#also OP I love this question so much
blood-starved-beast · 9 months
hey so i actually have a question regarding acxas childhood like what are your headcanons on it? i always got the feeling that she grew up with her non galra parent/species and was sort of treated as an outsider for being half galra (i mean naturally considering that they most likely invaded their planet but yeah of course it was a terrible experience that definitely contributed/was the main factor of acxas inner turmoil) and it would make sense as to why she would seek out lotor and his vision of the empire for acceptance there if she cant find it here(?) this is just my thoughts im curious abt what u think
In canon, we get very little of Acxa's backstory, and it's all localized to personal anecdotes by Acxa herself in the Grudge. She tells Veronica she's "born and bred in war" which is both very specific and also extraordinarily vague.
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For one, we know what happens in war. I don't think Acxa was born from a loving relationship that's for sure. "Bred in" is more specific - she didn't grow up learning about war, she was in the thick of it. This is why I don't buy headcanons that put her in military school or that she was raised by her galran family. She mentions survival - which yeah in a particularly militaristic society such as the galra, death is probably very easy to come by but again it goes back to war - she's not in training for war she was in the war. This is why I suspect she grew up in a warzone. Specifically, one in immense chaos and disarray. I do think cause of her heritage - being half galra - it denied her any form of community connections that could have existed amongst her colonized people.
And that's another clue btw. Acxa identifies as galra. This is a repeated motif throughout the series. When Lotor rages about wiping out all the galra, she immediately sees that as a signal to go, cause in her mind that includes her. In contrast to Lotor, who while strongly identifying more with his Altean side, would posture himself sometimes as Galran. Acxa never is shown identifying with her non-Galran side. In the conversation with Veronica, she refers to the Galra as "her people" never one-half or anything like that.
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Instead, what we get in the Grudge, is Acxa being discriminated for being Galran, not her other race. It's an interesting choice on the writers' part. That's what gets her upset. I don't think it's coincidental that in the next scene with her and Veronica, we learn of Acxa's backstory and her experience. I'd say it's deliberate. And ff that is her experience, if she grew up receiving those types of insults, well it makes sense that she takes it to heart so quickly.
Finally, we should talk about how she mentions how she "became worse than her enemies" to survive. Presumably her enemies in a warzone would be the Galra - imperialists, they also discriminate against her (Throk; the Galran obsession with racial purity). Alternatively, her enemies would be the non-galrans who discriminated against her, but I think she refers to the Galra here specifically cause she was a general she directed armies, she is complicit in the death of soldiers, of conquering nations. That is worse than what many of the Galran footsoldiers did, even if she actively avoids killing anyone directly if possible.
There is also Acxa in her discussion with Zethrid later in the episode, mentions her hate and rage and how that is fueled by how the Galra rejected her.
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This, I think supports the idea that her enemies were the Galra in this case, that is, the Galra that wouldn't take her in. If she is Galra (which is something I imagine she grew up being told, told by the family she was born to through conquest), she was never apart of her non-galran people to begin with. So where she had to fight, whom she had to fight, to get a place in society is within the Galra - cause she had no chance in hell happening in her non-galran people. With that, "worse than her enemies" carries a distinct flavor of "okay so if I'm Galra, I'm going to be worse than them." Cause otherwise, she'll die. Cause she's not one of them. She'll never be one of them. So she'll be the worst of the Galra if means being at a place for change within them to accept people like her that wouldn't fit in in other places.*
And I agree anon, that Acxa sought out Lotor for acceptance in a way. Lotor was the perfect paragon of what she believed - Half-galra like her, but also distinctly Galran. It's obvious she has the bare minimum of a moral code - she draws the line at genocide (she's very nervous btw, when Lotor admits to killing Alteans, and cuts ties when he mentions doing the same or worse to the Galra)
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But she didn't know about that originally.
