#also I'm really behind... I still haven't read fts
emithecharmer · 1 year
Will You Marry Me
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Fluff galore (it's literally Chan), eating, mentions of dieting (no one is actually on one), mc says she's pregnant (it's a joke) mc is a little dense for a second (aren't we all at times), read this to feed into your delulu thoughts 😍 ALSO! ft! Sana because she's a queen ☝️
"No way!" I exclaimed as I walked with my friend. We had decided to hangout for the day and go window shopping and then stop by the beach.
"Ooh, we should go there, they just opened up!" You said, pointing the a new sushi place that had opened.
"No! I mean- I'm not hungry! We should just keep walking." Sana said, making you eye her a bit at her suspicious behavior.
"Do they have you on another diet or something?" I asked, curling my lip at the thought.
"No! I just feel tired..Maybe we should head to the beach." She suggested.
"Mm, okay.. Can we get like, a corn dog or something though? I haven't eaten all day." You asked, making your stomach rumble at the most convenient moment.
"Uh," Sana glanced down at her phone, "yeah. There's a stand over there." She said, almost speed walking to it.
"..She must really want a corn dog." You said to yourself, walking a bit faster to catch up to her.
"The beach is always so pretty at night." You said, taking a, not-very-pretty, bite of your corn dog.
"Oh really?" Sana said, seemingly uninterested.
"Yeah, it makes me forget the fact that I was born with a dog tail and whiskers." You say, nonchalantly.
"No way, really?" She said, looking forward in the distance.
"And that I'm pregnant." You said, giggling at her response.
"Me too, bro..Wait huh?" She turned to you with wide eyes, causing you to break into a fit of laughter.
"I just wanted to see what it would take for you to respond normally." You said, throwing away your stick in the trash.
"Sorry.." She blushed softly when she realized she been out of it.
"It's no problem." You said, linking your hands together.
"Looks like there's a fair here." She said, pointing a bit ahead on the opposite side of the road.
"Ooh, we should go tomorrow!" You suggested, making her nod.
"Sana! Someone's getting proposed to!" You said, pointing to a setup of twinkling lights in the shape of 'Marry Me' on the sand.
"..Noo..." She said, giving you a exasperated look as you looked to the setup.
"Would it be weird if we watched?" You asked, mostly to yourself.
"Probably, yeah." You answered yourself.
"Ooh, what if she said no?" You asked, snorting right after, only to straighten up.
"I shouldn't laugh." You said, pursing your lips to stifle your chuckles.
"You're so weird." Sana said, linking your arms after letting go of your hand.
"Ooh, I wonder if she's going to say yes." You asked, bouncing slightly in your own excitement.
"I was hoping you could tell me." You heard from behind you. You recognized the voice as your lovely boyfriend, Chan. You didn't quite comprehend what was happening until you felt Sana leave your hold and turn you around. You went completely still as you laid eyes on Chan, who was in a suit, holding the most beautiful bouquet of lavender and baby's breath you'd ever seen, and a small black box.
"Oh my gosh.." You looked at Chan and saw him gulp before he gave a nervous smile. You noticed the boys behind him in the distance, along with a. few of your close family members.
"Oh..my..Gosh.." You said quieter, taking a step back when he took a step forward. You immediately saw your mistake when his nervous expression was overshadowed by panic.
You rushed forward and hugged him tightly, not caring if your flowers were smushed.
"Y/n.." He started, both of your eyes immediately filled with tears.
"Chris.." You gave him a watery smile and chuckling when he offered you a similar one.
"Y/n..Hi." He started again.
"I never though that I'd be in a position to be asking someone to marry me, especially someone as perfect as you. You've been my biggest supporter since we met, and you've become someone that I rely so heavily on. You're my biggest inspiration, and you've become my best friend. You met me when I was so low, and all you did was smile and I felt alive. You're my rock and my center, you graced me with your soul and compassion when I was so low, I didn't think there was a way out, but you showed me what true love feels like." You both let out a sob at the same time, giggling hopelessly like idiots as he carried on.
"You're so kind to everyone and you empathize with people, you make them feel seen and feel understood. You are my favorite person and you forever will be. Y/n, I never truly knew what love was until I laid my eyes on you. You've not only shown me what it feels like to be loved, you've made me feel accepted and appreciated. I only hope that I've made you feel the same way I feel about you." You nodded quickly, making him smile.
"Y/n, you're the only woman I can imagine spending my whole life with, and the only woman I would want to. Y/n.." He got down on one knee, but was overcome with shock when you went on your knees with him.
"Will you marry me, baby?" He whispered. You couldn't form words, all you could do was rush forward, wrapping your arms around his neck as you nodded.
"Yes.." You finally got out, pulling away.
"Yeah?" He asked, a huge smile on his face.
"Please." You said, letting out another sob.
"I love you so much, Y/n." He said, kissing your forehead as he slipped on the ring. He noticed how you didn't even look at it, you just looked into his eyes and smiled.
"I love you more, Chris."
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odetodilfs · 1 year
(ft. my own opinions)
This is a lil idea I had while talking to a friend and it started off with a top 5, but I decided to rank all Pedro boys here, but quite frankly, I love them all and it's just a miniature difference with each. NSFW mentions, but probably anyone can read. The list goes from top to bottom btw, my dumbass did it the wrong way round. I haven't watched some of the things some of these guys are in so just keep that in mind. Remember these are my own opinions and you're allowed to disagree with me!!
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#1 Marcus Moreno
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Now, he's not the most known, not the fan favorite, he's in the middle for fandom standards, but this guy is the cutest for me. Like I don't care how terrible the movie itself is I fell in love with that man his first second of screen time. He seems like the type to make breakfast for you in bed, he seems like the type to kiss you every morning, he seems like the type to be perfect. Also his world and situation is (considerably) more calm than most of the other Pedro boys, he's not a gun dealer, he's not in a world where a fungus has taken over, he lives a mostly normal life. AND COME ON, TELL ME THIS GUY ISN'T AS LOYAL AS A DOG. He's also a dad, and I love dads <3 With this, Marcus wins the #1 spot!
#2: Javier Peña
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Javier couldn't score any lower than this. Sure, his life is considerably more agitated than Marcus's and he IS a huge manwhore... BUT I CAN FIX HIM!! I'd fulfill his dream of living in a ranch in Texas, I'd be his forever. He's also got that mustache and you KNOW he's good in bed, any position, Dom or sub, he does it ALL! And he'd also be hella protective of you too.
manwhore on #2
#3 Frankie Morales
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He's so.. he's so adorable!! Frankie is just so cute and seems like the type of guy that would do it all for his partner. I just know his heart fills with joy when he sees you, his kid and him as a family. Why does he also seem like the kind of guy to verbally worship you and thank him every time he goes to sleep? I don't know, but even then, he's still so cute, (and probably good in bed).
Frankie Morales on #3 probably cause of my love for dads lmfao
#4 Javi Gutierrez
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Goddamn, this man, this beautiful ass man, I'll never get over him, his puppy eyes, his everything. He's kind of like a more energetic version of Marcus, kind of, and he just seems super caring and adorable. I just know he wouldn't get tired of telling you how beautiful you look, how you're his world and that he loves you. When he gets tough he's also kind of cute btw.
#5 Pero Tovar
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I'm not gonna lie... I'm guilty of having slept on Pero for hella long, but that's not the case anymore as he ends up #5 on this list! I see him kind of as a mix between Joel and Din. AND THAT SCAR, LORD...
I just wanna kiss this man all over and give him the loving he deserves. I also definitely see him taking out his weapons at anyone insulting you, he'd just be so in love with you.
#6 Joel Miller
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Of course, the iconic Joel Miller can't be any lower than this, he's so adorable, like even if he's a mass murderer, he did it in the name of his daughter! Joel would be a very hard and strong man, if he has a soft moment with you, it means he plainly loves you and trusts you. And his brown eyes oh my god, and the greying hair, god, he's so amazing, I wanna take care of him. He'd be super protective and possessive of you too. Also he's a dad, of course lmfao.
#7 Tim Rockford
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He's got cake, a hot ass mustache, shoulder holsters and a hot ass attitude with beautiful brown eyes. The only thing that kind of holds him back is the lack of a proper story, but that's amazing for fics as you don't really need an AU 99% of the time. I feel like he'd be really soft with his partner and constantly trying to make time for them and sometimes invite them to his office, he also seems like the type of guy to sneak behind you and give you hugs from behind .
#8 Oberyn Martell
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A classic. Our slutty bisexual prince, who doesn't love that combo? We have canon confirmation that this man is good in bed too. I have the Headcanon that he's an amazing power bottom, but that's just me. I feel like he'd be super protective of you and constantly try to show his strength and attractiveness to you, even if you don't mean it, he'd definitely spoil you too.
#9 Din Djarin
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Our little Mandalorian with social anxiety <3, I love him so much, he's so cute and I'm glad he got the ending he deserved with his child, (let me live in Nevarro with you and Grogu, I'll make you happy I swear). He's the definitely the protective type, and his patience is real short so it's best to not mess with you, Grogu or him. I feel like he'd have trouble taking off the helmet mainly cause he feels insecure that you won't like him.. but little does he know you're only gonna love him more, and eventually when he does do it, it's an amazing decision.
#10 Jack "Whiskey" Daniels
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Now, Whiskey and #11 were a hard pick, I had a mental debate of who to put first, alas, Whiskey got #10. He's a cowboy, what's not to love? That mustache and his confidence, oh my god. His backstory makes me wanna comfort him so bad and just the reassurance, I feel like he'd also be extremely protective because of what happened with his ex wife and he doesn't want anything to happen to you as well. I feel like at some point he'd also like to become a father with you. Overall, so cute and probably good in bed as well.
#11 Dio Morissey
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Oh my, it's certainly a switch up from the other Pedro boys. Much more blunt and dominant in general. But he's still super fine which got him the 11th spot. I know this man is extremely freaky in bed, and dominant as fuck too. Outside of the bedroom though, he'd give people death stares if he thinks they're looking at you weirdly and even if sometimes he's certainly quite strange, it has a certain charm to it don't you think?
The hot goth at #11
#12 Silva
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Now, I was debating whether or not to put Silva here as Strange Way of Life isn't really out yet, but there's gifs of him, so I decided why not? This ranking will definitely go up when it gets released, as now I simply struggle to make head canons with him cause we know so little about him. I just know he's very passionate and would defend you so bravely. He'd do anything for his man and it shows, and the cowboy hat looks good. This cowboy can totally ride me!! He's my beautiful queer rep too, and I swear if I see fem reader fics of this guy my gay ass is jumping you.
#13 Dieter Bravo
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Our favorite (probably bisexual) actor and artist, he's just so cute and cuddly, he'd give you the warmest hugs and cuddles and would constantly need reassurance that you love him which would be so cute. Physicality is his love language most definitely and his favorite way to sleep is with you both cuddling. He's also extremely funny which is just adorable, especially with his sassiness.
#14 Ezra
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Our other little space boy <3, he's beautiful, even if he ends up losing an arm, but I'd still love him. He'd definitely recite poems to you under the stars and just come up with nicknames for you. He also looks so soft and looks like the kind to fall asleep in your arms while smiling. He'd always be super grateful to have you and will do anything in his power to please you.
#15 Comandante Veracruz
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I feel like he's the super stoic and cutting guy who's hard on the outside but a softy on the inside, kind of like Pero Tovar in a different way. And I know if anyone lays a finger on you he won't hesitate to pull out the guns if he thinks it's enough. With you, he's super gentle, almost like another person but would grieve your touch. He also wouldn't mind using some of that aggressiveness in bed.
#16 Max Phillips
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Now I know Dio scored high but he's an exception, but I'm missing the mustache or some facial hair. Even then, Max is still pretty hot and I'd let him feed off my blood if he wants to. He also has a funny personality which gets him far, he's also extremely dominant in bed.
#17 Marcus Pike
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He's so adorable but I barely remember the mentalist and didn't watch the episodes he's in, I might rewatch it just for him. But he's really cute, I love their hair and the mustache so that gets him the places above the 2 down below. But he definitely seems like the type to praise your every move. If I knew him better he'd probably overtake Max.
#18 Maxwell Lord
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Now... for starters I know literally nothing about this man cause I haven't watched WW1984, and the look kinda just isn't it... he's cute though, passable and probably uses cheesy pickup lines to make you fall for him. Also he's got a got a good ass so that prevents him from being last.
#19 Dave York
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Now he's better in looks than Maxwell, but I literally can't think of any headcanons of him since I don't know this character at all in the slightest, so uh... sorry Dave York fans, he might rise in this ranking if I ever watch the equalizer... Ahhh! With this the list comes to an end, once again, I love all Pedro boys with tiny little differences but overall they're all amazing in their own right <3 I know I missed some like him in the Casillero del Diablo ad, but that kind of barely counts as a character considering he doesn't even have a name. Feel free to share your opinion in the comments/tags and please reblog this post!
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solangelo · 8 months
I was wondering, do you have any recomendations on some long fics? Like, not just one chapter? Sorry if you had already posted something abou that. Anyway, thanks!!! (Really like your blog <<3333)
Absolutely!! I pretty much only read on Ao3 anymore so all of my recommendations are going to be there, but if others want to tack on their own recommendations in the comments they're always welcome to do so :)
A few things,
I tried to put content warnings on the bodies of work as I see fit, but some of these I read over a year ago and haven't looked at since so I apologize if I've missed something!
Additionally speaking, I've marked anything in which contains characters having sex with a red heart emoji ❤️ as it should be viewable on light and dark mode, across multiple forms of devices (ios vs android, etc) and should be readable to screen readers as well; As per previous notes on this blogs, any explicit depictions of characters having sex will also have them being explicitly over 18. Now without further ado-
I'm a huge fan of rabbit_soup's "Healing Takes Two" series, it's 13 pieces in total some of them are oneshots and others are multichapter but they all fit together making it a large body of text. The plot extends from Nico's three days in the infirmary to the early stages of their relationship and still seems to be ongoing with the author taking on rewriting some of their older pieces.
arum scarce by GalwayGirlo [16/20] AU ❤️:
Nico wakes up paralyzed following a motorcycle accident. Maybe Will Solace can help him get some feeling back?
(cw: suicidal ideation, a suicide attempt, adult having a relationship with a minor, "mafia stuff")
When I Get Home to You by 2nd2ndalto [10/10] Canon Compliant, Time Travel ❤️:
Will’s brow furrows."N - Nico?"
It’s impossible, this boy can’t be Nico, but the name falls from his lips without real conscious thought. Nico is 38 years old and probably sitting at home in their living room, hopefully having figured out how to fix the clogged dishwasher line, which is what he’d been planning on doing when Will left early this morning.
(cw: conversations about suicidal ideation and related topics, and young nico is involved so canon compliant trauma of his comes up as well)
talk your talk and go viral (i just need this love spiral) by wrongcaitlyn [34/34] and a part 2 currently at [2/?] chapters, Celebrity AU ft. Trans Nico:
“Keep telling yourself that,” Will says quietly, because even though the door is closed, speaking any louder would seem wrong. “You’re too harsh on yourself. If you wrote songs or something, you’d easily get on the Billboard Hot 100. Dad would help you. I would, too.”
“Promote it to your seven followers?”
Nico laughs, and then Will is joining him, and they’re closer than before, but it’s nothing unusual. It’s been this way since before stupid feelings and stupid crushes, and Nico would be damned if he let it change just because of that.
(cw: alcoholism, childhood abuse and neglect, character death, car accidents, transphobia/homophobia/generalized queerphobia, gender dysphoria, suicidal ideation and related topics)
peach tea by ghosttotheparty [5/5] AU ft. Latino Will:
Will brushes his thumb over the side of Nico’s hand gently. His skin is soft. Nico’s fingers tighten on Will’s. It kind of feels like neither of them wants to move. Will doesn’t mind.
He sits up after a moment, but Nico doesn’t let go of his fingers, so he lifts the arm that’s awkward between them and sets it behind Nico, leaning back to rest on it. Nico just looks at the tapestry.
or; Will falls in love with the new kid.
(cw: mental health struggles, ptsd, anxiety/panic attacks, depression, grief, and character death)
What Could've Been Lights by athaleablaire [18/18], AU - I can’t remember if they have sex in this, rating is teen and up and all characters are over 18 but enter at your own risk:
In Will's eyes, he really has it all. A job as a surgeon at an amazing hospital, great friends-- what more could he ask for? Everything is going great until a man walks into his emergency room half-dead. In the mission to save his life, Will gets a little more than he bargained for.
(cw: injury and recovery, accusations of substance use)
a shadow in the rising sun by demigodbeautiies [9/13], AU Royalty, Arranged Marriage:
This is a story about the Ghost King.
Will Solace (crown prince in the Seventh Kingdom, politically useless as it may be) does not particularly want to be married to a thing of nightmares. He doesn't really have a choice, though. When does he ever? He allows his father to push him led into this politically advantageous, beauracratically necessary arrangement without too many complaints, and resigns himself to the fact he will be marrying a tyrant out of the tall tales his mother used to tell him when he was a boy.
Except then he meets his husband - a boy, and one younger than he is at that! - and realises that he has absolutely no idea what to expect. All he can hope for is that no one tries to kill him.
(cw: character death, character injury?)
NICO Centric:
Lethe by Eridans [8/8] Canon Compliant with a part 2 at [16/16]:
He's ten and ninety simultaneously, his mother was murdered and his sister is a stranger. He's got a deck of cards that he holds onto like a lifeline and an Italian-English dictionary that's old as hell and crumbling, but it's not as old as he is, and that makes him laugh.
The River Lethe was supposed to take away their memories, but Nico remembers his past, his days at home, the times he spent with his sister and mother at parades Mussolini hosted, where Maria sang the national anthem. The river tried to take away everything Nico cherished, and it could have been pure desperation or grief that made him remember his past.
Nico didn't know.
(cw: I started reading this fic over 8 years ago and haven't read it since it's last update 3 years ago, expect canon compliant events and themes to occur but otherwise proceed at your own risk, exercising caution and compassion for yourself where necessary <3)
WILL Centric:
Solace by solisaureus [11/11], Canon Compliant:
solace (n.) comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.
solis (n.) the Latin word for "sun."
(cw: author includes their own content warnings at the start of each chapter!)
sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes by whimsicalMedley [13/26] Canon Compliant ft. Trans Will Solace:
Contrary to his general disposition, William Andrew Solace was born in the middle of an October hurricane.
Or, Growing up is hard. It’s even harder when you’re the son of the sun god.
(cw: author includes their own content warnings at the start of each chapter!)
