#also fun fact- he’s albino!
teeth-farie · 7 months
HI HELLO IK YOU’RE CURRENTLY DOING FANDOM-CENTRIC REQUESTS (eating up the Arcana ones like a rabid animal fr THEY’RE SO GOOD) BUT,, I was wondering about your OCs !! We haven’t seen much content of them in a while! Would you mind giving a recap/infodumping about any of them? Mayhaps?
(I may or may not be asking because I’m on another drawing-kick and want to draw some fanart of your little guys, but have no clue where to start shdvHSVDHV if that’s alright with you, of course !!)
AHHHHHHHH TYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! A lot of my ocs I want to revamp and I’m sort of going at it one at a time- especially since I want to write my own collection of original short stories to publish! (Monster/horror romance off) so I’m fixing up some old characters
One including 106, my human experiment oc! I can’t remember if I’ve talked about him, but here’s a sketch I just did of him
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He’s a human subject grown in an artificial womb specifically for a experiment to create humans (or human like mammals) able to regrow limbs and organs out of 200 embryos, he was the only viable growth, hence his name. He’s been sheltered in a facility for his 19 years of life, never going outside and being subject to routine organ harvests and examinations. Despite this, he remains rather playful and chatty, and has formed interests in things like Garfield after being allowed to read newspaper comics. In his story the reader would be a recently hired scientist in the facility whose new goal quickly becomes breaking him free.
Again I can’t remember if I’ve talked about him before, but I hope you like him regardless!
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odysseys-blood · 2 years
if youre still doing it, santa 9999 for character bingo!
i am definitely still doing them!
i simultaneously love santa and also think hes a brat but also he kinda deserves to be one so
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funny emojis for:
depends on the day if i would die for him or not bc again while he is entitled to brattiness i would not do well if i was in a room with him bc i WOULD snap back and try to beat his ass (can i fight? no but thats not the question i bet i have a good 100 lb advantage i could win)
not that im gay for him or anything the first time i saw him i had the most disappointing "i want to dress like this" moment
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katiefrog217 · 2 months
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Walks with Aziraphale were always so amusing, especially when he took one of his different forms. Tonight, Crowley took note of a few different reactions:
1. Much to his bemusement, quite a few people crossed the road entirely just to avoid him (he didn't know why, he thought this particular form was very charming).
2. Those who didn't avoid them either didn't notice at all, or cooed adoringly at his companion. A few snake enthusiasts tried their best to impart advice upon him (Yes, he was aware it was a chilly night to have a python outside. Yes, he was aware that he had a few extra rolls on him, and he would appreciate it if they didn't body shame him, please and thank you).
3. He had a particularly interesting encounter with a stranger who tried his best to buy Aziraphale from him (he didn't know whether to laugh or be offended on his companion's behalf when the person subsequently dropped their price offering upon learning he was male. He turned them down, of course).
This just in: local vampire hunter tries his hardest to look cool in front of his crush.
I said soon and I guess I meant now haha.
I could help but draw Crowley and Aziraphale from @mrghostrat 's new Vampire AU (thanks for the permission btw!!) and I'll be damned if I couldn't pass up the opportunity to draw Ball Python Azi after being deeply entrenched in Ball python morphs and drawing them for the past few years.
I'm also a big sucker (har har) for any kind of vampire au, so I was incredibly excited to draw this!! I'm still not confident in my ability to draw Crowley (or jackets oof) but I tried.
On that, while I have ya'll here, a few fun facts about Ball Pythons and Morphs:
Azi looks to me to be based on a Blue Eyed Lucy (Leucistic) ball python. Leucistic is different from Albino - both lack pigment, but Leucistics only lack pigments in parts, rather than entirely like with Albinism. The fastest way to tell the difference is the eye color.
Blue Eyed Lucies have eye colors that range from Black to Blue - blue obviously being the more popular eye color.
The whiter the snake, the more sought after it is (not all Lucies are pure white, depends on the morph combo)
Unlike a majority of ball python morphs, Blue Eyed Lucies don't have a distinct gene combo that defines them. Generally, their morphs included Mocha, Mojave, Lesser, Butter, etc. The combos are generally endless. A Super Mojave (Mojave bred to Mojave) will produce a fairly grey/white snake, but their heads tend to be a very dusty grey, and isn't an ideal combo for a Lucy.
A snake that seems incredibly white when hatched may change color as it ages and become less white. This is common for all morphs, and their patterns define themselves and get stronger with age.
In breeding, males are generally less desired than females, and run at a lower price generally. This is because a single male can breed multiple females, so it's less effective to have more males in a clutch than females.
Obesity in snakes IS a real thing, and generally hard to manage if you do have an obese snake. Snakes tend to retain weight well, so exercise is really the only method to help bring their weight down (plus smaller meals). Good luck if you have an obese snake that isn't particularly inclined to be active.
Ball Pythons generally tend to have what's called a 1,000 gram wall - in which a snake that hits 1k grams stops eating and will not gain more weight. No one is 100% sure why this phenomena happens, but it's incredibly common.
Not a fact but opinion: Paradox ball Pythons are my favorite morph. If you want to see some incredibly interesting genetics, look them up.
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angelbunny-arts · 10 months
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Behold,,,,. Every hermit design I’ve created over the past year and a bit: with heights and chibi versions of wings included>:D
Species, fun Details and height sorted version under the cut !!
- Grian
A parrot avian in some universes, a shapeshifted watcher in others, it’s a 50/50 which one I decided to go with
Avians in my mind take on the wing patterns of a bird they connect with, which usually happens at around 18-23. Instead of facial hair they grow feathers around their cheeks and in their hair.
His earring is a present from mumbo ^^
The gold detailing on his wings have the watcher symbol and suns on it, and his shoes have suns too! (why suns you may ask? “Grian” is the Irish word for sun, and according to my myth/history nerd friend there was an Irish sun goddess named Grian)
-Mumbo jumbo
An albino enderman
He dyes his hair because it looks cool, you can see a bit of his natural roots
A feather keychain on his belt from Grian
- GtwScar
A half-allay
He’s got heterochromia with the HOTGUY colours>:)
His ears and canine teeth are rounded! In contrast to half-vexes who’s features are sharper
Him and cub have matching vex magic earrings
His design is probably the one that keeps to the original skin the least, but it also happens to be one of my favourites to draw so
- Cubfan
A half-vex
I don’t have much to say here, he’s just kinda silly? I suppose there’s the fact that I decided that convex gets a diamond as their shape, so he’s got some of that detailing
He was originally supposed to have glasses however I am terrible at remembering glasses even though I wear them so they just kinda vanished
His hair is probably one of the most fun to colour too:D
- Geminitay
An elf (the antlers are accessories)
She’s got a whole bunch of little leaves everywhere:DD and some cute gold detailing too, otherwise a pretty simple design with not much to say on it
Just a regular dude tbh he’s just a guy/pos
He’s got five visible places where I’ve snuck an “i” on him (but there’s one more on the bottom of his shoes)
The yellow In his hair also matches with my skizz, who has blue in his hair
- Pearl
Either a human or an avian, it’s another 50/50 and depends on what I went for with Grian as well if I have him included
If I go the avian route, her wings are small and usually kept under her jacket.
