#also at this point i might as well consider strawberry as my main diet
selenealwayscries · 2 years
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no energy for regular art so goodtimes be upon ye 
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Survey #304
“she’s got a hold on me  /  maybe she is just what they want me to be”
How many foreign friends do you have? Only one that I know of that actually immigrated into America in their life. I think. In which countries do they live? She was born in Asia, either China or Japan. What was your dream birthday party as a kid? I either wanted to go to the skating rink or Chuck E. Cheese. Have you ever come up with your own game? As a kid, definitely. Whose hand did you hold last? Probably my niece's or nephew's if they were taking me somewhere. What was the last thing you planted? Habaneros, I think. Do you have a green thumb or are you all thumbs with plants? I don't really try with plants because I'm not interested in the maintenance. What or who was the last thing you gossiped about? Does telling your therapist about another person and what they do to stress you out count? lol Any books on your night stand? Wings of Fire: The Brightest Night. Would you ever consider going vegetarian? I was briefly one, but I had to introduce meat back into my diet because I just hate too many foods needed to keep me healthy without meat. I would love love LOVE to go vegan, but I just can't. When's the last time you helped a senior citizen somehow? Probably holding open a door for someone in a wheelchair. What's the most selfless act you have done? I don't know... Maybe letting my mother use all my Christmas and birthday money (which was a lot) to take care of bills to keep us from being evicted and losing the car. She was going to pay me back, but then cancer happened. Have you ever intentionally fed a house spider? No. What makes you feel lucky? The fact I have a roof over my head, food on the table, access to water... That kind of stuff. Never take it for granted. How many Lidls are there in your town? One. Last time you went to Ikea, what did you buy? I don't believe we've ever bought anything from there? But I wouldn't really know. How do you like your favorite beverage? Really cold in a can, heeeeell yeah. What's your big family secret? We don't really have one. What did you think you were good at, until you saw someone else do it? I remember thinking I was the "gifted" artist in school until I met my acquaintance Cailin in the 5th grade, lol. She is SO talented. What is something nice going on in your life right now? My partial hospitalization program is going well. I'm getting more comfortable with talking via things like Zoom, it's a good opportunity for me to socialize with like-minded people almost every day, and I ADORE one of the teachers so much so that I want him to be my normal therapist. I have never in the entirety of my life felt less judged and more cared for from any therapist before him, and it's almost supernatural how easily this man reads people. You could twitch a certain way and he picks it up. I'm ready for him to teach more of the sessions. What was the pinnacle of wealth to you as a child? The idea of owning one of those toy crane machines, haha. If I saw one in a store, I would like beeeeg for it. I remember I cried once when I came across one I adored, it was just too expensive, lol. I did eventually get a little one, I think. What's something that you hate, but can't live without? My meds. What skill do you not talk about, because you feel it sounds like bragging? I don't really brag about anything I think I'm good at because I feel bad about it and don't wanna emit a "better than you" vibe. Who's the worst person you've encountered on the Internet? Ahhh, a lovely "friend" nicknamed Shakes. God she hated me. If death wasn't a consequence, what would you try? Probably ride a motorcycle. I'm too scared to risk the possibility of crashing, and those wrecks are nasty. What's the dumbest thing you've heard someone say? There's this one video of a TV show host thinking the moon was a planet and it was just- What is the worst smell you can remember? This smell was forever branded into my memory as if it was fuckin trauma. When my late dog Teddy had a massive, infected cyst near his ~you know~ and also wore diapers because of incontinence with his age (also keep in mind he had a UTI we couldn't afford to fix, and that smells bad enough), changing the diaper he would wear overnight could, swear to God, be enough to make you puke. It literally came to a point that I personally could no longer do it. It sounds so so bad and selfish, and it probably is, but Mom had to do it before she left and came home from work; she's way less fazed by stuff like that than me. Yes, when we had the money, we got the cyst removed. What song gets better the louder it gets? Only like, every song I enjoy. The louder the better until it becomes obnoxious to others. What's the biggest inconvenience that does NOT ruin your day? Having to pee at like an unnatural frequency? haha What's something everybody should know how to do? Cook... which I don't know how to do. What is a great movie no one knows about? I'unno. I don't really know the success level of most movies unless you see stuff about it everywhere. What type of person could the world use less of? Rapists, pedophiles, monsters like that. What makes you tingle? I have this odd reaction to rubbing my hand while someone is holding it???? idk why????? What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen? Oh MAN, I wish I could remember 'em all. I've seen some goodies. What's easy to learn, but hard to master? God, it's pathetic that my immediate response is related to a video game, haha. Then again it's such a common idea that it's basically a meme in the World of Warcraft community. So, playing hunters in the game. They're argued to be one of the - if not the - easiest classes in the game that requires little to no skill, while as a hunter main, I disagree with the second part firmly. I don't know about the other specializations because I don't play them, but at least in beast mastery, it takes focus and thinking ahead to master your rotation for optimal damage and just to generally be a skilled player of the class. Not to mention you need to watch your pet(s), too. What's something you've changed your opinion on? Wow, LOTS. Tons of political ideas, like my stance on gay rights, transgender folks, etc... If you had a refilling bowl, what would you want it to contain? For some reason my mind immediately jumped to fresh strawberries. I'm picky with the firmness of fruit, so I won't eat them if they're older because ew. If your bedroom had three portals to anywhere, where would they lead? I mean this in the least creepy way possible, but Sara's house so we could actually hang out, Dad's house so I could see him more, and then uhhh South Africa to regularly see meerkitties. You can ask any author one question about their story. What do you ask? Oh, I dunno. I've got some for writers of other media, but I guess by "author," you mean this is for books exclusively. If you have caffeine late in the day, does it cause you to struggle with your sleep? Shit, I wouldn't even know because I essentially always have caffeine in my system. I don't believe it affects me. When you struggle to sleep, what do you do instead? Keep trying to sleep, or more common than not, I do exactly what you shouldn't do and get back on the laptop for a while. Who was the last person you spoke to for the first time? How did you come to speak to this person? My most recent therapist in the PHP. I love love love him. The therapists rotate the days they teach, and he was the last one I met. Are there any TV shows from your childhood that you still watch today? I'm not opposed to it if I actually watched television. Do you enjoy buying gifts for other people, or do you never know what to buy them? If I actually have the money to, omg yes. I honestly do think I create or buy very thoughtful gifts, and I just really enjoy reminding other people that I love and think about them. Who were you with the last time you went out for a meal? My sisters, Mom, and I went to the Cheesecake Factory for my birthday dinner. That place has come to oust Olive Garden as my favorite restaurant, haha. What’s the last thing you watched on TV? Is this a programme you watch regularly? I believe it was this amateur cooking show called Nailed It!, I think it was, with my mom when I sat in the living room with her for dinner one night. Do you have a favorite documentary subject (eg. nature, celebrities, history, crime)? Absolutely animals. Does having to wear a mask stop you from doing anything, just because you dislike them or find them uncomfortable? Do not fucking talk to me if you're anti-mask. If I set foot in public, I'm wearing a mask like a goddamn considerate human being. Do you prefer zip-up or overhead hoodies? Overhead. I really dislike the appearance of zippers on them. If you have a yard or garden, how much time do you spend out there? N/A When was the last time someone bought you flowers? What was the occasion? I think it was the first time Tyler came to my house. This was quite a few years ago. When was the last time you stayed overnight away from home? Was this with friends, family or in a hotel somewhere? What was the occasion? Hell, I'm pretty sure I haven't slept over anywhere since the last time I was visiting Sara, which was like, two years ago. What’s your favorite period to learn about in history? What got you interested in this particular era? The Renaissance; I always found it to be an attractive subject, art being in its "glory days" and all. My Art History course in college really hooked me in. What is the smallest thing you lose your temper over instantly? Homophobic bullshit. What's a job that doesn't get enough respect? As others have said before me, teachers might just top the list. The shit they gotta put up with for so little pay... What did you take for granted until you visited another country? I've never left America, so I wouldn't know. Who is your favorite scientist and why? I don't have a favorite; I don't know nearly enough about any. Do you prefer emoticons or emoji? I'm from the emoticons era, so I'm biased, haha. How did you meet your pet? Roman was the kitten of one of my sister's mother-in-law's females. They have quite a cat problem and wanted to adopt the kittens out, and Mom knew I desperately wanted a cat, so there we go. One day when we were over there, she showed me the kittens, and Roman caught my eye instantly with his beautiful blue eyes. Venus, I "met" via the Morph Market, a reptile hub website for selling, as the name implies, reptiles that are generally morphs of their species. I was clicking through the genes, keeping my price ceiling in mind, and really fell in love with champagnes, and I thought Venus in specific was just absolutely beautiful. I officially met her as a little thing mailed to me, and she was and still is just the sweetest. I wanna point out that when I chose Venus, I hadn't the slightest idea that champagnes harbored "the spider gene," as otherwise I would have avoided adopting her and feeding the market. Regardless, I love her to death and wouldn't trade her out. Did/Do you have any PEZ dispensers? I did as a kiddo, yeah. Do you enjoy erotic stories? If so, do you read them or write them? No; they make me really uncomfortable. When writing RP, some scenes can get sexual, but I have my limits for sure and know when to stop writing and just time-skip. If you had to choose, which one would you rather have: a pet or a baby? Keep the baby away from me. Gimme a plains hognose or tarantula, please. ^Why did you choose the one you chose? I don't want kids at all but would love the mentioned animals as pets. Do you live with your parents or on your own/with a partner? I live with my mother. What's the car of your dreams? I don't have a "dream car." Have you ever witnessed something or someone die? Animals, yes. Has