#also at the end i started cooking so i might have lost my train of thought
gguk-n · 9 hours
Chapter 5- Epilogue
Accelerating Emotions (Oscar Piastri x Reader)
Series Masterlist
Summary- Y/N and Oscar are just happy being together. They enjoyed the time they got to spend together.
Over all just fluff.
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Y/N and Oscar enjoyed the time between the end of the previous season and the start of the next. Both of them would follow each other around like lost puppies through out the day. Just as the holidays were coming to an end for Y/N, Oscar too had to leave for pre-season training, reluctantly. They would call each other and sometimes Y/N would send him packages and Oscar would send her packages and then the two of them would open them up on video calls.
Oscar really wanted her to come to the first race of the season, which was not possible at all due to her academic year being in full swing. Luckily, she didn't particularly need time off to be at his home race. The Australian GP couldn't come any sooner. Oscar did fly in earlier then usual. Y/N was there to pick him up at the airport since he did fly in super late. "You have a thing for making sure I don't get any sleep" she commented as Oscar climbed into the passenger seat. "I have other ways of keeping you up" he laughed. She just shook her head as she started driving.
They spent the next few days together, Oscar was on a strict diet; so Y/N found great joy in being able to cook for him and having at home dates. They would watch some silly shows and lay awake wrapped in each others arms. "I might have done some shopping" she said randomly. "Doesn't sound like it's a good thing" he said skeptically. "It is a good thing. I bought a dress in your god awful team colour and surprisingly I look good in it. So, I'll be wearing that with a 81 head band to the race." she said proudly. "Where did you get the 81 head band from?" he chuckled. "I made it myself, you'll see" she said kissing his lips. "If this is your way of bribing me, I'll take more" he said. "I'm not bribing you, I did a quiz and my love language is physical touch apparently" she said. "What's mine?" he asked. "Gift giving and physical touch, I think" she said. "I will not be denying that" he smiled.
Y/N accompanied him on quali day, the pair walked hand in hand to the paddock. The camera flashing rapidly to catch their moment together, Y/N was wearing Oscar's papaya jersey, a big smile on her face as she walked in. Oscar found great joy in dragging Y/N around with him. He would introduce her to his team with the biggest smile they had seen on Oscar. Lando had stopped teasing them, since Oscar started to enjoy it too much much to his dismay.
Oscar qualified P6, Y/N was cheering for him as always. It was a warm feeling racing in his home and having all the people that love and support him there. Y/N was wearing an papaya dress with the 81 head band that she knit. The fans loved her outfit and wanted their own 81 headbands. The race was quite eventful, Oscar finished just out of the podium but Y/N celebrated his finish like it was a podium. They spent the night together with their family, laughing and talking about random things and reliving old memories of all the times each of them found out Oscar had a crush on Y/N. It was a good time at Oscar's expense. "Last year, I wouldn't have thought I would get just outside of a podium in my home race or you for that matter" he whispered with his arms wrapped around her waist as they stood there watching everyone. "Well, you've improved." she smiled pecking his cheek. "I love these improvements" he smiled. "Can't wait to watch you win a race honestly" she stated. "I love you babe" he whispered. "I love you too, Osc." she whispered back. "I'm gonna have to ask Lando to stop calling me Osc, it feels weird" he stated. "He says it with love. It's cute honestly. I would also like to ask you to look at me with the same amount of love you look at Lando with" she chuckled. "I look at you with love, Lando it's shock" he said shaking his head.
Oscar's birthday was the day after the Japanese GP. They couldn't spend it together so Y/N sent him a package as a little gift; just some stuff from home and the customary birthday wishes. Oscar wasn't very happy about spending his birthday alone this year, but it's the nature of the sport. He wasn't able to fly in for her birthday either since he had another race weekend. So, they FaceTimed each other with a small cake and blew out candles while on call. Y/N had gotten him a wallet with their initials engraved on it which Oscar carried around with great pride. Y/N had gotten a necklace with an O. You could pass that necklace off as anything but she found a lot of happiness in telling anyone who asked that it was her boyfriend's initial.
During her time off she would fly to Oscar, they would spend all their time together either cuddling in the hotel room or exploring the city. Oscar would love to have her at race weekends but they never coincided with her time off. The fans had started to notice him hanging out with the girl who had the 81 headband and deduced that they were dating as if Oscar wasn't obvious enough.
Oscar winning his first Formula One race was a big thing but sadly Y/N wasn't there to celebrate with him. Instead he flew back to Australia even if only for a few days before he would have to fly back for the last race before the summer break. Back home, he was met with a lot of celebrations. Y/N spent her whole time showering Oscar in praises after his first win. Oscar couldn't help but bask in her praises forgetting the ordeal following his first win.
Y/N was very observant, she noticed when Oscar would wince or hiss quietly when some one would hug him or touch him. He made a conscious effort not to slip up when Y/N was touching him but she caught on and cornered him just like the time Oscar caught her topless when they were teens. "Piastri what's wrong?" she asked, voice laced with concern. "Nothing right now, but you look very hot cornering me. We might have a problem now" he said placing his hands on her waist and leaning closer. She took his hands off her waist and placed them on either side of him, effectively pinning him. "Babe, my mum's 2 feet away" he whispered. "I know, something's wrong and you won't tell me" she questioned further. "Nothing's wrong" Oscar replied trying to lighten the mood but Y/N wasn't buying it. He could easily over power her but he liked the situation he was in. "You've been hissing and wincing in pain since you've been back. I know you're hurt. Tell me where or I will not be kissing or touching you for the foreseeable future." she stated. Oscar knew he couldn't lie to her, she would figure it out, sooner or later. "I fractured my rib before the race" he said. "What" she almost screamed, carefully placing his hands down. "How? You raced? Why didn't you tell me or us?" she barraged him with questions. "It just happened but the medical team cleared me. I'm good and with a bit of rest I'll be as good as new" he said. "What rest? You plan on racing the next race. You didn't tell anyone. It's like you don't need us" she lamented. "I'm perfectly fine now. Don't worry about me" he said cupping her cheeks and pressing a kiss. "Well, it's my second nature to worry, you can't stop me" she announced. "I won't. I love it when you worry about me actually" he gloated. "You will be punished. I'm not touching you until you're fully healed. I heard rib fractures hurt a lot. So, you're on bed rest while you're in Melbourne" she stated. "What? NO! You can't deprive me" he groaned. "I can and I will. Just be grateful I'm not announcing this to the whole family" she tsked and walked away.
Oscar was babied and made to rest by Y/N. She found a way to avoid telling everyone what happened until Oscar would himself. Which he did after the summer break started. His parents were disappointed him but more concerned. Y/N apologised to hiding it since she didn't want to worry them as well.
They spent the summer break lounging around their house or going out to eat. They would catch up on movies and trying out new foods. Oscar had been thinking, he thought about it quite a lot especially when they would be grocery shopping together or he would see her interact with kids or when she would joke with his family or when she would fret over him; that he was ready. He was ready to settle down if it was with her. He wanted everything; a family, a house, kids, the whole nine yards. Oscar might have jumped the gun and bought a ring. He couldn't wait; these could be place holders till she picked one out she liked. He had gotten them his and her bands; they looked a lot like wedding bands. He carried those around for a while, not knowing when to ask and that's how the summer break ended and he would be back racing.
They spent their first anniversary at home while Y/N cooked for Oscar and make him rest. He was on a sex ban because of the rib fracture. No matter how much he tried to reason with her, Y/N wasn't about to budge. Oscar was like a piece of glass and Y/N was too scared to touch him lest she hurt him. Oscar got them his and her matching watches since he wasn't sure he had the guts to propose to her. She got him matching sweaters that she knit and a belt with her initials. "Are you trying to brand me?" he asked looking at the sweater with a big first initial of his girlfriend and the belt too. "I would ask you to get my name tattooed but let's wait for the second anniversary before be pull that" she laughed. "Plus people should know who you belong too" she said. "I think they know, I only talk about cars and you" he said solemnly. "I'm honoured that Mr Piastri talks about something other than cars" she smiled. "I can talk about you all the time. Cars aren't my only interest" he quipped. "Glad to know I don't have to compete with your love for cars like when you were 4" she chuckled. "Cars could never compete with you" he whispered snaking his arms around her waist trying to pull her onto his lap. She carefully pushed him away. "Nope. I'm not falling for this. You are on strict bed rest" she reprimanded. Oscar groaned "Ugh, this stupid rib." "I'm all yours once you're healed" she said pecking his cheeks and getting up to clean up the mess of wrappers they made.
Y/N finally had time off and she was able to fly to Azerbaijan. She had the two weeks off from school and spending time with Oscar was the only thing on her mind. Who would've thought? Okay, Y/N did think. She had maybe hoped Oscar would win since he was starting P2 in the race. Until the very end, you couldn't say much. It was during the last laps; Y/N felt it; watching Oscar zip past, that he might win and he did. She was crying; she couldn't be there for his first win but she was there now. Oscar got out of the car and rushed to his family. He hugged his mother and turned his attention to Y/N who had tried to fix her make up before she came since she had been crying. "I'm so happy you're here to see me win" he whispered in her embrace. "I'm happy I get to share this with you" Oscar pulled away and kissed her and Y/N melted right into his lips. She squished his cheeks deepening the kiss. They pulled away breathless, "I love you so much" he whispered. "I love you too Oscar" she whispered back. "Marry me" he blurted out. "You're not proposing right now, like this" she had started to cry. "Go on, we'll talk later" she said quietly.