The moon detailing changes with the moon phase! Her hair also gets more floaty depending on how full the moon is
The knot on her shirt is in the shape of a moth
- Tango
A soot fairy, they’re known for working with and manipulating fire and creating machinery.
He’s got heels and he’s absolutely slaying. That’s really it I can’t pick my favourite detail it’s all fantastic. Look at it
I looked at fire/firemen vests for his jacket? That’s a fun fact
- Docm77
A creeper/goat hybrid
There’s like.. so many butterfly motifs on this man it’s fantastic. I also love the horizontal pupil
He looks like a mix between a tired dad and a mad scientist, which was initially not what I was going for but I’m keeping it
And, as promised, the height check (for people that are the same height I put whoever looked taller first)
(also disclaimer I made most of these heights up and are not accurate to the ccs)
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reginalucernis · 29 days
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As you can see I've entered my Genshin era - I wonder when it'll end
In brief, I just wanted to do some warm-up before starting a big art (I hope it'll happen one day...) and show my headcanons just for fun, why not? And ofc I do not impose anything on anyone, this is just my personal opinion and blah-blah
I find Genshin char design quite entertaining. I like the devs try to rethink and use some national stereotypes, folk costumes, some ethnic motifs etc, but absolutely the same blank faces for all characters regardless of their sex and age are just killing me. So that's why I decided to diversify it a little, to estimate possible ethnic and individual differences (yes, all the nations in Genshin are fictional etc, but in fact all the national and historical prototypes seem to be quite obvious). OK LET'S GOO
Tortellini. First of all, I'm sure freckles really suit gingers. Dimples can also add some character to the image of a naive fool and a positive dude (although Tort isn't actually stupid, he's a straightforward simpleton 'cos of his young age - this fact is stated directly in the game, e.g. in Arle's dialogues). Speaking about the general features of the face, I should note the more pronounced angles of the jaw and brow ridges, thicker eyebrows, thicker neck, slightly larger chin - features that correspond to a more realistic facial structure and the difference between a male and a female face. Regarding the nose, the situation is a bit ambiguous: on the one hand, a curved nose is usually considered more Southern European or West Asian (including Arabic and Persian regions) but I once found information about two subtypes of curved noses a long time ago. Like, if the nose is curved in the upper part closer to the bridge of the nose, then this is usually the Asian type, if it's curved in the lower part closer to the tip, then it's usually European. Considering that I've met guys on the street with the latter type of a curved nose (which is also raised up) and their appearance corresponded to the "Nordic" type (light straight hair, light eyes, pale skin of a cold shade), let's assume that this is still a Northern European nose and everything is logical
Signora. Her facial features are slightly softer. She has a usual straight narrow nose. Her appearance is close to the type of a femme fatale, she is suited by slightly defined cheekbones and plump lips (I have nothing against symmetrical round "bow" lips which are trendy today, but I just prefer classic ones with a pronounced cleavage in the middle). Her head is proudly raised. Moles can complement the image: a mole under the eye can add some sophistication and elegance, while the one above the upper lip can add a bit of sensuality (for example, look at the photo of Nika Turbina - her story raises many questions, but her appearance is definitely memorable). In other words, quoting The Twelve Chairs by Ilf and Petrov, Rosaline is "a sultry woman, a poet's dream" :)
Dottore. On the one hand, his color palette gives the impression of albinism (although albinos among humans, unlike animals, practically do not have red eyes, but let's forget about it). On the other hand, his Sumeru origin directly asks to add something appropriate, so I decided to choose a hooked nose (yes, I love noses, the most diverse and memorable part of the face). His character and his actions are conducive to introducing a bit of "monstrosity" into the image: sharp facial features and teeth, withered thin lips, a greenish tint in the palette. Well, it turns out he's a true gremlin. I like the widespread headcanon about him having scars, why not - in general, the guy could both earn one in the process of experiments and receive it from his fellow countrymen. I decided to make him stoop a little, but this is a dangerous move. I mean the Doctor is bursting with aggression, determination and arrogance, he is a daring and self-confident person, and such a tightness doesn't fit him. However, his obsession with scientific research, poring over books and constant work on experiments can (probably) cause a curvature of posture. In the end, I decided that this man can straighten up normally if necessary, but he usually still slouches (just like my uncle :)). Or at least like Dead Space protagonist who is also stooped but still is quite a good fighter
Arlele. Here I didn't do much 'cos the developers have already given her a bunch of distinct features: crossed pupils, and black hands, and some patterns on them, and contrasting hair (although most chars have more or less monochrome or at least similar shades of their hair). In general, she's good the same as she is now. In comparison with Signora, her image is slightly more restrained and refined, her lips are slightly thinner, her eyebrows, on the contrary, are slightly thicker, and her cheekbones are less pronounced. The only major detail added is a slightly hooked, drooping nose. I don't know why, but it seems to be very French for me. Some famous French actors and actresses have kinda similar noses (e.g. Louis de Funès, Pierre Richard, Christian Clavier, Sophie Marceau, Laetitia Casta etc.) - well, at least I think so
By the way, I honestly wanted to diversify somehow emotions in my drawings, but all of the characters are smiling again - what can I do if the smiles suit these guys as well as nobody else: Tort has a half-friendly, half-self-confident smile kinda like 😼, Signora has a proud one, Arle has a cunningly condescending one, and Dottore has just a snide "ehehe"
Hooray, it's a Chinese wall of my text again - well, this time it has at least some sense
Have a nice summer everyone!! I hope to see you again before the autumn :)
P.S. hello to the old ones who has recognized the original album cover, it's been 19 years since its release, feel old yet?
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apenguinbird · 7 months
Animal familiars in NRC: Scarabia and Pomefiore edition.
(A continuation of this and this.)
Jamil: Parrot
I’ll take no criticism for this!
The parrot was actually one of the many animals Kalim’s family had. They found each other by accident back when Jamil was pretty young.
Jamil was very proud of himself for finding his familiar, it was even a parrot, like the one the Sorcerer of Sands had. His parents were horrified though, I don’t think the Asim family would have been bothered by it but his parents still ordered Jamil to not let anyone know about his familiar.
 It wasn't until Kamil got his familiar that Jamil also totally found him too. Kalim was very happy for him though! He did always notice that parrot flying close to them, what a coincidence!
A great help for the kitchen and around the dorm… also a smart little spy.
The parrot can speak some words. Sometimes he likes to mess with other students.
Kalim has tried to feed him crackers in the past which Jamil has had to stop.
Jamil’s sister buys him little trinkets when they visit. She has even made come assesories with the feathers the parrot loses naturally. Jamil those keep some of them.
