less powerful; what matters is who they are to YOU, and what they are willing to show up for, and what they are interested in doing.
Odin might have, idk, 9,000,000 units of power, but if my initiating spirit tells me I'm not allowed to talk to him, then - then what's the point of all that power, exactly? And what's Odin going to do for my hexing that Valley Oak already isn't taking care of? And why would Odin want to help me, anyway?
It may be worth asking yourself that if gods have more power than spirits, why do some people who believe in both only work with spirits?
I hope I'm doing a decent job making my point. It's a little late here.
My baby friend, I'd like to encourage you to consider something that took me too long to figure out:
It may be wise to differentiate between your sorcery and your spirituality.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with seeking out powerful aspects, gods, and spirits with which to work sorcery and get help from. Witches do it all the time.
But you should double-check if you assume that spirits you ask for help are supposed to be the same ones you worship in a spiritual setting.
You don't have to worship gods and spirits to get their help with sorcery,
And you don't have to combine your spiritual pursuits with sorcerous power.
You can worship what you love and ask for favors from those you like doing business with. The two don't need to meet.
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meiliarotten · 1 year
Team Fortress 2 Kinktober Time Two: Electric Boogaloo
Day 6: After Party (Hate Sex)
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Pairings: Medic x Fem!Reader
Summary: After Mann Co. is disbanded, you seek work among wealthy gala attendees, only to run into an all too familiar face.
Tags: Takes place after the mercs are fired/before Pauling finds them (comic timeline), riding, tension, teasing, rivals
Word Count: 4.3k
The Masterlist
The party was more immaculate than anything you had ever attended before, taking place in a massive venue adorned with expensive decor and buffet tables long enough to feed a small country. It reminded you of a ballroom straight out of a fairytale. Waiters wandered about in pristine uniforms, passing out hors d'oeuvres as if the buffet wasn’t enough. As for the guests, well, each one was more glamorous than the next, making it seem as if they were all trying to outperform each other, even as they made polite conversation among themselves.
In other words, you literally could not fathom anywhere you would fit in less.
You wore the nicest thing you owned, but even that seemed like rags next to the least opulent guests, at least in your opinion. You prayed that it wasn’t too obvious that you had forged your invitation to get into this place. The truth was, you were desperately in need of money ever since Mann Co. disbanded, and unfortunately murder was not considered a special skill on most job applications. In fact most employers seemed to consider it a felony. Who would’ve thought?
However, if there was one thing you learned in your years as a mercenary, it was this- the richest of society were often the most likely to want someone dead, and they most certainly had wealth to spare to hire someone to do their dirty work for them. Hence why you found yourself here, wearing a black knee length dress that you were almost certain you had only ever worn to funerals before, trying to figure out which of these pompous fools would be most likely to be in need of your particular brand of expertise.
As you scanned the crowd, searching for the most likely employers, your eyes were repeatedly drawn to the same person. You couldn’t say why- they didn’t exactly stand out, with their simple black suit and slacks- but something about them seemed familiar, his build, or perhaps the way he carried himself. It’s only when he turns around and you lock eyes that you finally put a name to the person. You’ve seen that face enough times to know it anywhere, especially since the sight usually preceded a scalpel being slashed across your throat.
The flicker of recognition in Medic’s eyes indicated that he had noticed you as well. Your initial panic began to fade slightly when you realized that causing a scene would likely get the two of you thrown out. God knows Medic most likely didn’t manage to get a valid invite to this party either. You would both need to act somewhat civil with each other, at least for now, lest you draw too much attention to yourselves. The wisest decision would be to stay as far away from each other as possible… which was why you were immensely frustrated when Medic proceeded to walk right up to you within moments of spotting you.
“What the hell are you doing here?” you whispered harshly once he was within earshot.
Medic actually looked taken aback by your hostility. “I assume I’m here for the same reason as you, fraulein. Hunting for higher pay, are we?”
More like hunting for any pay at all, but you weren’t about to admit that.
“You know, I could put in a good word for you,” Medic said. “I know how good you are at your job, given that I’ve been on the receiving end of your blades and bullets multiple times.” He laughed whimsically, as if he was recalling pleasant memories rather than recounting all the times you had brutally murdered on a daily basis. Respawn certainly was a blessing, one that you all took for granted.
“I don’t need your help, Medic,” you hissed. “Did you come over here just to taunt me?”
Medic sighed, as if he was talking to a petulant child. “Actually, I was hoping we could put the past behind us, but I’m guessing from your hostile attitude that this would be out of the question,” he said, now not even looking at you as he glanced over the sea of people. Well, if he wasn’t even going to look you in the eye then you weren’t going to humor him with a response. You walked off, deciding that trying to find some work would be a more effective use of your time than trading insults with Medic all night.
You planned to make the most of however many hours you spent here, and that meant getting comfortable with as many of these stuck up partygoers as you could, praying that at least one of them was homicidal enough to hire you. Medic went on his way as well, presumably doing the same. You tried your best not to let your eyes wander to him, but it was surprisingly difficult. Now that you actually recognized him he stuck out from the crowd. Shaking your head, you made your way to the opposite end of the ballroom, as far from him as you could get. You had employers to charm, and you weren’t about to let his presence alone get in the way of that.
You weren’t sure how you managed to find the small parlor that you eventually wandered into, but you were grateful for it. How long had you been at this damn party? Three hours? Four? You couldn’t even remember at this point. You collapsed onto a small couch with a sigh, placing your face in your hands. Whether or not you were even allowed in this room wasn’t important to you.
You had talked to guest after guest, but trying to gauge someone’s interest in putting a hit out on someone was surprisingly hard. As it turned out, most people don’t tend to flaunt their murderous intent. It wasn’t long before faces began to blur, conversations became repetitive, and you began to feel that if you couldn’t find a place to get away you would go mad. You just needed time away from the din of the crowd. The silence was a welcome respite.
“Not having much luck, fraulein?”
“God fucking damn it,” you muttered, not even bothering to lift your head to look at him. Of course Medic would just happen to wander into the same room as you.
He chuckled. “I’ll take that as a no.”
“Don’t you have some big shot employers to talk to?” you asked. “Or are you just here to boast?”
“Nein, there is nothing to boast about,” Medic admitted with surprising honesty. “Despite my attempts to convince them, these people are surprisingly uninterested in doctor assisted homicide.”
“So, we’re both shit out of luck then,” you said, sounding woefully unamused. Honestly, you just wanted to be left alone. The events of tonight were inevitably going to lead to you walking back to the crappy motel you were staying in with some stolen food from the buffet stuffed in your pockets. Of course, then you realized that your dress didn’t have pockets, and you sure as hell didn’t have a fancy purse you could use.
Medic laughed, seeming completely oblivious of your rapidly souring mood. “I suppose that is one way of putting it. I am happy to have found you, though.” You finally looked up at him, eyebrows raised in confusion. Medic sighed, leaning against the far wall. “Talking business is so tedious. I prefer company that is more on my level, so to speak.”
“And I’m on your level? ” you scoffed. “That isn’t exactly the compliment you think it is, doc.”
“There’s no need to be so confrontational, my dear. We aren’t on opposite teams anymore,” Medic said, putting his hands up as if to show that he meant no harm.
“We fought against each other for years. All that doesn’t exactly go away just because we got fired.”
“Hm, I suppose you're right. Besides, I do quite enjoy our little rivalry, whether it’s on or off the battlefield.” Medic smirked at you, and you despised the way that look made your knees go weak. You weren’t even sure when you had stood up from the couch.
Your fists were clenched at your sides as you glared at him. He was so calm despite having found no success with employment. He seemed so perfectly confident while you were silently fretting over how you were going to cover your next rent. And even with all those reasons to hate his guts, a part of you couldn’t help but notice how damn attractive he looked in a suit- no, more like how damn attractive he looked in general. It was that last part that pissed you off the most of all.
“It was hardly a rivalry,” you said, rolling your eyes. “You aren’t exactly much of a battle medic.”
