#also danmaku jokes
askdacast · 1 year
Just re-read Symposium of Post-Mysticism. Man, it's such a weirdly timeless book, and equally insightful no matter whether you read it as a simple lore book or purposeful commentary on real life.
Also, Miko is really mean, and Kanako is really sassy. Poor Byakuren.
The only thing I ever had complaints about - and still do - is how the three big leaders define religion. Both Miko and Byakuren define it as a philosophy, whereas Kanako defines it as a system of understanding the world with its own internal rules, much like science and magic/the occult. Kanako gets it closer than the other two imo, but all three focus on the idea of religion as being an individual pursuit, rather than also being a system that creates and structures cultures. Which is ironic, considering how much Kanako keeps talking about the transactional relationship between humans and gods, and how all three keep talking about how their presence determines the fate of humans, youkai and Gensokyo!
ZUN is both a STEM guy at heart and as far as everyone knows non-religious, but he always has a lot to say about our modern world's relationship with the unknown and the supernatural, and that's what makes Touhou so strangely insightful. Nevertheless, the dichotomy between the individual and the collective in what constitutes religious practice is a very modern idea, and equally reflective of the new ideals of contemporary society. It feels a lot like SoPM is just as reflective of ZUN's (and our own) modern ideas of what religion means to us, or what the supernatural means to us now in an age of rationalism. I could be talking nonsense here, given that I'm not the Japanese-born person making video games about Japanese culture (and come to think of it ZUN is not wrong in describing general trends regarding the supernatural in Japan). But it still seems like ZUN/Kanako almost underestimate the power of belief in people when they mention humans' wish for the supernatural despite no longer "believing" in them. New religions/cults exist, and are powerful. Belief itself is no longer a straight dichotomy of "I believe/don't believe this is real," especially not with youkai and other supernatural creatures which have created such popular followings and ways of consumption.
Or, you know, the three leaders were purposely written to be arrogant and not really understanding humans. That's also a running gag in the text.
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amemenojaku · 6 months
Hisami and Zanmu for 1 on that ask game!
When I started shipping it if I did: Since day 1 when I read Hisami's dialogues, like most people I believe lol. I mean, how can you see her and not start cheering for her to get what she wants... Since it's still pretty recent I can add that two lines in particular made me seriously consider it and think about it beyond 'this is nice/funny': when Hisami tells Zanmu that she doesn't have to hold back around her, and when Zanmu tells Hisami that she knew Hisami would mess up on purpose, and that she'll give her a reward anyway - both are about danmaku obviously, but it got my brain gears turning >:]
My thoughts: They've slowly but steadily been going up my favorite ships, especially for the past 2-3 months... They work well together. Obviously I'd love the ship in touhou where one of them has a big fat actual canon crush on the other one, I've been in this hole since 2010 or something so Hisami's kind of a gift... but also in general I think it's a good spin on the boss/henchman trope when the boss is some mega charismatic chessmaster who could probably get anyone they want on their knees and yet their subordinate is one of the only people they can't fully predict/control. The wild card aspect is really funny to me and I love seeing fanworks where Zanmu's like... fondly sighing at Hisami's antics.
Things done in fanworks that annoy me: I think there's too many fanworks where Zanmu looks generally uncomfortable around Hisami despite never doing so even once ingame, and also too many fanworks where Hisami harasses Zanmu, sometimes to make very early 2000s jokes in very poor taste... I won't name anyone but there's a few big yuri artists on twitter who do that and it makes me want to bash my head against the wall when they get praised for it just because their artstyle looks good..... On a more positive note there's a few people who've been creating constantly good content of this pair and I think given a year or two nature will be healing!!
Also I'm of the opinion that Zanmu's fairly tall herself, just a bit shorter than Hisami, so I'm not big on the crazy size difference stuff (funny coming from a seishin fan, I know......)
Things I look for in fanworks: MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING!!! Getting to know each other past the infatuation (in Hisami's case)/the curiosity (in Zanmu's case) in deeper ways. I promise this isn't about sex lol (I do think about that too but not here rn) I really want to see how their relationship can grow and I especially want to see Zanmu enjoying it (as a petty reaction to the stuff listed above...). In their case I think physical intimacy would be a good setting for that kind of scene where their emotional bond grows, so that's what I'd go with if I were to create something like it, but anything can work if it's done in good taste imo. And in general I want to see Zanmu answering Hisami's affections with a positive emotion... whatever it is... I'm desperate.......
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: It's difficult for me to imagine Hisami with anyone else, although I do think she'd have physical relationships with a bunch of women while her feelings for her boss are still unrequited. Zanmu on the other hand I can picture being interested in a few other characters like Reimu or other onis or even the sages, but ultimately not as something she'd commit to and take seriously. The only real endgame is still zanhisa haha
My prefered future/ending for them: Whenever Zanmu considers them close enough to tell Hisami to drop the honorifics and overly reverent language when they're alone, and whenever Hisami feels comfortable doing that would be the ideal "endpoint" for me because of all the things it implies :) I don't care if at that point they actually consider themselves in a relationship or if they just aknowledge there's something going on. Though if they do get in a relationship proper I imagine they'd be very discreet about it. Also I think Hisami should get a promotion so she can directly work as Zanmu's prefered right hand arm man. woman. her everything. her confidant. her silly rabbi
What is their favorite activity together: Probably drinking. I imagine with how old she is and hanging out with onis Hisami's built up a decent hold on alcohol, and Zanmu appreciates it. They reminisce about their respective pasts and talk about the inner workings of hell and Zanmu gets a huge ego boost from showing off her 4D chess plans and Hisami praising her for it
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occasionaltouhou · 10 months
I had an idea of a fangame playing out kinda like 2D sonic games, where Mokou is really bored one day and she decides to see how fast can she run across gensoukyou. Typical knowing the layout of the level and using momentum for speed and all that in 2D sonic games (minus the tiny fucking screen that doesn't let you see whats ahead of you).
But I guess the main difference would be that since Mokou is immortal, nothing would really stop her. So say she tripped on something or hit her head on a wall, instead of just stopping there she would rather continue full on tumbling painfully forward and slowly deaccelerating, before regaining her composure and continue on running.
The levels would have your typical enemies, like fairies and other youkai, that would be trying to slow her down through danmaku and traps like wooden barricades or pits. Then the final stage of each area would have a boss, but instead of being stuck in an area and not moving at all like in sonic, you have to run towards the boss to beat her, with maybe using previous terrain so you have some familiarity with the arena.
Mokou would also kind of play differently as well. I mean if she really wants to she can jump into a ball I don't doubt she can do that. But more so using her fire magic to combat against stage obstacles as well as for general movement increases (like a speed boost or a double jump). I can imagine if fine-tuned enough and more properly thought out, it might be pretty fun in trying to maintain high speeds in with fun visual effects of Mokou's fire blazing behind her.