The parrot has saved Jamil from many insects in the past.
Honestly, that parrot is the only one in the dorm Jamil respects.
Kalim: Monkey
Again, no criticism.
With all the animals the Asim family had it was just a matter of time for Kamil to find him.
Instantly best friends, usually found on Kalim’s head or shoulder.
They had to teach him the proper diet for a monkey.
Kalim is actually very responsible with his family. 
His familiar enjoys to play with his younger siblings but they can be too much sometimes.
That monkey LOVES shiny things, jewelry, coins, or paperclips, he will take it. A bit spoiled ngl, still a sweetheart though.
Also a little bit of trouble maker but Kalim is there. 
They like to drink coconuts together.
“No, he didn’t do anything bad, look at his little cute face!” “Kalim, his hands are covered in paint.”
Kalim and Jamil’s familiars have the same dynamic as their respective mage.
Vil: Albino Raven
A graceful beauty just like Vil. 
Her name is Ivory.
Vil actually found her injured (albino animals don’t do well in the wild most of the time), the diagnosis didn’t look good but the raven pulled through, and Vil didn’t realize it was his familiar until after the bird fully recovered.
Has had photoshoots with Ivory in the past and Ivory is a natural for the camera and his followers love her.
Vil always makes sure she is on her best behavior and condition. Ivory loves to be pampered.
They have heard more than once about ravens being bad omens or something villainous, and they are so done.
Ivory helps Vil to make potions doing things like passing him ingredients and such.
“You wish you could be half as graceful as Ivory.”
Rook: Falcon
A scary duo, ready to hunt.
“My dear Faucon!”
If you are walking around campus there is a chance you will see a falcon staring directly at you. People say if you stare at it too much something bad will happen.
A great hunter just like Rook.
They used to go hunting together, they can no longer do that in NRC though, for the safety of other familiars and whatnot.
Nothing prevents them from stalking though!
Somehow the falcon has the same love Rook has towards Vil and his familiar.
Epel: Fox
Dang it Epel you messed up the bird theme the dorm had going on!
Back in his hometown Epel was really hoping his familiar was something strong and intimidating like a bear or a wolf.
He got a fox and was actually really disappointed he got a fluffy and cute little animal. Then he soon learned foxes are not animals to be messed up with. “You’re just like me fr.”
I can see his grandma knitting things for his familiar, also I feel like Grandma Marja would have a reindeer or moose as her familiar.
Once in NRC Epel had to teach him not to attack the familiars of other students.
Fun fact: Apparently foxes are rather fond of fruits, especially apples, they were destined for each other.
That little fox is a master at getting in and out of trouble.
Vil gave Epel a skincare (Furcare?) routine for his familiar too, for the horror of both Epel and his fox. His familiar has a very pretty coat now.
The fox is terrified of Ivory.
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zkoh001 · 10 months
All the ninjago kiddos! That I remembered, lol.
Also I'm not sure if Echo counts, but this is my art soooo... He does now
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Fun fact, way before Dragons rising was an idea, I had a little theory/AU thingie, where the ninja got sent to another realm, where time passed differently. (How funny, it was way before SotFS...) So basically these kids formed a replacement ninja team to fight the evils treathening ninjago, discovering they themselves are elemental masters. And that's been in my brain, slowly adding all the new kiddos to it. Might make some art, and a post about that too, because I would love to draw them.
Here's my spitballing on these dummies and their designs.
The Darkleys kids!
The little shits. They would be the ones to have kidnapping as their first resolve.
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- I kinda didn't know Sally existed, but I liked all the art, so she does now. Also, she loves pink, I love pink, we all love pink
- Brad is definitely the muscle of the group, with a big heart, but not the greatest mind. Also, he has a babyface, that's very hard to make look evil.
- His design kinda grew on me with time, but it still feels a bit lacking...
- There's this theory that Gene is Skylor's brother, and Chen's son, that I kinda absorbed into my brain and ran with it so yeah.
-Also, the hand thingie is not a glove, it helps hold his hand together after a nasty injury :)
- The bowlcut was uniform at Darkleys, but Gene was such a nightmare they just gave up with him.
- They have matching pins and earpieces. Cause of course they do. Also, dumbo boots uniform.
The Paperkids!
Antonia and Nelson are a given, and I just kinda added Unagami on there, since he waved at them once. Also, I think it would be cute if they were friends.
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- I know he doesn't anymore, canonically, but I like to think he still wears his purple gi under the jumper. Who knows when someone will need the purple ninja?
- He has a scar from the injury he had when he met with the ninja. Also, am I the only one who tought something much worse was going on than a broken leg? Obviously a kid show can't have a terminally ill kid, but fsm that's still how I remembered it.
- Antonia! I loved drawing her hair. Also kinda like her badass big sis vibes.
- She has her hands out to make sure the two kids, but mainly Nelson, don't go missing somehow (happens more often than you think)
- Even if he can shapeshift, I like to tjink Unagami keeps his line-marks in whatever forms, since it's apart of his skin. He can hide them, but it takes effort, so he just doesn't bother.
- He can change his form generally, but you could still tell it's him by the lines, eyes, and hair
- He has a little nick in his eyebrow, and so does (did i guess) Jay. I just think that's a cute detail
The Forgotten ones...
Just called that cause I had to add them on a separate canvas after forgetting them. I forgot Skales Jr, shame on me, I tought Jake and Nelson were one character, and I was still debating Echo. But here they are!
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- It was surprisingly not that hard to draw him, even tho I was very scared
- Since he has white on him, I was trying (and failing miserably) to replicate those partially albino reptiles. Also added some pink scales, since he is also Selma's son, who's pink.
- I don't know to this day why Echo was introduced only to be left behind.... Nevertheless he's a sweetheart
- I guess if you count Mr.E, but then he would be dead... Unless the kids fix him (lightbulb moment)
- Also, ahy is his head weirdly tiny? How did that happen?
- Jake. Goddamnit, how were you the hardest to draw? Somehow I couldn't get the head right...
- The giant pants is an idea that lived in my head. I like yo think he would be able to fix ancient artifacts with hairties, ductape, and sheer force of will.
- He might have a bowlcut, but cmon, are you telling me he wouldn't at least try to replicate whatever the hell Kai's hair was in the beginning?
I guess that's it folks, lemme know if any of you are interested in my weird Ninja kids au thingie!
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no-side-us · 24 days
The Invisible Man, Ch. 19 - Certain First Principles
This chapter isn't the one that gives the full explanation of Griffin becoming invisible, but it does offer a few glimpses before that.
“I went there after I left London. You know I dropped medicine and took up physics? No; well, I did. Light fascinated me.”
First we learn that Griffin studied medicine before dropping it for physics. I'm not sure exactly, but I assume being a doctor would have offered both financial gain and some degree of social status, which is why I assume Griffin would study it in the first place.
“Optical density! The whole subject is a network of riddles—a network with solutions glimmering elusively through. And being but two-and-twenty and full of enthusiasm, I said, ‘I will devote my life to this. This is worth while.’ You know what fools we are at two-and-twenty?”