“Oh no, not at all,” he admitted with a laugh. “But I can't help but recall you having quite a few run-ins with the blade of my Ubersaw.”
“And I can't help but recall more than a few instances where you were staring down the barrel of my gun,” you said, quick with a retort. “Funny how you never seemed to learn that your place is hiding behind your teammates, not charging headlong at me.”
You seemed to have struck a nerve. Medic’s smirk faltered slightly. “You would be wise to watch your mouth, dear.” He was close now. Incredibly close. When had he gotten so near? How had you not noticed? But you’d be damned if you backed down now. In fact, you took a step further towards him, the two of you now thoroughly in each other’s personal space.
“Oh? And what will you do to me? You don’t exactly have any weapons with you,” you said. “Besides, I’m just stating facts. You’re at your best when you’re behind your team's Heavy, practically using him as a human shield.
“I certainly hope you are not calling me a coward, fraulein.” Medic responded so calmly. It was uncharacteristic of him, which put you on edge, but your blood was already boiling too hot for you to keep your mouth shut.
“Maybe I am, unless you’re willing to prove me wrong.”
You didn’t expect him to do anything. You expected this to end just like every other confrontation you’ve ever had with him- although maybe with slightly less blood than usual. Honestly you thought he would simply saunter off, leaving you fuming in that parlor all by yourself.
But then he did prove you wrong. And he did so by pressing his lips to yours. Just like that, something snapped. Something that simmered beneath every insult you flung at each other came boiling to the surface, and you kissed him back. Medic pulled you flush against him, his arms wrapped around your waist. The action made you gasp, giving him access to your mouth. He gave a gentle, questioning flick of his tongue that you quickly reciprocated. Your hands ran down his sides then up again. You could feel the rise and fall of his chest every time you parted for breath.
Medic grew more forceful, almost sloppy, but it felt so good, fueled by years of pent up tension finally getting a taste of release. After a bombardment of lip bruising kisses and wandering hands you finally parted, panting heavily. Medic leaned in until you felt his breath tickle your ear.
“I could be inside you right now.” His voice was so low, a far cry from the shouts of victory or pain you heard from him on the battlefield. It was smooth and quiet enough to ensure no one would overhear, even though you were the only two in the room. “You want that, don’t you?”
You were undeniably flustered. Never would you have thought you would be so flushed over hearing your enemy say such filthy things. “I don’t think the other guests would appreciate that,” you finally managed to respond, miraculously without letting your voice shake even once.
“Then perhaps we should take our leave, fraulein.” That little pet name he had for you was usually an endless source of annoyance, but this was exceptionally different. For once it wasn’t spoken with hatred or spite. No, it was spoken with unfettered lust, and you found that you quite liked hearing it like that.
You didn’t expect gentleness from Medic. In fact, you didn’t even want gentleness, and you made that clear the moment the two of you stumbled past the door to his hotel room, a surprisingly nice hotel room at that. You couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy, especially since all you had to go back to was a dubious motel that smelled of cigarette smoke and dust. How the hell did he afford this while being unemployed? You decided it didn’t matter. There was no time to dwell on that.
You grabbed Medic roughly by the lapels of his suit jacket, pulling him into a kiss that was more teeth than tongue or lips. It was aggressive, almost animalistic in its intensity. You felt him groan into the kiss, shucking off his suit jacket the moment you released your grip on it. The moment it was off you got to work on the buttons of his undershirt. You had half a mind to simply tear it off of him, scattering the buttons to the far corners of the room. You just barely managed to restrain yourself from doing so.
When the shirt was finally unbuttoned you paused to run your hands up his torso, sliding over his chest and up to his shoulders. He was very muscular, something that you had never really noticed beneath his work uniform. It made sense. He had to carry around the Medigun, and it wasn’t exactly lightweight. You were briefly aware that all the supplies and weaponry Medic had to lug around with him on the battlefield probably weighed more than you did. That thought was confirmed a moment later, almost as if he had read your mind, when he leaned down and lifted you with ease, his arms hooking around your thighs for support. You wrapped your legs around him for some stability, but even so, you nearly lost your balance when his palm came down hard on your ass, a harsh smack being followed by your yelp of both pain and surprise.
“What the hell was that for?” you asked, not bothering to hide your annoyance. Your face was bright red at this point, which probably made your glare seem more cute than menacing.
“Is your threshold for pain really so low, liebchen?” Medic asked, grinning as he reached up to grab a fistful of your hair. You knew what was coming before he even began to pull. He was truly showing off his strength now, holding you with just one arm and the support of your legs around his waist. “Given all that we’ve been through, I would have thought such a little sting wouldn’t be a bother.”
His grip on your hair released after only a few moments and he made his way to the bed, still holding you. You knew Medic could have easily chosen to throw you roughly onto the mattress if he wanted to, but instead you found yourself being gently lowered onto the bed. A shiver ran down your spine as your bare back made contact with the cool sheets, and you realized that at some point he had undone the zipper at the back of your dress. This allowed him to remove it with ease once you were comfortable. You felt relieved to finally be out of the dress, no longer needing to wear what amounted to a cheap disguise meant to blend in with a bunch of rich assholes.
You reached back to unclip your bra, throwing it to the side with little ceremony. Medic busied himself with your underwear, taking the exact opposite approach. He removed them ever so slowly, inching over your thighs as if the garment was made of tissue paper and he was trying not to tear it. It was beginning to annoy you.
“Hey!” you said, getting Medic’s attention. You sat up, grabbing his hair and pulling him forward. The soft groan you got in response was very rewarding, but you couldn’t get distracted by that right now. You kicked off your underwear yourself and glared at the doctor. “You’re taking forever. Are we fucking or not?”
You tugged on his hair, hard, and he winced before quickly composing himself. “So bold, meine liebe. I like this side of you,” he said. You only let go of him when he began to unfasten his belt, and you tried your best not to stare or look impressed when you noticed the sizable tent in his slacks. You shifted back so that you were sitting in the center of the bed. It gave you a rather nice view of Medic when he finally removed the last of his clothes, but you barely got a chance to admire the sight before he was on top of you.
He paused there, seated between your legs, simply looking at you with an expression full of lust. You could feel how hard he was against your thigh, and a pang of need almost made you beg, but you caught yourself before you did. If he wanted you to beg, he’d have to work much harder for it. “What are you waiting for?” you asked, trying to sound as annoyed as possible, but the slight shake in your voice was evident.
“I’m just admiring the sight of you…” Medic began, leaning down to kiss your neck. “ Beneath me, right where you belong.” Those kisses turned into bites, making you gasp and arch against him. You heard his breath shudder as your body pressed against his.
That was when he finally thrusted into you . You were embarrassed by the moan that managed to tear its way from your throat, being caught off guard by the sudden motion and the jolt of pleasure that shot through your body like a live wire. It felt so amazing to finally be filled, to satisfy that empty ache between your legs that had been becoming more intense ever since you left the party. Still, you weren’t about to give Medic too big of an ego boost, at least, not until he truly earned it.
“Harder!” you gasped, dragging your nails over his back, leaving stinging, raised red lines in your wake. “Come on, don’t you dare be gentle with me now.”
Medic chuckled wickedly, barely reacting to your scratching. “Oh, I don’t plan on being gentle with you, liebe.” Suddenly, your arms were pinned to the bed, his hands wrapped firmly around your wrists. His grip was rough and likely to leave bruises, and he soon set a merciless pace.
You struggled to contain your sounds as he slammed into you, trying to roll your hips to meet his strokes, but it was as if he was purposefully trying to make that difficult for you. His rhythm changed every time you began to get used to it. You growled in annoyance, but that only got a sly grin from Medic, proving that he was indeed doing this on purpose. Still, you tried to grind against him, at least until he released your wrists only to hold your hips still, preventing you from bucking or squirming. Your clit ached, desperate for either his touch or your own, a sensation that would have you seeing stars within moments.