Hopefully this is a good place to get you started, nonnie!
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warmerstranger · 1 year
ft. yandere popular senior x gn junior reader
Inspired from the song, 'The secret about that girl' by E ve! But it's the gender-bend version of it (人*'∀`)。*゚+ would this be a songfic?
°°``Marked as and not excluding: Yandere (manipulative, boy trynna make you all jelly and shit, abuse of power, obsessive tendencies, blame pinning -not on reader-, stairs, broken bones and blood -not reader-), reader is referred as you, no beta read we die like daiki's sanity, also reader's kinda awkward and in denial of crushing </3 but that's not really the focus.
°°``2k+ words.
Recommended to read for those 16+, please proceed with caution.
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Standing near the school gate with the senior whom you always admire—Daiki Junichiro—was like a dream come true. The sun begun to set though its bright glare towards you was as strong; marking the night time that stalled for you who borrowed him just a bit. Because when you heaved out an 'I love you!', you were reminded of how this scene was similar to how those romance stories goes—too good to be true. But your pounding heart served as the living proof that this moment was indeed real.
Some school security guard commented without looking up from his newspaper. “A youthful love, huh. Good luck on that.”
Refraining from rolling your eyes, you pursed your lips instead. Hurriedly at the same time a pause was rooted in place, you sorted out a proper explanation from the disorganized words piling up inside your mind.
“Um wait, so please don't misunderstand first, I just want to understand my feelings by doing this on your.. poor self haha... It's confus—I mean I'm confused whether, I truly have a crush on you which is unconfirmed obviously.” you winked reassuringly. “or I just thought that you're amazing and I really actually think so..? Ah, whatever. In short, I just want to get to know you better, sorry in advance!” you bowed.
A chill breeze washed over the stretching silence, which felt more torturous as it went on before a hearty chuckle reverberated right from the dream boy himself. “Hah—haha.. I'm sorry. It's... very much out of nowhere, I was expecting for another mindless confession to occur. But it's a wrecked train that hit me instead, spilling your feelings on me so suddenly like that. Did that help you at least?”
You blinked, unbelieving of his smile that seemed so radiant when it blurred with the dusk hue. “..hmm, I don't know yet actually.. I'm, distracted by the fact that.. this is really.... Oh, wait, let me try another.” Breathing in, you exhaled on top of other sentences. “I'm really amazed by your.. charm which is because you always... work hard being the top student and still so humble, oh and also.. uh, I forgot what I want to say. I.. you get the gist of it, surely? This is like.. a test! Yeah, just a social experiment!”
He nodded, still keeping that same smile. “Thank you for the compliment. I'm sure I could hear it for hours because it feels the most genuine. ...I hope I can be of help to you, then? I'm sure, you're greater in ways even I, an upperclassman, can't presume. People tend to know more the strength of others than themself, so... It's possible if you just haven't learn it and hone the skill tha fits you the best. If you're still here living up to this point, there will come the time for you to know.” The senior patted your shoulder before raising his hand up beside his lips as a pondering gesture. Behind his studying eyes, you could feel your soul being read through.
It was a momentary vulnerability however when he spoke up again. “How about we have a study session together? I'll be glad to help any problems you might have. The advantages will return to both of us, I could have the experience and you could get the knowledge.”
“Great idea! More better than having me keep looking up to you, it's so boring...”
You tried to scan his face that still kept a friendly smile plastered on it, then continued your talking “I.. want to be hit, I mean, by the truth!... that you're also a human like me and you have some weak points. Anyway, yeah, I want to learn more of yourself as.. a human being rather than an example or idol, I guess.” Shrugging, you sighed with an exasperated smile.
He brought a hand to conceal his grin. “Ahaha, I appreciate the honesty. You have a good start from here on out, I believe in you that you can even become more better than me.”
“Hm, okay. Well...” you ambled outside the gate with him. “Thanks for the time you spent for me, senior. See you.. tomorrow?”
“Just call me Daiki, junior. Okay? Drop the honorifics from now on, we're friends. Meet you again tomorrow! Careful on your way home.” He waved which you replied with another.
Things picked up at a rather good point that you felt hopeful for another step forward.
The school bell rang, signaling that it was time for lunch. Almost everyone scurried outside the class leaving only you, your best friend, and few others. Gathering your things, you stuffed them into your bag so the table were clear. When you lifted your head, there was Junichiro already standing in front of your desk. “Hey, (name), do you mind if we spend the lunch time together?”
You turned to her from your side who was accompanied by a stony face like usual. Seeing a new face, the senior reckoned. “Ah, you must be their friend? I'm Junichiro from Class 3-7, glad to meet you! If you want, you can join too, I wouldn't dare to separate you guys!” he chuckled.
She nodded. “Harune Risumi.” Before addressing you. “Lunch, your choice.”
Since you were used to having Harune around, you accepted the offer without hesitation.
“Alright.” He grinned gleefully in return.
No matter how much the conversation randomly turned out, he ended up talking the most. You and him realized when Harune made an effort to chat more—guiding the topic back on him—that Junichiro had been asking so many things about you. It prompted him to apologize because he was just really excited to know you. Only then did he begun to expand the topic related to him, while still connecting with how or what would your opinion be. But you somehow could feel the distaste about some other students he mentioned... or was it your imagination?
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ... ♫♬♪
After school ended, you set foot into a restful cafe; abiding his advice as it would be good to study in an enjoyable environment.
Now that the ordering business was out of the way, you took out and laid the needed materials on the table. The most difficult problems were written on your notebook. A topic had then arisen in your mind when you missed his frown as if dissatisfied.
“Wh-” “He-”
You blinked, slowly registering that you cut him off. “Sorry, you can go first, senior.”
“What about we cool off our mind a bit here before starting?” he smiled softly.
“Oh, sure. I'll do it while I gather my thoughts and prepare some questions.” you nodded before sipping your drink.
Concentrating intently on your topic ideas from earlier, you were unaware of how his eyes examined every slightest miniscule of change in your expression, assuming he was just looking down at the strewn notebooks on the table like you.
▶ • ılıılıılılılı ɪ ᴊᴜsᴛ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀᴇᴅ, ᴊᴜsᴛ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴏғ ᴄᴏᴜʀsᴇ ɪ’ᴍ ʙᴀʀᴇʟʏ ʜᴇʀᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴀʟʟ
Questions were soon traded back and forth. The utmost knowledge spilled by him; some things becoming more clear and ended up making sense. Various complains also slipped out from the two of you about the most annoying thing from some subjects. You both even laughed on silly pet peeves or habit certain teachers had.
Discreetly, he took note of that where his memory would be tested to repeat the exact words you said into the locked diary on his phone.
“It'd be good if we could still be friends even after you graduate, huh, senior?”
Daiki nodded. He will be sure to make that happen, it was an oath swore within his heart full of warmth about you to the brim.
▶ • ılıılıılılılı ɪ ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀʟᴋ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ, ᴛᴀʟᴋ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ sᴏ ʟᴏɴɢ. ᴛᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴜᴍʙ ᴛʜɪɴɢs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴅᴀᴡɴ.
Passing by weeks full of study sessions which were slowly changing to be only a bonding time, you started to get cozy indulging in the same tradition over and over.
All the times learned about Daiki; weaknesses, mistakes, and others while he found out yours was making your rose-tinted view of this 'perfect' upperclassman recreated to a realistic one.
That was the good thing.
The bad thing was you developed a blooming post-crush towards him that left you this urge to take the next step in a relationship with him, pushing you to refuse his next study session invitation with an explanation to end the tradition. You don't think you were ready to have things even more at risk and crumble if you were to confess. On top of that, his feelings for you does seem to regard you as his junior only...
“We don't need to have the studying session ordeal anymore. I think we already learn enough from it. We can still be good friends at least, um... To hang out once in a while?” you uttered out the words hesitantly, tone faltering near the end.
Stunned, he then frowned before suddenly smiling close-eyed. “Really? I'm glad if that's the case then! Of course we can, my offer to help are always open though!”
▶ • ılıılıılılılı ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ’ʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ɴᴏᴡ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs, ɪ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴀ ɢʀɪᴘ ᴏɴ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴛʏ.
“No. I mean, nah, don't need to.. All those lessons.. helped me a lot! So, I want you to.. just focus catching up.. the things in your life I guess? You would graduate soon anyway! I would be happy if I can help you too, in case you need any. Thanks for everything, senior! Goodbye!”
You didn't see the early signs—a displeased frown and pair of eyes that were boring into your back...
Not long after, slowly but surely he chose to avoid you in public for unknown reasons. Keeping his distance, shortening most talks to a brief greeting.
“Damn, screwed up big time...” you plopped yourself over the table, as Harune's look swept over you in a raised brow.
“Your feeling?”
Your head turned to the side where Harune stared back, resting her head sideway on her table.
“Well... I feel like it's not fair, just because I often spend my time with him and liking him, then if I go out telling him that I have feelings for him... Things might change. He might feel really.. uncomfortable? Awful? etcetera. Man... and you see how he acts with me now, maybe he caught on to me.”
▶ • ılıılıılılılı ɪ’ᴍ sᴇᴇɪɴɢ sɪᴅᴇs ᴏғ ʏᴏᴜ ɪ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴋɴᴇᴡ ʙᴜᴛ sᴛɪʟʟ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ
Listening your explanation, she hummed. “About him?”
“Well I'm not him—”
Harune sat up. “Discuss. Investigate. You can try.” She scowled, her eyes held resolution. “Things are going in a wrong turn.” she muttered.
Together, you advanced on searching the person in question with a newfound determination, supported by your friend. But, he wasn't at all in his class. A girl near the class door then spoke to you. “You should know by now if you're his friend, he likes to be invited by someone who wants to confess so they're probably behind the gym building again or somethin'.”
So you then reached the said place only to discover he wasn't there. Harune speaks up. “Ask around, let's.”
Splitting off from her, you explored for possible hidden places. On your way back inside the school building, some whisper of your last name catched your ears making you stop right around the corner.
“It's real, the rumors ab...t ... and Junichiro, they were ..ing it in the student council room beca... ... meeting ... ” The voice were getting distant so you hurried over to a room on third floor.
Now, you stood outside the farthest room at the corner of hall which had a 'Student Council' tag hovering above its door.
Weighing up the choices, a sound of lock from inside decided it for you as the door was opened by the person himself.
Junichiro's bewildered widening look met your eyes, his gaze switching off faintly to a torn expression as he murmurs out a “..missed you.” you barely heard.
..Um.. uh, can we talk?” you asked.
“Sorry, I'm in a hurry, maybe later?” he mustered up a wry smile.
“Oh, y-yeah that's—”
He brushed off past you so suddenly you didn't get the chance to stop him. Turning away from him, you saw someone else sitting inside the room; a student from another class stared at nothing in particular with their mouth hung open a bit. “Whywhy...”
Your curiousity brought you closer to them but they suddenly screamed. “Go AWAY! Wh—” The moment they looked up to you, a realization sparked in them that they glared. “You.. you ruined my life! Can't you be gone from my liFE! Because of you—” They harshly pushed away your side and ran away.
You then took your steps out soon, again continuing to seek him out by entering directions he might had gone to and finally spotted him from far when the first hour bell already rang off.
▶ • ılıılıılılılı ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ, ɪ-ɪ-ɪ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅɴ’ᴛ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴀᴅ sᴛʀᴀɪɢʜᴛ
Those multiplying rumors about him dating with people here and there who were either your look-alikes, had your features or name similarity didn't help your judgment either. People were also avoiding you, even portraying you in all sort of colorful words they gossiped about.
And two scene you witnessed settled it. Two times you saw him kissing two different people which you recorded and kept in your phone as precaution measures.
You racked your mind thoroughly, thinking what could possibly the reason and cause that pushed things to go this way. Poor thing you are, unaware of how his mind raced with scenarios of doing all kind of things to you if you were to replace their place. But he wouldn't do that, no, he was your perfect senior after all and things were best that way instead for him, for you. Or perhaps, he was simply feeling spiteful.
One evening at school similar to that time you first time 'confessed' to him, you confronted Junichiro in a locked room and having Harune guard it. That way, you would finally make him fess up no matter what.
Taking a deep breath, he calmly explained. “Around that time after you left, someone... dragged me off to somewhere. I think that person eavesdropped on us, and she thought... she could do whatever she wanted! By restricting my freedom to interact with you along with ways of trying to make you jealous. Or she'll...” He gripped your shoulders. “-Risumi will share negative rumors that could ruin your reputation. There's already some leaked, though, I'm sorry,” his eyes were down, wavered in a thin veil of sadness.
Keeping your mouth shut as you thought deeply, you answered. “That's unbelievable.. I...”
“I know, it must be really.. shocking for you especially since...” He shook his head slowly. “This is part of why I don't... I'm afraid to tell you.”
Unease were eating at you, so you played along with him for a bit until you went with Harune to some hidden place and telling all you knew. She proved with certainty; her alibi. She was your best friend for years even before going to the same high school together.
The truth was already obvious by that point.
Deciding to keep this between you and her, you both were going to report everything to the teacher along with prove and complete alibi.
The signs were there, but you didn't pay them much attention. That flawless image of him that he always kept up...
When you descended the stairs down with her, she fell down. Pushed.
You knew it instantly as you feel the realization dawning on you. What just transpired...
Blood leaked from her head, peeking from strands of hair, pooling under and—
“Maybe I overdid it a, huh. But I just had to. I figured she might the problem...” a voice cut in. The voice you knew very well and had grown to like. It was revealed when the voice's source walked down to approach it.
He stared at you deeply, his face blank in the dim stairwell. “Is this thing still your dear friend? Looks a bit wretched to me.”
The accident soon spread like wildfire. But with his serious expression and unshaken voice again, Junichiro cleared up everything; that it was only an accident in purpose of self-defense as she tried to harm him. His words were supported by another big lie accusing that your best friend was the villain all along because her 'motive' made sense. Smooth but powerful—the effect he held. He ended it with a confession, causing you and him to be known as a couple.
Even your school swept that incident under the rug and sealed it shut by money. Everyone was done with it. Only you knew the truth, keeping it as a treasure saved for Harune.
Like today, too, you clutched her pale hand as she lied on her white hospital bed. Your loving boyfriend put his hand over yours, but you ignored the sweet nothings he whispered that could only cut through your already wilting heart.
A demon in angel's shape you want nothing to do with anymore.
ɪғ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴄᴀʟʟ
ʟᴏᴠᴇ, ᴛʜᴇɴ ɪ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ’ᴠᴇ
ʟɪᴋᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ sᴏᴏɴᴇʀ...
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mccnrxse · 6 months
alias / name : E. or Ellie
birthday : 18th July
zodiac sign : Cancer
height : 169 cm or 5 ft 6 in
hobbies : writing, playing Dungeons & Dragons, videogames, board games (like Twilight Imperium, Root, Wingspan, etc.), Magic The Gathering, singing in a choir (it's a university choir even though I have graduated already), skiing (haven't had the chance to do that in years :( )
favourite colour : violet and purple (warm shades), black and dark/blood red
favourite book : it's a tie between Prince of the Ancients by Gemma L. Preston (a very nice fantasy book) and The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas (this is a romantic comedy with a little bit of spice, it was perfect for my hopeless romantic self)
last song : Safe and Sound by Capital Cities (right now I have my bff's music dump playlist going while I'm on the clock, it has everything in it and I mean EVERYTHING)
last film / show : last film was Dune 2, but show... uh, I don't remember. I think the last one was The Nanny (1999), I still have a few episodes left until it's finished.
recent reads : does my dash count? the last book I have actually finished is Castle of Dusk and Shadows by Rachel L. Schade (it was not bad actually), now I'm listening to an audiobook My Best Friend's Ex by Meghan Quinn, and tbh I'm cringing most of the time, but I kinda want to know how it ends.
inspiration : where I get inspiration for writing? mostly it's life, books, movies, videogames (obviously :D), and sometimes ideas come to me and inspiration hits me while I'm doing dishes, so, idk, go figure. mostly it's the content I consume on the internet.
story behind url : it's nothing special, really. I wanted to have an overall BG3 related url that wouldn't be tied/related to just one character and this was the first one that popped into my mind, idk the word itself is pretty, a bit serene, and magical.
fun fact about me : I discovered a love for the fantasy genre because of my mom. it started way back in 2001, I was in 4th grade, and we read all the new and popular fantasy books. we tried watching LoTR, but ended up fully watching the first movie, only half of the second one and none of the third, because I was scared of the monsters :D but eventually, I got over my childhood trauma, my husband showed me all the movies during the first year of dating and I actually really liked them.
tagged by : @narratingastory <3 tagging : since I haven't scrolled through the dash a lot lately, I apologize if I tag someone who has already done this, but here you go – @architaciturn (yes, double tagging you because I want to), @oathfcrged , @pactclawed , @murderbled , @loyalborn , @dreadgloom , @mystraguideme , @altrxisme , @nightsdogma (but also, if you don't want to share stuff about you, it's all good, I won't take it personally if you don't do this <3)
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We Fell in Love in October, chapter 3 - October 3rd: Lunch Dates
For @dungeons-are-too-cold specifically because I told them that they would lose their minds over this chapter and also @gaelic-symphony bc she is my beta reader
Summary: Each of our main pairings goes on a lunch date, ft. a brief appearance by Willifer and Misty
Chapter word count: 1906
Total word count: 4844
Can also be read here on Ao3
Emily nearly jumped out of her skin when someone came up behind her at her locker and wrapped their arms around her waist.
"Relax, relax," Tara chuckled. "It's just me."
"Oh, okay," Emily said as she tried to return her breathing to normal. "Hey, you! What's up?"
"Well, I was thinking, it's our third day of being girlfriends and we haven't even gone on a date yet. Can I take you to lunch?"
"You most definitely can. Beats the peanut butter and jam sandwich I brought for myself."
"I am concerned for your eating habits when your mother is out of town."
"I can't cook, Tara!"
"Exactly! I'll have to give you some lessons."
"Or… you can just cook for me."
"I may be your girlfriend right now, but I am not your housewife!"
"Shame. You'd look so pretty in one of those fifties housewife dresses." Emily trailed her hand along Tara's waist on the comfy knit turtleneck sweater she was currently wearing. 
Tara was gay panicking again, but tried to laugh it off. "Yeah, maybe for Halloween. Now come on, I'm taking you out for lunch."
"Cool. Where?"
"The Burgers & Shakes down the street? It's close and affordable."
"Do you just want to split a milkshake with two straws?"
Tara could feel her cheeks warm. "Maybe."
Emily grinned. "Sap. Sounds good. Let's go."
