#also a play and a 60s movie and a tie in book and comic and unlicensed TV show and weirdly expensive hungry hungry hippos knockoff
choppedupnotkilled · 4 months
What in the fuck is little shop of horrors?
It's the night spot that Audrey had to work at to make money
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
I promised myself I’d buy some more comics trades for runs I enjoy, especially as my main “I’m buying these books” collection recently (picking up all the GGB Chalet Schools) is down to like…15 books to go, half of which are from the late Swiss period anyway and so not high priority (There are 60 of them). So it’s a waiting game for a handful to be listed anywhere/finding copies listed for a reasonable price. Time to go drop $100 a month or so on some OTHER property.
So the start of this year was the perfect time to switch over to comics trades, right, where I can get to play the ‘is this in print/listed anywhere/available for a reasonable price’ game all over again.
So I was casually browsing what’s actually available.
My first aim was ‘collect all of Young Justice 1998’ (done) and ‘apparently I am missing volume 3 of Blue Beetle 2006, must have not had it returned when lent out’ (tracked down a first print run, replaced). I also figured out which issues of Birds of Prey 1998 have trades I don’t have yet - the last 2 trades of Simone, essentially, as apparently they STILL haven’t collected the Dixon run beyond the one-shots/minis. (ARGH)
What is essentially my LCS just had volume 3 of Batgirl 2000 on sale, so I went “excellent, sold” added it to my order, then checked for 1&2. They had volume 2. They very much did NOT have volume 1.
I googled, stared at the pricing, and sighed, because here we go again. (How. HOW is it that bad when I got volume 3 for half retail price??!!??)
Also encountered the fact that Huntress: Cry for Blood has been collected TWICE, but the current edition has a terrible movie tie in cover. Which: yeah I GUESS it’s the best contained offering of Huntress to an interested general public? But I do not want a movie tie in cover! (Alas, after correlating pricing on getting the original printing, I added the terrible cover edition to my order as it was easier).
But in any case, I am quite happy as I have a nice little order of trades coming as a birthday present to myself, and I can continue to work on drawing up a list of what else I would like to get, and what is feasible to get (tragically two very different lists in places).
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greysautomation · 2 years
Penguin from batman
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Penguin from batman tv#
It also picked up nods in the same categories at the Bafta Awards where it again was thwarted by Death Becomes Her and The Last Of The Mohicans. It was recognised at the Oscars and Baftasīatman Returns received Oscar nominations in the Best Visual Effects and Best Makeup and Hairstyling categories but lost out to Death Becomes Her and Bram Stoker’s Dracula respectively. Written and performed by Australian troubadour Vance Joy, acoustic ballad Riptide reached No.10 on the UK charts in 2013.įeaturing the lyric ‘I swear she’s destined for the screen/Closest thing to Michelle Pfeiffer that you’ve ever seen’, the song was partially inspired by the actress’ performance in Batman Returns. McDonald’s was forced to scrap its Happy Meal tie-in following floods of complaints from parents about the film’s violent tone. Reviewers weren’t the only ones to get a little upset about Batman Returns’ inherent darkness. Tim Burton’s Batman films are virtually technicolour fairy tales compared to Christopher Nolan’s gritty reboot, but back in 1992 critics weren’t prepared for dark, comic-book tales.Įsteemed reviewer Roger Ebert argued that ‘superheroes and film noir don’t go together’, while the Los Angeles Times described its tone as ‘claustrophobic, oppressive’ and one which ‘strangles almost all the enjoyment out of the movie’. In a 2007 interview she revealed she never wanted to see a Catwoman costume again, perhaps due to the fact that it was so tightly sealed she only had a brief amount of time to act her lines before she passed out. Michelle Pfeiffer wasn’t a particular fan of the wardrobe department’s work. Indeed, 12 king penguins and 30 African penguins were used over the course of the shoot, with men in suits, robotics and CGI standing in for the real thing during the more difficult scenes. While computer generated animation was used for the bats, The Penguin’s bird army was a mixture of nature and technology. Sadly, the aging star fell ill shortly before filming and he had to be replaced by Pee-wee Herman, aka Paul Reubens, who also reprised the role for several episodes of Gotham.
Penguin from batman tv#
The original Penguin was supposed to make a cameoīurgess Meredith, who played The Penguin in the cartoonish 60s TV series, signed on to play the Penguin’s father Tucker Cobblepot. The director only agreed to return when he was given more creative control and allowed to commission a rewritten script from Heathers screenwriter Waters. Tim Burton appeared to have had enough of the Caped Crusader after bringing him back to life with 1989’s Batman, describing the possibility of a sequel as a ‘most dumbfounded idea’. Marlon Wayans had not only been cast as Robin in Batman Returns, he’d also been measured up for a suit.īut he never got to wear it onscreen when the sidekick was rested due to the film having too many characters. These included John Candy, Bob Hoskins, Dean Martin, Christopher Lloyd and Dustin Hoffman. Marlon Brando was just one of several big-name actors who were considered for the role of The Penguin before it was given to Danny DeVito. Marlon Brando could have played The Penguin The musical icon, who instead took a role in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, had previously passed on another role Walker then assumed – Max Zorin in A View to Kill. But none other than David Bowie was the first name that producers had in mind. Named after Nosferatu actor Max Schreck, Batman Returns’ all-human villain was played by Christopher Walken. Producers wanted David Bowie to play Max Schreck Madonna, Cher, Raquel Welch, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Bridget Fonda were just some of the other names in contention for the role.īut no one was more distraught on missing out than Sean Young – the actress actually turned up to the production offices in a homemade Catwoman outfit to demand an audition.
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wehavethoughts · 3 years
Zack Snyder's Justice League Review!
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Zack Snyder's Justice League dir. Zack Snyder (2021) Warner Bros. Pictures, DC Films, Atlas Entertainment and The Stone Quarry Science Fiction, Action, Superhero Movie
Rating: 3.5 Waves
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Summary: Tormented by visions of a dark future, Bruce Wayne aka The Batman attempts to gather a team of superheroes to defend the planet. When alien tyrant Steppenwolf arrives on Earth seeking a long forgotten technology, this group of heroes must do everything in their power to keep him from locating all three Mother Boxes and destroying the world.
Content warnings: Violence, Death, Body Horror, Gore
This review DOES NOT contain spoilers for Zack Snyder's Justice League
A bit of background for those of you thinking “Didn’t Justice League come out years ago?” You are exactly right! Justice League was released in theaters in 2017 and is the fifth movie in the DCEU (DC Extended Universe). The same company that produced Justice League then funded Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) which is a different version of the story that was released in 2017. Zack Snyder was actually the original director of Justice League (2017), but he stepped away from the project during post production and the film was handed over to director Joss Whedon. Whedon’s creative decisions led to rewrites, heavy editing and a notorious reshoot that required removal of Henry Cavill’s mustache via CGI. Therefore, Justice League as it premiered in theaters in 2017 was Joss Whedon’s vision of the story. As some of you might remember, Justice League (2017) was considered a “flop” as it lost the studio ~$60 million overall and was received by fans with mixed to negative reviews (6.2/10 IMDB, 40% Rotten Tomatoes). But since Zack Snyder had left so late in the project, there were rumors that his version of the film had been nearly finished and there was hope that the movie Snyder filmed was actually better than what Whedon had created. Fans took to social media to demand that Warner Bros release the “Snyder Cut'' of Justice League and in a move I personally find baffling, Warner Bros actually gave Zack Snyder another $70 million to finish his version. Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) which was released on HBO Max is the final product.
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While understanding the context of how this movie came about is neat and honestly pretty hilarious, I never got around to see Justice League (2017) so I cannot give any commentary on whether this new film is any better. For those who are curious, my fiancée who has seen both says that the movies are extremely similar in plot, but there are significant changes to characterization and pacing. This review will solely be on the merits and shortfalls of Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) in a spoiler free context since the movie was released just over a week ago (if you want to talk spoilers DM me I have So Many Thoughts).
Honestly, I was surprised how much I enjoyed this movie. My expectations were quite low considering what I heard about the original 2017 version and the fact that I’m more of a Marvel fan. The most surprising thing for me was that I sat through the entire 4 hr and 2 min runtime (for reference the runtime for Justice League (2017) is 2 hrs). Aside from Lord of the Rings (Return of the King runtime 4 hr 11min), I usually don’t indulge in movies that require me to block off an entire day, but I was curious and I love bandwagons.
The highlight of this movie are the characters. Each of our main characters had a deep, solid backstory that drew me in and made me invested in what was happening in this world. One thing lacking in a lot of ensemble superhero movies is balanced screen time between the main cast, but Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) uses its time wisely to give each character depth and critical purpose in the narrative. Even the villain had compelling motivation as to why he is on earth doing dastardly deeds, and while I wasn’t rooting for him, I respected his motivations. I also appreciated that the writers of this movie made the characters intelligent. Sure, some decisions were driven more by emotion than logic, but the way defenses are set up and how our heroes use their unique powers left me incredibly impressed.
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The characters’ interactions with each other was also very enjoyable. Snyder took the time to include scenes centered around the team chilling with each other in ways that were refreshingly low stakes and mundane. The story was interspersed with scenes like Wonder Woman and Alfred making tea, Aquaman and Wonder Woman musing over cultural differences, and Cyborg and Flash digging up a body where you could really see the characters grow from strangers to teammates to friends. These scenes also peppered in some light humor that kept the movie from becoming too dark without distracting from the tone.
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Since Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) is technically an action movie and it is rated R, I feel like I should touch on the action sequences. Overall, the action was incredibly fun to watch! It was made for the big screen so watching the epic battles for the first time on my TV at home was a bit underwhelming, but the well choreographed, high stakes fights were still visually pleasing. For a rated R movie there was not as much gore as there could have been, which I appreciated and the level of violence was pretty much what I expected from a comic book movie.
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The action scenes also do a fantastic job with power escalation. By that I mean the action illustrates the limits of one character’s power clearly in relation to other characters’ powers. This way you are aware of exactly how impressive the characters and their powers are on their own and so when someone or something stronger shows up we have context for how big of a threat we are dealing with. The clean way the story shows us everyone’s respective powers and their limits makes it so the stakes feel more tangible and it's not just unfathomably strong characters beating the shit out of each other with the winner decided by chance.
There are a few reasons the movie didn’t get a full five waves from me. First was that the Amazon’s outfits were very clearly made by horny men based on how much skin they were showing. I, a bisexual, personally love to see superheroes in less then full coverage, but when the Amazon warriors have their entire stomachs and cleavage out of their armor for no reason it exhausts me. What happened to the tasteful and stylish armor from Wonder Woman (2017)? This feels like a step in the wrong direction.
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The next concern I have that has kept me from recommending this movie to people is the overall pacing and length. While there were some great uses of the extended run time like the action sequences and team bonding I mention above, there were so many scenes that were way too slow for me to stay engaged. I found myself editing the movie in my head, like did we really need 2 full minutes of Bruce Wayne and his horse climbing a dreary mountain? I don’t think so. This was a narrative where I needed to pay attention lest I miss critical pieces of the story, but the random scenes that dragged on too long had me going to get snacks and checking my phone throughout. If I could rate the movie by halves the first half would get 2.5 Waves because of how it dragged and the second half would get closer to 4.5 Waves since the story really picks up and fun things start to happen.
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The final part of this movie that kept it from getting a higher rating was how closely it was tied to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. In fact, the first scene of Zack Snyder's Justice League is the final scene of Batman v Superman. There were many plot critical tie-ins to previous movies that left me feeling confused until I googled my questions during the slow scenes. If you have never seen Batman v Superman or Man of Steel then you will miss a lot of this movie, which I thought was unfair because other DCEU movies came out before the first iteration of Justice League like Wonder Woman and Suicide Squad and while events in those movies are mentioned in passing they are not nearly as important as the Batman and Superman-centric films. If the DCEU is going to pick favorites, the least it can do is pick movies I actually like (Wonder Woman (2017) remains my favorite DCEU movie to date). In general, superhero movies seem to be trending toward sagas and I prefer movies that you can just watch and enjoy without needing to see a bunch of other movies first.
Overall, I did very much enjoy this movie, but based on the run time alone it is not going to be for everyone. Measuring movie success during the pandemic is trickier than looking at box office numbers and labeling it a success or a flop, but it does appear that Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) is doing well as far as critical reception and viewership. I hope that this success will allow the DCEU to explore all of the fun nooks and crannies of the universe Snyder pulled together. In fact, half of the epilogue of this movie felt like set up for future movies. I hope they come to fruition because there were some pretty compelling teasers at the end that I would love to see played out on the big screen.
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As I mentioned before, I’ve never seen the original cut of Justice League, but Snyder’s version left me fulfilled and satisfied with the narrative, so I am happy to have seen this newest cut first. This is a movie for people who love DC, love superhero movies or are just really invested in the hype.
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mab1905 · 4 years
84 Questions
1. Put your music player of choice on shuffle and list the first 10 songs
Someone New (Hozier)
Cactus Tree (Joni Mitchell)
Budapest (George Ezra)
And Dream Of Sheep (Kate Bush)
Nancy Mulligan (Ed Sheeran)
And Then She Kissed Me (St. Vincent)
Level of Concern (Twenty One Pilots)
Lovefool (The Cardigans)
Best For Last (Adele)
Video Killed The Radio Star (The Buggles)
2. If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Would you take anyone with you?
Japan. I travel a lot and it’s been on my list for a while, I would really want to go to the Hayao Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli theme park, if it ever opens that is. I would bring my best friend, Layla. I also would love to go to Amsterdam again.
3. What is your preferred writing implement? (eg. Blue pen, pencil, green pen) 
My ink nib cartooning pen (similar to a quill, but without the feather)
4. Favourite month and why? 
October, not too hot, not too cold, and of course, Halloween!