Oscar was back in the drivers room with Y/N sat looking solemn. "Sorry about that. I knew this wasn't a good idea" Oscar lamented. "No no, babe. I meant it like you can't be proposing to me in that moment since it was your moment. It was yours and only yours" she explained. "It was ours baby, I've been thinking and I wanna marry you" he stated. "Osc, sweetheart, we're so young. We started dating just over a year ago." she began. "I've loved you for more than half my life. I think I know if I want to marry you or not" he interrupted. "As much as I hate to admit it, I would marry you right now, if I could" she chuckled. "Yay" he laughed. He opened up the red velvet box he had and 2 identical rings were shining back at them. "These look like wedding bands" she couldn't help but laugh. "Maybe" he stared at the box and than her. "You can pick whatever ring you would like. I didn't want to choose something you wouldn't like" he explained. "You know what I like" she said. "I'm not that confident" he said. "Well, I love you and anything you pick, I would love that too" she smiled at him. Oscar felt like he would turn into mush.
At the Singapore GP, the two of them were spotted with their rings. The media and fans were speculating whether they had a shot gun wedding. Oscar found great joy in calling Y/N, Mrs Piastri. But later, his mum did tell everyone that they hadn't indeed gotten married and those were engagement rings because her son was a big sap.
Oscar stared at their hands as they lay in bed entangled in each other, her hand on his chest and his wrapped around her. If you told 13 year old Oscar that he would be laying in bed with his crush he would've laughed at you, but 23 year old Oscar was lying in bed with the love of his life. Oscar wouldn't have it any other way. If you had told Y/N that the annoyingly quite and mature kid her brother befriended would be the man she planned on marrying, she would call you delusional but right now everything felt like a blissful dream that she would like to never wake up from. The two of them were happy in each others arms, away from the world.
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random-blep · 2 years
hi!! wanted to express I very much enjoy and agree with your sex repulsed Kaeya hc (trying to find well-written chaeya centric fics with an interesting dynamic and a foundation other than One Night Stand... they exist but are so hard to find for no reason), and would like to give you a no-pressure excuse/request to talk about it more if there's anything more you'd want to say about it.
if there's not anything to expand on for particular that one, some other headcanon of yours you'd like to talk about, and if there's not any, then I hope you're doing well regardless!!
Thank you very much anon!
I love this excuse to talk about Kaeya more!
Alright so in the context of relationship dynamics with Kaeyas sex repulsion
I think in contexts like Chaeya, I think Kaeya would inherently has a distrust for fatui and especially harbingers seeing as in the past they have caused quite a lot of trouble for him and Mond. So if he met Childe, it would probably be because Childe had been temporarily stationed in Mond.
We all know Kaeya has his charm, it is in a way his manipulation tactic. He seems suave and flirtatious, which can cause somebody's guard to be dropped if they don't know him because he's not making himself be perceived as a threat. Though I believe that is his first trajectory when working. He doesn't like being seen as a piece of meat, but if it makes his job easier, if he can catch somebody off guard then it's better for him. But he also does have his second trajectory where fighting is the solution. He isn't scared to sacrifice others to make sure he gets the results he wants, but he also can play that off as mischievousness and being tricky so that people working under him still want to follow him.
We also know Childe is no stranger to holding a charm as well, he presents himself as a happy guy who could possibly be considered a flirtatious guy (even if when he's actually flirting he's awful at it). From what I know there is two sides of him, the side that wants to perceive as a nonthreat and that's for children, mothers, and possibly people he wishes to manipulate. The other side is the side that wants to be a threat, he craves for bloodlust and battle which can be attributed to the time he spent in the abyss. Childe will use his manipulation tactics of being the nice helpful guy to an extent, but his strengths lay in the battlefield. His strengths are opposite to Kaeya, where Kaeya strengths lay in his silver tongue and is equally good in the battlefield. Childe puts most of his strengths into the battlefield. He would much rather sacrifice those around him and he would rather the people under him listen to him through fear of his strength than by his charm. Though I am certain Childe is one of the few harbingers who are more likely to be more buddy buddy with his underlings than others like Scaramouche or Dottore.
So when these two meet Childe can spot Kaeyas false niceness to him, Kaeya can see the inherent violence in Childe. They don't trust each other in the slightest when they first meet. Childe might think in the beginning from how Kaeya dresses that he's a sexual person and he might even try to flirt (very poorly) cause he thinks it might be easy to get that from Kaeya so he can get a weakness of the captains. But Kaeyas two responses would be to laugh at him or to make a barely disguised face of disgust.
To make a story short the two of them dance around eachother in distrust for a while. Slowly Kaeya actually finds spending time with Childe isn't so bad, but he still doesn't trust him. He's willing to fight Childe at a moments notice, he's ready for disaster at any moment. Childe enjoys Kaeyas company quite a bit as well and finds himself trying to figure out the puzzle that is Kaeya. He's mysterious and the way he speaks and presents himself is so different than the peaks he got of the person he's seen under that mask on occasion. Childe believes Kaeya wouldn't be a challenge to get rid of. At first he doesn't try to because he doesn't wish to ruin his status or be the reason the fatui get kicked from Mond. The more time he spends eithbthe captain though the more he's curious of the person the captain is. Though Childe is most definitely ready to be given the order to get rid of him or is ready to fight him at any given point.
The two of them dance around in a friend-enemy territory for a long while.
The both of them most definitely spar on more friendly terms, but Childe barely holds back his lust for violence and Kaeya barely holds himself back from wanting to actually mortally would the harbinger.
Them eventually getting together would take quite a bit of time and work, and it still would hold the untrust between them because Kaeya and Childe are on different sides. Think of it like those stories like two undercover agents are dating eachother with the other as their target, except they both know of each others statuses but aren't really sure of their mission.
When together Childe would probably try and move things to a sexual nature except Kaeya doesn't want to. He shows a distaste for it and even tells Childe he isn't interested in those activities. Which over time Childe wants to know more about Kaeyas distaste for sex.
Kaeya often tries to switch the topic or he gives vague responses to Childes questions. He doesn't want to discuss why he finds sex to be an activity he doesn't want to do. He doesn't want to have to discuss his thoughts on the matter. Which can cause a bit of a rocky patch because oddly enough Childe isn't forceful or isn't demanding answers like Kaeya thought he would do. The whole relationship confuses Kaeya because he thought in private the harbinger would act like a harbinger, but he doesn't. Oddly he goes about his days so normally. The spark of romance between them isn't a burning passion, it oddly isn't fueled by lust and Kaeya likes it. For the first time he doesn't feel like he has to keep up the mysterious flirt persona he has for his job.
Kaeyas content without sex in their relationship, he finds the romance nice, the nonsexual intimacy nice.
If Kaeya ever wanted to have sex with someone it would have to be a person he trusts and somebody he's really close to. It would have to be a situation where he was absolutely certain that he could tap out at any moment if he decided he couldn't continue. The physical aspect of sex might be nice but I think it's more so the emotional aspect is what he struggles with.
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I kinda wanna write a light & fun #fortunecookieAU of zosan. Heavily inspired by that Rick & Morty Fortune Cookie episode 😂
It could be like they arrived on an island that is very mysterious (in a way just like sabaody bc you cannot find it through any logpose) and the people talk about their famous fortune cookies.
There was also a festival that's happening so they decided to stay and enjoy themselves.
The crew decided to eat on the island for lunch and they're given fortune cookies and everyone got basic fortunes until Zoro's, who got a
"You'll have sex with the person who has curly eyebrows" which shocks everyone in the room. They laughed about it and Sanji being Sanji screaming crying and murderous. He was so pissed but also superstitious. Zoro after the initial shock and annoyance just shrugged it off and guaranteed Sanji it won't happen (since he won't force Sanji to do anything he doesn't want to). But Sanji doesn't listen. He believes it will happen and has been walking on thin ice since then.
But it seems Sanji could be right since after lunch a series of unfortunate (fortunate) events led to so many uncompromising situations.... like one of them being...
(Somehow) They both got the long end of the stick and had to watch the ship together and Zoro was training half naked as always but when Sanji brought his snack he suddenly slipped and somehow someway Zoro's on the floor laying while Sanji's on top of him sitting exactly where his ass was meeting Zoro's hardening crotch and one hand holding the empty tray and the other on Zoro's juicy pecs.
Sanji had never seen Zoro so red before and he had never stood up and ran so fast to the galley in his life before.
There's also that time they accidentally met behind the festival stalls because Sanji was smoking and Zoro's lost again and Sanji was so scared to be in the same space as Zoro that he panicked and his yukata was caught on a branch and Zoro wanted to warn the cook but before he could open his mouth Sanji already stumbled and his ass was on the ground cushioning his fall with his elbow propped and amidst of it Sanji was so surprised he grabbed whatever was near him which was Zoro's robe and Zoro fell with him and conveniently on top of him. Zoro almost froze at the spot. Sanji's yukata was open and deliciously cascading on his propped elbow making his whole torso exposed for Zoro's eye to feast while other hand still clutching on Zoro's robe. And the position they fell into had Zoro right in between Sanji's open legs. Barely any spaces for their crotch to meet. The position had made Zoro weak he had to slam his arms beside Sanji's head for support putting Sanji in a kabedon. The action startled Sanji as he looked up to see Zoro's wild steel grey eye. It was too much to bear he could only look down and away only then realizing the position that they're into.
There's also that one time they didn't know the other was behind and they turned exactly at the same time that their faces were so close they could almost kiss. Or that one time Zoro didn't know Sanji was still in the bathroom and changing. He just finished training and he's all sweaty and wanted to take a bath and when he opened the door he was greeted with Sanji who was full naked with his back to the door, bending and ass out as Sanji was picking up his tie that fell.
Sanji doesn't know how long he can handle it (since he might have a little bit of a crush on said mosshead) and the situation has left Zoro so pissed (bc everything seems to be out of his control) and confused (bc the cook is so irresistible he can't keep his hands to himself any longer).
This really looks like a fun au. And I might try to do it and finish it before my semester starts!!! pray for me and my brain 😭😂🩵
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suspiciouspiece · 5 months
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 : 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐨 ! 𝐈’𝐦 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 . 𝐀𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐲’𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐞 🫶🏼. 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 .
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘/𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭. 𝐋𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 . 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭 ? 𝐎𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ? 