So yeah that's a lot of buildup to say - I agree a lot with what you say anon. I do think she grew up in an environment that rejected her wholeheartedly - that would make sense, if it was her non-Galran side that under trauma, fully rejects children born from that occupation. So she identifies with the people who would "take her in" or she believes that could be changed - maybe her non-Galran side cannot be sway otherwise cause of the occupation, but the Galran can be changed. I wouldn't be surprised if thinking the Galra could be changed is a rationalization on her part even - maybe she argued with her non-galran parent, who insisted they cannot change, cause they are monsters. That Acxa herself is a monster. Which is exactly her insecurity in the Grudge. That kind of thinking can be fed only by growing up around her non-Galran heritage who were occupied by the Galra. If she can change the Galra, then she isn't a monster too, proving those people wrong.
So yes, I do agree a lot with what you say here anon, maybe some details off (I do think if she grew up with her non-Galran parent, it might be a short while or with very detached parenting, as she mentions surviving without mentioning her parents. I don't think she knew her Galran parent, which I imagine would be her father if only that a Galran female commander would get an abortion or Acxa'd been raised among the Galra, which wouldn't add up with her insecurities).
*This is so Baru Cormorant flavored. Man Acxa you should've been a protagonist in a Lesbian Space Atrocity novel.
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marsuro · 1 year
Hey i have a little question about your Tiger Zoro Au but first I just have to say I absolutely love this idea your giving me so much serotonin right now!!!
My question is that pre time skip was Zoro a skinny and long tiger? Then in post time skip he looks like those tigers that has hella muscles? How would the crew react to muscular Tiger Zoro?  Also (if it’s not to much to ask) how would each of the crew members react to Zoro changing into a Tiger the first time around?
Sorry if this is to many questions i just absolutely love this AU and I kinda wanna see more and your art for this is amazing!!!
Sorry for the wait! Thanks so much, that’s so great to hear!! 😭🙏 I'm more than happy to oblige, and no worries, there’s never too much questions about tiger!Zoro, you guys give me so many more fun ideas than I could ever come up with myself. So keep it coming, actually!!
Now for the post timeskip look, I’ve actually got two ideas. The first is the mentioned monster muscled ripped-as-fuck tiger, which is hilarious on it’s own already:
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(Not pictured: poor Franky having an aneurysm over the scratch marks on deck everywhere)
Maybe I'll make a seperate post on each of the Strawhats reaction to seeing Zoro change for the first time! For now though, Luffy of course thinks everything about it is awesome. He will not shut up about it and asks Zoro if he can do the most ridiculous things in tiger form, which Zoro sees as fun challenges. (If anyone's got any other crazy ideas Luffy might ask of him let me know haha)
The other post timeskip look idea is that he just. Grows bigger. In actual size. He just becomes a Huge tiger. This makes no sense but who cares (it’s One Piece after all) and Chopper is able to grow a few sizes in seconds, so I think he should be allowed a few extra meters. If only because it’s cool as hell.
Size difference would be something like this:
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The only thing is though, his tiger form grows in size everytime he grows in strength, so potentially there's nothing stopping him from growing 'till fucking Enormous
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moongothic · 10 months
I keep on seeing people mention how they want to see another Davy Back Fight during the Final Saga, and while I'm 10000% sure we won't see another Davy Back Fight
I think a Davy Back Fight between the Strawhats and Cross Guild could be fucking hysterical
Especially because like. Buggy could totally challenge Luffy intentionally, desperately hoping that either Luffy will save HIM from Crocodile and Mihawk, OR that Luffy ends up taking Croc and Hawk into his crew if he wins
(Sidenote, DBF is normally only about exchanging crewmates and stealing pirate flags, but could you imagine if Buggy could demand to have Luffy's copies of the Road Poneglyphs if he won? Hell, I imagine Buggy could probably get away with innitiating the challenge regardless because once it's on, it's on, and surely his men would be so riled up Croc and Hawk would know there'd be no way to stop it anymore even though Buggy's not the true boss. But just to keep Croc and Hawk from trying to murder him on the spot Buggy could maybe suggest taking the Poneglyph copies as if it were a part of his plan from the begining)
And you know if Buggy challenged Luffy into a DBF Luffy might just accept??? Because it could be fun (in Luffy's mind)??? And it could be kind of on-brand for him to jump in on a challenge like that???
