#also camila doesnt seem well
andreabaideas · 22 days
Headcanons for the DJATS characters middle names? I wish we'd gotten them, and not just Eddie's (Side note: Demetrius seems like a very out there middle name for him, I feel like he's probably embarrassed of it.)
Cool ask!!!
Yeah, I have them... I got to say that Demetrius sounds less typical than Edward, so at least Its original. I dont mind It XD I'll follow the show, cause It kinda inspires more ethnicity wise.
Well , lets start!
Eddie keeps his names the way they are so
"Edward Demetrius Roundtree"
Let's go with Camila :
I dont know how It goes on in all Argentina, but the female argentinians that I know that lives in Spain they usually have Only one name, or if they have two, then the second one Its either María or Isabel, so as i think Isabel sounds better combined with Camila, then It IS :
"Camila Isabel (née Álvarez) Dunne"
Lets continúe with Billy , Its easier for me , I kinda want It to sound Celtic so instead of the obvious Adam I went for Aidan, just cause I like the sound better. Also I was kinda tempted to name him Sam Finn or even Edmond ( nod to Sam Claflin and some of Its roles like Finnick or Edmond Dantes ) but I contained my weirdness XD
" William Aidan Dunne" (my prefered one)
Alts: William Finn Dunne / William Sam Dunne / William Edmond Dunne (This one actually sounds super cool too!!)
Continuing with Graham , he gets another one just cause I like the sound XD.
"Graham Cillian Dunne"
Warren won't have two, he doesnt need it, and he prefers It that way :
"Warren Rojas"
Karen gets something very posh like flowery or regal, as a British posh girl like :
Karen Marigold Sirko / Karen Euphemia Sirko / Karen Candance Sirko (then Candy Floss would make sense). Karen Marie Sirko Its the most possible. My prefered one Its the Candance one, to mod at Candy Floss.
"Karen Candance Sirko"
Lisa comes from Elizabeth, all the elizabeths i've known were Maries as second name so yup.
" Elizabeth Marie nee Crowne Rojas "
Rod comes from Roderick, which IS long enough. Roderick Reyes
Teddy can be from Edward or from Theodore so as i dont remember how It was in the book...XD
Theodore Edward Price
Bernie comes from Bernadette Mae Jackson (i'm giving her Simone's surname as they are married and I love them your honor)
Simone gets a cool one "Simone Dido Jackson"
Julia gets Julia Wilhelmina Dunne to honor her dad William/Billy. In some families It IS common to give the first kid the fathers name as the second name, instead of as the first one, which IS cool. New name + dad name Its better in my opinión, new identify plus tradition and everyone Its Happy. So Wilhelmina Its the female of William , can be shortened as Billie or Willow too, so Its cool!!
And last but not least : Margaret Jones as in the show, or Daisy as in the book. Logically It would be Margaret Marie Jones, but i'm not logical, It bores me soo...XD I Heard once Daisy Margaret (twice the same flower) too repetitive! , also Margaret Lily sound cool too! Daisy's Mom Its french, and her father was a painter...fancy painters name their kids more Margaret than Daisy, I liked that change in the show so...Also they get names like Isabella , Francesca or Florence (i've know like 5 British Girls named Iiked that with artistic parents XD) Florence would be too much like Florence Welch and Stevie too obvious from Stevie Nicks XD
Isabella, Lillian or Francesca works,I prefer Francesca, I already have a main character called Isabella (Twilight ) and also Lily Evans from Harry Potter, so as i want to write a ultra crazy crossover, those two can't be XD
So you have my 3 óptions Francesca Margaret Jones /Margaret Francesca Jones or Margaret Lillian Jones.
My fave one Its :
"Francesca Margaret Jones"
Looong but cool!!
Thanks !! ☺️👋
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
the way swifties will go out of their way to put down women (esp POC women recently) in order to hype up Taylor is appalling.
For example,the Camila Belle situation is so frustrating because swifties either refuse to acknowledge that an actual person was referenced in better than revenge or they harass her to be ok with it, as if being sl*tshamed by Taylor swift is a badge of honor (hypocritical considering her reputation and how "there's a special place in hell for women who don't support other women"). Taylor has MASSIVE influence- ofc camila doesn't want to accept her mistreatment, but swifties ofc will be delusional. Who even cares about one lyric being changed?? It's 10 seconds, just listen to the song and be done with it.
Also regarding ice spice, when her collab with Taylor came out, swifties were ragging on ice spice and her stage and song presence, saying thst she "ruined" the song- as if she was the one who forced Taylor to include her on the track?? Taylor's a huge musician, her and her team know what they're doing, the song being bad wasn't ice spices fault at all. It was especially annoying because NO ONE seemed to realize how weird it was that Taylor was doing this right after her then bf was caught saying slurs about ice spice. Swifties act as if Taylor isn't a multimillionaire pop star with her own pr team controlling everything behind the scenes (although now they're not as subtle as they used to be). The song being rushed and bad still managed to work out thought for taylor, because it deflected from Taylor's racist bf
Recently i even saw swifties criticizing zendaya for not associating with Taylor anymore. There was a rumor zendaya left Taylor's friend group bc she didn't agree with her during the whole kimye scandal or something (which, yeah, i acknowledge probably isn't even one of the better reasons to stop being friends with Taylor). But the way people in the comments were reacting was disgusting- everyone was talking about how zendaya was so fake, how she was a backstabber, I even saw someone saying that if Tom Holland had a rumor start about him she would break up with him immediately because she only cares about her image... WHAT. No one knows what zendaya (nor Tom for that matter) would do or be like in their normal lives because they know how to maintain privacy with their fans, unlike taylor , who shares everything with her fans regardless of how harmful it could be considering the sheer amount of influence she has. Plus, zendaya was still up and coming in the industry at the time of the scandal- she likely had other reasons to stop working with Taylor (such as wanting to not be overshadowed by her) but ofc swifties only care about how poor Taylor was affected (as if she doesn't have a circle, which consists primarily of white women, to back her up)
Sorry for the long rant but this has been on my nerves for months. Taylor's hypocrisy seems to have rubbed off on her fans, and I seriously wonder if this entitled behavior affects them in their real lives and personalities as well. I truly don't understand why people would have such an obsession with someone they don't know and who doesnt care about them, elevating her to some sort of deity like figure who can hurt others yet still need to be protected in the end
At this point, I'm sure they're willfully ignoring Taylor's controversial behavior in order to keep supporting her because I don't see how anyone could be clueless about her intentions after the mess that was this past year for her.
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how would your aus be like now that we know more stuff about the show?
oh god there would be sooooooo incredibly many changes. some I'm gonna leave alone unless directly asked but for some main ones atm--
Four Years: oh dear god so many changes. both just from learning more and also from the fact of being an au I came up with when I was 14 and I would never recommend anyone ever be the age of 14, my sincerest apologies to one luz noceda. I could make a whole other post about this but just to keep it simple lets sayyyyyy...first of all, Amity doesn't go into the Emperor's Coven. I personally still like the idea, but it doesnt really fit. theres helping her mom show off to customers, and then theres being forced into a Coven that wants to murder her crush and her crush's adoptive mom. Amity gives me the impressive of someone who would just start biting. Escaping Expulsion was Amity's "standing up to her mom" episode and I love that sm for her, I'm thinking maybe it could be redone in this au to also involve refusing to even consider the Coven? Dunno, but I know Amity doesn't join it, and neither do the twins.
