#also I was busy for the ball thing so someone throw me a charlie so we can plan an event for the hotel 🥺
radiostarsz · 5 months
evilly plotting, evilly plotting
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comfortwriting · 3 years
A Summer Secret Part 1 - F.W
Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompt Masterlist
Part 1 of my mini-series 'A Summer Secret' want to be tagged? Let me know!
Part 2
Requested/About: After bursting a water pipe and flooding his house, Fred needs a place to stay - whilst the family is on a vacation he temporarily stays at  George's house. Y/N tries to get out of an arranged marriage her parents have planned with the Malfoy Family. Failing to do so, she flees to George's house - the father of her best friends who promised she could stay there to escape. Fred and Y/N meet unexpectedly, and something sparks between them - something that Fred vows to be nothing more than a summer fling, a summer secret... but is it?
Warnings: Age gap relationship (y/n is 18), swearing, mention of arranged marriage, mention of food and eating.
Staring out of the train window, bidding farewell to the mountains, the river, and to Hogwarts, you felt tears prick at your eyes. You weren't ready to go home for summer, you never did - you were always at the Twin's house, living under George and Angelina's roof to escape the arguments your parents caused when you said no to them controlling every aspect of your life.
Unfortunately, Gideon and Fabian were going away for the summer with their parents to visit Charlie and you were unable to join them, you understood and was fine with it, but you were absolutely terrified to step foot into your home, with your parents trying to force you into a marriage you didn't want.
"Cheer up, Y/N." Fabian frowned "I hate seeing you upset."
You broke your stare from the scenery and looked over at your best friends, taking some puking pastilles from their bags.
"Just in case" you muttered, "If they're sick they'll leave me alone."
Fabian smirked and shook his head, tutting "Did they say anything else in the letter?"
You shook your head back "No, they just told me I didn't have a choice.  I've graduated, I'm eighteen yet I can't decide what I want for myself."
"I can't imagine getting married at this age to someone I've probably never met."
You stared at Fabian, a little sore and taken aback by his sudden burn.
"Thanks, Fabian, I can't either." You squirmed in your seat and pulled out some jelly snakes from the bag of sweets you were sharing, biting and pulling at the tail, stretching the snake, bursts of green apple and lime flooded your mouth.
"I'm sorry Y/N," he apologised starting to panic.
You shrugged it off and tried to stay calm, throwing him a jelly snake"It's okay."
Gideon rummaged through his large bag and pulled out a large bronze key, handing it to you. "If things get really bad, stay at our house anyway."
You smiled slightly and took the key from him, examining it before stuffing it in your pocket "Thanks, lads."
Fabian nodded his head, flicking through job applications he had filled out before sighing and plonking them back in his bag. "Thank Merlin we've got dads shop"
"Tell me about it" Gideon replied "Uncle Fred will be chuffed when we roll up begging for a job."
The two of them laughed, waiting for you to join in, but you were too busy staring out of the window getting lost in what could unfold in a few hours time.
Dear Y/N,
We are so proud of you for working so hard, we are very eager to find out your N.E.W.T results in the next few months to come.
Your mother and I have been looking for jobs you can apply to once you're home, if you've got the grades, working for The Ministry seems rather promising. Your friend's uncle worked as an Auror for a little while, the one who now picks up spare shifts at that joke shop every now and then.
Anyway, we have got some news we need to share it with, unfortunately, we are unable to tell you in person as the wait is too long, but I don't doubt our owl is rather fast at delivering letters; a lot faster than yours it seems.
We have decided that you will be getting an arranged marriage, your status needs to be high if you want to go for and do well in life, you will marry into a very successful family, one that will open doors for you which your N.E.W.Ts cannot.
If you have anything going on with anyone right now, you need to end it before you arrive home. This matter is not up for discussion, neither is the family we have chosen for you.
Arrive home on time, well dressed, and we will go through the meeting. Don't you dare show us up in front of them, you will regret it.
Please write back, I'm not sending another owl to check on you and you are old enough to realise that Howlers are for kids.
Grow up and act like an adult.
See you soon.
Safe Travels,
-  Y/D/N
Grumbling down the path to your house, your stomach started to do flips as you inched closer and closer to the front door. Seeing yourself in the reflection of the glass diamond shape in the middle of the door, you quickly fixed your hair that got ruffled in the wind, unrolling your skirt and straightening out the creases in your blouse.
Taking a deep breath, you exhaled and pushed the front door open, carrying your trunk inside, your owl flying inside eagerly for scraps of food. Your heart thumped in your chest and you could hear each thump in your ears.
"Mum!" you called out "Dad!"
"We're in the living room, Y/N," Y/D/N replied.
Setting down your trunk beside the stairs in case you needed to make a quick escape, you walked into the living room, staring at your shoes, afraid your parents had already pulled out a wedding dress and pamphlets of various venues waiting to be hired.
"How lovely to see you," your mother smiled, getting out of her seat to pull you into a hug before your dad cleared his throat.
Yeah, go on, scare her away from me like you always do.
Your mum quickly sat back down beside your father who didn't hug you or welcome you home. Instead, he pulled two moving photographs from the pocket in his waistcoat, setting them face down on the table in front of you.
This must be the family he's chosen for me.
"Well dressed like I asked, thank you." He smiled "You'll be happy to know that the family we have picked out for you are rather eager to... get the ball rolling. They've been kind enough to offer to cover the costs of the wedding, and helping you move into their home once you have married their son."
A wedding... I won't get to choose...
Moving into their home... where I cannot escape...
Fred cursed under his breath standing in his kitchen, the bottom of his trousers heavy and drenched because of the water rising up to his ankles. He dragged himself around the kitchen, searching for some parchment and a quill, but with no luck, he grabbed the muggle telephone, trying to remember how to ring his brother.
"Hello, George Weasley speaking-"
"Alright, Mr Fancy arse" Fred replied, swearing as his shoes started to squelch with each step "Look, I need some help."
Angelina could be heard in the background, telling George to meet her at the airport after she lands with the boys.
"What's up, Freddie?"
Fred sighed "I'm up to my ankles in water, a bloody pipe burst and these muggles take ages to get here. The whole house will be flooded by the time you get here, can I crash at your place? I don't want to bother mum, she's got enough going on with Ron and Hermione's newborn."
George smirked through the phone, amused at his brother's bad luck with something as simple as a water pipe, magic not being able to fix it after a prank going wrong with Fred's wand.
"Of course, me, Angelina, and the boys will be gone for a few weeks though, there's enough food and that - all I ask is that you look after the owls for us."
Fred walked up the steps, his lower legs now getting wet "Thank you, George, I owe you one!"
"It's okay Freddie, just don't get up to any trouble."
"I won't. Say hi to Charlie for me!"
If Gideon and Fabian knew Uncle Fred was staying at the house too, they would have texted you, sent an owl if they didn't have any signal, but they didn't know - and their father didn't think to tell them.
If Fred knew a younger girl would be staying in the house, he would have rented a room somewhere else, hell, he would've stayed in the office above the shop, but he didn't know.
And you of all people would've forced yourself to stay under your parent's roof for a little longer, or jump on a plane and bump into Gideon and Fabian just by chance, but they didn't tell you.
Fred always felt amazed when he was in George's house - it was large and cosy, a proper family home, a master bedroom with an ensuite, two guestrooms where you had slept during previous summer - where the twins often slept instead of their own room from time to time, and a large bathroom that could fit in the whole Weasley family.
You swallowed hard, shifting in the stiff chair, you shook your head, your voice wobbly as you tried to speak.
"Dad, I appreciate all of this, I really do - but I'm an adult, it isn't your choice or right to make decisions for me, I don't want to get married, I don't want to live with another-"
You wanted to continue, but Y/D/N glared at you, he spoke through gritted teeth, flipping over the photographs of the family trying to buy you for their son.
"How dare you disrespect me. After everything I have done for you, for this family, you are not an adult, you still act like a child!"
"I'm eighteen!" you snapped, feeling brave, finding your voice.
"You are still living under my roof! You will do as I say!"
Your mother did nothing but stare into the fireplace, perhaps deep in thought or imagining you in a white lace dress, walking down the aisle with a face smile plastered on your face.
"No, I will not!"
"You will!" your dad bellowed, rising out of his chair "because they are coming to meet you in an hour and you better comply, girl!"
Tears pricked at your eyes, your chest tightened and the familiar lump formed in your throat. Staring down at the picture made you sick to your stomach, you recognised the young lad in the photograph, for he was no other than Scorpius Malfoy.
"The Malfoys!" you also stood up "I will never, ever marry into that family! Not after what they did!"
Y/D/N grunted "What are you going to do? Marry a Weasley? Work in a joke shop and be a laughing stock for a living?"
You stormed out of the living room, grabbing your trunk, your mother continued to stare into the flames, blocking out everything around her, smiling about what could have been.
Your dad followed you, grabbing the other handle on your trunk, pulling you to him.
"You aren't going anywhere!"
"I'm going anywhere but here!" you snarled back, your trunk opened and your clothes dropped onto the floor, letting go, you stormed up the stairs and sprinted to your bedroom, slamming the door behind you.
Frantically, you pulled out your phone, messaging the twins.
Y/N: They want me to marry into the Malfoy family! I can't fucking do it.
Fabian: Wait. Scorpius?
Gideon: You've got to be joking.
Y/N: No! I'm not! His family are coming to meet me in the next hour, what the fuck am I going to do?
Gideon: Puking Pastilles?
Y/N: No, I'm not risking leaving this bedroom if I'm not going outside.
Fabian: You've got our house key, use it genius.
Y/N: I will tonight, I just need to fake this shit, hopefully, I won't be married by morning, I'll run away to yours in the night.
Gideon: Be careful.
Fabian: Don't do anything we wouldn't do.
Y/N: Why do you think I'm running away? The Malfoys are the worst match!
Fred got used to being alone in the house after a week, blasting loud music, dancing like no one was watching, walking around in nothing but his boxers as the summer heat became unbearable. He felt on top of the world, he was alone, enjoying himself, in a huge house all to himself.
Managing to escape through the night as you had planned, you were taken by surprise when you arrived at George's manor to find the lights on and music blaring through the walls.
Maybe the twins came home early to surprise me.
Knocking on the door was pointless, even if you yelled the music was too loud to compete with. Pulling out your key, you unlocked the door and walked inside, setting your bags down on the table on the porch, hanging your coat up on the peg. Following the music you stopped in your tracks, in front of you was Fred, dancing in his boxers, sliding across the wooden floor in his socks, playing the air guitar. Your cheeks started to go red. If this was a prank, it was definitely well thought out - but deep down, you knew that Fabian and Gideon hadn't come home.
You had met Fred before, you always visited the joke shop with your friends and he had been at George's many times over Christmas, and Summer when he wasn't working. Each time you had seen him, he had always been on his own, no girlfriend, no ring on his finger.
Fred spins around with his eyes closed and opens them as he faces you, he jumps out of his skin and instantly covers his private parts with his hands as his eyes met yours, you grabbed the remote and rapidly paused the blaring music.
"W-What are you doing here?!" he asked, breathless and red.
You picked up one of his T-Shirts and threw it at him, leaning against the table, staring at your shoes as he got dressed "I could ask you the same thing." you replied shyly.
taglist: @amourtentiaa @alwaysnforeverfangirl @horrorxweasley @inglourious-imagines @reeophidian @sebby-staan @xmalfoyweasleyx @onlyfreds @lucymfer @livvysnaps @supermassiveblackhope @youralternantpersonality @xgoodbyexinnocencex @gustepasilyte 
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douxparadies · 4 years
The Yule Ball
SUMMARY: The yule ball at Hogwarts was so eagerly awaited that everyone was on edge. Obviously, you were too, but you didn't know that the person you wanted to go with was too. There were some misunderstandings.
Pairing: Charlie Weasley x fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: I confess that this little writing was kept inside "my drawer" and only now I decided to write it on the computer. I hope you like it.
I based my character on the game, that's why there are mentions of her being from Hufflepuff.
“Y/N! Tonks! I need to hide!” Penny entered the common room in panic.
“What’s wrong, Penny?” you asked.
“I’ve heard that Diego wants to invite me to the ball. I don’t have a pair yet and I don’t know how to reject him. So, I’m running away until I find a good excuse.”
You and Tonks had to hold the laughter.
“Why won’t you go with him? He is pretty popular, you know?” you said.
“Oh, please! Have you heard the way he talks about himself?”
They heard people passing by the barrel. For the voices, it must be the boys.
“You didn’t see me!” Penny hurried to the girl’s dorm.
She barely had time to close the door, Diego came in right after.
“Have you guys seen Penny?” He asked.
You and Tonks had to make an extra effort to control the guilty faces.
“No, we didn’t see her. No.”
"Strange... I met Skye on the way, and she saw Penny coming here."
Diego turned around just as Chiara Lobosca left the girls' dorm.
"Chiara, is Penny sleeping yet?"
"Penny? She is-"
Behind Diego's back, you gestured fervently, silently asking Chiara to say yes.
“She is sleeping! She is sleeping already.”
"With all this ball stuff, she must be very tired," you added.
"It’s not that she usually sleeps like a rock-Ouch!" you nudged Tonks.
“Uh, okay. I'll speak to her tomorrow.”
The girls waited for the boy to leave and then collapsed on the couch.
“That was close.”
 "Let’s go and see what we can do for Penny."
They went into the girl’s dorm and found Penny walking back and forth.
"How can I get rid of him?"
"Say you already have a pair," Tonks suggested before tossing a bean inside her mouth and making a grim face at the horrible taste of earthworm.
"But I don't have and I don't like lying either. I just don't want to hurt him."
“Then invite someone! Someone nice," you suggested and already had someone in mind. It worries her that Talbott might have wanted to go to the ball and had no one to go to because the only two students she ever saw him interacting with were Penny and herself. If possible, she wanted everyone to enjoy the ball. "It could be one of our friends."
“Yes. I guess you are right and I think I know who. I just hope he is not going with someone, already. I will send him an owl right away!”
You went to bed feeling quite satisfied with herself.
At the courtyard the next morning everyone was busy, walking here and there with all the work Penny Haywood was putting through into making the Celestial Ball the most marvellous. The corridors were filled with shining silver stars and everywhere, the students, more girls than boys, just talked about the ball. At the girl’s bathroom with Rowan, you brought the ball again with Rowan, she still couldn’t believe her friend didn’t want to go.
“It is not just me and Ben, many people just don’t want to go to this ball either. And it’s too stressful that everyone keeps talking about it.” Rowan said.
“You are looking by the entire wrong perspective. It is not about the ball it’s about enjoying it with the people you like.” You tried to convince her.
“So, you are going to the ball.”
“I would… But I don’t have a date.”
“What about that boy yesterday?” you felt her cheeks becoming red. A blond boy she didn’t know from Gryffindor asked you and you refused. You already had a person you wanted to go with and that was Charlie Weasley. Since the day he defended her from Merula in Care of Magical Creatures they became friends. He has been helping her find the next cursed vault and you didn’t even have to convince him to. But you still didn’t get the nerve to ask him for the ball.
“I rejected him. Well, who cares?” – you lied. You were just too embarrassed to admit there was a person, in particular, you wanted to go with. “Why would I get all dressed up for a stupid tradition anyway.” You added, spiritless.
“Alright, alright... I won’t go anyway. It is not like I even got a dress.” Rowan replied.
“Boo-hoo the poor losers couldn't get anyone to go to this stupid ball.” From one of the toilet cabins, Merula appeared as she was listening to the whole conversation.
“What about you, Merula? Who are you going with?” You asked, ignoring Merula’s antics.
“Humpf! That none of your business, weirdo!” She scoffed and walked away.
Rowan and You looked at each other for a second.
“Who do you think is going to take Merula to the ball?” You asked.
“Maybe she'll go with Barnaby.”
“They are no longer friends as far as I know. Besides, he's already going with that Ravenclaw girl.”
“With Tulip?”
“No. It’s the one with curly hair who is always reading.”
“Nancy Gould? What a surprise. I think I have never seen them talking with each other.”
Rowan liked Nancy since they both loved to read and preferred to spend time alone nurturing their knowledge. Although, Rowan’s interest was more general and Nancy showed a special interest in magical creatures. Maybe she and Barnaby had much in common after all.
“That's what he told me. Anyway, I want to get this story right, let's go to the lake and talk to her.”
You hasn't had a proper conversation with Nancy yet, but someone who is friends with Rowan, Ben and Liz couldn’t possibly be a bad person. Besides, you could use this opportunity. By the lake, they saw Nancy under a tree, drawing the giant squid that was resting at the surface.
“Nancy!” You called.
The girl looked up from her sketchbook, surprised to see the famous curse breaker of her year talking to her. You knew you were well-known at school because of her brother Jacob and the cursed vaults. What you could not imagine is that for good or for bad, you were becoming very popular for you deeds.
Later that morning, Andre got an unexpected invitation to the ball. He still hasn’t said to anyone, but now he was rather curious about who his friends were going with. At the courtyard he found Ben and Charlie playing gobblestones.
“Got any idea who you’re going to ask for the ball?” Andre asked.
As Rowan, Ben didn’t want to go to the ball, but You and Andre made special arrangements to help them with the clothes and now he was excited to go.
“I was too nervous to go before, but now I want to go alone. I’m not brave enough to invite somebody anyway.” Ben replied.
Charlie did not answer. Andre had an idea of whom his friend wanted to go with.
“Well, you better hurry up. I heard she already rejected a boy from our house.”
He wasn’t enthusiastic about the ball but the thought of You going with some other guy made his stomach churn.
“Who are you going with?”
“With Penny.”
Penny was the most popular and one of the most beautiful girls of their year. For sure a bunch of guys would be jealous.
“What? You asked her?”
“No, she asked me this morning. I was surprised too.”
“You were lucky. How am I supposed to ask her? We are friends and I don’t want to make things… awkward.” He could feel his heart racing already. Andre didn’t know what to say because he liked Penny but didn’t feel that way about her. If they asked Penny for advice she would definitely help, but you would know for sure since they are close.
“I don’t know how to help you. I asked Nancy yesterday, but she already had a pair.”
“Oh. She is going with Barnaby.” Ben said while eating a piece of chocolate he got for winning the game.
“Really? He asked her?” Andre was surprised. Nancy was too quiet and he knew she had few friends.
“I don’t know.”
“Now I’m curious. Let's talk to him, then.”
The boys went down the hill and found Barnaby throwing stones at the Fighting Willow.
“Hey, Barnaby. Are you busy?”
“No, just killing time. Need me for something?”
“It’s just… We're having trouble getting the girls to the ball…” Charlie said.
“We are?” Ben asked and Andre nudged his arm.
“So, we wanted to ask you how did you invite Nancy?”
“I don’t know, man. I just asked. She had lost Twiggy last week and I found him. When I returned him to her, I asked if she didn’t want to go with me.”
“It is her bowtruckle. I kept him all day with me until Liz warned me it was hers.”
“We didn’t know you were close. I almost never see her talking with other people.” Andre said.
Barnaby scratched his head and made a confused expression, as he had just now given a deep thought about it.
“I have to admit, I feel sort of weird when I realize this. I mean, I like Nancy. She is easy to talk to and you can she’s pretty smart. She’s always done the demonstration when Professor McGonagall calls on her.” he smiled as he spoke so naively that the boys wondered if this was one of his secrets to attracted so many girls. Also, ‘easy to talk to’ was definitely not the way people usually described Nancy.
“Also, she let me play with Prowler.” He completed.
Prowler is the name of Nancy’s kneazle. Charlie and Andre exchanged funny looks, now they could see where his interest lies.
In the end, he still didn’t know how to get the nerves to invite You. He was getting worried now. If he didn’t do it soon, you will go with somebody else. He’d just have to talk to you, that’s all. He ran through the corridors expecting to find you, but his way was blocked by an unpleasant figure. Merula the bully from Slytherin.
“Looking for someone?” She asked.
“Go away, Merula. I don’t have time for you.”
“Oh, please! For as much as I hate you, I hate Y/S even more. So, I thought about warning you that she just doesn’t care about… what she called? A stupid tradition.”
He looked at her with skeptical eyes.
“… You are making this up.”
“I had just seen her, and she said exactly these words to that bookworm friend of hers. Well, I don’t really care if you believe me or not. But if you are going to invite her, I hope I can be there to see your face after rejection.” She left laughing.
He was never one for trusting Merula, but she managed to completely destroy his confidence.
                                                          ♦ ♦ ♦
As Nancy told them the whole story it was impossible not to giggle when thinking about the number of girls who must have been furious having Barnaby taken away like that.
"Wow. I wish I could just do it easily, like Barnaby." You said.
“You think too much. After that everything you have done, inviting someone to the ball can’t be that scary, right?”
Nancy was a quiet girl, but she talked rather bluntly. And she was right, for the girl who defeated You Know Who - even as a boggart - last year. Asking Charlie should be easy.
“…yeah. You know what? You're right! I know what I'm supposed to do. I’m going to talk to him. I can do that!”
“Ew! What is this? the weirdos club?” It was Merula again.
“You have nothing better to do?” You said. The second time today, she was getting the feeling of persecution right now. “We are just talking about the ball, Merula. Want to join us?”
“Oh, please. I’m just waiting to see the show. The mighty Y/S doesn’t have a pair to the ball.”
“I will have a pair because I will invite the person I want, myself.” You said with her chin raised in confidence.
“You do that. Don’t waste a bit of your time thinking why a certain redhead boy haven’t asked you all this time.”
You were speechless, how did she know that she wanted to go with Charlie? What did Merula know about him that you didn’t? Merula said nothing more and just walked away with a smirk on her face as she just had won a fight.
“Why would she say that?” Rowan asked.
“Why do you think she does anything if not to harass others?” Nancy said that with a serious tone. But she hurriedly stored all her drawing material as if she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Before she goes, she stopped right next to You and spoke to her in a low tone.
“There is something there. Take care, curse-breaker.” She had a discreet smile in the end.
“You think Merula may have planned something?” Rowan asked after Nancy climbed up the hills back to the castle.
“I don’t know. But there's no smoke without fire. I will look for Charlie. We see each other in the common room.”
Determined, you marched off in search of Charlie, ready to confront him.
                                                           ♦ ♦ ♦
“Charlie, why haven’t you invited me for the ball?”
At first, he was taken back for the sudden question. He was so busy thinking about inviting you that he didn’t think you would bring up the subject. Now he didn’t know what to say. The question looked like a minefield, what would be the right answer here?
“I didn’t know you wanted to go.” He said with genuine surprise.
You blinked at him in confusion.
“What? Why? What made you think that?”
“Come on? Really? You said it was a stupid thing.”
By the wide-eyed look on her face, he saw he had just screwed up.
“I can’t believe it! What Merula have told you?”
Judging by her reaction it was true after all. You were about to say that it was a lie, but he said instead.
“I think you were right. Who cares about this tradition anyway?”
You didn’t believe what you were hearing.
“Is that what you think? What is this for you?”
By ‘this’ what you hoped to hear was not just about the ball, but what did he think about their relationship. That he clearly didn’t grasp.
He nervously avoided you gaze and didn’t say anything.
“Answer the question, Charlie.” You demanded in a low tone but commanding voice. This hurtful discussion was taking long enough. He normally likes how you say his name, but you tone this time was a bit scary. He felt cornered.
“Why are you pushing this?”
That was the final blow. You felt this horrible feeling swelling up and the tears forming in her eyes. Since you skin was so pale, every time she cries you nose gets red. You could not see it, but you felt your nose pricking already.
“I thought it had a special motive for you to want to be with me. I guess it was not the case.”
You tried to say in a low and composed voice, but it sounded choked. You cleaned with your palm a single tear that escaped your eye. At this vision of you, his eyes opened wide, and he felt like his heart would stop. He had never seen you cry, not even once since he knew her. Not even when people talked bad things about you or your brother, nor when they went to the Forbidden Forest, not even when you fought your biggest fear last year.
“Wait, it’s not like that-” He grabbed you arm, but you furiously shook it off and turned away from him, walking though.
The next day, Charlie tried to talk to you in all ways he could think of and you clearly avoided him all the times with a furious look on her face. Also, you were never alone, which turned even harder to approach.
“What did you even do to her to get her this mad?” Bill asked after Gryffindor’s practice. It was hard not to notice the tension between them since morning.
“I screwed it up this ball thing. Now I can’t even say I’m sorry, much less invite her.”
“Well, you must try harder, little bro. I heard Y/N was invited by two other guys.”
“What?” Charlie’s face went pale in despair, he almost fell off his broom.
From the other side of the quidditch field, Ben came running towards them and clumsy bumping in a few players along the way. He brought news from you.
“Alright, huh... I talked to Y/N.”
“What Y/N said?”
“... Y/N said that she hates you with the fire of a Chinese Fireball. She also said that is the only way you get it.”
“... Thanks, Ben. That was very comforting,” Charlie said, not masking his ironic tone.
“Maybe Y/N just needs a day to cool off.”
Suddenly a furious bludger came flying over their heads, and they barely dodged.
“Bloody hell!”
From the other side of the field, a Tonks faking an ‘oopsie!’ and an angry you dropping a quidditch bat you used to send that bludger on their direction. You really looked completely like a dragon in fury. The truth is, he thought you were pretty cute when you are mad. He just never noticed before. Well, he had never seen you get that mad.
“… Maybe two,” Bill said.
“Are you kidding?” Charlie had an incredulous look on his face.
“Well, you better hurry. The ball is this weekend.”
Later that night, you went to the dormitories with Rowan, Penny, Chiara, and Tonks discussing the ball. At first, Rowan and Ben didn’t want to go to the ball, but You and Andre made special arrangements to help them with their clothes, and they changed their minds about going.
“And who are you going with, Tonks?”
“Oh, I’m not planning to dance with some boy. Tulip and I made a plan to rock this party. She is the best partner I could have. This ball will be unforgettable.”
“Please, don’t do anything that will ruin my work. Also, the teachers could get angry and you will be in trouble, again.”
“I swear! Nothing bad will befall your party. Just cool stuff.”
“Wait. What is this?” On Chiara’s bed was a cardboard package with a pretty ribbon on it.
“Open it!” The girls said.
Inside there was a beautiful lilac long dress, perfect for a ball.
“There is a letter.” You noticed and passed to Chiara.
It was more like a note, though carefully written. Talbott Winger asked Chiara to the ball. The two of them are strangely alike and like to keep their distance from people, strangely it worked for them with a little help from You and Andre with the idea of the dress. How ironic, you had managed to help your friends go to the ball that you would not be attending herself.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Penny asked. You were laid on bed looking at the ceiling in silence while the girls were talking for a while now.
“...Oh, I... I will be.”
“You really are not going to the ball?” Penny asked a bit of hurt because the whole reason she wanted to take care of the Celestial Ball was to make it a brilliant experience for her friends.
“Things didn’t go well with Charlie?” Rowan asked.
Everyone looked at you. It was nothing new they weren’t on good terms, but even so, you blushed a little. There were other boys who invited you and you refused them all. That’s because there was only one person you wanted to go with.
“Yes, that’s right.”
The girls made a pitiful face, except for Rowan that walked to the other side of the room to sit together with you on her bed.
“Look. I know that what you said to me in the bathroom was a lie.”
“I’m sorry... I don’t want to spoil your fun at the ball by faking a face.”
“You are always helping us, Y/N. We wouldn’t get any fun at the ball knowing that you are sitting in here.”
You smiled slightly at her comforting words.
“Do you want to go to the ball, don’t you?”
You nodded.
“Then screw those boys and come to the ball with us!” Said Tonks.
“Yes! Come to the ball!” Penny joined.
“That’s right. Thank you, girls.” With their help, you were able to cheer up.
“Then, it’s decided. Let’s go to the ball!”
You got out of bed feeling much better. Even if it was the end of the school’s term there was plenty of homework to do. Most of them from potion’s class. As a diligent student, apart from her troublemaker reputation, you were doing a final review for the Snape's class, not without asking herself every minute why he couldn't be like professor Flitwick. That’s when you received an unexpected visit to your favourite place to study, it was Murphy Mcnully.
“Hey, Y/N! Can I talk with you for a minute?”
