#also for adoring my trash vamp as much as i do
silviakundera · 2 months
Snowfall ep watch comments 13-15
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Keeping it real with his nickname, Loser Li doesn't have the balls to join Team Vamp
Sorry dude, this would never happen to Elena Gilbert
Fun ass escape & fight scenes as our trio trash the train and escape in a field. The search in the field of tall grass as night closes in feels very 80s-00s vampire movie
Once AGAIN Loser Li punks out. This guy 😂😭 I love his constant, unrelenting failure
Look, the way Doctor Bestie realized he had to step up, because Mi Lan was injured & his bro distracted. TIME & PLACE, thank you.
He got close to making it thru this adventure without exposing himself but finally it was clear poor Vamp Daddy couldn't handle this one his own.
I both kinda do feel for Vamp Daddy's angst about his brother in disguise but also I'm too attached to them, so I'm just impatient for him to get over it and accept his only existing (and only mildly evil!!) relative
The brown leather coat is just not as suave a look for Loser Li. Return to your roots!
Oh good.
Henchman makes potentially his only smart move in the drama, to come plead for nep baby to rescue his crush. Li Yingliang looovesssss you! so muchhhhhh! it's ALL FOR YOU.
Our unhinged, unstable cyclone of insecurity & homosexuality emerges from the dungeon to fail another day! Good job, everyone.
"What ill intentions could a young boy in his hundreds have?" lol I love mysterious old guy
Sorry I'm unreasonably & unfairly on Doctor Bestie's side - kick his ass and settle him down. Vampires gotta stick together.
So doc is "complete" and Vamp Daddy, though made with the Blood Amber Stone, isn't? 🤔 Interesting. (ok not really lol, I'm not a 'lore' person)
Doctor Bestie cracked me up with his whole, I know all about equality in the modern age! I went to university! Look, he's probably more than a il evil but I like him SO MUCH, so can you just relent Vamp Daddy?
Otherwise WE might stop being friends. And that would be sad :(
All jokes aside, I do have the lingering feeling that Li Yingliang is being written as queer and the actor is playing it that way. Look at the way he is with his henchman too! It's just.... not like the vibe we see among other similar characters. They've fucked. More than once. And henchman told himself it's all fine between 'lonely' 1930s men, because they'll eventually take wives.
idk Vamp Daddy, I would have accepted the help of mysterious ancient master guy against a pursuing ARMY.
or maybe not kicked out my powerful brother.
Mi Lan knows what's up: stop the navel gazing emo and just get warm, eat well, and spend time with your loved ones.
Flashback to aftermath of Shen mansion massacre. Awful times had by all. Nobody thought burning alive a supernatural mom and her small child might have consequences. They did. Shen patriarch is like whyyyyy. His almost barbecued wife: r u 4 real?
Similarly, in modern remains of Shen mansion a bunch of people ambush Vamp Daddy and his gf, shoot her in the chest, so he goes murdery.
Then vamps her! YAY 🙌
Now you and doctor bestie just need to make up and find a way to extend your life too.
All hail Mi Lan's vampire awakening. Good stuff. Love the goth attire.
Also absolutely adorable and glowing in the bath
This is like Caroline in The Vampire Diaries, who was simply born to be a vampire and took to it like a duck to water. I want her to hang out more with the doctor. They can enjoy vampirism together.
Now that Vamp Daddy has healed Barely Legal Girlfriend, can we get (1) one more bloody kiss? Pretty pretty please? 🙏🙏🙏
Everyone but his henchman bf is hella pissed at Loser Li for being incapable.
This does not seem fair, as it's his defining quality 🤔
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roxaeri · 5 years
please tell me about your trash vamp tristan -candy pop anon
Alright buckle in coz I'mma tell y'all about my shitty vampire pretending to be a human pretending to be a shitty vamp. Tristan is the manifestation of a dumpster fire—and if there is a dumpster on fire it was most likely his doing.
I believe I have a post or two that has dialogue from him, in which he’s not his usual self. He’s got some profound wisdom hidden in him somewhere, and some repressed sad from his life, usually buried down until he connects with literally anyone on a deeper level than: “Tris, why the fuck is there a skeleton in your cupboard?”
I'mma come back to Profound Wisdom and Repressed Sad later because let me first get y'all to the subject of Tristan’s cupboard skeleton.
Now, when I say trash vamp I mean that he’s not really a good guy. Like, he’s not evil, but he’s not good either. He’s a mess whose day job ((night job, considering he’s a nocturnal vamp)) is being a Certified Spook. It’s in his job description to cause just enough chaos that the supernatural is plausible in case anyone fucks up their cover, but still make it easy for the supernatural to be denied or debunked by humans. He maintains that stupidly specific balance.
Shitty Vamp = he’s got a lot of debilitating, stereotypical vampire traits that makes it super hard for him to do his job when the sun’s out
His cover is he’s a human from Ireland ((which is true, he was born in Ireland who knows how long ago)) but he’s pretending to be a stereotypical vampire from Romania ((half true due to him first being stationed in Romania due to his eldest adopted brother)).
So, technically he’s a supernatural government worker. But, again, he’s a fucking mess. There’s shit he’s repressed, or has been helped in repressing. There’s a lot of advantages to being adopted into a magic family. But there’s also a lot of disadvantages to being adopted into a magic family that descends from a hell realm.
So’s, he wasn’t raised with the best morals, and with some abstract-ish laws from a realm that birthed The Boogeyman and The Big Bad Wolf and Death’s Daughter and the Mother of Shadows. But he was also able to complete all requirements from two foreign governments and their realms to be able to have the job he does. So even if he doesn’t have the best morals—depending on your own standards, honestly—Tristan does adhere to local laws. Mostly.
Which brings us to Cupboard Skeleton aka F??? aka Frederick aka Tristan-doesn’t-remember-the-guys-name-other-than-it-starts-with-F-and-he-was-an-ass-in-life-so-Frederick-it-is
Frederick McCupboardSkeleton is the skeleton that someone—Tristan doesn’t remember if it was him or not—shoved into his cupboard in between all the cereal boxes and liquor bottles. He has slowly become a cursed skeleton since his death. Tristan’s a vampire, he doesn’t have the power or magic to banish an angry spirit or seal non-human bones to trap him. But he can contain him and keep an eye on him until he figures out who this guy was and why he (Tristan) was involved with his death (Tristan assumes). Thus he’s cursed and Tristan doesn’t keep him all in one piece.
So if ya spot Tristan anywhere outside his apartment or his eldest brother’s house, you can assume that there’s a skull in his bag and that it’s Frederick and you’d be goddamn right. They’re a pair until Tristan figures shit out OR Frederick enacts whatever revenge plot(s) he’s got stewing in his skull.
Tristan’s the one that’s usually shit on publicly and openly out of his brothers.
Ji’s the eldest and raised them all. He the one you truly have to look out for but no one’s gonna say shit to his face or even in his general direction. He’s That Guy. He’s old magic and hellfire. He’s got a reputation older than human civilization.
Isidore is biologically Ji’s little brother. Just basically runs Ji’s Estate, acts like an assistant, keeps tabs on Tristan whenever he’s home and will watch Frederick’s skull. Because he’s actually a witch that can deal with restless spirits. Not as intense as any of his brothers or his mother. The Calm One.
And the youngest is Luca. He’s a werewolf. No one truly knows if he was born that way or infected or born from infected parents. His origins are as unknown as Tristan’s. Luca was practically a baby when their mother brought him home. Just as traumatized and repressing just as much as his vamp brother. But Luca is Dealing with it, because he’s the Most Responsible of the four. Some-fuckin-how. (Izzy’s The Calm One, but don’t think he won’t go off the rails. You just won’t know until it’s too late.)
Luca works as head of personal security for the Song Siblings—who go between all the realms really. But they’re usually on Earth working with humans so he’s the closest to Tristan—also closest in age. Luca sees most of the shit Tristan ends up doing. He’s the first to point out Frederick’s bones to Tristan, actually.
But as much as he shit-talks Tristan’s bad habits—mainly mixing up the milk bottles and blood bottles and liquor bottles in his fridge when the vamp is having cereal in his presence because Luca can smell all the things—he does it out of concern. Tristan isn’t indestructible, and even as a vampire, the amount of alcohol and cigarettes he goes through a day has to be doing something to his body. Also the sugar in his favorite cereals can’t be mixing well with the blood Tristan actually has to consume to sustain himself. If sugar affects the being that blood came from, it’s probably doing even more shitty things to his brother. He’s the one that will fight you then and there if he catches you. (Ji causes paranoia because what the fuck is he up to and wHEN, and no one ever suspects Izzy until After the Fact.) ((You just can’t shit on Tristan just to shit on him.))
Tristan got fucked up by his birth family, and then by being raised in an environment where he only had one source of sustenance and it was heavily laced with things that are addictive to vampires. Addictive in ways it fucked him up even more. Namely magic, but There’s More. It’s a Big Concern for everyone who knows, because ya can’t exactly synthesize that shit. There’s More changes anyone who’s exposed to it long enough, and Tristan’s been eating it since he was a babby vamp. He doesn’t have much choice but to live off it and he absolutely hates it.
Tristan has that habit of trying to kill something inside him he can’t see or remember. He’s picked up the habit of eating junk food that’s almost pure sugar, smoking, drinking anything. He’s a fucking neon sign of reasons why preternatural mental health is A Thing they should be researching more. But also the poster boy of: We should be taking a vampire’s physical health more seriously than Just-Feed-Them-Blood.
But catch Tristan passing on some profound wisdom to school kids and anyone that reminds him of Luca. Partly because he feels like a shitty brother so here kid have some advice. Also because Ji won’t let Tristan suspend too much time with either of his kids, even with Ji’s son being 20-something now. Like, he gets it, and he’s not proud of it being that, but he’s not really changing because he has Luca and the Song Siblings. He has his friends in Louisiana. He’s buddies with Willy Shakes--
Now I’m spewing all this bullshit because a lot of it comes from a story I scrapped where Luca’s a teenager and Ji has the one kid and you meet the Song Siblings before they’re ever—Celebrities, I guess??
Because Tristan was worse. He was the brother you absolutely hated. There, you had the rest of the brothers who followed the law and then Tristan who was headed towards a Dead End. But when it came down to it, he was there for Luca. Because he was the only one there. Tristan risked himself for this baby werewolf and his friends.
And that’s where my tag in that one post comes in. Where it ties in with my dialogue posts.
It has to do with Tristan watching sad scared little witch Celia Song growing up confident-in-herself Song Seonmi.
Tristan has a habit of flirting with everything, mainly dating ghosts so far, so he has no fucking clue when she got under his skin. And as much as Luca tells him to back off his friend (and boss) he really can’t be mad that Tristan dropped The Worst of his habits to keep seeing her. Because the first time she walked out of his life completely was a disaster until Tristan figured out that she would keep disappearing before he ever reached her again so long as he was being a complete bastard. Because when she left she took her brother and his own with her. And he really didn’t want to go back to living on lockdown with Ji—or worse, with his mother in the hell-realm. Isolation does shit to you.
So the Tristan you see in the story is a better off vamp than the one from Alex and Celia’s story. That was. . . Bad. As in that story probably won’t ever see the light of day because I cried every time I sat down to write that Tristan. Like, maybe I’ll incorporate bits and pieces into other stories, and most of the TrisMi growth is written in their interactions. But I just can’t do it, yo. I love my trash vamp because there’s hope to him and just watching the change in him as he grows in the background of everyone else’s stories. I can’t write him being an Absolute Asshole.
What sealed the deal was when I wrote about Tristan losing control because of There’s More in his diet and Seonmi—still going by Celia at that point—does her damned best to try and snap him out of it. Like, my girl had hope in him and didn’t give up so I couldn’t either. Now here we are.
Tristan is as On Brand as I’ll ever be. Horrible Past, Trauma, Found Family, Walking Shitpost, Angst, and Hope. He don’t really know what he’s doing but he’s still going.
I mean yeah, I can get real deep about Tristan as a moment’s notice—i.e. this whole post because I’ve been in my feels tonight. Like, Tristan will do a bunch of shit to comfort himself. Dumpster fires. Speaking at preternatural schools (like cryptid academy I brainstormed with @ladymaliwan). Setting out food and drinks for Frederick’s skull because he feels awkward leaving none for the skull when he has his own.
Catch Tristan smokin cigs with the skull in a dumpster, both wearing sunglasses. Find trash vamp poppin out like Oscar the Grouch for advice. It’s not always good or profound, but he always got something. But also save him—because he’s sensitive to the sun as a ginger nocturnal vamp raised in a dark hell-realm, later an cold fog realm where a sun doesn’t really exist. Toss him in your trunk or a body bag to help him get home.