5. Do you have connections to any celebrities (even minor)? List them.
Nope, met several, got to true connections though. 
6. Name 3 items you could pick up from where you are.
My iPad, my Leatherman Multitool, my collection of David Bowie postcards.
7. What brand logo is closest to you currently?
The Apple logo
8. Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games? Got any favourites?
Chess. Card games like Solitaire, Black-Jack, and Castle. A game that I can’t remember the name of but it’s essentially a board-game version of Capture The Flag. Mostly Chess.
9. A musical artist you love that isn’t well known
St. Vincent? I’m not sure if she’s well known or not.
10. A musical artist you love that is well known
David Bowie. 
11. What is your desktop background currently?
A picture of Apollo 11 accompanied by the words “It won’t fail because of me”
12. Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them
My best friend Layla, through the iMessage app.
13. First colour name you can think of that isn’t in the rainbow
14. What timekeeping devices are in the room you are currently in?
My iPad, my computer, my collection of vintage stopwatches
15. What kind of headphones do you use?
Sony, wireless, noise canceling, over-the ear 
16. What musical artists have you seen perform live?
Twenty One Pilots, Sylvan Esso
17. Does virginity matter to you?
I guess? I think it’s important, it’s certainly some kind of ‘milestone,’ but I don’t think it should be treated like the scale of a persons ‘purity.’ It’s important because it’s sex, and (hopefully) that means that you’re sharing a consensual, intimate experience that feels fucking great for both (or all, if it’s more then two) participants.
18. What gaming consoles do you or your family own?
Z e r o, although I’m hoping to buy a PS4 at some point so I can play Detroit Become Human.
19. What pets do you have? What are their names?
Juno is my cat, she is an adorable grey tiger-striped shorthair. She’s got little white mitten-paws and it’s absolutely ridiculous.
20. What’s the best job you’ve ever had?
Doing tech at a local theater
21. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?
Teaching art to little kids (I like kids but it was just exhausting)
22. What magazines do you read, if any?
The New Yorker, and the National Geo if I’m like, waiting in my doctor’s office or something.
23. Inspiration behind your URL?
It’s just my initials and a year from the Edwardian era
24. Inspiration behind your blog title?
It’s just my initials 
25. Favourite item of clothing?
My reddish-brown knit sweater vest and my floral bow-tie (often paired together)
26. Are you friends with any exes?
I made a very conscious effort to cut my exe out of my life… we were not happy for a very long time to say the least
27. Name at least one book you loved as a child.
Strega Nona, it’s about an Italian witch that makes great pasta in a magic pasta pot. My dad would read it to me and my sibling in Italian.
28. What’s your native language? If that language has distinct regional variations, which variation? (eg. AU English, US English)
US English
29. What email service do you use?
30. Is there anything hanging on the walls of the room you are currently in?
So many things. Here's the list:
A giant David Bowie poster, a plaque that says “David Bowie IS,” five David Bowie postcards, a giant Abbey Road poster, all of my patches from summer camp, polaroids of me, my friends, and my family (including my cat), ticket stubs from concerts and plays, two trail markers that I took off of fallen trees on two important cross-country backpacking trips I went on, playbills from a bunch of broadway shows I’ve seen, a poster that says “Stonewall was a riot,” a DC Comics poster, a Pink Floyd poster, a few paintings of mine, and a painting that I got for free from a street artist I befriended in Rome when I was twelve
31. What’s your favourite number, and why?
16, 24, 21, and 8, some numbers make me uncomfortable, but these are just very soft and light and nice 
32. Earliest moment in your life you can remember? 
A rocking chair with fruits painted on it sitting in a dark room and my great grandfathers brown leather loafers (I remember early early stuff in just images or stills, not full moments)
33. What did you have for dinner yesterday?
Pasta with shrimp
34. How often do you brush your teeth?
Usually twice a day, but I’ve been waking up later and later and sometimes forget in the mornings
35. What’s your favourite candy/chocolate?
I don’t know the name of it but it’s this chocolate bar that is stuffed with caramel, hot chili flakes, and crunchy bits of baked tortilla. It's one of the greatest things I’ve ever tasted.
36. Have you had other blogs on Tumblr? Do you have any other blogs currently?
I used to have one but I deleted it because I never used it
37. If you were suddenly really hungry, what would you choose to eat?
I would probably walk into the kitchen, realize that too eat something I would have to muster the effort to cook something instead, and then decide to just have a glass of milk instead.
38. What fandoms would you consider yourself a part of?
Downton Abbey (primarily Thommy)
Chernobyl HBO (as well as the Leonid Toptunov/Sasha Akimov subfandom)
Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit (books and movies)
Buzzfeed Unsolved
Star Trek TOS
Philosophy Tube
The Dark Crystal and The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance
39. If you could study anything, what would it be?
If I had the energy to fully wrench my life in a completely different direction I would like to become a professional scuba diver and study the ocean. I already am a scuba diver, but it’s a hobby and not something I’m able to do very often at all.
40. Do you use anything on your lips? (eg. Chapstick, gloss, balm, lipstick)
I’ll wear chapstick if I have a cold
41. How would you describe your sense of humour?
Intellectual and dry
42. What things annoy you more than anything else?
People who think they’re better than everyone else and people who recognize a fault in themselves and then refuse to work to change it
43. What kind of position are you in at the moment?
I’m laying on my bed, hunched over my laptop
44. Do you wear much jewellery?
Occasionally I’ll wear a necklace or a few rings. I have a lot of non-traditional bracelets (I literally just have pieces of canvas and industrial tie-line wrapped around my wrist). I’m a gay guy and I like to sort-a walk the line between feminine and masculine (often leaning more towards the masc side), so it really depends on my mood.
45. Who is the leader of your country, currently? Any other levels of government with leaders? (State, region, province, county, district, municipality, etc)
A cheese-pizza flavored pringle is currently POTUS and every day the thought of that tears away at a piece of my soul. 
46. Last 3 blogs on your dashboard, not including any of your own
@shochmonster @velvet-of-the-night @panicsheerbloodypanic
47. What do you carry your money in?
My pocket, I have a wallet and I don’t use it
48. Do you enjoy driving? Why or why not?
It’s fine, don’t love it don’t hate it
49. Longest drive you have ever been on?
Three days
50. Furthest away from home you have ever been?
Went on a trip to Switzerland to visit family, I think that’s the farthest but I’m not entirely sure.
51. How many times have you moved house?
52. What is on the floor of the room you’re currently in, not including furniture?
Five paintings, stacks and stacks of books, boxes filled with stuff (mostly more books), plates, glasses, cutlery, clothes
53. How many devices do you own which can access the internet?
2, and iPad and a computer
54. Is there is anything that is guaranteed to always make you happy?
Listening to music
55. Is there anything that always makes you sad?
Thinking about my past for too long
56. What programs do you currently have open?
Google drive, I’m writing
57. What do you associate the colour red with?
Blood and fire
58. Last strong smell you can remember smelling?
Shrimp and butter
59. Last healthy thing you ate?
Three green olives and a handful of bean sprouts
60. Do you drink tea or coffee, and how much per day?
Used to drink coffee like it was life support (which it essentially was), now I’ll have the occasional cup of tea.
61. What do you associate the colour blue with?
Birds and rain
62. How long is the closest ruler you can find?
I don’t think I own one
63. What colour pants/skirt/etc are you currently wearing?
I am wearing olive green corduroy slacks
64. When was the last time you drank water?
30 minutes ago?
65. How often do you clear your browser history?
66. Do you believe nude photos can be artistic, rather than erotic?
Nude anything can be artistic, it can also just be normal, eroticism is in the eye of the beholder.
67. Ever written fanfiction for anything?
Yes dear god so much fanfiction.
68. Last formal event you attended
I genuinely can’t remember, I am have extreme social anxiety and don’t go to events like that unless I absolutely have too
69. If you had to move your birthday to another date, which one would you choose and why?
I don’t care about birthdays
70. Would you prefer to be at a beach or in the countryside?
Beach, I love to swim, I’m also a surfer
71. Roughly how many people live in your town?
Uhm… eight times the number of people who live in the state of Montana and that doesn’t count daily commuters and tourists (New York City is essentially just a tin of sardines, except inside are 8.399 million sardines)
72. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?
No, but three of my friends were born on the day just after my birthday.
73. Favourite place to shop? Can be a certain store or a place where there are multiple stores
The Strand Bookstore, L Train Vintage, any antique shops in the town of Hudson, New York 
74. Do you have a smartphone? What kind? If you don’t, do you want one?
I used to have an iPhone 5SE but then it stopped working after a few weeks of quarantine and I haven’t gotten a new one (I’ve had it for about 5-6 years so it makes sense)
75. What is your least favourite colour, and why?
I don’t have a least favorite color, but my favorite color is prussian blue
76. How do you spell grey/gray?
77. Go to your dashboard and describe the image shown in the radar section (below the “Find blogs” link)
It’s anime fanart for a show I’ve never heard of
78. What difference is there between how many followers you have, and the number of blogs you follow?
79. How many posts do you have?
80. How many posts have you liked?
81. Do you post mainly reblogs, or your own content?
Mostly reblogs but I do my own content as well
82. Do you track any tags?
No, just blogs
83. What time is it currently?
84. Is there anything you should be doing right now?
I’m not quite sure who to tag so it’s just open to anyone I guess?
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groovy-egg · 5 years
@ yall wilbury stans i present: the wilburys in high school
George: that one hippie stoner kid. Has a septum piercing. 100% owns at least 1 drug rug sweater. Lowkey hella soft and listens to way too much Hozier and watches way too much Moomin. Has a shit ton of scented candles. Carries crystals in his pockets to help unblock his chakra. Has taken yoga class every year since 9th grade. Can be attracted to anyone regardless of gender but doesnt like labels. Isnt necessarily a band kid, but hangs out in the band room all the time to play guitar and sits in on all the band classes. His favorite class is yoga but religious studies is his second favorite.
Bob: that one weird kid that doesnt talk but whem he does its either really fucking sarcastic or makes absolutely no fucking sense. Showering? Dont know her. Bob just knows anxiety and depression. Spends half his time hanging out with the youth health nurse because hes constantly having a crisis. Bi disastor. Found out what kind of cookies George likes and bought some but was too scared to give them to him so theyre just in his locker now. 100% a band kid. Plays xylophone and piano. Favorite class is english, and always passes with good marks, but instead of reading the required reading materiel reads some other random shit and does all his projects on that.
Tom: all of the chaos all of the time. Stoned 60% of the time. Thinks he has game with the girls but he has 0. Shows up to class occassionally. Tried out for football once but couldnt properly throw the ball. Hella pals with George and lowkey buys his weed from him. One of the few classes he shows up to is band. He is Band Kid Supreme. He plays the bass and keeps the general chaotic band kid energy to a high. Has had a crush on at least one teacher. At lunch he always has all the snacks for all his friends. Probably watches anime and probably watches Naruto. Will do anything if you dare him. Lit the guys bathroom on fire one day while trying to smoke a joint in one of the stalls. Favorite class is band hands down.
Jeff: also hella band kid who plays the french horn. Gets along with everyone tbh. No one hates him. Wears way too many hawaiin shirts and tie dye shirts. That kid who always brings apple slices to school. Has been high a solid 5 times. Just a whole ray of sunshine tbh. The kind of kid all the teachers like. Honestly a bit of a teachers pet. Also does announcements in the mornings. He does lots of stuff.and people never really know until they see him and theyre like jeff youre in choir? Jeff youre on the green team? Jeff you score the soccer games? His favorite class is 10/10 band.
Roy: another band kid wow! Roy plays trumpet. The ladies man all the way. Sings at all the coffee shops and talent shows. Literally all the band kids who are into dudes Want Him. Lowkey a nerd though. In a good way. Loves old movies and vintage comic books and cars. Owns 20 pairs of sunglasses he never takes off, in the same way some kids always have their hoods up. Lives off of bathbombs and oatmeal. Gets good grades and is all around an good student. Surprisingly really good at math. Probably works at a cafe or a diner. Can quote star wars episode 4 off by heart. His favorite class is a tie between band, math, and social studies.
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kolbisneat · 5 years
I’ve really stepped up my comics reading having fully embraced my local libraries. You can just borrow them whenever you want! Also saw lots of movies and watched a lot of the Bachelorette. It’s been a good summer. 
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Midsommer (2019) Oh wow. I’m not one for scary movies but this never felt like a scary movie. Sure it was definitely “horror” in the sense that so much of it is horrific, but it never relied on the typical “scary movie” tactics. For this, I am grateful.
Paddington 2 (2017) The perfect counterpoint and emotional reset after our matinee screening of Midsommer. This video does a better job of explaining why I love these movies, but if you haven’t got the time then know that the Paddington movies are a masterclass in efficient storytelling, visual comedy, and good natured entertainment for all ages. It’s not quite the same as Pixar sneaking in jokes that only adults will get, it’s more that it tells a universal story with familiar characters that land at any age. Just beautiful.
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Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) Okay so I get that illustrating a tie-in book for this movie means I likely can’t be objective, but I really dug the film. Solid themes that carried through to most of the characters and their arcs, as well as some of the most comic-book accurate visuals I could have hoped for. And I really dig the Parker/MJ dynamic here. Ugh it’s just all so good.
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Alien (1979) I don’t need to tell you how well this holds up. Still as subversive and terrifying as it was 40 years ago. Still not sure what the alien was doing in the escape pod before Ripley shows up.
The Dead Don’t Die (2019) This was a weird one. Meta zombie movies already exist. Zombies as social commentary already exist. Zombie comedies already exist. I suppose I was just hoping for something...new? It was all of these things, but it didn’t seem to push any individual element into unexplored territory. The cast seemed like they were having a good time, but I don’t think it quite translated to the screen. I’d recommend Shaun of the Dead, Fido, or Zombieland instead.