Who could have imagined that in the end, you would still get a pair to the ball? Murphy wasn’t the one you wanted, but they were close friends now. They met a lot of now since you joined the quidditch team. Besides, you feared that he wouldn’t stop talking until you said yes. They gathered at the entrance to the main hall. At the centre of the ballroom tons of other students danced livelily. The decoration was wonderful, with a spell the floor was turned into an entire galaxy under their feet. You could really feel what was like floating in a night sky, especially with the flickering shooting stars coming down from the ballroom’s ceiling. The music is pounding in time to your heartbeat. You could feel the bass in her chest.
“Penny did an excellent job!” Tonks appraised. She had to raise her voice to be heard over the sound of the Weird Sisters playing at the stage.
But you couldn’t enjoy any of this. You had barely entered accompanied by Murphy, when Ben came running in their direction, looking quite alarmed.
“Y/N, something happened.”
“What is it, Ben?”
“It is Charlie, he fell from the broom.”
“What?” You felt her heart sank.
“He is at the infirmary.”
You started to go to the infirmary, completely forgetting about the ball, but you turned around at the realization that you were Murphy’s partner and that you couldn't just leave. But her heart aches. You bit your lower lip in distress.
“Aren’t you going?” Ben asked.
You gave a quick look at him and then turned to Murphy. Even if you were mad at Charlie for two weeks, you had a heart-breaking expression.
“It’s okay, Y/N. You can go see him.”
“No, it’s unfair! I said I’d go with you.”
“I will be fine, really. It must be very boring for him to stay there with the ball going on.” He gave her a reassuring smile.
“Don’t you want to go with us?” You asked.
“Nah, I want to enjoy the party.”
“If you say so. Thank you, Murphy.” You smiled at him and followed Ben as fast as she could in those hills and holding up the tips of her long dress. At the infirmary, there was only Bill besides Charlie’s bed. As you walked in, you were quickly noticed. Charlie looked up, showing a surprised expression and Bill followed his gaze. In the end, he got to see Y/N. You were beautifully dressed. You usually had her hair down. But tonight, you wavy brown hair was tied up in a curly hairstyle. You were wearing a multilayered light blue dress with shades of pink and orange at the tip of the skirt it made it look like an evening sky.
“How are you feeling?” You asked.
“Much better. Madam Pomfrey already took care of everything.”
“How did that happen?”
Bill took this opportunity to left them alone and dragged Ben out.
“Well. I think I’ve got distracted in our last game.” In fact, it was because he heard you were going to the ball with Murphy Mcnully right before the game, and he couldn’t concentrate. Thinking about it again was still hurtful. What reminds him, what were you doing here all dressed up instead?
“I thought you were going to the ball.”
“I was, but when I heard that you got injured… I was worried.”
“Oh! Even though you threw that bludger merciless on me?”
 “That was different! I knew that you would have dodged it. You are that skilful.” That was the reason why you were so surprised when she heard that he fell. His face became red at the sudden compliment.
“That means you forgive me?” He gazed at you with those dark glittering eyes that make you nervous. You averted your gaze and didn’t answer.
“Y/N/N?” He asked and you turned your gaze back to him. He just gave you a pet name? No one has ever called her Y/N/N before. You could feel your cheeks burning, so you shook her head.
“Look. It is not that I don’t care about the ball. What I care about is being with you.”
His heartbeat staggers. It was all he wanted to hear.
“Listen... I’m really sorry for questing your motives. I just... I was just afraid they weren’t the same as mine...” He said, too embarrassed to keep his gaze on you.
At this sentence, you were filled with a newfound joy. You were blushing hard and your eyes were filled with tears of joy you were trying hard not to cry.
“You got to ruin the party, you stupid.”
Charlie laughed.
“I know. I’m sorry.” Now he was grinning at you, his freckled face illuminated by the light from the bedside table’s single candle. Since it was night, the rest of the infirmary was left in darkness.
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wouldpollyapprove · 4 years
You Love Me?
Summary: After Tommy accuses her of trying to take Grace’s place as Charlie’s mother, Y/n leaves the house, trying to forget the words he said to her. Running from her problems, Y/n decided to drink the night away and face her problems in the morning.
Request: 13 angst and 2 humor for Tommy as well please? I like your writing a lot!
Requested by @jenepleurepasbaby
Thomas Shelby x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: language, alcohol, drugs
A/N: This is probabaly trash and after editing it, I could have done so much more with it but I’m lazy. And I know that I said I was taking a break this week, but I spent all day working on a lab write up and needed to write something I actually enjoy, so this is it. It sucks, but I don’t care. Oh, requests are open and I will be editing my fandoms list so, yeah.
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“I think you need to take a break, Tommy.” Y/n stood behind him, looking over at the papers he was hunched over. She ran her hands over his tense shoulders and decided to rub out the knots. “You’ve been at this for hours, how about you come join Charlie and I on our walk?”
A grumble was all she got in response before he through her hands off him. 
“Tommy, please. You deserve a break.” She was met with silence. Y/n huffed and walked in front of his desk. “If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for Charlie. He misses you. You spend all your time in your fucking office and none with him. He needs his father.” Her words finally caused the man to look up, but there was nothing but anger in his eyes.
“It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion,” Tommy stated. Leaning back in his chair, daggers for eyes stared back at Y/n. “How would you know what my boy needs, hm? Your not his mother, now are you?” 
The questions stung, causing cracks in her heart. Y/n never tried to be Charlie’s mother. All she ever wanted to be was someone the boy could come to in a time of need. Someone to support him and love him, but never his mother. She could never do that.
“All you are is my fucking whore! Nothing more, nothing less! Now fuck off, will ya?”
He didn’t have to ask her twice as Y/n ran out of the room, tears pooling in her eyes. She wanted to blame it all on stress from work, but how could she believe that when the words cut her so deeply. She had always thought of herself as more than just his whore, accepting the fact that he wasn’t quite ready for marriage. 
But he loved her.
Tommy loved her, that’s what she once knew. Now, dodging furniture and maids, with tears in her eyes, she was uncertain. Finally, upon the room she shared with Tommy, she quickly opened the door and shut it behind her. Sliding down the door, once she hit the floor, tears spilled out like a raging river. Sobs echoes through the room as she pulled her knees to her chest. 
Was she no more than a whore to him? Was she wasting her life on a man who would never want her? Questions as such ran wild through her brain, no answer in sight. How was she to know Tommy’s intentions when he never gave away much. 
“It’s alright,” Y/n whispered to herself, her head resting against her knee. Her eyes roamed the room, trying to grasp onto something, anything that could distract her. Then, out of the corner of her eye, the sun hit glittering fabric from the wardrobe. Wiping her tears, she pushed herself off the door and trudged over to the wardrobe. The door creaked as she pulled out the fabric, a glittering blue dress that Tommy had bought her. It was beautiful in the light, sparkling like a crystal ball, tragic that it had never been worn. 
Upon seeing the dress, an idea popped into her head. She wouldn’t spend all day crying over a fucking man, she would having more fun than that.
A smile broke out across her face as the band played a new song. “I fucking love this color,” Y/n ran her finger over the bar.
Her friend, Beth, giggled a reaction from one too many cocktails. “Yeah,” she drawled. “It’s… lovely.”
Y/n let out a sigh and leaned her head on the counter. She was unclear what time it was, vision hazy from the alcohol, but it was getting late, the sun setting outside. “We should go dancing!” she declared, raising her head up a little to fast.
Beth nodded, “We should. We…” Her sentence dropped off as a pair of men walked through the door. A nudge from Y/n brought her attention back to what she was saying. “We haven’t done that… in ages.”
Y/n slide off the barstool after chugging the last of her drink. She then grabbed her friend by the elbow and dragged her out of the pub. They were in the wealthy part of Birmingham, the part that wasn’t covered in dirt and death. People from this part of town didn’t die falling into machinery or from soot coating their lungs. These people usually died from consuming too much alcohol or drugs or in their sleep at the age of 85. Being in that part of town also meant that Y/n could do whatever the fuck she wanted.
No longer in Small Heath, she needn’t worry about the rage of Thomas Shelby. There weren’t Peaky Blinders or members of the Shelby family around every corner. There was no one to tell her to go home or to bite back the tears and leave Tommy alone. She was finally free. Free from the filth, from the looks, from the whispers that came from being with a dangerous man. 
For the first time in what felt like ages, Y/n like the person she used to be. 
The pair ented a club, one Y/n knew would give them the high they were seeking. Drugs were strewn on tables like leftovers and alcohol was soaking everything from the walls to the tables. If you wanted to forget something, it seemed, this was the place to go.
Dodging people too drunk to stand, Y/n made her way to the dance floor, Beth right behind her. Once in the middle of the floor, she couldn’t help but start dancing, grabbing a random person to dance with her. “I fucking love this!”
“Me too!” her friend shouted above the music. 
The danced for a long while, opting to dance with each other rather than the men around them. It was more fun that away, being able to express themselves with no other intentions but enjoying themselves. Both women were tired of being chased after by men to only become sex toys in their eyes. 
“I dumped Jack!” Beth yelled, throwing her arms in the air to the beat of the music. 
Y/n laughed, “About fuckin’ time! You should’ve dumped him ages ago!” The music picked up, much faster than it was before, causing her to let out a squeal as she started jumping around. “I love Tommy!”
Beth stopped dancing and grabbed Y/n’s arm, pulling her close. “You what?” Her friend said something, but even with their proximity to each other, Beth was unable to hear her. She pulled the two over to the edge of the dance floor until she spotted a table for them to sit at. “You what?” she repeated.
A little out of breath, Y/n rested her elbows against the table. “I love him, Beth. I love Tommy.” A waitress came over a collected their orders before she could continue. Once the woman was out of earshot, she said, “But I don’t think… I don’t know if he loves me.”
Beth huffed and leaned back in her chair. “Men are arseholes.”
“Yeah, yeah, they are.”
After a few drinks later and many tears, the two stumbled out of the club. Y/n didn’t want to go home and face Tommy, who she knew would be angry, instead, Beth insisted she stay with her. So, the two stumbled and giggled the whole way to her apartment, going on and on about how the needed to go back to that club. 
“I want a ham sandwich,” Beth muttered from where she laid on the couch. 
“Me too,” Y/n agreed, lying on the floor, before falling asleep.
The next morning, Beth and Y/n woke up, heads pounding, and made ham sandwiches before Y/n decided to leave. She didn’t want to impose and found it best to figure out her next moves on her own. 
On the streets of Birmingham, she walked all the way to Small Heath, watching the large shops and fancy restaurants change into dirty brick houses and factories. The closer she was to the Small Heath, the less she knew. All she knew was that her head felt like it had been smashed in and her feet ached from the long walk and all the dancing she had done the night before. There was no way she was ready to face her problems. 
Before she could compose herself, Y/n saw Polly walking down the street. The woman had yet to see her and Y/n wanted to keep it that way. With her head to the ground, she quickened her pace and prayed she wouldn’t be seen. God obviously wasn’t listening as Polly called over to her.
“Y/n.” The woman walked over to her. With a smile, Y/n lifted her eyes from the pavement, ashamed that she had to be seen with makeup running down her face, unruly hair, and yesterday’s clothes. “What happened to you?”
Where was she to start? “Um, it’s a long story…”
“Does this have something to do with Tommy?” A nod confirmed her suspicions causing her to swear under her breath. Her nephews only knew two things: how to run women off and how to chose the wrong ones. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” her voice was gentle as she led Y/n to her house.
Y/n did nothing as Polly helped her clean up, wiping the makeup off her cheeks and comb the rats out of her hair. She sat there, blank face, and let her thoughts run wild. All her worries from the day before had vanished, no longer holding the weight they once did. She was at the point where she believed that what happened, happened. Whether fate was real or not was not up for debate, it didn’t matter. Life played out in odd ways and if things got better than they got better. If they didn’t then she would deal with it when that happened. 
“Polly, why weren’t you at the meeting?” Tommy’s voice boomed through the house. 
“Fuck,” Polly muttered, having forgotten the meeting as soon as she’d seen Y/n. “I was busy,” she replied from the kitchen, where she sat next to Y/n at the table.
“What could be-” His sentence faltered when he entered the kitchen and saw Y/n. She was cleaned up, but it wasn’t hard for him to see she was exhausted. “You’re here.”
“I was going to go back home, but then I remembered that you lived there too,” she said, eyes trained on the cup of tea that sat in front of her. 
A sigh escaped his lips, he knew he fucked up. Even before Y/n had left his office the day before, he knew. The harsh words that left his lips weren’t meant to meet the air. He was stressed and angry with work and should’ve never taken his frustrations out on Y/n. 
Polly excused herself upon seeing the tension between the room but didn’t leave until she made it clear that Tommy had to fix what he’d done. Y/n was one of the only good things in his life and she’d be damned if he messed that up. 
“I’m sorry for what I said.”
Y/n snorted. “Then why’d you say it?”
Closing the distance, Tommy strode over to the table, taking a seat next to her. He grasped her hand, relieved when she didn’t pull it away. “I should have listened to you, love. You and Charlie deserve better. And I know you do your best to respect Grace and I shouldn’t have said otherwise. You love Charlie like he’s your own and you don’t have to. You don’t even have to fucking like him, but you love my boy. And you love me even after knowing what I’ve done.”
Y/n gave him a small smile. “You love me?”
He rolled his eyes, “Is that all you got from that?”
“No.” She grabbed him by the collar, pulling him closer. “That’s just my favorite part.” She pulled him into a kiss.
@amirahiddleston @haphazardhufflepuff @woahitslucyylu @mzcrazy2 @lovemissyhoneybee @multi-fandom-iimagines @tarafaithe @jenepleurepasbaby @fernweh-fangirl @the-anxious-youth @theshelbyclan @wtfdanness @chloeforde @futuristicslimemongerbanana @lucillethings @captivatedbycillianmurphy
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May I request for a Yandere Alastor X Vaggie story? Something dark like Alastor somehow manipulates Charlie into cheating with some else and using that information for Vaggie to make the decision to end her relationship with Charlie.
Yay! First request on this account! I couldn’t think of what Alastor could do to manage to get Charlie to cheat so I got something else that would still make Vaggie break up with her. Alastor isn’t full Yandere mode but he’s making his way into being so. I hope you still like it. Tell me if you did or not! Ask are always open! 🖤
It didn’t take long at all for Alastor to notice the small, if not increasingly growing, issues in Vaggie and Charlie’s relationship. While he usually couldn’t care less about such things he had a reason this time. Vaggie was rather interesting to him, for whatever reason.. it could have been the way she talked, a strong woman who Alastor found himself daydreaming of wanting to break down. Then again however he wanted to have a calming talk with her where she wasn’t threatening to kill him in his sleep... It could have been how guarded she was against him as well, he’d never forget his first day coming to the Hazbin Hotel and while she did seem a bit frustrated and nervous to have the Radio demon there, Vaggie didn’t hesitate to point that spear in his face and curse him. He was impressed, more than he’s been in a while by anyone down here in these fiery pits. Vaggie could grant him something if he chased after it enough and after that realization everything between the two girls started to crumble.
Alastor took the time to study the two girls, watching, stalking, and analyzing.. like a predator hunting down its next meal but then again he had managed to look like he wasn’t doing so at the same time. He could get away with staring down Charlie thanks to her aloofness but with Vaggie he had to be a bit more careful. She was right, he was up to something and he knew with the gorgeous brain of hers she’d probably think of a million and one things Alastor could want instead of actually helping with the hotel. While she was correct Alastor shook his head at that, he’d had to work on gaining her trust.
Charlie was the one who spoke out more, even when her ideas were absolutely laughable. She was much like a child to Vaggie who seemed more reliable, how Vaggie put up with such a silly girl with even sillier thoughts would always amaze the deer. Charlie was the more bubbly of the two, while Vaggie was the more cautious one. Alastor guessed the relationship would make sense, opposites did attract he guess which he then turned on himself to somewhat encourage his plans. Vaggie and him were opposites at a certain point but there was still a possibility.. This could work, he’d just have to play his cards right and usually.. he did. Alastor hardly lost at anything so getting in between a relationship wasn’t hard, he’s done it many times before.. unintentionally yes, but he had the ability to do so. So, why did he get... apprehensive.. about his plans. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe they would work out but maybe it was something else. His apprehensiveness would soon develop into frustration and while it may throw him off track for a second, Alastor would figure something out.
Alastor stood in front of the measly picture frame with a wide grin on his face as he always had. That smile promising nothing but trouble which forever seemed to be laced on his face. He had to admit, he didn’t expect to find another plot hole in this relationship that quickly but with this new info he couldn’t be upset about it. The voices behind him spoke as if he wasn’t there or they at least tried not to notice him. Vaggie felt much better ignoring Alastor whenever she could and Charlie was usually the one to come up to him and start talking. Right now he had nothing to say to either of them as he was clearly busy with the picture that he managed to clasp in his clawed hand.
‘An Eldritch hm? Oh goody~’ He thought to himself as he looked at the picture with almost a judgmental gaze, even with that smile his eyebrows furrowed a bit. She dated this creature before finding Vaggie? For whatever reason it was seen as insulting to the radio demon. Vaggie most definitely had ‘bigger balls’ than this man.. the Eldritch family was rather annoying and while Alastor found no need to really go and talk to them at all he knew this could add to his plan. He’s been picking and poking at Charlie and Vaggie for a couple weeks now, either while they were with other or alone whenever he could. He’d have to ask about the picture in a second. He placed the frame back down before turning around with an easy look finding Vaggie, Charlie, and Husk to be the only ones around right now. Ah, a good trio. Alastor was glad Angel wasn’t around, he was either in his room or out but in the end Alastor found that he couldn’t care less to know where that messy pornstar was at.. Nifty was most likely cleaning up somewhere so he didn’t have to worry much there either.
His shoes clicked against the flooring with each step he took, he could’ve walked up silently but then again, he wanted to show his dominance in power even for just a second. He noticed that sometimes it made Vaggie shiver and he had to admit that he rather liked that even if she shivered for her own reasons and not necessarily his. His approach caught Charlie’s attention, as it usually did, and looking away from Vaggie she looked up to him from the stool she’d been sitting on. Vaggie momentarily squeezed the pages of papers in her hands, not necessarily annoyed that Charlie’s attention was driven away from her that quickly but more of a bit tired of it happening so easily..
“Oh Al! Want to help us with some of the Hotel’s planning? Vaggie was thinking we should add a food court but then again we’d have to have someone to watch over the food.” To stop demons from stealing food for themselves.. Alastor hummed and briefly his eyes fell shut only to open once more after hearing a huff. Crimson eyes found the little moth who now lazily held the papers in her fingers, a leg crossed over the other as she leaned against the bar counter while her other hand rested on her cheek to keep her head up. She rolled her eyes which stirred something in the radio demon for a split second before if vanished as quickly as it had came. That also started to happen more and more with him these days... it was almost an itch he just couldn’t scratch and while sometimes that itch could distract him he couldn’t help but like the shivers it caused for him as well.
“It’s just a yes or no question. If you don’t like it that’s all you have to say.” Vaggie murmured, which told him the food court was most likely her idea, but Alastor heard her nonetheless. Charlie practically toppled onto her as she turned back to look at the smaller of the two. “Vaggie! You..” she started, most likely to point out the irritation that lightly made itself in Vaggie’s tone. Alastor stopped her because for one, if he didn’t want to hear her ramble about being nice and surely Vaggie didn’t either, plus he always enjoyed a good talk with the moth even if she didn’t seem to return such feelings. Not yet at least. He put a hand up in defense. “Don’t worry darling, I’m not hurt!” He chuckled with that staticky voice. “A food court isn’t a bad idea at all! Even Angel could make sure nothing is stolen, it’s not like he had much of anything better to do right?” He grinned as he always did before he walked around and nudged Vaggie with an elbow to which she glared at him but nonetheless only sighed.
Oh there’s that itch again, this time it felt hot though.. like an iron rob suddenly poking him out of the blue. Charlie seemed happy with the answer and Alastor knew she’d ask him later. He looked to Husk, who not even three minutes ago was still awake. He must have gotten bored, it made sense though because the only reason he still worked here was for the booze and that he couldn’t runaway because Alastor would just bring him back. Alastor looked away after hearing the nearly quiet purring coming from his drunk friend and looked back at the girls remembering why he had even came over in the first place. Vaggie was speaking again, looking at the papers in her hands and reading them out to her girlfriend as Charlie looked over her shoulder, hovering awfully close.
Alastor could have twitched at that but as strange as he was he knew that if he didn’t control himself the two would ask him what was wrong. Alastor could feel something nagging at his brain, something growing louder and louder each second but for now he’d continue with his plan. At the moment, he didn’t understand why he was so stuck on breaking these two up but that wouldn’t deter him. With an almost smug look Alastor settled his cheek in his hand and looked at them. “So, who’s a gentleman in the picture over there?” He asked suddenly, his words shooting through the air as if he had just shot off a gun.
Charlie had paused and Vaggie had nearly torn the papers right in half in her grip. Her fists tightened and slowly she casted a gaze at him which said more than what her lips could at the moment. Alastor loved it and anyone who knew him well enough could see that he did. Then again though, there was rarely anyone who could get close enough to Alastor like that... not like many people wanted to though. Charlie also looked up at him seemingly not noticing her girlfriend’s growing emotions which happen often seeing how dense Charlie could be. “Ah.. well he’s um.. my ex?” She spoke as she moved back to scratch the back of her neck a bit awkwardly. Vaggie narrowed her gaze at the radio demon just like how he loved to see it. Why did he always ask things like that?.. There was nothing that bothered Vaggie more then Charlie’s past relationships and for it to be brought up so suddenly in a time where they were both slowly crumbling as a relationship themselves? Not to mention, Charlie actually answered him? Oh, she hated this man with a passion...
Vaggie already had a hard time walking pass that picture nearly every day and each time she saw it she had the nearly unbearable need to throw it out. Charlie wanted to keep it though and she wanted to respect that, however who was in the picture is what bothered Vaggie as well as not knowing why it was still around... She really, truly did want to respect Charlie’s wishes but she couldn’t help how annoyed she got just looking at it. She bit her lip to shush herself and Alastor hummed once more, he could practically see right through her right there in that moment but no, he wouldn’t point it out just yet. He would continue this talk though, maybe the results of his plan would happen a lot quicker than he initially thought it would.
He lifted a neat brow and almost as if bored he sighed a little. “Your ex? As in, a partner you’re not with anymore?” He asked curiously and Vaggie looked at him more before looking down at her hands that were starting to tremble. She’d noticed Alastor doing this.. this.. whatever this was for a while now. At first she had thought he was just joking around, bored enough to play with others feelings because he himself had none of his own to play with on his own but now it seemed like he was testing something. What though? What is it? Was he trying to test their patience? Their performance? Their emotions? She just couldn’t put her finger on it right now..
Vaggie was a smart girl, almost too smart for her own good. Her intelligence was the reason that she couldn’t connect her dots and that only made Alastor grin more. “Why are you keeping a picture of you last significant other? Is there a possibility that you still care for him? Ho ho!~ What an interesting turn huh? Did I hit it right on the nail?” Alastor boasted to which Vaggie finally scoffed. The action immediately caught his attention, his eyes moving away from Charlie to Vaggie to see her practically choking out the papers in her shaking hands. “As if! The picture is just.. just um..” she trailed on trying to think of an excuse. Why did Charlie wish to keep that damned thing around? Vaggie wouldn’t even look up at Alastor because she knew what she’d see and she didn’t want to see it. Didn’t want to see that wide evil smirk that only knew destruction. Vaggie paused, freezing completely suddenly. She had just realized Charlie wasn’t saying anything.. she slowly looking to her to find Charlie nawing at his lip as if to keep herself quiet.
It was the first time Vaggie had ever seen her so hesitant other than dealing with her parents. Vaggie stopped shaking but not because she had calm down but because her body had started to feel cold. As if she had managed I die a second time. “Charlie..” she spoke and it took the blond a second to look at her but when she did Vaggie nearly got up and left right then and there. Alastor had managed to break the camels back and Vaggie had finally figured out what he had been testing.. it was their relationship. Charlie has done many things even before Alastor that managed to get to Vaggie but never did she expect this. Charlie scrambled to answer when she had felt the energy that started to seep into the air, an almost icy feeling that made her shiver all over.
“It’s not t-that I still care about him! No no no, Vaggie it just I know he’s still a good guy and I just can’t help..” she cleared her throat a bit already getting choked up on her words and Vaggie felt her eye twitch. “Can’t help what? He’s your ex! Do you not remember what he’s done to you?” She shot back and Charlie visibily flinched at her tone. Pain started to etch her features but Alastor, who’s been rather enjoying the show, watched in gleeful silence. Oh to ruin something that was supposed to be a sacred as a relationship! How could he not get thrilled? Vaggie may not be the strongest demon but she sure as hell could give out an impressive aura. As the storm in front of him grew worse he thought to himself. He’d taken a lot of time to get under these two’s skins, he’d wanted to pull this relationship apart so bad.. and yet, for what?
He could have blamed it on Charlie, the precious little demon princess, and her father.. while Alastor would admit he loved to toy with Lucifer and the things precious to him he actually didn’t care much to see his reaction to this. So that meant it had to be because of Vaggie then right? He looked at the girls again as they argued but for whatever reason he couldn’t focus on their words. For a small thing like herself Vaggie has a rather strong voice, a passionate one even that could catch anyone’s attention if she wanted it to and as Alastor brought up earlier, she was incredibly smart. She was beautiful as well.
It was only until after Alastor had managed to call her beautiful in that boggled brain of his did he himself pause. Beautiful? Would he say that Vaggie was beautiful or did he really just lose his mind completely right there? He blinked, once, twice, three times before looking back at Vaggie again. Their was a glistening in her eyes as she and Charlie went at it, loud enough to even make the drunk, passed out, Husk stir a bit in his sleep. Vaggie.. was strong.. also something Alastor found himself liking about her. The glistening in her eyes were clearly a result of upcoming tears and after thinking about that a twinge bit at Alastor’s lower spine which resulted in him closing his eyes for a second and shivering. It had nearly even hurt a little. He couldn’t imagine Vaggie crying and yet, he could practically feel her need to.
Just to see something, he looked back up at Charlie who was already crying. Tears ran down her cheeks as she seem to plead for Vaggie to calm down and here her out. Charlie.. cried a lot and from what he’s noticed from his time of being here, he noticed that she cried at some of the smallest things.. Alastor saw it now.. the issues of this relationship and all it’s glory. Well not really but he could see some of the main issues and that’s what mattered for now. The words “we’re done..” we’re so soft that it stopped Charlie. She couldn’t tell if she had heard right or if Vaggie’s voice was simply to soft for her to here. She blinked, more tears rushing down her cheeks after doing so. “W-what?” Vaggie has managed to yank Alastor out of his head thanks to those words as well but then again a voice in his own head started to stick out.
She doesn’t deserve her.
She doesn’t deserve her.
She doesn’t deserve her.
I want her.
He shuddered but kept quiet just in time to hear Vaggie shout. “I said we’re done! Do I need to spell it out!?” She tossed her papers onto the counter which scattered on impact, some falling to the floor and waking the drunkard below. She then scooted to hop out of her stool when Charlie whimpered following her lead and suddenly clasping her hands down on Vaggie’s shoulders to try and get her to hear her out some more. Alastor wouldn’t say it now but he has to admit Vaggie was rather cute having to scoot in order to get in, if he had been the one dating her she wouldn’t even have a reason to be this upset. Wait...what? He shook his head a little bit.. Charlie tried to persuade Vaggie into staying, into talking to her some more but once Vaggie pulled away from her hands and that’s wheneveryone their had knew that she was serious. Charlie’s hands fell limp to her sides as Vaggie walked away, wrapping her arms around herself as if to hug herself. When she was gone Charlie stumbled a little before wiping viciously at her eyes to try and stop her running tears. For a minute the only noises that could be heard was the heavy purring coming from Husk and the messy sniffles coming from Charlie who now stood in front of him. He didn’t know if she was waiting on him to somewhat comfort her or not but if she was then that definitely wasn’t going to be happening, he stood and Charlie’s head jerked up as if expecting that Alastor was going to coddle her.. even if he wasn’t the way he was, Charlie definitely wasn’t the one he wanted to coddle.
