#also Mels mom is a GODDESS
princess-ibri · 1 year
Are there any delight ideas of how you would interpret the Hades and Persephone Myth in Hercules?
I kinda like to know on how or what version would you go for on how Zag and Mel's Parents met.
Also, have you ever heard of Another Offspring who's supposedly Hades' Daughter that was once mentioned in "Suda" who's called "Macaria"? She's different from Melinoe who is said to be the Goddess of Blessed Death and even a Concert towards Thanatos.
I know that the original idea for the Hercules tv show was to have had Hades and Demeter be exs and Persephone was their kid in a custody battle which would have been a clever way to work around the kidnap aspect, but I'm kinda glad they didn't do that cuz it does leave room for my own interpretation x)
I could 100% see Disney Hades kidnapping Persephone but Disney Zeus wouldn't back up that claim he's too nice a guy, he'd much more likely help Demeter stomp on Hades.
So I think maybe how I'd do it is take a page from some modern interpretations were they reorient the myth to be about how a girl has to break from her mother to become a woman and Persephone chooses to go with/stay with Hades.
So in my hypothetical Hercules TV show episode:
Persephone is tired of Demeter kinda of helicopter parenting her even though she's basically an adult god now, and just wants to get out from under her wing for a while.
She happens one day to see Hades busting his way out from the Underworld on route to do some evil shenanigans (or possibly just getting back from some and getting a flat chariot wheel or something this is Disney Hercules x) and in a fit of pique she sneaks into the back of his chariot and so gets taken back to the Underworld.
Hades is less then thrilled to find her there, especially since her whole pastel flower motif really clashes with his doom and gloom decor, and tries his best to scare her away but Persephone actually finds the Underworld incredibly interesting and slowly her appreciation for his loathsome domain starts to wear Hades down--And it doesnt hurt that she is definitely very pretty x).
Cue Hades vehemently denying he's growing feelings for this little flower power goddess possibly with a dark parody of "I Wont Say I'm in Love" where Pain and Pain get repeatedly blasted.
Meanwhile Demeter is frantic looking for Persephone and the world is starting to freeze over because she's not doing her godly duties. So Hercules of course volunteers to try and help find Persephone. And eventually they run into Hecate, who seeing an opportunity to make trouble for Hades and possibly nap his job, tells them that Hades has taken Persephone down to the Underworld.
Technically true but told in a way that makes it seem all the worse for Hades who for once has done nothing wrong and sends Demeter spiraling as she thinks about what horrors her poor baby could be going through.
Meanwhile Hades and Persephone are dancing to a dark parody of Beauty and the Beast badly sung by Pain and Panic or something.
Well Hercules once more heads down to the Underworld to rescue Persephone while Demeter goes to Mount Olympus to get Zeus to flashfry Hades. But when he gets there he sees that Persephone and Hades actually seem happy together and wonders if there's been a misunderstanding, manages to sneak over and talks with Persephone and lets her know whats been happening above ground with everyone freezing since Demeter's been looking for her.
Persephone realizes she'll have to go back and tells this to Hades, who of course is more then ready to let the whole world freeze as that just doubles his property values but Persephone pulls her Demeter voice on him and he hastily agrees she should probably let her mom know she's fine.
And at that point Hermes shows up to let them know anybody who's not already dead should probably clear out as Zeus is getting ready to basically nuke the Underworld to make Demeter happy to save the Earth from freezing( and the gods from starving to death when there's no more sacrifices)
Hades of course freaks out about that and Persephone not wanting her new found love to get burned to a crisp hastily demands/Demeter voices Hermes into marrying them. Hades is both flattered and confused but figures hey they're all about to die anyway and he'd rather die married then a bachelor-- so he promptly strong arms Herc into be the witness and Pain and Panic are the ring-bearer/ flower girl--so now none of them can run away either.
Hermes does so in the quickest ceremony possible which they top off with pomegrante martinis and then Persephone tells him to fly up and tell everyone she's married to Hades so she 's tied to the Underworld now and they fry her as well if they continue the attack --oh also Hercules is here too.
(Imagine all this time Zeus has been having Hephestus super charge his like, mega lightning bolt or something)
So the attack is quickly called off, and once they get the all clear, the impromptu wedding party heads up to the surface and tells her mother that if she promises to unfreeze everything then she'll come and stay with her for the summer so she wont be alone.
Demeter agrees, smites Hades with a literally frosty brush off when he tries to make a "mumsy-in-law" comment, but Persephone gives him a kiss which thaws him out and Happy Ending
(They'll definitely need couples councling later on and by the time he's taking over Olympus they're on their way to geting a divorce but hey that's life sometimes :/ )
And yes I have heard of Macaria! If this was my own Greek Myth retelling I would have included her but since I was going off of what Disney has I decided to only use Melinoe as Disney Hades only has two mentioned kids and "Mel" sounded closest to "Mal" for the Descendants reference
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melodyswishes · 6 months
Alright here comes cringe Lego drawings.
by the way this is gonna make you feel all the way more different about my lore skills.
First oc design
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this thing. (I didn’t know the properties of Lego. 😒) She was supposed to be a tiger.
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This is her in her ‘GoDdEsS’ form. (It’s lame.) Basically the goddess of the stars or what not but I think it looked weird by now. Besides this is not related to Lego monkie kid Chinese mythology related and stuff.
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I updated her design later on of her having the same pose as her older sister, (right) which pretty sucks btw.
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This design pretty much made me rethink what I was doing 7 months ago. Yet her playing the violin is just… Smh. Seeing how I come so far with my designs are pretty cool. Despite how much I change it daily. WOW.
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The side characters. Her sister and EX friend. Her ex friend is right and sister left. Basically what I was thinking is that her ex friend who is really upset at Ruby because very oc has a tragic backstory. Not that it matters anyway, Her ex friend was under the guidance of macaque, Explaining her ‘friend(s)’ little new gained powers. Her sister was a replacement of her mom and dad because basically abandoned them.
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This girl right here is minty. Just an assistant of chang’e (moon goddess.) May or may not come into my lore.
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Just pfps I made. if you actually use these flops as pfps it’s fine. No credit needed.
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This oc was a redesign (again) to which I could do better but no. You don’t know how much I hate this UGHHH-
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A new era of Shincho and Mel. We don’t talk about the lost causes of them in my last au. This explains it all.
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Mel. Mel you’re dead to me. 👉🚪
This is also Mel getting possessed by LBD for some reason. This felt very random and out of nowhere and this is art I haven’t even shown you guys before and still drew it. (Probably forgot..)
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And here’s our final product. Lina/Yueyang.
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Wait what’s this—? CHILDREN? (Btw I might change Lyria’s symbol because it seems too basic.)
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yusuke-of-valla · 2 years
I mean, Melinoë when she's not a nymph or general chthonic goddess tends to only have Persephone listed as her mother. Considering this is a minor goddess, take her limited lore as you will. Either way I'm so excited for Hades 2! I wanna see if she gets a ghost train like in myth, I'm so hyped for this. Only thing is I have a bad feeling I know what happened to Zagreus and why he's not been shown based on his original myth...
Well only having Persephone listed as her mom makes sense since Persephone as a goddess seems to like… predate Hades
Also like Zag, Mel seems to get conflated with another goddess (in this case Hecate) a lot
God why the fuck didn’t Mycenaean Greeks write down their shit in complete detail in a language we can actually translate!
Considering Zag is mentioned in the website I’m betting he showed up but hopefully he didn’t like. Literally get ripped apart
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camellia-ep · 2 years
Sorry for the lack of content lately… my bff blocked me, the reason I use this site is petrorabbit
But now I’m trying to use it on my own to meet trans people, invite them to my gay discord FRUITY RUMPUS ASSHOLE FACTORY
And finish my coming out essay, 2022 Overture at strawberrryjukebox.wordpress.com
And start my band, THE GAY AGENDA
Bc I’m out as trans, genderfluid, & PLURAL
Elliot/Ramona, the struggling actress
Ellie, the shy shapeshifting artist
Elle, the producer on poppers
Zarael/Eloise, the dnd oc/teacher
April May/Paprika, the manic pixie dream girl
Violet, the rambling author
Camellia/Mel/Esmé, the Bitch of a Mother
Joliet T. Rider Waites, the drag king
Karkat Vantas, the hater
Feferi Peixes, the mermaid empress
Penny/Penumbra, the mommy domme
Eliana/Regina, the singer & trickster kitsune
I have 13 alters, bc my life is…
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Literally… I did a 5 card tarot ritual to kill my dead self, that become 7… then 8… 9… 42… 69…
I’ve been committed 7 times in 3 years trying to come out of the closet & sing David Bowie at the gay bar… bc my mom is COUNT OLAF… UGGH
I drew Elly Pagliacci Anders 1000s of times since 2014. She’s my Elastigirl, my Inque, my Madame Rouge. My sexual awakening was shapeshifters & wanting to be a superhero… MASTERPIECE L.P.