“Fuck, I’m close!” you moaned, writhing futilely in his grasp, hands gripping the bed sheets to keep from just giving in and touching yourself. You wanted to get him to do it, you wanted that small victory.
“Beg for it,” Medic whispered, pressing his lips to your ear. There it was. You knew it was coming, but if he thought it would be that easy, he was a fool.
“Fuck you,” you said, glaring defiantly at him while he simply chuckled, seeming to find your defiance more as a form of amusement than a true challenge to overcome.
“Oh, you are, liebchen. However, that’s not the answer I’m looking for.” Medic stopped moving completely and you wanted to whine, but resisted the urge. You never let him dominate you without a fight on the battlefield, and the bedroom was no exception. It seemed that whether the driving emotions were that of hate or lust, it was always going to be war between you.
With a scoff, you decided to finally take advantage of the fact that he was no longer pinning your arms. You latched onto his hair again, pulling hard, which caught him off guard. He was thrown off balance just long enough for you to switch your positions, now finding yourself seated atop him while he looked up at you. He seemed bewildered, as if he was trying to figure out what just happened, and you found it adorable.
“See what happens when you get overconfident?” you said before beginning to mercilessly ride him, not wasting any time. Medic gasped, giving you a look of what could almost be considered respect before sitting back and enjoying the ride. It was actually quite attractive to see you bouncing on his cock.
You weren’t as close as you were before. The pause in the action had caused you to lose sight of your climax, but now that you were in control, it was quickly beginning to build again. However, by far the most appealing thing about being on top was the view you had of Medic’s reactions. You saw how his gaze lingered on the steady bounce of your chest as you rode him, the way he bit his lip to stifle moans whenever you did something especially good with your hips. But the best part was how you could feel his body beneath you, the way he shuddered and tensed up in response to whatever you did to him.
Your hands were planted on his lower stomach to steady yourself, and you could feel the way the muscles began to tighten. It was a sure sign that he was getting close as well. Medic wasn’t quite as intimidating like this, and it only served to make you bolder.
“I wonder what your team would think if they could see you right now, letting me use you like this,” you taunted, grinding against him to emphasize your point.
“I could say the same about you, fraulein. How would your team react if they knew I was about to make you come on my cock?” Medic’s hands latched onto your hips with enough force to throw you off your rhythm. You gasped as he lifted you slightly upwards before slamming you back down. You almost screamed as he managed to brush against an especially sensitive spot. “Ja, that’s what I want to hear. Scream for me!”
With him essentially moving you up and down on his cock, you knew you didn’t stand a chance. You surrendered, allowing him to maneuver you. If anything, it was a welcome break for your thighs. Even so, you weren’t about to become completely passive. You continued to rake your nails down the front of his body, over those tense muscles that were beginning to tremble beneath your touch. You knew he was close to coming undone, and the thought filled you with a sense of pride, because you were doing this to him. Even though he was gripping your hips with enough force to bruise, it would still be you that would eventually make him come.
“You’re close aren’t you?” you asked between moans. Medic shuddered, stammering, as if he hadn’t expected the question, and the reaction made you laugh. “Oh, you definitely are. You’re so tense.” You ran your hands over his chest and down to his stomach before leaning in to whisper into his ear, delivering the finishing blow. “I want you to come for me. I want you to come inside me.”
“Gott, liebchen!” Medic moaned, bucking up into you even as he slammed your hips against his, filling the room with the lewd sounds of skin on skin. You leaned back, one of your hands sliding down your body until you could rub circles around your clit. You threw your head back, crying out as your orgasm washed over you. Medic followed almost immediately after, the feeling of you tightening around him finally driving him over the edge, letting out a low moan as he spilled into you with a few final, frantic thrusts.
When the initial euphoria subsided, you practically collapsed on top of him, completely unwilling to move. Your head came to rest on his chest and you could hear his pulse racing, along with the heavy rise and fall of his chest. Medic threw an arm over you, gently rubbing up and down your back. It wasn’t a gesture you expected, but it certainly wasn’t unwelcome either.
“God, I fucking hate you.” You said it out of pure habit at this point, but there was no real bite behind the words, not even a hint of malice. Medic actually seemed to take it as a compliment, reciprocating with a smirk.
“Likewise, liebchen.”
The irony of the situation was not lost on either of you, so casually declaring your hatred for one another while simultaneously cuddling up after a rough fucking. You weren’t sure which of you began laughing first, but soon you were both nearly in tears, the reality of how strange this scene was finally beginning to dawn upon you. But honestly, with all the other weird shit you had to deal with during your career as a mercenary, this might as well happen. Speaking of work…
“I hope you know that this doesn’t change anything,” you said, turning to look at Medic with a challenging smirk. “I’ll still fuck you up if we ever meet in battle again.”
You felt the vibrations of Medic’s laughter in his chest. “Of course.” He flashed a wide smile. It had just a touch of insanity to it. It was a look you had seen several times before, usually right before he plunged his weapon of choice between your ribs. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, fraulein.”
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I have a little MyStreet rewrite cooking in my head that’s got this pretty prominently so yeah! Anyways have some HCs!!!
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Acts like he’ll kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll
People thinks he’s smart, but it’s just because he’s really quiet
He’s actually really fucking dumb /affectionate
Has a very weezy laugh
He/she/they, though most people use he
(Considering having him FTM He/Him but I can’t decide)
Didn’t really know much about gender and sexuality and stuff instill his sister came out as lesbian and she gave him a crash course
Used to struggle with internalized homophobia thanks to her dad being an ass but is now very comfortable in his own skin
Love language is physical touch and is chronically touch deprived, especially due to their years of isolation (just like me fr)
Intimidating when you first meet him, but I can guarantee you he’s secretly shitting his pants out of fear
A.K.A Social Anxiety Prime
Is such a worry wart, especially towards Zane and Aphmau
Used to have consistent nightmares, but ever since sharing a bed with Zane and Aphmau, they’ve pretty much stopped
On top of physical touch, he likes to do small acts of service
If either of his partners have a nightmare, she holds them through it and wakes up early the next day so that way they wake up to hot cocoa with cinnamon and a splash of vanilla extract
His favorite food is anything with Cinnamon!
Acts like a cinnamon roll, will actually kill you
“Excuse me they asked for no pickles”
A plus sized queen!
She/Her but prefers masculine descriptors i.e. sir, Mr, boyfriend (looks pointedly at her being called the lord of phoenix drop rather than the lady)
Is super sweet and helpful unless you tick her off or mess with friends, at that point, may God bless your soul
Love language is acts of service and gift giving!!
This is super evident in MCD and it peaks through in Mystreet as well! So that definitely stays
Has a tendency to give too much and burn herself out
Anytime she finds a cool rock she has to keep it
Her giving you a rock is a big deal! It means she cares a lot, enough to give it away
Due to growing up poor she has a tendency to stock up on non perishable food and stress if they don’t have enough
Definitely had a crush on Katelyn when they were younger, it passed with time though
Is really smart common sense wise, really into logic puzzles and stuff
She knows everything. Your secret? I think you mean our secret.
Less so with book smarts but give her time and let her put what she needs to know in song form and she’s got it
How does she learn these secrets? Well that’s between her and God
Her favorite food is Mangos and Mochi anything!
And last but certainly not least, Zane!
Looks like he’ll kill you, and depending on the day, he’ll either kill you or actually be a cinnamon roll
Was raised with ye old fashioned toxic masculinity drilled into his head by Garte leaving him really insecure about his gender and gender expression
Around college, he started coming more into his own and wearing makeup out and about (all of this up to now is p much cannon btw)
The divergence come when he also starts experimenting in other ways to like sometimes wearing skirts and the occasional dress
It still takes years for them to stop bringing an extra pair of more masculine clothes with him in case he gets too stressed or sees someone in public
They/He but doesn’t mind the occasional she
While he really loves the colors pastel pink and purple, he still mainly wears black with those as accents
Has a backpack/bag they take EVERYWHERE
Going out? Take the bag. Going on a trip? Take the bag. Leaving the room? Take the bag.