Which was confusing to him obviously... he wasn’t known to be one who would try and emotionally support another being but here he was actually contemplating it.. he had the strange urge to follow Vaggie and try to support her as best as he could but then again he was the reason that she had just developed a new wound. Charlie sniffled as Alastor turned his back to her. “W-wait..” she whispered and Alastor did so just to amuse the thought. “Why.. why’d you ask that..” she asked and this time Alastor took the time to look at her. For a second he was quiet. Why had he taken the time to ruin their seemingly perfect relationship.
You want her for your own.
A voice whispered in his ear. He had almost looked to where Vaggie had disappeared but managed to keep his gaze on the upset demon princess in front of him. He wanted Vaggie.. he could treat her much better.. He didn’t acknowledge his growing possessive thoughts for the moth at the moment but later he wouldn’t be able to keep ignoring them.. He shrugged nonchalantly as if unbothered by everything that had taken place.
“I was simply asking a question, you two other the other hand seem to have more conflict between each other than I initially thought.” He chuckled before patting her head to which made Charlie’s shoulders sunk. Her hair made his hand itch and if it wasn’t for him playing a role right now he would have snatched it away as if she had fleas. He pulled away carefully with a low hum after a second. “Couples fight all the time! There’s nothing wrong with a bit of a lovers quarrel!” He continued to grin even with the sullen look on Charlie’s white face. She nodded at his words however as he pulled away.
“Your right.. I’ll just give her some time..” she finally spoke and that was all Alastor cared to sit around for. Any longer and he’d probably cackle at her misfortune. That was time he could find Vaggie and inch his way into her like like a slimy little parasite. He could help her, protect her.. cherish her far better than Charlie.. He shook his head before waving the other off and turning once more to part ways. It was done, and now he could experiment more. It was the first time in a while were Alastor wanted to grow close with another being and as strange and new as it was to him he wasn’t completely against it. He should probably give Vaggie some time to calm down but now seemed a perfect time to grow closer to her or maybe that was just his excitement telling him that..
Once he’d manage to get closer to her he’d hold onto her as long as he could, refusing to free her. For now though, he’d give her some alone time, later however he’d probably hunt her down.
He chuckled as his figure disappeared along the shadowy halls of the manor, his eery echo filling the air and he soon just simply disappeared.
When the time seemed right he’d make his way back to her.
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justimagineitblog · 4 years
“You Used To Love Me” Michael Gray Fan Fiction - Chapter 8
INTRODUCING: Charlie Hunnam - he fit the idea for this character perfectly so I decided to use his face and name for this new character x
Also lotsss of jealous Michael !!!!!!!!! I loved writing this chapter, it was so entertaining to bring in a new character and throw a spanner in the works. I hope you enjoy it xxx
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“We’re going to a benefit event this weekend, for networking. They haven’t seen us show our faces for a long time, and I think it’s about time we do”
That’s what Tommy had announced yesterday at the meeting. Gina had clapped excitedly, exclaiming to Michael how she’d never been to an English ball before.
I, however, could not have been less enthusiastic. Up until now I have not had to deal much with Gina and Michael as a pair. Michael alone is already way to much for me to handle emotionally. Moments I’m around him are spent with a racing mind and heart as I try and figure out what he is thinking. And even in moments where we’re not around each other, my every thought is consumed by him. It has been two days since Michael and I shared that moment in the office, and I’m still recovering. I can still physically feel the pit in my stomach, and the way my stomach dropped when I saw the tears on Michael’s face. I replay it on a continuous loop. And the last thing he said to me has had me completely torn up in an internal battle. He had said he wanted this. And I can’t stop obsessing over whether the use of past tense means that this is not what Michael wants anymore. That he wanted Gina. He wanted to marry her. He wanted me to keep away from him. But maybe he isn’t so sure anymore?
But hey, it’s not like I’m ever going to ask him what the hell he is thinking. What he is doing. What happened. Does he regret it? I could never ask him. Because maybe Michael will never wake up to himself. And there is no way in hell I’m letting my heart get broken twice.  As for Michael, he has barely even looked at me since. Talk about whose avoiding who now. Michael is pretty much doing my job for me. Dipping out of every room quickly when I walk in. Looking at the floor or practically anywhere but at me when we have to be around each other.
Right now I’m stood here trying on 6 different dresses to wear to the races today, growing even more frustrated at how none of them are just right.
I haven’t dressed up in a long time. I was even slightly excited at the idea. But now I just feel defeated. I used to love putting on my best dress and watching Michael melt. The look on his face when he would see me. The way he would whisper to me, letting me know I wouldn’t have the dress on for much longer once we got home.
But no one is looking now.
Sighing, I settle on a floor length, yellow gown. I haven’t worn it yet. I slip into it, feeling out of place and worthless. Funny how everything looked better when it was under Michael’s gaze.
Now I’m just a girl in a yellow dress.
I rush through the rest of my makeup and hair, hurrying out of my apartment just in time for the car that the Shelby’s organised for me. The whole car ride I clutch my purse nervously. I can only imagine Gina will look stunning. And I will have to watch Michael look at her the way he used to look at me. As I see the event grow closer in the horizon, I want to hijack the vehicle and go home. Desperately. But at least Polly, Tommy and Arthur will be there. I can’t let them down. This is important for my job. I need to make moves and network with people.
That’s all I have to do. Just keep my head down and do my job.
I feel completely out of my body as I slide out of the car, expecting my legs to give way underneath me. I head up the steps to the entrance where they will ask for my name and who I’m with. Normally I would show up with Michael and no questions would be asked. We would get a respectful nod from the doorman and be let in without questions asked. I almost wish that I might just fall down the steps and straight into a black hole where I don’t have to go ahead with this. But now it’s too late. I’m greeted at the door by tall men who could do a lot of damage and a woman with a clipboard.
“Isabelle. I’m on the Shelby Limited table” I say abruptly, completely ignoring her warm welcome. I don’t mean to, but my mind is completely in a foggy haze. As she runs her finger down the paper to check I’m on list, I search the room full of people behind the security guards. No signs of Michael or Gina. Yet.
“Not a problem, go ahead ma’am” she nods as the security guards separate for me to walk through. I stare at the busy room ahead like a deer in headlights, composing myself before I set foot inside. Wearing my best fake smile I begin weaving my way through the crowd. I search desperately for the Shelby’s in every face I see with no luck. Knowing my fortune, I’ll probably run straight into Michael and Gina.
But maybe tonight the lucky stars are on my side. As I reach the top of the stair well that will lead into the heart of the party, I scan the room once more. This time, my eyes land on Tommy, Polly and Arthur. With a sigh of relief, I practically fly down the stairs. Not even caring if I trip and fall. I just need to get to my people. Where I feel safe. Tommy spots me, and soon after Polly and Arthur do too.
As I finally reach them I pull her into my arms for a much needed hug. I’m already on edge and I’ve only just arrived. Tonight is going to be fun… When we let go, she holds me out in front of her, looking me up and down.
“Good god girl” she exclaims, shaking her head.
“Do I look okay?”
“Are you fucking joking, you look stunning”
Her compliment steady’s my nerves a little, and before I know it Tommy is reaching out to me. I take his hand and he pulls me in, placing a gentle kiss on my cheek.
“You look beautiful Izzy” he coos, his eyes are warm and genuine “And don’t forget to breathe, eh” He chuckles as he notices my energy. I’m nervous wreck and just about anyone could tell. Right now I feel like a slight breeze could knock me off my feet.
I exhale slowly, nodding at him. No one calms me like Tommy can. He is always so strong. Calm. Steady. Sure of himself. And that rubs of on me every time.
He gives me a quick reassuring wink like he always does, as Arthur butts into the conversation.
“Fucking hell eh,” his rough voice booms as pulls me in for a hug like Arthur always does “Wait till Michael gets a load of this-“
Polly swats at him immediately, hitting his arm with her hang bag.
“Well we won’t have to wait long for that now will we-“ Tommy retorts in a hushed voice as his eyes lock on someone in the distance.
Simultaneously, we all look over our shoulders to see Michael and Gina headed our way. A giant pit begins to hollow out in my stomach immediately at the sight of them. They haven’t noticed us yet as they walk with their arms linked, laughing and talking with each other.
Almost as if it was perfect timing, a waiter greets us, offering glasses of wine. Without thinking I reaching for one, throwing it back faster than I probably should. I can feel Polly’s look of concern as she watches me skull the drink.
“Hello everyone” I hear Gina’s obnoxious accent greet us as her and Michael finally meet up with us.
Mustering up whatever small amount of liquid courage the wine gave me, I place my empty glass down on the table and turn to face them with tight lipped smile.
The second Gina’s eyes fall over me, she transforms from a smiling trophy wife to a stone cold statue. They lock onto me like lasers before raking up and down my body, the same way they did on the first day we met. When her eyes finally meet mine again, she looks absolutely livid. Fuming. I’ve seen that same look on her before.
Possessively, she tightens her grip on Michael’s arm. Michael. I hadn’t even dared to look at him yet. But just like always it doesn’t take long for our darting eyes to meet. When they do, I find that he looks speechless. Frozen. His lips are parted in what I can only assume is shock. As he stares at me, at my body, he looks… breathless. Which is probably exactly how I look right now. I feel wildly uncomfortable, my heart rate picking up it’s pace as he gazes at me without blinking.
Tommy, Arthur and Polly quickly begin talking to ease the tension. They begin complimenting Gina on how lovely she looks. She’s dressed in a tight, silver gown, with her signature fur shawl drapes over her shoulders.
“It’s vintage” Gina smiles proudly, before turning her attention back to Michael. But the smile from her ego being stroked is quickly slapped of her face when she she’s how Michael is staring at me. Her head snaps towards him, looking completely offended that he’s even looking at me. She stares at her husband in bewilderment, but then her head rotates towards me. She clears her throat, which startles Michael. His eyes quickly dart away from my body, his neck growing red under his collar.
“Yellow…” Gina begins raising her eyebrows at me “How sweet, you look… bright”
She knows exactly what she’s doing. Her voice is so condescending its basically dripping with it. And her sweet smile is anything but sweet. It’s vicious. Forced. Tight lipped.
I want to bite back. I want to tell her how much that fur shawl she thinks makes her look expensive actually just looks like something she killed and skinned herself.
But I don’t. This woman has taken everything from me. I won’t let her take my pride. My dignity.
I take slow, calming deep breath before responding to her attempt at offending me with a cool smile. Underneath my skin she might have me boiling with rage. But I would never show her that.
“You look stunning Gina”
Her brows furrow ever so slightly as she fights to control the shock on her face. I caught her off guard. She expected me to strike back. To make a fool of myself. But I won’t let her have that satisfaction.
Then without quite knowing why, I turn to Michael, who looks like he’s about to have a heart attack when I lock my eyes onto his. I can see his stomach doing back flips as he waits in anticipation for what I’m about to say.
“And you have a beautiful wife, you must be so lucky”
And with one last smile, I excuse myself from the group and walk away. I try to walk with a strong stride, as if I’m sure of where I’m going. But I’m not. I’m just walking in any direction that will take me away from them, weaving through strangers as the adrenaline leaves my body. I’m not trying to leave, but I need to catch my breath for a second.
I need fresh air… and another drink.
Somehow, I manage to find my way to a back court yard, full off people smoking to relieve their stress. I’m not a smoker, but it’s still fresh air. And hell, at least I’m not the only one trying to escape the party. I don’t know why they bother coming out here, people are lighting up cigarettes inside anyway.
I find an empty chair to sit in, and I’m relieved to be able to stop for a second and gather myself. I can’t believe Gina. That woman is vile. Vicious. Poisonous. A snake dressed up in vintage dresses. Michael staring at me like he’s just seen a ghost.
My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a mans voice, asking if he can take a seat. I look up in the direction of the voice and find myself stunned. He is tall, much taller than me even though I’m sitting I can still see that he towers over me. He greets my shock with a warm smile. He seem’s nice enough.
“Uh, yes, of course” I quickly reply, realising I’m just staring like a someone who doesn’t know how to act in social situations.
“Sorry, for frightening you” he smiles sheepishly as he takes a seat. God, am I that easy to read.
“No, it’s fine, honestly, I was just thinking” I shake my head
“Thinking is good” he smirks, then extends a slender hand towards me “I’m Charlie”
“Isabelle” I introduce myself, feeling oddly comfortable around this man. I take his hand in mine and shake it gently.
“I’ll let you continue thinking?” He asks, suddenly looking guilty for interrupting my solitude.
“No please,” I shake my head, urging him to continue talking “That’s the last thing I want to be doing”
“Noted” he grins back “What brings you here, Isabelle”
“To this court yard or to this ball?” I tease, surprised at my own playfulness.
“Let’s start with the ball first then”
“To the ball… Work”
“And to this luxurious court yard?” He jokes, gesturing to our slightly run down surroundings.
I pause for a moment. What do I say? That I just ran away from my ex partner and his new wife? That I’m hiding from them to avoid the suffocating tension between us? Because I think he still loves me but he won’t just admit it?
“The fresh air” I retort sarcastically.
He watches me closely, the glint of a smile in his eyes as the corners of his mouth curl up. He nods, accepting that he’s not going to get anymore out of me than that. But I feel bad. Normally I’m an open book. I love people. But my situation with Michael is far to complex even me to understand, let alone explain to a stranger. Feeling guilty for not giving him much of a decent conversation, I turn to face him directly.
“What about you, Charlie?”
He hums, looking up as he thinks “To the court yard or the ball?”
I can’t help but grin at his quick wit, as he gives me a dose of my own medicine. But clearly only jokingly teasing me, he continues to answer my question.
“Here to support my brother, he runs one of the charities being honoured tonight”
I smile. This man. Charlie. He is sweet.
“To the court yard, however, I have also come to get fresh air. These kinds of events aren’t really my thing”
“You and me both” I nod “Not that we’re getting much fresh air anyway”
He laughs softly, nodding along with me in agreement.
“Do you drink, Isabelle?” He questions
“Only on days that end with Y” I smirk, answering his question.
He beams back at me, seeming almost like he’s not used to this.
“You know I’m thinking a drink at the bar might do us better than this lovely fresh air”
I cock my head to the side, watching him closely. I don’t know this man. Not well, anyway. This isn’t the type of networking I was planning on doing. But when was the last time I did something for me? Michael does. Michael puts his needs first every day. And the longer I look at this man, the longer I realise how absolutely stunning he is. And yeah, maybe I want to have a goddamn drink with him. I stand up from my chair and he quickly follows my lead with a grin. Without a word, he extends his arm to me and I take it, defying every part of me that feels weird hiding any mans arm that isn’t Michael’s. I’m doing this for me.
What ensues is a half hour of drinking at the bar, where we learn more about each other. Every time he opens his mouth I’m taken aback by how funny, intelligent and sweet this man is. He meets every joke of mine with an even better one. His quick wit keeping up with mine like it’s nothing. He says the right thing. The nice thing. The funny thing. His laugh is divine, and I begin to notice his deeply set smile lines and subtle dimples. Everything about Charlie is new. Exciting. I’ve been so fixated, so used to Michael for so long that I find myself in awe of the man in front of me.
I almost forget we are even at an event until a voice booms into the air over a loud and screeching microphone. The voice asks us all to returns to our seats for dinner, before the event properly begins.
“What table are you at?”
“I’m not sure, actually” I reply as I quickly realise I’m not sure where the Shelby’s are seated. Suddenly I see Polly’s face appear in the crowd. She hasn’t spotted me yet, but I can tell she is looking for me. Shit. Panic sets in. I know Polly wouldn’t be mad at me for having drinks with another man. In fact I’m sure she’d encourage it. But I’m not ready. I’m not ready to have her see me with another man. Very quickly, I begin to feel horrible about this. Maybe I shouldn’t be getting drinks with another man. God what am I doing?
“You alright?” I hear Charlie ask and I look back at him nervously.
“Uh, yeah I, I just think I need to-“ my sentence is interrupted by panic as Polly is getting closer and closer.
“It’s alright, you should get back” He reassures me. I look up at him with furrowed brows and nods in understanding, but his smile looks sad. God I feel terrible. But I can’t stay.
“I’m sorry” I apologise in a rush as I hurry away from him, desperate to get back to the table without being seen by Polly.
To my relief, I manage to stalk my way around the crowd and avoid Polly. But once I feel like I breathe a sigh of relief, I’m smacked in the face with another wave of panic. Now I have to sit with Gina and Michael at dinner. I hurry up to our table once I spot it, and slide into my seat so quickly only Tommy notices me sit down. Noticing I’m out of breath he furrows his brows at me.
“Did you run here or something?” he laughs nudging me playfully with his shoulder. I scoff. I practically did, yeah.
“Oh, there you are!” Polly’s voice exclaims suddenly, drawing attention to me. Gina and Michael’s heads both shoot over my way, and it doesn’t take long to get served a disgusted look from Gina. But right now Gina and her bitch face is on the bottom of my worry list. I’m just relieved that I made it back to the table without Polly seeing me with Charlie. Oh god. I cringe remembering how I left him in the lurch at the bar. I all but ran away from the guy while he was half way through a sentence.
Suddenly waiters start appearing from the kitchen doors, serving the dinner to all the guests. Desperate to have something to distract me, I busy myself with the food and try to centre myself again. I let the chatter of the party fall into the background as I zone out, my mind travelling back to Charlie. I made a complete fool of myself. He was perfectly nice. More than nice. He was completely charming. Why did I just run away from him like that. At one point, I happen to catch eyes with Michael, who seems to already be looking at me. His eyes dart away from me quickly trying to pretend like I didn’t catch him looking. But I don’t even bother entertaining him for that right now. This awkward staring game he is playing is getting very old, very fast.
Does he expect me to read his goddamn mind?
Before I know it, dinner is over, and the afternoons festivities begin. The host drones on for many long, painful minutes, most of the time bragging about their generosity towards the charities here tonight. I try not to laugh. Doesn’t the boasting kind of defeat the purpose of the philanthropy? As he finally wraps up his self centred speech I assumed that might all just go back to mingling and forcing small talk with all these strangers, but no. As the band begins to play music once more, the host announces that the ball room floor has opened.
Gina exclaims excitedly at Michael as couples all over the room begin to stand and make their way to the dance floor in the middle of the room.
You’ve got to be kidding me. I look up at the ceiling and to the heavens above. Someone up there really has it out for me.
I watch as Michael forces a smile at Gina as she tugs on his coat, begging him to dance.
“Dance with me baby?” She pouts, sounding like a whining child. I bite the inside of my lip, trying not to scoff out loud. Michael hates being called baby. When we were together, he used to love the way I called him ‘my love’. He had insisted that he could never imagine being called by any other name. Joking that he would change his name legally so I couldn’t call him anything but ‘my love’.
Reluctantly, he places his napkin on the table and helps Gina up out of her chair.
“Excuse us, I have to dance with my husband” she says to the table as she hangs of Michael’s arm, but I know she’s directing that comment directly at me. Everyone nods, excusing them from the table. I try to wipe the look of hurt, jealousy and anger of my face as I watch them join the rest of the dancing couples.
“Thought you might need this” Arthur’s voice says in my ear as he sits down next to me, sliding a glass of wine in my direction.
“What would make you think that?” I reply sarcastically, but give him a grateful smile. For the next few songs I watch them pensively over the top of the rim of my glass. Gina is beaming up at Michael. Clutching onto him possessively every time another woman gets to close. Michael doesn’t look totally miserable either. He even looks like he’s enjoying himself for a few fleeting moments. Of course he is. He’s married. His wife is beautiful. She adores him. What more could he want, right?
After the 3rd song finishes they leave the dance floor and begin to return to the table. I force my eyes down to the ground, to make out like I haven’t just been staring at them for the past 15 minutes.
They only just reach the table, taking their seats, when a males voice says my name from beside us.
In shock at hearing my name, I look up in its direction. My eyes meet with a pair of familiar blue eyes and a gentle smile.
“Would you like to dance with me?” He proposes, extending his arm to me. When he see’s my hesitance he gives me a deep, knowing look. Like he’s been watching this all unfold and he has come to whisk me away. To save me. I should feel embarrassed. Awkward. Another man offering to dance with me when Michael is right there should feel weird. But instead I just feel… butterflies. The good kind. I want to let myself do this. Why not. I don’t have anyone to be loyal to. I have been loyal to Michael since day one. He hasn’t returned that. I don’t owe him a goddamn thing.
Without a word I take his hand, rising from my seat. His face lights up, and he gives me a smile that looks… proud. He squeezes my hand once, before linking my arm with his.
“Thank you” he nods at the Shelby’s respectfully with a small bow “I’ll have her back soon”
I glance over at all their faces as we walk away. Tommy and Arthur watch on like protective brothers, and Polly has a proud smile on her face. She loves her son, but I know she’s thinking how much he deserves to have this rubbed in his face. Speaking of Michael, the look on his face is priceless. He looks hot and angry, his face distorted and twisted half between fury and… hurt.
But I don’t have much time to look at Michael, not while Charlie is leading me through the dance floor until we find a clear spot to stand. He smirks as we face each other. He places one large, slender hand on my waist while the other interlocks with mine. I take a deep breath to steady myself. Another mans touch is so unfamiliar to me. He watches me carefully, reading me like a book. Sensing my nerves, he very slowly and gently pulls me closer to him. Not to fast. But not to slow. How the hell does he know how to do the right thing every time?
Feeling how calm and steady he is has the same effect on me, and I feel my rushing mind and racing heart begin to slow.
“Hi again” he coos softly, smiling down at me.
“Hi” I reply, unable to help the grin that is growing wider and wider on my own face. I follow his lead as we begin to sway along to the slow jazz music that is playing in the background. I frown slightly, still feeling guilty about leaving him.
“I’m so sorry about before” I apologise looking up at him sheepishly.
“Don’t be” He shakes his head, dismissing my concern “Just don’t run off from me while we’re in the middle of the dance floor yea, might not recover from that one” he teases. We both chuckle.
“I’m not going anywhere” I assure him
“That’s fine by me” he bites his lip as we find ourselves getting even closer to one another until we’re pressed right up against one another. As we share a moment just gazing at one another, I can’t help but wonder he came just at the right time. Who the hell sent this man?
Suddenly turns us around in a circle, holding me tight as we spin. Catching me off guard, he lowers me down into a dip. His strong hand supports my back, and my head falls back as I laugh gleefully. When he brings me back up, our faces are so close that our noses are touching. I half expect him to kiss me, to take advantage of this moment. But he doesn’t. He remains a perfect gentleman. I’m completely caught up in him, caught up in our own little bubble when it is burst by the sight of Michael over Charlie’s shoulder.
He is standing with the Shelby’s and Gina, as they’re mingling and chatting with another family. But he’s not paying attention to them. He is glaring at Charlie and I over the top of his drink. He throws it back angrily, before all but slamming it down on the table. I can see his chest rising and falling heavily from here. Michael isn’t even trying to hide his jealously. I can’t believe the audacity of Michael. It’s almost laughable.
“You good?” Charlie asks with concern, noticing that I’m distracted. He also notices Michael as he looks between us. I think for a moment, and funnily enough, I am good. I’m good. Right now, with Charlie, I feel untouchable.
“I’m wonderful” I nod and he smiles with relief.
“Yeah,” he breathes “You are”
As the next song picks up in pace, he dances me around the floor. He spins me, twirling me around, but catches me again every time. We laugh with each other, enjoying getting completely wrapped up in the moment. I completely forget about Michael. In fact, I completely forget anyone else is even in the room until the final song comes to an end.
We linger for a moment, still enamoured with each other while most people begin to leave the dance floor. I feel almost high of the chemistry between us. The host announces that the final song also marks the ending of the evening. He is the first to break our bubble as he begins to let go of me slowly, his hand lingering on my waist before he finally lets go.
“Alright, I think I’ve stolen you for long enough” he chuckles, breaking the tension between us “You can run now if you like”
“I might be to out of breath for that” I retort with a laugh “Where did you learn to dance like that?”
“I was just saving my best moves for you”
“Thank you, for…” I begin, but I can’t finish my sentence. Thank you for the dance, yes. But how do I thank him for saving my from a night of torture at the table with Michael and Gina.
“Trust me, the pleasure has been all mine”
“I haven’t had that much fun in a long time”
“Well that makes two of us”
Theres a long, long moment between us. I may not have done this in a while but I still know what happens next. That’s when my nerves begin to return slowly but surely. Can I do this? He is wonderful. Everything about him is wonderful. And the chemistry is palpable. But am I ready for this?
Sensing that I’m uncomfortable, he bows slightly. “I’ll let you get back. It’s been lovely meeting you, Isabelle” he smiles down at me.
I watch as he turns, almost about to walk away when something comes over me. I quickly reach for his coat pulling him back to me.
“Wait,” I say desperately as he steps closer to me “Come home with me”
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
My Best Friend’s Girlfriend (Liv Morgan x Reader)
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Anonymous Request: Could you possibly do a Liv Morgan imagine where she has a crush on the reader but thinks that she's dating Ruby (but she's not.) Please end it with smut.
Ruby Riott laughed as you gave her nudge, the green haired woman’s arm around you as the two of you laughed, whispering into one another’s ear.  
Liv frowns, turning away from the two of you, a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach.  
Liv had always liked you, and when she said always, SHE MEANT always, even since your time together at NXT.  
How could she like you when one of her GOOD FRIENDS, Ruby Riott was dating you?  
Her stomach tightens with guilt, as her shoulders sag, your head hanging in shame.
“Hey! Liv!”  
The blonde winces as she turns around, grinning as she makes her way towards you and Ruby, the two of you grinning.  
“You okay?” You ask worried and Liv nods.  
“Yeah, I’m fine.”  
The words taste like bile on the tip of Liv’s tongue, seconds later though she’s saved in the form of a tech, informing her that she was up next, in a rematch against Charlotte Flair.  
“Good luck Liv.” You grin, the blonde giving you a small smile before she takes her leave, leaving you and Ruby behind, the green haired woman turning towards you, eyes narrowed.  
“What?” You snort, the woman rolling her eyes.  
“Good wuck wiv...” She mocks you and you growl, frowning.  
“Dude, go for it, you need to stop beating around the bush and tell her how you feel.” She gives you a shove and you throw your head back, groaning loudly.  
“I can’ttttttttttttttt!” You whine, the green haired woman punching you in the arm.  
“Get your head out of your ass Y/N.”  
The second Liv limps through the curtain you’re at her side, slipping an arm around her, the woman leaning against you heavily.  
“Hey, are you alright?” You ask, the blonde giving you a curt nod.  
Your eyes narrow.  
“I’m not convinced.”  
Liv sighs as you lead her to a nearby crate, helping her sit down on top of it, more like lifting her in the air before placing her down on top of it, jumping up beside her.
You eye her expectantly, the blonde’s blues locking with yours.   
“I didn’t win...” She mumbles under her breath and you frown.  
“Liv...” You whisper, shuffling closer until the woman can lean against you.  
“You had one of THE best matches of your career, you gave Charlotte a run for her money, and I know next time, you’ll get her.” You smile, the blonde huffing as she leans against you.  
You shake your head.  
“No buts Morgan.” You nudge her and she huffs, even louder, sending you a mock glare.  
“That is the LEAST deadly thing I have EVER seen.” You tease, the woman rolling her blue eyes as she lays her head on your shoulder.  
“Shut up.” She mumbles and you snort.  
“Real convincing argument.” You smirk, closing your eyes as you lean against her, your cheeks dusted pink and your heart slamming in your chest, the woman beside you in a similar state.  
Liv swallows hard, another pit forming in her stomach.  
“Where’s Ruby?” She asks and you shrug.  
“I don’t know, probably backstage somewhere.” You hum, Liv unable to bite back a smile at the fact that you’re staying with her and not looking for Ruby, but with that elation came guilt.  
She was in love with her best friend’s girlfriend and she had no idea what she was going to do about it.  
After each and every match, you were there for not only Liv, but Ruby as well, making sure the two were taking care of themselves.  
The more it went on, the more Liv’s crush on you grew and grew, along with her guilt. She wanted you, but you were Ruby’s, and the last thing she would EVER do was break her best friend’s heart.  