And yes
The idea of Luffy winning against Cross Guild in a DBF, resulting in fucking Mihawk and Sir Crocodile joining the Strawhats would be fucking hysterical man, and that alone makes me kinda want it
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viperfizz · 7 months
I can’t stop imagining a scene in your mermaid AU where Xara waves Ellie over. Ellie walks closer and crouches near the water, unsure of what to expect. And Xara proceeds to reach into the murky water in front of her and pull out the silliest little brindled madtom catfish ever and hold it up to Ellie like “look at what I have!”
awww absolutely!! mer!xara likes to show off her prized possessions to ellie. it’s her odd way of showing affection and building trust. and she also just never gets to show people anything she finds bc she never interacts with any humans so it’s very exciting when she meets ellie!
mavis is one of those prized possessions
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truth be told if mavis was a catfish in this au xara might just eat her the first time she encounters her. she’s a wild animal after all. she eats fish 🤷 though i do love the idea of her being like “i like this one i’ll let it live”
however i am debating on how i wanna approach the concept of xara being able to transform herself and walk on land. so if i did ever incorporate mavis somehow, she might just be the same lil tortoiseshell cat that she is in the normal xaragaard au. that way she would have a better chance of being spared (again, xara is still a wild animal. she would probably have the temptation to strike, but would hold back cause wait a minute this creature isn’t familiar to my diet and it’s kinda cute)
xara might find a boat nearby with the name “mavis” on it and think you know what this slaps actually
i might just not have mavis involved in this au though cause it breaks my heart thinking about xara seeing her sweet baby as potential prey. maybe she’ll have a cameo appearance instead :)
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snekky-arts · 7 months
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so i watched the One Piece live action and i swear my 14-16 year old self literally possessed me again so have my OC from 5 fucking years ago given a total revamp of design: Dolli Paintface! (yes i kept the name)
no this is not the end of the DSMP bullshit but you better believe you're gonna be seeing a lot more of this girlie she's legitimately one of my most comforting OCs and I can't fucking get out of bed i'm gonna be self-indulgent mkay?
so expect that.
also i hid at least 5 easter eggs in her design for her own lore and others so... yeah. if you wanna do that.
(p.s. my commissions are open!)
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destinationtoast · 2 years
seeking parallel F/F and M/M duos
I'm looking for F/F and M/M pairings that have strong parallels in canon, such that you might expect them to generate similar fanfic.
Eve/Villanelle (Killing Eve) and Will/Hannibal (Hannibal) -- highly similar show genres and similar character roles
Robin/Nancy and Steve/Eddie (Stranger Things) -- this group of four spends a bunch of time together onscreen and is frequently shipped as two same-sex duos
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
hiii im in the middle of watching voy for the first time (i just finished watching 6x6 riddles actually) and ive always recognized you as That person who Loves tuvok and i wanted to know your thoughts on neelix and tuvok's relationship? its my favorite aspect of voy personally but im interested in hearing how a massive tuvok fan like you feels about them
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Tuvok & Neelix Thoughts (Fractured): Man who grows flowers for food loves a man who grows them purely for beauty, Annoying4Annoying, Comedy routines, Intricate rituals and the playing up of roles, Aliens amongst humans - to assimilate or remain stubborn?, Bringer of water/Bringer of life, Seeing an angel through the mist, Two people who have difficulty communicating and come off as off-putting to those around them, Unrequited love, Love is stored in the food + kitchen, Family men left without any family, People from impossible moons, Jokes that go too far, Horrific loneliness being masked by something else, I won't leave you alone (pos&neg), Cracks in the facade, People pretending and pretending and pretending, Leolaroot I Can't Help It I'm A Moth To The Flame Required Viewing, I can only admit I like you when no one else is around - when the situation's as bleak as can be - when we're seconds from death - only then will I admit that it's been fun. Apologies in the form of sliced apples instead of words vs Apologies in the form of long and tearful contrition. LET ME IN!!! LET ME IN!!!! Locked door you keep bruising your hand banging against. People who love too much so they: keep knocking, keep their ear against the door.
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My thoughts are that Neelix is a silly goofy little tragic clown of a man and Tuvok thinks he's so much better than him but in actuality whatever they're up to makes them both look stupid <3 /affectionate Neelix having a crush on Tuvok is canon to me - what Tuvok's response to or level of knowledge of that is changes by the day.
