#also add olive oil and potentially olives on top. and/or onion or whatever you want tbh
fluorescentbrains · 2 years
if you're like me and you always just ate hummus cold from the fridge. try warming that shit up. like 30 seconds in the michael wave . changes the whole fucking game
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sarasa-cat · 23 days
Hesitant to even discuss the realities of what I should eat vs what I must minimize because ... but the health issues are real and the insult to my digestive system just keeps getting worse and worse as the years add up. On top of that, I can really feel in my mind and body the effects of all of it where "it" = "good eating for me" vs "bad eating for me" with emphasis on FOR ME because if you can digest these things-- GREAT. I'm not genetically built for it. I just am not.
For a variety of reasons, I have decided to return to going COLD TURKEY on anything that is a potential problem. If you are a vegetarian, perhaps it is time for you to avert your eyes and move on.
Eggs. Fish. Eggs and Fish. Turkey. Chicken. More Fish. Crab. Squid. Seafood in general.
I can deal with limited amounts of traditional tofu (by which i mean, tofu made traditionally and sold fresh in blocks) and greatly enjoy cooking with it, so it is good that I can deal with it but in moderation and I should take an enzyme pill or at least have something fermented with it.
And then the rest of what I eat is every freaking leafy green you can imagine (all the leaves of green-- ALL OF THEM. Especially the bitter ones nomnomnom).
Pretty much any type of above-ground vegetable (peppers, cauliflower, zucchini, squash, etc.) except for tomatoes (limited to no tomatoes).
Onions and garlic.
Citrus fruits (as seasoning and for nomnomnom'ing). Every single berry.
Nuts. Nut milks. Nut butters.
Spices. Mustard. All the olive oil and vinegar.
Seaweeds of various kinds.
Daily fermented things (kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, etc.)
Water, coffee, tea. WATER.
Exceedingly dark chocolate squares as a tasty treat that is also very medicinal in good ways. ;)
And just eat as much as I want whenever hungry, eating til full because protein tells your brain "Yep, enough of that. Save rest for later. Into a box in the fridge you go."
And guess what---
1. ZERO digestive system problems that cause misery.
2. Calm mind. Brain is FOCUSED, on task, and calm.
3. Excellent sleep. Exceedingly rested when I wake up.
4. Aerobic capacity is excellent (for whatever shape I am currently in).
So why don't I do this 100% of the time?
Well, it is really hard to eat out.
It can be reallly difficult while traveling.
It can be impossible when visiting people who do NOT eat in a way that works for me.
So, I take the hit now and then.
But as for now, just a two days eating the way I am supposed to eat and digest, and I'm a completely different person. Striding up hills with no sense of exhaustion. Brain on task. Digestive system is a background process I don't even think about. Etc.
Once I get the unhelpful biome outta my gut and replaced with happy biome, I can add in limited amounts of lentils and chickpeas but IN MODERATION ONLY. Otherwise it is a downhill slide from there.
See also: the time in my 20s I almost killed my body with an Exceedingly Healthy Looking Homecooked Vegetarian Diet. Nope folks, not genetically capable of it. Sorry.
edited to add: Rice in limited amounts is lovely and so enjoyed but it needs to be limited or else.
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airlock · 5 years
so, folks, having put a great deal of time into staring at the dining hall menu on Fire Emblem: Three houses, I decided to attempt a fun little exercise: what if I set about putting together a list of what my dislikes, neutrals and likes from the list would be if I were attending Garreg Mach?
and see... due to my presently undiagnosed neurodivergence, I have a hypersensitive palate, as well as a hypersensitivity to textures. I have been described by sufficiently rude people as “difficult to feed”. if y’all have seen and remember that one post where you tally up everything you would eat and get a higher score the less of a picky eater you are, well, I scored like a two or a four on that. so, y’know... this is going to be fun y’all
The Wretched Food Sins (dislikes)
Beast Meat Teppanyaki, Pickled Rabbit Skewers, Gronder Meat Skewers, Garreg Mach Meat Pie
see, I’m just going to get this one out of the way immediately: I don’t like red meat. when I tell people that, their first assumption is usually that I’m a vegan or avoiding the shitload of growth hormones or whatever, but no, I still eat some other types of meat and health is obviously not a priority in my diet; I just find that red meat tastes and feels something awful. we clear? we clear.
Onion Gratin Soup
(Onions stewed with white trout and baked with a layer of cheese on top. Will warm you up from the inside out.)
onions I’m also not very fond of. when they’re used for flavor, they’re normally used in small enough amounts to be safely ignored, but here it seems that the idea is to eat whole baked onions off a soup, like... is that a thing that human people do with the single lives that they have??
Country-Style Red Turnip Plate
(A balanced meal including red turnip and verona stew, red turnip salad, and sautéed red turnip with garlic.)
just not sure about this one; I mean, it’s not that I actually recall ever eating a turnip, or that a “verona” is a real vegetable that I can compare to any extant thing... I just don’t think I’ve ever had a good time attempting to eat a plateful of vegetables and I don’t have much faith that the monastery cantina is breaking new ground there
Vegetable Stir-Fry
(A dish of dried tomatoes, cabbage, chickpeas and other vegetables, stir-fried with egg. Nutritious and very filling.)
I might just be mixing up terms, but if I understand correctly, I’ve never heard of stir-frying before. it sounds like a cool thing, though! I do love the the idea of using egg as a base for this, too! it’s a pity that they then proceed to pick nothing but ass ingredients for the entire rest of this particular recipe
Fish and Bean Soup
(A soup made by simmering white trout and chickpeas. A simple yet wholesome dish.)
sorry, head chef, beans are a horrific mouthfeel and you cannot and will not convince me that a dish featuring them is uwu wholesome
Pickled Seafood and Vegetables
(A Dagdan dish of raw fish and turns pickled in a vinegar-based seasoning liquid. Rarely eaten in Fódlan.)
so, I’ve actually had the idea for this post quite a ways ago, and one of the very first things I had in mind was the precise burn I was going to deliver unto the smell of vinegar. right? thing is, it’s been so long since then that the anedocte I was going to use as a delivery vector for that burn has since taken a dark turn. it won’t really be worth the while to unpack it at this point, so I’ll just skip to the punchline: the smell of vinegar is indistinguishable from the smell of dog piss
Cabbage and Herring Stew
(Cabbage and Albinean Herring stewed whole. The fish guts lend this hearty dish a superbly bitter kick.)
ew, what the hell? what sort of florida man recipe is this? “oh, let’s stew some fish, but make sure the entirety of its intestines are stewing in there so that the final product can punch you in the mouth with bitterness”. what? who’s that supposed to appeal to? I can understand this being one of Hubert’s favorite meals but why would absolutely anyone else do this to themselves? and it’s with this demon fodder here that we finish the hell section on an absolutely burning note and proceed to...
The Purgatory of Eh, I Guess, Maybe (neutral)
Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce
(Well-roasted Fódlan pheasant drizzled with a berry reduction sauce.)
we’re getting somewhere; poultry is like, 80% of the protein in my diet, and sweetness is precisely the only flavor I can tolerate in major excess. alas, in gastronomy, one plus one doesn’t always make two; I’m not sure this combination here works or just clashes frontally
Vegetable Pasta Salad
(Pasta with a blend of fresh vegetables from various regions of Fódlan. This popular dish sells out almost instantly.)
we’re out of the hated food list, but that doesn’t mean you’re safe yet from listening to me maw about foods that are supposed to be super common!
you know how I prefer to take my pasta? over water, butter or olive oil with absolutely no sauce. additional seasoning also needs not apply, although salt is welcome. fun fact: my ideal instant noodle is cooked with only a small amount of flavoring powder. so yeah, there you have it, that’s the “hey guys I eat bread with nothing in it and have a good time” moment of the jour
but back to the point -- how does this particular pasta measure up? well, I took a look at the in-game model of it and it appears to pass the most important bar: no sauce -- or, at least, if there was any, it was thick and yellow and it made a fool of me. anyways, I might not particularly dig some of the vegetables thrust into the pasta here, but the beauty of it is that I can probably pick and choose which ones I will actually eat, which makes this a solid ehhh it’s solvable
Fruit and Herring Tart
(A baked tart with stewed herring and Noa fruit mixed into the batter. Popular in Enbarr, the Imperial Capital.)
again, I don’t object to the components but I’m not sure about it all adds together. is that a real thing, like, putting a god damn fish into your fruit pie mix?
Fish Sandwich
(A simple dish. Airmid Cabbage is pickled in vinegar and served with cabbage between two slices of bread.)
a fish sandwich plain and simple, I would happily chow down; fish is the other one of my acceptable meats, after all. thing is, as non-domestic sandwiches usually do, this one comes with a bunch of add-ons that I absolutely do not want and it’s hard to tell how much can be salvaged. like, there’s old man vinegar/piss again, and besides, I swear I’ve eaten leaves off the ground that had better texture than cabbage. so, like, can we go even simpler, head chef? bread, fish, and no wicked ideas?
Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew
(Spicy stew made with Teutates loach and turnips. The monastery’s unique recipe features spices from Dagda.)
come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a stew. if it’s very much like a soup, then it might have as much of an annoying texture as one, but if it’s just a soggy filet, then that might work out. anyway, between that and the non-specification of what those spices from Dagda are intended to do with the recipe, I’d have to taste it to believe it
Super-Spicy Fish Dango
(A light snack, popular in the Empire. Small, spicy balls of fried dough packed with white trout and dried tomato.)
ugh, that was so close. fried dough and fish sounds AMAZING, it really does. but the first strike here is “super-spicy”; I did mention having a hypersensitive palate, yes? now add that to the fact that I’m white. the real crushing sin here, however, is the inclusion of fucking tomato. we were so close to greatness! we were this close! anyways, depending on how exactly the dried tomato is meant to be implemented here, it might be possible to just pull it out with a fork and accept the mouth-hurting substances in a bid to have a good time anyway
Sweet and Salty Whitefish Sauté
(Whitefish is coated in spices and sautéed with dried tomatoes to bring out an addictive salty-sweet flavor.)
tomatoes again! seriously, you creeps keep throwing that in with one of my sole acceptable approaches to meat! although fortunately, I gather that, with this one, the goal is not for the tomatoes to be eaten, just popped on the juice that this fish is jumping around in while it roasts, so maybe there’s salvation for it yet... I do want to find out whatever in the world an “addictive salty-sweet flavor” is supposed to mean, admittedly
Sautéed Pheasant and Eggs
(Thin slices of bird meat and shredded cabbage, mixed with scrambled eggs and sautéed with spices. Invention of a certain noble.)
again, we broke it right at the finish line. I like the idea of a pile of chicken strips and scrambled eggs; would have some fun digging through it and all. alas, Alfred von Certain Noble had to go and throw cabbage into the mix. at least, maybe, if it’s shredded, then the awful texture is eliminated and that makes it straight-up just eating some leaf? it might be sufficiently non-intrusive
Gautier Cheese Gratin
(A gratin of bird meat topped with heaps of Gautier cheese, which is famous for its low fat content. It has a unique flavor.)
I... do I want to know what “unique flavor” this is? because chicken gratined with cheese sounds good, but you could potentially go wrong with the type of cheese, and the fact that this apparently counts as a bitter dish doesn’t leave me particularly hopeful...
Small Fish Skewers
(Made by grilling skewered Airmid gobies. With a muddy flavor and dry texture, this dish is beloved by few.)
okay, yeah, “muddy flavor and dry texture” isn’t exactly the sales pitch of the year, but these sound like reasonably ignorable things in favor of what would just be grilled fish on a skewer with no more of those terrible nonsense ideas like adding some fucking tomato
Fried Crayfish
(Fried and breaded Caledonian crayfish. Looks much tastier than it actually is.)
looks are all we have to go by here, but besides that, intsys, you’ll have a lot of labor to do if you want to convince me that a fried and breaded anything isn’t good if it’s not, like, inherently ass as an ingredient. what keeps this one from reaching the heavens is most likely not the taste or the feel itself, but mostly just the fact that I’m probably allergic to shrimp
The Blessed And Divine (likes)
Saghert and Cream
(A baked confection coated with Noa fruit cream and a currant reduction, often enjoyed as a dessert at family gatherings.)
first, I have to get this much out of the way: does anyone know what the hell a saghert even is? cursory searching has only led me to results about Fire Emblem, so it might be a made-up word altogether...
... that said, the aforementioned cursory searching has also brought me to this blog where I got to see someone’s idea of what the thing would be in real life, and the result is definitely something I’d want in my mouth, stomach, and soul, so there we go!
Sweet Bun Trio
(Traditional pastries from Faerghus, known for their subtle sweetness. The dough is made with eggs and sugar.)
is this supposed to be like sweetbread or like, dumplings, which might actually be made with eggs and sugar...? oh, who am I kidding, I’d scarf the hell out of either one. and hey, no need to be subtle with the sweetness, either!
Peach Sorbet
(A sorbet made with thin slides of magically frozen peach, dusted with bean flour.)
o, ice cream... I have a rather layered relationship with that one. I’m never one to turn down plain desserts, least of all when tradition also permits me to dump six layers of whatever the hell else to (sweetly) spice it up, but the hypersensitivity in my mouth also extends to temperatures, and ice cream is normally and understandably served in very low ones. I usually try eating when it’s, like, nearly melting or already melting... but is that even on the table if we’re talking about pre-refrigeration ice cream made with very strangely applied magic? thoughts to mull over. but I won’t let them get in the way of yum, ice cream
Daphnel Stew
(Minced poultry and onions boiled with salt. The simple recipe lets high-quality ingredients speak for themselves.)
simplicity goes a long way, as usual! again, I have no idea how a stew tastes, but again, poultry is pretty much the backbone of my diet, and I suppose it doesn’t sound objectionable to take it soaked in saltwater. at least, if I’m presuming that the onions are there for flavoring the stock and not once more for the absurd suggestion that I should be eating them whole
Deirdriu-Style Fried Pheasant
(Pheasant meat pounded flat and fried. Can be served as a sort of sandwich, with cheese between two strips of meat.)
holy shit this sounds great. like, I want this in real life, especially the whole pseudo-sandwich arrangement. I’m optimistically assuming that we’re picking a decent type of cheese and not, like, cheddar, but that's really the only possible stumbling block
Grilled Herring
(Herring caught off the coast of Albinea, shredded and grilled in an earthenware pot with sliced turnips.)
I’ve expressed not being familiar with the taste of turnips, but even if I hate those too, it sounds like it’s pretty easy to ignore them here in favor of what’s just some shredded and grilled fish, which hits the spot
Fisherman’s Bounty
(Freshly-caught fish are cut into chunks and stewed together to make this hearty dish.)
right, so I’m not actually 100% sure about this one, if only because the model of the dish appears to contain some unidentifiable bits of disgusting red whatever, but if the description alone covers it, this just seems to be plain and nice
Two-Fish Sauté
(Two types of fish are cut into strips and sautéed in butter. This lavish meal hails from Enbarr, the Imperial Capital.)
and this sounds similarly plain and nice, but also even better, because the sautéeing in butter sounds like a great addition. now we’re finally on the right track with regards to fish meals! keep the red devil testicle fruits away from those!
Bourgeois Pike
(A gourmet dish with Airmid Pike, vegetables, and a sprinkle of expensive spices. Popular among nobles.)
the punchline writes itself, doesn’t it? but don’t get me wrong -- while I haven’t grown up wanting for money, being bourgeoisie is just what my family wishes were the case.
as for the meal itself: the in-game model appears to be just fish filet, served without any gross sauce, so I’ll happily take it, as long as this “sprinkle of expensive spices” isn’t doing anything too janky in there. ... but hey, most expensive things exist primarily for the purpose of being janky, so maybe I’m being too optimistic
Sautéed Jerky
(Jerky aged in the monastery and sautéed for a delightfully salty flavor. A perfect snack to go with your favorite drink.)
my first instinct was to throw this right onto the undesirable meat section because it’s jerky, but apparently, this is poultry jerky? I’ve never heard of such a thing existing, but I need to try it sometime. for now, I’ll just assume it’s as good as it sounds
so, there you have it! it seems that quite a bit more of this menu is edible than I would have expected? or perhaps I’m just being very optimistic, since I’m not face-to-face with whatever offputting smells and textures I could potentially be dealing with here
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no-more-ramen · 7 years
Versatile tomato soup
I love tomato soup, but tomato soup out of a can tastes more like corn syrup than like tomatoes to me. Here's a version that can be adjusted according to both energy levels and ingredients:
The concept is tomatoes plus soup stock plus any flavor ingredients you prefer. 
Potential tomato varieties:
fresh tomatoes, especially really flavorful ones - slower cooking, a little bit of chopping, and more hands on time: cut in half and drizzle with olive oil and put into a broiler or an oven at 400 - 450 degrees Fahrenheit until they start turning brown and smell really aromatic; they should be really squishy when they come out (I highly recommend cutting some onions in half as well and adding some peeled garlic to the pan when you throw these in to roast; a mild pepper like a cubanelle is a good addition as well)
crushed tomatoes out of a can - lowest spoons: open the can and you're set
flavored chopped tomatoes - requires running through the blender either before cooking or after: thinner and milder than crushed tomatoes, so you'll want to add less liquid to the can (bouillon rather than soup stock is a good choice); the chopped tomatoes have a lot bigger chunks and you really need to run them through the blender to properly thicken it
Soup stock choices:
chicken stock 
chicken bouillon
vegetable stock
vegetable bouillon
Goya sazon powder
Optional add-ins:
onion - several different preparation options: throw into oven to roast alongside tomatoes; either cut up or buy pre-chopped from the frozen food section and saute before adding the wet ingredients; mix in onion powder or minced onions
garlic -  several different preparation options: throw into oven to roast alongside tomatoes; chop up fresh cloves and saute before adding the wet ingredients; saute minced garlic from a jar; mix in garlic powder or garlic salt
celery salt
dairy - cream, half and half, or even milk (milk is going to be a lot thinner and likely to be better mixed with bouillon cubes and skipping the wet soup stocks)
mild peppers like poblanos and cubanelles - throw into oven to roast alongside tomatoes
basil - you could mix in some dried basil, but throwing in some fresh basil after everything else has cooked and then throwing it all in a blender is preferable
whatever else you think sounds delicious in tomato soup
Prepare your ingredients; if you are going to roast things yourself rather than getting them out of a can, the veggies go into the oven at 400-450 degrees with a bit of olive oil drizzled on top until they turn aromatic and brown
Saute any aromatics you are using in a bit of oil
Add in tomatoes and soup stock
Mix in other ingredients to taste
Optionally, throw the soup in a blender to make it nice and smooth
This recipe freezes really well. If you add less liquid, it can also make a good tomato sauce.
