#also apologies for the late response 😅
ladye-zelda · 9 months
You! Name your favorite Link and say why he’s your favorite.
Not a very creative answer, I know, but I would definitely have to go for BotW Link (pre calamity)
I kind of relate to him in an unhealthy amount; having to stay silent so he could handle any burden. I think, and this is pretty much unsaid, it's because he's selfless enough to not want to bother others with his problems, since I don't think that he realizes shutting himself out is a problem. Or maybe he does, but chooses it anyways. I admire that about him ngl, but like dude. It's okay. You can relax.
*he makes a look at me*
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thebibliosphere · 7 months
My apologies if you have talked about this recently, but, as an aspiring author-if-i-ever-manage-to-finish-something-haha-can-you-imagine, I have a question! I discovered Draft2Digital thanks to one of your old posts and it caught my attention very fast because it looked very promising, but lately (as much as I've been able to consult with Tumblr's search, magnificent and very functional as it famously is) you've been mentioning IngramSpark more, so if I may ask! Is D2D still an acceptable platform nowadays, or is it better to go look for other alternatives? Thanks!
Oh, Ingram Spark used to be one of the only options for paperbacks other than Amazon in the US and I am moving AWAY from them because they’re such assholes.
They’re responsible for the price hike in my books and I’m 99.9% certain they’re skimming profit off my retailer discount. They also put the ability to call customer service behind a paywall ($25 per 30 minutes). You can still email them but good luck ever getting a reply. Which is an issue when they send you a box of hardback books covered in binding glue with pages falling out that they still maintain are in sellable condition and won’t issue a refund for 🙃 (yes to anyone who has been paying attention it’s been 2+ years and I’m still fighting with them over that)
Yeah, no. I’ll be a d2d author going forward. They’ve got the same global market reach as Ingram, as well as recently merged with Gardners in the UK (a big distributor)
Plus it means I can do my ebook, paperback and audio all from one place. (Findaway is partnered with d2d)
I’ll still keep Amazon separate, but that's because Amazon pays better royalties for direct uploads. Everything else I’m using d2d.
Fuck Ingram. They’re never getting another direct penny from me 😅
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his-saiko · 11 days
Wind Breaker Boys when they accidentally hit you
Nirei Akihiko
No, he didn't hit you. He thought he did. You just said "ow" and his world crumbled. Knees, hands, forehead on the floor apologizing profusely.
When really—
"Ow... My eye." You try to blink out the pain. Tears start to pool in one of your eyes as they attempt to get rid of whatever's in there.
"Oh, a-are you okay? Let me get that for you." He carefully cups your face and blows on your eye. He also manage to get the stray lash out. "There. I really thought I hurt you there." He chuckles. "I should... probably be careful next time."
You stare at him confused. Why should he be careful?
Suo Hayato
"Oh—" You both say in unison when Suo's hand bumps against your cheek.
"Are you okay?" Suo's eyes are wide. He patiently waits for your response.
"I'm fine. But why are you asking as if you hit me that hard?" You rub your cheek but you can feel the heat on your face.
"Because I didn't mean to touch you like that."
"I actually meant to do this." Suo reaches for your cheek again. You feel the warmth of his palm brush against you. His fingers reach the strands of your hair and he pulls off a stray leaf that got caught. "See? It was stuck in your hair."
You kept walking trying to hide the fact that you're blushing but he knows it already. You little cutie.
Kiryu Mitsuki
You bumped into Kiryu while walking. You were looking at everything, everywhere all at once.
"Oh, sorry." Kiryu pulls your hand and moves it to hold your waist instead. "I wasn't looking where I was going."
"Huh? But we're just going straight, right?"
"Huh? Yeah, but I was looking at you actually. Then I accidentally put my foot in front of yours."
You narrow your eyes at Kiryu and try your best not to smile but Kiryu gives you that smile that charmed you countless times, causing you to fail and blush.
Sakura Haruka
It was the first time Sakura didn't think about his presence around you. He had his guard down and why wouldn't he? He's supposed to relax with you and he was around his friends that he trusts.
"Ow..." You say. It didn't sting. The hit wasn't too heavy but the contact did surprise you. This is the first time that you guys are close to each other.
You look at Sakura and everyone else around you looks at you as well. You blink and Sakura just blinks back, frozen like a deer in headlights.
Aren't cool boyfriends suppose to comfort you when you're hurt? Why isn't he moving?
Your expression changes and you whimper — a moment too late maybe but it's a reaction nonetheless.
Nirei springs into action. "Y/N! It's just an accident. He didn't mean that."
Suo just chuckles to himself reading the room. Sakura was blushing profusely, embarrassed and not sure what to say.
"C'mon, Sakura. Say something!" Nirei tells Sakura.
"I'm sorry..." Sakura says with pursed lips.
"I think we can find something to treat Y/N's 'injury' somewhere around here." Suo prompts with a knowing smile on his face. "Is there a particular one you need, Y/N?"
"Just ice is fine." You answer. You can't help but feel a bit embarrassed. You only meant to tease Sakura but this is fine too. Better actually.
"I'll go get some." Nirei moves and comes back shortly after with an ice pack from one of the shop owners.
Sakura immediately grabs the ice pack then carefully places it on your 'injury'. He still has his lips pursed and cheeks pink. "I'm really sorry..." He mutters, looking disappointed at himself.
You put you hand over his and smile. "Thank you."
Sakura blushes even more and turns his head away. He should probably get used to being close to you moving forward.
a/n. I needed this out after reading half of the manga. 😅
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
Hemlo! Here are some sparkles and hearts for all the delicious posts and answers!! ✨️💕❤️💖✨️✨️✨️💕❤️💖✨️✨️💕❤️💖✨️✨️💕❤️💖✨️✨️💕❤️💖✨️✨️💕❤️💖✨️✨️💕❤️💖✨️✨️💕❤️💖✨️ ✨️
I also have ✨️Questions✨️! In Tim being Bruce's Father Figure AU/headcanon, how do you think Tim's 16th birthday will play out? Will Bruce even plan it? And if he does, will this AU's Alfred go with it? How differently do you think Tim will go about tackling Bruce's lesson on paranoia? And how do you think he'll discipline Bruce after all is said and done? (I am sorry for the many questions 😅😅😅)
The sparkles are really cute. Also, don't know if it was on purpose, but urban dictionary says "hemlo" is how dog's pov says hi???
(Also, I love questions and asks so much. I sometimes take a bit to respond [cause I work nights, so my sleep schedule is whenever I can when I don't work], but I genuinely love all of them).
As far as Tim's 16th birthday, fuck. Alright. I guess this AU/hc can get some more angst. It's been too light and funny lately. Why not?
Tim stares at the object that started it all. It's perched innocently on his desk, but the teen wants nothing more than to shatter it into dusty remains.
Bruce, his son that he willing took responsibility of, his son of three years, thought it was fit to cause Tim to have a mental breakdown. Bruce isn't aware of the true nature of their relationship. Bruce thought it was fit to cause rampant paranoia in a child.
Where had Tim gone wrong?
He thought Bruce was getting better.
Were the sticker charts, the car rides for sleep, the persistent checking for injuries, and the forced self care the wrong moves? Was Tim too harsh? Too soft? Where had Tim failed his son so that he thought this was an acceptable and appropriate set of actions? Why did Bruce do this to him?
He doesn't know.
And Alfred. He thought the two of them were on the same page when it came to parenting Bruce. Were the many discussions over tea, the late night baking, the aid around the house, and the chats during gardening for naught? They were supposed to rely on one another, inform the other when Bruce was going too far, and stop the man. Tim had so many fucking conversations with Alfred on permissive parenting and being a bystander. He thought they were in agreeance.
Not only did Alfred fall back to old and wrongful ways, but he was now an active participation in Bruce's emotional abuse and manipulation. Can Tim even trust Alfred to protect Bruce's kids from Bruce? Was Tim just special?
He doesn't know if it is worse for Alfred to target Tim specifically or for the older man to allow such actions against all of Bruce's children. Both thoughts are unbearable.
The man had the audacity to joke about Tim being of age after this clusterfuck, as if Tim hadn't been an adult in a child's body parenting an adult nearly three times his age. As if Tim hadn't aged a decade in the last three years. As if Tim hadn't done enough.
Gods, Tim is tired. He doesn't think reddit can help him out of this either.
Tim brushes a finger against the offending object as his face screws up in overwhelming grief, frustration, and betrayal. The smooth edges of the cube are cold, and his face feels hot.
He won't cry.
Bruce is a bastard, a man-child who criticized Tim for believing in time travel (as if they both hadn't seen it happen before).
It's infuriating and heartbreaking, but it's not the end. Tim can still fix this. He'll be more vigilant this time as he screws the errant pieces of Bruce's morality and judgment back together. He'll study more parenting books, attend more psychology online courses, and find a therapist he can ask parenting questions to anonymously. There's still more Tim can do.
He can still save his son from himself.
There's still time.
Tim pockets the reminder of his failures towards his son as he goes to Bruce.
He won't ask Bruce to apologize.
He can't.
It's Tim's fault, after all.
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polyamorousmood · 1 year
Hey! Sorry to bother, but I was wondering if you can recommend any books with or about polyamorous relationships? I know there are some shows and movies that include polyamory, but as I'm more of a reader recently, I'd love to read something with at least a mention of such relationships, and good recs are hard to find.
I'm mostly interested in fiction, but if you have any non-fiction you think people curious about the topic should read, that'd be great too.
Again, sorry to bother you, but I've been thinking about it for a while and decided to shoot my shot. Thanks in advance for the response!
Unfortunately, I've not been able to read as much lately as I would like so I don't have many recommendations personally. I've heard of a few, but I'd hate to suggest something that ended up being... not very good 🫤
The only one I can vouch for is @thebibliosphere 's Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites 🧛which if somehow you haven't heard about before now, is a poly paranormal romance novel. The book spends most of its time on the relationship blossoming, so there's not quite as much with all three as I had hoped, but I'm pretty sure sequels are in the works! And I really liked what was there! Its not a bad thing to finish a novel and be left wanting more 😉The author is also super cool, making smutty and fluffy versions of the same book and writing free fanfic of her own work. Seriously, she's one to support.
Anyone else who has more to add, please do!! 📙📚📖I'll keep an eye on the notes and reblog some additions. Maybe the promise of good poly content will actually get me motivated to start reading again 😅
P.S. Please do not feel the need to apologize for sending in asks! I love hearing from others! 😍 Please keep asking things!!
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psych3-delic · 4 months
Hi, I adore your family AU and am wondering if you have any plan on writing/drawing more of them? I'd love to see more of their daily life together, such as going on a picnic in the garden, shopping, or even little Charlotte trying to help out her dads in their respective jobs (like sitting on Ciel's lap when he does paperwork or helping Seb with making cake for Ciel). Also, just curious, who is stricter, Sebastian or Ciel? Thanks!