“Hey, you okay?” Ruby gives the blonde a nudge, the woman’s blue orbs widening as she clears her throat.  
“Ye-Yeah, I’m fine.” She shrugs and Ruby hums.  
“Are you REALLY?” She asks and Liv plasters on a fake smile.  
“Why wouldn’t I be?” She asks and Ruby smirks.  
“Is this because of Y/N?”  
Liv almost instantly feels the urge to vomit, her eyes wide as she stares at her best friend.  
“Wh-Why would it have anything to do with Y/N?” She asks, scoffing and Ruby chuckles.  
“I see the way you look at her Liv.”  
Liv’s mouth opens and closes before she blurts out what she’s been holding in for so long.  
“I-I-I didn’t mean to fall in love with her! It just happened!”  
“I know the two of you are together, and I’m like, the worst friend in the world...”  
“Liv, what-
“I am so so sorry, and if you hate me that’s-
“LIV!” Ruby yells, giving the blonde a shake, ultimately silencing her.  
“Ruby I-
“Y/N AND I AREN’T TOGETHER!” Ruby yells and Liv’s eyes widen, the woman shaking her head.  
“What... I-
Ruby shakes her head, huffing.  
“We aren’t together, we’re just friends you dolt.” She gives Liv a playful nudge, the blonde’s blue orbs wide.  
“So...” Liv swallows hard.  
“So, she’s not your girlfriend?” She asks and Ruby nods.  
“And that means I haven’t fallen in love with my best friend’s girlfriend?” She asks and Ruby grins, clapping her hands.
“I fucking knew you were into each other!” She grins, Liv’s blue orbs widening, her head snapping in Ruby’s direction.  
“What do you mean, into EACH other?” She asks, Ruby’s eyes widening as she cringes, glancing away.  
“Oh! COMING!” Ruby yells, sprinting away, leaving Liv behind, the blonde in utter disbelief.  
Liv grins, giggling, her heart skipping a beat in her chest as the butterflies flap their wings wildly.  
“She likes me too?”  
You rub the back of your neck, a grin on your face.  
You’d secured the biggest win of your career, a major upset against Nia Jax, the woman irate at the fact that you’d beaten her.  
The first person to greet you after you slip through the curtain is Liv, the woman squealing as she throws her arms around your neck.  
“Oh my god, that was amazing!”  
Ruby ruffles your hair and you snicker, giving her a playful shove.  
“Biggest upset of your career, literally, Nia is a big, bad, bitch.” Ruby snickers, her eyes as wide as saucers when Nia slips through the curtain, her nostrils flared and lip curled in a snarl.  
You flip around, blocking Liv off from the angry woman whose eyes narrow as she glares down at you.  
“You and me, next week. I promise you; you won’t get lucky next time.” She sneers, knocking her shoulder with yours as she passes.  
You watch Nia as she walks off, the win bittersweet considering next week, Nia was going to do everything she could to decimate you.  
That fear washes away when Liv runs a gentle hand down your back, the blonde giving you a massive grin.  
“You did good Y/N, I’m proud of you.” She cups your cheek and you sigh, leaning into her touch, your eyes fluttering shut.  
“Thanks Liv.” You whisper, the blonde grinning, that is until Ruby scoffs.  
“I’m proud of you too.”  
“Yeah, whatever.” You stick your tongue out her, the woman giving you a playful shove.  
Liv can’t help but grin as she watches the two of you playfully fight, but deep down she feared what would happen to you next week.  
What Nia had in store for you.  
Next week came faster than you had expected, and soon you were ready to go out to the ring, Nia pacing said ring like a caged animal.  
“Excuse me, Y/N, any comment before you head down to the ring for your match against Nia?”  
You turn to Charly, taking a deep breath.  
“Let’s hope I get lucky again.” You shrug, giving the backstage analyst a smile, stilling when someone wraps their arms around you from behind.  
“Go out there and show her it has nothing to do with being lucky.” Liv whispers in your ear and you grin, leaning back into her.  
“I’ll do my best.”  
You take a deep breath, your music hitting as you move towards the curtain, glancing over your shoulder at both Liv and Ruby, the woman giving you a nod as she slips an arm around Liv’s waist.  
“Show her what you’re made of.”
You give her a nod, turning around and heading through the curtain.  
“Show time.”  
You were completely and utterly spent, though when you saw your opening, you took it, rolling Nia up.  
You slip out of the ring, stumbling up the ramp backwards, falling on your ass and shuffling backwards, a grin on your face.  
The WWE Universe cheers their assent, throwing their hands in the air chanting, YES, YES, YES!
Nia is absolutely livid, smacking the ropes and roaring at the ref as Liv and Ruby run to you, helping you to your feet.  
The three of you back towards the entrance, Ruby and Liv singing your praises whereas you keep your eyes on Nia who looks absolutely furious.  
Ruby leans towards you, whispering in your ear.  
“Unfortunately, it looks like she isn’t done with you.”  
You nod.
“Fortunately, you’ve got two wins over one of the best in the business.” Liv shrugs and you smirk.  
“BUT, that means Nia is coming after you like an angry wrecking ball.”  
You swallow hard.  
“Also, true.”  
Nia snarls from the ring, surprising you when she literally destroys the ref, eyes full of an absolute furry.  
“I’m so fucked.”  
Suddenly you’re shoved into a small alcove by Liv Morgan, the woman pushing you against a wall and out of sight, your lips inches from hers.  
“Nia’s coming.” She whispers, but you couldn’t care less, your Y/E/C orbs zeroed in on Liv’s lips.  
Liv is completely unaware that you’re far from worried about Nia, your heart slamming in your chest as you think about what her lips might feel like against yours.  
“I think she’s gone.” Liv whispers, turning back towards you, her blue orbs wide. 
It’s then she glances down at your lips, the butterflies in her and your stomach ecstatic as the two of you close the distance between you.  
You gasp against her lips, Liv inhaling sharply at the feel of your lips against hers.  
The two of you briefly part, eyes fluttering open and locking.  
Liv cups your cheeks, the woman’s blue orbs darting around your face.  
You lean back in at roughly the same time, your lips meeting again, the kiss just as mind blowing as the first.  
Your fingers tangle in Liv’s blonde locks, pulling her close as your lips moving against hers.  
The two of you eventually part, your forehead resting against hers as the two of you grin.  
“I’ve been wanting to do that... For SO long...” You whisper, Liv’s eyes widening. 
“R-Really?” She asks and you grin, leaning back in, pressing another kiss to her lips.  
Liv shakes her head.  
“And I thought you were with Ruby all along.” She laughs and your eyes widen.  
“Wh-What? M-Me and Ruby?” You snort loudly.  
“Don’t get me wrong, Ruby’s a babe, but no.”  
Liv giggles as she leans in, pressing another kiss to your lips.  
“Good.” She shrugs and you snicker.  
“For you?”  
“Definitely for me.”  
The two of you had danced around the kiss, the both of your cheeks flushing whenever you saw each other, something Ruby was quick to catch onto.  
“Did something happen between the two of you?” Ruby asks, her arms crossed across her chest and you shrug, watching as Liv takes down Billie Kay.  
“N-Nothing.” You mutter, cheeks flushed and Ruby claps her hands.  
“Holy SHIT you kissed!” She bounces on her feet and your eyes widen.  
“What we did not!”  
Ruby scoffs.  
You throw your head back, groaning.  
“Fine, fine we kissed.” You blush, the woman grinning as she claps her hands.  
“Fucking FINALLY!”  
You snort, shaking your head.  
“But, we haven’t talked about it again...” You mumble, shuffling from foot to foot and Ruby sighs.  
“Jesus Christ, you two couldn’t dance more around your feelings if you tried.” She rolls her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose.  
“Just talk for God’s sake.” She shakes her head and you huff, grinning when Liv gets the one, two, three.  
“We will.”  
Liv knocks on your hotel room door nervously, the woman’s stomach aching, her heart racing.  
You’d asked her to come to your hotel room to talk, which meant the two of you were finally going to talk about the kiss you’d shared a few weeks ago.  
The door swings open seconds later and you smile, immediately stepping to the side.  
“Come on in.” You nod your head, Liv silently making her way into the room before awkwardly standing in the middle of the room.  
You swallow hard, taking a deep breath.  
“S-Sit?” You motion to the bed and she nods, the two of you sitting on the end of the bed.  
The two of you remain silent, so much so you can hear the TV from the other rooms beside yours.  
You chuckle.  
“We’re idiots, aren’t we?” You laugh and the blonde giggles.  
“Yeah kind of.”  
You take a deep breath.  
“I want more with you Liv...” You swallow hard, unable to look at the woman who is staring at you wide eyed.
“I just, I was wondering if you wanted to stay in tomorrow? I know it’s not the best like, first date idea, but I just want to be with YOU, no one else.” You mumble, finally gaining the courage to turn to the woman, unable to hold back a smile when she grins.  
“So, do you want-
Liv cuts you off with a kiss, the woman cupping your cheeks, her lips moving softly against yours until the two of you part.  
She leans in, resting her forehead against yours.  
“I’d love to.”  
Liv was absolutely giddy.  
A stay date was not only your type of scene, but hers as well, so it was the PERFECT set up for the both of you.  
The two of you had planned to spend the entire day together, meeting in your room after breakfast for your ‘stay date.’
Liv knocks on your door, the wooden barrier immediately flying open to reveal her stay date companion, AKA, you.  
“H-Hey.” You smile, stepping aside, Liv pressing a kiss to your cheek on her way by.
“Soo, I uhh, thought we could wa-watch some movies, have lunch and d-dinner?” You stammer nervously, Liv’s blue orbs sparkling as she moves towards you, cupping your cheeks.  
“It sounds perfect.” She whispers, her blue orbs dropping to your lips, giving you the que to lean in, your lips pressing gently against hers.  
“Perfect because you’re here.” You wiggle your eyebrows and Liv giggles.  
“Ohhh, laying it on thick there Romeo.”  She falls on your bed, much unlike the night before when she’d nervously stood in the middle of the room.
“Well come on hot stuff, let’s pick a movie.”
The stay date was going wonderfully, after a nice lunch the two of you had snuggled up as you watched a horror movie, the blonde burying her face in your chest.  
Night had slowly started to fall, meaning the dinner would soon be on its way, something you’d ordered after finding out what Liv’s favorite meal was.  
“So... Uhhh, I was wondering if m-maybe you wanted to stay the night with me...” You wiggle nervously, Liv’s blue orbs wide as she turns towards you.  
You flail your hands, shaking your head, your cheeks blood red.  
“N-No, not that!” You stammer, the woman giggling at the look on your face.  
“SO, you’re saying you’d be fine with dealing with my morning breath and bedhead?” She asks and you snicker.  
“More than fine...” You smile, the two of you leaning in, your lips meeting in a tender kiss.  
“So, I better go get my stuff?” She asks and you grin.  
“If you want to stay the night with me.”  
Liv steals another quick kiss.  
“I do.”  
The second the movie ended and Liv had left for her room, you’d sprang into action, the food being dropped off at LITERALLY the perfect time.  
You’d nearly had everything set up when she’d knocked on the door, cursing at the lighter for not working.  
“Y/N?” Liv calls out and you sigh in relief, lighting the candles you’d placed at the center of the table.
“Sorry! Coming!”  
You crack the door, Liv’s brows furrowing as her eyes narrow.  
“Did you change your mind?” She chuckles nervously and you shake your head. 
“No. Never. I just...”  
You step to the side, opening the door and Liv’s eyes widen, her mouth dropping open as she surveys the dimly lit room, your still hot dinners placed on the table that was decorated with lit candles, the TV switched to a channel playing soft music.  
Liv turns to you with a grin, dropping her suitcase by the door.  
“You did this all while I was gone?” She asks and you shrug.  
“I only want you to... Have the best...” You blush, beaming when the woman cups your cheeks, leaning in to press the sweetest of kisses to your lips.  
“I have the best already.” She winks and you grin, playfully bumping your nose against hers.  
“Oh? You do?” You ask, you tongue trapped between your teeth as the woman giggles.  
“Yeah, I do. Now let’s eat, I’m fucking starving.”  
You push the door shut behind you, grinning as the woman makes her way further into the room, examining your dinner set up.
“You do this for all the ladies?” She teases and you smirk.  
“No, only a certain one.”  
Liv grins, making her way back to you to kiss your lips.  
“Me?” She asks innocently and you nod.  
“Yeah, you.”  
Liv’s eyelids flutter as your fingers run through her hair, the woman practically purring under your ministrations.  
“Today has been perfect...” She yawns, the woman grinning as she snuggles into your side, the grin on your face massive.  
You hum.  
“Perfect enough for you to be my girlfriend?” You ask boldly, though on the inside you’re quaking your heart slamming wildly in your chest.  
Liv’s blue orbs flash open, the woman as far from asleep as she could possibly get when she turns towards you, a lump forming in your throat.  
“Was it too soon? I’m sorry if it was I just-
Liv cups your cheeks, leaning in to press a firm kiss to your lips, a kiss that takes your breath away.  
Liv’s eyes darken as she climbs on top of you, her lips slamming against yours.  
Your fingers tangle in her hair, Liv’s tongue flicking at your bottom lip, asking for entrée, which you grant.  
The first time your tongues touch it’s like pure ecstasy, the two of you moaning into the kiss.  
Liv sighs as your hands run down her body, resting on her ass, giving it a squeeze with a cocky smirk.  
“Don’t start something you can’t finish.” She teases and you grin, flipping the two of you over, hovering over the blonder with a grin.  
“And if I wanted to keep going?” You ask, laughing when Liv rolls you back over, the woman licking her lips.  
“I can’t say I’d be opposed to that.”  
She ducks down, kissing your neck teasingly as your crane your neck giving her more to work with.  
Liv nips at your pulse point and you groan.  
“There?” She whispers and you sigh, your tongue swiping at your lips as your hands roam.  
Liv gasps as your hands slip up the back of her shirt, your nails gently scratching her back. She holds her arms up and your eyes widen.  
“Are you sure?” You whisper the blonde nodding, giving you the okay to rid her off her top.  
You sit up, gently pulling her shirt over her head, your eyes roaming the newly exposed flesh, her breasts covered by a lace bra.  
Liv’s legs wrap around your middle, as your lips again meet, your tongues tangling.  
Liv’s nails dig into the nap of your neck and melt, the blonde’s tongue trapped between her teeth, watching as you again melt at the pass of her fingers on the nape of your neck.  
“I think I found someone’s spot...” She whispers in your ear and you chuckle.  
You use Liv’s position on top of you to your advantage, the woman gasping as you pepper her neck with kisses, Liv throwing her head back as you nibble at her jawline.  
You latch onto her pulse point, teasing it with the tip of your tongue, the woman shuddering on top of you.  
Liv grabs your shirt, your hands flying up in the air so she can strip the garment off of you, revealing your bra covered chest to her.  
Meanwhile you duck your head, kissing the swells of her breasts, the woman gasping as you nibble on the swells of her breasts.  
“Take it off.” She whispers, your eyes widening as you pull back.  
“You’re sure?” You ask, the blonde cupping your cheeks, leaning in to press a kiss to the tip of your nose.  
“I am.”  
Your hands slip behind Liv’s back, unhooking her bra deftly, Liv letting the bra slide down her arms before she discards it somewhere in the room.  
Your eyes rake down your front, your core throbbing as you eye the woman’s pale flesh.  
“You’re gorgeous.” You whisper as you lean in, peppering the newly exposed flesh with tender kisses.  
Liv gasps as you suck one of her pert nipples into your mouth, your tongue lashing against it as you suck on it, giving it a nip.  
“Shit Y/N...” She moans, a grin stretching across your face as you lavish her other breast with equal attention, the woman giggling as you playfully nuzzle against the bottom of her breast, the woman wiggling in your lap.  
Liv sneakily slips her hands behind you, unhooking your bra before she gives your breasts the same attention as you’d given hers, the woman leaving love bites all over your chest.  
She giggles as you roll the two of you over, your fingers digging into her sides.  
You slide down her body, your fingers tracing the hem of her shorts.  
Liv’s dark blue orbs lock with your equally dark Y/E/C orbs, the woman giving you a curt nod.  
You take a deep breath, pulling not only her shorts down, but her thong as well, tossing it over your shoulder.  
Liv giggles as you nuzzle against her ankle, kissing her calves, stopping to nibble her thighs.  
“Y/N!” She giggles, playfully swatting at you and you grin, staring at the apex between her thighs, the woman’s slit glistening with her slick.  
Liv’s eyes lock with yours as your fingers run along her slit, the woman sighing, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth.  
You climb on top of her, your hand still between her legs, fingertips teasing her clit.  
“Do you want my fingers...?” You whisper in her ear, the blonde nodding rapidly.  
You run your fingers between her folds, the woman gasping as you stroke her clit.  
Liv’s breath hitches as you draw tight, fast circles over her clit, the woman moaning shamelessly, clinging to you as her hips rock.  
“Oh god, just like that.” She gasps, her face contorting in pleasure as your fingers work between her legs.  
“Please, Y/N...” She gasps, your lips latching onto her earlobe, giving it a nibble.  
“Please what?” You ask the blonde groaning.  
Your fingers tease her entrance, the heat pouring from between her legs making you sigh.  
“I bet you’re really tight.” You whisper in her ear, the tip of your fingers slipping inside her.  
“Fuck.” Liv grunts, blue orbs locking with your Y/E/C ones when two fingers slip inside of her.  
“I was right, you’re so tight.” You whisper, letting her adjust before your fingers curl, slipping out of her before sliding back in.  
Liv’s mouth hangs open as your fingers slip in and out of her, harder and faster, the woman unable to even vocalize considering she’s consumed by her pleasure.  
“Just like that!” She cries as your fingers slam into her, the blonde’s breath hitching over and over again, her walls fluttering around your fingers.  
“You’re so close, do you want to cum?” You whisper, the blonde nodding rapidly, brows knitted in pleasure.  
“Oh, please Y/N, let me cum...”  
You curl your fingers just right, the blonde stiffening before she cries out, body quaking hard, the woman letting out soft moans and grunts as she comes down from her high, your fingers aiding her.  
“Oh, my fucking God, that was SO good...” She shivers, the aftershocks of her orgasm making her quiver.  
You lick your fingers clean, the woman chuckling as you hum.  
“You taste amazing...” You whisper, the blonde smirking.  
“Well, how about we see how good you taste...”  
You’re on your back in seconds, Liv pulling your pajama pants and panties down, the woman crawling between your legs.  
Liv kisses your lips softly, trailing down your chin, to your chest, stopping at your abs when your breath hitches.
“I’m going to have fun with you, you have so many spots.” She teases, nuzzling into your muscles before she finally reaches the apex of your thighs.  
“Let Liv have a taste...” She purrs, her tongue running through your folds, a raspy groan crawling up your throat.  
Liv hums, her lips brushing your clit.  
“I’m gonna make you feel so good...”  
The tip of Liv’s tongue flicks against your clit and you tremble.  
“F-Fuck...” You grunt, the woman smirking as she flattens her tongue against your clit, shaking her head back and forth.  
“S-shit...” Your fingers flex as they tangle in her hair.  
Liv meanwhile is drinking you in like someone who’d been in the desert for weeks, the woman’s tongue teasing your entrance.  
Your mouth hangs open, your pleasure clouding all of your senses, the only thing you can feel is the woman’s tongue working between your legs.  
“So wet...” She blows between your legs and you groan.  
Suddenly, two fingers invade your tight channel, her tongue working your clit as her fingers curl inside you, slipping in and out of you, hard and fast.  
Your back arches, your hips rolling as the blonde works you to your highest peak.  
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” You chant the blonde grinning.  
“You want to cum?” She whispers and you nod, groaning loudly as Liv sucks your clit into her mouth.  
You cum with a literal snarl, shaking violently as you cum, stars exploding behind your eyes.  
Liv helps you down from your high, her tongue lightly teasing your clit, as her fingers slow.  
Liv climbs up you, your chest rising and falling, a lazy grin on your face as Liv snuggles into your side, hitching a leg up over your waist.  
“Fuck that WAS good.” You whisper, the blonde giggling as she kisses your cheek over and over again.  
Your lips split in a grin.  
“So, does this mean you’ll be my girlfriend?” You ask, the blonde giggling as she rolls over on top of you, burying her face in your neck.  
“Of fucking course.” She whispers and you grin, wrapping your arms tightly around her.  
Soon, the blonde is fast asleep in your arms, a massive grin stretching across your face.  
“And to think you thought I was dating Ruby.” You snicker, gasping when Liv bites your neck.  
“Shut up.”  
“You have to admit it was pretty funny.” You tease, Liv yawning as she nuzzles into your neck.  
“No, go to sleep.”  
You smile, holding her close, your eyes fluttering shit, the two of you soon falling fast asleep, right where you’d always wanted to be.  
In each other’s arms.  
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Hell and Back Pt. 2
Peter Parker x bisexual!reader
Peter Parker x fem!reader
Peter Parker x black!reader 
Peter Parker x villain!reader 
Warnings: Language, hospital mentions, mentions of drug abuse, allusions to suicide, allusion to self harm, self deprecating thoughts, a gun, mentions of knives, mentions of the dead, anxiety, signs of abuse, abusive and toxic relationships, and fainting.
Word Count: 6.1k 
Songs: Pleaser-Wallows, 505-Artic Monkeys, Sweater Weather- The Neighborhood, Daddy Issues- The Neighborhood, Paper Planes- M.I.A, We come running- Youngblood Hawke, Young dumb and broke- Khalid, Do I wanna know- Artic Monkeys, Break the Rules- Charli XCX
“I smiled, I know as much as we get into petty arguments or try to annoy each other on purpose but I’d go to hell and back for those girls. And that’s exactly what I was going to do.” 
A/N: There might be some typos and grammatical errors sorry for those, I you want to be added to the Taglist just message me about or comment it. I’ll have a google form for it soon. 
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When I saw my little sisters, that all went away. Sure I still called them a lot but nothing could compare to actually seeing them in person. Sapphire launched herself into my arms and I stumbled back a bit.
“I missed you too,” I said.
I hugged Aaliyah too. When I entered the apartment I heard voices. My dad’s and some feminine voice. 
I walked in to find some woman who couldn't be older than 25 in my kitchen. Talking and laughing with my dad. I didn’t want to assume anything or start a scene so I just went into my room to catch up with my sisters. 
We were talking about some kid who gave me a DMT pen once and I was tripping balls which I probably shouldn’t be talking about, but I want them to feel comfortable enough to come to me. Makes it easier to keep them safe. 
Our dad opened the door and hung in the doorway.
“Hey… Y/N do you mind coming here for a sec?”
“Yeah sure…” 
I stepped out of the room. 
“Is something wrong?” It wasn’t often that he initiated a conversation that would end positively.
“No,no, not at all, I just want you to meet someone,” 
When I entered the kitchen the same woman from before was still there. My dad walked over to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. 
“This is my girlfriend, Camilla” 
I knew it . I knew it! I was trying not to be hostile toward her every problem I had was towards my dad so I smiled and waved to her.
“Camilla this is Y/N,” he pointed to me. 
“Well I’ll let y’all get acquainted,” He said before leaving the room.
I sat on the kitchen island and waited for her to say something first. 
“Look, I would just like to put it out there that I’m not trying to replace your mom in anyway.”
“Thanks I appreciate it,” 
“Also, are you okay now?” She asked in a low voice.
“Huh?” I questioned.
“Your dad said you ran away,” Of course he did “and I saw the news with your school at the Washington Monument.” So I guess she knew more about me then expected. Not surprised she was the one to ask me and not my so called dad.  
“Thanks for your concern but I’m fine, and sorry to cut this conversation short but I’m drained.” 
“Oh, okay, have a nice night,” 
“You, too,” 
I didn’t have time to think about anything. I just made it back to my room and face planted onto my bed. My whole being was sore including my brain. I didn’t have the energy to change my clothes, to shower, to think about my dad being a pathological liar or anything else that happened today.
I was awoken by my dad. I didn't know how long I slept but the sun was out. I can’t remember the last time I was able to sleep while the sun was up. 
“Hey we’re going out, for family bonding and I want you there with us,”
We ain’t ever been a family before why start now. Is what I really wanted to say but I sucked it up because again I hadn’t seen my sisters in a while. 
The movie was really boring. If we’re being honest. 
I pulled Aaliyah and Sapphire aside as my dad and Camilla were deep in conversation. 
“You know how I was staying at Wade’s house right?” 
They both nodded.
“What did dad tell you about this,” 
Sapphire just shrugged and Aaliyah was the one to post.
“I dunno he didn’t say much like usual he just kinda said you just left,” 
I felt my jaw tightening as I processed her words, my fist clenching by my side. 
“Oh, oh okay,” I breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth a couple times “Well I just want you to know I’d never leave y’all without a very good reason, and I never won’t come back,” 
By the time we got back to the house it was around twelve since we watched another movie and went to a restaurant. Then got ice cream. This is the most money my dad could’ve possibly spent on me in a long time. I mean he didn’t because I didn’t get anything and bought my own ticket. I didn’t want him to be able to use the fact he bought me stuff against me. I’d gotten tired of the “after I’ll I’ve done for you,” excuse. 
I couldn’t sleep. No matter what I tried I couldn’t sleep. I tried NyQuil, melatonin, and even tea. The tea really did more harm than good. 
This was an extremely stupid thing to do so don’t follow my lead but I was bored. 
I grabbed a lot of useless shit from the floor of my room and made my way to the roof. I poured hand sanitizer on it and set it on fire. Putting aside the fact that it was really weird the fire was oddly beautiful. I sat there watching it for a minute before stomping it out. 
I was going to text my friend Carmen but I realized she was supposed to be asleep and I didn’t want to get her in trouble. 
I ended up scrolling through Zillow for a while then that turned into me applying for like four jobs. In which turned into me making spamming multiple friends saying we needed to hang out.
While I was on Zillow there was a relatively cheap apartment in Queens. Which was close to my school. It kept drawing me in for some reason. I bookmarked the tab.
Before I knew it the sun was up. I figured if I couldn’t sleep I would go on a walk to the park. 
When I got back to the complex everyone was still asleep except my dad who walked outside like he was waiting on me. He grabbed my arm, squeezing it tightly. 
He basically told me I looked like a prostitute. I was running so my sports bra and leggings were actually pretty appropriate. He said that I was probably going out to fuck people and that’s where I always was. I opened my mouth to defend myself.
“Actually I was just going to the-“ I was cut off by a sharp sting on my cheek. 
He fucking slapped me. Hard at that. He then grabbed my arm even tighter than before dragging me into the house.
 I don’t know what hurt worse my face or that fact that I wouldn’t be able to blame him being drunk on all the times he’d hit me before. He was just an ass.
  By the time I made it back to my room it felt like my body was burning itself from the inside out. My face was red and so was my arm from my elbow to almost my wrist. To try to cool myself down I took a cold shower and took some Tylenol. 
I still couldn’t sleep but tonight it was because it was so hot. I really needed a fan in my room. It was already 6 so I just decided to get a head start at the school. Not without taking pictures of my bruises before covering them with green concealer and foundation. I wore a hoodie for good measure. 
I felt dizzy and decided it was probably best not to skate at the moment and I’m 90% sure I fell asleep on the subway.  Apparently we had an art project due which I had no idea existed in the first place so I wasn’t going to that class today. Even though I did truly love Ms. Kramer. I was just gonna skip and go to Bri’s class. Which just happened to be chemistry. 
I wasn’t surprised Mr. Cobwell asked no question when I walked in. I ate lunch in his class a couple times, he was chill. He continued on talking about Quantum Theory. 
I made Flash move from his seat next to Bri which he immediately did. I guess he was scared of me now. 
“Hey,” I said, placing my non bruised side of my face on the desk.
“Hey,” She whispered back. “What class are you supposed to be in?” 
“Why are you there? You love art,” 
“I’m not feeling it today,” 
“Alright,” she nodded.
“Lemme use your AirPods,” 
She reached into her bag handing them over going back to taking notes. That didn’t last long.
“What ya watching?” She asked.
“Bad Girls Club,” I smiled knowing she liked this show. 
“What season?” 
“7,” I whispered because now I felt too weak to waste my energy on speaking. I placed the phone on my lap and she took the other AirPod and before I knew I class was over with Tasha throwing trash everywhere.