Dear lord, I can keep going and dump everything about him but this is long as it is. He’s one of my oldest characters. I created him before Isidore and Luca, but not too long after Ji and their mother—and Ji and their mom are fucking old. As in I’m finding scraps of paper where they’re mentioned. But it’s also telling that I’ve written Tristan on my blog more than any of my other OC’s for an original story.
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Max Philips and Werewolf Wife hcs
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@honestlystop @corrupt-fvcker @captainsamwlsn @thesadvampire @humanransome-note @biharryjames @max--phillips​
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Alright so let me start this by saying max philips is a combination of an absolute perfect husband and father but also a goddamn M E N  A C E
He’s loving and attentive, but mf will grope you in public, not to be a dick but because his internal monolouge is like “my wife is so cool and sexy all the time i love her so much” and then he grabs your ass while youre in a whole foods. 
Often times he’ll do that cliche “honey, im home!” bit when he comes home because he KNOWS it annoys the living hell out of you and he’s been doing it since yall got married. 
He is def one of those dads who will take any moment to boast about his kids. Some employees miss when he first started working there because now if you talk about sports he’ll bring up his son’s soccer team and you’ll be stuck there for the next thirty minutes as he shows you pictures of the boys at their last game. 
That obnoxious proud dad. If one of his kids does theatre? He’s whooping and cheering their name and you have to pull him down into his seat with a sharp hiss of “sit the fuck down”
Probably has started fights with the refs at soccer games when they miss a CLEAR foul or is somebody pushes his kid?? and they don't do a goddamn thing?? Vamp dad is shouting at the ref to get their head out of their ass before he does it for them. 
Because of this Max is no longer asked to bring orange slices for the boy’s soccer team. 
You have two kids. Both boys and both elementary school age. (idk their names yet tho) and they are your babies. Pride and joy. Light of your life.
They are also tiny agents of chaos that run you both ragged. 
When it comes to allergies, theirs coincide with being werewolves+vamps. 
Your vampire son is allergic to garlic and your werewolf son is allergic to wolfsbane. Luckily the extent to this allergy is just sneezing and breaking out into hives, not, ya know, death. 
But max still has to race downstairs at three a.m. because he can hear munching and now has to wrestle garlic bread out of his son’s mouth as he has an allergic reaction while still eating it because “WE CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS ALEX” 
Meanwhile you’ll go to the park with your son and see him sneezing with every step while picking wolfsbane because “It’s just so pretty mommy.” 
Safe to say you guys are constantly exhausted.  
Now lets be real here. You're just as fiery and protective of your family if not more and goddamn he does love it. 
He takes off every full moon, drives you and the family up to the cabin where you and your son can shift in peace. He thinks its a great bonding moment for you all. Your son is just barely a pup that trots after you, and more often than not you're just making sure he doesn’t get lost, start playing in mud, or eats trash (he has done this multiple times)
Your son shifts into a lil wolf pup and it’s adorable. 
But at the same time he has that puppy energy so he’s all over the place. Running after rabbits and play biting you, you take it all in stride of course but once he tries to get back to the house covered in mud Max brings out the hose. 
“Does this count as child abuse?”
“I don’t think so, look how much fun he’s having!” *cut to your son jumping and trying to eat the water as mas sprays him down with the hose*
                                 (A few nsfw headcanons as well)
You've got that mama bear strength combined with werewolf strength that max finds insanely hot to the point that anytime you tell off some bitchy mom for making a snooty comment about your kids he has half a mind to find a closet nearby and pull you in for a quickie. 
speaking of strength, the sex? World changing. More often than not yall have to resolve to quick screws in the morning before the kids wake up and he has to go to work. But when the boys are at a sleepover or their grandparents house for the weekend? You might as well warn the neighbors cause they won’t be getting any sleep with ya’ll fucking all night lmao. 
Max doesn’t feel pain much since he’s turned, but with your strength? the feeling of your nails raking down his back just teeters on the edge of painful and he fucking lives for it. 
Any time you visit him at the office? Office sex. He’ll have that look of like barely contained excitement as he asks about your day and shows you off to his employees but he is literally shaking to get you ontop of his desk. 
you take heat suppressants because nobody has time for that shit. But when yall were first dating and you forgot to renew your prescription?? 
Max literally broke like three traffic laws driving to your place. 
You basically called him and said “im in a horny frenzy and im gonna want to fuck you stupid for the next week.”
Homeboy was like “say no more” and left his job with zero explanation to his boss before getting to his car and driving like a mad man
Max is vv touchy. Not always in a sexual way. Sometimes he just wants to lay with his head on your lap or on your chest because he’s naturally cold so he loves feeling close to you cause youre all nice and warm. Sometimes hell just hug you and grab your ass. 
“You having fun there?”
“Shhhh honey im coping with a hard day at work.”
“By holding my ass?”
“It’s a magical ass, what can I say?”
Fang pals. Idk what else to say for that one but yeah. 
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We All Owe Britney Spears An Apology:
"2007 belonged to Britney Spears. The year that saw the world's most famous singer get pushed from her pedestal with a throng of thirsty paparazzi waiting below. That year, against Britney's will, her personal life became public property. We were welcomed into the life of an icon on a downwards spiral without her permission; asked to comment on it, make up our mind on whether the world's most beloved pop star was worth saving... If we were to take everything fed to us by tabloid media at the time at face value, we would be led to believe that she was a victim of her own making - brought down by her actions rather than the ones of those who stalked her every move."
"Spears has come to represent something - something important enough that it keeps rearing its head. As has been pointed out, she emobides the disdain in which this culture holds its young women; the desire to sexualize and spoil them while young, and to degrade and punish them as they get older... What happened to Spears this weekend (VMA 2007) was actually pretty hard to watch - a gross example of exactly how much malicious satisfaction we get out of the embarrassing weakness of an addictive, postpartum, out-of-control mess of a human being... She was hired by MTV to attract viewers eager to see her make an ass of herself... Sarah silverman took the stage after the performance, she sated the public's appetite for girl on girl evisceration, unfunnily identifying Spears as a 25 year old who's "already accomplished everything she's going to accomplish in her life," calling her sons "the most adorable mistakes you ever will see,"... It was spectacularly painful, mostly because it violated one of the rules of dirty mean comedy: don't shared your talons on the weak. Imagine Spears' having come off a stage where she had been invited to humiliate herself only to hear a crowd roar in whooping, derisive appreciation for the woman narrating her breakdown... Spears, it seems, two children and five years of self abuse later, no longer pleases the public with her house glass shape... Sure, she looked better in a bikini than probably 98 percent of the Americans sitting on their couches and howling at her, but she was no longer porn star perfect"
"Pushed into show business by a striving mom, molded into a confusing vamp-virgin and told to sing songs about being hit while wearing a schoolgirl outfit... Offered no moral structure or opportunity to build a personality of her own... A victim of grotesque class expectations that chucked her back into the cheetos-and-trucker-hats ghetto as swiftly as erotic expectations plucked her from it"
"Just what this world needs is another trailer trash baby from a trailer trash mama"
"Oops, did she do it again? Reproduce that is"
"Sympathy is lacking from most conversations about Britney's body, babies, and mothering. Also missing is responsible discussion of possible mental illness, emotional distress, medication side-effects, or that Britney might have needed help."
"I noticed her hair was gone. I remember asking here, 'why do you shave your head?'" She replied "It was, you know, 'I just don't want anybody, anybody touching my head. I don't want anyone touching my hair. I'm sick of people touching my hair.'"
"Britney Spears was a symbol for her entire public life. And, even in her seclusion, we can’t stop seeing her as something more, and less, than simply a person... life, as teen-pop blank slate or isolated object of devotion, would be a lot for any person to have endured. Both in one lifetime makes Spears both a fascinating living document of how our culture treats those we purport to love, and a deeply sad case."
"She managed, for just about one second, to embody every contradictory message about female worth out there - wholesome, but sexy, but pure, but dirty, but "girl next door," but glamorous - and we venerated her for it. Then she slipped up, and we took great joy in tearing her to pieces. See? She's actually having sex now! See? Her innocence was an act! Look! The girl we encouraged to be an unthinking, largely unspeaking body didn't turn out to be a nuclear scientist! My God! Her body is capable of gaining weight! SHAME, SHAME. At a certain point, Britney Spears lost her worth, in the public eye. When she had children, gained weight, lost the fascination of the new. When she became a grown-up; when she became publicly known as a flawed, suffering person instead of a cartoon; when she stopped pretending to be a fantasy."
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ghoulxbaekhyun · 4 years
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I have a new header now :D and I think these few new dedicated days will mark the beginning of more positivity in this community 🖤
𝓢𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓭𝓪𝔂: @incubuswooyoung
𝓢𝓾𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓭𝓪𝔂: @pianist-jihyo @biker-minghao
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1. @yourmom-jieun
Ji-chan, I can't stress enough just how much you mean to me. You've always been the heaviest rock in my life, you've helped me through so much and you've always been there for me. My dearest little sister, you're such a strong person. The amount of pain you've gone through was unbelievable, yet you still held on for the sake and happiness of your children and your friends.
You helped and cared for many of us, but I don't think you've ever had equal amounts of love for yourself. I know today will be the day of your departure and I am saddened by that. But if it means you'll be happier, you'll be healthier, you'll be better, then go for it.
Just because the person is gone doesn't mean the memories will be too. I'll always remember you. And you know exactly where to find me 🖤
2. @/spy-jaehyunx ° @time-for-confession
To dearest Admin Kai, I can't thank you enough for always looking out for me. Yoonoh was my first everything. My first kiss, my first crush and my first love. I hope you know that even if you're gone, I'll always remember you.
Just as I've remembered my fallen comrades, my past friends, I'll definitely remember you. Thank you for giving me the love and affection, for the late night talks, that time you said you'd deal with my angsty ass.
Thank you. For being there for me, both you and admin. I'll be here for you anytime, Kai. Don't forget to take care of yourself, yeah? 🖤
3. @m00n-purplerose-chatbot
This is directed to both admin Moon and the boys. To the wonderful, legend of a person Admin Moon! I respect you and your writing skills very very much. You never fail to touch my heart, wether it be a depressing angst scene or an action-packed fight scene or a soft heartfelt scene. You manage to hit me with so many different emotions that I didn't know we're possible. I've known you and the rest for quite some time now, and I'll have you know you're one of my closest friends here.
To the boys, (yes I'm giving them all a paragraph)
Jeonghannie, I hope you keep on staying strong. You've been through a lot, dearest leader. You've suffered plenty and you've seen way too much heartache for the average person. Although it gets tough, I know your past shaped you into the person you are today. And I couldn't be any prouder.
Shuashua, I haven't gotten to know you well enough to say too much, but I want you to know that you still have my support and affection. Take care of Jeonghan like you always do, you both are made for each other. Try not to stress out because of the kids, I know how frustrated and helpless you can feel from their ruthlessness hhh-
Hao, you're the definition of that one best friend that loves exposing and teasing the shit out of you but cares and loves you just as much as they do their bullying. I haven't gotten close to you, just like Shua either, but I'll have you know I'm here for you too. Stay the way you are, sunshine. You've never failed at making me and other people smile.
Wonnie and the gang, you're a tol bean. You're seriously one of the squishiest people ever you know that? I'm glad that you're also staying strong despite the past that you probably have. I haven't gotten to know you better as well, but I'm looking forward to learning more and more about you all! Hope you forgive Seokmin for the argument too :')
Jihoonie, I know we don't really talk, and by don't really talk I mean we barely talk at all. You're the logical person in the team and you do your job very well. You're reserved and cold and mysterious. But I know you're more than that stone face. I'm looking forward to learning more about you too, so take care yeah?
Junnie, we may not talk a lot but I want you to know that I care for you too okay? It may just be a few skirt pics that are simply unforgettable but I want you to know that I'll be your hyung just as much as I'll be a hyung to the others. You and Wonwoo are freaking adorable, so stay cute together okay?
Mingyuuuu, I remember the longest conversation we had was because of the engagement ring mishap kshsjsjsk. You got your ass whooped, and I was worried tbh- but you've probably been through a lot already. I want you to know I'm here for you too okay? So keep staying strong!
Last but not least, dearest Seokminnie. Oh, where do I start with you? I can vaguely recall the first ever interaction we both had, when you and Hao pointed out the fact that yes, I do eat humans. Cannibalism never striked me as a way to start a friendship but hey, it worked~
Over the course of a few weeks we've only gotten closer and closer. I can't help but be protective of you, and just feel like keeping you in my pocket most of the time. I know your past, and you know mine. It may not be alterable but let's keep staying strong together okay?
I know your secrets too, and after what went on in private i think it's time for me to be honest and come clean. I think I'm starting to fall for you too, Seokmin. I've never felt something like this with anyone else before but I like you too.
I won't pressure you into choosing me, it won't be fair for you to face such pressuring. But I want you to know that it's mutual. Even if you're too good for me. But thank you, okay?
