#also french-bread pizza is great and super easy to make
wordynerdygurl · 4 years
The Guy
Author’s Note:  Hello my lovelies!  I have to say, I love writing requests and taking part in Challenges.  It helps me sharpen my skills!  But, with the insane way the world is right now, I offered to participate in one... then lost the details.  So, with my sincere appreciation for @lancsnerd​ ,who kindly sent me a reminder about my missing “assignment”, I present the following! Summary/ Prompt:  A quote of “He’s the guy” and my boy, Loki Pairing:  Female Reader x Loki Warnings:  Swearing, Implied Smut, Fluff, Soft Loki
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“Are you gonna tell me what I want to know?  Or… do we have to do this the hard way?”  Gravel filled and low, the Winter Soldier had you pinned against the rough brick wall, his metal arm holding your wrists together.
“Ooph!  Bucky!  Get off!”  “Make me, princess!”  
Kicking your legs free, you swung around Bucky, locking him in a bear hug from behind.  Squeezing him with your thighs, your forearms wrapped around his strong neck, “Tap out, Buck!” Wheezing, staggering back, Bucky tried spinning you around but even his metal arm was unable to grab you, “Never!” Applying more pressure to his windpipe, you grunted, “Give me the win!” “No way”, you felt his hard hand grip your thigh, breaking your hold.  Suddenly you were untethered, above your feet was the ceiling of the gym, and then there was no breath in your lungs.  Bucky had managed to flip you over and slam you down onto the waiting mat with reverberating force.  Gasping loudly, you curved up to meet Bucky’s waiting hand, “You alright, doll?”
Shaking your head, sitting up, “That was a dirty trick, Barnes.  I had you and you know it.” “Yea… but you still haven’t answered my question, so I couldn’t let you win.”  Pulling you to your feet easily, Bucky threw his arms around you, his warm hug an easy way to make sure there would be no lasting damage from your sparring session. “Why do you want to know so bad?”  Lowering yourself to the workout bench, forearms resting on your knees, you kept a close watch on your sparring partner. Tossing you a towel, Bucky grabbed both of your water bottles, sitting down on the mat in front of you.  Wiping the sweat away from your forehead, slugging down the cool water, you kicked at the super soldier sitting criss cross applesauce.  Leaning back, resting his weight on his arms stretched behind him, “Because...  I worry about you.  I want to make sure you’re safe… and I want to believe this guy is good enough for you.” Considering his words, you snapped your bottle shut, nodding, “I get it, Bucky.  I really do.  I’m just… not ready to talk about it.” Sensing your hesitation, Bucky patted your knee, “Just know that I’m here when you are ready.  And if he fucks up, I’ll kill him.” Laughing, you stood up with a groan, “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind!” At dinner that night, Steve knocked into your shoulder, “Hey kiddo.”
“Hey Stevie!  How are you?” “It’s spaghetti night, what more does a guy need?”  It was an easy exchange, making you chuckle as he loaded a plate high with pasta and sauce before settling himself into the chair next to you. Unfolding a napkin to lay over his trousers, “Bucky told me you’ve met someone?” Flicking your eyes to the Winter Soldier, who all of the sudden was very interested in something Tony was saying, you munched on your garlic bread.  Swallowing thickly and patting your mouth clean, you turned to Steve, “Oh, he did huh?” “Yes… but he says you won’t give up this guy’s name?”  Concern was present on your friend’s face.  While you appreciated Steve's sentiment, it wasn't necessary, not entirely.  You knew what you were doing and you didn't want to be talked out of it, even by your well intentioned friends.
"I don't know why everyone cares so much.  He's a guy… I'm a girl… it's traditional and boring."
Swirling a fork through his saucy plate, lifting those dutiful blue eyes to yours, "So why the secrecy?"
Chewing, thoughtful, you considered Steve's question.  It was valid.  You were quick to acknowledge that, answering, "Um… because we're still in that love bubble.  Ya know?"
Chiming in, Bucky curious now, "Love bubble?  I don't know what that is… what does that mean?  Love bubble?"
"It's that time in a new relationship when… um… it's like…" words failing, you desperately tried to give structure to your argument.
Interrupted by Loki, sulking at the end of the long table, "She doesn't want to share her paramore.  Greedily, she wants to keep the pair in a love bubble.  Separate and safe from any interference.  Unpopped, if you will."
"Is that true? You don't want us to bug you?"  Bucky's eyes widened at the thought.
Shrugging, you dug around for another meatball, "Kinda… Look, it's not that I don't love you, Buck.  Or that I don't trust you, Steve.  It's just… all of you can be a lot to deal with.  And-" looking at the faces of each of your Avenger friends, "-my… guy… I really, really like him.  I don't want to scare him away."
Admitting it out loud, that was taking a lot of your courage but you were being completely honest.  This guy, he was just about perfect and you didn't want to blow that by bringing him around your overprotective people so soon.  Natasha, the group's mama bear, smiled.  "Seems reasonable to me.  Give her some time, fellas… if he's half as great as she says, we'll like him well enough."
Steve, smiling a little in your direction, "I don't know who he is… but it seems like he makes you happy!"
Bucky, over protective, kept hounding you, "When will I get to meet him?"
"Soon, Buck.  I promise." 
"I wonder who it is… this man you care about so much that you're protecting him from us, your dearest friends!"  It was Loki, musing from afar that made the observation, his sharp eyes on you.
"I told you-" It was Tony’s turn to interrupt, loudly calling, “FRIDAY?”
“Yes, Mr. Stark?” “Start a pool.  Five dollar buy in, guesses on who this guy is… whoever has the winning answer gets the kitty!” “Tony!  Not cool!  And, not necessary!  You guys don’t really need to do this!”  But your protests went unheard as chatter erupted and a round of bills were flung on the table. Steve, murmuring to Bucky across the table, “What was that guy at the coffee shop?  Cameron?  Carson?” Snapping his fingers, Bucky answered, “Carlton!”
“He’s my guess, Tony.”  “Shit, Steve.  That’s not fair… but, ok.  Ok, my guess is Matt.  That guy from the pizza place who kept bringing extra chicken fingers for you!  You’d never admit to a date with him!”  Bucky, smug and pleased, sat back content with his detective work.
“Natasha?  Thoughts?”  Tony was typing away, his interface with FRIDAY recording all the back and forth, compiling the list of possible boyfriend candidates. Tapping her lip, Nat watched you, “Hmm… Is it Warren?  The kid from China Star who rode the Kawasaki and always wanted to take you for a ride?”
Clint leaned over you, grabbing a breadstick as he threw down a ten, “I want to put Charles, from the IT department on the list… and Juan, the recycling rep.  Both of those guys follow you around like puppies and I could see you taking pity on at least one of them!” “Nope.  No way!  She went out with Charles once already.  He was the guy who ate her french fries at dinner.  Big No-No!”  “Rhodes, how do you remember that shit?  Fine, not Charles then.  What about Frankie?  The dude from the diner?”  Clint asked the assembled team, looking for someone to back him up.
Mortified, hiding behind your hands, you grimaced.  The list, it kept growing, and you could feel icy eyes of judgement lighting you up from across the room.  You knew you’d have to answer questions later.
Jane, having joined Thor at the table, was getting caught up on your situation.  Conspiring with her Norse God of a boyfriend, she chuckled, slapping a bill on the table with the announcement, “Our money is on Loki.”
Silence overtook the room.  Everybody stared at the small, brunette scientist, evaluating if her suggestion was real or a joke.  A guffaw broke out of you and quickly gathered steam, propelling you directly into a hiccup filled giggle fit.  In a flash everyone joined in, the idea of you and Loki being together was at once so hilarious and unbelievable. It was also diverting enough that the talk of your love life died completely.  Grateful and satisfied, you finished dinner without any other questions, even offering to do the dishes.  While you were scraping remnants into the compost bucket, you felt the room’s temperature drop, noticing that Loki had slid into the room, "Love bubble is it?"
Dropping the plates into the sink, plunging your hands into the soapy water, his strong ones glide over your shoulders, "Yes.  I'm really enjoying our little bubble of love."
“Me too.”  Pressing a small kiss to the curve of your neck, Loki pulled your body close, hugging you tightly from behind.  As Loki was nearly a foot taller than you, it was nothing to tip your head up, his welcome mouth finding yours for a soft kiss.  Curving your back, your bottom rubbed against his pelvis, his desire already rising. “Although, they had a lot of suggestions, my innocent little kitten.  Should I be worried?” Shaking your head, “No.  None of those… meatballs compare with you, Loki.” “Good.  That makes me glad… and I’m pleased to know how coveted you are, my pet.”  Roving hands took the liberty of sliding under the hem of your shirt, fingertips just grazing over your bra covered breasts.
Sighing into Loki’s loving touch, “Not that you were much help!"
"What can I say?  I like seeing you squirm"  his lethal voice purred, warm against your ear.
Pirouetting in his arms, your damp hand brushing back a strand of dark curls, "Jane almost gave us away.” A small smile, almost sad, pulled down Loki’s lips, “Is the idea of you loving me so hilarious?”
“Not to me.”
His head dipped, lowering those pink lips to your own, almost colliding… when laughter, drawing near, broke your moment of connection. Effectively ending your private chat, Thor stomped confidently into the room unaware of the way Loki jumped back as if scalded, or the way your hands trembled at the possibility of discovery.  “Brother!  I need to speak with you!” Flicking his desire filled eyes to yours, Loki smirked, “Of course… to what do I owe the honor?” “I have asked Jane to be my bride!” “Brother!  It’s about time Jane made an honest man out of you!”  Loki, more than a little surprised but genuinely pleased for his sibling, hugged Thor close.  “YAY!  That’s so exciting!  Have you guys picked a date yet?”  Wiping your hands dry, leaning against the sink, you were happy to hear all of Thor's big news. Shaking his blonde head excitedly, “We shall be wed in three months time… and I was hoping that Loki would play for our special day?” 
Loki, blushing a deep rosy pink, “Thor… It’s been years.” 
“So?  What of that, God of Mischief?  You always find a way”, wagging a finger at his dark hued brother, Thor’s teasing grin was sweet. Piling on excuses, trying to gently defer his brother’s marital request, Loki added, “I don’t think I have a suitable instrument.”
That was enough for your mouth to hang open, “Wait… you want Loki to perform?  Like play music?  At your wedding?”  “Of course!  He’s the best chamber musician in Asgard.  Possibly the entire Nine Realms.”  Pride filled Thor’s words at Loki’s accomplishments, something you found impossibly charming, even if you couldn’t quite believe what he said was true.  
“Thor, really… I don't think-" Clapping a broad hand onto his younger brother's shoulder, Thor’s tone changed, “Music from home, Loki. It would mean so much, especially since… Mother and Father-”  
Loki held up a hand, stopping Thor from going further into emotional sincerity, unable to bear the rawness in his brother’s words.  Closing his eyes, agreeing, “Fine.  Ok, I’ll… I’ll do it!’  Loki could sense your watchful eyes on him, curious and questioning, as he gave into his older brother.    
With his easy smile spreading, Thor’s joy pushed the cloud of sadness away, “Our special day will be filled with music!  And flowers!  Jane has a whole… Pinterest board?  I don’t know what that is but she’s filled it with ideas-” spinning around to grab you off your feet, Thor continued, “And you’ll be invited too!  All of the team must come, not just my wayward brother!” Getting swept up in Thor’s passionate excitement, you laughed, offering up more congratulations and promises of attending.  As your toes touched the floor, Thor pulled Loki away, “Jane says you will take Darcy as a date for the ceremony.” Tilting his head, Loki shrugged shyly, speaking loud enough for you to hear, “Uh… actually, I already have a date.” Gripping Loki in a rib smashing hug, Thor squeezed his little brother tightly, “That is marvelous news!  Jane will be so pleased!  So, who’s the lucky girl?” Smiling, you watched them go, happy to see the pair so connected.  You didn’t need to hear Loki’s answer.  You knew who he’d be taking to Thor’s wedding.
That night, as you were toweling dry your cropped hair, a pop of green light signaled the arrival of your secret boyfriend.  He was positively electric, grabbing you by the terry robe covered hips, and kissing you swiftly.  Loki's hands rubbed over the soft fabric on your back until they cradled your smiling face, "Hmm… you smell so clean that it makes me think dirty thoughts."
Giggling, you rose up on your toes, curling your hands into his tangle of dark hair.  You bent his waiting mouth to your own, savoring the sensation of shared breath, as your tongue flicked over Loki's lips, “Dirtier than that?” Nodding, his heated look hungry, “Oh yes.” "How dirty are we talking?", you teased, resting your cheek against Loki's chest.  His rich laugh, rumbling through his core, joined your own.  Pressing his forehead to yours, Loki sighed sweetly, "I missed you…"
"I just saw you at dinner!"
"But it's been too long.  I… I need more."
Turning to hang up your towel, over your shoulder, "More what, my prince?"
"More of you."  Having gained on you while your back was turned, Loki was behind you now, wrapping his long arms around your waist.
Squealing, delighted, "LOKI!  Someone will hear!"
Dropping you quickly on the mattress, Loki shimmied up beside you, toying with the open collar on your robe, "So?"
"So… they'll find you here."
Thoughtfully, Loki’s proud look captured your own, "Maybe I don't care.  Not anymore… Maybe I don't want to keep you and me… us, a secret."
Swallowing hard, your gaze trapped by Loki's earnest expression, "Really?  You're ready to pop the love bubble?"
His fingertips brushed over the thin skin between your breasts, "Yes?  I… I think so.  Are you?"
Biting on your bottom lip, scrutinizing his handsome face, "Loki, I…"
Freezing, his hand stalled, and Loki sat back on his heels.  Looking out your window, shoulders slumping in resignation, "You don't want to tell anyone.  You are ashamed to be with me."
Swiftly sitting up, cupping his face with your hands, crooning, "No, no, no, no, no, no!"
Shrugging away from your touch, "You don't care for me, not like you claim to, if you won't declare your feelings for all to hear."
"Loki!  That's not it at all."  
Letting you tug him closer, Loki's tear filled eyes still refused to meet your own, "Loki… I… I love you.  And… I just don't want to share you.  Not yet, anyway.  That is-" putting your arms around his neck until you were nose to nose with the red-rimmed eyes of an emotional Odinson, "-my only reason for keeping our romance quiet."
Whispering, Loki was too shocked to shake you off, "You… love me?"  His voice wavered, as if the idea of being loved by you had never been a real possibility, as if something impossible was occurring right here and now.
On your knees, sighing, you started pressing tiny kisses along those sharp as knives cheekbones, "Yes.  I am crazy in love with you, Loki Odinson."
Loki had held you tightly before; in the night when terrific dreams haunted his sleep, in the night when he claimed your body for his own.  But this embrace, after telling the dark Prince the truth in your heart, had no equal.  
Still taller than you, even though you were both kneeling, Loki's right arm wove around your waist forcing your hips flush with his own.  His left supported your back, his hand cradling the nape of your neck, helping him kiss you soundly.  It was conquering.  
You were his.  Body and soul.  What's more?  He was yours.
Coming up for air, panting from the work of loving you, "My dove, my dearest one… I love you too."
Shucking your robe was easy and Loki savored the lavender soap scented skin he exposed.  If a spot of you wasn’t kissed, it was licked. If not licked, nipped.  If not nipped, it was caressed.  And Loki was very thorough. When you mewled, weak from forced pleasure, “Loki… please.  Make love to me.” he was eager to comply. “Look at me, darling girl.”  Puffing out your pleasure filled breath, skin dewy with perspiration, you met Loki’s eyes with your own.  Resting his hand over your heart, he lifted your own, letting you feel the pattern of his pulse.  “It beats for you and for you alone.” In the afterglow, laying in Loki’s arms, you stifled another giggle.  Groggy from exertion, Loki opened one eye, “What’s so funny?” “You never told me you play a musical instrument.” “You never asked.”
“Are you any good?”
“You’ll find out when you accompany me to Thor’s wedding.” --- With his heavy cello, Loki took a seat on the edge of the dance floor, taking just a moment to get settled.  A beautifully strange combination of concentration and relaxation mingled over the features you loved so dearly.  Fiddling with strings, taking a moment to tune the instrument, you admired his long, talented fingers as they took their place on the frets. The din of conversation was silenced when the first low note of Loki’s song echoed through the ballroom.  Everyone paused, entranced at the melody weaving its way through the throng of well wishers.  Many were surprised, but not you, not entirely. You knew how long Loki had been preparing for this moment.  It wasn’t all about making Thor’s day special, although, that was surely part of it.  No, he planned to seduce every single person with sound.  Giving all of the attendees a taste of what being loved by Loki was like, he hoped The Avengers would see that he was worthy of you in all ways. Mesmerized, the bow danced over the strings, each note perfectly played.  It wasn’t hard to picture those shapely digits dancing over your skin in the dark of night.  Sending a shiver up your back, you sipped at your champagne, unwilling to take your eyes off of Loki. “I didn’t know he was so talented.”  Bucky, stiff in his tuxedo, sidled up to you with Steve in tow. “Me either.  Look at those fingers fly!” “Guys… hush.”  Shooting a silencing glare their way, you let the music transport you, swaying just a bit at the soothing sound. Too soon, in your opinion, the last lingering note of Loki’s song filled the hall.  Rising swiftly, Loki bowed at the applause, then turned to the happy couple.  Thor hugged his brother close, while Loki kissed Jane’s hand with a gentlemanly air.  Conversations started again, quiet at first, then gaining strength as Loki strode across the room.  Snagging a glass of champagne from a passing tray, his eyes trained on you, Loki accepted accolades as he moved ever closer.  Another server took his empty glass as Loki finally made his way to you.
Scooping you up, Loki spun you slowly in a circle, your gown snapping behind you in an emerald wave of chiffon and lace.  “Loki!  Come on, put me down!” “As my lady commands”, when your mouth passed close enough to his own, Loki kissed you as if you had never kissed before.  You pushed your hands through his dark locks, a hand on each side of his face, “You were amazing, babe.  Just amazing!”
“You really think so?” “Absolutely!”  His arm settled on your waist, keeping you tight to his side, as you were handed another glass of bubbly.
Bucky, leaning against Steve, wore a look of wide eyed shock, “Um.  Loki… what the fuck are you doing?"
"Agent Barnes, do I really need to explain?"
Mouth dropping open, Bucky gaped, "He’s the guy?  Really?  You’re telling me Loki is the guy?” “She’s not telling us, Buck… she’s showing us.”
“But Stevie…?  Loki?  You?  You’re the guy who makes her happy?  The one who she’s been covering for?” Pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead, just a touch guilty, “I am.  And, I’m madly in love with her.” “I’m happy Bucky.  Stevie… really.  Loki is… he’s my everything.  I love him, too.”  
As your secret was outed, the group formed a circle around you and Loki.  Questions were shouted, congratulations extolled, Loki was clapped on the back more than once.  Natasha gave you a wink and the "ok", which was really all the approval you needed. 
“So, who won the pool then?”, Clint couldn’t help asking. “Me… and Thor”, the bride stepped right up to Tony with her hand out ready to take the prize money. “No fair!  He’s your brother in law now.  He probably told you!”  Rhodey chimed in, unsatisfied with the final results. Defending her methods, Jane spun in her wedding dress, “No way!  I used my powers of scientific deduction.  I knew she was head over heels for Loki the night we announced our engagement.” Wondering, you looked at Jane, “You did?  How?  I mean, I didn't tell anyone.  We didn't tell anyone ” “You didn't have to!  You two wouldn’t look at each other.  Dead give away.”  Counting her cash, Jane smiled at you. “That may be true, but I promise you this, Odinson… break her heart and I’ll kill you.”  Bucky shook Loki’s hand good naturedly, if a little too long, stopping only when Steve pulled him away. Gazing down at you, adoration evident in his face, Loki husked, “Not to worry, Agent Barnes.  She has my heart you see... and I plan to be her guy as long as she’ll have me.”
Tagging my Minxes:  @lancsnerd​ @vodka-and-some-sass​ @just-random-obsessions​ @brokenthelovely​ @lots-of-loki​ @thefallenbibliophilequote​ @sammy-jo1977​ @queenofmischief​ @iamverity​ @iluvsumbucky​ @unadulteratedwizardlove​ @wolfsmom1​ @procrastinatinglikeabitch​ @mizfit2​ @shxdowofdarkness​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @ahintofkiwistrawberry​ @jessiejunebug​ @rorybutnotgilmore​ @crystalizedcaramel​ @lokislittlecorner​ @scrumptious-finicky-illusion​ @capcapcapsicle​ @jamielea81​ @caffiend-queen​ @thenatalie @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​ @is-it-madness​ @jenjen8675309​ @alexakeyloveloki​ @poetic-fiasco​ 
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joyfulfryer · 3 years
Gourmia Air Fryer 6 qt Reviews in 2021: Good choice?
Today we bring you the Gourmia air fryer 6 qt reviews!
There are tons of air fryers with different functionalities and performance capabilities in the market today. We really like this one made up of the sleek stainless steel (it has been staying out on a counter, so looks do matter), and because of its size – we do get a decent size of French-fries out of this.
It is actually easy to use, like so smooth. And all of the things get ready really fast. Apparently, you could cook so many things in this (comes with a great recipe book!) We have been busy with the French-fries, breaded veggies and egg rolls, and egg rolls, and super glad about our tasty, healthy results!
Making crispy dishes is a breeze utilizing little to no oil with unique combinations of time and temperature is easy. This device comes with an easy to use LED screen, which we really admire and super easy to use – you cannot go wrong.
This makes a meal that is not only easy and quick to make. However, it tastes really delicious as well as much healthier.
Here Comes the Expert Review
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This medium-sized air fryer is a classic appliance that functions as it must with tiny to no issues. It has a fabulous looking LCD screen and a basket that is dishwasher safe.
It’s relatively expensive for what you are getting in return, as the GAF265 model has only a tiny amount of functions and a modest cooking capacity.
Specifications & Pros/cons
SPECIFICATIONS Appliance Weight 3.99lbs Capacity 4-Quarts Dimensions H13.31″ x W10.16″ x D12.36″ Min/Max Temperature 100°F/400°F Dishwasher Safe Yes Available Colors Black Wattage 1200W – –
PROS Attractive Appliance Impressive LCD Display Dishwasher Safe Highly durable 8 Presets Among the most versatile air fryers at its price
CONS Cylindrical Design isn’t appreciated by all.
Appearance is not the be-all and end-all, but it is great to have a good-looking appliance in the kitchen, and this air fryer doesn’t disappoint. The cylindrical body is not the most efficient design (we will circle back to that later). However, the black plastic exterior and the silver trim provides the appliance a glamorous look.
The touchscreen LCD display adds a hint of class to the front, and all the lights are resplendent in a royal blue.
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While the overall appearance of the GAF265 is quite appealing, the real design is somewhat inefficient. The whole body of the appliance is cylindrical; after all, compared to a square-shaped air fryer with identical measurements (width, height, and depth), it’ll have a tinier capacity despite having an identical exterior footprint.
That being said, the four-quart capacity is a modesty device that can cook for around two to three people with no issue.
Focal Features of Gourmia air fryer 6 qt reviews
Recipe Presets: Gourmia’s four-quart air fryer includes 8 presets programmed into the machine. With the touch of a key, you will have the right temperatures and times for your desired meal. Those preset are; Cake, Fish, Poultry, Bacon, Steak, Shellfish, French Fries, Bread.
Auto Pause: Just like GAF228, this particular model also has the auto-pause function to make sure that your cooking time is not compromised at all when detaching the basket to check the meal or provide the contents a shake.
Dishwasher Safe: Unlike any cheaper model, the basket for this device can be put in the dishwasher, which makes it easier to clean.
Performance & Cleaning
There is one little question that Gourmia mainly focuses more on the performance of air fryers over features, functions, and extras. There are relatively many complaints from users regarding model problems or failure with their appliances. Simultaneously, most users are delighted with how the machine cooks their meals consistently and reliably.
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Cleaning the model is made basic with the ‘Dishwasher safe’ basket. For those that do not own a dishwasher, basically use soft, warm, and sponge soapy water to get the task done. There are no complaints from users about it being tough to clean.
Should you buy this 6 qt. reviews?
While marginally ideal than the GAF228 model, with a bigger cooking capacity, a more pleasing look, and 8 presets, it’s double the cost of its tinier sibling.
It is not a bad kitchen appliance, were you to be given one, you will be delighted with this awesome air fryer, but there are far better examples of these tiny kitchen appliances on the current market for an identical price point.
Other considerable models besides Gourmia air fryer 6 qt model
There’s no ultimately perfect air fryer out there to buy. all come with definite benefits, and we’d say the same with the 6 qt model that we finished discussing. thankfully, the same brands offers a few more superb air fryer models. Here, we’re describing the most appealing ones, which cleared our testing.