Kaguya is also there, we don't know if she's actually running or slowly gliding above the ground.
no jokes or anything this just genuinely sounds like a really cool fangame idea. you could probably make its setup seem like a couple of levels of a quick little game jam type thing and say it's an eientei obstacle course (which is secretly attempting to kill her in as many ways as possible, of course). and then tragically she does so well that every other youkai and god decides to also make a mokou torture speed labyrinth. and you, dear player, are along for the ride
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sealed-valkyria · 3 months
Wait! You are into project moon stuff! Awesome..
Im curious what do you think of the games in general, fave charaters??? And what do you think abt the latest game limbus?
I wouldn't say I'm really into it, more like I'm a veteran of it. I was introduced to it in 2019 - so I've seen a LOT over the years. I'm still aware of it and moreso orbit it than actively partake. You can still see some Project Moon stuff in my past catalogue, such as my crossover with it and Danmaku Unlimited and my inverse AU that originally started with inversing abnormalities, and then changing the whole Project Moon world (this was in worked on with @scp-168, shoutouts for being the Project Moonhead!)
That being said, I've never really played the games. They're not my style of gameplay, but I have been fed the information as I went. I have... a lot to say about the behind of scenes of LoR, but it's not pretty. Either way, I do like the more expansive story of LoR with Lobotomy Corp. There is a reason why making inverse AU stuff was fun for me. Distortions undeniably influenced me greatly. I enjoy making distortion designs and trying to relate it to the deepest core of a person's selfishness and desire to excuse change for surface happiness. I really enjoy rambling about distortions and manifesting of ego. Such a good concept. Hell, jokingly saying, "I'm distorting" as a reaction just hits like no other. A lot of the designs are pretty neat too.
And again, the characters are fun. I can see why people love most of them. I'm a San lover. He's such a guy!
Limbus has an interesting concept with its usage of book characters. Hell, I may or may not be the first person to make a Limbus OC, if not, one of the first, because I made one initially as a joke. I just REALLY like Fahrenheit 451 and sketched a Montag design in like, 5 minutes. The setting of the city being worked to carry all these different book characters is certainly a careful ambition to get right.
This is also where I started getting less involved with the story. I get tidbits here and there, and still get told information to be caught up. I have my personal feelings on how complicated things seem to be getting, especially with adding more "categories" to distortions and manifestation of ego.
I'm sorry if I disappointed. But I can't lie and say these Project Moon stories haven't made an impact on me. I just was never too involved, except in the AU/crossovers and designs I enjoyed making. I have some Project Moon OCs, and most are focused on distortions. I have most of the deeper knowledge. I would love to return to the inverse AU or elaborate more on the crossover AU I have, but my mind has returned to Madness (combat).
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somegrayvyperson · 2 years
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Okay, welp I’m back on tumblr so about time I get back onto the bull I love to pull, talking about Touhou fan games! The past few years have definitely been pretty interesting, though today I want to talk about something... Incredibly curious.
東方陰陽暦 ~ Illuminate animal destiny is probably one of the most interesting danmakufu games of 2022. How so? It uses 0.12m as it’s base... Which for those out of the danmakufu loop, is an engine as old as 2008! Typically people making danmaku Touhou fan games use either Danmakufu ph3, LuaSTG or other independent engines but the main author of this marimo seems pretty dedicated to the engine; as I’ve been told he’s made previous projects on it.
This DOES however make it pretty hard to run the game properly on modern hardware. 0.12m uses DirectX 8 so I’d advise you download a DX8 to DX9 converter in order for the game to run. If you’re already a fan then you might already have these files for the classic era Windows Touhou games but I’ll link them in this post just in case. Another hurdle for foreign countries though, downloading the game requires you to have your computer to be in Japanese locale otherwise all the files will go corrupt due to not being able to find the right language pack. You can try using locale emulators or other means but I had to download the game this way. After that I could run the game fine on a locale emulator.
Though finally talking about the game this has definitely been an oddity to play. Well first I’ll start off with characters which are sorted into the 5 chinese elements, so think what Patchouli uses:
Wood - Reimu Hakurei
Fire - Flandre Scarlet
Earth - NTR Nilpotent Unit [FAZE] (MJ)
Metal - Youmu Konpaku
Water - Marisa Kirisame
One thing that really sticks out like a sore thumb is who I just call NTR man. I THINK this is suppose to be a self insert of the authour or at least an insert of a friend of his? Some kind of OC? I don’t know the full details, I may have been learning Japanese but I’m currently as fluent as a toddler with sunglasses and who knows if that’ll stay that way.
So the four main Touhou characters primarily use player scripts that were lifted from a Japanese danmakufu wiki. Reimu has homing, Marisa has lasers, Youmu has her IN shot, Flandre has a reticle she fires bubble bullets at which can be set down with focus. All characters are given a shot designated to the element they’re classified under, which said elements are just a copy paste of MarisaB’s different elements from SA. These elements also have abilities associated to them on the C key which is spent by the power you use to gain them.
Reimu has... Nothing from what I could tell Marisa has auto collect Youmu cuts the frame rate in half whilst going faster Flandre literally just clears the screen of bullets
I’m saving NTR man for last because I cannot tell if he’s meant to be a joke or not. He starts out with 6 bombs instead of 3, his unfocused speed is ridiculously fast (practically to meme-like levels) his shot does absurd damage by how rapid they come out and his elemental ability or whatever is borders.
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I practically got a Lunatic 1cc easily in this game purely on this guys power alone, nevermind his ludicrously fast speed... If anything on the topic of balance I feel a lot of people might get thrown off by it.
Flan is also pretty broken in the sense her screen clearing ability also clears out bullets you can’t normally clear with bombs... So in a way she can make some spell cards pretty trivial
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A lot of the danmaku patterns feel like they were made to be complete noob traps or didn’t have much consideration into how difficult they actually were. Some patterns feel the same across all difficulties or they have something extra to them that either was unnessesary or not well thought out.
And yet there’s also weird moments of neat ideas in here? For example one of the Stage 5 bosses non’s is basically a gimmick from Undertale where you have to shield your heart from Undyne’s spears. I mean it came outta nowhere but to suddenly have that in 0.12m? That’s kinda neat not gonna lie.
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The art in the game is surprisingly well done. Granted it’s compressed like heck due to the game having to run at 640x480 but what’s done here, whilst definitely amateur still has some attributes that lead to a pleasent style if very typical of what it is. Granted some of the character names put me through a loop making me feel like it was a Western guy coming up with Japanese names (Nekoko is still kinda painful from my perspective) but no, marimo is Japanese and he made it. Never assume something was made based on superficial things.
The music in the game is not great. I’m unsure who composed these tracks but if anything the musical notation is pretty off in some places and I think the sound mixing gets to the point where you actively hear the crust blaring out due to it trying to go really loud. There is no sound option in the engine itself so you’re going to just have to use system sounds to adjust the overall volume. It’s more or less though a limitation on 0.12m’s part though.
