#much less started on the pizzaplex books
itty-bitty-sunshine · 8 months
After two cups of coffee i decided to make a sillier thing than here
Still way too tired for this but have a short thingy
They noticed something was off the moment they came to live with you.
Back in the pizzaplex, you were practically picture perfect, there wasn't a moment you did not smile for them and were always eager to face whatever came your way with utmost energy.
Now they see your eyes, that you used to always hide, regardless of the hour of the day, and they look so tired. They cannot phantom how those can possibly be the same. When they moved in, you waited till they grew used to the place and then you made sure to fall face down on the bed and not wake up for another entire week.
You still smile, you still help them in everything, there is not a thing they ask of you that you do not get them. But the drop on your shoulders looks alien on you.
You had built them two whole new bodies, maybe that's why you're so tired. When did you even have time for that, anyway?
Or maybe it's the house. It sounds like nonsense, but you never stayed at home much. They remember how you spent your days and nights at the plex whenever you could, and when you didn't you would be out with that Sean guy from security.
The house is wonderful, spacious, and it's clear you modified it to fit them at some point. The room you gave them is old fashioned like that of a grandma, but you said they could mess with it as they liked. In each inch of this place there is a small detail somewhere, carefully cared for and cleaned, but they noticed how the garden was overgrown.
You care so much for them but when was the last time you did something for yourself?
And so, slowly, Sun made a habit of making you food. He learned all recipes on the book, and asked you to get him more. Each day he makes something new, and when you don't feel like eating, he cuts you a fruit. He lost count of the days they both had to grab you in your wandering in the woods with promises of snacks.
Moon never knew how bad you could be when it came to keeping track of the passage of time until you left the strict work routine of the plex. You would spend your entire day doing one thing, forgetting to eat even when they brought you food, and only stop when he forcefully would come to pick you up late at night. So he created a routine himself — he started dragging you to take a shower with him at the end of the afternoon, following you on walks so he'll be less bored and playing on the trees with you. You know it's time for bed when he tells you nighty night.
You started to get better at it when the three of you began to put mundane things on the calendar: Monday — Watch the movie Sun choose, Wednesday — walk in the city, Saturday — game night; and so on.
They have fun taking care of you, just like you have taking care of them, even if your mind is still foreign to them. You make up for the lack of kids to keep an eye on. You're not perfect like they believed, but that means you're human, despite your belief on the contrary.
They still don't know how to deal with how you wake up in the middle of the night and refuses to look Moon in the eyes when you meet him on the dark living room, or the ways you space out mid conversation with Sun like your brain and body had decided to work separately, but it's okay. You said you all had the whole eternity to figure this out, didn't you?
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“Vicious Rumours”
Pairing - Yandere!Sun & Yandere!Moon X Reader
I’m back, and with a new oneshot for you lovely peeps to chew on! I’m only starting to realise the lack of any actual non-AU oneshots, so to make up for that I made a oneshot with more or less vanilla FNaF.
I’ve also made this a Moon oneshot too, since I’ve also not made a single one including him so far. Sorry, Moon simps! :P
Includes :
• Yandere behaviour
• Unhealthy relationships
• Bullying (are rumours counted as bullying? Eh, sure why not)
• Some naughty words
• Ridiculously clueless reader
Art below is by @pillowspace, who made it on a 3DS. HOW. I CAN’T EVEN.
As always, enjoy and please leave requests for me!
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Art from this post : https://www.tumblr.com/pillowspace/724036086859481089/i-drew-moon-on-my-nintendo-3ds-ohyeah-ohyeah-we
You went down to the breakroom, needing to pick up the lunch you left in the fridge earlier in the morning.
Sure, you could simply eat at the breakroom, but you much preferred eating at the Daycare with your two boys instead, especially since the kids were being brought out for mealtimes right about now.
After what felt like hours of wandering the endless neon halls of the Pizzaplex, you open a door labeled EMPLOYEES ONLY, your eyes being bombarded by the bright fluorescent lights, still slightly flickering, and the pale white concrete walls and tiling floor.
You open the fridge, rummaging through the other food inside before pulling out your crinkled paper bag. You decided to fill up your flask with the water dispenser since you were there already.
As the slightly broken water dispenser choppily churn out water into your flask at a mind-numbingly slow pace, you overheard a few of your coworkers whispering behind you on the white folding table and chairs.
“Holy shit, it’s them.”
“The clownfucker? No way.”
“They spend all their time at that daycare, I’m surprised they’re even capable of spending time away from those two gangly fucks.”
You heard them silently chuckle. Your heart ached slightly, it wasn’t the first time you had been teased for your relationship with the two daycare attendants, but it was certainly starting to take a toll on you.
You hurriedly capped your barely filled flask and scurried back to the daycare.
“Sunshine! You’re back!”
“Starlight! We missed you!”
“I’m back.”
The two six-foot animatronics dashed towards you, embracing you with a large group hug, their usual way of greeting you. Sure, you had only been gone for a few minutes, but to them, it felt like an eternity.
“Sunshine, you seem sad, is anything wrong?”
“What? N-no, it’s fine.”
Sun and Moon were always very tuned into your emotions, maybe it was the fact they had spent so much time around you they could easily read you like an open book, or maybe it was their built-in facial scanners.
“Are you sure, starlight? You know there’s nothing that makes us feel worse than seeing you down.”
“It’s fine, I swear!”
Not wanting to pry further and risk hurting your feelings, the two animatronics brought you up to their room, where you could enjoy your meal in peace.
You were conked out, lying on a few spare blankets and pillows taking a nap, as requested specifically by Moon. The two animatronics stared at your sleeping form so at peace and beautiful…
However, their attention wasn’t fully on you. They had been running the past few hours of security footage in their head for a while, trying to find whatever was making their beloved sunshine so down.
The ability to access camera footage was constantly used by the two since it let them more easily deal with… troublemakers. It was first installed to let the animatronics see intruders or missing children, so they could come to the rescue, but it seems the two were using them for a far more heinous purpose.
“I found it.”
“What, you did?”
“The breakroom camera, 1:47 PM.”
“I see, those two troublemakers are spreading vicious rumors about our darling sunshine!”
“Exactly. I think it’s about time we teach them a lesson~”
The two staff members, Pat and Mike left the breakroom. Their break was over, and they needed to get back to the prize counter before their boss started chewing them out.
The way to the prize counter was usually long and tedious, but with the help of a few shortcuts, they could make it there no time flat, with the only downside being having to traverse several dark hallways.
Unfortunately for them, a certain someone did their best work in the dark.
“Dude, hurry up. The boss is going to be there in 3 minutes.”
“I’m trying!”
“Naughty, naughty…”
“Hey, did you hear that?”
“Naughty boys, you must be punished…”
“Oh yeah, I hear it.”
“What do you want Moonman? We still have 3 minutes before break ends, we haven’t broken any rules.”
“You broke my rules by making my starlight sad, so now you have to face the consequences…”
“Oh yeah? What the hell are you going to do?”
Just then, both employees felt their necks getting pulled up by a cold metal grip. The grip tightened, tightened, and tightened. Their air supply was cut off, and they were gasping for air.
“What you deserve.”
You woke up, your eyes fluttering open, revealing you had been moved into Sun’s lap.
“Good morning sunshine!”
“Morning Sun, where’s Moon?”
“Oh, they wanted to get something for you! I’m sure they’ll be back in no time!”
Just then, like speaking of the devil, Moon entered the room, carrying two large bottles of Fizzy Faz.
“Good morning, starlight~”
“Morning Moon! What’s with the Soda?”
“Oh, those are the movie we’re watching later, with the kids, remember?”
“Oh yeah!”
“How about me and Sun go set up while you go get the kids?”
“Hm, good.”
