#also aimh needed to be included
About Louis needing the Larries. I think there is a distinction to be made. There definitely are Larries who like his music and support him by going to his tours and streaming his music but there are a lot of Larries whose only interest in him is an appendage to their fave. Not only do they not like his music or his aesthetic (their words), they also go around taking every opportunity to say how let down they feel by them. They constantly complain about him not appreciating their support enough. I am not sure that Louis needs for people to support him by having Tumblr blogs dedicated to fan fiction between him and his ex-bandmate. I mean they feel let down by him because they have no real interest in him as a person so cannot see his musicianship or he cares for the well being of his fans who come out to see him, how he gives them an experience to cherish in his concerts, how good he is to people who interacts with in real life, who work for him or his friends who are not as privileged as him. That’s why it’s so easy for them to feel let down by a stupid dm and rile up the fandom by saying he makes them feel unsafe. Louis biggest draw is him being the comfort person for a lot of people including his ex band mates. They try to strike at the very core of that. I am not sure Louis needs them in his fandom quite frankly just to make up faux numbers.
The Larries that you’ve described actually drive away new fans by creating a psychotic sphere around Louis. In their eyes, Louis is both a controlling and self-sabotaging person, both impulsive and masochistic, both manipulative of fans but also fundamentally dishonest in everything he says and does.
“I am not sure that Louis needs for people to support him by having Tumblr blogs dedicated to fanfiction between him and his ex bandmate.”
These Larries honestly treat the fanfiction with more respect than they do Louis.
Maybe it’s because, as you say, the fanfiction feels “more real” to them; the depictions of Louis (and Harry) in fanfiction stick closer to Larrie versions than any real live Louis or Harry ever could.
Real life-Louis has a life and a career of his own, no matter how Larries try to reduce him to a fictitious support character.
Real life-Louis writes songs outside of Harry Styles’ sphere and seeks no approval or even communication with Harry.
Real life-Louis goes outside of Harry’s circles of sycophancy and elbow rubbing. Louis has his own, independent friends. Louis has his own professional contacts. He has his own taste in clothes, in entertainment, in music. He has his own money.
Real life-Louis has his own fans — for these Larries, the one truly unforgivable sin.
For these Larries, it will never be good for Louis to have his own fans… because why would a support player need them? Harry should have a big solo fandom, of course — he’s the obvious star for them. But Louis having more fans, solo fans, new fans who know nothing about Harry … it strikes terror into their very hearts.
How can they continue to manipulate the majority of Louis’ fandom if new fans don’t like Harry?
How else can these Larries continue to hold Louis back?
The threats of leaving the fandom and boycotts, taking down fan-made websites (with the fake LTHQofficial name), the insults to Louis’ looks and habits, the hysteria of thinking Louis checks on their blogs and signals to them …
These are methods of fandom manipulation and control.
(Bringing Harry and Louis dolls to Louis’ concerts, hanging up AIMH posters, screaming Princess Park and Come on when you know you know are also ways of aggressively announcing Larrie control of Louis’ spaces.)
Larries with longtime followings want to continue controlling Louis, because for too long, they have dominated Louis’ fandom. The young Larrie fandom today (Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok) overstep their boundaries because they take cues from older Larries.
It’s time that Louis builds his own supporters and fans— people who will be there for him for LT2, and LT3, and LT4 without ridiculous head canons and toxic conditions.
To your point, anon:
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lhrry · 9 years
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louis aesthetic 4/?
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Hi. Maybe you don’t give your reasoning, but if you do, why don’t you think L is F’s father? I dk if it’s one thing/event? Is it how it was presented? Is presented? Do you think it’s serving a purpose? Was serving a purpose? A lot of people do explain it with B not being the mom so that excludes L more easily. Like I said, I dk if you discuss these things, but I’m of course interested in your thoughts if you do. Thank you!
I don't know if I've ever answered this in full anon, so I'll do it now (but under a read more - this is quite long and very close to my boundaries in terms of talking about this).