Gourmia GAF718 7-Quart Air Fryer
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Simplicity is the biggest sophistication” – If Leonardo Da Vinci’s quote is pretty accurate, the Gourmia GAF 2.2-quart air fryer should be one of the sophisticated appliances available today.
It is not; however, it’s an entry-level air fryer that is very basic to use and comes with a low budget price tag. It comes with relatively some features, but it will perform the way it must.
SPECIFICATIONS Appliance Weight: 6.64lbs Capacity: 2.2-Quarts Dimensions: W8.36″ x H11.14″ x D10.23″ Min/Max Temperature: 175°F/399°F Dishwasher Safe: No Available Colors: Black Wattage: 1000W – –
PROS Easy to use Highly durable Low cost Compact overall size Great customer reviews Highly versatile
CONS Not Dishwasher Safe Small Capacity
The GAF228 is one of the great entry-level air fryers, and it’s one of the cheapest kitchen appliances on the market today. Because it’s so inexpensive, some allowances should be made, and customers should accept that this isn’t a high-quality product.
This air fryer’s look has been kept as simple as possible, presumably to keep the value of this machine down. It has a basic black-plastic body with silver trim and handles, while the LCD screen is unobtrusive and small.
This 2.2-Quart model is one of the tiniest air fryers on the current market in terms of cooking capacity. That isn’t necessarily bad if you are new to air frying, live on your own, or are looking for a kitchen appliance to supplement your oven.
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Just you should be aware that you’ll not be capable of cooking full meals for 4 with the Gourmia GAF228.
Features Auto Pause
When you are cooking particular meals, the recipe might require the need to shake the ingredient of the basket halfway through.
The GAF228 model auto-pause function will send the LCD screen into sleep mode when the basket is removed, pausing the timer, then resuming the operation upon inserting the basket.
While it does sound like a commonsense function that should be present on all types of models, there are some kitchen appliances on the market that do not feature an identical function.
Performance & Cleaning
To keep the price of the GAF228 low, Gourmia has majorly focused on air fryer performance, resulting in ninety percent of consumers rating this kitchen appliance from 4 – 5 stars. It air fries meat, French fries, fish, pizza, and bread as it should.
As there are not any presets for the LCD screen, this kitchen appliance is straightforward to utilize, which many customers find appealing.
The cleaning operation is a little bit more complicated than any other models since the basket isn’t dishwasher safe. It will require to be cleaned by hand manually using warm soapy water and a soft sponge.
Should you purchase the GAF228?
While there is virtually nothing bad with this air fryer, it is tough to recommend a kitchen appliance that provides little in return for the rate tag. It is not overly expensive at all.
It does adequately operate the task it sets out to do. But for a similar outlay, there are tons of other kitchen appliances on the market nowadays that do the same task but will have a few more whistles and bells.
Let’s conclude Gourmia air fryer 6 qt reviews
FINAL WORD Now, when we get filled with the desire to get healthy and improve eating habits, efforts shouldn’t matter much, and a time comes when you start hearing to your taste buds rather than your heart, isn’t it?Yes, tasty food most of the time gets you off the track of getting fit, and an air fryer is something that fulfills the desire without letting you get off the track.Buying the Gourmia air fryer 6 qt model is a superb decision, and you can feel every penny that you pay for it getting returned to you in the form of performance! You may not believe it, but one of our testers was going to buy a microwave, but this little air fryer changed his mood!Gourmia air fryer 6 qt model is cool for a 4-member family, and the food prepare inside this magic pot is truly magnificent! Oh yes, there’s absolutely nothing stopping us from recommending this 6Qt. model to you!
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maerenee930 · 3 years
What’s your favourite food(s)? 👀
ooh i have lots of favorite foods 😍😅 i’ll just list them all out below cause this is unintentionally gonna be a super long post lol. i’m so so sorry in advance!!
it’s just with like so many things, i don’t have one favorite thing. or like two or three. it’s hard to compare things to each other to to say one is better than the other, you know? 😅 so everything is just kinda all tied on my list of favorites!
this also applies to bands, songs, actors/actresses (but Robbie is at the top of the list and is number one for sure lol) and tv shows (tua and doctor who are tied for first lol) and movies (back to the future and the road within are tied for first as well 😅) and a lot of other things that i can’t think of at the moment lol
anywaaay… now that i’m done with that long random tangent, my favorite foods are
- grilled cheese
- waffles!! 😍
- pasta. especially with my nonnie’s (that’s grandma in Italian 😅) homemade sauce or when my mom and brother have tried to make it and it almost tastes exactly like it! it’s amazing!
- bread. i can’t be more specific than that atm. it’s definitely something you’d have to see in person to understand why i just said bread 😅
- grilled chicken pitas from a coney island with just chicken and cheese. nothing else (i’m a picky eater 😓)
- crispy chicken sub from tubby’s with just chicken and cheese. as you can start to tell, i really love chicken lol.
- salami cheese melts. (my great aunt taught my brother and i how to make this and a ham or turkey one when we were kids. it’s easy grilled cheese with lunch meat. toast the bread, put the cheese and meat on the bread and then microwave it 😂 but sometimes i’ll make it on the stove)
- Cool Ranch Doritos!! these are my absolute favorite chips 😅💙
- swiss rolls
- cookie dough with not a ton of chocolate chips. i know you’re not supposed to eat raw cookie dough but it’s delicious! plus, my mom and aunt owning a bakery makes it a little tough to not want to eat cookie dough when they make a family recipe of Italian chocolate chip cookies! 😅
- watermelon! 😍
- salad
- pepperoni pizza
- chicken nuggets
- not a food but i love icees/slurpees 😅
- popcorn
- mozzarella sticks (i’m the cliché lactose intolerant person who still eats dairy even though i shouldn’t lmao)
- strawberry glazed donuts (specifically from dunkin’ donuts)
- chocolate glazed and old fashion glazed timbits
- onion/everything bagels toasted with butter
- french bread pizzas (the red baron ones specifically lol)
and i think that’s it 😅 there may be more (yes, there may be more. i love food. please no one judge me 😅) but i can’t think of anything else lol.
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47 Gluten Free Healthy Meal Prep Breakfasts for the New Year
New blog post! Are you a sweet or savory breakfast person? I'm constantly switching back in forth, but now that 2020 is in full swing and I'm back to my busy grad school and work schedule, I'm alll about healthy meal prep breakfasts...so I thought it would be a great time to share a ton of gluten free meal prep recipes on the blog! Whether you're looking for a healthy keto recipe, general meal prep ideas or healthy grab and go breakfasts to fit your own busy life, this round up has a recipe that will make eating a nutritious breakfast extra easy this year. Sweet and savory breakfast options galore!
And because I'm so excited to dig into these gluten free breakfast recipes, I'm keeping this intro short. So without further adieu, here are 47 gluten free healthy meal prep breakfasts to make your 2020 extra delicious.
1. Crustless Spinach Cheese Pie (Low Carb) - Low Carb Yum
This simple low carb recipe turns pie into breakfast food.
2. Paleo Blueberry Muffins (Vegan, Dairy Free, Refined Sugar Free) - A Sweet Alternative
These paleo muffins seriously give the traditional wheat-packed bakery muffins a run for their money.
3. Pepperoni Pizza Frittata (Whole30, Low Carb, Keto) - Cook at Home Mom
Healthy pizza for breakfast = mind (and taste buds) blown.
4. Overnight Quinoa Flakes (Vegan) - Casey the College Celiac
If you're craving a warm porridge but can't tolerate oats, this overnight quinoa flakes breakfast is the perfect alternative. Plus, I include multiple different flavors you can make!
5. Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Energy Balls (Vegan, Refined Sugar Free) - A Baking Journey
Is there any better combo than peanut butter and chocolate?!? I don't think so!
6. Green Dairy Free Egg Bites - Really Are You Serious
Upgrade the typical breakfast egg muffins with spinach and tofu!
7. Chocolate Protein Pancakes (Low Carb, Keto) - Wholesome Yum
First of all, droooool. Secondly, this big batch recipe means you'll have plenty of leftovers to eat later that week or freezer.
8. Skinny Mini Mexican Frittatas - Jersey Girl Cooks
Sweet peppers, hot sauce and Mexican cheese give these frittatas some extra kick.
9. Homemade and Healthy Nuts and Seeds Instant Breakfast Mix (Dairy Free Option) - Original Homesteading
Just add water to this nuts and seeds mix for a crunchy breakfast full of plant-based protein.
10. Keto Breakfast Casserole (Low Carb) - Sorey Fitness
This healthy keto breakfast can be whipped up in just 30 minutes, and is packed with ground cheese, sausage, eggs and jalapenos.
11. Easy Vegan Breakfast: Superfood Stone Fruit Rawnola - Stacey Homemaker
Whip up this vegan granola on Sunday so you have a yummy, nutrition-packed breakfast all week long.
12. Breakfast Meal Prep Blueberry Turkey Breakfast Sausage & Roasted Veggies (Dairy Free, Egg Free, Paleo) - Hungry Hobby
I've never eaten blueberries and turkey together before, but this breakfast bowl makes me want to try.
13. Spiced Apple Granola (Vegan) - Recipes From a Pantry
Make your kitchen smell like apple pie season all year round with this vegan granola recipe.
14. Breakfast Chia Seed Pudding, Two Ways (Vegan) - Lathi's Kitchen
Strawberry or mango puree makes these chia seed puddings super fruity and flavorful.
15. How to Bake Eggs in an Oven Tin in the Oven (Dairy Free, Soy Free) - Key to My Lime
Once you try baking eggs in the oven, you'll never go back.
16. Roasted Vegetable Sheet Pan Omelette (Vegetarian) - The Recipe Well
An omelet that you don't have to flip?!? Sold!
17. Super Clumpy Summer Squash Granola (Vegan, Oil Free, Sugar Free) - Casey the College Celiac
Pair this gluten free granola with your favorite yogurt or eat it like cereal with milk.
18. Tortitas de Berro, or Easy Guatemalan Watercress Fritters (Vegetarian) - A Taste for Travel
Popular in Guatemala and El Salvador, you can think of these as bite-sized omelettes packed with good-for-you ingredients.
19. One Bowl Blueberry Oat Flour Waffles - Flavor the Moments
Make your own freezer waffles at home with this easy one-bowl recipe. Just make sure you use gluten free oats to grind into flour. 
20. Cinnamon Swirl Protein Muffins (Keto) - The Helpful GF
I was sold at "cinnamon swirl"...
21. Roasted Tomato, Kale and Goat Cheese Frittata (Vegetarian) - Hot Pan Kitchen
If you've been looking for an easy cast iron skillet recipe, this frittata breakfast is a winner.
22. Easy Chia Seed Pudding Recipe (Vegetarian, Vegan Options) - Two Healthy Kitchens
If you're looking for an extensive guide to meal prepping chia seed pudding, Shelley has you covered with this post.
23. Southwest Tofu Breakfast Bowls (Vegan) - The Fitchen
I'm not even a huge fan of tofu, but this meal prep breakfast still has me drooling!
24. Banana Snacking Cake - Best of This Life
Banana and applesauce combine to make an extra moist gluten free cake that's healthy enough to eat for breakfast or a snack!
25. Sweet Potato Smoothie Bowl (Paleo, Vegan, Nut-Free, Whole-30 Option) - Paleo Gluten-Free Guy
This gluten free and paleo smoothie bowl will keep in the fridge for up to five days, and you'll love how thick and creamy it is.
26. Coconut Chia Pudding (Vegan, Low Carb) - Pepper Bowl
No cooking necessary for this vegan breakfast. Just throw the ingredients together and let it sit for at least 30 minutes.
27. Maple Pecan Granola (Refined Sugar Free) - Zestful Kitchen
No gluten or refined sugar needed to meal prep this epic granola.
28. Chickpea Savory Muffins - Mind Body and Spirit Wellbeing
Who knew that chickpea flour could taste so good?
29. Crockpot Fiesta Breakfast Casserole (Paleo and Whole 30 Options) - Pink Fortitude
And if you really want to meal prep ahead of time, you can even freeze this paleo breakfast casserole for future breakfasting!
30. Cozy Cacao Oatless Zoats (Vegan) - Casey the College Celiac
If you want to make a gluten free porridge breakfast while also sneaking in some extra veggies, zoats need to land on your weekly menu ASAP.
31. Sweet Potato Breakfast Casserole - Leelalicious
No one will complain about eating this gluten free casserole several mornings in a row!
32. Skinny Strawberry Shortcake Bites Recipe (Vegan) - Bake Me Some Sugar
These shortcake bites are as tasty for a snack or dessert as they are for breakfast.
33. Instant Pot Egg Bites (Keto, Low Carb) - Tasty Galaxy
Using the instant pot makes this healthy keto breakfast insanely quick and easy.
34. Cinnamon Roll Overnight Oatmeal - Pinch of Wellness
Cinnamon roll in oatmeal form? You know that caught my taste buds' attention!
35. Blueberry French Toast Casserole (Dairy Free Option) - This Mama Cooks 
Use your favorite gluten free bread, and you'll never want to eat plain toast for breakfast ever again!
36. Easy Egg Muffin Cups - Fearless Dining
There's no easier - or tastier - healthy grab and go breakfasts than these egg muffins!
37. Tropical Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats (Dairy-Free, Vegan) - Clean Eating Kitchen
Send your taste buds on a tropic vacation with this gluten free oatmeal recipe featuring papaya and coconut cream.
38. Banana Cinnamon Breakfast Muffins (Vegan, Paleo, Refined Sugar Free) - Emma Eats and Explores
Because banana and cinnamon are always a pair made for culinary heaven.
39. Creamy Spirulina Chia Seed Pudding (Vegan) - Casey the College Celiac
Put this chia seed pudding in the blender for a super thick and creamy vegan breakfast that's full of fiber and plant based protein.
40. Western Omelet Egg Scramble with Cheese Sauce - Sweet Peas Kitchen
Who knew you could freeze egg scrambles? The cheese sauce also takes this breakfast to the next level.
41. Dairy Free Waffles - Eating on A Dime
You only need six simple ingredients to make and freeze these dairy free waffles for super easy (and yummy) future breakfasts.
42. Healthy Blueberry Breakfast Bars (Vegan, Peanut Free, Nut Free) - Allergy Yummy
You won't believe you only need three ingredients to whip up these super gooey, chewy bars.
43. Cheesy Spinach Mini Frittatas Recipe - Urban Bliss Life
These easy egg muffins are the ultimate healthy grab and go breakfast option for busy mornings.
44. Vanilla Chia Pudding (Vegan) - Debra Klein
You only need fifteen minutes and four ingredients to make this creamy vegan breakfast.
45. Triple Berry "Whole Grain" Gluten Free Muffins (Vegan, Oil Free) - Casey the College Celiac
'Cause there's muffin better to start the day with! ;)
46. Instant Pot Egg Bites (Keto, Low Carb) - Tasty Galaxy
The instant pot makes cooking a healthy keto breakfast extra easy and quick.
47. Healthy Pumpkin Bread - Claudia Canu
This gluten free pumpkin bread proves that pumpkin is delicious year-round, especially when baked in a naturally sweetened treat like this one.
Happy 2020!
Regardless of where 2020 is taking you so far, I hope that these meal prep breakfasts will give you the tasty fuel you need to kick life's booty! And if you need even more gluten free breakfast inspiration, check out my previous roundup: 49 Healthy Gluten Free Breakfasts For the New Year. Which of these breakfast recipes do you want to try first? Are you a sweet or savory breakfast person? Tell me in the comments! via Blogger https://ift.tt/2T7MhKK
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seldnei · 6 years
I was tagged by @julcheninred ...
Nickname: I have a bunch--the husband likes to call me The Lovely Wife.
Height: 5′6″, I think?  Far, far too close to my child’s height for comfort.
Last movie I saw: Venom.  “Pile of bodies; pile of heads.”
Last thing I Googled: Oh, god, okay--I read a thing about “You,” the stalker show?  And was like, I have heard the name of the main actor before (Penn Badgley, who it turns out I knew from Easy A).  So I looked him up, and his photo looked ridiculously like the dude who played Rodney Dangerfield’s son in Back to School (I had a crush on two or three very minor 80s actors and that guy--Keith Gordon--was one of them; wow he has not aged well.  Also RDJ was in Back to School, which I had forgotten), but obviously they couldn’t be the same person, so I googled that guy, which led to googling The Legend of Billie Jean (which he was also in) because I forgot some of the salient plot details of that film.
So, yeah.  The Legend of Billie Jean.
Favorite musician: Flea.
Song stuck in my head: Nothing at the moment, surprisingly.  “Baby Shark” has been on a constant loop recently, though.
Other blogs: I’m Seldnei everywhere.  I have the WordPress blog and a Dreamwidth blog, but most of my activity is still here.
Do I get asks: Every once in a great while.  The people who reach out to me here tend to do it via the messaging thingie.  Y’all are welcome to send me asks or messages or what have you.
Following: An even 100.  Not planned that way.
Amount of sleep: 6 hours on average, ought to be closer to 7-8.
Lucky number:  I don’t think I have one?  I like 15 and 13, though.
What I’m wearing: Gray leggings, black tank top, my wedding ring, my grandmother’s anniversary band, and the birthstone ring my parents got me for my first mother’s day.
Dream job: Bestselling author and lottery winner.
Dream trip: I’d love to take my mom, MIL, husband, and kid to Europe.  Do the super-touristy thing where we hit a bunch of the major cities and tour every cathedral, castle, and museum.  Then do a trip to little, weird places and comic book stores with Mr. Seldnei.
Favorite food: Pizza.  Seriously, any combination of tomato sauce, cheese, and bread is the best thing.
Play any instruments: Well, when I really have a mind to, I can play my husband like a damn flute ... (wow, that sounded dirty, and I just meant I know how to piss him off).
Languages: I wish.  I have the tiniest bit of French, I failed Spanish, and I think I know two words of German.
Favorite songs:
A brief selection of some of my faves ...
“This Corrosion,” Sisters of Mercy (yaaas, @julcheninred, SoM rocks!)
“Hounds of Love,” the Futureheads (cover)
“We Both Go Down Together,” the Decemberists
“Still In Hollywood,” Concrete Blonde
“Nightswimming,” REM
“Melody Dean,” Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra
“Gett Off,” Prince and the NPG
“Americans,” Janelle Monae
Random fact: If I want to make anything work, I can bleed on it and --boom!-- it works!
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: slate blue paint, Alfred Steiglitz’s photos of Georgia O’Keefe, bookshelves crammed with books, steampunk goggles, mismatched notebooks, a pair of converse sneakers, oil lamps, comfy chairs, the ocean. Who wants to play?  Who needs distraction?  Consider yourself tagged, if so.
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Group Friendly: Restaurants in Toronto
New Post has been published on https://www.travelonlinetips.com/group-friendly-restaurants-in-toronto-2/
Group Friendly: Restaurants in Toronto
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It can be hard enough to organize an event that organizes a group of people in Toronto. Trying to find a restaurant that not only accommodates everyone but also happily satiates them can be hard. No one wants to wait in a line or get shoved into a corner. No one puts baby in the corner (Dirty Dancing reference for those not up on their 80s film classics) and no one will put your people in a corner with these 10 Best picks.
There are choices for the talkative and rowdy, such as Wvrst which has a casual, beer hall mentality with beer flights and duck fries to make everyone happy. Or, if you like sushi and a lot of yelling, try out the infectiously vibrant Japanese restaurant Guu Izakaya. 
Sometimes you need a little more class than sass. Cluny has an atmosphere that warrants a little dressing up, but will happily welcome those in stretchy pants who intend to do Cluny’s bread products justice. In today’s day and age, stretchy pants always have to be an option.
Determine the attitude of the company you keep and match the style of restaurant and ultimately everyone will be happy, whether you are hosting a discerning aunt or your friend who always seems to have a mustard stain on his lapel. 
The food photos from Fishman Lobster Clubhouse are so voluminous, so mountainous, that it seems that this restaurant might scoff at a party of one. All parties are welcome, but the platters of seafood at Fishman Lobster Clubhouse seem more aptly suited for a ravenous group. Tables shudder under the weight of crab legs or Hong Kong style lobster. Floor to ceiling fish tanks house gigantic crustaceans. There is a lobster tower on the menu, if towers of seafood fit the bill for your group. As a warning, it weighs 50 pounds and costs almost $700 (for around 10 people), but it may be economical depending on the size of the stomachs in your company.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: Lobsters and snow crabs in ample quantity for any size group.
Courtney’s expert tip: The set menu is a great deal for a smaller group and will certainly fill your bellies.
Read more about Fishman Lobster Clubhouse →
Since Hong Kong-born chef Susur Lee arrived in Canada in 1978, he’s built a reputation on inventive cuisine that fuses the dishes of his homeland with other global influences. Lee is his flagship Toronto restaurant, with a menu that is built around sharable tapas-sized plates. Expect the unexpected with a mashup of Asian and French flavours. Chef Lee’s Singapore Slaw has been a fixture on the menu for years and is well worth the splurge. The presentation is impressive, with the salad mixed at the table and sculpted into a tower. Inventive ingredients range from daikon to fennel seedlings and edible flower petals. Save room for an inventive dessert, such as the French and Chinese Tong Yuen with a rice dumpling, chocolate nougat, Indian pastry and strawberry/creme brûlée. What?!?
Recommended for Group Friendly because: Susur Lee’s restaurant is a fantastic place to share a memorable foodie experience with your group.
Courtney’s expert tip: It’s super easy to book a private dining experience for your group at Lee. Check out their website for more details.
Read more about Lee →
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When you walk into the carbon bar, you feel like you have stepped into the future, with sky high ceilings and glowing white lamps. There is a lot of history in this building (it was once a Disney dance studio!) but now it is all delicious BBQ bites, like the wood fired sweet and spicy ribs with coleslaw and dill pickles. There are also a host of snacks (crocodile bites, anyone?) and craft cocktails that are impressively balanced. Private dining is divine here, with a chef’s table option for a group up to 14, or for larger groups there is the Green Room, an upstairs private dining space which gives a prime view of the dining room.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: BBQ heaven and a private dining room – nothing wrong with that.
Courtney’s expert tip: The carbon bar has catering available for groups of 8 of more (must be placed 48 hours in advance), if you decide to keep your group at home.
Read more about The Carbon Bar →
Take the “a” off of “Planta” and you will realize what this restaurant is all about (and it’s not the hokey pokey). Marketed as plant-based cuisine rather than vegan, this fresh and airy restaurant specializes in delicious food from around the globe that any meat-eater would be proud to chomp. Planta burgers have queso, pickles, buffalo aioli and spiced fries. Enjoy cashew mozzarella, ranch dressing and cauliflower on your pizza. The creative and innovative dishes are plated beautifully and and the light and airy dining room and private dining area will impress your group.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: Plant-based dining is sexy and hip. What better way to show off to your friends?
Courtney’s expert tip: Larger groups are suggested to book through the private events link on their webpage.
Read more about Planta →
Luma is a wonderful restaurant to stop by if you are in the heart of the city. Right on King Street around everything that is buzzing, the warm wood within the restaurant offsets the surrounding hustle and bustle. Luma is an Oliver & Bonacini restaurant that has many menus to complement the time of day you choose to dine. You have lunch, dinner or dessert, of course, but there is also a post 3pm lounge menu. The menu is seafood heavy and includes such gems as clam carbonara and miso cod with maple syrup. The Manhattans are named after neighbourhoods in Toronto (the High Park; the North York). It is worth saving room for the desserts, with an amazing “chocolate bar” which is like a soft dark chocolate brownie layered with banana and peanut butter ice cream. Heaven.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: Upscale and chic, the location couldn’t be more convenient. Let your group congregate in the heart of the city over excellent food.
Courtney’s expert tip: Luma is available for private events on Sundays, so do contact them if this is something of interest to you.
Read more about Luma →
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Photo courtesy of Blu Ristorante
Blu is the kind of fine dining you want to make time for, although it won’t take much time to have a superb group experience. There are three private dining restaurant rooms, one for 12 guests, one for between 12-20 and one for 22-30. You can also fully buy out the restaurant for an event with 100 guests. Whether you go with a small crowd or a giant one, Blu is the perfect place to slurp some pasta with someone you love (or at the very least, like). Try the truffle wild boar ragu with wild mushrooms over sweet potato and ricotta gnocchi for a dish that will make your eyes roll back into your head.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: Whether you are planning a breakfast meeting or a family reunion, Blu is the perfect place to eat well and sit together.
Courtney’s expert tip: Audio visual equipment is available at Blu to make your next breakfast meeting even simpler. They are private rooms, but not completely soundproof, so may want to keep the long-winded speeches to a minimum.