You reached into your pocket, grabbing your phone to contact the other employee about the kids’ whereabouts. Just then, you noticed a new message from Pat and Mike.
yo, real dick move of us earlier. Super sorry. We’ll get you lunch tomorrow.
Huh. Weird.
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thebunztalk · 1 year
Mimic story in sb theory!!!!
Uh spoilers maybe…it’s been 3/4 weeks tho
Before I start, I wanna say that I don’t believe Tales From The Pizzaplex is FULLY canon.
Yes, Mimic does exist but I don’t think his backstory and personality from the TFTP is canon, maybe there’s some aspects that Steelwool put into game!Mimic.
The proof for this, is that game!Mimic is slow. When Cassie gets chased by Mimic, she runs but her stamina drops faster than Gregory and runs slower while Mimic is even slower than Cassie. And book!Mimic hunted a group of teenagers which are faster than Cassie and yet Mimic killed the group like it was nothing…
Another proof is in TFTP, book!Mimic rips people heads and limbs off and in Ruin, Mimic’s jumpscare shows him grabbing Cassie’s head to rip her.
But when you actually look at both Mimic jumpscare
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It looks like he’s trying to wack Cassie on the head instead of trying to grab or rip her and for the Mimic jumpscare without the suit, it looks like he’s putting his hand on front to Cassie’s face instead of his whole palm.
I also don’t believe GGY is canon, I mean sure, amnesia is a thing and Gregory could forgot about what he did
but then again…him being NATURALLY good at computer tech and hacking doesn’t really match to SB taken from his dialogue…
“I don’t know, it looks pretty complicated…”
It’s not that complicated actually, it’s just so much memorizing.
OK! Now let’s get officially started.
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Staffbot Silo/Post it room
In my theory on Mimic, I said he’s the one writing these notes, Vanny created him for the purpose of a physical body for Glitchtrap but didn’t work, him kicking Freddy out of the main system and Mimic spying on Gregory through the caution bots/Patpats.
I’ve also talked about Mimic is the one scattered the retro cds for Gregory to find and him waiting in the fake Michael’s living room for Gregory to come see him because Mimic wants to get to know him better.
And from what you guess on the title, I want to tell about Mimic’s story before SB and in the middle of SB but let’s talk about this first.
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Specifically the language. In TFTP The Mimic, a young kid named David and book!Mimic decides to make a hand sign language for Mimic to communicate
and when their father wrote in of what the language looks like…it looks like the image that I just showed you. Hopefully! I dunno, I never read TFTP but from what people said, the writing is very similar to the wall code.
Since I said that Mimic’s backstory isn’t canon how does this work? Well I said Vanny could’ve created Mimic and she is very smart, Vanny could be also the one created that hand sign language for game!Mimic to communicate better. But why?
Because in Ruin, you reach closer to the underground, Grimic’s voice sounds less human and more of a bunch of words that stuck together and when Cassie meets the real Mimic, he doesn’t speak (other than “I’m Gregory”) so that’s why Vanny created that language and in the notes you can read that was talking to someone. Like this
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Now, was Mimic got put in the endo warehouse?
Maybe. Maybe, after Vanny realized that Mimic is its own being, she putted him in the warehouse with the other endos and from their walk/run cycles, it looks like they have a mimicking feature of their own…that they able to copy the Glamrocks’ AI and the wall/door to teach them. My proof that Mimic was there.
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This would make sense, in a way that Vanny is trying to make Mimic just like Glitchtrap.
So I said in the beginning, that Mimic’s run cycle is very slow and he doesn’t copy the Glamrocks’ or Gregory’s.
So maybe Mimic is a slow learner when he was in the warehouse and from the post it notes, his writing is progressing to be a more steady one. So he just needs to take his time on learning how and what is surrounds him and that causes him to be a slow learner (autistic robot real).
Vanny notices this and decides to move Mimic down to Staffbot silo so the employees won’t get suspicious about Mimic and to learn at his own pace and give a lifetime supply of post it notes to Mimic.
From the look of the room, Mimic has been in the Staffbot silo for a while and he has of a more developed mind but he is still a child, he just wants to be grown up.
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Connecting Caution bots
While Mimic have been staying in the Staffbot silo, employees starting to get a little too close to the truth then Vanny kills them, with her recent action being the message “All staff meeting”. That also happened to Glamrock Bonnie.
He must’ve trying to investigate about all the strange stuff that happened like the disappearances of children and the staff. The question is who Vanny used to kill Bonnie? Was it actually Monty? Roxy? Prototype Freddy? Or Mimic. If Mimic killed Bonnie, he either gotten pressured or told to just “decommission” Bonnie by Vanny. In the end, Mimic able to connect to the Patpats or he already did get connected and they’ve decommissioned Bonnie because he got to close to the truth.
Which I wanna say that the reason why, Bonnie’s eyes stopped glowing when you deactivate the Patpats is because Mimic must’ve felt guilty about killing him and decided to connect Bonnie with the Patpats too.
The start of SB
Mimic saw Gregory at his stay in the Pizzaplex through the Patpats. Mimic watched Gregory a few times when he’s trying to be in shelter, Gregory must’ve been staying in the Pizzaplex for at least two days that Mimic gets curious about him and his behavior.
Sadly, that has to end when Gregory gets caught by Vanny or Vanessa BUT Mimic has a plan, he wants to help Gregory get out of this mess then Freddy had an error moment when he saw Gregory and Vanny/Vanessa in the crowd but then he had full shut down because something kicked him out of the main system. Mimic kicked him out. That distracted Vanny/Vanessa that Gregory able to get out of their grasp.
Mimic wants to know Gregory more so he can’t just leave then he knows how to make Gregory stay little longer. Make a scavenger hunt! That’ll keep him busy. Mimic leaves the Staffbot silo but when he got out, he crashed into a bunch of boxes
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He tried to put boxes in its place but he doesn’t have the time do this right now. Mimic searching for something to use in the scavenger hunt.
Now the retro cds can only be found by using Roxy’s eyes and since the Glamrocks and Mimic is connected to the AR system, Mimic could have found a bunch of data that’s complied into a cd and somehow Roxy’s eyes can make it into a reality.
Mimic found the retro cds through the AR world and scattered all of them in the Pizzaplex for Gregory to find.
Fake SL living room
Mimic is staying in the fake SL living room while Gregory’s doing his 6 hour adventure. He’s been watching Gregory in security cams and Patpats through the TV. Why did I said he watching Gregory through the TV?
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Because in ruin, we can see a security footage of Gregory and Vanny so there’s a possibility that Mimic can see Gregory like this too.
Now does Mimic just sit and wait for Gregory to come and that’s it? No. I’m sure, Mimic helped Gregory along with Freddy but how?
The messages
Throughout the game, you can collect messages in the shape of a duffel bag that can help you or for lore reasons. So how Mimic can send the messages despite that in game, you’re collecting them yourself? Simple, that’s just a game mechanic.
In one of Freddy’s unused dialogues, he mentioned about one of the messages on how to get to the catwalks. So in game, you have to collect the messages but in story, Gregory got messages at random times but in certain places. And there’s this one place where you get the “PQ 1 maint” message. The first message that Gregory founds out about PQ
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The same place where you can find Bonnie in Ruin (I’m on the 10 images limit but you know what I mean).
If Mimic send all of those messages to Gregory then why he sent the message about PQ despite the arcade machine could free Vanessa.
Maybe the Bonnie and all Staff meeting incident made Mimic realize something that what Vanny’s doing isn’t good or normal. Maybe he wants to free Vanny because he knew something was wrong and the only way to do that is playing PQ but it didn’t exactly work…
(I think the “HI DAVE” and “Better Employees” message was a message misread speedrun send accident or Mimic thinks it would be funny)
A challenge message
Back to fake SL living room, there’s this message behind the TV and I said that the language was created by Vanny so ONLY Vanny and Mimic knows about this language but what if i told you Mimic1/Glitchtrap also knows about it.