Keene doesn't exist anymore, obviously. we're back on the Hunter show babey and his redemption arc (like most arcs here) take a much longer time to get on with. most remains the same, but he has a lot more interaction with Luz & the gang prior to Eclipse Lake. that episode becomes more of a "we were making so much progress but then the Panic Button hit in and everything collapsed in on itself" and then some tension between the gang of Hunter feeling shitty and not talking, the guys trying to figure out whats with him, and then Hollow Mind comes in an fucks up everything, as per usual
No more angsty fics about Camila missing her daughter because Vee's here now! yaaaaay. but this does mean Camila went a longer time without ever realizing her daughter was someone else, although I imagine at some point she WOULD feel that something was just Off. obviously shes a regular human shes not gonna think a shapeshifter took the place of her daughter, but shes gonna know something is Off and Strange but she cant put her finger on it and Luz seems happy...most of Yesterday's Lie remains the same but since it's at least been two years, maybe three, since Luz has seen her mom, she looks MUCH different than how Vee changed her appearance, so it throws Camila off quite a bit
smaller things will also stay, such as Luz becoming the Owlet and everyone being their own kinda brand of rebel. I'd have to figure out how to slide in Raine, Darius, Eberwolf, etc, somewhere in here. I'll figure it out
Beta: this one stays the most unchanged I think? granted I was updating it slightly more with updates in the show than Four Years. Hunter is still local nephew of principal and Belos's plan still involves killing all witches but its just in the "saving humanity from these evils" instead of "saving humanity from these evils and then going home". still unsure how the grimwalkers would tie into this, if my guy was just continuously making kids or if hes not actually a puritan and just a nasty old guy, and all the other golden guards are Hunter's older brothers? and he was possibly kidnapped when he was a baby or something? that part im the least sure on
Emperor: well, first of all, the duo of Amity & Luz becomes the trio of Amity, Luz & Hunter. none of them get along. Amity is constantly exasperated by Luz and her dumbassery & Luz thinks shes uptight and a tryhard at times. Luz and Hunter are dumbass on dumbass hatecrimes because Luz also thinks hes uptight but also a massive brat who thinks hes better than everyone & Hunter thinks shes annoying as hell and beneath him on every level. Hunter and Amity just take one look at each other, smell the Gifted Child With Parental Issues Trying To Be Perfect In Every Single Way on each other, and immediately drop into offensive hissing cat positions.
Luz and Hunter are the ones who get along first, mostly cause Luz getting brought over to the Emperor's Coven kind of guaranteed she'd run into Hunter first and they'd end up sticking to each other and realize they're massive nerds. Luz and Amity get along next through the power of Luz being stubborn and wlw. Hunter and Amity are last and technically it only really happens because they may be petty and spiteful but they can and will set that aside for one goal: being even pettier and even more spiteful to anyone being mildly annoying to Luz
This AU in particular hasn't had a lot of updates to it so theres a lot of room to work with her. Luz technically becomes friends with Willow and Gus because shes undercover trying to get new recruits (shes terrible at it). this also means that Hunter is more easily converted to the side of Oh Belos Fucking Sucks because he already has adopted sister Luz telling him to Run and her mildly okay girlfriend yoinking him along. course this also means it fucks up Luz even more to see that Hunter is a grimwalker and, per paraphrased word of Belos, she was the favorite. if it came down to it, Belos would've happily let Hunter die, hell, would've even done it on purpose. by virtue of being human, and Hunter being a clone, she was, in fact, given special treatment, and if anything went slightly wrong then Hunter would've died. these kids are fucked up
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kin-the-muffin · 2 years
for those who are unaware:
more of my screaming under the cut
ok so we’re starting right where we left off and OMIGOSH THE HUG I CANT HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
gus helping w the dishes is so sweet!! and amity omigosh this girl. not to mention camila is just taking it so coolly?? what am i saying, shes probably freaking out inside
is it just me or does it seem like luz is in shock? shes acting like everything’s fine, and not the way she acted in reaching out either, more like shes numb or something 🥺
hunter, bb, why would they hate you cuz youre a clone of caleb? that doesnt make you him. plus i dont actually think that caleb was ever a witch hunter in the first place. also, youre not helping luz. ily <3
why luz gotta blame herself, she couldn’t have ever known something like this would happen. and im not sure how time travel works in the owl house but id be willing to bet that even if she hadnt helped philip, he would have found someone else willing to be monster bait instead of her and lilith
‘we’ll tell them, when we’re ready’ girl that aint ever gonna happen. the way things go when ppl say stuff like that is that the thing gets pushed off until the characters cant help but slam right into it, no countermeasures to soften the blow. i am very worried about how this is gonna affect willow and amity.
ik there were some people who were worried that the gang wasnt gonna be ok with vee so im glad that they like her :)
well, glad to know that the philip-goo is, in fact, alive. screw that
gus nerding-out with all of the stuff in the basement XD (also camila why is there so much random stuff in your basement? 👀)
hunters little smile at gus :>
amity and willow protecting vee from the alarm clock, i cant- *wheeze*
willow looks so cute with her hair down i swear
gus, i love you so much for that, the rainbow and everything
their drawings of their families are so cuuuuuuuute (and amity not drawing karen HA)
(our first real look at caleb???)
idk what they were doing but the portal kinda worked for a second, before it, yknow, combusted
what even is that blob, i dont even wanna try to guess whats in it (THEY ALL LOOK SO PROUD OF THEMSELVES, MY BABIES)
amity’s look of wonder at the rain, my beloved <3<3
im so happy they got to have some fun after all the trauma, they really needed it
do i even need to say anything about luz and amity in the rain
luz’s drawing skills have gotten so much better!!! (dat trauma tho. the depression that she cant have everything she wants in one world. in the human realm, she has her mom and vee but in the demon realm, she can do magic and has her best friends (and gf) and eda and king)
looks like her palisman has yet to arrive :(
darnit shes back at school (i wonder how she figured that all out)
thank you for coming to my ted talk, now back to your regularly-scheduled reblogs
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ok before i forget and the episode comes out im gonna just write down 4 my own sake what i think is gonna happen on tonights owl house episode (well technically tonights but i think id rather think abt it as tmrws bc it comes out at like 3am so ill watch it in the morning).
anyways most likely it begins like exactly where we left off anddd the collectors new game is this like dream sequence type shit w im assuming either like fucking idk. luzs biggest fears or how the collector views luz. or like both ? idk. but like her biggest fears bc i mean she sees herself as literally as bad as belos so thats im guessing like everyone else also thinks the her being in his clothes type shit. and then also that one scene with her friends all in like their old clothes kinda echoing that one season 1 ep 2 scene. im guessing the reason theyre in each of those clothes is bccc errr. well theyre not from the same time that much is clear.  id like to say theyre from the worst times of their life or whatever but that doesnt make sense 4 gus bc grom wasnt like. bad 4 him ? unless theyre all being forced into kinda roles like luz is too ? but that seems like it only rlly makes sense 4 amity n hunter bc hunters in his golden guard uniform n amitys just in her. Default Boiling Isle clothes ig ? which i GUESS could be like when she was around her mum ??? but then why not go full out and give her the green hair again ???? im just confused abt that part honestly unless it was to do w just significant parts of luzs life but then again why the fuck is gus in his grom outfit. anyways im obsessing 2 much over that one scene. er. ok um. anyways luz does this whole dream sequence thing for someee reason anddd. well belos n raine have their like fight im guessing. maybe bc likeeee idk eda does smth and we get some raeda angst maybe ??? and then bla bla belos possesses the titan oopsie doopsie. wait. wait ni that wouldnt rlly make sense. bc like the titans kinda fucked up. and we saw he couldnt possess grimwalker corpses anymore bc they were all fucked up n rotted. and the titan is likeeee loadsssss older than caleb so that wouldnt make sense. unless its like he can possess the body but cant move it much rlly beyond like environmental horror. like a humphrey omori type deal. except big humphrey is dead. and bones. and fucking hates air conditioning. and is a puritan. anyways errr yeah and thennnn eda n king becomee fuckinnn rabid n shit. king looks much bigger in that one scene tho so maybe he like becomes So Rabid he gets all titany n shit or whatever idfk. errrr. idk what like the hexquad n co would do. bc theres no way toh team would have time to give them all their own dream sequence stuff. and it wouldnt make sense bc the collector only rlly has it out for luz bc hes jealous of her for being besties w king. so like. idk. maybe they just like vibe. or hhave a big heart 2 heart moment. errrr. kindaaa hoping honestly that huntlow doesnt get a big like wow rainbows hearts scene like lumity did because having their sorta quiet understanding of mutual feelings feels more fitting for them yknow. but i wouldnt complain if they got smth big n obvious i just think itd be more fitting if they got smth sorta quiet and subtle. errr and thennnnn err fuckinnn. everyone comes together to save the day and kill belos and let that old man fuckin die already. and thennnn luz decides like fuck it we got a portal who says u cant live in 2 realms at once eda did it why the fuck wont u copy her. anddd they all lived happily ever after the end. oh andddd eda n camila meet n they do NOT have a mum fight because they both LOVE each othe because they both love LUZ and they are both GRATEFUL that the other took CARE of her and the end. oh and hooty becomes door again. the end part 2. and then disney blows up and everyone cheers and the end part 3.