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Instant Hotel (Episode 2.01 to 2.06) A 6-episode season of Australian reality tv judging Airbnbs? A cast that includes an 80 year old trying to look 20 and perfect couple who find each other hilarious? Sign me up. It’s available on (Canadian) Netflix but if you can find it, check it out.
Stranger Things (Episode 3.01 to 3.08) Without spoiling too much, I’ll say that this season was on par with the first, and felt better than the second. It’s not as moody and contained, but it really embraces what I take to be the spirit of 80s media. I feel like the early eps were setting up more of a zombie/body-snatchers plot but I don’t think the series likes to stray too far from the core of that first season. Super fun, wildly silly, and once I embraced the lighter tone it really delivered.
Queer Eye (Episode 4.01 to 4.08) This season really seemed to focus on philanthropic and independent businesses and I’m here for it. There was a Wayfair product placement towards the end which...felt out of place given the politics of the show, but dang if this series isn’t a light in the darkness!
Neon Genesis Evangelion (Episode 1.01 to 1.03) What a mood. It’s a slow burn but I’m really digging that the world feels established and that we’ve come into something well after all the big revelations happened. Now that the crazy has settled, we get to spend more time seeing how the crazy affects the day-to-day. Or what the day-to-day looks like in a new, wild world. Digging it.
The Bachelorette (Episode 15.08 to 15.13) Just wild. Watching that rollercoaster with Luke P was excellent television and terrible dating but that finale was *chef’s kiss* perfect.
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Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett (Page 230 of 406) Fun so far! There’s far less of the angel/demon relationship than I expected, but that’s only because I’m going off of what the Amazon show has been promoting. I need to do more research into how they shared the writing because the humour and meandering chapters really feel like Pratchett. I’m keen to see where it all goes!
Mr. Splitfoot by Samantha Hunt (Abandoned) I read half the novel before deciding this one wasn’t for me and it’s not because it wasn’t well-written or an engaging story. I found this on a list of good reads for those who like Wonderland and Alice’s adventures, but I’d say the links between the two were...thin...at best. When you’re expecting fanciful worlds and exaggerated characters, but get far more human (and all too real) trauma then it’s a jarring experience. I read a synopsis of the last 100ish pages that I missed and admit that I think I would’ve been satisfied with the conclusion, but it’s a bummer that the first 60% of the book felt like a holding pattern to get to the good stuff.
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Delicious in Dungeon Vol. 5 by Ryoko Kui (Complete) Still one of my favourite fantasy comics. The characters are nuanced and are continuing to get developed, as is the setting and supporting cast! Every so often it’ll break format, but I appreciate that the gimmick (including a monster-based recipe in each chapter) isn’t getting in the way of good storytelling. I love everything about this and you should be reading it.
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Superior Spider-Man Vol. 1 & 2 by Dan Slott, Ryan Stegman, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Humbero Ramos, and so many more (Complete) I wasn’t sure about this before picking it up but it’s a fascinating study of Spider-Man. It feels like an answer to all those that focus on plot holes and logic. Doc Ock has taken over Spider-Man’s body and he, as the epitome of troll, is just going through and “fixing” what Peter Parker gets wrong. It’s an interesting study in learning more about someone with opposing views. It even keeps Parker’s spirit around to dramatically and comedically respond to his life being taken over by a villain. It’s good! Not the first Spider-Book you should pick up, but worth reading if you want a spider-change. 
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Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol. 1 by Alan Moore, John Totleben, & Steve Bissette (Complete) After hearing good things about the TV series based on this character (still haven’t watched it) I figured I’d check this out. Knowing very little about the character going in, I loved every second of it! It’s a little bit horror, a little bit classic superheroics, and just a touch philosophical. Can’t recommend this enough.
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 2: Squirrel You Know It's True by Ryan North, Erica Henderson,  (Complete) I can’t (and won’t) stop praising this book. It’s fun, creative, and funny! Pitting Squirrel Girl against an evil Squirrel just makes sense and is a fun break from the classic Marvel villains. Hopefully we get back to more of the classics, as that’s what I enjoyed most about volume 1, but it’s good to see that the book doesn’t shy away from variety.
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Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant by Tony Cliff (Complete) Such a great adventure comic! Set in the early 1800s, it’s like a Female Indiana Jones adventure with all the swashbuckling and plundering that you’d want out of a treasure hunter. Mature in its handling of a number of topics, but done in a light tone and without heavy violence. I think it was sorted as a young adult graphic novel in my library, and that feels fitting. Stellar art and charming characters.
The Undertaking of Lily Chen by Danica Novgorodoff (Complete) Very character driven and an interesting foundation for the story (set in northern China when tradition demanded men be married even after they’ve died). There are really inspiring moments with the watercolour artwork and while it didn’t always resonate with me, it really served the story.
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Maze of the Blue Medusa  (Satyr Press) We very nearly had our first character death! Almost multiple! But they’re playing with level 9ish characters and with quick wits it’s proving difficult to defeat them. They’re still kinda wandering around this maze, but I think it’ll all start to come together soon!
And that’s it! As always, feel free to send me anything you recommend to see, read, hear, play, and so on.
Happy Wednesday!
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southsidepey · 5 years
HOLY SHIT IS THAT [ ELIZABETH OLSEN ]?! Oh, wait it’s just [ PEYTON JULY ]. Damn, [ SHE ] looks good for [ 25 ], good thing that they’re [ BISEXUAL ], I might have a chance. I hear that they call them the [ THE COQUETTE ] of the [ SOUTH SIDE ]. I guess that’s because they’re [ CHARMING ] and [ CONFIDENT ]. But I don’t think a lot of people know that they’re also [ SECRETIVE ] and [ JEALOUS ]. Can’t wait to see what kind of trouble she’ll bring.
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Full Name: Peyton Gwen July
Nickname: Pey, PJ, Scarlet (her stage name)
Sex/Gender: Cisfemale, She/her
Birthday: April 20th
Age: 25
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Occupation: dancer at  Afortunado and is a florist at a place called The Secret Garden
Spoken Languages: English, some asl & spanish
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
Relationship status: single
Hair Color/Style: medium, bounces backforth between blonde and brunette
Eye Color: green
Face Claim: Elizabeth Olsen
Height: 5’6 ft
Weight: 126 lb
Tattoos: has a flower tattoo on her right side, but she covers it up whenever she’s working
Piercings: ears
Unique Attributes: has a scar on her left hand from climbing a tree at her parents’ house, a small dot on her right foot after a screw getting into her foot on the fourth of July.
Defining Gestures/Movements: would rub the top of her stomach whenever she’s nervous and would talk pretty fast, then she would start playing with her fingers as she tries to explain something. After that, she would start talking with her hands and bit down on her bottom lip whenever she’s not rubbing the top of her stomach. Cross her arms around her stomach if she’s leaning against something. She runs her hand through her hair whenever she’s too focused on something.
Posture: straight, sometimes slouch against a counter
Pet Peeves: getting accused of something she didn’t do, liars, cheaters, people coming at her just because, loud chewers.
Hobbies/Interests:  sports, anime, partying, sex, drugs, flowers, reading up on flowers, writing poetry and short stories.
Special Skills/Abilities: read body language, hiking, can tie a cherry stem with her tongue, roll her tongue, etc.
Likes: movies, music, dancing, learning new dance moves, cuddles, hot chocolate, apple cider, fall, sweet tea, Chicago Bears, jokes, good company, sleeping, food, sex, long hugs, money, sports, concerts, Marvel, painting and comedies/romantic movies, Feminism.
Dislikes: body odor, liars, being alone during a thunder storm (had a bad experience as a kid), wet socks, flowers & plants dying, cheaters, crowds, someone stringing her along.
Insecurities: not being good for anyone & anything, not being lovable.
Quirks/Eccentricities: Also carries around a Spider Gwen comic book in her bag, listens to her music whenever she’s walking home from the florist, paces back and forth, talks in her sleep and sometimes walks in her sleep.
Strengths: adventurous, observant, flexible, independent, sometimes straightforward (depending on the person)
Weaknesses: blunt, friends that became family, falls in love quick, etc. Anxiety
Speaking Style: curses whenever she’s mad, but she uses proper English
Temperament: its kind of mild, but she can go from 0 to 60 within seconds
Immediate Family: Her parents, James & Leorah July and Cassandra.
How do they feel about their family? Peyton has an estrange relationship with her dad, but she has a great relationship with her mom, despite living on the Southside.  Her relationship with her sister, well, is kind of strained but she wants to be closer to them.
How does their family feel about them? Her family is worried about her, well, her mom is worried about her wellbeing but she sees her all the time whenever she picks up flowers.
Pets: none, but she wants a dog.
Where do they live? Two bedroom, run-down house on the Southside with her plants and her broken down motorcycle.
Description of their home:  It’s a little rundown because of the no keep up happening, has a stack of records in one corner next to her record player, as a TV and gaming system in the middle of the room in front of her couch.
Description of their bedroom: bed in the middle of the room, kind of in front of the window, not made up because she doesn’t see the point of making it when you’re going to be sleeping in it later. Has posters on her walls, a floor length mirror on one of her walls.
Introvert or Extrovert?
Optimist or Pessimist? Also a Optimist on a good day
Leader or Follower?
Confident or Self-Conscious?
Cautious or Careless?
Religious or Secular?
Passionate or Apathetic?
Book Smarts or Street Smarts?
Compliments or Insults?
Pajamas or Lingerie?
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: short shorts, long sleeved sweater, hair in a bun and feet bare as she walks around her place.
Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: Lizzo, Truth Hurts,  a ton
Favorite Movies: A ton
Favorite Books: A ton
Favorite Foods/Drinks: A ton
Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: Football and Chicago Bears
Favorite Time of Day: Evenings
Favorite Weather/Season: Fall/Winter
Favorite Animal: Dogs
Fears/Superstitions: her place being broken into, she throws salt over her left shoulder once it was being spilled.
Political Views: Democratic
Addictions: gum, Dr. Pepper, pizza, alcohol, weed,  books, writing music.
Best School Subject: English
Worst School Subject: Math
School Clubs/Sports: Basketball, art, creative writing
How does she get money? Works
How is she with technology? She’s a genius
Fondest Memory:  Her mom, her sister and she having a picnic.  
Deepest, Darkest Secret:  Can’t reveal that.
Dream Vacation: Somewhere away from Riverdale.
Best thing that has ever happened to this character: Moving away from her family, yet, still having a relationship with her mom.
Worst thing that has ever happened to this character: Her dad telling her to move out, but she’s looking on the brighter side of things.
What do they want to be when they grow up?: An English teacher, she has the degree for it, so why can’t she become one?
Perfect Date: Can’t reveal that.
Bullet Points:
Peyton grew up in the July household, knowing that her parents wanted her to go to New York and not stay in Riverdale. Well, she had a different planned, by going to LA for schooling and majoring in English. She ended up graduating from Berkeley, with a BA in English and business. She packed her bags and headed back to Riverdale, where she’s working for Santana Lopez and opened up a flower shop on the neutral parts of town, called The Secret Garden.
Pretty much a tomboy, doesn’t go to Church, doesn’t judge or give anyone crap if they go to Church since she’s like, if that’s your thing, not mine. Believes in Karma.
More will be filled out once I  can actually think <3
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simblrbreezycakes · 6 years
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i was tagged by @chippedcupanddustybooks sweet bb. i am tagging @irrelephantsims @magnoliidae @simplymelaninated and anyone who hasn’t been tagged i swear i feel like the last person doing this LOL. heckin long ass questionnaire under the cut.
1. What is your full name? Brianna Leigh [Redacted] 2. What is your nickname? Breezy 3. Birthday? may 4th 4. What is your favorite book series? hmmmm series? idk.... i really like every single john grisham book and they aren’t related but when you have such a niche brand of book i feel like it counts lol.  5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? kinda on both. 6. Who is your favorite author? oh whew. tough one right here. idk man, i have a few? but if i had to choose i guezz i would say george orwell.   7. What is your favorite radio station? who tf listens to the radio like det anymore lmfao. i don’t have one. before i listened to 107.1 in memphis in the car sometimes, but i moved so. 8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? i loveeee pineapple anything. 9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? lit 10. What is your current favorite song? currently really into pink in the night by mitski and also sicko mode by travis scott.