When you think about the translation of the message, it sounds like a taunt, a challenge.
Taken from the quote
“Break and mend, i built the breath. They hunt now, drawn to life. Not real, still keen. And frit and fraught with thought and zest and gest no blunt woes. Dodge, duck, flash, shoot, crawl, run, crash the vile band. Cry not, try not, do not hold out hope, no. Your life, your aim will save those with soul.”
“I built the breath. They hunt now”
That would make sense for Glitchtrap because he built the virus and Vanny put that into the Glamrocks causing them to be aggressive. Obviously, this message is for Gregory but it’s not message…it’s a challenge. A challenge for Gregory. Glitchtrap is taunting him to fight through the night and destroy the Glamrocks which Gregory did just that.
But how Glitchtrap able write that challenge despite he doesn’t have a physical body? Mimic also got affected by the virus in which cause Glitchtrap to control him and wrote that message. So here’s what happened
Mimic was helping and watching Gregory through the TV then he got glitched and errors, he dropped his popcorn (yes, I think Mimic was the one who carried two popcorns and eating it) Glitchtrap took control and wrote that code then he leaves and Vanny founds him.
Vanny hides Mimic to somewhere below the Staffbot silo and that place is Freddy Fazbear’s pizza place, that’s where Mimic’s story ends and y’know how it goes next,
Gregory and Freddy goes to Fazer Blast and Vanny disassemble Freddy, Gregory plays PQ 3 and freed Vanessa and which also “freed” Vanny and they eat ice cream together with Freddy being a head and Mimic saw that and he’s all sad, the 3 star fam are gone for awhile then they came back with Vanny created MXES and modified the AR world.
Now here is the interesting part
A story about a Mother and a Son
I’ll tell you one thing…there is not a single mother and son duo in the FNAF franchise. So either the mother and son is most likely a metaphor or it’s about Vanny and Mimic.
“Now i will tell you a story about a Mother and a little boy who lived alone in a cabin in the dark woods”
Vanny and Mimic lived in the Pizzaplex which they hide in dark places and the animatronics there seems aggressive.
“There was a monster in the woods but the Mother caught it and kept it locked in the basement”
The monster is Glitchtrap. Tape girl and Vanessa tries to trap Glitchtrap in different ways but the one thing about tape girl, that she had the option to delete her audio logs that was used as Glitchtrap’s hiding spot but she never deleted them…
“The monster always made scary noises at night. But the Mother would tell the boy not to worry because it could never get out. Then she would sing the boy a lullaby to sleep.”
The virus affected Glamrocks is seen killing their targets through the Patpats, Mimic asked Vanny about the disappearances but she told him not to worry/gaslighting him to not think about it.
“One day, the monster stopped growling. Instead, listened and learned the lullaby.”
Glitchtrap watched Mimic and learned the language that Mimic communicates with and used it to write the message.
“The next day when the Mother went out to find food, the monster sang the lullaby from the basement. The little boy heard the lullaby and opened the door…”
When Vanny got “freed”. The 3 star fam came back to the pizzaplex and put MXES in the underground.
MXES who is oddly similar to Glitchtrap is now the monster luring Mimic to the underground and trapped him there.
But wait…
Did MXES lured Mimic?
From most people’s theories, Gregory lured Mimic there because Mimic wants to meet Gregory. But what if Mimic’s messages to Cassie IS true.
In his first dialogues to Cassie, that SOMETHING grabbed him and he’s under the raceway and when MXES first appeared, Mimic told Cassie to “stay away from that thing”.
Then when Cassie talks to Mimic in the Monty gondolas maintenance room, Mimic said this
“I’ll explain it all when you get here. That thing is back! I gotta hide!”
It’s the fact that Mimic sounds very genuine when he’ll explain about how he can see what Cassie’s doing and he called someone “that thing”.
Was he referring to himself or to MXES because it would make sense that MXES is physically near Mimic.
Now, the very last thing to talk about
The elevator ending
In the chase scene, Mimic kept trying to run to Cassie. Maybe the reason why Mimic knocked Cassie out of consciousness was because he was desperate to have company especially when Gregory said that he’s been trapped for really long time.
Then if Mimic cut the elevator (as in destroyed the conduit) either he didn’t think that the elevator would fall or he’s so desperate that he’ll let Cassie get hurt on the way down…but I think I’ll choose that first one.
Mimic is so tragic actually…same thing with book!Mimic. Anyways
This theory is helped by @chaosnightgal
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It's time for Bob questions 'cause he's the new blorbo in town lol
Did he always want to be a mechanic or did he want to do something different as a kid?
Does he have a favourite colour?
What does he like to do in his spare time? Does he read books, play games, watch tv?
What was he like as a kid? Was he less grumpy back then?
Does he have a favourite hobby?
Did he always like robots?
Bonus joke question:
On a scale of 1-10 how gay is he for dadler lol
Glad I'm getting Bobert questions. Lol I like the grump a lot.
Did he always want to be a mechanic or did he want to do something different as a kid?
I'm not for certain if Bob always wanted to be a mechanic or not. But I don't think he ever planned on working for Fazbar Entertainment. While Ted had childhood nostalgia for Foxy, and wanted to work with his robot blorbo, Bob doesn't have the same attachment for the place.
I don't think he went to college like Ted. If anything, the guy probably went to trade school or vocational school to get a practical job with a steady income and good benefits.
It wasn't really a "dream job" for him. It was more, "I'm good at fixing shit, and this is what I'm good at, so best to go all in than not"
I could see him being a guy who fucked around and modded with older cars a lot rather than invent anything himself.
He figured he would have probably worked as a factory mechanic fixing their automated machines but the Pizzaplex was hiring and he figured “working on robots would be cool”
Does he have a favorite color?
Yes, really.
What does he like to do in his spare time? Does he read books, play games, watch tv?
He likes to read on occasion and watch TV about as much as the average person.
He likes watching crime drama shows and sitcoms. Sometimes those animal cop or I shouldn't be alive shows and documentaries.
He's more a casual gamer though. he doesn't own any major consoles or any major things on his PC or anything. He's more a guy who's into those little farming simulators he can have on his phone.... He avoids the monetary purchases tho.
He also likes to go on long walks and has recently taken up cooking a bit more.
What was he like as a kid? Was he less grumpy back then?
He was definitely MORE grumpy back then. Lol well, grumpy isn't the word for it.
More like, FULL OF RAGE.
He would often get into fights at school and had a lot of anger issues.
But he also had a magnetic personality that made you feel good being around him. Like if you were on his good side, and he liked you, he'd probably beat up whoever you asked or was picking on you. He usually beat up bullies and didn't hurt anyone for no good reason.
He was an alright student. His grades weren't honor roll or anything, but he passed by okay.
Does he have a favourite hobby?
Spoiler. :3
Did he always like robots?
He thought robots were kinda cool, but he grew a deeper appreciation working with Fazbear Entertainment and finding out all their little weird personality quirks.
It takes him a long time to start treating the Animatronics as people. (Like it's a multiple year long development that happens of screen) And you can see his dismissive attitude towards Sun and Moon in the first chapter of Lofi.
He gains a more deeper appreciation for the AI as time goes on.
On a scale of 1-10 how gay is he for dadler lol
Fucking 11.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 5 months
Just scrolling through your blog (loving all the AU's by the way) and I gotta say, I'm not sure I understand the full on hatred Freddy and Gregory are getting (although I feel like I should mention that the GGY story does heavily imply that Freddy is specifically more involved in protecting "Dr. Rabbit" than the other animatronics are, even though his code is found in them as well.) I haven't gotten the full details of what your version of sb and ruin is (you've written a lot and it's all great) but if it's anything like how the games played out? Then their biggest crime is not going back to repair the other glamrocks once the pizzaplex shut down.