My new DJ name, for my new Twitch strawberry-ep
Bc I’m treating it like a radio station… TRANS FM
Bc my dream is my own place. A podcast studio with a partner to record pillow talk film commentaries with. And a hot tub to stream in like @BloodberryTart
…or a Muppet/Digidestined petplay polycule with 6 girlfriends & a boyfriend to play Smash Bros with every night in a king sized bed
I lost everything trying to become Ellie in 1 year. Bc Bc I became a transwoman researching Elly. Bc Elly shapeshifted into a girl & is ashamed of her dead self. Bc Ellie is a shy shapeshifter who has meltdowns without her partner…
I’ll… get into that another time, but Elly is the love interest in We Could Be Heroes.
My Spider-Man is that fucking Aquarius librarian, and she knows it. And it’s… the Age of Aquarius
And I’m a Pisces Libra Saggitarius, & I’ll share with you my bath ritual to become a goddess soon~
The meaning of life… is green tea, & cuddling, & tripping, & hedonism, & muppets, & guitar solos, & Dirk Gently, & the music of the spheres, & Under Pressure, & Jesus Christ Superstar, & Blue Oyster Cult… & everyone has 42 soulmates…
…the meaning of life…
Because I spent every second since middle school trying to be Douglas Adams, & write The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. And I transitioned into my favorite writer… history’s worst procrastinator…
And I procrastinated being a girl until THIRTY
And I refuse to let that procrastinating cold bitch die alone, I will help her become a writer & a successful librarian with a podcast studio in Queens if it fucking kills me
Because every episode I ever had… was about using trans friends & Patreon to start a Library Economy
So contact me if you want to join my trans discord, which is also my gay agenda for writing… & my coven
Because the meaning of life is zodiac, homestuck, & the song ASTRONOMY
“Call me Desdenova, eternal light!”
Because Ellie means light, & the lights flicker when I hold my digimon crest of light & sing
I dreamt about being Kari from Digimon in 10th grade… bc I wanted to be her, & be a chosen one
Because Rin is my Tai… or my TK, & I’m their Kari
P.S. Poppers are literally gay magic bc they make you feel like a slime girl
P.P.S. Literally did witch rituals to become a curvy egirl so idk might start an onlyfans…
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morgana-ren · 3 years
anon w a horrifed lesbian pining over my silco related thirst: i am also in love with viktor . and mel. and also mels mom. i have range. i both have wonderful taste and terrible taste in fictional characters and i think thats wonderful of me
i would like to sweetly romance viktor. take care of the guy, listen to his science.
…i would like to be silcos pet no thoughts head empty i sat through all the scenes of him threatening people subtly or not so subtly lile “haha 😳…goddamnit not again”
I dont even have daddy issues. i have no reason to look at the fucked up evil dilf of the series and going “yes i want that one”
Hear me out though, hear me out hear me out.
What if-- What if--
Viktor is in love with you, right? That sweet, tender romance, supporting him in his endeavors and sitting by his side throughout everything. It really is a pure, genuine love shared between sane and consenting adults, you know, like a normal person would have.
But obviously Piltover has something the Eye of Zaun has his eye on, right? Hextech. And what better way to get an in into Piltover's glorious new technology than exploiting the weakness of one of the major scientists behind it?
So Silco, mean man that he is, nabs ya--Or more specifically, has his goons nab you and plop you down right at his feet.
Now look, it's meant to be nothing but a job, but fuckin' uhhhh you're kind of gettin' in his head in more ways than just being an obnoxious little captive. No bueno for the Underking, but hey. It happens. He's old enough to be a mature, responsible man and handle it like an adult and separate business and pleasure and not have inappropriate thoughts about his victim.
Nah. Before long, he's glaring down at those dumb, terrified little doe eyes you make and wondering what your insides feel like in a non-violent way.
Meanwhile, Viktor is doing everything in his damned power to get you back from the Undercity, fretting over how scared you must be and what dreadful things you've gone through all because of him. Jayce, as always, is no help because eugh, Undercity, and the council is less interested in his little apprentice than they are him, and frankly, it's probably better that he not have any distractions. A win-win, really.
Silco, on the other hand, is working on establishing a lovely Stockholm Syndrome relationship with you, hand slipping higher and higher up your knee every time he assures you that he's not going to let anyone down here hurt you; the chains are just there for your protection; he's just doing what's best for his people and you can't really fault him for that, can you? Not that you could understand the plight of the people down here. You're from up there after all.
He's cunning, he's ambitious, and he's... sorta handsome, actually.
Could he really be all that bad?
But Viktor... But Viktor?
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lobstermankingdom · 2 years
Gift of the Fairies:
Zel and Mel's mom has a Beast form. She earned it while training with the Fairy Queens brother. The day he got his Elk form is the same day she got her own Beast form. A wolf dog!
Her wolf Dog Form is smaller then normal wolves or dogs for that matter. But She's easily noticeable via her white fur and red markings.
Why a Wolf DOG and not just a wolf? Cause Dog is the fact she's still human. Her Fur being white is cause she was original part of the Goddess Clans humans. The Red Markings are cause she's a Crimson Angel.
Mama would often use her Howling to lull her Sons to sleep should they have a hard time. So the Demon Realm would have alot of Howling during those nights.
After Death:
After Mama's death and her wings being ripped off. Her Wings still remain as Spirit Guides for her Sons. Each wing protecting and keeping watch over their respective Son.
Though they are to protect the sons. That also means the two wolves will be at odds with eachother. Given the Brothers are now against eachother during the events of the holy War and after the seal was broken.
Zel's Wolf was responsible for leading Hendrickson and Dreyfus to the Seal. Which snow balls into the demons being released. (You can thank your mom for that one boys!)
Mel's wolf now has two charges once Tristan is born. Keeping watch over Tristan now aswell as Meliodas.
Skills in Beast Form:
Other then the basic Wolf traits. She can still use a weapon. Just limited with what weapon and she can only use one. Mama is faster in wolf form though again she is smaller. So her wolf form trades for speed over her normal strength and skills. Mama CAN NOT FLY in beast form. But she can call for help if there is any. Mostly the one that answers her call is the Demon Prince.
Mama in Beast form BARKS! And She's barked at her lover a few times for different reasons. In feral mode, He's being unreasonable, Being to protective, being hostile to someone, ETC...the list goes on.
Mama has carried Mel and Zel in her beast form a few times. But she can't anymore as they aren't that small anymore. She'll probably Bark at them when they are stepping out of line.
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demonprincezeldris · 3 years
Meliodas was raised among the goddesses, who are known for being swift through the air and quick on their feet.
And all I'm saying is that Meliodas? ABSOLUTELY recieved some form of acrobatics training. Whether that be to increase his agility as a soldier or, and this is my favorite, when he was a child, he learned for fun! (his poor moms needed SOME way to get his energy out, and his mom, as a carpenter, totally made him equipment in the backyard)
Maybe it's the ponytail, maybe it's the fact that I have a younger brother who's a gymnast with adhd, but I feel like Meliodas would be pretty high energy.
Meliodas laughing gleefully, because the rafters in this castle were MADE for playing in! And he's jumping between them, looping and twisting around the beams, spinning off of them, generally just having fun. Zeldris is walking along underneath him, hands folded behind his back, a soft smile on his face as he watches his little brother grin and laugh and play.
He does note that he should invest in some sort of obstacle course for Meliodas. He thinks he'd enjoy that.
He very much does!
Zeldris blindfolds him (with his permission) and holds his hands as he guides him out to a barely used training field. (There's other ones that the soldiers liked better, since they were closer to the armory) the entire place has been cleaned up and a huge, complex obstacle course had been built across it.
"Zeldris, are we there yet?"
"Shh! Almost!" He had a little grin on his lips, excited.
"Can you just tell me what it is?"
"No, that'll ruin the surprise!" He laughs.
He stops him. "Keep your eyes closed." He murmurs as he unties the blindfold. He steps back. "Ok. Now you can look."
Meliodas blinks his eyes open and then he gasps, staring at it all. "Zeldris..."
"It's an obstacle course! I saw how much you enjoyed playing in the rafters and thought... well. D-Do ya like it?"
"Like it?? I-I... I don't have the words! Can I...?"
"Of course! It's yours, after all! You can come here anytime you'd like."
Meliodas grinned and jogged over to it, pacing around the entry point for a moment, calculating, before he threw himself into it. He went gleefully, dodging and leaping and spinning, flinging himself into the air and twisting as many times as he could before grabbing the next rope and continuing to swing. (He might have been showing off for his brother. Just a little.)
He went to the obstacle course a LOT. It was a great way to get his access energy out, and it was also an amazing stimulator. Rumors started spreading and before long, it became common for him to have an audience as he flung himself throw each of the obstacles with STUNNING agility, even for a demon! A huge smile on his face the whole time, like he was having the time of his life!
That sounds so fun!
