#oh i relish in my alone time and connections I make at the same time
rowanhoney · 2 years
hello my dears I am so so so so so in love with life
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warnersister · 7 months
Alfie Solomons x Jewish!Reader
“If you’ll have me”🧸🕍
Click here for the request
Summary: the oddly timed belated visit to his synagogue gave reason for Alfie to keep visiting (Jewish reader)
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Alfie felt the need to reconnect with his religion, reconnect with Judaism. Reconnect with the community he’d began to stray away from as his unlawful business thrived. Reconnect with his home, with his family, with his truth.
That’s how he ended up at the local synagogue at two oclock on a Tuesday afternoon. He’d inhaled deeply and relished in his transparency, how God could see straight through him yet still welcomed him into this place of worshiped. And Alfie relished in the fact that for once he couldn’t hide, for once he couldn’t argue it with guns. Alfie felt bare; he felt truthful; and he felt free. He felt proud adorning his faithful yarmulke on his head.
But something felt pure, strong, innocent. Something radiated out of the room that wasn’t only Alfie opening his arms to religion once again. It was something purer than he could ever fathom, something addictively bright. Something powerful. Something that drew him closer like a moth to a lamp. Something like you.
Alfie’s eyes immediately darted to you the moment he’d entered the holy house - how could they not? You were the only other person besides him daft enough to be there at such an odd time. You were sat rather centrally in comparison to the room, only a few ways back from the front and mid-row: head bowed. And if Alfie listened closely and tuned his reiteratively ringing ears enough, he could hear your whispers of prayer and they sounded like bliss.
Alfie approached quietly, noticing how the blue taints to your dress contrasted with your surroundings, and how the shade made your skin appear vibrant and more radiant. He noticed the bracelets encapsulating nimble wrists. He noticed your eyes closed, and lips endlessly muttering promises he couldn’t quite make out.
Eventually, his presence became more apparent as he wasn’t necessarily stealthy with his painful limp and wheezy breathing. You looked up at him, connecting your eyes; entrancing him with the siren-worthy whirlpools that stared back at him. But as quick as the connection was made, it was gone as you quickly returned to your familiar mumblings.
You’d ended your prayer and raised your head, basking in the silence as you stared straight ahead of you. Alfie cleared his throat. “Seat taken, love?” He asked, motioning to the bench space beside you. You looked back at him and smiled gently, shaking your head and offered it him “no, no. Please, sit” and Alfie perched himself gently beside you. “Bit of an odd time to talk to God, no?” He asks, staring ahead; similarly to you to mirror your actions. You snort slightly. “Could say the same thing for you.” And he nods in response, thoughtfully appreciating your correct comment. “Plus I’ve not been for a few months so I thought a few minutes alone wouldn’t really hurt.” You shrug. “Oh I’m sorry, did I interrupt?” He asked, turning to look at you, figure towering you slightly. You just shook your hair again. “Not at all. The weights off my shoulders so the time must’ve done some good” you say to him. “What brings you in?” You ask. “Business has kept me away. Need some time to rekindle.”
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing needing to confess, anyways?” He asks and you giggle slightly. “Well, I’ve got to explain why I’ve not visited him for a while.” You look upwards. “But my grandfather just passed and I thought now was a better time than any to start revisiting Judaism.” You explain to the man. “Oh, sorry for your loss sweetheart.” Alfie never said that, but he felt a serious pang in his heart at your saddened expression. “No need, he wasn’t a good man. But it was a good reminder.”
“Well if business has kept you away for so long why are you available at two on a Tuesday?” You ponder, cocking your head to the side in an amiable fashion. “Well business isn’t as busy, and I’ve done a lot of bad business recently. Plus my sciatica’s been playing up recently, must be a punishment from beyond.” He jokes and you hun thoughtfully. “You know I have just the remedy for that.” You tell him and he raises a brow. “Oh yeah? And wha’s tha treacle?” “Chocolate hamantaschen cookies, they always do the trick.” You promise.
“Oh,” he stokes his beard, reminiscing, “i haven’t had one of those in years.” He admits. “Where do you suggest I get one?” He enquires as you begin to stand. “Theres a bakery at the corner of this street. Theirs are alright.” You tell him and he smiles slightly. “I’ll give it a go for you.” He swears and you nod. “Well I best be off, those cookies won’t bake themselves.” You say, beginning to walk away when Alfie practically jumps out of his seat. “Your bakery is it, darlin?” He asks, quickly catching up to you to which you giggle and nod. “Well I need to be trying these cookies now then.” “Doesn’t seem like to have to” you turn back to him “seems like your sciatica’s magically disappeared.” You raise an eyebrow, unimpressed. He grins and taps his nose, replacing the hat on his head “the lord knows.”
Alfie found himself frequenting your bakery once a fortnight. But he didn’t really string together when once a fortnight became once a week. Or when once a week become once daily. Or even when once daily became twice daily, open and close. Or when he started walking you too and from work: but he did, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Eventually, Alfie had managed to taste every bake before it entered the storefront market, giving you his input as you chuckle and tut, wiping the crumbs from his beard and wipe the strawberry jam that had gone missing ten minutes ago from his lips. He also found salvage in the synagogue - your presence a more convincing one that made him go at least once weekly, always at a random time on a random weekday, but you still bowed your head and prayed. But now something had changed, you now spoke louder as the burly man next to you would simultaneously bow his head and swear just as you would. He'd then ask if any of those cookies were ready yet and would always burn his mouth after taking one straight from the tray and placing it straight in his mouth.
The bell in the storefront chimed and you moved from the back of the bakery to the front to answer your customer, instead you were face to face with three men, pistols in hand: talking quietly in brummie accents. "Can i help you gentleman?" you ask, wiping the flour on your hands onto your piney and resting them on your hips. "well aren't you a pretty thing?" the youngest one quirked with a smirk on his face. you roll you eyes but the apparent leader begins to speak, the red-haired one distracted by the odd bakes available in the glass display case in front of him. "we'd like you to give a message to Alfie Solomons." he tells you and you cross your arms and shake your head as you feigned confusion "doesnt ring a bell, sorry."
the man smiles slightly. "alright sweetheart, tell Alf that he has some business in Birmingham to attend to right away seeing as he isnt in his office, seems like a know where he has been" he instructs. "Tell me yourself Tommy boy." the familiar voice barks out roughly from the doorway and you exhale slightly at his welcome presence. “Excuse me missus?” The red haired once removed his cap and requested your attention. You looked over to him and hummed. “Can I have a box of those ones with orange in the middle? My young’un loves ones like that.” He admits, sheepishly. You smile and nod, telling him to cost and going to box up the goods. Tommy smacks the back of his brother’s head “fucks sake Arthur”.
“How dare you, come to my missus’ business, demanding her to send a message to me? If she wasn’t here I’d have murdered the lot of ya, yeah? So I suggest you take your saggy little shitty business back to Birmingham, yeah? And make sure my wife doesn’t see it again? Hm?” Alfie seethes. “Thought you didn’t know him?” Thomas narrows his eyes at you and you raise your brows in confusion “know who?” You retort. Alfie soon kicks the three brothers out, after a loud and frustrated conversation outside with a few “fuck yous” and some “if my mrs wasn’t watching I’d smash your heads together” but soon enough he’d just about cleared them off.
You quickly hurried outside, and called out for the one Alfie seemed to argue with the most “you forgot your desserts” he hurries back under the intense eyes of Alfie, thanking you with a sincere smile before rushing back to join his brothers walking away. “Oh my darlin’ I’m sorry-” “your wife?” You ask and he smiles widely, relaxing, putting his arms around you and pulling you into his chest
“if you’ll have me my love”
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pimosworld · 1 year
The story of us chapter 7
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Pairing-Triple Frontier boys x f!reader
Chapter summary-Santiago is forced to make a decision.
CW- 18+,MDNI,Explicit. A link will be posted going forward to avoid spoilers.
Notes-See series master list for full story notes. This is the chapter that started it all. Santiago the final boss. Also mentioned is hc that Pope has a nightlight thanks to @melodygatesauthor link.
[Series Masterlist][Main Masterlist]
Not beta read
Chapter VII Weak in the knees
You stretch comfortably relishing in the softness of your sheets. Rarely do you have the chance to indulge in uninterrupted slumber. You know all too well the nightmares that plague you and your boys from years in the service and the events in Colombia. 
  Your ex never had much of a tolerance for helping you through them, often jostling you awake to stop your soft whines. Being horribly ripped from your nightmares was better than having to sleep through them when he opted to head to the couch instead. 
  Despite sleeping alone, it was much more peaceful knowing you had someone who truly cared for you. As though the universe could read your mind you can feel the light buzz of your phone under your pillow. Your stomach flutters at the prospect of which one could be calling you this early in the morning. 
  Ben’s face lights up your screen, a photo you took of him after his first knockout win, you’ve never seen him happier than he was in that moment. Surrounded by all the people he loved most doing the thing he was so passionate about. 
  Good morning honey. You want to scream into your pillow at his sleepy deep voice but you calm your nerves and do your best to reply. 
  “Good morning babe.” 
  If you call me babe again I’m driving over there right now. It’s not surprising that you’re having the same effect on him but it makes you happy all the same.
  Listen I know it’s last minute but I wanted to invite you to my fight tonight. It’s out of town so we’re spending the night.
  “Sorry I promised some coworkers I’d go out tonight for their birthday.” 
  Be safe please and call Santi if you need anything. 
  “Oh…he’s not going with you?”
  No it’s just me,Fish and Will. Santi said he was busy but he’s probably just gonna sulk in his apartment. 
  You decide not to pry into what that means. You knew he needed his space from time to time so it wasn’t out of the ordinary.
  “Good luck tonight babe. I’ll see you guys when you get back.” You giggle at the groan he lets out on the other end.
  You’re a tease, you know that. 
  You hang up smiling down at your phone. You know the two of you could spend an ungodly amount of time talking about nothing and arguing about who should hang up first. You roll over clutching the phone to your chest wondering how you got so lucky. Maybe this was just a dream that you’d wake up from one day but for now you’d enjoy it in whatever form it came.
  You don’t remember the last time you had this much fun dancing. It was true that you had neglected several relationships in lieu of that asshole and you were grateful that you hadn’t completely ruined those connections. 
  You’re on the dance floor with the birthday girl and a few other coworkers when you glance over at the bar. The floor feels like it’s going to give out as all the air leaves your lungs. Maybe it was the drinks or your mind playing cruel tricks on you but you swear you saw your ex.
  “You ok hon.” Angela yells over the music in your ear bringing you back to the moment. 
  “Ya…I think I just need to sit down for a minute.” You walk to the table on shaky legs as you try and get a grip on reality. 
  You needed to calm down, it probably wasn’t him. Even if it was, he had every right to be in this public place. You’re trying to silence the alarm bells in your brain telling you he was following you. Ptsd does horrible things to your mental state. You’re trying to remember some of the things Will told you. Ground yourself, 4 things you can touch,3 things you can hear,2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste. 
  This is quite possibly the worst place to ground yourself. All you can feel is the stickiness of the table in front of you, you can’t hear anything beyond the music and the loud voices echoing over it. The smell of cheap liquor and heavy cologne permeate your senses and the last thing you want to taste right now is the watered down drink that was left unattended while you were dancing.
  Your chest is getting tight and the bar seems to be darker than it was 5 minutes ago. You have to get out of here.
  You don’t want to bother Santi and you don’t think you could even wait long enough for him to arrive before you pass out from a full blown panic attack.
  You pull out your phone to call an Uber and head outside as you text your friends that you were feeling sick and had to leave. You hover close to the bouncer outside as you wait briefly for it to arrive.
  The humid air outside does nothing to calm your nerves as the small black sedan pulls up and you double check the license plate to make sure it’s your driver. 
  You take the first deep breath in a while as you enter the car and an older woman offers you her name and smiles. 
  You can feel the soft cloth seats beneath your fingers and the cool metal of the buckle as you secure your seatbelt. You set your phone and purse down beside you as you rest your head back against the seat. You can hear the ac blasting, the sounds of the soft jazz on her radio, the thrumming of the car's engine. It smells like a new car and her fresh pine air freshener she has hanging on the rear view mirror. 
  “I have some water in a cooler back there if you want some hon.” You open your eyes and try to choke back the tears that have been threatening to spill since you left the bar. It’s not like she knew your nickname, it's just a term of endearment. 
  “Thank you.” You gratefully accept the water as your panic subsides, thanking whoever out there sent your guardian angel to pick you up. 
  You don’t know when you closed your eyes again but a bright flashing light startles you awake. You can tell you’re almost home as you try and gain your bearings but the vehicle behind you is so close it’s impossible to see.
  “Excuse my language but this person is driving like an asshole.” You chuckle at the older woman’s response as the car pulls around you speeding aggressively by. 
  “Almost home hon…” She smiles sweetly to you in the mirror as you try to school your expression. You’d recognize that truck anywhere and suddenly your suspicions from the bar were all but confirmed. 
Just pick up the phone and call her, if only it were that simple for Santiago as he sits alone in his apartment staring down at the blank phone screen like it’s going to spontaneously call you. 
Will's words echoed in his mind, playing on a constant loop. Why was he denying himself happiness? That stubborn part of his brain always goes to the worst case scenario. If it doesn’t work out he could lose you forever. 
Somehow he forgets how many times he’s been here before with you. He won’t admit to the guys how many times you’ve waded into that territory. You confessed your love so many times only to be met with his stupid avoidances or the casual ‘ love you too’. 
Everything was different after Colombia, after that night you spent in the hotel just holding each other. No words were spoken but feelings were exchanged. In true Santiago fashion you returned to the states and he acted as if nothing had happened. You didn’t want to admit how much it broke you. 
He was always running from his feelings but he kept your heart on a string from the moment you met. The string would get closer or further away depending on how he was feeling but that was the closest it’s been to snapping. 
He could say what he wanted about the other guys but he broke the rules more than anyone. Always toting the line of no one can have you if I can’t. He never made an attempt over the years to like your boyfriends, it didn’t bother you much, you knew how protective he was in more ways than one. 
You however would do your best to like his girlfriends or the ones that actually stuck around for more than a month. He would find some excuse to break it off when she started getting too close to the group. Any serious relationship threatening what you had made him feel uneasy. 
Little did you know he could never have someone he loved so close to someone he was pretending to love. 
After Colombia he thought you were just coping like you usually did. Find some shitty guy for a few weeks to occupy your mind and then everything would go back to the way it was. You stopped responding to texts, stopped showing up to the bar, stopped showing up to Benny's fights. Maybe this time he finally pushed you over the edge. Into the arms of someone unworthy of your love and genuine kindness. 
He could call himself a hypocrite for even having these thoughts. He was too stubborn for that. He couldn’t see that he was being just as shitty to you as any of the guys you’ve dated. He wouldn’t commit but he wouldn’t let you get far enough to forget that he was an option. 
Why couldn’t he just say he loved you? 
The night before they confronted Mike was the first panic attack he’d had in a very long time. His chest  was growing tighter each time he couldn’t see you, his emotions threatening to boil over and affecting his daily life. He couldn’t focus or think about anything besides you. 
He didn’t regret coming over, but everyday since then not telling you how he truly felt was making the gaping hole in his heart even bigger. He convinced himself that he would just bide his time until the whole thing blew up in their faces. Now seeing you all so happy including Will he was starting to feel like an outcast. 
Incoming call
“Santi…I didn’t know who else to call.” Your frantic voice on the other line has him in full blown panic.
“Are you okay, what’s happening?” Silence on the other end. His feet are taking him out the door before he knows what’s happening. 
“Talk to me cariño.” 
“I’m sorry I dropped my phone…I was out with some friends and I thought I saw him at the bar but I couldn’t be sure but just now I think he drove by my house.”He can hear your sniffles and heavy breathing and the faint sound of keys. 
“Are you sure?” He doesn’t even need to ask who you’re referring to. 
“Santiago, have you seen his truck!” Of course the most obnoxious monstrosity known to man that screams I’m a douchebag. 
“Yes I’m sorry, I’m on my way right now, stay put.”
“I’m coming to you-.”
“No, you’ve been drinking, make sure the doors are locked and grab your gun. I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” You know he lives at least ten minutes away but you don’t doubt he’ll be here in 5.
“Stay on the phone with me please.” You’ve never heard him so desperate in your life. You almost feel bad for calling him until you see the signature camo wrap truck slowly driving by your house. 
You run to your room and open the closet, placing your finger on the lock box where your gun is held. It’s always loaded but you never thought you might have to use it on someone you know. 
In all your years of training, an elite special ops soldier. The first time in your life not being looked at as a woman who managed to climb this high but a person with a certain skill set that was unmatched for most. You had the steadiest hands but right now your hands are shaking as you stare at the gun knelt in your closet. 
You can hear the front door open and you quickly place the gun back in the lock box. His heavy footsteps echo down the hall as he reaches your room before you can stand from your floor. 
He drops to his knees as he grabs you, pulling you into him. 
“Santi your knees.” He sits back surveying you as if you were an illusion in front of him. 
“I don’t give a shit about my knees, are you okay?” 
Your immediate reaction is to say no, no you’re not okay because all you want to do right now is kiss him and that would be highly inappropriate given the current circumstances. 
“Yes…I’m fine.Can you stay with me tonight?”
You can see the wheels turning in his head. Is he contemplating what you just asked or questioning why he’s even here in the first place?
“No…we should go to my place. He doesn’t know where I live and I would sleep better if we weren’t here.” 
You don’t take long to grab a few things and head out. Santi double and triple checking that he locked your door as you make your way to his jeep. Your street is eerily quiet as you look it over wondering if he was bold enough to drive down it. 
He opens the door for you as you briefly lock eyes. There’s so much unspoken between the two of you, you haven’t been alone with him in months and you can feel the tension rolling off your body. 
He holds your hand the entire way to his apartment. He can barely keep his eyes on the road as he stares back and forth between you and the rearview mirror. As much as you enjoyed being in his company you couldn’t escape the nagging feeling of him ignoring you for days. 
“I’m going to put up some extra surveillance outside your house this week. It would make me feel better.” 
You contemplated your next words. Arguing with them when they had their mind set on something never went well for you and you didn’t want to push him away for being helpful. 
“Thank you, I would really appreciate it.” He looks over at you like he half expected you to protest and now he’s stuck. There was no rebuttal, no back and forth. You simply just agreed to let him help you. 
Maybe it was the horrible lighting in Santi’s spare bathroom or the fact that you were crying and smeared your makeup before he got to your house, but you’ve definitely looked better. 
You splash some water on your face and fix your hair as best you could. Your nerves were shot from the events of the night and being here in his apartment with this tension boiling below the surface has you a little on edge. In your panic you didn’t realize you grabbed one of his shirts to change into along with your sleep shorts. 
It would have to do since you couldn’t spend the rest of the night in your dress and the world's most uncomfortable bra. You give yourself a final once over before stepping out into the living room. He was seated on the couch with his arm draped over the back and his legs spread wide in a relaxed state. 
You thought he might want to go to bed with how late it was and you would just sleep on the couch but you can feel your heart rate picking up at the prospect of actually getting to talk to him. 
He turns around as he senses you, his body tenses slightly as his eyes trail down your form. He doesn’t know if you’ve always been this beautiful or if it’s you in his shirt, legs exposed and fresh faced. Emerging from his bathroom smiling at him like it’s some domesticated thing you do everyday. 
“If you’re tired you can sleep in my bed but we can watch a movie if you want to stay up a little.” His eyes flit back and forth between your face and your body. 
“First of all I’d love to watch a movie and second of all I’m not taking your bed Santiago.” He lets out a frustrated sigh as he pats the space next to him. 
“How many of my shirts have you stolen?”
“Borrowed…a few.” You sit next to him just close enough to touch legs but still giving him space.
“So which Star Wars are we watching this time?” He leans forward to grab the remote and pulls you into his side as he gets comfortable again. 
“Empire strikes back?” You knew that wasn’t his favorite but you figured tonight he was either feeling sorry for you or extremely generous. 
“Fine…only because I love you .” He didn’t mean it like that so just calm down. 
You watch the movie as you usually do-with much commentary from Santi about how messed up the order is and if he was a Jedi he would have more self control. Blah blah blah. You’ve heard it a thousand times but it still makes you laugh with how serious he is about it. 