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CHAPTER 1 Greetings and ghost stories 
Y/n had sighed, running as quickly as she could. The marines hot on her tail screaming for her to stop. Y/n had jump down into the water and pulled out a card, the black white & red card opened a portal. When she step through she was on a different island . Using another card to dry herself off and change her clothes. “ Finally some peace and quiet. “ She started walking up the hill’s path . Disappearing within view. 
“ AWWW NAMI !!!! I’M BORED !!” Screams luffy from up top of the head of sunny. He had been miserable lately. Thanks to the fact no new islands had been near them . Nami let out an irritated sigh, “ How many times have I told you luffy ? No island are near us ! Honestly it’s a miracle that I can even navigate when even the log pose is complete still. “ 
Luffy had huffed, clearly not satisfied with the answer but couldn’t do anything more about it . “ Is the island in the sky ? “ Usopp said while fixing up something new at the table. Robin had put her book down and looked at the sky .“ No like last time it would have pointed upwards. Honestly I’m scared we might be in a still area of water with nothing around us .” 
“ Don’t stress out Nami dear ! Even if that happens I would personally kick this boat so far that it’ll never become still becoming your Prince Charming and-“
“ Stealing a kiss ! Ahah ~ “ 
Nami sighed, “ Hopefully we find an island soon through, supply is running low on everyone end.” Sanji had took a smoke break ,” Yea Nami right . We only have enough food for a week . “ Usopp gasped,” but all that food I seen earlier!” “ Have you forgotten our captain eats crew worth of meals ?  2 at breakfast, 2 snack breaks, 2 lunches, another 2 snack breaks , 3 serving at dinner even though it’s only supposed to be 2 but somehow he manages to steal someone food .” ussop had fell to the floor ,” LUFFYS EATING US TO DEATH ROW !!!” 
Sanji had sighed another drag form his cigar , “doesn’t help that he’s been so bored he’s basically stress eating. Our captain has a lot of energy, the sunny can only hold him for so long . “ Franky had walk up to them,with chopper . “ How is that even possible?! “ “ Luffy’s body is rubber . His whole body is constantly stretching and unstretching subconsciously through tiny cells . Making his stomach big. It literally has no end while he eats. It also doesn’t help that while he loses a big chunk of energy it’s balanced out with more energy coming in from nothing. “ 
Zoro had popped up outta nowhere . “ So that means what exactly?” “ Think of it as lightning being held by rubber band but the rubber band is moving . It’ll attract more light while losing a little. “ Zoro still looked confused. “ In other words it’s like filling a bottle of water with a hole in the bottom.” Robin try’s to explain. Zoro still kinda lost.
“To sum it up moss head , think it as he training, he became 10 times stronger but he hungry from the hard work so he eat and has to start the workout over again .” “ Oh ? Why didn’t you explain it that way .” “ BECAUSE YOUR AN IDIOT !” “ WHO YOU CALLING IDIOT, PERVERT COOK ?!” 
“ SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU !!” Nami screamed, punching them . Luffy sighed,” I’m depressed. Me want meat . No island yet .” Luffy was deflated  on the floor, pouting . The group stared, eyes poking out their heads . “ Oh lord I hope we find an island fast !” The crew screamed. 
Thankfully the crew was able to find a island fast . It was unlikely luffy to be that sad . Chopper had made sure to test him to see if he was sick because of it . The crew had felt a sense of easiness watching luffy gum gum off the ship not even waiting for them . “ Welp, there’s no stopping him . I’m sure luffy will find his way back . This is boring quiet island after all . Sanji and chopper go get food supplies and medicine. Me and robin will get books, paper and other things. Usopp and franky get weapons and tools. Brook find me some clothes . Zoro actually stay and guard don’t fall asleep ! “ 
It was too late though. Zoro was already sleeping up a storm . “ Ugh whatever.” 
Luffy was having the time of his life. He already made some new friends. Ate good food and even got in a good fight. He miss this . 3 months on the ship was too long . He had stop at the end of the road, the little girl he made friends with, on his back was name Mico ( Mi-co ) . Had stopped him ,” Uhoh Luf! We can’t go any farther!” Luffy stared, “ Why ?” “ That forest is called “ Evil lives” . Some strange girl walked into the forest about 2 weeks ago and the forest when completely silent. We haven’t seen any animals other than fish but still. It’s creepy. Her and the animals completely disappeared !” 
Luffy had smiled,” Sounds like some fun ! We should turn back for now though I told your mom I’ll bring you home before dark .” 
The girl nodded and than when back . Luffy wasn’t surprised to bump into his crew . “ Ah alright made a friend?” The group had all ran into each other . “ YEA ! Met Mico ! “ They had said their hello to the little girl . 
“ Oh my , so many , come in . “ A woman said smiling in the doorway. “ The group in the street nodded, following. 
“ So I hear Mico told you the story I’m sorry for her but her words are truth.” Sanji had let out a puff of smoke . “I guess that explains why I couldn’t find anything other than fish and why everything around here is so expensive.” The woman shook her head,” Listen I’ll explain a little more .” 
“ About two weeks ago, a woman with 
y/c/h hair came outta nowhere. She was sleeping in the middle of the road. Head on a pillow, holding a purple blanket. We wanted to wake her up but we couldn’t, some type of weird force was on her. So we let her alone . We thought she might be a devil fruit user that was into she woke up …”
Robin had a serious look but sweet and calm vioce,” What happened?” 
“ When she woke up it was like nothing happened. She didn’t speak to anyone or bothered us . The pillow and blanket disappeared. She was walking straight to the woods . Didn’t eat or drink anything. The kids were playing, accidentally spilled sea water on her . And by sea water I mean a tank that was being pulled . She didn’t flinch. She said it was hot day and that playing in water was understandable and nobody needed to make a fuss but after she walk in the woods , nobody ever seen her or any of the animals. I haven’t even seen a bird in two weeks now .” 
“ if she’s not a devil fruit user what’s her case ?” Franky said confused. “ To not see a bird in two weeks, this chick must be smoken hot to no ends ! The animals must have great taste ! “ Sanji screamed . “ Or she could be a real threat. Animal avoid areas that they feel threatened . A huge sign of this is when large groups of birds fly away .” Chopper added in . “ Whatever the case is let’s find her ! “ Luffy said getting excited, this is just what he needed, an adventure after been bored for so long . 
“ WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT !!!!!!!! “ screamed ussop,” Are you telling me you wanna find some creepy ghost lady that took all the animals?!!!! TELL ME YOUR JOKING!!” Luffy laughed,” I’ll be fun stop being a scary cat ussop.” Luffy had jump up ready to go . He was quickly stop by robin.” We don’t know what’s waiting for us, plus it isn’t good to just walk into the woods without supplies or anything else . Also aren’t we missing a man ?” 
Luffy stared ,” brook ?” “ I’M RIGHT HERE !” “ Sanji ? “ “ FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ITS SO OBVIOUS !!! “ The crew screamed. “ Think of moss .” Robin calmly stated .” Luffy’s eyes popped out of his head ,” ZORO ?! WE GOTTA GO GET ZORO !!” The crew facepalm . “ I bet your first mate would be pretty hurt to hear you not remember like this .” “ I forgot I was thinking of the awesome fight I’m about to have ! “ “ YOU! WE’RE GOING TO SEE WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT GIRL AND THE ANIMALS NOT FIGHT “ nami yelled slapping luffy . 
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luffyvace · 9 months
Zoro x male reader headcanons
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from my list on my profile :)
btw keep in mind there will be no ‘dom’ in this relationship for these headcanons. i have nothing against it as long as it’s still sfw so don’t be afraid to request that :).
zoro wouldn’t stand for a weak s/o
he doesn’t wanna have to worry for you
so if your weak he’ll make you train with him
and if your not ‘great! let’s spar!’
it doesn’t matter if you use swords or a weapons at all
yall gon spar.
y’all prob fight even more than him and sanji at this point
but not actually angry fight—spar fight
he’ll even teach you his no swords style if he has to 😭
also he’s not a huge cuddle bug or anything but he’s always warm
he’ll grunt if you snuggle up to him for warmth but won’t move you or anything
another thing—he always has your back
especially in fights
not really in petty arguments with other people tho
he might join in on it but not on your side
just to tease you
but you know he means no harm
except for with ero cook
then he’ll team up with you
zoros love languages are quality time and acts of service for sure
zoros quality time looks like working out together,
trying to understand whatever hobbies you like
drinking contests
sitting in solidarity silence
and his acts of service is
saving your butt in battle
going shopping together
any little favor you need really
if your carrying something heavy and almost drop it he’s got you
he shows he cares in little ways like that
zoro is the one to tell it like it is in the straw hats
like he did when usopp left
and he won’t be afraid to call you out on your crap if your wrong
hes not trying to alienate your or something
he just wants you to realize what your doing and change to be a better person
youll have to stop him from getting into trouble btw
like the time he almost shanked charlos
and you always makes sure he doesn’t get lost :)
may or may not come of with nick names for you depending on what you look like/do a lot
like with sanji and ero cook
but they’re less insulting
if your a more excitable person he won’t mind same with being a chill person
hes indifferent about a lot of things
hes chill with 90% personalities and 100% of looks
the 10% of personality he doesn’t like is sanji’s
apologies to sanji kinnies :)
you and zoro kinda always end up going wherever the other goes
like y’all are always together but like not on purpose
it’s cute to robin and nami
zoro would open up to you about his past a good amount of months into the relationship
but it won’t be at random
itll probably happen after you open up to him about yours
then he starts thinkin
’should i tell him?’
he decides he’ll take the opportunity when it comes to him
it was a much needed conversation that let him get a lot off his chest
especially about kuina
he never directly told anyone about who she was
he always just says i promised someone
or his childhood friend
but he never went into depth
which is just even more confirmation that he really loves and trusts you
communication with him is actually pretty good
some topics might get skimped though
if he does something you don’t like subconsciously
dont hesitate to come to him about it
it won’t offend him
he’s a tough cookie anyways he’ll be alright
plus he’s all about betterment
so he’s open to criticism as longs as your being genuine and not sarcastic
he’s also most likely to take it if it’s from you
yall trust each other with y’all lives 100% on another note
if you wanna go on dates?
ya mean drinking contests?
nahh jk
but it won’t be anything sappy because he refuses to take any advice from love cook
just chillin somewhere peaceful on an island
hopefully you have navigation skills or at least not his sense of direction so y’all don’t get lost 😭
don’t let him lead btw
he’ll try to and insist he knows where he’s going
no he dont
stop him
you have to be stern or he’s going his way
hes kinda stubborn
you love that part of him too tho
i’m proud with the way these came out!
i hope any guy that reads this enjoys because there is 100% a lack of male content- so here you are! :)
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swan2swan · 2 months
Yasammy Week Recap:
Day 1: "Hurt/Comfort"
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This one was basic and simple; me just starting out. I probably could have done better, but, hey, Yaz literally comforting Sammy to calm her down from a full-blown panic attack works. As a sidenote, it's incredible that the writers had Panic Attacks be a Yaz Thing, and then brought her back to show that she's currently the Best Qualified on the team to deal with them (and fixed up her relationship issues with Sammy in the same blow, it's SO CARTOONY but perfect, I feel like we don't get these one-episode resolutions that often anymore).