11. What is your favorite word? good ole fuck(in/ed/etc.) i also really like voluptuous and bubbles. 12. What was the last song you listened to? last thing i listened to was another lifetime x nao.  13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? absolutely check out the good place. also hilda, the dragon prince, she-ra princess of power, criminal minds, law and order (the original), and snapped. 14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? i used to watch the notebook religiously when it rained/felt upset like shit. but lately i’ve been watching say yes to the dress to combat my depression lol. 15. Do you play video games? yah 16. What is your biggest fear? dying alone and no one finding me. like literally alone not like meta alone “oh no one loves me” like dead ass alone somewhere isolated. 17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? hmmmmm idk that i care a lot about other people? 18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? all of them lmfao. i’m annoying, i’m physically unattractive, i talk too damn much, i can be kind of a bitch both intentionally and unintentionally, i’m a trash writer, i can be selfish, and i self depreciate a lot (lol see above response “all of them”) and i’m sure that gets on people who love and care about me’s nerves ((but like....i mean it lmfao)) 19. Do you like cats or dogs better? whew tough. prolly cats though.  20. What is your favorite season? winter followed by a tie between spring and fall.  21. Are you in a relationship? nah lmfao.  22. What is something you miss from your childhood? not being so fuckin ugly and depressed lmfao. 23. Who is your best friend? “my person” as greys anatomy stans would say is ivy lynn [redacted] [redacted] but i also wanna shout out my home girl mary (i know you follow me on here), my home girl christina (also follows me on here but she never checks her simblr anymore), my smoothie gang bitches, my NSA bitches (which includes both ivy and mary lmfao), and my memphis as fuck family. honorable mention to loml [redacted] who is skating on thin fucking ice with me right now lmfao. 24. What is your eye color? brown 25. What is your hair color? brown 26. Who is someone you love? don’t make me answer this tumblr gods. 27. Who is someone you trust? all my best friends, my parents, my brother. 28. Who is someone you think about often? fucking murder me @ this question lmfao. my friend kate (RIP) my grandmother grannypeg (RIP) and [redacted] 29. Are you currently excited about/for something? i’m excited to spend christmas in a new country! forging new traditions and all that. 30. What is your biggest obsession? currently i’m obsessed with wedding stuff and mens fashion and how mens fashion such as suits translates into womens fashion. we love a hot lady in a tailored suit amiright? 31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? spongebob squarepants RIP :”( 32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? [redacted] 33. Are you superstitious? kinda i guess? not really about stuff like stepping on cracks breaking mamas’ backs or opening umbrellas indoors but little things about familial traditions. 34. Do you have any unusual phobias? not really a phobia but i have misophonia. i also hate eye shit. like eye violence or anything fuckin around with eyes is a big no from me dawg. 35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? absolutely behind the camera. i used to be a theater kid so like being on stage i don’t mind but when it comes to the spotlight and being filmed??? no no no no no. lemme be a cinnamontawgrowfur all day.  36. What is your favorite hobby? watching movies, playing skyrim (I MISS IT SO MUCH), reading, watching music videos, modern calligraphy/hand lettering, baking (ALSO MISS IT MUCH) 37. What was the last book you read? lol a textbook about developing countries.
38. What was the last movie you watched? i just rewatched the swan princess the other day but in terms of watching something brand new i think it was this tom cruise movie my friend showed us and i thought she said someone else ( i don’t remember now. maybe tom hanks?) it was pretty good he was irish or sum with nicole kidman and they came to the united states and pretended to be siblings but the sexual tension was so fucking high dawg. 
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? nothing i’m wack and a disappointment to my musically gifted family (my dad and brother)  40. What is your favorite animal?  polar bears followed by giraffes. 41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? i’m gonna go with my main tumblr because ion wanna hurt nobody’s feelings but i follow a celebs of color page i really love, a fashion page i really love, and a few artists i really love. 42. What superpower do you wish you had? teleportation or shape shifting.  43. When and where do you feel most at peace?  i feel most at peace when it is raining and i’m in my room, everything is clean and tidy, candles are lit, i have nothing to do so the world is my oyster, i have a nice cup of coffee or hot cocoa or tea, and i just am v i b i n g.  44. What makes you smile? seeing my friends, my brother (when he isn’t pissing me off), funny videos of red dead people falling off their horse in cinematic mode, pretty flowers, cute art, round birds. 45. What sports do you play, if any? i don’t lmfao. 46. What is your favorite drink? honestly a frozen margarita no salt. 47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? a month ago.  48. Are you afraid of heights? absolutely. 49. What is your biggest pet peeve? people chewing with their mouths open and people talking to me like i’m incompetent/assuming i don’t know anything about what they’re trying to talk to me about especially if it is my area of expertise lol. 50. Have you ever been to a concert? hail yeah. many. 51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? nope! 52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? honestly i don’t know but i have a distinct memory of a bunch of girls in my second grade, yours truly included, wanting to be strippers. and i don’t know why or how this came up or if we even truly knew what stripping meant but. yeah. OH i guess around the time i was in 4th/5th grade i started wanting to be a harvard law graduate and be a lawyer but i gave that up in like high school and then bounced being a lawyer back and forth in my noggin up until i applied for grad school. shout out to my mary for doing it though.  53. What fictional world would you like to live in? hmmmm idk. none of em really. 54. What is something you worry about? if i made the right decision(s) in life lol.  55. Are you scared of the dark? not really.  56. Do you like to sing? yeah i do! doesn’t mean i’m good at it though haha. 57. Have you ever skipped school? yeah lmfao. 58. What is your favorite place on the planet? i miss Rwanda a lot. but honestly my favorite place is wherever the people i love are. my family loves to travel so whenever i’m with someone i love sharing an experience? i’m in heaven. 59. Where would you like to live? idk anywhere i guess. somewhere it is mostly cold most of the time though haha. 60. Do you have any pets? my bb boi fred lives with my dad and my mom has a dog and 2 cats. we used to have 3 but one of em ran away when she moved to her house, we caught him, he ran away again. oh whale. 61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? oh a big time night owl. big time. 62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? honestly i like sunrises better but i am never awake to catch em hahah. 63. Do you know how to drive? yah and i fuckin love doing it. 64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? i prefer headphones. like really quality ones too. but i tend to use earbuds more often because i don’t need quality while im working out or going to class just easy grab and go. 65. Have you ever had braces? nope but i used to want some so bad. 66. What is your favorite genre of music? i love rap, dream-y pop music and dream-y rap music, i love 80s music. all 80s music really lmfao.  67. Who is your hero? mi mum and mi dad. also viola davis queen of inventing acting and every single color in the rainbow. 68. Do you read comic books? kind of. i was trying to build up a collection before i moved but i only had my BP comics. 69. What makes you the most angry? injustice and offensive ass content and behaviors. also don’t fuck with my friends. i got two dudes on my shit list right now that it is *on sight* if i ever see them again. 70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? a real book all the way. idk what it is about digital reading my brain shuts the fuck down. i am super fast reader but the second i try and read something digitally it takes me maybe like 10-15 min to get through just a few sentences. 71. What is your favorite subject in school? history lol i was a history major. 72. Do you have any siblings? yeah my chicken nugget puppy brother dylan. asshole. 73. What was the last thing you bought? some historical romance i think? it’s in dutch so idrk.  74. How tall are you? 5′7 i think. 75. Can you cook? yeah i love cooking but saddly don’t do much of it. 76. What are three things that you love? my teddy bear my momma got me for valentines day, my st. agatha figurine, and my yikes tapestry mary got me. i realize now after reading the next question you probably meant like shit in general so. the smell of a fresh cup of coffee, snuggly warm sweaters, postcards and tiny gifts from friends. you know the ones “i just got this for you because i thought you’d like it” 77. What are three things that you hate? funky ass attitudes, the smell and feel of lavender oil, corn. 78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? female 79. What is your sexual orientation? i’m a big ole heterosexual. sorry to disappoint :/  80. Where do you currently live? the netherlands. 81. Who was the last person you texted? my friend and former roommate. today is her birthday. 82. When was the last time you cried? like an hour ago lmfao. 83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? i don’t have one haha. vevo i guess. 84. Do you like to take selfies? do i like taking them? not really. it takes me too damn long to get one that looks good enough. i like sending stupid selfies to friends though. 85. What is your favorite app? i use twitter probably the most but my favorite app is my spider solitaire game haha. 86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? we are very close. i would say both of my parents are my biggest supporters and cheerleaders but how they do that looks a bit different. my mom and i are very similar but sometimes how we handle certain things is very different so we can be the best of friends one day and the completely butt heads the next. 87. What is your favorite foreign accent? i loovveeeee a scottish accent and an irish accent. also tbrh i love a good southern boy drawl. like idk if i could play for you all the way this one dude who works with my mom talks? i would because i wanna bottle it and listen to it whenever i feel bad. 88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? i would really like to go to norway for my birthday. 89. What is your favorite number? i don’t have one. 90. Can you juggle? nope but i did try and learn i have a video of it somewhere lmfao. 91. Are you religious? kind of. i’m more spiritual than religious and lowkey hate saying that because it sounds so hoitietoitie but it’s true. 92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? the ocean. so much of it we haven’t explored. thinking about space makes me feel existential and dead inside.  93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? nah haha 94. Are you allergic to anything? yeah i’m supposed to take one claritin a day but like i don’t. 95. Can you curl your tongue? yeah 96. Can you wiggle your ears? nope :(  97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? i’ll admit i’m wrong if i’m actually wrong but you’re gonna have to a helluva lot of convincing to get me there lmfao. though if my being “wrong” has caused harm to someone else i’ll apologize quicker than lightning because the last thing i would want is for my stubbornness to hurt someone i love. 98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? um the mountains 99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? "never turn down a date. you never know who you might meet while you’re out” -my grandmother to my mother to me. 100. Are you a good liar? lmfaooooo i am a reformed liar. 101. What is your Hogwarts House? HUFFLEPUFF BAYBEEE 102. Do you talk to yourself? yah 103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? an introvert. i may be loud and talkative sis but i promise you i’m over compensating because i want you to like me lmfao. 104. Do you keep a journal/diary? i have a private twitter does that count. 105. Do you believe in second chances? depends. 106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do?imma keep it real with you chief i would keeps the money lmfao. in the past i would’ve tried to return it to the owner but i am big broke bois with a lot of unexpected expenses coming up so like... yeah lmfao. we keepin that coint. 107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? sometimes. 108. Are you ticklish? yes lmfao 109. Have you ever been on a plane? yeah! 110. Do you have any piercings? yah i got my lobes pierced one on each ear, my nose, and a cartilage piercing. 111. What fictional character do you wish was real? my girl nancy drew. 112. Do you have any tattoos? yeah i got 2 of em. 113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? idk lmfao. probably when i applied for cityterm and when i appled to go back to undergrad. 114. Do you believe in karma? Yeah but not in a “oh you hurt me? you’re gonna get your come uppins” way but in a every action affects your soul and your being kinda way.  115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? im supposed to wear glasses but ask me if im wearing em right now lmfao. 116. Do you want children? presently i don’t see myself wanting or having kids but i want to foster. 117. Who is the smartest person you know? my friends lol. 118. What is your most embarrassing memory? literally every single memory has a tinge of embarassment lol. but probz when i walked into the cafeteria my first day of highschool as a smol freshman and my knees locked up and i fell forward and my giant ass backpack (because i never used my locker ever in any grade) wrapped around my neck and had me stuck in a strange position in the middle of the parting of the tables in the cafeteria.  119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? hell yeah lmfao. 120. What color are most of you clothes? blue or black 121. Do you like adventures? yeah! 122. Have you ever been on TV? yeah but like on the news and shit. 123. How old are you? 24 124. What is your favorite quote? i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart) 125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? OOF TOUGH BUT UHHH probz sweet. 
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Just for that, you answer all of them as well James Isaac. -SM-H
.....You are not supposed to be as evil as me. -JM-H
1. What have you eaten today? - Sushi! (Lunch meeting)2. Who was your last kiss with? Was it pleasant?- You, so of course yes.3. What color shoes did you last wear?-My red ones :))4. Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week?-Tie between you and the man asking me for mercy....                                                                             5. What is your favorite scent?-You just out of the shower or fresh blood6. What is your favorite season? Why?- Autmn, bugs go back to hell! Also the leaves are pretty7. Can you do a handstand or cartwheel?-No.8. What color are your nails?-Natural9. If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be?-Miss me?10. What is something you find romantic?-You11. Are you happy?-Very....until I had to do this whole thing....12. Is there anything in particular making you happy or sad?-I have to do this whole thing, missing you.13. Dogs or Cats?-Cats15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library?-Any of them as long as you are there.15. What is your style?-Expensive, designer suits, Devil in a Westwood16. If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be?-That’s easy, you ;)17. Are you in a relationship or single?-Very Married.18. What makes you attracted to the person you like right now?-Their wicked mind, quick wit, those curllllllls, eyes, just everything....19. If you could replace your partner/best friend with a celebrity of your choice, would you? Who with?-Benadryl Cumbersnatch or whatever comes to mind, no not really, there is no replacing him.20. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? If so then what?-Nothing comes to mind.21. How did you celebrate last Halloween?-Scary movie marathon and used poprocks on my husband. Good times. 22. Have you recently made any big decisions? -Ooooooobviously, hello, do you know what I do?23. Were you ever in a school play?-Maaaaaaybe24. What movie would you use to describe your life?No idea? The hobbit?25. Is there something you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?-I dream something, I bloody do it.26. Complete this sentence, “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…”-This giant bag of popcorn?27. What are two things that irritate you about the same sex?-Ego and lack of recognizing I am the leader28. What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex?-Flirting and lack of a penis? I dunno29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?-You came home early yay!30. What is something that makes you sad when you think about it?-You leaving31. How long was your longest relationship?-Ongoing32. Have you ever been in love?-You yes.33. Are you currently in love?-Very much so.34. Why did your last relationship end?-Overdose35. What jewelry are you wearing right now, and where did you get it?-wedding ring, my husband36. When was the last time you cried and why?-This morning, nightmare37. Name someone pretty.-Sherlock38. What did you receive last Valentines Day?-a blowjob....and um....I think was it flowers love?39. Do you get jealous easily?-its not jealousy if you belong with them darling40. Have you ever been cheated on?-once41. Do you trust your partner/best friend?-explicitly42. Ever had detention?-Hahaha yes43. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city?-Anywhere you want to go44. What do people call you?-Jim, Boss, Moriarty 45. What was the last book you read? - The Hobbit46. How big of a nerd/dork are you? -Dude, you have no idea47. What kind of music do you listen to?-Anything48. How tall are you?-....Next question!49. Do you like kids?-want one, but we have to do it by legal means....spoil sport50. Favorite fruits?-My husband and I? Um, strawberries?51. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?-Jeans but designer only52. What’s your earliest memory?-Getting a black eye from my mother for asking her for lunch after she had failed to feed me for three days straight. She hit me and threw a glass of jam on the floor which shattered, I remember picking the glass out and eating it off the floor.53. Ever had a poem or song written about you or to you?-I have no idea?54. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?-My selfie game is on point as the kids say, but behind.55. Do you have a collection of anything? -space related things, comic books, dr who merch, hobbit and lotr things56. Do you save money or spend it?-Sssssssspend it 57. What would your dream house be like?-I have like six dream houses58. What top 5 things make you the angriest?-1.When you get hurt, 2. When people don’t listen to me, 3.Jokes about my height, 4. Reminders of my parents, 5.Attempts on my life                                                                                              59. What top 5 things always brings a smile to your face? 1-4 You and most everything you do. 5. Sales on suits60. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?- I am the boss, I rescue the dog.61. 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?-My reaction: Hmm, time to call Mori :)62. Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.-Attack63. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?-Italy64. Do you like the beach?-Yes, but the beach does not like me.65. Ever sleep on the couch or a bed with someone special?-All the time.66. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it!-I do, you know it, Issac67. Do you talk to yourself?-Often68. Describe your hair.-Dark?69. What is the meaning of life.-4270. What is your ideal partner like?-Sherlock Holmes71. Do you want to get married?-I am.72. Do you want to have kids?-Yes!73. Like or dislike your family?-Fuck my family.74. Are you Chunky or Slim?-Slim75. Would you consider yourself smart?-Very 76. What would you change about your life?-A few more inches77. Religious or Not?-Does Our Lady Toast count? Then no.78. You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?-I never catcall when drunk, have some respect, they are people too!79. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?-mmm, not a problem at all80. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?-You do.81. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?-Well.......get here and find out82. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?-They live here too so yes83. Do you like when people play with your hair? -ONLY when you do84. Do you like bubble baths?-decadent goodness85. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop?-Haha, they wouldn’t dare86. Have you ever danced in the rain?-Yes87. Do you trust anyone with your life?-You88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?-Fucking nightmare89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week) -Its not an issue? Italy, Ireland, Spain, France, Greece, Africa, Austrailia, Amsterdam, Canada90. How was your day today?-Decent91. Play an instrument?-piano92. Describe the what you think of the ocean.-its blue and big and wet93. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?-ghosts yes94. Honestly, are things how you wanted them to be? -Getting to be yes95. Do you have a mean bitchy scary side?-hahahah yep96. When are you vulnerable?-Around you97. How much free time do you have?-As much as i allow myself to have, it varies98. Do you like to go hiking?-No99. Odd or Even Numbers?-Odd100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities? No, not one for jumping off things.