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Hiii, sorry for the late response! Tumblr literally didn’t send me any notifications 😞 i just happened to check my inbox. Here’s a pregnant Ciel as an apology 🫶🏻
Yes! I plan to draw more of them together! I have so many ideas of what to draw so I’ll keep the, coming hehe. As for writing…. 😅😅😅 perhaps not yet. I need to focus on Forks and Smothered 😅 god knows I have been putting the next chapter off! But I’ll sprinkle some lores in here and there with my drawing! Thank you so much for liking Charlotte 😭😭 that means a lot to me!
As for who’s stricter, I think Ciel is.
In regard to parenting, Ciel would have a lot of doubt as to how to actually be Lottie's parents. He lost his quite young, and whatever memory he has left of them both are glorified, remembered through the distorted lenses of grief and nostalgia of a better time. The adults around him are barely adults themselves, with their own problems. Thus, he has no role model or framework for what good parenting should look like.
This is where Ciel would sometimes draw away and become avoidant when times get hard. Like when Lottie misbehaved, newly testing out her boundaries; like when it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows... Of course discipline is needed, but every time she cries, or screamed "I hate you, papa" in response to his chastising, Ciel believed her. He felt like he failed her, like he was so fucked up he wasn't meant to be a parent after all. He would locked himself in his chamber for days and didn't come out.
Sebastian understands that trying to drag his husband out of these episodes would have the reverse effect; so he just gentle be there for him, hold him and told him he was doing a good job, and that he too, was learning. Even Lottie is learning through her tantrums. They were all learning how to be.
Some in-verse things in regards to this pic:
“r!Ciel is an Alpha, but his twin brother is an omega. When o!Ciel came back from the cult claiming the title and the name ‘Ciel Phantomhive’, he has to masquerade as an Alpha…
Things got complicated when he became pregnant with Lottie.”
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Again, thank you so much for taking interest in this AU! And pls send me more ask/suggestion! It helps my inspiration for the AU!
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scekrex · 4 months
Hi! I just wanted to say I've been obsessed with your work as of late, especially all of your Adam works. And since your taking requests I was wondering if you'll be interested in doing this?
Bottom!Sinner!Adam x Top!Overlord!Male Reader
okay, so Reader is one the oldest residents of Hell maybe even older than Zestial. He has a reputation that precedes him. A myth/warning that parents tell their children to watch out for. But not many actually know him, just of him. He can be cruel/ruthless, but also merciful. Basically he's Hell's equivalent to Hades, lol.
BUT! What's a Hades without his Persephone?
Adam came back as a Sinner and instead of going to the Hotel(that would most definitely destroy his pride) he went to navigate becoming a Sinner himself, since this is kinda a opportunity for him, he can be himself without worrying about Heavens judgmental eyes on him all the time.
My headcanon about him is that he loves gardening, so he made his own Flower Shop in Hell with all the random/different flowers all around. Because I'll be damned if he doesn't at least have any powers that connects himself to the Earth/Nature, he's literally made from it, with some fucking dirt and pixie dust, lol
So Reader is hosting a small ball/banquet in a few weeks for the everybodies whose an anybody(rich and wealthy/the Sins/the Overlords) and he order some servants to make flower orders for the upcoming event, and who did they pick? None other than Adam's Flower Shop(that is not it's official name).
Readers hears his servants talk about the owner with soft and warm voices, which he admitted made him curious. So he made an excuse, and made his way to the shop himself. Once he met the owner he was already taken with his beauty(already whipped, lol). As well as Adam, he never met anyone that was taller than him. He never met anyone that so Domineering and he liked it, liked it a lot. He had Adam arranged a bouquet that would be ready in time for the ball/banquet.
On a wim, the Reader asked Adam out on a date for the next day, which he agreed to. After a few dates transpired, until it was the day before the ball/banquet. And Adam made the first move😳, until Reader took control of the situation, which had Adam a begging, moaning mess, asking for His Hades to go faster, while the Reader is praising His Persephone for being so good.
Sorry if this is so long😅
Never. I repeat never apologize for giving me such a beautiful, detailed prompt ever again. I ate it up and turned into whatever the fuck this is. I'm sorry this took me so long but I wanted to do justice to the long prompt you wrote. I hope ya like it
Part 2
Tell me lover, tell me where have you been
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, low-key slow burn
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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The time had come sooner than you had expected it to, the ball that was traditionally hosted every two hundred years was your responsibility this year and you were quite grateful for that - you could only imagine the chaos a host such as the VEEs would have brought. It was not that you disliked them, they just had their own ways of doing things and those said ways felt disrespectful in many ways. So it was your pleasure to show them how a traditional ball such as this would be hosted so that they could take notes and inspiration - not that they were actually going to acknowledge the work you were putting into organizing this. They would probably even complain about the lack of something. But that was not your problem right now.
Your problem right now were the eager little imps running through your mansion in order to prepare it for the upcoming ball, that was unnecessary in your eyes, given that there was still so much time between today and the ball, but whatever that helped your little servants to sleep at night. If they were thinking of it as necessary, you were okay with it.
“Cree,” you called out for your personal assistant as you walked through the halls of your mansion, looking for your favorite Imp. Cree was taller than the other Imps that worked for you, if only by a little, for a male Imp his horns were surprisingly small and instead of black, they were white. Cree however, was an absolute sweetheart, despite his grumpy face. The Imp came running the moment he had heard you calling out for him, eager to fulfill whatever task you were about to give him, “How can I help you, Sir?” You smiled softly at the small creature - his head was just reaching the lower part of your hip bone - that was due to Cree being small and you being taller than the average resident of Hell. You kneeled next to the helpful Imp to decrease the height difference and talk to him in a more respectful way. “Thank you, my little friend,” you greeted the creature, “I need you to task Vere and Kian with organizing the most hellish looking flowers they can find.” The little Imp was about to run off to do as he was told, before he was able to do so you gently held him back to add, “Please do not only consider the ones we already know, I do not care whom the flowers are sold by, all that is important is for them to fit the theme.” Cree nodded firmly and once you let go of his arm, he was gone, informing Vere and Kian - two other Imps that were working for you.
“Oh and the way the aura changes when you enter his little store - he’s a normal sinner but the way he managed to do that feels magical,” you heard Vere speaking as the little Imp walked down the hallway, you had never heard him speaking with such a dreamy voice - that might have been because Vere was one to complain about everything, not always was it supposed to be taken serious, but the little Imp sure liked to complain about everything and everyone. So him talking so warm heartedly about the store made you peek up in curiosity. “Oh and the owner himself? Let me tell you, Cree, you will never meet a person quite like him,” Kian added to Vere’s dreamy sounding description of the place and its owner. That caused you to be even more interested in the topic. “Is that supposed to be a good-” Cree started to question but was quickly interrupted by an eagerly explaining Kian, “It fucking is - he is…” The Imp had trouble finding the correct word to describe the person he had met, because how were you supposed to describe the brunette without playing it down? “Divine,” Vere hummed, sounding like he had just met God himself and he had told the little Imp all about the beauties of life.
You were not able to hold back any longer, not when your usually judgmental staff was talking so positively about the person they had just met.
So you got up from your seat in your office, took a quick look at the receipt Cree had given to you before he had gone back to doing the tasks he had yet to fulfill. A mental note was all it took before you rushed out of your office, grabbed your coat on the way out and yelled a loud, “I’m out doing business, don’t expect me home any time soon,” through the hallways. The Imps turned around in confusion - especially Cree, who knew that you had nothing scheduled for today. But before your personal assistant was able to hold you back the door fell shut loudly, informing the entire manor that you had just left. The Imp sighed in frustration as he turned back around to face the other two Imps, “Looks like we have to reschedule some things with Sir gone.”
Hell’s streets were surprisingly empty, a thing you rarely got to experience due to the pride ring’s overpopulation, but it was nice to not walk through thousands of sinners. The flower shop Vere and Kian had picked was close - closer than most shops in general were. Probably the reason why they had chosen it, they hated walking through hell’s crowded streets just as much as you did so you could not blame them, especially because the pride ring suffered from extreme overpopulation.
The building wasn’t much to look at from the outside, it looked like every other average building in hell - maybe they had been talking about something else? Had they grabbed food on their way home? You didn’t know, yet you decided to give it a chance and so you opened the door to the little flower shop and the moment you set foot in it, you felt something shift. The aura felt lighter, easier to carry, the air smelled beautiful - not too overwhelmingly sweet and not like too much, it smelled almost divine. The colors the walls were painted in were so different from Hell’s usual colors, they were bright. A beautiful lilac caused the room to appear bigger than it was. The floor was made out of solid wood - or it was made to look that way, you were unable to tell. The shelves were painted in a shade of blue you would describe as skyblue - yes the sky down in Hell was red and nothing but red - but through the portals to Heaven which you had seen once or twice during the early exterminations, you knew the sky up above was blue - this exact shade of blue.
“You gonna stare at that shit all day? If you do I'll fucking charge your ass for it. You look like you can fucking afford it,” a annoyed voice mumbled from behind you. In a swift yet elegant motion you turned around to look at the person that was speaking to you only to spot the most holy creature you had ever seen with your very own eyes. The man behind the counter was resting his head on his hand, watching you with eyes that seemed more curious than annoyed, his entire body language told you that the tall man seemed to hold a lot of curiosity for you in general. You chuckled softly, before you shook your head, “As much as I would adore to spend longer in this divine feeling place with a person as good-looking as you - I am afraid I have plans that I am sadly unable to cancel.”
The tall brunette straightened his back and raised an eyebrow at your words - had you just complimented him for his looks? That had not happened since- since he had been reborn as a sinner. But his cocky tongue never failed him and so he responded, “Mr. Busy got shit to do that’s more important than talking to the fucking Adam? Yeah, I fucking doubt it bitch.” That caused you to frown, the first man was not supposed to be a sinner so if this man was speaking the truth - which you highly doubted - then he must have been a terrible person. Not that you were any better, you were just as much a sinner as he was. Yes, you were more experienced and more powerful, but in the end you and him were both rotten to the core. “Charming, quite charming, Adam,” you hummed in amusement. And while the brunette must have thought his reaction to your words wasn’t noticed by you, you had seen how his eyes had left yours for a split second. “But as much as I would love to tell you that I came for you, I did not,” you explained, trying to lead the conversation to a more business speaking one, though you had to admit the brunette in front of you was quite adorable.