#I was halfway through typing all those fractured thoughts when it hit me 'perhaps this user did not mean in a romantic sense'#but I already typed half of that and made that picture thing SOOO#In regards to pure friendship I still love them and think they're very funny together <3#I think Tuvok's feelings towards Neelix are complicated and alien#and Neelix's are more straightforward internally but complicated in that Tuvok usually is making fun of him v_v#I headcanon them both as being poor at communicating honestly with others but they cover this up and proceed in different ways#Neelix is overly friendly and attentive and ignores ppl's comments about him (but he KNOWS)#meanwhile Tuvok is reclusive and doesn't often let comments pass without a comment of his own to counter it#Neelix worries about that bc it means Tuvok won't be as well liked meanwhile Tuvok finds Neelix's persistent friendliness to be exhausting#Neelix is a guy who uses friendliness in some ways as a means of survival and I also headcanon he feels somewhat protective of Tuvok#and indeed everyone on Voyager in a strange way...like 'oh these guys are such idiots...they don't know shit about survival they've lived#such cozy little lives!!' <- eventually said with much more affection than shock/scorn#Tuvok & Neelix: (about one another) You are SO annoying and stupid...godbless.....#Q&A#I h ope this answers your question#waspstar#Tuvok/Neelix#Tuvok#Neelix#I 'm IMMEASURABLY pleased to be The Tuvok Loving Guy HEHEHE <3#star trek relationship aesthetic
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12archetypes · 1 year
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day 1; fave oc
cumulonimbus and ciela my loves
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fellhellion · 1 year
genuinely don’t mean this in a condescending way, but i think it’s really valuable when building ur lit analysis skills to learn to sit with uncomfortable actions characters take and dwell on the implications of those actions. What kinds of people they were when making them and who they’ve become because of those actions. It’s a more comfortable reading to think they didn’t commit those actions at all certainly, but when context clues point more favourably to the idea those actions did happen, I think it’s valuable to dwell on what that means.   
Thinking specifically of the reading that nanami rev gal utena doesn’t kill the kitten here, and I can completely understand why someone would want to read that scene as having not been real, but dwelling on the idea it most likely is tells us some really interesting things about Nanami. 
Even at a very young age (she’s 13 in the show and this takes place prior), she’s deathly afraid of losing her brother’s love to something else, giving context to just how deeply her fears of being replacable run. 
She tapes the box shut and lets the river carry it away, not directly taking the kitten’s life <- She doesn’t want to directly harm an innocent, dependant creature (hm paralells) but she doesn’t want it to take something she’s scared of losing. She operates with a sense of plausible deniability (to like, a 10 year old’s mind or however young she is) to her sense of guilt.
But she lurches forward when she starts to see the box start to tip over the edge of the river and the kitten’s head starts to emerge from it, and you can tell via her expression she’s horrified and guilt ridden by what she did, that this wasn’t an act of thoughtless cruelty, it’s something she feels awful about. 
What can you read in how this experience has affected her when we see how determined she is to care for the egg she believes she unwittingly brought into the world, to the point where she actually defies Touga and refuses to abandon it.  
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shima-draws · 11 months
Are you enjoying One Piece?!! How far are you?