I figured I was feeling sick because my blood sugar was low or something so I drank some Apple juice at lunch and called it a day.
Now time for Physics. I hate physics. Why would science ever require so much math? 
It was so hot. Like on the face of the sun, hot but I couldn’t take my hoodie off because I felt like I’d sweat my foundation off. 
“Are you okay?” Peter asked me “You look pale,” I swear if he doesn’t learn to mind his business.
“I’m fine,” I told him, not sure if I was trying to convince him or myself, I gestured to his notebook. “Do your work,” 
“Alright fine,” he said reluctantly, glancing at me once before getting back to writing whatever we were supposed to be doing down.
 I pulled my hoodie back over my head and sat up in my seat about to try to do my work again. But it was so hot and I was so dizzy that I couldn’t focus.
The world began to swirl and I knew the switch in my brain was going to flip off. I just didn’t have time or enough energy to tell anyone. 
When I woke up I was in a bed in the nurse's office and the first thing I noticed was I didn’t have my hoodie. Shit. I used to make fun of people for passing out because how does your own body clock out on you? Until it started happening to me like last year. 
I went into the bathroom and sure enough the giant bruise on my cheek and arm were kinda visible. 
Again shit.
I patted my forehead with a cold paper towel because the nurse’s bathroom actually had paper towels unlike all the others, before the nurse came back. 
“Hello, Are you feeling okay?” 
I nodded. She smiled down at me before giving me water and checking my temperature. 
“You have a fever,” she said after looking down at the thermometer “We called dad to come and pick you up but we got no answer. Is there anyone else that can come and take you?” 
I shook my head, not trusting my voice. 
I drank some more of the water before speaking up. 
“I have a friend who’s at this school she could maybe drop me off?” 
“I’m not sure if that’s allowed,” she said. 
“You know what? Go back to class, get your friend and come right back.”
I pushed off the bed and headed out of the nurses office surprised to find Peter sitting on the bench outside it. 
“Are you okay?” He asked me again 
“Yes I’m okay” I nodded. Apparently I wasn’t as okay as I thought because I almost tripped over my leg trying to move. But Peter immediately reached his hand out to stabilize me. And I don’t know why that made me as angry as it was but I said “I don’t need you to help,” harsher than I need to. 
“Sorry,” I said calmly almost immediately after. 
“It’s okay,” He said scratching the back of his neck.
“If you don’t mind me asking where’d these bruises come from,” 
“I fell,” was all I said. He looked skeptical but that was all he was going to get, I didn’t need CPS all up in my business. That’s also payback for him lying to me about “cat scratches”. 
“Can you do me a favor?” I asked.
“Yeah, anything,” he said. 
“Can you go get Briana from Mr. Dell’s class for me?” 
“Yeah I’ll be right back,” he said before sprinting down the hallway. I giggled at his giddiness. It was still extremely hot everywhere my body was tingling. 
Bri ran towards me 
“Oh my god are you okay,” 
“I’m fine, I just need you to talk to the nurse with me real quick,” 
She apparently didn’t have her car with her today so she was a no go. 
“I’m sorry girl,” she said, pulling me into a hug. 
“It’s okay, go back to class now,” I said.
“Alright feel better,”
I walked back out of the office to find none other than Peter still waiting there.
“So what happened?” He asked.
“Looks like I’m walking home,” I smiled sarcastically. “Yay,”
“I can walk you home,”
“No, thank you” 
“I insist,” I laughed again 
“I still think that word is funny,” I said.
“Okay, now let me walk you home,” 
We were walking in no general direction. No one but MJ and Bri know my address and  I’d like  to keep it that way. 
“Wait, you need food,” He claimed.
We ended up at this place called Delmar’s Deli. I’d passed it a couple times while walking home and during my less legal “hobby”. I really wasn’t hungry at all. I took all of like two bites from my sandwich claiming I’d take it to go before throwing it away. It wasn’t bad, it was quite good, actually I just wasn’t hungry. 
“My aunt is a nurse at an emergency room, she can check you out,” I hate anything that's anything like a hospital at all brings terrible memories, but I didn’t want him to know where I lived so I agreed. I’d ditch him then.  
It took us a while to get there but by the time we did I had to stop and catch my breath. He offered to walk me home and got me food. What a Spiderman thing to do. I’d say I had much solid proof to go on by now.  
“Peter!” The gorgeous brunette woman came over to the waiting room “What are you doing here don’t you have school?” 
“Yeah but my friend-“ When her eyes ghosted over to my face she cut herself off. “Oh my God are you okay,” she referred to my bruises “What happened to you?” 
“Did Flash do this to her?” She asked Peter and I had to stifle a laugh at that. I wish he would try to lay a finger on me. 
“No, she just told me she fell, we’re here cause she fainted and I don’t know if the school nurse is very capable of actually helping,” 
Is this a new thing Peter just decides to randomly worry about me for no good reason and forces me into taking care of myself. Because I hate it. 
“Oh, ok,” She nodded her head. “Grab one of those questionnaires over there,” She pointed to the sign in table. “Are your parents going to come too?” She asked and I shook my head. 
She and Peter moved over to the side and started talking about something I had no interest in. I grabbed the questionnaire and sat on the edge of the closest seat.  
1. What’s your age?
That’s easy 15.
2. Specify your race 
African American of course.
3. Select your highest level of education
Some high school
4. What’s your marital status? 
Single never married. Unless you count that un-ordained wedding I once had.
5. Specify your employment status
A student. 
6. Have you ever been treated in an emergency room (specify age)? 
Yes, as a child. 
7. Have you ever been rushed to the hospital? If yes, do you remember why?
Okay wow. Yes. 
I sat on the cold bathroom floor, vision blurry from tears forming in my eyes. 
“Y/N, you okay in there?” I heard my brother ask after lightly rapping his fingers on the door. 
“Yeah, I’m okay!” 
No I wasn’t. I wasn’t okay at all. In fact I was the farthest thing from okay. I glanced down at my thighs, you could see cuts from the night before and scars peeking out from underneath my shorts. I was sobbing at this point. 
“I’m so sorry,” I whispered. I wasn’t sure if it was for myself or to everyone I knew I’d hurt by this. I already had the headache. I was just waiting for the rest of the pills to kick in. 
I was holding onto the sink for support when the left side of my body started to feel tingly. The whole situation felt hazy. I was shaking hard before I fell, taking almost everything on the sink with me. 
My head hit the bathmat and I could feel my heart slowing and hear my breath become shallow. I heard the doorknob jingle and that was the last thing before a feeling of true bliss and peace took over my body. 
I could hear screams and sirens and I knew I was in an ambulance. Slowly I awoke with wires all over my body and an IV in my wrist. My limbs were dead weight, I couldn’t move. 
A single tear fell from my eye alerting me off my surroundings. I quickly came back to myself. I made up the excuse of a family emergency and left.
I ended up halfway across the city. Then in Brooklyn visiting a friend. 
I knocked on the window of Aaron’s apartment. I could see Miles sitting on the couch.
“How’ve things been over here?” I asked once I was settled on the couch as well. 
“Uh, pretty tame, and you?” 
“There was that whole elevator stunt and I almost fucking died which was fun.” 
“Forgot you never take anything seriously,” He rolled his eyes. 
I laughed in response “Well one of us has got to be fun for us since it’s clearly not you,” 
“In celebration of me not dying I’m making sundaes,” 
“Alright,” He said leaning back on the couch. 
“Hey uh, When’s Aaron coming back?” I asked, getting the whipped cream out of the fridge.
“I’m not sure,” 
This is actually like really fucking dangerous. Like it could kill me. It’s just I was already in pain and had a headache. I also wasn’t thinking. I’d already made the sundaes. I turned around so Miles couldn’t see what I was doing before I- Okay I’m not going to do this. Get it together God you’re acting like an addict. The amount of people who’ve died from inhalants were insane. There it is again death. 
“Drawn anything new lately?” I asked, wanting to get my mind off of the topic of death that seemed to be plaguing my brain lately.  
“Some small sketches,”
I got the text that’d I been waiting for. I’d been talking to Aaron for the past few days. I’m not sure how Miles would feel about that. So I haven’t said anything. 
But I got the text. 
Staten Island Ferry 3pm
I immediately popped up from the couch.
“I have to go like right now, it’s an emergency,” 
I sprinted towards the door almost running into the punching bag in front of me. 
It’d been a week and things were looking up. I had a great day yesterday without the use of any drug. But nothing good ever lasts too long. I didn’t have to worry about that now. What I needed to worry about, was getting Peter to stop falling on his ass. 
I tried not to laugh at him and failed. 
“It’s not funny,” he said, pulling me down with him as I reached out to pull him up. Soon he was laughing too. 
I felt a vibration in my pocket and saw that Aaron texted me. 
hey the results from the search came in.
what???? don’t play with me I’m on my way right now. 
“Uh hey I gotta go sorry,” 
“No it’s fine I probably should get home too,” He pushed off the ground reaching down for me. 
“Do you wanna do this again tomorrow?” He asked a hopeful glint in his eye once we were both on our feet.
“Yeah sounds nice,” I smiled.
“Okay,” He nodded.
“Okay,” I echoed heading off. 
Ned was being fucking stupid.
“NO!” I slammed my hands down on the table “You don’t stab anyone especially if you plan on using bleach to clean up the blood. At least use vinegar and lemon,”
“Okay, jeez,” he said reeling back, “How would you do it then?” 
Before I could say anything MJ spoke up
“You could just use a needle full of air in between their toes, Their heart would fail” 
“Orrr,” I said spinning around on top of the table towards Ned. “You could overdose them on potassium and by the time the police get there the potassium in their blood is back at a normal level,” 
“Yeah that works too,” MJ stated going back to whatever she was drawing.
“You guys scare me,” Ned muttered making me smile. 
“Where’s Peter?” I asked and Ned pointed across the room. 
There he was sitting by Liz. It was cute I knew about his little crush on her. I’m sure the whole school did. Glad it’s working out for him. However that did not stop the pain in my stomach. 
I got up from the table because suddenly I did not want to be at school anymore. 
“Where are you going?” MJ looked up at me.
I shrugged. In all honesty I had no I idea where I was going. Somehow I always end up at Wade’s house when I don’t know where I want to go. He wasn’t home but I had a key. I can’t remember if he gave it to me or I stole if we're being honest. 
Clearly I hadn’t passed by a mirror in a while because damn. I look terrible. 
My eyes were red and circled with a dark hue from lack of sleep. I still had a yellowing bruise on my cheek. I was pale. I looked to be on the verge of death. 
I looked frail, like at any second I’d just fall apart. 
It was so unfair. My bones dragged down my body. The pieces of my soul that were mined out and removed from my mind. There’s a hole leaving me forever longing and I cannot fill nor feel. Hiraeth, a beautiful word for a ugly feeling. longing for a home that I never truly had, a home in which I’d never return. I would like to drift to where my spirit lies. It’s in the eyes of you and me and everyone in between. Drifting on a small boat in the sea. Viridian. Yes! That's the place I would like to be, that's where my soul lies yes you see.
 I kept punching his punching bag over and over again. Until I was on my back on the floor begging my lungs to allow air into them with Time (Is) by Solange playing on loop. Something put it into my head that I had to kill Vulture. I’d never directly killed anyone but that was gonna change. Having people killed or knowing someone was going to kill someone and not doing anything about isn’t killing anyone in my book, but I’m sure it would be in Spidey’s
That’s literally Liz’s dad though…
Okay maybe I’d just get him locked up. Great now I gotta be a snitch. That’s new. I showered not even caring about my hair now my curls were sticking to my face. I was freezing now though. I didn’t know whether to be glad that my body wasn’t on fire anymore or be upset that I was covered in goosebumps. 
Wade’s laptop was sitting right there on his bed. I was only taking a shower but, I think I should be allowed to watch Netflix and he wouldn’t mind, I was already on his account anways. 
After like 3 episodes into this random show there was a folder that was calling to me for some reason. 
It’d be okay to take a sneak peek. I thought to myself. 
I clicked on it and it was locked. I guessed the password in like three tries. He’s really gotta up his password game. It opened to multiple folders, one with my mom's name. Okay I had to click this then. 
I opened it which opened to more folders one titled ‘In Case of My Death’. 
Okay, okay cool my mother has had a video of what to do all if she died all along. This would’ve come in handy five years ago. 
There were three videos with the names of myself and my sisters. I clicked on mine then paused it. 
Then unpaused it again. 
I couldn’t do it. Okay, yes I could. I played it again. As soon as I heard the beginning of the word “hi”. I shut the computer off. I couldn’t do this. Couldn't do it because I was weak, I couldn’t handle myself. I was stupid and weak and a fucking disappointment. Guess my dad had been right all these years. I knew there was always some truth to the words he spoke only a matter of time until I started acknowledging it. 
I don’t remember coming home to the apartment. And I definitely don’t remember writing all over the walls of my dad’s room. But I had a marker in my hands and it looked like a toddler had gone to town. 
Holy Shit 
He was actually going to murder me, in cold fucking blood.  I trashed, the living room area, his room, and then mine. I was not coming home tonight. Looks like I’d need to find a new home now. At this point that sounded like a pretty solid plan. 
I text my sisters a quick text ‘stay at grandma’s house tonight dad is going to pissed like Super Sayian mode’ before grabbing my go-bag which was: a bag of the essentials, like hygiene a couple shirts, shorts, hoodies, pants, and of course the flash drive can't forget the flash drive. 
The flash drive that’s driving me crazy. I’d yet to open it though.  I knew I was crazy because I did all this while fucking sobbing.
I wandered around for hours. Making my way to Brooklyn, Manhattan, Harlem, AND actual New York City.  
Somehow I still ended up at Olivia’s door at the end of the day. I honestly believe we were soulmates. Most people don’t know you get many soulmates in a lifetime. I think Olivia and I would be the karmic kind. A karmic relationship is meant to help you grow, but it is never meant to last—it's often playing out a bad experience from a past life. I’m guessing I hadn’t grown yet because here I was.
She opened the door after a second. I’m surprised she did because I used our special knock so I knew she knew it was me. 
“I can’t fucking do this anymore,” I screamed in her face. 
“You're the one going off and being secretive and shit, like you’re scared I’m gonna hurt you or something,” she yelled walking up the stairs. 
I followed after her, 
“Maybe you would hurt me. I don’t know you are insane,” I said, tears brimming my eyes. 
“Just because you have fucking daddy issues, doesn’t mean you have to carrying them into every part of your life,” 
“I have daddy issues?” I screamed soon turning into me choking on a laugh making an unhinged noise “Oh, I have fucking daddy issues, now? Oh, okay,” I nodded. 
“Your parents didn’t even fucking want you,” I pointed at her. “At least my mom stuck around before she died,” 
“You’re an asshole, you know that?” 
“Yeah well right back at you,” 
“You’re fucking psychotic! Literally you’re so much like your dad and you don’t even know it, You’re trying to please him and he doesn’t give two shits about you, Wake up Y/N! Wake up.” 
“I’m hard on you because I love you so much,” She claimed, but her love was suffocating. 
“Oh yeah? I asked “Well i don’t know how much more of this ’love’ I can take,” 
“Fine then,” She screamed. 
“Fine,” I said before she slammed the door in my face leaving me standing out in the cold crying. 
That wasn’t even the worse we’d said to each other. It was the first but not the last time we’d break up either. I do believe we loved each other though in our own twisted way. Well at least I know I loved her. 
“Hey,” She said softly as she could sense I was due to break at any second. My cheeks were probably tear stained. 
“Hey,” I whispered back. 
“Are you okay?” She asked. 
“No,” I shook my head. One thing I liked about her is I didn’t have to fake it around her, because masking my real emotions was so draining. At least I didn’t have to do it with everyone. 
“Wanna talk about it?” 
“Okay,” she said softly “My parents aren’t home, so you don’t have to worry about them,” not surprised. 
I nodded before she grabbed my hand bringing me inside.
“I missed you,” she said stroking my hair as I laid on her bed, my head in her lap. 
“I missed you too,” I wasn’t lying my head drifted to her from time to time. It wasn’t that I wanted to get back together I just missed her presence.  
She smiled sadly at me running her finger over the bags on my eyes. 
“Heavy is the head that wears the crown,” She quotes.
“Yeah well, ’m not queen or princess and definitely don’t have a crown, so we don’t gotta worry ‘bout me,” I said. 
“You’re a princess to me,” I gave a genuine yet tired smile at that.
“You can go to sleep, it’s okay,” She said.
That was the first time I was actually able to fall asleep and without medicine or having to go on a walk or do anything really. 
I woke up in the bed alone only to find Olivia sitting at her kitchen island eating spaghetti. 
She smiled when she saw me coming into view. 
“Sleep well?” She asked.
“Yeah surprisingly,” How long had I been asleep for I wondered.
“It’s 10 pm,” She said, still being able to read me. 
I made my way over to her and sat across her.
“So what’s really going on with you miss Y/N?” She questioned. 
I shrugged “I don’t know, nothing,”
“Are you trying to convince me or yourself? Cause I’m not buying,” 
I explained to her how my dad was being weird and how I wanted to move out now. How I had pretty much vandalized the house. How I found the video of my mom. Just everything. Well maybe not everything I didn’t tell her about Vulture because I feel like she’d try to do something and I didn’t want her to get hurt. 
“Oh wow, damn... holy shit. Are you gonna watch your moms video?” She asked. Huh I hadn’t thought about that.
“I mean of course I will, yeah,” I nodded “Probably, I don’t know I’m scared,”  
“Wouldn’t you rather just push the fear back and watch then wonder the rest of your life what it says.” 
I sighed. Can't argue with that logic.
“I’m assuming you came here because you need a place to stay?” She said. 
“Yes, I need a place to stay just for a while but I don’t want it to seem like I’m just using you I can find somewhere else,” 
“Now it’s fine stay as long as you need but my dad gets back at the end of the month and we both know he doesn’t like you,” She chuckled at the last sentence and I laughed too. 
I was on the ferry heading towards Staten Island now. I knew the sale was for these weird alien shits but that's pretty much all I knew. I figured I’d sort of “out bid” the buyers then get rid of everything. By outbid I mean straight up steal. Some guy in a white pickup truck is officially my target. Thorn was still on hiatus. Meaning no knives unless you count the pocket knife I always had on me, no suit. I did have a trejo though, you know just in case. I couldn’t help my mind from drifting to Pop Smoke’s “I got it on me”. I let out a small laugh.  
I was hiding behind some car waiting for a crack in the plan to slip in. 
That was until Spiderman showed up. It’s like he had a sixth sense to ruin all of my plans. 
Well abort mission. Just as I started walking around to get to the side of the boat. The van I was next to had Vulture literally coming out of it. I knew it’d looked familiar. 
I made it up to the top deck looking down on everything unfolding. So a quick rundown,  the FBI was here, meaning Tony Stark or someone with government clearance probably did something because I highly doubt that Spiderman, the Spiderman that I’ve seen hit a window like a bird while swinging, had any government clearance. 
See now I was looking to find a good time to make my escape. That was until that purple alien shit started spewing stuff beams of light through the ship. And fuck, I look away for one second and the new Shocker guy was gone. I turned around and saw he was running in another direction. I chased after him the rubber of my sneakers squeaking on the deck. 
I jumped down onto Shocker’s back sending us both to the floor before he pushed me off. I was definitely going to be sore tomorrow and I’m pretty sure I heard something pull in my leg. 
He jumped off onto the Vulture and I knew I couldn’t do anything anymore. Not like I was just going to shoot them down in public. I saw the light shooting down the middle of the ferry. I was gonna make a run for it but the loud squeal noise was so loud I fell over. Soon I was slung back into what I think was a bench not entirely sure I just knew it hurt like a bitch. 
I’m pretty sure I feel unconscious for like 30 seconds. 
But that was enough because the boat had already split in half and I couldn’t get to the deck or a lifeboat. However Spider-Man was frantically trying to get it together. 
I was trying to be hopeful because everything was looking up, as the parts of the ship got closer together but I think we all know the saying ‘what goes up must come down’ 
Over the ringing in my head I could assume that things were fixed because people were cheering. One thing that comes from cheering is movement and if I learned anything from the elevator it’s that moving in a very unstable metal death box is not a good idea. 
The ship was falling apart again until it wasn’t. It was pushed back together by I could only assume would be our government clearance guy Tony Stark. I looked out the window and yep there he was. 
As soon as I got on solid ground I called my sisters.
“Hiii!” I exclaimed. “Where are you, are you okay?” 
“Yes we’re fine, and where at grandma’s house like you told us to go to where else would we be,” I could almost hear the eye roll in Liyah’s voice. 
“Okay little Miss attitude stay there until I can feel everything out with dad,” 
“Okay I love you guys,” I said, getting a small “love you too” from Sapphire. 
“I know,” was the response I got from Liyah. I almost gasped the audacity of this child. 
“Say it back,” 
“Say it back,” She mocked, evoking laughter from both sides of the call. 
“Okay love you too byeeee,” She said hanging up. 
I smiled, I know as much as we get into petty arguments or try to annoy each other on purpose but I’d go to hell and back for those girls. And that’s exactly what I was going to do.
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yikeswtfmate · 5 years
Strange Times || Ch. 1
main masterlist // Strange Times Series Masterlist // next part
Summary: Mickey Pearson sends Raymond to fetch his sister from the airport. He’s never met this woman, but he soon finds out she likes to play with her food first.
Pairing: Raymond (Charlie Hunnam - The Gentlemen, 2020) x Reader
Warnings: swearing; sexual themes; mentions of violence
A/N: Here it is my lovelies, the fic i’ve been telling you about with Charlie Hunnam’s character whom i fell in love with (it’s the beard....and the glasses....and the hair....and the suits......and the whole righthand to a drug lord thing maybe?). I’m still unsure about posting it here because it’s a different type of Reader that i’m used to write (maybe i’ll just switch her to an OC) and it’s not Bonky. So please let me know what you think and whether i should post the next parts as well (it’s already 5k long) but if you don’t like it, this is a “felt cute might delete later” type of situation so no harm no foul. And for those of you who haven’t seen the movie yet, slight spoliers ahead!
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The office is quiet, save for the scratching of a pen on paper and the ticking of a clock that is starting to irritate Raymond to no end. He’s been meaning to either throw it out or switch it with the one that is in the living room, but he knows how his boss would not appreciate the disposal of a five thousand pound clock plated in gold. Raymond personally thinks it’s tacky, but it’s Mickey’s house after all, and he should be concentrating on sorting out the logistics for that shipment that’s supposed to go out to Italy anyway. He turns back to his laptop, intent on fulfilling his responsibilities for the day, when Mickey stops writing behind him and clears his throat, demanding his attention.
“Raymond, I need you to go to the airport tomorrow.”
Ray stands up from his chair at the desk and moves to the table in the middle of the receiving room. He’s learned all of Mickey’s tells during the ten years he’s been his righthand man, and when he stops sorting out his agenda to pour himself a cup of tea, Ray knows he needs to stand to attention.
“Any reason in particular?”
“I need you to pick up my sister and bring her to the estate.”
“Your sister?” Ray is utterly confused, mainly for the fact that this would be the very first time he’ll be meeting this woman.
He was aware that Mickey had a sister back in the States, but even though he knows every aspect of Mickey’s life inside and out, this elusive woman is his boss’ best kept secret. He’s unsure whether it’s just brotherly protectiveness, pure paranoia at the prospect of their enemies finding out there’s still another weak link next to Rosalind, or it’s simply the fact that Mickey doesn’t want to talk about his family back home.
He’s heard she’s been studying for a degree in business at Wharton, but he doesn’t know what to expect, for all the odd comments Mickey and Rosalind make about her when they think he’s not listening. One thing he’s completely certain of, however, is how much Mickey looks after her, considering the sizeable amounts of money that are going into her bank account every month.
Mickey raises an eyebrow over his teacup. “I don’t see why you’re acting as if you didn’t know I have a goddamn sister, Ray.”
Raymond shrugs, deciding that it’s best if he won’t tick off his boss at the moment. He’s been on edge ever since the whole debacle with Matthew Berger and Fletcher went down. Mickey’s decided to hold off his retirement plans until someone comes along with a better offer (preferably none of Lord George’s minions though), so he hasn’t only been stressed about maintaining the value of the goods, but also pissed off that he couldn’t just drink whiskey unperturbed all day in a countryside manor.
“I’ve sent you all the details you need. Don’t be late, I don’t want her left unsupervised for too long.”
Raymond nods, eager to go back to his laptop. It’s time for homework, and there’s nothing he love more than information.
“And Ray?” He turns back to Mickey, but the man’s just looking out the window, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Be careful.”
“Of course, boss. I’ll treat her like a princess.”
“It’s not her I’m worried about, you moron.” He says with a frown. “I meant you. She likes to play with her food first.”
The private jet should be a surprise, but when you’re in the line of business Raymond is in, he’s practically seen it all. The charcoal trench coat he’s wearing today is flapping in the whirl of wind so it’s a good thing he foregone the machine gun in favour of an inconspicuous handgun. He’s almost certain nothing would come up on their way from Heathrow to Oxfordshire, but he made sure David fully stocked the car before they left, just in case.
He’s waiting patiently in front of the car, lighting a cigarette, while he watches the airport’s employees fuss around the plane. The airstair is released and Ray stands up from leaning against the car. The smoke that he exhales blind him for a second, but he still needs to blink three more times to assure himself he’s not fucking hallucinating when a woman that he can only assume is Y/N Pearson steps off the plane. She drags a hand through her long curls, moving her head from side to side in what must only be slow motion. Her heels click on the pavement as she makes her way towards him, and Raymond smiles involuntarily.
“I see the money’s been treating you well, Raymond. Although I have to admit, I kind of miss the long hair.” She says before Ray can utter a word. She places a manicured finger under his chin, closing his mouth, kissing his cheek with a smack. “You don’t remember me, do you?” Her eyes are patient, as if exhausted after explaining a child the same exact thing for the past hour. “We’ve met fourteen years ago, when Mickey expanded the business to five farms. You were only an errand boy then, remember? Granted, I was only fourteen at that time, a gangly little thing with braces, of course you don’t remember me.”
Raymond’s mind flashes to a vague memory of a girl in a sequinted t-shirt, a choker that could only be worn with so much seriousness by a teenager, and boots with fur, mated in English mud. She blushed to the roots of her hair when he asked her if she knew by any chance where Mr Pearson was, having to deliver a parcel to him personally. She just pointed with a black fingernail towards her left and squeaked something unintelligible before ducking her head and running in the other direction.
“Ah, there he goes.” She sing-songs as she watches his eyes shift in recognition all over her, but there’s nothing left of her teenage self, having grown into her body, comfortable in her skin, confidence built up with precision and care, together with an appropriate, if rather extravagant fashion sense.
“I can’t believe how much you’ve grown.” He says, realising that he sounds like a cliché when she rolls her eyes.
“Right, that’s what happens in life, honey. Can we please go? We can exchange pleasantries in the car, this wind is ruining my hair.”
Raymond keeps the door open for her, nodding to David who just finished loading the trunk with her luggage and he hops in the backseat next to her.
“I hope we’re stopping for lunch on our way.” She warns. “I’m starving and I couldn’t eat anything since I woke up because of those stupid turbulences.”
“Mickey is expecting us to be there in an hour.” He responds cautiously.
“Mickey can go fuck himself. I want a pizza and I haven’t been to Zizzi in a long time, so you better take me there, Raymond, or I’ll just ask David to kindly move to the passenger seat.”
The man in question looks at Ray in the rear view mirror, awaiting instructions. Ray sighs and nods once again, now starting to realise why his boss felt the need to warn him in regard to his sister. He hopes he won’t have to deal with her for long after she’s safely delivered to Mickey, because for all her beauty, she’s starting to piss him off.
“Oh, don’t look so glum.” She chides, after a few minutes of him plainly ignoring her. “I’m good company, I promise. I’m just cranky because I’m hungry. I’m hangry, Ray. I just need you to feed me.” She flutters her eyelashes, and she rests her hand on his thigh, purposefully ticking him off.