Adam however made it quite hard to talk business, not that you truly minded. Yes, your schedule would get messed up, but you had already thrown that out of the window the second you had spontaneously left to see the flower store you were currently in. “Ay, you migh’ve not come for me yet but I sure can change that if your sexyness wants to accompany me in the fucking back,” a confident grin was on his lips as he ran his hand through his hair, pushing the soft, fluffy mess out of his face. You saw something twitch and flicker behind the broad man - a tail. Truly interesting. “As tempting as your sweet invitation is, I have to decline. Business sadly can’t wait - at least not today,” for a moment you thought this through, then you decided to simply see where this would lead you. “How about tomorrow though? I could pick you up and we could have lunch together - how does that sound handsome?”
Adam turned his head to face the ground, he seemed to be genuinely thinking about it, something you appreciated dearly. Then his eyes met yours again and he nodded before he responded, “Sure, can’t see why the fuck not.” He shrugged lazily before he pointed at you with his index finger and quickly added, “But food’s on you.” To that you nodded - it only made sense to you that lunch would be on you considering that you had been the one inviting him, not the other way around.
“Now talk business hotstuff, even though I’d rather have ya talking dirty to me.”
The first date had gone so well that the both of you started to see each other regularly - that meant almost every other day. Something your Imps did not like all that much. Seeing someone in a romantic way took up a lot of time - time you technically did not have given the upcoming ball. But you, Adam and the Imps had managed to get everything done in time.
And that was why you and Adam were at his place. The first man had taken the day off to enjoy it with you - something you had asked of him and that had seemed quite important to you when you had requested him to do so. And given that the brunette liked it better when you two spent time together, there had been no second thought, no hesitation.
“You’re quiet,” Adam addressed the most obvious thing as you mindlessly played with his hair. The both of you were sitting on the first man’s bed, your back against the headboard and his back against your chest, his ass was seated between your legs and he seemed to really enjoy having you that close to him.
A quiet hum fell from your lips in response before you exhaled loudly, “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” Adam leaned forwards a little so he was able to turn his head in order to look at you. Where this conversation would lead he did not know and at that moment he wasn’t sure if he wanted to figure out where it would lead him to. Would you quit seeing him? Had you finally decided that you had enough of his bitchy attitude and would leave him too?
“I know we have only been seeing each other for a few weeks, I know we have yet so much to talk about and to confess, but I’d love to have you at my place tomorrow. I want you to accompany me at the ball,” you began, as you looked down at the other male with hope in your eyes. Though if he were to decline, you would live, you’d like it better if he were to agree. “Sure,” Adam said, visibly relaxing at the fact that you were neither quitting to see him nor leaving him in any form or way. “As my date, my partner even,” you finished, ignoring the brunette’s little interruption. Those words however caused the first man to turn around between your legs to properly face you. “Does that mean I get to fucking kiss you in front of all those fucking important and filthy rich people?” his eyes shone so pretty as he asked that question as if that would be the biggest achievement in all of his afterlife - and maybe it was.
You chuckled at the man, grinning lazily, “Even better. You get to kiss me whenever you desire.” And without another word the first man was onto you. His hands pressed against your shoulders and therefore kept you pinned against the headboard as his lips finally met yours - oh how long you had to wait for that to happen. His lips felt smooth and soft against yours and Adam was quick to prove that he was a magnificent kisser.
The kiss did not stay soft for very long though, you both made it obvious that you craved the other, that you two were longing for skin on skin contact. You wanted and desired each other and it was not only lust speaking, it was also love. The purest form of love you had ever felt. AdamÄs hands roamed from your shoulders over your chest and all the way down to your hips. Once his hands reached their destination he gave your hips a light squeeze before pulling them up a little to press his pelvis against yours.
A groan fell from your lips and met the lustful hiss of Adam - that was when you decided it was time for a switch. You liked seeing Adam so confident, so dominant, you truly did. But a thing you had learned over the past couple of weeks was that you liked the first man even better when he was all flustered - submissive even. So you skillfully caught his wrists in one of your hands, raised them above his head and leaned forwards. That action of you resulted in Adam falling backwards, landing onto the soft mattress with a surprised gasp. You found yourself on top of him, sitting on his hips to keep him from twisting the positions again as you pinned his hands firmly against the mattress above his head. A whine escaped Adam as he tried to thrust his hips upwards and was met with friction he had not been expecting.
“Oh fuck,” the first man mumbled when his lust clouded eyes met your burning ones. “Already on it, handsome,” you growled eagerly.
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scarletttries · 2 years
Two Weeks Notice (Kendall Roy Request)
Pairing: Kendall Roy (Succession) x F! Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1.7k
Author's Note: I'm so excited that we'll have new Kendall Succession content soon! Thank you so much for this request, I think being Kendall's trophy wife would be a whole ass job but so worth it 😅 Also writing about leaving a shitty job felt very cathartic as I am going through something similar at the moment, so I am very grateful for this request, obsessed with your description of throwing your feminist card away for this, and apologies for all the projecting!💓
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Two Weeks Notice (Kendall Roy Smut)
You were good at your job. Great in fact. No matter what your 1,000-year old boss said when he forgot his password and blamed it on you. No matter how many times you were ahead of schedule on a project and then the deadline got moved. No matter how many times you had to lock yourself in a bathroom stall just to take a few deep breaths alone so you weren't crying at your desk. You were good at your job. But was it worth it?
You'd worked hard to rise through your industry until you started to really see the benefits of being close to the top, but the heavy responsibilities and long nights and constant demands had started taking a toll right around the time you met Kendall. Kendall whose job was somehow even more demanding than yours, and who needed all the support you could offer him every waking moment, clinging to your kindness like it was the first he was ever shown. It was easy to see Kendall was smitten from the first day, never hiding his efforts to spend time with you, showering you with gifts and invitations to be on his arm at what seemed like every major event in the world. It was exhausting balancing late night galas with your job, and trying to be there for Kendall when his family got too much and he needed to retreat to the safe harbour of your arms. You could feel yourself getting more and more worn out as your relationship developed, with Kendall always offering to sit out events for a quiet night in, despite how much you both loved the excuse to don a designer dress and spend the night laughing together, hand locked in his no matter what.
You didn't wake up until a least your third alarm that Monday, the bright light trickling through a gap in the long velvet curtains making you wish you could hide under the duvet forever.
"Is that your alarm babe? You can't seriously have to be up for work already?" Groaned Kendall beside you, reaching out to wrap his arm over your stomach, covered only by a t-shirt he'd loaned you on your first sleepover and never got back, as he silenced the beeping beside you.
"I can lie here for five more minutes and then I've got to get ready." You sighed wearily, setting the deadline for yourself, ignoring the cloud of dread hanging over you at the thought of another day in that awful office.
"Just don't go, you hate it there, and you always come home bummed out afterwards. Just stay in bed with me forever." Kendall argued, rising up on his elbows and shifting until his face hovered an inch from yours, soft smile breaking down your defenses with lightning speed.
"I can't just not go Kendall, it's my job." You sighed, gracing him with a soft kiss before gathering all your strength to drag yourself out from under his slim build.
"You don't need a job gorgeous, especially not a job you don't like. You should quit and then we'd get to spend more time together." You couldn't help but laugh at his suggestion, until you focused on his face again, completely serious about his proposal.
"Kendall I can't just quit and hang out with you all day." You could feel your heart sink at your own words, the option presented to you so much more enticing than the day you had ahead of you. As you moved to sit up Kendall let his weight keep you in place, shaking his head at your attempted escape.
"Hey I still have four minutes left to make my case!" His voice was hoarse first thing in the morning and as his lips fell to yours again you could feel your resolve softening,
"Okay, you can try and convince me." You let your head fall back against the pillow as Kendall shifted his body completely over yours, lips gently marking a journey over your throat as he spoke,
"First, most people have a job to make money, and you don't ever need to worry about money again because we have more than enough together." His kisses trailed down towards your shoulder, feeling the subtle shift of your hips under him as your eyes fluttered shut at the sensation. "Also, I miss you when you're at work, and that's no fun for me." You missed the playful glint in his eye as he spoke, softly landing one hand on your thigh and rubbing small circles across the sensitive skin with his fingertips as they climbed.
"Kendall, I - " You thought about protesting, but his lips cut you off as you spoke, continuing his thoughtful plea,
"Number three, the idiots you work with don't respect you. But I respect every part of you, and every one of your needs." His warm palm pressed into your thigh, shifting your legs apart slightly, smiling with devilish glee as you let him do it. "Working there makes you unhappy, and you should never have to do anything that makes you feel bad. I only ever want you to feel good." You could feel your excitement building with anticipation as his hand slowly climbed towards your centre, body twitching against his as his fingers brushed over the soft fabric of your underwear. Dipping his head to your stomach, his hands tugged at the worn shirt until it was bunched up at your shoulders, your chest exposed for his trailing lips to explore as he spoke,
"We have a lot more fun here than you do at work right?" He asked teasingly as his fingers toyed with the hem of your panties, drinking in your breathy sigh as you nodded and hummed in agreement, lifting your hips to help him remove the barrier stopping him from accessing all of you.
"Good girl," he cooed as his fingers traced over your slit, moving teasingly slowly as his lips peppered your chest with kisses, tongue darting over your nipples until they hardened at his touch.
"You're also way too sexy to have an office job, you should let someone who couldn't just lie in bed naked all day have your job, as like, a public service." You could feel him grin against your skin as he spoke, easing his fingers between your folds and feeling your warm slick welcome him.
"Mmm, see, it's not fair for you to ever leave me here alone when you're clearly made for me to touch." You watched through hooded eyes as he withdrew his fingers slowly and brought them to his lips, "and taste," he added before dropping his hand back to your entrance, pumping his hand between your thighs and feeling your chest rise and fall against his hungry lips.
"Kendall, please." You sighed out at his gentle touch, needing more as frustration began to build in your aching core.
"Final reason, number I lost fucking count because there are so many reasons - I need you too much. I need you every morning, and every night, and every bullshit event, and every good day and every bad day okay? I need you all the time." The burning intensity in his gaze as he spoke had you squirming at his touch, the pounding of your heart echoing in your swimming head as he kissed a path down over your stomach, face hovering just above where you craved him most. His hand stilled against your dripping slit, breath teasingly close to your tingling clit. "So should I stop and let you go to work? Or do you want to stay here with me?" A smug smile spread across his face as you replied, almost begging,
"I'll stay Kendall, please!" Satisfied with your answer his fingers dipped inside you again, faster this time, brushing against your walls as his tongue lapped at your neglected clit, quickly building the pressure inside again.
"You're going to quit your job?" He almost commanded the question, rewarding each nod of your head with a wet kiss on your sensitive bud.