anyone ever told you that you snore or talk in your sleep? I don't snore, but I talk a LOT. Do you have any houseplants? No. Are you more on a laptop or a desktop computer? I only have a laptop, and I prefer them for portability's sake. If you could do absolutely anything, what would you like to do the most? Entirely leave behind my anxiety, probably. Or PTSD. Do you think your parents raised you well? Yeah. Dad didn't really take much part in "raising" us/enforcing rules and stuff, but hey, my sisters and I wound up being good people. Do you have a Facebook? Yeah. Do you know any of your neighbors? Definitely not well. We haven't lived here long at all. Does/did any of your relatives have an interesting, nowadays unusual job? I'm sure somebody does. Have you met your ideal partner yet? I think so. Have you had a serious relationship yet? If so, how many? Yeah, two. Do you enjoy books, magazines or comic books the most? Books. Are your parents old-fashioned or up-to-date about certain things? Dad is more old-fashioned I think, while Mom is pretty up-to-date. Do you or did you at some point keep a diary? I very briefly did on a few occasions. I always had a journal I wrote in during all my hospital stays. Have you ever upcycled trash into useful items? I remember I once followed this craft idea on Animal Planet where you turn a milk jug into a bird house. We never got any birds in it, though. Which color Skittle do you like best? The only right answer is red. What’s your favorite element? Of the classic four, fire. If you had your own radio show, what would it be like? YIKES, I don't want one. Don't make me talk in front of (through a radio or not) people. What has been the biggest surprise you’ve ever gotten? An "impossible" breakup over Facebook Messenger lmaoooo. Is there a holiday you can’t stand at all? There aren't any that I "can't stand," but I do hold at least some degree of dislike of ones bastardized by religion. It's disrespectful as fuck. Who is your favorite person in the whole world? My mom. Has there ever been an activity you became obsessed with? I was definitely obsessed with RPing in my early teens. Like, I ALWAYS wanted to be writing it. What has been the strangest place you ran into someone from your past? I can't think of an occurance. What is something people tend to come to you about? Anything related to English and grammar. If applicable, what's the furthest you've traveled because of a hobby? For purely a hobby, definitely not very far, partially because I can't drive or afford travelling via plane or whatever. Do you have souvenirs from other countries? If so, what and from where? N/A What do you do when someone is talking to you about something you don't care about? Pretend to be interested to avoid being rude. Do you have Photoshop installed on your computer? Yeah. Do you put lotion on after you get out of the shower? No, but I need to. Has anyone ever given you a promise ring? No. Do you have any bruises on you? Yeah, on my shin. When getting in Ash's van the other day, I hit it against the thing that helps you step up into the vehicle. Because of my muscle atrophy, I, and I am not kidding, can barely manage to absolutely yank myself up there. And mind you, her van isn't even very high up at all. My legs are just that damn weak. Any changes in appearance lately? Gaining weight is fucking lovely. Who was the last person to call you babe or baby? Probably a gal friend commenting on a selfie or something on Facebook. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? Sometimes. Do you actually care about other's problems? Probably too much for my own good. Have you ever gotten a teddy bear from someone? Besides my mom, I don't think so.
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topbiohacking · 5 years
How to age Well. 5 Secrets to Age Well!
Aging Gracefully Is A Choice! Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
There are few people you might know of in your life and when you see them you immediately think ‘wow, they are really aging gracefully! Is there a secret? Or did they inherited some special genes?’ It’s a simple question, but the answer might surprise you.
So, what does it really take to age well?
Diet: Not a specific diet, but a balanced diet of what you already like to eat!
Exercise: No Crazy exercises that you will do once and regret for the rest of your life. Something you already like but a new way of doing it.
Memory Health / Brain Health: To do everything right, you need your memory to remember, and remember correctly.
Skin & Hair: What we put on our skin eventually makes its way inside (partially or in an indirect way) the same goes for our hair.
Cell Health: Everything boils down to our cells! This is where everything started from, so it makes sense that we should fix everything at the roots.
First – Diet
When we usually talk about dieting we always like to label our diet with some sort of a name. However, if you are looking for a specific diet and diet plan, maybe this is not the article you are looking for. Even though we will be talking about food and nutrition from the inside out. 
But for us, we look at diet and food from a holistic approach. You need to eat almost everything, and everything in a moderate amount will benefit you. There are many diet plans out that tell you to stop completely consuming one thing or another. But most people who start on those diets, don’t make through the first month. The main problem with such diets that they are not sustainable. Cutting something out ‘cold turkey’ might work for some, it does not work for the majority. 
Food Variety Is Key To Provide Us With All Nutrition Image by silviarita from Pixabay
For diet, we are going to provide the tips that will give you the best results with the least amount of effort! Tips that will require you doing less not more. It sounds like a good deal. Right?! Let’s dive in. You need to look at those three areas ONLY:
Look at your food consumption for a longer period of time. Not daily. Balance it on a weekly basis, monthly and overall basis.
Stick with organic whenever you can.
The dirty dozen and The Clean 15 lists. A simple list of food that you want to get organic, and another list that you might be able to go with the non-organic. The top 15 foods with the least pesticides are called the Clean 15, while the 12 foods with the most pesticides are called the Dirty Dozen. The list is courtesy of the Elizabeth Rider Blog 
Buy these organic whenever possible – Updated 2019
+EWG’s Dirty Dozen Plus:
Hot Peppers +
THE CLEAN 15 (2019)
These are ok to buy conventional (not organic) – Updated 2019
Sweet Corn
Sweet Peas Frozen
Honeydew Melons
Second – Exercise
Exercise is closely connected with diet. We can’t talk about one without the other. Also, the same goes for exercise that goes for dieting. Most people who start a brand new exercise that is totally different from their daily activities, typically they will give up on the new routine quickly. 
For sure, there are some crazy cases where people stick with it from day one and keep going forever, but most of us, we need to adapt those exercises in our daily life one exercise a week, or one exercise a month. 
This Is The Reality Of How Most People Feel About Exercising. Especially, Trying Something New For The First Time
This Is What We Think Of Ourselves When We Exercise For The First Time! It’s True After A While But Right Away.
Here are a few steps to get your exercise ‘requirements’ done easily:
Things you like to do or you are already doing. If you like walking, then start with it. If you like working out, then do this. If you like hiking or even as simple as shopping. Yep, you read it correctly. You can just add a few steps to your shopping trips. Park the car further, do a few more laps around the mall. Chase your kids, or grand-kids around the yard, the park, or even the living room. Take the stairs down and the elevator up. Or half-half.
Break a sweat. If you can break a sweat in whatever you do then you nailed it! Sweating is a sign that you are putting your body in activity mode. Nothing too crazy, but just a little to move you forward ahead of where you are today. Usually, 3-5 min of high-intensity exercise should be enough to break a sweat.
Add one more. By the end of the day, you just want to add one more pump to your heart to keep it pumping longer. One step, one repetition, one pound of lifting weight, one positive change no matter how small it is.
A Walk With Your Grand-kid In A Fresh Air, Is More Thank Just An Excellent Exercise! Image by emailme3 from Pixabay
NOTE: Never, Ever use your progress in dieting and exercising as a rewarding/excuse to bring bad habits that you are trying to move away from. The reward of walking the extra mile is not another donut. You are better off without them both in this case.
Third – Memory Health / Brain Health
There’s no point of dieting and exercising if we don’t remember doing them. It might sound silly to bring up such a thing, but it’s so real. We don’t remember to exercise until it is too late in the day or the week. Or we forget what kind of activity we planned on doing today. So, in this case, we are missing on our physical health because of our mental health. 
“Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory” Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash
Our brain is the most important organ in our body. It is the central computer of the whole body. When we start forgetting, slipping off mentally, we lack mental clarity, memory issues, lack of focus, and other issues. Those are problems on their own, but also they are signaling issues that are occurring from our bad food, lack of activity, sleeping behavior, and so on. However, the good news is that we can reverse most of them. We can change our food, and see it in our brain, and we can feed our brains and see the results on our bodies. 
That’s how science started discovering the types of food that will help our brain become healthier and stay healthy. Few of those foods are:
Wild Salmon – Omega 3
Coconut oil 
Turmeric – curcumin 
Dark chocolate
Drinking water – Brain content is 80% water.
Two more tricks/ hacks that will help improve brain health, but has nothing to do with food and as easy as eating food, are:
Brush your teeth with the opposite hand. That will help your brain develop new neural connections.
Learn something new! Anything. Learning new skills, activities, games, crafts, new learning helps the brain to engage, wake up, and spark the young activities that once used to have.
Skin Care Is Not Luxurious, It Is Essential Image by chezbeate from Pixabay
Fourth – Skin & Hair: 
We often don’t think much of what we are putting on our skin & hair from deodorant, shampoos, lotions, sprays, etc. We pay attention to the way it smells, the way it makes us feel, but not the ingredients, or how we are getting those results. 
A simple example of this case is that we use lots of deodorants, but we are not sure (aware) of how they are working. Most of them use harsh chemicals to kill the bacteria that are causing the odor, but at the same time is hurting our skin. There is a nice article by publicgoods that explains the way ‘deodorant’ works on our body.
The same goes for shampoos that we use, we like the smell, the price, and maybe the results, but over time we start losing hair. That’s when we start looking for solutions and start educating ourselves on what we the heck we are putting on our hair.
If you think you are starting to go bald, you might want to check this blogpost First Signs Of Balding
And if you are a woman losing a lot of hair then you need to start with considering treatment from the source, the scalp first. Here’s a good blog post I found for this (it has good humor in it as well haha) Inside My Quest to Find the Holy Grail of Hair Care
Fifth – Cell Health
Last but not least, is the health of our cells. Out of everything, this is what all boils down to. It takes no genius to figure it out, but it’s important to say it over and over that the health of our cells is the health of our body.