I came into the fandom at the beginning of 2015, so the first thing that's affecting my understanding of what's going on was the two month break in the OTRA tour. After their Dubai gig (and some family time in Dubai), Louis went back to the UK and played in a football match and then did some writing and rolled some joints in endearing ways in photos that were sent to the Sun. Then after being seen either out or in the studio every day, until late April, he went MIA for just under a week. There were sitings of him in LA (one was someone in fandom who said their friend had seen him and Harry, but another was a complete random on twitter). Then he was papped at the airport, carrying the psychopath test on 3 May 2015. It seemed like he'd got there earlier and this was a very public arrival.
The other airport pap pics that seemed really significant was 2 June 2015, where Louis was papped at LAX. 1D had been in rehearsals for their next leg, which started on 5 June in Cardiff. He then took photos with the Chimpanzee from the Steal My Girl video and flew back like 36 hours later. They ended up adding songs from 4 in the European leg, but not straight away.
This (and a bunch of other stories I was telling about Harry and Louis being happy together, which included snoppy/Basquiat shirts, Barcelona coin braclets, the AIMH tweet on a flag, and a whole bunch of other stuff that I've now forgotten) was the context that I experienced the People article of July 2015.
I feel like all the weirdness around that is pretty well covered. The close connections with 1D's team. The way they never seemed to own the story. I found it weird and stressful, but I never really thought that it might be true and that was mainly because of the timing.
They announced that Briana was 11 weeks pregnant, which meant she would have conceived 9 weeks ago (pregnancy is counted from someone's last period, rather than conception). That seemed to me totally bizzarre, particularly as paternity could only have been confirmed for 2-3 weeks at the time of conception (here's a post I wrote about that in February 2016).
I actually think it's even more unlikely that the People magazine at 11 weeks would have happened if Louis had knocked someone up now than I did at the time. First because we now know that the end was in site at this point. 1D's management and label would just have had to keep the secret until the end of the year and then it wasn't their problem. That seems to me to be a huge extra motivation for all involved to keep it quiet. Second, we've seen how effectively Louis' personal life can be kept quiet, when they want to.
There are two things I want to bring out about the timing. First the person who owned Eli the chimpanzee knew Brett and when Louis went to LA in early July, he took a photo with Austin Clark. Obviously looking back that becomes the trip where Louis was going to talk to Briana about being pregnant. And if it was, it's so fucking bizzarre that it would be so widely publicised.
The second is those two airport pap trips are one of the many reasons I don't think this whole thing was planned in advance, and why I think this wouldn't have happened if Briana hadn't got pregnant. Louis arriving in LA so late gave them very little options in terms of the story. I think Briana was further along when they announced, but they couldn't say that, because then Louis wouldn't have been there for conception. But if they were going to do it they needed to do it then, to avoid running into the roll out for MITAM (why did they feel the need to do it - that's a whole different question). In addition if having Louis prettend to be a father was planned months in advance, then they wouldn't have had to cut into rehearsals aLnd delayed performing new songs. I don't think what happened is consistent with some fans theories of something that was meticulously planned months in advance.
So that was my position all the way through the pregnancy. I never took the possibility that there wouldn't be a denial seriously, mostly because it was so incredible to me that a boyband member's unintended pregnancy would be announced at 11 weeks.
I was really shocked when the birth took place, and shocked again when the birth certificate was released (I still remember where I was when that news came out). The messiness of it all and the ways it was possible to still believe that Louis wasn't the father despite what was happening is reasonably well covered. I doubted a lot and was on an emotional roller coaster that year. The one thing I held on to was that the story was that Louis hadn't had a paternity test. That just obviously wasn't true and I found it really interesting that they were telling it.
But I was super anxious that Louis might be the father all through that year, and spent a lot of time trying to make sense of it all. Until December 2016, when it became clear why nothing made any sense. And I was reminded of how much I don't know. But in addition to all that existential stuff, I also realised that Briana and Freddie had come to the UK in December 2015 to be seen by the fandom and not to see Jay (this is clear from their travel details).