His heart is aching for you, as you genuinely laugh at his jokes that he knows he’s bored you with before. Your giggles echo through his body as your head is laid on his chest. All the worries of the night or the next day melting away with every minute that passes you by. 
If every night was like this he could die a happy man. You curled up next to him, in his shirt,going to sleep in his bed…with him. Except it’s not, he���s fantasizing about things that aren’t real, it’s almost too much as you look up at him sweetly. Your lips are so close to his as his breath fans hot against yours. Why can’t he just shut his brain off. 
He stands abruptly from the couch almost knocking you over. You watch him stomp towards the kitchen unsure of what just transpired. You were certain he was going to kiss you. How could you have misread that?
You were sick of this tip toeing around him and dealing with his mood swings. You traipsed after him determined to figure this out. 
“Is everything okay?” He’s facing away from you as he grips the counter top staring out the kitchen window into the darkness. 
“No.” His hands shake slightly as he grabs a glass to fill with water from the tap. 
“Is there anything I can do to help?” 
“No.” You didn’t think the tension boiling over all night would result in this but you’ve had it with him. 
“What’s your problem Pope?!” He turns to look at you, his pupils are blown wide and you’ve only ever seen him look like this on intense missions. 
“You!…you’re my problem.” You’re trying desperately to swallow the lump in your throat,fighting back the tears that he did not get to see you shed. 
“Maybe I should go.I don’t want to ruin your night any further.” You turn to head towards the bathroom to gather your things. This was a mistake calling him,you pushed your luck thinking this would work. 
“You know what there is something you can do for me.” He’s practically yelling as you spin on your heels. 
“Please enlighten me.”
He stalks towards you until you’re backed against the wall. His face is so close to yours as he places his hands beside your head, his chest is heaving against you as you search his eyes for an answer. 
“You can stop looking at me like that, stop being so perfect, stop wearing those jeans that make your ass look great-.”
“Santiago.” He places his fingers on your lips.
“Stop saying my name like a goddamn prayer.” His eyes are feral and you don’t chance interrupting him again because his brain might catch up with his mouth and he’ll stop saying everything you’ve wanted to hear since the day you met him.
“Stop consuming my sleep and waking thoughts.” He drops his forehead to yours as he tries to catch his breath. “Stop making me love you.” His eyes are so tightly shut it pains you.
“Stop anticipating my every move because you can read me like a fucking book.” You bring your hands to his face willing him to look at you. 
You don’t even remember when your tears started flowing. “Santi I love you too.”
“Just stop.” His voice is hoarse and barely above a whisper. 
“Listen to me, I love you.” He finally lets the damn break as he takes in your words. You kiss his cheeks and taste the salty tears rolling down. 
“I won’t stop doing any of those things, because I love-.”
He cuts your words off with a bruising kiss as he cups the back of your neck. The forceful yet tender pressure of his lips against yours sends a jolt of electricity through your body.
“Tell me what you want cariño.” He pants into your mouth as you both steal breaths from each other.
“I want you.”
“You’ve had me for longer than you know.” 
Your fingers trace the outline of his jaw as you hang in this moment. The anticipation in the air is palpable as he grabs your hand and leads you down the dimly lit hallway. Each step feels like a heartbeat, synchronized with the rush of emotion coursing through you. 
As you enter his bedroom the soft glow of his night light casts shadows among the room. You can still make out his sickeningly beautiful face as he traces a delicate path down your arm, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
He grabs the hem of your shirt slowly raising it up above your stomach and you take a deep breath as he pulls it over your head. Your nipples harden as they’re exposed to the cold air of the room and he inhales sharply. 
“You’re beautiful.” 
“I want to see you.” He quickly removes his shirt revealing his tan toned body. Your fingertips lightly trace the scars across his chest that you’ve seen so many times before. 
He dips his head to your neck,his lips ghost over your pulse point as he hooks his fingers in the waistband of your shorts. As he slides them down he drags his tongue along your chest, kissing the valley between your breasts as he comes face to face with your mound. 
You silently curse yourself that he’s on his knees again for you but you’re only momentarily upset as he lifts your leg over his shoulder. Your breathing has picked up as he places soft kisses along your thigh. He growls at the sight of your dripping folds as his finger teases through your slit. 
He licks a stripe so slow your knees almost buckle but he has a firm grip on your thigh. You whimper above him and grip his hair as he blows cold air onto your exposed mound. 
He laps at you hungrily as his tongue circles your clit. You’re soaking his face as he licks and sucks like it’s the only thing he’s wanted in the world. He can tell you’re close as your grip tightens in his hair pulling him into you. 
“Santiago-“ Your name on his lips while he’s buried in your cunt has his cock straining in his jeans.
“Say it again.” 
“Santiago…please.” His nose grinds against your clit as his tongue prods your entrance,you’re a whimpering mess as you gush into his mouth. He lets out a deep groan into your pussy taking down every drop as you fight to stay standing. 
He grips your hips as he lowers your leg,he stands before you crashing his lips to yours as he licks your bottom lip. You can taste yourself on his tongue and it’s primal the way it makes you feel. He’s all over you like you could change your mind at any moment and he wants to claim as much as he can before it’s over. 
His eyes go wide as you push him back onto the bed. You wondered how often he let himself relinquish control and the sight of him laid out in front of you has a fresh wave of slick coating your thighs. 
You slowly unbuckle his jeans as he lifts his hips for you, never breaking eye contact. His thick cock bobs against his stomach as you pull his jeans and boxers off. You’re practically drooling as you run your hands up his thighs. He shivers beneath you as you take him in your hand stroking him lazily. You trail your thumb at the tip collecting the precum steadily leaking out.
He’s gripping the sheets as he lets out a string of English and Spanish curses under his breath. He gently grabs your hand and he looks like he’s fighting with himself to keep it together. 
“Please…I need you.” Santiago Garcia is begging for you. 
You both have done enough teasing for a lifetime and you won’t make him beg any longer. You straddle his thighs on the bed as you line your entrance with his cock. He grips the base and guides you as you sink down onto him. 
You both still for a moment as you catch your breath. He has a firm grip on your waist as you give an experimental roll of your hips. “Oh fuck.” He’s moving you back and forth in rhythm and you’ve never felt so full. You brace your hands on his chest as you pick up the pace. 
You look like a goddess above him as he watches you ride him. Your noises and chants of his name only spur him on further. He sits up wrapping an arm around your waist and you clench down on him hard as he bounces you on his cock. “Fuck this pussy’s so tight.” 
“Santi..oh.. my god.” He’s going to see god if you don’t stop saying his name like that. 
Your arms wrapped around the back of his neck as you drop your head to his shoulder. He thrusts his hips up as he slams you down and your vision goes white as he punches something deep inside. You bite down hard on his shoulder as you come down from your climax sending him over the edge. A loud groan rips through his chest as he buries his face in the crook of your neck. Your pussy clenches with aftershocks as he pulses in your dripping cunt. 
“That was….” He’s panting on your chest as you nod your head. You can’t even begin to attempt words but he knows what you’re feeling. 
You both let out a long sigh that perhaps you’d been holding for an eternity. You both burst out into laughter at the ridiculousness of it all. 
He rolls you over and pulls out, he spreads your legs wide watching your combined spend dripping out of you. You knew he was possessive but this is a side of him that has you wanting more. 
“Stay here,I’ll be right back.” You never thought you’d be in this position as you watch his perfect ass walk towards his bathroom. 
The water runs briefly before he returns with a washcloth, carefully cleaning your thighs and your swollen folds. 
A brief moment of insecurity flashes through you. As if he can sense it, he leans over you planting a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Under the covers miel, we need to get some sleep.” He pats your thigh playfully as you scramble back to get comfortable. 
He slides in next to you, pulling you up on his chest. You can feel the steady thrum of his heartbeat against your cheek as you start to drift off to sleep. 
He can faintly make out your quiet giggles as he struggles to keep his eyes open.
“Something funny?” You shift slightly to look up at him, it’s hard to see in the darkness but he looks so relaxed. 
“Yes…the nightlight I got you.”
“Mhmm.” He rubs your arm trying to stay awake but your soft warm skin pressed against him is winning the battle. 
“I didn’t think you’d use it.” He may not need it anymore if he can have you like this. 
“It helps me in the dark.” Just like you. 
The soft morning light is peeking through the blinds in his room. You look over to see his face buried in the pillow and his arm draped across your stomach.  
The old analog clock he refused to get rid of from your military days says it’s far too early to be getting your day started. You turn over on your side to chase the warmth of his body and hopefully get a few more hours of restful sleep. 
A small folded paper on his nightstand catches your eye. It looks like it’s been handled quite a bit and a black ball point pen is strategically placed next to it. You often wondered what Santiago thought about while sleep eluded him and your curiosity is getting the best of you. 
You slowly reach out trying not to disturb the gorgeous man behind you. Just as your fingers reach it he pulls you back into him. You hold your breath for a moment and then hear the light snores again. 
Of course he made a pros and cons list. 
Not being alone
Shared experiences 
More of your needs met
No boredom
Group sex?
Children? 4?
Living situations 
Outside judgment
Keeping the friendship intact
Splitting your time
Group sex
The list was nothing if not precise and a little funny. You definitely had some questions but it didn’t upset you. Santiago was rational, logical and very analytical. It’s hard to snap out of something that was your job for the better part of your adult life. 
He couldn’t open his heart up without thinking of every possible scenario. That’s what attracted you to them in the first place. They were all so different and you could practically see the wheels turning in his brain. 
You’ve already been partners for years essentially without the sexual aspect. It took a lot of trust to put your life in someone’s hands and you all have done that a hundred times over. The hard part for him it seemed was what came next. 
Everything on both lists makes complete sense. You noticed he crossed out parents since most of you either didn’t have much of a relationship with them or you didn’t care what they thought of your lives. 
“How much of that have you read?” His sleepy voice in your ear startles you. 
“Jesus Christ Santiago.” You roll over to face him as he peers at you through his thick curly lashes. It’s criminal for anyone to look this good first thing in the morning. 
“It seems you’re a thief and nosy.” He kisses your nose as he rolls on top of you, caging you in with his arms.
“I just have a few questions.” You try to focus on his face and not the way his naked body feels on top of you. 
“I’m sure it’s about group sex and children.” You raise your eyebrows at him waiting for him to continue.
“I figured I was jumping the gun on both topics so I took it off the cons list.” 
“We don’t have to figure all of it out on day one.” 
You can see him contemplating and weighing your words. Always thinking. 
“Listen…if you don’t hear from me over the next few weeks,please don’t be upset.” You stare at him confused as a knot begins to form in your stomach. 
“It’s not because I regret any of this cariño, I just need to take care of some things.” He attempts a distraction as he kisses your neck. You love and hate the way your body so easily responds to him as you feel the wetness between your legs. 
You tug on his hair as he growls into your ear. “Why do you always have to be so vague when you don’t want me to know something?”
“Just trust me please…it’s for your protection.” You can tell in his eyes he is being sincere. 
“Well speaking of protection, I'm on birth control. We kind of skipped passed that last night.”
“I wasn’t really worried about it miel.” Your eyes go wide at the revelation. This honest side of Santiago would take some getting used to. 
“I guess I’m not surprised based on the 4 children on the pros list.” He groans again as he drops his head to your shoulder.
“Please don’t mention that to anyone.”
“Not a chance, Daddy Santi.” His body betrays him as you feel his bulge pressed against you growing harder. 
He instinctively grinds his hips into yours eliciting a soft moan from your lips. You wrap your legs around his waist as he kisses you slow and deep, his hard cock dragging through your dripping folds.The memory of the previous night sparking something between you. 
“You know…we could always pretend we’re trying.” You want to roll your eyes at how alike they all are the great pretenders.
You don’t mind spending the rest of the morning pretending until you have to pry yourselves from the bed.
After breakfast he takes you home with promises of what the future holds. You decided to borrow the list, keeping it tucked away for safekeeping. 
Your phone buzzes on your bathroom countertop as you step out of the shower. 
Santiago: We need to talk about honey.
You just dropped me off?
Francisco:Everything ok?
Santiago:Sorry wrong chat.
You have a group chat without me?
Benjamin:Pope had a rash one time he didn’t want to send the picture to you😜.
What’s the name of the group chat?
Santiago: callate pendejo. 
Benjamin:No one tell her 🤫
William: You know Ben can’t speak Spanish. 
Francisco:He just dropped you off? It’s 1pm
I’m literally a nurse. You should send me rash photos. 
Santiago:Fuck you Ben I never had a rash. Don’t worry cariño just wanted to go over details for your birthday😘
Benjamin:Holy man just sent a kiss emoji 😂
Ok don’t plan anything crazy love you
That was meant for all not anyone in particular 
Santiago fumbles with his phone cursing under his breath. He was obviously distracted and he shouldn’t be texting and driving but he had to handle this now. 
Golden Girls
We seriously need to talk 
The kid 🥊:I knew you were the weak link
I don’t know what you’re talking about
����🐠: slow clap for the man who got laid last night.
The kid 🥊: and probably this morning 😂
I’ll be at your house in 5
Will: What are we talking about?
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated
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amournoir · 1 year
𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
pairing: jj maybank x f!reader
count: 1.1k
warning: none, just fluff
author’s note: after the votes on my poll, i decided to add a new fandom, obx being one of them. i hope you guys enjoy this, it’s my first one of hopefully many 🤞🏽 anywho have fun reading!
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The sun was setting over the picturesque North Carolina coast, casting a warm golden hue over the beachside hangout spot where John B and his friends often gathered. Among them was Y/N, John B's younger sister, who had been inseparable from the group since moving to the area. Unbeknownst to her brother, Y/N had developed a secret crush on JJ Maybank, one of John B's closest friends.
Whenever JJ was around, Y/N found herself drawn to his infectious energy and charming smile. She loved how he made her feel alive, how he made her heart skip a beat with just a look. However, she kept her feelings hidden, fearing that it might change the dynamics of their friendship and disrupt the camaraderie she cherished.
One particular evening, the group decided to have a bonfire on the beach, celebrating life and freedom under the stars. As the night progressed, laughter filled the air, and everyone let loose, relishing in each other's company.
Y/N had a few drinks, her inhibitions loosening, and her heart's yearning growing harder to ignore. JJ noticed her sitting alone, looking lost in her thoughts, and he approached her, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of her.
"Hey there, Y/N. What's on your mind?" he asked, taking a seat beside her.
She glanced up at him, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol and her emotions bubbling beneath the surface. "Oh, nothing really," she replied, trying to sound nonchalant, but her voice betrayed her.
JJ smirked, seeing right through her facade. He had noticed how Y/N always seemed to want to be around him, and he couldn't help but feel a similar pull towards her. "You sure about that?" he teased gently.
Y/N hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath, deciding to be honest. "Well, I... I kind of have a crush on you," she admitted, her gaze fixed on the sand beneath her feet.
JJ's heart skipped a beat, and a soft smile graced his lips. "Is that so?" he said, his voice low and intimate.
She nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. "Yeah, but I understand if you don't feel the same way. I don't want to ruin our friendship."
JJ reached out, gently tilting her chin up to meet his gaze. "You could never ruin anything," he assured her. "And, to be honest, I've had my eye on you too."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of relief and joy flooding her heart. "Really?" she whispered, her breath hitching.
He leaned in, their faces inches apart, his voice a soft murmur. "Really," he confirmed before capturing her lips in a tender kiss.
The world seemed to disappear around them as their lips met, a spark igniting between them, the revelation of their feelings unspoken but understood. In that moment, they knew they were meant to be together.
JJ pulled her closer, his hands tangling in her hair as he deepened the kiss, pouring his emotions into every touch. Y/N melted into his embrace, feeling an overwhelming rush of affection and desire, her heart singing with happiness.
As they pulled away, breathless and flushed, JJ rested his forehead against hers. "I've wanted to do that for a long time," he admitted, his voice filled with sincerity.
Y/N smiled, her heart feeling lighter than ever before. "Me too," she confessed, her eyes shimmering with affection.
The night continued, but everything felt different now. Y/N and JJ shared stolen glances, their newfound connection weaving through their interactions, making every moment more meaningful.
Later, Y/N found herself walking hand in hand with JJ along the moonlit shoreline. The sound of crashing waves and the soft touch of sand under their feet added to the magic of the moment.
"My brother would kill you if he knew," Y/N said playfully, a hint of mischief in her eyes.
JJ chuckled, pulling her closer to him. "Yeah, he might," he replied. "But for now, let's keep it our little secret. Just us."
She nodded, her heart full of contentment. "Just us," she agreed, savoring the sweetness of their newfound romance.
In that serene moment, as the stars twinkled above and the ocean whispered its secrets, Y/N and JJ found solace in each other’s arms. Their hearts had been entwined from the beginning, hidden but always there, and now, they were ready to embrace the love that had been waiting to bloom.
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ejzah · 4 months
A/N: Kensi and Deeks try to find a few moments alone. The train to Smutsville returns. Once again, apologies for my mediocre smut writing skills.
Just the Two of Us
“Ok, I just got the twins down. They’ve been fed, changed, and the white noise is on,” Deeks told Kensi, speaking quietly as he met her in the living room.
“Rosa’s at work,” she added.
“And my mom is off doing unspeakable things with Arkady,” Deeks finished. “It’s just us.”
For the first time in weeks, they both had a Saturday free of meetings spilled over from the workweek, extracurriculars, or get togethers. Even when they did have the time, there seemed to be a constant stream of people in and out of the house and the twins to care for. Unless they scheduled an actual date night, they rarely had time to themselves.
“No interruptions.” Kensi stared him down from a few feet away, her a dark and wanting gleam in her eyes. Deeks hesitated for another moment, then he rushed towards her, Kensi meeting him halfway there, immediately pulling his mouth down to her. He groaned, lifting Kensi in his arms as she wound her legs around his waist.
He stumbled back a few steps, somehow finding the couch while Kensi yanked at the hem of his shirt, with one hand, her other hand cupping his jaw to angle his mouth against hers. She made a soft, desperate sound, her tongue flicking over his bottom lip briefly before kissing dipping into his mouth.
Then dropped onto the couch a little inelegantly; Kensi didn’t seem to mind though if her wandering hands were any indication. Everywhere she touched left a trail of fiery heat behind.
Sighing, he grasped Kensi’s hips, tugging her into him as he thrust against her. She gasped, breaking the kiss long enough to drag in a ragged breath, clumsily strip his shirt off. As soon as she tossed it aside, her mouth was back on his, a little harder and rougher than usual. She rolled against Deeks, making an encouraging noise when he met her with another gentle thrust.
“Yes,” Kensi, grinding against his bulge. “God, I’ve missed this.”
Deeks dropped his head back, staring up at Kensi through a haze of desire. He couldn’t remember taking off her shirt, but he must have since she was just in a lacy green bra and jeans now. He paused for a moment to appreciate the deep color against her skin, the curves he knew so well, and never got enough of.
“What, making out in the garage after dinner last night didn’t so it for you?” he asked, ending on a breathy laugh when Kensi leaned down and nipped at the skin above his nipple.
She lifted her head long enough to give him a devious look, and licked a stripe up his sternum. “Not even a little bit.” While she worked her way down his torso, he brushed her hair back, kissing along the long column of her neck, then sucking out a pattern that mirrored the path Kensi had made across his stomach.
Moving with the same urgency as when they started, she began tugging his jeans, working a the button while he continued kissing whatever parts of her he could reach.
“Stop distracting me,” she laughed, trailing off on a moan when he sucked at her shoulder. Deeks drew back long enough for her to finally get his pants unbuttoned, then between them they got rid of the rest of her clothes.
Kensi sank down on him without any hesitation, letting out a noise that almost sounded relieved once they were fully connected. He rested his head against Kensi for a moment to gather himself, to relish in this moment. Kensi pressed a messy kiss, only catching half his mouth, then started a slow, steady rolling of her hips.
He lost himself in the feel of Kensi moving against him, in making her gasp and shake.
A dulled ringing broke through the haze, and he slowly recognized it as coming from his cell.
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me,” Kensi bit out, barely slowing down as Deeks fumbled to get his phone out of his back pocket.
“Ah, it’s um, it’s Callen,” Deeks read off the screen, his mind still mostly focused on Kensi.
“Our friends—have the worst timing.”
Silencing the ringer, Deeks threw the phone over his shoulder. Kensi raised an eyebrow at him, and he grinned back, dropping his hand to her lower back, so she arched against him.
