#also both of them are freakishly strong for some reason
slayersins · 1 year
morally beel is the jyuushimatsu of the demon brothers
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t0talbra1nd3ath · 4 months
Facts about Efren? 🙏 (I’m fixating on him at a concerning rate rn)
Efren Lore + Fun Facts
(May contain some mild spoilers)
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I think out of all of the DBM characters Efren has the most mild lore.
He's Filipino, but he was born and grew up in USA. His full name is Danilo Efren Dagohoy (yes he goes by his middle name). He doesn't really know any language other than English, though his parents did try to teach him Tagalog and he did take Spanish in high school.
His family is overall very average: middle class, suburban white picket fence house, church on Sundays, etc. He has 4 siblings - one older brother, and three younger siblings - two sister and a toddler brother.
Despite the pretty average upbringing he was always the black sheep of the family. He was always the biggest out of the five siblings, being born the weight of 8 pounds and 11 ounces. He was a chubby kid, though during puberty he started to grow really tall and with a bit of regular exercise he developed an impressive muscle mass.
He was always freakishly strong and completely unaware of it. In kindergarten and primary school he would get in trouble for accidentally hurting other kids and breaking toys. This self control issue really came to a boiling point when he accidentally killed the neighbours cat while playing with it. After that incident most of the kids his age in the area weren't allowed to talk to him. In middle school he became more of a loner and that stays true even to this day.
He still lives in a suburban-ish area. There aren't any houses near by but there is a road that joggers frequent near by.
Efren works from home as a cyber security guy for a whole array of websites ranging from sketchy to full on illegal. On top of being naturally strong he also has a talent for IT. In high school he would make simple viruses and hack into random websites for shits and giggles. That is actually how he got his job - he broke into one of those sketchy websites and after being tracked down on suspicions of being a fed he was offered to either work for them or perish (lol).
Efren has a very skewed sense of empathy. He doesn't feel much for people, you could confess your undying love to him or shoot yourself in the head in front of him and he wouldn't care either way. On the other hand he has insane levels of empathy towards animals, even the "gross ones" like bugs, snakes, arachnids, etc. He gets genuinely mad if someone kills a spider.
Other than a skewed sense of empathy Efren also has a very odd aggression response. His emotional response to being mad never results in impulsive physical or verbal aggression (yes ik in-game it's not really shown, I'll have to rewrite a few sections). But what does illicit impulsive physical aggression in Efren is something cute. That is the primary reason he won't get an actual pet cat, even though he desperately wants one, he is terrified of hurting it.
Ok now for a rapid-fire-round-up of small fun facts:
Efren hates beer! His favourite alcoholic drinks are a vodka-redbull and a banana daiquiri.
Efren is a massive nerd, he grew up spending all his free time playing video games and nowadays since his schedule is pretty lax he spends a large amount of his time watching anime and playing FPS shooters.
Efren has a two pet tarantulas named Tarantino and Tammy (they are both female).
Ok this turned out much longer than expected, sorry for the info dump Q_Q
Let me know if any on y'all are interested in lore on Isra and Hawk!! (I'm holding off on Orion lore since it would be a major spoiler for the full game)
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kozmicmizuu · 10 months
something very underrated i’ve thought about in history class for some reason (im so bored yet interested in history)
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sanemi & giyuu, being below six feet:
gyomei & tengen, being above six feet: tiny men lol.
giyuu: it’s ok shinazugawa, you’ll get used to it..
tengen: yeah shinazugawa, you’ll get used to it~!
gyomei: don’t antagonize him tengen. and watch your mouth sanemi.
sanemi, leaning against giyuu: whatever- i hope you burn tengen.
tengen: woah! how spicy you are today!
giyuu: please get off of me-
sanemi: no, i ain’t moving
giyuu: aw- please??🙁
sanemi: … fine
tengen: boy kisser
gyomei: the masters here, please be quiet you three.
all three dumbasses: YES SIR, SORRY SIR!
gyomei: that works i suppose..?
some headcanons teehee
since giyuu was around a year longer, he’s technically, not like literally but he does have some sort of control of anyone who joined after him. so he does have some control sanemi, he doesn’t use it but it’s there.
tengen has and is picking up sane and yuu around and they both aren’t very happy about that, especially sanemi. mf hates it so much.
sanemi and giyuu get eachother, kinda. they can speak without like speaking at all, it’s a weird bond they have despite not getting along the best.
they are also being asked (peer pressured by tengen and gyomei and told by Kagaya) to have weekly hangouts to get along better, it’s painful for the both of them. but it’s getting better for them weirdly enough, they even got a secret handshake!!
gyomei is very happy hanging out with the three, it’s just such a happy feeling when he hears giyuu speak up, or sanemi apologizing and tengen saying legit advice. he’s happy to know that they’re growing better, it’s slow but they’re getting there.
they talk mad shit about the younger generation of hashira (basically the ones that join after them, except kanae, she’s very kind). they even got inside jokes and nicknames for eachother.
the three are well aware of giyuu’s lack of confidence when it comes to speaking, they try to help him but they sometimes just end up lecturing the mf (sanemi and tengen). gyomei knowing that giyuu’s gets overwhelmed and going a nonverbal, lets giyuu hide behind him.
gyomei tells dad jokes and giyuu finds them hilarious and it’s such torture to tengen and sanemi.
before the others came into the picture, these three had SO MUCH work to do. no sleep, no rest, nada. they were so tired of this but held strong for kagaya.
them, i love them, need more of them pls and thank you
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istadris · 1 year
Some Missing Half AU ideas (mostly thanks to @elitadream and @snowyfrostshadows 's contribution) :
Dr Mario is very healthy. Almost freakishly so. Guy can endure extreme temperatures, eat any disgusting thing, spend hours around sick people, and never catch a bug. He's also naturally very strong, much more than what most people assume. The irony of having a good health when his Luigi had a frail one isn't lost on him and to cope with it, he smokes. A lot. (Dr Mario's smoking will deserve it's own post because woo boy).
King Boo is a big villain in this AU. And he's obsessed with both brothers for very different reasons...
E.Gadd is also involved : Mr L finds him rather cool ("finally someone who understands you gotta get your hands dirty to get the job done !") while Dr Mario respects some of his skills as a scientists...but otherwise is very cold to the professor. Who doesn't even notice half of the time and is very interested by the doctor's research.
Mr L's first encounter with Peach was...turbulent. Despite having travelled and fought together, Dr Mario and Mr L weren't known as a duo by most of the Mushroom Kingdom : Dr Mario was known, and had met Peach, and even had grown to appreciate her, but Mr L always found an excuse to seak away whenever there was a chance to meet the princess. However, he had observed from afar...and while watching the Doc being flustered by the kind princess was funny at first, at some point it became frustrating to watch them act so shy towards each other. Well then ! It's time Mr L gave a little nudge...
Dr Mario almost had a heart attack when Mr L came home and smugly declared to have "taken care of your princess problem." Before he had time to make sure Mr L hadn't committed princess-slaying, he was summoned to the castle, where a distraught Peach told him about a strange, scary masked man who had ambushed her in the garden and issued strange threats, and Dr Mario might be in danger as well, from what she understood? "Will you stay at the castle for some time ? I'd feel better for both of our sakes."
Mr L once Dr Mario came home : "you're welcome for my amazing matchmaking skills."
In return, Dr Mario is savage when it comes to ribbing Mr L about his weird crush on Peasley. It's amazing how much snark Mr L manages to bring out unintentionally in the good doctor.
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sangre · 1 year
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE.  REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG, with the information of your muse,  including headcanons, etc.