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laurgado · 5 years
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why does he look like that tho
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kraviolis · 3 years
sorting the owl house characters into hogwarts houses, because im cringe
luz - ravenclaw
she’s creative and clever and is always searching to learn new things and loves learning just for the sake of learning. shes incredibly witty and quick thinking and open-minded. she’s constantly finding clever, creative, and original ways to solve her problems. she hardly blinked when given the opportunity to learn magic, and only continued to show an intense amount of intelligence and appreciation for academics. shes very resourceful as a human learning magic, finding a entirely new form of magic when it was apparent that she couldnt do it the traditional way. she’s very aspiring, wanting to be a witch and an author since she was very young. she’s very logical about a lot of things, like how it doesnt make sense to not allow witches to study multiple tracks or that people were imprisoned just for being themselves. she’s highly encouraging of individuality which is a lesser known trait of ravenclaw but very important. she can be a perfectionist at times and tended to avoid social interaction so she could persue her creativity. she’s outspoken, an overthinker, and very competitive. i think a lot of people might say she’s a hufflepuff, as she’s loyal and kind and hardworking, but luz values learning and creativity above any of those other things— this is evident, when she makes the decision to stay in the boiling isles to learn magic rather than go home to her mom, thus putting knowledge and creativity over her own family.
eda - gryffindor
she’s not afraid to stand up for herself and others and will never back down from a challenge. she would rather die as herself than live unauthentically. she’s very passionate and empathetic. she’s rebellious against rules that dont make sense to her and cares intensely for her friends and family. she has a strong internal moral code that she sticks to intensely, never straying from it. in the very first episode, she breaks into the conformatorium just to get a paper crown thats important to king. she let raine break up with her because she didnt want to burden them with her curse. she forfeited the match with lily because she knew her sister wanted to be in the emperor’s coven more than she ever did. she’s sacrifices herself for luz & king over and over again because she cares so deeply for her.
king - slytherin
he’s self-centered, smart, arrogant, and highly ambitious. he would do anything to achieve his goals— which was at first reclaiming his throne as the king of demons, and then turned into finding out where he came from. he tried to use luz as a means to reach his goals when he became an author, nearly sacrificing their friendship. he became incredibly loyal to luz after that in the same way he’s loyal to eda, the one who raised him.
(other characters under the cut)
lily - slytherin
it was between this and ravenclaw, because she’s incredibly intelligent and does seem to enjoy learning and has a great mind, she’s also incredibly ambitious and prideful. the deciding factor was that she cursed eda just to reach her own goals. she’s still loyal to eda even when working for belos, which says a lot to how she’s loyal to only a select few people. to her, the ends justify the means (making amity cheat to appear like the better teacher, cursing eda to win the duel, kidnapping luz to get belos to cure eda, losing her magic to help eda)
amity - gryffindor
this one was hard, i swapped between slytherin and gryffindor a lot for her. she’s ambitious and intelligent, but also not afraid to do whats right even if means breaking the rules. she’s self-sacrificing and empathetic and prideful. she ended her friendship with boscha to help luz and willow win. she didnt like luz at first because luz kept cheating and messing up her life, which means she has a strong moral code against cheating and bullies. she’s rebellious in small ways at first but once she started realizing how terrible her parents and belos really were, she pulled away extremely quickly.
willow - slytherin
not surprising, if you take into her account of self-preservation and bending of the rules to suit her ambitions. in the first episode she agrees to cheating just to get ahead in school because she wants to make her parents proud, and in the end she switches to the plants track so to her the ends justify the means. she pulled out of the grudgby game when luz pushed her & gus too far, a perfect example of that self preservation. she has a sense of loyalty that extends to very specific people but she always makes sure those people are taken care of. her parents, luz, gus, and eventually king, eda, and amity, too. she wouldn’t die for them, but she would kill for them.
gus - hufflepuff
sure, he has the ravenclaw curiousity and thirst for knowledge, but he’s very kind, hard working, has a strong inner sense of justice and fairness, and is tolerant of others. he helps mattholomule even if he’d been a jerk before because it was unfair if he didnt. he helps luz break into belos’s castle to find a cure for eda, lets luz borrow his library card to see amity, and hated it when mattholomule tried to lie about the human objects. he knows what it feels like to be left behind and underestimated, so he makes an effort to be kind to others who seem to be in the same boat. he’s very young but already so accomplished which is a testament to how hard he works.
hunter - hufflepuff
this one was HARD. it was either slytherin or this, and a deciding factor for this is the fact that he is self-sacrificing. he sacrifices a lot for other people, even if it doesnt seem like it. in the palisman episode, he sacrifices the palismen getting away despite knowing he would be punished for returning empty-handed. in eclipse lake, he leaves to find the titans blood for belos when he simply could have stayed in the castle and been safe. he’s viciously hard-working, dedicated, and loyal to his family. he lets people’s actions speak for them. he doesn’t immediately judge luz for using wild magic and actually seems interested in it before remembering to be loyal to belos. he’s patient, too, as seen by his interactions with luz. he gets frustrated, sure, but he still works with her. he’s modest about his rank and title, preferring to not flaunt it more than needed. but he does take pride in it. he’s kind in his own way, specifically to belos and lil rascal, but you can see it in his interactions with amity & luz, too. with amity, he empathizes with her and gives her advice that he thinks is true, and offers to dig a grave for her too when its apparent that neither of them are getting any titans blood. with luz, he gives up the palismen and protects her from kikimora. that boy is a hufflepuff for sure.
raine - gryffindor
oh buddy theyre the biggest gryffindor ever. they extremely, extremely brave. they have terrible stage fright and anxiety but they still became head bard, and they still ran an underground resistance group, and they still gave everything up just to help eda. they have a strong sense of whats right and whats wrong and incredible amount of passion, empathy, and integrity. they have a great sense of pride— “How did someone with stage fright end up as Head Witch?” “I’m just that good.”— and are very selfless. they stopped eda from sacrificing herself because they knew her kids needed her more, they sacrificed themselves in eda’s place and gave up everything they had just so eda wouldnt have to.
camila - hufflepuff
she’s extraordinarily kind, even when she’s terrified. she’s accepting and open-minded and hardworking, making sure to show luz that she loves her creativity but still wants to make sure luz can do well in school and can make friends. sometimes you can do something you think is kind but isnt really. she’s also a single mother doing her best to give her daughter a good life, which is a credit to how hard she works and how dedicated she is to her daughter. she even took the day off of work to drive luz to camp because she knew luz was anxious and wanted to reassure her. she’s patient with luz, and even when faced with the scariest moment of her life, she’s still thinking of how luz feels rather than her own fears and anger. she’s very much a hufflepuff in the way that she’s quiet and unassuming but fiercely protective of her family.
vee - slytherin
she’s opportunistic and has a sense of self-preservation. she’d rather save her own skin than do that right thing. she’s cunning, having pretended to be camila’s daughter just to have a place for herself. this isnt a bad thing at all, though. she’s also loyal to camila, who she sees as her family, and even got into a fight with luz over how she treated camila. she still listened to luz and let luz help her so that vee could remain living as luz. she doesnt feel guilty about valuing herself ahead of luz.
belos - ravenclaw
honestly? not a hard decision. he’s smart, sure, but he’s not people-smart. he didnt think lilith would betray him after he admitted to lying about healing eda. he doesnt understand loyalty, not even to those close to him. he’s rational and logical rather than emotional. if the theory that he is philip wittebane is to be believed, then its obvious he has an appreciation for learning and knowledge. belos distinctly reminds me of lockhart, or even quirrell, who were also in ravenclaw. he’s got an arrogance to him that blinds him, believing himself to be the smartest and strongest witch on the isles and thus underestimating others, which will only lead him to ruin.
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subtextineverything · 4 years
Thoughts on Riverdale Episode 6
Look at these well-off white kids inviting people over to their house to eat their parents’ food without asking their parents first.
That said, Betty’s mom is terrible and deserves that kind of sneak attack.
I can’t tell how much Hermione is mad at her husband and wanting to leave him or is trying to stand by him and continue to do his dirty work only as a way to protect herself & Veronica. But she should to make something official before she goes kissing on Fred Andrews. And Fred should make sure it’s official before he goes kissing on Hermione. And then they should totally go to town, because they’re clearly super into each other and have what seems like a ton of history.
Also LOL Fred and Hermione kissing. What a different series that would have been.
I support Veronica as a (temporary) Pussycat.
I hate almost all the parents on this show. Hermione is cool (obvi a flawed person, but in a realistic way that makes me root for her still), Fred is cool (if kind of uneven in his parenting), Mayor McCoy seems cool (though I can’t tell yet if she’s controlling her daughter or just helping guide her), and Sheriff Keller is cool (especially for being chill not just about his son being gay, but actually being gay), but the rest of them are shit.
