#also because i couldn't think of literally anyone else who would bother to be in the same room as dmk during any of this lmao
humming-fly · 1 year
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I've been vicariously reveling in @post-it-notes7's recent foray into their version of dark meta knight's No Good Very Bad Day, and naturally have had a shitpost bouncing around in my head the Entire time
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watercurtaincave · 9 months
Sun wukong dating headcanons? ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
𖤓 !! — I [love] you like the sun! Sun Wukong (LMK) / reader
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𖤓 !! — For as long as you knew Wukong, there has been this odd constant about him; and it wasn't the fact that he took everything, seemingly, at face value and joked about a lot of what he was doing (whether he knew what he was doing or not). No, that was just something you come to accept of Wukong, it was the fact that he hated to be alone. For as much as he puts up a front, deeming he is okay alone and he doesn't need anyone by his side, you knew the opposite was true. It always had been; Wukong just wasn't one who could talk about his emotions in a proper manner, and you guessed it was due to the fact he had so many apologies he could not give.
𖤓 !! — Or maybe they were apologies he just can't give due to his own stubbornness and pride, either way for as much as he hated being alone you also knew Wukong hated hurting his friends. Despite the fact that he tends to do it a lot without realizing it. Time and time again he will just get so absorbed within himself, within trying to correct a problem (he most likely caused) and trying to protect his friends that he ends up hurting everyone else instead. From the brotherhood to his student, Wukong has never learnt how to talk to people. Nevertheless, you would suspect he has a habit of thinking if he where to tell people how he was actually feeling they would think different of him; possibly less, possibly weaker.
𖤓 !! — Oh, for how much you love Wukong he always seemed to burn everyone next to him. That's why you have to take a little extra care of his heart, and of him. For despite how long you know him, it'll take a hot minute before he realizes that he's as stuck with you and you're stuck with him.
𖤓 !! — No literally, you're both stuck with each other and there's no getting out of it.
𖤓 !! — You were first introduced to Wukong through the whole godly latter, that and by what MK, Mei, Tang, Chang'e and Ne Zha has told you about the proclaimed Great Sage, Equal to Heaven. You may or may not have spoken to Macaque once or twice as well before you ever met MK's mentor, which really stuck wrong with you at first. If you were meeting one of this "Great Sage's" enemies before you met the "Great Sage" himself, then what did that say about the "Equal to Heaven", huh? That he couldn't be bothered to be around to protect MK? That he's too lazy sleeping somewhere on a fluffy cloud to get up and kick his emo cousin's ass? Yeah, you had been really bitter towards Wukong at first. Even stand-offish when you first met him.
𖤓 !! — Even more creeped out when he used to stare at you for no reason, holding this odd look in his eyes. You had a feeling he wanted to say something, something that seemed to really bug him because even MK pointed out how weird his staring habit was. But he never did. He always kind of bit his tongue and tried to stay his distance from you.
𖤓 !! — You kind of noticed that rather quickly. I mean, how could you not notice when Sun Wukong would dance around MK and Mei to get away from you whenever you walked over. Or how he suddenly went quiet, like he was trying to disappear, when you pipped in on a conversation. Or the way he would actually disappear whenever when you came by and make up some awkward excuse like he left the stove on at home or he needed to feed his pet bird.
𖤓 !! — "I don't even think he has a pet bird.." MK mumbled at that one, not having noticed that you had just walked into Pigsy's until you sat down next to Tang; Who greeted you accordingly with a smile. You simply smiled and nodded back. "Yeah, well what do you expect from a two-timin' schemer who always just happens to disappear when someone comes in." Pigsy commented, shooting his eyes towards you with a cock of his eyebrow. You couldn't help but give in an unamused look, MK and Mei quickly giving you very esthetic hellos. Yet they soon hushed as you shook your head, "If you're saying I had anything to do with the 'Great Sage' suddenly getting cold feet whenever I come by, I don't know what that's about-" "Yeah!" MK suddenly appeared at your side, Mei in tow, "Before we introduced them, the Monkey King said he never has met them before. I just think it's some weird god stuff, that or maybe he's always just conveniently busy when you come around." And with that MK shrugged, giving the group a small smile. "Yeah, no, I think there's more to it." Tang mumbled between slurping his noodles.
𖤓 !! — Yeah, no, I think there's more to it. Why did those words stick in your head? Yeah, no, I think there's more to it. What more could be to Monkey King, Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, have to avoiding you like you were a plague other than him just not liking you for whatever reason? I mean, you've heard all the stories that MK and Tang have dug up about the Monkey King and nothing really ever struck a cord in you. You've listened to them gush about this great hero, a powerful demon that has revealed and bested so many, and none of that gave off the energy that Wukong did when he was around you. So what is his deal?
𖤓 !! — Later that week, after a tired shift of serving costumers, you didn't have the energy to do much other than slug your way back to Pigsy's; And you couldn't help but half-pray to anyone that Wukong was there. "And then I was like!-" And yet you instantly knew the gods were not on your side that day when you heard the Monkey King himself boosting about another fight he conquered. Yet, by the sounds of it, this was an older fight. Not that you were surprised in any way, that was just how the Monkey king seemed to be. He would use voice-sound effects, as well as big dramatic motions, to show how he defeated whichever enemy he was fighting in his tale. All the while, you managed to slip into the shop and quietly sit next to an overly excited Tang (as MK and Mei were sitting front row to hear the story). Yet, just as Wukong was about to get to the climax his eyes met yours and he faltered; His mouth went dry as his whole dramatic disposition came to an abrupt halt. You swore it he looked at you like he saw a ghost, and something about this surely ticked you off. After a day of serving rude costumers and frantic mothers with missing kids, you were about two seconds from smashing Wukong's face into the table.
𖤓 !! — "What? Why do you always look at me like that?" You would retort to the Monkey King with a scrunch of your nose, folding your arms firmly across your chest. Despite the disappointment from Mei and MK seconds before, as Wukong had stopped his dramatic retelling, they paused upon hearing your voice and turned around. You were sure they now understood why Wukong had stopped so suddenly. "I don't look at you like anything," Wukong instantly tried to deny, throwing out a 'pshh' from his mouth and a dismissive wave to drive his claim. Though he turned his back towards you to check the fake watch on his wrist, "Oh, well you look at the time! My cat must be so lonely-" You were tired of his dodging act, "I thought it was a bird." "Well a king can't have too many animals!- pets?" Wukong shot back almost instantly and you swore you could see some sweat rolling down his hidden face. He rubbed the back of his head, keeping his eyes on everything but you. "Yeah, uh-huh, because all your pets looks so real when I went to your little cave of a home with MK that one day to babysit." You would cock an eyebrow up at Wukong, watching as he stiffened in place. You were sure he was glaring daggers at the ground, maybe even thinking of escaping with his fancy god-like magic, "Yeah, uh-huh, as I thought. You have no pets do you, Great Sage? So, do you mind telling me why you've been avoiding me?"
𖤓 !! — For as long as you knew Wukong, you never realized how long you had actually known him for. Centuries of memories you could no longer recall, countless lives that you never knew you experienced, and it all seemed such an artificial answer when it came from Wukong. It felt like another outlandish tale of half-truths he was feeding to you to keep some sort of peace. But it wasn't:
𖤓 !! — At the start of it all, you had been a goddess (immortal like the rest). You hadn't been anyone important, no one that the mortals would remember anyways, you were simply one of the maidens that picked the immortality peaches in the orchard. You had been one of the few immortals who caught Wukong as he stole a peach, and oddly enough (from his recounting) you had let him go. Which made him curious about you. All too curious for his own good. You both would spend evenings and nights in each other's company upon any private setting you could find. In the orchard, in a garden that was rarely occupied, in your own room even. You both talked about everything and nothing, spent evenings somethings just laying and enjoying each other's company. Yet you could not leave the Celestial Realm, you were not on the approved list to do so. And yet when Wukong had left his post to return to his kingdom he still made the dangerous journey to come see you. He tried to convince you to come down with him many times, to come see the mountain of flower and fruits with your own eyes. Even when you told him no, he continued to come back. Until one day he just decided to kidnap you entirely.
𖤓 !! — It wasn't a bad kidnapping, one more like you were about to face sever punishment for associating with the Monkey King despite the status you held among the immortals. He proclaimed he was your hero as Wukong explained how he busted into the room, sweeping you off your feet and escaping the guards that had been sent to capture the two of you. Though it had been the worst mistake of his life.