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long-ass fucking questionnaire
yoooooooo, I did it all.
I’m starting this at 1:15 in the morning.  Let’s see how long it takes me to finish.  cause I’m a masochist, apparently.
1: My name? do I HAVE to?  Okay, it’s Kelly.  But I really hate it, so usually I go by Kel.  A few lucky ones get to call me Kelly, but only because I love the way my name sounds when they say it.  There, my dirty secret is out.
2: Do I have any nicknames? A plethora.  Artie (after the fish), Fluffie (long story) Jellybean
3: Zodiac sign? The most Libra Libra that has ever Libra’d.
4: Video game I play to chill, not to win? I don’t play video games.  But I play a few online games, so Doctor Who: Legacy
5: Book/series I reread? The Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward (Series) The Harry Potter books Morgan Chase and the Gods of Asgard by Rick Riordan (series) Good Omens (Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett) Watchers (Dean Koontz) Insomnia (Stephen King)
6: Aliens or ghosts? I have nothing against either.  But I enjoy writing about ghosts more.
7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write? Stephen King
8: Favourite radio station? NPR, strangely enough.
9: Favourite flavour of anything? Lemon.  I still thoroughly enjoy chocolate, but my radiation therapy changed the way it tasted.  
10: The word that I use all the time to describe something great? Awesome.  Both with and without the addition of the adjective “fucking”
11: Favourite song? My standard answer is, ‘Everything Louder Than Everything Else’ by Meat Loaf, because I truly love that song, but lately I’ve been on a Game of Thrones kick, and i’m stuck on “The Rains of Castamere” by Sigur Rios and “The Bear and the Maiden Fair” because it’s such a Jaime x Brienne song.
12: The question you ask new friends to get to know them better? Bold of you to assume I have friends.
13: Favourite word? sycophant, gestalt, melancholy
14: The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them? After about, oh, ten years or so, yes I did.  It’s a new thing for me.  usually I hold grudges until the end of time.
15: Last song I listened to? “Stairway To Heaven” by Led Zeppelin
16: TV show I always recommend? Current:  American Gods, Better Call Saul Cancelled/ended:  Hannibal (NBC), Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
17: Pirates or ninjas? Drink up me hearties, yo ho!  Yo ho, yo yo ho, a pirate’s life for me.
18: Movie I watch when I’m feeling down? Usually something from the Disney/Pixar Ouvre.  Except UP.  UP makes me sob in the first ten minutes, so no.
19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song? Du Hast, Rammstein.
20: Favourite video games? Puzzles and Dragons, Doctor Who: Legacy, Dragonvale
21: What am I most afraid of? Snakes, without a doubt.
22: A good quality of mine? I’m creative
23: A bad quality of mine? I don’t think before I speak, so i sometimes don’t end up saying what I mean to say and hurt/offend in the process.
24: Cats or dogs? Bi-petual with a preference to cats
25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they’re in? Bruce Campbell.  Alien Apocalypse, anybody?
26: Favourite season? Winter
27: Am I in a relationship? No, although I do love someone very much
28: Something I miss? Being a kid, with all the possibilities of my life still ahead of me
29: My best friend? @mummyholmesisupset and @silvarbelle.  they tie.
30: Eye colour? Hazel-greenish, with a little bit of sunflower around the pupil
31: Hair colour? Normally, a pretty chestnut brown.  sometimes I bleach it or dye it.
32: Someone I love? @silvarbelle, she’s my sister-from-another-mister, and I will throw hands for that bitch in a heartbeat.
33: Someone I trust? @mummyholmesisupset because she’s earned it a hundred times over.  @silvarbelle because I love her like family.
34: Someone I always think about? My grandmother.  she died when I was seventeen, and I still miss her.
35: Am I excited about anything? My birthday
36: My current obsession? Gam of thrones, Doctor Who, Hannibal, the MCU
37: Favourite TV shows as a child? Thundercats, Scooby Doo, 60s Batman, My Favorite Martian, the Monkees
38: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? No, thank God.
39: Am I superstitious? Not overly, but I do have a few.
40: What do I think about most? Writing
41: Do I have any strange phobias? Is arachnophobia strange?
42: Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Behind it, dear God.
43: Favourite hobbies? Writing, reading, pinning things on Pinterest that I absolutely mean to do but probably never will
44: Last book I read? Watchers by Dean Koontz, and I’m in the middle of Fear by Bob Woodward
45: Last film I watched? Backdraft.  “You go, we go.”  
46: Do I play any instruments? Not since band class in the early 90s.
47: Favourite animal? Cat.
48: Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow? ???????  I don’t think I do.
49: Superpower I wish I could have? Manipulation of probability
50: How do I destress? Writing, watching Netflix, watching Mythbusters
51: Do I like confrontation? Like it, no.  Good at it, yes.
52: When do I feel most at peace? When it’s quiet and the only noises are the clicking of the keyboard and my cats’ purring
53: What makes me smile? Cute animals, stupid puns, comments on fic
54: Do I sleep with the lights on or off? Off, except for my TARDIS nightlight
55: Play any sports? Fuck no.
56: What is my song of the week? Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
57: Favourite drink? 1% milk.
58: When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody? A few months?  It was to @mummyholmesisupset in fact.
59: Afraid of heights? Desperately so.
60: Pet peeve? Anchovies, people who don’t use coasters, and men who smoke in public places.  (yes, it’s a movie reference.  And if you get it, I will send you a shiny nickel)
61: What was the last concert I went to see? Black Sabbath’s Theater of Madness
62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian? Fuck no.  I am, in fact, omnivorous and diabetic.
63: What occupation did I want to do when I was younger? To be Daphne Blake in Mystery, Inc.
64: Have I ever had a friend turn enemy? Yep.  Not fun.
65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of? Hannibal’s.  I’m not rude for the most part, so I have a pretty good chance at surviving.
66: Something I worry about? My future.  Cancer has shortened my life span, my relatives are all 65+, and I am an only child with no children of my own (Thank Christ)  I haven’t worked since 2004 (been caretaking sick parents) so I’m concerned.
67: Scared of the dark? I love the dark, so no.
68: Who are my best friends? @mummyholmesisupset  @silvarbelle
69: What do I admire most about others? That they can do things, very well, that I can’t do.  What that is varies from person to person
70: Can I sing? Not very well, but I don't let that stop me...
71: Something I wish I could do? Write professionally.  I love writing fanfic, but I'd kill to be a real, published author.
72: If I won the lottery, what would I do? Pay off bills, go back to college, buy myself a car (pickup, Ford F-150 with fog lights and automatic steering), pay off my mom's bills, hire an aide to stay with Mom, move to my favorite city and hire a winter-time driver because I can't drive for shit in the snow/ice.
73: Have I ever skipped school? Nope.  Often wanted to, never have.
74: Favourite place on the planet? Asheville, NC.  Technically, it's Montreat, which is right outside of Black Mountain and is a township unto itself.  It's also home to Montreat Bible College, established by Billy Graham, and the Chapel of the Prodigal.  It is also home to Lake Susan, one of the most quiet and beautiful places on God's green earth, and I would live by that little lake if I could.  I have photos in my Google Drive, I need to share them sometime.  You'll see what I mean.  But I love Asheville, too, downtown and all.  
75: Where do I want to live? Asheville, NC.  Except I can't drive in the snow and ice, so there's that.
76: Do I have any pets? I have two cats, Samhain Murray (Sam) and Margaret May (Maggie, Maggie May, Margaret Ann)
77: What is my current desktop picture? On my laptop, it's Oswald Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) from Gotham.  On my tablet, it's the Superman logo.  On my phone, it's my cat, Sam.
78: Early bird or night owl? Night owl, given that it's 2:30 AM and I'm still working on this.
79: Sunsets or sunrise? Sunsets, please.
80: Can I drive? i don't know, can you?  I can.
81: Story behind my last kiss? I kissed my cat on his cold wet nose because he was headbutting me and so I kissed him.
82: Earphones or headphones? Earphones, sadly.  I prefer headphones, but headphones are uncomfortable because I wear glasses.  So, earbuds.
83: Have I ever had braces? Did you?  I don't know.  Did I?  Yes, I did, I fucking despised them.
84: Story behind one of my scars? in late 2004, I started getting very ill.  I couldn't keep food down, I was puking all the time, pale and everything, so I went to the ER and found I had a mass the size of a basketball growing in my abdomen.  I was shipped to the local cancer center because of the cancer markers, and at the tender age of 27, I got a hysterectomy.  I was cut from my navel to my diaphragm, old school, because the mass was twenty-four pounds.  Benign, thank goodness, but it had started to go necrotic and I was well into blood poisoning (the reason I was puking and sick all the time).  I still have the scar, and always will.
85: Favourite genre of music? instrumental celtic.
86: Who is my hero? I don't know that I have one, as such
87: Favourite comic book character? SUPERMAN, BABY.  SUCK MY DICK BATS
88: What makes me really angry? Mistreatment of people and animals.  Abuse of people and animals.
89: Kindle or real book? Both have their benefits, but I love the weight and feel of a real book.  I love the portability of a Kindle.  
90: Favourite sporty activity? Marathon TV-binge
91: What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be? There's NOTHING RIGHT in schools
92: What was my favourite subject at school? Creative writing
93: Siblings? Nope, my parents saw their mistake and decided never again.
94: What was the last thing I bought? A pair of Sperry deck shoes with Han Solo and Chewbacca on them.
95: How tall am I? 5'6
96: Can I cook? yes, I can.  perhaps not well, but I can cook enough to feed myself and my mom.
97: Can I bake? Yes, I can.  I'm a SLIGHTLY better baker than a cook.
98: 3 things I love? Writing, my cats, Christopher Reeve
99: 3 things I hate? So many things.  Um, spiders, snakes, creepy clowns
100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? at the moment, girl.  when I was in school?  boy.
101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? General rule?  Boys, or girls that are kind of not-ultra-girly.
102: Where was I born? North Carolina, that hotbed of conservative bullshit.  I'm actually ashamed to admit that's where I'm from.
103: Sexual orientation? I'm working on figuring that out.  Let's call it bisexual for now, and I'll update you as it happens.
104: Where do I currently live? North Carolina, sadly.
105: Last person I texted? @mummyholmesisupset
106: Last time I cried? Today.  I was watching WALL-E on STARZ, and UP came on while I was finishing dinner.  By the time Ellie was miscarrying, I was bawling.
107: Guilty pleasure? I'm not really guilty about my pleasures, but I do have a soft spot for mind-candy romance novels.  Like Johanna Lindsey, Nina Bangs, Harlequin, etc.
108: Favourite Youtuber? I hate Youtubers.
109: A photo of myself. uh, no.
110: Do I like selfies? fuck no.
111: Favourite game app? Doctor Who: Legacy
112: My relationship with my parents? It varies from moment to moment.  My dad never really understood me, and after he got sick and was in a coma for awhile, it changed him.  so there was never really a chance for him to try.  My relationship with my mom is... complicated.  Sometimes we're BFFs and finish each other's sandwiches, and other times, we hate each other's guts and would gladly murder each other and bury the bodies in the backyard.
113: Favourite accents? Spanish, English/Scottish, all the Asian ones (the gentleman that runs my local Chinese restaurant speaks Cantonese and Mandarin both, and I could listen to that all day.)