And that was what settled my anxiety and uncertainty, and made me relaxed in my belief that Louis wasn't Freddie's father. If Jay wanted to see her grandchild, then I was convinced that Louis would and could have organised that. And everything we knew about Jay suggested that she would have wanted to see her grandchild.
Now I'm not here to argue that logic - I probably was more certain about that than was justified. I don't know Jay - and obviously a lot was going down that year. In general, I think that things are probably far messier than I could possibly imagine, and that makes certainty a little absurd.
But for me that meant that I was no longer keyed up and anxious, and was sort of calm in my belief that Louis wasn't the father. As time has passed, and options have been cut off, I've also become more accepting of the idea that I might be wrong and Louis might be Freddie's father. I don't think he is, but whatever is actually going on doesn't stress me out anymore.
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jlf23tumble · 3 years
Hey Jen. I think you’re superb like in a (not to quote anyone but) you can sit and kind of admire what you’re like kind of way. So thanks for being awesome and enjoyable to this internet stranger. In unrelated matter, do you have any angst filled fics? I mostly read HL but I’ll dive into whatever as long as the pain is there. (If I can give a preference, I’m not so much into magic, fantasy, wolves, and sorts.) In these unprecedented times, I think I’d still need a happy ending though after the characters suffer terribly lol. If you find time to put something together for little old moi, I’d appreciate it very much. Thanks! Keep on keeping on! You’re wonderful!
<bryan_cranston_me_question_mark.gif> !!!!!!!!!! This is so incredibly kind, I think you’re pretty wonderful, too! I feel like I’m probably going to let you down here, though, because I generally don’t go too hard for angst (for one, it usually translates into longer fics, for two, some areas of true angst are just things I don’t really want to read for pleasure, like messy cheating aftermaths, abuse, character death, etc., and for three, I get lost in the sauce if I try too hard to dissect if something actually IS major angst versus, say, intense pining), but I’ll do my best! I’m going to give my dirty dozen here--my top 12 for hl--then I’ll dive deeper under the cut, with authors I love who write so much angst it’s tough to pick just one, plus other fandoms, too, in case you want to dive deeper.
Fertile Ground, Blake, 4.4k. Okay, in truth, so much of what Blake writes has gorgeous lashings of angst, so definitely read all of their fic (every fandom), but this one?? HOLY MOLY, it deserves to be separated and celebrated, Harry’s angst about fertility, howwwwww is this 4.4k, I ask, constantly?
sensitive to pressure, momentofclarity/ @gaycousinlarry, 4.4k. Hockey players and pubes and scent kinks, and yet there’s still this current of angst that thrums underneath, man oh man, would I read everything in this universe.
Everything You Do, jishler/ @jishlerfics, 6.6k. The third part of a stunning series, this one focusing on Harry’s gender identity and the Dunkirk haircut, and if you saw those recent gifsets with him wearing the beanie during training, yeah, this fic is alllll about it
i’m a captain on a jealous sea, devilinmybrain/ @thedevilinmybrain, 15k. A lot of jealousy on Louis’s part about all things Gryles, both real and imagined, I’m loving the vibes this author brings to it all.
taking tips and getting stoned, alison, 24k. I don’t think I can sum this one up quickly, but taxi driver Louis comes across singer Harry, and a lot of things change after that? God, that’s bad, but this fic is not!
hard to confess, @hereforlou, 24k. I adore Maggie’s writing so much, and she’s another one where I could rec at least three more here, but the one where Harry hides that he’s pregnant until the very last second? It’ll forever be the scorpio of mpreg fics, and I say that with the highest praise.