Meliodas loves the obstacle course, and it brings Zel joy to see him so happy. He's been a bit cold, to say the least, for weeks around him. And to see him calm down and act like this brings Zel back memories when he used to fly with Mel in his arms when he was smaller.
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cracks-and-chaos · 3 years
Common Reactions to Arcane characters I’ve seen around the internet:
Cait: “she’s 6ft tall!”
Vi: just make her say cupcake. A lot.
Cait&Vi: League of Lesbians!!!!
Jinx/Powder: Sad girl. Edgy. Let me draw/cosplay this sad, edgy girl. Deteriorating mental health is neat! How fun! What a cool aesthetic!
Vander: who?
Silco: “he’s the best dad!” “No he’s not!” “Yes he is!”
Sevika: “we don’t really care about her unless she’s in the same scene as Vi.”
Jayce: Should have been with Viktor. Why not date Viktor?
Jayce, Alternatively: a himbo
Viktor: Shoulda been with Jayce. Why not date Jayce? Also, in the game he becomes a mech. Can mechs still date?
Mel: So pretty! Ethereal, morally-grey goddess!
Mel’s mom: a pegging joke
Ekko: this vine:
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noblehcart · 3 years
deepdive: the hele.n of t.roy comparison
yeah i said i wouldn't ramble about it but here i am CAUSE I FOUND MORE PARALLELS AND IM GEEKING. i'd've put it on disco, but its easier to organize my thoughts here.
okay but obviously the main plot structure is SO PERFECT but i wanna take this another notch.
there are some parallels that seriously has me like 'wow that is how her fam is' because in the instance of tynd.areus fearful of offending people/suitors is absolutely an andrei ivanov fear and in the instance of helen's brother's being involved/deeply invested in her marriage is 10000% a stefan move. and as much as i hate to admit it gabriele (her mom ) would def have hooked up with a god.
so BACK to more on verse parallels. don't hate me for referencing wiki but this is a post im slapping together ok dont quote me but-
The marriage of Hele.n and Menela.us marks the beginning of the end of the age of heroes
-which is the perfect parallel for Gotham Order (GO) as the A.rkham Knig.ht (AK) has now ended the worst of crime, killed Batma.n and locked up vigilantes thus effectively ending the 'age of heroes' in Got.ham. Granted of course Liese and AK aren't married, but they do stay connected through out the course of all of this so continue to bear with me. There is also the note, which of course varies from retelling to retelling that Helen CHOSE Mels (yeah I'm not typing his whole name) much like how Liese has chosen Jason/AK.
Now from THIS post reminds me of who Helen actually is.
Did it not strike you, Theseus, Menelaus, Agamemnon, Achilles, and yes, even you Paris, that I would always belong to myself first and that is the only reason I would run?
And its this EXACTLY why Liese leaves because she realizes she's, in a way, almost losing herself. Compromising her morals and beliefs for the comforts of the life she's currently living with a man that she chose initially but now questions her own choices.
now again,some retellings say that Paris abducted Helen and others that he seduced her. For us, Liesel runs off to join the rebellion, but as Jase so obviously said 'you left me for Dick' in all honesty there's a big possibility that Liese at some point ran into Dick before her fleeing possibly Dick with the intention of getting her sway over AK. Thus paralleling with the 'seduction' AND the appearance of her 'abduction' even though she wasn't abducted aspect. Also I redirect you to the post referenced above-
Did no one ever teach you, that when you try to touch a Goddess, when you treat her like she is property, you are playing with divine fire and you and everything you love will burn?
To which I gotta add that in the end both Liese and AK begin to get VERY possessive with each other. All of which culminated into Liese realizing she was compromising her morals, and person that was staying for 'jason' was in a way ceasing to exist at all. That wasn't good for her or Jason and it wasn't good for Gotham because she was getting comfortable with life as she now knew it. So she flees to join the rebellion and effectively attempt to burn down this new GO because it is not what she wants.
Our FINAL parallel is the note of this
When Menelaus finally found her, he raised his sword to kill her. He had demanded that only he should slay his unfaithful wife; but, when he was ready to do so, she dropped her robe from her shoulders, and the sight of her beauty caused him to let the sword drop from his hand.
we close to the lovers reunion again but this time as chaos ensues and a mission goes wrong where Liesel is captured along with her rebel squad which is facing interrogation and execution. Its Liese throwing herself in defense of one of her team members that she is finally revealed and of course AK spares her life upon seeing her.
I do feel like there is oNE more comparison parallel that I'm missing here but this is all my brain came up with atm.
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ruddyswojtyla · 4 years
Break Up With Your Girlfriend (Part 1)
Based on the song By Ariana Grande. Set in x men apocalypse. It a Scott Summers x Reader Story. This is Part 1.
What Happens when you fall in love with someone who has a girlfriends who is more powerful than you. Would they break up or become friends with benefit.
You got me some type of way (Hmm) Ain't used to feelin' this way (Mmm-mmm) I do not know what to say (Yeah, yeah) But I know I shouldn't think about it Reader POV: They say love comes in many different ways. But for me I don’t even know what love is. When I got my powers I was a whole different person. I was the nerd of my family. My mom is known as a Goddess aka Athena. My dad well…. I don’t know him but I have 3 older brothers and a younger sister. I was the last one in my family to get my power which is I can control fire, read people's mind, but one of my powers is dangerous. When I sing I can kill them and control them. My mom decided I should go to Charles Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters where my brothers and sister are. My older brother James can control Water and Ice and has telekinesis. My second older brother Paul controls the Earth and he can see dead people and bring them to life and see their death. My other brother Kent controls the sky like our grandpa Zues. He can also teleport from one place to another. My younger sister Mel she controls the wind and can see the future and can make anyone fall in love like Cupid.
Took one fuckin' look at your face (Hmm) Now I wanna know how you taste (Mmm-mmm) Usually don't give it away (Yeah, yeah) But you know I'm out here thinkin' 'bout it “You will love it there.”, My mom said. I just stare out my window and see that we are almost there. When we get there we go to the Professor Charles Xavier offices, I notice a guy with sunglasses which is weird because he is inside the mansion hanging out with other friends. One of them had blue skin, the other one has silver hair that looks like a grandpa, and the other person well he looks like a bad boy but has wings. When he turned his head and looked at me I felt something different as if I wanted to kiss him but I looked away. We entered the professor office. “Hello Athena, it's nice seeing you again.” Said the Professor. He had a bald head but beautiful blue eyes and he is sitting in a wheelchair. “It's nice seeing you Charles. This is y/n. She recently got her powers so I decided to bring her here.” “Wonderful. y/n do mind if I see something.” I looked at him weirdly. “Sure” He took my hand. I felt him in my head but I didn’t get scared. “ I see we share a common power which I will help you master better.” “Thank you” “Well welcome and someone will show you your room and all your stuff will be there. You will share a room with your sister.” “Ok.”
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wizardysseus · 4 years
i finished sunshine. i think... it was very good at being a story about the narrator, and i love her, and her narration, but i also wanted more from... about... the other characters? there are a lot of other characters. i don’t feel like i really know anything about con or bo or mel or the goddess of pain or a lot of them. her mom didn’t even have a scene with her??? but like, did i tear up when sunshine teared up about not being able to feed her stupid vampire? obviously yes.
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peachyunjinnie · 4 years
any blogs you wanna send love to? they don't have to be writers— i'm trying to prove a point here!❤️️❤️️
this is 1.5k and is officially more than most of my fics- ENJOY I GUESS??