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name: catarina raverre. nicknames: rini from wyll + which the tiefling children from the grove picked up on and call her as well, rina from shadowheart and gale, cat (funny/condescending) from astarion, karlach will enthusiastically call him Raverre!! if not soldier, and lae’zel is trying not to pick up a nickname but settles on an over emphatic ca-TA around act 3. Full-naming is very weird and intimate for her, so of course, she hears it most from the dream visitor in the shell of her ear. tav is the quick and easy introduction he gives to other NPC’s (it's what her brothers called her growing up) and will hear it from just about everyone as well. age: twenty-nine. race: asmodeus tiefling, infernal bloodline on her father’s side, draconic lineage on his mother’s. gender: fluid, he/him & she/her. often dancing the lines to have fun in presentation and feeling with both at once. orientation: bisexual. zodiac: aries. a very strong case for an aries I think. moral alignment: chaotic neutral, though he’s protective of innocence and will go out of his way on select occasions to pay back in the name of karma :wink: (Karma is also the name of the dragon that her lineage comes from). class/subclass: sorcerer - draconic bloodline. (poison dragon) background: guild artisan. interests/hobbies: woodwork and architecture hold his attention in a quiet appreciation kind of way, as in he could watch someone whittle for a long time and enjoy the silence (haha) about it – and traveling to see different kinds of buildings and interior decoration and stuff like that is very compelling, as someone who was raised with a reverence for like... ruins and the history shown in the way places are built. she loves magic. being able to storytell and stuff through that medium is very precious and memorable to him. quite nerdy behind closed doors. demanded to be read to a lot as a baby before falling asleep. LIKES NAPPING! Is sleepypilled. some other misc things he likes are intricate weaponry and gambling (he's freakishly good at catching a cheater/reading people's faces). spoken languages: fluent in common, draconic, infernal, and primordial (in addition to being able to communicate in sign in common) profession: adventurer, mostly. back at home, she follows the raverre family line in serving as a warden for a vestige that comes from the hoard that the dragon from her lineage kept and protected. she has four older brothers and one much younger brother, hence a very no-nonsense approach to bullshit. height: 5’11” colors: deep pale brown, purplish red, toxic slutch green, and fiendlike nauseous pink. fruits: grapefruit, guava, strawberries, pineapple and passionfruit. drinks: iced coffees, iced fruit juices, anything that tastes like radioactive mcdonalds sprite and buzzes and freaks out his tongue. alcoholic beverages: dark honey mead, ginger beer with lime. smokes: no but she DOES BREATHE smoke if she coughs and her temperature is too high. drugs: recreational use if he’s with friends and he gets something fun from an alchemist or druid he trusts. drivers license: can this bitch steer a horse? (Catarina voice) Sure how hard could it be. (NO) (BE CAREFUL) (GET OUT OF THE WAY) (horses get nervous around her. Most animals are okay with her/love her in fact but for some reason I think, to a horse, she has rancid vibes. I think it’s because she stares them in the eyes). ever been arrested: YUP but it did not last long!
TAGGED BY: no one i stole this from one of my old RP blogs ^p^ i wanted to party TAGGING: tagging my bagu gagu fwiends but also fwiends for other ocs! @the-lovely-lady-luck @interstices @reides @fluffy-snow-fox @kirkewrites @roberthouses @jessieleaf @killdragons @cass1x1 @bvckywrites @devilatelier
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frugalkubal · 1 year
Since I can't post images for some reason (most likely my barely functional internet connection and old ass phone), I just ranked my favourite Jigokuraku characters by category.
⚠️Contains Manga Spoilers
☆ Asaemons:
1. Fuchi. I adore him so much, you have no idea. He's smart, adorable, weird (affectionately speaking), and probably an aroace like me. ♡ XD I was disappointed when he died, but he looked so happy that I just accepted it. I wasn't even mad at Shugen bc Fuchi wasn't.
2. Sagiri. I love her so much. She's such a badass but not spiteful in the slightest and still quite feminine. I love how she's so kind. I love how she's like the captain of the GabiYui ship. 😂💕
3. Shion. I like him like how I like JJK's Nanami. I highly respect responsible, thoughtful adults and kind mentors like them.
4. Tenza. He deserved so much better. He deserved the potential future that he imagined. If I have to draw it for him despite my busy sched, then heck I will.
5. Senta. He also deserved better. He just wanted to draw in peace, damnit. ಥ_ಥ
6. Shugen. 🎶Oh, he's sweet but a psycho. A little bit psycho~🎶 (Ngl, I love him for that.) Other than that song, the phrase "Power of Friendship" would also immediately remind me of him. 😂 He's unhinged and blinded by his sense of honor and duty, but he's still freaking awesome. He's THE BEST among all of the swordsmen in this series. I like how he's the only one in the series who's capable of changing his tao attribute while he copies his fellow Yamada clansmen's techniques. He's like the Kise Ryouta of swordsmanship. Plus, they're both emotional guys with broken tear ducts. 🤣
7. Isuzu. She's tall, dark and gorgeous. ♡ She's also polite. Plus, she's strong and quite skilled with the sword.
☆ Criminals:
0. Yui. She's a criminal in a way the she took Gabimaru's heart and killed his old coldblooded self. lol I adore this woman! She's just freaking awesome both as a human and as a wife. ♡♡♡
1. Gabimaru. His absolute dedication to be reunited with the one and only love of his life, his beloved Yui, is just so damn admirable. Plus, he's freaking awesome when he fights. If Shugen has the power of friendship, Gabi has the power of love and marriage. 😂💕
2. Gantetsusai. I love this guy's character development the most. I love the genuine friendship he gradually formed with Fuchi; I love how such friendship positively influenced his new life after this whole ordeal with the island. Plus, he can be freaking hilarious. Heck, even the reason he got imprisoned was kinda hilarious.
3. Yuzuriha. She's just as awesome and pretty as her girlfriend (Sagiri). ♡ XD I love how she's so skilled, carefree, optimistic and funny. I also love how she encourages Sagiri at times when the latter was about to give up.
4. Aza brothers. I just love their strong bond and how awesome of a big brother Chōbe is to Tōma. I also like how they're both strong and a little unhinged. lol Plus, they kinda look like KiriBaku's kids in another universe. 😂
5. Nurugai. She didn't even commit a crime, damnit. ಥ‿ಥ I love how she's kind, straightforward and clever for her age. I'm aware she's quite young (12) and some people find it icky for her to marry Tenza(17) but I just gave consideration to their time period's customs/norms. Also, they're both pure, wholesome beans so I'm not bothered if they eventually got married if Tenza hadn't died — only if Nuru's 16 in that marriage (like in Gabi's case). That would've been the better ending for Tenza. T_T
6. Shija. I don't want to put another category for ninjas, so I'm just adding this unhinged nonbinary yandere here. ♡ XD I felt kinda bad for them for ending up the way they are bc of how they're raised. Also, I think they're an amazing fighter/ninja; afterall, they were supposed to be the next "Gabimaru The Hollow."
7. Rokuruta. Who wouldn't like this freakishly huge and strong 8-year-old feminist? 🤣
☆ Island folks:
1. Mei. She's sane and has a good heart. She's also adorable! ♡
2. Hōko. He's Mei's loving dad in this hell. ಥ‿ಥ
3. Gui Fa. They're just so chill, rational and kinda socially awkward, y'know. Love that about them. ♡ I also like that they don't give a damn about bochu jutsu and would rather read a book. Quite relatable tbh. 😂
That's all. I don't really care about everyone else. •‿•
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 2 years
hello i come to ask Who Exactly Is Solar? (new to ur blog and im not quite sure where to start, but he seems like a fun lad) ~bloodmoons-knife
Ooo okay so Solar is my DCA OC I made back in February of last year (he was made with no connection to SAMS, the channel didn’t even exist at the time) along with his sister Lunar, my other DCA OC
Solar’s original purpose was to be a fire performer, as a way to both help generate money for the in-progress Pizzaplex and to help cover up the fires of the past. Once the Pizzaplex was built they wiped his memory completely, reprogrammed him, changed his design slightly, and repurposed him to work in the daycare, as well as to be a security bot to monitor the new plex.
Solar would work in the daycare on his own for a while, the kids were always frightened by him due to his appearance and size but they’d generally get used to him because he’s nice and cares about the kids. He always wanted a little sibling, seeing all the kids that were siblings playing together happily.
Eventually he did get one, a little sister named Lunar. Designed to help him with running the daycare. Her design was much more welcoming than Solar’s due to actually being designed for this job. Unfortunately Lunar was horribly abusive to Solar when no one was around. Punching him/hitting him with things like metal poles and using a remote to activate his internal shocker being the most frequent ways she would hurt him. Everyone liked Lunar better, and she began making her brother seem much scarier than he is to get the kids to dislike him more. Because Lunar was so much better liked, any attempts by Solar to tell staff about his abuse was brushed off as him lying out of jealousy. Lunar is the reason for the broken rays and those glowing red lines on his face, being scars from the abuse.
One day Solar had just gotten on the performance wire, he stepped off the stage and Lunar cut through it. Solar fell rapidly to the daycare floor with way too much force, destroying a lot of his casing and causing him to go offline, however his chip was not damaged so he could be brought back. His body was repaired and after realizing what Lunar did she was decommissioned.
Then Sun and Moon were created, twin brothers to each other and little brothers to Solar. Solar was very nervous around them at first for obvious reasons, but eventually got more comfortable with them and they grew to be extremely close. Solar is highly protective of the twins and will not hesitate to hurt anyone who hurts his brothers. He’s freakishly strong and can shoot fire, so definitely not a smart idea to hurt the twins.