Read more about Blu Ristorante & Lounge →
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Japanese restaurant. Tapas restaurant. Drinking establishment which serves food to accompany the drinks (at least according to the definition of Izakaya). Guu Izakaya does it all. This lively and energetic restaurant opened in 2011 after being acclaimed in Vancouver. Communal style tables encourage strangers to get friendly as they share the experience of eating Japanese comfort food. Baked oysters, beef tongue, almond tofu, sashimi salad and bibimbap are some of the options, and all are exquisite. Dishes are great for sharing, and you can sit at the bar to watch the food being cooked. Don’t miss the cocktail and sake list. A couple of drinks will put you in the right Guu mood.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: This restaurant is already noisy, so your group won’t even make a dent in the energy. Bring your rowdy friends.
Courtney’s expert tip: If you plan on trying everything, order at least two of each dish for a large group and pass everything around. Now is the time to try angus beef tongue.
Read more about Guu Izakaya →
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Photo courtesy of Cluny
Cluny Bistro takes French food and makes it unfussy. You can have your caramelized onion soup and moules frites but you don’t need to have a side of snobbery. Even so, the backdrop for your dining experience is absolutely stunning with high ceilings and may have you convinced that the Eiffel Tower is within walking distance. Groups are more than welcome with a private dining area just for the occasion.The boulangerie is more of the takeaway aspect of the restaurant, with all things pastry waiting to be fawned over and taken home in a paper bag. But make sure to enjoy the classic French dishes on a plate, like the foie gras eclairs or the fried frogs legs. The large patio fits 100 people and its cobblestone floor transports you right to France.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: Joie de vivre isn’t something you should keep to yourself.
Courtney’s expert tip: There are a wide variety of cocktails, but there are also fantastic mocktails if you choose not to imbibe.
Read more about Cluny Bistro & Boulangerie →
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The world can be divided into two groups of people: those who say “yay” to a beer hall and those who say “nay.” For those who are in the “yay” category, Wvrst is an informal way to have a lot of fun (and potentially a lot of beer). With communal tables encouraging friendly banter, this King Street located, Munich-style beer hall specializes in all-natural sausage (as you may have guessed from the name). Vegetarians have a ton of options, from the beyond sausages to black bean, green curry and more. Meat eaters have even more variety, from kangaroo to wild boar to rabbit. There are also duck fat fries with dipping sauces. The food encourages the beer drinking and the beer drinking encourages hunger to persist. It is a feedback loop that is just perfect for those “yay” sayers.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: Whether or not you come with a group, Wvrst’s communal tables make you feel part of something greater than yourself. Is that the beer talking?
Courtney’s expert tip: Get the fries with a series of dipping sauces. Truffle mushroom mayo? Come ON.
Read more about Wvrst →
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You can certainly judge the closeness of your friendship by how much guacamole you are willing to share with someone. Prepared table side, El Catrin’s comes with avocado, tomato, onion, fresh cilantro and serrano chilis. Plates are tapas style, all the better to share with your group of ravenous friends. If coming with a crowd, you must get El Jefe’s taco feast, or 2 of every taco on the menu (which has everything from beef to chipotle stewed shrimp to charred chayote squash). There are semi-private dining spaces for groups of 13 or more. Did we mention that there is the largest tequila collection in the country here? Bottoms up.
Recommended for Group Friendly because: Tequila, large open spaces and sharable Mexican food make El Catrin a group positive destination.
Courtney’s expert tip: This is one of the best patios in the city. Go on a beautiful day and try to tear yourself away from the margaritas. Or brave a cold winter day by the fire pits and be rewarded with a brunch that is 50% off.
Read more about El Catrin →
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albanabennett · 3 years
15 Best Air Fryer Toaster Oven Reviews in 2021 You Should Buy
An air fryer toaster oven is the best system to do everything, with the extra advantage of cutting calories simply by using less oil to fry our favorites. But, it’s actually difficult to think of the ideal choice when there are so various kinds of merchandise available on the marketplace. So, In the following guide, I’ll dive right into what I think are a few of the best air fryer toaster ovens in the marketplace nowadays, and I’ll also aid you on the best way to decide on the best air fryer toaster oven 2021. List of 15 Best Air Fryer Toaster Oven Reviews 1. Cuisinart TOA-65 Digital Convection Toaster Oven Airfryer Buy From Amazon Shaped like a miniature oven, as its name implies, the Cuisinart Toaster Ovens does not have the normal form of electric fryers. A bonus that lets you lay food level in its extensive, shallow basket. So more air moves through the meals for exceptionally even browning and crisping without dumping or vibrating the basket. In accordance with Cuisinart, the version is ideal for households, holding around 2 pounds of chips or 4-pounds of poultry. There’s not any need to preheat, as well as the controllers are devoid of buttons, so the air fryer toaster oven is simple to use. Only turn the dials to set the temperature and cooking time. All components, nevertheless, must be hand cleaned. Most countertop convection ovens at their price range are electronic, but this unit is still analog. It constitutes the gap by nixing the demand for extra appliances, consequently space efficiency. The preferences provide you the choice to inhale, inhale, air dispenser and toast your own favorites. Based on the way you feel, bake a 12-inch pizza, air fry 3-pounds of chicken wings, roast 4-pounds of fish, or toast six slices of bread simultaneously. If you do not have toaster ovens, then you get two big countertop appliances together with the flexibility of a single using these toaster ovens. If this fryer arrived initially, I was doubtful and wondering just how much power it might use and how much space it would take on the countertop. After making a few fried chips and wings to get a games night, we had been ignored, and everybody present set outside to purchase an air fryer. It’s an extensive array of warmth from 45 degrees to 450 degrees. Even though there’s some sound, it’s not quite as much it might perturb you. The window is amazing, and all elements of the air fryer are extremely easily washed. 2. Instant Pot Omni Plus 11-in-1 Toaster Oven – Air Fry Buy From Amazon The Instant Omni Plus Air Fryer Toaster Ovens are a go-to for anybody seeking to have a toaster oven with ample cooking capability. This kitchen appliance generates crispier, equally fried food which many air fryers on the market can not match. Essentially, this cooking appliance is a toaster oven comprising an air fryer combo, enabling users to enjoy the very best of both worlds. The Instant Omni Plus Air Fryer Toaster Ovens circulate heat evenly around the meals without drying your chips out. That is not all: that oven is great for dehydrating fresh fruits, baking biscuits, and preparing toast. It includes 11 preset functions to remove any downtime. Additionally, it’s easy to use thanks to the one-touch button layout on the controller panel. This item lets users adjust the cooking temperature and time-dependent on the recipe to make sure that an endless cooking potential. In comparison to other goods in its budget, the Instant Omni Plus Air Fryer Toaster Ovens work and provides better outcomes. Not only that, but it supplies a sizable 26-liter capacity which needs to be sufficient to hold 18 chicken wings, a 12-inch pizza, 2lbs of french fries, or even six toast pieces. Its large cooking capability accommodates two cooking trays once to permit you to cook a number of meals in 1 go and readily reach bigger cooking jobs. 3. Breville BOV900BSSUSC The Smart Toaster Oven Buy From Amazon The Breville Convection Toaster Oven Air Fryers are an all-rounder device with several presets, a strong engine, a superior heating system, and a smart user-friendly controller. Though the ovens are compact enough to match the countertop, it has a substantial one cubic feet capacity. It’s possible for you to match a 14-pound turkey, nine pieces of bread, and match a 12-cup muffin tray. What’s more, it provides you total flexibility in the kitchen. It’s 13 presets, including bake, toast, bagel, broil, warm, roast, pizza, reheat, biscuits, slow cook, dehydrate, evidence, and air dispenser. An LCD will give you smart, simple access to various functions, letting you place your desired presets as well as fever. Breville has also added handy oven lighting, which may even turn on automatically following every cook. Besides all this, its super convection technology contains a two-speed convection fan that provides an incredible temperature controller. You receive a larger quantity of airflow within the air fryer toaster oven, which can help disperse heat evenly on all corners and then reduce cooking time by 30%. Moreover, the Breville Convection Ovens include a PID temperature controller and an Element IQ. They utilize six separate quartz heating elements to give warmth were required the most, making certain you get equally cooked meals each moment. Last, the air fryer toaster oven has a non-stick coating, which makes it a lot easier to clean up. 4. Emeril Lagasse Power AirFryer 360 Better Than Convection Ovens Hot Air Fryer Oven Buy From Amazon The Emeril LagassePower Air 360 is an amazing air fryer and toaster ovens. It’s well made, feels as though it ought to be more costly than it is, and manages a lot of different cooking functions easily. In addition to all that, it is competitively priced and will not break your bank. From the box, I knew I was going to enjoy the Emeril Lagasse Power Air 360. It’s a user-friendly digital display, using a straightforward controller panel. The whole air fryer toaster oven feels just like a luxury part of cooking equipment, everything fits together nicely, and the outside consists of thicker gauge steel than I struck on additional machines. The brushed stainless steel exterior, bright interior lighting, and several oven rack places created this oven a pleasure to use. A few other versions just came with just one air fryer toaster oven rack place so that even in the event that you’ve got ample inner space, you will never be able to alter the space between the heating elements along with your meals. Not with the Emeril 360. Among the characteristics that make this air fryer stick out from the remainder of the listing is that the rotisserie oven operates. While most of the ovens on this listing may manage roasting a chicken and just a turkey sometimes, this was one of 2 versions to come equipped with a rotisserie that will be ideal not just for roasting chicken but for producing pork butt or prime rib. It took me a time to find out, however with the support of a wonderful video connection contained in the air fryer user’s guide; I received my chicken prepared and packed with little without situation. 5. COSORI CO130-AO Countertop Dehydrator for Chicken Buy From Amazon The COSORI CO130-AO 12-in-1 Air Fryer Toaster Oven Combo includes 12 preset choices, letting you produce healthy meals. It includes a stainless steel exterior with a double-layer glass doorway and a vast handlebar for simple access. The electronic display with four buttons and two knobs can be on the left side. Both knobs allow you to adjust the purpose and time/temperature, whereas the buttons signify fan, light, and begin choices. You are able to find three detachable metallic cooking racks which could easily be repositioned inside to match high food things. The four heating components are in charge of evenly disperse warm air around the food to ensure consistent cooking. It includes 12 essential cooking purposes, including toast, broil, bagel, roast, bake, keep heat, air fry, biscuits, pizza, ferment, rotisserie, and dehydrate. These multifunctional air fryer toaster ovens contain a cookbook, crumb tray, food tray, cable rack, fry basket, and rotisserie attachments. 6. Cuisinart TOA-60 Convection Toaster Oven Airfryer Buy From Amazon These large-capacity air fryer toaster ovens provide multiple attributes their peers do not. Just take the instance of its own pre-programmed functions. They allow you to bake bread, roast a whole grain, air fry French Fries, or cook a lasagna. Also available is an adjustable thermostat using a 60-min timer. Then there’s that auto-shutoff function. This feature keeps you protected by not permitting the cooking chamber’s pressure to exceed a safe limit. It does that via its built-in detector, which automatically shuts off the entire unit if something goes bankrupt. Equally deserving of your attention would be the dials that control its performance. The initial two dials on the left-hand let you trigger a timer and set temperature within the cooking chamber, respectively. It’s possible to rotate the next dial to roast, bake, broil, warm, toast, and air fry your meals. Cuisinart has loaded this version’s package with attachments. They comprise an air fryer rack, baking pan, along with a toaster rack. The America-based manufacturer provides this unit using a 3-year guarantee — the most extended guarantee you would get on almost any air fryer toaster oven presently in the marketplace. 7. Ninja SP101 Foodi 8-in-1 Digital Air Fry, Large Toaster Oven Buy From Amazon The next “candidate” on our record is your Ninja Foodi Digital Air Fryer Toaster Ovens , ideal for a small or moderate household. It’s a fairly slick and trendy air fryer with a brushed stainless steel exterior finish to match your kitchen inside. Additionally, Ninja is called a leader in technology and innovation in its own kitchen goods for decades. It has an electronic control panel on the ideal side, letting you run it effortlessly. Unlike conventional toasters, the handlebar is present on one side of this doorway. It is fairly uncommon, and it can take you some time to become accustomed to the new layout. The remarkable thing is you could consume 50 percent less space simply by turning up the air fryer toaster oven and off to wash and save. With large capacity together with 8-in-1 performance, it lets you air fry, air roast, air broil, bake, bagel, toast, dehydrate, and maintain warmth in one strong 1800-watt appliance. It’s a ponderable appliance with a special layout that boosts rate and even cooking results, such as 60-second preheat and family-sized foods in no more than 20 minutes. 8. Geek Chef Convection Air Fryer Toaster Oven Buy From Amazon Should you will need a budget-friendly strategy, this may just be the choice for you. This is roughly half of the cost as a number of the large brands on the market but includes a lot of high ratings and positive attributes too. If you are worried about paying too much, this is a fantastic option! This is exceptional as it’s developed to have a more compact design complete, but it’s a fairly large capacity dimension. These air fryer toaster ovens may hold around 10.5 quarts, which will be quite similar to other versions. The timer is flexible, and also the temperature warms up to 450 degrees. This operates on 1500 watts. It’s strong and durable overall. It’s also quite simple to operate with a few basic knobs, which are clearly indicated. This air fryer permits you to grill, air fry, toast, bake, and dehydrate, all into a very simple unit. It includes a basket, a wire rack, plus a skillet. The brand also makes bigger capacities too. 9. Cuisinart AFR-25, Airfryer Buy From Amazon Cuisinart does not typically create pocket-friendly appliances, but the AFR-25 demonstrates they can provide quality on a budget. The engine and fan with this unit are designed to operate in tandem and guide heated air exactly where it is required to receive your food fast and evenly cooked. Now, the ability is reasonable, and it is possible to consume up to 2.5 lbs of food in one session. The space-saving footprint takes up very little space on the countertops. It is possible to keep your eye on events throughout the window, although the durable stainless casing ensures you will receive an impressive lifespan though this air fryer is economical. You may think this powerful cooker could be noisy, but it runs surprisingly quietly. While we value you are not purchasing kitchenware primarily on appearances, the understated aesthetic of the air fryer belies the budget price point. If you’re searching for an excellent air fryer toaster oven combo that plays strongly across the board without breaking the ground, the Cuisinart AFR-25 is worth popping you’re shortlisted. 10. Yedi Total Package Air Fryer Oven XL Buy From Amazon Unlike the majority of the other people on our listing, the Yedi Total Package is much better as an air fryer than as a toaster oven. Should you make absolutely certain to throw or flip over food during cooking, then you receive fantastic air frying outcomes. Just like the majority of air fryers, frozen foods come out browner and crisper than those ready from scratch. While the Yedi includes a toast feature, it is not actually a toaster. It is essentially baking your bread, and it will this unevenly. After pressing on the Toast button, the machine enables you to lift or reduce the air fryer toaster oven temperature however does not permit you to decide on the number of pieces or occasions for various levels of doneness. You are going to need to work out for yourself just how long and at what temperature to bake your bread to have it toasted for your liking. Biscuits came out quite unevenly browned on top and hardly colored on the floor. After we baked a cake from a cake mix, it was nearly burnt with a massive dome and a lot of cracks. One of the huge benefits of this Yedi is the fact that it’s a rotisserie. As soon as it’s a little bit of a hassle to install, in only 40 minutes that the rotisserie delivered a moist chicken using a golden-brown crackling skin. Instead of it is broad, the Yedi does not occupy as much space as a normal toaster oven, but it is not so tall that it will not fit under a cupboard. It’s an electronic control panel, but it takes a number of actions to choose your setting. The manufacturer recommends hand washing each of the components, which is not simply thanks to plenty of cracks requiring some detail work to receive spotlessly. The sole exception is that the drip pan, which includes a nonstick finish. Together with the Yedi, along with an air blower basket and a baking dish, you also get two mesh trays such as dehydrating, an air skillet, a rotisserie, and contraptions for cooking beef and skewers. Meaning there are a whole lot of pieces, a number of them little, to shop for. Alas, the guide, which includes the Yedi, isn’t quite as useful as it might be. 11. Black+Decker TO3265XSSD Extra Wide Crisp ‘N Bake Air Fry Toaster Oven Buy From Amazon The TO3265XSSD is a cheap toaster oven with an integrated air fryer . That implies, beyond baking, broiling, and toasting, in addition, it enables you to air bake, even just a sizable 4-pound chicken, directly within the oven. For this affordable cost, the oven includes all you want to make healthily fried and baked recipes in the home. It is a choice that makes owning a flexible air fryer toaster oven easier for people with limited budgets. In comparison with the best selection, this device is a lot more affordable but still comprises essential capabilities. It is accompanied by an air fry basket, bake/broil pan, and stand, and an outside crumb tray that could slide in and out for simple cleaning. It preheats in moments; this way, you will have the ability to save time and reduce energy use. While its air skillet provides you with a deep-fried taste with no fat, the four additional purposes (bake, toast, broil, and keep heat ) should give you infinite cooking chances. It is 21.5 inches tall, 23 inches wide, and 11.2 inches deep. It is big enough to fit a 9″x13″ pan with packs, 8 pieces of bread, or even a 12″ pizza. It includes 1,000 watts of cooking power, which can be powerful enough to roast a whole grain. Its 60-minute timer is a traditional guide timer that may be used to get a vast array of cooking jobs. The timer is helpful, exact, and simple to use. There are not any instructions about the best way best to use this machine. They are not even on the business’s site, either. Many users claimed they needed a hell of a time getting the air skillet to operate correctly. 12. Instant Pot Vortex Plus 10 Quart 7-in-1 Multi-Use Air Fryer Buy From Amazon From the manufacturers of this Instant Pot, these air fryer toaster ovens are, in fact, the best of both worlds, condensing all of the best areas of the air fryers to a leading convection oven. With seven built-in smart apps, you can create numerous dishes simultaneously together with all the baking, broiling, and rotisserie preferences. It’s a whopping 10-quart capability, which lets you cook both trays simultaneously but may not be good if the counter area is an issue. But that is a small price to cover cook moment: with small to no preheating required; Instant Pot boasts you can whip up dinner at half the time of a traditional oven. It comes with a fairly nifty rotating rotisserie basket which you may utilize to”tumble-fry” or roast beef 360 degrees. The brightly lit touchscreen is slick and contemporary, offering 14 easy touch controls. The Instant Vortex also comprises Overheat Protection, which lessens the danger of you burning off the meal you worked hard (although not so difficult ) to create. The Instant Vortex Plus demonstrates that whatever your typical air fryer can perform, this toaster can perform better. 13. Ninja DT251 Foodi 10-in-1 Smart Air Fry Digital Countertop Convection Toaster Oven Buy From Amazon The Ninja DT251 Foodi is just another wise oven with approximately ten times the convection energy of a conventional oven to get succulent, crispy, and quicker results. Like our best option, this toaster oven provides impressive flexibility. With this countertop appliance, you are able to air roast, air fryer, bagel, dehydrate, toast, and pizza. This 1800-watt air fryer toaster oven cook using the ideal doneness. In addition, it includes an integrated meals smart thermometer to carry the guesswork out and make sure you are cooking at the exact temperature. It only takes approximately 90 minutes to preheat and cooks 30% quicker compared to a classic full-size convection oven — an ideal go-to for producing fast family meals. Additionally, its buttery cooking capability offers two degrees of cooking without needing spinning. This huge cooking area can accommodate a sheet pan of veggies, a 12-pound turkey, two 12-inch pizzas, plus 5 pounds of chicken. The Ninja DT251 Foodi promotes healthy cooking with less fat in comparison with a conventional skillet. 14. Chefman Air Fryer Toaster Oven Buy From Amazon The Chefman Air Fryer Toaster Ovens are an analog-style oven using a top-mounted control panel. It’s a front-loading door with two oven racks and will hold around 25l, placing it directly in the center of the pack concerning capacity. These ovens include 7 distinct modes and using a very simple analog port; it takes very little effort to get this up and running. One particularly wonderful feature about these ovens are the simple fact that the removable bits such as the oven rack and skillet are dishwasher safe. While I regularly recommend handwashing your accessories where the potential to prolong their useful lifetime, it’s wonderful to know that at a pinch, you can just throw them in the dishwasher and then walk off. Price-wise this version is slightly more affordable than a few of the versions on this listing, and if you’re interested in finding an easy, easy-to-use analog air fryer/toaster oven, then this is certainly the version for you. But if you’re searching for something a bit more appealing or full-featured, then among the other versions on this listing will likely work out somewhat better. 15. Hamilton Beach Countertop Toaster Oven Buy From Amazon The Hamilton Beach countertop toaster oven has been designed with user convenience in mind. It’s possible to guess that on your own by taking a look in its cooking room. It stands lower compared to those of different versions within this review and so provides you simple access to your meals. Similar is true for its own door/viewing window. It moves upward and from the way of this room when you are putting into or taking food out from the air fryer toaster oven. This permits the door to steer well clear of drips and messy spills through the loading/unloading of meals. It is possible to use the 3 dials found on the side to bake, broil, and toast your meals. They also allow you to set the time that you would like to cook your foods and also the temperature where you would like to cook them. And also, the simple fact they’re contoured means that the dials are a breeze to move. Within the cooking room, you’ll be able to match six pieces of toast simultaneously. The compartment is spacious enough to maintain a 12-inches pizza or 9″ x 11″ bake pan. Hamilton Beach further sweetens the deal by creating this device’s crumb tray detachable for simple cleaning. How To Choose The Best Air Fryer Toaster Ovens Size & Capacity Generally, air fryer toaster ovens can be found in two standard sizes: large and medium. By experience, I will tell you that bigger toaster ovens are frequently more flexible due to the excess surface area they’ve. A medium-sized air fryer toaster oven can hold between four to six pieces of toast. A huge toaster oven may generally hold eight or longer. If you intend to mainly be cooking only for yourself or on the spouse/partner, a medium-sized air fryer oven ought to be adequate. For households or larger parties, a bigger-sized one is significantly preferable. Analog vs Digital controls Analog controls: There are 3 particular benefits in air fryers using analog controls. They’re available at a low price, are quite simple to use (even for the older ), and include a dial that lets you place their temperature and time. That’s the point. Since these devices don’t have LED displays, preset programs, and lots of cooking purposes, they’re not quite as intuitive to the consumer as electronic devices. Digital controls: The vast majority of the air toaster ovens you see in this review come equipped with electronic controls. You would like to know the reason why? Since only then are they in a position to offer you all the characteristics that the gastronomic enjoys. Examples of these attributes include touch controls which permit you to bake, bake, air-toast, toast, and inhale, and an LCD screen using a control panel using more cooking purposes than you can utilize. Accessories At a minimum, all toaster ovens must include a minimum of one rack and a single broiling/baking pan. Air fryer toaster ovens normally incorporate an extra basket or stand for air frying. The baskets typically sit the baking/broiling pan and supply secure cooking at high temperatures in addition to simple maneuverability and cleanup. If the basket can’t match on the bowl, a bowl can ordinarily be set in the place beneath the air skillet; this fashion makes it harder to take the air skillet out of the air fryer toaster oven to test meals or eliminate without dripping dirt everywhere. Some air fryer toaster ovens give a choice to buy more air fryer racks (which may also be utilized for dehydrating in the majority of instances ) to use in precisely the exact same time, and a few include a rotisserie attachment. Ease of Use For an appliance that is so flexible, you will want to know you are getting the most from it. Each of the automated presets might be fantastic, but you do not wish the educational guide or configurations to be this complex; you will not need to cook whatever. Clean-up can be important also so that your removable racks and baskets must be dishwasher-safe. Heat Distribution When you settle in an air fryer toaster oven, then you may want it to have even heat distribution. There’s nothing worse than seeing your things get dim and overcooked about the borders of the shelf while the items from the center are still chilly. Pay careful attention to the detail and also watch for things that provide even heat distribution so that you can hopefully prevent this matter with your new apparatus. Conclusion The continuing global pandemic means everybody is spending more time in your home. What better way to utilize that time compared to expand your cooking thing while at precisely the exact same time enjoying healthy meals? Having an air fryer toaster oven , you are able to certainly do that. Air fryer toaster ovens can certainly allow you to prevent excess weight reduction and make healthy eating habits. They can also save you a good deal of cooking time, effort, and energy intake, providing you a better approach to boost your culinary experience. Thus, we’ve reviewed the best air fryer toaster oven that will assist you in discovering the best one for your needs. Read More: https://montanastrailhouse.com/air-fryer-toaster-oven/ Website: https://montanastrailhouse.com
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besttoastterovens · 4 years
I've Tested Closly Every Toaster Oven on the Market
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We independently pick these products - if you buy from one of our links, we might make a compensation.
There are two main kinds of house cooks out there: those who count on toaster ovens and also those that don't. A tremendous pop-up best toaster oven is excellent for quickly making toast, but in my expert point of view (I invested more than 30 years testing and also reporting on all things kitchen for the Good Housekeeping Institute). I think the multi ways of a toaster oven are hard to beat. Along with making tuna melts and also pizza bagels, and even heating up frozen nuggets and fish sticks, you can also utilize an excellent toaster to make baked veggies as well as poultry, cook an apple crumb cake, or broil teriyaki salmon.