Gregory had to face each animatronic on his own, a little kid against a giant robot wanting to kill him. The excessive force makes sense. Especially since they ARE robots and can be repaired. Sure it would still effect them given how sentient they are but the damage he did to them was a lot less permanent than what they could have done to him. Yeah he owes them an apology but he has more reason to be wary of them than they have of him. And Freddy? Yeah he probably could have done more but at the end of the day his one goal was keep Gregory safe and get him out of there. All he did was let himself be upgraded.
As for Cassie? Personally, I'm of the view that the moment Gregory gets cut off by the mimic in the elevator he is booking it to the pizzaplex, mimic be damned. He's waking Vanessa, unplugging Freddy from the charging port and dragging them there. Sure it's Roxy who opens the lift doors to check on her, she's already down there, but I'm certain it's Gregory and the others who find a way to get them out, all while Gregory is begging for her to be okay because this is EXACTLY what he wanted to avoid. He's probably having a breakdown, the moment he sees Cassie is okay he'd probably collapse and hug her and Cassie would be understandably suspicious but his reaction is not what she'd expect which would catch her off guard.
Because, here's the thing I think people overlook or maybe just don't see fit to mention, Gregory had no reason to wait for Cassie to get into the lift before dropping it. If he wanted to trap the mimic down there he could have disabled it beforehand. If he wanted to tempt the mimic into the shaft and then drop the elevator on top of it? He could have waited until Cassie got out at the top and then done it, the increased height would have definitely done more damage to it. Though considering how it tosses a forklift so hard it imbeds itself into the cave wall? When Roxy had a hard time lifting one off her? This thing is much stronger than a regular animatronic and could probably survive that easily.
The mimic on the other hand? Needs Cassie dead, has been mimicking Gregory all night and has access to the systems through the network once Cassie disabled MXES for good. It didn't need the concrete wall destroyed, it could have left through the other side of the room and went for the elevator shaft the moment Cassie turned off the computer. But it didn't. Because with Cassie as a witness it loses its chance to disappear without people knowing about it. If Cassie escapes she can cut it off, she's the only one in the Plex capable of accessing both the V.A.N.N.I network and tampering with the security nodes. If she gets out she can turn them back on. If she's dead then the mimic can be long gone before anyone else with that ability arrives.
(sorry for the ramble, once I got started I couldn't stop.)
You're good on the rambling lmao I'm gonna go through this paragraph by paragraph to make sure I get everything for you
I completely understand why you'd think I hate Freddy and Gregory given what me and @/jellycreambloodlust (affectionate) have talked about a lot lately. I don't actually hate either of them and I don't think I'd ever take a story in the direction of killing either of them, but ya know, it's all in good fun. I'd kill off my favourites if it was fun too lmao I absolutely don't hate either of them at all I promise. I've also not read GGY and since it's written by Andrea Cradenza-Tubehell Waggener, there's a very slim chance I ever will. I've read the wiki summary of the story though so I kind of know what goes on in it, I just don't know the details and stuff, ya know?
Interesting to know Freddy is implied to be protecting Doctor Rabbit though! I was thinking about this a little bit ago and that was my guess on how Freddy would have been on Gregory's side during he events of SB if you considered GGY to be canon. That's cool, I'm glad I got that one right! Anyway!
In terms of Gregory, I don't see much fault with his actions to be fair. You're absolutely right, this is a kid in a giant pizzaplex full of animatronics that want to kill him. It's a fairly reasonable response, and tells us a bit about how he thinks when he has to handle big problems. If you look at it from the lense of him being recently freed from Glitchtrap, it makes even more sense for him to do that, as he knows what each one of them is capable of and the less weapons Glitchtrap and Vanny have at their disposal, the better. It also explains why he chose to save Vanessa and how he knew what to do, and we already know Freddy is his favourite so of course he'd choose him to protect him.
From the other side though, you can kinda understand why they'd all be upset. It's not their fault they're being controlled, and before Ruin came out, I said they would probably not blame Gregory for it at all once things calmed down again. Having damaged body parts is completely different to an animatronic than it is to a human, yeah, but you also have to consider how these parts were taken. Roxy is a racer, so she was hit with a go-kart. Chica loves food, so she was crushed in the kitchens with all the food waste. Monty is said to stand by the Lucky Bucket a lot, so he falls from the Lucky Bucket. The things that mean the most to them, are the things that got them destroyed. Then some kid comes along and takes their strongest parts away to stick them on Freddy. They're not saved like Freddy is, they're seen as weapons, tools and opportunities, which would really fucking suck.
They have a right to be upset about it I think. Gregory isn't entirely in the wrong for doing it either. It's a complicated situation, especially if you remember that Roxy is a security node, who most likely was keeping the Raceway and Salon shut on purpose, and was potentially using those eyes to keep track of Mimic through the floor. We can't be sure that was the purpose of the eye upgrade, but the provided reason for it doesn't add up and the logs surrounding Roxy are worded as if they're just grasping at straws to explain her behaviour. With a threat like Mimic in play, taking Roxy's eyes is probably not a great plan! Can't really blame Roxy for being pissed off about that one!
Neither side here is really at fault given the circumstances, and I think if the animatronics were to be freed, they'd have come to that conclusion on their own too. I'm with you on Gregory's actions being understandable, I agree with you there. I definitely don't hate or blame him for it. I'll get to Freddy in a minute though.
Yeah I don't think Gregory dropped Cassie either. It would be an interesting story regardless whether he did or not, but you're right. It absolutely doesn't make sense for him to have done it. The way he talks even changes part way through that ending dialogue, I don't think it was him. Especially now that I know there's a staffbot encounter that Gregory sometimes talks through in an attempt to reach Cassie. It just doesn't make a lot of sense
When we've been talking about it lately, it's been almost entirely from Cassie's perspective. Unless Cassie figures it out, she's probably going to believe that Gregory is the one that dropped her right at the end. That's the scenario most of the recent talking has been about. Cassie believing it was Gregory and trying to get justice for that. Like I said, it's all in good fun, ya know?
I feel Cassie is pretty smart, and the question of why would stay on her mind for a very long while. I think with some help, she would be able to come to the conclusion that it probably wasn't Gregory, but in a situation like that, I don't think anyone could be one hundred percent sure. I mean, there's always going to be some doubts, right? She was betrayed twice in like... ten minutes by the same voice after all, I think that's fair enough.
And to consider it from Gregory's side? That's a hell of a situation to be in, I'm not sure how you'd come back from that. I mostly mess around with scenarios where Gregory has no idea Cassie is down there at all, possibly even getting an alert weeks later as if it's just happened, so Cassie not trusting him is completely out of nowhere for him. It's an interesting scenerio to have Gregory, Vanessa and Freddy show up to help too and there's so many ways that one can go, but I feel like with Roxy being a security node, they maybe can't actually get down there now. The MXES isn't completely offline now, right? That door won't open until it's offline. So now they'd have to scramble to try and see what's going on and try and get in contact to help from up top which is probably hell on earth
I mean, knowing what she does, would Roxy even let them connect to her? Probably not! Which also probably doesn't help! It probably feels like they've gotten no closer to actually helping than when they were back home trying to get in contact with Cassie! Awful! Hell of a situation! I feel like Gregory's first thought would be to bust the door down though which probably ends with another forklift stuck in a wall or nearly flattening Roxy as she gets out with Cassie, but he's trying his best! He's got to do something, right? It's better than feeling helpless!
Now uh... well then there's Freddy. I want to start by saying once again, I don't hate him, and I haven't read GGY.
With that said, if you look at what he does in the game, including all of the aspects of him that are clearly just there for game design purposes... He's to blame for almost everything. Unless he is still acting on whatever GGY programming he has, he's to blame for a good chunk of the game. And honestly? I find him more interesting in this light.