"You're going to let me take care of you?" You could feel the brush of his cheek on your inner thigh as he smiled at the question, your 'yes' coming out as a moan as you felt yourself grow closer and closer to release, the excitement in your core bubbling up to its boiling point.
"You're going to be my gorgeous, loving, trophy wife?" His eyes seemed to sparkle at the word wife, full of warmth and hope with the thought of having you by his side for the rest of his life.
"Yes Kendall!" Your voice caught on his name as your thighs began to shake, his tongue frantically lapping at your clit at the pressure inside you finally snapped, clenching down on his fingers and trembling under him.
"Good girl." He purred as he coaxed every drop of pleasure out of you, fingers working until your soft form finally stilled, hands finding his face and pulling him into a hungry kiss. Wrapping your arms over his neck you pulled him tight against your lips, letting your tongue drink in your own taste, body on fire with sensitivity after your start to the day. Finally you let your brain catch up with the agreement you'd made in exchange for pleasure, interrupting Kendall's eager kisses with a reminder of reality,
"I still have to give two weeks notice." You sighed, laughing as Kendall shook his head vigorously at the suggestion,
"No way, I'll just hire a model to pretend to be you at the office for the next two weeks. Done, problem solved," looking very proud of himself at the suggestion.
"Why a model?" You laughed, realising you weren't getting out of this bed for any reason today if Kendall was getting his way.
"Fuck off, have you seen you?!" He grinned at your flattered smile as you pulled his lips back against yours, only to feel his hands start wandering again, "Actually, I could do with seeing even more of you."
It's safe to say anytime you thought about getting a job outside of supportingt Kendall, he would remind you exactly why you agreed to be his, full-time.
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fellow-meme-lover · 3 months
Hi! I just caught your very nuanced response to the anon that asked you about the Events ™ of Sunday and you mentioned how "we know this isn’t the first time he’s publicly chewed Carlos out after a bad race" and I was wondering if you could perhaps point those examples out? I've followed/been into charlos since late 2021 but I'm only interacting with the larger side of F1 fandom just this year again (And I have shit memory on top of that 😅) and I miss/missed a lot of the out-of-racing tea (i only knew about the whole Reyes liking tweet thing since recently)
Me and other irl friends who are fans of the sport were discussing how... Curious (for lack of a better word) it was that this thing seems to have been blown a liiiittle out of proportion. I asked them if they could recall a moment where Charles gave out this type of insidious comments about a driver and specially his current teammate but they couldn't recall any other occasion either. So, my musing became that: is this receiving such a backlash bc it's the first time Charles says something objectively foul? But then you said that so I'm like 👀
Sorry for the long ask 😅
Hi!!! So for reference I’ve been a casual fan for a while but it’s only been this year where I’ve really gotten into the f1 fandom myself, so I’m sure there’s lore that I’m missing. But what I meant by that comment that this isn’t the first time he’s publicly chewed Carlos out is, is that far as I’m aware, he hasn’t necessarily said comments about Carlos personally in the press the way that he did at the Spanish gp, but more so the “argument” he had with Carlos after the race in parc fermé (the one that valterri and Oscar witnessed like two kids watching their divorced parents fighting). There’s a video where Charles did a similar thing and was visibly lecturing Carlos in the middle of the paddock with other drivers and people around. I’ve seen the video but couldn’t find it for the purposes of replying to this ask, so the best I have is this tweet with a picture of it. I also can’t tell you which race it’s from (so if anyone knows please tell me). The reason why I brought it up in the other ask is because it bothers me that Charles doesn’t let these disagreements happen behind closed doors, and as someone else here said, Charles will apologize, but we probably won’t hear about it, so the argument is public but the apology is private, which seems unfair to Carlos who now suffers the fallout from lecfosi.
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P.S. don’t be sorry for the long ask because I gave a long response!
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local-researcher · 5 days
(love this blog! You write a good pre-portal Ford)
Hello! Hope you're well and getting sleep. Do you have any hobbies outside of science and art?
Oh, also! Have you done much or any research on lycanthropy? And what do you think if you yourself were one? Whew, imagine how F would feel 😅
Just hypothetically.
Anyways! Have a great week.
Sincerely, Gg, a lycanthrope enthusiast
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I apologize for the late response, I've been busy lately. Not that I mind, I'm making good progress! I'm sure F will be pleased to see what all I've done when he returns at the end of the week.
Outside of my work, I enjoy star gazing and perhaps the occasional bird watching. F has been trying to teach me banjo, but I'm much better at piano.
As for lycanthropy, I haven't come across any werewolves in Gravity Falls! I can't imagine being one would be great though, especially not with F around- it sounds dangerous, not being in control of my own body.
I would feel awful if I hurt him.
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booz-lose · 6 months
Giggles Unearthed
Hey! This is my first fanfic! I'm super sorry if it's really bad... please, if you want, give me any suggestions or ideas on how to become better at writing, thank you!! I also apologize for being bad at coming up with story titles.😅
Author's note: This is a ticklefic! If you are not interested in this, please scroll. | This is kind of an Alastor and Angel Dust friendship, then leans into a Huskerdust story...
Summary: Angel Dust can't shake off the urge to touch Alastor's ears, not realizing just how ticklish they really are.
Characters: Alastor, Angel Dust, and Husk.
Words: 1,136
Angel and Alastor have been lounging on the sofa for some time. Charlie, Vaggie, and Lucifer stepped out, Husk's at his usual spot at the bar, and Niffty's off battling dust and bugs. Angel's gaze fixed on Al for a solid three minutes.
"Y'know, it's very rude to stare, Angel." Alastor looked at Angel with a big grin on his face.
"Well, I guess I'm pretty fucking rude then," Angel joked, shrugging nonchalantly. After a brief pause, Angel asked, "Could I pretty please tou-" Alastor swiftly interrupted, "Nope."
"Pleeease, just a quick touch! They seem so fluffy!" With no response from Alastor, Angel rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in a huff.
"5 seconds." Alastor suddenly said.
"REALLY?!" Angel couldn't hide his excitement. He scooted closer, and as Alastor tilted his head down, Angel used his top hands to softly pet Al's ears, making them twitch from the sudden sensation.
"Ah!" The Deer Demon let out a little squeak, and Angel yanked his hands back. "My bad! Did I hurt ya?" Angel checked in. He usually wasn't intimidated by Al, but he sure didn't want to cause any harm... it's unpredictable. "No, my dear. I'm all good! No worries." Alastor grinned wide as ever, and Angel continued to gently stroke on Al's ears.
"You have three seconds." He added. As Angel gently touches his ears, Alastor is doing his utmost to hold back the chuckles that threaten to escape. His ears wouldn't stop twitching and radio static filled the room.
Angel paused, breaking into a big grin. "Ohh,~ are the Radio Demon's ears... ticklish?" Alastor straightened up, causing Angel's hands to slide off his head.
"Your time is up." Is all he said in response. Angel teased, "I didn't hear a noo...~" Alastor grew tense, "I don't know what you're talking about, Dear. A powerful demon like me doesn't have any weaknesses." He said confidently.
"We'll see about that..." Angel said quietly, then stood up to walk over to Husk. "Hey there, Whiskers~"
"Hey, Legs. How's it goin'?" Without waiting for a request, he quickly fixes Angel a drink. Their friendship has grown stronger since the last extermination... though, there has been some tension between them lately.
"When's the last time you heard Mr. Creepy Voice genuinely laugh?" Angel gestures towards Alastor, who's oblivious to him and Husk. "Hmm, I don't think I've ever heard him laugh if I'm honest," Husk pondered. Angel glanced at Alastor, then turned his gaze back to Husk, "I might have just the trick to get him howling with laughter," he said with a playful tone. "Oh really, and how is that?" Angel didn't answer, but just got up and slowly moved closer to Alastor.
In that moment, Angel launched himself on Alastor. Both of them were now laying on the couch, Angel on top of Al. His extra arms were perfect for the task; his lower ones encircled Alastor, trapping his arms by his sides, while his upper hands playfully danced on Al's ears. Alastor exclaimed in surprise, "Gah! Angel, what are you doing my dear?" as he tried to wriggle free, a rare chuckle escaping him despite his efforts to stay composed.
"I'm proving you wrong!" Angel grunted, trying to keep Alastor in place. With a mischievous grin, he playfully tickled Al's ears. "Come on, deer, you know you can't resist a good laugh!" He teased, waiting for Alastor's reaction. He made an effort to free his arms, but even for a powerful Overlord like him, he couldn't manage to escape Angel Dust's grip.
"A-Angel... whaaht are you dohohoing!? Get off ohoof meheheh!!" Alastor's ears fluttered as he couldn't help but giggle, the sound of radio static mingling with his laughter.
"Ohoho! Looks like someone's ticklish!~" Angel teased. His fingers reached the base of Al's ears, causing him to jolt and let out a giggle.
"AhahAngel, I am gohohohing to kihihihill you!" Alastor threatened- or.. at least tried to. Angel wasn't thinking about the future consequences; he was just reveling in the fun of the moment!
"Oh, really now, Creepy Voice?" Angel playfully taunted, his fingers dancing around Alastor's ears, eliciting a contagious fit of laughter. "N.. Nohohoh mohohohre!! plehesse!!"
"Oh, so now the big, bad, powerful Radio Demon is begging? How absolutely adorable!" Angel couldn't help but tease. This was such a rare sight.
"Stohohohp! N-No mohohore!! Hahahahah!!!" Alastor shakes his head, trying to get Angel's hands off of him. Suddenly, he loses his balance and tumbles off the couch, still caught in a small giggle fit. "Y-you bihihihtch!" he manages to say between laughs.
"Ha! To see you like this, all vulnerable and powerless. Who would've guessed someone as formidable as you could look so defenseless?" Angel taunted. But as he turned around to head back to Husk, he felt sharp fingers suddenly wrap around his shoulders.
"Nah-ah-ah! You can't just dish it out and not expect to pay the price! It doesn't work like that, Sweetheart." Alastor said while still giggling a little. A chill ran down Angel's spine. He glanced at Husk, who just offered a faint smile and a nonchalant shrug before he began to walk over to Angel.
"Husk? W-what are you doing, Whiskers?" He sounded nervous... "Oh, nothin'." He had this huge grin on his face, like he couldn't contain his excitement. Alastor used his tentacles to grab ahold of both sets of Angel's arms and held them high above his head.
"No! Wait! Al, I'm sorry!" Angel spoke quickly. Alastor's grin grew wider. "Ahh, look who's all defenseless now.~" Alastor gave back Angel's "teasing" manner. "Oh, you're a real comedian," Angel deadpanned.
"You don't appear to find this amusing, do you?" Alastor smiled, "allow me to assist you, my friend." Suddenly, two furry paws started to squeeze Angel's sides.