𖤓 !! — What he hadn't known at the time, what you hadn't know either, was that the Jade Emperor had cursed you upon your assignment to the Peach orchard. If you were ever to escape the confines of the Celestial Realm, if you were to ever eat any of the peaches unauthorized, your divinity would be stripped away as punishment. You would have basically fell from heaven, becoming a mortal, if Wukong hadn't been holding (kidnapped) you during the decent down. And the way he described the anguish you had gone through while losing your divinity, despite having explaining this while sitting on a wooden table in a small and cramp noodle shop, made some sort of shiver rush up your spine. He couldn't even look up at you, this time out of pure guilt, as he explained it all; "I watched as your divinity was stripped from you, balled up at your chest before shooting up towards the Celestial Realm. I heard the Jade Emperor's laughter, his maniatic laughter and dammit-" Wukong punched the table, and you were surprised he didn't break it with the force he had used, "-All I wanted to do was go up there and beat his ass for being so cruel to you; for making you endure so much pain..." And something inside of you told you, like it was some sort of faint whisper, that Wukong was tormented by the thoughts of your screams until this day. That no matter what he has gone through or what he will go through, your screams will be the one thing that truly shakes him to his core.
𖤓 !! — "Ever since that day everything felt like some corny mortal and immortal love story that's written about now-a-days." Wukong would explain as his eyebrows frowned together, "When you first died it hurt so much, I was tempted to go up to the Jade Emperor himself and force him to take my immortality to be with you. "I debated on that for years actually, yet none of my old friends would let me near the Celestial Realm. And so I kind of sat and waited, I didn't know what to do with myself and it felt like I was always going to miss a part of me forever. Corny for the Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, I know!" Wukong smiled, trying to lighten the mood with his usual antics. Yet he flattened, "But.. it really felt like it. "Until I was on a mission one day and I saw you again and you didn't know me, and I knew you didn't, but you drew me in all the same and well I fell in love with you all over again. And you fell in love with me and that cycle kind of repeated itself..."
𖤓 !! — Wukong paused, a small frown grew on his lips. He seemed hesitant to continue his train of thought yet he took in a deep breath and let it go. "Well, until you told me to stop with this mad chase. You had found all of past life you's memorabilia and pictures in that big closet of important things I own... and you told me to move on. "And you told me if I ever find you again in the future to not pursue a relationship with you because. . . well you didn't want to see me hurt."
𖤓 !! — But after all these lives, after all the time you have known Wukong, you should have known better that he couldn't keep his mind from you no matter how hard he tried. He hated being alone as much as he hated this horrible cycle he's put you through, yet still in every life he has chosen you above everyone else. He continued to choose you and you continued to choose him.
𖤓 !! — And, hey, that has to mean something. . . right?
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Home | Masterlist | Series Master list 𖤓 !! — all writing in this page belongs to @watercurtaincaves, please do not repost on other sites, plagiarize, or steal. Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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creedslove · 10 months
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No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: anon, my beautiful bestie, you are a genius!!! I love you and your idea! This is incredible ❤️
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• when you and Joel started dating, you felt as if you'd won the lottery, literally, because you couldn't believe a man like him would settle with you
• you were a beautiful woman with a lot of qualities but Joel was just... Something else
• he was so handsome and sexy, you didn't remember seeing a man, a real life man being that hot, with the exception of celebrities of course, but Joel was real, and he was yours
• not to mention his other great qualities, such as a hardworking man, a great father, a protective person... He was everything you'd ever dreamed of, and you still were starstruck and simply couldn't believe how lucky you got
• there was also the age gap, which meant Joel was older than you, but unlike popular assumption, it didn't bother either of you, it was fine if he was older, you even liked it, as it was kinda hot to you, and Joel didn't mind the fact you were younger, he loved you for who you were, so your age or your looks were irrelevant
• and even if the age gap didn't actually bother you, it still made you feel insecure; especially because you were always anxious and scared that some day Joel would find a woman closer to him in age, a woman who would actually share the same interests and steal him from you
• most days you could actually hide it, pretend that feeling wasn't haunting you whenever you found yourself and Joel around beautiful, mature women, but there was something about Tess that made you lose your shit
• she liked Joel, you knew it, and you were pretty sure something happened between them at some point, but what seemed to have been just an important affair to him, was definitely more intense to her; that was the only explanation why she still made everything at her power to flirt with and seduce him
• you hated her, you hated how she simply pretended you didn't exist in order to come and talk to Joel batting her eyes at him and displaying wide smiles, or how she laughed too hard at his jokes, because let's face it, Joel isn't that funny, or she always touched his arms for no reason
• and she was also closer to him in age, and even if you were petty and you didn't deny it and to you Tess was an ugly cunt, you'd heard some people saying she was a beautiful woman and that made you very insecure
• because not only was she more suitable to him in that matter, but she was also very similar to Joel, they liked horses, they were tough, and she drank like a man, which made you afraid one day Joel could simply get tired of playing dating with you and go after her
• it all happened when you and Joel decided to go out to eat for no reason, it was a regular wednesday evening, but he felt like spending some time with you, and perhaps taking you out for a steak and some pasta was a good way to show you he'd missed you during the day, which you quickly said yes
• you were so happy and excited to go out with him, Joel looked so handsome with his hair slicked back and his flannel shirt rolled up to his elbows, you would let him take you right there and then on that table for anyone to see if he wanted to, but before you both continue your date night, you saw a female hand on his shoulder
"oh my god, Joel, hi!"
• Tess said with such enthusiasm it could only have been fake; she grinned at him and completely ignored your presence, Joel felt embarrassed at her exaggerated reaction and cleared his throat, you didn't say anything and simply got up, going to the restroom and tried controlling your anger and jealousy
• when you came back, Tess was nowhere to be seen, but you couldn't stop yourself from thinking about her, you hated how she looked at Joel, how she desired him in front of everyone and didn't even bother hiding it, you hated how other women did the same, staring and glancing down at your man, to the point it made you so upset you felt empty for a while
• so the rest of dinner was awkward, as you were pretty much on autopilot, barely replying to Joel's questions and words and only focusing on your food and nothing else; you didn't know why it made you feel like that, but it did and it was so odd as if you were trying to push him away
• Joel knew something was up, you were pretty much ignoring him and pretending he wasn't at the table with you, and that hurt and annoyed him, however, he knew he couldn't get any information from you, so he waited until dinner was over
• then, you both went back to his place, you were still silent for most of the time and monosyllabic towards him, even when he placed his hand on your knee and went up a little much to your thigh, you didn't react very much
• once you both got inside, he didn't wait before gripping your waist and pressing you against the wall, seeing you couldn't resist him, as you kissed him back, claiming him as yours as your hands began unbuttoning his shirt, wanting to undress him once for all
• until he held your hands in place and made you stop: he wasn't going to do anything if you didn't tell him what the heck was going on and you knew he meant business, so you sighed and looked down, feeling embarrassed and ashamed of your feelings, but you decided to open up
• you told him about your insecurities, about how you thought he wasn't going to take you seriously because you were sure some day he'd find a better woman for himself, how you feared losing him, and how you hated Tess and the way she behaved towards him all the time
• and Joel's eyes went so soft, the way he was caught off guard by your confession but immediately understood what was up with you and he felt relieved to know you were just insecure, relieved to see the problem wasn't him, that it wasn't because you didn't love him anymore or because you didn't want to be with him, but rather because you were afraid of losing him
• and at that, he knew he had to do something and come forward and tell you his feelings and let you know how he felt
"that's madness, honey... I love you and I'd never want another woman, you are mine, I ain't never giving you up, one day you'll be my wife, mark my words"
• he whispered against your lips, reassuring you of his feelings, nothing could come between you, not after you both came clean about your feelings, seeing you loved each other 💕
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laundryandtaxes · 3 months
I've been realizing recently how far removed my political beliefs seem to be from almost everyone else. Do you ever struggle with this?
I do not ever expect for people to treat me like I am not a political extremist, because I am. I genuinely hold the conviction that political extremism is inherently valuable not just as a means of stretching the Overton window but as a way of putting on the table and introducing into the cultural zeitgeist different ways that we can approach the same old human problems, and expanding our understandings of what is possible, good, bad, etc. Political extremism of various varieties has been responsible for the majority of major human political inventions over the course of human history, and is likely to continue to be in a species with an inherent interest in the unusual. While I have no deep, stirring good ole boy love of the founding fathers, the fact of the matter is that, at the time of the US's founding, the beliefs that one should not be taxed if not given a voice in government and that the people should literally hold the right to overthrow oppressive governments by means of violence were extremist views, and they were extremist views that people literally killed other people to embody. So I couldn't care less if someone who votes blue no matter who and deeply loves this country thinks it's bad that I hold political views they find extreme- argue with your founding fathers that you theoretically so admire about it.
I got the sense, when you sent this, that you might have meant about gender stuff specifically, and to that I would say that in addition to my simply not being bothered by having my views considered extreme, I also think that given the existence of manufactured agreement, manufactured consent, the popularization of ostracizing and demeaning people for having different political views than oneself, the antidote to all of that is honesty. If we can be honest with each other, we can disagree- I'm fine with disagreement and anyone who holds marginally radical politics should be as well, because they will face disagreement literally everywhere. Being at odds with individuals around me is not itself an issue- feeling too frightened to speak my mind, worrying that a friend will ostracize for saying the wrong thing and encourage others to, those are problems. I'm not sure if this will help but I hope it soothes your worries some.