By all accounts the game is not good... But I honestly find it pretty endearing? There’s some nostalgia I gained from this reminding me of the days I use to goof off playing all sorts of scripts in 0.12m and all the different player scripts I’d use to try and 1cc Phantasmagoria Trues back over a decade ago.
Overall if you’re interested the authour has a link available from his twitter. Do remember, download it once you set your computers locale to Japanese and then you should be good if you have a locale emulator. I feel like even talking about this here the game is probably going to get buried in obscurity still on the nature of it being a Touhou fangame made in 0.12m no less.
Still I found some fun in this thrown together treat.
As for what I’ll talk about after, I think I got some ideas but I’m gonna need a good think about what to talk about next.
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pansexualkiba · 1 year
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@panda-monium64 you've always loved enabling me when it comes to these. You may actually recall this first batch, in fact.
This one is sooooo middle school it HURTS. To be fair, this and the second one WERE made in middle school, so if the tone of the ones after really fucking shift into... not too embarrassing, that's why.
The plot: A huge fucking mansion has appeared in an uninhabited grassland along the edge of the Hakurei Border. From it, there's been an outpouring of foreign youkai and humans alike. This wouldn't actually be a problem if it weren't for the fact that, 1) For some reason, there have been false alarms of a giant breach in random places all along the border, and 2) all of the youkai are more along the mentality of Hell: needlessly flaunting their strength without regards to anything - or, more simply put, they're just skipping the danmaku and going straight to Attacking.
You're seeing what I mean when I say "this is soooo middle school" I was THEEE edgy teen back then. I tried to wear the amulet from a vampire Halloween costume on a daily basis. As I get into this first batch of characters you'll see that they're CRYSTALLIZED chuunibyou like I know it's not really an appellation you can give to an American emo teen but I was SOOOOOOO chuuni it's ridiculous. On some level I still am but now there's a level of self-awareness that lets me know this shit is CRINGE.
DIVIN SHIRONE Guardian Angel from Far Off Species: Angel Ability: Capable of reflecting light An angel sent by the bureaucracy of Heaven to make sure that humans under her watch aren't lead astray. She ended up being swept into Gensokyo with her current charge, however, and now she's at a loss as to what to do. She was hoping that she could leave at some point, but she was struck down by the protagonist when she went to ask for directions out. As it turns out, that action was futile, so now she's resting around the area, waiting to find a human that needs guidance.
First up: the first stage midboss. She never appears after this, btw, I think I just fucking forgot she existed. The mixing of a mangled english first name and that utauloid-ass last name... Is she a vtuber (lol)? Her ability is also a fucking joke on the fact that she's essentially just a white girl wearing white clothing. It's called being snow-blind. Still, for a stage one midboss, you could do worse than some random bitch who just wanted directions out.
LILILILI NEKONEKO Cat Monster Armed to the Teeth Species: Cat youkai Ability: Capable of forging swords A youkai that was born when a pet housecat was caught in a magical explosion. Rather than dying, she was reborn as a cat youkai. Immature, she still felt loyal to her owner, so she went to go find him. Her feelings towards him are more of a daughter's feelings towards a beloved father. Her ability allows her to create swords, provided she has even the tiniest bit of scrap metal. She is not seen without at least one sword on her person. She later showed up to use her sword creation power to arm Akuma with a blade powerful enough to defeat the protagonist. This did not work.
THIS ONE... OH MY GOD. Okay the LORE of this character: I made the initial template of this character in Walfas (WALFAS. THAT'S HOW OLD THIS CHARACTER IS.), but I made it under the artistic direction of my FUCKING SEVEN-YEAR-OLD SISTER. Granted, I asked her for this, but what we ended up with was some random little catgirl in full Yuyuko cosplay. I don't even remember what her original ability was, but when I later codified these characters, I changed it to "making swords" and made it so she wasn't. fucking dressed like Yuyuko. I didn't change her name, though. This is because I wanted to embarrass my sister and also because I love this like, stupid little idea that she named herself because she doesn't want to be, like, named "Stinky". Also originally, her feelings towards her old owner were "she thinks he's her big brother", but I changed that too. Speaking of...
BAKUTO SAKURETSU Red-Hot Explosive Temperament Species: Human Ability: Capable of causing explosions A rare man who actually understands the beauty of danmaku. Will relentlessly pursue anyone who ticks him off. Seemed to have gained his powers recently, but they've been growing stronger at an exceptional rate. The previous owner of Lililili. Doesn't seem to recognize her in the slightest, so he feels extremely cold to her bouts of affection. After causing a massive explosion following a traumatic event, Bakuto went to seek sanctuary in the House of Damien, which he had heard of in whispers. However, he can't remember who the whispers were from. Though he didn't know it, these whispers were the workings of Beto. He's honestly just here for a good time in this transient world.
GOD. GOD. GOD. GOD. GOD. GOD. GODDDDDD. I TOLD YOU THIS SHIT WAS MIDDLE SCHOOL CRINGE. In case you're wondering, the "traumatic event" was just that his boyfriend was cheating on him and he caught them. So he fucking got so apoplectic that he gained explosion powers. FUN FACT: I was in middle school WELL BEFORE My Hero Academia was real. I like to imagine Horikoshi is such a hack writer he used telegraphy powers to steal my ideas from across the globe (lol). Bakuto is another character that doesn't actually show up past this "game", but I think later Sumireko's gonna meet him again and have little notes that Bakuto's "really simmered down after meeting Kourin" which implies that the one thing Bakuto needed to become domestic is the worst dick in his life.
MAIKO AMEGUMO Maid of Torrential Downpours Species: Human Ability: Capable of causing rain A random maid of the House of Damien. She used to be the head maid for a notoriously rich man. She often found herself imagining herself as the heroine in a terrible romantic light novel, in which the rich man fell in love with a poorer maid of his. So, while it was no shock to us that he chose someone he was actually attracted to instead, she was in shock. She ended up flooding the entire manor in a fit of grief, and was only saved because she thought to leave the manor beforehand. Now out of a job, she wandered around a bit before finding herself at another large manor in the middle of nowhere. There, she was welcomed by the head maid of the House of Damien. Regardless, she was as surprised by the change of scenery as anyone else, so she simply continued her duties. Her ability is the creation of rain clouds. She can control just how much rain falls and how hard it does so. Mainly, she uses this ability to clean.
THIS CHICK... PARASOCIAL??? YOU NEED TO LOG OFF??? I love the downplaying I keep putting in these early bios like GIRL YOU'RE ON THE RUN FOR MASS MURDER. Fun fact! This essentially makes her kind of a warped foil to Bakuto. Bakuto was in a relationship that ended... explosively. Meanwhile, Maiko had the fantasy of a relationship that she ended up killing everyone even remotely involved when she learned it wasn't real. They even have fire and water powers. I like to think they'd be friends if I didn't make it so they canonically despise each other.