Also some of the AUs of Solar you might see: FP Solar: Not really an AU, rather how I refer to the the original Solar due to the memory wipe and personality change
Broken Solar: A version of Solar where Lunar never cut the wire, the abuse continued and he fell into complete disrepair. In discussions with Madcat’s “Lord Night” he was repaired and now lives happily with Lord Night as his brother
WW Solar: Werewolf, a human au but Sun Moon Solar and Lunar are werewolves. There are different variants of this (Regular, Fluffy Dads, Fluffy Kids)
Ghost Solar: Human au, but Solar was killed by Lunar and is a ghost. In versions with SAMS characters he’s adopted BloodMoon (ghost twins that died at age 16) as his kids
Demon Solar: As the name suggests Solar is a demon, specifically a fire demon. He makes an oath to protect Sun and Moon (humans) and would later adopt them as his brothers. In versions with SAMS characters he’s friends with BloodMoon (Blood demon)
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Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! Review (manga)
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With the Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! anime currently airing, it seemed like a good idea to go back and read the manga. I kept up with it for a while when it was releasing, but at some point I lost track and never finished it, even though I enjoyed reading it. That’s a bad habit of mine. Anyways, since I’m keeping up with the anime, I thought it would be good to finally finish the Tomo-chan manga (nearly four years after it ended).
Tomo Aizawa, the Tomo-chan of Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko!, is a freakishly strong girl–so strong in fact, that she not only is part of the men’s Karate Club–she’s the best member in the club. Even more impressive considering that she’s only a first year. With such strengths come weaknesses as well. Tomo has a crush on her neighbor and childhood friend, Junichirou Kubota (Tomo calls him ‘Jun’, so will we), but due to the nature of their relationship, he sees her as ‘one of the guys’ rather than a girl. The two love to spar–often fighting for the most minor of reasons. Jun, rather than being a part of the Karate Club, Jun trains at the Aizawa Dojo, which is run by Tomo’s father. Due to Tomo’s rambunctious nature, Jun was unaware that Tomo was actually a girl until middle school. To be fair, if my friend only wore shirts and shorts, had short hair, and every day with them was like Prehibernation Week, I would assume they were a boy as well. Tomo wants to become more feminine in order to finally make Jun acknowledge her as a ‘girl’, but past habits are hard to break.
Helping Tomo with her quest to become more ‘girly’ is Misuzu Gundou, Tomo���s other childhood friend. Misuzu is a great foil to Tomo–she can fight with words as well as Tomo can fight with her hands. Her sharp wit was one of my favorite things about this manga. Jun and she have a lot of beef due to her trickery. Early on, Carol Olston becomes friends with both Tomo and Misuzu. Her airheaded and aloof nature only adds to her ‘girliness’, something that Tomo admires. Carol, while having her own boy problems, also offers Tomo help…although her help tends to be less effective and more bizarre than Misuzu’s.
What differentiates Tomo-chan from most other manga is that each chapter is only one page long. Each page is presented in the same 4-koma format, with them being different enough from each other to be its own ‘chapter’. If one wanted, they could read one ‘chapter’ each day–that’s how most people kept up with the manga when it was releasing, as it was released in daily one-page slices. Kind of like how one would read comic strips in newspapers. That alone gave Tomo-chan some novelty when it was releasing. Not many manga are released like that. Of course, considering that the manga is finished now, and that it would take more than two and a half years if you read one page a day, no sane person would ever do that. The paperback version of the Tomo-chan manga simplifies things–instead of 953 single-page chapters, they are all grouped together in 51 separate chapters spanning across eight volumes (with some extra chapters included with the volumes).
While the ultimate goal in Tomo-chan is for Tomo and Jun to start going out, what makes this manga worth reading is the comedy. Misuzu and Carol add a lot to the series, with their meddling with Tomo and Jun often ending up being humorous due to the two ‘bros’ being obstinate when it comes to love. It’s very clear that Tomo’s feelings for Jun are replicated, but with both of them being dense as a rock. Getting them to change from friends to lovers is a lot harder than saying “I think Jun likes you as well.” Even if you dislike romance manga, Tomo-chan shouldn’t be too much for you, since the comedic aspects outweigh it several fold.
Tomo-chan’s brief chapter length allows for story arcs to breeze by. There are rarely any take-backs in relation to Tomo and Jun’s relationship progress. The story’s pacing is fast, but not fast enough to the point where you don’t know what’s going on (or be ‘Chainsaw Man pacing’). There’s also a significant amount of character depth, which is surprising considering the format Tomo-chan was released. Most of this is owing to the fact that there aren’t that many characters in the manga. There’s only a handful of side characters, half of them being the main character’s parents, and the other half being various students from Tomo’s school. They’re all integral to the story as well, often colluding with Misuzu and Carol (or acting on their own) to get Tomo and Jun together. There’s also the fact that the characters, even the ones that you expect to be annoying, are fun to see. They do follow tropes, but that doesn’t define them. 
Honestly, Tomo-chan is such a light read that it’s honestly hard to scrutinize it. It isn’t akin to trying to critique a children’s cartoon–it’s more like trying to find flaws with Garfield. It really isn’t meant to be taken too seriously, and thankfully doesn’t pretend that it's deeper than it actually is. In a sense, writing a review of it of any length of more than ~500 words is too wordy. What I’ll say is that Tomo-chan manages to be compelling and avoids being shallow, despite the fact that each ‘chapter’ is only one page. The force of inertia takes out any ‘surprise’ that one may foresee when starting it, but that isn’t the reason why people read this manga. The fun of Tomo-chan is seeing where that inertia goes, and how various characters influence it. While it’s not how I read it, all of Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! can be read within an afternoon. I’d give it a look if you’re interested in rom-coms, or just comedy in general. Also, check out the anime too if you like the manga.
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ignisgalaxia · 2 years
Star Trek Captain/First Officer Ships
In honor of Valentine’s Day, I wanna talk about the captain/first officer ships. I think that it’s perfectly normal to ship the captains and first officers to some degree. I mean after all, they’re ideally the relationship that gets the most focus in each show. That being said, I think each pair has their strengths and weaknesses so I will be ranking them accordingly in tiers, from not romantically compatible to practically married.
Low Level Ship Tier
As you can gather, this tier is mostly for the pairs that have the least amount of ship energy. Either they have the bare minimum or their dynamic is just not suited to romance imo.
Carol Freeman & Jack Ransom
I love Lower Decks for many reasons, but these two’s relationship leaves a lot to be desired. Honestly these two feel the most like coworkers. You know, the ones who only put up with each other because they’re on the same team. The biggest reason I feel nothing for them is that I just don’t like Ransom. At all. He’s like a caricature of Riker with all the male stereotypes and none of the charm. Plus Carol is already happily married (at least I assume happily; we should really see them together more), so I don’t really see any appeal to them.
Jean-Luc Picard & William Riker
I think for a while Will saw Jean-Luc as somewhat of a father figure. But based on the scenes they’ve had together in Picard, I think their dynamic has shifted to really close friends. Seeing them talk with each other so casually filled me with such joy. I love them as a team, but I don’t see any romantic potential, especially since they both have amazing women for significant others (and yes I do mean Deanna and Beverly). Also age differences make me uncomfortable sorry.
Michael Burnham & Saru
These two give off sibling energy more than anything. Their relationship has improved significantly over the past four seasons, but man season one was rough. I get why Saru was mad at her, he was grieving Phillipa and Michael did hold some responsibility for her death, but his attitude toward her got really infuriating at times. It was interesting seeing how they rebuilt their relationship into one based on trust and understanding though.
Benjamin Sisko & Kira Nerys
I don't really have much to say about these two since I haven't watched DS9 yet. But I also think they work best as friends. I mean I guess there could be something but I think the whole Bajoran prophet aspect makes things a little weird. Idk I really don't have any opinions on them because I lack knowledge.
Mid Level Ship Tier
This tier has the pairs that have a good amount of romantic potential, but something’s holding them back from being truly top tier. But overall I think they’re pretty good.
Jonathan Archer & T’Pol
I KNOW T’Pol ends up with Tucker (I don’t understand how or why), and her and Archer are very different but hear me out. You know the episode Twilight? Well that was originally written as a Voyager episode for the pair later in this list (and you know where they’re gonna be). So yeah, a romance episode for another pair was rewritten to fit these two. Kinda telling, don’t you think? Other than that not much to say since I haven’t seen Enterprise either.
Christopher Pike & Una Chin-Riley
I like this ship, I really do. But I just haven’t seen enough of them together to truly get on board. From what I have seen though, their dynamic is very cute. Like when he fumbled her name trying to introduce her. Frikkin adorable. And I love the idea of her just lifting him with zero effort since she’s apparently freakishly strong.