To briefly explain, he just does basically nothing. This is a game design thing, I'm aware, but as this is usually framed as a choice on his part, I choose to treat it as such. He leaves Gregory alone for the vast majority of the night unless specifically called on to help. He is fully aware that the others aren't acting as they usually do. There's no way he doesn't know what happened to them as he's actively helping Gregory do this stuff. He chooses when it's okay to make exceptions to the rules, and when not to, for example, he takes Gregory to the staff tunnels where he shouldn't be, but won't open the VIP door for him to leave unless he has a VIP pass, same with the loading docks etc etc. In this situation, he is the only responsible adult available, with the task of keeping this child safe and getting him out of the pizzaplex, and he consistently chooses not to do anything unless Gregory specifically asks for help.
What I'm saying is that the game would have been over in five minutes if he'd actually been trying to help.
Which is interesting to think about! Why is he making these decisions? Does he not feel as if the others are a big enough threat to him? Is it habitual as he often doesn't follow kids around during the day given there's way too many to do that for? Is he doing something else that we don't know about? How does he feel about the others if he's prepared to leave the Pizzaplex at a moments notice like that? He clearly loved Bonnie, so is it all to do with a sense of grief? That it doesn't really matter anymore now that Bonnie isn't there or something? And fuck, how does everyone else feel, knowing that Freddy didn't even once stop Gregory from destroying them and didn't once try to help them? How do they feel knowing that he left them when they needed help?
Even factoring in GGY's coding being a potential reason for this stuff, if the actual, untampered with Freddy is in there, knowing what's going on, is he trying desperately to stop it? Is he trying to help? Or is he just sort of nodding along like "yeah that makes sense"? Or has he just given up completely? Who's to say?
So I definitely don't hate him. I won't say he's my favourite or anything because he absolutely isn't, but I don't hate him. He's interesting to me, just not in a way the majority of the SB fandom seems to like, which is fair enough. We all like what we like and we all have our own interpretations and stuff, there's no wrong way to have fun, right?
I hope this clears some stuff up and I'm also sorry for rambling lmao
I don't hate Gregory at all, don't blame him for his actions in SB and don't think he dropped Cassie in Ruin. I blame Freddy instead.
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thiefrecs · 1 year
Stranger Things
things to come by birthdaycandles
After the events of Season four, Steve struggles with opening up in the event of Eddie and Max’s hospitalization. Surprised me with how much the author did not focus on the romance portion and the dynamics between Steve and adults! Also was incredibly funny at points, which was a welcome brevity from it ripping my heart out.
The Fruity Four Beat 1983 To Death With A Nail Bat by TheKidReadingInTheCorner
Steve, Robin, Nancy and Eddie are sent back to 1983 and proceed to be hypercompetent. Featuring a very cute El, hilarity, and more Barb and Chrissy than I’ve seen in any time travel fic for this fandom yet!
don't imagine you're too familiar by asclepia
After the events of Season 4, Steve is way too focused on Eddie and Max’s recent hospitalization to worry about himself. Love how it portrays the relationship between Steve and adults!
Steve Harrington's Unwilling Time Loop Saga by badpancake
“A series following Steve Harrington as he unknowingly, unwillingly, loops time to save the ones he loves (and maybe realises that he can ask for help, is deserving of love, before, after, and during).” Heartfelt, beautiful writing and by far one of my favorite fics ever. First can be read as a stand-alone but I recommend the whole series.
Kitchen Witch by Carerra_os
Note: Restricted to only AO3 users.
Steve Harrington is pretty sure he doesn’t have magic. However, after an incident with one Billy Hargrove involving cookies and a love potion, people start questioning if Steve’s cooking is really as magic as Dustin keeps claiming it is. A soft and warm story, with a cute twist.
STEVE’S FIRST BRUISE by cairparavels
Spider-Man Steve AU with Steve and Eddie as roommates!! I love Spider-Man so I was super excited when I found this. That, and the “LUSH bath bombs, that’s actually a plot point” tags were too intriguing not to want more. Oh, and was there more. Poetic, long and glorious. To those that enjoyed, I’d recommend the song “I and Love and You” by the Avett Brothers, as it carried the same vibes as the fic.
but when i wake up, i see, you with me. by kryswrites
Incredibly cathartic, heartrending fic about Michael Afton meeting his siblings in the afterlife after FNAF6.
Three times Charlie met Michael without him knowing, and the one time he did. by BuckyTheDragon
What it says on the tin. Charlie from the FNAF bookverse and Michael from the games (kind of) meet, and eventually talk. I especially adored the end note.
Slide Into Fun!!! by DeadPuppetBoi
Afton Children go to the Pizzaplex, but a nightmarish version. This particular oneshot focuses on their adventure with Sun and Moon, and oh boy is it horrifying. Not going to spoil it but if you liked the books, or even the horror aspect of FNAF, this is a good one to try! Don’t let the chapter count fool you though- It’s long, and it’ll leave a lasting impression.
You Won’t Die by PrinceJakeFireCake
In which Michael very literally cannot die. A hilarious series that covers everything from birth to the Pizzaplex’s happenstance. One of my personal favorites, and one I highly recommend.
William D’Afton: A Less Terrible Father (Than His Contemporaries) by PrinceJakeFireCake
A young William is visited by Gregory, who warns him about his ultimate fate in an effort to change his ways. Unfortunately, that plan goes awry when it’s revealed that this William has no clue about the child murder. Interesting and funny take on the ghost of future mistakes idea for FNAF!
Worthless!verse by glassedplanets
This is a popular fic in fandom so people who see this post will probably already know it, but. I’ll put it out there anyway. Dean works as a tattoo artist, Castiel is a linguistics teacher. They meet and fall in love- That’s the easiest and hardest part, all in one.
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daandyli0n · 11 months
so. have some more Golden No Longer au things, specifically in regards to what i call The Glitchtrap/Malhare era! (i personally like the name Malhare better, because it matches with O'Hare, which is what i changed Springbonnie's name to)
so, a few lore things to keep in mind for this:
- i ignore a good 95% of shit from the books, including Remnant. it's for the sake of the timeline and my sanity.
- Golden No Longer is...kinda a rewrite, but is more or less my own version of the Fnaf timeline that has been made so that the timeline is much simpler than it is canonically and also makes Some Kind of sense.
- Malhare, at least in Golden No Longer, is basically a small piece of Afton's soul left behind that grew into its own thing. Afton, who is still in Ultimate Custom Night Hell thanks to Cassidy, is completely unaware of its existence, at least for a while.
- once we get into The Malhare Era, the plot Definitely shifts around a lot. new characters get introduced, there are some Familiar Last Names in there, and just some Funky Plot Stuff happens.
so! let's start off with some names. i'm sure some sound familiar :)
- Tabitha "Tabi" Smith
- Gregory Schmidt (well...he technically isn't aware that's his last name, because Orphan)
- Cassie Emily
- Vanessa Warren (not necessarily a familiar one, but there is an Easter Egg with that last name ;])
- Summer Afton Atkins
...so. you're probably wondering What The Fuck. well! i can answer those real quick!
- Fritz Smith (yes the Fnaf 2 Night 7 nightguard) had kids. plural. Fritz Jr. and Jeremy, the missing kids, being two of them. Tabi survived to adulthood, though.
- Mike Schmidt, who is different from Michael Afton in GNL AND is Cassidy's younger brother, married a nonbinary partner who he had a child with. that child ended up having a child (Gregory) that they weren't ready to care for, and thus gave up. Greg is entirely unaware of his technical last name, and the history of that name.
- Sammy Emily, after having a whole crisis after his father died in Pizzeria Simulator (he's dedicated his entire life for the past few decades for avenging his sister's death, as well as the deaths of several other children), married a woman that he adopted a child with. he also worked as a technician in the Pizzaplex. he wants Bonnie back >:/ Cassie doesn't know much about her father's history, but she has heard tales of her "dear Aunt Charlotte/Charlie" who died way too soon.