Thank you for always staying by my side. 🖤
4. @vampiresanha
Sanha and Aleister, thank you for caring for me. Thank you for all the fun times and showing me how to live life. Thank you for calling me out on my boringness and swooping me away to that cliff. You two are such amazingly people that deserve way more friends and love.
I'll always be ready to donate my blood whenever Sanha needs it, you'll always be my favourite vampire. Aleister will always be my favourite dragon. You two will always be my favourite person with two souls.
Thank you for being here for me, you both. I'll let you know that I'll do the same. 🖤
5. @moonlightchn
Admin, I can't express just how much love I want to shower you in ;-; you're such an amazing person, and i want to thank you for all the affection and care you've given me. I wouldn't mind staying up late to talk to you through asks again, twas fun~
To Channie Chan and Chris, you three are the most chaotic pack of wolves I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Channie you fucking cutie, stay soft and stay loveable okay? You're the sweetest fluff ball ever, I can't handle the uwus you shower me with >-<
Chan, the big scary alpha that I let the chance to dom slip away dumbly, you're a really great person. Taking care of your pack while being so nice to others. I'm here for you anytime yeah?
Finally, the one that I must've wounded. Chris, I'd like to start it off with an apology. I'm sorry that i hurt you after answering about who my favourites were, I really didn't mean to. You're on rut now and I know you'll be all passive aggressive and as long as you are I'm never replying to our DMs but even so. I want you to know just how much I care for you. Because i do.
No matter how much we trash talk each other and no matter how much angst we end up accumulating, I'll still care for you. All three of you.
And that's a promise I'm willing to keep. 🖤
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Now, I'm sure there's more people that I need to talk about, more people that have been there for me and helped me through various different things. But for now, I'll end it here. Admin's fingers are starting to hurt from typing all of this at once, but we both have no regrets because these are all the things that we've always wanted to say.
Call it appreciation if you may.
I think I'll do my Support Saturday in a different post, so for now, that's all for Sentimental Saturday.
Thank you, to everyone. Thank you for being here🖤
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EXO 🖤: @werewolf-sehun @werewolfkai @j-0ngdae @serialkillerkris @softdomtao @y-ix1ng @captain-kyungsoo @college-baekhyun @serialkillerkris
🖤: @ghoulxjeongyeon @vampiresanha @barista-san @bunjihyo @dalsooobeanie @madmanwoodam @m00n-purplerose-chatbot @your-jaemin @moonlightchn @mafiabossxjunmyeon @xash-axx @time-for-confession @yourmom-jieun (🥺) @vamp-jjk @yourchaechae @kpop-shelter
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jynxes · 4 years
Leather n’ Red - Reggie Peters
Summary: Much like the deceased boys of Sunset Curve, Duchess died right before the gig that could’ve been her band’s big break. Thing is, she left the dark room a little earlier than they did, made a couple friends and learned a few tricks. What will happen when she and the boys can be seen when singing with Julie, the only alive person that can see them all?
Paring: Reggie Peters x Duchess Himura (OC)
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: One f-bomb dropped, 2020 slang and the boys being confused
Thank you to @beansisarat7 for beta reading this chapter for me!
A/N: Here’s the second chapter! A quick little disclaimer, I’ve never actually been clubbing, so I’m sorry if this isn’t really right. That being said, I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, especially since I did it instead of doing homework, anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 2 // No cap, but go off I guess
After hanging out in the garage for a bit, Luke poofs us somewhere. The guys grunt a little, not used to poofing everywhere.
Reggie looks down at himself for a second, letting out a "Huh?"
We all look out below us onto a familiar street, watching people passing on the sidewalk in silence.
Luke breaks it, "Hey, I know being dead isn't our first choice, but I mean, it sure is easy getting around."
"It's like, super easy to get everywhere," I agree.
"Easy for you, maybe," Reggie says, "I lost my shirt on that one," he gestures to his bare torso. I let my eyes linger a little longer than they should've.
Then his shirt poofs back and I let out an almost inaudible, "aww." Based on the look Alex gave me it wasn't as quiet as I meant for it to be.
"Ooh never mind! There it is," Reggie says, happy his shirt is back and Luke chuckles.
Alex and I notice the sound of neon buzzing and look up to see a sign for the Orpheum.
"Okay, so, why'd you bring us here?" Alex asks, "Just another painful reminder of where we never got to play?"
"Yeah, thanks Luke, not cool," I back him up, Luke and Reggie look up to the sign before Luke brings his eyes back to Alex and I.
"I mean, dudes, the game isn't over yet," Luke says before poofing us down onto the pavement below and begins walking, "I'm telling you, we've been given a second chance. Let's find some music. Let's see how many clubs we can hit before sunrise."
"We're going clubbing! A'right!" I exclaim, getting excited and giving Luke a high five.
We keep walking for a second when we realize Alex isn't with us, we turn around, walking backwards, "Hey Alex, you coming?" Luke asks.
"Let's go!" Reggie yells to him.
"We're partying tonight!" I yell before poofing away the red and black striped sweater below my AC/DC graphic tee.
"So, where are we hitting first?" Alex asks, running to catch up to us.
"I, uh, I actually have no idea," Luke reveals.
"Okay, don't worry, I know a few places," I say confidently before remembering that they think I arrived at the same time as them, "If they're still here that is."
"Okay, tell us, where we heading first?" Reggie grins excitedly.
"We're gonna see if we can get into The Doe," I tell them, "It's about three blocks over," and with that I poof us to The Doe.
The boys look at the sign for the club, and then to the line to get in. If we were alive then we'd have to wait like an hour to get in, but since we're ghosts we can sneak in in two seconds.
"Come on!" I say, grabbing their arms and dragging them in.
There's some music playing, but it's not any 90s songs, nothing they'd find familiar. It takes me a second but I'm pretty sure it's that band named 5 Seconds of Summer or something, Billy's been trying to get me up to date with music and I've been doing fine so far.
"She looks so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear,"
Yup, it's 5SOS, Billy would be proud.
"Wow," Reggie says, looking around at all the lights and people on the dancefloor.
"Yeah," I smile, "What d'you think? Is music different now?"
"Well, this is one song, but it's pretty good, no Sunset Curve though," he grins.
"Yeah, I agree. But it's pop rock, so it won't be as full on as Sunset Curve."
"Wanna dance?" he asks me, extending a hand for me to take.
'Fuck it,' I think, "Sure," I take his hand and we begin to dance. It's not really a song you can dance with a partner to, unless you're grinding I guess, but we make it work, dancing next to each other and he spins me every now and then which is fun.
When the song finishes we go to check out what Alex and Luke are doing. When we find them they're looking at the DJ's playlist, and they are skimming through the names trying to figure out which are rock bands and which they think would be best to listen to.
"Luke," I say, taking his arm, "Just let the DJ play her playlist. If you wanna hear the new music then just listen to it."
"But, Duchess, I wanna hear the competition. I wanna find out what rock bands are like now!" he protests.
"Please Luke?" I say, tugging on his arm again, "I'll dance with you?" I offer.
"Ugh, fine, only because I can't say no to a pretty girl that wants to dance."
"Sure you can't Patterson," I smirk, pulling him onto the dance floor as a slower song begins. It takes me a second until I recognize it as a song by the Vamps, Somebody to You.
"Look at me now, I'm falling
I can't even talk, still stuttering,"
We hold hands and dance, lip-synching to a song we don't even know, laughing when we clearly mess up. He spins me around a couple times, and I dip him at the end of one of the choruses making us burst into giggles. I'm really starting to like hanging out with the boys, they're great fun to be around.
The song ends and we hug, "So," I begin, "What did you think of that song?"
"Well, it's not rock, and it's definitely not Sunset Curve," I roll my eyes at these observations, "But it was good, I had fun dancing to it."
"See? Just because it's not rock doesn't mean it's trash," I laugh, and he rolls his eyes.
I turn to Reggie and Alex before taking a step towards Alex, "Well, since I've danced with these two morons, I guess I owe you a dance?"
I put my hand out for him to take and after looking to Reggie and Luke, who both nod at him, he looks back to me and takes my hand.
The song we dance to is Girls Like You by Maroon 5. It's a nice song, slower and a pop rock song that's more pop than rock. We both have a lot of fun doing turns and exaggeratedly pointing to each other for every,
"When I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah,"
Alex is definitely a dancer, and a good one at that. We both have fun dancing more hip-hop when we get to Cardi's verse and we're laughing the entire time.
When the song ends we join the other two and they just look at us both wide eyed.
"What?" we ask.
"You two really like to dance," Reggie says.
"Yeah, guess Alex isn't the only dancer in the group now," Luke comments. Oh, if only you knew.
"So, next club?" I ask.
"Sure, where to next?" Reggie asks me.
I think for a bit before deciding, "How about we go to Okay?"
"Okay?" the boys chorus.
"Yeah, Okay, it's a club, you down?"
The boys exchange a look before shrugging, "Sure," Luke says, "Take us to Okay."
I take the guys to Okay and we dance for a bit, Okay plays a few older songs from like the 2000s and the 90s, so we actually know the words to these songs. We're goofing about and dancing when Reggie and I bump into someone, we exchange a look before looking back at the person we bumped into.
The person has short green hair, a long sleeved black and white top and a black skirt with black suspenders seemingly holding it up, they look great.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," they say before realizing what just happened. "Ghosts?"
"Yeah, we're ghosts, I'm Duchess," I tell them.
"And I'm Reggie," Reggie says, putting out his hand to shake theirs.
"Well, I'm Kai," Kai says, shaking Reggie's hand," And in case you were wondering I use they/them pronouns."
"They— th- what?" Reggie stammers, confused.
"Oh, uh, Kai, Reggie died in the 90s and only just left the dark room, he's still catching up," I explain to them.
"Oh, that's okay, I can explain if you want," Kai offers, and Reggie nods his head.
"When we refer to people we use pronouns, right?" Reggie nods again, "Well, instead of using he/him or she/her, I use they. Like what you would do if you didn't know if someone was a he or a she. Think of it like you found a wallet, you'd say 'oh, someone left their wallet here, I'll leave it so that they can find it,' do you follow?"
"Yeah, I do. Thanks for teaching me," Reggie smiles, still slightly embarrassed, "I use he/him pronouns, is that right?"
"Yeah, it is," I smile, "And I use she/her."
"Well, now that we're properly introduced, do you wanna come meet my friends?" Kai asks.
"Sure, can we go get our friends, Alex and Luke?" I ask.
"Sure, go ahead," Kai says, "We'll be over in the booth over there," they point to a booth in the corner of the club.
They walk to their both and Reggie and I scramble to find Alex and Luke. When we do we tell them we found other ghosts and Reggie explains to them Kai's pronouns, he seemed really proud to be educating them and it was honestly adorable.
We go over to the booth Kai pointed out to us and meet their friends, Mel, who died in 2017, is cis and uses she/her and Eli, who died in 2019, is trans and uses he/him. They're really cool people who told us a lot about newer music, and what it's like being a ghost. They also told us that they like to prank alive people even though they don't really know how to do much as ghosts.
"Just because you can't touch 'em doesn't mean you can't mess with 'em," Eli says with an evil grin.
"What do you mean?" Luke asks.
"Well, for instance, they can't feel your skin, but they can feel fabric and texture," Mel explains, "They can feel the wetness of water on your hand but not your hand. Ya get me?"
"Yeah, I get you."
"I know this is off topic but tbh I don't care, Luke, your fit is so 90s but like it's also fire," Eli compliments.
"Uhhhh," the guys sit with their mouths open, not knowing what to say, because they are not up to date with 2020 slang.
"Eli, dude, they're literally from the 90s," I laugh, "They highkey have no clue what you're saying."
"Oohhh, tea," Mel gasps.
"Yeah, they make knowing basic slang seem like a flex," I giggle.
"Cap, that's gotta be cap," Eli shakes his head.
"No cap, but go off I guess," I shrug.
"Damn, no need to be salty."
"I'm not salty, they're just himbos."
"They're himbos?" Mel asks, "You sure?"
"Well, yeah, but like they also create a himbo when combined. Luke is beefy, you see those arms? And Reggie is dumb of ass," I say before turning to Reggie, "said with love. And Alex is pure of heart. Ergo, they create himbo."
"Can't argue with that logic, but I'm shook, how do you understand what we're saying, and they don't?"
"Well, first off I died in 2005, second off, I've been here a little bit longer than they have, that's why I have the 200 IQ plays that they don't."
"Still don't know what you're saying," Reggie says.
"Stop messing with them," Kai scolds, "I'm sorry about them, I died in 2014 and spent a little while in the dark room, it took me a while to figure out what they were saying."
"It's fine," Alex says, "We just, uh, just have a lot to catch up on I guess."
"You do, but it's getting late and if we don't yeet ourselves back home then Angel is gonna kill us, again," Eli says.
"Bet!" Mel agrees.
"We gotta get going, is what they mean, but we'll see you around?" Kai asks.