The problem that we see out there with all of these big corporates and big money, is that they look at each problem in a very disconnected way from other problems so they can sell you an UNLIMITED number of product “solutions”. While the core thing is to look at the main source of all the problems which are our cells. 
Our Health Start From The Health Of Our Cells Image by Colin Behrens from Pixabay
The health of our cells starts by fighting Cellular Stress.
What Is Cellular Stress?
Nrf2Science describes that “Too many damaging free radicals — or too few protective antioxidants — can wreak havoc on cell membranes, mitochondria, and DNA, leading to tissue damage and a wide range of chronic diseases, including cancer, chronic fatigue, diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. For more than 50 years, scientists have known the aging process to be linked to highly reactive oxygen molecules produced during normal metabolism. These oxygen molecules, often called “free radicals” or “reactive oxygen species” (ROS), can react with and cause damage to cellular structures throughout the body. Particularly vulnerable to oxidative damage are cell membranes, DNA (genetic material), and mitochondria (where cells generate energy)—and damage to these vital areas often means that cells cannot function properly.” Cellular Stress/Oxidative Stress is something that we need to combat in our cells as it has been linked to many chronic diseases like cancer, chronic fatigue, diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease, etc.
Oxidative Stress Diseases
Some of the chronic diseases that are linked in a way or another to oxidative stress
The Cause of Oxidative Stress
Even though Oxidative Stress is harmful to the cell, it is part of its natural behavior. According to Nrf2Science “Sometimes, the body deliberately makes free radicals in order to neutralize viruses and bacteria.” Also, scientists have found that the cell produces free radicals during its normal metabolism. However, the problem arises when there are too many free radicals that they begin to interfere with the cell’s normal functions. The increase of free radicals might also be from external sources as well. External factors like food, pollution, smoking, pesticides, fungicides, chemicals, etc.
A quick search on the topic of Oxidative Stress and the diseases related to it will yield quite some results, probably more than what we would like to see. However, relatively speaking, all research seems to be limited, or new in age. But for the most part, this is where taking antioxidants started taking off. Things like vitamin C supplements, vitamin E supplements, eating more blueberries, etc. The kind of routine that we have been familiar with. The only issue with this approach is that we are supplementing our body with external antioxidants, which is better than nothing but is very limited in the amount of effectiveness in combating oxidative stress and eliminating the increasing number of free radicals.
The Best Solution I Have Found & I Personally Use & Put My Reputation Behind…
The other emerging approach, which is the one I subscribe to, is ‘hacking’ the Nrf2 pathway to signal the production of antioxidants within our body itself instead of supplementing our body with external synthetic antioxidants. In my mind, I imagine our body as this perfect computer and at some point it starts to slow down (due to aging and other factors), instead of me upgrading the machine by adding better processors, which is not possible to our “human-machine”, I will try to optimize my existing system/ body to perform better to go back to its original capabilities.
Releasing the system from the unnecessary burden that we are putting it in, is much easier, and more efficient than upgrading or supplementing with external resources. That’s where Nrf2 Activation comes into the picture.
We can think of Nrf2 as the new sheriff in town! Oxidative stress & Cellular Stress are the bad guys. The antioxidant is the policemen. Everyone is telling you to add more policemen to your body to fight the bad guys, which is a good idea, but what’s even better is that you have your body making its own policemen if you enable the sheriff to do their job! NRF2 is the sheriff you need on your side!
Get The Best NRF2 Activator…..Period!
By The Way, If You Don’t Take Anything Away From The List Above Then Take One Thing & One Thing Only, To Get The Fastest Results! Activating Your NRF2 Naturally Please Don’t Go Another Day Without At Least Giving Your Body The Benefit Of The Doubt, To Heal Itself From The Inside Out!
“No Matter how much it gets abused, the body can restore balance.” 
-Deepak Chopra
Get The Best NRF2 Activator…..Period!
Resources: https://jimkwik.com/ https://blog.publicgoods.com/breaking-a-sweat-antiperspirant-vs-deodorant/ http://www.nrf2science.com/ https://www.elizabethrider.com/dirty-dozen-clean-15/ http://blog.topbiohacking.com/wp/blog/we-keep-hearing-that-western-diet-is-different-than-eastern-diet-eastern-western-mediterranean-etc-why-it-even-matters-how-diet-affects-nrf-activation/ http://topbiohacking.lifevantage.com/blog/inside-my-quest-to-find-the-holy-grail-of-hair-care/
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theambivalent · 5 years
Q & A
Recently I asked people in my IG story to submit Questions for a blog post. I had some interesting questions regarding veganism, comics and shows. 
Here are my answers 🙂  
Why are your IG stories getting more ‘vegan aggressive’?
So, before I went vegan, I used to hate vegans who were vocal, although I was never confronted personally by them... which, looking back now, I think was unfair. The mere notion of veganism was annoying because why? Because people were spreading memes about vegans who constantly announce they’re vegan? Even though I personally never witnessed that? Or... maybe because that was the thing that everyone does – single out the one that is different... I mean, I made absolutely no sense.  
I told myself when I first made the decision to go vegan, I'm not going to be the one everyone makes fun of. I hid my diet from my co-workers, and intentionally tried my hardest to NOT be vocal about it. And you know what? The second anyone found out about it, I was still criticized. ...STILL.
I didn’t realize how much vegans get criticized until I became one and people noticed it.  
I was constantly told...
If I happened to be tired one day –It's because I’m vegan, rather than my lack of caffeine
If my head ached – it's because I’m vegan, rather than being dehydrated
When I noticed a gray hair –because I'm vegan –like age has nothing to do with it?
So finally, I decided to not only confront those people who were putting me down because of my lifestyle, I started standing against them. I’m not picking fights with random people. I always show respect to those who respect me. However, when people are trying to back me into a corner, I will fight back, as anyone else would.  
I'm defending myself from those who criticize my life, and that’s something that I've never been confident enough to do until recently, because I've just always had social anxiety.  
In some occasions, I speak out against influencers who are making it seem like veganism is unhealthy for their own benefit – not to start drama – but because I feel it’s really hurting the movement and that could be disastrous for animal liberation. I really don’t draw my claws out unless I sense hostility.  
Otherwise, I'm a humble person, who understands that not everyone can see past the constant advertisements, posters, magazine ads and billboards that glorify the meat & dairy industry, and are shoved in our faces on a daily basis... after all, they are literally every-fucking-where … and I was once under that thrall myself because of that. So, I can sympathize.  
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Do you prefer Beyond Burger or Impossible Burger?
Without hesitation I would choose Beyond Burger.
When I first tried both burger patties, I got a bit weirded out, because their texture, taste, and even the way it ‘bleeds’ just tastes and feels like real meat- it's kind of scary... for that reason, I don’t eat burgers too often.  
But overall, I love the thickness of the patty, taste and texture of Beyond Burgers way better.
I don’t really consider Impossible Burger to be vegan - I only consider it plant-based.  
Now, what the hell does that mean?  
It is Plant based because there are no animal products in it... But I don’t consider them cruelty free, or vegan, because they do test on animals when there’s absolutely no need to. Animal testing = Animal torture. They have verbally stated that they’re catering to the meat-eating population and have served actual dairy based cheeses with their product while lying about it. [see link here for details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zoibL0mtkk ]
I do believe that [Impossible Foods] are trying to do a genuinely good thing by introducing a plant-based food to meat eaters, I just can’t take a bite out of an impossible burger now, without the thought in the back of my head of lab rats being exploited just so I can eat this. I have no problem with those who eat their products, that’s just how I personally feel.
That being said, even before Impossible foods changed their policy to include animal testing, I still considered Beyond Burger to be the better of the two, again due to the patty thickness and overall taste.
As a possible alternative, I hear the brand LIGHTLIFE is introducing burger patties too, so that’s another option for people who like the ‘realistic’ burger patties.
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How do you feel about the comment that pesticides/herbicides and the plant harvesting machines kill small animals and therefore a plant-based diet still kills animals?
So, the thing about veganism is that less animals die as a result of that lifestyle change. So, allow me to yeild the question...What’s worse? Your standard American diet that contributes to billions upon billions of animals being raped, slaughtered, skinned & exploited for our fashion and taste buds...? ...or a plant based vegan diet where a few small animals and insects might be harmed by pesticides?  On the other hand a large percentage of the crops being grown are meant to feed the animals being sent to slaughter, so I really don’t see how this evens the odds here.
Of course, if there were a way to do this without harming even a fly, any vegan would opt for that option – and should that option arise, trust me, I –and most vegans- will make that change. But I personally think that using that to ‘refute’ the lifestyle- which some people do- is ridiculous & idiotic.
I’ve recently started growing my own strawberries, broccoli, limes, peppers and asparagus to take those items off my grocery list, and imo, they taste way better, and are not treated with pesticides. That only knocks a tiny percentage off my menu items list though...
Since my yard size is quaint & small, it’s not practical for me to create an entire home farm to feed myself when I can just go to the grocery store.  
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How do you feel about the “ex-vegan" youtubers?
I think it’s very upsetting to have viewers being lied to by their influencers- some of whom stopped being vegan a long time ago, and lied about it for financial gain. It is disrupting the growth in the movement.
Most of these ‘ex-vegans’ have similar things in common:  
raw diets -a dangerous practice-  
Vegan for extreme weight-loss
alkaline water every single day
Juice detoxes for unreasonable amount of time
Did not take medication for gut health, then blamed said ailment on veganism
Water fasting for weeks at a time – with no food at all
Didn't consume enough calories
NONE of their videos talk about doing it for Animals
Over-restricted themselves, often only eating one thing, like papaya for example, for days at a time
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The main issue here, is they weren’t eating well, and as a result got sick.  