How can you make sure you obtain an excellent best toaster ovens? You pick one from this checklist!
The Best Toaster Oven: Cuisinart Chef's Convection Toaster Oven.
This spiffy-looking toaster oven might transform your life if you have the space for it (and also the budget plan permits). In addition to being toasters, you can lock, it can roast a chicken in merely 45 mins, cook two cake layers at the same time, as well as broil fish equally as well as that high oven that you have to bend down to utilize. It has an LCD display, where you can choose preprogrammed setups for a selection of foods (practical if you're never ever relatively sure what temperature level or for how much time to roast your sprouts or bake your pizza!).
This toaster fits a nine × 13-inch frying pan for making a broad set of brownies or a lasagna. If you like, you can establish the oven to cook mac and cheese covered dish at a modest temperature and then instantly amp up the warmth to brownish the crumb topping at the end. During cooking, the continuing to be time is shown on the screen, so you know the number of mins is left, as well as a bright oven light makes it easy to see just how your food's proceeding. For your cash, you likewise obtain a heavy-duty broiling pan and a pizza stone plus a guidebook with dishes that you'd actually intend to prepare.
Consultation: "We actually used this toaster oven in Alton Brown's examination cooking area when I helped him," claims Meghan Splawn, our associate food editor. "Alton utilizes the most effective, so it's not shocking that this was Sharon's top pick. It heats up equally-- even more even than some actual ovens - and also, truly, can do anything an oven can do.".
The Best Toaster Oven for Small Kitchens space: Breville Mini -Smart Oven.
Think of this as the Tiffany box of best toaster ovens: luxury in a stunning, tiny package. This is the one I have in my New York City apartment or condo, and I utilize it each time I prepare for every little thing from roast asparagus to baked ziti. I can not remember the last time I broiled anything in the full-size broiler. There are predetermined programs for the salute, so I never ever provide a thought to how much time I'm establishing and can see the minutes count down when I'm restless for my early morning bagel. With the mini, you get a durable broiling frying pan.
Second opinions: "We were talented the Breville for our wedding celebration, and also while it's definitely a little glamorous, it's without a doubt the best toaster oven I've ever utilized (and I've utilized fairly a great deal!). Our routine oven takes permanently to pre-heat, so it's such a huge time-saver when we wish to cook two items of fish or roast a percentage of vegetables. Plus, the toast setup gets it ideal each and every single time," states Sheela Prakash, senior contributing food editor.
The Best Budget Toaster Oven: Hamilton Beach Easy Reach Oven with Convection.
Buy Hamilton Beach Easy Reach Oven with Convection, $73.
If price, ease, as well as results, are super vital to you as well as you're not searching for a statement piece for your kitchen counter, this is the best toaster oven for you. Not just does the Hamilton Beach brown bread entirely, it's likewise nearly as fast as a pop-up model. It will undoubtedly roast up a batch of garlicky potatoes or herbed poultry legs equally as well as a regular oven, although it can't fit a whole chicken.
It's called "Easy Reach" because the door rolls back, removing any possibility you'll singe a hand on the hot door when you're putting food in or taking it out; it also maximizes room in the front of the oven when you take the pan out. And again, when you're on a cleansing spree, you can get rid of the door and also clean off those persistent splatters in the sink. You will not discover fancy digital controls below, as well as the baking frying pan that's consisted of, is constructed from lightweight, lightweight, lightweight aluminum.
Consultation: "The roll-up door is AWESOME. It clears so much space on my counter. I can actually place my plate down in front of the toaster as well as fetch my products without burning my knuckles on a hot door," states one reviewer.
The Very Best Toaster Oven That's Also an Air Fryer: Black + Decker Large Capacity Air Fryer Toaster Oven.
Get Black + Decker Large Capacity Air Fry Toaster Oven, $79 in the house Depot.
If you have restricted counter space in your cooking area (or wish to reduce mess) yet are craving an air fryer, this multitasking appliance is the remedy to your problems. Along with an oven rack for toasting and cooking, the Black + Decker features a big air frying basket that can stand up to 3 pounds of chicken pieces or a whole bag of French fries. Make sure to likewise pick up an air fryer cookbook due to the fact that the usage, as well as care details, does not include any air frying guidance.
Second opinion: "I used this lately at a pal's house; we put it on the air fryer set up as well as threw in half a bag of wonderful potato fries," says Lisa Freedman, way of the living director. "They came out incredibly crunchy. While air fryers are not THAT different from countertop convection ovens (see: How Do Air Fryers Work?), the cable basket in this toaster truly makes a distinction.".
Why You Should Trust Our Gear Pro.
For more than 30 years, I supervised testing as well as reporting on everything from wooden spoons to the connected fridge at the Good Housekeeping Institute. I've strolled the floors of every trade show as well as check out every brand-new item release for longer than a lot of digital magazines have actually existed!
My street cred? I also worked as a chef in New York City restaurants for seven years.
I've evaluated, utilized, and played with nearly every item of kitchen area gear (consisting of a toaster) ahead on the marketplace for several years. When it concerns equipment, it takes a great deal to impress me, and also I recognize what actually functions.
Chosen by a Pro. Checked by Real Home Cooks.
I've tested what feels like every toaster on the marketplace (at all the rate points, low to high!), and also, these are my all-time faves. You do not have to take my word as well as my name alone, either. Kitchen editors - a unique hybrid of experts as well as home chefs, that develop as well as check fantastic dishes in whole house cooking areas - and actual Amazon consumers weighed in on several of these choices also, testing my faves in the context of their real home cooking.
When it comes to cooking area equipment, what matters is that it works for a house chef-- not just that a cook endorses it, or that it passed some high-flying bar in a clean and sterile test cooking area. You want gear that is, above all, useful, resilient, as well as conscious of actual chefs, real cooking areas, as well as real budget plans.
0 notes
wellnessroutines · 7 years
100 Best Paleo Diet Recipes We Love
Full disclosure: I had no concept just what the paleo diet regimen was till I began creating this post. I presumed it was an additional vegan-ish diet regimen, with no meat permitted and also insane limitations, however it's actually a diet I could support. Not only does it sound incredibly healthy and balanced, yet the 100 paleo dishes I rounded up look past tasty. My loss schedule is now full of paleo recipes I cannot wait to prepare up!
What is the Paleo Diet?
If you're brand-new to the paleo diet like me, it's also recognized as the "neanderthal diet regimen." It's a diet plan based upon the foods apparently eaten by our hunter-gatherer ancestors consisting of fruits, veggies, meats, fish and shellfish and nuts.
The concept behind it is that the food that modern (will certainly) male is eating today is causing health and wellness issues as well as persistent conditions not faced by our forefathers, as well as if we eliminate these foods, we're a lot more most likely to live healthier, much longer lives. We require to go back to consuming actual, entire unrefined foods that profit as opposed to hurt our bodies. Basically: ditch the wheat, sugar, lab concocted foods, and also chemically refined vegetable as well as seed oils.
What's Off-Limits On The Paleo Diet?
A large component of eating paleo implies a grain-free diet plan. That includes all grains, no matter whether or not they are gluten-free. (Gluten-free diet plans as well as the paleo diet plan are various in that gluten-free diet plans still allow some grains like rice and also quinoa - basically grains that don't contain gluten.)
There are a great deal of various opinions available on just what it means to be paleo, and you can determine exactly how rigorous you intend to be. But a strict paleo diet regimen is totally grain-free. Rigorous paleo likewise indicates no dairy products and also no beans like black beans, garbanzo beans or kidney beans. I was certainly a little went nuts by the prospect of eliminating every one of the tasty cheese, yogurt and also hummus dip I like to snack on. One glance at my lengthy checklist of paleo diet regimen dishes makes those worries go away since these concepts look amazing!
It's additionally absolutely feasible to follow a "mainly" paleo diet regimen and also simply concentrate on reducing out all fine-tuned and processed grains, sugars as well as oils, and eating mainly vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, fish and shellfish and also some nuts.
If you want to know more concerning the paleo diet regimen, I advise the complying with books to obtain started: Paleo for Beginners: Basics to Obtain Begun, The Large 15 Paleo Recipe book, and The Paleo Diet plan: Shed Weight as well as Get Healthy by Eating the Foods You Were Developed to Eat.
There is a lot of science out there around the cases made by individuals that are really pro-paleo, so you can determine for yourself if you think your health might benefit from making the switch. Some advocates think a stringent paleo diet plan will certainly help improve autoimmune conditions, and virtually every person proclaims the weight-loss benefits. (Be advised, nonetheless, since there are a plethora of paleo-friendly dessert recipes available on the internet!)
100 Best Paleo Diet Recipes!
Regardless of whether you go full-on paleo or simply dip your toe in the water a couple of evenings a week, you are going to love the meals I have scoped out for this checklist. I wish you enjoy these beyond delicious paleo diet plan dishes as high as I am going to!
These are the 100 ideal paleo recipes I might find!
No Fail Paleo Pancakes, Gluten Free (Keep Fit Mother)
Dairy Free Frittata with Treasure Tomatoes (Bravo for Paleo)
Sweet Potato Hash with Sausage and also Eggs (Delicious Meets Healthy and balanced)
Paleo Chocolate Piece Banana Bread (Bakerita)
Veggie Breakfast Casserole (Paleo Jump)
Paleo Delicious chocolate Waffles (PaleOMG)
Easy Paleo Ham and also Egg Cups (Paleo Novice)
Lemon Poppy Paleo Muffins (Prepare Eat Paleo)
Paleo Morning meal Cookies (Gluten Free on a Small)
3-Ingredient Paleo Dessert Potato Waffles (YURIELKAIM)
Paleo Banana Bread French Toast (Paleo Gluten Free)
Paleo Morning meal Muffins (Gal on an Objective)
Paleo Sugary food Potato Hash Browns (Bravo for Paleo)
Paleo Chocolate Zucchini Bread (Growing On Paleo)
Whole30 Breakfast Hash (Little Coconutty)
Nut-Free Lemon Blueberry Scones (Well balanced Bites)
Paleo Pumpkin Coconut Healthy smoothie (Chef Consume Paleo)
Paleo Coconut Pecan Morning meal Bars (Mother Youthful in the house)
Simple Hemp Seed Porridge (The Tidy Dish)
Buckwheat Granola (Win Success Food)
Cuban Picadillo Lettuce Covers (The Beneficial Premium)
Paleo Egg Roll in a Bowl (Genealogical Nutrition)
Paleo Buffalo Hen Pizza Poppers (Evil Spatula)
Paleo Artichoke Pesto as well as Sausage Pizza (Real Straightforward Excellent)
Bunless Chicken BLTs (EMeals)
Paleo Balance Bowl (Little Little bits Of)
Whole30 Paleo Cabbage Rolls (This West Expense Mother)
Mexican Paleo Super Bowl (Honey as well as Figs Cooking area)
Paleo Sweet Potato and also Rocket Salad (Cultivate Charm)
Paleo Egg Salad (Bravo for Paleo)
Crazy Excellent Peanut Noodles (Kelley as well as Cricket)
Super Gyro Meatball Bowls (Paleo Parents)
Cilantro Lime Fajita Salad with Honey Lime Vinaigrette (My Natural Family)
Paleo Pizza Soup (Jay's Baking Me Crazy)
Paleo Avocado Tuna Salad (Cook Eat Paleo)
Healthy Broccoli Salad with Cashew Curry Dressing (Food Faith Physical fitness)
Taco Salad with Creamy Cilantro Dressing (Well worth Cooking)
Cajun Garlic Shrimp Noodle Bowls (Lexi's Tidy Kitchen area)
Whole30 Poultry Tenders (Littles Of)
Avocado and also Dijon Turkey Burgers (My Healthyish Life)
Paleo Swedish Meatballs (Layered snappy)
Easy Thai Carrot Soup (Vegan Family members Recipes)
Paleo Nut Power Bars (Tastes of Lizzy T's)
Asian Cucumber Sesame Salad (A Saucy Cooking area)
Healthy Coleslaw (My Natural Family members)
Rosemary as well as Sesame Paleo Crackers (The Healthy Foodie)
Chicken and also Zucchini Poppers (One Lovely Life)
Creamy Cauliflower Soup (Lows to Luxe)
Guacamole Deviled Eggs (Elana's Pantry)
Baked Carrot French fries (Healy Eats Genuine)
Sausage, "Potato", as well as Spinach Soup (Sweet Potatoes as well as Social Modification)
Paleo Samosa (My Heart Beets)
Paleo Coconut Salmon Bites (Worthless Spatula)
Bacon-Wrapped Dates (Our Savory Life)
Chipotle Stuffed Mushrooms (Jay's Cooking Me Crazy)
Ultimate Paleo Path Mix (Nurture My Gut)
Dark Chocolate Dipped Paleo Snack Bites (Take 2 Tapas)
Cauliflower Pizza Bites (Worthless Spatula)
Sugar Free Caramelised Nuts (The Huge Male's Globe)
Pumpkin Pie Energy Bites (Paleo Grubs)
Paleo Honey Sriracha Hen (Ancestral Nutrition)
Lemon Garlic Herb Crusted Salmon Dish (My All-natural Household)
One-Skillet Paleo Mediterranean Chicken (Paleo Novice)
Spaghetti Squash Chow Mein (Little Little bits Of)
Salmon Hamburgers with Avocado Garlic Sauce (Real Food Dieticians)
Creamy Mushroom and Pork Covered dish (Foraged and also Enthused)
Honey Sesame Hen (Jay's Cooking Me Crazy)
Gluten Free Pizza Crust Dish (Bravo for Paleo)
Adobo Chicken Burgers (Food and Sunlight)
Crock Pot Cauliflower Poultry Chili (Chef Consume Paleo)
Turkey Pot Pie Soup (Ancestral Nutrition)
Barbeque Chicken Stuffed Sweet Potatoes (Living Loving Paleo)
Easy Moroccan Beef Stew (As well as Right here We Are)
Bacon Herb "Pasta" Salad (The Curious Coconut)
Paleo Beef Kebabs (Rubies and Radishes)
Easy Butter Poultry (Lows to Luxe)
Paleo Cajun Burgers (Versus All Grain)
Shepherd's Pie (Joy-Filled Sustenance)
Korean Design Spicy Poultry (Eat Drink Paleo)
Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff (Wholesomelicious)
Paleo Pumpkin Coffee Cake (Jay's Cooking Me Crazy)
Paleo Crepes with Strawberries (Noshtastic)
Crunchy Coconut Paleo Macaroons (Paleo Hacks)
Homemade Twix Bars (Bakerita)
Paleo Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Donut Holes (Texanerin)
Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies (Our Grain-Free Life)
Chewy Coconut Bars with Mango and also Pepitas (Foraged Dish)
Paleo Cinnamon Rolls (PALEOHACKS)
Paleo Edible Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (Wicked Spatula)
Coconut Strawberry Lemon Night clubs (Gastro Detects)
Key Lime Cheese Cake Bites (Paleo Hacks)
Paleo Cake Pops (Civil Caveman Cooking)
Snickerdoodle Paleo Cupcakes (My All-natural Family members)
Crazy Great Paleo Blondies (Frisky Lemon)
Paleo Apple Crisp (Paleo Newbie)
Chocolate Pistachio Mousse (My Whole Food Life)
Paleo Dual Chocolate Baked Donuts (Lawn Fed Lady)
Paleo Cookie Dough Fudge (Bravo for Paleo)
Paleo Blueberry Lemon Fig Muffins (Advantage as well as Fork)
Paleo Blueberry Muffins (Living Loving Paleo)
There you have it, 100 paleo diet plan recipes to load your dish schedule and your tummy. Whether you're a paleo novice or enthusiast that is searching for some new options, these paleo recipes are the most effective of the best!
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: 23 Best and Coolest Stainless Aluminums
  Rada Cutlery Metal Grill Spatula -Stainless Steel Face and Aluminum Handle Made in USA, 10-1/8 Inches Rada Cutlery Metal Grill Spatula -Stainless Steel Face and Aluminum Handle Made in USA, 10-1/8 Inches - Brushed aluminum handle, the handle on the grill spatula is made from permanently cast silver brushed aluminum with a satin finish  this kitchen utensil should not be washed in the dishwasher  handwashing is recommended. Stainless steel face, the face on the grill spatula is made 300 series high nickel stainless steel  the large face is sized for cooking and grilling, while the sturdy ridge ensures optimal stability for manipulating foods. Large metal spatula, this sturdy grill spatula can be used in and out of the kitchen  perfect for cooking burgers, grilling or frying chicken, fish and vegetables  use it to remove fresh baked cookies or brownies from a hot sheet. American made utensil, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   Brillo Cameo Aluminum & Stainless Steel Cleaner Brillo Cameo Aluminum & Stainless Steel Cleaner - Works great on stainless steel sinks. Mild abrasive, for un lacquered surfaces only contains no phosphorus. Cleans and polishes aluminum storm windows, screens, pots, roasters, appliances, stainless steel sinks, refrigerators, oven doors, tableware, and chrome surfaces.   Rada Cutlery Pizza Cutter – 3 Inch Stainless Steel Wheel With  Aluminum Handle Made in the USA Rada Cutlery Pizza Cutter – 3 Inch Stainless Steel Wheel With  Aluminum Handle Made in the USA - Brushed aluminum handle, the handle on the pizza cutter is made from permanently cast silver brushed aluminum with a satin finish  this kitchen utensil should not be washed in the dishwasher  handwashing is recommended. American made utensil, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. The best pizza cutter, not only will you cut perfect slices of pizza, but use the pizza cutter for bread dough, homemade pasta, quesadillas, herbs, and desserts such as giant cookies. Stainless steel wheel, the 3 inch wheel on the pizza cutter is made from 300 series high nickel grade stainless steel  its one-sided tapered ground blade has a rugged cutting edge that will make precision cuts through tough crusts. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   Longzon 2 Pack Telescopic Metal Straws – Reusable, Portable, Collapsible Stainless Steel Drinking Straws with 2 Aluminum Key-chain Case & 2 Cleaning Brushes for Travel – (Black/Blue) Longzon 2 Pack Telescopic Metal Straws – Reusable, Portable, Collapsible Stainless Steel Drinking Straws with 2 Aluminum Key-chain Case & 2 Cleaning Brushes for Travel – (Black/Blue) - [Telescopic straws], longzon straws have 3 different sizes, 905″, 61″ or 393″ compatible with most 20 oz and 30 oz tumblers, including such popular brands as yeti, rtic, bubba, ozark, klean kanteen, ello, contigo, aladdin, starbucks, tervis, simple modern, and more longzon provide you 2 silicone tips(a big one and a small one) for each straws, the silicone tips can be put on or taken off you can use the telescopic straws with the big end or the small end per your like. [Eco-friendly & high quality], longzon stainless steel straws are made of food-grade 18/8,304 stainless steel, fda approved baby safety please note the cleaning brushes are storaged in the straws please check the cleaning brushes carefully if you still didn’t find your cleaning brushes, please send us message before you put negative review we will send you the replacement. [Easy to clean] — with the extra long telescopic scrub brush, you can clean the inside of the reusable straws from top to bottom easily don’t worry about the coffee or other drinks in the straw can’t be cleaned they can withstand boiling water, which will disinfect them they are also compatible with dishwashers on both top & bottom shelves. [after sale service] if you have any question about our product or service, please feel free to contact us, we will help you solve the issue on time please note the cleaning brushes are storaged in the straws please check the cleaning brushes carefully if you still didn’t find your cleaning brushes, please send us message before you put negative comments we will send you the missing cleaning brushes. [Portable & trendy key-chain case] -longzon stainless steel straws comes with 2 aluminum alloy cases the straws can be placed in a key-ring case after shrinking, light and small, fits in your pocket, purse, backpack, or briefcase you can also hook the straw case on your belt loop2 different color ker-ring cases can be used to meet your mood and different people.   Rada Cutlery Paring Knife Set – 6 Knives with Stainless Steel Blades With Aluminum Handles Made in the USA Rada Cutlery Paring Knife Set – 6 Knives with Stainless Steel Blades With Aluminum Handles Made in the USA - Set of 6 paring knives, included in the all star paring knife set are  the granny paring, peeling paring, regular paring, serrated regular paring, heavy duty paring and the super parer. Stainless steel blades, the blades come in a variety of sizes  the stainless steel blades on these knives will cut through fruits, vegetables and herbs with ease  the knives in this paring knife set are razor sharp and will not dull easily. Brushed aluminum handles, you’ll absolutely love the look and feel of the permanently cast, solid brushed aluminum handles on the knives in this paring knife set handwashing is recommended. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship. American made knives, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”.   SCI Enameled Cast Aluminum Stainless Steel Blades Heavy Duty Manual Hand Crank Rotary String Bean Frencher/Slicer/Cutter with Clamp SCI Enameled Cast Aluminum Stainless Steel Blades Heavy Duty Manual Hand Crank Rotary String Bean Frencher/Slicer/Cutter with Clamp - Practical cuts multiple beans at once into 1 1/4 inch slender frech cut slices. Versatile great for slicing snap beans lengthwise for canning, freezing, or for tonight’s dinner. Easy to use simply feed fresh green beans into the hopper, and as you turn the crank, beans will be sliced into slender, french cut slices size 5″ l x 4-1/2″ w x 4″ h. High quality made of enameled cast aluminum and stainless steel blades made to last many years to come. Classic design features a hand crank and clamp that easily attaches to any surface.   Metal Straws Collapsible Straws, Reusable Straws Food-Grade Portable Straw Stainless Steel Metal Telescopic Drinking Straws with Travel Aluminum Case & Cleaning Brush & Keychain (Black) Metal Straws Collapsible Straws, Reusable Straws Food-Grade Portable Straw Stainless Steel Metal Telescopic Drinking Straws with Travel Aluminum Case & Cleaning Brush & Keychain (Black) - 【Portable design】this stainless steel telescoping metal straw comes in a slim case,the compact design make the straw tucks neatly into an aluminum case with a screw top capyou can easily be stored in a small purse and lunch bag,or use the included carabiner clip to attach to your backpackyou can carry it with you wherever you go,such as outdoor picnics, camping, hiking, travelling. 【Easy to clean】every reusable metal straw comes with telescopic steel cleaning brush due to the extra long telescopic scrub brush,you can clean the inside of the straws from top to bottom easilyunlike silicone straws, it does not leave a residual “milk tea” after cleaning. 【Telescoping straws】this reusable straw is telescopic and can be adjusted to length and fit for any size cup stainless steel straw has a good seal and compactness between the segments so that it won’t collapse when use it and can easily absorb the beverage, there is no need to worry that these straws will not have enough seals to create a leak. 【warranty one year】if there are any problems with the reusable straws,please contact us immediatelywe provide one year after-sale protection, 100% refund and replacement serviceproducts include collapsible metal straws 2 pack,cleaning brush 2,carabiner 2,metal tube 2. 【Reusable eco-friendly straw】our reusable straw is made from the best material, premium food-grade 304 stainless steel ,no odor, anti-scratch which can replace the plastic and paper straw used dailynot only does it save money on multiple purchases of straws,but also reduce the pollution on the environment and ocean,and protect the earth from disposable plastic.   Portable Reusable Drinking Straws – Telescopic Stainless Steel Metal Straw with Aluminum Case & Cleaning Brush Portable Reusable Drinking Straws – Telescopic Stainless Steel Metal Straw with Aluminum Case & Cleaning Brush - Creative telescopic design the straw is telescopic, there are three sections that can be stretched to 92″ and can be merged to 393″, perfectly compatible with all types of cups or tumblers our straws come with telescopic cleaning brush which is long enough to clean the whole straw, it helps keep your straw in its pristine condition at all times. Reusable eco-friendly straws the telescopic stainless steel straws are reusable, which can replace the plastic or paper straw used daily reduce stress and pollution on the environment, save the earth from disposable plastic. Safety bpa free our telescopic straw is made from absolutely the best material, premium food-grade stainless steel, 100% bpa free, fda approved, dishwasher safe the straw is perfect for you to enjoy any cold or hot drink. Portable solution the portable set includes stainless steel telescopic straw, telescopic cleaning brush, carrying case and an attachable keychain our straws comes in a aluminum case specifically designed to keep it clean and handy there is an attachable keychain option, you can tie the case to your belt or bag, you can carry it with you wherever you go. 100% money back guarantee u-miss is committed to providing each customer with the best quality products and the highest standard services full refund or replacement is available if you are not satisfied with our telescopic drinking straws, please be assured of the purchase.   HomeyMosaic Peel and Stick Tile Backsplash Stainless Steel Stick on Tiles for Kitchen Wall Decor Aluminum Surface Metal Tile,Silver Square Plaid(12″x12″x 5 Sheets) HomeyMosaic Peel and Stick Tile Backsplash Stainless Steel Stick on Tiles for Kitchen Wall Decor Aluminum Surface Metal Tile,Silver Square Plaid(12″x12″x 5 Sheets) - ✔ Each backsplash tile sheet has brushed aluminum matted surface and self-adhesive back sticker, no groutstrong stickiness, will not fall off. ✔ The tile’s surface is resistant to heat and moisture,easy wipe to remove the stains,most people put it behind the stove, bathroom mirror and even for the cabinet. ✔Package there are 5 sheets in a box covering 5 square feet(1212 inch per sheet) 1% extra wastage is recommended in every projecttiles should not directly contact with flames or submerse in wateronly recommended for clean and smooth surface. ✔ the stainless steel backsplash is used for wall decoration, such as the kitchen backsplash,kitchen island walls,bedroom walls,laundry rooms metal wall tile or bathroom wall tile etc. ✔Just peel and stick, directly stick the tile on wall, save your time and money on labor easy for installation.   