Damn, Camila Mendes can sing.
Damn, K.J. Apa can play the guitar.
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jawnjendes · 5 years
it might be smarter to just cash out | shawn mendes
chapter 10/?, university au, shawn x goth oc
AN: depression sucks doesnt it laid ease! it really fuckin does!!!!
***let me know if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist
masterlist | playlist (new song is added every chapter!)
Despite the weight pressing on her chest and shoulders, Annalise didn’t feel all that much in the following days. Her body went on autopilot, sending her to class in the day and putting her on the couch in the evening. She went to work at somepoint too. Everything in between was sort of a blur.
She came back to the dorm after her third or fourth, maybe fifth class, not really knowing or caring about the assignments or essays that were due very soon. Annalise placed her bag on the couch and looked at the TV; She wasn’t in the mood to play the Switch today. She wanted to sleep for a bit before work instead.
The door to her room was open just a crack, which would have seemed weird on any other day. Annalise didn’t have the ability to care as she pushed the door open, not expecting to find Stella in there, sat on the bed.
“What…” Annalise trailed off, her mind lagging and struggling to catch up.
Stella was looking down at her hands; She was holding three full pill bottles. Then she looked up at her roommate, hazel eyes serious.
“I didn’t wanna be right, but I was right,” she said as she got to her feet. “I thought you were skipping out on your meds, but I didn’t think you had missed three months’ worth of doses.”
For a moment, Annalise just stood there silently. She didn’t intend to miss taking her Prozac these days, she didn’t think anyone would care enough to notice. She blinked a few times like she was waking up from a death nap, and then her insides boiled hot. She stepped towards Stella and snatched the bottles from her hands.
“Why are you in my room to begin with?” she demanded.
Stella flinched lightly at the sudden change. She hardly heard a peep out of her roommate these days. “I… I’ve been worried about you.”
“So you think going through my stuff is gonna solve anything? God, I can’t trust anybody!”
“I’m sorry!” She stood up. “I didn’t want to do this either, but you’ve been so out of it that I don’t know how to talk to you anymore! And I’m not the only one who’s worried!”
Annalise scoffed and went back out to the living room. She grabbed her book bag and furiously shoved the bottles inside. She wasn’t even safe in her own dorm.
Stella followed her trail. “Shawn made me do it!”
That didn’t help in the slightest. “Why are you even talking to him?”
“Because you won’t! This was a bad idea, I don’t even know why I tried to help him since you guys broke up!”
That caused Annalise to look down and play with the strap on her bag. For once, she didn’t have anything to say back.
Stella narrowed her eyes. “You did break up with him, right?”
“I’m sure he got the hint when I cried and left,” Annalise said, snark still in her tone.
“Oh my god! You know that doesn’t go through his one brain cell! He needs to be told it’s over. I can’t believe you didn’t dump him after what he said to you!”
“It’s complicated, okay?”
“Why? Because of your separation?” Stella was confused, and a little frustrated. “Who even does that in this day and age? You just made yourself and him suffer unnecessarily! Why can’t you just put him out of his misery?”
Annalise couldn’t keep her volume down anymore. “Because he’s the only good thing that’s happened to me!”
The words rang in the room. The two girls were staring at each other, Annalise being furious and Stella being… something else. She broke the eye contact first and looked down.
“What about your family, who you didn’t get to see at all last summer?” she asked softly. “Or the fact that you made it to this university on a scholarship that you worked for? What about Patrick, Camila, and me? Don’t we matter?”
Annalise stayed quiet, knowing she should have dialed it back, but too stubborn to actually do so. She kept her eyes on her book bag, brows knitted.
“Having shitty past relationships isn’t a personality trait,” Stella said, and then she went for the door. She opened it and sighed. “And someone really wants your attention.”
There was a slight shuffling noise and then the door slammed. That was Annalise’s cue to finally look up. There was a large white vase containing a bouquet of dark flowers by the door, and it made her angry all over again.
“This motherfucker!” she snapped as she irritably got up to snatch the vase.
It was surprisingly light with the amount of flowers coming out of it. They were a deep red shade, almost burgundy but not quite. The petals were round and soft and smelled… chocolatey? Annalise would have been confused if she wasn’t so disgruntled. She noticed the tiny card sticking out from the top of the bouquet and was surprised to see the entire backside filled with scrawled handwriting.
“I’m sorry for what I said. I know these chocolate cosmos won’t change anything, but I hope it shows that I will make this up to you. I love you so much, and I’ll always remind you of that. -Shawn
PS they smell great but you can’t eat them”
Annalise scoffed lightly and looked at the bouquet again. As she pondered the ideas of what to do these things, there was a knock on the door. Did this boy have no boundaries? She ignored the sound and went to sit on the couch, placing the vase on the coffee table.
The knocking was as persistent as Annalise was determined not to answer. But then a voice came up with the sounds.
“Annie, open the fucking door!”
“Oh shit,” she mumbled, and hurried to answer.
Patrick was in the middle of blowing smoke out of his mouth from his pen. He quirked his eyebrows, noticing his friend’s rugged state. “You’re a fucking mess.”
It was true. Annalise practically lived in her skull and crossbones pajama bottoms and her Little Mix hoodie these days. But the comment still rubbed her the wrong way.
“Are you only here to criticize my appearance?” she asked, pointing daggers.
“Relax, dude. I heard about what happened with your singing man. Wanted to see if you wanted to talk, or if you needed a shoulder to cry on,” he told her.
There was a three second silence, to which Annalise replied, “Shut the fuck up.”
Patrick chuckled. “I know, I know. But I did wanna see if you’re okay. I got my pen if you wanna forget about it all.”
She stepped aside and let him inside. “How did you even know?”
“Alessia told me. I’m guessing Shawn told her.”
Both names sent her blood boiling again. “Neither of them can keep their mouths shut, I see.”
“Dude, it’s not a big deal-”
“It doesn’t matter! Wanna cut up some flowers with me?”
Patrick blinked, confused by the sudden change in topic. “Uh, sure. Should we go get some?”
“I have some here.” She gestured to the cosmos on the table. “And there two pairs of scissors here somewhere.”
“Uh, then hell yeah. Let’s do it!”
“I have to say,” Callie mused, “you’ve made a lot of progress, and I’m very proud of you.”
Shawn smiled, despite still feeling that horrible ache in his chest. Nothing could really mend that ache but time, according to Callie. After spending the last hour practically pouring his heart and soul out, everything Shawn was feeling about Ann was deemed completely normal. He’s just a twenty-one year old kid in love and very frustrated at the situation. That was why this would be his last therapy session.
“I’m glad I did this,” he replied. “You really helped me put some things in perspective.”
“Just doing my job,” she told him. “It was wonderful getting to know you, Shawn.”
He gave Callie a hug before leaving her office for the last time. As he walked out to the parking lot, Shawn felt just a little accomplished that he could cross one thing off the list he made in his head. All he had to do now was wait for calls back from 1) a live lounge downtown and 2) his boss from the flower shop. Shawn also needed to call his parents and have quite the conversation, but that could wait a little longer. What he had to do now was to meet up with Stella, the only person to return his calls. You could say this is what kept him going these last few days.
She told him over text that she would be at Camila’s dorm. Not surprising in the slightest, but it also meant that Shawn would have to make two stops in the building. He had been sending flowers to Ann all week, all sorts of black flowers that he ordered to the shop specially for her. Everyday when Ann was in class, Shawn would stop by and leave a different type of flower with another apology note. Today’s bouquet was an array of black velvet petunias.
Shawn pretended not to notice the pairs of eyes on him as he walked down the third floor corridor on campus. He knew he had followers online, he just never realized how much of that bled into his real life. He reached Ann’s door and left the vase at the bottom of the threshold. He didn’t bother knocking, for he knew that someone would open the door sooner or later. He knew better than to stay and wait too, because Ann knew how to hold a grudge.
He was back in the elevator as soon as he left it, except now it seemed like the entire floor needed a ride down as well. Shawn stood closest to the doors, his back to a group of first year girls, once again pretending not to notice the blushing smiles and soft giggles. After badly telling Ann he liked another woman’s attention, things like this just made him feel guilty.
Shawn was able to breathe once the doors opened one floor down. However, he only breathed for one second, taking two steps out of the elevator.