Ray shifts in his seat, trying to put as much distance between them, to which she just scoffs and rolls her eyes. This woman is dangerous, and for all his sinful thoughts that have been going through his mind ever since he laid eyes on her, Ray has to remind himself that this is his boss’ little sister, little as in eleven years younger for fuck’s sake. He’s positively sure that if he even lays a finger on her, his balls would be cut off and fed to the hunting dogs.
They finally stop after a short silent trip, and he helps Y/N into the fairy lit restaurant, leaving David posted in front of the car. He hopes there will be no more trouble like last time, having had his share of adventures for the goddamn decade.
Holding a chair for her, Ray waits for Y/N to take off her coat, and now he suddenly feels the need to swallow hard, as he rakes his eyes over her body. She’s wearing a leather skirt that is too tight to possibly be comfortable, but long enough to almost meet her knee high boots; her sweater is thick, appropriate for the cold January weather in the south of England, yet Raymond can’t help but wonder if her nipples are as perfect as her lips. Speaking of which, they curl up in a patient yet satisfied smile, a raised eyebrow that wants to show him she’s merely allowing him to inspect her so blatantly.
After she orders her pizza and Ray asks for a glass of water, clearly showing his disapproval for this unexpected stop. He can feel a nudge on his shin and she smiles at him in a way that he can only describe as charitable.
“You know, I’ve had the biggest crush on you back then.” She says and Ray chokes on his water. “It’s true. You were this tall rugged man with long hair that I wouldn’t have known what to do with then, but would definitely know how to handle now.” She smirks, while Ray raises an eyebrow, silently asking her to stop talking. Mainly because his imagination is starting to go haywire. “The beard suits you. But I kept thinking about licking your jaw all the way here so it’s a shame really that I can’t now. Those were some long 8 hours, Ray, I had to occupy myself somehow.”
“Y/N, you should really stop talking.” Ray would give himself a pat on the back for all the restraint he’s showing at the moment. There’s nothing he would like more than to shove her in one of the bathroom stalls and have his way with her, and by the look in her eyes, she knows exactly what he’s thinking so she’s relentless.
“Why? Afraid Mickey would disapprove? I thought you were a big boy, Ray, who doesn’t have to ask permission.”
“It’s not about permission, and we both know it. Your brother would literally kill me if…”
His words are cut short by the waiter who’s bringing Y/N her food and brazenly ogles her down. Ray can feel his hands involuntarily clench into fists, his jaw set at the man who would not just fucking go and keeps offering her pepper, sauce, or his fucking cock for that matter, because it’s so fucking obvious that’s what he’d actually want to say. Y/N just smiles sweetly, humouring his clumsy flirting, and Ray is more than certain that she’s starting to form a habit of doing things just to piss him off. When she touches the waiter’s forearm, he growls lowly, directing their attention to him. She feigns surprise, but he can read her amusement, while the waiter seems to decide whether to apologise or take his chances and go off. Ray knows that his glasses might put people at ease, making him look approachable, friendly, easy-going at first, but he’s perfected the frown and posture to go with it that puts people immediately in their places. Not to mention that spending over a decade in the business would shape anyone in a ruthless brute if need arises.
“My girlfriend here would like to enjoy her food now, thank you. She doesn’t need anything else, mate, you can go.”
The waiter finally scampers off, and Ray knows he’ll regret saying anything before he turns back to Y/N. She’s smirking like a bloody Cheshire cat if he’s ever seen anyone actually doing it, satisfied beyond belief.
“Don’t.” He warns when she opens her mouth to make a smartass remark, but she raises her hands in surrender and proceeds to eat.
Another battle of restraint and patience, as this woman eats as if she’s in a bloody porn movie, and who the fuck can eat pizza seductively anyway, for fuck’s sake. Raymond takes a deep breath, fishing his phone out of his coat pocket and calls his boss, doing his best to ignore the moans, the finger sucking and the swirling tongue in front of him.
“Hey, boss. Got Y/N from the airport, we’ll just be a bit late.”
“She wanted to eat, didn’t she?” Mickey asks and Ray can hear the exasperation in his voice. Apparently his boss is well aware of his sister’s antics, but it would’ve been better if Raymond were better prepared for the full force of what this woman can get out of him in a short half an hour.
“Tell him to suck a bag of tiny dicks, I don’t need his judgment.” Y/N says between licking a side of her finger and plucking an olive off her slice.
“We’re in Uxbridge, hopefully we’ll be there in an hour or so.” Raymond notifies, choosing to ignore her again.
“Fine. Just…make sure she stays out of trouble. It can stick to her like a fly to shit.” And with that Mickey disconnects the call.
Raymond sighs and puts his phone back. There is an uneasy feeling flowing through him, his instinct telling him to run away in the other direction, to avoid interacting with Y/N at all cost until her return to the States, but there’s another part of him, more primal, more carnal that is drawn to her. He hates it, mainly because there is no logical reasoning behind it, and he’s a very cerebral person, and he can’t figure her out for the life of him. Maybe it’s just the fact that she’s probably the first woman to act like that with him, as if she doesn’t care about the consequences, doesn’t give a toss whether he’ll bite or not. She likes to play with her food first, were Mickey’s words, which make so much more sense now.
Raymond can’t put his finger on it, and although he can have his pick of women anywhere he’d step foot in – he is very much aware of how handsome he is, thank you very much –  there is something about Y/N that demands to be unlocked. Or maybe it’s just that her tits look really great in that sweater and it’s the whole “forbidden fruit” bullshit. Regardless, Ray just wants to drop her off and go back to London where he can drown himself in work so he can forget about her. Or maybe have a night out, pick someone at a bar and pretend it’s her, because he’s absolutely certain by this point that it’s just the novelty of Y/N that lures him in, and definitely not those eyes full of mischief.
Taglist: I haven’t tagged anyone in this, as I’m unsure whether you want to read something that’s not Bucky related. Let me know if you do! Toodles!
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saultnpeppah · 4 years
Day 6: Bachelor(ette) Party
Sorry for the delay. Day 6: Bachelor(ette) Party
December 19. Wayne Manor. 06:11 EST
The decorations that are hanging within the manor make me smile as I hop down the stairs, pulling a sweatshirt on as I make my way to the front door, where someone is pounding on the heavy piece of wood loudly. I know who is on the other end, and I am happy to see they are early for once, but part of me can't help be frustrated that they interrupted the only morning I've had with Bruce in two weeks.
The wedding is in two weeks and the stress has finally started to catch up as both Bruce and I try our best to finalize the small details. The florist, the band, and the catering are all booked and ready. The dress has been done and is hanging in Alfred's closet away from Bruce's prying eyes, and Donna has assured me a few of her friends here in Gotham will get both the conservatory, where our ceremony will be held, and the ballroom, decorated for the wedding.
The manor has been in Bruce's family for generations, it only made sense to get married here. But instead of the outdoor wedding both his parents and grandparents had, we decided to remain indoors, knowing the cold snowy days of winter would not make our guests comfortable. It was the easiest decision we made.
The only thing that we need to do is tradition, but with all the stress and the wedding only a week after Christmas, it is one I can go without: my Bachelorette party. Donna, and the rest of my bridesmaids, however, did not feel the same, telling me a girl's night out would help relieve some of the stress this wedding was causing. I had only agreed after they promised we wouldn't be doing anything too crazy, seeing as though Christmas was next week and the wedding was a week later.
The knocking continues as I step off the last step, sliding toward the front door, before glancing out of the peephole. My hand grips the door handle and I yank it open, whispering, "You don't need to be that loud."
Donna only giggles and shakes her head, pushing me aside to gain access to the warmth that fills the manor. "It's not like you have neighbors," she says sarcastically.
I only shake my head, watching as Donna removes her coat and hangs it up beside the door, before I turn to watch the other two women step out of the car. Lois closes the driver's side door of her car and tightens her scarf, pulling it up over her nose for the short trek to the open manor door. Beside her is Shayera who, having spent years on the sunny west coast, shivers under her thick jacket. She pulls the hat atop her head further over her ears, trying to warm them, as she rushes past Lois into the manor and out of the cold.
Lois shakes her head, chuckling at the redhead, before she steps inside, moving aside to let me close the door behind her. "Poor woman can't handle the cold," Lois says, pulling the scarf from her mouth, letting it hang loosely around her neck as she pulls off her coat and sets it beside Donna's, who has quickly made her way into the kitchen with Shayera, both needing something to eat to distract from being up this early.
I nod and chuckle. I will never understand why someone who hates the cold as much as Shayera decided to go to college in the east coast where the snow was plentiful and the wind chilled your bones to the point you felt they could snap. "She'll live," I say with a smirk.
Lois chuckles and pulls her phone from her back pocket, checking the time. Alfred steps out from the door leading to the kitchen, a duffle bag in his hands, a smirk on his face. He hands the bag to Lois, who accepts it with a nod and thanks him, watching as he turns on his heel and walks back into the room, most likely shooing Donna and Shayera from the kitchen as they rush out of the room moments after he disappears behind the door.
"What's that?" I ask curiously, although I already know the answer. Although Donna is my maid of honor, Lois has been helping her plan long distance, and none of the four, Charlie included, have told me what they had planned for tonight.
I've tried to pester Charlie at work, trying to get her to spill even the smallest of details, but it was to no avail. Every time Charlie got a text or a call from Lois or Donna she would smirk at me, silently torturing me; I am saddened that she will not be there, but her wife, Laura, has just had a baby, and even though it's been a few weeks, baby Aria had a troubling entrance into the world, so I don't hold it against her. She needs to be home with her wife and daughter, and in all honesty, I'd rather be at her home snuggling that little bundle than doing whatever crazy idea the girls have thought up.
"It's your bag," Lois says with a shrug. "And you will get it when we get to our destination, so you don't know where we're going."
I scoff and shake my head, glancing down at the sweats and sweatshirt that is covering a thin tank top I wear, raising an eyebrow as I pull my hair up into a messy bun. "Can I at least go change?" I ask.
Lois nods. "Yes, but no funny business with Bruce," she warns, "we're going to be late if the two of you can't keep your hands off each other."
Shayera giggles but Donna gags, not wanting to know her sister has a very active sex life. That's probably for the best. "I'll try," I say with a smirk. I begin to bound up the stairs, stopping at the top of the staircase to ask over my shoulder, "What am I supposed to wear?" trying to get one last hint to where we're going.
Shayera shakes her finger, shaming me for my attempt at more information, and says, "Just throw on a tshirt and jeans, Prince." I only nod, watch as Shayera smirks, and jog down the hall to my bedroom. "Don't make me come up there," she calls from downstairs.
I fling the door to the room open to see Bruce step out of the bathroom, wiping a towel over his freshly shaven face. "I assume they're here to kidnap you," he asks, watching as I pull the sweatshirt and tank off at once, leaving the top half of my body bare.
"Yes," is all I say, quickly pulling articles of clothing out from the dresser in the corner of the room. I pull on the clothing, a squeal escaping my lips when I feel Bruce's arms wrap around my waist and pull me up against him, his hand sneaking under the shirt I have just pulled on. "Lois is going to kill you if you make me late," I say, although part of me wants him to risk it. It's been weeks since Bruce and I have had a day off together, and I want nothing more than to shoo the girls away and stay locked up in this room.
"I'm not scared of her," he says in a whisper against my neck and I chuckle.
"You should be," I say, pulling my sweats down and discarding them alongside the other articles of clothing I threw on in my rush to answer the door. "But Shayera is also down there."
Bruce hesitates, freezing his movements that have his hands working circles along my hip. He is all too familiar with Shayera's tactics, after having been the receiver of a punch to the gut our freshman year of college. He now knows better than to test her and her patience. "Fine," he says with a sigh. He places a kiss on the back of my neck, watching as my breath hitches in the back of my throat, before he lets out a raspy laugh of his own. "Go. Have fun," he says, sending me off on his well wishes as he crawls back into bed, wanting to get another few minutes of sleep after the late night we had.
I pull on a pair of jeans and finish my outfit off with a pair of boots, before I lean over and kiss him one last time. With that, I rush out of the room, careful to grab my phone and my purse on the way out, and join the three women downstairs, still cautious about what these three have planned.
December 19. Gotham Rec Center. 12:12 EST
"That's game!"
Clark releases his hold on the rim of the basketball hoop, landing on the hardwood floor with a small thud, as Oliver struts up to him and pats his shoulder, beaming with pride. "I believe we won," Oliver says with a grin, giving a high five to Clark and his other teammate, Wally West.
My partner, John Stewart, only shakes his head and curses under his breath. He is not a fan of losing, neither am I. "That's only because you have an extra player," he points out, pointing to Wally, who only raises his hand in surrender, unsure of how he got roped into the game in the first place.
Having met Wally two years prior at a convention in Central City, I was at first put off by his irrepressible personality. He could talk for hours and still not get the point across, and I would find myself toning him out, responding with a nod here and there only to not seem disinterested in what he was saying. But after a day or two, I was won over by his knowledge of forensic anthropology and science, soon creating a friendship over our quick witted banter and thirst for knowledge. Wally was the youngest of the group, a younger brother of sorts, but I knew I wanted him to be part of my wedding as soon as Diana had accepted my proposal. And Diana loved him. She found him cute and his antics were endearing.
Like Wally, I hadn't known John for more than a year or so, having met at one of the military bases I was touring, looking for ways to help the Marine Corps incorporate new technology WayneTech had been working on. At first John was very skeptical of me, so he had told me, but after working closely together for a few months, he warmed up and we were able to form a friendship, finding the time to play a game of basketball every other week.
"Yeah, yeah," Ollie says, brushing off John's comment. He tucks the basketball under his arm and walks to the bench, where we have stashed our water bottles, phones, and keys, picks up his water bottle, and chugs its contents. "Considering West here spent half the game running after the ball instead of actually playing, I think we were pretty well matched."
He flashes Wally a smirk and a wink, hearing the younger man scoff at his comment, before he lifts the end of his tshirt and wipes the sweat from his brow. I've known Ollie nearly all my life. Our fathers used to do business with each other, and as much as I consider Clark to be my best friend, Ollie is the only one who knows the stress of running a company with a reputation like Wayne Enterprises or Queens Consolidated; if only he were a bit more responsible and didn't threaten the future of his company playing stupid games, something I've warned him against multiple times.
"Well I'm starving," I finally say in an attempt to keep the peace. "How about we go get some lunch, and then you can all tell me what we're doing?"
Everyone nods their head in unison and we all grab our items, before we head to the locker room and change into our clothes, stuffing our dirt and sweat filled gym attire into very worn out duffle bags. When we finally walk out of the rec center and back into the cold air Christmas in Gotham brings, I can't help but chuckle when I see poor Oliver shivering in his jacket, as we make our way to where Alfred waits with a limo. They don't get weather like this in California. We quickly make our way inside, each greeting Alfred as we get seated, before the Englishman starts the vehicle and takes off to a prediscloused location - one that I was not involved in planning.
"So what are we doing tonight?" I ask casually, trying to gain some information on the bachelor party that the four have kept quiet the last month and a half.
I am starting to worry they forgot to plan something and are hoping I will be their source of entertainment here in the city, but when Oliver says, "We're getting out of this negative two thousand degree weather," I know I'm in for a long weekend.
I never agreed to go anywhere. I didn't tell Diana I would be leaving the city, and the more I think about it, I haven't heard from her all morning. Whatever her bridesmaids dragged her into, I only hope she has fun, and doesn't get into too much trouble. "What do you mean?" I ask, flipping through the unread emails on my phone.
Oliver doesn't answer. Instead he throws a sly smile toward Clark, who sits there, chewing a piece of gum, trying to keep himself from spilling the secret before the big reveal. I know I'm not going to get anymore information out of Oliver and Clark, John is as much of a fortress with information as Lois, and Wally is too afraid of the rest of the guys to say anything, so I am out of luck and stay quiet, trying to enjoy the ride.
By the time I am done clearing out my inbox, the limo stops and Alfred opens the back door, where we all crawl out and onto a runway, where my private jet is waiting. "No," I say, shaking my head profusely at Oliver, who has the biggest grin on his face that could mean nothing but trouble. "I don't even have anything packed."
"I took the liberty of packing your bag for you, Master Wayne," Alfred says with a grin, pulling a suitcase from the trunk of the vehicle. He places it on the floor before he reaches in and pulls out everyone else's bags and I realize I've been tricked. So much for a quiet Bachelor party.
"You sneak," I accuse Alfred, who only shrugs his shoulders, promising to watch the manor for the weekend, before he gets into the driver's seat and takes off, leaving me stranded on the runway with the four men who each have devious grins on their faces. "I haven't even showered," I say, realizing that skipping the shower at the rec center, thinking I was going to be able to get a quick lunch and go home, was a mistake.
Clark shrugs his shoulder, bends down, and picks up three of the bags. "Shower on the plane," he says as he walks toward the plane, leaving me to shake my head, wondering how I got such sneaky friends.
December 19. O'ahu, Hawaii. 16:03 HST
"I can't believe you brought me to the other side of the country," I say, my head still spinning from the flight that landed three hours ago. When Lois had driven to the airport, I figured we were headed to Atlantic City or New York. The furthest west I thought we would go was Vegas, but when I saw the destination on the ticket Lois tried to keep from me, I just about fainted.
Bruce had no idea where I was. As far as he knew, we were still nearby, having a girl's night at Lois' apartment, eating junk food and sipping margaritas. And while the margaritas were definitely a plenty, I had not expected to be sitting in a bikini by the beach while having my second drink of the night.
"Shut up and drink your margarita," Shayera says with a smirk as she and Donna come back to our table, dressed in their own beach attire, drinks in hand.
"She's right," Lois says, "besides, would you have come if we told you where we were taking you?" I only shake my head. "That's what I thought. By the way, Charlie wishes she could be here."
I let out a sigh. I wish my friend could have been here too, but she was with her wife and new daughter, and I couldn't fault her for that. Little Aria had definitely had an interesting birth story, scaring everyone that was anxiously awaiting her arrival, but now that all three were home and doing well, all that didn't matter. Still, Charlie was anxious about leaving the two of them a few weeks after her daughter's birth, not wanting to risk things. Now that I know we have traveled across the country, I understand her hesitation, and I send a quick text to let her know I miss her and can't wait to see that baby's sweet little face again.
Shayera takes a seat across from me and lets out a content sigh as she sips the drink in her hand, before she hands another glass to Donna, causing my eyebrow to raise. "What's that?" I ask, watching as Donna takes a sip and grins.
"Um, a margarita," she says with a shrug, unphased by the concern in my voice.
"Virgin?" I ask, tilting my head as I stare at my sister.
She contemplates her answer, before she shakes her head with a chuckle. "Of course not," she says, taking another sip.
I place my own cup on the table in front of me and snatch the glass from her hand, shaking my finger as she tries to protest. "Na uh," I say, "Drinking age is 21." I glance up at Shayera and furrow my brows. "How did you even get this anyway?"
Shayera chuckles and takes a large sip of her beverage, shrugs, and says, "That bartender was too busy flirting with her to realize she never got carded." After a pause she adds, "He also didn't charge me for the second drink, so I guess that's a win."
"Come on, Di," Donna begins, "Drinking age is eighteen at home."
I only shake my head once more. "We're not at home," I say, "And I don't feel like getting arrested for providing alcohol to a minor two weeks before my wedding."
Donna pouts, saddened by my newest rule, and Shayera tries to hide her playful scoff. "As I recall, you drank a lot heavier stuff than margaritas our freshman year, Diana," she says, stopping only when I kick her shin from under the table.
I know Shayera is right. I know I am a hypocrite for keeping Donna from drinking, even though I know she can handle her liquor better than half the people here, but while she is away from home, I am in charge of her well being, and I would hate for anything to happen to her, especially while we are away from Gotham. She's my sister, and if I have to be a little over protective of her, so be it.
Donna lets out a sigh, agitated that I did not let up, and pushes her chair back. "Fine," she says, standing from her seat. "I'll be right back." She walks back to the bar and I notice the bartender Shayera had mentioned before light up when he sees her, a smile on his face as his eyes fixate on Donna's, slowly listening to everything she orders.
"You've become a hard ass," Shayera says with a smirk, to which I roll my eyes and chuckle, knowing she understands where I am coming from.
I turn to face Lois and watch as she scans the room intently, her eyes roaming over every person in the room as she whispers something to herself. "You alright?" I find myself asking as I place a hand on her shoulder, pulling her attention away from a group of people at the opposite end of the bar.
Lois' eyes meet mine and she smiles, nods, and takes a sip of her drink. "I'm fine," she says, no further explanation given.
I nod, believing her, but I can't help but turn to scan the room myself. I have nearly completed a full sweep when I notice the group of people Lois had been staring at, my brows furrowing as I watch the men drink and laugh, each holding a beer as a few stare at the bikini clad women walking by, not a care in the world. When one of them turns, I shake my head and let out a scoff, before I rise from my seat and excuse myself from the table, intent on giving him a piece of my mind.
December 19. O'ahu, Hawaii. 16:03 HST
As we walk into the resort restaurant, I can't help but feel exhausted. An eleven hour flight was not something I had been planning this afternoon. If I had known this, I would have begged Diana to let me sleep instead of kissing her well into the morning - actually that is a lie, as I would always choose sleep deprivation over the deprivation of her lips on mine. The thought sends a flutter to my heart and I have to shake my head clear so that I can concentrate on not falling asleep as I walk.
The flight over was fairly monotonous. We had each taken showers in the bathroom at the rear of the plane, after which I claimed the bed in order to get one or two hours of shut eye while the others fended for themselves; Never had I been more grateful to have had my own private jet than I did today.
When we had landed, Oliver made sure we had a car waiting to take us to the resort, where we checked in, went to the suite to dump our luggage, and came downstairs to grab a drink, all in record time. And while at first I was convinced this was going to be a bad idea, where I would barely get to enjoy my time here and be exhausted a majority of the weekend, the more I thought about it, the more I realized this was a "Bruce Wayne" thing to do.
"How about a drink?" Oliver asks. Everyone nods their head, ready to start a weekend of relaxation, and he turns to me. "Bruce, come help me, will ya?"
I only nod and follow Ollie to the bar, watching as he tries to get the attention from the blonde bartender who is busy making a few extra drinks, her co worker on the other side of the bar, leaning against the counter as he flirts with another tourist. It takes a minute to finally gain her attention, and she comes over to take our order. "Hello gorgeous," Oliver says, giving the bartender a wink as he places his card on the bar. He runs a hand through his own blonde hair and tries his hand at seducing her without a word, but she doesn't fall for it and simply asks for us to repeat our order. Defeated, Ollie says, "Five of whatever you have on tap," watching as she nods and goes to grab our order.
I am unable to help the laugh that falls from my mouth as I watch Oliver sigh and drop his head, before he leans against the bar. Ever since he and Dinah ended things, yet another one of his stupid mistakes, he can't seem to get his groove back with women. It's a little disheartening to see someone who was as big of a playboy as I was, strike out with women, although as a man who is getting married in two weeks, I can no longer condone that behavior. I only wish he takes my advice and actually tries to reach out to Dinah once more.
The music shuffles and another song begins, providing some more up beat tempos to the couples dancing on a small dance floor. This place is small, but it is not boring, and as I continue to watch the people out on the beach, I decide I'm going to bring Diana hereafter we are married, as she will love it.
"Hey, Oliver," I say, turning my attention back to the man who is silently staring at a few surfers in the background. He turns to me. "Thank you," I say.
Oliver shakes his head. "No, thank Clark," he answers, "he was the one who set this whole thing up."
I applaud him for giving the credit to my best man, but I know for a fact Clark couldn't have paid for everything here. But Oliver knows what I meant, and only offers me a sly smile, pats me on the back, and says, "But think of this as a thank you. You saved me and the company back in February, and I can't thank you enough for that, Bruce."
Before I can respond, the blonde bartender comes back, a tray of beers in hand. Oliver hands her a credit card and tells her to keep a tab open, before he quickly grabs the tray and walks off to join the guys, myself not too far behind. When he makes it back to the three, Oliver begins to hand out beers, laughing at the last line of a joke Wally said that I just missed.
Clark makes a toast to the rest of the weekend, and to the wedding everyone can't stop talking about, before we indulge in our own little party, chatting about everything beside the wedding, because as much as I love the thought of marrying Diana in two weeks, I can't be stuck in another conversation about which flowers go best with lace. I'll leave that up to the bride and her friends.
"Now that is a beautiful woman," Wally says as he finishes his beer. He sets the glass down on to the table, turning his head to get a better look at the woman sporting a blue bikini, as she trots toward the water, surfboard in hand. Oliver nudges his arm and wiggles his eyebrows, before he whistles loudly, and I want nothing more than to hide my face, not wanting to draw more attention to myself as Oliver and the guys already have.
"Have some respect," Clark says as he takes another drink of his beverage and I am once again surprised at the will power this man has. Ever since he started dating Lois, he has yet to look at another woman in a manner that is anything other than professional. Although when you find the woman who you love more than anything, no other person will compare. I'm a testament to that.
I take another sip of my drink when I feel someone tap my shoulder. "Excuse me, sir," I hear from behind me, "care to dance?"
I place my drink on the table and turn, ready to let the woman behind me know I am unable to fulfill her request, but when I see who it is, my face lights up and my lips curl into a wide smile. "What are you doing here?" I ask in utter disbelief, surprised to see that my fiance so happens to be at the same resort me and my groomsmen are at currently.
Diana giggles as she leans in to my open arms. She kisses my cheek and I wrap my arms around her, the feeling of her body flush against mine sending chills down my spine. How has it only been a few hours since I've seen her and yet I feel like I'm going through withdrawals?
"Lois," she says, but she looks past me at Clark and narrows her eyes. "Although I suspect Clark and Lois conceived this idea together."
I glance over Diana's shoulder and notice Lois, Shayera, and Donna sitting at a table, enjoying what look like margaritas and laughing at something Donna has said. Our friends are sneaky people but they mean well, and I can't fault them for that.
"So," I begin, moving closer to Diana so I can whisper in her ear, "do you think they'd notice if we left for a bit?"
She ponders my question, a sly smile on her face as she realizes I want to continue what was interrupted this morning. "Let's go," she says as she takes my hand and pulls me away from the guys, maneuvering me through the crowd surrounding the bar, before pulling me out of the restaurant and onto the sand that covers the beach.
We walk across the sand, hand in hand, trying to find a spot where we can find complete privacy. Diana tells me of how she and the girls flew to Hawaii, Lois and Donna keeping her preoccupied until they boarded their last flight; only then did she know where they were headed. She tells me how she tried to call me the second she landed, wanting to let me know she wasn't going to be home tomorrow morning like she had originally thought, but I hadn't received her message because I had been on my own trek to the island. I tell her about my day, how after she left Clark and Oliver arrived at the manor, enjoyed a quick breakfast, and went about my day, not knowing I would be sleeping in a bed on the other side of the country that night.
"I can't believe Oliver is paying for all this," Diana says as we plop ourselves down onto the sand.
I stare out to the ocean, where the sunset has already begun to cast a beautiful array of red and orange over the water, and nod. "I know," I say, agreeing that he is taking this thanks a bit too far, but if he wants to splurge on me and my fiance, I'll happily let him do so.
It is quiet for a moment, the only sounds coming from the small waves crashing on the shore, and I am grateful to know the only other people on this side of the beach have found their ways home, giving Diana and I the privacy we so desperately crave. It isn't long before she finds herself in my lap, arms wrapped around my neck, as she kisses me fiercely. Without hesitation my hands find themselves around her waist, pulling her closer, wanting to feel her body against mine.
My hands caress her back, my fingertips dancing along her bare back as my right hand makes its way up into her hair. My fingers tangle into those dark locks I love and when I give it a small yank, she lets out a moan that ignites something inside of me. My lips kiss a trail from her lips to her neck, knowing what this does to her, a smirk on my face when I hear her breath hitch in the back of her throat.
"Bruce," she whispers, "we shouldn't be doing this here."
I nod as I place my lips over hers once more. I know she's right, but her in my arms feels so right, and I don't care where we are, I want her. I part my lips, knowing I need to respond, however the voices that come from a few feet away make me freeze in my tracks.
"I think they're over there," I hear. My heart races as I recognize the deep voice. It's John, and he and the shadowy figure he is with begin to run to where Diana and I sit.