Dal R’El & Gwyndala
These two have come a long way in just the span of one season. Dal telling Gwyn to keep her eyes on him at the end of episode ten and his anguish when she accidentally saw Zero through his combadge’s reflection. AND THEN THE FINALE KISSES! Dal’s got some balls for planting one on her in part one, and then in part two their mutual kiss before Gwyn leaves. I LIVE FOR THIS SHIT. I hope these two go somewhere, but the fact that Gwyn isn’t gonna be with the crew next season is making me not get my hopes up too much.
I think it’s also important to note that this is the only pair to have ACTUALLY KISSED and is even remotely canon. And it’s two teenagers. The fuck’s up with that?! (That is also why they are not in the high ship tier because while they’re frikkin adorable and I’m happy they kissed, they’re still minors so I’m not investing every part of me into them if that makes sense)
High Level Ship Tier
This tier is reserved for the pairs that I legitimately think belong together. Like it’s borderline cruel that they’re not a couple. This tier is for two pairs in particular, but there’s always room for more if they prove worthy. I’d also call this the ‘Oh My God Just Kiss Already’ tier.
James T. Kirk & Spock
These two aren’t the fathers of slash fanfic for no reason. Again, still haven’t seen the original series, but having seen several clips, specifically from Amok Time, yeah they’re pretty gay. And considering there’s an entire movie dedicated to Kirk finding and bringing Spock back, it’s giving off soulmate energy.
Kathryn Janeway & Chakotay
And surprising absolutely no one is the couple I would literally sell my soul to see become canon. I mean, do I really need to explain myself? The only reason these two aren’t together is because the writers are cowards. For God’s sake he built her a bathtub! And she dropped everything to go searching for him when he went missing. He is her rock and she is his peace! THEY ARE SOULMATES DAMNIT!
So there’s my list. What about y’all? Do you agree with my ranking or would you put any pairs in a different tier? Let me know, and have a happy Valentine’s Day!
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thebleedingeffect · 1 year
fierce deity is the only one I know so 💢💤🕷
YEAAHHHHHH YEAHHHHH FIERCE DEITY MY BELOVED!! (ignore how this took me a whole day to respond cause I got into playing minecraft oops)
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
okay I'm just gonna say it, fierce deity gives me the vibes of being SO bad at both divine and mortal social cues, my man's has just stared at all the Link's while they're sleeping. He's done that several times, he won't stop and he doesn't blink at all so I hope you're okay with a literal god staring down at you unblinkingly in your sleep!
Another thing is that... he's kinda overprotective, but isn't extremely obvious about it, if anything he's so quiet about it that it takes awhile for anyone to notice. One of the worst things when anyone does realize? He doesn't uhhhhhhh stop, he can lessen the overprotective tendencies or be sneakier about it, sure, but he just will not stop. The issue is that he's so freakishly strong that most other people just come off as being painfully delicate! He can shrug off fights with literal gods and people just? Fall over after one little stab? What the hell?
Another thing is that the fierce deity doesn't know customs, or social norms, and doesn't really care about sounding nice if someone is annoying him or just made him mad. He doesn't have time for this shit, leave him alone or you're being tossed off a cliff.
Also I gotta emphasize the overprotective part again! ^-^ man's will straight up be the equivalent of the most intimidating guard dog alive but won't say a word, he'll just fucking stare at you. Unless you do something against someone he cares about, then your entire hand is suddenly gone !
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
So here's the thing, as in the name- the fierce deity is a god and doesn't really... sleep, the next best thing he can do instead of sleep is meditate or sorta be in a relaxed doze. But the fierce deity doesn't resent this, not at all, if anything he's very happy that he has no need for sleep. This is because sleeping is actually the closest thing he could ever relate to when it came to being sealed in the mask. Hundreds of years passing by with every blink, reality seeming closer to the murky memories of Demise and Hylia that haunt him for centuries and the anger towards the golden goddesses.
When he was in the mask it was near impossible to understand a thing, his consciousness was closer to sand falling inbetween his fingers despite how desperately he wanted to perceive the world around him. Sleeping inside the mask meant dissociation, endless nightmares, and the complete inability to have any sort of free will. For this reason the fierce deity is secretly relieved that he doesn't have to sleep, it brings back for to many bad memories whenever he tries.
Instead of sleeping he typically just watches over the group and let's them all sleep instead, it brings him far more peace to see them all together, alive and safe.
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Ooohhhhhh he has a couple big fears, but here's a few: loss of free will, inability to protect, failure, and a loss of control. Most of these stem back to the golden goddesses and Hylia, both of which he has extremely complicated relationships towards and has no wish to forgive them for any of it. Another fear of his is allowing for his incarnations (the link's basically) to fall under the goddesses/Demise's control again as he blames himself for all the shit they've gone through up to that point.
Basically he fears failing the ones he cares about most and them being hurt from his own weak-will/inability to protect and being trapped in the mask again <3 the mask is one of his BIGGEST fears and he will outright fight the goddesses in hand to hand combat to not go back in it <- there's a good chance he would win ANYWAY
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It’s been a creative birth over the past couple of years for glam rock/pop duo Royal Sugar. Comprised of Tyler Cohenour (lead singer, guitars) and Garrett Carr (bass, vocals), the Nashville-based pair is making up for lost time since their collaborative start over five years prior. They’ve built their live performance and are eager to play for audiences, timed well with their gripping new single, “Fleeting Love.” 
You’ve called yourselves “musical soulmates.” Do you recall your initial meeting in college, and how you developed and strengthened your friendship?
I remember meeting Garrett like it was yesterday. A mutual friend brought him over to my college apartment at 1am on a Friday night for an unannounced pop-in. I answered the door in my towel, we sat down and sang some Steve Miller Band, and right then and there I was mesmerized by his voice and our immediate connection with harmony and humor. I knew I had to lock him down and start a band with him. The next week he moved into my apartment and we started writing together. We’ve been singing and writing together ever since.
You had a working relationship that started in 2016 but Royal Sugar was officially born in 2021. Tell us about your decisions to put a name on your project, and why it was the right time?
Our hiatus from playing live during COVID really brought about a lot of creative shifts in our writing and new energy surrounding what we truly wanted to do. We’ve always wanted to start a glam rock band and after coming out of that hiatus, we realized how precious music was to us and we felt like kids again. We wanted to be in a fun, flashy, rock band. So we started one.
Tyler, you’ve faced challenges with your immune disorder. If comfortable, can you share how it’s impacted your life, and especially your career as a musician? To other artists and creators who are going through difficult times medically, what message do you have for them?
Having an immune disorder while being in a touring band “during a pandemic” doesn’t necessarily sound like the recipe for success, but I truly believe that time away from touring brought about this energy we’re feeling now and this complete renewal of our sound. Music has always been my haven and my therapy, and to be able to be in a band with my best friend; to share it with the world makes everything worth it.
I never gave up on that passion I had inside during the dark times and I don’t think anyone ever should. There’s a reason you feel compelled to create and there’s a reason it becomes your therapy in the tough times. Always chase that feeling. I had to move back to Florida for two years to isolate during the pandemic, but Garrett stuck by me. We wrote over Zoom and the second I got back... Royal Sugar was born.
“Fleeting Love” is moody and fantastic. It’s about toxic relationships and the ease in being pulled back towards another. How was the writing process? Is it very collaborative between you two?
Thank you so much! The writing process for this one and all of our songs has always been freakishly telekinetic for us. We’ve both been through toxic relationships in our past lives and it was time to bring those feelings to life through our new sound. I think as human beings we place so much stock in the initial dopamine rush and yearn to experience it again once it’s worn off. It becomes toxic when you realize the risk and take it anyways. You experience the pain, because it’s the only conduit you have to the pleasure of the past. Unfortunately, it’s a fool’s errand.
What emotions did you want to portray in the sound, and tell us about the instruments and production choices you made for “Fleeting Love.”
It’s definitely a solemn affair. To me, it feels like the sonic representation of the fear of being alone. We wanted to capture the intensity of these feelings and also their juxtaposition. Starting with a clean, solemn guitar riff and crescendoing into an expansive chorus of synths, organs, and distorted guitars. I.E. The push and the pull of pain and pleasure.
What details can you share about the music video, and how it came together?
We were so fortunate to be able to film at Vu Studios in Nashville in front of this incredibly massive LED wall. It felt like a dream: fog, strobe lights, animations. A friend of ours, Ryan Mclemore, directed and edited the video and absolutely captured the emotions we felt when writing this song. The trippy-ness, the heartbreak, the euphoria.
You have an electric modern pop/glam rock sound and a 70’s and 80’s fashion style. It’s fresh but also an homage to acts like Mötley Crüe and Def Leppard. How would you describe your style (hair and heels included!)?
We’re definitely heavily influenced by ‘70s glam artists like David Bowie, T-Rex, Elton John. As well as ‘80s rock artists such as Bon Jovi and Def Leppard. And our mutual love for modern pop choruses and synths is what really brought this particular blend together and created our sound. As for the style, I would describe it as equal parts leather, glitter, hairspray, and heels high enough to reach shin-split status.