"Of course," I say, "See ya."
"Bye guys," they all say.
"Bye," the guys reply before Kai, Eli, and Mel poof away.
"Shall we hit the next club?" I ask the guys and they nod. And so I take them to what will be our final club of the night, a place called Midnight.
I poof us there and the guys drag me to a table before all turning to me.
"What?" I question, confused.
"How the hell do you know all that stuff?" Luke interrogates me.
"Yeah, I thought you showed up same time as us," Alex adds on.
"And what's a himbo?" Reggie asks, the guys look at him, "What? It's a valid question!"
"Okay, well, I didn't appear into the afterlife with you," I elucidate, "I just became visible to Julie with you guys. I've been here for like a month and a half already."
"A month and a half? And you didn't think to tell us?!" Alex all but yells at me.
"Sorry! I was confused when I was brought to you and Julie and then I realized who you were, and then I found out Julie could see me! Sorry if I didn't spill my life story to you," I sass.
"Yeah, no that makes sense," Reggie agrees.
"Yeah, I mean it's not every day you meet your music idols," Luke says arrogantly.
"And it's definitely not every day you realize they're huge dorks either," I say, pushing Luke's shoulder gently and he laughs.
"Reggie did raise a good question earlier though," Luke says.
"Oh? And what is that?" I ask.
"What is a himbo?"
"Ah, no. You're not ready to learn that yet."
"What do you mean?" Alex questions.
"You're just not ready. Trust me on that. Now come on, do we wanna stay here or will I show you some new things in LA?"
"Let's stay here a bit," Luke suggests, and the boys agree.
"Okay, let's dance then," I say grabbing them to the dance floor. It's definitely different clubbing as a ghost, there's no eating or drinking and no mingling unless you meet other ghosts.
After a bit of dancing the music quiets down, it's still playing but if you sang into the mic onstage then you could drown it out. I look to Reggie and he smiles at me, I nod to the mic and he taps Luke's shoulder and points to the mic, we smile and go onstage.
I look at the DJ's playlist and find a song that would absolutely be fun to sing with the boys. It's a song by Green Day and so although it came out in 2004, they'll still know the band. Before I put it on, I explain to them that although yes, the song does have a slur in it, it was meant as a reclamation and beyond that we can just not sing it, we agreed on the latter. I hit play on the karaoke option and make sure the boys can see the lyrics.
And so we begin as any normal person would start a song, screaming at the top of our lungs,
Singing with the boys was so much fun, honestly, I want to sing with them again for sure! People are confused when we finish because no one was up on the stage and we don't exactly sound like Green Day, but they enjoyed it, nonetheless.
After staying in the club for a while the boys decided that they did want me to take them around the city. I show them all the new venues and places where bands play gigs, I show them what places shut down and what's there in their place.
The guys immediately stopped the tour when I revealed that I learned a couple ghosting tricks from my ghost friend. They really wanted to see what I could do, I can't really do much, but I showed them regardless. I lifted a couple things and set off a couple car alarms but I couldn't do much other than that. The guys found it really cool though, I gotta introduce them to Billy at some point.
The sun starts to rise and we decide that we need to start getting back to the Molina house, the boys want to wander for a bit longer, but I decide to go back to go check on Carlos, he's gotta be a little confused, especially after seeing Julie see me last night.
I poof to the door outside his room and knock quietly before hearing Carlos saying, "Come in."
"Hey Carlito," I smile after walking through the door.
"Hey Dee," he smiles, sitting on his bed, "What's up?"
"I just thought you'd want to know what's going on. Ya know, because of last night."
"Oh, yeah, could Julie see you?"
"Yeah, she, uh, she can."
"She can see you? How?!"
"Well, it's a long story, and I'm not 100% sure how she can see me either, but she can," I then whisper to myself, "I really don't understand why she can see the others and you can't though."
"What?" he asks.
"Oh, nothing. So, what's new, what are you gonna do today?" I deflect.
"Since we're moving, I have to pack my room, which means cleaning under my bed, and we both know that I don't wanna clean under my bed," the boy says, shaking his head.
"Hey!" I say, offended, "You found my demo under your bed!"
"Yeah, and who knows, I might find more demos and summon more demon ghosts!"
"I'm not a demon!" I protest, "I'm a ghost! A normal ghost, just tryna get through the afterlife."
"That's fair, well, I gotta get ready for school, but I'll see you after?"
"Yeah, of course Calo," I assure him, "I'll see you later."
"Bye DeeDee."
And with that I poof to the guys, they were still wandering around LA and when I show up we all decide to go back to the studio.
We all poof into the back of the studio and we hear Julie singing and playing the piano. This is surprising to the boys because she told them that she doesn't play, and it's surprising for me because I know that she hasn't played since her mom died, so it's a little crazy for all of us.
"Wake up your dream and make it true Look out, look inside of you When you feel lost Relight that spark, time to come out of the dark Wake up, mm-mm, wake up"
We all look at each other in awe of Julie. This girl has an incredible voice and she plays the piano amazingly, honestly I'm glad she's playing again, depriving the world of her talent is almost criminal!
When she's done, Julie lifts the last sheet of music off the piano reading the note that her mom left at the bottom of it before hugging it and crying softly.
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 6 years
Tell Me I’m Adored
Lucifer x Winchester!Reader (Forced Relationship)
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SUMMARY: When Lucifer is able to take over hell after out of the cage he takes the reader from her brothers and takes a possessive attraction for them.
Lucifer x Winchester!Reader (Forced Relationship)
Word Count- 1,839
Reader’s POV
3 Months Earlier
We all sat in the Map Room in the bunker thinking of ways of capturing and killing Lucifer. After he escaped the cage and taking over hell ever freaking Crowley is on our side just to get his throne back. “What about this..” Sam suggested showing the book to the rest of us. It was talking about locking Lucifer back in the cage we just need the proper things and also Lucifer. “Son of a bitch this might work Cas and I will go and get the ingredients, Crowley gets Rowena so she can do the spell, and Sam..Y/n keep looking for anything else and see if this is full proof and no loopholes.” We all nodded and was about to get going when a crash went off behind us.
Guns and Angel Blades suddenly equipped as the dust settled and a form stood up “Did you think those wardings were going to stop me.” He stated the dust clearing showing one and only Lucifer.
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I grabbed the book holding it while still holding my gun steady as he scanned all of us. Each of us was unsteady as Lucifer cleaned the dust off of his shirt, and with a flick of his wrist, our weapons were gone. We looked at him in fear as I clutched the book Dean quickly pushing me behind me making himself closer to Lucifer wrath. He tsks “Did you all really think you could stop me so easily.” He shook his head and with a snap of his fingers, I was suddenly in his grip the book still in my grip. “Y/N!!!” Both Sam and Dean yelled as I struggled in his grip “Fiesty I like...” he smirked tightening his grip on me as the fear coursed through me.
“Let her go you son of a bitch and you can have the book.” Dean stated without a thought “Squirrel that book has what we need.” Crowley said glaring at Dean for giving it up easily. “Yeah, and what I need more is my little sister so you take the book and give us Y/N back.” He said holding out one hand so I could take it when he lets go. “Yeah but that would put you right back on track so now you have another problem bye boys.” He said with a grin disappearing with Y/n her cry echoes through the room as it settles into silence.
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Reader’s POV
I sat on the bed I was given for the past three months stuck in hell because of Lucifer. The most I have done is eaten, slept, and constant watch from the devil himself or demons. I looked down at the locket I wore at all time containing a picture of her and brothers. Tears filled my eyes as I hoped that they were looking for her and they also were ready to gank this son of a bitch. My small moment of peace was interrupted by the door opening and demon flashing its eyes at me. “He has requested you for in the throne room.” He said with a blank face. I glared at him putting the locket back as I followed him in the room where that asshole sat all high and mighty. “Y/N... my have you grown..” he stated dismissing the demon. I crossed my arms glaring at him “You seen me every day for 3 months.” I glared at him wanting to just stab him in his smug face.
He stood from the throne as he walked up to me “You wanna know something I’m surprised that with a body and soul like yours no one has tried to be with you.” He said leaning against the table in the middle of the room. “It not your concern who notices me for all I care is that you go back in that damn cage.” I hissed. He smirked with a flick of his wrist a crown is in his hand “Just imagine you sitting on the throne ruling over all of hell and in the future all of the worlds,” he said walking behind behind me a mirror in front of me placing the crown on me, “And all you have to say is yes and you will be the Queen of Hell leading by my side as you, King.” He said slowly wrapping his arms around my waist.
I pulled away from him glaring at him walking away from to the other side of the table separating them “Like hell, I’ll ever be your queen and yours.” I hissed throwing the crown at him it dissolving as it makes contact with him. He suddenly appeared in front of me his arms around my waist tightly holding me against him pushing me against the table. “Come sweet Y/n it’s written in the stars.” He smirked I glared at pushing him away from “Are you listening to me.” I hissed back finding a knife behind me cutting into my palm keeping my face a glare not cracking as I quickly tried to make an Angel banishing sigil without looking which helped to have much experience. “What do I have to convince you to say yes torture it out of you. You can see it us together here ruling.” I glared at him “You wanna know what..,” he turned to look at me with a smirk, “Say ‘ello to my little friend.” I said with a grin moving to show to sigil before he could react I pressed my palm against it banishing him for now.
I quickly ripped my sleeve wrapping it around my hand. I quickly ran out to see the demon walking away turning down the hallway. I quickly followed after him seeing an angel blade in his hand I slowly walked behind him jumping on him grabbing the blade and stabbing him. He fell to the ground gasping not completely dead “Tell me how I leave hell.” I growled holding the blade against his throat “There is an exit down that hallway taking you back.” He quickly said not as loyal as Lucifer thought to kill him quickly. I took the blade and went down the hallway send a room guarded by two demons. I hid the blade up my sleeve walking up to them “Say bye to the queen of hell bitch.” Quickly slitting both of there throats killing them both kicking open the door revealing a portal showing a road. Letting a sigh of relief to see my brothers I was shoved against the wall by Lucifer.
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“It’s not nice to leave your King.” He said with a frown “You’ll never be a king.” I spat at him. His eyes turn red glaring back at my e/c orbs “You will always be mine now...forever. I will keep you here force you to be mine. Have a child to continue my legacy.” He said with a grin “Get away from me..” I growled struggling against his grip. “Tell me I adore you.” He said, “Let me go!!” I yelled trashing in his “Tell me I’m adored!!” He yelled getting a grip of the blade stabbing him in the arm his grace flowing out slowly as he fell back “You will never be adored by me or anyone.” I said wiping the blood from my face “Don’t do this Y/n you will regret it.” He growled laying on the ground blood pooling out as he was weak. I pulled the blade out of his arm blood getting on me “There is a lot of things I regret but not this.” I said and jumped into the portal back home.
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Dean’s POV
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It had been 3 months since Y/n was taken we haven’t stopped looking killing so many demons for information. As Sam, Cas and I were driving back from ganking a nest of vamps that had information on Y/n just to be nothing. Sam looked over at me “We’ll find her she’s tough she can handle herself.” He said putting his hand on my shoulder as Cas looked at the both of us from the back. All of a sudden there was a bright light blinding all of us and suddenly an explosion a few miles ahead of us. Looking at each other we drove up to it parking and pulling our weapons out to where the explosion was.
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Walking closer we hear a branch break putting us all on high alert suddenly Sam is knocked down by a girl pressing an angel blade against his throat. Sam flipped her over pinning both her hands above her head, Cas taking the angel blade out of her hand. With it being too dark to see I pull out my flashlight shining it in her face and almost drop it. It was Y/N blood in her hair and face her eyes sunken in. “Y/n,” Sam said disbelief in his voice. “Sammy.” She said shocked as well I pushed Sam off and pulled her up and pinned her against a tree “Who or what are you.” I growled holding a blade up against her neck. I looked at Sam “Check her.” holding her arm out “Dean stop it’s me.” She said struggling in my arms. I held her tighter so she couldn’t move. Sam cut her arm with a silver blade and pour holy water on her. Nothing happening proving it’s her I let her go pulling back staring at her “Y/n...” I whispered tears filling my eyes seeing my little sister. “Hi. De...Sammy.” She said with a small wave.
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Reader’s POV
Back at the Bunker
I sat in the map room a blanket around me a cup of coffee in front of me as Sam sat in front of me, Dean pacing and Cas finishing healing my wounds. “I still can’t wrap my head around this you were in hell for 3 months, was asked to be queen, banished Lucifer for a bit, killed some demons and escaped through a portal right before stabbing Lucifer in the arm,” Dean said leaning against the table rubbing his temples. I nodded taking a sip of the coffee “I’ll tell you one thing hell’s bed are actually pretty comfortable.” I said with a small smile getting Sam to let out a small grin reaching forward holding one of my hands. “After what you did he going to be after you looking for revenge and also you.” He said a look of concern on his face I rested my head on the table “I just wished this was all over and not have Lucifer and some demons on my ass.” I groaned. Dean walked over and wrapped his arms around me “We’ll get through this nothing is going to get you I promise you that. I’m not losing you again.” He said pressing a kiss to the crown of my head. Sam getting up and wrapping his arms around us. Lucifer was going to deal with two pissed off brothers and an army because you piss off one Winchester you piss off all of them and it’s going bite Lucifer in the ass.