“He can wait a couple hours,” he murmured, sliding his fingers into Kensi’s hair and guiding her mouth back to his.
A/N: You’re welcome. Or I’m sorry.
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imfearlessfics · 2 years
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Chapter 4: The Tour 
Song: Choices by LESSERAFIM, Dreams Come True by aespa
Pairing: Yunjin x female reader
Genre: Romance, forbidden love
Warnings: none
Vocabulary: unnie = older sister, refers to older female with whom you're close, maknae = youngest member of the group
Word count: 2.2k
Peeling my eyes away from Yunjin long enough to come back to reality was agonizing. I can’t tell if I made up some cosmic connection just now or if I could see her eyes glistening as well, but I can dwell on that later. Either way, it doesn’t really matter considering this meeting is still in session. 
“Hi, I’m Yunjin! It’s so nice to meet you! You’re from the states, right? It’ll be nice to have someone new to share some stories with!” She shakes my hand and chuckles and my heart snaps in two. She’s just as kind as I’d hoped she’d be. Too often you hear stories about people meeting their idols and being horribly disappointed, but she’s so warm and welcoming that I almost feel like I belong. 
“Yeah, I’m from the states! t’s nice to meet you too.” My face is beet-red, and the butterflies in my stomach are so wild I swear she can probably hear the fluttering of wings. She’s just so pretty. 
The girls make their way to the table while everyone fills them in, and I can feel myself staring at her. It would be truly pointless to try to find a flaw, and I can’t help but curse the universe for pouring every ounce of effort into this one woman and leaving the rest of us to pale in comparison. But as welcoming as she is, I can’t help but to feel so small right now. These women have inspired me - been my driving force - for months now, and here we are in the same room together. I still can’t even wrap my brain around landing such an incredible position! I know it will take time to truly feel like I belong, but for now, I will relish the fact that I get to be around such strong women day in and day out.  
The meeting drones on for another hour, and by the end of it, my brain is fried. I get ready to pack up my things when President Hwang pipes up, “Y/n, you can go set your things in the girls’ dorm for now, and then you can start your tour of the building with them.” With them?! Like…alone, with them?! Can my heart catch a break?! 
“Yeah, follow us y/n! We will make sure you know your way around.” Sakura chimes. It’s hard to feel worried around her - she’s such a ray of sunshine. Plus, it’s not like it’s her fault that I’m absolutely starstruck right now. 
As I’m about to pick up my laptop case, Yunjin’s hand reaches down and brushes mine like we’re in some sort of rom-com. She’s really gonna carry my case for me? She could stand to be less perfect, then I might actually have a shot of not becoming even more enamored with her. I start to say that I can grab it myself, but she insists.   
“Oh my gosh please, let me. You’re taking on a lot by working with us, so this is the least I can do!” She says with a smile on her face. I know my cheeks flush, and I catch Eunchae looking at the two of us out of the corner of my eye, each of us with one hand still on the case. I quickly remove my hand and look away - I don’t think anyone can see how much Yunjin affects me yet, but I have to be safe. I can’t risk my career this early in the game. 
I gather up the rest of my things and we all file out of the room and into the hallway. This building is massive, and it’s a little overwhelming how many celebrities’ faces are plastered everywhere. 
We make our way to their dorm on the second floor. They open the door, and I can’t help but feel like I’m intruding on something very private. I look around expecting to see awards lining the shelves or stage outfits hanging on gold racks, but the living room is … normal. Just like you’d expect a typical apartment to look like. There’s some clothes scattered about, books on a shelf in the corner, and a couple dishes on the counter. Nothing out of the ordinary, and in that moment, they all become so much more human. At the core of it all, they’re just young women following their dreams, and I feel a huge sense of relief. 
“Where do you wanna start, y/n? The studios? The practice rooms? There’s a lot to see, and we have plenty of time.” Kazuha says with a kind smile. 
“Have you eaten, y/n? It’s been a pretty busy morning for you, so we can all grab some food real quick and then head on the tour?” Chaewon suggests. Everyone starts to agree, throwing out different cafes in the building when Eunchae interrupts.
“Oh my gosh! I completely forgot that I have a performance check-in tomorrow, and really need to practice and get some feedback.” She would almost be believable if it wasn’t for a little glint in her eye that only I seem to catch. 
“What are you talking about? Didn’t you have your check-in earlier in the -” Chaewon starts to mention, but Eunchae cuts her off again. 
“No! No, you must be thinking of the week before. I really should get a little feedback to make sure I’m ready, though, so maybe one of us can hang back with y/n to grab a snack, and we can all meet up in a few?” I don’t know if it’s a maknae thing, but this has “ulterior motive” written all over it. There’s no way she would just “forget” about a check-in with their choreographer, but she is adamant, and I want to know why. 
Sakura starts to say that she will hang behind with me, getting ready to turn my way when Eunchae stops her, “Oh no, that won’t do, I think I especially need some notes from you. Hey, here’s a totally random thought! Maybe since Yunjin unnie and y/n are both from the states, they can hang for a little! I personally think that is a great idea and there’s really not enough time to go back and forth about it so let’s go! See you two in a bit!” Everyone chuckles at her urgency, but no one seems to think this is out of the norm. Definitely a maknae thing. She’s up to something for sure, but I can’t help the rush of excitement that fills me at the thought of one-on-one time with Yunjin, so I brush it off.
Yunjin laughs in exasperation at their maknae’s antics, but as the four of them walk out, she turns to me and just shrugs her shoulders. “She’s usually pretty weird, but even I don’t understand that girl sometimes.” She grabs a sweater and her bag and notices that I’ve barely moved in the last 5 minutes. “Y/n, you can relax now. This is your new home! You can set down your things, I promise we don’t mind.” 
“I think I’m still a little starstruck, to be honest.” I admit, “I don’t wanna sound weird or anything, but I’m a huge fan of yours…” I trail off because I feel too exposed, but she doesn’t seem like the type to judge, so I continue. “There was a long time where I didn’t think I would ever leave my hometown, and I just felt so…trapped? I guess? And then I heard your guys’ music for the first time and I just, I don’t know, I just felt kinda free.” She looks genuinely interested in what I have to say, and I know I shouldn’t feel the pitter-patter of my heart so strongly because of that, but I don’t know if it’s up to me at this point. “Moving here was my way of hitting the restart button, ya know? Just starting from scratch and doing something I’m actually passionate about for once. Does that make sense?” I realize I just word vomited for no reason, and immediately feel embarrassed. I look down and chuckle, “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. You definitely didn’t ask to hear any of that.” 
She looks at me with warmth in her eyes. “Y/n, if anyone can understand that, it’s me. Please don’t feel embarrassed about sharing that kind of stuff with me. There was a long time where I didn’t know if it would be possible for me to pursue my dreams either, but music is what got me through. I don’t think it’s weird at all that you felt inspired by us - I’m actually really flattered.” Yeah, she definitely doesn’t realize the effect her kindness is having on me, but I don’t really want to cry in front of the woman I’m low-key crushing on, so I try to break up the atmosphere. 
“Thank you for not making me feel weird about…telling you my life story.” She chuckles, and some of the heaviness dissipates. “I’m really excited to get to work with you all, and I hope I can stick around for a while. Did you want to grab a snack before we catch up with the other girls?”
“Yeah, that sounds great” She makes sure I have my things, and we head to a little cafe on the first floor before making our way to the practice rooms.
“I figure it’ll be easier if we’re all in the same area of the building, plus you can get a feel for the space so you can plan out the best way to film the videos.” She explains. We ended up getting something small from the cafe, but I can barely focus on forming sentences right now, let alone choke down a whole meal! And even though I’m terribly nervous to be alone with Yunjin, something about this feels seamless. She’s so easy going, and she’s going out of her way to make sure I don’t feel too overwhelmed on my first day. Making sure we go to the least busy cafe, taking backways to avoid bumping into too many new people. She already feels like a friend I’ve known forever, but something deep inside me feels a twinge at the word “friend”, and I internally scold myself for that ridiculous feeling. This is just a little crush born from all the excitement of your first day. She’s beautiful and friendly (and perfect) and you’re overwhelmed by all the changes going on in your life right now. That is all this is. 
We finally make it to the practice rooms, and she opens the door to one of them to let me inside. It’s kinda crazy to see this in person. I’ve seen countless videos filmed from inside these rooms, and now, it’s basically my office! 
“So most of our dance practice videos are taken in this room, but sometimes we film in the bigger rooms for the like … dance challenges or if we’re doing a TikTok trend or something. I can show you that one later, but that might be where Eunchae and the girls are right now. For now, do you wanna set down your stuff, and we can try filming something right now? I don’t know if you need to like … adjust the lighting or find a certain spot in the room or something. I’m not a professional like you.” She chuckles and looks almost…bashful? I have to be making that up, so I rid my mind of the thought. 
“Yunjin, I think it’s safe to say that you’re the professional out of the two of us. You’re an idol, and I’m just barely starting my career! But you’re right, it would be good to get a feel for the room and what spots will be best to film in. Lemme just get my camera set up.”
I fiddle with my camera while she goes to the computer to put on some music, and “Choices” starts playing through the speakers, but instead of doing the official choreography, she does something completely unexpected. She’s flailing her arms, pretending to twerk, and leaping around the room, and I start laughing hysterically. 
“Come on, y/n, let’s see your moves. I know it might be hard to keep up since I’m an idol, but I gotta see what you can do” She calls out, still running around the room like someone who’s never even heard the word “choreography”. I stare in disbelief at this woman who’s a certified trained professional. A woman who probably took classes in poise, grace, and presentability. A woman who is making a fool of herself just so that I can let my guard down and enjoy this experience. 
I carefully set my camera down and hurry over to join her in the center of the room, both of us dancing like morons and just appreciating a moment between two newfound friends living their dreams. 
We are laughing and moving around so much that we don’t notice the 4 girls peeking in through the window on the door, wondering what on earth has gotten into us. Eunchae is the first to pop in, almost immediately joining in on the chaos. The other girls are soon to follow, and soon we are all having the time of our lives just messing around. 
And in the midst of utter nonsense, I realize then and there: I’m gonna be okay. 
Hi everyone! I'm sorry it's been over a week; I was having some health issues, so I couldn't get to my laptop for a bit! I hope you enjoy this next chapter :) Lemme know what you think of it so far!
Also! When the dialogue is italicized, it's happening in Korean. If it's not italicized, it's in English!
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kaghoeyama · 3 years
three of cups.
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featuring: eren jaeger, armin arlert, afab reader.
word count: 5.5k
summary: you, eren and armin have been best friends for ages. there’s always been an underlying tension between the three of you, until that tension finally snaps.
content warning: smut, college au, post-timeskip characters, alcohol consumption (characters are tipsy but not inebriated), threesome, mlm, mutual pining, voyeurism, thigh riding, fingering (f receiving), slight edging, use of good boy/good girl, masturbation, cumplay
a/n: uhh so i was horny and this happened. pls be kind this is like my first fanfic ever (also english is not my first language so if you spot any mistakes feel free to let me know).
update: so apparently tumblr took out a whole ass paragraph after the “keep reading” and then repeated two different paragraphs twice?? i’ve seen people trying to fix this by adding asterisks so i’m doing the same. sorry about that lol.
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So loud, you think.
You can almost feel the room vibrate with beat of the music, your steps naturally adapting to the rhythm as you make your way through a crowd of college students in various states of dishevelment. A smile comes to your lips. The whole place smells of alcohol and sweat and the floor is sticky, but you can’t bring yourself to be annoyed at the chaos; the year had been brutal for a lot of you and with finals finally behind you, no one was gonna miss the chance to loosen up and just have fun, yourself included. Which was exactly what brought you to make this little trip across the room, eyes fixed on your objective.
He’s leaning against the wall, his golden hair making it easier for you to spot him in the crowded room. His eyes are trained on his phone as he mindless scrolls down with his thumb, so you’re not too surprised when he doesn’t notice you straight away, even when you’re standing right in front of him.
You take a moment to take in his delicate features, his skin turned to porcelain by the bright light coming from his phone; the alcohol makes you bold enough to trail a hand up his arm and rest on his cheek, successfully shifting his attention to you. His face relaxes in a smile when he sees you, but his eyebrows are still raised in surprise at your sudden closeness; he opens his mouth to greet you but you’re quicker,  “Armin, would you please let me kiss you?”, your gaze keeping him pinned against the wall.
“I- what?” 
You relish in the way his breath catches in his throat, and you certainly don’t miss the flush that comes to his face or the way his eyes drop to your lips. 
“It’s for a dare… please?” your answer comes so innocent to his ears and he tries not to think at how pretty your plea sounded, even prettier than he’d fantasized so many times now.
 “I- I mean, yeah, sure” he stammers; you chuckle when close the distance between you, his pretty blue eyes still confused as you press your lips against his. 
The kiss comes out of the blue for him, yet you don’t miss the way his hands instinctively grip your waist as he pulls you closer to him. You hum into the kiss, your body suddenly so warm as he moves his lips against yours; he’s so pliant, all you had to do was ask and now he’s all over you, his grip keeping you flush against his body. Your fingers slip between his golden locks and when you lightly tug at them his hold grows tighter, his lips parting with a low moan. You swear you hear him whimper as you slip your tongue past his lips, taking control of the kiss as you explore his mouth, warm and wet and oh his hands are gripping your ass now, and you moan into the kiss as you feel his erection poking at your hip.
 “The dare said ‘kiss’ but if you two wanna get a room…” Sasha’s loud voice somehow reaches you from across the room and you pull back from the kiss, a string of spit connecting still connecting your mouths. He’s panting, mouth still parted, and you can’t help but stare at his pink lips, slightly puffed and still shiny from the kiss.
 Without thinking you brush a thumb against his lower lip, “so pretty” you murmur. 
Armin swallows around nothing, and when your eyes meet his pupils are all blown out, pleading, almost begging you to close the distance once again. Fuck he looks so flustered, heat pooling between your legs as you wonder how he’d look if you took his cock in your mouth, if you could make him so lost in pleasure that his smart little brain couldn’t form any coherent thoughts.
 You feel his arm around your shoulders before you see him, his usual scent of soap and lemon shampoo now mixed with a hint of smoke. You rest your head against his shoulder, your body craving physical contact after the kiss you’d shared with the blond. “Hi ’ren” you murmur against his shirt, dazed eyes looking up at him and then shifting to Armin. Your kiss was enough to make his brain fuzzy but now, with Eren’s arm wrapped around him and his body so close, he felt completely overwhelmed.
Eren pressed a kiss over your hair and pulled you and Armin even closer. “You shouldn’t keep all the fun to yourselves, don’t you know that sharing is caring?” he whispered, loud enough for both of you to hear through the music.
You can’t believe that cheesy line sent a shiver through your body. You figure it’s because of Eren.
“Maybe we should make use of that tequila bottle in our dorm room, what do you say Armin?” he adds, the blond choking out a soft affirmation. You doubt your sober self would have done that, but you were tipsy enough not to care when you took both their hands, interlacing your fingers with their own, a teasing smile gracing your lips. “Then what are we waiting for?”
 You feel strangely calm as you walk down the hallway. It’s definitely quieter than the party, and your attention is quickly drawn from one dorm room to another, where you catch glimpses of people smoking and drinking to the sound of at least ten different playlists.
Again, you smile. For the third year now you’re witnessing how your otherwise rigorous and law abiding campus turns into a huge frat party in the weekend after finals. You don’t know if it’s the warm weather or the fact most common spaces are surprisingly clean by monday that makes everyone look the other way, either way you’re thankful. You close your eyes for a moment as you walk, slightly overwhelmed by the music and the loud chatter and the drink you had at the party, your brain lost in a pleasant buzz.
 A light squeeze to your hand brings you back to earth. Your head turns to your left, eyes slowly opening to meet a pair of blue ones. 
“Are you okay?” Armin asks softly, the tiniest hint of concern slipping past his lips. You wait a beat before addressing his question, choosing to look at him instead. You note that his cheeks are almost as pink as his lips, and that his blue t-shirt makes his eyes sparkle; you ignore how your stomach flips when you realize he’d been holding your hand since you’d left the party. 
“I’m great,” you say as you shift closer to him “I’m in a good mood actually.”
 You catch Eren’s eyes leaving you as he turns his head forward and keeps walking in front of you. You let your gaze travel from his head – you loved that half bun he kept his hair in more than you should – to his broad shoulders, entranced by the way his black t-shirt stretches over his muscular back.
You must have missed the part where he stopped in front of the dorm room, because you end up bumping against that back. 
“You’re completely out of it” Eren teases with a grin. 
“No, I’m not” you retort, “as I said, I’m in a good mood.”
 The look he gives you is playful. “You call it good mood, I call it being drunk.”
 “I had literally just one drink, there’s no way anyone could get drunk from that.”
 “Depends on how strong the drink is.”
 “Will you shut up?”
 You’re still bickering as you enter the room, Armin rolling his eyes at the two of you with a fond smile. Once Eren shuts the door though, you all fall quiet.
 The only light came from the blue led Armin had put on his side of the room, casting a glow over your faces that was almost ethereal. There’s a weird tension, a nervous feeling gripping your stomach and making you tingle with anticipation. You’d been alone with them in that very room more times than you could count, cramming for tests, watching a movie or simply hanging out, but tonight something was different. You sit next to Armin on his bed, eyebrows knitting together as you quickly try to analyse that feeling.
 The three of you had been friends for ages, since you all attended the same elementary school and lived down the same street. You had bonded with Armin first, his quiet and intelligent personality matching well with yours. You remember fondly the warm afternoons in his backyard, grass tickling your skin as he showed you his new ocean life books and you rambled about ancient Egypt, Greek myths or whatever you were fixating on at the moment.
 Eren on the other hand – at first you couldn’t stand him. You only knew him as ‘Armin’s other friend’, but he was such a loud and hot headed kid, you’d always found his attitude too off-putting to even start a conversation, and you were pretty sure he didn’t like you either. After some pushing from Armin though, you’d actually tried to get to know each other; much to your surprise, you found out you had a lot of interests in common. Eventually, you’d even come to admire how passionate he got about the things he cared about, how strong his ideals were, and with time his impulsivity left room to a much more calculated approach.
 After all these years, the three of you were still as thick as thieves; you’d become so comfortable around each other that people always assumed you were either dating one of them. You’d always brush it off with a laugh, but now you wonder if it’s normal for friends to behave like that around each other. It was the little things at first; lingering touches, wondering eyes, teasing comments. Then Eren’s hands all over you every time you wore a pretty dress, or Armin’s obvious erection that time you and Eren were messing around at the pool; even your friends had noticed how close you were – and never missed a chance to tease you about it.
This is stupid, you conclude. They’re your oldest and closest friends, you won’t allow your attraction to them – at least you’re admitting it’s there – to make things weird.
 You move to get the tequila you know they keep hidden in the closet; maybe that will shake the awkwardness away. You take a long sip before handing the bottle to the blond, alcohol still burning in your throat as you lay on your back, head resting on his lap.
 You feel him still beneath you; when you look at him, his flustered expression is clear despite the dim lit room – before you can catch yourself, you wonder if he’s still hard from before.
 Eren looks at the both of you on Armin’s bed. You’ve closed your eyes and your head is lightly nodding along with some music coming from the hallway, the beat muffled by the closed door. He watches Armin, a fond smile dancing on his lips as he can almost hear the mental pep talk the blond gives himself before raising a hand to play with your hair. You hum at that, eyes slowly opening as you turn your head towards him.
 “Eren, come closer” you say, stretching out an arm as if to reach him.
 “And why would I do that” he answers with a playful smile on his lips.
 You raise your eyebrow, smiling back to him. “If you insist on staying over there, I guess Armin and I are really gonna keep all the fun to ourselves, isn’t that right Armin.” You say lightly, rising from his lap to lay against his side, your body wrapping around his arm; his hand ends up between your closed thighs and somehow you manage not purr in his ear as you rest your head on his shoulder, both of you now facing Eren. 
When Armin speaks, you don’t miss how his playful tone hides a hint of malice, eyes fixed on the brunette, “oh I’m sure he wouldn’t mind just watching if we were actually having fun.”
Eren laughs at that, his voice dropping lower. 
“True” he admits calmly, as if the thought hadn’t brought him to several orgasms through the years, “but right now I think I’d rather join.” 
And he does, sitting close to your other side.