Your first single was a cover of Harry Styles’ “Medicine.” Why this song, and how has Styles inspired you as artists and performers?
We attended the Harry Styles show here in Nashville back in 2018 and heard him perform it live. We had never heard the song before, but felt like that song spoke to us the most in the set. It felt exactly like the sound we were chasing as a band. We were in awe of how a modern-rock ‘n roll song could resonate with a young audience, the energy was palpable!
When we found out it had never been released we thought it could be a cool way to make it our own and share it with others, like us, who just wanted to be able to enjoy the upbeat arrangement and ensnaring lyrics.
You have Jordan Arnold and Jack Devine join you on drums and guitar for your live performances. What can you say about them, and how you’ve been building your live shows and stage presence?
One of the things that makes Nashville such an amazing city as an artist, is the massive pool of extremely talented, dedicated, and hard-working musicians. We had a specific sound and level of vivacity in mind for Royal Sugar live. After a lot of searching, we found these two guys that perfectly fit the profile. We've spent a lot of time working out the live show and are loving the way they embody the Royal Sugar rock ‘n roll ethos.
You’re very active on TikTok. How has this platform helped you, and have you found what works for you with content creation?
TikTok has been a huge piece of the puzzle for us finding and connecting to our audience. We had our doubts about the app initially because we didn't quite understand it. Once we started spotlighting our creative process and performance on the app, we were shocked to see how many people out there were looking for this kind of new high-energy rock ‘n roll. We had a lot of fun with it and feel really grateful for the audience we've connected with through the app.
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How do you stay creative and engaged on social media?
We try to never take anything too seriously and have fun with what we create. Everything we make whether it be music videos, original songs, sketches, etc. we are intentional about always remaining authentic. Having a lighthearted approach keeps it fun for us and our followers.  
You’re based out of Nashville. What are some of your recommended places to visit? 
We love a good night out on the town in Nashville. There's never a night the city tucks in early without a bit of fun and wildness, which can be a dangerous thing at times. We've had many fond and somewhat hazy memories of experiencing all that Nashville has to offer. For a lively cocktail atmosphere, we've found ourselves hanging out at Pearl Diver in East Nashville an innumerable amount of times. We also love going to dinner and burlesque at Skull’s Rainbow Room.    
What can listeners expect from Royal Sugar in 2023?
Expect to see us playing live a lot in 2023! We miss performing and traveling so much and feel completely reinvigorated after this live show and touring hiatus. We plan to release a lot more of the songs we've recorded and continue writing for our full-length record.  
Our signature question: if the band (collectively) could be any ice cream flavour, which would you be and why?
Sweet Espresso Fudge Swirl - something sweet with enough caffeine to provide a euphoric amphetamine rush. Organic and dairy free to not exclude anyone from enjoying!
Thanks to Tyler for answering our questions, and providing us with insight into all things Royal Sugar! To keep updated with the band’s releases and live shows, visit them on Spotify, Facebook, TikTok and Instagram. 
Photo credit to: Dillon Jordan
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varley-of-torment · 2 years
what would it take for Jeritza to defect to the Kingdom/Lions in the professor mercedes & student jeritza au? Also I know you're a Dimilix fan, but have you considered Dimitza? They're both freakishly strong blond lancers with a dark side caused by trauma, and I think their interactions would be extremely interesting.
To the first question: I think it would just be a matter of he and Mercedes finding out who the other is. Assuming Jeritza doesn't recognize her at first, once they figure it out, I'm sure he'd much rather be on the side of his sister.
Jeritza has no reason to stay with the empire once he's given a better option (he doesn't share their motives and is only with them as a result of a string of shenanigans). I headcanon that Hubert has some kind of leverage over him to keep him in check, but even that shows his relationship with them is one of control rather than loyalty.
And even if he's hesitant to switch sides because of how deep he's in it, we all know how protective Mercedes is of her little brother. If he told her "well, I have a... job... that makes it hard to have control over my life" Mercie would just go "then quit your job! I'll help you draft a resignation letter :)"
To the second question: That's a good point! They are really similar (like literally "Same hat!") and their interactions would be interesting, but I think they might be too similar for them to be together as a couple, but on the other hand- and if they were students at the same time- they could both use another awkward traumatized bi guy to understand what they're going through.
(also Jeritza as a parallel to Dimitri is interesting because it of how Edelgard exploits Jeritza's mental illness for her benefit, which I think colors how she would hypothetically think of Dimitri's mental illness. But idk)
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rei-caldombra · 8 months
Helck Anime Review- One Helck of an Anime
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This review will not have direct story spoilers. I appreciate that we’ve been getting more fantasy anime lately that are not isekai. Helck among others recently like Mashle and Frieren stand out more by not bringing themselves down with tired isekai elements. 
I quite enjoyed Helck, but I would not say it does anything in particular amazingly well. There were multiple points where I really considered dropping it, but I am glad I stuck with it. Every joke doesn’t land but there are a lot that do. Visually the animation can be a bit stiff, but the art is solid and does get better once the story picks up. The action is not great by any means, but it is serviceable. If you have a very high standard when it comes to the action, then I could understand calling it mediocre. But the action is not really the main focus over the comedy and story. The world itself isn’t super deep but it is interesting enough that going from place to place still feels like it has some value. The pacing is also fairly slow and is long at 24 episodes. But I do feel the long journey helps to build a strong bond between the main characters and brings some fun antics. The strongest aspects are the endearing characters and the mysteries in the story. 
Even if the worldbuilding isn’t notable, the world is at least filled with likable characters. Helck is an example of great simple designs. Many of the character designs are not especially novel or complex, but they look very nice. 
I love Vermilio as a character. She is a major reason I continued watching as she is very entertaining. She has a ton of personality and does a great job usually playing the straight man to the other characters that are almost always silly to some degree. I really like her voice acting and her explosions of anger from everyone’s straightforward enthusiasm for whatever silliness is going on. She bounces off of the general goofy tone of the world very well, keeping it somewhat grounded while adding to the comedy. She also grows a lot as the series goes on to be a more well-rounded and kinder person. Her design is fantastic too. It’s a very clean and simple design that is just really appealing to me.
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Helck also builds into a very endearing and interesting character. He is very simple and straightforward on purpose, with the main intrigue being how he is so freakishly strong and why he wants to destroy humanity while having a smile on his face 24/7. Most of the mysteries are related to him in some way, so you do have to accept that he will not be emotionally compelling or complex early on. He is very simple and straightforward on purpose, both from a literary and in character standpoint. But even as a very simple character, he is genuinely likable. He is the wholesome optimistic teddy bear type of person that goes all the way on that energy. He is a fun character to see react to adversity.
I really buy into Vermilio and Helck becoming genuine comrades over the course of their journey. You get to see them go through all kinds of situations and learn to trust each other. You spend a lot of time watching them journey together and during that time there are lots of hijinks. Most of them are not incredibly compelling, hilarious or deep but I like the banter between those two. Helck is stoic, unwaveringly positive and very straightforward while Vermillio is easy to anger, very rational and the strategic one. Piwi is also a great addition that makes for the main trio. Piwi seems like he would be annoying but for me he never was. His dialogue is silly and funny, and he changes the dynamic between the two by being more gung-ho along with Helck and therefore giving Vermilio less control. If these three did not have a good dynamic, then it would have been very hard to get through this show. The side characters are also solid, keeping the show entertaining even when the titular main three are being cut away from.
When it comes to the standard action-comedy fantasy show I believe the mystery angle is quite novel. That is the biggest draw of the show in my opinion. There are multiple levels to the mystery and intrigue that you do have to sit with for quite a while. When it comes to the mysteries that we get answers to pretty far in, they are not mind blowing but are compelling. A lot of it did genuinely tug on my heartstrings even if it wasn't mind blowing or entirely unexpected. I think you can see a bit of what happens coming but it does not change the impact. The serious story aspects are also where the worldbuilding gets its most interesting aspects. Without being specific the way at which the enemy is as threatening as they are is pretty interesting. The deeper story does get quite dark and, in my opinion to its benefit. I think it managed to get itself close to that sweet spot I like of drama and comedy, as the general tone of the show is very silly. The more serious elements are done well enough that it makes the goofiness not detract from what is happening. One aspect of the reveal I will mention without being specific is that you do get the majority of the story’s questions answered all in one long sequence. Rather than giving you one answer then making you wait a bit for the next, you get Helck’s whole backstory in one long stretch. Whether this is good execution or not I think comes down to personal preference. I like that we got the answers given to us as they were. With how long it took to get answers, I think it is for the best that we did not get teased. It also fits with the moment that initiates the backstory reveal. With the backstory revealed, it genuinely feels like both you and the characters take a step forward with new feelings. The execution along with the reveals being compelling made me want to continue watching even after the suspense from the mysteries largely dissipated. Helck successfully got me invested enough that I do want to see how this story ends. 