Mans could survive the apocalypse with all the stuff he keeps in there. I’m taking sewing thread and needles, bandaids, Neosporin, fidget, toys, stuff, to doodle with, a book for when he gets bored, headphones, etc.
Has Autism
MLP Special Interest
Has emotional support Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle figurines in their bag (they remind him of Aaron and Aphmau respectively)
Mainly does vocal Stims but is not immune to hand flap propaganda
Sensory adverse (that’s what the point of the mask usually is)
Loves his mom very much, even if she can be a bit loud
Daddy issues, him and Aaron bond over this
His love language is quality time and gift giving (they regularly steal one of their father’s credit cards) (Garte has barely noticed)
Is the type to quietly sit beside or across from one of his partners when their stressed, maybe give them one of his hands and be a quiet comfort as he scrolls on the Internet, showing them cat videos/my little pony art
That or be like “You’re sad” throw a change of clothes at them and say “Get up we’re going to Olive Garden, don’t worry I’m paying”
Notices when his friends/partners look at something too long and you can bet your bippy that you’ll be receiving that during your next birthday/Christmas or maybe just tomorrow if he can’t wait
Honestly very book smart, he just doesn’t mention it
Has a PHD, though no one but Aphmau knows of what, the whole friend group have a betting pool on what it is and who will find out first (Aphmau didn’t count, she knows everything)
Loves hyperpop
Favorite Food is the pink Monster Energy Drink, dw that that’s not actually food
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circular-bircular · 2 months
Hi, we are a traumgenic system and we want to get into the field of special ed. However, we find it scary to get a real job as a system. We want to ask how you guys are doing with being a 6th grade teacher (thank you for being a teacher!) And if you have any tips for us. Thanks
Hey there! A new ask today, since I haven’t closed my ask box here :P
Happy to give insight into teaching as a system. It’s genuinely one of my favorite topics. Firstly, bless your soul for going into special ed; that’s something I don’t think I’d be able to do, for a lot of reasons. Take this all with a grain of salt, as I’m not special ed, but from my experience:
SpED has a lot of paperwork. Like. A lot. I can’t stand needless forms and red tape, so that would drive me way more up the wall than the shit I already have to do as a teacher. There’s also a lot of repetition; hot sheets that spell out packets of info from info you got separately and had to skim down twice. Ough.
SpED hits conflicting needs issues for me, primarily with my autism. I can’t handle one-on-one with autistic students without draining myself severely. Now imagine a caseload of 30 students. 🫡 I salute any and all SpED teachers.
SpED is booked. I get 2 planning periods every day, one of which usually has a meeting. My SpED teachers usually are permitted two… but rarely do they actually have those periods, because when they have no direct classes, they’re asked by other teachers to help provide accommodations. That’s so we can legally meet IEP/504 requirements. I already do so much work at home due to a lack of time at school. I can’t imagine how much the SpED teachers do.
None of that is meant to scare you away; it’s just some things I’ve noticed as a 6th grade ELA teacher with frequent co-taught classes. It’s why I’ve leaned further away from SpED since starting my teaching career — but I’m only me, and certainly not you. If you have a passion for it, there is absolutely no harm in diving in and trying.
For me, teaching has been going remarkably well, and my system really doesn’t impact that much. The most impact it has is that I struggle more with my memory. So… if you do too, ask for help! Reminders, calendar invites, etc.
Here’s some of the tips that came to my mind:
Get to know the kids. They are bundles of joy, and I mean that genuinely. They have so much to share and it’s always so good. Plus, if you don’t have a relationship with them, then straight up, they have no reason to listen to you.
Get to class on time. For fucks sakes, that’s what my co-teacher cannot seem to be able to do. Every SpED teacher I know says it’s because they take their planning time in hallway transitions, catching a quick chat — and honestly, that’s fine. The issue arises when it’s 20 minutes into my 47 minute class and I still have no co-teacher. If you have to miss class-time, call the teacher you’re with and let them know there’s going to be a delay — BEFORE the class starts, whenever possible. Just… in general-
Clear communication. Just. Clear communication, with staff and students, is vital.
I’m not really sure what else, SpED specifically. I just… really hope it all goes well for you!! Teaching really is not that scary, even if it is hard. You’ve got this! Let me know if you have anymore questions, I am thrilled to answer.
(And thanks for the compliment :) )
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lcnelyghost · 2 years
Can you do the Evan’s dating a plus size girl? 🤭🫶🏻❤️
all that you are//the evan’s
pairings; fem reader with tate langdon, kit walker, kyle spencer, jimmy darling, and james patrick march
rating; pg13!
warnings; slight harsh language, body shaming, bullying
a/n: sorry to everyone that might not like what i’m gonna say, but i only write for the evan’s until they go up to season five with james. yes, i have watched the other seasons. i LOVE gallant and edward mott, but i won’t be pairing them with a female reader for obvious reasons. rory and jeff didn’t satisfy me all that much, and i still have mixed feelings on kai. yeah, i also like austin, but i don’t really know if i have that special little connection to his character yet. and no, am i fuck gonna write for jeffrey. that’s something that i’ll never feel comfortable doing.
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Tate Langdon;
• Tate couldn’t give a shit about how you looked, he loved you for how you truly were. From the way you treated him, he already knew that you had a heart of gold.
• He loves how you guys have the exact same style. You enjoy wearing baggy sweaters and jeans, much like himself. And he adores how confident you are when it came to wearing what you wanted.
• If any school girls even dared to make fun of you, well.. i’m pretty sure we know what would happen..
Kit Walker;
• If Kit falls in love with someone, it’s not for the breathtaking looks they’ve been blessed with. No. It’s simply for the fact that they have such a kind heart and a beautiful soul. That’s what Kit is truly attracted to.
• He admires every last bit of you. Size isn’t important to him, not at all.
• Kit fell for you, because you’re just you. You’re not hiding behind some mask or going around with a full face of makeup, nor trying to fit in with everyone, you’re you. And that’s certainly enough for him to love and cherish.
Kyle Spencer/Franken Kyle;
• Truth be told, the little soul can’t even tell the difference between you and other girls. Right enough, not that he would even care in the slightest.
• He gets really upset when he overhears Madison saying her usual shitty comments about you. Though that soon turns into a fit of laughter when Queenie punishes her for it.
• Kyle doesn’t have the kind of feeling to care enough when it comes to you’re size. You treat him in a way he’s always wanted to be treated, and he doesn’t need anything more than that.
Jimmy Darling;
• Uh, I think we’re aware that Jimmy couldn’t give a shit if you were big or not. We’ve seen enough to prove that, trust me..
• Most of the freaks respect you and treat you no differently from the others, Jimmy makes sure it stays like that.
• If Elsa even has the nerve to ask if you could be part of the show seeing as she thought you’re figure could be quite the ‘entertainment’ for some people, Jimmy would hit breaking point.
James Patrick March;
• James isn’t one for body shaming. His mother raised him to always respect a woman, and that her size shouldn’t matter to him. If she treats him right, then by all means he should show her the love and respect she deserves.
• He isn’t fussed about you’re weight. Mr March still buys you the best of the best. Including the fanciest clothes, jewellery, perfume, everything he’d buy for the woman he loves most!
• When the time comes around for his monthly dinner with the Countess, he’s sure to fire back at her sneaky, vulgar comments. Even Miss Evers will defend you as much as she can.
“And should we be expecting you’re new partner, James? I suppose the word ‘little’ isn’t a way to describe her.”
“You mean my loyal, new partner? Ah, yes. And I suppose that word isn’t something that we should mention when you’re the topic of conversation, hm?”
Yeah, he ain’t up for her bullshit today folks.
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Vakka-Ei pins the last of the laundry in place on the line and turns with a smile to see Haldryn running to her, dragging a branch half as big as she is along behind. “Another one?” She drops smoothly into a crouch to meet her at eye level.
