#also YES confident d.va
lovedrruunk · 3 months
What TikToks I think overwatch characters would post pt 2! (>ᴗ•) !
Part 1 !
Rein, don’t know if u guys know that liver king guy but he’s literally just rein if he took steroids. Posts tons of like gym core/culture videos yk BUT HES ONE OF THE GOOD ONES!!! Ppl in the community love him bc of how positive he is even though he’d give rlly bad advice “EATING THIS RAW TESTICLE INCREASED MY TESTOSTERONE LEVELS BY 9%!!!!”
D.va, this can go 2 ways. #1 in all her Korean celebrity realness posts vids doing trendy dances while using crazy whitening filters and doing aegyo. #2 goes by a fake name and trolls the fuck out of people. D.va being a hater is such a strong head canon of mine like I love her being a toxic bitch like yes slay or whatever so relatable! Replies to streamers she secretly hates like “Wow your mom’s basement looks so clean!” “My left toe can get better plays.” “Bet even your keyboard hates being touched by you.” basically meowbah or wtv her name was but less weird more cunty
Ana, she replies to reins TikTok’s telling his followers NOT to do anything he says, but other than that I can see her posting cooking vids (as every Arab mom does) but she’ll be talking sweetly in English and then suddenly start cussing something out in Arabic and it’ll be so off topic and it’s rlly funny “and then you add 1 cup of flour! ‘I told my lazyass lgbtqia daughter to pick up some earlier but of fucking course she chose to disappoint me again. Ever since the day I birthed her she has been disappointing me over and over again.’ A pinch of salt!”
Hanzo, DEPRESSION CORE SLIDESHOWS LMAOOO some “when the nice guy loses his patience… the devil shivers.” ass shit, bio is probs something stupid like “family betray, women cheat, Hennessy cures.”
Ashe, CONTROVERSIAL QUEEN !!! People forget she’s southern like please you cannot tell me she doesn’t have some crazyass takes. Will post borderline ragebait in like her car or something. “My gun identifies as a PLUNGER. Beat that Biden.” “BIDEN CANT TAKE MY GUNS, I KEEP THEM UPSTAIRS!!!” “Bidens oldass will probably find a way to outlive my OMNIC butler.” She’ll say all this stupid shit with a straight face and I just think that’s so funny. On rare occasions she’ll actually have a rlly good progressive take and ppl will be like okay hold up let her cook…
Tracer, kinda like junkrat where she's only famous cuz ppl lowk make fun of her and she hasn't caught on yet... I LOVEEEE Tracer she's my fav character but CMONNNN "Cheers love!" SHES NOT SURVIVING TIKTOK!!! ppl in the comments will be mocking her accent and she'll just think they're british too... ppl make fun of her NOT cuz they hate her but because she's just ummm eccentric that's the world plus she's british so that's rlly the only reason why ppl make fun of her like not in a mean way but just for funsies yk...
Pharah, being arab and being a lesbian I am 100% qualified to say this but she's such a fucking lesbo ykwim like 'hey mamas' type, she's also really whitewashed like thinks shes a white stud or something. Ellie Williams wannabe makes thirst traps in stained white wife beaters and expects every lesbian in a 100 mile radius to want her (they dont). Thinks playing basketball makes her the shit and she's just rlly desperate and lame. horny on main. Ana found one of her thirst traps once and it led to a really awkward convo
Kiriko, she's only there to post cute videos of her adventures with her gang and fox like shes just there to have a good time ykwim. And she's like popular bc all her fans r girls and her vlogs and stuff r just so nice to watch plus she's funny and rlly cool!
Baptiste, the anti-andrew tate. Hes so attractive and like confident that people can't help but like him ykwim like he makes little straight boys piss their pants with his bazillion level aura. He'll just post a random vid in his car maybe eating chipotle or something and he'll have men and women alike confessing their love for him in the comments. Lesbians love him.
Any character I haven't mentioned i just can't see posting or having tiktok!
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urlocaldesertdweller · 2 months
Gym Buddies ;)
You and Sloan are very close friends, who would've thought that you two wouldn't be.? But any whooo with being best friends you two love to work out and train together!
Working out alone getting sweaty and hot, and working out the negatives from your mind is already great but doing it with your best friend sounds like one of the best things ever!! The idea would be suggested by Sloan considering they would love to see you try to get more into weight lifting and upper body strength, and in your simple mind gave no thought and a little too quickly said yes.
Mind you, your "friendship" with Sloan since the start was always of passionate bro-friendship with a small hint of competitiveness but that's only because you each want to see the other constantly at their peak! Where the two of you always seemed to be hyping each other up even with the simplest of things.
Even taking in playfighting, arm wrestling, and sparring in the training grounds are very common between the two of you which always raises most of your comrades watching you basically hype each other up while still holding a extremely tense staring contest while trying to pin each other down.
"Come on Y/N! Do you really what you lose to me?!"
They heave gripping hard into your shoulders, their golden skin glistening with sweat, their current clothing choice doesn't help.
"Not even in my nightmares!"
You'll gain an advantage by throwing your head back then quickly throwing your skull towards theirs in a hard headbutt making them yelp staggering back while holding their forehead.
"Fuck... You got me good!"
"Hell yeah! Dont mess with me."
You beam with pride as your friend compliments you which leaves you crossing your arms in confidence leaving you unable to sense them sprinting up to you sweeping under your feet with their strong legs. With an oof you fall on your tailbone making you yelp, god you want to cry with the pain but you bite your lip hard not wanting to cry from something so minor of an injury.
But their scarred hand comes into your lowered gaze making you look up leading up their arm to their smiling face. The overhanging lights from above along with you being beneath them literally make them look like an angel. You take a short second to admire their pure beauty even amidst simple sparring, with a visible gulp you take their hand as they help pull you up...which also reminds you of your tailbone breaking your fall making you place a hand around your butt which makes Sloan giggle.
"I'd say sorry... but I can't really control how you fall buddy!"
"Nah, I'd say that we are now even with that headbutt I gave ya."
And of course, with such kind of playfighting would gain a small audience mainly painfully watching the two of you and betting on will they or won't they kind of thing with your complicated relationship to your team.
"Ugh, this is borderline painful to watch! More painful than whatever Baptiste is going through with his ex."
"Pipe down D.va! You are so loud they almost heard you..."
After warm-up up and when you really mean straight-up play fighting you finally hit the weights and small courses. With the two of you being so close you make a simple pattern of either one of you lifting your limits while the other both encourages and basically trash talks you, basically both becoming each other's gym trainer!
You heave, mouth dry desperate for water eyeing it it on the bench to which Sloan comes back into your view snapping their fingers with a clear whistle. They remind you that you are currently holding 75 pounds over your shoulders in a bowing position which is starting to make your legs shake from holding this pose. They be lying if they said that they were also sneaking some peaks of you looking all breathless and sweaty in front of them.
"Ah ah ah!!! No water for you until you prove to me that you can lift more than me. Power through this you...um dirtbag!!!"
You mumble something feeling your face become tingly and cold from the small gust of wind hitting your slick body with sweat. This makes Sloan get on their knees to meet your gaze which stops the cool breeze, you groan as you now see Sloan blocking your wind they huff slapping your face gently. Making you snap out of your trance, their words minutes ago finally hit your brain making you finish and pump through one more set making you scream your vocal cords out through the straining.
"WHOO!!! ...BEAT...that!!!"
"That's the spirit! And promise...I got this in the bag..."
They crack their knuckles and lay onto the rest prepping themselves as you hum and give a nod with an awful smirk which you know is going to fire them up! In the first few sets, they power through easily which makes you bite down your pride a little until you watch them start to slow down at a steady pace making you ready for anything to happen.
"Lets go Sloan lets go! ...You're one of the strongest people I know...!"
That was a partial lie considering the many literal beasts of people who have joined in overwatch but that's why you say it in a sarcastic tone which makes their face tighten, you watch their muscles flex once more to pump through, their number of sets is starting to get eerily closer to yours but at this point you don't care anymore since you know that your buddy has an awful asthma history. You make a mental note as you drag their duffle bag closer with the tip of your foot.
"Hey, Sloan...do you want me to step in.?"
They groan their eyes glued to the ceiling from above clearly thinking if they can manage just once more push. You don't leave your eyes on Sloan making any certain sort of distress. It takes them a short minute to groan and yell with one last pump in their arms doing one last lift as they manage to let it rest on the handles which makes you relieved as you toss them a bottle of water when they sit up breathless at a normal rate, you still can't help but watch their chest rise and fall stretching the damn near skin tight shirt they chose to wear...
"Oh god...I think we are even..."
Of course, the only thing on their mind is still the track of meaningless numbers that are only to stroke your egos between you and them. You give them a look to which makes them giggle.
"...God what did I do now.?"
"Maybe DONT scare me like that! I was worried that you were going to have an asthma attack stupid!"
You huff turning away in a clear pout which you hide a growing smile when you hear their giggles burst into laughs with your childish acting.
"Awe! Were you actually worried about me.? How flattering..."
They bat their lashes dramatically before chugging the water bottle you tossed. You watch them spill some onto their white tank top dripping from their lips down to their chin and neck then on their shirt... Geez get your mind out of the gutter this is your best friend!
"You bet your ass! I always will give a damn, especially about you."
Sloan only falls into a snickering fit as they stand from the bench to which you cross your arms looking away with huff and then a smile.
"Alright alright! I get it. You might as well love and kiss me buddy with all of that!"
"Heh, nice joke! ...wait what did you say.?"
They say in a playful tone as they grab your hand interlocking their fingers with yours as they drag you away into the showers. Anyone paying attention would have an overall idea of what was going to happen in the showers between the two of you.
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Red Exit
A Roadrat fanfic + D.Va that was inspured by the two Junkers and a D.VA short as well as a rp I did with @emile-hides and @aripan12 !The comic link can be found on Emile’s site along with his fanfic with a similar concept that also ispired this fic! I kind of left the ending a bit ambiguous and mainly focused in on the relationship Junkrat and Roadhog had. Hope you enjoy!
“Roadie! Oi! Roadie!” Junkrat’s nasally voice broke out into Roadhog’s ear as he slept in. Roadhog gruffed out a huff as he sat up and glared down at his small companion.
“What?” He asked, standing up a little.
“Listen do ya know where tha’ bloody tape went? I need it for a project.” Junkrat said, then proceeded to follow Roadhog as he silently walked over to a stash of junk and pulled out a fat roll of duct tape from it, throwing it unceremoniously at Junkrat. Junkrat caught it with a little bit of a fumble as he giggled a bit. “Thanks mate!”
Roadhog watched as his companion scuttled back outside to his workshop like the rat he was. He shrugged and sighed a bit as he prepared lunch for Jamison, knowing the idiot probably hadn’t bothered to feed himself. Soon after making a sandwich for the bastard, Roadhog lumbered out to the workshop where he found Junkrat fully hyper focused on whatever the fuck he was building.
“Rat.” He growled out, snapping the rodent of a man out of his trance as he threw the sandwhich onto the table. “Eat.”
“Ah cheers mate.” Junkrat said, grabbing the sandwich and swiftly taking a bite out of it. “Nearly forgot!” A titteribg laugh followed this comment and Roadhog rolled his eyes underneath his mask. Of course he forgot.
“I’m goin into town.” Roadhog said as he turned and began walking out of the workshop.
“Oh ye are? Lemme come with!” Junkrat said, beginning to trail behind his bodyguard. “I need some things, scrap mostly.” Junkrat then let out a squeak as he was grabbed by his tire and promptly shoved into a sitting position on his couch.
“Stay.” Roadhog snarled from underneath his mask before finally making his leave. Junkrat crossed his arms and pouted.
“Big lug cant tell me what ta do.” He mumbled go himself. Junkrat wasn’t going to disobey his bodyguard however, he knew he’d never hear the end of it from the guy if he did so he continued to work on his project.
As Roadhog approached the gates to Junkertown, a rather interesting sight caught his eye. A girl was sat outside the city of waste, pounding as hard as she could on the rusty metal doors.
“Please! Please let me in! I need help!” The girl wailed out pathetically.
She was an interesting one that was for sure. Decked out in a pink and blue outfit and with shiny hair that must have been freshly washed, she looked out of place here in the wasteland. Not that Roadhog could give to shits anyways, she was in the way. Swiftly and with a strong wrist-flicking movement, Roadhog’s hook flug out and wrapped harshly against the girl’s waist, pulling her in closer.
“Get outta the way.” Roadhog snarled out as he walked past her and up to the gates.
“Sir please!” The girl said boldly. “Just hear me out, okay?”
Roadhog turned to her and huffed, crossing his arms impatiently as he decided to hear her out.
“My name is Hana Song! I was a MEKA pilot over in South Korea. I was kidnapped and abandoned here and I need help finding a way home!” She was determined, that was for sure, but she was also rather naive to think a Junker would help her.
“What makes you think I’d help you?” Roadhog questioned, looking the skinny girl up and down.
“You Junkers like money, right? W-well back home I’ve got lots of it!” Hana said, the confidence in her voice slipping. Roadhog sighed and figured supplies could wait. They needed a boat.
“Follow me.” Roadhog huffed out as he began the short trek back to the shack.
As they approached the shack, Roadhog knocked on the side of the hole that was one of three entrances to Junkrat’s workshop.
“Well yer back early.” Junkrat said, getting up and hobbling over to Roadhog. “Wait a minute, who’s the random sheila? Don’t tell me yer bringin brothel girls back ta our place!”
“Shut up.” Roadhog snarled. “This is Hana. We’re taking her back to Korea.”
“Kor ee ha?” Junkrat voiced out, saying it wrong several times. “Where’s that? Is it near Sydney or that near wherever Brisbane is?”
“Shut it.” Roadhog snarled out a second time. “I have a buddy that owes me a solid. He can get us a boat and then we can-“ Roadhog could barely say anything else as he was immediately cut off by Junkrat.
“Wait wait wait, a boat? Alright first off, since when do you have a buddy that owes ye a solid? Secondly, are we really jus up an leavin? What about our revenge on the queen? What about our agreement? We just gonna lug that with us?” Although Junkrat brought up some valid points, Roadhog could care less.
“Shut up or I’ll leave you here alone.” Roadhog hissed out. An empty threat, but definitely one that Junkrat wouldn’t try to test. At least, that’s what Roadhog hoped.
“Foine then.” Junkrat said, standing up straight to his full height. “You go getcher boat and I’ll just sit around then. Keep yer secrets an all that. Not like I get any say in the matter anyways!”