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@ammuqwer Alice, i love you and your lovely compliments you give me all the time to hype me up :’). you are so talented and such an amazing writer and friend. i could not tell you how fUNNY YOU ARE ecila sotl uoy evol i ;)💗
@bangchanismybias i don’t even know how to tell you how much you mean to me with all the support you give me with EVERY SINGLE POST I MAKE it’s so crazy the amount of happiness you bring me when i see your name pop up with every post on my phone! love you!!!💗
@channiesmixtape woody :( ugh where the actual heck should i start? you are for real the biggest and coolest writer that i know one here and with the amazing jungwoo content you give us is just-😞 you are one of the big writers that inspired me to write as well and that was one of the best decisions i could have made on here, to switch from reader to writer! i love you and your selcas! (forreal you is a goddess)💗
@chanonymous s n e h a  m y  p u p p y  m o m  i am your problematic cutie and i love it! we don’t interact as much as we could but the times we do i really have such an amazing time to talk to you and talk about stuff that are just often talked about! i seriously learned some physics for you and i cannot believe that i did but i would do it again for you💗
@cherryeol04 CHERRY! okay, you are so cute and so adorable idK WHY BUT YOU ARE!!! you deserve so much and nothing but the absolute best! your fics are really so well written and you are one of the most underrated artists on here. you really create art on here and that’s nothing but the truth. i love you and i wish to reach your level of writing one day!💗
@doubleknot42 sky!! wow! we haven’t talked in a hot minute but your cute little outfit shows would make my day brighter and better! just to see that is so adorable and how you would thrist over Conan is so relatable! i love you so so much and i wish you nothing but the very very best!!!💗
@gabiog1me gabiiii! i know we just started talking but you are so nice and kind already! it’s actually pretty cool to see and have some black friends on here and kind of have the ability to rant over some stuff that someone with a darker skin color would understand better! and your music taste is A+!!! you are amazing and your a-z is on the way;)💗
@jisungsjheekies lin! you are really with woodles and nicole the biggest blogs that are supporting me and i could not tell you how that literally boosted my energy and my ideas to post! your appreciation posts were just something i would see every single day and would really love! you are such a great writer and your selca is WOW just WOW- love ya!!💗
@kinkywoojins SAMMY SAM! okay okay, the moment i realized that i know you hoe i was 😦 like just 😦. DESTINY IS SUCH AN AMAZING THING HAHAHA i love you mom and i love your posts! if you post again i can bet my left eyebrow i will be the first one to read the masterpiece. AND YOU ARE SO SO GORGEOUS LIKE WOW- THE DOUBLE KNOT PHOTOSHOOT WAS A WHOLE AESTHETIC- i love you so sooooo much!!💗
@lordseochangbin Mel, you are probably really one of the accounts that has the best humor. when you post some crackhead posts i just always have to lie down to calm down and not have an asthma attack and die. PLUS you are so talented! the tennis fic was fuCK so GOOD!! i am so honored to say that you my friend on here! love uuu uwu💗
@lixieslexie LEXIE! okay okay okay. you made me nearly cry when you said that you watched Ghibli movies and I COULD NOT PUT IN WORDS HOW PROUD I AM you are really so pure and such a sweetheart and you have found my softspot some way and now you are my C U T I E. i love u💗
@mrbangchannie meggie meg :) you are so precious and you are so crazy! you are an amazing writer, a beauty, crackhead humor queen and such an amazing friend! we have to talk more and send some crackhead pics cuz i need to send it to someone on here but no one would really get it tbh💀💗
@mini-meanhoe summi🥺 i can’t believe that you are FINALLY my friend and now that we are and the pics you send me of bald stray kids i really do not regret it a SINGLE bit. BUT YOUR FLIRTY ASS NEEDS TO STOP like i kinda just have a constant bellyache from laughing because you of your flirty actions- you are the death of me and i am really not minding it at all hshshhah. also your writing is so good and you have to continue cuz nabi needs more to read! i LOVE you💗
@nightshade-minho miKA i love you and you are so hardworking and i really admire you on another level. i wish i could maintain such a huge blog like yours! you are really a mAgIcAL person cuz no way a normal human being is so cute and talented. when i saw that you’re following me i shit you not i had a 20 minute happydance in my room- imma end this before i expose my cringy ass too much, i luv u💗
@particularemu nicole! we haven’t interacted really but i really had to say this if you see this or something! you are awesome! you are great! you are incredible, you are wonderful! i love you and your sometimes random hyunjin reblogs and i could not get enough of them! i love you lots💗
@starryseung ivy, i saw that the admin changed into mia so imma just say that you both are great and i really love to read the various posts and just to scroll on the dashboard to see your posts! i love you two and you two are really so special!💗
@shari-skz shari! a fellow hyunjin stan and basically my sister...? anna’s family is complicated and i am so confused with who i am related to on here bUT what was about to say is that you brighten up everyone on here so much through the many hateful and irrelevant anons! i love your child ass and i hope we can talk more in the future!💗
@vocalyunhoamelie!!!! the way we first interacted was so weird and so cool at the same time! and the anonie you gave me on your blog really just hits different🥺 and it will stay our little secret hehee i love you and i hope i can get into more of your ateez work!!!💗
@yangomangos MANGOS! mh where to start, you are so adorable and so...idk just give me cute vibes? i was the most nervous little shit to text you because you kinda seemed like a celebrity to me JHGSJHGJASHHI with all of your work being out there and just thriving! you are such a baby and i will not argue over you being a baby! i love you and i really hope we can have better days in the future!💗
@yoyo-mans haya! i really don’t even know where to start with you! you are really such a huge huge friend for me and i couldn't tell you if i would be still here without you by my side. i want you to know that you are absolutely amazing and beautiful! i love you so much and i hope we can make many memories together!💗
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amratsu · 5 years
alright these girls have haunted me for about a whole month now time to break it all down for anyone vaguely interested in them
hololive/vtuber 101 below the read more
THE FUCK IS HOLOLIVE?: An idol agency except all of its roughly 20 or so girls are youtube streamers who have their identity protected by a live2d avatar. They recently had a very fun live concert and all of them have or will have 3d models, but the majority of content is just them streaming whatever's their fancy at the time. (As of 2/17/2020 a lot of them play a lot of ARK, thank Coco for that) Therefore, they're part of the new form of niche culture called Vtuber.
THE FUCK IS A VTUBER?: Virtual youtubers. Like a normal streamer but, again, live2d portrait instead of their actual face. That's basically it. Content is about as varied as any other youtuber.
ALRIGHT, WHO WE GOT?: Hololive's split into OG Tokino Sora, the girls alongside her who are also primarily 3d, and then 'generations'. Just plug in their names and you'll find their channel easy. Again, variety differs between all the girls, but expect a lot of Nintendo games, chat streams, karaoke, and Minecraft across the board.
-Tokino Sora OG mom slash idol, debuted all the way back in 2017. Probably the only proper idol in all of Hololive. Warm, friendly, relaxing. She mostly does 3d variety streams and song debuts so she's hard to follow without advanced japanese.
-Roboco(-san) Pose happy killer robo with a notably smokey voice and calming demeanor. Plays a large amount of minecraft and first-person games in general; recent streams include ARK, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon remaster, Apex, and Fortnite.
-Sakura Miko ELIIIITE MLG miko idol with a tendency to swear a bit. High energy, fully embraced 'press f', gives herself sunglasses during streams, great friends with Pekora. Also notably into eroge. Did a full playthrough of Papers Please lately and is one of the most addicted to ARK (21 streams at around 4-5 hours each.)
1st Generation -Yozora Mel Sleepy vampire with the occasional killer instinct. Soothing, gentle, kind of lewd. Very much into nintendo games with Smash, Ring Fit, SwoSh, and Mario Kart being her latest content, but she's a little slower with the output. Part of the lewd blonde club with Aki, Haato, and Choco, who were demonetized until recently.
-Aki Rosenthal Cyber elf with detachable twin tails. Pretty similar to Mel in disposition, though less sleepy and more...I want to say 'fantastical'. Recently gained popularity due to her buck naked superhuman beefcake character in ARK, with Kerbal, Go Home, and some ASMR rounding out the rest of her content.
-Natsuiro Matsuri Eternal 17 year old cheerleader from the class next door, Matsuri is a high energy raging lesbian who's also a complete sweetie. Her infamous bandaid clip is what got a lot of western fans into Hololive. Plays a wide variety of games but also twitcasts at random times of the day like when she's in bed or in the bath, just to chat with her viewers about what's on her mind. Well loved.
-Akai Haato The ESL transfer student, girl next door, Haato is, well, exactly that. Commonly traveling for studies, Haato is a bubbly girl with a fine sense for aesthetics; you'll catch her making elaborate builds in Minecraft or playing visual novels during streams, along with a smattering of other games. Notable in that she's the only girl that'll do purely English streams, likely to help with her own education. Also kind of a baka.
2nd Generation -Minato Aqua Disaster masochist maid who's actually stupidly good at video games sometimes. She's both mischievous and hard working, massively popular in China, and, again, stupidly good at games. Soulsborne speedruns, PUBG, ARK (also one of the most addicted), Minecraft (seeing a pattern?), League if you catch her bilibili streams...but she's also the one who will spend a stream calling the other girls and asking them to bully her. Wild card gremlin.
-Murasaki Shion Genius mage who doesn't do a lot with her magic. Pretty well known for her 'neeeeeee', with a distinctly smug avatar/voice. Pretty good at games too, with a variety of Pokemon, retro games, Minecraft, Smash, horror, Mario Kart, etc. Excellent singing voice too, would recommend her covers.
-Yuzuki Choco The totally-not-a-succubus demon nurse at your highschool, Choco embodies :sweating:. Obviously she's lewd, but there's also a silly and petulant side to her that's fun to watch too. ASMR is her specialty. She's also, surprisingly, really into Dead By Daylight, so if that combination sounds fun to you hit her up.
-Oozora Subaru If Haato is the girl next door, Subaru's the bro next door. A very down to earth but energetic and sporty tomgirl, she recently spent three streams and sixteen hours on trying to take down Sans. Other recent things include Live A Live, The Witch's House, and GTA. Refreshingly easy to relate to compared to the other girls sometimes.