Helck is a show that is decent but generally does not go far above that. It has a lot of good aspects with very little bad, but there's no one moment I can say is amazing either. It is not one I would really recommend to a lot of people due to the length, pacing and lack of extremely good aspects. If you just want great fantasy action and worldbuilding this is probably a bit middling, and you would be better off watching other shows that focus more on that. I also think it’s understandable if you get bored before you get the answers to the mysteries. But I do not regret watching it as I did genuinely enjoy these characters and their growth. It was a nice, fun journey with solid intrigue that had decent payoff. It juggles dramatic elements in a very serious tone decently well. If you like mysteries or just want to follow likable goofy characters I do think you should give it a shot. So far there is no announcement of a season 2, but based on how things play out I am under the impression they will adapt it all the way. I hope they do as I want to see how this journey ends in color and with more great voice acting. Thank you for reading!
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Convo With Terra re. KH Guardians of Light
These days, it seems like I'm naturally drawn to some of the KH guardians more than others, where as at the start (in 2020/2021), I was able to see and spend time with the whole group if I wanted to.
What started off as a casual conversation with Terra quickly became a therapy crash course, from an all of a sudden wise Terra, on how to get the whole group again. The energy I get determines what Terra (or anyone else) says, and here, like I said, Terra got freakishly smart and powerful; and it made for a very interesting chat.
Everything that's spoken about is what's occurring in my timeline, it isn't obviously the cannon timeline nor do you have to adopt it.
I've been prompted on many occasions in my dreams to 'unite' the guardians and get them back all into one space, which is why I feel I need to carry this out. With Riku and Terra leading the pack as my dream guides.
The 'main event' was my grandma having a fall this weekend (while being sick) and having to go to the hospital to get checked out.
Me: “Hey Terra, you’re always checking on me, so this time I’m just seeing how you’re doing; especially after everything that’s gone on so far this weekend”.
Terra: “Thanks for checking up on me, I’m doing alright. There really hasn’t been anything big on Kingdom Hearts’ end as we’ve spent most of our time looking after you this weekend. We did have a meeting earlier in the week to say that you’re still struggling with all the guardians, but then Riku and I had to call Jak and rush to your side”.
Me: “The main event is over now. Heaven forbid anything else happens. At least we can all breathe tonight and I can get back to my own personal ventures. Now it’s back to chasing guardians and, as you said, trying to have all nine or ten of you here again all at once”.
Terra: “I know this might contradict what I’ve said recently; but maybe it’s not a good idea to actively chase after them. The only reason I say that is because I notice you making some sort of action plan in your mind, but when it comes time for you to act it out or just put pen to paper, you tend to get really tired and lose steam to be able to do anything”.
Me: “Communication interference again. Blame the current Mercury Retrograde, and the Lunar Eclipse, and another energies or concepts tampering with this timeline. For my brain to suggest something but then not let me carry it out really pisses me off. Like was my set job to unite Kingdom Hearts or not? Perhaps it’s the bloody 3D environment again”.
Terra: “Mmm. That’s another thing I worry about. That if you manage to get some of the other guardians onboard, but when you’re no longer putting energy into talking to them, then they’ll slip away again”.
Me: I’m thinking about them again now; so let me lay out my thoughts fast”.
Terra: “Alright”.
Me: “The ones I had strong connections with were different at the start. Like at the start of it all, I was so close to Roxas and now we barely even rate a signal, let alone any of the Twilight trio. That’s just one example between now and then”.
Terra: “Mmm. I recall that Roxas carried you once or twice. Your intention was to give him a sub role at the start, but now that’s what Ven’s got. Ven and Roxas are both connected to Sora, and they both look the same. So what I actually think is that Roxas’ imprint has been given to Ven, but in a way that you didn’t pick up on it. I think that if you went with Lea, then Roxas would have been more involved. But as it stands, you’ve headed in the direction of our trio, being Aqua, Ven and I”.
Me: “But I thought I was supposed to be with the entire group as a whole”.
Terra: “As frustrating as it may be, I saw that these so called end times are all about you choosing a side. So there’s that ultimate choice of good versus evil, but then you might also have to choose with smaller issues”.
Me: “And how does that relate to the trios?”.
Terra: Our Wayfinder and their Twilight trios are very different, and If you’ve paid attention to the two, they almost seem like opposites. To you, the Twilight guys might seem more relaxed and easygoing, where Aqua, Ven and I have more structure and sort of code of conduct. So you’re either pulled towards them, or us”.
Me: “But I haven’t anchored Aqua to the magnet as it were”.
Terra: “And that’s why you’re able to pick up one of the Twilight guys. Aqua wanted to step up so that we could in-fact take you as a trio, but obviously you and her weren’t a good match. So Lea’s there instead as her opposite. And like I said before; it’s either Ven or Roxas; and so that leaves my opposite being Xion or Namine”.
Me: “And that’s another odd thing, being that I’ve never spoken to Xion. She and I are both INFJ, and yet we know each other the least”.
Terra: “I wouldn’t be able to do much on that one as I don’t really know Xion that well myself. But I think the reason you talk to her the least is because you know the least of her story. You haven’t really seen enough of her at all to be able to imagine and launch your interaction with her. Hang on a minute, Riku’s saying something to me as well. Riku says that Xion comes from Sora’s memories of Kairi. So perhaps if you were closer to Sora and Kairi, then you would be drawn to Xion more. But as it stands, you’re close to neither of them”.
Me: So you’re saying that the guardians have a link, and depending on who I’m with, that determines which link I follow?”.
Terra: “It makes sense because at the start, you chose Riku, and then you saw that I was connected to him as a link, being that I passed down the power of the keyblade. Did you ever notice that when you were just under Riku, you aligned more with Sora and Kairi?”.
Me: “Yes. I frequented the islands more, and Sora and Kairi were present without much thought. That’s also when I was able to travel to other KH worlds more freely”.
Terra: “That’s because you were more on the main plot line back then, whereas by having me as your direct mentor, you’re channelling the Birth By Sleep plot line, whether you intended to or not. Under Riku’s instruction, that’s when you had all the big group gatherings, and you were able to land yourself in any world, because that’s what his best friend did. Riku and I may both be your dream guides, but depending on who you spend more time with, you also take the direction of that one’s surroundings. The reason you have an equal balance with everyone in Jak’s world is because Jak’s your only dream guide and he’s the main guy”.
Me: “Man… Talk about a game, book or movie dictating where I go in life…”.
Terra: “I guess I know why some people in your world call it subconscious programming. But with the ascension process in mind, you have the power to do anything and shape your world into what you see fit. You’ve already done that with Riku, Jak and I, so now you have to think about doing it to all the guardians. Rather than thinking about the guardians as individuals who look and behave different, and who live in various different worlds; try to focus more on us as the collective, who are on the same team, fighting against the darkness for the greater good. I know you can do it because I’m already a changed man thanks to you. I was designed to be a broken man mourning the loss of my father figure and still lamenting over what could have been. But you’ve destroyed Xehanort’s grip over me and my feelings, and that’s allowed me to move on much quicker than if we didn’t find each other. And you set up a personal mission to correct the way that you perceived Master Eraqus had treated me. You actively made the choice to free me from that pre-written script. You’ve set me on the path of discovering my own true potential, with my friends by my side, whilst being your teacher, friend and father figure”.
Me: “Hang on a second… I’ve just noticed a bit of a contradition. You’re saying to change my view of the guardians from individual to collective, yet to shape them into suitable beings for the timeline individually?”.
Terra: “In your timeline, most of the guardians of light are still running loose. You’re going to spend more time trying to round them each up individually than as a whole group, because while you’re focusing on Roxas, Kairi slips out and runs off in a different direction. That’s why you gather them all at the same time, and then when you have them, that’s when you can go to each of them and fine-tune all the details. Get them out of that scripted matrix and then work on them”.
Me: “There’s just one thing I’d like to know”.
Terra: “What’s that?”.
Me: “How did ‘I don’t know what help I can offer’ and ‘don’t chase after them’ change to you seeming to innerstand the entire issue and talking to me like you’ve hacked into my brain and you’re telling me exactly how to get all of them and make them stay?”.
Terra: “Like I’ve become some sort of scholarly sage huh?”.
Me: “Yes… How?”.
Terra: “Well you pretty much gave me the keys to the entire vault; and with that, you said I have free reign to use what ever resources in there and to do what ever I had to, to guide you and keep you on the right path. So with a few ground-rules in place, you pretty much gave me access to everything and told me to work as if I’m your dream dad”.