God he was such a child sometimes, but Junkrat’s tone felt different. There was a slight wobble to it, almost like the pathetic man was on the verge of tears. Roadhog tried to ignore it as he left.
“Watch the kid.” He huffed out briefly before he left back in the direction of Junkertown.
After Roadhog returned, they began formulating a proper plan and aranged their agreements with Hana regarding the money.
“This better be some good fuckin loot if we’re goin all this way outta our way fer ya.” Junkrat said sternly, eyeing Hana with suspicion as he leaned forward a bit. “And if you try ta juke us-“
“Rat that’s enough.” Roadhog growled, watching as the pyromaniac sank down into a slump on his seat. “The boat will be ready by early morning, before dawn. So let’s get some rest before we head out.”
The group nodded in agreement before setting to their spots to rest, Hana taking the upstairs couch and Junkrat going out to his workshop couch to rest as well. Roadhog did his best to try and sleep, but to no abail. Finally, he gave up in the middle of the night, opting to go outside to the cliff and gaze off of it and into the endless expanse of the wasteland.
“Couldn’t sleep either, huh Roadie?” Junkrat’s voice caught Roadhog off guard as the scrawny man came over beside him. “Mind if I join ya for a tick?”
Roadhog merely huffed in a way that said, “do whatever you’d like” and Junkrat promptly sat down beside him. For once, the two Junkers sat together in silence before Roadhog finally broke the silence.
“It’s my fault.”
“Huh? Whatcha mean Roadie?” Junkrat’s amber eyes looked up at Roadhog gently.
“All of this.” Roadhog gestured out to the wilderness in front of him. Junkrat let out a breif scoff at the gesture.
“Don’t flatter yerself! All this can’tve possible been all one man’s fault.”
“You don’t understand.” Roadhog sighed. “You weren’t there. If only I hadn’t been in the ALF. If only I hadn’t caused the omnium to explode-“ A metalic hand rested on his thigh and cut him off.
“Mako. Listen to me. It ain’t yer bloody fault.” Junkrat’s tone was deeper, more serious. “If the omnium hadn’t exploded, a lotta things wouldn’t’ve happened mate.”
“I know. You would probably have become a child soldier, or maybe even have a chance at a happy life, a normal life. Not this bullshit.”
“Oh would you shut the fuck up already?” Junkrat sighed out. “I like this life if you’d ask me. Wot I meant was, if the omnium hadn’t exploded, I wouldn’t have found my love for bombs. More importantly,” Junkrat moved his hands up to the sides of Roadhog’s mask and stood up on a rock to look into the eye holes of his mask. “I wouldn’t have met you.”
“Jamison.” Roadhog gently grasped onto Junkrat’s hands, pulling them down and away from his mask. “Trust me, you would have loved a happier, normal life. A life without me in it.”
“Bullshit.” Junkrat rested his forehead on Roadhog’s, tears welling up in his eyes. “I wouldn’t change this life for anything else in the world.” Junkrat gently unclasped the pig mask and left it up to Roadhog to remove it if he wanted to, which he did.
“Why?” Roadhog asked as he took his mask off slowly, revealing his mutilated face.
“Because you fucking dumbass,” Junkrat sniffled a little bit and smiled softly at the sight of Roadhog’s face. “Because I love you.”
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savedgames · 4 years
Answer the following so people know how ships work on your blog!
For the characters on this blog (that aren’t on the testing list, at least), I don’t really have an OTP for most of them. The only one I can think of is Yeul and Noel!
Any minor with someone of a legal age. Other than that? Dependent on the exact character and their age but I typically won’t go further than maybe seven years. Obviously if there’s chemistry between the characters and neither of them is a minor (or knew the other character as a minor), then that’s up to change.
Yes and no. If there’s chemistry between the characters and how we write them, I’m jumping on that ship ASAP. If there is no chemistry or I don’t think we vibe as writers? Highly highly selective and will probably say no.
Anything where it becomes clear that more than kissing, hugging, or cuddling is the objective. I’m also not veeery confident in my ability to write smut, so if it does get to that point either you’re going to have to be very patient with me or it’s going to have to fade to black.
D.Va is currently shipped with Brigitte ( @heartleeches ), but I’ve also warmed to the idea of shipping her with Lúcio. Viper is currently shipped with Morrigan ( @arcaens ), though I don’t have the tag or related verse ready yet so it’s not on the blog. Vincent is currently shipped with Jack, ofc ( @soldierwatch ) in past verses. Obviously, just because I’ve tagged a specific blog doesn’t mean I’m exclusive to them. While I do get attached to certain portrayals, especially if we’re shipping, I won’t rule things out if the chemistry is there, especially if the ship itself is canon.
99% of Yeuls with Caius. About the only Yeul I would consider shipping with Caius would be the first Yeul he was Guardian for, and that’s extremely selective, primarily due to the restraints of her character (given all the incarnations die really young). D.Va and Reinhardt/Soldier: 76/anyone in that age range for sure. That’s getting into uncomfy age difference for me and she’s far more likely to see most of them as a familial figure or a mentor.
I wouldn’t say ask so much as just tell me you’re interested in shipping! I’m always up to test out ships, either through inbox prompts or Dis.cord, but I won’t know if we want to test out a ship unless you communicate that. And, obviously, if I’ve rejected the ship, I’m likely not changing my mind.
I am selective, but I love the concept of shipping, so as long as the proper criteria has been met (chemistry, communication, etc), then fairly frequently.
I’d say I’m somewhere between multiship and fewship. Of course, this works under the assumption that no two ships happen in the same universe unless it’s been plotted between all parties.
I think I’m somewhere in the middle. I’m generally neutral in terms of wanting to RP ships, until such a point as we’ve started shipping. At which point expect me to Not Shut Up™.
I’m going with just general ships and not necessarily things I actively write or ships with my characters. Also bear in mind these are not all of my ships for some of these fandoms. If I had to list all of them, we’d be here for an eternity.           OVERWATCH: Jack x Vincent, Genji x Mercy, Moira x Reaper, Widowmaker x Sombra, Amelie x Gerard           FINAL FANTASY 13: Serah x Snow, Yeul x Noel           FINAL FANTASY 10: Yuna x Tidus           ANIMAL CROSSING: Kicks x Labelle
Let me know you’re interested and then be willing to go through non-shippy threads in order to see if there’s chemistry there! Also communicate and be willing to put up with me screaming at you at all hours. lol
Tagged By: @arcaens Tagging: @allnostalgic — @chrononactive — @koeii — @lone-wolf-and-muse — @dragxnfall
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gfwatch · 6 years
unexpected post but,,, i really like d.mon / yuna okay. im probs 100% wrong but i just felt like writing for her because i really like her design. also some stuff got confirmed today, like yuna and hana originally being on the same esports team so i thought that was radical
D.Mon Headcanons
Yuna Lee has lots of insecurities. She knows that her team is integral to the protection of Korea, and that really takes a toll on her. She initially wasn’t too good at teamwork, but adapted quickly. She knows that she needs to stay focused. Her goal doesn’t affect only her, after all. Still, she tries not to think too much about it. She acts as if she has it all together, but truthfully? Every time the team goes out to fight, she’s terrified.
She often teases D.Va about little things. That gwishin almost got you before. She shakes her head. Better be more careful. The two mostly manage to get along, though. D.Va tries to go in on her own a lot, and D.Mon is secretly worried about her the most. Yeah, D.Va can clearly handle her fair share, but she’s so aggressive and headstrong. D.Mon’s got a shield, but D.Va doesn’t want to attack from behind it.
D.Mon hates when people compare her to D.Va. Yes, the two have similar nicknames and yes, the two are the only women in the group. D.Mon secretly feels like she’s constantly being pitted against D.Va, and it sucks. They were closer, before, but now D.Va seems to mostly be the star of the show, leaving D.Mon a little behind. Both pretend like they don’t care too much, but they both know that they miss what they used to have.
Yuna and Hana sometimes go to each other for comfort. It’s a little awkward at first, but hey. Hana vents a little about how tough it is for the cameras and literally all of Korea to expect her to be perfectly happy, and looks over at Yuna, who seems to be crying a little. Hana widens her eyes. Yuna? Oh my god, I... I didn’t mean to freak you out, I’m sorry, I... Yuna shakes her head and pulls Hana into a hug, growling a little. Not everyone expects you to be perfect. Things are much less tense after that.
Yuna’s much more private than Hana, who often flirts with death and manages just fine. Meanwhile, Yuna often feels like she’s struggling. She knows that Hana’s struggling, too, but is just better at hiding it. Yuna sometimes needs more time to herself, and Hana absolutely respects that, turning off the stream and giving her the space she needs.
Yuna just wants to be strong enough. She knows that people picked her for a reason, but wants to make them proud. She knows that she can sometimes be a weaker link, needing Hana to help her, but she doesn’t want to be someone that relies on anyone. She wants to be more independent and in control, especially for those she has.
extra crush headcanon because guess what. im gay
Yuna can be a little cold at first, looking down on others. It’s partially her persona, but partially because she doesn’t want to get attached. She’s literally D.Mon, who shouldn’t back down and shouldn’t be afraid. Still, if she sees someone that catches her attention, she’ll want to show off to get their attention. She gives you confident smirks and might even wink at you. Yuna secretly hopes you think she’s cool. Hana teases her when they’re alone about her crush, and Yuna just wants to get some rest.
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Whoever on the team decided knockbacks 'need to be consistent' I hope falls in a pit of legos. They know how much the playerbase despises CC usage that they insist on adding (Hello unneeded DF and Mei buffs) But this? Hello dev team yes, no one liked it when Brig could knock us tank and support players again and again. Applying this to EVERY knockback ever doesn't inspire confidence in your abilities to balance whatsoever. Enough with the damn CC already. There's a reason TF2 removed it ffs
Well there’s also the problem that it’s impacted the very meta that they wanted to change in a posative way. Don’t know if you all follow OWL, but Goats (3 3 as the announcers call it) had a powerful impact simply because. 
A. Brig has a knock back that could toss a flanker or an advancing player on the comp away from the team.
B. Brig still has a burst heal that is far more effect than Heals Over Time, since ya know, you save that one target from the brink of death. and now can engage more aggresivly and nothing just, ever dies.
The DF buffs and Mei buffs were probably in hopes to help kill goats, like many of the other buffs in this patch. And yet it seems to have only weakened one section of it (Zarya Rein goats) and buffed Winston goats, since he had a dramatic increase in his usefulness against armor.
Making all CC in the game consistant, while it was a move to that made some sense in the case of Baptiste’s addition (Knock people out of Immortality field) it’s just had a lot of other foreseen and unseen side effects.
Rez is harder to pull off.
Lucio is far more effective in maps known for boop potential. With Orisa definitally feeling the bad ends of this patch in it’s entirity.
Winston’s juggling has changed a bit.
D.va’s bomb can be punched away (I can’t recall if this was a bug)
and so on.
In short, this is a change that hasn’t changed anything really for the top teir meta. Accept for maybe the tank’s played. And has added a few more heroes that are demons at lower ranks to the list of, pick and win. Much like with Reaper after his buffs.
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burialplots-archive · 5 years
repost, don’t reblog !
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME. hana song NICKNAME. just hana, or d.va  GENDER. female HEIGHT. 5′5″ AGE. 19-22 (depends on verse) ZODIAC. september 4th SPOKEN LANGUAGES. korean & english  𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR. dark brown, dependent on verse (sometimes blonde or redheaded)  EYE COLOR. brown SKIN TONE. fair BODY TYPE. thin VOICE. cheerful, high. click for example.  DOMINANT HAND. left POSTURE. casual SCARS. none. TATTOOS. none BIRTHMARKS. none MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S). big brown eyes or cocky smile lmao. also her voice is pretty noticeable  𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH. busan, south korea HOMETOWN. busan SIBLINGS. none PARENTS. tbd. 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.  pro gamer, mech pilot, actress  CURRENT RESIDENCE. travelling consistently  CLOSE FRIENDS. taehyun is her best friend!! (also if anyone wanted to play him for my d.va....love that) RELATIONSHIP STATUS. single / verse dependant FINANCIAL STATUS.  very well off DRIVER’S LICENSE. yes CRIMINAL RECORD. none VICES. too much social media/tv/games, overly competitive nature that gets out of hand  𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION. bisexual PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE. submissive | dominant | switch. PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE. submissive | dominant | switch. LIBIDO. average  TURN ON’S. tbd. TURN OFF’S. tbd.  LOVE LANGUAGE. through actions mostly, not v skilled with words lmao  RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. faithful but definitely doesn’t date much as she’s too career focused. falls hard if someone is patient enough to wait for her 
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. melodramatic - blessthefall  HOBBIES TO PASS TIME. video games video games video games and music lol  LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. right PHOBIAS. she isn’t a big fan of bugs lmao. they geek her out. dying alone and failure can also be included in this  SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL. (too) high VULNERABILITIES.  those that are close to her 
TAGGED BY: @ittybittylittlebit-hot TAGGING: anyone that wants to do this!!
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keisskyrunner · 6 years
Linger(ie) [Soldier76/!Shy Reader]
You were going to die. You felt like you wanted to die, preferably through a black hole that suddenly appears and swallows you whole.
You had been looking for Jack after you heard that his latest mission debriefing had ended. Your shared room was one of the first places you looked, cracking open the door slowly and softly with the intention to peek in quickly to see if your significant other was there.
He was. Indeed he was. In fact he was also holding up a very lacy set of lingerie and examining it curiously. You wouldn’t even have called it lingerie, it just looked like small scraps of material! There was also a bag on your shared bed, embossed boldly with the name and logo of a famous lingerie shop. You saw the older soldier’s gloved hand reach into the bag and pulled out a small card.
“Can’t wait to surprise you, winky face, xoxo [Y/N].” He mumbles, reading the card out loud. Stifling a squeak of shock, you quickly but quietly closed the door and ran to the recreation room, cheeks burning heavily.
You found the room empty and decided to pace frantically instead as your thoughts scrambled to ascertain what you just saw. You knew for sure that you did NOT buy that set, heck you wouldn’t have dared to step into the store yourself unless you were being dragged in by the others. Then how could it have ended up there on your shared bed and with your name on the card? And you certain would NOT have put a winky face -
Wait. Winky face.
“Hiya [Y/N],” a cheerful voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You spun around and faced the very person you were thinking of.
“H-Hana!” You spluttered indignantly.