They made their way to the restaurant and were seated quite quickly. "So, what do you recommend?" Emily asked Tara. "Since this was your idea and all."
"The chocolate-strawberry milkshake is to die for. Does that sound good to you?"
"Sounds amazing."
They ordered their milkshake and were served not too long after, since it didn't take long to make. It came in a large metal cup with two straws. "This feels hopelessly rom-com," Emily laughed.
"Says the girl who suggested we date for October so that we weren't both single for unofficial lesbian month."
"Yeah, okay, that's fair."
Halfway through the milkshake, Emily found herself with a massive brain freeze. "Ow ow ow ow ow," she muttered, pressing her fingertips against her temples.
"Did I not tell you to take it slow?" Tara asked her.
"No, no you did not, actually."
"Really? Oh. Well, you should take it slow. You don't want to get a brain freeze."
Emily laughed sarcastically. "Fat load of good that does me now, thanks, Tara. Do you have anything that might actually help me get rid of this brain freeze you are completely at fault for?"
"Press your thumb to the roof of your mouth."
She did, and quickly found that her brain freeze did in fact dissipate. "Wow. That's actually not bad."
"You're welcome," Tara said.
Emily stuck her tongue out at her. "I did not say thank you. I still blame you for the brain freeze in the first place."
They finished their milkshake, and as they were preparing to leave, Emily noticed Tara had some in the corner of her mouth. She picked up her napkin and said, "Here, you have a little something…" she wiped it off Tara's face, and suddenly the tension between the two girls was palpable. Emily once again found herself wanting to kiss Tara, but told herself it was too soon, and she had no idea if Tara was even okay with that.
Tara cleared her throat. "Um. Thank you." And with that, the tension was gone.
"Yeah. Of course. You would have done the same for me." She held out her arm to Tara. "Shall we head back?"
Tara looped her arm through Emily's. "We shall."
Spencer was less than startled when a very familiar set of hands covered his eyes and an equally as familiar voice from behind him said, "Guess who?"
"Hmm, I fucking wonder." Spencer turned around and pressed a light kiss to Derek's lips. "Hey."
"Do you know what today is?"
"It happens to be our thirty-eight-month anniversary, but I highly doubt that's what you're talking about."
"Actually, it is. I want to take you out to lunch to celebrate. Does that sound okay to you?"
Surprisingly, Spencer found himself blinking back tears. "Wait, you actually remembered? You're not just making that up?"
"No, seriously, look." Derek pulled out his phone and showed Spencer his calendar where that date had a reminder that said, 3 years and 2 months with my Pretty Boy! "I know we don't always do something on our monthly anniversary now that we have yearly anniversaries… but I thought maybe we could start?"
Spencer was really fighting back tears now. "I love you so much."
Derek wrapped his arms around Spencer and kissed him gently. "I love you too. So are we going out for lunch or what? Because I want to eat pizza with my boyfriend."
Spencer laughed through the happy tears that had begun to fall. "Yeah. I want that too."
Hand in hand, the two boys made their way to a pizza shop just behind their school. They swung their arms between them, and it just felt so terribly cliché. They loved it. They got a small pizza and shared it, feeding each other bites from their own slices even though it was the same pizza. 
"I like the idea of still doing something for our monthly anniversaries," Spencer told Derek as they were heading back. "Even though we have annual anniversaries now, these should still be just as important, you know?"
"Yeah," Derek said, smiling and this boy that he loved so much. "I know."
JJ and her boyfriend, Will Lamontagne, accosted Matt and his girlfriend Kristy in the hall. "The four of us are going on a lunch double date," JJ told them. "Now. No cafeteria."
Kristy and Matt looked stunned. "Um, okay," Matt said. "Can we ask why?"
"Emily texted me saying she and Tara weren't going to be at lunch because they were going out. Spence also texted that he and Derek weren't going to be at lunch because they're going out. So if the four of us leave, who do we leave behind all alone?"
It hit the other couple at the exact same moment. "Luke and Penelope."
"Exactly! So if we get them to spend lunch alone together, then maybe they'll actually start to take steps towards becoming the more than friends they are clearly meant to be!"
"Sounds good," Kristy said. "Let's go."
When Luke arrived at their normal meetup spot, only Penelope was there.
"Hey," he said. "Where's everyone else?"
"Well, it appears all of our friends have decided that October third is the best day of all days to go on lunch dates. So they are all gone."
“So it’s just you and me then?” He knew she was probably less than thrilled at the prospect, so he tried to keep some of the excitement out of his voice.
"Well, I mean, I was just going to go to the new coffee house that opened down the street. It's vegan, and no one else has wanted to try it with me, so this is as good an opportunity as any."
"Do you mind if I join you?"
Penelope raised her brows at him. "You did hear the part where I said it was vegan, right?"
"Yeah, I don't care. It sounds nice. Besides, I've hung out with pretty much everyone in our group one-on-one except for you. It could be fun."
"As long as you don't judge my eating habits."
Luke laughed at that, but the look in her eyes told him she was dead serious. "Wait, you don't think I would actually ever do that, do you?"
She shrugged and didn't look him in the eyes. 
"Come on, I knew you weren't my biggest fan, but do you really think I'm that much of a douchebag?"
She shrugged again. "I don't know. Not anymore. I kinda thought you were, back when you were new, you just gave off those vibes, I guess. I mean, come on, some new army brat macho football player? What was I supposed to think?"
"Well you know me now," he pointed out. "Surely you know I'm not like that. And I mean, come on, would Tara call me one of her best friends if I was a terrible guy? Would she even associate with me? You know lesbians are famously picky about the men they interact with."
Penelope giggled. "Yeah, I guess that's true." Her smile then fell a bit. "I'm sorry, Luke."
"Don't worry about it. So are you going to allow me to accompany you to your fancy coffee house, or are you going to leave me here all on my lonesome?"
She giggled again. "Yeah, sure, let's go."
He bowed and swept his arms in front of him in a grand gesture. "Lead the way, Chica."
The atmosphere of the coffee shop was amazing. It smelled heavenly and had a dark wood interior, with pieces of art all over the walls and dim lightbulbs hanging over the tables. Unfortunately, all this also made it feel like a prime date location.
"You're going to have to tell me what to get," Luke told her. "I've never eaten anything vegetarian or vegan before."
"Okay, well any coffee you get is going to be the same as normal, just with dairy-free milk, and they have paninis and baked goods if you want to get something to eat."
"Wait, Caprese," Luke said, pointing at one of the paninis. "Doesn't that have mozzarella cheese?"
"Well normally yes, but in this case they would have made fake cheese with tofu."
"Wait a second, you can make fake cheese from tofu?"
"Mhmm! You can make a lot out of tofu!"
"And does it taste like the real deal?"
"Why don't you try it and find out?"
Luke did end up getting that panini, and Penelope got a mushroom one. They each also got a cookie–chocolate chip for him, peanut butter for her–and an iced coffee.
"Queen culture is getting iced coffee at any time of the year," Penelope said.
"Truly," Luke agreed, laughing as he tapped his cup against hers.
They ate their lunch, laughing and chatting about everything and nothing. By the end of the lunch break, some of the tension between the two seemed to have dissolved.
"Hey, I had fun today," he told her, bumping her shoulder with his. "Seriously."
She smiled softly. "Me too." Then, with a smirk, she added, "Just don't think this means I'm going to be nice to you."
He laughed, holding the door open for her to leave ahead of him. "Of course."
They parted ways once they reached the school, each of them headed to their respective lockers. 
JJ sidled up to Penelope at hers. “So… how was lunch with Luke?”
“It was fine, I guess. Why—” she whipped her head around to glare at JJ. “Did you set that up on purpose?”
“No,” JJ lied.
Penelope fixed her with a look.
“Well, not entirely! But when I heard Tara and Em and Spence and Derek were going out already… I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get you and ‘Cool Hand Luke’ to spend some time together.
Penelope buried her face in her hands. “I can’t believe I actually called him that around you. I hate you, you know that?”
“Mhmm,” JJ said, wrapping her arm around the shorter girl’s shoulder and giving her a friendly kiss on the head. “Sure you do.”
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bulletholemagazine · 2 years
1. The Acacia Strain - FRESH BONES
Oh my god, this band is heavy again. This and the previous single UNINTENDED GRAVES sound like they're outtakes from 3750. If this is what the first two singles are like I can't imagine what the rest of the album will be. The Acacia Strain have been on a long run of more atmospheric and somber albums since DL left, which of course isn't bad, but it also isn't their strength exactly. What is though, is THIS. THE FUCKING BREAKDOWN AT THE END OF THIS. HOLY FUUUUUUCK. Need I say more? Go listen to it. Go support them. First time they've been great in a really long time.
2. Suicide Silence - Remember... You Must Die
I'd like to preface this by saying that it's sort of a trend that deathcore bands are going back to the OG Myspace sound and even the one before that (the more hardcore/mathcore influenced type of dxc, ergo Glass Casket, Ion Dissonance). I think it's awesome. I'm a massive fan of both of those styles and I think they hold up perfectly. This album doesn't do it for me. I know the guys just got out of a horrible situation and they're healthy together, but Become The Hunter was just better. I don't know what the process was exactly behind it, but there's less memorable riffs, the production's down a notch, and Eddie sounds weaker. Flat out, it's just a lesser release to me and a bit of a dissapoint. I feel like the guys could do so much better, seeing especially as they're literally the bridging between the old-school and myspace sound. I want them to write something exciting, not No Time To Bleed part 2. That said, there's a few good song, but the past album and the previous singles still clear them. I am let down and blueballed.
Ass on the cover, 10/10. Jokes aside, since DRAIN had signed to Epitaph, we only had Watch You Burn for the longest time. Now however, they came out with this song and another one called Evil Finds Light, and I think it's safe to say these guys haven't let up. Although I think so far the tracks as energetic and sporadic as was the case with California Cursed, that's not necessarily a bad thing. There's lots of bounce, way more creative drumwork, production is a slight bit better, guitars sound even chunkier!!! Feels like a natural followup to making something so pissed off and fast, plus touring and doing shows relentlessly for the last three years, ALSO considering that their vocalist is in Gulch. Taking it a bit slower and making something maybe a bit less agro is the perfect step forward for these guys. Though you never know, maybe they have album cuts that rip at a faster tempo. We'll have to wait and see.
That does it from me on this post. Thank you for reading! Next time I'm covering old bands I've discovered that I think are worth talking about, and after that I'll talk about a few other new releases that caught my attention. Toodles.
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cartoonus-maximus · 2 years
Currently thinking about how I would have written the FazFrights books, what I would have kept the same and what I would have changed...
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rosyadventure · 3 years
Fics by Theme || Like a Boss
Masterlist of Lists | Holy Grail Fics
In celebration of Women's History Month (in the US) and (belated) International Women's Day, these are my favorite fics that star a strong, confident, badass OC.
💪 = read these first (if you haven't already)!
P.S. I was planning on releasing this list earlier in the month but I've been busy studying for my board exams 😅. Hopefully I'll be able to get on a more regular schedule in mid-April after it's over!
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After Midnight Series (m) by @gyukult | JJK | doctor reader, bad boy JK, fwb
Watch (read?) as the OC realizes that she does want a family, children, and white picket fence after all, and navigates finding a serious relationship while maintaining boundaries at work.
“Jeon Jungkook only likes seeing you after midnight.”
At the Heart of It All Series (m) 💪 by loseyoutoloveme (AO3) | KTH ft. Jaehyun (NCT) | college au, established relationship au, CS major reader, soccer captain TH, football captain Jaehyun, e2l, Jaehyun really calls Tae every letter in the alphabet except V
For all of the women in STEM out there, a story where the OC learns to own her intelligence and ambition instead of hiding behind a facade to please her parents. Tae isn't painted in the best light in this story (and of course, this is a fictional character) so you might want to skip this one if that upsets you.
How much longer can you keep up your ruse of being the perfect daughter and future, supportive soccer wife before everything comes crashing down?
Break My Mind's Eye Series (m) by @flowerwrites06 | JJK ft. MYG | arranged marriage au, fashion designer reader, drug lord JK, older brother TH, police officer YG, angst, mentions of drug use
A tale as old as time: sacrificing yourself for someone you love. I'm amazed at how the OC manages to flourish as a fashion designer in the face of adversity, and has the clarity of mind to make tough decisions that affect her and those around her.
"Jungkook thinks marriage is the only way to seal a deal."
Chism Series 💪 by @kpopfanfictrash | KTH | fantasy au, magic reader, winter god TH, s2l
This OC is strong in terms of her magic abilities as well as her resolution to stand up for what's right. She has an open mind and a lot of curiosity, which drives her harrowing journey to bring back seasons in a land that is permanently stuck in summer.
“Do not listen to what the prisoner has to say and above else, keep your head. The old gods may be dead, but the humans are living.”
Fight for You Series (m) 💪 by @ahundredtimesover | JJK | rich au, heiress/marketing executive reader, bodyguard JK, s2l, angst
All of us have had hurtful assumptions made about us – in the OC's case, everyone thinks that she's superficial and more interested in socializing than taking over her parents' business. What I love about this OC is how she stays true to herself and allows others continue to think what they want (even though it still hurts).
Jungkook takes the job as your bodyguard with the sole intention of earning enough money to fund his dreams. It takes him a long time to realize that his dreams are a lot closer than he previously thought.
From Home Series (m) 💪 by @gyukult | JJK | fake dating, baker reader, rich JK, e2l
The OC has a culinary degree, two jobs, and several bones to pick with Jungkook (the biggest of which seems to be his lackadaisical attitude toward money, even though he no longer has any). While working hard to achieve her dream of opening a bakery, she also learns how to accept help from others.
When Jungkook is kicked out, cut-off from his parents’ money, and forced to be a member of the working class, he views you as his ticket back home.
Matchmaker Series (m) 💪 by @bonvoyagenoona | JJK ft. MYG | CEO reader, banker JK, CFO YG, e2l
Aside from the fact that this OC founded her own business using evidence-based methods of matching people together (super cool in and of itself), I love how she's so confident in the algorithm that she's willing to take on the worst possible customer.
"How are you supposed to help find Namjoon the perfect match when Jungkook keeps sneering at your state-of-the-art, well-researched system? Then again, there’s nothing that your science can’t fix."
No Blueberries (m) by @gyukult | KTH | college au, reader & TH work at the library, annoyances2l (enemies seems too harsh)
It's refreshing to read about an OC who straightforwardly and unabashedly pursues a relationship with someone she's interested in.
You're a simple woman who knows what you want: Kim Taehyung.
Office Hours Series (m) by @bonvoyagenoona | KNJ ft. KSJ | college au, professor reader/NJ/SJ, e2l
For all of the women out there struggling through their graduate studies in academia, the OC tackles challenges that almost seem too real: balancing teaching and research duties with mental health, the struggle to get tenure, and dealing with divorce when all your work is tied to your married name.
"Just over twenty-four hours ago, both of you were looking into each others’ eyes from across a conference room table, screaming that the other would shut up. Now, you realize that there are so many more questions to ask, and that you desperately want to find out each other’s answers."
Once Upon a Bracelet (m) by @ladyartemesia | JJK ft. KSJ | fantasy, sorceress reader, prince SJ/JK, e2l
I love how fierce this OC is – she's never one to back away from a challenge, and she finds someone who kindles her sparks into wildfires.
“Jeon Jungkook is (probably) a former necromancer and (definitely) the wrong prince… but the bracelets tell a different story.”
Ready or Not Series (m) by @littlemisskookie | KTH | Battle Royale (Hunger Games-esque) au, dystopian au, student reader/TH, ☠️
NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART. A story in which the OC has been trained her whole life to win the Battle Royale, and she fully intends to win.
"Your class field trip turns out to be a battle to the death."
Reliability Series by @mrsparknamjoon | KTH | CEO au, businesswoman reader, CEO TH, e2l
A series that starts with "fake it 'til you make it" and turns into loving yourself enough to know when you should leave a poor work environment and relationship that isn't working out.
You don't know what you got until it's gone. When you leave Taehyung's company, he realizes that he's lost more than a trusted advisor and former business school rival.
Scumbag Series by @tangerineyoongles | MYG & PJM (feat. KSJ) | ongoing, bookstore owner reader, flower shop owner JM, angst, s2f2l, mentions of death and alcoholism
Strength comes in different shapes and sizes. Sometimes the hardest thing to do in life is to admit that you were wrong, acknowledge that your actions hurt others, and move forward the best you can.
"Life had not dealt you a favorable hand, but instead of trying to make the best of it, you live your life with a bitter kick in your step, taking anyone and everyone you can down with you."
Straight Shooter (m) by @snackhobi | MYG | futuristic/sci fi au, weapons builder reader, assassin YG, e2l
I appreciate how this OC is confident in her abilities as an amazing weapon designer and continues on with her work (albeit with stronger protection) despite a terrifying break in.
Yoongi swears that the only reason he visits you is because you’re the best gunsmith in the city.
The Road to Radiant by @kookskingdom | JJK | gamer au, team captain reader, rival team member JK, e2l
A reminder that even good leaders have moments of self-doubt, and that teams are only as strong as the weakest link.
When one of your team members leaves to join your rival team, you scramble to find a replacement.
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persephoneyss · 3 years
Bad Movie.
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Pairing: Jung Hoseok x f! Reader. Ft. Jungkook.
Genre: Yandere, dark themes, angst, gore a little.
Summary: ❝Looking for the person you love, beautiful woman.❞
Warnings: Yandere behavior, obsession, harassment / stalking, humiliation, forced marriage, non-sexual intercourse, abuse of power, implicit murder, drug use naming, minor past master / pet relationships, secondary character abduction, ugly hallucinating hoseok , beatings, blood, photos depicting abuse, mistreatment and death, bribery, sexism and humiliation (directly aimed at female prostitutes), hoseok mistreats and humiliates jk, awkward marriage proposals, use namjoon as a secondary character because it hurts more:(, etc.
Number of words: 6000+
︙Author's Note: This is my longest fic so far, I think. It took a lot for me to do it, especially since I didn't have a clear idea about the whole plot that would take and the role that each character would develop. So if you see Jungkook in a kind of strange character, blame my mind for including him almost last. Also, I hate Hoseok in this fic. Namjoon angel and fallen soldier, by the way let me know if they cried with his death, it hurt me to write it. Thank you very much for the 200 notes in my previous fic, I'm crying.
Read the Warnings well and enjoy!
(Sorry for any mistakes, my first language is not English and I am not fluent either.)
Puedes leer este fic y más aquí en español.
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Confidence, a beautiful and treacherous feeling at times.