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magnuficentwo · 2 months
Hi guys. Does anyone else think about the way Handsome Jack's mistreatment of Angel in a surface level seems like it makes sense, only for it to be so brutal, so insanely self-centered, so inhumane that it loses all the deniability the man could've once had? Does anyone think about how Angel's entrapment was not caused just because she killed her mom, but because Jack saw danger for HIMSELF in his daughter, not once thinking that she could've gotten hurt through it too ? Does anyone remember how his justification for why he "needed" to trap her away wasn't even really for her safety, it was for HIS feelings and HIS pain and HIS grief, never once focusing how Angel's siren powers acting out wasn't even her own fault. Because she was never even responsible for the fact she had them in the first place.
Angel never had anyone to guide her or help manage her phaseshift, no information on how she could cope with outbursts or keep everything in check because sirens are just hard to study and find in general, but also because people just didn't bother to try. She was blamed for her mother's death because she couldn't control herself, but she was a child. She literally Didn't know how to do that because no one Taught her how to, because there was no one who even could. Her punishment for something that was only barely her fault (because I really, REALLY doubt she would've killed her mom on purpose, especially given the context that she was already unstable from Jack's dialogue) was to get used as a human battery over and over in extremely painful circumstances, basically tortured for years and years while also isolated and only ever in contact with her abuser, with no one else knowing where she was or even WHO she was anymore, forever bound to do his bidding because there was literally nothing else she could do.
That is, until the vault hunters came along. The Vault Hunters, who by all means don't even know she exists properly and only understand her as a guide, not a person, are portrayed in her mind as potential saviours— Friends even, because she HAS no one else. These people were always her ticket out of the hell, and they had no idea.
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Does anyone think about how its the vault hunters taking action against Handsome Jack (The Villain) that leads Angel to finally speak up against Jack (Her Dad) and his abuse, even when she's punished for it, because she's just so tired, so utterly exhausted, so incredibly fucking angry with this fucking guy, that she just doesn't bring herself to care about it anymore ? How her rebellion comes from the tiniest sparks of hope of people standing against an overwhelming threat despite it seeming so impossible at first, despite the odds being completely stacked against them ? How Jack's first instinct when she acts out of line isn't to try and make Angel understand his side, to manipulate her as he does to everyone else, it's to directly punish her physically until she can't keep acting anymore (by shocking her) ? How much of a threat does this teenage girl pose to this grown ass man for him to want to do that, even when she's literally trapped away in what he believes to be an impenetrable base, away from everything and everyone, including himself ? And does he not feel shame knowing he does the things he does ? All the echo-logs indicate he doesn't, but his words are always pointing towards this secret 'care' for Angel, like he has to keep it hidden for some reason. And for what ? She still hates him. It would've been much more useful for him if he was just even the slightest bit more loving or caring, but it doesn't even cross his mind that it would be the case, because his head is so up his own asshole he can't see the effect that's already permeated all across Angel's demeanor to him. He doesn't see her as anything more than a tool, and she doesn't see him as anything more than a monster who's forcing her into living the worst life she could for his own purpose. And that's why she believes the only way out is to kill herself. Without her, Jack wouldn't be able to keep doing the things he wanted to, and it would be HER doing it, HER volition, HER autonomy getting regained for just this one time for a goal she thinks could be larger than herself, larger than her dad's reach over her.
And it was all thanks to Vault Hunters who never even knew her, Vault Hunters she sacrificed everything for because they were her friends in her mind.
I think about Angel a lot
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stewy · 4 months
i saw your tags about cameron being more similar to house than wilson and if you have any notes or explanations on that i'd love to hear them! cameron is such an interesting character and i feel like she's really not analyzed enough
she isn't! idk if it's because people simply forget the earlier seasons as they progress with the show, but they forget cameron is an actual character who is written as consistently as any other character in the show save for house himself. not liking her is one thing but to dismiss her as if she isn't one of the most important people in house's life when her love literally got him out of that building is. lol
cam and wilson have a lot of similarities: they’re self-sacrificing to a detrimental extent, they value social niceties and acts of kindness, caring and empathetic, multiple marriages, in love with a sewer rat, etc. but they sort of stop there. cameron is a strongly moral character; wilson’s morals are flexible to the point of being barely there. cameron won’t sacrifice her values for the sake of making anyone feel better; all that wilson cares about is making other people feel better, preferably to his own detriment. cameron is much more sensitive and emotionally driven than wilson imo, you can see her actively struggle to put her feelings in the backseat in pretty much every situation, while that seems to come as second nature to wilson (though cameron gets better at that through experience). but she is also much more stable and true to herself than wilson, who struggles with letting his true feelings show with anyone other than house (simply because he knows his friend won’t give a shit). you see house call cameron “pathetically sincere” and that’s something you’d never hear him say about wilson considering his pathology is that he loves Everybody, with no discrimination. i think their specialties also speak to their own personalities: wilson is an oncologist, all of his patients already have cancer and most likely will die from it; his job is to treat them but it’s also to make them feel better about their imminent fate. cameron is an immunologist, taking care of someone’s autoimmune system with the sole focus of getting them stronger. this is also their approach to house himself btw
house and cameron are two sides of the same coin. a lot of people would disagree with me & hugh laurie in saying that house is a strongly moral character, but he is. the difference between himself & cameron is that he doesn't care what people do with their lives. if someone wants to kill themselves after he's done treating them, that's their problem. even when she despised the patient, she couldn't dare to see them live in pain (informed consent) or to play god and kill them herself (the tyrant). they're both extremely sensitive, stubborn and closed off. isolating themselves to the point of making their significant others (stacy and chase) feel lonely in the relationship. they both often look insane to everyone else, but have an innate understanding of each other. cameron opened herself up to house in a way she could never do with chase because she saw him, and she was the only person he truly emotionally connected with other than wilson. she was bothered by his impersonality and he was bothered by her sensitivity, because she wore with pride something he thought made him (and other humans) lesser. they tried to bring characters like masters & adams (even park?) to act as foil to house but it didn't work because they lacked what cameron and house had: a relationship.
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ellisgirl · 1 year
Ellis Twilight — I Want to Know Every Inch of You Collection Event
Seperate Bodies 🔞 tw: suggestive, NSFW
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I do not own any contents of Ikemen Villains. This story being uploaded in this blog belongs solely to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading their games and buying their stories. Both English and Japanese are not my mother tongue languages, please keep in mind that there will be mistakes and added words for my own preferences. I translate for my personal entertainment and for my own practice only.
Victor asked me to take the Crown's physical measurements for the purpose of health management and research—
I visited Ellis, who was easy to ask first, and it turned out to be the right decision.
Thanks to his great cooperation, the measurements proceeded very quickly.
Kate: “Thank you for your cooperation, Ellis. This concludes the measurement of your upper body."
Ellis: "That's good. By the way, Miss Kate, there's something I was curious about......"
Ellis: "Can you lend me a hand?"
Kate: "......? Yes, sure."
I held out my hand, wondering what he was going to do, and Ellis's hand came to rest on mine—
My hand was guided and touched his chest, which was bare…..for measurement.
I feel his moist skin all over my palm.
Ellis: ".….If you're interested in my body, you can touch it."
Kate: "Eh!? Uh, how.….”
Ellis: “Because I felt like I could feel your eyes piercing through me while you were measuring for my chest. ……Was it my misunderstanding?"
Kate: "You misunderstood..., there was nothing.”
Ellis looks slender when he's dressed, but when he takes his clothes off, he has an unexpectedly masculine body.
Although the measurements are taken seriously, I couldn't help but admire his thick chest and his well-defined abdominal muscles.
(I thought I was keeping a level head, but he knew.... How embarrassing……)
Ellis: “As much as you like, Miss Kate, go ahead.”
Kate: "E-Even if you ask me to go ahead….."
Even if I'm interested in touching another person's body, especially a man's body, my reservation and embarrassment will prevail.
(I know you're saying this for me, Ellis, but....I'll say no.)
I tried to take his hand away, saying It was fine if I didn’t touch him.
However, Ellis is holding my hand tighter than I imagined, and I can't get away from him even a little.
Ellis: "You don't have to hold back on me, so feel free to check with your hands."
You noticed I tried to take my hand away, your hands are literally so strong.
(If you've told me this much, it's not right to say no.….isn't it?)
(If I reject him excessively, then it seems like I'm being weirdly conscious of Ellis.....)
Deciding to accept the kindness, I slid my hand over his skin.
Kate: "....Muscles are softer than I thought. I thought it was harder."
Ellis: “When you're relaxed, yes. When you're exerting yourself, though, it gets harder......"
Kate: "Wow, that's amazing...!”
(Still, I think people are reluctant to have their skin touched...)
(Is Ellis used to being touched by other people…..?)
Even though the fun seems to rise, my heart is in turmoil at the defencelessness of Ellis, who let me touch him without any odd hesitation.
Ellis: "What's wrong?"
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Kate: “Well......I was wondering if you do this to anyone who asks you to.”
Regret comes immediately after speaking out.
I knew Ellis was kind to everyone, but I speak as if I’m blaming him.