I AM, VERY MUCH SO!! I told myself I’d skip over all the filler episodes but I ended up watching the Warship Island arc purely by accident bc I didn’t realize I’d started the filler. But it was so cute anyway I watched all of it. I loved seeing the crew act as older sibling/guardian figures to Apis 🥺
Anyway I JUST got past the mini arc with Laboon, so we’re in the Grand Line, baby!! I’d probably be way further ahead if I also wasn’t watching Fairy Tail at the same time. Oops lol
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thinking gabriel thoughts (again)
#the guy who cut down minos without a second thought is the same guy who was the only angel to care about the ferrymen. fucking dies#his terminal entry literally says hes popular in heaven because of his radiant personality. he does nothing but insult v1 in 3-2#get you a man who can do both#minos swears revenge on him while the ferryman literally worships him.#the skeleton in 1-4 who is worshipping him even after their life is long gone and the mural in 4-3 with traitor written over it#he looms over the narrative even when hes not there#he encourages even those in hell to Be Good and Have Faith but destroyed minos for trying to make a better life#different characters have extremely different views of him and all of them make sense!#heaven's specialest little boy can be hell's worst nightmare. as a treat#i also think about minos a lot by extension#i was just chilling on the wiki when i got hit with the 'he thought it unreasonable that people were punished for loving' and cried#like even as someone whos aroallo. it got to me!#it also raises the question of how much homosexuality is part of that. to me#is heaven ultrakill homophobic. discuss#i mean they do have Major bisexual lighting. in lust.#yeah sure theyre in hell hell is eternal punishment but he really was just. trying to make a peaceful existence#also the sisyphean insurrectionist lore fucked me up a little#ultrakill on the surface looks so simple but then you open up the wiki and its 'yeah the ferrymen tore their own flesh off their bones'#'king minos attempted to make a peaceful civilization in the lust layer and was killed for it but he lingered bc hes op'#'yeah actually the sisyphean insurrectionists are like that because the angels took away everything they didnt need for the punishment'#and you just have to live with that information now. you wont go back to blissful ignorance. you cant.#or thats just on me for taking lore too seriously. v1 doesnt care
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bluebellhairpin · 8 months
I've kinda sat on this for a bit and I haven't wanted to put my two-cents in bc it's emotionally a bother to have to wrap my head around it. But like. Some things aren't sitting right with me about it from both sides :/
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mosnet · 2 years
that post about eggs and anti-intellectualism makes me mad because if op made it about politics it could be a more potent analogy i think, but people don't know how to cook eggs because of a "lack of curiosity" or laziness that's just repackaging ableism again. sometimes people are just cognitively disabled and can't learn vital life skills thru googling them
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demonicdeviation · 2 years
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Natalya and Alexei! my ‘end of the world’ ocs. Some info about them lifted from discord messages to my friends under the cut 
He's (Alexei) the deuteragonist along side an angry, traumatized 15 year old girl named Natalya that he acts kind of like an older brother to and a voice of reason (because someone needs to tell this hurting lonely child that you can reason your way out of a conflict and that stabbing isn't the only option)
tldr for the setting is that America dropped a nuclear bomb on the Ural Mountains in like 1985 and it cut the USSR the west off from Siberia completely, the rest of the world is falling apart but the story only really focuses on Siberia as a setting
technically they're Handmaids Tale ocs but I'm just taking the end of the world scenario Attwood set up and running with it in the complete opposite direction, I watched a single episode and went "americas a fundamentalist shitshow with sex slavery but how's the rest of the world handling the end of the world" and that led me to making these guys
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finnyinspace · 8 months
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jamminvroomvroom · 7 months
no more mister shy guy.
OP x fem!reader
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in which you can’t work out why he just won’t sleep with you
i am neither normal, nor am i hinged! i hope you guys get the vision, i literally wrote this last night possessed by some feral urge bc i just love oscar sm and i’ve been needing to write for him sooo baaad. enjoy! pls lemme know what you think <3
songs to set the vibes: delicate by taylor swift, good looking by suki waterhouse, my kind of woman by max demarco, feeling myself by wolf alice
warnings: 18+!! minors dni!! smut, pwp but also there is some plot? overstimulation, crying in a hot way, choking, unprotected sex (L bozo don’t do that!) the most minor moment of angst, fluff
2.8k words
you watch him make coffee, daydreaming, balancing your heavy head on your hand. you study him while your free hand taps against the kitchen counter, nails drumming a random beat. sunlight streams through a gap in the curtains, framing him golden. you don’t think he knows how pretty he is.
oscar is oblivious to the way your mind is ticking behind him, twisting the cap on the carton of oat-milk. you hear the plastic fall onto the counter and your tongue wets your lower lip as he reaches up into the cupboard, his back flexing beneath his shirt as he finds your favourite mug. you realise then how swollen your lip is, snapped out of the trance he had you in, the one that had you biting your lip so hard, completely mindlessly.
he’s bulked up over the winter break, filled out a lot over the course of his rookie season. he’s no longer the scrawny, anxious guy you’d met at your fathers work event a year ago, he’s broader, thicker in your hands, utterly delicious. as much as you like the way he looks, you like his mind a whole lot more. if only you knew what was going on inside it.