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zerowasteinitiative · 4 years
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HOW TO REDUCE FOOD WASTE + BEST ZERO-WASTE RECIPES 1. Store Food Properly This is an essential first step to reducing food waste at home. Refrigerators have different temperatures in different spots and because of this, some places are better to store your produce than others. As well, some things are better stored outside the fridge for maximum freshness. Storing food properly will help your food remain fresh and last longer, which means you’re not going to end up with mouldy berries or limp carrots. For non-produce foods, here are some quick tips to reduce food waste: - Store nuts and seeds in the fridge or freezer so they don’t go rancid - Store omega-3 oils in the fridge to preserve freshness - Store nut and seed flours in the fridge - Keep grains and beans/legumes in clean, sealed containers - Place meat in the bottom drawer of the fridge, where it won’t potentially leak onto other foods - Freeze homemade nut milks and remove as you need them (homemade dairy-free milk can go rancid after only a couple of days) - Keep eggs in the main part of the refrigerator, rather than in the door 2. Organize Your Fridge and Pantry Take stock of your fridge and culinary nutrition pantry on a regular basis so you know what you have (so you don’t purchase duplicate items), as well as what needs to be used sooner rather than later. Clean your fridge regularly, as dirt, residues and shrivelled stems can affect the freshness of new items. 3. Shop with a Plan How many times have you been enticed by a bright, fragrant fruit or vegetable and ended up tossing it because you could never figure out what to do with it? Plan your meals, make a list and take it with you to the grocery store or market. If you’d like to leave some room for what’s locally available, you can make a skeletal menu plan that allows for variation, for example ‘hummus with vegetable of choice’ or ‘salmon patties with whatever dark leafy greens look the freshest’. 4. Buy Local Purchase food that is in season and grown close to where you live. This is going to be cheaper and you’ll end up with less waste because food will be fresher, having travelled fewer days to get to your plate. If you shop at local farmers’ markets, items are often picked the day before or even the morning of market day, which means they will last longer in your fridge if stored properly. 5. Buy What You Need If there is a sale on tomatoes, will you be able to eat all of them before they go off? Or prep and cook them into something that can be stored and frozen for later? Bulk shopping is only cost-effective and convenient if you actually end up using everything you buy. If you find that you’re throwing out food, even if it’s a small-ish amount, you’re losing cash. 6. Assess Best Before Dates Very few foods have a true expiry date. Most labels will have a ‘best before’; this indicates the date after which a food may lose its freshness, nutritional value, or taste. You may also see voluntary terms like: - ‘prepared on’ - ‘use by’ - ‘freeze by’ - ‘sell by’ You can learn more about date labelling here, and begin to use your senses – sight, taste, smell, touch – to assess your foods. 7. Be Smart When Buying in Bulk A good deal is only a good deal if you’ll end up eating what you buy. Of course, there are certain times of the year when you’ll want to take advantage of an abundance of produce (oh hi berries and tomatoes), so make a plan to ensure you can enjoy your bounty without excess waste. 8. Creatively Repurpose Leftovers We have no problems with leftovers and will happily eat bowls of chilli or creamy pumpkin noodles for three lunches in a row. If you’re not into leftovers, think of ways you can creatively repurpose and reuse leftover food, such as creating a recipe-free dinner bowl, using leftover turkey in pot pie, crumbling a burger over a salad, or shoving chilli into a taco with salsa and guac. 9. Start a Cooking Cooperative Enjoy the benefits of healthy meals with less cooking by starting a neighbourhood cooking cooperative. When cooking, you can reduce food waste by only buying what you need to make your recipe contribution for the week, then make a plan to consume what you collect on sharing day. 10. Explore ‘Root to Stem’ and ‘Nose to Tail’ Cooking Animal production and consumption can be even more wasteful, as we view certain parts of the animal as ‘good’ to eat while other parts are ‘gross’. Many other cultures around the world use all parts of the animal and this not only reduces food waste, but adds nutrition and flavour. 11. Save Almond Pulp When whipping up batches of homemade nut or seed milk, save the pulp in the freezer. When you’ve got a full jar, make a variety of almond pulp recipes. 12. Use Broccoli Stems/Stalks Yep, they taste like broccoli too! Save them for stock, or chop them up for soups, stews or as a side dish. If you’re blending your stalks, you don’t need to peel them. If you’re eating them chopped into chunks, you may want to peel them as the outside of the stalk can be tough and fibrous. 13. Use Beet Greens, Radish Greens, Turnip Greens and Carrot Tops Don’t toss these nutritious greens into the compost or trash! Incorporate them into your cooking instead. Since they can be bitter, you may not want to eat them raw – but they work wonderfully when cooked, or when paired with acidity, salt and a pinch of sweetness in a pesto recipe. 14. Save Scraps for Broth Keep a large bag or container in your freezer with veggie scraps for broth. Onion and garlic ends, carrot and celery ends, vegetable peelings, mushroom stems, leftover herbs, zucchini ends – use it all! When your bag is full, put the contents into a pot, slow cooker or Instant Pot with water to make broth. 15. Use Stems of Dark Leafy Greens After you strip the leaves off of dark leafy greens like kale, Swiss chard or collards, use the stems for cooking or juice them. 16. Zest Lemons and Limes Citrus zest is packed with flavour, along with Vitamin C and flavonoids that have anti-cancer properties. Zest your lemons and limes and freeze the zest for later, or dehydrate it for a fantastic condiment. 17. Freeze Herbs in Olive Oil Sometimes you simply can’t get through a bunch of parsley. Finely chop your herbs, place them in an ice cube tray and then pour olive oil over top. This would also be great with homemade ghee! 18. Roast Squash Seeds as a Snack After you scoop out your winter squash, rinse the seeds and either dehydrate or roast them with spices for a tasty, homemade snack. 19. Use Carcasses for Broth Roast a chicken last night for dinner? Use the rest of it to make a rich, health-promoting broth. 20. Leave Skins on Veggies and Fruits Many veggies and fruits don’t need to be peeled – this reduces food waste and also saves you the trouble of peeling! Don’t bother peeling your carrots, potatoes, apples, plums, delicata squash, cucumbers, etc. If you’re eating the peel, we recommend buying organic as many peels can have pesticide residues. 21. Learn to Preserve Canning, fermenting, freezing and dehydrating are just a few of the preservation methods that can help your food last longer and reduce food waste. 22. When All Else Fails, Compost! If you’re unable to use food or it spoils, toss it into the compost instead of the trash if possible. ------ Visit our website: https://zerowasteinitiative.com/ Source: Internet 🌳 Zero Waste Initiative - Less Trash More Life ! 🌏 Let's Save The World While There's Still Time !
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ketoeasyrecipes · 4 years
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simple meal plan to lose weight
Looking for Simple Meal Plan to Lose Weight?
Alright, well it’s safe to say that you won’t find any of these recipes on any diet or weight loss program you’ve ever tried before. Life is short! and I believe that just because you’re trying to lose weight, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able have a little fun. But what if I told you that you can “have your cake and eat it too”? What if there was a little secret that actually allows you to eat naughty-food and not gain a single ounce of fat, or undo all of the hard work that you have put in along the way.... Well there is, BUT you have to make me (and yourself) a little promise, OK? I’ll give you these undercover “cheat-secrets” but you have to promise that you don’t take advantage of it. This little trick that I use with my in-studio clients only works if you use it sparingly and with precision. Use it too much and your body will get “wise” to what you’re doing and it will lose its magic.
Alright let’ s get into it!
How to“Use”the Simple Meal Plan to Lose Weight?
Before using any of these recipes I want you to wait at least 10 days. This way you will have about a week and a half of resetting your hormones and upping your ability to manage carbs and sugars more efficiently. Also, your 4th weight management hormone “leptin” will be asking for a high-caloric dose to speed up your metabolism and fat burning capabilities. This is key in plateau prevention and energy balance.
On the day that you plan to indulge in any of these recipes or have any sort of cheat, you must create an environment that is ready for the extra calories plus the potential excess carbs and sugar. There’s no specific rule here for exactly what to do with this step, but the bottom line is: Just keep it light leading up to the cheat. Maybe opt for one of the smoothies for breakfast and have a salad-based meal for lunch and then “go nuts” for dinner (vice versa if you’re having a breakfast cheat). Depending on what Phase you are in (Launch or Ignite), you have either one or two meals with “power-carbs” in them; a good idea here would be to sub in some extra veggies (angel carbs) for the starchier, Power Carbs. This will help with “making  room” for the extra cheat meal carbs plus the extra fiber will prime an insulinsensitive environment. If the cheat meal pops up unexpectedly or you fall-off-track one day, just use this idea on the day that follows the cheat. This will help your body counteract all of the sugars and extra calories ingested on the previous day.