Feeling superior is a constant whisper of the ego within you, calling to be released and make others feel as what they really are, despicable and useless trash. It was fun laughing at losers when you haven't had that sense of defeat yet.
Hoseok fervently watched his rivals fall at his feet, laughing at his incompetence and stomping even more pathetic defeated form even though they were already dead in tears of pain. He smiled, he always did when he felt invincible and He bit his lip gently to hold back an excited laugh.
No one could be compared to him, and in his high sense of power he could never be alert when he struck him with a blast of vengeance.
It was you.
His eyes stared at you in horror and anger, his ego inside him hated you from the first moment. Because while despicable, he loved you for much more than his pride and winning sense.
He fell at your feet but he never made you notice it, behaving as he normally would around you even though he was always behind you.
Luck was her greatest ally, he always smiled at her and she helped him. It was fun to play with your opponents pretending to be the victim, the cornered mouse and then smash everyone with a snap of your fingers.
His mother looked at him with love and his father with pride, he was the only and favorite son of the Jung family. His success was never derived from love, much less, it was blasphemy in his family to say something so false and impossible.
Hoseok admired his family when they met in the great message of his parents' house, his grandparents smiled and his relatives brought out their most exquisite stories to entertain. They were all crows pretending to show interest in a prestigious place in the will of the family's monarch, his grandfather.
It was at one of those dinners that he got to meet you, he used to get bored of hearing his cousins ​​tell their anecdotes with prostitute women who mostly called, whores of a night. Mocking their shocked faces when they refused to pay them and threw them out of their big luxurious houses.
He rolled his eyes when a family friend, little Jungkook who was known to his father because of his prestige in his last name, chimed in trying to get into the conversation with a shy smile.
Lucky bastard, he thought bitterly. He didn't like the little idiot sticking his hands in boiling water, he wasn't even supposed to be there.
He hummed a goodbye as he walked out the front doors, walking aimlessly to his bored eyes. His feet stopped abruptly with a strangled sigh when he first saw you, you looked tired as you apparently searched for a key inside your bag. Could visualize the logo on your shirt from the grocery store where he assumed you were employed, He stood looking for what seemed like an eternity at you before you find the keys and rush through the back door. He snorted before lazily continuing on his way, however the next day he ended up following in your footsteps again and with even more confidence.
It took a few weeks for him to be able to enter the small commerce store and be able to look you face to face for the first time, it was expected that you would serve him with a smile asking if he was offered something. But he did not see you anywhere, he looked for you before another equally young woman approached him kindly, he sighed making a face of disgust surprising the she worker, his expensive shoes got dirty on the floors of the humble place with shame. His little investigation and search took him through many corridors of the establishment, he observed the shelves and each person who seemed to be wearing the uniform of the store thinking of finding you distracted with your work, maybe he thought of approaching you and asking for directions which he clearly didn't need. Knowing that  she you couldn't refuse because that was your job. In a way, you were there to serve him.
He let out a bored sigh, tired of playing hide and seek, he turned around ready to leave that place that disgusted him so much in a certain way, but once again he stopped in an instant. It was a moan. He clenched his fists, walking hurriedly to the place where the noise came from, he was sure it was your voice and that made him even more angry thinking that he would find you in a compromising position with someone.
He did not think that his lover would be such a stupid and dirty person.
You were crouched on the floor, grimacing with pain and exhaustion. You seemed very annoyed trying to lift a box with your arms, the scene was tender and certainly pathetic, she smiled noticing that you were so distracted that you were never aware of how I was watching you with carnal desire and painfully bad adoration.
"I-can I help you." He was surprised at his little babble, justifying himself later. Nobody ever managed to make him nervous, his father used to despise weak people and certainly he always sought his approval by doing things that were not correct. "They seem heavy."
Your face pale before the scare, turning into a face of shame quickly, you shook your head with a gentle movement, smiling still pained. "I'm fine sir. Can I help you? Maybe he got lost, let me guide-..."
"Actually, I do need help but not with your services." I speak in disagreement, you seemed confused but she nodded at his request. The customer is always right, right? How convenient. "I need you to allow me to help you with that heavy box, not to be rude or calling you weak miss, but you can't seem to handle it."
Lie, under his politically correct excuse was a dialogue about how insufficient you are even with things as easy and common as carrying a box, obviously you needed his help and Hoseok could give you that and more, much more. You just had to say it, it was so simple and fun.
"I -... I can do it, but i will accept your help sir ..." He smiled making an emphasis for he to give him his name, he let out a small laugh finishing his sentence.
“Hoseok, you can call me Hoseok, darling..." He mock imitating his position, your name left your lips like a melody and he immediately felt the sweet taste of it slide down his tongue. Beautifully perfect, indeed. "Now that we can finish the introductions please allow me."
Her expensive outfit crumpled as she bent down to lift the box with ease, you were once again oblivious to her incoherent and certainly crazy fantasies, it was like a romance comedy movie in her eyes. The charming fellow always stays with the girl. And likewise, no one could go against the fictional plot.
He was immersed in the beautiful narrative that you would be hers at the end of the credits.
It was not the last time she saw you, she returned to her same routine of continuing to stalk you with obvious impudence. The only thing that really changed was her new setting and her character, he was hiding between the shelves waiting for the right moment to appear in front of you with a charming smile. Over and over, he was locked in an infinite loop.
He was starting to get tired of just having you in his arms and sheets just in his heavy and lustful dreams.
"A date? How funny Hoseok."
His face twisted in annoyance, but he put on a fake smile again when you looked at him again. "Hobi." He corrected in a high-pitched voice, insisting that you call him that. "And she spoke very seriously my dear, everything is ready."
"Eh ... I -..." A simple wave of her hands was enough to shut you up, you frown in confusion and secretly disgusted.
"On Saturday, I'll send you the address of the restaurant. Goodbye, dear!"
You watch it for a few seconds but he's already gone, you resign yourself to continuing with your work of ordering the products on the shelves. Thinking and trying to remember when you gave him your number. A very characteristic noise distracts you, a call makes you smile with love and adoration.
The plot is taking an interesting turn.
Hoseok was charming by nature, his economic position made him even more desirable to the opposite gender and even his own. It was not strange to see people flirting with him or being suggestive with his proposals, he was on a pedestal and he enjoyed it. His subconscious whispered a little bored. I couldn't deny that he became boring in a way, but you appeared in the story as an extra who soon became a main character. You changed the script of his life already established and narrated.
You were so funny.
He smiled in front of the mirror when he thought of you, since he met you that day he started chatting with you secretly from your supervisor. You had told him several anecdotes to make him laugh, you were also naturally charming pulling out various expressions of adoration that you did not even notice. Oblivious to that, you'd better get ready for the climax of the movie.
The wind was strong in the streets of Seoul, your hair was noticeably messy causing you to let out a tired sigh. You should be planning your wedding banquet right now, but you honestly didn't want to leave Hoseok alone at the dinner he had organized. You put the invitation in your bag, thinking of giving it to her when the time was right with a smile. He seemed like a good person and undoubtedly a good friend in the future.
"You're on time, I was just about to order our food. Honey." The last word slid down his tongue with malice and arrogance, Hoseok inwardly chuckling at your disengaged expression.
"Thanks, but don't stop you can order for both." You say arranging your chair correctly.
The restaurant looked relatively empty, there were only three other people including a couple who ate dinner while chatting enthusiastically.
You smile unconsciously, thinking about what would also make you feel the same way.
"I was looking forward to this dinner, my dear. I also hoped I could tell you how much you have captivated me for a long time, specifically since the first day I saw you." And the others too, he thought shifting your posture.
"Thank you, I'm very flattered to cause that feeling ... in, good in you." You whisper clearly uncomfortable forcing yourself to stay calm. You were sure that you had never given a hint or anything else in Hoseok to establish romantic feelings. "But I-... "
"I know, darling. That is why I have to offer you the opportunity to be my girlfriend and my future wife."
For a moment, you feel a rush through your body. You refuse to make a scene in front of all the few people present out of respect, you calm down by counting to ten slowly in your head, but it becomes very difficult for you as you continue to observe his comfortable smile and how he behaves. He seemed very sure of the affirmative respect you would give him, you snort angrily at the thought.
"I am sorry to have been misunderstood Mr. Hoseok, but I am not seeking a relationship with you and very sorry I reject any relationship beyond friendship." Your body lifts up, making Hoseok laugh well in advance of your final sentences. "I am engaged and my future husband is waiting for me, good afternoon."
Trembling, you leave the invitation in silence, leaving the luxurious premises in the same way. The waiters watching you with surprise, being an audience of rejection and humiliation on your part. Hoseok sighs, sipping his wine glass patiently pretending not to hear what the couple behind him are saying.
What a bad luck.
Life wanted to want to return all his damn vanity to him, making fun of him with your almost imminent rejection, obviously he knew that you were engaged and that you loved the poor man who had the bad luck to be his competition, but love is not always the important thing in a relationship or at least not of both parties. The voices of the waiters and the couple distract him from his plans for his next step, he clenches his fists angrily dropping the silverware on the plate calling the attention of everyone in the place.
"Filthy vulgar and talkative people, she will be my wife even if her words have been heard by her prying ears." He raised his voice, causing everyone to shut up. "It's just part of the script."
Maybe if the character who wanted to be the main loses the role of him, he should be the villain. The bad guy in the movie.
He read the invitation with meticulous delicacy, laughing at the little message you put aside. He thought about attending for a second, wondering if it would be nice to walk in to go straight to the altar and shoot your husband willing to take his place by your side. But that would be risky.
"Where are we going, sir?" He asked his driver with a smile.
"Take me to the best brothel in Seoul." He whispered delicately, smiling just as happily as before your rejection. I'd make you pay double the bill for your indulgence.
And likewise, the world is a truly small place. Jungkook nodded clearly uncomfortable obeying someone other than Mr. Jung. Hoseok cornered him like a helpless rabbit in the claws of a cunning fox, flashing his jaw in warning. He felt confused about his little assigned task, watching the direction pointing the right way to his chauffeur who only followed orders.
A small feeling of remorse ran through him, making him want to vomit when he remembered how Hoseok's face was so close to his with arrogance, as his hands roamed his arms gently. He was disgusting how he used his power to such a useless and demanding gain, sometimes without any realism.
"Little Jungkook, you have a very lovely name. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, you were so insignificant that you seemed pathetic to me." He whispered making her wince. "My father told me that you are good at obeying, I would like to test his theory." His cold hands were constantly running down his arms, making a shiver run through his body. "Still remembering well, I already did it before."
Jungkook was weak under his cloak of power, where he could so easily hide it. Lose it. "Yes, h-hyung." An inappropriate moan came from his lips causing him to cover her mouth in shame, a little touch near his crotch was enough to tempt him. Hoseok smirked, narrowing his eyes before walking away slowly wiping his fingers on his expensive clothes in disgust.
"I want you to befriend someone, don't ask, just do it. I'll tell you your next step when you're done." He ordered bored.
"We are here, young Jeon." Notice Jimin with a smile, Jungkook sighed wearily thanking him before getting out of the car ready to fulfill his mission.
I observe him for a few seconds standing in the entrance without doing anything, he was cleaning the windows of the building with force. He seemed like a nice person, certainly a bit humble. He approached making the man bow respectfully, even though he was older. Money can buy everything, they say.
"I am young Jeon, a new investor. May I have a chat with you?"
The man was surprised, no one who was someone by name and a few numbers along with several zeros would be able to notice his presence and at least greet him. A coffee sounded more intimate and undoubtedly inconvenient for him, but again out of respect he accepted the offer with a smile adorning his features.
"My name is Jungkook informally, but I like you and you can call me that." He spoke kindly.
"Namjoon, Mr. Je -... I'm sorry, Jungkook." He corrected sheepishly, making her smile.
He still didn't understand that he planned to do Hoseok with a building cleaner, but he didn't feel in a position worth asking. Furthermore, he would still not receive an honest answer.
He passed by the same place every day, pretending to enter the building only so he could meet Mr. Kim and talk about unimportant subjects. He gained his trust almost immediately, promising that he would give her a better job soon at his own company. He felt like an idiot taking advantage of the man in front of him in such a way for a simple whim from Hoseok.
He was an idiot, but he didn't want to go back to what he was before. A pet.
"I'm very happy, I think she will make a good wife." He responded with encouragement, seeing how Namjoon nodded looking for a picture of his fiancée to show him. He seemed excited, Jungkook understood his happiness after he explained that he saved for a long time to achieve his dream of getting married in a church. They were both in it together, in looking for a future.
He got lost in his thoughts, maybe if he lied to Hoseok about gaining trust from him, saying that Namjoon was a very cold and quiet man, he could make him forget about it. He sighed squeezing the coffee cup in his hands, Namjoon caught his attention by showing a photo of you smiling at the camera with a background of the bridge and the sun behind making a beautiful background.
Jungkook became alert, having seen that face before.
Hoseok had you as the wallpaper on his phone, he knew it was you because of your characteristic features and the scarf you wore in both photos. You were the new fad of a rich fool.
"T-is ... She's so cute, you're very lucky."
Namjoon nodded with a smile, apologizing before returning to his work upon being called by his supervisor. Jungkook put aside his cup feeling the bitter taste of his thoughts, Hoseok was planning something, he knew he was a son of a bitch who liked to keep his plans under lock and key and in a deep grave. He walked away calling for Jimin quickly, before being accosted by Namjoon who came running over, seemingly forgetting something of the utmost importance.
"I apologized Mr. Jeon, but I wanted to give you this personally. It is an invitation, in addition to the proposal to be the best man at our wedding. My fiancee said that it would be appropriate for me to choose someone and I decided that you were perfect, you can decline if you prefer. . " He spoke kindly, as always. Namjoon seemed to have no hatred in his heart, making his own feel heavy on his chest.
Could he bear the blame?
"It's my pleasure to accept her proposal, thank you for considering me. Good afternoon, namjoon-hyung."
He said goodbye by getting into the car as fast as he could, making Jimin look at him with derision. Obviously noticing his nervousness, Jungkook sighed hiding the invitation as much as he could before reading Hoseok's message ordering him to go to his house to sort out his affairs.
It seemed like a joke as he always looked so flawless, ready to humiliate him again.
"Jungkookie, I'm glad to see you again. Now, we'd better come in for our talk." He smiled making anger grow inside him, Hoseok sat on one of his expensive furniture before pouring himself a glass of wine. "Well, I heard from a little bird that you accomplished your task. Good pet."
"Don't call me that, hyung." He grunted in annoyance, making him laugh. "I can't go through with this, I did what you wanted. Leave Namjoon-hyung alone."
"Oh, they're close now really cute. But you forget that I can't fulfill your wish, because "Namjoon-hyung " is an essential piece in my little game." I speak mocking him as always. "Then we will move on to the next step ..." He thinking for a moment, before snapping his fingers. "Invite him to a bachelor party night at the brothel in the center, I already made the reservation. When they are there, leave him alone. A whore will take care of him properly, and maybe you can go make him a oral another yourself." He sneered evilly, reminding her of his past, Jungkook bit his tongue resisting the urge to respond properly. "Since you're clearly good at it, little pet."
"Yes, hyung."
Hoseok nodded saying for him to leave asap, tired of seeing his stupid face. He got up ready to do so, but his arm was taken tightly before bringing his face closer to hers, Hoseok let out a sigh, doing he could smell his breath of mint and wine combined. His hand lowered him into his pockets dangerously close to his crotch, he bit his lower lip to resist a moan escaping him, this had happened before and he begged it to stop forever. From his pocket, she pulled the invitation out, making her gasp in horror.
"Godfather of wedding, new facet of you... kookie." Rolling he eyes pushing him away from him, he fell to the ground before being met by a blow to his cheek. "What a shitty pet, you idiot."
Two days was enough for you to tremble at the thought. Your dress was proud to be seen, it was the most comfortable dress you could find at a fair price. Namjoon tried to enter but he was stopped by your friend who said that he will wait until you keep the dress out of his sight avoiding bad luck. A smile wavered on your face, everything was perfect up to a point.
Namjoon looked at you, a blush covering his cheeks before asking his obvious question. You didn't expect him to want a bachelor party, but you couldn't refuse because you simply trusted him.
Maybe it was your mistake.
You wished him luck, feeling an inexplicable emptiness. Your friends didn't offer to make one for you, they just sat on the couch in their living room talking about movies and arguing about what color the cake would be. It was the calm before the storm.
Jungkook felt a giant headache, the lights of the place were making him dizzy. Jimin had insisted on going with him to such an 'unusual' place to keep him safe. Namjoon had brought a couple of friends who seemed to be always close to him preventing the woman who did the job Hoseok had him do from becoming difficult.
He smiled, thinking that he would have no choice but to let it go. But Hoseok was not a good loser, and neither was he a good winner.
He distracts his friends, and be careful what you say, kookie.
Received at 11:30 p.m.
He bit his lip, glancing around the bar, thinking he'd find him sitting somewhere spying on everything but nothing looked suspicious. He sighed, sending Jimin out for drinks with one of Namjoon's friends who he gladly accepted. He got up having pushed one away, the other who introduced himself as Jackson seemed more reluctant to leave his friend alone but with a few excuses about feeling bad managed to get him out of sight.
Believed that he would find Namjoon sitting right where he was before but no, he was gone. He felt a burning feeling of guilt, maybe if you didn't find out, nothing would happen.
"You're still the same as before, boss." Jimin sat down next to him, making him uncomfortable.
"Same as before? I am no longer a child."
"But you continue to obey as one. The manipulation they use on you is your greatest weakness, you are afraid, you obey without hesitation thinking about how this will indirectly affect you. But you never do anything to avoid it, you feel bad about this but you still sit here without doing nothing."
"What can I do, Jimin? I don't know if he really left by his will, or if they forced him. I don't want to enter a room in this dirty place and see him sleeping with another woman, because he wanted to and is a fucking infidel . "
Jimin ignored his words, falling silent after several seconds.
Feeling unhappy is a horrible feeling without a doubt. The curious eyes looked at you as if they themselves could judge your story.
Namjoon disappeared as quickly as the wind, many sharp tongues said that he eloped with a lover so as not to marry you. Others believed it was a kidnapping, maybe a robbery gone wrong and he was taken away or he was killed somewhere far away. A sob escaped you just thinking about it, the detective in front of you watched you cautiously.
"We don't know anything about him yet, but we will continue with the investigations."
You nod, without saying a word. Jungkook came in minutes later with a handkerchief in hand, he observed you before gently hugging you. You had the pleasure of meeting him after Namjoon disappeared that night, he introduced himself as a close friend from work and quickly offered to help you with the search.