“This one for real, promise,” Haldryn says. She thrusts out the stick with one small hand, the other going to adjust the old belt holding her tail on (a heavily amateur construction of pages of the Courier and the leftover ends of several candles that she has, beamingly, insisted matches Vakka-Ei’s exactly). “It looks special so it’s gotta be. See?”
“Hmm…” Vakka-Ei touches the end of one finger to the branch, pretending to contemplate it deeply. No matter how many times she explains the nature of the Hist, Haldryn still seems to think every tree is trying to communicate—a sentiment she finds she isn’t yet ready to disillusion her of. “What does it say to you, Hallie?”
Her little face scrunches up. “I don’t know, I can’t ever hear anything. Is it because we’re not in Black Marsh? Do they talk more there?”
Laughing, Vakka-Ei reaches out to ruffle her dark curls. “It is not quite ��talking,’ my love. There are many things that can be said without talking. But yes, the Hist is heard most strongly in Black Marsh.”
“When I get older I’ll take you there,” she says confidently, “and then you can tell me what to listen for so I can hear it better. And maybe we can visit Morrowind since it’s on the way!”
It is only on the way if one is lost, but Vakka-Ei does not correct her. “And what will we do in Morrowind?” she asks instead, smiling.
Haldryn scrambles for the sharp little stick she’s been keeping in her boot the last few days—which Vakka-Ei has gently told her to keep elsewhere so it doesn’t stab her in the foot, but she had only become very serious and said don’t worry, Ma, an explorer’s weapon only stabs what she wants it to—and holds it aloft. “I wanna get the Sacred Lady to bless my dagger!” she beams. “D’you think she’d like it? Maybe she could make it all glowy like her sword is in all the pictures!”
“I cannot imagine that she wouldn’t like it,” Vakka-Ei tells her. “I’m sure she would like it even better if you did not keep it in your boot.”
“Oh,” says Haldryn, as if she has not considered this before. “But I don’t know how to make a sheath.” She ponders this for a moment, then tucks the sharp stick carefully into the belt of her tail. “Well, it can’t be too hard, if Dexion can do it.”
“Dexion is apprenticed to the leatherworker, my love.”
“Yeah, but I’ve seen him eat rocks,” she scoffs. “Off the ground.”
It is hard to argue with this logic. “We will have to see what we can do,” concedes Vakka-Ei. “What design will you give it?”
“Turtle,” she says immediately. “And—and the, um, this—” She holds up her hand, palm facing outward, pointing to it with the other. “—with the triangle!”
Humming low in her throat, Vakka-Ei rises to her feet again. “I am going inside to begin dinner. Are you coming in, or are you staying out here until it is ready?”
Haldryn leans on her branch, grins up at her. “I’ll come in when it’s time to eat!” She turns, then, running back to the tree she took the branch from, chanting to herself, “Tinkle, tinkle, hollow chime, singing with me as I rhyme, guide us through the evening mist, home to the roots of our Hist—”
For a moment, Vakka-Ei lingers in the doorway, watching. The sharp little stick emerges again, thrust in a child’s imitation of a dagger’s parry, her homemade tail swinging behind her. She stops, looking up at nothing, and corrects her stance after a moment.
There are many things about her daughter she does not wholly understand, but she is trying. It is good to see her so excited, even when what she is so excited about is unfamiliar. Vakka-Ei turns to go inside, resolving to bake an extra next time she makes spiced root cake, for Llaalam and his husband. She certainly would not be able to answer questions about netches and mushroom houses and Sacred Ladies.
Through the door, Haldryn’s thin voice carries, crying out, “Daedra, we cannot kill you! —whoops!”
…whoops, however, is very much her area of expertise.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 10 months
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Hurricanes / Hummingbirds: XV
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Series Synopsis: As the years go by, you find that it is incredibly difficult to survive wars and fight storms, especially when the only thing you have by way of a cursed technique is the blessing of a tiny bird.
Chapter Synopsis: You arrive at a village by the sea in your quest to find the girl.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Hajime Kashimo x Female Reader; slight Kento Nanami x Female Reader; slight Satoru Gojo x Female Reader
Chapter Word Count: 6.1k
Content Warnings: swearing, enemies/rivals to lovers, character death, canon-typical violence, angst, gore, original characters included
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A/N: the way y/n and kashimo have basically just been doing side quests for the past five or six chapters
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“It smells like salt,” Kashimo observed. You gave him an amused look at that.
“Have you never been to the sea?” you said. “Of course it smells like salt; we’re quite near to it now. I assume we’ll be in the village you suspect her of being in very soon.”
“I usually avoid the sea,” he said.
“Really!” you said. “I’m rather fond of it. Is there reasoning to your aversion, or is it just one of those things that you can’t bring yourself to like?”
“Water and lightning don’t mix well,” he said. “When I’m in the water, I’m completely defenseless. I can’t risk discharging my cursed energy for fear of harming myself in the blast, too. Even bathing is the most paranoid ritual for me.”
“You must still do it, though,” you said with a frown. “After all, you do smell nice.”
Kashimo coughed strangely at that but nodded, his face reddening for some unknown reason. “Of course. But always alone, my staff with me, the doors and windows tightly sealed.”
“That’s a sad existence,” you said. “Not just the bathing part, but the sea, too. You’ve never felt waves against your feet?”
“No,” he said.
You had been foolish to ask. When a person was as taken with his own strength as Kashimo was, they would never dare do anything that’d compromise it. Furthermore, he certainly had made so many enemies that even a second off guard could spell his doom. What would Hisashi, Kichiro, and Naoki do if they knew of this weakness of his? How would they respond to the discovery that their greatest opponent was not invincible?
It was simple to imagine. A shove into the water. A sword through the head. Kashimo would be dead before he even knew what had hit him — after all, the leaders of the Big Three Sorcerer Families were no slouches in the power department. It was Kashimo’s brilliantly fast, all-encompassing lightning that they could not avoid and feared so greatly, but if they had a way around it, then there was nothing stopping them from defeating him, especially if they teamed up.
You vowed never to tell them. Kashimo was not theirs to defeat, anyways.
“Do you tend to remain inland, then?” you said. He nodded.
“I avoid the coasts if I can help it. Maybe that’s another reason I haven’t seen her yet — I never did manage to muster up the courage to go near these fishing villages where she likely might be,” he said.
“What changed?” you said.
“You’re here now, and you need to find her,” he said. “Since that’s the case, it’s what we’ll do. But don’t expect me to enjoy myself greatly.”
“I was hoping you would,” you said. He clicked his tongue, equal parts derisive and fond.
“We’re not on a vacation. We just have to find the girl and get back to Daisuke. There’s no time for playing around in the ocean or lounging about on the beach,” he said.
“What a role reversal,” you said. “That you are the one so serious about these affairs and I am being so lackadaisical. You’re right, of course; we should endeavor to be quick so that our time is not wasted.”
You hadn’t been to the beach in so long. The Gojos thought it by-and-by below them, so you rarely visited, but when you were younger, it had been your parents’ special treat to you, something you did to celebrate whatever small miracles were going on in your daily lives. Even though Kashimo was right in reminding you that this was a trip for business, you could not help the childish excitement brewing in you at the thought of being by the ocean again.
It was a bustling village you entered, people milling about the streets, a market in full swing. Trotting around carts of fruit, you looked back at Kashimo, who seemed entirely bewildered by the crowds of people. It was interesting, seeing him so out of his depth, and you laughed softly at the expression he made when a child thudded against his leg and ran off without so much as an apology.
“It’s strange not being recognized,” Kashimo said. “I’m used to people cowering when they see me. This is different.”
“It is different, but I like it,” you said. He tilted his head at you, reining his horse to a walk so that you two could travel side by side on the widening path instead of one after the other.
“How is it for you?” he said.
“Hm? How is what for me?” you said. His thick lashes were lowered, his brow heavy with shyness over his eyes, like he was doing something extraordinarily uncomfortable by asking you that simple question.
“When you walk into towns. You said this is different, so how is it usually?” he said. You raised your eyebrows — Kashimo asking about youwas unprecedented. It was usually the other way around, after all.