He turned to find one of the girls followed him out into the corridor. His eyes glanced to the elevator, where the rest of the girls watched the interaction as the doors closed once again. Then he smiled politely at the one standing in front of him. “Hi.”
The blonde girl returned the smile. “Um… I know we’ve never met before. I’m Elizabeth, uh, Liz. I follow you on Instagram. And Spotify. Love your music.”
“Thank you,” he replied.
“I was uh, I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?” she asked, tangling her fingers together, clearly nervous.
“Ah, I’m sorry, I’ve got a girlfriend.”
Her face fell rather quickly. “It’s that crazy goth girl, right?”
It was one gross feeling when Shawn called her that. It was something else when he heard it come from a complete stranger. He narrowed his eyes.
“What do you mean by that?”
She knew she said something wrong and quickly tried and failed to make up for it. “Uh, nothing bad. Just… y’know, the way she dresses. Wearing pentagrams like it’s a cute accessory. And that look on her face when she walks across campus. It’s like she’s out for blood.”
Shawn chuckled. “You don’t know anything about her. You don’t know what’s underneath the dark exterior.”
“No, but I know lots of other people have seen what’s under those black clothes,” Liz muttered.
“Like I said, you know nothing about her. Do me a favor, don’t talk to me again.”
Without waiting for a comeback, Shawn turned on his heel and went down the corridor. He could have said so much more to that girl. He could have explained that Ann’s tough exterior hid her soft interior. He could have explained that pentagrams aren’t a direct link to Satanism. Disgruntled, he knocked on the appropriate door and Camila answered.
“Some people are so fucking rude!” Shawn said, unable to keep it in.
Camila nodded. “Hi. Won’t you come in?”
He stepped inside the tiny space and found Stella lying facedown on the bed. She rolled over upon hearing his voice and sat up. She did not beat around the bush for a second as she looked Shawn dead in the eyes.
“You need to break up with Ann.”
Shawn blinked. “Huh?”
Camila sighed audibly. “We went over this, babe.”
“Oh yeah, she’s been off her meds for three months,” Stella added with a mindless wave of her hand. “Anyway, she’s torturing herself and you with the separation thing, and that shit needs to stop.”
“Three months?” Shawn repeated. “Is she gonna get back on them? What is she doing about it?”
“Don’t know. Don’t care. Dump her.”
And she rolled onto her side again, facing the wall.
Shawn just stared at her, bewildered. His mouth was open, but none of the million questions he had came out. Then, Camila nudged his arm, and she gestured for the door. The two of them stepped out into the hallway.
“She got into a fight with Ann,” she explained. “It was so bad that I have to go to her dorm later to get her clothes and schoolwork and whatnot.”
He raised his eyebrows in shock. “Stella and Ann? The two wives fought?”
“From what Stella told me, they yelled. Ann said some really fucked up stuff.”
“What? No, Ann doesn’t yell. Unless she’s… off her meds. And… upset.” Shawn paused and leaned against the wall. He thought back to the arguments he got into with her when they lived together during the summer. He counted on his fingers back to the month it started happening, and what was happening at the time, and his stomach turned heavy.
He might have just figured out the cause of all this.
Performing in front of a crowd wasn’t as scary anymore. Shawn’s hands would shake and he would use the bathroom an excessive amount of times, but the nerves settled down once he was onstage/ This time he had the desire to run away the longer he stood outside Ann’s dorm with his guitar strapped around him. His face was warm and his hands were clammy as he clutched his instrument. He checked the time on his watch again, stalling because he knew Ann was home. He heard a couple of doors open, slowly gaining an audience. He had to do it, and he began to sing.
“I got my bags all packed and I’m ready to go I’m standing outside of your figurative door And I’m ready for the flight or to fall off a cliff But if it’s alright with you I’d rather not miss out on us”
Just about every door nearby had opened, except the one Shawn was singing to. He persisted, though, no matter how much it scared him. He was practically poking the dragon in its cage.
“I could use something good, I really need this to work out Of course with the way things are going, It might be smarter to just cash out But you’re on my mind… and the things that you say hurt most of the time But I’m sinking fast so it’s alright”
He kept strumming and singing, ignoring the excited murmurs coming from the onlookers around him. His eyes widened when he saw the doorknob suddenly move. More excited noises came from the unexpected audience when Ann finally opened the door wide enough to stick her head out.
She looked exactly the way she did when Shawn first laid eyes on her. Messy hair, tired eyes, tattered t-shirt. Shawn’s heart swelled and beat fast, trying to read the expression on her face. No single person has made him so nervous before.
“You said you never wanna be saved, well That’s okay because I wouldn’t know how Just know that the best I’ll ever be is whatever you make me And wherever you are You’re on my mind…”
Ann moved to lean against the door way; She was in her skull & crossbone pajama bottoms, something Shawn adored and secretly wanted to steal for himself. He also couldn’t help but wonder if she left the dorm today. What kind of state was she in?
Shawn skipped to the end of the song. “...I need you, I need you, I need you to know… I’m alright…”
The surrounding dorm residents applauded and cheered. Ann glanced around the corridor, staring down all the heads that had popped out of the doors. Then she found Shawn’s hopeful eyes and stepped to the side, nodding for him to come inside.
Several gasps sounded in the hallway as Shawn stepped into her dorm. He took his guitar from the strap and set it against the wall, noticing the vase of petunias on the table Just the one vase. What did she do with the rest of them?
Ann calmly shut the door. “Cute performance.”
“Thanks,” Shawn replied. “Look, I-”
She cut him off. “So what was the plan? Serenade me in front of a bunch of strangers so that way I’m forced to fall back into your arms to avoid looking like an asshole?”
And there’s that awful sinking sensation. Shawn’s had a feeling this would happen. “No, that’s not-”
“You know I hate public things like that!” she snapped, raising her voice. “It’s like you don’t even know me at all!”
Shawn was very taken aback at how quickly Ann got riled up. It’s not like he was expecting her to forgive him right away, but he wasn’t expecting this either. It was supposed to be a romantic gesture, like sending all those flowers that seemed to be nowhere in the dorm.
“Don’t yell at me,” he told her. “And I’m sorry. I didn’t realize-”
“You didn’t realize how important my privacy is to me!” She seemed to only get more pissed off. “Do you know how many people have asked me if we broke up? And I wondered how anyone knew about that, and then I figured you probably told-”
“And stop interrupting me!” Shawn firmly said, silencing her. He took a deep breath. “I was trying to do a nice thing, something to show you how sorry I am for what I said. But I don’t get why it’s such a big deal! Yes, I told a couple of friends about our fight because that’s what friends do! I needed to vent, I needed advice! And I know I shouldn’t have told Alessia about your health problems, and again, I’m so sorry!”
Ann looked down and cleared her throat. Her hands went on her hips. “I don’t want people feeling entitled to know my issues. People ask why I was in the hospital and then I end up having to share my entire history with what I can and can’t eat. Other people get confused and ask even more questions, and because it’s not something like cancer or an eating disorder, they don’t realize how invasive it gets. I get robbed of that privacy every time I’m at a restaurant with friends. I almost always end up being looked at like a sick person and I’m so fucking tired of it! So again, privacy is important!”
As if he couldn’t feel any worse. Shawn knew he was one of those people who asked a lot of questions back in the day. It was all out of curiosity, wanting to get to know the girl he was dating. Had he known she felt this way…
“I didn’t think of it that way,” he said after a moment. “I know you want to keep some things under wraps, I get that. But this relationship? That’s not just you, it’s us. I get a say in what we share too.”
Ann sighed and went to sit on the couch. She rubbed her eyes, exhausted and frustrated. “It’s like you don’t even hear me.”
“I don’t hear you?” Shawn repeated, chuckling in disbelief. “You don’t like people seeing you as broken or ill, so you choose not to share some things. And that’s also because your privacy gets invaded on a consistent basis. I hear you one hundred percent. The question is, do you hear me? Do you understand what I’m saying and what I want?”
She groaned into her hands. “There’s a part of you that still thinks I’m sick and sad and helpless. You still think I have my stomach cut open and you see it in your sleep, right? Shawn, you need to let that stuff go, you need to process the trauma.”
Her words were so mind boggling that Shawn didn’t know what to say. First of all, she was wrong. If anyone knew how much of a strong, independent lady Annalise Flores was, it was Shawn. She was the type of girl to not hold hands with her boyfriend to show that she was the least dependent person out there. She was the girl who punched guys in the face for harassing her. She was not the girl who was lying in a hospital bed, delirious from her fever. At least, she was trying very hard to separate herself from that.