Maybe he felt guilt.
"Thanks, Jungkook." You smile wiping the tears that escape from your eyes.
"They are looking for the best they can, they even alerted the Japanese embassies in case they might take him there."
"Japan?" Puzzled questions. "Why would someone take him so far? He's just a man with little money, that's ridiculous."
"We don't know, but I promise I won't rest until I find it."
Hoseok sighs bored, witnessing the moment. He had been bribing the bloody police force to hide the information from you about the discovery of your fiancé's corpse floating in the middle of the waters of the river where they used to go together. The only thing that was removed intact from his clothes was a small photo of you smiling, sitting on the banks of the same river.
The police mourned the death, but his faces left grief when they saw the money in his hands. He made fun of Jungkook as usual, who passed by him ignoring him when he went to his house to talk to his father, he knew that the useless little one was very meddlesome in the search for your future husband and ex-fiance. He rolled her eyes remembering how she used to look at him with discontent in meetings, suspicious of him.
He was a good detective, he couldn't deny the obvious.
"You didn't have to do this, a I'm sorry was enough." You say admiring all the bouquets of flowers that came to your house from him. "And I'm sorry for your loss."
He wasn't sorry.
"My dear, losing a loved one is something without a name. I can give you more than this if you promise to smile again, I love your smiles."
Jungkook snorts approaching you from behind, Hoseok to growl at noticing him so close and see how he puts his hand on your shoulder, apparently like support.
"Hyung, he didn't think it's a good time for ... That."
"But little kook, when is not a good time to express how you feel about your loved one?"
"When that person you say you love is crying over the loss of someone special because of evil people who don't know what remorse is. Do you understand that, hyung?"
"No, not really." He laughs cynically making you lose your patience, your little body comes between the two men, with one already furious and the other inadvertently giving up, you make a face of annoyance before speaking.
"Sirs!" You yell at him immediately, Jungkook steps back adjusting his tie. A mania that he had and that you noticed when he presented himself in front of you with regret, he did it when he was uncomfortable or nervous. "This is not the time to argue, I think you'd better leave my house if you're just wasting your time. Thanks for the flowers Hoseok, and Jungkook ... I, I want to continue the investigation on my own."
"What you heard, don't feel responsible for Namj's disappearance -..." You tremble correcting your words, making Hoseok scoff. "My husband, he was just at the wrong time in the wrong place. Thanks for your help, I'll see how to pay you very soon." Jungkook denies trying to insist but fails when you are already closing the door and giving him an apologetic smile.
Your breath feels heavy, you sigh falling to the ground sobbing again. You wanted to find Namjoon, but a large part of you was afraid of how. Dead, with another woman, with serious injuries or simply ... Alive but with trauma for life. You did not want to see him suffer, it was your judgment in life to see the person you love cry in his pain.
You observe yourself, telling yourself that you would be fine when you find it.
Your email seems to explode with thousands of messages received from people claiming to have seen a man like Namjoon near their homes. You ignore them knowing that most of them were false, the first few days you read all of them giving the police false clues that they quickly denied and dismissed.
You dry your tears, closing all the windows and cooking a simple instant soup, eating in absolute silence. It was overwhelming feeling alone at home, where you were supposed to feel safe indoors.
The rain, thunder, and evil outside seemed to be invisible within that place.
A chill runs through you, the control of the television seemed tempting to calm that neat silence and avoid your boredom. You give up turning on the TV, you see the first channel, you keep changing looking for the unknown, you didn't know what you wanted to see. Maybe a newscast saying they found a tall man with dark brown hair and charming eyes unconscious, with a couple of blows to the face and a few scratches but okay, safe, alive and waiting to see your face waiting for him with a warm smile.
Swearing never ever to let go.
A couple of tears slide down your cheek, ruining your fast food. A few knocks on the door manage to scare you, causing you to bite your lip in anger.
"Who is?!" Questions in a shout.
"It better be good ..." You say in muttered, you open the door expecting to see a child running to his house laughing at his childish joke.
But no, there is no one at the door. Just a small envelope that easily slipped underneath, you take it hoping it's a letter from the police announcing good news. Maybe a simple identification of suspicious faces, or footprints at the club.
"I hate being the bad guy, it makes me feel good.
He's dead, I did it for you. For me. For us. I want to make you happy but it's so difficult when I don't know what you want, tell me what you want.
Love you. Love you. Love you.
My heart is so weak in your cold eyes, I feel that you look at me with ignorance of my feelings. Do you want to find it? Do you want to do it?! Okay. Good luck with it. "
It was everything, plus a picture of a golden ring with a large diamond shining brightly. You wrinkle the letter in anger, tossing it into the first bin you found nearby. It seems that in the end, someone did want to joke with you.
Your days remained the same, you went out to work and in the afternoons you called each of the investigators to ask for new news, it was almost always a solid wall, there was nothing really important to report and little by little, they gave up.
Jungkook knocked on the door, he heard some footsteps approaching making him have a little hope. But when the door opened he saw you with a worried face, he felt his heart squeeze in his chest when he tried to get closer but you avoid him by leaving in a hurry. You were dressed in a long black skirt and a white blouse, you were elegantly ready for something.
"Where are you going?" He ask stopping your hurried pace, taking your arm tightly.
"Yo, listen... He... Or her, I don't know who it is but ... You know, he or her know where, he's alive I know. I just don't have time, please."
Your mouth moves wiht fear, you were hiding something but not from him. You were willing to tell him but not now. Not at that time.
"Let me accompany you, I can take you and I will feel better if you are safe."
You nod, letting go of his grip and running down the stairs, outside there is a very elegant car, apparently waiting. The driver smiles at you as if he had known you before, you make an uncomfortable face trying to continue on your way but Jungkook introduces him saying that he works for him.
"Jimin, he's Jimin. He's a good person and a great friend, I've told him about you before."
"I see, sorry." You speak with a bow before climbing to the back, Jimin just smiles kindly, as always.
"Where are we going today?" He asks animatedly, Jungkook takes your hand for support making Jimin remove the smile from him. Your nervous state and your afflicted face are enough for him to understand the situation.
You give him an address, Jimin searches the map being unknown to the place. Your eyes sparkle when the lights of Seoul are reflected in them, Jungkook holds your hand tightly in fear of letting you go again. He felt sick when you stopped calling him, cutting connections with him totally to this day. He spend sleepless nights looking for more clues, the only thing I had until that moment was the identity of the woman, she was a prostitute without anything special, when he spoke with her he seemed indifferent saying that he did not know Namjoon and that the last time he saw him It was when he drugged him and left him in a room as ordered.
The whore made fun of him saying that he would give him this information if he did not tell the police anything, he obviously accepted. Now he repented, the woman disappeared after that and days later she was found in a garbage container. It seemed to be a suicide, the container was from her building, the window of her old apartment faced just where she was supposed to fall if she threw herself without thinking twice.
Right in the garbage.
The wheels of the car made a thud when it stopped, it was a cabin, the only one nearby. You came down quickly thanking Jimin who just made a flirty face. Your hands trembled with the cold, you look at the letter that tells you where and when you should be standing at the door.
"Wait for me here, if we don't go out or you hear noises, you know who to call."
"Yes sir!" Jimin obeys with a laugh at the boss's serious tone of him.
"Y-you should go, I can do this alone." Your voice rises in the echo of the silent place, Jungkook rolls his eyes before offering his arm to you, making his decision clear.
You laugh calming your nerves, the door opens just as you both step close to it. A man stops them, saying that only you can enter the next room. You stop Jungkook who was to protest, you calm him down by leaving your ring in his hands with a smile.
Your body disappears when another man closes the door silently, Jungkook sighs looking annoyed at the guards who ignore him.
A message coming to his phone distracts him for a few seconds.
Should I call the police, Mr. Jung, or the hospital?
Received at 9:35 p.m.
Smile ready to answer before hearing the door open again, he approaching you to ask everything and at the same time nothing. Your pale face is enough to make want to hit the person who was inside with you. Questions remain in the air, your arms surround him while you sob for forgiveness.
From the shadows Hoseok smiles, admiring the document in his hand, your signature shiny as gold is glued to it. He thought it would be more difficult to convince you to accept his marriage proposal, but the precious and expensive ring fit you perfectly. He raised his hand proudly admiring his own, the wedding would be planned as soon as possible making him jump like a happy child.
You had accepted, with the promise that he would bring you back to Namjoon.
But it was never specified in the contract that he would be alive.
The wedding was in a meadow, outdoors with distinguished guests and a few friends and family of yours. Hoseok greeted everyone, by taking your hand tightly introducing you as his wife immediately. It's as if he wants to show everyone that you now belong to him, as if you were a prize.
And maybe if you gave him the key to her success.
"You better smile my dear, nobody wants to know what will happen if you don't." Her lips brushed your hand before placing a chaste kiss on it. "I love you, my beautiful protagonist."
You sob, tears falling from your face as you melt into his disgusting caresses. The man in front of you, your un-predestined husband. The one who stole the position of your true love, he was kissing you delicately.
"Don't cry, decorate the room just the way you wanted. The photos were a special touch ..." His teeth bit into the sensitive skin of your neck, an involuntary groan of pain escaping. "Love you."
Your eyes move desperately to find a photo where the beaten, abused or dead body of Namjoon cannot be seen. You scream when you find one where you see blood everywhere, you are resigned to look down at the ground where Hoseok was crouching kissing the inside of your thighs.
Your mind tried to process the idea that Namjoon had been killed, mutilated and thrown into a river that washed away his body along with happy memories. Farewell to him was prolonged as your body faded in pain.
Hoseok enjoyed the sight of your eyes tightly closed, his cock throbbing inside you as she fucked you like his wife.
The head of the bed moved crashing into the wall, and unconsciously your walls tightened around it causing it to release a curse aloft to the sky.
We got to the end of the movie, smiled as he dazzled the credits by seeing Jungkook's lost name. His little bitch who was his toy for many years, laughed remembering how she did wonders with her mouth.
He pretended not to know him when her father introduced him, taunting her hurt face.
He held you in his arms tightly, you had been struggling to free yourself from his grip as he continued to abuse you over-stimulating your pussy. Your eyes closed falling asleep from crying so much.
He caressed your face, kissing your dry, chapped lips.
The end.
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Title: Serious Inquiries Only: PART 1
Pairing: dom! yoongi x reader ft. Hobi
Warnings: Implied Masturbation, crack, humor, flirting
Rating: 18 and over
“Fuck, fuck, god yes!” You shake your head at the sounds of your roommate, jacking off for the fifth time in an hour. You press the volume up on the television trying to drown him out when suddenly he emerges from his room. He is completely out of breath, sweaty, and half naked. His sweats hang shamelessly off his hips. “Did you forget you don’t live alone Hobi? My god!” You sneer. “Sorry Y/N. That last one was for a customer that likes yelling. I’m done for the day. 500 dollars richer! We should grab dinner, on me!” He beams at you, yanking a Gatorade from the fridge and chugging it. “I still can’t believe you have one of those stupid pages.” You roll your eyes. He swallows hard, walking over and plopping down on the couch. “You know Y/N, you’re gorgeous. You’d make a killing on the site.” You cackle at his suggestion. “I would never.” “Never say never. Some of the most elite people at this school are on that site whether watching or streaming content.
Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.” Hobi leans back, closing his eyes. “I’ll get my porn for free thanks.” “Ah, but it's so much more than that. It's an experience and sometimes it's not even about sex. I have a customer who loves when I read to her. I mean when’s the last time you even, well you know.” He makes a lewd jerking move with his hand and you laugh out loud. He waves you off, continuing to speak. “True story Y/N. Bedtime stories, it’s the sweetest thing.” “And tell me Hobi, how much do bedtime stories run a person?” “That’s not how this works you know. If you would just look at the site. Anyway, It’s a monthly subscription. If you want specific things, that’s where extra funds come into play and it's all at the discretion of the content creator. I could say no to the sex stuff, but I like it and it makes the most money but it's not a requirement. I mean honestly, have you ever even been on the site?” “No. I haven't, and I have no interest. What would your parents say?” You ask with a raised brow. “Ah! You’re too stuffy. You should subscribe! I have the perfect person for you if you’re ever interested.” “You're out of your mind if you think I would ever pay for something like that.” Hobi laughs, getting up from the couch and heading over to his room. “When you’re ready to lighten up, let me know. Serious Inquiries Only Y/N. Until then I’m going to take a nap.” “Whatever.” You whisper, mulling over the idea in your head. Hobi wasn’t completely wrong. It had been forever since you’d been with someone. You were hyper focused on school and now in your final semester of college maybe it was time to lighten up. “Serious Inquires Only.” You whisper to yourself, grabbing your cell phone and typing that name into your browser. A little glance couldn’t hurt could it? The site pops up immediately but you can’t browse any particular pages without a subscription. The subscription offers pop up and you scoff at the prices:
*$24.99 for one month
*$49.99 for three months
*$149.99 for one year
All subscriptions come with a 14-day money back guarantee cancellation policy.
You roll your eyes and close the window. “Fuck that.” You say to yourself. “You know what I changed my mind about the nap. Let’s just go eat. I’m starved!” Hobi emerges again to grab another Gatorade and then heads back to his room to get ready.
You step out of your room and roll your eyes at Hobi who gives you a wolf’s whistle. “Ready?” You ask, pulling on a black leather jacket over your white crop top sweater, admiring how your black skinny jeans hugging your hips nicely in the mirror of your lobby. “I think we should get steaks tonight. I’m feeling fancy.” Hobi states as you exit the building. “Sounds good. I’ll eat whatever you’re buying.” You say with a laugh. “Ah, ok,” Hobi says to his phone, “Yoongi will join us.” He smirks suggestively, throwing his hand out to hail a cab. “What? Why?” You whine. “He is hungry and I invited him.” “Hoseok! You know how nervous he makes me.” “Still have a crush on him huh?” Hobi smiles, a cab arriving. “No! He’s just brooding, quiet, judging!” “Oh wow! You’re a terrible liar. You know, we are in our last year of University, you should just tell him about this freshman crush and move on already.” “I don’t know why I bother speaking to you. I swear if you’ve told him I have a crush on him, I’ll strangle you.” Hobi laughs, slapping your thigh, as he shakes his head. “You are too wound up. He’s a great guy and friend. You’re the judgmental one Y/N. He actually thinks you’re really nice and cute.” “He said that?” Hobi nods assuredly. You hum to yourself, wondering what other things the two boys have discussed.
“You’re late.” Yoongi grumbles, not moving his eyes away from his phone. Another Serious Inquiries Only subscriber has come in for his hand kink section. He smirks to himself. Easy money. This one wants him to open a gift box containing lingerie. “I am only 10 minutes late. There was traffic. How long were you actually waiting?” Hobi asks. Yoongi shrugs, looking over Y/N’s exposed tummy and tight jeans. Was she always this curvy? He licks his lips, shoving his phone in his pocket. “Y/N, you look really nice. How are you? I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while.” Yoongi remarks. Her eyes widen and she tucks her hair behind her ear, fumbling over her words. “It hasn’t been that long. I’m good, you know. I mean, we’ve seen each other around or maybe you just don’t notice. I’m good anyway. How about you?” He smirks, enjoying her flushed face and nervous demeanor. He has always thought she was a gorgeous girl but tonight she looked different, tonight she looked like sin. What he wouldn’t give to grip her hips. “Uh, ok you two, pine over each other inside please. I’m starving.” Hobi cuts in, grabbing the door to the restaurant and entering. Yoongi catches the door to hold it open for Y/N.
At the table, Yoongi finds himself peaking over his menu at Y/N. She looks amazing, fresh faced, glowing even. “What are you getting?” Hobi nudges her with his elbow. “I’m thinking lamb.” “Good choice.” Yoongi states calmly. She looks over at him and gives a small smile. “What are you getting?” She asks Yoongi. “Surf and turf.” He drops his menu, feeling his phone vibrate. He maintains eye contact with Y/N, reveling in the flush of her cheeks. He swears she’s in heat, he can almost smell her. He winks to test this theory, releasing a small laugh as she clears her throat and rubs her thighs together under the table.
Looking over his phone, he smiles as he sees another subscriber join his Serious Inquiries Only page. This one joins his ASMR section, requesting he whisper sweet nothings to her. He chuckles, looking up at Y/N’s furrowed brows. He licks his lips, shoving his phone in his pocket again. “So, Hobi, what are we celebrating?” Yoongi leans back, looking at his best friend. “He made extra cash on that ridiculous website.” Y/N interjects. “She's a prude.” Hobi scoffs. “I'm not, I just feel like you can get porn for free.” “What's your favorite type of porn?” Yoongi can't help but ask. “Excuse me?” Her brows furrow. “Well, it seems like you’re yucking someone else's yum. So, I'm intrigued as to what you find acceptable.” “I'm not yucking anything, all I'm saying is it's not for me.” Hobi cuts in, “OK, ok, let's not get into a debate at the table.” “Not everyone seeks or sells sex on that site anyhow. You should educate yourself before you shoot it down.” “Wow, asshole much? I guess you're on that site seeing as how defensive you are. Sorry if I don't want to pay 150 dollars to watch some guy shoot his load on his chest.” “So, you have looked at the site?” Hobi gives a curt smile. Yoongi laughs as Y/N squirms. “And it seems as if she was in search of some guy shooting his load on his chest.” Yoongi adds, causing Hobi to laugh loudly. “Fuck you both.” “I'm sure as you know, that cost extra.” Yoongi says with ample sarcasm. Y/N sucks her teeth, huffing off to the bathroom.
Hobi laughs and laughs, releasing a sigh as he comes down. “Leave her alone Yoongi. She's just not getting any.” “Fuck Hoseok, why haven't you planned a dinner like this sooner? I'll give that girl anything she wants. She's a fucking Goddess.” Yoongi looks over towards the bathroom as he speaks. “Is that on the record or off?” Hobi asks, waving over a waiter. “Off, besides, she doesn't like me like that.” Hobi just smiles at Yoongi. “What?” Yoongi grumbles. “What can I get you gentlemen?” The waiter asks. “I will have the filet mignon, medium rare. My friend who is in the restroom will have the lamb chops, also medium rare, and surf and turf for the gentlemen to my left.” “Medium rare as well?” Yoongi nods at the waiter, handing over his menu. “Spill it Hobi.” “No can do.”
You take a few deep breaths at the sink, trying to calm yourself. You’re not a prude, granted it's been a while since you’ve been with someone and sure you were a bit of a homebody but that didn’t make you a prude…. did it? You splash cold water on your face, looking at yourself in the mirror. You should’ve put on some makeup. Yoongi was looking hot tonight and here you were looking drab and fresh faced. Why did he make you so nervous? He was always so confident and the way he kept looking at you had you hot to say the least. You needed to just get your head right. It was one dinner and you were home free, back to ignoring each other.