To be clear... you can get sick from ANY DIET if you’re not getting the nutrients you need.  
Meat eaters, vegans, vegetarians, ... seriously whatever your diet may be– make sure you get the nutrients you need!
But the issue here is that they didn’t take responsibility for spreading the ‘weight-loss propaganda’ and pseudo medicine practices that got them sick in the first place, lied about not feeling well for the sake of their businesses, then proceeded to take money from people buying their programs... while they were feeling sick and potentially making other people sick! ...And none of them have given any refunds for their “meal plans”.
From the veganism movement point of view, the fact that they’re blaming everything on veganism, rather than their dangerous nutrient-lacking practices, is turning every one they’ve influenced away from veganism.  
Most of their influencers who genuinely wanted to go vegan for animals who could have gotten sick from these disgusting practices, are not only having failing health, but also feel helpless that they couldn’t do what they intended for animal liberation... and that’s very disappointing and makes me sad.
Vegan zombie made a video that shares my sentiments.  
See it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sK_pySNNFK0
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Adding to that, how do you feel about the Raw Alignment Interview video?
So, the funny thing about this video is that she got caught in a lie... and she used this interview to sort of justify that lie, and then proceeds to reveal that she was lying some more.  
check these comments below:
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First, she says she stopped being plant-based 3 months prior, then 7 months (September). Another youtuber actually has proof that she messaged her asking about doing less vegan videos on her channel 2 years ago....??? Which she actually denies in this interview. Huh?  ...and then she admits she lied to a fellow vegan because she wasn’t ready to be ‘outed’? ..what?
I still feel left in the dark, and there are way too many contradictions in this video.  What she wanted to be a ‘redemption’ video turned into a sloppy attempt to hide more lies.
On top of that - the guy conducting the interview, claims to be a moderator, and yet is also an ex-vegan who believes that all vegans have digestive issues and are masking it to promote the movement.... um... huh? it’s completely one-sided.
The problem I have with this, is she’s justifying the practice of lying to her audience. IMO, that’s not fair to her audience, whether it has to do with veganism or not, because thousands of her followers were following her advice of only eating avocado with chips for a week straight or water fasting... she’s making people sick... and getting paid for it. It is very upsetting... I hate it when people lie, even more so when the health of other people are at risk.  
See interview video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcV4rUhitPI&t=1052s
What would you tell people who are afraid of going plant-based because of this “ex-vegan" drama?
I would say, do your research! Don’t follow just anyone on YouTube and blindly do as they say. You'll notice most of these fake influencers will tell you to eat one way because it ‘feels good’ rather than saying, ‘hey, this study from world health org proved this is good for you’.
I would also say, don’t be afraid! It's been proven so many times that plant-based foods are healthier and promote optimum health. The CDC, and the WHO have consistently found that meat, dairy and eggs contribute to high cholesterol, diabetes, & heart disease. Meanwhile, a vegan diet includes zero cholesterol, and has been shown to reverse heart disease!
I think a great YouTube channel to look out for is Gojiman because he’s got the nutrition education to give advice and is great at explaining why’s and the how’s. See his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8zKmTVcs5s3IIR2DVlxfzA/videos
Also, when keeping in mind which influencers to follow – pay attention to the ones who talk about the animals. The ones that aren’t vegan mainly for health/weight-loss, tend to promote a way of eating that contains more daily nutrients and calorie intake. It's just a trend I’ve noticed.
Also, I have a lovely playlist of reactions, recipes, and detailed information on the lifestyle you can check out here:  
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Do you have family/friends who aren’t vegan? And how do you deal with them?
Yes! Lots! Haha; and I don’t really ‘deal with them’ in any way.  
They are aware that my husband and I are vegan, and they do joke about it.  
We take no offense, and usually they lay off when we don’t give a reaction.  
I have had talks with my parents about introducing more plants into their diets because they’re getting older and are trying to be healthier, but I don’t over-impose anything on them. I take vegan foods and they at least try them, which is awesome! They’re my family and I'll always care about them no matter what they eat.
When we have parties with friends, I usually bring something vegan, and they’ll try it and most of the time will love it and go back for seconds.  
It's actually not uncommon for vegans to have family and friends who are not vegan.  
So long as there is mutual respect for one another (at least vocally lol), we all get along quite nicely.  
I honestly don’t think I've met a real vegan who doesn’t genuinely care about someone who eats meat.
We're really not a judgmental bunch - I think that’s one of the things people assume about vegans, and it’s completely untrue.  
What is your favorite healthy meal???
Healthy meal... I love Buddha bowls! They're so easy to make and you can make several variations.
My fave Buddha bowl would consist of roasted Sweet potato wedges, quinoa with lime & hot sauce, sautéed edamame, and grilled kale with avocado ….and a sh*t ton of sriracha.  
It’s super filling and is a good source of iron, protein, potassium, magnesium, niacin, folate, lutein, beta-carotene, B vitamins, Vitamin A, B6, E, C, K, Calcium, riboflavin, phosphorus, and Omega 3 fatty acids.  
No joke- it contains all those nutrients, I just looked it up! 
The best thing is that you can make so many different versions of the Buddha Bowl, and I change it up every time!
I never opt for organic foods or gluten free... I just don’t really feel it making a difference in my body, or taste, so why not go for the more affordable items?
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What is your favorite vegan junk food?
Pizza – hands down! Although I could order that in, I still love making it from scratch at home - I just love knowing exactly how much of what is going into it.  
We usually do plain cheese using ‘Follow Your Heart’ Parmesan, which melts really well, but every so often, I'll endulge and get some vegan pepperoni from the market.
My husband loves sweets, and I love savory... so, while my fave junk foods include vegan burgers, pizza, corn dogs, hot dogs, tamales, veg jerky.... his favorites include vegan donuts, cinnamon rolls, cakes, and pan dulce.
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Do you miss any food since going vegan?
There is honestly a vegan version of anything these days... I'd have to say there isn’t anything I miss.
I've had vegan tamales, pozole, tacos, birria, bolillos, pan dulce, elotes and so much more (yes, I'm mexican- can you tell?).
The only thing I was missing for a while were hot cheetos, but last year I discovered a brand called ‘peatos’ which doesn’t exclusively make vegan chips, but their fiery hot flavor is vegan and fill the void it my heart that cheetos left …. so no. I'm not missing anything at all.
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What’s your all-time favorite batman comic story arc?
Okay, so this is a complicated question... one of my top faves is ‘The Long Halloween’ because of the ending.  
Who knew Barbara Gordon could be so evil at a time when the Gotham series wasn’t out yet? That twist gets me everytime I re-read it!
I could easily say I love Crisis on Infinite Earths, Batman Hush, Death in the family, Superman Red Son, Under the Red Hood.... seriously my list is pretty long... but, I have to be completely me honest and some might hate me for saying this, but I actually do love the Flashpoint story arc. 
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Flashpoint is kind of a touchy subject because it brought about the new 52 issues that divided some fans.  
But when you isolate the story of Flashpoint, it really gets insane, I mean, it wasn’t just thrown together for the sake of rebooting the universe. Barry Allen had a reason to try to change the past – his love for his mother.  
It sets off a course of events that creates an alternate reality where Bruce Wayne actually dies in the alley with his Mother and His Father, Thomas Wayne was the sole survivor of the mugging, leaving him to be an older, vengeful, blood-thirsty, gun-slinging Batman... and it’s just a nice contrast to the Batman we’ve always seen.  
Sure, take the costume away, and he’s basically the Punisher, but what makes this different, is that we don’t see Batman under that light very often.
Tie in the Amazon war against Atlantis and ...omg, does the drama ensue!  
Plus, that touching letter that Thomas writes to his son, that Bruce gets to read at the end …*cry* it’s so sweet! 
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How are you liking the Titans & Doom Patrol series?  
So just so you know, DC Universe online is SO WORTH IT if you are into classic shows/movies and love to read comics – they have a huge collection you can read at your leisure. And the new series that they’re producing are all looking amazing!  
Okay, back to the shows....
I’m going to jump on Titans first...
OMG, they mention veganism with Beast Boy! Way to represent! Beast Boy has been a favorite of mine ever since the original teen titans animated series ...I’m going to be honest and admit here that I haven’t read any of the Titans comics before watching that series.  
I love his inclusion in the Doom Patrol. He is well written, with the exception of only being able to turn into a tiger for some reason? I’m hoping that in later seasons, he’ll somehow harness the power to change into tons of other animals as he does in every other incarnation of the character. It’s also weird that he’s not always green...? But appearance isn’t as important as his development. We see his struggles with his powers, especially when he kills someone as a tiger, and how he copes with that. His relationship with Raven feels authentic and for some reason not at all creepy, even though she looks like she’s 10 years younger than him. 
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Raven is a bit of a different story, she dwelled further from the comics than usual... not knowing that she is part demon or who her father is, and not having the knowledge of where she’s from is different than the Raven stories that we’re used to... so it takes a while to get used to that idea – not to say that the show fails... but it’s a bit difficult to retrain your brain with these things sometimes. She seems exceedingly whiny at first, until I realized she’s just a teenager, and teenagers, let’s just face, can be very whiny indeed. We’re so used to seeing her as a ‘hardened’ persona; monotone and serious. This show, it feels like they just grabbed a normal girl and put makeup and a wig on her ...and- voila! She's Raven. It’s out of character, but for the sake of the storyline, it actually somehow works. 
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Robin shows a fairly dark side that I think we’ve only seen in comics thus far; he is trying to prove himself capable of going solo and as a result tries to disassociate himself from Batman, stating that he doesn’t want to get to the tipping point that he believes Bruce has. I love his history with Dove and the struggle to strive to the best while keeping his head down. I like that he gets to see vigilantes from the cops’ point of views when they put down the idea of Robin coming into their neighborhood. He's a lot more well-rounded here with a bit more history, too. Not only are the Flying Graysons part of his story, but his love life and relationship with Batman play a vital role in his development.  