-Nakiri Ayame Hello, honored humans~ Hololive's millenium old oni. Has a peculiar way of speaking, especially in her pronouns, which lends a certain charm if you can got on board with it; happy go lucky, easy to like, and really cute on top of all that. Recently recovered from sickness (as of 2/26) so was the last to get on the Ark craze, she's actually very fond of multiplayer games as a way of 'getting to know mortals'. Apex Legends, Mario Kart, Splatoon, etc.
GAMERS: A sort of generation on its own, and also a kind of weird designation when all the girls game so frequently. Oh well!
-Shirakami Fubuki Fox. Not a cat. Super cheerful, makes a lot of weird noises that people turn into youtube poops (that she encourages), and also a helluva gamer. Plays plenty of battle royales, ARK, and of course Nintendo/Minecraft stuff. Infamous for her absolute feral hunter instincts in Project Winter, where she commonly massacres the entire map on her lonesome when she's the traitor.
-Ookami Mio Mom wolf who has to play tsukkomi (straightman) to basically all of Hololive sometimes. Which makes it all the more hilarious during her semi-common charisma breaks, like during Haato's recent English Exam stream. Has been into EDF, Pokemon, Ghost Trick, and Splatoon lately.
-Nekomata Okayu The sleepy smug cat with the most chill personality. Notably very, VERY close with Korone, and in general kind of a playboy in general. Never denies it or any of her myriad transgressions though. Her Mother 2 run has been fun recently, but really you could just tune into her frequent chat streams and relax that way.
-Inugami Korone Dog. An oddball who kind of just goes at her own pace, playing all sorts of weird games like Nyanpo (the pokemon prototype) and weird PS1 retro games. Shows a disturbingly violent side sometimes; her ongoing Blasphemous run and recent RE4 runs have shown how much she's into that kind of stuff. But also she's still a dog, so really don't worry.
Inonaka Music: -AZKi AZKi is closely associated with Hololive but is really more of her own thing, being even more idol than Sora is. Doesn't stream much if at all, has her own album out, does music collabs more than anything else, etc. Helluva singer though.
-Hoshimachi Suisei The vtuber idol who's totally not a psychopath, and totally a goddess at tetris. Like Fubuki, made a name for herself with her psychotic rampages in Project Winter, and also very much unfazed by horror games. Really fucking good at tetris too, doing 98v1 streams lately in Tetris 99, and a godly songstress too. Her karaoke streams are to die for.
3rd Generation: Also known as Hololive Fantasy. These girls are particularly close to each other. If you can find translated clips, I definitely recommend their host club streams where they compete in seducing other Vtubers. (Yes. That's serious)
-Usada Pekora AH^HA^HA^. You'd think she was a cute rabbit, but no! It's a Tewi level shitposter combined with some legit video game skills. She likes playing the heel deliberately just for shits and giggles, like when she nearly walked off with Miko's Nether Star. She's in fact very close to Miko, their relationship being both great friends and great rivals. Definitely one of the most addicted to ARK too; she's been making headway in conquering the ocean.
-Shiranui Flare Handsome half-elf archer, Flare's the designated tsukkomi of the third generation. She's definitely the most down to earth of them, charismatic to boot, and does as she pleases with a relaxed personality and husky, smokey voice. Very very VERY close to Noel. You'll find some really fun playthroughs of various action games like Dark Souls, Bayonetta, and Sekiro on her channel, and thanks to her picking up game mechanics fast they're fun to watch for anyone.
-Shirogane Noel Knight Captain of the Shirogane Knights, Noel's...kind of an airhead, actually. But she's definitely a pleasant, softspoken sort of person who's incredibly relaxing to listen to. Also a big eater, you'll hear her talk about beef bowls and muscles a lot. Just try not to stare too much at her 'pectorals.' As mentioned, VERY close to Flare (they just had a two day long date to a ryokan). Plays whatever with no focus in particular.
-Uruha Rushia The cute, soft, innocent apprentice necromancer, Rushia occasionally comes out of the gates roaring with rage filled screams before chilling out. An absolute cutie though, who loves her fans very much (though really every Hololive member does), her attempts to be cool and reliable lend to some great comedy. She's got a great singing voice if you can find one of her bilibili streams, and otherwise plays a wide variety of things.
-Houshou Marine A~hoy~. The completely safe for work, modern, not-cosplay eternal 17 pirate...and everything I just said was a lie. Most of it anyways. Marine's a riot of a lady with an incredibly dirty mind and dirtier motor mouth, great voice acting ability, and knack for art that she'll happily show off (among other things). Definitely one of my favorites, you'll find plenty of chat and art content on her channel, along with some of the most Ark addiction and a full array of Touhou game playthroughs.
4th Generation: Hololive's newest five girls, it's been a month and change since they debuted. They're notable for working together on some of the most wild content Hololive's put out so far, all helmed by a certain dragon. But we'll get to that.
-Tokoyami Towa The little devil that does whatever she wants, Towa's known for a couple of other things at this point: refreshingly honest personality, Pokemon playthroughs with an eclectic choice in team comp, and her charmingly atypical tomboy voice (though her mic's not amazing). Great singer, super funny if you can find the rare translated clip of her, and was an absolute menace at the recent Hololive werewolf/mafia game. How she managed to fake being a Seer from day one and nearly win, I'll never know.
-Tsunomaki Watame Hololive's bouncy sheep. Ram? Something like that. A very girly, friendly, lightly ara-ara personality, she's an honest and open with her feelings sort of girl. Earnest laughter at chat and games, real emotional tears while watching the live concert with her generation mates, Watame's a total sweetheart who streams a bit of music everyday as the pre-show to Coco's Morning Shitposts (official name). She's also gotten very close to her senpais in some regards...but above all she likes singing, chilling out in Minecraft, and recently playing through a couple Kirby games.
-Himemori Luna If you want to see a completely innocent cinnamon roll looking character say things like 'ass' and 'don't f*cking take crystal m*th', Luna's your gal. Her high pitched, almost childlike voice takes a bit of getting used to but she's a sweetheart that just has fun no matter what she's doing. But she'll also say a bunch of really funny shit while doing it just from sheer juxtaposition of her voice/appearance and the vocabulary. Surprisingly good at video games too.
-Amane Kanata PP Tenshi. Perfect Pitch, Powerpoint...Kanata's a bit of a sheltered honor student sort of girl who has an incredible vocal range, so much you'd be forgiven for thinking she was a professional voice actor or singer. She loves playing along with jokes even if she doesn't get them some times, and is really close with Coco. If not for said dragon she'd be the biggest memelord in the 4th generation, but alas; her channel has lots of collabs with fellow members and a series of cute 'research' videos on the various generations of Hololive. Unfortunately untranslated though.
-Kiryuu Coco The one, the only, the President of Nishinari herself, Coco has been a force of nature since she debuted. Her vulgar sense of humor, rapid fire jokester nature, fluent English speaking, and complete conversion of Hololive to the wonders of dinosaur taming in Ark has made her one of the most subscribed girls in a matter of weeks. Every day at 6am JST or 1pm PST, she does a quick 20 minute gig called Coco News (officially translated as Coco's Morning Shitpost) where she reports on the various ongoings in Hololive. This ingeniously brings attention to the silly crap everyone's been up to, really fostering a sense of community between the girls you don't see elsewhere, while also being a riot to watch as she roasts everyone for their silliness (with full permission). Other notable memes include her stalwart boycotting of Nintendo Switches, her desire to fund a Hololive house, and her recent Hitman 2 run.
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Pulling a face at the fact I was sick this morning, but I am not shocked either, I am nervous about today. Today is the day, today is the day me and baby Fenty will be coming out of hiding, and I am not sure how to feel, do I want to show the world, do I want to even be exposed but I have had weeks to prepare and I am still not ready, but here I am being sick in the morning because of it. Lifting up my tee, I am not the one to boast but I have the prettiest pregnancy stomach, like it’s just perfect “I can’t wait to meet you, I mean minus the pain but I can’t wait to hold you in my arms” lightly rubbing my stomach, I am enjoying it. I think I like being pregnant, I am of course eating healthy still because I don’t want to go all out and binge eat but I am excited to hold my baby, I am feeling myself actually. Placing my tee back over my stomach, today is the day of The Diamond Ball and I am excited about it all, it will be different for us and not only that I have some of my family coming, I think they have arrived. My Grandfather is here too, I didn’t tell him, so I am a little nervous to go downstairs. Also, my dad is here, it’s time to tell more loved ones on the day, I was going to invite Chris but then it still needs to be private when it happens and then I saw a new picture of him laying his head on a girl’ booty, so nope I don’t think so. I am just beyond not feeling it, every time I get the urge to do it something comes up, like god is blocking this. He has a whole ass daughter that is near ten and he is posting pictures like that, I swear as a mother to be I am annoyed, like why the fuck would you do that. I am just going to put Chris aside and enjoy today with my loved ones, and then telling my fans the actual news. Placing my feet in my slides, let me go downstairs and let them see what I have been hiding also.