You emerge from the restroom and head back to the table. “I ordered your lamb chops.” Hobi informs you. “Thanks.” You say, resting your chin on your hand, trying desperately to avoid Yoongi’s demanding eye contact. “So, Hobi tells me that you and I will be taking a couple of courses together this semester.” Yoongi states. “Oh, I hadn’t realized.” You say, still avoiding eye contact. “I look forward to seeing you every day.” You laugh out loud at his confession. “Is that so?” “Yeah definitely. I love a woman in uniform.” He mumbles. Your head snaps almost on its own and you nearly melt away watching Yoongi lick his lips. Is he flirting or just messing with me? You weren’t sure but lord you felt it right in your pussy. “Ah, yes, food is here!” Hobi proclaims, the waiter placing plates in front of each of you.
You all begin to dig in, savoring your meals. “Mm, so good, Y/N, let me try the lamb.” Hobi says between chews. You nod, cutting him a slice of lamb. He grabs it with his fork and pops it in his mouth. He hums in delight. “Yoongi! You have to try it. Phenomenal.” Yoongi chuckles softly, chewing his food. “You want to.” You point at your lamb with your fork. He gives you a sly smile that causes you to swallow hard. He nods and you cut him a piece. You look up to find him leaning in with his mouth open. Your mouth falls open and you feel your face flush. “Ah.” Is all he says. You grab your fork, catching the cut piece of lamb and bring it to his mouth. He slowly brings his tongue out, touching the tip of the lamb with it, before wrapping his lips around your fork. You moan just a bit at the sight, feeling your slick move past your slit. “Amazing.” He whispers, never breaking eye contact with you. You nod. “Told you! So good. What a great idea to come here tonight. Go me!” Hobi praises himself while you and Yoongi maintain your locked eyes.
Hobi pays for dinner, refusing Yoongi and your advances to even leave the tip. “It's my treat you two besides, Yoongi’s got next.” He winks. You raise a brow but just shake your head. You all leave the place together. “Yoongi, you should come to our place for a night cap.” Hobi offers. “Ah, I would but I have a bunch of shit to do tonight. Maybe next time. Y/N, so good to see you. We’ll catch up in class yeah?” “Yeah.” You smile. He nods, giving Hobi a handshake and walking off. “Holy fuck! Was he flirting with me all night or was I going crazy?” You turn to Hobi, who sticks his hand out for a cab. Hobi shrugs. “I didn’t notice anything strange.” “Well did he say anything about me while I was in the bathroom?” Hobi smiles wide now. “So, is this an admission that you have a crush?” You suck your teeth. “Forget it Hobi.” “Forgotten Y/N.”
Yoongi stretches his body wide at his computer, leaning in to review his newest member’s request. He had never wanted to get into the Serious Inquiries Only game but when he saw the extra money it made Hobi on the side he signed up with no complaints. He was very organized though and set very specific rules. First, he never offered sexual favors in exchange for money. It wasn’t that he was against it, he just didn’t have the time to delve into that line of work. He always saw how exhausted Hobi was after just one night of requests and with school and his part time job, he couldn’t commit. Second, he never used his real name nor showed his face. He wanted to keep his anonymity intact. Hobi was cool being recognized around campus, Yoongi wasn’t. He loved being an enigma or flat out ignored because people thought he was cold. He didn’t want that to change. Lastly, he was strict about what he provided. He only offered hand kink and ASMR on his page. At first, he was unsure of how people would respond to it, but it was an instant hit, his subscribers grew by the day. His videos ranged from gripping his bed sheets, to unwrapping silk ribbons, to whispering or scratching in his microphone. For Christmas this past year, he blessed his followers with an ASMR of him moaning. The video was such a hit, he gained 40 followers in an hour from word of mouth alone. After his first year with ‘SIO’, he began offering his yearly subscribers an exclusive gift, a personal video of their choice from either of his categories. He was a success to say the least, earning a sweet living off this side hustle. The only reason he didn’t leave his part time job was because he didn’t know how to explain the extra money to his mother when she visited him. Not to mention, he rather enjoyed teaching kids the piano.
So, here he was at his computer desk, after having gone out and buying black laced lingerie and making sure they wrapped it pretty. He began to set up his camera to shoot his new subscriber her personal hand kink video. He smirked to himself as he slowly undid the black ribbon from around the package, making sure to twirl the soft material around his long slender fingers. He let the ribbon fall to the sides of the package, running his now stretched fingers along the front of the package, smiling again at how his veins bulged out of his hands. He soon tucked his index finger under the lid of the box, sliding his hand down and lifting the lid up to reveal the red tissue paper inside. He gently rubbed the pads of his fingers atop the dressing before gripping it hard into his fist, curling the delicate paper into a ball, and discarding it to the side. He again rubs his fingertips over the contents in the box, this time it’s the Italian lace lingerie he purchased. He licked his lips, even though the camera couldn’t see him do it. He purchased it with Y/N in mind. Imagining how the gorgeous lace would hug her hips perfectly. He pulled out first the thong, allowing it to hang from his middle fingers, then stretching the fabric out to show the detail. He then grabs the bralette, twirling the straps around his index fingers and sliding his thumbs under the back straps to showcase its detailed hand stitching. He next pulls out the garter belt, resting it atop the bralette and thong, he holds it down with one hand, yanking at the clasp and releasing so it snaps back. He places the items back in the box, running both hands down the fabric again, before bringing his hand up and shutting the camera off. He releases a sigh, setting up his microphone now for his next subscribers request, when he decides to make a phone call. “Hey Hobi, what’s your address?” He chuckles at Hobi questioning him. “Just send it in a text. I want to send something to Y/N, anonymously of course.” He smirks at Hobi’s protest. “Just send the address Hoseok, I’ll address it from a secret admirer.” He hangs up without another word, clearing his throat before he begins to record, he always liked to deepen his voice when he records, always sure to keep things anonymous.
First day of classes consisted of nothing more than getting acquainted with classroom locations and professors. This semester you had opted to do more classes online only taking three courses in person. Psych, Critical Writing, and Literature because you felt like you needed a professor to really drill these lessons into your head. “Hobi, I’m leaving, I’ll see you later!” You shout before heading out. You didn’t wait for a reply, running out to catch a cab to campus, too lazy to walk. The school was strict about wearing their uniforms which you hated because they were still stuck in their old ways and you were stuck in a plaid skirt and knee highs. You got to campus with enough time to grab a coffee. “May I have an iced americano please?” You tell the cute barista behind the counter, digging for cash. “Make that two.” Yoongi appears from behind you, handing money to the barista before you can and looking you over. “Nice knee highs.” He smirks. You roll your eyes at him. “Thanks for the coffee.” “Sure. Where are you headed?” “Class.” “Obviously. Where?” “Main building. I’m only taking three on campus. You?” “Two in person. The rest online. I think I’m going to pick up some more shifts at my part time gig. I need to lighten the load you know?” You nod at him. “Wanna grab dinner with me sometime?” He asks next. Your eyes pop open. “Me?” “Uh, yeah, definitely not talking to the plant behind you.” “Um, I don’t know. What would we talk about?” Yoongi shrugs. “Life, school, kinks. Whatever you’re into.” He licks his lips. You feel your cheeks flush under his gaze. “Yeah, I um, don’t know about that. I mean what’s with the sudden interest in me?” “Who said it was sudden?” “ICED AMERICANOS UP.” The barista calls out. You move past Yoongi and grab your drink. “I have to go. Thanks for the coffee again. I’ll see you around.” “You sure will, maybe even sooner than you think.” You scoff, walking out of the café.
You hurry towards the main building and into your first class taking a seat quickly. “You’re really quick you know that.” You hear from behind you, turning to find Yoongi taking a seat next to you. “Why are you here?” Yoongi pulls out his phone, flashing you his schedule. “Psych and Critical Writing are my two in person classes.” He tucks his phone away, chuckling at your shocked expression. “I’m going to kill Hobi.” You say finally. “Aw, come on. Don’t blame Hobi. I’m hard to resist. You’ll find out soon enough.” You laugh out loud. “You must not hear this a lot but I am not interested in you.” Yoongi smiles, turning towards you and leaning in. He whispers closely, his breath causing your hair to tickle at your ear. “Oh, my sweet Goddess, it turns me on when you lie. I am just dying inside to find out all the secrets you keep locked away. Just know, you don’t have to hide anything from me. I’ll never judge you; I just want to make all your filthy dreams come true.” You shudder slightly, swallowing hard. “I, you.” “Shh, don’t say anything. I’m ok pretending we don’t like each other a little longer. I’m incredibly patient.” “Good morning class.” You professor walks in but you can’t break away from Yoongi’s stare. “I am putting out the itinerary for the class and on it is listed all of your due dates for assignments. You can email me any questions you have but we will meet here in person on due dates only. Welcome to big kid Psych. Enjoy your day.” Everyone, including the professor, begin to leave. You and Yoongi however are still seated, staring at each other. “I have to go.” You mutter. Yoongi smirks. “Want company? I mean we are headed the same way after all.” You shake your head at first but eventually start nodding. Yoongi nods, putting his hand out for you to take. You place your hand in his and practically melt as he runs his thumb over your knuckles.
Yoongi watches as her hips sway side to side, biting his lip. He just can’t help himself; she really is a Goddess in his eyes. He had always had a crush on her but she was always so consumed by school work and the one time she was out and about she dated some piece of shit tattoo artist that dropped out in year 2. Y/N looks back at him suddenly and he quickly lifts his gaze to meet hers. “Why critical writing?” Y/N asks. “It’s a requirement for graduation.” “Not because Hobi gave you my schedule.” Yoongi smiles wide at her. “No. I mean it’s a plus but I really needed to fulfill the requirement to graduate, same as you.” Y/N nods at Yoongi. You both enter the classroom and take your seats. “Where do you work? You mentioned a part time gig.” “At the rec center. I teach kids piano.” “Really? That’s awesome. Not what I was expecting at all.” She laughs, causing Yoongi to smile also, basking in her beauty. “Sorry I’m not some jerk of a tattoo artist.” Yoongi scoffs, looking over at her, realizing he’s fucked up by the expression on her face. “Well, he may have been a jerk in the end but he wasn’t always that way and his work was great.” She huffs. “I didn’t mean to imply his job was…” “Forget it. What do you know anyhow Mr. Serious Inquiries Only?” She snaps. Yoongi sucks his teeth. “I deserve that but I don’t get the reference seeing as how I never said I was on that site. So, I don’t know why you give me shit about it.” She cackles. “Give me a break. Your fancy bracelet and earrings. How about your designer clothes? You mean to tell me that you get that on some shit part time piano gig? But hey what do I know right? Maybe mommy and daddy pay for it like everyone else at this school.” “You mean like you? What do you do for work again?” Yoongi snaps, tired of the uppity bullshit.
“None of your fucking business.” She huffs, standing and moving her seat to a row ahead of Yoongi. He rolls his eyes at her ridiculous behavior. “You’re lucky I don’t take you over my knee.” He whispers to himself with a deep sigh. “Good morning class. Please come up and grab your guide for your end of the semester assignment. You will need a partner so please choose wisely. In addition, I will be giving weekly prompts for you to complete and submit to me via email. Any questions? No? Great! Have a great day.” Yoongi moves forward to grab the assignment. “Wanna team up?” He asks Y/N. “I’d rather drink acid.” She turns and walks away. “Come on. You want an A or not?” Yoongi says. She growls a bit. “Fine.” “I need your number.” “Uh, no.” “How are we going to do this then?” “Call Hobi.” She shouts, leaving the classroom. “Fuck.” Yoongi whispers, fearing he’s ruined his shot with her.
You burst through your apartment, throwing your bag onto the couch. Hobi jumps up and looks at you in fear. “Bad day? How? It’s just day one Y/N.” “Yoongi is a complete asshole. First, he tries to flirt with me, then he insults my relationship with Trevor, then he forces me to be his partner in our Critical Writing class. I hate him Hobi. I fucking hate him! Not to mention all my in-person classes are basically online because the professors are all assholes as well!” You shout, popping open a beer from the fridge and chugging it. Looking down at the counter, you notice a package with your name on it. “What’s this?” You look at Hobi angrily. “Uh, a gift but you know maybe you shouldn’t open it now.” He stutters. You yank the card off of it and open it. ‘These were handpicked for the most gorgeous prude I ever laid eyes on. Xo Your Secret Admirer.’ “This is a joke, right? You’re not fucking funny Hobi.” You rip the box open and your mouth drops at the Italian Laced lingerie inside. “No, Y/N, I didn’t…. this wasn’t me.” “Oh, so who was it then?” He looks at you with sheer panic strewn across his face. “You and your friend are both on my shit list.” You point at him, snatching the box and walking over to your room. “Wait, Y/N, I really didn’t buy that. Please let me explain.” You slam the door in his face, not feeling in the mood to entertain this further.
You look over the items in the box one by one, thinking back to the last time you wore lingerie. You shrug and decide to try it on. You look at yourself in the mirror snapping at the strap of the garter belt, and sucking in a breath as it stings your skin. You glide your hands up your thighs, belly, and cup your full breast, admiring how your nipple rings glint in the light through the fabric. You think back on your relationship with Trevor, he was the one who pierced your nipples. You smile at all the crazy antics the two of you found yourselves in. He enjoyed your wild side but took advantage of it at the same time. It was something that you regretted allowing him the chance to do. After you found out he was sleeping with girls from the tattoo shop he worked in, you broke up with him immediately, throwing all your time and energy into school, forever packing away that side of yourself. It wasn’t until your feelings for Yoongi sprouted that those feelings began to stir again and your wild side came scratching to the surface for freedom. You were just too afraid to free that side of yourself, afraid of being hurt again, taken advantage of. In allowing that fear to take over you though, had you truly become a prude? Perhaps it was time to unleash that side of yourself once more, find a balance. You stood tall, proud, turning and walking into the living room. “Hoseok,” You say with confidence, watching his eyes scan your body wildly, “You said when I was interested in your little website that you had the perfect person for me. Well, I’m interested.” Hobi couldn’t speak, he just nodded slowly. “Great. Whenever you get the chance.” You nod, and turn back to your room, making sure to wiggle your exposed ass with enthusiasm for good measure.
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years
can we pleeeease talk about how rushed the whole Nico and Will relationship was? They talked for 2 minutes, don't see each other forever and boom they're together. Like ??? When did that happen? Certainly not in the books? (okay I haven't read the books in ages, but it felt so forced and extremely rushed or is it just me? I'm queer myself so I'm all for LGBTQ+ representation, but that's not it)
Alright let’s tackle this! Sorry for answering so late, I always answer asks that will be longer super late ^^ anyway. I’ve sorta received this ask twice but the other one has more focused on Nico with a little bit Solangelo on the side so I’ll just fully tackle the Solangelo side on this one.
I have three simple issues with Solangelo.
Alright. Let’s start off with the first point or problem. Age. Or rather time. As in timeline. Because we all know that Rick Riordan basically spins a wheel whenever it comes to his timeline and I won’t go fully into the maths because I’m terrible at it and I’m not in the mood for embarrassing myself in that metier. Anyway, let’s proceed. My question is: what is their canonical age? The one from Will and the one from Nico?
I’ve caught glimpse in a group convo at the fact that Will was supposed to be 18 actually if you pay close attention to pjo? And I mean Nico is like 15 or something? Which is also sorta wrong? Because Riordan made him younger than Hazel who was 14 in the Herpes of Olympus saga. 14 and 18 is a fuck no from me, son. I guess Riordan forgot that HOO essentially took place in two days or something.
Riordan aging his characters down or rather refusing to let them age (looking at you, Percy and Annabeth!) because it doesn't convenience him isn’t something new. So, should they be mathematically speaking have that much of an age gap, yeah. That is problematic. That’s Frazel level kinda problematic. Even worse. I know that people are more inclined to look past age gaps in same-sex relationships but I always wondered why? There’s still a disproportionate level of maturity + a mighty power imbalance. So yeah. Watch out for that. Also they’re kids. So there’s no need in tying the knot and popping expensive champagne for their wedding just yet.
I mean I don’t have a problem with the time traveling aspect as in Nico still being mentally and physically a kid/teen. A little odd, sure. It’s not like Nico and Will are Edward and Bella and Nico’s goth ass is mentally aging along and stalking Will’s sorry self. It’s still weird because it’s so unbelievable? Nico is barely struggling finding his way into the modern world, chills at Hades and calls it a day? Now that’s something I have an issue with. I need more struggle. I need more vocab mix-ups. Nico’s brain exploding at the modern world. The difference between the 1940s and the late 2000s is massive. That isn’t just oh, weird little haircuts and why are women wearing pants, it would be not being able to comprehend things and questioning every new little object. Will could’ve been an amazing support character for such an arch, buuuut I’m deviating from my actual point. The timeline/age-line in the Riordanverse is for sure more on the concerning part for all new characters + OG side characters.
Second point. Substance. The thing you’ve touched in your ask.
How and when did Nico and Will become a thing? My memory is terrible and I’m too lazy to browse the wiki. The only thing I remember was Will being a nagging bitch in Blood of Olympus after Nico essentially said “I've got to move on and be who I am, I just don't belong here, I hope you understand, we might find a place in this world someday, but at least for now... I gotta go my own way...” to Percy who just went ??? That marked the beginning for this ship. Basically. I think. Well... I said before in my Percabeth ship roast (more like ship analysis, I have to redo that, that was way too mild and unfunny, omfg): most of the romance is in your head because there’s barely anything romantic in Riordan’s books to begin with (which we all should actually be thankful for!). This applies to essentially every goddamn ship in this series but especially Solangelo. Holy fuck. Y’all are pulling out the wildest stuff out of your ass based on... what exactly? I mean props for creativity!
It is abundantly clear to me at least, that Riordan didn't write Nico with the intention of being gay. There was no real indication in the Percy Jackson series (and I refuse to believe that he was this sort of mastermind, that plotted about doing all of this behind Disney’s back to get the gays and latinos in. There’s a market for everything and diversity was a coming trend in the 2010s).