114: A place I have not been but wish to visit? London, Dublin, Cork, Kerry, Scotland, Italy, Greece, New York, Japan, Los Angeles
115: Favourite number? 15
116: Can I juggle? Nope
117: Am I religious? Eh, not really.  I go to bible study mostly because I have half a crush on the preacher.
118: Do I like space? YES.
119: Do I like the deep ocean? Not so much.
120: Am I much of a daredevil? NO
121: Am I allergic to anything? Ciprofloxacin, IV contrast dye, Mobic/meloxicam, Zofram/ondansetron, and a ton of fragranced products (I have sensitive skin that breaks out at the drop of a hat.)  
122: Can I curl my tongue? Yep!
123: Can I wiggle my ears? Nope!
124: Do I like clowns? Yes, if they're cute.  NOT PENNYWISE, I HATE PENNYWISE.  But I love Tim Curry's Pennywise.  But that's because Tim Curry is awesome.
125: The Beatles or Elvis? Elvis.  I'm an Elvis chick.
126: My current project? "By Inches We Fall," a Game of Thrones fanfic that's Jaime Lannister x Brienne of Tarth.  I'm also working on some Christmas projects involving spray paint and recycled K-Cups
127: Am I a bad loser? Horrible loser.  I hate to lose.
128: Do I admit when I wrong? sometimes.  depends on who I'm talking to, and the tone of the discussion.  if it's a civil discourse, yes I will.  If we're shouting?  I'm not backing down.
129: Forest or beach? Forest.  A forest doesn't leave sand in your butt crack.
130: Favourite piece of advice? Mind your own business and you won't be minding mine
131: Am I a good liar? I used to be.
132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? Slytherin/what the fuck is a Divergent/12
133: Do I talk to myself? i do, and sometimes I answer
134: Am I very social? HAHAHAHAHA NO.
135: Do I like gossip? sit by me and pour that tea, bitch.
136: Do I keep a journal/diary? I do, on paper, and you'll never read it.
137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? i failed every physics test I took in high school.  after becoming a Mythbusters stan, I retook an online physics test and passed it.  
138: Do I believe in second chances? depends on the situation and the person, but generally not.  i have been known to give them, though.
139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do? oh man.  I'd like to say I'd turn it in untouched, but.  I also know I've got medication pay for (mine and mom's), her insurance to pay for (i'm uninsured), groceries and gas to buy, so in all probability?  I'd keep the cash but return everything else.
140: Do I believe people are capable of change? No.  People are who they are.  they might change what they think or what they believe in, but who they are?  No.
141: Have I ever been underweight? AHAHAHAHAHA NO
142: Am I ticklish? ...there's no good way to answer.  If I say no, you'll tickle me to prove it.  If I say yes, you'll tickle me.  But yes, I am.  especially my feet.
143: Have I ever been in a submarine? WTF?  No.
144: Have I ever been on a plane? Once, and never again
145: In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family? Rebel Wilson as me, America Ferrera as @mummyholmesisupset, Kristen Bell as @silvarbelle, Jessica Lange as my mother, and I can't think of anyone else.
146: Have I ever been overweight? Always, am currently, though I'm working to lose it.  I've lost about 50 lbs in the past year, so I'm doing okay
147: Do I have any piercings? Three in my right ear, two in my left.
148: Which fictional character do I wish was real? Hannibal Lecter.
149: Do I have any tattoos? nope, but I want a couple.
150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far? .....i haven't made a single good decision....
151: Do I believe in Karma? it bites me on the ass often enough, so yes I do.
152: Do I wear glasses or contacts? Glasses, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to switch to bifocals next time
153: What was my first car? 1979 green Dodge Aries K
154: Do I want children? If they're furry and four-legged, sure.
155: Who is the most intelligent person I know? um, probably my uncle with two frigging masters degrees
156: My most embarrassing memory? I met John deLancie at a Star Trek con once, just coming down the stairs from his room to the con floor.  And I fell all over myself talking to him because I was like, fourteen or something and he was tall and handsome and genuinely happy to be tthere and I was basically every fangirl's nightmare.
157: What makes me nostalgic? watching old TV shows I loved as a kid, or reading books I haven't read in years.
158: Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? Yep
159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? brains.  i'm practically a zombie.
160: What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe? Purple and fuschia equally.
161: Have I ever had a paranormal experience? Not as such, no.
162: What do I hate most about myself? Everything?
163: What do I love most about myself? I like my hair.
164: Do I like adventure? only the ones in books.
165: Do I believe in fate? not really.
166: Favourite animal? Felis cattus
167: Have I ever been on radio? nope
168: Have I ever been on TV? nope
169: How old am I? 42
170: One of my favourite quotes? "Lock the door.  And hope they don't have blasters."
171: Do I hold grudges? you bet your bippy I do.  (what is a bippy and why are you betting it?)
172: Do I trust easily? No.
173: Have I learnt from my mistakes? I hope I have.  But I suspect I haven't.
174: Best gift I’ve ever received? A single cupcake and a rosebud, given to me by the nurses at the cancer treatment center because it was my birthday and I was having radiation and felt absolutely shitty.  so they surprised me with a little cupcake and a rose for my birthday and it made me feel better.
175: Do I dream? Yep.
176: Have I ever had a night terror? Yep
177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? I remember some of them, like the Continuing Adventures of Roxy, the Pink Police Poodle.
178: An experience that has made me stronger? My breakups.
179: If I were immortal, what would I do? Sleep a lot, read even more, learn everything that I never had before.
180: Do I like shopping? I do!
181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do? Bank robbery.
182: What does “family” mean to me? family is a group of people, not necessarily related by blood, who have chosen to band together in love and support of each other.
183: What is my spirit animal? According to my meditation quest, it's a wolf.  But I'm not really comfortable saying that because it wasn't a real vision quest, I'd have to go to the res for that (i have Cherokee blood on my father's side) and I haven't.
184: How do I want to be remembered? As someone who tried to be good.
185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose? Woodcarving.
186: What is my greatest failure? I dropped out of college in the 90s, when I had an accident that broke my ankle.  I never went back.
187: What is my greatest achievement? five-year survivor, cancer-free!
188: Love or money? Money, sadly.
189: Love or career? love
190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? Am I an observer like the Doctor?  If yes, then I would go back to the Globe Theater and see all of Shakespeare as it was originally performed. Am I living there, stuck?  Future, please.
191: What makes me the happiest? Writing.
192: What is “home” to me? Where I lay my head.
193: What motivates me? How I feel, what I see, something that fascinates me.
194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be? Wake me up when it's over
195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens? Depends on if they're hostile or kind.
196: A movie that scared me as a child? The Dark Crystal.  I love it now.
197: Something I hated as a child that I like now? V-8 juice
198: Zombies or vampires? oooh, both.  But vampires.
199: Live in the city or suburbs? Suburbs
200: Dragons or wizards? Dragons all the way, man.  I love dragons.
201: A nightmare that has stayed with me? Its always the same.  I'm being chased by someone/something, it's always getting closer, and it sounds like a loud, roaring motorcycle.  And I'm always running or racing through the Black Lodge from Twin Peaks (the place with all the red curtains and the black/white zig-zag floor.  That place freaks me the fuck out, and ever since the show aired, it's been in my nightmares)
202: How do I define love? Love is not love, that alters when it alteration finds, nor bends with the remover to remove; O no, it is an ever fixed mark, that looks on tempests and is never shaken.
203: Do I judge a book by its cover? sometimes.  I've found great books in the bargain bin that way.  I've also found a few stinkers.  Come to think of it, I've found a few people that way too.  Some great, some stinkers.
204: Have I ever had my heart broken? I have.
205: Do I like my handwriting? i do, actually
206: Sweet or savoury? Savoury
207: Worst job I’ve had? Market research interview administrator.  I was one of those assholes that flagged you down in the mall and made you watch a commercial or a movie trailer, or try a snack product and then asked you a billion and five questions about it
208: Do I collect anything? Funko POPs, Superman memorabilia, Star Wars and Star Trek memorabilia, penguins, mooses
209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without? my dragon ring, my pocketwatch
210: What is on my bucket list? I don't have one
211: How do I handle anger? Depends.  I sometimes hold it in, but most times I blow like a firecracker.  hot and hard, and then I cool off.
212: Was I named after anyone? my dad's uncle Kelly, and my mom's father Ray (i'm Kelly Rae)
213: Do I use sarcasm a lot? me?  sarcastic?  Perish the thought.
214: What TV character am I most like? Dobie Gillis.
215: What is the weirdest talent I have? I can twirl just about anything like a baton and not drop it
216: Favourite fictional character? Ashley j. Williams
3:24 AM.  Son of a bitch.
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The Flintstones No. 33 (April 1966)
Time wise it would seem impossible, but Fred Flintstone did meet face-to-undead-face with Frankenstein, Dracula, the Mummy and the Wolf Man. How in the seven circles of cartoon hell could this happen? Sit back, read and all shall be revealed.
It should be noted that in the real, non-cartoon world of the 60s, monsters, particularly the classic Universal versions, were extremely popular. The Shock Theater movie packages, as well as programs like The Munsters and The Addams Family, put creatures of the night forefront on kiddie radar. The result was a plethora of tie-ins, including model kits, toys, books, trading cards, comics, and much more. Specifically regarding comics, there were official licensed Universal Monster comics, including Frankenstein, Dracula and The Creature From the Black Lagoon from Dell Comics (later Gold Key Comics). Dell also published truly awful superheroic versions of Frankenstein, Dracula and the Werewolf. DC and Marvel had monster fascimilies turning up in their superhero, humor and mystery comics.
And it was in April 1966 when the modern stone-age family encountered monsters. On the TV series, Fred had already encountered the Gruesomes, who lived in the house on the other side called Tombstone Manor. More Addams Family than the Munsters, the Gruesomes appeared through the 5th season, but vanished in the 6th and last season when the Great Gazoo appeared on the scene. The 33rd issue of The Flintstones comic series had an atypical cover. Rather than the usual nondescript gag cover, this issue featured a blurb for the meeting of caveman and monsters, promoting the lead story of the issue, titled "The Flintstones Meet Frankenstein and Dracula."
Now, it should be noted that these animated versions of the horror icons didn't just pop up out of the blue. The HB versions of these popular creatures were created for Hanna-Barbera's Monster Shindig record album (released on the company's own record label). While the cover art for the album was classic HB, the title song was so so.
Meanwhile, in the Flintstones comic, the story opens with a group of Wilma's cousins leaving after a visit. Fred makes a big deal about how eccentric they were and suggests his relatives are superior. Just at that moment, a telegram arrives declaring that Fred's cousins, "The Chipstones." are coming to visit, with no further details. Fred's never met them before, but still maintains his relatives are more normal than Wilma's.
Meanwhile, in the cave lab of Dr. Frankenfurter, the scientist is playing with his time machine when he scoops something out of the distant future. That something is four monsters: Frankenstein, Dracula, the Mummy and the Wolf Man. Seeing these creatures, the scientist faints, allowing the creatures to run rampant.
The monsters immediately come upon the Flintstones residence. Of course, regardless of how hideous they look, Fred assumes that they are his cousins and lets them in an effort to keep his neighbors from seeing them. In addition, by calling them "cousins," the monsters immediately take a liking to him...though they didn't like his tidy home all that much.
Wilma comes home and encounters these creatures in a string of flat, bad gags, including encountering the Mummy in a broom closet (it's sort of like his tomb home), the Wolf Man chasing Dino, and Frankenstein, talking in a Boris Karloff accent, looking for black widows in the basement (the Flintstones had a basement?). Fred and Wilma then decide to get these creature cousins out of their house by taking them on a picnic, and that's where this already strange story gets loads stranger.
Out wherever they are, Fred suggests a game of hide-and-seek. Fred counts while the monsters hide. In a disturbing twist, what none of them realize is that there's an escaped criminal with a primitive gun hiding out in the area. He takes Fred and Wilma hostage and makes them row a piece of petrified tree over a lake of bubbling, hot lava to an island.
The monsters, who have already become quite affectionate with the Flintstones, decide that they must rescue their friends. Dracula sends Frankenstein to walk across the lava, which he does with no problem.
Frankenstein finds that the crook has trussed up the pair in a tree over the lava and threatens to cut the rope holding them above it if the big green guy does anything foolish. Frankenstein backs off and goes back over the lava. The Mummy steps up, climbing into a tree and tying one of his bandages up to a branch. He then swings the very long way across, wrapping his bandage around the Flintstones so that cutting them down quickly is impossible.
The Mummy moves quickly (?) tying up the bad guy, too, just as the police arrive to take him into custody.
As coincidence would have it, the revived Frankenfurter also arrives immediately afterward to take back his monsters. The monsters leave with the scientist, no doubt returning to the 20th century. Back home, Fred's cousins have arrived... and in all sizes they each have an exact copy of Fred's limited animation head.
Source: Laughing Reindeer
(image via And Everything Else Too)
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amandajoyce118 · 6 years
Ant-Man and the Wasp Easter Eggs and References
I never posted this. Whoops. Since I’ve been lacking on the six-sentence Sundays, have this instead.
Obviously, there are going to be spoilers for the movie. Since it’s been out for a while now, I probably don’t have to warn people about that, but… just in case, you’ve been warned.
(Also, I’m going to be honest, while typing this up, I realized it’s been so long since I made my notes, that I couldn’t even read some of them, so there’s probably a reference or two missing.)
The Original Wasp
The original costume that we see for the Wasp is muuuuuccch closer to the comic book costume than the one Hope wears. Funnily enough, her clothing in the Quantum Realm is also what she wears when stuck in the Microverse after being shrunk down because she was turned into a living bomb. Good times. Fun fact: Janet actually designed all of the Avengers’ costumes in the comics. She was a fashion designer in addition to being a scientist and a hero.