Day 2: "Firsts"
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This was a fun one, and probably the only one that I actually had some mental tryouts for. First kiss? First meeting? First teamup? There were so many choices...but this one felt right. Yasmina admitting that this is her first time having feelings for someone of the same sex (and the word "crushes" clearly means that Sammy's her first partner, too!).
Day 3: "Prom"
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This is where things started falling apart, obviously. If we'd been given a proper five seasons with all sorts of Lost-style flashbacks and fantasies, I might have been able to pull something legitimate out. But also...Sammy said the word "prom", and also let it slip that she either loves fancy dresses or loves girls in dresses...and you know what? I count the latter as a point toward Yasammy.
Day 4: "Proposal/Engagement"
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I don't remember how my brain wandered over to this, but I do know that I was lying down in bed at that time, because I literally sat bolt upright. My eyes snapped open, and I leaned up to secure all of that brain juice, as I realized the famous "Alan Grant uses two female buckles to tie himself in, foreshadowing the female dinosaurs finding a way to breed" could also have some WLW implications. It was a good joke, and you know what? As Sammy Gutierrez said: "It's beautiful, and we should be proud."
Hopefully, if the same prompt comes up next year, I can use a gif that actually includes the literal characters, and not metaphorical versions...Chaos Crew, please.....
Day 5: "Track Meet"
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I think I was walking home when this one clicked in my mind, and I think I did a little hopskip and a dance. I was initially considering something like the two of them running for their lives together, or Sammy telling Yaz that she needed to rest to win gold medals in the future...but then, I thought about wordplay. I wondered if they were ever standing in dinosaur footprints, or tracking something. Then I thought about train tracks, and realized...yes. YES. This was perfect.
Had this not been available, I think I might have played with Yaz's scene where she uses running to realize her love for Sammy. Which is just a beautiful metaphor and a wonderful scene. Gifset's coming soon, by the way, I have the whole thing captioned.
Day 6: "Baking"
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For every peak, there's a valley. Sometimes, you win. Sometimes, you lose. This was kind of a loss, because the girls sadly don't do any baking together. I considered the part where they're throwing the chips into the fire (TOXIC FUMES, GIRLS, DON'T DO THIS AT HOME, KIDS), but that's not really "baking". Furthermore, the Powers That Be chose to deny us any cooking escapades on the island, and while Sammy certainly bakes pies, Yaz is never present during those scenes...and, yes, I checked, and she never mentions her girlfriend while doing so, either. She only talks about her while fetching lemonade, which is different. Thus, I found myself in a sticky situation...which was kind of like the weather this month! So, it felt appropriate to use the concept of "baking in the sunlight on a hot day" here. I do like Sammy's silly little wave, and Yaz looking pityingly over at her.
Day 7: "Free Day"
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This one, well...it ended on a bit of a sad note, but I was looking for something I had already set up. The caption is "Free Day", so I didn't want to put any work or effort into this. And while browsing my files, I saw that this one had the word "date", which is close to "day", and "expiration", which is the end of something, so...it felt apropos for the finishing touch on this beautiful week.
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MLP Rewrite AU - How is Starlight Glimmer's redemption arc changed up, as the most divisive one in the show?
I went into rewriting both the premier and finale focusing on her before so I'm just gonna go through plot points
So like. With the town. Change it so that Starlight's belief has her genuinely take her own Cutie Mark. Like in general I'm changing it because like like. Even if your Talent is taken, you still have years of training and knowledge. So everyone in town, instead of sucking ass at what used to be their talent, is now forbidden from doing it(even though they still crave to do so).
Starlight still knows how to do the spell even without her Cutie Mark, so she can still take their Marks. And other than being forbidden from pursuing their old talent, everyone's pretty happy actually! Not- not fully happy. They miss their passion and they're depressed, but they're not full cult-mode.
I think maybe cut down on the actual 'kidnapping and brain wash' thing for the most part. Just Starlight being very preachy and manipulative and figuring out how to poke and prod at insecurities about ones' Talent. Maybe have her words genuinely get through to some of the Mane Six. Like have Twilight think about how much her Talent for Magic has lead to the pressure put on her and forced her into the Princess role. Have Rarity feel like her Talent is wasted in her passion, as gemstone spells are only a tiny fraction of what she does. They don't fully fall for it, but they consider it.
It's only once the Mane Six convince the town that no, you're not happy without your Talent, and the town revolts, then Starlight goes 'no fuck you!!' and we get the fight.
Now for the finale:
I think having her be less 'fuck the Mane Six in particular' but still on her crusade against Cutie Marks. Her jumping through time is more to study them to she can figure out where they came from and get rid of them for good, and ofc she jumps to the Rainboom because it was an Event that connected the Mane Six through their Cutie Marks. Clearly there's more info there, and if she could see it in action....
The changes and alternate Timelines come from either her being there in general and/or her and Twilight fighting and keep ending up changing the race.
After Time Shenanigans and all, when Twilight asks that Starlight shows her where this all started, Starlight has more examples than just 'my friend got his Cutie Mark and he left'.
There's another friend whose talent was in dance, until an accident disabled them. Yet another whose passion died because their family forced them to do nothing but their talent, never engaging in a hobby even.
Even showing her ponies from her town. Sugar Belle who might be a great baker, but feels lost amongst the sea of other ponies who have baking and cooking talents. Party Favor, who is good at providing the best items one would need for decor, games, catering, music, etc., but can't plan a party to save his life and ended up floundering in requests to make a spectacle like some other party ponies.
Twilight would muse on the subject, admitting how back when she first came to Starlight's town, she questioned it as well. If she'd had a 'normal' Cutie Mark, or none at all, she may not be where she is. No complicated mentorship with the Princess, no near-death experiences, no pressure to deal with every disaster that pops up, no being forced into a role she didn't ever want.
But she also muses that, without all of that happening, she wouldn't be herself anymore. She wouldn't have the friends she loves or all the memory of them. (hell bring them back to the castle so Starlight can see the memory chandelier tree!)
Twilight brings up how she knows Sugar Belle and Party Favor and the others were miserable, and that for all the hardships they wanted their Marks back. That, now with a supportive community, they and their talents are thriving.
She doesn't know what happened to the others Starlight mentioned. But she does know that it's not your talent that's the source of such a bad state of mind, it's the environment. You need people around you who care and support you, all of you. They need to let a talent thrive. And while there may be situations, like the dancer who ended up disabled, it doesn't have to stop them. It will hurt, of course. They may never be the same. But they can still find ways to engage in what they love.
Starlight, though still angry and hurt, cannot stay in denial. But she is lost and confused. So when Twilight reaches out, offers to help her learn how to be better and how to get herself out of this mess, she takes the offer
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sluttyhollow · 1 year
I don’t write for UA students but Bakugo and me are the same person and we’d be best friends if I was at UA 😂. I was listening to Bakugo by KVMIL and it just had me thinking about Bakugo x black american bestfriend reader (this has been sitting in my drafts forever lol might as well let it go)
No warnings, just two foreign besties with bad attitudes and terrible language (purely platonic)
Katsuki definitely speaks English, he’s a rich kid, and his parents traveled to the states a lot for work and they used to takes him in the summer. He just refuses to speak English because he thinks it sounds stupid.
The back and forth trips are how he ended up meeting you in the first place the summer between first and second grade. Your parents were working on a collaborative design line focusing on mixing Japanese and African American street fashion styles
Neither of you liked each other. He was loud and you thought his red eyes were creepy. He thought you were a loser and hated the noise your hair made when you walked (it was the beads, he thinks they look “cool or whatever” now though) you guys actually ended up fighting, Mitsuki thought it was funny because Katsuki lost (he started it) she bought you ice cream for winning.
After that day you guys came to an agreement to not speak to each other but by day 3 of vacation you were sharing games and sending each other colored screens on your DSIs. You guys did argue everyday of that summer though, and every day of every summer you spent together until middle school when he started staying in Japan to train.
Fast forward to high school and you still text each other. He’s at UA and you’re at a well known hero school in the states. Both of you are loud mouths with quirks worthy of helping saving lives (yours a quirk reversal/theft quirk that allowed you to reverse a persons quirk or utilize their abilities for a certain amount of time, like toga and all for one mixed).
Let’s just say your school has a sports festival similar to UAs that’s also televised and streamed nationally and internationally which prompts Miruko to want you intern abroad with her. Of course you accept and your school works with UA to get you into a transfer program thus starting your 1 year stent at UA. Now for fun’s sake you didn’t tell Katsuki you were coming to UA so imagine his surprise when all the rest of 1A is talking about some American transfer student and he walks into the common room and sees you sitting there.