oscar is an enigma, quiet, hilariously dry, the kindest man you’d ever had the pleasure of meeting. you’ve been together since the start of the winter break, november, after awkward run ins and plenty of pining since the start of his first season. you’d travel to races with your dad, a mclaren sponsor, and run into the australian, stare at each other and pretend no one noticed. after months of teasing from lando, oscar finally got the kick up the arse that he needed and you’d said yes to dinner before he’d even finished asking the question.
it’s february now, a week til he needs to be in bahrain. the last three months had been serene, spent with a man made of sunshine, and you’re sad to see him go, as if you won’t be in the emirates a mere four days after him. you fear the way you’ll ache for him, having been inseparable since the dinner that started it all.
but then again, it can’t be worse than the way you ache for him now.
“sweetheart?” oscar is waving his hand in front of your face when you realise he’s been calling your name for a good 15 seconds, and you have, in fact, been staring. hm? you jump, staring at him bewildered. he looks amused. “you okay?” he coos, sliding the coffee across the island towards you.
“yeah, sorry, i, um, i just- why won’t you have sex with me?” you blurt, slapping your hand over your mouth as soon as you realise what you’ve just said.
oscar just blinks, mouth forming a little o, the permanent blush he seems to have increasing tenfold. you instantly feel guilty for ambushing him, but you were at the end of your tether. three months of nothing, nada, zilch. every move you made was refuted, ignored as if he was oblivious. you were ravenous for him, he’s so gorgeous! and you didn’t want to pressure him, but you were starting to feel like there was something wrong with you.
you’d wake up in bed with him wrapped around you, grinding against your ass in his sleep, and you’d revel in it, the rare times that he actually seemed to want you like that. you loved him regardless, of course you did, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t need to be… dealt with. urgently.
“i- um- what?” oscar splutters, and the bottom of his mug blinks against the granite.
“is there something wrong with me? am i not pretty enough?” you whisper, shy. “do you just not… like- do you not want to do that?” you ramble.
panic fills his face, and he’s rushing around the island, by your side in an instant. he takes your hands into his, finding your eyes. they’ve grown watery, a mixture of guilt and desperation swirling in them which makes him feel ill.
“baby, no, god no.” he rushes the words out, desperate to convince you that it wasn’t you. “you’re the most beautiful person in the entire world, prettiest girl i ever saw.” he promises. “i’m just… it’s scary.”
“oh, osc.” your face falls, and you want to throw yourself off of the balcony. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to pressure you. if it makes you feel better, i’m scared too. but i love you so much, i just want to feel even closer to you.”
“you didn’t make me feel pressured, i’m just sorry i made you feel unwanted. trust me, i want you like that. drives me insane. but i’ve never had sex before with someone that i love. not the way i love you, anyway. scared that i won’t be good enough for you.” he murmurs.
you’re hung up on the part where you drive him crazy, the part where he loves you like that, and then you remember how vulnerable he’s being, baring his entire soul to you, and you rip yourself from the fantasy.
your hands smooth over his shoulders, until you’re softly fisting a clump of hair at the nape of his neck.
“i love you. insanely. we’ll go slow.” you state. he moulds further against you, and you quickly realise it’s for leverage, because the next thing you know, you’re in his arms. he has his hands hooked under your thighs and he’s kissing you so, so deeply that you’re dizzy. you don’t realise that you’re halfway to his bedroom until he pulls away.
“i don’t wanna go slow anymore.”
oscar places you on your feet at the end of his bed, the large, plush king-sized mattress that is currently calling both of your names. your blouse gets unbuttoned first, his hands shaking in a way that makes you melt, and his lips trail over every inch of bare skin that he uncovers. when it finally falls to the floor, his pupils are blown wide, his hands palming intricate black lace. your jeans are stripped away mercilessly, his hands shaking less now, and you take it as a sign to crawl backwards onto the bed.
he stands there, watching you, apprehensive again. you can see how hard he is, how desperately strained his cock is through the light grey of his sweatpants, and so you switch tactics. your hand grazes your tummy, skimming up your abdomen until you reach a bra strap. you toy with the elastic, holding the kind of eye contact that makes him twitch, tugging it until it hangs loosely off of your shoulder.