One could say: Hey! Isn’t it great that Nico wasn’t labeled as being gay? It normalizes homosexuality and makes sure that the lgbtq+ community isn’t something abstract but rather folk like me and you. And to that I’d say yes, I mostly agree if the follow-up arch is believable and plausible. Which it isn’t in my opinion. We jump from the Heroes of Olympus saga to The Trials of (Mo)Lester I mean Apollo and we’re having this HUGE jump? From barely knowing each other to being soulmates, sitting next to each other, hanging out, going on in their business, having the picket white fence, two kids, three dogs, living in a gentrified neighborhood and baking cherry pie on Sundays? HOW IN THE ACTUAL FUCK DID ALL OF THIS HAPPEN?! That is incredibly rushed. 
Aren’t...you shippers....Mad? That’s so cheap? I’d say so? Wouldn’t you like to have more pre-existing relationship and plausible development? With Percabeth you at least have a five book long progression, Solangelo is Riordan basically taking a dump on your plate and forcing you to eat it. And no, Riordan teasing the last Apollo doesn’t count.
Additionally, wouldn’t it be way better to still have a character say “Yeah, I’m gay. Pass me that salt, will ya?” without it being gimmicky or a foil or something for woke points? Just showing kids: “Hey, if you think this is a label that suits you, it’s fine! It’s perfect even! No worries!” (Also, the “coming out scene” with Jason and Cupid wasn't it, my loves. That was horrifying and insulting imo).
I mean. Show and tell are powerful tools in narration and telling more than often resolves unnecessary conflict/dialogue. And whereas season one from Percy Jackson had barely anything in that direction with Nico’s identity, season two didn’t make it any better. And season three is a complete cluster fuck.
Yeah. For me, the ship is super rushed.
Final point. The fandom.
I have to inter-subjectively state that Solangelo shippers are fucking crazy. I know Percabeth shippers (including me, helloooo) and especially the Annabeth stans for some odd reason are insane, but Solangelo shippers take the fucking cake and then some. There’s already a disconnect between the age groups in the fandom and it’s clear that more of the older teens and adults center around the Percy Jackson story and some in the Heroes of Olympus sequel, but from what I’ve seen the Trials of Apollo fandom is super young and on a whole different level. Might be the reason why facing some criticisms seems harder, because the minute you open your mouth to say something about Solangelo, you have people attacking you left and right. Chill guys, it’s not that deep? And it’s definitely not a personal attack on you. After all, I don’t know who you are and tbh Idgaf. 
Talking about the lack of substance, fanon will automatically come in and fill the gaps. Which is fine and something we all do, but I really have to wonder about the levels of extremes that some take?
We all center around certain tropes and what not and while the trope and dynamic behind Solangelo isn’t particularly something for me, I really have to ask why people are behind it. Don’t get me wrong. My question is touching on more on M/M fetishization because I think that is mostly the driving force for some people rather than liking the actual ship? I see more people projecting things into Nico and Will and it’s really turning their characters into something they aren’t? Especially with Nico, who gets turned into this 5 ft. UwU punk princess which is hella strange???
All in all, I don’t have anything against the ship apart from it’s overrushed nature and Riordan’s wacky timeline. Do whatever you want with it (apart from fetishizing and sexualizing the ship), no one’s stopping you from liking it. But I do believe there are some things to look out for, especially in the fandom.
Take it easy, guys.
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h0neyjaehyun · 4 years
☁︎ 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 ☁︎
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Summary // Tali finally meets dream outside of training, in the first day of school.
Characters // Tali Flores + Haechan Lee + Jeno Lee + Mark Lee + Na Jaemin + Bang Chan ( ft. Allen, Song-ho, Karma )
Era / Year // August 2014
Word Count //
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ //mention of Drunk, and Slight suggestion of bullying
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"TALIA WAKE UP!" Chan yelled knocking at her door vigorously.
"IM AWAKE IM ALMOST DONE CHRISTOPHER WAIT!" She yelled putting her notebook in her bag and going through the door. Her brother went out of town for a photoshoot and Chan was left to pick her up her brother not wanting her to go on the bus alone with a bunch of creeps.
"Im here im here lets go." She said grabbing Chans arm and dragging him out the door while Chan was trying to grab his sandwich he was making for himself.
"Okay okay." He said getting in the drivers seat, and Tali got in the other side. He drove them to school.
"So how is training going?" He asked while waiting for the red light to turn green
"Its going okay so far, I've made some friends." She said, looking out the window, she's only really made guy friends and can't really relate to the shopping and gossip the girls have but has made a couple. But she has had made friends in Jyp girls because of Chan like Sana, which she was glad. But mostly guys.
"Thats good, no one is picking on you right?" Chan said sensing something off.
"No, no one." She said, which was true but not? Many girls like Jaemin and Jeno and wanted Tali to stay away since there's not doubt she is pretty, so they would make side comments but nothing much so far.
"Yeah, in that case I'm going to visit and pick you up...." Chan then looked at her straight in the eye.
"Personally." He said in a monotone voice.
"Yessss, Butterfly, I care for you, and want you safe. And I know how you are with telling me this stuff." He said parking, she smiled at the nickname she has picked up. He turned to her and huffed.
"And you may be good at lying...but not to me." He said ruffling her hair. She sighed.
"You are to good Christopher...to good." She continued while steping out the car.
"Yeah yeah go, I have an early class, see you later." He said running off, she shook her head at him while walking to the library to grab a book and go to the roof to read.
She went to the library smiling to the people she makes eye contact with. She got to the library but not before catching a familiar guy's eye. Tali walked down the isle looking at fantasy books, when she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around making eye contact with a cute boy with an eye smile.
"Oh- hi Jeno." She whispered, since it is a library. He giggled now realizing he is in a library.
"Hi Talia, how are you?" He smiled at her.
"Im doing good, but uh what brings you to the library? No offense its just...you don't seem like the reader." Shs said turning slightly looking over at the books still on her goal it grab a book.
"Well, you're not wrong totally wrong, but I saw you and I haven't seen you outside of training much so I thought we could start hanging out more?" He said scratching the back of his head. Tali smiled at him.
"Of course...wait are the other guys here?" She asked realizing he is probably not alone. He nodded and grabbed her hand about to take her to them.
"Ah wait-"
She grabbed a book she like, jogged to the check out section with Jeno slowly following her, chuckling.
"Okay, now we can go." She said, he nodded and walked ahead of her and she followed with her book close to her chest.
They turned a corner to see Mark, Jaemin, Haechan hanging out on the window.
"Hey guys look who I found." Jeno said getting everyone's attention. Jaemin reacted first.
"HI Taliii." He said with a big smile on his face going for a hug which she recuperated.
"Hi Jaemin... Hi guys." She giggled.
"Hi Talia." The other two smiled at her.
"Your a first year right?" Mark asked. Talia nodded.
"Ah so you are with us, Haechan said bringing his arm around Jeno."
"What class do you have?" Jaemin asked.
"Mr.Gwon" She said looking at her phone.
"Oh nice I have Mr.Gwon too." Haechan said smiling at her.
"Thats good."
"Hey Tali do you want to have lunch with us?" Jaemin asked.
"Ah sorry I-"
"TALIIII" They turned to the loud voice to see couple quite popular students which are Allen, Karma, and Hyunjin. They were surprised at the calling of her name while she winced at the sound.
"Sorry, I'm gonna eat with a couple of friends, but how about tomorrow?" She asked trying to make a compromise.
"No yeah thats fine." Mark smiled at her .
"Ah ok-"
"IM GOING!" She smiled apologetically and ran to the group while waving bye at the boys.
"Hyung she knows them?" Jeno asked Mark, and Mark shrugged.
"Yeah she does." A voice said coming out of no where, they turned to see Daehwi. They smiled at him and he smiled back.
"How so?" Haechan asked, he knew those 3 were popular but how do they know Talia since she seems so reserved and doesn't have that much confidence to talk to people, how would she talk to the popular students.
"You know Aruem?" He asked them, they all nodded.
"Well thats Talia." All their eyes widen.
"Wait so you are telling me, Tali is Aruem...like the girl who can charm many guys without even trying?" Haechan asked in disbelief, yeah sure Talia was pretty but he didn't think Talia was popular, or the girl the students named Aruem. Aruem is like a Korean name that the males in the school picked for her since she is pretty.
Daehwi nodded.
"But I heard rumors that she was stuck up and stuff but then the guys are like she is such a sweetheart?" Mark said confused.
"No she is a sweetheart, its just some girls are jealous." Daehwi clarified. The made :0 faces, thinking it did make sense since they do see Tali helping people so why would she be stuck up.
Time pasted and it was now lunch time, they saw Tali walk over to some of the popular students with some older guys that messed up her hair.
"Hyung?" Mark looked at Haechan and hummed.
"Do you think we will be that close to Tali?" He asked in wonder. Marked looked at Tali then him.
"I hope so." After awhile they talked amongst themselves, while with Tali she excused herself wanting to talk to the boys so they know she does want to be friends and also to show Chan she has friends. She walked over and sat next to Mark, he looked at her with a surprise look.
"What? Is there something on my face?" She asked. He shook his head no.
"I just wasnt expecting you to come over since you are quite popular." He said with a matter a fact tone. She shook her head.
"I personally don't care if I'm popular, I'm only popular because of my looks I acknowledge that but doesn't mean I dont want to hang out with my friends." She said softly putting her head on her crossed arms on the table. Everyone in that table went soft for her since her cheeks were squished like a she was a little puppy.
"We are your friends?" Jaemin asked.
"Well, I hope so." Talis said with a little fear they didn'twant to be. Thats until they smiled with glee, she felt relief wash over her.
"Looks like Aruem over here made herself some friends." She froze at the voice and groaned.
Allen came up from behind and wrapped his arm around her shoulder looking at the boys observing. He came over because he just wanted to see if the boys wanted be her friends, or just because she is pretty since many guys do and want to take advantage of her kindness.
"Hello my name is Allen very nice to meet you guys, but I have to take this beauty away and pick up our friend from middle school." He said slowly dragging taking Talia to the exit, she waved bye at them smiling apologetically as they waved bye back.
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"How can you be friends with her, oppa?" Heejin asked as she walked up to the boys with her four minions friends in the hallway. Heejin was always a bully and tried to bring Tali down since she was popular for her looks. The girl was jealous, but most people in the school / grade knew Tali as a sweet person, so they took what she said like a grain of salt.
"Who?" Jeno asked raising an eyebrow at her knowing her reputation.
"Talia, the girl who sat next to Mark oppa." She said, disarmingly sweet. Mark grimaced at the act.
"What do you mean by why we are friends with her?" Haechan asked, observing her and remembering what Daewhi said about girls being jealous.
"Well she is such a bitch outside of school, especially in practice room. She is so stuck up." She said with a matter of fact tone, but with a high pitched voice. Jaemin looked at her with a grimace face getting annoyed at her nice act.
"Really?" Mark asked knowing damn well thats not true since some girls that are not jealous of her and befriended her told the guys she is really shy and sweet.
"Yes, she always made rumors about me and-" was cut off when Chan and Song-ho turned the corner raise their eyebrows at them.
"Would you like to finish that?" Chan asked.
"Oppa, its not what it looks like I would never-"
"Shut up, please you always talk bad about her but most of the students that know her know its not true, and you are just telling them because they don't come to school a lot because of training and don't know her." Song-ho glared at her. She was speechless, embarrassment filled her. She made a fist and glared at Song-ho and walked away with her minions friends.
"Sorry you had to hear that." Chan said changing up his whole demeanor walking up to them.
"Its fine we know its not true." Haechan smiled at them.
"Good, Talia is a sweet girl, she likes to talk about you guys and how she hopes to be good friends." Song-ho said with a reassuring smile.
"Really?" Jaemin asked surprised.
"Yeah, but we gotta go, see yea." Chan said quickly looking at his phone, they walked away quickly. Song-ho looked at him weird.
"Aye,whats wrong?" He said worried.
"It's Talia's dad." He said getting in his car.
"He's drunk again."
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pennemac · 4 years
walk through fire for you (just let me adore you)
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Chapter 1 ▪︎Even At 3am
Series Summary- This is my first attempt at writing with criminal minds characters! The show has recently become one of my favorite things to write and ramble about. This is a series of works that are written around an autistic Spencer Reid, and his journey's of finding comfort and joy within his team.
Chapter Summary- Spencer finally reaches out when he's struggling with a bout of sensory overload. It takes a whole lot of courage on his part and a good dose of platonic love from his boss to calm him down. (ft. Spencer's stuffed axolotl)
Warnings/Topics- Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Talk of sensory issues, Crying, The beginnings of a panic attack, Platonic cuddling, A good dose of Hotch being a dad through and through :)
I post these on ao3 first! my ao3 is here
Word Count- 1.9k
There's a light pattering of the beginning of a storm outside of the hotel room window, and Spencer is so tired. He has been, in fact, for the last two days, 16 hours, and 43 minutes. 
If Spencer was any semblance of normal, he thinks, he would probably be soothed by the little sounds of rain, but he's not. In fact, it's angering him. It's a constant white noise sound, like television static, but worse, because it can't just be turned off by the click of a button. He isn't even entirely sure why it's making him as mad as it is. 
The sound itself is even making him acutely aware of the way unfamiliar sheets feel against his legs, and the way his hair won't stay out of his face. It's alot, honestly. With every second that passes, the rain makes him more and more upset. None of his usual tactics of calming down have worked so far, either. 
He hasn't been able to read, because his brain felt like it was being drowned out by the sounds of rain against various outdoor surfaces. Music, though he'd never been a huge fan of anything other than soft piano, had also felt as though it was simply accompanying the rain, assisting it in it's attempt to make him breakdown. 
It starts out like this, usually. The discomfort, leading into being easily aggravated, but from then it's everything setting him off. Rain, the constant chatter of a room filled with busy police officers, the ticking of a clock, the texture of his pants, or sheets, or any unfamiliarity. 
He's been trying to sleep for days, but he hasn't been able to. To combat this, he'd been consuming copious amounts of coffee. This had made him more twitchy, antsy, than he had been before. His hands now, even, shake as he throws the blankets and sheets off of his legs. 
The frustration reaches it's peak though, when he has to struggle to pull his socks off of his feet, and tears fall from his eyes as he leans back onto the bed. As he tries his best to just breathe, he remembers how Hotch had separated him from the rest of their team, pulling him aside and out of the crowded room, as if he'd had an innate sense that he hadn't been doing well. 
"Do you need to leave, Reid? I won't make you stay here if it's not going to be beneficial for others or for yourself." 
He hadn't managed to give a complete answer, just nodding, hands curling into his pant legs. "Go with Morgan to the mortuary. I was going to send him alone but the quiet of a car will do you good." 
His boss had moved to lay a hand onto his shoulder, deciding not to when Spencer had visibly flinched. "I am completely serious when I say that you have to stop over exerting yourself. It does nobody any good when you render yourself useless to others." 
Spencer had frowned, not exactly happy with being reprimanded, but he knew that Aaron was certainly correct. 
"Beyond that, though, I understand. I made an agreement when I hired you into this team that I'd be here when you need me. You have to reach out to someone when it's necessary." 
So now, as he sits in the dark of his room, he does his best to remind himself that it's okay to reach out when he needs someone. His hands are shaky as he finds his bosses contact and presses call before he can over think it. 
It's answered fairly quickly. "Reid? What's going on?" 
"I'm- it's not anything serious I'm just… I think I'm gonna have a panic attack and I haven't slept for nearly three days, I don't know how to stop it." 
He knows how weak his voice sounds, and he hates it. His hands clench and unclench in his bedsheets. Tears continue to slip down his face and his shoulders and neck feel tense. 
He hears a the rustling of sheets on the other side of the call before he gets a response. "Can you come up here? You know my room number, yes?" 
"Yeah. Yeah, I do." 
"Okay, come up to my room, then. You're gonna be okay." 
He nods, only realizing afterwards that Hotch couldn't actually see it. He tosses his own phone into the open duffle bag by the foot of his bed. The room he's in is uncomfortably dark, and he hesitates for a moment before he moves to reach into the black bag, pulling out a small-ish stuffed axolotl. 
It's soft, and the eyes are embroidered, rather than buttons or beads, so they feel nice for his hands to run over. The texture is soft but smooth, and he's grateful that it's that rather than shaggy or rough. 
When he's made it up onto the third floor, rather than the second, where his room was, his embarrassment levels had risen and by the time he'd made it up to the door, he heavily considered turning back. 
Spencer's grateful when he only has to knock once for the door to open. 
Hotch stands in the doorway, and this is probably the only time that Spencer would ever see him in just sweatpants and a soft shirt. 
He moves out of the way once he realizes who it is, letting him walk into the room. 
His boss moves in front of him, to sit on the large bed in the middle of the dimly lit space. 
"What animal is that?" He points vaguely at the pink stuffed animal clutched in shaky hands. 
Spencer stands awkwardly across from the bed, his hands fiddling gently with the eyes and the tail of the toy. "It's, uhm… an axolotl. Penelope got it for me cause she knows textures I like and don't like." 
Hotch gently sits back to make room for him. He pats the empty space, hoping that Spencer will take the invitation to sit. He does, watching his own hands as if avoiding looking up at his coworker. 
"Do you wanna talk about what's been happening? It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, but it can be a good distraction." 
He nods slowly, tucking his legs in to sit cross legged. "I- the rain. It's like… t.v. static. I haven't been able to sleep because the sheets are so unfamiliar…" 
One hand moves up to hardly brush a tear from his cheek. God, he hates this. Vulnerability doesn't come easy to him, it never has. He knows how tight his breathing is, and that realistically he should start breathing deeper to ensure that he doesn't become light headed but- it's a lot easier to say than to do. 
"Can I touch your hands, Spencer?" 
The man in question gives an affirmative nod and watches as hands slightly larger than his own come into his line of vision, wrapping around one hand that isn't wrapped around the body of a stuffed animal.
"I know it's tough, but can you breath for me? Just a few deep breaths?" 
Fingers flex between Aaron's own, squeezing in what he's fairly certain is an effort to ground himself. 
Tears drop down steadily still, and one lands softly on the back of Hotch's hand. 
A thumb circles slowly in the dip of where Spencer's hand meets his wrist. "I do hate to seem any kind of strict right now, but… Spencer, I know how hard it is to tell us when you start struggling. What I need you to know though, is that when Gideon agreed to have you on this team, and when I made the decision to keep you here, we knew exactly what we were doing." 
A small sob comes from Spencer, and it deepens Aaron's own frown. 
"You are an incredible asset to our team. You are the driving force to solving most cases we come across. There's nothing you could do, or show, or say, to us that would make us value or love you any less. If that means this, or telling us you need a break, or letting through more tendencies or quirks when we're working- all of that is good. You do so good, I jus-" 
He's cut off abruptly when his hands are shaken away and Spencer all but tackles him into a hug, arms wrapping around his neck and face pressing into his shoulder. 