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At first glance of Star Fire, I had mixed reactions... “I hate that costume”, “why is she wearing fur?”, “why is her skin not orange?” ...and yes, some of that still kinda-sorta bothers me, but little by little, they’re bringing more of her backstory to light as the season progresses, and she ended up being one of my favorite characters.
I still think she should be able to fly, and I do miss how disconnected she is with human culture in other renditions of the character. But once again, this show makes it work, and I love it! 
Also, it looks like next season will give us a more comic-book inspired look to Starfire - so I can’t wait to see how that will turn out.
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Why TF isn’t Cyborg in this?!
Oh... he’s in Doom Patrol?! 
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So DOOM PATROL, is an interesting series... it’s weird, and just so random, and I actually really love it!
Anything that brings more of the lesser known comic characters will always be something I'd be interested in.
But the fact that this show is just as ridiculous as the comics, I think, is amazing.  
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I mean, they gave us a donkey is being used as a portal...  go in the donkey’s mouth, and out his butt?  
A bunch of bad guys made of  dead skin and letters that were never sent...
Using beads dipped in sriracha for a protection spell...
You can’t get more ridiculous that that! This is typically something you only see in comic books and I love that it’s something that they don’t worry about making more realistic on this show, and that’s something that most show runners don’t take a risk in doing.
I can’t really dwell too much on this because I am not completely caught up with the show... but I definitely will be soon!
TITANS & DOOM PATROL – both great shows worth watching!
How excited are you for the JOKER movie?
I don’t think I could possibly be more excited. Joaquin Phoenix is an amazing actor (and vegan)!  
From the trailer it looks like they might be going with the Joker origin story from ‘The Killing Joke’?
However, I think it will purely be based on the development of the joker because it doesn’t look like they’re going to fast forward to the future where he shoots batgirl (and maybe rapes her?) and kidnaps Jim Gordon, and tries to make him break down.... at least nothing relating to that appeared on the trailer, but I guess we’ll have to wait until October to see.
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What shows are you watching right now?
Other than Doom Patrol?
On HBO, I watch Veep & Barry and  ...in about a week, I'll be watching Game of Thrones – the anticipation is KILLING me!
On Netflix... I’ve seen part one of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina ...I love the satanic visuals- so cool! Will be watching Part 2 soon.  
I also love the Punisher series, but we all know that’s not renewed – but it’s fun to re-watch.  
LOVE DEATH & ROBOTS is a great one that has beautiful animation and well, written short stories. 
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I often go and re-watch ‘the office’ and the series ‘you’ as well.
Spanish shows I like include ‘Club de Cuervos’ & ‘Diablero’ 
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Any new comics recommendations?
Border Town! Omg, I love it!  
Not going to explain... just go read it! ...you’ll see!  
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I love writing reactions and answers to questions.
Thanks to those who contributed their questions on IG  
~Ambivalent Thought
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thesilverwitch · 7 years
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The Esbats, or Wiccan lunar holy days, celebrate the moon’s passage around the Earth. The Esbats offer Wiccans a chance to regularly put aside time to step away from the ordinary world and dedicate time to spiritual reflection and/or magical work. In Wicca, each phase of the Moon is noted, because different kinds of Moon energy are used for different kinds of magick. Some groups extend these celebrations to include the dark moon/new moon, or even the first and last quarters. In many traditions, the eight festivals of the Wheel of the Year (Sabbats) are considered times of celebration, while the main “magickal work” is done on the Esbats. If you’re having a hard time figuring out what phase the moon is in, there are many phone apps and websites that track it. Here are the usual basics. (Please Note: if you do not wish to practice magick for any reason at any time on any phase, you can simply meditate on the moon phases. For example, during the dark/new moon you would meditate on banishing something severely negative in your life instead of performing an intense banishment spell. If you don’t have the time or energy to meditate or practice magick for any reason at any time on any phase, that’s okay! Take a break!) 
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Dark Moon/New Moon
A potent time for your most powerful destructive magick. Note, destructive does not necessarily mean 'harmful'. You don't have to destroy a person.
Magickal workings conducive to the dark moon include destroying or banishing very powerful things, such as unwanted entities, addictions or serious diseases. I would not use this time lightly-- it's got a little too much 'umph' behind it to just get rid of a whiny ex who still calls you once in a while, to break your habit of having a second cup of coffee in the morning, or if you have the sniffles. But if you were dealing with, say, a stalker, a drug addiction, cancer, etc.-- something that poses a serious threat -- then this is the best timing for it.
Waxing Crescent Moon
When the moon is "waxing" it appears to be growing, the period from the dark to full moon phases. It's magnetic energy assists with bringing things to out. This entire waxing period is the best time to work with constructive magick, or magick that builds things/brings things to us.
The waxing crescent is the best time for magick on yourself (or on the subject) pertaining to new beginnings, such as starting a new project or making plans for the future. If you're looking to conjure energies into your life such as a more positive attitude, more patience, more understanding in your relationship, this is the perfect timing for such goals. When you want to cast spells for self improvement, such as if you want to improve your psychic abilities, to absorb the information in a new class, or bring out your inner beauty, this is the time to do it. Artists or anyone artistic/creative will find this the best time to cast spells or perform meditations that will bring inspiration and passion into your work.
First Quarter Moon 
The First Quarter, or Waxing Half Moon, is the time when energies are most conducive to attraction. Unlike the Waxing Crescent, which is best for going within and bringing things out, this is the best time for magick that attempts to draw things outside of yourself to you.
Use this time for spells and meditations meant to attract things you want in your life, such as money, protection or success. It's also an ideal time for attracting people into your life, such as friends, lovers and clients. If you're looking for an animal companion or have one that you want to bond with, this is a good time to perform the workings.
If you're looking for a lost object, or house hunting, etc., this is a good time to perform spells for success in that area to help you bring that which you most desire into manifestation.
Waxing Gibbous Moon 
The Waxing Gibbous is still a time for constructive magick, best used towards 'reeling in' that which you've been working for already. If you started a project and it's floundering, stalled, if you're at the point when the thing you're working for is coming into the home stretch and you need some extra energy to bring it home, the Waxing Gibbous will give it a boost.
This phase is a great energy for renewing your strength, will and determination to see your efforts through. If you are giving in to temptation on your diet, working hard toward something and feeling burnt out or are at the point where you're getting lazy and distracted from completing your tasks, give yourself a power boost during the Waxing Gibbous.
Full Moon
When the Earth is caught between the moon and the sun, the result is the Full Moon bearing the most powerful energies of the lunar cycle. The Full Moon is often seen by people as 'all purpose'-- it's energies are prismatic in that it flows into all areas and needs, be it constructive or destructive.
Even more so than the Dark Moon, the Full Moon is a time you would utilize for extra power when you're facing very difficult challenges. This is not just for minor mundane tasks, such as looking for the energy to reorganize your closet or trying to clear negativity out of the house after an argument; this is a time to reserve for those important things in your life that need major changes or major boosts.
While you can plan spells for anything, utilize this energy for your priorities that really matter in your life. If you need to win a court case, or find a new job with better pay to prevent you from losing your home,
Magicks and meditations revolving around spirituality, psychic development, dreams and divination are particularly well times for the Full Moon.
Waning Gibbous Moon
After the Full Moon peaks, we enter the waning half of the lunar cycle. Waning energies repel rather than attract, so it's a good time to begin working on spells to get rid of things.
Minor banishings can begin with the Waning Gibbous. This is a good time for general cleansings to upkeep your home, office, garden or any of your personal spaces, etc., to keep things from mounting up. This is also a good time to cleanse any personal objects you may have, such as your jewelry or magickal tools. Think of this more like routine dusting-- there's no major build-up, you're just trying to keep things clear to prevent problems.
If you have something for which you need closure, or if you're ready to end something in your life (such as an unfulfilling relationship or unsatisfying business venture), this is a good time for spells to bring things to their fruition.
As for meditations and divination, rather than looking to the future or onto new things, it's a good time for introspection. Where have your previous attitudes and actions brought you? What things in your life have been affecting you most? Are you happy with where you are? Do you need to make any attitude or behavior adjustments?
Third Quarter Moon
The Third Quarter, or the Waning Half-Moon, is the perfect timing for dealing with obstacles or leaping over hurdles that might cause you to stumble on your way. Whenever you've been working toward something, and there's a roadblock in your path, the timing of this moon phase offers appropriate energies for helping you burst through it.
Temptations are the number one thing I like to deal with during the Third Quarter. If I'm finding that I often want to cheat on my life-diet, or lay in bed rather than get up and do my exercise, or watch TV and fool around on the internet rather than working, I banish that temptation with a spell.
Another good use of this moon phase's energy is in aiding with transitions, whether these are transitions that you have to make or simply want to make in your life. It can help smooth out any wrinkles that might cause snags as you go on your way.
Waning Crescent Moon
If you need to clear your life and home of negativity, stress, strife, chaos, etc., now is the time to do it. The Waning Crescent, as it approaches the Dark Moon phase, it suitable for stronger banishing than at any other time of the waning moon phases. Get rid of whatever has been plaguing you-- anything you find to be seriously annoying, frustrating or concerning (save things that are serious threats for that Dark Moon).
If you need things to end-- not just to finish up and bring to a close, but things that no longer serve you that you need to just stop in their tracks-- this moon phase is a good time to do it. Dropping a hopeless project, relationship, friendship, etc. is best done at this time. This is a good time to cast a spell for anything for which you wish to bring about a swift and benign ending.