- Vanny. that's just her.
- so...long story short, William had some siblings, specifically a brother. :) this brother actually had kids that lived long enough to have children of their own. :) Summer is Afton's great niece, and he is the Tape Girl (Summer is genderqueer). oh yeah, they and Vanny are dating.
some brief plot things:
Summer and Vanny move to the Fnaf Town (i think it's called Hurricane?), and upon Summer introducing themself, they find people...looking at them weird, like there's something wrong with her. he feels confused; did it do something wrong?
the pair get jobs working for Fazbear Entertainment, and the pre-Help Wanted story stuff happens. Malhare causes problems for the couple, and they both reluctantly get involved with this shit.
Summer starts having nightmares of meeting Afton in Hell (UCN), and while he's hostile and closed off at first, he realizes that this is likely his only chance to talk with another person, so he eventually starts (unknowingly) chatting with his great niece. Summer views their chats as being more disturbing than anything else. Afton still doesn't know who Summer is, and vice-versa.
Summer Now Has A Glitchy Hare In His Brain, And So Does Vanny (but he causes more problems for Summer).
they go to work at the Pizzaplex, Vanny getting a job as a security guard, and Summer getting a more technician-type job.
Vanny is definitely more of a Reluctant Follower of Malhare (the idea of child murder is...unsettling for Vanny), but less so than Summer (Summer Fucking Hates All Of This).
Tabi, the younger sibling of two of the MCI kids and another security guard, has...rather negative opinions on the last name Afton, so to say...so Summer changes its last name to Atkins to avoid drama with her.
Malhare realizes Gregory exists and goes You Wanna Know What Would Be A Funny Idea? and that's how Security Breach happens.
Tabi's just trying to find Gregory so she can get him home or at least somewhere safer. Vanny is just trying to get the child murder over with so that she doesn't back out of this/get cold feet and piss off the Literal Glitchy Hare That Can Probably Kill her, and Summer is trying to fight off Malhare and lead Gregory to safety so that nothing bad happens.
everything works out, The End, Gregory is safe but the Pizzaplex is destroyed. Malhare is Pissed and is making that rather clear to Vanny and Summer. they're both relieved, though.
The Ruin DLC happens, and Malhare (as the Mimic) decides to go Alright You Guys Aren't Gonna Help Me Murder A Child? Fine, I'll Do It Myself. because yes Malhare, The Last Time Someone Killed An Emily Kid, That Ended Really Well For Them, Right? :) Sammy has dedicated his life to avenging a family member before, Malhare, don't fucking make him do it again, because you don't know how far he is willing to go.
Cassie survives, but just barely. Greg manages to help her get out, but not before Malhare and him lock eyes for a moment. Gregory booked it out at that point.
idk what happens from here, but. Probably Something
anyway, this is a brief plot summary so far. as always, feel free to send asks! ("Summer Is Effectively Being Forced To Start A Cycle All Over, And They Fucking Hate It So Much" is the best summary of this whole mess right here)
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ixirian-archive · 1 year
its clear from looking at your profile that you like the character of charlie emily in the fnaf books a lot, why is that? i hear people complaining about these books, i would be interested in hearing a positive perspective on an aspect like this.
This turned out to be a longer answer than I thought, sorry about that! Wasn't sure if you were asking about the novel trilogy or books as a whole, so I answered both
Tldr at the end
There are 3 fnaf book series out there, and the novel trilogy is generally considered to be one of the better ones (at least the first book the silver eyes, is). Imo it's pretty solid for the most part (though the 2nd book suffers from what i call the "middle child curse" of falling a little flat and being less liked than the others) and the twist at the end with Charlie is better if youve read it yourself and got to watch all the minor odd details about her and the things around her build up to that point. As for why I like her specifically, I couldn't really give you a solid answer? She's relatable to me in some ways, and honestly sometimes I just like a character a lot more than others for no real reason other than I just do-this happens a lot lol
only thing I dislike is how her existence as a robot is misunderstood by half the "so and so is actually a robot" theories, because like the whole thing about her was that she wasn't actually possessed by the Charlie who died, but was a doll given life by Henry's painful emotions (think of those kids stories about toys who were loved so much that they became alive, but in a sad and negative way)
In general, when it comes to people complaining about the books, there are fair criticisms of them, but a lot of them I've noticed are from people who clearly haven't read them or even looked at a proper summary (some people even take shitposts at face value and its very strange to me)
I totally get some things like them starting to complicate things or important stuff being put there other than the games, but other things, like decrying a whole novella series because of like 2 or 3 weird individual stories, are just kinda....eh
When it comes to the books themselves as, well, books, imo the novel trilogy and Tales From The Pizzaplex have the strongest writing as a whole, while Fazbear Frights was fun but also just kinda felt like they kept throwing shit at the wall to see what stuck. TFTPP has a lot of interconnecting details between stories making it feel more grounded in its own world, while the novel trilogy is more fleshed out and gives you more time to get attached to every character involved + exploring the characters of Henry and William more
the best way I see it is to look at the books yourself and just judge that way, because you can't experience them 2nd hand like you could by watching a YouTube let's play of a game-most libraries should have the books for free and I believe the youtuber Ozone does audiobooks of them? So you still don't really have to buy them to experience them (though buying 3 of those novella books is cheaper than buying security breach once)
Tldr; a lot of the time I see people who havent read the books at all complaining about them, + a lot of people like to treat every single one as all bad because of like 3 weird stories out of....a lot, which imo isn't quite fair? Best to experience them yourself, which you can do for free with the power of libraries! Anyways that should be it for what I have to say, once again I'm sorry for being so wordy it just has a tendency to happen with things I like
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cartoonus-maximus · 2 years
Currently thinking about how I would have written the FazFrights books, what I would have kept the same and what I would have changed...
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kamuucab · 2 years
Moon as ‘Basically A Cat, Wants Affection But Doesn’t Show It’ is so awesome and sick, but have you considered Moon as ‘Believes They Are Undeserving Of Love And Thus Does Not Engage’ because hhohooooOOOHGOGHhhgjhh
Feeling like an afterthought when they are only allowed to spend time with the kids when they’re about to nap, given one or two hours max to calmly sing to them, read a book, watch over their sleeping forms before they are shuttered away. Given a security protocol that allows them the freedom to move, move more than Sun and his boundaries of the daycare; but its even lonelier with the ‘Plex devoid of people, empty hallways and closed attractions to wander into but not much else.
Parents complain of their children seeing Moon’s face in their nightmares, staff complain of their skulking around at night, how one would get followed around by a silent animatronic not even considering its because Moon just wants some company on those dead silent nightly patrols.
All Moon hears is negative opinions about them - Sun has some too, sure, but he doesn’t draw managements ire as much as Moon does. Sent to parts and services for constant tweaking of their software to hopefully ‘fix’ whatever problem it is but there isn’t a problem. It’s just Moon being horribly, inconsolably lonely.
And when management and those Parts and Services technicians throw up their hands and give up on them, Moon wonders if the problem is them, their existence. Featured in promotional material but with only a couple of well loved, well worn crayon drawings of themself outlined in blues and reds. Compared to Sun with his piles and piles of drawings, that’s nothing.
Eventually they start, well, making themself smaller. It causes less problems if they have a limited schedule, if they do the bare minimum and nothing else. Guests are happier, staff are happier, so why can’t Moon be happy about it too? They should be happy with what they have, right?
So when someone comes into their life, they make no moves. They continue on with their schedule even with a human intruding, making small talk, hanging around. Sun is happy to have a new friend, so that makes Moon happy, too. Even when the human and his counterpart get closer, that’s to be expected.
What isn’t expected is the human wanting to get closer to Moon too. Moon doesn’t outwardly react, even as their gears whirr and electricity hums through their wires. Moon doesn’t reject their affection, but they don’t accept it, either - they can’t. Moon is the monster of the Pizzaplex, they don’t deserve to be loved like Sun is. They don’t deserve affection, adoration.