GASHAKO KIKINMARU Eater of This World's Transient Forms Species: Yuurei Ability: Capable of eating forever A ghost bound to her skull. Long ago, she ate only gourmet foods, but one day, during a famine, she was forced to eat her own family. Later, she ate herself. Because of the evil nature of her death, she became a ghost, haunting her remains (which were never properly found). Later, her manor was converted into the House of Damien, but not without her knowing. She is bound specifically to her skull, and can therefore not exist more than a few feet from it. She can, however, pick it up, which saves her some mobility issues. Because she's a ghost, she doesn't have to worry about physical limitations all that much, which comes in handy because she's always hungry.
OH GOD.... OKAY. THERE'S A BIT OF LORE WITH THIS BITCH. Keep in mind: I was a HELLACIOUS little weeb. Around this time, mothy's songs were getting REALLY big. You see where I'm going with this. Additionally, this was actually the FIRST Touhou OC I ever made. This was because, as a chuuni little bitch, I had a fucking FAKE SKULL I liked to carry around. You can see where those influences came into play here. Even WORSE was the fact that Gashako Kikinmaru wasn't even her original name. Whereas with Lili, the design changed but the name didn't, the opposite happened: I kept the design (because it genuinely fucks, it's like, blue on blue on white with bone decals and she's sickening), but the name... Her name was just two Mortal Kombat characters. I'll let you guess which ones. Lastly, this bitch ended up being my first "prediction" character because her "ability to continuously eat" ended up predating Yuuma Toutetsu. A mess of a character. I love her.
BETO The Footsteps You Hear at Night Species: Betobeto-san Ability: Capable of creating footsteps An old-fashioned youkai from the Nara prefecture. She spent quite some time tormenting travelers on moonlit paths, but as the world got brighter, she began to lose power. People just weren't afraid of disjointed footsteps when the path was well-lit. She ended up leaving the prefecture, and found herself staring into the eyes of Akuma. They were both in shock. The two ended up becoming good friends, however, so it apparently all works out in the end. Akuma required a place to stay, unfortunately, so Beto led her to an old abandoned manor she had heard about. This was Gashako's old manor, and she let them live there. Beto, now with two friends when she previously had none, suddenly desired more company, so she sought out people who ended up wandering down the path looking dejected. This also ended up including many foreign youkai. Upon hearing one of their plans to relocate to Gensokyo, Beto thought to herself, "Perhaps I could go there as well." She couldn't bear the thought of leaving behind Akuma, however, so they made plans to transport the entire House of Damien (as they had begun calling it). Beto, unaware that the Barrier actually accepted foreign arrivals like theirs, began to use her power to set off false alarms all over the entire border to distract from the real Incident: the transportation of the House of Damien. While it succeeded, their stealth mission was spoiled by several of the foreign youkai running out and causing a havoc, not knowing of Gensokyo's rules.
Honestly my favorite of this group. She's so fucking creepy and I love her for it. Canonically she also doesn't have eyes. Like I cover her face with a veil but she DOES NOT have eyes. Imagine going from some friendless loser to snagging TWO bad bitches and essentially opening up a homeless shelter for monsters and humans alike. She likes sneaking up behind people, as well. There's also a bit from the actual story I like where in the middle of the fight she just stops and asks if this makes her and the protag friends and when they just go "...I guess? What?" she just happily continues attacking and only leads you to Akuma because you're friends now. :)
AKUMA DAEMON Grand Demon Lord of the House of Damien Species: Demon Ability: Capable of creating invisible walls A Western-style demon. She found herself quite disliking the whims and ways of her more bloodthirsty compatriots, so she set off from Hell, hoping to reform. Eventually, she found the best way to become a decent person was to use charity, and so she traveled the world, doing various good deeds. She would often change her name doing so, as her true name is quite unpronounceable to those that do not speak Daemonic. Currently, as her travels have taken her to Japan, she goes by Akuma. While in Japan, she happened upon Beto, and the two became fast friends. "I could finally settle down," is what Akuma thought. However, they would need a house. Fortunately, they found Gashako's old manor, and since she wasn't using it, the three converted it into a sanctuary for outcasts and monsters alike. Soon, they found the need to relocate. But where? Beto had heard whispers of a place called Gensokyo, said to be a haven for the world's fleeting population for mythological beings and figures. Akuma, readily agreeing, began the transport as soon as Beto provided the necessary distractions. And so, the House of Damien was now on a grassland along the far side of the Hakurei Border. Invigorated by the natural magical energy permeating Gensokyo, many of the various monsters and humans with powers went out to see how things are, not knowing the rules of Gensokyo. And thus was the Foreign Youkai Incident.
This name........ Bro I COULD NOT have picked a more EDGY NAME IF I TRIEDDDDDD. In case you're wondering, Lili is the stage 6 midboss, and she gives Akuma (THIS NAME....) what's essentially Excalibur. But because it's a replica, it can't guarantee victory. Anyways, Akuma (WAUGH) has a gimmick to her fight where she'll use her ability to make invisible walls to just, actively close in the screen borders, giving you less room to move around in. This actually probably makes her the most difficult of all bosses I've designed. Imagine trying to dodge with an incredibly narrow X-Axis... Terrifying. That right there is why she's the boss. However, if this fucking name doesn't scream middle school edge... Oh my god you're not ready for the extra boss.
AKAKO (ROSE EVANS) The Girl Stained in Red and Ichor Species: Human Ability: Capable of causing fear A girl from a completely different dimension. In the dimension she hails from, zombies overtook the entire world. Rose is one of the last humans surviving. The incident happened sometime in 2005. What was said to be uncontrollable nuclear radiation mutated corpses so that they would ambulate. The truth of this matter is much more sinister, but let's ignore that for now. With no real concept of life or death, the zombies could still be exterminated using brute strength or impressive magic. Rose is the one using brute strength. Utilizing a road sign that she scavenged, she set out, taking out zombie after zombie. Eventually, she gained no sense of fear, but her general aura instilled apprehension and fear into the hearts of others. One day, she discovered a lone scientist who had developed a dimensional transporter. It would send her to other dimensions. And it did. However, alternate dimensions and zombies were still a thing of fantasy in the dimension she was heading, so she ended up getting intercepted by the Hakurei Border. Upon arrival, her power immediately manifested and kicked into full overdrive. A passing fairy, fainting almost immediately, uttered "Akako"... And that is how Akako came to be in Gensokyo.