"Diana," I whisper, "we have company."
She pulls away from me and looks over her shoulder just in time to see John and Shayera come running up, stopping when they realize the compromising position they have found us in.
"Woah, are we interrupting something?" Shayera asks with a smug smile. She crosses her arms over her chest, staring intently at Diana and I as John tries to look away, trying to avoid both Diana and I, and Shayera's bikini clad chest, which is right in his line of sight.
"Yes," Diana says, letting out a sigh as she stands and fixes the skirt she wears.
"Good," Shayera says. "It's only been a few hours and you can't keep your hands off each other."
I stand from the sand and brush off my shorts and shrug. "Can you blame me," I ask honestly. Shayera glances at Diana, pondering my question, and nods to herself with a sigh, before she shakes her head and waves away her private thoughts. "Beside, you guys are the ones who brought us to the same resort."
John sighs. "I told Clark that was a bad idea. Now they're going to try to sneak off every chance they can."
Diana glances at me and winks, before she lifts her hand and uses a finger to cross an x over her heart. "I promise. We'll stay away from each other until we all go home."
Shayera doesn't seem to accept Diana's response, but she soon shrugs her shoulders and lets it go. Diana turns to give me one last kiss, smiling as she looks into my eyes, before she turns and follows Shayera back down to the restaurant and resort.
John, who has been staring at Shayera, clears his throat and turns to me. "Oliver says we have plans," he says. I nod and we walk back to the restaurant, where the other three guys are waiting, ready for a night of partying and drinking, and although all I want is to still be wrapped in Diana's arms, I know that'll come in time. Two more weeks, Bruce. Two more weeks until I get to marry her.
I realize nothing too exciting happened here, but this was the one I was unsure of. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!
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empty-as-the-sky · 4 years
Edward and Bella romantic comedy in Twilight is GOLD
TL;DR - The banter/comedy between Edward and Bella in Twilight is SO GOOD and it deserved to be kept in the movies and it’s a crime that it wasn’t.
As we all know, Twilight is mostly really problematic BUT re-reading the first book and the Midnight Sun draft I am DYING reading about all of the times Edward laughs at Bella or any time she says something sassy to him and they banter back and forth. It’s genuinely SO CUTE. When I was a young teen reading the books I loved their banter, and tbh I really didn’t think it would hold up years later, given how much of the books really DON’T hold up, but the banter absolutely does. 
I think one of the reasons that the movies didn’t quite work for me - besides Chuckesme, the nightmarish CGI, terrible accents in BD pt 2, and the bad wigs - was that we didn’t get the humour of Bella and Edward’s relationship, and we didn’t really get to see the process of them falling in love. It just kind of . . . happened?
I’ve heard about that famous story in which Rob almost got fired from the first movie because he refused to be more light-hearted and smiley, and listen. I love Rob Pattinson because he is a chaotic boy and I love every interview he has ever done, but he really hated the books SO MUCH (fair) that he refused to play Edward as anything other than a depressed, ultra-serious boy. And sorry, but that sucks. Just do your job. Like yes, Edward is dramatic AF but he also thinks Bella is so funny that he’s ALWAYS laughing at her. In Midnight Sun, other kids in his class frequently give him weird looks because he is laughing OUT LOUD or smiling to himself at the shit that Bella does and says. The director/producers were TOTALLY RIGHT in highlighting all of Edward’s light-hearted moments in the book for Rob because there are so many of them, more than a lot of people seem to remember. And yeah, I think that maybe Rob should have been fired so that someone else who would have taken that direction could have played the part. In Romeo & Juliet, the rule with doing that show is that the angst and tragedy is only compelling if the first half is fully played as a rom-com and if it’s actually funny. You can’t play the end at the beginning. Same goes for Twilight, and most things tbh. Otherwise, you don’t really root for the central couple if it’s all melodrama and angst all the time. No one wants to see characters predicting the tragedy. I think that’s part of why, on top of all the actual legit criticism, a lot of people criticized Twilight for being too teenage angsty or mumbly when that wasn’t really the book at all, and the comedy allows for a lot more self-awareness to come through.
I’m not even going to quote all of the times that Edward suppresses, or tries to suppress a laugh or a smile at Bella’s expense in Twilight. There are way too many, but they are constantly roasting each other.
Maybe I’m projecting my own feelings onto the books that aren’t really there, but hear me out:
- In the early days, Bella keeps parking so far away from Edward in the parking lot and in Midnight Sun, Edward is upset and confused by it EVERY SINGLE TIME. And they’re both frowning about it but for different reasons. Bella’s frowning because she’s trying to stay away from his dramatic, beautiful, mood-swinging, abrupt ass and he’s frowning because he doesn’t understand why she is avoiding him and he’s sad about it. He’s like, “Why?? Did she park so far away from me?? Do you think she’ll come talk to me? Hopefully she will. Hopefully she won’t?? DO YOU THINK SHE’LL WALK PAST ME? SHOULD I TAKE A DEEP GULP OF AIR JUST IN CASE??
- In Midnight Sun, Edward is so amused at Bella getting emotional over the snow chains that Charlie put on her tires. Seconds before he sees Alice’s vision about the van, he’s just like, “This girl?? Is getting emotional?? Over her truck?? Why is this human?? So weird??”
- Bella FUMING about Edward just getting to waltz right through the hospital doors like a normal person and not having to receive medical attention after the accident. Edward even betrayed her by telling them that she hit her head and maybe had a concussion, because she DID hit her head, but she is SO GRUMPY that he showed concern for her physical health, cause we all know this depressed bitch wouldn’t have. And she is SO EMBARRASSED about having to wear a neck brace and loaded into an ambulance, that she has the balls to take off the neck brace and chuck it under the bed when no one is looking. We stan an iconic queen. Like babe, they put that on you for a reason but you just like throwing your own safety out the window I guess.
- Edward realizing that he never noticed how clumsy Bella is as he watches her through the eyes of her classmates? Also iconic. “Goddamn, this clumsy ass human, how does she?? Survive??”
- EDWARD CUTTING BELLA OFF IN THE PARKING LOT AFTER SCHOOL SO THAT TYLER ASKS HER OUT IN FRONT OF HIM IS ALSO SO FREAKING FUNNY. And Bella being tempted to scratch the paint on his car when she sees him shaking with laughter? So good.
- Edward trying to irritate Bella by making her think he’s going to be the fourth person to ask her to the dance, only to ask her to go to Seattle instead at the last minute
- Bella being too embarrassed to tell Edward her comic book-inspired theories but Edward dazzling her into telling him anyway, and then he just proceeds to roast her about her lack of originality
- Edward almost RIPPING THE DOOR OFF HIS CAR when he sees Mike lowering Bella to the ground after she faints in Biology because EDWARD THINKS SHE’S DEAD? And then Bella sees him approaching and IS SO EMBARRASSED and just tells him to go away? Chapters 3-5 of Twilight in terms of ComedyTM are *chef’s kiss*
- Edward just scooping up Bella and being super entertained at the irony that the sight of blood makes her ill.
- “He absolutely loathes me” - Edward about Mike, CHEERFULLY
- Bella calling Edward pushy when he insists on driving her home, which is just really accurate, because he absolutely is
- Edward making Bella lean in and then asking her not to fall into the ocean in La Push and Bella. Is. SO offended.
- Bella grabbing her own throat and pretending to be terrified when Edward says “Breakfast time” IS SO FUNNY and then her making a bad joke about “watching her hunt” and all she gets is CEREAL, while Edward looks on in confusion, like this girl has a sense of humour
People, the first half of Twilight in terms of rom-com material is fantastic. Yes there are still problematic elements and there’s a surprising (and worrying) amount of ableist language in the text, and there are obviously other issues with Edward and consent for sure. BUT the the banter is comedy gold and the problematic bits can be so easily edited out for adaptation. The banter makes Edward and Bella way more compelling as a couple because it makes them more human (no pun intended) and real, and it definitely gives them more personality.
In the movie, I just feel like we missed how gradual them falling in love really was and how reluctant they both were about it, and their belligerent banter was a big part of the sexual tension between them. Otherwise, I’m not really sure where it came from other than the fact that Kristen and Rob are really beautiful humans. Even though they were a couple at the time, I really missed that part of their chemistry onscreen.
I’m aware that for the movie, a lot of it came down to having to cut stuff in the script for time’s sake. But I still think they could have kept the spirit of the banter while cutting what they needed to.
Look, there’s a lot in the Twilight canon that’s not compelling at all, so it makes me really sad that one of the genuinely compelling things didn’t make it into the movies at all. 
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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wordlessbabbling · 4 years
Gun Metal and Daisies (Thomas Shelby)- Chapter 22
“Would you ever want to fall in love?”
The fact that the word 'lovesick' exists, that the simple absence of a person can make you feel physically ill, says a great deal about the terrible power of the human heart.
Thomas was sat in his small office at his small desk in the small betting shop. He filed through papers that he meant to work through, to examine and sign if he felt like it.
Though when he picked up the last sheet, it was in fact an envelope.
It was addressed to him in a scrawl that looked far too good for a lowly mans complaint.
He knew what was in the letter, but he didn't know what to think about it.
In his hands he held Grace's letter. The one she gave to him the night before she left for New York, asking him to run away with her.
He obviously didn't go with her that night on account that he was still in Birmingham; but he thought about her letter. He thought about the address which she listed at the bottom of the page, the place she was going to inhabit across the oceans.
Thomas, for some unknown reason, didn't throw the letter away, nor did he burn it. He left it on his desk, in between the files. He left it for another time.
It's not like Grace wasn't going to be there, should he journey off to wherever she now lived.
It was the seventh week of Thomas' and Dorothy's late night Saturday meetings.
They truly were Thomas' favourite time of the week. It was the time the two could be completely alone as they picked and prodded at the others brain.
Thomas had now formed a small acquaintance with the children that visited Bonny on Saturday nights for left overs.
Thomas now often found himself talking to the five children that popped in on those nights while Dorothy tried her best to feed the small baby, Tammy.
Thomas told fun stories from when he was younger to the children as best he could. Though more often than not, the kids would complain and whine as he drifted off a bit when he got lost staring at Dorothy as she looked after the small girl.
"Please, Bubs, finish the story, Charlie looks like he's going to burst from anticipation." Dorothy giggled a bit when he caught her eye and paused the story to stare.
Charlie was nine years older than Tammy, making him ten. He was the one that decided the Shelby man was a minor threat compared to the men outside the homely bakery and the two got on like a house on fire. It was truly endearing to watch.
Generally while the other three kids sat around the table, talking with Bonny, Charlie wondered over with two pieces of bread, offered one to Thomas and sat next to him.
At first, Thomas decided it wasn't worth befriending a ten year old, of course. But then as time wore on, the two found themselves going from discussing mundane things and their favourite sweet Bonny made to their day to day and both their adoration for the woman in front of them.
Charlie was the second oldest of the group, just a few months younger than Matilda who was almost eleven.
Thomas did always have a soft spot for children and just had a sense of sympathy for them. He knew kids had to grow up quickly now and there wasn't much room to ever enjoy youth as it was.
Charlie, he learned, was handy with a football and had a nack for the sport. Thomas remembered years of playing footie in the park with John. He wasn't the best at it, but the determination to push his younger brother to the ground whenever he got in his way was much stronger than winning.
So Thomas liked football too.
Now Thomas became the resident story master on these nights. Some of the kids stood a bit of a way back, still cautious of the Shelby man, while others sat right at his feet.
It was moments like these that Thomas craved for a family. Where he could have children and a loving wife, someone like Bonny, who was caring and kind-hearted and pure and everything Thomas ever wanted.
After Thomas had finished the story, and Dorothy had put the extra bits of food in a bag, the children scurried off into the night.
The pair stood at the window, waiting for them to go around the corner until they were out of sight before Dorothy spoke, "Charlie's a sweet boy."
Thomas hummed slowly. Thomas wouldn't say it out loud, but he was definitely Thomas' favourite. He had grown fond of the boy who seemingly had to grow up too fast, shepherding the other children, trying to keep them safe.
Charlie did most of the odd jobs. He cleaned strangers shoes for a quick shilling and delivered messages for people who didn't have time for letters. He did what he could.
Thomas found that the two were similar. Charlie tried his best to do what he could for his peculiar family the same way Thomas did.
Everything was for his family.
Thomas admired that in the boy.
The two made their way to the back of the bakery to the kitchen.
Thomas now had an allocated seat at the side to sit and ponder while Dorothy busied herself with baking.
This time though, Thomas did something different.
"How do you make that Billion Dollar shite?" He stated rather crudely.
Dorothy giggled slightly, "C'mere, I'll show you."
This was very new. Usually Thomas sat back and watched. He would ask questions or he would answer them.
His next words probably shocked him most, "orright."
Thomas heaved himself out of his chair and stumbled over in Dorothy'a general direction.
"What're you doing here? Wash your hands first! Didn't your aunt eva' teach you 'bout hygiene?'
Thomas held up his hands and ambled to the sink, dipping them under the water briefly. "Good enough."
When he finally got round to standing beside her she already had the ingredients out, he took off his blazer and rolled up his sleeves to his elbows. Dorothy briefly appreciated the look before moving on.
She got to work commanding, "mix this!" Or, "pour that!" And "No, that's far too much!"
Thomas huffed a little, he wasn't exactly used to being spoken to like that. Had she been anyone else, he probably would have cut her a long time ago.
"Since when were you so demanding, huh?" He nudged her a bit.
"Since this is my ball park. This isn't your betting shop, nor the streets of Small Heath. This is my territory, Mister!"
Thomas chuckled at her answer, he didn't mention the fact that he was very sure this bakery was in his territory in Small Heath, but he accepted that this was her safe space, he was only a guest.
After the last of the treats had gone in the oven, Thomas decided that maybe baking wasn't for him, but he'd do it a thousand times again for that kind of experience with his Bonny. She truly was at peace when she was working with her sweets.
But now that they had approximately 20 minutes to kill, Thomas decided to take the lead now.
He rifled through her collection of records and pulled out a nice jazzy one that he hoped he remembered the moves to.
"Oh now that's a good one!" Dorothy chimed over his shoulder, startling him a bit as he was too busy recollecting the actions to the piece.
"Go on, Bubs, dance with me!" She flicked her dress about a bit, giggling as she made big gestures with her hands which Thomas reciprocated with an over exaggerated bow.
"As you wish, Miss. Bonny."
The two pranced around the kitchen, at times she was much too far away from him and he wished he'd picked a slower one.
By the time the record was finished the two had five minutes to waste until they had to stop the sweets from burning.
They settled down again in a position very familiar to the two. Thomas sat in his chair while Dorothy sat adjacent on the counter beside him, her shins brushing his knees.
"Would you ever want to fall in love with someone, Bonny?" The question didn't startle Dorothy, but she didn't exactly expect it.
"I'm not sure, Bubs."
"How could you not want to fall in love?" Thomas furrowed his brows as he stared up at her. He adjusted their position so her stocking clad feet her resting on his lap, he brushed his thumb against the side of her ankles. He made note of the fact that she somehow managed to kick off her shoes midway through their dance.
"Easy. I don't want my happiness to depend on whether or not a person gives their attention to me. I don't want to stay up late wondering whether they are thinking about me. I don't want to cry over someone who may not care. I don't want to stare at the postman to see whether they sent a letter in the morning. Most importantly, I don't want to give anyone the power to hurt me."
"Why 'they'? Something you've got to tell me?" He stared up at her.
"I don't know, Bubs? Is there something you should know?" She challengingly stared back down at him.
"I'm a modern man, Bonny." He tilted his head to the side.
"Well that's very good. Though, I'm more just opened minded. I don't know what I want, nor the kind of person. Never been in a relationship."
Thomas only nodded. "So you don't want to fall in love with no one?"
"I never said that." Dorothy wiggled her ankles out of his grasp and got off the counter. Thomas sat back and stared at the place where she sat only a second ago, trying to process the information.
Dorothy got to work with taking the sweets out of the furnaces, "your Billion dollar Bubs are looking good, Bubs." She giggled at her own joke.
Thomas didn't answer only continuing to stare off to the side.
Dorothy finished setting out the sweets to cool.
She meandered around for a while, pretending to gather her things, when really she was just milling about, refusing to admit the night has ended and she'd have to leave Thomas until Monday.
Thomas slowly came back to the present and started gathering his things. The two walked to the entrance of the bakery, Dorothy turned to lock up and place the key in the potted plant.
"C'mon. I'll walk you home." This was also new. It seemed Thomas also did not want the night to end.
He held out his arm, naïvely. He should have known that she'd go for his hand. He wasn't complaining.
The two walked to Dorothy's place in silence. Just enjoying the ambiance of the brief moment Small Heath went to sleep.
It was only when they turned to Dorothy's Lane that Thomas spoke up, "so you've NEVER been in a relationship, eh?"
Dorothy giggled and slapped his chest, "shut up!"
"You've got to have had your first kiss though, right?"
Dorothy stared sheepishly at the ground.
Thomas gaped a bit like a fish. He couldn't believe it, really.
If he was honest with himself, he was rather glad about the fact that she hadn't been in a relationship or missed anyone yet. If he was even more honest with himself, the only reason he was happy was because that way, he could be her first kiss and relationship.
But he refused to admit the latter to himself.
Those kind of demons were for another time maybe.
The two parted ways at Dorothy's doorstep. Dorothy turning around to give him the tightest squeeze she could, knowing she wouldn't be able to see him until Monday. She tried her best to remember the way he smelled and the way his warmth felt. He was warm to her.
The two quite solemnly parted ways.
Thanks for the love.
Feedback and comments are wanted.
See ya next time!
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dreamofkpop · 5 years
Christmas shopping
Stray Kids 10th member AU
Charlie x Jaemin 
Requested by anon // requests are open!! (I’m so sorry that this took like 50 years to get around to :/) (also sorry for the ending, it’s pretty crap)
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(gif not mine! full credit to owner!)
December 19th
12:05 PM
“Finally ready to go?” Jaemin asked the second Charlie stepped out of the door, earning an immediate eye roll from the girl, 
As she locked the door she replied. “Be quiet, you made me rush to get ready” 
Jaemin gasped and slapped his hand over his chest, feigning offence. “I did no such thing!”
“Yes you did, idiot, now shall we go or stand here until we turn into icicles?” She turned down the hall and began walking, Jaemin jogging to catch up to her. 
They made small talk as they walked down the stairs and out if the building, catching up on what had been going on in each other’s lives in the past week. 
Stepping out onto the pavement a gust of cold wind suddenly blew past making them both shiver and as if his mind was on autopilot, Jaemin reached over and grabbed one of Charlies hands in his own and held it tightly, lacing their fingers together. 
“Have you gotten all your gifts yet?” Jaemin casually asked as he tugged Charlie in the direction of their destination, blocking out the busy streets around them. 
Charlie shook her head, her recently dyed hair flowing freely as she’d not been bothered to tie it up. “Almost! I’ve still got to get presents for Minho and Rose, still have no clue what she wants for Christmas though. Have you?” She looked up at him, her hair obscuring her vision as the wind blew past once again. 
Before Charlie could move her free hand from the warmth of her pocket Jaemins hand has already reached up as he carefully pushed her hair out of her face,  tucking the strands behind her ear. 
“There you go, there’s that beautiful face” He teased, a cheeky smile adorning his lips. 
*click* *click* *click*
Charlie ignored the faint clicks coming from behind them and playfully punched him in the arm, mentally thanking the weather for making her cheeks red already. “Shut up you cheeseball, just answer the question!” 
“Oh, right! Yeah, I’ve got...most things sorted...most” He hesitated, tilting his head to the side. 
“Sure, okay, i’ll take your word for it” She snorted. 
Jaemin huffed and pouted at the lack of trust Charlie had in him, making her laugh. She reached up and gently pinched one of his puffed out cheeks, the coldness of her fingers made him jump and reel back in surprise. 
“Why are your hands so cold?!” He exclaimed. “You need to get a pair of gloves!” 
“I think i’ll be fine” Charlie shrugged, looking away from him and out to the street. “Where are we going anyway?” 
He glanced down at her for a second before looking back up and pointing towards a shop in the distance, the familiar sign barely visible over the sea of people. 
“I know you haven’t eaten anything yet so we’re getting lunch then we’re going shopping- basically just spending the day together” 
Charlie pushed the irrelevant thoughts to the back of her head and smiled as she leaned her head on his shoulder. “Thank you Jaem” 
“Thanks aren’t necessary, I’m allowed to treat my best friend aren’t it?” He questioned as they came to a crossing, a smile also pulling on his lips. 
*click* *click*
They sat across from each other in a booth, the warm restaurant lit up with single lightbulbs dangling from the ceiling. 
Charlie’s eyes scanned over the menu and she had to stop herself from groaning. ‘This all sounds so delicious...but i’m supposed to be on that stupid diet...’ She thought as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and gnawed at it. 
“What’s that look for?” Jaemin suddenly asked. 
As she looked up, something caught her attention in the corner of her eye. Through the slightly fogged up glass it looked like someone had a camera pointed directly at them from across the street, she shook off the sudden uncertainty and looked over at Jaemin.
“Huh? It’s nothing don’t worry” She shook her head and nervously toyed with the corner of the menu. 
Jaemin sighed and cocked his head to the side, leaning closer. “No. I know that look, what’s wrong?” 
‘I hate lying to him...’ She thought, unintentionally gripping the menu tighter. “It’s nothing Jaemin, I’m fine” 
He shook his head again and leaned on his elbows with a huff. “We’ve been friends since we were like 5, i can tell when you’re lying and when something’s wrong with you. Now come on, what’s wrong?” 
With a defeated groan Charlie dropped her head, her forehead smacking against the wooden table beneath her. “I’m so hungry, but i’m meant to be on a stupid diet” 
Tutting, Jaemin placed his hand on her head and gently messed with the curls of her hair. “For what reason? You know you don’t have to diet, i keep telling you this” 
*click* *click* *click*
The faint camera clicks that kept coming back went unnoticed by the two.
“Well not everyone is as sweet as you Nana, the stylists think i could be “better looking physically”” She raised her hand and did quotation marks before dropping them back onto the table. 
“Until what? You’re a skeleton? No way, not on my watch” He gently placed his hands on Charlie’s shoulders and pushed her up until she sat up straight, an upset frown still etched onto her face. 
Jaemin picked up the menu and opened it. “You are going to eat as much as you want, okay? Then we’re gonna go and do something to make you smile again because seeing you frown is the one thing i don’t want to see. Alright?” 
1: 54 PM
“I feel like I’m being paranoid..” Charlie said, looking around the massive shopping center. 
Jaemin tore his eyes from a shop window and looked down at her. “Why?” 
Her grip on his upper arm tightened slightly. “I keep hearing a camera shutter, i don’t whether i’m going crazy or just being idiotic” 
“I’m pretty sure it’s nothing, we’re in the middle of a busy city people area always taking pictures of something, don’t stress yourself out over it” He gently patted her hand that rested on his arm before walking again. 
They continued to walk around, looking in shop windows but not actually going into any. That was, until they passed by store that immediately caught Charlie’s attention. 
A book shop. 
Charlie’s feet stopped before the building causing Jaemin to stop as well. “What is it?” He leaned down and asked, 
“Book shop, i’m going in” 
Without waiting for a reply she dropped her hand from his arm and wandered into the shop, the interior having a stark contrast to the rest of the shopping centre. 
“I have never met a bigger bookworm than you, i swear you would live in a library if you could” Jaemin huffed as he followed her into the shop, his eyes widening at the sheer amount of books. 
Charlie ignored him and walked further into the shop towards the shelves, a chuckle came from the older woman at the counter who watched them. “Hard to get someone’s attention when they’re surrounded by the things they love” 
“Tell me about it...” Jaemin trailed off, glancing at the owner, a small chuckle at the end of his sentence. 
“You two seem like a sweet couple” The woman said, catching Jaemin’s attention. 
He shook his head. “No..we’re not dating, as nice as that would be, she’s practically my sister” 
“That’s a shame, the two of you would be good together” 
Before Jaemin could reply Charlie hopped over with a book in her palm and a smile on her face. “Look at this!” She held the book out to him. 
Taking the book from her, he read over the title. “The Call of the Wild...sounds good” He nodded and handed her the book.
Charlie nodded. “I’m gonna buy it” 
After paying for the novel and earning some sweet remarks from the shop owner the two walked out. As the continued down the floor, Jaemin’s hand immediately met hers and their fingers laced, his lips unconsciously pulling up into a smile when she leaned into his side. 
*click* *click* 
at some point they’d passed and ended up in the arcade, spending way too much money on the games. they both stood in front of different versions of the same game, competing against each other to see who could get a higher score.
“Ah nonono-WHAT” Charlie exclaimed as the balls she threw kept missing the 1000 points section and rolling down into the hundreds. “This game is rigged” 
“Nope, you’re just terrible at throwing!” Jaemin laughed, watching the final points tally once the game had finished.
Charlie’s screen displayed 1,849 points while Jaemin’s had 2,325 points.
He cheered, jumping in a circle as the tickets slowly came out of the machine, pilling at the floor. Charlie huffed and picked hers up, folding them equally before stuffing the into her pocket. 
“I won~ oh yeah oh yeah i won~” Jaemin did a small victory dance as he collected his tickets and stood back up, 
Charlie pouted. “Stop showing off Mr. I’m-perfect-at-everything” 
Jaemin threw his arm around her shoulder as they walked around to another machine, the DDR machine. “I’m not perfect at anything, i’m just good in a lot of things” 
“We’re both dancers, we should be good at this, right?” He questioned as they both stepped onto the machine. 
Charlie scoffed. “Speak for yourself Jaem, i’m about to beat you at this so hard!”
He turned to her with a raised eyebrow. “Oh really? You’re on” 
Charlie had picked a fast song, saying they should ‘challenge their abilities’ but she was quickly regretting that decision. the song was way too difficult. 
Once it was over they collapsed with sighs. “Oh thank god finally! it’s over!” Charlie cheered, watching the points tally up as she leaned back against the pink barrier. 
“HA HA TOLD YA I’D WIN!!!” She cheered as her screen displayed a glorious 3 thousand ish points while Jaemin’s was somewhere on the 2 thousands. 
Jaemin huffed and sat down on the edge of the machine, pulling the plastic bottle of water he’d bought earlier from his pocket. “You’re always dancing, you’ve got better stamina than me” 
Charlie laughed as she sat beside him and put her head on his shoulder. “Dude I’ve just come off a twisted ankle, i shouldn’t even be playing DDR” 
“Are you hungry? Cause i’m getting hungry” Jaemin changed the subject, looking down at Charlie.
She nodded. “Yeah lowkey, i kinda want churros” 
“Let’s go get churros then” 
After obtaining their churros and walking around the store a little more the pair ended up on the top floor in the home section of a store, Jaemin dragging Charlie over to the candles the first chance she had.
“I think you’re addicted...” She said, munching on the chocolate dipped pastry as she watched her bestfriend stick his nose into various different candles and with his nose still pressed into a jar containing a light blue candle Jaemin turned his head and glared at her.
He kept his eyes on the display in front of him and muttered. “At least i’m not a book worm”
“Hey!” She defended and whacked him in the arm. “Being a bookworm isn’t a bad thing! It’s beneficial” 
As he stood to his full height and wrapped his arm around Charlie’s shoulders, Jaemin snickered. “Alright, whatever you say” 
*click* *click* *click*
The sounds that had been following them all day finally caught Jaemin’s attention. Attempting not to make it too obvious, he turned his head slightly towards the source of the sound and glance out of the corner of his eyes. 
Noticing the source of the noise, he swiftly rolled his eyes and looked ahead once more, his arm purposely tightening over Charlie’s shoulders as they continued to walk. 
Charlie suddenly yawned, her head resting against his shoulder. 
“Tired?” Jaemin asked, looking down at her briefly. She nodded. “Wanna go get some coffee?” 
She picked her head up off of his shoulder and shook it. “Later, i’ve still got to find something for Rosé” She lifted her arm that had a plastic bag looped around it containing the gift she’d bought for Minho earlier. 
“Right, so where do you wanna go?” 
Not long after they ended up in a perfume shop. Charlie moved away from Jaemin and over to one of the many glass cabinets, her eyes scanning over the different bottled. 