Maybe I Miss You series, 13ways, 28k. THIS SERIES, ooooooooffffff, the angstometer is off the chart, and then the last installment? Harry in makeup? This after all the sexting and boxing and hate sex and finally they figure their shit out? All of it is so good, and I’m eternally sad the author moved on (but jesus, I get it).
hush., Wankerville, 41k. Easily in my top five fics of any fandom, the softness and the cruelty, the growth and the real-life feels, an American high school AU that is still stunning and must have blown doors off back in that particular day (I’d also rec this author’s other work, esp. for angst).
every universe but ours, 28finelines, 49k. Okay, so this one has a little bit of magic that might annoy you, but it’s mostly in a multiverse way, like you’re reading a ton of AUs, but the theme itself has an angsty core, fwiw!
Truly, Madly, Deeply (10 Things I Hate about You), sunsetmog, 54k. I know I talk a LOT about this author’s ongoing wip, Harry Styles Cooks... (which is phenomenal, please do yourself a favor if you haven’t already), but this one? Angst ahoy, Harry auditions for XFUK without telling his boyfriend/friends, becomes a success, then comes home.
Time Passed, coffinofachimera/ @belialsmiracles, 66k. For every fic rec list I make, I always have at least one fic where I say, if you read nothing else, read this one, AND THIS IS IT, all categories, it’s simply astounding, life-changing, world-ending, and it kills me that more people haven’t left comments, but if it keeps shitty comments away, I’m all for it, I’ll protect this author/fic with my life. I can’t even begin to describe it, but if you want to know what the songs Fine Line or She are about, here you go! AIMH, Tokyo Harry!
The World Turned Upside Down, dogslpdi/ @dogsliampaynedoesntinstagram, 71k. I’m really iffy on historical fics, but this fic! This fic nails it! The detail and the emotion, the way you can feel the effects of the strike in so many ways, but also how HIV/AIDS is not that far off on the horizon, it’s just so well done. Plus, I adore Ralph’s humor and the way she tagged this both “minor angst” and “miner angst,” and if I can’t end an angst rec on a light note, what more can I do?
Let’s start with things beyond hl...lately, I’ve been reading a LOT of Untamed fic, and I feel like I should just point you to Liv’s masterlists because they are angst city (and fun city, too), plus she’s done a really good job of labeling them accordingly (right now, my fave angst is from chunk no. 2, Fire in the Blood, which is a case fic, but oof, I can’t wait to read even more in these parts).
I’m also just now getting into Merlin and reading a lot in that fandom, but it’s a bit scattershot at this stage (I haven’t finished the show yet, and I’m still working my way through one author who wrote 100+ fics, all of which are incredible; if you’re curious for something recent from over there, Phoenix wrote a short, angsty one that’s good and ouchy, this tangled thicket).
Speaking of Phoenix, EVERYTHING she has written for Cars (Lightning/Doc) is incredibly angsty, usually with that happy ending finale--I’d rec my current fave, but it’s a wip, so no happy ending yet, wahhh. Check out this link to the rest of them, though, I rec ‘em all!
I still have to watch the source material, but everything anyone’s sent me from Cobra Kai is INCREDIBLY angsty and so, so good, so I’m gonna bet there’s a fair bit of fix-it fic in my future, but we shall see! 
Now onto the hl angst, ideally things you haven’t already read a million times before. Like I said earlier, this one’s kind of tough because I’m not into intense angst (major character/close family member death, messy cheating aftermath--though @kingsofeverything’s Devil and the Deep Blue Sea is fantastic, if you’re into that [messy cheating aftermath, not death]; actually, a lot of Lauren’s longer fics have a dose of angst, so dive away!)
Speaking of authors who regularly deliver angst, I have quite a few that I would say just go check out their works because almost every single thing they’ve done has it in varying degrees, you won’t be disappointed! These authors primarily write the hl pairing, and I definitely rec ‘em all: HappyPrincess, got2ghost, mediaville, and sedfierisentio. Authors I love who write Harry/other characters and do it in a hella angsty way include vondrostes, sulkingroom, radiodurans, and wishforwishes (I swear, I still think about call me anything you like at least once a month).