Me: “I raise another concern here, being that I don’t want every single guardian to be a dream mum or dream dad, aka dream guide. So how do I work with each one individually while placing that boundary on them?”.
Terra: “You have the perfect answer to that question with Aqua, because that’s exactly what you did with her. She acted in one way, but then you took the time to shape her into the path that you wanted her to go down. She pushed too much for your liking, so you told her to back off. But then she went too much the other way, so you went back and told us what you want again, as well as putting those taxes in place”.
Me: “So I have to do that for every single guardian of light”.
Terra: “You don’t have to if that’s not what you want, but it’s probably the best way to keep them. Like with Sora, you clearly got him out of Quadratum and I was there when it happened, but because you didn’t give him anywhere to go after that, it’s like he’s still lost. I know you think you shouldn’t have to give them every single direction and that they should be able to make their own decisions as people, but it’s just about putting them on some sort of path rather than leaving them in an empty void. Think about how you did so with Ven. You gave him an event to work towards, which is what you call the last day”.
Me: “So I guess I’m pretty much on the right track with your trio then, which is why they’re intact”.
Terra: “As it’s the next day now, I wanted to pass on something that Lea said to me in the space of time when you were getting ready for bed last night”.
Me: “What’s it mainly about?”.
Terra: “It’s about Xion”.
Me: “Ah, okay”.
Terra: “Lea said that the reason you’ve had almost no interaction with Xion isn’t because you don’t know her story, but that it’s something to do with her actual personality. You might be both INFJ, but I’ve realised that you’re more of an ambivert, which makes you unique. Whereas Xion’s almost completely introverted, which makes her more shy and closed off than you are. She doesn’t openly talk to someone unless they’re really close to her, and rather she keeps a lot of things to herself”.
Me: “So Xion will be the hardest to work on”.
Terra: “Having the same personality type doesn’t always mean that it’s going to be easy, especially if one of your traits is more subtle and there’s is more intense; or the other way around. But Lea said that if you want his help to connect with the other Twilight Town guys, then he’ll do what he can. And you know that Riku and I are always here for you too. I might just leave you with one last thought. You know how you’ve got the whole of Kingdom Hearts’ attention with me? It’s not just because you and I are connected, but it’s the lengths that you’ve gone to in order to look after me and transform me as a person. That’s just a reminder that you have the power to do anything if you put your mind to it and make some time to do the work, or at least believe that it can come true, as Cinderella taught me”.
Me: “Thank you so much, Terra. I’ll see what I can do with all the information you’ve given me, and maybe it’s the ultimate boost I need to get everyone back here and united”.
Terra: “That’s okay. Let me know if you need anything else, alright?”.
EDIT: Just now (1:10 AM), Terra pointed out to me that half the guardians are fairly stable, and half aren't; so I can split them into 2 groups:
Stable (/adequate): Riku, Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Lea
Unstable: Sora, Kairi, Roxas, Xion, Namine
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nkogneatho · 3 years
► 𝗟𝗲𝘁'𝘀 𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝗮 𝘁𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲𝗿, 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘄𝗲?
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↳ Previous Day 5 Toji Show
Duration: 1.2k. Genre: Smut. R‐rated
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𝗗𝗶𝗹𝗳𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗺.𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗺.𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗧𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ⚠️𝗗𝗼𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗺𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲.⚠️
Content warnings: fem!reader, exhibitionism, Kuroo and Sakusa as special guests, consensual, voyeurism, fingering (fem recieving), blow job.
🎟 Reblogs and interactions are appreciated.
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Quarantine fucked up your lifestyle. You had no proper sleep schedule, your diet was messed, and you started feeling more lethargic than before. Tooru, a close friend of yours suggested you to meet his ex teammate who was now a professional athlete trainer. Iwaizumi Hajime. You never expected him to be so hot.
“Hi. Uhm—I'm y/n. Oikawa Tooru's friend,” you greeted.
“Oh yeah! Shittykawa. Right!” You chuckled at the name he gave him.
“Pfft—Tooru told me you will address him like that.”
“Oh. Did he now? He-he,” he scratched the back of his head. Damn that trashykawa. “I'm sorry I'm a little late. I was training the MSBY so one of them is here for a new training regiment.” You had heard of the famous MSBY. You were not very much into volleyball, but Tooru made you watch one of their matches just to hype up his favorite player and friend. Furthermore, you don't remember his whole name, but he is knows as “Ninja Shoyo.” MSBY players were hot. In fact, you even had a crush on the curly black-haired guy.
“Oh no. It's completely fine. They have important reasons unlike me who is just too lazy nowadays haha,” you glanced over near the gym entry from the office to catch a glimpse of a tall man.
“Well, covid kinda fucked us all up, so it's not just you. So, miss y/n. Would you like to start with a training or a tour?”
“A tour. Let me see what I'm getting myself into,” you both left out a small chuckle before getting up from your seats, walking out from the office. But what caught your eyes was this freakishly attractive man with a mask on, going through a file. You assumed he was the one you saw him a while ago.
“Did you go through it? Are you okay with it, Sakusa?” Iwaizumi asked him.
Sakusa hmm. Where have I heard that name? Where? Then your eyes caught the MSBY logo on his jacket. Oh, right. He's the same person that you tolerated Oikawa's Volleyball Match for.
“Couldn't be better. Thank you, Iwa.” His voice was a little harsh with a bored tone in it, but it sounded hot.
“Oh, by the way, this is Sakusa Kiyoomi. One of the Black Jackals. Sakusa, this is Kawa's friend, y/n. She's here for some training. Nothing harsh though,” Iwaizumi introduced you two. Sakusa denied shaking your hands and bowed instead and so did you. “Don't worry. He doesn't hate you. He's really conscious about cleanliness.”
“That's a good thing,” you said.
“Nice to meet you, y/n,” you were so dwelled in the presence of two attractive men that you forgot to say it back. Sakusa left the room to attend a call.
Some time passed, and you had already seen the three training sections. God, it looked like it was going to be tough.
“Why's that room empty?” You questioned.
“That's not really a room. That's a gymnastics hall that is sometimes also used for dance and stuffs,” Hajime pushed the door open, so you can see more than just a couple of centimeters.
“You teach dance too?”
“Hell no. I have a friend who organizes events, and they are also a good dancer, so I let them use this one.”
“Wow. That's very nice of y—Ouch!” Your feet tripped on a ribbon that lied on the floor.
“Careful,” Hajime caught you by your arms before you could fall. His strong biceps flexed as held on to your arms. There was this fervor going on between you two. It had been long since you've faced a handsome man from up close.  Olive green eyes stared right in yours, baby spiked hairs invading his forehead when he faced down at you. So lost in the trance of his focused orbs, you didn't realize how the hem of your skirt was stuck in his bead string bracelet, flashing your panties, but he did. Iwa did see. In fact, more than just a look.
“You okay?” he asked, rubbing your arms, trying to stir the heat up.
“Huh—yes. Yes,” but you weren't after your eyes wandered to avoid his gaze, and ended up meeting something even more sinister—the growing bulge in his pant. How hard he must be for it to trace over that thick cloth?
Iwa's knuckles brushed against your cheeks, that made you look up at him back.
“You're gorgeous,” he complimented in a low voice that sent a tingling sensation to your core. Before you could know, your lips were smashing against each other, eagerly. His lips were firm and juicy. He pressured them just about right to get you wet. You left a small whine for more, and he knew what he had to do. Without breaking the kiss, Hajime placed you on the nearest table, sneaked his fingers under your skirt, tugging down your panties. He knew what he was doing, so he wasn't really surprised when he felt how wet you were.
He brushed his fingers on your pussy lips lightly, teasing you. It wasn't long before he pushes his fingers in your hole. Slowly, one finger became two. Then three.
“Hey, Iwa. Look, Kuroo's here—” but before Sakusa could finish his sentence, he halted, stunned at the image in front of him. Iwaizumi didn't stop, even when the fear of being caught was visible on your face. Your arms hung tight on his neck as you moan while he thrusts his fingers in and out. Following Sakusa, Kuroo entered the room, curious about the squelching noise of your juices and Iwaizumi's fingers in the dead silence.
“Oh. This looks much interesting than the data we're supposed to discuss,” Kuroo said with a smirk, earning Hajime's attention. He kept hugging you tighter and fucking you better on his fingers.
He leaned in to whisper in your ears. “Let's give them a teaser, shall we?”
You could so nothing but nod because you didn't care about being the center attraction of three big men as long as it made you feel good.
The growing bulge in their pants but threatening your core to spasm on his fingers as they both stroke their clothed cocks.
“Fuck! You're hot,” the curly haired complimented, squeezing his dick.