Angel immediately burst into a fit of laughter. "Wh-whahahait, Whihihiskers, whahaat are you dohohoing!?" Alastor held Angel’s arms aloft, immobilizing them, as Husk dug his claws deep into Angel's sides.
"Nohohoh!! Husky, plehehease!!" Angel's voice was a mix of laughter and mock desperation as he tried to squirm out of Alastor's grip. But no matter how much he wriggled and twisted, Alastor's grip was unyielding.
"A little late for that, Legs." Husk smiled and moved his paws to Angel's under arms. Alastor remains to just stand there, smiling as the two lovebirds giggle with each other. Angel unexpectedly found himself released and shoved onto Husk, both tumbling to the ground with Angel landing on top.
"Whoa, I am so sorry," Angel said, attempting to stand, but Husk tugged at his arm, urging him to remain close. "Stay here for a while," Husk suggested, grinning. A rosy blush spread across Angel's face. Alastor chuckled and melted away somewhere, leaving the would-be couple to doze off on the floor in each other's company.
The End.
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spidercookie18 · 9 months
Hey there @spidercookie18 I have a request for you! It’s about max wanting to “spend some quality time” with the boys and takes them to a bar and the boys not having any money makes max pay for their drinks and they get very drunk to the point where they don’t want to leave the bar and max have to drug them out the bar which leads to them having temper tantrums like they are children and causing a seen on the boardwalk!
If you want to do it! 😅
Summary: Max feels bad about not bonding with the boys, and invites them out to the bars. Word Count: 5.7k Tags: Implied drug use, drinking, mild homophobia/racism, mild gore, swearing.
Sorry for taking literally (hypothetically) forever to answer this. I actually had a bit of a hard time wrapping my head around it bc I’ve had to drag people out of the bar before and it is a...not fun experience. But! I’ve also had some really fun experiences being kicked out; just cause me and my buddies were being headass and harassing the bouncers. I do really like this concept (any concept of the boys absolutely fucking with Max and his money), it was really fun to write. Again, sorry for the late response. <3
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Max stood on the porch outside his home. He rubbed the brass key between his thumb and his index; almost unwilling to walk inside. He heard the soft sound of the tv and the clinking of dishes. Lucy was insistent on having home cooked meals; it gave her some ease by reminding her of who she used to be.
He exhaled slowly; putting the key into the lock and turning the knob. He was immediately greeted by the warm smell of Lucy’s cooking, her humming became a cheerful, “hi, how was work?”
Max grumbled some kind of, “fine,” and walked off to avoid his wife. Thorn wagged his tail as Max walked past him too, hoping for some kind of recognition from his master and best friend. The old vampire walked off to the bedroom. He sat on the edge of the bed and put his head in his hands in defeat.
His mind wandered to the young family that came into the store that night, hoping to rent something all six of them could watch together; a mother, father, and four young boys.
He recalls greeting them, and offering some help picking a movie, relating to them through the fact he also had four boys.
He watched as the boys ran through the aisles of the store, grabbing and shouting at everything they saw. The mother apologized profusely, and Max assured her it was no problem.
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Max: They’re quite a handful at that age.
Dad: You have no idea
Max: Actually, I do.
Max pulls out his wallet and shows the father a picture of his four ‘sons’.
Dad: Oh wow, does it get any easier?
Max chuckles as he puts his wallet away. He continues to speak in his friendly demeanor.
Max: Not in the slightest.
Dad: That’s tough to hear. They were so cute when they were little, but it’s tough now that they have all this energy.
Max: Oh, I know how that is!
Dad: …how do you keep up with them? I mean, they never want to spend any time with me anymore…
Max stared off at the four boys tearing through his store, a nightmare for their mother.
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Max continued to sit on the bed. He heard the sound of Thorn scratching at the bedroom door. “Go away Thorn,” he sighed, apathetically.
A soft knock came soon after. Lucy slowly opened the door and poked her head into the room to check on Max. There was a soft patting of her slippers on the floor as she walked over to her husband. “Hey, what’s wrong?” She placed a hand on his shoulder.
Max groaned, not looking up from his hands. “It’s nothing,” he mumbled. Lucy did not close the door when she came in, and Thorn was now nudging his wet dog nose into Max’s lap. “Thorn, get down,” Max protested. His furry friend sat by his feet and continued to whine and poke his nose at his master’s legs.
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Lucy: Max?
Max: It’s just the boys…
Lucy: What did they do this time.
Max: Nothing, I just feel like I’m failing as a father. I mean a proper ‘human’ father.
Lucy: What do you mean?
Max: There was this family that came into the store, and the father asked how I stayed close with my boys.
Lucy: And? What did you tell him?
Max: Well, I’m close with David but-
Lucy: Are you?
Max: What do you mean?
Lucy: Are you actually close with David?
Max sat, dumbfounded. Staring at the dog by his feet. Thinking about the meaning of Lucy’s words.
Max: Well, he listens to me.
Lucy: But are you close?
Max: I suppose not. But what do you expect me to do? They never listen to me! Every time I’ve tried to bond with them, they bite me, break my things, and run away!
Lucy: Well, maybe it’s time to do something they would like to do.
Max: …what do they like to do?
Lucy: Hm, maybe talk to Mike?
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Max took Lucy’s counsel and sat down with Michael. He asked what his sons liked to do on their off time. Michael started rattling off a list, “speeding, stealing, fighting, f-cking, playing tricks on people, jacking cars, drinking, video games, I dunno man, just crimes in general.” After the short brainstorming, Max decided the best way to get them to open up would be by loosening them up with drinks. Michael immediately let him know that was a terrible idea and advised that they go on a hunt instead.
“No no, a father knows best,” Max stood firm on his decision. He wanted him and his boys to rekindle their relationship at their favorite bar.  
Michael saw the boys before Max did, and he let them know what their father figure intended for them.
The little devils immediately started scheming. They decided that if Max was insistent on ‘hanging out with them,’ they were going to do their damndest to make him regret it.
A few nights later, Max informed David that they were to wait for him outside their bar… and also, he wanted to know where it was. David, still half skeptical Max would be stupid enough to do something like this, asked if he was sure he could keep up.
Max assured him he wanted to enjoy some ‘fatherly bonding’ with his broodlings and that he could keep up with the way the boys drank.
David half felt bad for his sire. He was sure he had no idea what he was really getting himself into. David insisted to Max that ‘their bar’ was something he should work his way up to and told him the name of a different bar. Max agreed, and when the day came, he waited outside of the bar David told him to.
He made sure to tell the boys to be there before he did. He told them be there at 8, which meant they would show up at 9. He didn’t want to wait for them long, and he stood on the corner by the edge of the bar.
Max was incredibly nervous. He knew the boys didn’t like to be around him for more than a few minutes. Hell, he couldn’t remember a time where they’d willingly hung out with him.
Max stood anxiously, his back to the alley. He almost felt bad for choosing to go on the weekend as there was a short line of people beginning to form outside the bar. He was listening for the boys’ bikes; anxiously waiting for them to show, but they dropped in on the ground behind him. The gravel in the alley shifting under their heavy boots. David clasped a hand on Max’s back, startling him.
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David: Woaah, didn’t mean to scare ya, old timer.
Max: Oh, boys, it’s just you.
David: Were you expecting someone else?
Max: Well no, bu-
Marko: I’m thirsty! Let’s go in already.
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Marko pushed through the crowd of people, with Paul and Dwayne following close behind him. The humans huffed and shouted as the biker boys walked through the line. The short, curly haired blond stood in front of the bouncer, who was waiting for their ID’s.
Max stood behind the boys, waiting to see what they would do. Marko pulled something out of his pocket. Max couldn’t see what it was, but he assumed it was a fake ID. They were much too old to have a ‘proper’ ID, something that their human documents wouldn’t be able to give them. The bouncer was tall, and burly. He was a young man, but his presence did a good job at warding off troublemakers.
The human man held the card up to the light under the doorway and turned it in his hands. He bent it a bit, then handed it back to Marko and gestured for him to go inside. Paul stepped up next, and as his sons slowly went into the bar, Max could hear the music inside get louder. He got a peak into the building as Dwayne went through the door. David pushed Max ahead of him, trying to make sure he didn’t chicken out at the last second.
The bouncer waited impatiently for Max to retrieve his ID from his wallet. He handed the card to the man and the human looked suspiciously at Max and his picture.
“I assure you; I’m legally allowed to drink.” Max tried to ease his nerves with a joke.
The bouncer didn’t laugh. This only helped to make Max more uneasy. The human handed the card back to Max, “you look good for 63.”
David snickered behind Max, and the older, embarrassed vampire stepped out of the way. David tried to hand his ID to the bouncer, but the man declined. “Please David, I know you. I just had to make a show for all the damn people you guys pushed out of the way.”
 “S’my bad, Kev, we’re taking our gramps out on the town,” David chided. “The boys are just excited.” David dapped up the bouncer, and the human moved to hold the door open for David and Max.
Max followed David into the bar. It was a dimly lit, low end lounge bar. There was a green under light wrapped around the length of the bar, which Marko, Dwayne, and Paul were already at. The floor was some type of cheap vinyl faux wood, and there was a half stage at the back of the room. The place was moderately packed for a Saturday night.
David leaned over the counter to grab something from behind the bar, and the green haired bartender immediately snapped at him.
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David: Woah, take it easy, stud. It’s just one bottle.
Bartender: Not tonight, David, my boss is up my ass about givin’ you guys free stuff.
David: Well darlin’, if you didn’t want me around, you wouldn’t keep the bottle chilled for me.
The bartender rolled his eyes and continued to pour shots out that Marko had already ordered.
Paul: We’re celebrating tonight, we got our ‘daddy’ with us. Paul snickered.
Max: Oh, no, please don’t call me that. I’m their father.
Dwayne: So, just put it all on his tab.
Dwayne, Paul, and Marko turned to Max, waiting for him to pull his credit card out.
Max: Ah, yes. I invited you boys out, so… I suppose it’s my treat.
The bartender took the card and dropped the five shots in front of David.
Marko: Drink up, ‘daddy’.
Max grimaced, and watched the boys take their shots like it was nothing. He looked down at the clear liquid as it gently swayed inside the glass. He crinkled his nose and knocked back the shot.
Max: Holy f-wow! I forgot how hot that was. Max coughed.
David: Ha-ha, how long has it been since you drank? David twisted the cap off the bottle of jaeger he got from behind the bar.
Max: Gee, I don’t know… He watched as David called the bartender back from the other end of the bar.
Bartender: What do you want? He sighed.
David: So mean tonight. Does somebody need an attitude adjustment? He raised his eyebrow and flashed his toothy smile. Just give me that Red Bull back there, I don’t think I can reach it.