Rada Cutlery R102 Small Peeling Paring Knife Stainless Steel Blade with Brushed Aluminum Made in The USA, 6-1/8 Inches, Silver Handle Rada Cutlery R102 Small Peeling Paring Knife Stainless Steel Blade with Brushed Aluminum Made in The USA, 6-1/8 Inches, Silver Handle - Brushed aluminum handle, the solid brushed aluminum handle has a satin finish giving it a professional look  the handle is not only tough, but durable  hand wash only. Paring knife for peeling, this paring knife is the ideal size for peeling fruits and vegetables  the blade measures 2-1/2 inches and the knife has an overall length of 6-1/8 inches. Stainless steel blade, the hollow ground blade is made from surgical grade, t420 high carbon stainless steel that is hand sharpened  the shorter blade allows for easier maneuverability. American made cutlery, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   Home Solutions Grill Tools Set with Barbecue Accessories – Stainless Steel BBQ Utensils with Aluminum Case – Grilling Kit & Gifts for Men (3-Piece) Home Solutions Grill Tools Set with Barbecue Accessories – Stainless Steel BBQ Utensils with Aluminum Case – Grilling Kit & Gifts for Men (3-Piece) - Essential grilling set a spatula, tongs and a fork-all you really need to grill a great meal. Durable and easy to clean all stainless steel, this 3-piece grill set won’t chip, tarnish or rust. Satisfaction guarantee home solutions offers free replacement for an entire year great men’s gift. Stylish and safe extended stainless handles add elegance and keep your hands away from the flames. Free aluminum case store or carry your grill set safely strap in the tools, double latch and go.   Rada Cutlery Grapefruit Knife – Stainless Steel Serrated Blade With Aluminum Handle Made in the USA, 7 Inch Rada Cutlery Grapefruit Knife – Stainless Steel Serrated Blade With Aluminum Handle Made in the USA, 7 Inch - American made cutlery, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948 our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. Toss out your grapefruit spoon, this knife is specifically designed to make cutting grapefruits and oranges a breeze this will save you time whenever you need a snack this grapefruit knife has a blade that measures 3-3/8 inches and has an overall length of 7 inches. Serrated stainless steel blade, featuring a surgical grade, t420 high carbon stainless steel blade it has a serrated edge top and bottom so you can cut the grapefruit both directions the tip is angled and the blade is both double-sided and serrated with small teeth. Brushed aluminum handle, you’ll absolutely love the look and feel of the permanently cast, solid brushed aluminum handle handwashing is recommended. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   simplehuman Adjustable Shower Caddy XL, Stainless Steel + Anodized Aluminum (Renewed) simplehuman Adjustable Shower Caddy XL, Stainless Steel + Anodized Aluminum (Renewed) - Handheld-showerhead compatible, designed specifically for use with handheld showerheads that loop down. Wider adjustable wire shelves, easily slide up and down to make room for tall bottles with a simple turn of the quick-adjust dial. Store bottles upside-down, specially cut holes in shelves allow for effortless dispensing. Fits modern bulky shower tools, designed to store large items such as facial cleansing brushes, razors and electric toothbrushesadjustable hanger securely grips shower door. Organize your shower space, family-sized capacity to organize your shower essentials and keep them all within easy reach. Solid, secure installation, a rubberized showerhead clamp supports the caddy from above and twin pivoting suction cups support it from below. Makes room for taller bottles, the neck extends to make room for taller bottles on top shelf, and lowers the caddy for easy reach, very kid-friendly. Rust-proof, durable stainless steel construction is corrosion-resistant and easy to clean. Quick-dry soap dish, drains the water completely so soap stays dry and lasts longer. 211″w x 59″d x 276″h -394″h when neck is fully extended. 5-year warranty.   Rada Cutlery Deluxe Vegetable Peeler – Stainless Steel Blade With Aluminum Handle, 8-3/8 Inches Rada Cutlery Deluxe Vegetable Peeler – Stainless Steel Blade With Aluminum Handle, 8-3/8 Inches - Brushed aluminum handle,   the handle on the vegetable peeler is made from silver brushed aluminum  it is larger than a traditional peeler handle making it easier to use for bigger peeling tasks  handwashing is recommended. Swivel design for easy peeling, it utilizes a dual edged blade for both right and left handed cooks the shape ensures that the peeling motion can go towards or away from you with equal effectiveness  all of this adds up to faster, easier peeling  you’ll have your meal prepared in record time. Deluxe vegetable peeler, make your kitchen peeling tasks go even faster with this kitchen tool  it has a surgical quality, t420 high carbon stainless steel blade that measures 2 inches  the overall length of this vegetable and potato peeler is 8-3/8 inches. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship. American made knives, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”.   Brasso Metal Polish, 8 oz Bottle for Brass, Copper, Stainless, Chrome, Aluminum, Pewter & Bronze, 8 oz (Pack of 2) Brasso Metal Polish, 8 oz Bottle for Brass, Copper, Stainless, Chrome, Aluminum, Pewter & Bronze, 8 oz (Pack of 2) - Cleans & polishes a variety of metals. Multi-purpose metal polish for brass, copper, stainless steel, chrome, aluminum, pewter, and bronze. Provides long-lasting smooth & polished surface. Great to use on car rims, stainless refrigerators/ovens/toasters/dishwashers, faucets, metal kitchenware and metal furniture. Provides brilliant shine.   Dynaflux 781 Aluminum and Stainless Steel Cleaner – 1 Quart Bottle Dynaflux 781 Aluminum and Stainless Steel Cleaner – 1 Quart Bottle - Provides rapid and effortless cleaning and removal of grease, oil, dirt and white, chalky aluminum oxides before welding. Rinse agents provide a sheeting action for film-free rinsing. Removes weld residue and discoloration after welding for a clean, even finish. Aluminum and stainless steel cleaner. Size 1 quart (32 oz) bottle.   Crystiles Peel and Stick Mosaics Brushed Stainless Aluminum Wall Tile Backsplash Stick On Metal Tiles, 12″ X 12″, Item #61212620, 1 Sheet Sample Crystiles Peel and Stick Mosaics Brushed Stainless Aluminum Wall Tile Backsplash Stick On Metal Tiles, 12″ X 12″, Item #61212620, 1 Sheet Sample - Resistant to heat and moisture warning don’t expose tile to open flames, or submerse in water. This self-adhesive tile backsplash is easy to install and is perfect for diy renovation project no glue or grout needed, just peel and stick superior adhesion on most flat, dry and free of dust surfaces simply use scissors or utility knife to cut in-etween chips, or use chop saw or angle grinder with a metal cutting blade to cut the tile chips. One (1) sheet sample, 12″ x 12″. Easy to clean and maintain it can work with command hooks perfectly. This stainless aluminum tile can add a luxurious touch into your kitchens, bathrooms or feature walls affordable elegance for any contemporary, traditional or transitional rooms.   Collapsible Straws, Reusable Telescopic Food-grade Stainless Steel Travel Straws with Aluminum Case and Cleaning Brush (Silver, Black) Collapsible Straws, Reusable Telescopic Food-grade Stainless Steel Travel Straws with Aluminum Case and Cleaning Brush (Silver, Black) - 100% satisfaction guarantee, if you are not satisfied with our products at the time you receive it, or if our products does not perform to your satisfaction, feel free to contact us for replacement, or refund. Eco-friendly telescopic straws, telescopic drinking straw are made of food-grade stainless steel, durable, reusable and not easily damaged it can replace the plastic or paper straw used daily, reducing pressure and pollution on the environment eco-friendly and portable, a great gift for your family and friends enjoy reusable straw, enjoy healthy green life. Premium safe material, made from 100% food grade 304 stainless steel, telescopic straws set is 100% safe and healthy fda approved and bpa free with no metallic or chemical taste eco-friendly the polished surface ensures no hurt to your body, without fading or rust. Telescopic drinking straws, the telescopic straw can be stretched or merged to 3 different sizes, from 39 in to 925 in, suitable for various cups, glasses, and tumblers and it is perfect for you to enjoy any beverage whatever it’s hot or cool. Portable case, fashionable and small case designed to keep your straws clean and easy to carry which makes it convenient to carry them anywhere, in your purse, bag or pocket.   Chantal Stainless, Aluminum Cleaner Chantal Stainless, Aluminum Cleaner - Cleaner designed specifically for it’s stainless steel and aluminum products. 12-ounce capacity. Using a damp sponge, apply a small amount of cleaner and quickly rinse for a shiny, clean finish. Also works beautifully on your stainless and aluminum sinks, utensils and appliance surfaces. Has a pleasant scent that’s not offensive.   Rada Cutlery K100 Paring Knives Starter Kit 4 Piece Stainless Steel Knife Set With Brushed Aluminum Handles Made in the USA Rada Cutlery K100 Paring Knives Starter Kit 4 Piece Stainless Steel Knife Set With Brushed Aluminum Handles Made in the USA - American made cutlery, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948 our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. High-quality paring set, this rada cutlery paring starter kit has everything you need to peel fruit and vegetables while also completing a variety of kitchen tasks the set comes with a granny, regular, peeling and heavy duty paring knives. Brushed aluminum handle, the permanently cast, solid brushed aluminum handles on the paring knives are visually appealing and will feel great in your hand hand wash only. Stainless steel blades, the paring knives all feature a surgical grade, t420 high carbon stainless steel blade they are hand sharpened for precise, quick cuts the hollow ground blade ensures a precision concave surface for maximum edge retention. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   Maidier Telescopic Metal Straws with Case – Rainbow Color Stainless Steel Straw, Portable Straws Drinking Reusable Stainless Steel with Aluminum Case, Cleaning Brush & Keychain (Blue) Maidier Telescopic Metal Straws with Case – Rainbow Color Stainless Steel Straw, Portable Straws Drinking Reusable Stainless Steel with Aluminum Case, Cleaning Brush & Keychain (Blue) - Humanized adjustable design, the telescopic straw is designed to be flexible, and the three sections can be stretched and merged, fit to all kind of cups or tumbler, which is perfectly compatible with 12-40oz cups. 100% money back guarantee maidier is committed to providing each customer with the best quality products and the highest standard services full refund or replacement is available if you are not satisfied with our telescopic drinking straws, please be assured of the purchase. Easy to clean due to the extra long telescopic scrub brush, you can clean the inside of the reusable straws from top to bottom easily, reusable straws dishwasher safe. Reusable eco-friendly straw maidier’s straw is reusable, which can replace the plastic and paper straw used daily reduce stress and pollution on the environment. Food-grade straw our reusable straw is made from the best material, premium food-grade 304 stainless steel our metal straw is perfect for you to enjoy any cold or hot drink.   HIC Harold Import Co. Stainless Steel and Aluminum Cleaner 762L-HIC HIC Harold Import Co. Stainless Steel and Aluminum Cleaner 762L-HIC - Hic harold import co. 762l-hic stainless steel and aluminum cleaner home decor products.   Rada Cutlery Heavy Duty Paring Knife -Stainless Steel Blade With Aluminum Handle, 7-1/8 Inches Rada Cutlery Heavy Duty Paring Knife -Stainless Steel Blade With Aluminum Handle, 7-1/8 Inches - Heavy duty paring knife, this knife has a 3-1/4 inch blade and an overall length of 7-1/8 inches  it is a longer paring knife and suitable for a wide range of kitchen tasks  the handle is slightly longer than other paring knives, meaning that you have superior leverage when cutting. American made knife, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. Hand sharpened blade, the blade is made from surgical grade t420 high carbon stainless steel, is hand sharpened to a razor sharp edge and is thicker than most paring knife blades for extra stability  you’ll be slicing and dicing with effortless precision. Brushed aluminum handle, the handle on the heavy duty paring knife is made from permanently cast silver brushed aluminum with a satin finish  this knife should not be washed in the dishwasher  handwashing is recommended. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship. #TopProducts
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Arplis - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Arplis-News/~3/hMBnyBVimkc/23-best-and-coolest-stainless-aluminums
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: 23 Best and Coolest Stainless Aluminums
  Rada Cutlery Metal Grill Spatula -Stainless Steel Face and Aluminum Handle Made in USA, 10-1/8 Inches Rada Cutlery Metal Grill Spatula -Stainless Steel Face and Aluminum Handle Made in USA, 10-1/8 Inches - Brushed aluminum handle, the handle on the grill spatula is made from permanently cast silver brushed aluminum with a satin finish  this kitchen utensil should not be washed in the dishwasher  handwashing is recommended. Stainless steel face, the face on the grill spatula is made 300 series high nickel stainless steel  the large face is sized for cooking and grilling, while the sturdy ridge ensures optimal stability for manipulating foods. Large metal spatula, this sturdy grill spatula can be used in and out of the kitchen  perfect for cooking burgers, grilling or frying chicken, fish and vegetables  use it to remove fresh baked cookies or brownies from a hot sheet. American made utensil, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   Brillo Cameo Aluminum & Stainless Steel Cleaner Brillo Cameo Aluminum & Stainless Steel Cleaner - Works great on stainless steel sinks. Mild abrasive, for un lacquered surfaces only contains no phosphorus. Cleans and polishes aluminum storm windows, screens, pots, roasters, appliances, stainless steel sinks, refrigerators, oven doors, tableware, and chrome surfaces.   Rada Cutlery Pizza Cutter – 3 Inch Stainless Steel Wheel With  Aluminum Handle Made in the USA Rada Cutlery Pizza Cutter – 3 Inch Stainless Steel Wheel With  Aluminum Handle Made in the USA - Brushed aluminum handle, the handle on the pizza cutter is made from permanently cast silver brushed aluminum with a satin finish  this kitchen utensil should not be washed in the dishwasher  handwashing is recommended. American made utensil, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. The best pizza cutter, not only will you cut perfect slices of pizza, but use the pizza cutter for bread dough, homemade pasta, quesadillas, herbs, and desserts such as giant cookies. Stainless steel wheel, the 3 inch wheel on the pizza cutter is made from 300 series high nickel grade stainless steel  its one-sided tapered ground blade has a rugged cutting edge that will make precision cuts through tough crusts. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   Longzon 2 Pack Telescopic Metal Straws – Reusable, Portable, Collapsible Stainless Steel Drinking Straws with 2 Aluminum Key-chain Case & 2 Cleaning Brushes for Travel – (Black/Blue) Longzon 2 Pack Telescopic Metal Straws – Reusable, Portable, Collapsible Stainless Steel Drinking Straws with 2 Aluminum Key-chain Case & 2 Cleaning Brushes for Travel – (Black/Blue) - [Telescopic straws], longzon straws have 3 different sizes, 905″, 61″ or 393″ compatible with most 20 oz and 30 oz tumblers, including such popular brands as yeti, rtic, bubba, ozark, klean kanteen, ello, contigo, aladdin, starbucks, tervis, simple modern, and more longzon provide you 2 silicone tips(a big one and a small one) for each straws, the silicone tips can be put on or taken off you can use the telescopic straws with the big end or the small end per your like. [Eco-friendly & high quality], longzon stainless steel straws are made of food-grade 18/8,304 stainless steel, fda approved baby safety please note the cleaning brushes are storaged in the straws please check the cleaning brushes carefully if you still didn’t find your cleaning brushes, please send us message before you put negative review we will send you the replacement. [Easy to clean] — with the extra long telescopic scrub brush, you can clean the inside of the reusable straws from top to bottom easily don’t worry about the coffee or other drinks in the straw can’t be cleaned they can withstand boiling water, which will disinfect them they are also compatible with dishwashers on both top & bottom shelves. [after sale service] if you have any question about our product or service, please feel free to contact us, we will help you solve the issue on time please note the cleaning brushes are storaged in the straws please check the cleaning brushes carefully if you still didn’t find your cleaning brushes, please send us message before you put negative comments we will send you the missing cleaning brushes. [Portable & trendy key-chain case] -longzon stainless steel straws comes with 2 aluminum alloy cases the straws can be placed in a key-ring case after shrinking, light and small, fits in your pocket, purse, backpack, or briefcase you can also hook the straw case on your belt loop2 different color ker-ring cases can be used to meet your mood and different people.   Rada Cutlery Paring Knife Set – 6 Knives with Stainless Steel Blades With Aluminum Handles Made in the USA Rada Cutlery Paring Knife Set – 6 Knives with Stainless Steel Blades With Aluminum Handles Made in the USA - Set of 6 paring knives, included in the all star paring knife set are  the granny paring, peeling paring, regular paring, serrated regular paring, heavy duty paring and the super parer. Stainless steel blades, the blades come in a variety of sizes  the stainless steel blades on these knives will cut through fruits, vegetables and herbs with ease  the knives in this paring knife set are razor sharp and will not dull easily. Brushed aluminum handles, you’ll absolutely love the look and feel of the permanently cast, solid brushed aluminum handles on the knives in this paring knife set handwashing is recommended. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship. American made knives, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”.   SCI Enameled Cast Aluminum Stainless Steel Blades Heavy Duty Manual Hand Crank Rotary String Bean Frencher/Slicer/Cutter with Clamp SCI Enameled Cast Aluminum Stainless Steel Blades Heavy Duty Manual Hand Crank Rotary String Bean Frencher/Slicer/Cutter with Clamp - Practical cuts multiple beans at once into 1 1/4 inch slender frech cut slices. Versatile great for slicing snap beans lengthwise for canning, freezing, or for tonight’s dinner. Easy to use simply feed fresh green beans into the hopper, and as you turn the crank, beans will be sliced into slender, french cut slices size 5″ l x 4-1/2″ w x 4″ h. High quality made of enameled cast aluminum and stainless steel blades made to last many years to come. Classic design features a hand crank and clamp that easily attaches to any surface.   Metal Straws Collapsible Straws, Reusable Straws Food-Grade Portable Straw Stainless Steel Metal Telescopic Drinking Straws with Travel Aluminum Case & Cleaning Brush & Keychain (Black) Metal Straws Collapsible Straws, Reusable Straws Food-Grade Portable Straw Stainless Steel Metal Telescopic Drinking Straws with Travel Aluminum Case & Cleaning Brush & Keychain (Black) - 【Portable design】this stainless steel telescoping metal straw comes in a slim case,the compact design make the straw tucks neatly into an aluminum case with a screw top capyou can easily be stored in a small purse and lunch bag,or use the included carabiner clip to attach to your backpackyou can carry it with you wherever you go,such as outdoor picnics, camping, hiking, travelling. 【Easy to clean】every reusable metal straw comes with telescopic steel cleaning brush due to the extra long telescopic scrub brush,you can clean the inside of the straws from top to bottom easilyunlike silicone straws, it does not leave a residual “milk tea” after cleaning. 【Telescoping straws】this reusable straw is telescopic and can be adjusted to length and fit for any size cup stainless steel straw has a good seal and compactness between the segments so that it won’t collapse when use it and can easily absorb the beverage, there is no need to worry that these straws will not have enough seals to create a leak. 【warranty one year】if there are any problems with the reusable straws,please contact us immediatelywe provide one year after-sale protection, 100% refund and replacement serviceproducts include collapsible metal straws 2 pack,cleaning brush 2,carabiner 2,metal tube 2. 【Reusable eco-friendly straw】our reusable straw is made from the best material, premium food-grade 304 stainless steel ,no odor, anti-scratch which can replace the plastic and paper straw used dailynot only does it save money on multiple purchases of straws,but also reduce the pollution on the environment and ocean,and protect the earth from disposable plastic.   Portable Reusable Drinking Straws – Telescopic Stainless Steel Metal Straw with Aluminum Case & Cleaning Brush Portable Reusable Drinking Straws – Telescopic Stainless Steel Metal Straw with Aluminum Case & Cleaning Brush - Creative telescopic design the straw is telescopic, there are three sections that can be stretched to 92″ and can be merged to 393″, perfectly compatible with all types of cups or tumblers our straws come with telescopic cleaning brush which is long enough to clean the whole straw, it helps keep your straw in its pristine condition at all times. Reusable eco-friendly straws the telescopic stainless steel straws are reusable, which can replace the plastic or paper straw used daily reduce stress and pollution on the environment, save the earth from disposable plastic. Safety bpa free our telescopic straw is made from absolutely the best material, premium food-grade stainless steel, 100% bpa free, fda approved, dishwasher safe the straw is perfect for you to enjoy any cold or hot drink. Portable solution the portable set includes stainless steel telescopic straw, telescopic cleaning brush, carrying case and an attachable keychain our straws comes in a aluminum case specifically designed to keep it clean and handy there is an attachable keychain option, you can tie the case to your belt or bag, you can carry it with you wherever you go. 100% money back guarantee u-miss is committed to providing each customer with the best quality products and the highest standard services full refund or replacement is available if you are not satisfied with our telescopic drinking straws, please be assured of the purchase.   HomeyMosaic Peel and Stick Tile Backsplash Stainless Steel Stick on Tiles for Kitchen Wall Decor Aluminum Surface Metal Tile,Silver Square Plaid(12″x12″x 5 Sheets) HomeyMosaic Peel and Stick Tile Backsplash Stainless Steel Stick on Tiles for Kitchen Wall Decor Aluminum Surface Metal Tile,Silver Square Plaid(12″x12″x 5 Sheets) - ✔ Each backsplash tile sheet has brushed aluminum matted surface and self-adhesive back sticker, no groutstrong stickiness, will not fall off. ✔ The tile’s surface is resistant to heat and moisture,easy wipe to remove the stains,most people put it behind the stove, bathroom mirror and even for the cabinet. ✔Package there are 5 sheets in a box covering 5 square feet(1212 inch per sheet) 1% extra wastage is recommended in every projecttiles should not directly contact with flames or submerse in wateronly recommended for clean and smooth surface. ✔ the stainless steel backsplash is used for wall decoration, such as the kitchen backsplash,kitchen island walls,bedroom walls,laundry rooms metal wall tile or bathroom wall tile etc. ✔Just peel and stick, directly stick the tile on wall, save your time and money on labor easy for installation.   Rada Cutlery R102 Small Peeling Paring Knife Stainless Steel Blade with Brushed Aluminum Made in The USA, 6-1/8 Inches, Silver Handle Rada Cutlery R102 Small Peeling Paring Knife Stainless Steel Blade with Brushed Aluminum Made in The USA, 6-1/8 Inches, Silver Handle - Brushed aluminum handle, the solid brushed aluminum handle has a satin finish giving it a professional look  the handle is not only tough, but durable  hand wash only. Paring knife for peeling, this paring knife is the ideal size for peeling fruits and vegetables  the blade measures 2-1/2 inches and the knife has an overall length of 6-1/8 inches. Stainless steel blade, the hollow ground blade is made from surgical grade, t420 high carbon stainless steel that is hand sharpened  the shorter blade allows for easier maneuverability. American made cutlery, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   Home Solutions Grill Tools Set with Barbecue Accessories – Stainless Steel BBQ Utensils with Aluminum Case – Grilling Kit & Gifts for Men (3-Piece) Home Solutions Grill Tools Set with Barbecue Accessories – Stainless Steel BBQ Utensils with Aluminum Case – Grilling Kit & Gifts for Men (3-Piece) - Essential grilling set a spatula, tongs and a fork-all you really need to grill a great meal. Durable and easy to clean all stainless steel, this 3-piece grill set won’t chip, tarnish or rust. Satisfaction guarantee home solutions offers free replacement for an entire year great men’s gift. Stylish and safe extended stainless handles add elegance and keep your hands away from the flames. Free aluminum case store or carry your grill set safely strap in the tools, double latch and go.   Rada Cutlery Grapefruit Knife – Stainless Steel Serrated Blade With Aluminum Handle Made in the USA, 7 Inch Rada Cutlery Grapefruit Knife – Stainless Steel Serrated Blade With Aluminum Handle Made in the USA, 7 Inch - American made cutlery, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948 our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. Toss out your grapefruit spoon, this knife is specifically designed to make cutting grapefruits and oranges a breeze this will save you time whenever you need a snack this grapefruit knife has a blade that measures 3-3/8 inches and has an overall length of 7 inches. Serrated stainless steel blade, featuring a surgical grade, t420 high carbon stainless steel blade it has a serrated edge top and bottom so you can cut the grapefruit both directions the tip is angled and the blade is both double-sided and serrated with small teeth. Brushed aluminum handle, you’ll absolutely love the look and feel of the permanently cast, solid brushed aluminum handle handwashing is recommended. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   simplehuman Adjustable Shower Caddy XL, Stainless Steel + Anodized Aluminum (Renewed) simplehuman Adjustable Shower Caddy XL, Stainless Steel + Anodized Aluminum (Renewed) - Handheld-showerhead compatible, designed specifically for use with handheld showerheads that loop down. Wider adjustable wire shelves, easily slide up and down to make room for tall bottles with a simple turn of the quick-adjust dial. Store bottles upside-down, specially cut holes in shelves allow for effortless dispensing. Fits modern bulky shower tools, designed to store large items such as facial cleansing brushes, razors and electric toothbrushesadjustable hanger securely grips shower door. Organize your shower space, family-sized capacity to organize your shower essentials and keep them all within easy reach. Solid, secure installation, a rubberized showerhead clamp supports the caddy from above and twin pivoting suction cups support it from below. Makes room for taller bottles, the neck extends to make room for taller bottles on top shelf, and lowers the caddy for easy reach, very kid-friendly. Rust-proof, durable stainless steel construction is corrosion-resistant and easy to clean. Quick-dry soap dish, drains the water completely so soap stays dry and lasts longer. 211″w x 59″d x 276″h -394″h when neck is fully extended. 5-year warranty.   