“I did my processing,” Shawn finally said. “I went to therapy because I was having bad dreams and panic attacks. Now I have the tools to combat them. What about you? Did you process anything?”
Ann looked up, death stare locked on him. A nerve was struck, and Shawn decided it was best not to push the subject anymore.
He put his hands up in surrender. “I’ll go now. I just want you to know I’m always here for you. But if you wanna talk deeper about all this, Callie has an opening for a new client.”
taglist: @normalcyisoverrated-beyou @ilsolee @mendesromano @1-800-khalid-mendussy @kitykatnumber @strangerliaa @iloveshawnieboi @poppyshawn @shawnsunflower @shawnvvmendes @shawmndes @someoneunimportantxx @yourdeflightfullyleft @havethetimeeofyourlifee @wronglanemendes @chillingbythesea @softmendesss @mutuallynotmutual
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andreabaideas · 4 months
In a DJATS secret Santa,who would get whom,and what would they get each other?
Well , good and very funny question!
Secret Santa :
Rod gets : Daisy. He gets her an (very needed) alarm clock ⏰. Reaction : She laughs and keeps It. She really likes It... It keeps being ignored half of the times though, as Daisy comes late half the times, less times than she did before,so Its a good progression XD.
Daisy gets : Bernie.
She gets her a homemade collage made with the borrowed (stolen) photo album of Simone as a kid, then copies It , gives the álbum back, and with those copies in color, she makes a cute glittery sparkly collage, mainly for the lolz, secretly to include her in her personal family.
R: she adores It, and Its stands proudly in one of her House walls, much to Simone's embarrassment and Daisy's delight.
Bernie gets : Karen.
She gets her a black leather jacket and a black velvety choker necklace .
R: she likes them a lot.
Karen gets : Simone. She buys her a book of black feminist inspiring women.
R: she likes It.
Simone gets : Graham. She knits him a scarf with little guitars. (because she doesnt know what to gift him).
R: He fucking loves it.
Graham gets : Teddy. He gets him a whisky bottle.
R: He IS delighted.
Teddy gets : Camila. He gets her a flower bouquet because he doesn't really know her, (and he doesnt really care tbh)...To make It better he also gets a pink Teddy bear for Julia. R: she likes It but IS slightly dissapointed. Julia Its very happy.
Camila gets : Lisa. She gets her a candid artsy photo she made of Lisa in the studio while visiting Warren. R: Lisa thanks her and seems very happy, she likes the photo, but secretly she finds It boring. She like fun gifts not sentimental ones.
Lisa gets : Warren. She buys Victoria's secret underwear for herself and just gives him the empty bag. R: He IS the happiest of them all with the implications.
Warren gets : Eddie. He gets him a yoga book so he can relax for fun. Also an anti stress ball. R: He scoffs It ...At first. Then he uses It all a lot more than he would admit out loud.
Eddie gets (Drumroll) : Billy!. He gets him a Pittsburg pirates cap (yup that TV series one).
R : he (begrundingly because the origin source) loves It.
Billy gets : Rod. He gets him a week in a luxury Spa and a written promise of making the group calmer or at least less feral, and that he and Daisy will argue less.
R: The spa thing Its very well received, the pact thingy Its unbelieved though...It last just a week , which IS 6 days 23 hours and 59 minutes more than Rod predicted...And then when the pact gets Broken, he uses the Spa for the following week, so that he has 2 weeks of peace XD.
Thats It!
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thefudge · 5 years
I hate to say this but that crazy bitch does have a point in one thing. You don't seem to have any respect for respect Cami and her relationship with Charles. I completely understand if it was Jeronica but Cole/Cami fic? I thought someone with a PhD would know better between the difference of fiction and nonfiction.
1. i dont go about insulting or attacking charles or trying to undermine their relationship. i don’t even bring him up in this whole business because this is a purely fictional possibility for fun (and check no. 4 to see why)
2. i have dabbled in RPF before and i don’t go about it in an exploitative manner, at least my readers can attest i do not. 
3. that STILL doesnt give ppl the right to insult cami and use all sorts of slurs, while also shaming her for her assault 
4. nothing about a colemila fic would be non-fiction. nothing. RPF (literally, real person FICTION) on ao3 is non-profit niche that barters in possible fictional scenarios of a fictionalized version of the people in question. u won’t see me tweeting my fics to actors. social media has given us the false impression that we can “connect” with celebrities and therefore, they are also the gatekeepers of fandom because god forbid they stumbled upon some of our content. they aren’t, and they won’t. i will not curate my small blog and my fanfic input because, somehow, through impossible odds, c*le is gonna cry in his thousand-dollars watch over it. he won’t. neither will camila. as a side note, i glanced at the lili/c*le tag on ao3 and it’s not lacking in fics (57). indulging in RPF only becomes morally circumspect when you are harassing the people involved and trying to make your fictional version reality. oh and you’d be surprised how many people with PhDs don’t realize these pretty basic differences. 
5. did you know that the Bronte sisters wrote fanfic about the Duke of Wellington and his kids who were all still alive at the time? no? well, there are about 10000+ other authors who did the same. have fun browsing 
6. i havent even written the fic lol the outrage 
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simmingelitist · 6 years
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im getting way too bummed abt never posting my sims so im just Gonna
camila is probably the best legacy spare i’ll ever have in the history of ever. none of my others have drummed up as much drama in their lives. camila had it on tap.
the vast majority of camila’s family is made up of supernatural sims, mostly vampires and werewolves, but there’s some imaginary friends and fairies in there too. camila’s own twin was born a vampire, but she was born a regular sim, so she always tried to emulate the vampires she saw in movies (cos grandpas not cool enough i guess).
i’ve actually got no clue where her life went totally off the rails, but i remember her imaginary friend skipping town, then her gf dumping her before doing the same, right after they all aged into young adults. i honestly rly wanted her to be happy so before she moved out i rly did what i could to achieve that, but the game (well, mods) just kinda... did that.
when she did move out, she and her twin sammie were living together for a while, and sammie was dating his IF. basically as soon as that relationship ended, camila started dating like... a lot. she only ever dated older sims and vampires tho? maybe in hopes that she would inherit something, or that one of the vampires would turn her. none of them did, but then i assume her grandfather got fed up with her dating every vampire he sired and turned camila himself. huzzah! just in time, because she already missed the prime of her life, but at least she’d never grow old!
...and she got turned back, like, immediately. and then she grew into an elder.
im so fucked up about it. but camila doesnt seem to be doing so bad actually? she gets on well with most of her family n still has many friends.
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kadyshackkk-blog · 6 years
Final Reckoning Episode One Review plus a little info from seasons past.
Hello World! Mtv’s Hit The Challenge Returned Tuesday July 10, 2018 at 9pm! This season is “the end of the challenge as we know it”. Which as of right now I’m calling total b.s. since well mtv the last few season has been “recreating” older seasons ie; The Challenge Invasion of the champions, a very sad and terrible attempt to recreate the iconic The Ruins. Then we went into Dirty 30, the longest season in existence and a horrible rip off of Free Agents which in my opinion was the last great season of the show. In the dirty 30 we had something called the purge aka lets fuck Darrell over and allow a bunch of idiots to run the show. Yes I am still bitter because Darrell was robbed out of a title that season and instead our winners were a racist and an anti feminist douche lord, I mean Camila and Jordan. Then we slide into Vendettas after that tragic second season of Champs V stars, which we won’t even talk about since it was a bunch of d list celebrities who i didnt even know and well the terrell owens aka the biggest bitch in the nfl. Moving along, on Vendettas we received a much needed invasion of new people from big brother and mtv uk! Be warned I have never watched mtv Uk shows or any big brother so I had zero idea who these people were but I was excited to see them! We also got from season 5 of are you the one Kam, Eddie, and Alicia. I loved that season of ayto and the people they chose to come onto vendettas made total sense. But what didn’t make any sense at all was the poor get rid of eddie they did. Now I will only say this once and the source that told me this is very credible since he was on their season of ayto he also doesn’t like either person involved however he dislikes eddie more. Simple fact is Alicia Lied, plan and simple. There was never a restraining order or anything of that nature. You can look it up online its public information in every state. Moving on from that, the additions from the uk were all very attractive, and before you gasp and say even Kyle?! Yes even Kyle , I feel like he looks better in person then he does on tv. The fights that season we’re beyond annoying . This was my face anytime Kailah or nicole spoke or were on my tv screen  
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I give them both a chance every season they are on but they always make me regret giving said chance. The luggage throwing incident pissed me the fuck off. & Before you all go WeLL cArA dID iT To JOrdAn guess what she put a waterproof bag of his clothes in water omg get over it. Jemmeye Kailah & Britni Ganged up on kayleigh because of a rumor about her and bananas that Devin started to get Johnny thrown into elimination. It was not okay, it is never okay to touch someone elses belongings ever. I do not care, her stuff was broken and none of the actual apologized for it. 