He was twenty-two when he decided to devote himself to the study of light and optical density, a subject that evidently brings him a lot of joy. We don't really know much about Griffin's likes or wants, other than maybe cigars and a desire for isolation, so the fact he decided to study light out of his enthusiasm for it is insightful. He's a nerd for this sort of stuff.
"Either a body absorbs light, or it reflects or refracts it, or does all these things. If it neither reflects nor refracts nor absorbs light, it cannot of itself be visible..."
Proven, I think, by the scientific explanations Griffin details. I don't think the story needed these paragraphs, but including them makes the story more immersive. Plus, they're easy to follow, and we later learn that Griffin did teach students, so we sort of get a glimpse into his teaching style, which is fun.
It's also one of the few moments where Griffin is sort of in his element and content, talking about something he loves to a friend with whom he shares both education and history.
"And not only paper, but cotton fibre, linen fibre, wool fibre, woody fibre, and bone, Kemp, flesh, Kemp, hair, Kemp, nails and nerves, Kemp, in fact the whole fabric of a man except the red of his blood and the black pigment of hair, are all made up of transparent, colourless tissue."
I love how creepy this line is. The shift from natural materials to the elements of a human body, the repeated "Kemp" only after the human parts are being named, just the reduction of a man into malleable fabric, it's great.
"Oliver, my professor, was a scientific bounder, a journalist by instinct, a thief of ideas—he was always prying! And you know the knavish system of the scientific world. I simply would not publish, and let him share my credit."
I sometimes see posts about academia lamenting the state of scholarly publishing, and how all the money just goes to publishers, and how easy it is for studies to be misconstrued in mainstream news. Anyways, it's regrettable to see that something like this existed back then, though at a smaller scale.
"In all my great moments I have been alone. ‘One could make an animal—a tissue—transparent! One could make it invisible! All except the pigments—I could be invisible!’ I said, suddenly realising what it meant to be an albino with such knowledge."
The line "In all my great moments I have been alone," sounds like the sort of thing a person who is always alone would assume. That, coupled with him mentioning his albinism a sentence later, suggests to me that discovering invisibility isn't just interesting due to his own skin condition, but also that the fame it would bring him would up-end his social status as an albino.
"And I, a shabby, poverty-struck, hemmed-in demonstrator, teaching fools in a provincial college, might suddenly become—this."
This chapter really does round out Griffin's character. Him having been in poverty is in line with his current issues with money that we've seen, and being the TA for a professor he hates while also teaching students who he finds stupid is consistent with how much secrecy and isolation he desires.
“Money,” said the Invisible Man, and went again to stare out of the window. He turned around abruptly. “I robbed the old man—robbed my father. “The money was not his, and he shot himself.”
There are a few implications to these lines. First, Griffin has prior experience being a thief, even before being invisible. Second, he seemingly had no qualms about robbing his own father, which tells me their relationship wasn't exactly great. A quick search tells me that most parents of kids with albinism do not have it themselves, so I'm sure Griffin being an albino played a role in that relationship.
Also, the money didn't belong to Griffin's father in the first place? I always wondered what this meant exactly. Did Griffin's dad also rob someone? Was he like a banker, holding someone else's money? I don't think we ever get a clear explanation for this. Regardless, it caused him enough stress for him to take his own life. What a way to end a chapter.
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loonybun · 29 days
ok screw it oc introduction be upon ye
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hi guys this is Rosé!!! I do have an in depth thing regarding his relationship with Adonis (another character of mine) and his whole transformation on my other blog so if you’d like to read that in more detail it’s right here.
CONTAINS: Cults/religion/sacrilege (evangelical nature), religious trauma and guilt, shunning, old timey homophobia and religion-based intersexphobia, historic stuff and some fun facts about the 1920’s, verbal abuse, manipulation, coercion, power dynamic (god and mortal), a really shitty partner and a shitter relationship, body horror, chronic illness, attempted suicide (multiple times multiple methods including overdose), rot and decay of the body, and love potions but for all the wrong reasons.
Rosé, formerly known as Roe Labat, was born in 1898 and raised in an evangelical cult. Ironically enough this has actually nothing to do with the wings and whatnot. That’ll come later. Being both intersex and albino, he was never truly accepted by the people around him. Some were kinder than others, sure, but it was all out of pity. In their eyes, he was already damned to an eternity in hell for the simple sin of existing.
He was a very docile and quiet child, rarely ever stepping out of line regardless of circumstances. He lived inside of the church, as his parents didn’t want responsibility of him. From an early age Roe understood that he was not something worthy of love, as even God had forsaken him. He was cared for out of obligation rather than actual genuine love, having religion almost constantly drilled into him.
When he was 18 (1916), he ran away from the cult’s village. He figured that he’d never make anything out of himself within it, and never be able to prove himself. Roe was also sick of being a burden. He had never been able to make friends due to the constant ostracism, and even though the people he was around changed to be a lot more open-minded, this remained a constant throughout his life. He started living in New Orleans and often frequented various parades and bars. Also he learned that he was queer and that messed him up for a bit. Despite being forsaken, he still tried his best to be a good follower given his circumstances, but the more he learned about the world around him, the looser his faith became.
Roe took an eventual interest in the “pansy performers” (drag queens in the 1920’s), though felt a lot of guilt and shame regarding considering the concept as a career. The more he thought about it though, he realized he didn’t have much else to lose.
He was a natural performer, able to say and do just the right things in just the right ways to provoke a positive reaction from the audience. Considering the more niche community at the time, he never really drew in big crowds, but what he had was enough for him to live off of in a nice 3 room apartment. He was able to afford relatively nice clothes for his performances when they weren’t provided, and quickly became skilled at makeup and wig styling. He also began dying his hair (yes hair dye was a thing in the 1920’s) and using mascara and heavier makeup in order to conceal his albinism, just because it drew some unwanted attention here and there. While he rarely encountered any trouble with the law, he had a few close calls given what he was doing was pretty illegal at the time. homophobia am i right…
Around when he was 24-25, he met “Don”, who claimed to be a cab driver, yet was almost always dressed to the nines in stylish and at times anachronistic clothing. They hit it off very quickly, relating over the strange feeling of being isolated from their peers. They started going out together soon after. It was Roe’s first real relationship, especially with another man, so to say he was a bit nervous would be putting it lightly. Regardless, Don was always very kind to him and patient with him. He was a bit suspicious of Don though since he was always very dodgy about his home life and really any personal details, however he just assumed they came from similar situations. Roe did theorize where his money was coming from and thought him to either be a bootlegger or a member of the mafia, though he never brought it up because in full honesty he didn’t care too much. He was already head over heels and a little illegal activity wouldn’t stop that.