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January Full Moon 
The Wolf Moon, also known as the, Cold, Snow or Winter Moon, etc., is a time of protection and strength. The Wolf Moon can be seen as a time of both beginnings and endings.
February Full Moon 
The Storm Moon, also known as the Death or Quickening Moon, etc., is a time to do magick for fertility and strength. In the olden days, it was a time of true hardship.
March Full Moon 
The Chaste Moon, also known as the Seed or Worm Moon, etc., the Chaste Moon is a time to plant mental seeds- thoughts of success and hope. This is also a time of purity and newness. It is a time to mentally prepare yourself for new experiences.
April Full Moon 
The Seed Moon, also known as the Egg, Grass, or Wind Moon, etc., This is the time to sow the seeds of Magick. If you're planting a magickal garden, you want to get out there and put things into the earth. This is a time to move your planning phase into action.
May Full Moon 
The Hare Moon, also known as the Flower or Planting Moon, etc., is a time of health, love, romance, and wisdom. It is also a great time to rekindle the romantic spark and passion in a relationship.
June Full Moon 
The Lovers Moon, also known as the Strawberry or Rose Moon, etc., the Lovers Moon brings with it energy for love, marriage, and success.
July Full Moon 
The Mead Moon, also known as the Blessing, Lightning, or Thunder Moon, etc., is a time of enchantment, health, rebirth, success and strength. It is also a time of celebration and magick. Remember that mead is the nectar of the Gods. Now is a good time for prosperity magick.
August Full Moon 
The Wyrt Moon, also known as the Wort, Barley, Corn, or Red Moon, etc., is a time of abundance, agriculture and marriage. At this time you might want to do magick to help someone else reap the benefits of the Earth's abundance. (With their permission of course!)
September Full Moon 
The Harvest Moon, also known as the Barley or Hunters Moon, etc., the harvest Moon is a time of protection, prosperity, and abundance. The energy of the Harvest Moon will help along any magick that is geared to bring you or someone else abundance.
October Full Moon 
The Blood Moon is sometimes called the Falling Leaf or Hunters Moon, etc. It is a Moon of new goals, protection, resolution, and spirituality. The night of the Blood Moon is a great time for divination of any kind. At this time of year all of nature is making ready for winter. This is a time to reflect on what you did during the year and to evaluate your accomplishments.
November Full Moon 
The Snow Moon, is also known as the Beaver, Mourning, or Tree Moon etc. This is a good time to work with abundance, prosperity, and the bonds of family and friendship. This is also an excellent time to use divination to get an idea of what's up ahead. Remind yourself that although winter is coming, it will not last forever.
December Full Moon 
The Oak Moon, also known as the Cold or Long Night Moon, etc., the oak Moon is a time for hope and healing. This time of the year the Moon has reign over the earth, because there are more hours of night than day. Our thoughts turn to rebirth of the light and the longer days that are promised after winter solstice. This is a great time to let go of old patterns or problems and start anew. If something has been eating at you for a long time, work to give it up at this time. Let go of the negative and let the light of longer days shine inside you.
How to Use Moon Phase Magick
Some would argue that your need may not always correspond with the best moon phases timing-- and that we don't always have 3 weeks to wait for the 'ideal timing'. I would say to these people: use your imagination!
For example, if you want to lose weight, look at the moon phases. If it's the Waxing Crescent, cast a spell to improve your energy or willpower. If it's the Waxing Gibbous, cast it to triumph over cravings and urges to eat the wrong foods. If it's the Waning Half-Moon, cast the spell to destroy the tempting effects that bad foods hold over you. No matter what the moon phase, you can use it toward your goal.
Likewise, along the same line of thinking, some will also say that certain goals are best for certain moon timings-- for example, a lot of the guides will say divorce spells are best suited for the Third Quarter or Waning Crescent. I would say: consider what you are trying to accomplish.
If you are starting your divorce proceedings and want to conjure up your own strength and resolve to deal with it, use the Waxing Crescent. To find a great lawyer, the First Quarter. For an overall boost to have it turn out in your favor, go for the Full Moon. If the divorce is dragging on due to negotiations, scheduling, paperwork and red tape, use the Third Quarter. If you just want it over quickly and done with, use the Waning Crescent. If you're dealing with a particularly nasty divorce with a soon-to-be ex-spouse who is playing dirty, trying to slander you or bringing false accusations against you, etc., utilize the power of the Dark Moon to destroy these efforts and make them backfire on him or her.
There are other ways to fine tune your spell timing as well; you can also go by planetary hours, days of the week, or the Moon Sign (the astrological sign through which the moon is currently passing). To fine-tune your timing even more, trying using more than one-- the right phase, in the right planetary hour, on the right day of the week in the ideal moon phases would offer a huge boost to your efforts-- if it can happen. Unfortunately, all the elements don't always line up quite so neatly; but the more you can put to your advantage, the better.
One final thing to remember: magick isn't an exact science. Like cooking, there are basic techniques to learn, but you should practice, experiment, and adapt them to your own needs and uses. You might discover that certain types of spells are always more effective for you on the First Quarter-- don't worry if me or some other writer recommends doing them on the Third Quarter. Do what works for you. Witchcraft involves a lot of trial and error because no matter what information you can learn about the energies around you and their influences, your own personal energies are always going to bring a new twist to it. It's not about who's wrong and who's right, but finding what works for you.
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Nutrient Deficiencies and Infertility
Do you know nutrient deficiencies are one of the most unaddressed contributors to infertility?
Yes, that’s right. It takes a hell lot of nutrients to build a baby. And your body is really smart. It won’t drive any of those nutrients into making a baby unless it makes sure that the mom-to-be, is having adequate nutrients, not only to survive but to thrive.
You probably heard me say a thousand times already: REPRODUCTION IS ABOUT SURVIVAL. And your body won’t prioritize making a baby unless it is sure that it’s safe enough to make a baby.
I have addressed stress, blood sugar balance, digestion, and infections. And today, I want to talk about nutrient deficiencies. How they affect fertility, the most common causes of nutrient deficiencies, and which are the critical nutrients needed when trying to conceive #TTC.
There is no doubt that nutrients are essential, and we need nutrients to live. That’s why we can only survive a certain number of days without food. We need nutrients to live, to function, to perform… we need nutrients to function correctly. But especially when we’re trying to conceive, because it is precisely then, that we don’t need to survive, we need to thrive.
Often, nutrient deficiencies are not identified by your doctor. Sometimes because they’re just simply not looked for. Other times, because they’re not that obvious to see on a blood test. Why? The main reason is that conventional doctors look at conventional reference ranges, which are built considering the actual population. These ranges are created by taking a sample that represents the general population and then set an average and create the reference range. But haven’t you noticed that the general population is sicker by the minute? Compare today’s population to our grandparent’s. Chronic conditions are more and more prevalent these days…
If you fall within the range consistently, your doctor won’t red-flag it, unless maybe you’re too close to one of the cuts, or just right out of the range…
In Functional Medicine, we look into reference ranges differently. From that population, functional medicine considers only those that are healthy and establish the ranges in where these people feel their best. At their optimal. So, while you may not be deficient in the eyes of your doctor to make an intervention, you may be dealing with a deficiency that’s preventing you from feeling your best, being at your optimal, and most importantly, that may be preventing you from being able to conceive.
Pregnancy is truly a miracle. There so many things that have to happen at the precise exact moment that trust me; you want to be at your best to have the best chances for that to happen.
Let’s look at the most common causes nutrient deficiencies:
This is the most obvious one, but also the most common.
You have no idea how many of my clients come to me having what it seems to be a pretty healthy diet already, but when we dig deeper, we identify severe nutrient deficiencies.
I get it. Nutrition is very confusing.
The information out there, on the internet, social media, magazines, newspapers… is very contradictory. Some say you shouldn’t eat fat, while others say the keto diet saved their lives. Some say you need to eat several times a day while others advocate for fasting as a healing tool… some say humans are the only mammals to drink milk as adults while others say milk is a pretty nutrient-dense food… Don’t eat meat. It causes cancer. But wait, meat is a good source of protein. Eat a plant-based diet. But wait, you won’t get your vitamin B12 then….
So, what’s gonna be?
As I said, very confusing…
I don’t believe in the perfect diet. And I certainly do not believe in miracle diets. I think we’re all different, and what’s right for me can be bad for the person next to me. And even I go further: what’s right for me now, might not be right for me in the future or another situation.
So, finding the RIGHT DIET FOR YOU, is where you want to get. And for that, there are two options: either you try and use trial and error, or you work with a nutrition professional that helps you along the way.
I went for the first option and got right where I want to be. It took me no less than six years… I wish I had had someone that helped me through the process, but in my case, I wouldn’t be here if I had, so for that, I’m grateful.
What I can tell you is that there are three basic rules or principles you can follow to make sure you maximize your nutrient intake:
Make sure you eat enough.
Make sure you eat a variety of foods.
Eat seasonally and locally, when you can.
If you follow these rules, you have 80% done. Yes. 80%! The other 20% is a matter of finding your bio-individuality: which foods work best for you, adjusting your quantities, and identifying your timings.
But I often find that people, especially women, tend to under-eat, tend to eat quite regularly the same foods, and also won’t eat with the season.
Ladies, under-eating is HUGE. If you don’t get enough food, enough nutrients, your body will turn your STRESS MODE on. You will enter into a sympathetic dominant state and your body will think there is an immediate threat (famine), and it needs to deal with it. So, you will not get pregnant, just because your body won’t see the timing as safe enough to reproduce.