This is a little drink that I use sparingly when I know I’m going out for a big meal or a couple drinks. It works unbelievably well and actually programs your metabolism to use any of the “less than healthy” calories for good instead of evil. I’ll warn you, I do get some complaints that this little concoction doesn’t taste too great, but the meal that follows tastes even better knowing that all those calories are going to work for you, instead of landing on your tummy.
Here are the ingredients and of course, the corresponding reasons as to why they’re in there.
¼ TSP Cinnamon Create an insulin sensitive environment.
¼ TSP Ginger  Aids in digestion and help “eliminate” any of the leftover nasties the next day.
2 TSP Lemon Juice  Provides an anti-inflammatory response  and prevents a slowdown in your fat loss hormones
2 TSP Apple Cider Vinegar  Triggers immediate use of stored fat for energy
1 OR MORE cups of water I personally use even less than this  just to get it over and done with in a gulp or two :)
Although this step is optional, I always recommend burning off a couple extra calories on the day of, or day after the cheat. This is kind of a no-brainer but trust me, every bite of that cheat meal will taste better knowing that you “made-room” for the extra calories. Either perform one of the “Movement-Sequencing” workouts from Accelerator, go for a brisk walk, bum around in the garden for an hour – Whatever, just do whatever you need to do to burn a couple extra cals before you dig in. Finally, the closer you get this activity in prior to the meal, the more likely the cheat meal calories will be soaked up by your muscles to use as energy the next day. It may seem like a lot, but as I’ve mentioned a few times throughout, that meal is so much more satisfying and guilt-free knowing that every calorie of that cheat is being put to good use. And to be honest, using each and every one of these steps each time you cheat is going beyond the call of duty, but I like to make sure you’re always covered and have each and every tool you need at all times.
And that’s it. Alright, eat up!
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1. Barbacoa Burritos
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1 dried guajillo pepper
½ teaspoon whole cumin seeds
¼ teaspoon whole cloves
1 pinch “allspice”
1½ tablespoons dried Mexican oregano
1 sprig fresh thyme
1 clove garlic,
¼ cup chopped onion
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
6 to 8 ounces beef (sirloin or roast cuts are best)
Salt and pepper
1 flour tortilla (gluten free if you want to keep it classy)
Beans, rice, or vegetables of your choice
Salsa, for serving
Put the guajillo pepper in a bowl and pour hot water over it to cover. Set aside for 20 minutes.
Grind the cumin seeds, cloves, and allspice in a spice grinder. Drain the guajillo pepper, remove the stem and any seeds, and transfer to a blender along with the ground spices. Add the oregano, thyme, garlic, onion, and vinegar with a little water and puree to a paste.
Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer. 
Season the beef with salt and pepper. Rub all over with the spice paste and marinate for 4 hours, covered, in the refrigerator.
Preheat the oven to 325°F.
In a small roasting pan add the meat. Cover the pan tightly with foil and roast until the meat is fork tender, at least 1 hour, depending on the thickness. Shred the meat with a fork or pull apart with your hands.
Heat the flour tortilla and layer with the shredded meat and beans, rice, or vegetables of your choice. Roll up into a burrito and serve with salsa on the side.
Also try this 18 Quick and Easy Dinner Recipes
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2. KFC™ Coleslaw
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8 cups finely chopped cabbage (about 1 head)
¼ cup shredded carrot (1 medium carrot)
2 tablespoons minced onion
1/3 cup granulated sugar
½ teaspoon salt
⅛ teaspoon pepper
¼ cup milk
½ cup mayonnaise
¼ cup buttermilk
1½ tablespoons white vinegar
2 ½ tablespoons lemon juice
Be sure cabbage and carrots are chopped up into very fine pieces (about the size of rice).
Combine the sugar, salt, pepper, milk, mayonnaise, buttermilk, vinegar, and lemon juice in a large bowl and beat until smooth. 3. Add the cabbage, carrots, and onion, and mix well.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving. Serves 10-12.
Also try this 16 Delicious Fat-Burning Healthy Desserts Recipes
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3. Caesar Salad Dressing
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1 cup mayonnaise
¼ cup egg substitute
¼ cup grated parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons olive oil
½ tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon anchovy paste
2 cloves garlic, pressed
2 teaspoons sugar
½ teaspoon coarse ground pepper
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon dried parsley flakes, crushed fine
Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl.
Use an electric mixer to beat ingredients for about 1 minute. Alternatively, you may use a blender too.
Cover bowl and chill for several hours so that flavors can develop.
Also try this 16 Quick and Easy Chicken Dinner Recipes
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4. Blackened Chicken Pasta
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Cajun Blackening Spice
¼ cup paprika
3 tablespoons garlic powder
2 tablespoons celery salt
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon chili powder
Chicken and Pasta Sauce
1 tablespoon olive oil
6 ounces boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into bite-size pieces
1 cup sliced mushrooms
2 teaspoons Paul Prudhomme’s Poultry Magic
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1/3 cup diced Roma tomatoes, plus extra for garnish
¼ cup Alfredo sauce, homemade or store-bought
1 ½ cups heavy cream
1 ½ tablespoons grated Asiago cheese
For Serving
8 ounces linguine, cooked according to the package directions
1 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley
Do ahead: Make the Cajun blackening spice by combining all the ingredients; store in a tightly covered container until ready to use. (This mix makes more than necessary for this recipe, so feel free to add some Louisiana heat to other dishes.)
Heat the oil in a skillet and sauté the chicken and mushrooms. Sprinkle with the Poultry Magic and cook the chicken all the way through. Add the garlic and diced tomatoes and sauté for another minute.
Lower the heat and add 2 teaspoons of the Cajun blackening spice, the Alfredo sauce, and the heavy cream. Stir well to combine the ingredients, then take the pan off the heat and add the Asiago cheese.
Portion the cooked linguine onto 2 warmed serving plates by using tongs and swirling and mounding the pasta onto each plate. Top with the chicken and sauce. Garnish with diced tomato and sprinkle with the chopped parsley.
Also try this 19 Quick an Easy Dinner Recipes for Every Day of the Year
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5. Spicy Chicken Fillet Sandwich
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6-8 cups vegetable oil
1/3 cup Frank's Original Red-Hot Pepper Sauce
⅔ cup water
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 ½ teaspoons salt
4 teaspoons cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon coarse ground black pepper
1 teaspoon onion powder
½ teaspoon paprika
⅛ teaspoon garlic powder
4 chicken breast fillets
4 plain hamburger buns
8 teaspoons mayonnaise
4 lettuce leaves
4 tomato slices
Preheat 6-8 cups of oil in a deep fryer to 350 degrees.
Combine the pepper sauce and water in a small bowl.
Combine the flour, salt, cayenne pepper, black pepper, onion powder, paprika and garlic powder in another shallow bowl.
Pound each of the chicken pieces with a mallet until about 3/8-inch thick. Trim each breast fillet if necessary, to help it fit on the bun.
Working with one fillet at a time, coat each piece with the flour, then dredge it in the diluted pepper sauce.
Coat the chicken once again in the flour mixture and set it aside until the rest of the chicken is breaded.
Fry the chicken fillets for 8-12 minutes or until they are light brown and crispy. Remove the chicken to a rack or to paper towels to drain.
As chicken is frying, prepare each sandwich by grilling the face of the hamburger buns on a hot skillet over medium heat. Spread about 2 teaspoons of mayonnaise on the face of each of the inverted top
Place a tomato slice onto the mayonnaise, then stack a leaf of lettuce on top of the tomato.
On each of the bottom buns, stack one piece of chicken.
Flip the top half of each sandwich onto the bottom half and serve hot.
Also try this 18 Easy Keto Dinner Recipes You'll Want to Make ASAP
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6. Oreo Cookie Shake
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3 cups vanilla ice cream
1 ½ cups milk
8 Oreo cookies
Whipped cream, for topping
2 maraschino cherries, for garnish
Mix the ice cream and milk in a blender and process until smooth.
Break up the cookies and add to the ice cream while the blender is running on low. Blend until the cookies are pureed—a few chunks are okay.
Pour the mixture into 2 chilled glasses and garnish with whipped cream and a cherry on top.
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7. Buffalo Blasts
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1 Cup Pulled Chicken Breast
12 Wonton Wrappers
¼ Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese (Optional)
¼ Cup Crumbly Bleu Cheese (Optional)
1 Egg Beaten
½ Cup Flour
1 Tsp Garlic Powder
1 Tsp Cayenne Pepper
1 Tsp Black Pepper
1 Tsp Salt
Oil for frying
Buffalo Wing Sauce
⅔ Cup Franks Red Hot
1 Stick Unsalted Butter
1 Tbsp Worcestershire
¼ Tsp Garlic Powder
¼ Tsp Cayenne Pepper
Make Buffalo Wing Sauce:
In a small pot, combine ingredients listed above and heat until butter is melted and ingredients are mixed thoroughly.