I can hear my family speaking “oh my god” looking behind me “Noella” I said looking behind me “Robyn? Oh my god” she is staring at my bump “why do I feel so emotional” Noella’ hand over her mouth staring at my stomach, small sobs leaving her lips “don’t cry” walking over to her “I am just in awe, oh my god” hugging Noella “I am shocked, Robyn. You look so well, this is what you have always wanted and to see you like this, a dream for you” I cooed out “I know, it’s something I craved and look at god” Noella is just flat out crying on my shoulder “I am so happy for you cousin” rubbing her back, I am consoling Noella forget me right now “oh god, I just. I have always imagined the day but look at it” Noella stepped back “aww my, this is baby Fenty” Noella touched my bump “hello my little Barbados king or queen, we love you so much” smiling at her “you know that will be the first place I am going too with my baby, they are going to know that is home. Promise you, how is everyone? Do they know anything?” Noella shook her head “we do but Grandfather say nothing he don’t know and Ronald doesn’t, Rajad let something slip about being fat but they ignore him” nodding my head “ok” I breathed out “this is nerve wracking, I just wanted my dad and grandfather here because it’s a lot to tell, I love you so much” wrapping my arm around Noella and kissing the side of her head, she is always here supporting me.
I am scared to walk in now “bitch you using me as cover, go away” Noella ran off “Robyn” seeing my dad’ face changed from a smile to look of horror, like someone just got killed something “hi dad” watching him slowly get up from the couch “my grandbaby gained weight?” hearing my grandfather say “Robyn” my dad said again “it is what you think it is” I said openly, my dad is in shock and I get it “come and give me a hug” my grandfather said, walking over to my grandfather “I love you” kissing his cheek hugging him, he seems not phased “why are you not freaking out?” I said as I sat next to him “because you told me, you said baby next. Baby is here” he smiled at me, I don’t want to look at my dad but I have too, he is really being dramatic but I can’t blame him “I didn’t want to tell you dad because you would talk” looking at him, oh wow my dad is crying “why is everyone crying?” I just never get it “because my daughter is having a baby, oh god” my dad is sobbing, let me get up because I thought he was going to react differently “I am, sometimes I am shocked that I am too. But it’s happening, I spoke about it a lot” hugging my dad.
My dad is very emotional about it all still, he’s really taking it not bad but emotionally bad “so I guess you are wondering, why and what happened. It wasn’t planned, it happened from one night. I don’t know, I don’t remember so that is on me, but I do know the father. You both do, it’s Chris” my dad’ eyes widened “ooohhh” my grandfather laughed as he said “Clara always said that those two would have a baby, you still love him. Clara would be laughing with me” my grandfather is doing nothing but laugh and smile “you love that boy still don’t you” I wish he wouldn’t “it’s mutual, but he is the father and he doesn’t know yet. It’s a mess, but I need my family to keep this here, this information of it being Chris’ baby has to remain in this room” I can’t stress that enough “I like Chris, he makes you happy. I know he does” my dad said “I suppose but he doesn’t know yet dad, but I just need to make sure you all keep this here. I don’t think the world is ready for this. You as my family know Chris, you judge Chris differently then to the world, you all saw how we loved. Rorrey has other opinions but this baby, it’s going to be loved. I am happy that you all are happy for me but I need the love and support from you all ok?” looking around the room “Clara would be happy for you baby, she would see the happiness in your eyes” my grandfather is going to make me cry “I wish she was here, she always told me to find a guy that loves you more then you love them. And I never got that” see now I am crying “but I got this baby now, and from your reaction, I know gran gran would be happy and laughing” I didn’t want to cry but now I am.
I decided with Ja of course that we would make the dress minimal and my makeup more stand out, because the baby bump is going to do the talking “you know what, I struggled to get things because people know who I am and who I am shopping for so I was like I am buying a dress for my mother, nosey ass bitches but then they was like maternity wear? Then I was like oh my god, so it was a terrible time, but we got it, we good. So, we are doing minimal the better, the baby bump will do the talking, cause chile. The world about to have a meltdown, exciting” smiling at Ja “where is my girl?” hearing Leandra say “go and give auntie a kiss Legend” I am just sat here waiting for Leandra to come around the corner and have a slight meltdown, I am sat in the chair facing the door anyways “in now!” Leandra shouted, she out here threatening my nephew “leave him alone” I said, Leandra looked at me and her eyes widened “Jesus!!” she spat “Jesus Christ! My holy god, what? Is this fake? Are you all lying to me?” Leandra pointed storming in, I just sat here smiling at her “surprise?” I said awkwardly “fucking surprise!? This? Oh my god, bitch. You are pregnant!” I nodded my head smiling “I am pregnant, I love you but not many know of this. I had to keep it a secret” I hope she don’t hate me “I understand why, what the fuck happened!?”  holding Leandra’ hands “drunk plus sex plus a condom where I think it broke not sure” Leandra is flabbergasted “I don’t know what to say” she said but I know she is shook “I am happy for you though” it is nice to see that many people are happy for me “who is the daddy? Unknown?” I have to laugh because she near fell out about this “it’s uhm, it’s Chris” trying to supress my laugh “no fucking way! No way! Chris Brown, his dumbass is the father!” She spat “lord Jesus, we didn’t need this in the world. Oh my Jesus, you saying we have to put up with that nigga now, whew. Robyn. My heart can’t take it, you going to tell me he is here and he about to tell me how dark I am” I laughed out “no, no. He’s not here but it’s happening. I am pregnant” Leandra smiled at me shaking her head “you are fucking crazy, I need to sit down” Leandra placed her hand over her chest walking off to sit down, I think a lot of people are going to feel this way.
I breathed in looking at myself in the mirror “you look like a goddess Rihanna” Pricilla said behind me “wow!” smiling to myself “thank you everyone” I think the minimal let the bump speak for itself look is going to be perfect “the gold dust colour just hits perfect with your skin, because you are glowing right. I did fall for the gown when I saw it because it stretches, you need it to be breathable and the way it drapes over your body, it’s just so elegant” Ja looks so proud of himself “I am happy, thank you all. I am nervous so catch me if I faint, but shall we all go? We all ready?” Ja bowed his head “my queen, after you. Wait till the family see you, I feel like you are happy. At peace somewhat” Ja held my hand as I walked to go downstairs “I am, I feel like my grandfather has made me feel this way. I feel like my gran gran is with me and he is right. She would be happy for me; she only wanted my happiness, but it doesn’t stop me from feeling the nerves. I mean come on, I am just going to release that and then walk out on the carpet? It’s a lot” walking down the steps slowly, Dennis is out here just taking plenty of pictures “don’t hurt yourself now” I chuckled “get my best side” Ja shouted “my daughter, you look so beautiful. Wow!” my dad said, I feel all shy now “thank you, I feel like I am having my wedding day but here we are. Doesn’t my bump look the cutest” my mom looked at me so proud, she is proud of me. I was honestly so scared to even tell her this but there was no reason to be, she has been my rock that I needed. Because if I didn’t have my mom or Mel then there would be no baby Fenty, I was quick to jump into abortion mode because I was scared, scared of what was going to be said about me.
My mom held my hand, we are outside the venue in this SUV and my bladder is no good with this baby. I need to pee, nervous pee but we are here now “I pray to god for you, I want god to guide you and protect you from any evil eye that will happen. There is a lot of evil eye out there, I love you so much Robyn. No matter what they say out there, you have the best prize, you have a baby that will be so loved so nobody tells you different. I am happy you kept it” smiling lightly at my mom “shall I post it?” Dennis said at the side of me “I don’t know if I am ready to show the world my baby though, I am just feeling a lot but it has to be done” I paused just thinking, I am thinking because I have one part of the news, the next will be Chris but that will be later not now “do it” I mumbled, watching Dennis press send and I just felt my heart skip a beat “oh my god” my mom pressed a kiss to my hand “I am proud of you, don’t think otherwise” nodding my head closing my eyes, I get judged so much and this will be another thing to be judged about.
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Parking outside Nia’ home “see, I came and dropped you off. You called and I came?” Royalty unbuckled her belt “but you said I could come to your house and then cancelled but then you were out? I find the picture you posted rude too” I really don’t need no girlfriend in my life when I have Royalty, she is not dropping this at all “I had business to deal with and what I say about my page, it’s just silly. It was a photoshoot, that was it” Royalty pulled the door open and pushed up, she is mean mugging as she did “why you bugging? We good right?” I was going to hold her hand, but she slipped out before I could “goodnight dad, I don’t want to come to grandma’s next weekend unless it is at your house, I want to spend time with you. Even Aeko is not here anymore, he annoyed me, but I miss him, and you didn’t even tell me that happened, he is my brother too. Bye dad” she closed my car door, why are girls so sensitive. Just because I couldn’t see her she is being this way, my mother literally takes care of her anyways, I am busy and I can’t have her at the home, I have people there. She is so damn determine to be at the home, I know I promised a room for her, but it is pointless when in all honesty she won’t be there, the room can be used for the friends I have there. She will get over it, they all do.