Now for what you came for my review of the Challenge Final Reckoning Episode 1
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First off I was hoping this season was a team season sadly it was just a rip off of the Rivals series which was only decent for rivals 1 and 2. Rivals 3 was ridiculous and a waste of time and energy. In the beginning we see everyone show up and Tj is all like guess what your partner is buried and you have to find them! oh and the last two teams will be sent home ending their time in south africa. Me as a view knowing damn well tj is full of shit 
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We see Zach dig up his partner Amanda first. Listen I was very excited to hear that Amanda was coming back this season! I really was until all the twitter beef with cara, and unless you’ve been living under a rock you know exactly what I am talking about. (hint him and amanda won the challenge wooooooooh)
Here is everyones partnerships.
Zach & Amanda; Their beef seems a little forced since it’s about Amanda “making up” lies about jenna that even jenna confirmed was true. This team will go far if Zach learns how to work well with women.
Angela & Faith; I honestly don’t understand their beef, really over tor’i really. irrelevant ass team. Angela doesn’t have that same energy she did with Alicia when it comes to Shane and Kam. They won’t go far unless someone (cough cough angela sleeps with someone in power, pulling a veronica in the ruins when she hooked up with my favorite toothbrush twin evan.)
Dj Bald I mean Brad & hair plugs pathological liar I mean kyle; THIS TEAM MAKES ZERO SENSE YALL DEADASS MADE SOME SHIT UP. UHM HELLOOO DARRELL TAYLOR DID NOT WHOOP THAT ASS ON THE RUINS FOR ZERO REASON. Like mtv please stop calling kyle , he literally makes me want to stab him daily.
Cara & Marie; Listen these two have serious dislike for each other over a fucking tweet cara liked & it makes sense they are together. I honestly think this team will do well if Marie Actually fucking tries which i think she will. Tbh marie did campaign to be caras Partner.. However I feel like we as viewers deserved a coral cara team. Those two are both very strong women who need to work out their issues and become civil because I personally love them both.
Ct & Veronica; An og team, ct called v weak but she won more daily challenges then the majority of the girls on dirty 30 . A team to actually fear if they try and win 
Derrick & Tori; Yasssss my boo derrick is back!!!!!! Don’t tell tyler but i adore derrick and think hes amazing. I really like tori as well but her taste in men is just as questionable as mine. Back story tori cheated on derrick with jordan. therefor they don’t like each other.
Bananas & ??? : THIS LITERALLY COULD BE ANYBODY. I’m hoping its sarah so he can break his curse and retire because honestly no one can touch his record unless Landon came out of retirement or if production doesn’t keep fucking over darrell
Joss & Sylvia the sheep; Joss is Hot , and he voted sheep into the elimination and she got mad. damn well knowing she would’ve done the same thing. they do great.
Kam & Melissa; I love this team, this “rivalry” started over a misunderstanding I’m hoping they do well...
Natalie & Paulie; I don’t care enough to waste my time
Nelson & Shane; I’m actually started to like nelson, my dislike for him comes from my loyalty to tyler.. I love shane he is the sassy gay bff that I need in my life. This team will do well if nelson and shane both keep themselves in check
Mama Day & Jozea; I’ve never watched big brother but this team is by far my favorite big brother pairing, I follow both on twitter and they make me laugh daily. underdogs i stan
Britni & Chuck; The hotmess express team. Clearly still feelings there, chuck sucks for what he did to her, they will need to find a way to get past their issues
Jenna & Jemmeye; One of the best moves in challenge history caused this feud. they will do well, jemmeyes brain and jennas brawn.
Kailah & Kayleigh; Failah likes to bully others kayleigh was her victim last season. they’ll probably be out pretty early..
Now to the results of the challenge
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Amanda and Zach won.
I’m not to sure about the rest of the order except for the fact Day & Jozea came in last but before jem & Jenna and Chuck & britni.
it was chucks fault him and brit lost 
it was jennas fault her and jem lost
but was anyone really in shock
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So then we hear bananas yelling for help since his partner left due to family emergency everyone goes digs him up and if it was up to me he wouldve been sent “home” and not brit and chuck since they almost beat day and jozea.. after they get bananas hoe ass out tj announces that amanda and zach are able to send another team home! And out of all the teams these two dumb asses pick day and jozea. like uhm helllooooooo!!! ya’ll deadass had the chance to send send strong teams home... I can’t the stupidity of these two i can’t. SO  then the three teams leave and “go home”. Everyone goes to the house and already a fight breaks out between shane and angela, over a fucking shelf. Homegirl didn’t have the energy with shane like she did with Alicia , but we already knew she was a fraud. Then cut to outside where Joss and amanda are already flirting with each other. I will give credit is due, Amanda is a beautiful girl but has a very ugly soul and joss is very smart to hookup with her, camera time is everything and why not hook up with one of the most dramatic cast members ever. Cut to Syliva saying this could go great for her alliance or terribly for her alliance at least shes smart. The Que the amanda and joss makeout session. Then we cut to bananas cara and hair plugs talking about cara and kyle. Everything out of kyles mouth is a lie and garbage. Kyle states hes gonna sleep with other people and caras like cool whatever . The cut to faith and hairplugs making out, then faith gets into hottub and johnny being johnny brings it up in front of cara, and cara pulls a queen move by being like if he doesnt want me im not gonna wait around. boy bye best choice shes ever made. Then baby girl proceeded to go into a room and make herself look bad by trying to get at paulie. Like oh no baby what is you doing go to sleep and leave him alone..
Then we cut to the best part of the night in my opinion, first we see melissa walk in and try to be civil with kailah, failah wants zero part in it but melissa still tries because melissa wants to be nice then failah pushes melissa and melissa molly whopped her then they were pulled apart 
Everyone but kailah stans on twitter 
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Then the teams who were “sent home” arrive at the redemption house and tj explains some shit i wasn’t paying attention because i didnt care at that point 
Then they go to the photoshoot day and Tj shows up which is never good..
Tells melissa and kailah they are both out ..
Now we dont know kam and kayleighs fate, we find out next week..
Over all this episode was awesome , the cliffhanger was needed , we had a fight some hook ups and a twist.
this season will be interesting to say the least. 
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exposing-5h · 8 years
How do you guys feel about C saying she didn't like being sexualized at a young age by the lyrics of their songs? I think she needs to just stop talking about 5H all together since she has nothing pleasant to say about the group. We all know the group is not her style so why the hell doesnt she stop talking about a negative thing in her life
i agree she needs to stop talking about fifth harmony since she’s no longer a part of it but it’s obvious she’s going to continue to talk about them to keep her departure from the group in the media and therefore give her some relevancy until she debuts as a solo artist outside of fifth harmony 
expressing your sexuality isn’t wrong at all - as long as you’re expressing it on your own terms, then there’s nothing to be ashamed of and nobody should give you shit for it. 
if however you are forcefully being made to express parts of your sexuality that you do not feel comfortable with - it’s good to speak out about it. so yeah, camila did a good thing in that sense. 
what really didn’t sit well with me was the way she spoke about it - she refused to acknowledge that the rest of fifth harmony was also overly sexualized, in the same way she was - and that kinda annoys me because it seemed to me that she was lowkey victimising herself without accepting that four other girls were going through the exact same thing - and are, in some ways, perhaps still trapped within 5H whilst she has been allowed to escape. 
and also - we all know this is mostly for pr. yes, she probably did feel that way and did want to talk about it too, but she picked a time when it would be most publicised and the way she expressed it was shady to the other girls to create drama which would in turn cause more media attention
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viralhottopics · 8 years
Turns out Archie is just as clueless in ‘Riverdale’ as he is in the comics
KJ Apa as Archie Andrews, Lili Reinhart as Betty Cooper, Cole Sprouse as Jughead Jones, and Camila Mendes as Veronica Lodge
Image: Diyah Pera/THE CW
This recap contains spoilers for Riverdale Season 1, episode 2, titled “A Touch of Evil.”