So they simply sit and watch, squashing down their wants and wishes while calmly responding, hoping that their apparent disinterest will ward the person away. All while, deep down, being terrified both of the abandonment and the possibility of the human liking them back.
Because its not possible, right? You couldn’t possibly like them back... right?
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loveborn · 3 years
general dating glamrock freddy hcs!
notes: gn!reader
You’re really lucky if you’re dating Freddy, he has so much love to give! He’s incredibly sweet and openly affectionate, if not a little clueless how to act in a relationship. That’s not the kind of information he was preprogrammed with. To figure things out, he starts to keep a closer eye on any couples interacting at the Pizzaplex, picking up on the nicknames they use and the gestures they show each other. (There’s a decent chance he’ll pick up something slightly inappropriate or just plain uncharacteristic.) But there’s never anything more than a quick peck or a hug in front of the kids, though! His hugs are a lot less stiff than you might expect.
He’s a great listener! An active one too, making noises and asking questions where appropriate. His memory is a lot more effective than those of humans, so he’s never going to forget the things you tell him. If he wasn’t stuck in the Pizzaplex, he’d 100% give the best gifts. Freddy still tries, but… The things he can get you are either themed after himself or one of his friends. Venting to him is fine as well, even if he has the tendency to worry a bit too much. He also isn’t the best at giving advice since he has a lot of gaps in his knowledge.
In return, he’ll ask you to teach him more about the world outside the Pizzaplex! There’s no other human he’s quite comfortable enough with to ask a lot without feeling like he’s wasting their time. Most likely, he’d be interested in whatever trends are popular among the kids. He’s always striving to entertain them better, and it helps if he knows what they like outside the mall. But in all honesty, he’ll listen to you talk about anything he’s never heard about. As an AI, he has a deeply ingrained desire to learn more about subjects he’s unfamiliar with. Fine motor skills are a huge challenge for him which makes it difficult to read books or play games, if you leave him any. 
Freddy is pretty fussy. Scanning to see if you’re alright, asking if you’re taking care of yourself, making you promise to go to bed early… It can be a bit too much, sometimes. Compared to the rest of the animatronics, he’s one who can have the tendency to treat you too much like a child. (Sun can be worse than him.) It’s not that he sees you as one, or that he doesn’t think you can be independent… But he was made to primarily interact with children, and for most of the days, he does. From time to time, he has some trouble adjusting to the fact that you can handle yourself just fine. As soon as you mention it to him, he’ll reel it in. The last thing he’d want is to make you feel worse.
Do not talk yourself down in front of him. Freddy’s horrified, hurting in your stead! Even if it’s a joke, he doesn’t get it. (And if he did understand completely, it’d still make him uncomfortable.) All of the animatronics have trouble picking up on nuances in people’s tone and expressions, but Freddy a little more so than the others. He’ll take it very seriously. The first opportunity he gets, he’s taking you away and sitting down with you somewhere private. Immediately, he’s asking if someone told you such negative things, telling you that they aren’t true, and all kinds of things in that direction. He’ll tell you he loves you. 
A love for singing and dancing is the foundation of his programming. There’s no way he’d pass up an opportunity to enjoy his hobbies with you by his side! Freddy couldn’t care less whether you are any good or not, as long as you’re having fun. It’s not like stepping on his feet hurts him, or hitting the wrong note makes him cringe. He’s a very patient teacher either way. One who would never berate or raise his voice at you. He could go over the same steps again and again the entire night, and he still wouldn’t feel better. At every little improvement, he’s overflowing with praise.
His ears start twitching a lot if he’s embarrassed. ‘Wriggling back and forth’ could be a more accurate description. You can hear his internal fans whirring if it’s really bad.
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fandomtrxsh19 · 3 years
The Wolf That Cried Bear
Roxy angst? Roxy angst. contains minor swearing, hurt&comfort, mentions spoilers a little
P.S.: this is basically set post-games events. its basically where there were changes made, less staffbots, lessmapbots, more human staff, etc. also gregory basically lives at the pizzaplex and the animatronics adopted him i dont make the rules. also this is one of my first fanfics and my first fnaf fanfic so dont judge me too hard.
It was bustling at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaplex. The sounds of various children doing various activities filled the many rooms of the entertainment center. Racecar engines wiring, kids laughter, arcade games springing with life, many conversations of the numerous guests. Then………
Closing Time.
A familiar message blasted through the intercom.
“Attention all Guests. Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaplex is now closed. Our staff and animatronic friends are tired and need some rest. But don’t worry! They’ll be back to rock n roll tomorrow! We hope you had fun during your stay and have a good night! Thank You.”
As the guests trickled out of the doors at the front of the building, Those familiar sounds faded away, leaving only the staff, animatronics, and the incoming security staff for the night. One such animatronic is Roxanne Wolf. The animatronic wolf looked at her raceway with pride. “Anything to report?” Roxy said. ‘Nope”, a raceway attendant replied, “Everything’s ok.” “Well, another day in the books.” she said, with her clawed hands on her hips. “Yup,” the attendant replied, standing next to her. “This never gets old, doesn’t it?” “Nope ,”the wolf replied, “ Those kids can be unpredictable and fun at the exact same time and its amazing. See you tomorrow!” She waved at the attendant as she left the room.
The wolf paused, looking around and reminiscing on the events of the day before making her way to her room. On her way, numerous employees waved on their way out. “Bye!” “See you tomorrow!” “Good Job today, Roxy!” She smirked and waved back. As those employees left, the night shift security guards came in, also waving and smiling at the wolf. “Hey!” “Hi Roxy!” and many more of the sort.
She reached her room, shut the door, and stopped. Roxy exhaled, made her way to the vanity, and sunk into her seat. Millions and millions of thoughts swirled in her head at the exact same time. It was so overwhelming, so much so that she started to cry. “Just face it, Roxy,” she said to herself, putting her head up from the table, “Nobody wants you here. They all care more about Foxy. You’re just a replacement. Face it, things would be better if that fox was here. Hell, even the kids don’t want you here.” She took a breath. “Nobody’s going to trust you now after what happened.”, she said to herself, walking around the room, “You literally tried to kill a kid. You were literally made a programmed to entertain kids, not kill any. You idiot.”
Peeking through the closed curtains, she saw the rest of her friends doing their own thing. Roxanne watched as Chica stuffed her face with pizza, rolling her eyes at the sight with a smirk. This wasn’t the first time she saw her girlfriend stuff her face with some kind of food. The chicken’s room was relatively clean, save for the pieces of trash and whole pizza boxes scattered on the floor. Her guitar was up against the vanity table, ready for use. She saw Freddy hanging out with Gregory. The wolf smiled at the sight. The bear’s room was incredibly neat. Posters of previous locations and his own portrait hung on the bright orange walls. The wolf had noticed that he’d taken a liking to the little boy, becoming some sort of a father figure to him, even when he took her eyes out, removed Chica’s voice box and beak, and took Monty’s claws, leaving him with no hands and no legs. She didn’t see any Monty, though. The gator’s room was completely closed. But, she knew what the gator was doing.
Roxy closed the curtains and went back to the vanity table. Sitting down, she put her hands to her face and started crying. This wasn’t the first time she had these thoughts. She’d had these hurtful thoughts for years. Who knows? Getting all beaten up and her eyes removed must’ve made it worse.
Then, a knock at the door. “What do you want?,” Roxy exclaimed. The racer was definitely not in the mood for visitors. The door opened and a familiar voice said “Roxanne?”
It was Freddy.
“What is the matter? Is it those thoughts again?” the fatherly bear asked, sitting down next to her. “Uhhh… yeah. It’s nothing.” “These feelings are not nothing, Roxanne.” Freddy replied, putting her arm around her. Roxy sighed. “It’s just-it’s just that I can’t help but feel unwanted.” She started. “Unwanted?” Freddy questioned.