You wish that type of exchange wasn’t as common as it was between the three of you. You also wish it didn’t send a wave of arousal trough your body every single time.
You watch him as he leans toward you to grab the bottle from Armin’s hand, taking a sip of the amber liquor. Your eyes follow a drop of alcohol at the corner of his mouth, unconsciously tightening your hold on the blond as Eren’s tongue comes out to bring the drop past his lips.
In that moment, Armin decides he’s had enough. He’s way too turned on to let all this teasing slide; if the three of you really are as attracted to each other as he thinks, this was the time he was gonna do something about it. So when he speaks, he does with a purpose.
 “Is it weird that I’ve kissed both my best friends?” his question sounds so innocent, he even lets out a calculated chuckle to feign embarrassment.
Eren tilts his head toward him, throwing him a curious glance “You still remember that? Must have been one hell of a kiss huh” he smirks. 
Armin knows he’s teasing, and that he clearly remembers too, but he can’t help the pink blush that colours his cheeks as his thoughts rush back to that night.
 It happened first semester of junior year, after Sasha’s ‘small’ housewarming party had quickly turned into a full blown party. As the music got louder and more and more people filled the tiny flat, Jean, all tipsy and bright eyed, had gathered all of you in Sasha’s room to play spin the bottle – most of you had booed him, but you’d followed him anyway.
 After watching you awkwardly peck Connie on the lips and Mikasa blush violently as Sasha took her face between her hands and gave her a loud smooch, it was his turn to play. He gave the bottle a spin and almost choked on his spit when it landed on Eren. He remembers everyone cheering as he tried to stop his face from flushing red, looking everywhere but at Eren; that’s how his eyes landed on you, quiet where your friends were loud, your eyes focused on him in a way that was almost daring.
He followed your gaze as it moved towards Eren, finally making eye contact with the boy. His attempts look composed failed miserably when Eren, a lazy smirk spreading on his lips, beckoned him with his hand to move closer.
 “I- uh we don’t have to…” he choked out.
 Eren’s smirk grew wider, “It’s just a game Armin, what are you scared of?”
 Armin couldn’t tell if his tone was soft or mocking, either way he felt as he had something to prove now.
He stood on his knees and crawled on the floor as Eren mirrored him, ignoring the way his stomach flipped as they met in the middle of the circle, so close he could feel his breath over his lips.
“What’s taking so long?” Jean said from somewhere behind him, “it’s not like you haven’t done this before” he teased.
Armin wanted to turn back and state that no, they had not actually done that before – he’d probably sound way more disappointed than he should – but before he could even open his mouth he felt a hand on his cheek; his eyes flickered back to Eren’s green ones, only to find them trained on his lips as the brunette sealed the gap between them.
Eren’s lips felt so impossibly soft again his, he tasted like vodka and something sweet he couldn’t recognise and Armin couldn’t really thing about anything as he lost himself in the kiss. The hand on his cheek moved through his hair and Eren pulled slightly, just enough to make Armin gasp against his lips, taking the chance to slide his tongue against his lower lip and into his mouth. Armin broke the kiss at that, a whimper leaving his lips because he wanted, needed more, but the feelings building up inside him – and the arousal making his pants tighter – were sending him in a slight panic.
He barely registered his friends’ loud noises as he sat back on his spot, but he didn’t miss the way Eren winked at him and licked his lips, green eyes boring into his blue ones. Armin struggled to act like his normal self rather than some teenager who had just kissed his long time crush. He desperately tried to focus on something, anything but Eren and his stupid lips and stupid grin and stupidly pretty eyes right in front of him, and that’s how his eyes found you again.
 You had watched the whole scene with an interest you hoped went unnoticed by your friends. You sure hoped Mikasa, sat right next to you, had missed the way your breath hitched in your throat as you watched the blond gasp under Eren’s grip, heat coursing through your body and pooling between your legs. When Armin’s blue eyes found you, flustered, with half lidded eyes and teeth sunk in your bottom lip, you’d lowered your head in shame.
 Eren rests his head again the wall and closes his eyes, as to enhance the memory.
It had been over a year ago, yet he remembered Armin’s sweet lips against his, the small noises he unconsciously let out going straight to his groin.
 He remembered your face, eyes glossy with desire as you watched them part, flustered almost as much as Armin, as if you’d been the one kissing him instead, and oh had he wanted to kiss you. Had it been just the three of you in that room, he would have grabbed your face and bruised those pretty lips, forcing Armin’s sweet taste in your mouth.
 He’d long given up the guilt that came with fantasising about his closest friends, any uncomfortable feeling quickly replaced by pleasure every time he wrapped his hand around his cock. At first it was just one of you under him, on top of him; soon enough he’d started picturing both of you on your knees, eyes bright and pleading, pink tongue hanging out of your mouths as you wait for him to paint your pretty faces with his cum.
“So who’s the best kisser?” you ask, your warm breath against Armin’s ear making him shiver.
 “I can’t- You both… I’m not gonna answer that.” Armin manages to sound flustered when he answers.
 Eren looks at him. “I would” he states nonchalantly, “but I don’t have all the materials to make my choice.” His tone drops to a low murmur, green eyes slowly shifting to you.
 Armin tries to hold back a smile, both of you reacting exactly as he anticipated.
 Your heart is hammering in your chest, it’s beat so loud you’re sure both of the boys can hear it; when you speak, you desperately try to keep your voice steady.
“Then god forbid you make an uniformed decision.”
 Eren is straight up grinning at this point; he grabs your wrists and tugs you closer, pulling you on his lap. You balance yourself on his shoulders as his hands graze your bare thighs up and down, your skirt bunching up to your hips and barely covering your panties.
 When your eyes meet, you’re shocked at how softly he’s looking at you. “I’ve been waiting a while for this” he murmurs, his voice almost a whisper, and you swear you can feel him stroking your cheek before burying his hands your hair and drawing you closer. He’s so warm all pressed up against you, so sweet when his lips ghost against yours before finally kissing you.
You’re slow to respond at first, too lost in how right it feels to have him so close and all over you, but you’re quick to part your lips for him, his tongue sliding against yours; he tastes of alcohol and you get drunk on it, a small moan leaving your throat and getting lost in the kiss. You whimper as you feel him groping your ass and push you even closer. He’s kissing you like a man starved, devouring you, the intensity making you feel light headed. You break apart from the kiss with a sigh, head falling on his shoulder, barely registering what you’re doing as you lightly grind against his hardening cock.
Eren groans as he tugs your hair so that you can look at him, his dark pupils swallowing up almost any trace of green. 
“So needy… how many times have you thought about this?” he asks, a teasing smile on his lips as his fingers play with the hem of your skirt. 
You look away from him, cheeks heating up; you don’t want to admit how many times you’ve cummed on your fingers with their names on your lips, but you don’t think you have a choice.
 His head dips lower to press an open mouth kiss to the column of your throat, “Answer baby, there’s no need to be shy; we’re all friends here.”
 You suck in your breath, voice embarrassingly shaky “so- so many times, w- with both of you” you confess.
 Armin groans at your words, a curse slipping past his lips. “We- we could have done this so long ago” he mumbles, eyes fixed on you as he palms himself through his jeans. You feel so hot under his gaze, so wanted, you never want his eyes to leave your body.
Eren steals your attention by sucking a purple mark at the base of your neck; you bite back a moan as he licks at the bruise, heat pooling in your panties. he clicks his tongue in disapproval.
 “This won’t do” he says softly against the shell of your ear “how can Armin hear all your pretty noises if you hold them back?”
 Before you can choke out an apology, his lips go back on your neck, finding that sweet spot below your ear that makes you whimper. You’re trembling as he sucks another bruise on your skin and this time you don’t hold back, soft moans leaving your lips as your hands grips his hair, tugging it loose and fawning all over his shoulders.
 Eren pulls back, admiring his work as you try to steady your breath. 
“Good girl” he murmurs, “let us hear you.”
 You shudder at his words. You don’t think you’ve ever been so turned on in your life, and he’s barely put his mouth on you. You can feel wet slick gathering in your panties and you shift to straddle one of his thighs, grinding hard to relieve the tension as your head falls back, a loud moan leaving your lips.
Two strings of low curses reach your ears, and you barely register Armin slipping a hand under his pants as Eren pulls you down on him again, the knee you have trapped between his legs pressing against his hard cock.
 “Fuck, baby you wanna cum like that? Riding my thigh?” he pants, slightly bouncing his leg up to meet your movements, successfully drawing another moan out of your lips.
He brings a hand your face, almost reverent as his thumb grazes your lower lip, just like you’d done with Armin barely an hour ago. Your tongue darts out and licks the tip of his thumb before wrapping your lips around it, sucking slightly as you nod, eager.
Eren parts his lips, eyes glued to your mouth. He can’t believe he finally has you – both of you – as he wants you, as he’s pictured so many times; he wonders if he’ll come undone in his pants like a teenager, as you add pressure on his throbbing cock with each grind of your hips. He slips his finger from your warm lips, rushing his hands under your skirt to take off your panties.
 When you finally readjust yourself on his thick thigh, you almost sob at the feeling of your bare, sensitive cunt against the rough material of his pants. Before you can resume your movements, he lifts up the piece of fabric, dangling it in front of your face.
 “Look at this” he murmurs, “completely soaked” his voice trailing off as an idea suddenly forms in his mind. 
He turns to Armin, and fuck, he feels his cock twitch at the sight. The blond is laying against the headboard, legs spread apart; he has a hand wrapped tight at the base of his hard, leaking cock, his pretty face all scrunched up in pleasure. 
Armin’s cheeks heat up when he notices Eren’s eyes on him, but it doesn’t stop him from slowly stroking his cock, trying to delay his orgasm as much as possible.
“’Min, you think you could use these?” Eren asks, dark eyes dropping between the blond’s legs. Armin’s eyes widen at the request, his brain shutting down for a moment as he looks at the drenched panties in his hand. 
“What? I- I-…” he looks at you, dazed, half lidded eyes boring into his blue ones as you rub slowly on eren’s thigh. “Y- yes please” he chokes out, shame reddening the tip of his ears.
 “So polite… what a good boy” Eren purrs, his deep voice making Armin twitch in his own hand. 
He takes the panties, the beads of your arousal thick on the side your cunt was, and he wraps the fabric around his cock. You watch with wide eyes, struggling to believe that sweet innocent Armin would ever give you such a lewd sight; you’re itching to lean over and kiss, lick, bite every inch of his body, but Eren’s grip on your waist keeps you in place.
Armin moans loudly as your slick smears all over his shaft. He keeps rubbing at himself with your panties trapped between his hand and his cock and how the fuck is this already topping every sexual experience I’ve ever had he manages to think. His eyes trail up and down your body, Eren’s body, and he doesn’t even notice how much his strokes speed up, hips bucking desperately into his own hand.
“Slow down baby or you’ll miss all the fun” Eren’s voice is as soft as the hand he puts on his leg to appease him. “If you behave, y/n will let you cum on her, right?” he says, sneaking a hand between your legs and sliding two fingers between your dripping folds.
 “Ah- ye- yes Armin, wherever you want” you squeak, arching your back as Eren slips his fingers inside you. You feel inebriated as he slowly starts pumping, his fingertips massaging your walls, so slowly you want to cry. You wail when his fingers curl over your sweet spot, a hand gripping your waist to stop you from fucking yourself against his hand.
“Please ‘Ren, oh god, please, faster” you sob, high pitched moans slipping past your lips before you even realise it.
Instead of listening to you, Eren pulls his fingers out and slides them up to your clit, collecting your slick; you whimper when he retracts his hand from your cunt, pressing down on his thigh once again to get more friction. When your clit brushes against a wrinkle in his pants your eyes roll inside your head, orgasm so close you can taste it, but apparently Eren has other plans.
 “Not yet baby, hold it for a bit longer, will you?” he purrs close to your ear, his mouth peppering wet kisses on your neck.
“Please a-ah Eren I c-can’t-” your words come out as broken sobs but you’ve long stopped caring, your brain filled with nothing but pleasure.
When Eren looks at your face you look absolutely wrecked, sweat shining on your forehead and cheeks red from the strain, chest heaving as quick pants come out of your parted lips. “
Armin, come here.” He says, hungry eyes still locked on yours. The blond obeys and shuffles closer to the two of you, your panties forgotten on the bed.
“You’ve been so good I think you deserve a reward” he says, as he pushes the glistening fingers he’d just pulled out of your cunt straight into Armin’s pretty mouth. 
The blond moans at your taste, both hands coming to grab Eren’s wrist and push his fingers further in his mouth, choking slightly when they hit the back of his throat. Eren watches him in a trance, mesmerised by his blown eyes and the drop of spit that dribbles from the corner of his mouth. He wants to fucking ruin him. But not yet.
He takes his hand from the blond’s grasp – the whimper that leaves his mouth almost makes him cum on the spot. Eren lifts you from his lap, ignoring your pout as he places you right beside Armin.
 “Sit still for me” he says as he slowly palms his cock before unbuttoning his pants and sliding them down with his boxers. You hear Armin suck in his breath as Eren’s hard cock slaps against his stomach, your own eyes widening at the sight; in length he almost matches the blonde, but the girth is just… fuck. Even dwarfed by his huge hand it’s almost intimidating, a thick vein reaching his pink leaking tip.
Eren takes his time as he pumps himself, eyes fixed on both of you; he drinks in your pretty, desperate faces, hands clutching the bedsheets as you try not to squirm under his gaze.
“Where do you wanna cum ’Min?” Eren’s question snaps him off a stupor, eyes leaving his groin to settle on your face.
You’re surprised Armin can blush more than he already is as he stutters that he wants to cum on you tits. You smirk as you quickly take off your top and unhook your bra, lust clouding you senses as you lay on the bed, head towards Eren as you motion Armin to straddle your waist. His eyes flicker to Eren and you miss the brunette’s nod before Armin comes on top of you, knees straddling your thighs.
Armin can’t believe just how fucking pretty you look under him, naked except for that cute pleated skirt you’re somehow still wearing. His hand trails up your stomach to squeeze your tits, fingers playing with your nipples as he pumps himself faster.
You feel Eren’s hand cradle your face, “touch yourself” he says, and you do just that.
With your skirt bunched up at your waist and your fingers quickly circling your clit, Armin doesn’t stand a chance; he leans forward, a hand planted on the bed as he cums on your tits with loud moan and your name on his lips, warm liquid painting your heaving chest. 
You watch the blond leaning back against the headboard, desperately trying to catch his breath; you lock eyes with him, toungue wetting your lips as you bring a hand up to play with the mess he made on you, getting high on the look of pure defeat on his face as you take your cum coated fingers back to your clit.
 “Oh fuck” Eren can’t believe how wrecked his own voice sounds “who would have thought you two would be such dirty sluts” he pants, his hand sliding faster and faster against his cock.
 You moan at his words “’Ren p-please can- can I-”
 “Cum.” He orders, and you obey right away.
The sounds that leave your lips are nothing short of pornographic, your body shaking and twitching in pleasure, mouth agape and head thrown back as white lights explode behind your eyelids, any coherent thought wiped out of your brain. Eren chokes out a curse at the sight, soft, high pitched groans echoing in the room until he finally cums with a broken moan, the liquid coating his hand and making a mess on his clothes.
It takes a while before any of you even attempts to move; silence falls in the room once again, except for your labored pants mixed with the music still playing in the hallway.
 Eren is the first to get up and head for the bathroom. By the time you’ve all taken a shower and settled back on Armin’s bed, no one has still said a word. You feel anxiety settle low in your stomach, its grip speeding up your heartbeats.
Did you ruin everything? Is this the end of your friendship? 
 “So who’s the best kisser?”
 Armin’s voice comes out tired and rough, but it puts a halt to the doubts swirling in your mind.
 The breathy chuckle leaving Eren’s mouth sends a wave of relief through your body; “I’m sorry ’Min but y/n is definitely winning this one.” You smile as you feel his hand ghosting over your spine.
 “Yeah, figured.”
The blond curls up against you and you’re still smiling. 
The bed is way too small for the three of you and the night breeze coming from the window does little to cool you down, but you’ve never been better, a warm feeling spreading from where your bodies connect with each other.
 As slumber takes you, you hope they’re still gonna be there when you wake up.
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thefirstdirector · 3 years
Spiderman: No Way Home
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A place like home.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Male Reader
Summary: Peter reenconters with someone he loved profoundly, celebrating Christmas with hugs and words.
[NOTE: This is my first time writting fanfiction and posting about it. Who knows if i will turn this into something bigger, but i just enjoy living the fantasies in which i know i will never achieve...ik im sad]
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After the incident in the new modernized Statue of Liberty, Peter lost everyone he loved. A sacrifice had to be made to save the multiverse from collapsing into chaos. Everyone he cherished, forgot about him.
But there was someone very important in his life who did remember him.
He contemplated about the good times he had with this friend, well they were dating but for Peter it felt like they weren't anymore. His name kept ringing in his mind and he just couldn't shut those thoughts away. He missed him dearly.
Knock knock
The sound of knocking on wood, although usual, it felt different. It felt diferent for Peter. But by the sound of it, it just might be the landlord.
-What is it!? I said i would pay you tom-
For a moment, he thought he was dreaming. Another ilusion of some kind, and he was skeptic of it, with his mind overly saturated with paranoia and regret. It couldn't be possible... and above all so coincidental. Y/N was standing in front of Peter, worried and desperate.
-Hello Peter!
Peter only stood there, reminiscing over their most memorable episodes and their break up before the first battle with Thanos (2018). He knows what happen between them was quite intense and over all fixated on their own worries but even then he never doubted or disrespected his ex.
Y/N smirks before entering the apartment. After closing the door, the H/C boy demands gently for Peter to sit.
Peter was a little weirded out but sat down, and so did his ex.
-You have changed Peter, what happen?
Peter felt Y/N's hand caressing his face, and this was certainly becoming overwhelming for him but he didn't refuse the touch. He let himself succumb to the other boy's warmth, letting his eyes look down and sob. Those same tears, held so much suffering, suffering that Y/N wouldn't bare to look at.
-Oh peter, come here.
Y/N quickly engulfed his ex in his arms sharing his warmth with the spider boy. Peter knew that this level of affection might be uncanny or bizarre, considering what has happen in the past, but it felt good receiving this embrace from someone that he knew would always love him.
-You might be wondering why do i still remember you...To make long story short, before that last spell, I protected myself with my own incantation that Wong teached me. So i would never forget you. At that time i was at the Sanctum.
Peter was relieved and grateful for this.
-I just couldn't bare to see you living alone, with no one to remember. I know that we might not even be in the best terms, but i look up to you. I admire you Parker. Quite a lot.
Y/N felt Peter hugging him once again, relishing in that warming presence of his ex-lover.
-I'm happy you are here. I missed you.
Peter held Y/N's cheeks and they stayed like that for awhile. Peter just came from this mess, and Y/N had lost connection with former Avengers and other familiar faces. Plus the feelings for Peter were always there to tickled him in the worst times.
After they calmed down from sobbing uncontrollably, the boys were laying down in the bed, next to eachother with Y/N embracing Peter from behind. They missed this, and even if Peter had strong feelings for MJ, this intense warmth of Y/N was fundamental for him.
Y/N then looked at Peter and his glazy eyes.
-If i could, i would turn things back to how they were. And if i had the chance i would have killed that Mysterio guy from revealing something so important to you. I'm so sorry.
Peter smirks, understanding this frustration.
After rubbing circles on Peter's scalp, the spiderling engulfed his ex in a tight hug, thanking him for everything.
-Even if we don't become a thing, i want you by my side. I think loosing you again would be a big mistake.
Y/N tears up a little and nods.
-Don't worry, i will. Whenever you are with me, you will feel at home.
Suddenly, as the snow fell in the window, Y/N remembered something. Peter sensed this slight anxiety and got worried. Moments after, Y/N conjures up a small gift from his hands that he had prepared for Peter.
Peter was suprised and excited, feeling slightly better then before.
-This is for you, might not be much, but i saw it and reminded me of you...Happy Christmas, Pete.
Y/N sat behind the spider boy, gently putting his hands on Peter's hips, waiting for his response.
Peter was in awe, it was a snow globe that had a spiderman inside, fully decorated with Christmas ornaments. It was small but profound present. This was a moment of choice. Peter finally looks at Y/N, and quickly kisses him in the forehead.
Making both boys blush tremendously, appreciating eachother's presence. Y/N, lays his head on Peter's shoulder,making both boys appreciate their Christmas together.