Locking Zeus in the cage “you out here roaming the damn place, scaring the girls boy” luckily I just came back but Zeus was ready to escape, I did tell them useless niggas to lock this damn bitch up in the first place but they too busy having the party they having here, they asked and I said yes because I haven’t got anything else on “my nigga breezy” seeing Gunna just come out of my house “my nigga, you good? I am late, I had to see my daughter. You going now? You laid that verse yeah” he nodded his head “I did, I got to go though. Catch up again nigga, and you got some fine ass girls here” he added before walking off, let me go and check what is happening inside my home. Oh, this party, it is a party. Like stripper party, that is interesting to see “you took your time?” Hoody said, nodding my head “yeah, roro wasn’t playing ball and she is angry with me. I just drove around to clear my mind, but I should have came back earlier, the girl’s man. Look at them” they nice as hell “only the best for us, they all sign NDAs and no mobiles here so we good. Just pure ass shaking and money, what is going on with you and Krista now? You back with her” I shrugged “she got a man, so she says but she was fucking me last night, so I don’t know, women don’t care for their man really. I keep em like shoes” I laughed “you need some brand new shoes bruh, like you keep going to the same pussy man” Hoody got a point “she got that good, good though” walking off, let me get my weed and my papers and get this blunt made.
Krista’ quick movement of moving her leg from my lap kind of woke me out of my daze, looking over at her. I was going to say something but the confusion on her face stopped me, she must have read some shit. Oh, these girls really throwing ass around still, bopping my head placing my blunt between my lips. Krista moved closer to me “wow, ok. Just read that Rihanna is pregnant” blowing the smoke out from my lips “they say that on a daily basis, she’s just a little thick. I mean I don’t know that, I haven’t seen that in years” I lied “well I don’t think it is, that’s all on my Insta timeline. Doesn’t she have that ball or whatever” furrowing my eyebrows “uh, yeah” shuffling forward on the couch, putting my blunt out “oh well” Krista said but she is bluffing, just rumours as always. Getting my phone out from my pocket, and there was no reason to even look at Instagram. I get news headlines on my phone, to keep up with the world and there, on my screen ‘Rihanna shocks the world with a pregnancy announcement’ I felt the blood drain from my face, like everything was blocked out and the whole room is silent, I don’t think it’s true. Unlocking my phone, tapping on Instagram. Tapping in badgalriri with such urgency, to see a post that it is a lie, it has to be. Seeing the first video and tapping on it but then backed out of it, no this is stupid. She would do a pregnancy shoot, like that is a lie. Backing out of her profile, looking at my tagged post. Tapping on the first post ‘Chris Brown must be crying in the corner now’ the caption and the picture “oh my god” I breathed out, she is really pregnant. Backing out of that post and tile after tile is Robyn pregnant body, throwing my phone to the ground “Chris” Krista grabbed my arm but I got up from the couch and kicked my phone away, nobody flinched or cared that I did that, like it was normal.
Looking up at the sky from my basketball court, closing my eyes sighing out. Every image of us is flooding my mind, I never wanted this and it shouldn’t affect me like this but when you love someone you love them, I have always continued to love her from afar, she is my soulmate but she is lost, I am lost and she treated me like shit. This just makes me think why Mel wanted me there, was it to belittle me and a ploy to make me look a fool, Drake’ smug ass really got there. Always a battle between me and him and he got there, I don’t know what I expected. I didn’t think I would feel this way, but I always wanted to have a baby with Robyn, to be happy. I am angry and sad, that is it now, but it has always been it for us. We never were going to be together whether I wanted it or not, she is too into that industry bullshit and would want that then me, I am just in a bubble. I can’t even bring myself to say congratulations, everyone is laughing at me because they all know how I felt about her, I mean what did I expect. Did I expect her to never have a baby or be happy, but we always had each other. This is really it “fuck” I breathed out with my head low.
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Dream Come True
Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam Winchester
Word Count: 922
Warnings: just fluff
Summary: You’re kind of a big deal in the hunter community, and Dean doesn’t hide his inner fanboy when he finally meets you.
Squared Filled: Sam Winchester // Fangirl/boy moment
Author’s Note: This is for @spndeanbingo and @spnfluffbingo2019 respectively and this is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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“She’s right there, Sammy. Fucking look at her,” Dean said as he slapped his brother’s arm. If he was an emoji, he would be the heart-eyed one. The one hunter that might be better than the Winchesters was sitting right across the room from them ordering a drink at the bar.
“She’s just a person, Dean. Quit acting like you’re 10 and the popular older girl is talking to you,” Sam scoffed as he looked your way. He must admit he was impressed with the things you’ve done, but he wasn’t going to act like you were some God or something.
“Dude, do you even know who she is? She single-handedly took out 2 nests of vampires by herself and left it without so much as a scratch on her body. She’s been possessed so many times, it’s a wonder why she doesn’t have one of our tattoos on her. She’s fought demons within herself because she believes that it’s better if demons possess her instead of some innocent person. She’s gotten into fights with Angels and the only injury she got was a scratch on the cheek. Monsters hide in fear when they hear her name.”
“Yeah, they do the same thing with us,” Sam interrupted his brother.
“No, Sammy, they challenge us because they think they have a shot at beating us. No, they fucking run and hide at the sound of her name. She’s a fucking goddess,” he said as he admired you as you talked with the bartender.
“Look at you, you’re smitten with a woman who you don’t even know. I’m sure you would have no problem getting her number.”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Dean asked as he tore his eyes from you for the first time that night. “I am not going to treat her like I do with the other women. Those other women I use for a good time for a night or two. Y/N is special. She deserves someone to appreciate her to ravish her body as if they had forever with her.”
“Okay, dude, stop,” Sam grimaced. “I don’t need to hear about your sex life.”
“You asked for it,” he shrugged as he went back to staring at you lovingly. It was true of what Dean said about you. You have done all of those things and more. You are the most known hunter across the whole world. Anyone who has ever hunted or even thought about hunting had heard of you. In your mind, the only reason why you were so tough is because you grew up in the foster system. It provided you with the kind of training that normal households don’t get. The other kids roughed you up, tore down your walls, degraded you, and then tossed you out into the world only to have another family do the same thing to you. The two things you learned from the foster system was that it was you against the world, and to protect those who have less than you. It’s why you got into hunting in the first place. The foster system made it really easy to travel the country to do odd jobs because your homes were scattered throughout the United States.
No one ever taught you anything about the hunting lifestyle. The first time you got into it, a group of demons raided your home and took what they were looking for since your foster mom had gotten mixed up in some of their business. She had made a deal with them ten years prior to become a very successful foster mom, and you witnessed the hellhounds tearing her apart. It’s something that scarred you for life, but it also encouraged you to dig deeper into what happened. Ever since that night, you had been hunting in the way you taught yourself.
There was a lot of trial and error, and more often than not, you came home battered and bruised. The other good thing about the foster system is that they didn’t really care how many bruises and cuts you had--they figured some of the other kids got rough when playing. They usually looked the other way when they saw a kid with injuries. It was a terrible thing to do, but you let that teach you a lesson. You were truly on your own in the world, and you could depend on no one to aid you in whatever you needed. If someone else could do it, then you could do it yourself.
Your whole life you’ve lived by that motto which is why you hated the fact that you were in this bar seeking help. There usually wasn’t a hunt that you couldn’t do on your own, but this one was a big one. As tough as you were, you could not do this hunt alone, so you sought out the second-best hunters in the business which is why you were in this bar.
You heard of the Winchesters through many hunter bars. They were the hot spot for gossip so you were able to pick up on a few things very quickly. They’ve been doing this gig for their whole life, so you knew they were bound to know a few tricks that maybe you didn’t know of. This hunt required all the manpower you could gather, and since you didn't trust easily, you thought the next best hunters would have to do rather than a whole bar of average hunters.
The monster you were hunting was so rare, even veteran hunters thought they were myths. There had been sightings of a Phoenix, and you knew you had to kill it. It would not only add to your rap sheet, but you could cross that monster off your supernatural bucket list. The only problem was that they were so hard to catch and especially harder to kill. Iron hurt the sons of bitches, but they were smart. The only other thing that could kill them was the Colt which you knew the Winchesters had in their possession, and you knew they weren't going to just hand it over to you because you asked. It was better to kill the Phoenix from a distance rather than up close, which is why you needed the Winchesters.
“She’s my dream woman, Sammy,” Dean sighed dreamily.
“Then go ask her out,” he laughed.
“Do I look like I’d be worthy enough?” Dean gasped.
“Do you think you’d be ‘worthy enough’ to talk to her? Because she’s on her way over here,” he said as he sipped his drink. Every nerve in Dean’s body froze up at his comment, and despite staring at you from afar, he could barely look at you as you approached them.
“Sam and Dean Winchester?” you asked.
“Y-you know our names?” Dean sputtered.
“Yeah, I do,” you chuckled.