“You were there that one time,” you said. “With Hisashi and Kamin. It’s always like that. People recognize him. They recognize the Gojos and the Kamos and the Zenins, and so they rush to win their favor, tripping over themselves in order to be heard and seen and recognized by them. I am usually a victim of that, as well.”
“But you are not Gojo, nor are you Kamo or Zenin,” Kashimo said.
“Still, I ride with them,” you said. “I am their weapon. The dog of the Big Three Sorcerer Families; even affection from a dog with such high status is enough for most of these people, who would not understand true power if it slapped them across both cheeks.”
“How can you be considered a dog?” Kashimo said.
“Am I not?” you said rhetorically. “It’s something I’ve realized. This life I live…it is full of debts. I am always owing somebody. The Gojos. The hummingbird. Even, in a sense, Ten. There is nowhere I can go where someone does not expect something from me, where I am not leashed by these very expectations.”
You did not expect him to fully understand what you were saying, as you could not fully understand what he meant when he referenced his own life. Your upbringings, your pasts, even your lives at present…they were exact opposites. You would never know him as Daisuke did; he would never know you as Hisashi did.
In that moment, you were overcome with a wave of longing for your fiancé. Maybe it was a little strange, that you rode beside Kashimo and were suddenly missing Hisashi, but it was nevertheless the case. He was your friend, after all, the boy who had known you for much of your youth. These many stories you were telling Kashimo were ones you never had to tell Hisashi, for he had lived through them himself or had heard them before.
You remembered when you were younger, when you had still been afraid of lightning and thunderstorms, how those nightly summer squalls had always frightened you. The boughs of the cherry blossom trees would beat against your windows, and without fail you’d awaken from your nightmares of your parents’ death, screaming about how Ten was coming for you next. When they first began, Kamin Gojo permitted you in his quarters during these episodes, telling you stories of his past until the rain abated, but eventually he grew tired of it and told you you ought to face your fears and leave him alone.
Of course, it did not work like that. You wailed and you sobbed in the isolation of your chambers, each crack of lightning convincing you that Ten had arrived to kill you, each snapping twig akin to his footsteps. When you could not bear it anymore, you ran to Kamin’s door despite his adamance that you leave him be, but to your chagrin discovered it was locked.
It was there that Hisashi had found you, weeping and clutching the carpet. You hadn’t expected much from him — after all, he was still at that point in his life where he found you to be on the whole an annoyance — but he had knelt beside you and hugged you carefully to his chest.
Look, he had said, I’m turning my cursed technique on. Limitless. That means nothing can touch us.
You had asked him then — not even Ten? And he had responded in turn, promptly. Not even Ten. You had not understood the exact, minute details of his cursed technique back then, had not known that Limitless could only ever protect himself and not another, so in the moment you were soothed by the supposed invulnerability he had provided you with.
You won’t let go? you had whispered. I don’t want him to come for me. I don’t want him to kill me like he killed my parents. I am so afraid of him, Hisashi…
You thought he might belittle you, tell you to face your fears as Kamin Gojo had. After all, to Hisashi, you were nothing more than the irritating girl he would one day have to marry, the child his father had taken in for the sole purpose of eventually being his wife. Hisashi was still a boy himself, too, and you had briefly doubted that he possessed the maturity to care for you at all.
I will stay with you until all the storms are over, he had said to you. Until not a single stroke of lightning dares pierce the sky. Only then will I let you go.
What if Ten gets to us anyways? you had said, still paranoid, though you had no reason to be. But that was back when Ten was a faceless phantom to you, an abstract fear instead of a concrete threat which could be faced and defeated. Some children had a monster under the bed. You had a curse in the sky. It was like that. What if we still die, even with your Limitless protecting us?
He had not made any empty reassurances. Maybe he had thought that they would not help you; naturally, he had been correct in this assumption. For a moment, he had not spoken at all, his cheek resting against your hair, and then he had finally deigned to say something. I’ll chase you into the next life, then. But that time, I’ll be reborn as a Gojo with the Six Eyes as well as the Limitless, and then no one will be able to hurt us.
Okay, you had said, your body quaking with the relief that came after crying for a long time. Okay. That’s fine. I’ll see you then, if I have to.
Even though he was so infamously meek in personality, he was strong in his body, trained as a sorcerer from a young age as he was. At least, he was strong enough to stand and carry you to his room, setting you down in his bed and promising he’d watch over you until it was all over.
Walking down the sea-slick cobblestones, you childishly wished you had Hisashi watching over you even now. Of course, there was nowhere you were safer than with Kashimo, nowhere you were freer, but sometimes you longed for the comfort and familiarity of that cage of a mansion. It was frightening, this outside world, with its hurricanes and its beasts and its wild boys with their wild pasts.
“You should just kill them,” Kashimo said conversationally, like that was a perfectly normal thing to say. “Whoever demands anything of you. Kill all of them.”
“No,” you said. “I cannot. For as surely as they have taken from me, they have also given, and I cannot kill my greatest benefactors like that. Then again, maybe it’s nothing more than the affection a dog holds for its master. Either way, that’s not an option.”
“I see,” he said. “Anyways, it was only a suggestion.”
“The problems of my life cannot be solved with death, as the ones of yours cannot be solved with diplomacy,” you said.
“Are you saying we mustn’t advise one another?” he said.
“No. Only that we must keep these limitations in mind,” you explained. “Now how do we go about checking whether this girl is here or not?”
“I presume going door-to-door would be a bit excessive for your tastes,” he said.
“Inefficient, too,” you said.
“And you’d be opposed to me threatening the lord of the village?” he said.
“You know me so well,” you said. “Though it’s not a bad idea. Not the threatening part, but speaking to the lord, I mean. At least his servants; they’d likely know if someone like the girl lived around here.”
Kashimo seemed pleased with himself for inspiring such an excellent idea, even patting his horse on the neck — something which his horse did not seem particularly amused by, snorting at the contact.
“Where would the lord of the village live?” he said.
“We just have to search for the nicest looking house,” you said, sliding off your horse and taking her reins off of her head so that you could lead her behind you. Kashimo seemed confused but did the same, though you noticed him furrowing his brow. Taking pity, you explained to him as you walked: “You’ll have to let me take the lead here. I might do things that seem confusing, but I’m much more used to dealing with this sort of person than you are, so you need to trust me. Intimidation and arguing will only make them shut their doors on you tighter; we must appear as supplicants come to the lord for aid.”
Kashimo wrinkled his nose. “I am no supplicant.”
“Today, you will be,” you said in a tone that brokered no argument. “First, let us find an inn to keep our horses and belongings at. If we come in finery, we will be summarily rejected at the door. The lord and his servants will believe us to be flexing our status on them for no reason, and they will resent us for it.”
“Fine,” he muttered. You reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder, pitying him for having to do something so antithetical to who he was as a person.
“Thank you,” you said, expressing it as genuinely as you could. “You’ve done a lot for me, these past few days.”
After all, hadn’t he? Watching over your horse while you fought Nezumi and Usagi. Taking you to Daisuke so you could have a better sword. Helping you find the girl so that you could repay Daisuke. Going to the seaside when he was so afraid of water. And now, he was — albeit reluctantly — agreeing to bow his head and plead with a man who, by all accounts, he was stronger than. It was probably the hardest thing he had done in some time; he, who believed the natural hierarchy of the world was based on strength, allowing himself to be debased in front of someone who was unquestionably his inferior and weaker than him by far.
His eyes widened at the casual way with which you touched him, and he turned his head to the side, pouting childishly. His knuckles turned white around his horse’s reins from how hard he suddenly gripped them, causing the horse to pin its ears at him and stomp in warning.
“Whatever,” he grumbled. “It’s only so that you live to fight me and are the best possible opponent when it happens.”
“Alright,” you said. “Still, I’m grateful anyways.”
The nearest inn was not terribly far, though it did back up to a small, sheltered cove, the songs of seabirds echoing through the thin walls. You knew Kashimo would not be fond of how close the sea was, but surprisingly, he did not complain, only handing his horse to one of the stable boys and turning to you.