The last thing he was expecting was Don— or rather, Adonis, to claim he was actually a god. And really really wasn’t supposed to be talking with Roe but just couldn’t help himself. Roe was shocked to say the least, and a little incredulous, but Adonis was very quickly able to prove he was telling the truth. Roe, despite having his entire worldview and years of his life shattered by this one man, decided to try and make things work between them. And it did, for a while. The gaps in Adonis’s visits made more sense now, since he couldn’t be away for too long without the other gods getting suspicious. And it was nice to not have secrets. Roe was able to open up to him about his childhood as well, and Adonis provided sympathy for him.
But good things can’t last forever. As time passed, their relationship grew progressively worse. Adonis got upset over increasingly small things, and while Roe understood his perspective and tried to accommodate him, it didn’t mean he was exactly pleased about it. Adonis began to grow concerned over the prospect of something happening to Roe. After all, he was mortal. Frail. Weak.
His solution to this? Well, get rid of the mortality. Roe wasn’t exactly on board with the idea, considering he quite enjoyed being able to perform and live in the city, and accepting Adonis’s offer would make that nearly impossible. Adonis was persistent though, bringing up the idea at any time despite how many times Roe tried to gently shoot it down. Roe eventually grew tired of this cycle and hesitantly accepted. Adonis claimed that this would make things easier— They could see each other more often, they wouldn’t have to hide, the chances of his whole relationship with a mortal being found out by the one person who could end his existence from breaking the rules moved close to 0, no real drawbacks! for him.
this is where the stuff in the post i mentioned earlier comes in. if you’ve already read it, yeah it gets bad. if you haven’t, here’s the brief explanation.
given the fact that mortal bodies aren’t exactly capable of handling literal godly essence, Roe’s body began to decay and break down. At first, it mimicked some sort of disease. His skin became dry and flaky, and his body felt oddly hot and uncomfortable. Painful sensations overtook his body and became almost constant. By the time things started melting and his organs began to fail, he already knew it was too late to reverse any of this. Any hope of continuing his career or life normally vanished completely. Adonis, however, was very happy about this new development! It had worked! yippee! so so much fun. Of course, he obviously remained as sympathetic towards Roe as possible, regardless of any underlying excitement.
Roe became agitated and frustrated because of the amount of pain he was in and how much he had lost. He wasn’t able to leave the house anymore. He began to snap and lash out at Adonis, picking a fight or making a snide remark whenever possible. Adonis hadn’t exactly seen this coming, but he still kept trying to de-escalate things, often in the form of telling Roe that he was acting unreasonable or hysterical (smart move!). Despite all of this, they stayed in their relationship. Roe was too terrified to be alone, knowing that whatever was happening to him would completely destroy any semblance of respect people had for him, and Don because he wanted to see it through.
Their fights got worse until Adonis finally snapped back, calling Roe an “ungrateful cunt” for not appreciating the love and support he’d oh so generously provided. He made it clear to Roe that nobody would recognize him as human anymore. Nobody would love or care about him. He’d be a freak to anyone other than him, so he’d better stop complaining or he’d lose him too.
This got through to Roe, and he stopped shouting. In fact, even if he wanted to, he couldn’t. It hurt too much to speak, to move, to breathe. Every step was agony. His body had contorted beyond recognition. Was it even worth it to continue like this? Would this be what the rest of his existence was like? Did he really want to live if it meant being in constant, unbearable agony?
Even if the answer was no, he hardly had much of a choice. He tried more humane methods at first. Overdose, drowning in the bathtub, smashing his head against the wall— Nothing worked. He was still alive. He was still alive. Why was he still alive? Was he alive? Was this what it meant to live?
He got more desperate. Stabbing at his stomach, burning his flesh, only it would only leave little splotchy marks that quickly faded. Or so he thought.
The area around the wound he’d made on his stomach began to rot, eating away at any organs or skin or muscle in its path. Eventually, his entire torso from the bottom of his spine to the top of his pelvis was gone save for his spine and a few bits of spare viscera.
When Adonis returned, he wasn’t happy to see what Roe had tried to do. He became incredibly upset with him for trying to leave the relationship in the only way he possibly could. Still, as long as Roe promised to stop, he’d forgive him. Roe obliged.
The fact that Roe wouldn’t talk to him became a source of frustration for Adonis. It felt intentional, spiteful. And it hurt. Every single question was met with a dulled response, as if he barely heard him. As if he hardly cared. It became a bit like spending time with a rock when he stopped responding all together. No matter what Adonis tried, he couldn’t seem to get Roe to react. It was at that point he realized that both physically and mentally, the person he’d fallen for was gone. Far, far deep down, he knew it was his fault. But still, there was hardly any point in staying. Roe would probably rot there forever, and what good would it do to watch over that?
And so he left. Roe realized that it was permanent maybe only a week or so later. Initially, he blamed himself. If he had put in a little more effort, he could have tried to respond, but the pain was too much to bear… The pain— The pain that had begun to fade now. Maybe a month after Adonis left, Roe began to regain his mobility, his strength, and while he was still in pain, it was no longer unbearable. It seemed more like a dull nagging now. The fog that the loneliness and agony had inflicted upon him began to lift as well, and all of that guilt quickly shifted and simmered into pure hatred.
Hatred that the new immortal would begin to inflict upon the world and the ones surrounding it. That would continue to build for years with only the set goal of revenge against the man that had wronged him. And while it cooled over time into a tepid resentment, it never truly faded. He was able to continue with life, though hardly on the same plane, confining himself to a dimension that only certain desperate souls could access. Souls desperate to save their relationships, souls desperate to have their so-called beloveds fall for them, wretched, vile souls. And he’d help them regardless. After all, what’s a worse offense to a love god than bastardizing the craft? Who cares if a few… Hundred lives get ruined? It’s fun to watch. It’s not his turn to suffer anymore. And he won’t be made a victim again.
ANYWAYS more extra info i DONT think i put on the other post but dont rlly wanna check:
Adonis is the god of Lust, Beauty, and Vanity
Roe took on his stage name Rosé after his transformation to distance himself from his past
Rosé has been collecting magic. For what purpose? Let’s not worry about that.
Rosé has the abilities to siphon magic and the life force from people. He doesn’t do this often unless something catches his eye that he wants to harness. It does mean he’s incredibly powerful though.
Rosé’s main abilities he gained directly from Adonis’s essence or whatever include being able to alter the emotions of others (he can force people to think certain ways and even do certain things), pocket dimension stuff, and object conjuring.
Rosé has a lot of side hobbies but his favorite is cooking. He really likes savory dishes, but he also likes sweet things.
Rosé is able to travel between different dimensions and such, and only exists as a “god” in (this) one.
Rosé has built up a reputation among a lot of magical creatures. None of them are quite sure what he is or how he seems to defy certain laws of existence but most see him as a relatively trustworthy supplier for love potions.
Every so often Rosé gets bored and chooses to single people out to mess with. Maybe he should stop doing that.
Rosé is VERY prone to breakdowns, and while he’s mostly able to stay professional, if someone’s around him for a prolonged period of time and something causes him to spiral he regresses into an incredibly different and much more desperate person.