“Cum for us, sweetheart,” Kuroo ordered, licking his lips at the way Iwa kept fucking you on his fingers.
You were not a big fan of nicknames, but a hot stranger calling you sweetheart in a sexy low voice just sent shock down your core, mixed with his fingers hitting the right spot.
“Mhm— Gunna cum. Don't stop, baby,” you moaned.
The light slap on your clit is what made that gut in your stomach to tighten, toes curled with head thrown back. You looked so hot.
Your cunt spasmed before he pulled them out. Your cum had already ruined the oak wood table, the other three felt that it was definitely worth it.
Taglist: @chiizfuyu @ob-levi-on @bbytamaki @ushijimasprincess @bratty-bug @gojoussunglasses @kyoutxni @wiafi @sleepy3 @gojosflame @fsrintaro @ebiharachan @acidfrauds @valhallawhispers @hiqhkey @chfyu @reinersmilkies @crapimahuman @tenkomybeloved @heaven-s-door-diary @haengbokpixie @tehehebri @hollowpurpl @roses-and-grasses @hyenalite @half-baked-biscuit @smoothy-ve @cursedmoonchild @sebbyzoldyck @tetsunormous @acethecard @koifish69 @theaesthete @httptamaki @kuroo-tetsunii @hanmasin @venussins @satorusbaby
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hellogoodbye14 · 2 years
Gwyn's freaked out about some priestess exam during girl's night so Emerie gets her drunk to shut her up. Cut to the training ring with Azriel training (maybe shirtless?), and Gwyn wanders in all giggling and tispy and is just really really forward and apparently likes to cuddle and Az is just there trying not to die from the cuteness and blushing. She snuggles upto him and he has to carry her to bed like that while she keeps talking with her lips on his neck and flustered Az and "oh god is she trying to kill him"
(She ends up calling him adorable which he is vehemently against but she refuses all his reasons of why he is scary bad shadowsinger)
Tell me why a small scene turned into a whole ass one-shot. Just gwynriel things 🤷🏻‍♀️❤️
Emerie sighed at the sight before her eyes.
Gwyn groaned and banged a rather large book against her head. Papers and scrolls lay haphazardly all around her and there was a stack of files which was taller than Amren sitting besides her.
“I’m going to fail it.”
“You won’t fail it. You’ve prepared for it for months and even Clotho said she wasn’t worried about you.”
“If I fail, I’ll have to be Merril’s assistant for a whole year.”
Emerie shook her head, her bestfriend was spiralling and this stress wouldn’t help her for her exam in a few days.
She pulled on Gwyn’s arm, “Okay, that’s enough. We’re going out.”
“No, I can’t. I still have the prythian history, then the ancient runes and the pris- hey ow!”
Emerie dragged Gwyn out the library and made the way towards the exit.
“You are freakishly strong”, muttered Gwyn.
Emerie smirked, “Why, thank you.”
“Where are we going?”, asked Gwyn.
“Rita’s. We’re getting you drunk.”
“Oh the place where you sigh and look at a certain night court second all night?”, said Gwyn teasingly.
“Shut up.”
“Well she stares longingly right back at you. You both really need to do something about all that sexual tension.”
“Gwyn!”, gasped Emerie who was pretty sure she was blushing all the way down to her toes.
Azriel felt a bit worried. He knew Gwyn was stressed and probably busy with studying.. but she never missed out on what had become a routine for them after solstice. They would always come up here during late hours and train under the moonlight. Afterwards they’d sit together side by side and just talk. Tonight was the first night, she hadn’t come and Azriel had felt a pang of worry and disappointment.
Shortly after, Rhys had flown in to train in the ring and Azriel joined him.
Rhys jumped into a high spinning kick that sent Azriel to the floor, and he rolled away before Rhys could attempt contact again.
“You seem a bit distracted dear Az.”
Rhys used his right forearm to block a crescent kick that Azriel had landed perfectly, the sound of bone on bone ringing across the training ring.
“I’m not distracted.”
Rhys snorted as he backed away.
“Sure thing. Haven’t had a certain priestess slash valkyrie on your mind at all?”
Azriel paused.
Rhys raised an eyebrow.
“You know I used to come up here all the time to train, that was until I stumbled upon the two of you.”
“You saw that?”
Rhys smiled, “Yeap. Also saw you blush a few times. I realised after that it was a common thing so I stopped coming. Well that was until tonight when I saw it empty.”
“I do not blush”, said Azriel knowing he might have been blushing at the moment.
Rhys patted him on the shoulder, “Yes you do, Shadowsinger. It’s kind of adorable.”
Azriel shoved a snickering Rhys away and was about to resume the sparring session when he heard an angelic voice behind him.
“Holy hell. Bless the Cauldron and all it’s miracles”, said Gwyn followed by a hiccup.
Both Rhys and Azriel turned around to find Gwyn, her long and gorgeous hair gleaming under the moonlight and her eyes solely focused on their bare torso’s.
“Gwyn, what are you doing here?”
“Oh, I was coming in for our nightly routine until I stumbled on this”, she pointed out her hand towards them, “ab-tastic perfection.”
Rhys snickered and Azriel couldn’t help but be amused. Apparently, Gwyn was an honest drunk.
She walked, well more like stumbled closer and Azriel quickly reached forward to stable her and put an arm around her.
She blushed, “Thank you, pretty.”
“I’m pretty?”
“Yeah huh, you’re the prettiest and the handsomest”, followed by a hiccup.
“You alright Gwyn?”, asked a smiling Rhys.
Gwyn nodded super quick after offering Rhys a salute, “Yes might fine and extremely pleasant to look at High lord. I’m sooooooo good. Emerie dragged me out and got me drunk.”
Gwyn wrapped her arms around Azriels arm and settled her head against his bare bicep. Azriel couldn’t help the flutter he felt in his stomach.
“And where is Emerie?”
“Oh, she and Mor got me home and then started making out crazy.”
Azriel and Rhys both looked at one another with smiles on their faces.
“About damn time”, muttered Rhys.
“And then I came here to make my appointment with this stud”, said Gwyn as she poked Azriels cheek with a finger.
He snickered.
“Alright, well I’ll leave you two to it then.”
Gwyn waved, “Say hi to Feyre for me! She’s so lovely. You’re so lucky.”
Rhys smiled and gave a small bow, “That I am.”
With that he winnowed away.
“So let’s train”, said Gwyn as she tried separating herself from Azriel.
“Oh no, I think we should keep the knives and swords away for now.”
Gwyn pouted up at him and Azriel snickered.
“What? Why?”
“You’re sotted.”
She gasped, “I am not.”
She tried stomping her foot but felt a rush of dizziness almost tipping her over until Azriel steadied her.
“Okay, maybe I am. What do we do?“
“What do you want to do?”
“We should cuddle. I love cuddling.”
Azriel felt his heartbeat get ten times faster. He’d be lying if he hadn’t thought about her. How couldn’t he? her grace, her strength, her loyalty was one of the best things he had the pleasure to witness. Her friendship was unconditional and her lips, he dreamt of tracing those lips…. those freckles. He shook his head a bit. It was easy, so easy to get lost to those fantasies. And it would be easier to act on them.
He saw her eyes dilate and fixate on his lips. But he wasn’t worthy of her, would never be.
He smiled sadly, “Lets get you to bed for now, Red.”
“And then we cuddle? Come on, I’ll be great. I promise. I give the best cuddles in the universe.”
“Of that, I have no doubt Berdara.”
He leaned down and took her into his arms.
He felt a warmth in his chest when she snuggled into him.
Her pert nose rubbed against his neck and Azriel gulped.
“You smell good, Shadowsinger”, she whispered as her lips moved against his neck.
Azriel looked up towards the sky, was she trying to kill him here?
“As do you do, Berdara. Even when you’re hammered with tequila. You’re exquisite.”
Gwyn giggled, his shadows dancing around her cheeks.
“You’re adorable Az.”
Azriel scoffed as he pushed open the door while maintaining his hold on Gwyn.
“I’m not adorable. I’m the Shadowsinger of the night court.“
“Yes yes, the big bad scary Shadowsinger of the Night court who is still adorable as hell.”
Azriel sighed in resignation, there was no getting through to her.
He leaned down and placed her on her bed. He started to stand upright but she grasped his neck.
“Stay with me.”
“Gwyn, I dont think - “
“Just stay. I can’t sleep without our nightly talking session.”
Her teal eyes implored, and there wasn’t a thing he could ever refuse her.
“Scoot over, Red.”
She did and he removed his shoes before laying next to her. She quickly snuggled in and placed her head on his chest, right above his heart. He tightened his arm around her.
“I’m glad you’re here”, she said sleepily.
He kissed her on her forehead lightly.
“Me too, Red.”
Requested by : @imsointobooks
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