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bayrut · 4 years
okay here’s what i want to fix...
first he follows a lot of people that don’t even stan him anymore. he probably can’t even scroll through his timeline safely without being forced to see triggering content (h***** s*****). i bet he doesn’t even know how to mute all the words needed to have an enjoyable twitter experience. this is probably why he’s not very active. so i’d unfollow a bunch of non louies. second, i would unfollow most of his team (arista, jesobel, etc). also dan wooton needs to be unfollowed asap. there are some tweets that need to be deleted like the “i am in fact str8 tweet which hrries use against him even though he probably wasn’t the one who tweeted it. i’d change his pfp because it needs more color. lastly maybe i’d tweet something controversial like fuck sony or something, but that would probably get me sued soooo maybe not. any suggestions?
 wow.. i gotta say i’m impressed you have a whole plan. i think i agree with it all, but here are extra suggestions, let me know what you think:
i think we should also delete the AIMH tweet
remove “1/54 of 1d” from his bio
unfollow h from twitter or actually all the boys idc and the 1d update accounts please
unfollow des styles
he should unfollow all the txf contestants who only use him for clout (i saw like 6 on his following list. has to go.)
unfollow simon cowell, and syco entertainment
unfollow sony music singapore, sony music canada, sony music france, sony music chile, sony music australia, sony pictures teens
unfollow lthq
unfollow french montana he’s problematic
gigi hadid too
ellen degeneres too
unfollow james arthur he was rude about 1d but specifically louis
unfollow converse just because vans is better
follow MIKA <3
sorry i got bored the list of who he follows is long but basically: 1 unfollow all clout chasers (including the 1d-related people + families) 2 everything simon syno sony team 3 unfollow some problematic people 4 follow mika
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indomies · 3 years
hey belle, I hope you’re doing well today! how’s uni?? also I’m very good, thank you for asking 💕 (sorry in advance for the long ask sldjsks)
I just read it a few months ago and it was really good, definitely recommend!!! lmao I was same but I’m slowly catching up on them all
ooo I love that. and excuse me @ niall the girl is waiting for your reply!!!!
no are you kidding?? you totally deserve to be complimented like that when you create such beautiful concepts, including this walls nutrition facts!!! I love that you kept on seeing the music receipts and decided to think outside the box and do something different!!! (and I would definitely buy from that sticker shop 🤭)
your recent typography edits are AMAZING and i loveeee the aimh one, it’s stunning! I can definitely see that becoming your brand since they’re all so different yet cohesive in a way idk lsdjsks
hmm my fave edit of yours I think is definitely the aimh one, but also hl in the different seasons!!! I just love the colours you used and all four of them flow so well 🤩
also I saw that you made an edit series called # iknowaplace (I may or may not have gone through your whole edits tag sldjsk) and I saw you made a beautiful edit for nusa penida, which is such an incredible place!!! this is probably another hard question but can you tell me some of your fav places to go in indonesia??
ahhh I can’t wait for the reveal either, it still seems like ages away but we’re already in feb!! thank you darling, and you too xox
your secret valentine 💖
hi love!!! im studying for exams now dhbsah i just......... want to give up sometimes lmao why did i choose this path. where’s this magic remote like in adam sandler’s movie click where i can fast forward jdba. im living in a vicious cycle u know. like i want to graduate but then i need to study but i dont like what im studying and that results in procastination and  lot of denials lmao.
hahahaha thanks again for the compliment!!!! i just think if i get too many of them i’ll get big headed lmao ((maybe after i graduate and dont have to juggle between work and studying id open up a sticker/merch/art shop idk. ive been on small business tiktok for a while and im so interested hsaj i mean ive dreamed of having my own business since i was like what 13/14? i did have a merch shop when i was in indonesia tho. but it was really short lived bc i had to move to berlin lol))
yeah!! im really happy with my typography edits cant wait what i produce in the future lmaooo. now you remind me that i need to finish hl in season series lmaoooo spring is almost here.