Every time. Every time I review WDI's characters, I actively skip Akako because it's SOOO chuuni. What IS THIS. Alternate dimensions? Zombie apocalypses? USING A STOP SIGN AS A WEAPON? AND THIS FUCKING NAME. ROSE EVANS? AKAKO? GIRL GET A COOLER NAME. YOU'RE FROM THE APOCALYPSE NAME YOURSELF SOME SHIT LIKE COMBUSTION ENGINE OR SOMETHING. Imagine getting assigned Akako at Fairy I think I'd just fucking leave. Also of course her eyes glow red. Of course they do. Miss thing's the PINNACLE of edge. Luckily this means it doesn't get too bad later.
All the characters have some charm. It's just... God, Gaimaken was a fucking ROUGH START. All of them have shades of this level of chuuni, but this is where it's ACTIVELY BAD. They don't really show up all that much in later installments (unless I put Akako in the phantasmagoria-type...? Eh, I forgot who I made playable in that one anyways.), but that's mostly because I think the ending is that everyone essentially integrates seamlessly into either Hell or Gensokyo, and meanwhile Akuma (BLEGH), Beto, and Gashako are just having fun in their giant fucking house with their seventy maids. As mentioned, Bakuto starts getting disgustingly domestic with Kourin despite everything else about himself and he vanishes entirely. Lili ends up trying to arm the feral cats in Mayohiga. Akako is somewhere in the woods I think. Divin has evaporated from the plot and probably left Gensokyo entirely.
And meanwhile, on the exact opposite side of Gensokyo, a new structure appears... This one more internally thematic, but still stupidly middle school.
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
Fan Class? : Combat Magic Class/ Bullet Hell Class
@twstinginthewind @twst-the-night-away @fumikomiyasaki
Combat Magic Classes In NRC and RSA Focus on a Style of Combat only found in Onigashima , Established as a why to work out problems among people to even the Playing field between the Weak and Strong. Bullet
The “Bullet” are made of Magical Engery and Cause only a Little Blot to be Formed , Many parents were still Scared due how Many Bullets Were outputs . But we’re Reassured after. Seeing how little Blot accumulated mainly Cause Bullet generally arent made to Kill or Destroy intentionally but thier are a few instances of People aiming to kill using Danmaku which can cause Overblot . There Many Types of Bullet but here’s the Catergories
Ofuda- This are Just Amulet type Bullets good for Dealing with a Evil spirits, sometimes Takes the Form of things like Christian Crosses also they often Home in on you
Normal- Your Normal Round Circle or Rice shaped bullet also Stuff like Arrows and Bullet shaped Bullets
Energy- Bullets that use Shapes like Hearts, Stars this can also include stuff like Light
Elemental - stuff like Fire , Sound and Lighting based Bullets
Body- Using Meaning The user Is Using themselves as Part of a Bullet formation wether it but Punch , kicking or Headbutting . This can Also be Parts of ones body like hair, Feathers , Scales, Pixie dust
Liquid- Bullet that are made of Liquid of some sort, Water, ink , Maple syrup
Laser- Self Explanatory , but Curvy Lasers are no Joke
Sharp- These are Bullets that that meant to Pierce Through Defenses
Heavy- Generally Bullet that made To Cause Damage usally involves stuff like Rock and steel. Shu is Kinda an Exception as His Unique Magic involves Density and Size .
Missile- these are the Bullet you need to Watch for, as the often disperse into Small bullets if the miss and Hitt something or The Caster Triggers it
Slash- These are meant to be Done with a Claw or Bladed weapons
The More Powerful and risky of Onigashima’s Combat Magic is called a Spell Card. , Which can Accumulate Blots. As they are Powerful . A Spell card is a trance induced by saying the Name of the Spell of The Spell card it’s traps the Opponent a Barrage bullets for the the Spells Duration it also makes them Immune from most damage and increases thier Offensive and Defenseive Capabilities .
The Catch is that they can only use the Spell specificed on the Card during the Trance. All Spell card are Different for different users. Some user will become invincible to all Damage before the spell cards fully Activated, Some It Leaves them wide open , Some can Effect the Opponent , Some can even Use Magical Tools or Unique Magic.
But If Your Caught in Spell card , the. Best option you have is Defensive Magic and Dodging
here’s link to Basic Spell card rules ( ingore the thing about Yokai needing to Fight it’s a Myth )
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risu5waffles · 1 year
devvy dev diary stuffs #suck eggs
It just occurred to me that the use of the number (or pound) sign to mean hashtag means explicitly numbering things non-numerically just reads as unfunny tagging, as opposed to unfunny joking. Well, whatever. Fuck it.
Since we've been mucking about wiv cutscenes on stream for the past however many months, it started feeling silly not posting how they're coming along. i suppose if people decide not to play the level because they've seen it all in the drawing board videos, well, that's what happens? i don't much expect to get a lot of people playing, let alone all the way to the end anyway. i've seen the statistics on other stuff i've done. Even simple levels, people bounce before the end. Even levels that let you go direct to the scoreboard. So, meh, fine.
This is the bit that caused the level to go Total Kittiwumpus and need to be broken into two parts even tho' the original version was already a dThermo level. i guess it's like chronos said, even tho' everything isn't in the level "physically" all at once wiv dThermo, it's still in the level somehow from a mechanical/programming standpoint. Even tho' there's not really much in this section on its, having it on top of the other cutscene bit (in the sense that all the components were in one place, now we've got the cutscene split into three separate parts, and i'm going to need to figure out preloaders and the like so they'll look like a seemless whole when it plays out) created blackhole-density in the level that made everything implode and go bye-bye.
This isn't even what i had originally storyboarded, but there is a point where it's all just a bit too much, and clearly we passed that a few miles ago already.
i wasn't going to spend this morning recording. i'd only gone on the ps4 to grab the cutscene video, and then i was going to get ready for my day, maybe have some breakfast. Then i thought: well, i could just grab a level or two while i'm here. Won't take but a couple minutes, just to pad out the backlog some more. Then i hit this fucking thing.
It's not just that the level, itself, is a sprawling chonkster wiv poor player communication, it was... this. Whatever this is. It's the burning ground in front that really fucks the chicken here. If you could just scoot out and engage the paintinator, it would be so much easier to deal wiv. If the creator didn't want the player to be able to hop back into safety when the danmaku got a bit rough, he could have just raised the door once you were out. But no. They decided they had to get clever wiv it. It took me so long just to figure out you're supposed to exit via that slope on the left, because why? And wiv the player sensor being so seemingly tight, you've really got to scoot perfect to get out, or the door closes enough that you'll get bounced into the fire and die and have to do the whole danged thing over. And the shame (aside from the fact that after this point the level is, in fact, fucking broken) is that it's actually a pretty cool danmaku bit. Like, it's really tight, and you've got to be pretty on your game to slip through the cracks, but it's also clearly parse-able. It's not so many bullets in the air that it just winds up looking like random soup. You can read the pattern, and that's pretty neat. Just a shame you can't, you know, get at it half the time because that door bit is just so goddamned awkard.