Previously on Riverdale Archie (KJ Apa) got hot, Jason Blossom’s (Trevor Stines) body was discovered with a bullet hole in his head meaning he didn’t drown like his twin sister Cheryl (Madelaine Petch) said and Archie, Betty (Lili Reinhart) and Veronica’s (Camila Mendes) iconic love triangle was born with Betty’s broken heart.
As subversive as Riverdale gets with Archie Comics canon, underneath the darkness and grit of the world created in The CW series, all of the characters are still pretty much the same as their comic book counterparts. Yes, Archie’s now a hot varsity football player caught in an illicit teacher/student affair with Ms. Grundy (Sarah Habel), but underneath his buff exterior, he’s still the girl-crazy redhead who always tries to do the right thing, even if he doesnt succeed most of the time. His intentions are pure.
While last week’s series premiere did its best to get tongues wagging with how scandalous, shocking and edgy Riverdale is going to be, episode 2 lives up to its promise of staying true to who the Archie Comics characters are. It also makes big strides in Jason Blossom’s murder investigation, no thanks to Archie. But we’ll get to that in a bit.
Now that the police are searching for whoever shot Jason, Archie’s guilty conscience is getting the better of him about the mysterious gunshot he heard at the river’s edge on July 4th. Archie may be a little dense, but he’s not stupid; he can put two and two together he knows exactly when Jason was shot, and he also knows that information could be very helpful to the police. But Ms. Grundy’s scared that if they come forward, it will expose their affair and get her in trouble, so she refuses to let Archie spoil their good time with his ethics. #RiverdaleStrong.
It only takes Archie until lunch to confront Ms. Grundy again, asking her if her feelings for him are real because otherwise there’s no reason to protect whatever it is they’re doing especially if it obstructs a murder investigation.
When faced with that ultimatum, of course Ms. Grundy tells him their relationship is real no surprise there. She seductively warns him that if he exposes their affair, they’ll never get to see each other again, appealing to his teenage boy hormones and effectively shutting him up for a little bit. It’s clear that Grundy doesn’t feel the same way about Archie that he does about her and is more concerned with keeping her job, but he can’t see that through his lust blinders. Can you blame the poor guy?
Thankfully, his former best friend Jughead (Cole Sprouse) is here to help Archie see the truth after he catches a glimpse of the two of them in the act. Archie and Jughead subsequently get into a tense fight about the affair, leading Archie to confess to hearing a gunshot on July 4th, and Jughead’s ensuing anger over the fact that Archie isn’t doing the right thing and coming forward proves to be the push that Archie needs to nut up.
Bro code.
Image: Diyah Pera/THE CW
The next morning, Archie’s resolve is strengthened by an inspiring talk with his dad (Luke Perry) and good ol’ Archie finally decides to do the right thing and tell the police what he heard. We’ll have to wait to see how Grundy reacts to Archie’s decision, though something tells me she’s desperate to keep their affair a secret.
Meanwhile, Betty’s mom, Alice Cooper (Madchen Amick) is on the warpath when it comes to Jason’s murder investigation, practically dancing with glee over the discovery that he was shot.
There is something seriously off with Alice, more than just being a overbearing mother. If every Riverdale character is like their comic book counterpart in some way, Alice Cooper is the exception. There is no trace of her warm, nurturing self from the digest and if it’s there, she’s hiding it well. No one, especially a mother of a high school student, should be that happy about her daughter’s peer getting shot in the face.
She pays off the medical examiner performing the autopsy for the inside scoop on his cause of death, and her interest levels are definitely suspicious. And why is she so afraid to have Betty visit Polly in the group home she’s in? There is definitely something fishy going on with the whole Alice, Polly and Jason situation. I’m all for a slow burn, but this mystery is likely going to have huge ramifications for many characters and possibly the investigation itself, so I’m getting impatient.
But Betty is too focused on her own issues to dig deeper into that, as both Veronica and Archie are on major damage control after their little makeout sesh. For the most part, Betty seems to be over her broken heart. But it’s not how she really feels it’s just what she’s projecting, seeing as how her mother wants her to break off things with both of them. Is this the first sign of Betty’s rebellion, going against what her mother wants, even if it’s not what she truly wants?
When Veronica tries to talk things over with Betty, Betty’s true feelings finally come out and it’s no more Miss Nice Girl. She takes Veronica’s olive branch gift of manis/pedis and blowouts at a fancy salon and instead invites Cheryl of all people, who accepts only to try and get information out of Betty about Polly.
Cheryl thinks whatever happened between Polly and Jason over the summer caused Polly to shoot Jason, and Betty definitely has no time for those kinds of accusations. And hey, maybe threatening murder to the sister of the boy who was just murdered isn’t the smartest idea?
Madelaine Petsch as Cheryl Blossom
Image: Dean Buscher/The CW
There’s clearly more to Cheryl than meets the eye. After trying to stay strong throughout the entire hour, she finally breaks down during the pep rally thrown in her brother’s honor. Believe it or not, Veronica ends up being the one to comfort her, and after Betty sees the sweeter side of Veronica, she decides to put the past behind her and be Veronica’s friend for real. They seal their newly forged bond over milkshakes at Pop’s, making a vow that no boy will ever come between them again.
In a case of TV-perfect timing, Archie then walks through the door of Pop’s. Betty can see the sparks between him and Veronica, but she shoves her feelings down once more and invites him and Jughead to join them in their booth.
Jughead’s closing narration sums up that trio the best: “To someone on the outside, peering in, it would have looked like there were four people in that booth. But I was there and I can tell you, really there were only three: a blonde girl, a raven-haired girl and the luckiest redheaded boy in the universe. For one shining moment, we were just kids. Those bright neon lights of Pop’s keeping the darkness at bay, giving way, as all nights must, to a morning of reckoning.”
SEE ALSO: ‘Riverdale’ reinvents Archie with a ‘Twin Peaks’ twist, and we dare you not to love it
That morning of reckoning is a big step forward in Jason’s murder investigation, as none other than Cheryl is the first arrest made! Record scratch, freeze frame, say what?!
She’s taken out of class by the sheriff and principal because of what the autopsy revealed, and in her own words, she admits, “I’m guilty.” But guilty of what? Surely not murdering her twin brother?
It’s more likely she’s “guilty” of giving a false statement about when her brother disappeared, since it turns out he didn’t die on July 4th he died over a week later. So what was the gunshot that Archie and Grundy heard?
Looks like there are now two major mysteries being brought out of the shadows and into the light in Riverdale. But honestly, I’m just here for Betty and Veronica’s newly-minted girl power friendship.
Other noteworthy moments:
– Moose (Cody Kearsly) wants to keep his secret fling going with Kevin (Casey Cott), but Kevin has no interest in extreme closet cases. Keep on being your awesome, confident and self-aware self, Kevin. You are slowly but surely becoming the best part of Riverdale.
– Archie is the king of sending poor Betty mixed signals, and it’s even more heartbreaking to watch onscreen than it is to read it in the comics. Apparently when they were both in second grade, he almost got held back because he was having trouble reading. She tutored him every day so he would still be in her class, and when he passed he kissed her and asked her to marry him. She told him to ask her again when they were 18 and she’d say yes. She probably, definitely meant that, and of course, he can’t see that. He just remembers it as a cute memory from their childhood. Oh, Archie.
– We’re starting to get a fuzzy picture about what caused Archie and Jughead’s friendship-ending rift. Apparently Archie had plans to go on a road trip over the summer summer with Jughead, beginning on the weekend of July 4th, but Archie canceled last minute. Jughead now knows it’s because of Archie’s fling with Grundy, but that definitely isn’t the whole story. What else happened between these two former best friends? At least Archie deciding to come forward about the gunshot he heard seems to be the start of a resolution with Jughead. Plus, taking a punch to the face for his former bestie definitely scores Archie some points.
– The River Vixens perform at the school’s pep rally in Jason’s honor (what an interesting way of grieving, Cheryl) with an assist from Josie (Ashleigh Murray) and the Pussycats. Their cover of “Sugar, Sugar” is awesome, bubble gum pop fun, and a subversive take on the original since it’s usually sung by The Archies. Subversive really seems to be the mantra of Riverdale, huh?
Riverdale airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on The CW.
BONUS: DC Comics characters come to life in the form of LEGO bricks
Read more: http://on.mash.to/2l4j7vV
from Turns out Archie is just as clueless in ‘Riverdale’ as he is in the comics
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