Rada Cutlery Deluxe Vegetable Peeler – Stainless Steel Blade With Aluminum Handle, 8-3/8 Inches Rada Cutlery Deluxe Vegetable Peeler – Stainless Steel Blade With Aluminum Handle, 8-3/8 Inches - Brushed aluminum handle,   the handle on the vegetable peeler is made from silver brushed aluminum  it is larger than a traditional peeler handle making it easier to use for bigger peeling tasks  handwashing is recommended. Swivel design for easy peeling, it utilizes a dual edged blade for both right and left handed cooks the shape ensures that the peeling motion can go towards or away from you with equal effectiveness  all of this adds up to faster, easier peeling  you’ll have your meal prepared in record time. Deluxe vegetable peeler, make your kitchen peeling tasks go even faster with this kitchen tool  it has a surgical quality, t420 high carbon stainless steel blade that measures 2 inches  the overall length of this vegetable and potato peeler is 8-3/8 inches. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship. American made knives, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”.   Brasso Metal Polish, 8 oz Bottle for Brass, Copper, Stainless, Chrome, Aluminum, Pewter & Bronze, 8 oz (Pack of 2) Brasso Metal Polish, 8 oz Bottle for Brass, Copper, Stainless, Chrome, Aluminum, Pewter & Bronze, 8 oz (Pack of 2) - Cleans & polishes a variety of metals. Multi-purpose metal polish for brass, copper, stainless steel, chrome, aluminum, pewter, and bronze. Provides long-lasting smooth & polished surface. Great to use on car rims, stainless refrigerators/ovens/toasters/dishwashers, faucets, metal kitchenware and metal furniture. Provides brilliant shine.   Dynaflux 781 Aluminum and Stainless Steel Cleaner – 1 Quart Bottle Dynaflux 781 Aluminum and Stainless Steel Cleaner – 1 Quart Bottle - Provides rapid and effortless cleaning and removal of grease, oil, dirt and white, chalky aluminum oxides before welding. Rinse agents provide a sheeting action for film-free rinsing. Removes weld residue and discoloration after welding for a clean, even finish. Aluminum and stainless steel cleaner. Size 1 quart (32 oz) bottle.   Crystiles Peel and Stick Mosaics Brushed Stainless Aluminum Wall Tile Backsplash Stick On Metal Tiles, 12″ X 12″, Item #61212620, 1 Sheet Sample Crystiles Peel and Stick Mosaics Brushed Stainless Aluminum Wall Tile Backsplash Stick On Metal Tiles, 12″ X 12″, Item #61212620, 1 Sheet Sample - Resistant to heat and moisture warning don’t expose tile to open flames, or submerse in water. This self-adhesive tile backsplash is easy to install and is perfect for diy renovation project no glue or grout needed, just peel and stick superior adhesion on most flat, dry and free of dust surfaces simply use scissors or utility knife to cut in-etween chips, or use chop saw or angle grinder with a metal cutting blade to cut the tile chips. One (1) sheet sample, 12″ x 12″. Easy to clean and maintain it can work with command hooks perfectly. This stainless aluminum tile can add a luxurious touch into your kitchens, bathrooms or feature walls affordable elegance for any contemporary, traditional or transitional rooms.   Collapsible Straws, Reusable Telescopic Food-grade Stainless Steel Travel Straws with Aluminum Case and Cleaning Brush (Silver, Black) Collapsible Straws, Reusable Telescopic Food-grade Stainless Steel Travel Straws with Aluminum Case and Cleaning Brush (Silver, Black) - 100% satisfaction guarantee, if you are not satisfied with our products at the time you receive it, or if our products does not perform to your satisfaction, feel free to contact us for replacement, or refund. Eco-friendly telescopic straws, telescopic drinking straw are made of food-grade stainless steel, durable, reusable and not easily damaged it can replace the plastic or paper straw used daily, reducing pressure and pollution on the environment eco-friendly and portable, a great gift for your family and friends enjoy reusable straw, enjoy healthy green life. Premium safe material, made from 100% food grade 304 stainless steel, telescopic straws set is 100% safe and healthy fda approved and bpa free with no metallic or chemical taste eco-friendly the polished surface ensures no hurt to your body, without fading or rust. Telescopic drinking straws, the telescopic straw can be stretched or merged to 3 different sizes, from 39 in to 925 in, suitable for various cups, glasses, and tumblers and it is perfect for you to enjoy any beverage whatever it’s hot or cool. Portable case, fashionable and small case designed to keep your straws clean and easy to carry which makes it convenient to carry them anywhere, in your purse, bag or pocket.   Chantal Stainless, Aluminum Cleaner Chantal Stainless, Aluminum Cleaner - Cleaner designed specifically for it’s stainless steel and aluminum products. 12-ounce capacity. Using a damp sponge, apply a small amount of cleaner and quickly rinse for a shiny, clean finish. Also works beautifully on your stainless and aluminum sinks, utensils and appliance surfaces. Has a pleasant scent that’s not offensive.   Rada Cutlery K100 Paring Knives Starter Kit 4 Piece Stainless Steel Knife Set With Brushed Aluminum Handles Made in the USA Rada Cutlery K100 Paring Knives Starter Kit 4 Piece Stainless Steel Knife Set With Brushed Aluminum Handles Made in the USA - American made cutlery, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948 our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. High-quality paring set, this rada cutlery paring starter kit has everything you need to peel fruit and vegetables while also completing a variety of kitchen tasks the set comes with a granny, regular, peeling and heavy duty paring knives. Brushed aluminum handle, the permanently cast, solid brushed aluminum handles on the paring knives are visually appealing and will feel great in your hand hand wash only. Stainless steel blades, the paring knives all feature a surgical grade, t420 high carbon stainless steel blade they are hand sharpened for precise, quick cuts the hollow ground blade ensures a precision concave surface for maximum edge retention. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   Maidier Telescopic Metal Straws with Case – Rainbow Color Stainless Steel Straw, Portable Straws Drinking Reusable Stainless Steel with Aluminum Case, Cleaning Brush & Keychain (Blue) Maidier Telescopic Metal Straws with Case – Rainbow Color Stainless Steel Straw, Portable Straws Drinking Reusable Stainless Steel with Aluminum Case, Cleaning Brush & Keychain (Blue) - Humanized adjustable design, the telescopic straw is designed to be flexible, and the three sections can be stretched and merged, fit to all kind of cups or tumbler, which is perfectly compatible with 12-40oz cups. 100% money back guarantee maidier is committed to providing each customer with the best quality products and the highest standard services full refund or replacement is available if you are not satisfied with our telescopic drinking straws, please be assured of the purchase. Easy to clean due to the extra long telescopic scrub brush, you can clean the inside of the reusable straws from top to bottom easily, reusable straws dishwasher safe. Reusable eco-friendly straw maidier’s straw is reusable, which can replace the plastic and paper straw used daily reduce stress and pollution on the environment. Food-grade straw our reusable straw is made from the best material, premium food-grade 304 stainless steel our metal straw is perfect for you to enjoy any cold or hot drink.   HIC Harold Import Co. Stainless Steel and Aluminum Cleaner 762L-HIC HIC Harold Import Co. Stainless Steel and Aluminum Cleaner 762L-HIC - Hic harold import co. 762l-hic stainless steel and aluminum cleaner home decor products.   Rada Cutlery Heavy Duty Paring Knife -Stainless Steel Blade With Aluminum Handle, 7-1/8 Inches Rada Cutlery Heavy Duty Paring Knife -Stainless Steel Blade With Aluminum Handle, 7-1/8 Inches - Heavy duty paring knife, this knife has a 3-1/4 inch blade and an overall length of 7-1/8 inches  it is a longer paring knife and suitable for a wide range of kitchen tasks  the handle is slightly longer than other paring knives, meaning that you have superior leverage when cutting. American made knife, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. Hand sharpened blade, the blade is made from surgical grade t420 high carbon stainless steel, is hand sharpened to a razor sharp edge and is thicker than most paring knife blades for extra stability  you’ll be slicing and dicing with effortless precision. Brushed aluminum handle, the handle on the heavy duty paring knife is made from permanently cast silver brushed aluminum with a satin finish  this knife should not be washed in the dishwasher  handwashing is recommended. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship. #TopProducts
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/23-best-and-coolest-stainless-aluminums-1
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calorieworkouts · 5 years
Make Eating Whatever You Want Work Towards Your Advantage | Part 1 of 3
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Last Saturday, my relative Andrew and also I mosted likely to Wendy's. I had a three-way Baconator with french fries. Then I went home as well as saw Video game of Thrones, while devouring 2 bags of Hershey's Cookies 'N' Cream bite size delicious chocolate thingys. I would tell you what Andrew had however I was too busy sliding right into a food coma to bear in mind. That was my cheat meal and also I made it because I consumed like a neanderthal all week ...
I am mosting likely to think that you are possibly reviewing this write-up with the objectives of cranking back some undesirable tasty foods over the holidays! If you resemble me then you obviously wish to prevent having "even more to love" by the time January hits as well as you're compelled to strike the gym harder than that Baconator hit my pancreas.
If your mosting likely to understand why these tips work then you require to comprehend exactly how cheat meals can make us fat. I understand, monotonous but just shush as well as maintain reading.
When carbohydrates get digested they need to be damaged down right into sugars before they can go into the blood stream. Facility carbs represent lengthy chains of sugars bound with each other, while easy carbohydrates stand for smaller sized chains. Long and also short chains of sugars have to be damaged down right into specific sugar molecules to be taken in. Picture different teams of jail inmates (sugars), holding hands going through a jail (your intestines). Then correctional police officers (enzymes), are all like, "hey quit holding hands, that's weird, you're in jail." The correctional police officers ultimately break the bonds between the prisoners and also send them to their cells, word play here planned (Boom).
Once our sugar bonds are broken up in our intestinal tracts they get in the blood stream, and our pancreas is notified of the boost in blood glucose. Subsequently, insulin is released to fight this. Then a bunch of insulin goes and snatches up the sugar molecules as well as moves them into their marked cells (could be liver, muscle mass, fat or numerous other cells). In the majority of circumstances insulin will certainly look to drop off those sugars in your liver, however, as soon as your liver is complete they will have no selection but to juicify your love manages (in short article second I will touch on how we can get insulin to send sugar into our muscles). Currently, our bodies have many mechanisms for making us fat, however in my point of view high carb usage is the number one reason for obesity.
Tip #1 - The Obvious Tip…
Try to prevent refined food. A heck of a procedure goes into making bread, so try to prevent it. Brownish rice, quinoa, basmati rice, as well as Cous do not take much to obtain them ready to eat, so they are okay. If you're obese, cut complicated carbohydrates entirely and see the pounds fly away. If you're not obese as well as you're naturally skinny/lean (also known as my silly cousin Andrew), you can have some complex carbs. My individual opinion is that an EXTREMELY percentage of people would ever require even more than 100 grams of intricate carbohydrates in a day.
Tip # 2 - Insulin level of sensitivity enhances with each sugar cost-free meal
One thing I didn't mention regarding our buddy insulin is that if you have way too much sugar flowing in your blood stream (particularly over a long term amount of time i.e. days/months/years) then you can become insulin immune. It's kind of like when I attempt and terrify my parents. Sometimes I can terrify them so great that they will accidentally vouch, it's honestly hilarious. If I tried frightening them 10 times a day they would end up being immune to my immaturity and I would not get to enjoy their swears. In all severity, if this is what's occurring- you're becoming insulin resistant- then you're likely on track to coming to be diabetic.
I like to believe of our partnership with insulin as a really big teeter-totter. On one side sits insulin resistance, and also beyond rests insulin sensitivity. The more sweet food we eat the further we move towards insulin resistance, and also at some point if we eat so poor, we can stroll right past insulin resistance as well as jump off the teeter-totter causing diabetes mellitus. Yet, with every excellent dish we eat we can stroll towards insulin sensitivity, and at some point get a super power or something.
When you are "low sugar" for long enough your liver obtains an opportunity to include some new sugars therefore blitzing on your own with a cheat dish, in some instances can in fact make you leaner. When you consume "low carbohydrate" for long sufficient your Leptin levels reduce, and among Leptin's roles is to metabolize fat. Guess what gives Leptin a boost ... cheat dishes! This does not imply pizza is now a healthy option, it indicates it "can be" if your diet regimen gets on factor. Previously this year I went two weeks without a gram of sugar and I made a decision to have a gluten cost-free pizza, which is amazing incidentally so shut your mouth if you're a gluten complimentary hater, as well as I in fact shed 2lbs the following day.
Moral of the story, with every carbohydrate complimentary day that passes you will increase your performance when you ultimately made a decision to crank back some deliciousness. I'm quite sure superman came to be superman from going carbohydrate cost-free for a year and after that having a Baconator, just saying.
Tip # 3 - Fit Cocoa, Eco-friendly Tea, as well as Cinnamon right into your diet plan any place you can
In a nutshell research states that these three individuals can increase your insulin level of sensitivity. I have actually located moderate to high intake of these young puppies on my rip off days to be specifically useful. If you desire much more information examine the sources:-RRB-.
Green Tea (1,2)
Cocoa (1,3)
( 1) http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/81/3/611.short
- favanols= high antioxidant/High Nitric Oxide( arginine-alpha-keto-glutarate (AAKG). ) bioavailability ... Nitric Oxide bioavailability=" boosted sugar uptake"
( 2) http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf030365d
( 3) http://advances.nutrition.org/content/3/2/217.full
( 4 )http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=1681080
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hidden-giggles · 7 years
Story Time! A large compilation of IRL stories
So that “True Tickling Story Asks racked up a fair few requests, a great many of them repeats. The only people I can tag for this response are @crispysoultimemachine, @undermyfeather, and @lettheworldtickleyou. For all y’all anons, I hope you see these! Some overlap, so I may double up, don’t hate me?
Also shoutout to my FAVORITE Halloween film of all time Rocky Horror Picture Show. Oh the filth it involves. If you haven’t been to a live showing, go. I just went to another one and it just doesn’t get old. Pop that Rocky Cherry!
And so it begins! Click to see my adventures below the cut. Featured below, thought perhaps combined will be: 7. A time tickling went on longer than you wanted it to 8. A time someone held down your feet and tickled them 11. The most intense unintentional tickling you’ve ever endured 12. The most embarrassing tickling experience you’ve ever had 13. A time you were tickled in front of people 17. A time you tried to get yourself tickled 20. Your most ticklish pedicure 22. A time you were tickled in a public setting 24. A time you were asked to take off your shoes and it made you legitimately nervous 30. A time someone pulled your shoes off and tickled your feet 32. A time you tickled someone only to bait them into tickling you back
You’ve decided to brave this novel of a post? Well bless your heart. A portion of this will be out of order and covering parts of an 8 hour adventure with this asshole Josh I’m embarrassingly fond of. If you’re reading this, and I’m sure you are, try not to read into this too much or get too pleased. I’ll find a way to achieve revenge and you know it.
And so, starting this saga are numbers 7, 8, 12, 13, 22, and 30.
This summer in Paris, I had the pleasure of hanging out with Josh and showing him some of the sights around the 1st, 4th, and 12th arrondissements (sections of the city) and ordering the stuff we wanted in French. Bless his American heart 😛 But my foyer (dorm I guess?) was women only, and we weren’t about to bug his roommate, so for some 8 hours, we wandered some of my favorite and familiar parts of the city! Which also involved a lot, and I mean a lot of public play that flustered the hell out of me the entire time. And it was fun! But sometimes super duper embarrassing. For the first 45 minutes or so, we were chilling on the banks of the Seine in the 4th arr., just across the way from the islands in the center. We had some prosecco (Italian version of champagne), we relaxed, we chatted, totally surrounded by the dozens of other people doing the same on the grass and in the bars behind us. That did not, however, stop him from making me giggle like mad from head to toe, and I mean that literally. In a number of positions too, the worst of which involved me between his legs and leaning back, his thighs pinning my hands completely. He could reach everything, and I just about reached peak pitch in giggles. And then the ass made it worse. You see, my mouth ran rampant in France. I could say whatever I wanted in English because the kids didn’t know enough to be corrupted and only a portion of the adults knew enough English to understand. Even fewer cared. So when I begged calmly requested he cease fire, I was told to ask in French. The language people actually understood across the board. If people weren’t staring before (they were and it was so much worse knowing that), they were much more aware when I was, 1, begging en francais and 2, not getting my promised pause until a bit longer afterwards because he claimed he couldn’t understand me. I thought I might die, either from overheating with my massive blush or lack of breath for giggling and squealing myself to death. Oh god was I embarrassed, more than ever before, and more thoroughly played like a gosh darn fiddle. So I suppose the beginning of the evening covers numbers 7, 12, 13, and 22. Time skip like 4 hours. Apparently humans require food to function. I must have forgotten to read the “How to be Normal” manual because I had some bread at maybe 8 a.m. and then I didn’t really eat. But I had tea so I was totally hydrated! This is kind of common, my tum just doesn’t hold too much. But Josh, bless him, was less than pleased upon discovering that at midnight. And what’s open in Paris at midnight? Well, in the 1st arr. by the Hotel de Ville, it’s McDo, or McDonald’s. Bet y’all didn’t expect a cultural lesson with a tickling story, did you? And so, at midnight in the center of Paris in early August, we sat in a mostly empty McDonald’s munching on fries. And suddenly, my leg isn’t sitting still but rather being lifted, and shifted, and settled in his lap under the table. And my flip flop is coming off. And my heart stops. Oh god no no no no no, we are in an eating establishment, however casual it may be, being kicked out for disrupting the peace and being less than totally sanitary was not on my to-do list of rules I wanted to break while abroad (don’t follow my lead, learn from my example guys). I tried to pull my foot away, to put it back on the floor even without my shoe, but no such luck. I ankle was held tightly in place, I was stuck, even as his fingers started wiggling over my arches. I was biting my tongue, squeezing my eyes shut, shaking my leg and curling my toes, and I was still a squealing little mess. I begged, desperately, and after a short period of time I secured out exit from the restaurant and got my shoe back for the moment. But oh was I a nervous, flustered little thing. And that’s 8 and 30 for you! This doesn’t cover the entirety of the evening, and I don’t intend to, but those are some snippets to cover my bases!
On 24, I’m thankful to say I don’t recall being explicitly instructed to remove my shoes for any purpose that gave me reason to fear. If my shoes come off, it’s usually of my own volition and conception both.
Numbers 17 and 32 are another combination because I both attempted and succeeded, naturally. I have this nasty tendency to get what I want. Oops 😘🤗 It was a casual day last year in my dorm, and I was in a lounge watching a movie with a couple friends. One was a sister/good friend, the other a a good guy friend. Both knew I was sensitive, but my sister totally isn't when she doesn't want to be (like WTF I still don't know how she controls it?!). However, my dear friend totally is. It's super adorable. I didn't start it, but I totally didn't stop her when she starting poking at his stomach and he started squirming and trying to catch her hands. I was initially staying out of it because I didn't have a death wish, but he was between the two of us and it was just too easy because he couldn't fight the both of us, at least not well. Eventually I got the threat: "You're way worse than me! Keep doing that and you WILL get it back ten times as bad." It was effective for a bit, getting me to stop. And then a little poke. And then a couple more. Casual, spaced out, sneaky. No repercussions. I thought I had escaped, which felt like both victory and defeat. My sister had to go to some meeting, so it was just me and my friend. There was about 30 seconds of silence, just watching whatever movie was on - I couldn't tell you for the life of me what it was. And then: "Okay this has been a long time coming." I've never seen him move that quickly, but his arms shot out and his hands were tickling my stomach and sides before I had time to move or block. And oh was he right, I did get it ten times worse than I gave. For like 15 minutes. Of course he was terribly pleased the entire time I was writhing and squealing - apparently I make entertaining noises and he continues to point that out. It was the worst great kind of thing to happen on a lazy Saturday.
I know I'm totally and completely out of order on these, but hey, why not go with number 11 now? It was a girl's night, with PJs and cookie dough and pizza and I may or may not have been a little tipsy. It was just a little teeny tiny bit of a floaty feeling, I swear! But now I must regrettably inform you, darling reader, how sensitive I can be. Not always! But sometimes it's really bad. So picture this: I'm lounging on the couch, surrounded by my three or four friends, and one casually comments she likes my toenail polish color. Which would be fine and dandy—I was pretty fond of my signature OPI Big Apple Red too—if she didn't touch it. She didn't touch my skin, or even near it. She rubbed the polish on my big toe nail. And I still squeaked, my eyes wide as saucers, my toes curled, and biting my lip hard. Everyone in the room stopped and looked at me, most surprised and a little quizzical. "Are you really that ticklish? Oh my god." And so she did it again, and I jumped. And again, repeatedly, and I started squirming and trying to hold back giggles. And then she touched my toes and arches and I lost any sense of what was going on except for the fact that my friends were figuring out, some for the first time, how outrageously ticklish I am and having fun with it. I squirmed so much, desperate for an end to my embarrassed and unavoidable giggling, that I didn't realize it stopped until my feet were very warm. I opened my eyes. I had literally shoved my feet underneath my friend while she was sitting because her as was protecting them. It was shocking and hilarious enough that she did stop, but the damage had been done. All too many people know about how sensitive I am.
And finally, number 20 is about a pedicure. Which I've already written about. Fairly extensively throughout my blog. No offense, but if you want it you’re welcome to go searching because I’ve written a ton here already. Cool beans?
Thanks for tuning in! If you're interested in me verbalizing any of these experiences, feel free to check out my commission guidelines as they currently stand and pop onto my Ko-Fi with your request! Or just message me your business proposal, direct and upfront about your intentions in my DMs or inbox.
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endlessly-elizabeth · 5 years
Body image. A topic that I find, like many of you, difficult to talk about sometimes. Let me start by saying this: my body is nowhere near “perfect” and it never will be. What is perfection anyways? Being slender? Being curvy? Slim thicc? Everyone is attracted to different traits, body types, hair colors, etc. It’s all about preference. I’ve battled with myself for far too long about body image and it’s taken me years to try to be body positive. I’m still not happy with where I am, but I’m amazed with how far I’ve come.
I’ve never been “skinny.” I was a chubby baby and it didn’t stop there. My brother called me fat on a daily basis when I was growing up. My grandpa told me if I kept eating as much as I was, I was going to look like my mother one day. My grandmother told my mom I had large thighs. One of my childhood friends told me I had cellulite (well, we didn’t know what cellulite was back then. She referred to it as “dimples”). Classmates made snide comments about my weight and/or my appearance during the years that I craved acceptance the most. Once all of these flaws were brought to my attention, it was hard for me to ignore them.
In some ways, I had a normal childhood like everyone else. I grew up in a nice neighborhood, I always had kids my own age to play with, and I did well in school. I didn’t have many hobbies outside of having play dates, spending time outside, and writing in a diary before I went to bed at night...but I still felt happy and fulfilled. My parents stayed married and kept any kind of problems they may have had private. I had a brother I could always play video games or watch tv with. I had a great group of friends. Life truly was as easy and loving as it could have been for me. Until my brother got sick.
I don’t want to draw too much attention to it or get to personal with these stories, because I don’t want people to look at me any differently. But my brother used to hit me...a lot. And over the smallest things. He seemed very much unlike himself. His demeanor would change like the flip of a switch and he could go from being perfectly content to aggressively angry. Most of the time, he took his anger out on me. I was the closest person in proximity to him, so I was, unfortunately, an easy target. I’m also three years younger than him.