omgg dhjbaj i have so many series that are abandoned #iknowaplace is one of them lmaoo, i think i can restart that series after exams. ohhhhhhh tbh i havent traveled that much in indonesia bc back when i was living there, travel was more expensive especially the flight tickets. and i havent gone back in 3 years lmao. i love going to yogyakarta bc food game there is amazing, also borobudur temple is amazing. bali is an experience tho its highly overrated lmao, lombok is better tbh bc it’s not that known. i want to go to east nusa tenggara, there’s a komodo island where u can see them up close lmaooo. i havent been to mount bromo but my mom has, and the sunset there is so beautiful. i think most beaches in indonesia are great, raja ampat in papua is known for place for diving. too bad i havent really visited cities in indonesia much, i want to tho someday!!!!
yeah!!! you’re gonna reveal urself in less than 2 weeks!! exciting!!! love you babe!!
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losinghome · 7 years
There comes a point when you can’t play everything off as coincidence anymore, and Harry and Louis passed that point about a hundred “coincidences” ago. All signs point towards larry, and i’m sorry if you think that’s delusional thinking, but honest to god there’s too much for antis to debunk. It’s been nearly seven (7) years and larry is STILL an ongoing debate, to the point where this fanbase is literally separated between antis and larries. The amount of shit they could have done to deny larry, like for instance, IGNORING IT. Instead even more attention was brought to it when they decided to bring in beards and babies and sending out a “hate” narrative. And it’s continuing even now to the point where Ben Winston is trying to erase the fact that H and L lived together by telling lies and resorting to enforcing Harry’s unwanted womanizing image. It’s gross. Louis’ entire public image revolves around his relationships rather than his music and all the amazing shit he’s done for charity and the fans. We know who he’s dating at all times, we knew B was pregnant before she even started showing, we get pictures of every single time he’s with El including at his fucking public house. We’ve predicted practically every single thing that’s happened with elounor, it’s at a point where I’m no longer laughing at how poorly everything has been carried out. I’m an optimist, so hopefully this is the year they finally have their happy ending, though I doubt anything major like that will happen before the release of Harry’s album, By the way, speaking of the album, Harry’s constant need to the allude the number 28 is an example of one of those unfortunate “coincidences.” If you don’t think the dates all going back to 28 is on purpose, then please explain to me the likelihood of two people being haunted by a number. Also, while you’re at it, explain the corresponding tattoos and explain the new bee tattoo. Explain Louis’ treatment towards Freddie. Explain why Louis’ manager followed El on the same day within minutes of Louis following her BEFORE anything was confirmed or publicly set up. Explain the poorly laid out timeline of everything and how the narrative just makes Louis out to be a lowlife cheater. Explain why Harry can’t even say Louis’ name in an interview. Explain why Harry said he hasn’t dated in a while and yet is so seemingly in love and has filled his album with songs referring to a certain someone. Explain why Hendall is still being talked about when both teams have denied ever dating more than once. Explain Haylor and why Louis was so miserable at that time and why he always showed as much dislike toward it as he could. Explain Harry’s love of all things rainbow and for gods sake thE BEES. Explain the song Home and why Louis changed pronouns. Explain why Harry hasn’t used a single pronoun when describing a partner since practically the beginning, other than the times he’s straight up used male pronouns. Explain the lyric changes and the fond stares. Explain Wellington and rbb. And fucking hell, someone please explain why before Elounor 1.0 Louis tweeted AIMH, and before Elounor 2.0 he tweeted “Always” and captioned a very sad black and white selfie with “You.” This literally isn’t even half of the shit I could have brought up. Louis and Harry don’t owe anything to me, and I’m aware we don’t know shit about their actual lives, but you can’t attack an entire group of people and call them delusional and use ableist terms and tell us we need to be checked into a mental institute when everything is so completely black and white. All you have to do is open your eyes and realize that people lie, the music industry is not a happy go lucky place, and people in the industry get closeted all the fucking time. Homophobia exists, heteronormativity exists, fear exists, forced closeting exists, pr stunts exist, and not everything is a glorified Hollywood dream
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thefandomfuckery · 7 years
DOWN — The “It Could’ve Been Better” Single
Now I’m not speaking for every harmonizer here. Obviously. But I feel like a majority are in the camp of “Down is a good song but it’s not exactly what I was wanted”. Of course everyones going to be hype the first couple listens until you really settle down and pay attention to the lyrics, vocals, nuances.