“Can we share a room again?” he said. You had been about to tell the innkeeper to give you two separate rooms, but at his request — which was made in a small voice, smaller than you had ever heard him speak — you paused.
“Why?” you said. He gazed out the window, where the ocean crashed against the sand, white foam bubbling up at the meeting-points. Lightning arced between his fingers, small sparks dancing around his wrists, and then he clenched his fist and extinguished the electricity completely.
“I do not want to be alone,” he said. “In such a vulnerable place, I do not want to be alone. It is not your protection I ask for, of course, but if there was someone there who could perhaps…be aware of approaching threats…it might ease my mind.”
“I see,” you said. “So this is the one fear you will not conquer. Very well; one room, sir. This man and I will share.”
“One day, I will even conquer the sea itself,” Kashimo promised you as you followed the innkeeper to the room he had prepared for you. “But right now is not that time. There are more pressing matters to be addressed, and my discomfort with the water is not high on the priority list.”
“That is true,” you said. “Will you mind if I visit the sea, though? Since we came all this way.”
“Why would you ask for my permission?” he said, actually rolling his eyes. “I’m not Hisashi Gojo. I would never believe it to be my place to tell you what you can or can’t do.”
“Thank you,” you said, too pleased with the relationship blooming tenuously between you both to reprimand him for speaking against Hisashi. “I’ll go once we’ve spoken to the lord of the village, then.”
“Wonderful,” Kashimo said, with no small amounts of sarcasm.
“We should be off, then,” you said. “It wouldn’t do for us to go too late and be turned away due to the hour.”
“And we’ll have to walk, right?” he said. “We can’t even run?”
“We will walk,” you affirmed. “Sorry, Kashimo. You could just tell me the girl’s name and I could go by myself, you know.”
“Not likely,” he said. “Let’s not waste time, then.”
Walking through the town on foot instead of horseback was a different experience entirely. Now, you were in the midst of all the action, weaving around the stray dogs which ran underfoot, yanking one another out of the way of women balancing baskets of vegetables in their arms, following the twists and turns of the road until you reached an imposing mansion.
Well, anyways, it would’ve been imposing if you didn’t live in the Gojo manor. The residence you shared with Hisashi was ten times as large as this one, and the grounds were likely close to the size of the entire village. It took a lot to impress you after having spent much of your life surrounded by the luxury of the Big Three Sorcerer Families, but it remained that compared to the rest of the village, this place was certainly of a better quality.
“This is it,” you said. “Now, remember, Kashimo, not a word unless I say you may speak.”
“Yes, yes, I know,” he said, voice whiny. “Hurry up so we can get this over with! If she’s not here, we should leave at once.”
“We already paid for the room in the inn, so we might as well stay for the night. Sorry. I know being this close to the sea isn’t preferable for you,” you said, raising your hand to knock on the door.
The sound rang and ricocheted around for a bit — no doubt the attempt of the lord to seem more important than he really was — and then, dimly and only because of your enhanced senses, you could hear the sound of shuffling footsteps.
It was with an ominous creak that the door opened, revealing an elderly, stooped over woman peering at you through the small crack. Behind her, the entrance was darkened, as if the house was in mourning, and to support that fact, her clothes were shapeless and black.
“Who are you?” she said. Her voice was hoarse, her stare shrewd with age. You exchanged glances with Kashimo before returning your attention to the woman.
“You may think of us as travelers. We are trying to find a relative, and we thought that the lord of the house might be able to help us,” you said. The woman looked between the two of you before nodding and opening the door a little wider.
“Lord Tachibana is inside. If you are willing to wait, I can bring him to you,” she said.
“That’s fine by us,” you said. Apprehensively, as if you might attack her, the woman opened the door ever so slightly more; it was barely enough for you and Kashimo to squeeze inside, one after the other, and then the entryway was slamming shut again and leaving you in the front hall of the Tachibana Mansion.
A few candles lit the way as you followed the woman into a small, dusty parlor. It was obviously heavily underutilized. You supposed the lord did not entertain many guests; it was a reasonable assumption, after all, given that he was so far in the middle of nowhere that likely very few people had reason to visit him in the first place.
“Wait here,” the woman said. “Someone will be in with tea while I go fetch Lord Tachibana.”
The door to the parlor closed ominously behind her, leaving you and Kashimo sitting there in wait. To his credit, he did not sprawl about the room as he usually might’ve. Instead, he mirrored your prim and contained posture, though you could tell by the muscle twitching in his jaw that he was none-too-happy about it.
When the door opened again, it was a small boy standing there, not the woman. He held a tray with two steaming teacups on it, and those he deposited before you with a bow. Despite his small stature and youth, there was an aged sorrow about him, and as he passed by you with the now-empty tray, you caught him by his small hand.
“Say, boy, do you work in this household?” you said. He seemed frightened when he responded.
“Yes, my lady, I do,” he said, cringing into another bow. You frowned.
“And is it a good household to work in?” you said. He looked around nervously, first at you, then at Kashimo, then at the door, and finally back at you. You nodded encouragingly, but right when he was about to open his mouth to respond, there was a commotion at the door. You let go of him as he gasped, collecting the empty tray and darting away before the newcomers could enter the room.
“What was that all about?” Kashimo muttered. You shook your head.
“We can discuss things later,” you said. “For now, we have company to entertain.”
This time, it was an aged, bombastic-seeming man who entered alongside the woman from before. He was probably about twenty years your senior, with gray creeping into his beard and streaking through his hair, his eyes heavily set into his severe face. His expression did not lighten any upon seeing you and Kashimo. The woman scurried after him like a mouse, as if she were afraid of the reaction he might have to seeing the two of you.
“I am Lord Akihiro Tachibana,” he said, his voice a gravelly rumble like falling rocks. “You say you are in search of someone. A relative. Who is it and why have you come here to find them?”
“She loved the sea,” Kashimo said, though you had expressly told him not to speak. You sighed but did not say anything, as technically his words had been relatively neutral. “That’s why.”
Akihiro Tachibana looked at you incredulously, as if it was the most ridiculous thing he’d heard in all his years of living. You held his gaze levelly — not a challenge, but also a refusal to back down, an insistence to be acknowledged.
“We’d thank you kindly for your help,” you said demurely. “That is all, sir.”
“You are nothing,” he said. “No one. Why should I spend even a second of my time on you? Why should I care about your missing girl?”
“As the lord of this village, it is your duty to aid us,” you said. “It is your duty to know everything that happens in this village, and to assist those who visit it. Am I incorrect in saying such a thing?”
“What do you know of the duties of a lord?” he said with a snort.
“I am the lady of the Gojo house,” you said. Even though he obviously wasn’t a sorcerer, he’d understand the significance of that. The Gojos were well-known just for how utterly, obscenely wealthy they were, and just mentioning the name was enough to demand some modicum of respect. “I know better than you what these duties are.”
“How am I to believe you?” Akihiro said. “Anyone can call themselves a Gojo. It doesn’t make it true.”
“It doesn’t matter if you believe me,” you said, slightly irritated — you hadn’t wanted to play this card if it wasn’t necessary. “There is a chance, however slight you may think it is, that I am telling the truth. Will you ignore that chance? Will you dare disrespect one of the richest families in the country?”
He obviously didn’t believe you even still, but he swallowed his pride, the doubts you had sown in his mind taking root. He could not risk it, because he knew as well as you did that he and his village could not handle the full wrath of the Gojos if he dared incur it.
“Who is it?” he said, through gritted teeth. “The girl’s name. Tell me what it is, and I will tell you if she lives here or not.”
You motioned towards Kashimo, who leaned in and whispered the name into the lord’s ear. Akihiro’s face went white as Kashimo leaned back, coolly folding his arms over his chest.
“There is no one,” he said, the white fading rapidly to red, “who has that name in this village. Now get out. Get out of my sight, and never dare come near this mansion again.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Don’t lie, my lord.”