 I distinctly remember one of my friends coming over to the house when my parents weren’t home, and my brother was on the computer. We asked him if we could use it--I wanted to show her how to create a new AIM screen name (holy throwback!). He repeatedly told me no. I threatened to call our mom (wasn’t that how you got your siblings to do anything when you were kids?). He rose from the chair and started wailing on me until I fell to the ground. He hovered over me and continued to hit me, despite how much I was crying out in pain. My friend jumped on the couch and started yelling at him, saying she was going to call the police if he didn’t stop. We were both hysterical--my friend hysterical with fear, and I was hysterically in pain. I don’t remember anything after that, honestly. I probably tried to block in out from my memory.
He used to threaten me not to tell my parents. I listened to him because I didn’t want to be in pain again. I had tried telling my parents before...I don’t know if they were in denial, or if they just thought it was normal sibling behavior. Eventually, my parents started witnessing more of the pent up anger he had and took him to see a child counselor. He seemed to be handling his anger better but things took a turn for the worse. His health seemed to be declining. My parents had to keep an extra set of clothes at school for him because he had suddenly lost his ability to tell when he had to go to the bathroom. He was late to school one day and when my dad and I went to drop him off, we watched him hook his arm through one of the straps, and when he went to do the second one, he just completely fell over. We went to our doctor and she was watching him walk in a straight line. “Pick up your foot!” I had said to him. There was one foot that seemed to be dragging behind the other. 
I don’t remember all of the details, but it turned out that he did have a serious medical problem. He had a cyst that hung off of his spinal cord that was affecting his balance, and he had a brain tumor. The next year or two were hard. He had to have emergency surgery that left me to be shuffled between different friends and family’s houses. I had to have out-of-state family members stay with me so he could see specialists in New York. He was in the hospital and a rehabilitation center for a long time, and eventually had to move in with my grandpa because his spinal surgery caused him to have to relearn how to walk again. Our grandpa’s house was a rancher-style and the only steps were to get into the basement.
You’re probably wondering why I’m telling you this. During the years that this was happening, my brother and I were both at ages where our brains were actively growing. It was the time when our perception of who we were as people began to form. I felt abandoned at that time--by my family for leaving me behind and keeping me out of the loop. I felt like they cared more about him than they did me, (Of course, I realize now that the problems were bigger than me--they almost lost him and needed to tend to him. Putting me with friends and other family members was the best avenue they could’ve taken, without having to pull me from school.) My life seemed chaotic. I was being teased by classmates about his medical problems and how I probably had them, too.
Everything seemed to normalize once my brother moved back home, but he was never the same. The loving relationship we had before his medical problems began to surface had completely disintegrated. He was bitter that I had a normal life and wasn’t plagued by the same hardships he faced. It created a resentment that was almost palpable. He still let anger consume him and he’d make me his punching bag. While it wasn’t necessarily physical anymore, he still made an effort to hurt me with his words. He made me feel worthless by calling me fat and ugly.
I carried the weight of my childhood and turned to eating as a source of comfort. Food was something that I could always rely on. So, when my brother or my classmates made me feel bad, I ate. And ate. And probably ate some more. This certainly didn’t help me with my self-esteem or my body image. I was definitely chubby, but I wouldn’t say I was ever “fat.” I think the most I ever weighed was 170, which is embarrassing to admit now. But guys didn’t like me. They thought I was nerdy and couldn’t be bothered to get to know me because of my appearance. Looking back, I think I attribute my relationship with my brother to my fear of men. I was uncomfortable being around them one on one to the point where I’d get physically sick. I guess that explains my nonexistent dating life in high school and college...Here’s a super personal fact about me: I was so afraid of guys and the idea of being physically intimate with someone, I didn’t kiss anyone until I was twenty-one. Yes, you heard that correctly. Thank goodness for that one guy I allowed myself to take a chance on and who was super patient with me.
Those years were hard. Both emotionally and mentally draining. Once I graduated college, I made an active effort to eat better and to shed some of that weight. I wanted to grow into a confident, happy version of myself who wasn’t afraid of male attention. I wanted to like what I saw in the mirror. Being out of school absolutely helped me make better food choices--I wasn’t constantly surrounded by french fries, burgers, milkshakes, etc. I started feeling mentally healthier once I became more physically active. Now, mind you, my weight still fluctuates to this day. But I am proud to say that I am thirty pounds lighter than I was at my heaviest, and I’ve grown to be more body positive. I don’t shy away from clothing that hugs my body anymore. I used to be petrified to wear shorts in public because I have cellulite on my legs, but I started showing more of my body off two years ago and I’ve realized that I am my own worst critic. I know that the cellulite is there, so I assume that everyone else is staring at it as heavily as I was, but they’re not. Can they see the little dimples on my legs when I wear shorts or dresses? Sure. Is it the most appealing thing to look at? No. But, I’m fucking human. I have cellulite, who the fuck cares?
I used to let it RUN my life. I would only go “so far” with a guy because I didn’t want him to see me entirely naked. I was afraid that if a guy saw that I had cellulite on my legs (and butt, let’s be honest), that it would somehow make me less attractive or less lovable in his eyes. I constantly told myself I wasn’t good enough for someone who was very physically fit because I’m not toned and have those little dimples. I criticized myself to the point where I felt ugly. I still have that cellulite. My legs still jiggle every time I walk, but you know what? I don’t care as much. I truly believe that I suffered from that ugly duckling syndrome. I finally became the swan when I began taking care of myself. I’m on my feet for at least five hours a day at my job. I was exercising multiple times a week before my back started hurting, so that is something that I slowly want to bring back into my routine. I gave up Dunkin Donuts, bread, and pizza for lent, and I feel so much better. I haven’t quite seen the weight loss that I’ve been looking for, but I feel more energized. I enjoy making healthier food choices. I enjoy curling my hair, wearing makeup, and wearing a dress that shows off my very imperfect body. I’m tired of trying to attain perfection or feeling bad about myself when I scroll through my social media apps and realize that my body is painfully average. I’m still a damn queen, even with a couple extra dimples. It’s about time I start acting like it! 
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: 23 Best and Coolest Stainless Aluminums
  Rada Cutlery Metal Grill Spatula -Stainless Steel Face and Aluminum Handle Made in USA, 10-1/8 Inches Rada Cutlery Metal Grill Spatula -Stainless Steel Face and Aluminum Handle Made in USA, 10-1/8 Inches - Brushed aluminum handle, the handle on the grill spatula is made from permanently cast silver brushed aluminum with a satin finish  this kitchen utensil should not be washed in the dishwasher  handwashing is recommended. Stainless steel face, the face on the grill spatula is made 300 series high nickel stainless steel  the large face is sized for cooking and grilling, while the sturdy ridge ensures optimal stability for manipulating foods. Large metal spatula, this sturdy grill spatula can be used in and out of the kitchen  perfect for cooking burgers, grilling or frying chicken, fish and vegetables  use it to remove fresh baked cookies or brownies from a hot sheet. American made utensil, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   Brillo Cameo Aluminum & Stainless Steel Cleaner Brillo Cameo Aluminum & Stainless Steel Cleaner - Works great on stainless steel sinks. Mild abrasive, for un lacquered surfaces only contains no phosphorus. Cleans and polishes aluminum storm windows, screens, pots, roasters, appliances, stainless steel sinks, refrigerators, oven doors, tableware, and chrome surfaces.   Rada Cutlery Pizza Cutter – 3 Inch Stainless Steel Wheel With  Aluminum Handle Made in the USA Rada Cutlery Pizza Cutter – 3 Inch Stainless Steel Wheel With  Aluminum Handle Made in the USA - Brushed aluminum handle, the handle on the pizza cutter is made from permanently cast silver brushed aluminum with a satin finish  this kitchen utensil should not be washed in the dishwasher  handwashing is recommended. American made utensil, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. The best pizza cutter, not only will you cut perfect slices of pizza, but use the pizza cutter for bread dough, homemade pasta, quesadillas, herbs, and desserts such as giant cookies. Stainless steel wheel, the 3 inch wheel on the pizza cutter is made from 300 series high nickel grade stainless steel  its one-sided tapered ground blade has a rugged cutting edge that will make precision cuts through tough crusts. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   Longzon 2 Pack Telescopic Metal Straws – Reusable, Portable, Collapsible Stainless Steel Drinking Straws with 2 Aluminum Key-chain Case & 2 Cleaning Brushes for Travel – (Black/Blue) Longzon 2 Pack Telescopic Metal Straws – Reusable, Portable, Collapsible Stainless Steel Drinking Straws with 2 Aluminum Key-chain Case & 2 Cleaning Brushes for Travel – (Black/Blue) - [Telescopic straws], longzon straws have 3 different sizes, 905″, 61″ or 393″ compatible with most 20 oz and 30 oz tumblers, including such popular brands as yeti, rtic, bubba, ozark, klean kanteen, ello, contigo, aladdin, starbucks, tervis, simple modern, and more longzon provide you 2 silicone tips(a big one and a small one) for each straws, the silicone tips can be put on or taken off you can use the telescopic straws with the big end or the small end per your like. [Eco-friendly & high quality], longzon stainless steel straws are made of food-grade 18/8,304 stainless steel, fda approved baby safety please note the cleaning brushes are storaged in the straws please check the cleaning brushes carefully if you still didn’t find your cleaning brushes, please send us message before you put negative review we will send you the replacement. [Easy to clean] — with the extra long telescopic scrub brush, you can clean the inside of the reusable straws from top to bottom easily don’t worry about the coffee or other drinks in the straw can’t be cleaned they can withstand boiling water, which will disinfect them they are also compatible with dishwashers on both top & bottom shelves. [after sale service] if you have any question about our product or service, please feel free to contact us, we will help you solve the issue on time please note the cleaning brushes are storaged in the straws please check the cleaning brushes carefully if you still didn’t find your cleaning brushes, please send us message before you put negative comments we will send you the missing cleaning brushes. [Portable & trendy key-chain case] -longzon stainless steel straws comes with 2 aluminum alloy cases the straws can be placed in a key-ring case after shrinking, light and small, fits in your pocket, purse, backpack, or briefcase you can also hook the straw case on your belt loop2 different color ker-ring cases can be used to meet your mood and different people.   Rada Cutlery Paring Knife Set – 6 Knives with Stainless Steel Blades With Aluminum Handles Made in the USA Rada Cutlery Paring Knife Set – 6 Knives with Stainless Steel Blades With Aluminum Handles Made in the USA - Set of 6 paring knives, included in the all star paring knife set are  the granny paring, peeling paring, regular paring, serrated regular paring, heavy duty paring and the super parer. Stainless steel blades, the blades come in a variety of sizes  the stainless steel blades on these knives will cut through fruits, vegetables and herbs with ease  the knives in this paring knife set are razor sharp and will not dull easily. Brushed aluminum handles, you’ll absolutely love the look and feel of the permanently cast, solid brushed aluminum handles on the knives in this paring knife set handwashing is recommended. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship. American made knives, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”.   SCI Enameled Cast Aluminum Stainless Steel Blades Heavy Duty Manual Hand Crank Rotary String Bean Frencher/Slicer/Cutter with Clamp SCI Enameled Cast Aluminum Stainless Steel Blades Heavy Duty Manual Hand Crank Rotary String Bean Frencher/Slicer/Cutter with Clamp - Practical cuts multiple beans at once into 1 1/4 inch slender frech cut slices. Versatile great for slicing snap beans lengthwise for canning, freezing, or for tonight’s dinner. Easy to use simply feed fresh green beans into the hopper, and as you turn the crank, beans will be sliced into slender, french cut slices size 5″ l x 4-1/2″ w x 4″ h. High quality made of enameled cast aluminum and stainless steel blades made to last many years to come. Classic design features a hand crank and clamp that easily attaches to any surface.   Metal Straws Collapsible Straws, Reusable Straws Food-Grade Portable Straw Stainless Steel Metal Telescopic Drinking Straws with Travel Aluminum Case & Cleaning Brush & Keychain (Black) Metal Straws Collapsible Straws, Reusable Straws Food-Grade Portable Straw Stainless Steel Metal Telescopic Drinking Straws with Travel Aluminum Case & Cleaning Brush & Keychain (Black) - 【Portable design】this stainless steel telescoping metal straw comes in a slim case,the compact design make the straw tucks neatly into an aluminum case with a screw top capyou can easily be stored in a small purse and lunch bag,or use the included carabiner clip to attach to your backpackyou can carry it with you wherever you go,such as outdoor picnics, camping, hiking, travelling. 【Easy to clean】every reusable metal straw comes with telescopic steel cleaning brush due to the extra long telescopic scrub brush,you can clean the inside of the straws from top to bottom easilyunlike silicone straws, it does not leave a residual “milk tea” after cleaning. 【Telescoping straws】this reusable straw is telescopic and can be adjusted to length and fit for any size cup stainless steel straw has a good seal and compactness between the segments so that it won’t collapse when use it and can easily absorb the beverage, there is no need to worry that these straws will not have enough seals to create a leak. 【warranty one year】if there are any problems with the reusable straws,please contact us immediatelywe provide one year after-sale protection, 100% refund and replacement serviceproducts include collapsible metal straws 2 pack,cleaning brush 2,carabiner 2,metal tube 2. 【Reusable eco-friendly straw】our reusable straw is made from the best material, premium food-grade 304 stainless steel ,no odor, anti-scratch which can replace the plastic and paper straw used dailynot only does it save money on multiple purchases of straws,but also reduce the pollution on the environment and ocean,and protect the earth from disposable plastic.   Portable Reusable Drinking Straws – Telescopic Stainless Steel Metal Straw with Aluminum Case & Cleaning Brush Portable Reusable Drinking Straws – Telescopic Stainless Steel Metal Straw with Aluminum Case & Cleaning Brush - Creative telescopic design the straw is telescopic, there are three sections that can be stretched to 92″ and can be merged to 393″, perfectly compatible with all types of cups or tumblers our straws come with telescopic cleaning brush which is long enough to clean the whole straw, it helps keep your straw in its pristine condition at all times. Reusable eco-friendly straws the telescopic stainless steel straws are reusable, which can replace the plastic or paper straw used daily reduce stress and pollution on the environment, save the earth from disposable plastic. Safety bpa free our telescopic straw is made from absolutely the best material, premium food-grade stainless steel, 100% bpa free, fda approved, dishwasher safe the straw is perfect for you to enjoy any cold or hot drink. Portable solution the portable set includes stainless steel telescopic straw, telescopic cleaning brush, carrying case and an attachable keychain our straws comes in a aluminum case specifically designed to keep it clean and handy there is an attachable keychain option, you can tie the case to your belt or bag, you can carry it with you wherever you go. 100% money back guarantee u-miss is committed to providing each customer with the best quality products and the highest standard services full refund or replacement is available if you are not satisfied with our telescopic drinking straws, please be assured of the purchase.   HomeyMosaic Peel and Stick Tile Backsplash Stainless Steel Stick on Tiles for Kitchen Wall Decor Aluminum Surface Metal Tile,Silver Square Plaid(12″x12″x 5 Sheets) HomeyMosaic Peel and Stick Tile Backsplash Stainless Steel Stick on Tiles for Kitchen Wall Decor Aluminum Surface Metal Tile,Silver Square Plaid(12″x12″x 5 Sheets) - ✔ Each backsplash tile sheet has brushed aluminum matted surface and self-adhesive back sticker, no groutstrong stickiness, will not fall off. ✔ The tile’s surface is resistant to heat and moisture,easy wipe to remove the stains,most people put it behind the stove, bathroom mirror and even for the cabinet. ✔Package there are 5 sheets in a box covering 5 square feet(1212 inch per sheet) 1% extra wastage is recommended in every projecttiles should not directly contact with flames or submerse in wateronly recommended for clean and smooth surface. ✔ the stainless steel backsplash is used for wall decoration, such as the kitchen backsplash,kitchen island walls,bedroom walls,laundry rooms metal wall tile or bathroom wall tile etc. ✔Just peel and stick, directly stick the tile on wall, save your time and money on labor easy for installation.   Rada Cutlery R102 Small Peeling Paring Knife Stainless Steel Blade with Brushed Aluminum Made in The USA, 6-1/8 Inches, Silver Handle Rada Cutlery R102 Small Peeling Paring Knife Stainless Steel Blade with Brushed Aluminum Made in The USA, 6-1/8 Inches, Silver Handle - Brushed aluminum handle, the solid brushed aluminum handle has a satin finish giving it a professional look  the handle is not only tough, but durable  hand wash only. Paring knife for peeling, this paring knife is the ideal size for peeling fruits and vegetables  the blade measures 2-1/2 inches and the knife has an overall length of 6-1/8 inches. Stainless steel blade, the hollow ground blade is made from surgical grade, t420 high carbon stainless steel that is hand sharpened  the shorter blade allows for easier maneuverability. American made cutlery, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   Home Solutions Grill Tools Set with Barbecue Accessories – Stainless Steel BBQ Utensils with Aluminum Case – Grilling Kit & Gifts for Men (3-Piece) Home Solutions Grill Tools Set with Barbecue Accessories – Stainless Steel BBQ Utensils with Aluminum Case – Grilling Kit & Gifts for Men (3-Piece) - Essential grilling set a spatula, tongs and a fork-all you really need to grill a great meal. Durable and easy to clean all stainless steel, this 3-piece grill set won’t chip, tarnish or rust. Satisfaction guarantee home solutions offers free replacement for an entire year great men’s gift. Stylish and safe extended stainless handles add elegance and keep your hands away from the flames. Free aluminum case store or carry your grill set safely strap in the tools, double latch and go.   Rada Cutlery Grapefruit Knife – Stainless Steel Serrated Blade With Aluminum Handle Made in the USA, 7 Inch Rada Cutlery Grapefruit Knife – Stainless Steel Serrated Blade With Aluminum Handle Made in the USA, 7 Inch - American made cutlery, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948 our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. Toss out your grapefruit spoon, this knife is specifically designed to make cutting grapefruits and oranges a breeze this will save you time whenever you need a snack this grapefruit knife has a blade that measures 3-3/8 inches and has an overall length of 7 inches. Serrated stainless steel blade, featuring a surgical grade, t420 high carbon stainless steel blade it has a serrated edge top and bottom so you can cut the grapefruit both directions the tip is angled and the blade is both double-sided and serrated with small teeth. Brushed aluminum handle, you’ll absolutely love the look and feel of the permanently cast, solid brushed aluminum handle handwashing is recommended. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   simplehuman Adjustable Shower Caddy XL, Stainless Steel + Anodized Aluminum (Renewed) simplehuman Adjustable Shower Caddy XL, Stainless Steel + Anodized Aluminum (Renewed) - Handheld-showerhead compatible, designed specifically for use with handheld showerheads that loop down. Wider adjustable wire shelves, easily slide up and down to make room for tall bottles with a simple turn of the quick-adjust dial. Store bottles upside-down, specially cut holes in shelves allow for effortless dispensing. Fits modern bulky shower tools, designed to store large items such as facial cleansing brushes, razors and electric toothbrushesadjustable hanger securely grips shower door. Organize your shower space, family-sized capacity to organize your shower essentials and keep them all within easy reach. Solid, secure installation, a rubberized showerhead clamp supports the caddy from above and twin pivoting suction cups support it from below. Makes room for taller bottles, the neck extends to make room for taller bottles on top shelf, and lowers the caddy for easy reach, very kid-friendly. Rust-proof, durable stainless steel construction is corrosion-resistant and easy to clean. Quick-dry soap dish, drains the water completely so soap stays dry and lasts longer. 211″w x 59″d x 276″h -394″h when neck is fully extended. 5-year warranty.   Rada Cutlery Deluxe Vegetable Peeler – Stainless Steel Blade With Aluminum Handle, 8-3/8 Inches Rada Cutlery Deluxe Vegetable Peeler – Stainless Steel Blade With Aluminum Handle, 8-3/8 Inches - Brushed aluminum handle,   the handle on the vegetable peeler is made from silver brushed aluminum  it is larger than a traditional peeler handle making it easier to use for bigger peeling tasks  handwashing is recommended. Swivel design for easy peeling, it utilizes a dual edged blade for both right and left handed cooks the shape ensures that the peeling motion can go towards or away from you with equal effectiveness  all of this adds up to faster, easier peeling  you’ll have your meal prepared in record time. Deluxe vegetable peeler, make your kitchen peeling tasks go even faster with this kitchen tool  it has a surgical quality, t420 high carbon stainless steel blade that measures 2 inches  the overall length of this vegetable and potato peeler is 8-3/8 inches. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship. American made knives, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”.   Brasso Metal Polish, 8 oz Bottle for Brass, Copper, Stainless, Chrome, Aluminum, Pewter & Bronze, 8 oz (Pack of 2) Brasso Metal Polish, 8 oz Bottle for Brass, Copper, Stainless, Chrome, Aluminum, Pewter & Bronze, 8 oz (Pack of 2) - Cleans & polishes a variety of metals. Multi-purpose metal polish for brass, copper, stainless steel, chrome, aluminum, pewter, and bronze. Provides long-lasting smooth & polished surface. Great to use on car rims, stainless refrigerators/ovens/toasters/dishwashers, faucets, metal kitchenware and metal furniture. Provides brilliant shine.   Dynaflux 781 Aluminum and Stainless Steel Cleaner – 1 Quart Bottle Dynaflux 781 Aluminum and Stainless Steel Cleaner – 1 Quart Bottle - Provides rapid and effortless cleaning and removal of grease, oil, dirt and white, chalky aluminum oxides before welding. Rinse agents provide a sheeting action for film-free rinsing. Removes weld residue and discoloration after welding for a clean, even finish. Aluminum and stainless steel cleaner. Size 1 quart (32 oz) bottle.   Crystiles Peel and Stick Mosaics Brushed Stainless Aluminum Wall Tile Backsplash Stick On Metal Tiles, 12″ X 12″, Item #61212620, 1 Sheet Sample Crystiles Peel and Stick Mosaics Brushed Stainless Aluminum Wall Tile Backsplash Stick On Metal Tiles, 12″ X 12″, Item #61212620, 1 Sheet Sample - Resistant to heat and moisture warning don’t expose tile to open flames, or submerse in water. This self-adhesive tile backsplash is easy to install and is perfect for diy renovation project no glue or grout needed, just peel and stick superior adhesion on most flat, dry and free of dust surfaces simply use scissors or utility knife to cut in-etween chips, or use chop saw or angle grinder with a metal cutting blade to cut the tile chips. One (1) sheet sample, 12″ x 12″. Easy to clean and maintain it can work with command hooks perfectly. This stainless aluminum tile can add a luxurious touch into your kitchens, bathrooms or feature walls affordable elegance for any contemporary, traditional or transitional rooms.   Collapsible Straws, Reusable Telescopic Food-grade Stainless Steel Travel Straws with Aluminum Case and Cleaning Brush (Silver, Black) Collapsible Straws, Reusable Telescopic Food-grade Stainless Steel Travel Straws with Aluminum Case and Cleaning Brush (Silver, Black) - 100% satisfaction guarantee, if you are not satisfied with our products at the time you receive it, or if our products does not perform to your satisfaction, feel free to contact us for replacement, or refund. Eco-friendly telescopic straws, telescopic drinking straw are made of food-grade stainless steel, durable, reusable and not easily damaged it can replace the plastic or paper straw used daily, reducing pressure and pollution on the environment eco-friendly and portable, a great gift for your family and friends enjoy reusable straw, enjoy healthy green life. Premium safe material, made from 100% food grade 304 stainless steel, telescopic straws set is 100% safe and healthy fda approved and bpa free with no metallic or chemical taste eco-friendly the polished surface ensures no hurt to your body, without fading or rust. Telescopic drinking straws, the telescopic straw can be stretched or merged to 3 different sizes, from 39 in to 925 in, suitable for various cups, glasses, and tumblers and it is perfect for you to enjoy any beverage whatever it’s hot or cool. Portable case, fashionable and small case designed to keep your straws clean and easy to carry which makes it convenient to carry them anywhere, in your purse, bag or pocket.   Chantal Stainless, Aluminum Cleaner Chantal Stainless, Aluminum Cleaner - Cleaner designed specifically for it’s stainless steel and aluminum products. 12-ounce capacity. Using a damp sponge, apply a small amount of cleaner and quickly rinse for a shiny, clean finish. Also works beautifully on your stainless and aluminum sinks, utensils and appliance surfaces. Has a pleasant scent that’s not offensive.   Rada Cutlery K100 Paring Knives Starter Kit 4 Piece Stainless Steel Knife Set With Brushed Aluminum Handles Made in the USA Rada Cutlery K100 Paring Knives Starter Kit 4 Piece Stainless Steel Knife Set With Brushed Aluminum Handles Made in the USA - American made cutlery, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948 our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. High-quality paring set, this rada cutlery paring starter kit has everything you need to peel fruit and vegetables while also completing a variety of kitchen tasks the set comes with a granny, regular, peeling and heavy duty paring knives. Brushed aluminum handle, the permanently cast, solid brushed aluminum handles on the paring knives are visually appealing and will feel great in your hand hand wash only. Stainless steel blades, the paring knives all feature a surgical grade, t420 high carbon stainless steel blade they are hand sharpened for precise, quick cuts the hollow ground blade ensures a precision concave surface for maximum edge retention. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   Maidier Telescopic Metal Straws with Case – Rainbow Color Stainless Steel Straw, Portable Straws Drinking Reusable Stainless Steel with Aluminum Case, Cleaning Brush & Keychain (Blue) Maidier Telescopic Metal Straws with Case – Rainbow Color Stainless Steel Straw, Portable Straws Drinking Reusable Stainless Steel with Aluminum Case, Cleaning Brush & Keychain (Blue) - Humanized adjustable design, the telescopic straw is designed to be flexible, and the three sections can be stretched and merged, fit to all kind of cups or tumbler, which is perfectly compatible with 12-40oz cups. 100% money back guarantee maidier is committed to providing each customer with the best quality products and the highest standard services full refund or replacement is available if you are not satisfied with our telescopic drinking straws, please be assured of the purchase. Easy to clean due to the extra long telescopic scrub brush, you can clean the inside of the reusable straws from top to bottom easily, reusable straws dishwasher safe. Reusable eco-friendly straw maidier’s straw is reusable, which can replace the plastic and paper straw used daily reduce stress and pollution on the environment. Food-grade straw our reusable straw is made from the best material, premium food-grade 304 stainless steel our metal straw is perfect for you to enjoy any cold or hot drink.   HIC Harold Import Co. Stainless Steel and Aluminum Cleaner 762L-HIC HIC Harold Import Co. Stainless Steel and Aluminum Cleaner 762L-HIC - Hic harold import co. 762l-hic stainless steel and aluminum cleaner home decor products.   Rada Cutlery Heavy Duty Paring Knife -Stainless Steel Blade With Aluminum Handle, 7-1/8 Inches Rada Cutlery Heavy Duty Paring Knife -Stainless Steel Blade With Aluminum Handle, 7-1/8 Inches - Heavy duty paring knife, this knife has a 3-1/4 inch blade and an overall length of 7-1/8 inches  it is a longer paring knife and suitable for a wide range of kitchen tasks  the handle is slightly longer than other paring knives, meaning that you have superior leverage when cutting. American made knife, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. Hand sharpened blade, the blade is made from surgical grade t420 high carbon stainless steel, is hand sharpened to a razor sharp edge and is thicker than most paring knife blades for extra stability  you’ll be slicing and dicing with effortless precision. Brushed aluminum handle, the handle on the heavy duty paring knife is made from permanently cast silver brushed aluminum with a satin finish  this knife should not be washed in the dishwasher  handwashing is recommended. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship. #TopProducts