With a bright new future and a new life to begin with.
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4dtk · 3 years
NCT DREAM: talking back to them and getting punished
anon: “hii ! can i have nct dream reaction to their s/o talk back to them and they doesnt happy with it and punish their s/o 🥺” hi love, sure i can. for this reaction, the boys takes up the dom role and the reader is fem, hope you don’t mind ^^
just for discretion, hate sex is hot and all but please talk out your problems and don’t solve it just by fucking 😭
NSFW under the cut, MINORS DNI!
→ MARK’s head tilts, and pleas one last time with something like “you don’t really mean that, right?” or something like that. when he gets your final word and you start to remove yourself from the argument he pulls you back. his eyes are darker, eyelids hooded. he’s intimidating!!!!! mark’s the kind to lose himself whenever he looks at you, ngl, but he knows his feelings aren’t alone and that you feel the heat and tension. i see him making you sit on his face and eating you out like no tomorrow. mark also gives off the no clothes humping vibe, where your pussy lips fit so perfectly on his curved dick and the friction makes your toes curl. the man is losing it, respectfully. imo, like i mentioned earlier, mark’s the one with the wavering dom role so he def forgets about the punishment halfway through and relishes in the way you feel around his cock.
“i want you to cum on my cock, baby, as much as i want it on my face,” mark says breathlessly, pulling away from your pussy. his hair is slick with sweat, having your thighs around his head for the past half n’ hour. you twitch as he places one last kiss on your clit, moving your ass backwards to finally get his dick in you.
"ah but," mark raises an eyebrow, "did i say now?" you're caught off guard when he forces your hips down on his exposed dick. the friction has you groaning, leaking even more now.
"move." he says. one word and you're moving your middle against the underside of his cock, your lips nicely fitted that it makes even mark moan out. the wet, filthy sounds fill the room and marks adds to your mewls. with a hand, he sneaks it behind you to play with your pussy, causing you to let out a choked whimper that has him smiling.
mark's grip on your hips tenses, eyes fluttering close in bliss when he sees the string of his pre-cum and your arousal connect each time you grind on his length, "atta girl, just like that. you'll be soaking the sheets once i'm done with you."
→ RENJUN tuts when you talk back to him, surprisingly calm when he looks you up and down. you done fucked up now bitch he’s going to ruin you!!! renjun’s movements are extremely slow, in fingering you, in licking your cunt, in pumping his cock in and out. its a punishment baby take it like it is he says! has a thing for blindfolds too, i feel, seeing the way your mouth opens to let out obscene moans that resonate throughout the room. RENJUN MAKES YOU SIT IN FRONT OF MIRROR 100%, “do you see my cock going in and out of you?” and he’s still going painfully slow that you try to rock your hips to get some kind of release.
“even when i’m punishing you, you still find a way to make a mistake,” renjun hums, eyeing you through the mirror as your fucked-out face is tilted back from the immense pleasure.
“darling, look at yourself, losing it over some cock,” renjun spits, delivering a particularly hard thrust that sends your body shaking. he takes your face with force, dipping a finger into your mouth which you suck on without hesitation.
“jun.... junnie, please go faster, please... i just-” you plead, locking eyes with renjun through your reflection. there’s a laugh coming from renjun, knowing you were in a long ride when he slips a blindfold on you. he loves his cock buried in you, but pulls out anyway and leaves you empty. 
a particularly loud moan leaves your lips as his tongue laps up your arousal from behind, hand stroking his shaft while your hands grab at the sheets in pleasure.
“keep looking at yourself, baby, look at how much of a slut you’re being.”
→ JENO tries to hold back like jaemin but his cool is easier to lose than the latter. jeno doesn’t hold back in giving you glares that translate exactly what he’s feeling. imo, he’s usually taken the back seat in your sex life, and is perfectly content with it, but one day he just sticks his hand up your skirt or whatever and fingers you in public!!! mans crazy luv!!! there’s something about you holding back your moans that turns him on so much. if it happens in the dorms? not prooooblem, he makes sure that everyone has their eyes focused on something, like a dream movies night before his hand inches up your thigh and you’re finally like “ohhh… this is why he’s been so passive aggressively polite since our argument” LOOL you’re biting on the cushion you were cuddling with head thrown back, silent pants spilling from your lips at how skilled jeno is with his fingers. everything after that is kept indoors, he likes the thrill but would rather deal with you privately.
the slam of the door makes you gasp, and the shove of your body against it makes you moan out accidentally. the glint in jeno’s eyes is mischievous, waving the hands that was just in your pussy in front of your face.
“that’s how wet you were, baby?” jeno hums, holding your stare like a champ as you try to not to wriggle in his grasp. jeno tsks, hovering them in front of your mouth, “suck.” you don’t lose any time, mouth immediately engulfing his digits to suck your juices off of him. a thigh’s situated in your middle, the other’s smile widening when he sees your attempts of getting off.
the feeling of your clothed core against his denim is sinful, yet so pleasure as your hips pick up the speed. it’s so much that your hand’s clutched around his bicep, nails digging into his skin at the friction. jeno moans at your vulnerable state, his other hand picking you up so he could at least sit down. the presence of a surface gives you more motivation to move, having a stable place to rest your knees on as you continued your humping, whimpering into jeno’s ears as he guides your hips with ease.
“you’re going to stay at this volume as i fuck you senseless. need to teach you a lesson, baby.”
→ HAECHAN is the meanest dom you could ever piss the fuck off. not afraid to let your sounds of pleasure reach the living room of the dorm (assuming he’s living with 127) that taeyong had to sit him down and reluctantly tell him to tone it down a little. arguments with haechan are trivial, sometimes about the littlest of things that piss you off as well because he’s so infuriating to convince/be on the same page as. you say one thing out of pocket once, and haechan is fuming inside because he knows it’s not true. orgasm denier, loves doing it to you. your sheets are soaked by the end of it, and god you haven’t even came yet!!!! what a bitch!!!! let y/n cum hyuck :/
“not so righteous right now, (y/n)?” haechan smirks, ignoring the glare you give him as you’re pinned under him. he revels in the rage you’re radiating, knowing he’ll make it all go away once his mouth’s on your pussy. you’re resisting him right until his lips are on your neck, sucking at the skin there. the whimpers that leave your mouth goes straight to haechan’s cock, but he has to hold it in until you learn your lesson.
“o..oh hyuck, fuck! please let me c-cum…!” haechan’s having the time of his life, licking up your slick as his fingers are pumping in and out of you, reading your body like a hawk. he knows when you’re reaching your end and denies another one from you, the thrashing around from you held down by his arm.
“let’s test you, hm?” haechan giggles, taking out his dick from the loose sweatpants he had on. with a few strokes, he holds back from plunging it into your begging hole, instead settling for teasing his tip around your entrance. your face opens up into a silent ‘o’, squirming from the pleasure of just the tip of his cock.
“pathetic,” haechan says before he loses it himself, pushing in his dick to feel the warmness of your walls hug him so snugly, “such a slut for my cock.”
→ JAEMIN doesn’t lose his cool right away, one of the nicer ones in the group i guess. he lets your attitude slide, but as the argument escalates he takes your wrist, dragging you straight to his room. the words he says are so sultry, but you don’t miss the anger behind his eyes. the way he punishes you is so sweet yet so terribly filthy, and he knows that you get off to it as well. i envision jaemin as a really sweet dom on the daily, but it switches whenever he has to put you in your place. from “that’s my good little girl” to “you’re just a filthy slut, aren’t you?” to rile him up this bad means you’re in a night of endless rounds LMAO good luck. nice enough to give you pleasure, but not changing his means of pleasuring you. 
“baby, you know what you’re doing, aren’t you? didn’t we leave the argument behind already?” jaemin coos, almost mockingly as he presses against your middle with his thigh. it’s pathetic in the way you grind up against it, desperate to find any form of fiction as he strips your lower half in no time.
“you only deserve my fingers, for now. not even my mouth, baby, sad, ain’t it?” jaemin grins, sinking one into your soaking hole. the sounds drive you insane, hips immediately buckling up from the contact.
for the next hour, he’s doing just that, hitting all the right spots in you with one, two, three fingers and nothing else. you’re whining for his mouth, for his mouth and anything, but it’s long before jaemin does any of those, focused on teaching you a lesson for testing his patience.
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cartierbin · 3 years
[ full kinktober m.list ] - Day 4
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✫-- iv. hyunjin x female!OC
✫-- genre! in which hyunjin is a cocky university athlete who holds secret desires. fwb!trope.
✫-- kinks! ass play, pegging, garters.
✫-- word count! 1.3k
✫-- notes! I apologize for updates being slow. my university curriculum is piling up lmao. if you guys enjoyed this let me know though i love feedback! <3
✫-- taglist: @roseswifeyy @quackity-writing @lattechans @ch4nb4ng @lechanters @glowinluna @fairygirl18 @taejichafe @seungmincity @domseungie @hey-thatslove @kayannainsworth19 @caregiverskz
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"why didn't you wear them out in the open? afraid of what your teammates might think of you?". she teased shrewdly, sliding her hands up the clasps of the garters that clung to his milky white thighs. he sipped in a breath at her touch, feeling quite embarrassed about how bad he longed for it.
"shut up". he says nervously, leaving her to slam a hand right on his naked ass, the one that was perched in the air cutely while he was bent over the wooden table. he grimaced upon impact, hating how painful it was but loving it all in the same breath. "you have a lot of mouth for someone whose about to get fucked in his frat's study room don't you?". he bit his lips feeling something cold and wet against his rim. it was vibrating in circles around it at a pace that made his mouth water. he grips the edge of the table retaining the moans that were awaiting at the back of his throat. she knew just what he liked and that was something he loved about her.
"wet already?". she cooed watching his hole clench and unclench in sheer pining. he began to push back on it's tip, "fuck, stretch me with it". he shakes his hair away from his face and arches his back beautifully, "please". he adds sweetly before an apprehensive swallow. she feeds the toy into the tight ring of muscle bit by bit watching his ass swallow it whole. he grips the edge of the table harder with his eyes near crossing. "oh my god". he whines in a tone that was more soft and pliant than the ones he used with his teammates and fraternity brothers. she starts to move it, giving him soft pumps to start him off and he whimpers at the amateur pace.
"what are you doing?". he asks with a moan rolling off the tip of his tongue. "give it to me". he begs. "I need it". he drops his hand to his erection, desperately running his hand against it while the toy buzzed inside of him. she hastens the pace of her hand, "I've never saw you this needy before baby?".
the table creaks while it rocks back and forth, the fault of the university for not renovating the study rooms in the fraternity houses. surely she wished she had something more stable to fuck hyunjin on but it was the middle of the night and her stomach clenched at how hot the blonde looked, his slim, bare, perspired backside starkly contrasting the perfect round ass it was connected to. the way it lifted slightly off the toy just to swallow it again with ease, how tight the garters gripped his thighs, the way he moaned into the table as if his horny little life depended on it. he throws his head back again reaching behind him to grab her wrists,
"fucking rail me".
she left the toy inside of him while strapping the harness on her hips relishing the tiny grunts that left his mouth. once it was secure she twisted the toy in his hole a few more times before she removed it, leaving it gaping and sliming at the crevices. with no hesitation she pushes the thick cock into him making him jump with a choked off moan. "yes just like that". he rasps with his eyes indistinct and half lidded. she uses one hand to grip his waist and the other to grip the table edge in front of him so that she was caging him in. he liked it that way although he wouldn't admit it, it made him feel safe.
the thrusts gradually grew rugged and his hair is bouncing along with his body now; the table that was in desperate need of new screws and bolts was creating a delicious harmony with his moans, the audio alone was pooling moisture between her legs. the both of them could care less about the obnoxious table noise; much too engrossed in the tasks they so often did on empty nights like this where they only longed for nothing but each other. hyunjin spreads his legs wider while tying his hair back into a better ponytail. she grips it midway stopping him from looping the band around it. she decided to create a makeshift ponytail with her hand instead, making his cock leak at the little extra pain from the tugging. he smirks at her roughness as she was in tune with vibe he was giving off. "love it when you fuck me". his voice shaky and unhinged.
she loves the way his ass jiggles while she was fucking him this hard, she loves the fearless way he whines and curses like no one could hear him. the wet sounds the slippery fat cock made each time it entered him drove her mad.
"you want your fraternity brothers and team mates hearing you? you want them to hear you getting your ass pounded?".
she lifted his leg to thrust deeper into him, he was drooling and hissing at how deliciously overwhelming it all felt. she gave him soft kisses behind his ear while railing him into oblivion, her hips snapping against the cheeks of his ass at a pace that could split the table in half. hyunjin knew the orders he gave her but damn, he wasn't expecting to feel like he was losing his everlasting mind. he was high in euphoric clouds with his moans weak and raspy and barely audible. but she liked it that way. fucking him until he was incomprehensible.
"I don't want them to hear but god--fuck-- you fuck me so fucking good".
"you better take it".
his breaths were unstable and his thighs were warm but muscular, flexing as he struggled to maintain his strength. she slaps his ass watching it jiggle underneath her palm.
"you should see the way your ass sucks my cock in".
he begans to fuck himself back on it, fisting his dick at full throttle. she was grinning wildly at his needy panting. "you're so fucking cute". both of her hands was planted on either sides of his body now and she halted her movements just so she could watch him struggle to grind his way to an orgasm. she cuffs the cheeks of his ass and spits between them, making his eyes roll to the back of his head in the slippery process. her chest heaved in excitement while he squirmed beneath her. this couldn't be the same cocky quarterback she met months ago.
"you talk all that shit on the field but can't even fuck yourself good?". she ridicules with her body draping above his. he grew frustrated with himself. "help me cum". he whines, "please".
he hiccups when she digs her fingernails into his roots grasping his hair, fucking into him mercilessly with no plans of stopping until he was completely milked. his torso writhed as he yelped with his eyes full with tears, finally about to achieve the orgasm he couldn't achieve for himself. he's nearly crying, his legs teetering about to collapse in any given moment. her hips were powerful when they slammed into him, she was only able to give one last deep stroke before clasping a hand over his mouth when he started cumming. she rubbed the back of his thighs lightly until he was finished, his hips jerking whenever she touched his throbbing tip.
he was still crying a little when it was all said and done, hiccuping with his voice now hoarse. "you, you better not tell anyone about this". his eyes sobbing.
she kisses his cheeks, fingering combing his hair away from his sweaty face. "when have I ever told on my favorite quarterback?". he smiles a little at that answer, loving the fact that even while his ass was sore, she still had the desire to stroke his ego.
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 years
(The Bad Batch) Crosshair x Reader: Chilly
Warnings: blizzard, cold, Crosshair being grumpy for thirty seconds, some cuddles, and some kissy-kissy.
   Your teeth chattered and body shuddered in futile attempts to warm itself.  Even though the fire your rescuer had built emanated warmth, you hadn’t felt much of a change in the last several minutes laying in the cold sleeping bag beside it.  The rickety ice-fishing shelter was a haven from the snowstorm outside, but you weren’t out of the woods yet, so to speak.
  Getting lost in a blizzard during a mission sure had its downsides.  You were fortunate that Crosshair had found you when he did.
   Speaking of the man, you glanced up as Crosshair ducked into the doorway, pulling the wooden door shut behind him.  He removed his helmet and set it down on the icy floor before throwing another log onto the fire.  The roar of its flames was so pleasant.  An ache settled in your cold hands as you let them hover in range of the warmth.  You almost didn’t notice how Crosshair started removing his armor.  Almost.
   “Cross, w-what are you d-d-doing?”
   Without looking at you, he unbuckled the last of his armor until he was just in his blacks and boots.  “I commed the others to report that I found you.  Tech said you were exposed to the cold for too long.”
   “Sure f-feels like it,” you muttered.  “What d-d-do we do?”
   “We need to get you warm.”  With expression gruff, he climbed over until he was right beside your sleeping bag and peeled back the cover.  His intense gaze watched you expectantly.  “Take off a few layers.”
   “O-okay.”  This time, the stutter wasn’t from the teeth-chattering.  You reached up a cold hand to the collar of your heavy coat, fingers fumbling around the zipper.  The action was difficult as it was with your hands being numbed from the cold, but having him watch you like a hawk didn’t help.
   “Quickly,” he snapped.
   “Sorry, i-it’s a little hard to move.”
   He sighed, but despite his earlier display of impatience, his hand was gentle as he pushed yours away and set to work on removing your coat.  He helped you shrug your way out of it. You were able to pull the sweater off over your head, leaving you in the tank top and pair of leggings you had underneath your gear.  Goosebumps bloomed along the bare skin of your arms, and another shudder racked your body.
   Crosshair wasted no time in climbing into the sleeping bag, pulling the cover up over the both of you, though he hesitated when you drew closer to his lean form.  You were desperate for warmth at that point, but you didn’t want to make it too uncomfortable for him.
   You peeked up at him shyly from where your head rested against his chest.  “M-mind if I…?”
   “Do what you need to.”
   You shifted to tangle your legs with his and breathed a sigh of relief.  Your one arm wrapped around his torso, hand accidentally brushing a patch of skin left exposed by the hem of his blacks riding up.  He jolted from your ice-cold touch with a hiss.
   “Sorry,” you mumbled.  Your heart began to thud wildly when he reached for your hand and tucked it under his blacks to place it on the hot skin there.  “Thank you,” you breathed. Crosshair fidgeted for a moment as he got used to the temperature.
   Neither of you spoke, so you listened to the soothing sounds around you as your body began to heat up.  The campfire crackled and snapped nearby.  It cast shadows on the old walls of the shelter.  If you listened hard enough, the howling winds outside could be heard.  What fascinated you the most was the steady drumming of Crosshair’s heart inside his chest.  His breathing hadn’t slowed, signalling that he wasn’t completely relaxed.
   You hated the thought of making him uneasy.  Over the time you’d spent with the Bad Batch, the snarky sharpshooter had grown on you.  Well, he wasn’t always snarky.  He sometimes acted like that when it came to newcomers, or once in a while he’d throw in a sarcastic remark to tease his brothers.  Most of the time, he was just quiet.  You had learned to read his body language, and you could tell at the moment that something occupied his mind.
   “You okay?”  You were finally able to stop the chatter of your teeth.
   “Next time, report back to the ship when you’re told,” he grouched.  “We didn’t know what to do when we lost connection to your comm.  Hunter nearly had a heart attack.”
   That was Crosshair code for, “I nearly had a heart attack.”
   “I tried,” you argued.  “My comm was broken, remember?  I couldn’t hone in on the ship’s signal.  My tracks were snowed over, and I got lost.”
   Crosshair went silent again for a moment as he brooded over it.  There really hadn’t been much you could do after escaping the snow beast other than remain where you were and hope the others would find you.  So that’s what you did.
   “Perhaps next time you should let one of us come with you,” he said curtly.
   He did have a point there.  Maybe if you hadn’t gone off alone in the first place, things might’ve turned out differently.  But you had insisted that you didn’t need to be watched.
   Oh, the sweet irony.
   Crosshair huffed, seeing that he had won the argument.  His chest rose and fell with the action.  As much as you wanted to be irritated, you didn’t have it in you.  Not while you were laying in his arms with your face buried in the shoulder of his blacks.  Guilt seemed to be the only emotion other than relief that you were capable of at the moment.
   “I’m sorry.”
   The apology was quiet, laced with humility as you abandoned your pride and simply let yourself be grateful.  Crosshair had braved the snowstorm to find you, after all.  He was doing everything he could to make sure you were safe, allowing you to cling to him with ice-cold hands and feet by the fire.
   He shifted a little, draping an arm around you.  Despite the fact that you were already pressed against him, the action felt more intimate.  He was finally holding you in return, actively helping you to get warm.  You took it as his way of accepting the apology, and fortunately, he didn’t stay on the topic any longer.
   “Are you doing any better?” he asked, glancing down at you.  His eyes didn’t hold the same irritation as before.  They even softened a bit as you met them.
   “Yeah, much better,” you said.  “It’s nice to be able to feel my fingers again.”  You flexed the digits experimentally against his skin, and Crosshair’s breath hitched.  His arm had subconsciously tightened around you.  The unexpected reaction piqued your interest.  This time, you let your hand run just a little farther up past the hem of his blacks.  Crosshair inhaled suddenly.