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due4amiracle · 3 years
Day 350
Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, Vamp shiz, Watching.
Laundry/cleaning - Picked up a few things here and there~! ✔
Reading things - - A hold came in! No new holds appeared! Well, technically one appeared - but it was an immediately available one! So, yay! So i’m only on hold for sort-of-four books! (If only because one doesn’t come out until June)! i’m #2 on 2 and #1 on the third! (and 20th on the June book but we won’t even talk about that) - The Rift Walker by Clay Griffith 100%! 2🌟 SSDD, same story, different...book? >_>; Whatever, still gonna finish the trilogy...eventually. - The Book of Living Secrets by Madeleine Roux 100%! 2🌟 i wanted so dearly to love this book, i tried SO hard to love it the whole way through. And yet. And yet. This book was honestly two manuscripts shoved into one - and it hurt for it. Connie, Connie was absolutely AMAZING. i lived for her. Her story was fantastic, coming to love and accept herself, and the fact that she's sapphic. i loved that, watching her come into her own. Adelle on the other hand? Oof. Disaster from start to finish. - The Midnight Girls by Alicia Jasinska 100%! 2.5>3🌟 2.5 rounded up to 3. Oops a book snuck in! This was a too long book, that was honestly about 75-100 pages worth of story, stretched out to almost 350 pages. Which, gods bless, get your money, authors, but damn. So much babbling and fluff and blah blah blah. Yes, i adore how deeply sapphic it is. Yes, i love love LOVE a lot of things about it, chaotic morally gray monster girls who hatelovelovehate each other (i hate you so much, you can NOT die unless I am the one who kills you!), rivals-mostly-to-lovers, so so so deeply sapphic. i just... wish it wasn't so fluffed. - Crowbones by Anne Bishop 37%! This is the realest of the REAL shit going on omfg excuse me Madame Anne Bishop who hurt you with some crows so badly that in turn made you hurt us! ((i fucking love this book so much holy shit)) - Manhwa: Survive as the Hero’s Wife 2 chapters of this read Nope🚫! UwU♡ ✔✔✔✔🚫
Dailies - - Waifu Did mah dailies! Also, level 40/50 BP now~! AND! Tree lvl 26/50! New MONTH! new weeklies! ♡ω♡. ✔ - FFXIV did mah dailies~ MSQ +0 -> 74, BTN +0 -> 80, CUL +0 -> 80, WVR +0 -> 80, GSM +0 -> 77, FSH +0 -> 65, MIN +0 -> 74, ALC +0 -> 69, LTW +0 -> 65, ARM +0 -> 65, CRP +0 -> 64, BSM +0 -> 65. Vath 0/0 Rank 8/9 Bloodsworn, Vanu 1650/1730 Rank 7/9 Sworn, Moggles 300/1730 Rank 7/9 Sworn. 5 MSQ quests. Just started Securing the Saltery. Did not play today. Not sure when i will again. Something something Squeenix president supporting NFT’s and that’s trash something. 🚫 - Cozy Grove - Doot doot continuing to scout along! Scout rank 15/17! (40/47 spirit logs left until rank 16) ♡ω♡ ✔ - Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Star 7/10 get! 105 caught, 65 max level research pages~ Spent a little too much time filling out a checklist google doc to keep track of which pkmn i’ve gotten alphas of and caught and yada yada. But it’s fine! It’s a thing The Gremlins told me to do so i did it! ✔
UwU♡ ✔🚫✔✔
Vamp shiz - 0 words written! Up to 9511. 1687 words for pt6. Always the grind for the next part - but none today. Nope🚫
Watching things - - Konohana Kitan episode 1&2! Nope🚫 - Unsleeping City 2 episode 9 done! Nope 🚫
Other things - Oooops took a naughty sleeping pill last night, sorry Therapist, i know, naughty naughty. But i needed to sleep omf - and i did. i slept the whole night through! It was glorious. Called my primary care today, got my pap smear appointment (you know, where i’ll get the referral at) rescheduled! Yay! It is now, instead of being the 12th of April - the 22nd of this month! Hell yes. It gives me time to get into get the test, get the test done, and maybe! Maybe! Even get the results back before my next Therapist appointment! Eeee! ...not looking forward to the pap smear though. Bleh. But w/e. Primary care has been whining at me to get it done, so fine! i’m making not one, but two of my doctors happy! 😩 ...i need to figure out some way to tie this to my Neuro so that i’ll score a hat trick. 😹 Anyways. Yea. i read a lot today. Pain wasn’t too terrible. Brain was hyperfocus on books. And now sleeeeepy.
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: B Brain: B
Tomorrow: Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, Vamp shiz, Watching.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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markistarr · 6 years
Monster Mash AU // WKM+Present+Septic’s, suggestions & ideas welcome!
Gonna start off with the WKM peepos! :D (Please note that Benjamin, Chef, and George are NOT included in this list.)
Actor!Mark: Mr. A-hole over here--not his fault, the house corrupted him, but still, it’s fun to call him Mr. A-hole--is a demon. Yup. ~>->~
Just as an fyi kinda thing, demon’s do NOT have wings; tails, horns, and extra appendages (this also includes eyes) are fine and optional, but they do NOT have wings whatsoever.
Damien: Mayor boyo is a selkie! However, he has NO siren attributes, since then, he’d basically just be Dark if he were to have any. (@foxtamer113)
Celine: The untrustworthy seer is still a siren.
William: Our lovely colonel boi remains a classic werewolf. Why? Because, he’s a scruffy, vicious, wolf boyo™.
District Attorney: (Included here because we were this character, so it’s only fair) Skinwalker. Obviously.
Abe: (I have a feeling we’ll be seeing Abe in at least one of the up-coming Warfstache vids, so that’s why he’s included here) Draconian; lizard-man!
Now, onto the present day Iplier egos! ;3 (feat. my own, Milo! Along with other fan-based ones that aren’t truly cannon.)
Mark: Angel of neutrality; basically just a human but w/ fluffy wings.
Milo: Angel of wrath, due to merciless passage of rite.
Please note that angels of sin (of which Milo is, however he is of a specified sin) are basically just winged demons but minus the (optional) horns, tail, and other extra appendages.
Also, he was inspired by God of War ;n;
Dark: Zelren Walker--official name of just wtf this 2 in 1 edge deal is xd Mix between a selkie, siren, zombie, AND skinwalker (may remove zombie portion, but I dunno. We’ll see). (@foxtamer113 w/ skinwalker realization xd)
Is more of a shape shifter than the traditional selkie; can become a siren w/ bottom half seal whenever, but usually when he’s off for a swim.
Wilford: Still a werewolf...dunno why this would change.
Host: Spoopy boogeyman; boogeyman can take many forms, so...yeah. Shuddap!! ;u; I actually like this idea anyways.
Google Brothers: Djinn’s; Neil/Blue and Jasper/Red use this for their own advantage far more often than Hunter/Green and Oliver/Yellow do. Lil’ sneaky bastard bots... >__> (@yintsunami)
Dr. Iplier: Goody-two shoed vampire; prefers drinking from small animals or from blood bags; will drink from others if starved. (@foxtamer113)
Bing Bros.: Leprechauns! No, not the sterotypical kind! No sterotypes here, not for my Bing Bois ;v; (@yintsunami)
Trimmer: Wendigo. Obviously. ;v;
Jims: Brownies; lil’ elf peeps. Honestly, they’re adorable. (@yintsunami)
Silver: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
King: Low lil’ fae; squirrels seem to love him, for some odd reason. (@yintsunami)
Yan: Tanuki transgirl, ‘cause kitsunes are overrated! ~>->~
Mask: Spirit boi; what else would this spoopy boyo be?? xd
Bop: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
Goop: He’s just...a pile of goop...he’s all melty and stuff, and...yeah.
Potato: Fairy; because why not???? Not even gonna do much w/ this guy anyways, but still wanted to include him ‘cause I actually thought that vid was funny xd
Chef: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
Artist: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
Now for them Septic bois! :p
Sean: Angel of neutrality, just like Markimoo. ;v;
Anti: Spoopy centaur, but w/ lower-half spoodr. Specified species is Black Widow.
Still a demon-virus thingy, but now w/ bonus of partial spoodr bod.
Six legs, two arms, pincers on inside of mouth, acid saliva (can change how acidic it is, however, so kissing him is still plausible w/out harm), and (optional) eight eyes.
Chase: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
Marvin: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
Jameson: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
Schneeps: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
Jackieboyman: Ideas? Send ‘em in!
Robbie: Is already a zombo, so...I dunno. Ideas? Send ‘em in! I guess?? ;n;
Now it’s time for them ships+their lovechildren that they may or may not have! :D
Marline (Married; they never did get divorced) (this ones kinda obvious tho. May do fluff or angst w/ this one; we’ll see how my mood ends up being when I write it lol) (@foxtamer113)
Dilliam (Ex-boyfriends)
Marmien (Side) (just a blurb or two; most likely sometime before WKM transpired ;v;)
Darkstache (Married) (obvi)
Evanna: Werezelren Walker. Dear Lord... Has more selkie and skinwalker attributes than Axum.
Axum: Same thing as big sis, but w/ more wolf attributes.
Also, yes, of course the darkstache kiddos are gonna have fancy names; who do you think I am?!
Antimark (Married) (yup xd)
Cristian: Spoodrangel. Yup; more like how Vivziepop draws. Imagine Angel Dust but w/ wings and more human features.
Because of her heritage, Crissy’s part angel (specified in neutrality) AND part virus-demon.
Also, yes, her name IS intentional xd
Six arms, two legs, fluffy (feathered) wings, pincers in mouth, acidic saliva, and (depends on if Anti drawn/written w/) eight eyes; just like Anti but w/ wings and is basically just an anthro spoodr xd
Chase Brody x Niel/Blue (Boyfriends)
Teal x Jasper/Red (Ex-boyfriends)
Teal x Hunter/Green (Boyfriends)
Host x Dr. Iplier (Married) (don’t know proper ship name; sorry lol)
Meggie: Mash-up between boogeyman creature and vamp; wooo, this sounds fun! xd But seriously, she’s just like her pops, preferring to drink from animals such as rodents or drinking from blood bags.
Also, got the name from a series of books entitled Inkheart!
Tobi: Joi’s identical twin bro; has more of Host’s creepy boogeyman attributes than Meggie.
Joi: Tobi’s identical twin sis; since they’re identical, they’re both the same in physical attribute regards just w/ differing personalities.
Got any idea’s for any other ships and possible lovechildren? Would love to see those too! :D I’m open to anything; just make sure to tell me a name, and I’ll update this from time to time.
Oh yeah, also, if you think I missed any egos, feel free to tell me those as well; willing to add onto this list! ^^
~Eddie the Trash-Queen/King/Dad
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hannahindie · 7 years
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam Word Count: 3,881 Warnings: Language, mention of miscarriage (nothing in depth), violence, sass, blood, hurt Sam, hurt Dean A/N: I wrote this for @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog‘s romcom fluff challenge! Congratulations on the followers, darling! I had prompt 71. “The girl I knew used to be fearless.” It is bolded below.
Beta’d by my beautiful waterbear @trexrambling: “Of course he is. Come on, Dean, get it together.”
And my precious panda @pinknerdpanda: “I love how sassy and like....badass your readers are.”
Thank you, lovelies. I’d be lost without you. <3
As usual, tags are at the bottom. If you’d liked to be added, please let me know!
Overview: The reader had left hunting years ago, and Dean comes back to try to convince her to come with them. When she refuses, Dean finds himself in a predicament. The reader has to make a decision.
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“The girl I knew used to be fearless.”
I froze, my hands clenched tightly by my sides, and spun around to face Dean.
“Excuse me?”
Dean jammed his hands in his pockets nervously, as if he hadn’t expected me to turn around. “I’m just saying, the girl I knew when I was kid...she wouldn’t run away. The girl I knew grew up and became one of the best hunters I know.”
“The girl you knew has not existed for years. The girl you knew lost more than she could have ever dreamed of losing, because of this life. And now here you are, just expecting me to hop back into it, because you asked me to? Who do you think you are, Dean Winchester?” I spat as the anger bubbled just under the surface. Dean didn’t know what had happened to me because he hadn’t asked. He was working based off of assumptions he made about who I was ten years ago, not who I was now.