“Oh why are you so unsettled? And your face is all red,” the gamer’s expression turned too sly for your taste, “ did something good happen?”
“Nothing happened!” You blurted our loudly, but your mortification allowed you to pull yourself together somewhat. “But you have some answering to do!”
“What do you mean?” Hana battered her eyes innocently at you.
“You know what I mean, the lingerie in my room! On my bed!”
“Ohhh that.” Hana nods sagely before shrugging. “I just figured that since you missed 76 so much and after he finally returned you’ll want to give that big boy a nice reward right? And since you’re too much of the shy type and probably would never get some of those yourself, I, being the good friend and wingwoman that I am, decided to help you out!” She finishes with a grin. “You’re welcome by the way.”
You could only stare with your mouth agape at your friend.
“Well some of the girls and I were out in town the other day and we saw this and thought of you.” D.Va continued explaining casually.
“You saw THAT thing and thought of me?!” You whispered-yelled, waving your hands agitatedly as you mentally pictured the lingerie.
“Yup,” her smile growing even more smug. “And from your reaction, 76 definitely thought of you when he saw it on your bed.”
“Hana!” You grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her slightly, “how am I supposed to face him now?!”
“With bravery and seductive finesse of course.” She replied cheerfully, patting your hand. “I know you have it in you. It’s time to unleash the inner animal!” She emphasized the latter part by making rawring noises and clawing motions with her hands.
You were about to rebut the streamer’s statement when the sound of familiar footsteps echoing down the corridor reached your ears. Panicking, you mustered enough sternness to shoot D.Va a warning look before running out of the room, away from the direction of your significant other.
“[Y/N]?” Soldier 76 questioned gruffly as he walked into the recreation room, only to find it devoid of your presence when he swore he had heard your voice moments ago.
“They just left.” Hana replies innocently in your stead. “Something about checking on their plants.”
“They don’t have plants, Hana.” The older man said flatly.
“Well perhaps now they do.” The gamer shrugged nonchalantly. 76 eyed D.Va suspiciously through his visor, before shaking his head and turning away, continuing his search for his shy partner.
It had unintentionally become a game of cat and mouse. You would dart or sneak out of the area whenever you heard the telltale signs of your significant other coming closer, signs and tells that you’ve long memorised. You were still too embarrassed or mortified to face him. On the other hand, those who were not in the know of the situation were left confused.
“McCree, have you seen [Y/N]?” Soldier 76 would ask.
“Of course, the lil pumpkin was just... here?”  McCree looked at the spot where he swore he last saw you. Turning to the older man, he shrugged, a little puzzled. “Well I guess they ain’t anymore.”
“Oi mate what’s the big rush? Is there an ice cream truck?” Junkrat’s hopeful voice could be heard from the distance.
“No, no don’t follow me, there isn’t! I just forgot something!” You could be heard yelling back. Jack sighed and strode determinedly out of the room.
You panted slightly as you tucked yourself into a discreet nook in the hallway. Peeking out, you noted that the coast was clear and you let out a sigh. Right you had escaped your determined significant other for now... maybe now you could -
You squeaked embarrassingly loudly in surprise as strong arms wound its way around your waist and pulled you firmly to someone’s chest.
“I’ve got you in my sights sweetheart,” a familiar gravelly voice whispered wickedly into your ear. “Caught you.”
You felt a shiver run down your spine as you half-heartedly tried to squirm your way out of his solid grasp. Spinning you around gently, Soldier 76 backed you slowly into the wall behind you, hands planted deliberately on either side of you, caging you in.
Leaning close, Jack slowly took off his visor, allowing the full force of his gaze to be directed at you. “Now, would you care to tell me why you’ve been running from me all day, sweetheart?”
You blush and averted your eyes, partially because of the proximity of your love and partially because of the memory of the lingerie that started it all. A callused hand softly grasped your chin, redirecting your gaze to look into his eyes. “Hmm, sweetheart?”
“The...ah... the...the..lingerie.” You stuttered, extremely mortified to be mentioning it. Your cheeks were definitely burning in full force now.
“Mm yes, I’ve seen it.” He hummed, “A very nice lacey thing but the message evidently gave away who planted it there.”
“O-oh.” You breathed, now feeling a little silly for not realising it earlier. Hana’s writing style was definitely quite different from yours.
“Though,” The soldier smiled sinfully, “I wouldn’t mind seeing you wear it.”
“Ohh,” you repeated again, your brain slowly short circuiting. A gentle kiss pressed to your forehead brought you out of the haze.
“However, I will not force you if you’re not comfortable with it sweetheart, I never will.” Jack reassured tenderly as he caressed your right cheek. But you had made your decision, despite your shyness.
“I-I want to,” You blurted, “I want to for you.”
“You sure about that?” Jack asked, searching your eyes for any uncertainty. He found none, only shyness and nervousness. You nodded bashfully.
“Well, it’s convenient then that you chose to hide close to our room, sweetheart.” Your significant other teased, taking your hand in his and leading the way back to your shared room.
You attempted to sooth your nervousness as you stepped out of the bathroom and into your shared bedroom. Immediately, you were met with Jack’s intense stare as his eyes roved over you. You resisted the urge to hide yourself as he stood up and prowled over to you, eyes never leaving yours.
“You’re beautiful.” He breathes, hands running gently over your sides, loving, memorising and gently worshiping the very shape of you. “And I am the luckiest man in the world.” You blushed at he heaped genuine compliment upon compliment on you, slowly but surely increasing your confidence in wearing this. He wouldn’t stop until you felt 100% beautiful and confident in it. Or until you felt beautiful and confident about yourself. Hell, he will never stop even then. You were the love of his life, endearingly shy as you may be, he wanted you to love yourself as much as he loved you. To see beauty of the galaxy he saw in you.
Wrapping his arms securely around you once more, he leaned in and whispered mischievously, “Do you know why it’s called lingerie? It’s because the sweet image of you in lingerie lingers on for a long long time in my mind.”
You didn’t even have time to protest at the cheesiness of the statement as he hoisted you up in the air and into his arms. Capturing your squeak of surprise with his lips, he carried you off to bed where he fully intended to demostrate how much he missed you, how much he loved you, and how beautiful you were to him.
A/N: A really short (and kinda messy) piece but I missed writing Solider76 so I’m back again here with fluff (because I really suck at angst and I’m working on at least trying to write angst fluff and really I don’t have the heart to make any characters suffer T_T) So enjoy this little piece that I dreamt up. (Yes I am aware that linger and lingerie is pronounced very differently XD) Much love to everyone <3
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ctfmeister · 6 years
Daddi’s Boy
(Sequel to Unhealthy Side Effects of Pizza)
With her hands crossed and a sour expression on her face, D.Va sat impatiently in the Overwatch lobby, her foot tapping away at the floor while she waited for someone to come get her. Thanks to her extraordinary performance while defending her country, she’d been invited to the Overwatch base in Gibraltar in order to join the team. But honestly D.Va had no interest in joining at all.
The young Korean gamer was more than happy with how her life was going at the moment. Right now, all she had to do was play videogames and help defend South Korea. She wasn’t really looking to expand her jurisdiction to the entire world. In fact, were it not for her superiors asking her to at least come in person, she wouldn’t have even bothered responding. They insisted incessantly that this was a ‘great opportunity for her’, so now she had no choice but sit here, waiting begrudgingly.
Although honestly, it wasn’t all bad. Now that she was in Gibraltar, maybe she could take a few days off to go sight-seeing. She could do a little bit of tourism in Spain, or spend a little bit of time in France… She could even go to Great Britain, do a little bit of traveling and relaxing…
“Oh, hi there!” Called out a voice to D.Va. “You must be Miss Hana Song, I presume.”
‘Finally!’ D.Va thought. Now that someone was here she could tell them how much she didn’t want to become part of Overwatch. D.Va stood up straight and looked at the Overwatch member, when a huge gasp left her mouth.
“My name is Lena Oxton, codename Tracer.” She said, extending her hand towards D.Va. “Pleasure to meet you.”
The young woman before D.Va was absolutely stunning. Her body was fit and lean, not too muscly or brutish. Her build was petite, looking cute and soft. Her face adorable but not too childish. And her voice was so angelic that it rang D.Va sweetly inside her ears. This girl was the perfect embodiment of femininity, and D.Va absolutely loved it.
Ever since she was young, D.Va had always held a disdain for guys. Maybe it was because her father had always treated her horribly. Maybe it began after spending so much time with gross obese gamer guys. Whatever the reason was, her hate fat, gross, pervy guys transformed her sexual tastes in the opposite direction. She liked cute, small, soft girls, which Tracer fit like a glove. Tracer had to be D.Va’s dream girl.
“Err- Miss Song?” Tracer asked with a confusion.
D.Va shook her head intensely, mentally kicking herself. She was staring dumbly at a pretty lady again. “Oh um- Right. Sorry.” D.Va stumbled, extending her own hand to shaker Tracer’s. “Yes. That’s me. Hana Song. Or D.Va. But you can just call me Hana. Or D.Va. Or whatever you want.”
The Korean girl nervously held her breath in, hoping to not have embarrassed herself in front of the cutie. However, much to her relief, Tracer just giggled it off. “Alright Hana. Well, I appreciate that you’ve taken some time to travel over here and consider joining Overwatch. We’ve seen you in action and we really think you’d make a great fit for the team. You see, here at Overwatch, we think that blah blah… Blah blah blah…”
Tracer continued on talking, but the meaning of all words dropped for D.Va. The only thing she was able to do was stare intently into the eyes of this magnificent woman, admiring all the beauty she held. The way she cutely moved her petite mouth… The way her voice sang out with excitement from the topic… The happy expression she made as she talked… D.Va could watch over her forever…
“So, what do you say?” Tracer asked.
“Huh?” D.Va stepped back, not really following the trail of the conversation.
“Well, do you want to join Overwatch or not?” Tracer asked once more. “I know you have a lot of responsibilities with the defense of your country, but we would really like it if you joined our group. And, if you want, I could even be your guide and show you around. Be like a mentor of sorts, just so you can adjust more easily.”
D.Va began blushing heavily. “You- You’d do that? Just for me?”
“Of course!” Tracer exclaimed joyfully. “I’d be more than happy to help you get accustomed here. It would be my duty to make sure you felt comfortable with the team, and you I’d be glad for you to depend on me for anything you need. Besides, who wouldn’t love to help a girl as cute as you?”
D.Va’s cheeks became even redder, her blush covering her entire face. “Y-Y-Y-You think I’m c-cute?”
“Yeah I do.” Tracer responded plainly. “You’re one of the cutest girls I’ve ever seen. Actually, this is a bit embarrassing, but I watch your MEKA streams all the time. I just love seeing you fighting and being all cool. Hehe, I guess I’m a bit of a fan.”
Wow, this was so embarrassing… D.Va’s whole body felt hot, sweat pouring down from her face. This girl was so pretty and nice, and now she was calling her cute and being so kind… She was even a fan of D.Va’s stream. This was everything D.Va could dream of. To have such a beautiful girl around her… Maybe they could even...
“Yes, I’ll join Overwatch.” D.Va said confidently. “But only if… Only if you spend time with me… Showing me around and helping me and stuff…”
Tracer nodded with glee. “Yay!” She began to shake D.Va’s hands joyfully. “Don’t worry about that, I’ll be more than happy to be your guiding figure! Heck, we could even become super great friends!”
D.Va looked at the ground with embarrassment. Maybe they could become… More than friends…
 Loud stomping echoed through the halls of the Overwatch base, as D.Va stormed through, an furious expression on her face. She stomped with anger and power, slamming her feet down one after the other with tremendous force as she walked towards the monkey’s laboratory. Her goal? To get that stupid primate to answer her concerns.
Finally arriving at his laboratory, she walked through the open doors with disregard. “WINSTON!!” She yelled with rage.
The gorilla hopped from his seat in surprise, a jar of peanut butter dropping onto the floor as he turned to face his visitor.  “OH! Uh- Angela! I uh- I wasn’t having any peanut butter right now, I was just studying, uhhh- things!”
However, much to Winston’s relief, it wasn’t Doctor Ziegler coming to reprimand him for his eating habits, it was just the Koran gamer D.Va, standing before him with her shoulders crossed and an angry expression.
“Oh, it’s just you.” Winston asserted, with a sigh of relief, he turned back around and returned to his unfinished business.
“Winston, where is she?” D.Va asked commandingly. “I’ve sent you like, 12 emails today and you haven’t responded to a single one of them.”
“That’s just because you’ve sent hundreds of emails this week.” Winston answered matter-of-factly. “They’re all going into spam now.”
“Grrr…” D.Va grabbed hold of Winston’s rotatable chair and turned it towards her. “Winston it’s been 2 weeks, 3 days, 6 hours, 22 minutes and 51 seconds since she left.”
“Oh my, that’s very specific.” Winston said with a look of concern.
“Where. Is. She?” D.Va asked once more, pure ire seeping from her face and voice.
Winston sighed. “I told you, she’s on vacation. She wanted to take a little bit of time off before fully returning to Overwatch.”
“Yeah but wasn’t she only supposed to be gone for a week?” D.Va retorted. “Don’t you think something bad might’ve happened to her?
“I’m sure she’s fine.” Winston tried to reassure her. “I called Emily a little while ago and she said they were doing great.”
D.Va shot him a look of doubt. “How long was a little while ago.”
Winston gave a long sigh.
“Hasn’t she also not been responding to Overwatch calls?” D.Va added. “I’m just worried something bad happened to her…”
“Well, I’m sure everything is ok.” Winston maintained. “If something happened, surely Emily would let us know.”
D.Va’s face formed into a pout. “Can’t you at least send like… A unit or something, to check on her?”
The idea made Winston chuckle. “With the situation in Nepal, our number of available operatives is very scarce. And that’s not even considering the new complication in Lijiang.”
“Fine!” D.Va yelled out, stomping her foot. “If you don’t care about finding Tracer, then I’ll go ahead and find her myself.”
“Alright.” Winston replied nonchalantly. “As long as you don’t use any Overwatch resources.”
D.Va gritted her teeth with anger. It pissed her off how little everyone cared about Tracer’s disappearance, but at this point D.Va couldn’t stand it any longer. With newfound determination, she marched out of the room angrily.
“Oh, and don’t take too long.” Winston added. “We might need you for another operation soon and I don’t want two missing operatives.”
As the doors to his lab closed, the gorilla grabbed another jar of peanut butter and popped it open.