“It would be in your best interests to leave now,” Akihiro said.
“Hey, asshole,” Kashimo said, lightning swirling around him again, though of course Akihiro was none the wiser due to the lightning being composed of cursed energy. “What do you know? Where is she? Tell us now, before I kill you.”
“I don’t know anything,” Akihiro said. “You should go while I am merciful enough to not prosecute you for that kind of threat.”
“Come, Kashimo,” you said, standing up and interlocking your fingers firmly with his, wincing slightly as you were shocked by his cursed energy. Digging your nails into his skin, you pulled him after you. “We shouldn’t bother him anymore.”
“He knows something,” Kashimo hissed in your ear as you stomped out of the mansion. “Why are we leaving? He knows something about where she is!”
“Of course he does,” you said tersely, waving at the woman who had escorted you out. She did not return it, shutting the door behind you without so much as a smile.
“So? Why aren’t we questioning him further?” he said. You smiled, finally allowing your mirth to manifest now that you were far enough from the mansion that you would not be overheard.
“Kashimo, if you believe that dealing with nobles directly is the greatest way to get information from them, then you’re a bigger fool than I thought.”
That night, you left Kashimo to stew in his confusion and anger in your shared room, promising that you were only going on a short walk by the sea and would be back once you were done. He had pressed you for answers to your earlier vagueness, but you refused to elaborate, only promising that you hadn’t given up quite yet and leaving it at that.
As you stared out at the horizon, where the moon hung clear and full in the sky, you felt the familiar burning against your throat. You laughed humorlessly as the burning ceased and there was a rustling behind you.
“Of course you could not leave me alone for even a little bit,” you said, turning around to see a large rooster staring at you. Its plumed tail was iridescent against the sand, the wheel symbol on its forehead faintly shimmering, like starlight. “Ten.”
“I am Tori,” the rooster said. “The mightiest of the Twelve Beasts of Ten.”
“The mightiest?” you said. “How is it that the mightiest has already appeared, when there are still nine to go?”
Tori squawked indignantly. “I am the mightiest of my siblings! Don’t doubt me, foolish girl!”
“I see,” you said, entirely unamused by the fact that one of the Twelve Beasts had appeared at such a late hour. Especially this one, who was as prideful as Nezumi had been fretful, cocky as Usagi had been kind. “Then I shall spare nothing in my attempts at defeating you.”
“You can certainly try!” it crowed at you before charging towards you, its beak poised to peck. Exhaling heavily, you sprung out of the way, twirling your sword in your hand to help balance you.
“There is a story in which the hummingbird is the best at diving,” you said, though there was no passion in your voice as you spoke. “So lend me that power, too.”
You have been given the Dive Power of the Hummingbird!
Shifting your weight midair so that your sword could best strike Tori’s neck, you used the power of your downward fall to slice through it in one fell blow. Landing behind it, you spun to watch its head fall unceremoniously in the sand.
Expecting it to disappear, you were surprised when the blue eyes of the rooster only glowed brighter, an indignant shriek ripping from its mouth.
“How dare you!” it screamed at you. “How dare you behead Tori, the greatest of the Twelve Beasts of Ten?”
“Clearly you weren’t the greatest, if I’ve already beheaded you,” you said, though you were a little warier now. Why hadn’t it died yet? Nezumi and Usagi had been simple to defeat, so it was a little strange that Tori still lived despite its decapitation.
“Even losing my head is not enough for me to die,” Tori said. Its body began to run around blindly, its disembodied head’s glare still fixated on you. Impossibly, the body was even faster without a head than with, so, swearing under your breath, you called upon the story that gave you the speed of the hummingbird.
You have been given the Speed of the Hummingbird!
You have been given the G-Force Resistance of the Hummingbird!
You have been given the Maneuverability of the Hummingbird!
You took off at a sprint, running away from the rooster’s body as you tried to gather your thoughts. If even cutting its head off had not been enough to kill it, then what would be? Although you did not believe Tori’s claims that it was the strongest Beast, it was certainly on another level compared to its predecessors.
In an attempt to stall for time, you jumped into the air again, but to your horror, Tori’s body flapped its wings and flew up after you, its head shouting at you all the while.
“What do you even have to be proud of yourself for, huh?” it said as you slammed into the sand, the loose grains cushioning the impact on your ankles as you continued to run.
“What do you mean?” you said irately, spinning to brandish your sword at the body, which ignored the weapon and continued to run straight at you.
“I mean what I said!” it said.
Unbidden, you took a second to think about what it was asking you. What were you proud of yourself for? What had you ever really accomplished for yourself? Nothing, of course. You were just an empty vessel through which others could channel their desires.
“I have no pride,” you said. “I know people who have so much that they can drown in it, but as for myself…it’s not a quality which I possess.”
Slashing your sword across its body, you groaned when it had little effect on it. Of course, it would be too easy for that to have worked, but you had been sincerely hoping it would’ve, if only because you had other things to do with your time.
Pride. That was the way you could kill it. It had to be; as Usagi’s defining characteristic had been its legs, Tori’s was its pride. If you could destroy what it was proud of, you’d surely win, but what could a Beast such as Tori be proud of?
Your eyes widened imperceptibly as an idea came to you. Turning your back to its body, you made a beeline for Tori’s head, pushing your legs faster and faster so that you could reach it before the body realized what you were doing.
“Foolish girl, foolish girl!” Tori sang. “What are you — wait! Mmph!”
You stabbed your sword into its beak, spearing the blade clean through and watching with grim satisfaction as a few steps away, the body began to thrash before abruptly vanishing in the same way that Nezumi and Usagi had. The head followed suit a second later, though the single-colored eyes gave you an accusing glare as it did so.
For a second, you simply stood there, your sword still buried in the sand, your fingers still wrapped tightly around the hilt as you heaved for breath, your shoulders rising and falling as you huffed with your head bowed.
They were getting stronger. There was no doubt in your mind that the final Beast would be a monster not unlike Ten himself; the thought both frightened and fascinated you. Would you be able to do it? Would you be able to defeat it?
“Well, I am proud of that,” you said, chuckling under your breath as you spoke to the now-clear blue third wedge of the wheel. “Killing you, I mean. You know, since you were asking.”
The ensuing silence was only broken by the sound of your body as you hit the ground with a thud.
You will now enter the Torpor of the Hummingbird.
You must have only been in torpor for a few minutes, as when you awoke, the beach was the same — placid, undisturbed, the ocean having smoothed away all evidence of the earlier fight. You sat for a second before shaking your head to clear it and wiping your sword on your clothes so that it was not covered in sand when you sheathed it.
“I got your token,” a soft, familiar voice said. You smiled slightly at the sound, turning to face the boy from the Tachibana Mansion, the one who had given tea to you and Kashimo. There was a wooden token in his palm bearing the insignia of the inn you were staying in, no doubt for advertising purposes. You had slipped it into his hand while talking to him — your suspicions that Akihiro wouldn’t be the most cooperative had been correct, after all, and you were suddenly grateful you had taken the precaution.
“Are you in any danger coming here?” you said. The boy looked around before shaking his head.
“As long as Lord Tachibana doesn’t see,” he said.
“I think we’re safe from that, secluded as we are,” you said. “Now, listen here. I’ll offer you a deal: if you can tell me the truth about the girl Kashimo and I are looking for, I’ll help you escape the Tachibanas. You can go work for my fiancé — you will be treated well and paid better there.”
The boy glanced at you, then at his feet, and finally at the sea, his large eyes full of longing as he stared out at it, at that never-ending expanse. You waited patiently, not wanting to rush him, knowing his cooperation was key to solving this mystery and finding this girl. It would not do to scare him off, not when the Beasts were appearing in such quick succession and getting more and more powerful with every iteration. You needed a sword from Daisuke as soon as possible; thus, you needed to find the girl, and to do that, you needed this boy’s help.
Finally, he seemed to come to a decision. Straightening his back and squaring his shoulders, he faced you once again, lifting his chin and beginning to speak.
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