Ellis: “…..Don't worry, I didn't do anything that you would be worried about.”
The reply was ambiguous, as if it were an answer, but it wasn't.
I also notice a strange pause before the reply.
(What are the things that worry me? Have you ever let some else touches you, if only a little?…..)
Ellis's trivial words and actions have stuck with me, and I don't feel refreshed, as if a lees has settled in my mind.
(There's no reason to feel like this, but why am I.….)
Ellis: “If it still bothers you... Do you want to try touching somewhere else?”
Ellis: "....I really haven't shown this place to anyone, I haven't let anyone touch it."
Ellis: "Only for Miss Kate, special"
Kate: “Eh….”
Ellis pulled my hand again.
The hand that was touching his chest went down through his stomach.....and stop at his waist.
Kate: “….Ellis?”
Ellis: “No one touches it from here down, so go ahead.”
What Ellis is showing is below the bottoms... his lower body.
Kate: "Ah, uh..... This is not usually a place to let people touch, is it?"
Ellis: “What would you like to do, Miss Kate?”
Ellis: "Rather than normal or common sense, I want to do what you want to do."
Ellis: "I've been thinking about how to make you happy."
Even if that feeling of Ellis is one that is poured out without division to all.
I was the only one in his eyes right now.
Kate: "I, am......"
(......If there is a place on Ellis's body where only I am allowed, I want to touch it.)
The sweet sound of "special" made me forget to reply and my throat started to throb.
Ellis: ".....You can do whatever you want."
I finally gave a small nod as my gentle forgiveness.
Ellis: “Shall we proceed slowly? Let's start with........to the first joint of your finger."
Is Ellis pulling my hand, or am I proceeding with my own will? I don't know anymore.
My fingertips slip under his bottoms without any sense of reality, as if I were in a dream.
Ellis: "Second joint........”
Kate: “Ah.”
My advanced fingertips feel the rough texture of the skin. It's hot and humid inside.
Ellis: “Hmm. …..fufu, I’ve gone all the way in to the base of your fingers, haven't I?"
Ellis smiled like a child whose prank had succeeded.
Contrary to that innocence, I felt like I was doing something I shouldn’t...., I was scared.
Kate: "Uh, I guess..."
I came to my senses and pulled out my fingertips, grazing the deep part of him.
Ellis: “Nn…gh”
Ellis: “Sorry..... I was so ticklish, I made a weird noise."
Kate: “N-no, it’s not….”
Ellis's sweet voice, which leaked a little, remains in my ears.
(The fact that I'm the only one who can touch Ellis here...)
(And that lovely voice I just heard, is that just for me?)
The thought of it is irresistibly lovely and makes me want to touch and listen to it again.
(But, as expected, no more...)
Ellis: "....More touches if you like, Miss Kate."
Taking my hesitant hand again, Ellis let me touch it through the bottoms.
Kate: “……Uh”
I gasped as I felt something passionately insisting on the area I touched.
Ellis: "This is what happened, so...I would like you to lend me a hand."
Kate: "B-but...I already had taken your body measurements.….”
I finally remember my job and give my opinion with a voice that seems to disappear.
Ellis: "Well then..... Do you want to check here with your hands? If it's a measurement, then there's no problem."
Kate: "...............I got it."
(It's just an extra of his body measurements, just to make sure......)
Like a butterfly lured by sweet nectar, I slipped my hand there again.
Ellis: “Ah... Haa….."
As I stroke him slowly while watching him, Ellis lets out a hot exhale of aggravation.
Ellis: “Miss, Kate…..”
(.....I'm weird. I can't take my eyes off him.)
He is so lovely, so cute, so disturbed by my hand that I want to see more of him.
Driven by the impulse, I moved my fingers with a strong and weak pressure so that Ellis could feel good.
Ellis: “……Nngh”
Kate: “Here…..is it?”
Ellis: "Nnm..... There, it feels good...."
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His hips swayed loosely as he rubbed against my hand.
I was happy to know that I wasn't the only one who wanted to be touched.
(.....I want you to feel even better with my hand.)
At first, it was only my fingertips, but gradually I used the whole palm of my hand to wrap it up and continued to stimulate it.
Ellis: “……Nngh!”
Kate: "I-I'm sorry. Did I push too hard...?"
Ellis: “No... I'm fine. I just felt so good I was about to lose it."
Ellis: “You can touch me however you like. ....I'll make my place exclusive to you, Miss Kate."
(I, exclusive….)
The haze in my mind that I felt when I thought Ellis might have let someone else touched him cleared up.
(I see….. I wanted to monopolise you.)
(I didn't want anyone else to touch or see Ellis...that's what I thought)
If you know your feelings, there is only one thing to do.
As time permits, I continued to touch where only I was allowed and stare at Ellis, who exhaled shallowly.
tagging+* @yonaaaahowell
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ilikekidsshows · 3 months
Gosh, I just remembered Destruction. That Marinette seriously let Cat Noir run around with the word Dimwit in his bell for all of season 4, never once spared it a single thought, never apologized for it either despite allegedly having "realized" how awfully she treated him, and then smiled proudly when Alya laughed over him behind his back after the Cataclysm incident Marinette just abandoned Cat Noir afterwards too and only cared about herself getting support.
Dude, Marinette is so awful to him at times. Who DOES that to a friend? I would be downright ashamed of myself if I treated a friend like that and the show's telling me to CELEBRATE her for that??
Let's not forget that she also didn't think for months that Cat needs to know beforehand that her secret plan includes him having to run the risk of cataclysming Hawkmoth, or that he's once again reduced to a literal object in her plan who can't even breath with the villain's hand at his throat because all she deemed important was HERSELF being fine and safe and getting the Kwamis back.
Sure, just demand that of him on a whim. It's fine, girl, as long as it isn't you, right?
She also put every single civilian at Hawkmoth’s mercy in her plan, apparently just counties on him to be decent to the helpless civilians in his path who are even BOTHERING HIM with photos for her plan to work. That makes her such an awful hero. Humanity really was non existent in her plan, huh? Only she herself and the Kwamis mattered and she even monologued that into a full-blown failure. Not even getting a single Kwami because she had to brag about how much smarter and better she is than him. Such heroism. Much inspirational.
I seriously forgot how awful Destruction was for Marinette’s character. What the shit was that??
The group chat and I have been thinking that Marinette really is the least heroic “superhero” we’ve seen that wasn't a purposeful attempt at deconstructing superheroes. She very rarely goes out of her way to help people except when it's her way of forcing her views on what people need on others (think Guilt Trip), and a lot of the time she only fights Akumas and Sentimonsters because they're getting in the way of her plans for the day.
Marinette is only a hero technically, because, technically, he does stop the bad guys from getting what they want. But she also does the bare minimum needed. She magicked together a charm to try to prevent Akumatizations four seasons in, and it was basically because Alya told her to. She is also completely disinterested in finding out who Hawk Moth is. Félix spelled it out for her and she couldn't be arsed to do anything about it. The only time she's confronted Gabriel about anything was when she wanted to get his permission to date Adrien. I repeat: the only reason Marinette ever “goes after” Gabriel is to get his permission to date Adrien. The finale confrontation was an accident on her part. Marinette's motives are so often about herself over everything else. It's not just that there's a benefit to her in helping others, it's that she actually thinks about herself first in every single situation and anyone else is barely ever a consideration.
Marinette is the most passive hero I’ve seen. Even early series Usagi from Sailor Moon, who cried at the thought of fighting monsters, actively followed rumors around town to uncover the villains’ schemes and more often than not got involved in the plot of the episode because she met a random stranger she wanted to help when they explained their problems to her and/or asked for her assistance with something. Marinette has helped a random stranger only once, despite her supposedly having this trait being why Fu chose her in Origins.
She really has no idea what a hero is, considering her idea for doing a heroic act to celebrate “heroes’ day” was promising her parents would make a bunch of treats for her classmates instead of herself doing anything to help anyone. She only ended up making the treats herself because her parents didn't have the time, and even then, the classmates also pitched in to make her idea/heroic act happen. Despite Hawk Moth being a consistent threat, she's not proactive in trying to stop him, only patrolling for personal reasons, like keeping the principal from making “real heroes” (her words, not mine) look bad and going on “not dates” with Cat Noir.
She also far more frequently uses her powers for personal gain than any other character that gets a Miraculous, even when taking their time using one into account. Marinette uses her powers to sabotage people who have a crush on the guy she likes, embarrass people she doesn't like and manufacture situations where she can get closer to her crush. Meanwhile Adrien and Alya *flips through notes* genuinely enjoy being a hero and helping people, so much so they joke on the job. And people tell me the latter two are less heroic, because of some twisted idea that real heroes are the ones for whom the job is a burden. In actuality, Marinette viewing her heroics as such a burden makes her unmotivated and a worse hero for it. Her disregard towards civilians and her allies when she actually bothers to do the job is just another sign of how utterly unsuited to be a hero Marinette is.