 Deep inside an apartment complex in London, D.Va stood before one of the apartment door. She stared back and forth at the apartment number plate and the information on her phone, wanting to be totally sure they matched. According to the Overwatch database (which she got access to through totally legitimate means), this was Tracer’s apartment. If she wanted to get answers about her whereabouts, this was the first place to go.
She knocked on the door with strength, as a sigh unwittingly escaping from her mouth. She had to admit, she was a bit nervous about this. She was worried about Tracer’s disappearance, of course, but she was even more nervous about getting to see her again, and also getting to see her apartment, a bit of her private life…
But even then, all of those were crushed by the intense anxiety she had from the possibility of meeting Tracer’s girlfriend. D.Va had heard plenty about Emily, but she had never even seen the girl. It made her wonder, what kind of girl was Tracer attracted to? Was she more into the lean beautiful girls, or the cute petite ones? If it was Tracer, her girlfriend had to be just absolutely spectacular. No one short of amazing should even deserve to have the chance at dating Tracer. In all honesty, it put a lot of fear into D.Va… That Emily would be spectacular that she would put her to shame.
Unfortunatly, D.Va didn’t have too much time to dwell on the subject, as she heard the door knob shaking. This was it! She straightened up, looking forward with a determined but nervous expression. She was finally going to see Tracer. Or maybe even her girlfriend! She clutched her heart tightly, waiting as the door slowly opened to reveal…
“Hi, how may I help you?”
As soon as D.Va saw what popped out from the door, her jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing, she had to blink a few times just to make sure it was real, that she wasn’t hallucinating. In front of her, was a person with a beautiful lady’s head, but a gross fat man’s body. She (He?) was wearing a dirty white tank top with jeans, and D.Va could even swear she had a bulge.
“Yes?” The person asked again.
D.Va blinked once, shaking her head as she realized she was lost in thought. “Oh- Um- Are you by any chance Emily?”
The girl (?) nodded with a smile. “Yes, that’s me.”
D.Va cleared her throat, still having a hard time taking in what she was seeing. “Right. Well, I’m Hana Song, codename D.Va, and I’m with Overwatch. I just came over here because-”
“Oh, so you’re one of Lena’s Overwatch friends?” Emily beamed happily. “Oh my! Please come in. A friend of Lena’s is a friend of mine.”
Before D.Va could even protest, she was quickly dragged inside the apartment by Emily, who packed an unexpected amount of force. Walking into the living room, D.Va inspected her surroundings. The apartment was one of those high-class expensive houses. Though it was a bit disorganized, it still looked far better than D.Va’s room at Gibraltar.
“Pardon the mess~ I was just going to start cleaning this week.” Emily added. “Now, just make yourself at home. And excuse me while I bring out some snacks.”
“Oh, that’s not-” But D.Va was too late to stop them, Emily was already gone.
A large sigh escaped through D.Va’s mouth. She scurried over to a nearby couch and slumped onto it. Ugh… It looked fine, but there was something sticky all over it. It was a bit annoying, but D.Va couldn’t bring herself to care enough to stand up from it. No, there was something much more important that was bothering D.Va. A single very pertinent question that clogged her mind.
Why? Why was Tracer dating this… This thing? Tracer had to be the most beautiful girl in the world- no, in existence. She could get any guy or girl she wanted, so why had she chosen this monster? They were fat, gross, and were it not for the pretty lady face they would be ugly. And what was it with their body? Were they a girl or a boy? Tracer had always called Emily her girlfriend, but their body looked more at home under the head of a fat man. It was quite comical how badly they didn’t match.
“Alright~ Here you are.” Emily said joyfully, returning with the same grinding smile she bore when D.Va first saw her.
With a feminine grace (that looked odd on their masculine body), Emily placed a plate with two pieces of pizza on the table in front of D.Va. She looked at the piping hot slices with bewilderment. Who offered pizza as a snack? Maybe that’s why they were so fat…
“Don’t be shy.” Emily sang happily. “Go ahead and have some.”
“Oh no, I’m fine.” D.Va responded, not quite in the mood to enjoy pizza.
“Oh please. I insist!” Emily continued. “I would be so upset if I hosted one of Lena’s friends and they didn’t have any food.
If there was some credit D.Va had to give Emily, it had to be how disgustingly sweet they were. The facial expressions and tone they made legitimately made D.Va feel bad about not having any of the pizza Emily offered. Could this be the reason why Tracer was dating them?
“A-Alright.” D.Va complied, not able to fight against Emily’s wishes. “I guess I can have some.”
Reluctantly, D.Va leaned forward and grabbed one of the slices. Hot cheese and grease dripped down from the pizza, which had pieces of sausage and veggies littered about. D.Va brought it close to her mouth and took a bite, slowly chewing to get the flavor until…
A gasp escaped from D.Va’s mouth. This pizza! It was really good! D.Va was a fan of junk food. She just absolutely loved the taste of everything greasy and fatty. Of course, this and her hate for fatness meant that she had to get a lot of exercise to stay fit. But D.Va didn’t mind it. She loved her body and her food too much to give up both.
Moreover, D.Va liked to think herself as a pizza connoisseur. Wherever she went she had to get a taste for the local pizza and see if it was up to par with her tastes. She’d even located the best places to get a good slice in South Korea and Gibraltar, becoming a happy regular customer to a lot of them. But out of all the pizza she’d ever had before, this one had to be the tastiest.
Wasting no time, D.Va quickly devoured the rest of her slice. She let out a delighted groan as the sticky cheese swiveled about in her mouth. It was so tasty, it made her body feel good. Though her happiness wasn’t set to last, for she finished swallowing the rest of the food in her mouth. Her tummy rumbled for more. D.Va’s eyes quickly darted to the next slice. It would be fine if she had the other piece too, right?
Either way, D.Va really didn’t care. She lunged towards the other piece of pizza on the plate and quickly began to eat it up, uncaring about anything else but getting the tasty food into her system. She was so focused of the pizza before her that she didn’t notice as Emily made an eerie sly expression. With a satisfied sigh, D.Va finished eating her slice. She leaned back on the couch, licking her lips happily while she reveled in the godly tasting ambrosia she’d just experienced.
“Wow, that was the best pizza I’d ever had.” D.Va said glowingly. “Did you make it?”
Emily let out a short giggle. “Oh ho, I’m flattered. But no, I didn’t make it. It’s from this new pizza place nearby.”
Of course they didn’t make it. D.Va thought. There was no way this fatso had any redeeming qualities to them.
“Anyways, was there anything you needed today?” Emily asked kindly.
“Oh!” D.Va jumped up in surprise. She’d totally forgotten why she’d come here in the first place. “Yeah, I just wanted to come around because I haven’t heard from Tracer in a while and I- err- the Overwatch team is worried that something might’ve happened to her.”
“Hmmm… I might have an idea to where Tracer is…” Emily responded.
“Really?!” D.Va hopped up from the couch in excitement.
While D.Va was upset about not seeing Tracer for a while and for having met Tracer’s partner, all of her worries were blown away just from the prospect of getting to see Tracer again. It had been so long since D.Va had taken a look at her goddess, she absolutely couldn’t wait to see her body, hear her voice, feel her kindness… Plus, maybe the fact that Emily was fat and gross was a good thing. It just meant that D.Va could steal Tracer away with all the more ease.
“Sure!” Emily assured her. “Just follow me.”
With that, Emily began walking deeper into the apartment, towards the hallway. D.Va gladly followed behind, her heart beating faster and faster from the excitement of meeting Tracer again. The two of them walked to the end of the hall, stopping before the last door. Emily clutched the door handle tightly.
“Here ‘she’ is!” Emily sang out.
As the door opened, D.Va practically burst into the room. She ran up to the bed, seeing a large figure resting upon it and assuming it was her idol. However, the excitement and bliss from seeing Tracer again were soon unable to hold the façade, and the oddities that surrounded D.Va finally began to settle into her mind.
“Ah! D.Va! How nice! It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other.” Tracer called excitedly.
That is, if you could even call that thing laying back against the bedrest Tracer. It certainly had Tracer’s face, but its body was that of a morbidly obese man. Her arms and legs were thick and meaty. Her tremendous protruding belly slumped onto the bed with disregard. And a long veiny cock poked from underneath her gut, flopping onto the bed in its flaccid state. This new ‘Tracer’ just sat there with a dumb smile on her face, holding a slice of pizza in her hand as if nothing was wrong.
The whole thing was… It was... It was fucking disgusting. D.Va’s leg muscles gave out and she quickly fell into a crouch. She put her hand on her mouth, holding in the need to vomit from the horrifying sight. Her goddess… Her angel… Her idol… It had been destroyed. The person she loved and admired the most in the world had been turned into some sort of freak. How could this have happened?
A wave of dizziness overcame D.Va. Was this a nightmare? Or was this some sort of divine punishment? Maybe the countless omnics whose lives she’d ended had finally come to haunt her. Or maybe she had been a horrible person in a previous life. Whatever the reason, something was clear. Tracer as D.Va knew her was gone, replaced by this gross amalgamation that sort of looked like her. And the worst part was that this Tracer didn’t even seem to care about her current state. It infuriated D.Va immensely.
Gathering up all her strength, D.Va slowly pulled herself up and turned towards Tracer. “T-T-Tracer…” She averted her eyes from Tracer’s gaze. D.Va could barely look at Tracer’s new body for too long before feeling intense sorrow. “What- What happened to you?”
Tracer made a bewildered look, taking a bite out of the pizza in her hand. “What do you mean?”
“What do I?” D.Va shook her head in disbelief. Was she being serious? “What do I mean?”
D.Va hopped onto the bed with Tracer, as she began to slowly crawl towards her. “Tracer you’re so fat, greasy and… male now.”
Tracer gave a hearty giggle. “D.Va what are you talking about? I’ve always been a chubby fat guy.”
“What?!” D.Va shook her head vehemently. She stopped right in front of her, staring Tracer up and down as if she wasn’t real. “No… You used to be a lean beautiful lady. But now you’re so… thick.”
The word resonated deeply in D.Va’s head. It sent shivers down her spine, though not the unpleasant kind. The word just felt so powerful and heavy. ‘Thick’. For whatever reason it just stuck to D.Va’s mind, unable to let go. And while she thought about this word, she’d unwittingly started to rub Tracer’s large belly.
“It’s pretty impressive, no?” Tracer asked with a smile. “I’ve been trying to make it bigger, but Emily says I shouldn’t let it get too big.”
However, D.Va didn’t react to a single thing Tracer said, her mind was much too focused on admiring Tracer’s tremendous gut. She kneaded it carefully with her hand, inspecting it closely almost as if she wasn’t sure it was real. How had Tracer gotten such a massive belly in just a few weeks? And why did it feel so soft and smushy. D.Va just wanted to squeeze and grab it all day.
“But honestly, I’m more worried about you D.Va” Tracer continued. “You’re so skinny! Are you sure you’ve been eating enough?”
Tracer extended her arm towards one of the pizza boxes on her bed and pulled out a slice. “Here, have some pizza.”  She put it up to D.Va’s face, finally breaking D.Va from her sudden trance.
The cautionary side of D.Va’s told her not to take a bite. However, her brain was much to dull and dazed at the moment to respond, so Tracer quickly shoved the food into her mouth. And D.Va couldn’t do anything but receive the it. She began chewing the food in her mouth, slowly at first because of her confused state, but as the delicious taste spread throughout her mouth, any thoughts of resistance died out, and D.Va happily gave into the taste of the food she was eating.
“That’s my boy~” Tracer sang happily, bringing the dazzled D.Va closer to him.
He placed her back against his big belly, holding the pizza before her as he hummed a soft melody into her ear. D.Va merely relaxed onto Tracer with a dumb happy expression. She chewed her food excitedly, the sweet taste of pizza flooding her mind, only stopping to swallow and take another bite of the slice Tracer was holding. The taste of pizza was so good, and her surroundings felt so cozy too, D.Va couldn’t help but let all her worries melt away.
Slice after slice, D.Va kept eating more and more pizza, until it finally started to have an effect on her body. A little bump appeared on D.Va’s belly, just a little bit of extra flab that usually wouldn’t be of much concern to anyone. But as D.Va continued consuming more, the bump slowly grew. It expanded in every direction, stretching her jumpsuit as it steadily increased in mass, transforming D.Va’s stomach into a massive bear belly. It wasn’t as large as Tracer’s of course, but it was large enough to put most average men to shame.
A smile crept upon Tracer’s face as he saw this. He put his hand on D.Va’s belly and rubbed it gently, while D.Va continued to eat pizza from Tracer, stuck in a happy dreamland of bliss, completely unaware to the changes in her body. Tracer loved it, he could feel his dick grow erect as D.Va’s body continued to morph. Yes, everything was going swimmingly.
D.Va’s breasts then began to jiggle and shake.  Slowly, the voluminous orbs deflated bit by bit, their skin pulling closer to D.Va’s body. Their round plump shape was replaced by a rugged square one. Their characteristic softness turned into stiff toughness. Her nipples became less sensitive and smaller in size, as her breasts morphed into solid hardened pecs.
The change continued on with her arms. The skinny dainty extremities bulked up in size considerably, getting filled with both muscle and fat. They became large and hefty, but also quite strong. A change which soon also spread onto her legs, going from feeble little sticks to weighty lean slabs of meat. Though they wouldn’t qualify as fit, they were powerful enough to carry a heavy load. And even her hands and feet weren’t spared, for they turned into large imposing appendages that fit well with her new structure.
Soon, hair began sprouting throughout D.Va’s new body. Her legs and arm grew a light coat of it, and armpits became forested with new strands of the stuff. But the worst occurred on her crotch, which became inundated with hundreds of little hairs, running all around her vagina. Sweat and grease began to pour from her pores, which combined with the newfound hair made her stench quite unpleasant. This also transformed her skin from soft and spotless, to rough and coarse.
Finally, D.Va’s whole body began shrinking. Her head, her arms, her legs, everything except her stomach, began shrinking in size. She lost inch after inch of height, pound after pound of weight, until she was no longer the same size as Tracer. No, now Tracer towered over the small D.Va, both in weight in height, being at least a head taller than D.Va, maybe even more.
As D.Va finished eating her final slice of pizza, Tracer looked down at the girl with pride. The bulging body, stretching out D.Va’s tight jumpsuit. The large protruding belly of fat and muscle accompanied by hardened pecs. The bulking arms and legs that were both fat and strong… It was one of the most beautiful bodies Tracer had ever seen, something that could only exist in his imagination.