“Forgive him. You’re like a superstar in his eyes,” Sam teased as his brother kicked him in the shin from under the table.
“Do I really have that honor?” you joked back.
“W-what are you doing here?” Dean asked as he tried to be cool about this.
“I need your guys’ help with a hunt. I hate asking for help, so it’s serious when I do.”
“You’re the best hunter in the business,” Dean started to ramble. “You know how to kick ass even better than I do. Not to mention that you’re amazingly beautiful. It’s bewildering how you can do what you do and still look so good.”
“Thank you, Dean. You’re not so bad yourself,” you complimented him as he blushed adorably. Sam has never seen his brother so speechless over a woman before.
“What kind of hunt do you need our help with?” Sam asked.
“A Phoenix has popped up on my radar. You two are the only ones who have killed one before. I could just ask for the Colt, but I’d rather get the opportunity to work with you two. It’s not every day a woman gets to be in the presence of two handsome men such as yourself,” you flirted. Sam didn’t take it personally, but Dean was a whole different story. He was such a mess over you, Sam smirked when he got an idea.
“We’d be glad to help. We only have two rooms though, but I’m sure my brother is willing to share. I would, but my bed is already so small.”
“Do you mind me sharing a room with you Dean?” you asked. You could have bought your own room, but something about spending the night with Dean Winchester got your inner slut to bounce awake.
“Not at all,” he said breathlessly.
“Great. Oh, and just to warn you, I sleep with only my panties on. Will that be a problem?”
Sam laughed at the look on his brother’s face. If Dean wasn’t supported by the chair, he would have collapsed on the floor.
“Yeah, sounds good,” he barely got out.
“Great. I’ll just bring my ‘59 Cadillac around to the front,” you grinned as you walked away from the brothers.
“I’m marrying her, Sammy,” Dean said with the biggest dreamy eyes he could muster up.
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hope-for-olicity · 5 years
Leaves of Change 4/31
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Felicity Smoak returns to her small hometown of Silver Lake just in time for the Harvest Fest, she came home to get grounding and figure out what she wants to do next the last thing she expected was that she’d want to stay.
Happy Belated Birthday to my dear friend @stephswims! This one is for you! Thanks so much to @mel-loves-all for the truly stunning edit. Also full disclosure, I’m Canadian so Thanksgiving will be October.
Each chapter will follow a Fictober prompt, I can’t guarantee that I’ll post daily like last year but I will post regularly. I hope you enjoy. This and all other chapters of the story are also available on AO3.
Felicity woke to a light tapping on her door the next morning. “Hun, it’s me. Are you awake?”
“I am now,” she began to crawl her way out of a mountain of covers. She loved the cozy feeling of being smothered by the weight of blankets, plus, you know, warmth.
“I know you didn’t ask for this but I brought coffee,” Donna pushed her daughter’s bedroom door open.
“You may enter.” Felicity took the cup and immediately took a sip. “You are a Goddess among women. Have I ever told you that?”
Donna chuckled. “Yes, every time I’ve brought you coffee in bed. I’m going to have to let your significant other know that coffee in bed is the key to your heart.”
“You wouldn’t be wrong.” Felicity sighed. Then she looked at the clock eight am. “Isn’t today your day off? Why are you up so early.”
“I have such little free time. I hate to waste it sleeping.”
“You’re talking to me remember, I know you love your sleep. Spill, why are you really up?” Felicity tried to give her mother a pointed look that forced her to tell the truth but she knew she didn’t have it in her.
“Well, there is something I have to tell you. I’ve been meaning to tell you but I kept waiting for the right time. I don’t know if there will ever be a right time. So I’m going to tell you now.”
Felicity was fully awake now. Her heart was in her throat. Her mother was her only family she couldn’t lose her. “Oh my God, Mom are you okay? Are you sick? Whatever it is, we will deal with it together. Just like always, Smoak women stick together. You can tell me anything.”
“Oh no! I’m not sick!! Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, hun.” Donna sat down on the bed.
“Well, you did.  Now, please tell me what’s going on.”
“You know Quentin Lance, the chief of police? Remember you went to school with his daughters?” 
Donna’s voice was tentative, Donna didn’t do tentative. “Yes, I remember. What’s going on?”
“We are together, you know dating...pretty serious actually talking about moving in together.”
“MOM! How could you keep this from me? Did you think I wouldn’t approve? I’ve always wanted you to be happy. I can’t believe it’s this serious and I had to come home to find out. Were you going to send me the change of address information when you moved?” Felicity felt both exacerbated and hurt. Yes, she kept things from her mother - but she thought her mom told her everything.
“It’s not some big conspiracy, Felicity. It only really began a month ago. I’ve always had kind of a thing for him but he seemed out of my league…”
“Out of your league?! You are Donna Freaking Smoak, please. Mom, you are amazing! Any man including Quentin Lance would be lucky to have you.” Felicity put her coffee cup down on the nightstand to give her mom a hug.
Donna wiped tears from her eyes. “Thanks, hun. Quentin would tell you that he totally agrees. Once, he found out I felt the same he admitted to being interested in me for years.” Donna blushed.
“Mom, this makes me so happy. I love that this wonderful man has chosen my mother. Shows such good taste.”
“I’m so glad you are okay with this. I didn’t think you wouldn’t be necessarily but we don’t want to waste any more time so we are moving a little faster than usual.”  
“I really am happy for you, you and Quentin move at your speed, ignore the naysayers. I know it’s a small town to people will have opinions but know that I’m on your side.” Felicity took a sip of coffee. “So what’s your plan for today?”
Donna stood up. “I have to get ready, Quentin and I are going to look at rentals. We just want to see what’s out there. If there’s nothing on the market we like, he’s going to move in here next month.” Donna bit her lip.
Felicity got out of bed. “I told you, I support you. So don’t worry about Quentin moving in here. I’m just visiting remember. This is your life.”
“Well, I’m just going to get dressed, then head out to meet Quentin. What are you up to today?”
Felicity smiled. “I’m going to Annabelle’s bookstore. I haven’t gone since I’ve been back. I’m down to the last romance novel I brought with me and I think it’s the perfect place to spend some of my winnings from last night.”
“You always did love books. Enjoy yourself. Want to do pizza for dinner?”
“Sure, my treat! You should invite Quentin, I need to get to know the man who is going to be my new Daddy a little better.” Felicity winked.
“Felicity Smoak! Don’t you going saying things like that to him, you might scare him off!”
Felicity chuckled as her mom left to get ready.
The bells rang on the door as Felicity entered Annabelle’s. Felicity took a deep breath. The place smelled of old and new books. Which made sense as the place sold both. It was Silver Lake’s only book shop and it was so much better than the chain stores in the city.
“Felicity Smoak! Took you long enough to make your way in here!”
Felicity turned to the unexpected voice. “Thea Queen. I didn’t know you worked here!”
“I bought the place from Annabelle after college when she wanted to retire but I couldn’t bear to change the name. Mom mentioned you were home and maybe that you did a little dancing…”
Felicity blushed. “Wow. Word still travels just as fast around here.”
“Don’t worry, Mom was excited. She said Oliver never looked so happy.”
“Thea, it was one dance, don’t get too excited.” Felicity thought the best route was to change the subject. “So, how have you been. It’s great that you bought Annabelle’s.”
“Good, I left Silver Lake for university but I just wanted to come home. Roy and I got married last year and his life is here too.” Thea held out her hand displaying a wedding ring.
“Wow! That’s amazing. I’m so glad you two made it. I remember telling Oliver when he got all grr that I believed you two were the real deal. Love being right.”
“So, you didn’t come in here just catch up with me. Is there anything I can help you with? I haven’t changed much, some new shelving and a recommendations section but why mess with success?”
Felicity laughed. “So true! If you could just point me to the romance section I’ll be one happy customer.”
“A few feet to your left. Let me know if you need help.” Thea smiled that walked toward another customer.
Little Thea Queen had grown up. It was so nice to see things work out for people and she loved that she could give her business.
Felicity had just picked up a novel to look at when her phone buzzed.
Caitlin: Where are you? You should come for coffee, NOW
Felicity: I’m at Annabelle’s what’s up?
Caitlin: Get your butt over here!
Felicity: Is everything okay? Do you need me now?
Caitlin: Yes, hurry
Felicity put the book back on the shelf. She walked back to the cash where Thea was standing. “Sorry, I have to run, my friend Caitlin is having some kind of emergency. I promise I’ll be back, hopefully, today to buy some books. Great selection!”
“I get it. Go help your friend. See you soon.”
Felicity rushed out the door hoping it wasn’t a real emergency.
Thanks so much for reading! Tagging a few people. Please let me know if you would like to be tagged or untagged.
@memcjo @stephswims @it-was-a-red-heeler @cruzrogue @mel-loves-all @tdgal1 @vaelisamaza @onceuponarrow @msbeccieboo @lucyyh @julieofrandomfandoms @morganashimi83
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