“Well, I’m freakin’ adorable, for starters-”
The dam holding back every single thought I’d kept inside for the past decade broke. I crossed the space between us and glared up at him. For a moment, I figured it must look comical, Dean being at least a foot taller than me, but I must have looked angry enough for that to not matter. “What you are is a self-centered, egotistical asshole that thinks he can get what he wants by flashing a smile and saying something endearingly stupid.”
Dean’s smile slowly turned into a scowl, but I was on too much of a roll to stop. “What you are,” I growled, accentuating each word with a jab to his chest, “is a giant pain in my ass that I’m glad I left behind years ago. I have lost my family, I have lost my child, I have lost just about every single person I have ever cared about in this world, but I have not lost my ability to call out your bullshit.”
Dean’s eyes widened, “Your child?”
I jabbed him in the chest again, “Do not interrupt me. You have no right to tell me who I used to be, and you sure as hell don’t have the right to come back into my life and ask for my help. I’m not some doe-eyed, little hunter that’s going to follow you around and hope that you notice me anymore. I’m not a hunter anymore. Just...just leave, Dean.” I turned and walked back into my house, leaving Dean alone on the sidewalk wide eyed and slack jawed, and slammed the door shut. I leaned against it and closed my eyes, and my heart broke when I heard the familiar sound of the Impala’s engine roar to life, then fade out as he sped off. I slid down the door and hit the floor, and for the first time in a very long time, I cried because of Dean Winchester.
Three days later…
A loud, bone-rattling banging woke me from a dreamless sleep, and I moaned into my pillow. I didn’t know what time it was, but something told me it was too late for someone to be making an attempt to bust in my front door. I sat up with a groan and grabbed the Louisville slugger that I kept next to my bed. I may not have hunted anymore, but I wasn’t stupid. The loud banging had stopped, but as I shuffled slowly down the hall and cautiously turned the corner towards the front door, it started up again.
Although I hesitated to answer, my irritation was winning out over my caution, “I’m coming, Jesus, can you hold on a second?” I flipped the porch light on and peered through the peephole. All I could see was the top of someone’s head, but I recognized the shaggy, chestnut hair immediately. “Sam?” I pulled the door open, and Sam nearly fell on top of me. I had to drop the bat to catch his enormous frame. “Holy shit, Sam, what happened?” I somehow wrangled him to the couch and let him fall heavily into it. He leaned his head against the cushion, his eyes shut and his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath.
Blood splattered his unshaven face, and a bruise was already forming on his right eye. His bottom lip looked to be split, and by the way he was carefully nursing his side as he shifted his position on the couch, I guessed he probably had a couple of broken ribs. The front of his shirt was ripped open and, judging by the amount of blood, he probably needed stitches. “What the hell happened, Sam?” I knelt by the couch and pulled back his shirt to see the damage.
Sam hissed as the shirt pulled away from the wound, “Vampires. We, uh….dammit...uh...we had a bit of a problem.”
I looked up at him, my eyebrow raised, “You don’t say? You need stitches.” I made my way to the bathroom to grab my first aid kit. “Where’s Dean?” I shouted over my shoulder as I dug around in the medicine cabinet, pulling out the kit and a small bottle of whiskey. Despite my claims, there was still a bit of hunter in me, and I found that old habits died hard.
“He...he’s still there. In the nest.”
I came back into the living room and stopped in front of Sam. “Why...how did that happen?” I asked with a frown as I uncapped the whiskey.
Sam struggled to pull his shirt off as I knelt down in front of him again, “We thought it was just the one vamp, maybe two. Turned out it was an entire nest. We were hoping you’d help, but Dean said you were busy. I told him we should wait to get some backup, but you know how he is. Thinks he’s freakin’ indestructible.”
I hummed in response and hoped that that was all Dean had said to Sam. We were silent for a moment as I poured the whiskey over Sam’s wound, the only sound to break the silence a muffled groan as Sam tried to power through it. I heated up the needle and looked up at Sam apologetically, “All I have is floss...sorry.”
Sam chuckled darkly, “Minty fresh, I guess.” He very subtly twitched as the needle pierced his skin the first time, but remained still as I began to stitch him up. “Y/N…”
“Yea?” I asked, keeping my eye on the task at hand.
“Dean said...umm...he mentioned that you two kind of fought.”
I shrugged, “If you can call me verbally handing him his ass an argument, sure.”
“That sounds about right.” He watched as I tied off the floss and reached for a bandage. “He also mentioned that you said you’d lost...that you’d lost a child. Why didn’t you tell us?” I sighed as I smoothed the bandage over his stitches, lingering longer than I needed to so I could try to come up with an excuse, any reason to not have to tell Sam the truth. But then I looked up and Sam was giving me that look, the one that had always gotten him his way. I have never been certain if he did it on purpose, but regardless, it worked every damn time.
I sat back on my haunches and sighed, “Because I wanted to forget about it, okay? I made a mistake, and I was questioning what I wanted to do...and then I went on a hunt that should have been simple, and it wasn’t, and then my decision was made for me. And it was in that moment that I realized that the one chance I had at a normal life was gone because of who I was...and I didn’t want to keep living like that. And if I’d told you and Dean, I may have never left.”
Sam looked at me, his gaze soft, and I watched as realization crossed his features.
“Was it Dean’s?” he whispered, so quiet I almost didn’t hear him.
My chest tightened at his words, and though I could have tried to lie, Sam would have known. I nodded and looked down at my hands, afraid to look Sam in the face. I could feel a tear roll down my cheek, and I hastily wiped it away.
“We could have helped you...you shouldn’t have had to deal with that alone.” I stood up and quickly walked into the kitchen. I tossed the towels and bandage wrappers in the trash, washed my hands, then went to the fridge and grabbed a beer.
“It wasn’t your problem to deal with. And it would have destroyed Dean, you know that. It was better that I left. I handled it, and I got a new life. It’s quiet and I have a respectable job, and who knows...maybe someday I’ll get to have that chance again.”
Even saying it out loud wasn’t convincing. I had wanted nothing more than to tell Dean what happened. He had deserved to know, but at the last minute I chickened out. I ran. The girl that Dean thought was fearless has been overtaken by it and ran. As nice as it was to have a normal life, I still ached for the hunt. I avoided newspapers and television so that I wouldn’t accidentally come across something that needed to be investigated. I still had all of my burner phones, even if I did avoid checking them in fear that Dean’s voice would be waiting for me. The past ten years had been a long con that was designed only for me, and up until now, it had been working.
I felt Sam’s large hand pull the beer from my hand and heard the clink of it as he sat it on the counter. Before I could object, he pulled me into him, his chin resting gently on the top of my head. His flannel clad arms had me trapped, and I finally sank into them and let the years of sadness and frustration come pouring out. I cried for me, and for Dean. I cried for the family we could have had and the years I had lost with two of the most important people in my life. I don’t know how long we stood like that, but when I finally pulled back I saw that Sam’s eyes weren’t dry either, and I realized for the first time how damn tired he looked.
I cleared my throat as I rubbed the tears from my eyes, “Alright, Sammy, let’s go get your brother.”
He raised his eyebrows, “You sure?”
I nodded and made my way to the hall closet, “Yea. I’ve been lying to myself for a long time. I’m a hunter, it’s not as if you just quit being one. Also, I owe Dean an explanation and an apology...regardless of if he gets mad at me. He kinda needs to be alive for me to do that.” I tossed a duffel bag to Sam and he smirked at the fully stocked go bag. “Keep it to yourself, Sasquatch. We’ve got some vamps to kill.”
We parked the car about half a mile from the abandoned warehouse that the vamps had holed up in and quietly walked the remaining distance. I groaned as we came up on it, it’s silhouette dark against the moonlit sky. “Why do they always choose the most disgusting places to hide?”
Sam smiled, “You sound like Dean.” He nodded his head to the left and motioned for me to follow. We crept around the side of the building and Sam held his hand up to stop me. He cautiously peered through the window above us. “I see him,” he whispered.
“Is he okay?” I grimaced at how stupid that sounded.
Sam looked down at me, “Well, he’s tied to a chair and he looks like shit, but he’s in one piece. So...yea?” He looked back through the window, but dropped suddenly and pressed his back against the wall, yanking me down with him. “Okay, so we managed to kill quite a few of them, but there’s at least four more in there.” He grimaced and I put a hand on his shoulder.
“Are you sure you can do this? I can take out four vamps on my own, you’re not in any shape to try…”
Sam rolled his eyes, “You’ve been out of the game for a decade. No offense, Y/N, but unless you’ve been training for absolutely no reason, I don’t think it’s a good idea. We’re both going in. There’s a back door we can use, come on.”
I grumbled under my breath, but couldn’t deny that he was right. “Okay, fine. Lead the way.” We snuck along the side of the building and around to the back where a large steel door blocked our way inside. Sam grabbed the handle and pulled and almost immediately hit the ground.
“Dammit,” he ground out, his hand instinctively reaching for his injured ribs.
I knelt down in front of him, “Sam, I’ve got this. Keep an ear out, and if we need anything I’m sure you’ll hear me. Okay?” I pulled out both of my machetes and grinned, “Besides, it’s been awhile since I’ve had a nice decapitation. I’m about due.” Sam looked up at me, worry lines between his eyebrows, and I couldn’t help but give him a quick kiss on the top of his head. “I’ll be fine, kiddo. I’m gonna go save your idiot brother.”
I pulled the door open as quietly as I could and slipped inside. Sam’s muffled “We’re the same freakin’ age” comment made me smile as I stalked the dark hallways, looking for the room Dean was being kept in. I stopped short of the doorway I thought would take me to him when I heard voices on the other side of the wall.
I chanced a quick look around the corner and saw two men standing with their backs turned towards me. I took a deep breath and hoped that my upper body strength was as good as it used to be. I tightened my grip on both machetes and crept up behind both without them noticing. In one swift motion I swung both machetes at the same time and connected with their necks with a sickening crunch. Although their heads were still attached, it had been enough to knock them to the floor. I pulled the machetes free and gave each of them another wack, then kicked their heads away from their bodies. Two down, two to go.
I walked through the doorway on the other side of the room and heard more voices, one unfamiliar and one that was.
“Where’s your brother?” Silence followed the question, then a resounding crack as skin hit skin, hard.
I heard Dean spit, “Go to hell.”
The unfamiliar voice laughed, “From what I’ve heard, you’ve already been there. You Winchesters have a habit of getting out of it though.” I peeked around the corner to see a man wearing leather pants and a vest with no shirt under it standing in front of Dean, his hands on the chair’s arms, and practically in Dean’s face. To his right, an equally disgusting woman stood, her long red hair dirty and tangled and her arms crossed. They looked far worse off than most vampires did, which meant that they were probably hungry, and not as strong as they could have been. I looked around the room for another way in.
“Yea, well, I guess it just doesn't stick.” I could see Dean’s hands as they worked at the knot. “Why do you want us, anyway?”
“Bartering chip. There's a few hunters out there willing to make us a deal: Letting us live in peace in exchange for the men who keep trying to destroy the world. You'd be surprised what some of them are willing to overlook to get revenge.”
I didn't have to be able to see to know that Dean rolled his eyes. “Do you really think they'll let you live? You're even more stupid than I thought. They're lying to you.”
“Oh, and you'll do them one better? Let me live in exchange for your life?”
Dean laughed, “Oh, no, not at all. I fully intend on killing your ass the moment I get out of this chair. I can promise to make it quick though, your girlfriend, too.”
The vampire laughed and shoved away from Dean’s chair, “Nah, I think we’ll take our chances. The bounty on a Winchester is worth it.”
Just as I moved to head down the side hallway I had spotted, someone grabbed my by the arms and forced them behind me. Both machetes hit the ground with an echoing clang. Hot breath caressed my ear, and I shrank away from the dank smell. “Hello, sweetheart. A little off on your headcount, huh?” He shoved me out into the middle of the room, and the vamp that was interrogating Dean looked up.
“What do we have here?” The one that caught me shoved me forward to the middle of the room, and I fell to my knees in front of Dean. His face was bloody and swollen, but he still managed to wink at me when we made eye contact. What a cocky bastard. “What a pretty girl...is she yours, Dean?”
I glared at him, “I'm not anybody's.” He knelt in front of me, and I could hear Dean struggling against the chair.
“If you lay a hand on her, I swear to God I will kill you!” Dean nearly roared.
The vampire laughed as he looked over his shoulder at Dean, “God doesn't have anything to do with this. And I can't promise anything, she smells...delicious.” He turned back to me and smiled, his vampire teeth sliding down over his human ones. “Now, normally I would just get you out of the way...we are really very hungry, and you just seem scrumptious, but...you're too pretty for that. Maybe I'll just turn you instead.” He leaned in, and I could feel his teeth grazing my throat. I looked over his shoulder and Dean was rocking back and forth in his chair, fighting against his restraints with wide eyes.