Make Pulled Chicken:
This method can be achieved by slow cooking (best method), pressure cooking, stove top simmer or microwave.
Stove top simmer involves a pan with some water on low heat for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
The microwave method involves a microwave save dish (glass dish) and submerged chicken in water. Cook on High for 10-12 minutes depending on the thickness of the chicken.
Once your chicken has been cooked thoroughly, I actually just use my hands to pull the chicken apart, very similar to how you pull string cheese.
Toss the chicken into a bowl and pour approximately ½ Cup of your buffalo wing sauce and mix the chicken into the sauce Season the chicken with salt & pepper.
Bread & Fry:
Fill each wonton with approximately 1 Tbsp of Pulled Chicken or whatever appears to fit nicely Add just a sprinkle of Shredded Cheddar Cheese or Crumbly Bleu... or both! Whatever you prefer. Wet your finger with water and seal up the wonton much like you would an envelope how you have to wet that sticky thing in order for it to seal... Same thing here.
Get a shallow pan with a ½ Cup of Flour, 1 Tsp Garlic
Powder, 1 Tsp Cayenne Pepper, 1 Tsp Black Pepper & 1
Tsp Salt and mix it all up
Beat an egg in a small bowl or shallow pan
Dip the sealed wonton into the egg mixture and then into the flour mixture. Repeat these 12 times
Get a frying pan or deep fryer with oil and set it to 365°F or medium heat. Fry each wonton until golden brown on both sides. This will take approximately 1-2 minutes.
Plate with garnish, celery stalks and a ramequin of bleu cheese dressing and the remaining buffalo wing sauce.
Eat it and take a nap.
Also try this 14 Easy Dinner Recipes for a Family
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8. Canadian Cheese Soup
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8 tablespoons (1 stick) butter or margarine
1 cup finely diced carrots
½ cup finely diced onion
½ cup finely diced celery
2 to 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3 cups half-and-half
3 cups chicken broth
2 pounds Velveeta cheese, cut into cubes
1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley
Diced tomatoes
Diced jalapeño pepper (Optional) Bacon Bits
In a large saucepan, heat the butter and sauté the carrots, onion, and celery. Do not brown the vegetables; they should just be soft. Whisk in the flour and stir for a minute or two, then add the half-and-half and simmer over low heat. Don’t let the mixture boil, just let it simmer until it is thickened.
Gradually add the chicken broth, whisking the mixture to combine all the ingredients. The broth should be slightly thickened, like a cream soup. Let it simmer for about 10 minutes so the flour has a chance to cook.
Stir in the cheese, whisking constantly, until it is completely melted. Ladle the soup into warmed bowls, garnish with the parsley and, if you like, tomatoes, bacon bits and/or jalapeño.
Also try this 19 Delicious Vegan Dinner Recipes
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9. Bonzai Burger
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1 pound lean ground beef
Salt and pepper to taste
1 cup teriyaki sauce, divided
4 slices sharp cheddar cheese
8 pineapple rings
8 tomato slices
1 cup shredded lettuce mayo
4 burger buns with sesame seeds
Teriyaki Sauce
½ cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
1 tablespoon sesame oil
¼ cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon honey
¾ teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon minced garlic
For the homemade teriyaki sauce (use store bought if you like instead and skip a step) whisk all ingredients together in a small sauce pan. Stir constantly while bringing to a boil. Boil for 1-2 minutes. Reduce heat and transfer to a heat-safe bowl to rest until ready to use. on the grill). Cover the grill until cheese is melty (about 1-2 minutes).
In a medium bowl combine ground beef, salt and pepper to taste, and 1/3 cup teriyaki sauce. Mix well, then form into 4 equal sized patties.
Place pineapple slices and patties on a preheated grill rack. Grill patties over medium heat for 4-6 minutes on each side until cooked through to desired doneness.
When fully cooked, turn off the grill, transfer pineapples to a platter or serving tray, and place a slice of cheddar cheese on top of each burger patty (still on the grill). Cover the grill until cheese is melty (about 1-2 minutes).
Assemble burgers by spreading mayo on the insides of the burger burns. Top bottom half of bun with burger patty, teriyaki sauce, pineapple slices, tomatoes, and shredded lettuce. Serve warm.
Also try this 19 Healthy Dinner Recipes Under 10 Minutes
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10. Georgia Chopped Pork
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4 large lean Pork Chops
¼ cup Peanut Butter
½ can Mushroom Soup
¼ cup Milk
1 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce
1 teaspoon Salt
⅛ teaspoon Pepper
Brown pork chops.
Pour off fat.
Top each chop with a thick slice of onion.
Mix peanut butter, mushroom soup, milk and seasonings.
Pour mixture over chops.
Cover and cook over low heat for 45 minutes.
Chop the pork chops and serve on buns with Famous Dave’s BBQ Sauce.
Also try this 14 Delicious Healthy Recipes to Lose Weight
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11. Pad Thai
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½ cup low-fat coconut milk
6 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
4 tablespoons light soy sauce
4 tablespoons fresh squeezed lime juice
½ tablespoon rice wine vinegar
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons grated gingerroot
½ teaspoon red pepper flakes
Chicken Stir Fry:
½ tablespoon canola oil
½ tablespoon dark sesame oil
1-2 teaspoon curry powder (optional)
1 lb. chicken breast or (shrimp), cut up into bite size pieces
6-8 ounces frozen sugar snap peas
1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
¼ cup dry roasted peanuts, chopped (lightly salted) cilantro
½ lb. cooked noodles or ½ lb. cooked pasta
Combine all sauce ingredients in a bowl; set aside.
Cook noodles or pasta; drain and set aside.
In a skillet over medium heat, cook chicken (or shrimp) and onions in canola and sesame oil. Halfway through cooking, add garlic to pan. When chicken is done, add sugar peas; stir to heat for 1-2 minutes. 
Add sauce mixture and stir to coat chicken. 
Little by little add cooked noodles or pasta; stir to coat. 
Serve garnished with chopped peanuts and cilantro.
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12. Mama’s Meatloaf
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2 pounds ground beef
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon garlic powder
½ teaspoon oregano
½ teaspoon thyme
½ teaspoon basil
¼ teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/3 cup parmesan
½ cup bread crumbs
½ cup tomato juice
2 eggs
⅔ cup milk
1 medium onion
½ cup of ketchup
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mince the medium onion very finely. In a large bowl, knead the onion and dry ingredients into the beef. In a separate bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, and tomato juice. Add in the liquid a little bit at a time, mixing the meat with every addition of liquid. If your meat loaf feels too soft, you can always add in more bread crumbs.
Place a sheet of parchment paper on a 9 x 5 pan. Form the meat into a loaf shape on the top of the parchment paper. Spread a layer of ketchup on top of the meatloaf. Bake for 1 hour.
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13. Loaded Potato Skins
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4 Russet Potatoes
1 tbsp Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 tbsp melted Butter
¾ cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese
½ cup Chopped Crispy Fried Bacon
Preheat oven to 425.
Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
Wash, scrub and dry potatoes.
Pierce each multiple time with a fork.
Rub with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
Bake for 1 hour.
Allow to cool.
Preheat oven to 375.
Cut each potato lengthwise into thirds.
Reserve middle slice of each for something else.
Use a spoon to scoop out white middles of each remaining slice, leaving about ¼ thickness in each.
Brush potato skins with melted butter and bake for 25 minutes until crisp.
Sprinkle with cheese and bacon and return to oven until cheese is melted.
Serve with sour cream and sliced green onions.
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14. Signature Cheesecake
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¼ cup finely chopped pecans
¼ cup finely chopped walnuts
¼ cup finely chopped almonds
¾ cup finely chopped vanilla wafers
2 tablespoons melted butter
1 ½ lbs. cream cheese
1 1/3 cups sugar
5 large eggs
16 ounces sour cream
¼ cup flour
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 teaspoons lemon juice
Crust Directions:
Mix all nuts and vanilla wafer crumbs with melted butter and press into a 9-inch buttered springform pan, trying to line the sides as much as possible about 1 ½ up the sides of the pan, set aside.
Cheesecake Directions:
All the filling ingredients should be at room temperature.
Beat the cream cheese until light and fluffy with an electric mixer set on low (keep the setting at low during the entire mixing process).
Add the sugar a little at a time and continue beating until creamy.
Add one egg at a time and beat after each egg.
Add flour, vanilla and lemon juice, mix well.
Add the sour cream and beat well.
Pour cream cheese mixture into the springform pan.
Place on the top rack in the middle of a 325-degree F preheated oven for one hour and 15 minutes.
When time is up turn oven off, prop open oven door and leave in oven for one hour.
Remove from oven and let cool then refrigerate for 24 hours.