“What. What the fuck are you doing here you fucking loser” the rest of 1A is shook, they know he’s an ass but they didn’t think he’d just be mean to new student. Just when they get ready to intervene you respond to him with a “you know you’re happy to see me fucker it’s been like 3 years” and the rest of the class is just like wtf is going on here. Y’all of course explain that you knew each other and that you’re besties. Deku being the only one not surprised considering you’d met him once before.
From then on you too go back into your old ways from childhood but with added addition of training. When you’re not busy with Miruko and him with Jeanist y’all go back to the Bakugo house and eat dinner with Mitsuki and Masaru.
You make him apologize to deku (long before canon) when he tells you what happened during middle school and how the first half of the semester had been. You beat his ass and told him to get over himself (he knew you were right).
You and Deku going feral when he gets hurt, LOV attacks and the three of you have to be put on house arrest by Iida cause y’all get too emotional over one another
Forcing him to class 1A gatherings. Neither of you wanna go but Mina saw you two getting ready to disappear after dinner and dragged y’all to movie night
Katsuki likes American food. Spice levels are just a little higher, flavors are a little more intense than typical Japanese food. You can cook a little bit and help him make American style dinners for everybody sometimes
People think you guys are partners cause of how relaxed you two are around each other but he’s like your brother and you would kiss m*neta before Katsuki
Yeah just two foreign besties (your American friends thought you were lying about your best friend living in Japan all through middle school, they didn’t realize you were serious until you moved and FaceTimed them with Katsuki in the camera)
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allthefujoshiunite · 5 months
Hello @allthefujoshiunite, can I ask what anime that you watched this season? I watch Kaijuu no. 8, thanks to your reviews (and I love that series).....Is it just me, but I kinda ship the mc with his young kouhai who always believe in him.....
My top 3 fav this season are :
- Tadaima, Okaeri (wholesome BL, also one of my comfort read)
- -Black Butler : Public School Arc (yes the ship is problematic but you cannot deny the shipper when you watch it. I'm not shipping SebasCiel but I'm not anti too. Their canon relationship is complicated but great story)
- -Wind Breaker (bucchigiri but way better and loveable mc)
Hope you'll like them.....
Helloooo! My TV is busted as of now (and for some reason I decided to rewatch a couple of House MD episodes for nostalgia and now i’m stuck in a rewatch hell xD) so I took a short break from anime. It’s strange; I never had a TV and was perfectly content watching anime on my laptop, that is until 2 years ago… My dad insisted I got my brother’s old TV bc he wants to watch the news or whatnot when he’s visiting me and now I can’t do without it lol
But anyways, enough about me. Tl;dr is that I still haven’t started Kaijuu but super happy that you’re liking it and my review was what led you to watch it 👀 I started watching Tadaima Okaeri and Wind Breaker as well, definitely see the Bucchigiri similarity you mentioned. There’s also the 3rd season of The Duke of Death and His Maid, it’s still cute.
As for other series I enjoy this season:
The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio: Two high school classmates are in voice acting/idol business and they have totally different characters. However, they end up having to co-host a radio show and present their persona like they get along really well. LOVE this one. Chill, sweet, interesting, love that both young women have their own aspirations and shortcomings.
Astro Note: A nod to Rumiko Takahashi’s Maison Ikkoku. A recently unemployed chef gets hired to cook for a shared boarding house. Lots of eccentric characters and a fun, upbeat series.
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Bartender: A hotel, soon to be opened, is in need of a bartender. And they do find a bartender that would satisfy the extremely picky owner but he refuses to work there, claiming he’s ‘afraid of heights’. This is one of those edutainment series where you follow a story and learn about cocktails in the mean time. Might not be appealing to a lot but it’s totally my jam! I don’t drink often but love me a good cocktail ~
Where Does the Doomsday Train Go?: Most people are turning into animals that can still communicaate using language and Shizuru is determined to find her lost best friend. Thus, four young girls embark on a train that’ll take them to Harajuku. This one is weird as hell and that’s a plus in my book! The main characters’ dynamic gets stale at times, but the absurdity keeps me hooked. It’s extremely hard to put into words so you have to check the first episode to see if it works for you. XD
Other series that I watch for now, feel ‘eh’ and might drop depending on how they go: Vampire Dormitory, A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics, Oblivion Battery, An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride, A Condition Called Love.
These are the stuff that I watched at least 2-3 episodes from and will continue after I finish rewatching House and get my TV repaired xD The season is packed as always! Thanks a lot for sending the ask ~
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thewillofdeez · 1 year
The Warlord and the Revolutionary: A Dracule Mihawk/OC Romance - Chapter 4: Reminiscing
Summary: Mihawk has never been big on surprises, but when Zoro and Perona showed up on Kuraigana, Mihawk took it in stride. He learned how to adjust and even slowly began to enjoy their company. Just under a year later, another surprise showed up on his island - his ex-girlfriend, on the verge of death. The one he hasn't seen in fifteen years. And he might still love her.
Slice of life goth family cuteness headcanons mixed with OC romance.
Chapter 4 word count: 2649
A few hours later, a knock on the door woke Olivia from her slumber. The room was dark, indicating night had fallen on Kuraigana. The door opened a crack, allowing soft light from the hallway to enter, and a head of green hair peeked in. “How ya feeling?” Zoro asked, slipping into the room and turning on a light.
Olivia yawned and stretched deeply, wincing slightly as the action pulled on her aching muscles. “I’m pretty good, I needed that nap.” The grumbling of her stomach which even Zoro could hear indicated she needed something else too.
Zoro chuckled. “Take a few minutes to get yourself together, I’ll be in the hallway to escort you downstairs when you’re ready. This castle is basically a maze, don’t want you to get lost!” He closed the door behind him.
Olivia rose from the bed, still sore but less so than she was earlier. She made her way to the bathroom to freshen up and put on clothes, deciding on a knee-length skirt and a wrapped top that showed a hint of midriff in a teal color she knew Mihawk loved on her - he always said it complimented her hair. Not that she was dressing for him, of course. Definitely not, don’t be ridiculous. She loosened her hair from the braid and brushed it out, allowing it to fall in soft waves down her back. When she was confident in her appearance, she exited the room. Zoro offered his arm to her which she accepted with a grin, and they made their way to the kitchen.
“So what brings a Straw Hat to be living with Dracule Mihawk?” Olivia started, casually.
Zoro chuckled. “It’s a hell of a story. The short answer is Bartholomew Kuma. The long answer is…”
Zoro launched into the abbreviated version of his tale, from his first meeting with Mihawk in the East Blue, to their time at Thriller Bark, and ending with his arrival on the island and Mihawk’s agreement to train him, as they made their way downwards at a leisurely pace. Olivia, of course, knew some of what he was telling her - she had met Robin the last time she was at Baltigo, but she wasn’t sure if she should reveal that information to him at this point, or at all. She also decided to keep what knowledge she had of Kuma and the big question of why he may have sent the crew flying to herself as well. Part of working in the Revolutionary Army included knowing when to reveal information and when to keep one’s mouth shut, and until she was confident that this information was important for the young man to know, she’d keep quiet.
Approaching the kitchen, a warm and familiar smell met Olivia as Zoro’s tale ended. Entering the room, she found Mihawk at the stove, tossing yellow rice, vegetables, and meats in a pan like a professional. She knew he loved to cook, and he was damn good at it. If there’s one thing they never lacked in their early years of travel together, it was good food. Between his cooking skills and her knack for baking and making ingredients stretch, the two complimented each other well in many ways. Releasing herself from Zoro’s arm, she walked up next to him and peeked at the pan.
“Oh my God, are you making paella?” she exclaimed.
Mihawk smirked. “Still your favorite? Just with no shrimp, right?”
“The cockroaches of the sea? No thank you. But yes, it’s still my favorite, though I admit no one makes it quite like you do.” Their eyes met, shining with a soft mirth.
“Olivia!!” Perona cried happily, floating towards her with a glass of red wine in each hand. The pink haired pirate handed one to the older woman. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m…doing pretty well, actually. Sore still, but better. Anything I can do to help?”
“Absolutely not,” Mihawk responded, tossing the rice high into the air with a shake of the pan. “Relax and enjoy the wine.”
Show off, she thought with a smirk. She took a sip of the wine, and had to admit it was rather exceptional - light, a little spicy, and with notes of earth and anise. Mihawk treated his wines with reverence, taking care to pair the right bottle to the right meal as much as possible. While she never cared as much as he did about wine pairings, she always trusted his instincts in the matter, and was never left disappointed.
Olivia took in the kitchen for the first time. It was large and lit with a warm yellow light. Massive trailing vine plants hung down from sconces high up along the walls, adding a pop of green to the stone and dark wood of the room. She looked towards the dining room where the long table sat, the places already set for dinner, and noticed the enormous gothic windows and stone aesthetic. The place was absolutely suited to Mihawk.
When dinner was ready, Mihawk plated and the two youths helped bring the food to the table. The table now bore two places set on the left side of the head of the table, which Zoro and Perona quickly took, leaving the one at Mihawk’s right open for Olivia. She sat down and met Mihawk’s eyes to her left, who lifted his glass. “Cheers, Liv. I’m glad you’re here.”
“Yes! To Olivia!” Perona interjected.
“To not being dead!” added Zoro. Olivia laughed. The four of them toasted (Zoro with his glass of water, as he was still on a Haki-based alcohol limitation).
Taking her first bite of the steaming rice dish, Olivia’s eyes rolled back in her head at the flavor, and she let out a groan. “Oh God, this is amazing.”
Mihawk chuckled, “I’m glad you like it.” Zoro and Perona glanced at each other with a smirk. This was a very different Mihawk than the one they had come to know. This Mihawk smiled. And laughed. Zoro could tell Perona was just itching to gush about the two older people - he’d almost certainly be hearing about it later.