“Son! Your clothes are so tight now.” Tracer said with feigned surprise. “Why don’t we go ahead and take the off?”
Son? D.Va’s head twirled about in confusion. She wasn’t Tracer’s son… And more than that she wasn’t… a boy? However, even with her inner doubts, D.Va did nothing to stop Tracer from slowly stripping away her clothes, until the two of them were bare naked on the bed. His touch was just so commanding and warm… D.Va enjoyed just being close to him.
Tracer carefully guided his hand down D.Va’s body, from her hardened pecs, through her stuffy belly, until it reached D.Va’s moistened cooch. D.Va’s body bolted upwards, some last warning alarms going off in her head, trying to warn her that something was wrong. But Tracer was too far in, he wasn’t going to fail now.
“Now, now D.Va” He comforted her softly. “Just let Papa take care of you…”
What? That wasn’t right, Tracer wasn’t D.Va’s father. Her father was an asshole who treated her horribly, nothing like Tracer. In fact, Tracer would probably make a much better father. The idea actually kind made her heart flutter. Tracer was so nice and soft, he always treated her with kindness and warmth. Maybe… Maybe it’d be better if he was her father.
In the meantime, Tracer began using his greasy chunky hand to massage D.Va’s womanhood. He slipped a finger or two into her entrance with gentleness, but the main focus of his attention was on D.Va’s clit. He twirled it around with his finger, pulling and pushing it without any compassion. He continued to assault the little nub until it began throbbing fiercely, growing a bright red as it pulsated madly.
A loud pleasured moan escaped through D.Va’s mouth. Her whole body felt like it was on fire, pure lust coursing through her veins. But there was more than that. There, on her crotch, was a burning sensation, an indescribable feeling she’d never experienced before. D.Va turned down towards her crotch and saw it. Within Tracer’s tight fat grip, was D.Va’s clit, though much larger than normal. Not only was it large though, it was actively growing. D.Va could feel it lengthen and thicken around Tracer’s fingers with every passing second.
And God, did it feel amazing. Her clit was so sensitive at this moment, sending thousands of waves of pleasure into her brain with a single touch. Add to that the way Tracer’s squeezed it with meaty greasy fingers, and D.Va felt like she was in heaven. Groan after groan of pleasure kept leaving from her mouth, as her clit continued to grow while it was massaged by Tracer’s hulking hands.
Then, a little stretch of skin began to extend from the base of D.Va’s crotch onto her clit. Tracer watched with a wide grin as her skin continued to grow and expand, covering more and more of D.Va’s enlarged clit until only the tip was left uncovered. But the tip wasn’t spared from the changes, for it began to morph into a more rounded conical shape. A vertical slit grew on the it, finalizing the change of D.Va’s clit into that of a male penis.
Tracer licked his lips as he admired the 8-inch pole. Without pause, he began to pump it up and down with his hand. She was so close to being done… Tracer just absolutely couldn’t wait to finish D.Va’s transformation.
“Mmmmm~ Don’t you love how good your papa makes you feel?” Tracer softly cooed into her ear, jacking off D.Va’s new penis.
Papa… A word that used to bring D.Va some much dread… Now that it was being whispered by Tracer it only filled D.Va with warmth. But… Why did it bring her dread anyways? Tracer had always been an amazing father to her, always making sure she was happy and bringing her pleasure. Of course, hearing the word made her feel warm, it reminded her of her favorite person in the whole wide world!
The warmth that came from Tracer’s big body, the happiness that being with her papa gave her, and the pleasure she was experiencing coming from her clit, all these sensations assaulted D.Va’s minds steadily. With moans escaping from her mouth constantly, drool and tears rolling down her face, and a happy dumb expression, D.Va’s brain could do nothing more but take all the pleasure it was receiving, slowly overloading as more and more came in.
Soon her dick began throbbing, pussy quivering lightly as it spouted vaginal juices. This was it, D.Va couldn’t take much any more than this. She was at her limit, Tracer continued to pump her dick fervently as a sudden pressure pressed against her pussy, slowly pushing and pushing until…
With a loud pop, a whole ballsack popped out of D.Va’s squirming snatch, complete with two full testicles inside. D.Va yelped loudly as she experienced her last female orgasm, for her entire hole was replaced by this new set of balls. Heavy pants left her mouth, relaxing against Tracer’s body as she basked in the overglow of her orgasm. Meanwhile, Tracer looked upon his new creation with pride. This beautiful new D.Va was now one hundred percent male, the only trace of her previous gender being her face.
“So D.Va… Did it feel good?” Tracer asked sweetly.
“Y-Yes! That was amazing.” D.Va answered in-between pants. “I didn’t know my penis could feel so good.”
“Well, since papa went through all this work to make you feel good… Don’t you think it’s time to return the favor?” Tracer’s dick poked against D.Va’s back, fully erect and rearing to go.
A large blush came upon D.Va’s face. “Y-Yes father…”
D.Va slowly stood up and presented his butthole to Tracer. He felt a little bit embarrassed about it, but he also felt extremely aroused, for his own penis was very hard. D.Va just kind of enjoyed the idea of making his father feel good. Mostly because he felt it necessary to pay back all his kindness, but also because just seeing the big fat guy happy made him happy. Tracer was so jolly and nice that D.Va just loved trying to make him happy.
Inching closer to Tracer, D.Va began to lower himself onto Tracer’s lap. He carefully aimed his entrance towards Tracer’s cock, slowly moving it downwards until the rim of his ass met with the tip of Tracer’s dick. D.Va panted heavily. Tracer’s massive python was so large, that it felt a bit intimidating to take in. But more than just intimidated, D.Va felt excited to take in the huge cock. His asshole twitched, penis quivering, he was ready to have his father penetrate him with his large tool.
Now ready to get filled, D.Va began pressing against Tracer’s dick. He pushed himself down more and more, slowly but steadily grinding his body until… POP! With a loud wet smack, D.Va managed to get all of Tracer’s dickhead inside him. The boy moaned loudly in pleasure, feeling the large member begin to enter him, but he wasn’t done. D.Va continued to push his body further and further down, taking in more and more of Tracer’s dick until he was stopped by Tracer’s fat legs, which were so thick they wouldn’t allow him to push himself all the way to the base of Tracer’s cock.
Loud groans of pleasure escaped through D.Va’s mouth as he relaxed on top Tracer’s lap. Most of his whole father’s dong was nestled tightly inside him, and it couldn’t feel any better. D.Va just loved the feeling of having such a massive member in his ass, he could feel Tracer’s loving warmth emanating through it. It was as if he was in heaven, but it wasn’t enough for D.Va, which meant it wasn’t enough for D.Va’s papa.
Determined to make Tracer feel super good, D.Va began lifting his body up and down, grinding up the inner walls of his asshole against Tracer’s massive pole. He grunted and groaned as he worked, putting it as much effort as possible in order to bring pleasure to both himself and his father through his slow and methodical humping.
On his end, Tracer was thoroughly enjoying the feeling of D.Va’s ass squeezing on his dick. D.Va’s boyhole was so much tighter and warmer than Emily’s, it had to be the best thing Tracer had ever had the pleasure of penetrating. The special hole made just for him... But more than that, Tracer enjoyed seeing the amount of effort D.Va was putting to make him feel good. It was clear the boy was working his hardest, his dedication to Tracer very transparent, and that was enough to make Tracer’s penis quiver in delight.
Before long, D.Va’s motions began picking up in speed, becoming faster and stronger as they went on. His groans increased in frequency and intensity, as the noise of loud slapping filled the room There was just this ever-increasing feeling of lust invading his system. The more he pumped his hips, the better it felt, and D.Va wanted to feel good. D.Va’s tongue escaped from his mouth, flopping about against his lips as he continued to hump fervently.
A smile came upon Tracer’s face as he saw this. He began breathing heavily as he felt himself begin to get riled up as well. “Hmmmm~ You like how good papa’s dick feels, don’t you D.Va?” Tracer whispered seductively, pressing his cheek against D.Va’s.
“MMMMMmmmm~ Yes!” D.Va called out. “Your big dick… Feels amazing Tracer!”
“D.Va…” Tracer said, rubbing D.Va’s cheeks with his own. “Haven’t I told you to call me papa?”
D.Va’s dick quivered. “Papa!!” He yelled out in bliss. “Your cock feels so good, Papa!!!~~~”
That’s right. This was his papa’s huge cock he was fucking right now. He was pumping his ass so tirelessly to make him feel good. And that’s all that D.Va ever wanted to do in this world. He wanted to make his papa feel good. That was his mission. If his papa felt good, he felt good. And that pleasure from making his papa feel good and from his papa’s penis was assailing his mind with such intensity… It was all for his papa~~~
“Papa!” D.Va yelled out in excitement, turning to face Tracer. “Kiss me~”
Tracer didn’t need to be told twice. He lunged his face towards D.Va’s and the two began meshing lips together. Their tongues lashed out at each other, sticky wet saliva slopping each of their faces as they shared an intimate kiss, while D.Va continued humping Tracer’s cock.
By this point, Tracer was as riled up as D.Va. Seeing him hump with such determination, yelp out in pleasure, and even call for Tracer was the most exciting thing he’d ever experienced. Add to that the amazing feeling of D.Va’s asshole, and Tracer’s arousal levels were through the roof. Tracer’s penis twitched, her balls ready to blow. He was so close to finishing, but Tracer wanted it to never end. He gripped D.Va’s chest with his left hand tightly, trying to hang on before the finale.
Reaching his limit, D.Va finally parted his lips from Tracer’s, strands of saliva dropping from each of their mouths. “Daddy!!” He sang out in pleasure. “I’m gonna cum~~”
“Me too son…” Tracer grunted. “I’m so… Close”
D.Va licked his lips hungrily. “Daddy! I want it inside me. I want you to fill me up with your baby batter~~~”
This was it, Tracer was at his limit. He couldn’t hold on for much longer, but before he came he wanted to see his son spewing his first load of cum. Thus, he took his left hand and grabbed hold of D.Va’s ballsack tightly, giving it a hearty squeeze. D.Va’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, his tongue spasmed out of his mouth. It was all too much, the mixture of the pleasure, pain, warmth, love… D.Va’s senses were completely overwhelmed, and he couldn’t take any more. His dick began sputtering thick lines of cum, covering himself and the bed with hot sperm.
Seeing this was enough to send Tracer over the edge, and he began to moan loudly. With a look of bliss on his face, Tracer pumped gallon after gallon of cum into D.Va’s ass. His dick quivered madly, continuously inundating D.Va’s cavern with so much seed that it began leaking onto the bed.
A happy sigh left Tracer’s mouth, as he relaxed onto the bed, letting the overglow of orgasm wash over him. He rubbed D.Va’s belly gently, happy to feel his boy’s warmth as the two stuck close together. D.Va for his part, had passed out from the flurry of sensations that attacked his mind, and was quietly resting atop of Tracer’s belly, his father’s dick still nestled inside him.
“Oh my, now that was quite the show.” Emily commented, stepping forward from the corner of the room. He rubbed the large bulge that protruded from his pants. “So, did you enjoy your new pet?”
Tracer gave him a little pout. “Emily! I told you he’s not my pet.” Tracer hugged D.Va tightly. “He’s our son.”
Emily giggled heartily. “Right. Well, did you enjoy your ‘son’?”
“Oh yes!” Tracer exclaimed with glee.  “He’s everything I could have dreamed of. He’s strong, obedient, caring, and most importantly… So chubby~” He said, lovingly rubbing the sleeping D.Va’s belly.
“Well, that’s good.” Emily replied. “I’ve been wanting to get you someone to keep you company while I’m at work.”
“Yeah, thank you so much Emily! I absolutely love him.” Tracer beamed happily. “Honestly, why didn’t you tell me about this transformation stuff before? It’s so amazing!”
“Oh baby, you wouldn’t even know the half of it.” Emily replied with a smirk. “Anyways, now that I got you a new son, how about a reward for your dainty little wife?” Emily asked, as he unbuckled his pants.
Tracer gave a devious smile. “Of course~”
 Emily walked through the halls of his apartment building, heading home after a day of hard work. He’d just started his new job as the head chef of the restaurant with the transformative pizzas, which was quite tiring, especially with his new body. But unlimited access to that pizza made it totally worth it. And more importantly, now that his day was done, he got to relax with his favorite duo of fat men.
He arrived at his apartment’s door and slowly opened it, walking inside with a sigh. As usual, the living room was empty, virtually untouched by anyone else, for no one else but him normally used it. He left his coat on the coat hanger and began walking deeper inside, heading towards the bedroom. Nearing his room, Emily could hear loud voices and sounds resonating through the closed door. A smile crept up on his face. He slowly opened the door to his bedroom, and…
“Dad! Stop moving like that!” Yelped out D.Va. “You’re gonna make me lose.”
Inside the very messy bedroom, sat both Tracer and D.Va, focusing intently on a videogame they were playing on the TV. Tracer sat comfortably on the bed, a wide smile on his face, but D.Va sat on Tracer’s lap with Tracer’s dick shoved deep inside of his ass. The two were so focused on their game that they didn’t notice Emily come in.
“Like, this?” Tracer shook his hips erratically, making D.Va moan out loudly.
“Yes, like that!” D.Va complained angrily, a heavy blush on his face. Though it seems his body wasn’t complaining, cause his dick was plainly erect and aroused at the moment.
“Oh, man! I lost again!” D.Va pouted, throwing the controller to the floor, which was met by laughter from Tracer.
Emily smiled at the scene. At first, he wasn’t sold on this whole ‘son’ thing. But after seeing their cute interactions like this, it truly felt like they had formed a family. Honestly, it kinda made Emily very happy. He’d always wanted a deeper relationship with Tracer, and this whole family thing really made it fulfilling. He continued walking into the room, his penis bulging against his pants in excitement.
“Hmmm~ How are my two favorite boys doing today?” Emily sang out in glee.
“Mom!” “Emily” The two boys responded in kind.
“We were just playing a game.” D.Va explained.
“Whoever wins, gets to fuck the loser in the ass. And I’ve been winning all day.” Tracer added lustily, as he rubbed D.Va’s nipples.
“Yeah, for whatever reason Dad is super good at videogames.” D.Va complained with feign annoyance. Though in reality, he was thoroughly enjoying the way Tracer touched him.
“Is that so?” Emily asked playfully. “That’s weird, cause you’re also very good at videogames Hana! Could it be you’re intentionally losing to make your father happy?”