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Ways To Cook Mushrooms Healthy
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Healthy cooking spray oil
Revolutionary cooking oil spray mechanism
Silicone healthy cooking mat
Health appeal (
But my new favorite way to add eggs to … to throw together a quick, healthy meal for one. Or give the same concept an Itali…
Is Olive Oil Healthy To Cook With Olive oil is extremely healthy. … If you want to minimize your exposure to potentially harmful and carcinogenic compounds, you should only cook with fats that are stable at high heat. How To Cook Healthy Fried Rice But my new favorite way to add eggs to meals is to make egg ribbons … same dressing as everything else. Bingo: a healthy, q… healthy communities cook county ccdph serves approximately 2.5 million residents in 124 municipalities and strives to meet the public health needs of our suburban Cook County jurisdiction through effective and efficient disease prevention and health promotion programs. Healthy Camping Food No Cooking 15 No-Cook Recipes for Your Next Camping Trip. By Jessica Sanders … The good news is that not all meals have to be prepared with heat. Save time and energy by eliminating the cooking part. Here are 15 no-cook recipes that will help make campground meals … Tomorrow we’re heading out for our first camping trip of the year. Thinking about what to pack, food-wise is always a challenge. That’s why I wanted to create a list of … Cooking Healthy Meals On A Budget Eating a healthy diet is a very popular New Year’s Resolution, and also a tough one to keep on a budget … planning meals ca… If you’re cooking on a budget, be sure to not skimp on nutrition. … Ripe avocado add heart-healthy fat to this meal, while a homemade dressing cuts down on added sugar. Our healthy Shrimp, Avocado, and Grapefruit Salad will become a regular in your dinner salad rotation. In the summertime, throw the shrimp on the grill and enjoy dinner al … A convenient compilation of the top 20 recipes for eating healthy on a budget from Budgetbytes.com. Meat and Vegetarian recipes included! … Some of my favorite recipes are one pot / one pan meals that are easy, have simple … As a food lover and a … My Healthy Cooking Coach Ds Healthy Snacks To Cook At Home Healthy Way To Cook Beets Grapeseed Oil For Cooking Healthy Grapeseed oil is the latest "heart healthy" cooking oil. Despite the bold claims by the marketers, this oil really isn’t healthy at all. Grapeseed Oil: Is It Healthy or Not? By Jillian Levy, CHHC. … When it comes to cooking, grapeseed oil is a better choice than olive oil. It’s more stable than olive oil or other refined vegetable oils and has similar properties to coconut oil in that it can be heated without going rancid easily. This January, healthy food chef and beauty guru sophia roe is here to … Turn on skillet (or whatever kitchen tool you’re us… However, grape seed oil is primarily composed of polyunsaturated fats and safflower oil is primarily made up of monounsaturated fats. This difference results in varying health effects and cooking appl… How To Cook Cod Fish fillets healthy healthy cooking Classes Houston Houston’s Health Museum will show you how to prepare a healthy and delicious thanksgiving day meal
The Best Ways to Cook Shiitake Mushrooms One of the easiest and most delicious ways to cook shiitake mushrooms is in a sauté pan, with a little onion and garlic. You will want to sauté the onion and garlic first in some olive oil until the onion begins to get soft.
Healthy Meals To Cook For Lunch Is Olive Oil Cooking Spray Healthy ray healthy cooking spray oil is a low-fat delicious option to add zing to your meals without worrying about the calories intake. revolutionary cooking oil spray mechanism that will help reduce your regular oil intake by 10 times and fat consumption by 80%. Healthy Fish Chowder Cooking Light Microwave Cooking Healthy Or Unhealthy Cooking Healthy Meals On A Budget Eating a healthy diet is a very popular New Year’s Resolution, and also a tough one to keep on a budget … planning meals ca… If you’re cooking on a budget, be sure to not skimp on nutrition. … Ripe avocado add heart-healthy fat to this meal, while a homemade dressing cuts down on added sugar. Our healthy Shrimp, Avocado, and Grapefruit Salad will become a regular in your dinner salad rotation. In the summertime, throw the shrimp on the grill and enjoy dinner al … A convenient compilation of the top 20 recipes for eating healthy on a budget from Budgetbytes.com. Meat and Vegetarian recipes included! … Some of my favorite recipes are one pot / one pan meals that are easy, have simple … As a food lover and a … My Healthy Cooking Coach Ds Healthy Snacks To Cook At Home Healthy Way To Cook Beets Grapeseed Oil For Cooking Healthy Grapeseed oil is the latest "heart healthy" cooking oil. Despite the bold claims by the marketers, this oil really isn’t healthy at all. Grapeseed Oil: Is It Healthy or Not? By Jillian Levy, CHHC. … When it comes to cooking, grapeseed oil is a better choice than olive oil. It’s more stable than olive oil or other refined vegetable oils and has similar properties to coconut oil in that it can be heated without going rancid easily. This January, healthy food chef and beauty guru Sophia Roe is here to … Turn on skillet (or whatever kitchen tool you’re us… However, grape seed oil is primarily composed of polyunsaturated fats and safflower oil is primarily made up of monounsaturated fats. This difference results in varying health effects and cooking appl… How To Cook Cod Fish Fillets Healthy Healthy Cooking Classes Houston Houston’s Health Museum will show you how to prepare a healthy and delicious thanksgiving day meal for … which is about four bags of groceries," said Ann Sanchez, Professor and Cooking Demo Instruct… Healthy Superbowl Recipes Cooking Light healthy cooking chefs healthy Ways Of cooking chicken breast cooking healthy chicken 50 healthy chicken recipes That Are Anything But Boring. This is the kind of healthy eating we can get down with. Think chicken is a snooze-fest? THINK AGAIN. With the right recipe, chicken is anything but boring. Chicken is my go-to meat for recipe planning, because it’s a blank canvas for all kinds of different flavors and cooking techniques. Chicken is easy to use, a healthy … silicone healthy cooking mat If you use silicone molds or bakeware, make sure it is high quality and doesn’t contain fillers or dangerous Olive Oil Cooking Spray Healthy How To Cook Healthy Fried Rice But my new favorite way to add eggs to meals is to make egg ribbons … same dressing as everything else. Bingo: a healthy, q… Healthy Communities Cook County ccdph serves approximately 2.5 million residents in 124 municipalities and strives to meet the public health needs of our suburban Cook County jurisdiction through effective and efficient disease prevention and health promotion programs. Healthy Camping Food No Cooking 15 No-Cook Recipes for Your Next Camping Trip. By Jessica Sanders … The good news is that not all meals have to be prepared with heat. Save time and energy by eliminating the cooking part. Here are 15 no-cook recipes that will help make campground meals … tomorrow we’re heading out for our first camping trip of the year. Thinking about what to pack, food-wise is always a challenge. That’s why I wanted to create a list of … Cooking Healthy Meals On A Budget Eating a healthy diet is a very popular New Year’s Resolution, and also a tough one to keep on a budget … planning meals ca… If you’re cooking on a budget, be sure to not skimp on nutrition. … Ripe avocado add heart-healthy fat to this meal, while a homemade dressing cuts down on added sugar. Our healthy Shrimp, Avocado, and Grapefruit Salad will become a regular in your dinner salad rotation. In the summertime, throw the shrimp on the grill and enjoy dinner al … A convenient compilation of the top 20 recipes for eating healthy on a budget from Budgetbytes.com. Meat and Vegetarian recipes included! … Some of my favorite recipes are one pot / one pan meals that are easy, have simple … As a food lover and a … My Healthy Cooking Coach Ds Healthy Snacks To Cook At Home Healthy Way To Cook Beets Grapeseed Oil For Cooking Healthy Grapeseed oil is the latest "heart healthy" cooking oil. Despite the bold claims by the marketers, this oil really isn’t healthy at all. Grapeseed Oil: Is It Healthy or Not? By Jillian Levy, CHHC. … When it comes to cooking, grapeseed oil is a better choice than olive oil. It’s more stable than olive oil or other refined vegetable oils and has similar properties to coconut oil in that it can be heated without going rancid easily. This January, healthy food chef and beauty guru Sophia Roe is here to … Turn on skillet (or whatever kitchen tool you’re us… However, grape seed oil is primarily composed of polyunsaturated fats and safflower oil is primarily made up of monounsaturated fats. This difference results in varying health effects and cooking appl… How To Cook Cod Fish fillets healthy healthy cooking Classes Houston Houston’s Health Museum will show you how to prepare a healthy and delicious thanksgiving day meal for … which is about four bags of groceries," said Ann Sanchez, Professor and Cooking Demo Instruct… Healthy Superbowl Recipes Cooking Light healthy cooking chefs healthy Ways Of cooking chicken breast
Here are eight easy ways to include more mushrooms in your diet. Mushrooms are not only delicious, but they also have many health benefits. Here are eight easy ways to include more mushrooms in your diet. … 8 ways to cook with mushrooms. Margaret Nearing March 30, 2011. … • 2 weeks of healthy dinner ideas • 5 reasons to eat cruciferous …
"A month into the new year, many people are looking for ways to maintain new resolutions centered on making healthy lifestyle … "We have traditional recipes like Lasagne and Bolognese, which substit…
Mushrooms can be prepared in a variety of different ways, but some cooking techniques can make them lose their health appeal (they are rich in fiber, vitamins, and protein). … Here’s the Healthiest Way to Cook Mushrooms, According to Science Food News … Ready to cook? loading posts. Read Just One More Ready to cook? loading posts.