Frankly, if Marinette’s hijinks didn't stop the Akumas and Sentimonsters, she'd be a villain protagonist. Because of the retooled show enforcing Marinette’s unheroic traits, her lack of motivation, her lack of sympathy for others, her selfishness and her self-aggrandizing, I personally feel that she still is a villain protagonist but the show just celebrates her instead of condemning her.
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king-paimon · 11 months
Houseki no Kuni Chapter 105 Thoughts:
Hello everyone. I hope you have all been well, considering the hectic and honestly devastating month this has been for many people across the world. It's sad how awful real life can be. I'm so sorry to everyone who is affected directly and indirectly. Though words can only do so much, I sincerely hope things get better for you all.
Now then... regarding this chapter.
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This was definitely a spectacle. So much happened and though we had an idea of where the chapter was going to go because of the last pages from the previous chapter, it still managed to catch me off guard. I don't think anyone saw a literal "deus ex machina" ship to appear, but at the same time... of course that would happen. Ms. Ichikawa loves pulling stunts like this. Whether it's good or not is up for debate. More on this later.
But the one thought that came to mind after reading this chapter was: "Finally." We are truly now in the final stretch of Phos's story, and I couldn't be more happier for them... BUT that feeling got muddied when I saw the bottom of the final page.
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Another hiatus.
Sigh. I'll also touch on this in this post. But for now, I'll share my thoughts on this chapter with you. These posts always end up being longer than first intended so sorry in advance! As always, please feel free to share what you think on here too!
(Just so you know, I was extremely tired when I wrote this so it may be convoluted in some areas. I'll likely tidy it up later after I get some proper rest. Hope you enjoy it regardless!)
The Deus Ex Machina Ship: Why??
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Was anyone else surprised that the object Brother Eyeball was carrying was a piece of Lunarian technology, that seems to only activate under the extreme heat of a sun that's about to consume the planet? I certainly didn't see it coming at all and I don't know how to feel about it at the moment.
Based on everything up until this point and Phos's comments here, it's evidently clear that Aechmea planted it there for this specific occasion. My question is why? Why did Aechmea bother in leaving this for Phos?
Perhaps Aechmea hoped Phos would take the new remnants of humanity and create a new society once again on a new planet, sort of like what Adamant did for the Lustrous. Maybe this was some twisted/backhanded way of thanking Phos and giving them another second chance of surviving? I don't know, but if it's the Lunarians' weird way of trying to save Phos, it's kind of pointless. Like Phos said, running to another planet would only be a temporary solution since everything was going to be consumed by the dying stars eventually. Even though the little rocks and Eyeball still take the ship in the end just to survive a little longer, I don't really see the point of it either.
(Edit: Made small change here and included the page that I forgot to add.)
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The only reason I can come up with for this ship to being there is that Aechmea knew of another place in space that wouldn't be affected by the dying suns and he wanted Phos and their new remnants of humanity to go there. But I honestly I believe that theory fully, so I don't know.
What do you guys think? Is there a reason why the lotus flower ship was intentionally left behind, other than Ms. Haruko just wanting a reason for Phos to be along again? To me, the only thing that was clear was that this ship was left for Phos and whoever else was with them that would only activate when the planet was going to be destroyed.
But this leads me to my next questions and segment...
Burning the Bridge: Phos's Final Actions
Unlike the lotus ship, Phos's actions in this chapter did not come as a surprise to me. Phos had long accepted that they were ready to finally disappear. And before the ship, it looked like the other beings were fine with it as well.
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It was only when the ship appeared that the others expressed their desire to exist just a little longer, which completely understandable and I don't fault them for feeling this way.
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It's touching and sad how Phos made sure that all those beings, including the final pebble that was introduced in this chapter, made it onto the ship so they could escape while Phos choose to stay behind. More on that in the next segment.
But back to Phos and their final decision to stay behind. So, we know that the ship was intentionally left for Phos by Aechmea and the Lunarians. And though it was used in the end, Phos chose to stay. Now my question is... was Phos's final decision to stay on the planet still part of Aechmea's plan, or was it part of the Professor's plan?
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I've hypothesized in an older post that I thought that while Aechmea was a frightfully powerful being who was able to predict Phos's actions and successfully manipulate them, he wasn't truly omnipresent nor omnipotent since he couldn't predict everything and there were individuals that were not totally under his control.
I want to believe that Phos's final actions fall into that category. Part of me really wants to believe that Phos not getting on the ship was a final middle finger from the Professor through Adamant to Aechmea and everything he stood for.
But then again... this could have been an outcome Aechmea expected, too. It's honestly hard to say how much of everything that had happened was still going according to Aechmea's grand plan since it wasn't made clear if Aechmea knew of this memory of the professor that Adamant held onto.
Sorry for the ramble. I'll just say that unless I'm told otherwise, I'll believe that Phos's final actions was their final act of defiance towards Aechmea, in the name of the Professor.
I can only hope that Phos will finally be at piece once that bridge is burnt to the ground.
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So, now that it seems like Phos's story is going to end, albeit in several months... there are still some elements in this story that have not yet been resolved. But after re-reading this chapter, I have a theory for one of them.
The Identity of The Last Passenger of the Lotus Ship (my silly theory)
This is a silly theory I came up with to try to explain one of the last mysteries of this story. It's been proven untrue, but I still want to keep it here because I still like it and had fun coming up with it!
One plot point that many others have brought up before, that I've admittedly forgotten over and over again, are the Ice Floes. These mysterious creatures played a unique role in the beginning but had quickly lost their relevancy in the story.
Now that the planet is about to be destroyed, it seems the Ice Floes will forever lose their significance in this story, though they hadn't been relevant in a long while. Well... I have a theory and it relates to the last member of Phos's little pebble family.
In this chapter, Ms. Ichikawa made it a point to have Phos collect this one last pebble and put on the ship. Though all of the pebble beings are unique to one another, this one is the most different from all of them. For one, it's significantly smaller than the other pebbles, almost the size of a grain of rice. And unlike the others, it hasn't spoken once, though Phos could sense its very faint presence, so it is sentient to a degree.
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With all of this in mind, I couldn't help but wonder why Ms. Ichikawa included this in the story now? Why did she make pages dedicated to Phos collecting this pebble right when the planet is about to die? She had to have done it for a reason, but why? Why is this teeny pebble important?
Well, here's my theory: This teeny tiny pebble is what's left of the Ice Floes.
I came up with this theory based on a few things.
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My first clue is the location where it was found. Judging from the details in these pages, this tiny pebble was in the middle of a dried up ocean.
The second is the type of rock I think it is. Ms. Ichikawa incorporated a lot of rock and mineral information in this story for her characters. I'm not sure if that's the case in this instance, but please allow me to indulge in my rock nerd side for a bit. I strongly believe it is a sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rocks are formed when bits of pre-existing rocks, inorganic material, and/or bits of once organic life forms accumulate and gradually get compacted and cemented together. This type of rock is found everywhere, but especially in the ocean.
The third and most supportive piece of evidence was Phos's comments on page 16.
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Phos recognizes that this pebble is similar to the other rock life forms AND it's consciousness had been there since the beginning of the earth, meaning it's much older than nearly everything on this planet, including Phos and Eyeball. To me, this cemented my theory.
Of course, this is just me guessing. And I'll admit, when I went to look up the Ice Floes again, the HnK wiki states that Eyeball and the Ice Floes are connected, so I could very much be wrong. It was still fun to theorize haha
Please tell me what you think!
Edit: Well, it looks like that theory was incorrect. Oh well! I still had fun coming up with it. Thank you @laloyoungblood for letting me know.
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The End Is Near and Yet So Far...
I've said it many times before and I'll say it again: I can't wait to see how this story ends. And if the story is going to end at 108 chapters, I'd be so happy, and the ending of this chapter had me excited for the final climax of the story...
Until I saw the excerpt at the bottom of the page.
Houseki no Kuni won't be returning until the spring of 2024... And we just barely came back from the other hiatus...
Now don't get me wrong, waiting through hiatuses is nothing new for me and I'm glad more mangaka are trying to prioritize their health and happiness than trying to rush their stories because of a deadline.
But these hiatuses are a bit annoying, I'm not going to lie. If there's one thing I know I won't miss with this series, it's the many, many hiatuses Ms. Ichikawa had done.
I know it'll be okay in the end. There are more important things going on in my life now, so I know I won't dwell on it for much longer. But at the same time, I just want this story to finally cross the finish line. We're so close to the end, and yet the goal post is moved again.
I just want to see this story end soon. And I hope it'll be worth it.
Okay! That's all for now. Thank you to everyone who reads and responds to my posts. I love all your responses. I don't know how many of you will stick around when I stop doing these posts, but I'm honestly really grateful to you.
Hope the rest of the month goes well for you all! Stay safe out there.
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amiti-art · 1 year
Okay, so I finished the book and I have a question: where tf is Apollo?????
I get that he couldn't go on a quest with them, he said so at the end of ToN but why doesn't he appear at camp at the end of the book? Or at least visit Will in a dream? Hades did that for Nico.