   “Does that bother you?” you murmured, glancing up to try and read his expression.  Though his face showed the same indifference it usually did, his eyes met yours with smoldering intensity.
   Without breaking eye contact, you did it again, letting your hand roam farther up his side.  You felt the expansion of his ribcage as he inhaled deeply.  As it contracted, you released a breath that you hadn’t realized you’d been holding.  For several minutes, the two of you stayed like that.  Your palm smoothed across the length of his side, fingertips brushing over a few prominent scars.  Your skin had gone from cold to warm to searing in Crosshair’s arms.  Did he feel it too?  Did he notice the pounding in your chest?  His heart had picked up its speed.
   He studied your expression like a hawk as his hand came up to brush your shoulder.  It was a light touch, delicate, as if he was testing the waters.  His eyes flickered to the spot before returning to your gaze.  The tension was unmistakable.  
   Crosshair took in your reaction; how your eyes fluttered closed and how lips parted slightly.  You were completely at ease with his touch, and you could feel that he had finally relaxed into yours.  With eyes shut, you felt his hand run down the length of your arm.  His warm breath fanned your face.
   “Cross,” you sighed.
   Both of you had pulled the rubber band as far as it could go.  With your utterance of his name, it finally snapped, and his mouth was on yours.  Heat exploded in your chest at the realization that he was kissing you.  The hand that you let linger at his waist clenched around  his blacks.  Crosshair shifted to lean on his elbow, bracing his other arm beside your head on the pillow, as he kissed you harder.  He could appear cold, calculated...but his kisses weren’t.  They were scorching.
   When you separated, so many questions flew through your mind as he gazed at you.
   Was this a dream?  Why, oh why, did his lips feel so warm and good against yours?  Was this a slip-up, or did he feel for you the way you felt for him?
   Only one way to find out.
   “I care about you, Crosshair,” you confessed.  He didn’t withdraw from you or give a look of annoyance, which was a good sign.  It was only when he leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead that you fully understood.  You beamed and nuzzled farther into the crook of his neck as he got settled on his side again.  The sleeping bag had become a cocoon of warmth, though his arms still encircled you for good measure.
   His heartbeat had gone steady.  His breathing slowed.  And you relished the minutes of peace until the storm cleared and the others were sure to find you.
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queenshelby · 3 years
Fan with Benefits (Part Two)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Words: 2,229
Warning: Smut
Notes: As usual, this is fiction and has nothing to do with Cillian’s real life.
Just after you gotten of the phone with Cillian, your friend and roommate Katherine asked you who it was and, when you told her, it almost blew her mind.
‘He is coming here? Oh my god’ she said almost shocked before asking you the all-important question as to whether you wanted her to leave when he did.
‘It’s fine. He is just coming here to sign the paperwork for the artwork he is buying’ you explained.
‘To your apartment? Common, don’t be so naïve. It’s a booty call’ Katherine said and you surely hoped that it was, although you didn’t want to get your hopes up. After all, you knew that he was married.
After a bit more conversation, Katherine convinced you to be prepared, freshly shaved and showered and told you that she would leave at around 6 o’clock.
At 4 o’clock you attended your usual yoga class and, in order to save some time, you had a shower at the gym following your class before making your way back home so that you could tidy up and apply some make up.
To your surprise, when you walked into the apartment building, you saw Cillian sit on one of the arm chairs near the elevators.
‘You are early’ you said as you returned.
‘Yes, I am. I ended up getting an earlier flight and texted you’ Cillian then said and you quickly pulled out your phone and realised that he had, indeed, texted you but you didn’t see this message until now.
‘Sorry, I have been out and didn’t check my phone’ you said nervously. You were worried that Katherine had left the apartment in a mess, giving you no chance to tidy up now before Cillian’s arrival.
‘Common in’ you said as you reached the second floor of the building and unlocked the door to your apartment. You were impressed that Katherine had not only picked up after herself as promised, but even had left on a couple small lamps to dim the living room slightly.
To your surprise, there also was glassware on the kitchen counter, a fresh bottle of red wine and a packet of condoms which you hoped Cillian wouldn’t notice. You could imagine the inevitable interrogation to ensue the next day, regardless of what happened and you were embarrassed beyond believe.
‘Red wine and condoms?’ Cillian chuckled as he looked towards the kitchen counter and your cheeks turned red immediately and you wanted to sink into the ground.
‘Oh my god. Uhm, this stuff belongs to my roommate’ you explained shyly and nervously, causing Cillian to laugh.
‘Are you sure? Because there is a note saying “Y/N, just in case you need them. Have fun”’ Cillian laughed, reading out the little note that Katherine had stuck to the packet of condoms.
‘Uhm, yeah, no, this stuff is hers. I know nothing about this’ you huffed out with total embarrassment.  
‘That’s a shame. I really felt like a glass of wine and perhaps something else as well’ Cillian winked as he placed the packet of condoms and note back onto the kitchen counter.
‘Uhm, well, you can…I mean we can…aren’t you married?’ you then stammered.  
‘My wife doesn’t mind. In fact, I told her about the nice young lady I met at the gallery last night’ Cillian then said, moving closer towards you.
‘So, is this why you are here?’ you asked nervously, biting your lip.
‘I thought that was obvious’ Cillian then chucked and you felt even more embarrassed than before.
You shook your head nervously. It wasn’t obvious to you at all.
‘Well, obviously your friend thought it was obvious’ Cillian then chuckled and, just as he did, one of his hands caressed your cheeks.
‘She did’ you said before taking up all of your courage and leaning forward towards him which is when his lips met yours in a tentative kiss
‘How did you know that I would want to sleep with you?’ you then asked after your lips drifted apart.
‘I didn’t. I was just being hopeful. Although, I saw the way you kept looking at me last night’ he then said as he leaned against you, pressing your shorter frame against the kitchen counter, and kissing you again.
Your mouths were totally connected now.Your tongues were swirling, darting and exploring each other while the kiss refused to end.
His hands were moving up your sides, gently pressing in against the swell of your ample breasts. At the same time, you digged your fingernails into his back and then grabbed hold of his neck, desperately pulling his face closer towards you.
The smell of his chest and cologne was intoxicating and you were lost in a trance. Was this really happening?
‘Where is your bedroom Y/N? I am all for comfort’ Cillian chuckled as your lips drifted apart and he pulled four condoms out of the packet Katherine had left on the counter for you.
‘Four? Do we really need that many?’ you asked surprised while Cillian’s fingertips had begun meandering up and down your forearm.
‘Well, as you have already pointed out, I am married so this will be a one-night thing and I really want to make the most of it’ Cillian then whispered into your ear as your skin bristled at the sensation on your arm and you relished his scent.
‘So, I guess I will be sore tomorrow then, hmm?’ you asked seductively, biting your lip.
‘It’s likely, but I will make it worth it for you. Despite, I will make use of all you have to offer so that your already soaking pussy can have a rest in between’ Cillian then said in between more and more kisses while he slid one of his hands beneath your dress and panties, collecting some of your juices with his fingers.  
You couldn’t help but moan and wanted him to keep his hands right there, in between your legs, but he didn’t.
‘Common, I want to taste you’ Cillian then said, taking you by the hand and urging you to show him to your bedroom.
Within less than a minute, you found yourself completely naked on your large Queen bed while Cillian stood in front of it, wearing nothing but his tight blue jeans.
You took it all in, his scent, the glow of his freckled skin and the feel of the little bit of hair on his chest.
Never, in your wildest dreams, did you think that you would ever get to have this man and, whilst you were a little inexperienced, you decided that you would let him have it all. All of you, just as he had requested.
‘What are you waiting for Mr Murphy? I am all yours’ you said eagerly, waiting for him on the bed.
‘Just admiring the view’ Cillian said as he was taking off his watch and placing it onto your dresser along with his phone before climbing onto the bed with you.
When he did, you anticipated him to kiss you but he had other things in mind.
‘Spread your legs’ he demanded and, without thought your legs parted and his head disappeared in between them almost eagerly.
Without warning, his tongue immediately located the hood of your clit, causing you to scream out loud.
Your reaction clearly made him smile as, with all of the anticipation and new sensations, a cold sweat beaded up on your brow.
‘So fucking wet, aren’t you?’ Cillian groaned as his tongue kept swirling around your clit and then, occasionally, slid up and down in between your slit, lapping up your juices.
You flooded your channel as Cillian almost sent you over the edge with his skilled tongue alone and, in that moment, two of his fingers slid over your wet folds, slowly parting your well lubricated lips and entered you.
‘Oh my god’ you groaned as your flower opened and the invaders found the way to your previously unexplored g-spot.
He manipulated you, edging you slowly with his thrusting fingers and tongue. He had you on the brink and you were about cum.
‘Oh god Cillian’ you moaned again as chills ran up both your legs and you trembled involuntarily. Your orgasm hit you right then and there, fast and hard and somewhat unexpectedly.
You came all around Cillian’s fingers within five minutes and, whilst you were almost embarrassed by how quick you came, he was rather pleased with himself.
‘So needy. I will have a lot of fun with you’ he observed as you finally came down from your high and allowed you some time to relax.
When you had finally recovered from your intense orgasm, Cillian pulled you off the bed.
Then he took a step closer to you and immediately started undoing his belt buckle and opening his fly. You instinctively dropped to your knees with a smile on your face and as he unzipped his pants you grabbed the waistband of his jeans and his Calvin Klein briefs and began slowly tugging them down.
First you saw his dark pubic hair, then the top of his cock shaft, and as you pulled his bottoms further down his cock sprang forth in all its erect glory. You actually jumped a little when it leaped out at you, a fact that he noticed.
‘Are you going to be a good girl and take my cock all the way into your mouth?’ he asked in a deep voice, sending shivers down your spine.
‘I sure will, after I have a little play with it first’ you replied as you took his cock in your hand eagerly. This was all you had ever fantasised about and wanted to take in everything, the look of it, the feel of it and its scent.
At first you just stroked Cillian’s cock slowly and observed it as it began to swell even more in your hand. You moved in closer to get your other hand on his balls and you could smell his musk. It was intoxicating to you! As you gently massaged Cillian’s testicles you could feel how full they were and you couldn't help it anymore. you needed to taste him.
You stuck out your tongue and licked his shaft from his balls all the way up to the tip. Then you swirled your tongue around the tip a few times as he growled under his breath. Finally, you completely enveloped Cillian’s cock head with your lips and started sucking him. You let lots of saliva dribble out of your mouth to keep the shaft lubricated as you continued to stroke him.
‘Fuck, that’s it’ Cillian groaned as you kept at it, working his shaft with one hand, massaging his balls with the other, and sucking him for several minutes. He had his hands on your head guiding his cock in and out of your mouth.
Eventually, Cillian tightened the grip he had on the back of your head and pushed you further down on his shaft until, finally, he bottomed out against the back of your throat.
You gagged, saliva dripping out of your mouth as the wetness in between your legs was building.
‘You are doing so fucking well’ he groaned again as you gave into his force and let him take your mouth as you were moaning around his thick member.
Eventually, Cillian released his grip against your head and let you get back to work at your own pace, and you continued giving him a slobbery blowjob. This time, you forced yourself further and further down his long shaft, making yourself gag and listening to him groan in approval.
One of your hands kept a firm grip on his balls while the other stroked him up and down in tempo with your head bobbing.
His groans were getting louder and you moaned softly against him, slurping loudly as you moved, letting his cock hit or lightly ease into your throat every time you sank down. You gave him long strides, really making sure all of his cock was getting some form of attention.
‘Fuck’ he murmured, starting to squirm. ‘I am close’ he then groaned and you were really curious what his cum would taste like.
Cillian’s groans and moans just made you work harder. You wanted his orgasm to be nice and intense, so you ramped up the speed and your slurping noises were getting even louder as you milked his cock faster.
Cillian’s hand found its way back to your head, his fingers getting locked in your hair as he got closer and closer until finally, he started to cum.
‘Fuck’ he groaned again as his hips twitched upwards, trying to get deeper into your mouth as he filled it with his load.
‘I want to watch you swallow it Love’ he groaned as he held your head against his cock while he filled your mouth. His cum was so thick and sweet and coated your tongue, making you drool even more as you collected it all in your mouth.
Then, finally, he released the grip on your head and pulled away from you and lifted up your cum filled mouth for him to see.
‘Show me’ he groaned, still coming down from his high and you complied with his request and opened your mouth, moving your cum covered tongue around seductively.
Then, you closed your mouth again and swallowed down his load, gulping slightly as you did before licking your lips clean seductively.
‘So fucking sexy’ Cillian huffed out before pulling you up and towards him.
He pressed his lips onto yours and practically growled, wrapping his arms around you and kissing you ferociously which was when, suddenly, his phone began to ring.
 Tag List:
@lilymurphy03 @deefigs @theflamecrystal @desperate-and-broken @weepingstudentfishhorse @livinginfantaxy @rosey1981 @atomicsoulcollecto @peakyboyslover @nerdy4itall@elenavampire21 @hanster1998@mariapaiva13 @fairypitou @harry-is-my-sunflower @zozeebo @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa @littlewierdalien @sad-huffle-nerd @theflamecrystal @peakymalfoyscullymulder @themissthang@0ghostwriter0 @stylescanbeatmyback @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni @momoneymolife @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03 @mcntsee@cloudofdisney@missymurphy1985 @peakymalfoyscullymulder @otterly-fey @janelongxox @uchihacumdump @basiclassy @being-worthy @chaotic-bean-of-smolness @margoo0 @ @vhscillian @ysmmsy @littlewierdalien @crazymar15  @stickyknightflowerbailiff @im-constantly-fangirling @goldensunflowe-r  @tellingyouastory  @captivatedbycillianmurphy​  @namelesslosers​  @littlewhiterose​  @ttzamara​  @ttzamara @cilleveryone  ​
@severewobblerlightdragon​  @ysmmsy​  
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Summary: Y/n is kidnapped and forced to reveal secrets of the pack
Pairing: Derek X Reader
Warnings: Blood, torture, swearing
Word count: 2605
Original piece please don’t copy
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The school bell rang for the final time that day, a collective sigh of gratitude echoed in the room, the teenagers grateful to be released from the maths teacher’s class. Gathering your books, you stacked them in a neat pile before exiting the room, offering a small smile to your defeated teacher. It wasn’t her fault maths sucked and no one enjoyed it, you did feel bad for her on some level but also who the hell would willingly dedicate their life to teaching numbers?
Entering the hallway, you made your way through the sea of teenagers, everyone desperate to go home for the weekend. Reaching your locker, you grabbed the couple books you needed, shoving them into your backpack, thinking about the homework you had due on Monday you sighed. The door to your locker slammed shut before you could close it.
“Hey, you ready?” Stiles smiled.
“I told you I can walk home.” You rolled your eyes, walking away from the boy. Surprised by your quick movement, Stiles jogged to catch up to you, throwing an arm lazily around your shoulders.
“I know you can walk home but why would you when you have me?”
Exiting the main doors of the high school, you welcomed the fresh warm air, the smell of angsty teens left behind you. Reaching the end of the pavement, you saw the jeep parked a few cars away.
“Stiles I want to walk.” You turned to face the boy.
“Y/n, you heard what Derek said okay? All these recent attacks? The break ins and thefts? He doesn’t want you alone.” Stiles tried to reason with you. Knowing the recent spike in criminal activity was less than likely to involve the supernatural, you felt safe walking the 20-minute trip home. In fact, you enjoyed the peace it brought you. Half of the walk was through the woods, a quiet haven from the busy high school, and being autumn, you relished in the yellow and orange leaves that swept through the small woodlands.
“Stiles. It’s 20 minutes. I’ll text you when I get home okay?” Stiles sighed.
“You know Derek is going to kill me if I let you, you know, that right? You like the idea of alive Stiles because I do! And I am not letting you be the reason I don’t make it to my 20’s okay?”
“Derek doesn’t have the balls to kill you.” You turned on the heel of your foot, headed towards the woods, leaving a defeated Stiles in your wake.
“I’m telling Derek you said he has no balls!” He called after you. You let out a small laugh, grabbing your headphones from your backpack, and your phone from your pocket, you scrolled through your playlist, deciding today was the perfect day for (Your current favourite song).
Entering the woods, you felt a rush of calm wash over you, the stressful week was pushed to the back of your mind, your thoughts centred on the surrounding woods. You stepped over exposed roots and around large bushes, glancing up at the sky you watched as the wind swept through the foliage, the ageing leaves dancing in the light breeze. The sun peaked through the cracks, determined to reach the forest floor, providing the perfect amount of light for your stroll. The floor of the woods had been coated in fallen leaves, leaving a blanket of red and orange below your feet. Taking a moment to stop and appreciate the tranquillity the forest provided you, you felt your phone buzz in you pocket.
Home yet? I’m this close to sending out a search party!
Rolling your eyes and shaking your head you began typing a response.
You need to…
Before you could finish you felt a knock to your head, your vision distorted, the soft sound of music playing through your headphones which were now next to you on the forest floor, was the only thing you could hear before everything went black.
Another blow straight to your stomach knocked the wind out of you. Coughing and spluttering you attempted to regain your breath, each inspiration hurting more than the last.
“Oh, you are so going to regret that.” You mumbled.
Leaning to the side of the chair you spat a mixture of saliva and blood to the ground, you couldn’t tell where the source of the blood was coming from, maybe your lip, or maybe the inside of your mouth. Too many lacerations to your face meant it all blended into one.
You raised your eyes to meet your rival, struggling to see through the blood you saw one man wiping his fists on an old rag, your blood coating his knuckles. He faced a woman to your left, who sat with one bent knee up on a bench. Her back leaning against the wall adjacent to you, a smug grin on her face.
You rotated your wrists which were bound behind you, the thick rope digging into your skin. Your ankles were bound too, tied to the legs of the wooden chair you sat on.
“You’re going to tell us what we want sweetie, its just a matter of how beat up that pretty face is going to be before you tell us.” The woman commented, as she played with her fingernails, pushing the cuticles back. If she was trying to look disinterested, she was doing a great job. But you were ready for this. You trained for this. You knew what was coming, and if it meant keeping your friends, the pack, safe, then you would gladly take whatever they threw at you.
The mans fist connected with your jaw once more, snapping you out of your daze. The room began to spin around you, and your vision blurred. Trying to recenter yourself you pulled at your wrists, the pain of the rope grinding into your skin giving you something to focus on.
“Alright careful there, big guy, we need her conscious if we’re going to get that information.” The woman stood from her seat, striding slowly over to you, before bending at the waist in front of you. She reached out to grab your face, but as soon as her fingers made contact with your skin you pulled away. A stern look, on your face made the woman let out a small laugh.
“You’re a tough one aren’t you.” She turned her head, almost admiring your battered body before her. “Too bad that doesn’t mean shit around here.” Grabbing your hair, she yanked your head back, exposing your neck to the room. Moving to stand behind you she held out her other hand, gesturing towards the man in front of you. Without a word exchanged, the man grabbed a knife from a nearby table, its blade glinting in the moonlight the small window above you allowed.
“Sweetheart, you have no idea who you are dealing with do you?” The woman whispered in your ear, her grip on your hair only tightening as she neared the knife to your throat. You felt the cold edge, lightly cross your neck, not enough to pierce the skin, but enough for you to avoid swallowing.
Taking a deep breath in you closed your eyes. Grounding yourself was apart of your training, something that was drilled into you from the beginning. Breathing in again, you picked up on the different smells the room produced, sweat from the man in front of you, poorly masked by his cheap cologne. The sweet smell of the woman’s hair from behind, her locks dangling beside your face. The overwhelming metallic smell of blood being the most potent. You changed your focus to your heartbeat. Feeling it pounding against your chest begging to be released you pictured your heart slowing, its contractions reducing with every breath you took. Steadying your breathing was next. Cautious of the blade still connected to your neck you breathed in through your nose, holding in for a few seconds before releasing softly through your mouth. Repeating those steps, you were able to regain some stability. You were still in the same crappy scenario but at least now you were calmer. A panicking person is an interrogators wet dream. A calm person, their nightmare.
Sensing your self-control increase, the woman let go of your hair, moving the knife from your neck to the table beside the man. Standing before you once more, she knelt in front of you, keeping one knee up for balance, she waited for your eyes to open once more. Regaining the control, you almost lost, you felt strong enough to open your eyes once more. Staring at you the woman barely moved, she was searching your eyes for something, her expression a mixture of shock and impressed.