Mushrooms are projected to be one of the … or vegetarians and they can be cooked in a variety of different ways. To help br…
7 Ways With Mushrooms As supermarkets sport more and more varieties of fresh mushrooms, it’s time to let these flavorful vegetables take star billing in risottos, sauces, crepes, and soups. More
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Most people think that healthy eating involves multiple trips to the market for crazy items that require you to spend hours in the kitchen cooking. Eating healthy does not have to be this difficult. I…
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The Healthiest Way to Cook Mushrooms Is Totally Surprising. … Mushrooms are healthy because of the significant amount of dietary fiber, protein, amino acids, vitamins (including B1, B2, B12, C …
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cookinginmyheels · 6 years
It’s January. That first month of the year after a nonstop list of reasons to consume copious amounts of butter, bacon, gravy, taters, chocolate, wine and cheese….so much cheese.  Basically all my favorite food groups. Unfortunately, the past two month’s food orgy is not exactly the best approach to a “healthy” lifestyle, or pants that button. But, that’s what November and December are for. And if you believe the countless articles, books, and social media posts assaulting your eyeballs and padded gut, January is for giving up everything you look forward to in November and December.
I suppose those who advocate for “dry-January”, “clean-eating” and every diet plan pushed into your visual feed daily have, in some respects, a point. It’s not a bad thing to reign in the unbridled lust for luscious treats served from Halloween to New Year’s Eve. If you ate that way all the time, not only would those things no longer be special, you’d have a hell of a time lifting yourself off the couch.
Problem is, if you eschew all of the fun stuff, it makes it hard to entertain during the “purge” months. And if you are like me, countless days of cold gray blechy days require some sort of diversion to get through, usually involving feeding friends. If I want to entertain, I need to find a way to do it and keep in mind that many of my friends are eating lighter. The solution? Soup!
Roasted Tomatillo Chicken Soup
OK, so maybe soup doesn’t exactly inspire excitement. “Hey kids! Who wants to come over for a dinner party of….SOUP!” But before you get visions of red cans of concentrated whatever, or Uncle Schmooey in a pair of bermudas and black socks ordering up the Blue Plate Special, let me explain.
There are few things more comforting or riper for a table full of “accompaniments” than soup. Start with a terrific recipe chock full of good stuff (or, several recipes), and add in some great bread or biscuits, a salad, a cheese plate, and the vast potential of soup toppingsand BINGO! A happy crowd of eaters who can still claim healthy eating. And they actually are.
Many soup recipes, especially the ones I’m going to share today, are easily adapted for those eating lighter, or are pretty “healthy” on their own. Make the indulgence of the meal the things that accompany the main course so folks can choose to have or not. Throwing a soup party is also going to be a little easier on your wallet, which is probably on a January diet too.
  From a cook’s perspective, a soup party is the definition of a make-ahead event. Of the three recipes here, the only one that needs some last-minute action is topping the onion soup with a crouton and cheese and popping under the broiler for about 5 minutes before you serve. The potato leek and roasted tomatillo soups can just sit in pots on the stove warming until you want to serve. Or, if you have a crockpot or two (everyone I know has one so ask to borrow for the evening), just set them on warm and serve whenever.  Hey!  A soup menu would be super for SOUPERBOWL watching! (Sorry. I’ll stop now.) Make a few, have them all warm and ladle-ready with lots of toppings, go-withs, and a stack of bowls and everyone can have some of each!
However you want to do it, whether featuring just one or many, give a Soup Party a try. Because there is nothing better at chasing the chill of the mid-winter grays away than getting together with good friends, good food, and a cozy bowl or two. 😉
  potato leek soup
Soup Party Menu
As I said, the best thing about a soup party is it’s make-ahead perfect and very flexible. You may want to build the whole thing around a particular type of cuisine, say French, Mexican, Asian, or make a few for a “round the world in soup” night. Or, you could make one, and invite your friends to bring a pot of their favorite to share. You add in some sort of bread/biscuits/popovers, a composed salad, cheese board and/or charcuterie plate, and you are good to go.
potato leek soup
For the soup:
I’ve included one soup that works well as a stand-alone, French Onion Soup Gratineé, (build a whole Late-Night in Paris menu around it), and two, Potato Leek Soup and Roasted Tomatillo Chicken Soup, which would go well together since one is creamy and the other brothy.
French Onion Soup Gratineé
Potato Leek Soup
Roasted Tomatillo Chicken Soup
And to go with it:
Mushroom & Gruyere Tart
Jim Lahey’s Pizza Bianca
Cheese and Charcuterie board (this would be terrific for a French-themed night)
Sicilian Fennel and Blood Orange Salad or your favorite salad
And for dessert:
Affogato – a great vanilla ice cream with a pour-over of espresso or strong coffee
Here is where you answer “dessert” when friends ask what they can bring. 😉
Roasted Tomatillo Chicken Soup
Makes 6 Servings
I’ve literally been thinking of this soup every day since I came up with the idea. It has everything I love in a soup recipe – tangy heavily flavored broth with a little bit of heat and citrus, tender chicken, comes together in an hour, is very waistline friendly, and can stand perfectly well on its own or with an assortment of toppings. It’s pretty much the perfect soup.  I’ve also been looking for an excuse to load a recipe up with two of my favorite ingredients – Frontera Crushed Roasted Tomatillos (with garlic and poblano), and Trader Joe’s Roasted Tomatillo Salsa. If you can’t find the tomatillos (Whole Foods carries them by me), you could roast your own, or just triple up on the amount of tomatillo salsa, and cut down on salt by using low salt broth.
2 bags Frontera Crushed Roasted Tomatillos
1/2 cup Trader Joe’s Roasted Tomatillo Salsa, or your favorite salsa verde
1 onion, chopped
3 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 quart chicken stock
2 cups water
1/2 Knorr chicken bouillon cube (secret weapon to many soup-makers)
1 medium poblano pepper – roasted, skinned, seeded and chopped
A good handful cilantro leaves (about 1/2 cup), plus more for garnishing
Juice of one lime
Your favorite chili seasoning or chili powder (mine is Trader Joe’s Chili Lime Seasoning)
1 TBSP of olive oil
Salt and pepper
In a large soup pot, add the broth, water and 1/2 bouillon cube and bring to a slow boil. Meanwhile, season the chicken breasts on both sides with the chili seasoning. When the broth is at a slow boil, add the chicken breasts, cover, and turn down heat to a simmer (should be bubbling slightly.) Cook the chicken breasts until they are tender and cooked through, about 25-30 minutes. Check them at 25 min to make sure they aren’t overcooking. You want to be able to just shred them.
While the chicken is cooking, heat the oil in a saute pan and sweat the onions with a good pinch of salt and a few grinds of black pepper over  medium-low heat. You want them soft but not brown.
  Roasting poblano:  If you are lucky enough to have a grill that you use all year long, roast the poblano pepper on the grill until the skin is completely blackened. If you are like me and have a gas stove, you just plop the poblano onto one of the grills over the gas burner.  Roasting on the stove isn’t really hard to do, plus it’s kind of badass. Just DON’T WALK AWAY. You have something on an open flame -you need to watch that sucker. You can also roast the pepper in a dry cast iron pan on the stove, or put it in a pan under the broiler, again keeping a close eye on it.
Once the skin of the pepper is black, put in bowl, cover with cling film and let steam a few minutes. Pull the skin off (easiest to do this by rubbing with paper towel), remove the seeds and chop the pepper. Add it to the onions.
  Add the crushed roasted tomatillos and the salsa to the pan with the onions and peppers. Add the 1/2 cup of cilatro leaves and the juice from a lime, and simmer until the chicken breasts are ready.
Roasted Tomatillo Chicken Soup
When the chicken is tender and cooked through, remove from broth and shred chicken (not too small, nice generous bite-sized pieces). Set the chicken aside.
Add the onion-mixture to the broth. Bring to a slow boil and cook for about 15 minutes. Add in the shredded chicken and cook another 5 minutes or until everything is heated through. Taste for seasonings and add salt and pepper if needed.
  Roasted Tomatillo Chicken Soup
Serve with a wedge of lime, sour cream or greek yogurt, cilantro, avocado, and tortilla chips.
If you like what you read here, please help me spread the word. Meantime, I’d love you to join me on Facebook (please click the ‘like’ button.)
  DWF: Soup’s On! It's January. That first month of the year after a nonstop list of reasons to consume copious amounts of butter, bacon, gravy, taters, chocolate, wine and cheese....so much cheese. 
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
The story of America can be told through sandwiches
Historians show what sandwiches tell us about the biggest themes of the day, including immigration and globalization, class and gender, and resourcefulness and creativity.
From California to Mississippi, sandwiches have a storied history. 
Everyone has a favorite sandwich, often prepared to an exacting degree of specification: Turkey or ham? Grilled or toasted? Mayo or mustard? White or whole wheat?
We reached out to five food historians and asked them to tell the story of a sandwich of their choosing. The responses included staples like peanut butter and jelly, as well as regional fare like New England’s chow mein sandwich.
Together, they show how the sandwiches we eat (or used to eat) do more than fill us up during our lunch breaks. In their stories are themes of immigration and globalization, of class and gender, and of resourcefulness and creativity.
A taste of home for working women
Megan Elias, Boston University
The tuna salad sandwich originated from an impulse to conserve, only to become a symbol of excess.