Paul: Oh, and those beers I like!
The bartended grabbed two Red Bulls from the mini fridge behind the bar and handed them to David. He turned and grabbed five long neck bottles and popped the caps off for them.
David: Thanks, hot stuff. David winked at him.
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David finished pouring out the jaeger bombs and him and the boys eagerly gobbled them up. Max was not nearly as eager as his ‘sons’, but decided to drink; wanting to keep up the appearance of comradery.
He immediately gagged the second the liquid finished flowing down his throat.
David and the boys laughed at him.
“Christ! What was that?” He continued to gag.
 “Yeaaaaah, you’ll get used to that.” Paul joked. They moved to a high table near the back of the bar, and once they were seated, David poured another round of shots.
Max tried to make small talk with his sons, but he had no idea where to start. The boys were not much help easing the tension; especially with Dwayne eyeing Max the way he was.
David assured him it was just because they weren’t used to being around him. Which was true. David was the first turned. He spent almost 40 years with Max, so he was used to the uncomfortable silence. But the others had David, they had each other. After they were turned, they never had to worry about being alone in a room with Max; they never learned to be comfortable around him. He sat quietly, and sipped on his beer.
Max shifted nervously in his seat. Unsure how to break the ice. He tried to think of some of the conversation pieces he’d memorized earlier in the week, but the liquor in his system seemed to keep them from his grasp.
The boys had no problem entertaining themselves though. Marko and Paul were taking turns pulling down the zipper of some girl that was dancing near them. They were not doing this physically, no, they were employing their magic to pull on her zipper.
After a few minutes, in her drunken state, she’d seemed to have danced her dress off. She shrieked and picked up her dress around her body. But the devil twins, chortled at her Spanx. 
“Oh, don’t start,” David half groaned, half laughed.
Max turned around to see the lady duck and scream into the bathroom. “What just happened?”
“Oh? You wanna see it again?” Marko grinned deviously. He turned back around and yanked a young man’s pants down. His stained underwear exposed to the bar.
Dwayne and Paul laughed at him. Max turned to the table, confused how they were so eagerly playing pranks on the bar patrons.
“You don’t worry about being caught?”
They scrunched their faces at him, confused by his nervousness. “Dude, shut up,” Marko sneered. He turned David’s bottle over and poured out another round of shots.
“Just drink,” Paul reassured him. They all knocked back another round. Max was really starting to feel a buzz through his body. He watched as the boys continued to subtly mess with the patrons around them.
In his half-drunk state, he felt his lips begin to loosen. “How did you boys get IDs?”
“We don’t have IDs?” David said, puzzled. “Oh, you mean,” him and the others began to pull their wallets out.
They showed Max varying plastic cards. David had the driver’s license of a woman from Idaho. Marko had a blood donor card he stole from a young man’s wallet. Paul had an In-N-Out gift card, and Dwayne had a casino Player’s card.
Max stared at the boys’ ‘IDs’ in amazement. He’d always been envious of their magic. Moreso than he would ever admit. Ever since they were turned, he could feel their potential exceed his. Especially in David. His magic was more potent and more powerful than he could have ever hoped to be. And that’s part of why he was so hard on him.
Unfortunately for Max’s ego, letting them run wild only let their magic grow wild too.
Max’s train of thought was derailed by the sound of blaring music. The ambiance that the bar was playing was completely drowned out by the DJ booth.
“Ugh!” Marko groaned, “he’s back.”
Max covered his ears, the loud, piercing music hurting his sensitive vampire ears. The boys all winced with how loud the pop music was playing. Their ears twitched and they turned to look at the DJ that was playing a combination latin dance and country music.
“Is it 10 already?” Paul whined.
“This guy suuuuucks!” Dwayne hissed. Dwayne and Marko started loudly booing the DJ. Uncaring of his feelings, and the scene they were making.
“Hey knock it off!” The bartender hollered at them.
David made no move to stop his brothers. He just twisted the cap back on his mostly full jaeger bottle, and got up.
Paul followed David, and Max, not wanting to stay with the other two who were yelling and arguing with the DJ, followed David as well.
Max stood outside on the sidewalk behind David and Paul. David handed the large bottle of jaeger to Paul and pulled his cigarettes out.
“Was that it? Are we done being at the bars?” Max asked the two blond boys.
Paul belted, “not a chance,” he patted his stomach, “we’re just done with that bar.”
David lit the cigarette in his mouth and put his lighter back in his pocket. He half turned to Paul, stepping aside away from the line of people, “where do you wanna go next?”
Paul shrugged, thinking for a second. He picked at the wet label on the side of the bottle that was starting to peel. “Hey, what about X?”
David nodded silently, a soft smile held the lit cig, the smoke twirling up towards the streetlight. They waited there for Marko and Dwayne to finish harassing the DJ, and when they strolled out of the bar, Dwayne showed David he managed to grab some wallets from the other bar-goers. 
David chuckled, “we’re going to X’s,” he said plainly, ashing the cigarette and holding it at his side between his fingers.
“Hell yeah!” Marko started pumping his fists into the air. He jogged across the street to the park, he planned to cut through the park on the way to the next bar. “Ducks! Ducks! Ducks!” He started chanting, and the others followed him across the street.
“You leave those ducks alone!” Dwayne shouted. They watched Marko jog off into the distance, a good bit ahead of the group.
“Ducks?” Max asked David.
The blond slowly puffed on his cigarette as they strolled through the dark park. “Yeah, Marko likes to… feed the ducks at the pond.”
Max was confused by his disposition. Feeding the ducks sounded fun and wholesome. Something he didn’t think his sons were capable of.
They soon happened upon the pond in the middle of the park. Marko was already crouched down petting some of the ducks. They quacked softly as they formed a half circle around him. As they got closer, Max heard a noise coming from Marko, it was a half gagging, half clicking noise. He noticed the other boys didn’t stop to watch their brother. They walked around the pond and continued to sip on the alcohol they took from the bar.
Max stood a bit behind Marko, and he heard the noise get louder. He decided to walk to where the other boys were, his unease making him wander away. When he was further in front of Marko, he turned back to watch him regurgitate something for the ducks.
Max stood, horrified. As his second eldest spat up eyeballs for the greedy ducks below him. He could hear the other boys laughing ahead of him, but he was transfixed on Marko. The slimy, goopy liquid that came out like thick maple syrup, it coated the soft wet eyeballs and sloshed when it hit the ducks and ground.
Dwayne and David were laughing at their sire, he was stuck watching the littlest vampire, and the nasty thing he was doing.
“Yeah, we’re pretty sure that’s where geese come from,” Paul chuckled.
Max watched as Marko bent to pet another duck and then sprinted to catch up with the rest of the group. Max was a bit afraid of him now, and the display he just watched.
“God, I think I need another drink.” Max spoke, distressed.
David shoved the bottle into his hand, and Max eagerly put it to his lips.
The next bar laid ahead of them. This bar was very loud compared to the last one. It appeared to have several garage doors and a wraparound patio. The walls, or garage doors, were open, and the flashing lights and pop music was very noticeable from the park. As they walked up to the bar, Max noticed the very long line that seemed to be 30 or 40 people deep.
Paul was the first to walk up to the bouncer.
“Long time no see, X, how you been?” Paul put what Max thought were some cigarettes into his hand and did the same weird handshake he saw David do at the last bar.
The bouncer nodded, “can’t complain, s’good to see ya brother.”
“Likewise, man,” Paul patted the human’s forearm and walked past him, he waited near the bouncer for Max and the others.  Max noticed as each brother walked past, they did the funky handshake. Max was unsure what to do, he stood in front of the bouncer who eyed him suspiciously.
“Back of the line sir,” the bouncer sternly spoke.
“He’s with us!” Dwayne hollered over the music as he walked inside.
The bouncer gestured for Max to go inside, his demeanor changing immediately. He moved his hand to his jeans to pocket the spliffs that Paul handed him when Max put his hand out.
“Thanks…homie.” Immediately as the words left his mouth, he knew that was wrong. The bouncer just stared at him, his smile fading.
Paul immediately came to collect Max, “sorry, he doesn’t get out much.” He apologized for his sire’s ignorant behavior.
As the two walked into the building to meet the others at the bar, Paul tried to correct Max. “Hey, you can’t talk to strangers like that, it’s not cool man.”
“But Marko said it,” Max tried to defend himself.
“Yea, but they’re friends.” Paul gently shoved Max to the bar, the wood hitting him in the sternum.
Now he felt bad emotionally, and physically. He knew he embarrassed himself, but he didn’t want to embarrass the boys. He knew how bad it felt to be embarrassed by someone you know; he didn’t want to make them look bad. Paul stood next to his brothers, and leaned in to tell them what Max’d done.
“He said what?” Marko shouted.
Max groaned. The bartender finally made her way to Max and the boys.
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Bartender: What can I get for you?
Max: Um…just one sec.
He turned to the boys who were arguing amongst themselves. The bartender groaned as she was about to move on to the next people in line. Noticing her out of the corner of his eye, Marko stepped up to the counter.
Marko: Lemmie get three red bulls, fou- five adios, and a double of Malört.
David: And five Coors.
The bartender made a face at Marko, then shrugged, and started making the drinks. Max placed his card on the counter and waited for the bartender to drop off the drinks.
Max: What’s Malört?
Paul: A punishment.
Max: Pun-for what?
Paul: You know what you did.
Marko: Take your Malört first then you can wash it down with an adios.
Max: What’s in an adios?
Dwayne: You’ll find out.
The bartender dropped off the drinks and took the card. David signaled for her to keep it open, and she put it back in front of them after she swiped it. Max sniffed the Malört and felt his eyes begin to water.
Max: I do not want to drink this.
Paul: It’s not that bad, just do it.
Max unwillingly took the shot. The second it touched his tongue he immediately felt like he was going to throw up.
Dwayne: If you hurl, we go home.
Marko: Do it! You know you want to.
David: Is he gonna do it?
Paul: I think he’s gonna do it!
Max swallowed hard, and panted, trying to fight away the urge to throw up. His stomach felt hot and painful. Like he’d just taken a punch to the gut, or like he just drank bile.
Max: I thought you said that wasn’t going to be bad??
Paul: Oh yeah, I lied.
Marko: Don’t be a wuss, just keep drinking and it’ll go away.
The boys picked up the red bulls and their drinks and walked over to a booth by the dance floor. Max swayed uneasily side to side. He was a vampire, sure, but he wasn’t used to this heavy drinking. It was really starting to get to him. He played with the straw in the blue drink and felt a flush come to his face. The boys took notice of his demeanor, and how he giggled at the colored strobing lights overhead.
David: You good?