“Yeah”, she continued, “It’s just that I’ve been hearing a lot lately and it’s getting a bit overwhelming. I mean, I’m basically a reskin of foxy and the only things that are actually mine are my hair and tail. I mean, it must’ve been disappointing seeing the same animatronic for years, then getting to know and befriend said animatronic, only to have said animatronic get replaced with some wolf with a similar nickname.” She choked up. “Hell, I’ve even heard parents being like Where’s Foxy? My son wanted the pirate. Where is he? Not to mention the many kids saying that “No one wants me”, or “Why am I here? The fox was way cooler, anyway.” Y’know, shit like that. Anyway, making it ten times worse is everything that happened. Now, lots of parents think I’m going to literally murder their kid, when really, I would never hurt a kid, you know that. Not just because we’re literally programmed not too, but also because its fucking wrong. I mean, I love whenever they have conversations with me. They tell me stories and I tell them stories. I love racing with them, even the ones that are way too good at Mario Kart.” She chuckled a little. “In a way, they’re part of our pack. We protect them in a way and make sure they’re safe and happy.” The animatronic wolf felt Freddy’s tighter comforting grip on her. “Go on.” He said. “I just- don’t know what to do. It’s just so much.” Roxy started to sob.
“Roxanne, you belong here. “ He said calmly. “Lots of people love you! And it is not just me, Chica, and Monty either. The guests, of all ages not just kids, the parents, the employees, the raceway attendants, and that’s not all. Lots of kids tell me how munch fun they had racing with you. Listen to me.” He put his hands on her cheeks. “You are not a reskin of Foxy. You are Roxanne Wolf. An intelligent, sarcastic, and enthusiastic racer who loves her friends and isn’t afraid of a challenge, especially on the racetrack. You are unique. You are a great friend and an amazing bandmate. Nothing is going to change that.” Freddy knew that all of these compliments would make her ego even higher, but he didn’t care. His friend was struggling and needs these words more than ever.
The animatronic bear hugged the wolf, with her grip tightening with the hug. “Thanks Freddy.” Her tail wagging with the embrace. "It’s just so overwhelming, y’know.” “Of course, superstar.”
“Of course.”
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monty-glasses-roxy · 3 years
AU where management for whatever reason decide to just say “fuck it” and hand over management of the pizzaplex to the animatronics. It’s free management after all since they don’t get paid but how I think this would go is...
Freddy is probs the one everyone was like “yeah he’s in charge right” but all that really happened is he gets the final vote on everything because he waited till last to make a decision. He’s in charge of health and safety and he’s very good at it! Too good! They had to stop him from baby proofing everything with bubblewrap! He takes his job incredibly seriously. The amount of first aid stations has at least doubled and they’ve never been more stocked before than they are now. He ensures more staff than ever have first aid training and there’s now things like defibrillators and what not around the place. The changes have greatly improved how parents see the place and he couldn’t be more thrilled. Sunny and Moon have absolutely had to chase him out of the daycare a few times though. It’s already safe in there, what does he mean he’s doing a safety inspection?
Chica created and now runs their social media. She absolutely loves it but has had to learn the rules of consent and when to put the camera down the hard way. Their media presence is great once she gets the hang of it and they all have fun coming up with random shit to do on it. She runs monthly popularity polls and commentates on it like its a sports game and shows off new merch - mainly her own - a lot as well. With a little help from the others, she also hosts little competitions with merch, food and other such prizes, and has a jokey mini series where she hides and films the others, commentating over it like its a nature documentary. She actually learns that she loves photography and film making through this job and maybe she starts experimenting with little short films and photo scrap books as a hobby.
Roxy is put in charge of maintenance and upgrades. She understands all that stuff and she’s pretty damn good at her job too. At first there’s a lot of upgrades to be done and she’s learned just how fun it is to invent said upgrades but has had to be reigned in a few times. Rockets on their feet would be cool and all but they’re animatronic mascots, not Transformers. She sulks about this for a bit but once the initial upgrading is done and she’s satisfied they’re not going to keep breaking every night, she calls it a day and ends up the local handy man and focuses on being a go-kart mechanic instead until someone needs a late night repair. She actually loves this job and the human staff members of her area very quickly learn to treat her with the utmost respect. Within a couple of months of things breaking here, there and everywhere constantly, she loses her patience and is like “Fuck this” and requests the Plex close for maintenance for a little bit. She then fixes up as much as she physically possibly can in every single area of the Plex with her team and once the place reopens again, problems become a lot less frequent.
Monty is in charge of security. He takes his job very seriously but also sometimes has a bit of fun with it like barring people from specific places for funsies. He likes bossing the night guards - mainly Vanessa - around and he works pretty closely with Freddy with first aid station stuff. He doesn’t actually have a lot to do all the time but he prefers it this way and likes to help out the others when he can. He’s actually pretty good with the money side of things as well and so mostly helps out there when he can. He dabbles in a bunch of the other areas as well but finance and security are his best categories.
Sunny and Moon just gained extra authority when it came to the daycare. They can now do more stuff with the kids and have more control over what and when things get repaired. They mostly get things like a new projector for movies and stuff and then some things for neurodivergent kids like sound cancelling headphones and fidget toys and what have you. They also invest in braille books and start teaching sign language and what not. They get more toys, more games, more everything! And after they know there’s extra money in the budget, they request a few little additions to the centre like a proper place for nap times and more slides and swings and stuff. Moon just wants a sticker machine and fairy lights. They’re overjoyed at getting these things almost immediately.
DJ Music Man gets put in charge of music production. The others have an idea for a new song, they go to him and he helps make it happen. He insist the invest in a studio which they were going to do anyway but now they know how much DJ wants it, they make it big enough for him too. He also asks if it would be possible to have tunnels for him all throughout the Plex and while they’re a little wary on what the reception to that might be considering he’s pretty scary, they at least say they’ll try. This is a pretty slow and gradual thing to implement, the first place he gets access to being Roxy Raceway since that was having to go through construction anyway.
And of course they would bring Bonnie and Foxy back! And give them work to do as well!
So Bonnie would be in charge of merchandising. He has an eye for this sort of stuff and the first thing he creates with everyone is a set of themed playing cards. He is super proud of them and has very high standards as to what gets made and what doesn’t. The quality of their merch gets so much higher with him in charge and merch sales improve quite a bit as a result. The plushies no longer look awful and he helps everyone create unique merch for themselves. He turns out quite the savy businessman and does pretty damn well in this role. He also likes to help with the design of the Plex itself. Like the decorations and overall feel of the place. He’s the one that thought of a way to make DJ’s tunnels into other places look like they belonged and not like a space invasion.
Foxy, believe it or not, gets control of the finances. He is so incredibly good at money and money management and no one really knows exactly why. The best theory they have is something about distributing treasure among crewmates in stories or whatever but they’ve learned to just stop questioning it. He loves that he has the power to make his friends’ ideas come to life but he also hates that this means he has to be the voice of reason. He’s the one making sure people don’t go overboard in their respective areas and often has to be the one to teach these lessons to them, despite only just learning them himself. He has learned to seperate his feelings from some matters from having to be the one to tell DJ Music Man that making the entire Pizzaplex available for him to easily navigate is going to cost more than they have and the funds have to go elsewhere for now. He felt awful doing it, but it had to be done.
I think that’s everyone! They’d all definitely have trouble with burnout and would all have to learn the hardway when to stop working with all their new responsibilities. They’d all probably take up more hobbies or start incorperating regular days where the plex isn’t open at all to be able to help with that.
They’d all absolutely love getting to write their own songs too. I imagine they were all settled again they would make one hell of an album and the showtimes would get way more excitng very quickly.
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