In the 19th century – before the era of supermarkets and cheap groceries – most Americans avoided wasting food. Scraps of chicken, ham or fish from supper would be mixed with mayonnaise and served on lettuce for lunch. Leftovers of celery, pickles and olives – served as supper “relishes” – would also be folded into the mix.
The versions of these salads that incorporated fish tended to use salmon, white fish or trout. Most Americans didn’t cook (or even know of) tuna.
Around the end of the 19th century, middle-class women began to spend more time in public, patronizing department stores, lectures and museums. Since social conventions kept these women out of the saloons where men ate, lunch restaurants opened up to cater to this new clientele. They offered women exactly the kind of foods they had served each other at home: salads. While salads made at home often were composed of leftovers, those at lunch restaurants were made from scratch. Fish and shellfish salads were typical fare.
When further social and economic changes brought women into the public as office and department store workers, they found fish salads waiting for them at the affordable lunch counters patronized by busy urban workers. Unlike the ladies’ lunch, the office lunch hour had time limits. So lunch counters came up with the idea of offering the salads between two pieces of bread, which sped up table turnover and encouraged patrons to get lunch to go.
When canned tuna was introduced in the early 20th century, lunch counters and home cooks could skip the step of cooking a fish and go straight to the salad. But there was downside: The immense popularity of canned tuna led to the growth of a global industry that has severely depleted stocks and led to the unintended slaughter of millions of dolphins. A clever way to use dinner scraps has become a global crisis of conscience and capitalism.
I like mine on toasted rye.
East meets West in Fall River, Massachusetts
Imogene Lim, Vancouver Island University
Ben Gilbert/Business Insider“Gonna get a big dish of beef chow mein,” Warren Zevon sings in his 1978 hit “Werewolves of London,” a nod to the popular Chinese stir-fried noodle dish.
During that same decade, Alika and the Happy Samoans, the house band for a Chinese restaurant in Fall River, Massachusetts, also paid tribute to chow mein with a song titled “Chow Mein Sandwich.”
Chow mein in a sandwich? Is that a real thing?
I was first introduced to the chow mein sandwich while completing my doctorate at Brown University. Even as the child of a Chinatown restaurateur from Vancouver, I viewed the sandwich as something of a mystery. It led to a post-doctoral fellowship and a paper about Chinese entrepreneurship in New England.
The chow mein sandwich is the quintessential “East meets West” food, and it’s largely associated with New England’s Chinese restaurants – specifically, those of Fall River, a city crowded with textile mills near the Rhode Island border.
The sandwich became popular in the 1920s because it was filling and cheap: Workers munched on them in factory canteens, while their kids ate them for lunch in the parish schools, especially on meatless Fridays. It would go on to be available at some “five and dime” lunch counters, like Kresge’s and Woolworth – and even at Nathan’s in Coney Island.
It’s exactly what it sounds like: a sandwich filled with chow mein (deep-fried, flat noodles, topped with a ladle of brown gravy, onions, celery and bean sprouts). If you want to make your own authentic sandwich at home, I recommend using Hoo Mee Chow Mein Mix, which is still made in Fall River. It can be served in a bun (à la sloppy joe) or between sliced white bread, much like a hot turkey sandwich with gravy. The classic meal includes the sandwich, french fries and orange soda.
For those who grew up in the Fall River area, the chow mein sandwich is a reminder of home. Just ask famous chef (and Fall River native) Emeril Legassé, who came up with his own “Fall River chow mein” recipe.
And at one time, Fall River expats living in Los Angeles would hold a “Fall River Day.”
On the menu? Chow mein sandwiches, of course.
A snack for the elites
Paul Freedman, Yale University
Ben Gilbert/Business InsiderUnlike many American food trends of the 1890s, such as the Waldorf salad and chafing dishes, the club sandwich has endured, immune to obsolescence.
The sandwich originated in the country’s stuffy gentlemen’s clubs, which are known – to this day – for a conservatism that includes loyalty to outdated cuisine. (The Wilmington Club in Delaware continues to serve terrapin, while the Philadelphia Club’s specialties include veal and ham pie.) So the club sandwich’s spread to the rest of the population, along with its lasting popularity, is a testament to its inventiveness and appeal.
A two-layer affair, the club sandwich calls for three pieces of toasted bread spread with mayonnaise and filled with chicken or turkey, bacon, lettuce and tomato. Usually the sandwich is cut into two triangles and held together with a toothpick stuck in each half.
Some believe it should be eaten with a fork and knife, and its blend of elegance and blandness make the club sandwich a permanent feature of country and city club cuisine.
As far back as 1889, there are references to a Union Club sandwich of turkey or ham on toast. The Saratoga Club-House offered a club sandwich on its menu beginning in 1894.
Interestingly, until the 1920s, sandwiches were identified with ladies’ lunch places that served “dainty” food. The first club sandwich recipe comes from an 1899 book of “salads, sandwiches and chafing-dish dainties,” and its most famous proponent was Wallis Simpson, the American woman whom Edward VIII abdicated the throne of Great Britain to marry.
Nonetheless, an 1889 article from the New York Sun entitled “An Appetizing Sandwich: A Dainty Treat That Has Made a New York Chef Popular” describes the Union Club sandwich as appropriate for a post-theater supper, or something light to be eaten before a nightcap. This was one type of sandwich that men could indulge in, the article seemed to be saying – as long as it wasn’t eaten for lunch.
‘The combination is delicious and original’
Ken Albala, University of the Pacific
While the peanut butter and jelly sandwich eventually became a staple of elementary school cafeterias, it actually has upper-crust origins.
In the late-19th century, at elegant ladies’ luncheons, a popular snack was small, crustless tea sandwiches with butter and cucumber, cold cuts or cheese. Around this time, health food advocates like John Harvey Kellogg started promoting peanut products as a replacement for animal-based foods (butter included). So for a vegetarian option at these luncheons, peanut butter simply replaced regular butter.
One of the earliest known recipes that suggested including jelly with peanut butter appeared in a 1901 issue of the Boston Cooking School Magazine.
“For variety,” author Julia Davis Chandler wrote, “some day try making little sandwiches, or bread fingers, of three very thin layers of bread and two of filling, one of peanut paste, whatever brand you prefer, and currant or crabapple jelly for the other. The combination is delicious, and so far as I know original.”
The sandwich moved from garden parties to lunchboxes in the 1920s, when peanut butter started to be mass produced with hydrogenated vegetable oil and sugar. Marketers of the Skippy brand targeted children as a potential new audience, and thus the association with school lunches was forged.
The classic version of the sandwich is made with soft, sliced white bread, creamy or chunky peanut butter and jelly. Outside of the United States, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich is rare  – much of the world views the combination as repulsive.
These days, many try to avoid white bread and hydrogenated fats. Nonetheless, the sandwich has a nostalgic appeal for many Americans, and recipes for high-end versions – with freshly ground peanuts, artisanal bread or unusual jams – now circulate on the web.
The Daughters of the Confederacy get creative
Andrew P. Haley, University of Southern Mississippi
Melia Robinson/Business InsiderThe Scotch woodcock is probably not Scottish. It’s arguably not even a sandwich. A favorite of Oxford students and members of Parliament until the mid-20th century, the dish is generally prepared by layering anchovy paste and eggs on toast.
Like its cheesier cousin, the Welsh rabbit (better known as rarebit), its name is fanciful. Perhaps there was something about the name, if not the ingredients, that sparked the imagination of Miss Frances Lusk of Jackson, Mississippi.
Inspired to add a little British sophistication to her entertaining, she crafted her own version of the Scotch woodcock for a 1911 United Daughters of the Confederacy fundraising cookbook. Miss Lusk’s woodcock sandwich mixed strained tomatoes and melted cheese, added raw eggs, and slathered the paste between layers of bread (or biscuits).
As food historian Bee Wilson argues in her history of the sandwich, American sandwiches distinguished themselves from their British counterparts by the scale of their ambition. Imitating the rising skylines of American cities, many were towering affairs that celebrated abundance.
But those sandwiches were the sandwiches of urban lunchrooms and, later, diners. In the homes of southern clubwomen, the sandwich was a way to marry British sophistication to American creativity.
For example, the United Daughters of the Confederacy cookbook included “sweetbread sandwiches,” made by heating canned offal (animal trimmings) and slathering the mashed mixture between two pieces of toast. There’s also a “green pepper sandwich,” crafted from “very thin” slices of bread and “very thin” slices of green pepper.
Such creative combinations weren’t limited to the elites of Mississippi’s capital city. In the plantation homes of the Mississippi Delta, members of the Coahoma Woman’s Club served sandwiches of English walnuts, black walnuts and stuffed olives ground into a colorful paste. They also assembled “Friendship Sandwiches” from grated cucumbers, onions, celery and green peppers mixed with cottage cheese and mayonnaise. Meanwhile, the industrial elite of Laurel, Mississippi, served mashed bacon and eggs sandwiches and creamed sardine sandwiches.
Not all of these amalgamations were capped by a slice of bread, so purists might balk at calling them sandwiches. But these ladies did – and they proudly tied up their original creations with ribbons.
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