Paul: You like your drink?
Max looked down at the blue drink. He put the straw in his mouth and eagerly sipped on it.
Max: Wow this is way better than that other thing!
Dwayne: Why did you want to hang out with us?
Max: Because you’re my sons.
Marko: But you’ve never treated us like your sons.
Max: … I know. And I’m sorry for that.
David: So now you want to play ‘house’?
Max: No, no. I…I always wanted a family. I just…I’m envious of you boys.
TLB: The boys looked at each other, unsure of Max’s honesty.
Marko: Why would you be envious of us?
Max: You have each other, You’re brothers, peers. You’re never alone, and you are all so strong, and intelligent, and young.
David: Well, you’re 200 years older than us. You made us to be sons not peers.
Max: I was young when I set my mind out to have a family… I thought it would be easier than this.
Marko: Well, you suck at being a dad.
Max: I know, I’m sorry. I know I never taught you anything about being a vampire. I… feel bad that you had to learn things by yourselves. Especially you, David.
David: Well, apology not accepted.
Max: But-
David cut him off, his tone of voice angry, holding back his rage as best he could, David spat at Max.
David: You were a shitty sire for 200 years. One “I’m sorry,” and a few beers isn’t going to make it okay.
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The group sipped on their beers, and Max continued to sip on his blue drink. He felt so low in that moment. Maybe it was a mistake to try and bond with the boys after all this time.
David stood up, taking his beer with him to the patio to go smoke. Marko and Dwayne nudged each other, trying to break free from the uncomfortable silence. The two stood and walked over to the dance floor, trying to find partners for the night.
Max and Paul stayed at the booth, nervously avoiding eye contact. Max watched the curly haired blond and the brunet quickly find a pair of red head coeds. After a few minutes of grinding and bumping, the girls led the boys out to the parking lot.
Max stared at them, confused. “Wait, I thought you boys were still….” He asked Paul, too embarrassed to say the word.
“Homos?” Paul chuckled at Max’s embarrassment. He took a long sip of his beer as they watched the two vampires and their ‘dates’ duck behind some cars. “Papa, your baby boys are whores, s’all you need to know.”
“Huh,” Max stared off in the direction of the parking lot. “You boys really just do whatever you want?”
Paul turned his attention away from the cars and switched from drinking his beer to the adios. “Yup, s’a pretty sweet life,” Paul looked over to the front of the bar, he noticed X leave his post and waved him over to where he was sitting.
The bouncer leaned over the table a bit to talk to Paul, “where’d everybody go?”
Paul snorted, “you know Dwayne.”
The bouncer smiled and gestured for the blond to follow him to the patio. Paul scooted from the booth and grabbed his drinks. He looked at Max, who sat by himself now, dejected. Paul invited him outside, he felt bad for the old guy.
He never had anything personal against Max. Paul, being the youngest, never actually spent any real time with Max. He just learned to avoid him because all the others seemed to distrust him.
Max cheered up a bit. On the way out the patio he apologized to the human. He felt weird apologizing to a human, but if he was someone important to the boys, then he was important.
The trio found David sitting outside, staring at the shaking cars in the parking lot. He was swirling his beer around, trying to ignore the emotions that tried to bubble to the surface.
They sat at a table with David, and he rolled his eyes when he saw Max was with them. Max sat across from David, next to Paul. X pulled the spliffs from his pocket and Paul handed him a lighter.
“Oh, Paul rolls your cigarettes?” He asked, too drunk to notice what it was.
The boys chuckled, “yeah, I roll his cigarettes.”
“Paul has a real steady hand,” X joked. He took a long inhale and handed the paper to Paul, who did the same.
The blond looked over at Max, “you wanna try?”
David scoffed, “he’s not into that kind of stuff.”
Max was on a mission to prove to David that he was more than he thought he was. The bleach blond vampire took the spliff from Paul and replaced the cigarette in his mouth with it.
David took a long drag and blew the smoke in Max’s face. His sire coughed, “I told you boys at the beginning,” he continued to cough, “I can hang.” David looked at Paul, who motioned for David to pass it to Max.
Max took what he thought was a ‘funny’ smelling cigarette. He took a long drag, like he’d seen the rest of the table do. He could taste the tobacco on his tongue, and as he took the smoke from his mouth down his lungs he tasted something else. The boys chided him on, encouraging him to hold it in his lungs as long as he could. Not that he needed to breathe, but he started coughing with the new feeling of this ‘odd’ smoke.
“Wow, that’s good,” he complemented Paul. The table encouraged him to take another drag, and hold it for longer this time, and that if the taste kept bothering him, he should drink his adios.
The rest of the night is a bit of a blur for Max.
He remembered Max and Dwayne coming to sit at the table… at some point in the night.
He remembered laughing with them, and telling them about his childhood, and his sire. He talked about how proud he was of them, being successful ‘vampire’ and terrors of the night. The boys didn’t need to explain anything to X, he just assumed Max got cross-faded and blacked out. Which, he was.
Max remembers flashing lights, glowsticks. The night was like a blur, but there were blips he could remember. Were the flashing lights neon, or red and blue?
Max laid in bed, tasting his dry mouth. His head ached, and so did his stomach. His clothes were dirty with blood and mud. He tried to sit up, and he noticed his shoes were missing.
He had no idea what time it was, or what exactly happened last night. The last thing he remembered was that cigarette. He groaned, looking into the mirror he noticed his hair a mess. His glasses were cracked, and his lips were bright blue from the adios.
He called for Lucy, who came to check on him. Thorn came too.
Max asked Lucy what happened, and what time he came home. Lucy was proud when she spoke. He commended the boys for bringing him home, and they made sure he was okay, and got to bed safe and sound. Max smiled at that.
“They wanted me to tell you thanks for last night.” Lucy handed Max a cup of water and started unbuttoning his shirt to help him relax. Max eagerly took the glass with one hand, and pet Thorn with the other. His furry friend happy to be getting attention.
“Oh,” Lucy added as she finished unbuttoning his shirt, “they wanted me to also tell you that they would be back next week.”
“Pardon?” Max was confused. He did not remember them talking about going somewhere last night.
Lucy explained to him that he had given the boys his cards and told them to go on vacation.
“I DID WHAT???” Max started fumbling with his phone, trying to open up his credit card app.
“You told me yourself that you wanted them to enjoy themselves. What’s wrong with that?” Lucy remarked.
The app finally loaded. He was devastated by what he saw.
He had no way of finding them now, as he was sure they pulled all the cash out in a lump sum and turned off their phones.
He sighed and threw himself back against the bed; they really got him good with that one.
The boys were sitting pretty in Las Vegas by now. They dropped Max off at home, withdrew all his money, and them and Michael took off for the Bellagio to book a suite.
Michael’s words echoed through his mind, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He covered his face in his hands and wailed.
Max would be lucky if they came back in a week.  
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stormblessed95 · 29 days
Thank you so much for answering me Storm!
When I sent that ask I had just come from twitter where some ARMYs where claiming that dropping Muse and Who to support Yoongi is what Jimin would want, that his album has been out for a month already so it not a big deal to move on.
I saw you reblog that post about Jimin standing with Yoongi, along with not seeing you post much about the hate Jimin has been getting lately, and my frustration towards those that are dropping Jimin to support Yoongi may have been projected on to you.
I don't expect you to be a "content creator", I'm very grateful for the time and energy you give to answer our questions and make thoughtful posts about Jikook and BTS. I have seen you post asks with reporting links before, so I was under the assumption that was something you allowed on your blog (especially for serious issues). If that has changed (which is fine! some people want their blogs/accounts/fandom spaces to be free of reports and anti discussion), I'm sorry for not knowing or not remembering!
It was not at all my intention to victimize Jimin, as I said people have resorted to saying things like "Jimin would want us to do this" and thus using Jimin's loving friendship with Yoongi as a way to justify not supporting Jimin anymore (or as much).
I have noticed that you hadn't posted about Yoongi! I was actually wondering if you were doing alright seeing as he is also your bias. I had even wanted to ask you if you knew some good sources to get information on what was happening, because there was a lot of misinformation and I was genuinely scared for Yoongi.
Seeing as this was a misunderstanding on my part, I don't wish to unfollow you if that's okay? Chapter Two and this recent year has made finding actual ARMYs who support ALL SEVEN members hard. I'm sorry if my ask made you uncomfortable in any way, and again hope you and your loved ones are happy and healthy 💜💜
I know we are all under the assumptions at times that our personal moral panic is unique and unprecedented.... But I promise that it's not, and it's important to remember that too 💜
Like everyone else, I'm not really okay with seeing all the hate and slander that's been happening lately. I want to cry if I think about it too long or hard.
To make things a little more clear, if you send me "what are your thoughts on *insert essay length ask or paragraph length ask over hate x member is experiencing*" I probably won't answer it. I'm not sure what it is I'm expected to say in response? Yeah, it fucking sucks. And I can say "report and block silently, do not engage" until I'm blue in the face, but that's not what those asks actually want. They want my rage, for me to be emotional about it. I'm not inclined to perform that for anyone here. I follow my own advice.
Which leads me to, the asks I'll post are from reporting links. If you see hate, and you want to ask me to help spread the word to report and block an account or ask for help in the best way to go about reporting something, please send it in and I will post it and/or give advice over it. And that is what you've seen me post here before. That is how it will stay
As for following me or not, you do you boo. I'm not here for the numbers or the followers. I didn't ask for anyone to be here actually 😅 the fact that the follower count ever made it anywhere over 20 is something I'm baffled at constantly. I've been on Tumblr for years solely as a lurker lmao so I still sometimes don't know how I ended up here... I blame Jikook. 🙃😂
And honestly though. Thank you for coming back and walking your first statement back and apologizing. Almost no one here has ever really done that before, so it's greatly appreciated.
Have a good day 💜
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 1 year
It's me from the Arno ask! I'm completely fine with headcanons, I actually prefer them because they're easier to read and by "quite down" I meant like sad and tired xx
Hello again! I dearly apologize for taking so long with this. I only just got back into the right mindset to finally finish it.😅Also, I found myself more inspired by Versailles!Arno, so that’s the vibe I went with for these. Hope that’s alright, and hope you like this! Enjoy!
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- Olivier had been giving you a pretty hard time lately, and with you being the newest member of the staff for the de la Serre’s, it left you feeling frustrated and upset.
- Not to mention, thanks to a rather hefty mistake you made after being tasked with the previous shopping trip, you had been stuck with some extra chores as punishment - and on your one weekly day off, too. So, you can add ‘exhausted’ to the gambit of emotions you were feeling that morning.
- Not even the unexpected appearance of François de la Serre’s handsome, young ward, Arno Dorian - who had been carrying on a secret love affair with you for some time now - could improve your mood.