Rosé (name aside) considers himself a liquor connoisseur (RED FLA) and does collect rare alcohols. he does have a tendency to drink heavily but considering his body can’t really process food or drinks it sort of just magically disappears. he is a talkative and very mopey drunk though. like will start full on venting about his life story.
He’s friends with Aisling!!! Friends is a very strong word!!!! Maybe the wrong word!!! But they they hang out sometimes and Aisling seems to enjoy his company a lot even if he can’t really understand why he keeps coming back if not out of fear or trying to use him so he keeps his distance. Aisling is honestly just worried about him and has sort of been able to slowly break down that Rosé maybe isn’t as absolutely terrifying as he first thought and is indeed just very. very lonely and maybe even a bit pathetic
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blooming-water-roses · 11 months
Tobirama for the ask game plss
Yayyy comin' right up!
favorite thing about them
His intelligence & skillset. Also his self-control & discipline. It commands respect. His voice too, whew it's so authoritative. I also think his character design is so cool! The blue wardrobe against his pale skin and hair (I support the headcanon that he's albino, I think it adds so much depth) with his red eyes and face marks. How prettily his eyes are shaped too. His sarcasm and dry humor. And (last thing I promise) when he gets so indignant after Nart mistakes his jutsus for Minato's. (i literally named almost everything whoops)
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Cont. below cut:
least favorite thing about them
His stubbornness & huge ego. The man will never admit he is wrong out loud even when he knows he is.
favorite line
"First you must take a hard look at yourself and come to understand who you are objectively."
This speaks to who he is as a person. Look at yourself unbiased, with all of your shortcomings, your flaws, and your weaknesses as well as your strengths, know your limits and know what you're willing to do to lessen your faults. It's how he came to be who he is, and man if it isn't good advice.
HashiTobi obvs. I think their brotherly relationship is cute. Hashirama is the older sibling and yet the one who is more responsible and level-headed is Tobirama. Also the fact that Tobirama lived his life to realize Hashirama's dream of his village--as he knew Hashirama was a visionary but lacked the concrete know-how to actually execute his vision.
I have two.
TobiIzu in the way that they were true equals and I headcanon the idea that while Tobirama harbored the generational mentality that Uchiha were evil, he was also very fascinated by the Uchiha in general because of their traditions/prowess, and Izuna's strength and abilities in particular were so intricate, it was his favorite thing to study. Izuna got under his skin (which amused Izuna) and Tobirama couldn't help but be interested and in awe of him despite his pesky beliefs about the Uchiha. I believe he felt heavy guilt when he killed him.
TobiKaga in the way that Kagami was the only Uchiha ever to gain Tobirama's utmost trust. I want to know so badly how Kagami was able to obtain it. I believe Kagami was a very sunny-personality-type, who inherently understood where Tobirama was coming from and had unwavering respect for him. The beautiful "you are my exception" trope. I support the headcanon that Kagami got his Mangekyo after Tobirama left to be the decoy.
I do enjoy me some MadaTobi/TobiMada, after all they are very similar and they butt heads to it's always fun to read fics where they're stubborn in admitting they're attracted to each other.
TobiMito, I just don't see it. Mito is Hashi's wife &...why would they be attracted to each other?
TobiSaku...I see so many Sakura-self-insert ships that make no sense and this is one of them.
Just bc I don't ship/understand doesn't mean I judge you if you like it tho, by all means ship what u ship
random headcanon
I have SO many
the lines on Tobi's face each represent a fallen loved one, and the last line for Hashi is on his forehead underneath the protector
he created the Reanimation Jutsu to bring Izuna back
He hadn't meant to kill Izuna, he believed he would counter his Flying Raijin slice and was shocked & horrified when it actually worked
That he is albino & autistic (I love these hcs)
unpopular opinion
I don't believe he is prejudice against the Uchiha, I believe his misgivings about them are so ingrained (from growing up as Butsuma's son, having to view them as enemies all his young life) in his mentality that he refuses to give them up because that would mean admitting he's wrong which he never does.
I believe he did his very best to make sure Konoha would be successful and strong (creating the ANBU, delegating roles to clans, etc.) and the fact that some backfired was not his fault. He's only a person and did the best he could with what he had.
song i associate with them
R.I.P 2 My Youth - The Neighbourhood
favorite picture of them
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Pretty, pretty, and pretty.
Ask me here!
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raven-anime · 1 year
BENDY BUT HUMAN AU ( but not really???)
More info about them Below:
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“Bendy” Benjamin Drew
??? Y/O
Native Amirican/Demon in disguise
“Boris” Brook Wild
27 Y/O
Native American/curse Human to werewolf
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Alice Angel
??? Y/O (20s)
Alaska Native/Angel
Popular Singer
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“Charley” Charles Butcher
Colombians/Vitiligo/Curse Human by Demon
Constructer/Bartender/Money Theaf
“Barley” Biles Bitter/Butcher
Fisher/Pirate in private
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Edgar Butcher
13 Y/O
Curse human to Demon Spider at birth
African American
Carley Bitter/Butcher
Die at 19 Y/O (Drowning)
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Mr Shipa
Business Man/Dudley Dad
Dudley Shipa
10 Y/O
British/Ginger (force to dye his hair)/Human
Want to be a sailor when he growup but his dad want him to take over the familly buisness
i had a lot of fun doing those design. Also if you have problem with the fact i give them race, a reminder that they are old cartoon character from the 30s.
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ya-zz · 7 months
Hi, this is my first question and I'm a little worried while I'm writing it. Is it possible to see Ramattra with fem!reader who is an albino and has corresponding health problems (poor eyesight and inability to go out into sunlight)? I really love albinos and I don't see any content with them at all. Thank you in advance 🙏
Oooh this was a different one to work with, but fun nonetheless! I hope this fits the bill!
I apologise that this isn't specific to a female reader, I just couldn't for the life of me seem to make it work- Think I've done too many gen readers hahah
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Ramattra x Reader (gen, but possible female traits)
Word count: 1381
Ramattra makes the same visit to the library every month. A series of books he returns and then another handful leave with him a few hours later. He’s a curious omnic, always wanting to learn about the history of the world, but also wanting to seem like a normal person. 
The library in Nepal was small, but it housed plenty of books for the omnic to read through. If he found them interesting, he’d attempt to get the other monks to read it, however, their lack of enthusiasm falls short. Ramattra has no one to converse with about the books he is reading and in fact, it is making him quite lonely. 
Despite his fellow monks, the closest brother to him was always busy. It seemed like nobody had time for Ramattra and his ramblings. 
Of course, today was like any other. He’d gather the books he had finished in his arms before treading down the steps from the Monastery before making his way to the library deeper in the village. Same time, early in the morning when the air was just nice. His usual route takes him through the markets, busy vendors that are always bustling with life with humans and omnics alike. 