Down is a good song. But it could’ve been A LOT better. Sadly I think it’s because of how it is geared for a marketing stratgey. And on that front it’s kind of a work of art. It’s the same WFH team and formula, Gucci is huge in the rap/rnb/hiphop circles so more exposure, it’s a perfect summer jam, just a touch sexual, and it’s less then 3 minutes so its good for radio and streaming. On these points it’s perfect but for their debut as a 4some. It got me lowkey worried but more irritated too. Mostly because most fans will defend it even if they admit it’s not their best (and saying it’s their best video or song can just go dive off a cliff right now because wfh is superiour in EVERY WAY).
Here’s just some of my complaints and don’t take them to heart because if you like the song I’m not saying it’s bad, it’s just problem I can pick out.
It’s SHORT. Is an understatment. I remember a couple days before the release we had found the credits with Gucci and the 2:44 information and I was pretty irritated from the get go because not only is it a short fucking song (WFH being 3:33 seconds with everyone getting a verse + ty) but a male feature we didn’t really want or need (his verse is fine btw).
Dinah and Ally have to settle for the same verse that’s only 3 lines while Lauren and Normani get pretty unique verses that are 4/8 lines. Now it’s a postive and a negative and I won’t be negative about this until I see where the next single lands but I’m already feeling worried even with themselves in charge that the two with the least solos still end up in that position.
It has no climax. You listen to Work From Home and right after Ty’s verse (like the C verse or not idc) It goes hard and high to bring it in. Down doesn’t and I know it’s trying to blend with what’s good right now but we needed that extra high and EVEN THO I LOVE LAURENS HIGH NOTE I think Dinah and Ally should have at least gotten the medleys and adlibs for the most part at the end. 
The chorus is FUCKING repetive. I know lots of people had this problem with WFH. But only the chorus was repetative. I’d have less of an issue if D and A verses were different or if the chorus changed up a bit. But you have half a song that’s basically the same and it makes me go dizzy.
Now since this is extra late I can talk about the video and the problems I had with that becuase not only did we find out it was kind of rushed but also that the director had no idea what he was doing.
the fucking set. the motel idea was perfectly fine but this set was a shit show to look at for most scenes. aka the chreograpghy and the opening scene with the car and the doors and even the walking up the stairs. it just looks pedestrian and standard. look at wfh. not a single shot it wasted in that scene. nothing is added to fill space or convey how the girls transitioned into certain scences.
the editing is lack luster, the solo scenes are top tier could’ve used a bit of something extra but the girls are hardly singing AT the camera which makes them look very good in the lighting and though this was by no means choppy editing back and forth. certain parts cut the dancing frames and it’s unapologetic to it and ruins the flow. 
the pool scene, it looks good on inital viewing but it bothered me from the get go including the cut frames into gucci verse. a few would’ve been fine but it serves little purpose. the lighting is great but the SINGING at the camera esp normani makes my brow twitch because it’s one of my biggest pet peeves (unless it has real purpose or direction which it don’t)
gucci looks standard and had no reason not to be in the video. it just looks lame. it’s almost same level as fetty wapp but where as the girls are having a good time in aimh with other men, gucci could’ve been the clyde to their bonnie and work his way into the scene cleverly. 
the lack of story line when it was so simple. on the run to a motel with a bag of money with the already police sires amped up would’ve made a world of difference. something simple could’ve done just so much more effort.
Many of our expectations were held from a impact like WFH busting on scene and taking names. Down isn’t gonna do that. It’s gonna be good and work well thru the summer but it’s a snack. And we really need a meal.
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