Eat a variety of foods is also not that easy. We are working women, with a working, social, and family life. We like and enjoy going to the gym, hanging out with friends, going to the movies, going shopping, have a nice dinner at fancy restaurants, or junk food at crappy but cool places… whatever is your choice, what I find is that when it comes to eating patterns, we tend to eat always the same. We are creatures of habit. Raise your hand if you’ve lived in one of those houses where the food for the week was super structured: Chicken on Mondays, Lentils on Tuesdays, Pasta on Wednesdays, Beef on Thursdays, Fish on Fridays… and so on… I know that if I went to my grandmas’ place for lunch on a Thursday, I will get pasta while if I chose Fridays, I will get fish.
This is a great tool for organizing, and especially for those with big families, it is a lifesaver… but, it also has the caveat that you can fall into a routine and miss the chance to widen the array of foods to eat. Different foods have different nutrients… and we get the most of them when we change, vary, and mix different foods into different dishes…
Eat with the season is another one I find missing pretty often. Come on, strawberries in November? I won’t judge, I do it myself sometimes too.
We tend to buy in the bigger supermarkets where we have everything we want, and we tend to buy less at the local, tinny grocery store… But we need to understand something. The fruit and vegetables that we buy that are out of season have not been grown locally. Which entails three issues: First, because there were not grown close to where you live and need to be transported. So, they were not picked up when ripe, which is when they are at its maximum nutrition point. They were picked up before that, so that they can ripe on their way to your store and at your store shelves or fridge.
Second, because they are grown far away from where you live, they have to be transported to your store, which entails environmental pollution and contamination.
Third, by buying seasonal, local fruit, and veggies you are also maximizing your nutrient intake, and at the same time, supporting your local community. A win-win.
The second most common reason for nutrient deficiencies, is malabsorption. This means that even when you’re getting all the nutrients you need from your diet; those nutrients don’t get to the cell.
This is very common. Things like not chewing your food enough, low stomach acid, lack of pancreatic enzymes, food sensitivities, gut infections, mold toxicity, heavy metals toxicity… among other things, can diminish your nutrient absorption capacity.
I have a 2-part blog post on Digestion and Fertility, where I talk specifically about nutrient absorption and how it can impact your fertility. Check them out to know all the details:
Fertility and Gut Health (part 1)
Fertility and Gut Health (part 2)
The birth control has done so much good and so much bad at the same time. But one thing is sure, antioxidants, B vitamins, and important minerals such as selenium and zinc are depleted when a woman is taking an oral contraceptive. A woman’s nutritional requirement increases during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and many times these women have taken the birth control pill for years before trying to get pregnant, which contributes to difficulty trying to conceive.
Dr. Jolene Brighten explains it in this article Birth Control – What Doctors Don’t Say About Birth Control Effects in the Body and on her book Beyond the Pill.
There are also some medications that will deplete us from nutrients. Metformin is know to deplete youor Vitamin B12, antacids are know for blocking the HCL production, which leads to malasbsorption and nutrient deficiencies…
Often times, it is not one or the other, but the combination of the two. That’s why I like to run the GI MAP Test on all my patients struggling with fertility.
Once identified what’s causing your nutrient status to be lower than needed for optimal fertility, let’s briefly talk mention which nutrients are especially important when trying to conceive:
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B6
Folate (B9)
Vitamin K2
Vitamin D
Fish Oil
The nutrients above are the key nutrients to include in your diet when trying to conceive. That’s why I recommend taking a prenatal vitamin complex that includes most of these nutrients.
Why? Can’t I rely on the food I eat?
A question I get very often…
Well, you should… but having a good quality prenatal supplement is like having a good insurance policy… something that will cover for the deficiencies you might have…
Originally published here : https://www.beatrizmendezdelrio.com/nutrient-deficiencies-and-infertility/ 
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The 10 best protein powders to whip you into shape
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Richard Jones Daily Telegraph
Protein shakes have an image problem. Historically, their marketing has focused on images of pumped up men trying to emulate charismatic Austrians (we love you Arnie!), instantly alienating half of the population in one fell swoop. 
The common misconception among women was that taking protein shakes would mean being lumped with a load of muscle. But the protein world has had a bit of a shake up this decade, with products specifically targeting the female demographic as the health and fitness benefits of supplementing your diet with protein (besides the muscle building) are becoming more widely known and promoted.
"Protein shakes are really useful for anyone who is doing a form of exercise and struggles to get it from their diet," reveals James Exton, co-founder of fitness company LDNM. "It isn’t necessarily for muscle building and is quite an important element to have in your diet for weight loss as well. Our whole ethos is that it’s not going to make you into a monster like the giant men on the tubs. That is just a marketing tool a lot of companies use. ​If you’re a woman, it’s not going to make you a man."
If you weigh 11 stone, it is recommended you eat about 52.5g of protein a day but you will need more than that if you are planning on exercising regularly. "It is quite difficult getting it from your diet alone," says Exton. "If you work busy jobs or you are on the move, than it is hard to get to the requirement. But if you are hitting the mark, don’t buy protein shakes. Most people are deficient to protein to some extent and could use a little help to bolster it."
So if you have decided to go the whey of the protein shake, what are the main things to consider? 
"If you are on a weight loss journey, all you're looking for is a high protein content, low carbohydrate content and low fat content. Some do have higher sugar content so bear that in mind. Some brands are selling at £80 to £90, but I can tell you now, that will not change the way a person looks over and above a protein powder that is £30 for the same size."
To help you decide which protein shake to make, we tried as many as we could get our sweaty hands on, and as if we were protein shake sommeliers, judged them on flavour, texture and how they made us feel after consumption – though unfortunately they didn't make us tipsy.
Here are our humble opinions:
1. Form performance protein 520g
£24, from Planet Organic
One of the main reasons why some people are turned off protein shakes is the high dairy and milk content in some powders, while vegan alternatives have a reputation for unappetizing flavours and smells (unflavoured pea protein will make you never want to eat a vegetable ever again).
Form are changing the game as far as this point is concerned. Their vanilla flavoured hemp, pea and algae protein mix will have you wondering how on earth they did it, while the chocolate caramel superblend tastes exactly like millionaire's shortbread - complete with that malty biscuit flavour.
They also manage to fit in 30 grams of protein per 40g serving along with probiotics and BCAA's to help synthesise and digest your protein intake. With it's cool, mindful packaging (no images of beach hunks and babes vying for attention here), Form is a market disruptor – and a welcome one at that.
Nutritional information per 40g serving: protein - 30 g, carbohydrates - 0.4 g, calories - 149 kcal
2. Protein World The Slender Blend 1.2kg
£25.99, from Protein World
The champion of the protein world. Having reached a level of notoriety in 2015 with a series of adverts that campaigners slammed for promoting "body shaming", Protein World still retains a monster following, with over 700,000 followers on Instagram.
Trying to ignore the marketing and prior conceptions of the brand, we found Protein World to exceed our expectations of what a protein powder could be. It tastes better than many vanilla milkshakes you get in restaurants, and it contains a shopping list of added vitamins and minerals.
As someone who has had issues with protein shake digestion in the past, I was particularly pleased to see the inclusion of a genius probiotic blend, designed to help your gut handle the lactose that's usually found in milky protein shakes.
This is not so much a health supplement as a lifestyle one. I felt oddly revitalised and refreshed after an early morning gym session that usually sees me in a floppy heap on the doormat. However, there is some debate around Protein World's carb count.
Nutritional information per 40g serving (vanilla): protein - 22.9 g, carbohydrates - 7.9 g
3. Whey box 300g
£16.99, from Whey Box
With it's cheesy tag-line ("It's the only whey") and fascinating range of weird and wonderful flavours (gingerbread anyone?), Whey Box is bringing some welcome fun into the protein game. They offer a monthly subscription service, with ten sachets per pack – useful, as you can just chuck them in your shaker without the need for faffing around with scoops or measurements.
The powder is low on calories compared to other products on this list, but high on carbohydrate percentage. Without offering the robust range of extra vitamins and probiotics of the previous two on our list, it was all down to taste with the Whey Box and we have no complaints on that front. Our favourites are strawberry and a surprisingly yummy cookies and cream.
Nutritional information per 30g: protein - 22 g, carbohydrates - 3 g, calories - 120
4. Neat Nutrition lean protein 1 kg
£34, from Neat Nutrition
Neat Nutrition follow Form's vibe of 'hipster' protein, with it's parcel like packaging and emphasis on organic ingredients. The vanilla might not be a match for the mighty form, but this is still a pleasant tasting protein shake (although we weren't so much a fan of their berry flavour).
It also has the added benefit of having matcha green tea blended in with the powder, so we decided to take this protein shake as a breakfast replacement, and found it kept us going all the way until lunch without the need for a coffee. 
Nutritional information per 30 g: protein - 23.1 g, carbohydrates - 2 g, calories - 117kcal
5. Multipower pure whey protein 2kg
£51, from Amazon
The banana mango flavoured Multipower whey protein tastes like those little marshmallow bananas you get at the pic 'n' mix (albeit in liquidised form), which is a lot nicer than it sounds. And the coffee and caramel reminds me of an iced coffee that I mistakenly order on a hot day from Costa. It's not the same as a piping hot coffee, but at least it tastes like what it proposes to be, which in the world of protein shakes is not to be sniffed at.
However the powder does cling to the side of the shaker, leaving some residue – and me wondering whether I've utilised the full amount of powder from the sachet.
They've also added vitamin B6 and Branched-Chain Amino Acids which helps stimulate protein synthesis and could explain the welcome extra kick on the pull-up bar.
Nutritional information per 30 g (banana mango): protein - 24 g, carbohydrates - 1.4 g, calories - 116 kcal
6. Bulk Powders Whey Protein 1 kg
£11.19, from Bulk Powders
This protein powder mixes very well without going bubbly, and tastes rather pleasant at the price point (albeit a little disappointing when compared to the gourmet options on this list). It also contains those very handy BCAAs (but no vitamin B6) which aid workouts – albeit not to the extent of Multipower's product. However it is nearly half the price so out of the cheaper options on the market, we crown Bulk Powders king.