“i need you, osc. i trust you.” you utter, soft and enticing. one finger runs under the cup of your bra, flicking over your nipple. he can just about see the hardened bud through the lace of your bra. it’s not enough, though, and every ounce of self control depletes when you whine, “want you inside of me so badly.”
the elastic band snaps and he’s on top of you, rutting between your legs like a man starved. you drag his shirt up and over his shoulder blades, moaning as you feel each and every muscle under your fingertips.
“just wanna make you feel good.” oscar rasps, rolling his hips even harder into your core.
“take these off.” you beg, pulling at the waistband of his joggers. he somehow musters the strength to pry himself off of you, just long enough to discard the uncomfortable material of his sweats, but as soon as he looks down, his plans change.
painted over the crotch of them is a shiny pool of your slick, and when his eyes flit hungrily to your core, he sees where you’ve soaked through your panties. you’re panting when you see the stain, and you just want to get him inside of you, but his priorities have changed. oscar collapses between your legs, head buried, tongue exploring.
he groans, carnal and needy, into the fabric of your underwear, laving his tongue over the lace. your eyes widen as he dives in, licking over the wet patch until he grows frustrated. you hear the tearing of the fabric, feel his big hands pawing at your thighs to spread them as wide as they’ll go. his tongue slides right inside of you and he whines. he fucking whines. the vibration nearly makes you scream. you can’t believe this is your oscar, the same oscar that had quivered with nerves a mere five minutes ago.
“oh my god.” you chant, rolling your hips against his face. you must be all over him by now, what with the way he’s sucking and slurping, obscene sounds of wetness sounding around the room. you’d be blushing a deep red if you weren’t so turned on, shaking against his bedspread which will probably need changing once he’s done with you.
you thought that maybe he was inexperienced and that was the source of his fear, but if he was, you never would have known. he was a natural in between your legs, nipping at your clit to get you even louder for him.
you cum faster than ever, and he’s mumbling something incoherent into your pussy when you do. you’re riding the high, midway through the bliss, when a thick finger slips its way inside of you. oscar realises that he can easily slide another in, and he does. he doesn’t thrust them in and out, he grinds them against your walls, and your mouth falls open as a silent scream forces it’s way out.
you cum a second time, in record time yet again, and he still doesn’t let up. he’s hitting that spot relentlessly with his fingers, keeping your clit between his swollen lips, and you’re begging him. for what, you’re not sure, but you’re whimpering his name like you’re going to die. and what a good way to go this would be.
his eyes meet yours, and he looks unhinged. that’s when you feel it. that all consuming, belly twisting rush.
“oscar!” you try to warn him, but it’s too late, and he knows it. he makes you squirt, because of course he does. the shy guy who was scared that he wouldn’t be able to please you makes you squirt.
he pulls his mouth off of you but keeps his fingers buried deep, eyes fixed on watching the way your pussy convulses.
“holy shit.” you cry. you’re staring down at him like you’ve gone insane. he’s smiling innocently.
“was that good?” he almost sounds shy and you want to kick him.
“are you… are you serious?” you rasp. oscar just shrugs. “get up here.” you reach for him and complies, slotting himself between your legs once more.
oscar resumes the rolls of his hips, and the friction of the grey fabric against your core makes your eyes roll back.
“please, oscar, fuck me.” you whine, his head falling into the crook of your neck. he bites down, leaving behind the sting of his teeth and a faint purple splotch.
“fucking love you.” he slurs, his accent thickening in a way that makes him sound that extra bit fucked out already.
“i love you.” you murmur, forcing his sweats down his legs. his boxers are wet, just like your panties were, and you can’t help but stare. oh, it’s big.
his boxers are peeled down and you can feel yourself throbbing. his cock hangs heavy, red and dripping, painfully hard. you reach for it, looking at him to make sure it’s okay to touch, and he’s rapidly nodding his head. your small hand struggles but you make it work, and his head tips back, exposing his thick neck that you want to suck purple. your hand works over him a few times, and a visible shiver running through his body makes you stop.