The Red Queen
On the wall of Hope’s childhood bedroom is a print of what looks like the Red Queen from Alice Through the Looking Glass. In the comics, the Red Queen is Hope’s supervillain name. Yes, she’s a supervillain in another universe.
Cassie’s really good at the game to steal a priceless artifact for a little kid, isn’t she? In the comics, she becomes a superhero in her own right, and this whole sequence just made me think she’d be pretty good at it.
The Accords
For the reason Scott is on house arrest see Captain America: Civil War. Is this really an Easter egg at this point? I don’t know. But it was in my notes anyway.
X-Con Security Consultants
It’s not a subtle pun, but I love it all the same. It’s also a nod to the fact that when Scott gets out of prison in the comics, he also started his own security company.
“Snap your fingers.”
While Scott is learning about magic, he watches a video that features this line when discussing how to effectively use misdirection. Was this whole movie a big chunk of misdirection so that we didn’t think about the finger snap? Maybe. Was the finger snap itself some giant misdirection? Maybe. Who knows? I just like that it got a nod here too.
Agent Jimmy Woo
The FBI agent is a character from the comics. He worked for Agents of Atlas at one time, and later became the head of a school for gifted kids in Mumbai. (BTW, he’s also listed as a contact in May’s phone on Agents of SHIELD.)
Animal House
When Scott is being “kidnapped,” he was busy watching Animal House. Specifically, he’s watching a scene that involves Donald Sutherland theorizing about how small the universe really is.
Hank’s Cars
Much like his keychain of a tank he carried around in the first movie, Hank carries around a whole set of cars in this movie. He also carries around his shrunken lab. In the comics, he also carried a pouch full of things he shrunk down, just in case he needed them.
Sonny Burch
The guy dealing in black market goods exists in the comics. He was the chairman of Cross Technologies. We met Cross in the first movie. Funnily enough, the company used to be under Obadiah Stane. You might remember him from the Iron Man movies. (Geoffrey Ballard, the guy Sonny calls to give a tip about Scott and Hope to, is also a comic book character. He became the villain Centurion.)
Hydra Doesn’t Exist
According to the folks in this movie, anyway. Anyone who keeps an eye on the TV side of the MCU knows that Hydra is still kicking at this point in the timeline in the form of Ruby, her mom, and their soldiers on Agents of SHIELD. (No, those timelines might not exactly line up, but that’s probably pretty close to where we are.)
Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga is actually a mythical being, but it’s funny that this story is used in reference to Ghost. Why? Because there is a Marvel character named Baba Yaga. She was the Russian goddess of witchcraft and misfortune… and she also ran a branch of the mafia and set up base in Brooklyn because… why not? Ghost, of course, was also a character in the comics, but the story for the character has been completely reworked for the movie.
Elihas Starr
Father to ghost here, he’s also a comic book character. He was an atomic scientist who became a villain known as Egghead. He was once hired to kidnap the Wasp, amongst other things.
Bill Foster, Former SHIELD Agent
Bill was Hank’s lab assistant for a while in the comics. You know what else he was though? Husband to Claire Temple for a while. He also worked for Tony Stark. And he became a hero in his own right - Goliath. (BTW, Laurence Fishburne's son plays the younger version of the character in flashbacks.)
Team Caps
I’m sorry, but did anyone else find it funny that Hope and Scott decided baseball caps were how they would walk around without being noticed? It’s the same way Captain America and company try to stay under the radar. I guess it’s good Scott ended up on Team Cap.
The Chalkboard
I’m sure there are some Easter eggy things on the board that me, a non science nerd, wouldn’t catch. More eagle eyed fans will.
Project Goliath
Like I said, Bill was once a hero named Goliath. That’s also a code name used by Hank Pym when he was “Giant Man.” It’s also been used by other characters when they were supersized. It was also a project already mentioned by Tony Stark in one of the Iron Man movies when he was looking into old SHIELD projects.
“Janet was the one to endure…”
Bill says this about Janet’s working relationship with Hank. I found the wording purposeful. In the comics, Hank’s mental health disorders and experimentation with his abilities end up combining to create multiple personalities. One of them is Yellowjacket, who was abusive. His temperment in the MCU doesn’t seem to be all that different according to those who worked with him before.
“It’s them!”
Bill Foster says this when he sees a bunch of ants. Why is this a reference? Because it’s a shout out to the movie THEM! from the 50s. It featured giant ants. Hope, Scott, and Cassie, also watch it on a rooftop later.
Ava’s Place
There’s a nod to another Disney franchise in her home/lab. I spotted a Darth Vader helmet on one of her shelves.
This is an interesting choice for Ava’s backstory. For one thing, we haven’t seen much of it in the MCU before. For another, the country is most often associated with Black Tarantula in the comics. Magneto has also gone after Nazi war criminals there, Maya Hansen (you remember her from Iron Man) has been kidnapped there, and portals to other realities have opened there. It’s a happening place on the page, so maybe we’ll start to see more of it on screen.
Truth Serum
The whole back and forth about whether or not truth serum worked reminded me of Skye being threatened with it on Agents of SHIELD in the pilot, only for it to be used on Grant Ward to gain her trust instead. It was made very clear that there was no such thing as a truth serum after the fact, but maybe there is.
Stan Lee
The 60s were fun, he says in his cameo. And he wasn’t kidding. It featured Jack Kirby’s psychedelic style, for sure. It was also definitely a good decade for Marvel. The Fantastic Four, The Incredible Hulk, The Avengers, The Amazing Spider-Man, and Daredevil all got their first solo titles that decade. (It was a good year for DC too. Poison Ivy and Batgirl both made their comic book debut during the decade.)
Tim Heidecker
You’ll recognize him as the boat captain from the big confrontation scene. He’s actually the co-host of a podcast. His co-host Gregg Turkington appeared in the first movie in a cameo as well.
The Infinity War Tie-In
Ant-Man ends up stuck in the Quantum Realm while everyone waiting for him outside dissolves into ash. This gives us an explanation for just what Scott was up to during the events of Avengers: Infinity War as the end of that movie is where we see all of that dissolving into ash. This movie apparently takes place over roughly the same time period, just like the last few episodes of Agents of SHIELD likely do as well, making this a very packed time period on Earth.
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bouncepaaad · 6 years
@discontentedfairy and @star-hill-zone tagged me for the same question thing, thank you both!! And it was quite a while back, I apologize. Just for kicks I made one Sonic-related, and the one just about me (and another set of questions) are under the read more to save your eyes.
10 Facts About Me (Sonic edition)
1. Sonic has always been my favorite character from the franchise. 2. When I was little, someone gave me some Sonic & Knuckles sneakers. They were black but the logo was in color, and I haven't been able to find pics of any similar ones. What did I do with them??? 3. My absolute favorite issues of the Archie comic are #25 and the Mecha Madness Special. When I first read them, I was really taken by Spaziante's work in both, enjoyed the Sonic CD tie-in, as well as the higher stakes of Sonic being roboticized. 4. I collected almost all of the first 60 issues of the Archie comic, but then I sold them off during a time where Sonic wasn't one of my main interests. Needless to say I feel REGRET. 5. One of my best friends was so kind and surprised me with a mini box of that Glamglow x Sonic gravity mud. The Knuckles one, I think. I want to try it out, but the collector in me wants to leave it closed forever. Plus it's almost a year old now, so...maybe not. 6. I've never played any of the Sonic Gameboy Advance titles, as I've never owned a Gameboy Advance. 7. I don't have a favorite female Sonic character. Each one is so great in her own way, and I love them all. I really wish they were featured more in gameplay and merchandise. 8. I don't really have an OTP either. Though I'm partial to Sonamy, Sonadow, and Sonally, I'm pretty flexible. Like...man. Sonighty and Metonic have kinda grown on me. I also think Knuckles and Rouge complement each other well. 9. My favorite special stages to play are the ones in the first Sonic game, as well as the spheres in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. 10. I have never made a Sonic OC and I feel kinda disappointed in myself for that. I just never felt the urge. Maybe I'm not creative enough? I've seen so many awesome OCs and I'm always amazed at the imagination and love that goes into them.
10 Facts About Me (General edition)
1. I'm going to Anime Expo this year! It will be my second time. 2. I don't know how to whistle. 3. In high school, I took one year of Chinese language, and two years of Japanese (plus one semester of it in college). I can still write in katakana and hiragana but kanji is a lost cause for me. I even forgot the stroke order of the simpler ones. 4. Despite having to take Spanish in every grade (as is mostly the norm where I live) and being Hispanic, I am not fluent in Spanish. But I can read/understand it more than I can speak it. 5. I don't like scary movies. 6. I've always wanted to have a house full of plants but never been good with them, so I decided to start small. I bought some indoor ivy and a few succulents and I'm happy to say that they're all still alive over a month later!! 7. I still have my old 4th generation iPod Nano and it works perfectly. It's orange and I named it Tampico (yes after the drink). 8. I love media with layered mysteries and symbolism, and all the theories they produce. Right now I have Steven Universe, Adventure Time, and Stranger Things to pore over (and Voltron kinda. I need to know if Shiro is OKAY), but other things I've liked in the past for this are Lost, the Cloverfield stuff, and Evangelion. 9. We have one dog (a Chihuahua mix) and one cat (not sure what he is, but he's old and fluffy). 10. Not too long ago I watched the latest episodes of Steven Universe and then finally got to see Infinity War the very next day. I still don't think I've mentally recovered.
The next questions are thanks to @beevean! I appreciate the tag. I tagged you back in mine but if you're tired of question memes feel free to disregard~
RULES: Answer the 11 questions. Make 11 of your own and tag 11 people.
1) If you could be fluent in three languages without studying, which ones would you choose? For me it'd have to be Spanish, Japanese and Korean. 2) Who are your three favorite characters in general? I'd have to say three characters I've loved since I was a kid and still love fiercely now: Leonardo (TMNT), Sonic the Hedgehog, and Dick Grayson/Robin/Nightwing. 3) Any unpopular opinion? The Archie Sonic comics aren't as bad as they're usually made out to be. 4) Fluff or angst? Fic-wise I gravitate toward angst but fanart-wise I love fluff. 5) Favorite aesthetic? I love the cute clutter/plants everywhere/sipping coffee kinda feel. But I love starry space stuff and cute pastels also. 6) Any movie, tv series or book you think everyone should watch or read? The TV show Six Feet Under. I can't say it's my favorite but I can say that it's incredible. A friend and I got so invested that we hunted down every season boxset and binged them all within a month. Very moving and thought-provoking, and I cried my heart out at the end (don't just look it up on Youtube; that's a waste of one of the best endings ever). 7) What are you most proud of in your life? I have so many insecurities and regrets that this question was a little hard to answer. I guess I'd say that I'm proud of how I've grown as a person. I used to be really apologetic and hesitant about a lot of things. I speak my mind more often now, and am way more willing to try new things. 8) If you could talk to yourself 10 years ago, what would you tell yourself? Conquer your fears now so you don't have to keep struggling with them ten years later. And please SAVE UP SOME MONEY. 9) Do you have any odd interest? I can't think of any that I have now, but when I was a kid I used to watch the jewelry segments of the Home Shopping Network religiously (a shopping channel on TV, for anyone that isn't familiar with it). I was so fascinated by all the different stones and their cuts, and all the random information the hosts would share about them. My mom still remembers this and whenever she has a gemstone-related question she just assumes I have the answer. 10) What are your favorite words? Smoosh, briolette, plunk, lemony. 11) What’s your favorite superpower? Flight! Would love to have it, love when characters have it.
My Questions For You: 1. What would be your dream accomplishment? 2. Are birthdays a big deal to you, or just another day? 3. Favorite childhood memory? 4. Do you like spicy food? 5. What do you like about Tumblr? 6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be? 7. Favorite scent? 8. What show/movie/book do you consider a guilty pleasure? 9. Worst movie you've recently watched? 10. If you could pick just one franchise: Mario or Sonic? 11. A meme that never fails to make you laugh?
Tagging @beevean @bookvideogamemaniac @discontentedfairy @dragonforsale @xx-infidgettiku-xx @star-hill-zone @qrow-the-drunk @finnythefloofhog @7-3-d @thattakenusername and @sailormoonwannabe But anyone else who sees this can consider themselves tagged, if they want to!
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aion-rsa · 4 years
What Went Wrong With Dwayne Johnson’s Doom Movie?
When Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson took to the stage at the Amway Arena in Orlando, Florida on March 29, 2008, few could have predicted what would come next.    
The budding action star was there to induct his father and grandfather into the WWE Hall of Fame, however, at times, his speech felt more like an impromptu comedy roast.    
“There was big controversy with the WWE and illegal torture,” one convoluted gag began. “Apparently they would find Iraqi insurgents, tie them up and make them watch DVD copies of The Marine.”    
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John Cena, who starred in The Marine, was in the audience that night and took the ribbing in good humor, with his exaggerated on-camera reaction spawning what would come to be known as the “John Cena oh s**t gif”.  
Johnson wasn’t finished though.  
“By the way I made Doom. Did you ever see Doom? Well, you probably didn’t and it’s okay because nobody else did either.”    
Cue laughter.   
Nearly three years on from its release, The Rock could finally laugh about Doom. No one had been laughing when the film first debuted in October 2005 to rank reviews and a poor box office return. 
Film critic Richard Roeper was among those to tear into the film.  
“The performances are awful, the action sequences are impossible to follow, the violence is gratuitous, the lighting is bad and I have my doubts that the catering truck was even up to snuff.”   
He had a point.   
Largely filmed in a series of identical-looking and poorly lit corridors of a generic space station, Doom had the look and feel of a bad Alien knock-off.  Worse still, it bore almost no resemblance to the source material.  