“You’re not afraid.” Her words barely above a whisper. Your only response was a return glare. A small smile creeping on to the face of your kidnapper. “They trained you well.”
Standing, she turned to the man behind her, whispering something in his ear before turning back to face you, her arms crossed against her chest. The man dropped the rag he was still holding and left the room, the sound of the door locking behind him.
“Let’s cut the bullshit honey. You have information I need. And I know I’m not going to break you, not by torturing you anyways. So, let’s try something else, shall we?” The woman began to pace back and forth in front of you, the small room only allowing her a few steps before being forced to turn around again. Your eyes followed her, left and right, before she stopped in front of you once more, still facing forward.
Taking in a sharp breath, she spoke. “How’s your sister doing?” She turned to face you. Refusing to let her know she was finally making some progress with you, you remained staring at her. Resuming her pacing she continued speaking.
“She’s what 5 now? Gosh so young. But you know what they say right? They grow up so fast.” Your eyes tracked the woman, more intently than before. This woman knew your family. Something that was always off limits when the pack was involved. Your attempts at shielding them from the supernatural had been successful, keeping that part of your life private even from Derek. And here this woman stood, threatening them. Threating to take away your motivation to make the world safer. Unfazed by your lack of reaction the woman carried on.
“Soon enough she’ll be going to high school, making friends, maybe even realising who her sister really is.” She stopped before you once more, bending at the waist she placed her hands on the arms of the chair you were bound to. “You didn’t think you could protect them, forever did you?” Tears threatened to fall from your eyes. No amount of calm breathing could ground you now. “Aw babe.” Her hand raised to your cheek, ready to wipe away the falling tear. You only pulled away from her once more, hating the way her skin on yours felt. “Don’t tell me I hit a nerve, did I? Sucks doesn’t it. Well, there is one way of ensuring your little family stay naïve to the world around them.” She stood tall once more, her voice now deeper, more sinister than before. “Tell me what I want to know.”
You had no choice, right? She threatened your family, your sister. You protected them from so long, only for you to be the reason they are in danger. Looking down at your lap, tears hit your thighs unable to control them you simply let them fall. Taking a deep breath, you looked up at the woman before you, a smirk present on her face which made it so much harder to say what you were about to. But the images of your sister raced through your mind. The way her hair shone in the autumn sun, the way her smile reached her eyes when she was really, truly happy, the way she greeted you after school every day by running down the front path directly into your arms. That was the highlight of your day, finishing school and-
You never responded to Stiles.
You never texted him back, and the kidnappers were kind enough to bring your phone into the room with you – hoping to get some information.
Your eyes moved to the door behind the woman, a loud crash followed by a heavy grunt sounded from behind the entranceway. The woman whipped her head around, only to be met by silence. She slowly approached the doorway.
The woman turned back to you, unsure of herself. You only had a small smirk as a response. Before she could question you, the door busted open, barely remaining on its hinges, a rush of dust filled the room. Watching ahead as the dust clouds engulfed the woman, you heard a deafening roar followed by a petrified scream. Small thuds followed, as the dust reached your eyes you began coughing, the sudden pain in your ribs swiftly returning.
Two hands were placed on your shoulders, looking up you were met by two green eyes.
“Hey, you okay?” A worried Derek scanned your face, concern riddled him as he saw the multiple cuts and bruising before him. You could only nod, the dust denying you the ability to speak.
Moving behind you, he effortlessly cut the ties that bound your hands, then your legs. Using the arms of the chair to stable yourself, you attempted to stand, wincing when the pain became too much. Derek moved to your side, wrapping your arm over his shoulder. Carefully placing his arm around you, resting his hand on your hip he accepted most of your weight, attempting to make standing and walking easier. As you took a few steps forward, the dust cleared from your eyes and you were able to regain focus. Looking forward you saw the woman who threatened you, her back against the same wall the door was, her skin now covered in blood, her chest still rising and falling rapidly. Scott stood before her, looking down at the defeated woman, his eyes still red and his claws still present.
Clearing your throat, you stopped walking, causing Derek to pause and look over to you. You peered down at the woman, no longer in a position of power, she looked smaller, more gaunt than before. Her eyes showed she was petrified, providing some comfort to you after what she did.
“Sucks doesn’t it?” a whisper of a smirk present on your lips.
Proceeding to step forward through the doorway you were met by a panting Stiles, his arms stretched out in front of him, you couldn’t tell him to stop before his body connected with yours. You inhaled sharply, grimacing as pain rang throughout your body.
Derek used his free hand to grab Stiles by the shoulder, pulling him away from you, a small growl forming in his chest.
“Oh, shit sorry of course you’re hurt shit sorry.” The boy stumbled over his words, his eyes finally taking in the battered sight before him. He moved to the side of you not occupied by Derek, his help was welcomed by you, suddenly feeling lightheaded from standing.
The three of you began walking forward towards the exit of the building.
“Is now a good time to tell Derek, you think he has no balls?” Stiles piped up earning a death glare from Derek. “No? Okay we can come back to that.” You used whatever energy you had left to shake your head.
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
So I discovered the trailer for Belle (2021), and it’s making me think about what I love about Beauty and the Beast riffs, and what makes a story scratch that particular itch for me or not.
And I think a huge part of it for me is the examination of monstrosity as a social role. To just use Disney’s animated classic as my base for comparison here, Adam, The Beast, is not literally cursed with fur and fangs, claws and horns- he has those things, and may have mixed feelings about them, others certainly have bad reactions to them-
-his curse is ostracization. His curse is to not be seen as human. What actual, physical features he has are irrelevant to that. They’re just quirks he can learn to live with, or a further excuse to tell himself he deserves this isolation, this frustration, this misery.
So the breaking of the curse, to me, is not the scene where Belle sobs confirmation of what we knew well before then into his stilling chest and brings him back, minus those quirks- if anything, that his happiness comes with the loss of those things has seemed to me (and I’m not alone) as almost something of a betrayal depending on how it’s framed.
By contrast, to me, the breaking of the curse is the ballroom scene, and the moments leading up to it. Adam returns to Adam, rather than The Beast, at the point that he decides that he deserves to be treated like a human being- not as a labor of love from Belle, but from himself. Yes, it’s love with Belle that they dance together, that they have this ball scene when there’s no high society to impress, but before that point, he had to make a decision; that he can clean up and dress nice and have an evening. That he deserves to.
When we first see The Beast, he has all of the means and resources to act like a prince, to present like one. He could make himself comfortable and be surrounded by splendor, but the truest thing he suffers under is he’s ceased to see himself as worth the effort. It’s not as if he could cut the fur down and prune back his claws, file down the horns, and look the way he feels he ought to- the way he thinks he should. He’s broken every mirror in his house except for the one he hides from, and this is a gesture of absolute defeat. He knows what he looks like. He can’t pretend he doesn’t. The only way he can tolerate this is not looking at himself.
As a neurodivergent queer person, the monster in the mirror is something I have a very complicated relationship with. I have an “advantage” in some ways. My appearance is not shocking to most people. I do not benefit from an obvious mobility aid or assistive device; I speak within a range people think of is normal. I have an “unusual haircut” for a “girl” and I don’t aggressively correct people on my pronouns or presentation.
But I’ve always had this feeling, that perhaps, my fangs and fur were simply easy things to trim off, and it’s so easy to wonder, would I still be okay if they weren’t? Because really, it’s none of the granular details that make a monster. For every imagined horror creature, there’s almost certainly a real animal it resembles, and real animals are not monsters. A monster is a monster; anything else, we believe, has a place, has a home. Deserves to exist.
To be a monster is to be a thing that doesn’t fit, or, more directly, to be a monster is to be a thing that is unaccepted. Rejected for not fitting. Unworthy of love, from within, or without.
At the end of the day, I know, factually, I am not a monster. I know that I’m a real person. I know that I deserve dignity and respect and love, even if only from myself. I’m not owed another person to love me just to prove that I can be, but, also, no man is an island; as humans we seek each other one way or another, romantically or platonically. That’s a fact of anyone, not just people who struggle to see a real person when they look at their reflection.
And yet, at this same time, I can’t help but feel betrayed, left behind, when the narrative goes that if the monster does everything right its reward is to be shaped into the likeness of a Real Human Being. Because you can’t just pull a feathered skin off me and make me like I “should be”, like my various diagnoses and self-identifications all present me as an aberration from. If you showed me a me without any of those qualities, that’s honestly the thing I’m the most afraid of, a me without me. A Miss Perfect who’s a good, normative daughter, and in my insecurity I wonder if people would like her so much better than me that they wouldn’t miss if I was gone.
Which, that’s nonsense. I know a lot of people who care about me the way I am. But nobody ever said fears had to be rational.
At the end of the day, as much as I hate the idea of being a monster to others, I also relish the notion of qualities that are categorized as monsters. I love dragons. I love putting big, horrible teeth and leering eyes and wings and claws on heroic characters. Because brought into the light, qualities are just qualities. And if you bring those qualities into the favoring, soft light of stories about human connection, romances, queerplatonic bonds, friendships and found family alike, those qualities can even be charming, alluring, inspiring; a character can look like anything and we still feel a rush of reassurance that this specific character is there.
And that’s the other side of Beauty and the Beast: Adam is running away from being a monster, and Belle is trying to run away from who she is, too. Because Belle is the other side of that trap.
Let’s be honest; it isn’t just that Belle’s an outspoken woman with opinions. It’s that she’s pretty. She’s the prettiest girl in town. She’s someone people want, people have expectations for- and those expectations have little room for what she actually wants. Hell, that’s one of the major dangerous driving forces of the climax- Adam nearly gets murdered by a mob because Belle made a choice that her community really didn’t like, especially Gaston, and it’s easy to point to Adam as the wrong choice because he’s pointy.
“Beauty”, as much as “The Beast”, are dehumanizing categories that people are sorted into. The doll and the monster. One is considered beneath monstrosity; beguiling, an object of appeal and desire but not someone with opinions, oh no, and not someone able to make a choice that you disagree with. People driven to the fringes by opposing forces but regardless find each other in the place they’re trying to find room to breathe in.
And that, I think, is one way some of these riffs can, for me personally, miss the point- and that’s not a mark against them, it’s just that there’s a specific thing I see in this story, and it’s very specifically not, “to be beautiful and desirable to mass public consumption is the way to be happy; we will have a story about how to rehabilitate someone so they can be beautiful too” but rather, “what does it mean when people stop seeing you as yourself, whether the alternative is perfection or a monster? what would you do to be seen clearly?”
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jaehyunfirstlove · 3 years
Hey as a 1k mile stone request how, about that stuck on an island one that someone had previously mentioned. the possibilities are endless and I know only you could do it justice 👀👀👀
Pairing: stranger!jaehyun x f.reader
Genre: e2l, smut (18+ only)
Warnings: unprotected sex, fingering, bulge kink
Word count: 2.7k
A/N: so i got carried away with this one lol! hope you like it anyway, and thank you for sending it in :)
Your week at your friend’s timeshare was coming to an end, and you definitely weren’t looking forward to it. The week of solitary bliss had been the perfect cure for the stressful quarter you’d had at work, and as you packed up your things you stared longingly out at the palm trees swaying in the ocean breeze.
You brought your luggage down to the dock to wait for the boat to come and take you back to the mainland, and noticed another person waiting. Your friend had assured you that you were the only person staying at her timeshare, and indeed you hadn’t seen anyone else in the entire week you were there, so where this person came from you didn’t know.
“Hello,” you greeted him politely. He barely turned his head to look at you, and with dark sunglasses on you couldn’t see his eyes. He just nodded, then turned back to stare out at the water. You had no idea what his deal was, but you did not appreciate his rudeness.
“Are you waiting for the five o’clock pickup too?” you tried again, making your voice louder and firmer. He didn’t even turn to you this time, just looked at his watch.
“It’s late,” was all he said, still staring out at the water.
Indeed he was right, the boat was expected five minutes ago, but you still bristled at his brusqueness. “Um, I don’t mean to be rude, but where did you come from? I thought I was the only one staying on this island.”
He laughed. “You think you’re the only one who’s allowed to be on this island?”
“I did not say I thought I was the only one allowed to stay on the island, I just thought my friend’s timeshare was the only one here.” His attitude was really grating on you, and at the irritated tone in your voice he finally turned to you.
“Well, it’s not. Mine is on the other side of the island.”
You were taken aback, not realizing there was another timeshare on the island at all. “Oh, sorry, I had no idea. My friend didn’t tell me there was another one.”
“That’s obvious. Maybe if you’d known you wouldn’t have left your garbage all over the island.”
You felt heat rise in your face at being wrongfully accused. “I did not leave my garbage all over the island, so I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“If you’re the only other person on this island, and it wasn’t me, then it was definitely you!”
“How do you know it wasn’t you?!”
“I know because I can clean up after myself!”
Your argument was interrupted by his phone ringing. Sighing loudly, he answered it while you silently fumed, waiting for him to end the call so you could yell at him some more. But when he ended the call, he took off his sunglasses and turned to you.
“Looks like we’re stuck here for a bit longer,” he said, worrying his lip as he ran a hand through his hair.
“You’re kidding me,” you said in disbelief. You thought he was toying with you and being an ass, but then your phone rang and you got the same message. A storm had built up on the mainland and no boats could leave, but they promised to send one out as soon as the storm passed. You asked how long that would be, but all they could say was that it could be anywhere from a few hours, to a few days.
“Oh for crying out loud!” you complained, knowing you would miss your connecting flight. The man you’d been talking to suddenly got up, grabbed his pack, and started walking back towards the main road. “Hey! Where are you going?” you called to him, “shouldn’t we wait here?”
He shrugged as he walked, not turning to look back at you. “It could take hours, even days. I’d rather wait somewhere more comfortable.”
You huffed, hating that he was right, because the more you thought about it, the more you didn’t want to have to wait at the dock under the burning sun, with no shade in sight. Except that you looked at the sky, and it had suddenly started darkening. The weather from the mainland seemed to be headed your way, so you decided it was probably best to get indoors.
You caught up to the man at the main road, because he had stopped and was standing there, looking up at the sky.
“Looks like this storm is gonna hit us soon,” he said, checking the weather app on his phone, “and it’s a big one.”
You looked in the distance and the clouds were indeed menacing, the sky almost as dark as night. You’d experienced storms like this on the island before, and you knew they weren’t the kind you’d want to be caught in.
“Listen, my timeshare is just around the bend there, if we hurry we should make it,” you suggested. You didn’t relish spending time alone with this grumpy stranger, but at the same time you weren’t cruel enough to leave him outside during a wicked storm.
He paused, thought about it, then nodded. “We need to hurry then, it’s right on top of us.”
Sure enough, you’d only walked a few feet before you felt the first drops of rain. Before you knew it, the rain was coming down in sheets, the water level rising at your feet, and visibility so poor you could barely see your hand in front of your face.
“It’s no good,” you heard the man say from somewhere to your left, “we better find shelter.”
“No, no, we’ll make it,” you insisted, not wanting to stay out in this weather any longer. Except that you could barely move one foot in front of the other, your feet sloshing uselessly in the muddy water.
“Forget it! We can barely see where we’re going!” he yelled as the rain came down harder, “there was a rock outcropping a few feet back, let’s make for that.”
You didn’t want to listen to him, didn’t want to admit that he was right, and you thought about going ahead on your own, but the thought of getting lost and having no one around to find you was too daunting. “Fine, let’s go,” you begrudgingly agreed.
“Come on,” he said, taking you by the hand. You recoiled, pulling your hand back.
“What are you doing?!” you yelled over the patter of the rain, getting louder now.
“Relax, princess, I’m just making sure we stay together.”
You relented then, letting him take your hand. “Fine. But my name’s Y/N, not ‘princess’.”
“Wish we met under better circumstances, Y/N. I’m Jaehyun, by the way.”
You grumbled a hello, but you had to admit, his steadying hand definitely helped you navigate the treacherously slippery road. Once he determined you were in the right spot, he pointed towards a grayish smudge past the treeline.
“That’s where we’re headed, but be careful where you step it might be-”
You had opted to ignore him and surged forward, only that the accumulated water had obscured how deep the ground was in that spot, and you pitched forward, splashing into the water as you lost your balance.
“Oh for fuck’s sake!” you cursed, and even over the loud drumming of the rain you could hear Jaehyun laughing.
“Come on, princess, don’t stay down too long,” he chuckled, grabbing a hold of your arm and hauling you up. Once you were in a stable standing position, you yanked your arm out of his grasp.
“I can manage on my own!” you yelled, “and stop calling me ‘princess’!”
“I really don’t think you can,” he shot back, “and I only call them as I see them.”
You seethed the rest of the way to the outcropping, but once you got there you breathed a sigh of relief. It was a serviceable cave, probably the size of a two person tent, but the most important thing was that it was dry. You dropped to your knees onto the cool stone floor, relieved to be out of the rain.
“You should take your clothes off,” Jaehyun stated matter-of-factly, dropping his pack in one corner of the cave.
“I beg your pardon?”
“I’m gonna build a fire so we can get warm. You’re positively soaked and you’ll get sick if you stay in those wet clothes.” He started to rifle through his pack, pulling out some matches.
You watched him curiously, but still made no move to do what he said. “What are you, a boy scout or something?”
He just smiled, as he went around the cave collecting dry branches. “Never hurts to be prepared.”
“Fucking boy scout,” you mumbled under your breath.
“What was that?”
“Nothing,” you shook your head, then took one look at him, narrowing your eyes, “you’re wet too, why don’t you take off your clothes?”
He looked up at you, after managing to get a small fire started. “Suit yourself,” he shrugged, then started peeling off his shirt, followed by his shorts, and once he got to the waistband of his boxers you stopped him.
“Wait, wait, I was only joking!” you held up your hands nervously, your heart starting to beat faster. You couldn’t help but admire his build, his wet skin glistening in the light of the fire.
“Listen, I don’t want to have to take care of a sick person, so take off your clothes and get over here.” He held out his arms.
“What- why- do I have to-”
“Body heat is the quickest way to warm up but it’s faster if it’s skin-on-skin, so take off your clothes and come here.” He spoke to you like he was speaking to a child, and you would’ve been offended except you were too busy trying to calm your heart at the prospect of cuddling with a complete stranger, albeit a very attractive one, you suddenly noticed.
You briefly thought about just dying of mortification, but your survival instinct kicked in instead, and despite your reservations you found yourself doing what he said. He had the good grace to turn his head while you stripped, and it was only when he pulled a small blanket out of his pack and handed it to you did he turn around.
“Come by the fire,” he said, pulling you to lie down with him. He wrapped his arms around you and you held your breath, the feeling of his arms foreign but not unwelcome. You pulled the blanket over the both of you, and you had to admit the heat of his body was warming you up very nicely. So nicely in fact, that you couldn’t help the heat that was building up inside of you.
“Isn’t this nice?” he asked cheekily, and his breath hot against your ear made you shiver involuntarily. He assumed it meant you were cold, so he wrapped his arms even tighter around you. You let out a small squeak as you got more aroused, rubbing your thighs together.
“You okay?” he asked, but the tone of his voice had changed. It was lower, raspier, and now as your outsides dried, your insides got wetter.
“Yes,” you lied, but the arousal you were feeling couldn’t be contained. You wiggled your hips tentatively against him, and you heard him hiss behind you.
“Don’t do that, princess,” he warned, “or you’ll get something you won’t expect.”
“What if… what if I wanted it?”
He paused for a very long time, and you took it as a rejection, except that his hand started to roam downwards. “Do you really want it?” he asked, voice husky.
You nodded, taking his hand and placing it between your legs. He cupped your sex, and you inhaled sharply as he kept his hand there.
“I have to warn you, princess,” he said, sliding his fingers along your slit, “I don’t go easy, even on spoiled little princesses like you.”
You were already falling apart but his words made you even wetter.
“You liked that, didn’t you princess, you’re fucking gushing.” He pushed his fingers in even further, and you knew you were drenching them in your juices.
“Oh fuck, Jaehyun, I’m gonna come,” you gasped, your body shuddering as he pressed his fingers hard against your g-spot. He pulled his fingers out when you were done, licking them clean, before he turned you onto your back.
“That was sexy, princess,” he smirked, then he pushed your legs apart with his knee, settling his body between them. He hovered over you, not touching you at all, and you found yourself aching for his touch. He smiled at your neediness, how your lips parted slightly, your brow furrowed, your hands shaking restlessly at your sides.