Nutritional information per 30g (vanilla): protein - 24.2 g, carbohydrates - 1.5 g, calories - 122 kcal
7. Precision Complete Whey Protein Powder 2.28kg
£35.95, from Amazon
We're starting to get away from the artisan options, and into the more traditional looking tubs. To my surprise, Precision Complete doesn't taste as synthetic as the ingredients might hint.
While at first it feels like it is going to have a bitter aftertaste, much to my surprise it never reaches this place and instead carries on tasting like a slightly trashy kids party chocolate ice cream or something you'd drink by the litre in order to get over a painful break up. It settles well in the stomach – a lot better than other dairy products in it's price range - all of which makes Precision Complete a good 'cheap and cheerful' option for those none too bothered about flashy branding or marketing ploys.
Nutritional information per 34 g serving: protein - 24.5 g, carbohydrates - 3 g, calories - 129
8. Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey 908 g
£44.99, from Holland & Barrett
Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard, like Precision Complete before it, promises us whey protein isolates - apparently the purest form of whey protein that exists. In truth, this powder does provide a very good workout indeed (I was going at that rowing machine like a madman for a whole hour). However, at the price point, I am left wondering if there is any thing more to this powder. 
In terms of taste, Optimum Nutrition is a very middle of the road option. It is not as sweet as Precision Complete, nor as creamy as Protein World or Form. However, it doesn't stick to the top of your mouth, the powder dissolves well, and it is relatively low on calories. There are better options out there, but you can still do a whole lot worse.
Nutritional information per 50 g serving: protein - 34 g, carbohydrates - 5.5 g, calories - 182 kcal
9. Purition original 500g
£22.95, from Purition
Having found favour among the likes of opera singer Katherine Jenkinsand sports presenter Kirsty Gallacher, Purition is flying the flag on this list for the new trend of wholefood protein ready to shake up the scene this year. Rather than a straight up powder, Purition is a flavoured blend of seeds (including our favourites, chia and kernal), nuts, whey and hemp protein and real flavourings (vanilla pods for examples as opposed to a vanilla flavoured construction from a lab).
With it all looking this uber-healthy it is with a little disappointment that we found the flavour a touch bland and in need of sugar. The directions also tell you to blend it up with milk or yoghurt, which obviously requires a blender. Now, I don't know about you, but I couldn't take a blender into the weights room while keeping a straight face, meaning you'll have to go home before you can take the protein, thus missing the golden 20 minute window after a workout where your protein intake is being optimised.
However we would highly recommend Purition for those terrified of long lists of odd sounding ingredients on the back of protein powders, and those wishing to take their protein with a meal (it works great sprinkled on muesli).
Nutritional information per 40 g (macadamia and vanilla): protein - 15.6 g, carbohydrates - 3.4 g, calories - 198 kcal
10. MyProtein Total Protein 1 kg
£21.99, from MyProtein
Since its founding in 2004, MyProtein has risen to the top of the protein game to become the largest sports nutrition retailer in Europe. We tried their total protein protein product, which scores very highly on the low calorie, low carbohydrate, high protein content scale.
The packaging can some across as a little low-end, and the powder, even when shaking it like a wet dog, doesn't blend very well in a shaker; you might be left with gloopy chunks of protein powder at the bottom. The chocolate initially tastes lovely, but has a clingy aftertaste, like something faintly nuclear is deploying on your taste buds. However with near daily discounts making their products the cheapest on the market (along with Bulk Powders), MyProtein is surely the go-to option for anyone who's primary concern is saving pennies.
Nutritional information per 30g: protein - 25 g, carbohydrates - 1.2 g, calories - 118 kcal
Our favourites
It definitely feels like a changing of the old guard in the protein world. Brands like Form are promoting more mindful imagery and selling their products almost like lifestyle supplements, with a host of vitamins and minerals to keep your health in check past building muscle.
Elsewhere, Whey Box are trying to flip the traditional, rather 'serious' feel of protein tubs and making it tasty and fun. Both are offering that something extra which we can't help but get behind.
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bertinoli · 6 years
A Helpful Overview Of New Zealand Whey Solutions
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Farming leaders back Fonterra-Russia joint venture Fonterra's new joint venture in Russia will see it produce butter and cheese. Dairy farming leaders are backing Fonterra expanding its business interests in Russia. The dairy co-operative is expected to take a 49 per cent stake in a joint venture with Foodline, its main distributor in Russia. Russian media reported that Unifood would produce butter and cheese through the partnership and Fonterra hoped to gain 5 per cent of the Russian market. Fonterra shareholder and Federated Farmers vice-president Andrew Hoggard said the more market opportunities New Zealand had around the world, the better, in response to NZME reports that Fonterra and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade denied news of the $30 million deal was intentionally kept quiet.  "We only consume 5 per cent of what we produce and we export 95 per cent of it so we have got to be selling it around the world." While Russia was a big market, there were risks around its political landscape and Hoggard hoped the co-operative had properly carried out due diligence before undertaking the expansion. "It's worth pursuing some of these markets," he said. He expected it would be discussed among shareholders at the next round of farmer meetings following the interim result announcement in March. Last year, Fonterra invested $11.7m for a 10 per cent equity stake in Lithuanian dairy company Rokiskio Suris, the largest in the Baltic State country. It would enable the dairy giant to secure high-value whey protein ingredients for Eastern and Western European, Middle Eastern and North African markets. Hoggard said he visited Russia two years ago and believed it was a country with which Fonterra could partner. "If we are looking for milk pools in Europe, these are the places we should be going." Fonterra Shareholders' Council chairman Duncan Coull​ said the deal was a management issue and not something that required the attention of the council. "These things happen on a daily basis, we're a $20 billion company. We are there to look at future direction, not manage the business." He said the deal was so small that it was not something the council would have oversight on and nor would he expect it to. He said the venture was about strengthening the relationship Fonterra had with that distribution partner in Russia.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/farming/101407238/farming-leaders-back-fonterrarussia-joint-venture
Choosing the Best Protein Powder in 2018
Replacing a meal by taking a protein powder, is designed to work well in losing weight or reducing fat, but extra calories must not be consumed. If you're looking for a high quality protein powder that's not only good for building muscle, but that's good for you in every way, Garden of Life RAW Protein might be just the product for you. No matter what you're trying to accomplish, you'll have to come up with a plan that fits in your protein powder along with the rest of your diet. You need to find a system and schedule that works for you, no matter what you are taking as a protein powder. If you only go on the reputation of the company, you might miss the best product, because it could come from a new company that no one has ever heard of. It may take some trial and error to find the best protein powder supplement for you among the hundreds available in 2018. Nor does it contain any soy, which many people are also sensitive to and that has some health risks of its own. If your goal is to gain weight or muscle mass, on the other hand, you should eat nutritious meals in addition to any protein supplement you're taking. It contains a variety of proteins that are absorbed at different rates, which means you can benefit from taking this at just about any time. The things we have covered in this article should be helpful to you, but when it comes down to it, you just have to learn how your body reacts to certain types of protein powders. Of course, you also have to work out consistently to get the most benefits. It comes in various flavors, such as vanilla, chocolate and strawberry, so you can enjoy the flavor while it helps you build and repair your muscles. Their RAW Protein is no exception, and this has ingredients you won't find in most other protein powders, such as raw sprouts, beans, grains and seeds. RAW Protein also has probiotics to help with digestion, and healthy greens such as chlorella, so this is definitely one of the healthiest protein supplements you can find. You can even take it at bedtime, so your body absorbs the protein while your resting. Protein powder comes in many different types, but now in 2018, what is the best choice? Syntha-6 contains whey protein isolates, egg albumen, glutamine and essential fatty acids, among other nutrients. Exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet will help you in getting the full benefit from any supplements you take.Your needs and a few guidelines are all you need to pick the right protein powder, and the following article will help. One factor to consider is whether the supplement is a meal replacement or something you're taking in addition to regular meals. This product is completely plant based, so it's suitable if you're trying to avoid dairy products. Garden of Life is a company that makes a variety of supplements, and focuses on using all natural and raw foods. BSN Syntha-6 is a scientifically designed protein supplement put out by Bio-Engineered Supplements and Nutrition.
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A Look At Central Details For Whey Protein
Of all of the things I had tried and studied (and by that point, there were quite a few), the influence of the lessons on my body was profound. I began playing with concepts from both the lessons and other systems, as well as implementing things I was learning about motor control theory, gait, and nervous system activity while working with my clients. They began to feel better than they had in years and their movements changed. I could tell I was figuring out how to deliver what I was learning in a way that worked in a training setting. However, the hip that was angered by the initial attempt of self-improvement was still an irritant and occasionally I felt like something was off. I have always done yoga and strength training, but I needed to stop over-coaching myself. Instead, I put my programming in someone else’s hands, followed the program exactly, and not only did my hip pain clear up, I began to feel a little bit like superwoman because I had developed the efficiency, proprioception, and back mobility to support the work I was doing and develop strength in a variety of ways. I could tolerate a fairly high volume without feeling vulnerable to injury because I had done, at that point, four years of preparatory work. So what, exactly, did I do? I just want to remind everyone reading this I didn’t have any pain when I began my journey, so I am not offering a solution to pain. I became more efficient by changing my pattern, which opened doors to more mobility. I also had less sympathetic tone because my proprioception had substantially increased. The only way to get physically stronger is through repeated exposure to a stimulus that’s more than you are accustomed to, so I didn’t make myself stronger, exactly, though it could be argued I became stronger in a different way than I was before.
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