Johnson may be the biggest film star in the world today but back then he was still just another wrestler trying to make the leap into movies. In truth, he was fortunate that Doom didn’t torpedo his chances in the way countless misfiring movies had for other aspiring wrestlers-turned-actors.  
So where did it all go wrong?  
Arnold Schwarzenegger and ILM
Film adaptations of popular video games are famously fraught with difficulties.   
You could probably count the number of good video game movies on one finger – Paul W.S. Anderson’s Mortal Kombat, before you ask.    
But id Software, the developers behind the pioneering Doom franchise, had been hopeful of bucking the trend back in 1994 when Universal first purchased the film rights.   
“I think Doom would be easier to write a script for than, say, Street Fighter,” business manager and co-owner Jay Wilbur told PC Gamer.   
Wilbur’s vision for the movie certainly sounded appealing.   
“I see Arnold Schwarzenegger with all the Doom garb on, Industrial Light & Magic supplying the special effects and the story would be something along the lines of Arnie stationed on Mars when the dimensional gateway opens up and demons flood in…So everybody’s dead – well maybe not everybody, you need a little human interaction and comic relief going on. But mainly, just non-stop seat-of-your-pants sweat-of-your-brow action.”   
Fusing elements of Commando, Total Recall, and the later Arnie effort End of Days, Wilbur’s sketch of a Doom movie sounded perfect – but there were issues from the start.  
According to former CEO Todd Hollenshead, several potential scripts were vetoed by id Software for failing to stay true to the source material.  While Schwarzenegger was approached, plans for the project were ultimately shelved in the wake of the Columbine High School massacre and negative press it generated around the game.   
Doomed Casting
It would be almost a decade before interest in a movie version would be rekindled by producers Lorenzo di Bonaventura and John Wells, who obtained the rights after footage from Doom 3 was shopped to agents from Creative Artists Agency.   
Di Bonaventura enlisted David Callaham, then a novice writer in Hollywood, to pen a script based loosely on a handful of ideas he had pitched during a chance meeting.   
Schwarzenegger, by then, was not only significantly older but also busy as Governor of California. Alternatives were explored. One rumor, neither confirmed nor denied, suggests Vin Diesel was in the frame to star. Ultimately, however, it was Johnson who ended up landing top billing.   
Not that anyone was complaining. Johnson was largely a B-movie star up until that point, making Doom a good fit to potentially take him into the big leagues. There was just one problem though – The Rock didn’t want to play the good guy.   
Producers had originally slated the WWE star to play the film’s main protagonist, Staff Sgt. John “Reaper” Grimm. Johnson had other ideas, though.   
“When I first read the script, and read it for [the part of] John, after I read it I thought wow John is a great character and, of course, the hero of the movie,” Johnson explained at the 2005 San Diego Comic-Con.  “But for some reason I was drawn more to Sarge, I thought Sarge was, to me, more interesting and had a darker side.”   
He agreed to star but only in the role of Sarge, leader of the film’s Rapid Response Tactical Squad sent to Mars and someone who ends up becoming the principal villain.   
Karl Urban, fresh from featuring in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, was cast in his place in what represented the first major misstep.  
Watching the film back now, it’s tempting to wonder whether Doom might have fared better had the two switched roles.  
After all, Johnson has carved a sizeable niche as an all-American good guy in the years since, while roles in Dredd and The Boys highlighted a darker streak to Urban’s repertoire.  
It’s certainly something Wesley Strick, who served as script doctor and ultimately co-writer on the film, concurs with when the notion is put to him.  
“That would work better,” he tells Den of Geek.  “I think you are onto something there. The swap was his idea though and this is all with hindsight.”   
Blame Superman
An experienced screenwriter with credits on Arachnophobia and Martin Scorsese’s Cape Fear, Strick ended up working on Doom as an indirect result of Tim Burton’s failed Superman movie.   
“Lorenzo [di Bonaventura] was head of production at Warner Bros when Tim Burton asked me to come onboard for Superman Lives,” Strick explains.    
“Tim and I and Nicolas Cage cooked up this whole scenario for a Superman movie and we would often walk into Lorenzo’s office to do battle with him, essentially, because he was stubbornly opposed to almost every idea we had,” Strick says. “Consequently, Lorenzo and I really butted heads and sometimes it could get quite ugly…I felt like I might have burned my bridges.”
With Superman years in the past, di Bonaventura called Strick to gauge his interest about working on Doom.
“I really wasn’t interested,” Strick says. “Just because I knew nothing about the game. But I have two sons and they were teenagers so there was a lot of enthusiasm from them. They told me to look into it and were excited about the idea of their dad working on this video game movie. Any project you can do where your kids are involved and excited is fun. So that appealed to me.”   
Strick was also sold on the film’s director, an exciting young Irish filmmaker called Enda McCallion. McCallion had made his name with a series of striking TV adverts (the Metz alcopop ‘Judderman’ campaign) and music videos for the likes of Nine Inch Nails.  
He was being tipped to follow in the footsteps of filmmakers like Jonathan Glazer by transitioning into features.   
“Enda was this up-and-coming new Irish director who was hyped to me as a visionary and someone who was going to bring something very original to the movie. It wasn’t going to just be this piece of product.”   
Big picture stuff
Strick was tasked with simplifying Callaham’s script to ensure it translated into a workable schedule and, crucially, that it could be made within a modest budget of $60–70 million. That meant cuts.  
“The producers looked at it and tried to put together a schedule and realized it was too complicated,” Strick says. “So, I read it and came up with a simple solution. In Callaham’s draft the marines kept going back and forth through this portal. Three times or something. It was unnecessary. They would go over there and then chase back and then regroup and then return to Mars or whatever. I said no, do it once and be done with it. I also had a list of a couple of monsters I thought the movie could do without.”   
The decision to cut several monsters familiar to Doom enthusiasts was a contentious one among fans, with Callaham’s original script featuring both the Cacodemon and Arch-Vile among others. Strick had been through this kind of process before though.   
“This is sort of the big picture stuff,” he says. “You can get a lot of shit from fans when they feel like you are trespassing on their genre and I think that happened to an extent on Doom. People were like ‘how dare you’.”   
He cites his experience on Batman Returns as an example of when the fanboys miss the point.   
“I hadn’t read a comic book since I was 12 and I loved them but I was 37 then,” he says. “Way past comic book age. In my mind, that’s okay because you’re trying to write a movie, not a comic book. You don’t want a comic book fanatic on a job like that – what would they bring to the movie?”   
Read more
Best Action Movies on Netflix
By Alec Bojalad
The Terminator: The Many Performances of Arnold Schwarzenegger
By Mark Harrison
Despite ringing the changes, one sequence Strick was determined to retain from Callaham’s script was the five-minute first-person shooter sequence.  
“That was one bit I wanted to keep in no matter what. It was just funny. It had a great attitude and visually it was just delightful. If anyone ever proposed cutting it, I would argue strenuously against that. It was a great idea. Real, in your face.”   
All Change
By the time filming commenced in Prague in the winter of 2004, however, Strick found himself working on a very different film. McCallion had departed the project for reasons unknown. He didn’t respond to our request for an interview.   
In his place came Andrzej Bartkowiak, a seasoned cinematographer who had recently branched out into directing in the early 2000s, helming a trio of Jet Li action movies.   
“I was deeply disappointed when Enda left the project,” Strick admits. “It became the thing that I was assured of at the beginning it wouldn’t be. A more conventional approach to a movie like that. I don’t know what kind of movie Enda would have made but at least there was the possibility with him that it was going to be something special.”   
Strick was also having to contend with issues elsewhere.  
“When Doom moved to Universal, a guy called Greg Silverman became my executive on the project and he didn’t like me. He just always gave me shit,” Strick says. “Once he told me everything I had portrayed about the marines and their tactics was inauthentic. He wanted real, genuine, marine combat tactics.  I went back and did loads of research, read books like Jarhead, and really immersed myself in the whole marine mindset. I did a rewrite where I fixed all of the combat stuff, so it was genuine US marine combat protocol. And he hated it. I tried to explain that was exactly what was happening in Iraq, but he was just like ‘nah’. So we ended up going back to the fake stuff.”   ​
It’s an anecdote that hints at that dreaded but all too familiar issue on disjointed projects of this kind – studio interference – and Strick wasn’t the only one experiencing frustration. In the run-up to the film’s release, his co-writer Callaham had begun interacting with angry Doom fans online, who had heard rumors of the film taking liberties with the source material.   
Writing in a lengthy open letter defending his screenplay, the young writer managed to make things worse.    
���Let me assure you…, that the themes and elements that you love about Doom are ALL represented strongly in the film…just with some new twists,” he wrote.   
Few were convinced, however, particularly after he went on to claim he had watched a “bunch of strangers bastardize” his original vision of the film.   
Strick has some sympathy.   
“As soon as you engage in a fight on the internet, you’ve lost. I don’t think Dave realized that until it happened, but he got the shit kicked out of him by Doom fans. He was determined to defend himself and his movie against all comers and they just kicked him around. But he got back up and got moving again.”   
Callaham certainly did that, going on to pen The Expendables and, most recently, Wonder Woman 1984.  
Strick remains philosophical about his experience on Doom and still has cherished memories of taking his sons to the premiere [“they were in awe of The Rock” ].   
Positives and Negatives
“I thought the film was pretty good. Particularly in the sequence where it becomes like the video game. It’s the one great thing in the movie. Ironically, it’s a movie but it’s at its best when it devolves into pure video game action.”   
Bartkowiak took the brunt of the criticism for the film’s visual issues – visual effects wiz Jon Farhat took charge of the much-lauded first-person shooter sequence.  
Things would get even worse for the experienced cinematographer-turned-director a few years later with his next film, Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li, which pulled off the ignominious feat of being an even worse video game movie.  
Johnson rode the storm though, eventually hitting A-lister pay dirt with 2011’s Fast Five – a movie that breathed new life into his career and the Fast & Furious franchise as a whole.  
Today, Johnson is able to laugh about Doom, recently claiming its failure was the result of a “video game curse” he successfully broke with Rampage. The jury is still out on that one.   
With a different director, more ambitious budget and the right stars in the right roles, Doom could well have ended up being a great video game movie – but Strick thinks making a truly great video game movie “is next to impossible.”  
It’s about narrative,” he explains. “In a movie, we’re taking you for a ride whereas in a video game you are in the driving seat. So they are two conflicting and competing ideas for what makes a story engaging. Sit back, relax, we’re going to entertain you versus you’re immersed in an environment that you control. I don’t know where you find the center for that where the two opposing ideas co-exist. That’s possibly why the video game sequence is so good. It took on that paradox. You’re watching a video game movie that’s a simulation. It’s a kind of reminder of what the movie could never be.”   
The post What Went Wrong With Dwayne Johnson’s Doom Movie? appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2GguwED
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inkerii · 6 years
Tag Game!
So I got tagged by @daylighteclipsed and hey, this looks fun!
• Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 people you are contractually obligated to know
• Nicknames: Icey • Gender: Female • Star sign: Virgo • Height: 5′3′′ • Time: 7:33pm • Birthday: September 11th
• Favourite bands: my music taste is all over the place idk man • Favourite solo artist: ^ (I’m gonna leave from daylighteclipsed here since yeaaa that’s me xD) • Song that’s stuck in your head: Miracles Happen from The Princess Diaries. No, not the first one. The second movie’s version, in that language I can’t even guess at :’D • Last movie: Jumanji • Last TV show: Either Trollhunters or Star Wars: The Clone Wars, I’ve been watching both at the same time
• Why did you create this blog: lots of links from multiple conversations were leading here and I wanted somewhere I could save the nice stuff people sent me c: • What do you post/reblog: honestly? Anything really. As of right now: Trollhunters, Star Wars, Miraculous Ladybug. But don’t be surprised if you see HTTYD, Once Upon a Time, Voltron or book fandom stuff such as Harry Potter or Percy Jackson and the Olympians around ;D Photography also seems to be a constant, I cant help but reblog it. • Last thing you googled: “how much is 1.61m in feet and inches” lmao, I’m brazilian • Other blogs: nah because of mobile • Why the url: ok so it’s a bit of a long story: When I was new to RPing, I kept apologizing for my characters’ mistakes - such as making my friends’ characters upset without meaning to - and thinking they were my own, until a friend made a little crack comic strip. In it, her fursona was presenting her RP character with all sorts of “social relationship jellies” to make her less depressed, and happy, etc. In the end though, they had my character just dumping some green stuff (which we dubbed “angst jam”) down her poor character’s throat and blaming it on me xD It was a fun way to teach me the ropes of RPing and to not take everything too seriously- your character’s mistakes aren’t your own. Even after I stopped roleplaying, whenever our characters got into disasters and would end up going through a hard time (or Jim from Trollhunters, really, he’s addicted to the stuff I swear), we joked that that character of mine was smuggling angst jam to them. My url is a play on the words, heh • Following: 132 • Followers: 60
• Lucky number: 7? It’s more of a favorite number tho • Instruments: I used to know how to play the piano but it’s been a while • What are you wearing: an old tie-dyed t-shirt and some even older sweatpant-like shorts. • Dream job: doctor! Halfway through college right now • Dream trip: ugh, a safari in africa maybe? Or visiting Europe
• Favourite food: cheeseburgers, ice cream • Favourite song rn: uhhh Rewrite the Stars from The Greatest Showman soundtrack • Last book you read: I just finished re-reading The Selection Series by Kiera Cass! Well, the first three books. I consider the final 2 a spin-off, tbh • Top 3 Universes: Percy Jackson, How to Train your Dragon, Star Wars probably
I’m not gonna tag anyone because I’ve been on Tumblr for a long while, but… Never really interacted with people much before, I can be very shy when it comes to making the effort to talk first (or in this case, message people off-anon). This was awesome though :3
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