I was letting him get too close, and the moment I felt his teeth pierce the skin it occurred to me that I might have pushed my luck too far. Luckily for me, they weren't the sharpest tools in the shed and they hadn't checked my boots. I managed to get my knife out of my ankle holster and, with a wink at Dean, jammed it into the vampire’s neck. He screamed, but before he could move I grabbed him by the hair and stabbed him several more times. I heard a high pitched squeal and was thrown across the room, closer to where Dean was sitting. The vampire that had dragged me into the room headed straight towards me, but before he got to me Dean stood suddenly and slammed the chair into him.
The chair burst into pieces and shards of wood rained down around us. Dean shook the rope from his arms and managed to grab the man by his shirt and rammed him head first into the wall. I scrambled back to where I'd dropped the machetes, but was suddenly yanked backwards painfully by my hair. “Dammit!” I growled as I swept my leg back and caught the red headed vampire around the ankles. She hit the floor hard and I managed to untangle myself, then kicked her hard in the face as I dove back towards the machetes.
A shot rang out in the large, empty room and I looked up to see Sam standing in the opposite door, the Colt in his hand and the original vampire that I had stabbed lying dead in the floor. “Dean!” I shouted and slid the machete across the floor to him. I picked mine up and, in sync, we swung, and the dull thud of two heads hitting the floor marked the end of the fight. I stood, gasping, and slowly looked up to see Dean looking back at me, his chest heaving.
He dropped the machete and crossed the room in large strides until he was right in front of me. “Hey.”
“Hey.” It came out almost a whisper. It had been ten long years since I'd stood this close to him.
“Thanks for saving my ass.” His eyes traveled from mine down to my lips then back up. I felt a chill run down my spine as I watched his tongue sneak out to wet his lips.
I shrugged, “No big deal. Not like that's changed after all these years.” He reached up slowly and ran the pad of his thumb across my cheek.
“You had..umm...a little something on your cheek.”
I hummed back in response, “Your whole face is a mess.”
He grinned, “You were always a charmer.” He tilted his head to take a look at my neck and frowned. “You're bleeding.”
I put a hand to where I could feel blood trickling and grimaced, “Oh...yea. He got a little bitey.” Dean moved his hand to cover mine and locked eyes with me.
“You should really be more careful,” he whispered as he moved in close enough that our lips brushed.
“You should try not getting kidnapped by vampires.” I could feel him smile against me, and I felt warmth spread through me. Dean Winchester always had that effect on me, I wasn't surprised. But it was a nice change from the last time I saw him. “Are you going to kiss me, Winchester, or are you going to keep stalling?”
He closed the space between us, and it felt like no time had passed at all. We molded together perfectly, like we were made to fit each other. His lips moved in sync with mine, and when his tongue swept along my bottom lip, I opened up to him. He tasted like I remembered; whiskey and mint, with a hint of coffee.
The sound of Sam clearing his throat interrupted us, and though we pulled apart, we stayed close, our foreheads touching. “Dean, we need to talk.”
He nodded gently, “I figured as much.” I felt his fingers curl around mine, and I squeezed his hand tightly. “Are you...I mean, will you come back with us?”
I pulled back and looked at him in confusion, “Back where? Which hotel are you staying in?”
Dean shook his head, “Not a hotel. Come home with us. We...we have a place now. I mean, I understand if you don't want to, you've got a life now-”
I silenced him with another kiss, then turned and began walking towards the exit, my hand still in Dean’s. “I think it's about time I go where I belong. Take me home, Dean Winchester.”
“What made you change your mind?” he asked, confused.
I looked over my shoulder at him and grinned, “Well, you're freakin’ adorable, for starters.”
Forever Tags: @trexrambling @pinknerdpanda  @wheresthekillswitch @emilywritesaboutdean @arryn-nyxx @emptywithout @escabell @charliebradbury1104 @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes  @deanssweetheart23  @canadianjelly @super-not-naturall @aubreyreadsstuff @dean-winchesters-baby @melissaj616 @fandomismyspiritanimal @keepcalmandcarryondean @assbutt-still-in-hell @owllover123 @rosie-winchester @amionthetumbler @duubaduu @hiimaprofessionalfangirl @goldenolaf25 @authoressskr @nanie5 @mrssamfuckingwinchester @zincomms @kathaswings @crazynerdandproud @barbedwireandbubblegum @sandlee44 @boxywrites @justanotherdeangirl @smalltowndivaj @captainradicalpassion
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chancellorxofxtrash · 7 years
I'll ask Vamp cause I always do
*slams hands on the table* VAMP VAMP VAMP
This meme
my all-time ultimate fave character:
I know it’s not obvious because I pay too much attention to trash party and others, but it’s been Valdred since book 2. I just. I have a weakness for basically-artificial beings, with identity issues, and add the shapeshifting to the mix, and he is hitting so many of my buttons. He is amazing, I adore Valdred.
a character I didn’t used to like but now do:
For like half a page I didn’t care about Watt then I went “what the fuck am I thinking Watt is great” and now he is one of my faves. I am disappointed in my own initial impression tbh.
Also I had some time when I did not like Rudi, and once again, he is one of my faves now. The whole Michael-thing made me like “fuck off Rudi” but it’s all forgiven now. I love Rudi.
a character I used to like but now don’t:
I don’t think I have anyone like that, I don’t think so. I love the cast.
a character I’m indifferent about:
I am kinda indifferent about characters like the blue haired werewolf, or the maids, or Grandma Job. Simply we didn’t see enough of them for me to be invested, and they didn’t grab me the way some other characters with less screentime did (see: The Organization members).
a character who deserved better:
*vague gesturing towards the whole Rudi-Theresia-Theo-Elsa mess* I don’t even know where to start with that.
a ship I’ve never been able to get into:
Watt/Pirie, tbh.
a ship I’ve never been able to get over:
There are so many things oh my god how am I supposed to pick one. I guess the garbage vampire ot4 is the one I think the most about from Vamp.
a cute, low-key ship:
I guess Selim/Valdred counts, I barely wrote them, but they fill up my heart with so much joy, I love them so much.
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it:
*throws hands up in the air* I have the same damn problem as with EB, how the hell am I supposed to know what even still counts as popular and unpopular with ten damn people in the fandom and even less creators. Everything. Any and all content. Fucking end my existence.
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened:
Eh, once again, not terribly like. Have notps.
If I wanna be mean I can say Narita/IzayaSpinoff or Narita/SH, because as much as I enjoy SH, I hate the fact that he is writing a sequel and a spinoff instead of updating the other series’ that he has.
my favourite storyline/moment:
GOD. SO MANY. OH GOD SO MANY. The entire string of reveals coming about the Rudi-Theo-Theresia-Elsa disasterfest through the course of 2-3-4, I fucking adore those.
BUT everything about Vamp 4, and Organization disasterfest, everything about that was great.
BUT, Vamp 5 and Mirald and Dorrikey and Watson, and EVERYTHING that goes down oh my god.
See, this is my problem. I can easily pinpoint EB’s favourite part for me, because while I love the rest of it too, I just don’t feel the rest of it live up to the heights of that for me.
Vamp? Vamp is consistently great (well, I wouldn’t pick book 1, because I enjoyed that the least, but like from book 2 onwards I just loved it all the same), and I genuinely can’t pick a favourite plotline. If you would really hard press me, I’d probably pick the Rudi-Theresia-Elsa-Theo plotline, probably.
Favourite moment though is still Relic vs Watt in Vamp 5, because holy fucking shit. I wanna see that animated so fucking badly.
a storyline that never should have been written:
Nah, all of it is good. THAT EXISTS. 2010, NARITA. SEVEN FUCKING YEARS.
Let the man write Vamp godfuckingdamnit.
my first thoughts on the show:
At first I wasn’t very invested, at all. I actually had to start the first book three times before I could finish it, it just didn’t grab me the way Baccano or EB did.
my thoughts now:
Goddamnit why the hell did I have to fall into this hell, I love this series so damn much, all of these vampires deserve so damn much, so much more content and exposure, everyone should read Vamp and then cry and let Narita write Vamp 2kForever. The man had been wanting to write Vamp for years, let him out of your damn basement, editors, and let him write vampires.
And let him write that damn short story collection because I WANT THAT SHORT STORY COLLECTION.
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twilicat24 · 7 years
Jesus I’m gonna fail my English class because of this game
I finally got to hook my computer up to my tv at home and use my brother’s xbox 360 controller to play The Stick of Truth so I could get the full pseudo-console experience. 
...And I maaaay have played for about twelve hours today, on and off. But! It was great! And besides hating myself for not finishing a paper on time, I would say it was time well spent!
So, I guess, this is my reactions to things, basically?? From what I can remember, at least? (probably won’t be in chronological order/quotes might be off)
Okay, the combat is really neat, and I’m not as bad at blocking as I expected (still pretty bad though)
One job, Clyde. One job.
Woooo, time to explore the town!!!
Oh shit, Clyde is not very happy
Cartman’s closet is fantastic
Butters’s closet is similarly fantastic
Butters is the most precious battle companion ever
Of course Craig is in detention
The movie theater guy is a dick
UUUUUUGH this poor child, just let him play
aaaaaaaaaaand there’s the drugs!
pepper spray is a minor inconvenience, only qualm is the gas mask looks terrible combined with my choice of hair
“Mom, can you drive me to Eric’s?!”
Farts in place of the thu’um, lovely
Time for a prison bust!
but first, Karen calling Princess Kenny her sister is fuckign adorable omg
Everything about Craig and Mr. Mackey’s convo is just pure. gold.
Took a while before I figured out Butters had to heal that kid
First Game Over! Yeah!
okay I just had to be faster and it worked out fine
Alright, asshole, I may be Sir Douchebag now, but I’m changing sides at the first given opportunity, fuck you Cartman
“I don’t sound like Clyde” jfjdfslhsgh
Very glad I did not get grounded
Now that I think about it, if grounding could have prevented this, I change my mind
the teleporting system is irritating
oh, simon says!
okay, what the fuck
goddamn aliens, just LET ME GO TO BED
ohhhhhh, that’s... not good...
Day 2 Yaaaaay!!!
awww, Butters, Token, and Craig all want me to play with them again today!
No school! Sweet!
Did anything happen before I was told to go recruit the goth kids?? I don’t member...
honestly, Kevin’s great
okay wow I really don’t remember what happened to lead up to me being kidnapped by elves
OH! the inn! okay goddamn. That part was actually pretty awesome... hmmm that might’ve been on day one jeez this stuff ran together awfully fast
Either way, Jimmy was a formidable foe
fuck it i’m skipping to the elves
oh hey! It’s Jason!
that is quite a lookout tower ya got there, guys
Stan comes off as sorta cold which is really good characterization for him, especially since I can’t really be trusted, but DAMN is he annoying when he’s hurt in battle, like, can you please shut up for two seconds
My computer reeeaaally did not feel like letting me skip through Jimmy’s stuttering before the nazi zombie cows
also, nazi zombie cows?! huh
alright, let’s get some goth kids!
........or not.
All these adults seem pretty okay with a nine year old walking around with a “Fuck the Conformists” sign... then again this is South Park, why wouldn’t they be
this fart tutorial is absolute BULLSHIT
oh goddammit
No, seriously, the cutscene inside the “taco bell” took my computer like half an hour to play. I had to pause/unpause the game like every 3-5 frames and if that isn’t the most disengaging thing I don’t know what is, I can’t even feel incredulous about the plot to blow up the town because of this
the blame is on the computer, not the game, of course
Dancing like a goth is a little tricky
time to choose a side, which one will it be (it’s Kyle’s, absolutely no one is surprised by this)
Butters is gonna be so disappointed though.... he trusted me....
The school is completely trashed, wow
This is a really convoluted route to get to the fourth grade classroom, jesus
oh no, nazi ginger zombie hallway monitors
too much flaming crap. literally and figuratively.
Aww, nevermind you little shithead you’re not supposed to be able to use your healing powers on yourself
Hmmmmm. Kyle. You are making me want to go back to Cartman don’t do this to me, man, be the better person
In the famous words of Leopold “Butters” Stotch: “Why can’t we all just, get along?”
Okay fine I’ll fight Cartman
Okay fine I fought Cartman
wait what
oh shit
oh boy, he is on the warpath
Clyde no, you are taking this too far, hold a grudge, much?
Craig, sweetie, what you doin
“It’s too late!” aauasughgw
oh, I didn’t get in trouble, that’s nice
I don’t think I’m really going to feel like I’m getting the full experience until I can play this game with only minimal cut scene issues. It really wasn’t interfering too badly until the character models started floating (and big bad government became entirely incapable of functioning). Someday. Someday.
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fymeetrasurik · 7 years
Star Wars: Screaming Citadel Roundup
So I just finished the event, and I got to say I was not prepared for the decent helping of feels I was just handed. Like I was excited for this thing sense they announced it. Star wars meets gothic horror? Yes please and may I have some more. So if you want the short and sweet version of an opinion, was good, read it. 