Over dinner, the conversation was light and full of laughter. Mihawk and Olivia reminisced with stories of their adventures together when they were younger, while Zoro and Perona participated actively, asking questions and bantering along the way. Suddenly, a thought found its way into Zoro’s brain.
“By the way, Olivia…” he began. “What do you know about the nickname Naked Hawk?”
Olivia’s eyes widened, her wine glass inches from her lips. Then, she burst into laughter, a small splash of wine reaching over the brim of the glass and over her fingers. Mihawk sunk into his seat, a blush rising to his face.
“Don’t. You. Dare,” he threatened her, eyes narrowing, all traces of a smile gone.
“Oh come on, Mihawk. It’s been over two decades! Don’t tell me you still can’t find any humor in the situation.”
“It’s humor for you, for me it’s the most humiliating experience of my life.”
“Well now you have to tell us,” added Perona. “Come on, pleeeeeeeeease?” She put on her best puppy dog eyes, while Zoro looked at his mentor expectantly, a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Come on, Mihawk. Humanize yourself a little,” Olivia pressed.
Mihawk reached for the bottle of wine and poured the remainder into his glass. “Fine.” Olivia giggled at his frustration. He sighed and settled back into his chair, swirling the liquid in his glass.
“I was about your age, Zoro, perhaps a little older. And like you,” Mihawk said, staring pointedly at the younger swordsman, “I was stupid and arrogant and thought I was invincible.” Zoro only smirked.
“The four of us - Me and Olivia, and Shanks and Buggy - had docked at a small village for supplies, and if I recall new wanted posters had just come out, so we went to a bar to celebrate our bounties going up. I had a little too much to drink, and got to talking with a woman there. Long story short, I wound up spending the night with her. The next morning I woke up naked, in her bed, and with the worst hangover I’d ever had at the time, all of which was to be expected….But I was also in handcuffs.”
“Mihawk, I never woulda thought you’d be the type,” Perona teased.
Mihawk rested the bridge of his nose in his fingers, his cheeks turning pink with embarrassment. “No, not that kind. Turns out she was a bounty hunter. And when I woke up she was there with three of her bounty hunter friends, ready to take me in.”
“Oh God, what did you do?” Zoro asked, leaning in. 
Mihawk shrugged. “I did what I had to do. Fought my way out, to the best of my ability with my hands cuffed behind my back. And when I got the chance to escape, I grabbed Yoru and dragged it behind me as I ran towards the ship, and through the town. Ass naked the whole way.”
The other three at the table laughed raucously. Olivia wiped a tear from her eye. “I’ll never forget the sight of Mihawk running towards the ship completely naked and screaming at us to get ready to sail. It was amazing.”
“I’m so glad you still find my humiliation amusing, Olivia.” Mihawk said, looking up at her. “I haven’t been back to that island since, you know. I don’t think I could look anyone there in the eye.”
“I assure you,” Perona said, her smile splitting her face, “Not a single person would be looking you in the eye either.”
Another round of laughter went through the table. Mihawk drained his glass. “Suppose I walked into that one. Anyway,” he said, raising his voice above the laughter, “Let that be a lesson to you, Roronoa.”
“What,” Zoro replied, “No random hookups?”
Mihawk scoffed. “Of course not. You’re young, have fun. Just…never get so incapacitated that staying the whole night with a stranger seems like a good idea.” Though still flushed with embarrassment, Mihawk couldn’t help but let out a quiet chuckle. It was sort of funny, he supposed…not that he was going to let any of them know that.
After dinner, Zoro and Perona helped Mihawk clean up, outright denying Olivia’s pleas to assist in some way. Perona plopped a cupcake in front of the older woman, peeling the wrapper on one for herself as well. Cut strawberries topped the almost impeccable piping. “Mihawk mentioned you like to bake?” Perona asked.
“I do,” Olivia replied, taking a bite of the cupcake. She savored the flavor of the soft yellow cake and buttercream frosting, the juiciness of the strawberries and something else bringing it all together…mint, perhaps? “This is amazing. You made this?”
Peona beamed with pride, floating in a somersault in the air. “I did!’” She took another bite with a smile.
“Perona’s quite the baker, Liv, you two will have fun.” Mihawk grabbed a cupcake for himself after putting away the last of the dishes he and Zoro had worked together to do.
“And Zoro, do you have a hidden culinary talent as well?”
“I’m…trying,” Zoro replied, blushing. “It’s never been my strong suit. Not sure if I’ve ever made rice without burning it. But Mihawk and Perona have been teaching me a little. The chef on my ship is pretty much the best in the world, though, so it’s kind of a moot point in my opinion.”
“Zoro, if you ever find yourself separated from your crew again, you can’t just live off of raw Sea King and alcohol,” Mihawk said, his tone vaguely admonishing.
“I can, and I have,” the younger man replied.
Mihawk rolled his eyes. “How you haven’t died of scurvy yet is beyond me…”
Finishing her cupcake, Olivia let out a yawn, which she covered quickly with her mouth. “Oh, I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m so tired.”
“Probably because you almost died, Liv. Give your body time to recover,” Mihawk said softly.
Olivia smiled. “I guess. Well in that case, I’ll head back upstairs. Could I maybe get the grand tour tomorrow, Mihawk? See the rest of the castle and the island?” She rocked on her heels in front of him expectantly.
“I suppose we could arrange that, but only if you’re feeling up for it. Come on, I’ll walk you back to your room.”
Olivia bid Zoro and Perona goodnight, and adjourned up the stairs with the elder swordsman. At her door, Olivia turned to Mihawk. “Thank you…again, I mean. For everything.” Her head slightly down, she looked up at him through her eyelashes. Suddenly she was feeling unusually awkward, the strangeness of the whole situation finally catching up to her.
Mihawk smiled. “Olivia…” without any input from his brain, his hand reached out to caress her face. His thumb ghosted over her cheek before his mind caught up to his body, and he pulled away, averting his eyes.
Mihawk cleared his throat, and Olivia couldn’t help but crack a smile, her heart beginning to flutter in her chest. “Zoro and Perona’s rooms are just down the hall. I’m also available if needed, but mine’s a bit of a hike upstairs. And if you need anything at all, you know my home is yours.”
“I know,” Olivia smiled. They held each other’s gaze for a beat, enjoying each other’s presence before Olivia opened the door and slipped inside.
“Goodnight, Mihawk.”
Leaning against the closed door, Olivia let out a breath. Shit, she thought.
Back in the hallway, Mihawk began his ascent to his room, his heart pounding and his mind racing. Goddammit.
Down in the kitchen, Zoro leaned against the kitchen island while Perona stuck her head in the torso of her stuffed Kumacy and let out a scream, doing circles in the air overhead. “OH GOD THEY’RE SO CUTE, I CAN’T TAKE IT! THE OLD PEOPLE ARE IN LOVE! EEEEEEEEEEE!” Her legs kicked in the air as the plush bear muffled her squeals. Zoro could only chuckle.
Removing her face from the bear, she floated down to the younger man as he plucked a strawberry off of Perona’s cupcake, popping it in his mouth. “So we’re gonna make sure they get together, right? We’re gonna matchmake the hell out of this? Right?” She looked at him expectantly.
Zoro responded with a shrug. “I dunno, I feel like maybe we shouldn’t meddle. Let them come together on their own, and if it works out, great, and if it doesn’t, it doesn’t. There’s a lot of history between them, a lot of hurt feelings. It’s a delicate situation, ya know?”
“Okay, but,” Perona pleaded, “Couldn’t we just do a little meddling? As a treat? Please?”
“Did you see the way they were looking at each other all night? They probably don’t even need our intervention. I bet by the end of the month they’ll be a thing again. And besides, if it ends up not working out because we couldn’t leave well enough alone, Mihawk will literally kill us.”
Deflated and with a pout, Perona conceded. “Fine, we won’t meddle. We’ll just let them come together or not or whatever.” She flailed her arms sarcastically in emphasis.
Closing up the kitchen and ascending the stairs themselves, Zoro felt confident that Mihawk and Olivia would come together in time. The way they looked at each other, even after so many years…it was kind of cute, he had to admit. Zoro didn’t know the first thing about romance and frankly wasn’t super interested in it at this point in his life. Or at least he thought so, anyway…it was a little confusing, and he preferred to push those thoughts down to be dealt with later. But he was happy for his teacher. The next month would certainly prove to be interesting.
Previous - Chapter 3: The Reunion
Next - Chapter 5: Laughing in the Rain
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tygergm · 5 months
One Shot Recs
I've either run or played these all as one shots, and are ones I recommended to a friend recently. I also have links at the bottom to a bunch of free quickstarts for more games to look at that might be good for one shots too.
Blue Rose - AGE system from Green Ronin. Romantic fantasy where royalty is chosen by a magical stag and the rich are appropriately taxed. Cool Stunts mechanic to do extra abilities during a turn, easy system to get used to but has that crunchy feel too. Sentient animal race that forms bonds with people is an instant love every time. Free quickstart.
Heart: the City Beneath - Resistance system by Rowan Rook & Decard. A dungeon crawler where the dungeon is an NPC. Take stress until you can't, go out in a blaze of glory with one time Zenith abilities, such as summon a train to wipe out everything in its path - including you. Heart's the love of my life and the first RPG to make me cry(in a good way). It's earnest and grotesque and something about going in knowing you will End, and choosing it, does something to me. Also you can be full of bees(on purpose). Quickstart is PWYW($3ish suggested) but you should give them 1 million dollars actually.
Bones Deep - Troika! system based by @technicalgrimoire. The other love of my life. Be a skeleton on the ocean floor! What happened to your skin? Not important! Do jobs for witches, get credits from the crabs, join the cephalopods in their nefarious plans. The classes are fun(shapeshift your bones, or carve spells into them), and the mix of horror and humor is immaculately weird. Many random tables and a couple scenarios to make it easy to start swimming walking. Also not free($15 for digital), but worth every cent and then some(and the website is awesome resource!).