“Jaehyun, please,” you whined, unashamed at how desperate you sounded.
“Are you begging, princess?” he was still smirking, and you really wanted to wipe that smug look off his face, but you wanted him to fuck you more.
“Yes I’m begging, just fuck me,” you whined, grabbing a hold of his forearms.
“As you wish,” he said, leaning down until the tip of his cock touched your wet pussy. A scream died in your throat as he pushed in, stretching you so deliciously you gripped his forearms with such force you probably left imprints of your fingers there.
“Fuck, so tight,” he groaned, his wet hair falling into his eyes as he started to pound you. The heat you were feeling was so intense now, the fire beside you definitely adding to it, but it was the way he moved his hips against you, the way his cock was hitting you exactly where you needed that made you lose your mind.
“Oh Jaehyun, oh fuck, oh my god,” you scratched up his arms, scratched up his back like a cat but you couldn’t help it, unable to contain the delirious pleasure he was giving you. You were falling apart, rapidly reaching your end.
“Are you gonna come for me, princess,” he breathed, bringing his hand up to pinch a nipple. You couldn’t answer him, couldn’t make a noise as your back arched off the stone floor, your orgasm rippling through you in a shuddering wave.
“Oh my fucking god,” you whispered, when you got your breath back. He just smiled, leaning down to kiss your neck.
“I’ll give you a moment to catch your breath,” he whispered, between sucking marks on your neck, “but I’m not finished with you.”
He was still hard inside you, not having come yet, and once your breathing evened out he yanked your legs up over his shoulders and started drilling into you again.
You moaned loudly, your voice increasing in pitch, drowning out the driving rain outside. The new position drove him so deep inside you that you put your hand down to your lower stomach, feeling him hit there.
“Can you feel me there, baby,” he groaned, watching as you pressed your hand against your stomach. “Fuck, you take me so well, such a good little princess for me.”
You fell apart then, hitting your high when he thrust in particularly hard, finally releasing a choked cry. He managed a few more hard thrusts before he was spilling into you, your pussy milking him till he was spent. He released your legs, breathing heavily, before he tucked his face into your neck, nuzzling lightly.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice soft now, the change in his demeanor so striking it made your head spin. You could only nod, biting your lip, and that action drew his attention to your mouth. He kissed you then, soft and gentle, held you in his arms as the rain continued to fall.
The next morning you woke to a bright sun, and your phone ringing. The storm had passed and they could send a boat out now. Watching Jaehyun sleep peacefully, his bare chest rising and falling, you told them you weren’t quite ready for a pickup yet, and that you would call back.
How long? They had asked, and you had smiled, brushing a lock of hair away from his face.
Oh, maybe a few days.
Thank you for 1k!
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yourmidnightlover · 4 years
niagara falls pt.2
TW: smut, titty sucking, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, cream pie, oral (female receiving), multiple orgasms, and a bit of discussion about feelings and mushy gushy stuff
Summary - spencer uses this time to partially make up for his words to you, and you discuss your future with him.
WC - 3,838
you don’t rly need to read pt 1 to understand this... just know spencer’s making up for some things he said to you before you ran away to travel for a while.
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"you're still wearing my sweater," spencer said as he met your collarbone with his antics, pushing it slightly off your shoulder so he had more room to work.
"i uhh- i am wea-wearing your sweater," you huffed out, your hand trailing back to his neck so you could pull him to your lips.
you both moved with a fervent you weren't aware you had until now. his hands moved from your waist to your jaw, tracing every inch of your body to commit it to memory.
"it looks better on you," he said against your lips, his hands moving down your back to your thighs, lifting them so you could wrap your legs around his waist.
"spencer!" you giggled at his sudden eagerness as he walked the two of you over to the bed, gently laying you down.
you started to remove the sweater yourself, only for spencer to stop you with his hands covering yours at the hem of his shirt.
"let me... please," he said before you nodded. he slowly drug the fabric up and off your torso, you leaned up so you could throw it over your head. "i've wanted to see you like this for as long as i can remember," he hummed before connected your lips once again, his hands finding your now bare waist underneath him, admiring how the white lace contrasted with your skin.
"please, spencer," you begged as your hips began to buck up, looking for any source of friction.
"i'm taking my time, princess," he moved a strand of hair out of your face softly. "let me worship you like you deserve," he whispered, wanting to take this moment as slow as he could as to make sure it's real.
he began kissing down your neck again, sucking on your collarbone to surely leave any marks he could. his mouth trailed down your body, meeting the tops of your breasts. he reached his arms around you to make contact with the clasp, looking into your eyes for approval.
"is this what you want?"
"yes. i-i want this... so much," you announced, allowing him to unclasp your bra and connect his lips with your breast.
he kissed the top slowly, going all around one of them while his hand began gently massaging the other. his tongue traced your nipple before his lips wrapped around it, sucking lightly. your hands found his hair and shoulder as he kept up this pattern with alternating between each breast, massaging and kissing and sucking.
the room began to fill with your moans and angelic noises, spencer found himself wishing he would live in this beautiful moment forever. you tugged gently on his hair, eliciting a moan from him this time, the vibrations carrying through to your chest.
"oh my god, spence," you praised. "i-it feels so good," you began to feel the pit of pleasure building in your stomach, much to your surprise.
you had heard about women who could orgasm from nipple stimulation, but you had never had a partner who was even willing to try. now you were rather curious...
"d-don't stop. please, please, please don't stop!" you begged as his free hand began massaging the breast his lips were working on.
your back arched off the bed, your hands pulled spencer impossibly close to your body, wanting to feel every inch of him against you. you felt spencer smiling against your breast but you didn't even care, the wave of pleasure rushing over you and hitting you like a cyclone.
"spencer! yes! fuuckk!" you yelled, still coming down from your high as spencer lead you through it.
"wow, y/n," spencer awed as he made his way back up your body. "i didn't know you'd be able to do that," he said with a smug grin on his face.
"i didn't either," you huffed out. "i mean, i've never really tried, but i had no idea."
"i'm glad i'm the one that figured it out with you then," he relished. "i'm going to be entirely focused on you... and your pleasure today," spencer admitted.
"why?" you were baffled at the admission.
you had been with two other guys sexually, and you could say that neither of them had ever been so... generous as to let you be the focus of attention. let alone give you more than one orgasm.
"did you seriously just ask me why?" he questioned. "let's just think of this as the beginning of my apology," he smirked, looking into your eyes with both lust and endearment.
"am i one lucky lady or what?" you giggled, a small grin plastered on your face caused by the man in front of you. "but what if i want to... help you out?"
"oh believe me..." he chuckled. "you're more than helping me out by just laying there... looking how you look," he smiled, eyeing your body up and down.
"okayyy," you rolled your eyes. "whatever you say, genius."
"good. because that's how this is going to work right now," he said, his personality switching to that of a dominant one.
his hands trailed down to the waistband of your pants. you lifted your hips to help him take them off. when he noticed your choice of white lace underwear, he found himself wishing he hadn't taken your bra off.
"fuck, y/n," he sighed out, absolutely smitten with everything about you. "it's like you're trying to kill me." he announced before making his lips attach to your torso, trailing down.
you didn't know what he was doing at first. to you, he was just kissing your stomach. but then you realized that he was trailing down to your heat, you got nervous.
"y-you don't have to uhm... do that," you said, leaning up on your forearms to see him more clearly.
"you mean..." he placed his hands on your lace clad hips, you nodded. "princess, i've dreamt of how you'd taste on my tongue. i'm not missing out on that now," he practically demanded.
if you truly didn't want to do that, you knew spencer would stop. you just didn't want him to do something he didn't want.
"oh, uhm... okay," you agreed, rather eager of how this would feel for you.
"has nobody ever eaten you out before?" he questioned. you pursed your lips together and bit your bottom one before shaking your head no. "the guys you've been with must be absolutely insane. are you okay if i do that?" you nodded your head yes. "words, princess," he moved his hand to cup your face. "i need words."
"yes. yes it's okay if you... eatmeout," you blushed at the admission.
"thank god," he laughed before slowly pulling your panties down your legs and throwing them off the bed.
he spread your bent legs so he could place himself between them, his arms wrapped around your thighs and meeting back around your heat, spreading your pussy lips.
"fuuck... your pussy's so fucking pretty," he said, a finger trailing up your soaking slit. "and wet," he smirked.
your head leaned back as your body was still propped up on your forearms, a small moan leaving your mouth from the little contact he's made.
when your head tilted back up, he made eye contact with you as his tongue made a flat swipe up your pussy, collecting some of your juices.
"mmmm," you moaned, already enjoying the feeling of his tongue on your body.
"i could say the same, princess," he smiled widely. "you taste better than any meal i've had in ages," he admitted a with a grin before focusing on you again.
he pushed his tongue into your hole gently, tasting the inside of you, going in and out in a pattern before moving his tongue further up. he flicked it over your clit, over and over and over, your moans vibrating out into the room only spurring him on even more.
your hand found his hair, pushing him closer to your heat, your hips moving in a way to get more friction. he wrapped his lips around your clit before gently sucking it between his teeth, his tongue still moving back and forth over it.
"yes! just like that! yes!!" you exclaimed, your hand still pushing him closer to you.
he moved one of his hands from around your thighs and slowly entered a finger to your heat, sending your head flying back in pleasure.
he began pushing his finger in and out of your pussy, curling them once they entered about two inches, adding another after he felt you were ready.
"right there! right fucking there, spencer! yes!" you cried out, tugging gently on his curls, a moan rippling through his body right onto your clit. "i'm so close! i'm so fucking close! please don't stop! please..." you trailed off as he became more aggressive in his actions.
he began pumping his fingers in and out at an impossible pace, still curling them at that soft rigid spot inside you. his tongue began flicking even quicker, sending you right over the edge into a pit of euphoria, your pussy clenching around his long fingers.
"spencer fucking reid! yes!!" you threw your head back as his eyes never left your face. "oh my god..." you said as he worked you through your orgasm.
you leaned up completely, looking at him in complete awe from how the man just made you feel. you placed your hands on both sides of his face, crashing his lips into yours. you could taste yourself on him as your tongues met.
when he pulled back, he wiped his chin from your juices and sucked them off of his fingers, never breaking eye contact from you.
"yea they were really missing out on that," spencer said with a wide grin.
"i think i've been missing out. and i'm also very aware about how... naked i am and how clothed you are," you raised your eyebrows suggestively. spencer just stared at you. "please, babes?" you asked with puppy dog eyes and pursed lips. spencer's heart welled at the nickname.
"since you asked so nicely," he said, connecting you lips once more as your arms went to his chest, beginning to unbutton hit shirt one by one. when you got halfway down, you felt his breath hitch, he was nervous.
"spencer... what is it?" you pulled back slowly, looking into his eyes. he began to close himself off, not looking you in the eyes. "you're feeling insecure," you stated, your hands finding his face again to meet his eyes with yours. "you, spencer walter reid, are the most attractive man i've probably ever laid eyes on. your eyes, your lips," you kissed him. "your hair," you ran a hand through his locks. "and your body," you traced his torso with your hands feather lightly.
"i'm just... not as muscular as your past boyfriends. i don't... i don't look like other guys you've been with," he sighed, looking back at his hands in his lap.
"spencer. you just made me orgasm twice in the past what? twenty minutes?" you baffled. "my past boyfriends have had trouble making me do that even once. you... are unbelievable," you complimented, ending it with a deep kiss. "besides, even if you were the ugliest guy on earth, i'd still love you and be attracted to you because you're you."
"thank you, y/n. i love you, too," he kissed the tip of your nose. "now... back to you," he said, placing a hand on the small of your back to lay you down, him hovering over you.
"such a gentleman," you said, finishing undoing his buttons as he shrugged the shirt off. "absolutely beautiful, spence."
it's not like you haven't seen his body before. you've been best friends for as long as you could remember and have seen him in nothing but a towel before. then again, you haven't seen him like that in this kind of setting before.
and spencer knows you don't care about that. he knows that you'd never judge him from his looks or his body, but he wants to be good enough for you, which is a major contradiction to the fact that he believes that nobody will ever deserve you.
he began fervently kissing you again, his tongue delving into your mouth with a hunger that couldn't ever be satiated. your hands traced the stubble on his face as his were propped at your head to keep him from falling over. you moved one of your hands to begin undoing the button on his pants eagerly, a chuckle emitting from him.
once you got it undone, he helped you pull both his pants and underwear down, leaving his bare erection against your thigh.
"oh," you said with a sly grin, a hand reaching down to begin stroking his length, a low moan leaving his mouth as your lips found his.
you quickly rolled the two of you over to put yourself on top. you straddled his hips on all fours, trailing kisses down his cheek, jaw, neck, torso, making your way to his rock hard cock.
you took his length in your hands, eyeing the noticeable length to it. he was perfect. he was long, but not too long to where it would kill you to take him, and thick, but not so thick that he would stretch you beyond belief.
you placed a gentle kiss to the tip which was already leaking with precum. you found the most prominent vein in his member before tracing it with your tongue, being sure to use light touches.
spencer was already squirming in the bed, in disbelief from the wonders your mouth could do already. lowly sighs and moans were leaving his mouth periodic with your movements.
you slowly lowered your mouth on his cock, paying special attention to the tip as you got further down. you moved your mouth up and down at a slow pace, keeping your eyes on spencer and how beautiful he looked with his slower breaths.
eventually, he couldn't stand just being inside your mouth. he wanted to be even closer to you. inside of you. he took hold of your jaw and pulled you back up his body, taking your lips in his.
"you're fucking amazing," spencer sighed into your mouth, taking note of the smile he felt against his own lips.
"yea?" he nodded as he smashed your lips together again before flipping the two of you over. you grabbed his hard cock and lined him up with your entrance.
"are you sure you want this?" spencer asked with care, stroking the hair on the side of your face.
"yes. yes i want it," you nodded eagerly.
spencer slowly entered his member into you, taking pleasure from the way your face contorted in pleasure. he took his time to fully sheath himself into you, allowing you the time you needed to adjust to his length.
you moved one hand to his shoulder and the other to the back of his head as your mouth formed in the shape of an 'o'.
"oh my god, spencer," your fingernails dug into the skin on his back as your other hand tugged on his hair harshly.
"fuck... you're tight, princess," he said as he began to slowly move out of you, only leaving the tip in before thrusting back inside, leading a moan from your mouth.
"i-i..." you trialed off, unable to speak from the pleasure you were feeling. "i... ohh,"" you mumbled.
"does it feel good? yea?" he asked you, one of his hands grasping your breast and massaging it gently. you couldn't say anything, you were speechless. you laid there with your mouth ajar as his thrusts continued at a leisurely pace. "can you not say anything? does my dick render you speechless, princess?" he teased.
"uh... huh," you squeaked as his mouth latched onto your nipple, his pace steadily increasing. "s-spen... ohhhh," you awed, feeling the pit in your stomach welling up again.
"fuck you feel so good," he mumbled on your breast as his hand began to gently and quickly circle your clit.
so many things were going on at once; the clitoral stimulation, the penetration, the nipple stimulation. you felt an overwhelming sense of pleasure rising up inside of you.
before you knew it, you were falling over the waterfall of pure ecstasy, taking spencer over the water with you.
spencer continued his thrusts a few more times, relishing in the way your pussy clenched around his member. you felt the spread of his own excitement cover your walls, a sensation you never want to forget as long as you lived.
"fuck..." spencer breathed out.
"mmhmm," you agreed, still unable to form a sentence from the pleasure you just experienced.
spencer slowly pulled out of you, trying his best not to hurt your still sensitive body. you held onto his torso, not wanting to separate your body from his.
"i'm going to carry you to the bathroom to clean you up. okay, princess?" spencer asked kindly, wiping your hairline that had a sheen of sweat built up.
"mmkay," you mumbled, wrapping your legs around him so he could pick you up koala style.
he set you down on the closed toilet, being sure to grab a clean washcloth and get it damp with warm water. he bent down on the floor in front of you, allowing your hands to grasp his shoulders for more stability.
he ran the washcloth over the trail of liquid running down your legs, being sure to use a gently touch once he got closer to your core. he ran the cloth over it softly, noticing the way your fingers dug into his back from the touch, the low hiss that exited through your nose.
"sorry, y/n/n. we just need to make sure you're all clean," he apologized, pulling back to look into your tired eyes. "uhm, you should probably use the restroom in order to avoid getting a uti," spencer informed you.
"never change, spencer reid. never change," you giggled, taking a deep breath in order to help your breathing. "and you're very right about those uti's. i should really go pee now," you looked into his eyes, him still not moving. "which means privacy, spence," you giggled, once again, noticing the smile that appeared onto his face.
"right," he laughed, patting your knee before standing back up and exiting the bathroom.
you did your business, and washed your hands before exiting the bathroom with a smile. you walked out of the bathroom, finding spencer in nothing but his boxers, sitting on the bed. you walked over to the bed and sat on spencer's lap, your knees bent and placed on the bed, straddling his legs.
spencer's arms hugged your torso, his eyes tried to avoid your still naked state. your hands went around his body, underneath his arms and bringing him into a tight hug.
"i'm sorry i ran away, spence. i should've talked to you about how that made me feel," you whispered into his ear.
"no, you shouldn't be sorry. i'm sorry. i knew about you past and i still said those thing to you," spencer sighed as his arms grip slightly tightened on you. "you drank because of me, y/n. i-i can't ever tell you how sorry i am for that."
"i know you're sorry, spence. i know," you breathed in his scent, relishing in the smell of sex and fresh laundry that remained on him. "maybe we could go to niagara falls together tomorrow?" you leaned back to look him in the eyes, taking note of his smile. "y'know, since we originally wanted to go to these places together anyway?"
"i uhm," spencer laughed, "i would love to, y/n."
"yaayyy!" you squealed, connecting your lips together passionately, managing to knock spencer over, him now laying on the bed. "i'm excited!!"
"me too. i can't wait," he smiled, moving a strand of your hair out of your face.
spencer still couldn't believe you loved him. he couldn't believe how lucky he was. you were perfect in every way, shape, and form.
the way you knew that after a tough case, he wouldn't want to talk about it. you would just hold him, and let him fall asleep on his chest.
the way you laughed at his terrible jokes, even if you didn't fully understand it. you tried your best to make him feel normal, and you succeeded in making him feel normal.
the way you listened to his rambling when he found something fascinating. you would always go up to him after the rest of the team shushed him, and asked him to continue what he was saying.
and your beauty was unprecedented to him. your bone structure that looked magnificent in every kind of light, every curve on your body - even the ones you were insecure about, the squinting of your eye when you laugh... everything.
"you okay, smartypants?" you asked, rolling off of his body and laying beside him. you propped your arm up so your head could rest in your hand as you looked at spencer.
"yea, i'm all good," the brown haired man said, turning to face you on his side. he draped his hand over your waist, bringing your body closer to his. "i'm just glad i'm here with you."
"i'm glad you're here too," you smiled, hugging him in return. "can we go to sleep now? i'm too tired to do anything right now," you giggled.
it was now dark outside, your hotel room window being able to display the darkness in a way that made it look like a beautiful painting. it was full of bright stars of different hues, pink, gold, and white, the moon shone into the window, perfectly illuminating the sculptures of the buildings outside the room.
"of course we can. anything you want, bubs," he grinned brightly. "i have one request to make," he began with a sly smile.
"you wanna lay on my chest?" you chuckled as he nodded eagerly. you opened your arms for him to lay on you. "come here, ya big baby."
spencer snuggled up into your arms, your bare chest acting like the best pillows in the world in his mind. you ran your hands through his hair as he nuzzled further into your embrace.
"do you think it'll be like this when we get back home?" spencer asked with a sense of yearning.
"umm, i don't know," and you didn't know. you didn't know if this is what life would be like with him. you didn't know if you were even ready for a life with him. "it could be, i suppose," you shrugged.
spencer picked up on the nerves the question brought you. the way your breath picked up and your heart rate sped slightly.
"i-is this what you want? u-us, i mean?" he wearily asked, afraid of what your answer might be.
"i've loved you for a long time, spence," you took a deep breath. "i just wish we didn't have to worry about the bureau or about the team and what they'd think."
"so let's not care what they think. we love each other... shouldn't that be enough?"
"it is enough. i promise," you kissed the top of his forehead. "i do want us."
"good," spencer smiled against your body. "goodnight, y/n. i love you."
"i love you."
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