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/23-best-and-coolest-stainless-aluminums
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: 23 Best and Coolest Stainless Aluminums
  Rada Cutlery Metal Grill Spatula -Stainless Steel Face and Aluminum Handle Made in USA, 10-1/8 Inches Rada Cutlery Metal Grill Spatula -Stainless Steel Face and Aluminum Handle Made in USA, 10-1/8 Inches - Brushed aluminum handle, the handle on the grill spatula is made from permanently cast silver brushed aluminum with a satin finish  this kitchen utensil should not be washed in the dishwasher  handwashing is recommended. Stainless steel face, the face on the grill spatula is made 300 series high nickel stainless steel  the large face is sized for cooking and grilling, while the sturdy ridge ensures optimal stability for manipulating foods. Large metal spatula, this sturdy grill spatula can be used in and out of the kitchen  perfect for cooking burgers, grilling or frying chicken, fish and vegetables  use it to remove fresh baked cookies or brownies from a hot sheet. American made utensil, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   Brillo Cameo Aluminum & Stainless Steel Cleaner Brillo Cameo Aluminum & Stainless Steel Cleaner - Works great on stainless steel sinks. Mild abrasive, for un lacquered surfaces only contains no phosphorus. Cleans and polishes aluminum storm windows, screens, pots, roasters, appliances, stainless steel sinks, refrigerators, oven doors, tableware, and chrome surfaces.   Rada Cutlery Pizza Cutter – 3 Inch Stainless Steel Wheel With  Aluminum Handle Made in the USA Rada Cutlery Pizza Cutter – 3 Inch Stainless Steel Wheel With  Aluminum Handle Made in the USA - Brushed aluminum handle, the handle on the pizza cutter is made from permanently cast silver brushed aluminum with a satin finish  this kitchen utensil should not be washed in the dishwasher  handwashing is recommended. American made utensil, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. The best pizza cutter, not only will you cut perfect slices of pizza, but use the pizza cutter for bread dough, homemade pasta, quesadillas, herbs, and desserts such as giant cookies. Stainless steel wheel, the 3 inch wheel on the pizza cutter is made from 300 series high nickel grade stainless steel  its one-sided tapered ground blade has a rugged cutting edge that will make precision cuts through tough crusts. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   Longzon 2 Pack Telescopic Metal Straws – Reusable, Portable, Collapsible Stainless Steel Drinking Straws with 2 Aluminum Key-chain Case & 2 Cleaning Brushes for Travel – (Black/Blue) Longzon 2 Pack Telescopic Metal Straws – Reusable, Portable, Collapsible Stainless Steel Drinking Straws with 2 Aluminum Key-chain Case & 2 Cleaning Brushes for Travel – (Black/Blue) - [Telescopic straws], longzon straws have 3 different sizes, 905″, 61″ or 393″ compatible with most 20 oz and 30 oz tumblers, including such popular brands as yeti, rtic, bubba, ozark, klean kanteen, ello, contigo, aladdin, starbucks, tervis, simple modern, and more longzon provide you 2 silicone tips(a big one and a small one) for each straws, the silicone tips can be put on or taken off you can use the telescopic straws with the big end or the small end per your like. [Eco-friendly & high quality], longzon stainless steel straws are made of food-grade 18/8,304 stainless steel, fda approved baby safety please note the cleaning brushes are storaged in the straws please check the cleaning brushes carefully if you still didn’t find your cleaning brushes, please send us message before you put negative review we will send you the replacement. [Easy to clean] — with the extra long telescopic scrub brush, you can clean the inside of the reusable straws from top to bottom easily don’t worry about the coffee or other drinks in the straw can’t be cleaned they can withstand boiling water, which will disinfect them they are also compatible with dishwashers on both top & bottom shelves. [after sale service] if you have any question about our product or service, please feel free to contact us, we will help you solve the issue on time please note the cleaning brushes are storaged in the straws please check the cleaning brushes carefully if you still didn’t find your cleaning brushes, please send us message before you put negative comments we will send you the missing cleaning brushes. [Portable & trendy key-chain case] -longzon stainless steel straws comes with 2 aluminum alloy cases the straws can be placed in a key-ring case after shrinking, light and small, fits in your pocket, purse, backpack, or briefcase you can also hook the straw case on your belt loop2 different color ker-ring cases can be used to meet your mood and different people.   Rada Cutlery Paring Knife Set – 6 Knives with Stainless Steel Blades With Aluminum Handles Made in the USA Rada Cutlery Paring Knife Set – 6 Knives with Stainless Steel Blades With Aluminum Handles Made in the USA - Set of 6 paring knives, included in the all star paring knife set are  the granny paring, peeling paring, regular paring, serrated regular paring, heavy duty paring and the super parer. Stainless steel blades, the blades come in a variety of sizes  the stainless steel blades on these knives will cut through fruits, vegetables and herbs with ease  the knives in this paring knife set are razor sharp and will not dull easily. Brushed aluminum handles, you’ll absolutely love the look and feel of the permanently cast, solid brushed aluminum handles on the knives in this paring knife set handwashing is recommended. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship. American made knives, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”.   SCI Enameled Cast Aluminum Stainless Steel Blades Heavy Duty Manual Hand Crank Rotary String Bean Frencher/Slicer/Cutter with Clamp SCI Enameled Cast Aluminum Stainless Steel Blades Heavy Duty Manual Hand Crank Rotary String Bean Frencher/Slicer/Cutter with Clamp - Practical cuts multiple beans at once into 1 1/4 inch slender frech cut slices. Versatile great for slicing snap beans lengthwise for canning, freezing, or for tonight’s dinner. Easy to use simply feed fresh green beans into the hopper, and as you turn the crank, beans will be sliced into slender, french cut slices size 5″ l x 4-1/2″ w x 4″ h. High quality made of enameled cast aluminum and stainless steel blades made to last many years to come. Classic design features a hand crank and clamp that easily attaches to any surface.   Metal Straws Collapsible Straws, Reusable Straws Food-Grade Portable Straw Stainless Steel Metal Telescopic Drinking Straws with Travel Aluminum Case & Cleaning Brush & Keychain (Black) Metal Straws Collapsible Straws, Reusable Straws Food-Grade Portable Straw Stainless Steel Metal Telescopic Drinking Straws with Travel Aluminum Case & Cleaning Brush & Keychain (Black) - 【Portable design】this stainless steel telescoping metal straw comes in a slim case,the compact design make the straw tucks neatly into an aluminum case with a screw top capyou can easily be stored in a small purse and lunch bag,or use the included carabiner clip to attach to your backpackyou can carry it with you wherever you go,such as outdoor picnics, camping, hiking, travelling. 【Easy to clean】every reusable metal straw comes with telescopic steel cleaning brush due to the extra long telescopic scrub brush,you can clean the inside of the straws from top to bottom easilyunlike silicone straws, it does not leave a residual “milk tea” after cleaning. 【Telescoping straws】this reusable straw is telescopic and can be adjusted to length and fit for any size cup stainless steel straw has a good seal and compactness between the segments so that it won’t collapse when use it and can easily absorb the beverage, there is no need to worry that these straws will not have enough seals to create a leak. 【warranty one year】if there are any problems with the reusable straws,please contact us immediatelywe provide one year after-sale protection, 100% refund and replacement serviceproducts include collapsible metal straws 2 pack,cleaning brush 2,carabiner 2,metal tube 2. 【Reusable eco-friendly straw】our reusable straw is made from the best material, premium food-grade 304 stainless steel ,no odor, anti-scratch which can replace the plastic and paper straw used dailynot only does it save money on multiple purchases of straws,but also reduce the pollution on the environment and ocean,and protect the earth from disposable plastic.   Portable Reusable Drinking Straws – Telescopic Stainless Steel Metal Straw with Aluminum Case & Cleaning Brush Portable Reusable Drinking Straws – Telescopic Stainless Steel Metal Straw with Aluminum Case & Cleaning Brush - Creative telescopic design the straw is telescopic, there are three sections that can be stretched to 92″ and can be merged to 393″, perfectly compatible with all types of cups or tumblers our straws come with telescopic cleaning brush which is long enough to clean the whole straw, it helps keep your straw in its pristine condition at all times. Reusable eco-friendly straws the telescopic stainless steel straws are reusable, which can replace the plastic or paper straw used daily reduce stress and pollution on the environment, save the earth from disposable plastic. Safety bpa free our telescopic straw is made from absolutely the best material, premium food-grade stainless steel, 100% bpa free, fda approved, dishwasher safe the straw is perfect for you to enjoy any cold or hot drink. Portable solution the portable set includes stainless steel telescopic straw, telescopic cleaning brush, carrying case and an attachable keychain our straws comes in a aluminum case specifically designed to keep it clean and handy there is an attachable keychain option, you can tie the case to your belt or bag, you can carry it with you wherever you go. 100% money back guarantee u-miss is committed to providing each customer with the best quality products and the highest standard services full refund or replacement is available if you are not satisfied with our telescopic drinking straws, please be assured of the purchase.   HomeyMosaic Peel and Stick Tile Backsplash Stainless Steel Stick on Tiles for Kitchen Wall Decor Aluminum Surface Metal Tile,Silver Square Plaid(12″x12″x 5 Sheets) HomeyMosaic Peel and Stick Tile Backsplash Stainless Steel Stick on Tiles for Kitchen Wall Decor Aluminum Surface Metal Tile,Silver Square Plaid(12″x12″x 5 Sheets) - ✔ Each backsplash tile sheet has brushed aluminum matted surface and self-adhesive back sticker, no groutstrong stickiness, will not fall off. ✔ The tile’s surface is resistant to heat and moisture,easy wipe to remove the stains,most people put it behind the stove, bathroom mirror and even for the cabinet. ✔Package there are 5 sheets in a box covering 5 square feet(1212 inch per sheet) 1% extra wastage is recommended in every projecttiles should not directly contact with flames or submerse in wateronly recommended for clean and smooth surface. ✔ the stainless steel backsplash is used for wall decoration, such as the kitchen backsplash,kitchen island walls,bedroom walls,laundry rooms metal wall tile or bathroom wall tile etc. ✔Just peel and stick, directly stick the tile on wall, save your time and money on labor easy for installation.   Rada Cutlery R102 Small Peeling Paring Knife Stainless Steel Blade with Brushed Aluminum Made in The USA, 6-1/8 Inches, Silver Handle Rada Cutlery R102 Small Peeling Paring Knife Stainless Steel Blade with Brushed Aluminum Made in The USA, 6-1/8 Inches, Silver Handle - Brushed aluminum handle, the solid brushed aluminum handle has a satin finish giving it a professional look  the handle is not only tough, but durable  hand wash only. Paring knife for peeling, this paring knife is the ideal size for peeling fruits and vegetables  the blade measures 2-1/2 inches and the knife has an overall length of 6-1/8 inches. Stainless steel blade, the hollow ground blade is made from surgical grade, t420 high carbon stainless steel that is hand sharpened  the shorter blade allows for easier maneuverability. American made cutlery, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   Home Solutions Grill Tools Set with Barbecue Accessories – Stainless Steel BBQ Utensils with Aluminum Case – Grilling Kit & Gifts for Men (3-Piece) Home Solutions Grill Tools Set with Barbecue Accessories – Stainless Steel BBQ Utensils with Aluminum Case – Grilling Kit & Gifts for Men (3-Piece) - Essential grilling set a spatula, tongs and a fork-all you really need to grill a great meal. Durable and easy to clean all stainless steel, this 3-piece grill set won’t chip, tarnish or rust. Satisfaction guarantee home solutions offers free replacement for an entire year great men’s gift. Stylish and safe extended stainless handles add elegance and keep your hands away from the flames. Free aluminum case store or carry your grill set safely strap in the tools, double latch and go.   Rada Cutlery Grapefruit Knife – Stainless Steel Serrated Blade With Aluminum Handle Made in the USA, 7 Inch Rada Cutlery Grapefruit Knife – Stainless Steel Serrated Blade With Aluminum Handle Made in the USA, 7 Inch - American made cutlery, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948 our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. Toss out your grapefruit spoon, this knife is specifically designed to make cutting grapefruits and oranges a breeze this will save you time whenever you need a snack this grapefruit knife has a blade that measures 3-3/8 inches and has an overall length of 7 inches. Serrated stainless steel blade, featuring a surgical grade, t420 high carbon stainless steel blade it has a serrated edge top and bottom so you can cut the grapefruit both directions the tip is angled and the blade is both double-sided and serrated with small teeth. Brushed aluminum handle, you’ll absolutely love the look and feel of the permanently cast, solid brushed aluminum handle handwashing is recommended. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   simplehuman Adjustable Shower Caddy XL, Stainless Steel + Anodized Aluminum (Renewed) simplehuman Adjustable Shower Caddy XL, Stainless Steel + Anodized Aluminum (Renewed) - Handheld-showerhead compatible, designed specifically for use with handheld showerheads that loop down. Wider adjustable wire shelves, easily slide up and down to make room for tall bottles with a simple turn of the quick-adjust dial. Store bottles upside-down, specially cut holes in shelves allow for effortless dispensing. Fits modern bulky shower tools, designed to store large items such as facial cleansing brushes, razors and electric toothbrushesadjustable hanger securely grips shower door. Organize your shower space, family-sized capacity to organize your shower essentials and keep them all within easy reach. Solid, secure installation, a rubberized showerhead clamp supports the caddy from above and twin pivoting suction cups support it from below. Makes room for taller bottles, the neck extends to make room for taller bottles on top shelf, and lowers the caddy for easy reach, very kid-friendly. Rust-proof, durable stainless steel construction is corrosion-resistant and easy to clean. Quick-dry soap dish, drains the water completely so soap stays dry and lasts longer. 211″w x 59″d x 276″h -394″h when neck is fully extended. 5-year warranty.   Rada Cutlery Deluxe Vegetable Peeler – Stainless Steel Blade With Aluminum Handle, 8-3/8 Inches Rada Cutlery Deluxe Vegetable Peeler – Stainless Steel Blade With Aluminum Handle, 8-3/8 Inches - Brushed aluminum handle,   the handle on the vegetable peeler is made from silver brushed aluminum  it is larger than a traditional peeler handle making it easier to use for bigger peeling tasks  handwashing is recommended. Swivel design for easy peeling, it utilizes a dual edged blade for both right and left handed cooks the shape ensures that the peeling motion can go towards or away from you with equal effectiveness  all of this adds up to faster, easier peeling  you’ll have your meal prepared in record time. Deluxe vegetable peeler, make your kitchen peeling tasks go even faster with this kitchen tool  it has a surgical quality, t420 high carbon stainless steel blade that measures 2 inches  the overall length of this vegetable and potato peeler is 8-3/8 inches. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship. American made knives, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”.   Brasso Metal Polish, 8 oz Bottle for Brass, Copper, Stainless, Chrome, Aluminum, Pewter & Bronze, 8 oz (Pack of 2) Brasso Metal Polish, 8 oz Bottle for Brass, Copper, Stainless, Chrome, Aluminum, Pewter & Bronze, 8 oz (Pack of 2) - Cleans & polishes a variety of metals. Multi-purpose metal polish for brass, copper, stainless steel, chrome, aluminum, pewter, and bronze. Provides long-lasting smooth & polished surface. Great to use on car rims, stainless refrigerators/ovens/toasters/dishwashers, faucets, metal kitchenware and metal furniture. Provides brilliant shine.   Dynaflux 781 Aluminum and Stainless Steel Cleaner – 1 Quart Bottle Dynaflux 781 Aluminum and Stainless Steel Cleaner – 1 Quart Bottle - Provides rapid and effortless cleaning and removal of grease, oil, dirt and white, chalky aluminum oxides before welding. Rinse agents provide a sheeting action for film-free rinsing. Removes weld residue and discoloration after welding for a clean, even finish. Aluminum and stainless steel cleaner. Size 1 quart (32 oz) bottle.   Crystiles Peel and Stick Mosaics Brushed Stainless Aluminum Wall Tile Backsplash Stick On Metal Tiles, 12″ X 12″, Item #61212620, 1 Sheet Sample Crystiles Peel and Stick Mosaics Brushed Stainless Aluminum Wall Tile Backsplash Stick On Metal Tiles, 12″ X 12″, Item #61212620, 1 Sheet Sample - Resistant to heat and moisture warning don’t expose tile to open flames, or submerse in water. This self-adhesive tile backsplash is easy to install and is perfect for diy renovation project no glue or grout needed, just peel and stick superior adhesion on most flat, dry and free of dust surfaces simply use scissors or utility knife to cut in-etween chips, or use chop saw or angle grinder with a metal cutting blade to cut the tile chips. One (1) sheet sample, 12″ x 12″. Easy to clean and maintain it can work with command hooks perfectly. This stainless aluminum tile can add a luxurious touch into your kitchens, bathrooms or feature walls affordable elegance for any contemporary, traditional or transitional rooms.   Collapsible Straws, Reusable Telescopic Food-grade Stainless Steel Travel Straws with Aluminum Case and Cleaning Brush (Silver, Black) Collapsible Straws, Reusable Telescopic Food-grade Stainless Steel Travel Straws with Aluminum Case and Cleaning Brush (Silver, Black) - 100% satisfaction guarantee, if you are not satisfied with our products at the time you receive it, or if our products does not perform to your satisfaction, feel free to contact us for replacement, or refund. Eco-friendly telescopic straws, telescopic drinking straw are made of food-grade stainless steel, durable, reusable and not easily damaged it can replace the plastic or paper straw used daily, reducing pressure and pollution on the environment eco-friendly and portable, a great gift for your family and friends enjoy reusable straw, enjoy healthy green life. Premium safe material, made from 100% food grade 304 stainless steel, telescopic straws set is 100% safe and healthy fda approved and bpa free with no metallic or chemical taste eco-friendly the polished surface ensures no hurt to your body, without fading or rust. Telescopic drinking straws, the telescopic straw can be stretched or merged to 3 different sizes, from 39 in to 925 in, suitable for various cups, glasses, and tumblers and it is perfect for you to enjoy any beverage whatever it’s hot or cool. Portable case, fashionable and small case designed to keep your straws clean and easy to carry which makes it convenient to carry them anywhere, in your purse, bag or pocket.   Chantal Stainless, Aluminum Cleaner Chantal Stainless, Aluminum Cleaner - Cleaner designed specifically for it’s stainless steel and aluminum products. 12-ounce capacity. Using a damp sponge, apply a small amount of cleaner and quickly rinse for a shiny, clean finish. Also works beautifully on your stainless and aluminum sinks, utensils and appliance surfaces. Has a pleasant scent that’s not offensive.   Rada Cutlery K100 Paring Knives Starter Kit 4 Piece Stainless Steel Knife Set With Brushed Aluminum Handles Made in the USA Rada Cutlery K100 Paring Knives Starter Kit 4 Piece Stainless Steel Knife Set With Brushed Aluminum Handles Made in the USA - American made cutlery, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948 our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. High-quality paring set, this rada cutlery paring starter kit has everything you need to peel fruit and vegetables while also completing a variety of kitchen tasks the set comes with a granny, regular, peeling and heavy duty paring knives. Brushed aluminum handle, the permanently cast, solid brushed aluminum handles on the paring knives are visually appealing and will feel great in your hand hand wash only. Stainless steel blades, the paring knives all feature a surgical grade, t420 high carbon stainless steel blade they are hand sharpened for precise, quick cuts the hollow ground blade ensures a precision concave surface for maximum edge retention. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship.   Maidier Telescopic Metal Straws with Case – Rainbow Color Stainless Steel Straw, Portable Straws Drinking Reusable Stainless Steel with Aluminum Case, Cleaning Brush & Keychain (Blue) Maidier Telescopic Metal Straws with Case – Rainbow Color Stainless Steel Straw, Portable Straws Drinking Reusable Stainless Steel with Aluminum Case, Cleaning Brush & Keychain (Blue) - Humanized adjustable design, the telescopic straw is designed to be flexible, and the three sections can be stretched and merged, fit to all kind of cups or tumbler, which is perfectly compatible with 12-40oz cups. 100% money back guarantee maidier is committed to providing each customer with the best quality products and the highest standard services full refund or replacement is available if you are not satisfied with our telescopic drinking straws, please be assured of the purchase. Easy to clean due to the extra long telescopic scrub brush, you can clean the inside of the reusable straws from top to bottom easily, reusable straws dishwasher safe. Reusable eco-friendly straw maidier’s straw is reusable, which can replace the plastic and paper straw used daily reduce stress and pollution on the environment. Food-grade straw our reusable straw is made from the best material, premium food-grade 304 stainless steel our metal straw is perfect for you to enjoy any cold or hot drink.   HIC Harold Import Co. Stainless Steel and Aluminum Cleaner 762L-HIC HIC Harold Import Co. Stainless Steel and Aluminum Cleaner 762L-HIC - Hic harold import co. 762l-hic stainless steel and aluminum cleaner home decor products.   Rada Cutlery Heavy Duty Paring Knife -Stainless Steel Blade With Aluminum Handle, 7-1/8 Inches Rada Cutlery Heavy Duty Paring Knife -Stainless Steel Blade With Aluminum Handle, 7-1/8 Inches - Heavy duty paring knife, this knife has a 3-1/4 inch blade and an overall length of 7-1/8 inches  it is a longer paring knife and suitable for a wide range of kitchen tasks  the handle is slightly longer than other paring knives, meaning that you have superior leverage when cutting. American made knife, rada mfg co is located in waverly, iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery in the usa since 1948  our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar”. Hand sharpened blade, the blade is made from surgical grade t420 high carbon stainless steel, is hand sharpened to a razor sharp edge and is thicker than most paring knife blades for extra stability  you’ll be slicing and dicing with effortless precision. Brushed aluminum handle, the handle on the heavy duty paring knife is made from permanently cast silver brushed aluminum with a satin finish  this knife should not be washed in the dishwasher  handwashing is recommended. Hassle-free lifetime guarantee, we stand by our craftsmanship  rada mfg co will replace any product manufactured by our company returned to us due to defects in material or workmanship. #TopProducts
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