Index Card RPG - d20 system from Runehammer Games. It's 'simple enough to fit on index card'. There's actually lots of stuff, but it's easy to get a game rolling fast! Be a gerblin, get a bunch of loot. If you're a chronic low roller like me, a nice mechanic is when you fail you get to put points in a pool to use for later rolls. Probably the easiest one on this list to jump to from DnD. Free quickstart.
Wildsea - Wild Words system from Mythworks(took me awhile to find the name for it lol which isn't important just play it xD). You can be a mushroom person piloting a giant whale bone ship with a chainsaw on the front above a sea of trees. The world is so cool and unique. Health is measured in stuff to lose/break and there's a sliding success mechanic(you succeed, you succeed BUT- etc.). Free quickstart.
Tales from the Loop - Year Zero engine by Free League. Be kids in an alternate 80s-90s Scandinavia(or US) setting trying to navigate growing up alongside strange tech and apathetic adults. I really like how they tweaked the system to make it fun being kids for this, with iconic items and luck points, and it's very collab focused. I used this scenario as a one shot. There's a starter's set for $4.99.
Old Gods of Appalachia - Cypher system by Monte Cook. Face horrors man-made and monstrous in the haints and hollers of an alternate 1930ish Appalachia. Based on the podcast(don't know anything about the podcast? Even better imo). Cyphers are neat one-time use items you find during game to make you stronger/invisible/etc. Free quickstart.
Under Hill, By Water - OSR hack by Rise Up Comus. Hobbits! Okay, "halflings" for copyright but...it's hobbits. While some are off saving the world, your greatest worry is finding the lost pig before your wife realizes it's missing. It's not a boring life, just a quiet one. Random table generators for Events to happen each season make this easy to pick up, or come up with your own! $10. We loved this one so much we turned it into a mini campaign.
Mörk Borg - OSR-ish by Free League. Last but not least in the amount of shelf space in my room! The basic rules fit on one piece of paper, but the books are packed with amazing art and delicious disgustingness. It's easy, quick and deadly, with so many random tables for generating baddies, loot, etc., and usually each version of it has a doomsday countdown calendar with horrid new things to add, and then a final horrible event to end the game. It IS very dark and gloom, and I don't normally play it as rough as the OG, which works out fine! You can get a free version of the core book on the website linked, and tons of other free goodies there. My current fav hacks are Pirate Borg and Ork Borg.
List of free Quickstarts I found(and some I'll be playing soon!):
Fabula Ultima
City of Mist
Fifth Season
Fantasy AGE
Modern AGE
Dead Air: Seasons
Broken Tales
Legacy: Life Among the Ruins
Heckin' Good Doggos
Star Trek Adventures
Familiars of Terra
Coyote & Crow
7th Sea
Candela Obscura
Fallout RPG
Happy Gaming!
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Snowy New Year Wenzhou
It's the height of summer here in the US, so posting about these two relaxing in the snow is a nice cool diversion!
These two are in their beautiful fur-edged winter robes (with apologies and admiration to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan for filming in these insanely hot robes during their summer!) from episodes 28 and 29.
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We only actually see Lao Wen wearing his marvelous fur collared outer robe in episode 28, since he takes it off to cook, and never puts it back on again. That outer robe is too pretty to not have longer screentime, so happy it is here in fig form!
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These two cuties safely snoozed their way across the ocean to me in their protective polystyrene boxes.
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They arrived with a bonus hot water bottle. This is too cute and definitely on point for when the winter comes! Lao Wen's hairpin was enclosed separately to keep it from getting broken, which I appreciate.
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Here's the hairpin just by itself. You can see the hole there in Lao Wen's top loop of hair.
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They look just as happy as can be!
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This artist is extremely popular, and there's recently been a ton of figs released with her designs. I've just had the first sets delivered to my warehouse now, but you'll be seeing a LOT of these in the future posts. It's a fat body style, but it's her own unique style. I've seen these generally referred to as chonks, or chonkers, which is what I call them. The style has been insanely popular in China - the majority of the figs in this style sold out instantly, and I was only able to grab them by literally counting down the seconds until release, and then checking out as fast as I possibly could. A lot of these were released at 16:40, or 17:00 China Standard Time, which is painfully middle of the night Pacific Standard Time. But it was worth (many) interrupted nights of sleep!
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This particular fig maker provides overseas links for folks, so no tense countdowns on Weidian or lost sleep on her sets, thankfully. There are at least two fig makers I know that only specialize in the chonk style, and one of them (of course with some incredible designs) is restricted to friends and family only.
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These are, as the name might suggest, very solid figs! They do not need fig stands in the slightest, as they sit just fine. The slight train on their outfits also help keep them solidly upright. These figs aren't going anywhere.
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Lao Wen's hairpin did not slide quite far enough through the hole provided through his loop of hair. I could definitely fix this with some judicious filing down on the hairpin, but I'll need to work up the nerve to adjust it first. Once I start filing, I'll file off some of the white paint, so I'd have to be very careful to not mess it up!
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You can see here how long Lao Wen's hairpin is on this end though! Part of it is the angle, and part is just that it's too long. I will say their hair is looking super, super cute here. It's a bit shorter than we often see it because they're sitting, but it's adorable.
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I can really see why this style is so popular - the slightly more rounded, childlike aspects are really adorable. Look at their cute hands!
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I like this set very much - we have them dusted with snow, and sitting resting like they just ate way too much delicious food. It's ok to have a bit of snow pile up on you when you're so full and warmly dressed!
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And we're back around! I switched up their places for a little extra bit of comparison. Their little mouths are so cute!
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You can see here why they're so stable. Not only do we have their longer trains on their robes, we have the wide flat base, and then their feet!
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Ah, the hairpin. I'll have to give it a go.
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It actually went a little further in than this - this picture was taken when I was being excruciatingly careful not to break the hairpin. I was able to use a little more force to get it to slide in a tiny bit more.
I'll do a little hairpin modification and report back!
Material: Resin
Fig Count: 448
Scene Count: 30
Rating: Pure contentment!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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smallraindrops-blog · 3 months
I started watching Dungeon meshi a few days ago (and I started the manga), and Hades 2 reawakened my fixation on the games.
(Potential spoilers for Dungeon meshi?)
So seeing the Fanart of Hades characters as Dungeon meshi characters has me gnawing on my enclosure. Falin Hypnos, my beloved.
That's said I keep thinking of an au for WMFTD where Y/n is in Falins' role and Hypnos is in Marcille.
All this boils down to dragon Y/n and necromancer Hypnos being even more obsessed devoted and in love with one another. :) (You brought me back even though the ones we love most told you not to, I came back wrong, but I know I still love you. You did the unthinkable, and now I am forever indebted to you. You are mine, and I am yours.)
As for the other characters, I think Zagreus would be Laois (brotherly bond and instead of food, his thing would be filling Achilles codex and fishing), while not fulling matching characters I think Thanatos would be in Chilchuck role, and for Senshi... I'm not sure. You could put Meg there not because she necessarily fits as Senshi but to keep her with Zagreus and Thanatos, a knight, maybe? I was thinking of putting Achilles in Senshi's place because it just seems fitting. (And the Angst potential)
But aaa, that's all for rambling. I hope you enjoyed it and have a good day!
I enjoyed your rambling! ^-^ also on mobile. sorry for mistakes.
Putting my reply under a readmore.
But yes I love that line between devotion and obsession because that line might be thinner than love/hate. Also don’t cross that stuff out! That is the goooood shit. 🤌
As for the role for people to play:
Zagreus as Laois fits really well, methinks. It works bc part of the reasons Zag left the house was because he felt like he didn’t fit in.
I think with Y/N getting nom on and leaving Zagreus behind would only increase that feeling of isolation for him.
especially if the others kinda blame him for what happened. ( also maybe the dragon could be a hydra? so in place of feathers, y/n ends up with those horns things? And fangs? )
Maybe Achilles’ codex could still be greek monsters along greek gods and Zagreus having his own personal one for all the different kinds of fishes and the many ways to cook them.
If it was up to Zagreus, they would eat fishes for every meal. The others veto it very quickly.
I actually he would be a great fit for the chilchuck role. Both of them would much rather keep work and personal life separate.
also while Thanatos can fight and fairly well, he is not a skilled/trained combatant like Meg or Y/N would be.
so letting him have a role where he focuses on overall safety and solving puzzles would really let his natural skills shine.
also since y/n isn’t a healer, it would help Hypnos to have someone who also has the skills and patience needed for healing spells.
also I think the fights between Zagreus and him about not being reckless and learning to trust the eachother could be interesting.
She could fill in for the Namari/Shuro role. She just didn’t leave the group since she had personal reasons to want to stay ( but it could be interesting if she did leave after Y/N became a sandwich bc the whole episode with her was one of my favorite)
especially if she ends up getting her sisters to help find y/n
it would also help bc while Zagreus is learning how to fight, the lost of skills and knowledge of combat after Y/N got nibble on would be huge blow to the group.
It also possible she felt some guilt for what happened to y/n as well but still blames Zag which could have some fun tension/fights.
As for the senshi’s role, I love the idea of it being achilles, but if I may suggest another character, I think Dusa would be a good fit for the role.
She already shown to be super helpful and has skill in domestic tasks along with being an outcast. Like the group find her and she ends up helping out by showing Zagreus how to de-bone and cook the many different fishes. Along with dealing various monster and gods since she lived in the dungeon for so long.
She would also be a friend of Zagreus while being a neutral third party, something the group desperately needs.
Achilles just wouldn’t be able to stay calm or listen if he lost his son. He would likely get everyone killed along with himself before saving Y/N. Especially if Pat is no longer in the picture.
So maybe…
Tall man Pat and Achilles adopted little Y/N, who might have elf or something else in him but no one knows for sure. As y/n get a little older, his parents began working in the dungeon together, leaving him with Persephone and baby zag. Y/n would start studying fighting skills so he could join his parents sooner.