"And here I thought you were always so worried about germs." 
Spencer sobs lightly, tears dampening the material under his face. His legs rest on the outside of Aaron's thighs, his weight settled on his legs. The man below him tentatively brings hands around his back to envelope him in a hug, hands rubbing down to ease the tension where he can. 
"It's- it's so much." 
And this, at least, Aaron can understand. His breathing doesn't even out more than it had, and Aaron would be much more worried if he didn't know that at least in some sense, this would tire him out. So, instead of urging him to calm down as he'd mistakenly done before, when he was less aware of Spencer's diagnosis, he takes a different route. 
"Spencer, name 3 things you can feel." 
Light sniffles come and shaky breaths still echo in his right ear, but he moves to where his mouth won't be muffled. 
"That method of- of calming people down is something they use on kids-" 
"Three things, Reid." 
He huffs a little bit, but obeys. "Your hands." He shifts where he sits. "The- uhm, the bedsheets under my knees." 
One hand goes up to his face, pulling strands of hair back to tuck it behind his ear. "My face is really warm." 
Even though Spencer was right, the method of describing different sensory inputs was something people use on children, it was working well enough for him that Aaron wasn't going to stop using it. 
"Three things you can see?" 
He lifts his head from the shoulder it had been resting on, eyes moving around the room. He looks down slightly. "My hands are shaking." A glance to the left, afterwards, "My stuffed animal is to your left." 
"And your lamp is on, but it's… dim." 
His voice is soft, and it makes him seem small. He feels small too, body trembling under Aaron's hands. 
"Can you smell anything?" 
Spencer moves his head in a gesture of affirmation. "Your cologne." He pauses to pull in a deep breath. "Cleaning products, several." 
He's breathing is beginning to fade into a normal pace, and there's less shake to his voice. 
"Mint… my uh, my toothpaste. Coffee." 
Strong hands move up to his shoulders and neck, massaging lightly into the skin there. 
"Hm. What about sounds?" 
There's a silence in the room now. Spencer sits up slightly with realization. "The rain. It's not raining anymore." 
"Mhm. Maybe the universe listened to you, for once." 
He nods softly. 
They sit like this for a moment, Spencer relaxing into the pressure of Aaron's hands, his tears slowly to a stop. 
"Can I… Stay in here? I don't think I'll be able to sleep alone." 
Hotch gives a single nod, and it would have seemed curt, but his face is soft. "Of course." 
Spencer moves slowly off of him, fumbling for the pink toy before he lays down completely. 
Hotch moves to do the same, but notes briefly the distance that had been put between them. "You can come back over here, y'know." 
A tense breath was released and it brings a small smile onto the older mans face as he feels Spencer wiggle back up to his side, one arm laying over his stomach and a head resting against his chest. He takes the opportunity to wrap arm back around slender shoulders, only after lightly brushing stay strands of hair behind Spencer's ear.
"Goodnight, kid." 
"Night Hotch."
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Can You Keep A Secret? Pt.14
Summary: Your close friend Taehyung, shares a secret with you, a big secret: You have had a crush on Jimin for the past 6 years. But what he doesn't know is that you have done something bigger than that, something that could destroy many people's lives in seconds. That's a secret for you to keep. But something even bigger is floating in the air: what you have done could destroy BTS's friendship forever...but that's a secret even you don't know yourself.
Pairing: Reader × Jimin/Taehyung ft. Other Members
Genre: Angst (with slight humor)
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It was all because of that blog.
"I think it was her..." I heard hushed voices from one of the two girls standing behind me. Despite the fact that there were people standing in the aisle other than me, I knew they were talking about me, and it was mainly because of two reasons: one, they gave me a sceptical look when I passed by them, and two, they were around the same age as me. It all had started with the blog, which, by the way, was recommended to me by Google last night. I know I have said this before, but still...life had a funny way of working out for me.
It was all because of this blog.
7 Things You Need To Notice In The 'Fake Love' MV
And I am not saying you haven't...you probably have. But.. since no one was sure, I went out and researched a little, and found out some pretty interesting things regarding our boys in the new MV following the pretty debatable topic of a chain of events occurring right before the newest release by BTS. For the people who believe it to be a disagreement between the boys caused by the betrayal of some girl...you are pretty right. For some still unclear reasons, it was a dramatic scene between the group, and yes, a girl was involved in it. It was pretty much centered around the vocal line: to be more precise, the maknae line. The most fascinating thing about this is that the reactions of the boys are directly related to their roles in the MV of Fake Love. Today we are going to look at how the boys reacted to it through the MV. You guessed it: 7 members, 7 things to notice.
Jin's Protective Stance: Jin was somehow indirectly involved in the fight involving the girl and the group. As the oldest member of the group, we all can imagine what his reaction was like: he acted as a mediator, trying to calm everything down peacefully. He is believed to have a soft spot for the girl, and naturally, he tried to take the girl's side, even though it did not work out in the end anyway. In the MV, he replicates this by trying to protect a flower inside a glass case (symbolising the girl), but it gets ruined in the end.
Suga's Apathy: Yoongi, more commonly known as Suga, also had an indirect relation to the fight between the members. But unlike Jin, he was against the girl, the main reason being that he cares about the group and wanted to stay silent in the whole process for everyone's greater good. In the MV, he can be seen with his cold glare and his brief but slightly rueful smile while a fire is bursting out beside him.
J-Hope's Desperation: As a member of both the dance line and the rap line, J-Hope always strives for the happiness and unity of the members. He was frustrated by the group's disagreement and can be seen duplicating the frustration by tugging at the door in the MV. After the aforementioned fight, he was the one who was as always desperate to take the group back to its happy days. In the video, he is lying amidst a jungle of rides and snacks which are symbolic to a happy place.
RM's Care For Jungkook: The maknae of the group, apparently, had a big role in causing the fight that broke out a few months ago, and being the caring person that he is, RM was the first one to go after him. In the MV, he can be seen trying to touch his reflection in the mirror, except it is Jungkook standing at the other end of it.
Jimin's Depression: Jimin was the one of the two members to be 'betrayed', and he shows that through his extremely sad persona that he adopted during the MV. He is also seen standing quietly in the middle of a room which is slowly getting flooded by water coming from both sides from behind him. It's as if he doesn't care anymore.
V's Everything: V, more commonly known as Taehyung among ARMYs, is the second member in the 'betrayal' series, and he doesn't hold back in the MV: everything he does symbolises the pain he went through during the fight. From his phone turning into sand, to his 4D glare at the screen, to even the SAVE ME written on the wall in front of him, everything directly shows us his feelings. Another mentionable thing is how he is alone in the MV....yes, everyone is alone in the video at some point, but except the dance scenes, V is never shown to be anywhere near any other member of the group. Instead he is in a dark cave: he is ALONE alone.
Jungkook's Guilt: Jungkook, according to some sources, had a major role in actually causing the drama among the group, and he obviously feels guilty about that. We can see that through his actions in the MV. He is watching over the members secretly, to check if they are happy. He is also shown holding sand, symbolising the relationship between the group after the drama, while hearts are flying out of it, symbolising the mended relationship and his true desires. In the end, he is shown to enter a dark place which comes out suddenly, presumably because of his gnawing guilt.
With everything said, I just wanted to say that I am glad the boys are okay, and I sincerely hope they stay that way. You all are free to not believe it: after all, this is just a speculation based on my research, it might not be true anyways. Also, what happened, or why it happened is still unclear. I am not going to say anything about the girl's identity...because I don't want to ruin anyone's life. (Let's just say that some people might have seen her around the group...or the maknae line.) Another thing I wanted to say: this MV is not just built out of a frustration of the fight, it does have connections to the alternate universe thing they have got going on. It just doesn't hurt to kill two birds with one stone, you know.....they are not famous for nothing anyway, right?
I sighed as I recalled the contents of the blog. Amazing.
"Is it really her..?" I heard the other girl speak, and I turned around. Without looking at any one of them, I left the aisle, leaving the store altogether.
And I didn't even get what I came here for. This was not going to be good for me at all.
On my way home, I took a different route which passed through a rather quieter area than my usual path. You can probably guess why. As far as I knew, it was not going downhill anytime soon; in fact, it was still going uphill, even though I had thought it had reached its peak. But hey, what do you know, when it comes down to bad luck.....it's me, the luckiest girl in the world, right?
Fake Love...were the lyrics also about me?
Immersed in my thoughts, I almost collided with a girl who was walking in the opposite direction. "Sorry about that." I said, embarrassed.
Instead of replying, she frowned. "You have been here before, haven't you?" I looked around. The Teddy Bear shop. Great. "I have seen you before around here. With-"
"You know what, I've really gotta go." I said and hurried past her, ignoring her feeble "Oh, okay", before she could figure anything else out.
I felt like I was at a risk of being caught anywhere. Even though I didn't know what would actually happen if I was, but something told me I didn't want to find out.
Almost jogging till I reached the end of the road, I put my leg forward to go across, frowning. You're being totally paranoid Y/N. It might be that not many people had read the blog. It might be possible that the girl from before didn't know about the blog, she just recognised me from the place?
I was suddenly yanked back to the side of the road, as a car passed by the spot I was just standing on. Do that a couple more times, Y/N, and you'll end up killing yourself before any of the ARMYs get to you anyway. "Oh my God," I whispered to myself.
"Are you okay-"
"Y/N-ah?" I heard this voice coming from a few steps away, and breaking out of the grasp of my saviour, I turned around and took a few slow steps towards him. "Jungkook..." I said, my gaze transfixed on him.
He gave a little laugh. "So we're on a full name basis now?" I didn't reply, and he sighed. "It's okay, I don't think we're that close anymore anyway." He added, very slowly.
"Kook!" I exclaimed.
He looked unsure. "You lied to me, Chocolate. You said you didn't come to the airport."
I gasped. "Oh my God....you know?" I had unintentionally lied to my best friend. Great.
"Of course he does." I heard from behind Jungkook, and we both looked at Tae coming up slowly towards us. "Tae.." I whispered, my eyes becoming a little moist at remembering what I had done to him, all of my feelings rushing back to me...what I felt for him, how I had hurt him, everything.
He looked at me for one long second, scaring me with his blank gaze. "Tell me, do you care about anyone's feelings at all?"
"Tae...I do! Damnit, why are you saying that?"
"Why am I saying that? Well, for starters, because you are so oblivious, that you didn't even thank the person who just saved you."
I turned around. He was still standing there, looking down. And, wow....this day just kept getting better and better.
"Oh my God, Jimin...I-"
He waved a dismissive hand at me. "I know what you're going to say so, no need."
"Tsk tsk tsk, really?" I closed my eyes at Tae's voice.
"Hyung, she said sorry like a million times already." I turned around to see Jungkook talking to Tae. He was...defending me?
"You're defending her?" Tae asked on my behalf, pointing at me. "Her? She lied to you...you should have been angrier!"
Jungkook looked back at me tenderly. "I am not angry. I'm just....disappointed." He turned around to go. I felt my heart breaking into pieces. I had betrayed my best friend. My Kookie. What was I doing with my life?
"Jungkook-" He cut me off. "I will talk to you later, okay?" Saying that slowly without turning around, he left. Left me alone with Jimin and Tae. We stood quietly for a short while, which felt like decades to me.
"Do you have anything to say to at least one of us?" Tae asked me. This time, his tone was telling me that it was not sarcastic, it was as if he really wanted to know. Well, maybe.
"Go easy on her." Jimin said, walking towards us to stand in front of me.
"I am! I asked her if she has decided who she likes."
"Will you hear me out?" I said, looking at him. He looked back at me, saying nothing.
"Will you hear me out if I say I have?"
"Have you?" He looked sharply at me.
I looked down. "No. Because I don't want to live a dream that is never going to come true." No one said anything for a long while following my statement. They just kept looking at me, with a totally different expression than each other. I wondered what each of them thought about me now.
"Y/N..." Jimin finally whispered weakly.
"Jimin, I am really sorry for what happened that night before Tae came." I saw Tae flinch, looking away from me. I looked back at Jimin. "I just want you to know that I had no bad intentions for you, nor was I playing with your feelings. It's just about the moment...and you seemed to be perfect in that one. I understand if you haven't forgiven me, I completely do."
"You have said sorry before, you don't need to say it again." He replied.
"Because he hasn't forgiven you." Tae interjected.
"Tae." Jimin gave him a sharp look, then turned back to me. "Look, Y/N, you really have to come clean with your feelings here. It's just...important for sorting everything out, if not for anything else."
I nodded. "Yeah. I understand."
"I said the same thing a few minutes ago, but now you understand." Tae said again.
"Tae, enough!" Jimin said sharply.
"So I should just say nothing here? Is that what you want?" Tae rolled his eyes.
"What I want is for us to go. It's time, anyway." Jimin said, looking at me gently. "Fine by me." Tae complied almost too quickly, turning around to go. "See you later, Y/N."
I frowned at his unpredictable behaviour, until I heard Jimin chuckle softly. "What's so funny?" I frowned in confusion.
He looked flustered. "Oh, um....nothing."
"So you just laugh at anything, then?" A smile tugged at my lips.
"What's the harm in that?" He grinned like he always used to do. His laugh was the best thing in the whole world. I have said it before, I know.
"Keep laughing like that." I smiled. "It makes me worried when you don't."
His smile faded, and he looked sideways. "I've gotta go, actually." He turned around, but I grabbed his hand to make him turn back and look at me. "Uh, Jimin....thank you for um...pulling me to you..no, that's not right...I mean-"
"Y/N." He said, chuckling, cutting me off. "See you around, maybe." He left, not stopping a second after that, leaving me alone. I sighed and hung my head low. Standing at the footpath, I suddenly felt exhausted, and alone. Very alone.
"So that was interesting."
"Gah! Okay," I closed my eyes in attempt to recover from the shock the person in front of me had given me. "You have to be everywhere." I added, rolling my eyes.
He shrugged. "I do." He said in his same deadpan tone.
I frowned. "You know smiling occasionally doesn't hurt your brain, right?"
"Doesn't hurt my brain, but hurts my image."
"Uh-huh," I cocked my head sideways amusingly, "and what's that?"
"The brooding and mysterious type."
"You sound like a vampire." I narrowed my eyes.
"Maybe I am one."
"You do know vampires don't sleep at all, right?"
"Oh, then a big no." He frowned. "But do you know I did not mean it literally?"
"Yeah." I took a few steps back. "Stay away from you all, I got the message when you said this to me at the airport anyway."
"Glad." And with that, he left as quickly as he had come.
I could hear a faint sound in the distance...a song was playing nearby.
I'm so sick of this Fake Love, Fake Love...
I needed to get out of here right now.
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Can You Keep A Secret? Pt.14
Part 13//Part 14//Part 15
For other parts and the MASTERLIST, please refer to the link to the story in my bio. Thank you for reading!
I. Am. So. Relieved, you guys. I can't tell you how terrible I felt for not uploading for so long...and I really really hope you like this update. It took me the most time out of all of the parts so far. And also, if you have anything at all to say, you can ask me, because I am definitely not staring at my phone for hours waiting for your asks, nope, I definitely don't do that. Stay updated, and happy reading!
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chuacamille26-blog · 2 years
Day 10
24th June, 2022 8:37pm
🎵 Left and Right - Charlie Puth ft Jungkook
I was about to post an update last night but it got deleted out of nowhere and for no reason. My tumblr screen went all white. Then, BOOM! everything I typed were nowhere to be found. Not even on my drafts. Got pissed so just went to use my iPad and started drawing.
Finally, we finally get to hear Jungkook's first solo though he's featuring Charlie Puth. We've been waiting for quite some time since Charlie has been teasing us on his TikTok. TBH, aside from Left & Right, I've been listening to For Youth by BTS a lot. It just hits differently after them announcing their break from group projects. But of course, Yet To Come is very nice song too. I just thought that For Youth isn't getting much recognition that it deserves since it has a deep meaning behind the lyrics. 🤷‍♂️
And, yes. I know I haven't really updated for a few days. Just didn't get enough motivation this past few days. Too exhausted with everything that has been happening around. Ever thought of just escaping and just be somewhere far? travelling and exploring what's there? But, sucks though. Given the fact that the cases here in HK's rising again. I mean, c'mon. obviously people aren't afraid of covid anymore. It has been in our community around the world for 3 years already. People are already burnt out from working their a*s off and not getting their well deserved rest. But, I seriously hope that the gov will reduce the required/mandatory hotel quarantine here or just cancel it. It's too much hassle for everyone. I know a lot of people who wants to go home to the Philippines just to relax and be far from stress. Since, Philippines is already open for travelers as long as they're fully vaccinated (received 3 doses) and they wouldn't be required to get an RTPCR test and there's no mandatory quarantine anymore. I think most of the other countries are already open for travelers and there's no mandatory quarantine anymore. But, here in HK? There's still a mandatory 7 days hotel quarantine. Although, they reduced it from 21 days or 14 days... It's just ridiculous. A lot of us wouldn't want to have our vacation shortened just to have it enough for the quarantine. I mean, our annual leave is 14 days only and we want it to be spent well rather than having it shortened and paying for the hotel quarantine. Most of the hotels for quarantine are fully bookes. I'm not sure about the 5 stars hotel though. But, who would even want to be quarantined in a 5 stars hotel except for the rich people? What we're earning from our job isn't even enough to pay the 7 days quarantine. 🤦‍♀️
Anyway, nothing much happened for the past few days that I haven't updated. Except for, I had a haircut last Tuesday. Goodbye long hair. I miss my long hair though. I did have it cut short but not too short. My hair now is a little below my shoulder. I don't really want it to be that short since I have a round face and I just don't like it when the ends go different ways like an octopus tentacles. 🤣 Main reason for getting a haircut? IT'S TOOOOO HOT here in Hong Kong. The weather here in Hong Kong is freaking unpredictable. Like, really unpredictable. Imagine having a full 2 weeks of thunderstorm. And, now a few days of sun deciding to show up. Also, imagine having the temperature reach 33C + humidity? Jeez, you wouldn't even want to go out anymore. It would be nice to go to the beach or swimming pool though. But, given the fact that I don't have anyone to go with? nvm. lol. Plus, I really hate summer here in HK. Once you get out of the shower, you'll instantly feel that you're already starting to sweat. Also, we're required to wear face mask still. I still don't understand how am I still alive after enduring the heat everyday were I felt like I'm already melting with the heat.
Ok, enough ranting. Took me 30 mins typing this long. Who would even read it? 😂 I'm just here letting out my frustrations and keeping it as my diary. diary? 🤣 oh well...
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