Also at the beginning it's said that Rachel spoke the same prophecy like 12 times. Apollo is literally the god of prophecies, why isn't he doing anything about it? (Unless Rachel first went to him and he told her to go with this to Nico and Will and asked her not to tell them that he sent her. Idk just an idea).
Personaly I don't have a problem with Will thinking that he might not see Apollo in years or even ever again, because well, it's not presented as fact, it's what Will thinks. And it fits with his fear of abandonment that we can see later in the book. If he has moments when he thinks that his boyfried could leave him behind in the Tartarus or the Underworld then I can easily belive that he thinks that his dad wouldn't bother with visits now when he's a god again.
But that's exacly why Apollo visiting at the end, to give Will comfort after a dengerous quest, would be perfect. It would prove that Will's assumptions were wrong. (I'm just gonna pretend that this is what happened the next day 🙃)
This book has a problem with mentioning important characters in general. Like where are Jerry, Gracie and Yan, you know, Will's new siblings? What was the point of introducing them if their existence is never acknowledged? Austin and Kayla are never mention during the quest itself, they just go home and Will and Nico never think or talk about them. And Hazel, the only alive sibling Nico has, is mationed like once I think???
So it's not that Apollo is the only victim of narration here, but he it the most noticible one because 1) he was a main character in the previous books. 2) he's name is constantly mantion in reference to Will: 'son of Apollo said this' 'son of Apollo did that' and so on. And maybe it's just me, but did anyone else noticed that Will is refered like this a bit too often? Like Nico is somtimes called "Son of Hades" by narration but not near as often as Will is called his father's son, especialy in the later in the story. Like at some point I had a feeling that the book was literally screaming at me "Hey remember Will's dad? This guy named Apollo? Yeah we know he's not in this book, but don't forget about him! He's still important we swear". Anyone else noticed this? Maybe I'm just being delusional but I swear they were doing this for a reason.
I don't know what are Rick's plan for the future, maybe there will be an explanation on why Apollo was so ignored by this book. Maybe he was super busy with something, or maybe he feard that if he intervenes he would bring Zeus' attention to Will and Nico and tbh we don't know how Zeus feels about quest to Tartarus, especialy if the said quest involves saving a titan (because let's be honest, Zeus probably dosen't like the idea of bringing a titan out of Tartarus).
Or maybe Apollo's planing a revolutuon to take his tyrannical father down, who knows.
Sorry if this is a bit messy, I normally don't write analasys/observations but I wanted to get this of my chest (also English is my 2nd language so sorry for all the mistakes)
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fangsandfeels · 8 months
It's probably a very unpopular opinion, but initially, I liked Wulbren when I encountered him in the game. And how couldn't I? The lad greets us with an escape plan up his sleeve and that plan includes breaking the tieflings out! A true blessing for any Tav who never intended to cooperate with the Absolute and got a headache from thinking how they would get out all of the prisoners. What Wulbren did was badass and spoke a lot about his principles and priorities.
Now, a less-then-lukewarm reunion with Barcus was something I expected because nothing could be that easy, and from what we've seen, Philomena too abandoned her girlfriend for The Idea without even bothering to break up with her. So, at that point, I had a reason to suspect that either Wulbren was a dick or he tried to keep Barcus away from whatever he was brewing so he won't get caught in the fallout (he has a propensity for getting himself in trouble, after all).
But come Act 3...
...and Wulbren is presented as an irrational, vengeful prick who refuses to look deeper into the matter. We can follow his vision and blow up the Steel Foundry without looking into it, inadvertently causing more destruction, or going against him.
However, after what I learned thanks to @y-rhywbeth2 here (hope you don't mind me tagging you) is that the reason for Wulbren's innate distaste for Gondians may lie even deeper than "they worked with the tyrant, they must pay".
Wulbren's clan follows Gaerdal Ironhand, the lawful good gnome deity. His followers are militaristic and devoted, committed to protecting the gnome community and dealing with internal and external threats.
The best defense is unswerving vigilance. Serve Gaerdal with absolute dedication and devotion. Defend and protect gnome communities against all invaders both obvious and hidden. Never cease to hone the skills of war, and take the opportunity of relative peace to pass such talents on to gnomes at large.
While Gond isn't mentioned as Gaerdal's adversary, their dogmas contradict each other. Despite being a patron of inventors and craftsmen, Gond is so dedicated to creating inventions ("wonders") and spreading them that he has no concern for safety or consequence. Gond also welcomes all alignments and approves of his followers forcing their way into power, subtly controlling leaders and destroying any opposition, so they could promote their inventions and creations. Accumulation of power and personal wealth is smiled upon.
So, Gaerdal Ironhand is all about caring for the community and taking any measures necessary to protect it - even if such threat comes from fellow gnomes, Gaedral's followers are supposed to undertake the grim duty of being the judges and doing what's necessary. If Wulbren is a dedicated follower of Gaedral, it's understandable why he has so much contempt for the Gondians: they are careless, irresponsible, so obsessed with the "can it be done?" they forget about "should it be done?" - and look at where it got them. Play stupid games, and win stupid prizes.
Of course, he would take any accusations of being too harsh as an insult - especially given that he literally lost his fellow clanspeople to protect the city.
Given all that, I wish there could have been a more complex resolution. Showing Wulbren the door minimizes the fact that he wasn't just obsessed with killing the Gondians, but also was ready to die for his people (he didn't expect anyone to save him and he was planning on saving himself and others). He organized a guerilla movement that was effective enough for Gortash to put him on the Wanted list. If Gondians started working with Gortash of their own volition (I didn't explore the game enough to find any tangible proof or content that debunks this theory), but then found themselves shackled and enslaved, that would add to his bitterness. Being treated as a local madman for fighting the threat everybody else is idiotically blind to tooth and nail affects you. Heavily. Bitterness and spite become part and parcel of your struggle and when someone tries to tell you you're being unreasonable or not kind, you snap at them - what do they know?
Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean that Wulbren and Barcus should kiss and make up.
But having the option to point out to Wulbren that Barcus has been actually upholding Ironhand's ideals all this time and went to great lengths to do the right thing; make him finally acknowledge and respect his friend would have been nice.
Also, by admitting that Barcus was right, Wulbren could have seen where he was wrong or unable to see things differently - which would have prompted him to put his trust in Barcus even if he still instinctually wants to oppose and cuss him out for being so naively tolerant.
Because, I think Barcus deserves some recognition from Wulbren - even if they don't remain friends, going simply to colleagues (mostly because Barcus decides he did enough and it's time for him to stop running after Wulbren, especially now that he is safe). And also, because the entire Ironhand clan story needs more polishing, given that its premise in Act 1-2 was so interesting.
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lucianalight · 10 months
The Missed Opportunities in Loki Series
While I was writing my review of S2, one of the topics I had problem with, was the redemption of TVA and its agents. I couldn't understand why "not having their memories" and "didn't know they were variants" could possibly be a good explanation for the atrocities they committed. I mean why does it matter? They were still killing people. Didn't they know that?...wait…let me google sth real quick…by which I mean reading interesting articles about the psychology of dehumanization and brainwashing that led me to some interesting results and a new perspective into how the series, especially in S1 missed its chance to explore some of the most important issues of Loki and his backstory.
The short answer to my question "Didn't they know they were killing people?" is "No, they didn't". And not in a racist or bigoted way the humans thinking other humans who aren’t like them, are subhuman. In a literal sense they didn’t consider anyone on the sacred timeline as people.
Empathy for another’s happiness and suffering depends fundamentally on recognizing that the other has a mind minds—that is, the same capacities for thought, emotion, desire, intention, and self-awareness as ourselves. Without appreciating others’ minds, empathy makes no sense[1]
To TVA agents those on sacred timeline weren’t people like them. They didn’t have thoughts and minds and emotions like them. And anyone making a different choice from what was considered for them was a “variant”. For a lack of better word, the TVA had dehumanized anyone but those who were working for TVA which is a necessary perception if you want to facilitate inhuman acts of torture and slaughter.
Dehumanized perception is a cognitive bias characterized by spontaneous failure to think about mental contents – thoughts and feelings in a social target’s mind. [2]
According to TVA propaganda, TVA and its people were created by the Time Keepers. They were different. They weren't like the ones on the sacred time line. The chaotic and disobedient "variants" should have been "pruned". None of them mattered except the right order of time.
The only ones TVA agents considered as people were each other. They were friends and coworkers and cared about each other's lives. And they had no memory of their previous life. But when they found out they are variants themselves, they realized “Those we were killing were like us. They had minds and emotions like us. We’ve been killing people all this time”. This should have been the explanation for their change and redemption. Their memories were taken from them and they were brainwashed by a propaganda that dehumanized anyone else and let them commit those atrocities easily. It shouldn’t have been “they’re variants themselves” but “the variants were people like them”.
So, while TVA can be compared to a totalitarian regime, there's probably no exact irl example for TVA agents because their situation for the most part is fictional. But perhaps the angels and demons in Good Omens have a close mindset to them. They care about each other but not the humans. The humans are just a tool for them to start the final battle according to the great plan.