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gensokyogarden · 4 months
It's kinda obvious given how much of my blog is rp interaction with you but I really click with you. I owe a whole lot to you too, after all before I started popping into your blog I didn't interact much with the 2hu rp community or quite a bit of anyone else. From the first start with the long Postal Fairy thread, to more recent times with Tsuba that got me getting back into non-fairy characters.
You've been pro Lis.
Thank you so much my friend! This really means a lot to me! We have a lot of great threads together and you've also led to me getting more into Len'en. Initially I was an outsider who primarily just knew it for being the other Danmaku game and liked making jokes because of that but thanks to you I've come to recognize many of the characters and its own world building. It has all been a lot of fun!
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tribow · 2 years
2008 is a pretty eventful year for touhou at least in terms of canon. It marks the release of both Scarlet Weather Rhapsody and Subterranean Aminism. I think Cage in Lunatic Runagate started releasing chapters around this time as well.
Mountain of Faith released late 2007 so the fanworks for those characters were fleshed out in 08 as well. So what happened in the fanon? Well, a lot did and a lot didn't.
Aya is now a big character from here on out.
Wriggle stays somewhat relevant somehow??? She's doing her best!
Hina is either the nicest character ever who deals with depressing topics/stories or the most evil character imaginable (usually in comedy-focused stories).
Medicine starts to show up more due to Hina existing. I always thought this character was ignored by the community, but she really wasn't.
This is the LEAST stupid year I've seen for Cirno. It's like everyone decided to let her doing something smart this year.
Momiji is commonly depicted as working for Aya (which is super incorrect). Outside of that she doesn't get much focus surprisingly.
Kaguya's antagonistic depiction is slowly getting overshadowed by her being a NEET.
Ran and Sakuya are having a very hard time keeping it together.
I knew Nitori would be into tech, but I didn't expect her to obsess over taking tech apart to see how it works. Aya's camera was in constant danger.
Reisen's PTSD is starting to set in.
Rinnousuke is ripped as hell and nobody cares. (Shoutouts to Rinnousuke being comedy gold when he isn't depicted as a disgusting pervert).
The Aki sisters bicker with each other quite a lot, but always make up with each other by the end.
Minoriko throwing grapes and potatoes at whoever she's angry at is top tier content.
Since the Aki sisters made the seasons relevant again, LETTY IS BACK LETS GOOOOO.
"Yukkuri shiteitte ne!" was 2008???? I thought it was way older!
The family dynamic of the Moriya Shrine heavily reminds me of Minami-ke (there's even a doujin that makes that comparison).
Kanako gets added to the list of "old hags". (Suwako avoids this despite being just as old)
Reimu is somewhat nerfed now. She's clearly still powerful, but the absolute dominance of power she has in fanworks isn't as prominent.
Suwako trying to be the mother she never got to be in past and be the mother Sanae never had hits me right in the feels bro.
Marisa's harem only gets bigger. (Is it because of the faith she gathered?)
Sanae gets sexually harassed a lot. Ya hate to see it.
Sanae is usually portrayed as a very nice, responsible, and innocent young girl which is funny...considering how long that lasts.
Suwako's height varies drastically, but starts being consistently short by the end of the year.
Mountain of Faith as a whole doesn't get much content even in 2008. Maybe it got overshadowed by the other releases, but it was one of the weaker touhou games in general.
Tenshi's masochist joke happens immediately. Also she is supposed to be short canonically, but Twilight Frontier didn't show it well so in fanworks she's a little taller than average for a long time (American sized).
Iku cannot read the room, a joke almost as good as "is that so?".
I'm disappointed that no one made a joke about Patchouli using bean danmaku to beat Suika in SWR. (maybe someone did and I didnt see it)
Iku almost becomes a sadist, but Yuuka existed so her motivation in bullying Tenshi just becomes a yuri thing
Several characters try to eat Tenshi's or Minoriko's hats.
Aki Eda said Parsee and Yuugi were gay for each other and everyone was like, "Yeah I'll add that to my religion" (idk if Aki Eda was actually the first person to ship them, but their doujin released pretty close to SA)
Satori frequently uses super weak spellcards (like Easy Perfect Freeze) exposing that the heroines got hit by them at least once.
Rin will absolutely throw your body in her wheelbarrow even if you're just unconscious.
Koishi's 3rd eye is usually shown to be shut normally...like without stitches. I'm used to seeing stitches.
Aaand that's really it for SA. SA released late in 2008 so anything else I say would be technically about 2009 fanworks. There was honestly way more stuff about older characters than the new ones for this year. The overall fanon for the older characters didn't change much despite SWR giving a lot of material for older characters. (I barely even saw Komachi in 2008!)
Ah well, I know 2009 goes wild. It's about when I started to really pay attention to doujinshi works and not just the games/music. Undefined Fantastic Object comes out and a lot of new stuff in general happens (honestly considering making two posts for it).
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roaringwish · 3 years
Gensokyo Festival Day 22 --- Precious Moment
Alternative title: A Drabble about Being Drunk and Human (Despite not Being One)
It was New Year's Eve that night. The weather was still somewhat cold, but all snow melted by the time this day came. It was February after all.
In the distance high in the sky, booms and crackles sounded before dissipating into the air. Chatter struck into the night, excited giggles, drunk yells and a cacophony of instruments from in front of a certain shrine.
Further away, on a hill reverberated some more talks and laughs. A lone door floated above a hill near the party, but far enough for most sounds to be exhausted by the hillside echoes.
The sounds made were only of fireworks, and of course Satono and Mai. The deva of stars, hindrances, and only she knows what else comfortably sat in her wheelchair behind them and the open door with a cup in her lap.
That night she felt oddly sentimental. She was thinking about the past 1000 or so new year's eves she witnessed. Despite contemplating them, they were so numerous, they were maybe even boring to her at this point. Unlike her disciples.
They were sitting on the grassy hill beyond the door oooh-ing and aaah-ing at every shot up and swiftly exploding rocket while having some snacks and a few drinks. Drinks that looked and tasted like beverage but weren't alcoholic at all, that is. Just for the sake of making them feel included.
Every joke is new for a newborn as they say. Those big children... They must have seen the first minutes of each upcoming year at least a thousand times as well, not that that matters with their memories being unreliable and mostly fractured.
Gensokyo's landscape didn't change all that much even in a millenium. This hill in particular felt familiar to her. As if it was the same hill they watched the fireworks from way back when.
The girls, just like now, being astounded by the dancing lights and her sitting with a blanket in her lap, her back against an old, slightly rotten tree, smoking away from a distance.
They were poor and hungry, but on those nights it didn't matter to either of them, if it meant they would see such a beautiful show, or in Okina's case having the air filled with laughter instead of the drones and creaks of an empty night, fireworks or not.
Deep in thought she gazed at the crackling pseudo-danmaku up in the sky. Birds of paradise with dazzling colors, but little meat on their bones.