“you ready for me?” he asks through gritted teeth.
“please.” you gasp, locking your legs around his waist. “however you want me, ‘m yours.” you breathe.
oscar’s eyes roll back in his head, your words sending his brain blank, and then he’s pushing home, slow and deep.
“fucking hell.” he groans, guttural. you’re so tight, warm, soaking wet. he feels like the biggest idiot in the world for waiting so long for this.
“oh.” you gasp, your eyebrows knitting together. he’s so deep. “so full.” you pant.
“can you take it, sweetheart?” oscar’s lips bump your jaw. “want you to take it.” you nod profusely, desperate to hear him run his mouth even further. your eyes clench shut when you feel him move, just the tiniest bit, readjusting.
“move.” you plead. he’s staring down at you, watching every single micro movement of your face.
oscar pulls out the smallest bit and thrusts back in, nice and slow. the drag drives you feral, the weight of him on top of you makes you weak. you want to stay like this until the end of days.
“good?” he hisses, trying to keep composed. he’s finally inside of you, claiming you as his in the most intimate way of all. he tries not to think about how many times he could have had you begging under him in the last three months.
“so good, so good.” you repeat, pushing your hips up to try and meet his.
“so pretty like this for me. always so, so pretty.” he rambles. he realises that he never quite made it as far as getting your bra off, and he needs to see all of you. the cups are tugged haphazardly down, and oscar stares at your breasts like he’s never seen tits before. you hear him hum, low and greedy, and then you feel the wet drag of his tongue across your nipple.
the animalistic whine that he rips from you makes him thrust harder, upping his pace a bit. he can hear how much wetter you get when he picks up his pace, and he changes up his rhythm, pushing all the way in and dragging out again at lightning speed. your jaw goes slack and your eyes are damp.
“baby, what’s wrong?” oscar slows to a stop, and you want to scream.
“no, no, no, keep going.” you choke out, your throat constricting with a sob. “it’s so good. feel so good.” you sound drunk, all for him, and he loses his mind completely.
he taps into that athletic stamina, fucking into you with a newfound vigour that you didn’t think was humanly possible, and you feel things that you didn’t even know you could feasibly feel. you see stars behind your eyes, his face, and nothing else but bright white. calloused fingers find your clit, and you wonder fleetingly if he’s trying to kill you when he rubs messy shapes into the much too overstimulated bud. his teeth graze your nipple, and everything seems to come together perfectly.
thick tears run hot down your cheeks, only to be licked away by eager tongue. your belly tightens, aflame for him; he’s wound your body up perfectly and you’ve never in your life teetered so dangerously over the edge.
“can feel you, baby. want you to cum, okay? ‘n then i’m gonna fill you up.” oscar grunts. you clamp down on him even tighter, thanking god for oscar’s filthy fucking mouth and birth control, and then everything snaps.
you think you scream, you know that you’re sobbing, and your throat is raw when the wave hits. oscar keeps going, intensifying your pleasure, and when he finally let’s go, it’s the most beautiful fucking thing you’ve ever seen. it’s surreal, the way his neck flexes, eyes clenched tight, brown locks flopping over his sweat damped forehead. and the sounds he makes, god. he’s muttering into your ear, lewd and shameless, and a fifth orgasm nearly takes you under.
“gonna need you everyday like this, tight fucking pussy, all mine. can’t live without this now. fucking perfect.” he’s rambling, burrowing deep into you one last time. you feel his warmth spilling into you, feel his hot breath fanning your face. he licks into your awaiting mouth.
“fuck.” you giggle, breathless.
“good?” he raises an eyebrow, grinning bashfully.
“more than worth the wait.” you whisper, mustering the strength to lift your head just enough so that you can peck his lips. “you better not hold out on me ever again though.” oscar laughs at that and you feel the rumble in your flushed chest.
“you promise?” there’s the shy guy again.
“osc, honey, that was the best. ever. ever. need you to be mr sex god more often.”
“only if you behave for me.” he smirks down at you.
“there he is.” you sigh happily.
when he snakes his way back between your legs, lapping up the mess he’s made, and then some, you wonder just what you’ve unleashed.
whoops? lol
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