D.Va looked down at the ground in embarrassment. Of course mom would be the one to figure it out. Emily giggled out happily. “Oh, you’re such a good boy, Hana.” He said lovingly as he patted D.Va’s hair.
“Now, momma’s had a rough day at work…” Emily said, as he unbuckled his pants. “Won’t you do ‘her’ a little favor while you take care of your dad?”
With that, Emily’s penis flopped out of his underwear, completely erect and aroused. D.Va licked his lips in admiration. “Yes, mother.” He dutifully replied, and he began using his tongue to suck up his mother’s erect cock, all while Tracer pumped his dick in and out of D.Va’s ass
Emily looked down at her two boys with pride. This really was a happy family.
Now here’s a little thing I wrote as a sequel to Unhealthy Side Effects of Pizza. I liked bot19999‘s picture so much, that we collaborated to bring around a second version, which you can find here.  This one ended up being pretty long lol. One of the longest I’ve ever written in fact, but I’m happy the way it ended up. With summer wrapping up, this will probably be the last thing I write in a while, so I hope you enjoyed it! Cheers
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magical-sim-girl · 6 years
SSFF Challenge 8 - Introducing Myself!
Hello! I just wanted to introduce myself since I’m still a bit of a newbie in the Simblr community, and @simblrsimplyforfun challenge 8 was the perfect excuse! So here we go =D
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This is me! ^^ 🦄💕 (in a quick selfie without filters xD I hope I haven't scared you 😂)
Introduce yourself, your name, age, where you live etc. What words would you use to describe yourself and why? What words would others use? Tell us some childhood stories that you think show who you are.
My name in real life is Ailén, but my pen name since the age 13 is Piper, nowadays most of my friends call me that name and I’m really more comfortable with it, so please just call me Pip or Piper! ^^ I’m 19 years old and I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina 🇦🇷
I can describe myself as a kind person, I love meeting new people, to debate about random things with them and listening to them speaking about what they like or their plans, I’m very creative but sometimes I just run out of inspiration 😂 I’m also very affectionate! I love hugging people I appreciate and telling them I like them. Other people... I don’t know, I can’t speak for everyone 8′D but I guess they also see me as affectionate, sometimes even clingy, I act goofy at times (you can see it mostly when I talk, I tend to finish my sentences with ‘ahre’ a lot, which is an Argentinian expression to state you’re just joking), so I guess they think I have a good sense of humor as well, I love making people laugh 😄 I’ve also been called ‘cute’ or ‘adorable’ more than once and I’m proud of it! 😄💕
About my childhood... I dunno it was pretty normal, although I got bullied from 5th grade to second year of high school :( it was tough, I even developed depression at the age of 14 due to the lack of friends and the constant name-calling and pranks, but I don’t know if it would be okay to talk about it since that was on my teen years... Overall, my childhood was okay, I used to be a curious little girl, I loved to wear pink dresses or skirts xD pink was always my favourite colour c: 💟 At the age of 8 I was forced to attend English lessons as an extracurricular activity, and I ended up loving it! I’m currently teaching this language to my bff’s aunt and I’m planning on studying English at university to be a teacher ^.^ I also had a fascination for women as a child, I always created female characters for my stories, or played girl barbies with my friend, nowadays I’m a feminist and always try to defend my fellow women c: (as long as it’s an unfair situation for them, ofc) ♀️💕
Write a little about your simming time. How do you like to play your game? Which style of blogs do you like? Who are your main characters and how did you come up with them? Do you tell people in RL you are a simmer?
I learnt about sims when I was in 6th grade I think, but didn’t take interest on it until sims 4 was announced, so I started palying when I was 15 ^^ I love playing legacy style, and also use the game to take nice pictures (I’m still learning how to edit, it’s quite fun but also time-consuming ;; ).
I follow all the simblrs who follow me tbh ^^ but I love simatography blogs! Maybe one day I’ll learn how to do proper edits and poses, and then I’ll become a simatography simblr 😂
Main characters... I don’t really have, my favourite ones though are Anine and Kyung-soo. Anine was the result of a frustration night *shot* I didn’t use to have much confidence on my sims, so I put all of my effort on her, I really like the facial features of Nordic women, so I decided she’d have Nordic origins, and ended up loving her so much that I posted about her ^^ as for her personality, I didn’t have a slight idea of how her behaviour or characteristics could be, but by that time I was kind of obsessed with Overwatch, and all of a sudden imagined her in a D.Va cosplay thanks to zauma’s CC, so I thought the best was giving her a gamer/otaku likes, and her personality in general is really based off mine, she’s a happy-go-lucky girl in her late teens, always friendly and willing to help people. I had the idea of making an Asian OC the night I went to Monsta X concert, and that way I created Kyung, he’s kind of a frustrated idol lol, he’s got a really tragic story involving being rejected by his parents, friends and entertainment gorups, but is always smiling and tries his best to make people happy, kind of resembling the life of a kpop idol, who only wants to see their fans happy despite of having a tough life uwu
And yes, I usually talk about my strange obsession with sims with people, they don’t see it as something productive, but luckily I’ve never been judged badly because of it. Maybe my mum thinks it gets extreme at times, but I try to balance simming with real life activities :3
Write about your time on tumblr. Maybe some nice stories of the people you met. How you got started. How long have you been on here? What has been good and bad? What kind of things have your learnt? What kind of things do you think you can help other simmers with? Any nice stories from here? Do you still have your first sims?
(I didn’t know if I should have talked about Tumblr in general or the Simblr community... So I made a summary of both just in case)
I started using Tumblr when I was 14, my best internet friend had a blog by those times and encouraged me to make one as well. I was starting to get depressive by those years, so most of my posts or reblogs were about “dark” things (I deleted that blog long ago, lol), so Tumblr was like a safe place, where I could speak my mind out without getting judged, I even met some people who suffered the same illness as me, and they always supported me and gave me strength to keep going on (unfortunately I’ve lost contact with them :c)
Regarding Simblr, I joined in at the beginning of 2018 I think, I wanted to share my ideas with people, but I was too shy then... It was thanks to the SSFF challenges that I started getting out of my cocoon and talking to simmers, and I’m so glad I did! The people I met are lovely and I’m really happy to have them now ^^
Things I learnt are lots of... From meshing or modding, to social values. I mean, it’s always good to have basic knowledge of informatics (it helps a lot, especially where I live), and I’m very grateful for all of those tutorials who taught me so many things. But I learnt one thing or two about people in general, I always used to put words into others’ mouth, I always thought they didn’t like me because of my looks or my behaviour, that they thought I was weird; now, I understand that they might be like me, they’re simply too shy to talk, and I won’t know what they they actually think about me if I never go and say ‘hi’; and now thanks to that ‘hi’ I met wonderful people, people who are creative and won’t judge me... That’s the most precious thing I learnt 😊
I don’t think I could help other simmers from a technician point of view, but I’m always here to talk and share my little knowledge, I love hearing other simmers’ ideas (one of my best friends irl isn’t a simmer, but loves to create OCs and stories, and I’m always there to listen about them c: ), suggesting some other things for their stories, etc. I think I could offer more of a friendship than technical help, but it’s something as well! 😂
And yes, I keep my first sims! In a folder so full of various saves that I must erradicate someday *shot* I had them for three generations, if I remember correctly, the legacy began with a pink-haired sim named Jenna, she married a vampire townie from Bridgeport, they had a daughter, Emilie, Emilie married a townie from University, who was a Plantsim, so they had a plantsim daughter, Wynn, Wynn had an imaginary friend named Percy (who’s also a fairy) and they’re now in University, they’re a couple. I made such a chaos when I was 15 xD
Write about the people you have met here. Do you take part in discord chats? Met anyone in RL? Which simmers influenced you? Do you do RPs?
I don’t take part in discord chats, I made a discord user a few days ago but tbh I don’t use it a lot ;; I’d love to be in a server tho, it’s just that I don’t talk much when I’m in a group ^_^’
I haven’t met any simmer irl, I’d love to, tho! It seems to be a little hard to find simmers where I live 😂
The simmers that influence me the most are marshmallowsims, gruesim, theseprettylittlepixels and lehma! I want to develop my own style though, they’re my biggest references and hope to inspire people as much as they do someday ^^
And I’ve never done RPs, but I’d love to do some! Actually, I’m working on an AU with a sim of nonsimsical ‘s, it’s really fun to plan, and I hope I can do more of them in the future ^^
I think that's all. I want to add that you can always come and say hi! 🖐🏻💕 we can chat about sims or whatever you like, and also, if you got any other question for me or for my OCs (although their character sheets are still pending ;; ) don't hesitate to ask 😊
PS Excuse my horrible English ;;
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zawazawanightmares · 2 years
Tatsumaki & Hana "D.Va" Song
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You, Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les), are connected to Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!] Your partner has a starter. Type /starter or tap here to see it.
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): /starter
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6335401
Your starter has been read
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: nsfw refs here: https://imgur.com/a/JGCZl9w Mainly looking for Overwatch characters, but will play with other characters! Ngl though, I really wanna grind against The Junker Queen's abs and then be forced to lick them clean after squirting all over them >//>
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: (god i love tatsumaki)
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): (She's lovable.)
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): "Hm? Something you want?" Tatsumaki turned her head to look back at D.Va before childishly smirking. "Wait...aren't you that otaku hero from South Korea?"
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: Hana blushed a bit and nodded slowly, rubbing the back of her head. "You're Tatsumaki aren't you... The second ranked S Class!" Sweat glistened on her slightly toned tummy. She was fully nude, her hairless, tight, pink, puffy pussy on full display as well as her perky b cups and cute bubble butt. She was stealing glances of the other woman in front of her.
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): "That's right...the Tornado of Terror." She turned to face her, showing her diminutive but surprisingly curvy body on full view along with her trimmed pussy. A confident smirk remained on her face as she found a way to curtail her boredom. "So...you really admire me, don't you?"
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: "I do! You're the hero I look up to the most! You were the one that made me wanna get into this! You're also really pretty... And... Stuff..." She blushed a bit more, rubbing her thighs together. (Kinks/limits?)
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): (Kinks: Femdom, frenching, rimming and facesitting. Limits: Bathroom stuff, vore, gore and urethral play.)
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): Tatsumaki raised an eyebrow before smiling up at the young heroine. "How about I give you some tips? From an S rank to a...A rank?" She talked her up more than she would to a stranger, hoping to get her to be more open to her "tips".
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: (Those are good! I also like cunnilingus, scissoring, squirting, feet, toys, clit play, fingering, sweat, saliva, edging)
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: "Oh? Yes! Please! I would do anything for that!" She nodded fast, glancing down at her.
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): (Nice!)
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): "Follow me. And try to ignore the stares...naked first-class heroes like us attract a lot of creeps." She floated off, going through a particularly populated part of the beach.
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: "R-Right..." Hana blushed and quickly followed behind her. Each set of eyes on her caused her to blush more.
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): She led her to a finally non-populated shady part where she put her feet on the sand. "Now, what do you think heroes need the most of?" She turned to her with a serious expression.
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: "Oh! That's a good question... Um... Training? Relaxation? Both?" She shrugged and stopped in front of her.
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): "WRONG!" Her loud voice echoed throughout the beach. "What heroes need the most is stamina! And what do you need to get good stamina?!" She crossed her arms.
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: "Um... Good... Lungs?" Hana winced a bit from the loud voice. She was hoping she got this one right.
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): "Breath control, genius." She scolded. "Now, lie down on your back and close your eyes. I'm gonna train you so good...no villain will ever pose a threat to you again."
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: "Right... Sorry Miss..." She frowned and laid down on her back, closing her eyes.
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): With that, Tatsumaki walked over and casually sat her bubble ass on D.Va's face. "Let me know when you need air..." She said with a devious smile. "Of course...I'll have to take that as an admission of defeat..."
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: Hana whimpered as Tatsumaki sat that lovely ass down onto her face. Tatsumaki could notice the girl getting wet just from this.
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): "Huh? What's this?" She actually grinned as she noticed D.Va's arousal. "Is the super prodigy actually a older-woman loving pervert?" She used her telekinesis to stimulate Hana's clit, making it feel as if it was being toyed with by two fingers.
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: Hana gasped out and moaned out softly, squirming under Tatsumaki. She could feel D.Va's tongue against her asshole.
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): "Mmm...a good counter-attack." Tatsumaki said softly with a faint blush while increasing the pressure on Hana's clit, beginning to grind on the poor girl's face.
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: Hana let out a whimper and quickly tapped her butt. "I c-can't! Miss! Please!"
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): Tatsumaki got off of her...only to climb down and lap at her pussy, still telekinetically rubbing her clit as she tried to lick up D.Va's juices. "Villains will do this too, ya know. There are some real pervs out there..." She warned before returning to her meal.
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: Hana gasped out and squirmed. She was very, very wet already. Her hips bucked and she writhed around in the sand. "O-Oh my god... I'm... I'm gonna... I'm gonna cum..."
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): "If you do...I'll punish you." Tatsumaki sadistically warned before slowing her licks...and speeding up the vibration on D.va's clit.
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: "I... I can't... I..." Hana whined out and moaned loudly as she came hard, squirting all over Tatsumaki's face.
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): Tatsumaki put on a show of sighing in disappointment as she happily licked around her mouth. "Such a shame...and I thought you were a good girl." She got up and floated to get some hidden "equipment"...
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: Hana just laid there, panting slowly. Her body twitched and squirmed.
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): She came back with a strand of black cloth...and a frighteningly large strap-on. "Put this on." She commanded, levitating the cloth over to her face. "You lost your seeing privileges."
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: Hana blushed and quickly tied the blindfold around her eyes, squirming a bit. "Sorry..."
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): Tatsumaki licked her lips as she put on the strap-on before descending on D.Va's body, licking the sweat off her neck before moving down to lap the sweat off of the rest of her body.
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: Hana shivered and squirmed as Tatsumaki began licking the sweat off her body. She bit her lip and huffed quietly. "M-Mmm... Miss..."
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): When most of Hana's body was covered in her saliva, Tatsumaki pressed her tip to Hana's entrance. "Ready for your best match, gamer?" She lightly mocked as she waited for Hana's reaction.
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: Hana whimpered, feeling the plastic against her tight cunt. She nodded slowly.
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): The Tornado of Terror slowly pushed herself inside, grunting at the resistance. "Umf...so tight...I guess you don't get out of the garage that much, huh?"
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: Hana moaned out loudly as she was stretched out. She tightened around her cock, huffing quietly. "N-No miss..."