This would have been easier to pinpoint if TVA was framed as evil from S1. Also if you want your characters to be likable or redeemable give them personality and show that they're doubtful and uncomfortable with what they're doing from the start not when they find out the truth or in the last episode of the last season! And don't frame torture and dehumanization as sth hilarious, therapeutic and deserved for one character and completely opposite for another character if you want to reach the conclusion that those actions were atrocities.
What bothers me more is that they missed a perfect parallel and opportunity to address Loki's identity issues. I don't even think the parallels were intended, considering how much the show is indifferent to them.
First the parallel with Loki finding out about his heritage. He was stolen from his homeland, grew up learning to hate and fear his own race. Like Loki people in the TVA didn't know about their past. Like Loki they would have an identity crisis. This was explored a little in S2 but they failed to make the connection with Loki's past. I mean you could let Mobius call Loki an ice runt as an insult, but didn’t bring up the topic when he had an identity crisis and talking about it with Loki? Although maybe that's too much expectation from the people who treated Loki being adopted and not knowing about it as sth unimportant, and didn't mention the racism and favorism he grew up with even once.
The parallel isn't accurate though since Loki weren't going around killing frost giants. He even didn't really consider them less than Asgardians. Not until he thought that's how his family actually sees them. That was his breaking point.
"You could have told me what I was from the beginning. Why didn't you?" "To protect you from the truth" "Why? Because I'm the monster parents tell their children about at night?"
This is the reason Loki went on his genocide attempt. To prove to Odin he wasn’t one of the monsters. That he was an Asgardian. That he belonged with them.
The second parallel with Loki's story that they failed to address is Loki being brainwashed by Thanos. You want to say your characters are redeemable because they were brainwashed? Show it! Make a connection with the main character's backstory. How they have missed this chance is beyond me…On second thought, they probably didn't even connect the dots, because they presented torture and brainwashing as a positive thing.
Brainwashing is the process of manipulating a person’s beliefs, thoughts, or actions through psychological manipulation. If a person is brainwashed, they may no longer be able to think for themselves and may act on orders without considering the consequences. Brainwashing is often used by totalitarian regimes to control their citizens, and can also be used in cults and other groups to manipulate members.[3]
Some people are more susceptible to brainwashing like people who are going through a difficult period in their life or a change that may or may not be of their own making[4]. It is also useful to consider identity when it comes to brainwashing.  
Someone experiencing an identity crisis is in desperate need of a new identity. Because brainwashing promises them a new identity, it makes them more susceptible.[3]
Through the events of Thor 1 Loki’s going through an identity crisis. All he ever knew his life were lies. Even his skin was a lie. At the end not being accepted by his father no matter what he does, he commits suicide. That’s when he meets Thanos. And Thanos and his allies through torture and using mind stone, brainwashed Loki. People who go through brainwashing give up their previous identity and adopt a new one.
The person’s thinking and behaviors are altered by the indoctrinated beliefs that support their new identity. The individual changes into a whole new person, in some cases.[3]
This change in personality and ideas is easily noticeable in Loki in Avengers vs the other movies. The way he talks in Avengers is eerily similar to the way Ebony Maw talks in EG.
This could be a parallel with how TVA agents memories’ were removed and replaced by propaganda. But no mention of what happened to Loki during his time with Thanos. Nothing.
What’s interesting though is that when you read about how brainwashing is done, there isn’t only one example of it on screen. There are two. The steps for brainwashing are:
1.Isolating the victim
2.Degrade the target
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3. Promise a better identity
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4.Offer rewards
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What Mobius was doing in S1 wasn’t therapy unlike what the writers claimed. It was brainwashing.
Another interesting point is that the way Loki treated Mobius was the right way to undo brainwashing. Those steps are separate the person from their group, be on their side and question their beliefs like what Loki did during 1x02 and tell them they’ve been brainwashed like what happened in 1x04.
I find it really funny though that every time they try to show what a villain Loki was and that he needed the guidance from these heroic™ people, he turns out to be the most moral person in the group if you look at the story objectively. Loki befriended and tried to help the people who arrested, tortured and tried to brainwash him, even before he knew they were variants.
In the end, I don’t give the credit for these parallels to the series. Because I don’t think they were intentional. Otherwise, they would have delved into Loki’s past and compared it to what happens in the show and wouldn’t have disregard it completely. What a huge waste of opportunity.
From Dehumanization and Objectification, to Rehumanization
Dehumanized Perception
How To Undo Brainwashing
How to Recognize and Avoid Brainwashing
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buddieswhvre · 5 months
Requested by @buddiesmutslut here's number 9 the lawyer Eddie and innocent Buck fic! I tried my best to make things clear but still keep the air of suspense lol. Also, yes Buck is going through it right now.
Tick, tock, tick, tock, the hands of the clock continued moving but Buck was frozen still. This was a warning, this should be a warning, right? He may act as if he wasn't scared but in reality, he was losing his goddamn mind. Coming home to his place being absolutely trashed was a big wake-up call. He needs to stop this. Yes, his loft wasn't his home, never was, but still, it was a place that gave him shelter for so long, and seeing it like this was painful.
There was a time when he was his own person, and had no one who could suffer the consequences of his actions but now it was different. He had Bobby, Chimney, Hen, and Eddie, oh my god Eddie.
It was as if Eddie had some special power when it came to Buck and suddenly his loft opened to reveal Eddie.
“Hey so Bobby was doing some research and I think-”
“I'm withdrawing the case.” Eddie looked at him as if Buck had lost his mind but in reality, today was the first time ever since this all started that he was really thinking.
“What are you talking about and why are you cleaning the loft?” Buck needed the previous Eddie who didn't care about him so much. He needed him to ask less questions and do what he was asked to.
“Because it doesn't matter. It's not like I can practice after this so why even bother?” Some time ago they were standing at the exact place where Buck screamed about how important his job was to him and how he needed Eddie to trust him and today at the same place he's asking, no begging Eddie to leave him alone.
“No Eddie, maybe I deserved it. I mean it was my fault, right? I took an oath to save people and I couldn't so maybe I do deserve it. Or what do you know, maybe I did kill him? Maybe-”
“Buck! If there's one thing I know about you is that you'd never hurt anyone on purpose-”
“What do you even know about me? Nothing. I just want you-” Buck needed Eddie to just go away. If Eddie said anything else Buck would completely break down and tell him everything that happened. And that's what Buck didn't want. He didn't want Eddie to put himself and in turn Chris in more danger because of Buck.
“I know how you act like you like dark coffee when your favorite is oat milk vanilla frappuccino. I know how you feel bad for killing a moth, a literal moth because it did nothing wrong. I know how you give your whole heart for someone without anything in return because that's how selfless you are, Buck. So yeah, I know you. I know you to the core and that's how I know that something is wrong.” One side of Buck wanted to cry in front of Eddie after everything he just said. There was finally someone who saw his whole existence and still thought he was worthy of something and yet he couldn't.
Christopher, the absolute treasure of his life would be in danger and Buck would literally walk through fire alone if it kept Chris safe. And if the fire was Eddie's disappointment and hurt, then so be it.
“Eddie, I want to withdraw the case”
Tags: @smilingbuckley @wikiangela @theotherbuckley @cinematics123 @honestlydarkprincess @cal-daisies-and-briars
Please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed🩷
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aballedofbookworms · 9 months
Helpless part 7 (I'm in an airport rn lol)
The two stepped into a mall in New York that Nico could not bother to remember the name of, Piper grabbed his hand dragging him through the mall. Nico constantly reminded himself that human contact would not kill him and that it was probably a good thing Piper was dragging him along considering he had no idea where he was going.
"I still don't understand why I couldn't just shadow travel us here."
"Will threatend to kill me and Chiron if we let you shadow travel."
"Of course it was Solace, I would expect nothing less from him." The son of Hades said, rolling his eyes. The two demigods walked through the stores both trying on different clothes and Piper this time failing to convince Nico to get anything that wasn't black. All while Piper teased him about a certain son of Apollo,
"Be realistic Piper, he's probably straight anyways."
"No he's not actually, he's bi. Leo was going to tell you but he couldn't find you, apparently the rest of Camp knows." Nico's face lit up for a second before looking back down.
"There's still no chance. He is literally the embodiment of sunshine, I am the child of Hades, God of the fucking Underworld. There is no sunlight there."
"Nico he clearly cares about you."
"It's his job."
"But he checks in on you so much more than anyone else."
"Because he doesn't trust me to stay alive."
"If he didn't trust you to be alive he would have kept you in the infirmary."
"There's still no chance he likes me."
"You're the only one who thinks that Nico, he gave you a nickname for Aphrodite's sake. He doesn't do that with anyone else who is 'just a patient'"
"He did that to get on my nerve."
"Gods you're so dense, wanna go to McDonald's now?"
"Oh, sure." Nico said trying to hide the shake in his voice.
"Oh and di Angelo, Will threatened to kill me if I didn't make you eat a full meal so yeah."
"Of course he did."