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Now for the long version. To me this was a great event comic, or crossover however you look at it, and I wish more comics of this nature took a page from it. Cause at the end of the day, this was about character. About interactions between them and even a nice helping of growth for some of them. It just has a crazy vampire queen in a screaming castle surrounded by space bugs as the background. And actually, because of this, there’s really one thing I want to focus on in talking about the series. And that’s Aphra and Luke which are really like the heart of the story. But quickly, I’ll just mention a few things I really dug besides them, cause it’s worth mentioning.
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I really dug the queen. I love villains, in fact probably too much. And what I always do, is wonder and come up with backstories as to why they are the way they are, and that sort of thing cause i’m a sucker for history and character. Now in star wars, i don’t have to do that that often. Cause every single villain has like an entire catalog of backstory and history to them. But with the queen here, I really would like to have learned more about her. How she found the bugs, how she first took control of the planet. Just details give me details. Doubt we’ll ever get those, so I’ll say she was a fine vamp antagonist. Threatening, sadistic, and finding giddy joy in it. I especially loved the weird kind of ethereal they were doing with her. How smoke and mist would always trail from her, and she would vanish into it. Classic vampire, but the art depicted it as more tech based as the mist would almost pixelate around her. Thought that was an interesting touch.
I also loved her confrontation with Luke, and Luke’s inner strength he finds. I liked the fight cause it was just a psychic battle so to an onlooker they were just intensely staring at each other.  And I like that Luke found his own strength rather than submitting to the bug or to the ancient Jedi’s words. It’s a good lesson for him in the force.
Loved that Leia got to knock around a mind controlled Han. That’s just perfect for them lol.
And oh my god beetee and triple zero are just delights. Like I can see how they’d get on other peoples nerves, but for me they just hit the sweet spot, and I grin with every line they have. Okay now onto the main course.
I wanna talk about Luke and Aphra, cause they’re interactions and growth are at the core of this story. I already talked about loving their dynamic when i talked about the first issue, how it was like a wolf leading a sheep she was cool with and it was adorable. That dynamic sort of continues into the series, only it’s gets more close and friendly as it goes, which I love. 
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When he stops Sana from shooting her, that was my first bag of feels. And I wanna use this moment to talk about the art. I really think they do a good job with expressions, especially on Aphra and Luke, you can tell what they’re feeling and really understand why just through the expression. But yeah, Luke is such a awesome, and lovable guy. Like at this point he knows she’s kind of led him into a mess, but still he’s going to protect her because that’s just who he is, and he’s already formed an attachment to her, almost like he has with Han or Leia. A sort of adopted family sort of thing. And on Aphra’s end I especially love this cause i garuntee this was the first time anyone had ever protected her just because they cared. Then he feels kept on coming. I will say analysis of this is easy cause the comic mostly does it for me. Put it pointed something out i hadn’t thought of.
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Luke and Aphra are kind of two sides of a coin. They both come from very similar places. Aphra lost her mother in the clone wars, and we all know the barbecue the empire threw at Luke’s place. They both start relating to each other in a very personal way. And the talk they have allows you to see the different perspectives of the people in the empire. Aphra says, “Son’t be naive. The empire’s not for people like us. I don’t need anyone and you’re a basically nearly bursting balloon of the force loves me! the force loves me! But for normal people? For them pretty much any peace is better than war.” This feeds into the trend going on in the series of kind of humanizing the empire and I love it. This was what surprised me the most about the comic cause I didn’t expect this link between them to form. It developing to the point where Luke flat out calls Aphra his friend hurt my soul, cause again Luke is just the best, and Aphra probably never had anyone say that about her either. But then Aphra is Aphra, and she pulls a double cross. But her relationship with Luke has effected her. “He’s dumb, naive... and everything I’m not” In a way, I’d say this was mostly Aphra’s story. She learns the most, grows the most, and with the activation of her crystal she gains the most. But at the same time, she realizes I think how much she doesn’t have.
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Like her and Sana were a thing. And it apparently ended bad enough for Sana to try to shoot her on sight. Aphra seeing Luke Han and Leia, and Sana and seeing what they all have. I think that effects her. She says she doesn’t need anyone, and she probably believes that, but seeing the gang makes her possibly wonder what life could have been like is she did have someone, anyone who she trusted and whom trusted her in return.This leads into the resolution which hurt my feels the most. So Aphra pulled a double cross on Luke, and for once again one of the first times, she felt guilt enough to go back for him. But all the connection she built up with Luke was gone. Since she led them into this, and tried to walk away, Luke realized she was just using him. And so he tells her to stay the hell away from him and his friends. I think this is a very good character relationship turn, cause usually when something like this happens it’s a mistake or misunderstanding and you know it’ll be resolved. But here, Aphra genuinely was completely in the wrong, and made terrible mistakes and decisions. She did start this out, just planning on using and discarding Luke. Aphra isn’t a good person. Yet. And so the two part, and maybe they never will reconcile. It’s tragic but makes total sense given who both characters are. I love the last scene with Aphra on her ship. Again analysis is easy cause triple zero outright says the theme. “He went through an experience just as traumatic as yours and remains a positive delightful person devoted to a better existence for all sentient life. And you realize how special he is too late to retain his respect. That must be an awful reminder of your own failings of character.” Lol thanks comic, though he is a droid so being blatant is kind of they’re thing. But yeah, Aphra walks away from all this technically haven gotten what she wants. But how must that eat away at her? That here’s this guy whose really just the best, most optimistic and trusting person in the galaxy, and she was such trash that she managed to make even him turn his back on her. That’s the kind of things that makes you reevaluate a few things. And reading this scene, I am so excited and interested to see how her character progresses. I have an idea, but it’s basically my same idea with every character who, because they’re in this timeline of star wars, has to either die or leave the story entirely but I’ll leave that for another day. But in truth, in star wars right now, I think i’m more excited to see how her story goes than I am with the movies. Don’t worry I’m sure that’ll change as we get closer to Last Jedi. Focused a lot on Aphra in this recap but the story kind of does too.
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So all in all, this was a darn good read. Especially if the premise of horror in star wars interests you. But honestly I’d say the fans who would get the most out of this are Luke and Aphra fans. If you are into either character, I’d say this is almost a must read. This was one of my favorite crossovers in the new canon and I can’t wait to see where the comics go next!
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tagged by @chancellorxofxtrash
RULES: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends~
Also gonna cheat at this bc Naritaverse, man. So broad and full of nonsense!
I choose:
Naritaverse (Baccano!, Durarara!!, Etsusa Bridge, Vamp! Hariyama-san doesn’t technically count in the verse but gdi I love it??? so there) Mini Ninjas  Overwatch
The first character you loved: Shizuo bc holy shit. hOLY SHIT. He just means a lot to me ok. From Baccano!, Luck bc hot damn mannnn. And EB, gotta be Hayato Inui bc fuckin trash. For Vamp!, I’d say the Viscount, Gerhardt von Waldstein bc what’s not to love with him? Mini Ninjas - Tora. I played him most in the game originally and bless him he’s adorable. So extra in the game and so endearing in the show. Love him so much. Overwatch - McCree. Bc who doesn’t love a man who dresses as a cowboy for no goddamn reason?
The character you never expected to love so much: I only have one I didn’t expect for Naritaverse I think and that’s Elmer. I liked him as a character sure but I think I’d discarded him kind of in my mind until reading the novels when you realise what a fucking mess he is and I love him so fuckin much. Everyone else I kind of expected to a degree. Oh wait, for DRRR!! SH, Jami. Narita can always get me with those strong af cuties and I told myself this time OFC NOT and seriously before I met him as a character I was like ‘why shd I care about YET ANOTHER insanely strong weirdo’ and then AND THEN it was Jami. Mini Ninjas - okay for the game, honestly Kunoichi because you unlock her at the end and she’s kind of more difficult to use right and she is very much the opposite of me in style but dammit I’m attached she’s one of my kids. For the show, Shoko because she seems just a bratty villain but she’s also deeply unhappy and in a situation that you can’t help feel sorry for her. She’s so cool sometimes too, even if her character design is extra af. Overwatch - Roadhog. Gdi I love Roadhog now.
The character you relate to most: ahahahahah definitely definitely Shizuo from DRRR!! and Yahiro from SH bc they both speak to me, as a person who had anger management and anxiety, which caused me to be kinda violent sometimes when I was younger. Also both come off as autistic, esp Yahiro, and I feel. Kinda Hayato to a degree (using fiction as a sort of escapism to a degree). Honestly, Hiro. He’s a fuckin fool, in the game and the show. He doesn’t get so much time to show it in the game but in the show he’s a jackass and like...same. Weirdly Junkrat. 
The character you’d slap:  Izaya, Huey, everyone from EB but esp Gitarin because I feel like that would be fun not for any real reason, Mirald from Vamp! bc trash, I’d kind of like to slap the Viscount because he’s just a puddle of blood and that would be fuckin stupid Shoko needs a fuckin slap tbh, so does Ashida, and so does Hiro bc oh my god that hellchild I WANT TO SLAP NOBODY OK PPL ARE GOOD i kinda wanna slap reaper back to life but i dont think how that works. possibly sombra too. and maybe widow. ok fine I do want to slap people.
Three favorite characters:  Shizuo, Elmer, Hayato Tora, Suzume, Hiro Junkrat, Lucio, Reinhardt A character you liked at first but not so much anymore: uhhhhhh none? Like...I like everyone as much as I ever have.  Kunoichi was done a fuckin disservice in the show yes she was adorable but then also FFS Again, none here. I like everyone to the degree I always have.
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you: Ferret von Waldstein irked me to start with but she grew on me a lot Kunoichi. I didn’t like her because she’s very feminine in the game and I just didn’t connect with that. But yeah I’m attached. Also her in the show being a tiny little child idk I don’t rly like that choice but she’s adorable Roadhog. So fond of Roadhog now.
3 OTPs: Debt Collector trio (or just Shizutom too), Kuon/Yahiro, Izaya and fucking off pls, Mask Maker trio (also just generally Huey/Elmer and Huey/Monica), Mirald/Dorrikey, Tsukumoya/Hackey (idgaf if they’ve met I lvoe them) sssssh ok Tora/Shun (been trash since I played the game), Hiro/Suzume in the game but also Hiro/Aika in the show and kinda Hiro/Shoko bc SHRUGGING Hiro is a player apparently kinda fond of Reinhardt/Ana but that’s just a guilty pleasure honestly, Tracer/Emily bc canon cutes and yessss and uh tbh I can roll w most ships for it SOOOO TAGGING uh @intenseglaring @sighdonia @martymcsigh @xdomino009x @muchymozzarella @silkreverie
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loathedlineage-a · 8 years
fandom; twilight
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
the first character i ever fell in love with: Cheesy as it sounds, I think it might’ve been Edward. Though I think a lot of it had to do with the fact twilight is written from Bella’s point of view and she’s so in love with Edward that when you read it and get lost in Bella it’s hard to not fall for Edward, too XD Although there was moments Edward drove my head in. a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: I used to love vampire!Bella but now not so much. She’s just incredibly hard to relate to and I don’t like how she went from ‘unable to walk across a flat surface without finding something to trip over’ to ‘graceful, even for a vampire’. a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: There aren’t any. Any ships I loved before, I still love now ;)my ultimate favorite character™: Gaah, far too many to name. Carlisle. Jasper. Emmett. Rosalie. Just to name a few XDprettiest character: Rosalie. I’d go gay for her.my most hated character: I feel like there is someone but my brain is drawing a major blank right now.my OTP: Alice/Jaspermy NOTP: The only notps I have are ones created by fans rather than ‘canon’ ships, but idk if they count? It’s just ships like Bella/Carlisle and whatnot.favorite episode: Twilight was definitely my favorite cause it introduced me to everything. I’m pretty certain Breaking Dawn would have maybe been my favourite though had the whole ‘battle/war’ thing hadn’t been dragged out and they had a fucking tea party instead.saddest death: Bahaha, are you kidding? No one dies. Except for Irina but I wasn’t all ‘oh nooooes’ over her death. I did, however, lose my shit during the movie when Carlisle died. And then Jasper. favorite season: I think my answer sorta clarifies with the ‘favourite episode’ bit haha. least favorite season: New Moon. Like, don’t get me wrong I loved learning about the wolves but because I’m more of a Cullen girl rather than a wolf girl, I of course was waiting for my vamps to come back XDcharacter that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: None that I can think of, to be honest. my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Aro for sure. I love that insane bastard. my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Rosalie and Esme. Especially when Bella expresses no desire of having children but ends up having Renesmee. Again, who I adore also but it’s honestly not fair on Rosalie and Esme.my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: I don’t have any o.Omy ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Probably Bella and Jacob. I do heavily ship them as a brotp but I’m not crazy about them being romantically involved. I don’t know why. I can only see Bella with Edward. 
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