“You seem to know exactly what you’re looking for” Jaemin chuckled as he joined her side, copying how she was leaning against the counter. 
“Mhm” Charlie hummed. “Last time me and her came in her she had almost bought that-” she pointed at a bottle on one of the top shelves “-but ended up not, so i’m getting it” 
“i thought you were all about personalised gifts?” 
Charlie snorted. “For birthdays maybe, not Christmas” She quickly waved over one of the workers behind the counter, the woman scurrying over. 
“How may i help?” 
“Could i get that please?” She pointed up at the perfume. “Yes, the blue one” 
While Charlie spoke with the woman and went over to the till to pay, Jaemin wandered out of the store, his eyes scanning his surroundings. 
“Thank you” Charlie had said politely as the woman handed her the bag. “Hey Jaem we can-” She turned around, said boy nowhere in sight. “Oh god where’s he got to?” 
She hurried out of the store, pulling her backpack around to carefully stuff the gift inside. Her head snapped both ways, searching for a familiar head of pink hair. 
“This kid is gonna be the death of me” She huffed and dug her phone out from her pocket, immediately finding his contact and hitting call. As it rang she turned left and began walking
ri- “hello?” 
“Na Jaemin, where did you run off to?” 
He chuckled. “Turn around, idiot” Then the call dropped. 
Charlie spun on her heels and he was there, a tray with two coffee cups balanced in his hand and a plastic bag hanging off his arm. “Could’ve told me where you were going, dumbass” 
“hey, d’you want to coffee or not? I’ll go back” He threatened, pulling the tray back. 
“no no no, don’t do that, i was joking” She rushed over to him, Jaemin laughed and handed her one of the cups, throwing the tray in a nearby bin. “thank you nana~” Charlie sang and leaned up, kissing his cheek gently before taking a sip of her coffee.
clicking her phone back on, she looked at the clock at the top of the screen. ‘3:49 PM’ was displayed across the screen.
“It’s not even that late, what should we do?” She asked, looking up at the boy beside her. 
Jaemin thought for a moment, carefully sipping his drink. “Oh how about this, there’s a sweet shop by the entrance that’s closing down meaning everything’s on sale. We should go buy a bunch of snacks then go back to my dorm and watch movies” 
“I think that’s the best thing you’ve said all day, come on” She grabbed his hand and pulled him along. 
“Hey! I take offence to that!”
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twilightmademe · 4 years
I Am Yours, As You Are Mine
Chapter 1
What would have been just another beautiful, rainy, March morning was going to be anything but as my dad, Chief Charlie Swan, and I hopped in his cruiser to go pick up my half sister, Bella, from the airport. On the way there, I remember how we got here... After Bella’s mom divorced my dad shortly after she was born, he sparked a relationship with Sue Clearwater, who had 2 young kids, Leah and Seth, from her late husband Harry. They weren’t trying for a kid, but then I came along.
Bella used to spend summers with us in Forks, but it’s been years since her last visit. This has definitely put strain on our relationship. But her mom and step dad were traveling for his new job, so she decided to come stay with us for a while. The already crowded 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom house was about to gain another resident.
When we finally found Bella’s things and got back to the cruiser, there was still an awkwardness between everyone. Someone who used to be my best friend was now practically a stranger. Her hair was longer, though she swears she’s cut it. The ride home was spent mostly in silence. But that was fine by me. We were always strangely comfortable in silence. I think we get it from dad.
As soon as we got home, dad helped Bella get her things situated upstairs while I hollered for Leah and Seth, kissed my mom on the cheek, grabbed the keys and left for La Push.
I had just gotten my license and my parents bought me a vintage Chevy truck from my best friend, Jacob Black’s dad. Leah and Seth were okay with me driving because they had more time to bicker on the bench seat beside me. I knew deep down that Bella would appreciate having alittle space to unpack in the room we would be sharing. But I also had my own selfish reasons for going down to the reservation... Sam’s gang. Though Jake had warned me for a while to stay away from them, I couldn’t help but admire them whenever they would go cliff diving in La Push. What a rush that must be. I didn’t understand why Jake didn’t want me around them when he was with them anytime he wasn’t with us.
When we pulled up to the beach, I wasn’t surprised to see Jake had beat us there with his “new” car. He was so proud of how he fixed it up himself. When my siblings and I hop out of the truck, I jump up to hug Jake. “Hey Jakey!” smiling up at him. “Hey (y/n), driving the “miss daisy”s around again??” He joked back. We walked down to the shore. They all knew I loved to sit close enough for my toes to touch the water.
We stayed there talking and joking for an hour or two before we saw them coming. Jake tensed up, Seth ran over to Sam and Leah looked over at the water, as if she was avoiding something. I just stared as usual. Not that any of them ever paid me any mind. Today, Sam and the other boys were tossing a football, laughing and elbowing eachother jokingly. Sam begins throwing the ball at one of the boys when suddenly Embry, one of Jake’s best friends, tackles the intended target. The ball hits the sand and bounces close to our little group. The boy who was supposed to catch the football fought his way to a standing position and jogged over to retrieve it as I watched. Mesmerized by his beautiful russet skin, which was exposed due to his lack of a shirt, not that I was complaining. He bent down to pick up the ball and looked up. We locked eyes and I felt my face flush crimson red. He was just as frozen and I was. Staring. Only when we both heard Sam hollering at him to “come on!” did he stand up. I looked away, embarrassed that I had been caught looking at him. When I thought it would be safe, I looked up. But he was still looking at me while walking backwards towards Sam. Feeling awkward and even more embarrassed than before, I jumped up stating I was “ready to go home” and started to walk back to my truck, not looking to see if Leah and Seth followed. I hopped into the drivers seat and turned the key in the ignition. The engine stalled. “Perfect”.
When I looked up, Jake and my siblings were walking over laughing at something Seth had said. I cranked down my window to tell them the truck wouldn’t start. “Piece of shit” Leah said. “Hey. Don’t hate the truck” I returned. Jake offered a ride, but he only had room for 2 more. We were too busy joking about strapping Seth to the roof to hear the approaching footsteps.
“I can drive you”. I turned around quick startled by the voice, and presence, I hadn’t recognized only to be met with the face of the beautiful boy who caught me staring only moments ago. “I- Jake?” I said turning to look at my friend, hoping he would help. Jake nodded at the boy and looked back at me. “(Y/n), this is Paul. I think you’ll be just fine riding with him”. I turned back to Paul extending my right hand and looking up at his face “I’m (y/n)”. When he took my hand into his, I swear sparks flew through me.
He walked me over to his Honda Civic, never moving his hand from the small of my back, and opened the passenger door for me. I had never had a boy open a door for me so when my jaw dropped he just giggled and motioned for me to get in as if he knew exactly why I made that face. When he shut the door and jogged over to the driver’s side, I breathed out, not realizing until now that I had been holding my breath. “So do you have to go straight home, or can I show you something? I promise you’ll be perfectly safe and back by dinner..” Paul asked me as he started his car. “I-I’ve got alittle time” I nervously responded and risked glancing over at him with a blush covering my cheeks. I didn’t know what it was, but I did know I trusted him whole heartedly, regardless of the fact that I didn’t know him.
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bonafidehero · 4 years
Bella the Teenage Witch
Summary:  What if Bella Swan was a witch? Taking advanced classes, Bella graduates from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry early. With her mother and Phil traveling so much she decides to move to the sleepy town of Forks and spend some time with her father, who insisted on her attending the local high school to make some "normal" friends. Oh how wrong he would be.
Read on AO3 and FanFiction!
Chapter 3: Slip ups
The week had gone by in a blur. After that weird shit with Edward and then the following days where he didn’t show up for school I was feeling really self conscious and just couldn’t wait for the weekend.
Mike had tried to invite me out to a movie but I’d turned him down, saying I had a lot of studying to do. Jessica and Angela had also offered to hang out but again I declined.
I was feeling really overwhelmed and just wanted to be alone. Even though I’d seen so much with going to a magical school and experienced everything that came with that. I was feeling like regular old high school was kicking my ass.
And I couldn’t stop thinking about Edward. What the hell was that? Why did he act like that? Then disappear?
I don’t even know why it was bothering me so much. Usually I didn’t care what people thought, because people usually thought horrible things.
But I just had a weird feeling about him. He seemed... different.
Besides the inhuman good looks.
So I spent the weekend at home, Charlie had given me money to stock the house with groceries as I’d refused to continue eating take out every night. I’d spent some time unpacking the few things I’d brought with me. I even went on a walk through the woods that surrounded my house to find a spot to read for a afternoon.
Overall it was pretty good.
So by the time Monday rolled around again I felt ready to face Forks High again.
This week would be better.
And I was going to confront Edward and ask him what his problem was.
I’d arrived a bit early Monday, the parking lot was about half way full and kids were spaced about in groups talking.
Wanting to enjoy the silence while I had some, I got out and leaned against the back of my truck and began looking through the book I’d been reading all weekend.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a car pull in and park about 5 spots down from me. It sat there for a minute before the occupants got out.
And of course It was the Cullens. Surprisingly, Edward was with them. They all stood behind the car talking, then they all turned towards me and stared.
Great. Now they all don’t like me. I thought.
What did I do?
But before I could think on it more something smacked me right in the face. I gasped and turned towards the source; Mike was laughing while Jessica, Angela, Ben and Eric shook their heads behind him.
“Bella!” Mike called
I rolled my eyes, looked down and saw a balled up piece of paper. I bent over and picked it up before throwing it back at him. Surprisingly, it hit it’s mark.
Mike blinked before bursting out laughing and the whole group joined him, “C’mon, Bella!” Eric called as they all began to make their way towards the school.
I sighed and put my book back in my bag before slinging it over my shoulder. I chanced another glance at the Cullens, they were still staring.
What the fuck? I thought
I was starting to think I was the freak, which, I guess to some I was.
A magic freak. I laughed and followed slowly behind the group towards the school. Not chancing another look back at the strange group.
The day went by pretty good and I was finally feeling like I was stepping in line with my new friend group. While Jessica was the complete opposite of me, Angela felt like someone I would had made friends with back home.
I was feeling happy. So when lunch came around I told myself I would not look at the Cullens once.
Who cares if they didn’t like me?
Not me.
Even when Jessica tried to bring up the fact that Edward was finally back at school, I ignored her and changed the subject to the latest America’s Next Top Model episode. It worked. But I didn’t really know what I was talking about, I’d only saw it on tv quickly so I didn’t give much input into the conversation from there.
“Who's your favorite model?” Jessica gushed.
“Uh, I actually don't really know the show.” I said slowly, “I just saw it on TV and thought you'd like it.”
Jessica stared at me for a second but recovered quickly, “Oh... what do you like then?” She asked
“Uh, nothing really comes to mind. I haven't seen much recent TV.”
“Why not?” Angela asked, “What did you do in Arizona to pass the time?”
I blanked. These were time when me being a witch really made me stand out to other kids my age.
“Uh, well... the thing is, I went to a boarding school for the past 4 years so...” I said slowly, how much should I say? “Well, it's pretty old fashioned. We didn't have TV's or any electricity for that matter.”
They all stared at me, stunned.
“They didn't have electricity?” Jessica shrieked scathingly, “What kind of a school doesn't have electricity?”
“Did they have running water?” Mike laughed, “I thought rich schools were like the best of the best.”
“It wasn't a rich school and I don't know... its a really old school... it, uh, they like to give you an experience.” I stumbled horribly over my shitty explanation. God, I was not used to having to explain myself to people.
Jessica stared at me, “That sounds really weird. Why would you go to a school like that?”
I tried to quickly think of a reason, I think it was pretty well known around the town how much of a wild child my mom had been. I cringed at what I was about to say but I knew my mom would understand.
“Well, my mom wanted to travel a lot so she sent me there during the year so she could.” I said quietly, trying to sound like it was something I hated.
“Wow, what a bitch.” Jessica blurted out, before her eyes snapped to me. “Sorry, I shouldn't have said that.”
I chuckled, “No, it's cool.”
By the end I said my goodbyes to the group and Mike and I made our way to Biology.
As we walked down the hall towards class slowly, I realized that Edward was following behind. I tensed.
“So,” Mike started, “How was your weekend? I wish you’d gone to the movies with me. Would have been fun.”
“Huh?” I asked vaguely
“Your weekend, you said you were busy. What did you end up doing?” He asked, a little put off by my lack of enthusiasm.
“Oh, uh, studying like I said” I replied flatly.
I knew Mike had a thing for me, I wasn’t blind but I was already getting tired of it.
I was new, so it was kinda understandable. He’d get tired of it soon.
“Oh.” Mike said awkwardly.
I nodded, “Yeah, just that and unpacked all my stuff. Started reading a book.”
“Oh.” He said again, “That’s cool.”
He definitely didn’t sound like he thought it was cool. But I shrugged it off as we walked into the room. I could still feel Edward close behind us, why did I feel like he was trying to listen in?
Mike and I separated going to our respective tables. As I sat I saw Edward standing in the doorway, he stood there for a few seconds before taking a huge breath and then made his way towards his seat.
I looked down at the table top and began drawing aimlessly on my notebook, I didn’t want to attack him right away so I was gonna wait until he’d settled in.
Look casual, I thought.
He finally settled into his chair and pulled out his supplies, placing them gingerly onto the desk top. Sitting stiffly with his hands balled into fists on the table top.
Just as I inhaled to finally ask him what his problem was, he turned towards me and spoke.
“Hello.” He said in a friendly tone.
My head snapped up and I stared at him. Okay... I could feel my cheeks burning as we stared at each other. Why was I blushing?!
Just when I thought he wasn’t going to say anything else his velvety voice rang out again.
“My name is Edward Cullen.” He smiled, “I didn’t have a chance to introduce myself last week. You must be Bella Swan.”
How did he know my name? No one calls me Bella right off the bat.
“Uh, how do you know my name?” I spoke out loud finally, I could feel my nerves making my voice quiver a little. It was like he was a veela and he was pulling me in under his spell.
Fuck. This is embarrassing.
He laughed, “Oh I think everyone knows your name, the whole town’s been waiting for you to arrive.”
I cringed, I had to talk to Charlie about what he talked about with people. What if he slipped up about me being a witch?
“Um, I mean, why did you call me Bella?” I clarified.
His eyebrow quirked, “Would you prefer Isabella?”
“No!” I blurted out, my face heated again.
“I like Bella... I think Charlie calls me Isabella behind my back.” I said with a slight hint of distaste.
“Oh.” He looked away, looking slightly... embarrassed? Weird.
Then Mr. Banner started the class, we both turned to the front and set to work.
It was awkward, but with the start of our assignment we settled into line and actually seemed to start a little bit of banter. He was... odd, but kinda sweet? Why did I keep blushing?!
I even blushed as I thought that. Ugh.
The bell rang and chairs ground against the floor as everyone made their way to leave. I could feel that Mike was sitting in his sit waiting for me to move, hoping for another few minutes of alone time. Blargh.
Edward put his things in his bag and looked down at me as I did the same, “Uh, well, see you tomorrow, Bella.” He said quietly and then left the room quickly.
Mike pounced the moment he left. “Hey! Ready for gym?” he asked with a huge smile on his face.
I stared after Edward, “Uh, sure thing.” I said quietly.
I went home that day feeling much different about Edward Cullen. He was strange. Like he was hiding something. I mean, I was hiding something, but what would he be hiding?
I would have to try and pry a bit, see if I can get some hints. I’d spent the last 5 years in the wizarding world, I think if he was hiding anything worth hiding I would be able to figure it out.
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vince-thrilligan · 4 years
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Patrick Fabian: From Lord Vader to Fan Favorite
“After the finale, my social media filled up with people saying, ‘Watch your back, we’re rooting for you, Howard!’” Fabian shares. “I couldn’t help but chuckle because when the series premiered, Jimmy McGill called me Lord Vader and people immediately got on my case. Now, five seasons later, I’m almost getting sympathy.”
Awards Focus: When you’re in Albuquerque for months at a time, how does living with costars Bob Odenkirk and Rhea Seehorn affect the work on the series?
Patrick Fabian: It’s like we’re a college dormitory or a startup theatre troupe. When we go to work, we visit each other and support each other, and we’re watching and learning from our talented behind-the-scenes crew.
Then we come home and download what the day was like. I’m not gonna say we gossip, but perhaps we gossip a little bit. Then we plan for the rest of the week, even if you’re not directly involved. Oftentimes, I’m watching Rhea and Bob do their scenes.
When we do a scene, it’s more than just memorization. We talk about it, analyze it, take notes… often we’ll hit a question and then call Peter Gould or the writer of the episode to help us break it down. We’ll explore ideas before we get to set, so we’re ready to work with the director.
AF: That’s real dedication.
Fabian: To be fair, we’re home in hoodies and sweatpants reading lines over dinner or while we’re cleaning, there’s always ice cream at the end. Our living situation has worked out great and I think the proof is on the screen.
AF: Are there any scenes that particularly stand out as developing or changing as a result of your work at home?
Fabian: Well, the acting is always organic to some degree, when there’s so much drama for the actors to work with. Rhea is especially great at experimentation and reaction, so whatever you throw at her, she can throw right back. Our final scene together this season, when she tears Howard a new one, was a lot of fun. We worked that one out over the dining room table.
On the day of the shoot, I had one of those “Acting 101” moments where I just couldn’t find it. I was lost… and other actors can tell when it’s not happening for someone, we’re all sensitive to that. Rhea looked at me and said “Let’s do it again.”
I was in my head, but she encouraged me to go out on a limb. Then we did the next take and it was palpably different. She looked at me and said, “That was something,” and Peter Gould chimed in with his seal of approval. It reminded me that if we hadn’t put in the time at the dining room table, we wouldn’t have the chemistry and the trust to experiment like that.
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AF: In episode seven, Jimmy flies into a rage while talking to Howard in the courthouse. What went into making that scene so intense?
Fabian: As soon as I read that script, it stuck out to me as a big moment. In the context of the scene, Jimmy is – well, Saul is – unhinged. Jimmy has just seen the survivors of the kid who was killed by Lalo. He’s feeling a mixture of very unpleasant emotions. And then Howard shows up, the last person on earth that Jimmy wants to see. On a practical level, it’s funny because Bob and I are great friends and have a great relationship. Obviously, Jimmy and Howard have not had a great relationship. Howard’s coming to Jimmy after the bowling ball and the hooker incident, with one last stab at saying, “Let me help you.”
And we get this rant from Jimmy that is just unhinged. As an actor, standing there watching it, it’s so powerful. If you think that stuff is good on screen, you should have a front row seat… which I do. Watching Bob project that fury is a wonderful thing, and it’s so great to be a part of it as Howard.
Howard is coming at it with a benevolence, maybe even love. But Saul just loses it on me and calls me a “little man” and all that stuff. Howard gets to make a decision – he’s gone through enough therapy that he doesn’t have to react in kind, so he removes himself from that situation.
How we did it? Well, Bob lights the flame and he burns while the camera goes. It takes a couple of passes to get the mechanics of it correct and meanwhile, Bob is searching for his stuff. This is not a situation where I chit-chatted with Bob. He’s in a space and you have to respect that space. There’s no point in us discussing dinner when we’re doing a scene like that.
Bob did it a zillion different ways, up and down the scale, but the one we went with at the end is so wonderful. He’s yelling at me to the back of my head and you’ve got a great image of the cameras in front of me.
I’m walking out stiffly and he’s just losing his mind on me. Then the camera flips back around and it’s a silhouette of Bob after I’ve left, and Saul is just like a puppet. Like his physicality is unhinged, like you’ve got strings on his hands or something like that. And then it cuts back around to his face, and it’s wonderful.
AF: As you pointed out, Howard’s gone through therapy since his low point in season four and now he’s got a lot of momentum, personally and professionally. Season four episode six also features a Jimmy rant, with the central point being “Get yourself together!” How did that moment push Howard towards self-improvement?
Fabian: The low point for Howard is when he runs into Jimmy in the bathroom at the courthouse. Howard’s tie is disheveled – that’s how you know Howard is completely lost and adrift. But to his credit, he’s out in the world. And to his credit, he says to Jimmy, “Here’s a number that I’ve been working with. I’ve been going to therapy, this works.”
So Howard is willing to be seen like that. But later Jimmy comes into the office and tells him, “Get your shit together, Howard,” and Howard says, “Fuck you!”
By the way, AMC gets two major swears each season and they gave one to me so I felt very blessed. But back to the point, that was the turning point because Howard at that point thinks, “Wait a second, you’re right. I’m being the victim. I don’t need to be the victim.” And he works himself through it. In no small part, Jimmy’s speech boosted Howard.
AF: So a newly put-together Howard offers Jimmy a job at Hamlin Hamlin McGill. What does that represent for their relationship, from Howard’s perspective?
Fabian: Howard’s become serious about putting everything with Chuck in the past. He’s willing to admit he was wrong. And now he’s saying, “I’m hiring you not out of pity, not out of woulda-coulda-shoulda, I’m hiring you because I need you. I recognize your talents. Let’s do this.” That’s why Howard’s conscience is clean as far as I’m concerned. He’s reached out, been benevolent, and tried the best he can.
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As far as hiring Jimmy, Howard knows what he’s getting, he’s not dumb. I think he’s realized that Chuck, although a very valuable asset in HHM, was not HHM itself. And so he recognizes that he has his own talents. One thing he doesn’t have is street smarts. He says as much to Jimmy – “You’re Charlie Hustle, you’re creative, you think fast.” Howard is smart enough to know that that’s not his game. Howard is good at getting business. We still haven’t seen Howard actually practice law in the entire time we’ve been with Better Call Saul. So we don’t know what kind of lawyer he is. But he knows what kind of lawyer he is. And he knows he needs a tool like Jimmy, a weapon like that in his holster if HHM is going to go places, which Howard says it is.
AF: Chuck’s influence still looms over the show. How does Howard see the relationship between Chuck and Jimmy in retrospect?
Fabian: I think Howard has been tethered to Chuck’s will from the beginning of the series. And so he tries hard to cut off Jimmy from Chuck. After it all happened, the great scene that Michael McKean and I do in his house. We have scotch and there’s an air of congratulations, because Jimmy’s gone. Howard’s telling Chuck that he doesn’t need Jimmy. And that’s also Howard in the clear, because he no longer has to play this role of being a jerk to Jimmy. Which Howard felt some resentment for, because Chuck forced him to take the heat of not hiring Jimmy. That contributed to Howard’s bold move, to pay off Chuck out of his own pocket.
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Chuck is seeping into season five’s finale because ultimately, I’m trying to appeal to Kim Wexler’s better angels. I’m trying to save her from herself and save her from Jimmy because Howard knows that Chuck’s fate was tied to Jimmy’s behavior as well. We know Jimmy is directly involved in the events that make Chuck go crazy.
So that final scene where Kim was laughing at Howard, he pulls out the only arrow left in his quiver. He washed his hands of Jimmy earlier in the season, when Howard walked away from him. So when Howard says that Chuck was right about Jimmy, it’s the meanest thing that he can say. But it also happens to be the truth. It’s like an epiphany for Howard. It’s like, “Oh, I’m done. Guess what? Good old Chuck was totally right. And I’m so done dealing with this.” I’m just a guy trying to run a law firm and all these other people are acting batshit, I just don’t get it (laughs).
AF: Jimmy accuses Howard of killing his brother. What does that line represent for Jimmy’s character arc?
Fabian: Our writers give the audience so much great stuff. So when Jimmy says to Howard, “You killed my brother,” we, as an audience, know that that’s not true. And by witnessing him saying that, we again get that pang in our heart that goes, “Ah… he’s really not going to go back to being Jimmy McGill, is he?”
We’re watching a slow motion car crash where we keep waiting for the off ramp for Jimmy and Kim. We just want them to move to Atlanta and get a house and have kids and raise horses. And yet, we know that’s not where it all goes. We don’t know exactly what happens but we know when they get to Breaking Bad, he’s full Saul Goodman.
Saul Goodman says “Kill Badger.” That’s the man he has become. So every time there’s a chance to see him not take that turn, the audience is hopeful. So when he says, “You killed my brother.” We know that’s a lie and so we don’t hurt for Howard at that point, because we also know Howard knows that’s a lie. We hurt for Jimmy and we hurt for ourselves because he’s just now embracing Saul.
AF: In the season finale, it’s not Jimmy, but Kim who seems to be heading down the dark path. What was your reaction when you learned that Kim was scheming to destroy Howard’s career?
Fabian: Of course, I’ve read all the scripts, but as an actor I’m concentrating on what Howard is doing. So I read those scenes, the dialogue that Kim and Jimmy had, back in September when we were shooting. And then the show aired in four or five months,  and I watched it on Monday nights just like everyone else.
I’d forgotten exactly what that scene was and who was driving it. I think I conflated it in my brain and thought it was Jimmy coming up with another plot. So when I saw that it was Kim, it was jaw-dropping to me. Hats off to Rhea Seehorn. Because she doesn’t twist her mustache or act villainous – it’s just a slow degradation of who we thought Kim Wexler was, and maybe possibly always was.
It’s an exact flip of the ending of Season Four with Jimmy walking away saying “Saul Goodman!” And she’s standing there, and we’re left with her reaction. Now in season five, the last time we see those characters, she’s walking to the bathroom and going “Pew pew,” and we’re left on his face going, what? Even if you don’t pick up on the parallel immediately, it’s there. You saw this thing before, it was just reversed. It’s just jaw dropping.
AF: What are Kim’s motivations in that scene?
Fabian: Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t think the audience knows. Had she always hated playing second fiddle in HHM? Did she always resent Howard? Or is her moral compass just askew in general? It’s funny, after the episode, my timeline and social media filled up with people saying, “Watch your back, don’t get in the shower, be careful of your hair!” And I couldn’t help but chuckle because when the series premiere aired, Jimmy McGill called me Lord Vader, and people immediately got on my case. And now, five seasons later, I’m almost getting sympathy with messages like “Watch your back. We’re rooting for you, Howard!”
Well, that’s just the genius of the creative team. Peter Gould, Vince Gilligan, and the entire writing staff created a character who could have been one dimensional and nixed off in season two. That said, it looks like there’s something coming down the pipe for Howard. I have no idea what it’s going to be though.
AF: What about Jimmy’s motivations there? Does his hesitation emerge from guilt regarding his treatment of Howard, or to preserve Kim’s moral sensibilities?
Fabian: Oh, I think his sense of responsibility for what Kim has become is strong. Jimmy’s mentioned that several times, saying, “This is bad for you,” and “I don’t want you to do this.” And she’s always talked him into it. I mean, even the marriage thing is her idea, right?
Let’s face it, Jimmy’s sense of being able to take responsibility for his own actions has been wanting for a while. So he has a sneaking suspicion that he’s probably not good for Kim. But she disabuses him of that notion. And in the end, doesn’t Clyde want Bonnie, ultimately, to be Bonnie?
It’s a back and forth banter, and they’re viewing it in different ways. For him it’s a sort of criminal foreplay (laughs). And it is playful for her too. But those finger guns! It’s so playful, but it’s also dead serious. So we’ll see next season if they both get onboard the same train.
AF: Better Call Saul is about the masks people wear, and we’ve discussed that theme with regards to Jimmy and Kim. Is there a difference between Howard’s public persona and who he truly is?
Fabian: I like to think of Howard as  somebody who is earnest and sincere. He’s certainly not a criminal, and I think his taxes would be squeaky clean. He means what he says and he’s serious about who he is. And consequently, I think it drives him. Like when he wants to help Jimmy, hereally wants to help Jimmy.
I don’t think he’s the kind of person that everybody likes. A lot of the presumptions get foisted upon him, because he’s been successful, because his father had a law firm. He’s the rich kid, the Golden Boy, and always has been. But that doesn’t mean he’s not a hard worker, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t adhere to the ideas of truth and justice. He’s shown that with his willingness to try and help Jimmy and Kim. Successfully or not, he’s worked to better both of their lives. The case can certainly be made for the things that Howard has done right in this world, only to be rewarded with being yelled at by Jimmy and laughed at by Kim.
I don’t have any indication that Howard has something hidden or a deep driving force. I don’t think of him as a dual person. Howard sleeps soundly at night with who he is.
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