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): "I expected so. Hey, me and the other S-ranks have a bet going. So...who of your MEKA partners do you have a crush on? Dae-hyun? Yuna Lee? Don't tell me...is it Kyung-soo Hann?" She gave a cat smile as she began to thrust inside her.
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: "I... It's Yuna..." Hana blushed furiously as she started to get fuck. She squirmed around in the sand again, biting her lip a bit.
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): "Thought so. She is so cute...now, more private confession time. Just between us: which of the Overwatch...or Talon...do you most want inside you?" Her thrusts picked up speed to put more pressure on her.
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: "M...Mmm..." Hana moaned out and squirmed a bit more. She tightened around the other's cock more. "I... Can I choose B-Brigitte's fingers or strap-on...?"
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): "Both, silly!" She began to hammer as D.Va felt a similar force sliding into her ass. "You know, I wouldn't mind a night out with The Junker Queen. Lights out, anything goes..."
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: "Y-Yeah... I really like her too..." Hana was starting to leak again, after the force slid into her ass. "F-Fuck..."
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): Tatsumaki was using her powers to sandwich her from both ends, picking up force as she saw D.Va writhe. "I got a lot of crushes but what do you say...I arrange a meeting for the four of us? I'm S-Rank, I can make it happen." She bent over to suck on one of her nipples without slowing down.
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: (brb)
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): (Okay!)
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: "O-Oh...? I um... I..." She was starting to cum hard, squirting all over the sand again.
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): "I'll take that as a yes..." Tatsumaki slammed deep inside of her watching her cum with a smug face.
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: "Y-Yes! Please!"
Tatsumaki (at a nude beach, les): "Good girl." She pulled up, floated over and planted a kiss on her lips. "Guess you're mine then."
Hana "D.Va" Song [Overwatch, 19, F, Bi, Sub, Refs!]: "Y-yes... I guess so..." Hana kissed her back, huffing quietly.
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pokefan531 · 3 years
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[MMD Collab] Pokefan's Birthday Party (by Pikapika-2000)
This is a render made by Pikapika-2000 as a birthday gift from him! He did so well with it lol
But that's not all! He also made a story on how the party went! We shall see!
March 17th, 2022. A sunny day in Galar. Something rare, but also a sign that spring was arriving. Also… Pokefan’s birthday! The Wacky House members are preparing a birthday party. But there’s a detail… It’s a surprise party! And what other place to hold it than the Stow-on-Side stadium? Bea suggested it, arguing that it had lots of space and the next tournament was still a few months away, so there would be no issues. “Do we have everything we needed?” Samus asked, the bounty hunter currently holding several decorations. “Yes, can confirm! Lots of candy as well, this will be epic!” Robbie Rotten cheerfully announced. “If Pokefan discovers this before we’re all ready, it’s game over, so let’s do our best!” Hana Song, also known as D.VA, let out, confident as always. “Speaking of our birthday star, is there any plan on how to bring him here when it’s the right time?” Alix asked. “In fact, I came up with an unbeatable excuse! I asked him if he could help me with training for the day!” Bea loudly exclaimed, happy. She really wanted everything to go alright. “Sounds good! And he won’t suspect of the party plans, which is good.” Gogo nodded approvingly. “I’ve been waiting for so long to do this birthday party, I’m so excited!” Konata couldn’t even hide her enthusiasm. “Me too!” Alix said. “Besides, after the mess that was the season 4 of my show, he needs something to make him very happy.” “Yeah. I hope things turn out for the best regarding that, Alix…” Bea hugged Alix. “Same for you and Pokemon Journeys.” Alix returned the affection. Ash, who was listening to the conversation not too far away, joined in. “Well, things seem to improve, Wallace is returning and bringing his niece!” “That’s great news!” Bea smiled, excited with the news. Miruko used her strength to carry the fairly big and heavy birthday cake to the center of the table. It would be surrounded by Pokefan’s favorite snacks, as well as the snacks everyone from the Wacky House loved so much. Tawna watches it all from time to time, while playing Crash 4 on her Switch.
A few hours later… Pokefan enters the stadium, as promised. “Surprise!” Everyone loudly cheers. “Happy birthday!” “Thank you all! I really appreciated it!” Pokefan smiled happily. As everyone had fun in the birthday party, time seemed to fly by, really fast. From videogame tournaments, to even some karaoke, Rina doing the best performance of the day as expected, it was a day like no other.
Credits of the models: Zero-Chan (formerly New3DsSuchti) - Galaxy Team HQ Bea SwSh - Myself Arezu - Pikapika-2000 Evil Iris - Darkliger01 (Edited by me) bechnokidMMD - Mystery Gift
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alexiela73 · 7 years
Hey :D can I ask for short fics or headcannons, either of them is ok, of a female s/o who goes with Mccree, Hanzo and soldier ( separately) to try on Halloween costumes and asks them to put on one of those sexy bunny costumes just to mess around but when they show them to her she just loves it? She starts praising them and getting all flirty so much they become flustered about it? Just something cute and funny please? :3 Thank you!!
Is absolutely happy to go costume shopping with you
Not only does this mean he gets to spend time with you
But it also means that he might get to see you in some pretty hot costumes
Which, of course, who could turn down? You could make a jumpsuit look ridiculously hot.
The two of you go to a few stores, before at one point he stops you
“You should buy this one,” he says eagerly, holding up a sexy bunny costume
You look at the costume with a wince. Its showing way too much skin for your liking and you don’t exactly want to run around in bunny ears, freezing your butt off for halloween
“You know, vampires are very in season-” you start to say.
Then Jesse pouts at you. “Please? At least try it on? Just for me?” Jesse begs you. Those eyes he gives you..ugh, your a fool for that face
But your eye catches on something
Suddenly a smug smile spreads on your face
“Fine,” you agree, before you pull a hangar from the rack. “But only if we match.”
Jesse stared at the costume that was an extra large sexy bunny suite, suddenly losing the air of confidence
“I-I-I-well..-um,” Jesse started, struggling to come up with an excuse, but you managed to push him into a changing room. 
“Come on, cowboy,” you said with a wink. “I’ll be waiting outside the change room in my own. And, uh, don’t forget the stockings.”
This was likely the most embarrassing thing he has ever done, though surely one or two people could argue that
You waited outside his change room once dressed, already finding it a bit nippy, even inside the store.
When at last the door open, your face split in a delighted grin.
It actually looked kind of flattering on him. Every muscle shone, and it hugged every line of him. You had to admit, it even made his junk look more enticing and his legs, despite being a bit hairy, looked fabulous in the stockings
“You look amazing! You should totally get this!” you said, throwing your arms around him and beaming.
Jesse looked like he wanted to bury himself in the earth and die, but when you looked over his shoulder and saw his little tail in the mirror, you couldn’t help yourself from squeezing it
“I do have to admit, cowboy. I never expected a woman’s bunny suit on a man to be such a turn on,” you said with a grin.
With a little bit of his ego restored, Jesse managed to wink down at you. “I make anything look good, darlin’,” he said. “Now why don’t you help me get this damned thing off…?” 
With that, he closed you in the stall.
You both bought the bunny suits.
Had no interest in going shopping for halloween
In fact, Halloween really wasn’t much of a thing for him. It was just one of those holidays that didn’t matter to him.
When he said as much, you pouted
You were even more devastated when he said he had no plans to dress up for halloween
Even if he didn’t care for Halloween, you did
Despite his lack of concern, he let you model for him and was very honest on all of the costumes.
At one point though, you found this sexy bunny costume in an extra large. The velvet suit was a dark blue and the bunny tail and ears a fluffy white
And you could just picture it on him…
“What is that?” Hanzo asked, coming over. 
Hiding it behind your back, you shook your head. “It’s nothing,” you lied.
Eyes narrowing, Hanzo crossed his arms and cocked one brow at you. 
“….Would…would you try one costume on for me?” you asked after a moment. 
Immediately you made a face at him, putting your hands together. “Pleaseeeeeee! Please, Hanzo! I’m begging you…just one?” you asked, hugging his arm tightly after leaving the costume on the rack again.
It took him about 10 minutes before caving, but you knew there was no way that he would get into it willingly if he saw it. 
“Can I dress you?” you asked. The look he gave you had your cheeks flushing dark and your heart speeding up. “N-not like that! Its a surprise… I want you to see it once its on.”
Hanzo again agreed with a bit of a nudge, and unabashedly stripped for you. And boy, he was a fineeeee male.
Managing to put that thought aside for the moment, you helped him to dress with his eyes closed. He frowned at how airy the costume was, and how it itched his skin…
“Done!” you said finally, clapping your hands together in delight.
“Surely not. I feel practically naked-” Hanzo’s eyes opened and he stared at the mirror in horror.
Smiling brightly, patted his shoulder. It really looked good on him, and like his usual garb it displayed the tattoo’s on his arm well
“Your in trouble,” he growled.
It didn’t phase you at all, and you pinched his butt. “Your ass looks great in this! Bunny suit really does suit you, Hanzo,” you said, voice a purr.
Hanzo’s eyes met yours and he saw the heat there. He was surprised that something like THIS would do it for you
“Hmph. It doesn’t suit me at all,” he growled, but you could see he’d noticed how your eyes trailed up and down him, and obviously he liked it. The bunny suit did not lie about such things.
“I suppose I do owe you for torturing you with my shopping,” you thought aloud, a smile curving your lips
You were very happily punished for your crime
You didn’t tell him you bought the bunny suit. Or that you got a picture before he had opened his eyes.
Is wary about going Halloween shopping
While he isn’t huge on Halloween due to mostly D.va and her Halloween pranks, he doesn’t mind celebrating with you
Whatever makes you happy, right?
When you ask him to go costume shopping, he doesn’t mind
At least the two of you can spend some time together, which always makes him happy.
You go to a couple different places. You can’t seem to find anything that really sparks your interest
At one store, you find an outfit that you want to wear
And shockingly…Soldier finds one he wants to try on.
Oh yes. Soldier willing CHOSE to put on the sexy bunny suit, without being asked or told. You don’t even know
But he wants to see what the big fuss of the bunny suit is
When you get dressed, you frown when you can’t find Soldier
Where on earth has that man gone?
You end up searching the store for him, still in costume, and you get quite a few whistles and hollers
Your wearing sexy nurse outfit that is well fitting and definitely defines your butt and boobs. And the stockings look nice too…mostly the costume is to wear for Soldier but you can’t find him
Not till you hear behind you “If you whistle at my girlfriend one more time, punk, I’ll beat your ass with a fuckin’ toy pumpkin and make it look like a goddamn accident.”
Turning, you start to tsk Soldier
Then you see him in the sexy bunny suit
Its dark blue and with a light brown bunny ears and cotton tail. It defines every inch of his muscled body, showing off great abs and apparently good legs
“….” you stare at him questioningly, unsure how to ask without offending.
Soldier understood and shrugged. “D.va said these looked flattering on men. I just wanted to see why ladies liked it so much.”
And yes, the ladies did like it. The silver hair didn’t put a single girl down, as now feminine whistles and waves were sent his way, and even a few men
“Your outdoing me,” you tease, amused
“I could never outdo you,” Soldier said, a smile tugging at his lips before he lowers his head to press a soft kiss to your lips
This earns you both soft sighs and awws, as the girls realize he’s already taken
When the kiss ends, you grin happily up at him
“It makes your butt look good,” you say, as you two head to the change rooms
You can’t help giggling as he answers with a solemn, “I know.”
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randomredneck · 7 years
Buff Girl, Buff Girl, Whatcha Gonna Do?
Been a tick since my last story. Time to remedy that. And the remedy is called D.Va and Zarya. I hope you enjoy.
The mean...well, the moderately unpleasant...okay, the perfectly fine streets of South Korea. One person kept order on these streets. Well, that’s what she liked to think anyway.
“Who wants a piece of this? Nobody, that’s who.”
Officer Hana Song. Fresh out of the academy, and determined to be the next supercop you read about online. Problem was, crime rates around her city were fairly low. And what little there was wasn’t exactly career making.
“One big bust, and I’ll be the youngest officer ever to make chief of police! Shi-sha!”
While she made kung-fu noises and gestures to the bewilderment of passersby, her radio came to life.
“Disturbance at Shang’s Ramen on 35th street. Reports of fighting and damage to property.”
Hana’s eyes lit up. Time to make her first big arrest. A big fistfight would look good on her file.
“Officer Song responding. I’m on my way!”
She practically skipped the short distance to Shang’s.
“Here we go. Time for these lowdown crooks to sing the Song!”
Rather unnecessarily, she kicked the door open.
“Don’t move, criminals! Officer Song is here to...get you?”
 They seemed to already have been gotten. 5 guys were sprawled around the restaurant, victims of quite the thorough pounding. Only one other customer was there, which means they had to be the culprit.
“You there, large individual with pink hair. Did you see who did this?”
She nodded but didn’t break attention from her food. If Hana counted the stacked bowls next to her right, this was helping #6.
“Yes, I did it. They thought they could pick a fight with me. So I gave them one. Wasn’t much of a challenge.”
Well, there was the confession.
“Okay then. Please put your hands behind your back. You’re under arrest.”
Hana was confident. That confidence vanished the instant the perpetrator stood up. She was...big. A lot bigger than Hana. She was also...
“Hot...I mean, that ramen looks hot...I mean...uh...”
She gulped.
“P-p-put your hands behind your b-b-back.”
The huge woman chuckled.
“For someone so tiny, you are very brave. I must say, rather cute as well.”
She winked at her, Hana nearly fainting right there. But she stayed on her feet, squaring up a little even.
“No flirting your way out of this, miss.”
She shrugged, extending her hands.
“Very well, you got me. Though for record, they threw first punch.”
Hana almost seemed happy at that little detail.
“Oh, is that right?  Well, it’s a pretty obvious case of self-defense then. You’re free to go.”
The large woman thought for a second.
“No, I feel like you should handcuff me. Maybe take me in backroom for...questioning.”
Hana’s heart nearly skipped a beat. She quickly composed herself...and slapped the cuffs on her.
“If you insist miss...what’s your name?”
She bent down a little, whispering it in her ear.
“Zarya. Now you know what to shout later.”
Screw being a supercop. This was even better.
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kynimdraws · 8 years
A little PSA: An explanation of Ovewatch Ana’s “Tal/탈” skin
I am getting tired of people hating on Ana’s Tal skin and while I have expressed my discontent over this unnecessary discourse on twitter I might as well crosspost on tumblr because of non-Koreans trying to spread misinformation about my home country’s culture.