- “There you are,” he nevertheless coos with a smile. “I missed you in church this morning.”
- “Liar, you don’t even go to church,” you shoot back, not much in the mood for his nonchalant airs.
- Your irritable temperament is not lost on him, and his smile fades as he asks what has gotten you in such a state.
- You tell him, and he is surprisingly quiet and attentive as he listens.
- “Well, if anything like that happens again, he’ll answer to me,” Arno insists, a look of confidence appearing his face as he walks over to you.
- “And what authority have you over Olivier? You’re not even here half the time,” you point out with bemusement as he takes your hand and kisses it.
- “Not the point. Now, no more talk of Olivier, hmm? I’m much more interested in you right now,” he says sweetly, as his arms encircle your waist and pull you closer.
- He notices that you still look rather sullen, however, so he leads you over to a nearby canapé and sits down, before gently pulling you into his lap and guiding your head to rest upon his shoulder. You two sit in silence for a few long seconds, while Arno holds you, before he slips a finger under your chin and tilts your face up towards his.
- For another few quiet moments, he strokes your cheek and brushes his thumb over your lips, a thoughtful look in his eyes. He soon speaks up again, pondering gently, “Hmm...I wonder what I could do to again bring a smile to your pretty lips?”
- Your mouth quirks, unconvinced that even he could lift your spirits. But if there’s one thing you’re certain about him, he’s determined. (Well, ‘stubborn’ would be more accurate, if you were being honest.)
- “Did I ever tell you about the time I managed to cause an argument to break out between Olivier and those two idiot blacksmiths over which of them I owed money to?” he then asks. You shake your head, and with a mischievous look in his eyes, he proceeds to tell you all about his diversion to slip away unnoticed - and with his pockets still full.
- Against your current mood, you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at the scenario. Hearing the positive response, Arno pulls you closer and continues to regale you with all sorts of stories about his misadventures around town - silently hoping it’ll get your mind off of your frustrations.
- And what do you know? It actually works.
- Your mood lifted, it soon shifts in a different...more romantic...direction when you start to feel Arno pressing little kisses to your hairline, as he asks softly if you’re feeling better.
- Your response is an unexpected kiss and a smile, which Arno returns, before the two of you lock lips again. You snuggle more into his arms with a sigh. You could stay like this forever.
- Unfortunately, for you both, you hear shouting coming from outside from someone looking for Arno - no doubt in trouble...again.
- You both launch to your feet before Arno rushes to the open window.
- “Supper, later?” he asks quickly, and you nod. Blowing you a kiss, he then jumps out the window.
- You were sad to see him go, as that meant you had to get back to work, but you couldn’t deny that the young man had accomplished what he said he would: he made you smile.
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Yay! Your askbox is open again! ♥️ Hi there, Mousy! How are ya? 👋🏻 Here's a virtual cookie 🍪✨️
I was wondering if you have any thoughts about Isaac as a boyfriend/husband to the Farmer or Alesia as a girlfriend/wife to the Farmer. Maybe them as parents too, because I'm in a very wholesome mood lately! And I might gain inspiration to draw them, again, like I used to! :D Who knows? Hehe... Anyways, take ur time if you're answering this.
Thank you very much if you answered this! Have a good day! (*´▽`)v✨️
I can't go anon for some reason, but I'm way too excited to wait |_•) I don't think I can calm down from my wholesomeness thoughts.
Hey hey Nim! 👋 Feeling good, thank you ☺️
Oh my gosh, thank you so much for the cookie! *eating the cookie* Mmmm, my favorite ❤️
I apologize for the inconvenience with the ability to ask a question as anon. Turns out I didn't turn that option on, I thought it was on by default 😅 so it's not your fault.
Here some random headcanons with Alesia and Isaac as partner/spouse/parent. Have a good day too! 🫰
Alesia is still responsible for the defense of Castle Village, so even though she lives in the Valley, she keeps in touch with her coworkers.
Not an ardent PDA fan, at most Alesia can be expected to kiss on the cheek in public. When she and Farmer are alone, she will show her tenderness: hugs, kisses, and maybe something else 👀
Loves to give and receive practical things to help in adventures: daggers, amulets, elixirs, artifacts. Also has a collection of rare daggers, so if the Farmer has a nice dagger lying around, found in adventures, it would make a great gift for Alesia.
A loving and moderately strict mother. Will always listen to her children, help them and protect them to the last, but will not spoil them much.
Can be a bit of a overprotective wife and mom, so let Farmer not be surprised that Alesia can break a stranger's nose because he said something bad about Farmer or their children. As it is, she's pretty peaceful.
Even if her and Farmer's kids don't want to become adventurers, the sniper still thinks that giving them a couple of self-defense lessons wouldn't hurt.
In the spouse area, she will set up a stand with her bows and a target, practicing archery in her spare time.
She will find common ground with the residents of Pelican Town very quickly. Her first friends are Robin and Leah.
Every Sunday she goes to Pierre's store to pray at Yoba's altar. Later Andy became her friend after constant meetings.
Her trust is very easy to lose, so Farmer should not deceive her. Never. For their own good.
Even if they are thinking of ending the relationship, let them say it straight, and they will separate like adults. Alesia will not tolerate deceit, and Farmer will regret it bitterly if they decide to cheat her.
With a partner like Isaac, Farmers get the scary dog privileges, whether they realize it or not.
Don't count on PDA, Isaac still can't get used to the idea of having a date. So it can be a bit much for him.
Even when Isaac is alone with Farmer, he may seem cold and closed off. But he's not the heartless, and willing to go down to hell for Farmer.
Farmer is honored to see Isaac's sword collection.
Sometimes Isaac needs time alone, and he's glad when Farmer understands him half-heartedly and gives him some space.
Without noticing it himself, Isaac began to flex in front of his beloved. A friendly fight with another adventurer was an opportunity for Isaac to show off all his skills as a fighter to Farmer.
Can be a rather jealous boyfriend (especially if Lance is hanging around somewhere). Even after marrying Farmer, may not stop being jealous. Apparently, the idea that he's not good enough for Farmer still haunts him.
Not the most affectionate spouse, but he tries hard, is pretty careful and gentle partner.
Only Farmer can catch the rarest phenomenon in the world, a smiling Isaac.
Strangely enough, he was the first to talk about children, and he has taken to preparing for the arrival of a new member of the family with all responsibility. A very gentle and careful father.
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acacia-may · 6 months
*sheepishly pokes my head in*
If oc x cc ships are okay, then can I ask for Lyra's ships of Yuno x Neva and William x Zera, and mine Fuegoleon x Solara 🥺👉👈
Hi Laura! No need to be sheepish. 💖 Thank you so much for the ask and for indulging my ramblings. I think it's incredibly sweet that you've asked about @lyranova's pairings. They're lovely! I'm honestly a little feral about Zerilliam, and I rambled about that and about the pairings in general in this response to Lyra's ask. ^^
I would be thrilled to share my Fuelara thoughts with you here, especially since, at this point, I am so invested in this pairing that I have to constantly, consciously remind myself that Solara is not a canon character. She just exists in the world of Black Clover in my mind now, and whenever I imagine or think of Fue, she is right there by his side.
I have to be honest that before I found your blog and we became friends, I really didn't think that much about Fuegoleon. I always liked him and had a lot of respect for him, but he wasn't really a character I just sat around and thought about too much. (His brotherly relationship with Leopold is just too functional. Let's blame that lol😂 I promise I'm only joking, and I adore them! Vermillion Bros for the win!!) But you write him with such depth and such nuance that it really gave me a new appreciation for his character. That one shot you wrote about his feelings of inadequacy after his injury has stuck with me to this day and remains one of my favorite fics I've ever read about anything in any fandom. You and your incredibly powerful writing made me love Fue, and as I was coming to really love him and becoming so much more invested in his character and his story, I found your absolutely incredible Solara who is truly (and this is probably intentional on your part but needs to be said) perfect for him.
Fuelara is everything a canon character x oc relationship should be in my opinion. I hope it goes without saying that Solara is such an incredibly strong and compelling character in her own right and I love that you've given her her own story beyond just being Fue's love interest, but even beyond that, she fits so seamlessly into the world of Black Clover (and I know you shared with me in the past that that was something that was really important to you while creating her, and I think you have succeeded in that in every possible way). Like I said in the beginning of this post, I really do genuinely have to remind myself she isn't canon. She just feels like she belongs there. I can't tell you how much the way you've meticulously crafted Fuelara and weaved them into the world of BC has been a personal inspiration for me. (Apologies in advance for the tangent but) my big passion project right now is a very ambitious multi-chapter fic for another fandom which I'm co-creating with a friend of mine, and it involves an OC x CC relationship (that I'm mostly in charge of 😅) so I actually find myself thinking about and talking about Fuelara as kind of this blueprint and inspiration for everything I can only hope my own ship will ultimately be. Even though the world of that story (late 90s/early 2000s suburban America) and the world of Black Clover couldn't possibly be more different, I'm sure Sprinkles could tell you that I have specifically mentioned Fuelara (specifically their relationship's seamless integration into the existing world and story) and what an inspiration it is for me personally, so many times while working on this project. It is truly so impressive, and I want to write like that. (Side note, I have definitely been using your tips and suggestions for OC integration throughout this process, so thank you again for that!)
Beyond just how well Solara perfectly fits into the world (which I've rambled about a lot), she also perfectly fits with Fuegoleon to the point that it's actually difficult for me to imagine him with anyone else at this point. I'm honestly really surprised I have made it through these ramblings without any random, unsolicited music references, but you're about to get one. There's a song called "We Go Well Together" by Goldheart (Spotify; YouTube) and here's a few lines, "We're just like kids up on a swing/Finger and a wedding ring/We go perfectly/It's so easy." That's just Fuelara to me: It's so easy. That's not to say that it's easy for them--they've certainly had their struggles and been through so much together, but their relationship dynamic, their love for each other, and their interactions are just so effortless. Of course Embers is fantastic, but I think I love your cozy little one shots about them most of all because I just adore how they interact with each other. They're so comfortable with each other, and it feels so real and so genuine. There's really no need for me to suspend belief or to try to create some buy in into their relationship. They just talk to each other and I'm immediately convinced they're deeply in love and just perfect for each other. One of my favorite things about them is how they are both such strong people, but they can be vulnerable together, and I love these really tender moments where they encourage each other that they don't have to carry the weight of the world alone. I just can't get over how supportive they are of each other, and I just adore that.
Gah, this ship is just so good. It's canon. It's honestly better than canon in a lot of cases, and I really can't get enough of it. I think I've said this before, but I'll say this again. Thank you for this pairing! I love it. ❤️‍🔥
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