They didn't hold her attention for long either, her thoughts were elsewhere. She felt she wanted to say something. As if words suddenly meant anything to her. As if language was in any way capable of reflecting even a shred of the intricate, multifaceted fabric of reality instead of being the clumsy tools that even at best only reflects the way the user sees the cosmos with their limited sight into just how vast it is.
She wanted to believe that at the time. It must have been the sake speaking. A human invention it is, that sake. Just like she was, or anyone of most people she knew. Perhaps because humans aren't capable of creating anything objective, including language, or their objects of worship, they also keep leaving the shards of their very beings in their creations. Perhaps even the embodiment of the unknown, strange and unpleasant had something familiar, ordinary and delightful about her. Something human.
And being drunk is just as human as thinking she could do anything beyond actions to say… something.
Thank you is not enough.
You are great disciples is too sublime. Doesn't reflect what she wants to express at all.
I love you is… inappropriate. Vulgar even. To her ears at least. She knows if anyone told that to her she would pretend to be gagging. Perhaps she would laugh or ignore it completely. Depending on who says it.
She let out a frustrated sigh not even knowing why she wanted to conjure any words at all. Of course she knew why but she still didn't understand why.
These girls, her precious arms and legs… she knew them like the back of her hand, and they knew her just as much. She just felt like that fact warrants… something.
She looked up when she finally noticed that the chatter stopped. Satono and Mai were staring at her like alarmed cats. Eyes wide, their bodies facing her, ready to jump at her word any time.
Okina stared back for a second. Now would be her time to say that certain something. Instead, her wheelchair moves forward, leaving the doorframe behind.
It stopped to the left of Mai. She would have helped her master get out of it if she wasn't so fast about it, but she was. In no time she was sitting with them in the cool February night.
Satono quickly jumped up with her drink in one hand, and her snacks in the other (and her mouth) to take a place on Okina's left side.
Their silence continued after. However among the bites being taken and the occasional light yawns, this time there was a different kind of quiet. Like lazy, noiseless summer afternoons, or bedrooms during the day.
It felt like they knew. Maybe they did not remember that New Year's Eve, or hiding in a barrel in her cart as castaways, or watching her do shadow puppetry with nothing but her bare hands before bedtime, but they knew.
So when she glanced at either of them with both her heart and belly feeling light and warm, and the dancers both glanced back at her, Satono with a childish, toothy grin and Mai with a simple smile with one of her canines peeking out from beneath her lips, the whole universe felt like… something.
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clarste · 6 years
Interview with Toby Fox (Undertale) and ZUN (Touhou)
Some highlights:
Toby’s been a Touhou fan since middle school, when he downloaded the demos of PCB and EoSD. ZUN was surprised to learn that people overseas were already playing them back then. He’s also surprised just how much of a Touhou nerd Toby is.
Toby brought a bunch of questions he’s always wanted to ask, written down. They joke about how serious he is.
In high school Toby made a piano arrangement of Necrofantasia by ear and played it for his church summer camp, receiving a standing ovation. ZUN response is more or less “your church let you play something called Necrofantasia?!”
ZUN was introduced to Undertale by Japanese Touhou fans who told him that it seemed to have a lot of Touhou influences, but he says he was most impressed by the parts that they didn’t mention to him: the story and atmosphere, etc.
Toby says he likes how original ZUN’s character designs are, ZUN just says he never learned how to design characters so he’s making it up as he goes along.
ZUN notes that when he visited America everyone seemed to be 2-3 times bigger than him, but Toby is scrawny, just like him.
ZUN also says he owns the exact same T-shirt that Toby is wearing at the interview; it’s joked that they have the same tastes.
There’s talk of Toby’s other influences for Undertale (Super Mario RPG, Mother, and a game called Moon) and it’s noted that all his influences are Japanese. Which gets them to talking about Japanese translations. ZUN talks about how weird it was to find out that there English patches of his games, like “who even made these?” He says that’s just another side of the doujin spirit; he seems to think you’d get in trouble for doing that for any other kind of game.
Toby asks ZUN if he has any plans to make official English translations, and ZUN’s unsure of the idea. “Would the fans even want that?” Toby says “yes they would!”
Toby also asks if ZUN has any plans to put all his works onto Steam. ZUN says “absolutely.” And he’s thinking about releasing new games overseas too. Toby says this is a “very good idea” in English which sounds funny in Japanese.
Toby’s favorite Touhou character is Yukari, but back when he first found the series it was Ran. ZUN asks “why Ran?”, kind of incredulously, and Toby just says she’s very cute.
ZUN says he originally wanted to make Yukari completely different from Ran, but ran out of time during development so he had to copy Ran’s attacks.
Toby asks why only PCB has a Phantasm Stage. ZUN says that when making the first three Windows games he felt the need to continuously one-up himself in terms of content. So while EoSD only had Extra, PCB had Phantasm, and IN had way more characters in addition to Spell Practice mode. But this turned out to be far too much work, so he decided to scale back his future games to what we’re used to now.
Toby’s favorite danmaku is Youmu’s midboss spellcard in PCB stage 6 (Six Realms Sword "A Single Thought and the Infinite Kalpas"). ZUN guesses it’s because it looks like it will slow down and then it doesn’t, and Toby says that’s exactly it. Playing with the player’s expectations like that really stood out to him. ZUN says it was meant to make the player’s a little flustered, and to make the card seem more difficult than it is (because if it were actually difficult then they’d just be frustrated.)
Toby takes the opportunity to ask about a bug in Yukari’s “Border of Life and Death” and they joke that Toby really loves PCB.
Toby also asks why Clownpiece was designed with the American flag and in the Statue of Liberty pose. ZUN says that he thinks of the Lunar Capital as China, so their natural enemy would be America.
They both talk about how they’re both self-taught musicians and that they compose the music before making their games. They design the games around the music.
ZUN says that the music needs to be good in his games to counteract the frustration of losing. Without a good feeling to cancel out the bad feeling, the player might just quit. The harder the fight, the better the music needs to be. This is why he pushes himself to write better music for the second half of the game. Toby says he knows the feeling of continuing to play just to hear the music.
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icedfairy · 5 years
Sakuya Izayoi
Sakuya’s time stop power is always used, though often nerfed because is in reality she’s invincible because of it.  However a lot of people ignore her skill at magic.  Like actual magic, not slight of hand though she’s got that too.  Her skills are a joke compared to Patchy’s but she can use the hakkero and has enough power to danmaku with it.
In terms of other skills?  Her maid abilities are well known, but she’s also apparently good with a sword.  That’s not fanon, as per DDC.  Her other skills are less impressive.  Such as realizing there’s no air in space.  Or not teasing people.  She’s very bad at not teasing people.
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amemenojaku · 5 years
What about Yukari and Okina?