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(Ana voice): SHHHHHHHHHHHH calm down kids it’s grandma
Disclaimer: I am Korean. My mother is a Korean teacher who has taught me Korean history/culture. My uncle teaches in a University about Korean history. Chinese cultural appropriation topics will not be mentioned here, because I am not Chinese. Someone with better knowledge about that than make their own posts elsewhere (please).
A quick googling of “tal” or “탈” will give you the following definition (lifted from the all-accessible wikipedia page). I bolded the most relevant parts of this excerpt since I will go into more detail about it in the next paragraphs:
Korean masks have a long tradition with the use in a variety of contexts. Masks are called tal (Hangul: 탈) in Korean, but they are also known by many others names such as gamyeon, gwangdae, chorani, talbak and talbagaji. Korean Mask come with black cloth attached to the sides of the mask designed to cover the back of the head and also to simulate black hair.
They were used in war, on both soldiers and their horses; ceremonially, for burial rites in jade and bronze and for shamanistic ceremonies to drive away evil spirits; to remember the faces of great historical figures in death masks; and in the arts, particularly in ritual dances, courtly, and theatrical plays. The present uses are as miniature masks for tourist souvenirs, or on cell-phones where they hang as good-luck talismans.
The one Ana is specifically wearing is a type of 하회탈 (hahoetal), which describes a type of mask used during theatre (하회별신굿탈놀이) and dance (탈춤) since the 12th century. These performances consist of a cast of character archetypes, which are depicted by the masks. Many of the features in the masks are exaggerated for humorous and dramatic effect. Here are a general list of masks that commonly seen.
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Fun fact, Ana’s mask is a hybrid of the Kaksi/각시 and Yangban/양반 mask. And maybe a little bit of the Halmo/할미 depending on the mask design.
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These mask plays were performed in villages to ward off evil spirits and to convince the local gods to protect them and bring prosperity. A certain aspect of these performances are also comedic, and a chance for performers to poke fun of the ruling class and taboo subjects like sex. While this is not tied to the Lunar New Year specifically, such performances were done during special occasions like those holidays.
Now you may be asking “this is part of a religious thing! Isn’t that disrespectful??” And trust me, this depiction is FAR from being offensive to most Koreans.
Yes the tal was used for shamanistic rituals, specifically associated with “muism” (무교/신교). However, muism is not a popular Korean religion. While there has a recent uprise in people practicing it/being interested in it, Muism has always faced discrimination in Korean history. Confucianism, Christianity, and even Japanese colonialism has demonized this religion and it was nearly forgotten/eradicated. The most known incident of this is called the misin tapa undong (미신 타파 운동) describes a period from 19th century to the 1980s where various parties (both outside and inside Korea) tried to eradicate muism through various means, including burning down local shrines and villages that were known to practice them. People had to be in hiding so avoid persecution.
Fortunately the Korean government has indirectly protected Muism by making several aspects of their religious traditions as national Korean treasures, including the 탈 among other things. But it is important to note that whole 탈 culture is secularized now. It does not have the religious connotations that it was known for. Hell, the masks are one of the most recognizable features of Korean culture (and seen in many souvenirs). There are places in Korea that preserve this tradition and perform it to the public to spread awareness of its history (the 안동 village every September has an arts festival for all traditional Korean performing arts). FYI, Koreans who appreciate this are not muists themselves, and no one requires you to be one. Lunar New Year is largely a secular holiday, after all.
Now, do you want to see some of the reactions KOREAN FANS had about the Ana skin? Here are few I got off from twitter, with translations from yours truly:
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BTW that Ana tal skin is my aesthetic - (x)
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That Ana skin is really good ㅇㅁㅇ....tal is really making my heart flutter* - (x)
*간지뿅뿅 is not a really easy thing to translate since it’s a combo of a sound effect and an emotion??? It’s a positive response either way
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Ana skin ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠtal is so good ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ - (x)
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OMG Ana’s skin is tal LOL that is exciting - (x)
Many of these really are happy their culture is seen! And it’s not depicted in a mocking manner and the overall design is quite lovely, with Korean-design motifs in her clothes. The few relatively negative tweets about her skin are how the cloth may be too bright/gaudy compared to the mask, which is sort of true. The mask is supposed to be seen clearly to show what character the performer is playing out. But the color scheme really looks like those worn for the Bongsan talchum (봉산탈춤), another variety of tal (they are all within the same province btw). And a lot of Korean traditional color schemes are pretty gaudy too.
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Alright, so I have told you all I can about the tal culture. Now the you may be asking the following question, summarized well by this tweet:
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I think Ana looks awesome in general but what was the concept behind her new skin ???? She’s Egyptian so why wear a Tal? - (x)
To be fair, I was also fairly surprised by the choice for having Ana have the Korean-style skin before I became super ecstatic to see my culture be represented. I do agree it is odd to see a Muslim/Egyptian/Arabic character (two groups that don’t really celebrate Lunar New Year from what I can gather) to be chosen for a Korean skin, but that matter sort of falls into the “Muslim/Egyptian/Arabic culture is underrepresented in Overwatch and gaming media in general” topic and I am not knowledgeable enough to discuss that in detail. A Muslim Overwatch fan has written about this matter here if you want to check it out.
But back on point, is this skin an example of YELLOW FACE or CULTURAL APPROPRIATION? No! When did being Muslim/Arabic/Egyptian =/= you can’t celebrate/appreciate other cultures and their traditions? Did you only want Koreans to get the skin? I am all for D.Va getting more skins (and MAYBE more KOREAN OVERWATCH HEROES) but why restrict the Korean theme onto just one character? Cultural appropriation is when people INAPPROPRIATELY disrespect a culture by mocking them and disregarding the traditions of said culture. Ana is not doing any of this. Besides, Korean tal culture is not closed off to non-Koreans, and there are Korean cultural socities that are willing to offer classes on this and will even teach you how to do the dance/plays (i.e. Sejong University has a site for it). 
FYI because I am Korean, I cannot say how Egyptian/Muslim/Arab fans feel about Ana wearing Korean attire for Lunar New Year. I have talked to a few Muslim OW fans/friends about this and given their differing opinions on the matter (including the OP of the muslim underrepresentation post I linked earlier), I cannot really make a confident assumption on how these people generally feel about the skin. On Korean fandom’s end though, we love the skin! It’s great Blizzard took the time to research Korean culture and make a skin that isn’t mocking Koreans. And Blizzard does have some ties with Korea itself due to its HUGE gaming culture/fanbase, so it is possible BlizzKorea has gotten input there for this event. Being between two BIG Asian countries (Japan and China), Korea is often left out and this event was a really nice breath of fresh air. We are represented!! We are not some invisible culture between the big two!!!
And if you are not part of this culture, just PLEASE let other people speak out about the matter before getting on your moral high horse to talk about appropriation. 
Now, does that mean the Korean fandom thinks Blizzard is a perfect company? NO! Honestly the entire event is MOSTLY about Chinese culture (with some Korean stuff squeezed in between). Other Asian countries that celebrate Lunar New Year have been ignored (i.e. Southeast Asian cultures and some Indian cultures celebrate Lunar New Year and they are not included despite Symmetra being Indian, etc). These discrepancies are good starting points to discuss underrepresentation in media that Blizzard can learn about and hopefully include in their future updates. From what I can see, the Overwatch developers have been receptive to this feedback so it would be good to have that convo in their official forums too.
FYI, I personally feel like there could have been more Korean stuff for this event period. In America at least, it really sucks that Lunar New Year is ALWAYS called Chinese New Year despite other countries also celebrating it...RIP. But I appreciate that this game has made Korean culture more visible. Here’s hope to more visible Korean stuff in gaming and elsewhere! Where is my “새해 복 많이 받으세요” voice line for D.Va? I demand answers Blizzard!!!
Anyway, hope that has taught you something new, and Happy Lunar New Year to everyone!
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nitewrighter · 8 years
32 genji or mercy
¿Por que no los dos?
Send Me Valentine’s Day Prompts!
32. Dancing
Mercy had all but tuned the music out as she scrolled through the agendas on her phone, trying to figure out how much tonight would set her back. There was still the forms and filing on the civilian cases from the Hollywood incident, post-mission check-ups with all members of the team, and countless emails from scientists all over the world on ethical applications of biotic technology. “The lab will still be there when you get back,” Winston had said as she frowned at different dresses D.Va had picked out for her, yet still she was compelled to at least get some of her scheduling done while she was at this silly party.
 She only glanced up from her phone to do a bit of people watching. She had to admit, Hal-Fred Glitchbot threw a great party. D.Va and Lúcio, well-adjusted to fame and flash, were taking pictures with Thespion 4.0 and Hisao Takahashi, grinning and eagerly chatting with each other. Winston had managed to get into a private conversation with Dr. Al-Shahrani (the Dr. Al-Shahrani!) and was discussing lunar geology over a shared banana bread pudding. McCree was surreptitiously hoarding hors d’oeuvres to take home with Pharah running interference for him (or maybe she was just flirting with the waitresses while he swept half the canapes into a doggie bag–it was hard to tell), and Tracer and Emily were tearing it up on the dance floor. She glanced back down at her phone when someone stepped alongside her.
“Surely you are not working tonight of all nights, Dr. Ziegler?” Mercy glanced up from her phone to see Genji standing in front of her. His appearance was so sudden she fumbled and nearly dropped her phone but Genji easily caught it. She gave him a brief glance up and down. She thought her first words to him would be “Hello Genji” or “Enjoying the party, Genji?” but instead she just incredulously blurted out “You’re in a suit.”
“And you are in a dress,” Genji said, gesturing at her slightly. He was in a black suit with a gray waistcoat and green tie, while she donned a backless amber-gold dress with a grecian collar. When she was a young girl, she remembered hating the appearance of her spinal implants, yet after her time in Overwatch, she couldn’t care less.
“Oh–” she glanced down, suddenly far more conscious of how much skin the dress was showing than before, “Yes–Well–Hana helped me pick it out.”
“She has good taste,” said Genji.
Mercy suddenly flashed back to Hana practically hopping her heels as Mercy stepped out of the dressing room, going, “Yes! That’s the one, Doctor Z! Rock that cleavage! Own it!” and she reddened at the memory. 
“Thank you,” said Mercy, then she cleared her throat, “I mean–her—thank her. I mean, I’ll have to thank her.”
Genji held her phone out to her and Mercy glanced down at it a bit more confusedly before she remembered nearly dropping it and him catching it and then she said, “Oh–thank you,” and took her phone back. She glanced up at Genji and smiled a bit. “I would have expected you to be working as well,” she said, putting her phone away in her clutch bag.
“Really?” said Genji.
“Patrolling the perimeter or something like that,” said Mercy.
Genji chuckled a little, “Perhaps I would be doing that several years ago…” he glanced out at the people dancing, “I did not permit myself much enjoyment back then, perhaps none at all—I suppose my new body made me look upon my younger self as foolish, hedonistic even.” He turned back and looked at her, “It took me a long time, but I feel I have come to find balance, even in enjoying myself. My master has helped me much in that regard.”
“Where is Zenyatta?” said Mercy, smiling.
“He asked Mr. Glitchbot to show him the set for…Six Gun Killer, I believe the movie is called?”
Mercy snorted. “Really?”
“He is a fan of Mr. Glitchbot’s work. Particularly ‘They Came From Beyond The Moon.’”
Mercy raised an eyebrow then laughed a little, “I would not have expected that.”
“He is full of surprises,” said Genji, looking back at the dance floor. They both watched as Tracer spun Emily around and lifted her, Dirty Dancing style. Emily  was sputtering and giggling while Tracer had a carnation from one of the table vases between her teeth.
“They seem to be having fun,” said Mercy.
“Mm,” Genji nodded. A pause passed between them as they continued watching the dance floor. “Would you like to dance, Doctor Ziegler?”
“What?” said Mercy.
Genji held out a hand to her, “I said ‘Would you like to dance?’”
“Oh,” Mercy reddened but glanced over at the dance floor and gauged the tempo, then hesitantly took Genji’s hand, “I’m… not very good with the fast songs,” she said.
“You will do fine,” said Genji, heading out to the dance floor with her following after him. The music was much louder on the dance floor and a bit overwhelming at first but she attempted to move her shoulders and hips to the rhythm. She glanced over at Genji to see him moving with far more grace and confidence than she could have possibly anticipated. Her dancing slowed a bit as she watched and Genji looked at her.
“Are you all right?” said Genji.
“Yes,” said Mercy, “You’re–” she cleared her throat, “You’re very good.”
“Thank you,” said Genji, “You are…” he glanced at her awkward bobbing and shimmying, “…also dancing.”
Mercy’s brow furrowed but then she laughed a little. 
“Do you need help?” said Genji.
“Help?” said Mercy. Genji took her hand and twirled her, then pulled her into a dip. “Oh,” said Mercy. The song ended and a much slower song started. Genji quickly brought her back up to an upright position and cleared his throat.
“Well,” said Genji, “Thank you, Doctor Ziegler. Would you like me to get you a drink? Something to eat?”
“You’re stopping already?” said Mercy, glancing over her shoulder at the other couples slow dancing. 
“Yes–I mean, no–I mean—Ah,” Genji trailed off and Mercy took his hand in hers and then interlaced their fingers. She brought his hand up slightly, then placed her hand on his shoulder. He recognized the positioning of her hands hands and his hand went toward her waist, then hesitated, hovering just above it. Genji rolled his fingers then Mercy briefly took her hand off his shoulder to place his hand against her waist. 
“Closed position,” she said, putting her hand back on Genji’s shoulder and pulling him towards her slightly. The heat sinks on Genji’s shoulders steamed, but since he was wearing a suit, the steam was forced out of his collar and the cuffs of his sleeves. Mercy giggled a little and Genji glanced off. The tension in his shoulders loosened up as he and Mercy started moving in time with the music.
“I thought you said you couldn’t dance,” said Genji, as he glanced down at his own feet to make sure he wouldn’t step on hers as they danced. 
“I said I wasn’t good with fast songs,” said Mercy, grinning.
Genji chuckled a little. “It would seem you are also full of surprises, Angela.”
“Angela?” repeated Mercy.
“I mean–Doctor Ziegler,” said Genji, suddenly straightening up a bit as Mercy helped pivot them into a turn.
“Angela is fine,” said Mercy.
Genji’s visor brightened. “Very well…Angela,” he said as they continued to dance.
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