Ramattra had a disdain for the human race, but seeing them interact with omnics, being friendly and polite, it gave him hope, though part of him knew that it wouldn’t last…
Upon approaching the library, something seemed amiss yet he couldn’t place it. Something was different. He stops in his tracks, pulling up his last visit within his HUD. He chuckles when he realises that the flowers outside had changed. They had never been changed, or if they had, they had always been the same flowers. 
His grip tightens on the books he was holding as he pushes open the door, the bell ringing above his head and the usual librarian greeting him with a bow of their head. Ramattra places the books on the counter, watching as they effortlessly reput the books back into the system. 
“How did you find these?” They ask, their monotone voice speaking amongst the silence as they continue to work.
“Rather fascinating.” Ramattra simply states, head turned and already looking at the shelves. 
“If you are looking for something similar, I suggest case seven.” 
Ramattra nods. “Thank you.” 
The omnic doesn’t waste any time and heads towards that specific bookcase. When he faces the rows of books, fingers trailing over the spines and optics reading the slanted text, another voice breaks through the silence. 
“You’re back.” 
Ramattra turns, optics now scanning your body. “I am, yes.” He keeps his head towards you. “I have never seen you around here.” 
“I don’t tend to converse with others, or even leave this place.” There was a light, airy laugh that escapes you, though you keep it quiet in volume. 
“Why not?” Ramattra fully turns, seemingly more interested in you. 
Stepping out of the shadows, you let the omnic before you see the real you. Pale skin and white hair it was almost striking to him. Part of you was worried he’d turn and walk out, another customer lost, but he stays there. Ramattra looks you up and down, noting your features. 
“You are different from the others, correct?” He asks, almost asking for confirmation when he knows you are different.
“Yes. I have a rare genetic condition.” Your hands clasp together around your front and you look off to the side. “It’s why I don’t go outside during the day.” There was a small pause. “Oh, and my eyesight is terrible, kinda ironic, huh?”
Ramattra chuckles and nods. “Albinism, correct?” 
“Yes. You’ve read about it?” 
“Passive reading, but yes.” He thinks for a moment. “You were the one that changed the flowers.” 
Looking back at him, you nod. “How did you know?” 
“You have dirt on your wrists.” He chuckles. “They look nice. Took me a moment to realise something was different this morning.” 
You laugh, rubbing your wrists and watching the specks of dirt fall to the floor. “Thank you. I thought a change would make it seem more livelier. The same decorations get boring when you see them all the time.”
“I suppose.” He chuckles once more and for once, conversing with a human as unique as you was rather interesting for him. “I am Ramattra.” 
“[y/n].” You say with a smile. 
“Say, [y/n], what do you recommend I read?” He asks, turning his focus back to the shelf he was situated at.
Something inside of you shifts and a wide smile breaks out onto your face as you stand beside the omnic. “I assume my uncle recommended this shelf?”
“If that was who was at the counter, then yes, he did.” Ramattra looks over the spines again. 
“Come with me.” You grab his wrist and it takes Ramattra a moment to register what you just did but he lets you pull him along. If something were to happen to him, he’d fight back, but when you take him to another room of the library, one with books and files that look older than any of the books currently on display, he let his mind and optics wander. 
“This is-” 
“Archives. We usually don’t let people back here, but you’ve been a constant in our lives that it’s only fair you get the information you seek out.” 
“Dating back thousands of years, yes. We have preserved them the best we could, so we apologise if there is anything missing, though, we won’t know if anything actually is missing.” You laugh, leaning against the edge of the table. 
Ramattra looks around, his hands staying by his sides as he looks at the decaying files on the shelves. For once, he is hesitant to touch. 
“May I ask something?” He speaks out which catches you off guard. 
“Of course, ask away.” There was a happiness in your tone, something of which you were growing to like. It had been a long time since you have a conversation with someone from outside. 
“Do you ever wonder what it is like to be outside during the day?” 
The question makes you pause for a moment. 
“Sometimes. I mean, I have been outside before, but I don’t fare too well if I’m exposed to the sunlight for too long.” You say. “Why do you ask?” 
Ramattra hums as he continues to avoid looking at you. “I am quite interested in you, [y/n]. Not in a studious way, but I am open for us to be acquaintances.” Finally, he turns to face you. 
“Yes. You are quite the interesting human. I would love to know more about you, more about these archives you have. Perhaps over coffee, or tea?” The entire notion catches him off guard just as much as it catches you too. “That is, if you would like to. There is a cafe not far from here, a short walk.” 
You ponder the request for a moment before nodding. “That would be a change of pace, yes. I would love to talk over tea with with you.”
The omnic nods. “I will wait for you beside the counter. Do not rush.” He bows his head and leaves the archives, walking towards the counter but not without picking up a selection of books on the way there. 
While you stay in the archives for a moment longer, a warm smile forms on your face. For once, you’re not seen as some outsider and you were even asked to be his acquaintance, something of which makes your entire body warm. You were seen as human, and from an omnic no less. 
It was also a way to get to know him, especially after watching him from afar with each of his visits. You’ve never seen his model before and no matter how many questions you would ask, you could never get an answer. 
You and Ramattra were similar in a way. Not having someone to talk to about books that have been recently read. There was hope that a bond would form between the two. This afternoon was a way for the both of you to learn something new, something interesting and you sure as hell weren’t passing that chance up.