Howdifferently do they think of each other now compared to when they first met?
Ok so… Ilike to think they met when the sages got together and they had a thing foreach other. Then the Big Sages Drama happened, whatever it was, and theystopped talking… Okina disappeared. Yukari’s the only one we see still takingcare of Gensokyo’s state. And now Okina’s back! And GoU might be the first timethey’ve talked in like a century! I think this incident would’ve soured theirrelationship, which could be why they have a kind of… rivalry? now. Yukariprobably feels like she can’t trust Okina as much anymore. I’m dying to knowwhat the sages were like back then and what caused their fallout but at thesame time I like how it’s open for interpretation…
What dotheir friends/family think of their relationship?
Tbh Ran isprobably the only family who’s been with Yukari long enough to know the historybetween these two… Her opinion? She’s tired of them going in circles aroundeach other! Well, at least she thinks so very strongly. I assume the currentMai and Satono aren’t the only servants Okina’s ever had, so there’s a highpossibility they don’t know Yukari that much in the first place… They’re hereto cheer for their master and probably don’t see past the rivalry aspect of therelationship. Chen understands but her reaction would be that of a kid… ‘ifthey like each other why don’t they just go on a date?’ or something
Yuyukothinks Yukari is being childish and never misses an opportunity to tease herabout it. Kasen… Kasen’s aware, of course; she pretends she doesn’t care anddoesn’t want to have anything to do w them anymore, but deep down I’m sure shecares. She knows them well. She’s just… changed.
How dotheir personalities/skills complement or contrast with each other?
They sharesome similarities, but their main difference is that Okina wants to be noticedand makes a big show out of it while Yukari is a very behind-the-scenes person.While this is something that they might find annoying in each other, it could alsobe a strength and I’m sure it was useful when the sages worked together. Theycan handle different situations. They also have a shared history, which we canonly imagine for now but that’s always a strong point.
What istheir favorite aspect of each other?
They seeeach other as equals, which must be pretty rare given their personalities.Despite what they say when it comes to danmaku, they appreciate the other’s strengthand intelligence. They’re the kind of rivals who’re playfully rude but could counton each other if really needed.
Do eitherof them have pet peeves about each other?
Like I saidabove they don’t really agree on how someone with a lot of power should act.Yukari thinks Okina is too much of a show-off sometimes, while Okina thinks it’sa waste that Yukari always acts in the shadows. That’s the only aspect I canthink of; everything else we’ve seen so far is playfully rude because 1) they’retouhous 2) that’s just how their rivalry is.
I like toimagine Okina used to be annoyed at Yukari’s winter depression naps and thoughtthey were a waste of time, she tried to wake her up early once and Yukari wasso cranky… Never again. Now she knows
How wouldeach reconcile with each other after a fight?
They’relike in a lowkey fight rn and look at how bad they’re handling it….. Jokeaside, if they were together properly I don’t think they’d argue often and notfor big stuff. After all the time they must’ve spent without each other, I feellike Okina would have a lot of pent-up emotions and she wouldn’t like thethought of… not being able to talk to Yukari just because they argued? Shecomes running to Yukari and apologizes (awkwardly bc she’s so prideful, but it’shonest). Yukari can’t stay mad too long when she knows she’s the only one withthis kind of effect on the proud Okina.
What wouldbe their ideal vacation getaway together?
They couldgo anywhere with their abilities, but what they enjoy the most is watchingGensokyo together. They find a nice place with a great view for Yukari to open agap in, get comfy, and voilà.
Think of anew way (AU, different situation, etc.) they could have met for the first time.
I mean…they’re already perfect to me this way, but I’d be interested to see theirdynamic in a modern/outside world AU…
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parseemizuhashi · 5 years
Tumblr media
Name: Parsee Mizuhashi
Nickname(s): Paru (?) (If someone has the guts to call her like that, anyways)
Age: Around 1300 (Appears as a woman in her early 20s)
Morality: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / grey / evil
Species: Hashihime
Sins: lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
Virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
Primary goals in life: To keep protecting her bridge, that’s her only duty (I wouldn’t even say she really has a life anymore).
Build: slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese
Height: 5'6" (168 cm)
Weight: Average
Scars/Birthmarks: A few small scars here and there from battling, but nothing too noticeable.
Manipulation of Jealousy. It is an ability from the legend of Hashihime. As a youkai who can be called the very embodiment of jealousy, she is able to manipulate those feelings in others. In relation to humans, it is a dreadful ability that can easily destroy them. She lives off of seeing the lives of those she introduces jealousy into being destroyed by it. This may be the reason she was sealed underground. She herself is deep in her own jealousy.
Cloning herself. She can create a copy of herself, although this one comes out as slightly bigger than she is, what gives it away rather easily.
Flying. Pretty much anyone in Gensokyo can do it- she wasn’t going to be any less.
The Green Eyed Monster. Her jealousy is so big that she can manifest it into an almost physical form that takes the shape of a giant snake. It usually appears invisible as its various green eyes shine, but it can appear itself to people if so desired.
Danmaku magic. Obviously creating bullets out of magic for Danmaku is a thing she can do as well, and while they’re mainly used for Danmaku duels, they can also be used as some kind of warning or as a weapon out of a fair duel if desired.
Straw Doll Curse. With a few nails and a straw doll, she can curse people to fall into misfortune, a gruesome death or make them fall into jealousy. With her power decreased compared to when she was a goddess, it’s more of an effect with the later. It must done in a sacred place and without being seen by the victim. If seen, she would have to kill the victim to not end up getting the curse instead- not that it matters anymore when she’s already the embodiment of jealousy.
Favorite food: Fesenjan (Pomegranate Walnut Stew) (Remains of her life as a human)
Favorite drink: Possibly any kind of tea, specially green tea...probably. (that’s a bad joke)
Favorite color(s): Soft colors (but not green shades)
Favorite music genre: Traditional.
Favorite book genre: Does poetry counts as a book genre?...
Favorite movie genre: N/A
Favorite season: Doesn’t matter to her when she’s underground all year. But if she had to choose one from when she lived outside, it would be Spring.
Favorite curse word(s): N/A
Favorite scent: Candles burning.
Bottom or Top: Bottom when human, I guess that leaning more to top now even if she doesn’t get involved in sexual situations.
Sings in the shower: Eeeh...sometimes she hums to herself when bathing in the river, but that’s it.
Likes bad puns: NOPE-
Tagged by: @fxtelism (THANK YOU FOR THE TAG)
Tagging : @Please just get it from me and do it if you weren’t tagged anywhere else and just want to do it!
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bunbunmaru-shimbun · 2 years
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“So, is the newspaper I’m having to compete with out here, the Mawsworn Herald? They don’t even know how to do danmaku at all! Let alone provide an un-biased news source! They don’t even know the penis mighter than the sword!”
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“... they also fell for a ligma joke.”
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