Something happened, monster or demon and it left Y/n alone with baby Zag, hiding until his parents found them.
So Patroclus and Achilles takes Zag in and they grow up as brothers.
Somethings happened to Patroclus and Achilles, the only thing found of them were ruined gear along with Achilles’ bloody and torn codex. maybe that was part of the reasons the brothers decided to go down there. To try get some answers.
I think hypnos would be unsure at first but seeing the deep pain Y/N’s eyes would make him agree. Also only because hypnos totally thought Y/N as a great friend, nothing more. Nope. He definitely doesn’t get jealous when he caught Meg staring at Y/N a few times.
and he totally doesn’t cozy up to y/n whenever he got cold in the dungeon. Or share more snacks with y/n or fuss over Y/N more when he is doing the healing magic.
They formed the group and everything seemed to be going well.
Then y/n became an ‘all you can eat special’ and the journey began.
And like Hypnos might be going a little crazy bc he just lost his best friend, someone he knew as a boy then as a man and he just really wanted his best friend back. That was all.
Then they finally got y/n back and hypnos knew he was being clingy but y/n didn’t to mind, even letting hypnos hold on to him for far longer than appropriate and hypnos just didn’t want to let go. Maybe they share quiet, gentle kisses when alone together, promising to talk more when they got out of the dungeon.
Then shit goes sideway.
Hydra!y/n is huge, powerful, quick moving and terrifying. With dozens of little hydra following him around. ( kinda like the harpies kinda did with Falin.)
But he seemed to recognize Hypnos, he touched Hypnos’ chin like he did before they shared those kisses. And he was able to say Zagreus’ name.
Also lol imagine poor hypnos during that shirt ripping part with y/n.
So Hypnos can totally bring Y/N back to normal. Totally. He is not crying thank you very much. No, he didn’t want a tissue, Dusa but thank you.
And yeah lol. Thanks for letting me ramble lol.
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teamdilf · 5 months
🍕🍀 and 🧠 for my boy Jan Silverscale
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Jan likes the deep rothe stew served over roasted potatoes than Fox cooks - a recipe Fox had learned from his ma! 💜
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
So, fun fact: early on while I was drafting Lost Souls Like Us, I'd intended there to be a side plot where Petra and her twin brother, Peter sorted things out and ended their estrangement. But, as I was writing, the antagonistic relationship felt like a bit much to overcome, especially when a big part of Petra's journey in that story is learning to love herself and recognize that the way she was taught to perceive herself is wrong and abusive. Peter too-closely follows the mindset ingrained by their father and grandfather, and I just couldn't see that changing, so that plotline wound up cut.
I like writing sibling relationships, and I also enjoy the dynamic of a much-older sibling being very protective of their younger sibling, so Jan found himself promoted from "named OC" to "main character OC". In the end, I think it worked out a lot better than what I'd originally planned, because, with Jan being so young when he was introduced, Astarion is forced to confront his guilt regarding the young men he'd had to lure to Cazador, because Jan is precisely the sort of young man he might have found himself bringing to the palace.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
I've enjoyed his growth - in the beginning he's traumatized both by his father's abandonment, and the kidnapping he'd survived. He thinks little of himself and his abilities, and Petra spends a lot of time training him, and figuring out what Jan excels at. Slowly, as his true skills become clear, he becomes more confident, and that means he's able to speak up for himself, and his sense of humour starts to show itself too! The dynamic shifts, and Jan becomes less the much younger sibling under the protection of his older sister and her husband, and is instead a trusted travel companion of the two of them.
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dballzposting · 1 year
can't stop thinking abt desert yamcha, lonely lost kid in the desert.. atp in his life, he already had all the money and power he could want (if he didn't he could always just take it) but the only thing he wanted was something he couldn't steal: a family, or something like that. ive always wondered abt his past and what exactly his desire for that kinda life stems from. Maybe it's something not even he knows or remembers anymore (which makes me sad :-[ 💔)
A desert bandit who wanted so badly to live a domestic family life he overcame his biggest fear to do it.. only for his dream to end up unachieved ... it's a bit too tragic for me 💔 (he just wanted to be a husband 😭)
Anyways to cope I started to think abt what kinda hobbies yamcha would have (he's already picked up a lot like martial arts, baseball, cooking, swordfighting, etc), and i think a guitar would suit him. I like to imagine he picked up guitar as a small hobby as a teen, forgot about it for a bit, and then picked it up again a little later in his life.
i think, when the sun gets low, and when he thinks nobody is listening, he might play a specific song he doesn't remember the name to anymore.
^ this is the song i think he might play
as you can tell, i am extremely normal abt him 😁
anyways!! rant over 🏃‍♀️
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I AGREE THAT HE WOULD PLAY THE GUITAR. It's crossed my mind before and is certified #ask-tarbleCanon.
People's dreams and wishes change all of the time. When he was a lonely teen he wanted to get married but maybe what he really wanted was the individual components of it, like, he wanted some girly action, and camaraderie, and a sense of belonging, and a sense of being able to care for himself and others. And he does end up finding all of that.
Furthermore, he also seems to want and seek out ADVENTURE. When he was 16, living in that damn desert, he probably didn't think there was much whimsy in the world, but once he started traveling, he never stopped loving the sense of purpose that comes with an adventure. And he finds adventures without traveling too, like when he trained under Roshi for three years before the 22nd tenkaichi tournament (I THINK IT WAS 22nd..? Not looking it up.) When he left that desert, he embarked on a journey of personal growth that never ended.
I think the core of the story is that he was a lonely kid in WANT. And now he is no longer festering in Want, instead finding enablement to act and pursue his passions.
I think he thought he wanted to get married when he was younger, but if he really wanted that, he would have done it by now. I think that he's found joys elsewhere in life.
With that being said I do connect with the bittersweet grief of what you're trying to say .. All my followers do as well .. They will hit like surely. Like maybe he DOES sit on rooftops and play the guitar and dream about doing laundry ...
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Yeah, I'd love to know which mechanisms songs you think I should start with, or if it's a particular album. I actually went and listened to a few seconds of one after reblogging the post. They remind me just a little of The Amzing Devil. I'll be honest, that specific specific song didn't keep my interest too long, but I'm sure someone who knows their music could point me toward the better ones. :)
Ahhh! Thanks for reaching out :3 (and also hope you don't mind if I make this public, just in case someone interested might see it :'>)
I'm going to assume you know nothing about them just in case (and also since I know some songs are less good for casual use/can take a little warming up to :'3)
The gist of it is that it's a storytelling cabaret where every band member is in character as an immortal space pirates; as such, their albums are retellings of "actual events" they have "witnessed" during their travels in space.
I think I will put the rest under a Read More though because! I went off a bit! Sorry about that :'D
I recommend listening to their albums as they interest you to get the general gist of the stories. Once I got that, I added them to my shuffle playlist and listen to my faves - that way it's not confusing to me and I don't have to "suffer" through the other parts when I don't wanna listen to a whole concept album.
The "main" four albums all follow a similar structure of switching between narration/song, with varying amount of information relayed in the song (as in, sometimes it's just about a concept of the story, sometimes it's more akin to a musical piece where the story moves as well). The songs themselves are often based on various extant, mostly folk, songs (e.g. Bella Ciao, WW1 songs, and I can't think of any more rn because my brain is cooked).
If you want the cliff's notes version of these albums (none of which have a "happy" ending, so be aware of that going in):
Once Upon A Time (In Space): their first album, Grimm's fairy tales but it's about a space rebellion against an immortal, tyrannical king with an army of clones.
Ulysses Dies at Dawn: greek mythology but it's a noir cyberpunk planet-wide city. Contains (in my unbiased opinion lol) very good and interesting takes on how the setting would influence some of the myths we are familiar with today. Fair warning though: will contain references to the original material you might miss if you are unfamiliar with the OG characters, but it's still enjoyable
High Noon Over Camelot: Arthurian legend but it's a diesel-punk desert space station with bike-riding cowboys. SPECIAL MENTION TO THE MOST BANGER BANJO (again, in my opinion), specifically in Peacemaker. It's going wild in there.
The Bifrost Incident: Norse Mythology but told as a space-train noir mystery. Notable for not being narrated by an outer character, but actually told as a "recording" of the police officer investigating. Features a very good banjo in "Expert Testimony" (which is narration) (also the banjo is in a genre I like to call "bastard" because oh yeah, what is happening in-story is that a character is being A Bastard <3)
As for Tales to be Told I and II, they contain smaller stories (either relating to the main albums, origin stories for in-universe band members, or self-contained ones)
There is also a standalone single, "Frankenstein." Guess what that one is about lol. It, along with "Alice" and "Gunpowder Tim vs. The Moon Kaiser" are "songs" on the longer side that contain shorter narration/song segments.
Lastly, there's Death To The Mechanisms, which was the band's farewell concert in 2020 when they disbanded. It's been recorded and put together as a live album and contains fun banter and character lore regarding their deaths.
IF you want my favourite songs, regardless of album, it's probably Red Signal, Peacemaker, Blood and Whiskey, Thor, Rose Red, Alice, Acatea and Lyssa, Lost in Cosmos, The Ignominous Demise of Dr. Pilchard (which also has fun banjo), Elysian Fields, Ragnarok II: The Calling, and Riddle of the Sphinx.
ANYWAY! Extremely long, heatwave induced rant aside, I do hope you'll check them out! Feel free to reach out and let me know how you liked the songs/stories, I am always down for recommending the band to more people :3
Lastly, allow me to link the unofficial YouTube channel TheVoidSings (here!) which has all their albums with lyrics and in neat playlists so you can listen to them in order!
(I would link the band's channel so that they'd at least get some youtube cents from it, but it got demonetised under the new guidelines a few days ago, so that's fucked and yes, I am mad about it :'D)
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