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peanutpinet · 1 year
hi you are getting request for h&l right🌝 can i ask for a request too sword leaders how would it be with an albino girlfriend and have a nice day take care of yourself 💞
High & Low S.W.O.R.D Leaders x Albino Girlfriend
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A/N: can I just say that this is me when I first receive this request. Also, yes, I’m one of those that watch this series because of Yuta (fellow nctzen here). But I must say that I really enjoy the H&L SWORD era more than ‘The Worst’ one. But anyways, thank you reader for requesting and while I haven’t fully grasped Rocky & Hyuga’s characters, I hope that you still enjoy reading <3
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First off, can we have another SWORD film for the next High & Low but combined with the current Oya High, Housen and even Suzuran :’))
Honestly, I feel that he would be the type of guy that always be there to comfort you whenever you feel self-conscious
Your number #1 Hypeman
Would never be shy to show you off to everyone
Would feel proud whenever he sees you being confident in yourself (secretly boost his own ego because again, he’s proud to have you as his girlfriend and would be happy whenever you’re happy)
Would definitely give the “BOMBASTIC SIDE EYE”, “CRIMINAL OFFENSIVE SIDE EYE” to anyone who dares to make fun of you or even give you weird looks
Would probably excuse himself for a moment and come back with a “slightly” bruised hand because he was beating someone that offended you
Overall, Cobra would be the type to show his affection in the little things he does, he will be your #1 hypeman and would not hesitate to protect you
Rocky (so sorry this is short T^T):
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Man is always about “Protecting Women”, “Women empowerment” so you best believe that this man will make you feel like the queen you are
This man will always give you praises no matter what time of the day or event it is
Will always make sure that you are safe and know your worth; regardless who told you otherwise
Will threaten every single other person who dares to make you inferior to everyone else
“Don’t you dare hurt women; especially my woman. Ever again”
Would practically spoil you and get you anything that you want; even if you think that it’s too expensive
Overall, this man knows how to respect women and will not hesitate to “teach” everyone else on how to respect other women, especially his (aka you)
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UGHHH I MISS MURAYAMA T^T I want him back in another High & Low film 🥹
Honesty, the man is most likely awkward with girls but I know for sure that Murayama would still respect any kind of girl he comes across with (except if they are an enemy)
Would most likely be completely shocked at your appearance at first (not in a bad way) but later on would think that you look cool being different
Probably would show you off to the other Oya High students but without giving them all a warning if they say anything mean to you because Murayama knows what it’s like to want to fit in with everyone
If someone at Oya started to bully you, Murayama would stride his way to that person and proceed to give them 100 punches - ehem, you’re probably the only one that could stop him from actually reaching that 100 punches
Would be your personal bodyguard because he knows how some undisciplined students can be especially when you’re the only girl in the school
Would joke around to make you laugh
But would also purposely fake hurt himself so that he could be clingy towards you
Overall, Murayama would be the chaotic but loveable boyfriend who is clingy towards you but also would always have your back
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Can I also firstly say that I miss him so much T^T Alright, to the actual headcanon
Just like everyone else in Nameless City, Smoky would not see you any differently than everyone else
He considers you family regardless of your appearance
In fact, he sees your different appearance as something special, which makes him feel that you’re someone special - which you are (to him)
But it isn’t just Smoky but the entire Nameless City sees your different appearance as something new, fresh and beautiful
Such an Acts of Service kind of person
Doesn’t say much but shows his affection towards you. Am sure that he would be there to comfort you whenever you feel self-conscious
Holding hands, back hugs are a must with this man
Though Smoky rarely says anything, when he does, they are all compliments about how beautiful you are
Overall, this man is precious and he would also treat as someone very precious and special
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ngl, I feel like I know Hyuga the least out of all the SWORD leaders but I’ll still try my best
I just feel like out of all of the leaders, he and Smoky are the least to get into a fight even if someone were to be mean
Not that he doesn’t care but more so he already has someone to do the dirty work for him whereas he would be there for you
He would personally take you out on a drive
I can imagine a late drive together even when it’s like 3am :))
For some reason, I feel like he would be more of a gift-giving kind of person
Like I just feel that he’s the type of person that would give you like surprise gift every now and then because this man is full of surprises
Would always lighten the mood whenever you feel down or insecure
Would probably throw a party dedicated just for you just to make sure that you know you are loved
Overall, there is never a dull moment in your life or a time where you feel unwanted because Hyuga will always make sure you know that you have a special place in Daruma and his heart (ngawwwww)
A/N: once again, thank you reader for requesting and I hope that everyone enjoyed reading! Stay safe and always be happy :) xoxo Vinet
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local-littleguy · 2 months
hey . hey hey. are you like me in the fact that you used to like httyd as a kid
and then when the hidden world came out you really didn't like it and you didn't know why
well a few weeks ago i got my little goblin hands on the httyd hidden world art book and then realized. O h . The reason i didnt like it was because they were telling a different story than the one i wanted to hear. they wanted to tell a story about The Wild and Nature and i just wanted to see the funny dragon and his best friend be best firends
so i am going to start brain dumping about my httyd modern au rewrite
here's some out of context fun facts !!
toothless really fucking loves humans. he is dragon autistic about them
hiccups real name is Hayden but hiccup was a nickname that Just Kinda Stuck
toothless and the lightfury are siblings. she is so tired of his shit. theyre Worsties
hiccup is aroace
the hidden world is a universe parallel to our own where dragons live. we get the cryptid/ghost hunter vibes :333
they all get to use magic and i think im gonna give hiccup a dragon form or something (pleasing the child in me who wanted hiccup to Be Dragon Also)
lightfuries are the "main" species, an exclusively albino variant that survived well due to their semitranslucent skin allowing them to become invisible. nightfuries are melanistic, very rare versions (a subspecies)
they're derived from a common ancestor, a gray dragon that was probably called sky furies or something
since i'm american (unfortunately) the whole story takes place on the north shore bc there's lots of nordic stuff there. new berk (hiccups town) was made by viking settlers thousands of years ago and that's why they all have funky viking names because Honoring Heritage
dragons :3333
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white-poppie · 2 years
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Request: Hello sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you could do a killua x reader where the reader has like a big guard dog? So the dog is very nice to the reader but is also protective so they are kinda rude to everybody else until they are used to them?
Fun fact: I have had 2 dogs, my first dog Bruno was exactly like that, gosh I miss him so much :(
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Whiskers and Whimpers
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Dog 🤝 Killua (Same personality.)
Killa has a natural charm towards dogs due to having one at home although he insists that he doesn't like them.
When you first told Killua about your dog he was like, "okay...and?"
Later when you explained that he should be careful and not be too close to you for a first few times due to his aggressive nature towards unknown people, he finally understood.
But Killua being Killua made it into a game.
So when you finally take Killua to your house4, your dog is suspicious, but you allow him to smell Killua for getting acquainted.
Killua 👉 you
*insert ne-he giggles*
Your dog hates him now.
Once you left your dog home alone with Killua since you had to run to do some errand,
Your dog REFUSED to eat from Killua, poor guy had to console him then only he ate.
Since then you judged that they don't get along...so you thought until one day you say both of them sleeping together.
Story time~~
A bad thunderstorm rolled around, unprecedented. Killua casually scrolled through his phone, eyes drowsy with the comforting sound of thunder. A loud crash and ear-piercing whimpering awoke him from his state of drowsiness.
He walked towards the source, calling our your dog's name sternly and completely melting when he saw his large figure shaking in fear.
He slowly ran his hand on his head, and his shivering immediately ceased as he leaned closer to Killua.
Sighing, the albino boy picked him up with his muscular arms and plopped himself and the dog on the couch, covering himself and the dog in blankets, he slowly patted his head and fell himself falling into a slumber.
When you came home to say that you were surprised was an understatement.
Me n Hope' 🤎
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Im sorry nonnie, hope you are not mad at me, I was having such an intense burnout TwT
Tags: @denkis111, @jazzylove, @lordmypantsaresocool, @futuristicallykawaiiturtle, @kristaline2dmensimp,@rintaroubby @nanaseishiro @innerpurple, @akumicchi
🥀 Green caterpillar' lair  ▬▬ Wonderland's citizens ⏜ The king of heart’ rules
Hunter x Hunter (ハンタ x ハンタ)
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kodapear · 1 month
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Sorry I fell off the face of the planet, art block hit hard so here's some spider oc content to make up for it. Fun fact Percy's an Albino. Also ik he kinda looks like Batman but yknow, I like it, and knowing me it's prob not the last time I redesign this dude's suit.
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