They finished ordering, Piper had only gotten some fries and a drink because apparently the vegetarian options 'were so bad they tasted like grass'. Nico just nodded, not pointing out the fact that not ten minutes ago she was threatening him to eat a full meal today because Will would kill her if he didn't and here she was barely eating herself.
"Number 57!" Nico walked up and grabbed the tray, he breathed in deeply. He'll be okay, if he acted calm then he could play it off. He would just walk off for a bit, Piper didn't have to know. The two started to eat, it still tasted as good as Nico remember but he could barely get anything down his throat. He already felt sick but he knew he could withstand at least another five minutes without throwing up, he tried to keep conversation to a minimum putting all his energy into seeming fine. After another few minutes passed, then Nico muttered,
"Bathroom." Before walking away, he tried to keep his pace normal but already knew he was walking away too fast and Piper would know something was up. He quickly walked inside and was extremely thankful the bathroom was empty, he went into the stall furthest away from the door. He threw up everything he had eaten like countless other times, at that point he was just hoping no one would walk in. He cleaned himself up a bit and headed back towards Piper,
"Okay tell me. What happened?"
"I know something happened, you're biting your nails and you looked sick before. Also you practically ran and you look nervous."
"Nothing happened."
"Nico don't lie, I know something happened. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." Piper desperately wanted to know what had happened to the Hades boy but she knew when to stop pushing, she didn't want to charmspeak it out of him, that's purely invasive. He'll tell her when he's ready.
"Come on, I want to do something I'll regret in a week."
"Which is...?"
"I'm getting my ears pierced."
"Oh my Gods, yes. That is an amazing idea; if they say you look too young to do it without parents concent, I'll charmspeak them."
"Thanks McLean, didn't particularly like the plan of asking the God of the Underworld to come to a mall in New York." Nico was relieved Piper had either forgotten to continue interrogating him or was leaving the topic for now, he had been meaning to do this at some point either way and this seemed like a good occasion.
Piper had to do some charmspeaking, but finally Nico had gotten them done. He decided to get doubles since he was going to regret it anyway might as well go all out, he hadn't even flinched when it happened. After that they went to a few more stores and Piper finally convinced him to get something that wasn't black, instead a very dark blue.
"I would ask if you are actually allergic to bright colours except I've seen you in a bright red shirt so that clearly isn't the case."
"I just like black, is there a problem?"
"It makes you look like the Grim Reaper."
"I was hoping for that."
"You're hopeless di Angelo."
"Finally you're giving up, took you long enough."
"Nope, simply stating facts. If I can bring a metal dragon to life I can make you look less like a ghost without the use of charmspeaking." Turns out however that she could not, maybe some tasks really were impossible.
"I'll shadow travel us back, it's not that far."
"Nico, I would get killed by your loverboy if you did that. We'll just take the-"
"That is probably more dangerous if we're being perfectly honest, also shut up."
"Never. By the way not that many people died, it was-" but the daughter of Aphrodite didn't have time to finish. A wooden club hit her over the head, Nico cursed under his breath and pulled out the only weapon he had, a small pocket knife, he knew he couldn't do much against a fully grown cyclopes. He didn't know where it had come from but that wasn't important, the monster had probably found them because of his blood, children of the big three were the easiest to be tracked by monsters. He had skeletons but there is no way he could stab it with the celestial bronze blade, Piper had passed out and was bleeding on the floor. Meanwhile Nico was struggling to not get hit by the 15 foot cyclopes, he didn't know what everyone else had seen but they didn't pay much attention. He raised a few skeletons to try and keep it in place, he felt himself getting weaker. He knew he shouldn't be doing these things but he was fine for those years he was alone, he would survive now. Piper had lost a lot of blood, he didn't know how well this would go, he had some squares of ambrosia but couldn't get it to her without dying. There was nothing else he could do, he grabbed her wrist and shadow traveled back to camp, but still got hit with the club before he was gone. His head hurt and he tasted blood in his mouth, he collapsed as he showed up somewhere in front of cabin 13.
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opinated-user · 6 months
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this also bother me. the fandom doesn't have a less than ideal view of anne rice because she didn't want smut of her characters. the fandom was upset at anne rice that not only would she dislike the porn, which is a perfectly normal response that anyone should be able to respect, but also went out of her way to legally persecute people to force them to take all of fanfictions down. all of it. even the most domestic coffe shop unhorny fluff was scrubbed off the face of the internet, forcing writers into create increasingly complicated way to ever publish their stories that, once again, also included the ones that were as SFW as you can get. consider again that her books themselves include things like Claudie, a vampire who eternally looks like a 8 year old child, basically in love with her own father figure and Lestat developing a sort of incestuous relationship with his own mother, that he turned into a vampire. Armand was a literal teen when he became the lover of Magnus and turned into a vampire himself, that later went to become the lover of Louis, again, while having a teen body. but a person writing about any of the adult characters having sex, that was worth having lawyers sending letters to them and scare them out of their minds. or not having sex at all, just having normal fun with these characters.
i'm not surprised that LO doesn't know or care about any of this because this is all old fandom history before she was obssesed with writing about how much Meg from FG and her self insert were so in love. i don't think either that she'd care even if she knew because when has LO ever cared about anyone but herself? have you ever wondered why people put disclaimers at the start of their fics saying "i don't own these characters"? nowadays that practice is almost completely gone for good reason, because it should be obvious that if you're making fanart then the canon is not yours anyway, but it was originated because of authors like Anne Rice who actually went out of their way to try to control fandom because they couldn't accept fandom existing.
Anne Rice was a complicated person who went through a lot of changes on her life and i'm not interested in portraying her as a eternal villain. later on her life she went out of her way to write her own smut series. as far as i know, she ended up just not caring about fanfic anymore and writers are not facing the same trouble they did before.
but to say that all she did was just say she didn't like smut of her character and nothing else is a bold faced lie, either by ignorance or pure malice i don't know, but a lie all the same.
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heretherebedork · 5 months
Curious to know your feels about the 1000 Years Old finale. You didn't post much about it. Maybe that's a commentary in and of itself LOL.
Part of the answer is that I struggle with watching things out of my usual schedule and had a very busy weekend so I'm just getting around to actually watching the finale episode after knowing all kinds of spoilers. I am actively writing this response as I watch the episode. So enjoy my live thoughts on your ask.
And, so far, my entire reaction is that they crammed way too much here in the end. They needed to spread this out more than they did and I get parts of it, I like having the soulmates reveal only at the very end...
But there's a lot of plot and seriousness that they just didn't touch on enough and that I think including in the rest of the show would have improved it greatly as well as helping with the pacing struggling most people had.
If more of the Janja plot had been genuinely spread through the show and more of these serious moments and the understanding of their agreement and relationship had started earlier I might care more about this. But I don't care about Janja at all! I just don't! I wasn't given reasons to care until the very end and that's not enough for me.
Also, having Yoh not fight for any of it really did disappoint me but the director of this show, as seen in multiple other shows they've done, seems to have a thing for one very passive character in the main relationship who will just Allow Things To Happen To Them without ever fighting back. And I never like that, frankly.
Yes, they dropped a few hints here and there but it just isn't enough to tie it all together in this show itself.
It's not a bad finale, it's not the worst, but the end of the show feels so rushed compared to the rest and us not getting all the fluffy times together only to be shown a single scene at the end of a long happy life instead of the time together that I want to see.
I like domesticity, not the end of domesticity.
I get why people liked this ending. I see how people who rewatch things, especially, will enjoy the recontextualization of the show.
But for me? It made everything feel rushed and the rest of the show feel almost empty and slightly worse in comparison. Either we needed more plot or less episodes for this to work.
(Every time I see Somchai I am sad we did not get Somchai and Shin. Every single time. Come on. You crammed this much into the final episode, you could have given me more of them somewhere else!)
Also, I love his random bodyguards, whoever they are. Love them.
Also, this year long time skip is stupid.
Seriously, I am deeply frustrated by Yoh literally finding out they're soulmates and then just... completely abandoning Pun and leaving entirely. It's not interesting to see him just give up and it makes him the most passive character ever. Which we also had in I Will Knock You and, frankly, in 2gether. That's just The Style.
JANJA LITERALLY TOLD YOH SHE WAS GIVING HIM PUN BECAUSE PUN WILL NEVER LOVE ANYONE ELSE. Whatever, at least the confession and whole thing is done and now they can be soulmates together.
9 minutes of happy ending is not enough. Absolutely not enough. Yes, it was cute. Yes, it was a happy ending. But it's just not enough and it leaves me wanting more and wishing that the show were paced differently.
(Still sad we couldn't get any more Somchai and Shin, we deserved more.)
Edit Okay, I didn't mention this originally but I actually hate that the soulmate/reincarnation line takes away the power of Yoh's gift to Pun being his first birthday present. It really bothers me because that moment was one of the my favorite moments and the finale just made it not matter at all and turned it into something much less important and takes away a lot of the importance away of Pun wearing the cross and it BOTHERS ME A LOT.
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